DieHard: Probabilistic Memory Safety for Unsafe Languages Emery D. Berger Benjamin G. Zorn Dept. of Computer Science Microsoft Research University of Massachusetts Amherst One Microsoft Way Amherst, MA 01003 Redmond, WA 98052
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Invalid frees: Passing illegal addresses to free can corrupt the Applications written in unsafe languages like C and C++ are vul- heap or lead to undefined behavior. nerable to memory errors such as buffer overflows, dangling point- Double frees: Repeated calls to free of objects that have already ers, and reads of uninitialized data. Such errors can lead to program been freed undermine the integrity of freelist-based allocators. crashes, security vulnerabilities, and unpredictable behavior. We present DieHard, a runtime system that tolerates these errors while Tools like Purify [17] and Valgrind [28, 34] allow programmers to probabilistically maintaining soundness. DieHard uses randomiza- pinpoint the exact location of these memory errors (at the cost of a tion and replication to achieve probabilistic memory safety through 2-25X performance penalty), but only reveal those bugs found dur- the illusion of an infinite-sized heap. DieHard’s memory manager ing testing. Deployed programs thus remain vulnerable to crashes randomizes the location of objects in a heap that is at least twice or attack. Conservative garbage collectors can, at the cost of in- as large as required. This algorithm not only prevents heap corrup- creased runtime and additional memory [10, 20], disable calls to tion but also provides a probabilistic guarantee of avoiding memory free and so eliminate three of the above errors (invalid frees, dou- errors.