Annual Status Update on Measles and Rubella Elimination Germany 1 Dear NVC and national technical counterparts, dear colleagues, We kindly ask you to follow the definitions (please see Annex 1.1) and instructions provided in this form, and to enter numbers or text as required in each segment (table, text box, other). If you are using your own definitions and indicators, please provide an explanation and clarification why and how these could be considered equivalent to or as an adequate replacement for the WHO definitions and indicators. If the NVC would like to provide additional data and information to the RVC, please submit them as separate document(s). In 2020, the World Health Organization reformed its IT systems and internet platforms for data submission and exchange in 2020 to increase security, and a new SharePoint for the European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella Elimination was created. However, due to shifting of resources and time constrains in countries and at the WHO Regional Office related to the COVID-19 pandemic response, it was not possible to prepare instructions and conduct training for NVCs and national colleagues. Therefore, we kindly request you to submit your ASU and all relevant additional documents as attachments to an e-mail to RVC Secretariat, using address
[email protected]. You may also copy any of VPI technical officers cooperating with you in preparation of the ASU and verification process. Please follow up with us to confirm that we received your ASU and any other issue that may need our support or attention. This update is to be submitted to the WHO Regional Office for Europe by 1 May 2021.