Dr. Jean Wood Gupta Invited to NASA's Spacex Crew Dragon Launch
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57 FREE Years Maple Open First Day of ECRWSS House Weekend PRSRT STD US Postage Spring PAID Permit #2 North Haverhill, NH March 20, 2019 POSTAL CUSTOMER March 23 – 24 Your Local Community Newspaper MARCH 20, 2019 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 57, ISSUE 42 Dr. Jean Wood Gupta invited to NASA’s SpaceX Crew Dragon launch ACWORTH, N.H. – The age regional young women of then the pressure waves that 8-year-old nonprofit educa- New England to participate in pounded against your chest. It Health & Wellness Weeks tional science and engineer- the video production, and the was so bright it turned night ing program “Young Women goal of the video is to inspire into day. I thought I was wit- Physical•Nutritional•Spiritual in Science and Engineering” hundreds young women to con- nessing a thermonuclear blast. received an invitation to the sider space science and STEM The Falcon 9 rocket has nine Emotional•Intellectual blast off of the NASA SpaceX pathways. Authorizations are engines. The whole launch last- Crew Dragon rocket at the being processed to have NASA, ed about two minutes. Environmental•Social Kennedy Space Center in SpaceX, and Boeing film shorts “Then there was flame-out Cape Canaveral, Fla. of the Blast Off, International and first stage separation. Then Dr. Jean W. Gupta, a board Space Station operations and the second stage ignited with member of Northern Heri- aerospace exhibits from SpaceX a single engine. On the left of Check out our Feature tage Mills and committee and Boeing combined with the the bleachers were two viewing chair of the Science and En- model rocket launch at the U.S. screens, showing NASA feeds on Pages 8A – 10A! gineering program for mid- National Park Service property (with a 30-second delay) of the dle school young women, in Cornish, N.H. This first-of- launch and also from a cam- attended the blast off. Dr. a-kind video will focus on how Dr. Jean Wood Gupta, science era inside the Capsule, look- Gupta contacted her col- young women can view, par- committee chair for Young ing down. Also shown was the New Hampton leagues at the John Hopkin’s ticipate, and consider serious Women in Science and Engi- speed it was traveling at; it was University NASA Applied science and engineering with a neering. accelerating to reach orbital Physics Lab with other sci- sense of fun and wonder as well PHOTO PROVIDED velocity. We saw the first stage entists and engineering pro- as to consider STEM as part of separation on that camera. Af- students immerse fessionals in the aerospace their innovative future of space place exactly at this time to ter the second stage ignited, community to introduce sciences. meet the International Space with binoculars, you could see the “Young Women in Sci- Heritage Mills is seeking and Station 26 hours later. The next a reddish dot with a faint vapor themselves into ence and Engineering” pro- inviting technical and creative launch window was at exactly trail spreading from it. gram. Through the interests individuals who would like to 1:38 a.m. three days later. They “And then we saw it. The first and invitation of the NASA contribute skills and knowl- did not give final clearance for stage Falcon 9 rocket righted women scientists and aero- edge to this endeavor and are launch until one minute before. itself and reignited to make a Kurn Hattin space community who are encouraged to contact Dr. Gup- The tension and excitement controlled landing on a barge supportive of the nonprofit’s ta at nheritagemills@yahoo. were as though all 1,000 of us in 250 miles away in the Atlantic past work, a proposed video com, “subject: aerospace video.” the bleachers were one person. Ocean. And we saw it coming of “Aerospace Engineering, The following is a report “The launch pad, gantry, and down, finally sinking beneath Deep Space Ecology and from Dr. Gupta: “We arrived rocket were clearly visible, es- the horizon. On the NASA Carbon Free Energy” will at 12 midnight; the launch was pecially through binoculars. At screen to the side, we saw its be developed by middle and at 2:48 a.m. It was an instanta- the moment of the launch, first perfect landing on the barge, high school young women. neous launch window, which there was the blinding light, right in the middle of the cross- The kick-off is to encour- meant the launch had to take then the sound, a pulsing roar, hairs.” Woolson Block Renovation to begin in April BY JOE MILLIKEN Sponsored by the dling the bidding.” HP The Shopper Springfield Housing Au- Construction is based thority, the Woolson Block in Waterbury, Vt. and Monarch Dance Ensemble performing “Join the Circus.” SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The project will include 15 af- Woodsville, N.H. PHOTO PROVIDED Woolson Block renovation fordable apartments, four “The first step in the project, a redevelopment en- “service enriched hous- process will be the re- WESTMINSTER, Vt. – Thir- cream social. deavor located on Main Street ing units” for homeless or moval of all hazardous teen New Hampton School stu- Students from New Hamp- in downtown Springfield, is at-risk of being homeless waste material before the dents spent a week in March ton School have a wide choice scheduled to begin construc- youths, and a fully reno- construction company at Kurn Hattin exploring their of projects to participate in tion in April. The building vated commercial store- chosen will begin the group’s essential question: worldwide, yet Kurn Hattin was originally purchased in front. SHA was to raise renovation process by “What does a nurturing envi- remains the most requested 2016 from a private owner, an estimated $3 million tearing down the back ronment look like?” project by New Hampton E. J. Cully of Bridgewater, through the sale of tax Woolson Block in Springfield. side of the building and It’s an immersion experience. students year after year. This and is currently managed by credits with remaining PHOTO PROVIDED BY SPRINGFIELD HOUSING AUTHORITY stabilizing the ledge of Their day started with break- year, 38 students chose Kurn co-general partners Spring- funds coming from state, the property facing the fast with the children, then in Hattin as their first choice, field Housing Unlimited and historic and downtown tax one residential unit by demol- r i v e r.” various classes, lunch, and af- from which 13 were selected. Housing Vermont. credits, as well as the Commu- ishing the 650-foot southwest Several local organizations ternoons and evening engaged “It’s a special trip for our The project was originally nity Development Block Grant brick addition of the building, will be working together to as- in activities with the children students,” says Erika Lea, part of a $37 million “afford- program. The Woolson Block convert the Park Street-level sist in occupying the renovated in their cottages. All 13 stu- director of Counseling at able apartments” develop- project received $400,000 from commercial units into residen- building. Springfield On The dents were part of the cast for New Hampton and the staff ment project throughout the this grant program. tial space and relocate the youth Move will assist in bringing in KHH’s musical “Circus Circus,” member staying with the state, supported by federal “We are excited to support this housing program from the Main a local business to fill the retail presented by 60 select K-6 stu- New Hampton students for low-income credits and Ver- array of community projects, Street floor level to the first lev- space and local social organi- dents. The hour-long show in- the week. “When students mont Affordable Housing and we thank all the people and el, then expand the Main Street zations such as Health Care cluded performances by KHH’s return from project week at Credits through the Vermont organizations who are working commercial rental space. Rehabilitation Services of Ver- Jazz and Monarch Dance En- Kurn Hattin, they always talk Housing Finance Agency. A hard to improve the lives of Ver- “The initial estimated cost mont, the Springfield Vermont sembles. A few New Hampton about how it’s changed them fund for 11 projects through- monters and all the communi- of the project was $5 million Department of Social Services, Division 1 basketball players as people and what a won- out Vermont came from the ties that we call home,” said Josh and is now set at about $8 mil- and Windham County Youth also ran the March Madness derful experience it is.” sale of the tax credits to inves- Hanford, Vermont Department lion,” said Bill Morlock of the Services will help with filling the basketball clinic, which in- For more information tors and was anticipated to of Community Development’s Springfield Housing Authority. residential apartments. The con- cluded full court games. Their about Kurn Hattin, go to cover an estimated 55 percent deputy commissioner. “HP Cummings Construction is struction process is expected to week ended with a collective ice www.kurnhattin.org. of the restoration costs. The design plan is to eliminate managing the project and han- take about a year to complete. Trustees recognize police department Students help raise over $117,000 for the BY BETSY THURSTON ing the search Saturday evening, Chief of Police Ron Lake; Sgt. UVM Children’s Hospital The Shopper police confronted the suspect David Bemis; Officers Mario at a residence on Cota Road in Checchi with K-9 Caesar, BURLINGTON, Vt. – The BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On Rockingham and he was taken Michael Keefe, Joshua Pau- following local students helped Tuesday, March 12, the Bellows into custody.