J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.9.1063 on 1 September 1989. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1989;52:1063-1067

The effects of oral on the absorption of intraduodenal levodopa and motor performance

J P FRANKEL,* P A KEMPSTER,* M BOVINGDON,t R WEBSTER,t A J LEES,* G M STERN* From the Department ofNeurology,* The Middlesex and University College Hospitals School ofMedicine and Department ofPharmacology,t University College, London, UK

suMMARY Four patients with levodopa induced fluctuations in motor performance were studied during the constant intraduodenal infusion of levodopa. The results confirm that steady plasma levodopa levels with stable motor control can be achieved. However, when patients were given oral protein loads, motor performance declined despite maintenance of plasma levodopa levels. These findings suggest that competition for levodopa carrier mediated transport by amino , is more important at the - barrier than across the gut mucosa; thereby possibly limiting the efficacy of long-term direct intraduodenal administration of levodopa. guest. Protected by copyright. Fluctuation of motor function is usual in levodopa Continuous infusion oflevodopa by naso-duodenal treated patients with Parkinson's disease.' The tube leads to more stable plasma levels and overall peripheral pharmacokinetic properties of levodopa improvement of motor performance.91' By achieving lead to variable delivery to the central nervous system constant delivery of levodopa to intestinal absorption and contribute to motor oscillations. These include sites, the effects of protein intake on the pharmaco- effects of gastrointestinal factors influencing absorp- kinetics of levodopa absorption and its access to the tion,2 relatively rapid peripheral of central nervous system may be more readily examined. levodopa and competition for across We have studied the effects of protein ingestion in the blood-brain barrier.34 four Parkinsonian patients receiving intra-duodenal Patients taking oral levodopa frequently remark infusions of levodopa. In an attempt to clarify the that after a large protein-containing meal their problem, the relative influence of competition for fails to work. Cotzias was able to confirm transport across the gut mucosa and the blood-brain this observation and advocated a low protein .5 barrier were compared by examining the relationship Delayed or erratic gastric emptying and competition between motor function and the plasma levels of between levodopa and large neutral amino acids for levodopa and large neutral amino acids. gut mucosal carrier systems may impair levodopa absorption.6 However, motor function is also adversely affected by oral amino intake when Patients ad methods stable plasma levodopa levels are maintained by Four patients (two male and two female) with idiopathic intravenous infusion,7 suggesting that competition for Parkinson's disease were studied. Their mean age was 65 http://jnnp.bmj.com/ transport across the blood-brain barrier also occurs. years (59-73), duration of disease 10 years (8-15) and This has also been demonstrated by in vivo positron duration of levodopa therapy 9 3 years (7-15). All four had emission tomographic (PET) imaging.8 In practice the developed fluctuations of motor functions in relation to importance of this factor in patients receiving doses of levodopa, which in two cases were severe. Informed conventional oral medication is difficult to consent was obtained from all patients. levodopa A naso-duodenal tube was passed under fluoroscopic determine, as plasma levodopa and levels control on the day prior to study. The patients were fasted may be simultaneously affected by the ingestion of and usual antiparkinsonian medication withheld overnight. protein-rich- food. Benserazide was given by mouth before the study and at on September 27, 2021 by regular intervals thereafter. Levodopa solution (5 mg/ml) Address for reprint requests: Dr A J Lees, Department ofNeurology, 50 The Middlesex London UK. was given via the naso-duodenal tube starting with a mg Hospital, WIN 8AA, bolus and followed by a continuous infusion at a rate of Received 14 February 1989. 50 mg per hour. The infusion rate was adjusted according to Accepted 22 March 1989 the motor response. After four hours, when the patients 1063 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.9.1063 on 1 September 1989. Downloaded from

1064 Frankel, Kempster, Bovingdon, Webster, Lees, Stern showed stable motor improvement, a high protein drink was oxidation potential, and a Shimadzu CRIB integrator. given. Following study ofthefirst patient (fig 1) the protocol Isocratic elution was carried out at 1-0 ml/minute at 20°C on was modified; the remaining three patients received a larger a 15 cm SSODS-2 column (HPLC Technology UK). The loading dose of benserazide (100 mg vs 50 mg), the interval mobile phase contained (12-60 g/l), sodium between subsequent doses was reduced from 6 to 4 hourly dihydrogen orthophosphate (5-68 g/l), heptanesulfonic acid and a single oral protein load of 60 grams was given. sodium (0-202 g/1) disodium EDTA (0-100 g/l) and acetoni- Motor performance was assessed at 30 minute intervals by trle (20 ml/l) in deionised , finally adjusted to pH 2 5 measuring; alternate unilateral hand tapping (for 30 seconds) with hydrochloric acid, and degassed on-line. Inter-assay on digital counters mounted 20 cm apart; timed walking over variability for levodopa concentration was 7-1%. a 12 metre distance and clinical assessments of tremor and Plasma samples taken before and after the liquid protein dyskinesias according to simple four point scales (0-nil, meal were also assayed for the large neutral amino acids 1-mild, 2-moderate, 3-severe, 4-incapacitating). , , , tryptophen, and Blood for levodopa and 3-0-methyldopa assays was taken by an HPLC procedure based on pre-column before the infusion and immediately before each motor derivatization with O-phthaldehyde and evaluation. Plasma samples were stored at - 700C. Aliquots detection." (500 1l) were treated with 60% perchloric acid (20 ju) to precipitate protein and 20 du samples of clear supernatant Results were analysed by HPLC. This consisted of an MSI 660 Autosampler (at + 5°C) and a 420 pump (Kontro, UK) with Correlation between motor function and plasma an LCA-15 Electrochemical detector (EDT, UK) at 0 70V levodopa concentration in cases 1, 2 & 4 are shown in figs 1-3 and biochemical results for all patients are Patient 1 summarised in the table.

Dyskinesia iS\X\\\X\X\X\\X\XX\\\o El Patient 2 Tremor 11 El Dyskinesia 60r Tremor guest. Protected by copyright. 6or

.'E: 50 * Q m 50 ._L 'a 40 4C I to xco I 30 ...... L .

7.5 . n 8 10.0 4-S 'A E 12.5 a'


8.0 a 12 0 i- 6.0 E 0 10 4.0 -N

0 2.0 0 t 6 4 C, http://jnnp.bmj.com/ 1 4 5 7 0 2 3 6 8 9 1a 2 Time (hours)

Intraduodenal iniusion 50mg/hr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L-dopa Time (hours) t L-dopa Intraduodenal L-dopa infusion 50mg/hr 50mg bolus Protein Protein intraduodenal meal 30g drink 20g L-dopa + L-dopa Benserazide 50mg bolus Protein 50mg bolus Benserazide intraduodenal drink 60g intraduodenal 50mg p.o. 50mg p.o. Benserazide Benserazide Benserazide -2 hrs 50mg 100mg p.o. 50mg p.o. p.o. on September 27, 2021 by -1 hrs Fig 1 Patient 1. Stable improvement in motor performance Fig 2 Patient 2. Both stable motorperformance andplasma is maintained throughout the ofintraduodenal infusion. levodopa levels are producedfor thefirstfour hours ofthe Plasma levodopa levels are seen to vary in relation to the study. Following the oralprotein load motorfunction timing ofbenserazide doses. Protein ingestion has no effect on deteriorates abruptly despite maintenance ofpreprandial motor performance or plasma levodopa levels. plasma levodopa values. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.9.1063 on 1 September 1989. Downloaded from

The effects oforalprotein on the absorption ofintraduodenal levodopa and motor performance 1065 Table Biochemical results and motor scoringfor allpatients before and after protein loading

Levodopa levels 3-0-Methyl dopa levels Large neutral amino Tapping Walking (pnol/l) (wnol/l) acid levels (jumol/l) (Taps/30 seconds) (Seconds) Patient Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After 1 327 6-04 17-02 2422 1411 1625 50 49 9 9 2 9-41 9-55 33-5 35-7 879 1962 51 41 13 21 3 8-35 8-47 27-54 32-02 1183 2292 59 46 10-5 1 1 4 6-54 7-79 31-2 33-5 956 1776 61 21 8 15

In all four patients it was possible to produce a progressive decay of plasma levodopa concentration sustained "on" state with continuous intraduodenal although motor response was not affected. The mean infusion of levodopa (range 50-70 mg/hour) in the fasting large neutral amino acid levels were fasting state. In Cases 2, 3 & 4, plasma levodopa levels 1006 *mol/l and mean fasting plasma 3-0-methyldopa remained relatively stable with a mean preprandial was 30 7 pmol/l. concentration of 8 1 pmol/l (see table). In case 1, a A decline in motor function was observed in cases 2, lower initial dose of benserazide was associated with 3 & 4 following protein administration although the mean post-prandial levodopa level was in fact slightly increased at 8-6.umol/l. In these cases, the post- Patient 4 prandial large neutral amino acid level had risen to a Dyskinesia mean value of 2010 umol/l, an average increase of Tremor

99-8%. Mean post-prandial 3-0-methyldopa concen- guest. Protected by copyright. 70 - tration was relatively unchanged at 33-7 jmol/l. 60 L Post-prandial levodopa concentration in case 1 r- 50 continued to show fluctuations, in relation to timing of 40 benserazide doses, but motor function did not decline -r until the intraduodenal infusion was stopped at the co 30 I I end of the study. In this patient, post-prandial large 20 neutral amino acid levels rose to 1625 pmol/l an 0 increase of 15 2%. -M 10 Discussion E 20 - Intraduodenal infusion of levodopa produced steady r- 30 1 plasma levels in three out of four patients with motor fluctuations, which in the fasting state were

z- accompanied by stable motor control. Following 0 administration of an oral protein load in these three patients there was an increase in plasma large neutral E q3 amino acid levels, with impairment of motor function but no significant change in plasma levodopa. That these effects were not observed in case 1 is probably http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Fluctua- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 explained by the variations in the protocol. Time (hours) tion of plasma levodopa occurred in both fasting and

ntraduodenal infusion post-prandial phases in this patient and correlated .50 mg/hr 70 mg/hr L-dopa closely with oral benserazide doses, suggesting that L-dopa L-dopa peripheral decarboxylase inhibi- 50mg bolus 50mg bolus Protein 50mg bolus intraduodenal intraduodenal drink 60g intraduodenal tion was incomplete. The administration of a lower Benserazide Benserazide Benserazide protein load caused a smaller rise in neutral amino p.o. 50mg p.o. 50mg p.o. 100mg on September 27, 2021 by -1 hr acid levels which did not adversely affect motor response to levodopa. Fig 3 Patient 4. Stable motor control in thispatient a common required the levodopa infusion rate to be increasedfrom Animal studies have shown that active 50 mg/hour to 70 mg/hour. Again reversal ofmotor benefit transport mechanism exists for the absorption of occurs on levodopa, despite maintainedplasma levels, after levodopa and large neutral amino acids across the protein ingestion. intestinal mucosa. This carrier system is saturable and J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.9.1063 on 1 September 1989. Downloaded from

1066 Frankel, Kempster, Bovingdon, Webster, Lees, Stern in vitro experiments demonstrate that competition sites. Naso-duodenal infusions can lead to sustained with large neutral amino acids can impair levodopa overall improvement in Parkinsonian motor dis- transport.'2 Similar saturable carrier mediated ability. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the transport of levodopa occurs across the blood-brain effectiveness of enteral administration may be barrier.3 In patients on conventional oral levodopa/ improved by the creation of isolated intestinal peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor medication, pouches." However, as the principal influences of changes in gastric and small bowel motility also protein loading appear to be mediated at the blood- contribute to the impairment of levodopa absorption brain barrier, neither technique is likely to completely which is seen in relation to ingestion of meals."' By ameliorate the effects ofdiet. These problems will also ensuring constant and reliable delivery of levodopa to limit the potential efficacy of slow-release formula- the small bowel, the present study in effect compares tions oflevodopa which would at best produce plasma the relative influence of competition between profiles inferior to continuous delivery systems. levodopa and large neutral amino acids at both intestinal mucosal and blood-brain barrier sites. The authors thank the departments of Radiology, Ingestion of a high protein drink was found to reverse Medical Illustration and Photography at the the motor response to intraduodenal infusion without Middlesex Hospital, London for their help with this altering plasma levodopa values when plasma levels of study and Dr F Zia-Gharib from the department of large neutral amino acids had doubled from fasting , University College, London for values. This indicates that the adverse effects of performing the amino acid assays. protein loading upon motor function are chiefly due to The HPLC analysis of levodopa and 3-0-methyl antagonism of passage of levodopa across the blood- dopa were made possible by a grant from the brain barrier rather than across the gut mucosa. The Parkinson's Disease Society.

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