Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28 Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet

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Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28 Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28 Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet M.J. Hancock and D.E. Marshall Department of Fisheries and Oceans Salmonid Enhancement Program 1090 West Pender Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2P1 January, 1986 Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 557 anadian Data Report of F' herie and. quatic cience Da a report pro ide a medium for filing and ar hi\ ing data c mpilatlon \ here littk or nl anal~ i i in ludl.:d .. ueh mpilati n omm nl~ \\ III ha\ chen prepared in UpP)rt of other journal publication or rep rt . fhe ubjeLt malta of dat report rennt th' broad int "rl.: t and p )Iicit: f th' Department 01 Fi herie and OLean. namcl~. Ii haie and aquatic Lienee. [ ata r 'pon arc not inten~kd I H g 'neral di trihution and the c )ntent be reft:rred tl in Hher publi atil n \\ ithout pri r \\ ritt n authori/atil 11 i uin!! tabli hm n1. The corre t L1tati 1Il appear abl e the ah tra t f ea h rep r1. [ atl r'port arc ah tracted in i/lllllic ScIC'lliC' and Fi herie h lrael and inde ed in the Department' annual indc t) icntiti and te hnieal puhli ation . umb r I _~ in thi 'rit: \\ere i u d, h herie and larinc. en iee Data Renrd. 'um er _0 16 \ rei u da Departmtnt Fi h rte and h -mir n­ men1. f-i hefie and larinL cr H.:e Data Rep rt . 'I he urrent erie name \\ a intro­ du 1.:0 \\ ith thl.: P bli L tion l 1 r"p)rt number 161. Data report ar' produ cd regi mall, hut ar numbered nationall~. Rcque t r indi\ idual r p rt \\ ill be filled h~ the i uing t bli hm nt Ii ted n the r nt cr and title page. Out- 1- toe report \\ ill bl.: upplied lor a ftC b. commercial agl.:nt . Rapport tati tique canadien de cience halieutique et aquatique LI.: rapport tati tique er ent it la cr et it Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 557 January 1986 CATA.LCX;UE OF SAlMON STREAMS AND SPAWNING ESCAPEJv1ENTS STATISTICAL AREA 28 HCME SOUND - BURRARD INLET by M.J.Hancock and D.E.Marshall Department of Fisheries and Oceans Salmonid Enhancement Program 1090 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2Pl Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1986 Cat. No. Fs 97-13/557 ISSN 0706-6465 Correct citation for this publication: Hancock, M.J. and D.E.Marshall. 1986 Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28 Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet Can. Data Rep. Fish and Aquat. Sci. 557: xiv + 190 p. ii ABSTRACT Hancock, M.J. and D.E.Marshall, 1986, Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28, Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet. Can. Data Rep. Fish and Aquat. Sci. 557: xiv + 190 p. Catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records and other general data pertaining to the stream. The catalogue also includes a topographical map of the stream and in some cases a sketch map which further describes the surrounding area. Keywords: British Columbia, Statistical Area 28, Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet, salmon streams, spawning escapements. , RESUME Hancock, M.J. and D.E.Marshall, 1986. Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 28, Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet. Can. Data Rep. Fish and Aquat. Sci. 557: xiv + 190 p. Le present repertoire donne l'emplacement de chaque cours d'eau, la repartition de fraie, les points de remonte difficile, les donnees sur les saumons de remonte et d'autres information generales concernant le cours d'eau. On y trouve aussi une carte topographique de l'emplacement du cours d'eau et, dans que1que cas, un croquis decrivant la zone environte. Mots-cles: Colombie-Britannique, zone statistique 28, Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet, cours d'eau a saumons, remonte. iii CONTENT'S Abstract/Resume iii Table of Contents i v Statistical Maps v,vi Management Divisions vii Districts and Subdistricts viii Standards Used ix,x Federal Fisheries District Addresses xi Map of Salmon Spawning Streams of Statistical Area 28 xii Index to Map of Salmon Spawning Streams of Statistical Area 28 xiii Escapement Summary for Statistical Area 28, Howe Sound - Burrard Inlet xiv STREAM DATA ASHLU CREEK... .................... .. 1,2 MCCARTNEY CREEK . 101 (Avalon Creek) .................... .. 7 MCNAB CREEK . 104 (Branch 100 Creek 9 MCNAIR CREEK (Hastings Creek) . 107 BROHM RIVER 12 (Meighan Creek) . 110 BROTHERS RIVER 15 MOSQUITO CREEK . 113 CAPUANO RIVER 18,19 NELSON CREEK . 117 CHAPMAN CREEK (Mission Creek)..... .. 23 OUILLET CREEK (Jap Creek, 0u1ette Cr.) 121 CHASTER CREEK (Gower Creek) 26 PILLCHUCK CREEK (Pilchuck Creek) . 125 CHEAKAMUS RIVER 29 POTLATCH CREEK . 128 (Chuck-Chuck Creek) 34 RAINY RIVER . 131 CYPRESS CREEK 37 (Richards Creek) . 135 DAKOTA CREEK 40 ROBERTS CREEK . 138 DRYDEN CREEK 43 SEYMOUR RI\~ . 141,142 EAGLE CREEK (Eagle Harbour Creek) 46 (Shop #3 Creek) . 145 FLUME CREEK 49 SHOVELNOSE CREEK . 148 HASTINGS CREEK 52 (Spring Creek) . 151 HIGH FALLS CREEK 55 SQUAMISH RI\~ . 154,155 HOP RANCH CREEK (Hop Ranch 58 STAWAMUS RIvtR (Little Stawamus River) 159 Creek System (4) ) (Tenderfoot Creek) . 164 INDIAN RI\~ (Burrard River) 61,62 (Thirty Seven Mile Creek) . 167 JUDD SLOUGH......................... 66 (Twenty Eight Mile Creek) . 170 LANGDALE CREEK 70 (Twin Creek, Archies Creek) . 173 (Loggers Lane Creek) 73 (Upper Paradise Channel) . 176 (Long Bay Creek) .................. .. 76 (Lower Paradise Channel) . LYNN CREEK 79 WAKEFIELD CREEK . 179 MACKAY CREEK (McKay Creek) 83 (West Bay Creek) . 182 MAMQUAM RIVER 86,87 (Williamson Creek) . 185 (Mamquam Spawning Channel) 92 WILSON CREEK . 188 MANNION CREEK (Cotton Creek) 95 MASHITER CREEK 98 iv STATISTICAL AREAS ARE DIVIDED BY RED LINES DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT SALMON FISHING WITH NETS OF ANY FISHERIES KIND IS NOT PERMITTED OUTSIDE OF- OPERATIONS THAT IS SEAWARD OF - THE HEAVY BLACK LINE NOTE AREAS 5,6,7,8 AND 9 REVISED JAN 1974 STATISTICAL MAP SHOWING AREAS OF CATCH FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA WATERS (NORTHERN HALF) lNTERNATI()'.jAl '0 20 3C 4(:; _~O SCALE IN ~ILES DIXON ENTRANCE • F;SHERI£S SERvICE OFFiCES ARM PT. 6 \ COOLt:. McLEAN - FRASER PT. PT. _______________-V READ CAREFULLY I PIN UP IN WHEELHOUSE I WHEN DELIVERING YOUR CATCH, GIVE TALLY MAN 30 THE MAP NUMBER, OR NUMBERS SHOWING THE AREA IN WHICH YOUR FISH WERE CAUGHT 3 ACCURATE CATCH REPORTS WILL HELP PRESERVE YOUR FISHERIES. v READ CAREFULLY I. PIN UP IN WHEELHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 2. WHEN DELIVERING YOUR CATCH, GIvE TALLY MAN STATISTICAL AREAS ARE DIVIDED THE MAP NUMBER, OR NUMBERS SHOWING THE BY RED LINES AREA IN WHICH YOUR FISH WERE CAUGHT FISHERIES SERVICE ACCURATE CATCH REPORTS WILL HELP PRESERVE SALMON FISHING WITH NETS OF ANY YOUR FISHERIES KINO IS NOT PERMITTED OUTSIDE OF- 4 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, CONSULT BRITISH THA T IS SEAWARD OF - THE HEAVY BLACK LINE COLUMBIA FISHERIES REGULA nONS. STATISTICAL MAP • FISHERIES SERVICES OFFICES SHOWING AREAS OF CATCH FOR /",,­ BRITISH COLUMBIA WATERS /'"" (SOUTHERN HALF 1 Cl O CAPE SCOTT o 10 ;;>0 m 40 ~ CAPE RUSSELL SCAt ( IN M!LE~ ~" ~ </-'. ~5 SQUAMISH \~" 'I..... r :I." f<-~ ..~ ~'f / t~ ~<.; / / <l ".. / / t ~J .p:;". i" 'I. # sO IT!2!S0~IA .,,·N .'-N n ~ Vo.... __ ~<J" ( _ U. SA ·!t_~l\O- "7 (,,," BELLINGHAM //,,~ ~Q MAP - FBASER_~J'{EI~ // A... ..,OU q-:' n OJ t~ ".....<v ~" ·V '1-'" q,'<: ~<.; ~;l <fv q,,<J <J" 21 / / / / CAPE FOR ALL FISH CAUGHT L''''"""P OFF THE COAST OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON SOUTH OF CAPE FLATTERY 29-E RE PORT AS AREA •C• \ 'V ---'0------- \ ! I '>CAlf 1'" "'llrs I I,,,,f">< In,!,,,,,, .",A' I' ..";> EMENT DIVISIONS I MANAG OCEANS FISHERIES & iL\ i PACIFIC REGION / / I " ! j~~ i ~. , ( I( , I i. \ I \ I i '. \~ I '~ '. I" I i ''' .. ''-'' ~\ -,....... - .. '- Fraser River. Northern Be & Yukon D,v,s,on South D,v,s,on vii ,hi, • .f~\.. H'l"'('("L,...ql ,{ ',( )'( .'1'."1 ' U.\ FISHERIES & OCEANS - Pacific Region WHITEHORSE DISTRICT $'1 1-" 1-'" LEGEND DISTRICT BOUNDARY _ SUBDiSTRiCT BOUNDARY --- II' I ,____ II STANDARDS USED ON STREAM DATA PAGE Name of Stream: Name given in Gazetteer of Canada, British Columbia, 1985, third edition. Local names are in lower case and enclosed in brackets. Statistical Area: As defined by D.F.O., showing areas of catch for B.C.Waters (Map dated Jan. 1974) Districts and Subdistricts: As defined by D.F.O.(Map 1985) RAE Numbers: The Aquatics Unit of the Resource Analysis Branch, Ministry of the Environment have assigned a hierarchical coding system (RAE number) to drainage basins of British Columbia. RAE numbers classify catchment areas and river channels. Further information on RAE coding system can be found in IfA Hierarchical Watershed Coding System for British Columbia", RAE Technical Paper #3, Ministry of the Environment, Victoria, B.C. June 1980. Geographic Co-ordinate Reference: The geographic co-ordinates given indicate the centre of each feature, except for streams, where the po­ sition of the mouth is given. The geographic co-ordinates are to the nearest minute. ix Length: The portion of the stream accessible to spawning salmon. Drainage: Area in square kilometers of the entire drainage basin feeding the stream. Discharge: Extremes of maximum and minimum daily discharge for the period of the last 30 years. Discharge date is taken from "Historical Stream now Surrrnary" , British Columbia, Water Survey of Canada. Temperature: As described (oC) Barriers and Points 0f difficult ascent: Complete and partial barriers to salmon and their distance from the stream mouth.
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