
Translation: Four Topics in Archaeological Zhang Chi, Annie Chan

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Zhang Chi, Annie Chan. Translation: Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology. Chinese Cultural Relics, Eastview Press, 2016. ￿hal-03221001￿

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HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Research and Exploration Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology* Chi Zhang 张弛 Professor, School of and Museology, Peking University

* he introduction of archaeological solute dating and cross-dating, the last of which is the chronology is one of the founda- combined use of the two preceding types of dating, tions of contemporary archaeology. have been a part of archaeological chronology. Thus The evolutionary theories of early far, apart from such improvements as the cali- Tcontemporary archaeology and the study of cultural bration of radiocarbon dates with adopt the relative chronology established by and the introduction of AMS dating, little progress and as the chronological basis has been made in these two types of dating compared for constructing the most fundamental framework of to the rapid development of many other methods human prehistory. Methods of that of research in archaeology. If another revolution in have been introduced since the 1950s, of which ra- archaeology is to be hoped for, it is imperative to ad- diocarbon dating is representative, have changed our vance methods of archaeological dating that cater to understanding of prehistoric research in many ways, the growing needs of archaeology, since even under and are therefore considered a milestone in archaeo- the current system of archaeological chronology, logical chronology.[1] Since then, , ab- there are topics that need to be further addressed. By way of illustration, this article elaborates on four * Research for this article was conducted under the auspices of these topics. of the 2011 Key Project of the National Social Foun- dation of China titled “Research on Environmental Archae- RELATIVE CHRONOLOGY AND ology and Ancient Human-Nature Relationships” (Grant ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY No. 11&ZD183) and the 2012 Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China titled “Report on the There are two ways to express chronology in his- Research of Yangshao Settlements at Baligang, Dengzhou” tory and archaeology. One is relative dating, which (Grant No. 12&ZD190). refers to the relative association of events in ; it

184 Research and Exploration Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology

serves only to reveal the chronological order, not the Seriation, which is commonly classified as a of time. The other is absolute dating; it is method of relative dating, can provide not only rela- the numerical obtained by calculating the rate of tive chronological sequences but also varied time change of objects; it is also called quantitative dating. intervals, with the smallest being 20 .[3] This In most cases, quantitative dating is measured in the level of accuracy is comparable to what is offered by commonly used solar . Most Chinese and foreign . When calibrated with historical archaeological textbooks categorize the various meth- chronology, this method can even pinpoint the exact ods of chronology used in archaeology into these two year, providing an absolute date.[4] In fact, types of dating.[2] The widely referencedArchaeology: objects also experience a certain rate of change, but Theories, Methods and Practice classifies stratigraphy, this rate is uneven since it varies according to diverse typological sequences and climate and chronology as social, economic and cultural influences, making a relative dating methods, and and historical specific object’s rate of change difficult to determine. , annual cycles (tree-rings and varves), From the perspective of object change, humans, who radiocarbon dating and calibrated relative methods are comparatively short-lived, are more attuned to as absolute dating. However, since the application the seasonal cycles of the solar year and are less aware of each dating method in archaeology varies and has of long- changes in objects. However, research- different limitations, the time scales differing accord- ers who have long studied the chronology of objects ingly, it is difficult to group these methods precisely (cultural chronology) are cognizant of the time scale into two categories. of object change and can often discern gaps in the Judging by the chronological precision and the chronological sequence of objects.[5] In this regard, time scale provided by each of the dating techniques, seriation is a method that embodies the meaning historical chronology is the only method that is ac- of absolute dating, at least when compared to such curate as to the date and time, while dendrochronol- modern scientific techniques of dating as radiocar- ogy and dating by varves are the only techniques bon dating. It differs only in terms of chronological that provide an exact time and a yearly time scale. precision, and not in terms of the difference between Other techniques that have been classified as abso- relative and absolute chronology. lute dating, such as radiocarbon dating and methods Perhaps the most meaningful relative chronol- of calibration, provide only a time bracket. Among ogy can be obtained only through chron- them, radiocarbon dating provides the smallest ostratigraphy and archaeological stratigraphy, but time bracket, with an error margin of approximately that only applies when one is dealing with research ±30 years. Using radiocarbon dating alone, however, into early history or with simple geological sequenc- cannot provide a sufficiently precise date; to pinpoint es. In the study of Quaternary geological deposits, it the intervals within a solar year, the radiocarbon date has long been noted that dating by varves is accurate has to be calibrated with dates from techniques that to the solar year; similar patterns of annual periodic- provide a precise chronology, such as the dating of ity also occur in deep sea sediments, ice cores, lake tree rings or coral. But even with such calibration, sediments, and loess in certain areas and for certain there can still be systematic errors. Thus, even though periods of time. The deposits archaeological stratig- modern scientific techniques can offer precision to raphy considers can also offer a time scale, especially the degree of an annual time scale, they still cannot when changes in deposits are examined in broad provide accurate chronological measurements of spatial contexts. This is because archaeological stra- smaller time scales. tigraphy studies deposits that have a physical form

185 Chinese Cultural Relics » Issue Number 3-4, 2016 and contain cultural contents. The deposits cannot , geological and geochemical dating, merely be explained by the laws of superposition and floral and faunal dating, radiometric chronology, ar- crosscutting relationships. From the perspective of chaeomagnetic dating, historical chronology, and research in settlement archaeology, all anthropogenic experimental methods. Their classification, however, deposits are archaeological features that have form only discriminates between materials used for dating and cultural content, making them objects of interest and does not highlight the characteristics of these in typological studies. Thus, archaeological deposits dating methods. alone can be used to establish chronological order Furthermore, from the perspective of materials and intervals of time. Climatic phases established by used for dating, most methods provide the date of the the dating of plants and animals are based on mor- or geofact; only a few provide dates for the phological changes in living organisms, and at formation or the of the deposit, both of which can be used to construct time intervals. Evolutionary can be dated by relative and absolute methods. As changes in the DNA of living organisms, for one, are well, among the many methods used for dating ar- of particular significance to large-scale cross-distance chaeological objects, some provide the time of their dating. The rate of cell division in humans has been deaths (or interments), whereas others provide the used to calculate age, which is consistent with the lifespan. Take radiocarbon dating and seriation, for concept of absolute chronology. example: the former provides the time of death of The aim of discussing relative chronology and short-lived organisms as well as the lifespan of long- absolute chronology from this perspective is not to lived organisms (which are mainly trees), whereas divulge the relativism embedded in archaeological the latter can only provide the period of development chronology but to illustrate the temporality of each of objects’ physical forms – that is, the lifespan of of the methods of archaeological chronology, and a particular type of object. Even though the most to show how better precision is gradually mitigating commonly used method of radiocarbon dating is, the polarity between absolute chronology and rela- at any rate, more accurate than any systems of seria- tive chronology. There are countless events in the tion, every date it assigns only applies to a particular , and many among them are of sample, and cannot be used to date other samples by little concern to us or of little relevance to our current correlation. New samples must be separately research, but among those that we pay attention to, dated. Seriation is, however, different. Once the time there is the problem of uneven durations. Based on period of a particular type of object is known, the the effectiveness of the use of archaeological chro- date of objects of the same type can be deduced. This nology, the temporality of long-term events, from applies also to new discoveries of similar objects. climatic cycles to cultural change, is the easiest to Seriation also provides a chronological sequence for define, and most types of chronology are able to fulfill a type or a group of objects. Thus, even though one research requirements. But certain short-lived and dating method cannot be substituted for another instantaneous events, especially those in prehistory, because each method is unique and there are varied cannot be dated. The ability to obtain the smallest requirements for dating in archaeology, the most time scale and the most precise date is something broadly used method is still seriation. perpetually pursued in archaeology. Among the many dating methods, the ones Some textbooks not only distinguish relative based on the rates of change of natural deposits are chronology from absolute chronology but also founded on the laws of physics, chemistry, further categorize chronology into archaeological and biology, and since they are often measured by

186 Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology a single variable, they are easily controlled. There objects produced by humans typically have global or are still limitations on the relative degree of preci- at least continental (such as Old World, New World) sion, but at least we are already aware, or can expect patterns of change, and so can be divided into periods to identify the cause, of the deficiency. The method and ages. Some objects, however, are only found in of seriation based on changes in cultural remains is smaller regions and so experience only localized pat- more complex because it is a process of compari- terns of change, and these objects can only be divided son among many variables; whether changes can be into cultures and cultural periods. This is the basic dated and whether there is a pattern of change have principle of cultural chronology, which is, in fact, a remained contentious issues. The principles of dating preliminary reflection of the multidimensional, mul- need to be further investigated. tivariable characteristics of dating objects. Further research may allow even finer divisions within the CULTURAL CHRONOLOGY AND cultural periods, which in Chinese archaeology are SEQUENCE DATING termed subcultures or sub-periods, by introducing The earliest relative chronology used in archae- more changing variables of the objects (which are ology is periodization, which is represented by the most often pottery). three-age system devised by Danish archaeologist Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, Christian Jürgensen Thomsen, who divided the pre- summarizing the principles of relative chronology history of Europe into the Stone Age, the Bronze as applied in typology, posits that dating by way of Age and the Iron Age. Later scholars, including John typological sequences has two implications. First, Lubbock, subdivided the periods into the Paleolithic, products of a given period and place have a recog- the Mesolithic, the Neolithic, the Chalcolithic, the nizable , and individual objects can be classified Bronze Age and the Iron Age.[6] This was then further by their style and arranged within a typological se- divided into the early, middle and late periods of quence. , the change in style is gradual and, the Paleolithic, and the early, middle and late peri- thus, similar objects have similar dates. Furthermore, ods of the Neolithic. These systems of periodization the rate of change is different for different objects.[7] formed the basis of evolutionary archaeology. After In fact, the fundamental premise of typology is that the emergence of cultural history research, time peri- objects are perpetually in a state of flux, which allows ods came to be further divided into cultures, cultures them to be arranged chronologically. There is already of different time periods, and geographical origins, a lot of discussion in Chinese typological studies on giving rise to cultural periods and . The resulting why objects change and why objects of a similar style chronology composed of eras, periods, cultures and are produced in similar time periods.[8] The afore- cultural divisions has become the commonly used mentioned principles are currently recognized as the system of relative chronology in archaeology, which basis for cultural chronology within academia. is referred to as cultural chronology. What is more, there are two contested or yet- As mentioned above, there are varied require- to-be defined principles. First is the assumption ments for dating in archaeological research, and cul- that objects evolve from simple to complex, and this tural chronology fulfills one of the basic needs. Rela- principle was widely applied in early studies of typol- tive chronology in archaeology, which uses periods ogy, such as in the six-age theory of ancient cultures and cultures as frameworks, is based on the classifica- in Gansu Province proposed by Andersson, and in tion of changes of objects (and at times, structural his belief that pottery of the Qijia culture was of an remains) through time. The characteristics of these early age due to its simple design.[9] In more recent

187 Chinese Cultural Relics » Issue Number 3-4, 2016 years, even though such simplistic applications of the jects produce different intervals, and the ones with principle as the six-age theory have been rectified, the fastest rate of change produce the most precise researchers have operated under the assumption that time scale. Wenming refers to these objects as the age of an object cannot be determined simply by the standard forms or archetypes.[11] He thinks that the complexity of its form. Nevertheless, this prin- between durable and nondurable, prestige and or- ciple can, in fact, still be considered valid, so long as dinary, and simple and intricate shapes and motifs, the conditions are further defined, since, over the the archetype would clearly be nondurable, ordinary long term, objects do evolve from simple to complex. and intricate. This is because nondurable ordinary Second is the stipulation, fundamental to the method objects are more likely to be damaged, and intricate of frequency seriation commonly used in Western designs are difficult to replicate, so that these objects archaeological traditions, that from their inception experience a faster rate of change. In Chinese archae- to their disappearance, objects follow a sequence ological chronology, using these archetypes to divide from few to many, then from many to few.[10] If this time is called periodization. Based on examples in the principle of frequency seriation is valid, it is relatively reference cited above, the interval obtained using more objective as it is based on the measurement archetypes can reach a timescale of 20 years. In the of quantity, which lessens the degree of subjective case of the practice of Chinese archaeological chro- bias. However, this method has not been used in the nology, the Yin ruins of the late can field of Chinese archaeological research. Even if it be divided into four periods based on the changes is seriously considered, the application may not be in li-tripods, which produces a time scale measuring universal, and may be limited to particular conditions. between 60 and 70 years.[12] If the “evolution” of objects in global or conti- Using seriation from typology, cultural chronol- nental contexts indicates the change of eras, stylistic ogy attains multiple measures of time – , period, changes can be used to classify objects into chrono- culture, cultural period and time period – to meet logical periods. The different designs of assemblages the various requirements of archaeological research. from different regions represent changes in archaeo- Seriation interprets changes in objects from mul- logical culture; that is, an overall change in the as- tiple perspectives, and is applied to many aspects of semblage signals a change in culture. Even without a archaeological research.[13] Therefore, from the per- complete change, stylistic changes in an assemblage, spective of accounting for changes in objects through or in many object types within an assemblage, can time, typological sequencing is also referred to as se- permit division of the objects into cultural periods. riation or chronological sequencing. The reason the The relationship between assemblages of the same “science” of seriation is inferior to dating methods style and of different styles forms the basis of cultural using natural remains such as radiocarbon dating is chronology on regional and global scales. In terms because the materials studied by seriation are not as of time measurement, periods, ages and cultures homogeneous as those of natural remains; rather, are calculated in thousands and tens of thousands objects are multidimensional. Take pottery, for ex- of years, and cultural periods are usually measured ample: its attributes include raw material, temper, in hundreds of years. On this basis, the relative chro- production method, vessel type, shape, finishing, nology of objects can be further divided into smaller decoration, firing and restoration. The combina- units of time measurement. tion of these attributes and their correlation provide Objects with different forms, textures and deco- means for verification. Thus, seriation also has its ration have different rates of change. Different ob- own scientific significance.

188 Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology

Like in radiocarbon dating, where for various all archaeological materials do have an excavation reasons different laboratories may provide different context, and artifacts are unearthed from excavation dates and intervals for the same sample, dates based units. Artifacts are unearthed from stratified archaeo- on object evolution can vary among researchers be- logical sites; this provides seriation with two other cause changes in assemblages and objects are influ- important variables for using artifacts as proxies for enced by many factors. Some changes follow a clear time measurement: first, the stratum where the arti- pattern, but other changes depend on the objects’ fact is uncovered indicates its chronological relation- makers and do not follow a regular pattern, which can ship with other strata; second, the co-occurrence mean that the changes in objects relevant to dating of artifacts in the excavation unit demonstrates the are not always distinguishable. How any period gets contemporaneity of objects and assemblages. These divided may also depend on the perspective of a given two variables are used to corroborate the cultural researcher, different researchers having varied ways of chronology established by seriation. dividing cultures, cultural periods and cultural phases, The chronological relationship provided by even for the same assemblage. A nearly unanimous stratigraphy refers to patterns of superposition and recognition of chronologies, like that seen with the the lateral continuity between archaeological layers chronology of the Yin ruins, is rare. The current state of deposit. In ideal situations, these superimposed of research shows that there are countless systems of and crosscut layers follow a chronological order,[14] cultural division and cultural periodization in Chinese but since complete and unbroken sequences of su- archaeology, especially of the Neolithic period, with perposition and crosscutting are not revealed in an almost no two researchers sharing the same view. archaeological excavation, we can only observe strata Leaving aside debates over cultural components, that are chronologically connected. This, however, however, many systems of division are in fact very does not mean that the interval between strata is not similar, especially when addressing long-term trends, known. In the case of stratigraphy between fairly sim- though many classifications remain highly disputed. ple archaeological deposits, without information on If, on the one hand, changes in objects were regular, the nature of the deposits, there is little indication dating by seriation would not produce ambiguous of the length of the interval. As mentioned in the dates. If, on the other hand, changes were irregular, first section, however, if the area exposed is relatively not following a set pattern, this sort of dating would large, we can still infer the interval between artifacts be meaningless, offering no consistency for the study by studying the nature of the stratified deposits. For of chronology. The current state of research clearly example, the interval between settlement artifacts does not show either of these extremes to be typical. that indicate a change in settlement pattern tends Reasons for disagreement on dating by this method to be larger, whereas the interval between crosscut- stem not only from the presence of non-regular fac- ting located within the confined of a tors but also from the lack of corroborative evidence cemetery with continuous burials is not long. The for periodization. stratigraphic relationships between archaeological deposits can provide temporal indexes for seriation, LAWS OF STRATIGRAPHY, thereby facilitating the understanding of the tem- ASSOCIATION AND TIME CAPSULES porality of artifacts retrieved from these contexts. Even though some researchers think chrono- Another temporal dimension that needs to be logical sequences can be constructed using objects considered in the laws of stratigraphy is co-occur- only, without referring to the contexts of deposits, rence. Previously, the author has discussed how ex-

189 Chinese Cultural Relics » Issue Number 3-4, 2016 amining stratigraphic relationships of superposition, excavation unit, then by way of lateral connection, crosscutting and co-occurrence in the same stratum co-occurring artifacts – the same type of artifacts and even occupation surface alone does not suffice discovered in different excavation units[16] – would to establish the association between different assem- provide evidence for the contemporaneity of dif- blages.[15] Co-occurrence is not about the position ferent loci, causing us to conclude that perhaps all in the chronological sequence, nor is it related to artifacts co-occur. the interval and temporal span: it is about the struc- The co-occurrence of artifacts in the same exca- tural temporality between things, and refers to the vation unit is seldom discussed in Western archaeo- concurrency of structural correlations between ar- logical textbooks, and it may be related to the fact chaeological deposits. This structural relationship is that there are few complex archaeological deposits in in fact what settlement archaeology studies; it aims Europe and North America. In order to prevent the to examine the relationship between archaeological above situation from happening, in implementing deposits through the , function and dis- the method of seriation in Chinese archaeology, first, tribution of archaeological deposits, so that deposits objects used for sequencing must come from typi- can manifest the temporality of intervals. And in the cal units of excavation. Wenming Yan thinks these practice of seriation, the association between artifacts typical excavation units are those created by a one- from different assemblages needs to be considered. time depositional , such as burials and vaults, Thus, an examination of the association between as- and secondarily, ash pits, storage pits and wells, etc. semblages can help us understand the chronological Even though these features would have been gradu- relationship between artifacts. ally filled, which would typically have taken a long Objects from the same deposit or excavation time, the degree of co-occurrence in normal strati- unit are derived from the same context. This shared graphical deposits is relatively poor.[17] At sites with context indicates that objects were deposited in the multi-period deposits, earlier and lower layers may excavation unit concurrently, but it does not sug- be crosscut by later activities, resulting in artifacts gest they were produced at the same time. Because from earlier periods being deposited in units of later various properties of artifacts are determined during periods. Therefore, theoretically, at a given site the production, and because seriation relies on precisely contemporaneity of artifacts in later period matrices the properties of artifacts originating during produc- is often dubious, whereas that of artifacts in earlier tion, there is a time difference between the creation matrices, especially in the earliest matrices, is reliable, of the artifacts and their burial in the excavation unit. because earlier deposits do not contain artifacts of This time difference may be small, in cases where an later periods. To resolve the occurrence of artifacts object was buried right after it was made, but it may of mixed provenance in later deposits, artifacts from also be large, extending over as many as thousands of earlier deposits can be used to distinguish artifacts years, spanning multiple eras. Another in the later deposits, thereby identifying those that is that the time it took to produce each artifact found may have been relocated to later deposits due to in the same excavation unit may have been different, disturbances. The remaining artifacts in the later and such is most commonly the case. As well, sites deposit can then be dated to the same period. The with recurrent deposits are prevalent in China and in same situation also occurs between different sites, in the homelands of other ancient civilizations. Under which case artifacts from simple deposits should be this circumstance, were we to indiscriminately as- used to distinguish artifacts from complex deposits. sume the co-occurrence of artifacts from the same Furthermore, co-occurrence, that is, the contempo-

190 Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology raneity between artifacts in the excavation unit, has contexts that are used for absolute dating should be to be substantiated by recurrent cases. retrieved from loci of time-capsule significance. Be- In short, the so-called typical locus has two at- cause samples used for Carbon-14 dating cannot be tributes: first, it is the lowest layer at the site; second, compared the same way the properties of objects are it is accumulated from a rapid, one-time depositional compared, that is, by using objects in a time capsule event. These typical loci provide the smallest tempo- to identify the same type of objects in other loci, time ral scale for contemporaneous objects and minimize capsules are considered less useful than objects for to the fullest extent the temporal distance between samples of radiocarbon dating. Following this logic, the time the objects took shape and the time when radiocarbon samples retrieved from the surface of the objects were buried in a single locus, thus mini- objects would, in such cases, be especially significant. mizing the time difference of the burial process. Un- This would then be considered the chronological der this circumstance, from the perspective of the method of cross-dating. timescale of the artifacts in the locus, this stratum or locus can also be defined by an existing concept, CROSS-DATING AND HISTORICAL which is the time capsule.[18] A time capsule can be CHRONOLOGY used to discriminate between artifacts that have been It is commonly held that cross-dating was de- discovered in the same context for various reasons vised by English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, and but were created and buried at different times. The that it was first applied to seriation from regions recurrent verification of the stratigraphical relation- with unknown cultures by comparing them to areas ship between the time capsule and the approved loci with established cultural chronologies, in order to can best attest to the chronological order established establish a system of chronology for those unknown by periodization to promote a common understand- regions.[19] Thereafter, it was extended to calibrat- ing of the cultural chronology. ing uncertain chronologies with accurate systems Time capsules can also provide support for other of chronology; it was also extended to comparisons dating methods. For example, in many cases, acquir- between two or more methods of chronology. In this ing the date of the tested material is not the sole ob- discussion, the broadest definition is adopted. This jective of absolute dating (especially radiocarbon definition describes cross-dating as the integration of dating). It aims also to understand the date of the lo- two or more methods of archaeological chronology, cus in which the tested material is found and the date or the using of more accurate methods to calibrate of other remains therein. In practice, it is common to less accurate methods, or the using of one method to find discrepancies and an inverted relationship be- complement the other to increase dating precision tween the stratigraphy and the series of radiocarbon and testable timespan. This is not limited to cross- dates from the stratified contexts. If we exclude the dating between relative and absolute methods of problem of the timespan of the radiocarbon-dated dating, but aims for calibrations between different material, the main causes of the discrepancy would systems of chronology. be that the sample has an unknown provenance and In the absence of breakthroughs in methods that earlier samples have been mixed into later loci. of archaeological chronology, the key to obtaining Once the dates of a series of samples are found to more precise archaeological dates or longer spans be inverted, even though the dates are not wrong, of chronology, be it for absolute dating or relative identifying which locus the samples belong to be- dating, is to cross-date with two or more methods. comes a problem. Therefore, samples with reliable In absolute dating, there are already methods, such

191 Chinese Cultural Relics » Issue Number 3-4, 2016 as dendrochronology and coral dating, that can layers of volcanic ash with deep-sea sediments and provide dates accurate to the year, and which have varves to offer cross-regional comparisons across long been successfully used to calibrate Carbon-14 dates. distances. Synchronizing volcanic ash layers with Not only does cross-dating enhance the precision archaeological deposits or dendrochronology can of radiocarbon dating but it also extends the span produce dates accurate to the year after cross-dating of chronology to beyond 10,000 YBP (years before with historical chronology and tree rings.[21] Archaeo- ), something not achievable through dendro- logical stratigraphy originally concerned itself with chronology alone. Dendrochronology can be used to the archaeological deposits of a site, without consid- finely calibrate radiocarbon dates until 10,000 YBP; eration for the measurement of time. Interpreting samples older than 10,000 years can be calibrated archaeological deposits from the perspective of settle- with uranium-thorium dating of corals. Since den- ment archaeology, however, the contemporaneity of drochronology can provide intervals accurate to the deposits can be established through their association year, radiocarbon dates calibrated by dendrochro- on site, and intervals between changes in the deposit nology are doubly verified and are theoretically reli- can be deduced from changes in the settlement pat- able; this is why this form of cross-dating is referred tern. As well, large-scale changes of contemporane- to as the “second radiocarbon revolution.”[20] New ous settlements can help establish the relationship methods of dating that have been introduced by between the changes in deposits at different sites. modern science include obsidian-hydration dating, The archaeological chronology built on cross- and amino-acid dating, all dating methods is the most complex. The Chinese of which are scientific methods of cross-dating that Neolithic, for example, is the result of the triple cross- use absolute dates to calibrate relative dates. dating of at least four systems of chronology, namely, Among traditional methods of relative dating, the cultural chronology from the cross-dating of se- the commonly used seriation is itself a cross-dating riation and stratigraphy, the absolute chronology of seriation (typology) and stratigraphy. It not only from radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology, lays out big temporal changes like what is addressed and the cross-dating of these two results. Among by the three-age theory, but it can also subdivide eras them, there is little to be said about the calibration of and archaeological cultures. Using archetypes as a radiocarbon dates by dendrochronology; as for cul- standard of measure, it can further delineate cultural tural chronology, as previously discussed, its smallest periods and eras. The archaeology of the Shang and possible timescale, which is comparable to that of Zhou dynasties is an example of the use of historical radiocarbon dating, can be obtained by integrating chronology for cross-dating to reconstruct cultural time capsules with archetypes. There are, however, period (era) accurate to the year. The cultural period still many problems concerning the cross-dating of is measured in 60 year timespans, even in 20 year radiocarbon data and cultural chronology, which is spans in Western cases, which means it is almost as the very dating method most used in prehistoric and precise as radiocarbon dating. protohistoric archaeology. Cultural chronology is Stratigraphic cross-dating can be further uti- different from radiocarbon dating in that the time lized. Because Quaternary stratigraphy intersects bracket provided by radiocarbon dating is fixed, with archaeological layers, the connection between whereas the timescale of cultural chronology var- regional geological layers and archaeological cultural ies according to the time span of change in the ar- deposits serves to bring about breakthroughs in rela- chetypes. Radiocarbon dates are positioned within tive chronology. synchronizes existing chronological sequences, whereas cultural

192 Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology chronology obtains its approximate temporal scope even so-called serial samples[23] can resolve this kind only after the entire system of chronology is estab- of problem.[24] lished for the region. Thus, cultural chronology and Therefore, in the archaeological chronology of radiocarbon dating play different roles in different the late Neolithic and protohistoric periods, due to periods of the archaeological chronology. This also the appearance of archetypes constituting a fine time- involves a related issue, namely, the source of the scale, one that is comparable to the interval provided samples and the matching of seriation. by radiocarbon dates, the purpose of cross-dating The use of cultural chronology and radiocarbon becomes the dating of the chronology. In the absence dates in the practice of archaeological chronology of better dating methods at this time, devising cross- has caused great controversy in the Xia-Shang-Zhou dating methods with close reference to principles of Chronology Project, and this controversy remains cultural chronology is the way to guarantee results. unresolved.[22] Leaving aside the issue of whether the For example, even though it is difficult to locate chronological divides between the Xia and Shang the beginning and ending years of a particular pottery dynasties and between the Shang and Zhou dynas- type (archetype), it is not entirely impossible, but it ties can be identified in the archaeological record, requires a good scheme and materials. The key issue and the issue of whether pottery chronology can is how to determine whether the form of a given pot- be associated with significant historical events such tery vessel represents its initial type. Clues may be as the Battle of Muye [where at- found in certain time capsules. For instance, because tacked King Zhou of Shang], it is difficult to even just funerary replicas from “real-life” originals [mingqi] cross-date based on changes in the pottery types of are frequently found in burials, the production of the protohistoric period of Shang-Zhou. Take the these funerary replicas should be concurrent with the case of the Shang-Zhou pottery archetype of theli - deceased’s time of death, and the date of the funer- tripod: the interval of its evolution can be measured ary replicas can be obtained by dating the age of the in spans of approximately 60 years. Radiocarbon dat- deceased. Well-planned burials of multiple periods ing provides a similar result that is no better than may be found in large cemeteries, the order of which the timescale offered by pottery typology. Even if can even be discerned at times. It may be possible cross-referencing and comparisons can be used to to resolve the problem of precise dating in cultural establish the temporal scope for cultural chronology, chronology through multiple cross-dating by means it is still difficult to determine the provenance of a of time capsules, typological chronology, burial order given sample and to pinpoint the sample within the and radiocarbon dating. To obtain relatively reli- 60-year bracket of change. This difficultly can ulti- able absolute dates for typologies from settlement mately lead to incompatibility among data sets. In contexts, we may also have to rely on such complex the archaeology of the Chinese Neolithic, the com- methods of cross-dating. mon resolution is to adopt the earliest and the latest In ideal situations, such complex cross-dating Carbon-14 dates within a single cultural period as may be possible. Even in such cases, however, the the temporal limits of this period. There is also no degree of time precision required by the Xia-Shang- basis to this method because, without evidence of Zhou Chronology Project still cannot be attained. association between these dated samples and the Such complex cross-dating, however, may increase pottery, their co-occurrence within the deposit does the precision of the cross-dated chronology of the not necessarily corroborate the claim that the sample late Neolithic period. Before the appearance of is contemporaneous with changes in the pottery. Not complex archetypes, because the timescale of pot-

193 Chinese Cultural Relics » Issue Number 3-4, 2016

tery chronology has a long span, date determinations temporal changes of a single variable, which makes are more ambiguous. Given a cultural chronology it easy to account for variance and errors, whereas that is also not perfected, the result of cross-dating methods classified as relative chronology that date can still be considered significant so long as it can be the changes in the cultural remains are multivariate confirmed that the sample is of the same provenance dating methods. The principles of the latter have not as the object, even without a well-designed techni- been fully understood, thus conclusions can be heav- cal direction for cross-dating. There are examples of ily subjective. Among the many methods of dating, tracing the provenance of the samples of deposits the commonly used cultural chronology can provide using sediment micromorphology in the research of various time scales – , culture and cultural pe- the absolute chronology of early pottery.[25] In cur- riod (era) – through cross-dating the chronologies of rent research it is clear that the older the period, the sequence dating and stratigraphy. Using archetypes greater the importance of cross-dating. But no matter in time capsules allows the time scale to be fine-tuned the time period, the only way to obtain a satisfactory to a level comparable to the results of radiocarbon archaeological chronology is to continually devise dating. The definite path to advancing the science of ideal techniques and methods of cross-dating that this dating method is the comprehension and repeat- comply with the principles of cultural chronology ed verification of cultural chronology through the and stratigraphy in order to perfect the chronology relationship between time capsules and stratigraphy. for the site and the region. Archaeological chronology mostly adopts more than There are many methods in archaeological chro- two methods of cross-dating in its practice in order nology, each with its own merits and weaknesses, to compensate for deficiencies in each method. The and one cannot replace another. Even though these historical chronology for archaeology even uses at methods may generally be classified as relative chro- least four or five methods of cross-dating. A precise nology or absolute chronology, no method, with historical chronology relies even more on a dating the exception of historical chronology and den- program based on a close correspondence of cul- drochronology, can produce results that establish tural chronology and radiocarbon dating. Before new a definite absolute chronology or a definite relative methods of dating are discovered, devising stringent chronology. Methods of dating generally classified cross-dating methods may be one way to continu- as absolute chronology are mostly derived from the ally improve accuracy in archaeological chronology.

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Wenwu (Cultural Relics) Editor: Xia Wang Translated by Annie Chan, Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

This article was originally published as “Kaoguxue si ti” 考古年代学四题 in Wenwu (Cultural Relics) No. 9, 2015, pp. 66-74.