Monica's Monthly Message
Monica’s Monthly Message DPS News February 2014 Goodness it doesn’t seem two minutes since the last newsletter but at least we are (currently) back on track with newsletter dates. This, however, does not leave me with very much to say, so I won’t say much. People Congratulations to Kathryn McDermott for successfully defending her thesis. Nicci Potts gave a talk at ESA’s ESTEC facility during the ‘Science and Challenges of Lunar Sample Return’ Meeting on 19th February. Nicci was the only student to give an oral presentation at this international meeting to discuss the future of lunar exploration. Nicci Potts was invited to present a poster on her research at a symposium for undergraduate and masters students at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. The aim was to provide students with insight to what research in planetary sciences looks like and what questions they could find themselves working on in the future, if they wished to follow a PS track. In January, I reported that a team of 16 engineers and scientists from the OU, led by Susanne Schwenzer, was taking part in the Crew 134 activities at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. The Utah team is happy to report that the samples are back and they will start opening containers and retrieving data from the data loggers next month. In last month’s newsletter, one team member was accidentally left out, so here is the full team list: Jessica Barnes, Bruce Charlier, Monica Grady, Chris Hall, Mohit Melwani Daswani, Andrew Morse, Karen Olsson-Francis, Manish Patel, Vic Pearson, Louisa Preston, Judith Pillinger, Susanne Schwenzer, Simon Sheridan, Sarah Sherlock, Beth Steer and Sasha Verchovsky.
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