This document is communicated to Governments for conf< jntial information in view of the fact that it has not yet I en considered by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in

Opiu and Other Dangerous Drugs. fCommunicated to the Council C. 212. M. 140. 1939. xi and the Members of League.] [O.C.S.300 (m).]

Geneva, July 1st, 1939.









No. 1067. — Seizure of 15 kg. 308 gr. of Prepared Opium at San Francisco, on April 11th 1938. Reference : The Government of the United States of America reported on April G.248. M. 146.1938. XI 12th, 1938, that information had been received from Shanghai that [O.C.S.300(f)], page 2 2 . Tsung Pao Yen, who actually supplied the opium seized on the Chaumont, C. 385. M.230.1938. XI was sentenced in Shanghai to imprisonment for eight years and to a [0.c.s.300(j)], fine of 1000 Chinese dollars (900 Swiss gold francs). Tsung appealed page 3. against this sentence, and on January 20th, 1939, when his appeal was O.C.S./Conf. 581(a) heard, the Second Branch of the Kiangsu Court increased his sentence and (6 ). by seven years. He will, therefore, have to serve a total term of fifteen 1281/388(475). years in prison. Report No. 760(6).

No. 1383. — Seizure of 56 kg. 46 gr. of Raw Opium at Hoboken, N.J., December 1938 to January 1939. Reference : The Government of the United States of America reported on June 5th, C. 128. M.80.1939. XI 1939, that the following sentences were imposed in this case : Luigi [O.C.S.300(f)], page 13. Esposito to imprisonment for six years and a fine of $1000 (3100 Swiss gold francs). He is to stand committed until the fine is paid. Frank O.C.S./Conf. 781(a). Visciano was sentenced to imprisonment for four years and a fine of Report No. 811(a). $1000. Also to stand committed until the fine is paid. Salvatore Luisi and Bruno Pozzecco were each sentenced to imprisonment for two years, Pietro Bressen to imprisonment for eighteen months and Giovanni Abba, Giacomo Bucavetz and Antonio Ossich each to one year and one day. Further investigation disclosed that Giovanni Del Gatto, an Italian, was the person who had arranged the shipment on the s.s. Ida and was to take consignment of the opium in New York. Del Gatto and a certain Placido Luisi, also implicated in this case, have not yet been arrested.

No. 1401. — Seizures in the Straits Settlements during December 1938. Reference : Among the seizures reported as having taken place in December rn1 r8^ a 9'X 1 1938 at Singapore was one of 9 kg. 68 gr. of raw opium. The Government page 20. °f the United Kingdom forwarded on June 17th, 1939, the following further particulars in regard to this case : During the examination of passengers’ luggage at the examination station, one of the examining officers discovered that some eggs contained in a basket were covered with a light coating of cement and removal of the cement coatings revealed wooden eggs each in two halves secured by screws. On unscrewing the two halves, about 75 grammes of raw opium was found in each egg. There were altogether seventy-two eggs in the basket and forty-two of them contained opium. In another basket, 168 eggs were found, 118 of which contained opium hidden in the same way. The owner of the baskets, Cheng Mong Gek, was arrested and stated that, while he was in Hong-Kong, a friend of his had requested him to deliver the two baskets to a Chinese (not known to him) in Singapore and that he was not aware that some of the eggs contained opium. He was acquitted. 3 —


Results Reference Imprisonment Fine

Turkey: C 385.M.230.1938.X I Ibrahim Hakki...... Three years and four £T6832 (16396.80 Swiss ro.C.S.300(j)], pages 5-6, months gold francs). No. 1124. Egypt: C65M.27.1939.XI Result of appeal : ro.C.S.300(ft)], page 12, Gershon Y oselwitz...... Four years each £E800 each (12400Swiss No. 1260. Herman Tamary ...... (instead of two years) gold francs).

Max C a le ff...... Acquittal confirmed.

Page 13, No. 1262. Result of appeal : Ahmed Salman El Sayed Sentence upheld. Shaaban Mahmoud Amer Sentence upheld. Attia Ibrahim Assil .... One year £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs).

Page 13, No. 1263. Sayed Mustafa Ahmed Nada ...... Each to two years £E400 (6200 Swiss gold Mohd. Abdel Hamid 1 francs) each. Shalabi ......

Page 28, No. 1320. Charilaos Fanioudakis . . Fourteen months £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs). Spiro A ntzoulatos...... Two years £E200.

Page 34, No. 1339. Kheiralla Gobran Abboud Two years £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs).

Roumania: C.307.M. 190.1936. XI Onic Melconian ...... [O.C.S.300(a)], page 48. Foti Comorosciuc ...... C.504.M. 316.1936.X I Panait Fotin ...... Each to three months. [O.C.S.300(6)], pages 5-6, Gherasim Caraianis .... No. 232. V. Constantinescu ......

4163. — S.d.N. 795 (F.) 670 (A.) 8/39. Imp. Granchamp, Annemasse. — -1 —




1. R a w O p iu m . 5. Co c a in e . 2. P r e p a r e d O p iu m a n d D r o s s . 6. N a rcotic P il l s . 3. M o r p h in e . 7. In d ia n H e m p D r u g s . 4. H e r o i n . 8. M iscellaneous .

REPORTS ON THE DISCOVERY OF CLANDESTINE MANUFACTURE OF NARCOTIC DRUGS No. 1472. — Discovery at Istanbul on March 7th, 1939, of the Clandestine Manufacture of Drugs. Report communicated by the Turkish Government, April 6th 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 1716 kg. 2. Persons implicated : Armando Sartodi, Italian, who has just 37768/387 served a term of imprisonment in Greece for a similar offence ; Emin Ougour, owner of a goods warehouse ; Doursoun Ali, keeper on a farm at Tchoubouklou ; Hadji Oflounoglou, fisherman ; Hassan Tchetin, motor-driver ; Laz Kassim. 3. The activities of the gang were discovered at the very outset, even before they had been able to begin manufacture. Sartodi returned to Istanbul from Greece and enlisted the co-operation of the others. They had chosen as the scene of their activities an isolated farm, situated in a lonely part of the Upper Bosphorus, at Tchoubouklou, where the laboratory was shortly to be erected and equipped. But just as thirty-six cases containing 1716 kg. of raw opium were being transported on the night of March 7th, 1939, in Hassan’s lorry, the m atter came to the notice of the police. The latter proceeded to make an investigation, which led to the discovery of the secret and the arrest of the entire gang. When questioned, the offenders confessed everything and declared it was their intention to manufacture drugs and export them clandestinely by the little boats which come to buy fish at the port of Istanbul. 4. The offenders have been brought before the competent court.



No. 1473. — Seizures in Hong-Kong during January 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 14th, 1939. Reference : 1 la). Raw opium : 7 kg. 740 gr. (205 taels). O.C.S./Conf. 839. , 1 , T . . , „ , n . n , 4 kg. o34 gr. was of Iranian origin and 3 kg. 212 gr. of Chinese 10051/388(3). origin. 2. There were two arrests. 3. 4 kg. 534 gr. was found concealed among tea and cakes belonging to one of the accused, a passenger from Macao. 3 kg. 212 gr. was found tied round the waist of the other accused, in a street in Victoria. 4. One accused was sentenced to imprisonment for fifteen months and the other to a fine of $850 (765 Swiss gold francs) or imprisonment for six months.

No. 1474. — Seizures in Hong-Kong during March 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 2nd, 1939. Reference : 1 la). Raw opium : 63 kg. 778 gr. (1688 taels). O.C.S./Conf. 883. Prepared opium : 49 kg. 231 gr. (1303 taels). 10051/388(3). 58 kg. 487 gr. of raw opium was of Iranian origin and the rest of Chinese origin. 45 kg. 378 gr. of prepared opium bore the “ Red Lion, Lion and Globe ” label and 911 grammes bore the “ Eagle ” label and came from Kwong-Chow-Wan. 3. 27 kg. 203 gr. of raw opium was found on the sea-front in process of being transferred from a sampan to a motor-car. The car and the sampan with their occupants a b sc o n d e d . — 5 —

Investigations resulted in the seizure of 9 kg. 67 gr. in a house in Victoria, which was a depot for the supply of opium, and 21 kg. 310 gr. of raw opium and 40 kg. 806 gr. of prepared opium were found in a garage in a house in the Tai Hang District, another depot for supply. 2 kg. 418 gr. of raw opium were found in a house in Un Long Market, New Territory ; no one was in the house at the time of the raid. 3 kg. 778 gr. of raw opium was found at the railway station, Ysumati, hidden in a parcel of tea leaves and between quires of paper, in the possession of defendant, who was going to the New Territory by train. 831 grammes of prepared opium was found concealed in three pomeloes carried by the defendant, who was travelling by bus. 4 kg. 572 gr. was found in tins concealed in the framework of a canvas folding camp bed and rolled up in a bamboo mat on the wharf ; the defendant was a passenger from Macao. 1 kg. 889 gr. was found in two baskets concealed under foodstuffs in the possession of two women on the wharf. 1 kg. 133 gr. was found concealed on a woman who was travelling by motor-bus. 4. The accused arrested in connection with the seizure of the opium found on the sea­ front and in the house and garage in Victoria was sentenced to imprisonment for a year and a half. The accused arrested in connection with the seizure of raw opium at Ysumati railway station was sentenced to a fine of 500 dollars (450 Swiss gold francs) or imprisonment for six months. The person arrested with the opium in the pomeloes was sentenced to imprison­ ment for one year and the passenger from Macao was sentenced to a fine of $2000 (1800 Swiss gold francs) or imprisonment for six months. One of the women was fined $2000 or imprison­ ment for one year and the other two were discharged.

No. 1475. — Seizures in China during 1938. Report communicated by the Chinese Government, May 11th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 19119 kg. 108 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 863. Prepared opium : 312 kg. 373 gr. 14177/388(3). Dross : 77 kg. 573 gr. Morphine : 319 grammes. Heroin : 68 kg. 49 gr. Cocaine : 1 kg. 500 gr. Pills : 10 kg. 797 gr. 3. 6444 kg. 998 gr. of raw opium, 134 kg. 341 gr. of prepared opium, 3 kg. 950 gr. of dross, 266 grammes of morphine, 64 kg. 587 gr. of heroin, 1 kg. 500 gr. of cocaine and 728 grammes of pills were seized by the Customs. 156 kg. 6 gr. of raw opium, 230 grammes of prepared opium and 6 kg. 142 gr. of pills were seized at post offices. The Railway Police seized 261 kg. 617 gr. of raw opium, 3 kg. 734 gr. of prepared opium, 2 kg. 156 gr. of dross and 906 grammes of pills. 12254 kg. 487 gr. of raw opium, 174 kg. 68 gr. of prepared opium, 70 kg. 867 gr. of dross, 53 grammes of morphine, 3 kg. 462 gr. of heroin and 2 kg. 991 gr. of pills were seized by the Opium Suppression Supervisory Bureau.

No. 1476. — Seizures by the Chinese Maritime Customs in July, November and December 1938 and in January and February 1939. Report communicated by the Chinese Government, May 8 th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 12 kg. 370 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 854. Prepared opium : 2 kg. 614 gr. 14177/388(2). 5 kg. 350 gr. of raw opium was of Iranian origin ; 900grammes of this quantity also bore the “ Globe ” mark. The prepared opium all came from Macao. 2. Twelve Chinese were arrested. In seven cases there were no arrests. 3. 4 kg. 600 gr. of foreign opium was seized at Szemao on the Yunnan frontier. The accused were attempting to smuggle this opium from Indo-China. 2 kg. 420 gr. was seized at Wei-Hai-Wei, 900 grammes at Wenchow and 4 kg. 450 gr. at Lappa. The prepared opium was all seized at Lappa.

No. 1477. __ Seizures by the Chinese Maritime Customs in February and March 1939. Report communicated by the Chinese Government, June 7th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 8 kg. 700 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 887. Prepared opium : 49 grammes. Chinese medicine containing morphine : 409 grammes. The prepared opium came from Macao. 2 kg. 700 gr. of raw opium was foreign and 6 kg. was native. 3 . 500 grammes of raw foreign opium was found in the pockets of a passenger on the “ Taipang Ferry ” arriving at Schauchung from Taipo, New Territory, Kowloon. The offender disappeared. 2 kg. 200 gr. of foreign raw opium was found concealed in some grass carried by one of the horses of a Chinese caravan crossing the frontier into Yunnan from Indo-China. 6 kg. of native raw opium was seized at Wei-Hai-Wei. 22 grammes of prepared opium was found on a Chinese passing the station at Lappa coming inland from Macao and 27 grammes of prepared opium was found concealed inside a package of old clothing under the seat of a bus coming from Macao to Lappa. The Chinese medicine was found on board the s.s. M ui Hock in the passengers’ quarters. No arrest was made. — 6 —

No. 1478. — Seizures in the French Concession of Shanghai from February 4th-llth, 1939 Report communicated by the French Government, March 31st, 1939 Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 3 kg. 543 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 829. Morphine : 23 grammes. ■26579/388. 2. There were twenty-seven individuals arrested. 3. There were twenty-two cases, all of which are still pending

No. 1479. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on January 7th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th 1939. O.C.S./Conf. 879. 1 (a). Raw opium : 12 kg. 496 gr. (440 oz.). Chinese origin. 13103/388(3) Each packet bore the characters “ Chen Kyi en ”. 3. Three Chinese women, Sung Lien Sz, Zau Lee Sz and Lee Zan Kyih, were seen loitering in a suspicious manner on the Kuikiang Road near the river-front and each, after being searched, was found to have a package of opium concealed under her clothing. They stated that on instructions from Tsang Ching Ting and Tsa Ts they had brought the opium from the Pootung side of the river to deliver it at 247 Fokien Road, where the total quantity of 12 kg. 496 gr. was to be sold for $2800 (2520 Swiss gold francs). Upon reaching the Settlement side, they were met by another female, Tsa Ts Zau Zau, who was to escort them to the Fokien Road address. She, however, made good her escape and evidently warned the inmates of the address in question, as a raid immediately carried out there produced no results. 4. The three women were each sentenced to imprisonment for one year.

No. 1480. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on January 17th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 3 kg. 522 gr. (124 oz.). North China origin. O.C.S./Conf. 879. 3. As a result of observation kept on the activities of persons 13103/388(3). engaged in the transport of opium from opium hongs in the Jessfield village area, which is under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government, Tsang Foo Kwei was arrested by detectives in the possession of the opium in question. Wong Yue Shing, the principal, was walking at a safe distance behind and consequently escaped unobserved. From interrogation of Tsang Foo Kwei, it appears that Wong Yue Shing had purchased the opium from an opium hong in Jessfield village, and Tsang had undertaken to carry it for him into the Settlement on promise of a remuneration of $10 (9 Swiss gold francs). 4. Tsang Foo Kwei was sentenced to imprisonment for three years.

No. 1481. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on January 18th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 54 kg. 528 gr. (1920 oz.). North China O.C.S./Conf. 879. (Tientsin) origin. 13103/388(3). 3. Surveillance over the operations of Chinese engaged in the smuggling of opium along the river-front led to the discovery that a large quantity of the drug had been deposited for safe keeping in a dwelling-house at 49 Yu Y a Ching Road. A raid was immediately made on this house, and a search of an upstairs room revealed three suit-cases containing 54 kg. 528 gr. net and valued at $20000 (18000 Swiss gold francs). The only occupant of the room was a sick woman, but she stated that room No. 228 at the Grand Hôtel, situated on the opposite side of the street, was used as the head­ quarters of the smuggling ring to whom the opium belonged. As a result of a raid on this room, and subsequent observation kept there, Gee Yuin Fah, Zung Siau Keu Ts, Wong Vung Fah, Lee Voong Ming, Tseu Sin Hai, Zee Ah Yoong and Lee Yoong Hwa were arrested. Meanwhile, a watch instituted at 4/49 Yu Ya Ching Road resulted in the arrest of Wong Ning Tsang, Tsu Yuin Kau, Lee Tsung Ysing, Tsu Sin Tsi, Soong Zang Tsing, Wong Sih Dong and Sha Siau Sai Ts. Further investigations led detectives to Room 227 of the Chung Hwa Bank Building, Avenue Edward VII, French Concession, in quest of Dung Ching Sai, leader of the organisation. Unfortunately, however, this man had already fled but Wong Loong Zien, Tseu Yuan Tong, Zung Ah S, Wong Kwei Zung, Tsang Hung Hwa, Woo Zung Tsai and Yu Sih Ling were arrested subsequently on visiting the room. The accused were all remanded in custody for two weeks, during which investigations revealed that they were members of a powerful opium smuggling ring with organised connections in Tientsin and had been operating as such under the leadership of Dung Ching Sai for the previous three m onths. During that period several shipments of opium consigned to Dung had been brought to Shanghai from Tientsin on British-owned coastal vessels. Each ship was boarded by several of the accused while it was still in the river before docking and they unloaded the opium into waiting sampans which then conveyed the cargo up the Soochow Creek and discharged it at a jetty in the Settlement. These operations were supervised by Gee Yuin Fah, who had been functioning as an opium runner on the river-front for a number of years and had acquired a notorious reputation on account of his complicity in various untoward incidents on the Whangpoo River. Wong Loong Zien, though not actually a member of the ring, connived on different occasions at the smuggling of opium on ships tied up to a British-owned wharf where he was employed as a private detective. In the present case, he was arrested while visiting the headquarters of the ring to collect remuneration for services rendered. He wTas found not guilty of being concerned in the smuggling of the opium writh the other accused but it is noteworthy that he was not reinstated in his employment after his release from police custody.

4. Gee Yuin Fah and Tseu Sin Hai wrere both sentenced to imprisonment for five years. Lee Tsung Ysing, Tsu Sin Tsi and Soong Zang Tsing were each sentenced to imprisonment for five years and a fine of $1000 (900 Swiss gold francs). Zung Siau Iveu Ts, Lee Voong Ming, Wong Ning Tsang, Zung Ah S, Wong Kwei Zung, Wong Sih Dong and Sha Siau Sai Ts were each sentenced to imprisonment for three years. The other accused w'ere given sentences ranging from six months to one year four months. Wrong Loong Zien and Tseu Yuan Tong were found not guilty. Woo Zung Tsai was discharged.

No. 1482. —- Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on January 19th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th,

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 6 kg. 532 gr. (230 oz.). Chinese origin. O.C.S./Conf. 879. In 1-oz. packets bearing an impression of the “ Battleship ” brand 13103/388(3). and an adhesive stamp depicting a battleship. 3. A Chinese detective, posing as a prospective buyer of opium, made several contacts with Van Kung Foh, W'oo Yee Sing, Tsang Yoong Ziang and the female Tseu Tsang Szu, who were knowrn to him as dealers in opium. Finally, he met them in a room of a hotel and produced a bundle of bank-notes purporting to represent the purchase price of the opium under discussion. The party then moved to a room in a lodging-house and meanwhile Tseu Tsang Sz was sent out to fetch the opium, with which she returned to the room shortly afterwards. A police party then entered in response to a given signal and arrested the four accused. It was ascertained that the female had obtained the opium from Tseu Tien Vung at 39/153 Shanhaikwan Road. This man was subsequently arrested and a search of his room revealed a further 28 grammes of opium, a quantity of adhesive stamps depicting a battleship and a chop bearing a Chinese character meaning “ Battleship ”, the impression of which appeared on the packages of opium already seized. Tseu Tien Vung stated he obtained his supplies of opium in bulk from one Tseu An Peng residing in the French Concession and that he made it up in 28-gramme packages ready for sale at his home in Shanhaikwan Road. It was, however, impossible to establish whether there was such a person as Tseu An Peng, as Tseu Tien Vung claimed to be unaware of the location of his address. 4. Van Kung Foh, Woo Vee Sing, Tsang Yong Ziang and Tseu Tsang Sz were each sentenced to imprisonment for one year and six months, while Tseu Tien Vung was sentenced to imprisonment for five years.

No. 1483. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 7th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 6 kg. 191 gr. (218 oz.). Tientsin origin. O.C.S./Conf. 879. 3. A raid wTas made on a room in the Chun Nan Hotel, Avenue 13103/388(3). Edward VII, when Sung Wei, Soong Pao Tsung, Lieu Tsung Yien, Lieu Han Ching and Sung Vung Yoong were arrested and 5 kg. 339 gr. of raw opium was seized. Subsequent investigations led to a further raid on a room of the Ho Shang Lodging-house, French Concession, and here Zung Yoong Sung was arrested and an additional 852 grammes of raw opium was seized. The opium seized belonged to Zung Yoong Sung, who stated that it was part of a consignment of 10 kg. 224 gr. which he had brought to Shanghai from Chingw'antao on a coastal vessel. On his arrival in Shanghai, he sold a portion of the opium. Later, he had got into touch with the other accused, who had agreed to purchase the balance of the opium on the understanding that payment was to be made after they had re-sold the drug at a profit. At the time of their arrest, the other accused were negotiating for the sale of the opium to a police agent. 4. Sung Wei and Sung Vung Yoong were each sentenced to imprisonment for six months ; Soong Pao Tsung, Lieu Tsung Yien and Lieu Han Ching each imprisonment for one year ; Zung Yoong Sung, imprisonment for three years and fined $500 (450 Swiss gold francs). No. 1484. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 18th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 11 kg. 587 gr. (408 oz.). Possibly Dairen O.C.S./Conf. 879. origin. 13103/388(3). 3. Wong Siau Er Tz and Zien Zung Yen were arrested on Connaught Road near Jessfield Road upon being found in possession of the opium in question. They stated that the opium belonged to Wong Ah Nyi, employee of a small gambling-club located in an alley-way off Jessfield Road, beyond Settlement limits — i.e., under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government. It appears that, while gambling in the club, Wong asked them to deliver the opium at another gambling- house in the Sing Kong Li, off Connaught Road, also located in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government. They agreed to do so on promise of payment of $2 (1.80 Swiss gold francs) after delivery had been made. In order, however, to deliver the opium at this address, they had to traverse a municipal road and were consequently intercepted by the Shanghai Municipal Police Search Party. 4. Wong Siau Er Ts and Zien Zung Yen were each sentenced to imprisonment for five years.

No. 1485. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on March 7th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 568 grammes (20 oz.). Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 879. 3. Acting on information received that they were selling opium, 13103/388(3). Zung Ah Ngoh, Sai Sen Yo and Sai Sen Yei (the two latter, Formosans) were arrested on Sinza Road by a detective. Sai Sen Yo produced a packet of raw opium weighing 568 grammes from his pocket on request, and enquiries showed that Zung Ah Ngoh, on behalf of a certain Yang, approached the other two who in turn had obtained the opium from another Formosan named Ou. 4. Zung Ah Ngoh was sentenced by the Chinese Court to imprisonment for eight months. The case against the two Formosans, who appeared before the Japanese Consular Court on March 8th, 1939, has been adjourned sine die.

No. 1486. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on March 12th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 10 kg. 224 gr. (360 oz.). Yunnan origin. O.C.S./Conf. 879. 3. A police search party stopped a hired motor-car on 13103/388(3). Wei-Hai-Wei Road and, on searching it, found fifty packets containing 3 kg. 522 gr. of raw opium. The passengers, Lee Chung Koh, Wong Chung Ching, Loh Yih Tsih and Hoo Vung Dah, were consequently taken into custody. Lee Chung Koh stated that the seized opium comprised part of a total quantity weighing 10 kg. 224 gr. The opium came from Kwenming, Yunnan, wrhence it was despatched to Shanghai through the post in a consignment of medicinal roots. Concealment was effected by enclosing each tin of opium inside the root. To accomplish this, the root was rendered malleable by prolonged immersion in w ater, after which it was flattened out and then wrapped tightly around the tin in such a manner that in nearly every instance the root was restored to its original cylindrical shape. This consignment was cleared at the Chinese General Post Office at Shanghai on March 5th, 1939, by Lee Chung Koh, who produced the relative invoices. The consignment consisted of nineteen bales, which were alternately marked with even and odd numbers, the former indicating the bales in which the opium was concealed. A detective party located the entire consignment in the home of Lee Kyung Koh at 9/455 Hankow Road and seized the balance of the opium in the bales bearing the even numbers, only one of which had thus far been broached. During February and March 1939, Lee Kyung Koh, acting in concert with the other persons arrested, had taken delivery at the local Chinese General Post Office of three separate consignments of medicinal roots including the one seized by the police. Each consignment was addressed to the Merchants’ Lodging-house, rue du Consulat, French Concession, in which Lee Chung Koh was employed as a tea-boy. The consignor, in each instance, was Zau Ts Lee, a former tea-boy of the Merchants’ Lodging-house. Apparently, Zau gave up his job in the Merchants’ Lodging-house and proceeded to Kwenming to give effect to a conspiracy to despatch opium to Shanghai through the post. It seems that the first consignment contained no opium and was sent purely for experimental purposes. The second consignment, however, is believed to have contained as large a quantity of opium as the third consignment and part of it wras sold to Lee Tsze Kyung, brother of Lee Chung Koh. Lee Tsze Kyung was consequently arrested at his home at 162 North Wusih Road, a search of which revealed 1 kg. 591 gr. of the opium in question. All the persons in police custody were members of an opium ring organised by Lee Chung Koh, Wong Chung Ching and the ex-tea-boy, Zau Ts Lee, whose present whereabouts cannot be traced. 4. Lee Chung Koh and Wong Chung Ching were each sentenced to imprisonment for five years, Loh Yih Tsih and Hoo Vung Dah to imprisonment for one year, whilst Lee Tsze Kyung received a term of imprisonment of eight months. — 9 —

No. 1487. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on March 20th, 1939, Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th

Reference : ^ 1 (a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 910 gr. (ô?1^ oz.). North China origin. 3. Ling Chao Sung was arrested in an omnibus in possession of 13103/388(3). four packets of opium. He admitted that he was employed by the Lau Yuen Tsong opium hong, situated in the Sing Kong Lee, off Jessfield Road — i.e., in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government •— to convey opium from this hong to 641 Hankow Road, in the Settlement, and he was on his way to this place with the four packets of opium when he was arrested. A raid carried out at 641 Hankow Road resulted in the arrest of Siau Kyung Sung and Zung Tsang Doo, both of whom admitted being employees of the opium hong in question. They took delivery of supplies of opium brought by Ling and in turn forwarded the same to a distributing centre at 344 Kiangse Road for eventual sale to Chinese in the Settlement. It was learnt that this distributing centre was operated by a partner of the opium hong named Yao Kyi Sung who, however, had already absconded before the police had a chance to raid the place. The accused disclosed that the other partners of the opium hong were Zung Tsoong Yih (brother of Zung Tsoong Doo) and Zung Zee Tsang and observation is being maintained in different parts of the Settlement with a view to effecting their arrest. 4. Owing to their youth, Ling Chao Sung and Zung Tsoong Doo were both found not guilty but were sent to a reformatory for ten months. Siau Kyung Sung was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and six months.

No. 1488. — Seizure at Abu Suer, Egypt, on February 21st, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 4th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 706 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 841. 2 . Persons implicated : Eid Salem Salama ; Farag Salmin Rasheed.

37709/387. 3 On February 17th, 1939, a confidant went to Abu Suer to approach Salama in the hope of arresting him en flagrant délit. The confidant arranged with Salama that delivery should take place at a certain coffee-shop in Abu Suer on February 21st. Consequently, a Bureau squad proceeded to Abu Suer on the morning of the 21st. The squad waited near by to watch the situation and effect the arrest when the signal was given. The confidant and a constable met the trafficker and Rasheed, who turned out to be Salama’s partner at the café. The two traffickers then parted from the other two and proceeded to their hiding-place in the desert and, a few minutes later, they returned to the confidant and the constable, carrying a quantity of opium which they estimated to be 625 grammes and for which they asked a sum of 186 Swiss gold francs. They promised to bring a further quantity in the afternoon. They were then arrested and the opium, the amount of which was found to be 706 grammes, seized. 4. Salama was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs) and Rasheed to imprisonment for two years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1489. — Illicit Traffic by Sailors employed by the Coastguards Administration at Alexandria in December 1938. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 25th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 500 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 8 6 6 . Heroin : 100 grammes. 38085/387. 2. Persons implicated : Abdel Aziz Mustafa Hanako, Rab Rayes Abdel Maksud Ramadan, Sayed Ahmed Abou El Nour, Tewfik Badawi Neguib, El Sayed Yacout Ismail, Abdel Raouf Moawad Ibrahim and others, all sailors in the Coastguards Administration. 3. About the end of December 1938, the Alexandria Branch of the Bureau learnt that some of the sailors employed by the Coastguards Administration in Alexandria Harbour were smuggling large quantities of drugs. A meeting was arranged at the house of the informer and Sayed Ahmed Abou El Nour, Tewfik Badawi Neguib, El Sayed Yacout Ismail and Abdel Raouf Moawad Ibrahim were present. Officers were in an adjoining room and overheard these individuals planning a deal. They agreed that the informer should lower the drugs from the ship’s side in Alexandria Harbour and that the sailors would take it in the Coast­ guards’ boat and smuggle it through the Customs Gate. They were not able, however, to put their plan into practice as a new system was devised at the time whereby all sailors of the Coastguards Administration were searched on landing at the Arsenal Quay. A few days later, the informer was approached by a sailor named Abdel Latif Mashali, who offered to smuggle through the Customs Gate a quantity of heroin and opium, provided it was handed to him after he had landed and been searched. He was therefore stopped when going through the Customs Gate and on being searched was found to be in the possession of the opium and — 10 — heroin in question. Abdel Aziz Mustafa Hanako was then arrested and made a full confession implicating Rab Rayes Abdel Maksud Ramadan as one of the ringleaders. These two were placed in the same cell in which officers were hiding and in their conversation a number of interesting revelations were made. They were brought before the Director General of the Coastguards the next day and Rab Rayes Abdel Maksud Ramadan made a full confession. He gave the names of forty-six Coastguardsmen who had been regularly smuggling drugs and indicated the quantities smuggled and the amounts of cash received as well as the names of the people in town who had received the drugs. The method used to smuggle the drugs was the one mentioned by the confidant except that in some cases the drugs, instead of being smuggled through the Customs Gate, were taken to two places in the harbour where they were hidden and then removed by associates in cars belonging to the Coastguards Administration. The accused, forty-eight in number, were tried by a district court martial. Forty-two of them were found guilty and were sentenced as follows : Ten to imprisonment for two years and 20 lashes ; seven to three years and 30 lashes ; four to four years and 30 lashes ; three to three years and 50 lashes ; two to four years and 20 lashes ; two to 4% years ; two to two years ; two to one year and 20 lashes ; two to one year and 10 lashes ; one to three years and 10 lashes ; one to 2% years and 50 lashes ; one to two years and 30 lashes ; one to two years and 15 lashes ; and one to 1 % years and 30 lashes. These individuals were all reduced to the ranks and discharged from His Egyptian Majesty’s service. Three were reduced to the ranks and discharged and six were acquitted, but discharged from His Egyptian Majesty’s service.

No. 1490. — Seizure at Cairo, December 22nd, 1938. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo. April 5th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 4 kg. 341 gr. Turkish and Iranian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 844. v / r & 6 6 2. Persons implicated : Abdel Mohsen Ismail Issa ; Salman Omar 37751/387. Salman. 3. The two accused were receiving drugs from Alexandria and Port Said. Accordingly, arrangements were made to arrest them en flagrant délit and two confidants of the Bureau were detailed to approach them with a view to purchasing a quantity of narcotic drugs. A transaction was completed for the sale of 3 kg. 750 gr. and 312 grammes of hashish and it was agreed that the delivery should take place on December 22nd, 1938. A force of the C.N.I.B. was detailed to wait near the house, and, at 6.30 p.m., one of the confi­ dants informed the force that the traffickers were all present in the house and that they had brought the drugs. The force then entered and arrested the traffickers in the act of weighing the drugs. 4. The accused were sentenced to imprisonment for four years and a fine of £E800 (12400 Swiss gold francs) each.

No. 1491. — Seizure at Cairo on March 11th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 6 th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 2 kg. 164 gr. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 891. 2. Person implicated : Abdel Aziz Hussein Abdulla. 38393/387. 3. The accused was arrested, as a result of information received, at Cairo railway station with the opium in his possession. 4. The accused was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1492. — Seizures in Indo-China during the Fourth Quarter of 1938. Report communicated by the French Government, April 26th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 385 kg. O.C.S./Conf. 853. Prepared opium : 22 kg.

27084/388 The seizures were made at the following places : Bach-Hac, Benthuy, Caobang, Haiphong, Hanoi, Hoa-Binh, Hodo, Hungyen, Langson, Laokay, Nind-Chu, Thanh-Hoa, Tourane and Yen-Bay. 2. One hundred and forty-two persons were arrested and one hundred and seven convicted. 4. The sentence of imprisonment ranged from eight days to two years ; fines from 100 to 2000 French francs (12 to 240 Swiss gold francs) and damages from 700.70 to 73920 piastres (840.85 to 88704 Swiss gold francs). — Il —

No. 1493. — Seizure at Morocco on June 27th, 1937. Report communicated by the French Government, June 23rd, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 1 kg. 25 gr. 0 C.S./Conf. 904. _ ...... , o. An individual was arrested on leaving the s.s. Maréchal Lyautey, 38513/388. which he had boarded a few minutes previously while it lay in the harbour of Casablanca. He was searched and found to be carrying the opium in question, but he refused to state the origin. He was tried in the Court of Justice and fined. No. 1494. — Illicit Traffic discovered at Hamburg, Germany, in July and August 1938. Report communicated by the German Government, April 6th, 1939. Reference : 1 la). Opium : 160-180 kg. O.C.S./Conf. 832. Morphine base : 123 kg. 37736/387. 2. Persons implicated : Alexander Vajs, proprietor of a chemical laboratory at Zagreb. Albert Siedenburg, merchant ; Curt Woortmann, merchant ; Walter Arhens, quartermaster, and two other minor accomplices, all of Hamburg. Lee, MacWearne and John Tibus, Americans. 3. The drugs were found in a warehouse shed in the Free Port of Hamburg. They had been enclosed in consignments of camomile, in 104 cases despatched by rail from Yugoslavia to the Free Port. Lee and MacWearne, particulars of whom are not yet available, purchased the whole of the opium and 24 kg. of morphine base for the sum of about 24000 dollars (74400 Swiss gold francs), payment being made to Siedenburg in dollars and French francs. 4 kg. of morphine base was sold in 1936 to Tibus, for RM3000 (3600 Swiss gold francs). Ahrens destroyed about 95 kg. of morphine base before arrest. An official enquiry concerning Vajs has been instituted in Zagreb. The results are not yet available. 4. Siedenburg was sentenced to imprisonment for three years and a fine of RM 17000 (20400 Swiss gold francs) ; Woortmann to one year and six months and a fine ofRM8000 (9600 Swiss gold francs) ; Ahrens to one year and a fine ofRM3000 (3600 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1495. —- Seizure in Vienna on December 24th, 1937. Report communicated by the German Government, April 6th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 306 kg. O.C.S./Conf. 846. 2 . Persons implicated : Albert Meisel, Yugoslav merchant ; 32184/387. Franz Müller, commercial traveller. 3. The opium was in thirty sacks of wheat bran, each containing about 10 kg. They were found in goods wagons at Vienna. 4. Meisel was sentenced to rigorous confinement for ten months, and to sleeping on hard boards once a month as an additional penalty. Müller was acquitted for lack of evidence. No. 1496. — Seizures at Bombay in January and February 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 66 gr. 157 grammes were of Indian O.C.S./Conf. 840. origin and 909 grammes of Iranian origin. 37107/388. 2. Persons implicated : Shahabudin Jepsimian ; Abdul Majid Abdul Wahid ; Ebrahim Mohd. 3. There were two cases, one on January 31st and the other on February 22nd. On January 31st, 157 grammes of Indian opium was seized on the s.s. Takliwa coming from Durban. On February 22nd, 909 grammes of Iranian opium was seized on the s.s. Tairea, also coming from Durban. 4. Shahabudin was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for one month and a fine of Rs.50 (55 Swiss gold francs) or, in default, rigorous imprisonment for two months. The fine was not paid. The other case is pending.1 No. 1497. __ Seizure at Bombay on February 9th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 5th, 1939. Reference : 1 la). Raw opium : 878 grammes (75 tolas). Iranian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 830. Charas : 38 grammes (31/i tolas). 37689/387. 2. Persons implicated : Tofal Ahmed Abdulhamid, fireman on board the s.s. Varela, coming from Busrah via Karachi and Persian Gulf ports. 3 The opium was found on board the vessel in two packets sewn in white cloth without marks. The packets contained twenty-three and twenty-one sticks respectively. Each stick bore a paper label and was wrapped in plain white paper. The accused stated that he bought the drugs at Bushire for Rs.60 (66 Swiss gold francs). 4 The accuSed was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for six weeks and a fine of Rs.50 (55 Swiss gold francs) or, in default, to further rigorous imprisonment for four weeks. The fine was not paid. 1 See case No. 1498 of this document. — 12 —

No. 1498. — Seizure at Bombay on February 22nd, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 1st, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 878 grammes (75 tolas). Iranian Government O.C.S./Conf. 884. monopoly opium. 37107/388. 2. Persons implicated : Abdul Majid Abdul Wahid, Indian dock labourer ; Mahomed Ebrahim, proprietor of the “ Main Gate ” restaurant just outside the docks. 3. Abdul Majid stated that the opium was given to him by Ebrahim to be taken to a W.C. at No. 13, Alexandra Dock, where the s.s. Tairea was berthed, for delivery to a seaman. He also stated that there wras more opium in the room of Mahomed Ebrahim and a search revealed 682 grammes at the restaurant. Ebrahim was arrested. As this amount was seized by the Excise authorities, the necessary report regarding it will be made by that Department. 4. Abdul Majid was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for three months.

No. 1499. — Seizure at Bombay on March 1st, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, May 9th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 937 grammes (2 lb. 1 oz.). Iranian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 862. Two packets containing twenty large and 58% small sticks. Each 37107/388. stick bears the Iranian Government labels. 3. The opium was found in the starboard tunnel of s.s. Varela, berthed in the docks.

No. 1500. — Seizure at Bombay on April 5th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 1st, 1939. Reference^f ^ 1 (a). Raw opium : 796 grammes (68 tolas). Iranian Government monopoly opium. 37107/388. 2 . Person implicated : Fazal Rehman Abdulaziz, Indian fireman on the s.s. Varsova. 3. The accused stated that he purchased the opium from a man who boarded the ship to sell fowls and eggs, with a view to selling the drug to seamen on the African line ships at a profit. He wras arrested near the s.s. Karanja, berthed in the Alexandra Docks, bound for African ports. 4. The accused was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for two months and to a fine of Rs.25 (27.50 Swiss gold francs) or, in default, to a further sentence of rigorous imprisonment for two weeks. The fine was not paid.

No. 1501. — Seizure at Bombay on April 12th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 591 gr. (3 lb. 8 oz.). O.C.S./Conf. 884. . , _ „ n . . , 1Qt- 1 kg. 406 gr. wras Gwalior Government opium and 185 grammes was 37107/388. Iranian stick opium. 3. The opium was found in life-boats on the s.s. Karanja. There was no arrest.

No. 1502. — Seizures in the Madras Presidency during February 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 20th, 1939. Reference :• 1 (a). Raw opium : 509 grammes. Excise opium. 2. Persons implicated : Nazie Ahmed Kalasi ; Munisamy, son of 37107/388. Gowindasamy Pillai of Nagore. 3. 140 grammes was seized in the possession of Nazie Ahmed Kalasi. It had been brought on the s.s. Rohna coming from the Straits Settlements. 369 grammes was seized from Munisamy near Sannamangalam Chowki, on the frontier. 4. Nazie Ahmed Kalasi was fined Rs.30 (33 Swiss gold francs), which he paid. Munisamy was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for three months.

No. 1503. — Seizure at Soerabaya on January 5th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, May 10th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 5 kg. Iranian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 871. 2 . Persons implicated : Jap A Kwan, alias Jap Yuk Seng, and 20070/388. associates. 3. The drug was seized at Soerabaya while two of Jap A Kwan s assistants were carrying it. It had been obtained from firms in Hong-Kong and brought to the Netherlands Indies by seamen of the Java-China-Japan Line. As a result of this seizure, some thirty-five traffickers and their associates in Java have been arrested. The judicial investigation has not yet been completed. — 13 —

No. 1504. — Seizure at Lourenço Marques on January 23rd, 1939. Report communicated by the Portuguese Government, June 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 880 grammes. In two packets weighing 440 O.C.S./Conf. you. grammes each. 38368/387. 3. The opium was discovered in the civil police station, but the owner could not be ascertained. It was presumed, however, that it belonged to an Indian who had been detained there some hours, after being caught in possession of two packets of opium some days earlier. The Indian, who is under arrest, denied that the opium belonged to him.

No. 1505. — Seizures in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in January and February 1939. Report communicated by the Sudan Government, May 22nd, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Opium : 21 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 880. . o. 1 wo individuals were arrested, one of whom was found in the 38217/387. possession of 19 grammes, which he declared he had purchased from a Yamani. It may have been imported through Port Sudan. 4. One of the accused was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and the other to imprisonment for six months.

No. 1506. — Seizure at Kilis, Southern Frontier of Turkey, on February 9th, 1939. Report communicated by the Turkish Government, April 6th, 1939. Reference 1 (a). Raw opium : 74 kg. 400 gr. 2. Persons implicated : Chukru Eundju, owner of a café at Kilis ; 37767/387. Izzet Tchakmak, market gardener ; Mahmoud Bekri, market gardener, born at , of Syrian nationality. 3. Customs officials, acting on information received, arrested the three accused suspected of the illicit export of raw opium to . Letters in seized on these individuals confirmed suspicions, while on the premises of one the police discovered the raw opium in question. The accused have been handed over to the local judicial authority.

No. 1507. — Seizure at Douglas, Arizona, January 20th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, April 14th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 136 gr. (40 oz.). Obtained in Mexico. O.C.S./Conf. 842. No marks or labels. 1281/388(538). 2. Person implicated : Carmen Sestito, Mexican. Report No. 823. 3. The opium was taken from Sestito at a point approximately one mile east of Douglas. At the time of the apprehension of Sestito, he was attempting to sell the opium to a Customs patrol inspector. Sestito admitted lat he had smuggled the opium into the United States from Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico.

No. 1508. — Seizure at Naco, Arizona, on February 24th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, June 24th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Raw opium : 11 kg. 135 gr. (24y2 lb.). O.C.S./Conf. 916. 2. Person implicated : José Sandoval Pina. 1281/388(550). 3. Acting on information, Customs inspectors stopped Pina near Report No. 834. Naco and found the opium in a suit-case in the automobile he was driving. 4. The case is pending.

Note. — Seizures of raw opium were also made in connection with the following cases which included seizures of other drugs and which have been summarised under the appropriate headings : Case No. 1472 under Part II A. Cases Nos. 1511-1514, under “ Prepared Opium Cases Nos. 1548-1550, 1553 and 1560, under “ Indian Hemp

Q u a n t i t i e s o f R a w O p i u m s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

1937 1938 1939 307 kg. 25 gr. 19569 kg. 764 gr. 2028 kg. 418 gr. not including 160-180 kg. seized at Hamburg (see case No. 1494) 14 —


Nq. 1509. — Seizure at Fremantle, Western Australia, on January 15th, 1939. Report communicated by the Australian Government, March 30th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 625 grammes. Probably from Straits O.C.S./Conf. 858. Settlements. Representation of Lion and Globe embossed on top, 37937/387 bottom and one side of each container with foreign characters (probably Chinese) near lion’s head. 3. The attention of the Customs watchman was drawn to a piece of spun yarn hanging from one of the wash ports of the m.v. Gorgon. The officer hauled up the yarn and drew out of the water a parcel containing eleven 2-oz. tins of opium which had been wrapped in paper and tied with string.

No. 1510. — Seizures in Hong-Kong during April 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 10th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 2 kg. 665 gr. (97 taels). 2 kg. 645 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 8 8 8 . came from Macao and the rest from Indo-China.

10051/388(3). 2. There was one arrest.

3. 2 kg. 645 gr. was found in a basket concealed by a covering of dried vegetables, carried by a passenger from Macao. 1 kg. 20 gr. was found in a locked cubicle. The owner of the house was out at the time of the raid.

4. The passenger from Macao estreated bail of $1000 (900 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1511. — Seizures in the Straits Settlements during January 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 13th, 1939.

Singapore Penang Malacca 1 (a). Prepared opium Reference : O.C.S./Conf. 845. 2 kg. 346 gr. 13 kg. 142 gr. 11 grammes (62.11 tahils) (347.82 tahils) (0.28 tahil) 15391/388(3). Dross : 1 kg. 81 gr. 76 grammes 11 grammes (28.61 tahils) (2 tahils) (0.29 tahil)

Raw opium : 219 grammes 64 grammes (5.80 tahils) (1.7 tahils) 13 kg. Ill gr. of prepared opium bore the Red Lion ” mark.

3. 1 kg. 133 gr. of prepared opium was seized from a Chinese in Singapore. 2 kg. 645 gr. of prepared opium was seized on board the m.v. Hai Lee coming from China. This quantity was found in tins scattered in tank No. 5 under hatch No. 3. It was probably part of a consignment of 5 kg. 290 gr., 2 kg. 645 gr. of which was found at Penang in the sounding pipe of the same tank on October 27th, 1938.1 Some time after the latter seizure was effected, the ship was dry-docked, when this tank was tested by pouring water down the sounding pipe. This action probably dislodged from the sounding pipe the consignment found in the tank on January 9th, 1939. 10 kg. 466 gr. of prepared opium was found inside a ventilator on the first-class deck of the m.v. Van Heutsz. Inside the ventilator was a specially fitted wooden ledge on which the opium had been placed.

4. The Chinese arrested in Singapore was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for eleven months. He was recommended for deportation.

1 See document C.128.M.80.1939.X1 [O.G.S.300(/)], page 16, No. 1392. — 15 —

No. 1512. Seizures in the Straits Settlements during February 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United K i n g d o m . June 17th, 1939.

Singapore Penang Malacca Labuan Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : O.C.S./Conf. 895. 30 kg. 181 gr. 590 grammes 53 grammes 131 grammes 15391/388(5). (742.42 tahils) (15.62 tahils) (1.41 tahils) (3.46 tahils)

Dross 1 kg. 130 gr. 104 grammes 49 grammes 8 grammes (29.90 tahils) (2.83 tahils) (1.29 tahils) (2.10 tahils) Raw opium 794 grammes 387 grammes (21 tahils) (10.24 tahils) 794 grammes of raw opium were of Iranian origin, 25 kg. 982 gr. of prepared opium bore the “ Red Lion ” label. 378 grammes bore the “ Flower Rrand " label and 1 kg. 607 gr. bore the “ Dragon Brand ” label. 2. Three Chinese were arrested at Singapore. 3. 18 kg. 144 gr. of prepared opium was seized during a routine search on board the s.s. Van Heutsz which had arrived from China ports. The seal on the door of the for’ard lifebelt locker, main deck, was found to be broken and, after removing all the lifebelts, two sacks containing prepared opium were found in a recess at the back of the locker. No arrests were made. 7 kg. 838 gr. of prepared opium was found hidden in the mushroom ventilator on board the m.v. Cremer, on the main deck. In a canvas awning on the same deck, 945 grammes of dross was found. There was no arrest in this case. 1 kg. 607 gr. of prepared opium was recovered from the sea after it had been thrown overboard by a cargo-boat coolie, who was arrested. 378 grammes of prepared opium was found concealed on the person of a hatch coolie on board the s.s. G.-G. Pasquier. 794 grammes of raw opium was found concealed on a cassab on board the s.s. Sepia, at anchor at Victoria Dock. The remaining seizures were of quantities under 378 grammes. 4. One Chinese was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for five months, one to nine months and the third to twelve months. Banishment proceedings are being taken against all three of them.

No. 1513. — Seizures in the Straits Settlements during March 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, May 30th and June 13th, 1939.

Singapore Penang Malacca Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : O.C.S./Conf. 881 and 889. 69 kg. 832 gr. 163 grammes 89 grammes (1847.96 tahils) (4.32 tahils) (2.36 tahils) 15391/388(3). Dross : 478 grammes 1 kg. 4 gr. 53 grammes (12.63 tahils) (26.58 tahils) (1.41 tahils)

Raw opium : 2 kg. 494 gr. 15 grammes (66 tahils) (0.4 tahil)

3. There were five cases. 756 grammes of prepared opium was found on Kwok Cheung, a Chinese cook on board the s.s. Santhia. This man stated that he had bought the opium in Hong-Kong and intended selling it in Singapore. 10 kg. 50 gr. was found on board the m.v. Hai Hing, which had arrived at Singapore from Hong-Kong and China ports. Two Indian police constables of the Straits Settlements police were on board on their return journey from Hong-Kong, where they had escorted a number of prisoners. Whilst these police constables were washing themselves on the main deck one morning at about 4 a.m., they noticed a Chinese who, climbing on to a group of baskets on the poop deck, examined them and then went away. The police constables decided to examine these baskets, which were of the kind generally used to import salted vegetables. They found a jar and a packing of straw in each basket : one of the jars had been opened and was found to contain tins of chandu. The police constables kept a watch on these baskets until the ship left the quarantine anchorage and arrived at the Singapore Harbour Board Wharf, where they made a report to the Customs authorities. There were altogether seven baskets containing jars of salted olives, but three of these jars were found to contain 10 kg. 50 gr. of “ Red Lion ” chandu. No arrest was possible as, owing to the darkness, the police constables were unable to recognise the Chinese. — 16 —

671 grammes of prepared opium was found concealed in the main bunker and unused starboard boiler of the s.s. G.-G. Maurice Long. 57 kg. 581 gr. of prepared opium was found on board the s.s. Gustav Diederichsen in several bundles of old rubber cloth (the inside lining of motor-tyres). The opium was sewn into long strips of cloth which were wound round a central core somewhat after the manner of cotton on a reel, the whole being covered by an external winding of rubber, nailed to the side of the reels. The importer was a Cantonese named Low Ting. 2 kg. 494 gr. of raw opium was seized on the person of a Chinese woman! 4. Kwok Cheung wras sentenced to imprisonment for eight months and is being recommended for banishment. The Chinese woman was sentenced to simple imprisonment for seven months. Low Ting was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for thirty months. A subsequent appeal was dismissed and he is being recommended for banishment.

No. 1514. —- Seizures in the Straits Settlements during April 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 13th, 1939.

Singapore Penang Malacca Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : O.C.S./Conf. 889. 57 kg. 548 gr. 292 grammes 11 grammes 15391/388(3). (1523.10 tahils) (7.73 tahils) (0.30 tahil) Dross : 457 grammes 50 grammes 5 grammes (12.10 tahils) (1.32 tahils) (0.13 tahil) Raw opium : 3 kg. 778 gr. - - (100 tahils) 6 kg. 45 gr. of prepared opium bore the “ Red Lion ” label and 2 kg. 267 gr. the “ Dragon ” label. 3 kg. 778 gr. of raw opium was of Chinese origin. 2. Three Chinese were arrested. 3. 7 kg. 557 gr. of prepared opium was seized at the Examination Station in a basket belonging to Soh Hock Kim, a passenger arriving on the s.s. Shirala, from China ports. The opium was hidden under brass pots and pans in three paper parcels. The accused admitted that the basket was his but said that, while in Hong-Kong, a friend of his had asked him to take the basket to a lodging-house in Singapore and deliver it to a man unknown to him and that he had no knowledge of the opium in the basket. 3 kg. 778 gr. of raw opium was seized on a Chinese leaving the s.s. Félix Roussel, arriving from Europe. The accused, Ngoh Hui, an ex bumboat-man stated that he had gone on board the vessel to meet a Chinese member of the crew as soon as the vessel arrived and that he was offered $20 to bring the parcels ashore. 27 kg. 53 gr. was found concealed in baggage taken from the s.s. Shirala. A passage-broker (Chinese) who presented the baggage for examination was arrested but acquitted. 19 kg. 43 gr. of prepared opium was seized at the Examination Station. This case is pending. 1 kg. 209 gr. of prepared opium was found concealed in the double panelling of a cabin on the port-side for’ard between decks. No arrest was made. 756 grammes of prepared opium was found in a room on the quay occupied by a Chinese woman, on the top of a small cupboard. 605 grammes of prepared opium was found under the port winch of the s.s. Maurice Long arriving from Saigon and 453 grammes in a cigarette-tin in the ash- pipe of the s.s. G.-G. Pasquier arriving also from Saigon. 4. One Chinese was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for two years and another to rigorous imprisonment for ten months. The Chinese woman was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for seven months.

No. 1515. — Seizure at Hamburg, Germany, on June 4th, 1938. Report communicated by the German Government, April 6th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium 1ji gramme. O.C.S./Conf. 832. 2. Person implicated : Liang Tsou of Canton, stoker on the 37737/387. s.s. Miliskerke. 3. Liang Tsou and several other Chinese were searched when the vessel was leaving the Port of Hamburg and the opium found in the possession of the accused. 4. Liang Tsou was sentenced to imprisonment for two months.

No. 1516. — Seizure at Hamburg on November 27th, 1938. Report communicated by the German Government, April 6th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : % gramme. O.C.S./Conf. 832. 2. Person implicated : Chew Ling Thea, Chinese. 33735/387. 3 The opium was found in the waistcoat of the accused. He stated that he had obtained it for his own use at Amsterdam. 4. The accused was sentenced to imprisonment for two weeks ; deportation orders were issued in respect of him and he was expelled. 17 —

No. 1517. — Seizure at Tandjoengpriok, Netherlands Indies, on March 28th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, June 27th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 95 kg. 260 gr. Mark : “ Lion, Globe O.C.S./Conf. 906. and Serpent ”. ‘20070/388. 2. Persons implicated : A Che ; Chin Seng ; Zu Tsoh Teh, Ching Ling See and Chang Hoa Ding, firemen on board the s.s. Adrastus. 3. The opium was found in twenty-six cans, each holding 100 boxes, in the stern of the vessel, near the casing of the propeller-shaft. It was probably taken on board at Hong- Kong on October 28th, 1938. A Che and Chin Seng, who had taken the opium on board at Hong-Kong and who took their discharge at Singapore on November 20th, 1938, left the drug with the other three accused. On April 1st, 1939, a further 100 boxes of the same brand of prepared opium were found on the Adrastus. 4. The case is pending.

No. 1518. — Seizure at Tarakan, Netherlands Indies, on February 20th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the Netherlands, June 27th, 1939. Reference : ^ 1 (a). Prepared opium : 6 kg. 136 gr. “ Lion, Globe and O.C.S./Conf. 906. Serpent ” mark. 20070/388. 3. Found in 167 boxes in a can in a fisherman's house. He had found the can in the sea.

No. 1519. — Seizure in Macao during January 1939. Report communicated by the Portuguese Government, April 17th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 132 gram m es (3.5 taels). O.C.S./Conf. 848. 0 V . , , * ~ . 1. Person implicated : Lam Pang, Chinese. 591/388(7). 3 There was one seizure. 4. The accused was sentenced to a fine of 30 dollars (27 Swiss gold francs), which he paid.

No. 1520. —- Seizures in Macao in February 1939. Report communicated by the Portuguese Government, May 16th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 57 gram m es (1.5 taels). 2. Persons implicated : Chan Pou and Lou Vai Song, Chinese. 529/388(7). 3 There were two seizures. 4. The accused were each sentenced to a fine of 25 dollars (22.50 Swiss gold francs), which they paid.

No. 1521. — Seizures in Macao during March 1939. Report communicated by the Portuguese Government, June 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 522 grammes (13.8 taels). O.C.S./Conf. 898. 2 . Persons implicated : Chang Tam Hoi, Kan Can Son, Cheoc 529/388(7). Veng, all Chinese. 4. The accused were each sentenced to a fine of $40 (36 Swiss gold francs), which they paid. There were three cases.

No. 1522. — Seizure at Amphur Muang, Lampang, on February 9th, 1939. Report communicated by the Thai Government, April 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 51 kg. 600 gr. (1376 tamlungs). O.C.S./Conf. 836. Person implicated : Nai Boonchoo, Thai.

951/388(6). 3 The opium was contained in fourteen tins and was seized as a result of information received by the authorities. 4. Nai Boonchoo was sentenced to imprisonment for nine months and to a fine of 17544 ticals (24561.60 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1523. __ Seizure at Amphur Pharn, Chiengrai, April 20th, 1939. Report communicated by the Thai Government, June 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 86 kg. 250 gr. (2300 tamlungs). Chieng- O.C.S./Conf. 893. saen origin. 951/388(6). 2. Persons implicated : Nai Sook and others. 3. The opium was seized by the police in twenty-eight tins, as a result of information received. — 18 —

No. 1524. — Seizures in Thailand during the Quarter ending December 1938. Report communicated by the Thai Government, April 19th, 1939.

Port seizures Internal seizures Reference : 1 (a). Prepared 324 kg. 685 gr. (8658 tamlungs 29 hoons). O.C.S./Conf. 852. opium : 5 kg. 925 gr. 951/388(6). (158 tamlungs). Dross : 167 4 kg. 918 gr. (131 tamlungs 15 hoons). gram m es ( 2 tam lung s 4 hoons). Raw opium : 54 kg. 545 gr. (1454 tamlungs 54 hoons).

30 kg. 376 gr. of prepared opium came from Mae Sai ; 23 kg. 588 gr. came from Chiengsaen and 18 kg. 722 gr. from Lampang. 2. The accused were for the most part Fifty-three Thai, seven Chinese, one of Chinese nationality. Haw, one Khamu, one Karen and one Hindu were arrested. In three cases, there were no arrests. 3. There were four cases, the majority There were 2064 cases, 2017 of these of seizures taking place in the River Menam being seizures of minor importance. on steamers coming from Singapore and Ream. One seizure, involving 5 kg. 625 gr. of prepared opium, was made on the m.s. Nibha. The opium was declared in the manifest. It was actually opium of the Indo-Chinese Monopoly accidentally over­ carried in a coastwise steamer which after­ wards proceeded to Thailand. This opium was subsequently returned to the Depart­ ment of Douanes et Régies de l’Indochine. There was no arrest. 4. The maximum fine was 25 ticals In fifteen of the more important cases, (35 Swiss gold francs). sentences of both imprisonment and fine were inflicted. In thirteen cases, a fine only was inflicted. One individual was released because of insufficient evidence. The sen­ tences of imprisonment ranged from fifteen days to one year and the fines from 739.50 to 15569.97 ticals (1023 to 21798 Swiss gold francs). In the less important cases, the maximum term of imprisonment was three months, and the maximum fine 1723.55 ticals (3813 Swiss gold francs).

Note. —• Seizures of prepared opium and dross were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which have been summarised under the appropriate headings : Cases Nos. 1474-1477 and 1492, under “ Raw Opium ”. Case No. 1541, under “ Heroin

Q u a n t i t ie s o f P r e p a r e d O p iu m a n d D r o s s s e iz e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r ia t : Prepared Opium : Dross: 1938 1939 1938 1939 664 kg. 983 gr. 469 kg. 531 gr. 77 kg. 615 gr. 9 kg. 591 gr.


No. 1525. — Seizures in Thailand in June and August 1937, and from February to December 1938. Report communicated by the Thai Government, May 18th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Morphine hydrochloride : 708 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 873. ' r . . . . T , . . ,

Q u a n t i t ie s o f M o r p h i n e s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d to t h e S e c r e t a r ia t :

Morphine Hydrochloride. Morphine Base. 1938 1939 1938 1 kg. 256 gr. 23 grammes 123 kg.


No. 1526. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on January 13th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th,

Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 85 grammes (3 oz.). O.C.S./Conf. 879. ~ ■ - , ■ , o. Acting on information that 520 Haining Road was being used 13103/388(3). as a heroin distributing centre, a police party raided the address and arrested six Chinese upon finding twenty-seven packets of heroin on a table in a room next to the kitchen. Lee Gen Sho was implicated by all the others as the principal and 276 small packets of heroin were found on him. He had rented the room in question from Hsung Hsu Sung, the chief tenant of the house, who, together with Moh Ah Kung, Wong Ah Nyi and the female Yue Wong Sz, assisted him in the sale of the drug to Chinese customers. Customers gave their orders to the Chinese accused through the kitchen window which looked on to the rear alleyway and the latter in turn obtained the necessary supplies of heroin from Lee Gen Sho in an adjoining room. 4. The case against Lee Gen Sho, a Korean, is still pending in the Japanese consular court. Moh Ah Kung was sentenced in the Chinese court to imprisonment for three years and six months, whilst the others were found not guilty and discharged.

No. 1527. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 2nd, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference: 1 (a). Heroin : 547 grammes (191/4 oz.). .C.S./Conf. 879. 3 ^ Chinese detective, posing as a pedlar, got into touch with 13103/388(3). Hsu Tuh Yoong and purchased a small quantity of heroin from him. Immediately upon completion of the transaction, a detective party intervened in response to a given signal and arrested Hsu Tuh Yoong and his younger brother, Hsu Tuh Yau. A search of the room revealed 547 grammes of heroin and 341 grammes of caffeine, together with articles for refining, packing and transporting the heroin. Upon the entry of detectives into the room, Hsu Tuh Yau was engaged in pounding crude heroin. The detective party then arrested Zee Wong Sz, the chief tenant of the house, as she had seriously obstructed the police during negotiations and there appeared to be sufficient evidence against her of aiding and abetting the other to sell heroin. Later, Yuen Hai Sai and Yuen Tong Sz, a woman, were arrested at different intervals, when they called to purchase heroin. The Korean female, I Chi Shuku, was also arrested upon visiting the room, and it transpired that she had supplied Hsu Tuh Yoong with quantities of heroin to the total value of $1500 ( 1350 Swiss gold francs) during the previous two months. It was, however, disclosed that Hsu depended for his supplies of crude heroin base upon Zung Yao Sung, in the French Concession. Enquiries made at his address showed that Zung was a friend or acquaintance of the servants in the house, none of whom, however, seemed able to throw any light on his possible where­ abouts. Apparently, Hsu purchased the crude heroin base from Zung at $70 (63 Swiss gold francs) per ounce and after refining it re-sold it at $80 (72 Swiss gold francs) per ounce. Hsu stated that Zung obtained the crude heroin base from Kau Ah Kung, alias Moh Bi Kung, who operated a small heroin factory somewhere in the vicinity of Brenan Road — i.e., in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government. Hsu was closely questioned regarding this factory, but he could give no information as to its possible location, with the result that no action could be taken to suppress it. I Chi Shuku appears to have obtained her supplies of heroin from a male Korean — Kin Sei Kyo—■ whom she met on the street by appointment and whose address was consequently unknown to her. 4. Hsu Tuh Yoong was sentenced in the Chinese court to imprisonment for twelve years, while all the other Chinese accused were found not guilty. The case of I Chi Shuku, a Korean, is still pending in the Japanese consular court. — 20 —

No. 1528. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 4th, 1939, Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th 1939. Terence : 1 (a). Heroin : 99 grammes (3% oz.). 3. Zung Kyih Ding was arrested on Thibet Road Bridge in the 13103/388(3). possession of 99 grammes of heroin. He stated that the drug was given to him by Tsang Sing Woo, who requested him to take it to Tiendong Road, where he (Tsang Sing Woo) would meet him. Efforts were made to arrest Tsang Sing Woo, but without success, and it is not known from where he originally obtained the heroin. 4. Zung Kyih Ding was sentenced to imprisonment for six months.

No. 1529. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 13th and March 1st, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 21 grammes (3/4 oz.). 3. Kin Fo Fu, Yoh Sei Mo and Li Lien Kou, all Koreans, were 13103/388(3). arrested by the police in House 21, Lane 161, Amoy Road, when 113 small packets of heroin were seized. It was learnt that they had rented a room in the house for the purpose of selling the drug, using Chinese as assistants. Kin Keishoku, also a Korean, was arrested by police in 501 Haining Road, wdiere eighteen small packets of heroin were seized. Enquiries showed that he was employed by another Korean, name unknown, to sell heroin to addicts and also conduct heroin-smoking in aground-floor rear room of the premises. 4. The hearings in these cases have been remanded by the Japanese consular court sine die.

No. 1530. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on March 16th, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference ^ 1 (a). Heroin : 710 gram m es (25 oz.). 3. An agent got into touch with Tsang Lien Sung and a series of 13103/388(3). negotiations followed, Tsang Lien Sung agreeing to sell one 25-oz. package of heroin for $2000 (1800 Swiss gold francs). The agent then called at Tsang’s home, whereupon Tsang telephoned and Koo Foh Ziang arrived with the 25-oz. package of heroin. At this moment, detectives intervened and arrested both persons. It was learnt that the heroin had been obtained on credit from Woo Mou Kong, who had agreed to sell the package for $1900 (1710 Swiss gold francs), and he was subsequently arrested in the French Concession with the aid of the French police. It would appear that Woo had also obtained the heroin on credit, the actual owner being Tseu Lien Tsung, residing 65/482 Rue du Marché, who was said to deal in narcotics on a fairly large scale in partnership with Loh Vung Loong, residing at 76 Rue Lemaire. These addresses, which are located in the French Concession, were immediately visited with the aid of the French police, but both individuals had already absconded. 4. Tsang Lien Sung, Koo Foh Ziang and Woo Mou Kong were each sentenced to imprisonment for twelve years.

No. 1531. —- Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on March 31st, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th. 1939. Reference : ^ 1 (a). Heroin : 3 kg. 522 gr. (124 oz.). 3. Acting on information received, detectives carried out a raid 13103/388(3). on a house in the Tsingtao Road, arrested W ong Tien Sung and W ong Sung Sz and seized 3 kg. 522 gr. of heroin and 682 grammes of caffeine in a room rented by them. Investigations showed that the room in question was used by the accused as a hiding-place for heroin and that they also rented another room in House 4 of the same lane, where they engaged in the sale of heroin. Wong Tien Sung implicated Koo Wei Zung ashis partner and sole source of supply, but when this man’s home at 73 Tsingtao Road was visited, it was found that he had absconded, so that the origin of the heroin remains unknow n. 4. Wong Tien Sung was sentenced to life imprisonment, whilst Wong Sung Sz was sentenced to imprisonment for twelve years.

No. 1532. — Seizure at Alexandria on January 19th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 19th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 1.10 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 901. „ i . i• i t, ,• ™ o 2, Person implicated : Ibrahim El Sayed Mahmoud. 38516/387. 3 The accused was suspected of drug trafficking and his house was therefore raided. A struggle with Mahmoud caused a bullet in the revolver belonging to one of the officers to go off and Mahmoud was badly wounded. He was taken at once to hospital, but died on the way. — 21 —

No. 1533. — Seizure at Alexandria on March 18th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 19th, 1939. Reference : ^ 1 (a). Heroin : 140 grammes. Origin unknown. 2. Person implicated : Hassan Ali El Sayed, workman. 38517/387. 3. Hassan was arrested in the vicinity of the s.s. Marco Polo, as he was suspected of carrying drugs. He was sent to the hospital and the heroin in question was found in his rectum. He stated that the drug had been given to him on board the s.s. Marco Polo by two ship-chandlers, who, on being arrested, denied having anything to do with the matter. 4. Hassan was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and a fine of £E300 (4650 Swiss gold francs). The two ship-chandlers were acquitted for lack of evidence.

No. 1534. — Seizure at Alexandria on April 18th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 22nd, 1939.

™ % T o n t. 902. 1 (a). Heroin : 200 grammes. Thought to be of Bulgarian origin. 2. Persons implicated : Abd Rabbo Abdel Meguid Abu El Ela ; 38539/387. Ahmed Metwalli El Mezayen. 3. An informer reported to the Bureau in Cairo that he had got into touch with Abd Rabbo, a drug trafficker of long standing in Alexandria. He was given money to purchase drugs and, on April 6 th, he purchased 100 grammes of heroin from Abd Rabbo and arranged with him to bring two buyers from Cairo on his next visit. On April 17th, the informer sent Abd Rabbo a wire stating that he was coming to Alexandria the next day with two friends, who were, in reality, an officer and a constable of the Cairo City Police. Interviews took place with the traffickers and 200 grammes of heroin were handed over to the officer in return for payment. On April 18th, both the accused were arrested. 4. Abd Rabbo was sentenced to imprisonment for five years and a fine of £E 1000 (15500 Swiss gold francs) and Ahmed Metwalli to imprisonment for three years and a fine of £E600 (9300 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1535. — Seizure at Alexandria on June 1st, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 15th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 200 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 899. 2 . Person implicated : Khamis Abdel Aal, sailor from the Port 38518/387. District of Alexandria City Police. 3. Information having reached the police that the accused had arranged to smuggle a quantity of drugs from the port area, a watch was kept on his movements, with the result that on June 1st he wras arrested as he came out of the Customs’ zone and the heroin in question was found on him. 4. He was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and to twenty lashes. He will be discharged from the police service.

No. 1536. —- Seizure at Cairo on May 7th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 13th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 67 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 892. Persons implicated : Zaki Ibrahim Osman, of Alexandria, 38435/387. and Mohd. Soliman Ishak, a tinsmith of the Army Ordinance Corps, Cairo. 3. A confidant reported to the Bureau that the two accused had asked him to buy 75 grammes of heroin and that he had promised to meet them later in a café with a partner. A constable in plain clothes was instructed to act as the partner. The pseudo buyers came to an agreement with the traffickers for the purchase of the heroin for £E21 (325.50 Swiss gold francs), delivery to take place at the café. Later on, the confidant gave a signal and the traffickers were arrested en flagrant délit. 4. Zaki was sentenced to imprisonment for three years and a fine of £E600 (9300 Swiss gold francs) and Mohd. Soliman to imprisonment for eighteen months and a fine of £E300 (4650 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1537. Seizure at Batavia on February 14th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, May 10th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 148.7 grammes. Origin unknown. O.C.S./Conf. 871. ^ Persons implicated : Oey Ma Kie and five others.

20070/388. 3 . The heroin wras in a sack of djerocks (Indian oranges), w'hich an assistant of Oey Ma Kie was carrying. It was intended for the illicit traffic in West Java. During a search at the residence of Oey Ma Kie, a secret code was found, together with addresses at Singapore, Amoy, Hong-Kong and Shanghai. The case is pending. — 22 —

No. 1538. — Seizure at Batavia on March 12th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, June 27th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 188 grammes. No mark. O.C.S./Conf. 906. n L . „ T . x 1. Persons implicated : Oey Lian (Dian), merchant at Batavia • 20070/388. Oey Tiang Soe, no profession, living at Batavia. 3. The heroin was found on the premises occupied by Oey Lian. who had bought it from Oey Tiang Soe. 4. The case is pending.

No. 1539. — Seizure at Brownsville, Texas, on March 29th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, May 17th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 23 grammes (360 grains). O.C.S./Conf. 872. 2. Person implicated : Henry Stoll, presumably American. 1281/388(543). 3. Stoll delivered the heroin to a Customs agent at a tourist Report No. 829. camp in Brownsville, after he had approached the agent in Matamoros, Mexico, and offered to sell him narcotics. The heroin was concealed in his shoe. 4. Stoll is being held in default of bond awaiting trial.

No. 1540. — Seizure at New Orleans, , between April and December 1938. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, June 12th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 1 kg. 541 gr. (54 oz. 118.5 grains). No marks or O.C.S./Conf. 897. labels. 1281/388(548). 2. Persons implicated : Milton Andry ; Walter Andry ; Thelma Belsom ; Joseph Bonura ;x Vincent Caminita ; Harold Condiff ; Edward Report No. 827. Coyle ; Albert Douchein ; Francis Giardino ; John Vendemio ; Peter Ysasi ; Edwrard Gilbert ; Andrew Grandpre or Gumpre ; Victor Michel ; Roy Montgomery ; Guy Roux ; James Sansone ; Johnny Sansone. 3. Purchases of drugs were made from Bonura in May 1938 and he was arrested in July with six others. After his release on bond in this case, Bonura formed what was believed to have been the largest narcotic distributing organisation then existing in New Orleans. Purchases were made from a number of members of the organisation and on November 25th, 1938, Bonura, Vendemio, Thelma Belsom (among others) were arrested. A search of Thelma Belsom’s apartment resulted in the seizure of 388 grammes of heroin. It was ascertained that Bonura and Vendemio obtained their supply of narcotics from New York, and it has been estimated that they supplied 80% to 90% of the narcotics being distributed in New Orleans at that time. 4. Bonura was sentenced to imprisonment for five years and nineteen years additional imprisonment, suspended ; Vendemio wras sentenced to imprisonment for three years ; Montgomery and Johnny Sansone, to imprisonment for two years ; Giardino, to thirty-four months ; Caminita and Roux, to thirty-three months ; Coyle, to twenty-two months and probation for five years ; Milton Andry, Victor Michel and James Sansone, to twenty-one months ; Grandpre, to twenty months ; Condiff, Douchein and Gilbert, to eighteen months ; Walter Andry, to a suspended sentence of imprisonment for five years ; Thelma Belsom and Peter Ysasi, to probation for five years.

No. 1541. — Illicit Traffic in New York, Chicago and Thomasville between May and August 138. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, May 20th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 1 kg. 842 gr. (64 oz. 370 grains). O.C.S./Conf. 876. Morphine hydrochloride : 229 grammes (8 oz.). 1281/388(544). Dross : 42 grammes (1 oz. 203 grains). 2. Persons implicated : Louis Wallenstein, alias Wallerstein ; Report No. 824. George Miller ; Mae Miller ; Mrs. June Kimmel ; Bee Marks ; Robert Barbalat, alias Barnett ; Grace Barbalat ; and Charles H. Lowry ; all American citizens. 3. On August 15th, 1938, Wallenstein2 was taken into custody at New York in connection with an investigation which had been in progress there for many months. Wallenstein was involved in the mailing of drugs in approximately $1000 lots to individuals in Chicago and in smaller quantities to towns in Georgia. Miller and his wife had already been arrested at Chicago on June 25th, 1938, in possession of 345 grammes of heroin. 1 kg. 442 gr. of heroin and 229 grammes of morphine hydrochloride were found in the apartment occupied

1 See document O.C.294(e), page 146. 2 See documents C.566.M.277.1932.XI [O.C.294(l)], page 17, No. 557, and C.124.M.52. 1933.XI [O.C.294(n)], page 15, No. 672. 23 —

by June Kimmel, where the Millers kept their stocks. About 9 kg. 90 gr. of chemicals used to adulterate the heroin, and implements for weighing and packing the heroin, etc., were also found in this apartment. Bee Marks was also arrested at Chicago with 57 grammes of heroin in her possession. Robert and Grace Barbalat were involved in this investigation when narcotic officers learned that, on June 24th, 1938, George Miller had sent money from Chicago to Barbalat, of Brooklyn, N.Y. A search of Barbalat’s apartment disclosed a small am ount of opium dross and opium-smoking paraphernalia. He is now a fugitive. Lowry was charged with the receipt of approximately 57 grammes of heroin which Wallenstein had sent to him at Thomasville, Georgia, from New York. 4. Wallenstein was sentenced to imprisonment for seven years and a fine of §2000 (6200 Swiss gold francs) ; George Miller to imprisonment for three years ; Mae Miller and Bee Marks to imprisonment for one year and one day. Robert Barbalat is a fugitive, and Lowry was sentenced to imprisonment for two years. The indictment against June Kimmel was dismissed.

Note. — Seizures of^ieroin were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which have been summarised under the appropriate headings : Cases Nos. 1475 and 1489, under “ Raw opium ”,

Q u a n t i t ie s o f H e r o i n s e iz e d as r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r ia t : 1938 1939 71 kg. 532 gr. 5 kg. 952 gr.


1542. — Seizure at Marseilles on April 1st, 1939. Report communicated by the French Government, June 23rd, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 500 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 905. The bottles seized bore the following inscriptions : On the stopper : 38479/387. “ Darmstadteck ” and on the label affixed to each bottle : “ Fabrik E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. Chlorhydrate cocaine Codex, 50 grammes, No. B. Z. 453 — Made in Germany ” , 2. Person implicated : Haim Ganizet, manager of a bar at Marseilles.

3. As a result of information received, the private dwelling of Ganizet was searched and the cocaine found. Ganizet refused to reveal the origin of the cocaine. Investigations are being pursued.

No. 1543. Seizure at Eindhoven on March 14th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, May 10th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Cocaine mixture : 600 grammes (about 4% cocaine). O.C.S./Conf. 870. 2. Persons implicated : Gerardus Antonius van Exel, wholesale 661/388(2). merchant, in Bockel ; Johannes Wilhelmus Hendrikus Maria Verhoeven, merchant, at Eindhoven. 3. The drug was seized on Verhoeven on the public highway at Eindhoven. He had obtained it from Exel, who had given it to him to sell. The case is pending.

No. 1544. Seizure at Oosterhout on April 4th, 1939. Report communicated by the Netherlands Government, May 10th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Cocaine mixture : 55 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 870. Morphine hydrochloride : 100 milligrammes.

661/388(2). 2 Person implicated : Adrianus Maria Jacobus Schenkels, merchant, of Oosterhout. 3. The drug was found in a drawer in Schenkel’s office. He had bought it in Antwerp in March 1939 at the premises of a certain Mertens. The case is pending. — 24 —

No. 1545. — Seizure at New Orleans, Louisiana, between February 1938 and March 1939 Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America" May 20th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Cocaine : 77 grammes (1191 grains). In fourteen bottles O.C.S./Conf. 874. two of which bore the label of “ Becker and Frank Nache, Hamburgo 1281/388(545). while eleven were labelled “ J. D. Riedel, E. de Haen A-G, Berlin One bottle had a label reading “ 113% g. clorhidrato de cocaine ” Report No. 830. the rest of the label being obliterated. 2. Persons implicated : Wiley David, seaman, American ; Abdul Mohammed, seaman on the s.s. Cefalu, and Ahmed Smail, former seaman on the same vessel. 3. Investigations into the alleged smuggling of drugs into the port of New Orleans led to the seizure of eight bottles of cocaine from David on February 15th, 1938. On August 23rd, two bottles of cocaine bearing the “ Riedel ” label w’ere purchased from Abdul Mohammed. On the return of the Cefalu on September 6 th, 1938, another bottle of purported cocaine bearing the same label was purchased from Mohammed, but this was found to contain Epsom- salts. On February 20th, 1939, twro bottles of cocaine bearing the Riedel label were purchased from Ahmed Smail, a former seaman on the Cefalu, and, on March 20th, 1939, two more bottles of Riedel cocaine wrere seized, at wdiich time Abdul Mohamed and Ahmed Smail wrere arrested. The Government of the United States brought these seizures to the attention of the German Government, which, on May 13th, and November 7th, 1938, reported the following : Becker and Franck Nache, in Hamburg. The labels are genuine. The seal, howrever, is not the seal of the firm. The firm has never sent cocaine to the United States. A small amount of cocaine, together with other narcotics, was sent to Nicaragua during the year 1935. This was sent in regular order, under date of May 7th, 1935, bill of sufferance No. 1000, to the firm of Rafael Alvarado, R. Granada. No further information is available. That the label of F. D. Riedel-E. de Haen, A.-G. (joint stock company), Berlin-Britz, fonvarded with letter of July 30th, 1938, is genuine. The label bears in the lower right- hand corner the number 8.7854. It concerns a consignment wdiich w-as made in the year 1918 by the Riedel firm. The consignee of the cocaine cannot be ascertained, as the firm has destroyed the bills in the meantime. The other label enclosed with the letter does not appear to be of the Riedel firm. The photostatic copies of the labels of the firm of Riedel forwarded with letter of September 2nd, 1938, are likewise authentic. The labels bear the printed stamp 0876 and relate to a consignment which wras made on December 2nd, 1936, to the firm of Humberto Carrion, Managua, Nicaragua. The consignment consisted of chemi­ cals, w hich besides morphine and codeine, involved also 200 grammes of cocaine hydrochloride under the Spanish designation “ Cocaine clorhidrato purisimo F.G.VI ”, packed in ,ten bottles of 10 grammes each and twenty bottles of 5 grammes each. The exportation of the cocaine was made pursuant to the import permit from Nicaragua, No. 42, dated September 22nd, 1936. The Government of Nicaragua has blocked out the endorsement of the export permit number 2108. Nicaragua is one of the countries which does not return the endorsement with the ratification of the import.

Note. — Seizures of cocaine were also made in connection with the following case, which included seizures of other drugs and which has been summarised under the appropriate heading : Case No. 1475, under “ Raw opium ”,

Q u a n t i t ie s o f C o c a in e s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d to t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 1938 1939 1 kg. 500 gr. 577 grammes, and 655 grammes of cocaine mixture.


No. 1546. — Seizure in the International Settlement, Shanghai, on February 21st, 1939. Report communicated by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, April 28th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Red pills : 142 grammes (5 oz.). O.C.S./Conf. 879. 3. Shu Ching Yoong wras arrested in an omnibus on Great Western 13102/388(3). Road near Edinburgh Road in the possession of 142 grammes of red pills. He stated that he was employed as an assistant in a red-pills den located at 1 Dau An Li, Fah Wha village, off Columbia Road — i.e., in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government. The pills found in his possession were evidently given to him by his master, wrho instructed him to deliver the same to another smoking-den at 54 Zung Zeu Li, off Jessfield Road, also situated in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai City Government. In order to fulfil his mission, he wTas obliged to proceed by way of extra-Settlement roads patrolled by the municipal police. 4. Shu Ching Yoong was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and six months. — 25 —

No. 1547. Seizure at Los Angeles, California, on March 15th, 1939. Report communicatep by the Government of the United States of America, April 14th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Chinese cough pills : 475 grammes (16.72 oz.). O.C.S./Conf. 838. Lai Kum Shek cough pills, containing 0.40% anhydrous morphine. 12.81/388(539). 3. The pills were in the possession of a Chinese arriving from Hong-Kong, but as there was no apparent intent to smuggle the pills, Report No. 825. no recommendation wras made as to his prosecution. The pills wrere confiscated.

Note. Seizures of narcotic pills were also made in connection with the following case, which included seizures of other drugs and which has been summarised under the appropriate headings : Case No. 1475, under “ Raw opium

Q u a n t i t ie s o f N a r c o t ic P il l s s e iz e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r ia t : 1938 1939 10 kg. 797 gr. 617 grammes


No. 1548. — Seizures in Palestine in February 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, April 15th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 486 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 847. Opium : 2 grammes. 34046/388. 2. Persons implicated : Mohd. Kassem el Fakeer, of Syria ; Ibrahim Mohd. Ali, of India ; Musbah Daoid Khalil ; Hussein Shukri Kitmotto ; Abdullah Ahmad Abeyan Mahmoud. 3. There wrere five cases, four concerning hashish and one concerning opium. 26 grammes of hashish was seized from el Fakeer at Haifa ; 60 grammes of hashish was seized from Khalil at Jerusalem ; 0.5 gramme was seized from Kitmotto at Acre and 400 grammes from Mahmoud at Jerusalem. The opium was found on Ali as he wras being searched prior to being detained in prison at Haifa. 4. Ali was sentenced to imprisonment for two months and recommended for deportation. Khalil w'as fined 250 mils and Mahmoud 400 mils. Kitmotto was sentenced to imprisonment for fifteen days, and the case of el Fakeer is pending.

No. 1549. — Seizures in Palestine during March 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, May 9th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 15 kg. 668 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 861. Opium : 3 kg. 813 gr. 34046/388. 2. Persons implicated : Ali Mohammed Abu Ghosh ; Sergeant Braham, British Section of Palestine Police. 3. 3 grammes of hashish and 3 grammes of opium were found in the possession of Ghosh, a prisoner in the Jerusalem prison. The rest of the hashish and opium seized was found in a police tender in a suit-case. Braham was seated in the tender at the time of the seizure. 4. The case of Ghosh is still pending. Braham was sentenced to imprisonment for two months with special treatment.

No. 1550. — Seizures in Palestine during April 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United Kingdom, June 19th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 29 kg. 532 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 896. Opium : 180 grammes. 34046/388. 3 . 23 kg. 300 gr. of hashish were seized by a police patrol in King Feisal Avenue, Jaffa. There was no arrest. 4 kg. 780 gr. was found in a suit-case belonging to Mohammed Ali Harb, during the inspection of baggage in Jaffa port. 1 gramme was found in the house of Hamdallah Sheikh Mahmoud Katanani, at Jaffa, during a police search. 1 kg. 210 gr. of hashish and 180 grammes of opium were seized by a police patrol on duty at Sera Gate, Northern Frontier, in the possession of Mahmoud Askar Mohammed of Cairo. 6 grammes was found by the Customs guard at Ras en Nakoura while searching Malek ibn Mustafa Isfa of Syria. 12.5 grammes was found in Haifa, in the possession of Mustafa Ibrahim Darwish and Mohammed Subhi Kulani during “ snap ” searches. 2.5 grammes was seized during a search of the Shamma quarter, Jerusalem, in the possession of Abdul Latif Abdul Zeid, and 120 grammes w^as seized by the police in a house in Jaffa belonging to Minjeel Ghareeli Barkush. 4. Hamdallah was fined £P1 (15.10 Swiss gold francs). Malek was fined £P1 or imprisonment for ten days. The rest of the cases are pending. — 26 —

No. 1551. — Seizure at Alexandria on December 27th, 1938. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, June 5th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 2 kg. 500 gr. Syrian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 890. 2. Persons implicated : Hassan Fahmi El Saabh ; Hamdi Kheir 38366/387. El Din El Tarabulsi. 3. As a result of information reported to the Bureau by a confidant, the authorities got into touch with the two accused, who were both arrested. A woman accomplice, an Italian subject, was also arrested. El Saabh confessed that he had been dealing in drugs, but Tarabulsi, wrho had been accused by Mohammed Attap in the pseudo­ priests case1 as being the person who had acted as an intermediary between the bogus priests and the baggage-master of the s.s. Marco Polo, denied that he had had any dealings with El Saabh. 4. El Tarabulsi wras sentenced to imprisonment for three years and a fine of £E500 (7750 Swiss gold francs) and El Saabh to imprisonment for two years and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs). The woman was tried by the mixed court and a “ non-lieu ” was pronounced in her favour.

No. 1552. — Seizure at Alexandria on January 21st, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, May 9th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 3 kg. 125 gr. Syrian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 869. 2. Person implicated : Abdel Fadil Abdulla Eissa, a former 38085/387. coastguard. 3. As a result of investigations, Abdel Fadil was arrested on January 21st, and, on being searched, wras found in possession of 1 kg. 250 gr. of hashish. As he wras suspected of having a further quantity of hashish in his house, he was asked to accompany the police there to effect a search ; but, instead of doing so, he took the raiding party to the house of his cousin, Abdel Rehim Abdel Fattah. When this house was searched, 1 kg. 875 gr. of hashish was found. It wras learnt later that a relative of Abdel Fadil, knowing that Abdel Fadil’s house would in all probability be searched, removed the drugs to the house of Abdel Rehim. 4. Abdel Fadil was sentenced to imprisonment for four years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs). Abdel Rehim wras acquitted.

No. 1553. — Seizure at Cairo on March 27th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, May 4th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 2 kg. 269 gr. O.C.S./Conf. 878. Opium : 325 grammes. 38084/387. Origin unknow’n. 2. Persons implicated : Abdel Kader Ibrahim Jarir, of Fakous ; Shaaban Shaaban Ali ; Hassan Mohd. Eid ; Mahmoud Moursi El Halawrani ; Hassan Mohd. Abdel Hadi ; Mohd. Ibrahim Eissawi ; Anissa Kheiralla ; Mohammed Ahmed Khodeir. 3. On March 27th, a confidant reported that Abdel Kader, who had been under police observation for some time, had arrived in Cairo and had met Shaaban, a well-known trafficker, who was a member of the Lambros Yannicos2 gang. Shaaban’s house was therefore raided and Hassan Mohd. Eid and Mahmoud Moursi El Halawani were found there in possession of a small quantity of opium and hashish. The raiding party then wrent to a café w:here Shaaban had gone to meet Abdel Kader. On seeing the officers, Shaaban, together with Hassan Mohd. Abdel Hadi and Mohd. Ibrahim Eissawd, attempted to escape, but they were arrested with a quantity of hashish in their possession. Investigation showed that Halawani was the storekeeper of the drugs belonging to the gang, and on searching the premises occupied by him, a further quantity of hashish was found. The houses occupied by relatives of Shaaban in the Darb El Ahmar District wTere then searched, and Anissa Kheiralla was arrested writh a further quantity of hashish in her possession. 4. Abdel Kader was sentenced to imprisonment for five years and a fine of £E1000 (15500 Swiss gold francs) ; Shaaban was sentenced to imprisonment for four years and a fine of £E800 (12400 Swiss gold francs) ; Mohammed Ahmed Khodeir was sentenced to imprison­ ment for two and a half years and a fine of £E500 (7750 Swiss gold francs) ; El Halawani, Hassan Mohd. Abdel Hadi and Mohd. Ibrahim Eissawi were each sentenced to imprisonment for twro years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs) ; Hassan Mohd. Eid, Anissa Kheiralla and Zanouba Mohd El Nadi were each sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs).

1 See document C.65.M.27.1939.XI [O.C.S.300(*)], page 32, No. 1335. 1 See document C.3.M.3.1934.XI, page 17, No. 1036. — 27 —

No. 1554. — Seizure at Port Said, January 23rd, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 2‘2nd, 1939.

O ^ ^ /C o n f 860 * (a)- Hashish : 595 gram m es. Indian origin. 2. Persons implicated : Babu Lall Topsass and Lall Mean, lascar 37890/387. members of crew of the s.s. Somersetshire. 3. On the arrival of s.s. Somersetshire at Port Said on January 23rd, 1939, detectives were posted on board to watch the crew ; the accused were found to be in possession of the hashish in question and were arrested. 4. The two accused were sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 each (3100 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1555.— Seizure at Port Said, February 13th, 1939, on the s.s. “ City of Kobe ” . Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 16th, 1939.

O ^ s T c o n f 851 * (a)- Hashish : 35 grammes. Presumably of Indian origin. 2. Person implicated : El Said Mohd. Abu Zeid. 37822/387. 3. Zeid boarded the s.s. City of Kobe on its arrival at Port Said and, after having got into touch with the Indian crew, he was seen sliding down a rope. He was followed to his boat and searched by detectives from C.N.I.B. Port Said Branch. A small sample of hashish weighing 35 grammes was found in the boat. Zeid is a well-known smuggler and evidently obtained this small amount as a sample. 4. Zeid was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1556. — Seizure at Port Said in February 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 27th, 1939.

Reference 1 (a). Hashish : 23 grammes. Indian origin. 2. Person implicated : Abdel Alim El Sayed, coal-heaver. 37925/387. 3 g j g a y e(j Was found in possession of the hashish, which he stated he had obtained from an Indian member of the crew of the s.s. City of Birmingham. 4. El Sayed wras sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1557. — Seizure at Port Said on March 16th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 22nd, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 700 grammes. Indian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 864. 2 . Persons implicated : Mokbel Ahmed Munir Eddine and Sultan 37891/387. Ahmed Anwar Ali, members of the crew of the s.s. Mahratta. 3. The accused were arrested by an officer of the Bureau while attempting to sell hashish to an Egyptian bumboatman. Mokbel was found in possession of the hashish in question, which he said had been given to him by Sultan. 4. The two accused were sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs) each.

No. 1558. — Seizure at Port Said on March 22nd, 1939 ex the s.s. “ Markhor Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, May 28th, 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 500 grammes. Presumed to be of Indian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 8 8 6 . 2. Person implicated : Abdu Ibrahim El Dessouki. 38292/387. 3. An officer of the Bureau on duty noticed something being thrown from the s.s. Markhor into a small craft and on approaching the craft saw the accused throw something into the water. When this was picked up, it was found to be a packet containing the hashish in question. 4 . The accused was sentenced to imprisonment for four years and a fine of £E400 (6200 Swiss gold francs). — 28 —

No. 1559. — Seizure at Port Said on April 11th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, April 27th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 120 grammes. Supposed to be of Indian orio-in O.C.S./Conf. 856. n n .. . . . , ,. _ . Z. Persons implicated : A wad Ahmed El Razki and two others 37926/387. of Port Said. 3. The accused had purchased a quantity of hashish from members of the crew' of s.s. Viceroy of India on April 8th, 1939, and El Razki had concealed a quantity of hashish in a condom. He had inserted this in his rectum and was unable to remove it. On April 11th, 1939, he died from poison. Post-mortem examination was held and a quantity of 120 grammes of hashish was found inside the body.

No. 1560. — Seizure at Suez on March 7th, 1939. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, May 14th, 1939. Reference : ^ I (a). Hashish : 977 grammes. Presumed Syrian origin. O.C.S./Conf. 877. Opium : 831 grammes. Presumed Turkish origin. 38137/387. 2. Person implicated : Attitou Ismail Mahmoud. 3. Acting upon information to the effect that Bedouins residing in the vicinity of the Suez Canal bank had reverted to their old smuggling activities, especially in the Shalloufa zone, the C.N.I.B. Suez Branch detailed an agent to watch their movements. On the receipt of a report that these Bedouins intended to smuggle a quantity of drugs to Cairo by Attitou Ismail Mahmoud, who was coming by train from Shalloufa Station to Cairo, necessary steps were taken and this individual was arrested in the possession of the opium and hashish in question. 4. The accused was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and a fine of £E200 (3100 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1561. — Seizure on board the s.s. “ Transilvania ” , November 9th, 1938. Report communicated by the Roumanian Government, May 12th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Hashish : 800 grammes. O.C.S./Conf. 867. 3 Qn November 9th, 1938, while the Transilvania was in port 36930/387. at Alexandria, a suit-case containing 800 grammes of hashish was found on the bridge. As the owner of the suit-case could not be found, the captain of the vessel destroyed the hashish on board by burning it, the usual report having been drawn up and sent to the office of the Inspector of the Roumanian Maritime Service at Constantza.

No. 1562. — Seizure at New York on April 2nd, 1939. Report communicated by the ~ ivernment of the United States of America, June 12th, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Marihuana : 1 kg. 820 gr. (64.07 oz.). O.C.S./Conf. 894. 3. The marihuana was found by the chief officer of the s.s. Orizaba 1281/388(549). on beams in No. 1 hold, when the vessel wras one day out of Havana. The drug was handed over to the Customs agents at New York upon Report No. 833. the arrival of the ship in that port. The ownership of the drug was not ascertained.

No. 1563. — Seizure at Norfolk, Virginia, on March 21st, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, May 1st, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). Marihuana : 32 grammes (492 grains). O.C.S./Conf. 865. 3. Acting on information received to the effect that a quantity 1281/388(541). of marihuana was concealed on board the s.s. Black Condor, Customs officers made a thorough search of the vessel and found the marihuana Report No. 826. concealed in the rope locker on the poop deck. One crew member was suspected of being the owner of the marihuana, but it was not possible to establish his complicity and he was not arrested.

Note. — Seizures of Indian hemp drugs were also made in connection with the following case, which included seizures of other drugs and which has been summarised under the appropriate headings : Case No. 1475, under “ Raw Opium

Q u a n t i t ie s o f I n d ia n H e m p D r u g s e iz e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 1938 1939 H a s h is h ...... 3 kg. 300 gr. 54 kg. 30 gr. M arih u an a...... —- 1 kg. 852 gr. C haras...... — 38grammes — 29 —


No. 1564. — Illicit Traffic by a Doctor in Cairo in 1934. Report communicated by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, May 24th, 1939. Reference : 3. In 1933, the authorities noticed that Dr. Mahmoud Galal O.C.S./ on . o. Eddine Shukri, of Cairo, availing himself of his authority to purchase 38279/387. f°r a hospital in his charge, was ordering narcotic drugs to an inordinate extent. It was decided not to renew his permit for the purchase of narcotics, and the Bureau was asked to watch him. Investigations revealed that he had dealt illicitly in narcotics, and in 1934 he was arrested, a policeman in mufti and a confidand having obtained from him, at the same time, five prescriptions with different dates for morphine ampoules. 4. On January 12th, 1937, Dr. Shukri was sentenced to imprisonment for eighteen months and suspended from practising his profession for a further period of eighteen months following on the term of his imprisonment. The Court of Appeal confirmed this sentence with the exception that the term of imprisonment was reduced to one year. On February 21st, 1938, the Court of Cassation confirmed the sentence of the Court of Appeal, but on April 24th, 1939, the High Medical Council decided that Dr. Shukri should be finally suspended from practising in Egypt.

No. 1565. — Seizure at Chicago on January 4th, 1939. Report communicated by the Government of the United States of America, June 1st, 1939. Reference : 1 (a). So-called cocaine, falsely labelled : 300 grammes. A O.C.S./Conf. 882. non-narcotic substance composed of sodium salicylate (96%), with 1281/388(547). small amounts of vanillin, sodium benzoate and phenol, bearing the label “ Bayer -—- Cocaine Idroclor — G.50 ” . Report No. 832. 2. Persons implicated : Antonio De Muri, American, and Nicola Del Santo, Italian. 3. The purported cocaine was seized from De Muri, who stated that he had purchased the bottles in Italy from Del Santo and smuggled them into the United States concealed in a cotton belt suspended from his shoulders and wrapped round his waist. Enquiries in Italy disclosed that the Bayer labels were false. In 1934, a satchel containing nineteen bottles of purported cocaine similar to those seized in Chicago was found in a baggage-room in a railway station at Vicenza, Italy, and as this was not called for writhin three months it was handed to the police authorities. The labels correspond very nearly with those found on the substance seized in this case. The Vicenza police questioned del Santo, who admitted that he knew De Muri but denied that he had given him any of the purported cocaine. 4. De Muri has not yet been prosecuted. — 30 —


Country Dale Page Country Dale p age Australia : Germany : Fremantle January 15th, 1939. 14 Hamburg June 4th, 1938 ...... ig British Colonies: July and August 1938 11 November 27th, 1938 16 Hong-Kong January 1939 ...... 4 Vienna December 24th, 1937 11 March 1939 ...... 4 April 1939 ...... 14 India : Straits Settlements December 1938 ...... 2 Bombay January and February 1939 January 1939 ...... 14 11 February 1939 ...... 15 February 9th, 1939. 11 March 1939 ...... 15 February 22nd, 1939 12 April 1939 ...... 16 March 1st, 1939 . . . 12 April 5th, 1939 .... 12 Palestine : February 1939 ...... 25 April 12th, 1939 . . 12 March 1939 ...... 25 Madras February 1939 .... 12 April 1939 ...... 25 Netherlands: China : 1938 ...... 5 July, November and Eindhoven March 14th, 1939.... 23 December 1938 ... 5 Oosterhout April 4th, 1939...... 23 January and February 1939 ...... 5 Netherlands Indies: February and March 1939 5 Batavia February 14th, 1939 21 French Concession, March 12th, 1939. . . 22 Shanghai February 4th-llth, Soerabaya January 5th, 1939.. 12 Tandjoengpriok March 28th, 1939. . . 1939 6 17 Tarakan January 1939 ...... International January 7th, 1939 . . 6 17 Settlement, January 13th, 1939.. 19 Portuguese Colonies : Shanghai January 17th, 1939. 6 January 18th, 1939.. 6 Lourenço Marques January 23rd, 1939 13 January 19th, 1939.. 7 Macao January 1939 ...... 17 February 2nd, 1939. . 19 February 1939 17 February 4th, 1939.. 20 March 1939 ...... 17 February 13th, 1939. 20 February 17th, 1939. 7 Roumania : February 18th, 1939. 8 February 21st, 1939. . 24 On board the March 1st, 1939...... 20 Transilvania November 7th, 1938. 28 March 7th, 1939 .... 8 March 12th, 1939 . . . 8 Sudan January and February March 16th, 1939 . . . 20 1939 ...... 13 March 20th, 1939 . .. 9 March 31st, 1939 . . . 20 Thailand : June and August 1937 18 Fourth quarter 1938 . 18 Egypt : February-December Abu Suer February 21st, 1939. 9 1938 18 Alexandria December 27th, 1938. 26 Amphur Muang February 9th, 1939. . 17 December 1938 ...... 9 Amphur Pharn April 20th, 1939___ 17 January 19th, 1939. . 20 January 21st, 1939. . 26 Turkey: March 18th, 1939... 21 April 18th, 1939___ 21 Istanbul March 7th, 1939 ___ 4 June 1st, 1939 ...... 21 Kilis February 9th, 1939.. 13 Cairo In 1934 ...... 29 December 22nd, 1938 10 United States of March 11th, 1939... 10 America : March 27th, 1939___ 26 Brownsville, Texas March 29th, 1939.. 22 May 7th, 1939 ...... 21 Chicago, 111. May-August 1938 . . 22 Port Said January 23rd, 1939. . 27 January 4th, 1939. 29 February 13th, 1939. 27 Douglas, Ariz. January 20th, 1939. 13 February 1939 ...... 27 Hoboken, N.J. December 1938-Janu March 16th, 1939... 27 ary 1939 ...... 2 March 22nd, 1939... 27 Los Angeles, Cal. March 15th, 1939 . . 25 April 11th, 1939___ 28 Naco, Ariz. February 24th, 1939 13 Suez March 7th, 1939 . . . 28 New Orleans, La. April-December 1938 22 February 1938-March : 1939 24 Marseilles April 1st, 1939 ...... 23 New York May-August 1938 22 April 2nd, 1939 28 French Colonies: Norfolk, Virginia March 21st, 1939 28 Indo-China Fourth quarter, 1938 10 San Francisco April 11th, 1938 2 Morocco June 27th, 1937 .... 11 Thomasville May-August 1938 22 QUESTIONNAIRE REFERRING TO PART II

Kind and quantity of drugs ( a ) seized or (b ) involved in the illicit transaction. Origin of drugs. Name of manufacturer of drugs : labels, marks, packing, etc.

Name of consignor, consignee and addressee, or other persons implicated. Forwarding agents and other persons or firms whose names appear in connection with the case.

Additional details.

Legal proceedings and penalties. — 31 —


Name Page Name page Nam e Page Abba, Giovanni ...... 2 Gilbert, Edward ...... 22 Oflounouglou, Hadji ...... 4 Abd Rabbo Abdel Meguid Grandpre, Andrew ...... 22 Ossich, Antonio ...... 2 Abu El Ela ...... 21 Gumpre, A n d re w ...... 22 Ougour, Emin ...... 4 \bdul Majid Abdul Wahid 11, 12 Hadi, Hassan Mohd. Abdel 26 Pina, José Sandoval ...... 13 Abdulla, Abdel Aziz Hussein 10 Hadji Oflounoglou ...... 4 Pozzecco, Bruno ...... 2 Ahmed Metwalli El Mezayen 21 Haim Ganizet ...... 23 Ali, Doursoun ...... 4 Halawani, Mahmoud Moursi Ramadan, Rab Rayes Abdel Ali, Sultan Ahmed Anwar. 24 El ...... 26 Maksud ...... 9 Andry, Milton ...... 22 Hanako, Abdel Aziz Mustafa 9 Andry, W a lte r ...... 22 Hassan Ali El S a y e d 21 Rasheed, Farag Salmin ... 9 Arhens, W a lte r...... 11 Razki, A wad Ahmed El... 28 Roux, G u y ...... 22 Ibrahim, Abdel Raouf Barbalat, G race ...... 22 Moawad ...... 9 Saabh, Hassan Fahmi El.. 26 Barbalat, R obert...... 22 Ishak, Mohd. Soliman .... 21 Barnett, Robert...... 22 Ismail, El Sayed Yacoub.. 9 Salama, Eid Salem ...... 9 Salman Omar Salman .... 10 Bekri, Mahmoud ...... 13 Issa, Abdel Mohsen Ismail. 10 Sansone, Jam es ...... 22 Belsom, T h e lm a ...... 22 Jap A Kwan ...... 12 Sansone, Johnny ...... 22 Bonura, Joseph ...... 22 Santo, Nicola d e l ...... 29 Bressen, P ie tro ...... 2 Jarir, Abdel Kadir Ibrahim 26 Jepsimian, Shalabudin ... 11 Sartodi, Armando ...... 4 Bucavetz, Giacomo ...... 2 Sayed, Abdel Alim El ... . 27 ICalasi, Nazie Ahmed .... 12 Sayed, Hassan Ali E l 21 Carminita, Vincent ...... 22 Schenkels, Adrianus Maria J. 23 Chew Ling Thea ...... 16 Khamis Abdel Aal ...... 21 Kheiralla, Anissa ...... 26 Sestito, Carmen ...... 13 Chukru Eundju ...... 13 Shaaban Shaaban Ali 26 Condiff, Harold ...... 22 Khodeir, Mohammed Ahmed 26 Kimmel, June ...... 22 Shukri, Dr. Mahmoud Galal Coyle, E d w a r d ...... 22 Eddine ...... 29 Laz Kassim ...... 4 Siedenburg, Albert...... 11 David, Wiley ...... 24 Lee ...... 11 Stoll, H e n r y ...... 22 Davis, Wiley ...... 24 Liang Tsou ...... 16 Dessouki, Abdu Ibrahim El 27 Lowry, Charles H ...... 22 Tarabulsi, Hamdi Kheir El Douchein, A lb e r t...... 22 Luisi, Placido ...... 2 Din E l ...... 26 Doursoun, Ali ...... 4 Luisi, Salvatore ...... 2 Tchakmak, Izzet ...... 13 Tchetin, Hassan ...... 4 Tibus, John ...... 11 Ebrahim Mohd...... 11, 12 MacWearne ...... 11 Eddine, Mokbel Ahmed Total Ahmed Abdulhamid. 11 Mahmoud, Attitou Ismail. 28 Tsung Pao Y en ...... 2 Munir ...... 27 Mahmoud, Ibrahim El Sayed 20 Eid, Hassan Mohd...... 26 Marks, Bee ...... 22 Eid Salem S a la m a ...... 9 Meisel, Albert ...... 11 Vajs, Alexander ...... 11 Eissa, Abdel Fadil Abdulla 26 Mertens ...... 23 Vendemio, John ...... 22 Eissawi, Mohd. Ibrahim. . .. 26 Michel, Victor ...... 22 Verhoeven, Johannes Hen- Esposito, Luigi ...... 2 Miller, George ...... 22 drikus Maria ...... 23 Eundju, Chukru ...... 13 Miller, Mae ...... 22 Visciano, Frank ...... 2 Exel, Gerardus Antonius Mohd. Soliman I s h a k 21 van ...... 23 Montgomery, Roy ...... 22 Wallenstein, Louis ...... 22 Millier, Frank ...... 11 Wallerstein, Louis ...... 22 Farag Salmin Rasheed ... 9 Munisamy ...... 12 Woortman, Curt ...... 11 Fazal Rehman Abdulaziz. 12 Muri, Antonio de ...... 29 Ysasi, Peter ...... 22 Ganizet, Haim ...... 23 Neguib, Tewflk Badawi . . . 9 Gatto, Giovanni del ...... 2 Nour, Sayed Ahmed Abou Zaki, Ibrahim Osman .... 21 Giardino, Francis ...... 22 El ...... 9 Zeid, El Said Mohd. Abu . . 27