THE McCanslands of DoDapanie .AND ALLIED FAMILIES



PREFACE The purpose of this little volume is to present to the McCausland descendants a brief, concise story of the origin or the MeCausland family· and. the ancestral history of the Drumnakilly, Donaghanie and allied branches down to the present time. There are m_any other ~~anches, all sprung from a common ancestor back in Scotland, but those the author leaves to the tender mercies of some other family historian.

To the friends whose kind interest and as,sistance have made possible th~s history, the author wishes to express deepest gratitude. Especially is she indebted to Sgt_· R. A. McCausiland · of Donaghanie; . :·. . ,. ,;.-.,;.: . . ~... . Mr. A. Y. Casanovo, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. John S. ·McCausla.nd, """i" ii, 1,' I~\ ,· ·• :,: ' of ·Westboro, Mass.; Mrs. Thos. Hadfield of Dowington, ·Pa~;· ~d:' Miss :· . .. .· ·• Margaret McCausland and Mr. R. C. Young of Philadelphia, "' for the interest they have manifested in the progress of the work, and for thefr valuable assistance, and to Dr. w. G. Reive, 'of Arthur, dntario, who furnished valuable data on the ancestral history of the family. Shenandoah, Iowa. 1911.


C,b.ap. I-The Ancestral Family. Chap. II-The Clan Buchanan. Chap. III-The Drumnakilly McCauslands. Chap. IV-William McCausland of Donaghanle. Chap. V-Tbe Seven Sons. Chap. VI-Third Generation. Chap. VII-Fourth Generation. Chap. VIII-Fifth Generation. Chap. IX-McCauslands of Formass. Chap. X-Ancestral Family of Gen. John McCausland. Chap. XI-McCauslands of Cappagh. (Index by names will be found in back of book.)



The name :McCausland, or ::\iacAus1ane, as it was called in an early day, is not unknown in ancient Scotch- and Irish history. Away back ~ in the days of the Wallace and th-e Bru.ce· the MacAus·lanes lived and . . . flourished on the shores of the :13eauiff~1 ·:Loch Lomond in the· high.. lands of Scotla.nd, and performed the~r-;.uart full well in the bloody con­ flicts of the times. There they were .}i.-nown as the "Clan Buchanan'\ the elder sons being Lairds of Bu~hiµa"n. The story of the Clan is given co:nplete in the next Chap_ter. As early as the reign of King Janies ·1, one of the younger sons of the family emigrated to Ireland, served in the wars, and :finally settled in Tyrone. Most of the McCauslands of Tyrone and London­ derry, however, are descen

8 ~entatives- to Farliament for- more than a cen.tu:rY·; other ....members ~ere noted rectors . and divines; some were soldiers. Catherine McCausland married the Right Honorable Lord Plunkett, at one time Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Many wealthy estates were owned. The family names include most prominently Alexander, Oliver, John, James, and And-rew. Arms: Or, a lion rampant, sable, holding in the dexter paw a sabre . proper, within a double tressure ~ory, counter flory of the second. Crest: A -ha,nd couped, holding a duke's- coronet or cap of maintenance, surrounded by two laurel branches wreathed. 'Motto over: Audaces juvo (I aid the bold). Motto under: Clarior hinc honos (Honor brightens itself). Still another family is the·' Drumnakilly :\lcCauslands. Their his­ tory is giv.en in Chapter III. Authorities: Burke's Commoners- of Great Britain and Ireland, Ed. 1830; Burke's Landed Gentry, Ed. 1878. CHAPTER II


Away back in the year· 1016, when the :Danes·," to avenge the mas­ sacre of Limerick, persecuted .and destroyed'." ;great •rnumbers of the Irish, one Buey Anselan, son of _O'Kyan, King bf l:lster, passed· over to Scotland with a body of followers. They' gave· ·great assistance to Malcolm II in his wars and invasions oi' Northumberland,. and were rewarded by :Malcolm with grants of· land .<>f considerable value,. and a splendid coat of arms. The territo·ry :thus conferred was called the ·'lands of Buchanan'' and Anselan took up ·his abode there as "Buey Anselan. Dominie de Buchanan·•, and his descendants are Lairds of Buchanan. From the younger sons of this line are descended the Buchanans of the present day. Through marriage with an heiress by the name of Denniestown Anselan acquired additional lands, and from time to time other grants• were n1ade to the fan1ily, including, lo. 1225, a grant to Clar Innis, an island in Loch Lomond, which served as a rendezvous for the fighting men of the clan. From this name was derived the war shout of the Buchanans-··c1ar Innis". By rais­ ing this cry half a hundred warriors, with their followers, could be gathered in a few hours' time. The badge or flower of the Clan i& the bilberry. Scarlet, yellow and black predominate in the tartan. The second 1Laird was called .John :\Ie.Auslane. and ~the ·une eon­ tinues until the deatb of .John, the last of the Lairds, in 1682. He left an only daughter. all heiress, who married one of the Campbells, and after his death she sold her inheritance to Sir Humphrey Colqboun. of Luss, her ~-utrrior. :\lost of the McCauslands now settled in the north of Ireland Jare supposed to be descended from the Baron­ lane who went '.':out from the Parish of Luss about the latter period of the reign of King James VI, 1604·1625. One Sir Alexander :\icAuslane, a member of this farnily, acquired distinction at the battle of Beaugue' in Anjou .. Anno 1421, where he is said to haYe slain Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, the brother of King Henry V of England. Tradition has it that for this service the French King awarded the victor a double tressure fle1117 as an augmentation for his Coat of Arms, and a band holding a cap of honor for a crest. The complete Arms and Crest of the Scottish Ma­ Causlands is as follows:

Or, a lion rampant, sable, holding in the dexter paw a sabre proper, within a double tressure fleury, counter fleury of the second. Crest: A hand couped. holding a duke's c-oronet or cap of main­ tenance. 5Urrounded by two laurel branches wreathed. Motto. over: Audaces Juvo (I aid the bold). :Motto tinder: Clarior hinc honos (Honor bri?htens itself). The country possessed by this clan stretches on the north side of Loch Lomond. about :.~1ghteen miles, and the house of Buchanan on jts bank is now th~ mansion of His Grace, the Duke of :Montrose. _lt ~s said to be one of the most beautiful spots in all s~otland. ,, Authori~ies: t"cottish Clans• and Tliiir Tartans: Burke's C<>m­ monf-rs .of Great Eritain and Ireland~ Ed. 1830; Burke's Landed Gentry, E:d. 1878.

. 11 CHAPTER· 1!I


It is impossible to determine the ex.act descent of the DrumnakillY ·McCauslands, but the armorial bearings (A boar's head erased betw. three boars pass-ant, azure. Crest: A boar's head erased, azure) would indicate that the line sprang from Col. Robert McCausland of Drenagh. A later armor used by some members of the family showa a mother pig with litter of young. The origin of this insignia is not known. Dilgent search has failed to reveal the name of the first McCaus·land to whom the Drumnakilly Estate was granted. Be that as it may, the founder of the family was granted, as a reward for b~a;~J"Y;;~ .tll~ -~;ars~7ar. the:~~~~P~~ ot.i--tlle. s~y~_~te:~th_ ~~11tq•~Y,-_ a-)~e i~'a't.-e i~ Ca'J;tp~ Parish... ·.- 'Tf{e Estate included the . of Upper and Lower Cloghfinn, Crackencor, Upper and Lower Drumna­ killy, Feceary, Ballingilly, Recolpagh, Cullycurragh, Fernagh, and Deer Park, and possibly some other lands. Thus the Drumnakilly line was started, and fer many generations tbe family continued very wealthy. Baron's Court, the country seat of the Duke of Abercom

THE LONDONDERRY ARMS was o_ne situated on this estate._ The oid house which once belonged to :C_3:-.1?t .. ~,ce_~µ;~~~~ ·--&-~ll-~~9~i' -~lt~9- tb.p p~~~:.\l~§ ~elf -- put-:. chasea ~Y a stranger farmer. The house is a long, low building, and in an earlier day was covered with lovely vines and creepers, and sur- 1ounded :~Y '-beautiful gardens.

A searcb of the records in the Registry Ofi'.ice at Dublin revealed some interesting documents concerning the Drumnakilly MeCauslands-. The first is. dated 1728. We quote it as follows:.

. -·. -. ··:Memorial of Deeds of Lease.:.and Release, dated 28th and 29th .. \ "" . . ~ ...... ~ ...... 1 ·, ::November, i8, the. ....Lease . ~ade. between Alexander McCausland of , Co. Tyrone,. Est1, ~nd Jobn ~..1.cCausland third son of said ~l~i~Ii:de'i::- l\fcC~~-~1aff4>·~r \h~--~·-o:iie',"part;:. antf :wii1111frn '.""Hamilton . of Calledon in_ sd Co. of Tyrone; clerk Archdeacon or" Armagh and Oliver McCausland of Rush in sd Co. of Tyrone, Esq, of the other part; and the l{.~l~~e being an Indenture Tripartite made between said Alex. McCausland and John McCausland of the first part, the sd Wm. Ham­ ilton and Oliver of the second part, and Jane Sampson of the City of DullJi:µ, widow, one of the Executors• of the Will of Michael --< ~ • Sampson, late of the City of Dublin, E-sq. deceased, and Ann Sampson. qaughter' of ~id: J~e Sampson of the third part witnessing that said .Ale~ .and John,.; McCausland for the considerations in said Deed of Release mentioned have granted, bargained, sold, released and con­ firmed unto said Wm. Hamilton and Oliver McCausland and their heirs; all that and those the towns, lands, messuages and premises following, viz: l.J pper Cloghfinn, Lower Cloghfinn, Crackencor, Upper DrumnakiLey, Lower Drumnakilley, the tuck mill thereon, the half town land of Feccary and the corn mill thereon, the haj_f. tQw.n land of Ballenagelly, Racol:i;ag_h, Cu;Q.ycijrragh,'.Fer-.neagh,>Dee:rp.ark:·and ··all that messuage or tenement where ye said Alexander McCausland now dwells in the tow.n of Omagh, formerly known by the name or names of Lamberts Tenement and John Baird's Tenement, together with that park now in the possession of the said Alexander McCaus­ land, known by the name of Hays Park, all situate lying and being in the Co. of Tyrone, together with all singular the appurtenances there­ unto belonging and the re,·ersion and reversions, remainder and re­ mainders, rents, issue and profits of all singular the said premises, To have and fo'b:oid+the,~,~~l.a.n4s:3:Ud preiµis-es __ with the appµ unto the said William Hamilton and O°Iiver McCausland~. thefr heirs and asisgns forever, Which said deeds of Lease and ReleaSte are witnessed by Richard Den and Redmond Cahan, both of the City of Dublin, Gents, and this, memorial is witnessed by the said Redmond Cahan and Alexander McClintock of the City of Dublin, Gents.

Jane SampsoD.

Registered 7th December, 1728.

18 A g;e1;1eraticn later the· Dr~kill_y . lands again. _appear :n the· following Lease: ~1emorial of Deeds of Lease and Release, dated 10th and 11th of Jan. 176:~·. the Lease being made between Alexander itcCausland of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Esq, son of John McCausland of Omagh, Esq, deceased._ of ~he one _part, and William McCausland of the City of Dub­ lin, Esq, :_~t- the other part, the said deed of rerlease being tripartite made· ·b~f~~een said· Alex.· McCausland of the first part, said Wm. Mc­ Causland of the second part,· and Hector Graham of said City, Esq. of th~. tp.ird part, whereby said. Alex McCausland in consideration of the respective sum of 5s. and 10s. in s-aid deeds mentioned, did bar­ gain, $Ell. con_vey, _assign, relea~e and confirm unto said• Willi~m

McCausland. ·; and his heirs and assigns all that and thos-e the towns· and lands· of Upper c:oughfinn, Lower Cloughfinn, Crackecor, Upper Drumnakilley, Lower Drumnakilley, and the Tuck Mill there~n. the half town land of Feckarry, and the Corn Mill thereon, the half town land of Ballynagelly, Racolpagh, Cullycurragh, Fearnagh, Deerpark,­ and all the messuages or tenements in the town of Omagh, formerly known by the name or names of Lambart's Tenement, and .John Baird's Tenement, together with the pa1k formerly known by the name of John .Hay's Tenement, all situate and being in the Co. of Tyrone, To have and to hold to said Wm. McCausland, his heirs and assigns for· the term of his natural life to the end that he might ge a good and· perfect tenant, Which said Indentures and this Memorial are witnessed by John Barlow and Davys Tuckey, of said city of Dublin, Gents· ... Alexander McCausland. Registered 10th !February, 1763.

And· a few months later the following:. Memorial of Deeds of Lease and ·Relase · dated 10th and 11th July, 1763, made · between Alexa_nder McCausland of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Esq. of the one part and _John Sioce of the City of Dublin, Esq. of the other part, whereby the said' Alexander McCausland in consideration of £ 1000. to him in s•aid release mentioned to· be paid by said John Sioce, d:d by said Deed of Release bargain sell unto sai_d Joh~ Sioce a}l that and those the towns and lands of l}'pper Clogbfinn, LctNer Cloghfinn, Cra.ckecor, Upper Drumnakilly, Lower DrumnakillY, and the Tuck_ mill thereon, etc. . . . to· hold said premises with the appurtenances unto said John Sioce his heirs and· as,signs forever, sub­ ject nevertheless to a provisoe in the said deed of Release mentioned. Which said Deeds and this Memorial are witnessed by John Murtagh, of the City of Dublin, merch, and Joseph Griffith of s.aid City, -Gent . • Alexander McCausland. Registered 11th November, 1763.

14 Comes ,next. Lt.·:-"\.l:~~-~P.4er. McCausland, on matrimony bent.

l\iemorial of an: i~de~ted Deed dated 18th December 1769, and made. between Alex_~~d·er · :McCausland of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Esq, Lieutenant in his :.\laj~sty's 12th Regiment of Dragoons of the first ...... ' part, Eose Saunderson of the Lodge in the Queen's· Col)nty, widow, sole Executrix cf Alex Saunderson, late of the Lodge, Esq, dec'd, and mother and guardian of Henrietta Saunderson, one of the daughters of. the sd. Alex. Saund~~_so:n, said He~ri~tta Saunderson, the daughter, of the second part, John 1LQyd of Gloster, King's Co. Esq, and Hardres•s . . ~· . ·. Loyd of Gloster, Esq, of the third part, and Alex. McClintock and John McCiintoek of Dru·mcar~,; c'o., South, Esq. of the 4th part, Reciting that a marria-ge was th·en· iute-rrded to be shortly solemnized between said Alex. JlcCausland and Henrietta Saunderson. -TerD1s of Settlement- Lands of Upper and Lower Cloghfinn, Crackencor, othe.rwis-e Crackecor, Upper and Lc\\~er Drumnakilly, and the Tuck Mill thereon, etc....

Witnesses: Alexander McCausland. Wm. Hayes, of the City of Dublin, Upholder. Henry Retagh of said City, Gent. Reg'd 18th Dec. 1769.

Nineteen years later comes an indented deed by Margaret, widow of Alexander McCausland of Omagh. This would indicate that the Lt. Alex. :VIcCausland mentioned in the previous, deed had married a sec­ ond Ume, and theretore tallies with the tradition o.f the founding of the Donaghanie family. It is said that after several generations a dis­ pute arose concerning the inheritance of the ~state. The father had married a second time and the second wife secured the estate for her son-s. The alleged rightful, or dis-inherited heirs, lacking _the funds necessary for a law suit, were unable to substantiate their claims, and were obliged to bid farewell to Drumnaldlly and the estate. The disinherited heirs scatt~red :from Drumnakilly. William settled at Donaghanie, Eeragh, and founded the family which is traced in tbe succeeding chapters-.

Memorial :of an- Indented<~~~d,· dated\ _December, 1788, and made 1>.~t:ween Marg. McCal:i&land· of the Clty of Dublin, widow of Alexander McCausland, late of Omagh, Co. ·Tyrone, Esq, deceased, of the first part, George Madden of the same city, Gent, of the second part, and Richard Eaton of Richmond, Co. Dublin, Esq, and Rowley Heyland o-f the City ot Dublin, Gent, of the third part, whereby said Marg. McCausland did grant and assign unto said Rich'd Eaton and Rowley Heyland, all that and those one annunlty yearly rent charge

JI ·ot J;, 109. for. the }it~ p~- ~a~-~ M;arg. ~c.Ca~~4 .Js,ll_i~ · and -p~~~b~ out of all that ··and~those·~tlpper and 'Lo\vef~;;di'Buihtiiiil, Cra.cke'iieor:" Upper and I,.ower DrumnakilJy, the tuck mill, etc. . . . Witnessed py Roger U ctnerall and Wm. Hiandcock of the City of Dublin, Esq.: Marg. McCausland. Reg'd 25th December, 1788. Alexander McCausland grants an annuity: Memorial of an Indenture dated 1st S'ept. 1787, made between Alexander McCausland of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Esq, of the one part a.nd the Rev'd Robt. Heyland, Rector of Colerain, Co. Londonderry,' Clk, and Allen Bellingham of the City of Dublin, Esq, of the other part. Whereby•, s,aitf. McCi.us1anci- did gra,nt" unt:o -said·; -~y(a.µ.d:·,and.':: i:1eiiingi ham one annuity or yearly rent charge of £ 100. to be isuing out of all that and thos,e Upper C1oghf nn, Lower Cloghfinn, Crackecor, Upper Drum.nakilly, etc. . . ., To have and to hold the said annuity in trust for the purposes therein mentioned. Witnessed by Wm. Ball and Geo. Fred'k Winstanly, both of Richmond, Co. Dublin, Esqs. Mem. witnessed by said Wm. Ball and Thomas Henry. Robert Heylan~ Reg'd 3rd November, 1787. The final entry concerns Lt. John McCausland, of Omagh, probably a son of Lt. Alexander and Ma1 garet McCausland.

Memorial of an indented Deed, dated 22nd Sept. 1798 and made between John :McCausland, Esq, Lieutenant- in-· -~he 5th Royal Regiment of Light Dragoon~ of the one. part and .Sani~el -G~lbraith of .. ., . Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Esq, of the other part, whereby said John McCaus- land in consideration cf £ 100. to him paid by said Samuel ,G-albraith did grant, bargain,, sell, release and confirm unto said Galbraith and to his heirs and ass-igns all that and those that part of the town and lands of Drumnakilly, arable pasturej. meadows and bogs_ on the Doce-nan side of the rtver, commonly called Brackey River, neared oii the one side ?Y Donovan, on the other side by the town land of Oree~ nan, and on the other side by the river called Brackey river, situate, lying, and being •in the parish of Termonnaquirk, said Co. of Tyrone: -.. · \ ', with the appurtenances, thereto, To have and to hold the said lands, and premises unto the said Galbraith, his heirs and assigns, forever. Witness€d by the Rev'd. Claudious Crigan;.Qf .N\ewlarid, Qlerk, andj·am·es· . " . - . . ,(...... ~ , .. Galbraith or ;Omagh, Gent, both in Co. Tyrone. Memorial witnessed by said James. Galbraith and Robert Hunter of Omagh in said ·eo .. Gent. · Samuel -Galbraith. Registered 13th December, 1798.

16 ·-5r~rJ;·::i::J1:1e::f r,;,- .:· ·,: r-.. ,. , .: .... ?'. ~· $': ,.· ... -. '.. _:,~

. . ;-:· ' :-'i :, .~. ~1.t-;/!i:i ~\~s.-~ :,; :: •>;~'


Head of the Hom:e of Drumnakilly

Alexander McCausland, head of the house of Drumnakilly of the past generation, mar. Jane Wilsnn of Omagh and had 7 daughters and 2 S'ODS. ·bf this large famiiy-:only two daugh:eI'S are living, The children were Elizabeth _Jane, -A~na Alexandrina, Julia Henrietta, Alex­ ander Oliver Sanderson,: John, Jemima Isabell, Al!cia Lo'lisa, Rosa Jeanette .and Ida Constance~ All were b. at Drumnakilly. Of the three oldest daughters and the son Johl,l, we have no record. The others are given as follows:· .

Alexander Oliver Eanderson McCau·sland, b. 1844, d. l\iarch 12, 1888. Mar. Elizabeth Ro:sina Johnston, who was b. April 21, 1848, and d. Sept. 11,- 1903. .She was the eldest dau. of Capt. Johnston of Ros-elawn, Co. Kildare. No issue.

Jemima Isabell McCauslanC:} mar. Arthur Kelley Evans. Res-ides No. 13 Pembroke Park, Dublin. She is p~e_sent head of the house of Drumnakilly.

Alicia J.iouisa Mc_Cau-sland, b.· Sept. t 18-58. Mar. (1) Haighton Wilkins, and had 3 children by him. After his death she mar. (2) Oct.

1'1 1, 1904, at Dublin, John Calwell, son of John Calwell and Mary McAfee, who was b. June ::;-o, 1848, at Ardoyne, Co. Antrim. He is public ac­ countant and auditor. They reside at 21 Upper Lesson St, Dublin. .Alicia's children were all b. in Guenrsey. Mary Haighton Wilkins and .Alexander Oliver H. Wilkins are dead. Constance H. Wilkins, b. Apr. ,4, 1881, Mar. in London, May._ 1906, Henry Forster.

Rosa Jannette McCausland, b. Sept. 7, 1858, mar. Dr. Thompson of Bath, England, and had 3 childr~n. Mer~yn Thompson is a doctor -0f medicine. Cecil Thompson mar. a Mr. Whittington of Londoo~ Ravesly Arthur Thompson is a student.

Ida Constance McCausland, ma.r. Capt. Gla1Ji,. of the- 17th Regi ment. Died in India. No family.

J.ames McCausland, ev:idently·,-1t,. younger-: son of the ancient Drum• nakilly Hous:e, married Catherin McCausland ( descent unknown). James was a brother of Margaret McCausland who married James McCausland of Donaghanie. James and Catherine raised a family of splendid children, Isabella. Catherine, Margaret, James and Jane, whose histories are given in the following paragraphs:

Isabella McCausland married .Joseph Orr, and had five children. (1) George, unm. (2) Arthur, mar. Eliza Wilson and has 5 children. ·(3) Jchn Wil:iam, mar. and haSi 5 children. (4) Mary Ann, mar . .l<:s€i.;,h Calhoun. (5) Joseph, unm.

Catherine McCausland married Henry Miles, and raised a family of 6 children. (1) :Mary, mar. Charles Stuart and has 6 children. (2) Katherine, mar. Alexander Wa~ker and bas 8 children. (3) James, Elizabeth Macivor and has 9 ch~l

Margaret McCausland married Patrick Hamilton, who was quite wealthy. They had 7 children. (1) Margaret mar. James Duncan and had 7 chEdren. (2) Liza Jane mar. James White and has 1 child. (3) Mary Ann, unm. ( 4) Isabella mar. Robert Rutledge and has 2 chil­ dren. (5) William, unm. (6). Gha~lotte mar. Mr. Todd. (7) Catherine unm.

James McCausland married .Jane McMeans and a houseful of 7 children came to them. The family removed to Christchurch New ' Zealand, where an the children reside today except Mr. and .Mrs. A. earter, whose address is 46 Cawdor Rd. Fallowfield, Manchester, Eng­ land. (1) John, mar. Elizabeth Taylor and raised 6 children. (2) Cath­ erine Ann, unm. (3) Jane. mar. John H~ Perry, and has 8 children.

18 (4) Matilda, mar. Arthur Carter and has 3 children. (5) William C. mar. Mary Wilson. (6) t,'harles Stewart, unm. (7) Lottie mar. Ted Reckards · and ha'S 3 children.

Jane McCausland mar. William Elkins, and family cannot be iocated.



(1) WILLIAl\.1 M'CAUSLAND, a descendant of the Drumnakilly family, settled in Do.naghanie. His father's name is supposed to have been James, but this has not been definitely proven. William was a farmer and weaver. He married a Miss Miller, and to them were born s-even sons. The name of one of these i-s unknown. When in the year 1798 volunteers were asked for, all seven sons enlisted in the Regiment known as the Yeomanry. The seven sons, with their father, fought and defended themselves throughout the troublesome times of '98 against the as•saults of the United Party, and distinguished them­ selves by being one of the only two families in the surroundin.g local­ ity (less one which surrendered the night before they were relieved)· which held out to the last. When the house was attacked, the family stuffed ticks filled with feathers into the windows and returned the fire. On one occasion after a whole night's encounter the family found their store of bullets exhausted while their dwelling was still fired into, and as a last resource, shotguns loaded with hobnails were used so effectually as to scatter their foes•. When the relief party came, they took the rolls of the United Party and burned the houses of all whose names were found therein. The house in which William McCausland then lived still stands, and is in possession of Miss Sarah Jane McCausland, having been willed to her by her father Alexander, nephew of Alexander and William, sons of Wiliam. The children all lived in Donaghanie or vicinity and engaged in fai:"ming and weaving, some of thern later emigrating to America.

(2) Janies,

(3) John, April 4, 1780. (4) Robert,·

(5) Alexander,

(6) William,

(7) George, I other son.


THE· SEVEN SONS OF WILLIAM (2) JAMES M'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland and - Miller. B. Donaghanie. As•sisted his father and six brothers in pro­ tecting the house of McCausland thru the troublesome times of 1798. Mar. Margaret McCausland of Drumnakilly, dau. of James of Drum­ duff. James engaged in farming pursuits. Removed to Benchran, -where he and his wife died. (8) Wil[am Donaghanie (9) Ann " (10) Thomas " ,, Isabella (11) Alexander 182:~- Benchran ,, Catherine 1826 (3) JOHN M'CAUSLAND, son of WiEiam McCausland and - Miller. b. Donaghanie, April 4, 1780. d. Webster, Mass., 1858. As-sist­ ed in protecting the house of McCausland during the Rebellion of '98. Mar. July 30, 181:1, Elizabeth Fenton, wh(.\ was b. July 4, 1794, and d. Jan. 17 ;- 1871. They rerr.oved to this country about 1823, and settled on the banks of the Lake Chargoggaggoggmachauggogoggagunga­ maug, near Webster, Mass. He was a linen draper, rais:ng and !:i•pinning his own flax. Two or three small pieces of the linen he wove in II el?nd are kept as heirlooms by the childi'en oi: llis son, Alex­ ander. He was admitted to citizenship in Worcester Co, ~lass, in 18:~4. He was an ardent Methcdist and d€dkatecl at m:dnight the first M. E. Church in Webster. (12) Jane Aug. 16, 1814. Lonaghanie ,, (1:3) Alexander Feb. 22 1816. ' .Jame;:; Fenton Jan . 26, 1818. " unm, d. Wor~e3tor 3-30-86. (14) · John Mar. 19, 1821. Elizabeth Aug.-, 1824. Webster unm. d. Worcestor 8-22- Mary June 10, 1E26. -unm. d. Worcestor, 1856 (15) Margaret Nov. 5, 1829. Webster Isabelle Asbury Apr. 14, 18~·4. " d. Worcestor 3-17·99.





22 ( 4) ROBERT M'CA USLAND, son of William McCausland and --- Miller·. b. Donagh~nht:. li";011ght· with father and brothers in the Rebellion of ·~)8. Removed to America about i810. Unable to locate family.

(16) Catherine



(17) Jane

Bella Margaret

( 5 l AL~XANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland and --- .M ilkr. B. Donaghanie. Fought with father and brothers in the f:eueilion of '98. Mar. Jenny Scott. Died in early manhood. Was joint lteh'. wj1h lds brother, William, to his father's farm. No children.

(6) WILLIAM M'CAUSLAND' son of William McCausland and... --- Miller. b. Dcnaghanie. Fought with father and brothers in the ' war of '98. Mar.. Jenny Scott, widow of his brother Alexander. Was joint heir_ l;"\"ith bis b1othe.r Alexander, to bis father's farm, whieh was- in turn \-~ilkd to his nerhew, Alexander, son of James. William and Jenny :had ::::lx dau~·hten~ names nnl,ncwn. They removed to America a crntury ago.

, , ) GEO.FlGE 1.,,1 'CA lJ ~LAI~D, of H-iU, son of William McCausland and ---- Miller. He bad three sons. John and Robert removed to Arnerk~-1 a.boiit 1860, and the writer has been unable to locate them_


( 18 l Alexander,


William M cCansla:nd :u,d ---- ).!Ji.1hr hacl o"le other son, whose name mid histcry is unknown. CHAPTER VI


(8) WILLIAl\'.l M'CAUSLAND, son of James, and Margaret Mc­ Caus:and, b. about 1793, near Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland; died 1863,. in l-hil~

\.l.v .I 1v.1.a1 y 1834. (~,.) James- 1836.

(21) M2.r5aret 183&. ., (~~) 1-lc.xander 1840. ( 9 •., ) -0 1842. (-~. Jchn 1842. (25) Anne 1844. Ey se=<~:~d v.ife- I ,, . \ 1 \.- '· J ";~.!i11:~ n 1846. c: 7) :!::J1i2 1847. Eo::c:.t 1853-d. 1911 (2[) I:3abeJ le 1854. Ttcmas 1855. Hugh 1856. (9) ANN ~i'CAUSLAND, dau. of James and Margaret l\ilcCaus­ land, b. near Oma?h, Co. Tyrone. :Mar. (1) Eenry Hall, of Ireland. Mar. (2) Judg-e Mcl\ilinn, of U. S. A. --- Hall. (10) TH01\1AS 1Y.'CAUSLAN-:,, son of James and Margaret Mc-

Mar. Mary McCle:: n. Margaret d. Jane m. James d. Jotn Arville, Omagh. ,, ,,. Elizabeth A!.....E.XAN DER ANO JANE McCAUSLAND (11) ALEXANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of James and Margaret McCausland, b. Benchran, Co. Tyrone. Ireland, Oct. 1823. Married, in Omagh Church, April, 1846, Jane Elkin, dau. of Robert Elkin. He was a farmer, and evidently a man of scholarly attainments, for he was Clerk in Clogherny Paris-h Church at the time of his death, having held that office nearly forty years. He died June 26, 1909, aged 87 years . .Jane died Dec. 30, 1890, aged 70 years. Both are interred in Clogherny Cemetery.

(29) Robert Feb. 1847. Donaghan1e (30) Margaret 1848 " ., (31) James 1850 (32) Mary Ann Alexander Elizabeth Sarah Jane Wil:iam Thomas (33) Isabella 1867 John Hugh

(12) .JANE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of .Tohn McCausland and Eliza­ beth Fenton. b. Aug. 16. 1815, in Donaghanie died .Jan. 17. 1892, in Worcestor, Mass. Mar. April 17, 1850, i.n Webster. Mass, James Apper­ son, a mas-on. who was born .June 24, 1823, and died .June 5, 1862. in Worcestor. Chilciren all born in "\\'orcestor .

.Jane Elizabeth July 27. 1852 d. Eept. 19, 1852

(34) Mary Isabella Aug. 6, 1853

(35) Margaret Estella Jun 19, 1855

(13) ALEXANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of John McCausland and Elizabeth ·Fenton, torn Feb. ~2. 1816, in Donagha.nie. Co. Tyrone,. Ireland; died May 16, 1892, at Neodasha, Kans. He came to tbi,s country with his parents when 7 years old, and settlEd near Webster,. Mas,s; was apprenticed to a shoemaker at Lynne, Mass, whi1e a boy; attended Hollistown Academy, Mas-s; taught school for a time. In 1840 he removed to Morgan (Ashtabula) Co. oh·o, and studied medi­ cine with Dr. Omri Willey. Owing to deUcate health he gave up tbe life of an· M.D. and engaged in the boot and shoe business. While thus engaged he met Sarah Sylphina Howard, dau. of .Joseph Howard and Olive Leonard, who came from Vermont to live with her brother. ALEXANDER W.cCAUSLAND

They were united in marriage Eept_ 1, 1844, at the .. l\fansion House", Morgan Co, Ohio, by Rev. Horace A. Taylor. She was born in Ri~h­ mond, N. H., Aug. 17, 1822, and is• st:11 living .at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. N. Latimer, at Rock Cree~~. Ohio. Alexander was postmaster for some ye2rs and also p1 esident of the Board of Educa­ tion. He gave up busines for a time and engaged in agri-cultural pur­ suits, then removed to Neoda~ha, Kans. in 1880, where he again resumed business as a druggist and continued until his death in 1892. He was a devoted Free l\1ason. and in later years a member of the M. E. Church. Children ~ere all born in Rock Creek, Ohio.

(36) Olive Elizabeth Oct. 5, 1845

.Mary .Jane Mar. 24, 1847 d . 11- 5-1~~2

(37) Sarah Lcuise De{!. 5, 1849

(38) Syli: bina Lncene Dec. 20 1851 ' Jotn Howard Aug. 23, 1853 d. 12- 6-1855

(39) James Fenton Oct. 15, 1856

Harriet Isabelle Nov. 11,1858 d .. 9-12-185~

(40) Eertha Luella Aug. 26, 1863

21 (14) JOHN M'CAU~LAND, son of Joh~ McCausland and Eliza­ beth Fenton, born Co. Tyrone, March 19, 1821; ·qied Aug. 31, 1881. Married in Webster, Mass, July 2, 1853, Mary Ann Raymond, daughter of Orrin Raymo.nd and Betsey Freeman, who was b. Jan. 10, 1833, in Dudley, Mass, and d. Jan. 1889. Eoth buried in Webs•ter. T:il.ey re­ moved from Webster to Ashtabula, Ohio, when young, and engaged in business there for a few years, then moved to Sand Springs, Delaware -CO, Iowa, where the two younger children were born, and t~e three eldest died.

John Webster, d. S.S. Ia.

George " " ,, ,,

,, ,, :,, Mary "

( 41) Sarah .Jane .June 17, 1857 Ohio

Elizabeth May 12, 1862 "

(42) Emma C June 9, 1864 Sand Springs, Ia.

( 43) Charles Raymond ::.Vlch. 2:1, 1866 "

(15) MARGARET M'CAUSLAND, dau. of John McCausland and Elizabeth Fenton, b. Nov. 5, 1829, ,vebster, 1\'.lass·. Married Charles Barnard Haynes, of vVorcEster, who had been married twice before. He was born in Alexandria, N. H., Dec. 7, 1818, and died July 5, 1895, at Worcestor. He was a bouse paintEr by trade. He had two sons by his s€cond wife. Leverett C. HaynEs, of Allstown, ,La., and Frank Haynes of FEchburg. lvlargaret died Jan. 27, 1899, in Worces1tor, Mass. Childr€n all born vVortestor.

( 44) Herbert Webster Jan. 6, 1863.

( 45) Frederick Lincoln Apr. 19, 1864.

( 46) 1Flora Evelyn Dec. 4, 1868.

(16) CATHERINE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Robert McCausland. Mar. in Tyrone, Jchn Lyons.

( 47) William Lyons Donaghanie

(17) JANE M'CAUSLAND dau. of Robert McCausland, b. Don- ' aghanie, Co. T,rron~:· . Came to Canada with her father when she was .a young girl. Mar. --- Graham, an engine driver on the Grand ' Trunk Railway. Ch. unknown.

28 (18) ALEXANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of George McCausland. Mar. and lived at Beragh Hill. Died about 1900 and left no issue.. Widow still lives. CHAPTER VII


(19) MARY M'CAUSlAND, dau. of William McCausland and Elizabeth McNeal, b. March 10, 1834, Co. Tyrone; Mar. July 17, 1854, Philadelphia, James, Young, -son of William and Catherine Young, who wae also born in Co. Tyrone. He came to this country when a young man, and became a Philadelphia policeman. At the time Fox was elected Mayor of Philadelphia there was great trouble· and rioting at th~:Leiection pol~s. _James You1,1g was .asisgned to duty at the corner of Eighth and.Lumber Sts, to protect the ·ballot box. Just as the p:>Ils were closing a mob cf more than a hundred men, of the democratic faction, rushed the booth iil an attempt to steal the ballot box. The outer police guard, seeing the mob, fled like the cowards they were. Young never moved. He 'Said he would do his duty till the last, and he did. S'ome ruffain in the crowd shot him 4 times and he died 16 hours later. He was in his :38th year- at the time of his death. Mary Young lived i,n Philadelphia until her death, Sept. 6, 1911. Her four stalwart sons bore her body to its last resting place in Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Philadelphia, where many of the McCauslands and Youngs are buried. The children of James and Mary were all born in Phila­ delphia. They are tall, of light complexion, and gentlemanly and lady­ like in bearing.

(48) Elizabeth Jane May 2, 1855

(49) William Jan. 27, 1857

(50) James McCausland Nov. 30, 1859

(51) John C. Feb. 28, 1861

(52) Robert Feb. 17, 1864

(20) JAMES .. M'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland and Elizabeth l\lcNeal, born Apr. 23, 1835, Co. Tyrone, Ireland; died Phil­ adelphia, i~ 1~06. He re:qioveq._ ,t? rhiladelpbia in young manhood and married (1) in 1862, ·Fanny Beatty; dau; of ·William and Fanny Beatty, who was b. 1855, and d. 1865. He married (2) in 1868, Annie Reed, who died 1872. He married (3) 1873, Margaret Morrison, who died 1905. He died 1906. He was owner and manager of a transfer and team business for 35 years, his son W. B. succeeding him. Chi-

30 dren all born in Philadelphia. Resides 1831 N. 19th St., Philadelphia. .dren all born in Philadeiphia. By first wife- ( 53) William Beatty Nov. 28, 1863 Mary 1864 By second wife- ( 54) James Reed 186~ ( 55) Annie A. 1871

(21) MARGARET M'CAUSLAND, daughter of William McCatl'S­ land and Elizabeth McNeal, ·bor,n June 10, 1836, Co. Tyrone; Ireland. Married May 15, 1854, in Pbiladel1lhia, Robert M·cKelvey, son of Rob­ ert and Isabel McKelvey, who was born in Ireland. Robert McKelvey ,died 1907. Mrs. McKelvey resides Wilmington, Delaware. (56) James April 12,1855 (57) Rebert Dec. 17, 1857 . (58) Jane May 12, 1859 (59) John Sept. 3, 1861 (60) Wi11iam April 15, 1863 (61) Gecrge Aug. 7, 1865 (62) Thomas Feb. 12, 1868 (63) Elizabeth Feb. 28, 1878 (22) ALEXANDER l\I'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland .and Elizabeth McNeal, born Go. Tyrone, Ireland, 1840. Married Jan. 26, 1860, in Philadelphia, Margaret Lindsey. Alexander died at Phil­ adelphia Dec. 12, 1878; Margaret died at Philadelphia, :March 21, 1892. H-e was a member of Keystone Battery during Civil War. Children all born Philadelphia. William John Apr. 6, 1861 (64) Alexander Feb. 21, 1863 (65) Geo. Henderson May 18, 1865 Thomas Nov. 27, 1866 d. 6-22-1878 Mary Elizabeth IFeb. 27 , 1869 d. 3-6-1873 Adelaide Jan. 20, 1871 d.12- 2-1871 Herbert Nov. 28, 1872 d. 2-4-1873 Andrew Mch. 17 1874 d.12-12- 96 Gustav July 10, 1876 d. s~16-1877 Maggie Nov. 30, 1877 d. 2-19-1878

31 (23) JANE M'CAUSLAND, daughter of William M-cCauslan.d and Elizabeth McNeal, born Co. Tyrone, Irela.nd, Nov. 15, 1842; married Feb. 11, 1864, in Philadell)hia, Thoma:s Neeley, son o~ John and Sarah Neeley, who was b. Co. Donegal, Ireland. He served in Co. C. 6th Pa. Cavalry, during Civil War. Children all born Philadelphia. Resides 63 N. 36th St, W. Philadelphia.

Elizabeth April 19, 1866 d. i868 s·arah J. Jan. 31, 1869 (66) John A. May 27, 1871 Lillian Feb. 23, 1874

(24)JOHN M'CAUSLAND, son of WiEiam McCausland and Eliza­ beth McNeal, b. abt. 1842, near Omagh. Married Nov. 17, 1864:, in Phil­ adelphia, Jane Lindsey, dau. of Themas Lindsey and Margaret Kin­ caid, who was b. abt. 1841, in Co. Tyrone, near Castlederry. He en­ listed Sept. 5, 1861; from Philadelphia, in U. S. Army and served 3 years as a private under Capt. Wheeland and Col. Rush in Co. C, 6th Pa. Volunteer Cavalry; was, one of the far famed Rush's ,Lancers.. Honorably discharged SeIJt. 14, 1864, at Harper's Ferry, at expiration of servile, and is:. a member of Hanccck Post. No. 255, G. A. R. in Down­ ington, Fa. He was wounded in the march to Gettysburg. Though a small man, he was mighty in courage and strength, and many inter­ esting tales are told of his prowess. and daring. On one occasion dur­ ing his army service John McCausland was cornered in a lonely build­ ing with an enemy much larger than himself. He seized a section of stove pipe and used it as a weapon with which he successfully b~a.t off his antagonist and He is engaged in farming at Lyndell, Pa., at present time.

(67) Alexander Hamilton Dec. 10, 1865 Philadelphia ,, (68) Isabelle Jane Mch. 17, 1867 ,, Mary Adel June 19, 1863 ,, (69) John Benders-on Jan. 18, 1874 ,,, (70) Emma Elizabeth Apr. 27, 1876 (71) Catherine Clark Aug. 23, 1879 Chester Co, Pa. ,, (72) Margaret Nettie Aug. 22, 1881 (73) Bertha Letitia Feb. 2, 1884 ,, ,, William Thomas Reb. 19, 1896

d. 8-18-1908 JOHN McCAUSLAND

(25) ANNE M'GAUSLAND, dau. of William McCausland and Eliz­ abeth McNeal, b. 1844, near Omagh. Mar. in 1864, James... Ful!erton, son of Robert and Annie Fullerton.. Both are dead. He was kH!ed in a railroad accident several years ago. Children were all b. in Phila­ delphia. The youngest child, John, was adopted by a family named McGowan. In yo~n_g _manhood .. he held the .position of Supt. of Supplies of Dairies. H·e was shot by a highwayman at Wayne Jct, in 1910,.

(74) William R. June 15, 1868

(75) Thomas H. July 20, 1871

(76) Clara M. Aug. 29, 1872 8 18~~ (72) Jacob L. July ' l ;) John 1877-1910'

(26) WLLLIA.1\1 M'CAUSLAND, son of WHlia 0:n l\fc~a··sland a:id Mary Elkins, b. in Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Feb. 14, 18-t G. ::.\Iarried l\Iay · 4, 1871, in Philadelrhia, Rutb Connor, dau. of T: o 1~as- c--nnor and Rachel Hyde (nee Marion) who was b. 1849,-in PhL::1.dsl:Jhil. 1Ni1Iia1.1 came to this country at the age of nine years, and ~ome 5 or 6 years later was1 placed with a harness and saddle- manu~ad. ·,rer as ap1ln~n­ tice. In 1885 he succeeded his employer and :fina·1~· ec:.:.:i.w tte lead­ ing riding saddle manufacturer in Philadeli;hia and t 1~e e ~stern sta; es. He made the first leather tree English s~ddle that aftenvards became famous in the racing world. At his death the sons inherited the bus­ iness. He was prominent in all temperance conferences and work in eastern Pennsylvania. The following is quoted from a Philadelphia n~wspaper in speaking of his, which occurred in Collingdale, Penna, on Nov. 17, 1909.

"He was one of the most gifted and gallant men-a man who bravely stood for civic righteousness and who nobly challenged the right of the liquor traffic to live. "'McCa~island, the Prohibitionist, is dead; but prohibition, the choicest flower in our public life. will spring from his grave to give fragrance and beauty to this fair State, and et~nity will yet ring with. the praises of those who will live in the pure atmosphere made pos­ sible by the principles of such faithful and courageous lives."

William 1870 d. in west

(78) Ruth Lydia March 15, 1872 Philadelphia (79) Alexander Newton March 5, 1880 " Edwin Lewis, Oct. 25, 1882 " ,, Albert Thomas Aug. 19, 1883 ,, (80) Elmer S. June 3, 1885 · Norman Stanley June 1, 1890 Collingdale, Pa.

(27) SALLIE. M'CAUSLAND, dau. of William McCausland and Mary Elkins, b. near Omagh, 1847. Married Joseph Johns-ton. Re­ sides 5109 Pine St., W. Philadelphia. Ch. all b. Philadelphia.

(81) Sarah

(82) Elizabeth

(83) May

(84) William


(85) Mattie

(86) Ruth Edith

(28) ISABELLE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of William McCausland and Mary Elkins, b. near Omagh. 1854. Married (1) Frank Bachellor, a.nd (2> 'John Rinker.- Resides Chelton Ave and Chew St., Germantown, Philadelphia. Pa. Children all by 1st husband, and b. in ,Germantown, Philadelphia.

William Mary

( 87) Florence

(88) Gertrude

(29) ROBERT M'CAUSLAND> son of Alexander McCausland and .uuie Elkin. b. Donaghanie, Feb. 1847. Mar. Apr. 1, 1870, in Clogherny church) Eliza Jane Kerr, dau. of Joseph Kerr and Eliza McFarland. who was b. Donaghanie, Dec. 1845. Farmer. Children all b. Don- aghanie.

Margaret Ann 1871

(89) Eliza Jane 1872 (90) Sarah Mary May 11, 1876

(91) Is.a.belle Caroline 1876

(92) Emily Charlotte Apr. 13, 1879

(93) Robert Alexander May 10, 1881

(94:) William John Sept_ 30, 1882

(95) Matilda Georgina Oct. 28, 1885

(30) MARGARET M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Alexander McCiausand and Jane Elkin, b. Oct. 1848, Donaghanie, Ireland. Mar. Mch. 27, 1883, in C1ogherny church, Alexander Moore, son of Robert Moore and Ann Morrison,. who was b. Sept. 23, 1829, in Usmagh, Co. Tyrone. Both living, Eskermore, Beragh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Farmer.

(31) JAMES M'CAUSLAND, son of Alexander McCausland and .lane Elkin, b. Aug. 1850, Donaghanie. Mar. Nov. 16, 1897, in ­ ny Church, Eliza Ja-ne Rutledge, dau of William and Ann Rutledge, who was born 1860, Striff. Both living Eskermore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Farmer.

Sarah Ann Jan. 12, 1898

Eliza Jane Jan. 8, 1900 Eliballa Margaret Jan. 21, 1904-d. 4:-5-1905

35 (32) MARY ANN M'CA USLAND, dau. of Alexander McCausland and Jane Elkin, b. Donaghanie, Beragh, Co. Tyrone, Feb. 23, 1854. Mar. Oct. 22, 1872, at Pittsburg, Pa, iFrancis Elkin, son of John and Isabella Elkin, who was b. Mch. 4, 1848, at Omagh. Mary Ann McCaus­ land came to this country when 14 years old, lived at Pittsburg 3 years, and then after marriage located with her ·husband at Smicks­ burg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Elkin ran a ·store at Smicksburg for 32 years, until 1906, and since then have resided on a farm near Smicksburg. (96) .Jane Hill Dec. 1, 1873 Pittsburg Clara May 25, 1875 Smicksburg (97) Alexander Clark Dec. 9, 1876 " ,, (98) Margaret I. Dec. 24, 1878

(99) Mary E. M. l\iar. 22, 1880 " (100) Homer C'. Mar. 4, 1882 ,, Calendar C. Dec. 1, 1883

d. 5-21-88 ,, (101) Cortland W. W. Mch. 26, 1885 ,, Mabel C. Oct. 22, 1886 ,, ( 102) Henry Clyde July 9, 1889 ,, Francis Walter May 30, 1891

(33) ISABELLA M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Alexander McCausland and Jane Elkin, b. Donaghanie, 1867. Mar. in Clogherny Church, Dec. 19, 1893, Joseph Mcclarin, son of Joseph Mcclarin and Catherine Mc­ Causland, of U smagh, and brother of Ann McClarin of Beragh Hill.

Catherine Ann Aug. 12, 1896 Usmagb, Beragh~

(34) MARY ISABELLA APPERSON, dau. of James Apperso:Q. and Jane McCausland,. b. Aug. 6, 185~•, Worce·ster, Mass. Mar. Oct. 31 , 1882, in Worcestor, Thomas William Sheckleton, son of John and Mary Sheckleton, who was b. Aug. 2, 1853, in Woodstock, Conn. He was• a cabinet maker. Children all b. Worcestor.

Harry Irving July 10, 1886 Pressman

Mary Jane July 23, 1887 Nurse Lottie Belle Dec. 3, 1888-d. 2-18-1893

Willie Alfred May 27, 1890-d.10-22-1897

Edith Gertrude Oct. 23, 1892 Milliner

36 (35) MARGARET ESTELLA APPERSON, dau. 9f James Apper­ son and Jane McCausland, b. June 19, 1855, Worcestor, Mass, and d-. Aug. 11, 1893, in Worcestor. Mar. Oct. 20, 1882, in Worcestor, Albert F. Scoville, ccntractor and builder. Children b. Worcestor.

Florence Ma-bel April 11, 1886 Bookkeeper Olive Jane Apr. 8, 1889-d. 8-29-1890

(3G) OLIVE ELIZABETH M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Alexander Mc­ Causland and Sarah Sylphina Howard, b. Oct. 5, 1845, Rock Greek, Ohio. Mar. Isaac Newton Latimer, son of Hiram Latimer and Hulda Holm, who was b. 10-28-1841 and d. 10-12-1902. She resides Rock Creek Station, Ohio, and runs fruit farm.

(103) Olive Isabelle Oct. 18,. 1868 Rock Creek

(104) James Austin June 12, 1871 Neodasha, Kans.

(105) E11a ,Louise July 8, 1874 West Farmington

(106) Sarah Lucene Oct. 10, 1880 Rock Creek ,, ,, Emma Elizabeth July 18, 1893

(37) SARAH LOUISE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Alexander Mc­ Causland and s·arah Sylphina Boward, b. Dec. 5, 1849, Rock Creek, Ohio. Mar. in 1872, Charles Lofland, son of Charles ,Lofland and Kate Cutright, b. in Iowa. Separated.

(107) Emmaline Mildred Sept. 4, 1878 Independence, Kans.

(108) Howard Charles Oct. 22, 1881 Neodasha, Kans.

(38) SYLPHINA LUCENE M'CAUS,LAND, dau. of Alexander Mc­ Causland and Sarah Sylphina Howard, b. Dec. 20, 1851, Rock Creek, Ohio. Mar. Aug. 29, 1874, in Conneat, Ohio, Henry R. Brown, son of John Brown and Polly Coggs·well, wbo was b. in E. Trumbull, Ohio, Dec. 5., 1843. Have lived in Kansas, Oklahoma, California and Ohio. Now reside Rock Creek, Ohio.

(109) John Alexander Sept. 20, 1875 E. Trumbull, 0.

l3.9.) .· .JAMES· FENTO~ M'CAUSLAND, son of Alexander McCaus­ land and Sarah Sylphina Howard, b. Rock Creek, 0, Oct. 15, 1856. Mar._ at Willoughby, Ohio, March 10, 1880, Emma Cornelia Greer, dau. of James Greer and Cornelia Tubbs, who was b. Oct. 16, 1857, and d. June 25, 1905, in Worcester. Mar. (2) in Holden, Mass, 1910, Barbara

37 Wilhelmina, widow

(110) Sarah Isabelle April 25, 1881 Rock Creek

(111) Howard Greer Mch. 20, 1884 Worcestor ,, Vesta Olive Jan. 17, 1886

d. 1893 ,, James Paul Aug. 10, 1888

Neva Cornelia July, -. 1890 "

d. 1893

( 40) BERTHA LUELLA M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Alexander Mc­ f'm1island and Sarah Sylphina Howard, b. Rock Creek, Ohio. Aug. 26, 1863. Mar. at Neodasba, Kans, June 28, 1884, Charles• Norton Marvin, son of William Perry Marvin and Harriett Brewster Hamlin. who was b. Dela ware Co. Ohio, S'ept. 24, 1&54. He is editor of the SentineD.­ Post, leading semi-weekly Republican newspaper published in Shen­ andoah. Iowa; was for nine years postmaster of Shenandoah, and President of the Library Board for an equal period of time. Is a mem­ ber of A. 0. U. V-l., Blue Lodge, B. P. 0. E., M. W. A. Lodges. Re"Sides• 129 S. Center St, Shenandoah, Iowa.

Harriet May May 27, 1886 Marshalltown

d. 1-13-188&

(112) Merze Oct. 26, 1887 Union

Mac May ~n, 1889 Shenandoah

d. Sept. 6, 1889

(41) SARAH JANE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of John McCausland and Mary Ann Raymond, b. Morgantown, Ashtabula Co, Ohio, June 11. 1857. Mar. in Manchester, N. H., H()race 0. Davis, son of Nathaa Davis and Mary Ot3good, who was b. in Bridgeton, Me. He ls a vet­ eran of the Civil War. In summer he runs a cold drink busines~ Resides- 79 Waltham St,· Boston, Mass. ( 42) EMMA _C. M'CAU~LAND, ~au~:~{ Jo~n ~~Ca~~,~~cJ, and Mary Ann Raymond, b. June 9, 1864,_ Sand Springa, Iowa. · · Mar. Feb. 22~ . . : : .. : •• 1 ..... ' • : ' • 1897 Boston, George C. Rollins, son ot Addison ·kolJ~ns_ ~i;i.d Harriet ' l i,.·::S1 ... :: :~~ .•. •·: .~: Winslow, who was b. Jan. 1, :1858, l\lotti~gh~~' :N. _H. Resides Ray- • ! . I - • •. . I '. • • ~ • mond, N. H., and is engaged in farming. George. Addison Qct. _2, _1_8~~ Roxbury Theodore Edward Mch. _19, 1905 "

(43) CHARLES RAYMOND M'CAUSLAND, son 'of' John McCaus­ land and Mary Ann Raymond. b. Mch. 23, 1866,, Sand Springs, Iowa. Mar. in Web"ster, Mas-s. 10, 1902, Agnes Viola_ Wa!ker, dau. of Andrew Walker and Ellen Tester, who was b. Apr. 27, 1881, in Rock­ ville, Conn. Is employed as cloth ins,pector in a large worsted mill at Webster. Children all b. Webster. ,Grace Louise July 20, 1905 Phyllis Esther Nov. 7, 1907 John Walker Feb. 21, 1910

( 44) HERBERT WEBSTER HAYNES, son of Charles Barnard Haynes and Margaret McCausland, b. Jan. 6, 1863, Worcestor. Mass·. Mar. Dec. 11, 1888. at Worcestor. Addie L. Hill, dau. of Horace .J. Hill and Eliza M. Hill, who was b. July 8, 1866, Winchester, N. H. Reside 42 Park Ave, Worcestor. Children all b. Worcestor. Leon Herbert Nov. 28, 1889 Fireman Milton Joseph Mar. 9, 1891 Clerk Velma Addie Jan. 16, 1893 Bookkeeper Charles Edward Sept. 6, 1894 Margaret Eliza tFeb. 27, 1898 Everett H·arold May 6, 1900 Marion Evelyn Nov. 22, 1901

( 45) FREDERIC LINCOLN HA YNES, son of Charles Barna.t"d Haynes and Margaret McCausland, b. Apr. 19. 1864, at Worcestor. Mar_ May, 1887, at Worcestor, Edith E. Hamilton. Ethel Maud Mar. .4, 1889 Pawtucket, R. I. Paul Hamilton 1892 Fitchburg, Mass. Frederic Lincoln Dec. 31, 1894 · Auburn, Mass. Martha Ruth July, -, 1896 Worce'3tor Edith ,Luella 1904 " Thelma 1906 Attleboro, Mass. d. Dec. 3, 1907 ( 46) FLORA HA YNES; _-dA.ti ... ~fi Ch~rles·· -Barnard 'Haynes and Margaret McCausland, b.·'_Dec.: · ,i: ·,1868, at< Worcestor. Mar. Sept. 7, 189,7, Charles Morton M6ffatt,' ·son'· of :Alexander Henry Moffatt and Jane G. Morton, who was· "i:t'-Sei>t.": 12: ·1875, Cambridge. He is Presl­ dent of the Harry F. Morse co:· Mtgs·. ·C'o,: manufacturers of Duck coats, aprons-, etc. Resi~es 28 Preston St, :Worcestor, Mass.

( 47) WILLIAM LYONS, son of John Lyons and Catherine Mc­ ·Causland, b. Donaghanie, ~rel8:i;td.- .. ~ar... Eljza Jane. McCausland of Donaghanie. (See 78.)



(48) ELIZABETH JANE YOUNG, dau. of James Young and Mary McCausland, b. May 2, 1855. Mar. Jan. 25, 1875, Robt. Fullerton, who wa:s b. in Ireland. He is a· printer. Resides at 2nd & Greenawy Ave, Darby, Pa. Mary Dec. 29, 1875 m.

Anna G. Jan. 18, 1878 James W. Sept. 7, 1886

( 49) WILLIAM YOUNG, son of James Young and Mary McCaus­ land, b. Penna. Jan. 27, 1857. Mar. in Philadelphia, June 7, 1883, Char­ lotte Wood, dau. of William Wood and S1rah Munns, who was b. Canterbury, Ky., Feb. 14, 1855. Children all b. Philadelphia. Resides 1206 N. Cones-toga St, Philadelphia. Charlotte tFeb. 17, 1884

William J. July 27, 1886 Robert Sept. 17, 1888

Lillian Sept. 20, 1892

James Apr. 14, 1895

Mary Jan. 29, 1899

Leslie Dec. 19, 1902

(50) JAMES YOUNG, son of James Young and Mary McCaus­ land, b. Philadelphia, 1859, is a very gritty sort of man. Several years ago, while walking home along a railroad track in the country during a blizzard, he fell in a hole in the dark, and broke his leg above the knee. He .crawled on his stomach through the deep snow and sleet for a distance of 5 miles to the nearest house, an exhibition of grit and fortitude that few men could show. He is a bachelor.

(51) JOHN C. YOUNG, son of James Young and Mary McCausland, b. Feb. 28, 1861, Philadelphia. Mar. Feb. 28, 1&87. Elizabeth Chambers, dau. of Robert Chambers and Jane Davis, who was b. in Newark, England. This i:; what the Philadelphia Young Republican, Sept. 20, 1911, said of him: JOHN C. YOUNG "For many years John C. Young has been classed among the fore=­ most interior decorators to be found doing business in Philadelphi"a.

··For the past fifteen years Mr. Young has resided in the Fortietl:l ward. He is a president of the Woodland Realty Company, vice pres­ ident of Broad and Chestnut Building & Loan, the Bartram Building & Loan and kindred associations. He is also vice president of the Thomas T. Horney Bible Union and treasurer of the Woodland Ave­ nue Business Men''S Association. Mr. Young has met with much bus• ines-s success by deserving it. His integrity is unquestioned. He knows every inch of ground that composes the Fortieth ward, and is, therefore, fully advised to the needed public improvement that would make for the development and progress for his ward. Mr. Young had no urgent desire to enter public life. He consented to become a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for Common Council at the earnest solicitation of the leading business men_, and citizens. generally.·· Mr. Young was elected a member of the Philadelphia Common Council Oct. 27. 1911. He resides 6412 Woodland Ave, Philadelphia. He has a fam­ ily of four splendid children, all b. in Philadelphia..

(113) Robert Chambers Nov. 24, 1887

Roland Gideon Curtin July 25, 1891

Lillian Chambers Nov. 4, 1894

Edith Good Sept. 28, 1897

(52) ROBERT YOPNG. son of James- Young and l\'la.ry McCaus­ land, b. Philadelphia, Feb. 27. 1864. Mar. in Philadelphia, May 23,. 1888, Louisa Maull, dau. of John and Louisa Maull, who was b. Phil­ adelphia Sept. 8. 1867. He is a clerk in the customs. house at Phila­ deplhia and resides N. Sixth St, Darby, Penna.

Mary Feb. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. ,, Elizabeth Jan. 3, 1891

Lilla May 31, 1894 " ,, James Oct. 11, 1896 ,, Roberta Nov. 24, 1898

Samuel Jan. 26, 1900 " John June 13, 1902 " Frances Nov. 17, 1905 " Robert, Jr. July 23, 1908 Darby, Pa~ ,,,. Edith Apr. 16, 1910 "

43 (53) WILltfAM·: BEA'rCD'Y::M'C,t\.US~).tD, 1 ~«).n. of James McCaus~ land and Fanny Eeatty, b.~-Philadetpriia';' ~6v?2s-, 1863.· '. rMar. in Phila- delphia, June, 1888, Hannah H. Gamble, dau. of Alexander and Jane Gamble, who was b. March 7, 1867. Succeeded father as owner of .transfer and team business. · Resides 18;;•1 N. 19th St, Philadelphia.

James Russell Sept. 15, 1889 Mabel Jane June 24, 1892-d. 1895

William Gamble May 6, 1895

(54) JAMES REED M'CAUSLAND, son of James McCausland .and Annie Reed, b. Philadelphia, 1869. Mar. in Philadelphia, Ros~ line Plummer. He died Oct. 1905; she died 1899. Daughter lives, with .Janes Neeley. Eleanor 1897 Philadelphia

(55) ANNA A. M'CAUSLAND, dau. of James and Annie McCaus­ land, b. July 6, 1870. Mar. Thomas Robinson, who was b. Ju ly 13 -. Resides 4029 .Girard Ave, Philedalphia.

Adaline Jan. 7, 1895 Margaret Jan. 30, 1899

Nancy Jan. 25, 1901

(56) JAMES M'KELVEY, son of Robert McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. Fhiladelphia, April 12, 1855. Mar. rec. 22, 1879, in Wilmington, D€1, Elizabeth Mulholland, who was b. in Ireland. He is .Superintendent of a fibre plant, and re 'ides 1515 Buttonwood St, Mor­ ristown, Pa. Children wet e ail b. in Wilmington.

Robert Jan. 1881

William June 1883 Thomas Jan. 1886

James Feb. 1889 Howard Oct. 1892

(57)- ROBERT·M'KELVEY, son of Robert McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. Philadelphia, Dec. 17, 1857. Mar. Fanny McCracken. dau. of Thomas McCracken and Mary Ritchie. who was b. June 8, 1856, Philadelphia. He is a loom fixer for the Aberfoyle Mfg. Co, at Chester,

44 Pa, and resides 1125 Walnut St, Chester. Children were all b. in Wil- mington, Del. George and Howard are dead. · George March 28, 1886 Howard Jan. 11, 1889 Walter Apr. 25, 1894

(58) JANE M'KELVEY, dau. of Robert McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. Brooklyn, Pa, May 12, 1859. Mar. Dec. 25, 1879, in Wil­ mington, to WilLiam Brown, son of William Brown. He is a paper finis·her, and resides 2349 Clearfield St, Philadelphia. Children were all b. in Wilmington. Margaret and Webster are dead. William Sept. 1880

Margaret 1881

John Nov. 1883 Benjamin March 1886

Mary April 1888 Webster 1892

Fanny Oct. 1895

(59) JOHN M'KELVEY, son of Robert McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. Sept. 3, 1861, at Rockdale, Pa. Mar. Nen:e Stowe, who was b. in Camden, N. J. He is an ice dealer, residing 802 King St, Wilmington, Del. No children.

(60) WILLIAM M'KELVEY, son of Robert· McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. April 15, 1863, West Chester, Pa. Mar. Dec. 1897, in Wilmington, to Fanny Patten, who was b. in Cherry Hill, Mary­ land. He is a loom fixer for Langley & ,Lord Mfg. Co, and resides 310- E. Fifth St, Chester, Pa, where their dau. was born. Margaret Oct. 3, 1898

(61) GEORGE M'KELVEY, son of Robert McKelvey and Marg­ aret McCausland, b. Aug. 7, 1865, in West Chester, Pa. Mar. May 5, 1900, in Wiln1ington, Mary Weldin, who was b. in Ireland. He is Superintendent of the Street and Sewer Department of Wilmington, Del, and resides 1341 E. 13th St. Children were all born in Wilmington~ Margaret March 1901 Elizabeth July 1903 Robert Jan. 1904 George July 1906

45 (62) THOMAS M'KELVEY, son of Robert McKelvey and Marg­ aret McCausland, b. Feb. 12, 1868, in Philadelphia. lVlar. 1894, in Ells­ ton, Maryland, Alice Stone. who was b. in Burlington. N. J. He was a bridge builder, residing in Wilmington. Del, where his daughter was born. Died 1909.

Lillian .June 14. 1898

(63) ELIZABETH :Vl"KELVEY, dau. of Robert McKelvey and Margaret McCausland, b. 1Feb. 29, 1872, Wilmington, Del. Mar. iii Mary land, Jan. 1889, Will am McKnight, son of John and Jane McKnight, who was b. in Maryland. Died 1903. He is a farmer, residing near \Vilmington, where his ~en was born.

George Feb. 22, 1890

(64) ALEXANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of Alexander McCausland .and Margaret ,Lindsey, b. Feb. 21, 1863, in Philadelphia. Mar. Dec. 18, 1883, at Philadelphia, Annie Mitchell, dau. of Robert and Nancy Mitch­ .ell, who was b. Nov. 17, 1862. Horseshoer by trade. Resides 1234 S. 19th St. Philadelphia.

Margaret Elizabeth July 27, 1885

Alexander July 8, 1887

(65) GEORGE HENDERSON M'CAUSL.AND, son of Alexander McCausland and Margaret Lind3ey, b. Philadelphia, May 18, 1865. Mar. Nov. 1, 1893, Philadelphia, Matilda Jane Guthrie, dau. of William Guthrie and Mary Ann King, who wa:s b. Feb. 15, 1871, Philadelphia. He js an oven builder for the Dukrkop Oven Co, of N. Y. City. Resides 17 40 Tas-ker St, Philadelphia.

John Walter Jan. 16, 1895

:Margaret June 16, 1896

,George Andrew July 20, 1898

Alexander Guthrie Aug. 4, 1901-d. .Jan. 19 '02

Charles Guthrie Feb. 16 1904

l66) JOHN A. NEELEY, ~on of Thomas Neeley and Jane McCaus­ land, b. Philadelphia; May '27, 1871. 11ar. Eleanor Agnew. Res.ides 2212 Christian St, Philadelphia.

(67) ALEXANDER HAMILTON M'CAUSLAND, son of John Mc­ Causland and Jane Lindsey, b. Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1865. Mar. Nov. 12, 1902, Anna Margaret Cook, dau. of William Cook and Margaret Kerr. b. Feb. 5. 1876, Chester Co, Pa. He is a farmer and res-ides .Downigton, Pa.

John Cook Sept. 1:3, 1903 Lyndell ,, Edward .Lindsey Apr. 13, 1905 ,, ..\largaret Eleanor Aug. 22, 1908

{68) ISABELLE JANE :\1'CAUSLAND, dau. of John McCausland .and Jane Lindsey, b. Philadelphia, March 17, 1868. Mar. Sept. 9, 1896. Lyndell, Pa, Penrose W. Darlington, son of John Darlington and Han­ nah B. Burgoyne, who was b. Reesville, Pa, Apr. 6, 1860. She was a iashionable modiste prior lo her marriage. Resides Coatesville, Pa, .R. F. D. No. 3.

(69) JQH,N l;IENDERSON :M'CAUSLAND, son of John McCaus­ .alnd and Jane Lindsey, b. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1874. Mar. March 19, 1896, at Beaver Creek 1Farm. Chester Co, Pa, Hannah Elizabeth Had­ field, dau. of Thomas· Hadfield and Sarah Leighton, who was b. Dec. 27, 1873, at Philadel1-,hia. He is a farmer and resides Chester Co:

Dora Clarke Mch. 29, 1897 Fisherville, Pa.

George Lin co In June 4, 1899 Downington

Norman Baker July 6, 1901 Philadelphia

d. 1901 ,, :Mary Isabel Oct. 28, 1902

Sarah Hadfield Jan. 25, 1906 Lyndell ,. Bertha .Letitia Apr. 21, 1908

Olive Baker Sept. 26, 1910 "

(70) EMMA ELIZABETH M'CAl?SLAND, dau. of .John McCaus­ land and Jane Lindsey, b. April 27, 1876, Philadelphia. Mar. in Lyn­ -dell, Pa. June 24, 1903. Thomas Hadfield, Jr, son of Thomas Hadfield and Sarah Leighton, who was b. Aug. 31, 1878, Bondsville, Pa. He is engaged in farming pursuits and resides Downington, Pa, Rt. No. 1.

Thomas Learis, Nov. 9, 1905 Bondsville

d. 9-1-07 Robert Richmond June 6, 1907 Guthriesville

John Lindsey Apr. 13, 1911 Downington

47 (71) CATHERINE CLARKE M'C'AUSLAND, dau. of John Mc-­ Causland and Jane Lindsey, b. Chester Co, Penna, Aug. 23, 1879. Mar~ Apr. 11, 1908, in Lyndell, Dr. Henry Walter, son of Isaac Walter and Emiline Voneida, who was b. Feb. 7, 1878, Bowensville, Pa. She was a trained nurse of cons.iderable skill prior to her marriage to Dr. Walter r Reside Rothsville, Pa.

Henry, Jr. June 10, 1909 Rothsville·

(72) _ MARGARET NE.TTIE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of John McCaus­ land and Jane Lindsey, b. Chester Co, Penna. Aug. 22, 1881. She is an expert stenographer with offices, at 915 Croz:er Bdg. Philadelphia.

(73) BERTH·A LETITIA M'CAUSLAND, dau. of John McCaus­ land and Jane Lindsey, b. ,Glen ,Loch, Pa, Feb. 2, 1884. Mar. Sept. 1, 1911, at Lyndell, Pa, Walter Raymond Thierolf, son of Wm. and Char­ lotte Thierolf, b. at Fountain.ville, Pa, Mr. and Mrs. Thierolf are both graduates of West Ches~er State Normal School. He is Principal of Hulmeville High School, Bucks Co, Pa. . (74) WLLLIAM R. !FULLERTON, son of James Fullerton and Ann McCausland, b. Philadelphia, May 10, 1868. · Mar. Oct. 17, 1893~ Rebecca Parke, dau. of Robert S. and Kate Lister Parke, b. Oct. 10, 1871. Resides Ess·ington, Pa. Children all b. in Chester Co, Pa.

William R. Jr. July 28, 1894

Annie W. Jan. 14, 1898

Clara M. Apr. 1~·, 1900

Sara P. Jan. 2·1, 1902

Marie C. Apr. 24, 1904

(75) THOMAS H. FULLERTON, son of James Fullerton anti Ann McCausland, b. Philadelphia, July 29, 1871. Mar. Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1910, Anne M. Cameron, dau. of Wallace Cameron, who was b. Nov. 4, 1879, Chicago. Resides West Chester, Pa, and is Supt, for Chester and Lancaster Counties, for Prudential Ins. Co.

(76) CLARA M. FULLERTON, dau. of James 'Fullerton and Ann McCausland, b. Philadelphia, Aug. 29, 1872. Mar. Benjamin Britton. Resides 5118 Walnut St, Philadelphia.

(77) JACOB L. FULLERTON, son of Jame·s Fullerton and Ann McCausland, b. Philadelphia, July 8, 1875. Married and resides Phila­ delphia.

48 (78) RUTH· ,LYDIA M'CAUSLAND, dau. of William McCausland and Ruth Connor, b. Philadelphia, March 15, 1872. Mar. Feb. 3, 1908, James Francis Rudolph, son of Harry Rudolph and Amelia Tidman. Resides 412 Jackson St, Collingdale, Penna. Harry Josephus Melvin Jan. 16, 1910

(79) ALEXANDER NEWTON M'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland and Ruth Connor, b. Philadelphia, March 5, 1880. Mar. Eva Taylor. Resides Collingdale, Penna.

(80) ELMER S. M'CAUSLAND, son of William McCausland and Ruth Connor, b. Philadelphia, June 3, 1885~ Mar. April 26, 1911, Viola Ruth Hoffner.

(81) SARAH JOHNSTON, dau. of Joseph Johnston and Sallie McCausland. Mar. Robert Gilmore. Resides 5239 Market St, Phila­ delphia. Ruth

William Joseph R.

(82) ELIZABETH JOHNSTON, dau. of Joseph Johnston and Sallie McCausland. Mar. Ed Callen. Res-ide:s 5115 Pine St, Phila­ delphia. Edna


(83) MAY JOHNSTON, dau. of Joseph Johnston and Sallie Mc- Causland. Mar. Daniel Diehl. Resides Glenolden, Del. Co. Pa. Dorothy

Bessie John

(84:) WILLIAM JOHNSTON, son of Joseph Johnston and Sallie McCausland, b. Philadelphia. Married and resides 5113 Pine St, Phil­ adelphia.

(85) MATTIE JOHNSTON, dau. of Joseph Johnston and Sallie McCausland, b. Philadelphia. Unm. Resides 5109 Pine St, PhHadelphia.

49 (86) RL""TH, JOHNSTON, dau. of Joseph Johnston and Sallie ~cCausland, b. Philadelphia. Mar. Morris Bolaskey, and resides 5116 Delancey St, Philadelphi~

(87) FLORENCE '.BACHELLOR, dau. of Frank Bachellor and Isa­ belle McCausland. Mar. J ~: K. · Sharpless. Resides Chelton Ave, Ger.­ mantown, Pa.

(88) GERTR"GDE BACHELLOR, dau. of Frank Bachellor and Isa­ belle McCausland. Mar. J. C. Geiger. Resides 6th & Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia.

(89) ELIZA JANE M'GAUSLAND, dau. of Robert McCausland and Eiiza Jane Kerr, b. Nov. 16, 1872-3. Mar. May 31, 1900, in Clog­ herny Church, William ,Lyo_ns·, ·son ·of: John Lyons and Helen Cobane, who was b. May 13, 1870. 0arrickmore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Resides in Donaghanie, Beragh, Go. Tyrone, and is engaged in farming. Chil­ dren all born Donaghanie. Catherine 'Sybil Jane March 3, 1901 William John Oct. 9, 1902 Margaret Elizabeth March 30, 1905 Florence Caroline Oct. 14, 1908 Robert James Oct. 14, 1908 Gerald Alexander Oct. 7, 1910

(90) SARAH MARY M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Robert McCausland and Eliza Jane Kerr, b. May 11, 1876, Donaghanie. Mar. in Phila­ delphia, 1902, Thomas Stewart, son of Alexander Stewart and· Ann Chabren, b. Ireland. Resides 1818 Christian St, Phil.adelphia.

(91) ISABELLA CAROLINE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Robert Mc• Causland and Jane Kerr, b. Donaghanie, 1876. Mar. Robert Alex­ ander, who was b. in Ireland. Removed to Philadelphia, where both died.

(92) EMILY CH·A:RLOTTE M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Robert Mc­ Causland and Eliza Jane Kerr, b. Apr. 13, 1879, Donaghanie. Mar. tFeb. 26, 1908, in Philadelphia, Joseph .Kyle, son of-. Joseph Kyle and Catherine Blaney, b. Dec. 19,, 1881, in Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Reside 1523 S. Taney St, Philadelphia~ -Childre_n all born in Philadelphia.

Elizabeth. Margaret April 7, 1909

: ·,' ; ; .' •' Joseph. A. Stewart April 11, 1910

Robert John July 4, 1911 (93) ROBERT ALEXANDER M'CAUSLAND, son of Robert Mc• Causland and Eliza Jane Kerr, b. May 10, 1881, Donaghanie. He ~as a non commis-sioned officer in the ''North of Ireland· Imperial Yeomanry'' until they were disba~ded, and was then honored with charge .of a troop in the new Regiment North Irish Horse. Now retired from :service. Has been of material ass-itance in compiling this book.

(94) WILLIAM JOH·N M'CAUSLAND, son of Robert McCausland and Eliza Jane Kerr, b. Sept. 30, 1882, Donaghanie, was like his brother, Robert, a non commissioned officer in the North of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry, for several years·. Later he removed to America.

(95) MATILDA GEORGINA M'CAUSLAND, dau. of Robert Mc­ Causland and Eliza Jane Kerr, b. Oct. 28, 1885, Donaghanie. Mar.~ Apr. 21, 1908, William Armstrong, son of Benjamin Armstrong and Anna Ray, b. Morecrum, Co. Cavan. H·e is a watchmaker and jeweler and resides Dromore, Co. Down.

Elizabeth May Feb. 2, 1909 Killo, Meath.

(96) JANE HLLL ELKIN, dau. of Francis Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland; b. Pittsburg, Pa, Dec. 1, 1873. Mar. Robert W. Liddell, who is claim clerk for Somers, Fitler, Todd & Co, at Pittsburg.

(97) ALEXANDER CLARK ELKIN, son of Francis Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland, b. Smicks·burg, Pa, Dec. 9, 1876. Mar. at Indi­ ana, March 26, 1905, Cora Green of Penn Run, Pa. They reside on a farm near Creekside, Pa.

Ralph Oct. 26, 1906

Dale Apr. 1, 1909

Blair Wilford Sept. -, 1910

(98) MARGARET IDA BELI:E ELKIN, dau. of Francis Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland, b. Smicksburg, Pa, Dec. 24, 1878. Mar. John c. Crawford on June 24, 1895. She died Oct. 13, 1908, at Fowler. Ca.'.l~·


52 where they moved in 1906. Her husband and children reside in Cali­ fornia. The youngest child was born in California, the others all at Smicksburg.

Florence Elizabeth June 17, 1896

David Francis July -, 1898

Mary Margaret Mch. 22, 1900

Isabel Dec. -, 1901

John Bird Apr. 28, 1907

(99) MARY E. M. EILKIN, dau. of 'Francis Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland, b. Mar. 22, 1880, Smicksburg, Pa. Mar. Albert M. Bar­ rett, (Feb. 21, 1902), son of Mary Jane. and Eugene Barrett, b. Mch. 31, 187K He is engaged in farming and dairying, and res·ides wear -1L.oop, Pa, where all the children were born.

Francis Eugene April 23, 1903

Robert William Nov. 26, 1905

Albert Paul Sept. 26, 1908-d. May 5, 1911

Alberta Mar. 29, 1911

(100) HOMER C. ELKIN, son of Francis Elkin and Mary Ann Mc­ Causland, b. Smicksburg, Mar. 4, 1882. Mar. May 27, 1908, Alto· Wire­ man, a s_chool teacher in Niles, Ohio. Resides on a farm near Niles.

Effie May Dec. 6, 1910

(101) CORTLANDT W. W. ELKIN, son of Francis Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland, b. Smicksburg, March 26, 1885, graduated from Allegheney College, and is now studying medicine at John Hopkins Univ. at Baltimore, Md.

(102) HENRY CLYDE ELKIN, son of Francis• Elkin and Mary Ann McCausland, b. Smicksburg, July 9, 1889, Mar. May 25, 1908, Olive Keiffer. He is civil engineer at Star Junction, Pa., with· the Washington Coal and Coke Co.

Phyllis Margarette

Regin Magdalane (10~-) OLIVE ISABELLE ,LATIMER, dau. of Isaac Newton Lat­

imer and,. Olive :Elizabeth . McCausland, b.. Rock Creek, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1868. Mar. Rock Creek, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1889, Louis Truman Hubbard, son of Edgar Hubbard and Frances Lewis. Resides Rock Creek,. where Mr. Hubbard runs fruit farm.

(104) JAMES AUSTIN LATIMER, son of Isaaac Newton Lati­ mer and Olive Elizabeth McCausland, b. Neodasha, Kans•, June 12, 1871. Mar. May 28. 1892, Rock Creek, May Evelina Van Norman, dau. of George Pierce Van ·Norm~n and Amanda Covell, who was b. Rock Creek, Nov. 16, 1873. Removed to Youngstown, Ohio, in 1901, where 1 they still re·side. He is master mechanic in the Struthers Iron Works' at that place.

George Newton June 6, 1896 Rock Creek

James Kenneth July 2, 1902 Youngstown

(105) ELLA LOUISE LATIMER, dau. of Isaac;,_ Newton·:Latimer and Olive Elizabeth McC~u~land, b. West farmingtqn, Ohio, July 8, 1874. Mar. (1) Dec. 13, 1894, Rock Creek, Denver Anson Lee, son of Joseph and Laura Lee, who d. Dec. 25, 1897. Mar. (2) Sept. 29, 1900., Dr. William E. Brayman. Ch. by first marriage, b. in Eagleville, Ohio.

Marion Eliza beth Lee Oct. 10, 1895

Dorothy Laura Lee June 12, 1897

(106) SARAH LUCENE ,LATIMER, dau. of 1s·aac Newton Lati­ m~r and Olive Elizabe~h McCausland, b. Oct. 10, 1880, ~ock Creek,. Opio. Mar. Sept. 2, 1893, at Rock Creek, Jesse Eugene Rice, son of James Euge11e Rice and Ella Smith, who was b. Rock Creek, Sept. 9,. 1877. He was employed as electrician in the wheel· mills at Elyria, Ohio, ~·here the twin_s were born.

Eliza beth Ione Apr. 28, 1911

E!eanor Elizabeth Apr. 28, 1911.

(107) EMMALINE MILDRED LOFLAND, dau. of Charles Lof­ land and Sarah Louise McCausland, b. Independence, Kansas, Sept. 4, 1878. Mar. May 20, 1903, at Shenandoa.~,:J

54 (108) HOWARD CHARLES iLOFLAND, son of Charles Lofland and Sarah Louise McCausl~d, b.. Oct .. 22, 1881, at Neodasha, Kans. . . ,, ', Mar. Sharon, Pa, Apr. 28, 1903, Julia Folan. She d., Prescott, Ariz, 1908. He is conductor on Arizona Railroad, and resides Prescott, Ariz. Mary Louise March 25, 1905 Sharon, Pa.

(109)) JOHN ALEXANDER BROWN, son of Henry R. Brown and Sylphina Lucene McCausland, b. E. Trumbull, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1875. Resides Oklahoma, where he' is• engaged in farming.

(110) SARAH ISABELLE . l\I'CAOSLAND,...... dau. of James Fenton McCausland and Emma Corne~ia ,Gre_er, b. ~<;>ck Creek, Ohio, April 25, 1881. ,Lived in Boston with father until 19Q9, when she went to Buf- ...... ' .. · .. f alo and took a cours.e in kindergarten training. Is. now in charge of classes at Neighborhood Settlement hom;e, Buffalo, and ~eeting splen­ did success in her work.

(111) HOWARD GREER M'CAUSLAND, son of James Fenton\ . , McCausland ·and Emma Cornelia Greert b. Worces·tor, Mass, Mch. 20, 1884.. Mar. Hoboken, N. J. Dec. 25, 1908, Alice Maud Burnell, dau. or Thomas Lewis Burnell and iJnnie Lymer, b. Oct. 27, 1886, Luc11etia Road, London. He spent boyhood in Rock Creek, Ohio, attended 5chool in Holden, Mass, and in 1904 went to New- York City and en­ gaged in interior decorating busine·ss with John ·Wanamaker. Went to Buffalo in 1908 and in 1911 to Rochester, N. Y., where he is sim­ ilarly engaged.

(112) MERZE MARVIN, dau .. of Charl~s Norton Marvin and Bertha Luella McCausland, b. Oct. 26,. 1887, Un,ion, Ia. Has been en­ gaged in newspaper work since 1905, ass-isting her father edit the Sentinel-Post, the leading Republican newspaper of Page Co, Iowa. For a yea.r and a half held posit:on as stenographer in the office of Auditor of State, Des Moines, Iowa. Resides Shenandoah, Iowa.

(113) ROBERT CH-AlVIBERS YOUNG~ son of John C. Young and Elizabeth Chambers, b. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1887. Resides with his parents at 6412 Woodland Ave. and assists his- father jn conducting bis diffe1 ent ente: prisEs, CHAPTER IX


The McCauslands of Formass are closely related to the McCaus­ landa of :Crumnakilly and Donaghanie. Their estate adjoined that of the Drumnakilly family. The Donaghafiie McCausland·s lived a few miles to the west. A few descendants of the Formass family live at iFormass, Six Mile Cros-s today, while others are scattered throughout America. For several generations the Formass estate was kept intact, but with the rebellion of 1798 came troublesome times for the Formass McCauslands, and much of their land was lost. The story of the break­ ing up of the family is a sad one. One by one they left the old home and s-ailed away to found a new home in the new world. The McCaus- 1.and:3 who dwell at Formass today are farmers·.

James McCausland was the first of the Formass family of whom we have any definite information. He was born probably about 1700. He grew to manhood at ~ormass, married, and raised a family of five sons, William, James, John, Thomas and Alexander. He had two grandsons·, William and James, who never married, but lived together at an old homestead in Formass.

Of the five sons of James, John is the only one we were able to trace. He also had five sons, Thomas, born 1773, and Samuel, James, John .and Daniel. They all resided at Formass until the time of the rebellion. After that the family scattered.

Thomas McCausland, son or John. of Formass, with his father and brothers fought against the union with England. When the cause was lost their property was taken from them. Thomas married, abt. 1821. Margaret Waddel.. H,~. was 16 at the time of the rebellion, but was permitted to join _th~. ai:my. Thomas had three children, Henry, Slone and Margaret.

56 Henry was b. 1820, in 1Formass. He mar. Eliza Stuart, and they ~ventually removed to America. Their children were Margaret Eliza­ beth, b. 1850, John Stuart, b. 1857, Mary, 1851, who resides resides at Westboro, Mass, James, 1854, of Chicago, and Jane, 1857, of Cambridge, 'Thomas, William Henry and Anna.

John Stuart McCausland mar. Elizabeth Curry, and re·sides 21 Pine St, Westboro, Mass. His son Thomas Henry, 1878, resides Milflord, Mass, and has one son Raymond Henry, b. Mch. 26, 1909. James Ernest, 1881,. mar. Aurora Anderberger, and lives in Worcestor. They have two children, Everett Alexander July 12, 1909, and Roland· ' . Ernest, Jan. 28, 1906. Stuart Raison, 1883, has one son, Edwin Stuart• .John Stuart McCausland also has three children, unm, Albert John., .1886, Eathel May, 1889, and Helen M, 1895.

Samuel McCausland, son of John of Formass, lived in Formass ·until the time of the Emmet Rebellion. He was opposed to the Union, and was driven out cf the country at the t--rie of the rebellion. He -mar, Jane Cerr. They had three children. William, settled in Formasst• Cathren married, name unknown, and Thomas.

Thomas mar. Jane Armstrong. He d. Dec. 27, 1881. They had many children, Mary Ann, Margaret, William J, John, who mar. Miss Orr, Thomas, who mar. Miss Patte:son and settled in Corelto Co, Minn, Sarah, Cathren of New Ycrk City, Samuel of New York City, Alexander and Andrew.

John McCau!!land, s: n of John of Formass, mar. Nancy Sloan of :Bleac:hgreens.

Daniel McCausland, son of John of Formass·, mar. Margaret Mc­ Fadden, and had four children, Thomas, Alexander, Nancy, Daniel,. Thoma£• had 1 £On :Cunkan. Daniel mar. Letty MacN:ckle of Gorten, ne. ·Df Omagh_



Close by the estates mentioned in the previous chapters dwelt a:n_other McCausland_ family, sprung from the same source. The founder of this family settled on the estate of Lord Mountjoy at the time of. the Ulster settlement. Their post office was Six Mile Cros'S •. -4bout.-.the beginping of. the P.-ineteent_h c~ntu:ry. Alex.ander McCaus• land married Elizabeth Kyle, and in 1819 they immigrated to America. w_it_h their family. There were eleven children, William, Rosanna, Margaret, David, Alexander, John, Jane, James, Audley, Elizabeth. and Mary. A few of the·se we trace:

William had two sons, ~dward M, and W .•Q. and one sister, Ed­ ward M. was b. June 10, 183~·, in 1Lafayette Co, Mo. and d. same place­ Apr. 23, 1873. He was a farmer. He mar. Harriet P. Warren, a_n~ they had two sons, Ernest M, and Walter A. Erne·st M. was b. June 4, 1860, Higginsville, Mo. Mar. at Lexington, Mo,_ Oct. 1, 1891, Jennie­ Goode, dau. of G. M. Goode and Mary Goode. Ernest M. McCausland for 19 years• was a dry goods merchant, and for the past 14 years haSL been with the New York Life Ins. Co. He is now agency director· with headquarters at Acampo, Calif. He has two sons, Edward G., b. Apr. 20, 1893, at Lexington, Mo, and Harold G, b. Sept. 29, 1'904, at St.. Joseph. Walter A. McCausland was b. Feb. 17, ~859, near Co-rd;er, M-o~ and was mar. Oct. 26, 1892, at Greenfield, Ind, to Harriet Rains, dau. of Benj. and Rosean Raines. Walter A. practiced law 15 years and then entered the ministry of the Christian Church. He is located at Col­ le~e, City, Calif. He has one dau, Harriet R, b. Oct. 24, 1893, at How­ ard, Elk Co, Kansas•.

Rosanna was b. 1800 and d. 1863. She mar. Ralph Clayton and had one dau, Mary.

58 John McCausland came to America when about 21 years of age, and first made· his home at ,Lynchburg with Da:vid- Kyle, whose dau, Harriet, he subsequently married! He became a prominent merchant and finally resided at St. Louis~ where· he rendered valuable services as Commissioner of Taxation. He was the father of ,Gen. John Mc­ Causland. His other ch. were Robert Kyle and Laura.

"j"o:tin (Brigadier General), was b. at St~· Louis · Sept; 13, 1837; in 1849 he-went with his brother to Point Pleasant, Mason Co, W. Va. He graduated :With, fi.l!'st honors in of 1857 at the Va. ·Military Institute, and subsequently acted a~ Professor in that institution.. He· was one of the most conspicuous figures in the warfare in the· Valley of the Shenandoah,· and on the· borders of Virginia, held important Confederate commands and gained ·a nat:onal reputation as a-brilliant leader and .. persistent fighter. General John McCausland, after the· close of ho·stilities, spent a year or two in Europe and Mexico, and then r~turned to Mason County, where he has ever since resided in quiet upon, his farm at Grimm's Landing. (See Confederate Military History, 2 W. Va. 7, 26, 28, 65-7, 96, 1i·5-8. fol' services and photograph. 2 Maryland 129. 3. Va. 59, 135, 482, 610.)



Another family undoubtedly related to the McCauslands of Drum­ nakilly and Donaghanie, originated in Cappagh Parish at the time of the Ulster Settlement. The pioneer of this• family came over from Scotland and settled on the estate of Lord Mountjoy. This McCaus­ land, and the son who succeeded him were well off, and kept a good house in those ancient days. They were Royalists, and belonged to the Army. The elder McCausland had a Masonic Lodge "in one of his parlors; every member had his own decanter, tumbler, and glass, with his name engraved thereon. When a new parish church was to be built, McCausland gave a large piece of land as the site for the church and graveyard. A descendant of this elder McCausland married Eliz­ abeth Letts, daughter of John Letts, who was in the army and settled in Omagh as billet officer for the regiments on march, and held other offices of importance. :McCausland was an architect and builder, suc­ ceeding his uncle Robert ,Letts in that profess-ion. The children born to this union were Robert, William, James, Elizabeth and Fanny, and excepting Robert were lost track of in Brooklyn many years ago. Robert mar. Caroline Elizabeth Klophel, and settled in Toronto, where he was. a time an architect and later the head master of L-0uisa and Bathhurst St. Schools. His children and grandchildren reside in Canada, Pennsylvania and near by points. Among them are Mrs. James MacDonald, Woodstock, Canada; Mrs. Herbert J. Sangster, Port Perry, Canada; Dr. R. J. McCausland. 5010 Kingsessing Ave. Phila• delphia; William Arthur :McCausland, Mansfield, Pa; Mrs. Sidney Jay Jenckes, Perry, N. Y; Mrs. Corbett, of \\i"innipeg; Mrs. Vf. B. Stod­ dard, 743 :Madison Ave, Scranton, Penna, and others unmarried.


James ~cCausland of Ballinamullan in the parish of Cappagh, Co. Tyrone. Body to be buried in the church of Cappagh. All my right, title, interest, property, claim and demand· either in law or equity that I have either now or heretofore to son Andrew M~ Causland (now of Ballinamullan) the said lease made me by the Rt. Hon. Wm, Earl of Blessington, in as full, ample and tenantable manner as I formerly enjoyed said farm, To have and to hold to him the said Andrew McCausland my second son, his heirs, executors, adm's, and as'Signs from henceforth during the continuance of said lease. · To oldest son Alexander McCausland of Six Mile Cross, Co. Tyrone, the sum of ls. in full of right or claim of any kind that he might make after my decease, the same being intended to barr him thereof, and the like sum of ls to John McCausland of Omagh, my third son, in full of any claim or demand he might have.

My second son Andrew to receive the full value of the bonds I gave my ·son Alexander of Francis Crawford, Esq, and Thomas Craw­ ford, in order to sue for the rec-overy thereof- Executor, Son Andrew McCausland. Witnesses·: Dated 11th November, 1758. John Paterson James Willson J as. :McCausland Alex. Crigan, Proved 24th November, 1758, by Alex. Crigan, subscribing witness and the execution was committed to Andrew McCausland, the exec­ utor.

61 A DEERPARK. LEASE. - 1766

Memorial of an article dated 1st Sept. 1763, Whereby Alexander }IIcCausland of the City of Dublin, Esq, did for the · considerations therein mentioned::agree to devise unto: Roger· .Dougherty and James Dougherty, both of Deerpark in the parish of Drumraugh, Co. Tyrone, ~11 that part of Deer Park which they then. held and enjoyed for and .during the term of 31 years commencing from 1st November then next at the yearly rent of 14s. by the account sixpence by the pound _receivers fees. And the said Alexander McCausland did further there• by agree to devise to said Roger and James Dougherty the old inclos­ ure opposite to Blythes forth at the rent of £ 2 for the year then next ensuing and for £ 3 yearly during the rest of the said devise, which ;Said premises are situate, lying and being in said parish of Drumraugh, Co. Tyrone. Wtines-ses, Thomas Mcllduff and Jos. McDonnel, both .of Killycurragh, Co. Tyrone. Mem'l witnessed by said Mcllduff and Edw'd Morris of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Gent. James Dougherty. Reg'd 11th.. June, 1166.

A D~ERPARK LEASE - 1743 Memorial of Deed, dated Oct. 10th, 1740, made between John Mc­ .causland of Rush, Co. Tyrone, Esq, of the one part and Andrew and James :McCausland of Deerpark, Farmers of the other part, by which sd. deed sd. John McCausland in consideration of the yrly, rent of. £ 14-10-0 did devise and let unto said Andrew and James McCausland all that part of the Deerpark formerly possessed by Patrick McCaus- Jand and Wm. Geer, situate in the manor of Ellistown, otherwi'Se Omagh, Co. Tyrone, To have and to hold to s•aid Andrew and James for and during the natural lives of said Andrew and Jomes or. the term .of 38 years. Witnessed by George Rea then of Omagh, Gauger, Thos. Caldwell of Drumragh in said Co, Farmer, and Hamilton Shaw of .Omagh, Gent. Mem'l witnessesd by said Shaw and Andrew Allen .Clerk to Edmond Gilson of the city of Dublin, Att. Andrew McCausland. Reg'd 17th June, 1743. A LEASE OF OMAGH TENEMENTS - 1743 Memorial of an Indented ~ee Form Deed of Lease, dated 4th April, 1743, :µiade between Alexander McCausland of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Esq. of one part and John Nixon of Fraghmore in said Co, Yeoman, of the other party, Whereby sd. McCausland for and in consideration of the yrly, rent ,of £ 7 did devise, set & to .farm let unto said :Nixon, ·An that.and those the two tenements situate on the southwest. side of the street of Omagh in said Co, in one whereof John Hamilton lately •dwelt and the other being a waste tenement. . . . Witnessed by Wm. Scott of Donaghanie, Co. Tyrone, Gent, and James Smith of the city of Dublin, Gent. Mem'l witnessed by said Scott and Andrew .Allen, Clerk to Edmond Gilson of the City of Dublin, Attorney. John Nixon. Reg' d 17th June, 17 43. PATENT ROLLS. WILLIAM AND MARY (1689-1702)

Page 29. A deed of Bargain and sale made by John Hamilton of Calli don in the Co. of Tyrone, to Olive McCausland of in said Go. Esq of the reversion and ren1ainder of the lands of Killride, Dugirer Portnelligan and Lislanumm, and all the rents, services and profits reserved due and to the said John Hamilton by reason of the said reversion and remainder. Dated 10th November, 1692. Page 86. Deed from Oliver McCausland Esq to John Hamilton of the lands. of Kiltilride and other lands in the barony of Turrawney and Co. of Armagh. Dated 8th of February, 1697.

ANNE. (1702-1714) Page 107. ,Grant to Olive McCausland for fairs and markets to be held at Stranorlane in the Co. of Donegal. Dated 27th February, 10th Anne.

JAM ES. II. (1685-1688) Page 43. A deed dated 14th April 1683 made by Sir Wm. Tichburne of Booley, Co. Leath, --H,enry Tichburne Esq to Olive :\'.IcCausland of Ardstra, Co. Tyrone Esq, and Andrew ::.v.IcClenagban of Cappy, Go. Tyrone, Gent, of an annual rent or sum of £ 20 per annum reserved and payable to Sir Henry Ticbburne of Blessing burrough, Co. Tyrone,_ lat€ly deceased out of seYeral lands in the barony of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, by Deed dated 18th June, 1658.



McCausland, Alexander, Ardstrath, Go. Tipperary 1675 ,, ,, Altahamon, Co. Antrim 1733 ,, ,, Rush, Co. ·Tyrone 1746

" Andrew Drumragh, Co. Tyrone 1808 ,, Conolly Fruithill, Co. Derry 1794 ,, ,, Streve Hill, Co. Derry 1801

,, Dominick Daisy Hill, Co. Derry 1807 ,, Elizabeth IFruithill, Co. Derry 1791 ,, Frederick Streve Hill, Co. Derry 1784 " Jane Knockrans, Co. Derry 1799 ,, John Strabane, Co. Tyrone 1728 ,, ,, Rulagh, Co. Tyrone, 174~ ,, Marcus Daisy Hill, Go. Tyrone 1783: ,, ,, Lieut & Adj 8th Reg of Foot 1798

,, ff L. Daisy hill, Co. Derry 1809· " Oliver Strabane, Co. Troyen 1722' ,, ,, ,, ,, " 1741 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 1756,

,, Patrick Drumnagh, Co. Tyrone 180& ,, Robert Fruithill, Co. Derry 17S11 ,, Thomas Drumna, Co. Tyrone 1805· ,, William Dublin 1764 McGasland, Anne Jane Richmond, Co. Dublin (widow) 178!}


McCausland, Alexander Cappagh, Tyrone 1752 ,, ,, Corrary, par. of Cappagh 1768 ,, " Cappagh, Tyrone 1799 ,, Anderson Culmore, Tyrone 1858 ,, Elizabeth Rush Hill, Tyrone 1813 ,, Hamilton Ballyna.mulland, Tyrone 1798 ,, James Ardstraw, Tyrone 1754 ,, " Cappagh, Tyrone 1758 ,, ,, John Tyrone 1794 ,, ,, Drumragh, Tyrone 1802 ,, Sarah Streive, par. of Drumackre 1822 ,, Thomas Drumragh 1745 INDEX OF NAMES

Alexander, Rotert, 50. Anderson, Robert, 18. Apperson, James, 26. Apperson, Mary Isabella, 36. Apx;erson, Margaret Estella, 37.

Armstrong,, 51. Ba:hellor, Florence, 50. " · Frank, 50.

" Gertrude, 50.

Bar1 e.t, .P-lbe. t M.; 53. Bol1skey, Morri~, 50. Brayman, Wil. iam E., 54.

Eritton, BenJamin, 48. Brow,n, John Alexander, 55.

Brown, Henry R., 37.

" William, 45.

Calhoun, Joseph, 18

Ca!len, Ed, 49. Calwen, John, 18. Carter, Arthur, 18, 19.

Clark, Capt., 18. c:ayton, Ralph, 58. Corbett, Mr., 60.

Crawford, John C., 51. Darlington, Penrose W., 47. Davis, Horace 0., 38. Diehl, Daniel, 49. Duncan, James, 18.

Elkin, Cortlandt, W. W., 5~·. " . Homer C., 53. " Henry Clyde, 53. " Jane Hi~l, 51. ,, Francis, 36. " Margar-et Ida Bell, 51. ,, Mary E. M., 53.

Elkins, Alexander Clark, 51. Elkins, William, 19. Evans, Arthur Kel'ey, 17. Fletcher, James Edgar, 55.

Forster, Henry, 33. Fullerton, James, 33. ,, Robert, 41.

" Thomas, H., 48. " William R., 48. ,, Jacob L., 48. ,, Clara M., 48. Geiger, J. c., r o. Gilmore, Fobert, 49. Graham, Mr., 28.

Had-field, Themas•, 47. Hall, H·enry, 24. Hamilton, Charlotte, 18. ,, Isabelle, 18. ,, Liza Jane, 18. " Margaret, 18. " Patrick, 18. Haynes., Charles Barnard, 28.

" Flora 40. ' " !Frederic Lincoln, 39.

" Her·bert Webster, 39. Hubbard, Louis Truma.n, 54. ·

Johnston, Joseph, 34. " EliZiabeth, 49. ,, William, 49. " Mattie, 49. " May, 49. " Sarah, 49. " Ruth, 50. J-eh!6k€s, Sydney Jay, 60. Kyle-~- Joseph, 50. LatimeT, Isaac Newton, 37. ·

Olive Isabelle 54. " ' . " James Austin, 54. Latimer, Ella Louise, 54. ,, Sarah Lucene, 54. iLee Denver Anson, 54. ' Liddell, Robe·rt W., 51. Lofland, Charles, 37. " Emmaline Mildred, 54. " Howard Charles, 54. Lyons, W'ilaam, 40, 50. " John, 28. Marvin, C'. N , t·8. " Merze, 55. Miles, Henry, 18. ,, Mary, 18. ,, Elizabeth, 18, ,, WUliam, lS.

" Annie, 18.

Moffatt, Charles Morton, 40.

Moore, Alexander, 35. McCausland, Alexander, 17, 23, 26, 29, 31, 46~ fi8. ,, Alexander Hamilton, 46. ,, Alexander Newton, 49. ,, Alexander Oliver Sanderson, 17. ,, Ali-cia Louisa, 17. ,, Anna. A., 44. ,, Anne, 24, 33. ,, Bertha Let:tia, 48 .... ,, Bertha Luella, 38. ,, Catherine, 18, 28. ,, Catherine Clark. 48. " Charles Raymond, 39. ,, Daniel, 57, ,, Edward M., 58. ,, Eliza Jane, 50. ,, Elmer s., 49. ,, Emily Charlotte, 50. ,, Emma A., 39. ,, Elizabeth, 47. " M., 58. " George Henderson, 46. " George, 23. ,, Henry, 57. ,, Howard Greer, 55. ,, Ida Constance, 18. ,, Isa.belle, 34. " Isabella, 18, · 36. " Isabella Caroline. 50. ,, Isabelle Jane, 47. ,, James, 18, 21, 30, 35, 56. ,, James Ernest, 57. ,, James Fenton 37. ' ,, James Reed, 44. ,, Jane, 18, 19, 26, 28, 32 .. ,, Jemima Isabel~a 17. ' ,, John, 18, 21, 22, 28, ~2, 56, 57, 58, 59. ,, John Henderson, 47. " John Stuart, 57. ,, Lottie, 19. ,, Mary, _30. ,, Margaret, 18, 28, 31. 35. ,, Maf!garet Net,tie, 48. ,, Mary Ann, 36. ,, Matilda Georgina, 51. " Matilda. 19. ,, Olive Elizabeth. 37. ,, Robert, 12, 23, 35, 60. ,, Robeirt Alexander, 51. ,, R. J., 60. ,. Rosa Janette, 18. ,, Rosanna, 58. ,, Ruth Lydia, 49. ,, Sallie, 34. ,, . Samuel, 57. ,, Sarah Jane, 38. ,, Sara.h Louise, 37. ,, ,, Sarah Mary, 50. ,, Stt:art Ralston, 57. ,, Syl~hina Lucene, 37.

" Themas , 24, 56, 57. " Tho:nas Henry, 57. ,, Walter A, 58. ,, W lliam, 20, 23, 24, 33, 58. ,, William Beatty, 44. ,, William c., 19. " Willi3,m Arthur, 60. " William John, 51. M:eDonald, James, 60.

M,cKelvey, James, 44;

" Robe: t, 44. " Jane, 45. ,, John, 45. ,, Wdlliam, 45. ,, George, 45. ,, Thomas, 46. ,, Elizab€th, 46. ,, Robert, 31.

Mc:{night, WLiiam, ~ 6.

M•c:Minn, Judge, ~4.

McNairn, W. M , 18.

McClarin, Jos:rh, :36.

Nee•ley, Jotn A., 46. " Th:-mas, 32. Orr, JoSieph, 18. " Arthur, 18. .,, John Willi;'.m, 18. ·

.,, Mary Ann, 18 .

Terry, John H., 18. Robinson, George C., 39. Rollins, 1'Jeorge C., 39.

Rickards, Ted, 19 .

.hi<:e. Jes~-e Eugene, 54.

Rinker, John, 35.

Rutledge, Robert, 18.

Rudclph, James Francis, 49. ·

Sangster, Herbert J., 60.

Ecoville, Albert F., 37.

Sheckleton, Thomas. William, 36.

Sharp! ·ss, J. K., fO.

Stewart,· Thomas, f.O.

~toddard:, W. B., 60. Sti.:art Char· es 18. ' ' Thie:-clf, Walte·r Rayrr.ond, 48.

·Thompson, Dr., 18.

" Merw:; n,. 18 .. ,, Cecil, 18.

Todd, Mr., 18.


Walter, Dr. He:r:ry, 48.

Whitti-ngton, Mr., 18. vVhite, Ja:nes·, 18. \V-ilkins, Ha~ghton, 17.

" Ccnstance, H_., 18.

Young, Jiames, 30. ·41,

Young, Elizabeth. Ja-ce, 41.

Young, William, 41. ,. John C., 41, 42.

" Robert, 43.

. " · .. ·- - .H ,. · C.; ·55. · FAMILY RECORD










PARENTS ------



MARRIED ------

REMARKS ------










--~------~------·------~------FAMILY RECORD













NAME ------·------

PARENTS ·------








·------~------FAMILY RECORD


PARENTS ·--·------









------·---- ..·------·------~--·---,--··-

·------,..•---'••--~-----·--._..,,.~ ..... ------FAMILY RECORD

NAME------__ _















NAME ------· ------



BORN ------









·------~------FAMILY RECORD

NAME ------·---·----·-----~-----~--.. ·•· •. - -· .., ..

PARENTS ------~------~---~------

BORN ------·------~------~~~~~-~-~~~~.~~~~~~····-~~~-~•--~.--~-•.


MARRIED ··-·------·---.. ------·-·;,•.•-·••·•-•·- ___ ..., •..., ..... _.,.,. FAMILY RECORD







------~----~·--==-----·----'- ·------·------~---:---••·------"!"'------

------~------·--·------··------~----·---·-----·. . . ------ia------·-· ---·------·-·------··------·----·------•.--·---- FAMILY RECORD


PARENTS ·------·------



REMARKS ·------·------


-~------~---·------~-----~------~--·------...... _____ ,...... --··- - . -- .

·---· - -_. --,-·-. --·- - , . .. ~ - ·-· ------. -- . ---'--. --- ... ------·------

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------·------·------·------·----·------~-~-~------. .


______,;:~-~-:.~-----~---.;..~ ... ------~----·------FAMlL V RECORD

NAME ------,-. ------..,. _ - - ~ ~ - ~ 'P' ~ .., .. _ - - - - ..... ~-:-., - .... 41:' ~ - ,:' -· ..







.. _._ ...... ~·-·················-······~-·· FAMILY RECORD


.•. ---.------~-----~-- -;;..------~------·------...




.. ~------..---.------.. ,,.--,- ...-,-..-:.--.---r•-----•• •------••-••-~••••••••-•••••




·------~ ------~------~------•s------·---~------.------·------·---!.------FAMILY RECORD

NAME------.------, • • # • --- .------>



BORN ·------·------~----

DIED ·------·------


REMARKS ------~------


·------. . ~


------.---. ~ ~------~ ------



------~------FAMILY RECORD


PARENTS •--•·--··~-•------.:-,-----~--·~-~~------~M~-•---~-~------. . .

·-· ------·-·--- .. -----·--·~ ..... ---- ... --~------... ----,-~------.•·------·




REMARKS _____ .., ______,·----~-----.. ------··------·---·-- ...... --~----~

·------.. ------.-·--. ____ ... ------·-----,.·---·-·


·--· ------.-----,------~---.-,---·------._ ___ _

·~·-----.,.~·------..... --.-...-.-.---!9------.------


-:.------J ______..______., __ .. ___ ..______..,.

·------· ------

·------~-~------~------FAMILY RECORD




DIED ·------,-. .:·.. ----·-~------,.------~- .... ------•...-.--• ..... -.4---..------..


REMARKS ------,-----... --.------.-·------,-.-----,..---~--··----·--~·-~

------·-··------··--- -~------·---.,,,.------·--.. --,..~------·.,.•----~

------,______-~--- .. ----~. _.,. -.------~- --~------~ -·------~- .. -.----


------·------. ------·------

------~------~------~- - FAMILY RECORD

NAME----·------~-- ...... _r- '\-- - .... "' - .., _ ·-·---·""'------·------·---- .. ______


...... ------~------,,------.. ------

BORN ___. __ _...,,._. _____ ~c..------...------.------·-,-...------,.-"- ..

DJED ·--·---...... -_ . ._ __ ..., __ -.,_ ------.... --~--~-- ... ------._ __ ----____ :.,. ______------

MARRIED ·------...... -.------·------




·------.------~------___ .. ______------... ----~------______.,_

------·------·--- --~------.------_,_ __




-- ._.., _____ i_.;.,. ____ ~_ ------·-·- - -- ... - - -·------· FAMILY RECORD

NAME ------~------·------

PARENTS - ·- ·-----· ------~- _. ------·-•------·---- ·----- ·--·


BORN ------·------



REMARKS ------_____, ______..

--J------· ------


·------·------FAMILY RECORD




DIED ·------

MARRIED ·------







------·------·-· FAMILY RECORD

. . NAME ------. ·- ·-· ·-- ·----·------·------. --•.

PARENTS ------~---- .6 ------~--··------· -a._.., ..... -~ ...... ,......



DIED ~------~------~---~~~-

MARRIED ·------·------~---





------~ ------·--

------·-- ·------~------FAMILY R£CORD

NAME ------.... ------

PARENTS ------

·------~------. ~- .. ----


DI-ED ·------·------~. ------


REMARKS ------~------. - ---

~------·------· ...... ·------.------,-~ ----.-~- -




