PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 1 Nov. 10 2010 VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 14 VALENCIAVOICE.COM Official Student Media of Valencia Community College By Victor Ocasio
[email protected] A masked man ducks and dodges between dingy streets and alleyways, seeking to vanquish evil wher- ever it appears. His gadgets are ready, his fighting skills honed, and his costume complete. He is the su- perhero of Winter Park, Master Legend. But unlike his inked counterparts of Marvel and DC, Master Legend is very real. He is part of the growing international community of real life superheroes who have, in recent years, gained popularity due to the slew of comic movies that have been flooding the mainstream market. But the overall message of these masked heroes is much bigger than mere imitation and role-playing. “The real life superhero thing is about getting out there, being ready to fight evil, jumping into action and putting your life on the line if you have to,” said Master Legend. “You have to accept that fact as a superhero.” Continued on page 9 PAIGE 2 NEWS 3 OPINION 7 FEATURES 9 SPORTS 13 NOV. 10, 2010 Official Student Media of Valencia Community College 2 Contents Latin American Student Association brings cultures together JFK nephew speaks at Rollins College Students played a game of limbo, The general gossip of people, places and 3 things with Paige Branson lots of food and crazy hats!! Diversity on 5 campus “Holidays are always my favor- ite time of the year...Whether it’s John F.