January 2020 Church and Village News for : Bedfield, Monk Soham, , Tannington, Worlingworth

Worlingworth Players present : Panto Jack and the Beanstalk January 25th 2.00 pm and 6.45pm ( Book Early ! ! Tickets are flying up the Beanstalk) Reserve your tickets now by calling Val on 01728 628068

Email : [email protected] WORLINGWORTH, ST. MARY. Flowers in January

Jan 5th Rita Ridgwell, Jan 12th Pat Kench,

Jan 19th Yvonne Wiley Jan 26th Val Swallow

From St Marys PCC and congregation we wish you all a Very Happy New Year

Worlingworth Local History Group It has been another successful year for the group with an enthusiastic membership of over eighty, an active committee and great ideas for 2020. Two outings are being organised; one a fully-subscribed trip to the Somme battlefield in France and a more local outing to the Albert Memorial College ( College!) in the spring/summer. Our quarterly talks for 2020 will be: Feb 10th: Framlingham during World War 2: John Bridges May 11th: The Burston School Strike: Anne May Aug 10th: The Womens Land Army: Nicky Reynolds Nov 9th: Cakes and Ale (Medieval Celebrations): Kate Jewell Annual membership is only £6. The members quarterly newsletter always includes fascinating local history articles. Contact Geoff & Janette Robinson on 628768 for a membership application form.

Services at Bedfield Church for January 2020 12th January, Family Service -10am RA 26th January, Plough Sunday 9.30am CS See Flyer

Bingo Worlingworth Community Centre in 2020

It's a fun friendly bingo night and great cash prizes. It’s 18+ only as it is cash bingo. It’s £12 to play all games or the option of just the £10 book and the two extra games are a £1 each! Bar is open! Dates: All Thursday dates: 28th January 26th March - Easter special Next one 21st May 16th July 24th September 26th Nov - Christmas2 special January 28th

Christmas Distribution 2019 from Worlingworth Charities

Dear Worlingworth Parishioners, The Trustees of the Worlingworth Charities would like to wish all parish- ioners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year. Once again we are pleased to donate £30.00 as our Christmas Distribu- tion which is being made to some of the many Over 65 year old pensioner households in the village. All households with one or more long standing villager who are 65 years old or more qualifies – but we would once again like say a big thank you to all those who have declined this distribution as this has helped us to maintain our financial support for the various village community activities. As many of you will be aware the Worlingworth Charities consist of The John Godbold Trust which has the original objective of helping the church and the poor, and the Educational Trust which was set up to help education in the village. We have again been able to help the School by subsidising the cost to all pupils in year six for the Hollowford residential trip, together with other school funding, and also with funding for the Seniors Christmas Lunch, the Church, the Community Centre, and the Village Newsletter as well as a number of students who have asked for help with the purchase of study books for further education courses. During the year the “ Bowls Green” at the Swan Pub has been donated to the Charities on condition that is retained as a village asset. As yet we have no idea what the plans are for the Swan but whatever happens the Bowls Green will remain as a village asset in the ownership of the Charities . If you know of anyone who is over 65 and has lived here for 5 years or more and who would want to accept a distribution from us ,or of any organisation who we should consider assisting, or any young people with further education expenses who may need assistance please let us know .We will do our best to help where possible and where the criteria of the charities allow. Chris Watson Chairman of the Trustees of the Worlingworth Charities , – Nora Ingate, Shirley Rutterford, Julia Rodwell, Paul Maybury, Graham Catling 3

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre all are welcome. [email protected] Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the village website at www.worlingworth.onesuffolk.net

Christmas Tree Recycling (see page 15) Please drop off your real Christmas Trees (less than 7ft tall and all decorations, stands and pots removed) at the Community Centre between 7am Friday 3rd January and 6.30am Monday 13th January. Last year in over a thousand trees were recycled as part of this scheme. Parish Council Meetings for 2020: The Parish Council meets every month on the third Wednesday of the month. The dates for 2020 are: Parish Council Meetings 15th January, 19th February, 18th March, 15th April, 20th May, (council AGM), 17th June, 15th July, 19th August, 16th September, 21st October, 18th November & 16th December, all at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The dates for the Annual Parish Meeting, Spring Clean, Autumn Tidy and Walking Day will be decided at the January 2020 meeting and reported after then. Email Communications In an effort to improve communication channels between the Parish Council and parishioners a suggestion was put forward at the November meeting that interested parties could subscribe to a list to receive notifications when new documents are posted on the website. Therefore, if you would like to subscribe to a mailing list to receive such notifications please email worlingworthparish- [email protected] with “PC Alerts” in the subject line. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. Councillor Vacancy We are seeking a volunteer to contribute to the local community in the role of Parish Councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.

Do you love trees and nature? We have a vacancy for a Tree Warden in Worlingworth. The role of the village Tree Warden is to speak up for trees in our village, to save the old ones from the developers and to arrange for the planting of new native trees to offset the losses of trees in our beautiful countryside. The Tree Warden works closely with the Parish Council, which provides funding to support planting and can also provide relevant training for a new Warden. Please contact Brian Smallcombe on 01728 628567 4 NEWS FROM WORLINGWORTH CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL

Fantasy Lands A new year sees a brilliant new topic for the pupils at Worlingworth to get their teeth stuck into. This term all our topics are linked to Other Worlds – Mercury Class will be exploring the Solar System, Saturn Class will discover the Planets and Jupiter Class will delve into the past world and the lives of the Ancient Greeks. This month the children will take part in their second Challenge Day linked to their new topics where they will be challenged to work together to solve difficult questions and tasks. Our growth mindsets will be needed to succeed! Maths Cafe We are beginning the New Year with a special Maths Café on Friday 10th January where we will be inviting parents and carers in to school to come and work alongside their child to develop their under- standing of numbers. The world of numbers has never looked so fun! Author Visit We are delighted to have organised an exciting author visit to the school in January. Children’s writer Grant Strong, is going to come and spend the morning with the children , talking about inspiration for books and being an author, reading from his books and working alongside the children to develop their writing and reading skills. Sugar for Shelters The children chose to focus our Christmas charity work on this local farming based charity that sup- ports vulnerable families across East Anglia providing them with food throughout the year and a Christmas lunch. Families and parents donated a total of 35kg of sugar which was collected by the head of the charity last week. She wanted to pass on her thanks to all who donated. Christmas Jumper Day The school uniform was transformed for a day in December with mischievous elves, Rudolph, Santa and snowmen sparking and lighting up. The children raised a total of £24.00 for Save The Children as a result. Fairies and Elves Our tea and toys group is called Fairies and Elves and it is held the first Tuesday of each month at the school from 1.30 – 3.00pm. The next date is 7th Jan 2020. We welcome young children who would like to enjoy singing, stories and some craft activities with their parent, grandparent or carer – babies are welcome too! It’s a chance to meet others and have a cup of tea too. Friends Meeting The Friends of Worlingworth Primary have been busy raising funds for the school and their next meeting is on Thursday 28th January at 3.15pm at the school. All parents and grandparents are wel- come to come along have a cuppa and find out how to support and take part in future fund-raising events. Road Safety Request Please can we remind all members of the community not to park on the zig zag lines outside the school. The lines are there to keep our children safe when arriving and leaving from the school. Many thanks for your support. Website Please do check the school website: www.worlingworthschool.co.uk as there are lots of photographs showing our activities . You can also follow us on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and facebook: Worlingworth.School.


A Happy New Year to all! Like our gardens we are dormant, there is no meeting in January! However, we have an exciting and varied programme of monthly meetings already planned for the New Year, please email if you would like a copy of this, new members are always most welcome. Our first meeting is February Saturday 22nd 9.30 a.m. when, by popular demand, an excellent tutor returns to show us how to make two woven willow items for our garden. Further information is available from Barbara (Lee) 628048 [email protected]

Southolt raised over £800 for Macmillan

Southolt says a big thank you to all who supported Macmillan this year. Southolt raised over £800 this year with your help. Thank you everyone who came and supported us by donations, cakes, soups, prizes , craft sellers and helped throughout the day to make it a great event.

BEDFIELD SPRING FAIR Saturday 18th April 2020 11.00 to 2.00 As promised we are repeating our Spring Fair this year on the Saturday after Easter. It was very popular last year and we hope to build on that success. This year the money raised will be split between the planned new children’s play area and 2 dementia charities. There will be craft stalls together with the very popular plant stall run by the Garden Club and also yummy homemade cakes and preserve stalls, refreshments and of course a raffle. We would be grateful for donations to any stall including our "unwanted Christmas presents" table and if any of you would like to sell your crafts/ homemade goods and book a table or maybe share one please contact me Many thanks, Jenny Hinchey (627134)

Bedfield and Monk Soham 60’s Club

The AGM will be held on March 11 at 2.00pm in Bedfield Sports Pavilion New Members welcome so if you are interested come and join us at the AGM

The Outings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month travelling in the Community Bus and we decide where to go at the AGM

Details Gillian 628421. 6

Dr Dan’s letter available on Worlingworth web site


9 Dear Friends, Letter from Rev. Ron January 2020 Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always a good time for taking stock of our lives and making plans, though this year we will all have to consider what changes Brexit may bring. As in all things, there will be winners and losers. I was reminded of this after the recent election when, the following day there were scenes of jubila- tion alongside scenes of dejection and sadness. This has ever been the case in elections, as in life in general, for some, a time to weep and for others a time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3.4) and I daresay it will always be the case in this life. Jesus gives us hope through a very famous sermon, called ‘the sermon on the mount’ (Matthew 5). In essence, he says that he is going right the wrongs and make all things just and equal. The first few verses to me, are the most profound: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. In the period before Christmas – Advent, or ‘the coming’ we not only celebrate the coming of Jesus in his birth, but we look for the second coming when Jesus will return and bring about the Kingdom of heaven where there is no inequality just love, joy and harmony. Imagine a world where there is no need for elections or referendums, no politics and no-one jostles for first position without consid- eration of anyone else! As we approach this period of uncertainty pray for each other and if you are a winner, remember those who have not fared so well and ask yourself: ‘what can I do to level the playing field? What can I do to realise Jesus promise and bring the Kingdom of God nearer? With my prayers and best wishes, Ron

Monk Soham Carol Service The Monk Soham Carol Service was held at St. Peter’s church on Sunday 22nd ` December, led by the Rev’d Rebecca Artiss. The Pastoral Quire was in good voice and led the joyful signing. The service took the form of six lessons and traditional Christmas carols, which was enjoyed by all in attendance. As well as thanks being given for the well decorated church, thanks also to the Rev’d Artiss for leading the service, the Pastoral Quire, those who read the lessons, Tim for playing the Organ, and Malcolm and his bell ringers, Anne and Joy for serving the hot mulled wine and mince pies. Half the collection is going to Tear Fund, the other half to Church Funds. Help Needed. This year Monk Soham Church will be seeking a new treasurer. Anyone interested, or has any questions should contact Geoff Artiss on 01728 685 663 or a P.C.C. member. In the same way if anyone would like to generally help in anyway, please contact us. 10

HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS Except at Bank Holidays, EVERY WEEK the bus runs to: Framlingham on Tuesdays on Thursdays Diss on Fridays IN ADDITION there are services to - first Saturday and third Wednesday of the month. To BURY ST. EDMUNDS - first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month and to NORWICH -second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of the month. During May, June and September there is also a service to on the fourth Monday of the month. During January 2020 the dates of our services will be: Saturday 4th January. Ipswich Saturday 11th January. Norwich Wednesday 15th January. Ipswich Saturday 18th January. Wednesday 22nd January. Norwich February 2020 Saturday 1st February. Ipswich.

Timetables are available on the bus or from Gerry Garwood (685415) and John Ridgwell (627181) !!Timetables now available on our brand new WEBSITE!! combus.org.uk

NEW DRIVERS PLEASE!! We are always seeking potential new drivers. If you can help, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please contact our Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728 685415 Support Worlingworth Cricket Club We are inviting anyone interested to come along to the cricket club AGM on Fri 7th Feb at 7.45pm in the Clubhouse .

Join the 100 club Would you like to win £50-£100 with better odds than the lottery and help raise funds to maintain and continue to improve your local Cricket Club? Log on to Worlingworth Cricket Club Web site .

Worlingworth Garden Club

Reminder: no meeting in January

The saying goes “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” but in our club we are in desperate need of more chiefs! That is, we are in serious need of more committee members. It is not a difficult thing, meetings are friendly over tea and cake and all suggestions are taken seriously. Anyone welcome! Please think carefully and give us a call if you need more info! 11 Judith 01728 628 567 and Marion 01728 628 195

Items for February 2020 Newsletter by 19th January Please

To Val Swallow : [email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop Street, Worlingworth IP13 7HX tel 01728 628068

Please put in Subject : February 2020 NEWSLETTER ( No PDF)

Rotary Club of High Suffolk The Rotary Club of High Suffolk is looking for new members. w: www.highsuffolkrotary.org Rotary changes people’s lives. As part of an e: [email protected] international voluntary organisation of more than 1.2 million men and women in over 170 f: www.facebook.com/ countries around the world, Rotarians work RotaryClubHighSuffolk together locally and globally to make life better for others, regardless of race, religion, culture or political inclination. Rotarians live by a code of high ethical standards and carry the creed of international goodwill and peace throughout all aspects of their personal, busi- ness and community lives. Rotarians make things happen, whilst enjoying mutual fel- lowship and having fun. If you’d like to know more, email us at [email protected]

Fed up of Cooking? Fed up with Ready Meals? Need some help with Admin? Telephone Sophie Finch. Trained by Universal Aunts and Age Concern (London) 01728 723456. Lessons in Piano, Singing, Theory also, Basic Pipe Organ lessons. Rates on request T. W. Artiss 01728 685 663


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LADY GARDENER For general maintenance and gardening work DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN Tel 01728 628424 MAINTENANCE W Sharpe Computer Services GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING Computer/Laptop/Pads & Books FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC Internet/Broadband/Printer & Net- AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS : working Support & Repair. 01728627806 / 07898308601 01728 685905 [email protected]

Chris from Tannington Garden Services,

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POSTMAN FENCING SERVICES Paddock & Agricultural Fencing Specialist Mechanical Post Driving, Gate Installation Home: 01728 628078 Mobile: 07876355579

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Locally based practice for the last 30 years Wide range of experience both in practice and educa- tion. D.G Carpentry and Joinery Have won Listed Buildings awards and worked all over East Anglia Renovations, , Extensions, Roofing, Will look at all your proposed Building Kitchen installations Flooring Projects whatever the size Can be involved from feasibility to completion including Fb page D.G Carpentry joinery statutory bodies Tel 07913 291732/ Broad based both in clientele and pro- jects, where a personal service is [email protected] essential Tel /Fax 01728 628470 email

Simply Beautiful by Anne Weddings, Bridesmaids, Ball Gowns, curtains alterations and 14 much more Free estimates and quotations given 01379 384097 07944894757 [email protected]

15 St Mary’s Guild

Tuesday January 14th , Home of Ann Davidson 2.00pm

New members welcome, please call Val on 628068 or Veronica 628488

Worlingworth Social Club Community Centre, every Friday. Carpet Bowls 7.30pm Friday (10th January 2020) Change of date

Worlingworth and Tannington WI Meeting - 8 January - Curling & Soup - no ice involved! Suits all fitness levels. 7.15pm at the Community Centre. If anyone would like to come along to a WI meeting please con- tact either Diana 628077 or Jenny 628798.

Games for Guys and Gals We meet every Tuesday at the Community Centre at 2pm. Commence in 2020 on 7th January . Come and join us and play board games such as Rummikub and Scrabble. £1.30 (Details: Christine 628177)

Make Munch and Motivate is a craft group who meet once a month on a Saturday at Horham Baptist in the hall. It is open to anyone but under 12 yr olds must be accompanied by an adult. We all bring our own crafts, all crafts welcome. We enjoy sharing ideas & techniques. We may spend some of the time trying new crafts or have people come & demonstrate their craft. We meet from 10am to 4pm but feel free to come & go as you please. We do a bring & share lunch. Tea & coffee will be available. We meet on Saturday 25th January. This is a chance to ‘Swap or Shop’. We have the chance to bring unwanted craft items to either swap with someone or to sell.

Raffle through December for the Brain Tumour Charity in memory of Mat Bayfield, of the Broadside Boys, who died in October after a long illness .

The Total raised for the Charity was £288.76 which smashed the target of £100. Thanks to all who purchased tickets . Well done Jake for organising16 .