PSC Agenda Master 04 September 2013 Final
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MINUTES Planning Services Committee Wednesday, 4 September 2013, 6.00pm TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM NO SUBJECT PAGE DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS 1 NYOONGAR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT 1 IN ATTENDANCE 1 APOLOGIES 1 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 1 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 2 DEPUTATIONS / PRESENTATIONS 2 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS 2 LATE ITEMS NOTED 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 3 TABLED DOCUMENTS 3 DEFERRED ITEMS (COMMITTEE DELEGATION) 4 PSC1309-122 SOUTH ST, NO. 2/398 (LOT 152) O'CONNOR - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 4 STOREY SHORT STAY DWELLING BUILDING (27 UNITS), SHOP, OFFICE, TAVERN AND SHOWROOM (NMG DA0095/13) 4 REPORTS BY OFFICERS (COMMITTEE DELEGATION) 9 PSC1309-123 HALE STREET NO 30 (LOT 1) BEACONSFIELD - RETROSPECTIVE PLANNING APPROVAL FOR ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING TWO STOREY SINGLE HOUSE (KS DA0121/13) 9 PSC1309-125 NANNINE AVENUE, NO. 16A (LOT 67), WHITE GUM VALLEY - TWO STOREY SINGLE HOUSE - (AA DA0060/13) 17 PSC1309-126 THOMPSON ROAD, NO. 84A (LOT 205), NORTH FREMANTLE - TWO STOREY SINGLE HOUSE (AD DA0194/13) 26 PSC1309-127 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY REPORT - CLIFF STREET, NO. 11 (LOT 101 & 102), FREMANTLE - REFURBISHMENT OF EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING AND 4 STOREY NEW OFFICE ANNEX ON EXISTING CARPARK - (AA DAP80003/13) 35 PSC1309-124 MARINE TERRACE, NO. 162 (LOT 42) SOUTH FREMANTLE - TWO STOREY ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING SINGLE HOUSE - (CJ DA0235/13) 52 PSC1309-128 SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY (3.61.21) 59 REPORTS BY OFFICERS (COUNCIL DECISION) 60 PSC1309-129 PROPOSED AMENDMENT 53 TO LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME NO 4 - REQUEST TO REZONE NO 69 SOUTH STREET AND NO 146 HAMPTON ROAD FROM RESIDENTIAL TO MIXED USE - ADOPTION FOR PUBLIC ADVERTISING 60 PSC1309-130 CASH PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF ONSITE CAR PARKING WITHIN THE FREMANTLE ACTIVITY CENTRE BOUNDARY - PROPOSED POLICY POSITION 68 CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS 75 CLOSURE OF MEETING 75 Summary Guide to Citizen Participation and Consultation 76 MINUTES ATTACHMENTS 1 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 PLANNING SERVICES COMMITTEE Minutes of the Planning Services Committee held in the Council Chambers, Fremantle City Council on 4 September 2013 at 6.00 pm. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS The Presiding Member declared the meeting open at 6.04 pm. NYOONGAR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT "We acknowledge this land that we meet on today is part of the traditional lands of the Nyoongar people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Nyoongar people as the custodians of the greater Fremantle/Walyalup area and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still important to the living Nyoongar people today." IN ATTENDANCE Brad Pettitt Mayor (entered at 6.29pm) Cr Robert Fittock Deputy Presiding Member / North Ward Cr Andrew Sullivan Presiding Member / South Ward Cr Bill Massie Hilton Ward Cr Josh Wilson Beaconsfield Ward (entered at 6.05pm) Cr Ingrid Waltham East Ward Mr Philip St John Director Planning and Development Services Ms Natalie Martin Goode Manager Statutory Planning Mr Paul Garbett Manager Planning Projects and Policy Mrs Michelle Gibson Minute Secretary There were approximately 24 members of the public and 0 member/s of the press in attendance. APOLOGIES Cr Rachel Pemberton City Ward Cr Tim Grey-Smith City Ward LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE Nil Page 1 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Nil DEPUTATIONS / PRESENTATIONS The following member of the public spoke against the Officer’s Recommendation for item PSC1309-122: Eric Rogers The following members of the public spoke in favour of the Officer’s Recommendation for item PSC1309-123: Andree Dawson Martin Dawson Claire Dawson The following members of the public spoke against the Officer’s Recommendation for item PSC1309-123: Lawrence Apps Bill Johnson David Broadfoot Helen Broadfoot The following member of the public spoke against the Officer’s Recommendation for item PSC1309-125: Terry Vinci The following members of the public spoke in favour of the Officer’s Recommendation for item PSC1309-127: Stuart Neal Rod Mollett Mr Murray Slavin, of Slavin Architects, will make a presentation on 11 Cliff Street. Fremantle. Item PSC 1309-127 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS Item 1309-124 Cr Waltham noted that she has a personal relationship with the applicant but declared that she is able to be impartial on this issue. LATE ITEMS NOTED Nil Page 2 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES MOVED: Cr A Sullivan That the minutes of the Planning Services Committee dated 21 August 2013 as listed in the Council agenda dated 28 August 2013 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED: 5/0 For Against Cr Ingrid Waltham Cr Robert Fittock Cr Josh Wilson Cr Bill Massie Cr Andrew Sullivan TABLED DOCUMENTS 1 item of correspondence relating to item PSC1309-123 1 set of revised plans relating to item PSC1309-127 Page 3 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 DEFERRED ITEMS (COMMITTEE DELEGATION) The following items are subject to clause 1.1 and 2.1 of the City of Fremantle Delegated Authority Register Mayor, Brad Pettitt arrived at 6.29 pm prior to consideration of the following item. PSC1309-122 SOUTH ST, NO. 2/398 (LOT 152) O'CONNOR - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 4 STOREY SHORT STAY DWELLING BUILDING (27 UNITS), SHOP, OFFICE, TAVERN AND SHOWROOM (NMG DA0095/13) DataWorks Reference: 059/002 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Meeting Date: 4 September 2013 Responsible Officer: Manager Statutory Planning Actioning Officer: Planning Officer Decision Making Level: Planning Services Committee Previous Item Number/s: PSC1307-95 (3 July 2013) Attachments: 1. Amended Development Plans (dated 7 August 2013) and 2. Applicant’s Justification for amended plans 3. Report for PSC1307-95 (3 July 2013) Owner Name: Icie Pty Ltd Submitted by: West Coast Plan Scheme: Local Centre Zone Heritage Listing: Not Listed Existing Landuse: Restaurant & Fast Food Outlet Use Class: Short Stay Dwellings, Shop, Showroom and Tavern Use Permissibility: A, D, P & A Page 4 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Planning Services Committee (PSC) considered a proposal for a 4 storey short stay dwelling building and a 3 storey tavern on 3 July 2013 and resolved to defer the application in order for landscaping of the residential component to be developed further. The applicant has submitted amended plans that increases landscaping, increases the vehicle clearance height over the vehicle carriageway and changes the majority of the corner building from Tavern to Showroom (the third floor is still proposed to be a Tavern). The amended plan reduces the car parking discretion sought. On this basis the proposal is recommended to be supported. BACKGROUND PSC considered the proposal on 3 July 2013 and resolved to: “Defer the application to next appropriate Planning Services Committee Meeting in order for conditions relating to the landscaping of the residential component of the development to be further developed.” A meeting with Planning staff and Chair of the Planning Services Committee was held on 11 July 2013 to clarify the specific details of the deferral recommendation. In response to this meeting the applicant has provided amended plans on 7 August 2013 that incorporates the following changes: 1. Footpath extended toward the front of the residential building to link with the adjoining western lot (Baskin and Robbins) to provide a pedestrian connection; 2. The cantilevered section of the corner building over the vehicle carriageway being moved from the second to the third (upper) level to increase the vehicle clearance height from approximately 4.0 to 6.5m; 3. Increasing the width of the vehicle carriageway to allow for an increased turning circle; 4. Increased landscaped strip between the car parking rows in front of the residential building; 5. Cellar, ground and first levels changing use from tavern to showroom; 6. The third (upper level) remaining as a tavern with a modified layout; See Attachment 3 for more background information relating to the site. Page 5 Minutes - Planning Services Committee 4 September 2013 DETAIL Planning Approval is sought for the following development: 1. Demolition of all existing structures on site; 2. Construction of a four storey building consisting of 27 short stay dwellings and under croft (parking and storage); 3. Construction of a Manager’s Office (Unit 1); 4. Construction of a Shop (Unit 2); 5. Construction of a three storey Showroom/Tavern building with Cellar below; and 6. A total of 54 car bays. CONSULTATION The amended plans were not required to be advertised. See Attachment 3 for further information relating to the advertising process associated with the original proposal that was considered by PSC. PLANNING COMMENT The proposal that was previously considered by PSC on 3 July 2013 incorporated discretions relating to car parking and land use (tavern and short stay dwelling) and were generally supported by PSC. Car Parking The amended plans that change a large proportion of the corner building from tavern to showroom significantly reduces the car parking discretion from 97 to 40 car bays (reduction of 57 bays). As the original 97 car parking shortfall was previously supported, the reduced 40 car bay discretion can also be supported. Discretionary Use While the previously proposed uses of Short Stay Dwelling, Shop, Office and Tavern still remain, a Showroom use has been introduced to the cellar and first two levels of the corner building. Clause 4.3.3 states that; A “D” use – means that the use is not permitted unless the Council has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval. An “A” use – means that the use is not permitted unless the Council has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval after giving special notice in accordance with clause 93.4.