Ysgol John Bright ANNUAL PARENTS REPORT 2011 - 2012

Message from the Chair

The Annual Report details the school’s activities for the past year.

Ysgol John Bright is an English medium high school serving the town of and the surrounding area.

I am pleased to inform you that the academic year, 2011/12 was very successful due to the hard work of our staff and students. Examination results have shown further improvement at both GCSE and A level and the Governing Body would like to thank all our staff, teaching and non-teaching alike, for their dedicated contributions which led to this raising of standards.

There is an expectation of higher standards across all areas of the school; once again music and sporting activities have resulted in some outstanding performances, the behaviour of students continues to underline their commitment to study and positive attitude to learning and the considerable improvement in the wearing of uniform portrays Ysgol John Bright in a most favourable way.

On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to extend our congratulations to our Headteacher, Mr Graham Davies and all our staff for improving standards and results, it clearly highlights their commitment to the students. The contribution made by our support staff, both in the classroom and behind the scenes has also been a key element in the raising of standards. Our thanks to them all.

Finally, I would like to personally thank all our Governors for their support and continued interest in the well-being of the school

David Rowley Chair of the Governing Body

The Governing Body

Chair of Governors Mr D Rowley, Ysgol John Bright, Maesdu Road, Llandudno LL30 1LF Vice-Chair of Governors Mrs C Forfar, Ysgol John Bright, Maesdu Road, Llandudno LL30 1LF

Associate Governors Miss Danielle Hawkins (Head Girl), Mr Haydn Ballinger (Head Boy) Clerk to Governors Mrs C M Astrop, Ysgol John Bright, Maesdu Road, Llandudno LL30 1LF

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Term of Office until

Mr D Rowley Community Governor 23.06.2015 Mr P V Smith Community Governor 06.02.2016 Mrs C Forfar Community Governor 10.06.2016 Mr G Brookes Community Governor 08.10.2015 Mr R Hall Community Governor 01.10.2014 Mrs S Pearce Parent Governor 20.10.2013 Mr B Hansen Parent Governor 20.10 .2013 Mr G Robbins Parent Governor 20.10.2013 Mrs K Wilby Parent Governor 19.11.2015 Mr I Jones Parent Governor 19.10.2013 Mr D Pike Parent Governor 01.10.2014 Cllr B Bertola LEA Governor 15.07.2016 Cllr Jason Weyman LEA Governor 15.07.2016 Cllr M Lyon LEA Governor 15.07.2016 Cllr Janet Haworth LEA Governor 15.07.2016 Mr M A Pearce LEA Governor 15.07.2016 Ms S Rees Teacher/Governor 14.11.2015 Mr D Williams Teacher/Governor 14.11.2015 Mrs L Davies Staff Governor 03.09.2015 Mr W G Davies Ex-officio

There were no resolutions passed at the last Annual Meeting with Parents, held in December 2012. Under the regulations we are required to hold a meeting this year if 5% of parents/carers respond to the invitation. A meeting to discuss this report has therefore been convened for Wednesday 19 December at 5:30pm but may be cancelled if less than 5% of parents/carers respond.

The date of the next scheduled vacancies for Parent Governors is October 2013. Just before that date applications from those eligible will be invited via letter. If there are more applications than there are vacancies a ballot will be organised.

The Student Disciplinary Committee Chair - Mr B Hansen Link - Headteacher Mr W G Davies The Governors’ Student Disciplinary Panel met on a termly basis to discuss and offer support to both school staff and the parents and students alike with issues of behaviour. This is a positive addition to the behaviour management policy of Ysgol John Bright and attempts to intervene at an earlier stage than perhaps previously.

The Finance Sub-Committee Chair - Mr R Hall Link - Mrs R J Davies, Business Manager The finance sub-committee met five times during the year. Governors received regular reports on the 2011/12 budget and discussions took place on the progress of the various cost centres. A virement of £140,082 of the carryover figure was approved to balance the 2012/13 budget. Music tuition fees and financial delegated powers to the Headteacher were also approved. The committee agreed to the funding of the third year of Easter Revision school and underwriting the cost of the school production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ at Venue Cymru which was extremely successful for the third year running.

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The Curriculum, Standards & Personnel Sub-Committee Chair – Mrs C Forfar Link - Deputy Head Mr M P Vickery/ Asst Head Mrs S Lewis Jones The committee met five times. The meetings discussed aspects of statistics concerning behaviour and attendance throughout the school, and how the school is tackling punctuality. In addition, further items on the agenda included the success of the ‘snapshot’ monitoring programme implemented by the Leadership Team and how Ysgol John Bright compares with other schools through an analysis of benchmarking statistics. The FFT and All core data sets were evaluated with the sub-committee.

The Policy, Building, Environmental & Infrastructure Review Sub-Committee Chair - Mr G Brookes Link - Asst Head Mr S G O’Sullivan The committee met five times during the year. Draft policies were brought before the committee to be considered. These included those concerning: External Examinations, Educational Visits, Health and Safety, Welsh in Education, Staff Sickness and Absence, Staff Pay, the process to be followed to approve all school policies a review of the School Self Evaluation Process as well as updates on the CPD Policy and the new Practicing Teacher Standards in relation to the CPD and Performance Management Policies. The Governors made suggestions and amendments which were then incorporated in revised copy and final ratification. Also considered were matters of general Health and Safety and matters concerning school buildings and maintenance.

Appointments Panel During the year we welcomed eight new staff. Our Governors gave up a great deal of their time in the shortlisting and interviewing process.

Name Department Elizabeth Jones ICT/Business Studies Owen Jones Maths Gail Moules Science Peter Ryan Maths Rachel Simon Science Daniel Sajko Music/Drama Jenny Wells Science Martin Williams Maths

The Full Governing Body The Full Governing Body met for official business three times in the year. They were joined by two Associate Governors from the Student Leadership Team.

The full Governing Body has received reports from its sub-committees and from link governors who visit the subject areas in the school.

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Headteacher’s Report

Contextual Information In 2011-2012 the number of students at statutory school age (11-15) was 989 with 494 boys and 495 girls making the overall gender difference negligible. 93% of the school population is white British and 7% are other. In Conwy the figures are 96% and 4% respectively. The percentage of students on school action was 8.29% which is broadly in line with the LEA average. The percentage of students on school action plus was 10.21% and is slightly above the LEA average. The percentage of statemented students was 3.03% which is slightly above the LEA average. The percentage of students entitled to FSM was 17.12% and is above the LEA average but below the Wales average. The three year trend shows an increase in the percentage of students entitled to FSM.

Standards at KS3 In 2011-2012 the school achieved its best ever KS3 results. In Mathematics 84% of students achieved level 5. In English 88% of students achieved level 5+ and in science 84% achieved level 5+. The CSI was 74% and is above the Wales average. The three year trend for all three core subjects and the CSI is a rising one.

All non core subjects at KS3 are now placed in the upper quarter apart from Science which is now in quarter 2 and ICT which is in quarter 3. All the quarter one subjects performed better than the LEA and Wales averages. The CSI continues in quartile two. This is very encouraging news and is further evidence of the strengthening standards at KS3. At KS3 the difference in performance of boys and girls was significant in English where the girls outperformed the boys by 11% points. In Maths the boys outperformed the girls by 2% points and in Science the girls outperformed the boys by 6% points. Closing the gap between boys and girls performance is a key improvement priority for the school.

Standards at KS4 In 2012, 80% of Year 11 students achieved 5 or more grades A* to C at GCSE, this is the 5th year in a row that the school has exceeded 60% and is the highest percentage score on record for the school. These results build on the results over the past 3 years and show a rapidly rising trend.

Furthermore 46% of the cohort achieved 5+ A*-C grades including Maths and English, this result is an improvement on the 2011 performance and over three years the trend is an improving one.

The percentage of students that the school enters for GCSE or equivalent exceeds the average for Wales as a whole. In 2012, 97% of students achieved 5 or more passes at A-G compared to 92% in 2011. There is clear evidence that the raw scores for the KPI `s are improving and provided further evidence of school improvement.

Standards at KS5 Significant progress has been made post 16 and in 2012 the A level results reached record levels for the third year running.

The headline figures for the A2 results are that 44% of grades were A*/A passes, this is very impressive and is well above county and national averages. Furthermore 57% were A-B passes and 86% were A-C passes. The overall pass rate at A* was 8% and overall pass rate was 99% both these figures are above the national average. We are delighted with these results and are pleased with the

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Ysgol John Bright ANNUAL PARENTS REPORT 2011 - 2012 impact of the Welsh Baccalaureate on student outcomes where 71 students achieved an A grade equivalent. We have included the WBQ scores in the above figures. All YJB students opting for University were able to take up their places successfully.

ALPS The ALPS (Advanced Level Performance System) has been introduced into the school in September this year. ALPS is designed to help schools in the retention and achievement of post 16 students. It is a powerful tool that uses national benchmarking data to identify underachievement post 16. ALPS reports are an aid to the culture of change that is ongoing within the post 16 team. The data challenges the school to continuously improve and uses a process that compares input data derived from GCSE results at the start of a level 3 course with output data relating to results at A level and Applied A level.

Welsh All students following the National Curriculum and study Welsh as a compulsory subject across the three stages. In Year 7 there are two tutor groups all of which are immersed in the Welsh language during their tutor periods and are encouraged to speak Welsh as the preferred method of communication. The school makes appropriate arrangements for facilitating continuity for each student instructed through the medium of Welsh whilst registered at the school or when transferring from primary school.

Continuing Professional Development Quality Award We were the first school in North Wales to have achieved this Quality Mark and this was achieved as a result of a rigorous two-day process involving staff, students and the link governor. The assessment document provided us with feedback suggesting that we had achieved some of the highest scores possible against the criteria set. This is a clear endorsement of our policy in putting professional development and training at the heart of the organisation. Our practice in this respect could be described as sector leading. Mr S O`Sullivan deserves commendation for his work in securing this quality mark.

YJB TV YJB TV was launched and is a magazine TV channel for students at the school. The programme is put together by the digital leaders who have been working to make the programming vibrant, relevant and lively. The TV content is very topical and linked to student achievements as well as school, local and national news. At present we have one 50” TV Monitor located in the Mall for the students to watch and enjoy the programme. We hope to purchase more of these TVs in the future.

SPY SPY stands for Sixth Form Protecting You and is a new initiative prompted by the student voice designed to provide additional support and guidance for lower school students. The SPY team of sixth form students have been given training in counselling and are based in a classroom at break time and lunchtime. They have undertaken an advertising campaign and have had students from Year 7 visit them with some minor but important issues that they have been able to resolve.

Text Messaging Service The School has now launched its Text Messaging service giving the community instant access to important announcements from the school. This service can be used in variety of ways but further enhances the communication that can now take place between the school and parents. This is in addition to our facebook account, our twitter account and our excellent web site.

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Awards Evening The annual awards evening was held on Thursday 20th October and was another very successful celebration of the achievements of the students at the school. Everyone enjoyed the evening with over 400 parents present and over 230 students receiving various awards.

Belgium Trip 2012 The History Department visit to the battlefield of Belgium and Northern France was a great success again this year. Thirty three students and four staff took part in the visit. This year as well as Mr Weale and Mr Chamberlain, the department took Mrs Linda Davies and Mr Adam Argent. Both additional members of the team were exceptional in their roles.

The visit consisted of visiting memorials such as Tyne cot, Menin gate, Langemarck and Thiepval. Numerous museums were also visited.

Comenius Project In January 2012, eight Year 9 students accompanied by Mrs M C Jones, flew to the Basque country in Northern Spain. It was the first of four trips that make up the YJB Comenius Project, devised in Bilbao in November 2010 by schools from Wales, Spain and Germany. The Project, entitled ‘Puzzling Pieces of the European Puzzle’, aims to achieve a number of objectives over the next two years:

 To celebrate differences in our cultures,  To discover our similarities,  To research the opportunities available to us, as Europeans

The visit was a great success, with Welsh and German students staying with host families for a truly authentic experience. The students worked in multi lateral teams designing a project logo, before being taken out to the town of Ordizia and the surrounding countryside, where they were able to visit a number of areas with great historical and cultural significance.

See photos from the trip on our Facebook page, The European Puzzle (Comenius).

In April 2012, 14 students and six teachers from Germany and Spain flew into Manchester to spend the week visiting Ysgol John Bright and the surrounding area. The objective of the trip was to share our similarities and celebrate our differences.

YJB students and staff were all very excited to show off our school and its locality in the best possible light. This aspect of our international work is developing well under the guidance of Mrs M C Jones.

Oxbridge cohort One of the important developments of the work of the post 16 team is the identification of potential Oxbridge candidates. These students will then work on a programme of activities that will prepare them for the application process. We want our students to be ambitious and the top students need to have the confidence and skills to be able to submit applications to the top universities.

Student Numbers Our 2011/2012 number on roll age 11-18 was 1187 with (196 in the sixth form). This figure represents another annual increase in the overall student population. The picture in the primary sector continues to fluctuate for next year with even fewer students in the current Year 6. However there appears to be a period of growth following that and numbers in our primary partner schools November 2012 6

Ysgol John Bright ANNUAL PARENTS REPORT 2011 - 2012 are increasing. We are one of the only three secondary schools in Conwy that has a growing school roll.

Engage Project Engage is an On Site Inclusion Centre (OSIC) which aims to reduce exclusion and to support students in changing negative behaviour patterns, within a suitable school-based learning environment, leading to a reduction in NEET statistics. The Engage inclusion centre opened at Ysgol John Bright in September 2011.

In the first instance, students are referred to Engage via the YJB Inclusion meeting. Parents are invited into school for a planning meeting in which Engage procedures and protocols are explained and discussed. The parent, student and school all sign up to a Home/Engage agreement. Built into this agreement is the parental consent that a student may have an extended school day of up to 4.30pm, without the parent receiving 24 hours advance notice. This enables any Lost Learning Time accrued over the course of that school day to be repaid by the student immediately, thus ensuring a fresh start the following day. Parents are contacted regularly and are invited into school for review meetings at appropriate intervals.

Upon entry to Engage, students complete a number of baseline assessments including WRATs and PASS. In addition, an Individual Behaviour Plan is drawn up and three personalised targets agreed upon with the student. These targets are monitored during each lesson and a grade for each is recorded upon a daily target card.

Students initially remain in the Engage classroom for all of their lessons, as well as break times and lunchtimes. Each student generally continues to follow their own timetable, completing the same work as their peers in their mainstream classes, when it is provided by their subject teachers, so that they do not fall behind. However, some afternoon sessions may be used to develop student’s softer skills including social and emotional aspects of learning, for example working towards COPE.

When students successfully achieve their targets, they can earn rewards, including the return of their break and lunchtime privileges within the mainstream school, and the right to begin reintegration into some of their mainstream lessons (following consultation with the subject teachers concerned). Students continue to be closely monitored by Engage staff and should issues arise, then the subject reintegration is reviewed and amended as necessary. The break time and lunchtime privileges may be revoked at any time should behaviour deteriorate. However, it is our goal that students will become fully reintegrated back into mainstream. It is also anticipated that Engage will continue to support students, as required, following their return into mainstream.

Moving up/Moving on This year we have also introduced a series of “Moving up/Moving on” parents evenings that have been designed for parents and students currently in our Year 7.

This initiative is designed to build early positive relationships with students’ parents. The principles behind the idea are to ensure that children are safe, happy and learning through a very tight home- school partnership. This year there have been a series of small group parent meetings in the library, the focus has been on coping skills for Year 7, literacy and Mr M Vickery giving a presentation on the new 21/7 curriculum. The informal setting and refreshments allow parents to ask questions in a more intimate setting, get advice and feel part of their child’s progress at YJB.

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This is seen as a very important new initiative as part of our increasing desire to engage further with the parents, help them understand better the school curriculum and how their children learn. These sessions have been very well attended and very well received by the parents and students. Mrs J Pethig is to be congratulated for her work in this respect.

Learning outside the Classroom We offer a wide range of opportunities for students to extend their learning and personal development outside the normal curriculum. We have superb ICT, art, science, technology, sports music and drama facilities which are all available beyond the taught day. We compete in sports to a very high level, with some students performing at national level.

There is ample scope for doing additional extension work in all subjects, particularly for project and course work and examination preparation. Extra curricula music is a major strength of the school and was described by Estyn as “outstanding”. Students are fully engaged in a wide range of music and performance activities and the school show “Little Shop of Horrors” at Venue Cymru was a stunning success. We were very proud to share and celebrate the exceptional talent of our staff and students with the wider community in Llandudno.

Links with the community The Police Liaison Officer continues to deliver PSE lessons to raise social awareness with our students and further forge links with the community. We have a Road Safety Team, local Financial Advisors, University advisors, drama groups and sporting legends who come in on a regular basis to speak with our students.

We also hold a “Dragon’s Den” where members of the business community support our students in developing their entrepreneurial skills.


The school is DDA compliant. The lift enables access to all parts of the building and we provide additional support for students, staff or visitors who need assistance.

There are toilet facilities for students in each block of the building. Male and female toilet blocks are open daily for students in C and D block. There are dedicated KS3 and KS4 toilets (male and female) on the ground floor. Disabled facilities are also available on each floor across the school. All of the toilets are cleaned twice daily, at the beginning of a school day and the beginning of the afternoon session. A Sodexo employed cleaner is on hand throughout the day to call upon for any emergency cleaning that may be required.

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Term dates and session times 2012-2013

Term Starts: 3 September 2012 Form time 08:50 – 09:15 Half Term: 26 October 2012 Lesson 1 09:15 – 10:05 Term Starts: 5 November 2012 Lesson 2 10:05 – 10:55 End of Term: 21 December 2012 Break 10:55 – 11:10 Term Starts: 8 January 2013 Lesson 3 11:10 – 12noon Half Term: 8 February 2013 Lesson 4 12noon – 12:50 Term Starts: 18 February 2013 Lunch 12:50 – 13:30 End of Term: 22 March 2013 Lesson 5 13:30 – 14:20 Term Starts: 8 April 2013 Lesson 6 14:20 – 15:10 May Day: 6 May 2012 Half term: 24 May 2013 Term Starts: 3 June 2013 End of Term 19 July 2013

PERFORMANCE AND TARGET INFORMATION 2011 - (Year 9) Based on students gaining Level 5+

Results for Targets Conwy 2012 for 2012 Results 2012 2013 2014

English 88% 80% 84% 88% 89%

Mathematics 84% 80% 85% 85% 87%

Science 84% 70% 85% 85% 87%

Core Subject Indicator 74% 70% 76% 75% 78% (CSI)

Performance of boys -7 -6 -8 -6 -5 compared to girls+ CSI level 5+

+Represented by the percentage points by which boys under-perform girls.

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Percentage of 15 Results Targets for year olds for 2012 2012 2013 2014

Leaving education without 0% 0% 0% 0% qualifications

Achieving at least 5 GCSE grades 81% 66% 82% 85% A*-C or equivalent excluding English and Maths

Achieving at least 5 GCSE grades 56% 52% 60% 62% A*-C including English and Maths

Performance of Boys compared -9% -6% -6% -5% to girls+ 5A*-C CSI

Unauthorised absence rate 2% 1% 1% 1%

 Results provisional + Represented by the percentage points by which boys under-perform girls.

Destination of Leavers

Year 11 Destinations* Year 13 Destinations

Returned to School 108 Higher Education 54% College/FE/Training 60 Further Education 19% Employment/Other 23 Employment/Gap 27%

Totals 191 *Provisional figures: Careers Wales will release official figures in January 2013


Present 93.1% Authorised absence 2.2% Unauthorised absence 4.7%

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Additional Learning Needs Report

Provision for Meeting the Learning Based Educational Needs of students

The Code of Practice identifies 3 stages of intervention to meet additional learning needs as recorded on the Additional Needs Register :

1. A student may be statemented – this is completed by the LEA and identifies specific provision. 2. A student may be placed on school action plus support by the ALNCO – this means we will direct additional resources to support the student. Conwy also offer support at SA+ and the LEA will issue a contract. 3. A student may be identified as School Action – this is completed by the ALNCO and flags up to classroom teachers the areas where a student may encounter difficulty at a greater level than average.

The responsibility for meeting the needs of students at School Action of the ALN Register remains at the class level.

 The Basic Skills and Catch Up sessions continue. The majority of students were withdrawn from at least one lesson per week in order to focus on specific skills.

 All school based TAs received training in the catch-up literacy programme and Read Write Inc. TAs continued to provide in-class support to students, and withdrew students individually to enhance their numeracy and literacy skills.

We currently have 12 Teaching Assistants employed through LEA provision in the school.

Provisions for Meeting the Additional Needs of Physically Impaired Students

Mrs P Richardson in her role as ALNCO takes initial responsibility for physically impaired students. Mrs Richardson monitors the inclusion of physically impaired students in the classroom. She liaises with outside agencies to ensure that the needs of the students are met.

The school has two students currently supported due to physical impairment as of September 2011. Conwy help deliver an adapted PE curriculum in consultation with PE staff to enable students to participate in PE and games activities with their peers.

The school has one EVAC chair installed outside the restaurant in A block, to enable physically impaired students to be evacuated from the highest floor in the event of an emergency. Mrs Hughes and Mrs Pearson undertook the training to enable them to train others to use the EVAC chair safely. Relevant TAs and some members of staff have been trained in the use of the EVAC chair.

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Liaison with other educational institutions We integrate our resource based students into full mainstream education by the time they are in year 10. We participate in the managed transfer of students who may be having difficulties with other Secondary Schools in the Locality. We make visits to the local PRU’s that our students may attend from time to time to aide in their re-integration programmes. We have close links with the local college at Llandrillo yn Rhos. Some of our students undertake vocational courses on day release in years 10 and 11. We have two year 11 students attending vocational courses in Ysgol Gogarth.

Resource Base We have 14 students in the resource base. 6 students are Statemented and 8 have SA+ Contracts. All students attend mainstream classes and they follow mainstream curriculum arrangements. The base facilities are available for specific literacy/numeracy if necessary, for differentiated class-work and for course-work support as needed.

This resource base is specifically funded by the LEA. Over 85% of the funding provides for a teacher in charge and 1.5 teaching assistants, the remainder covers administration costs and materials. The allocation of students to the unit is a joint decision between the LEA and the Headteacher. Ideally 12 places are available but in cases of need, this can be extended to 15.

Provision for Meeting the Additional Needs of Sensory Impaired Students Mr Steve Boothby is employed by Conwy LEA to test any students that present with possible sensory impairment. We undertake support packages as directed by Mr Boothby. We have two LEA staff that support students and differentiate work according to their needs and Statemented provision.

Provision for Meeting the Additional Needs of Students with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Students who may be experiencing problems are identified and brought to the attention of the Social Inclusion Team who meet once a week. The team consists of key members of staff including the ALNCO and the Assistant Head as well outside agencies such as the Social Inclusion Co-ordinator, CAMHS and our in house ESW. Packages of support can be drawn up through consultation and amended as need/circumstances change. The team plan Behaviour Modification Strategies, Anger Management programmes and counselling.

Alternative Curriculum Learning Support Centre The school provides a support centre for all year groups 7-11 through a provision in DG14. The Centre provides for those students that have been disapplied from a subject, to enable them to concentrate on improving core skills. It also allows those in years 10 and 11 and who may be struggling, to catch up on course work. A full time TA is employed to staff the centre during the school day. It is co-ordinated by Mrs S Lewis Lewis Jones who keeps a register of who and when they attend, and what work they should be completing. Students who are either integrating or re- integrating into the mainstream will do so whilst being scaffolded through the IS External agencies such as the EAL service, the LSS and the SLICC team may base themselves in the IS.

Individual Education Plans In accordance with the Code of Practice, Individual Education Plans are written for students who experience literacy and /or numeracy difficulties if their needs are not met by the usual differentiation that is provided within the classroom. A copy is retained in school and available for all members of staff to consult, and a copy sent home for parental information.

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The ALNCO offers meetings to each parent of a student who is in receipt of an IEP. These meetings constitute an annual IEP review.

External examinations Examination special arrangements are requested and granted as appropriate, to ensure the individual needs of students with special educational needs is met. This includes enlargement of exam papers for our visually impaired students. Scribes and readers may also be provided.

ALNCO Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator TA Teaching Assistant MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties IEP Individual Education Plan LEA Local Education Authority IS Internal Support EAL English as an Additional Language SLICC Specific Speech and Language in Conwy LSS Learning Support Service CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service PRU Student Referral Unit

More Able and Talented

At Ysgol John Bright we believe that providing for More Able and Talented learners in our school is a matter of equity - as with all other students they have a right to an education that is suited to their needs and abilities, to allow them to fulfil their true potential. It is vital that they remain motivated throughout their education as research indicates they may disengage from their learning, if not sufficiently challenged.

To that end, each department has identified a number of students who fulfil the agreed criteria for More Able and Talented. Their names are held on a central list that is made available to all staff. Teachers aim to meet their individual learning needs to enable them to develop their academic potential, whilst ensuring that they remain an integral part of their peer group as they mature socially.

Students have the opportunity to attend master classes and other enrichment experiences such as working with renowned authors and artists, entering subject specific national competitions and a programme of support for application to the Russell Group Universities.

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PE Report

Sports Council The Sports Council is now in its second year. It was set up to give the students a voice in which they could express their own and others opinion on curriculum PE lessons and all extra-curricular activities. The Sports Council’s aims are to close the gap between what the school and PE department think that students want to do and what the students actually want to do. We aim to increase participation in extracurricular activities and improve the PE curriculum within the National curriculum frame work. Each year the council members elect a student chair; this year the role is being shared by Tom Weldridge and Kayleigh Hoe-Pike.

Sports House Captains and Inter-house This year we have introduced inter-house sporting activities for all year groups. Students participate in one of the three age categories representing their house and gaining points for participation, enthusiasm, improvement and best performance. Boys participate on Tuesday after school and girls participate on a Thursday with different activities planned for each age group. The activities change each week to allow the students to experience a wide range of competitive sports and other recreational activities. At the end of the year winning houses will be presented with trophies which will be displayed in the reception.

We have elected a number of Sports House Captains which have the responsibility of encouraging students in their House to participate, organise teams and be a positive role model to others. The Sports House Captains are currently working alongside the PE department staff to try to encourage greater levels of participation and organise a timetable of activities for next term.

Gold and Silver Ambassadors The Young Ambassador Movement aims to empower and inspire young people to become role models and leaders through sport, by developing their confidence and skills in order to increase physical activity participation in others.

This is the second year that young Ambassadors are being developed in the Conwy area. At Ysgol John Bright we are very pleased to announce that both Rebecca Cross and Joshua Parry will continue in their roles as Silver Ambassadors and for the second year running we have a student who was successful in her application to represent all schools in Conwy in promoting sport and acting as a role model to others. Muireann Henderson is an excellent candidate who has ranked in the top 10 in Wales for Junior Tennis and is now completing her level 2 coaching award in Tennis. She is also completing a Btec Diploma here at YJB and helps out enormously with the PE department. Congratulations to all three students and good luck in building on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics.

New Hampshire / New York Ski Trip 2012 We left Llandudno on route to Heathrow on the 2nd of April. Everyone was really looking forward to the trip, for some it was going to be their first time to America for others it was going to be their first time on a plane so as expected there was a very excited atmosphere about the trip. New Hampshire as an area did not have the best snow conditions this year; however we were lucky enough to be skiing at Loon Mountain where they were able to make snow for our group which meant that we were able to enjoy a full week of skiing.

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Unfortunately a trip to A&E was unavoidable this year – but at least it was all done on the one day and the two students who did require medical attention have since made a full recovery.

After enjoying our skiing for five days it was time to pack up and head to New York, we arrived in our hotel and literally dropped our bags and headed out towards Planet Hollywood on Times Square. The meal in Planet Hollywood proved to be a real highlight, especially when the students realised that they could have messages displayed on all the television screens. Our meal was then followed by a trip to the Empire State building which proved a challenge for those afraid of heights – however everyone conquered their fears and got to see New York by night from the top of the building albeit after a lengthy queue.

The last day in New York saw our group travel by ferry out to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty which gave the students excellent photo opportunities of not only the statue but of the Manhattan sky line which was nothing but impressive. The afternoon was then spent shopping in Macy’s for some presents to bring home. It was then off to the airport to depart for home. This trip did prove to be much bigger than any other not only with the number of students involved but also with the scale of the trip. However it has also proved how much enjoyment can be gotten from such trips and was made worthwhile with all the positive comments that the students received from people throughout our trip who not only complimented them on their behaviour but also on their willingness to learn.

Active Marc In 2011 we successfully achieved the Sports Council Wales ‘ActiveMarc Cymru’ award. This award provides a national opportunity to celebrate and recognise success and good practice in physical activity in schools. The application focuses on areas including student achievement, the quality of teaching, training and assessment. How well the learning experiences provided by the school meets the needs and interests of students and the wider community. How well students are cared for, guided and supported. And finally how effective is the leadership and strategic management of Physical Education and School Sport. In the detailed feedback we received the assessors commented that “This is a very strong application and the details given reflect high quality learning and teaching in physical education and a department which constantly is striving for improvements”. Additionally they concluded that we could be used as an example of good practice.

Extra curricular activities The 5x60 Scheme continues to grow. It aims to encourage our students to take part in physical activity and to lead a healthy lifestyle. By 2020 the aim is to get 90% of secondary school students participating in 60 minutes of physical activity five times every week (5x60). A host of arranged activities take place before school, at lunch time, after school and at the weekends. This year 487 different students took part in a 5x60 session, which is 48.7% of students in years 7 - 9. The activities on offer included: Badminton, Street Dance, Dodgeball, Girls Dodgeball, Boys Football, Zumba, Netball, Tennis, Trampolining and Sailing.

This year we hope to increase the percentage of students participating in extra curricular sport by offering a wider variety of activities. We have introduced inter-house competitions every Tuesday for Boys and every Thursday for Girls. We hope these activities encourage more students to participate and earn points for their houses.

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Ysgol John Bright ANNUAL PARENTS REPORT 2011 - 2012

Financial Statement

Expenditure 2011 - 2012 Staff (76.22%) £4,121,311 Premises (8.33%) £ 450,491 Energy Costs (4.79%) £ 258,957 Transport (0.20%) £ 10,668 Books & Educational supplies (2.20%) £ 119,144 Supplies & Services (4.92%) £ 265,965 Examination Fees (2.15%) £ 116,085 External Services (1.19%) £ 64,352 Total Expenditure £5,406,973

Income 2011 – 2012 LEA Allocation £4,585,485 Post 16 Allocation £ 649,629 Other income £ 75,697 Total income £5,310,811 Balance carried forward from 2010/11 £ 290,752 £5,601,563

Total Expenditure £5,406,973 Year end balance carried forward 2011-12 £ 194,590

Other income received in 2011-2012 The source of this income was  WJEC Examination board  Welsh Government  General Teaching Council Wales  Initial Teacher Training Institutions

Governors Expenses in 2011 – 2012 Governors are entitled to claim reasonable expenses. No expenses were claimed during this financial year.

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