Conservation Cases Processed by the Gardens Trust 29.11.2018
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CONSERVATION CASES PROCESSED BY THE GARDENS TRUST 29.11.2018 This is a list of all the conservation consultations that The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week, consisting mainly, but not entirely, of planning applications. Cases in England are prefixed by ‘E’ and cases in Wales with ‘W’. When assessing this list to see which cases CGTs may wish to engage with, it should be remembered that the GT will only be looking at a very small minority. SITE COUNTY SENT BY REFERENCE TGT REF DATE GR PROPOSAL RESPONSE RECEIVED AD BY E ENGLAND Landscapes Review: - Sent by - E18/1170 24/11/2018 n/a NATIONAL POLICY Government 18/12/2018 Call for Evidence Natural independent review of England's England National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) use/landscapes-review-call-for- evidence/ [email protected] Central and Eastern Berkshire Bracknell - E18/1175 24/11/2018 n/a LOCAL PLAN Further Call for Sites 11/01/2019 Berkshire - Joint Forest BC Minerals & Waste Reading BC [email protected] Plan Windsor and Maidenhead BC Wokingham BC Stowe Buckingham Aylesbury 18/04234/ADP E18/1207 28/11/2018 I PLANNING APPLICATION Application for 19/12/2018 shire Vale DC https://publicaccess.ayle reserved matters pursuant to outline permission 16/02745/AOP for layout, e- scale, external appearance, the access, applications/ and the landscaping of the site. ction=simple&searchTyp Silverstone Park, Silverstone Motor e=Application Racing Circuit, Silverstone Road, Biddlesden, Buckinghamshire. MISCELLANEOUS [email protected] WELLCOME TRUST Cambridge South S/4353/18/FL E18/1180 26/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 17/12/2018 GENOME CAMPUS, shire Cambridge S/4354/18/LB Building consent Change the use of two HINXTON shire DC first floor bedrooms from residential k institutions (Use Class C2) to Offices (Use Class B1a), including associated interior alterations to provide LED lighting, electrical trunking, internal blinds and other associated works. WELLCOME TRUST GENOME CAMPUS, HINXTON, SAFFRON WALDEN CB10 1RQ. CHANGE OF USE, BUILDING ALTERATION, OFFICE/COMMERCIAL [email protected] St Michael's Mount Cornwall Cornwall PA18/10399 PA18/10400 E18/1205 28/11/2018 II PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 19/12/2018 http://planning.cornwall. Building Consent Re pointing the 19th century stonework, making good faulty applications lead flashing guttering and spouts, overhauling rainwater down pipes, overhauling windows and doors and the sealed joints against the stonework. The Castle, St Michaels Mount, Marazion TR17 0HT. REPAIR/RESTORATION [email protected] River Gardens Derbyshire Amber Valley AVA/2018/0818 E18/1184 26/11/2018 II* PLANNING APPLICATION Alteration, - DC https://www.ambervalle conversion and erection of buildings and associated change of use to and- buildings collectively known as Belper planning/planning/devel Mills, to include: East Mill- Conversion opment- to form 117 residential apartments management/planning- (C3), formation of an atrium through applications/view-a- floors 1 to 6; alteration of loading bay; planning-application.aspx formation of public viewing platform to northwest tower (sui generis) and alteration to open-up ground floor pedestrian route adjacent to North Mill, one commercial unit (Classes A1, A3/A4) (total 190m2) at ground floor, with amended vehicular access to east elevation and 37 surface parking spaces on external deck. North Mill- Alteration, restoration, replacement and repair to windows, doors, external and internal walls and roof, alter 5 windows to door openings to south elevation, to retain as museum (Class D1) at ground and lower ground, and offices (Class B1) at first and upper floors, change of use ground floor unit to commercial (Classes A1, A3/A4), and ancillary uses. Workshops- alteration, restoration, replacement and repair of windows, walls and roof Strutt House - Alteration, restoration, replacement and repair of windows, external and internal walls and roof, alter 9 windows to doors on east elevation, to facilitate internal subdivision into 4 units for flexible commercial floorspace (Classes A1, A3/A4, B1 and D2) at ground, first and mezzanine levels. At Archway Bridge/Gangway restoration and repair external and internal walls and roof, alteration to ground floor structure to retain in ancillary use to offices (Class B1); optional change of use first floor to ancillary use to venue (Class D2) associated with Strutt House (The proposal may affect the setting of a Listed Building) (The proposal represents a Departure from the Development Plan). Belper Mills Complex, Bridge Foot, Belper, Derbyshire. MAJOR HYBRID [email protected] Weeke Barton, Devon Mid Devon 18/01802/LBC E18/1208 28/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION Listed Building 27/12/2018 Monchard Bishop DC http://planning.middevo Consent for the erection of porch and pitched roof on part of nortwest applications/ elevation and garage/store following demolition of existing stable block and internal alterations. Weeke Barton, Morchard Bishop, Crediton. DEMOLITION, BUILDING ALTERATION Glen Andred East Sussex Wealden DC WD/2018/1827/LB E18/1179 26/11/2018 II* PLANNING APPLICATION PARTIAL 17/12/2018 Garden https://planning.wealden REINSTATEMENT AND REPOINTING OF BOUNDARY WALL; NEW GATES X 2 AND FENCING; NEW GARDEN STORE. px%3frecno%3d143419% CONYER LODGE, CORSELEY ROAD, 26AspxAutoDetectCookie GROOMBRIDGE TN3 9PN. BOUNDARY, Support%3d1 MAINTENANCE/STORAGE/OUTBUILDIN G [email protected] Colchester Castle Essex Colchester BC 182831 E18/1203 28/11/2018 II PLANNING APPLICATION To demolish 19/12/2018 Park http://www.planning.col the existing Pavilion and replace with smaller Pavilion built on the same foundations. To replace the bowls r=182831&appType&=Pl green with a Landscaped design Mini anning Golf Course. Upper Bowls Green and Upper Pavilion, Castle Park, High Street, Colchester CO1 1UN. SPORT/LEISURE [email protected] 2 Clapton Terrace, Greater Hackney LB 2017/3129 2017/3178 E18/1171 24/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 17/12/2018 Hackney London http://planning.hackney. Building Consent Erection of two-storey extensions at rear lower ground and ngExplorer/generalsearc upper ground floor level, to include h.aspx terraces at lower ground and upper ground floor level and other associated external alterations. 2 Clapton Terrace, Hackney, LONDON E5 9BW. BUILDING ALTERATION [email protected] 3 Clapton Terrace, Greater Hackney LB 2017/3134 2017/3179 E18/1172 24/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 17/12/2018 London London http://planning.hackney. Building Consent Erection of two-storey extensions at rear lower ground and ngExplorer/generalsearc upper ground floor level with stairwell h.aspx access down to the rear garden and other associated external alterations. 3 Clapton Terrace, London E5 9BW. BUILDING ALTERATION [email protected] Kensington Greater City of 18/09962/FULL E18/1187 27/11/2018 I PLANNING APPLICATION Temporary 22/12/2018 Gardens London Westminster http://idoxpa.westminst relocation of the existing porta cabins LB and storage containers to the north of applications/ the storeyard. Kensington Gardens, Serpentine Road, London W2 2UH. MAINTENANCE/STORAGE/OUTBUILDIN G [email protected]. uk Danson Park Greater Bexley LB 18/03009/FUL E18/1190 27/11/2018 II PLANNING APPLICATION Installation of 18/12/2018 London a new shopfront and externally uk/services/planning- automated shutter to the Watersports and-building- Centre and Boat Store. Replacement of control/planning/view- two existing portable buildings with and-comment-planning- three new containers and replacement applications sections of the grassed areas with grasscrete and provision of two new flag poles at the Jetty lakeside location. HYBRID 68 Black Lion Lane, Greater Hammersmit 2018/03807/LBC E18/1211 29/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION Replacement 14/12/2018 London London h and Fulham of existing white painted timber sash LB g windows with timber spiral-bal windoes with arctic white finish, designed to match the originals. 68 Black Lion Lane, London W6 9BE. MISCELLANEOUS [email protected] 285 WEST END Hampshire Eastleigh BC F/18/84469 E18/1173 24/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION ERECTION OF 14/12/2018 ROAD, https://planning.eastleig 2No 5 BED DETACHED HOUSES SOUTHAMPTON FOLLOWING DEMOLITION OF EXISTING a1M1v000004IdiD/f1884 HOUSE. RESUBMISSION PREVIOUS 469 REF:F/18/83916. 285 WEST END ROAD, WEST END, SOUTHAMPTON SO18 3BW. DEMOLITION, RESIDENTIAL Dimsdale House, Hertfordshire Welwyn 6/2018/2884/HOUSE E18/1185 27/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 18/12/2018 Essendon Hatfield BC 6/2018/2885/LB Building Consent Erection of a new http://planning.welhat.g timber clad garden room to the rear garden and alterations to garage roof. o=89490&cuuid=A2E18B Dimsdale House, Essendon Place, High 5E-F99741FF-BFA6- Road, Essendon. 68F77AFBFC0D [email protected] Woodhall Park Hertfordshire East Herts DC 3/18/2568/FUL E18/1206 28/11/2018 II* PLANNING APPLICATION Creation of car 19/12/2018 https://publicaccess.east park for 86 vehicles, new access and relocation of security hut with associated landscaping. Heath Mount School, Woodhall Park, Watton At Stone, Hertfordshire SG14 3NG. EDUCATION, PARKING 8 Summer Dale, Hertfordshire Welwyn 6/2018/2910/LAWP E18/1209 29/11/2018 N PLANNING APPLICATION Certificate of 20/12/2018 Welwyn Garden Hatfield BC http://planning.welhat.g lawfulness for the erection of a single City storey rear extension. 8 Summer Dale, o=89516&cuuid=C22335 FB-8F844E72-8641- Welwyn Garden City AL8 7QJ.