Hope Missionary Church CHURCH PROFILE


Hope Missionary Church is a healthy, growing congregation in northeast which seeks to encourage her attenders to KNOW Jesus, GROW with others, and Go serve the world.

Hope Missionary Church - Main Campus Hope Missionary Church - North Campus 429 E Dustman Rd, Bluffton, IN 46714 1705 Hillcrest Dr, Ossian, IN 46777 (260) 824-1844 (260) 824-1844

Our History

The vision of Hope Missionary Church was birthed in the hearts of Howard and Jean Hawkins in August of 1965. Following God’s leading and the encouragement of Rev. Truman Gottschalk, the Hawkins left Fort Wayne, moved to Bluffton, and began leading a Wednesday night Study in their home. The Hawkins invited Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lobsiger and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meyers to join them on this journey. Shortly thereafter Rev. C. H. Wiederkehr, a retired Missionary Church Pastor, was contacted and asked to lead the group. The Bible study continued on Wednesday nights and eventually Sunday evening services began on December 12, 1965.

God continued to bless this small, but growing congregation and in 1966 the group stepped out in faith to construct a facility at 126 W. Townley Street. By this time, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ginn had joined the congregation and the first services were held in the little white church on Townley Street (currently the Posy Pot), on November 6, 1966. The group collectively decided on the name Hope Missionary Church to identify this growing family of believers.

In August of 1967 the first official members of Hope Missionary Church were recognized. It was in that same month that the church held its first baptismal service, baptizing nine individuals into the church family. In the spring of 1969, Rev. Phil Logan began serving as Hope’s first full time pastor. Two years later Rev. Logan and his family felt God’s call to the mission field and departed for Sierra Leone West Africa.

Rev. J.C. Neuenschwander assumed the duties of pastor in 1971, and soon after Hope Church merged with the Community Church of Ossian, a congregation that had previously been afliated with the Christian Missionary Alliance denomination. It became apparent that a larger facility was needed to accommodate this growing and faithful congregation. As a result, a ground breaking was held at 429 East Dustman Road on October 22, 1972, to dedicate the construction of a new and larger facility to the Lord. Ten months later, on August 19, 1973, the new Hope Missionary Church building was dedicated for the Lord’s use. The following summer (1974), Rev. On November 4, 1990 Hope Missionary Neuenschwander retired from pastoral Church celebrated 25 years of ministry. In ministry and was succeeded by Rev. Wayne 1993 Rev. Brad Grabill sensed God’s call to Brenneman. Some important developments minister in Florida and Rev. Gary Ringenberg took place under his leadership, including the assumed the role of Senior Pastor. During hiring of the first youth pastor and the Pastor Ringenberg’s tenure, Rev. Terry Linhart organization of the Men’s Fellowship. was hired to serve as Associate Pastor of Following Pastor Brenneman’s term of Student Ministries. It was at this time service at Hope Church, Rev. Glen Head came additional land was purchased to the to fill the role of shepherd for the Northwest and the new sanctuary was congregation in July of 1978. The next 12 designed, built and dedicated. months were marked by significant milestones including the burning of the In 2001, Pastor Ringenberg left Hope to mortgage on the church facility, and breaking pursue other endeavors. Terry Linhart then ground for a new educational wing. This accepted a position at Bethel College and additional space was completed in April of Rev. Rob Witzig was hired to serve as 1980. One year later Pastor Matt Hartsell was Associate Pastor of youth. In June of 2002, led to Hope Church and began his ministry Pastor Gary Aupperle began his ministry at with youth and young adults as Hope’s first Hope Church. On September 11, 2005 full time youth pastor. ground was broken for a new Family Life Center (40,000 additional square feet, In the summer of 1984, following the essentially doubling the building’s space). retirement of Pastor Head, Rev. Brad Grabill Sproles, Inc. was hired to place the frame of began ministering as Senior Pastor of Hope the structure, which was completed in the Church. The congregation experienced spring of 2006. Then, under the direction of significant growth, and eventually moved to Randy Barkley, the facility was completed in two and later three worship services. In 1987 sections, (children’s, youth and gymnasium) Rev. Hartsell assumed a new position as using volunteer help. In 2008 the Children’s Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries, and wing was completed and in 2009 the Youth Pastor Dennis Vogele accepted the role of Wing was finished. Youth Pastor. Eventually, in order to meet the demands of a growing congregation, the leadership determined to expand the educational wing and add a fellowship hall. Ground breaking took place on October 3, 1988, and dedication services were held on March 19, 1989.

02 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile On February 14, 2010, we held our first service in the Family Life Center gym—a baptismal service where ten individuals were baptized. The very next Sunday a new video worship venue began in the gym called “10:31”. On April 18th, the finished product of the Family Life Center was dedicated with a combined worship service. On January 28, 2012, Saturday night services called “6:33” were started in the gym. This group met for ten weeks leading up to the launch of North Campus in Ossian, (a second video venue). On Easter Sunday, April 8th, 2012, North Campus was launched in a rented facility (Irish Acres) two miles south of Ossian, under the direction of Campus Pastor Lon Johnson and Worship Leader Sam Stefen.

Since then, North Campus has seen lots of change. In 2018, North Campus moved to a brand new facility located just on the south side of Ossian, and has seen steady growth as they continue to pour into the community. God has consistently blessed us as a church family over the past decade and we look forward to what He will do through His people in the years to come as we seek to continue to KNOW God, GROW with others, and GO make disciples of all nations.

Current • Our facility sits on 26.5 acres of land in Blufton, Status Indiana.

• Hope has been blessed over and over in the area of finances. The people who make up Hope Church are obedient givers, and God continues to show His faithfulness to bless their obedience. Hope is financially stable and carries no debt.

• Currently Hope Church holds six worship services each Sunday morning: three services meet in the Worship Center, two meet in the Family Life Center, and one meets at our North Campus.

• Much more information about Hope Church can be found by visiting our website at www.hope4thefamily.com

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 03 Facts & Figures We firmly believe that the best measure of a church’s health is not found in numbers. But we also believe that certain numbers can be helpful indicators of health. To that end, we’re happy to provide these vignettes of Hope’s health and growth.

2016 2017 2018 2019

Weekly Worship Attendance 1099 1157 1192 1,284

Weekly Educational Ministry Attendance 470 460 464 420

Midweek Children’s Attendance 124 140 146 145

Midweek Student Attendance 140 110 130 160

Professions of Conversion 40 24 35 19

Baptisms 30 26 33 26

Total Receipts $1,577,285 $1,954,523 $1,830,398 $2,243,838

Total Expenditures $1,789,727 $1,632,200 $1,495,899 $1,724,975

Total Missions Investment $124,600 $116,800 $143,650 $153,500

Total Indebtedness $284,184 $188,284 $91,617 $0

The more in-depth story of Hope Church’s health is found in the countless stories of those who call Hope home… and in the stories of those who continue to join the Hope Church family.

04 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile MISSION & VISION

Hope Missionary Church exists to ENCOURAGE each person to DRAW closer to God.

We want all people to:

KNOW Jesus Christ GROW with others GO serve the world "# !

John 14:6: Jesus answered, Acts 2:46: Everyday they Matthew 28:19: Therefore “I am the way and the truth continued to meet together go and make disciples of all and the life. No one comes in the temple courts. They nations, baptizing them in to the Father except broke bread in their homes the name of the Father and through me. and ate together with glad of the Son and of the Holy and sincere hearts, (47) Spirit. praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 05 Denomination

Hope Missionary Church is a part of a larger grouping (a DENOMINATION) of churches known as the Missionary Church.

The Missionary Church is an EVANGELICAL denomination committed to church planting and world missions.

1. 2. 3. through The AUTHORITY The PRIVILEGE JESUS CHRIST of the Bible of shariing His message with others

The denominational headquarters is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There are over 1,775,000 people in more than 17,500 congregations in 25 countries. There are over 500 congregations in the US. BELIEFS

Here at Hope, we like to celebrate the BIG CONCEPTS that we agree on. Far too often, we as believers can find ourselves divided over finer points of theologyHope Missionary and Churchdoctrine, is a part which of a largeris sad. grouping We want (a DENOMINATION) to be a part of of churches building known up Hisas Kingdom,the Missionary not Church. tearing it down.

WithThe Missionary this in mind,Church hereis an EVANGELICAL is where we denomination are as a committedchurch: to church planting and world missions.

• We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is infallible and authoritative in the original writings.

• We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

• We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory.

• We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential.

• We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

• We believe in the spiritual unity of the Church, which is the Body of Christ, composed of all who are regenerated through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 07 COMMUNITY/DEMOGRAPHICS

Hope Missionary Church is located in Blufton, Indiana. The city of Blufton is located twenty miles south of Fort Wayne on Highway 1 in northeast Indiana. Blufton is a central location to numerous educational and recreational facilities.

There are several two-year and four-year colleges within a 50-mile radius

Ivy Tech State Harrison College Purdue University Indiana Tech College Fort Wayne

Indiana Wesleyan University of Saint Huntington Ball State Francis University University

Recreation Recreationally, Blufton ofers the Creative Arts Council, Wells County Public Library, YMCA, and several civic and philanthropic organizations. The city of Blufton has an award-winning Parks Department that ofers over fifty programs and events for all ages throughout the year. The Parks Department also provides several well-used parks and a River Greenway that are in constant use throughout the year. Ouabache State Park is just a few miles east of Blufton and ofers camping, swimming, fishing, and hiking trails, as well as its infamous fire tower to climb.

Blufton is the center of county government with its statuesque limestone courthouse dominating the downtown area, and newly added plaza. The Wells County Chamber of Commerce, working closely with the county government, is located just a block from the courthouse.

08 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile Population Trends and Economic Base:

According to the United States Census Bureau in 2018, Wells County's population was 28,206 and Blufton's population was 10,110. In examining the age of Wells County’s population in 2018, the percentages were as follows: 6% (0-4 years old), 24% (5-17 years old), 50.4% (18-65 years old), 18.3% (65 and older). Wells County was made up of approximately 97% whites, 3.2% Hispanic or Latino, 0.7% Asian, 0.8% Black, and 0.3% American Indian. Additionally, 0.9% of our population was of more than one ethnicity.

Bluffton has ten major employers:

Employer # of Employees

Peyton’s Northern 1,050 Distribution Center

Wal-Mart, Supercenter 402 Discount Grocery

Bluffton Regional Medical Center 333 Hospital

Bluffton Motor Works 271 Manufacture Electric Motors

Pretzels, Inc. 243 Snack Foods

Bluffton-Harrison M.S.D. 200 School Corporation

Buckhorn 177 Manufactured Plastics

Caylor-Nickel Clinic 150 Medical Clinic

First Fleet 150 Transportation Trucking

Bluffton Rubber 132 Plastic and Rubber Products Wells County Economic Development reports the Wells County unemployment rate as 2.8% as of September 2019.

The median household income trend for this decade is reported as:

Wells County/2013 City of Bluffton/2013 Wells County/2018 City of Bluffton/2018

$48,136 $48,248 $56,265 $42,201

Us Census Bureau Us Census Bureau Us Census Bureau Us Census Bureau

According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2018), 91.1% of the adults 25 and over in the workforce in Wells County, have a high school diploma or higher, with 18.1% earning a bachelor’s degree or higher. Those listed below the poverty level in Wells County is 8.5%.

Housing Trends: As reported in the 2018 census, the city of Blufton has 4,155 housing units. Approximately 93% were occupied at the time the census was taken.

Business and Community Trends: Wells County is a rural community of about 27,862. The population has remained steady over the past decade. The majority of the workforce is in the manufacturing sector. There are significant numbers of manufacturing jobs, and the Chamber of Commerce consistently works to attract new businesses to the area and works to help existing businesses grow and prosper. The ethnic population is gradually changing. While the minority population is still quite small, their numbers are increasing. The majority of the population is local with residents having lived here all of their lives. Growth seems to be in the 45-64 age group and 65 and older.

10 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile MINISTRIES

Worship Services Children’s Ministries

Sunday Sunday Worship Center: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am Nursery (birth-2 yrs old): 8:30, 9:45 & 11am FLC (Family Life Center): 9:30 & 11:00 am Pre-K (3-5 yrs old): 9:45 & 11:00 am North Campus: 9:30 am K-4th grade: 9:45 & 11:00 am All 4 One: Special needs ministry at 9:45 am

Student Ministries Wednesday Nursery: birth-2 year olds: 7:00 pm Sunday LiveWires: 3 years old-4th grade: 7:00 pm Interstate 5 (5th Graders): 9:45 am Rise (6-8th Graders): 9:45 am Converge (9-12 Grades): 9:45 am 242: College/Young Adult

Wednesday Sunday Interstate 5 (5th Graders): 7:00 pm 9:45 am Rise (6-8th Graders): 7:00 pm Converge (9-12 Grades): 7:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm

Adult Ministries Prayer Sunday Life Builders classes: 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 am Thirsty: Wednesday @ 7:00 pm. Worship and corporate prayer Wednesday 24/7 Prayer: Around the clock intercession in 7:00 pm our Prayer Room Community Groups: spiritual growth groups Fresh Encounter: Annual Day of Prayer on the in homes second Saturday in November Focus Groups: Divorce Care, Grief Share, Open Arms

Worship Arts Ministry

This is an opportunity to use your God given talents in the area of music, singing, or tech to give Him glory and to help others worship.

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 11 MISSIONS Missions is right at the heart of Hope Missionary Church. In fact, it’s our middle name! Over the course of her history, Hope has invested deeply in missions and outreach ministries. At this point, Hope holds significant support in 24 missionary family units scattered across the globe. Hope-supported missionaries serve in:

• Taiwan • Traverse City, MI • Middle East • West Africa • Columbia, SC • Mexico • Western Asia • North Africa • Latin America • Minneapolis, MN • McNeal, AZ • East Asia • Latvia • Asia Pacific • Local high schools (Youth for Christ)

In these locations, Hope’s missionaries are involved in all manner of innovative and impactful ministry. From medical operating rooms to sports fields to aviation to discipleship— we’re excited to see these families using their God-given talents and passions to further His Kingdom.

In the current fiscal year, Hope Church has committed 13.2% of its budget to missions and outreach.

12 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile Hope Church also supports five local ministries that have powerful impact in our community and around the world:

1. Alive and Well — provides high-quality, interactive programs that educate, inspire and empower young people to make wise, healthy choices, especially in the area of sexual abstinence until marriage.

2. Brickhouse Family Ministries — a division of Loving Shepherd Ministries that serves the foster care community through interactive programs to serve those most in need of care and compassion right in our community.

3. Eicher House Ministries — provides housing to missionaries home on furlough, in training or in-between mission fields.

4. Forgotten Children Worldwide — seeks to safeguard orphans and vulnerable children from poverty, abandonment and the evils of human trafcking.

5. Helping Hands — empowers men, women and families to make life-afrming decisions regarding pregnancy, parenting and lifestyle choices.

Hope Church also sees great value in helping people discover the contributions they can make in missions through short-term missions experiences. A growing number of missions trips have placed lots of Hope Church members and attenders on some exciting fields of service. Most recently, teams have served in:

Guatemala Honduras

Puerto Rico Belize

McNeal, AZ Pittsburgh, PA

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 13 We believe that people who serve in short-term roles get an up-close and personal understanding that’s tough to beat when it comes to engaging a heartfelt passion for missions ministry.

Hope also provides on-ramps for hands-on outreach ministry from time to time during the year. We typically refer to these as “GO Days”, and in the past they have taken the form of:

• Raking leaves in the community • One-day work team experiences to improve housing for those who need help • Landscape work for widows • Large-scale meal packing events • Clothes donation sorting and packing • Food sorting and packing

We LOVE to see Hope Church people serving alongside one another AND giving of their gifts and talents to help those outside our church body!

14 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile NORTH CAMPUS

An exciting adventure began over eight years ago when Pastor Gary Aupperle invited families in the Hope congregation to begin praying about forming a satellite campus ten miles north in Ossian. It was not long before families began feeling the whispers of the Holy Spirit nudging them to accept the challenge. They began meeting for worship on Saturday evenings in the gymnasium at the main campus. From there God led them to the only facility available—a humble dance hall north of Blufton and south of Ossian—not ideal, but the group made it into home. Several families committed to serve for one year to help launch this exciting endeavor. For this small group of believers there was no other agenda than to simply seek God’s will for them and bathe all their planning and programming in prayer.

God graciously blessed this satellite campus with believers of all ages. During year five the church reached a crossroads, as growth had stopped and there was talk of closing. In a clear move of God, there was an infusion of young families with small children. This group of believers came in wanting to be part of a church that wasn’t about a building but about reaching the community of Ossian and the surrounding area. Because it is a small, committed, tightknit group, ministry opportunities expanded quickly and growth began, both in ministry opportunities and in numbers. Word spread that this church was not about programs, but people; not about religion, but relationships.

In year seven a local businessman ofered a new building for the congregation to rent, and for the first time the group had a lovely home inside the Ossian city limits. Significant growth occurred, with a number of new families and people of all ages calling North their home. Even now, this North-Campus community of believers feels very much a part of the main Hope campus. We take advantage of the big church opportunities like Missions and service around the world, while still enjoying that small church feel. It is still Hope Missionary Church, as Gary reminds us each week: “We are one church that meets in a variety of locations.” From these locations we seek to Know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, Grow in Him, and Go to serve a needy world.

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 15 STAFF TEAM Hope Missionary Church currently employs five full-time pastors in addition to the senior pastor…

Kent Koteskey

Executive Pastor

Geof Cocanower

Associate Pastor of Student Ministries

Chris Kuntz

Worship Pastor

Josh Nash

Assoc. Pastor of Assimilation, Discipleship & Outreach

Andrea Neumayer

Associate Pastor of Middle School Student Ministries

16 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile …and three part-time pastors.

Jerroll Lehman Todd Rupp Ross Kilgore North Campus Worship Pastor North Campus Shepherding Associate Pastor of Worship Pastor

Two full time directors lead our children’s department…

Janice Hunter Rochelle Wickey Director of Children’s Ministries Director of Early Childhood Ministries

…with the help of two part-time directors:

Carissa Boomershine Gloria Rodgers Nursery Director North Campus Children’s Director

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 17 Our support staff are simply amazing folks that help Hope Church achieve her vision!

Beth Baumgartner

Office Assistant

Randy Braun


Billie Rodgers

Office Assistant

Lora DeVoe

HopeKids Assistant

Brett McBride

Office Manager

Dawn Musselman

Facilities Manager

Tim Rockwell


Julie Eicher


18 Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile LEADERSHIP

The Elder Board consist of 3 to 5 lay Elders along with the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor and the Deacon Board Chairman. The Elders are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the congregation and staf. This includes keeping contents of sermons, teachings, church groups, events and discipline biblically based. This board works in coordination with staf and the Deacon Board, and is held accountable by the ofcial church membership elected and approved by them.

The Deacon Board consists of 10 lay members as the Deacons of 7 diferent ministry areas, as well as, a board chairman, secretary and treasurer. Joining the Deacons to make up this board is the pastoral and teaching staf. The Deacon Board works with staf and oversees the administration, finances and maintenance of the church. This board is also accountable to the ofcial church membership and is elected and approved by them.

Hope Missionary Church - Church Profile 19 POSITION PROFILE MINISTRY DESCRIPTION

Focus/Purpose of this Ministry:

The senior pastor will lead in the cooperative efort of the pastoral staf by leading the church staf, coordinating worship services, providing pastoral guidance for the church board, providing pastoral care for the congregation, and providing general/over-all church administration. Qualifications:

• The senior pastor must meet the Biblical qualifications for leadership.

• The senior pastor must hold a graduate degree in theology.

• The senior pastor must subscribe to the Faith Statements of Hope Missionary Church.

• The senior pastor must be (or become) a member of Hope Missionary Church.

• The senior pastor must hold (or pursue) appropriate ministry credentials through the Missionary Church, Inc.

Character/Personal Traits:

• Spiritual intensity for God—expressed in prayer, Bible study, a life of devotion, and Christ-centeredness in life, ministry, and family.

• A heart for ministry in the church—a desire to put a high priority on the ministries and activities of Hope Church, even at times, over personal preferences.

• A heart for lost people—and their development into fully devoted followers of Christ.

• A team spirit—a flexible and cooperative attitude that allows for submission to leadership, change in personal practice (if required), and demonstration of support for the vision and purpose of Hope Missionary Church.

• A passion for leadership development—a focus on investment in and encouragement of current leaders as well as identifying the next generation of leaders.

• A passion for excellence—a heartfelt commitment to promoting high quality in all ministry and programs of Hope Missionary Church.

• A servant’s heart.

Ministry Responsibilities:

• Vision—Casting

- Discern it

- Define it

- Distribute it

- Annual weekend spiritual retreat • Preaching /Teaching (theologically sound and academically robust) - Weekly preaching ministry in regular worship services. • Participate in preaching and teaching opportunities outside the ministries of Hope Church in accordance with church policy. • Leadership Development - Staf - Board of Deacons - Board of Elders • Prayer Ministry - Weekly prayer service - Annual church-wide prayer retreat - 24/7 prayer initiative - Prayer Task Force • Assimilation - Send greeting letters to first-time guests - Participate in quarterly membership class • Discipleship - Provide pastoral leadership for staf, church board and executive ofcers. • Outreach & Evangelism - Model efective witness before the world to the congregation. - Participate in various service opportunities of Hope Church as ability and personal schedule permit. • Pastoral Care (as requested and/or schedule allows) - Participate in the visitation ministries of Hope Church. - Oversee visits to shut-ins who identify with Hope Church. - Pastoral counseling - Funerals - Weddings • Stewardship - Provide general guidance to the development of the Hope Church budget. - Ensure wise stewardship of the portion of the Hope Church budget designated for ministries under his oversight. • District and Denomination—make personal investments in denominationally-based opportunities as ability and personal schedule permit (examples include but not limited to): - Constitutional Fenceposts Committee - Central Region Licensing Committee • Community—make personal investments in community-based opportunities as ability and personal schedule permits (examples include but not limited to): - Participate in Blufton Ministerial Association - Serve on board of directors of a local ministry partner

Responsible to:

Board of Elders, Board of Deacons (and congregation)

Directed by:

Board of Elders, Board of Deacons via Board Chairman

Time Requirement:

Full-time, paid position (with remuneration and benefits determined by the church board).


- Weekly staf meeting - Annual congregational meetings - Board of Deacons meetings - Annual Central Region Conference - Board of Elder meetings - Bi-annual MCUSA General Conference


- Monthly written report for the church board - Annual written report for the congregation - Annual report for Central Region NEXT STEPS

It’s nearly impossible to boil down all the work and ministry of Hope Missionary Church into a few pages, but the intent of this document was to provide enough information for you to decide whether or not you would like to pursue a further relationship with the Leadership Continuity Team here at Hope.

The Leadership Continuity Team was formed in March of 2017 by the Board of Deacons and is tasked with seeking God’s heart for the best transition possible in our senior pastoral leadership in order that Hope Missionary Church will continue to encourage believers to know, grow and go. Perhaps a simpler way of saying it is that this team is earnestly pursuing God’s way to provide the smoothest transition from one senior pastor to the next—not for the purpose of promoting Hope Church, but for the purpose of promoting God’s plan for Hope Church to continue its purposeful ministry in our community and around the world.

If after reading the contents of this document— and prayerfully considering your gifts and talents in ministry— you feel led to pursue future leadership as a part of the Hope Missionary Church Team, simply follow this process:

1. Contact Pastor Kent Koteskey, our Executive Pastor, via email at [email protected]. He will be interested in receiving your resume and cover letter.

2. Be alert for Pastor Kent’s response to your email. He will be your best contact for information and updates regarding our pursuit of the next senior pastor to lead our team.

3. Continue to seek God’s heart through prayer regarding your current ministry involvement — AND your future ministry involvement.

4. The Leadership Continuity Team and Hope Church will be praying for you— will you also be praying for us as we seek to allow Him to lead His man to join us here at His church?

We’re tremendously excited to see whom God will lead to Hope Missionary Church!