
Forms of Unit 2: Human Geography - Governments Limited vs. Unlimited

Limited Government: A government limited by the citizens through checks and balance. Everyone, even figures must obey all rules stated in a strong

Ex: and

Unlimited Government: Control is placed entirely in the leader's hands and his/her appointees. No limit is placed on the leader’s power. Government has no or weak Constitution.

Ex: , , , Limited Government

Democracy: a system of government in which political power is held by the

Parliamentary Democracy: democratic form of government in which the party with the greatest representation in the () forms the government, its leader becoming prime minister or chancellor.

Ex: Germany

Ruled by Many Limited Government

Republic: a system of government in which the people elect representatives to make and laws for them.

Ex: of America

Ruled by Many Unlimited Government

Dictatorship: leader who becomes the leader of a country often through violent means.

Ex: ,

Ruled by One Unlimited Government

Monarchy: a form of government headed by a or queen who inherits the position by birth, rules for life, and holds power that can range anywhere between limited to absolute.


Limited Power: Ruled by Few

Absolute Power: Ruled by One Unlimited Government

Oligarchy: a form of government in which a small group (often of wealthy people) has total control and power.


Ruled by Few Unlimited Government

Theocracy: a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the Gods or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical .

Ex: Iran Ruled by Few Word Association 1. Religious based Government 1. Theocracy 2. Ruled by One, power through military 2. Dictatorship 3. Ruled by Many, 3. Republic Representative make laws

4. Ruled by Many, power to the people 4. Democracy 5. Ruled by Few, usually wealthy 5. Oligarchy 6. Power inherited by birth 6. Monarchy 7. The government of the U.S.A 7. Republic