Description of Services Ordered and Certification Form 471 FCC Form

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Description of Services Ordered and Certification Form 471 FCC Form OMB 3060-0806 Approval by OMB FCC Form 471 November 2015 Description of Services Ordered and Certification Form 471 FCC Form 471 Application Information Nickname YR 22 Network Cabling 2 Application Number 191006861 Funding Year 2019 Category of Service Category 2 Billed Entity Contact Information LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Roderic B Jackson 2757 W PENSACOLA ST TALLAHASSEE FL 3230 850-487-7101 4 - 2998 850-487-7101 Billed Entity Number 127599 FCC Registration Number 0012290102 Applicant Type School District Entity Information School District Entity - Details BEN Name Urban/ State State NCES School District Endowment Rural LEA ID School Code Attributes ID 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL Urban 37 Public School District None DISTRICT Related Entity Information Related Child School Entity - Details BEN Name Urban/ State State NCES Code Alternative School Attributes Endowment Rural LEA ID School ID Discount 35243 FRANK HARTSFIELD Urban 37 0041 12 - 01110- Public School $0.00 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1165 35245 JAMES RICKARDS HIGH Urban 37 0051 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1166 35247 SPRINGWOOD Urban 37 0501 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2568 35250 ASTORIA PARK Urban 37 0401 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1188 35251 AMOS P. GODBY HIGH Urban 37 0161 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1176 35254 RUEDIGER Urban 37 0091 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1170 35255 RAA MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 37 0092 12 - 01110- Public School None 1171 Page 1 BEN Name Urban/ State State NCES Code Alternative School Attributes Endowment Rural LEA ID School ID Discount 35256 SAIL HIGH SCHOOL Urban 37 0204 12 - 01110- Public School None 1178 35257 JOHN G. RILEY Urban 37 0231 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1181 35258 GRIFFIN MIDDLE Urban 37 222 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1180 35259 GRETCHEN EVERHART Urban 37 0411 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1189 35262 LIVELY TECHNICAL Urban 37 0361 12 - 01110- None Public School None CENTER 1185 35265 THE SUCCESS Urban 37 1211 12 - 01110- Public School None ACADEMY AT GHAZVINI 7831 LEARNING CENTER 35268 DESOTO TRAIL Urban 37 511 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2679 35272 LEON HIGH SCHOOL Urban 37 0021 12 - 01110- None Public School None 1162 35274 ELIZABETH COBB Urban 37 0032 12 - 01110- Public School None MIDDLE SCHOOL 1164 35275 KATE SULLIVAN Urban 37 0031 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1163 35277 W. T. MOORE Urban 37 0421 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1190 35280 SABAL PALM Urban 37 0071 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1168 35281 PINEVIEW ELEMENTARY Urban 37 0311 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1184 35282 BOND ELEMENTARY Urban 37 1181 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 4945 35283 R. FRANK NIMS MIDDLE Urban 37 0291 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1182 35284 OAK RIDGE Urban 37 0171 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1177 35285 FORT BRADEN SCHOOL Rural 37 0561 12 - 01110- Public School None 1825 35286 SWIFT CREEK MIDDLE Urban 37 1151 12 - 01110- None Public School None SCHOOL 3000 35287 APALACHEE Urban 37 0441 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1192 35288 LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL Urban 37 1091 12 - 01110- None Public School None 1194 35291 BUCK LAKE Urban 37 0521 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2680 35292 FAIRVIEW MIDDLE Urban 37 0451 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1193 35293 HERITAGE TRAILS Urban 37 0452 12 - 01110- Public School None COMMUNITY SCHOOL 2207 35295 CHAIRES ELEMENTARY Rural 37 0491 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 2567 35296 KILLEARN LAKES Rural 37 0481 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2473 35298 HAWKS RISE Urban 37 1131 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2999 35299 GILCHRIST Urban 37 0381 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1186 35302 SEALEY ELEMENTARY Urban 37 0431 12 - 01110- Public School None SCHOOL 1191 Page 2 BEN Name Urban/ State State NCES Code Alternative School Attributes Endowment Rural LEA ID School ID Discount 35305 DEERLAKE MIDDLE Urban 37 0531 12 - 01110- None Public School None SCHOOL 2763 35369 WOODVILLE Rural 37 0131 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1173 192078 LEON COUNTY Urban 37 1502 12 - 01110- None Juvenile Justice; None JUVENILE DETENTION 3601 Public School CENTER 202167 CANOPY OAKS Urban 37 1161 12 - 01110- Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3419 211791 LAWTON CHILES HIGH Rural 37 1141 12 - 01110- None Public School None SCHOOL 3598 225021 ROBERTS ELEMENTARY Rural 37 1171 12 - 01110- None Public School None SCHOOL 3727 228325 THE SCHOOL OF ARTS Urban 37 1402 12 - 01110- None Charter School; None AND SCIENCES 3599 Public School 16031060 SECOND CHANCE AT Urban 37 0191 12 - Public School None GHAZVINI LEARNING 01110- 788 CENTER 16039115 WILLIAM J. MONTFORD Rural 37 1201 12 - 01110- None Public School None III MIDDLE SCHOOL 6856 16039116 J. MICHAEL CONLEY Urban 37 1202 12 - 01110- None Public School None ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6879 16070448 GOVERNOR CHARTER Urban 37 1441 12 - 01110- None Charter School; None ACADEMY 8156 Public School 17003278 LEON COUNTY VIRTUAL Urban 37 7023 12 - 01110- None Public School None ACADEMY 8021 17003636 LEON COUNTY JAIL Urban 37 1519 12 - 01110- None Juvenile Justice; None 7180 Public School 16084496 LEON COUNTY VIRTUAL Urban 37 7004 12 - 01110- None Public School None SCHOOL FRANCHISE 7793 Related Child School Entity - Discount Rate Calculation Details BEN Name Urban/ Number of Students CEP Rural Students Count Based Percentage on Estimate 35243 FRANK HARTSFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 466 N/A 61.92% 35245 JAMES RICKARDS HIGH SCHOOL Urban 1352 N/A 61.92% 35247 SPRINGWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 618 N/A 61.92% 35250 ASTORIA PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 602 N/A 61.92% 35251 AMOS P. GODBY HIGH SCHOOL Urban 1338 N/A 61.92% 35254 RUEDIGER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 543 N/A 61.92% 35255 RAA MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 861 N/A 61.92% 35256 SAIL HIGH SCHOOL Urban 391 N/A 61.92% 35257 JOHN G. RILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 623 N/A 61.92% 35258 GRIFFIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 549 N/A 61.92% 35259 GRETCHEN EVERHART SCHOOL Urban 183 N/A 61.92% 35262 LIVELY TECHNICAL CENTER Urban 26 N/A 35265 THE SUCCESS ACADEMY AT GHAZVINI LEARNING CENTER Urban 225 N/A 61.92% 35268 DESOTO TRAIL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 677 N/A 35272 LEON HIGH SCHOOL Urban 2085 N/A 35274 ELIZABETH COBB MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 870 N/A 61.92% 35275 KATE SULLIVAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 771 N/A 61.92% Page 3 BEN Name Urban/ Number of Students CEP Rural Students Count Based Percentage on Estimate 35277 W. T. MOORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 662 N/A 61.92% 35280 SABAL PALM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 520 N/A 61.92% 35281 PINEVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 365 N/A 61.92% 35282 BOND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 649 N/A 61.92% 35283 R. FRANK NIMS MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 496 N/A 61.92% 35284 OAK RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 530 N/A 61.92% 35285 FORT BRADEN SCHOOL Rural 845 N/A 61.92% 35286 SWIFT CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 791 N/A 35287 APALACHEE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 650 N/A 61.92% 35288 LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL Urban 2094 N/A 35291 BUCK LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 761 N/A 35292 FAIRVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 834 N/A 61.92% 35293 HERITAGE TRAILS COMMUNITY SCHOOL Urban 65 N/A 61.92% 35295 CHAIRES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rural 527 N/A 61.92% 35296 KILLEARN LAKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rural 860 N/A 35298 HAWKS RISE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 870 N/A 35299 GILCHRIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 955 N/A 35302 SEALEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 476 N/A 61.92% 35305 DEERLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Urban 992 N/A 35369 WOODVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rural 572 N/A 61.92% 192078 LEON COUNTY JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER Urban 29 N/A 202167 CANOPY OAKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 727 N/A 61.92% 211791 LAWTON CHILES HIGH SCHOOL Rural 2077 N/A 225021 ROBERTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rural 857 N/A 228325 THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Urban 344 N/A 16031060 SECOND CHANCE AT GHAZVINI LEARNING CENTER Urban 63 N/A 61.92% 16039115 WILLIAM J. MONTFORD III MIDDLE SCHOOL Rural 1073 N/A 16039116 J. MICHAEL CONLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Urban 835 N/A 16070448 GOVERNOR CHARTER ACADEMY Urban 714 N/A 17003278 LEON COUNTY VIRTUAL ACADEMY Urban 0 N/A 17003636 LEON COUNTY JAIL Urban 5 N/A 16084496 LEON COUNTY VIRTUAL SCHOOL FRANCHISE Urban 44 N/A Related School District NIFs School School District Name NIF BEN NIF Name District BEN 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 127598 LEON COUNTY MEDIA CENTER 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16039117 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027118 APPLEYARD BUS DEPOT 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027119 CAPITAL STADIUM/BUS DEPOT 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027121 L.C.S.B. DATA CENTER 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027122 L.C.S.B. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027123 L.C.S.B. TRANSPORTATION Page 4 School School District Name NIF BEN NIF Name District BEN 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027124 LIVELY AVIATION 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16027125 TEST AND DEVELOPMENT 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16030291 LEON COUNTY FACILITIES PLANNING 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16030293 LEON COUNTY CONSTRUCTION 127599 LEON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 16030295 LEON COUNTY OPERATIONS/FACILITIES/ MAINTENANCE Discount Rate School District School District School District School District Category One Category Two Enrollment NSLP Count NSLP Percentage Urban/Rural Status Discount Rate Discount Rate 33462 20886 62.0% Urban 80% 80% Page 5 Funding Request for FRN #1999008013 Funding
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