sistant, George 11. Bookwalter. Tin use, however, have been receiving the Riiiuphold Trichle, Alvin Krller and Jury was out live hours. On December Cans, Boxes and Other Containers (oloma's Deputy Sheriff Made a Bigger Fine Convention of American Legion Uncle Sam Now Known as Largest serious consideration of the depart- 12(1 it returned a verdict of guilty. Leon I/Oiir to Im> Given RoleuHe From located in Store of Late Frank Arrest Than He Suspected Last And Auxiliary Was Held in South .Summer Resort Proprietor in the ment. Verdirt Appealed "Manifestly, the airplane will be- I The defense moved for a new trial. Dellsle of Benion Harbor (Jive up' Saturday Night—Car Specially Haven l^ist Sunday I'riMon—Case For Which Tfiey Were 1 World—Automobiles Play Important come an accepted means of transporta- It was denied. Appeal was taken to tion to and between national parks, If Vast Amuiint of Gold, Silver, Other' Equipped For Boo/e Running The meeting of the Fourth District Sentepred Well Re!neinl)ered by the supreme'court. The three youthful Part in Building up Business—Air- not In the parks. Their use then will convention of the American Legion and j respondents were released under $5,000 make It necessary for the service to Watervllet People Coins, »s Well as Bonds and Cer- A large'Hudson automobile specially Auxiliary opened at 11:00 o'clock last planes to be Considered IMUMIS each, supplied by relatives nnd provide them facilities and to regulate equipped fur the transportation of Sunday In the Community room of the "ChriHtmnH this year will hold a 'friends pooling their resources. All tilh-ates of Deposit Washington—Uucle Sam stands re- them. The department has considered liquor was seized by Deputy Sheriff First National Bank at South Haven. KiH'cial slgulflcflDce to Berrien county's but Howard, lie returned to Lansing, vealed In the annual report of the sec- that the railroads, which in early times Charles Andrews of Coloma last Satur- Mr. Troump, membership chairman of three Daby Rlayers.' To Hhlnehold i Bitter nnd remorseful that he was held The search thai has I teen retary of the Interior as the largest made the development of the parks pos- day evening when he was detailed by the South Haven Post, reported that Trelchle. Alvln Keller mid U'on Lour. iwhile his associatefl were free, but still through thu store of the late summer resort proprietor In the world. sible. llrst should be heard in this con Sheriff Bryant to patrol the highway they would soon be over the top with convicted slayers of the aged Henry ;sticking to bis story, he escnpeil from Dellsle ol' Benion Harbor who passed I'ncle Sam's summer resorts are the nectlon. It has been proposed that east of Benton Harbor on the lookout their 1020 membership drive. Dinner flerllnK. recluse BalnhrldKc fanner, the indusirlal school, only to be recap away last week has revealed what was vast national parks, where free public they be permitted to build airports 1 fur cars ibat did not show the proper was served in the Pythian ball at 12 seven and one-half yeajp a«o. It will 'lured by SherlfT Bridgman. Ihotight woulttiMIMdI Ifbel thIIIe! rewarII II Id | | ol/f l thiI III. , I I . I A II II .1.. camping grounds are maintained for within the park lines near railroad ter- , ull ll|!h o'clock, a five-piece orchestra furnlsh- bring the most priceless gift of all- I In December, 1024, came the supreme -K'ktTH iifli'r till. Iildili'n t mi surfs .if '' . , '"- motorists and hikers. minals and to land passengers In the 1 I lie inn n who liml llvnl (lie Ufn of u „ I Amli-,.«, upoltl,,! our our Iiik some very fine music. Mrs. Etta freedom," stated Tuesday's St. Joseph court's ruling, altirmlng the conviction, Approximately 3.000,000 people visit park at those airports, granting to ] but with a censure for Hie methods hfriull for iiiiiuy ,e«r« In His little l''-l i ti , i ",T l'1?'"..?' i"',"1 Stelnberger. the new fourth district Heraldl'ress. The Press continued , ...... i IM'pedd ththee drivedriverr thereofthereof.. ThThee drivedriverr aapp - the national parks annually, and 70 per private airplanes the use of such air- used In obtalnlnK the confessions. A foot front store on West Main street committee woman on membership, with the following story of the crime, 1 »ea red unusually nervous, which cent of them go In their own automo- ports with a proper service charge." short time later Trelchle. Keller and for many years, and whose stock con- urged the Iregion members to get all the sensational trial and the sentence caused Andrews to become suspicious biles. It Is this fact which has made Long stood before Judge White for sisted of many lines of merchandise, the new members they can, who will Propose Aerial Sightseeing of the three boys. .... r ...ii i. .. - i i i 11 and caused an InvestlKatiim us to why the public camp sites necessary. Un- sentence. They were sent to ionla for some of which was several decades old. I., , , , • , , in turn bring their wives In to Join the HII.«I «...M »I.,. .n ...... M driver should be unduly nervous til the development of the auto, the To Get Paroles from live to 15 years. N» tilled was the small store room with , . , , • . • . i Auxiliary. Mrs. Swift, the past fourth Nor Is that the only problem the air- . about having but one headlight bnrn- railroads brought all the visitors, and Two years ago. the younger brother. the olil goods tha it was necessarnecessa ry , n 7 u , .i , , • district committee woman, gave an In- plane has raised. There Is also the ,Ing. He soon discovered that the driv- they were lodged in hotels, lodges, etc., For the state has decreed that the Howard Long, was released from Ijui- that the goods be removed so that anj teresting report on the San Antonio matter of sight seeing within the prison doors of the ionla Htate refor- er of the car was excited because he conducted Inside the parks by conces- parks. sing. Now his companions are about Inventory might be taken and the goods convention which she attended as a del- sionaries. matory soon are to open for the trio's had a cargo of Canadian liquor which egate. She also explained in brief the Originally tourists went through the lo Kiiin their freedom after four years' placed on display to be sold. Now. however, the camping spaces pa rule. Their crime expiated. Trelchle. he was transporting to Chicago. Moulder Dam proposition and why all parks on foot, on horseback or In Imprisonment. are highly Important, and they have Keller and Long will be able to greet Search for Will I'nvailing J. Mahler of Barrlngton, Ills., the l.eglonalres and Auxiliary members horse-drawn stages. In recent years j Christmas, llt2S. should ever be re- been made rather elaborate. Pure the New Year with a firm resolve to driver of the car. gave his age as 21 should at all times favor this great pro- the automobile bus bar been adopted, memltered In their lives. Convicted U. 1.. Hubbard of the trust depart- water, sanitary conveniences, electric shape anew-their lives which the IriiKic years. He was taken to the county Jail ject. Dr. Swift gave a short but very although the use of the horseback trails live days before Hie holiday in 102:t. ment of the American National Bank lights, stoves, and sometimes laundries death of the 80-year-old farmer sent and his car was taken to a St. Joseph effective la Ik on those who Joined the Is still po|uilar. Now various concerns sentenced 10 days before the Yule day of Benton Harbor was named as trus- and shower baths are Included in their ataew. garage, where the ofilcers discovered legion and the Auxiliary at the llrst. are proposing to establish aerial sight- in 1024. and freed a few days before tee to look after the estate of the late equipment. Arrested and convicted more than that the Hudson car had been equipped when they thought It was great fun to seeing trips over the parks. In 1028. Christmas day has brought a hermit merchant and has been search- two years after the murder was diH- with a false top where 200 pints of belong, and that there was surely some The department, evidently, docs not variety of sensations to this trio, now ing for a will that he believed might liquor were concealed, and that more Auto Kaises Problem covered, und sentenced to serve from 20 yiyirs of age. benefit they would reap from their know quite what to do aliout this mat- five to 10 years a year later when the be hidden away In some nook in the of the booze was concealed In the cush- membership. That is what everyone The automobile Is not the only In- .ter. On the one hand ,lt asserts that store or In the Iron safe that was state supreme court affirmed the con- ions of the car. The value of the car- else was doing, but now that real work vention that has raised a new problem 'a plane Hying at a safety high altitude viction, the lads are now about to reap stored under a counter and piled high go was estimated at ?1.(MK). has started some of the members are for the custodians of the parks. The | would lie too high for Its occupants the reward of a shortened term which LET TIIK COl KIER'S COLUMNS with trash and dirt. The safe was dropping out, leaving the few stalwart airplane now Is raising a new Issue, 1 to get a proper view of the scenery be- located on Monday, but the comblna- good beharior brings. Normally the ItK VOI R GliDR IN DOING ones who stick to carry the burden. which will be dealt with in consider- low; mid. on the other. It admits that minimum sentence of five years less »Ion could not be found and it was nec- Judge 1). Collingwood of Lansing, ible detail at a conference this winter some people insist that only from the essary to call in experts to open the Taxation of Oil Wells the time allowed for good behavior VOI R CHRISTMAS SHOPPING who spoke on "Americanism." was the between natlonak park officials, railway air can a view lie obtained of general- would terminate between Christmas strong box. last speaker. He said It was not a heads, motor transportation concerns ly inaccessible places. and New Years. Hut the state oflichilH The safe revealed the hiding place of Furnishes a Problem matter of a race, nationality, political and others. j The whole thing will be threshed out have in mind'to free the youths that a large amount of gold, silver, cur- party, religions or anything of that "The modern airplane, with Its In- at the conference this winter. It is Vou Will Find Valuable Snggestluns in they may return home for Christmas. rency, bonds and other valuables. In For State of Michigan kind, but a state of mind. It is a state creasing use as a means of passenger probable that some sort of airplane tin cans, In shoe boxes, In small tobac- of mind where we obey the laws and transportation, now presents a new | route between the national parks, un- Approved by White The Ads—Do Vour Shopping Early co cans and in other unusual hidglng do what Is right. He stressed being problem." says the secretary's report, ider the control of the National Park places were found the gold pieces, each Circuit Judge Charles E. White has And Then Mull Vour Packages Early Administration Wants a Fair Valuation friendly to those who are within our its employment has been urged upon I Service, will be recommended, with alr- of which had lieen carefully wrapped borders and who are not yet Ameri- park officials for a number of years, but ' ports established within the parks and placed his approval upon the parole If you are undecided as lo what you In tinfoil. Although a complete count petition along with the prison warden Of the Property—Tills .Means Much cans. and also to those who have Just as yet no permits have been issued for | under park supervision. For the rest, want to purchase for a Christmas gift. of the cash had not been made Tues- become Americans. Iking friendly is landing fields within park boundaries, a definite and rational air policy will who reports them model prisoners. Study Just turn lo the advertising columns of day evening, it was believed by Trustee a great step toward Americanism. and flying over the parks has been dis- I be sought In an Interchange of views They will l)e paroled for the remain- The Courier, where you will find hun- Hubbard that the amount would reach der of their 15 year term to Probation Lansing, Dec. 12—The large numlier Following the addresses liefore the couraged. Admission of airplanes to from the parties most directly inter- dreds of timely suggestions. Bead the about $r>,000. One cigar box Is said joint convention, the men returned to national parks and reguiatlon of their ested. Officer George Cunningham. Seven and ads carefully, as The Courier has not to have been found concealed beneath of valuable oil wells that have been a half years have passed since Gerllng discovered in Michigan during the the Community room and the ladies to accepted any advertising from any firm the counter which contained about 10,- the dining hall, where separate meet- was found dead In his nalnbrldge town- that is not •lielieved to be thoroughly ilou pennies. past year has made It necessary for the SANTA S STEED BECOMES ship home. He had been beaten about state to take some action regarding the ings were held. .Mrs. Etta Stelnberger reliable. After reading the ads make A lock box in the American National opened the Auxiliary meeting. Busi- PEREECT lEETH WANTED the head, gagged with a piece of wood, out your list of gifts and make your Bank disclosed nearly Sl.'i.OOO In bonds taxing of this class of property. The A BIG ECONOMIC FACTOR and bound with wire. valuation of these oil wells Is a problem ness of much interest to all units was purchases as soon as possible. You will and certificates of deposit, and other transacted, although there were very • A neighbor, Henry Bujack, made the Mnd that by doing your trading in the additional cash which totalled nearly that presents many difficulties as It is BY COLOHA SCHOOL PUPILS gruesome ou April 13, 1021. Impossible to predict with much cer- few units represented. mornings when the stores are not so $13,000. This was In addition to what Everyone knows that Santa Clans "Untie Henry Gerllng," was the mes- crowded you can have better service the safe in the store gave up, and it tainty what the future of these wells makes ids rounds on Christmas Eve in sage scribbled on his mail box. "Go will be. This Is especially true here in on the part of the clerks and shop- is believed that still more valuables a sleigh drawn by "eight tiny rein- see Henry Gerllng" was the entreaty Parcnt-Teachcrs' Association Is Spon- ping will lie easier. will be located before a thorough can- Michigan as the greatest part of the BERRIEN COUNTY WEDDINGS | deer." but how many know that, quite written on a bill board across the way. And after you have done your shop- vas of every nook and corner of the production conies from wells that are soring Movement to That End. aside from this pretty Christmas fancy, Lloyd Bishop, rural mall carrier, no- less than a year old. ping from stores that advertise in The store has been completed. ithls animal has become an Important ticed the signs, but attributed them to Courier, make sure that you do your It Is known that Dellsle owned the In order to get a fair valuation of King-Bell The Parent-Teachers' Association economic factor In North America? an April Fool jokester. He called the these wells on the tax rolls the ad- Christmas mailing early enough so that store building that he occupied so long will sponsor a movement for 100 per i And did you know that there are post office's attention and fprgot It. ministrative board passed a resolution your friends will receive your gift be- and that he was also the owner of Miss Myrtle Louise Bell, daughter of cent perfect teeth In the pupils of the now nearly a million of these animals fore Christmas day as Uncle Sam has several other pieces of valuable real allowing the department of conserva- Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, prominent Coloma schools as a result of a vote grazing upon the frozen tundras of the Died of Stanation tion $3,300 to use in making this ap- decreed that there will positively be no estate, but the trustee Is as yet unable retired farmers of Villa Grove, HI., taken at the regular meting held last j north and that their Introduction into praisal. In the meantime Gerllng died—from delivery of mail by city or rural car- to give an estimate as to what Dellsle who for the past two years has been Thursday evening at the school house. this continent some 37 years ago worked To be sure that a fair valuation Is shock and starvation physicians said. riers on Christmas day. The clerks was really worth. urglcal supervisor at Mercy hospital, A dentist will come to the school house ja revolution in the lives of several reached, it Is necessary to secure some He lay beside bis bed from which he and carriers will be deserving of a rest became the bride of Dr. F. A. King, a and care for the teeth. AH lilllngs or | thousands of people? There's a migh- one whose reputation and ability in had fallen in a vain attempt to free his after the strenuous days Just prior to leading Benton Harbor physician and extractions will l>e 50 cents each, to be ty interesting story about that In this this work is such that the state is as- hands from the wire fetters. In a room the holidays. surgeon. Dec. 6, 1028. |iald for by each child. If possible, it i issue of The Courier. Bead the illus- sured a fair valuation. Part of this below a safe, combination shattered by The wedding took place quietly at 11 Is estimated that a dentist will care 11rated feature article, "Santa's Steed— mn wATERviifimoney will be usemmd to pay som e man or o'clock at the stately residence of the for about thirty-five teeth in one day. a sledge hammer, but still unopened, the Reindeer," by Elmo Scott Watson tirm for this work and the remainder supplied the rest of the story of an un- attractive bride's parents. Rev. John This will provide an economical nnd land see for yourself! EIGHT OF FAMILY OF TEN will go towards collecting Information successful attempt to gain the fortune Starr, Methodist minister in Villa convenient way for the pupils to have RECOVfS "IHlir SUHHONS on these properties that will be In such the recluse was reported to have hid- CHILDREN DIED IN FEW YEARS Grove, read the single ring service. The their dental work done and every par- shape that It can lie used In the follow- den. The countryside was aroused by couple were unattended. ent should respond to the effort made ing year's appraisal. The results of TOWNSHIP TAXES ARE DUE ; the brutality of the' tragedy. Former M. V. Woodrox Died at Home in East Miss Bell's bridal gown was a lovely by the association. this work will be reported to the tax model of French nude chiffon. Ac- The carnival committee reported Hheritf George C. Bridgman worked Kmll F. Knzerza. aged 27 years, the Watervlief Monday commission and the local supervisors TREASURER READY TO COLLECT night and day but was baffled at every cessories were In a matching shade. "<102 as a result of the recent carnival eighth of ten children of Mrs. John In territory where wells are located. step. M. V. Woodcox, for many years a For traveling she wore a smart brown held at the school house. It was voted Kuzera of New BulTalo, passed away The decision has not yet been made "Who killed Henry Gerllng?" This printer, died at his home In Kast Wa- ensemble. Following a wedding break- to put $200 in a savings fund to l>e The tax rolls for the Township of at St. Anthony's hospital In Michigan as to who Is this work but it is tervlief Monday, following a long ill- fast Dr. and Mrs. King left for Wash- used later in some needed equipment Coloma are now In my possession and became a watchword at the sherifT's City. December 10. 102S, after a three expected that this matter will be set- office, hut unanswered. Two years ness. Mr. Woodcox came to Watervliet ington and New York. They will he at for a new school. A splendid program I am ready to receive township, school, months' illness from a tumor of the tled In a short time. home after January 1 at "Klngsdale." was given by the grade pupils and cof- imssed. The murder of Henry Gerllng brain. The remains were taken to first in 1!II4 and for eight years was county and state taxes for the year Dr. King's handsome country home on fee and doughnuts were served. The was fading from memory. But Sher- Chicago where funeral services were mployed as a printer in the Water- 1028. I will be at Supervisor A. W. iff Bridgman kept on working. Then vliet Becord office. Later he was em- the Pipestone road. The bride, a very next meeting will be a men's night. Baker's office In the State Bank build- held and interment was made in the rharming young woman. Is a' graduate he found a clew—a sledghammer at Bohemian cemetery. ployed for a time in the Coloma Cour- WATERVLIET MAN DROPPED DEAD ing every Friday to receive taxes, or i)f the Villa Grove high school and of parties wishing to pay at any other the farm home of Leon Long. A young- The mother and two brothers, Ed- ier office. Mr. Woodcox had followed At. a special election held In New the Lake View hospital at Danville, time may do so at the offices of the er brother, Howard Long, then 14 years ward of New BulTalo and Joseph of the printing trade for many years and Buffalo last Monday the proposition of III. For two years she has been a mem- Michigan Shore Lumber & Supply Co. of age, was questioned. Howard, Chicago, survive. Until a month ago nntll his health failed two years ago. IN BANGOR COAE YARD the Incorporation of the Village of Treichel and Keller were taken into He had held positions in some of the ber of the Mercy hospital staff, serving Dog taxes must also be paid at once. Kuzera followed his printing trade in in the capacity of surgical siqiervlsor. New Buffalo Into a city of the fifth custody. Chicago. IiIk printing establishments of the coun- We have the tags ready to give you. Jesse Willis Stricken While Shoveling Dr. King is prominent in twin city class was defeated by a vote of 273 The demise of the young man re- try and was particularly skilled In cer- JAMES J. K1BLER, Obtained Confession society. Is a member of the twin city for to 130 against. The New Buffalo Township Treasurer. calls the tragic death of his father, tain lines of the trade. He was a great Coal Tuesday Business Mdn's association, has for lover of books ami Ills one diversion Rotary club, vice president of the Ber- —Adv. 20tf On November 11, 1023, Sheriff Bridg- John Kuzera. three years ago. The lat- some time agitated the village emerg- when not at work was reading. His rien County Medical society, a member man announced he had confessions ter. with his family, was driving to Jesse Willis, well known painting and ing from a village to a fifth class purchase of books was extensive dur- of the Methodist Peace Temple and of from all four. Howard Long, then on CbicAgo to, attend the funeral of his decorator contractor, and a resident of the Temple Men's club. city standing, but Monday's defeat left ing the active years of his Ufa end his TO SATISFY LIEN parole from the state industrial school youngest son. when his machine was Watervliet for thirty years, dropped them silent on the question. The as- reading covered a wide range. He was at Lansing, was the first to confess. struck and demolished by a train and dead of a heart attack late Tuesday sociation went so far as to present a To satisfy lien, I will sell at public ;i man of exemplary habits. Linderman-Webster He had taken no actual part in the at- he was killed. Two years ago occurred afternoon while shoveling coal onto his list of nine commissioners to the village auction at the Central Garage, Coloma, Martin Van Bureu Woodcox was born truck In a Bangor coal yard. tempted robbery. He had acted as the death of a brother of the young Announcement is made of the mar- council. The names submitted for Mich., Berrien county, December 15, near Fort Wayne. Indiana, June 5, lookout from a field across the road. man buried on Wednesday. Mr. Willis had gone to Bangor In the these positions were unopposed. W. H. 1028, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, pne ISOO. and passed away at his home in riage of Miss Juanlta Webster of St. Then the other three youths confessed. forenoon to look after his uncle, Joe Joseph and Fred Llnderman of Benton Bymal, president of the village, headed Ford coupe, Model T. Registered ow^er, Watervliet township, December 10, They had climbed in a window and Willis, who recently suffered a para- the list of commissioners, and was said W. C. Baushke. Benton Harbor, Mich., IN THE DIVOKCE COURTS 102K, aged OS years, 0 months and 5 Harbor, which occurred at the Baptist caught the old man sleeping. They beat lytic stroke. He drove to the village parsonage in South Bend, December 0, to lie In favor of New Buffalo emerging R. F. 1). 4. Said Hen Is for $30.00.— days. him over the bead, gagged him, and to get some coal for his uncle, who lives 1028. from the village class. a^. aotf While but a child he left his birth- trussed him to the bed with wire. The four miles out In the country. After place with his parents who settled in safe refused to yield to their crude at- Mrs. Olive Delaney of Benton Har- throwing a few shovels of coal onto Antwerp, Ohio, and irom there they Kodaks and kodijk albums for Christ- Fancy box candy in Christmas pack- temptts to open it, and they bad fled, bor has tiled suit in the circuit court the truck he fell over dead. Seel-Cox moved to Metz, Ind., where Mr. Wood- mas at Scott's.—Adv. ages at Scoffs.—Adv. afraid to go back and release their asking for a divorce from Patrick De- Mr. Willis had been active at his cox made his home until after his Miss Gladys Cox. daughter of Mr. victim. Instead they had written the laney. whom she charges with cruelty, trade during his entire residence In marriage. and Mrs. Fred W. Cox of St. Joseph, messages on the mail box and bill board drunkenness and infidelity. They were Watervliet and had handled some of He was united in marriage to Miss and Leo F. Seel, son of Mr. and Mrs. hoping some one would take heed. This married in 1020 and have no children. the largest and most costly decorative Kila M. Spears February 22, 1883. To Klmer Seel of Fair Plain, were united happened on March 30, 11)21. Charging Wiiliam S. Johnson of Ben- contracts around Paw Paw Luke and this union five children, one son and in marriage at the parsonage of the Former Prosecuting Attorney Charles ton Harbor with cruelty, Mrs. Leia F. In neighboring towns as well as lu his four daughters, were born. The son Sunnyslde Presbyterian church In So. W. Gore made preparations to bring Johnson has filed suit for divorce. They home city. THE COLOMA THEATRE passed away May 12th, 1013, aged 18 Bend. Ind., December 8, 1028, Rev. J. first degree murder charges against were married in 1017 and have two Mr. Willis had been in poor health years. 11. Covert officiating. They will reside MRS. C. C. ALGUIRE, Proprietor. the trio, who were turned over to the children. for several months and a seige of blood By profession Mr. Woodcox was a In Fair Plain. circuit court by Former Judge of Pro- Charging extreme cruelty and in poisoning resulting, it is believed, from baker and held some very fine positions. Show Starts it 7^0 bate Frank L. Hammond. Attorney fidelity. Ralph Thompson of St. Joseph lead poisoning, affected bis heart. The A COMEDY WITH EACH PICTURE He became interested in printing and | exertion of shoveling the coal brought John J. Sterling and William H. An- has filed suit for divorce from Mrs. PROSECl TORS MUST ENFORCE drews, now Judge of probate, were em- Marvin Thompson. He avers that she the latter part of his life he followed Jun the fatal attack. The body was Thursday-Friddy December 13-14 ployed to defend the youths, who sud- is immoral and Is fond of associating the printing profession. The nature of > taken to the Bangor undertaking es CRIME CODE OF MICHIGAN wi denly repudiated thei_ r confessions.' th other men. The couple were mar his business took him to different parts | tabllshment and was brought to his of the country. About two years ago home in Watervliet yesterday, Victor McLaglen in "HANGMAN HOUSE" Hherlff Bridgman bad beaten them in-1 fled In 1024 and have one child. Mrs Attorney General Rides That Officials to confessing, they claimed. Howard, Thompson is said lo be living in Cai his health broke and he had lo give up j The deceased is survived by his wld- and Buck Jones in "BRANDED". Double Show. or active work. One year ago in July. (,w and two dangbtetrs, Mrs. Frank however, stuck by his confession, al-1 lf nln at the present time. Have No Alternative In the Matter Adults 35c Children 15c though he too, said he was slapped by I Charging that her hnsband deserted with his wife, be came to Watervliet, hjurke of Benton Harbor and Mrs. Orlo the sheriff. He became the state's star ber after 20 years of married life, Mrs. where he remained until his death.; Conklin of Watervliet. He is also sur- Lansing—County prosecutors who re-! Saturday-Sunday December 15-16 witness. Rose Barzcak of Pipestone township Although at his death he was not alylved by one brother, Frank Willis of fuse to enforce the habitual criminal has Hied suit for divorce. The couple member of any church or any other, Cadillac, and one sister, Mrs. Harry law will not Ik- dealt with as lightly, Lew Stone and Marceline Day in Bitter Trial were married In 1805 and have no chil organization, yet he ^as a line type of Moore. South Bend. He was about 50 as Harold H. Smedley, Muskegon ,(iren but adopted an Infant in 1024, and a Christian gentleman and throughout'years old. county prosecutor, who refused to pros- "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" Before a crowded court room on De- 8ix ,no„ijls iater t|ie husband left his life was active in church work. In I ecute a fourth liquor offender as an cember 3, 1023, Trelchle, Keller and home. former years he was a member of the habitual criminal, says Attorney (ten- A Peter B. Kyne story and a Comedy. Long went on trial before a Jury Mrs. Isabell J. Stevens of Benton Christian church. He was n good bus-' Charles Dumke of Scottdale is a era I WUher M. Bmcker. Adults, 35c Children, 15c charged with murder. For three weeks Harbor, has filed suit for divorce in band and a kind father. 1 patient at the Tal»er sanitarium In Ben- Removal procedlngs will not be start-, Mr. Woodcox Is survived by his wld-:t«>" Harbor suffering from severe facial one of the most bitterly contested crim- (iie Berrien county circuit court from ed against Smedley because bis term Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday December 17-18-19 inal trials In the history of the county her husband, Everett it. Stevens. Mrs. ow. four daughters-Mrs. Thad Steph- ""d head Injuries sustained when he of office expires January 1. Smedley was waged. ^ ^ Stevens charges that her husband has ens, D/ivenport, Iowa.; Mrs. Gordon J. was riding on a truck with Ralph Bur- is said to have admitted preparing an The Big Super Special "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" The defense hammered at Sheriff htn-n guilty of extreme and repeated Street. Salt Lake City. Utah; Mrs. Tom kett that was laden with telephone j information as a second offense when a Brldgman's methods of obtaining the cruelty, thtat he struck her, choked Hewett. Miami, Florida; Mrs. Harry poles. The poles on the truck began liquor law violator was arrested for 11 Reels of Carl Laemnles greatest achievement. Twice as long as Wolf. Mt. Clemens, Mich. .rolling and pinned Dumke beneath confessions, which each of the three jltir unj her vile names. They a fourth offense in Muskegon. all other versions and 100 per cent better. Don't miss seeing it. repudiated. The official candidly ad- | . | j piattsburg, N. Y., and Funeral services were conducted at them. I Gov. Frew W. Green has suggested were niarr t ( n Adults, 50c Children, 25c mitted "roughing Trelchle and How- hnvt. two children. Stevens Is a ileu- , his late home yesterday afternoon by | I that the code he strengthened to In- «rd Long. The former confession was tel|ant ^ t,le rnl|ed Stute5j AriI,y j Rev. (i. It. Parker of the Watervliet For Christmas Novelties, Cigar clude punishment for prosecutors who thrown out by Judge White. The de- Congregational church. Miss Adella Lighters, fancy box Candy, Card Sets, !fall to uphold It. No show Dec. 20-21. School play both nights. fense attempted to build up an alibi. | Case sang "Rock of Ages" and "Abide and everything for Christmas, go lo They attacked the testimony of the For Christmas Novelties, Cigar With Me." Interment In the Water- Potter's Drug Store, Benton Harbor.— For Christmas Novelties, Cigar younger brother. Bitter words flew Lighters, fancy box Candy, Card Sets, ! vllet cemetery. Adv. 21t2. j Lighters, fancy box Candy, Card Sets, COMING—Dec. 22-23-24—Special- imck and forth between the defense at- and everything for Christmas, go to land everything for Christmas, go to "The Michigan Kid." torneys. Sterling and Andrews, and the Potter's Drug Store, Benton Harbor.— Toilet sets, fancy compacts and Perfumes and fancy perfume atomlz- Potter's Drug Store, Betiton Harbor.— prosecution, Attorney Qore and his as- Adv. 21t2. A powders at Scott's—Adv. (era at Scott'a.—Adv. 'Adv. 2112. v

mtm THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. oooooooococ ooooooooooooooo Amicable Relations Exist Between Italy and Uruguay SAWS Without You t

By VIOLA BROTHERS SHORE By DOUGLAS MALLOCH OOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARCH Santa's Steed FOR THE GOOSE— I HUESS I got along all right QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS WOMAN thui proposes lo n man ' Before you ever came In sight. v ael tha siaadard. H yo. paid THOTKR 1 a doikr a pouad you could mot A KENT nln'l brave. She's jusi nfrnid to But now. because I know about ymi, A buy betta* food products than take a chance playln* the game ao I Just can't get along wllbonl you I (ho* yoa fed »«tfcad ua<6t conlin' to the rules. Say. Isn't life a funny thing? tha Montrxk labai, the Reindeer I guess I used in dance nnd sing. ftaid, Murdoch *C«. The proverb says "Absence makes But now, unless you're here to share It. E.ubluhtd 183) Whatever life Is, I cnn'l bear IL 1 Gaaaral Ofica*, RADIO the heart grow fonder"—but It don't •*1 CWcago, in. soy of who. I guess I used to like the moon. A so A a y I guess I liked the sun at noon. It ain't when a woman Is feelin' nil • « J • 5 But what's the moonlight now. I 6 J I 9 to II it « ; • 9 oton key that there's the most danger. It's I] 141$ 1(11711 wonder. li«l$i4 14!( *17* when she knows she's look In" her best 10 •• ill] 141; M MJJ iaisi]i4Mi6i7 And what's a sky that you're not un- 171I19JOJI if rttjd (as she gen'rnlly does) and friend der? husband don't notice It (as he gi'n'ral- Say. Isn't earth a funny place? © ly don't) that the trouble starts. WHEN another Christmas We roam around, we meet a face; J6; • 5«7 I • J « 7 • A clasp of hands, some pleasant chat rolls around—and another 111)141 91011 n i) 14 is 1111 nu FOR THE GANDER- I9M11.1 v** »s 19 n 11 >1 lltOMll 11 ter. —and another—your family l«I7»ll9J01l 1A171119)011 Money, ambition, and small men Then what do all the others matter? will still be enjoying this beau- make good servants and bad masters. MEDITERRANEAN Ss* «IPTIM1IK •s "Transylvania" tailing Jan. 36 tiful and sensible gift. I guess I got along, hut now « J 4 5 « 7 ' > J 4 S Clark's 26th cruise. M days, including Madeira, 2,000,000 families have A man never linds two loves that I Just can't get along somehow 1 91011111114 C f I 9101111 I OKI II II Canary Islands. Casablanca. Rabat. Capital of IJlA 17 lll9iOII 'J'4 '5'®'7 iS'fl mi IfiS'A IS ifl 171> >9" nre exactly alike. Or altogether dif- Without your voice. Unless I hear It, aiurocco, Spain. Algiera, Malta. Athens. Con. Atwater Kent Radio. Many of 111} 14IJ >6 >7 >1 •oil III] 14is>6 it 19 ton >11] II IJMisifllJrf atantinople. 16 daya Palestine and Egypt. Italy, them made their purchases last >910 I7>I>9J0JI i4K*ii7ai9io >9J°P ferent, I-lfe Isn't life—It's nothing near It- Riviera, Cherbourg. (Paris!. IncludeshotoUfc Say. Isn't life a funny mess? guidea. motor*, etc. Christmas. "We felt thu was Nar»«r-aia«tarrMMM, taM M. IKMi MOO m Choose a friend that's a better man The narse tells you to take Bayer Aspirin because she knows it's the thing that would please the made wholly by Atwater Kent I used to get along. I guess, nUNR C. CLARK, Tl—a BUU., MY. than you are. If he ain't, he's uo But now, because I know about you, safe. Doctors have told her so. It has no effect on the heart, so whole household—now we in the world'a largest radio friend. Unveil Ins of a tnltlH In Rome In recognition of the amicable relations existing between Italy and Uruguay. I Just can't get along without you I take it to stop a headache or check a cold. For almost instant fenou " they say. factory—as big as a IS-acre fieldl S. K. rons. mlnlsler from Uruguay, Is shown addressing the crowd. ((El I1M. DoURla* Mslloch > relief of neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism; even lumbago. But be You, loo, want enlcrtainnier.* Modern battery aeta, loo The best card you can play when sure it's Bayer—the genuine Aspirin. At druggists, with proven Tempting, Tropical Tasties without trouble. You want lo "We haven't electricity, but we dealln' with a dumbell Is a club. directions for its many uses. )narter-ease, consisting of oranges, grape- (CoDrrlKht.) called "Jeu harpe'* or "Jeu trompe," rult, ipanderlnes, limei. tangerines, s hear good music and good talks want good up-to-date radio just Aspirin Is tb* (rtito mtrk of Barer Manofactvt nmqnati. pecans, Intn-ddctory sa^ra signifying "top harp." relaasl lb*.."direc- t from" —iatisrove tMo von" by —you always get what you want the same." Of course—and no of Uonoaeetleaeldciter of Stllcjllcaeld PRHPAID express only Bio S*nd check or moner order. Do not delay aa nnmber avall- from "the radio that keepa on reason why you shouldn't have On the other hand we have tbt loWaU Insistence that ''Jew's-harp" Is In al l&^rSarS5W5L? working." ill Atwater Kent battery sets WHr A "JEW'S HURP"? % All-electric have the 1929 refinements. "Badlo'a Trnrtt Vnlee" luslon to the use of the harp among Willing Hands Hearts Alwitrr Urnl Ra00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fi "Today I am reminded of a duty There would be no truth or mercy, no At this hour the whole world Is In The faroritr for tftg ffart that I have neglected, and that is to need of these saving qualities, espe- Be a Good Stenographer Meteorite Causes Worship Potential Wealth in Bog conientcl homes, no schools or •fmrimg tor the and hair. let you know how wonderful have n Superstitions About Snakes and Water churches, no splendid cities, no noble cially In the larger cities where hap- been the results I obtained from th( r "Unless a girl has some unusual That the fall of the meteorite near Oil from peat might be produced al Sotp 2Jc Oinment 25c. ind 50c. Tilcum 25c. Sold eretr- Tregaron bog, a vast stretch of valu- pursuits, no mighty fleets of ships up less hordes are unwilling to accept the where. Sample each free. Addrew: "Cudcura," Dept. B5, use of Milks Emulsion, Nothing coult intural talent for a definite business the village of Knnth, India, which on the oceans, no fields Oi waving changed conditions that followed tbe Maiden, Maw. Cnilcnra ShKrlng Ntlck a5c. Irtfve been more beneficial to me that lursult, the best way to make a be killed two men and Injured a third, is able peat land between Aberystwyth By H. IRVING KING grnln—nothing but desolation and sav- war. your Emulsion, ^Inning In business. In my opinion. Is a sign of divine wrath. Is believed by and Lampeter. West Wales. Englneera By ELMO SCOTT WATSON 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 agery. But willing hearts and hands are "In the winter of 1917 nnd 1018 1 .is a stenographer,'' says Helen Wood- natives of that country. As a result and experts have surveyed the area had a severe case of pneumonia, and (Drawings by Ray Walters) gradually changing the atmosphere Surplus stocK ward, noted advertising expert. In many devotional ceremonies are being und taken samples and levels, if their ERB are two snake superstitions son will die. But If the bitten person In the spring of 1910 I took a cough. In our yet crude systems of life, and encouraging the shrinking apos- S EVERY child knows, Smart Set Magazine. "But be a good held. The meteor Is reported to have Investigations show that the produc- H which are spread over a region reaches water lirst the snake dies. We I was doing some summer work to which must pass current among us tles of laxity and wanton extrava- Santa Claus makes his & one. In my twenty years of business made a hole in the ground 10 feet In tion of such oil there Is feasible, a stretching from Nova Scotia to Kan have here the survival of the ancient prepare myself for a college, but b* until we discover something better, we gance, to be up and doing. rounds on Christmas eve In life I have met only six good stenog diameter and 20 feet deep. The sound new Industry will spring up. sas and which, perhaps, exist in other conception of moisture—water—as the the time schoc! opened I was too li are compelled to depend mainly on To these willing hands and hearts ^PAHADIQ, a sleigh drawn by "eight rnphers," of the full was heard for 20 miles. 'sections. If a drop of rain falls on vivifying force of nature—the cult of to attend, I finally went to bed foi willing hands and hearts, which In the the world has lost none of its the rest cure, I gained a little in tiny reindeer and their The government is Investigating. a dead snake before sundown, the Isis the moon-goddess; for, according Facetious Garcon whole length nnd breadth of our land charms. TI.e pay envelope comes to Never before roeh teIm la a nit ion- strength nnd got up by Christmas, names are "Dasher," snake will come to life. If a person to Pliny and all the other ancient ally funoai radio. Sarincs «rr well Memories "Waiter, this napkin Is about done o-ertwo-thirdi.Weparchaacdtheinr- but my cough never left me, and 1 are quietly Imparting Inspiration to them Just as regularly as It did lo ploa itocka of thia well known m«nu- "Dancer," "I'rancer," "Vix- for," "Yes, sir, it's on its last lap, b'.tten by a snake cannot get to water "scientists''; nnd before them, accord- caught cold very easily and it woult '•Some of your public remarks w!ll Give Her • Chance the worn and weary by uncomplain- the days of old, though not quite so faelnrer at a PRICK. Ileforo yoa boy en," "Comet," "Cupid," sir," before the snake does, the bitten per- ing to the conception of those who •or radio, wri-i fxT liUrarcr* tir'nm pdoi take a month to get over It, long be remembered," Hubby—My, but this egg's bad! ing efforL bulky;jhe streets are Just as bright; Save ft and More! yvss iscshargcS "Donder" and "BliUen." serve the dletles of a still more hoary Ktery lUdioililpned In orlalnal "Finally, in September, 1020, I got "What Is luckier yet," said Senator Wlfey—Well, dear, perhaps It's one It is so much a liberal education of Hie shops are Just as enticing; life factory crating. Orders will bo SEND TODATI The eight-reindeer team, however, eld. the moon was the source of all a bottle of Milks Emulsion and wrott Sorghum, "some of them will soon be by a young hen without much expe- The principles of acoustics are fillolproraptlf. Don'tfortetto whs not always Krlss Krlngle's mo- its, mnkes them the easiest to handle results of the . Within less the head that makes the world a CP hv MpClnr* Newmmpcr Svndlciiip > and love have the same rythmatic wrlfe for our monlhly bantain you for Instructions, to which you re GlOLlGAG^ moisture. balladn —known the country of all domestic animals. The roundup than a generation the reindeer indus- for trot ten " rience.—I'alhflnder Magazine, doctrines. sweetness. tive power. Time was when he made try has advanced the natives of Alaska The first of the superstitions we nre over for btrcilnt la radio I plied promptly nnd for which I thank Is slmplltled by the fact that the mor- you, I followed the Instructions care- bis visits mounted on a snowy white oultoes In summer drive the deer to through one entire stage of civiliza- considering Is an evident echo of one The dregs of discontent are settling, STANDARD RADIO CO. 5SO South State St, Chleafo, HI. fully and soon my cough began to horse. That was when he was known the sea coast, where they are protect- tion—from the primitive to the pastor- of the stories of isis. She wished to and In a little while through the con- ed by ocean breezes. Herding Is made al, from nomadic hunters to civilized ^ SOME FAVORITE RECIPES * disappear. I was able to sleep better as Slnterklass, the pet mime of the stancy of God fearing willing hands easy by their attachment to their graz- men, independent, responsible, assured got possession of the name of Ha—the than ever before nnd my appetite was and hearts, we shall be able to strike Why does Inconstant man accuse 'ittle Dutch children for their friend. ing ground. A reindeer turned loose of support for themselves nnd an op- sun—so made a serpent of earth Publishers Who Boost fierce, I could not eat enough. I J Buy nE,LL.icNELLIE. MAXWELL woman or Inconstancy? Bishop St. Nicholas, who, they be- many days' Journey from the pasture portunity lo acquire wealth. They have placed It In Ita's path, moistened It a pleasing balance between ruinous gained In weight slowly hut surely, Books With a "Shock" lieved, brought them gifts on St. of Its own herd will find Its way sure- bank accounts, purchase American and It came to life and hit the sun folly and redeeming common-sense, but continued the use of Milks Emul- ly and quickly home. clothinK and food, have adopted Im- Geoige Doran, the "old line" pub- Nicholas eve, December 5. god who revealed his mime to escape and then will come a new era. sion, until I am a well girl today. Reindeer were Introduced to Alaska In proved methods of sanitation and. In "How hnppy ti* he born and tnught for gravy und serve with mashed po some Instances, have built frame ifS\ hv UiCIare Newspaper » lisher, said In New York the other day: To Cool a Burn "1 went through the entire season When Slnterklass came to New Am- 1891. In that year sixteen were brought further trouble. All the elements nre That nerveih not another's will; houses from Imported lumber. tatoes. "There is a group of publishers here without a cold or a congh, and I came sterdam and became Americanized, from Siberia at the instigation of Dr. here—the serpent brought to life by Whose nrmnr is his honest thought, Use Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh and In London who make a lot of back Into the society circle and played Sheldon .lackson. When Doctor Jack- Between 1918 nnd 192.'> more than And simple truth his utmost skill!'* around It enough milk to Just reach Uootj back for Br»t bottle If not aolted. AH daalara. his name was changed to Santa Claus 1.875.000 pounds of reindeer meat wus moisture In the sun's path—that is be- Ham Souffle. all the big affairs without any ill ef- son was sent to Alaska by the gov- the top of the ham. Bake until ten- money by publishing decidedly sboek- and he began using a little wagon ernment to establish schools among the shipped to the United States from Alas- fore his disappearance from the heav- Prepare a white sauce using three fects. About a month ago I neglected HERE are few who do not enjoy der. Ing b -ks. They have brought things gmimiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiimmie drawn by a fat pony, for his visits natives, he found his wards threat- ka. Two hundred thousand pounds ens. The roMaof most of the serpent myself nnd took a dreadful summer was shipped in 1923. while by 19'.'5, the a well cooked piece of ham tahlespoonfuls each of Hour and but- to such a pass. In fact, that If a book on New Year's eve instead of De- ened with starvation as a result of the superstitions of today are found In the T cold and, being at a honse party, 1 slaughter by white men of the game export had Increased to CSO.OOO pounds. There are so many ways of preparing ter with two cupful* of milk and one Boiled Shank of Ham. succeeds we take It for granted that cember 6. Then in 1822 Clement Isls-Oslrls myths. In the. second su- oonld not care for myself properly. animals on which the natives had de- The export for 1927 was expected al- The Genuine half teaspoonful of salt, then add one It that one need never find It monot- Cover a shank of ham wth cold wa- It's shocking. NERVES! But as soon as I reached home I flew Clark Moore wrote the famous poem pended for 'ood He conceived the idea most to double that of 1925. the amount perstition we have botb primitive third of a cupful of bread crumbs. onous. ter. then simmer until tender—about "A grea. lady wrote her memoirs Do Not Neglect = In on my old standby. Milks Emulsion, which he called "A Visit From St. of replacing the fast disappenrin« depending on shipping facilities Rein- magic and mythology. The bitten man deer meat sells In Nome for 15 to 20 Remove from the heat, add two cup thirty minutes to the pound. One not long ago, and one of these pub- nnd within a week I was well. Nicholas." hut which later became game with reindt~r. the prlncipnl do- reaches the water first nnd the water fuls of cooked ham. ground, the beat- Nervousness = mestic animal of Lapland and Siberia, cents a pound. It can be delivered at Fried Ham. hour before the ham Is done add a lishers accepted them. He gave the "I have recommended It to many famous as "The Night Before Christ- Seattle for 15 cents a pound, and, with revlvliles him as Isis revivified Osiris en yolks of three eggs, and when well Irritability = the climate nnd vegetation of which Caramelize one tablespoonful ol small head of cabbage, four carrots, great lady $25,000 advance royalty. nnd If at any time I enn he of any mas." In this poem Santa's etjuipage resembled that of Alaska. increased shipnents and improved after the work of the great serpent. blended fold In the stiffly beaten help to your company by telling what methods of handling, even this price sugar In the frying pan, add a iilicq_ three small onions and one cup of "She displayed.the $25,000 check to Sleeplessness i was the "miniature sleigh ami eight Returning to the states and unable "There Is no doubt about women Apepl. The evil principle Imparted by r It did for me, let me know. Sin- can he reduced. of ham about one-half inch thick and whites of the eggs. Spread buttered parboiled ll j beans. String beans her husband. tiny reindeer" and the sleigh and to Interest congress in the venture. gaining their freedom," says Face- the serpent Is killed and In dying re- cerely, MISS KATT WALLER. 401 Doctor Jackson souirht contributions While ihe only reindeer on this con- brown on both sides. Cover wltli crumbs over the fop. sprinkle with may be n .ed In season. Serve tbe "'There,' she said. That is my ad- reindeer It has been ever since. tious Felice. "Just look how many of acts by sympathetic magic upon the =Pastor KoenUft Nervines Argyle Ave.. San Antonio, Tex." from the public. He obtained |2.1 IS tinent now are in Alaska, and the ter- milk and cook covered for fen mln cheese and bake half an hour In a ham In the center of a hot platter vance royalty on my new book,' Has Been Used Successfully for ovftf S Just as Santa Claus is an "Imml- ritory's production Is restricted by them have their locks off." serpent and the serpent Is killed also. — 40 years. Sold by all Drug Stores. » Sold by all druggists under a guar- with which the first animals were pro- utes. Cook slowly. Thicken the milk moderate oven. with the vegetables arranged "Her husband studied the check BTDiit" und a "naturalized American," cured In Siberia. At the same time Si- pasturaRe to four million head, there (CooyrlKht.) (© bv MrClure Newspaper Svndlr§lp \ ^ Ack for FREE SAMPLE ~ antee to give satisfaction or money are millions of acres in Canada where around It. with a worried frown. Then he said: refunded. The Milks Emulsion Co., so are the steeds which he drivej. berian herdsmen were brought over to Baked Sliced Ham. 1 KOENIG MlffiCINE CO. 1 care for them. ten tim-s as many can be fed. and Ham, put through the meat grinder, "'Well, my dear, all I can say Is S 1045 H. Wells St CHICAGO, ILL. 9 Terre Haute, Ind.—Adv. No doubt it will he a to In 1892 ISO more reindeer were Im- vast stretches In northern Europe nnd Take a center cut two to two and may be used for other good dishes. that I hope the volume Isn't worth niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiiiHiil many Americans to learn just how ported Congress then became mildly Asia where reindeer have been raised ore-half Inches thick. Usually the for centuries, but never on an exten- Add a few tahlespoonfuls of any scal- It' " Boyhood's Big Goal. many of these "Immigrants" there interested and small appropriation* best ham does not need parboiling made possible importations through the sive scale, where ten times as many "Clean as the loped dish of potatoes or Cflbhage or It may De u hit far fetched for par- are In America now as well as to can be grazed as in Canada In all Place In a deep haklnjt dish, cover next ten years until. In 1902, when the Sun's Heat" Sandman Story of Baby Tahr onion. Mixed with salad dresslne It Cole'a Cnrbolianlve Qnlcklr ReUe-re* know that the reindeer is not only a then. 411,000,000 reindeer could be sup- ents to raise every boy with the Tresl- Russian government put an embargo with two tahlespoonfuls of brown su- and heals burning, itching and torturing WHY? part of the symbolism of Christmas ported hv Alaska. Canada and Hurasla, 500000000000000000c is most delirious sandwich filling for skin dlseaBes. It Instantly stops the pain dency In view but It Is better to sug- on further exportatlons from Siberia, gar mixed with a teaspoonful ol WOT should you aee our largaat and best but In one part of this continent he is 1,280 animals had been taker, into assuring a substantial contribution to Sunday night supper of burns. Heala without scars. 30c and 60c. u«d tralnlnic i|uartera7 WHY should gest tlie improbabis to our children the world's supply of food and a uti- liTPHERE Is a song, a lullaby or to my zoo home and to my family. For tins your daddy. Maybe we crowed mustard, a clove of garlic, and pour Ask your druggist, or send JOc to The J. Alaska. (£1. 19!( Western Newspaper IInlnn.> you sua our Hat of over 4.000 Beauty Shop* than to speuk to them In a disparag- an important economic factor. Up in lization of what otherwise would be W, Cole Co., Rockford, IU., for a pack- where -wa place you In poaltlonaT WHY do The Siberian herdsmen proved in- cradle song," said Mother Tahr, It Is comfortable here. They do the more than one—1 know we did a great waste land age.—Advertisement, Marlncllo operators, and Marlnello operators ing und dlscouruglng way about their Alaska there are more than 700,000 competent as teachers for the Eski- "which mothers sing to their babies. best they can In the way of giving us deal of traveling. ONLY make 1*0 a week, and overT Write The reindeer roundup rivals as a Has stood the test and of these animals grazing on the froz- mos, and fcr a time the venture was W. V. JOHNSON, informntlun Dept. future prospect.—The American Maga- stene of picturesque activity the old It has something to do with a tree a nice yard and some rocks. "That was because they wanted us threatened with failure. It was then Thinks He Can Communicate With Mars Harlnrllu Beauty Hbopa zine. en tundra of the North and their cattle roundups of the western states. and a cradle and a baby. "Only what they call rocks aren't here. ' People wanted to look at us. Tobacco "Puff" Made Chlracn and Mirhlgan A»e., C'hlcaco, Of. that Doctor Jackson went for advice rapid increase, despite the fact that Reindeer, like cattle, mill about a com- to Prof. Rasmus B. Anderson of Mad- "I have heard mothers singing it to what we call rocks! "Often I've thought that perhaps It mon center, but. unlike cattle, a herd Barrie Pipe Smoker more than 2fi0,000 have been slaugh- ison. Wis., who, while minister to Den- is recommended by thousands of PARKER'S Attend the Party will m'll in one direction only. This their babies as they have wheeled "It was a Joy to me, though, to see was because they wanted to have a tered for food since they were first mark, had visited the reindeer herds of Two Inveterate pipe smokers are habit simplifies the work of the brand- them in carriages along by my too Baby Tahr, that though you had never feeling of great, high, wonderful moun- HAIR BAUSAM In Spite of Cold I Lapland. Doctor Jackson's early Inter- James M. Barrie and Stanley , B«aoTC«Uaxidniff-«u>f*lI%irffclllic introduced here. Is America's protec- ecs and tally keapers. Chutes are con- yard. est In the animals had been aroused known the wild rocks of the moun- tain life and thought perhaps they Rcatorea Color and Don't despair some day your social tion against a meat famine caused by structed at intervals about the corral, British prime minister. At a recent by a report on the Industry there made "The point of the song Is that If tains from where your daddy and could have It seeing us. Beeaty to Gray and Faded Hair their mouths formed by short wing Chicago families public dinner Baldwin revealed that We. and 11.00 at Draatata. calendar Is full, and you awake with a the rapid diminishing of our beef by the professor. the bnby and the cradle should fall "I don't mean they thought they Hlacnx rhfm- . Wka- . Patafco|a». W- T miserable cold. Be rid of it by nooul herds. All of which Is due to an ex- fences or "horns" projecting Inside the Barrie—who was also a guest—never In pursuance of Professor Ander- corral at an angle opposed to the direc- from the tree-top there would be a could actually have the life, itself, but FLORESTON SHAMPOO-Ideal for rue In You can. If you know the secret: son's advice, Lapp herders were en- smoked prior to the publication of his connection with I'arker's llalr Balaam. Makes tbe /•iriment which our far-seeing Uncle lion of tiie herd's motion. bad fall. h feeling of it. We stand liere and gaged 'o replace the Siberians as in- novel, "My Lady Nicotine," In which hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mall or at drug- Pape's Cold Compound soon settles any Sam embarked upon some thirty-sev- Against these "horns" the edge of "But that is where the Tahr baby let the wind blow our purple-brown cola. Hlacoz Chemical Works, Pttchogns, N. x. structors to the Eskimos. Each was be referred to a certain brand of to- cold, yes, even one that has reached en years ago. The story of that ex- lent 100 animals from the government the herd, kept In motion by Ksklmo herders, is sliced off and, one at a time, Is differenL He likes It up high, don't hair and we make believe we are on deep In the throat or lungs.—Adv. periment and tlie part which a Wis- herd for a period of years, at the end bacco. the animals nre driven down the nar- you, my dear little Baby Tahr?" the mountains. of which an equal number of reindeer It seems that an enterprising reader consin professor had In it is told by row chute. If the animal is branded, INDIGESTION were required to be returned to the Get this guaranteed fuel Enjoy And the Baby Tahr looked at his "But, my darling Baby Tahr, we are What D'ye Mean? h writer In the Milwaukee Journal one of the men at the chute will call of the book wrote to Barrie and asked Relief at once or money refunded. If after government. The Lapps were permit- mother and smiled, a sweet, pretty, happy here. It Is true. eating your favorite food you are troubled out the brand. If unbranded, the anl- "Now that you are rich are you as follows; ted to retain the Increase. what was the particular tobacco mix- with Indlcestlon, soar stomach, belching of mnl will be seized as It emerges from real satisfaction and save money loving little Tahr smile. "Still, 1 like to dream sometimes of The Eskimos were apprenticed to the ture he bad In mind, Barrie did not gas. acids and aourness, fear food, gas palna ever bothered by the friends you had Reindeer are caribou, domoHtlcnted the chute and either a branding Iron our mountain home, and wl)lle I am around heart, tenderoesa about atomach. sick Lapps for a period of four years. At "We belong, my litlle son," said when you were poor?" through many centuries. The average applied to Its hip or a mark snipped know the name of a single brand of beadachoa caused from lasy liver and poor the end of the first year each was giv- Mother Tahr, "to the wild goat family. dreaming ol It I am going to remem- Dlgestlan get a bottle of Bdlunda Dyspepsia weight of a full-grown anlmnl Is 150 In one of its ears. tobacco, so be answered at random, "1 never had any friends when I en six reindeer, at the end of the sec- Relief and say good-by to your atomach pounds, but by crosalng with the larg- Re'ndeer are proliflc. At the normal We ore often called the Himalayan ber my dreams and tell thetq to you, trouble. Bond II. IS prepaid. was poor."—Pathfinder, ond, eight, at the end of the third naming one be saw advertised. er woods caribou. It la hoped to de- rale of Increase, herds double every Tahr for we come from high, high "l shall fell you of what will sound EDLUNDSPHARMACY velop an animal of 260 pounds. Thrnunh year, ten, and ten more at the end of Its fame was made, and out of cnrl- Halafed at flat Htreet - Chicago, III. three years. Even under the present mountains which are known as the like narrow escapes from great dun the centuries of domestication Its flesh his fourth year of training. With nor- oslty Barrie one day tried a pipeful, mal increases, each man's herd would plan ot killing off the nurplus males, oAsk your dealer to supply you Himalayas way, way off In India. We Hand Made, I Inch. Irish crochet I loan lace hns lost the game flavor until now It ger, but nothing happened, for we "He liked It so well," chuckled Mr. be almost 100 head by the time he had amounting to about 10 per cent of the dolly. 7te, attractively boxed, Ideal Christ- is said to resemble a'cross between herd, each year, the animals are almost love It where It is dangerous and where were so sure-footed! man gift. Wonderful value. Ketco Art Prod- Mothen—Try Mild completed his apprenticeship. He was Baldwin, "that he has kept to It ever duck nnd mutton. doubling In numbers every five years. there are great caverns and crevices "I shall tell you of wild and great ucts, 322 N. Kedxle Ave., Chicago, I1L The animals are more docile than well equipped to start In business for with this excellent fuel since,"—Kansas Olty Star. Within fifteen or twenty years, at the nnd crags and cliffs. We live Just be- Children's Musterole cattle. A man is safe In u milling herd, himself. Today, more than two-thirds climbs and of thrilling adventures. Pecans. Shelled Halves tl per pound deliv- of the reindeer of Alaska are owned by prtsent rata of growth, the herds will ered. Pecan Broken Meat* tOo per pound although he may appear to a watcher low where the forests stop—for, you "I shall tell you how Tfll'rs have Of course, you know good old to be In imminent danger of being natives, of whom some 5.000 have been have reached the limits of the territory Caricature Handkerchief delivered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Highland Musterole; how quickly, how easily know, high, high up on the mountains lived for years and of the ways of Park Orchard Co., Thlbodaux, La. trampled under the feet or Impaled on trained in their care. to feed and It will then be necessary London women have a new fad. It it relieves chest colds, sore throat, The effect of this training on the further lo increase thu slaughter of the there Is not even any forest. We go the family. the horns of the deer. This docility, Is caricature handkerchiefs. They are HOW IS VOUR STOMACHr Do you have rheumatic and neuralgic pain, sore together with knowledge of their hab- Eskimos is one of the most important animals. up almost to where there Is Just bare "Come From High Mountains Way Oft "And then, when yon grow op and palna, hi-adache, heartburn, bloating, gas, large and somewhat crudely colored, joints and muscles, stiff neck and CHICAGO BY-PRODUCT COKE COMPANY rock. But we stay where there are in India." have a male and a son, you may tell empty fo-.-llng. lump In atomach, bad taate and In one comer Is a stenciled copy or breath, lost appetite, food dlaagreaa with lumbago, trees for we love the great forests. him what your mother nnd his grand- you. coaled tongue, or any IndlKeatlonT It We also want you to know CHIL- the church. From the day of his birth ness und also adopted thy generous MANUFACTURERS "We're famous for our long hair— mother came, you, too. are so sure- of a famous picture, Smarl dresses you have take Muk-Ovn Stamnch Tabieta, the DREN'S MUSTEROLE—Musterole mother told you. reaU'Nt remedy known to medical aelence. Santa Claus a Bishop Nicholas revealed his piety and grace. Nicholas as liieir heavenly protector. we're the most famous goats for our footed and so quick. are going farther, however, by Inivlng 1.000 people have taken them with remark- in milder form. Unexcelled for relief "So that Tabrs will always know, f He refused ou fast (lays to take the He was, lu fact, the most popular 3500 So* Crawford Avenue hair. We don't have to put any hair "We grown-up Tabrs have great col- a sketch or caricature of themselves able results, not one advene report. Price for of croupy coughs and colds: it pen- whether here or away, something of month's troatment, express prepaid. II cash The name of Santa Claus is merely naiural nourlshmeni of a child. saliil in tlie calunder. tonic on. nor do we have to have out lars of long hair, which make our ap- substituted for the picture. or 14 C, U. D. &!ak-Ova Chemlcnl Co. Prod- etrates, soothes and relieves without Tahr family history." ucts. A. V Bales Co.. Dlstrlbutora. Dept. A, the blister of the old-fashioned mua« slurring the Dutch San Nicholas, Hul Nicholas wus not a barefoot re- The feast of Saint Nicholas was Chicago, 111* hair looker! after because It Is thin. pearance quite line and dressy. Baby Tahr said nothing now. for he 31 Olonwaod Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. tard plaster. Keep a jar handy. It which Is, of course. Saint Nicholas, cluse vowed to poverty. His father originally celebrated on December 0. Nor do we have to have anything at "You will have that in time. You're Lucky had gone to sleep, hut there was plen- comes ready to apply Instantly, with- American children are probably the was a merchant, and his Hut when church people In the lute all done to It. young yeL And Just as a girl baby "Did he pee the point fo the Joke 7,000 Acree. Weil Watered (inwlng Land, out fuss or bother. ty of time In which Mother Tahr could southwestern North Iiakota. for sale or rent; only ones In the world who say It Just riches. Inherited by the magic wand Middle ages tried to suppress, for one "I am telling you all this bemuse doesn't wear a feathered hat, as does talk to him nnd tell him. Tahr stories. when you put a tack on his chnlr'-" sullnhle iltIter cattle or shnop. Northland which fairy godfathers wield, enabled reason or aiiother. the fesilviiies which Dr. 11. Mansfield Robinson of London, who llilnks he can communicate Reulty-Co., Srcurlly Bldg.. Mlnneap's, Minn. that way. you were bom here In the 7.00 und her mother, neither do you have the "No. lie missed the point, he sat In the menntlme sleep Wat good for Nicholas was an actual person. He him to he a dispenser of tlie good grew up around the Boy Saint's day, you may not realize the family ways. grown-up collar which I wear. with Mars, is seen above with his psycbotelepathlc motor meter and wireless down In another chair" ber darling! Arlsdna Investment. Capital Syndicate, Inc., was Bishop of Myru, In Lycla, Asia tilings of life as earthly representative the children refused to give him up "Yes, 1 welcome a little Baby Tahr "I have crossed the ocean, und so sot trying t .» get a response to a message he sent to a woman on Mie red planet under Stotu Supervision, flnanclng Bldg. and (CopyrlRht.) Luan Ass'n, banks nnd Industries. ((,000.000 Minor, In the first part of the Fourth of the Supreme (liver of (lifts. and gradually his festival was assim- capital. Klrat 100.000 shares II par. Selling W192S CB-P.CCo, at 12.GO in 100 share lota. Wrlto for facta. century of the Christian era. He was The bankers and brokers wished to ilated with Christmas day,—John ^ U V V V V VW U V V W A was fooling only itself. It is easy to Garfield T ea John I. Hinklo. Chairman. Phoenix. Arls. the youngest bishop In the history of give sanctity and dignity to their busi- Macy In the Uookman. H n A ff /y /T nTTfwnTvni high pressure salesman whose bust to engage In a game to which he U Salrsmrn. No limit to your earnings, Mllinc ness Is to present fraudulent Invest not willing to devole time and Judg sell a person when he wants to buy. Was Your WANTED' Adunm Mugnrtlc Auto Llgkl, slicks any- To hear from owner having farm for sale. Batter than a mustard platter where. Exp. unnrcessary. Full or part lime, ments to an over credulous public. nipnt. But, gullabllity Is asinine. To Ex-Covernot Lowden ol Illinois Is Grandmothers Remedy Glvn description and lowest price. most valuable presents und not so ing with it for the last twelve or llf- Ailamii Mrrvhund'e Co., Inc., WllliuniHiMirt, Fa, Fraudulent Investments This condition, so alarming and un- trust everybody may he a praise- quoted as saying, "More men have H. E. IK'SBV - WASHINGTON. IOWA. For every stomach Grow Your Own Tree close packed that none can Hud them. teen years. He lias concluded that It IIroute Tarkryx Hrrnlom. UIk Done Kind. necessary Is attrlhutuhle to one of worthy trait, provided everybody gone bankrupt because they had not Young Tom IS and up, Ht-ns, !5 up. Our boolc and Intestinal ill. CONSTIPATION It can be grown in from six to twelve will he a most successful and useful three causes-Ignorance, carelessness could he trusted; hut the sad fact the courage to look their balance BARE TO HAIR advice turkey ralMlng. 25c. coin or stampti. This good old-fash- By LEONARD A. BARRETT Earn $50 Weekly RELIEVED Washington.—The American Tree years after planting, depending on the variety to spread over the nilllions of CutaloK. Faion l.eghorn Farm, Rockflcld. Itjr, or gullablllty. Is that they cannot be. The larger sheets In the face than for any othei ioned herb home Profit With Spars Tlmta association urges you to grow your size desired, and from one to two slacker acres iliat are now economic If you want to grow hair Ignorance Is pardonable when due part of the elght-bllllon-dollar loss reason." When au overtrustlng, gull- remedy for consti- ...QUICKLY BELL FARM SEEDS—No capital needed. own Christmas tree and make It tlie thousand will thrive on each acre. Its lliihilltles, and will Und a place In tli« on your bald head, save Make Your Surplus T A recent conference ol a life fraudulent Investments. The dally caution has been exercised, for ev was due to an overt rust Ing public. able public Is willing to look balance pation, stomach ills Make Big Money—Benefit Nabora, Men Carter's UttlsUMrPHs who are hustlers — Write family gathering place. While the na- air of sturdlness and thrift lends it garden. It grows as rapidly as a nu the hair you have, stop Insnrauce company held at At loss to unsuspecting Investors ery person at one time or anothei And why overt rusting? Was It not sheets In the face and thus exercise and other derange- fwafcr VagatiMa Uufee Money Earn More A move the bowels free from tive spruces and firs nre the cus- wholesome symbolism, particularly live red spruce or balsam llr, the two lantlc City, the treasurer of the com amounted to almost one million and makes a mistake In Judgment. Cure because the public was quite willing Judgment. Investigation, and a little ments of the sys- SLN* FIELD SEED SERVICE falling hair, dandruff, etc., SaviriK deposits net you but 3 or 4%. pain and unplcaiaot after tomary bearers of gifts, a new variety, needed at this time of year. varieties most used In the Northwest, pany reported that "eight billion dol a half dollars." lessness on the other hand Is unpar to believe true what II wished were common sense, an eight-hlHion-dolif tem so prevalent these days is in even 1919 W, 43rd Street - • CUcago, III. Acts. Ther raB«** the warn of coasdM* write for literature and Why not earn 8% or more, l^stnbllnhed tloa poisons which cause thai duU aad aching the Japanese Nlkko llr (Abies homo- It is a new, little known tree that and Mr. Pack believes that It is more ChlciiKo Mfr. on account of expanding: lars had been lost by people of the Seeking for an explanation for this donable and Justly deserves Its pun- true—that Is, the desire was parent loss will he a thing of the past. greater favor as a family medicine information. busines- offers a small portion of It* (cell ng. Remember the1 yL are a doctors pre- lepis), has entered the lists. It forms has been grown here and there In artistic lu form than the Norway United SUt'es since the World wut in appalling comiitiou we puss by the ishment. A person has no moral right to the trust. In which case the public- (@. ICS Western Newrpaper Unioo ) than In your grandmother's day. W. N, U,, CHICAGO, NO. 50 1928 the entire famUy. preferred cnpltal stock which Is 8% a broad, symmetrical crown of dark small quantities for decorative plant- spruce. W H. FORST, Mfg. Scottdale, Penna. cumulntive nnd participating. Your In- green lustrous foliuge, with strong ing. Charles Latbrop Pack, president of •imry solicited. Address 8BCRBTARY CARTER'S ISSi PILLS branches sturdy enough to support tbe the association, has been experiment- To have lived is to have suffered. 'BUB Lincoln Ave. - - Chicago, 111* PAGE FOUR THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH DECEMBER 14,1928. DECEMBER 14, 1928. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. PAGE F1VI Clover I^eaf Club MORTGAGE SALE WM. J. WATKIN8 HONORED CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS COLOMA MAN IS BUSY MAKING LH US LOAN YOUR MONEY RE8IDENTS OF MICHIGAN lion of in,4L'7,!>Ofl gnllnnR. Poem Had Origin in Actual Life. Never Saw Their Facer Guest night ut the Clover Leaf Club Default having been made In the con- AT IMVEKSITV OF MICHIGAN While milk, consumed direct from the The fn nious poem about the boy who Tlie young woman was looking at GARDEN IN F1X)RIDA We will loan your money for you on Home With Mother DRINK LOTS OF MILK produce, nmounted to 2,JWU,480,000 was an enjoyable event. Monday even- ditions of a certain Mortgage made by flrst class real estata mortgages, and stood on the burning deck had it» a child's book, "The Sunbonnet ing. when thirty-live members and Frank Osliorne and Ruby Osborne, hus- pound* In IIU'U. In 1027, 2,203,000,000 origin in nn noluitl Impponini; which Babies." Those Sunbonnet babies Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church First Male Student to be Awarded look after all your Interests, Insurance, pounds of milk wus consumed. guests gathered at the home of Mrs. 8. band and wife, MortgagoiD. to Clarence on Christmas Day constitutes u page in history. were my delight and my despair when Mr. and Mrs. John O. Peck of Colo- taxes, etc., for a nominal fee. Wa have The blonnlul report will show Hint Elizabeth Miller. The program was ar- Every Sunday, divine servlcea In the O. Brown, Mortgagee, dated April 10th, I'roilndion of 11 utter in the State Haw I was little," slie said, "because I never Prlie for Nrholarehip of Music facilities for placing botb large and SCHILLACI BROS Michigan Is one of the greatest pro- It was during Nnpoleon's expedition ma, who left a short time ago for the ranged by the music and literary com- German language, beginning at 10:80. lirju, recorded in the olllce of the Regis- could see their faces. If you'll look southland to spend the winter, have small amounts. Your laqulrlea are so- Children Could Not Be Con- ducers of powdered milk. In 1926 1, to Egypt that England sent Lord Nel- mittees und the musical numbers were Services in the English language on ter of Deeds for Berrien County, Mich- William Wutklns of Coloma. who Is DecrMMd, but More Whole .Milk Is snn written The Courier as follows from licited, BAKER IN8URANC1 MICHIGAN tl83,000 pounds were produced com- 1° capture him nnd nnnihllnte his carefully at every picture you'll ho- BELL PHONE ttJ. a piano solo by Mrs. Dorothy Warriner, the tirst and third Sundays of the igan, in Liber 100 of Mortgages, on attending the University of Michigan COLOMA, Yankeetown, Florida, under date of AGENCY, State Bank Building, tented Away From Sold pared with 1,805,000 In 1927. In 1920 fleet. At the battle of Abukir th3 tlce the faces of those babies are Coloma, EtorHeo Co., nidHgaa vocal solos by Miss Grace Worden, ac- month beginning at 11:16 a. m. Sunday Page 111, on April 15th, 1920, on which at Ann Arbor, cohtlnulng his musical December 0th: Coloma. Ulch.—Ad?. 60tf che stute produced 9,949,000 pounds of French navy was crushed nnd Na- never revealed. Other characterti In companied by Mrs. Beverly and by Mrs. school every Sunday morning, begin- mortgage then' Is claimed to be due studies, bad a new honor bestowed up- Lonely Parent Lauslug.—Michigan people ure drink- powdered skim milk compared with poleon wus forced fo flee, all but four the illustration show their facea, but Lyons, nrcompnnied by Mrs. Warriner; ning at 0:30, In both the English and and payable at tlie date of this notice'on him a few days ago. Mr. Watklns "Editor Coloma Courier and Friends: (ggtfred an (et'mid-cla** mailer nl ihf I was thinking that our friends In and ing more milk and consuming more p^ndsTn 1927" of his ships heine sunk, burned or cap- never the sunbonnet babies. uustoffice nl COIOUJH, nuJ^r a violin solo und encore by Miss Fran- German languages. • he sum of Two Thousand Three Hun- Is the llrst male student of the School dairy products, the biennial report of around Coloma would be glad to hear Harry Adams of St. Joseph was so OU are invited lo make our store your Headquar- By MARY ORAHAM BONNER. ilit- Act of March 8.107V.) ces Sterner of Watervliet. accompanied dred Ten and thirty-six one hundredths of Music at the rniversity of Michigan tured. "Tlie only idea you can get of what how we got along on our trip south. badly cut about the bead and shoulders BU children were | the dulry division, department of uki I-I by her mother. Mrs. F. M. Sterner. Mrs. *2310.30) Dollars, same being the un- who has ever won the highest honors Y ters for no longer chil- culture, will hbow when it is Issued Our "Fortunes," Tlie French admiral had been killed. sort of little girls they were Is by their We started early the morning of No- that it was necessary to take him to . Belle Beuch reud live acts from laben's paid principal and Interest thereon, and in scholarship. Several years ago Mr. this mouth. I What we cull our fortunes, good or And on tlie deck of the flagship stood posture. And I used to peer and peer Friday, December 14, 1928 First Church of Christ, Scientist. vember 27th, early enough, lu fact, to Mercy hospital for treatment last dren. They were I play. "The Lady of the Sea," giving the an attorney's fee of Thlrty-flve ($80) Watklns came to Coloma to spend the Production of milk in Michigan bus m ure but (he wise dealings and dls- her captain. Louis Casubianca, who at those sunbonnets. I used to turn see our friend, W. F. Enders, standing Thursday evening following an acci- grown up now. | synoposls and setting to make the story Services are held every Sunday at Dollars, provided for by Statute, and summer at Paw Paw Lake as the lead- then Imd command of the fleet. He over the pages and look through from on the register warming his feet In his dent when he Is said to have driven his CHRISTMAS That was why not increased during the lust year, the triliuiions of n wisdom higher, und u F. W. COOHRUN complete. A unique contest was con- 10:45 a. m. Sunday school at 12:00 no suit or proceedings at law having'er of the Lawyers University Orches- the back side; 1 used e/rn to tear the night robe. We had a very nice trip car Into a street car on tbe Wayne they had gone report will show .because farmers have kindness greater than our own. 1 sup- »vas wounded and tlie ship was burn- ducted by Mrs. Gladys Guy Andrews, o'clock. been Instituted to recover the money j tra, which played at the lake for sever- pages a bit to see if I could not get down only one puncture all the way, street viaduct at St. Joseph. culled their herds oi tuberculosis aid- p()8e |||ni their meaning is we should ing, but lie refused to leave his post. l Delicious refreshments were served Wednesday evening service at 8:00 secured by said mortgage, or any partjal seasons.. While there he was mar- to the city. They and arrived here at 4:30 on Friday, mals, and thereby reduced production. |eBrt) | , H|| (he ,inrerfnintles of our I And in spite of commands and en- Inside of those sunbonnets. But I John W. Swoap of Covert, recently | during the social hour. o'clock. thereof, jried to Miss Lucile Hocker, daughter find felt there Milk that formerly went for butter, ...... u. I November 30th. We found that the tim- , , life, even the smallest, how to he treaties, ids son, u boy of ten, stayed never could. elected to the olllce of county treasurer Reading room open to the public ev- Now, therefore, by virtue of the of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hocker of Colo- When Charles Hose of Bentou town- ,,,GIFTS*,• would he more ber had blown down In every direction i ii ,eni cr ,e "Some day I'm going to write to that of Van Buren, is ut the office In Paw ery Wednesday and Saturday after- 14 1 1 ee 8 8< ra opportunities for them in the city and power of sale contained in said mort-|nia. From an exchange we quote the around our cottage, but that no dam-l ' ' ' ' ' -' PPlng again he will "iui; u "" """"" "" " " """ sunbonnet artist and ask if he won't Paw "learning the ropes." His deputy, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L Hazen and noon from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock. gage, and the Statute in such easel following regarding Mr. Watklns' ac- that they could help her more. Per- to the 'stale, to take the piuce of that «'batever oomes. heraase we ship went down, supplying the theme Mr. and Mrs. Henben Hazen motored age had been done the cottage. doubtless pick on some other man than FOR EVERY MEMBER of YOUR FAMILY send me. in confidence, one picture of Kurl Hemenway of SouUi Haven, Is made and provided, notice is hereby |coinpllHhment: "For highest honors In 8 haps they were right. Young people which wus manufactured in Mlchlgun believe that behind It all there lies a , for that famous epic of child heroism, to Chicago last week lo attend the in "It has been very warm ever since ^PUty sheriff, for it cost him |10 those babies with their bonnets off."— hIhu there getting aniualuted with his nlven that on Monday the 11th day of jschoiandilp attained In the second 1 r ivln previously. 1 purpose of Rood, and over It ail there j The boy stood on the burning deck." First Communily Churcli %e arrived here, and I have been busyi"" ?> « « . Sheriff had a way of sounding convlnolng. new Job. There Is much detail in this ternalloual Livestock Show at the siiM-k March, A. D. 102b, at ten o'clock In tbe'semester of the academic year 1027- In the state as a whole, production of watches n providence of blessing.—j Springfield Union. yards and the Airplane Show at the makin•nakiiiigr garden—havcrurden—havpe lettneAlettuce,. rartUhoradishesn, I ^buries Andrews a jolt on the jaw at The animation and vivacity gave con- olllce nnd Messrs Swoap and Hemen- forenoon of said day, the undersigned 1028, William J. Watklns. 20, was a dauce hall last Saturday evening, creamery butter decreused from 10,-^ Henry vnn Dyke. i 1 — Coliseum. Junior and Noreen Hazen Itev. W. E. Goltz, Pastor. I)eel8 and carrots In and expect to put viction to their spirited voices. way are becoming a«iualnted with this will sell at public auction to the big - 'awarded the scholarship cup granted when he was reprimanded for being 105,000 gulions to 10,371.000 gallons. In Sunduy was intended, us we gather spent a few days at the home of their Sunday, December KJth— in onions and turnips In a few days. Toys From 10 Cents Up She got up and put the kettle on the nnd will take over the issuance of the est bidder, at the front door of the!semi-annually by the Symphonic drunk and disorderly. The fine was 1924 Icecream consumption for the; lit. us u day of rest. We know some Olucler floods, caused by the effect Church school at 10 a. m. The pri- 1 The people here from Coloma are well 1!I2I» auto license plates as spon as they grandmother while their parents were 'onrt House, In the City of St. Joseph, League, an organization of School of stove. It was supper time,'hut she state was 0.150,000 gallons and in lO'Jo When day breaks, some men are too religious folk who work harder on that of volcanic heat on glaciers, are com- mary department will hold its Christ- and happy. assessed by Justice Forhan. Our line of Toys embraces everything in that line; metal arrive. in Chicago. Berrien County, Michigan, that being I Music students. The occasion for the didn't feel hungry. She would have a the slate had Its greatest year, produc- lazy to make use of the pieces. Jday than any oilier. jmon in Iceland. mas party In the basement of the "Will close now wishing you all a the place where the Circuit Court for presentation of this cup was a supper toys, mechanical toys and games of cup of tea and sit in front of the lire church next Saturday afternoon. All Merry Christmas and a Happy New and dream of the other Chrislmas boys and girls of the primary depart- the County of Berrien Is held, theiserved to the members of the faculty The announcement has been made Year." every description. eves there had been. ment should plan to be there. premises described In said mortgage, or and the student body of the school by that Attorney Frank L. Hall, who for Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub- so much thereof as may be necessary the Symphonic League, at which near- the past two years has t)een secretary That, in a way. she thouKht. would ject. "A God Who Laughs." Special lo satisfy the amount due on said ly KM) were present. Mr. Watklns Is a Lena Stanley, aged 44 years, was ar- to Governor Fred W. Green, will re- make up for her lonelines-s this Christ- music will be furnished by the choir. mortgage, with Interest from this date, candldate for the degree of Bachelor rested last Saturday night by Chief of sign his position at Lansing on Janu- Christmas Tree Decorations inas eve. For she wus lonely. There Do not forget the Community Church at the rate of Seven per cent. (7%) per of Music In Education, and Is prepar- Police Charles Kocher of Benton Har-jary 1st and return to Benton Harbor was no sense in telling herself that Night lids (Thursday) evening at 0:30. annum, and the legal costs. Including ing himself to become a teacher of In- hor and Deputy Sheriff Charles An-{to resume his law practice. It Is hint- she wasn't, for she couldn't make her- the attorney's fee provided for by jstrumental music and a conductor of drews on a charge of violation of the sd that In case of certain conditions, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A cordial welcome Is extended to all self believe that. She had been try- to attend the services of the Commun- Statute. !orchestras and bands In the high liquor laws, after a "buy" Is said to iMr. Hall may be appointed to some Im- schools and colleges of the country." have been made at her home. inn to do so, hut had failed. ity Church. The premises t(^be sold are situated portant state office. in the City of Benton Harbor, County They couldn't come home for rhrlyt- of Berrien, and Slate of Michigan, and We Have a Full Line mas. They hadn't enough to spare for Methodist Episcopal Church are described as follows, to-wlt: the expensive Journey. Rev. T. H. Leamon, Pastor. The undivided one-half of Lots Three immvmmwmmmmmmmmvmmvmvwiwww of Ladies' and Children's Dresses that will make suit- They would have Christmas to- (3), Four (4), Five (5), and Eight Monday evening. December Slst, Is able gifts also a full line of gether and they would be thinking all I he time set for our next "Church (8), Block Four (4), Thresher's Im- day of her to whom they were writien Night." It Is going to be a winner. provement Addition to the City of Ben- Our Traveling Yes, she knew they would be thinking Plan lo spend the last evening of the ton Harlwr, Berrien County, Michigan, of her. They were dear, loyal ones, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dry Goods of All Kinds old year with us. The G. R. O. W. those two children of hers who were Dated: December 10th, 1028. class is arranging the program. Salesman- now grown up. They bad sent her Saturday, December 22, at 2 p. m., CLARENCE O. BROWN, Mortgagee. snrh a lovely Christmas box—more there will be a Christmas party at the than they could afford, she knew. ''Kelvinator's beauty, economy, and church. Gifts and candy will be dis- GORE & HARVEY, with his trunki of Jewelry, Rings, SHOES for Men, Women and Children tributed. followed by games. All mem- Benton Harbor, Michigan. And she hud sent them little thing.* service make it unsurpassed as a bers of the Sunday School are Invited Attorneys for Mortgagee. Waiches and Diamonds will be at she thought would please them, things I»ec. 14—March 8, '20. to attend. Everybody out for a rollick- she hud made— with a real Christmas gift: It will bring health ing time. our store all day One look will tell you that flavor, bedroom slippers for hard city Our Christmas program will be giv- hedroom floors. Marriage Licensed Men's Furnishings That Make Nice Gifts to your family—add a touch of color en at the Sunday School hour Sunday, How quiet the house was. She had to any kitchen, and helps to reduce December 23rd. The program commit- John H. Reltz, 18, Gallen; Emily SATURDAY, DEC. isth THE ELGINJegwnm/m put wreaths In the windows and had tee are planning a very Interesting rep- Rosenthal, 21, Baroda. ilKhted uli the lights und bud put u resentation of the X'mas spirit, Mrs. a woman's work in the home. We Sam Alello, 23, Chicago; Lena Prln- open to the public. You are in- is alone in its field IN OUR BASEMENT few twigs of green here und there in Shine, pur superintendent, says: "Let Ipe, 18, Coloma. tlie rooms. have models to suit every purse and us have the church tilled to overflow- Claire Davis, 20, Benton Harbor; vited to call and make your sel- at its price... '19 You will find a fine line of Aluminum Ware The hutcher had given her u little ing." Digest these words of wisdom Florine Hammond, 18, Lawrence. piece of mistletoe to hang up and she and act accordingly. Come along with (with lumimtut diml. . $21.50) every need. You are cordially in- Luther Copeland, 27, Atlanta, Ga.; ections from his wholesale line. Cooking Utensils and other appro- had bung It up, though It seemed an 1 the whole family. Adella Case, 21, Watervliet. | vited to come and see them any day. ' Friday evening. December 14th, the Erwln Hall, 24. Benton Harbor; priate gift articles. S (J. R. 0. W. class will meet with Mrs. Grace Tatro, 23, Sawyer. Vina Hocker. Let's all be there. Joseph Roth, 20. Gallen; Apolona Glowing reports come from the Forhan. 18, St. Joseph. Chapman Jewelry Co. g Young People's Rally at Niles last Carl F. Krelger. 25. and Esther Ma- TROOST BROS. week, conducted by the Berrien County chann, 10, Stevensvllle. Sunday School Association. Great Fred Kaslschke, 23, and Mary Yeske, 142 East Main Street Benton Harbor SCHILLACI BROS. speakers gave forth great thoughts 10, St. Joseph. Benton Harbor c and great good came to the great young Norman B. Flnnstrom, 21, nnd Eve- vvV* c.v^ people of our great county. Miss Elsie lyn Keller, 10, St. Joseph. COLOMA, MICHIGAN r Shine represented this neck-of-the- vvV^* N^ VAS • • So* woods and did herself and her school . tf 0'fl1 great credit. The Big Brothers are again In ac- HAND BAGS tion. They are determined to keep the folks warm and comfortable. Our flery friend In tlie lower regions will not lack for fuel. The church enjoyed the presence and message of Rev. N. E. Hanson of Car- Horses and Cattle Bought, Sold and Exchanged. rlngton. North Dakota, last Sunday. SPECIAL The people were responsive and the needs spirit was line. The Sunday School Do Your Christmas Shopping Two exccp^onally ftne^J^ CUTLER & RORICK under the able management of our v-PLUMBING superintendent and her helpers, Is do- COLOMA LIVERY BARN Phone Coloma 197 ing excellent work, and last Sunday's No matter what they may be record was very gratifying. Join us Remember the services next Sunday Sunday School at 10 a. m. Epworth will be promptly attended to And Dream of Other Christmas Eves League at 0 p. m. Sermon at 7 p. There Had Been. Subject, "The Master's Dwelling Place." Ironic touch. How jubilantly her son 2- NOW! Toolc-d calfskin billfold, had kissed her under the mistletoe last You are Invited to meet with us band laccd — two rard Strangers welcome. Christmas. pockets and Uleutifica- tlbutrmtini lion. Hand tooled billfold* lib HENRY KIBLER "My dainty little sweetheart," be tared edgea, leatherVned Special Price —two rani porjiat* and had said. IdcntiOcation. PLUMBING, HEATING AND In the distance she heard the train's whistle. That was the evening train— $ Gomingto StJoseph« Here You Will Find WELL DRIVING the second and last of the day. How 4 Open i hollow and mocking It sounded, and it Evenings had always sounded so gay In the Until I frosty, crisp air. Water Pressure Systems Installed and all kinds of That was the train they had come Christmas DR. BOLKCOM Suitable Brisht pl» Mat billfold—• Repairing promptly done. Just call back on the year before, for they hud gold rui nets. Vary low come home that flrst Chrlstnms. They prived ut Specialist Phone Coloma 74 Coloma, Michigan had not found the city so expensive 50 For Every Member of Your then. Since that time they hud made IN INTERNAL MEDICINE more money, but expenses hud gone up und it was agreed that considering Tooled leather gunmetal f Family they could not get but the day and a frame with turn-loc, suede Treating Diseases Without Surgical « half off It was not wise to spend the lined, coin purse and f £"50 mirror. $1 weekly. . . O Operation money. Loofrjin Our Store for She went out to get her tea. Did NEXT REGULAR VISIT I she hear steps outside, and voices? Useful Gifts SATURDAY, DEC. 15 S Probably a neighbor coining to call. Gift Stationery Candle Sticks How silly she was to hope, now that At the WH1TCOMB HOTEL the train had been In some time— What, really, makes a more desirable s "Mother 1 Mother!" ItV-J Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. When Their voices! She ran from the Fitted case of Moose graiera in cdee p buffed kitchen Into the living room. And cowhide with folding Slid-O-Tray, fitted Christmas gift than something that can s there they were, her two precious with ten hand decorated pearl on amber ONE DAY ONLY dears. fittings. Brocaded silk lined. |1 weekly. be used almost every day in the year? "Oh, mother,'' they cried, "what is Returning every three months Imported Perfume Atomizers Public Officials Build Our store is filled with articles that tlie use of living If we don't have Christmas together? If we can afford Cent's tra reling toilet set. Genuine cow- other things we can afford that, too hide ease, containing Heven fittings and Genuine steer-hide hand laced edges, coin purse and would make ideal gifts if you are of a FREE CONSULTATION We Just couldn't stay away." space for safety razor. |1 weekly. Durable, Economical, mirror and vanity kit. $1.00 Oh. tlie Joy and the happiness there Dr. Bolkcom Is a graduate of one weekly. Very special practical turn of mind. We invite you to was! Truly what did one work for of the best universities, and has had Fountain Pens, Ever sharp Pencils at come in and see our assortment, as we over thirty years of practical experi- if It was not to enjoy the true bless- ence. He will demonstrate In the Concrete Pavements, ings of life, and of ail blessings what me more precious than Christmas at are mentioning only a few of the gift principal cities methods of treating i-plece genuine ebo- diseases of long standing by means of iiome? ny military set in a G medicines, diet nnd hygiene, thus sav- I©. 1926. Woatftrn Newspaper Union.) beautiful leatherette selections that you can secure here: ing many people from a dangerous They Protect and gift box. $1 weekly. and expensive surgical operation. Walnut Caramels Dr. Bolkcom Is an expert In di- Candies, Toys, Cigars, Pipes agnosis and will tell you the exact One pound brown sugar, one-half truth about your condition. Only cupful corn syrup, one tablespoonful Electric Coffee Percolators those who have a good chance to re- Safeguard the butter, four tahlespoonfuls chocolate gain their health will, be treated, so one-half pound walnuts. Boll all to- China Teapots. Flashlights, all kinds that every one who takes treatment gether until thick when tried in wa- Cedar Chests. Electric Irons. will bring their friends at the next ter; then add walnuts. Stir well and ladies* Gladstone fitted case. Top grnln cow- visit. Everything to Dress the House in Taxpayers' pour In buttered dishes; cut in squares hide, specially made in patented "Traveler" Some of the diseases treated: Dis- Electrical Toys. Pyrex Oven ware when nearly cold. design, brocaded silk lining with four imported Tooled leather steer-hide eases of the stomach, bowels, liver, ITe have many other perfume und toilet water bottlea. bag. Step-up gunmetal Traveling Bags. Suit Cases blood, blood vessels, skin, kidneys, Mention of Christinas gifts for men in a Ten hand decorated pearl on amber frame, coin purse and fi z' bladder, heart, lungs, eye, ear, nose, Holiday Attire is Here fittings, in maize, white and jade . . Interests The first mention of Christmas In icide price range—a visit to our store trill mirror. $1.00 weekly. . JLO Razors, all kinds. Auto Accessories throat, scalp, enlarged veins, leg ulcers, prove interesting ami a revelation to yon. Only |1 weekly rheumatism, high blood pressure,] literature occurs in tlie second chapter Radio Batteries. Sleds and Skates tumors, enlarged glands, goitre, piles, of the Gospel according to St. Mat- nervous system giving rise to loss of thew, flrst verse. That is a simple Kiddie Cars. Tricycles mental and bodily vigor, melancholia, mention of the birth of Christ. Dur- DIAMONDS • WATCHES • JEWELRY • SILVERWARE • CLOCKS discouragement and worry, undevelop-1 ing the flrst centuries of the Christian Card Tables. Ash Trays ed children, either mental or physical, | era. there was no written record of Baby Jumpers. Cutlery and all chronic diseases of men, wo-| observance of Christmas. — George men and children that have baffled the PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Newell Moran. Our Easy Payment Our Easy Payment skill of the family physician. Plan is for Your Auto Tires and Other Articles A diagnosis of any dlse'ase of long mulcnng Plan is for Your Dime Bank Buildin Olsen & Ebann Convenience — We standing. Its nature and cause, will be DETROIT , MIChL A Palpable Hit. Sir. Convenience. — We rf^Olsin made Free and proper medicines or LABR'S DRUG STORE Make No Carrying A correspondent criticizes our re- Make No Carrying appliances will be furnished at a rea- cA National Organization cent remark that while a glass of but- Charge — Cash or sonable cost to those selected as favor- termilk may he as nourishing as Charge — Cash or to Improve and Extend the Uses *f Ccncrrte 'Ebann! Credit, the Price is able cases for treatment ' half dozen oysters, you'll never And a Credit, the Price is HARRY W. HILL Children must be accompanied by COLOMA, MICHIGAN pearl in a glass of buttermilk. the Same. their parents and married ladles by Qiiices in 32CitUi the Same. S. W. Corner Main and Pipestone Streets I heir husbands. i "Humph l" he ejaculates, Tve found Hardware—Furniture Coloma, Michigan j Address: Dr. Bolkcom Medical Lab- as many pearls in buttermilk as I ever BENTON HARBOR | oratory, 330 Boston Block, Mlnne- have In oysters."—Boston Transcript polls, Minn.

m iwiiiwpiiiiiMiiiiiii III II IIIIMPIWIIJ j' iiiiii'iiiiiiiir'.iiiiiiii'

... f THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA. MICH. PAGE SIX DECEMBER 14.1928. THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. DECEMBER 14f 1928. PAGE SEVEN Aircraft Concentration in 1929 Greet- BA1NBRIDGE NEWS Christmas Day in Coral Islanda. Hope Springs Eternal. STATE FARMEHS WIN wt of All Time A coral Island has a shape of Its "Cheer up." genially yelled his host CHECKS AT CHICAGO I own, and pleasant-sounding names are to the stricken Murphy, who was he* Other Countries The Navy Recruiting Station, De- used to describe IL The island Itself ginning to regret keenly erer baring 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W'cndzel and troit, has be^-n Informed that the navy Is colled an atoll (pronounced at-oll come on the fishing trip, "Seasick* family were Sunday guests of Mr. and maneuvers to be held off Panama In with an eqnal stress on each syllable). Michigan Hay and Grain Defeat En- 51 Mrs. Reinhold Wendzel. Every Land Hat Own Way ness never killed anybody yeL" "Is IkStoreofCbuntless 1920 will bring together the greatest An atoll is a ring-shaped island, with that sof replied Uarphy. "I'm The utilities of a city Mr. and Mrs. Chancey 13111 and baby tries From Many Sections of Obterving the Glori- usually one or more breaks In the to hear ye say thaL Sure, the kir'f of Grand Junction spent Sunday with mobilization of aircraft In the history the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jas. oiu Yuletide. of the U. S. Navy. The air forces of ring, called boat channels, and the of dyln' soon was the only thing tba^ Kast Lansing, Dec. 12—Thirty Mich- Hill. both fieets will be consolidated under a water surrounded by the ring Is called was keepln' me aIlve.n~Amerl6ui Lo igan farmers came back from the Chi- tbe lagoon. are combined cago International Hay and Grain Mrs. Catherlue Ktierber. who frac- "Ingle command, which will Include glon Weekly. tured her leg a few weeks ag". Is slow- By DEMINQ GRAY hundml.s of fighting, bombing, scout- Show with S4 checks awarded them on W«h f NAUGHT ing und torpedo planes, us well as the hay and gruln. ly improving. VERY land hai Ita plane carriers Lexington. Suratoga aim 'Reading. \V, Jewett, Mason, won lirst on white Mr. and Mrs. C. Kidebes, accom- Christmas customs A bank In a foreign country has pauled by Mrs. Sarah Seel ol! Benton Langley, and several tenders. Problems The reading which has pleased, will in your motor car winter wheat and Emory .lewett. Ma- * * 4 and superstitions, closed after being lu business 114 years. Harbor, left last Friday for Akron, O., Involving the Joint action of air and please when repeated ten time son. placed second In the same class. hut It Is only since It was a case where the first hundred where they visited their brother and surface craft will be worked out. was the easiest. Horace. Second place on Held peas was won by Humor the Christian era J wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Knlebes. Mrs. Charles Konop, Ewen. ! CAN COMPARE Goic' a!e .iii Dolls Seel will remain a few weeks at Ak- that the spirit of 111 I Michigan lost only one place out of BOTH WAYS ron. Mr. and Mrs. Knlebes are coming kindness and good the llrst ten on navy Held beans. John >vlll has prevailed ('. Wllk. St. Louis, hud the best sample home by way of Niagara Falls, Detroit, Marjorle. the youngest, always had and South Rockwood, Michigan, at all oyer. In this class, und Clarence Johnson. St. r.i xo N an objection ready either about going which place they are visiting Rev. and The Christmas stocking orlglnated Louis, ranked next. Mr. Wllk also won s i llrst on other field beuns and u chum- to bed ut night or getting up In the i WITH Mrs. B. C. Rrnun. In Italy, and the legend goes that good morning. One night, when her mother Christine Kuemmlch of Benton Har- old St Nicholas of Padua Is responsi- plonshlp on the navy beans which took bor spent the week end with Mr. and llrst. reminded her that It was becoming i ble for it. He had a habit of going .FUVnn ii clu'R fall, beautiful or^aiulie «lro^s Second place on oats went to A. W. bedtime, she sold: Mrs. Manchow. about the windows of the poor and .lewett. Mason, Harvey Vlylana, Afton. "It Isn't fair. At night you tell nntl bonnet, white sox and l)lack slippers. A Mrs. Kneeland Weber and Mrs. Ches- slyly throwing In a knitted purse of hud the best sample of eastern alfalfa me I'm too little th Stay up, and In the I ter Welter spent Saturday lu Chicago. money. After a time the purses were YOUR automobile is some* been taken to make the dis- truly beautil'iil dull—specially priced—not They were met there by Miss Verda seed at the show and this exhibit also morning you say thnt I'm too big to, hung Just outside the wludows, so that thing like a miniature city. tributor water*proof, thus I Knlebes, who teaches at Yorkvllle, III., won a reserve championship. Gifts That Wear stay In bed." more than two to a customer. and spent the day shopping. he might skip no one. In northern There is an electric light and preventing short circuits Mason seems to have the hay making Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Burgess and fam- Italy It was so cold that a stocking power system, a water sys- from rain, etc. champions of the world as A. W. Jew- ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and was substituted and bung by the chim- ell und Arthur .lewett won llrst and Just as Good tem, a fuel system. The entire electrical and Mrs. Nelson Krleger. ney place, and slipping down the chim- second on red clover buy. Emory 11. Movie Star—I can never morry you, At Landsmans' every man and woman is assured that the gift Mr. and Mrs. V. C. 1'lckford and four ney he would put his gift there. In the new Ford, you will ignition systems of the new Jewell and Arthur W. Jewett took the Joe, and— children of Pine Lake spent several The Russian children fill their shoes find each of these systems Ford are so simple in design lirst two places on Timothy bay, and He—Hut what? selected is in good taste. No worry about your gift pleasing— Arthur W. Jewett placed second on soy days last week at the M. A. Nichols with hay ten days before Christmas of the latest design and best and so carefully made that Movie Star—If you'll come around home, enroute to their new home in Los and place them outside the door, so Select your Gifts now from our fine line. Below you lieun hay. at the studio tomorrow I'll Introduce t Competent advice is cheerfully given. they will give you surpris- Howard Handy. Hay City, won third Angeles, California. that St. Nicholas may have food for materials. Every part has you to my double.—Everybody's Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bullard, who re- on barley other than six-row. und Ar- his horse, for this Is the time he will find listed just a few of our many useful been made to serve you faith- ingly little trouble. Yet that Weekly. cently went to live with their son, Mort thur W. Jewett took third on six-row makes the rounds to find where the fully and well at a minimum doesn't mean they should $ Bullard. In Decatur, are believed to be barley. good children live, before going out the oldest married couple In Michigan. gifts which we have on display. of trouble and expense. be ncglected. Certain little First place and reserve championship Galley Proof to take the gifts. I They were wed In Bainbridge 73 years attentions are needed from on soy beans seed were won by John C. Slubbs—I tlatter myself that, as the The Bulgarians think that the ani- Take, for example, the Wllk. St. Louis. Gift Suggestions ago the ninth of last July. time to time. saying goes, honesty Is printed on my mals talk with each other Christmas generator—one of the most Carving Sets Waterless Cookers Sleds face. Burg School Notes night; the sheep walk In a procession important parts of the elec- The storage battery Keal Estate Transfers Smart—Well — er — yes, perhaps about the place, and the bees hum In Perculators The children of the Burg school are Gilbert Sets Skates trical system which supplies should be given water and with some allowance for typographical their hives. planning a Christmas party for Friday Baking Dishes] the current for lighting and the connections kept clean. William E. Mast and wife to Claud errors. afternoon, December 21. They are pre- In Sweden and Norway, thirteen Cutlery Full Line of Skis Mast und wife; Lot 2. Block A. Ollson's days are given over for the Christmas for engine ignition. The generator charging rate subdivision of lots 52,58, 53 and 51), Ties Pajamas paring a short program, consisting of a Roasters Scissors pageant and several recitations. The festival und are called "Yule days," Flashlights should be changed as indi- vllluge of Colomu. $1. Comet Out Even In the new Ford, the gen- By Superba and Regal. I or "Trettcn Yule." For days the house cated. Spark plugs should Charles J. McMullun und wife to Husband—But why have you dated Regular or Slipover; rest of the afternoon will be spent in Aluminum Ware Jack Knives Watches erator is of the power-house Silks or Knitted. Plain playing Christmas games. About 3:00 mother Is busy making everything be cleaned at regular inter- Joseph Drzymalskl and wife: Lot i7. this letter the tenth when today is all materials made by type and is distinctive in Benton's Terrace. I'uw Paw Lake, Wa- or Designs I o'clock, old Santa has promised to spotlessly clean. Boughs from the Casseroles Safty Razors only the fourth. Faultless Clocks vals. Distributor points tervliet Twp.. $1. pause a little while from his long Jour- Juniper and flr trees are spread upon many features. It has been Wife—Becuuse I'm going to give It GLOVES should also be kept clean James H. Harmon and wife to Jesse ney. to bring the school pupils a few the floor. The family go. In turn, to Food Choppers Razor Strops Bathroom Fixtures specially designed to pre- to you to mull, my deur.—Pele Mele, $1 to $4 I and the distributor cam Willis and wife; I iK-re in Sect. 22. gifts. The children wish to invite all the bake house, which has been made vent most forms of trouble. Purls. $2 to $10 5 the fathers and mothers and friends to Twp. .'I. Range 17. Watervliet Twp.. f 'lllljl warm, and here each takes a good given a light film of vaseline —on Xmas—Pleased! ! spend the afternoon with them. Oiling is necessary only once 110. wash from head to foot. This Is con- a year. About the only thing every 2000 miles. Martha Selfert & husband to Harlan LUCKY FOR HIM French Kid — In Garuge ou Frank Ernst Farm I)e- sidered an Important part of the cere- E. Page & wife: Lot 2(12. Fair View Chr.mormde — In a Hall's Hardware yon need do is to have the These are just little Shirts Hose black, brown and stroyedby Fire monies, for In many cases It Is the Plat. Watervliet Twp.. wide ran^e of eol(»r- only bath taken until next Yuletide. charging rate changed as things, but they mean a Frank Myers & wife to Wendell S. By Manhattan and El- The garage at Frank Ernst's farm By Holeproof. Wool, Ul'XS navy, new short The children of today, and of all Phone Harbor 178 ISI Pipestone St. Benton Harbor, Mich, the seasons change. great deal lo your car. You Hallman: Lot 37. Baker's Add. to vil- der. Madras broad- was destroyed by lire shortly after six cloth patterns or lisle, silk, plain the years to come, will be glad that can have them looked after lage of Coloma. ?1. Cl Ct.GO cuff $0.95 o'clock last Saturday night. Mr. Ernst Charles B. Huys & wife by Attorney plain; neckband or patterued. " .A the Roundheads of Oliver Cromwell's Closely allied to the elec* I and his little boy were at the garage at very small cost by the In Fact to Thomus P. Carmody: Ix)t 12. collar attached. 1 and 1 styles ^ time, and the Puritans of New Bug- system is the ignition and while the former was putting Ford dealer when you take Block 12. Loveland Homeacres, Water- land, did not succeed In loslug Christ- It, too, is of new 35c to $3 alcohol lu the radiator of his car, the the car in for oiling and vliet Twp. $1. I mas off the map, as they tried so hard $1.45 to $10 1® I boy was putting some gasoliue in the mechanical design in the Donato Frozolone A wife to Frank greasing. fir i Lined Gloves —Es- Fur Lined Gloves— tank. The can of gasoline was ignited to do. The Ray Colony of Massachu- new Ford. There is but one Fello & wife: 5 acres lu Sect. 17, Twp. d®.. J A gift anyone will be from a gas lantern and the youth was setts did prohibit the making of mince high tension cable and that A thorough checking*up 4. Range 18, Bentou Twp., |1. pecially good for enveloped In flames. Mr. Ernst by pies, for a time, and declared that driving proud of presence of mind and quick action trimming the house with greens was connects the coil with the at regular intervals will saved the boy. grasping him and brush- a wicked and pagan custom. But we diitribntor. Even cables lengthen the life of your car Not Greatly Interested. P.. * Belts S G5 £ $C.85 $g.50 Margaret had accompanied the fnm ing away the flames. He also succeed- have good authority for even this cus- from the distributor to the and give you many thou- * J and U ed In getting his car out of the garage Ily to the movies more often than t« By Hlckok I 2' 1 5 tom, for Christ's only day of public •park pings have sands of miles of church. One morning her pnrmts took | as the building caught lire. honor on earth was marked by the With the assistance of neighbors and been eliminated. caref ree, economical her to church, and she found It rath Genuine Leather; all I strewing of palm branches before Him the arrival of the Watervliet lire com- er dull. Toward the end of the serv- the colors. Also Initial the day of His entrance Into Jeru- Special care has also motoring. pany several adjoining buildings, such ice she looked up sleepily and In a I sets. salem. & as a wagon shed, chicken coop, wood- voice perfectly audlb'e all over the In pagan days the boughs of holly shed and corn crib were saved. The church she called out: "Papa. Is this | V and spruce were supposed to be placed FORD MOTOR COMPANY He—It was lucky for you thut I garage building contained a screen the last reel?" 50c to $3 » porch, a new bicycle and a lot of small so that tbe sprites and fairies might came along Just as you were going to tools, all of which were burned. Mr. have a place to hide, and bring good cross. Ernst estimates his loss at $600 to $700, luck to the family. But the Christian She—If you were a bit gallant, partly covered by insurance. world has given a spiritual meaning to you'd say It was lucky for you. even this custom. The boughs of flr and spruce signify the power and love Simple Taste Mufflers ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH of God, which shall flourish as a green Sweaters i* & He was a hero, uiuilsmayed. bay tree, and live to endless time. Rev. L. E. Burgess, Pastor. Said he, "I have a hunch I (©. 1IJS. Weitern Ntwipaper Union.) » To quit the banquet and parade. By Lamb Knit Sunday, December 10, 1028. Silks of Exquisite And eat a dairy lunch." Sunday school at 0:45. & Pullover as well Design Morning worship at 10:45. i * Jacket styles. Evening service at 7:30. Wowl i Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at & & CHRISTMAS PHOTO Senior Member—Gosh, thnt i :S $1.95 to $7 7:45. & i* stenographer Is temperamental. $4.45 to $10 8 The T. F. S. Girls will be entertained it Junior Member—What's tbe trouble at a Christmas party at the home of HE had her picture taken for i it now? Maxlne Burgess ou Friday evening of her family for Christmas I S Senior Member—She wants sta this week. and on Christmas Eve had Bathrobes Costume Jewelry i 0 tlonery to match her rouge. * Lawrence Arent, Robert Krugman hung It, framed, upon the wall. 'Kerchiefs and Vaughn Butzbach attended the i Terry Cloth or In I Her young man came to call, Young People's Conference at Niles last Blanket Style There is no end to the folks you can make and when she was but half- & Just Getting Rough Saturday. Wsv Linen. Plain or Color- happy with pins, ear drops, beads, bracelets iooklng. took the picture from •f Alice—What did he do after he ed Borders. called you a crazy half-wit and a $7.95 to and rings—Some of thi newest novelties come off the wall, for his possession. Was she angry? Not a bit sour-faced monkey? 50c to 75c in Luseme Blue, (1 olden Glow , Rose, FACTS ABOUT THE TELEPHONE of It. It was so wonderfnl to Doris—Well, then he became In $16.50 think he would even steal her No Matter What Else They May Have, for Christmas suiting. Coral and Blaze—Splendid $1,00 photograph I — Mary Graham assortment at * It Is now possible to talk by tele- Bonner. Goodness phone from GIbralter to any part of (©. 1911, WMt«rnN«wip*p«r Union.) 1 Here's What MOTHER "He Is a good playwright." I I England. * Direct long distance telephone ser- "No." ANOTHER ALWAYS WELCOME GIFT They Want Candy! "He Is very successful." [vlce has been Inaugurated between 5 I ' Spain and Holland. For Kiddies Three to Five Really Wants for Christmas "His success shows that he Is not Hand Bags I Telephone service was Inaugurated As the child's eyes and hands be- No matter what other gift you may have planned to give your good, but wicked." Lined Gloves Unlined Gloves | this past summer between Roumania come more capable of definite alms— Pigskin, buckskin, calf I Just now black,brown and navy are the best and Bulgaria. between three and five years of age— family or friends, it should be supplemented with a gift of Wealth Brown, grey or black. Direct telephone connections between the toys used In a well-conducted kin- This "1929 Model" Hotpoint Electric Range skin, mocha, cape, etc., j Budapest and ConstanUnople will be Heck—Wouldn't you like to be rich I colors in hand bags—many new shapes in a dergarten will Interest the youngsters Durable and comfort- established within the next few months, enough to do as you please? in light tan, tan, brown immensely In hit home and provide It j The flrst automatic central office in A Box of Candy Selected from Our Large Stock Peck—To be happy I'd have to be able. Lined with fur, variety of leathers. The values offered are not only with amusement but with the and grey. Dressy, blend- | the Paris telephone network was op- rich enough to do as my wife pleased. Australian hair and really SO.98 SlA.OO jened recently. Eventually all of the first tangible Instruments of real edu- Read Our Special Offer! ing and contrasting de- cational advancement.—George Newell The Largest and Finest That Has Ever surprising " to telephones in Paris will be converted warm fabrics. lightfully. ! to the dial system. Moran. The secret is out. We know what "Mother Really Wants" this Christmas. Dear ALL IN | The telephone system of Australia Been Seen in Berrien County. I added nearly as many telephones dur- Mother, always doing for others, never thinking of herself, has cast longing eyes $1.75 to $4.95 j $2.50 to $3.95 I 1 lug the live-year period that ended In EXCITED WRATH OF DICKENS at this "Something" that will bring joy not only to herself but to her family as well. ; 1027 as was added during the preced- There are holiday boxes of our own make of the finest candy, also i i Ing lifteen years. Great W.lter, at His Best, Denounced that from the world's most famous manufacturers. There are 9 i Telephone communication has been Mother wants a modern, new Hotpoint Automatic Electric Range. She knows it Public Hangings, Which Were established between Santiago, Chile, Disgrace to English Law. will mean easier and better cooking with less time in the kitchen, giving her more many novelties in candies—there are the mixed candies, the hard Buenos Aires, Argentine, and Monte- centers, the most delicious (hocolate creams, the nicest nut i video, Urugoay. Later the line will be time for rest and recreation—more time to spend with her family and friends. Don't Forget Your Holiday SUIT and continued to Brazil. Charles Dickens, at the time of the candies, ribbon candy, candy canes, mints, fruit flavors and a I As a result of an agreement between execution of Mannlnc und his wife for OVERCOAT by Hart Schaffner & i the authorities of French Equatorial the murder of Patrick O'Connor, was complete assortment of all kinds of confections. Africa and the Belgian Congo, tele- at his fullest power as a writer. In a ONLY A SMALL PAYMENT phone and telegraph lines are to be letter to the London Times he wrote: Marx or Roxbury is Awaiting You i laid across the Congo river, between "I believe that a sight so Inconceiv- Which includes installation. French East Africa und Belgian Congo. Churches, Lodges and Societies ably awful as the wickedness and levi- Our great Christmas offer makes this "wonder gift" within the $22.50 to $60.00 i ty of the Immense crowd collected at are invited to come in get our prices on QUALITY CANDIES, the execution this morning could be reach of every family. For a few dollars down we will deliver UUUtr Drawn He—Sorry I was unable to call lusi Great Atuthors Write Badly. Imagined by no man, and presented by this beautiful new Hotpoint Automatic Electric Range to your in large quantities, either in bulk or in packages. i evening, but—er—really I was all In. All great authors write badly. That no heathen land under the sun. The home and install it in your kitchen. You pay the balance in She—Yes, I heurd they had every Is well known. At least the pedants horrors of the gibbet and the crime MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY—We will be glad to lay part of you In the lockup last night. say so. Great writers are Impetuous. which brought the wretched murderers seventeen equal installments. The vigor of their vocabulary, the In- to it faded In my mind before the your choice aside until later, or we will gladly wrap and mail Ralston and Stetson and Think what the automatic features of the Hotpoint Electric Range Satire tensity of their style, the daring of atrocious bearing, looks und language candy for you and save you that trouble. their phrases disconcert the pedants. of the assembled spectators. When I will mean to Mother. That she can prepare her meal in the morn- I love the man who gave advice Freeman Shoes Manasse Hats I To the pundits good writing apparently came upon the scene at midnight the ing or at any convenient time, place it in the oven, set the time And made me promise to "be nice." I love still mor? the honest chaff Gift Lingerie means writing according to rules. But shrillness of the cries and howls that and temperature controls and forget it until meal time. The Hot- Of one who warned m« by a laugh. $5 to $10 $3.75 to $10 born writers make their own rules, or were raised from time to time, denot- point Phantom Maid watches the cooking while Mother is miles Lunches and Refreshments rather make none. They change their ing that they came from a concourse Bait and PtpparStukut Irresistible Impulse Of heavy weight crepe de chine, in dainty manner at every moment as Inspiration of boys and girls already assembled In away. And Mother will delight in the speed, cleanliness and •whlti Bnaiatl Clock! Friend-Why do you say that they dictates; sometimes they are harmonl tbe best places, made my blood run When in Benton Harbor on a shopping trip or to attend a show, pastel sluuh's—tailored and lace trimmed economy of the Hotpoint Electric Range. are Incorrigible gamblers? ous, sometimes rugged, sometimes In- cold. When the two miserable crea- get the habit of dropping into CANDY LAND for refreshments- 1 Cop—Well, while we were chasing dolent and sometimes spirited. So, tures who attracted all this ghastly styles. Tcddie combination, Step- $0,98 them they were betting ou which one according to the common notion, they sight about them were turned quiver- hot or cold drinks, a bowl of soup, or a sandwich. You will like Ins, Gowns and Bloomers ** would capture them. cannot write well.—Anatole France. ing Into the air, there was no more Come in at once and see this modern our food, our drinks and our service. Others SI.98 to $8.85 emotion, no more pity, no more thought that two Immortal souls had gone to LANDSMANS'/nc. \ new range with its many new and de Bermuda Islands Very English. Millions Trying. Judgment, no more restraint In any of 1 -Cup Hotpoint AutomMIe "Millions of people." we quote from luxe features (at no extra cost) #BrookalM * Klactrie Ht*t Control Although a Spaniard's name dis- the previous obscenities, than If the FsrcoUUr and Tbirmooutw Michigan's Largest Quality Clothiers ^ 444 BrolUr F&u tinguishes the group of Islands. Eng- the motion-picture advertising, "can name of Christ hud never been heard write stories and photoplays and don't land speaks from most of the units In this world, and there were no belief MONEY'S WORTH . • MONEY BACK ^ know IL" We have no wish to quarrel composing the Bermudas; the Main among men but that they perish like with the assertion. We merely suggest Island. St. George. Paget, Smith. St the beasts." CANDY LAND Rapp & Pridcaux thnt those responsible for the motion David, Cooper. Nonsuch. Watford. Ire- pictures get hold of some of them, land and Somerset being typical. Tbe EAST MAIN ST. population shows steady growth. Its ^enon Harbor, Michigan our contention being that those now Some visiting philosopher says that INDIANA and MICHIGAN ELECTRIC CO. BENTON HARBOR people wear with pride the distinction writing for the motion-picture drama the American muu Is u slave of his Benton Harbor, Michigan of being the oldest self-governing cannot do IL—Philadelphia Public womeu, beginning with his mother, and i colony In tbe . I Udiw. s his wife and ending with his daughter. I


f PAGE EIGHT THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. DECEMBER 14,1928. DECEMBER 14,1928. THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA. MICH ISE OF MARL SAVES PAGE NINE Mewfiotamla's Old Qlorl«t. Nebuchadnezzar's vast Irrigation Mrs. Wm. Bloomlngdale Is reported All kinds rt Christmas cards, folders MONEY FOR FARMERS ARTHUR SWIFT—Air brush paint- Seven Three Oaks hunters returned | to lie on the sick list. and booklets at Scott's.—Adv. Berrien County Deaths system, which once watered all Baby- ing. Phone 158, Coloma, 40tf last week with five deer. lonia, can still he easily traced for Notice to Car Owners Mrs. Gertrude Stratton was a I>owa- Give jour face a clear, healthy com- miles about Bagdad. One giant canal, Fourteen Bridgman hunters returned Albert Knauf will bo the worshipful {glue visitor lust week. plexion. l.'se Harmony Massage Cream, .MRS. MADALENE KUOU DIED Many Deposits Available For lTse in home last week from the north woods, master of Three Oaks lodge F. & A. M. the Narawan, runs parallel with the sold at Scott's.—Adv. Tigris for nearly 300 miles; .It Is 350 Mr*. Ouy Thompson spent a coudle bringing eight deer. the coming year. DECEMBEK 6. AT AGE OF 83 Soil Improvement Program feet wide, and all about It the takeoff Goodrich Silvertown Tires and Tubes of days lu lousing last week. V Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Guy left Tuesday C. Dill of St. Joseph was flued $5 East Lansing, Dec. 12—A saving of and laterals may still be Identified. for Bonlta Springs. Florida, where they Cecil E, Klger has been elected Wor- also Get fhore eggs. Use Hess Poultry The Christmas Store. nnd costs last Saturday on a charge of $609,099 dollars through the use of Herodotus said he found a "forest of will spend the winter. shipful master of Western Star ledge, Remedies. Sold at Scott s.—Adv. failing to send hl^ ston, Irving, to school IF Wus One of Pioneer Kewidents of Bain- marl by Michigan farmers In 1928 Is verdure from end to end" when he rts- Kenyan Tires and Tubes , F. & A M„ Berrien Springs, tot the See Boyer's line of Imported toilet regularly. j ensuing year. the estimate made by the agricultural Ited Mpsopotamla.—Nations! Geo bridue Township LIST your lake property and farmi> articles at Scott's. Everything of the Make our store your Christ- engineering department of Michigan gruphlr Society Bulletin. *Uh H A. King. Coloma. Illrb.—Adv. very highest grade.—Adv. Mrs. Magdalene Koob. aged 83 years, State College. Batteries Charged r mas headquarters. Here died Thursday evening. December U, Members of the department believe NOTICE'—I will not be responsible are a few items suitable for 1928. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. that the average KUIU made Is u dollar Ain't It the Truth? Springs Oiled Free with Each Crankcase Service Mrs. Sam Harlem of Churuhuaco. for any debts contracted by anyone 1 Ind.. visited at the home of her Mm. Mary Kreiger. in Bainbridge township, a ton ami the farmers used u hulf mil- "Clothes do not make the man," oh- other than myself. Charles Woodward. gifts: 1 Guy Thompson, overr the week-end. after a short Illness with bronchial lion tons lust year. Five yeurs ago served the Sage. "Maybe not," com-1 -Adv. 20tf you Can't Catch Lions ipnennionlu. The deceased hud been a farmers in this state used ouly 9.000 mented the Fool. "But you'll notice TOILET ARTICLES tons of this material. Mr. und Mrs. Bert Stone of Bangor Veal hides, cow hides and sheej. resident of that township fur over six- how other men dodge you when you CLAUDE MAST I have lieen visiting at the home of Mr. The Geological Survey has completed pelts wanted. Highest market price FANCY PERFUMES ty years, living that length of time are looking seedy."—Cincinnati En- i and Mrs. Sherman Stanley. a study of the marl deposits In 14 paid. Imphrey & Rorick, Colomu. in a Mousetrap! on the homestead where she died. Be- qulrer. COLOMA, MICHIGAN FANCY COMPACTS sides Mrs. Kreiger. she leaves one Mlchlgun counties und It has been Live Leather Belts The Self Culture Club meetiiiK on Mich.—Adv. 2-Jtf. j other daughter, Mrs. Lena Weber of found that u plentiful supply of good Friday of this week will lie held at the Old Stuff. A. I,. Williams of North Coioini/ has CHOICE CANDIES Neither can we keep hundreds of satisfied Bainbridge, and two sous—Louis Koob quality marl is available for the use of i library room instead of at the home of When men speak of the weaker se. accepted a temporary position as lino- of South Coloma, and Qeorge Koob of a majority of farmers In those coun- Mrs. Krause. CHRISTMAS CIGARS With Buckle and Beltogram rpe operator at the olllce of the St. customers unless we give the kind of ser- Illinois. Funeral services were held ties. and the gentle sex. what are they talk ritrrnitl Joseph Herald-Press. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES from the Kreiger home. Sunday after- A Kreat deal of the marl Is In close For disagreeable head colds use vice and merchandise to attract them. proximity to the sandy soils which ure Vapure. A few drops on a handker- noon, conducted by Kev. Frank Sco- ^ 'vGET RIGHT WUH THE EDITOR! PAY FOR YOUR PAPI P. P. Baushke is spending the week BOOKS the most add of Michigan soils. The chief dears the head at once. Sold at jtleld of MUlburg. t Berea, Ohio, assisting the Corliss [ossibllity of the economical use of This {amazing Belt created by Scott's.—Adv. TOYS Biackmun family, who ure moving There is always a reason why people are "sold" marl is determined by Its percentage of Hickok expands und contracts "roni Watervliet to Berea. Mrs. Carl Knntli calcium carlMtnate and the cost of get- Articles of incorporation of the Eau CHRISTMAS GREETINGS on anything and there's a reason why Coloma Claire l.umlier Company, cupltallml ut ting the marl to the field. with every movement of the Why not send The Courier to your people are "sold" on our store. We give every Mrs. Carl Knuth, aged S4 years died £.'(1,000 were recently filed at the ofllce Xmas Tree Decorations Some deposits are readily accessible friends for a Christmas present? They | November tl. 1928, at the home of her wastline, and yet it is made of of the county clerk. customer personal service and value received for and the materials can be excavated lould receive llfty-two reminders from Cigarette Lighters 'daughter, Mrs. Adolph Jaffke of Splnks very cheaply. Other beds are luacces-j every dollar spent here for GROCERIES and genuine leather. It's the greatest At a special election held In the Vil- ou at less than the cost of stationery • Corners, from a complication of ail- sible or contain marl with a low cal-| and many otler suitable articles for WILLIAMS & COMPANY lage of Three Oaks, called to vote $13,- and postage for sending them a letter MEATS. Our stock is always clean and fresh and ments due to old age. The deceased hud cium content. Agricultural engineering; . idea we've ever seen in Belts, 000 In Iniiids to pay off village Indebted each week. j lived at Splnks Corners for thirteen specialists from Michigan Stute Col- gifts that we cannot begin to menliofl our brands of merchandise are popular. ness. the issue was lost by a vote of 103 years, having made her home lu Bridg- lege have given excavation demonstra- and makes a Belt Set something Dr. O. W. Rice, who recently located BUY IT FOR LESS! man and lu Uoyaltou previous to that JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS lo 87. them all. tions at 130 locations in the state. in Watervliet in the oftice of the late time. She is survived by her husband entirrly new. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR (•round limestone and marl are. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan S. Hyno and Mrs. Dr. Peer, will do general practice in ami two daughters besides Mrs. JafTke. equally valuable for use In treating; Headquarters for Fred Borchert attended the convention nedicine and surgery, test eyes and fur- GROCERIES AND MEATS SHOP AT Funeral services were held from St. -^vmTZ nish glasses. Calls answered day or acid soils. Each farmer should find I of the Fourth District American Legion |Matthews Lutheran church lu Benton nlxht—Adv. fcitf. which is the cheapest for him to use. $3 and more and Auxiliary ut South Haven last Scott's Pharmacy Harbor. Sunday afternoon, conducted County agricultural agents and college! Sunday. I by Kev. IL C. ilHHNe. Watches, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Kremer spept siieclallsts will assist In deciding which Saturday and Sunday with thHr 7k* JVbre is the most economical. Other Belt Sets $1 and More j Tbe Parent-Teachers' Association of JAMES K. GUY iluughter. Miss Helen Kremer. ay/'al- I 1 tbe Grey school will have a baked goods I'donlu, Mich. On Saturday evening Mrs. Edward Stuart sale at the James K. Ouy store In Co- Jewelry, ihey attended the high school play, "On Coloma • Michigan ! •ma. Saturday. Decemlier l.lth. The Groceries and Meats SHIRE'S Mrs, Fdwa'rd Stuart, u former Chi- lime's Trail," which was directed bv 1 [ proceeds will go to the pliiuo fund. cago teacher, who has made her home J*** J Helen. tw" fvt GEORGES.AVERY&SON Smith. President. Adv. Phone 64 Coloma Yes—We Deliver AND SAVE at Stevensvllle for the past eight years, Diamonds, died at her home In that village Novem- Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Sioilck of Lit- Cigars, fancy pipes and cigarette CHRISTS MASS HOTEL BENTON BLK.,BENTON HARBOR The Rehekahs are planning a Christ- ber t;. I'.ti'S. at tbe age of 45 years. She tle Paw Paw Uke, have joined the list lighters at Scott's.—Adv. mas party for Wednesday evening. IV- , had been ill several months.. Besides •if Coloma people who will spend the '"P HE original form of Christ- .cember lOth, the Beliekahs and their Mr. and Mrs, J. DeBest and family We are always at the top when you want to find her husband, she Is survived by one Silverware •vlnter in Florida. Mr. Storlck owns A mas. says an authority, was I families and (Kid Fellows nnd their of Three Rivers were Sunday guests at sister. Mrs. John Bartram of Denver, i winter home at Sarasota. Florida, families are Invited to participate. he George Stratton home. Colo. Funeral services were held from "Christ's mass," and no addl- and he and his wife left Coloma this There will lie a |>olluck supper at 0:.H0. the late home, Sunday afternoon, con- tiotial possessive was used when •veek for the southland. A new hotel called the Hotel DeCar- NEW GIFT GOODS followed by a Christmas program. You . I ducted by Kev. A. C. Parsons, pastor of writing of the eve of Christ's ner has been opened at Sawyer. This are asked to bring a ten cent Christmas ' the Methodist church. Interment lu mass, Christ's mass eve. The Take her a box of Lambert's high lullding with twenty-live rooms was You can find anything at our store you want for exchange for each memlier who will at- ,'rade chocolates. Sold up at Scott's.— OUR MEATS |the Stevensvllle cemetery. possessive was gradually elided erected by Jesse DeCarner on the old This year we are especially proud of oar fine tend.--Adv. 20t2. Adv. any woman, man, girl or boy, and the price lower and the word shortemd to F^OUND! homestead at the corner of M-ll and Christmas, and hence Christmas assortment of holiday merchandise, including The Otyokwa Campflre Girls will IJ. S. 12. than mail order. Mrs. Frank Puterhaugh L. J. O'Brien of Columbus, Ohlp, is ARE THE TASTIEST Eve. A close parallel Is criss- j give a butaar and hunco party at the visiting at the home of his bfGther, Mrs. Frank Puterhaugh, aged 78 Gruen, Elgin, Bulova and Hamilton Watches, Not many men ure honored by be- THE SOLUTION OF WHAT TO Coloma high school Friday evening. William O'Brien, for a week. The vis- years, who had spent the greater part cross pattern, which by the same •omlng a grandfather twice within one December 14th. at 7:30 o'clock. Buy itor Is a member of the United States jof her life in the vicinity of Eau Claire, process Is a pattern of Christ's week. Yet such a distinction was be- No matter what meal it may be—breakfast, lunch Carom Board? $3.98 V In every^ Department our selection is most com- your Christmas gifts from them. If Army and after his furlough will gu passed away last week and funeral crosses, the possessive being en- GIVE dowed upon Ashman Stewart of Co- or dinner—or what the occasion may, you can al- yon wish to attend the bunco party you to the Phllllplne Islands for two years' services were conducted by Kev. Henry. tirely lost through the centu- plete, and it will be a pleasure to show you our loma a short time age. On November Dump Trucks 25c - 50c - 98c can buy a ticket from any one of the foreign service. ways get exactly the kind of meat here that you She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ries. .'lid a daughter was horn to his daugh- girls. On Decemlier loth, a handcraft want. Tasty and tender, too, for we handle only Sleds—all sizes 79c - $1.48 - $1.98 j Kelgley, pioneer settlers, and merchandise. Any article selected now will be ier, Mrs. Delia Stewart Vincent of TO HER TO HIM meeting was held ut the home of Slgne The Guernsey breeders of Berrien ; their llrst home in Berrien ouuuty was Miami, Florida, making the fourth the best quality meats. The variety in our shop fs Do not forget Doll Cabs. We buy direct for two held for later delivery. I Kngstrom. conuty will hold their annual meeting most pleasing. We always have a complete line of Ja log cabin. Surviving the deceased Wardrobe Trunks Tourobes ^ it the Community church in Eau child in that home, three girls and one stores and -jet the lowest price. jure her husband, two children, Myron For Little Children S)sice for parking automobiles in the Clulre, Tuesday, Deeember IS. Prom- Kiy. Then on Thanksgiving Day, No- pork and beef cuts, smoked meats, cold meats, fish D., of South Bend, and Lillian, at home. Overnight Cases vember 20th. u son was born to another For little children everywhere CORNER WALL and PIPESTONE STS., BENTON HARBOR Gladstone Bags business district of Itenton Harlior has inent speakers from the Agricultural and oysters in season, and the finest cheese. Bridge Lamps with Parchment Shades $1.79 Also two grandchildren, Jane Puter- '•een a problem for some time and with daughter. Mrs. Edna Stewart Shlley 1 A Joyous season stilt we make; "ollege will be present. The Ladies' baugh of South Bend, and Myron, Jr., Fitted Cases Sport Bags the holiday trade now on the city coin- Aid will serve dinner. it Kalamazoo, Mich. This youngster Those large Lacquer Vftaes are here. They are the We bring cur precious gifts to then. : l j who Is attending college at Bowling Even for the dear child Jesus' sake. Traveling Cases Golf Bags J imlssloners have set aside the city weighed !» , 4 pounds. Mrs. Stewart has big hit. - {Green, Kentucky. One daughter, Laura, J market for the use of visitors to the The new school building ut Shanghai, lieen at the bedside of Mrs. Shlley but Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables died lu Infancy. Writing Folios Golf Balls in Gift Pkgs. ? city who like to park their machines In Pipestone township, witnessed Its is expected home this week. Ladies' Silk Caps and Bloomers, Silk Bloomers lirst public gathering recently when the j within easy walking distance of the E. H. Colby, (57, proprietor of the Diaries Brief Cases business center. Parking lanes have pupils, directed by their teacher, Ger- for Misses and Kiddies. Frank A. Blarkmun 11 Paw Paw creamery, died Wednesday of You can vary the menu each day by ordering what- Travel Calendars Cigarette Cases j been marked off in the market and Id Williams, put on a line program of songs, playlets, recitations and drills to last week of injuries sustained as the ever you want from us as our variety of fruits, veg- Dresser Scarfs. Games of all kinds. I Frank A. Biackmun, aged 74 years, • there is now room for 400 cars there, Hand Bags entertain their parents and friends. result of an accident at his plant there ables, canned goods and groceries is most complete. died December 9, 1928, at his home In Flasks iand the grounds are illuminated lu when u discarded boiler from which the evening. I St. Joseph. Funeral services were held Steerhide Laced Edge Keytainers Messrs Clarence Gelsler, Frank Gel/ lie had been trying to remove an ash There is one thing you must see— | Tuesday afternoon under Christian Ashford's cantata. "The Manger ier. Jacob Gelsler and Glen Gelsler[at- pan toppled over upon him. He wai- I Science auspices. Interment In the Purses Dressing Cases Prince." will lie sung in Watervliet tended the stock show in Chicago lust st ruck on the head by part of the ma- , Pipestone cemetery. The deceased wus iHakf it a during the holiday season by the choir Thursduy and Friday. While there chinery and died without regaining OUR LINE OF DOLLS. la former resident of Eau Clulre, where C. KLOESS of the Plymouth Congregational church, Jacob Gelsler purchased a line percher- •onsclousness shortly after being re- | he resided until ten yours ago. He A small deposit secures any article until wanted. assisted by the Junior choir singing the on stallion, "Iline Charger," which will moved to his home. Mr. Colby had I leaves his wife and six children, Don only recently completed extensive re- GROCERY aod MARKET. Do not pass up the Pictures—25c-- 50c - 75c - 98^ carols. The solo parts will lie taken be kept on his farm south of Hartford. COLOMA W. Biackmun, Detroit; Mrs. Thomas by Miss Adella Case, soprano; Miss puirs and improvements to the cream- Abbs, Eau Claire; Mrs. E. L. Kelsey iHuairal Bridge Sets Bill Folds Ethel Callard. contralto: Herliert Gil- Tlie G. R. O. W. class and the Ladies ery and had built up a line business. -9 and Mrs. Charles Gauong, South Bend; christ. tenor: and Robert Shire, buss; Aid Society of the Methodist church He was prominent in Van Buren Odd Store Open Evenings After Next Saturday Frank O. Biackmun, Wllmette, 111.; and Fitted Hat Boxes Military Brushes Miss Eleanor Spreen, organist; Mrs. were very much pleased with the re- Fellow circles. Mrs. Charles E. Stone of St. Joseph. William Nelson, pianist; Mrs. Lola sult of the annual bazaar and chicken There are also 11 grandchildren. Photo Frames Poker Sets Richards, director. The date set for pie dinner held last Saturday. The din- Shire's, Watervliet (gift... Novelty Purses Cup and Bottle Sets [ its rendition is a vesper sen-ice on Sun- ner netted about $50 and the receipts day. Decemlier 23d, at the Plymouth of the bazaar are over $100. They wish John Henry Reum GUSSIFi "WANT IDS" Manicure Sets Soft Collar Cases : Congregational church. 21t2 to thank all who patronized them IT PAYS TO LOOK WANTED—Old cars for wrecking, John Henry Reum, aged 82 years, I Writing friends lu Watervliet. Ira Wm. E. Lehew, one of the Coloma also magazines, papers and rags. I al died Decemhcr 7, 1928, at the Pewatlng Desk Sets Handkerchief Cases M. Allen of Plant City. Florida, warns high school teachers, wis the victim of so sell auto parts, S, B, Lincoln. East hospital In Niles after a short Illness Sewing Baskets Brushes ^ anyone intending to go south this a surprise birthday partLirist Saturday Logan street, phone Coloma 40. 2ltf with acute gastritis. He had been a winter not to come to Florida as he evening. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gor- resident of Niles for 78 years and was Traveling Irons Zip-O-Grip Bags FOR KENT The Happy Man. One Penalty of Wealth. says there is no work. He writes that ham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsh, Miss pensioned by the Michigan Centrul rnll- Cheery Lunatic (to visitor)—"Gooi It is very quiet all over the state and Wiltrud Forsythe und Odrain Ellsman TO RENT—Johnson Electric Flooi "After a man accumulates a big for- wuy ut the age of 79 yeurs. Funerul Curtain Tie Backs Tie Holders morning, good afternoon, good evening lots of Idle men and that a man canuot of Kalamazoo were guests of Mr. and Polisher, $2.00 per day. Coloma Hard tune." said Jud Tunklns, "he has to services were held Monduy from St. buy a Job there. He says the storm Mrs. Lehew on this occasion. The even- ware Co. IDtl good night—another day gone—how hire n lot of people to show 1dm what John's church, of which he was the old- L B, GORTON CO. AU Leather Goods and Luggage marked in gold and the collapse of the recent boom ing was spent playing live hundred, und time flies r-Tlt-Blts. to do with It." est member. without charge. have knocked things flat there for the u delicious supper wus served about FOR SALE "Berrien County's Musical Center" present. Mr. Allen relates no real midnight. FOR SALE—Monitor Steel Wind Mrs. Frank Welton, a resident of estate Is moving and that one could not Eight hundred boys from the west- Mill. Fort ft. tower. Good condition Benton Harbor many years ago, a sell anything to suve his life. In 'fact BENTON HARBOR BAUSHKE LEATHER SHOP ern part of Michigan attended the an- A Steinke, West Coloma. 20t2x teacher In the Congregutlouul Sunday lots of Florida land previously selling nual Older Boys' conference at Holland school, died lust week at Hollywood, at big prices could not lie given away 74 ELI STREET BENTON HARBOR PHONE Har. 618 and 1200 were In similar attendance at FOR SALE—Shock corn, 50 cents California. She was the daughter of as |ieople would not pay the taxi's for a similar conference in Flint at the large shocks. Loose straw $10.00 per Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welmer, pioneer It. ton. A. L. Williams, Phoue Coloma Delightful same time. Charles Ball. Jr., president residents of Benton Hurbor, the IS SANTA'S MELODY of the "H. Y." at Plymouth, Mich., was 70 F14. 21t2z father being u druggist In that city at one of the ten from there who were del- an early date. Mr. Welton was In the PIGS FOR SALE-Phone Rowley egates from the various church und banking business, moving many years Wurman, 83 F 3, Coloma. 21t2 Gifts... school groups, and he gave u line re- ago to Grand Rapids. HEADQUARTERS port ut u union church meeting at Ply- FRESH MILCH COW, with culf by mouth lust Sunday evening. The Old- side. B. Sllhunek, Phone 918, Colomu. 1 Christmas Specials er Boys' conference Is a part of the Y. 20t2 Churls A. Warner, a Civil War vet- Christmas Gifts should bring lasting happiness. Give yourfelf and your family the greatest of all Christ- M. C. A. work and the flrst secretary To Please All 'eran and one of Benton Harbor's FOR SALE—Large oak library table, plonrer citizens, died last week at the of Michigan, a man 92 years young, at- mas gifts—MUSIC. Our store is filled with countless musical treasures In OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT tended the Flint meeting. like new, a real buy. Fred Morlock, I home of his sister, Mrs. D. K. Hul- Coloma. Phone Watervliet 03 F 2. From All Parts of the Store 1 burd, at Helena, Arkansas, at the age embracing instruments of every kind in wide varieties. A record for the disposal of criminal 20t2x | of 89 years. Many years ago Mr. War- cases wus made In the Berrien circuit ner was a school teacher In Berrien FOR SALE—Werner piano In good DRESSES COATS court last week, when all of the cases county, and later was book keeper for on the calendar, some thirty in num- condition. H. H. Klbler, Phone Coloma the George B. Thayer Company for al- One large lot of silk and wool One lot of ladies' fur trimmed coats ber, were disposed of. A large number 74. 20tf most u decade, ouly giving up the work RCA Radiolas Trumpets dresses. $10.00 values marked in two groups. Values up of the prisoners pleaded guilty and on account of fulling health. About World Famous Makes WOOD FOR SALE—$2.50 pet cord A Few Suggestions $35 to $100 their cases were otherwise disposed of. nine years ago he went to Arkansas to to $25.00, now in'the timber, one mile west of Fish $6.75 There was not un acquittal of any of Gift Selections Are Easy make his home with his only sister. school, on L. T. Moore place. W. D. Majestic Radios Trombones of Pianos i •. the prisoners awaiting trial ut the Henry Diamond of Benton Harbor, Is u $9.85 and $14.75 Allen, R. F. D. 1, Coloma. 17t5x BLANKETS TOYS $30 to $125 November term of court. There were if you choose from our large stock of merchandise that half-brother of the deceased. The re- - Ladies' Rain Coats but three cases brought to trial. Af- CHRISTMAS TREES—F ro m 25 mains were brought back to his old SWEATERS NECKLACES is suitable for gifts, for you can find something here Atwater-Kent Radios Saxophones Mason & Hamlin ter being out Just twenty minutes, a cents up. W. D. Allen, on L. T. Moore home for Interment. $4.95 Ladies' Aprons that would please any member of the family. $50 to $150 Fischer Knabe Jury brought In a verdict of guilty place, one mile west of Fish school, R. SHIRTS BELTS All sizes and colors against Leo' Naily of Three Oaks, F. D. 1, Coloma, Mich. 17t5x If your home lacks Mandolins charged with the theft of a Ford sedan | Mrs. Mary Schoor, aged 7!) years, one Cable-Nelson POTTED PLANTS for all occasions, UNION SUITS NECKTIES What man is there who could not use to advan- I of the oldest members of the Presby- Music, is not Christmas $7 to $25 Ladies' Silk Hosiery and some plumbing tools from Daniel Apollo Foster 59c O'Grudy of Chlkamlng township. also cut flowers and funeral work to tage something from our high grade line of hard- iterian church ut Buchanan and the the ideal time to put it Buster Brown order. 1 deliver. Otto Hlngst, Ever GLOVES I widow of a pioneer florist of that city, Banjos There ure thirty-nine civil cases to be HOSIERY ware, tools or cutlery? there? Select one of Wurlitzer Hardman heurd at this term and the trial of green Gurdens, Phoue 80F21, Coloma, died December 5, 1928, after u resi- $9 and up 49c Ladies' and Children's 1 t* CAPS dence of over half u century In Niles. these foremost radios Haines Bros. Brewster these was started this week., GARTERS What woman would not be delighted with some Private funeral services were held last Snare Drums REAL ESTATE Hopes for a wider highway on U. S. Friday morning. for happiness that Chickering Marshall & Wendell Handkerchiefs SHOES GOWNS of our Pyrex dishes, Aluminumware or some new $12 to $32.50 12 between the Michigan-Indiana line lasts. Millinery FARMS, Cottages and Lake Shore cooking utennls? Cymbals 4c and Muskegon were revived by Deputy Lots for sale. Speclul locutions secured ZIPPERS DISHES Two floors of these renowned instruments af- Stute Highway Commissioner G. C. for individual requirements. LOUIS i John Voorhees, aged 28 years, died Our present showing $125 to $8 All sizes and styles For the other members of the family, you could ut his home In Gary, Ind., Sunday, Dill man. who addressed a Imuquet of A. DAMON, Lake Michigan Beach, R, ELECTRIC LAMPS STAMPED GOODS ford opportunity for^unrestricted choice. Here the South Shore Improvement ussocla- choose from the following: December 9, 1928 ufter a week's Illness of beautiful cabinets Violins $1.00 F. D. 1, Coloma. 50tf Visit Toy land tlon ut St. Joseph last Saturday even- STEP-INS AND BRASSIERE SETS of pneumonlu. He wus u resident of comprises an amazing you will find just the piano you want at the price Buchanan for many years before going $10 to $75 ing. Dlllman, who Is u candidate for FOR SAL E—Residence property TOYS OF MANY KINDS GAMES CUTLERY variety. you wish to pay. Very liberal terms of payment the most complete Hue we have the ofllce of highway commissioner with about % acre of land on U. 8.12- SILK GOWNS SILK PAJAMAS to Gary. He Is survived by his parents, Clarinets his widow and au 18-months-old bnby. evei shown. when Commissioner Rogers' term ex- 31 Just outside city of Watervliet Town SLEDS WAGONS BICYCLES SKATES $12 and up may be arrranged. Come in and see how easy it DRESSES Is built up lieyond this property and it BLOOMERS VESTS Now all-electric pires, referred to the Lake Shore drive ALUMINUMWARE PYREX DISHES is to acquire a piano. project as the lirst of the wide roads Is almost certain to Increase in value. COLLAR AND CUFF SETS Norma Louise Dockey, infant daugh- models complete Accordoons A new shipment of beautiful silk to be constructed in Western Michi- Another like size lot adjoining may be GOLDFISH AND AQUARIUMS ter of Mr. und Mrs. Louis Dockey of $8 to $50 dresses has just arrived at Coats gan. He stated that the width of the purc.iased If desired. Easy terms. For TOWELS WASH CLOTHS Buchanan, died December 19 ,1928, fol- for proposed highway is to be cut from 40 particulars Inquire of L. D. Case at lowing a brief illness. Harmonicas Record Office, Watervliet 4Stf INFANT APPAREL UPRIGHTS PLAYERS GRANDS $8.85 and $12.50 B:g reductions on ail our Ladies feet to 30 feet in order thut u large Our assortment of desirable and practical gifts is too large 25c to $5.50 i numlier of the beautiful shade trees First Floor Coats, fur trimmed. 1st floor MISCELLANEOUS for us to enumerate all, so come in and see for yourself what may be saved. The Lake shore Drive SIOT Music Bags $ $ mmm satisfactory gifts are to be found here. "Cloth" From Bark. lout of St. Joseph is said to be one of FI LL BLOOD 1)1 ROC BOAR fur In the tropical Islands of the Pa- $1 to $10 190 up 280up *390 up Ladies' Silk and Wool Striped Union Suits, No sleeve, , the most picturesque highways in the service. W. M. Kelgley. 21t3 cific there are several tribes which PAYMENTS of ONLY $10 MONTHLY | state. No reference was made by Mr. or short sleeve and knee length 95c ROOFING—New roofs or roof re- make nse of the bark of a tree as a : Dlllman as to what was to be done re- ! pairing. Kalamazoo Roofing Co., H. aubstltute for fabrics. It Is called gardlng a wider viaduct over the Pere M. D. GRANT Marquette Just out of St. Joseph, or B. Sellers, Brunch Manager, Phone "tapa" and Is obtained by heating the j r Hotel whether the wider road Is to be re- Coiuma 35 F12. 6tf bark and then treating It to a pasty ! Benton CUTLER & DOWNING routed through the cities of St. Joseph | DEPARTMENT STORE « preparation. After the boiling proc- Orthophonic Victrolas and Brunswick Panatropes—Victor and Brunswick Records GUERNSEY BULL for service, |1.60 Benton Harbor and Benton Harbor. Coloma and Wa- ELM STREET BENTON HARBOR ess, the fiber shows a regular over- cash. Wilbur Earl. Coloma. 89tf Block SCHERER'S Mich. tervliet are both located on the line of if COLOMA. MICHIGAN g lapping arrangement of the strands THE WORLD the proposed new highway and will Money to loan on real estate security, like woven material. . welcome the day when a wider high- favorable terms and rates. JL N. way Is provided to the twin cities. Woodruff. WstarriK, 2tf TIIE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH.

Figures compiled by P. J. Hoffmns SEN. DU PONT RESIGNS ter of Lansing, superintendent of the STOCK SHOW CHAMP BIGGEST AIR FLEET FRIENDSHIP FOR U. S. state parks for the conservation de- PRESIDENT PREDICTS | Michigan partment, show that 5,316,411 people STEER BRINGS $7 LB. visited the parks during the past sea- LANDS 36 NOTABLES PROSPERITY FOR U. S. | Happenings son. There was an Increase In atten- dance of 4.6 per cent over 1927. May Total of $7,794, a Record, Monster Planes Bring VUi* The OUR COMIC SECTION and Septfnilier failed to bring as many Coolidge Delivers His Final Is Paid for Winner. tors to Chicago Show. The most successful deer hunting camp visitors as in 1927, largely be- Message to Congress. Reason since the one buck law went In- cause of the cold and inclement Chicago.—Twelve-year-old Clarence weather. Superintendent Hoffmaster Chicago.—Thirty-six foreign dele- RED LAMP to effect In Michigan came to a close Goecke of State Center, Iowa, re- Washington.—Renewing his approv- believes. Had favorable weather pre- gates and nvlatlon leaders, here to By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART with an estimated kill of 15,000 ani- ceived the supreme honor of the al of the Kellogg-Briand trenty to out-' vailed, the attendance would have attend the Chicago aircraft allow, mals, or one buck to four hunters that twenty-ninth annual International law war, expressing the hope that it1 Copjrijhl kj Cwap H. Dmb Comxftmj Events in the Lives of Little Men shown a far greater percentage gain were transported from Cleveland In WNU took to tha woods. Of the 16.000 Live Stock exposition when his Here- a fleet of monster planes, delivered may come Into force with the least! hunters that Invaded the upper penin- for the year. ford steer Dick was named grand D. Into the hands of the Chicago recep- possible delay. President Coolldge sula 4,000 returned with deer. It was steer of the world. tion committee and treated to n sent the multilateral pact to the sen-j For the second time this year Ar- Shown throughout the exposition ate. AH, GO HEAD, revealed by officers at the Michigan prnctlcnl demonstration of the nmuz- 1BLTCHER > thur H. Vandenberg was sworn in He gave me up reluctantly, at last relieve the local ptraln. No sheep state ferry at St. Ignace. The total by his seventeen-year-old sister Ing growth of passenger air travel The President, In his letter of trans- •it's time for me to b« up and WHATYER'FRAIDOF? have been killed for eighteen days, and WOULDN'T BE number of hunters In Michigan was at Washington as United States Sen- Emma, Dick successively garnered mittnl, said he would ho pleased If the' about," he said. and prepared to go. In the United States. . THE STORY SCARED. ^ ator from Michigan. He will be sworn "So you think It's onlj an ordinary the altar In the field still remains about 60,000, and one-fourth of them first honors In the junior feeding con- The eleven giant craft, assembled senate should approve the treaty at! Bencbley hns Increased the county's HtE-HEEI^ULLVGEE! in once more when the new congress case of holdup?" he asked. without oblutlon. There are, I be- STIFF stopped their bucks. Weather condi- tests, the Hereford class nnd the year- and operated without a single hitch this session, "so as to enable the Events of the story as set reward to twenty-live hundred dollars, convenes. Thus he will set the rec- forth In the Journal of William "I think It's a fl—d unpleasant case lieve, one or two summer people who tions were Ideal. ling class for all breeds. In operation or schedule by the Na- United States to ratify the treaty be- and this with Livingstone's makes HU1.LY GEE ord of being sworn info the United fore the expiration of my term of of- A. Porter. profeBsor of EnRllsh three thousand. As a result, until twi- of holdup." 1 replied, and be went still make It the objective of an early With a score of expert cattle buyers tional Air Transport corporation, literature: States senate three times within one fice." light frightened them hack to their nway. But I have been thinking of morning excursion, hoping to find nn Acting on a telegraphic order from „ . . . . contesting spiritedly In tlie bidding, were the largest ever assembled for The orofessor's uncle. Horace bis phrase since his depnrture. it who knows what horrid sacrifice. n_ r,,,,, j t,'i * t , i year if there is a spec al session. At the grand champion steer brought $7 a a similar demonstration. President Coolldge transmitted to Porter, died myaterlously at hie hoarths, the vicinity wns filled this Dr. Guy L. Kiefer, of Lansing, super* I ,u ... ,, j , • .. home. Twin Hollows, now the But they have only their walk for ... ' . , the present time Vandenberg has the pound. congress the annual budget, which' afternoon with amateur detectives. How much of the present world dis- Intendent of the state board of health, , . . . . . • , Mirza Firouz, Persian prince, in a professor's property. Jane, the their pains n, r, ,, , . . longest new tenure of senatorial of- calls for $3,780,719,047, for the fiscal According to Annie Cochran, one of organization I'es In that very use of Dr. T. E. Degurse, Murine City phyal- .. . The price paid was S7.7W. nnd the Fokker F-10, was the first to arrive. professor't wife, la a psychic. Mnggle Morrlcon, who posses It flee. He has just been elected to two year beginning next June 80. With their niece. Edith, the Por- them was skulking around the hedge the word "ordinary 1" Time was when clan, began the vaccination of 1,000 successful bidder was the J. C. Pen- The delegates came to this country every morning In her truck, makes a terms, one from now until March 4, Emillo Portes Gil. Thus the nation approached the $4,- ters ko to Twin Hollows for their of the main house when Mr. Bethel no holdup was ordinary, and nn act of children of that city. One case of ney company of New York. The pound- to attend the International Civil vacation, despite Jane's reluc- dally report of U to Clara, and so it and a six-year term beginning on 000,000,000 annual expenditure mark,' saw him and drove him off. physical violence or a murder caused small pox was reported to the state age price, it was announced, consti- Aeronautics council nt the request of tance. A letter Horace had been filters to the family. that date. Mexico Cily.-Friendship for the although the President declared that writing at the time of hla death Just what that Irritable and exclu- a shock ibat swept us all. It Is true, health officer, resulting In the order tutes n new record, the best former President Coolldge. it Is Maggie, loo, who nrlngs ns United States wns emphnslzed by Indications now are that at the end shows lhat he was Interested In sive gentleman makes of the siluatlon. tbon, that one cannot turn the minds from the state health department and figure being $3.00. * Led by Brig. (Jen. Lord Thompson, spiritualism. It hints of danger. much of our local news. Today, for Senator T. Coleman du Pont Emillo Portes Gil In his Innugurnl ad- of the current fiscal year there should 1 do not know. He must hnve of a people to killing, as In the recent the work of Immunising the children Eastern Michigan leads all the judi- Dick. Its reticent nnd youthful own- head of the British group, who was A "red lamp" ia mentioned. They dress after taking the oath as Presi- be a surr his of about $30,990,000 In- learned, through Gordon, of our trou- war, and then expect them al once, Instance, she Informs us that the de- cial districts in the United States In appointed spokesman by the State de- take up their residence In the In the schools was started by four phy- er explained, actually cost $ISn.02. dent of Mexico. when the crisis Is o\cr, to regard life tective has gone away, "bag und bag- the total of fines collected for prohibi- Wilmington, Del. — United States stead of the estimate made early this lodge, because of Jane's aversion ble here, but he makes no sign. sicians. The teachers also will be representing a new profit of $7,008.38, partment, the city's guests were wel- as precious? And Is this tbe reason gage," from the hotel, and probably tion law violations. It was revealed at Senator T. Coleman du Pont, who hns He pledged himself to continue the year of a $04,000,000 deficit. lo the house. Warren Halllday, He Is so consistently unpleasant vaccinated, Dr. Degurse said. which does not Include $800 In prize comed at a dinner at the Stevens ho- In love with Edith, comes to live Greenough spoke of Us belnR a "queer this accounts for the Hghier lone of Washington In the testimony of Dr. been 111 for a long time, has resigned policies of the Obregon and Calles gov- Ibat one must respect It, ns consist- money taken nt the exposition. tel. William P. McCrncken, Jr., as- In the boathouse. A number of time In the world?" this enlry. I um reprieved, at least his sent In the senate. The term of ernments, and speaking of foreign re- Washington.-Prosperity at home, sheep are mysteriously killed In ency of any sort Is respected. . . . J. M. Doran. prohibition commissioner, The award of the grand champion- sistant secretary of commerce for until some other sheep are killed. . . . Albion College athletic authorities Senator du Pont, who Is sixty-five lations declared that as long as Amer- good will abroad, a "more pleasing the vicinity. The alayer leaves a My own position Is rather strength- For the rert of this afternoon, I /-v/v before the house appropriations com- ship wns without precedent In the an- aeronautks, extended the welcome. Later: Halllday and I, late this have definitely decided not to schedule years old, expires March 4, 1031. ica respected the sovereignty of prospect" than has ever greeted a con- cabullstlc sign at the scene of ened than weakened by today's devel- hnve made my will I 'To my dearly mittee. That district collected $512.- nals of the exposition. It wns the At a banquet given In their honor the killings. Oreenough, s detec- afternoon, made in examination of a football game with the University Last year he wns operated on for a Mexico the American people would vening congress, were held up to the' opments, and I Imagine Greenough beloved wife, Jane Porter, I bequeath, 000 in fines In the last year, while the first time, In fnct. thnt the entry of at the Sherman hotel, speakers and tive, arrives and Porter has a tbe culvert, or pipe. In which our un of Michigan varsity eleven for Sept. serious aliment In the throat. have naught to complain of In their house nnd senate In Calvin CoilidgeV himself Is somewhat at sea. Not only etc." next In line was northern New York, guests Included virtually every Inter- feeling lhat he la under suspi- known hid after tbe accident We 28, 1929, and have declined the invita- a minor had ever received serious con- southern neighbor, and added that the account of his stewardship—his final cion. Twin Hollows Is rented lo am I no pallor, and obviously no sail- There Is something strangely com- where $302,000 was assessed. The nationally known figure connected must have presented a curious study tion from the University management, sidernilon for grnnd chnmplonshlp efforts of President Calles and Ambas- annual message to the legislative an elderly, partially paralysed or, but I am not a physically muscular forting In making a will; It Is as If state, as a whole, was second In the with aviation. man. Bethel, who, with his sec- for any observer, working with guilty Athletic director Bud Daugherty, of honors. sador Morrow had created a new feel- branch of the government. man. In the pursuit of English Uter- one has completed the last rites, and f country with a total of $563,365. It PROSPERITY CITED Among the distinguished visitors retory, Gordon, lakea possession. Albion, announced there. Albion Is Second plnce, otherwise known ns tag of understanding between the two While giving praise to the "l.iteg- A youth, Carroway, on watch for alure tbe wear and tear Is on trouser now. with such complacence as may was surpassed by New York state were: Hofrnt Deutlemoser, Austrln; so obviously out of the University's the reserve chnmplonshlp. went fo IN MELLON REPORT countries with the elimination of sus- rliy and character" of the American Ihe sheep killer, disappears. Por- seats rather than on muscles; In ten he, faces whatever is to come. Like with $833,090. Emllo Allnrd, Belgium; Capt. M. L ter has Ihe red lamp hidden In class. Daugherty stated, that he did Snl-A-Bnr Emblem, shown by the Snl- picion and distrust. people In making this happy situation years my one annual physical orgy Isbmael In "Moby Dick," I survive my- A-Bnr farms. Gmin Valley, Mo., n Arrendondo. Ch:ie; Whang Cheng Fu. a room of which he alone haa self; my death and burial ere locked not wish to risk any Injuries to his possible, the President warned con- Ihe key, but many people. In- has been putting up tlie fly-screens The 101st birthday of Miss Lydla China; Dr. S. K. Rohrback. Germany; up In my desk. I am "like a quiet men. who will attempt to repeat next grnde shorthorn slightly more than Treasury Secretary Notes gress that these good qualllles would cluding Ihe professor himself, each April. Jane Winn, who lives In Marshall at Dr. Jan Sagenek. Czechoslovakia; ghost with a clear conscience, pitting season as M. I. A. A. grid champions. three months older than Dick, the McNARY FARM AID have been exorcised In vain had It not believe Ihey have seen Us re- I could no mure strangle a man than the Dulcenla home, was celebrated re- Gains for Agriculture. Pierre Flandln, France; Brig. Gen. flection al Twin Hollows. Hall'- Inside the bars of a snug ftmlly vault" & champion. been for "the constant co-operallon I could bull-dog a steer. cently. She was born In 1827, al Lord Thompson, Great Britain; Count BILL IS OFFERED day la mysteriously attacked A ghost, loo, I -begin to feel, among Rome Workmaa of Waverly. III., and careful ndmlnlalration of the fed- and serloualy Injured. And, unlera Greenough Is mure be- The State Administrative Board at Fort Ann, New York. At tbe age of Czcchenyl, Hungary; Captain Flor- other ghosts. . . . wns nwnrded the championship for Washington.-Prosperous conditions eral govormaent." So that contlnua- set with prejudices and theory than THE TOREADOR.. Lansing has released $14,500 from the 11 Miss Winn heard President Martin man, Sweden, and Wltold Wank- Ignore It as I will, there Is a cer- corn nt I he liny nnd grain show. In Industry nnd finance nre reflected In tlon of the present economy policy, 1 think he is, he must know this. On general fund and taken under advise- Van Buren give an address at Roch- nowlcz, Poland. Equalization Fee is Not Iq- tain weight In Ihe slowly accumulat- (Coprrifbl. w. N.u.y The chnmplonshlp for a single ear I he annual report of Secretary of the he thinks, is vital. (Continued.) only two points do 1 plead guilty, and ment the transfer of J25.000 from the ester, N. Y. Later she heard Daniel Four Australian aviation experts ing mass of evidence at my disposal, a of corn was tnken by George Struub Treasury Mellon. eluded in Measure. Four times have taxes been dras- there with reservations. For the mur- Institutions research fund for the Webster speak from the same plat- also cume here from San Francisco weight and a consistency which have of Brunswick county, Missouri. While figures of Industrial produc- tically reduced, he pointed out, each "Well, If you can't see what's go- derer shows a knowledge of the coun- operation of the Michigan College of form. A year ago President Coolldge for the show. They were Col. H. R. commenced to Influence me. I am Victories In both the whent and Hon showed a decrease for the fiscal Washington—Appointment of a lime with such "resulting stimulation tryside, not only equal to my own, but Mining and Technology at Houghton. Brlnsmead, controller of civil aviation |ig on under your eyes, my dear—" bound to admit that If I were able to FINNEY OF THE FORCE Finney Will Help the Next Effort and Gov. Fred W. Green sent the year on account of a decline In ac- chairman of the proposed farm board to business" that Incomes have been belter. And Halllday says he got In- The college has been showing remark- oats championships of the world "I don't see why It shouldn't go on. Marshall centenarian telegrams of in Australia; J. Hughes, secretary of at a salary In excess of that usually conceive of the survival of Intelligence were scored by two Montana grow- tivity during the latter part of the Increased, nnd a surplus produced by There's not too much love In the to tbe car as would a man of middle able growth since courses In general congratulation upon the occasion of the Sydney Flying club; Capt. Nor- beyond death, i could also conceive ers nt the liny and grnln show of the calendar year 1027, It Is staled that paid government ofildals would be the enlarged taxes which flowed life, rather than youth- I am middle unglneerlng were added. The appro- man Barlow, Now Zealand govern- world." thnt poor old Horace has been on bond her 100th birthday. possible under the terms of a new from It. aged—If that be not tbe next period / exposition. a recovery took place during the early priation made two years ago has been ment representative to the aeronauti- "Nor enough bread and cheese." during some of our recent experiences C. Edson Smith of Corvallis. Mont., part of tlie calendar year, 1028. farm relief hill Introduced In the sen- Eternally vigilant economy has been just ahead and never quite reached, insufficient to keep pace with the de- cal conference In Washington, and H. "We didn't have very much when we Not Thomas' "George," the spirit Establishment of a textile factory won the wheat title, with Herman "According to recognized Indexes, ate by Senator Charles L. McNnry necessary, he points out, calling atten- until some day we waken to flnd that velopment. R. Dix, a flying official. started, William," she said, looking up evoked by Mrs. Riggs and still sur- at the Michigan State Prison at Jack- Trelle of Wembley. Pence River coun- the physical volume of Industrial pro- (Rep.. Ore.), chairman of the senate tion thnt only last June a deficit of we have passed It In the night and are Itaio Balbo. Italian undersecretary at me wistfully. viving In the lamp; not some malicious son was authorized recently by the committee on agriculture. $1)4.000,000 was anticipated, but that now old, and taking an Ingenuous Laughing Whlteflsh Falls, said to ty. Alberta, Canada, as reserve cham- duction at the beginning of the fiscal demon, frightening honest folk by State Prison Commission. The factory of nvlatlon and commander In chief The bill provides that tbe board "And we haven't much more now," pride In that age. pion. while C. Ivnn Gustafson of Vic- year was nearly on a par with the rigid economies he ordered, plus In- ringing bells and pinching women In be the highest In the state, may be of the Royal Italian nlr forces, was I said, and kissed her. July 18. will employ from 500 to 700 inmates. tor, Mont., captured the oats cham- year earlier, but soon fell off. reaching shall consist of the secretary of agri- creased prosperity which enlarged tax added to the State Park system. also among the notable delegates. He But the plain truth Is that Jane's the dark. But a mind like my own, It will be housed in an existing build- culture and six members appointed receip's, have turned this Into u sur- I am facing an unusual quandary, George Hogarth, conservation direct- pionship. with J. F. Melnzer of La a low point In November nnd Decem- only greater In Us wider knowledge, ing which will be equipped with sec- Is the head of the Italian de'^gntlon by the President. It Is provided that plus of about $37,000,000. nerves are shaken. She wants Edith which Is: shall 1 or shall I not attend or at Lansing, said the falls will be Jnra. Colo., as runner-up. ber, 1027," says the report. "Recov- and painfully trying in Us bodiless ond hand machinery to be purchased sent by Mussolini lo the Washington one of the appointive members shall settled; she would like nothing better poor Carroway's funeral tomorrow? Inspected. Situated In Alger County, In the cattle division. Browndale ery took place In January, and the In the last year the national debt stale lo communicate that knowledge In New Bedford, Mass. The cost, to aeronautical conference. be designated by the President to than a speedy marriage, If lhat There Is an old theory—i would like Goldspur. entered by the Edellyn monthly volume thereafter was sus- hns been reduced about $900,000,000, to me. they are comparatively little known. Inspection of the Municipal airport would take us back to the city al to question Greenough about It. If I exceed $100,000, will be taken from serve as chairman and that his com- while the refunding nnd retirement of For beauty they are said to rival the farms, Wilson, HI., won dual honors tained about equal to the same months Tbe pum total of evidence Is rather the Industrial funds of the Marquette wns made, following which the dele- pensation shall be fixed by the Presi- once. All her old hatred and distrust dared—thnt your true murderer has Tahquamenon. and are far more ac- by capturing the grand and senior of the preceding year. Tlie total for the second nnd third lonns startling. gates were taken for a flight over the dent. Other members of the board are of this place have been rteadlly re- nn avid curiosity as to the work of Branch Prison and the Michigan Re- championships for shorthorn hulls. the year was 3 per cent below the have saved the federal treasury about (a) Jane's photograph, taken on cessible. W. W. Potter, Justice of city. viving, and the attack on Halllday has bis bands; that against all prudence, formatory, at Ionla. prior year. to receive a salary of $12,000. $75,000,000 a jear in Interest. Made an Examination of the Culvert the Supreme Court, called the falls The junior chnmplonshlp was won by class day. C. S. ("Casey") Jones, president of It Is understood that the provisions about eaten away her resistance he returns to It Under these circum- to the attention of State officials. SnI-A-Bar Pretender from the Snl-A- "Automobile production experienced These enormous savings, which (b) Jock's refusal to enter the main the Curtlss Flying service and recent- relative lo the appointment of a chair- Later: Poor Carroway's body has ptances, what shall I do? haste, and I In particular emerging Coach Garland Nevltt of the unde- Bar farms at Grain Valley, Mo. mean permanent reductions In the a turn for the better during the ly appointed head of the Hying schools been found. The tide wns unusually Compromise, probably, send more bouse, persisted in to this time. from tbe pipe covered with mud und a feated Central High School football man wore suggested by Prosident-Elect cost of running the federal govern- Howard Hlnkley, 67 years old, a H. M. Lee of Highgate, Ont., Can., year. Steel Ingots production followed branch of the Aeronautical Chamlier low at two this afternoon und a yawl flowers than I can afford, and stay (c) My own curious telepathic mes- heterogeneous collection of leaves and team at Bay City, announced his all- Hoover, who thought It would make It ment. and make It all the easier for farmer living a mile west of Somerset swept through the field to gain the much the same course as automobile of Commerce, placed the largest or- from Ban cove, crossing the bay, saw at home. Tbe same sort of compro- sage. relative lo the ielter. grasses. Not only wus Halllday too state team. There was only one team possible lo obtain the' services of a future admlnlstrallons to pay off the Center, 20 miles south of Jackson, championship and reserve champion production, but the total for the year der ever contracted for In the United It floating face down, and recovered mise which I effected with my soul (d) Jane's experience under the red brond In the shoulders for ensy ac- and every man on It was a regular man of outstanding prominence who debt faster, thus loading to further died In the Foote Memorial Hospital ship of the fat Lincoln sheep class, was only 5 per cent below the pre- States for commercial planes. Tlie It, not without dllllculty. The pour yesterday, when I gave Jane a rather lamp In the pantry. (Doubtful.) cess, but his Injury forbade the neces- on the Bay City eleven during the would not be attracted by a $12,000 lax reduction, have been effected, Mr. of burns received when he attempted Both of the champions were winners ceding year. order called for 450 Rohhin planes In lad had been tied with the end of an larger amount than usual for the col- (e) Haiildny s lights over the marsh. sory gymnastics. There was a time past season. Bay City's reserves salary. Coolidge pointed out. without pruning to kindle a fire in his cook stove with in class competition. "Building contracts awarded totaled a deal which amounted to $1,500,000. anchor rope, and the anchor thrown lection plate. . . . (Agoln doubtful. It may have been when, half In and half oul of Ihe pipe. were the only ones to get honorable In general the now bill follows the nt the expense of "any legitimate pub- Another Canadian, Charles .7. Shore 2.4 per cent more in value than during The entire production of the Robort- over with him. Thus for days the One of the reporters who has been tbe unknown, finding tbe boathouse 1 could hear him laughing consumedly. UiXJ- gasoline. Hinckley succeeded in beat- mention. In explaining his choice. lines of the McNary-Haugen bill but lic need." 01 KMOW I the prior year. Increases being shown body has been only a few feet be- hanging around the vicinity since the occupied and seeking a way to the But i found nothing, save that un- SmCiDC Ing out the fire but not until nearly Nevltt said that his selection was a of Glanworth. Ont., Can., gained the son Aircraft factory at St. Louis for without the equalization foe; It In- WAVJ-WiNG: for tlie contracts classified ns residen- Among the outstanding recommend- neath the surface, floating at tbe end recovery of tbe body approached me beach.) HEAQT all his clothing had been burned off. tried quantity, superior to Its field championship in the fat Cotswold the first six months of 1929 will be doubtedly some one had preceded me AFTriER Ol GiT WQO cludes a provision for a stabilization ations in tlie message are: (f) My own et peri once In hearing WOODEC He ran from his house to a nearby inn and Indicative of what the term "ali- sheep section, with the reserve cham tial. public works nnd utllllles, nnd turned over to Mr. Jones. Twenty- of Its tragic tether. today on a possible connection be- Into It A man skilled In such mat- corporation such as advocated by Mr. Creation of a federal farm hoard to Uncle Horace's peculiar cough and FALL / WON V£ZIV£ LL HOT for aid and neighbors called an am- state" should mean. plonshlp going to Hnrry T. Crnndall eduratlonal." five flying fields in operation ail over From the doctor, making bis aftei^ tween the murder and the attack on ters might have read a story Into the Hoover. aid the farmers In solving the prob- To SO bulance from Jackson. j of Cass City, Mich. The net Income shown In the pub- the United States will be supplied noon call here, we heard the details. Halllday. smelling the odor of his asthmatic various marks and depressions, but have Jump The bill provides a revolving fund lem of disposing of their surpluses. lished reports of IHO Identical corporn- with tiiose pianos, according to Mr. He was summoned as soon as tbe He pried me with polite qneslions, pastilles, or cigarettes. they where not for me. A3AI>J rv . .. j i 1 PlanB for a Public bathing pool al Selection wns made of the grand of $300,000,009 for loans to assist in the llons, exclusive of General Motors and Aulhorbsatlon of the construction of body was brought lu. and made a but I evaded him as well as I could. (g) Jock's peculiar conduct at the The net result of the search was not Detroit with a total of $948,920 In McCurdy Park. Owosso. for which the champion wether sheep of the show Jones, who signed the order nt the handling of surplus farm conimodltiea. 15 new fast cruisers. hasty examination. From that it ap- "But don't you. personally, believe same time. encouraging. True, Halllday picked pos al receipts for November, showed Board of Supervisors made an appro the title going to the University of United Slates Steel, declined about 7 Coliseum. They will be used for taxi "Stabilization corporations are the Approval of the Kellogg multi- pears that Carroway was beaten over there Is some connection?" be In (b) Peter Gelss' vision on the sloop, up, outside the pipe, half of the lens an Increase of over 8 per cent «bove j priation In October, apparently can Kentucky with n Southdown. The re- (ier cent ns compared with the preced service, serial photography and for heart of the stabilization and surplus ! itig year. lateral treaty renouncing war as a the head first and then thrown Into sisted. and his Identification of It (Yet Peter of an eye-glass, hu there Is no proof e same mouth of last year, and was not bo carried out. A representative serve to the grand chnmpior. wns n training student pilots. control plan itself," said Senator Mc- method of deciding international dis- the sea. "I imagine yon know at least as Id a staunch supporter of "George" lhat It belonged to his assailant On one of the three cities In the country of the Slate Board of Health, who Shropshire, nlso entered by the Unl It is stated that wholesale prices for Throe hundred thousand dollars' Nary. "Through these corporations, worth of Sikorsky amphibians were putes. "He was probably dead before he much about It as I do. Hava you Had he been looking for puch a vlsl the other hand, I myself had made a on the postoffice department's "se was in Owosso recently, informed verslty of Kentucky. all commodities averaged 4 per cent owned and controlled by co-operative Legislation designed to hasten rail- touched the water,", is Uayward's found any?" tallon would he not naturally have discovery of a certain amount of Im- lected list." which registered the A woman, Minnie W. .Miller of higher at the end of the fiscal year sold to Chlcagoans. Charles B. Wal- associations and other organizations county officials that It would be 1m Perhaps my altitude had annoyed seen George?) portance. Halllday had said that the greatest percentage of gain. Akron. than at the beginning. Domestic trade green, millionaire druggist, and two road consolidation. opinion. "Of course tlie autopsy will possible to make the pool sanitary Thousand Springs farm. Wendell of producers the seasonal or year's him, or perhaps he merely had the dis- (I) And the fact that this vision other wealthy Chlcagoans own SI But whHo the President lays much tell that If there Is no water In the man he had picked up hud seemed to Ohio, and Dallas, Texas, were the and that tlw State would not approve Idaho, came In for honors by getting statistics showed no evidence of a gen total surpluses will bo handled for the stress on the prosperity of the coun- middle ear or the lungs, we can be coverer's pride In achievement for he corresponds In time with the attack on he a heavy man. broadly and squarely other two, and their rate exceeded of It. the award for the champion ewe in eral decline In consumers' buying pow korsky air yachts. benefit of all producers, without put put away the handful of yellow paper Halllday. built Detroit's by only a fraction of 1 per er but a trend toward more direct John Hertz, Chicago capitalist, try, and the great Importance of con- certain." tbe Hampshire sheep class. ting on the members of the co-opera on which he had made no notes, and In this nltempt to refresh my mem But my experience showed me that cent. signed a contract for a Sikorsky am- tinuing It nnd making It greater, he But from Peter Gelsg, who wandered Leon Sanborn 17 years old, son of J. M. Ballard of Marion. Ind.. took marketing. Export trade was 1.8 per lives more than their fair share of the sounds nlso an unselfish note toward in this afternoon after salvaging cer- smiled. ory I hnve not Included June's pre no very heavy mun could have entered (9 Wsitern Newspaper cent less than In the preceding year phibian air yacht shown at tlie ex- cost and responsibility In handling Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sanborn, living the blue ribbon for the grnnd champion tain of his personal possessions from "I haven't found any connection," he monition tbe night Carroway was mur- the pipe. We hnve. In effect to recast Charlotte's new airplane and hut larger than In any other year position, for which he Is to pay other countries of the world, and a near Portland, died in St. Lawrence carload of hogs, exhibiting Hamp- surplus crops. the sloop, we learned other facts. said. "But 1 have found aumetblng dered. or her dislike and distrust of our picture of the murderer; a man of emergency landing field, two and a since 1920-21. $57,000. spiritual note for America. hospital, Lansing, following Injuries shlres. "Numerous ways nre provided for your detectives missed. Mr. Porter. 1 tbe house. Nor have I Included the "Peace • and prosperity are not Thus, Peter declares that the man who medium size, we will ray, compactly If half miles west of the city, erected by received when he was shot In the face In the various classes of Percheron Tbe report notes substantial galnb At a meeting of the air show com encouraging the co-operative move- have found where the fellow hid after vague stories of haunting told by Mrs. flnalltles," he said. "They nre only killed Carroway was a sailor, or at mupculnrly built THE FEATHERHEADS Felix Would Say "Help" the Thompson Aeronautical Corpora- stallions, championship awards went for agriculture as a whole. mittee, sanction was granted to De- ment Aside from lonns to stabiliza- Livingstone, Annie Cochran or Thomas and chest by his brother, while hunt methods. It Is too easy under their least knew bow to use a rope, eallor- the crash, when the olher car was reb- Tonight, sitting down to make this tion. Michigan air mall contractors, to Blgoudl. Truman's Pioneer Stud "There wns an Increase both In troit to hold the next air show in tion corporations, the farm board Is elling Mr. Halllday." Of the latter, they are not only be- entry, I have missed my fountain pen, Ing near the farm home. The youth Influence for a nation to become fasblon. has been completed and Is In opera- farm, Buslmell, III.; Egotistic, E. L. prices and In total cash returns for April. authorized to make loans to the In- yond my perponal experience or con- was recovering, but a blood clot selfish and degenerate. This test has And ns Halllday said to me, aside, But the odd part of lhat discovery and es It has my Initials on It we must • IMKT KHOWWHVIH tion. It Is reported the corporation Humbert & Son, Corning, Iowa; Car- the crops nnd products for the year dividual co-operutlve associations to tact, but they are. If tbe word may he recover It tomorrow If possible, it UTS-»iT5 formed on his brain, and death re- come lo the United States. Our this wus cheering news, for my best to my mind Is not that hiding place, plans a similar beacon and landing 1927-28, as compared with those of the enable them to make larger advances used In such a connection, apparently would be extremely unpleasant under Srt.vjfrwmT ^school WALK CovJM sulted suddenly. viboy. Ralph W. Humes. Delaware, country has been provided with the friend could not accuse me of any nau- nor Greenougb's failure to locate It . VO) WWKiM CQATV- field every 10 miles on the airmail Ohio; Sir Lact, Woodside farms. Co- year 1920-27, this Increase represent- lo the member nl the time of delivery As a matter of fact 1 doubt if Green- without motive. the circumstances for Starr, for In- WN'T tH TMl* WfY-- axo vwa gonta WASHINGTON BRIEFS resources with which it can enlarge tical knowledge. 1 Tual route from Kalamazoo to Lansing and ing the net result of gains In some of the product to the associations." stance, In a burst of zeal to flnd It yOOS SAHK- AS Mop Aftt William Louks, 12 years old, 5333 lumbus, Ohio; Rolaet, Woodside farms, its Intellectual, moral and spiritual The body, it seems, wns tied with July 17. Mt IN OH NO V0UCE Bay City. products und losses Ii: olhe-s." says Iroquois avenue, Detroit, suffered the Columbus, Ohio. life. The Issue is In the hands of the two half-hitches around the wrists; 1 do not like young Gordon. He has In the pipe. ^T/-0UTWfc^TWK/- i he report. "The average prices re- A new monthly record for aulomo True, i^ter Gelsa could swear that ;> VABOUT TUAT- LISTEN/. loss of his left foot when he fell be- Two University of Nebraska co-eds. $250,000 Display for people. Our faith in man and God from there the rope extended to the little enough lime to himself—only, I Arthur Timpf. 17. former Mt. Clem- ceived by farmers dur'r.g the fiscal at the moment Halllday wus attacked tween two Grand Trunk freight cars Misses Louise Genung and Marjory tlve exports was set In October when Is the Justification for the belief in ankle, with similar half-hitches, and to guther, an hour or so after luncheon, ens High School basketball player, has year Increased about 7 per cent, while he and I were looking for a ghost In south of the Wabash railroad bridge Thompson, won first place as judges shipments reached an aggregate value Ceramics Exposition qur continuing success." these ends, again, the anchor bad been while Mr. Bethel sleeps—but he spends lost his right leg and faces the loss there was slight decrease in the prices of $50.737.0,13, the Commerce depart the fore-rigging of the sloop. But I over the Rouge River In River Rouge. of meat at the live stock exposition. Chicago.—The first American Ce- Again he says: affixed. that here, If possible. of his right arm as the result of a The boy was "hopping" trains when paid by farmers for their purthases. ment announced. The figure was nu ramics exposition at which more than Edith snobs him, but be Is as thick- am ot this disadvantage, that they Ten carloads of prize beeves sold at "We must extend to other countries But, the recovery of the body has minor Injury to his foot while playing he lost his hold. The River Rouge according to the price data compiled Increase of $21,302,138. or 72 per cent skinned as one of the porpoises which give me no opportunity to defend my- the auction were bought by the New $250,000 worth of finest American the largest measure of generosity, roused tbe neighborhood to fever beat basketball two years ago. A bruise by the United States Department of over October last year. rolls Itself In the hay. self. for they moke no accusation. 1 police took him to the Delray Indus- Tork Central railroad for the dining chlnawnre, glass, pottery, stoneware, moderation and patience. In addition 'Thent have been those, up to now, who i , i caused an Infection which developed Their method Is that damnable one of trial Hospital. car service. Agriculture." art clays, tile and brick will be have half-believed that Carroway bad "Why. If you're so clever," i over- to dealing Justly, we can well afford watchful waiting; Greenougb's psycho- In the two years to such an extent In dealing with financial conditions, Uncle Sam's conscience fund now shown, will be held In the Stevens been the victim of an acddeul; had heard her today, "don't you go out Representing King Albert of Bel- to walk humbly." logical Idea that, given enough rope, a doctors declared amputation of his Frank Dellsle, of Denton Harbor, the report says that tlie gold move- totals $508,194.04. It was established Hotel. Chicago, in the week of Febru- somehow stumbled and fallen over- and do something? Use yonr brains." glum. Dr. G Vermeren, Belgian consul In demanding that the present eco- criminal will hang himself. leg necessary to save his life. who did business for 35 years with- ment during the year nad far reach In 1811 for citizens making restitution. ary 4. The exposition will be held board, and to prove this they brought "It takes brains to do what I'm do- at Chicago, presented the King Albert nomic policy be continued. President July 18. out a clerk or telephone, was burled Ing effects, contributing to the restora The latest addition Is $100 sent from under the auspices of the American out tlie fact that, like many of the ing," he sold, "and don't you forget it" Silver cup to the Junior champion Bel- Coolidge virtually promised vetoes for Attempting to replace a belt of his there recently. He left an estate of tlon and fortification of the gold bahl<- l^xlngton, Ky. In recent years the Ceramic society. The purpose Is to But as to what he Is doing he Is Edith and Halllday went this morn- gian draft horse Preston Wolfe, owned new appropriations for additional out- men on tbe waterside, be could not grinding machine without stopping the payments have averaged more than acquaint the public with the good- discreetly silent There Is a book ing to recover my fountain pen, Edith $12,500. a ton of tobacco and a store by the University of Michigan. for the currencies of the various couu- swim. lay unless provision were made to under way. but he parries any allempt In spite of our protests determined to motor, Herman Bertner, 25 years old, full of merchandise, most of it bought trles. $4,000 annually. ness nnd worth of American-made There were others, too, who still In- J. E. Falconer of Govan. Saskatch- provide for them by new revenue. to discuss It Also, he seems to de- crawl Into the pipe for It To tbia fl V —ii a farmer, living near Leland, was In- three decades ago. ceramic wares. clined to the belief that some super- stantly killed when he was pulled Into ewan. and A. G. Soderberg of Osco. light In Investing Mr. Bethel with a end she put on my mechanic's overall Russia Develops Irrigation A chime of bronze bells, the gift of naturat Influence had been at work; III., won grnnd champion and reserve Test Zep, 90 Aboard considerable amount of mystery. In which I oil and grease my cor, and / YOOK**OUHS'W6V ' the wheel of the tractor. Owosso's population is 17,640, ac- Abraham Lincoln's granddaughter, Oldest Sigma Chi Dies thai Carroway, Indeed, had been the 7 rtvrtA/- championship with their Clydesdale Moscow.—Official Russian figures very pweef Indeed she looked In It "UoOGWT I WAS OCOWDO- cording to the new city directory Just will be placed In the restored spire of Huntington, W. Va.—Qeorge Ott Friedrichshafen, Germany. — The victim of some other-world toul play. "The boss Is having one of bis fits stallions. disclose that irrigation projects have But the pen was not there._ She E. H. Colby, 67. owner of the Paw Issued. This estimate Is based on the the New York Avenue Presbyterian Newman,, ninety-two, named at the Graf Zeppelin recently made Its flrst Bui even these superstltioub folk can- today," he will say. U*U,I'LI TtaSOO- -D€StO EVts/-v*a.miy! The grand champion Poland Chinn been financed by the Soviet govern- found the cap of It, embedded In the Paw Creamery Company, died 30 min- number of names listed, with allow church here, which Is to be a memo- last national Sigma Chi convention ns lest flight since Its overhauling after not- now blame the red lamp. Carro- "What sort of fits?" fcVER HEftC Of WE ANCIENT I CWM out of WM boar was shown by C. L. Hurless of ment for a total area of 0,000,000 the trans-Atlnntlc round trip. There "That would be telling." he saye mud, but not the pen Itself. It looks utes after a discarded boiler fell on ance for children and persons not rial to Lincoln. The bells are the gift the oldest living member of the fra- way has been murdered, by hands WXM)-mL09PS?"-oF HOON0S »D lis JOADTD Coleta, III. acres served. as though Starr has lost no time I him. listed. of Mary Lincoln Ishnm. u-irity, is dead here. were 90 persons aboard. which wielded the oar that struck him. craftily, and ostentatiously changes CouCSt! - OkD AS KiMGjrtS 10(14 IQgAS0OC/-N0W the subject Edith, I believe, suspects something. TOMB ! -AHD RKSrtT HEC9 ^ and which tied the half-hitches. U»W CO SDO fiAV . They Have No Poor Jews Protects Nonnnion Worker* Helped Capture Lincoln's Slayer Open Havana Airway January 9 Edith, who has a very feminine There Is a growing gravity and ma AMERICA/ Following an established policy to Ernest F. Goodwin, vice-president Will Revise Trotting; Rules The anchor presents the only possi- ble clew, and that Is a feeble one. curiosity, has questioned Annie Coch- lurlty In her; she tries to show me, v\ah HAH,/ bar churches from Its limits, the East and cashier of the First National bank, Danzig.—The municipal council of Buenos Aires.—Nonunion workers New York.—Trotting rules will be Baltimore, Md.—Marlon J. Bell, Miami, Fla.—Air passenger planes ran but without much result The by small caresses and attention?, thur Grand Rapids city commission voted formerly Bromberg. Posen, engaged In the gathering of crops In will connect the United Slules and There wns no anchor in tbe boat Car •2: ; of Ypsilanti, was found dead recently revised and made uniform al a meet- Civil war veteran, who was a mem- she believes In me and loves ,me. But ^\3 hns nefused fo accept a legacy of roway took out On the other hand, "fit" days, so fur as we can make out. down an appeal from Grace Episcopal In his garage. The coroner attributed Santa Fe province will be given mili- ing lo be held In Chicago on Decem- ber of the searching parly thnt I he West Indies on January 9 when there Is a sort of half-hearted recog- are merely days when tbe Invalid Is she knows that ther^ Is something Church to be granted a building per- $100,000 left by Mrs. Leonard Cohen tary protection and their right to ber 18 by the members of a joint com- caught John Wilkes Booth, nssassln planes start flying between Miami the death to carbon monoxide gas. less well than others, and moptly wrong. IS(? mit. of Wllkesbnrre, Pn.. for "poor Jews" work guaranteed by cavalry men. The nnd Havana, Nassau and San nition of it by Doctor Hnywnrd as one The Recovery of the Body Hae Routed \ mittee representing the National Trot- of Abraham Lincoln, Is dead in Uni- And she hns. I think, qunrreled with In that town because It says there are government ordered a regiment to Juan. stlblen from his small knock-about the Neighborhood to Fever Heat keeps his bed. Annie Cochran, how- The Grand Rapids city commission ting association and the American versity hospital here. He was eighty- llalllduy. There wus nothing on tbe none. that province. sometime late In June. ever, has her own explanation of Declaring that such an exhibition has renewed its efforts for the navy Trolling MBsodatlon. six. surface to show it, on their return to- "Of course, ail these anchors are as ough bos ever looked for It He seems them; she believes that those days fol- was a disgrace. Mayor Manley W. department to name a cruiser after Covered Wagon Pioneer Dead day, but he declined her Invitation to like as peas," he said this afternoon, to have taken for granted that Ualll- low nights when "(\eorge" has been Hoffman, of JacHson, stepped Into the Grand Rapids. The commission took ComminioBer't Order It Lew Queen of Spain Arrives Home Sentenced to Church luncheon und went off. whistling rulher Volga Inundates 25 Villages Manchester, Iowa.—Funeral serv- "but the boys down at tbe wharf ray day's nssailant merely escaped the particularly active, and when presum- midst of 12 shuffling couples and similar action last spring and en Madison, Wis.—The Wisconsin Su- Madrid.—Queen Victoria of Spain, Clinton, N. C.—Four young men Moscow.—Twenty-five villages were ices were held here the past week for It's mine, and they can tell two fish wreck and made off In the dark. ably Mr. Bethel has not been sleeping ostenluliouply, to his hncon nnd henns halted a marathon dance which had isted aid of the Michigan delegation at Ihe hont-house. This afternoon, k preme court ruled thnt the order of with her daughters, the Infantas here were sentenced to attend church Inundated by the Volga river which Frederic N. Fentress, ninety-three, hooks apart same size and same No. The point that strikes me, and on his good ear. 4 started In a ballroom at the Jackson in congress, but favorable action ha? while Mr. Bethel slept, she accepted a. i Hie state railroad commission Is valid Jbrlstina and Beatrlz, have returned services for four consecutive Sundays overflowed In the Astrakhan dislricl one of the last of the covered wagon kind." . . . struck Halllday when I told him Is And us proof of this, she produces ® Wesisrn Nswsptpsr Untoa i j* county fair grounds. been lacking. young Gordon's Invitation to go canoe -a&Sill law which must be obeyed by n city. from a visit to London. when found guilty of gambling. as a result of u Caspian seastorm. pioneers. The county- auihorltles have finally the Intimate knowledge of that loca- the fact that twice now, having tofi Ing, und had the oudnclty to take the roused themselves and the sheriff, tion shown, and Ihe qulcknera with ber ten-kettle empty on top of flie Pupils of the Cass City High school canoe, so to speak, from under poor Traffic at the busy Intersection of Chicego Has Near 3,260,000 Portrait Sold for $250,000 New York Woman Dies at 113 3,100 New Cars; 25 New Engines $55,959,889,000 in Bank Clearing* Bencbley, Is In Oakvllle. Under the which he took advantage of It stove, she hns found It full In the JVST SO eh? What kind of business?" Second Proof of Affection had a venison feast recently as the Peck street and Droadway, Muskeg- Crossing the road, according to tbe morning. As Mr. Bethel ennnot get Halllday's nose. According to June, Monk—"Monkey business, of course!" Chicago.—Chicago's population is London.—The Express says that New York.—The aggregate of bank excuse of examining our float Green- "Yes, they've been married for guests of Jacob Spencer, Cass City Ritchflcld Springs. N, Y.—Mrs. De- Chicago.—The Missouri Pacific rail- she needs a good slinking. on Heights' main thoroughfare, was ough brought him oiit, and Halllday reporter, and'about fifteen feel from downstairs unnsslsled, and as the sec- years, hut they're still very much In Increasing at the rate of 00.000 a year Holbein's small portrait of King Ed- llna Fllkins. one hundred and Ihlr- way has entered the market for 3,100 clearings at 127 United States cities (TO BE CONTINUED.) sportsman. Mr. Spencer provided the held up for five minutes, one after- drefsed nnd went with them, to show where the car was ditched. Is a small retary hns always stoutly maintained nnd by January J. 1029, It will have ward VI, done when the prince was leen years old Is dead nt the home of freight cars aud 25 eight-wheel switch for November, as shown by official Helpful Mamma love." venison for 550 sandwiches, the Cass noon, by the unusual spectacle of a where he hnd found the knife. On culvert Hardly a" culvert, either, but that he has not left big room all night, n total of 3.200.000, according fo es- six years old, hns been sold for £50,- her son here. She was born In the engines. Close to 40,000 tons of steel returns to Bradstreet's, was $55,- Vivian—Do you know I'm soon to be "Keally?" City Community Club provided the hound dog pursuing a young rabbit a largish clay pipe designed to carry Annie Cochran falls hack on "George": Sense of Humor Defined timates by the Chicago Regional Plan- 000 (about $2.^0.000) to Jules Eache town of Stark, Herkimer county, New 959,889,000, a gain of 17.5 per their return they stopped In and "ilalher. When she's away she bread and the home economics class Is Involved. The total cost Is esti- and. one must admit, not wllboui rea "As I understand the phnise." sold engaged to Percy? down the street until they were oul ning nssoclntlnn. of New York. cent. looked at my car. the drainage of the higher fields on writes letters to hiin whether she York, May 4, 1815. mated a I $10,750,000. Adam, "sense of humor Is tbe ability Dorothy—Did lie ask your mother? did the work. of sight In the distance. When Halllday came hack he one side to the lower on the other. son. . . . wants money or not."—Stray Stories. Vivian—No, mother asked him. grave and quiet. In vain did Edith "Have you searched this pipe?" 1 Poor Carroway was laid away yes- not to show tiiat you think a thing it To Buy 4,631 Freight Cars Prominent Pioneer Dead Liberals Win in Honduras German Steel Lockout Ends George Pllon, of Pontlac, 40 years Mllford Page, of Sault Ste. Marie, Race Horses Die in Fire try lo coax him Into his usual light- asked. terday, after the largest funeral in the funny. It Is to tbe Inner man what Simplicity Itself laughter is to ihe outside. If, instead old, employed In an automobile factory 18 years old, died In the hospital there Chicago.—The Santa Fe system will Seattle. Wash.—Ezra Meeker, one Tegucigalpa, Honduras.—The Lib- Collinsvllle, Hi.-Irish Pal, Talequa, Berlin.-The German steel lockout nenrteiinesa. While I have no Idea as "1 looked In. If I'd had a pair of history of these parts. And so ends Bad "Doctor. 1 have insomnia." buy 4.031 freight cars, according to overalls I'd have gone In. But us tbe one chnpter In our drama. Ends, that of laughing at you, I reflect on your there, was overcome by carbon mono- as a result of being shot through the of the lust survivors of the pioneers eral Republicans won 199 districts of Coal Black and 14 other race horses has ended and the plants of the Ruhr to what happened, I con make a fair "What do you think of his tennis?" "Take this medicine every hour." announcement made at the railway only clothes I have with me are on Is, for him. What Is to come after no condition und enjoy myself in "Hence, xide gas while working in his garage. lung by his younger brother, who was to the Far West, and one of the most the 270 districts contested In the re were killed when a stable bnmed at district are open again to the workers cuess. for he annminced nt supper "Oh, I think he's singularly bad in "But what if I don't keep awake?" offices here. The cost will be more me—" he smiled again. "It's a good one can say. then 1 have a sense of humor."—Froo His body was found by relatives. playing with Lis father's loaded rifle. famous, died here after a long Ill- cent municipal elections held through Ihe Fairmont track. The loss was ea- who accepted the government's offer lhul he wus through pluvlng the In- doubles and doubly bad In singles!" "Then you'll be cured." "Adam and Eve," by John Ersklna. Monk—"Open for buslness; than $10,000,000. ness. He was ninety-nine years old. out the country. Umaud at 1100,000. of arbitration. valid. Job for a ferret," he raid. One thing has tended somewhat to PAGE TWELVE THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH, DECEMBER 14,1928.

KKCnitl) OF COUNCIL rROCEKD- MOIITGAGB SAI.B William Beedon Montr. Why Buffalew Wallow. Default has been made In the condi- 1NG8 ot- VILLAGE OF COLOMA tions of a certain mortgrago made by William Beedon, . aged 93 years, a When five was Drought onto Adam, The water buffalo of China hat few Ludwig Wesner and w4fe, Mary Wenner. well known resident of Benton Harbor, he betame filled with the Holy Spirit, •weat glands Id Ita skla. aod for thla to J. R Wilkinson, dated October 24, and a former resident of Hagar town- paramount ^bcatrc 1925, and recorded October 30. 1925, In and gave her the moat sanctified, the reason cannot endure hard work In tha ship. died Tuesday, December 11, 1928, Ketrtitiir McotiiiK Held on the tOth Day the oftice of Register of Deeds of Ber- most glorious of appellations. He sun for a long period unless Its body WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN rien County, State of Michigan, In Liber at the home of his son. Clinton Beedon 154 of Mortgages, page 413. Interest on called her Eve—that Is to say. the Is wet with water. This accounts for Of December A. D. 1928 said mortgage being In default for in Benton Harbor. He also leaves Mother of All. He did not style her another son. Burton, of Battle Creek, the desire of the huffslo to wslloir lo more than 30 daya the whole amount of wife, but simply mother—mother of Skow SlarU it 7;00 p. m. A Comedy wilb each Picture Meeting colled to order at 8:00 p. m. said mortgage Is declared due and pay- and four grandsons, Joseph, Jesse, mud or water. The animals are eaatly able. There la claimed due at thla date all living creatures. In this consists by tbe president. Present—tbe presd- Welcome and Charles Beedon all of overcome by baat 11 worked hard In Slxty.four hundred slxtv-geven and the glory and the most precious or- dont. clerk, nnd Trustees Guy, Smith, seventy-flve one-hundredths (16,467.75) Benton Harbor. Funeral services were the son. and sometimes they | Reoht. I.nbr. Klt>|pr nnd Renrb. Dollars, and no proceedings at law held Thursday afternoon, conducted hy nament of woman.—Martin Lnther. snd become very dsngeroua. December 14 and 15 Friday and Saturday have been instituted to recover same. MinuteN of previous meeting read Now therefore by virtue of the power itev. Howard Bianning, pastor of the nnd iipprover. W. T. Hertrand. health ofll- the west of said southeast \ lying rer $ 15.00 south and east of the Michigan Central so that you can eat and sleep well. | love and of terror. Mich. Shore Lumber Co S .72 Railroad right of way. In section 35, Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel i 145 Pipestone Street Benton Harbor, Michigan township 5 south, range 19 west, con. and removes old waste matter you In.-Mich. Klootrlc Co.. lights ..S IIJ.IW talninK: 75 acres more or less. Dated. St. Joseph. Mich., November never thought was there. No matter! December 18-19-20 Tue«day-Wedne8day-Thursday Street Fund 15, 1928. what you have tried for your stomach J. F. WILKINSON. and bowels, Adlerlka will snrprlise you. i Mortgagee. "CAUGHT IN THE FOG" with May McCoy. Simon rmphrey. haullug sund $ 71.00 701 Ship St.. SL Joseph. Michigan. Scott's Pharmacy.—Adv. Men Koob. cleaning streets'...$ (Nov 16, 19-28-Feb. 1, 1929) I.Vllm Rosa, superintendent ...if 50.00 The total of the tax roll in Bangor Water Fund (First publication October. 1:1, 1988) township this year is $02,604.11, about $2,000 less than the 1927 total. Prop- Allm Uosn $ 2rt.OO Mortgage Sale. erty in the village of Bangor pays a Colomu Hardware Co, supplies $ 121.88 Ucfnult linvlnn l>ceii made in the eondltionH rate this year of $29.51 on the $1,000 of u i-crVuiii morlKaire miule by (1, Harry Klb- valuation. Mich. Bell Telephone Co I 3.08 ler nii-l Miriam J. Klbler, hiit wile lo Slate I ml.-Mich. Electric Co.. power 21.33 Hank of Coloinn. CVonia. Mlclil)rnn, dated tbe At a public sale held at the Walter Moved by Trustee (Juy, supported by U'lb day of September, A. D. IW3 .mJ recO ed September 16th, A. D. I9il In the offlce of Hall farm near Centervllle, St. Joseph 1 Liibr, that hills be allowed and paid. register of deeds of Uerrien County, Stale of county recently, four registered Hol- Motion carried. MkhiKan, in Liber 127of MortgBRes, on pane stelna sold for $980 and twelve other I m The Moved by tiny, supported by Beach, IntereHl on nhIiI morliraKe belnit in defnnll cows, Holstelns and Jerseys, sold at 1 1 ibat a community Christmas tn-e be for more Hum Hi dayn tbe whole amount of from $117.80 to $190 each. 1 e? furnished and lighled at a cost of not Hitld niortuVK ' Is di-clared due and payable. 15 There clumed due at this dale Thirteen over $25.00. Carried. P* Hundred Sevcnty-OvedlSTft 00) dollars, and no MORTGAGE SALE 1 Moved by Beach, supported by Becht, proeeedlngs al law have been iiiHtlluled recover name. i lhat Ihe village pun-base a centrifugal Now therefore by virtue of Ihe power of Default has been made In the condl- pump operated by motor. Ayes— sale In Huid moi'tKBiie and the Hlalnle in HIICII tiona of a certain mortgage made by i Christmas • axe made ami provided on Friday the 4th Auguat Woodrlck and wife, Caroline Becht. Ouy. Klbler. Labr and Beach. Wood rick, to J- F. Wllklnaon, dated I day of Jannar> A.D. ll'JU at IU o'clock a. m at 1- 1B, 1925, an<, N'ays—Smith. Motion carried. . lb* front door of the courlhouHe. in City of St. r-wP, . L recorded Sept 17. - J?, 'n t',e -office of Regiater of Deeda p}. Moved by Klbler, supported by Becht, Joneth, Berrien Counly, MlehlKan, the prcin- rr e n C 0, ty 8ute of IseN described In said morlRaiie will be sold al ?^ A . , i? : Michigan. In that we adjourn. Carried. public auction, lo satisO amount then due, Liber 146 of Mortgagea, page 3f2, and i O. J. SMITH. Clerk. with costs and atlorney fee, lo-wit, the fol- aaalgned by aald J. F. Wllklnaon to lowinir described piemlses lu the Town-Oilp Bertha Radke on Oct 13, 1923, aaalgn- IS ment recorded Oct 15, 1923. In Liber 5 of Coiuma. Couuty of Berrien, Stale of Hlchl of Aaalgnmenta of Mortgages, page 479 Store can. Young Men 1 Tbe north half of the southeaHl quarter of In aald reglater's office, and aaalgned by aald Bertha Radke to Ouat Telfke i COUGH STOPPED the Houtheasl quarter of section sevoDteen. on SepL 9 1925, asalgnment recorded township three south, range seventeen west Sept. fl, 19J5, in Liber 8 of Aaalgnmenta 1 twenty acres of land more or less. of Mortgagea, page 56 In aald register's /« Open Evenings from Saturday AIHO a strip of land two roda wide north and office. (0 ALMOST INSTANTLY 4oiiih,and nine and one-half rods IOUK, eait of every age i and west, out of me norlheaMt corner of the Interest on said mortgage being In Honth half of the said aoutbeoat quarter of default for more than 30 days the whole I Dec. 15, to Monday, Dec. 24 1 Ihe southeast quarter of said section seven- amount of aald mortgage ia declared enleen, town three south, range seventeen due and payable. There is claimed due are enjoying this new experience ia satisfaction! I S Doctor's Prescription Relieves With- at this date eighteen hundred fifty-six west. and three hundredths ($1,856.03) Dol- You have never known ita equal. Here ia comfort of Dated. St. Joseph.Mich., October II,A.D. 1928. lara. and no proceedings at law have If you cannot get down during the daytime hours 1 out Harmful Drugs STATE HANK OK COLOv,A, a new sort—for lounging and for sleeping. Eaay Willard J. Banyoh, MorlgaKce. been instituted to recover same. 1 remember we are open until 9 p. m., beginning on Attorney for Mortgagee. Now therefore by virtue of the power freedom. Perfect relaxation. Plus the assurance Almost Instant relief for coughs is sale in aald mortgage and the statute Saturday. i St. .Toxeph, MlehlKan. In such case made ana provided on Sat- you are smartly dressed lo meet any emergency. And now guaranteed in tbe use of a famous ( publication Dec. 28,1928) urday. the 16th day of February, 1929, the thrill that only color gives you!.... Let ua show iS physician's prescription called Thoxlne at 10 o'clock a m. at the front door of You'll find this a splendid shopping place, because (9 which contains no chloroform or dope. the court house. In City of SL Joseph, you how our Pajamas, tailored by Glover in the Order for Publication. Berrien County. Michigan, the premises modern manneierr, bring ; we have the choice of the world's products for Men, It works on an entirely different prin- describe. .u.d. I. n said mortgag. e wil.fil be sold you this joyona experience.

• Flasher" signals have been in- stalled at the Pere Marquette railway MORTGAGE SALE crossing east of Watervliet, which has Default haa been made In the condi- been tbe secene of several serious ac- tions of a certain mortgage made by Patronize The Courier Columns cidents recently. William Zerby and Kattle Zerby, hus- band and wife, to J. F. Wllklnaon, dated Oct 25, 1926, and recorded Oct 28. 1926, in tbe office of Regiater of Deeda of Berrien County, State of Michigan, In Liber 154 of Mortgagee, page 621, and asaigned by aald J. F. Wllklnaon to Mary E. Schadel 'on Oct 28. 1926, aa- algnment recorded Oct. 28, 1926. In Liber 8 of Aaalgnmenta of Mortgages, page 168. Interest on said mortgage being In default for more than 30 days the wnole amount of sulaald mortgagmo e la declared due and 1 payable. There Is claimed due at thla date eleven hundred fiftyfifty and SHOPPING HINTS eleven hundredtha (Jl,150.11) Dollara, and no proceedlnga at law have been Inatltuted to recover aume. i FOK. Now therefore by virtue of the power of aale In aald mortgage nnd tbe atatute i In such case made and provided on Sat- urday, the 16th day of February, 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of CHRISTMAS GIFTS the court houae. In City of SL Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan, the premlaea described In aald mortgage will be aold at public auction, to aatlafy amount then due, with coata and attorney fee, to-wlt. the following deacrlbed prem- laea In the townahlp of Lake, County of Berrien, State of Michigan. Part of the west ^ of the nortlortheash t >4 of section 36, township 6 range 19 weat, commencing } . north of the aouthweat corner of aald northeast »4 of said section 36; thence north 44 roda; thence east 80 rods: GIFTS OF QUALITY thence south 60 rods; thence In a direct line westerly to the place of beginning; 1929 (EhrtHtmaa also commencing 64 rods south and 80 roda weat of the northeaat corner of the northeast K of section 36, township 6 south, range 19 west; thence south For the Entire Family May Be 71i/ rods; thence east 46H rods to the center of the highway: thence northerly along the center of the highway 66Vi Qlluha forming Secured Here rods; thence westerly 48 rods to the place of beginning, containing 21^ acres more or less. Dated, SL Joseph, Mich., Nov. 23, 1928. MARY E. SCHADEL Assignee. To be certain that you will have plenty of money to do your J. F. WILKINSON. For Boys and St Joseph, Mich., AgenL Christmas shopping next year, or to take some trip you had For Mother or For Father or (Nov. 23- 1928-Feb. 8, 1929) planned, join one of the Christmas Savings Clubs. It requires Girls Sister Brother MORTGAGE SALE but a small amount deposited each week toamount to consider- Default has oeen made In the con- ditions of a certain mortgage made by able by next Christmas. Let us explain how the plan worki Philip Medwed and Rose Medwed, hus- band and wife, to J. F. Wilkinson, dated ont. Will YOU take the time to come here to investigate? Maytag Washing January 29, 1924, and recorded Febru- Genuine Flexible Winchester Pock- ary 15, 1924, In the office of Register of Deeds of Berrien County, State of Mich- Flyer Sleds Machines igan, in Liber 146 of Mortgages, page et Knives 486, and aaalgned by said J. F. Wilkin- You Will Be Sure To Have Money For Next Christmas If son to Henry Kaslschke on February 9, Hoover Vacuum 1924, assignment recorded February 18, Kiddie Kars 1924, in Liner 5 of Assignments of Mort- You Join One Or More Of The Following Classes: Cleaners gages, page 523, In sala register's office. Safety Razors Interest on said mortgage being In default for more than 30 days the wnole amount lof said mortgage Is declared 25—Members paying Class 200 —Members paying Winchester Coast- Electric Grills, due and payable. There Is claimed due Carpenter Tools at this date two thousand one hundred a week for fifty $2.00 a week for fifty er Wagons Stoves and seventy-nine and 47-100 (|2,179.47) Dol- lars and no procedlngs at law have will receive .. .$ 12.50 weeks will receive ...$ 100.00 Toasters been Instituted to recover same. Flashlights and Now therefore by virtue of the power of sale In said mortgage and the statute Class 50—Members paying Class 500—Members paying Velocipedes In such case made and provided on Sat- Aluminumware Cases urday the 26th day of January, 1929, at 50 cents a week for fifty $5.00 a week for fifty 10 o'clock a. m. at the front dqor of the court house, In City of SL Joseph, Ber- weeks will receive ... $ 25.00 weeks will receive ...$ 250.00 Airships Bissel Carpet rlen County, Michigan, the premises Guns and Rifles described In said mortgage wilf be sold at publi. c auction, to satisfy amount Class 100—Members paying Class 1000—Members paying Sweepers then duoj with costs and attorney fee. to-wlt. followlnn g described prem- $1.00 a week for fifty $10.00 a week for fifty Scooters ises In the township of Watervliet The Famous Rochester Thermos Bottles County of Berrien, State of Michigan. weeks will receive ...$ 50.00 weeks will receive $ 5004)0 Part of the ne 14 of section 2, town- Ware, including Cas- ship 3 south, range 17 west, described Jack Knives as commencing at a stake 14.37 chains seroles, Baking Dish- Watches and north of the quarter post on the east aide of aald section 2; thence running with four per cent interest added if all payments art north 8.77 chains; thence west 19.88 Flash Lights es, Percolators, Etc. Alarm Clocks chains; thence south 8.87 chains; thence east 19.89 chains to the place of be- made regularly or in advance. No fines, no dues; if yoa ginning, containing 17.54 acres; also commencing 23.14 chains north of the fail to complete your club the money you have paid in eaat Vc poat of aald section 2; thence running north 14.71% chains to the sec- will be refunded. Yours for Trade, tion corner of said section 2; thence west on the north section line 23.851 chains to a stake; thence south 23.59 chains thence east 4 chains; thence north 8.87 chains thence east 19.88 chains to the place of beginning, con- taining 38.68 acres, and making a total Coloma Hardware Company of 56.22 acres of land In the two parcels. State Bank of Coloma Dated, SL Joseph, Mich., November 1, 1928. HENRY KASISCHKE, TH* WNCH£5T£A ITORB Coloma, Michigan J. F. WILKINSON, Assignee. AgenL , s t t 08e h 701 ^ 5a n £8^ J P ' Michigan.