Congressional Record-House House Of
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1288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE .FEBRUARY 9 TO BE ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF OF THE AIR CORPS, WITH THE PUERTO R:rCO -RANK OF BRIGADIER GENERAL, FOR A PERIOD OF 4 YEARS FROM Ricardo Pagan, Barranquitas. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, WITH RANK FROM JANUARY 31, 1939 Felix P. Hernandez, Quebradillas~ Col. George Howard Brett, Air Corps, vice Brig. Gen. Augustine W. Robins, Assistant to the Chief of the Air Corps, whose term of office expired January 30, 1939. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE AIR CORPS IN THE REGULAR ARMY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1939 TO BE COMMANDING GENERAL, GENERAL HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE, The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. WITH THE RANK OF MAJOR GENERAL, WITH RANK FROM MARCH 1, Rev. Edwin Holt Hughes, D. D., LL. D., senior bishop of the 1939 Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C., offered the Brig. Gen. Delos Carleton Emmons, wing commander following prayer: (colonel), Air Corps, vice Maj. Gen. Frank M. Andrews, com .A,lmighty God, our Father: When long ago Thou didst manding general, General Headquarters Air Force, whose reveal Thy will to Thy people through .the greatest of human term of office expires February 28, 1939. lawgivers, we were told of "the land which the Lord, our God," TO BE MAJOR gave to us. We are glad to believe that this ancient word is Capt. Donald Reuben Goodrich, Air Corps, from February true for our country. We would more and more treat it as ·1, 1939. Thy divine gift. Thou didst lift its mountains. Thou didst PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY extend its prairies . Its surrounding .seas are Thine, for Thou The following-named lieutenants to .be lieutenant com hast made them; "and Thy hands formed the dry land." manders in the Navy, to rank from the date stated o~I?osite When we think of the wonder of the territory which Thou their names:. hast made for us and given to us, we are disposed to praise Homer B. Hudson, October 1, 1938. Thee and to cry out, "For ourselves, and our country, 0 David L. Nutter, January 1, 1939. gracious God, we thank Thee." Harry A. Dunn, Jr., January 1, 1939. In due season of Thy providence Thou didst give us a John H. Brady, January 12, 1939. separate place among the nations. Thou dost now command Henry F. Agnew, January 20, 1939. us to give back to Thee the land of Thine own giving, con John K. B. Ginder, February 1, 1939. secrated to Thine own holy purposes. Grant Thy mercy Rodger W. Simpson, February 1, 1939. and grace to all our citizens. Give Thy benediction and Lt. (Jr. Gr.) Henry Mullins, Jr., to be a lieutenant in the guidance to all our lawmakers that they may fulfill Thy law. Navy, to rank from the 1st day of February, 1939. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and grade) in the Navy, to rank from ·the date stated opposite approved. their names: KATHRYN T. MAIER Francis D. Walker, Jr.• June· 6, 1938. Clark A. Hood, Jr., June 6, 1938. Mr. WARREN:. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolu Russell Kefauver, August 29, 1938. tion from the Committee on Accounts and ask for its im Medical Director Charles M. Oman to be a medical director mediate consideration. in the Navy, with the rank of rear admiral, to rank from The Clerk read as follows: the 1st day of July, 1936. House Resolution 87 The following-named surgeons to be medical inspectors in Resolved, That there shall be paid out of the contingent fund the Navy, with the rank of commander, to rank from the of the House to Kathryn T. Maier, widow of John G. Maier, late an 23d day of June, 1938: employee of the House, an amount equal to 6 months' salary com pensation, and an additional amount not to exceed $250, to defray Franklyn C. Hill Cyrus C. Brown funeral expenses· of the said John G. Maier. Victor B. Riden Edward J. Goodbody Passed Assistant Paymaster Ralph J. Arnold to be a pay The resolution was agreed to, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table. master in the Navy, with the rank of lie.u~enant commander, to rank from the 23d day of June, 1938. INVESTIGATION OF UN-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA IN THE UNITED . The following-named chaplains to be chaplains in the STATES Navy, with the rank of commander, to rank from the 23d Mr. yvARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further privileged day of June, 1938. resolution from the Committee on Accounts and ask for its Clinton A. Neyman immediate consideration. William P. Williams The Clerk read as follows: Pharmacist Archie B. Brown to be a chief pharmacist in House Resolution 81 the Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 25th day "Res?lved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation of November, 1938. a~thonzed ~y ~ouse ~esoh.~tion 26, incurred by the special com mittee appomted to mvestigate un-American propaganda in the CONFIRMATIONS Unite~ States and related questions, acting as a whole or by sub committee, not to exceed $150,000, including expenditures for the Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate February 9, employment of experts, and clerical, stenographic, and other assist 1939 ants, shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House on vouchers authorized by such committee, signed by the chairman UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY thereof and approved by the Committee on Accounts; that the offi Jacob Crane to be Assistant Administrator and Director cial committee reporters may be used at all hearings held in the of Project Planning, United States Housing Authority. District of Columbia if not otherWise officially engaged." The Committee on Accounts having given consideration to the UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE above resoluti?n recommends that the original do not pass, but Michael L. Igoe to be United States district judge for the that the substitute, as follows, do pass: "Resolved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation northern district of Dlinois. authorized by House Resolution 26, inc-qrred by the special com UNITED STATES ATTORNEY mittee appointed to investigate un-American propaganda in the United States and related questions, acting as a whole or by sub William J. Campbell to be United States attorney for the committee, not to exceed $100,000, including expenditures for the northern district of Dlinois. employment of experts, and clerical, stenographic, and other assist ants, shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House on POSTMASTERS vouchers authorized by such committee, signed by ·the chairman OHIO thereof and approved by the Committee on Accounts, and the amount herein appropriated is to cover all expenditures of said Starling N. Caron, Hamersville. committee of every nature in completion of its investigation and. Charles E. Morris, Philo. filing its report not later than January 3, 1940. 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1289 "SEc. 2. That the omcial committee repeaters may be used at They recommended the passage of five. bills to cure the evils all hearings held in the District of Columbia if not otherwise om.- cially engaged. - , that they had investigated: Those bills. were duly consid "SEC. 3. The head of each executive department is hereby. re ered by the appropriate committees of the House and were quested to detail to said special committee such number of legal reported favorably to. the House. One of those bills was en and expert assistants and investigators as said committee may acted into law, and the other four measures, by obstruction, from time to time deem necessary.". by dilatory tactics, and by refusal to have them considered, Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, after I conclude my brief are now embalmed in the archives of useless papers. How statement about this matter I propose to yield 2 or 3 minutes surprised we would be, how astounded we would be, if some to the minoii.ty leader, the gentleman from Massachusetts how, somewhere, sometime, some of these investigating com ·[Mr. MARTINJ. After this I propose to move the previous mittees that are set up would come back here with a report question. and have their recommendations enacted into the law of the · We have a very important bill, the consideration of which land. That just does. not happen. In only the most isolated must be completed today, brought out by the Ways and cases has it ever happened. Means Conimittee, and in order to aid the minority in their Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman out-of-town engagements over the .week end, this bill has yield? peen brought in today.. For this reason we are greatly Mr. WARREN. Yes. pressed for time. Mr. McCORMACK. I might also say that the bill the gen Mr. Speaker, now that we are in a calmer moment, it is tleman refers to is the Registration Act, that became a law not amiss for me to discuss some phases of this special last year, compelling all persons in the employ, directly or in committee, both pro and con. The resolution carries the directly, of any foreign government, any foreign political body, largest single amount that has ever been brought out by me any foreign agency of any·kind, corporate, partnership, indi during the last 8 years to be paid from the contingent fund vidual, set up for propaganda purposes in the United ·states, of the House. Frankness compels me to say that had not to register with the Secretary of State. It is the first bill that the original resolution been amended to terminate this in any Congress has enacted, which enables the Department of vestigation within the period of a year I would not have Justice to make any investigation, and · as a result of the supported it, and I believe this view is concurred in by passage of that law, the Department of Justice is now in many others in this body.