Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934
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Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 VOLUME 94, NUMBER 7 TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1990 Spartan City East Humbolt St. Apartment demolition in progress (7; 3 plans for Spartan City -The Ferma Corporation, the contrau ident of facilities development and pet Future ifill1111. tiM which turned in the lowest hid of plans for student housing are in C/) S124.754). has 90 days to complete the the works. complex remain uncertain pis ijecr According to project specifkations. Anne Ambiose, public relations offi- CSI) C'hancellor', Office. Its uhristine Ih t;rass Lentil's of are to level it and turn it they insist demolish the buildings, clear cer for the Daily staff wilier into a parking lot." said Richard E and remove all materials, including all confirmed. Hendrickson, director of operatiims/de- cap utili- ashestos-coMaining materials "The proposal approved by the hoard dusty second signs and consiniction at SJSU. street and level the remaining The sign sits behind a ties at the of directors on Nov. I, 191(9. calls for a empty Spanan Hendrickson added that no budget floor window of the surface by grading. new childcare center, with the capacity someone to has been approved for the parking lot. City, a silent plea for 11w 10 apartment buildings, once oc- for up to 152 children, a new athletic CITY." hut he did not think it would take too low 'Tartan Daily Graphics "REM !II .1) SPARTAN cupied by -irwome students, have complex to replace the field complex. East Alma St. to schedule, long or he too difficult. up since 19101, after the If eik", according been hoarded parking and 100 student apartments temporarily , Manager of Parking Operations. liar- I. Spartan City's 10 buildings ss ill be demolished SJSt silt kW. will, at least lire marshal decided they were unsafe. nearby Spartan City." ignore the laded call for help. old Manson. did not know about plans He found the buildings to he in violation to make way for a parking lot. The demolition of Spartan City began for a new parking lot. of safety. lire and architectural codes. According to Housing Dinmor Fre- Monday. and is expected to he turned "I'll believe it when I see it. If it hap- Once completed. the future of the site drick Najjar. little discussion has taken 2. Spartan Stadium into a temporary parking lot pens. that's good. NC \11:111,1 oark- remains uncertain. According to Mo place on the issue except that Ow -uni My marching orders from the chan- and-ride," he said. Qayounii, associate executive vice pre,- versity is interested in pursuing ii 3. Spartan Village student apartments East meets West Building flooded; limited damage By Kevin J. Weil Daily staff writer It was raining from the ceilings when more than 400 gallons of water poured from a broken filter on the fifth floor of McQuarrie Hall and shut down the Spartan Daily photo lab, Facilities Department and Oper- ationstletemiined that an 0-ring seal for the water filter cartridge broke causing the flooding at 3:45 p.111. Thursday. 'We will attempt to find out why it broke. Whether it was iList Old or tvssi- hty some other cause... said Moham- med Qmiyomi Director of Facilities Department and Operations in a lege- Seventh phime interview Friday. Total clean-up cost was estimated at SKOO. The facilites department. "had six sir seven custodians for four hours of overtime and one plumber for four hours of regular time." Quayomi said. The facilities department did not find any significant damage but, "We will have a final report by the end of next \Acek.’ Quayomi said. He expects to know if there was any ar ceiling or ceiling tile damage at that NM 1r, ,..0.11.6PeadoC . ,..", .." (leak) to cause 4r, - "I don't expect this ....../ t ...1 any budget problems." he added. "We . no - don't like it, hut these things happen." s . , NA" .... The Spartan Daily photo lab was "or e4,.,& * temporarily removed from service as the water for the film pnwessing and devel- Kelley Chinn Daily staff photographer oping sinks leaked down through every J.J. Chin states his opinion at the Student Union that America should stay out of China's business and calls for morality and discipline in U.S. floor in the building. 'The water filter cartridge broke for the entire water supply for the dark- room.'' Eric Cm,. a photo techni- China knows best, immigrant tells students cian for the An Department in Durwan hall. "The water leaked down in the crawl By Mike de t:i%c space that goes all the way 1mm the 5th Daily staff writer and those Chinese students want to rumors against China and now every-- United States has plenty of problems fannlies. has change the government system alto- one hates China.' said Chin to a of its own such as alchoholism, di- "China has broken families Itool,’ thaw down to the first floor." said Hank and The old man stood perched on his gether. Please don't force your system group of half a dozen listeners who vorce, teenage pregnancy and high interrupted Ng. ilnlennd:ckson. Director of Design chair near the Student Union for hours. upon China." had stopped to read his signs. school dropouts so people have no "I say you are drunk. You better C onstruction for the facilities depart- The sit-foot-long cardboard posters, Chin, who wore a straw hat and Reports of thousands killed, he said. business calling for democracy in wake up," Chin said to her as she an- intent. worn like a sandwich hoard over his thick, dark-rimmed glasses, believes a were innaccurate. China. grily walked away. me out from under the floor shoulders, occasionally lifted with the different version of events that took You have to count the dead bod- "I'm not here to criticize your sys- Later. Ng said she has lived in dif- .,11. and into the hallways." Hendrick- wind and brushed against passers-by. place last summer in Tiananmen ies, otherwise you can't spread any ru- tem. I'm here to ask you to leave ferent countries, and they all have their ii said. Small writing tilled each poster, one Square than has been reported by the mors," Chin said. China alone," he said. problems. But what's important. she A small amount of water was discov- and side in English. the other in Chinese. U.S. media. Student demonstrators "What he's saying right now makes But occasionally he did have crit- said, is how they tackle them. ered in the hallways of the second and fifth telling anyone who may sympathize were repeatedly warned to cease their a lot of sense to me." said Juan Nina. icisms, and some students didn't like "I don't think it's fair tsi say Amer- third floors. Besides the fourth water, with Chinese student protesters in protest, and it was only after they a graduate student in economics who it. Such as the time when Chin said ica is going downhill just because of floors getting a majority of the Beijing to keep their ideologies to killed soldiers and then burnt and hung spent the summer in Italy. "America is going downhill." teenage pregnancy." she said. the first floor became the resting place themselves their dead bodies that the army was Press accounts in Italy. Pema said, "I don't think so." said Susan Ng, Ng said she's heard people who or all the water that made its way down "Chinese leaders know what's hest forced to move in and shoot, said reported that troops were forced to fire a senior in a-counting. have gone to Singapore for a week and through the wall spaces. the floor lor China," said J. J. Chin on Thum- Chin. because students had become violent. "You don't think so?" asked Chin. think it's a great country. But she has When the water went under 1.1 "They have more experience. 'The U.S. media spread so many Chin's main point was that the "You don't think America has broken See (11/V1. sills, it formed puddles in front of the women's bathroom and moved into sev- See FLOOD. page 7 Spartan Sports Local shelter attempts to give Info booth I he weekend in review... relocates Baseball opens season with two homeless men responsibilities wins over Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo - see page 4 its work within two weeks then again I think that molter decisions residents find Costs more than $5000 By Adam Steinhauer after moving into the shelter, although can he frustrated by circumstances... 'Women's basketball loses to UOF' Daily staff writer One of the ways I killed the pain was by extensions are sometimes granted. They at home - see page 5 must also save $100 a week after find- tt %dam Sicitiliami Bruce Owens. 39, has authored a drinking." ing work, said Joanne Garlick, the shel- Daily staff writer hook of poetry, guest lectured to college "You're out socializing and trying to ter's lead supervisor. Residents are only SJSU student coaches SCU creative writing classes and has ap- make contact with other human beings .The campus information booth, eligible to stay at the shelter for 60 days women's tennis - see page 5 peared on educational television. and you end up spending money that which has been out of operation for two you really shouldn't he spending," in a row. Garlick said. years, has been moved to a new location But Owens' hook was published hack Owens said regarding his alchoholism.