PART 4. PAGE 10 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES (PHONE CHERRY. SS00) Sunday, March 16, 1941 Automobiles for Salt | A utomobiles for Solo Automobiles for Solo Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Solo Automobile* for Sale Automobiles ter Sale Automobiles for Salo WE SELL FOR LESS S fiTJIIM have you a job? • AND r **H HETTCHE 150 s. BEST Bring Your Badge and Drive Oat One of The»e OUR Aaalvartary Sala afar* COMPARE FORD BUYS SPECIALS Brut •at n»TT»MH Mm I St 'll ) bevroler TV Redan, rad . htr IIM CLEARANCE SALE lag Pl\ mouth nape, radio, tba iaaat aalaatiaa aid ¦MTmilm r««...... ’s7 i healer 1W NO IN DETROIT •S 4 I>n6f» Mu S 7 •J 7 I'ontlar ! IWr SSI lawaat prloas ai asad 11 *l7 tnd* Touring 2-D«nr 26* | You’ll Buy Here rOED TTDOI ’U f«d W4»n 1017° tl7o ** l *.* ’St Mil *<*•¦ ’37 hmlrr Town Man ... 288 TO CLEAR OUR I that hav* avar baaa able 173/ *4l LICENCE f 1/7 •St I'n.ll.r Kotan ** 'SI < hftrnirt T. Man, radio, htr. 21*8 Finance Cos! Kuna Blue; mohair trim; radio, boater. T»fr«pl»*4 *•"¦•¦ •* 'Bs 4 hfv Tonn Medan. radio, htr. 84f ta affar tba bayiag pablfe. Small Overhead, Small Really clean; 929 down or trade. •SS Touting LARGE STOCK | •M Ptymouth 4-Dow Truk Mt MS I’lvmnnth Medan ... B*B For 18 Payments ...... 37$ •ST liodft Trwmk K«a6n .. >*» ’B9 Pontiac 2-Door ! 'l4 Fard 0. L. Cpa. S4O Profit, Msks Thtse 1936 ron ? . H* $139 HATES FIGURED IN EVERY DEAL on Thiss Caro r nVS I»4I 1941 Mirciry $845 *3B Fard St. Tidar.. 85 Jet black: eleaa; tires and motor like new. Hurry. down; WF. CAKRV YOUR NOTE* OI R- Prices Possible 119 trade. -9KI. VE H AND SAVE YOB 1940 Sedan 645 8215 Harper 25 MONEY, OFFER GOOD WITH Fall Price DO “ ONI.* 1938 $279 DOWN 1 His AP AT lIME or A honey; Ilcenae; ¦ALE 1940 Ford Da Law Tudor.. 495 *4l goer line heater | > s«d. $344 19.900 mtlee. Tour old down. Tudor., ’3B Buick cat MECHANIC’S SPECIALS 1939 Ford De Lhh 395 20th IOTO roRD M TTDOR ’37 Chevrolet Seda*... .$197 1747 DU. #770 ACTION Kgqlpment Darlag tba paat 10 yaara It ’4O Ford w. R.d 427 EQriPPED f3/7 De Luxe 1940 Plymoith 2-Door .... 495 Black: mohair; heater; *4l lloonae free. YOU FIX 'EM One owner. Ynur old car down. to Aril| pailey ta gtva COST For«*ed Tvor* Car Must IV Fold ’37 Dodge Sedan 199 baa baaa aar *•*¦*•*- W* SUPPLY NEEDED PARTS AT .... at One*! Mail? l*rlrwl Below Wh"l«**lel HIGHLAND . Equipment Plymouth ’37 Olds 235 Dr Luxe 1939 2-Door 395 tba parabaaar tba baat daal la CAR NUMBER I CHEV MASTER COACH . I 95 I.UTV KK til ARAMK£D 1940 St ’S9 ’39 Plymouth Sedan ... 399 Miehigaa s.d ( ’“WWT" $449 jtT ’3l roRD VICTORIA .«.*¦ t krvralft < atpr. 1934 $ 39 std Fully Equipped 1-939 Dodge 425 aad at tba aaaia ’39 Buick 468 Kudaton Grey: mohair rtim: heater, other _ M-A ’33 CHFV SEDAN into** S» lord Model A. I!».4» ...... SS.ftO tint* ta maintain tba bigbaat eitras. Tour old car down. lit *4O CHEV. SPEC CU B lord \-8. 1934 45 00 ’4O Plymouth S-P. Coupe 475 1939 Chevrolet De Liu Cpe. 395 to 4-D. Trk. Rtdlo anl h».ic 435 lord \-8. 19 15 fft IMI Radtn. Heater, Many Eatrai gaality warkmantbip aa aar ’4O Olds 553 ro D ß 101 ’34 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN AS |i>mouth. CHEVROLET? 1939 ? 1934 70.1H1 Rt., Ht., Sett Cot. i Llko Now *A B Ar Tr $329 •1 ’SS CHEV MASTER COACH . 95 Poofter. 1934 7fMM» ’37 Ford Sedan 149 1939 Lincoln Zephyr Fordor. 495 asad eara sa that yaa, tbs De Luxs: gaaoiina heater; rpotlhe: blue 135-A ’l3 CHEV. SEDAN «'4l plttut) 4S I<»rd V ». 1987 13A.00 A Good Cletan Car with mohair trim. Just your ear down. 64T A ’SS CHEV. MASTER COACH 95 lord \-8. 1980 M.OO ’39 Dodge 429 1938 Ford Tudor 275 bayar. will ba fraa tram esatly ’3B LsSalls m. 397 fc!» A ’JS FORD FORDOR TRUNK up Sedan D , SED . Radio tnd hr.trr P 5 A t>hrr Make* Tncltidn* Pick and Fully Equipped rspaira. Nakt Truck* at l'nloading Pr torsi D. L. Sod. 1939 M»W MILEA

. " them for results! Medan, special 10900 CHARLEVOIX 10530 MACK ’37 Zephyr 4-Dssr 245 >-• DOWN $295 Tour. $25 E. LENOX 9699 TfEV TRK *7 5" 10930 WARREN 3120 DAVE KENNEDY 37'2-DR DESOTO—'4O business coupe. heater. hi dson Wm. Deutsch Co., 11270 Gratiot overdrive green finish: 10.000 actual eioE i»s7 eae We Wholesale Ford Dealer 14730 Harper miles: can be made over Into a club coupe, 9199 NPORT SEDAN 9*9 GRAND RIVER CHEVROLET—I*4O ma»irr dr luxr 2-door no reasonable offer refuaejj,. 24 month* on eiAE 1937 CHEVROLET (AC Products to You! FORD ’35 TUDOR TR. SED. Open 41 FORD#; 1 AVAILABLE trunk sedan clean inside and out; a balance. 7721 Gratiot Town Sedan 949 Chrysler Park In Rear Ritas UP TO *2r»t. DISCOUNT. FORD OLK. _____ #199 D. 1«», Rybuilt motor. perfect automobile. ’4O Chrysler Club Cpe.. Rad.. Htr. sft9fl J R COTE. INC. 9430 WOODWARD (AAP 1937 CHEVROLET _ 1937 De Soto Coupe *4C D<»dge Every Extra.... ft4o Carson Buick. 16440 Woodward 9499 Town Sedan 949 *4O Cnarh. Detroit’s FORD- 40 de luxe tik aedan push button small . . . Bargain, hurry on thl* one; only $195, *4O l*l>month Cnarh. Job 450 radio, heater, equipped trunk radio (HJE 1937 DE KOTO (HE *3B Chrysler 4-Dr. Medan. Gray 200 $59.50, $9.50 Dn. Terms caa ba arranged to — ’35 tudor; good one: $57. |7 down all dual Ike <2RI!VlSDtt—"ft 2-door term* FORD brand rew inside and out A ride and you beater very clean $175. trade. SSO Town Medan 949 ’39 Dodge Cnarh. Rad., Htr.. Nice. 390 J. B COTE. INC 9156 WOODWARD 9499 ovary parebtsar. at w* will buy It f*.29. I*** down. 200 ni re Royal l.mwood Packard Factory Branch 19,6 plane ’39 De Soto Sedan. Beautiful .... 335 River Chevrolet salt ’Your Ford Dealer Over 20 Years" down Motor. 8770 tkb Grand bargains Parking in rear Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedan. Gray... 290 CHEVROLET - 193V* master «jf luxe town 8510 WOODWARD $145 k e dVn $25 *3B handle praetienlly nil aar nwa FORD 1941 ConvertiMe Coupe. 4.006 ae~ pew appearance. your 6-pas* very *37 Dodge 2-Dr. Nicer than av*. 220 5100 GRAND RIVER tuU mlTes, nice An tab. good tlrea. radio, aedan; car $125 or PE ROTO— I*4o sedan, clean. HOE 1936 CHRYbLLB aa£ Plym. 2-Dr.. Dash. Clean 220 rtlA ear down, balance IB months. 15113- with '4l license -132A0 Mark '97 note*. Immodiat* delivery. heater fog lights. bumper guards, tide MACK 9109 sedan 949 ’37 Chrysler 4-Dr. Trunk Sedan... 225 view mirrors white wall tlrea. ’4l plates 8001 1937 DE SOTO COUPI $215 • («E (drafted, very push-button radio, ICE 1936 DODGE better taurrvi. Hava over 1200. FORD 1936 has motor prior. Ao-dty full price, down g*g*d tlrea show very l|t»le wear., 1150 full 31A dn. guar. $95 $25 KRAJENKE BUICK DUNLAVY A Llvemote and tha* RUSS DAWSON LAWRENCE. 9900 priced only V). term* trade; •JE 1834 CHEVROLET E6E MIC HIGAN'S BEST BUIC K DEALER many at s3*7 or 9650 Livernois Ford Dealer NO 9*74 FORD—’4O tudor; extras; $442 -VL hark rates Executive's De Luxe Coach 9 C9 50 high trade-in 6 7777 Woodward Car 5-passenger sedan. heater, good $42 down allowance 1941 DE SOTO de luxe 2-door touting 11811 CAMPAU FOftD—*36 other* to choose from: all priced to sell im- da luxr ardan JOS. tires and motor, black finish avoid an Lowest fcHICVROLET—36 2-door sedan: factory Installed heater and de- mediately. Re* me personally. J. Alexan- RUSS DAWSON ! beauty, in price; buy sow. Jual think, a little full price *129, trade. JIB beautiful finish; matching broad- COMMERCIALS Increase W* mean 200 ears Is der, manager. * frosters 11452 JOS. CAMPAU only Is tall 183*3 Woodward For* D-«’»r TO 10341 down. E M Gregory, Inc. Heated show- cloth upholstery. all de luxe group; very 199. 19 down only • 1937 DODGE 10 days ta giva * • it* tM >’ room. 3346 Gratiot. few miles; carries new. car guarantee; IOC #9C HACQUOIL BUICK tba saxt and FORD r, *297 down $795 for quick sale, trade, long as 9199 H-TON PANEL 949 J. B. Cote, Inc. J. B COTr. INC 91V) WOODWARD will as bayars at prieat F->rd 24 months to pay. • IOC 19S7PLVMOITH (HE DODGE—'4O d* lux* 4-door touring aedart; 10330 Livernois NO. 9899 Detroit cart 9430 WOODWARD MAD 9750 ¦ T"ur On- 20 V-ar," radio, beater, clock, WE '39 Chevrolet, $425 LOUIS ROSE CO., 5454 CASS 9199 SEDAN DELIVERY 949 battlrahtp gray, thay can sa t duplicate is Tour Ford D*4l#r Ov»r 20 Y»»r« FORD IMO H . t r w4m; r»4i« cigar lighter; a very low mtlrag* car; , . from Master de luxe town aedan: black finish: • 1837 DODGE («E FORD—3936 Trunk Tudor S«dan Phlleo LESS FORD— 38 “83" bua. coup,: black ftnlah; h*at-r w w r»n not b# told HE by original owner; price |«SS. radio, heater, plate, price *149, past covert: radio and healer good tires; DE SOTO—'37: atoiT looking—lt's her. “to pickup traded the '4l Full Miehigaa. fxcllnt tlr»,. (249. (29 n,w. *173 rrf f our cM car 4c*n. new car irk. aedan 91 19 949 trade, long term* on Get motor and K ; GMAC terms, liberal trade be had, thl. One d. lux. ha. We the balance. *29 down. guaran'-rd run* O M c- Proposition. Member of D. down. 9001 Woodward. allowance. radio, heater, .per flnl.h, and only 3195. •90C ,M 9 n - - C9R PACKARD'S SELL 335 down. 200 mora bargain.. Parking 9499 IH-Tun t ab. Uhai.l. 949 A D. A PACKARD—Detroit Branch. FOR ’IS Chevrolet Cpa. $385 FORD DIf~LUXE TUDOtI TRO 1938 Motor Division 270 L. HI DAWSON tire, plat,,; apccial Chevrolet in rear. 574 F.aat Jefferson. RA. Good motor and 1941 BUD JARVIS Zephyr (10 down, Terms DODGE—I93S2-door sedan; has '4l plateaT 17*00 LIVERNOIS ’3B 4-Dr.... 425 *93, will trad*. FORD DEVLER 7122 W VFRNOR Cass Factory Branch Easy FOR , __ 6111 heater; need, MEMBER OF D A 4«9 full price. $9 down. FORD—I 939 coupe de luxe, a little ’3l Packard 7-Sats. fdhfy -37 de luxe sr* coupe. fender _ MACK SELL 8001 A Selection of 175 Cars work; *273. BERT BAKER guards, only Sl**! S3O cash Maxwell- CHR Custom imperial New •-*»»* Y 8 LER—'40 £) opera coupe! r*d|r>, & 9001 WOODWARD Sad. i radia, htr., Ora 1 1 ot Ce 6211 two-tone gray and green fc SO to—'36 r 1 ub Grubb McKenzie Yorker. finish. you It for to Choose From River, * ttree clock, heater, 1 owner can’t beat FORD—Tudor, coupe,; we LESS Grand Cor. Livernois FORD Mode ther rta b Only healer, white eldewall radio word, D A D A MEMBER and have the WE Ilka saw 425 overdrive; special green broadcloth uphol- quality and value don t t*ke our ask largest selection on the East 81de of FORDA—I936 (4 to choose from.. as low $29 full price etery; price. *875 We trade and handle our cuatomers; only $49 down. Old#—ll6ls Woodward—PlTs Detroit from 1934 to 1940 Com, early ’39 Mtreury Sedan. 455 as s6oi our own financing Get PACKARD'S HACQUOIL BUICK DOfrOE—-*39~2-Door7 >445. $95~ Dow n and take your choice. From *27 50 up AMBAAAADOR MOTOR SALES Proposition. Member of D. A D. A. E-Z terms arranged. 9010 W Vernor Hwy , at 21st HI DAWSON PACKARD—Detroit Branch. 574 East Jel- in33o Livernois NO. PS99 Wm. Deutach Co., 11270 Gratiot 17660 MVKRNOI6 ~~ *39; maroon; fcreon RA 2701 GIBSON’S, 8020 MACK FORD -De L. private owner DE soTo 1935 airflow -edan new DODGE '4O spec ds luxs 5-p*.«s. eOBV. IVnno mllea A J Oater. 16620 Coyle iSfRYSLER- 1936 atrllow .elan; like new paint tire*, a Highland special finish, - tudor; radio, heater, rnamon new whitewall coups; 2-tons show car FORD 19.36 chnmr radio, htr., overdrive ate.; 3215 full beauty; $l6O full price. sl6 dn ; 80-day spec w. w. and top, Auksn wheels; bept 3 to choose 1936 FORD COUPE. $l9O price. automatic of condition. *2l dn ; 60-day guar . guar. bumper guards, heatsr. defroster, spare from. $165. 126 down 6849 Gratiot Prices! 9001 WOODWARD CORNERS* on ground. wheel never been Not another FORD- 1940 opera peat coupe heater, 5* FORD -1936 coupe $295. heater (For Ford Buyers I Rrmg in your car and drive REMEMBER black, 7777 Woodward 7777 Woodward like it old non actual mllep. maroon Duco, $545, ’» beautiful ebonv only $45 down. Offers Khnieaals Trices In 9 verv Owe home this ultra spo*-s»er. Best terms. 200 down, ONLY ONE LOCATION F 7 terms on balance over- rear balance la montha CHRYSLER '39 lmi*rtal 4-door WALK IN here drive out. Fisher Chevrolet Co. more bargains Parking In BETWEEN CHICAGO $50,000.00 car and STOCK drive. radio, hwtrr tan finish like Record. 15000 Kerchevsl & B«v lom mileage new rar guarantee, no FORD BLV D . AND GRAND Grubb McKenzie SACRIFICED reasonable offer refused email down pay- 8001 MACK RIVER ON LIVERNOIS. PAPA MEMBER ment. term* to suit 7721 Gratiot. DODGE,'SI9S 12887 WOODWARD MOTOR SALES CO. Rrmndrling for Eapantion 1938 —11615 • DO DOF/ —’36 de luxe 2-door trk sedan: Olds Woodward—Dly\_ Model, to 1940 Ford, CHRYSLER FLUID DRIVE pane’, red finish; good mechani- spotless pn day guar . $165. 14570 WOODWARD A" IH-ton onlv 90 0. Tad. $495 FORD '35 tudor S9O. $lO down Lowest ford Price# OFFICIAL'S CAR cally. terms. 12951 WOODWARD other bargains. Maxwell-Gratiot. 6216 OPEN EVENINGS WE TRADE ’39 Fard L. At World's Yorker, equip- •7fe Fw »y fe Dee/ With VtT •-cylinder New all special Chevrolet Motor Division Gratiot. super luge 4-door; ’4O Mercury Sedas. 645 ment: a beautiful car like new. at an at- FORD—'3* de radio. FLOYD Bring Badge—Drive Away sedan, ; 1249, FOREN v low term*. DODGE '» 6 pass clean as a heater, lie runs and tires A-1; tractive! price, 6111 Cass Factory Branch pew *4O Zephyr 4-Dsar. 145 radio, car. Only >495 correrfi% quoted Cecil. 9222 Gratiot 17100 WOODWARD AT 6 MILE ROAD MerW-Gretiot Co., New Cer Dealer MEMBER OF THE D. A D. A. DODGE 1936 de luxe 2-door; KIRCHER MOTOR SALES j heater: verv fine; >169.50 FORD 1939 tudor; beautiful Mack finish. Chrysler SARB-PRINCE FORD—'37 tudor. $175. A-1 condition. S2O heater; tires 14667 Llveraoii Plymouth Healer !h' IHip 19 16 2-do*>r t iring sedan, nlca such bargains clean upholstering. spotlight, finish, g d motor. clean inside and nut; 8146 MACK, COR. 3950 w FORT LA. 4352 down. 200 other tike new. 1941 full price $335. $65 Gratiot Ave. CHRYSLER 1940 Royal 6-cyl. 5-pass. MAXWELL ‘‘We Sell for Less” ilcenae. 3121 club price >199, down, down, terms. coupe: radio, heater full >29 first DomiE 2 iip. trk dn' DODGE- 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk redan; balance E-Z factory push button heater payment in 6<> days Siii TB new plate* and defrosters, original shiny jet black run* Juet like a rar. 41 FLOYD FOREN Wm. Deutsch Co., 11270 Gratiot nearly tire*, Only 4215 full 1936 TUDOR finish; spotless mohair trim Folks its new heater. 17inn WOODWARD AT A MILE ROAD JEFFERSON CHEV. FORD really a beauty. See It, you'll know it s a DODGE '36 pass tr;nk sedan, perfect price. 440 down or car. 8901 Mack, at ga* B*oan wttfi t>utlt,ln trunk, h»» built-in HI DAWSON t 7 pan,. good tlrea; • bargain at only s6s6. 176 down or just your throughout Only $365. etattnn. FORD —'37 8 aedan. 22*7 EAST JEFFERSON r»195 full 3950 W Dodge, 1939, $445 LA. 42*2 HALL- tradr also '4O. 3950 WEST FORT (repossessori, Plata 5262. price. . DODGE--'39 de luxe oi*ra seat coupe; l-tnn panel; green finish; low mileage; PAY ONLY »5 DOWN B. & B. CHEVROLET new car guar ; only >39* trade. >SO thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed; FORD—I 939 tudor; beautiful condition cash Maxwell-Gratiot Co Gratiot throughout; radio and heater; this car ON ANY LATE MODEL CAR RUSS DAWSON 6611 F Jefferson Member DA P A low ftMAC terms. Co-dgotr, Loon 183*3 a, buy a, No —Ns Furaitura Woodward Ford Dralrr TO 8-1034 '3B, liner; good a we have ever had. Bee Chrysler, $345 50D0E—*39 4-door sedan "hJirufy Chevrolet Motor Division Mr Wat,on. Royal tounng sedan, radio and heater, factory radio, heater, new car guar.; ? Hare’s How It Work* 1939 DODGE 4-DR. car—it not*34. ais.aa down Co., 6111 Cass Factory Branch UN extra clean >6O >395. trade >so cash. Maxwell-Gratiot 841, AUCTION SALE Gratiot Radio heater also 2-doors >*o dowm A A & DODDS •IM 148-11 NO! 844.841 6216 MEMBER OF THE D P CLARK AUTO SALES Grubb McKenzie *2OO CAR-1* NOTES. *18.14 TUESDAY. MAR. IS. S O’CLOCK HEATER; Dodges, IMM WOODWARD PONTIAC DEALER DOI>GE 1935 4-t>OOft SEDAN. & DODGE—'39 2-door; red finish; de luxe D A D A MEMBER *2B* CAR—I* NOTES, *11.78 Fords. Chev , Buickt. GOOD TIRES RUNS NICE >l6* luxury mileage, **•* car—l* notes, in.a* Plymouth#, De Sotos, La Salles CHRYIIEK-2 1940 New Yorker 4-doors. C. G. MOTORS liner, car like new. low 01d5—15915 Livernois—Dir. finish, fluid overdrive I 11414 LTVERNOIg a bargain, small down payment, terms to 9550 Na Me 4 Tape—N, tueeae ceargM end Terroplanes green drive air suit *«5 Down! Kltnu, My A rhoiiee to get a cor ot yowr price conditioned, low mileage; new car guaran- MILLENBACH DODGE — ’36 2-door touring, good tires, 7721 Gratiot FORD--'37 Fordor. *I9.V No lavrat Igat. Ctae. C tab nr 19*f down tee; small down payments 24 months on DEALER clean Inside >ll9 13200 Mack Wm. Co.,’ 11270 Gratiot bal Oall Plaza *253. Naumann or Miller FORD 13000 FAST WARREN Deutsch OCALC66 INVITCD—HCATEO SALI66OOM DODGE EMPLOYES have a beautiful liner, tounng We DODGE—'39 luxury popular 2-dr. Dodge, '3B, $365 LIVEIIIOIS ’3* Royal 4-door MIKE CASEY CHRYSLER— wT selection of Chrysler products ’,33’s to touring sed. , deep maroon finish, radio, FORD 1937 COUPE 5955 Woodward gray; radio, heater, clock, good 4-door touring sedan, radio and heater. ____ WE SELL FOR LESS dan; -’4o‘s, written guarantee bank finance heater folks, it's guaranteed 90-days Roiithwlnd heater; original black finish 22 11644 LIVERNOIS NO. 0337 At Harper—Free Perking tires, clean inside, traded by the original' for ' Ihf rrmsage ffifi-Ttown rates, from >4* to >695. bring your badge and only >4*9 full price >59 down. 1 1« beautiful Inside and out. Tire* like owner priced to set) quick at >44*. We ’ Immediate delivtry Authnrlzed dealer PtTNLAVY A LAWRENCE 99tni Llvernols AUTO SALES new Hurry Only $225 full price. trade and handle our own financing Get CLARK TRUNK TU- FORD—I 939 Tudor Pedan Clean finish. Proposition. Heated showdoor 611* Mack. 12*51 WOODWARD PONTIAC DEALER FORD '37 "AS" DE LUXE PACKARDS Member of D DODGE—*33 de luxe clutch; brand new DOR VERY CLEAN INSIDE OOOD nice mohair trim, radio, heater 41 “sedan beat * $145 A P A PACKARD—Detroit Branch. DODGE 1939 4-door er. finish clean inside Why walk 1 You COME HERE and me»l vour next car RUSS DAWSON Ford ’36 Fordor, AND TIRES YOURS FOR *22* plates Full price $299. $39 down No pay- original green MOTOR f>74 East Jefferson RA 2701. Rrewster finish spotless can’t beat this bargain >29*o price. Fisher Record. 15000 Kercheval Black; for days Big trade buy full 96.V) Livemois Ford Dealer NO 95"4 Verv Clean & SONS ments 60 excellent, a real at only >49 more bargains. Parking in rear, HENRY SCHMID •3S CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-DR TK >36* 200 FORD 1936 cabriolet. beauti- Mil) Radi" Black with factory built-in radio heater, down Sec Mr. Wats-n ful new finish, radio, FORD 1935 Trunk fudOT 11077 GRATIOT PINGREE *2OO maroon htr.. and hea'er, 41 plate* Only $79 lull spotlight, excellent tires and motor. Lie whitewall tires, new top. etc ; really a $35 DOWN HI DAWSON Only >IOO down It s a & 8001 MACK sport job, $220 price, dn price. IS* down. Take trade MODEL A BUTCH No CJ-6374 Grubb McKenzie hot full >22 . Her* I* a good one: a 4-door nedan with fact, we have the car we advertise. 60-day gu^r^ MEMBER DODGE -37 de factory 1941 plate* Only *27 *0 1 FORD—'36 de luxe PA D. A lust trunk sedans Hanley Dawson Co. spotless 90-day guar only $129. $29 PONTIAC BRANCH radio, heater, etr jo gorgeous ones 'ow HI DAWSON | Olds —1591*1 Livemois—Dir. Y*arg a Factory Deofer DON HOMER CHEV. down Maxwell-Gratiot. 6216 Gratin' K2OO CARS MADISON *o?# a* >219 *rade >l9 down E M Gregory. 7777 Woodward moo LIVERNOIS 30 WE WHOLESALE ‘TO DEALERS DODGE ‘4O 4-door luxury liner, gray ftif-' Inc Heated showroom 3366 Gratiot FORD '4O bE LITCE CLUB COU>E 9701 Grand River TY. 6-4902 FORD 1937 tudor e#d*n beautiful rad'* soon trunk, FINISH, job, one $195 full price CHRYSLER FACTORY BRANCH 'sh. car like new actual DODGE- 1939 4-door sedan original green FORD 1935 aedtn black; ORIGINAL DARK GREEN 4801 4735 Woodw’d FORD —'40 luxe A-paa* iedan. equipped owner. bargain down, sacrifice Ivanhoe evenings 3rd de 7»U miles \ 24 months on bal- finish spotless, interior same 30-day heater 6915 LOW MILEAGE HEATER AND DE- factory radio, heater; MOO CAM MADISON Gratiot the with black flnl*h ance 7721 guarantee. >475 full price; terms. FROSTERS. LIKE NEW THROUGHOUT; cover*; and ' pLoyeS=W* hart • baa i- FORD- 1939 '65" coupe black; mechan- and original *eat recondition*! BUD JARVIS hy MICHIGAN'S LARGEST BUICK Uful selection of Chrysler products. ’33 s ically perfect; not a scratch on this one. guar FORD DEALER 7122 W VERNOR to 40 s Written guarantee Bank rates Bee it today, the price Is right WE WHOLESALE" DEALER; full price **79. *79 or your car ( 1937, TAYLORS', Inc. fbltb—B4 32 tudor, perfect, only $45. Prlceg atart from $45 to #696. Bring your Dodge, $225 pane; new finish; good tires; DODGE PLYMOTTH DEALERS Carson Buiek, 16440 Woodward ’GRATIOT CHEV. SIA down. Maxwell-Gratiot Co . 6216 badge Immediate delivery Authorised 1-ton recon. 175 CARS I A A BUICK I Deaier. Heated showroom, ill* Mack dltloned; 30-day guarantee; easy terms. I*6oo LXVERNOIB P D. MEMBER 14 Years at 12668 Gratiot All make*; all model*. Out-of-town dealer* HACQUOIL Gratiot. DODGE 39 sedan, excellent mechanically 12721 Livemois TY. 4-7607 FORD—I94O sedan, clean car Chrysler si,p*r } paaa." Soyai -*" Chevrolet Motor DiviHion opera coup*, Invited. tudor nice and the Arabian sand finish Is beautiful, Ford, '36, $165 FORD '4O Intent 4*9 >69 down trade at MICHIGAN'S a 1 owner and flnlnhed MILLENBACH'S FORD—I9I4 Convertible #26* $45 ovwn 200 more bargains. Park- MEMBER OF THE A D A. ditioned like new. >35 down Llpton green, like now; good. Only _ D_ LARGEST BI’ICK DEALER In no time avoid 1.160 GRATIOT 13000 E WARREN tor. Snlah and tire* are *49 ing id r-ar. YOUR CHOICE—FULL PRICE IM CLARK AUTO SALES an Increae* in price; only 149 down, term* full price. *9 down. HI DAWSON ** . *4l HACQUOIL BUICK Original Washington blue finish; Just per- HI DAWSON FORD—I4.I9 de luxe A-pan*. nedan whltW MEMBER D A D A. ; only tire*; *potie»» Interior; mechanically per- CSSYsICr 1937 ~tourtng : lull ready to *o: term* to »ult. Hurry while 1 licenae >135 >3O down. Maxwell- 10330 Livemois NO. 9899 fect, has factory built-In radio, push button 17*00 LIVERNOIS they Met State Motor Rale*. 4201 Caa*. Gratiot Co . 6216 Gratiot. type and type heater; interior trim of "dick"; fect: written guarantee; only (389 full prle*. *2l*; hank rale* 1010<> Mack _ latest FORD—'l* tudor; *225. *7 down - - touring | Big | broadcloth, upholstery Is spot*, price, *49 down or your old car we * DODGE 1941 4-door ruetom FORD— 1937 Tudor Redan warm FORD 1937 TUDOR fine which J. B COTE, INC 91*0 WOODWARD CHRYSLER—AirfIow Buyer, have Dodge, '37, $265 less; a **d*D; radio, air-conditioner, two-tone heater. *4l plates, full pries >99 or car nice, with factory bullt-ln has real reconditioned motor and "Your Ford Dealer Over 20 Year*" | 3900 WOODWARD fine aeleetloe of ’35. '36. ’*7 Airflow touring sedan, A anappy Job tires new; must be to be appre- green, drive, live $2Vi 4-door radio, heater. >6* down. No pavmenta for 60 da vs. original gun like seen ¦*97 >7 down no obligation GMAC terms, Il6aral trade * complete Genuine ruatom built liner RUSS DAWSON I*3*3 WOODWARD AVE TO *-10*4 17100 WOODWARD AT MILE ROAD s rif* >199 9222_Gratiot J B TOTE INC. 91*0 WOODWARD allowance.; mure: today', m«.*t popular body type, de r Ford Dealer Over 99.V0 Livemois Ford Denier NO 9*74 8001 MACK equipment throughout! etrte'ly 20 years” FORD CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLET luxe euar- rlub'nper MKlpe. ra- 19.19 Chevrolet Motor Division maroon. ejear mohair trim, beater, etc . anteed a* nett drlv* th’* off our new FoRD 1934 4 door de~luxe.~a^'beauty. I*6 FOR 6 4<-i de tune ft GREEN FINISH; LEATHER WSViLtP 40 ft«yal 4-door, blue finish one dio, hy t ORIGINAL WE WHOLESALE perfect job. >l4O full price >l4 dn 60- ,«r ... tor w.ll full price henter. driven few miles careful * TIRES; radio heater low m!ieag* <•«» like new f t.>dav orlt 4*17 trade TRIM. HEATER PERFECT 6111 Cass Factory Branch day guar r-nI.VIt.LE MnOßr r-n owner finished In Llpton green, buy SEE THIS JOB 41 PLATES ONLY *l2* I*o SELECT. OA RS •o reasons hie off** refused. on • MEMRER OE THE DAD A 24 months void *n increase In price, only $69 down 7721 Or at tot AUTHORIZED DODGE DFALFR DOWN All Makes ami Models Wksn^ 102*01 r-,paNr> RIVER SHORE-SEVERS long as 24 month* on balance HOW about a better uaed car right now' feOSb—l»37 Be- erty aedar. radio, heater. 7777 Woodward MEMBER OF A D « L’vernoi* radtHac-Qldf Dealer Eteher Record. I*ooo Kercheval Bros.—Ford Mua> aarrtfice D A BUICK Johns Dealers sate HACQUOIL 00 touring. *22 * 13200 » MILLENBACH FORD 19*4 COUPE—*49 imes tf’ant Ads~T^r“profit—use DODGE —'37 4-door r f Livemois 7811 Gratiot at Van Dyka Hammonds. 11022 Mark them for results! I Mack day Fisher Record 1VKVt Kercheval 10330 NO. 9899 FORD DEALER 13000 EAST WARREN EARL REDDICK. 12220 LIVERNOIS