SOUTH reference map

Gogrial SUDAN NORTHERN Aweil Centre West Gogrial East

BAHR EL Gil'bagoba

GHAZAL ETHIOPIA Gairi CAR Offio Gairi Rehan Kpumo DRC Tonj NorthKENYA Ngotu UGANDA Kugomoka Kongodi Malak Ngomba Dombo Ngomini A Gunna Kpango Budi Erua Tumbal Khorr Ghana Rekuba Nzarami Ngorombo Akobo Hills Gete Nzarami Ngua Khor Gana Ngongoba Goku Kabi Mogila Ali Golo Karbeb Ngaye Safa Bakhit Ngogaku Abdesi Yinga Tumafe Wau Kazi Kamonguia Manga Masna Ndaku Gire Ateim Jebel Andia Masna A Tgoti Ngoku Ngova Pdu Gonva Agok Angisa Tadu Kpota Momoi Ngisa Bagari Tonj Demuoro Witia Atal Karwia Bagari B Halima Missia Kuvirre South Ngoguwa Taban Farajala Ngovlm Tidobiyol Raga Ngo-alima Nyalero Ganna Ngolimba Ver Udi Ngovar Umbeli Duniaka

Val Gedi Surur Gadi Kongo Ulecy Girish Sirur Taban Ghittan Rabeh Sabun Taban South Mbatai WESTERN Rihan Bursa Rapids Mapel BAHR EL Hori Guelia Gittan Mboro Fafalyo GHAZAL Ghittan Kalim Ayo Namatina Kanaga Togo Udu Baras Gettan Guma New Bazia Kongor Wau Maju Centre Godegama Murssal Korgizaz Gugumaba River Wau Godeanyjinji International boundary Nakpataguru Centre Nyeke State boundary Nakpataguru South

County boundary Terga South Selim Undetermined boundary Rafili Yafa Gumbolo region Rabeh

Country capital State capital Raffili

Administrative centre/County capital Husein Rafili Donggoloto Principal town Rafili Boma Chito Bo River Post Secondary town Leku Yandu Village Primary road Nagero Secondary road

Tertiary road Tambura Main river CAR WESTERN 0 5 10 km

The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of has not yet been determined. Final status of Abyei area is not yet determined. Created: March 2020 | Code: SS-8303 | Sources: OCHA, SSNBS | Feedback: [email protected] | | |