2021 Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC New Mex ico Bred Quar ter Horse/Thor ough bred Year lings, and Open Thor ough bred Year ling Sale

Sched ule of Events Fri day, Au gust 20 Thor ough bred Open Year lings: Hips 1-4 Thor ough bred NM Bred Year lings: Hips 5-94 Quar ter Horse NM Bred Yearlings: Hips 95-135

Sat ur day, Au gust 21 Quar ter Horse NM Bred Yearlings: Hips 136-271

(Sales start af ter close of live rac ing each day)

To be held at the RUIDOSO DOWNS SALES PA VIL ION Lo cated im me diately East of the Ruidoso Downs Race Track

Sale man aged by All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC

100 N. Joe Welch, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346 P.O. Box 909, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346 Phone 575-378-4474 - Fax 575-378-4788 www.raceruidoso.com/horse-sales Emails:[email protected] [email protected] 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling Sale

Sale Per son nel Lowell Neumayer ...... General Manager Dianne Reed ...... Office Manager Walt Wiggins ...... Sale Assistant Monty McNair ...... Sale Assistant Ryan Wilds ...... Sale Assistant Lance Powers ...... Sale Assistant Jimmy Titsworth ...... Sale Assistant

Auc tion eers Wade Cunningham ...... Jay, Oklahoma Justin Holmberg ...... Yorba Linda, California

An nouncers John Henderson ...... Lexington, Brian Rigby...... Columbia, Missouri

Ringmen Mitch Armitage ...... McCloud, Oklahoma Jody Doescher ...... Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Don Frailey ...... Mannford, Oklahoma Rusty Jamison...... Beggs, Oklahoma Gordon Kimberling ...... Nemo, Texas Bob Franke ...... College Station, Texas Ty McClary ...... Valley View, Texas

Sale Vet er i nar ian Kevin Blach, DVM ...... Roswell, New Mexico

Print ing Southwestern Printing ...... Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

-1- LODGING *Close to Race Track

A Frame Cabins ...... 575 258 5656 Alto Alps Condos...... 575 336 9900 Apache Mo tel ...... 800 426 0616 Ar row head Mo tel & RV Park ...... 575 257 4241 Best West ern Plus Ruidoso Inn ...... 575 257 3600 Best West ern Pine Springs Inn*...... 575 378 8100 Bestway Inn* ...... 575 378 8000 Bud get Lodge...... 575 257 4071 Can yon Cabins...... 866 207 0870 Can yon Creek Lodge ...... 575 257 9131 Com fort Inn* ...... 575 257 2770 Cro’s Nest ...... 575 257 2773 Days Inn*...... 575 378 4299 Econ omy Inn*...... 575 378 4706 Es cape Re sort & Spa...... 575 258 1234 For est Home Cabins ...... 800 678 7647 Hampton Inn* ...... 575 378 1199 High Coun try Lodge ...... 575 336 4321 Hum ming bird Cabins...... 575 258 3555 Inn of the Moun tain Gods...... 575 464 5141 Innsbrook Lodge ...... 575 257 4071 Innsbrook Vil lage...... 575 258 3589 La Quinta Inn & Suites*...... 575 378 3333 MCM Elegante Lodge & Re sort ...... 575 258 5500 Look out Es tates Condos ...... 800 545 5137 Mo tel 6* ...... 575 630 1166 Pinecliff Condos ...... 575 378 4427 Pi non Park Condos ...... 575 258 4129 Qual ity Inn & Suites* ...... 575 378 4051 Rain bow Lake Cabin & RV...... 877 630 2267 Ruidoso Ho tel...... 866 734 5197 Ruidoso Moun tain Inn*...... 575 257 3736 Shadow Moun tain Lodge ...... 575 257 4886 Sitzmark Cha let...... 575 257 4140 Story Book Cabins ...... 575 257 2115 Super 8 Mo tel* ...... 575 382 1490 TraveLodge*...... 575 378 4471 Up per Canyon Inn...... 575 257 3005 Vil lage Lodge at Innsbrook...... 575 258 5442 West Winds Lodge & Condos ...... 575 257 4031 For Condo Rentals - DCR Re sorts...... 888 742 3283 Cen tral Res er va tions - all ac com mo da tions...... 888 257 7577


TRANSPORTATION: Transportation for horses will be available to any place in the United States. Commercial haulers will be present. (See Special Notices for information regarding required Brand Inspections). INSURANCE: Representatives from major equine insurance companies will be at the sale. ABSENTEE BUYERS: Arrangements can be made through our sales office for absentee phone bidding. If you plan to bid by phone you must register prior to bidding and be pre-approved no later than noon August 17. A “Request to Purchase by Check” and/or a bank “Letter of Credit” must be on file prior to conducting absentee bidding. The Sale will be streamed online, however online bidding will not be offered! VETERINARIANS: The Sale Veterinarian will be available during the day for inspection of animals. STALLS: Stall assignments will be available about two weeks prior to the sale. REGISTRATION PAPERS: After all accounts are settled, the ownership will be transferred to the new owner by the Sale Company. AQHA will then send the QH Certificate to the new owner. certificates will be credited to the Registration Account at The Jockey Club after the buyer has established an account with The Jockey Club. All registration papers not to be transferred will be returned to the proper owners within 30 days of sale. No papers will be distributed at the sale. SEATING: All seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. No reserve seating is available. Seating is available inside the Pavilion and outside in the display ring area.

PLEASE BRING THIS CAT A LOG TO THE SALE - SUPPLY IS LIMITED RUIDOSO GEN ERAL IN FOR MA TION Ruidoso-Hondo Val ley Cham ber of Com merce P.O. Box 698, Ruidoso, NM 88345 (575) 257-7395

-3- SPECIAL NOTICES (1) Read Care fully CARE OF HORSES AFTER SALE: Although it is the consignor’s responsibility to provide care and feed for their horses until noon the day following purchase, please be reminded that title passes at the fall of the hammer, at which time the purchaser assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. Purchasers are advised to contact the consignor confirming when the horse will be picked up and insuring that proper care will be provided until that time. The horse Sale Company is not responsible for care and feeding. ALL HORSES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE PREMISES BY NOON OF THE DAY FOLLOWING THE LAST SALE SESSION. Any delays in shipment must be approved by the Sales Company and these animals are left at the buyer’s risk and are the buyer’s responsibility for care and feeding. A $50.00 per day charge will be assessed for any animal left without care and feed. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT TIME OF SALE, unless satisfactory credit has been established allowing deferring payment to within ten days of sale. Payments received later than ten days from date of sale are subject to 1.5% interest per month on unpaid balance. See page #15 for Buyer Registration & Request To Purchase By Check form. See page #14 for Acceptable Methods of Payment and comments thereon. Checks returned “insufficient funds” are subject to a $125 charge, plus attorney fees and court costs.

BUYERS must have presented a REQUEST TO PURCHASE BY CHECK form ten (10) working days prior to the sale. Form is on page #15.

AGENT’S AUTHORIZATION: Persons acting as agents must so indicate on the Acknowledgment of Purchase (AOP) and have filed an Agent’s Authorization form (see page #12 for this form) with the Sale Company. EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASE: Examine horses before bidding! Veterinarians are available on-site at bidder’s expense.

THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY made by the Sales Company nor consignor as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any horse offered for sale in this auction.

PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE CAUTIONED that warranties on horses or foals in utero purchased are only as stated in Terms & Conditions. There is no guarantee of a live-foal birth or right of return on the Foals in Utero entries unless specified by the Consignor prior to sale.

-4- SPECIAL NOTICES (2) IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSIGNOR to: 1. En sure that the cor rect an i mal has been hip numbered. The Sale Com - pany as sumes no re spon si bil ity that the an i mal auc tioned is the same as pre sented in the cat a log. 2. En sure that the Certif i cate of Reg is tra tion ac cu rately de scribes the an i - mal be ing sold. If Sale in spectors discover that dis crep an cies ex ist, a Corrected Cer tif i cate form, four pho to graphs, and the $100 fee re - quired by AQHA must be sub mit ted to reis sue the Cer tif i cate. The Sale Co. charges $100 for this ser vice. To tal Cost to Con signor: $200. CHECK YOUR CER TIF I CATE OF REG IS TRATION CARE FULLY

RESERVE BIDS & UPDATES: Reserve BIDS and UPDATES will accepted no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Sale. Forms are available on raceruidoso.com website, in the catalog, and in the Sales Office.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pay attention to all announcements made during the sale. Supplemental information occurring after the catalog was printed is provided to buyers in the form of announcements by the auctioneers during the auction. This information can be extremely important regarding changes in the catalog description of the horse and could be vital in determining the suitability and desirability of bidding on the entry. Prospective buyers can question the consignor as to any updates pending as announcements prior to the auction. PAY ATTENTION TO THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS. STAKES ENGAGEMENTS: All eligibility payments due following the auction become the responsibility of the buyer. Each track has a Nomination Secretary (Doris Alvarez 575-378-7224) who is responsible for receiving the proper payments. It is the buyer’s responsibility to notify the Nominations Secretary of their purchases and mailing address in order to receive future payment schedules. The Sales Company validates Triple Crown eligibility; reliability of all other engagements as shown in the catalog per the Consignor are assumed to be correct but not guaranteed by the Sale company. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE (AOP): This document is the purchase agreement indicating the purchaser, the purchaser’s address, the Hip number purchased and the purchase price. When the clerk presents the document for signature, it is the responsibility of the buyer or the buyer’s agent to provide the correct information to transfer ownership. This legal document assigns payment responsibility. Whomever signs the AOP is ultimately responsible for payment whether it be the new owner or an agent. Every AOP requires proper execution of information and signature of bidder, whether it be an actual purchase or a repurchase. Cooperation with the ticket clerk is appreciated in all instances. Present the gold buyer copy when paying.

-5- SPECIAL NOTICES (3) HEALTH CERTIFICATE & COGGINS: A current, licensed veterinarian’s Health Certificate, including EHV-1 vaccination specifications, VSV (Vesicular Stomatitis Virus) examination results showing no clinical signs of the virus, and a negative Coggins test are required for each yearling and recipient mare. Coggins must have been performed within six (6) months of sale date. Copies will be provided in each buyer’s package. Each Consignor is aware that these requirements are mandatory for inclusion in auction. A Copy of both can be found in the Buyer’s Package presented when paying for purchase.

TRAVEL RE QUIRE MENTS: The New Mex ico Live stock Board re quires travel per mits for all an i mals com ing in from out-of-state. Please con tact the MNLB per mit line for an en try per mit (800-432-6889).

A brand inspec tion is a re quire ment to travel in terstate or in tra state in New Mex ico. A New Mex ico li censed Brand Inspec tor will be avail able at the Sale to is sue this brand in spec tion at no charge to the buyer. The State as sesses a healthy fine if a horse is trans ported with out this doc u ment in hand.

MULTIPLE EMBRYOS: Neither the Sale Company nor the Sale Catalog Company will be held responsible for providing information as to multiple embryos (foals of the same year) out of mares or dams in the Sale; nor will they be held liable in any way for buyer’s belated awareness of such information. This information is provided by the consignor and is assumed to be accurate.

ATTENTION THOROUGHBRED BUYERS It is man da tory that you have a Jockey Club In ter ac tive Reg is tra tion Ac count! You must estab lish one prior to pur chas ing. In struc tions for estab lish ing an ac count can be found here: in qui [email protected].

-6- CON DI TIONS OF SALE: BID DERS TAKE NO TICE All American Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC, Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico THIS SALE IS CON DUCTED IN AC COR DANCE WITH, AND ALL ACTS OF IN - TER ESTED PARTIES AND/OR CLAIMS BY THEM SHALL BE GOV ERNED BY, THE FOL LOWING CON DI TIONS OF SALE: FIRST-AP PLI CA BLE LAW: All horses in this sale are of fered ac cord ing to the laws of the state wherein the sale is con ducted. The right to bid, as pro vided un - der law, is re served for all con sign ors un less oth er wise an nounced. SEC OND-THERE IS NO WAR RANTY EX PRESSED OR IM PLIED BY THE AUC TION EER, SPON SORS, OWNER OR CON SIGNOR, AS TO THE PER - FORMING SOUND NESS, MER CHANT ABIL ITY OR FIT NESS FOR ANY PAR TIC U LAR PUR POSE OF ANY HORSE OF FERED IN THIS SALE. ALL HORSES ARE SOLD “AS IS” WITH ALL EX ISTING CON DI TIONS AND DE - FECTS EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN CON DI TIONS EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH AND ELEV ENTH BE LOW. BUYERS SHOULD EX AM INE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING. THIRD-BIDDING PRO CE DURE: Un less waived by an nounce ment, there shall be an up set price of $1,500 on any an i mal en ter ing the sales ring. If an open ing bid in the amount of the up set price is not im me di ately forth com ing to the auc - tion eer’s call, the ani mal shall be passed out as un sold. The per son mak ing the high est bid rec og nized by auc tion eer shall be the buyer. The auc tion eer shall im me di ately pres ent the buyer with a doc u ment en ti tled Ac knowl edg ment Of Pur chase. Should such pre sen ta tion not be made prior to com mence ment of bid ding on the next lot of fered, the buyer shall forth with iden tify him self or her - self to auc tioneer as the buyer and sign the Ac knowl edg ment Of Purchase . In the event that a per son other than the rec og nized buyer signs the Ac knowl edg- ment Of Pur chase, such ac tion shall not give such other per son any right or ti tle to the horse. Im medi ately af ter such er ro ne ous sign ing of the Ac knowl edg ment Of Pur chase be comes known to the auc tion eer, he shall cause the Ac knowl edg- ment Of Pur chase to be pre sented to the recog nized buyer for sig na ture. If the high est bid der fails to im me di ately ex e cute the Ac knowl edg ment Of Pur chase or oth er wise fails to com ply with the Con di tions of Sale, or in the event of a mis take by the auc tioneer, All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC Re serves the op tion to re-sell the an imal and such re sale shall ter mi nate all ob li ga tions of All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC and the con signor to honor any prior bid. FOURTH-BIDDING DIS PUTES: Should any dis pute arise be tween or among two or more bid ders, the auc tion eer shall forth with ad ju di cate the dis pute, and his de ci sion shall be ab so lute, fi nal and bind ing on all par ties. Bids re ceived by per son nel em ployed by the un der signed have the same stat ure as bids re - ceived by auc tion eer. In case of dis pute, the bid ding shall be re opened for ad - vanced bids, and if there be no ad vanced bid, the horse is sold to the per son from whom auc tion eer rec ognized the last bid. Ad vanced bid ding shall be re - stricted to the dis put ing par ties, un less the bid be re duced be low the level of the rec og nized bid at com mence ment of dis pute, in which case bid ding is re opened to all. The auction eer re serves the right to re ject any or all bids. FIFTH-TI TLE AND DE LIVERY: Ti tle passes to buyer at fall of the ham mer. All risk of in jury to the horse be comes buyer’s risk at pass ing of ti tle. Horse will be held for buyer by con signor un til buyer makes set tle ment as pro vided in CON DI - TION SIXTH be low. Buyer shall im me di ately pres ent him self or her self to make set tle ment if re quested by auc tion eer, but in any case shall so pres ent him self or her self within thirty min utes of con clu sion of the sales ses sion in which the horse was pur chased. Upon set tle ment by buyer, horse will be de liv ered pur su ant to a “sta ble release” pro vided by un der signed to buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive. Buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive shall pres ent “sta ble re lease” to designee of under signed to re move horse from sales pre mises af ter tak ing pos ses sion, but in any case tak ing pos ses sion of the horse by buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive shall con sti tute de liv ery. Upon de liv ery, buyer shall cause horse to be re moved promptly from the sales pre mises, or shall be sub ject to sta ble charges as de ter - mined by un der signed. In ad di tion, should pur chaser fail to cause horse to be re moved promptly, un der signed may cause horse to be re moved from sales pre mises at buyer’s risk and ex pense. -7- SIXTH-TERMS FOR SET TLE MENT: Buyer shall make set tle ment with cash ier of the un dersigned. Pay ments to oth ers, in clud ing con sign ors or their rep re sen - ta tives, do not con sti tute set tle ment. Buyer shall pres ent him self or her self to make set tle ment as pro vided in CON DI TION FIFTH above for the full pur chase price, such set tlement to be in form of U.S. cur rency or equiv a lent ac cept able to cash ier. The Ac knowl edg ment of Pur chase is not trans fer able with out the ap - proval of All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC and the copy of the Ac knowl - edg ment of Pur chase re tained by the buyer must be pre sented by the buyer at the time of set tle ment. SEV ENTH-DE FAULTERS: SHOULD BUYER FAIL TO COMPLY IN ANY RE - SPECT WITH CONDI TIONS FIFTH AND SIXTH ABOVE, THE UN DER - SIGNED MAY, IN ITS AB SO LUTE DIS CRE TION, PUR SUE ANY REM EDY AVAIL ABLE AGAINST THE DE FAULTING BUYER, IN CLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TAKING POS SES SION OF THE HORSE, RE SALE OF THE HORSE AT PUB LIC AUC TION OR BY PRI VATE TREATY FOR AC COUNT OF DE FAULTER. In any such case de faulter shall be li a ble for any def i cit in his ac - count af ter charg ing to his ac count all costs of main te nance and re sale, in clud - ing, but not limited to, ser vice charges, at tor neys fees, costs of lit i ga tion, and dam ages avail able to un der signed by law. EIGHTH-WAR RANTIES AS TO DE SCRIP TION: UN LESS OTH ER WISE AN - NOUNCED THERE IS NO REP RE SEN TA TION OR WAR RANTY AS TO THE BREEDING QUAL ITIES OF ANY HORSE DE SCRIBED AT TIME OF SALE. NINTH-WARRANTIES AS TO SOUNDNESS: UNLESS EXPRESSLY ANNOUNCED FROM THE AUCTION STAND, OR BY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND AS TO THE SOUNDNESS OR CONDITION OR OTHER QUALITY OF ANY HORSE SOLD IN THIS SALE. TENTH-LIMITED WARRANTIES. 1. Horses which are un sound in wind (ap pli ca ble only to rac ing pros pects which have started) or eyes, are “crib bers”, “wind suck ers”, “bleed ers”, or “crypt or - chids/monorchids” must be so an nounced. Horses cur rently on any start ers’ lists, or which have been ad minis tered Lasix in their last three (3) starts must be so an nounced. 2. Vet er i nary ser vices are avail able to bid ders in the sta bles and each bid der is encour aged to con duct such in spec tion and ex am i na tion of each an i mal as the bid der desires prior to bid ding. Ex cept as oth er wise an nounced by the auc tion - eer at the time of sale, the con signor of each an i mal rep re sents and war rants to the buyer and All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC ti tle to the an i mal free from all adverse claims to own er ship, use or pos ses sion. Ex cept for the fore go - ing lim ited war ranty each ani mal is sold by the con signor WITH OUT WAR - RANTY AND WITH ALL FAULTS. In the event that any an i mal is not as rep re sented in the Sale Cat a log or on the breach of the fore go ing lim ited war - ranty (as the Sale Cat a log or lim ited war ranty might be mod i fied by an nounce - ment at the time of sale) the buyer shall file with All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC a writ ten no tice of re jec tion of the an i mal with such sup port ing cer tif i- cates as All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sale, LLC might re quire within twenty-four (24) hours af ter the close of the Sale ses sion in which the an i mal was pur chased. If the buyer right fully re jects the an i mal in the man ner and within the time pro - vided, the an i mal will be re turned by the buyer to the con signor and the con signor will re fund to the buyer the full pur chase price of the an i mal to gether with all rea- son able ex penses in curred by the buyer in con nec tion with the an i mal from the time of sale un til the re turn to the con signor. 3. Nei ther All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sale, LLC nor QData/Robin Glenn Ped i - grees/QData will be held re spon si ble for pro vid ing in for ma tion as to mul ti ple em bryos (foals born in the same year) or to em bryo trans fers out of mares or first dams in sale; nor will ei ther com pany be held li a ble in any way for buyer’s be - lated aware ness of such in for ma tion.

-8- ELEV ENTH-CON SIGNEE STATUS: All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC is op er at ing as an in de pend ent con trac tor en gaged in the busi ness of con duct ing a con sign ment sale. All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC has com piled the Sale Cat a log from in for ma tion pro vided by the des ig nated con signor. All an - nounce ments by the auc tion eer at the time of sale are made on be half of the des ig nated con signor and will take pre ce dence over the printed pro vi sions of the Sale Cata log. In the event of any dis pute be tween the buyer and the con - signor, All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC will oc cupy the po sition of agent for a disclosed prin ci pal and stake holder and will be dis charged from all ob li ga - tions owing to the con signor or the buyer on de liv ery of any prop erty or funds held by All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC to the Court hav ing ju ris dic tion of such dis pute. All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC makes NO REP RE - SEN TA TION OR WAR RANTY with re spect to any an i mal and the buyer must look solely to the des ig nated con signor for re cov ery of any dam age by rea son of the fail ure of any rep re sen ta tion or lim ited war ranty. TWELFTH-CAT A LOG AND AN NOUNCE MENTS: Horses cat a logued in this sale are of fered as rep re sented by con signor, and auc tion eer is not re spon si ble for the ac cu racy of in for ma tion pro vided. While cer tain in for ma tion may have been pro cured by auction eer from third par ties on be half of con signor, it is none the less solely the re spon si bil ity of con signor to ver ify the ac cu racy of such in for ma tion and to notify the auc tion eer of any cor rec tions prior to sale. With re spect to pro- duce re cords of broodmares, the terms “bar ren” or “open” shall mean that the mare was bred, was not found to have slipped, and failed to pro duce a foal. In case of er ror or omis sion, buyer shall seek re dress only from con signor. THIR TEENTH-AR BI TRA TION: 1. Any contro versy aris ing out of a claim aris ing un der WAR RANTIES shall be set tled by ar bi tra tion be tween the buyer and con - signor pur suant to the fol low ing pro ce dure: Upon the auc tion eer’s de ter mi na - tion that a claim un der such CON DI TIONS OF SALE has been timely and prop erly pre sented by the buyer pur su ant to these CON DI TIONS OF SALE, and upon no tice from the auc tion eer, the buyer and the con signor shall each se - lect a li censed vet er i nar ian ac cept able to the auc tion eer. If such vet er i nar i ans fail to agree promptly as to the va lid ity of the claim, they or the buyer and the con signor in volved in the con tro versy, shall agree upon a third li censed vet er i - nar ian. If such two vet er i nar i ans, or the buyer and the con signor, are un able to agree promptly upon the third vet er i nar ian, the auc tion eer shall ap point the third vet er i narian. The third vet er i nar ian’s fee, ex penses and costs shall be paid by the party whose prop erty the horse is de ter mined to be. The panel of three vet - er i nar i ans shall con duct any tests, in ves ti ga tion, or ex am i na tions which they deem nec es sary, and may, in their dis cre tion, con duct a hear ing by no ti fy ing the auc tion eer to arrange for the hear ing, and shall, by ma jor ity vote, de ter mine the va lid ity of the claim. The auc tion eer shall de ter mine the amount of re im burse - ment due to a buyer whose claim is found to be valid and may, in its sole dis cre - tion, con duct a hear ing to aid in mak ing such a de ter mi na tion, and such de ter mi na tion shall be in cor po rated in the award. 2. Any other con tro versy between or among the buyer, con signor & auc tion eer aris ing out of a claim made un der these CON DI TIONS shall be set tled by ar bi - tra tion among the par ties in ac cor dance with the Amer i can Ar bi tra tion Assoc. 3. Ar bi tra tion un der 1 or 2 above shall take place in a lo ca tion to be des ig nated by the Sale man ager. Judge ment upon any award ren dered by the ar bi tra tor(s) may be en tered by any party and any court hav ing ju ris dic tion thereof. The auc - tion eer will be en titled to re im burse ment from the party whose prop erty the horse is deter mined to be for rea son able at tor ney’s fees and other costs in - curred in the ar bi tra tion and any re lated court pro ceed ings. FOUR TEENTH-COLLAT ERAL AGREE MENTS: The auc tion eer shall not be bound by any oral or writ ten agree ment or al leged agree ment vary ing from these CON DI TIONS OF SALE be tween the buyer and the con signor un less agreed to by the auc tion eer, and any con tro versy or claim be tween the buyer and the con- signor aris ing un der any such agree ment shall be a mat ter for their res o lu tion.


CONSIGNORS war rant that any year ling in the All-Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sale, LLC (AARHS) shall not have been ad min is tered any Ex og - e nous An a bo lic Ste roids, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, Bisphosphonates, Ractopamine, Zilpaterol, or Beta Ag o nists (pro hib ited sub stances).

For the pur chaser to avail him or her self of this War ranty, the pur chaser agrees to pay AARHS $500 to cover di rect costs and ad min is tra tive ex - penses re gard ing the blood or hair sam ple be ing taken. AARHS will then ar range for the Sale vet er i nar ian or Sale rep re sen ta tive to ob tain a blood or hair sam ple to be taken im me di ately af ter the fall of the ham mer and prior to the an i mal leav ing the sale grounds, to be sent to a lab o ra - tory se lected by AARHS for test ing for pro hib ited sub stances (PS). Should the post-sale test re veal the pres ence of a PS at such level as de ter mined by the test ing lab o ra tory that shows that a PS is pres ent in the sys tem of the horse (pos i tive test), the pur chaser shall have the right to re scind the pur chase of the horse, in which case, the pur chaser must give no tice to AARHS within 24 hours of no ti fi ca tion of the pos i tive test re sults. If the pur chaser chooses to re scind the pur chase of the horse as a re sults of the pos i tive test for PS, AARHS will re fund the pur chase price which has been held from the Con signor pend ing the test re sults. AARHS will give the test re sults to the pur chaser and seller as soon as prac ti cal af ter re ceiv ing the re sults, usu ally within ten days of the Sale date.

In ad di tion, nei ther the pur chaser or con signor shall have the right, nor shall AARHS have any ob li ga tion to con duct test ing of a split sam ple. AARHS’s de ci sion con cern ing the va lid ity of a pos i tive test, sup ported by the test ing lab o ra tory se lected by AARHS, shall be fully bind ing upon the con signor, pur chaser, and all other in ter ested par ties. In the event any party chal lenges the AARHS’s ex er cise of dis cre tion, ab sence of fraud, or bad faith, such party shall be li a ble for all AARHS rea son able ex penses in clud ing, but not lim ited to such items as the $500 test ing fee, vet er i nar ian charges, vanning, in sur ance, and board ing. Pur chaser will be re quired to ex er cise due care dur ing the re ces sion pe riod in main tain ing and board ing of the horse. The pur chaser shall not cause the horse to be ma te ri ally al tered dur ing the re ces sion pe riod.

-10- In the event of a pos i tive test, risk of loss shall re main with the pur chaser from the fall of the ham mer un til the con signor has been no ti fied of pur - chaser’s elec tion to re scind the sale at which time risk of loss passes back to the con signor. The con signor shall re main re spon si ble for pay - ing the stan dard com mis sion and fees, bases upon the gavel price, as in di cated on the Con signor’s Con tract and for the test ing fee, vet er i nar - ian charges, vanning, in sur ance, board ing, and any other ex penses in - curred while the pur chaser waited for the test re sults.

In refer ence to Ex og e nous An a bo lic Steroids, upon the rec om men da tion of the Sci en tific Ad vi sory Com mit tee of RCI, AARHS will use the 25pg/ml plasma level for quan ti fi ca tion as a ba sis for a pos i tive test, which means an ef fec tive ban on us ing any of the four an a bo lic ste roids, Tes tos ter one, Stanozolol, Boldenone, and Nandrolene. Rec om - mended with drawal times are as fol lows: Tes tos ter one - 28 days, Stanozolol - 49 days, Boldenone - 130 to 140 days. Pay spe cial at ten - tion to the type of med i ca tion used when de ter min ing the with drawal time. In the event that ge neric an a bo lic ste roids are be ing used, the with drawal times may vary. Testing for Clenbuterol, Albuterol, or Beta Ag o nists will be via the hair fol li cle test ing pro ce dure. Fur ther more, zero tol er ance for Clenbuterol, Albuterol, or Beta Ag o nists will be the ba sis for a pos i tive test for these pro hib ited sub stances.

The sale of a Thor ough bred or Quar ter Horse shall be con sid ered an un - fair or de cep tive act or prac tice if the Seller (1) knows or has rea son to know that the horse has been ad min is tered a sub stance that the au thor - ity de ter mines has a long-term de grad ing ef fect on the sound ness of the horse, and (2) fails to dis close to the buyer the ad min is tra tion of such sub stance. ALL-AMER ICAN RUIDOSO HORSE SALES LLC MAY CON DUCT RAN DOM TESTING AT THEIR DIS CRE TION! EX CEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTIES, EACH AN I - MAL IS SOLD “AS IS” WITH ALL DE FECTS AND EX - ISTING CON DI TIONS AND WITHOUT WAR RANTY OF ANY KIND, EX PRESS OR IM PLIED.

-11- AGENT’S AUTHORIZATION Se lect Year ling Sale:_____NM Bred Year ling Sale:_____

(This form is to be completed and notarized if an Agent is representing a buyer or seller) Mail to: All American Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC P.O. Box 909 Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346

I have this day______appointed______(“The Ap pointee”) to act for me as my agent at the 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling Sale. Said ap pointee, as my duly ap pointed and au tho rized agent, shall have full power and au thor ity to act for me in any and all mat ters in con nec tion with or aris ing out of the sale or pur chase of horses at said sale (s), and is au tho rized to ex e cute any and all doc u ments in con nec tion there with, to grant All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC a se curity in ter est in any horses pur chased, to re ceive and dis burse any and all funds, and to do all things in ci - den tal to and in fur ther ance of the sale or pur chase of horses. All pro ceeds of sale of any horses owned by me may be paid to my Ap pointee, and I agree to pay for all an i mals pur chased by said Ap pointee on my be half. This agency is re - vo ca ble only by my writ ten no tice de liv ered to you.

Printed Name of Owner: ______



Phone:______/______/______Residence Cell Email

Owner’s Signature:______Date:______

Agent’s Signature:______Date:______

Subscribed & sworn to me on this ______day of ______2021



My Commission Expires:______



CREDIT CARDS are now an ac cepted method of pay ment. An ad - di tional 4% over the pay ment amount is as sessed for credit card us age.

THE SALE COM PANY DOES NOT PRINT SALE RESULTS . Track Mag a zine of fers non-ed ited re sults avail able from their booth. These re sults are not of fi cial. The of fi cial re sults will be posted on www.raceruidoso.com as soon as they are proofed and de ter mined to be cor rect.

UP DATES & RE SERVES: Up dates and re serves will be ac cepted no later than 2 hours from start of sale. when com pleted, the re- quired forms should be given to the of fice staff, not the auction - eers.



ALL HORSES MUST BE RE MOVED FROM THE BARNS NO LATER THAN NOON ON THE DAY FOL LOWING THE SALE. The buyer is re spon si ble for the care and feed ing of his purchase from the moment the ham mer falls.


1. In or der to be pre-ap proved to pay by per sonal or busi ness check, a completed, no ta rized BUYER REG IS TRA TION & RE QUEST TO PURCHASE BY CHECK form (avail able in the cat a log or on website) must be re ceived by the Sale Com pany no later than 15 work ing days prior to the sale.

2. The fol low ing ap plies to all pur chases by check: a. No out-of-the-country checks will be accepted. b. No sec ond-party or third-party checks will be ac cepted. c. All checks will be de pos ited the next bank ing day. d. Pay ment is re quired on the date of purchase.

3. For those with out pre-ap proval to pay by check, we will ac cept Wire Trans fers, Money Or ders, Cash ier’s Checks and Credit Cards.

Credit Card pay ments are charged an ad di tional 4%.

The IRS treats Cash ier’s Checks and Money Or ders as Cash and re quires the Sale Com pany to re port all “cash” pay ments in ex cess of $10,000.

A Let ter of Credit from pur chaser’s bank may be sub sti tuted for the “Buyer Regis tra tion & Re quest to Pur chase by Check” form.

4. There will be a $125 min i mum charge, plus at tor ney fees and sale com pany ex penses for checks re turned “in suf fi cient funds.”

-14- BUYER REGISTRATION & REQUEST TO PURCHASE BY CHECK Please com plete this form and mail to: All Amer i can Ruidoso Horse Sales, LLC, P.O. Box 909, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346 - no later than 15 days be fore the sale.

Name:______(Own er ship will be trans ferred into this name) Address:______

Phone: Home______Business______Cell______

Social Security #:______Driver’s License #:______

Owner’s License Number______State______

Passport #:______AQHA membership:______(Sub mit cop ies of SS, DL, Pass port & AQHA mem ber ship card) Occupation:______Taxpayer ID:______

Emergency Contact:______PH:______

1. Amount of Credit Desired: $______2. Will Pay Using: *Cash:____ *Cashier’s Check:____ *Money Order:____ Wire Transfer:____ Personal Check:____ Business Check:____

3. Bidder______Agent_____Trainer____ Address:______Email:______Cell or Home:______4. When did you last purchase horses from this sale?______

TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS BANK: (or provide Letter of Credit) The applicant shown above has had an account with this bank for approximately____ years, with an average balance from $ ______to $______.

Bank Name:______

Bank Officer’s Name/Title:______

Notary Public:______County______State___

My Commission Expires:______

Subscribed and sworn to me on this _____ day of ______, 2021



Since the Amer i can Quar ter Horse As soci a tion (AQHA) rule change al low ing mul ti ple foals to be reg is tered out of the same mare in the same year, it is not pos si ble for the AQHA, Equineline, the Sale Com pany nor the Sale Cat a log Com - pany to know how many live foals a mare has pro duced in a given year.

PLEASE NOTE: Because a foal is an embryo trans fer born to a re cip i ent mare, it does not nec - es sar ily mean that it is one of mul ti ple embryos. The fact that a foal was not an em bryo trans fer does not nec es sar ily mean that it was a sin gle foal.

Nei ther the Sale Com pany nor the Sale Cat a log Com pany will be held re spon si ble for pro vid ing in for ma tion as to mul ti ple em bryos (foals of the same year) and/or em bryo trans fers out of mares or dams in sale; nor will ei ther be held li a - ble in any way for buyer’s be lated aware ness of such in for ma tion.


CAT A LOG UP DATE FORM Se lect Year ling Sale:_____NM Bred:_____ HIP#______NAME:______Consignor/Agent Name:______Signature:______Date:______Sale Co. Employee:______Time:______

RESERVE BID FORM Select Yearling Sale:_____NM Bred:_____ HIP#______NAME:______

I, ______hereby place a RESERVE BID in the amount of______dollars ($______). (The animal named above may be sold for any price IN EXCESS of this amount) Consignor/Agent Name:______Signature:______Sale Co. Employee:______Date:______Time_____


TRIPLE CROWN PAY MENT SCHEDULE for foals of 2020 Jan. 15, 2021 ...... $250 March 15, 2021 ...... $350 or $1,600 supplement June 15, 2021 ...... $400 or $2,200 supplement After making the June 15th payment, the continued payment schedule for each individual race (Ruidoso, Rainbow, and All American Futurities) must be made for the horse to remain eligible to enter those 2022 Futurities and for those horses to be eligible for the 2023 Derbies. RE MAINING SUS TAINING FU TU RITY PAY MENTS: RUIDOSO FU TU RITY: Es ti mated Purse $1,000,000 350 YDS - $50,000 ADDED - Trials: May 27 & 28 Fi nal: June 12, 2022 Next Pay ment: Nov. 15, 2021...... $600 Or Sup ple ment ...... $2,500 Jan 15, 2022 ...... $700 March 15,2022 ...... $700 April 15, 2022 ...... $700 Time of En try...... $1,200 Or Sup ple ment ...... $30,000 RAIN BOW FU TU RITY: Es ti mated Purse $1,000,000 400 YDS - $50,000 ADDED - Trials: July 8 & 9 Fi nal: July 24, 2022 Next Pay ment: Nov. 15, 2021...... $600 Or Sup ple ment ...... $2,500 Jan. 15, 2022 ...... $700 March 15, 2022 ...... $700 April 15, 2022 ...... $700 Time Of En try...... $1,200 Or Sup ple ment ...... $30,000 ALL AMERICAN FU TU RITY: Es ti mated Purse $3,000,000 440 YDS - $75,000 ADDED - Trials: Au gust 19 & 20 Fi nal: Sept. 5, 2022 Next Pay ment: Nov.15, 2021...... $700 Or Sup ple ment ...... $3,500 Jan. 15, 2022 ...... $800 March 15, 2022 ...... $800 April 15, 2022 ...... $1,000 Time of En try...... $1,200 Or Sup ple ment ...... $50,000

Con grat u la tions on your pur chase! Please call the Nom i na tions Sec re tary, Do ris Alvarez, to no tify her of name/ad dress change for fu ture mail ings and in for ma tion re gard ing sus tain ing pay ments. 575-378-7224 or 575-378-7316 Felicitaciones por su compra! Por fa vor llamar a la oficina de Nom i na tions 575-378-7224 o 575-378-7316 para poder enviarle informacion sobre el resto de los pagos pendientes.












-20- Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

A & A Ranch 4 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Bodemeister TB Fine Assay TB 6 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Abstraction TB Desert Lady TB 22 Magic Marker TB 2020 g Marking TB Pretty Suzi TB 23 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Marking TB Music In The Storm TB 32 Chestnut Filly TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Mysteriousmagician TB 33 Chestnut Filly TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Ritzy Dame TB 35 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Indiana Charmer TB 36 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Marking TB Desert Avenue TB 41 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Ringback TB 43 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Comfort TB Candy's Sister TB 53 Bay Colt TB 2020 c Marking TB One Taste TB 54 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Marking TB Fight Lika Girl TB 68 High Dollar Hush TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Hush's Gold TB 69 Social Club TB 2020 f Right Rigger TB Secret Source TB 70 Gray or Roan Colt TB 2020 c Roll Hennessy Roll TB Good Looker R F TB 73 Concan TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Avail TB 75 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Marking TB Bekat Bekat TB 81 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Proceed TB Vipervapor TB A & A Ranch, Agent 11 Stylin My Socks TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Western Style TB 51 Happy And Bold TB 2020 f Attila's Storm TB Bold Jubilation TB 242 Easy On The Eye 2020 f Eye Am King Thirty Fourth Street A & A Ranch, Agent for Allen Farm, LLC 49 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Delhomme TB Rock Those Hips TB A & A Ranch, Agent for Bauer Farm 79 Dim The Lights TB 2020 c Diabolical TB Iron Butterfly TB 109 Xtra Satin 2020 f Jess A Chicks Xtra Xtra Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent 98 Adeline 2020 f Bodacious Dash Tricks On The Side 122 Stormi Seas 2020 f Corona Surfer Count The Tears TB 128 Cheap R To Keep Her 2020 f Corona Surfer Gossip Dome TB 136 Hynson 2020 f Corona Surfer This Quay Home TB 155 Live From NY 2020 f Corona Surfer It's Saturday Nite TB 170 Demi Leigh 2020 f Bodacious Dash Ima Gator Fan 180 Bijou 2020 f Corona Surfer Flash Em The Jewels 209 Coppertone 2020 c Corona Surfer Oceans Potion 221 Badacious 2020 c Bodacious Dash Eagle In The Sky 233 Guns 2020 c Bodacious Dash PYC Run N Gun 246 Prince Shasta 2020 c Bodacious Dash Sparklin Royal 260 Murf The Surf 2020 c Corona Surfer Vukovar TB Brown Quarter Horses, Agent for Harry Bettis 24 Mr Rigger TB 2020 g Right Rigger TB Hammett Star TB Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

Brown Quarter Horses, Agent for Mark & Peggy Brown 123 King Dreaming 2020 g Eye Am King Frosty Dreams Steven R. Brown 57 Bay Colt TB 2020 c Chipshot TB Mag TB 82 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Abstraction TB Katy's Kitten TB 88 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Abstraction TB Devons Cat TB C Bar Equine 215 Eyem Onn Fire 2020 c Eye Am King Fiery Dreams Double LL Farms, Agent 1 Gray or Roan Colt TB 2020 c Battalion Runner TB Leroy's Sweetypie TB 2 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Outwork TB Adorable And Smart TB 3 Bay Colt TB 2020 c Keen Ice TB Ox Eyed Daisy TB 5 Bay or Brown Filly 2020 f Laugh Track TB Mazzy (ARG) TB 7 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Dome TB She's A Vision TB 9 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Laurentide Ice TB 12 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Just Keep Movin TB 15 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Bean Town Babe TB 18 Cattalou TB 2020 f Abstraction TB Tilla Cat TB 20 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Clancy's Candy TB 21 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Stormy Peg TB 27 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB R. Tilly TB 34 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Jantastic Holiday TB 38 Laugh Of The Party TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Skyzaam's Party TB 42 Danjerus Storm TB 2020 c Attila's Storm TB Very Thankful TB 44 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Flowersinthealley TB 47 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Johanna's Grand TB 48 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Diamond Bracelet TB 50 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Red City TB 52 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Valuable Catch TB 55 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Dome TB Zapped Out TB 60 Last Hunter TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Skyzaam's Hunter TB 61 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Ali's Mountain TB 72 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Dearest One TB 74 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Dome TB Likely TB 76 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Bonnie Bear TB 78 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Silent Emotion TB 80 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Get Going Bertie TB 83 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Officer's Mate TB 87 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Dome TB Alley's Lady TB 90 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Lost in the Storm TB 91 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Laugh Track TB Restraining Order TB 97 Sir Easy Flash 2020 c First Moonflash Easy Your Honor 99 Blu Chick 2020 f Chicks Regard Luna Santee 102 Lady Jess 2020 f Jess A Chicks Lady Rime 104 Pending 2020 f Jess A Chicks Excessive Victory TB 107 Flash And Dash 2020 f First Moonflash The Long Dash 112 Jess Intentions 2020 f Jess A Chicks Intent TB 113 Riverside Chick 2020 f Chicks Regard Riverside Flash Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

Double LL Farms, Agent, continued 117 Pending 2020 c Jess A Chicks Quite Unusual 119 Blazin Chamisa 2020 c Jess A Chicks A Major Chamisa 121 Goin For A Ride 2020 f Jess A Chicks Landaulette 127 Fly Big Thru Fire 2020 c Gronkowski Bigtime Rose 130 Jess A Response 2020 c Jess A Chicks Miss Call Me First 131 Jess Cash The Money 2020 c Jess A Chicks Jess A Little Cash 133 Pending 2020 c First Moonflash Southern Crowne 135 Look At Moon Chick 2020 f Jess A Chicks Glance At The Moon 137 Flashnthemoon 2020 c First Moonflash Corona Thru A Straw 139 Blazin N Flashn 2020 c A Passion For Flashn Blazin Force 140 Six Passions 2020 f A Passion For Flashn Stevie Six 141 Jess Emotions 2020 f Jess A Chicks The Blues Girl 143 Eyez A Rising 2020 c Eye Am King Aries Rising 145 Moon Lilly 2020 f First Moonflash Lilly Cartel 147 Midnight Woody 2020 c Woodbridge MJ Moon Chick 150 Flash The Blues 2020 c First Moonflash The Blues Girl 153 Jess Makes The Money 2020 c Jess A Chicks Money Smart Gal 154 Faerytales 2020 f Jess A Chicks First Tinkerbell 157 Jess Stevie 2020 c Jess A Chicks Stevie Six 160 First Passion 2020 f A Passion For Flashn First Tinkerbell 161 Flashy An Sassy 2020 f First Moonflash Ms Kokopelli 163 First Ivory 2020 f First Moonflash Special Dark Ivory 166 Jess Makes Money 2020 f Jess A Chicks Wager On A Cartel 167 Pending 2020 c Jess A Chicks Got Faith 169 First Prize Wine 2020 f First Moonflash Prize Wine 173 Unusual N Rare 2020 c Jess A Chicks Rare Baby Doll 176 Pending 2020 c Jess A Chicks First Prize Peach 178 Indys Hot 2020 c Jess A Chicks Hot Babe Indy Suds 181 My Flashy Jess 2020 f First Moonflash A Dashing Jess 183 Jess A Chick Lady 2020 f Jess A Chicks Lady Marjale 185 Moonflash Miss L 2020 f First Moonflash Shes A Phoebe 187 First Of Fire 2020 f First Moonflash Episode Of Fire 188 Time To Flash 2020 c First Moonflash In Dew Time 190 Jess A Cartel Prize 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Jess Prize Me 195 Kellys First 2020 f First Moonflash Corona Kelly 197 Sackett 2020 c Big Daddy Cartel Brimful 199 Arizona Moon 2020 c First Moonflash Arizona Hottie 201 Jess Call Me Mason 2020 c Jess A Chicks Ms Perry Mason 203 Take Of Helene FMF 2020 f First Moonflash Jessica Helene 208 Givina Hoot 2020 f First Moonflash Nkhoots 211 Jessie Cartel 2020 f Jess A Chicks Lilly Cartel 216 Jess A Special Chick 2020 f Jess A Chicks Special Dark Ivory 218 Cupids A Hot Chick 2020 f Jess A Chicks A Hot Valentine 220 King Of Woodbridge 2020 c Eye Am King Posies Woodette 222 Major Game 2020 c Gronkowski A Major Chamisa 225 Flash Me The Price 2020 c First Moonflash First Prize Mine 229 Jess Toolin 2020 f Jess A Chicks Nena O Toole 234 Lil Bit Flashy 2020 c First Moonflash Little Reba Corona Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

Double LL Farms, Agent, continued 237 Pending 2020 c El Damazo Seis Me 240 Flashing That Bling 2020 f A Passion For Flashn Gold Diggin Reason 244 Pending 2020 c Jess A Chicks Love A Royal 248 Pending 2020 c Jess A Chicks Excessive Victory TB 251 My Heart Jess Runs 2020 f Jess A Chicks Shes In My Heart 256 Major Game Player 2020 f Gronkowski Ima Major Chamisa 259 Six Pack Royal 2020 c Sixes Royal Chicks Chamisa 261 Guess Who I Am 2020 c Jess A Chicks Gender Gap 264 Remember That Chick 2020 c Jess A Chicks Streakin Memory 266 Passion For Satin 2020 f A Passion For Flashn Satin Sheetz 271 Rebas Little Chick 2020 f Jess A Chicks Little Reba Corona Double LL Farms, Agent for Mark & Annette McCloy 142 Eye Am Fast 2020 c Eye Am King Bringitonsister Greg Green, Agent 19 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Shame On Charlie TB Tia Tia TB 28 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Artful Run TB Lamonster Majestic TB 30 Nostrangrtotherain TB 2020 c Shame On Charlie TB Campfire Party TB 45 Bay Filly TB 2020 f Artful Run TB Little Mandate TB 86 Smartsrealgood TB 2020 c Sway Away TB Poised by Design TB Hunter Creek Farms 8 Corbon TB 2020 g Song Of Navarone TB Sweet Rumor TB 14 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Finale TB Dust Alert TB 17 Gray or Roan Colt TB 2020 c Right Rigger TB My Belle Star TB 56 Ethan TB 2020 g Song Of Navarone TB Indyellen TB 62 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Right Rigger TB First To Blush TB 85 Bay or Brown Colt TB 2020 c Right Rigger TB Great Aviator TB Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Dirk Jones 111 Kia Cartel 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Major Kia 148 Thats It Chick 2020 c Chicks Regard PCJ Thats It Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Jim Bob or Kay Nuckols 191 Daddys Velvet Cartel 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Blaze N James 224 Our Daddys Girl 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Ravishing Ruby Chick Lazy A Farm, Agent 25 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Sway Away TB Savvy N Speightful TB 46 Chestnut Colt TB 2020 c Sway Away TB A Day for Dancing TB 59 Chestnut Filly TB 2020 f Sway Away TB Wickedly Sweet TB 67 Bay Colt TB 2020 c Shame On Charlie TB Patches Of Speed TB 71 Chestnut Filly TB 2020 f Sway Away TB Tipsy Tea TB 174 A Warrior Inside 2020 c Corona Surfer Angels Envy 194 Surfers Nightmare 2020 f Corona Surfer Sochi Moon 236 GRS Wood B Streak 2020 c Woodbridge Streak Of Sixes 255 Dash Flash 2020 c First Moonflash PT Feature Dash 270 Pending 2020 c TF Featured Effort Effectiveimmediately Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

Lazy A Farm, Agent for Laney Enterprises, LLC 186 LE UnderPressure 2020 c Corona Surfer Pepaloni 263 Wahine 2020 f Corona Surfer Strawflinfire Mike & Yealonda Logan 106 Eye Am Flashy 2020 f Eye Am King Red Bottom Heels 115 One Slick Chic 2020 f Woodbridge Sweet And Slick 204 Cartel Racer 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Miss Ravens Wood 257 Eye For The Diamonds 2020 f Eye Am King The Diamond Cartel Mike Logan, Agent 37 Laughten TB 2020 c Laugh Track TB Almost A Ten TB 100 Chilton 2020 c Moonifisant Rkmtelleritspolitics 110 Kings Touch 2020 c Eye Am King Physical Touch 165 Pandemic 2020 c Eye Am King The Masters 198 Lil Kings Bit 2020 f Eye Am King Lilbitscary 254 Sofi 2020 f TF Featured Effort Gonna Shampoo U 265 Sheza Skiddadle 2020 f Gronkowski Dashen Corona Mike Logan, Agent for Norman Allen 39 Pro Card TB 2020 c Proceed TB Gift Card TB 63 Sambas Mark TB 2020 g Marking TB Samba Queen TB 94 Skiddish Kiz TB 2020 f Proceed TB Kizka TB Mike Logan, Agent for L M Smith Land & Cattle 66 Ms Jazz TB 2020 f Monterey Jazz TB Mjdontlosemynumber TB Mike Logan, Agent for Bryan & Megan Petty 64 The Final Footnote TB 2020 c Read The Footnotes TB Henny Luvs Shrimp TB 93 Moniker TB 2020 c Punctuate TB Faked Out TB 134 Pending 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel PJs Black Pearl 212 Pending 2020 c Eye Am King Panther Not A Kitty Mikkelson Racing, LLC 156 Ricanelo 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Total Miracle 177 Gemologist 2020 g Jess A Chicks Pops Lil Princess MJ Farms 105 Murphy Goode 2020 g Woodbridge Daddys Copy 116 Queen Of The Jingle 2020 f Eye Am King Ms Jingles 124 Have A Queen 2020 f Eye Am King Wish You Had One To 126 Nine Walks 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Ella Sophia 129 Wine Queen 2020 f Eye Am King Wild Vines 132 Janze 2020 f Woodbridge Ms Riptide 144 Bersano 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Bridgette Bordeaux 146 Sista Alice 2020 f Eye Am King Bigg Alice 149 Curlie Sue 2020 f Eye Am King Curlie Cue 152 Oh Gollie 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Golly Zee 158 Sol A Tare 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Diamondia 164 Talbott 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Diamondia 168 Rush Royalty 2020 f Eye Am King Ima China Rush Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

MJ Farms, continued 172 Drinking Champane 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Champagne Perry 175 Eye A Allstar 2020 g Eye Am King Woodys Allstar 182 Wood Dee Queen 2020 f Eye Am King Miss Woody Dee 184 Vintage Bourdeaux 2020 g Eye Am King Bridgette Bordeaux 189 Doin Something Right 2020 g Eye Am King Start Somethin Bad 192 Craggy Range 2020 g Woodbridge Racetrack Barbie TB 200 Ima Bigg Rush 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Ima China Rush 202 Sante 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Sandy June Bug 205 Michalee 2020 f Eye Am King FDD Cambria 210 White Lightenin 2020 g Eye Am King Alice K White 213 Nineteen Crimes 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Ms Riptide 217 Fine Am Eye 2020 f Eye Am King Starsmith 223 Jesses Wish 2020 g Jesse James Jr Wish You Had One To 226 Would Be You 2020 f Woodbridge Wish You Had One To 230 Prince Of Fast 2020 g Eye Am King Fast Copy Miss 235 Styme 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Miss Totts 238 All Da Kings Men 2020 g Eye Am King Da Edge 241 Pop A Tott 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Miss Totts 243 Tres A Royalty 2020 f Eye Am King Tres Of Alice 245 Reef Ridge 2020 g Woodbridge Fast Copy Miss 247 Sauvignon Smooth 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Tangled Vines 252 Big Little Lies 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Curlie Cue 262 Eye Be A Diva 2020 f Eye Am King Leading Diva 267 June Bug Queen 2020 f Eye Am King Sandy June Bug MJ Farms, Agent 95 One Sweet Love 2020 f Jesse James Jr Sugars First Love 108 BF Daddys Diva 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel BF Divine Dynasty 120 Eye Am Sugar 2020 f Eye Am King Sugars First Love 219 Manyshadesofgray 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Fire Back Perry 227 Pending 2020 g Sign To Be A Runaway Fly Ta Cartel MJ Farms, Agent for Leanne Duree 65 Ol' McClintock TB 2020 g Marking TB Joyful Tap TB MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith 101 Baylor 2020 g Eye Am King Dashin Thru The Snow 118 Cole B 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Dashin Thru The Snow 138 Dundee Down Under 2020 c Eye Am King Dashin Thru The Snow 162 Hollis G 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Maggies Miracle LX 179 Mallory 2020 f Eye Am King Maggies Miracle LX 232 Jhett Eye 2020 g Eye Am King Maggies Miracle LX Mountain States Equine 125 Surfin Sadie 2020 f Corona Surfer Fly Hawkish Fly Mountain States Equine, Agent for Pair O Dice Ranch 206 The Devils Cartel 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Betweenthedevilandme 239 Eyem The King 2020 c Eye Am King First Prize Down Index to Consignors Hip Horse Year Sex Sire Dam

Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent 58 Steamer Lane TB 2020 c Attila's Storm TB Beach Club TB 96 Mr Cinch 2020 c Maxximuss Prada N Jeans 151 Moon Jumpn Jessica 2020 f Jumpn Chic Le Mishka Jess 214 Pending 2020 f Maxximuss Track Fancy TB 228 Fyne N Dyne 2020 f Fine Oak Corona Dye Version 253 Frank Bama 2020 c Jumpn Chic Fooselage 258 KBar Talk About Run 2020 c Jumpn Chic Run N Pie 268 Pending 2020 c Maxximuss M G M's Mariah TB Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Shane & Barbee Beer 159 Im The Cartel Queen 2020 f Big Daddy Cartel Queenofreigndeers Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson 103 Pending 2020 c Maxximuss F S Stormchaser TB 114 Pending 2020 c Maxximuss Acute Band TB 196 Pending 2020 f Maxximuss Eye Drink Alone 207 Pending 2020 f Maxximuss Rock N Fancy 250 Pending 2020 c Maxximuss Chick Merlot Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin 10 Jazz Tide TB 2020 f Monterey Jazz TB Tide Runner TB 13 WF Frankly My Dear TB 2020 c Monterey Jazz TB Halosoverhollywood TB 16 Jazz By The Sea TB 2020 f Monterey Jazz TB Seanics Song TB 29 Jewels And Jazz TB 2020 c Monterey Jazz TB W F Diamond Halo TB 40 W F Jazz Cat TB 2020 c Monterey Jazz TB Curvy Kitten TB 84 W F Prima Donna TB 2020 f Monterey Jazz TB Hollywood Loop TB 92 Hot Halo TB 2020 c Iron Halo (ARG) TB Hot Tug Tonni TB Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Connie Isbell 77 Bay or Brown Filly TB 2020 f Monterey Jazz TB Hollywood's Diva TB TNL Farm, Inc., Agent 231 Rover Move Over 2020 c Man On The Move Hennessey's House TB 249 Whisky Road 2020 c Woodbridge Charger On Devon 269 Devons Cartel 2020 g Big Daddy Cartel Devons Wish TYKHE Racing, LLC 193 Compeador 2020 g Bodacious Dash Truly Favorite Yellowrose Farm 31 Mickeys Trail TB 2020 g Awesome Indian TB Mickeys Last Dance TB 89 Indian Silver TB 2020 g Awesome Indian TB Silver Jonesy TB Larry Zufelt 26 Pretty Peppy TB 2020 f Indestructible TB Always a Chance TB Index to Horses Chestnut Colt/A Day For Dancing TB 46 Ethan TB 56 A Warrior Inside 174 Pending/Excessive Victory 248 Pending/Acute Band 114 Pending/Excessive Victory 104 Adeline 98 Eye A Allstar 175 Brown Filly/Adorable And Smart TB 2 Eye Am Fast 142 Brown Colt/Ali's Mountain TB 61 Eye Am Flashy 106 All Da Kings Men 238 Eye Am Sugar 120 Brown Colt/Alley's Lady TB 87 Eye Be A Diva 262 Arizona Moon 199 Pending/Eye Drink Alone 196 Badacious 221 Eye For The Diamonds 257 Baylor 101 Eyem Onn Fire 215 Brown Filly/Bean Town Babe TB 15 Eyem The King 239 Chestnut Colt/Bekat Bekat TB 75 Eyez A Rising 143 Bersano 144 Pending/F S Stormchaser TB 103 BF Daddys Diva 108 Faerytales 154 Big Little Lies 252 Bay Filly/Fight Lika Girl TB 54 Bijou 180 Fine Am Eye 217 Blazin Chamisa 119 Brown Filly/Fine Assay TB 4 Blazin N Flashn 139 First Ivory 163 Blu Chick 99 First Of Fire 187 Brown Colt/Bonnie Bear TB 76 First Passion 160 Brown Filly/Candy's Sister TB 43 Pending/First Prize Peach 176 Cartel Racer 204 First Prize Wine 169 Cattalou TB 18 Chestnut Colt/First To Blush TB 62 Cheap R To Keep Her 128 Flash And Dash 107 Pending/Chick Merlot 250 Flash Me The Price 225 Chilton 100 Flash The Blues 150 Brown Filly/Clancy's Candy TB 20 Flashing That Bling 240 Cole B 118 Flashnthemoon 137 Compeador 193 Flashy An Sassy 161 Concan TB 73 Brown Filly/Flowersinthealley TB 44 Coppertone 209 Fly Big Thru Fire 127 Corbon TB 8 Pending/Fly Ta Cartel 227 Craggy Range 192 Frank Bama 253 Cupids A Hot Chick 218 Fyne N Dyne 228 Curlie Sue 149 Gemologist 177 Daddys Velvet Cartel 191 Brown Colt/Get Going Bertie TB 80 Danjerus Storm TB 42 Givina Hoot 208 Dash Flash 255 Goin For A Ride 121 Brown Filly/Dearest One TB 72 Gray Colt/Good Looker R F TB 70 Demi Leigh 170 Pending/Got Faith 167 Chestnut Colt/Desert Avenue TB 36 Brown Colt/Great Aviator TB 85 Chestnut Colt/Desert Lady TB 6 GRS Wood B Streak 236 Devons Cartel 269 Guess Who I Am 261 Brown Filly/Devons Cat TB 88 Guns 233 Brown Filly/Diamond Bracelet TB 48 Happy And Bold TB 51 Dim The Lights TB 79 Have A Queen 124 Doin Something Right 189 High Dollar Hush TB 68 Drinking Champane 172 Hollis G 162 Dundee Down Under 138 Brown Filly/Hollywood's Diva TB 77 Brown Filly/Dust Alert TB 14 Hot Halo TB 92 Easy On The Eye 242 Hynson 136 Pending/Effectiveimmediately 270 Im The Cartel Queen 159 Index to Horses Ima Bigg Rush 200 Major Game 222 Indian Silver TB 89 Major Game Player 256 Bay Filly/Indiana Charmer TB 35 Mallory 179 Indys Hot 178 Manyshadesofgray 219 Brown Colt/Jantastic Holiday TB 34 Brown Filly/Mazzy (ARG) 5 Janze 132 Michalee 205 Jazz By The Sea TB 16 Mickeys Trail TB 31 Jazz Tide TB 10 Midnight Woody 147 Jess A Cartel Prize 190 Moniker TB 93 Jess A Chick Lady 183 Moon Jumpn Jessica 151 Jess A Response 130 Moon Lilly 145 Jess A Special Chick 216 Moonflash Miss L 185 Jess Call Me Mason 201 Mr Cinch 96 Jess Cash The Money 131 Mr Rigger TB 24 Jess Emotions 141 Ms Jazz TB 66 Jess Intentions 112 Murf The Surf 260 Jess Makes Money 166 Murphy Goode 105 Jess Makes The Money 153 Brown Colt/Music In The Storm TB 23 Jess Stevie 157 Gray Colt/My Belle Star TB 17 Jess Toolin 229 My Flashy Jess 181 Jesses Wish 223 My Heart Jess Runs 251 Jessie Cartel 211 Chestnut Filly/Mysteriousmagician TB 32 Jewels And Jazz TB 29 Nine Walks 126 Jhett Eye 232 Nineteen Crimes 213 Brown Filly/Johanna's Grand TB 47 Nostrangrtotherain TB 30 June Bug Queen 267 Bay Filly/Officer's Mate TB 83 Brown Filly/Just Keep Movin TB 12 Oh Gollie 152 Chestnut Colt/Katy's Kitten TB 82 Ol' McClintock TB 65 KBar Talk About Run 258 One Slick Chic 115 Kellys First 195 One Sweet Love 95 Kia Cartel 111 Bay Colt/One Taste TB 53 King Dreaming 123 Our Daddys Girl 224 King Of Woodbridge 220 Bay Colt/Ox Eyed Daisy TB 3 Kings Touch 110 Pandemic 165 Lady Jess 102 Pending/Panther Not A Kitty 212 Chestnut Colt/Lamonster Majestic TB 28 Passion For Satin 266 Last Hunter TB 60 Bay Colt/Patches Of Speed TB 67 Laugh Of The Party TB 38 Pending/PJs Black Pearl 134 Laughten TB 37 Pop A Tott 241 Brown Filly/Laurentide Ice TB 9 Pretty Peppy TB 26 LE UnderPressure 186 Prince Of Fast 230 Gray Colt/Leroy's Sweetypie TB 1 Prince Shasta 246 Brown Filly/Likely TB 74 Pro Card TB 39 Lil Bit Flashy 234 Queen Of The Jingle 116 Lil Kings Bit 198 Pending/Quite Unusual 117 Bay Filly/Little Mandate TB 45 Brown Filly/R. Tilly TB 27 Live From NY 155 Rebas Little Chick 271 Look At Moon Chick 135 Brown Filly/Red City TB 50 Brown Colt/Lost In The Storm TB 90 Reef Ridge 245 Pending/Love A Royal 244 Remember That Chick 264 Pending/M G M's Mariah TB 268 Brown Filly/Restraining Order TB 91 Bay Colt/Mag TB 57 Ricanelo 156 Magic Marker TB 22 Bay Filly/Ringback TB 41 Index to Horses Chestnut Filly/Ritzy Dame TB 33 Styme 235 Riverside Chick 113 Surfers Nightmare 194 Pending/Rock N Fancy 207 Surfin Sadie 125 Brown Colt/Rock Those Hips TB 49 Take Of Helene FMF 203 Rover Move Over 231 Talbott 164 Rush Royalty 168 Thats It Chick 148 Sackett 197 The Devils Cartel 206 Sambas Mark TB 63 The Final Footnote TB 64 Sante 202 Brown Colt/Tia Tia TB 19 Sauvignon Smooth 247 Time To Flash 188 Chestnut Colt/Savvy N Speightful TB 25 Chestnut Filly/Tipsy Tea TB 71 Pending/Seis Me 237 Pending/Track Fancy TB 214 Brown Colt/She's A Vision TB 7 Tres A Royalty 243 Sheza Skiddadle 265 Unusual N Rare 173 Brown Colt/Silent Emotion TB 78 Brown Colt/Valuable Catch TB 52 Sir Easy Flash 97 Vintage Bourdeaux 184 Sista Alice 146 Bay Filly/Vipervapor TB 81 Six Pack Royal 259 W F Jazz Cat TB 40 Six Passions 140 W F Prima Donna TB 84 Skiddish Kiz TB 94 Wahine 263 Smartsrealgood TB 86 WF Frankly My Dear TB 13 Social Club TB 69 Whisky Road 249 Sofi 254 White Lightenin 210 Sol A Tare 158 Chestnut Filly/Wickedly Sweet TB 59 Pending/Southern Crowne 133 Wine Queen 129 Steamer Lane TB 58 Wood Dee Queen 182 Stormi Seas 122 Would Be You 226 Brown Colt/Stormy Peg TB 21 Xtra Satin 109 Stylin My Socks TB 11 Brown Filly/Zapped Out TB 55 Index to Dams A Dashing Jess 181 Dye Version 228 A Day For Dancing TB 46 Eagle In The Sky 221 A Hot Valentine 218 Easy Your Honor 97 A Major Chamisa 119, 222 Effectiveimmediately 270 Acute Band TB 114 Ella Sophia 126 Adorable And Smart TB 2 Episode Of Fire 187 Ali's Mountain TB 61 Excessive Victory TB 104, 248 Alice K White 210 Eye Drink Alone 196 Alley's Lady TB 87 F S Stormchaser TB 103 Almost A Ten TB 37 Faked Out TB 93 Always A Chance TB 26 Fast Copy Miss 230, 245 Angels Envy 174 FDD Cambria 205 Aries Rising 143 Fiery Dreams 215 Arizona Hottie 199 Fight Lika Girl TB 54 Avail TB 73 Fine Assay TB 4 Beach Club TB 58 Fire Back Perry 219 Bean Town Babe TB 15 First Prize Down 239 Bekat Bekat TB 75 First Prize Mine 225 Betweenthedevilandme 206 First Prize Peach 176 BF Divine Dynasty 108 First Tinkerbell 154, 160 Bigg Alice 146 First To Blush TB 62 Bigtime Rose 127 Flash Em The Jewels 180 Blaze N James 191 Flowersinthealley TB 44 Blazin Force 139 Fly Hawkish Fly 125 Bold Jubilation TB 51 Fly Ta Cartel 227 Bonnie Bear TB 76 Fooselage 253 Bridgette Bordeaux 144, 184 Frosty Dreams 123 Brimful 197 Gender Gap 261 Bringitonsister 142 Get Going Bertie TB 80 Campfire Party TB 30 Gift Card TB 39 Candy's Sister TB 43 Glance At The Moon 135 Champagne Perry 172 Gold Diggin Reason 240 Charger On Devon 249 Golly Zee 152 Chick Merlot 250 Gonna Shampoo U 254 Chicks Chamisa 259 Good Looker R F TB 70 Clancy's Candy TB 20 Gossip Dome TB 128 Corona Kelly 195 Got Faith 167 Corona Thru A Straw 137 Great Aviator TB 85 Count The Tears TB 122 Halosoverhollywood TB 13 Curlie Cue 149, 252 Hammett Star TB 24 Curvy Kitten TB 40 Hennessey's House TB 231 Da Edge 238 Henny Luvs Shrimp TB 64 Daddys Copy 105 Hollywood Loop TB 84 Dashen Corona 265 Hollywood's Diva TB 77 Dashin Thru The Snow 101, 118, 138 Hot Babe Indy Suds 178 Dearest One TB 72 Hot Tug Tonni TB 92 Desert Avenue TB 36 Hush's Gold TB 68 Desert Lady TB 6 Ima China Rush 168, 200 Devons Cat TB 88 Ima Gator Fan 170 Devons Wish 269 Ima Major Chamisa 256 Diamond Bracelet TB 48 In Dew Time 188 Diamondia 158, 164 Indiana Charmer TB 35 Dust Alert TB 14 Indyellen TB 56 Index to Dams Intent TB 112 Ox Eyed Daisy TB 3 Iron Butterfly TB 79 Panther Not A Kitty 212 It's Saturday Nite TB 155 Patches Of Speed TB 67 Jantastic Holiday TB 34 PCJ Thats It 148 Jess A Little Cash 131 Pepaloni 186 Jess Prize Me 190 Physical Touch 110 Jessica Helene 203 PJs Black Pearl 134 Johanna's Grand TB 47 Poised By Design TB 86 Joyful Tap TB 65 Pops Lil Princess 177 Just Keep Movin TB 12 Posies Woodette 220 Katy's Kitten TB 82 Prada N Jeans 96 Kizka TB 94 Pretty Suzi TB 22 Lady Marjale 183 Prize Wine 169 Lady Rime 102 PT Feature Dash 255 Lamonster Majestic TB 28 PYC Run N Gun 233 Landaulette 121 Queenofreigndeers 159 Laurentide Ice TB 9 Quite Unusual 117 Le Mishka Jess 151 R. Tilly TB 27 Leading Diva 262 Racetrack Barbie TB 192 Leroy's Sweetypie TB 1 Rare Baby Doll 173 Likely TB 74 Ravishing Ruby Chick 224 Lilbitscary 198 Red Bottom Heels 106 Lilly Cartel 145, 211 Red City TB 50 Little Mandate TB 45 Restraining Order TB 91 Little Reba Corona 234, 271 Ringback TB 41 Lost In The Storm TB 90 Ritzy Dame TB 33 Love A Royal 244 Riverside Flash 113 Luna Santee 99 Rkmtelleritspolitics 100 M G M's Mariah TB 268 Rock N Fancy 207 Mag TB 57 Rock Those Hips TB 49 Maggies Miracle LX 162, 179, 232 Run N Pie 258 Major Kia 111 Samba Queen TB 63 Mazzy (ARG) TB 5 Sandy June Bug 202, 267 Mickeys Last Dance TB 31 Satin Sheetz 266 Miss Call Me First 130 Savvy N Speightful TB 25 Miss Ravens Wood 204 Seanics Song TB 16 Miss Totts 235, 241 Secret Source TB 69 Miss Woody Dee 182 Seis Me 237 MJ Moon Chick 147 She's A Vision TB 7 Mjdontlosemynumber TB 66 Shes A Phoebe 185 Money Smart Gal 153 Shes In My Heart 251 Ms Jingles 116 Silent Emotion TB 78 Ms Kokopelli 161 Silver Jonesy TB 89 Ms Perry Mason 201 Skyzaam's Hunter TB 60 Ms Riptide 132, 213 Skyzaam's Party TB 38 Music In The Storm TB 23 Sochi Moon 194 My Belle Star TB 17 Southern Crowne 133 Mysteriousmagician TB 32 Sparklin Royal 246 Nena O Toole 229 Special Dark Ivory 163, 216 Nkhoots 208 Starsmith 217 Oceans Potion 209 Start Somethin Bad 189 Officer's Mate TB 83 Stevie Six 140, 157 One Taste TB 53 Stormy Peg TB 21 Index to Dams Strawflinfire 263 Track Fancy TB 214 Streak Of Sixes 236 Tres Of Alice 243 Streakin Memory 264 Tricks On The Side 98 Sugars First Love 95, 120 Truly Favorite 193 Sweet And Slick 115 Valuable Catch TB 52 Sweet Rumor TB 8 Very Thankful TB 42 Tangled Vines 247 Vipervapor TB 81 The Blues Girl 141, 150 Vukovar TB 260 The Diamond Cartel 257 W F Diamond Halo TB 29 The Long Dash 107 Wager On A Cartel 166 The Masters 165 Western Style TB 11 Thirty Fourth Street 242 Wickedly Sweet TB 59 This Quay Home TB 136 Wild Vines 129 Tia Tia TB 19 Wish You Had One To 124, 223, 226 Tide Runner TB 10 Woodys Allstar 175 Tilla Cat TB 18 Xtra Xtra 109 Tipsy Tea TB 71 Zapped Out TB 55 Total Miracle 156 Index to Sires A Passion For Flashn 139, 140 Gronkowski 127, 222, 256, 265 160, 240, 266 Indestructible TB 26 Abstraction TB 6, 18, 82, 88 Iron Halo (ARG) TB 92 Artful Run TB 28, 45 Jess A Chicks 102, 104, 109, 112 Attila's Storm TB 11, 32, 33, 35 117, 119, 121, 130, 131, 135, 141 41, 42, 51, 58, 68, 73 153, 154, 157, 166, 167, 173, 176 Awesome Indian TB 31, 89 177, 178, 183, 201, 211, 216, 218 Battalion Runner TB 1 229, 244, 248, 251, 261, 264, 271 Big Daddy Cartel 108, 111, 118, 126 Jesse James Jr 95, 223 134, 144, 152, 156, 158, 159, 162, 164 Jumpn Chic 151, 253, 258 172, 190, 191, 197, 200, 202, 204, 206 Keen Ice TB 3 213, 219, 224, 235, 241, 247, 252, 269 Laugh Track TB 5, 9, 12, 15, 20 Bodacious Dash 98, 170, 193 21, 27, 34, 37, 38, 44, 47, 48, 50 221, 233, 246 52, 60, 61, 72, 76, 78, 80, 83, 90, 91 Bodemeister TB 4 Man On The Move 231 Chicks Regard 99, 113, 148 Marking TB 22, 23, 36, 53, 54, 63, 65, 75 Chipshot TB 57 Maxximuss 96, 103, 114, 196 Comfort TB 43 207, 214, 250, 268 Corona Surfer 122, 125, 128, 136 Monterey Jazz TB 10, 13, 16, 29, 40, 66 155, 174, 180, 186, 194, 209, 260, 263 Moonifisant 100 Delhomme TB 49 Outwork TB 2 Diabolical TB 79 Proceed TB 39, 81, 94 Dome TB 7, 55, 74, 87 Punctuate TB 93 El Damazo 237 Read The Footnotes TB 64 Eye Am King 101, 106, 110, 116 Right Rigger TB 17, 24, 62, 69, 85 120, 123, 124, 129, 138, 142, 143, 146 Roll Hennessy Roll TB 70 149, 165, 168, 175, 179, 182, 184, 189 Shame On Charlie TB 19, 30, 67 198, 205, 210, 212, 215, 217, 220, 230 Sign To Be A Runaway 227 232, 238, 239, 242, 243, 257, 262, 267 Sixes Royal 259 Finale TB 14 Song Of Navarone TB 8, 56 Fine Oak Corona 228 Sway Away TB 25, 46, 59, 71, 86 First Moonflash 97, 107, 133, 137 TF Featured Effort 254, 270 145, 150, 161, 163, 169, 181, 185, 187 Woodbridge 105, 115, 132, 147 188, 195, 199, 203, 208, 225, 234, 255 192, 226, 236, 245, 249 Ped i grees by: QData/Robin Glenn Ped i grees Cat a log in for mation herein con tained has been com piled by QData’s au - to mated Cat a log Builder sys tem and Sales Com pany from in for ma tion fur nished by the Jockey Club In for ma tion Sys tem (Equine Line), Equibase, Amer i can Quar ter Horse As so ci a tion, Amer i can Paint Horse As so cia tion, Appaloosa Horse Club; per for mance horse earn ings have been fur nished by the QData Da ta base and Equi-Stat. 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BLACK TYPE SYS TEM STAKES WINNERS ap pear in upper case bold. Stakes Placed (2nd & 3rd) horses ap pear in up per & lower case bold. All other horses ap pear in reg u lar type Fi nal ists are listed only in Graded Races [G1] [G2] [G3]. Races not des ig nated as of fi cial AQHA stakes are not listed, with the ex - cep tion of thor oughbred [N] races, which have been des ig nated by the In ter na tional Cat a logue Stan dards Com mit tee as stakes races that are not black type races.

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NOTES 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling and Open Thor ough bred Year ling Sale

Thor ough bred Open Year lings

SES SION I Au gust 20, 2021

Hip Num bers 1-4 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 1 Gray or Roan Colt TB 1 Foaled April 30, 2020 Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Battalion Runner { Trolley Song Tamboz {Tapit Gray or Roan Colt TB Winning Call Twirling Candy {Candy Ride (ARG) Leroy's Sweetypie House of Danzing (2016) { Hula Skirt {Dixie Union Grass Skirt By BATTALION RUNNER (2014). 2 wins, $257,600, 2nd Wood Mem. S. [G2], 3rd Dwyer S. [G3]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of stakes winner UNBRIDLED'S SON, leading sire; sire of 118 stakes winners, 5 champions, including ARROGATE ($17,422,600 USA, Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup [G1]), WILL TAKE CHARGE ($3,924,648, Travers S. [G1], FOREVER UNBRIDLED ($3,486,880 USA, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], MIDSHIPMAN ($1,584,600 USA, Breeders' Cup Juv. [G1], EMBUR'S SONG (Champion in Canada, $616,926 USA [G3]). 1st dam LEROY'S SWEETYPIE, by Twirling Candy. Unplaced. $5,320. Dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd dam HULA SKIRT, by Dixie Union. Unraced. Sister to GRASSHOPPER, TURF WAR, STRAW HAT. Dam of 3 foals to race– Kahiko (f. by First Samurai). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $39,200. 3rd dam GRASS SKIRT, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– GRASSHOPPER (Dixie Union). 5 wins to 7, $848,852, Mineshaft H. [G3] (FG, $90,000), 2nd Travers S. [G1] (SAR, $200,000), Super Derby [G2] (LAD, $100,000), New Orleans H. [G2] (FG, $100,000), Philip H., Iselin S. [G3] (MTH., $60,000), Westchester H. [G3] (BEL, $21,820), 3rd Whitney H. [G1] (SAR, $75,000). Sire. TURF WAR (Dixie Union). 3 wins to 4, $526,490, Boyd Gaming's Delta Jackpot S. [G3] (DED, $400,000), Swynford S. [L]. STRAW HAT (Dixie Union). 3 wins to 4, $105,345, Black Gold H., (FG, $30,000). Flaming Dixie (Dixieland Band). 3 wins to 5, $113,521. Dam of– Bako Sweets. 6 wins to 7, 2020, $180,025. 4th dam BALINESE, by II. 2 wins to 3, $43,420. Sister to MASHAALLAH ($806,343 ($806,343, Hwt. In Ireland and Italy), FOLK ART ($274,095), SPORTIN' LIFE ($181,726), Barefoot Ballerina Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 winners– Lerici (Woodman). Winner to 3, $44,315. Dam of– AVENGE. 7 wins to 5, $868,341, Rodeo Drive S., [G1] (SA, $180,000) twice, John C. Mabee S., [G2] (DMR, $120,000), Ultrafleet S., (SA, $46,980), 3rd Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf [G1] (SA, $180,000), Gamely S., [G1] (SA, $36,000). LIRA. 3 wins to 4, $163,669, Ginger Brew S. [L] (GP, $58,900), Wait a While S., (GPW, $42,315), 2nd Herecomesthebride S., [G3] (GP, $29,100), 3rd Sanibel Island H. Pistoletto. $78,812: 2 wins to 4, 2021, ($43,386 USA), in Ireland, 3rd Kuroshio At Compas Stallions Committed S. [L]; placed, ($35,426 USA), in England, 2nd Newmarket Academy Godolphin Beacon Project Cornwallis S., [G3]. Major Force. 3 wins to 4, $116,744. Itsoeasy (). Unplaced. $5,460. Dam of– Easy Grades. 11 wins to 10, $559,744, 2nd Santa Anita Derby [G1] (SA, $150,000), San Rafael S., [G2] (SA, $40,000). Just Glisten. 9 wins to 7, $117,700. Leniently. 2 wins to 3, $73,188. Dam of– Dugaboy Brown. 7 wins to 7, $140,971, Arapahoe Classic S. [N], Mount Elbert S. [NR], CTBA Derby [NR], 2nd Colorado Derby S. [N], CTBA Futurity [NR], Aspen S. [NR], 3rd Silver Cup Futurity [N], Aspen S. [NR]. Braun 'n Gold. Unraced. Dam of Alliseeisgold ($232,710, Daniel Stearns Cleveland Gold Cup S. [NR], 2nd Honey Jay S. [R]). QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 2 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 2 Foaled May 19, 2020 Indian Charlie Uncle Mo { Outwork { Playa Maya Nonna Mia {Empire Maker Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Holy Bubbette Gulch {Mr. Prospector Adorable And Smart { Jameela Adoryphar {Lyphard Adorable Micol By OUTWORK (2013). 3 wins, $701,800, Wood Mem. S. [G1], 2nd Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby [G2]. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 32 winners, $2,216,195, incl. OUTADORE (4 wins, $530,142, Kentucky Downs Juv. Turf Sprint S. [L]), ABROGATE (3 wins, $247,362, Purple Martin S. [L]), AT THE SPA (2 wins, $107,580, Fasig-Tipton Deb. S.), SAMBORELLA (winner, $89,940, Seeking the Ante S. [R]), Coffee Bar (winner, $66,900, 2nd Busanda S.), Drewhustle (winner, $45,200, 3rd Louisiana Legacy S. [R]). 1st dam ADORABLE AND SMART, by Gulch. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners– CLEVER BEAUTY (f. by Indian Charlie). 2 wins at 2, $66,277, Rags to Riches S., (CD, $38,143). Dam of– Beauty Day (f. by Paynter). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $52,875. Dark Web (g. by Warrior's Reward). Placed to 4, 2020, $59,256. Ain't Wasting Time (c. by City Zip). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $90,233. Nobel Laureate (g. by Empire Maker). 2 wins to 5, $37,266. 2nd dam Adoryphar, by Lyphard. $141,647: winner at 2, ($24,913 USA), in France, 2nd Prix Amandine [L]; 3 wins at 4, $116,734, in U.S., 2nd Waya S. [L] (SAR, $11,880), 3rd La Prevoyante H., [G2], Lady Baltimore H. [L] (PIM, $6,144). Set NCR at Saratoga, 1 3/16 miles in 1:53.18. In Italy. Half sister to ADCAT ($435,597 [G3]), ADORYDAR ($231,425), Adorahy (dam of ICABAD CRANE, $585,980). Out of ADORABLE MICOL ($246,815). Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners– RUTHIAN (f. by Rahy). 4 wins to 5, $212,592, Firecracker H. [L] (MNR, $35,146), 2nd Rockingham Breeders' Cup H. [L] (RKM, $15,000). Dam of– RUTHERIENNE. 11 wins to 5, $1,298,671, Del Mar Oaks [G1] (DMR, $240,000), Nassau S., [G2], Jenny Wiley S., [G2] (KEE, $124,000), Boiling Springs S., [G3] (MTH., $90,000), Lake George S., [G3] (SAR, $69,060), Sands Point S., [G3] (BEL, $43,600), Noble Damsel H., [G3] (BEL, $64,200), Frances A. Genter S., [G3] (CRC, $58,280), Cherokee Frolic S. [L] (CRC, $60,000), Sugar Plum Time S., (BEL, $41,250), 2nd Jenny Wiley S., [G2] (KEE, $40,000), Ballston Spa H., [G2] (SAR, $40,000), 3rd Diana S., [G1] (SAR, $50,000) twice, First Lady S., [G1] (KEE, $40,000), Gamely S., [G1] (HOL, $35,280), Ballston Spa H., [G2]. Dam of– Simple Elegance. Winner to 3, ($11,953 USA), in England. RUTHENIA. 5 wins to 5, $339,635, Violet S., [G3] (MTH., $60,000), Good Mood S. [L] (BEL, $48,000), Miss Liberty S. [L] (MTH., $45,000), 2nd Hattie Moseley S. [L] (SAR, $15,000), Riskaverse S. [L] (SAR, $15,000), Pago Hop S., etc. Dam of– OUR BAY B RUTH. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $305,038, Tropical Park Oaks (GP, $42,780), 3rd One Dreamer S. [R] (KD, $27,900). PUBILIUS SYRUS. 8 wins to 6, 2021, $274,127, Eddie Logan S. [L] (SA, $46,440), Baffle S., (SA, $46,800), 2nd Cecil B. DeMille S., [G3]. RUTHVILLE. 4 wins to 5, $148,518, Lady Canterbury S. [L] (CBY, $60,000). Gemologister. 3 wins to 6, 2020, $149,951, 2nd Cutler Bay H., (GP, $19,400), etc. Big Wig. 6 wins to 5, $147,151, 2nd Chenery S., (CNL, $12,000). Holly's Kid. 2 wins to 3, $41,840. Dam of Lady of Course (Ire) (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in Scandinavia), FORCE [IRE] ($153,815). Adorable Heidi (Gimmeawink). Unraced. Dam of PAINTING CORNERS ($337,059). QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 3 Bay Colt TB 3 Foaled March 10, 2020 Smart Strike Curlin { Keen Ice { Sherriff's Deputy Medomak {Awesome Again Bay Colt TB Wiscasset Oxbow {Awesome Again Ox Eyed Daisy Tizamazing (2015) { A P's Hidden Honey {A.P. Indy Secret Forest By KEEN ICE (2012). 3 wins, $3,407,245, Travers S. [G1], Suburban S. [G2], 2nd William Hill Haskell Inv. S. [G1], Whitney S. [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup S. [G1], Harlan's Holiday S. [G3], 3rd Belmont S. [G1] His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 9 starters, including Icy Storm (winner, $18,600), She Nasty (winner, $13,200), Ice Breaker (winner). Son of Horse of the Year CURLIN; sire of 79 stakes winners, 6 champions, including VINO ROSSO (Champion, $2,945,000 [G1]), GOOD MAGIC. 1st dam OX EYED DAISY, by Oxbow. Winner at 3, $38,197. This is her first foal. 2nd dam A P'S HIDDEN HONEY, by A.P. Indy. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– KONKEROR K. (c. by Snapy Halo (ARG). 8 wins to 5, 2021, ($56,553 USA), in Panama, Clasico Internacional del Trabajo [G1], Clasico Jose Antonio Remon Cantera [G3], 2nd Clasico Familia Fernandez [G3], 3rd Clasico Laffit Pincay Jr. [G2], Clasico Francisco Arias Paredes [G1], Clasico German Ruiz B. [G2]. 3rd dam Secret Forest, by Forestry. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $134,905, 2nd Garland of Roses H. [L] (AQU, $16,860). Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 winners-- American Legend (Smart Strike). 2 wins to 5, $46,725. 4th dam HALF SECRET, by Upper Nile. 6 wins to 3, $112,770. Half sister to Half Cream. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners– TOP SECRET (Afleet). 11 wins to 5, $997,647, Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks [G2], New York City Astarita S., [G2], Sixty Sails H., [G3], Gallant Bloom H., [G3], Doubledogdare S. [L] (KEE, $44,733), Prismatical S. [L] (MED, $30,000), 2nd Three Chimneys Spinster S., [G1], Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup H., [G2], Sixty Sails H., [G3], Falls City H., [G3], Poinciana Breeders' Cup H. [L] (HIA, $20,000), Life At the Top H. [R] (GP, $9,947), 3rd Gazelle H., [G1]. Dam of– Our Secret. Placed to 3, $7,402. Dam of SHH SHE'S OURS ($186,102). Two Halos. Unraced. Dam of– BLUE DANCER. 16 wins to 8, 2020, $376,265, Ascot Graduation S. [L], Ky Alta H., Edmonton Juvenile S., (NP, $30,000), Winnipeg Futurity (ASD, $30,600), Count Lathum H., (NP, $28,800), Fred Jones H., (NP, $29,400), Journal H., (NP, $30,000), Spangled Jimmy H., (NP, $30,000), 2nd Speed to Spare S. [L] (NP, $15,000), Harvest Gold Plate H., (NP, $9,800), 3rd British Columbia Derby [G3]. TROIS AUREOLE. 3 wins to 4, $112,366, Le Cle S., (BHP, $41,820). Mind Blowing. Unraced. Dam of Sarge's Daughter ($247,724). TATE (Afleet). 4 wins to 4, $199,788, Garland of Roses H. [L] (AQU, $32,490), Half Moon S., (MED, $24,000), Thomas J. Malley S., (MTH., $24,000), 2nd Genuine Risk H., [G2], Garland of Roses H. [L] (AQU, $13,128), Ready Jet Go S., (MED, $8,000), 3rd Just Smashing S., (MED, $4,400). Dam of Kentucky Bear ($100,200 [G1]). WEST'S SECRET (West by West). 5 wins to 4, $176,381, Chip H. [L] (GP, $32,430), 2nd Thoroughbred Charities of America S. [R] (DEL, $10,600). Granddam of PACIFIC GALE ($588,310 [G2]), BREAKING BREAD ($317,860), Crimson Zip ($69,560). Secret Forest (Forestry). Stakes placed winner, above. Bigger Half (Megaturn). Winner to 4, $12,871. Dam of MEGASCAPE ($283,673 [G3]), RICHEST HALF ($172,745), Surfing Ian ($224,336), Megadeed ($142,740), Renaer De Caoba ($59,013); granddam of Summer Reading ($238,217). QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 4 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 4 Foaled March 10, 2020 Unbridled Empire Maker { Bodemeister { Toussaud Untouched Talent {Storm Cat Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Parade Queen Consolidator {Storm Cat Fine Assay Good Example (FR) (2010) { Unbridled Assay {Unbridled's Song A. P. Assay By BODEMEISTER (2009). 2 wins, $1,304,800 [G1]. Sire of 319 winners, 21 stakes winners, $23,858,391, including ALWAYS DREAMING ($2,415,860 [G1]), AMERICAN ANTHEM ($848,490 [G2]), BODEXPRESS ($694,600 [G1]), O DIONYSUS ($452,074), CRITICAL VALUE ($303,795), CLAYTON ($296,023), YUVETSI ($259,888 [G3]), BODECREAM ($248,727), CHEERMEISTER ($236,670 [G3]), BODE'S DREAM ($202,905), WHOLEBODEMEISTER ($175,922 [G2]), JACK THE UMPIRE ($175,550), ONCE ON WHISKEY ($163,057 [G3]). 1st dam FINE ASSAY, by Consolidator. 8 wins to 6, $225,889. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam UNBRIDLED ASSAY, by Unbridled's Song. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– Catchy Tune (f. by Bernstein). 3 wins to 5, $132,470, 2nd Wishing Well S. [R] (SA, $15,360). Dam of– Crazy for Sofia. Winner to 4, $86,285. Sweet Assay (f. by Consolidator). 2 wins to 4, $96,610. Dam of– ANALYZE IT. 4 wins to 6, 2020, $873,850, Red Bank S. [G3] (MTH., $90,000), Kentucky Utilities Transylvania S. [G3] (KEE, $90,000), Cecil B. DeMille S. [G3] (DMR, $60,000), 2nd Belmont Derby Inv. S. [G1] (BEL, $220,000), Secretariat S. [G1] (AP, $74,400), Pennine Ridge S. [G3] (BEL, $40,000), 3rd Breeders' Cup Mile [G1] (CD, $180,000). Spectrolite (g. by Any Given Saturday). 11 wins to 9, $278,439. Loud Cat (g. by Discreet Cat). 2 wins to 5, $142,540. Stax On Stacks (g. by Street Boss). 5 wins to 7, $52,477. 3rd dam A. P. ASSAY, by A.P. Indy. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $381,691, A Gleam H., [G2], Desert Stormer H. [L] (HOL, $63,600), 2nd Ancient Title Breeders' Cup H., [G3], Bayakoa H. [L] (DMR, $15,110), 3rd Run for the Roses H. [L] (SA, $9,141). Dam of 2 foals to race– Prissy Britches (Kingmambo). Placed to 3. Dam of– A T Glory [JPN]. Winner to 4, ($158,653 USA), in Japan. Light of Dubai (Gone West). Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Peace Offering. 3 wins to 5, $60,073. 4th dam NICE ASSAY, by Clever Trick. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $409,620, Linda Vista Breeders' Cup H., [G3], La Habra S. [L] (SA, $50,350), June Darling H. [L] (DMR, $31,750), Honorable Miss S. [L] (SAR, $31,620), Santa Ysabel S. [R] (SA, $49,275), 2nd Golden Rod S., [G3], La Centinela S. [R] (SA, $15,000), 3rd Las Virgenes S., [G1], Fantastic Girl H. [L] (DMR, $9,000). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– CAME HOME (Gone West). 9 wins to 3, $1,835,940, Pacific Classic S., [G1] (DMR, $600,000), Santa Anita Derby [G1] (SA, $450,000), Hopeful S., [G1], Swaps S., [G2] (HOL, $300,000), San Rafael S., [G2] (SA, $120,000), San Vicente S., [G2] (SA, $90,000), Affirmed H., [G3] (HOL, $64,500), Hollywood Juvenile Champ. S., [G3]. Sire. A. P. ASSAY (A.P. Indy). Stakes winner, above. Picture Puzzle (Gone West). Winner to 3, $11,160. Dam of– Jigsaws [AUS]. 5 wins to 7, ($107,978 USA), in Australia, 2nd New South Wales Breeders' Plate [L] Toyo Caesar (Summer Squall). 6 wins to 9, ($960,154 USA), in Japan. Maneland (Mane Minister). 5 wins to 6, $150,354. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 NOTES 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling and Open Thor ough bred Year ling Sale

Thor ough bred New Mex ico Bred Year lings

SES SION II Au gust 20, 2021

Hip Num bers 5-94 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 5 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 5 Foaled January 16, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Giant's Causeway {Storm Cat Mazzy (ARG) Mariah's Storm (2009) { Saragosse (ARG) {Political Ambition Savoie (ARG) By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam MAZZY (ARG), by Giant's Causeway. Unraced. Racing in Argentina as Mazzy. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race– Fontaine (f. by Animal Kingdom). Winner to 4, 2020, $20,130. Backtoflash (f. by Flashback). Placed to 3, 2021, $10,910. 2nd dam SARAGOSSE (ARG), by Political Ambition. 12 wins to 6, ($223,774 USA), in Argentina, Carlos P. Rodriguez [G2], Sibila [G2] twice, Carlos Tomkinson [G2], Arturo R. Bullrich [G2], Libertad [G2], Omega [G3] twice, Eudoro J. Balsa [G3], Premio Associacion de Propietarios de Caballo de Carrera [G3], Carlos Menditeguy [G3], 2nd Abril [G2], Libertad [G2], Carlos Tomkinson [G2], Eudoro J. Balsa [G3], Premio Omnium [L], 3rd Circulo de Propietarios de Caballerizas Sangre Pura de Carrera [G3]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners– SARAPIA (ARG) (f. by Roy). 3 wins to 3, ($29,210 USA), in Argentina, Juan Shaw [G2], 2nd Criadores [G1]. Dam of– Scary (f. by Johannesburg). Winner to 3, ($6,349 USA), in Chile. Dam of– SANSA [CHI]. 4 wins to 3, ($43,099 USA), in Chile, Luis Davila Larrain [L], 3rd Carlos Valdes Izquierdo [G3]. Sanamia (f. by Exchange Rate). 3 wins to 5, ($41,500 USA), in Argentina. Dam of– SPECIAL DUBAI (c. by E Dubai). 3 wins to 4, 2020, ($53,201 USA), in Argentina, Haras Argentinos [L], 2nd Dardo Rocha Internacional [G1], Clausura [G2], etc. Saragossa (ARG) (f. by Jump Start). 3 wins to 5, ($27,565 USA), in Argentina. Dam of– SARAGOSSA CITY (f. by Seek Again). 3 wins to 3, 2020, ($10,335 USA), in Argentina, Melgarejo [L], Bayakoa [L]. 3rd dam SAVOIE (ARG), by Kasteel [FR]. Unraced. Sister to Valentinois (ARG). Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– SARAGOSSE (ARG) (Political Ambition). Stakes winner, above. SCANDINAVE (ARG) (Confidential Talk). 2 wins to 3, ($38,615 USA), in Argentina, Provincia de Buenos Aires [G2]. Swahili (ARG) (Honour and Glory). 5 wins to 6, ($53,560 USA), in Argentina. Seductiva Talk (ARG) (Confidential Talk). Winner to 4 in Argentina. Dam of– Sei Leoni (c. by Aptitude). Winner to 6, ($34,766 USA), in Argentina. 4th dam VAL D'ISERE [GB], by Mountain Call [GB]. $19,695 in England. Half sister to AMATEUR [GB] ($17,809), IDLE HOUR [GB], She Wolf. Dam of 2 foals to race-- VALSEANTE (Practicante). Winner to 4, Premio General Jose Artigas [L], 2nd Premio Republica Federativa del Brasil [G3], Premio Stiletto [L], 3rd Premio Ecuador [G2], Premio Tanteo [L], Premio Letras Argentinas [L]. Sire. Valentinois (ARG) (Kasteel [FR]). Placed to 3 in Argentina, 3rd Polla de Potrillos [G2], Premio Asociacion de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera de Buenos Aires [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 6 Chestnut Colt TB 6 Foaled February 1, 2020 A.P. Indy Pulpit { Abstraction { Preach Andujar {Quiet American Chestnut Colt TB Nureyev's Best Desert God {Fappiano Desert Lady Blush With Pride (2011) { Special Boot {Storm Boot Bold n Special By ABSTRACTION (2010). 2 wins, $86,945, Federico Tesio S., 3rd Matt Winn S. [G3]. Half brother to MARION RAVENWOOD. Sire of 58 starters, 36 winners, $1,870,272, including HUSTLE UP (10 wins, $536,143, Mine That Bird Derby), Evacuee (2 wins, $175,269, NMSF Fut. [NR]), Amor N Pasion (3 wins, $87,954, 2nd NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. [R]), Comic Hot Rod (2 wins, $87,700, 2nd Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), Sarge (2 wins, $51,922, Steve Prather S., NR), Quite Peace (2 wins, $125,026), Daux (3 wins, $71,580). 1st dam DESERT LADY, by Desert God. 3 wins to 4, $71,568. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 1 to race– Desert Reward (g. by Attila's Storm). Winner to 4, 2021, $22,075. 2nd dam SPECIAL BOOT, by Storm Boot. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Desert Boot (g. by Desert God). 5 wins to 6, $97,421. Desert Explorer (g. by Desert God). 2 wins to 5, $60,219. Special Cat (f. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 6, $47,139. Suave Boot (f. by Suave Prospect). 2 wins to 6, $43,114. 3rd dam BOLD N SPECIAL, by Bold River [FR]. 7 wins to 3, $265,541, Rancho Bernardo H. [L] (DMR, $30,850), Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity O, Land of Enchantment Futurity [N], 3rd Petticoat S. [N]. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– Spectacular n Bold (Spectacular Bid). 2 wins to 5, $13,050. Dam of– Serious Meeting. Winner to 4. Spectacularmeeting. Placed to 3, $3,000. Dam of– Meet Anzi. 3 wins to 10, $59,584, 2nd Ann Owens Distaff H. [R] (TUP, $10,000), Susan B. Anthony S. [N], 3rd Yavapai Classic H. [N], etc. Spectacular Anzi. 3 wins to 6, $43,000, 3rd Kathryn's Doll S. [N]. Continentalmeeting. 3 wins to 7, $31,929, 3rd Yavapai Classic H. [N]. Real Bold (Proper Reality). 4 wins to 3, $23,777. Special River (Conroe). 2 wins to 4, $23,459. Bold City Special (Carson City). Winner to 3, $7,383. Dam of– Desert City. 4 wins to 5, $66,017, 2nd Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR]. 4th dam SAND FIGHTER, by Special Dunce. Winner in 2 starts at 2. Half sister to MR. MOON, Nabu ($102,369), Sassey Babu ($10,236). Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners– BOLD N SPECIAL (Bold River [FR]). Stakes winner, above. Crystal Night (Syntariat). Winner to 5, $16,264. Coleman Country (Jerimi Johnson). 2 wins to 3, $10,537. Special Stuff (Strate Stuff). Placed to 3. Dam of– Duck Stuff. 8 wins to 7, $76,267, Achievement S. [NR], 2nd George Maloof Futurity OR, Rio Grand Futurity [NR]. Tricky Stuff. 5 wins to 5, $38,312, Achievement S. [NR]. Alystuff. 5 wins to 4, $16,839. Salt Cellar. Winner to 5, $14,480.

ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 7 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 7 Foaled January 19, 2020 Storm Bird Storm Cat { Dome { Terlingua She's Tops {Capote Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB She's a Talent Pollard's Vision {Carson City She's A Vision Etats Unis (2009) { Uncharted Waters {Blushing John Forever Waving By DOME (1998). Sire of 8 stakes winners, $6,950,509, including HIGH ON CAT [QH] SI 98 (Champion, $181,838, AQHA Distance Chlg. Champ. [G1]), THUNDER DOME (11 wins, $677,440, Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), GLORY BE MINE (7 wins, $426,918, NM Classic Champ. Filly S. [R]), Z Z DOME (5 wins, $388,728, NM Cup Classic Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R]), ETOILE DE DOME (4 wins, $329,352, NM Cup Classic Juv. Fillies S. [R]), ON THE LOW DOWN (3 wins, $177,606, Copper Top Fut. [R]), HIGH RIDGE RUNNER ($143,481, Ruidoso Sale Fut. [R]), DUMPSEY JEAN. 1st dam SHE'S A VISION, by Pollard's Vision. Winner in 1 start at 3, $11,760. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners– Laugharoo (f. by Laugh Track). 5 wins to 4, 2021, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]. Smoothing Iron (c. by Dome). Winner at 2, 2020. 2nd dam Uncharted Waters, by Blushing John. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $117,290, 3rd Revidere S., (MTH., $3,850). Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners– Shahalie Lake (f. by Tabasco Cat). 6 wins to 5, $63,393. Dam of– Shari. 5 wins to 6, 2020, $173,348, 3rd California Oaks S., (GG, $7,800). Unloch the Fury. 7 wins to 6, $153,162, Columbine S. [N], George Wafer Mem. S. [N], 2nd Columbine S. [N], A. C. Kemp S. [N], 3rd Fair Queen H. [N], Scottsdale H. [N], Arizona Oaks [N]. Halie's Wild. 9 wins to 6, $150,530. Wave the Tax (g. by Artax). 8 wins to 7, $90,129. 3rd dam FOREVER WAVING, by Hoist the Flag. 2 wins at 3, $20,175. Half sister to REVIDERE (Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, $330,019 [G1]). Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners– IN HER GLORY (Miswaki). 6 wins to 5, $199,244, Garland of Roses S., (AQU, $28,740), 3rd Acorn S. [G1], Gazelle H. [G1], Davona Dale S. [G3]. Dam of– Seattle Glory. 4 wins to 4, $109,150, 3rd Skip Trial S., (MTH., $5,500). Combanchera. 2 wins to 3, $87,235, 2nd Maid of the Mist S. [R] (BEL, $20,000), 3rd East View S. [R] (AQU, $8,885). Dam of– BAY PARK BOY. 3 wins to 4, $166,567, Aspirant S. [R] (FL, $75,832), 3rd New York Breeders' Futurity [R] (FL, $26,088). Emblem's Glory. Winner to 3, $19,436. Dam of Atravete. Z Smoking Gun SI 101. 6 wins to 6, $110,030, Inaugural S. [N], Front Range S. [N], etc. Sambuca Classica. Placed to 4, $13,896. Dam of– CLASSIC EMPIRE. 5 wins to 3, $2,520,220, Champion 2-year-old colt in U.S. Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1] (SA, $1,100,000), Arkansas Derby [G1] (OP, $600,000), Claiborne Breeders' Futurity [G1] (KEE, $300,000), Bashford Manor S. [G3] (CD, $59,520), 2nd Preakness S. [G1] (PIM, $300,000), 3rd Lambholm South Holy Bull S. [G2] (GP, $34,300). Sire. ANYTIME MAGIC SI 92. 15 wins, $202,945, $1,770, Lost in the Fog S., (GG, $30,450), Everett Nevin Alameda County S. [R] (PLN, $33,150). UPTOWN TWIRL. 4 wins to 3, $170,714, Surfside S., (LRC, $45,000), Pleasanton Oaks (OTP, $31,500), 2nd Anoakia S., (SA, $14,700). Exclamation Point. 5 wins to 5, 2020, $290,540, 2nd Oaklawn Mile S., (OP, $50,000). Forever Sunshine. Unraced. Dam of BRONX BEAUTY ($645,070). Glorious Sky. Unraced. Dam of His Glory ($235,665 [G2]). Uncharted Waters (Blushing John). Stakes placed winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 8 Corbon TB 8 March 4, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Gelding Cox's Ridge Sultry Song { Song Of Navarone { Sultry Sun Timely Legend {Navarone Corbon TB Turf Legend Candy Ride (ARG) {Ride The Rails Sweet Rumor { Candy Girl (ARG) Rumor Control {Johannesburg Danzig Key By SONG OF NAVARONE (2004). 8 wins, $757,858, WinStar Derby [L]. Sire of 35 starters, 23 winners, $1,641,817, including BLAZING NAVARONE (12 wins, $621,316, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. [R]), Song of Laura (10 wins, $285,755, 2nd Jack Cole S. [NR]), Terras Song (5 wins, $124,140, 3rd Camino Real Fut. [R]), Rhythm'n Song (4 wins, $67,106, 3rd Ruidoso Downs NM Distaff S. [NR]), Singing Mary (3 wins, $66,343, 2nd Enchantress S., NR), My Country Girl (2 wins, $66,103), Never Mary a Song (4 wins, $51,772). 1st dam SWEET RUMOR, by Candy Ride (ARG). Unraced. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Talk About Control (f. by Noble Silence). 2 wins to 4, $27,533. 2nd dam RUMOR CONTROL, by Johannesburg. 2 wins at 3, $62,098. Dam of 1 foal to race– Shell Beach (g. by Mineshaft). Winner to 4, $10,190. 3rd dam DANZIG KEY, by Danzig. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– MARTHA'S MUSIC (Sultry Song). $285,047: 6 wins to 5, $280,620 in U.S., Anne Arundel S. [G3] (LRL, $60,000), Martha Washington Breeders' Cup S. [L] (LRL, $90,000), Nellie Morse S., (LRL, $30,000); 2 wins in 4 starts, ($4,427 USA), in Saudi Arabia. Pitch (Seeking the Gold). 4 wins to 6, $135,895. Camp Girl (Forty Niner). Unraced. Dam of– Right Angle. 5 wins to 4, $107,995. Meet the Girl. Unraced. Dam of– Misty Do It. 6 wins to 6, 2020, $71,489, Grande Prairie Derby [N], 2nd Freedom of the City S. [N], 3rd Chariot Chaser H. [R]. K. (Red) Smith H., Chantilly S. [N]. 4th dam CLEF D'ARGENT, by Key to the Mint. 5 wins in 10 starts to 3, $85,018, Test S. [G2], 2nd La Centinela S. Half sister to FRENCH COLONIAL, LA VUE ($113,793). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– NINE KEYS (Forty Niner). 7 wins to 4, $637,320, Apple Blossom H., [G1], Rampart H., [G2], Monmouth Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G3], Honey Bee H., [G3], 2nd Sabin H., [G3], Coral Gables H. [L]. Granddam of Desert Key ($279,694 [G1]). SILVER VOICE (The Minstrel). 5 wins to 5, $268,686, Manhattan H., [G1], Survivor S. [L] (PIM, $49,385), 2nd Miami Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CRC, $31,210), 3rd Poker S., [G3], Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (SAR, $19,056), etc. Sire. Combination (Topsider). 4 wins to 4, $117,998, in U.S., 3rd Nassau S., L Dam of– Rubix [AUS]. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Magic Cube [AUS]. $403,144: winner in 1 start at 3, ($7,006 USA), in Australia; 4 wins at 4, ($396,138 USA), in Hong Kong. Dans l'Argent (Danzig). Winner to 4, $9,600. Dam of– Danzip. 9 wins to 6, $148,984, Inaugural S. [N], Aspen S. [NR], CTBA Derby [NR], 2nd Coyote H. [N], Colorado Derby [N], 3rd Jim Kostoff S., (FPX, $6,000). Silver Shine. 3 wins to 6, $53,955. Dam of BLOOD MONEY ($143,846). Raysor Lake. Unraced. Dam of MISS FLEETFOOT ($234,120). Access (Forty Niner). Placed to 4, $3,361. Dam of Inomuff ($97,073); granddam of BUILT TUFF ENOUGH SI 99 ($143,939). French Line (Boundary). Dam of SONG WARRIOR ($130,796), Yessiremychickadee ($64,950); granddam of CONQUEST PANTHERA ($393,400 [G2]), HAPPY LIKE A FOOL ($344,197 [G3]), HAWAIIAN NOISES ($184,125), Maniacal ($346,796 [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 9 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 9 Foaled March 23, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Intidab {Phone Trick Laurentide Ice Alqwani (2004) { La Muttering {Muttering Nurselabeik (MEX) By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam LAURENTIDE ICE, by Intidab. 3 wins to 3, $236,151, New York Stallion Fifth Avenue S. [R] (AQU, $60,000), New York Stallion Cupecoy's Joy S. [R] (BEL, $45,000), 2nd Joseph A. Gimma S. [R] (BEL, $22,420), East View S. [R] (AQU, $14,014), Ruby Rubles S. [R] (AQU, $13,540), 3rd Maid of the Mist S. [R] (BEL, $10,000), New York Oaks [R] (FL, $8,250). Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners– Euroncall (g. by Euroears). 2 wins to 3, $54,016, 2nd Oklahoma Classics Juvenile S. [R] (RP, $17,100). Snowtrick (f. by Euroears). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $49,768. Eurarookie (f. by Euroears). 3 wins to 3, $38,677. 2nd dam LA MUTTERING, by Muttering. Winner at 4, $9,448. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– LAURENTIDE ICE (f. by Intidab). Stakes winner, above. Hunting Pride (c. by Tomorrows Cat). Winner to 4, $30,040, 2nd Minnesota Derby [R] (CBY, $10,800). Moon Singer (f. by Wolf Power (SAF). 3 wins to 4, $39,827. Dam of– KEEWATIN ICE. 4 wins to 4, $135,998, Minnesota Oaks [R] (CBY, $39,000), Northern Lights Debutante S. [R] (CBY, $33,000), MTA Stallion Auction Lassie S. [NR], 3rd Instant Racing S. [L] (OP, $10,000), M2 Technology La Senorita S. [L] (RET, $8,250), Frances Genter S. [R] (CBY, $6,000). Wildniteattheopera. 8 wins to 7, $258,468. Two Moons. 11 wins to 8, $242,173. La Kestrel (f. by Robin des Pins). Unraced. Dam of– SHAKOPEE. 4 wins to 5, $102,706, Frances Genter S. [R] (CBY, $24,750), 2nd Minnesota Distaff Sprint Champ. S. [R] (CBY, $8,000), Lady Slipper S. [R] (CBY, $8,000). Dam of– WIND CHILL FACTOR. 5 wins to 6, $316,449, Louisiana Jewel S. [R] (DED, $90,000), Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S. [R] (FG, $60,000), Louisiana Futurity [R] (FG, $54,450), 3rd LA Bred Premier Night Starlet S. [R] (DED, $12,500), Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S. [R] (FG, $11,000). POLAR PLUNGE. 8 wins to 7, $287,174, Lady Slipper S. [R] (CBY, $36,000), Minnesota Distaff Sprint Champ. S. [R] (CBY, $30,000), Lady Slipper S. [R] (CBY, $30,000), Frances Genter S. [NR], 2nd Minnesota Oaks [R] (CBY, $12,000), Lady Slipper S. [R] (CBY, $12,000), Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Champ. S. [R] (CBY, $12,000), Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Champ. S. [R] (CBY, $11,000), Hoist Her Flag S. [N], 3rd Minnesota HBPA Distaff S., (CBY, $7,500), etc. SHAKOPEE TOWN. 5 wins to 4, $211,253, Whimsical S. [G3], Goldfinch S., (PRM, $29,400), 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S. [R] (FG, $11,000), Happy Ticket Overnight S. [R] (FG, $4,850). Breezy Point. 6 wins to 8, $150,948, 2nd H., B. P. A. Sprint H. [NR]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 10 Jazz Tide TB 10 April 21, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Filly Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer Jazz Tide TB Puddie Q. Yes It's True {Is It True Tide Runner Clever Monique (2002) { Manor Flag {Personal Flag Woodland Manor By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner). 1st dam TIDE RUNNER, by Yes It's True. 12 wins, 3 to 8, $268,019. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners– Stilts McGee (g. by The Way Home). 3 wins to 4, $36,319. Gold Runner Who (g. by Quinton's Gold). Winner to 6, $16,780. W F Rip Tide (g. by Monterey Jazz). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $12,231. 2nd dam MANOR FLAG, by Personal Flag. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Bobcat Brody (g. by Trippi). 6 wins to 6, $126,575. Kid Cotton (g. by High Cotton). 2 wins to 4, $32,620. Lynda's Dream (f. by Appealing Skier). 5 wins to 5, $30,568. 3rd dam WOODLAND MANOR, by Marine Patrol. 4 wins to 3, $97,723. Half sister to COZY DRIVE ($159,570), Saleeannor ($101,945), Manor Parkway ($84,319), Manor Drive ($62,514; dam of Saint I'm Not ($100,254); granddam of Coastal Drive ($260,093). Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners– Manor Queen (Wavering Monarch). 11 wins to 5, $320,145, 2nd Garland of Roses H. [L] (AQU, $10,790). Dam of– STRUMMER. 12 wins to 8, $409,051, Jimmy Winkfield S., (AQU, $42,081), 2nd Ontario County S. [R] (FL, $10,000), 3rd Fred Cappy Capossela S., (AQU, $6,950). INFINITE JUSTICE. 5 wins to 6, $194,089, New York Breeders' Futurity [R] (FL, $89,535), 3rd Bertram F. Bongard S. [R] (BEL, $9,237). Blue Sunday. 3 wins to 5, $122,535, 3rd Mike Lee S. [R] (BEL, $10,800). Sire. Fairy Cat. 13 wins, 2 to 8, $232,328. Royal Performance. Winner to 4, $66,520. Dam of– Hittin the Note. 2 wins to 4, $68,567. Majesty's Request. Winner to 3, $14,785. Quiet Title. 4 wins to 6, $63,681. American Prayer. Placed to 3, $8,044. Dam of– Piquet. 4 wins to 6, 2020, $154,579. Ramblin' Ma'am. Winner to 4, $53,857. Dos Arriba (Maria's Mon). Winner to 4, $32,064. Dam of– Warrior Up. 3 wins to 7, $186,588, 3rd New York Stallion S. [R] (BEL, $10,000), New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. [R] (BEL, $7,500). Waytooeasy (Will's Way). Winner to 5, $75,060. Dam of– Play It Again. 3 wins at 4, $122,028, 3rd New Jersey Breeders H. [R] (MTH., $7,200). Rosy Manor (Runaway Groom). Winner to 3, $6,555. Dam of– Mighty Mystery. 7 wins to 7, $78,778, 3rd Excalibur S., (LAD, $5,000). M. G. Hayabusa (Red Ransom). $413,120: 3 wins to 8, ($334,526 USA), in Japan; winner at 5, over the jumps, ($78,594 USA) in Japan. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent Hip No. 11 Stylin My Socks TB 11 January 20, 2020 Chestnut Filly Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Stylin My Socks TB Foolish Today Southwestern Heat {Gone West Western Style Xtra Heat (2015) { Cocktail Girl {Hennessy Misty Moon (BRZ) By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam WESTERN STYLE, by Southwestern Heat. 4 wins to 3, $44,582. This is her first foal. 2nd dam COCKTAIL GIRL, by Hennessy. 2 wins at 3, $43,262. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Cerveza (g. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $120,774, Road Runner H. [NR], 2nd Rio Grande Senor Futurity [R] (RUI, $28,618), 3rd Red Hedeman Mile S. [NR]. Dive Bar (g. by Gold Case). 5 wins to 8, 2021, $105,292. 3rd dam MISTY MOON [BRZ], by Baronius [BRZ]. Winner in 2 starts at 3. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners– VIRGINIE [BRZ] (Legal Case [IRE]). $435,122: 7 wins to 6, ($163,512 USA), in Brazil, Champion 3-year-old filly in Brazil. Grande Premio Henrique Possollo [G1], Grande Premio Diana-Brazilian Oaks [G1], Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira [G1], Grande Premio Francisco Vilella de Paula Machado [G2], Grande Premio Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria [G2], Grande Premio Mariano Procopio [G3]; 2 wins in 4 starts at 5, $271,610, in U.S., Beverly Hills H., [G1], 2nd Santa Barbara H., [G2], Santa Ana H., [G2]. Dam of– Lady Carnival [JPN]. 2 wins to 4, ($60,151 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Brunette [JPN]. 3 wins to 6, ($734,892 USA), in Japan, 3rd Sankei Sports Sho Flora S., [G2]. Lord Chariot [JPN]. 4 wins to 9, ($631,486 USA), in Japan. Step Together. Unraced. Dam of– Maricy. 5 wins to 4, ($55,965 USA), in Argentina, 2nd Omnium H. [L]. BE FAIR [BRZ] (Fast Gold). $81,686: 5 wins to 5, ($80,311 USA), in Brazil, Champion 3-year-old filly in Brazil. Grande Premio Henrique Possollo [G1], Grande Premio Diana-Brazilian Oaks [G1], Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira [G1], Grande Premio Mariano Procopio [G3], 2nd GP Cruzeiro do Sul [G1], etc. Dam of– Both Sides. Winner to 3, $31,939, 2nd Norgor Derby (RUI, $8,800), 3rd SunRay Park & Casino S., (SRP, $4,000). Be So Fair. 3 wins to 5, ($22,270 USA), in Brazil, 2nd Presidente Luiz Oliveira de Barros [L], 3rd GP Presidente Hernani Azevedo Silva [G2]. Dam of VERY NICE MOON (BRZ) (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in Brazil), ZAP ZAP (BRZ). MOON DOLLY [GB] (Kris S., $393,614: 4 wins to 9, winner at 8, over the jumps, $64,550, Claire Marine S., (AP, $24,975), Valentine Mem. Sport of Queen's Hurdle S. [J], 2nd Peapack Hurdle S. [J], Margaret Currey Henley Sport of Queens Hurdle S. [J], etc. Always Lucky (Westheimer). 2 wins to 4, ($6,542 USA), in Brazil, 2nd Grande Premio Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro [G1]. Samba Queen (Giant's Causeway). Placed to 3, $6,030. Dam of SIPPIN ($442,602), TWO STEPPER ($124,510), MANCATION ($96,982). Fazenda (Machiavellian). Placed to 3, $26,660. Dam of Beijoca ($155,294 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 12 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 12 Foaled March 18, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Trappe Shot {Tapit Just Keep Movin Shopping (2015) { Gravitate {Bluegrass Cat Blissful Trip By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam JUST KEEP MOVIN, by Trappe Shot. Winner at 3, $10,338. Dam of 2 foals of racing age. 2nd dam GRAVITATE, by Bluegrass Cat. 2 wins at 4, $48,570. Sister to CAYLLANO. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– Honor the Anthem (g. by To Honor and Serve). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $7,797. Ima Ruby (f. by Laugh Track). Winner to 3, $7,596. 3rd dam Blissful Trip, by Trippi. 2 wins to 3, $61,839, 2nd Fashion S. [L] (BEL, $16,200). Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners– CAYLLANO (Bluegrass Cat). 2 wins to 4, $80,901, White Clay Creek Overnight S., (DEL, $30,000), 3rd My Trusty Cat S. [L] (DED, $15,000). She Wears the Best (Grand Slam). Winner to 3, $17,710. Dam of– Andy's the Best. 2 wins to 6, $39,344. Que Tee (Zip Quik). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2020, $4,025, 3rd CTBA Lassie S. [NR]. Gardening Leave (Colonel John). Unraced. Dam of– Converter. Winner to 3, 2021, $48,740. 4th dam BRIGHT BLISS, by Well Decorated. 3 wins to 3, $108,408, Mohawk S [LR], 2nd Empire S [LR]. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners– BLISSFUL STATE (Buckaroo). 7 wins to 8, $346,851, Bay Shore S., [G3], Ocala Breeders' Sales Sprint S. [R]-NTR, 6f in 1:10.60 (OTC, $30,000), 3rd Sport Page H., [G3], Bold Ruler H., [G3]. DEBBIE'S BLISS (Kris S., 3 wins to 5, $83,560, Poinsettia S. [L] (HIA, $30,000), 2nd Melaleuca S. [L] (CRC, $10,000), 3rd Patricia S., (HIA, $3,850). Blissful Trip (Trippi). Stakes placed winner, above. Count Montbrook (Montbrook). 13 wins to 6, $167,470. Candler (Valid Appeal). 10 wins to 11, 4 to 11, $110,303. O'Calaway (Mecke). 3 wins to 4, $22,696. Lady Bliss (Lord Avie). 5 wins to 4, $21,136. Pebble Dash (Mecke). Winner at 2, $21,135. Dam of– Heartless Vixen. 2 wins to 4, $69,380. Brilliant Lover. 2 wins to 5, $38,345. Nagging Nightmare (Kris S., Placed to 3, $9,675. Dam of– Toss N Turn. 2 wins to 4, $5,339. Unbridled Bliss (Unbridled). Unraced. Dam of– Shuttlecock. 5 wins to 4, $73,267. Bumpy Gin. 4 wins to 4, $59,305. Royal Lace. 4 wins to 4, $43,980. Rock N Dirt. Winner to 6, $13,489. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 13 WF Frankly My Dear TB 13 January 26, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Colt Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer WF Frankly My Dear TB Puddie Q. Iron Halo (ARG) {Halo Sunshine Halosoverhollywood Iliad (ARG) (2012) { Hollywood Loop {Gone Hollywood Donnas Loop By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner).

1st dam HALOSOVERHOLLYWOOD, by Iron Halo (ARG). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $52,632. This is her first foal.

2nd dam HOLLYWOOD LOOP, by Gone Hollywood. 2 wins to 4, $16,302. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Hollywood's Diva (f. by Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 4, $14,454.

3rd dam DONNAS LOOP, by Smile and Be Happy. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Seanic Loop (Parting the Sea). 2 wins to 6, $50,367. Dam of– Seanic Halo. 4 wins to 6, $60,368. Seanics Song. 3 wins to 5, $49,530, 3rd Lincoln H. [NR]. W F Wildcat (Grand Champion Cat). Winner to 6, $16,295. Halos Parrot Bay (Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 4, $11,866. Spread the Loop (Spreadthealarm). Winner at 4, $9,639. Halo's Iron Loop (Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 3, $7,535.

4th dam HEY GOOMBA, by Jaklin Klugman. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $25,023. Dam of 1 foal to race– La Goomba (Devon Lane). Winner to 4, $33,586.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 14 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 14 Foaled January 4, 2020 Johannesburg Scat Daddy { Finale { Love Style Twinkle {Lively One Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Twinkling Star Right Rigger {Unbridled's Song Dust Alert Stormy Pick (2013) { Stardust Lady {Dry Gulch Bellatrix By FINALE (2009). 4 wins, $320,353, Summer S. [G3], Continental Mile S., 2nd Dania Beach S. [L]. Half brother to BRIGHT ONE. Sire of Masterclass (winner, $46,871), Iroquois Heart (2 wins, $34,262), Shio (4 wins, $23,506), Autism's Quest (winner, $16,618), Tsuruoka (winner, $12,803), Steel Drums (winner, $10,745). Son of stakes placed winner Scat Daddy; sire of 134 stakes winners, 15 champions, including JUSTIFY (Horse of the Year, $3,798,000 [G1]), DACITA (CHI) (Champion in Chile). 1st dam DUST ALERT, by Right Rigger. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $82,886), 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $30,800). Sister to RIG TIME, Dancinstardustlady. This is her first foal. 2nd dam STARDUST LADY, by Dry Gulch. Winner at 2, $46,538. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– RIG TIME (g. by Right Rigger). 9 wins to 5, 2020, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $30,000), Johnie L. Jamison H. [NR], Casey Darnell S. [NR], Sierra Blanca H. [NR], 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [NR], Albert and Henry Dominguez Mem. H. [NR], Attilas Storm S. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $14,000), Mt. Cristo Rey H. [NR]. ETR at Ruidoso Downs, 5.5f in 1:02.00. DUST ALERT (f. by Right Rigger). Stakes winner, above. Dancinstardustlady (f. by Right Rigger). Placed to 4, 2021, $45,065, 2nd Copper Top Futurity [R] (SUN, $29,871). Storm Dust (g. by Seeking the Cat). 10 wins to 7, $120,957. 3rd dam BELLATRIX, by Holy Bull. Placed at 3 and 4, $11,080. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– Holy Soul (Vision and Verse). 7 wins to 6, $173,371. Seeking a Trick (Seeking the Cat). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– TEN PENNY CENTS. 5 wins to 5, $275,348, New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $84,000), New Mexico Breeders' Derby [NR], 2nd Riley Allison S., (SUN, $22,110), Eddy County S. [NR]. 4th dam Seeking the Circle, by Seeking the Gold. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $151,514, 2nd Tempted S. [G3], 3rd Lady's Secret S., (MTH., $4,950). Half sister to MIDDLEWEIGHT, FIN ENTERTAINMENT ($299,248). Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Misty French (French Deputy). 2 wins to 5, ($176,877 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Maltese Kite [JPN]. 4 wins to 5, ($401,576 USA), in Japan. Roses Garland [JPN]. 2 wins to 6, ($244,688 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Toa Villeneuve [JPN]. 2 wins to 4, 2021, ($27,837 USA), in Japan. Siberian Soar [JPN]. 2 wins to 6, ($191,208 USA), in Japan. Seeking the Heat (Silver Charm). 2 wins to 3, $57,700. Allocation (Langfuhr). 3 wins to 4, $53,605. Dam of– Favorite Flavor. 15 wins to 7, $268,133. Wolfson. 10 wins to 5, $248,310. W W Allocation. 8 wins to 7, $36,084. Lady From Grover (Theatrical [IRE]). Winner to 3, $29,760. Dam of– Kahlua Mist. 3 wins to 6, $51,486.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 15 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 15 Foaled March 11, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Weather Warning {Storm Cat Bean Town Babe City Band (2015) { Boston Nova {Boston Harbor Forumstar By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam BEAN TOWN BABE, by Weather Warning. Winner at 3, $17,076. This is her first foal. 2nd dam BOSTON NOVA, by Boston Harbor. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Domer Simpson (g. by Dome). 2 wins at 3, $27,899. 3rd dam FORUMSTAR, by Inherent Star. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $40,457. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– CHAMP'S STAR (Fabulous Champ). 9 wins to 8, $681,897, Radar Ahead H. [L] (HOL, $57,750), Zany Tactics S. [R] (SA, $65,520), Ken Maddy Sprint H. [R] (BM, $55,000), Earlene McCabe Derby [R] (SAC, $29,250), Bull Dog S. [R] (FNO, $24,145), 2nd Harry Henson S. [L] (HOL, $15,940), Valiant Pete H. [R] (SA, $21,580), Valiant Pete H. [R] (SA, $21,220), Ken Maddy Sprint H. [R] (BM, $15,000), 3rd Hollywood Turf Express H., [G3], California Juvenile S., [G3], Oakland H. [L] (GG, $12,000), Radar Ahead H. [L] (HOL, $11,502), California Cup Sprint H. [R] (SA, $18,000), etc. STARRY ICE (Ice Age). 5 wins to 4, $209,300, Landaluce S., [G2], Anoakia S. [L] (SA, $47,240), Cinderella S. [L] (HOL, $37,200), Nursery S. [R] (HOL, $31,050). Set NTR at Santa Anita Park, 2f in 0:21.31. Dam of– FOREST DANGER. 5 wins to 4, $423,000, Carter H., [G1] (AQU, $210,000), Bay Shore S., [G3] (AQU, $90,000), 2nd Withers S., [G3] (AQU, $30,000). Set NTR at Gulfstream Park, 6 1/2f in 1:14.44. Sire. Skipping Stars. Placed to 4, $18,520, 2nd Willard [L], Proctor Mem. S. [R] (HOL). Icetate. 3 wins to 6, $133,128. Forest Whispers. Winner in 1 start at 2, $14,700. Set NTR 4.5f. Dam of– Forestdungone. 11 wins to 6, 2021, $161,721. Lake Champlain. Placed to 4, $10,144. Dam of– Icelain Diva. Winner to 3, $28,875, 3rd Island Fashion S., (SUN, $5,000). Tug of War. 11 wins to 8, $410,155, 3rd Kelly Kip S. [N]. Alpine Ice. Unraced. Dam of– Kkeutpan Aero [KOR]. 6 wins, ($43,742 USA), in Korea, 3rd Ttukseom Cup [G2]. DISTINGUISH FORUM (Shanekite). 6 wins to 5, $205,298, Westchester S. [L] (HOL). Distinguished Lady. 2 wins to 4, $72,153. Dam of– Awesome Force. 2 wins to 3, $64,214, 3rd Tishomingo S. [R] (RP, $5,500). Candi's Star (Candi's Gold). 3 wins to 5, $81,570. Dam of– SUMMER SENSATION. 7 wins to 9, $86,896, Journal H. SUMMER STAR. 4 wins to 6, $82,785, Chamisa H., (ALB, $27,060). Dam of– MY HAPPY FACE. 3 wins to 4, $583,437, Tempted S., [G3] (AQU, $90,000), Lotka S., (BEL, $54,000), 2nd TVG Coaching Club American Oaks [G1] (SAR, $60,000), Frizette S., [G1] (BEL, $80,000), Forward Gal S., [G2] (GP, $40,000), 3rd Test S., [G1] (SAR, $50,000), [L], A. Woman S., [G3] (SA, $12,000), etc. My Name Is Sue (Bertrando). Winner to 4, $48,840. Dam of– VELVET MOONLITE. 4 wins to 5, $163,290, E. B. Johnston S., (FPX, $35,750). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 16 Jazz By The Sea TB 16 April 29, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Filly Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer Jazz By The Sea TB Puddie Q. Elijah's Song {Unbridled's Song Seanics Song Toda Una Dama (ARG) (2011) { Seanic Loop {Parting the Sea Donnas Loop By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner).

1st dam SEANICS SONG, by Elijah's Song. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $49,530, 3rd Lincoln H. [NR]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old.

2nd dam SEANIC LOOP, by Parting the Sea. Winner at 3 and 5, $50,367. Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 winners– Seanic Halo (f. by Iron Halo [ARG]). 4 wins to 6, $60,368. Dam of– W F La Venada. Placed to 5, 2021, $7,036. Jazzelle (f. by Monterey Jazz). Placed at 3, 2020.

3rd dam DONNAS LOOP, by Smile and Be Happy. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Hollywood Loop (Gone Hollywood). 2 wins to 4, $16,302. Dam of– Halosoverhollywood. 5 wins to 5, $52,632. Hollywood's Diva. Winner to 4, $14,454. W F Wildcat (Grand Champion Cat). Winner to 6, $16,295. Halos Parrot Bay (Iron Halo [ARG]). Winner to 4, $11,866. Spread the Loop (Spreadthealarm). Winner at 4, $9,639. Halo's Iron Loop (Iron Halo [ARG]). Winner to 3, $7,535.

4th dam HEY GOOMBA, by Jaklin Klugman. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $25,023. Dam of 1 foal to race– La Goomba (Devon Lane). Winner to 4, $33,586.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 17 Gray or Roan Colt TB 17 Foaled April 6, 2020 Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Right Rigger { Trolley Song Stormy Pick {Storm Creek Gray or Roan Colt TB Program Pick Lesters Boy {Cee's Tizzy My Belle Star Theresa's Pleasure (2008) { Sunnie Do It {Do It Again Dan Greatens Gamble By RIGHT RIGGER (2006). Sire of 18 starters, 13 winners, $1,459,431, including RIG TIME (9 wins, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R]), TEN PENNY CENTS (5 wins, $275,348, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R]), TEA LIGHT (6 wins, $220,617, La Coneja S. [R]), DUST ALERT (4 wins, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Dancinstardustlady ($45,065, 2nd Copper Top Fut. [R]), Smashed (5 wins, $69,564), Whitrock SI 81 (6 wins, $65,695, Ruidoso Sprint Claiming S. [N]), Izeright (2 wins, $49,397, Dine S. [NR]), Pink Power (3 wins, $43,225), Creekwater Punch.

1st dam MY BELLE STAR, by Lesters Boy. 3 wins at 3 and 6, $79,446. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Belle Star's Pride (f. by Everyday Heroes). Placed at 2, $6,427. Peewee's Lady (f. by Silver Wagon). Placed to 3, 2021.

2nd dam SUNNIE DO IT, by Do It Again Dan. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $316,722, Queen of the Green H. [L] (TUP, $45,000), City of Phoenix H., (TUP, $15,000), Miss Kansas City H., (WDS, $15,000), Manhattan H. [R] (WDS, $15,000) twice, Wende S. [N], Bersid S. [N], Miss Mistletoe S. [N], Manhattan H. [NR], 2nd Queen of the Green H. [L] (TUP, $15,000), Molly Brown H., (ARP, $5,440), Miss Kansas City H., (WDS, $5,000) twice, Glendale H., (TUP, $5,000), Manhattan H. [R] (WDS, $5,000) twice, Sequoyah S. [N], Mission Hills S. [NR], 3rd Harry W. Henson H. [L] (SUN, $5,310), Azalea H., (RP, $4,400), Chamisa H., (ALB, $3,030), Mesa H., (TUP, $2,500), Kachina H., (TUP, $2,500), Queen of the Desert S. [N], Bersid S. [N]. Dam of 1 foal to race, above--

3rd dam GREATENS GAMBLE, by Sunshine Today. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– SUNNIE DO IT (Do It Again Dan). Stakes winner, above. Cool Gamble (Cool Review). Winner to 5, $11,382. Real Diamonds (Wabasha). Unraced. Dam of– DESERT GAMBLE. 9 wins to 9, $268,865, Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [R] (SUN, $60,000). One Fine Jewel. 4 wins to 5, $44,240. Realwin. 2 wins to 7, $34,494.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 18 Cattalou TB 18 March 31, 2020 Chestnut Filly A.P. Indy Pulpit { Abstraction { Preach Andujar {Quiet American Cattalou TB Nureyev's Best Attila's Storm {Forest Wildcat Tilla Cat Sweet Symmetry (2013) { Charlotte's Drone {B. G.'s Drone Charlotte's Ego By ABSTRACTION (2010). 2 wins, $86,945, Federico Tesio S., 3rd Matt Winn S. [G3]. Half brother to MARION RAVENWOOD. Sire of 58 starters, 36 winners, $1,870,272, including HUSTLE UP (10 wins, $536,143, Mine That Bird Derby), Evacuee (2 wins, $175,269, NMSF Fut. [NR]), Amor N Pasion (3 wins, $87,954, 2nd NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. [R]), Comic Hot Rod (2 wins, $87,700, 2nd Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), Sarge (2 wins, $51,922, Steve Prather S., NR), Quite Peace (2 wins, $125,026), Daux (3 wins, $71,580).

1st dam TILLA CAT, by Attila's Storm. 6 wins to 5, $369,369, New Mexico Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $84,000), New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [NR], La Coneja S. [NR], 2nd LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $18,700), C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [R] (SRP, $10,000), Mt. Cristo Rey H. [NR], Lincoln H., NR twice, 3rd Bold Ego H., (SUN, $6,500) twice, Permian Basin S., (ZIA, $5,500), Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $17,589), Carlos Salazar S. [NR]. Sister to No Pasa Nada. This is her first foal.

2nd dam CHARLOTTE'S DRONE, by B. G.'s Drone. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– TILLA CAT (f. by Attila's Storm). Stakes winner, above. LARIAT (g. by Southwestern Heat). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $91,432, New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $28,500). No Pasa Nada (g. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $171,319, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (ALB, $35,532), Road Runner H. [NR]. Que Pasa (f. by Mr. Gold Mover). 6 wins to 6, 2020, $102,922. Bella Dona (f. by Attila's Storm). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2021, $9,904.

3rd dam CHARLOTTE'S EGO SI 85, by Tilt the Odds. 12 wins, 2 to 9, $166,756, $6,323, New Mexico Distaff H. [R] (SRP, $33,840), La Senora H. [N], Lady's Secret H. [N], Ma Bell H. [N], 2nd New Mexico Distaff H. [R] (SRP, $13,100), La Fiesta H. [N], Bold Ego H. [N], 3rd New Mexico Distaff H. [R] (SRP, $5,140), finalist in Challenger Six H. [R] [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Special Ego SI 83 (B. G.'s Drone). 4 wins to 5, $38,370, winner in 2 starts at 3, $5,405. Charlotte's Saint (Your Eminence). 2 wins to 5, $43,079. Charlotte Hennessy (Roll Hennessy Roll). Winner to 4, $19,042, $2,100.

4th dam HOPPER SPECIALTY, by Bold Ego. Winner at 3. Sister to Stryker Ego. Dam of 2 foals to race– CHARLOTTE'S EGO SI 85 (Tilt the Odds). Stakes winner, above.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Greg Green, Agent Hip No. 19 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 19 Foaled April 23, 2020 In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Shame On Charlie { Soviet Sojourn Shameful {Flying Chevron Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Lady's Legacy Pine Bluff {Danzig Tia Tia Rowdy Angel (2007) { Pacaya {Restless Con Hit a Homer Honey By SHAME ON CHARLIE SI 85 (2004). 3 wins, $29,017. Brother to INDIAN BLESSING; half brother to ROMAN THREAT, AX MAN, NIGHTLY NEWS. Sire of 28 starters, 22 winners, $1,263,642, including INDIAN TIVA ($207,338, Permian Basin S.), SHAME ON POWERS SI 87 (4 wins, $169,407, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), SHAME ON READ (winner, $75,567, Copper Top Fut. [R]), SHUG'S HOPE ($67,773, C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [R]), CHAMP SPIRIT (2 wins, $44,845, NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. S. [R]), Shug's Best (4 wins, $126,705, 3rd NM Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]). 1st dam TIA TIA, by Pine Bluff. Winner at 4, $25,580. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 2 winners– Unbelievabull (g. by King Bull). 4 wins to 5, $66,843. Big Legs Red (f. by King Bull). Winner to 4, $27,546. 2nd dam PACAYA, by Restless Con. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $12,095. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– CAYAMBE (g. by Helmsman). 15 wins to 10, $581,896, Ralph M. Hinds H. [L] (FPX, $41,250), 3rd California Dreamin' H. [R] (DMR, $12,000). Momotombo (g. by Wild Gold). 3 wins to 5, $111,333, 2nd Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity [R] (PLN, $10,100). Nosy Tanikely (f. by Wild Gold). 3 wins to 4, $81,505. Dam of– Jicama. 3 wins to 6, $28,581. Ayelu (f. by Helmsman). 8 wins to 6, $66,833. Kohala (f. by McCann's Mojave). Winner to 6, $28,265. 3rd dam HIT A HOMER HONEY, by Kennedy Road. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $181,208, Very Subtle Sales S [LR] (SA, $60,583). Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– Home Ice (Iam the Iceman). 4 wins to 6, $205,614, 3rd California Cup Juvenile Fillies S. [R] (SA, $15,000), Cover Gal S. [R] (SA, $9,819). Dam of– Mighty Quinn. 2 wins to 7, $65,982. Butch's Mango. Winner to 3, $20,138. Brother Man (Iam the Iceman). 8 wins to 8, $87,569, 3rd Art Smith Mem. S. [N]. Ice It Honey (Iam the Iceman). Winner to 3, $41,480. Brother Brother (Iam the Iceman). 2 wins to 5, $22,126. Breaking Even (Restless Con). Winner to 4, $5,400. Dam of– Appraisal. Winner to 4, $24,421. Riverine. Winner to 5, $14,875. 4th dam Jo Jo Dimaggio, by Dimaggio. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $44,500, 2nd Las Damas H. Half sister to QUICK TWIST), MISS LAURIE LEE. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– HIT A HOMER HONEY (Kennedy Road). Stakes winner, above. Janzig Moon (Iron Cat). 3 wins to 8, $121,120, 3rd Solana Beach H. [R] (DMR, $16,080), California Cup Distance H. [R] (OSA, $12,000). Captain Briggs (Thisnearlywasmine). 7 wins to 7, $76,480. Diamonds for Elise (Golden Gauntlet). 8 wins to 8, $72,080. Dam of– Bright Don. 2 wins to 4, $29,105. Taps n Bats (Bolger). 6 wins to 5, $41,856. Indian Jo (Gray Slewpy). 2 wins to 5, $15,493. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 20 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 20 Foaled April 19, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Candy Ride (ARG) {Ride the Rails Clancy's Candy Candy Girl (ARG) (2008) { Caught Lookin' {Cozzene Harry's Ack By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam CLANCY'S CANDY, by Candy Ride (ARG). Winner at 4, $12,160. Dam of 5 named foals of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners– Jacks Fire Balls (g. by Liaison). Winner to 5, 2021, $36,700. Confectionaire (g. by After Market). Winner to 3, $32,040. Making Rainbows (f. by Santiva). Winner to 4, $21,911. 2nd dam CAUGHT LOOKIN', by Cozzene. 3 wins to 6, $41,357. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– LEFT ON BASE (g. by Albert the Great). 9 wins to 6, $103,846, Babst/Palacios Mem. H. [R] (BEU, $30,000). Safety Squeeze (g. by Trippi). 3 wins to 5, $126,245. She's Got Guns (f. by Mingun). Winner to 3, $25,640. 3rd dam Harry's Ack, by Ack Ack. 16 wins, 3 to 5, $191,921, 2nd Burn's Return H. [L] (CRC, $10,700). Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners– Comic Ack (Comic Strip). 5 wins to 5, $73,659. Auntie Bellum (Dixie Brass). 2 wins to 4, $38,511. Dam of– Cuyuni Waters. 4 wins to 4, $55,921. Rabbitoutofmyhat. 5 wins to 3, $49,458. After the Storm (Future Storm). 2 wins to 6, $28,245. Deserving Honor (Honour and Glory). Unraced. Dam of– Rockstar Richie. Winner to 6, $48,038. 4th dam ECLAT, by Herbager. 3 wins at 3, $38,150. Half sister to LATE TO RISE, Bravo Native ($63,108). Dam of 12 foals to race, 7 winners– Harry's Ack (Ack Ack). Stakes placed winner, above. Crafty Quarry (Crafty Prospector). 4 wins to 4, $11,802. Dam of– BARNABUS. 4 wins to 7, $103,241, winner at 5, over the jumps, $18,475, Floor Show H. [L] (DEL, $35,760). Brite Prospector. 14 wins to 8, $331,197, 2nd Cleveland Oaks (TDN, $9,000), 3rd Kamar S. [L]), Anniron H. [R] (FL, $3,300), Floor Show H. [L] (DEL, $35,760). Unrelenting Desire. 4 wins to 7, $92,975. Bonnie Badger. Winner at 2, $14,280. Dam of– Hochs in Socks. 10 wins to 9, $104,187. Maria Goodbye. Unraced. Dam of– Elusive Knoll. 5 wins to 5, $104,334. Halo's Splendor (Halo). 22 wins to 9, $113,416. Set NTR. Noted Praise (Halo). Placed to 3. Dam of– LESTER (c. by York Minster). 2 wins to 3, ($22,919 USA), in Venezuela, Premio Millard Ziadie [L], Gran Premio Unicria LR, 3rd Premio Jose Antonio Paez- Venezuelan Two Thousand Guineas [G1], Premio Alberto H., Cipriani [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 21 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 21 Foaled April 11, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Fusaichi Pegasus {Mr. Prospector Stormy Peg Angel Fever (2008) { Lost In The Storm {Storm Cat Lost The Code By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam STORMY PEG, by Fusaichi Pegasus. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners– Risky Revenge SI 88 (g. by Laugh Track). Winner to 3, 2021, $32,338. Athena's Storm (f. by Laugh Track). Winner to 3, 2021, $15,655. 2nd dam LOST IN THE STORM, by Storm Cat. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 5 winners– Elusive Venice (f. by Elusive Quality). $47,996: 5 wins to 6, ($37,811 USA), in Italy; winner at 5, ($10,185 USA), in France. Da Bears (g. by Tiznow). 3 wins to 4, $45,950. Fire On Ice (c. by Unbridled's Song). Winner to 3, $31,400. Sire. Tempestaire (g. by Unbridled's Song). 3 wins to 4, $21,332. Paegwon Tongil (c. by Old Fashioned). Winner at 4 Amazing Storm (f. by Awesome Again). Placed in 2 starts at 4. Dam of– Midnight in Maui. 5 wins to 5, 2021, $48,356. Amazing Party. Winner to 6, $20,750. 3rd dam LOST THE CODE, by Lost Code. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $180,495. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– SQUIRTLE SQUIRT (Marquetry). Champion Sprinter in U.S. Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1]. 8 wins to 4, $1,112,220, King's Bishop S. [G1], Hollywood Juvenile Champ. S. [G3], Haggin S. [L] (HOL, $46,125), Willard [L]Proctor Mem. S. [L] (HOL, $46,260), Barretts Juvenile S. [R] (FPX, $56,375), 2nd Vosburgh S. [G1], Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Inv. H. [G2], Palos Verdes H. [G2] (SA, $30,000), Lazaro Barrera Mem. S. [G3]. Sire. Il Capriccio (Langfuhr). 3 wins to 6, $88,608. 4th dam SMARTER BY THE DAY, by Smarten. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $228,542, Sonoma H., (NP, $30,600, B. K. Yousif S., (STP, $25,200, Tuscarora H., (PHA, $16,080), 2nd Edmonton Distaff H. [L] (NP, $10,000, Ontario Damsel S [LR] (WO, $17,325, Cameo S., (LRL, $6,360), Tinicum H., (PHA, $3,920), 3rd Honey Bee H., [G3], Woodbine Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $17,067, Ballerina S. [L] (EP, $10,245, Whitemarsh H. [L] (PHA, $5,803). Sister to Smartenta, half-sister to Jackjon ($101,417). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Smart Alert (Gold Alert). 10 wins to 10, $207,497. Sire. Home by Day (Homebuilder). 14 wins to 9, $184,818. Miss Smarter (Homebuilder). Placed to 3. Dam of– Tantoo. 24 wins to 10, 2 to 10, $304,229, 2nd Sales H. [R]. Smart Grace. 6 wins to 6, $187,254, 2nd Post Deb S., (MTH., $12,350), Cordially S., (DEL, $11,820), Hilltop S., (PIM, $10,000). Zen Buddha. 6 wins to 7, $113,708. Mafia Wife. 15 wins to 7, $100,289. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 22 Magic Marker TB 22 March 4, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Gelding A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Magic Marker TB Holiday Runner Dixie Brass {Dixieland Band Pretty Suzi Petite Diable (2002) { Pretty Personal {Personal Flag Pretty Keane By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam PRETTY SUZI, by Dixie Brass. 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, $124,405, New York Stallion Park Avenue S. [R] (AQU, $90,000). Sister to Pretty Brassy. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners– Suzy Q (f. by Southwestern Heat). 6 wins to 6, 2021, $72,437. Presuzi (f. by Precocity). 4 wins to 5, $33,243. Toll Free (g. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 4, $28,742. Suzi's Case (f. by Gold Case). 3 wins to 4, $22,737. 2nd dam PRETTY PERSONAL, by Personal Flag. Unplaced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– PERSONAL PRO (c. by Distinctive Pro). 3 wins to 4, $235,644, Albany S. [R] (SAR, $119,200), 2nd New York Derby [R] (FL, $29,774), Genesee Valley Breeders' H. [R] (FL, $8,000). PRETTY SUZI (f. by Dixie Brass). Stakes winner, above. Pretty Brassy (f. by Dixie Brass). 4 wins to 4, $166,030, 3rd New York Oaks [R] (FL, $6,600). 3rd dam PRETTY KEANE, by Deputy Minister. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– SOLAR DEPUTY (Distinctive Pro). 4 wins to 5, $158,019, Mike Lee S. [R] (BEL, $84,100). Miss Pretty Keane (Distinctive Pro). 3 wins to 4, $87,174, 3rd Bouwerie S. [R] (BEL, $6,204). Dam of– Ghostwriter. 7 wins to 5, $112,650. Aprettyunderstudy. 13 wins to 7, $75,374. Pretty Champ. 4 wins to 5, $58,751. 4th dam SOLAR HALO, by Halo. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $190,561, Firenze H. [G2], Q at Aqueduct, 2nd Ladies H. [G1], Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup [L], 3rd Ballerina S., [G2]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners– Blue Burn (Cure the Blues). 5 wins to 5, $148,615, 2nd Finger Lakes Juvenile S. [R] (FL, $6,000). Solar Blues (Cure the Blues). 2 wins to 4, $89,690. Dam of– Why Be Blue. 2 wins to 4, $64,991, 3rd Iowa Cradle S. [R] (PRM, $8,620). Backroad Blues. 4 wins to 6, $87,229. Her Baby Blues. 3 wins to 5, $64,309. Heavenly Sunset (St. Jovite). 2 wins to 4, $52,900. Dam of– Silent Bid. 2 wins to 6, $99,640, 3rd Beau Genius H., (CD, $7,260). Heavenly Surprise. 5 wins to 6, $56,261. Burn Dixie Burn. 5 wins to 6, $45,141. Princess Tiffany (Dixie Brass). 6 wins to 4, $85,300. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 23 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 23 Foaled March 14, 2020 A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Holiday Runner Trial By Jury {Deputy Minister Music In The Storm Fantastic Ways (2011) { Faith In A Song {Sultry Song Bee The One By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam MUSIC IN THE STORM, by Trial by Jury. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $59,977. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam FAITH IN A SONG, by Sultry Song. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Walking in Faith (g. by Saint Afleet). 4 wins to 5, $94,662. Song and a Saint (f. by Saint Afleet). 3 wins to 5, $42,120. Faith in a Saint (f. by Saint Afleet). Winner to 3, $36,565. 3rd dam BEE THE ONE, by Wolf Power (SAF). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $102,400. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners– Courthouse (Doneraile Court). 7 wins to 9, $201,264, 2nd Jim Rasmussen Mem. S., (PRM, $10,000), 3rd Cigar S., (AP, $5,180). The Twilight One (Legion Field). 2 wins to 4, $46,890. Strike Commander SI 97 (Strike the Cash). 4 wins to 4, $36,199. Glacken Power (Smoke Glacken). 3 wins to 7, $34,760. 4th dam BECOMING BEE, by Verbatim. Unraced. Half sister to NACACYTE ($222,943 ($222,943.00), Premio Umbria [G2]), Cheer Me On ($37,902). Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners– Be Fine With Me (Practitioner). Winner to 4, $10,701, 3rd A. M. Fisher S., OR. Dam of– JEN'S FASHION. 2 wins to 3, $92,146, Ellis Park Debutante S. [L] (ELP, $62,500). Dam of– COLONIAL COLONY. 4 wins to 7, $921,345, Stephen Foster H., [G1] (CD, $502,665), 2nd National Jockey Club H., [G3] (HAW, $50,000) twice, Maxxam Gold Cup H. [L] (HOU, $20,000). Sire. BATTLE HARDENED. 9 wins to 10, 3 to 10, $263,974, Sam F. Davis S., [G3] (TAM, $120,000), Budweiser-Tondi S. [N], 2nd Dowd Mile S. [N]. Pleasant Point. Winner to 3, $44,789, 2nd Terre Haute S. [R] (HOO, $6,540). Cinnamon Beach. 3 wins to 7, $165,120. Kingstation Brass. 13 wins to 7, $142,958. Johnny's Back. 4 wins to 5, $86,430. Megan's Field. 8 wins to 8, $53,828. Elgie B. (Critique). 20 wins to 9, $155,518. Iron Groove (Groovy). 16 wins to 11, $127,419. She's a Sellards (L'Enjoleur). 7 wins to 6, $47,991. Dam of– Ship Shape. 8 wins to 5, $153,697. Proven Bold (Nasty and Bold). 14 wins to 7, $41,749, Marathon Series Final S. [NR]. The One to Be (Danzatore). Placed at 2. Dam of– D K Dickens. 8 wins to 8, $70,643. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Brown Quarter Horses, Agent for Harry Bettis Hip No. 24 Mr Rigger TB 24 April 16, 2020 Gray Or Roan Gelding Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Right Rigger { Trolley Song Stormy Pick {Storm Creek Mr Rigger TB Program Pick Reversal {Gone West Hammett Star Trishyde (2004) { Season Star {Four Seasons (GB) Star Amy By RIGHT RIGGER (2006). Sire of 18 starters, 13 winners, $1,459,431, including RIG TIME (9 wins, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R]), TEN PENNY CENTS (5 wins, $275,348, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R]), TEA LIGHT (6 wins, $220,617, La Coneja S. [R]), DUST ALERT (4 wins, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Dancinstardustlady ($45,065, 2nd Copper Top Fut. [R]), Smashed (5 wins, $69,564), Whitrock SI 81 (6 wins, $65,695, Ruidoso Sprint Claiming S. [N]), Izeright (2 wins, $49,397, Dine S. [NR]), Pink Power (3 wins, $43,225), Creekwater Punch.

1st dam Hammett Star, by Reversal. 6 wins, 4 to 9, $143,206, Molly Brown S. [N], Idaho Cup Distaff Maturity [NR], Susan G. Komen For The Cure S. [NR], 2nd Ginger Welch S. [N], 3rd Sweepida S., (STK, $6,880), Columbine S. [N]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age– Collecting Stars (f. by Boos). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $31,058.

2nd dam SEASON STAR, by Four Seasons [GB]. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 3 foals to race– Hammett Star (f. by Reversal). Stakes placed winner, above.

3rd dam STAR AMY, by Thaliard [GB]. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– Annies Star (Four Seasons [GB]). Winner at 2. Dam of– Glenns Ferry. 2 wins to 4, $17,486. Goforthegoldchris (Restless Chris). Winner to 3.

4th dam GOFORTHEGOLD, by Windtex. Winner at 2. Half sister to QUIET LOVE. Dam of no starters.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 25 Chestnut Colt TB 25 Foaled 2020 Northern Afleet Afleet Alex { Sway Away { Maggy Hawk Seattle Shimmer {Seattle Slew Chestnut Colt TB Golden Gale Speightstown {Gone West Savvy N Speightful Silken Cat (2011) { Goodbye Stranger {Broad Brush Prime Investor By SWAY AWAY (2008). 2 wins, $206,800, 2nd San Carlos S. [G2], Best Pal S. [G2], San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire of 20 starters, 13 winners, including Whenbetterthannow (8 wins, $70,198), Windribbon (3 wins, $59,650), Chay Up and Away (4 wins, $58,386), Bottle Shock (3 wins, $47,654), July Moon (5 wins, $33,913), Swaybelle (4 wins, $31,655), Spun Away (2 wins, $29,970), Sway Road (3 wins, $19,342), Bigger Than You (4 wins, $16,142), Sussums Girl (winner, $14,700), Sudden Niche (winner, $10,200), Time for the Bus. 1st dam SAVVY N SPEIGHTFUL, by Speightstown. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $40,112. Dam of 3 foals of racing age. 2nd dam GOODBYE STRANGER, by Broad Brush. Placed at 3, $5,220. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– TOM'S READY (c. by More Than Ready). 5 wins to 4, $1,036,267, Woody Stephens S. [G2] (BEL, $275,000), Bold Ruler H. [G3] (BEL, $120,000), Ack Ack S. [G3] (CD, $61,380), Leemat S. [R] (PID, $60,000), 2nd T wins to 4 pires.com Louisiana Derby [G2] (FG, $200,000), LeComte S. [G3] (FG, $40,000), Street Sense S., (CD, $14,170), 3rd Forego S. [G1] (SAR, $60,000), S. [G2] (CD, $45,500), Kelso H. [G2] (BEL, $30,000). Wrong Color (f. by Gemologist). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $122,838, 2nd Crowd Pleaser S. [R] (PRX, $19,600). Consulado (g. by More Than Ready). Winner to 3, $70,892, 3rd Harry Henson S., (BHP). Goodbye Jane (f. by Speightstown). Winner to 3, $35,668. It's Been Nice (f. by Creative Cause). Unplaced. $3,360. Dam of– Zaga. Winner at 3, 2021. 3rd dam PRIME INVESTOR, by Deputy Minister. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $6,920, in U.S. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– LEMONLIME (Lemon Drop Kid). 4 wins to 5, $125,824, Minnesota H., B. P. A. Mile S., (CBY, $30,000), Northbound Pride S., (CBY, $27,000), 2nd Reluctant Guest S., (AP, $10,720), 3rd Double Delta S., (AP, $5,214). Dam of– Deep Opus. 4 wins to 8, 2021, ($623,778 USA), in Japan. Jicamon. 12 wins to 7, 2021, ($149,530 USA), in Mexico, Copa de Oro, Copa De Oro, H., Presidencial, Gran Premio Nacional, Clasico Dia de la Bandera, Clasico Gay Dalton, Clasico Anahuac, 2nd Hanidcap Pura Sangre, H., Pura Sangre, etc. MISS MOSES (Gulch). 3 wins to 4, $103,890, Prairie Meadows Oaks L (PRM, $45,000), 3rd Sweetest Chant S., (AP, $5,940). Dam of Separate (GB) (to 4, 2021, $56,800). 4th dam STARUSHKA, by Sham. Unraced. Half sister to BE MY GUEST ($49,421 [G2]), Bendara. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– VERS LA CAISSE (The Minstrel). $270,630: 4 wins to 4, ($15,587 USA), in Ireland, Ballylinch and Norelands Stud S. [L]; winner at 3, ($23,892 USA), in Italy, Premio Legnano [G2]; 4 wins at 4, $231,151, in U.S., Violet H., [G3], Philadelphia H. [L], etc. HIGH COMPETENCE (The Minstrel). $25,467: winner at 3, ($24,168 USA), in Italy, Premio Legnano [G2]; winner in 1 start at 3, in Ireland. Dam of Legal Pressure. Super Image (Shahrastani). 6 wins to 5, $118,680, 2nd Portland Meadows Mile H., (PM, $5,750), Harvey's Triple H., (GG, $5,000), 3rd Hedrick Ranch S., (BM, $3,750). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Larry Zufelt Hip No. 26 Pretty Peppy TB 26 March 18, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Filly A.P. Indy Malibu Moon { Indestructible { Macoumba Don't Trick Her {Mazel Trick Pretty Peppy TB Lucy Sims Redattore (BRZ) {Roi Normand Always a Chance Political Intrigue (2009) { Sophisticatedbluff {Pine Bluff Sophisticatedcielo By INDESTRUCTIBLE SI 93 (2012). Winner at 4, $17,269. Half brother to CHECK THE LABEL, INCLUDE ME OUT, ON THE MENU. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of winner Malibu Moon, among the leading sires; sire of 126 stakes winners, including DECLAN'S MOON (Champion, $705,647, Hollywood Fut. [G1]), MOONLIT PROMISE (Champion in Canada, $507,462 USA, Bessarabian S. [G2]), ORB ($2,612,516, Kentucky Derby [G1]), CARINA MIA ($1,403,520, Acorn S. [G1]). 1st dam ALWAYS A CHANCE, by Redattore [BRZ]. 10 wins, 3 to 8, $302,541, 2nd City of Phoenix S. [N], 3rd Princess of Palms S. [N]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd dam SOPHISTICATEDBLUFF, by Pine Bluff. 3 wins to 5, $181,320. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– Preacher's Bluff (g. by Lucky Pulpit). 15 wins to 10, 2020, $168,006. Incisive (g. by Include). 6 wins to 7, $50,110. Jump (f. by Jump Start). Unraced. Dam of– Jump the Tracks. 4 wins to 6, 2021, $82,757. 3rd dam SOPHISTICATEDCIELO, by Conquistador Cielo. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $290,299, Queen Breeders' Cup S. [L] (TP, $72,995), Reigning Countess S. [L] (HOL, $31,650), 2nd Pasadena S. [L] (SA, $15,000), Autumn Days H. [L] (SA, $15,000), La Habra S. [L] (SA, $15,000), Jan Jessie S. [L] (SA, $12,000), 3rd Santa Ynez Breeders' Cup S. [G2], June Darling H. [R] (DMR, $11,250). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– MITIGATION (Cherokee Run). 9 wins to 7, $253,692, Hansel S., (TP, $30,380). In the Mood (Siphon [BRZ]). 3 wins to 4, $59,388. Dam of– Baby G. 2 wins to 6, $53,172. Wolseley Bay. 2 wins to 7, $31,711. How Little We Know (Saint Ballado). 3 wins to 5, $46,798. Luv Nicole (Officer). Winner to 3, $23,200. Dam of– Captain Drake. Winner to 5, 2021, $58,987, 3rd MTA Stallion Auction S. [NR]. 4th dam SOPHISTICATED LYNN, by Clever Trick. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $87,979, Mount Royal H., OR, 2nd Colleen S. Half sister to Maestro's Touch. Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners– SOPHISTICATEDCIELO (Conquistador Cielo). Stakes winner, above. PATUXENT RIVER (). 4 wins to 10, $101,215, El Joven S. [L] (RET, $60,000). Ghostly Gal (Silver Ghost). 5 wins to 5, $137,366. Kinetic Rush (Gold Tribute). 5 wins to 7, $99,290. Burnt Timber (Digamist). 4 wins to 5, $46,002, 3rd Premier S. [N]. Satin and Silver (Silver Ghost). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Imperial Strike. 2 wins to 5, $72,829, 3rd Sweettrickydancer S., (CRC, $5,300). Big Roques. 7 wins to 8, $92,874. Lynnie B. 3 wins to 4, $56,942. Charanga. 2 wins to 6, $48,496. Quistadora (Conquistador Cielo). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Ganador. 7 wins to 8, $192,615. Calafia (Marquetry). Unplaced. $3,770. Dam of– Joejoebugs. Winner to 4, $45,658. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 27 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 27 Foaled March 13, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Attila's Storm {Forest Wildcat R. Tilly Sweet Symmetry (2015) { Devon R {Devon Lane Mickey R. By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive.

1st dam R. TILLY, by Attila's Storm. Unraced. This is her first foal.

2nd dam DEVON R, by Devon Lane. 2 wins to 4, $30,837. Dam of 1 foal to race– R Allie (f. by Alsono). Placed in 2 starts at 3, 2021.

3rd dam MICKEY R, by Kentucky Jazz. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $78,320, Selma S. [R] (RET, $15,000), 2nd Lakeway S., (RET, $5,000). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– TRICKY R. (Favorite Trick). 12 wins to 7, $287,708, La Coneja S. [R] (SUN, $51,000), Carlos Salazar S. [R] (ALB, $27,500), Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR], 2nd Carlos Salazar S. [NR], 3rd La Coneja S. [R] (SUN, $12,000). Dam of– Trickessy. 2 wins to 4, 2020, $53,950. David R. (Valid Expectations). 4 wins to 6, $46,851. Goldie R (Gold Case). 3 wins to 5, $45,559. Vali R. (Valid Expectations). 5 wins to 5, $24,583. Jennifer R. (Festival of Light). Winner to 5, $9,518. Dam of– Stillwater R. 4 wins to 6, 2020, $54,943.

4th dam DANZIG'S PEACH, by Danzig. Unraced. Half sister to Wargod, Oh Bye Golly ($139,449), Total Assets ($108,241). Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners–-- MICKEY R. (Kentucky Jazz). Stakes winner, above. Greta (His Majesty). Winner to 5, $15,147, 3rd Fiesta Mile S. [R] (RET, $2,750). Polly Peabody (Hadif). 2 wins to 6, $17,340. Dam of– Wally Peabody. 3 wins to 6, $47,333. Texas Gator. 2 wins to 6, $21,338. Sarah Jeanette (Devious Course). Unraced. Dam of– Flyer Be Quick. Winner to 5, $13,162.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Greg Green, Agent Hip No. 28 Chestnut Colt TB 28 Foaled February 2, 2020 El Prado (IRE) Artie Schiller { Artful Run { Hidden Light Daintree {Regal Affair Chestnut Colt TB Rio Rita To Teras {Unbridled's Song Lamonster Majestic Whatamiss (2012) { Grand Majestic {Storm Ashore Simply Grand By ARTFUL RUN (2008). 2 wins, $42,081. Sire of 5 starters, including Brynlee's Lemonade (winner, $80,427), Wheres Brayden ($11,640, 2nd C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [NR]), Artful Arion ($6,522). Son of stakes winner ARTIE SCHILLER; sire of 54 stakes winners, including FLYING ARTIE (Champion in Australia, $951,584 USA, Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale S. [G1]), ATLANT (Hwt. In Poland, Nagroda Dakoty), BOWIES HERO ($1,592,720 [G1]), GOOD STANDING ($1,181,434 [G2]). 1st dam LAMONSTER MAJESTIC, by To Teras. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 3- year-old. 2nd dam Grand Majestic, by Storm Ashore. 5 wins to 6, $111,702, 3rd Sorie S. [R] (ZIA, $4,200). Dam of 1 starter. 3rd dam SIMPLY GRAND, by Simply Majestic. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $23,002. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners– Grand Majestic (Storm Ashore). Stakes placed winner, above. Cadillacing Comet (Comet Shine). 3 wins to 5, $13,846. Truely Grand (El Sancho). Placed to 4, $8,902. 4th dam SADWESTER, by Honest Pleasure. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners– Pro Style (Distinctive Pro). 6 wins to 6, $154,899, 3rd Peter Pan S. [G2]. Sire. Honest Nickle (Plugged Nickle). 3 wins to 5, $94,300. Dam of– Out of Nickles. 2 wins at 2, $48,150, 3rd Fabulous Frolic S. [L] (CRC, $9,300). Out of Money. 2 wins to 3, $45,360, 3rd Blue Hen S. [L] (DEL, $5,500). Dam of– Little Money Down. 2 wins to 4, $86,110, 2nd Stonerside Forward Gal S. [G2] (GP, $30,000). Lucky Gamble. 12 wins to 7, $377,301. Goosie Goosie. 5 wins to 8, $131,428. Money Charger. 2 wins to 6, $32,695. Daredda Dabetta. Winner to 3, $22,365. Easy Over. Winner to 3, $13,079. Passionate War. Winner to 3, $30,125, 3rd Raise Your Skirts S., (GG, $5,250). Dam of– Richard the First. Winner to 4, $21,400. Credit Gal. 11 wins to 7, $236,887. Fashionably a Lady. 2 wins to 7, $28,929. Ice Kat. $16,783: Winner to 5, $14,158, over the jumps, $2,625 in NA. Legion Kat. Winner to 3, $19,706. Nic Nac Nickle. Unraced. Dam of– Fortunickle. Winner to 4, $19,365. Marsoom (Wild Again). 3 wins to 4, ($63,319 USA), in England. Skip West (Bailjumper). 4 wins to 6, $52,661. Sire. Wester Sire Sauce (Sauce Boat). 6 wins to 5, $37,124. Dam of– Lady On the Go. 4 wins to 5, $129,804. Murrough. 4 wins to 5, $73,441. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 29 Jewels And Jazz TB 29 May 18, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Colt Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer Jewels And Jazz TB Puddie Q. Iron Halo (ARG) {Halo Sunshine W F Diamond Halo Iliad (ARG) (2008) { Hooliette {Hoolie Lettersfromthewest By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner).

1st dam W F DIAMOND HALO, by Iron Halo (ARG). 2 wins to 4, $27,958. Dam of 2 foals of racing age.

2nd dam HOOLIETTE, by Hoolie. Winner at 3, $9,862. Dam of 2 foals to race– Hoolietteslasthalo (g. by Iron Halo (ARG). Placed to 5, $4,722.

3rd dam LETTERSFROMTHEWEST, by Full Choke. Unplaced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners– Alarming Lady (Spreadthealarm). 5 wins to 4, $60,660. Bet the Gray (Spreadthealarm). 2 wins to 4, $32,067. Letter From Hoolie (Hoolie). Winner to 4, $7,156.

4th dam AIRY LETTER, by Air Forbes Won. Unplaced in 1 start. Half sister to TOUGALOO, FAT EMMA ($225,310), Sheikh Rattle ($220,539). Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– Amy's Buckeye (Marfa). 10 wins to 8, $57,802. McLong (Play Fellow). 2 wins to 5, $14,643. Letter From Home (Baatish). Winner to 3, $7,605. Dam of– Fairway Home. 3 wins to 7, $56,693. Song From Home. Unraced. Dam of– Peakaboo Sue. 2 wins to 4, $21,576. Soul Friends (Baatish). 2 wins to 4, $3,396.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Greg Green, Agent Hip No. 30 Nostrangrtotherain TB 30 February 14, 2020 Bay Colt In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Shame On Charlie { Soviet Sojourn Shameful {Flying Chevron Nostrangrtotherain TB Lady's Legacy Forest Danger {Forestry Campfire Party Starry Ice (2010) { Cigno d'Oro {Tour d'Or Signa By SHAME ON CHARLIE SI 85 (2004). 3 wins, $29,017. Brother to INDIAN BLESSING; half brother to ROMAN THREAT, AX MAN, NIGHTLY NEWS. Sire of 28 starters, 22 winners, $1,263,642, including INDIAN TIVA ($207,338, Permian Basin S.), SHAME ON POWERS SI 87 (4 wins, $169,407, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), SHAME ON READ (winner, $75,567, Copper Top Fut. [R]), SHUG'S HOPE ($67,773, C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [R]), CHAMP SPIRIT (2 wins, $44,845, NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. S. [R]), Shug's Best (4 wins, $126,705, 3rd NM Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]). 1st dam CAMPFIRE PARTY, by Forest Danger. 2 wins at 4, $12,702. Dam of 3 foals of racing age. 2nd dam CIGNO D'ORO, by Tour d'Or. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $372,604, Spruce Fir H. [R] (MTH., $36,000), Queen Lib H. [R] (MED, $33,000), 2nd Jersey Girl H. [R] (MTH., $19,000), Goldfinch H. [R] (MTH., $12,000), Open Mind H. [R] (MTH., $11,400), 3rd Girl Powder H. [R] (MTH., $7,700), Spruce Fir H. [R] (MTH., $7,200), Open Mind H. [R] (MTH., $5,500), Santo Lalomia H. [R] (MTH., $6,000). Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– PRENDIMI (g. by Dance With Ravens). 5 wins to 6, 2021, $352,980, Charles Hesse III H. [R] (MTH., $75,000), John J. Reilly H. [R] (MTH., $45,000), Friendly Lover H. [R] (MTH., $45,000), 2nd Maryland Million Classic S. [R] (LRL, $30,000), John J. Reilly H. [R] (MTH., $15,000), Charles Hesse III H. [R] (MTH., $12,000), 3rd Irish War Cry H. [R] (MTH., $7,500). Our Man Luke (g. by Redeemed). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $103,238. War Signal (g. by War Front). 6 wins to 7, $72,436, 2nd Harvest S. [N], 3rd Inaugural S. [N]. My Buddy Zip (f. by Grand Reward). 2 wins to 4, $59,878. 3rd dam SIGNA, by Roman Reasoning. Winner at 4 and 7, $62,364. Sister to MICHAEL'S ANGEL. Dam of 5 foals to race, 5 winners– CIGNO D'ORO (Tour d'Or). Stakes winner, above. DABNABIT (Intidab). 5 wins to 8, $282,501, New Jersey Breeders H. [R] (MTH., $55,000), John J. Reilly H. [R] (MTH., $39,000), Colts Neck H. [R] (MTH., $39,000). Straight No Chaser (Straight Man). 2 wins to 6, $40,745. 4th dam FELLOWS BEST, by Funny Fellow. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,640. Half sister to Run Cosmic Run. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– MICHAEL'S ANGEL (Roman Reasoning). 26 wins to 11, 3 to 11, $295,109, Valley Forge H. [R] (GS, $26,310), Blackwood S. [R] (GS, $14,400), 2nd Deptford S. [NR]. Riccio's Best (Pappa Riccio). 2 wins to 6, $32,418. Dam of– RED RUFFLE. 4 wins to 4, $131,986, Nancy's Glitter H., (CRC, $44,000), 3rd Ms Brookski S., (CRC, $4,400). Dam of– Duty Blues. 4 wins to 6, $159,649. Lady Magica. 4 wins to 5, 2021, $141,350. Montreal's Best. 5 wins to 6, $103,015. Classical Hunter. 6 wins to 8, $96,399. Best Perfume (Gold and Myrrh). 5 wins to 5, $10,216. Dam of– BEST ENDORSEMENT. 8 wins to 7, $102,429, Japan Racing Assoc. H. [L] (LRL, $30,000), 2nd Brian Jay S. [R] (PHA, $5,400), 3rd Rushing Man S., (MED, $3,850). Miss Nalees Comet (Nalees Man). Unraced. Dam of– Rare Roberto. 9 wins to 7, $97,649. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Yellowrose Farm Hip No. 31 Mickeys Trail TB 31 March 25, 2020 Bay Gelding In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Awesome Indian { Soviet Sojourn Clear in the West {Gone West Mickeys Trail TB Danka Precocity {Aferd Mickeys Last Dance Super Starlz (2009) { Dance Company {Vilzak Glad Company By AWESOME INDIAN (2012). 5 wins, $86,960. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021; sire of 5 starters, 4 winners, including Awesome Storm (winner, $30,530, 2nd Dine S., NR), Indian Gambler (winner, $7,972), Mickeys Gold (winner). Son of stakes winner INDIAN CHARLIE; sire of 83 stakes winners, 8 champions, including INDIAN BLESSING (Champion, $2,995,420 [G1]), FLEET INDIAN (Champion, $1,704,513 [G1]), UNCLE MO (Champion, $1,606,000 [G1]), ROXY GAP (Champion, $952,790 [G2]). 1st dam Mickeys Last Dance, by Precocity. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $72,159, 2nd Dessie and Fern Sawyer Futurity [R] (ALB, $13,773). Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners– Touch Me Ill Dance (f. by Laugh Track). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $55,168. Mickeys Gold (g. by Awesome Indian). Winner at 2, 2020, $6,648. 2nd dam Dance Company, by Vilzak. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $77,291, 3rd Southern Belle S. [R] (LAD, $3,118). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Mickeys Last Dance (f. by Precocity). Stakes placed winner, above. Bobbies Flight (f. by Precocity). 8 wins to 8, 2020, $164,159, 2nd Peppers Pride New Mexico Classic Champ. Fillies and Mares S. [NR]. Rodeo Cat (g. by Storm Passage). 10 wins to 9, $67,258. Dance Mary Dance (f. by Nelson). 3 wins to 6, $60,560. Notaprettypicture (g. by Precocity). 2 wins to 7, $41,095. 3rd dam GLAD COMPANY, by Meadowlake. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $29,500. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners– DOCTOR D. K. (Silent King). 16 wins to 10, $175,529, Stardust S. [R] (LAD, $20,070), 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] (FG, $14,000), 3rd Andrew "Red" Erwin Mem. S. [R] (FG, $3,030). Dance Company (Vilzak). Stakes placed winner, above. Gladville (Nelson). 9 wins to 6, $129,008. Class of Sixty One (Leestown). 3 wins to 5, $95,970. Glad Mary (Goodbye Doeny). 3 wins to 4, $62,180. Glad You Dance (Leestown). 3 wins to 6, $45,863. Lady Barfran (Silent King). 3 wins to 5, $14,806. Dam of– Salty Girl. Winner at 3, $22,363. Dam of– Run Mardi Gras Run. 6 wins to 7, $57,597. Mary Darlin (Silent King). Placed to 4, $4,368. Dam of– Big Boy Agouti SI 91. 2 wins to 4, $27,040, 2nd Marathon S. 4th dam KINDANCE, by Kinsman Hope. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $150,341, Colfax Maid S. [R], 2nd Illinois Fantasy S. [R], Peach Queen S. [R]. Half sister to JUNK BOND KING), ZENTASTIC ($99,784), STARLEE ($68,675). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– FULL RETAIL (Rare Performer). 17 wins to 8, $450,759, August Muckler S. [R] (HAW, $31,425), 2nd Don Bernhardt S., (ELP, $8,000), Forego S., (TP, $8,000). Dance Tower (Irish Tower). 9 wins to 5, $86,577. Hopefully Winner (Princely Pleasure). 9 wins to 7, $37,791. Our Endeavor (Don't Hesitate). 2 wins to 3, $20,539.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 32 Chestnut Filly TB 32 Foaled February 19, 2020 Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Chestnut Filly TB Foolish Today Drosselmeyer {Distorted Humor Mysteriousmagician Golden Ballet (2014) { Lady Pecan {Concerto Pecan Park By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam MYSTERIOUSMAGICIAN, by Drosselmeyer. Winner at 3, $24,075. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Lady Pecan, by Concerto. Winner at 2, $85,886, 3rd Hollywood Starlet S. [G1] (HOL, $48,240). Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Taynted Lover (f. by Paynter). 4 wins to 5, $58,179. Lacienegaboulevard (c. by Shanghai Bobby). Winner to 4, ($44,031 USA), in U.A.E. 3rd dam Pecan Park, by Kris S., 2 wins at 3, $45,615, 2nd Convenience S. [R] (CRC, $10,000). Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– Lady Pecan (Concerto). Stakes placed winner, above. Sierra Bella (Montbrook). 8 wins to 3, $196,407. Dam of– Cameron Canyon. 5 wins to 7, $121,871. Jealous Queen (Trippi). 6 wins to 8, $133,410. Dam of– I Am So Jealous. 4 wins to 5, $89,985. Liem's Luck (Trippi). 7 wins to 6, $80,241. 4th dam WELL DEFINED, by Well Decorated. Unplaced. Sister to WELL SELECTED, half-sister to Explosive Dancer ($383,570). Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners– ENJOY THE SILENCE (Valid Appeal). 11 wins to 6, $267,751, Poinciana H. [L] (HIA, $30,000), Phoenix S., (MED, $24,000), Gold Beauty H., (HIA, $24,000), Chris Evert H., (HIA, $24,000), Monmouth County S., (MED, $24,000), New Era S., (MTH., $21,000), 3rd Witches' Brew S., (MED, $4,200). Dam of– Silver Silence. 16 wins to 8, $149,130. Quiet Devil. Placed to 3, $4,805. Dam of– YOU ARE A DEVIL. 14 wins to 6, $141,912, Clasico Ano Nuevo [G2]. Phidias Frieze (Pentelicus). 7 wins to 7, $93,136, 3rd Joseph M. O'Farrell S., (HIA, $3,108). Pecan Park (Kris S.). Stakes placed winner, above. Swords' Point (Crusader Sword). 5 wins to 5, $84,649. Somewhat Special (Buckaroo). 3 wins to 4, $51,820. Dam of– Aunt Jean. 4 wins to 8, $81,237. Special Grey Ghost. 6 wins to 5, $70,965. Hidden Desire (Valid Appeal). 2 wins to 3, $48,020. Dam of– C. T. Phone Home (f. by Crafty C. T). 7 wins to 7, $122,183. Sheilas Desire. 7 wins to 6, $61,568. Definitely Dear (Out of Place). Winner to 3, $11,910. Dam of– B B'S Concorde. 8 wins to 8, $137,871. Gottcha My Dear. 8 wins to 10, $75,043, T.J. Fackrell - Spa Boy Mem. S. [N]. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 33 Chestnut Filly TB 33 Foaled February 14, 2020 Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Chestnut Filly TB Foolish Today Distorted Humor {Forty Niner Ritzy Dame Danzig's Beauty (2000) { Stylish Aristocrat {Groovy Nobile Decretum By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam Ritzy Dame, by Distorted Humor. 4 wins to 3, $93,248, 2nd Genesis S., (DED, $8,000), Mom's Command S., (SUF, $6,000), 3rd Concord S. [N]. Dam of 9 named foals of racing age, 9 to race, 5 winners– Ritzy Lass (f. by Old Forester). 13 wins to 7, $279,766, 3rd Winter Melody S., (DEL, $5,500). Purged N Proper (f. by Purge). 2 wins to 4, $22,246. Paint Her Black (f. by Where's the Ring). 2 wins to 4, $17,425. Ritzy Storm (f. by Attila's Storm). Winner to 4, 2021, $12,553. Ritzy Mon (f. by Maria's Mon). 2 wins to 4, $12,068. In Dy Ritz (f. by A.P. Indy). Unplaced. Dam of– RITZY A. P. (c. by English Channel). 3 wins to 7, 2021, $328,271, over the jumps, $4,500, Joseph T. Grace H., (SR, $31,700), 2nd Lure S. [R] (SA, $14,540), 3rd Del Mar H. [G2] (DMR, $30,000), Eddie Read S. [G2] (DMR, $30,000), etc. Kentucky Allstar (c. by Oxbow). 3 wins to 4, $65,289, Joseph T. Grace H., (SR, $31,700), 2nd Lure S. [R] (SA, $14,540), 3rd Del Mar H. [G2] (DMR, $30,000), Eddie Read S. [G2] (DMR, $30,000), Rolling Green S., (GG, $6,000). Bee Major (g. by English Channel). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $30,514. 2nd dam Stylish Aristocrat, by Groovy. $34,007: winner at 3, ($4,451 USA), in Ireland; winner at 4 and 5, $29,556, in U.S., 2nd Chaparral Breeders' Cup H., (SFE, $7,475), West Mesa H., (ALB, $5,660). Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners– Ritzy Dame (f. by Distorted Humor). Stakes placed winner, above. Fight On (g. by Straight Man). 8 wins to 7, $182,188. Set NTR. Bagavond (g. by Abaginone). 4 wins to 6, $154,506. Stylish Tiger (g. by Tiger Ridge). 7 wins to 6, $121,213. 3rd dam NOBILE DECRETUM, by Noble Decree. Unplaced. Half sister to VODKA TIME ($188,235 [G3]), DUMNLING ($63,563). Dam of 14 foals to race, 5 winners– TRIARIUS (Trempolino). $180,047: 5 wins at 3 and 4, ($125,277 USA), in France, Prix Michel Houyvet [L], 2nd Prix Gontaut-Biron [G3], 3rd Prix Dollar [G2]; 2 wins in 2 starts at 5, ($54,770 USA), in England, Westminster Select S., [G3]. Sire. SHARP NOBLE (Sharpen Up [GB]). 3 wins at 3 and 5, ($34,161 USA), in England, Thoroughbred Companies Fred Archer S. [L], 2nd Scottish Derby [L], 3rd [G3]. Layal (Trempolino). $164,199: 2 wins, ($32,612 USA), in France; 5 wins to 6, 2021, over the jumps, ($131,587 USA) in France, 3rd Prix Ronde de Nuit [L]. Stylish Aristocrat (Groovy). Stakes placed winner, above. Corolina (Nashua). Dam of BINT ALNASR ($123,894 [G3]), Mandoob ($154,237), granddam of Al Skywalker ($469,781 over the jumps). Majestic Decree (Majestic Prince). Unraced. Granddam of Smilin' Coyote ($76,970). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 34 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 34 Foaled April 15, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Harlan's Holiday {Harlan Jantastic Holiday Christmas in Aiken (2008) { Jantastic {Geri Li'l Ms. Leonard By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam JANTASTIC HOLIDAY, by Harlan's Holiday. Winner at 3, $21,126. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 3 to race– Sailors Holiday (g. by Tin Can Sailor). Winner to 5, $14,560. 2nd dam JANTASTIC, by Geri. Winner at 5, $7,930. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Salt Flats (g. by Freespool). 3 wins to 5, $17,625. 3rd dam LI'L MS. LEONARD, by Nostalgia's Star. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $119,772. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– LAVA MAN (Slew City Slew). 17 wins, $5,268,706, in U.S., Santa Anita H. [G1] (SA, $600,000) twice, Pacific Classic S. [G1] (DMR, $600,000), Hollywood Gold Cup H. [G1] (HOL, $450,000), Hollywood Gold Cup S. [G1] (HOL, $450,000), Hollywood Gold Cup S. [G1]-NTR, 1 1/4 miles in 2:03.21 (HOL, $450,000), Charles Whittingham Mem. H. [G1] (HOL, $180,000), Goodwood Breeders' Cup H. [G2] (OSA, $300,000), Californian S. [G2] (HOL, $150,000), Sunshine Millions Classic S. [R] (SA, $550,000), Sunshine Millions San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino Turf S. [R] (SA, $275,000), TVG Khaled S. [R]-NCR, 1 1/8 miles in 1:44.26 (HOL, $90,000), Derby Trial S., (FPX, $33,000), 2nd Charles Whittingham Mem. H. [G1] (HOL, $60,000), Malibu S. [G1] (SA, $50,000), California Cup Classic H. [R] (SA, $50,000), On Trust H. [R] (HOL, $17,000), 3rd Pacific Classic S. [G1] (DMR, $120,000), Charles Whittingham Mem. H. [G1] (HOL, $36,000), Pomona Derby L (FPX, $12,000), TVG Khaled S. [R] (HOL, $18,000). ENRICHED (High Brite). 7 wins to 5, $535,656, Del Mar Mile H. [G2] (DMR, $105,000), 2nd Sensational Star H. [R] (SA, $20,000), Crystal Water H. [R] (SA, $20,000), On Trust H. [R] (HOL, $15,000), 3rd Eddie Read S. [G1] (DMR, $36,000), San Diego H. [G2] (DMR, $24,000), Alysheba S. [G3] (CD, $16,286), California Cup Classic S. [R] (OTH., $18,000), John C. Mabee California Cup Mile H. [R] (OSA, $15,000). Lava Girl (Purge). 3 wins to 6, $95,053, 2nd Wild Rose S., (PRM, $12,000). Dam of– Smash. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $61,039. Lennox. Winner to 4, $44,740. Darla. Winner at 2, 2020, $26,800. Sweat Lodge (Mi Cielo). 3 wins to 5, $20,075. Lava Falls (Elusive Quality). Unraced. Dam of– Waterloo Sunset. Winner to 4, 2021, $26,177. 4th dam PINK NATIVE, by Be a Native. Unraced. Half sister to Cupid Dancer. Dam of 3 foals to race– Irish Toome (The Irish Lord). Placed to 5. Dam of– Kiltee. Winner to 6.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 35 Bay Filly TB 35 Foaled March 28, 2020 Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Bay Filly TB Foolish Today Indian Charlie {In Excess (IRE) Indiana Charmer Soviet Sojourn (2009) { Actinella {Seattle Slew Aerturas (FR) By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam INDIANA CHARMER, by Indian Charlie. Winner at 4, ($7,606 USA), in Ireland. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Cosita Rica (f. by Drosselmeyer). 3 wins to 5, $72,940. 2nd dam ACTINELLA, by Seattle Slew. $3,880: Placed at 2, in U.S., ( USA), in England. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– FRENCH RIVIERA (f. by French Deputy). 4 wins to 3, $121,000, Thoroughbred Club of America S., [G3] (KEE, $77,500). Dam of– CADENAS [JPN]. 4 wins to 7, 2021, ($1,903,827 USA), in Japan, Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho [G2], Kokura Daishoten [G3], Radio Nikkei Hai Kyoto Nisai S., [G3], 2nd Kokura Kinen [G3], 3rd Niigata Kinen [G3], Fukushima Mimpo Hai [L] SUZUKA CAUSEWAY [JPN]. 6 wins to 9, ($1,825,451 USA) in Japan. Sire. Queen Riviera [JPN]. 3 wins to 6, ($452,094 USA), in Japan. Hot Space (g. by Lord Carson). 2 wins to 6, $89,340, 3rd Carry Back S., [G2] (CRC, $33,000). Divided We Fall (f. by You and I). 2 wins to 3, $50,800. Dam of– Divisa. 11 wins to 6, $259,350, 3rd William Livingston S., (MED, $7,200). Sounds Impossible. 9 wins to 7, $191,045, 2nd Inaugural S., (TAM, $9,000). Let Joy Reign (f. by Awesome Again). Unraced. Dam of– CELTIC CHAOS. 10 wins to 8, 2020, $751,431, John Morrissey S. [R] (SAR, $55,000), Affirmed Success S. [R] (BEL, $60,000), John Morrissey S. [R] (SAR, $60,000), 2nd Hollie Hughes S. [R] (AQU, $21,500), Hollie Hughes S. [R] (AQU, $20,000), 3rd Albany S. [R] (SAR, $25,000), Hudson H. [R] (BEL, $18,000), Say Florida Sandy S. [R] (AQU, $10,000), John Morrissey S. [R] (SAR, $12,000). OSI POSSE. 5 wins to 4, $167,092, Elge Rasberry S. [R] (LAD, $90,000). Get a Notion. 18 wins to 9, 2020, $233,151, 2nd Premier Cup H., (ZIA, $11,000), 3rd Zia Sprint S., (ZIA, $7,500), Winsham Lad H., S., (SUN, $6,500), Baxter S. [N]. Osidy Again. 5 wins to 7, $107,983. 3rd dam AERTURAS [FR], by Manado [IRE]. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $122,544, Spectacular H. [L] (BM, $31,750), 2nd Barbara Fritchie H., [G3], 3rd Las Flores H., [G3]. Dam of 8 winners– MISS A. BOMB (Lemon Drop Kid). 3 wins to 5, $211,451, Inaugural S. [L] (PID, $60,000), Gowell S., (TP, $31,000), etc. Dam of A LITTLE BIT SASSY ($318,182), Missle Bomb ($354,004 [G3]); granddam of PIZZAZZ (to 3, 2021, $115,392). Cargo (Caro [IRE]). 5 wins to 5, $236,588, 2nd A Gleam H., [G2], Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G3], Cascapedia H. [L] (SA, $20,000), B. Thoughtful H. [L] (SA, $12,000), 3rd Silver Belles H., [G2], etc. Dam of RED BULLET ($1,161,920 [G1]), MILLENNIUM ALLSTAR ($230,820). Shinnecock (Wild Again). 4 wins to 5, $75,749, 2nd Island Whirl H., (LAD, $5,000). Queen Dido (f. by Thunder Gulch). Placed, $14,750. Dam of SUVA HARBOR ($166,468). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 36 Chestnut Colt TB 36 Foaled April 15, 2020 A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Chestnut Colt TB Holiday Runner Desert God {Fappiano Desert Avenue Blush With Pride (2008) { Frisky Phoebe {Blind Man's Bluff On The Avenue By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam Desert Avenue, by Desert God. 4 wins to 6, $125,796, 3rd Peppers Pride New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. Fillies and Mares S. [R] (ZIA, $17,700). Dam of 1 named foal of racing age, unraced. 2nd dam FRISKY PHOEBE, by Blind Man's Bluff. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $57,519. Sister to Shecanrun. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– Desert Avenue (f. by Desert God). Stakes placed winner, above. Ty's Band (g. by Chimes Band). Winner to 5, $23,688. 3rd dam ON THE AVENUE, by Talent Town. 3 wins, 4 to 6, $18,416. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– ON DOWN THE ROAD (Desert God). 6 wins to 6, $431,997, Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $108,000), Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [R] (SUN, $51,000), Land of Enchantment H. [NR], 2nd New Mexico State University H. [R] (SUN, $22,000), New Mexico State University H. [R] (SUN, $18,700), Jack Cole H. [R] (SRP, $13,000), Land of Enchantment H. [R] (RUI, $11,000), Lineage Classic S. [NR], 3rd Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $19,200), Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $19,000), Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [R] (SUN, $8,500), New Mexico State University H. [R] (SUN, $8,500), Land of Enchantment H. [R] (RUI, $5,000). Shecanrun (Blind Man's Bluff). 4 wins to 5, $100,041, 3rd La Senora H. [R] (SUN, $13,220). Dam of– Senor Pablo. 5 wins to 9, $77,297. Second Avenue (Blind Man's Bluff). 4 wins to 7, $63,305. 4th dam SCOOTING SHELLEY, by Sharp Decline. 2 wins to 5. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners– SHELLEY'S SCOOTER (Tarlo). 6 wins, $13,010, New Mexico Breeders' S. [R]. Dam of– MEDIEVAL MELODY. 14 wins to 6, $169,160, Post Card S., (DEL, $11,250), Balsam S. [R] (PHA, $14,160), 2nd Mill Race H., (PHA, $7,870), Rosenna S., (DEL, $5,060), Rosenna S., (DEL, $3,750), 3rd Mill Race H., (PHA, $4,406), Egret S., (MED, $3,861). Set NCR at Garden State Park, 5f in 0:56.80. SHELLEY'S MICHELLE. 9 wins to 3, $110,182, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico [G3], 3rd Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua [G3]. Levi Love (Proof Me Stealing). 11 wins to 8, $24,444, 2nd Sunland Park Claiming S. Ak Feature (Raise a Lady). Winner to 4, 3rd Don Riley Futurity [N]. Midnight Character (Shady Character). Unplaced. Dam of– Dancing Character. 7 wins to 5, $46,758. Dam of– Our Boudoir. 14 wins to 7, $126,843. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 37 Laughten TB 37 April 28, 2020 Gray Or Roan Colt Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Laughten TB Hot Lear Cee's Tizzy {Relaunch Almost A Ten Tizly (2003) { Classic Lady {Dehere Oogie Poogie By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam ALMOST A TEN, by Cee's Tizzy. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $48,603. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners– Larryslegacee (g. by Nacimiento). 5 wins to 6, $68,315. Almost a Storm (g. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 5, 2020, $57,471. Dillwillgetit (g. by Quinton's Gold). 5 wins to 6, $52,913. Cees Smoken (f. by Southwestern Heat). 2 wins to 5, 2021, $35,072. Drinkin Fire Water (g. by Indian Firewater). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $18,547. Mississippi Music (g. by Monterey Jazz). Winner at 2, 2020. 2nd dam CLASSIC LADY, by Dehere. Winner at 3, $37,440. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Hannahs Classy Boy (g. by In Excess [IRE]). Winner to 4, $38,460. Letthepartybegin (f. by Bertrando). Unplaced. $4,420. Dam of– Waldorf. 7 wins to 7, 2021, $166,726. 3rd dam OOGIE POOGIE, by Storm Bird. $45,523: 3 wins at 3 and 4, $43,803, in U.S., in England. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– Spa Francorchamps (Wild Again). 4 wins to 4 in Brazil, 3rd Major Suckow [G1], Grande Premio Cordeiro da Graca [G2]. Dam of– KID BANGORNADA [BRZ]. 6 wins to 5, ($46,446 USA), in Uruguay, Clasico Argentina [L], 3rd Gran Premio Criterium [G2]. Raheefa (Riverman). Winner to 3, ($7,185 USA), in England. Dam of– BEST FOUAD [FR]. $444,748: 12 wins, ($423,448 USA), in France, Grand Prix de Vichy [G3], Grand Prix de Marseille [L], Grand Prix de Compiegne [L], Le Vase d'Argent L twice, 2nd Grand Prix de Marseille-Prix Pellegrin [L], etc; winner at 5, ($21,300 USA), in Switzerland, Grand Prix d'Avenches [L]. RAWYAAN [GB]. $175,396: 5 wins to 6, ($108,285 USA), in England, Foundation S. [L], 2nd Peters Fairline Festival S. [L]; winner at 5, ($65,000 USA), in U.A.E. 4th dam CASCAPEDIA, by Chieftain. 10 wins in 19 starts at 3 and 4, $324,921, Champion older mare in U.S., Vanity H. [G1], Milady H. [G2], Honeymoon H. [G3], Hawthorne H., 2nd Hollywood Gold Cup H. [G1], Gamely H. [G2], etc. Sister to TAPPAHANNOCK, CHIEFTAINS PRINCE, half- sister to EAST ROYALTY ($83,023). Dam of 13 foals to race, 10 winners– GLACIAL STREAM (Crystal Water). 8 wins to 9, $273,203, Malibu S. [G2], Affirmed H. [L], 2nd Golden State Breeders Sires S. [L], 3rd Q at Santa Anita Park. CASCADING GOLD. 6 wins to 5, $225,050, Rancho Bernardo Brdrs' Cup H., [G3]. In Hopes (Affirmed). Winner to 5, $33,500, 2nd Straight Deal S., OR. Dam of BIG JAG ($1,800,329; hwt in U.A.E. [G2]), WESTFOLD VALE. Political Process (Deputy Minister). 2 wins to 4, $70,824. Dam of DEPUTY STRIKE ($341,592); granddam of Philly Gal ($157,095). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 38 Laugh Of The Party TB 38 March 27, 2020 Gray Or Roan Colt Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Laugh Of The Party TB Hot Lear Dome {Storm Cat Skyzaam's Party SI 84 She's Tops (2012) { Skyzaam's Account {Parentheses Skyzaam By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive.

1st dam SKYZAAM'S PARTY SI 84, by Dome. 2 wins at 3, $35,435, $1,175. Dam of 3 foals of racing age.

2nd dam SKYZAAM'S ACCOUNT, by Parentheses. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Vaulted Dome (g. by Dome). Winner to 3, $15,090. Queen of the Race (f. by King of the Roxy). Winner to 5, $15,765. Lightning Dome (g. by Dome). Winner at 2, $12,280. Cat's Domain (g. by Dome). Winner at 2, $6,409.

3rd dam SKYZAAM, by Sky Command. Placed at 4. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Je Dis Command (Parentheses). Winner at 2, $41,851. Crashed (Parentheses). 2 wins to 3, $31,542. Skyzaam's Hunter (Halory Hunter). 2 wins to 5, $15,249. Dam of– Succesful Sky. Winner to 4, $16,116.

4th dam DANCE JE DIS, by Ramirez. Winner at 3, $3,040. Half sister to Splitemup. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Dancing for Fun (Buck's Chief). 7 wins to 6, $67,196, Fair Queen H. [N], Las Mujeres S. [N], Sangre De Cristo S. [N], 2nd Chaparral Breeders' Cup H., (SFE, $5,500), Peachy Manners S. [N], Achievement S. [NR], 3rd New Mexican S. [NR], Ocotillo H. [NR]. Commandthegold (Sky Command). 4 wins to 5, $15,689, 2nd Don Juan De Onate S. [N]. Quick Release (Sky Command). Winner to 3.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Norman Allen Hip No. 39 Pro Card TB 39 February 27, 2020 Chestnut Filly Fappiano Desert God { Proceed { Blush With Pride Annis {Texas Glitter Pro Card TB Baybrooke Posse {Silver Deputy Gift Card Raska (2010) { Sentimental Gift {Green Dancer Amenity (FR) By PROCEED (2011). 8 wins in 11 starts, $468,329, Mine That Bird Derby, Sunland Park H.-NTR, NM Classic Cup Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R], Red Hedeman Mile S. [R], NM State Univ. H. [NR], Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [NR], 2nd Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [NR]. Half brother to WORTHINGTON. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of Desert God; sire of 25 stakes winners, including PEPPERS PRIDE ($1,066,085), OUR CHOICE ($702,246), ROSE'S DESERT ($626,035). 1st dam GIFT CARD, by Posse. Winner at 3, $11,236. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 1 to race– Storm On (g. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 4, 2020, $63,834, 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $14,500). 2nd dam SENTIMENTAL GIFT, by Green Dancer. Unraced. Dam of 13 foals to race, 12 winners– ALEXINE (ARG) (f. by Runaway Groom). $468,190: 4 wins to 7, ($106,802 USA), in Argentina, Copa de Plata [G1], Juan Shaw [G2], 3rd Los Haras [G2]; 4 wins, $361,388, in U.S., Miss America H. [L] (BM, $55,000), Queen of the Green H. [L] (TUP, $45,000), Santa Lucia H. [R] (SA, $49,635), 2nd Hawthorne H., [G3] (HOL, $21,220), Santa Lucia H. [NR], 3rd Ramona H., [G1], etc. Dam of– Cerro Blanco. 5 wins to 6, ($33,432 USA), in Peru, 2nd Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico [G2], Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga [G3], Clasico Aniversario Fundacion del Jockey Club del Peru [L], 3rd La Copa [G2]. Atillas Gift (g. by Attila's Storm). 5 wins to 5, $192,773, Albuquerque Journal S. [NR], Jack Cole S. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $15,200), O.D. McDonald S. [NR]. Little Gift (f. by Aldebaran). Winner to 3, ($5,924 USA), in Argentina. Dam of– RANDALL D KEY (c. by Key Deputy). 4 wins to 6, ($60,249 USA), in Argentina, Jose M. Boquin [L], Club Hipico de Tandil [L], 2nd Benito Lynch [G3], Antartida Argentina [L], Jockey Club de Azul [L] Colossal Gift (r, by Songandaprayer). 5 wins to 6, $220,604. Sentimental Union (f. by Dixie Union). 2 wins to 5, $139,063. 3rd dam AMENITY [FR], by Luthier [FR]. Winner at 3, ($3,698 USA), in England. Sister to ASHMORE (Champion Older Horse in France, $349,127 [G2]), half sister to ART BLEU (GB) ($117,674), ACOMA (FR). Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners– IDLE AFFAIR (Try My Best). $60,815: 2 wins to 5, ($22,146 USA), in Ireland, Brownstown Stud S. [L]; winner at 5, $38,669, in U.S. Dam of IDLE RICH ($315,801); granddam of TALIP HAN (IRE) (Champion at 2 and 3 in Turkey, $849,904). I TRY (Try My Best). 2 wins to 5, ($19,983 USA), in England; 5 wins at 3 and 4 in South Afrida, Maine Chance H. [L], 2nd Germiston November H., [G1], etc. Sire. Boarding School (Glenstal). $109,050: winner at 3, ($13,463 USA), in Ireland; 2 wins to 11, over the jumps, ($27,801 USA) in Ireland, Huzzar Ext. H., Hurdle [J], 2nd E.B.F. Ballysax Three-Year-Old Race [L], over the jumps in England, ($66,057 USA), etc. Betafeu (Irish River [FR]). $74,499 over the jumps in France 3rd Prix Isonomy [L] Marina Lady (Riverman). Unraced. Dam of Secrete Marina (IRE) ($103,341); granddam of CAZALS (IRE) ($1,490,281, hwt. In Italy), JOANNA (IRE) ($519,323, hwt. In France & Italy), TALES OF FASHION (AUS) ($108,615). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 40 W F Jazz Cat TB 40 May 11, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Colt Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer W F Jazz Cat TB Puddie Q. Ministers Wild Cat {Deputy Minister Curvy Kitten Hollywood Wildcat (2011) { Curvy Girl {Distorted Humor Personal Fleet By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner). 1st dam CURVY KITTEN, by Ministers Wild Cat. 2 wins to 4, $25,106. Sister to CURVY CAT. Dam of 1 foal of racing age– Tight Fittin Jeans (f. by Shame On Charlie). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $107,915, Sierra Starlet H. [NR], 2nd LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $20,000).

2nd dam CURVY GIRL, by Distorted Humor. Winner at 3, $10,100. Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– CURVY CAT (f. by Ministers Wild Cat). 10 wins to 5, $386,055, B. Thoughtful S. [R] (BHP, $71,250), 2nd Cat's Cradle H. [R] (BHP, $20,000), 3rd Paseana H., (SA, $12,120), Skillful Joy S., (BHP, $10,512). Dam of– Tom Cat. 2 wins to 3, $20,009. Watch the Curves (f. by Kafwain). 2 wins to 4, $41,926, 2nd Aspen Cup S., (RUI, $11,000). Buff Dude (g. by Ministers Wild Cat). Winner at 2, $44,250. Active Pass (g. by Ministers Wild Cat). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $27,310. Kafe Curves (f. by Kafwain). Winner to 4, $16,236. He Likes Curves (g. by Kafwain). 2 wins to 5, 2021, $8,335.

3rd dam PERSONAL FLEET, by Personal Flag. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $41,875, Ginger Welch Mem. S. [N]. Dam of 1 foal to race, above--

4th dam VENETIAN FLEET, by Afleet. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $149,097, CERF H. [L] (HOL, $29,100), Solano County Juvenile Filly S. [R] (SOL, $19,450). Half sister to MY HABITONY, Turnberry. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners– Sarah Can Run (Yankee Victor). 2 wins to 4, $86,090. Dam of– B Day. 3 wins to 5, $40,385. Pink October. Winner to 3, $33,454. Most Darling (Early Flyer). 5 wins to 8, $65,119. Magna Kat (Mountain Cat). 3 wins to 6, $40,956.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 41 Bay Filly TB 41 Foaled March 21, 2020 Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Bay Filly TB Foolish Today Gone Hollywood {Gone West Ringback Existentialist (2007) { After the Beep {Phone Trick Reluctant Diva (GB) By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam RINGBACK, by Gone Hollywood. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $64,100. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners– Hollywood Henry SI 101 (g. by Roll Hennessy Roll). 8 wins to 5, 2020, $260,636, winner in 2 starts at 5, 2020, $13,700, Mt. Cristo Rey H. [NR], 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Juvenile Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $30,800), Ruidoso Sprint H. [N], Red Hedeman Mile S. [NR], Totah S. [NR], 3rd Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $5,000), Zia 870 Champ. S. [R]. Fill the Bill (f. by Attila's Storm). Winner at 2, 2020, $31,050, 3rd Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $19,610). Big Hitter SI 81 (g. by Roll Hennessy Roll). 7 wins to 7, 2021, $164,887, 3rd Mt. Cristo Rey H. [NR]. New Adventure (f. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $41,431. 2nd dam AFTER THE BEEP, by Phone Trick. 5 wins in 9 starts to 3, $80,321, El Paso Times H., (SUN, $19,740), Fair Queen H., (ALB, $19,740), 2nd Sunland Park Oaks L (SUN, $17,094). Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– Senor (c. by Cactus Ridge). 4 wins to 5, $162,453 Set NTR, 2f in 0:22.48. Sire. 3rd dam RELUCTANT DIVA [GB], by Sadler's Wells. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– AFTER THE BEEP (Phone Trick). Stakes winner, above. Minnie McGinn (Maria's Mon). $73,289: 8 wins to 6, 371,100 Krone ($63,943 USA), in Norway, 3rd Lanwades Stud M & T Klaveness Minnelop Fillies S. [L]. Merry Widow (Coronado's Quest). Unraced. Dam of– Widows Evil Eye. 3 wins to 4, $51,365. 4th dam MISS DEMURE [IRE], by Shy Groom. Winner at 2, $361,222 in England and Ireland, "The Update" Lowther S., [G2], 2nd Cartier Million S [LR]. Half sister to Bridal Suite. Dam of 15 foals to race, 9 winners– ROYAL SHYNESS [GB] (Royal Academy). $193,660: winner at 2, ($30,820 USA), in England, 3rd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S., [G1]; 4 wins to 5, $162,840, in U.S., Great Lady M. H. [L] (HOL, $42,720), 3rd Safely Kept H. [L] (HOL, $8,400). Dam of Commander Cave ($121,526); granddam of CLEM FANDANGO (FR) ($153,636). Miracle Match [IRE] (Oratorio [IRE]). Winner to 5, ($28,773 USA), in Ireland, 3rd Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Star Appeal S. [L]., 2nd Velka Kvetnova Cena Skanska, etc. Missel [GB] (Storm Bird). $19,863: Winner to 6, $19,863, 3rd Coventry S., [G3]. Sign Here (Private Terms). Winner to 3, $27,938. Dam of Birdgirl ($102,632). Kizka (Danzig). Winner to 3, $44,640. Dam of Plea Agreement ($276,324). Sachet (Royal Academy). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of WIRELESS (FR) (Champion in Czech Republic, $379,993), WIRE TO WIRE (FR) ($89,358). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 42 Danjerus Storm TB 42 March 27, 2020 Chestnut Colt Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Danjerus Storm TB Foolish Today McCann's Mojave {Memo (CHI) Very Thankful Joni U. Bar (2011) { Thankfully {Holy Bull Dreamsport By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam VERY THANKFUL, by McCann's Mojave. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $95,240. This is her first foal. 2nd dam THANKFULLY, by Holy Bull. Winner at 3 and 5, $44,730. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Thankful Every Day SI 87 (g. by The Pamplemousse). 3 wins to 5, $41,547, 2 wins at 4, $15,665. Special Memories (f. by Marino Marini). 5 wins to 5, $25,399, 2nd DeFazio Distaff S. [N]. The Supply Program (g. by The Pamplemousse). Winner at 4, 2020, $11,439. 3rd dam DREAMSPORT, by Relaunch. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– REDREAMIT (Tapit). 2 wins to 4, $86,269, Twin Lights S., (MTH., $39,000). Dam of– Combat Controller. 7 wins to 7, 2021, $162,505. Tipit. 4 wins to 6, $125,570. Dream It Again. Winner to 5, $60,345. Feeling Good. Winner to 4, 2020, $15,823. My Princess Taylor. Winner to 3, $13,980. Tashina (Wild Wonder). Winner in 1 start at 2, $9,000. Dam of– Smokethruakeyhole. 3 wins to 4, $95,803, 3rd Remington Green S. [L] (RP, $13,750), Sam's Town S. [R] (DED, $6,000). Wildly (Wild Wonder). 3 wins to 8, $125,439. Tsuper (Niigon). 3 wins to 4, $123,155. 4th dam WEDDING RING [IRE], by Never So Bold [IRE]. $338,351: 5 wins to 3, ($92,679 USA), in France, Prix Coronation [L], 3rd Prix La Camargo [L], Prix de la Seine [L]., 3 to 5, $194,500, in U.S., 2nd S. [G2], Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Bayakoa H. [L] (DMR, $12,000), 3rd Wilshire H. [G2], Lady's Secret H. [L] (SA, $15,000), Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $11,250); twice in 2 starts at 3, ($36,346 USA), in Germany, 2nd Philip Holzmann-Preis der Dreijahregen [L], 3rd Preis der Diana-Deutsches Stuten-Derby-German Oaks [G2]. Half sister to Judgement [IRE]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 5 winners– Cieli (Silver Deputy). 3 wins to 4, $113,380. Dam of– Civitavecchio (c. by Tapit). 2 wins to 6, $59,564. Lemon Loaf. 3 wins to 4, $42,382. Artillery. Winner to 5, $33,773. Devil's Tower (Devil's Bag). Winner to 3, $60,364. Closet Trader (Miswaki). 2 wins to 8, $41,580. Magic Ring (Pine Bluff). Winner to 3, $32,640. Marrymount (Mt. Livermore). Unraced. Dam of– March Mary. 4 wins to 4, $90,410. Mount Istan. 2 wins to 4, $26,257. Wedding Fever. 2 wins to 7, $25,640. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 43 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 43 Foaled February 18, 2020 In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Comfort { Soviet Sojourn Unkatzable {A.P. Indy Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Katz Me If You Can Street Boss {Street Cry (IRE) Candy's Sister Blushing Ogygian (2014) { Smoothe As Candy {Candy Ride (ARG) Crownette By COMFORT (2012). 5 wins, $459,340, Seattle Slew S., State Dinner S. [R], 2nd Whitney S. [G1]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Lonzo Who ($25,998, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]). Son of stakes winner INDIAN CHARLIE; sire of 83 stakes winners, 8 champions, including INDIAN BLESSING (Champion, $2,995,420 USA, Breeders' Cup Juv. Fillies [G1], FLEET INDIAN ($1,704,513, Beldame S. [G1], UNCLE MO ($1,606,000, Breeders' Cup Juv. [G1], ROXY GAP (Champion, $952,790 [G2]), INDIAN APPLE IS (Champion). 1st dam CANDY'S SISTER, by Street Boss. Unplaced in 2 starts. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SMOOTHE AS CANDY, by Candy Ride (ARG). Placed to 3, $25,480. Sister to CHOCOLATE CANDY. Dam of 3 foals to race– Euphemistic (f. by Northern Afleet). 9 wins to 7, 2020, $94,395. 3rd dam CROWNETTE, by Seattle Slew. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $184,488, Santa Ysabel S. [R] (SA, $48,975), 2nd La Centinela S. [R] (SA, $15,000), 3rd S. [L] (HOL, $16,875). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners-- CHOCOLATE CANDY (Candy Ride (ARG). 4 wins to 5, $632,205, El Camino Real Derby [G3] (GG, $120,000), Real Quiet S. [L] (HOL, $63,500), California Derby L (GG, $60,000), 2nd Santa Anita Derby [G1] (SA, $150,000), El Cajon S. [L] (DMR, $20,000), 3rd CashCall Futurity [G1] (HOL, $100,000). Crowning Storm (Storm Cat). 2 wins to 4, $92,940, 2nd Iroquois S., [G3], 3rd Affirmed H., [G3]. Sire. Gentlemen's Crown (Gentlemen (ARG). Winner to 4, $27,900. Producer. Dam of– Yourmajestyscrown. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Our Little Jewel. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $114,498, 2nd Juvenile Fillies Turf S. [R]. Crown of Gold. Winner to 3, $27,600. Granddam of Fully Lent (to 4, 2021, $48,078). Danzing Crown (Danzig). Unraced. Dam of– Champion Ride). Winner to 3, $11,200. Dam of– Charlie Thomas. 4 wins to 4, $82,502, 3rd Coca-Cola H., (EMD, $7,500), etc. Candy Waltz). 18 wins to 9, $273,247. Danzing Tribal. 10 wins to 7, $138,522, Caballos Del Sol S. [N]. House of Danzing. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $9,940. Dam of– TWIRLING CANDY). 7 wins to 4, $944,900, Malibu S., [G1]-NTR, 7f in 1:19.70 (SA, $150,000), Del Mar Derby [G2] (DMR, $180,000), Strub S., [G2] (SA, $120,000), Californian S., [G2] (HOL, $90,000), Oceanside S. [R] (DMR, $67,500), etc. Sire. DUBAI SKY). 4 wins to 5, $461,575, Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati Spiral S., [G3] (TP, $313,500), Kitten's Joy S. [L] (GP, $58,280). Sire. ETHNIC DANCE. 3 wins to 4, $302,210, Del Mar Derby [G2] (DMR, $150,000), 3rd California Dreamin' H. [R] (DMR, $18,000), Crystal Water S. [R] (SA, $12,000). Ministerette. Granddam of Charge Account ($145,162), Candy Overload. 4th dam IN MEMORY, by Alydar. Half sister to AFFIRMED (Horse of the Year twice, $2,393,818, Triple Crown), SILENT FOX ($2,393,818.00), WON'T SHE TELL. Dam of 4 winners– CROWNETTE (Seattle Slew). Stakes winner, above. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 44 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 44 Foaled March 11, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Flower Alley {Distorted Humor Flowersinthealley Princess Olivia (2008) { I'm a Slick Chick {Devil's Bag Copious By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam FLOWERSINTHEALLEY, by Flower Alley. 2 wins at 4, $11,150. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Zia Lily (f. by Weather Warning). Placed to 5, $7,756. Laughing Rockett (f. by Laugh Track). Placed to 3, 2021. 2nd dam I'M A SLICK CHICK, by Devil's Bag. Placed to 3, $13,010. Sister to Eishin Olean. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– Variable Rate (f. by Eddington). 3 wins to 7, $136,540. Jagtime Tune (f. by Cause to Believe). 2 wins to 4, $27,146. Holly Smoke (f. by Unbridled's Song). Unraced. Dam of– SMOKEM KITTEN. 3 wins to 4, $109,018, Miami Mile S., [G3] (GP, $60,140). Set NCR at Gulfstream Park, 7 1/2f in 1:26.78. Sire. Scorcher. 8 wins to 9, $143,309, 2nd Turf Distance Series Final S. [NR]. 3rd dam COPIOUS, by In Reality. Winner at 3, $16,070. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners– GRIFFINITE (Unbridled's Song). 5 wins to 5, $344,267, Lafayette S. [G3], 2nd Coolmore Lexington S. [G2], Hoover S., (LRL, $10,000), 3rd Brooklyn H. [G2] (BEL, $27,500), Nashua S. [G3]. Sire. Eishin Olean (Devil's Bag). 2 wins to 4, ($361,558 USA), in Japan, 3rd Chunichi Sports Sho Yonsai S. [G3]. Dam of– Eishin Santolina [JPN]. 7 wins to 9, ($147,773 USA), in Japan. Lullaby (Unbridled's Song). Unraced. Dam of– Moonsilver. 2 wins to 6, $36,198. Eris. Placed to 4, $32,613. Dam of– Warrior's Lullaby. 9 wins to 6, 2021, $114,991, 3rd Grasmick S. [N]. King Ford. 2 wins to 5, 2021, $79,822. 4th dam PLENTY O'TOOLE, by Raise a Cup. 6 wins to 4, $216,765, San Clemente S., Typecast S., Leucadia H., 2nd Los Cerritos S., 3rd Santa Barbara H. [G1], Suwannee River H. [G3], Silver Belles H., Ruth Lily S. Half sister to Toys Are Fun. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– DEVIL HIS DUE (Devil's Bag). 11 wins to 6, $3,920,405, H., [G1], Wood Mem. Inv. S., [G1], Gulfstream Park H., [G1], Suburban H., [G1] twice, Gotham S., [G2], Brooklyn H., [G2], Excelsior H., [G2], Broward H., [G3], 2nd Woodward S., [G1] twice, Travers S., [G1], Oaklawn H., [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1], Pimlico Special H., [G1] twice, Philip H., Iselin H., [G1], Whitney H., [G1], NYRA Mile H., [G1], etc. Sire. Believe It Shesdue (Believe It). Placed to 3, $14,244, 3rd Gasparilla S., (TAM, $2,500). Kazumina (Green Dancer). Placed to 3, $24,120. Dam of OK TO DANCE ($198,245), RUNNING BRIDE ($134,468), There Runs Hattie ($239,475); granddam of Rivergrade Boy ($153,462), Touchdown Brown ($59,000). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Greg Green, Agent Hip No. 45 Bay Filly TB 45 Foaled February 14, 2020 El Prado (IRE) Artie Schiller { Artful Run { Hidden Light Daintree {Regal Affair Bay Filly TB Rio Rita Full Mandate {A.P. Indy Little Mandate Clear Mandate (2007) { Royal Navy {Polish Navy Little V. By ARTFUL RUN (2008). 2 wins, $42,081. Sire of 5 starters, including Brynlee's Lemonade (winner, $80,427), Wheres Brayden ($11,640, 2nd C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [NR]), Artful Arion ($6,522). Son of stakes winner ARTIE SCHILLER; sire of 54 stakes winners, including FLYING ARTIE (Champion in Australia, $951,584 USA, Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale S. [G1]), ATLANT (Hwt. In Poland, Nagroda Dakoty), BOWIES HERO ($1,592,720 [G1]), GOOD STANDING ($1,181,434 [G2]). 1st dam LITTLE MANDATE, by Full Mandate. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $27,416. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Wheres Brayden (g. by Artful Run). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2021, $11,640, 2nd C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [NR]. 2nd dam ROYAL NAVY, by Polish Navy. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– SR. QUISQUEYANO (g. by Exclusive Quality). 11 wins to 7, $813,874, Calder Derby (CRC, $150,350), Eight Miles East S., (GP, $75,000), Quality Road S., (GP, $60,000), Seacliff S., (CRC, $45,000), Florida Sunshine Millions Classic S. [R] (GP, $153,450), 2nd Skip Away S. [G3] (GP, $29,700), Gulfstream Park Derby L (GP, $20,000), Jack Price Juvenile S. [R] (CRC, $25,000), Birdonthewire S., (CRC, $20,000), Foolish Pleasure S., (CRC, $20,000), Best of the Rest S., (GP, $15,000), 3rd Carry Back S. [G3] (CRC, $14,700), Skip Away S. [G3] (GP, $10,000), etc. 3rd dam LITTLE V., by Buckfinder. Unraced. Out of MARY MITSU (IRE). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– BIG MISS (Chief Honcho). 16 wins to 7, $357,834, Isadorable S. [R] (SUF, $21,000), First Episode S. [R] (SUF, $18,000), Eleanora Sears S. [R] (SUF, $18,000), Sunset Gun S. [R] (SUF, $15,000), Louise Kimball Distaff Champ. S. [R] (SUF, $15,000), 2nd Hannah Dustin S., (SUF, $7,000), My Fair Lady S., (SUF, $6,000), Kenneth [L]Graf Mem. H., (RKM, $5,000), First Episode S. [R] (SUF, $7,000), Sunset Gun S. [R] (SUF, $6,000), Louise Kimball Distaff Champ. S. [R] (SUF, $6,000), Isadorable S. [R] (SUF, $5,000), First Episode S. [R] (SUF, $5,000), 3rd Spicy Living Sweepstakes H. [L] (RKM), etc. LT'L MISS D. S. (Hiromi the Great). 12 wins to 6, $220,064, Mystery Jet S. [R] (SUF, $15,540), Massachusetts Thoroughbred Breeders' Lottery H. [R] (SUF, $15,540), First Episode H. [R] (SUF, $15,420), Isadorable S. [R] (SUF, $15,420), Massachusetts Thoroughbred Breeders' S. [R] (SUF, $15,420), First Episode S. [R] (SUF, $15,360), Sunset Gun H. [R] (SUF, $15,463), 2nd Massachusetts Distaff Champ. H. [R] (SUF, $7,220), Massachusetts Oaks [R] (SUF, $7,180), African Prince S. [R] (SUF, $5,140), My Fair Lady S. [R] (SUF, $5,000), 3rd Massachusetts Derby [R] (SUF, $3,620), etc. Dam of– Little Miss Echo. 2 wins at 2, $52,880, 3rd J J'Sdream S. [L] (CRC, $11,000). LT'L MANDY A (Blushing Stage). 7 wins to 7, $138,346, Mystery Jet S. [R] (SUF, $15,600), Sunset Gun S. [R] (SUF, $15,600), African Prince S. [R] (SUF, $15,480), Sunset Gun S. [R] (SUF, $15,000), 3rd Miss Indy Anna S., (SUF, $2,500), My Fair Lady S., (SUF, $2,500), Dragnet S. [R] (SUF, $2,600), Thomas F. Moran S. [R] (SUF). Bobbie Cass (Blushing Stage). 5 wins to 6, $76,217, 2nd Mystery Jet S. [R] (SUF, $5,260), 3rd Dragnet S. [R] (SUF, $2,610), African Prince S. [R] (SUF, $2,590), Isadorable S. [R] (SUF, $2,500), First Episode S. [R] (SUF, $2,500). Mr Joey V (Hiromi the Great). Placed to 4, 3rd Norman Hall S. [R] (SUF, $2,610). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 46 Chestnut Colt TB 46 Foaled January 28, 2020 Northern Afleet Afleet Alex { Sway Away { Maggy Hawk Seattle Shimmer {Seattle Slew Chestnut Colt TB Golden Gale Dance Master {Gone West A Day for Dancing Nijinsky's Lover (2006) { More d'Amour {Tour d'Or Love Connection By SWAY AWAY (2008). 2 wins, $206,800, 2nd San Carlos S. [G2], Best Pal S. [G2], San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire of 20 starters, 13 winners, including Whenbetterthannow (8 wins, $70,198), Windribbon (3 wins, $59,650), Chay Up and Away (4 wins, $58,386), Bottle Shock (3 wins, $47,654), July Moon (5 wins, $33,913), Swaybelle (4 wins, $31,655), Spun Away (2 wins, $29,970), Sway Road (3 wins, $19,342), Bigger Than You (4 wins, $16,142), Sussums Girl (winner, $14,700), Sudden Niche (winner, $10,200), Time for the Bus. 1st dam A DAY FOR DANCING, by Dance Master. 2 wins at 2, $164,763, Prairie Meadows Debutante S., (PRM, $30,000), 2nd My Dear S. [L], Pontalba S., (FG, $12,000), Letellier Mem. S., (FG, $12,000), El Paso Times H., (SUN, $11,000), 3rd Cassidy S., (CRC, $12,600). Set NTR at Woodbine, 4 1/2f in 0:51.48. Sister to MASTER OF DISASTER. Dam of 4 thoroughbred and 4 quarter horse foals of racing age, 8 to race, 4 winners– Dance Doctor (g. by Doctor Chit). 8 wins to 6, 2021, $132,362. Cat Waltz (f. by Discreet Cat). 2 wins to 5, $39,170. Highwire Dance SI 93 (g. by High Rate of Return). 4 wins to 6, 2021, $38,467, finalist in Downs at Albuquerque Distance Challenge [G3]. Ready Set Dance (f. by Ready's Image). Placed in 2 starts at 2, $3,300. Dam of– Southside Swig (g. by Dialed In). Winner to 4, 2021, $36,788. Firecracker Stand (g. by Shackleford). Winner to 3, 2021, $9,310. 2nd dam More d'Amour, by Tour d'Or. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $211,256, 2nd Mountaineer Park HBPA H. [R] (MNR, $11,470), Ohio Valley H., (MNR, $7,465). Sister to JANLURAY. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners– HEBBRONVILLE (g. by Majesticperfection). 6 wins to 5, $388,366, Jersey Shore S., [G3] (MTH., $60,000), Perryville S., (KEE, $60,000), 2nd Futurity S., [G2] (BEL, $40,000), 3rd Steel Valley Sprint S., (MVR, $19,600), Bachelor S., (OP, $10,000), Gazebo S., (OP). MASTER OF DISASTER (c. by Dance Master). 6 wins to 6, $262,368, Majestic Prince S., (MTH., $39,000), Oh Say S., (DEL, $34,320), 2nd Saratoga Special S., [G2] (SAR, $30,000), Odessa S., (DEL, $11,260). A DAY FOR DANCING (f. by Dance Master). Stakes winner, above. White Pants Night (f. by Speightstown). 2 wins to 3, $46,841. Dam of– MISCHEVIOUS ALEX. 7 wins to 4, 2021, $714,730, Carter H., [G1] (AQU, $165,000), Gotham S., [G3] (AQU, $165,000), Swale S., [G3] (GP, $90,210), Gulfstream Park Sprint S., [G3] (GP, $62,000), Parx Juvenile S., (PRX, $43,200), 3rd Sapling S. Berry Knoll (f. by Vindication). 5 wins to 7, $137,646. More Amour (f. by Exchange Rate). 2 wins to 4, $44,386. Dam of– Jair [CHI]. 5 wins to 4, 2020, ($16,612 USA), in Chile. Talkaholic (f. by Majesticperfection). Winner to 3, $31,470. 3rd dam LOVE CONNECTION, by Master Derby. 11 wins, $93,848. Half sister to Dixie Connection ($111,107 [G3]), Triple Connection (dam of CHEROOT, $506,201; BEAU SOLEIL, $#48,800). Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– JANLURAY (Tour d'Or). 10 wins to 5, $255,825, Queen City Oaks [R] (RD, $60,000), Scarlet and Gray H. [R] (BEU, $21,000), 2nd Rose DeBartolo Mem. S. [R] (TDN, $15,000) twice, Best of Ohio Distaff S. [R] (RD, $15,000), etc. More d'Amour (Tour d'Or). Stakes placed winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 47 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 47 Foaled March 29, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Johannesburg {Hennessy Johanna's Grand Myth (2008) { Grand Consequence {Grand Slam Chadra North By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam JOHANNA'S GRAND, by Johannesburg. 2 wins at 4, $27,574. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race– Le Grand Johann (f. by Laugh Track). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $7,566. Hurricane Status (g. by Weather Warning). Placed to 4, $18,581. 2nd dam Grand Consequence, by Grand Slam. 2 wins at 3, $44,642, 3rd Valdale S., (TP, $5,000). Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– George's Prayer (f. by Songandaprayer). 8 wins to 5, $120,585. Greyjoy (g. by Rockport Harbor). 2 wins to 6, $85,995. Grand Fashioned (g. by Old Fashioned). 3 wins to 5, $44,610. Old Fashioned Gal (f. by Old Fashioned). 2 wins to 4, $33,373. Grand Harbor (g. by Rockport Harbor). 2 wins to 5, $24,383. F S Positrack (g. by Laugh Track). Winner to 4, 2021, $15,915. 3rd dam Chadra North, by Far North. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $90,988, 2nd Lorelei S., (LAD, $8,000), 3rd Red Camelia H. [R] (FG, $8,478). Dam of 12 foals to race, 11 winners– Silver Chadra (Silver Deputy). 10 wins to 7, $334,525, 2nd Jefferson Cup S. [L] (CD, $58,100), 3rd Lecomte H. [L] (FG, $11,000). Grand Consequence (Grand Slam). Stakes placed winner, above. Running Saint (Saint Ballado). Winner to 3, $64,019. Saarface (Saarland). 3 wins to 6, $63,885. Gold Chadra (Touch Gold). 2 wins to 3, $40,125. Unvowed (Broken Vow). 3 wins to 5, $37,230. Hanging Chads (Dixie Union). Winner at 2, $36,000. Dam of– Recounted. 6 wins to 6, $68,250. Chadwell (Mazel Trick). 2 wins to 4, $31,756. Pleasantly Impact (Pleasantly Perfect). Winner at 2, 30,000 Rubles ( USA), in Russia. Tyler's Princess (Editor's Note). Placed at 2. Dam of– Eyesonwillie. 4 wins to 5, $83,697. 4th dam CHADRA, by Annihilate 'em. Winner at 3, $10,826. Half sister to Bold Playmate. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– Chadra North (Far North). Stakes placed winner, above. Bold Chadra (Bold Play). 4 wins to 8, $60,558, $30, 2nd Minstrel S., (LAD, $8,116), Louisiana Futurity [R] (FG, $10,511), Stardust S. [R] (LAD, $7,920). Chad's Play (Bold Play). 5 wins to 7, $65,639. Hell's Fury (Lively One). 3 wins to 5, $34,754. Beau Basty (Beau Genius). 8 wins to 4, $30,008. Dam of– Susie Beau. 6 wins to 8, $79,950. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 48 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 48 Foaled March 4, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Metfield {Seattle Slew Diamond Bracelet Inca Queen (1998) { Aspenglo {Raise a Native Alpine Peak By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam DIAMOND BRACELET, by Metfield. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $176,411. Dam of 10 foals of racing age, 8 to race, 6 winners– Datils Native Lady (f. by Laugh Track). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $52,356. Ice Patrol (g. by Weather Warning). 3 wins to 5, $47,300. 2nd dam ASPENGLO, by Raise a Native. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– PENNY MARIE (f. by Sky Classic). 7 wins to 6, $351,830, Miss America H. [L] (GG, $60,000), Winter Solstice H. [L] (SA, $49,470), Arbor Vitae S. [L] (HOL, $42,360), 2nd Las Cienegas H. [G3] (SA, $21,700), Wilshire H. [G3], 3rd Mamzelle S. [L] (CD, $10,970). Dam of– Centrique. 12 wins to 6, $461,995, Claiming Crown Glass Slipper S. [N], 2nd U Can Do It H., (CRC, $12,740), 3rd Barbara Fritchie H. [G2] (LRL, $30,000), Nancy's Glitter H. [L] (CRC, $7,350) twice, Musical Romance S., (CRC, $5,500), Bold World H., (CRC, $4,900). Dam of– Best Intentions. Placed to 4, 2020, $33,474, 3rd Trapeze S., (RP, $11,000). Tyfosha. Winner to 4, $151,460, 3rd Kalookan Queen S. [L] (SA, $9,144). Carbon Data. 3 wins to 7, 2020, $122,707, 2nd Hansel S. [NR], 3rd Edward P. Evans S. [R] (CNL, $6,000). Bern Legacy. Winner to 3, $33,686, 2nd Happy Ticket S. [L] (LAD, $20,000). Quick Delivery. 9 wins to 7, $227,078, 3rd Claiming Crown Emerald S. [N]. Saigon Story. 8 wins to 7, $110,462. Blue Creek (f. by Peaks and Valleys). 5 wins to 4, $150,084, 3rd Nuit d'Amour S., (DEL, $6,424). Dam of– Paisano Creek. 9 wins to 8, $182,324. Leilani's Song (f. by Fit to Fight). Placed at 2, $7,455. Dam of– EARTH SOUND. 6 wins to 5, ($1,656,918 USA), in Japan, Oval Sprint [LR], 2nd NST Sho [L], Hyogo Junior Grand Prix [L], 3rd Zen-Nippon Nisai Yushun [LR]. Dam of– Garden Concert [JPN]. 2 wins to 4, 2020, ($120,866 USA), in Japan. 3rd dam ALPINE PEAK, by Olympia. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $22,465. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners– SUN AND SNOW (Hawaii). 7 wins to 4, $212,665, [G2], Ashland S. [G3], Debutante S., 2nd Golden Rod S. [G3], Poinsettia H., Dark Mirage H., Mademoiselle S., 3rd Mother Goose S. [G1]. Dam of SING AND SWING ($228,941), WINDANSEA ($138,585), granddam of CHILLY BILLY (GB) ($158,502), IN THE ZONE ($375,054), S. S., STONE ($154,130 [G3]), BELONG TO SEA ($171,903 [G3]), TRUMAN C ($101,335), Power TRAIN ($81,796), Got That Swing ($165,625). SNOW PEAK (Sword Dancer). 8 wins to 6, $143,908, Tuscarora H., 3rd Ocean City H., Pocahontas S. Dam of White Birch ($60,908 [G3]), Ural Miss. QUATRE SAISONS (Court Recess). 9 wins to 4, $130,787, Endine H., 2nd Egret H., Pucker Up H. Granddam of HONEY RYDER ($5,663,630 [G1]), CUANDO ($329,967). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent for Allen Farm, LLC Hip No. 49 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 49 Foaled February 15, 2020 Dixieland Band Dixie Union { Delhomme { She's Tops Art Show {Out of Place Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Art Student Rocky Bar {In Excess (IRE) Rock Those Hips To the Post (2010) { Ata Gulch {Gulch Atay By DELHOMME (2010). Winner at 2, $86,800, 3rd Remsen S. [G2]. Sire of 15 starters, 11 winners, including Delovely Hips SI 90 (7 wins, $100,564), Deleterious (5 wins, $87,477), Delightful Hips (5 wins, $65,304), Del Argent (2 wins, $47,313), Runaway Katie (3 wins, $36,717), Delsmoke (2 wins, $29,628), Awesome Walker (winner, $20,825), Geaux Dangerous (winner, $15,003). Son of stakes winner DIXIE UNION; sire of 48 stakes winners, including UNION RAGS ($1,798,800, Belmont S. [G1]). 1st dam Rock Those Hips, by Rocky Bar. 2 wins to 3, $37,532, 2nd ATBA Fall Sales S. [R] (TUP, $21,092), 3rd Arizona Breeders' Futurity [NR]. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners– Delovely Hips SI 90 (f. by Delhomme). 7 wins to 4, 2020, $100,341, Hank Mills H. [N]. Delightful Hips (f. by Delhomme). 5 wins to 4, 2021, $65,304. 2nd dam ATA GULCH, by Gulch. Winner at 4, $13,600. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– RUCKER CANYON (g. by Benton Creek). 2 wins to 3, $58,211, ATBA Spring Sales S. [R] (TUP, $54,011). Rock Those Hips (f. by Rocky Bar). Stakes placed winner, above. 3rd dam ATAY, by Clever Trick. Winner at 3, $19,375. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners– FIERCE HEART (Strike Gold). 6 wins to 8, $171,489, Maheras S. [R] (SA, $58,500). Ata Olympio (Olympio). 6 wins to 4, $193,280, California Cup Starter Sprint H. [NR]. Aray (Rahy). Unraced. Dam of– CORRECT CALL. 3 wins to 3, $91,380, Royal North S. [R] (BEU, $30,000), Tomboy S. [R] (RD, $29,400), 2nd Norm Barron Queen City Oaks [R] (RD, $14,700). Dam of– Northern Call. 7 wins to 6, $112,944. Make the Call. 4 wins to 5, 2021, $109,874. It's Your Call. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $78,354. Spectacular Array. 5 wins to 8, 2020, $130,507. Cactus House. 4 wins to 5, $55,285. 4th dam ELOQUACK, by Elocutionist. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $292,640, Majorette H. [L] (LAD, $70,680), Amerigo Lady S. [L] (AQU, $32,460), Gardenia S., Afifa S. [R] (HOL, $23,250), Lady Pitt S., OR, Elmwood Park S. [R], 2nd A Gleam H., [G3], Correction H. [L] (AQU, $15,290), Silver Spoon H. [L] (HOL, $12,000), Key Bridge S. [L] (AQU, $12,298), 3rd Rancho Bernardo H. [L] (DMR, $7,500). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– SEACLIFF (Valid Appeal). 5 wins to 3, $456,300, Spectacular Bid S., [G3], Florida Stallion In Reality S. [R] (CRC, $260,000), Florida Stallion Affirmed S. [R] (CRC, $75,000), Dr. Fager S. [R] (CRC, $45,000), 2nd Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup S., [G3]. Sire. ESPLENDITA (Pancho Villa). 10 wins to 4, $136,228, Burn's Return H., (CRC, $22,638). Dam of SPICY STUFF ($579,532). Copeaway (Copelan). 2 wins to 3, $28,200. Dam of SUSAN'S ANGEL ($350,440 [G3]), COPINGAWAY ($222,296), Adorable Jane ($184,948). Quack Secret (Secreto). Dam of Quality Son ($409,544), Quirico ($90,500). Unfounded Luck (Unbridled's Song). Unraced. Dam of Mama Lula (7 wins, $186,759), Black Cross (7 wins, $190,162), Numerous Luck ($100,508). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 50 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 50 Foaled January 29, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Artie Schiller {El Prado (IRE) Red City Hidden Light (2012) { Carson City Red {Lord Carson Marlenesatthemall By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam RED CITY, by Artie Schiller. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 1 to race– Lucy's Big Laugh (f. by Laugh Track). Winner to 3, $9,325. 2nd dam Carson City Red, by Lord Carson. 5 wins to 3, $149,860, 3rd Malcom Anderson S. [L] (GG, $6,000). Dam of 9 foals to race, 5 winners– Red Bengal (g. by Hold That Tiger). 4 wins to 6, $110,518, 2nd Jimmy Winkfield S., (AQU, $13,000). Sharaku (c. by Cowboy Cal). 4 wins to 6, ($332,289 USA), in Japan. Carson City Cash (g. by E Dubai). 4 wins to 5, $49,003. Carsoncitygambler (g. by Artie Schiller). 2 wins to 4, $42,317. Proud Beauty (f. by Proud Citizen). Unraced. Dam of– Back Beauty SI 96. 10 wins to 9, 2021, $182,610. Zip 'n Sip. 6 wins to 9, $134,947. 3rd dam MARLENESATTHEMALL, by Shelter Half. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $21,652. ETR at Mountaineer Casino Racetrack & Resort, 5f in 0:57.40. Sister to IN THE CURL. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Carson City Red (Lord Carson). Stakes placed winner, above. Desdemona's Dream (Announce). 2 wins to 4, $42,750. Dam of– Stacy's Double Dee. 3 wins to 5, $69,000. Madam Lightfoot (Vice Regent). Winner to 4, ($6,525 USA), in Ireland. Dam of– Indian Footsteps. 5 wins to 6, $90,315. Cash No Credit (West by West). Unraced. Dam of– PRAYING FOR CASH. 4 wins to 7, $429,260, Long Branch Breeders' Cup S., [G3] (MTH., $90,000), 2nd Haskell Inv. S., [G1] (MTH., $200,000), Coronado's Quest S. Credit Report. 21 wins to 11, 4 to 11, $428,674, Heavy S., N twice, 3rd Iowa Sprint H. [L] (PRM, $12,500), Heavy S. [N]. Cash Conversion. 6 wins to 5, $85,126. 4th dam OCEAN GIRL, by Rollicking. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $53,770. Half sister to Skating Lady. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– IN THE CURL (Shelter Half). 26 wins to 9, $749,891, Stefanita H. [L] (LRL, $32,610), Primonetta H. [L] (PIM, $32,460), Lochearn H., (PIM, $28,746), Primonetta H., (PIM, $26,250), Jacob France H., (PIM, $25,845), etc. Dam of HARBOR BEACH [QH] SI 111 ($129,371 [G3]), First Down N Surfin [QH] SI 97 ($290,681 [G1]), Runaway Wave [QH] SI 105 (AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year), granddam of OCEAN RUNAWAY [QH] SI 105, Champion at 2 & 3, $1,642,498 [G1]), WAVE CARVER [QH] SI 104 (World Champion, $1,005,946), WAVE HER DOWN [QH] SI 95, $436,415 [G1]), TRISK [QH] SI 102, $254,233 [G1]), AQUAFINA [QH] SI 99. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent Hip No. 51 Happy And Bold TB 51 February 23, 2020 Bay Filly Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Happy And Bold TB Foolish Today Smoke Glacken {Two Punch Bold Jubilation Majesty's Crown (2001) { Boldly Victorious {Bold Executive Palace Songster By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam BOLD JUBILATION, by Smoke Glacken. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $101,499. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners– STORMIN THE JEWELS (g. by Attila's Storm). 6 wins to 6, $471,857, Camino Real Futurity [R] (ALB, $102,592), New Mexico Classic Cup Juvenile Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $90,900), Casey Darnell S. [R] (ALB, $42,000), Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $30,000), Casino at the Downs Thoroughbred Derby [NR], 2nd Casey Darnell S. [R] (ALB, $14,000), O.D. McDonald S. [NR], Sierra Blanca H. [NR], 3rd Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $23,361), New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $14,000), Johnie L. Jamison H. [NR]. B Bold Cindy (f. by Desert God). 8 wins to 9, 2020, $149,769, 3rd Peppers Pride H. [R] (SUN, $8,500). Clearance Rack (g. by Cryptoclearance). 3 wins to 4, $39,266. 2nd dam BOLDLY VICTORIOUS, by Bold Executive. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– Mi Hat Mi Coat (f. by Weather Warning). 2 wins to 5, $78,704. 3rd dam PALACE SONGSTER, by Palace Music. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Dynashore (Dynaformer). 2 wins to 4, $93,057, 2nd Bushel-n-Peck S. [R]. Dam of– BOBADIEU SI 102. 14 wins to 8, $259,522, 2 wins to 8 in 4 starts at 4, $13,820, Caballos Del Sol S., (TUP, $27,000), Petro D. Jay S. [N], Free Press S. [N], etc. Sire. Shore Do. 7 wins to 8, $277,076, 3rd Norfolk S., [G1] (OSA, $30,000). By the Shore. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Birthday Letter. 5 wins to 3, $54,464, 2nd Clasico Dia de la Raza S. [G2], 3rd Clasico Accion de Gracias S. [G1], Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua S. [G3], etc. Sensible Girl. Unraced. Dam of– SHADES OF VICTORY. 9 wins to 7, 2021, $218,087, E.B. Johnston S. [R] (LRC, $42,000), Dowd Mile S. [N], 3rd Speedball Starter H. [N]. SENSIBLE CAT. 3 wins to 3, 2021, $157,340, Soviet Problem S. [R] (LRC, $55,000), 3rd Providencia S., [G3] (SA, $12,000). It Matters Not (Bold Executive). 4 wins to 5, $102,565. Ask Jo Jo (Cryptoclearance). Placed to 4, $6,775. Dam of– Rare Courage. 11 wins to 6, $143,817. 4th dam VICTORY SONGSTER, by Stratus. Half sister to GIBOULEE ( VICTORIOUS ANSWER, PROLIFERATE, Malvado ($100,223 [G3]). Dam of 14 starters, 10 winners– REGENTS RHYTHM (Vice Regent). 4 wins to 4, $96,810, Jammed Lovely S.-LR, Seaway S. Dam of Fully Assembled ($48,503); granddam of MOONSHINE JUSTICE ($571,130). GOLDEN ANSWER (Northern Answer). 9 wins to 5, $35,674, Junior Miss H., 2nd Assiniboia Downs Inaugural H., etc. Set NTR. Dam of KING MIDAS ($82,246). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 52 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 52 Foaled January 2, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Value Plus {Unbridled's Song Valuable Catch Roll Over Baby (2009) { Catchy {Storm Cat Island Kitty By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam VALUABLE CATCH, by Value Plus. Unraced. Dam of 1 named foal of racing age– Stormin Catch (g. by Dome). Winner to 3, $5,834. 2nd dam CATCHY, by Storm Cat. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to HENNESSY. Dam of 16 foals to race, 9 winners– Hada Men (c. by Dynaformer). $103,503: 4 wins to 11, ($26,220 USA), in England; 3 wins at 7 and 8, over the jumps, ($77,283 USA) in England. Bet On Bettye (f. by Malibu Moon). 2 wins to 4, $79,244. Lookintogetout (g. by El Corredor). 4 wins to 5, $73,604. Catchy Rythm (f. by Majestic Warrior). 3 wins to 5, $53,108, 2nd First Lady H. [N]. That's Hot (f. by Seeking the Gold). Unraced. Dam of– GREAT HOT [BRZ]. $594,177: winner in 1 start at 2, ($3,830 USA), in Brazil; 4 wins at 3 and 5, $590,347, in U.S., Lexus Raven Run S., [G2] (KEE, $150,000), Santa Maria S., [G2] (SA, $120,000), Torrey Pines S. [L] (DMR, $60,000), 2nd La Canada S., [G2] (SA, $30,000), [L].A. Woman S. [L] (SA, $20,000), [L].A. Woman S., (SA, $20,000), Bangles and Beads S., (FPX, $9,750), 3rd La Brea S., [G1] (SA, $36,000), etc. Dam of– It's Good to Be Us. 3 wins to 5, $88,580. 3rd dam Island Kitty, by Hawaii. 4 wins to 4, $104,236, 2nd Adirondack S. [G3], 3rd Matron S. [G1], Astarita S. [G3]. Sister to SPRINGING LEOPARD; half sister to FIELD CAT ($413,767 [G1]), BEWARE OF THE CAT ($164,094; dam of HOLD THAT TIGER, European Champon 2- Year-Old Colt, $644,235; EDITOR'S NOTE, $1,601,394 [G1]). Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners– SHY TOM ( [FR]). 10 wins to 5, $812,426, Baltimore Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G3], Gulfstream Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G3]-NCR, Salvator Mile H., [G3], Jefferson Cup H. [L] (CD, $52,114), Transylvania S. [L] (KEE, $35,133), Palm Beach S., (GP, $29,835), 2nd Man O' War S., [G1], Polynesian H., [G3], Forerunner S., [G3], Governor's Cup H. [L] (PIM, $15,000), 3rd Travers S., [G1], Haskell Inv. [G1]. Sire. HENNESSY (Storm Cat). 4 wins at 2, $580,400, Hopeful S., [G1], Sapling S., [G2], Hollywood Juvenile Champ. S., [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire. PEARL CITY (Carson City). 6 wins to 3, $367,097, Ballerina H., [G1], Prioress S., [G2], 2nd Spinaway S., [G1], La Troienne S. [L] (CD, $22,700), 3rd Gazelle H., [G1], Test S., [G1]. Granddam of Polite Pearl ($369,852), Castellano. WILD KITTY (Bold Bidder). 5 wins to 4, $127,510, Desert Law S. [OR], Daffodil S. [OR], 3rd Mission Viejo S. [O], Straight Deal S. [OR], Q at Hollywood Park, 4th [G3]. West Virginia (Secretariat). 3 wins to 3, $73,335, 3rd Indian Summer S., (KEE, $4,350). Ruby City (Carson City). Winner at 2, $35,476. Dam of TALE FOR RUBY ($177,776); granddam of Ruby Bleu ($593,543), Te Di Lacana ($60,235), Ghegho. Isle Go West (Gone West). Placed to 3, $4,754. Dam of TALK IS MONEY ($104,110). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 53 Bay Colt TB 53 Foaled March 14, 2020 A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Bay Colt TB Holiday Runner Taste Of Paradise {Conquistador Cielo One Taste Tastetheteardrops (2007) { One Accord {El Gran Senor Mr. T.'s Tune By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam ONE TASTE, by Taste Of Paradise. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $55,201. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– One Key SI 98 (g. by Diabolical). 7 wins to 5, 2020, $83,154, winner in 2 starts at 4, $16,948, 2nd Manzano S., (ALB, $10,000). 2nd dam ONE ACCORD, by El Gran Senor. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $153,169, My Juliet S. [L] (PIM, $33,886), Very Subtle S., (LRL, $24,120), Summertime Promise S. [R] (LRL, $20,027), 3rd Seton Hall University S., (MED, $4,800). Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners– MORE ACCORD (f. by More Than Ready). 5 wins to 5, $146,032, Overnight Allowance S., (SRP, $30,000), 2nd Chaves County S., (ZIA, $13,200), Fern Sawyer H., (RUI, $11,000), 3rd Harry W. Henson H. [L] (SUN, $15,520), Dr. O. G. Fischer Mem. H. CHERRY ONE (f. by Sir Cherokee). 4 wins to 4, $86,144, El Paso Times H., (SUN, $30,000), First Lady H. [N]. Dam of– One Mark. Placed to 3, 2021, $38,538, 2nd Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $32,683). Cherry Way. 5 wins to 5, 2020, $81,735. Super Accord (g. by Super Saver). 12 wins to 9, $176,520 [N]. 3rd dam MR. T.'s TUNE, by Al Hattab. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $255,560, Kentucky Cardinal S., O, St. Louis Park H., (CBY, $20,850), City of Minneapolis S., O-NTR, 1 mile 70y in 1:41.60, City of Minneapolis S., (CBY, $20,100), Cleopatra H. [O], Phoenix Park S., 2nd Arlington Matron H., [G2], Stillwater Inv. H., (CBY, $3,400), Smart Deb H., Princess Doreen S., 3rd Arlington Matron H., [G2], Pucker Up S. [G3], Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup [L], First Lady H., (GP, $4,956), Fargo S., (CBY, $3,300), Miss Tropical H., 4th Spinster S., [G1]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 11 winners– ONE ACCORD (El Gran Senor). Stakes winner, above. Emilys Dad (Miswaki). 10 wins to 9, $207,855. 4th dam MUTED MUSIC, by Golden Ruler. 3 wins to 3, $14,445. Sister to Golden Hush, half-sister to Silent Song, Silent Bidder. Dam of 9 foals to race, 5 winners– MR. T.'s TUNE (Al Hattab). Stakes winner, above. HEAVENLY NOTE (Sunny's Halo). 7 wins to 6, $110,257, La Primavera H., (ALB, $16,830), Albuquerque Oaks [N], etc. Dam of SKIP CODE ($432,661 [G3]), SKIPSHOT ($336,050 [G2]); granddam of SHOPTON LANE ($289,560), STREET PRANCER ($143,059), Smoothee Lee ($68,033), Light Up The Lane ($47,284). CONTREFAIRE (Sham). 6 wins to 4, $109,170, B. Thoughtful S., Regret S., 2nd Dogwood S., 3rd Arlington Oaks. Dam of VALID TREFAIRE ($199,710), WORDY; granddam of COORDINADORA (Horse of the Year in Puerto Rico, $304,539). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 54 Bay Filly TB 54 Foaled January 28, 2020 A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Bay Filly TB Holiday Runner Candy Ride (ARG) {Ride The Rails Fight Lika Girl Candy Girl (ARG) (2015) { Perfectly Pretty {Bertrando Lasting Beauty By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam FIGHT LIKA GIRL, by Candy Ride (ARG). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd dam PERFECTLY PRETTY, by Bertrando. Winner at 3, $40,968. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners– IDIOT PROOF (c. by Benchmark). $1,294,484: 5 wins to 5, $894,484, in U.S., Ancient Title S. [G1]-NTR, 6f in 1:07.57 (OSA, $180,000), Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup S. [G3]-NTR, 6f in 1:07.47 (MTH., $90,000), 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1] (MTH., $400,000), Phoenix Gold Cup H. [L] (TUP, $20,000), Green Flash H. [L] (DMR, $21,788), Sunshine Millions Dash S. [R] (GP, $50,000), 3rd El Conejo H. [G3] (SA, $13,068), Real Good Deal S. [R] (DMR, $12,864). $1,294,484:; ($400,000 USA), in U.A.E., 2nd Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen [G1]. Sire. Pretty Amazing (f. by Benchmark). Winner to 3, $11,303. Dam of– Collusionist. 9 wins to 5, 2021, $177,242, Silver Cup Futurity [N], Inaugural S. [N], Mount Elbert S., NR twice, CTBA Derby [NR], Get Happy Mister S. [NR], Aspen S. [NR], 2nd Gold Rush Futurity (ARP, $10,000), Front Range S. [N], 3rd Budweiser Special H., (ALB, $5,500). My Cinderella. 5 wins to 6, $43,904. Scarf It Down (g. by Twirling Candy). 6 wins to 8, 2021, $270,079. High Intellect (g. by Benchmark). 6 wins to 7, $114,163. Malibu Mogul (g. by Malibu Moon). 8 wins to 6, $114,082. 3rd dam LASTING BEAUTY, by Storm Cat. Winner at 3, $23,025. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– Exquisite Beauty (Bertrando). 5 wins to 5, $168,798. Dam of– Serbian Syclone. 13 wins to 7, $222,003, 2nd San Pedro S. [L] (SA, $15,800), 3rd Albany S., (GG, $6,000). Cosmo Glaube. 2 wins to 5, ($218,292 USA), in Japan. Law Dog. 5 wins to 6, $137,163. Afleet Domination. 2 wins to 5, $86,634. 4th dam WITH STYLE, by Smarten. Winner at 2, $21,576. Half sister to FIRST SUMMER DAY, TIME LAP ($134,522), Snip of Luck ($97,243). Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners– Oak Hill (Silver Deputy). 5 wins to 6, $92,346, 3rd Black Gold H. [L] (FG, $8,250). All Slew (Slew City Slew). 2 wins to 3, $38,578, 3rd S. [L]. Dam of– SKY DREAMS. 6 wins to 5, $192,319, Alameda County Fillies and Mares H., (PLN, $27,650), 2nd Yerba Buena Breeders' Cup H., [G3] (GG, $25,000), Hillsborough H., (BM, $13,000), Half Moon Bay S. [N]. Dam of– The Sligo Poet. 4 wins to 6, $59,711. J J'S Vamouse (Afleet). 3 wins to 5, $49,766. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 55 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 55 Foaled February 7, 2020 Storm Bird Storm Cat { Dome { Terlingua She's Tops {Capote Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB She's a Talent Ghostzapper {Awesome Again Zapped Out Baby Zip (2013) { Ryan's Inheritance {Valid Expectations Fordyce By DOME (1998). Sire of 8 stakes winners, $6,950,509, including HIGH ON CAT [QH] SI 98 (Champion, $181,838, AQHA Distance Chlg. Champ. [G1]), THUNDER DOME (11 wins, $677,440, Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), GLORY BE MINE (7 wins, $426,918, NM Classic Champ. Filly S. [R]), Z Z DOME (5 wins, $388,728, NM Cup Classic Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R]), ETOILE DE DOME (4 wins, $329,352, NM Cup Classic Juv. Fillies S. [R]), ON THE LOW DOWN (3 wins, $177,606, Copper Top Fut. [R]), HIGH RIDGE RUNNER ($143,481, Ruidoso Sale Fut. [R]), DUMPSEY JEAN. 1st dam ZAPPED OUT, by Ghostzapper. Winner at 2, $20,805. Dam of 1 named foal of racing age, unraced. 2nd dam RYAN'S INHERITANCE, by Valid Expectations. 2 wins to 3, $20,908. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– American Pastime (c. by Tapizar). 3 wins to 6, 2020, $280,035, 2nd Gallant Bob S. [G3] (PRX, $60,000). Flying Nimbus (f. by Awesome Again). 2 wins to 5, ($281,776 USA), in Japan. Bootsy's Hadenough (f. by Paynter). 4 wins to 5, $140,236. 3rd dam FORDYCE, by Cox's Ridge. Winner at 4, $42,336. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– VICTORY U. S. A. (Victory Gallop). 3 wins to 4, $615,829, Stonerside Beaumont S. [G2] (KEE, $155,000), Moccasin S. [L] (HOL, $60,000), 2nd Frizette S. [G1] (BEL, $100,000), Fair Grounds Oaks [G2] (FG, $60,000), 3rd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1] (SA, $110,000), Del Mar Debutante S. [G1] (DMR, $30,000). Dam of– Punster. 9 wins to 8, $298,272. Ford Gallop (Victory Gallop). Winner to 5, $91,435. Dam of– Henry's Holiday. Winner to 4, $104,470, 2nd Best Pal S. [G2] (DMR, $40,000). Galloping Mischief. 2 wins to 5, 2021, $47,751. Meadow Road (Dixie Union). 2 wins to 5, $89,170. Bumpy Ride (Dixie Union). Winner at 4, $25,805. Rollmeaseven (Tale Of The Cat). Winner at 3, $18,691. 4th dam FORESTA, by Alydar. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $639,430, All Along S. [G2], New York H. [G2], Diana H. [G2], Capital Holding Mile S., L-NCR, 1 mile in 1:36.30 (CD, $38,870), Jenny Wiley S. [L] (KEE, $37,115), Capital Holding Mile S. [L] (CD, $36,205), Atlantic County S., (MED, $21,000), 2nd Flower Bowl H. [G1], Aqueduct Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AQU, $34,430), 3rd Golden Harvest H. [G3]. Set NCR at , 1 1/16 miles in 1:39.60. Half sister to WISING UP. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– Fort Apache Star (Silver Deputy). 8 wins to 8, $216,427. John's Island (Pleasant Colony). 2 wins to 7, $22,496. Alyslam (Grand Slam). Winner to 4, $12,798. Indy Film (A.P. Indy). Placed to 3, $32,420. Sire. Diamondsareforesta (High Yield). Placed in 2 starts at 3, $5,566. Dam of– Charlie Manuel. Winner to 3, $44,400. Blue Wildcat. Winner to 5, $15,314. Three Natty Patty. Winner to 3, $14,509. Deweycheatemanhowe. Winner to 4, $12,573. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 56 Ethan TB 56 March 7, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Gelding Cox's Ridge Sultry Song { Song Of Navarone { Sultry Sun Timely Legend {Navarone Ethan TB Turf Legend Congrats {A.P. Indy Indyellen { Praise Ellena {End Sweep Go Again Girl By SONG OF NAVARONE (2004). 8 wins, $757,858, WinStar Derby [L]. Sire of 35 starters, 23 winners, $1,641,817, including BLAZING NAVARONE (12 wins, $621,316, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. [R]), Song of Laura (10 wins, $285,755, 2nd Jack Cole S. [NR]), Terras Song (5 wins, $124,140, 3rd Camino Real Fut. [R]), Rhythm'n Song (4 wins, $67,106, 3rd Ruidoso Downs NM Distaff S., N[R]), Singing Mary (3 wins, $66,343, 2nd Enchantress S., NR), My Country Girl (2 wins, $66,103), Never Mary a Song (4 wins, $51,772). 1st dam INDYELLEN, by Congrats. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners– Poseidon Aquarius (f. by Rapper S S.). 6 wins to 5, 2020, $120,477, 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $30,800). Lady Berlin (f. by Booyah). 5 wins to 4, $32,400. Indy's Song (g. by Song of Navarone). Winner to 4, 2021, $27,038. 2nd dam ELLENA, by End Sweep. Unplaced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Hay Seeker (g. by E Dubai). 9 wins to 8, 2020, $184,163. Vata (f. by Zavata). 3 wins to 4, $57,982. Toomuchinformation (g. by Saint Anddan). Winner to 5, $47,334. 3rd dam GO AGAIN GIRL, by Broad Brush. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $48,397. Sister to LOOMING. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– ONCE MORE DUBAI (E Dubai). $375,279: 3 wins to 7, ($179,125 USA), in Italy, Hwt. at 3 on Italian Free Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur. Premio Nastro d'Oro di Sicilia [L], Premio Villa Borghese Mem. Francesco Cadoni [L], 2nd Premio Ippodromi e Citta' Criterium del Mediterraneo [L], 3rd Premio Roma at the Races [G1], Premio Botticelli [L]; 2 wins at 4, ($59,619 USA), in England; winner in 2 starts at 7, over the jumps, ($6,085 USA), in England, Digibet Floodlit S. [L]; winner at 5, ($130,450 USA), in U.A.E. GO AGAIN VALID (Valid Appeal). 9 wins to 5, $291,616, Interborough H., [G3], 2nd Correction H. [L] (AQU, $13,176), Florida Stallion Desert Vixen S. [R] (CRC, $15,000). Dam of– BELONG AGAIN. 2 wins to 3, $43,918, Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Foundation Sales Graduate S. [R] (HAW, $30,000), 3rd Mount Royal H. [L]. Tiger Bait. 4 wins to 5, 2021, $119,796, 2nd Rainbow Miss S. [R] (OP, $20,000). Miss Afleet Alex. 3 wins to 4, $88,041, 2nd Donnie Wilhite Mem. H., (LAD, $10,000). Dam of– Foxy Fresh SI 94. 9 wins to 6, $95,950. Set NTR 4f. City Miss (Carson City). Unraced. Dam of– Miss Amplified. 4 wins to 7, $34,842. Dam of– Pali's Reward. 4 wins to 6, 2021, $74,827. 4th dam NATIVE DERBY, by Master Derby. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $175,987, Virginia Belle H. [L] (LRL, $36,270), Cover Girl H. [O], Prince George's S. [R], 2nd Haddonfield H. [L] (GS, $10,820), Luck Penny S., O, 3rd Carousel H. [L], Gala Lil H. [O], etc. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– LOOMING (Broad Brush). 12 wins to 5, $337,709, Private Terms S. [L] (PIM, $32,220), Alysheba S., (MED, $27,000), Herat S., (LRL, $21,000), Silano S. [R] (LRL, $16,035), 2nd Paterson H. [G3], Diplomat Way H., (FG, $8,475), Broad Brush S., (MED, $8,000), Hail Emperor S., (LRL, $7,300), 3rd Colin S. [G3], Annapolis S. [L]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Steven R. Brown Hip No. 57 Bay Colt TB 57 Foaled March 17, 2020 Jules Peace Rules { Chipshot { Hold to Fashion Chispiski {Appealing Skier Bay Colt TB Princess Chispa Empire Maker {Unbridled Mag Toussaud (2009) { Rhome Magic {Magic Cat Lady Rhome Rullah By CHIPSHOT (2008). 4 wins, $225,314, Select S. [L], 2nd Chick Lang S. [L], Dover S. [L], 3rd Sapling S. [G3], Jersey Shore S. [G3], Clever Trevor S. [L]. Sire of 9 starters, including LINE CALL (2 wins, $46,302, NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Jornalero (2 wins, $20,637), Dixie Chip (winner, $11,496). Son of stakes winner PEACE RULES; sire of 12 stakes winners, TRAFFIC LIGHT ($613,160, Donald LeVine Mem. H. [L]), CASH RULES ($481,871, Spend a Buck H. [G3]), RULER OF LOVE ($393,449, Kentucky Juv. S.). 1st dam MAG, by Empire Maker. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $40,189. This is her first foal. 2nd dam RHOME MAGIC, by Magic Cat. 5 wins to 3, $87,870, JEH Stallion Station S. [R] (LS, $30,000), 3rd Bara Lass S. [R] (HOU, $5,500). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Catarusky (c. by Malibu Moon). Winner to 4, $46,076. Pollard's Magic (g. by Pollard's Vision). 3 wins to 4, $44,894. Shanghai Magic (f. by Shanghai Bobby). Winner to 5, 2021, $24,528. Yadacat (g. by Posse). Winner to 3, $16,662. 3rd dam LADY RHOME RULLAH, by Chidester. 2 wins to 3, $5,846. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– RHOME MAGIC (Magic Cat). Stakes winner, above. Ciao Rhoma (Hadif). 3 wins to 4, $35,274. Marfa's Lady Rhome (Marfa). 6 wins to 5, $23,583. Dam of– Green Gibbon. Winner to 6, $14,950. Jett Lee Rhoming (Groovy Jett). 2 wins to 3, $15,990. 4th dam RHOME RULLAH, by Exalted Rullah. 4 wins to 3, $16,461, Pan Zareta H. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– TASTE OF RHOME (Tasting). 5 wins to 4, $114,848, La Senorita S. [L] (RET, $45,000), San Jacinto S. [R] (HOU, $15,000), 2nd Lyrique H., (LAD, $7,000), San Antonio Oaks (RET, $5,000), Lakeway S., (RET, $5,000), Chaparral S. [R] (HOU, $5,000). Dam of– Taste of Hadif. 11 wins to 6, $109,106. Devious Rhome. 2 wins to 3, $34,460. Miss Evian. Winner to 4, $12,830. Saucy Taste. Winner to 6, $9,859. My Silver Song. Placed to 3, $4,113. Dam of– REDATORY. 8 wins to 6, 2020, $329,061, Clever Trevor S. [L] (RP, $60,000), Richard King Turf S. [R] (LS, $43,200), Richard King Turf S. [R] (HOU, $30,000), Assault S. [R] (LS, $30,000), Texas Hall of Fame S. [R] (RET, $30,000), Texas Horse Racing Hall of Fame S. [R] (LS, $30,000), Houston Turf S. [NR], 2nd Jim's Orbit S. [R] (HOU, $13,000), Highlander Training Center Assault S. [NR]. BUBBA BLING. 4 wins to 4, 2021, $117,049, My Dandy Division of the Clarence Scharbauer, Jr. Texas Stallion S., (RET, $39,000), 2nd Prairie Gold Juvenile S., (PRM, $13,000), 3rd Manzano S., (ALB, $5,000), Jim's Orbit S. [NR]. My Sunday Song. 2 wins to 4, $8,800. A Taste for Gold. Unplaced. Dam of– Go Barney Go. 3 wins to 4, $34,632. Itoldu (Told). 8 wins to 5, $51,304. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 58 Steamer Lane TB 58 January 20, 2020 Bay Colt Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Steamer Lane TB Foolish Today Pulpit {A.P. Indy Beach Club Preach (2009) { Mary {Cat Thief Sultry Allure By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam BEACH CLUB, by Pulpit. 2 wins to 3, $30,410. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners– STORM THE BEACH (g. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 5, $89,492, Manzano S., (ALB, $30,000), 3rd Copper Top Futurity [R] (SUN, $17,664), Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $16,966). Red Or Green (f. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $15,635. 2nd dam MARY, by Cat Thief. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– Key Largo (g. by Fusaichi Pegasus). 5 wins to 5, $111,639, 2nd Harry Jeffrey S. [N]. Incredible Journey (f. by Lemon Drop Kid). 2 wins to 5, $88,780. Courtesy Call (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus). 4 wins to 6, $62,592. Mary's Song (f. by Unbridled's Song). Winner to 3, $39,340. 3rd dam SULTRY ALLURE, by Forty Niner. Winner at 3, $25,760. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– MASS MEDIA (Touch Gold). 6 wins to 5, $569,740, Forego S. [G1] (SAR, $150,000), Sport Page H. [G3] (AQU, $66,720), Fly So Free S., (BEL, $36,330), 2nd Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile H. [G1] (AQU, $70,000), San Fernando Breeders' Cup S. [G2] (SA, $40,000), 3rd Metropolitan H. [G1] (BEL, $60,000), True North Breeders' Cup H. [G2] (BEL, $21,370), Alfred G. Vanderbilt Breeders' Cup H. [G2] (SAR, $20,820). Sire. Rare Bit (Eltish). Winner to 5, $64,847, 2nd Judy's Red Shoes S., (CRC). Dam of– Glamour Girl. Winner to 4, 2021, $113,516. 4th dam SULTRY SUN, by Buckfinder. 9 wins in 14 starts at 3 and 4, $222,277, Molly Pitcher H. [G2], Coconut Grove S., 3rd Ballerina S. [G2], Miss Prosperity H. [L]. Half sister to LIEN, Mamluk ($55,661), Illiteration ($38,665). Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners– SULTRY SONG (Cox's Ridge). 9 wins to 4, $1,616,276, Hollywood Gold Cup [G1], Woodward S. [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Jamaica H. [G2], Long Branch S. [L] (MTH., $33,630), Golden Beach S. [L] (GP, $30,000), 2nd NYRA Mile H. [G1], Gallant Man S. [G3], 3rd Secretariat S. [G1], Pegasus H. [G1], Nassau County H. [G2], etc. Sire. SOLAR SPLENDOR (Majestic Light). 11 wins to 8, $1,386,468, Turf Classic Inv. S. [G1], Man o' War S. [G1], Man o' War S. [G1]-ecr, 1 3/8 miles in 2:12.45, Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Hill Prince S. [G3], Lexington S. [G3], 2nd Turf Classic Inv. S. [G1], Early Times Manhattan S. [G1], 3rd Turf Classic Inv. S. [G1], Early Times Manhattan S. [G2], Bernard Baruch H. [G2], Red Smith H. [G2]. STRATEGIC MISSION (Mr. Prospector). 7 wins to 6, $414,320, Fort Marcy H. [G3], 2nd Shadwell Keeneland Turf Mile S. [G2], S. [L] (MED, $18,000), 3rd Maker's Mark Mile S. [G2], River City H. [G3]. Leading sire in Dominican Republic. Sire. EL SULTRY SUN (Eltish). 3 wins to 6, $169,075, Dayton Andrews Dodge Sophomore Turf S. [R] (TAM, $51,000), Lamplighter S., (MTH., $39,000), 3rd Calder Derby [G3]. Last Samurai (Pulpit). 9 wins to 7, $146,431. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 59 Chestnut Filly TB 59 Foaled January 17, 2020 Northern Afleet Afleet Alex { Sway Away { Maggy Hawk Seattle Shimmer {Seattle Slew Chestnut Filly TB Golden Gale Mr. Greeley {Gone West Wickedly Sweet Long Legend (2011) { Alpine Ice {Forestry Starry Ice By SWAY AWAY (2008). 2 wins, $206,800, 2nd San Carlos S. [G2], Best Pal S. [G2], San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire of 20 starters, 13 winners, including Whenbetterthannow (8 wins, $70,198), Windribbon (3 wins, $59,650), Chay Up and Away (4 wins, $58,386), Bottle Shock (3 wins, $47,654), July Moon (5 wins, $33,913), Swaybelle (4 wins, $31,655), Spun Away (2 wins, $29,970), Sway Road (3 wins, $19,342), Bigger Than You (4 wins, $16,142), Sussums Girl (winner, $14,700), Sudden Niche (winner, $10,200), Time for the Bus. 1st dam WICKEDLY SWEET, by Mr. Greeley. 2 wins at 4, $87,314. Dam of 1 thoroughbred and 6 quarter horse foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 ROM– Wickedly Corona [QH] SI 87 (g. by Five Bar Cartel). Winner to 4, 2021, $10,740. Wicked Prospect [QH] SI 82 (g. by Prospect to the Top). Placed at 2, 2020, $7,153. 2nd dam ALPINE ICE, by Forestry. Unraced. Sister to FOREST DANGER. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Kkeutpan Aero [KOR] (f. by Archarcharch). 6 wins, 2 to 5, ($43,742 USA), in Republic of Korea, 3rd Ttukseom Cup [G2]. Tiz Dangerous (g. by Tiznow). Winner to 5, $40,691. Extra Ice (c. by Malibu Moon). 3 wins to 4, ($35,234 USA), in Argentina. 3rd dam STARRY ICE, by Ice Age. 5 wins at 2, $209,300, Landaluce S., [G2], Anoakia S. [L] (SA, $47,240), Cinderella S. [L] (HOL, $37,200), Nursery S. [R] (HOL, $31,050). Set NTR at Santa Anita Park, 2f in 0:21.31. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners– FOREST DANGER (Forestry). 5 wins to 4, $423,000, Carter H., [G1] (AQU, $210,000), Bay Shore S., [G3] (AQU, $90,000), 2nd Withers S., [G3] (AQU, $30,000). Set NTR at Gulfstream Park, 6 1/2f in 1:14.44. Sire. Skipping Stars (Skip Away). Placed to 4, $18,520, 2nd Willard [L]Proctor Mem. S. [R]. Icetate (Orientate). 3 wins to 6, $133,128. Forest Whispers (Forestry). Winner in 1 start at 2, $14,700. Set NTR 4.5f. Dam of– Forestdungone. 11 wins to 6, 2021, $161,721. Midnight Music. 2 wins to 4, $79,722. Forest Treasure. 9 wins to 7, 2021, $59,287, Hasta La Vista S. [N], etc. Lake Champlain (War Chant). Placed to 4, $10,144. Dam of– Icelain Diva. Winner to 3, $28,875, 3rd Island Fashion S., (SUN, $5,000). Tug of War. 11 wins to 8, $410,155, 3rd Kelly Kip S. [N]. Hillaryinthehouse. 3 wins to 5, $114,203. 4th dam FORUMSTAR, by Inherent Star. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $40,457. Half sister to Tomas Brannigan. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– CHAMP'S STAR (Fabulous Champ). 9 wins to 8, $681,897, Radar Ahead H. [L] (HOL, $57,750), Zany Tactics S. [R] (SA, $65,520), Ken Maddy Sprint H. [R] (BM, $55,000), Earlene McCabe Derby [R] (SAC, $29,250), Bull Dog S. [R] (FNO, $24,145), 2nd Harry Henson S. [L] (HOL, $15,940), Valiant Pete H. [R] (SA, $21,580), Valiant Pete H. [R] (SA, $21,220), Ken Maddy Sprint H. [R] (BM, $15,000), 3rd Hollywood Turf Express H., [G3], California Juvenile S., [G3], Oakland H. [L] (GG, $12,000), etc. STARRY ICE (Ice Age). Stakes winner, above. DISTINGUISH FORUM (Shanekite). 6 wins to 5, $205,298, Westchester S. [L] (HOL, $40,900). Granddam of Awesome Force ($64,214). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 60 Last Hunter TB 60 April 30, 2020 Bay Colt Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Last Hunter TB Hot Lear Halory Hunter {Jade Hunter Skyzaam's Hunter Halory (2008) { Skyzaam {Sky Command Dance JE Dis By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam SKYZAAM'S HUNTER, by Halory Hunter. 2 wins at 3, $15,249. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Succesful Sky (f. by Dome). Winner to 4, $16,116. 2nd dam SKYZAAM, by Sky Command. Placed at 4. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Je Dis Command (g. by Parentheses). Winner at 2, $41,851. Crashed (g. by Parentheses). 2 wins to 3, $31,542. Skyzaam's Account (f. by Parentheses). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Skyzaam's Party SI 84. 2 wins to 4, $36,660. 3rd dam DANCE JE DIS, by Ramirez. Winner at 3, $3,040. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Dancing for Fun (Buck's Chief). 7 wins to 6, $67,196, Fair Queen H. [N], Las Mujeres S. [N], Sangre De Cristo S. [N], 2nd Chaparral Breeders' Cup H., (SFE, $5,500), Peachy Manners S. [N], Achievement S. [NR], 3rd New Mexican S. [NR], etc. Commandthegold (Sky Command). 4 wins to 5, $15,689, 2nd Don Juan De Onate S. [N]. 4th dam JE DIS, by Intentionally. Unraced. Half sister to Dancing Lark. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– Splitemup (The Axe II). 7 wins to 5, $37,143, 3rd Crete H. Dites Moi (Groton). 10 wins to 9, $34,823. Mia Princessa (Victoria Park). Placed to 3. Dam of– MIA DANCESSA. 12 wins to 9, $120,090, Lilac H., Lilac H. [N], M. R. Jenkins Mem. H. [N], Astral Moon S. [N], 2nd Junior Miss S., 3rd M. R. Jenkins Mem. H., Lilac S. [N], Canada Day H. [N], Victoria Day S. [N]. Fancy Victory. 16 wins to 6, $77,403, 2nd Alberta Premier's Futurity LR. Manchessa. 3 wins to 5, $15,833. Mia Maresa. 4 wins to 4, $12,270. Ginny M. (The Axe II). Placed to 3. Dam of– Our Coquette. 5 wins to 8, $56,810. Dam of– Freight Train Leo. 2 wins at 5, $9,636. Walker's Image. 2 wins to 5, $8,634. Miss Cyclone (Bupers). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Whirlin Girl. 5 wins to 5, $25,765. Round Reflections. Unraced. Dam of– Connie Flec. 3 wins to 3, $25,730. Mosaic (Up Spirits). Unraced. Dam of– Chimeric. 5 wins to 4, $76,055, 2nd Lady Angela S.-LR, Glorious Song S. Dam of– GOLDEN TREASURE. 4 wins to 4, Cruickshank Indian One Thousand Guineas [G1], Magnasound Indian Oaks [G1], 2nd UB Export Fillies Trial S. [G3]. Won the Appeal. 7 wins to 6, $41,217. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 61 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 61 Foaled February 17, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Flat Out {Flatter Ali's Mountain Cresta Lil (2016) { Alivila {Monashee Mountain Inaka (IRE) By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam ALI'S MOUNTAIN, by Flat Out. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam ALIVILA, by Monashee Mountain. 2 wins at 3, $19,390. Dam of 2 foals to race– Mountain Goddess (f. by Dominus). 3 wins to 5, $51,570. 3rd dam INAKA [IRE], by Ballad Rock [IRE]. Placed at 3, in Ireland. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– Gaily Sting (Lure). 5 wins to 8, ($736,451 USA), in Japan. Tatsu Showa (Sharp Humor). Winner to 5, ($150,629 USA), in Japan. Gaily Zephyr (Woodman). Winner to 6, ($91,386 USA), in Japan. Gaily Field (Crafty Prospector). Unraced. Dam of– Hosho Ruby. 4 wins to 5, ($524,077 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Hosho Now [JPN]. 5 wins to 6, 2021, ($945,710 USA), in Japan, 3rd Keiyo S. [L] Masriera [JPN]. 2 wins to 7, 2020, ($342,246 USA), in Japan. Hosho Valen [JPN]. 9 wins to 6, ($93,570 USA), in Japan. Jesse's Giacomo. 7 wins to 4, $119,535. 4th dam OUR VILLAGE, by Ballymore [IRE]. Unplaced in France. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– MISTER MAJESTIC [IRE] (Tumble Wind). $100,332: 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, ($96,736 USA), in England, Hwt. colt at 3 on Italian Free Hand., 5 - 6 1/2 fur. Tattersalls Middle Park S., [G1], Tote Leisure S. [L], 4th William Hill Dewhurst S., [G1]. Sire. HOMME DE LOI [IRE] (Law Society). 4 wins to 4, ($371,826 USA), in France, Grand Prix de Paris Louis Vuitton [G1], Prix de Guiche [G3], Prix Maurice Caillault [L], 2nd Prix Phil Drake [L], 3rd Prix Perth [G3]. Sire. Obello [IRE] (Salse). 5 wins to 7 in Germany & Switzerland, 2nd Behr-Mem. [L]. Tactical Mission [IRE] (Rainbow Quest). $20,622: 2 wins to 7, ($13,217 USA), in England; winner at 4, over the jumps, ($7,405 USA) in England. Your Village [IRE] (Be My Guest). Unplaced., in Ireland. Dam of– Yara [IRE]. $104,813: Placed to 3, ($102,653 USA), in Ireland, 2nd Heinz 57 Phoenix S., [G1], Meld S., [G3], Entrepreneur E.B.F. Athasi S. [L], Rochestown S. [L]. Dam of– EMIRATES GOLD [IRE]. $151,615: winner at 2, ($19,929 USA), in England, 2nd Weatherbys Bank Stonehenge S. [L]; 3 2 wins to 7, ($131,686 USA), in U.A.E., National Day Cup L twice, 2nd Bonyan International Investment Group National Day Cup [L] YARASTAR [GB]. $87,795: Winner to 3, ($17,184 USA), in Ireland; winner at 3, ($70,611 USA), in France, Prix Melisande Grand [L], 3rd Prix Georges Trabaud [L]. Yario [IRE]. $103,321: winner at 2, ($16,964 USA), in Ireland; 3 wins to 5, $86,357, in U.S., 2nd Oceanside S. [R] (DMR, $17,140). Majestic Max [IRE]. $238,430: winner to 9, ($35,879 USA), in Sweden; 14 wins to 11 ($200,907 USA), in Norway. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 62 Chestnut Colt TB 62 Foaled January 12, 2020 Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Right Rigger { Trolley Song Stormy Pick {Storm Creek Chestnut Colt TB Program Pick Jack Wilson {Encino First To Blush Ahpo Hel (2004) { Lucerna {Prospectors Gamble Lana's Turn By RIGHT RIGGER (2006). Sire of 18 starters, 13 winners, $1,459,431, including RIG TIME (9 wins, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R]), TEN PENNY CENTS (5 wins, $275,348, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R]), TEA LIGHT (6 wins, $220,617, La Coneja S. [R]), DUST ALERT (4 wins, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Dancinstardustlady ($45,065, 2nd Copper Top Fut. [R]), Smashed (5 wins, $69,564), Whitrock SI 81 (6 wins, $65,695, Ruidoso Sprint Claiming S. [N]), Izeright (2 wins, $49,397, Dine S. [NR]), Pink Power (3 wins, $43,225), Creekwater Punch. 1st dam First To Blush, by Jack Wilson. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $30,938, 3rd Copper Top Futurity [R] (SUN, $23,438). Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners– Last to Blush (f. by Right Rigger). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $28,419. Teagle (g. by Seeking the Cat). 3 wins to 3, $19,728. First to Scat (f. by Seeking the Cat). 2 wins to 4, $11,045.

2nd dam LUCERNA, by Prospectors Gamble. 8 wins to 6, $75,243, 2nd West Mesa H. [N]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 5 winners– Mostly Dust SI 86 (g. by Dry Gulch). 7 wins to 7, $200,268, $503, Norgor Thoroughbred Derby [N], 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $37,400), Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $11,000), 3rd Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $8,500). First to Blush (f. by Jack Wilson). Stakes placed winner, above. T Nell T (f. by Dry Gulch). 5 wins to 5, $90,375. High Rocker SI 92 (g. by Seeking the Cat). 5 wins to 8, $88,255. Phantom Gulch (g. by Dry Gulch). Winner to 4, $14,254.

3rd dam LANA'S TURN, by General Assembly. 2 wins to 3, $12,819. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– Loco Turn [MEX] (Locochon [MEX]). Winner to 3, in Mexico. Avanti [MEX] (Locochon [MEX]). Winner to 3, in Mexico.

4th dam STELLANA, by Jig Time. 7 wins to 3, $135,199, Florida Stallion/Susan's Girl S. [L], 2nd Gardenia S., 3rd Melaleuca S., Set NTR at Hialeah Park, 5 1/2f in 1:04.60. Half sister to SWEET PROUD POLLY), Restless Buck ($126,004). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Yagottaapproveher (With Approval). 12 wins to 8, $137,759. She'sabigcutter (Cutlass). 2 wins to 4, $18,878. Dam of– Gi Gi Cat. 2 wins to 3, $10,549. Crystal Monterey. Winner to 4, $6,031. Baubee (Hold Your Peace). 2 wins to 3, $6,870. Dancer At the Gate (Gate Dancer). Winner to 3, $5,005. Dam of– Tambo's Pumpkin. 3 wins to 6, $33,815. Only True Diva. Winner to 4, $11,725. Cantankerous Red. Winner to 4, $10,326.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Norman Allen Hip No. 63 Sambas Mark TB 63 March 10, 2020 Bay Gelding A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Sambas Mark TB Holiday Runner Giant's Causeway {Storm Cat Samba Queen Mariah's Storm (2003) { Misty Moon (BRZ) {Baronius (BRZ) Fashion Dancer By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam SAMBA QUEEN, by Giant's Causeway. Placed at 3, $6,030. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, 9 to race, 7 winners– SIPPIN (f. by Swissle Stick). 9 wins to 4, $442,602, Permian Basin S., (ZIA, $30,000), Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $95,547), New Mexico Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $84,000), LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $51,000), Enchantress S. [NR], Peppers Pride H. [NR], 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Oaks [NR], 3rd Island Fashion S. [NR]. TWO STEPPER (f. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $124,510, LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $60,000), 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $14,780), Enchantress S. [NR], Sierra Starlet H. [NR]. MANCATION (g. by Going Wild). 4 wins to 5, $96,982, New Mexico Breeder's Derby [R] (SUN, $51,000). Storm Bayou (g. by Attila's Storm). 6 wins to 5, 2021, $77,158. Rio de Dinero (g. by Gold Case). 4 wins to 7, $74,087. Southwest Queen (f. by Southwestern Heat). 2 wins to 4, $54,068. Dance With You (f. by Minister Eric). Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of– Attila's Dance (g. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 5, $44,267. 2nd dam MISTY MOON [BRZ], by Baronius [BRZ]. Winner in 2 starts. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners– VIRGINIE [BRZ] (f. by Legal Case [IRE]). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly in Brazil, $435,122: 7 wins to 6, ($163,512 USA), in Brazil, GP Henrique Possollo [G1], GP Diana-Brazilian Oaks [G1], GP Marciano de Aguiar Moreira [G1], GP Francisco Vilella de Paula Machado [G2], etc. 2 wins in 4 starts at 5, $271,610, in U.S., Beverly Hills H., [G1], 2nd Santa Barbara H., [G2], Santa Ana H., [G2]. Dam of– Lady Carnival [JPN]. 2 wins to 4, ($60,151 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Brunette [JPN]. 3 wins to 6, ($734,892 USA), in Japan, 3rd Sankei Sports Sho Flora S., [G2]. Lord Chariot [JPN]. 4 wins to 9, ($631,486 USA), in Japan. Step Together. Unraced. Dam of Maricy ($55,965). BE FAIR [BRZ] (f. by Fast Gold). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly in Brazil, $81,686: 5 wins to 5, ($80,311 USA), in Brazil, Grande Premio Henrique Possollo [G1], Grande Premio Diana-Brazilian Oaks [G1], Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira [G1], etc. Dam of Both Sides, Be So Fair; granddam of VERY NICE MOON (BRZ) (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in Brazil), ZAP ZAP (BRZ). MOON DOLLY [GB] (f. by Kris S.). $393,614: 4 wins to 9, winner at 8, over the jumps, $64,550, Claire Marine S., (AP, $24,975), Valentine Mem. Sport of Queen's Hurdle S., J, 2nd Peapack Hurdle S., J, Margaret Currey Henley Sport of Queens Hurdle S., etc. Always Lucky (f. by Westheimer). 2 wins to 4, ($6,542 USA), in Brazil. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Bryan & Megan Petty Hip No. 64 The Final Footnote TB 64 April 27, 2020 Bay Colt Two Punch Smoke Glacken { Read The Footnotes { Majesty's Crown Baydon Belle {Al Nasr (FR) The Final Footnote TB Vague Prospect Henny Hughes {Hennessy Henny Luvs Shrimp { Meadow Flyer Val Marie {Coronado's Quest Devine By READ THE FOOTNOTES (2001). 5 wins, $450,660 [G2]. Sire of 226 winners, 19 stakes winners, $19,041,400, including READTHEBYLINE (11 wins, $608,318, New York Stallion Series S. [R]), SOCIALSAUL (11 wins, $514,375, New York Derby [R]), READTHEProspectUS (10 wins, $511,267, Commentator H. [R]), LITERATA (8 wins, $505,243, Saratoga Dew S. [R]), RIGHTLY SO (7 wins, $480,050, Ballerina S. [G1]), OPUS A ($364,194, Key Cents S. [R]), STORIED LADY ($363,192, Bay Ridge S. [R]). 1st dam HENNY LUVS SHRIMP, by Henny Hughes. Winner at 4, $46,170. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners– Kilo Bravo (g. by Palace). Winner at 2, 2020, $13,437, 2nd Gold Rush Futurity [N]. Belong (g. by Run Away and Hide). 2 wins to 3, $9,945. 2nd dam VAL MARIE, by Coronado's Quest. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals to race, 8 winners– GRAND ADVENTURE (c. by Grand Slam). Champion Grass Horse in Canada, 5 wins to 6, $759,013, King Edward S. [G2], Summer S. [G3], Connaught Cup S. [G3], 2nd Nearctic S. [G1] (WO, $100,000), Nijinsky S. [G2] (WO, $60,000), Shakertown S. [G3] twice, Bonapaw S., (FG, $12,000), 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Sire. Finalist (g. by Tonalist). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $111,195, 3rd Display S. [L]. Union Salute (g. by Union Rags). 8 wins to 6, 2020, $122,442. Unbridled Fury (g. by Broken Vow). 7 wins to 7, $86,410. Elementar (f. by More Than Ready). Winner to 4, $57,500. Dam of– Bloodprof. Winner to 4, 2021, $34,270. Silent Fright (f. by Yes It's True). Winner to 5, $49,391. Dam of– Chill Haze. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $63,910. 3rd dam Devine, by Seattle Slew. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $94,575, 2nd Wild Rose H. [L] (PRM, $10,000). Sister to LAKEWAY. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– SCOTUS (Successful Appeal). $449,892: 10 wins to 10, $433,359, in U.S., Matt Winn S., [G3] (CD, $84,154), 3rd Hanshin Cup S., [G3] (AP, $15,840), Opening Verse S., (CD, $7,470). $449,892:; winner at 7 and 8, ($16,533 USA), in Trinidad and Tobago. Divine Cat (Tale of the Cat). Unraced. Dam of– T C B Kiwi's. 2 wins to 4, $51,888, 3rd M2 Technology La Senorita S. [L] (RET, $11,000). Iconic. 6 wins to 7, 2021, $219,739. 4th dam MILLIARDAIRE, by Alydar. $298,940: 2 wins in 2 starts at 4, $17,400. Sister to SARATOGA SIX, Priceless Pearl ($19,785, 2nd Waterford Candelabra S., [G3]). Half-sister to DUNBEATH ($242,040, William Hill Futurity S. [G1]), Khwlah ($19,715, 2nd Premio Legnano [G2]). Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– LAKEWAY (Seattle Slew). 7 wins to 4, $965,330, Mother Goose S., [G1], Santa Anita Oaks [G1], Hollywood Oaks [G1], Las Virgenes S., [G1], Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G2], 2nd Kentucky Oaks [G1], etc. Dam of SLUICE ($202,453), Flying Spur ($198,821 [G2]), In Excelsis ($112,887), Front Range ($99,870 [G2]); granddam of MUSKA ($1,096,125 [G1]), DATTTS OUR GIRL ($175,363). Monarchoftheglen (A.P. Indy). $141,204: winner at 2, ($24,201 USA), in Ireland; 6 wins to 7, $111,760, in U.S., ($5,243 USA), in England, 3rd Chesham S. [L] Devine (Seattle Slew). Stakes placed winner, above. Incircle Miss (Dayjur). Winner to 4, $24,742. Dam of HARMONY HALL ($306,198). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Leanne Duree Hip No. 65 Ol' McClintock TB 65 February 9, 2020 Bay Gelding A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Ol' McClintock TB Holiday Runner Pleasant Tap {Pleasant Colony Joyful Tap Never Knock (2009) { Judge Phylomina {Judge Smells Phylomina By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam Joyful Tap, by Pleasant Tap. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $131,224, Chamisa H. [N], 2nd Zia Distaff S., (ZIA, $12,100). Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 3-year-old. 2nd dam Judge Phylomina, by Judge Smells. Winner at 3 and 5, $67,295, 2nd Canada Day H. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Joyful Tap (f. by Pleasant Tap). Stakes placed winner, above. Periyali (f. by Pleasant Tap). Winner to 3, $10,760. Dam of– MONKEY BUSINESS (f. by The Green Monkey). 6 wins to 3, ($84,960 USA), in Panama, Clasico Raul "Lul" Arango, Raul "Baby" Arango y Roberto (Bob). Arango [G2], Clasico Temistocles Diaz Q. [G1], Clasico Tomas G. Duque y Tomas Altamirano Duque [G2]. MANOLIN (c. by The Roundhouse). Winner to 4, ($19,120 USA), in Panama, Clasico Mes de la Patria [G3], 3rd Clasico Augusto Samuel Boyd Paredes [G2]. La Coronada (f. by The Roundhouse). $25,340: winner at 3, ($20,000 USA), in Panama. Magdacarr (c. by Pleasant Tap). 4 wins to 6, $61,692. She's Chestnut (f. by Horse Chestnut (SAF). 4 wins to 5, $38,160. 3rd dam PHYLOMINA, by Affirmed. Unraced. Half sister to TIGHT SPOT (Champion Grass Horse, $1,566,100 [G1]), VALIANT NATURE ($466,500 [G1]), Comstock Queen ($101,015), Dream Away (dam of GRANT JACK, $261,477; MEGA DREAM, $187,925), Amity AR (granddam of HERECOMESHOLLYWOOD, $190,620; Ra Der Dean, $213,478 [G2]; Calamity Girl, $102,515). Out of PREMIUM WIN ($82,137). Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Judge Phylomina (Judge Smells). Stakes placed winner, above. Solaire (Summer Squall). Winner to 6, $14,592. Premium Red (Thirty Six Red). Unraced. Dam of– PREMIUM TAP. $2,569,352: Champion Imported Older Horse and Stayer in Saudi Arabia, 6 wins to 6, $1,307,096, in U.S., Clark H., [G1] (CD, $329,816), Woodward S., [G1] (SAR, $300,000), Albert the Great S., (BEL, $40,320), 3rd Breeders' Cup Classic [G1] (CD, $500,000). $2,569,352:; 5 wins in 8 starts to 6, ($62,256 USA), in Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Cup, Crown Prince Cup., ($1,200,000 USA), in U.A.E., 2nd Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup [G1]; Leading Sire in Saudi Arabia. RED RALLY. 10 wins to 10, 2 to 10, $373,428, Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] (FG, $60,000), Louisiana Stallion S. [R] (LAD, $54,000), Louisiana Futurity [R] (FG, $65,667), 2nd Louisiana Legacy S. [R] (DED, $50,000), Chenery S., (CNL, $9,500), 3rd Latham S., (SAR, $7,000). Set NTR at Remington, 4.5f in 0:52.03. Carmel Coffee. 3 wins to 6, $161,700, 2nd Harvest S., (FNO, $11,000). Almarkaz Alaaly (c. by Blue Burner). 3 wins to 6, 2021, ($150,816 USA), in Saudi Arabia. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for L M Smith Land & Cattle Hip No. 66 Ms Jazz TB 66 April 30, 2020 Bay Filly Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer Ms Jazz TB Puddie Q. Abajo {Robyn Dancer Mjdontlosemynumber Aerobic Exercise (2008) { Time to Divorce {Halo's Image Stormy Divorce By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner). 1st dam MJDONTLOSEMYNUMBER, by Abajo. Winner in 1 start at 3, $9,000. Dam of 2 named foals of racing age, both unstarted. 2nd dam TIME TO DIVORCE, by Halo's Image. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $97,838, La Fiesta H., (ALB, $24,000), 2nd Princess H., (SUN, $11,561), A. C. Kemp H. [N], Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [N], 3rd El Paso Times H., (SUN, $5,420). Dam of 4 foals to race– Not Blue Im Divorced SI 82 (g. by Gonamakeyoureyesblue). Placed to 4, 2020, $10,238. 3rd dam STORMY DIVORCE, by Storm Bird. Winner at 4, $12,775. Dam of 9 foals to race, 9 winners– FALSE PROMISES (Jules). 5 wins to 7, $289,048, Hawthorne Derby [G3] (HAW, $150,000), 2nd Sea O Erin Breeders' Cup Mile H. [L] (AP, $30,000), 3rd Rossi Gold S. TIME TO DIVORCE (Halo's Image). Stakes winner, above. Legal Separation (Jackpot). 6 wins to 6, $266,318, 2nd On Trust H. [R] (HOL, $16,000). Restraining Order (Skip Trial). 2 wins to 3, $70,060, 3rd Martha Washington Breeders' Cup S. [L] (LRL, $16,500), Hilltop S., (PIM, $5,500). Dam of– HEY BYRN. 5 wins to 6, $339,793, Holy Bull S. [G3] (GP, $90,000), 2nd Florida Stallion Affirmed S. [R] (CRC, $30,000), 3rd Sumter S., (CRC, $5,500). Conquest Bandido. 2 wins to 3, $113,587, 3rd Panthers S., (PRM, $6,500). Gervasio. 3 wins to 4, ($4,040 USA), in Panama, 3rd Clasico Familia Fernandez [G3]. Saint Pete. 5 wins to 4, $147,106. Rosie Red. 3 wins to 3, $101,470. Dam of– R U Lucky. 7 wins to 4, 2021, $168,990. Securitized Debt (Skip Trial). 3 wins to 3, $36,390. Dam of– Pay the Debt. 2 wins to 4, $129,725. 4th dam EXCITING DEVORCEE, by Candy Spots. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $27,280. Sister to BELLE MARIE. Dam of 12 foals to race, 12 winners– ROCKY MARRIAGE (Riva Ridge). $448,627: 2 wins to 7, ($16,814 USA), in England; 10 wins, $431,813, in U.S., Bold Ruler S. [G2], Berkeley H [LR] (GG, $32,250), Christmastide S., Flintlock H., Boardwalk S., Q at Santa Anita Park, Q at Aqueduct, 2nd Carter H. [G2], Long Branch S. [G3], Count Fleet Sprint H. [G3], etc. Sire. THE RED ROLLS (Riva Ridge). 12 wins to 8, $373,766, Hindoo H. [L] (CD, $37,115), Balmoral Breeders' Cup Sprint S., (BML, $28,230), 2nd Sunny Isle H. [L] (CRC, $17,540), Dr. Fager H. [L] (AP, $16,920), Hallandale H. [L] (GP, $10,000), Deputy Minister H. [L] (GP, $10,000), 3rd Sheridan S. [G2], etc. Sire. LEMHI LOVE (Royal and Regal). 17 wins to 6, $265,723, Dr. A. B. Leggio Mem. H., (FG, $20,750), Bowl of Flowers S., (RD, $17,670), Wishing Well S., (TP, $18,574), Ruffner S.-NTR, (BIR, $18,753), Fairmount Matchmaker H., (FP, $16,410). Dam of DANCING IN SILKS ($1,500,401 [G1]), GINS MAJESTY ($210,431 [G3]), Love At Noon ($132,675 [G2]); granddam of SUPER MAJESTY ($166,760 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 67 Bay Colt TB 67 Foaled April 28, 2020 In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Shame On Charlie SI 85 { Soviet Sojourn Shameful {Flying Chevron Bay Colt TB Lady's Legacy Accelerator {A.P. Indy Patches Of Speed Get Lucky (2002) { Misericordia Lady {Well Decorated Inverness Lady By SHAME ON CHARLIE SI 85 (2004). 3 wins, $29,017. Brother to INDIAN BLESSING; half brother to ROMAN THREAT, AX MAN, NIGHTLY NEWS. Sire of 28 starters, 22 winners, $1,263,642, including INDIAN TIVA ($207,338, Permian Basin S.), SHAME ON POWERS SI 87 (4 wins, $169,407, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), SHAME ON READ (winner, $75,567, Copper Top Fut. [R]), SHUG'S HOPE ($67,773, C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [R]), CHAMP SPIRIT (2 wins, $44,845, NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. S. [R]), Shug's Best (4 wins, $126,705, 3rd NM Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]). 1st dam PATCHES OF SPEED, by Accelerator. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $181,054, 3rd Molly Brown S. [N]. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, all unraced.

2nd dam MISERICORDIA LADY, by Well Decorated. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Pass the Ohwista (f. by Pikepass). Winner to 4, $8,049. Dam of– Owira Canaveral. Winner to 5, $9,212.

3rd dam INVERNESS LADY, by Inverness Drive. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $251,240, Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $32,070), 2nd Reasonable Force H., (GG, $6,000), 3rd Marica S. [L] (HAW, $5,673). Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Sir Bunny (Sir Cat). 6 wins to 4, $52,000. Lady Spend a Buck (Spend a Buck). Winner to 5, $23,596. Dam of– Lady Mary Florence. 2 wins to 3, $40,780. Dam of– Lavender Chris. Winner to 6, $19,121. Lavender Dan. 3 wins to 6, $27,799. Combat Duty. Placed to 4, $20,049. Caballero Tim. Placed to 3, $6,065. Durandal (With Approval). 2 wins to 6, $22,487. Sire. Sea Damsel (Sea Hero). Winner to 3, $20,380. Sir Crypto (Cryptoclearance). Winner to 6, $19,515.

4th dam PROPHETIC LADY, by Laomedonte. Unraced. Half sister to INEVITABLE LEADER, Bold Roberto ($54,395). Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– INVERNESS LADY (Inverness Drive). Stakes winner, above. Louwontquit (Princely Pleasure). 4 wins to 4, $23,925. Prophetic de Ja (Mr. Leader). Unraced. Dam of– Little Red Boy. Winner to 4, $8,452. Ms Eskimo. Winner to 3, $4,710.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 68 High Dollar Hush TB 68 April 16, 2020 Bay Filly Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial High Dollar Hush TB Foolish Today Untold Gold {Seeking The Gold Hush's Gold Torrie Ann (2002) { Whats The Hush {Calumar Silent Suprise By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam HUSH'S GOLD, by Untold Gold. 2 wins at 2, $95,933, Rio Grande Senorita Futurity [R] (RUI, $50,104), Dessie and Fern Sawyer Futurity [R] (ALB, $30,463). Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners– HUSH'S STORM (g. by Attila's Storm). 14 wins to 10, 2020, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $51,000), New Mexico Breeder's Derby [R] (SUN, $51,000), Land of Enchantment H. [NR], Commander And Chief S. [NR], 2nd Dine S. [R] (SRP, $14,300), New Mexico State University H. [NR], Land of Enchantment H. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [C&G] S. [R] (ZIA, $15,150), New Mexico State University H. [R] (SUN, $8,500), Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $8,500), Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [NR], Sierra Blanca H. [NR]. New Gold (f. by Attila's Storm). Winner to 3, $7,599. Dam of– On a Warpath (g. by Indian Firewater). 2 wins to 3, $82,790, 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Juvenile Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $29,000). Gold Rush Hush (f. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 6, $55,469, 3rd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]. Litlredrollinghood (f. by Roll Hennessy Roll). 2 wins to 3, $21,578. 2nd dam WHATS THE HUSH, by Calumar. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $137,775, Ruffian S.-ETR, 7f in 1:22.80 (ARP, $16,440), Sun Devil S., (TUP, $15,000), Ahwatukee Express S., (TUP, $15,000), Fair Queen H. [N], 2nd Chamisa H., (ALB, $6,060), Columbine H., (ARP, $5,420), Scottsdale H., (TUP, $5,000), 3rd Baby Doe H., (ARP, $2,790), Czaria H., (SUN, $2,760), Cactus Cup H., (TUP, $2,500). Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– HURRICANE HUSH (f. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 4, $141,827, New Mexico Classic Cup Filly and Mare Sprint Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $88,800), 2nd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [NR]. HUSH'S GOLD (f. by Untold Gold). Stakes winner, above. Quiet Queenie (f. by Prince of Fame). Winner to 5, $50,508. Dam of– Quick N Quiet. 4 wins to 7, $54,877. 3rd dam SILENT SUPRISE, by Silent Screen. Placed at 3, $5,820. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– ROPERSANDWRANGLERS (Endow). 13 wins to 6, $260,575, Moraga S. [L] (GG, $35,850), Belle Roberts H. [L]-ETR, 1 1/8 miles in 1:49.40 (EMD, $27,500), Auburn H., (EMD, $19,250) twice, Boeing H., (EMD, $19,250), Hastings Park H.-NTR, 6f in 1:08.80 (EMD, $16,500), Boeing H., (EMD, $16,500), Ingenue H.-NTR, etc. WHATS THE HUSH (Calumar). Stakes winner, above. DESERT ROAD (Desert God). 2 wins to 3, $85,445, Rio Grande Senor Futurity [R]. Forest Fantasy (Boone's Mill). 2 wins to 3, $28,590. Dam of HOLLYWOOD DREAMS ($198,928). Surprisingly Sharp (Sparkling Blade). Dam of Surprisingly Gone ($56,175). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 69 Social Club TB 69 April 26, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Filly Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Right Rigger { Trolley Song Stormy Pick {Storm Creek Social Club TB Program Pick Mineshaft {A.P. Indy Secret Source Prospectors Delite (2005) { Gwenjinsky {Seattle Dancer Carols Folly By RIGHT RIGGER (2006). Sire of 18 starters, 13 winners, $1,459,431, including RIG TIME (9 wins, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R]), TEN PENNY CENTS (5 wins, $275,348, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R]), TEA LIGHT (6 wins, $220,617, La Coneja S. [R]), DUST ALERT (4 wins, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Dancinstardustlady ($45,065, 2nd Copper Top Fut. [R]), Smashed (5 wins, $69,564), Whitrock SI 81 (6 wins, $65,695, Ruidoso Sprint Claiming S. [N]), Izeright (2 wins, $49,397, Dine S. [NR]), Pink Power (3 wins, $43,225), Creekwater Punch. 1st dam SECRET SOURCE, by Mineshaft. Placed at 3 and 4, $15,215. Dam of 6 named foals of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners– Curlin Crush (g. by Curlin). 3 wins to 6, $56,730. Hush Up (g. by Tizway). 3 wins to 4, $45,107. 2nd dam GWENJINSKY, by Seattle Dancer. Placed to 4, $5,600. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners– LEAD STORY (f. by Editor's Note). 8 wins to 5, $842,031, Falls City H., [G2] (CD, $207,204), Louisville Breeders' Cup H., [G2] (CD, $202,740), Churchill Downs Distaff H., [G2] (CD, $139,748), HBPA H. [L] (ELP, $61,250), 2nd Banshee Breeze H. [L] (GP, $15,000), 3rd Rampart H., [G2] (GP, $22,000), Sabin H., [G3] (GP, $11,000), etc. Dam of– Mythologie [JPN]. 2 wins to 5, 2021, ($424,609 USA), in Japan. Press Attention [JPN]. 3 wins to 6, ($248,671 USA), in Japan. Deep Story [JPN]. 2 wins to 5, ($215,911 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Be My Ocean [JPN]. 2 wins to 4, 2021, ($255,049 USA), in Japan. CAPEJINSKY (g. by Cape Town). 5 wins to 5, $188,411, Dover S. [L] (DEL, $60,000), 2nd Whirling Ash S., (DEL, $11,740). PRIZE CATCH (f. by A.P. Indy). 3 wins, $138,810, Key To The Bridge S., (BEL, $36,000). Strike Midnight (c. by Smart Strike). 4 wins to 6, $258,467, 2nd Gio Ponti S., (AQU, $25,000), Manila S., (BEL, $20,000), English Channel S., (BEL, $20,000), 3rd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S., [G2] (SAR, $20,000). Glory Glory (f. by Honour and Glory). 2 wins, $83,810, 2nd Flawlessly S. [L]. Granddam of Verb (to 4, 2021, $169,501 [G3]), San Giorgio SI 94 ($41,637). Piper's Fort. 7 wins to 6, $159,190. Federal Agent (g. by Curlin). 12 wins to 9, $184,531, 2nd Cam-Plex S. [N], etc. Special Guest (f. by Smart Strike). 3 wins, $114,736, 2nd Gold Coast S. [NR]. Dam of– Parade Field. 3 wins to 5, 2021, $165,642. Gwen's Song (f. by Unbridled's Song). Winner to 4, $12,290. Dam of– Laughter. 8 wins to 7, $136,964. 3rd dam CAROLS FOLLY, by Taylor's Falls. 5 wins at 2, $32,756, Airdrie S., (BIR, $12,000), 3rd Alabama Thoroughbred Juvenile S. [R] (BIR, $2,000). Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners– UNBRIDLED ELAINE (Unbridled's Song). 6 wins to 3, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks [G2], Iowa Oaks [L] (PRM, $90,000), Pocahontas S. [L] (CD, $70,060), 2nd Pennsylvania Derby [G3], 3rd Falls City H. [G3]. Dam of ETCHED ($587,586 [G2]), EMOTIONLESS (IRE) ($199,312 [G2]), OUT OF BOUNDS ($177,665 [G3]). GLITTER WOMAN (Glitterman). 10 wins to 5, $1,256,805, Ashland S., [G1], Bonnie Miss S., [G2], Sixty Sails H., [G3], etc. Dam of POLITICAL FORCE ($607,232 [G1]). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 70 Gray or Roan Colt TB 70 Foaled February 6, 2020 Storm Cat Hennessy { Roll Hennessy Roll { Island Kitty Roll Over Baby {Rollin On Over Gray or Roan Colt TB Sweet Praise Silver Season {Silver Ghost Good Looker R F Rae Rafko (2004) { Loma Looker {He's A Looker Full Choker By ROLL HENNESSY ROLL (2000). 4 wins, $173,869, Hollywood Prevue S. [G3]. Sire of 15 stakes winners, $8,621,987, including ROLLICKIN RED SI 103 (10 wins, $353,002, Challenger Six H. [R]), KISS MY HENNESSY SI 99 (12 wins, $328,571, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), BACK SEAT ROLL (5 wins, $301,837, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), TWIXY ROLL (6 wins, $277,172, Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), LAKEHOUSE FUN (8 wins, $258,717, Carlos Salazar S. [R]), HENNESSEY SMASH (7 wins, $252,006, NM Classic Cup Champ. Filly S. [R]), ROLL OUT THE BAND ($232,178). 1st dam GOOD LOOKER R F, by Silver Season. 6 wins to 3, $266,539, New Mexico Cup Champ. Fillies S. [R] (ZIA, $90,600), La Coneja H. [R] (SUN, $75,000), Aztec Oaks [R] (SRP, $37,200), 3rd Chief Narbona S. [R] (ALB, $6,675). Dam of 2 named foals of racing age, 2 winners– Looker's Gold R F (f. by Quinton's Gold). 2 wins to 4, $58,803, 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. Filly S. [R] (ZIA, $14,950). Devonas Looker R F (g. by Devonas Pride). 3 wins to 5, $16,226. 2nd dam LOMA LOOKER, by He's a Looker. 2 wins at 2, $41,401, Dessie and Fern Sawyer Futurity [R] (ALB, $21,792). Sister to He's a Choker. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners– GOOD LOOKER R F (f. by Silver Season). Stakes winner, above. Silver Seson R F (f. by Silver Season). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Silver Secret R F. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $47,156. 3rd dam FULL CHOKER, by Full Choke. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– LOMA LOOKER (He's a Looker). Stakes winner, above. He's a Choker (He's a Looker). 3 wins to 4, $22,706, 3rd Rio Grande Kindergarten Futurity [R] (RUI, $7,646), Riley Allison Derby [N]. 4th dam ONE BOLD SCOUTESS, by Scout Leader. Unraced. Sister to ONE BOLD SCOUT, half- sister to Purple Dancer. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners– One Bold Looker (He's a Looker). Winner to 4, $5,333. Dam of– Run Looker Run. 8 wins to 6, $142,996, 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Futurity [R] (RUI, $10,716). Dam of– Looks Pro. 4 wins, $83,659. Look Buca Di Beppo. 7 wins to 7, $75,885. Dam of– Buca Who Looker. Winner to 4, $36,156. Look B B'S Ahead. 3 wins to 5, $34,920. Buca Sarabi. Winner to 4, 2020, $21,623. Congored B R. 2 wins to 4, $20,572. Genius At Large SI 88. Winner to 6, $18,308. Lollipop Looker SI 81 (He's a Looker). 3 wins to 5, $20,823. Dam of– Tulie Creek Crypt. 7 wins to 9, $104,753. Popashore. Winner to 3, $7,151. One Bold Draconic (Draconic). 4 wins to 4, $17,017. Draconic Scoutess (Draconic). 4 wins to 5, $13,543. One Bad Looker (He's a Looker). 2 wins to 4, $7,151. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 71 Chestnut Filly TB 71 Foaled March 25, 2020 Northern Afleet Afleet Alex { Sway Away { Maggy Hawk Seattle Shimmer {Seattle Slew Chestnut Filly TB Golden Gale Seeking The Cat {Seeking the Gold Tipsy Tea Chile Chatte (2013) { Blame The Wine {Decarchy Catrina By SWAY AWAY (2008). 2 wins, $206,800, 2nd San Carlos S. [G2], Best Pal S. [G2], San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire of 20 starters, 13 winners, including Whenbetterthannow (8 wins, $70,198), Windribbon (3 wins, $59,650), Chay Up and Away (4 wins, $58,386), Bottle Shock (3 wins, $47,654), July Moon (5 wins, $33,913), Swaybelle (4 wins, $31,655), Spun Away (2 wins, $29,970), Sway Road (3 wins, $19,342), Bigger Than You (4 wins, $16,142), Sussums Girl (winner, $14,700), Sudden Niche (winner, $10,200), Time for the Bus. 1st dam TIPSY TEA, by Seeking The Cat. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $174,727, New Mexico Breeders' Oaks [R] (SUN, $60,000), Enchantress S. [R] (SUN, $51,000), 3rd LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $8,500). Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam BLAME THE WINE, by Decarchy. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $200,696. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– TIPSY TEA (f. by Seeking the Cat). Stakes winner, above. Smashed (g. by Right Rigger). 5 wins to 6, $69,564. 3rd dam CATRINA, by Storm Cat. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Gotta Getcha (Lit de Justice). 4 wins at 3 and 6, $75,399. This Cats Smokin (Smokester). 5 wins to 6, $70,350. 4th dam MARSHUA'S RIVER, by Riverman. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $402,146, Buckram Oak H., [G3], Suwannee River H., [G3], Valnor H., (HAW, $25,425), 2nd Suwannee River H., [G3], Rachel Jackson S. [L] (DUE, $27,000), Cardinal H. [L] (CD, $23,060), Hanshin H. [L] (AP, $11,270), My Charmer H. [L] (CRC, $10,000) twice, My Fair Lady Breeders' Cup H., (FP, $9,505), 3rd Joe Namath H., [G3], Dowager S., (KEE, $4,900). Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– River's Curtain (Theatrical [IRE]). $51,233: winner in 2 starts at 2, ($14,472 USA), in France; winner at 3, ($36,761 USA), in U.A.E., 3rd Jebel Ali S. [L]. Mantra (Theatrical [IRE]). Winner to 5, $29,569. Dam of– Mantis Religiosa (f. by Zensational). 6 wins to 5, ($85,791 USA), in Argentina, 3rd Mil Guineas [G1]. Majorca (f. by Malibu Moon). 2 wins to 5, ($25,743 USA), in Argentina. Manipulada. Winner in 1 start at 3, ($7,098 USA), in Argentina. Dam of– Monte Pulciano (c. by Sixties Icon [GB]). 2 wins to 5, ($37,773 USA), in Argentina. Saebyeok Noeul. 2 wins to 4 Maiden's Landing (Deputy Minister). Placed to 4, $9,206. Dam of– Remy Doodles. 4 wins to 6, $76,877. Dam of– Remy's Rocket. 10 wins to 6, 2020, $219,018, Fancy Buckles S. [NR], 3rd Fancy Buckles S. [NR]. Sagebrush. 8 wins to 6, 2021, $185,930, 2nd West Virginia Dash for Cash Breeders' Classic S. [NR]. Best Shot. 5 wins to 5, 2020, $124,855, 2nd Coin Collector S. [NR]. Chute Boss. 10 wins to 7, $102,801. Remys Showtime. 2 wins to 4, 2021, $53,606. Kowboy Tuff. 4 wins to 4, $48,866. Salaam (Woodman). Unraced. Dam of– Wonderfully. 3 wins to 6, $175,642, 2nd Jammed Lovely S. [R]. Dam of– Trainfourtwentyone. 3 wins to 3, $99,215. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 72 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 72 Foaled January 20, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Macho Uno {Holy Bull Dearest One Primal Force (2011) { Dearest Trickski {Proudest Romeo Trickski By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam DEAREST ONE, by Macho Uno. Winner at 3, $11,125. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 winners– POWELL (g. by Munnings). 3 wins to 5, 2021, $191,456, Ontario Jockey Club S., 2nd Woodstock S. [L], 3rd Frontier Utilities Turf Sprint S., (HOU, $10,175), Tom Ridge S., (PID, $10,000). Wolf Red Asquifar (c. by Jersey Town). 4 wins to 3, 2020, ($9,974 USA), in Mexico. 2nd dam DEAREST TRICKSKI, by Proudest Romeo. 11 wins in 19 starts at 3 and 4, $660,508, La Brea S. [G1] (SA, $150,000), A Gleam H. [G2] (HOL, $90,000), Rancho Bernardo H. [G3]-NTR, 6 1/2f in 1:15.17 (DMR, $120,000), Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint S. [R] (SA, $165,000). Set NTR at Hollywood Park, 6 1/2f in 1:14.56. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– My Awesome Mom (f. by Awesome Again). 2 wins to 4, $67,100, 3rd Margate S. [NR]. Ritzy Rose (f. by Hat Trick [JPN]). Winner to 3, $49,518. 3rd dam Trickski, by Peteski. Winner at 3, $37,170, 3rd Dixie Miss S., (LAD, $4,000). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– DEAREST TRICKSKI (Proudest Romeo). Stakes winner, above. Gray Sky (Tapit). 4 wins to 7, 2020, $410,838, 2nd Matt Winn S., [G3] (CD, $19,800). Faster Than Flash (Proudest Romeo). 10 wins to 8, $118,823. Rock Star Status (Street Cry [IRE]). 7 wins to 6, $101,641. Our Love Tap (Tapit). Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of– Destiny Awaits. 3 wins to 6, 2021, $104,931. Team Effort. 3 wins to 5, 2021, $83,616. 4th dam EXPLOSIVE TRICK, by Phone Trick. 3 wins at 3, $28,568. Half sister to BEAUTY'S SAKE), Explosive Ridge ($220,878). Dam of 15 foals to race, 14 winners– TRICKY STORM (Summer of Storms). 19 wins to 9, $403,394, Sport of Kings Futurity (LAD, $36,600), Minstrel S., (LAD, $24,000), 3rd John McSorley S., (MTH., $4,800). TRICKY BAND (Dixie Brass). 2 wins to 4, $82,637, Rainbow Miss S. [R] (OP, $34,200). Trickski (Peteski). Stakes placed winner, above. Satellite Phone (Stark Ridge). Winner to 3, $28,050, 2nd Catcharisingstar S., (CRC). Tricky Truth (Proudest Romeo). 8 wins to 5, $124,465. Dam of– Magic and More. 5 wins to 7, $103,415, 3rd Iowa Cradle S. [R] (PRM, $8,738). Tra Kela. 5 wins to 5, $76,921, 2nd MTA Stallion Auction Lassie S. [NR], 3rd Bob Bryant S. [R] (PRM, $6,837). Stage Trick (Fred Astaire). 10 wins to 8, $135,933. Cool as Ever (Many a Wish). 6 wins to 8, $102,624. Miss Conti (Lightnin N Thunder). Unraced. Dam of– AIR ASSAULT. 11 wins to 8, 2020, $152,768, Tishomingo S. [R] (RP, $30,000), 2nd Jim Thorpe S. [R] (RP, $10,000), Oklahoma Stallion [C&G] Division S. [NR]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 73 Concan TB 73 March 30, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Filly Storm Cat Forest Wildcat { Attila's Storm { Victoria Beauty Sweet Symmetry {Magesterial Concan TB Foolish Today Elusive Quality {Gone West Avail Touch of Greatness (2015) { Annis {Texas Glitter Baybrooke By ATTILA'S STORM (2002). 5 wins, $534,983 [G3]. Sire of 195 winners, 25 stakes winners, $14,676,191, including WALTZING ATTILLA SI 88 (11 wins, $487,100, NMSF Fut. [R]), HUSH'S STORM (14 wins, $476,127, Johnie L. Jamison H. [R]), STORMIN THE JEWELS (6 wins, $471,857, Camino Real Fut. [R]), THERMAL (9 wins, $458,332, NM Classic Cup Juv. Colt and Gelding S. [R]), REAPER SI 103 (9 wins, $399,470, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), TILLA CAT ($369,369, NM Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R]), LITTLE VIDALIA. 1st dam AVAIL, by Elusive Quality. 3 wins to 3, $61,130. This is her first foal. 2nd dam ANNIS, by Texas Glitter. Winner at 3, $29,680. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– PROCEED (c. by Desert God). 8 wins to 5, $468,329, Mine That Bird Derby (SUN, $72,000), Sunland Park H.-NTR, 1 1/8 miles in 1:47.37 (SUN, $45,000), New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [C&G] S. [R] (ZIA, $90,900), Red Hedeman Mile S. [R] (SUN, $51,000), New Mexico State University H. [NR], Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [NR], 2nd Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [NR], 3rd Zia Derby (ZIA, $21,489), Land of Enchantment H. [NR]. WORTHINGTON (g. by Western Gambler). 4 wins to 5, $91,671, Minstrel S., (LAD, $30,000), Mark Villa Mem. S. [N], 2nd Ruidoso Downs Thoroughbred Champ. H., (RUI, $11,000), 3rd Ruidoso Thoroughbred Derby (RUI, $5,000), Norgor Thoroughbred Derby [N]. Thibodaux (f. by Early Flyer). 3 wins to 3, $54,856, 2nd Aspen Cup S., (RUI, $11,000), 3rd Texas Stallion S. [R] (LS, $8,250). Dam of– Evacuee. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $175,269, New Mexico State Fair Thoroughbred Futurity [NR], 2nd Red Hedeman Mile S. [NR], Casino at the Downs Thoroughbred Derby [NR], 3rd Steve Prather S. [R] (ZIA, $14,500). Daux. 3 wins to 4, 2020, $71,580. Nesbitt (g. by Curlin). Winner to 4, 2020, $55,791. 3rd dam BAYBROOKE, by Montbrook. 3 wins at 3, $16,564. Dam of 9 foals to race, 9 winners– CINNAMON ROAD (Delaware Township). 11 wins to 5, $271,251, Needles S., (CRC, $43,500), 2nd Lord Juban S., (CRC, $10,000), 3rd Mem. Day H. [G3] (CRC, $9,900), Finallymadeit S., (CRC, $5,500). Abdel's Ghost (Black Mambo). 13 wins to 6, $261,669, 2nd Giant Ryan S., (CRC). Mambo Bay (Black Mambo). 3 wins to 3, $49,970. 4th dam SO EASILY, by Superbity. Unplaced. Half sister to FORESTA, WISING UP ($347,358). Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– LUNAR BOUNTY (Migrating Moon). 12 wins to 6, $253,380, Bashford Manor S., [G2], Anderson Fowler S., (MTH., $30,000), 2nd Spectacular Bid S. [L] (AP, $15,000). Solo Note (Notebook). 2 wins to 5, $62,375. Pebble Hill (Exuberant). 14 wins to 7, $52,554. Lunar Bay (Montbrook). Winner to 3, $30,050. Dam of– Singing Eagle. 3 wins to 8, $60,346. Haran's Pride (Montbrook). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Rising Icon. 6 wins to 10, $46,222 Set NTR at North Dakota Horse Park, 6f in 1:11.51. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 74 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 74 Foaled January 17, 2020 Storm Bird Storm Cat { Dome { Terlingua She's Tops {Capote Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB She's a Talent Tiznow {Cee's Tizzy Likely Cee's Song (2015) { Positivelycharming {Pulpit Charm a Gendarme By DOME (1998). Sire of 8 stakes winners, $6,950,509, including HIGH ON CAT [QH] SI 98 (Champion, $181,838, AQHA Distance Chlg. Champ. [G1]), THUNDER DOME (11 wins, $677,440, Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), GLORY BE MINE (7 wins, $426,918, NM Classic Champ. Filly S. [R]), Z Z DOME (5 wins, $388,728, NM Cup Classic Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R]), ETOILE DE DOME (4 wins, $329,352, NM Cup Classic Juv. Fillies S. [R]), ON THE LOW DOWN (3 wins, $177,606, Copper Top Fut. [R]), HIGH RIDGE RUNNER ($143,481, Ruidoso Sale Fut. [R]), DUMPSEY JEAN. 1st dam LIKELY, by Tiznow. Placed to 3, $17,299. This is her first foal. 2nd dam POSITIVELYCHARMING, by Pulpit. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $81,679. Dam of 2 foals to race– Conscience (g. by Indian Charlie). 9 wins to 8, $283,431. 3rd dam CHARM A GENDARME, by Batonnier. 5 wins to 3, $224,305, Senorita Breeders' Cup S., [G3], San Jose Breeders' Cup H., (BM, $29,175), Curragh S. [R] (BM, $17,050), 2nd San Carlos S. [L] (BM, $10,000), California Cup Juvenile Fillies S. [R] (SA, $20,000), Lakes and Flowers Breeders' Cup H., (GG, $10,530), Sonoma H. [R] (GG, $8,000), 3rd Luther Burbank H. [L] (SR, $7,500), Shywing H. [R] (SA, $7,500). Sister to CHARMONNIER ($508,590). Out of FAGERS CHARM ($112,705). Dam of 12 foals to race, 11 winners– TOUT CHARMANT (Slewvescent). 9 wins to 6, $1,781,879, Matriarch S., [G1], Del Mar Oaks [G1], San Gorgonio H., [G2] (SA, $90,000), Dahlia H., [G2] (HOL, $60,000), WinStar Galaxy S., [G3], Wilshire H., [G3], Sandy Blue S. [R], 2nd Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf [G1], Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., [G1]. Dam of– DANCING HOUSE. 5 wins to 5, $450,825, Barbara Fritchie S., [G2] (LRL, $180,000), 2nd Interborough S. [L] (AQU, $20,000), 3rd Spinaway S., [G1] (SAR, $30,000), Miss Grillo S., [G3] (BEL, $20,000), Tropical Park Oaks (GP, $6,825). TOO CHARMING. 3 wins to 4, $133,678, Tropical Park Oaks (GP, $42,780), 2nd Open Mind S., (MTH., $12,000). Journeyman. 3 wins to 4, 2020, $122,208, 2nd Canadian Derby [G3]. High Style. Winner to 3, $11,585. Dam of– NEW AND IMPROVED. 2 wins to 5, $168,725, Sands Point S., [G2] (BEL, $110,000). All Star Bub. 3 wins to 4, $186,985, 3rd Adoration S., [G3] (SA, $12,000), Emerald Distaff H., (EMD, $9,750). Charming Toutsie. Unraced. Dam of– I'M MOM'S FAVORITE. 4 wins to 4, $178,373, Miss Preakness S., (PIM, $60,000), 3rd Cicada S. [L] (AQU, $10,000). Charm City Girl. 3 wins to 4, $127,790, 2nd Desert Vixen S., (MTH., $12,000). Toutsie Rules. 2 wins to 3, $94,015, 3rd Charles Town Oaks S., [G3] (CT, $35,000). FOREST GROVE (Forestry). 5 wins to 4, $281,130, Los Angeles Times H., [G3] (HOL, $90,000), Ocean Place Resort S. [L] (MTH., $60,000), Paterson S., (MED, $36,000), 2nd Count Fleet Sprint H., [G3] (OP, $30,000), Daytona H. [L] (SA, $15,720). Sire. Miss Charming (Forestry). Winner to 3, $30,380. Dam of– LETZBEGLAM [AUS]. 2 wins to 3, ($120,446 USA), in Australia, Neds Blue Diamond Prelude [G2]. Snazz 'N' Charm [AUS]. Winner to 3, ($32,367 USA), in Australia, 3rd Winning Edge Presentations Tattersalls Two Year Old S. [L] Court Costs (Cost Conscious). 6 wins to 9, $141,567. Charmant Forest (Forestry). Unraced. Dam of Lord Of The Stars. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 75 Chestnut Colt TB 75 Foaled January 15, 2020 A.P. Indy Bernardini { Marking { Cara Rafaela Seventh Street {Street Cry (IRE) Chestnut Colt TB Holiday Runner Lawyer Ron {Langfuhr Bekat Bekat Donation (2009) { Bastet {Marfa Tammy Jean By MARKING (2012). 2 wins, $310,200, 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Belmont Sprint Champ. S. [G3]; winner at 4 in U.A.E. Half brother to LAKE AVENUE. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of DELBERT TOO (winner, $123,087, Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), MARKED ($65,596, Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), One Mark ($38,538, 2nd Mountain Top NM Bred Fut. [R]), Sassy Gal (2 wins, $27,600, 2nd NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), Marking Time (2 wins, $52,286, 3rd Dine S. [NR]), Proofsinthepuddin (2 wins, $23,624), Speedy Wildcat (winner, $17,415), Slammed 1st dam BEKAT BEKAT, by Lawyer Ron. 2 wins at 3, $54,546. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 to race– The Pacesetter (f. by Mr. Gold Mover). Winner at 2, 2020, $9,912. 2nd dam BASTET, by Marfa. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Smokescreen (c. by Smoke Glacken). 4 wins to 4, $274,330, 2nd Sir Barton S. [L] (PIM, $20,000), 3rd Pennsylvania Derby [G2] (PHA, $75,000), Skip Away S. [L] (MTH). Cut Number (f. by Numerous). 8 wins to 9, $145,405. Dam of– Creative Mist. 5 wins to 6, $113,284. Holy Armenia (g. by Holy Bull). 11 wins to 8, $88,936. Where There's Fire (g. by Smoke Glacken). 3 wins to 5, $62,803. 3rd dam TAMMY JEAN, by Fabulous Bid. 4 wins to 4, $72,600. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– PLATINUM PUNCH (Two Punch). 6 wins to 5, $142,151, Smart Halo S., (PIM, $21,000), Capp It Off S., (LRL, $19,395), Rosenna S., (DEL, $17,820), 2nd Sweet and Sassy S., (DEL, $6,160), 3rd Miss Preakness S. [L] (PIM, $6,001), etc. Dam of– SLEW O' PLATINUM. 2 wins to 4, $70,551, Sun Devil S., (TUP, $27,000), 2nd Arizona Oaks L (TUP, $15,000). Dam of– Gdansk. 8 wins to 6, $174,260. Wandoboyslew. 6 wins to 6, $100,295. Viking Ship (Imperial Falcon). 4 wins to 4, $167,920, 2nd Alabama Derby L (BIR0). Face Turner (Alwuhush). 3 wins to 4, $27,998. Dam of– BAILEY'S CHARM. 2 wins to 4, $87,675, John Franks Mem. Sales S. [R] (EVD, $60,000), 3rd Lafayette S. [L] (EVD, $7,500). Tammy Two (Two Punch). 2 wins to 4, $63,273. Dam of– She Too. 2 wins to 3, $31,799. Dam of– IT'S ME MOM. 11 wins to 5, $560,454, Presque Isle Debutante S. [L] (PID, $60,000), Satin and Lace S. [L] (PID, $60,000), Robert M. O'Malley S. [L] (SUF, $60,000), Inaugural S. [L] (PID, $60,000), Florida Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint S. [R] (GP, $90,000), Hilton Garden Inn Sprint S. [R]-NTR, 6f, etc. Red Lightning. 3 wins to 5, $170,535, 3rd Palos Verdes S., [G2] (SA, $24,000). It's Easy to Say. 3 wins to 9, $115,449. 4th dam FUNNY TAMMY, by Tentam. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– JOE'S TAMMIE (Zoning). 10 wins to 4, $644,564, Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G1], Astoria S. [G3], Iroquois S [LR] (AQU, $52,740), Bouwerie S [LR] (AQU, $52,650), Montauk S [LR] (AQU, $48,780), Ticonderoga H [LR] (AQU, $45,180), East View S [LR] (AQU, $43,980), 2nd Schuylerville S. [G2], etc. Dam of Knock Twice ($118,160), Balisian Beauty ($74,626), Wertaloona; granddam of SILVER KNOCKERS ($249,658 [G2]). ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 76 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 76 Foaled March 23, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Gone West {Mr. Prospector Bonnie Bear Secrettame (2002) { Lure the Bear {Lure Amelia Bearhart By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam BONNIE BEAR, by Gone West. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 5 winners– Blushing Bear (g. by Rahy). 2 wins to 4, $51,253, 3rd Fifth Third Elkhorn S. [G2] (KEE, $20,000). Four Bears (f. by Hennessy). 2 wins to 4, $70,073. Dam of– Princess Palomar (f. by Malibu Moon). 11 wins to 8, 2021, $247,280. Porridge (f. by The Factor). 2 wins to 3, $25,769. Boss Bear (c. by Street Boss). Winner to 3, 2021, $25,655. Bonnie's Empire (f. by Empire Maker). 2 wins to 3, $50,542. Dam of– Mandate (g. by Blame). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $114,315. Paluxy Princess (f. by Ghostzapper). 2 wins to 4, $46,278. Valdina's Will (g. by Stormy Atlantic). Winner to 4, $43,721. 2nd dam LURE THE BEAR, by Lure. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals to race, 3 winners– ACHIEVER'S LEGACY (f. by City Zip). 2 wins to 4, $192,560, Desi Arnaz S. [L] (DMR, $60,000), 3rd Las Virgenes S., [G1] (SA, $36,000), Fantasy S., [G3] (OP, $40,000). Annabird (f. by Flower Alley). 4 wins to 6, $142,757. Dam of– Movie Score. 5 wins to 5, 2021, $150,485, 2nd Belle Gallantey S. [N]. Twice Tempted (f. by Wild Again). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Wayne the Train. 5 wins to 5, $129,356. Holistic. 3 wins to 4, $102,351. Baby Sister. Winner to 4, $52,946. American Bear. 2 wins to 5, $51,051. 3rd dam Amelia Bearhart, by Bold Hour. Winner at 2, $24,211, 3rd Burnsville H. [O]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners– CHIEF BEARHART (Chief's Crown). Horse of the Year in Canada twice, Champion Grass Horse in Canada 3 times, Champion Grass Horse in U.S., Champion Older Horse in Canada, $3,381,557: 12 wins, $3,219,017, in U.S. Breeders' Cup Turf [G1], Canadian International S. [G1], Manhattan H. [G1], King Edward Breeders' Cup H. [G3] , Elkhorn S. [G3], Breeders' S. [R]), Niagara Breeders' Cup H. [L], Sky Classic H. [L], Sky Classic H., L-ECR, 1 3/8 miles in 2:13.40 (WO, $65,100), 2nd Canadian International S. [G1] twice, Stars and Stripes Breeders' Cup Turf H. [G3], etc. Sire. EXPLOSIVE RED (Explodent). 6 wins to 5, $864,931, Hollywood Derby [G1], American Derby [G2], Forerunner S. [G3], Cup and Saucer S. [R]), 2nd Secretariat S. [G1], San Marcos H. [G2], Summer S. [G3], Heresy Breeders' Cup S. [L], Victoria S. [L], Transylvania S. [L] (KEE, $11,085), 3rd Hollywood Turf Cup S. [G1], etc. Sire. RUBY RANSOM (Red Ransom). 2 wins to 3, $60,487, Ontario Colleen H. [R]. Dam of STRUT THE STAGE ($1,568,555 [G2]), SACRED SONG ($167,257 [G3]),granddam of ALDOUS SNOW ($811,602), MULTIDIMENSIONAL (IRE) ($374,551 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Connie Isbell Hip No. 77 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 77 Foaled March 5, 2020 Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Puddie Q. Iron Halo (ARG) {Halo Sunshine Hollywood's Diva Iliad (ARG) (2013) { Hollywood Loop {Gone Hollywood Donnas Loop By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner).

1st dam HOLLYWOOD'S DIVA, by Iron Halo (ARG). Winner at 3, $14,454. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old.

2nd dam HOLLYWOOD LOOP, by Gone Hollywood. 2 wins to 4, $16,302. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Halosoverhollywood (f. by Iron Halo [ARG]). 5 wins to 5, $52,632.

3rd dam DONNAS LOOP, by Smile and Be Happy. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Seanic Loop (Parting the Sea). 2 wins to 6, $50,367. Dam of– Seanic Halo. 4 wins to 6, $60,368. Dam of– W F La Venada. Placed to 4, 2020, $6,306. Seanics Song. 3 wins to 5, $49,530, 3rd Lincoln H. [NR]. W F Wildcat (Grand Champion Cat). Winner to 6, $16,295. Halos Parrot Bay (Iron Halo [ARG]). Winner to 4, $11,866. Spread the Loop (Spreadthealarm). Winner at 4, $9,639. Halo's Iron Loop (Iron Halo [ARG]). Winner to 3, $7,535.

4th dam HEY GOOMBA, by Jaklin Klugman. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $25,023. Dam of 1 foal to race– La Goomba (Devon Lane). Winner to 4, $33,586.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 78 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 78 Foaled January 24, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Ghazi {Polish Navy Silent Emotion Port Damascus (1997) { Coax Classic {Caveat Coaxing By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam SILENT EMOTION, by Ghazi. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $209,993, Pleasant Temper S., (KD, $27,000), 2nd Patricia S. [L] (GP, $15,000). Dam of 13 living foals of racing age, 12 to race, 11 winners– EMOTIONAL KITTEN (f. by Kitten's Joy). 5 wins to 6, $563,761, Mrs. Revere S. [G2] (CD, $115,718), Hilltop S., (PIM, $60,000), 2nd American Oaks [G1] (BHP, $70,000), Santa Ana S. [G2] (SA, $40,000), Gallorette H. [G3] (PIM, $30,000), Mrs. Penny S. [R] (PRX, $20,000), 3rd Del Mar Oaks [G1] (DMR, $36,000), John C. Mabee S. [G2] (DMR, $30,000), Wintergreen S., (TP, $4,650). UNSPOKEN WORD (f. by Catienus). 7 wins to 6, $370,122, Wild Applause S. [L] (BEL, $47,370), Hillsborough H., (BM, $34,300), Likely Exchange S., (TP, $29,450), 2nd La Brea S. [G1] (SA, $50,000), Scoot S. [L] (AQU, $15,700), Weekend Madness S. [R] (SAR, $16,750), Mother's Day H., (BM, $11,000), Marina S., (GG, $10,000), 3rd CERF H. [R] (DMR, $9,593), Tweedside S., (BEL, $6,720), etc. Dam of– Smoke Signals (f. by Street Sense). 3 wins to 5, $99,010, 3rd Buffalo Trace Franklin County S. [G3] (KEE, $10,000). Kid Friendly (g. by Lemon Drop Kid). 2 wins to 5, $42,540. Kate Boss (f. by Liam's Map). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $33,090. Emotional Words (f. by Curlin). Unraced. Dam of– Noble Emotion (g. by Noble Mission [GB]). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $125,952. Silent Joy (f. by Kitten's Joy). Winner to 5, $87,770. Dam of– Night Time (c. by Majesticperfection). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $155,388, 3rd TwinSpires Ellis Park Juvenile S., (ELP, $9,850). Silent Surprise (f. by Cairo Prince). Winner to 5, 2020, $53,770. Ladhiyah (f. by Kitten's Joy). $48,319: 2 wins to 4, ($46,669 USA), in France.S. Silent Fury (c. by Violence). Winner to 3, 2020, $38,940. Keith's Kitten (f. by Kitten's Joy). Winner to 4, $37,381. Dam of– Veloso Raptor (f. by Regal Ransom). 5 wins to 4, $33,739. 2nd dam COAX CLASSIC, by Caveat. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $195,084, Golden Gopher S., (CBY, $17,950), 2nd Red Wing H., (CBY, $5,000), 3rd Admirably H. [L] (SA, $8,250). Dam of 11 winners– SILENT EMOTION (f. by Ghazi). Stakes winner, above. Kera's Kitty Cat (f. by Catienus). 3 wins to 4, $54,700, 3rd Dixie Miss S., (LAD, $5,000). No Deadline (f. by Skywalker). 2 wins to 5, $89,950. Dam of– CANNONBALL. $680,031: 4 wins, $680,031 in U.S., England and Australia, King Cugat S. [L] (BEL, $47,520), Pebo's Guy S. [R] (BEL, $46,350), Commentator S. [R] (SAR, $44,820), 2nd Aegon Turf Sprint S., [G3] (CD, $22,109), Shakertown S., [G3] (KEE, $20,000), 3rd Tropical Park Derby [G3] (CRC, $9,300), Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf [L] (MTH., $100,000), Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint [L] (OSA, $99,000), etc. Highwaytohappiness. Winner to 3, $13,753. Dam of MUSICAL FLAIR ($255,274). Cat On a Tin Roof. Unraced. Dam of SNIPER KITTEN ($293,340). Steve's Lil Girl (f. by Catienus). 3 wins to 4, $62,180. Dam of I THINK SO ($172,562). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent for Bauer Farm Hip No. 79 Dim The Lights TB 79 January 16, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Colt Marquetry Artax { Diabolical { Raging Apalachee Bonnie Byerly {Dayjur Dim The Lights TB Plenty Of Grace Forestry {Storm Cat Iron Butterfly Shared Interest (2004) { Deputy Sue {Silver Deputy Lotareason By DIABOLICAL (2003). 8 wins, $1,467,401 USA in N.A and U.A.E., Alfred G. Vanderbilt H. [G2]. Sire of 125 winners, 13 stakes winners, $9,357,856, including DIABOLICAL DAME (15 wins, $696,480), FAST GATOR (8 wins, $378,065, NM Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R]), LIBERTY LOVER (8 wins, $356,917, NM Classic Cup Juv. for C&G S. [R]), THAT'S THE IDEA (5 wins, $291,275, Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), MY BOANERGES (6 wins, $228,670, Chamberlain Bridge S.), MAYS OR MANTLE SI 91 (8 wins, $224,571, Road Runner H. [R]), MY MIRAGE (4 wins, $180,049). 1st dam IRON BUTTERFLY, by Forestry. 5 wins to 5, $175,261. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– MY MIRAGE (c. by Diabolical). 4 wins to 3, $180,049, New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $84,000), Casino at the Downs Thoroughbred Derby [NR], 2nd Copper Top Futurity [R] (SUN, $25,117). 2nd dam DEPUTY SUE, by Silver Deputy. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $231,226, Delta Colleen H., Sun H., Brighouse Belles H., Senate Appointee H., Sun H., Fall Fashion S., (HST, $15,700), 2nd British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks L (HST, $35,000), North Vancouver S., (HST, $7,000), 3rd Belle Roberts H. [R] (EMD, $9,000), Senorita H., (HST, $4,862), Brighouse Belles H., (HST, $3,300). Dam of 5 foals to race, 5 winners– Thisizsparta (f. by Corinthian). 3 wins to 4, $149,660. Dam of– Anonymously. 3 wins to 5, 2021, $145,344. Exact. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $62,720. Twillerbee (f. by First Samurai). 4 wins to 6, $125,208. Money Helps (f. by Coronado's Quest). Winner to 4, $61,030. Dam of– Government Bailout. 15 wins to 8, $127,266. 3rd dam LOTAREASON, by Hail to Reason. Winner at 3, $41,500. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners– GOURAMI (King's Bishop). 11 wins to 8, $380,998, Cornhusker H., [G2], Board of Governors' H., [G3], Nebraska Racing Hall of Fame S., (AKS, $19,320), Thunder Puddles S., O, Yule Tide S. [R], New Year S. [R], 3rd Chati S., O, King's S., (AKS, $2,425), 4th Lamplighter H., [G2]. Sire. DEPUTY SUE (Silver Deputy). Stakes winner, above. Gift to the World (His Majesty). 4 wins to 5, $151,704. Dam of– UNCLE DENNY. 4 wins to 4, $291,981, El Camino Real Derby [G3] (BM, $110,000), California Breeders' Champion S. [R] (SA, $83,175), 3rd Crystal Water H. [R]. Sire. Infinite Faith. 6 wins to 7, $262,255, 2nd Phil D. Shepherd S., (FPX, $8,500). Gift's in Excess. Winner to 4, $27,337. Dam of– SOFIA'S GIFT. 3 wins to 4, $114,251, New Mexico Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $58,000), 3rd Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR]. Deherewego. 3 wins to 4, $46,867. Dam of– O Seraphina. 2 wins to 4, 2021, $120,379, 2nd Martha Washington S. [L] (OP). Gift of Gab. Placed to 4, $13,785. Dam of– LIMOUSINE LIBERAL. 9 wins to 7, $1,815,261, Churchill Downs S., [G2] (CD, $282,100), Churchill Downs S., [G2] (CD, $297,600), Belmont Sprint Champ. S., [G2] (BEL, $192,000), Aristides S., [G3] (CD, $61,380), Bet on Sunshine S., (CD, $50,974), Kelly's Landing Overnight S., (CD, $42,187), 2nd NYRA.com King's Bishop S., [G1] (SAR, $100,000), Smile Sprint S., [G2] (GP, $49,000), Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S., [G2] (KEE, $50,000), Gallant Bob S., [G3] etc. Ionian Bride (Icecapade). 5 wins to 5, $151,576. Dam of PHIL THE GRIP ($451,587 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 80 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 80 Foaled February 28, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Carson City {Mr. Prospector Get Going Bertie Blushing Promise (2005) { Alltheway Bertie {Alwuhush Inkblot By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam GET GOING BERTIE, by Carson City. Placed at 3, $6,480. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners– EFFORTING (f. by Into Mischief). 3 wins to 4, $154,600, Acadiana S. [R] (EVD, $30,000), 2nd Louisiana Legends Soiree S. [R] (EVD, $20,000), Louisiana Legends Mademoiselle S. [R] (EVD, $13,500). Solid Red (g. by Greeley's Galaxy). 2 wins to 4, $52,350. The Birdman (g. by Warrior's Reward). 3 wins to 6, $45,160. 2nd dam ALLTHEWAY BERTIE, by Alwuhush. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $233,065, Palatine Breeders' Cup S. [L] (AP, $32,730), Chicago Debutante S. [L] (AP, $34,410), Cleveland Oaks (TDN, $24,000), Miss Oceana S., (AP, $19,440), Spring Bonnet S., (RD, $18,000), 2nd Quick Reward Breeders' Cup S. [L] (HAW, $8,350), Indiana Oaks (HOO, $8,160), Rambling Rose S., (RD, $6,000), 3rd Arlington-Washington Lassie S., [G2], etc. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– THUNDER BERTIE (f. by Thunder Gulch). 2 wins to 3, $122,950, Arlington- Washington Lassie S., [G3], 2nd Cadillacing S. [L] (GP, $10,640), 3rd Forward Gal S., [G3], Three Ring S. [L] (CRC, $11,000). Dam of– BALLAD OF BERTIE. 6 wins to 5, $198,994, Golden Sylvia H. [L] (MNR, $45,000). Cya Later Bert. 10 wins to 10, $248,289. Tsunami Bertie. 2 wins to 4, $81,203. Pic Three Bertie. 2 wins to 4, $23,963. Dam of– Earnednevergiven. 6 wins to 6, 2021, $112,427. Al Rhythm. 6 wins to 7, 2021, $79,713. Moonshine Bertie. Placed to 4, $14,543. Dam of– War Bridle. 5 wins to 4, 2020, $93,520. Set NTR at Belterra Park, 4 1/2f in 0:53.20. Chef Bertie. Unraced. Dam of– FIRST U MAKE AROUX. 2 wins at 2, $38,100, Louisiana Cup Juvenile Fillies S. [R] (LAD, $30,000). Cheers to Berti. 13 wins to 8, 2021, $216,610, 2nd Louisiana Cup Sprint S. [R] (LAD). Grillin. 4 wins to 5, 2021, $71,794, 3rd LA Bred Premier Bon Temps Starter S. [NR]. Broadway Bertie (f. by Pleasantly Perfect). 4 wins to 4, $63,146. Forever Bertie (f. by Thunder Gulch). 2 wins to 3, $52,960. Dam of– Doxology. 3 wins to 4, $104,598. Nicholson. 3 wins to 6, $94,114. Boom Boom Bertie (f. by Thunder Gulch). Unraced. Dam of– Shabang Baby. 4 wins to 4, $129,624, 2nd Saylorville S. [L] (PRM, $19,700). Henry Mac. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $84,310, 2nd Best of Ohio Green Carpet S. [R] (BTP, $20,000), 3rd Daryl E. Parker Mem. Tall Stack S. [R] (BTP, $7,500). Boom Boom Gone. 7 wins to 5, 2021, $116,813. Devilish Berti. 5 wins to 5, $87,915. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch Hip No. 81 Bay Filly TB 81 Foaled April 24, 2020 Fappiano Desert God { Proceed { Blush With Pride Annis {Texas Glitter Bay Filly TB Baybrooke Devon Lane {Storm Cat Vipervapor ToThe Hunt (2001) { Viperous {Raise A Man Aveshur By PROCEED (2011). 8 wins in 11 starts, $468,329, Mine That Bird Derby, Sunland Park H.-NTR, NM Classic Cup Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R], Red Hedeman Mile S. [R], NM State Univ. H. [NR], Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [NR], 2nd Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [NR]. Half brother to WORTHINGTON. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of Desert God; sire of 25 stakes winners, including PEPPERS PRIDE ($1,066,085), OUR CHOICE ($702,246), ROSE'S DESERT ($626,035). 1st dam VIPERVAPOR, by Devon Lane. 2 wins at 2, $83,448, Rio Grande Senorita Futurity [R], 3rd La Senora H. [R], Aztec Oaks [R], Chief Narbona S. [R]. Dam of 7 named foals of racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners– DIABOLICAL DAME (f. by Diabolical). 15 wins to 5, $696,480, Bold Ego H., New Mexico Classic Cup Oaks Champ. S. [R], Bank of Albuquerque S. [R], New Mexico Classic Cup Distaff Sprint Champ. S., NR twice, Carlos Salazar S. [NR], Casino at the Downs H. [NR], Lincoln H., NR twice, Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR], 2nd Bold Ego H., Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R], Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R], Copper Top Futurity [R], La Coneja S. [NR], etc. Hottothetouch (f. by Southwestern Heat). 6 wins to 5, $64,992. Wild Hurricane (g. by Southwestern Heat). 4 wins to 4, $43,691. 2nd dam VIPEROUS, by Raise a Man. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $123,310. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners– VIPERVAPOR (f. by Devon Lane). Stakes winner, above. Cornell (g. by Hadif). 5 wins to 4, $32,902. 3rd dam AVESHUR, by New Policy. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $33,555. Sister to SHARM A SHEIKH. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– Duke of Wakefield (Fluorescent Light). 8 wins to 9, $69,075. Hatchet Fer Shur (Hatchet Man). 14 wins to 6, $63,207. 4th dam APRIL DAWN, by Gallant Man. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $115,533, Santa Barbara H., Honeymoon S., Hollywood Ladies H., 2nd Matron H., Ramona H., Golden Poppy H., 3rd Milady H., Del Mar Oaks. Half sister to HIGHEST TRUMP (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in Ireland), HURRY UP DEAR ($30,770). Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– SHARM A SHEIKH (New Policy). 2 wins to 4, $49,127, CTBA Sales S., 2nd Arlington- Washington Lassie S. [G3], 3rd Pasadena S. Dam of– VINNIE THE VIPER. 12 wins to 6, $516,821, Sport Page H., [G3], Sporting Plate H. [L], Paumonok H. [L], Gravesend H. [L], Promised Land H., Patriots Day H., Pine Echo S., 2nd Philadelphia Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L], Paumonok H. [L], Sporting Plate H. [L], Maxwell G H. [L], Rise Jim S., Delaware Valley H., William 'Bunny' Almy, Jr. H., 3rd Toboggan H., [G3] twice, etc. Sire. PROFIT KEY. 8 wins to 5, $462,065, Peter Pan S., [G2], Dwyer S., [G2], Ben Ali S., [G3], Debonair S. [L], Pioneer S. [L], 2nd General George S., [G2], Withers S., [G2], 3rd Tri-State Breeders' Cup H. Sire. Policy Issue. 2 wins to 3, $42,460. Dam of– Golden Policy. 7 wins to 7, $100,374. Charm Power. Unraced. Dam of– From Venus. 5 wins to 4, $69,344, 2nd John and Kitty Fletcher Mem. S. [R]. California Power. 6 wins to 7, $119,477. ENGAGEMENTS: The Lineage. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Steven R. Brown Hip No. 82 Chestnut Colt TB 82 Foaled April 30, 2020 A.P. Indy Pulpit { Abstraction { Preach Andujar {Quiet American Chestnut Colt TB Nureyev's Best D'wildcat {Forest Wildcat Katy's Kitten D'Enough (2009) { Hadif Runner {Hadif Caramel Cookie By ABSTRACTION (2010). 2 wins, $86,945, Federico Tesio S., 3rd Matt Winn S. [G3]. Half brother to MARION RAVENWOOD. Sire of 58 starters, 36 winners, $1,870,272, including HUSTLE UP (10 wins, $536,143, Mine That Bird Derby), Evacuee (2 wins, $175,269, NMSF Fut. [NR]), Amor N Pasion (3 wins, $87,954, 2nd NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. [R]), Comic Hot Rod (2 wins, $87,700, 2nd Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), Sarge (2 wins, $51,922, Steve Prather S., NR), Quite Peace (2 wins, $125,026), Daux (3 wins, $71,580).

1st dam KATY'S KITTEN, by D'wildcat. 5 wins to 3, $67,248. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race– C D Stryker (g. by Indian Firewater). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $24,808. Star Abstraction (g. by Abstraction). Placed to 3.

2nd dam HADIF RUNNER, by Hadif. Winner at 2, $21,850. Dam of 1 foal to race, above--

3rd dam CARAMEL COOKIE, by Flip Sal. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $59,247. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Princess Sarita (Squan Lake). 6 wins to 7, $87,831. Caramel Prospector (Prospectors Gamble). 2 wins to 6, $16,880. Mary T. (Deuces Are Loose). Winner to 3, $11,708.

4th dam CARAMEL CUSTARD, by Accipiter. Unraced. Sister to Pretty Exciting, half-sister to SILVER COMET ($520,492), STRAWBERRY REASON ($153,226), Torso ($115,637). Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– (PAN) (Proud Truth). Champion Older Mare in Panama, 2 wins at 3, ($11,545 USA), in Panama, 2nd Clasico Felipe E. Motta [G2], 3rd Clasico Tomas Gabriel Duque y Tomas Gabriel Altamirano Duque [G2]. Caramel Flip (Flip Sal). 6 wins to 4, $42,072. Dam of– Lake Charles Miss. 3 wins to 4, $23,478. Custard Flip (Flip Sal). Winner at 2, $8,618. Awesome Lass (Melyno [IRE]). 3 wins to 4, $7,184. Oto No Custard (Jun Lee). Winner to 7, $3,374. Pauly Duster (Dust Commander). Winner to 4. Llamarada (PAN) (Pumpkin Moonshine). Unraced. Dam of– Rabo Magico (f. by Rock Hill). Placed to 3, ($14,958 USA), in Panama, 2nd Clasico Louis, Rosita Martinez y Alejandro Posse [G2], 3rd Clasico Temistocles Diaz Q. [G2], Clasico Tomas Gabriel Duque y Tomas Altamirano Duque [G2]. Down The Line (c. by Rock Hill). Placed to 3, ($6,660 USA), in Panama, 2nd Clasico Francisco "Pancho" Rodriguez [G3], Clasico Navidad [G2]. El Mogollon (c. by Rock Hill). Winner at 3.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 83 Bay Filly TB 83 Foaled January 21, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Bay Filly TB Hot Lear Officer {Bertrando Officer's Mate St. Helens Shadow (2009) { Bishop's Mate {Lyphard Possible Mate By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam OFFICER'S MATE, by Officer. Winner at 3, $9,793, $1,206. Dam of 3 named foals of racing age, 2 to race– Dominating (f. by Dome). Winner to 3, $11,591. 2nd dam BISHOP'S MATE, by Lyphard. Winner at 3, $33,870. Sister to FAIRY GARDEN. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners– STRIKE IT UP (f. by Smart Strike). 5 wins to 4, $201,485, Susan's Girl S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), Wide Country S. [L] (LRL, $32,550), 2nd Go for Wand S. [L] (DEL, $15,000), 3rd Kattegat's Pride S. [L] (LRL, $8,250), etc. Dam of– EUPHONY. 9 wins to 5, $589,636, Arlington Matron H., [G3] (AP, $86,400), Iowa Distaff S. [L] (PRM, $75,000), Bayakoa S. [L] (OP, $60,000), Instant Racing S. [L] (OP, $45,000), Prairie Meadows Oaks L (PRM, $45,000), Remington Oaks L (RP, $45,000), Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks (LAD, $31,000), 2nd Azeri S., [G3] (OP, $30,000), Lady Canterbury S. [L] (CBY, $20,000), 3rd Arlington Matron S., [G3], etc. STRIKE AGAIN. 5 wins to 5, $210,553, Tap The Admiral S., (SAR, $45,090), Buddy Diliberto Mem. H., (FG, $36,000), 3rd Remington Green S. [L] (RP, $16,500). Sire. Tequila Joe. 5 wins to 7, 2020, $248,967, 2nd Lure S. [R] (DMR, $15,740), 3rd American Derby [G3] (AP, $12,925). Moon Music. Placed to 3, $6,321. Dam of– UNCLE BRENNIE. 3 wins to 3, $118,469, S. [L] (LAD, $45,000), 3rd Street Sense S., (CD, $8,085). Sense of Art (f. by Unbridled's Song). 2 wins to 4, ($181,228 USA), in Japan. Dam of– ACANTHUS [JPN]. 4 wins to 6, ($1,342,547 USA), in Japan, Ireland Trophy [L], Sweetpea S [LR], 3rd Fukushima Himba S., [G3]. Dam of– Byzantine [JPN]. Winner to 3, ($70,113 USA), in Japan. Curren Che Carina [JPN]. 5 wins to 6, ($676,433 USA), in Japan. Unbridled Mate (c. by Unbridled's Song). 6 wins to 5, $107,229. Sire. Pleasant Mate (f. by Pleasant Tap). Winner to 4, $20,130. Dam of– Jack N John. 15 wins to 11, 2021, $169,258. Dew Drop Kid. 6 wins to 9, $104,064. 3rd dam POSSIBLE MATE, by King's Bishop. 14 wins to 5, $675,999, Sheepshead Bay H., [G2], New York H., [G2], Boiling Springs H. [G3], Violet H., [G3], Royal Heroine S. [L]-ECR, Mutual Savings Life Ladies H. [L] (FG, $79,200), Beaugay H. [L], Buckram Oak Farm S., (GP, $25,128), Nijana S., Q at Aqueduct, 2nd Diana H., [G2], Beaugay H., [G3], Caltha S. [L], Moon Maiden S. [L], 3rd Matriarch Inv. S., [G1], Gamely H., [G1]. Dam of 8 winners– FAIRY GARDEN (Lyphard). $554,195: winner at 3, ($46,400 USA), in France; 9 wins to 6, $507,795, in U.S., Orchid H., [G2], Matchmaker S., [G2], Seneca H., [G3], Athenia H., [G3], Waya S., L-NCR, 1 3/8 miles in 2:13.35 (SAR, $33,240), etc. A. O. L HAYES (A.P. Indy). 6 wins to 5, $263,163, Prismatical S. [L] (MED, $60,000), 2nd Summit S., (MED, $9,000), 3rd Rare Treat H., [G3] (AQU, $11,946). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 84 W F Prima Donna TB 84 January 30, 2020 Chestnut Filly Montbrook Thunderello { Monterey Jazz { On the Square Reefside {Dynaformer W F Prima Donna TB Puddie Q. Gone Hollywood {Gone West Hollywood Loop Existentialist (2006) { Donnas Loop {Smile and Be Happy Hey Goomba By MONTEREY JAZZ (2004). 9 wins, $760,841, Strub S. [G2], American H. [G2], Texas Mile S. [G3], Sir Beaufort S. [G3], 2nd San Francisco Mile S. [G2]. Sire of ANCIENT LAND (5 wins, $191,066, Steve Prather S. [R]), Fastinating Allie (5 wins, $77,381), Princess Jazz (3 wins, $56,165), Monterey Secret (3 wins, $45,325), Jazzinia (winner, $38,477), Sandia's Beat (4 wins, $35,209, 3rd Ruidoso NM Bred Claiming S. [NR]), Montecrypto Jazz (2 wins, $30,276), Jazz Town (2 wins, $29,508), All Your Jazz SI 82 (winner, $27,744), Jazzonfriday (winner).

1st dam HOLLYWOOD LOOP, by Gone Hollywood. 2 wins to 4, $16,302. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners– Halosoverhollywood (f. by Iron Halo (ARG). 5 wins to 5, $52,632. Hollywood's Diva (f. by Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 4, $14,454.

2nd dam DONNAS LOOP, by Smile and Be Happy. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Seanic Loop (f. by Parting the Sea). 2 wins to 6, $50,367. Dam of– Seanic Halo. 4 wins to 6, $60,368. Seanics Song. 3 wins to 5, $49,530, 3rd Lincoln H. [NR]. W F Wildcat (g. by Grand Champion Cat). Winner to 6, $16,295. Halos Parrot Bay (f. by Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 4, $11,866. Spread the Loop (f. by Spreadthealarm). Winner at 4, $9,639. Halo's Iron Loop (g. by Iron Halo (ARG). Winner to 3, $7,535.

3rd dam HEY GOOMBA, by Jaklin Klugman. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $25,023. Dam of 1 foal to race– La Goomba (Devon Lane). Winner to 4, $33,586.

4th dam RUBIES MILDRED, by Forceten. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Oscar Oscar Oscar (Jaklin Klugman). 3 wins to 5, $52,490. Rubbin Lbows (L. B. Jaklin). 3 wins to 5, $11,190. Swingin' Sovereign (Jaklin Klugman). Winner to 3.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms Hip No. 85 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 85 Foaled January 20, 2020 Unbridled Unbridled's Song { Right Rigger { Trolley Song Stormy Pick {Storm Creek Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Program Pick Great Gladiator {Timeless Moment Great Aviator Ansellia (1998) { Winter's Realm {Key to the Kingdom Winter Memory By RIGHT RIGGER (2006). Sire of 18 starters, 13 winners, $1,459,431, including RIG TIME (9 wins, $407,154, Road Runner H. [R]), TEN PENNY CENTS (5 wins, $275,348, NM Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R]), TEA LIGHT (6 wins, $220,617, La Coneja S. [R]), DUST ALERT (4 wins, $165,874, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Dancinstardustlady ($45,065, 2nd Copper Top Fut. [R]), Smashed (5 wins, $69,564), Whitrock SI 81 (6 wins, $65,695, Ruidoso Sprint Claiming S. [N]), Izeright (2 wins, $49,397, Dine S. [NR]), Pink Power (3 wins, $43,225), Creekwater Punch. 1st dam GREAT AVIATOR, by Great Gladiator. Winner at 3, $9,651, $152. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 5 winners– SHEMOVES (f. by Ghostly Moves). 7 wins to 7, $243,279, winner at 4, $5,956, La Coneja S. [R] (SUN, $72,000), 2nd La Coneja S. [R] (SUN, $23,100), 3rd Lincoln H. [R] (RUI, $5,000). Dam of– Gunners One (g. by Diabolical). 6 wins to 5, $178,445, O.D. McDonald H. [NR], 2nd Jack Cole S. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [NR]. She Can Roll (f. by Roll Hennessy Roll). 2 wins to 6, 2020, $42,526. Gotta Move (g. by Ghostly Moves). 4 wins to 9, $202,395, 2nd Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $18,700), 3rd Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $8,500). Set NTR at Albuquerque, 7f in 1:20.93. Dancing Ghost SI 95 (g. by Ghostly Moves). $108,471: 4 wins to 6, $56,046 in thoroughbred races, 2 wins at 4, $52,425 in quarter horse races. Macho Moves (g. by Ghostly Moves). 6 wins to 8, $65,280. 2nd dam WINTER'S REALM, by Key to the Kingdom. Winner at 3, $28,700. Dam of 9 foals to race, 5 winners– Collosseum Cat (c. by Great Gladiator). 6 wins to 6, $104,660. Roman Reflection (g. by Great Gladiator). 4 wins to 6, $78,282. Concert Attack (g. by Bold Ruckus). 6 wins to 5, $44,770. Port Pressy (g. by Geiger Counter). 4 wins to 5, $41,504. 3rd dam WINTER MEMORY, by . Winner at 2, $4,655. Half sister to Man In The Moon ($43,961). Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– HALF ICED (Hatchet Man). $639,608: 6 wins to 4, $307,294, in U.S., Secretariat S. [G2], Seneca H. [G3], Knickerbocker H. [G3], 2nd W. [L]McKnight H. [G2], 3rd Manhattan H. [G2]; winner in 2 starts at 3, ($332,314 USA), in Japan, [G1]. Sire. Memory's Best (Best Turn). 5 wins to 4, $122,560. Dam of– Be a Memory. 4 wins to 5, $23,706. Dam of– EASTERN MEMORY. 3 wins to 4, $55,595, South Mississippi Owners and Breeders S. [R] (FG, $21,000). Memories by Night. 3 wins to 5, $41,230. Meet the Best. 3 wins to 5, $52,620. Dam of– Artistic Awareness. 8 wins to 9, $168,715, 3rd New York Stallion Great White Way S. [R] (AQU, $8,500). Brians Move. 6 wins to 4, $89,255. Winter Lodge (Bates Motel). 3 wins to 4, $52,850. Myakka (Hatchet Man). Unraced. Dam of– Cheerssky. 3 wins to 5, ($346,430 USA), in Japan. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Greg Green, Agent Hip No. 86 Smartsrealgood TB 86 April 15, 2020 Bay Colt Northern Afleet Afleet Alex { Sway Away { Maggy Hawk Seattle Shimmer {Seattle Slew Smartsrealgood TB Golden Gale Montbrook {Buckaroo Poised by Design Secret Papers (2005) { Poised to Pounce {Smarten Lady Lyndy By SWAY AWAY (2008). 2 wins, $206,800, 2nd San Carlos S. [G2], Best Pal S. [G2], San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire of 20 starters, 13 winners, including Whenbetterthannow (8 wins, $70,198), Windribbon (3 wins, $59,650), Chay Up and Away (4 wins, $58,386), Bottle Shock (3 wins, $47,654), July Moon (5 wins, $33,913), Swaybelle (4 wins, $31,655), Spun Away (2 wins, $29,970), Sway Road (3 wins, $19,342), Bigger Than You (4 wins, $16,142), Sussums Girl (winner, $14,700), Sudden Niche (winner, $10,200), Time for the Bus. 1st dam POISED BY DESIGN, by Montbrook. Winner at 3, $24,920. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners– Waylay (g. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 5, 2021, $57,158. Poised by Who (f. by Indian Firewater). Winner to 5, $10,100. Maggie Mae Who (f. by Le Grande Danseur). Winner to 4, $8,690. Escapabull (f. by King Bull). Winner to 4, 2021, $5,014. 2nd dam POISED TO POUNCE, by Smarten. 3 wins to 4, $62,420. Half sister to SMART 'N QUICK ($711,804; dam of Quick Punch, $440,469), So Brash ($175,602), Rare Flight ($108,767), Fly So High ($104,150; granddam of It's Time To Smile, $192,673 [G2]), Really Keen (granddam of CONQUEST ENFORCER, Champion Grass Horse in Canada, $551,938; KEEN GIZMO, $385,223; CONQUEST VIVI, $169,046). Dam of 8 foals to race, 8 winners– POSEIDON'S WARRIOR (c. by Speightstown). 7 wins to 4, $701,147, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H., [G1] (SAR, $240,000), East Hanover S. [L] (PEN, $56,200), Monmouth Park NATC Futurity [R] (MTH., $100,380), Le Bagoter S., (PEN, $45,000), New Castle S. [NR], 2nd Gallant Bob S. [L] (PRX, $50,000), Grey Planet S., (BEL, $14,000), 3rd Vosburgh Inv. S., [G1] (BEL, $40,000), Fabulous Strike H. [L] (PEN, $22,020), Valley Forge S. [L] (PRX, $8,420), First State Dash S. [NR]. Sire. PLAY BINGO (g. by Polish Numbers). 7 wins to 7, $455,240, Sussex S. [L] (DEL, $60,000), Maryland Million Classic S. [R] (LRL, $137,500), S. [R] (PIM, $60,000), 3rd R. R. M. Carpenter Jr. Mem. H. [L] (DEL, $11,000). QUICK 'N SMART (f. by Polish Numbers). 6 wins to 4, $156,820, Egret S., (MED, $27,000), Seton Hall University S., (MED, $27,000), 2nd Witches' Brew S., (MED, $8,550), 3rd Walking in Da Sun S. [L] (DEL, $6,479), Jameela S. [R] (LRL, $6,600). Dam of– SMART ENOUGH. 12 wins to 6, $873,317, Highlander S., [G3], Scotts Highlander S., [G3], Turf Monster H., L-NCR, 5f in 0:55.53 (PHA, $120,000), Cherokee Run H. [L] (CD, $69,342), Beau Genius H., (CD, $44,316), Lamplighter S.-CRE, 1 mile in 1:33.75 (MTH., $36,000), Restoration S.-CRE, 5f in 0:55.94 (MTH., $36,000), Wolf Hill S.-CRE, 5.5f in 1:00.81 (MTH., $36,000), Wolf Hill S., (MTH., $36,000), Thomas Edison S.-NCR, 5f in 0:55.52 (MED, $33,000), 2nd Shakertown S., [G3] (KEE, $25,000), Cherokee Run Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CD, $55,110), Woodford S. [L], etc. Rhythmn Master (g. by Two Punch). 10 wins to 6, $279,370, 2nd Northern Dancer S. [R] (LRL, $15,000), DTHA Governors Day S. [NR]. Matrimony (f. by Not For Love). 3 wins to 4, $89,840. Dam of– Life No Parole. 8 wins to 8, $99,625. Popeye's Lady (f. by Forest Wildcat). 3 wins to 3, $71,600. Dam of– Popizar. 10 wins to 7, 2021, $306,575. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 87 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 87 Foaled February 29, 2020 Storm Bird Storm Cat { Dome { Terlingua She's Tops {Capote Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB She's a Talent In Excessive Bull {In Excess (IRE) Alley's Lady She Aint No Bull (2002) { Draconic's B. G. {Draconic Flying B. G. By DOME (1998). Sire of 8 stakes winners, $6,950,509, including HIGH ON CAT [QH] SI 98 (Champion, $181,838, AQHA Distance Chlg. Champ. [G1]), THUNDER DOME (11 wins, $677,440, Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Fut. [R]), GLORY BE MINE (7 wins, $426,918, NM Classic Champ. Filly S. [R]), Z Z DOME (5 wins, $388,728, NM Cup Classic Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R]), ETOILE DE DOME (4 wins, $329,352, NM Cup Classic Juv. Fillies S. [R]), ON THE LOW DOWN (3 wins, $177,606, Copper Top Fut. [R]), HIGH RIDGE RUNNER ($143,481, Ruidoso Sale Fut. [R]), DUMPSEY JEAN. 1st dam Alley's Lady, by In Excessive Bull. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $89,849, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [R] (RUI, $9,900), 3rd New Mexico Racing Commission H. [R] (SUN, $12,500). Dam of 3 named foals of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners– Toast Time (g. by Dome). 4 wins to 5, 2020, $32,371. Comedy King (g. by Laugh Track). Winner to 4, 2020, $20,341. Kabull (g. by Laugh Track). Winner to 4, 2021, $7,704. 2nd dam Draconic's B. G., by Draconic. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $87,521, Las Esperanza Futurity [N], 2nd Willard Kruger H., (ALB, $3,800), 3rd Southwest Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (SFE, $1,735), Southwest Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., (SFE, $2,590), Mem. Day H., (RUI, $1,800), Fair Queen H. [R] (ALB, $1,968). Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– Power CONNECTION (g. by Full Choke). 12 wins to 4, $187,482, George Maloof Futurity [R] (ALB, $45,082), Achievement S. [R] (SFE, $31,354), Ocotillo H. [R] (ALB, $25,140), Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $17,970), Duke City Breeders' Cup H. [N], Gambit S. [N], Jockey Club H. [N], 2nd Diamond Shamrock S. [R] (SUN, $5,797). Alley's Lady (f. by In Excessive Bull). Stakes placed winner, above. Eleo (f. by Full Choke). 5 wins to 4, $39,073, 2nd Dessie Sawyer Futurity [R] (ALB, $12,469), City of Los Cruces H. [N], 3rd Las Senoritas H., (ALB, $2,750). Dam of– Svenska Flicka. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– SANDIA'S FLICKA SI 84. 5 wins to 7, $178,293, Bold Ego H., (SUN, $30,000), U. S., Bank S., (EMD, $22,000), 2nd Bold Ego H., (SUN, $11,715), Lady's Secret S., (ZIA, $9,185), Federal Way H., (EMD, $8,000), finalist in Fine Loom H. [G3], i. Dam of ATTILA'S HURRICANE SI 93 ($139,331 1st Dine S. [R] (SRP). Blueberry Special. Unplaced. Dam of– Sierra Perdida SI 111. 10 wins to 7, $136,807, finalist [R] [G2]. B. G.'s Creation (g. by Dawn of Creation). 3 wins to 4, $15,448, 3rd Road Runner H. [R]. 3rd dam FLYING B. G., by Barachois. 5 wins to 3, $66,175. Dam of 12 foals to race, 11 winners– B. G.'s DRONE SI 99 (Full Choke). 14 wins to 8, $294,470, winner in 2 starts at 8, $3,435, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity (RUI, $67,960), Express H., (ALB, $16,290), Ruidoso Sales Thoroughbred Futurity [NR], 2nd Phoenix Gold Cup S. [G3]. Sire. TALENT CONNECTION (Full Choke). 14 wins to 6, $209,135, GMC Texas Derby L (BND, $43,080), Norgor Futurity [N], Rio Grande Futurity [NR], Norgor Derby [NR], 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Thoroughbred Derby [R] (ALB, $13,275), 3rd Land of Enchantment Speed H. [R] (RUI, $3,480). Set NTR at Bandera Downs, 6f in 1:09.10. SOIREE (Full Choke). 6 wins to 4, $116,537, Kachina S., (RUI, $30,811), Rio Grande Kindergarten Futurity [R] (RUI, $29,739), Carlos Salazar S. [NR], 2nd Dixie Miss S., (LAD, $8,000), 3rd Santa Paula S. [L] (SA, $12,000). Dam of Lauren Lynn ($123,137); granddam of THUNDER DOME ($677,440), ROLL OUT THE BAND ($231,928), RAIDER RED SI 98 ($35,630), IF I HAD A BULL ($89,509), Golden Band ($181,198). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Steven R. Brown Hip No. 88 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 88 Foaled January 30, 2020 A.P. Indy Pulpit { Abstraction { Preach Andujar {Quiet American Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Nureyev's Best Abajo {Robyn Dancer Devons Cat Aerobic Exercise (2011) { Devons Super Lady {Devon Lane Set Values By ABSTRACTION (2010). 2 wins, $86,945, Federico Tesio S., 3rd Matt Winn S. [G3]. Half brother to MARION RAVENWOOD. Sire of 58 starters, 36 winners, $1,870,272, including HUSTLE UP (10 wins, $536,143, Mine That Bird Derby), Evacuee (2 wins, $175,269, NMSF Fut. [NR]), Amor N Pasion (3 wins, $87,954, 2nd NM Classic Cup Juv. Champ. [R]), Comic Hot Rod (2 wins, $87,700, 2nd Rio Grande Senor Fut. [R]), Sarge (2 wins, $51,922, Steve Prather S., NR), Quite Peace (2 wins, $125,026), Daux (3 wins, $71,580). 1st dam DEVONS CAT, by Abajo. Winner at 3, $24,468. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 1 to race– LINE CALL (f. by Chipshot). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $46,302, New Mexico Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $29,700). 2nd dam DEVONS SUPER LADY, by Devon Lane. 3 wins at 3, $12,769. Sister to Values of the Hunt. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners– MR. MOOCH (g. by Tin Can Sailor). 7 wins to 6, 2020, $210,004, Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $30,000), Ruidoso Downs Thoroughbred Champ. H. [NR], Sierra Blanca H. [NR], 2nd Casey Darnell S. [R] (ALB, $14,000), Sierra Blanca H. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $14,000), New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [NR]. Vondale SI 86 (f. by Tin Can Sailor). 2 wins to 5, $26,050. 3rd dam SET VALUES, by Tejano. Winner at 2. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners– Values of the Hunt (Devon Lane). 8 wins to 7, $209,848, 2nd Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $27,773), 3rd Mt. Cristo Rey H. [R] (SUN, $10,000), Casey Darnell H. [R] (ALB, $5,330), Road Runner H. [R] (RUI, $4,670). Devons Set (Devon Lane). 4 wins to 4, $40,606. Rare Set (Rare Brick). Unraced. Dam of– Set Expectations. 3 wins to 3, $59,451, 3rd My Dandy Texas Stallion S. [R] (RET). 4th dam SUPER SET, by Star de Naskra. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $169,497, Dixie Miss S., (LAD, $28,008), Chapel Belle S., (LAD, $19,686), Pontalba S., O, Track Robbery S., (AKS, $10,140), 2nd Davona Dale S., (FG, $7,700), Lorelei S., (LAD, $6,386), 3rd Majorette H. [L] (LAD, $11,224). Half sister to NET EFFECT. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– SET RECORDS (Sauce Boat). 16 wins to 5, $270,709, Ruidoso Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (RUI, $48,510), Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity (RUI, $42,980), Norgor Futurity (RUI, $38,640), Winsham Lad Breeders' Cup H., (SUN, $16,710), 2nd Arapahoe H. [L] (ARP, $20,000), Dixieland S. [L] (OP, $12,000), Remington Sprint Champ. H., (RP, $7,000), etc. Set NTR. UNBRIDLED SET (Unbridled). 5 wins to 4, $81,285, Molly Brown H., (ARP, $16,320), Columbus Day S. [N], Aspen S. [N], 2nd Ruffian S., (ARP, $5,480), Ruidoso Oaks [N], 3rd Columbine H., (ARP, $2,750), Fair Queen H. [N]. Dam of Acute Angle ($78,986), granddam of I PLAY DIRTY ($64,694), Tennis Star ($42,795). SET INSIGHT SI 93 (Phone Trick). 7 wins to 4, $78,056, $642, Ruidoso Futurity (RUI, $37,647), Norgor Derby [N], Free Spirits H. [N], 2nd Saguaro S., (TUP, $5,000). Star Status (Mr. Greeley). Placed at 2, $19,319, 2nd Tres Rios Juvenile S., (SRP, $9,133), Los Ninos S., (RUI, $7,970). Set Stats (High Brite). Winner to 3. Dam of PARKWAY EXPRESS; granddam of Miss Bullette ($112,939). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Yellowrose Farm Hip No. 89 Indian Silver TB 89 April 1, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Gelding In Excess (IRE) Indian Charlie { Awesome Indian { Soviet Sojourn Clear in the West {Gone West Indian Silver TB Danka Silver Season {Silver Ghost Silver Jonesy Rae Rafko (2007) { Annie Jones {Prospector Jones Dam Stand By AWESOME INDIAN (2012). 5 wins, $86,960. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021; sire of 5 starters, 4 winners, including Awesome Storm (winner, $30,530, 2nd Dine S., NR), Indian Gambler (winner, $7,972), Mickeys Gold (winner). Son of stakes winner INDIAN CHARLIE; sire of 83 stakes winners, 8 champions, including INDIAN BLESSING (Champion, $2,995,420 [G1]), FLEET INDIAN (Champion, $1,704,513 [G1]), UNCLE MO (Champion, $1,606,000 [G1]), ROXY GAP (Champion, $952,790 [G2]). 1st dam SILVER JONESY, by Silver Season. 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, $48,438, Dessie and Fern Sawyer Futurity [R] (ALB, $40,338). Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners– Miss Jonesy (f. by Devon Lane). 3 wins to 5, $12,040. Stay Away Jonesy (g. by Awesome Indian). Winner at 2, 2020, $5,900. 2nd dam ANNIE JONES, by Prospector Jones. 2 wins at 3, $11,525. Sister to CATTLEMAN Prospect. Dam of 7 foals to race, 2 winners– SILVER JONESY (f. by Silver Season). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam DAM STAND, by Convincingly. 15 wins to 6, $65,668, What A Summer S. [N]. Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– CATTLEMAN Prospect (Prospector Jones). 15 wins to 10, 3 to 10, $797,187, New Mexico Cup Classic Champ. Sprint S. [R]-ETR, 6f in 1:08.60 (ZIA, $108,600), Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $75,000) twice, Jack Cole H. [R] (SRP, $45,000), E. T. Springer S. [R] (ALB, $36,000), Lineage S. [R] (ALB, $30,000), Ruidoso Independence Day Overnite S. [N], 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $38,940), New Mexico Cup Classic S. [R] (ZIA, $32,384), New Mexico State University H. [R] (SUN, $28,036), Johnie L. Jamison H. [R] (SUN, $26,250), Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [R] (SUN, $21,903), University Of New Mexico H., (ALB). NEGOTIABLAFECTIONS (Prince of Fame). 7 wins to 8, $300,416, New Mexico Classic Cup Peppers Pride Champ. Fillies and Mares S. [R] (ZIA, $108,900), 2nd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R] (SUN, $27,500), New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R] (SUN, $25,000), Sydney Valentini H. [R] (SUN, $21,500), 3rd Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [R] (SRP, $7,500). Miss Silver Mouse (Silver Season). Winner to 4, $34,363. Dam of– Ballinouttacontrol. 9 wins to 7, $204,934, 2nd Lincoln H. [NR], 3rd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R] (SUN, $10,000). Prince Bob. 3 wins to 8, $78,427. Willie Jones (Prospector Jones). Winner to 6, $40,925. 4th dam FRUIT STAND, by Hurry to Market. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $9,446. Set NTR at Marshfield Fair, about 6.5f in 1:25.40. Half sister to FLIRTATION, Polly Go Lightly. Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners– Hand Stand (Master Hand). 28 wins to 12, $113,028, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben Juvenile S. [G3], 3rd Freshman H. Royal Harvest (Native Royalty). Winner to 3, $5,570. Dam of– MORNING TOWN. 5 wins to 4, $66,681, Inkster H., (DET, $16,800), 2nd Lansing S. [R] (DET, $7,920), 3rd Dowling S. [R] (DET, $5,181). Harvest Dawn. 4 wins to 7, $72,763, 2nd Michigan Futurity LR (DET, $17,360), Lansing S. [R] (DET, $7,840), Patrick Wood S. [R] (DET, $7,770), 3rd Little Ones S. [R] (DET). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 90 Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB 90 Foaled March 29, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Colt TB Hot Lear Storm Cat {Storm Bird Lost In The Storm Terlingua (2003) { Lost the Code {Lost Code Smarter By the Day By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam LOST IN THE STORM, by Storm Cat. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals of racing age, 9 to race, 5 winners– Elusive Venice (f. by Elusive Quality). $47,996: 5 wins to 6, ($37,811 USA), in Italy; winner at 5, ($10,185 USA), in France. Da Bears (g. by Tiznow). 3 wins to 4, $45,950. Fire On Ice (c. by Unbridled's Song). Winner to 3, $31,400. Sire. Tempestaire (g. by Unbridled's Song). 3 wins to 4, $21,332. Amazing Storm (f. by Awesome Again). Placed in 2 starts at 4. Dam of– Midnight in Maui (g. by Midnight Lute). 5 wins to 5, 2021, $48,356. Stormy Peg (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus). Unraced. Dam of– Risky Revenge SI 88 (g. by Laugh Track). Winner to 4, 2021, $32,338. 2nd dam LOST THE CODE, by Lost Code. 13 wins to 5, $180,495. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– SQUIRTLE SQUIRT (c. by Marquetry). Champion Sprinter, 8 wins to 4, $1,112,220,Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], King's Bishop S. [G1], Hollywood Juvenile Champ. S. [G3], Haggin S. [L] (HOL, $46,125), Willard [L]Proctor Mem. S. [L] (HOL, $46,260), Barretts Juvenile S. [R] (FPX, $56,375), 2nd Vosburgh S. [G1], Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Inv. H. [G2], Palos Verdes H. [G2] (SA, $30,000), etc. Sire. 3rd dam SMARTER BY THE DAY, by Smarten. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $228,542, Sonoma H., B. K. Yousif S., Tuscarora H., (PHA, $16,080), 2nd Edmonton Distaff H. [L] (NP, $10,000), Ontario Damsel S [LR] (WO, $17,325), Cameo S., (LRL, $6,360), Tinicum H., (PHA, $3,920), 3rd Honey Bee H., [G3], Woodbine Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $17,067), Ballerina S. [L] (EP, $10,245), Whitemarsh H. [L]. Sister to Smartenta. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Smart Alert (Gold Alert). 10 wins to 10, $207,497. Sire. Home by Day (Homebuilder). 14 wins to 9, $184,818. Miss Smarter (Homebuilder). Placed to 3. Dam of– Tantoo. 24 wins to 10, 2 to 10, $304,229, 2nd Sales H. [R]. Smart Grace. 6 wins to 6, $187,254, 2nd Post Deb S., (MTH., $12,350), Cordially S., (DEL, $11,820), Hilltop S., (PIM, $10,000). Zen Buddha. 6 wins to 7, $113,708. Mafia Wife. 15 wins to 7, $100,289. 4th dam TENTAMARA, by Tentam. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $3,120. Dam of 9 foals to race, 5 winners– SMARTER BY THE DAY (Smarten). Stakes winner, above. Jackjon (Caucasus). 5 wins to 5, $101,417, 2nd Canadian S. [L]. Dam of JOHN THE MAGICIAN ($368,57), Ascot Tobie ($116,656), granddam of CHARMING RUCKUS ($294,535), Consolidator Joe ($523,091), Sense Of Reality ($116,995). Smartenta (Smarten). 2 wins to 3, $35,257, in U.S., 3rd Poinsettia S., [G3]. Granddam of SOPHIA'S PRINCE ($676,386), MICHAEL'S BAD BOY ($560,421). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 91 Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB 91 Foaled March 7, 2020 Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Laugh Track { Danzig's Beauty Flaming Heart {Touch Gold Dark Bay or Brown Filly TB Hot Lear Skip Trial {Bailjumper Restraining Order Looks Promising (1999) { Stormy Divorce {Storm Bird Exciting Devorcee By LAUGH TRACK (2009). 4 wins, $598,014, Vigil S. [G3], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Ogden Phoenix S. [G3], 3rd Connaught Cup S. [G2]. Half brother to COMMISSIONER. Sire of 63 starters, 34 winners, $1,092,576, including FRITZIES FLAME (2 wins, $75,245, Rio Grande Senorita Fut. [R]), Go Now Go ($95,473, 2nd Steve Prather S. [R]), Bashful Bob (4 wins, $76,074), Laugharoo (5 wins, $59,323, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR]), Touch Me Ill Dance (4 wins, $55,168), Biscuit Snatcher ($54,365), Datils Native Lady (2 wins, $52,356). Full Of Drive. 1st dam Restraining Order, by Skip Trial. 2 wins to 3, $70,060, 3rd Martha Washington Breeders' Cup S. [L] (LRL, $16,500), Hilltop S., (PIM, $5,500). Dam of 11 foals of racing age, 9 to race, 9 winners– HEY BYRN (g. by Put It Back). 5 wins to 6, $339,793, Holy Bull S., [G3] (GP, $90,000), 2nd Florida Stallion Affirmed S. [R] (CRC, $30,000), 3rd Sumter S., (CRC, $5,500). Conquest Bandido (f. by Into Mischief). 2 wins to 3, $113,587, 3rd Panthers S., (PRM). Gervasio (c. by Put It Back). 3 wins to 4, ($4,040 USA), in Panama, 3rd Clasico Familia Fernandez [G3]. Saint Pete (g. by Put It Back). 5 wins to 4, $147,106. Unlawful Act (g. by Mineshaft). 5 wins to 6, 2021, $104,945. Rosie Red (f. by Exchange Rate). 3 wins to 3, $101,470. Dam of– R U Lucky (c. by Itsmyluckyday). 7 wins to 4, 2021, $168,990. Luckytobeinamerica (g. by Itsmyluckyday). 3 wins to 5, 2021, $97,824. Famous Gent (g. by First Dude). Winner to 3, 2021, $65,820. Yes Siree (c. by Yes It's True). 2 wins to 4, $29,900. Mad Mambo (f. by Black Mambo). 5 wins to 3, $96,320. Wild Party Gal (f. by Wild Event). 4 wins to 5, $66,242, 3rd No Winking S. [N]. Shanghai Skipper (c. by Shanghai Bobby). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $53,461. Loveitorleaveit (f. by Put It Back). Unraced. Dam of– Chilean Brothers (g. by Halo's Image). 3 wins to 6, $54,808. Seeking Fast (g. by Seeking the Dia). 2 wins to 5, $46,113, 3rd T.J. Fackrell S. [N]. 2nd dam STORMY DIVORCE, by Storm Bird. Winner at 4, $12,775. Half sister to ROCKY MARRIAGE ($448,627 [G2]), THE RED ROLLS ($373,766), LEMHI LOVE ($265,723; dam of DANCING IN SILKS, $1,500,401 [G1]; GINS MAJESTY, $210,431 [G3], Love AT Noon, $132,675 [G2]); granddam of SUPER MAJESTY, $166,760 [G3]; TAHOE AFFAIR, $155,155; Lovehi, $189,122), Social Hill (dam of Nob Hill Native, $67,160; granddam of NOB HILL DEELITE, $287,669; EARLY GOER, $231,695; TURBULENCE, $117,389;SHARANDA'S CANDY, $57,627). Dam of 9 foals to race, 9 winners– FALSE PROMISES (g. by Jules). 5 wins to 7, $289,048, Hawthorne Derby [G3] (HAW, $150,000), 2nd Sea O Erin Breeders' Cup Mile H. [L] (AP, $30,000), 3rd Rossi Gold S. TIME TO DIVORCE (f. by Halo's Image). 4 wins to 4, $97,838, La Fiesta H., (ALB, $24,000), 2nd Princess H., (SUN, $11,561), A. C. Kemp H. [N], Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [N], 3rd El Paso Times H., (SUN, $5,420). Legal Separation (g. by Jackpot). 6 wins to 6, $266,318, 2nd On Trust H. [R] (HOL). Restraining Order (f. by Skip Trial). Stakes placed winner, above. Securitized Debt (f. by Skip Trial). 3 wins to 3, $36,390. Dam of– Pay the Debt. 2 wins to 4, $129,725. Dinnr With Nikki C. 5 wins to 5, $110,079. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Warren Franklin Hip No. 92 Hot Halo TB 92 February 7, 2020 Black Colt Halo Halo Sunshine { Iron Halo (Arg) { Storm and Sunshine Iliad (ARG) {Equalize Hot Halo TB Ilustrisima Dome {Storm Cat Hot Tug Tonni She's Tops (2005) { Princess Zahra {Polish Navy Yasmean By IRON HALO (ARG) (1999). Stakes winner in U.S. & Argentina, $139,445, Phoenix Gold Cup H. [L], 2nd Raul Y Raul E. Chevalier [G1], Montevideo [G1], 3rd Joaquin S., de Anchorina [G1], etc. Sire of 20 starters, 12 winners, including Seanic Halo (4 wins, $60,368), Halosoverhollywood (5 wins, $52,632), RTs Gunslinger SI 84 (3 wins, $39,007), W F Diamond Halo (2 wins, $27,958), C F Kool Halo SI 81 (4 wins, $26,177), Hollywood's Diva (winner, $14,454), Halos Parrot Bay (winner, $11,866). 1st dam HOT TUG TONNI, by Dome. Winner at 3, $16,078. Sister to GLORY BE MINE. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners– Tonni Gwen (f. by Silver Wagon). Winner to 3, $23,986. Chromatic Jazz (g. by Monterey Jazz). Winner to 3, 2021, $14,180. 2nd dam PRINCESS ZAHRA, by Polish Navy. 4 wins to 4, $35,510. Dam of 12 foals to race, 7 winners– GLORY BE MINE (f. by Dome). 7 wins to 4, $426,918, New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. Filly S. [R] (ZIA, $90,600), New Mexico Classic Cup Juvenile Fillies S. [R] (ZIA, $89,400), Rio Grande Senorita Futurity [R] (RUI, $62,927), LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $75,000), Permian Basin S., (ZIA, $36,000), 2nd Ruidoso Thoroughbred Sale Futurity [R] (RUI, $31,911), 3rd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R]. Dam of– Blaze to Glory. 6 wins to 5, $103,966, 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $19,892). Gone Shoppin. 3 wins to 4, $77,463, 2nd Sierra Starlet H. [NR], 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $16,172). Midnight Miracle. 8 wins to 5, 2021, $156,360. Be My Angel. 4 wins to 5, $71,006, 2nd C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [NR]. Luck Be Mine. 5 wins to 4, 2021, $76,257. Phone Joan (f. by Phone Trick). 9 wins to 6, $58,221. Dam of– Passing Pfast. 3 wins to 8, $76,652. Apples Hoss (f. by Supremo). 6 wins to 6, $47,505. Dam of– Apple County. 5 wins to 6, 2021, $69,642. Sugar Loaf Gal (f. by Gentlemen (ARG). Unraced. Dam of– Yes Carolyn SI 2. 4 wins to 5, $59,393, $688, 2nd Chippewa Downs Open Fillies & Mares Speed S. [N]. Gentlemens Half. 3 wins to 5, $57,465. 3rd dam YASMEAN, by Raja Baba. Winner at 3, $32,960. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners– Indian Paradise (Mt. Livermore). 8 wins to 4, $129,965. What's all This (Silver Hawk). 4 wins to 6, $77,471. 4th dam JOLI VERT, by Herbager. $239,266: 5 wins at 3 and 4, $105,575, Yerba Buena H., 2nd Santa Ana H., 3rd Santa Gertrudes H., Golden Poppy H., Brentwood S. Half sister to GREY BERET, RAPIDE PIED ($59,859 [G2]), ALLEGED JR, Le Lorrain ($73,832 [G3]), Nancy Chere ($66,950). Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners– Fortunate Pyrite (Fortunate Prospect). 7 wins to 7, $45,691. Power Phrase. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of BYE UNION AVE ($424,642 [G2]), ALLEGED IMPRESSION ($211,263 [G3]), A. P. Block; granddam of Serendipitous ($122,401). Jolie Bold (Bold Forbes). Unraced. Dam of JOLIES APPEAL ($292,298 [G3]), granddam of BOLD WORLD ($376,710 [G3]; dam of BOLD UNION $356,416 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Bryan & Megan Petty Hip No. 93 Moniker TB 93 May 1, 2020 Dark Bay or Brown Colt Forty Niner Distorted Humor { Punctuate { Danzig's Beauty Peppers Pride {Desert God Moniker TB Lady Pepper Gone Hollywood {Gone West Faked Out Existentialist (2003) { Facade {Alleged Shywing By PUNCTUATE (2012). Winner in 1 start at 2. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including Flower N Bloom (winner, $15,700), Speed Seal (winner). Son of stakes winner DISTORTED HUMOR, leading sire; sire of 161 stakes winners, 4 champions, including FUNNY CIDE ($3,529,412 USA, Kentucky Derby [G1], SOME ARE GENT (Champion in Australia, $876,959 USA, Grand National Hurdle), DON DANDY (Champion in Puerto Rico, $413,963 [G1]), HILLABY (Champion in Canada). 1st dam FAKED OUT, by Gone Hollywood. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $8,305. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 8 to race, 7 winners– Forger SI 89 (g. by Attila's Storm). 9 wins to 7, 2020, $379,375, New Mexico Classic Cup Sprint Champ. S. [NR], Dine S. [NR], 2nd Casino at the Downs Thoroughbred Derby [NR], Johnie L. Jamison H. [NR], Casey Darnell S. [NR], 3rd O.D. McDonald H. [NR], Ruidoso Downs Thoroughbred Champ. H. [NR]. Head Fake (f. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 4, 2020, $41,348. Windchaser (g. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 5, $38,559, $112. Fake It (g. by Attila's Storm). Winner to 3, $30,404. Fake This (f. by Favorite Trick). 2 wins to 4, $25,532. 2nd dam FACADE, by Alleged. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3 and 4, $11,251. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Set Designer (g. by Gone Hollywood). 2 wins to 5, $17,320. 3rd dam SHYWING, by Wing Out. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $453,830, Las Cienegas H. [L] (SA, $37,550), Senorita S. [L], Valkyr H [LR], Valkyr H [LR] (HOL, $59,800), Autumn Days H., (SA, $31,075), 2nd La Canada S., [G1], Las Palmas H., [G2], El Encino S., [G3], Miss America H. [L] (GG, $16,200), Impressive Style S [LR], B. Thoughtful H., (SA, $9,600), Sari's Song H. [O], 3rd A Gleam H., [G3], Merry Madeleine H. [L] (GG, $10,830), 4th Honeymoon H., [G3], Las Flores H., [G3]. Half sister to CRESTON ($329,232 [G3]), COMPELLING SOUND ($271,125 [G3]), SEQUOYAH ($96,587). Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– Impulsive (Wild Again). 4 wins to 4, $33,039. Dam of– SUDDEN DEPARTURE. 4 wins to 5, $77,578, King County H., (EMD, $24,750), 2nd Washington State Legislators H., (EMD, $9,000), Boeing H., (EMD, $9,000). Dam of– FIND YOUR SPOT. 5 wins to 3, $103,570, Irish Day H., (EMD, $27,500). Spot On. 7 wins to 6, 2021, $102,277, 3rd WA Cup Sophomore Filly S. [R] (EMD). Suddenly Awesome. 2 wins to 5, $47,850, 3rd WA Cup Sophomore Filly S. [R]. Woodwind (Woodman). Winner to 3, $4,580. Dam of Irish Sky (NZ). Shynzi (Danzig). Unraced. Dam of– MALDIVIAN [NZ]. 9 wins to 7, ($1,935,318 USA), in Australia, Tattersalls W. S., Cox Plate [G1], Sportingbet C. F. Orr S., [G1], Yalumba Caulfield S., [G1], Easter Cup [G3], Kevin Sheedy JRA Cup [L], 2nd Memsie S., [G2], Essendon Mazda Carlyon Stanley Wootton S., [G2], Naturalism S. [L], 3rd J. J. Liston S., [G2] twice. Stray [NZ]. Unraced. Dam of XIONG FENG (NZ) ($379,924), ADRIFT (NZ) ($114,932). Chippewa (Alleged). Unraced. Dam of CHIPPEWAWHITECHIEF ($319,025). Shes Flying (Fappiano). Unraced. Dam of Hang Glide ($210,573), Sky Diver ($150,339); granddam of THERMAL ($458,332), REAPER SI 103 ($399,470), ANOTHER BROTHER ($243,391), FLIGHT SONG ($234,223), Hermano ($100,808). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Norman Allen Hip No. 94 Skiddish Kiz TB 94 January 16, 2020 Chestnut Filly Fappiano Desert God { Proceed { Blush With Pride Annis {Texas Glitter Skiddish Kiz TB Baybrooke Danzig {Northern Dancer Kizka Pas de Nom (2002) { Miss Demure (IRE) {Shy Groom Larosterna By PROCEED (2011). 8 wins in 11 starts, $468,329, Mine That Bird Derby, Sunland Park H.-NTR, NM Classic Cup Champ. Colts & Geldings S. [R], Red Hedeman Mile S. [R], NM State Univ. H. [NR], Albert Dominguez Mem. H. [NR], 2nd Rocky Gulch New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [NR]. Half brother to WORTHINGTON. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of Desert God; sire of 25 stakes winners, including PEPPERS PRIDE ($1,066,085), OUR CHOICE ($702,246), ROSE'S DESERT ($626,035). 1st dam KIZKA, by Danzig. Winner at 2, $44,640. Dam of 10 foals of racing age, 8 to race, 6 winners– Plea Agreement (c. by Successful Appeal). 16 wins to 8, $276,324, Mark Villa Mem. S. [N], Budweiser Special S. [NR], 3rd San Juan County Commissioners H. [L]. Stormonthemountain (g. by Attila's Storm). 3 wins to 4, $60,320. Bye Bye Matty P (g. by Attila's Storm). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2021, $34,920, C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [NR]. 2nd dam MISS DEMURE [IRE], by Shy Groom. $361,222: winner at 2, ($44,302 USA), in England, "The Update" Lowther S., [G2]; ($316,920 USA), in Ireland, 2nd Cartier Million S [LR]. Half sister to Bridal Suite (G3 in Ireland), Kelly's Vintage (Ire) (dam of Draft Of Vintage (Ire), $97,688), North Lady (Ire) (granddam of CHOOKIE ROYALE [GB], $304,859). Dam of 15 foals to race, 9 winners– ROYAL SHYNESS [GB] (f. by Royal Academy). $193,660: winner at 2, ($30,820 USA), in England, 3rd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S., [G1]; 4 wins to 5, $162,840, in U.S., Great Lady M. H. [L], 3rd Safely Kept H. [L]. $193,660. Dam of– Commander Cave. $121,526: 4 wins to 10, ($108,494 USA), in England, 2nd Betdaq.co.uk Hyde S. [L]., ($13,032 USA), in U.A.E. Van Rooney. $69,216: 2 wins at 3, ($21,025 USA), in Ireland; winner at 4 ($5,239 USA), in Bahrain; in England, ($35,200 USA). Question. Unplaced. Dam of– CLEM FANDANGO [FR]. $153,636: 2 wins to 3, ($139,118 USA), in England, Shadwell Stud/E.B.F. Stallions Harry Rosebery S. [L], 2nd Newmarket Academy Godolphin Beacon Project Cornwallis S., [G3], 3rd Queen Mary S., [G2]. Miracle Match [IRE] (c. by Oratorio [IRE]). Winner to 5, ($28,773 USA), in Ireland, 3rd Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Star Appeal S. [L]., 2nd Velka Kvetnova Cena Skanska, 3rd Fortuna Ceske Derby., 2nd Trial S; placed at 3 Missel [GB] (c. by Storm Bird). $19,863: Winner to 6, ($13,259 USA), in England, 3rd Coventry S., [G3]., ($6,604 USA), in U.A.E. Sign Here (f. by Private Terms). Winner to 3, $27,938. Dam of– Birdgirl. 4 wins to 3, $102,632, 2nd Gowell S. Nishino la Mer [JPN]. Winner to 5, ($156,428 USA), in Japan. Nishino Twinkle [JPN]. 2 wins to 5, ($155,707 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Nishino Kodemari [JPN]. 2 wins to 6, 2021, ($298,835 USA), in Japan. Never Catch Me (c. by Storm Bird). 2 wins to 5, ($191,544 USA), in Japan. Fortaleza [IRE] (c. by Siphon (BRZ). 2 wins to 3, ($124,414 USA), in Japan. Sachet (f. by Royal Academy). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of WIRELESS (FR) (Champion Miler in Czech Republic twice, $433,768), WIRE TO WIRE (FR) ($89,358). Reluctant Diva [GB] (f. by Sadler's Wells). Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of AFTER THE BEEP ($80,321; granddam of Hollywood Henry, $260,636), Minnie McGinn ($73,289). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 NOTES 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling and Open Thor ough bred Year ling Sale

Quar ter Horse New Mex ico Bred Year lings

SES SION III Au gust 20, 2021

Hip Num bers 95-135 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent Hip No. 95 One Sweet Love 95 February 1, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Jesse James Jr SI 98 { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Loose Lips SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 One Sweet Love Dondamar TB 6037496 Tempting Dash SI 112 {First Down Dash SI 105 Sugars First Love SI 99 A Tempting Chick SI 99 (2015) { Loves Brown Sugar SI 108 {Prime Talent SI 107 Loves Easter Bunny SI 98 By JESSE JAMES JR SI 98 (2001). 5 wins, $167,275, First Down Dash H. Sire of 423 ROM, 35 stakes winners, $19,922,268, including ASTICA SI 110 (Champion, $411,623, NM Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [RG1]), MAJOR BITES SI 104 (10 wins, $768,398, Zia Champ. [G1]), OSBALDO SI 109 (12 wins, $456,878, Jess Burner Mem. H. [RG1]), PISTOLPACKING PEPSI SI 103 (12 wins, $451,703, Miss Roxie Little Fut. [R]), COLBY JAMES SI 112 (6 wins, $400,495 [RG2]), PRINCESS JESSE SI 97 ($395,665 [RG2]). 1st dam Sugars First Love SI 99, by Tempting Dash. 2 wins to 3, $59,962, 2nd Oklahoma Derby [G3], finalist in TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam LOVES BROWN SUGAR SI 108, by Prime Talent. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $144,065, B.F. Phillips, Jr. H. [R] [G3], Selma S. twice, King William H. twice, TQHA Classic S. [R], Live Oak H. [R], 2nd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Sam Houston Classic H. [G2], TQHA Classic S. [R], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1], Refrigerator H. [G1] twice. Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner– Sugars First Love SI 99 (f. by Tempting Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. 3rd dam LOVES EASTER BUNNY SI 98, by Royal Shake Em. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $23,654. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– LOVES BROWN SUGAR SI 108 (Prime Talent). Stakes winner, above. TEMPTING LOVE SI 103 (Tempting Dash). 5 wins to 5, 2020, $117,750, James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3]. LOVE TA ZOOM SI 101 (Azoom). 5 wins to 7, 2021, $71,777, Governors' Cup Marathon S., 2nd San Marcos H., 3rd Benny Pennington Mem. S., finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3]. EYE AM TUFF SI 94 (Carters Cartel). Winner to 5, 2021, $64,187, TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in TQHA Classic S. [R] [G2]. SWEET EASTER BUNNY SI 103 (Sweet First Down). 4 wins, $24,952, La Villita S. [R]. 4th dam LOVE ZUCCHINI SI 88, by Tunnel of Love TB. Winner at 2. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– LOVE A VICTORY SI 96 (Victory Dash). 4 wins to 3, $23,982, Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3], qualified to TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of– Love Ta Shakem SI 104. 9 wins to 7, $48,071. Lovely Legs. Unraced. Dam of– TEXASINDEPENDENCEGAL SI 111. 7 wins to 3, $191,070, Delta Juvenile Challenge, TQHA Futurity [R], 2nd Heritage Place Derby [G2], 3rd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G3]. MR BAY LEGS SI 110. 5 wins to 4, $37,812, Dash for Cash Juvenile S. Jesslightninglegs SI 100. Winner to 3, 2021, $37,892, 3rd Tomball S. [R], finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G3]. Ottyes Valentine Gal SI 98. 3 wins, $21,991, 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Zipptory SI 103 (Victory Dash). 3 wins to 3, $10,663, 2nd East Juvenile Chlg. Dam of– Eltoreo SI 96. 4 wins to 8, $82,962, finalist in O B Cockerell H. [G3]. Zip This Fly SI 97. 3 wins to 6, $51,171, finalist in New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3]. Ziplock Chick. Unraced. Dam of CLASIC CHIC SI 103 ($61,730), SAMBASCO CHIC SI 102 ($58,446), Silver Perry ($48,873). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 96 Mr Cinch 96 April 4, 2020 Sorrel Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Mr Cinch In The Curl TB 6060552 Stoli SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105 Prada N Jeans SI 90 Strawberry Silk SI 105 (2006) { Chicks Love Diamonds {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Denim N Diamonds SI 105 By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam PRADA N JEANS SI 90, by Stoli. Placed at 2. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– Igotmybiggirljeanson SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $77,361, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Pradict a Storm SI 101 (f. by Attila's Storm TB). 3 wins to 8, $31,712. Cartier N Capris SI 81 (f. by Attila's Storm TB). Winner to 3, $9,742, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– Noreason Fordiamonds SI 85 (g. by Rances Reason). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $28,929. 2nd dam CHICKS LOVE DIAMONDS, by Chicks Beduino. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Love Stoli SI 88 (g. by Stoli). 2 wins to 4, $15,255. 3rd dam DENIM N DIAMONDS SI 105, by Timeto Thinkrich. Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Mare twice, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 25 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 5, $731,118, Champion of Champions, Vessels Maturity, Los Alamitos Inv. Champ., Go Man Go H., Horsemen's QHRA Champ., Peninsula Champ., Sunland Park Fall Derby, Shue Fly H., Miss Peninsula H., 2nd Kansas Derby, 3rd Rainbow Derby, Champion of Champions. Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– STAR OF SIERRA LEONE SI 98 (The Signature). Winner to 4, $186,365, Rainbow Silver Cup [G1], 2nd All American Derby [G1], 3rd World's Champ. Classic [G1]. Dam of THE ZIA STAR SI 106 ($254,775 [G3]), VOX SI 99 ($68,797). Granddam of TRICKY DUST SI 110 ($428,581 [G2]), STORM CHASOR SI 99 ($239,600), PRANKSTER CF SI 109 ($230,013 [G1]), PB AND CRACKERS SI 101 ($215,163 [R] [G2]), GRANT THE STAR SI 101 ($110,823). The Niarchos SI 106 (Streakin Six). 3 wins to 10, $44,277, 2nd QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Remington Futurity [G1]. The Jubilee Diamond SI 102 (Runaway Winner to 4, $12,570. Dam of WINNERS VERSION SI 103 ($399,057 [G3]), LATEST VERSION SI 109 ($188,381), TEXAS VERSION SI 111 ($129,013 [G3]), J Bar SI 97 ($210,224 [G2]). Granddam of DIAMOND FOR JESS SI 112 ($270,321 [G2]), MR JO EAGLE SI 102 ($198,192 [G3]), John the Banker SI 101 ($144,527 [G1]), Carmel Diamond SI 94 ($107,367). The Millennium Star. Dam of AN ABSOLUT DIAMOND SI 103 ($217,386). The Kimberly Diamond SI 87 (Super Sound Charge). Dam of KIMS FIRST DASH SI 113 ($89,457 [G1]), FIRST TO SCORE SI 99 ($45,211 [G1]). Granddam of CJS ROCKSOLID SI 107 ($276,885 [G3]), THE DIAMOND SIDE SI 93 ($197,635), ROCKIN SHAZZAM SI 102 ($59,152), Shes a Wild Babe SI 94, Sport Report (dam of DPI GOOD BOY SI 104, $288,290 [R] [G1]), Imaginiff SI 87 (dam of JESS A HILBILY BONE SI 105, $236,218 [G2]; ROCK A BILLY SI 104, $222,947). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 97 Sir Easy Flash 97 April 7, 2020 Brown Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Sir Easy Flash Tilted Moon SI 98 6072299 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Easy Your Honor SI 90 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2006) { Honor Ease SI 109 {Holland Ease SI 109 Honor A Princess SI 90 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam EASY YOUR HONOR SI 90, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed at 2. Dam of 12 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 7 to race, 2 winners, 5 ROM– Your Easy Jess SI 97 (g. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins at 2, 2020, $60,328, 3rd Hadley / Giles Futurity, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. Take It to the Judge SI 91 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, 2020, $48,672, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam HONOR EASE SI 109, by Holland Ease. 16 wins, 2 to 5, $368,507, West Texas Sun Country Futurity [G1], West Texas Derby [G3]-EWR, 400y in 0:19.180, Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3], American Foundation S., 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], New Mexico Distaff Challenge, 3rd All American Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1], AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of 21 foals to race, 10 winners, 16 ROM– FEATURE HONOR SI 106 (c. by Feature Mr Jess). $161,981: 4 wins to 4, $141,355, in U.S., AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1], Ruidoso Derby Challenge, finalist in Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], qualified to Ruidoso Juvenile Challenge [G3]; 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, ($20,626 USA), in Mexico, Clasico the Prize. Easy Separation SI 105 (c. by Separatist). 7 wins to 6, $56,407, 2nd Manor H., finalist in Retama Park Futurity [G1]. Easy Launch SI 89 (f. by Apollo TB). Winner to 4, $23,175. Dam of– TSUNAMI 09 SI 101. 7 wins to 5, $102,133, All Canadian Futurity. Dam of– Virtuosi SI 91. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $26,353, 2nd Princess Derby. Easily Bono SI 115. 7 wins to 8, 2020, $140,357, 2nd Balloon City S., Sunshine State Derby [R], 3rd Balloon City S., finalist in La Plata S. [G3]. Va Bebe SI 94. 2 wins to 3, $31,824, 2nd Iowa Double Gold Futurity [R] [G3]. Easy Downhill SI 90 (f. by Stoli). Winner to 3, $8,590. Dam of– Easy Separatist SI 106. Winner to 3, 2021, $57,595, 2nd Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. Jess Easy SI 92 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed to 12, $3,690, in U.S. Dam of– Ease Bye SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $94,753, 3rd Ontario Jackpot Futurity, finalist [G2]. 3rd dam HONOR A PRINCESS SI 90, by Requested Honor TB. Winner at 3. Sister to Earl Pitts SI 98. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– HONOR EASE SI 109 (Holland Ease). Stakes winner, above. Honor and Cherish SI 91 (First Down Dash). 2 wins to 4, $67,914, 2nd Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1], 3rd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], H., finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1]. Granddam of Bold Ruller SI 90, Arrow of Cupid. First a Princess SI 102 (First Down Dash). Winner at 2, $6,828. Dam of RRELENTLESS SI 95 (to 3, 2020, $100,094 [G3]), MALS FIRST DOWN SI 108 ($80,832). The Rose Princess SI 90 (Corona Cartel). Dam of Scoopie Jess SI 101 ($144,587). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 98 Adeline 98 March 8, 2020 Brown Filly Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Adeline Shes My Tea SI 92 X0741552 Favorite Trick TB {Phone Trick Tricks On The Side SI 81 Evil Elaine (2011) { The Sixy Side SI 92 {The Down Side SI 107 Sixy Lady SI 102 By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92. 1st dam TRICKS ON THE SIDE SI 81, by Favorite Trick TB. Placed in 2 starts at 2. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 ROM– Twelve Percent SI 106 (c. by High Rate of Return). 2 wins to 5, 2021, $32,953. 2nd dam The Sixy Side SI 92, by The Down Side. 2 wins at 2, $33,318, 3rd Ruidoso Juvenile Inv. [R], qualified to New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 ROM– Corona Six Flash SI 84 (f. by Carters Cartel). Winner to 4, $8,965. 3rd dam SIXY LADY SI 102, by Streakin Six. 7 wins to 3, $146,318, Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3], Ruidoso Horse Sale Derby At Sunland R, 3rd West Texas Derby [G2], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Silver Cup [G1], All American Gold Cup [G1]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KETEL WON SI 107 (Stoli). Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Stallion twice. 8 wins to 5, $651,740, The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1] twice, All American Gold Cup [G3] twice, Higheasterjet H. [G3], 2nd The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], Lovington H. [G2], etc. Sire. The Sixy Side SI 92 (The Down Side). Stakes placed winner, above. Lady Jayne Cee SI 97 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins at 2, $28,875, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Cheetah Woods SI 92. Winner to 5, $56,109, 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Sire. Lord Valiant SI 95. 3 wins to 4, $31,464, 3rd Mr Jess Perry S. Jaynedalegrace SI 105. 5 wins to 5, $95,936, finalist in Sunland Winter Derby [G2]. 4th dam LADY SIGNATURE, by The Signature. Unraced. Dam of 16 foals to race, 15 ROM– WESTERN HEART SI 104 (First Down Dash). 11 wins to 5, $173,538, Southern California Derby [G1], 3rd Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3]. MY DASHING LADY SI 97 (Dash for Cash). AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year (2008). 6 wins to 5, $168,798, Rainbow Derby [G1], 2nd Las Damas H. [G2], QHBC Distaff. Dam of NOCONI SI 105 (Champion 2 years, $1,356,459 [G1]), BRENDA BEAUTIFUL SI 110 (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $337,176 [G1]), GOING SEPARATE WAYS SI 99, Dejon SI 99 ($56,661). Granddam of FRANS HERO SI 98 ($39,746 [G1]), FYRE WALL SI 93 (74,678 [G1]). SIXY LADY SI 102 (Streakin Six). Stakes winner, above. Rumsfield SI 95 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 8, $25,681, 3rd PCQHRA S. Little Thunderheart SI 106 (The Adamas). Winner to 4, $6,918, 3rd Texas Derby Challenge, finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G2]. Lady Bonafide SI 91 (Strawfly Special). Winner to 3, $8,450. Dam of Carters Thunder SI 104 ($84,790), Kate of Spades SI 99 ($78,430 [R] [G1]). Salty Broad SI 83. Dam of SALT ON THE SIDE SI 106 ($118,154 [R] [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 99 Blu Chick 99 February 9, 2020 Gray Filly Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Chicks Regard SI 107 { A Classy Chick SI 89 First Regard {First Down Dash SI 105 Blu Chick Regard SI 98 6070072 Shake Em Open {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Luna Santee Shake Em Six SI 97 (2008) { High On Coaly {On A High SI 113 Coaly Bars SI 96 By CHICKS REGARD SI 107 (1999). 6 wins, $52,783, Head Pin H., fnl [RG1]. Sire of 217 ROM, 20 stakes winners, $8,167,284, including REGARD WITH RESPECT SI 95 (3 wins, $501,055, OK-Bred Fut. [RG2]), YOU N HOW MANY MORE SI 101 (5 wins, $413,061, Hobbs America Fut. [G2]), A STREAK REGARD SI 99 (6 wins, $381,069, Zia Fut. [RG1]), MS REGARD SI 119 (8 wins, $330,381, NM Fillies & Mares Champ. [RG3]), UNCOVERED REGARD SI 110 (8 wins, $246,489, KOFX-FM H. [G2]), SNOW REGARD. 1st dam LUNA SANTEE, by Shake Em Open. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners– Shakdown SI 105 (g. by Stoli). 4 wins to 4, $52,899. 2nd dam HIGH ON COALY, by On a High. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– HOLY COALY SI 122 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 3, $184,610, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R], 3rd NM Spring Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G1]. 3rd dam COALY BARS SI 96, by Real Thing. 11 wins in 21 starts to 3, $75,185, Ladies Classic S., Black Gold 300 Futurity - 2nd Div R, 3rd Oklahoma Futurity - Spring Div, finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Dam of 14 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– Zelena Zbar SI 91 (Zevi TB). 3 wins to 3, $33,434, 2nd Oklahoma Futurity [G2], finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G1], Oklahoma Derby [G3]. Dam of– An Eye Full SI 91. 2 wins to 3, $12,676. Dam of– TEXAS EYE SI 99. 6 wins to 6, 2020, $38,535, North Dakota QHRA Derby [R]. Little Wing SI 96. Winner to 3, $9,482, 2nd North Dakota QHRA Derby [R]. Gray Lady Gray SI 96. 3 wins to 3, $19,483. Dam of– Happy Trick SI 99. 2 wins to 4, $113,626, 3rd Hialeah Sophomore Inv., finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Jess Check Me SI 108. 6 wins to 6, $62,193. Set NTR 250y in 0:12.948. Heza Zippin On SI 101. 9 wins to 5, $37,017, finalist in Canada Derby Challenge [G3]. 4th dam ESTERS LITTLE KLU TB, by Big Klu. Winner at 4. AQHA Hall of Fame. Half sister to WORRIDAN. Dam of 13 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– CHICAGOLAND SI 104 (Six Fortunes). 8 wins to 7, $105,702, Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], Zia Juvenile Champ. [R], 2nd New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], Santa Fe Downs Futurity [R] [G3], El Camino Real H. [G3], Speedhorse Sprint Stkes R, New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R], Dona Ana County S. [R], 3rd Zia H. [R]. COALY BARS SI 96 (Real Thing). Stakes winner, above. Klus Flame SI 103 (Flaming Jet). 5 wins to 3, $40,329, 2nd Mr Jet Moore S. Ester's Bunny SI 88 (Bunny Bid). 4 wins to 3, $5,991. Dam of SIX TO FIVE SI 112 ($290,159 [G2]), MARY MAJOR SI 99 ($36,521), ON A BUNNY SI 105 ($25,568), Dusty Bunny SI 103 ($82,983 [G2]), Splashing Bunny SI 98 ($29,549); granddam of GUN BATTLE SI 110 ($668,781 [R] [G1]), MAJOR RIME SI 104 ($278,986 [R] [G3]), ZEE JAMES SI 101 ($271,496 [R] [G2]), OUTDASHING SI 105 ($221,517 [G1]), BCR MY MAIN MAN SI 102 ($167,577 [G2]), DUSTY MOOLAH SI 102 ($90,902), RIMES BOUQUET SI 101 ($38,672 [R] [G3]), BEAT YOUR PANTS OFF SI 103 (Dam of Distinction), Dustys On A High SI 104 ($118,075 [R] [G1]), Splashing Viking SI 107 ($43,310), Dash for Bunny SI 95, Dusty Effort SI 97 [G3]. Sparkling Klu (Try Two Bids). Granddam of CHELSIE LU SI 97 ($112,151 [R] [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 100 Chilton 100 April 1, 2020 Sorrel Colt Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Sixes Royal SI 101 { Moonifisant SI 99 { Tempered Glass SI 101 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Chilton Tilted Moon SI 98 6015692 Apollitical Jess SI 107 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Rkmtelleritspolitics Apollitical Time SI 104 (2014) { Teller Bye SI 109 {Teller Cartel SI 108 Just Wanna Be Me SI 99 By MOONIFISANT SI 99 (2011). 5 wins, $201,484, New Mexican Spring Fut. [RG2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [RG2], NM Classic Fut. [R][G2]. Half-brother to FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (Champion), DASH TA MOON SI 108, MESA MOONLIGHT SI 102, FULL MOON DASHER SI 114. Sire of 8 starters, including Moonitoons SI 90 (2 wins, $35,573), Youvegotagirlcrush SI 94 (3 wins, $23,751). Son of stakes winner SIXES ROYAL SI 101; sire of 11 stakes winners, including STREAK OF SIXES SI 102 ($480,445 [RG1]). 1st dam RKMTELLERITSPOLITICS, by Apollitical Jess. Unraced. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam Teller Bye SI 109, by Teller Cartel. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $52,103, 2nd Pen Pal S. Dam of 1 foal to race– Tellers Diamond SI 95 (f. by Winners Version). Placed to 3, 2021, $12,409. 3rd dam JUST WANNA BE ME SI 99, by Dash to Chivato. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $56,927, Dashing Folly H., 2nd Miss Princess S. [G3], 3rd California Distaff Challenge [G3], White Glove Delivery Futurity, finalist in Northwest Derby Challenge [G3], California Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of 22 foals to race, 14 winners, 17 ROM-- TORTUGA TONY SI 117 (Stel Corona). 9 wins to 8, $253,117, Hialeah Derby, Indiana Live QHRAI Derby, 2nd Hialeah Laddie Futurity, All American Congress Maturity, Ruidoso Juvenile Inv., 3rd Governor's S., South Florida Derby, Bradford S. Darker Tint SI 105 (PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 4, $53,736, 2nd Remington Juvenile Inv. R. Teller Bye SI 109 (Teller Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above. Stel Just Me SI 92 (Stel Corona). 3 wins to 4, $38,739, 3rd Dillingham H., finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G3]. Wanna Be Ivory SI 88 (Ivory James). Winner at 2, $21,203, 3rd Rocky Mountain Futurity. Dam of– Apolitical Ivory SI 89. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $22,418, finalist in LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1]. Just Wanna Teller SI 114 (Teller Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $11,107. Dam of– Just Had to Be SI 104. 2 wins to 5, 2020, $35,060, 3rd Western States Breeders Futurity, Bitterroot Futurity [R]. Just Wanna Corona SI 92 (Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $136,416, finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. 4th dam SHIRLEYS SIGNATURE, by The Signature. Unplaced in 1 start. Half sister to Surely B Cash SI 99 ($56,981.00). Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– JUST WANNA BE ME SI 99 (Dash to Chivato). Stakes winner, above. Devons Signature SI 100 (Devon Lane TB). Winner to 3, $166,966, 3rd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Sire. See If I Care SI 107 (Fishers Dash). 7 wins to 5, $63,490, 2nd West/Southwest Challenge Champ. [G2], 3rd Farnam S., finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. Letsgetitstarted (Splash Bac). Placed to 3. Dam of– START SOMETHIN BAD SI 92. 3 wins to 4, $126,705, La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], 2nd Los Alamitos Two Million Juvenile S., finalist in PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G2], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3]. Gimmie a Reason SI 101. 6 wins to 5, $61,570. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 101 Baylor 101 March 28, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Baylor Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055907 This Snow Is Royal SI 101 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Dashin Thru The Snow Florentine SI 108 (2000) { Three Million Cash SI 89 {On A High SI 113 Viking Anne SI 116 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam DASHIN THRU THE SNOW, by This Snow Is Royal. Unraced. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 12 to race, 8 winners– ROYAL SNOWFLAKES SI 97 (g. by Royal Always). 2 wins to 3, $142,679, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. My Box of Chocolate SI 116 (f. by Genuine Strawfly). 3 wins to 6, $104,921, 2nd Sunburst H. [R], 3rd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3]. Strait Away Fame SI 105 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 4, $68,832, 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Run Fast Forrest SI 114 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $51,636. My Chunk of Change SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $26,612. Dam of– RKM Chunk of Regard SI 95 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $29,860. 2nd dam THREE MILLION CASH SI 89, by On a High. Winner at 3. Dam of 7 starters, 3 ROM– A Viking Princess SI 89 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner at 2, $6,335. Dam of– A Scootin Princess SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $41,137, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], California Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Princess Jessie Jane SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $156,485, 2nd New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Derby [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Finnley SI 91. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $67,756, finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Finnlander SI 108. 3 wins to 8, $53,113, finalist in Sunland Distance Challenge [G3]. 3rd dam VIKING ANNE SI 116, by Vikingson. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 19 wins, 2 to 6, $183,809, Marathon H., Bull Rastus H., Pap H. twice, Katella H.-NTR, El Ocho Setenta H., Hillsdale H., Orange County Marathon Inv H., Consolation Inv. H., Del Mar Expo Marathon Inv. 2nd Bull Rastus H., Pap H., Hillsdale H., etc. Dam of 12 winners– WICKED DASH SI 104 (Dash for Cash). 9 wins to 6, $353,808, Horsemen's QHRA Champ. [G1] twice, QHBC Distaff [G1], Gold Coast Express Inv. H. [G3], etc. WICKED WILLA SI 101 (Dash for Cash). 6 wins to 4, $120,793, World's Champ. Classic [G1], etc. Dam of WICKED WINNER SI 94 ($137,880 [G1]), Wickedly SI 94 [G2]; granddam of WICKED ROYAL CARTEL SI 96 ($62,641), FIRSTLY WICKED SI 108 ($30,543), First Wicked Lady SI 94 ($150,288, 2nd All American Derby [G1]). WICKED WIND SI 97 (Dash for Cash). 4 wins to 4, $117,501, Rainbow Silver Cup, etc. STRICTLY WICKED SI 105 (Dash for Cash). 8 wins to 5, $111,713, Laguna Beach H., 2nd Budweiser Derby [G1], 3rd Kansas Derby [G1]. Wicked Pamela SI 90 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $6,028, 3rd Dashs Dream S. Dam of WICKED COURAGE SI 105 ($1,132,848, Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]), HEZA WICKED MAN SI 107 ($180,351 [G3]), JJs DOUBLE DASH. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 102 Lady Jess 102 May 3, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Lady Jess Send Me First SI 97 6070333 Rime SI 102 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Lady Rime SI 84 Winter Dreams SI 94 (1997) { Real Karates {Real Thing SI 95 Ester's Bunny SI 88 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LADY RIME SI 84, by Rime. Placed at 3. Sister to RIMES BOUQUET SI 101. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 8 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– OVERHAULIN SI 95 (g. by Tres Seis). 5 wins to 6, $55,764, Juvenile S., 3rd Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Streakin Royal Lady SI 102 (f. by Royal Streakin). 3 wins to 5, $27,166. Smokeys Okey Dokey SI 83 (f. by Okey Dokey Dale). Placed to 3. Dam of– Smokeys Train B SI 98 (f. by Freighttrain B). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $15,434. Chittys Capi SI 84. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2020, $32,068, qualified Harrah's Futurity. 2nd dam REAL KARATES, by Real Thing. Unraced. Sister to March N Lady SI 87. Dam of 16 foals to race, 9 winners, 12 ROM– OUTDASHING SI 105 (g. by Toast to Dash). 5 wins to 4, $221,517, Remington Futurity [G1], 2nd All American Juvenile Inv. [R], 3rd Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2], New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3], qualified to Dash For Cash Derby [G1]. DUSTY MOOLAH SI 102 (g. by Sparkling Moolah). 7 wins to 6, $90,902, Bernalillo H., Santa Fe Downs Futurity [R], Lineage Champ. [R] twice, 2nd Hard Twist S. [R], Sparkling Moolah H. [R], finalist in New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G3]. RIMES BOUQUET SI 101 (f. by Rime). 3 wins to 3, $38,672, New Mexico Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Cottonwood H. [R], 3rd Manuel Lujan H. [R]. Dam of– Debonair Six SI 108. 7 wins to 7, $86,133, 2nd NM State Fair Brdrs' Derby [R] [G3]. Moonshine Milly SI 101. 2 wins to 5, $65,807, 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Wichita Paleface SI 95 (Holland Ease). Winner to 3, $26,058, 2nd Rio Rico Futurity. 3rd dam ESTER'S BUNNY SI 88, by Bunny Bid. 4 wins to 3, $5,991. Half-sister to CHICAGOLAND SI 104 ($105,702 [R] [G3]), COALY BARS SI 96 ($75,185). Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners– SIX TO FIVE SI 112 (Six Fortunes). Champion Aged Stallion twice. 19 wins to 6, $290,159, New Mexico State Fair H. [G2]-NTR, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], Santa Fe Downs Futurity [R] [G3], -NTR, etc. MARY MAJOR SI 99 (Easy Toro). 4 wins to 3, $36,521, Southwest Derby, finalist in QHBC Sophomore [G2]. Dam of MAJOR RIME SI 104 ($278,986 [R] [G3]). ON A BUNNY SI 105 (On a High). 6 wins to 5, $25,568, Cabeza de Vaca H., 2nd Real Wind H., finalist in Southwest Derby [G3]. Set NTRDam of GUN BATTLE SI 110 ($668,781 [R] [G1]), ZEE JAMES SI 101 ($270,742 [R] [G2]). Dusty Bunny SI 103 (f by Flaming Jet) 6 wins to 3, $82,983, 2nd Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Dam of Dustys On a High SI 104 ($118,075 [R] [G1]), Dash for Bunny SI 95, Dusty Effort SI 97 [G3]. Granddam of RDUSTYS CHICK SI 101 ($289,536 [G1]), BULL ROPE SI 113 ($209,346 [R] [G3]), CHICKS GRAY BLURR SI 116 ($166,554 [R] [G2]), DUSTYS PROUDEST SI 103 ($113,046 [R] [G1]). Splashing Bunny SI 98 (Jet Creek). 3 wins to 3, $29,549, 3rd West Texas Derby. Dam of BCR MY MAIN MAN SI 102 ($167,577 [G2]), BEAT YOUR PANTS OFF. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson Hip No. 103 Name Pending 103 March 15, 2020 Bay Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Attila's Storm {Forest Wildcat F S Stormchaser TB Sweet Symmetry (2015) { Kritty Spee {Cee's Tizzy Thank To You By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam F S STORMCHASER TB, by Attila's Storm. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam KRITTY SPEE, by Cee's Tizzy. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- 3rd dam THANKS TO YOU, by Northern Idol. Winner at 2, $12,142. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners– Thanks Be to Gold TB (Formal Gold). 5 wins to 4, $65,630. Dam of– McGoldie TB. 4 wins to 6, 2021, $125,337, 2nd Enchantress S. [NR], Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR], 3rd New Mexico Breeders' Oaks [NR], Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [NR]. McThanks TB. 6 wins to 5, 2021, $76,839. Thanks Dom TB. 3 wins to 4, $59,372. Hot Dom TB. Winner to 3, $23,761. 4th dam THANKS PAL, by Foolish Pleasure. 4 wins to 3, $87,821, Celosia S. [R], 2nd Blue Sparkler S., Rockette S., Miss America S., Lilac S. [R], 3rd New Jersey Futurity LR, Woodcrest S. [R]. Half sister to O. K. BY YOU TB, O. K. DOLL TB ($103,539). Dam of 14 foals to race, 13 winners– FOREVER PALS TB (Polish Numbers). 5 wins to 4, $145,666, New Jersey Futurity [R], Blue Sparkler S., Holly S., Hollywood Wildcat S., 2nd Shrewsbury S., Kattegat's Pride S., 3rd Go for Wand S. Dam of– Arpleasure TB. 18 wins to 9, $315,622. Trifecta TB. 14 wins to 7, $301,979. Grass Frontier TB. 3 wins to 5, ($254,777 USA), in Japan. West Indian TB. Unraced. Dam of– GOLDEN DREAMER TB. 4 wins to 3, $162,198, Ruthless S., 2nd Cicada S., [G3], Appealing Guy S. [R]. Western Flyer TB. 4 wins to 4, $147,715, 2nd Pilgrim S. [L]. ALWAYS PALS TB (Polish Numbers). 2 wins to 3, $57,447, New Jersey Futurity [R], 3rd Holly S. Dam of– Always Love TB. 3 wins to 5, $60,009. Dam of– GREAT LOVE TB. 7 wins to 5, $269,893, Tom Ridge S. [L], Rumson S., 2nd East Hanover Township S. [L], Dancing Count S., 3rd Vincent A. Moscarelli Mem. S. [L], Changing Times S. Avalanche Rock TB. 6 wins to 9, $218,984. My New Pal TB (Saratoga Six). Winner to 3, $9,906. Dam of FOREVER PARTNERS ($118,560 [G1]), PAL'S PARTNER ($118,220), My New Love ($210,855); granddam of MIRAI ($133,800). Four O Won (Not For Love). 8 wins to 7, $179,018. Pal's O K (Carnivalay). 8 wins to 6, $136,047. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 104 Name Pending 104 February 4, 2020 Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 In Excessive Bull {In Excess (IRE) Excessive Victory TB She Aint No Bull (2006) { Victory Girl {Victory Gallop Usual Lies By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam EXCESSIVE VICTORY TB, by In Excessive Bull. 3 wins in 4 starts to 3, $102,928, LaSenora H. [R]. Dam of 1 thoroughbred and 4 quarter horse foals of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners– Jess Excessive SI 98 (g. by Jess A Chicks). 9 wins to 7, $105,351. Flash Of Victory SI 97 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $20,681, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Victory Ro SI 86 (g. by Gonna Ro Sham Bo). 2 wins to 4, $18,287. 2nd dam VICTORY GIRL TB, by Victory Gallop. 3 wins at 3, $59,390. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– EXCESSIVE VICTORY TB (f. by In Excessive Bull). Stakes winner, above. Zesty Salsa TB (f. by Dome). 3 wins to 4, $82,045, 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. Dome's Victory TB (f. by Dome). Winner at 2, $16,660. Dam of– DECK HUMOR TB. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $100,949, Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. 3rd dam Usual Lies TB, by World Appeal. 3 wins to 3, $62,600, 3rd Texas Open Futurity [R]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– Quarter Moon TB (Tactical Cat). 6 wins to 5, $181,653, 3rd C.J. Hindley-Humboldt County Marathon Starter S. [N]. Titian TB (Value Plus). 6 wins to 7, $110,558. 4th dam MISS MISSISSIPPI TB, by Cormorant. Winner at 3, $12,482. Dam of 13 starters, 10 winners– DELTA WOLF TB (Wolf Power (SAF). 16 wins to 8, $400,343, AKsarben H. [L], Woodlands Juvenile S., Tulsa H., Beef State S., Beef State S., Beef State S., Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe H. [N], 2nd Best of the West H., etc. Sire. MISS WINESHINE TB (Wolf Power (SAF). Winner at 2, $189,080, Silver Spur S. [L], 2nd Adirondack S., [G2], Debutante S., [G3], 3rd Spinaway S., [G1]. Dam of– HAWK TB. 5 wins to 5, $591,750, Sham S., [G3], 2nd San Felipe S., [G2], Sunland Derby [G3], Illinois Derby [G3], Razorback H., [G3], 3rd Robert Lewis S., [G2]. Sire. MAYOR MARV TB. 5 wins to 8, $151,758, Turf Paradise Derby [L]. Quiet Shine TB. 2 wins to 3, $50,480. Dam of Johnny Cab (to 4, 2021, $125,960). Vindication People TB. Placed, in Italy. Dam of FREEDOM HOLDER (IRE) ($104,966). Mr Mississippi TB (Mr. Greeley). 3 wins to 5, $87,890, 2nd Paradise Creek S. Usual Lies TB (World Appeal). Stakes placed winner, above. Southern Ending TB (Ends Well). 3 wins to 4, $16,604, 3rd Bara Lass S. [R]. Mississippi Charm TB (Silver Charm). Placed in 2 starts at 3, $3,840. Dam of– Sea Raven TB. 5 wins to 6, $307,810, 2nd Swatara S. [L], Carl Hanford Mem. S. Smokem's Charm TB. 14 wins to 9, $287,083, 2nd Aspirant S. [R]. Bella Silver TB. Placed to 4, $15,458. Dam of AUNT BABE ($310,635). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 105 Murphy Goode 105 February 2, 2020 Sorrel Gelding First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Murphy Goode Dashin Sandy SI 107 6018026 Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Daddys Copy SI 89 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 (2015) { Fast Copy Miss SI 98 {Heza Fast Man SI 111 Miss Bully Bach SI 86 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam Daddys Copy SI 89, by Big Daddy Cartel. 2 wins at 2, $65,801, 2nd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3]. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam Fast Copy Miss SI 98, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $78,450, 2nd Four Corners Futurity [G3], 3rd New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Sister to FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (f. by Woodbridge). 6 wins to 4, 2020, $391,011, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Daddys Copy SI 89 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above. Faster Version SI 102 (g. by Winners Version). 6 wins to 7, $146,212, finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Shes a Fighter SI 102 (f. by Fighter On Fire). 4 wins to 6, $78,840. Fast Copy Kat SI 96 (FDD Dynasty). Winner, $53,624, finalist Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Sire. Copy Me Fast SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $42,384. Copy My Daddy SI 93 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $36,657, finalist [R] [G3]. My Marria SI 91 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $20,842. Smittin SI 92 (f. by Woodbridge). Winner at 2, 2021, $14,170. 3rd dam MISS BULLY BACH SI 86, by Bully Bullion. Winner at 3, $3,815.Sister to BULLY BONDS SI 107 ($151,127), Wallstreet Darlin SI 101 ($47,671 [G3]; dam of SASSY CORONA SI 99, $125,609 [G3]; PYC CASH SI 106, $85,313), Miss Stocks N Bonds SI 97 (dam of AZOOM BABE SI 105, $61,496; Eye My Stocks SI 121, $107,472 [G3]; Miss Eye Stocks SI 93, $54,270; granddam of VALIANT ROGUE SI 107, $814,850, Rainbow Derby [G1]; CORONA RANGER SI 97, $256,449 [G3]); half sister to SASSY SMITH SI 99, $412,011 [G1]; JESS SASS ME SI 107, $110,503; granddam of JESS WALKING THRU SI 92, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $447,266; SASS ME BLUE SI 94, Champion Aged Mare, $296,378 [G1]; JESS BEING VALIANT SI 94, $191,735; SPEED DYNASTY SI 93, to 3, 2021, $177,872; FIRE AND SASS SI 93, $140,756 [G3]). Dam of 13 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– ANYWHERE BULLY SI 108 (Make It Anywhere). 6 wins to 5, $123,871, O B Cockerell H. [G2]-NTR, Manuel Lujan H. [G3]-NTR, 2nd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G2], etc. FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110. 4 wins to 3, $44,852, AQRA-Turf Paradise Fut. [G3]. Fast Copy Miss SI 98 (Heza Fast Man). Stakes placed winner, above. Jericho Kid SI 91 (Teller Cartel). Winner to 5, $22,648, 3rd Los Alamitos Derby Challenge. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike & Yealonda Logan Hip No. 106 Eye Am Flashy 106 March 1, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye Am Flashy Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055241 Chicks Regard SI 107 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Red Bottom Heels SI 87 First Regard (2012) { Red High Heels SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Red Sticks SI 107 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam RED BOTTOM HEELS SI 87, by Chicks Regard. 2 wins at 3, $9,474. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 1 to race– A Shady Version (g. by Winners Version). Placed at 2, 2020, $5,715. 2nd dam Red High Heels SI 99, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $40,174, 2nd Stars and Stripes H. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– DYNASTY RED SI 102 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 6 wins to 4, $103,991, Barbra B H., 2nd Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G3], Z Wayne Griffin Inv. S., John Ward H., 3rd Wild West Futurity, Les Bois Juvenile Challenge, Vandy's Flash H., A Ransom H., Holiday H., finalist in Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], PCQHRA Breeders Derby [G3]. RED HEELS SI 105 (f. by Hawkish). 4 wins to 6, $55,375, Texas Juvenile Challenge [G3]. 3rd dam Red Sticks SI 107, by Sticks an Stones. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $70,661, 3rd Kansas Jackpot Derby [R] [G3], finalist in Kansas Futurity [G1], Manor Futurity [G1], Kansas Derby [G1]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– RED ROLLS ROYCE SI 108 (Dash Thru Traffic). 14 wins to 7, $94,664, AQRA Turf Paradise Derby [G3], Mark T Bars S., Curtis/Kieckhefer Mem. S., 2nd Corona Cartel S. twice, Louie Curtis/Robert Kieckhefer Mem. S., Desert Classic Derby [R], 3rd Yavapai Derby, Mark T Bars S. Red Velvet Hero SI 107 (Valiant Hero). 3 wins to 4, $56,894, 2nd Skip Zimmerman S. Red High Heels SI 99 (Corona Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above. Red Gucci Shoes SI 88 (Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, $5,094. Dam of– NC GUCCI SHOES SI 100. Winner at 2, ($74,760 USA), in Mexico, Futurity Mexico R, 3rd Futurity Garanones [R] [G3], finalist in Futurity Subasta Selecta [R] [G3]. RD NATIVE SI 110. 6 wins to 7, ($56,503 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Francisco Pasquel, 2nd Clasico Everardo Muzquiz Elguezabal, Hector Roldan Espinosa Arreola S., Clasico Salvador Pnate Ascencio S., 3rd Derby Mexico, Clasico Salvador Pnate Ascencio S., etc. Henry Gucci SI 91. 3 wins to 3, ($16,897 USA), in Mexico, finalist in Futurity Subasta Selecta [R] [G3]. Dam of– T Henry Gucci SI 117. Placed to 3, in Mexico, 2nd Francisco Pasquel S.-NTR. Valiant Red Vixen (Valiant Hero). Unraced. Dam of– Dominate This SI 101. 6 wins to 4, $93,110, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], Rocky Mountain Derby, AQRA President's Fall Futurity. 4th dam REDHOT AND READY TB, by Raise a Cup. Winner at 2, $6,027. Half sister to DEEP YALLAH TB, DUKE OF DICKSON TB, Call Cleta TB ($85,310), Diamond Double TB ($59,268). Dam of 15 foals to race, 4 winners-- CHICAGO BAY TB (Chicago Cotton). 7 wins to 5, $50,152, Flapper Bill H., etc. Red Sticks SI 107 (Sticks An Stones). Stakes placed winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 107 Flash And Dash 107 March 21, 2020 Bay Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Flash And Dash Tilted Moon SI 98 6074062 Tempting Dash SI 112 {First Down Dash SI 105 The Long Dash SI 86 A Tempting Chick SI 99 (2012) { The Long Straw SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Super Calidocious SI 99 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam THE LONG DASH SI 86, by Tempting Dash. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race– Annas Prayer SI 85 (f. by Jess A Chicks). Winner to 3, $22,092. 2nd dam The Long Straw SI 101, by Strawfly Special. 3 wins at 3, $58,139, 2nd Colors of the Wind H., 3rd Texas Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G1], Manor Derby [G2], Manor Maturity [G2]. Dam of 21 foals to race, 11 winners, 16 ROM– LONG WAGON HO SI 96 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 4, $214,059, Oklahoma Futurity [G3], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. The Cartel Straw SI 87 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $51,734, 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. Longgone Perry SI 88 (Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, $71,135, finalist Rainbow Fut. [G1]. Tempting Diva SI 92 (f. by Tempting Dash). 7 wins to 4, $44,280. 3rd dam SUPER CALIDOCIOUS SI 99, by Calyx. 6 wins to 3, $31,877, All American Congress Derby [G3], Ring of Roses Derby, Mt Pleasant Meadows Derby, 2nd Michigan Derby, finalist in Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– The Long Straw SI 101 (Strawfly Special). Stakes placed winner, above. Conspicuous Corona SI 92 (Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $32,073, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Conspicuous Dynasty SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $16,097. Dam of– Conspicuously Sweet SI 81. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $28,933, 2nd Cherokee Nation S. 4th dam Canadian Chick SI 90, by Separate Cheques. 6 wins in 12 starts at 2, $16,196, 2nd All American Congress Futurity. Half sister to DASHIN DADDY SI 91, Sheza Quick Draw SI 89 ($4,605). Dam of 15 foals to race, 11 winners, 11 ROM– SPECIAL CHEQUES SI 99 (Special Effort). 6 wins to 4, $46,932, Michigan Futurity, Ring of Roses Derby, Midwest Maturity, 2nd Oil Capital Derby, Michigan Open Derby, 3rd All American Congress Futurity [G3], Mt. Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. SUPER CALIDOCIOUS SI 99 (Calyx). Stakes winner, above. HOOK WITH ME SI 93 (Hooked On Cash). 3 wins to 4, $14,048, GLQHA SSA Futurity [R], qualified to Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. Fame On You SI 91 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 3, $24,171, 2nd Mount Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3], 3rd Oil Capital Derby. Hold On Lil Suzie SI 110 (Hold On Hes Coming). $18,988: 3 wins to 8, $16,117, in U.S., 2nd Oil Capital Derby [G3], All American Congress Derby, 3rd Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3], GLQHA SSA Derby R; 2 wins at 4, in Mexico. Zeveribest SI 90 (Zevi TB). Winner to 3, $7,419, finalist [G3]. Granddam of DASHWAN SI 93 ($31,410), Wyreit SI 114 ($28,200), Slippen Away SI 90, Swiffer SI 82. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent Hip No. 108 BF Daddys Diva 108 April 27, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 BF Daddys Diva Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6056468 FDD Dynasty SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 BF Divine Dynasty SI 87 Dinastia Toll BRZ SI 97 (2010) { BF Lollypop SI 106 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Missy Yupon SI 97 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam BF DIVINE DYNASTY SI 87, by FDD Dynasty. Unplaced. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 3 to race– BF Diversion SI 91 (f. by Winners Version). 2 wins to 3, $31,506, 2nd Four Corners Futurity. BF Daddys Girl (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam BF LOLLYPOP SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 5 wins to 3, $87,288, Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1], Utah Classic Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Silver Dollar Derby [R] [G3], 3rd American West Futurity [R]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners, 9 ROM– BF SPECIAL GUY SI 107 (g. by Special Leader). 6 wins to 4, $60,691, Beehive Futurity [R], 2nd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G2], Utah Sires Fall Futurity [R], 3rd Cash Rate Overnight H. BF CHECKTHISCHIC SI 93 (f. by Check Him Out). 4 wins to 3, $19,175, Utah Classic Futurity [R]. BF INVINCIBLE SI 98 (g. by Okey Dokey Dale). 2 wins to 3, $17,833, South Valley/Swett Ranch Futurity. BF Candy Cartel SI 105 (g. by Carters Cartel). 4 wins to 3, $30,389, 2nd Bitterroot Derby [R], 3rd Hadtobenuts Derby. BF Apoliticalfanatic SI 98 (f. by Apollitical Jess). Winner to 3, $18,536, 2nd Western States Breeders Futurity [R]. Dam of– Imarebeljustforkicks SI 85. Winner at 2, $10,005. BF Chasing Foose SI 85 (g. by Foose). 2 wins to 3, $21,854. BF New Generation SI 95 (c. by Strawfly Special). $18,549: winner at 4, in Mexico; 2 wins to 5, $16,387 in U.S. BF Sound Advice SI 104 (g. by Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, $10,175, finalist in Northwest Derby Challenge [G3]. BF Maid of Stone (f. by First Prize Stone). Winner at 2, $7,046. 3rd dam MISSY YUPON SI 97, by Behold a Beduino. 3 wins at 2, $5,509, finalist in Cowboy Classic Futurity [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM-- BF LOLLYPOP SI 106 (Dash Ta Fame). Stakes winner, above. BF Shenanigan SI 91 (Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $4,742. BF Cherry Belle SI 88 (Dashin Is Easy). Winner at 2. BF Terminator (Okey Dokey Dale). Winner at 2. 4th dam SWEET LIKE TWAYNA SI 88, by Extra Easy. Winner at 3, $13,466. Half sister to SENATOR SAGE SI 107 ($268,794), TWO N SWEET SI 99 ($31,355). Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– Fat City SI 90 (Calyx). 2 wins at 2, $6,700. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent for Bauer Farm Hip No. 109 Xtra Satin 109 April 11, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Xtra Satin Send Me First SI 97 X0743445 One Famous Eagle SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Xtra Xtra SI 83 One Famous Lady SI 104 (2012) { BTB Express SI 105 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Sweet Ego TB By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam XTRA XTRA SI 83, by One Famous Eagle. Winner at 2, $16,710. Dam of 1 foal of racing age– Xtra Feature SI 94 (f. by TF Featured Effort). Winner to 3, 2020, $24,850, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam BTB EXPRESS SI 105, by Corona Cartel. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $81,002, finalist in La Mariposa H. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners, 4 ROM– Comin To Your Town SI 103 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 8, 2021, $125,382, 3rd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash Maturity [R]. 3rd dam Sweet Ego TB, by Bold Ego. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $16,803, $640, 3rd Bluebonnet S. [R]. Sister to High Ego. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– Jackpot Miracle SI 107 (Dean Miracle). 3 wins to 5, $28,712. Sweets Big Dream (Rare Form). 2 wins to 3, $12,961, finalist in Oklahoma Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Thfultonspecialdream SI 98. Winner to 7, $11,079. TH Fulton Big Dream SI 91. Winner to 4, in U.S. TH Special Big Dream. Placed at 2. Dam of– Cuervo On Special SI 83. Winner to 4, $9,584. Bold Form (Rare Form). Winner to 3. 4th dam SWEET CARESS, by Elevation. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners-- Sweet Ego TB (Bold Ego). Stakes placed winner, above. High Ego TB (Bold Ego). Placed to 4, $21,330, 2nd Friendship S [LR]. Cure Me TB (Hopeful Word). 2 wins to 3, $4,100. Dam of– RARE CURE TB. 12 wins to 8, $515,590, Governor's Cup H. [L], Bob Johnson Mem. S. [L], Prelude S. [L], Star of Texas S. [R], Assault S. [R], Texas Horse Racing Hall of Fame S. [R], Premiere S. [R], 2nd Texas Horse Racing Hall of Fame S. [R], Bossier City H., 3rd Premiere S. [R]. HADACURE TB. 4 wins to 6, $120,283, James C. Ellis Juv. S., 2nd Clever Trevor S. Judys Cure TB. 4 wins to 5, $66,490. Serena Venus TB. 5 wins to 7, $49,701. Magic Cure TB. Unplaced. Dam of– Epic Match TB. 5 wins to 5, $53,624. Magic Legend TB. Winner in 1 start at 2, $10,800. Dancing With Cows TB (Hadif). 5 wins to 5, $34,951. Egomaniac TB (Bold Ego). 3 wins at 4, $13,355. Cum Laude Bill TB (Silver Buck). Winner to 4, $8,042. Angels Caress SI 86 (Angel's Jet Rail). Winner to 3. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 110 Kings Touch 110 April 11, 2020 Chestnut Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Kings Touch Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6076264 Heza Fast Dash SI 103 {Heza Fast Man SI 111 Physical Touch SI 84 First Prize Dash SI 101 (2011) { Fleeting Touch SI 96 {Tres Seis SI 97 Sheeza Lil Val SI 97 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam PHYSICAL TOUCH SI 84, by Heza Fast Dash. Winner at 4, $15,066. Dam of 2 foals of racing age– Touch Of A Dragon SI 91 (f. by Zulu Dragon). Winner in 1 start to 3, 2021, $6,600. Hunky McGoo SI 81 (c. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2021, $3,880. 2nd dam FLEETING TOUCH SI 96, by Tres Seis. Winner at 2, $15,245, finalist in California Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners, 11 ROM– NELLIE DELANEY SI 96 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 6 wins to 5, $211,305, Southern California Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3], 2nd Decketta S. [G3], 3rd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv. Dam of– Chocolate Divinity SI 95. 4 wins to 3, 2020, $43,633, 2nd Town Policy S., Whataway To Go S., finalist in Las Damas H. [G2]. JACKY MARTIN 21 SI 103 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 5, $123,795, West Texas Maturity [G3], 3rd Lovington S. [G2], Rio Grande H., S. [G3], finalist [G1]. Kitty Kiernan SI 97 (f. by FDD Dynasty). $120,466: 2 wins to 5, $98,392, in U.S., 2nd La Fiesta Futurity, finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1]; winner at 4 and 5, ($22,074 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Chirina Glorys S., 3rd Chirina Glorys S. Unconquerable SI 93 (g. by High Rate of Return). 3 wins to 3, $77,820, finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G3], Mystery Futurity [R] [G3], S. [R] [G3]. Beattie Feathers SI 91. 3 wins to 6, $67,661, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam Sheeza Lil Val SI 97, by Dashing Val. 2 wins at 2, $19,413, 2nd The Classics Derby [R], 3rd The Classics Futurity [R] [G3], Miss Betty S. Dam of 10 foals to race, 10 ROM– VALUE THE MAN SI 110 (Heza Fast Man). 7 wins to 10, $732,399, Los Alamitos Million Fut. [G1], Pomona Champ. 2nd Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], etc. EMPEROR VALERIAN SI 108 (Heza Fast Dash). 11 wins to 8, $278,029, Remington Distance H. [G3], Paul's Valley H. [G3], Will Rogers Distance Chlg. twice, Moonstone S., 3rd AQHA Distance Challenge Champ. [G1], etc. VALIANTLY SI 106 (Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 4, $196,604, PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1], Mission Beach H., 3rd PCQHRA Breeders Derby [G2]. Valdarama (AQHA/APHA) SI 106 (Country Quick Dash). 3 wins to 3 in APHA races, $83,341, 2nd Pot O’Gold Fut. [G1], etc. Dam of Fade Shot (APHA) ($24,223). Coronation Time SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $26,766, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of TIME FOR JESS SI 97 ($389,829 [G1]), AJs On Time SI 108 (to 3, 2021, $76,555), Toms Big Time Girl SI 90. Ity Bitty Rarity SI 85. Winner to 4, $16,248, finalist [G3]. Dam of Knuckles O Toole SI 112 ($245,795 [G1]), Bannow Bay SI 107 ($130,336 [G1]), Bling Dynasty SI 89 ($45,711); granddam of Dynast C SI 96 ($96,100). Voulez Vous SI 90 (Ocean Runaway). Winner to 4, $173,576, finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Dirk Jones Hip No. 111 Kia Cartel 111 February 10, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Kia Cartel Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6051246 Major Rime SI 104 {Rime SI 102 Major Kia SI 92 Mary Major SI 99 (2001) { Pakea Kai {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Rule The Deck SI 104 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MAJOR KIA SI 92, by Major Rime. Winner at 3, $19,062. Dam of 11 foals of racing age, 10 to race, 6 winners, 8 ROM– RCJ MAJOR STORM SI 108 (c. by Brookstone Bay). 10 wins to 6, $548,779, The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Lineage Champ. S. [R] [G3], Hard Twist S. [R], 2nd NM Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in NM Classic Champ. [R] [G1], etc. Sire. KIA WON SI 98 (g. by Ketel Won). $178,132: 4 wins to 5, $177,926, in U.S., New Mexican Spring Fling R, 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], First Moonflash S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. INCOHO TES SI 94 (f. by Rabbits Rainbow). 4 wins to 10, $94,895, Four Corners Senora S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. PCJ Thats It SI 101 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 4, $69,458, finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. RCJ Major Cartel SI 88 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner at 2, 2020, $18,144, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam PAKEA KAI, by Mr Eye Opener. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– PAKEA BAY SI 102 (Brookstone Bay). 8 wins to 5, $132,543, John Augustine S. [R], 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. PK Rainbow (Rabbits Rainbow). Unraced. Dam of– PK BAY SI 101. 4 wins to 3, $198,352, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NM State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], finalist [R] [G1]. Wahene Kai. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– WAHENE VERSION SI 109. 7 wins to 5, 2021, $179,600, Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist Zia H., S. [R] [G2]. 3rd dam RULE THE DECK SI 104, by Scout Leader TB. 19 wins in 34 starts, 2 to 4, $517,165, Rainbow Silver Cup, 440 Ranch Derby, New Mexico Breeders' Derby, 2nd All American Gold Cup, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R], 3rd Las Damas H. [G2], All American Derby, World's Champ. Classic. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– KUHI KUHI SI 107 (Ronas Ryon). 14 wins to 6, $159,925, Mr Jet Moore S. [G3], La Mariposa H., Buttons and Bows S. twice, O B Cockerell H., 2nd O B Cockerell H., La Mariposa H., Buttons and Bows S., 3rd New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G2] twice, Texas Champ. Challenge [G2], MBNA America S., finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Kamalani SI 97 (Tolltac). 2 wins to 3, $7,381, finalist [G3]. Dam of KAMA SHOOTIN SI 108 ($284,069 [R] [G3]), granddam of Sugar Beats SI 94. Phantasma SI 96 (Moon Lark). Winner to 3. Dam of MAJOR PHANTOM SI 95 ($41,102); granddam of Kiki Kiki SI 93 ($96,346 [R] [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 112 Jess Intentions 112 March 26, 2020 Bay Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Intentions Send Me First SI 97 X0745256 Roar {Forty Niner Intent TB Wild Applause (2008) { Grand Corsage {Houston Her Silver By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam Intent TB, by Roar. 3 wins at 3, $91,950, 2nd Little Silver S. Dam of 3 named thoroughbred and 4 quarter horse foals of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners– A Royal Treatment SI 108 (g. by Corona Caliente). 3 wins to 4, $27,768, 2nd Streakin La Jolla S., finalist in Retama Park Derby [G3]. Lasting Intent TB (f. by Stormy Atlantic). 4 wins to 5, $13,432. Dam of– Intentional Bench TB (g. by Bench the Judge TB). Winner in 1 start at 4. Be Intent TB (g. by Bernstein). 3 wins to 4, $13,313. 2nd dam GRAND CORSAGE, by Houston. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– Intent TB (f. by Roar). Stakes placed winner, above. R U Sure TB (g. by Yes It's True). 8 wins to 6, $109,547. El Simon TB (g. by Holy Bull). 2 wins to 4, $32,437. Black Tux TB (c. by Montbrook). 2 wins to 4, $28,020. Turrialba TB (f. by Arch). 2 wins to 3, $27,732. 3rd dam HER SILVER, by Herbager. Unraced. Half sister to STATE DINNER ($537,859 [G1]), BANQUET TABLE ($235,090 [G1]). Out of SILVER BRIGHT ($154,940). Dam of 13 foals to race, 6 winners– STAR OF MANILA TB (Manila). 7 wins to 5, $315,742, W. L. McKnight H., [G2], Transylvania S. [L], Hopemont S., T. V. Lark S., 2nd Canadian Turf H., [G2], 3rd Gulfstream Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., [G2], City of Miami S., Set NCR. Sire. MIO ROBERTINO TB (Roberto). $157,110: winner at 2, ($39,180 USA), in France, 3rd Prix d'Avilly Saint Leonard [L]; 3 2 wins to 4, $117,930, in U.S., Tidal H., [G2]. Sire. Hot Silver TB (Nureyev). Winner to 3, ($24,120 USA), in France, 2nd Prix des Lilas [L], 3rd Prix d'Angerville [L], 4th Prix des Reservoirs [G3]. Dam of BLACK QUESTION ($186,293), HILL SILVER ($83,068 in France); granddam of HIGH ROCK (IRE) ($272,620 in France [G3]), HOMELAND (FR) ($128,103 in France & U.S), HIDEAWAY (FR) ($76,044 in France), High Flash (IRE) ($97,471 in France [G3]). Biko Good Man TB (Woodman). $692,517 on the flat and over the jumps in Japan. Tea Service TB (Atticus). Placed in 2 starts at 2, $5,200. Granddam of EL ASTRONAUTE (IRE) ($567,396 in England, Ireland and France), CATHKIN PEAK (IRE) ($101,672). Time for a Wedding TB (Manila). Unplaced. Dam of SARATOGA BLUES ($161,641); granddam of BLUEGRASS PRIDE ($127,382). Brett's Quack TB (Quack). Unraced. Dam of SILVER AND JADE ($90,398), Silver Tower ($115,515 [G2]); granddam of Silver Echo ($45,528; dam of NOTORIOUSLY, $241,915). Silver Reflet TB (Shadeed). Unraced. Dam of ANTEQUERA (in India, Calcutta Two Thousands Guinas G2), Royal Force (in India, 3rd Colts' Trial S., G1); granddam of ASSHNA, PRACTICALLYPERFECT, Reflection of Gold, Integrate, Silver Bracelet (IND) (in India). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 113 Riverside Chick 113 March 19, 2020 Black Filly Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Chicks Regard SI 107 { A Classy Chick SI 89 First Regard {First Down Dash SI 105 Riverside Chick Regard SI 98 6019502 First Moonflash SI 122 {First To Flash SI 106 Riverside Flash SI 85 Nagano Moon SI 82 (2015) { Riverside Eye Opener SI 102 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Riversides Trouble By CHICKS REGARD SI 107 (1999). 6 wins, $52,783, Head Pin H., fnl [RG1]. Sire of 217 ROM, 20 stakes winners, $8,167,284, including REGARD WITH RESPECT SI 95 (3 wins, $501,055, OK-Bred Fut. [RG2]), YOU N HOW MANY MORE SI 101 (5 wins, $413,061, Hobbs America Fut. [G2]), A STREAK REGARD SI 99 (6 wins, $381,069, Zia Fut. [RG1]), MS REGARD SI 119 (8 wins, $330,381, NM Fillies & Mares Champ. [RG3]), UNCOVERED REGARD SI 110 (8 wins, $246,489, KOFX-FM H. [G2]), SNOW REGARD.

1st dam RIVERSIDE FLASH SI 85, by First Moonflash. 3 wins at 2, $49,617, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old.

2nd dam Riverside Eye Opener SI 102, by Mr Eye Opener. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $76,597, 2nd La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in KHEY/Y96 H. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM– Hard Hitting Speed SI 111 (g. by Hard Hitting). 3 wins to 6, $65,265. Riverside Babe SI 83 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $17,560. Dam of– Riverside Moonbeam SI 82. Winner at 2, 2020.

3rd dam RIVERSIDES TROUBLE, by Riverside Artist [IRE] TB. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners, 2 ROM-- Riverside Eye Opener SI 102 (Mr Eye Opener). Stakes placed winner, above. Celas Trouble SI 93 (Celadon). Winner to 3, $14,242.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson Hip No. 114 Name Pending 114 March 11, 2020 Brown Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB King Of The Roxy {Littleexpectations Acute Band TB Marrakesh (2011) { Acute Angle {Chimes Band Unbridled Set By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam ACUTE BAND TB, by King Of The Roxy. 2 wins at 4, $24,325. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Acute Angle, by Chimes Band. 3 wins to 3, $78,986, 2nd Spring Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Tennis Star TB (f. by Halory Hunter). 3 wins to 5, $42,795, 3rd New Mexico Breeders' Oaks [R]. Acute Lil Devil TB (f. by Diabolical). 14 wins to 8, 2020, $146,617. Heademoffatthepass TB (f. by Caleb's Posse). 2 wins to 4, $30,373. 3rd dam UNBRIDLED SET, by Unbridled. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $81,285, Molly Brown H., Columbus Day S. [N], Aspen S. [N], 2nd Ruffian S., Ruidoso Oaks [N], 3rd Columbine H., Fair Queen H. [N]. Set TRE at Sunray Park, 6f in 1:11.40. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– Acute Angle TB (Chimes Band). Stakes placed winner, above. Runaway Set TB (Cherokee Run). Winner to 3, $11,341. Dam of– I PLAY DIRTY TB. 2 wins at 2, $64,694, Copper Top Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. Avenue of Hope TB. Placed to 3, $4,120. FM Unbridled Dream TB (Diabolical). 4 wins to 5, $66,045. 4th dam SUPER SET, by Star de Naskra. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $169,497, Dixie Miss S., Chapel Belle S., Pontalba S., O, Track Robbery S., 2nd Davona Dale S., Lorelei S., 3rd Majorette H. [L]. Half sister to NET EFFECT. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– SET RECORDS TB (Sauce Boat). 16 wins to 5, $270,709, Ruidoso Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L], Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, Norgor Futurity, Winsham Lad Breeders' Cup H., Sunland Park Fall Thoroughbred Futurity [N], Eldorado H. [N], Ruidoso Mile H. [N], Justa Stepahead H. [N], 2nd Arapahoe H. [L], Dixieland S. [L], Remington Sprint Champ. H., 3rd Silver Bullet Centennial H. [L]. Set NTR 1 mile in 1:37.00. UNBRIDLED SET TB (Unbridled). Stakes winner, above. SET INSIGHT TB SI 93 (Phone Trick TB). 7 wins to 4, $78,056, $642, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, Norgor Derby [N], Free Spirits H. [N], 2nd Saguaro S. Star Status TB (Mr. Greeley). Placed at 2, $19,319, 2nd Tres Rios Juvenile, Los Ninos S. Set Stats TB (High Brite). Winner to 3. Dam of– PARKWAY EXPRESS TB. 2 wins to 6, $29,792, $516, San Juan County Juvenile [R]. Miss Set N Bull TB. 3 wins to 5, $27,639. Set TRE at Zia, 5 1/2f in 1:04.40. Dam of– Miss Bullette TB SI 84. 7 wins to 5, $112,939, $3,154, 2nd Copper Top Thoroughbred Futurity [R], C.O. Ken Kendrick Mem. S. [R]. Excessive Stats TB. 4 wins to 6, $80,710. Set Values TB (Tejano). Winner at 2. Dam of Values Of The Hunt ($209,848); granddam of MR. MOOCH ($210,004), Set Expectations ($59,451). Money Set TB (Maria's Mon). 16 wins to 8, $145,262. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike & Yealonda Logan Hip No. 115 One Slick Chic 115 March 25, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 One Slick Chic Dashin Sandy SI 107 6055239 One Sweet Jess SI 103 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Sweet And Slick SI 93 One Sweet Dash SI 94 (2013) { One Slick Cookie SI 96 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Pfeffernusse SI 96 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam SWEET AND SLICK SI 93, by One Sweet Jess. 2 wins to 3, $15,932. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam One Slick Cookie SI 96, by Dash for Cash. 3 wins to 3, $32,367, 2nd Gardena H., Debutante H., 3rd AQRA Turf Paradise Derby [G3], Marina Pacifica H., finalist in Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], Vandy's Flash H. [G3], Miss Princess H.[G3]. Sister to ONE SLICK ONE SI 112. Dam of 16 foals to race, 11 winners, 14 ROM– FOCUS ON SPEED SI 101 (f. by Separatist). 4 wins to 3, $44,361, QHRA of Indiana Derby, Enchanted S.-NTR, 300y in 0:15.536, 2nd All American Congress Derby. NUMBER ONE INTEREST SI 99 (f. by Seperate Interest). Winner to 3, $41,258, Four Corners Futurity, finalist in Southwest Juvenile Inv. Champ. [G2]. One Famous Lady SI 104 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $172,515, 3rd KHEY/Y96 H. [G3], finalist All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of– ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101. Champion 3-Year-Old, 7 wins in 11 starts to 3, $1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], etc. ONE FAMOUS ICON SI 103. 4 wins to 3, $46,890, AQRA-Turf Paradise Derby-NTR, 2nd AQRA Spring Fling Futurity, 3rd AQRA President's Fall Derby. FAMOUS CARTEL LADY SI 107. 2 wins to 3, $21,082, Knight Transp. Futurity-NTR, 300y in 0:15.271, 3rd Wild West Juvenile S. Dam of Famous Cartel Jess SI 98 (to 3, 2021, $100,778, 3rd Ruidoso Inv. S., finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Golden State Million Fut. [G1]). One Famous Ferragamo SI 84. 2 wins to 3, $56,898, 2nd Jens List Mem. California Breeders S. [R], finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2]. Famous Splash SI 98. Placed in 1 start, ($20,773 USA), 2nd Campeonato Juvenil. Famous Corona Lady SI 96. 3 wins to 3, $184,408, finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Dam of JEST FAMOUS SI 99 ($389,513 [G1]), Jessapolitical Guy SI 86. One Famous Rock Star SI 93. Placed to 3, $5,156. Dam of JR ROCK STAR SI 104 ($82,406), One Famous Hero SI 102 (6 wins, $101,104, finalist [G2]). One Famous Ermana. Dam of Hit Or Miss Kiss SI 105 ($68,353), R Valiant Hero. Zanjero SI 102 (g. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 8, $20,754, 3rd Premio Merced Gomez Orozco S., Premio Javier Rosique Palavicini. One Flying Cookie SI 97 (f. by Strawfly Special). Winner to 3, $13,092, 3rd Yavapai Futurity [G3]. Dam of CARTERS COOKIE SI 93 ($359,630, Rainbow Fut. [G1]), ONE FLYING DYNASTY SI 93 ($154,106), Arizona Chrome SI 94 ($25,369). One Quick Cookie SI 92 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). Winner to 3, $12,102. Dam of JESS FEATUREME QUICK SI 103 ($687,155 [G3]), One Quick Wagon SI 89, One Famous Cookie SI 103; granddam of Sure Fire Quick SI 96 ($91,643 [G2]), RF Apolliticalcookie SI 95 ($58,267 [R] [G2]). One Slick Jessie (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Dam of TEMPTING ONE SI 97. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 116 Queen Of The Jingle 116 February 2, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Queen Of The Jingle Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6033500 Bigtime Favorite SI 102 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Ms Jingles SI 101 Ms Dashin Bigtime SI 90 (2010) { Some Quick Dasher SI 94 {Some Dasher SI 111 Quicken SI 82 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459).

1st dam MS JINGLES SI 101, by Bigtime Favorite. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2, $453,728, Lee Berwick Mem. Louisiana Bred Futurity [R] [G1], Louisiana Bred Lassie Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2]. Dam of 10 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 9 to race, 4 winners, 7 ROM– Convergence SI 95 (g. by American Runaway). Winner to 6, ($5,517 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Hipodromo Derby Challenge. Jingle Bella SI 90 (f. by Freighttrain B). Winner at 2, $18,855. Texiannie SI 90 (f. by Captain Courage). Winner to 4, $6,706. Conviviality SI 95 (f. by Captain Courage). Winner to 3, ($3,679 USA), in Mexico. Ironey SI 90 (g. by Ivory James). Placed at 2, 2021, $10,429.

2nd dam SOME QUICK DASHER SI 94, by Some Dasher. 2 wins to 3, $6,505. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners, 7 ROM– MS JINGLES SI 101 (f. by Bigtime Favorite). Stakes winner, above. Five Bell Cartel SI 97 (f. by Five Bar Cartel). Winner to 4, 2020, $37,335, finalist in LQHBA Lassie Futurity [R] [G2]. Especially Effective SI 95 (g. by Achievement). 3 wins to 3, $21,880. Run for Us Run SI 81 (g. by Cosino). Winner to 6, $21,017.

3rd dam QUICKEN SI 82, by Rare Jet. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– Jd Rare Cat SI 86 (Rare Form). Winner at 2. Ms Special Ed (Special Effort). Unraced. Dam of– Bt Fly Boy SI 94. 2 wins to 9, $18,050, 2nd Wyoming Downs 870 Bonus Challenge S. Ms Make It SI 99. 2 wins to 3, $31,048, finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Dam of– My Miracle Lady SI 94. Winner to 3, $8,713. Make Me a Fast Wagon SI 86. Winner to 3, $6,622.

4th dam COME ON BABE, by My Dear Charlie TB. Placed at 3. Half sister to SEE ME DO IT SI 104 ($913,464.00), Lovers Talk SI 98 ($45,754). Dam of 1 starter, above.

ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 117 Name Pending 117 March 8, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Quite Unusual Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2011) { Really Rare SI 89 {Raise A Secret SI 99 Your So Rare SI 88 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam QUITE UNUSUAL, by Walk Thru Fire. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race, 2 winners– Quite Up SI 98 (g. by Kiddy Up). 3 wins to 4, $28,421. 2nd dam REALLY RARE SI 89, by Raise a Secret. 2 wins to 3, $15,724. Sister to Your So Royal SI 91. Dam of 16 foals to race, 10 winners, 12 ROM– REALLY A FIRST SI 103 (g. by First Down Express). $179,558: 5 wins to 5, $174,135, in U.S., Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1], 3rd Sgt. Pepper Feature S. [G3], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]; ($5,423 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Campeon de Campeones. SELDOM HAPPENS SI 93 (f. by First Down Express). 5 wins to 4, $64,853, Denim N Diamonds H. [R], 2nd La Pacifica H. REALISTICALLY SI 107 (f. by Separatist). 3 wins to 5, $56,669, Kansas Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Two Rivers S. [G3], Miss Black Hawk S. Dam of– VIVID SI 90. 5 wins to 4, $92,068, Miss Princess H. [G3], Ed Burke Mem. Juvenile S., A Ransom H., 2nd California Breeders Matron S. [R] [G3], PCQHRA Breeders Derby, Golden State Juvenile S., finalist in Vessels Maturity [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1]. JUST BE REAL SI 93. 5 wins to 3, 2020, $83,417, Autumn H., S., 3rd Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G2], PCQHRA Breeders Derby [G2], finalist in Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], Southern California Derby [G2]. TRUE COPY SI 106. 11 wins to 4, $82,374, Canada Cup Futurity [R] [G3], Evergreen Distaff Challenge, All Canadian Derby, 2nd Peace Country Derby, Jerry Stojan Mem. Futurity, Canada Cup Derby [R], finalist in Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Smithy SI 91. 2 wins to 3, $75,102, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G2], finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G3]. RARELY HAPPENS SI 107 (g. by TR Dasher). 4 wins to 6, $9,280, Rupert Bonus Chlg. Rarely Real SI 88 (f. by Separatist). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2. Dam of– RARELY DASHER SI 102. 4 wins to 5, $9,533, Double D Futurity, finalist in Blane Schvaneveldt Cowboy Classic Futurity [G3]. 3rd dam YOUR SO RARE SI 88, by Plunder Bay. Winner at 2. Half sister to JET VIEW SI 104 (Champion, $328,628), Rare Jet SI 109 ($122,020). Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners– SO CAL GAL SI 95 (El Rey Burner). 6 wins to 4, $71,407, Lassie H. [G2], Charger Bar H., La Jolla H., 2nd Anne Burnett Inv. H. [G1], QHBC Distaff [G1], Debutante H., 3rd Las Senoritas H., Independence Day H. [R], finalist in Town Policy H., [G2]. FEDEXER SI 101 (First Down Express). 8 wins to 6, $34,267, Scott Lewis H. Your So Royal SI 91 (Raise a Secret). 4 wins to 4, $26,506, 2nd Lute Proctor Mem. H. So Cal Miss SI 87 (El Rey Burner). Winner to 3, $6,324. Dam of WAVE CATCHER SI 94 ($27,989), She Surfs SI 98; granddam of CLOSING TIME SI 108 ($50,755), SADIE SIS SI 94 ($34,245), MUCH ADMIRED SI 97 ($27,893), Newport Coaster SI 95 ($68,088), Single Sadie SI 97 ($62,404 [R] [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 118 Cole B 118 March 22, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Cole B Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6055906 This Snow Is Royal SI 101 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Dashin Thru The Snow Florentine SI 108 (2000) { Three Million Cash SI 89 {On A High SI 113 Viking Anne SI 116 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam DASHIN THRU THE SNOW, by This Snow Is Royal. Unraced. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 12 to race, 8 winners– ROYAL SNOWFLAKES SI 97 (g. by Royal Always). 2 wins to 3, $142,679, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. My Box of Chocolate SI 116 (f. by Genuine Strawfly). 3 wins to 6, $104,921, 2nd Sunburst H. [R], 3rd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3]. Strait Away Fame SI 105 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 4, $68,832, 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Run Fast Forrest SI 114 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $51,636. My Chunk of Change SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $26,612. Dam of– RKM Chunk of Regard SI 95 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $29,860. 2nd dam THREE MILLION CASH SI 89, by On a High. Winner at 3. Dam of 7 starters, 3 ROM– A Viking Princess SI 89 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner at 2, $6,335. Dam of– A Scootin Princess SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $41,137, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], California Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Princess Jessie Jane SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $156,485, 2nd New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Derby [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Finnley SI 91. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $67,756, finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Finnlander SI 108. 3 wins to 8, $53,113, finalist in Sunland Distance Challenge [G3]. 3rd dam VIKING ANNE SI 116, by Vikingson. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 19 wins, 2 to 6, $183,809, Marathon H., Bull Rastus H., Pap H. twice, Katella H.-NTR, El Ocho Setenta H., Hillsdale H., Orange County Marathon Inv H., Consolation Inv. H., Del Mar Expo Marathon Inv. 2nd Bull Rastus H., Pap H., Hillsdale H., etc. Dam of 12 winners– WICKED DASH SI 104 (Dash for Cash). 9 wins to 6, $353,808, Horsemen's QHRA Champ. [G1] twice, QHBC Distaff [G1], Gold Coast Express Inv. H. [G3], etc. WICKED WILLA SI 101 (Dash for Cash). 6 wins to 4, $120,793, World's Champ. Classic [G1], etc. Dam of WICKED WINNER SI 94 ($137,880 [G1]), Wickedly SI 94 [G2]; granddam of WICKED ROYAL CARTEL SI 96 ($62,641), FIRSTLY WICKED SI 108 ($30,543), First Wicked Lady SI 94 ($150,288, 2nd All American Derby [G1]). WICKED WIND SI 97 (Dash for Cash). 4 wins to 4, $117,501, Rainbow Silver Cup, etc. STRICTLY WICKED SI 105 (Dash for Cash). 8 wins to 5, $111,713, Laguna Beach H., 2nd Budweiser Derby [G1], 3rd Kansas Derby [G1]. Wicked Pamela SI 90 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $6,028, 3rd Dashs Dream S. Dam of WICKED COURAGE SI 105 ($1,132,848, Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]), HEZA WICKED MAN SI 107 ($180,351 [G3]), JJs DOUBLE DASH. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 119 Blazin Chamisa 119 March 1, 2020 Gray Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Blazin Chamisa Send Me First SI 97 6072822 Major Rime SI 104 {Rime SI 102 A Major Chamisa Mary Major SI 99 (2010) { Chicks Chamisa SI 98 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Moolahs Parade SI 82 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam A MAJOR CHAMISA, by Major Rime. Unraced. Sister to RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122, ME CHICKIE SI 111. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners– A Major Corona SI 98 (g. by Eye On Corona). 2 wins to 4, $27,794. Hes a Major Chick SI 82 (g. by Jess a Chicks). Winner at 2, 2020, $6,935, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CHICKS CHAMISA SI 98, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 2, $3,282. Dam of 19 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– SIXY CHAMISA SI 104 (f. by Sixes Royal). 8 wins to 4, $350,095, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst H. [R], 2nd SunRay Firecracker S. [R], 3rd NM Breeders' S. [R] [G2], finalist [R] [G1]. Dam of– WAGON ON FIRE V SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $103,941, West Texas Derby [G3]. A VALIANT DIAMOND SI 104. 5 wins to 4, 2021, $68,822, Northlands Juvenile S., 3rd Altoona Derby, finalist in Mr. Jet Moore S. [R] [G2], Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. OILPATCH CHAMISA V SI 90. Winner in Mexico, Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Sanchez S. Chamiso James SI 95. 2 wins to 4, $45,382, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122 (f. by Major Rime). 6 wins to 6, $276,544, Pelican S. [R] [G3], Manuel Lujan H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of– RIME CHIMES SI 103. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $196,629, New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash Maturity [R] [G2]. ME CHICKIE SI 111 (f. by Major Rime). 8 wins to 6, $233,574, Lineage Champ. [R] [G2], 2nd Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Dam of– WAGON CHICK V SI 97. 7 wins to 4, $257,950, Mr Jet Moore H. [G2], 2nd Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1]. JM Onehotchickie SI 95. Winner to 4, $32,718, 2nd Mr Jess Perry Derby. Wagon Coast SI 85. Winner at 2, 2021, $12,497, 3rd AQRA TP Open Spring Futurity. Mr Flash the Moolah SI 90 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $77,793, fnl [R] [G3]. Flashing Moolah SI 95 (First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $50,870, qualified [R] [G1]. 3rd dam MOOLAHS PARADE SI 82, by Sparkling Moolah. Placed at 3. Sister to PARADE THE MOOLAH SI 101, MACY DAY PARADE SI 98. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– NATHANS ROCKET SI 98 (Azure Rocket Te). 4 wins to 3, $73,297, Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], Sparkling Moolah H. [R] [G3], 2nd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. MOOLAHS CROWN SI 92 (Crowned Jewel TB). 3 wins to 4, $47,187, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of The Zoomer SI 90 ($32,750 [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent Hip No. 120 Eye Am Sugar 120 March 3, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye Am Sugar Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6037501 Tempting Dash SI 112 {First Down Dash SI 105 Sugars First Love SI 99 A Tempting Chick SI 99 (2015) { Loves Brown Sugar SI 108 {Prime Talent SI 107 Loves Easter Bunny SI 98 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam Sugars First Love SI 99, by Tempting Dash. 2 wins to 3, $59,962, 2nd Oklahoma Derby [G3], finalist in TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam LOVES BROWN SUGAR SI 108, by Prime Talent. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $144,065, B.F. Phillips, Jr. H. [R] [G3], Selma S. twice, King William H. twice, TQHA Classic S. [R], Live Oak H. [R], 2nd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Sam Houston Classic H. [G2], TQHA Classic S. [R], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1], Refrigerator H. [G1] twice. Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner– Sugars First Love SI 99 (f. by Tempting Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. 3rd dam LOVES EASTER BUNNY SI 98, by Royal Shake Em. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $23,654. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– LOVES BROWN SUGAR SI 108 (Prime Talent). Stakes winner, above. TEMPTING LOVE SI 103 (Tempting Dash). 5 wins to 5, 2020, $117,750, James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3]. LOVE TA ZOOM SI 101 (Azoom). 5 wins to 7, 2021, $71,777, Governors' Cup Marathon S., 2nd San Marcos H., 3rd Benny Pennington Mem. S., finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3]. EYE AM TUFF SI 94 (Carters Cartel). Winner to 5, 2021, $64,187, TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in TQHA Classic S. [R] [G2]. SWEET EASTER BUNNY SI 103 (Sweet First Down). 4 wins, $24,952, La Villita S. [R]. 4th dam LOVE ZUCCHINI SI 88, by Tunnel of Love TB. Winner at 2. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– LOVE A VICTORY SI 96 (Victory Dash). 4 wins to 3, $23,982, Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3], qualified to TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of– Love Ta Shakem SI 104. 9 wins to 7, $48,071. Lovely Legs. Unraced. Dam of– TEXASINDEPENDENCEGAL SI 111. 7 wins to 3, $191,070, Delta Juvenile Challenge, TQHA Futurity [R], 2nd Heritage Place Derby [G2], 3rd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G3]. MR BAY LEGS SI 110. 5 wins to 4, $37,812, Dash for Cash Juvenile S. Jesslightninglegs SI 100. Winner to 3, 2021, $37,892, 3rd Tomball S. [R], finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G3]. Ottyes Valentine Gal SI 98. 3 wins, $21,991, 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Zipptory SI 103 (Victory Dash). 3 wins to 3, $10,663, 2nd East Juvenile Chlg. Dam of– Eltoreo SI 96. 4 wins to 8, $82,962, finalist in O B Cockerell H. [G3]. Zip This Fly SI 97. 3 wins to 6, $51,171, finalist in New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3]. Ziplock Chick. Unraced. Dam of CLASIC CHIC SI 103 ($61,730), SAMBASCO CHIC SI 102 ($58,446), Silver Perry ($48,873). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 121 Goin For A Ride 121 March 19, 2020 Gray Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Goin For A Ride Send Me First SI 97 6063728 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Landaulette Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2012) { No Fees SI 94 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Feefees Celebration SI 98 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LANDAULETTE, by Mr Jess Perry. Unplaced. Sister to Sinuous SI 99. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Free Money (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $6,430. 2nd dam NO FEES SI 94, by Runaway Winner. 6 wins in 6 starts to 3, $166,320, TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G1], Texas Juvenile Challenge, Miss Houston S. [R], qualified to Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Dam of 31 foals to race, 17 winners, 24 ROM– HAWKEYE SI 105 (c. by One Dashing Eagle). 6 wins to 4, $195,690, Sam Houston Classic S. [G2], Harris County S., 2nd Canterbury Park Champ. Challenge S., finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3]. Sinuous SI 99 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 3, $105,956, 2nd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G1], finalist in Remington Derby [G2], qualified to Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Dam of– WHISTLE STOP CAFE SI 101. World Champion, Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, 6 wins at 2, 2020, $1,974,986, All American Futurity [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], Heritage Place Juvenile S. SO RapidO SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $122,317, Sam Houston Derby [G3], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. MARFILMIO SI 103. 8 wins to 6, 2021, $97,444, Two Rivers S. [G3], 2nd North Central QHRA Futurity, RMQHA Champ. S., 3rd First Down Dash H. [G3], Gopher State Derby [R], finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], Lovington S. [G2]. Mansory SI 106. 6 wins to 4, 2020, $80,393, 2nd Prairie Dash S., 3rd Prairie Meadows Derby Challenge S., finalist in AQHA Adequan Derby Challenge Champ. S. [G3]. Canonball Run SI 101. 2 wins to 3, $66,907, 2nd Evangeline Downs Futurity, finalist in West Texas Derby [G3]. Bigtime Connoisseur SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $44,387, 3rd Sam Houston Juvenile S., TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Andorite SI 95 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins at 2, $77,342, 3rd Remington Futurity [G1], finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Heavy Croozer SI 106 (g. by Panther Mountain). 2 wins to 6, $37,876, 2nd Heartbeat of America H. [R] [G3]. Zenergy SI 94 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $42,326, finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Dam of– ZENERGETIC SI 107. 6 wins to 5, $82,358, Mother's Day S., Selma S., Miss Sam Houston S. [R], 2nd King William H., Streakin La Jolla S., finalist [G3]. ENTHUSIASTIQUE SI 97. 2 wins to 3, ($35,259 USA), in Mexico, Clasico the Prize. Zenefit SI 96. 2 wins to 5, $49,206. Full Throttled SI 105 (g. by Captain Courage). 2 wins to 5, 2021, $50,590. Verrsace (f. by Ocean Runaway). Unraced. Dam of– Marfilous SI 103. 5 wins to 4, $47,319, 2nd Mother's Day S., finalist [G2]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 122 Stormi Seas 122 January 11, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Stormi Seas Runaway Wave SI 105 X0741542 Storm Boot {Storm Cat Count The Tears TB Aliata (2007) { Hot Little Dish {Turkey Shoot Lady On Ice By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam COUNT THE TEARS TB, by Storm Boot. 5 wins to 4, $137,084. Dam of 2 thoroughbred and 3 quarter horse foals of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners– I Cried a Tear TB (f. by Maclean's Music). 3 wins to 5, $98,516. Sum Storm SI 92 (g. by Kiss My Hocks). Winner to 3, 2020, $16,829. 2nd dam HOT LITTLE DISH, by Turkey Shoot. 12 wins at 5 and 6, $127,742, 3rd Delaware Park Horsemen's Assoc. S. [N]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners– CAJUN HOTTIE TB (f. by Dixieland Heat). 3 wins to 3, $61,210, Blue Mountain Juvenile S. [R]. Dam of– Cool Deal TB. 2 wins to 8, 2020, $47,220. Geaux Cajun TB. Winner to 3, $14,300. Fire Emblem TB (f. by Our Emblem). 5 wins to 6, $124,364, 3rd Blue Mountain Juvenile S. [R]. Dam of– Halo Mark [KOR] TB. Winner at 2 My Sonata TB (f. by Noble Causeway). 6 wins to 4, $256,888, 2nd Donna Freyer S. [NR]. Dam of– Super Donna G TB. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $96,138. Market Maven TB. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $76,890. Game Changer TB. Winner to 5, 2021, $21,851. Smoken Shooter TB (g. by Storm Boot). 6 wins to 7, $132,650. Dish's Dixie TB (f. by Dixieland Heat). 6 wins to 7, $90,052. Swift N Sudden TB (f. by Petionville). 2 wins to 5, $87,762. Search N Destroy TB (g. by Noble Causeway). 3 wins to 5, $66,548. Storm Shooter TB (g. by Storm Boot). 6 wins to 7, $55,137. Doctor Diesel TB (g. by Storm Boot). Winner to 5, $45,256. 3rd dam LADY ON ICE, by It's Freezing. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $172,538, Tuscarora H., 2nd Betsy Ross H. [L], Fairway Fun S., O, Weber City Miss S., O, Wintergreen S., O, 3rd Geisha H. [O], Pageant S., O. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Blast of Ice TB (Turkey Shoot). 5 wins to 6, $44,611, 2nd Sunland Park H. [N], 3rd El Paso Times H. [N]. Lethal Lady TB (Turkey Shoot). 3 wins to 6, $30,200. Dam of– All About Eve TB. 3 wins to 3, $28,369. Dam of– All About Adam TB. 3 wins to 4, $30,975. 4th dam ON LADY ON, by On-and-On. Unplaced. Half sister to KEENELAND LASS TB, Home Lass TB ($82,785), Najeeb TB ($26,558). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– LADY ON ICE TB (It's Freezing). Stakes winner, above. Dad's Turn TB (Best Turn). 8 wins to 7, $67,001. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Brown Quarter Horses, Agent for Mark & Peggy Brown Hip No. 123 King Dreaming 123 March 28, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 King Dreaming Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6061852 Legendary Dreamer SI 108 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Frosty Dreams Playful Habits SI 80 (2012) { Sassy Okey {Okey Dokey Dale SI 108 Ronee Christina SI 97 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam FROSTY DREAMS, by Legendary Dreamer. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), 2 to race, 2 ROM– Dreamin Woodrow SI 93 (g. by Woodbridge). 2 wins to 3, $32,589, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Daddys Dream Girl SI 88 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $20,392, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Sassy Daddy SI 90 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed in 1 start at 3, 2021. 2nd dam SASSY OKEY, by Okey Dokey Dale. Unraced. Dam of no starters-- 3rd dam RONEE CHRISTINA SI 97, by Merridoc. Winner at 3, $3,275. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM-- FAST RED LEGGS SI 108 (Red TB). 13 wins to 7, $99,250, Northwest Derby Challenge [G3], IQHA Idaho Cup Futurity [R], Idaho Cup Derby [R], 2nd Blane Schvaneveldt H., Scott Lewis H., 3rd Northwest Champ. Challenge [G2], finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1], Northwest Champ. Challenge [G2]. WILD MAN RONNIE SI 105 (Reeds Dash). 4 wins to 7, $65,260, The Informant Derby, Idaho Cup Maturity R, 2nd Idaho Cup Maturity R, 3rd Idaho Cup Derby [R], finalist in Northwest Champ. Challenge [G2] twice, Northwest Derby Challenge [G3]. Dream Hopper SI 102 (Legendary Dreamer). 2 wins to 3, $8,395, 3rd Yellowstone Downs Futurity, Ft Pierre Bonus Challenge. Dam of– LADY WHITE FOX. Winner at 2, 2021, $10,500, BHS Futurity. 4th dam PUNKY PURIM SI 88, by Real Easy Jet. Winner at 2, $11,140, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1]. Half sister to SR RAZZMATAZZ SI 104, Sign of the Future SI 91. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM-- Ronas Big E Nuf SI 98 (Ronas Ryon). 2 wins to 5, $7,552, 2nd Yellowstone Downs Juvenile Champ. Dashing Serenade SI 88 (First Down Dash). Winner at 2. Dam of– Dolce Dash SI 98. 2 wins at 2, $36,795, 2nd AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G1], West/Southwest Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of– DOLCE LA JOLLA SI 102. 6 wins to 3, $81,370, Hippodromo de las Americas S., Ben E. Keith S., R-NTR, finalist in Retama Park Futurity [G1]. Sire. Gypsy Airs SI 97. Placed to 3, $6,197. Dam of– Flying by Ya SI 105. 3 wins to 4, $23,893, 3rd Will Rogers Derby Challenge [G3], finalist in Remington Champ. Challenge [G2]. I Love This Bar. Unplaced. Dam of– Heza Devil Man SI 110. 6 wins to 4, $103,071, 3rd Mid-City S. [R] [G3]. Set NTR. I Love This Dash SI 99. 4 wins to 4, $71,875, 3rd Gentilly Dash S. Dash for Music SI 90 (First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $22,603, finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 124 Have A Queen 124 January 14, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Have A Queen Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6030901 Stel Corona SI 105 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Wish You Had One To SI 101 Our Lips Are Sealed (2009) { Devons Wish SI 91 {Devon Lane TB Kiptys Wish SI 102 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam Wish You Had One To SI 101, by Stel Corona. 3 wins to 3, $118,521, 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], qualified to New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 7 to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Jess Tequila Talkin SI 93 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $87,579, 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Burn One Down for Me SI 109 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $59,356, 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Jess One Wish SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $24,912. 2nd dam DEVONS WISH SI 91, by Devon Lane TB. Winner at 2, $8,691. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (f. by Man On the Move). 3 wins at 2, $174,146, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Dam of– CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98. 9 wins to 5, 2021, $465,158, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Junos Request S. [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Easy Date S., 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Pitre GMC Distaff S., New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2]. RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106. 8 wins to 4, 2020, $410,081, Zia Champ. S. [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], Dona Ana County H. [R], 2nd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Corona Divina SI 84. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. Wish You Had One To SI 101 (f. by Stel Corona). Stakes placed winner, above. Stel a Wish SI 88 (g. by Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $39,475, finalist [G3]. 3rd dam Kiptys Wish SI 102, by Kiptys Charger. 3 wins to 3, $31,291, 2nd Fiesta Derby, QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G2], Manor Derby [G3]. Half sister to Easy Grant SI 104 ($105,699 [G3]), Key To The Cash SI 93, Dashing Wish SI 98 (dam of ONE CORONA FOR ME SI 111, $113,509 [G3]). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KIPTYS FIRST DASH SI 102 (First Down Express). 7 wins to 4, $72,439, Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], Brotherly H., 3rd Malibu H., finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Wish for Fame SI 95 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $26,015, 3rd NM Spring Fling [R]. Kiptysside SI 93 (The Down Side). Winner to 3, $42,337, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mountain States Equine Hip No. 125 Surfin Sadie 125 March 14, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Surfin Sadie Runaway Wave SI 105 6079346 Hawkish SI 106 {Dash Thru Traffic SI 95 Fly Hawkish Fly SI 85 Oh La Proud SI 91 (2006) { Fly Rythm Fly SI 90 {Merridoc SI 102 Hot Rythm By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam Fly Hawkish Fly SI 85, by Hawkish. Placed to 3, $10,339, 2nd California Breeders Freshman S. [R]. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– I Know How to Fly SI 81 (f. by Dejon). Winner to 3, $9,631. Dejonaro SI 85 (g. by Dejon). Winner to 6, $4,319. 2nd dam FLY RYTHM FLY SI 90, by Merridoc. 5 wins to 3, $16,020, finalist in Las Ninas H. [G3]. Dam of 16 foals to race, 11 winners, 14 ROM– RED HOT RHYTHM SI 99 (c. by Chicks Beduino). 5 wins to 3, $164,014, Kindergarten Futurity [G2], El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2], 2nd Golden State Derby [G1], finalist in PCQHRA Breeders' Fut. [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Golden State Fut. [G1]. Sire. Hawks Rhythm Fly SI 99 (g. by Hawkinson). 2 wins to 4, $31,241, 2nd California Breeders' 550 Sophomore S. [R]. Make It Rhythm SI 96 (g. by Hawkinson). Winner to 5, $30,471, 3rd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2]. Fly Hawkish Fly SI 85 (f. by Hawkish). Stakes placed, above. Wards Desert Starlet SI 94 (f. by Superior Chick). 2 wins to 3, $3,545. Dam of– STARTLET HAWK SI 110. 6 wins to 4, $250,714, Golden State Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], West/Southwest Juvenile Challenge [G3]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.366, 3rd Town Policy H., finalist in Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1] twice. Vallarta Dash SI 95. 2 wins to 7, $43,265, 2nd Buttons and Bows S., finalist in California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of– Quick Intent SI 92. 2 wins to 4, $13,604. El Playa Bandolero. Winner to 3, $8,475. I Lead U Follow SI 86. 3 wins to 4, $23,873. Hanks a Star SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $14,410. Zena SI 92. 2 wins at 2, $13,549. Dam of– Building Wealth SI 88. Winner to 4, $11,635. Czech O Perez SI 103. 3 wins to 4, ($10,766 USA), in Mexico. Electra Czech SI 83. Winner to 4, $9,024. Omega Hawk SI 85. 3 wins to 3, $9,935. Corona Road Runner SI 83. Winner to 3, $9,306. Hawks Fly Rhythm SI 90 (f. by Hawkinson). 3 wins to 3, $27,716. Dam of– Altanero Ways SI 93. 5 wins to 6, $34,117. Hollywood Cartel SI 88. 2 wins to 5, 2020, $24,146. Fly Chickie Fly SI 86 (f. by Superior Chick). Winner to 3, $3,451. Dam of– Blazin Hot Wings SI 92. 2 wins to 3, $27,799, finalist Ruidoso Horse Sale Fut. [R] [G2]. Hawkinson Chickie SI 92. 3 wins to 4, $25,634, finalist in West/Southwest Derby Challenge [G3], Animas H. [G3]. This Hawk Flys SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $23,390. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 126 Nine Walks 126 March 10, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Nine Walks Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6039982 Jesse James Jr SI 98 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Ella Sophia SI 92 Loose Lips SI 105 (2010) { Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam ELLA SOPHIA SI 92, by Jesse James Jr. 2 wins to 4, $39,285. Sister to JESSE LANE SI 98, ZUCCARDI SI 99, JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99, Two Wines SI 95. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 5 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– SISTER SOPHIA SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 4 wins to 5, $141,484, New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2]. Daddies Girl SI 103 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 5, $35,503. 2nd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 24 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of ASTICA SI 110 (Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, $411,623 [R] [G1]), BIGG DADDY SI 98 ($753,768 [R] [G1]), Swiss White Wine SI 97 ($75,155 [G3]), Tuscan Redd SI 96 ($54,980 [R] [G1]), White Russsian SI 91 ($35,031). Granddam of DONELLI SI 96 ($420,604 [R] [G3]), Valiant Astica SI 99 ($2195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks), Fanncee SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $102,359 [R] [G3]). KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, 440y in 0:20.733, West Texas Derby [G3], Sunland Express H. [G3] twice, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G2], Northwest Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. JESSE LANE SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], All American Juvenile S., 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA-Turf Paradise Futurity. Dam of Looke At Me SI 93. Two Wines SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $108,904, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico [F] Champ. [R] [G1]. Conn Creek SI 98 (c by Dash Ta Fame) 3 wins to 3, $54,505, 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Marilyn Merlot SI 91 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of WINNING MERLOT SI 96 ($120,602 [R] [G2]), Marilyn Wins SI 88 ($79,568 [R] [G3]). Champagne Perry. Dam of CHAMPAGNE ROOM SI 92 ($119,511 [R] [G3]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 127 Fly Big Thru Fire 127 March 24, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 { Gronkowski SI 97 { Sweet Beduino SI 101 Babe On The Fly SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Fly Big Thru Fire Six On The Beach SI 106 6044949 Bigtime Favorite SI 102 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Bigtime Rose SI 89 Ms Dashin Bigtime SI 90 (2012) { St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Shes My Tea SI 92 By GRONKOWSKI SI 97 (2014). 4 wins, $79,589, 3rd Jerry Jaggars Mem. S., fnl in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Brother to FLY THRU THE FIRE SI 108, JM SPECIALWYNN SI 92, WRAP YOU UP SI 104, JUST WALK BY SI 90. Half-brother to ROCK YOU SI 102, ALI BABE FOOSE SI 96, CARNE VINO SI 92. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of winner Walk Thru Fire SI 92; sire of 89 stakes winners, 9 champions, including HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), HE LOOKS HOT SI 103 (World Champion, $1,618,055 [G1]), HIGHER FIRE. 1st dam BIGTIME ROSE SI 89, by Bigtime Favorite. 2 wins at 3, $14,280. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 2 to race. 2nd dam ST PATS TEA SI 109, by Mr Jess Perry. 5 wins at 3, $95,791, Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Delta Louisiana Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], LQHBA Sophomore - Fillies [R]. Dam of 22 foals to race, 16 winners, 18 ROM– BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (c. by First Down Dash). 6 wins to 3, $756,495, Texas Classic Futurity [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Futurity [G1], finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Sire. NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90 (f. by First Down Dash). 6 wins to 4, $260,905, Charger Bar H. [G2], California Breeders Matron S. [R] [G3], Las Damas H. [G3], Stel Corona H., finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. ST PATS FIRST SI 108 (g. by First Down Dash). 6 wins to 7, $173,113, Firecracker Derby [G2], Evangeline Downs Challenge S., Stephen F. Austin S., R twice, 2nd Ancira Ford S. [R] [G3], Delta Dash S., Live Oak H. [R], Ben E. Keith S. [R], 3rd Ancira Ford S. [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1] twice, Oklahoma Champ. Challenge [G1]. First Tea Rose SI 91 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins at 2, $33,744, finalist in Sam Houston Futurity [G1], Firecracker Futurity [G2]. Dam of– ROCK THAT WAGON SI 99. 9 wins to 8, $124,399, Simulcast Services S., Dash For Speed Bonus Challenge S., 2nd American Flyer S., Pen Pal S., finalist [G3]. ROB THAT WAGON SI 109. 10 wins to 4, 2020, $106,993, Sandy Downs Juvenile Challenge, Oneida County Mixed Breed Derby, Bitterroot Futurity [R], Oneida County Futurity [R], 2nd Pocatello Downs Derby Challenge, Bitterroot Derby, finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. S. [G3]. The Rose Cartel SI 105. 3 wins to 6, $36,660. The Sizzling Cartel SI 96. 4 wins to 5, $34,175. 3rd dam SHES MY TEA SI 92, by Hemp Meyers. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $26,913, finalist in LQHBA Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to LOTTA TEA SI 94. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– ST PATS TEA SI 109 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. Mon Ti Fleur SI 94 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $10,990. Dam of– MON TI ROSE SI 103. 8 wins to 5, $284,169, Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], Mr. Jess Perry S. [R] [G3], Billy Montgomery EVD S. [R] [G3], Party Girl S., R twice, etc. Dam of Always Ifs SI 95 ($49,488 [G3]). MON TI STOLI SI 111. 4 wins, $81,107, Par-A-Dice S.-NTR, 2nd Retama Derby [G2]. Get Cash Now SI 101. 4 wins to 4, $143,271, 2nd Louisiana Classic S. [R] [G1], Don Cravins S. [R], 3rd Mr. Jess Perry S. [R] [G3], finalist in LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1]. Mon Ti Dash SI 96. Winner to 4, $123,094, 2nd Delta Dash S., finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Diamonds R Forever B SI 81. Dam of Fast Dashin Diamond SI 101 ($282,105 [R] [G1]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 128 Cheap R To Keep Her 128 January 20, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Cheap R To Keep Her Runaway Wave SI 105 X0744850 Dome {Storm Cat Gossip Dome TB She's Tops (2008) { Theater Gossip {Phone Trick Sea Abyss By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam Gossip Dome TB, by Dome. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $245,459, Carlos Salazar S. [NR], 2nd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R], Russell and Helen Foutz Distaff H. [R], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup Filly and Mare Sprint Champ. S. [R], La Coneja S. [R], New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [R], Lincoln H. [R], Carlos Salazar S. [R]. Dam of 2 thoroughbred foals of racing age, 1 to race– Attila's Tattle TB (f. by Attila's Storm). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $34,600. 2nd dam THEATER GOSSIP, by Phone Trick. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $104,200. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Gossip Dome TB (f. by Dome). Stakes placed winner, above. Western Drama TB (f. by Cactus Ridge). Winner, $26,533, 2nd Prairie Gold Lassie S. Boogie Hill TB (c. by Siphon (BRZ). 2 wins to 5, $43,955. Get It Gin Gin TB (f. by Cactus Ridge). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– Gin's Bailey TB. 3 wins to 4, $54,835. 3rd dam SEA ABYSS, by Theatrical [IRE]. Winner at 3, $7,430. Dam of 11 foals to race, 5 winners– Money Shot TB (West by West). 12 wins to 9, $200,285. Dance Hall Dreamer TB (Chief Seattle). 4 wins to 4, $58,645. 4th dam Sea Drone, by Drone. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $97,491, 2nd Distaff H. [G3], 3rd Bryn Mawr S., Heirloom S. Sister to Malaga Bay. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– STORM AND SUNSHINE TB (Star de Naskra). 10 wins to 4, $387,633, Test S., [G2], Post-Deb S., [G3], Meadowlands Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L], Colleen S. [O], Miss Woodford S., Princess Rooney H., 2nd Ballerina S., [G2], Vagrancy H., [G3], 3rd Sorority H., [G2], Comely S., [G3]. Dam of– SMILE AGAIN TB. 6 wins to 8, $363,865, Bel Air H., [G2], Forty-Niner H. [L], 2nd Ben Ali S., [G3], Viking Spirit H. [R], 3rd William Donald Schaefer H. [L]. Sire. HALO SUNSHINE TB. 2 wins to 3, $287,525, Golden State Derby [L], 2nd San Rafael S., [G2], 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. Sire. MONTECITO TB. 5 wins to 4, $218,894, Jim Hill S. [R], 3rd Railbird S., [G2], Sorrento S., [G2], Landaluce S., [G2]. Dam of– BUNAIRGEAD [IRE] TB. $109,107: 2 wins to 4, ($99,107 USA), in Ireland, Lenebane S. [L], 2nd Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Give Thanks S., [G3], Canford Cliffs E.B.F. Athasi S., [G3], 3rd Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Naas Oaks Trial [L]. S. Tawaassol TB. $119,946: 2 wins to 7, ($85,298 USA), in England, 3rd Stan James Hackwood S., [G3]., ($34,648 USA), in U.A.E. Green Day TB (Eastern Echo). Winner to 5, ($329,754 USA), in Japan. Stormin' Sun TB (Buddy). Unraced. Dam of– My Buddy Harold TB. 2 wins to 5, $114,316. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 129 Wine Queen 129 January 1, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Wine Queen Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6030900 The Signature SI 107 {Noholme Ii TB Wild Vines SI 90 Mable Chick Too SI 95 (2000) { Famous Chapelle SI 106 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Streakin Chapelle By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NTR), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam WILD VINES SI 90, by The Signature. 2 wins to 4, $27,001, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3]. Dam of 23 foals of racing age, 19 to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– WILD SIX SI 103 (f. by Tres Seis). 7 wins to 3, $601,632, Rainbow Futurity [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Dam of– JESS WILD FOR YOU SI 88 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $100,166, Valley Junction Futurity. KJ Mucho Macho Man SI 96 (c. by Apollitical Jess). 6 wins to 3, 2020, $273,705, 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Texas Classic Juvenile S., 3rd West Texas Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Inv. S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Wild Sixes Cartel SI 93 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $111,572, 2nd Kindergarten Fut. [G2], John Deere S., finalist in Rainbow Fut. [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Wild and Game SI 96 (f. by Game Patriot). 2 wins to 3, $25,338, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv., qualified to West Texas Derby [G3]. Distenedtobewild (f. by FDD Dynasty). Unraced. Dam of– SBM Aces Wild SI 97 (c. by Fast Prize Jordan). 3 wins to 5, 2021, $66,487, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G3]. Wild Daddy Jack SI 95 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 5, 2020, $55,110, finalist in Jimmy Drake S. [R] [G3]. Wildside SI 90 (f. by The Down Side). Winner to 3, $29,319, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. FDD Cambria (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, $4,035. Dam of– Cambria Cartel SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $44,390, finalist [R] [G3]. Cartel Cambria SI 88 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins at 2, $27,311, finalist [R] [G3]. Jenna James SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced. Dam of– HONKY TONK DADDY SI 95 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $231,234, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Jenna Cartel SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $35,582, 3rd Jack Robinson H. Daddys Money SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $9,807, 2nd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. 2nd dam FAMOUS CHAPELLE SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $72,497, Utah Classic Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.420. Dam of 15 foals to race, 11 ROM-- ARBOR MIST SI 106 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 4, $130,397, New Mexico Breeders Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], etc. Set NTR. Dam of PLAY MISTY FOREME SI 102 ($296,616 [R] [G1]), Essencia SI 91 ($28,597). Love That Chapelle SI 96 (Blushing Bug). 4 wins to 4, $135,836, 2nd Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of Love That Six SI 104; granddam of RUN RAGING RHINO RUN SI 102 ($121,006). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 130 Jess A Response 130 January 29, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess A Response Send Me First SI 97 6028515 First Moonflash SI 122 {First To Flash SI 106 Miss Call Me First SI 82 Nagano Moon SI 82 (2014) { Willie Call Me SI 102 {Calyx SI 117 Willie Catfisher SI 95 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam MISS CALL ME FIRST SI 82, by First Moonflash. Winner at 2, $19,870, By By JJ S. [R], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam WILLIE CALL ME SI 102, by Calyx. 10 wins to 3, $123,750, Kansas Jackpot Futurity [R] [G2], Kansas Bred Futurity [R] [G3], Central Derby Challenge [G3], Mariposa H., Special Effort S., 2nd Paul B Ford Mem. H.-2nd Div, Pony Express S., 3rd AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1], finalist in Remington Derby [G1], Central Champ. Challenge [G2], Red Earth H. [G3]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 12 winners, 12 ROM– CALL ME A BLAZN CHIC SI 103 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). 6 wins to 9, $544,230, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Pelican S. [R] [G3], 2nd Sunburst S. [R], 3rd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Champ. [R] [G1]. MAKIN WILLIES SI 103 (c. by Make It Anywhere). 3 wins to 6, $124,343, Manuel Lujan H. [R] [G3], 2nd West Texas Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G1]. MISS CALL ME FIRST SI 82 (f. by First Moonflash). Stakes winner, above. Call It Anywhere SI 104 (g. by Make It Anywhere). 4 wins to 4, $70,427, 3rd West Texas Derby [G2], Higheasterjet H. [G3], finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Set NTR 350y. Lili Call Me SI 95 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $25,450, 3rd Oceanside H. Dam of– Ucallit SI 114. 10 wins to 6, $166,202, 2nd La Plata S. [G3]. Allure Sr SI 105. 4 wins to 4, $42,664, 3rd Selma S., Set NTR 330y in 0:16.484. Shot Caller 2007 SI 107. 2 wins at 2, $4,064, 2nd South Valley/Alberta Gas Futurity. Call My Hero SI 120. 4 wins to 4, $47,416. Set NTR at Sunray Park, 300y in 0:14.977. Call Me Sixes SI 94 (g. by Sixes Royal). Winner to 3, $22,469, 3rd Retama Derby [G2]. Willie Flash Me SI 96 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 6, $46,353. 3rd dam WILLIE CATFISHER SI 95, by Heavy Weight. 6 wins to 3, $20,787, Kansas Jackpot Derby [R], 3rd Flinthills Derby, finalist in Northeast Kansas QHA Derby [G3]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 9 winners, 9 ROM– WILLIE CALL ME SI 102 (Calyx). Stakes winner, above. PERFECTEST GIRL SI 102 (Meter Me Gone). 4 wins to 3, $43,198, Kansas Bred Futurity [R] [G3], Kansas Bred Derby [R], 3rd Kansas Jackpot Prep Derby [R], finalist in Kansas Futurity [G2], Iowa Double Gold Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of Brim And Proper Girl SI 99; granddam of SIX ON THE BRIMM SI 92. Take the Cash Willie SI 104 (Takin On the Cash). 4 wins to 4, $23,507, finalist in Kansas Jackpot Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of SPECIAL WILLIE SI 106 ($45,114), Hauling The Cash SI 94 ($39,459); granddam of DASH FOR NUMBER ONE SI 101 ($61,769). Sister Willie Call SI 85 (Calyx). Winner to 3. Dam of Will Rush SI 96, Game Raiser SI 109. Apollo Moonwalker SI 91 (Apollo TB). 3 wins to 5, $43,906, finalist in California Derby Challenge [G3], Texas Distance Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Walken to the Moon SI 105. 3 wins to 7, $65,171, 3rd West Texas Maturity [G2]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 131 Jess Cash The Money 131 May 7, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Cash The Money Send Me First SI 97 6072787 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Jess A Little Cash Scoopie Fein SI 99 (1999) { Cash And Music SI 101 {Cashagamble Words And Music SI 87 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam JESS A LITTLE CASH, by Mr Jess Perry. Unplaced. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, 7 to race, 4 winners– Okey Dokey Jess SI 97 (g. by Okey Dokey Dale). 13 wins to 11, 3 to 11, $96,607, 3rd Barnmaster Sprint S. [R] [G3]. Jumpn Jessie SI 103 (f. by Jumpn). 6 wins to 3, $43,235, 2nd Q [R]acing S. Dam of– Jumpn Fire SI 88 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 2 wins to 5, $26,687. Skyleronair (g. by Southern Corona). Placed at 2, in Mexico. Jess a Little Stoli SI 102 (g. by Stoli). Winner to 4, $8,166. Style Points (f. by No Secrets Here). Winner at 2, $4,080. 2nd dam CASH AND MUSIC SI 101, by Cashagamble. 5 wins to 3, $3,386, finalist in Northeast Kansas QHA Derby [G3]. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, 2 ROM– Dasher Casher SI 99 (f. by Some Dasher). 4 wins to 3, $58,971, 2nd Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3], Frances Carr Distaff S., 3rd Manor Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G1], TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Captain Fubar (g. by Hexagonal). Winner to 4, $4,621. Chocolate Challenge SI 83 (g. by Johnny Vittoro). 2 wins to 3, $4,338. 3rd dam WORDS AND MUSIC SI 87, by Cherokee Arrow TB. 2 wins to 4. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM-- Fashion Princess SI 103 (Himito Dancer). 14 wins to 6, $31,469, 3rd Northeast Kansas QHA Derby [G3], finalist in Minnesota 870 Classic H. [G3]. Set NTR. Dam of– Corporate Bully SI 95. 3 wins to 7, $27,257. Holy Bull SI 91. 4 wins to 8, $22,178. Ms Cherokee Fashion SI 104. Winner to 3, $4,474. Smokuino. Winner to 3. Country Magic Man SI 88 (Gone to the Man). Winner to 4. Hurrah for Music SI 87 (Last Hurrah). Winner to 3. 4th dam GO SNOOPER SI 95, by Go Man Go. 2 wins to 3, $10,933. Half sister to I'M GORGEOUS SI 96 ($178,057). Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners, 5 ROM– Ms Johnnie Be Good SI 99 (Johnny Vittoro). 11 wins to 4, $13,024. Dam of– Frosted Shortcake. Placed to 3. Dam of– Shorty Dot Com SI 105. 17 wins to 8, $97,031. Snoops Jet (Lockjaw TB). 2 wins to 5, $6,637. Go Gorgeous SI 96 (Hempen TB). 3 wins to 4, $5,762. Dam of– Plan to Cash In SI 92. 4 wins to 7, $9,590. Gorgeous Silk SI 90. Winner to 5. Heres the Plan SI 94 (Game Plan). 2 wins to 3. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 132 Janze 132 February 17, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Janze Dashin Sandy SI 107 6032390 Ocean Runaway SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 Ms Riptide SI 102 Runaway Wave SI 105 (2007) { Sixes Ms Perry SI 94 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Mame Smashed SI 108 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam MS RIPTIDE SI 102, by Ocean Runaway. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $68,418, Sam Houston Distaff Challenge, 2nd Sam Houston Derby Challenge [G3], Selma S., 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], finalist in Dash for Cash Derby [G2], Sam Houston Classic H. [G2]. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 6 to race, 2 winners, 4 ROM– MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (g. by Woodbridge). 7 wins to 3, 2020, $748,298, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2]. Ripp SI 88 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $18,802, finalist Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. 2nd dam SIXES MS PERRY SI 94, by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins to 3, $30,419, Texas Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], TQHA Classic S. [R] [G3], Texas Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– MS RIPTIDE SI 102 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Stakes winner, above. Acorn in the Grove SI 101 (f. by Oak Tree Special). 2 wins to 3, $54,199, 3rd TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam MAME SMASHED SI 108, by Easily Smashed. 6 wins to 3, $117,779, World's Champ. Classic [G1], 2nd Graham Farms Futurity [G3], 3rd Graham Farms Derby [G3], finalist in Kansas Derby [G1], Rainbow Silver Cup [G1], Las Damas H. [G1]. Sister to Smashed Hempen SI 101. Dam of 8 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– SO ROYALLY SMASHED SI 105 (Royal Quick Dash). $77,382: 5 wins to 5, $75,938, in U.S., Remington Gold Cup S. [G2], 2nd Fair Meadows M., 3rd Eastex H. [G3], Fair Meadows Juvenile S; winner in 2 starts in Mexico, finalist Mexico Champ. Chlg. [G3]. CK ONE SI 99 (First Down Dash). 9 wins to 5, $59,949, Sunray Park Marathon H., finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G2], Top Deck H. [G3]. SIXES MS PERRY SI 94 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. Sixes Battleship SI 101 (Brimmerton). 4 wins to 4, $55,035, 3rd Canterbury Park Derby. Just Swing Easy SI 97 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $29,056, finalist in Remington Futurity [G1], Altoona Derby [G3], West/Southwest Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Anybodybeatabirdie SI 88. 2 wins to 3, $14,747, 3rd Canterbury Park Derby [G3]. Dozer SI 94. 3 wins to 4, $46,691. High Falutin Guy SI 95 (On a High). 15 wins to 10, 3 to 10, $51,011. Play to the End (The Cash Player). Unraced. Dam of– PLAY FAST SI 102. 5 wins to 4, $102,146, Mile High Fut. [G2], Delta 550 S. [R] [G3]. 4th dam SHAME ON MAME TB, by Hempen. 4 wins to 4, $7,951. Dam of 18 foals to race, 7 winners-- MAME SMASHED SI 108 (Easily Smashed). Stakes winner, above. Smashed Hempen SI 101 (Easily Smashed). 3 wins to 6, $24,402, 2nd TQHA Texas Derby [G3], 3rd South Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Longhorn Futurity [G3]. Sire. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 133 Name Pending 133 January 1, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Name Pending Tilted Moon SI 98 Afrashad TB {Smoke Glacken Southern Crowne SI 94 Flo White (2014) { All N The Jeans SI 95 {Corona Cartel SI 97 All About Ease SI 98 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam SOUTHERN CROWNE SI 94, by Afrashad TB. 2 wins to 4, $25,972. This is her first foal. 2nd dam All N The Jeans SI 95, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins at 2, $120,036, 3rd Kindergarten Futurity [G1], finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Sister to CHAZAQ SI 104, Unlymited SI 92. Dam of 17 foals to race, 12 winners, 12 ROM– Going Viral SI 93 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 3, $45,546, 2nd Prairie Meadows Juv. Chlg. Jeaniologi SI 101 (f. by Dominyun). Winner at 2, $93,691, finalist in Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2]. Analytix SI 91 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 3, $58,924, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. La Ventaja SI 96 (f. by One Fabulous Eagle). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $32,976. Domaine SI 97 (f. by Dominyun). 5 wins to 4, $27,671. Ancestrall SI 92 (g. by Captain Courage). 3 wins to 4, 2020, $26,204. Apolitical Jeanius (f. by Apollitical Jess). Winner at 2, 2021, $25,226, finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. Thrones SI 90 (g. by Dominyun). 3 wins to 6, 2020, $24,168. Palencia SI 82 (f. by Dominyun). Winner to 3, 2021, $19,236. Jeanetics SI 89 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, 2020, $18,565, finalist in Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. 3rd dam ALL ABOUT EASE SI 98, by First Down Dash. 6 wins in 12 starts at 2, $309,503, Ruidoso Futurity [G1], 3rd West Texas Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of 35 foals to race, 27 winners, 31 ROM– CHAZAQ SI 104 (Corona Cartel). 7 wins to 3, $963,664, Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G3], Old Habits H., finalist in Champion of Champions S. [G1], Golden State Derby [G2]. ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 (Azoom). 2 wins to 5, $388,299, Rainbow Futurity [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Eastex H. [G2]. KATHARSIS SI 98 (American Runaway). 5 wins to 3, $127,622, Gillespie County Fair Futurity, Texas Twister S. [R], 2nd TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3], finalist [G2]. ALL ABOUT TORQUE SI 93 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $92,809, Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1]. Algorithmic SI 99 (Ivory James). 4 wins to 5, $319,408, 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Unlymited SI 92 (Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $135,252, 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. All N the Jeans SI 95 (Corona Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above. Mount Ararat SI 96 (Panther Mountain). 3 wins to 3, $42,777, 2nd Maple Leaf Derby. Takoradi SI 113 (Ivory James). 4 wins to 6, $27,006, 2nd Wayne Brasher Mem. S., finalist in Ruidoso Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Set NTR 250y in 0:12.985. Victorease SI 106 (One Famous Eagle). 2 wins, 2nd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge. All American Ease SI 90 (American Runaway). Placed to 3, $21,090, 3rd Governors S. Shazumba SI 90 (Shazoom). Winner to 4. Dam of EXPEDYTE SI 94 ($176,989 [G2]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Bryan & Megan Petty Hip No. 134 Name Pending 134 March 12, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Name Pending Miss Racy Vike SI 105 Desirio SI 116 {Strawfly Special SI 97 PJs Black Pearl Lady Tenaya SI 105 (2015) { Super Perla Negra SI 101 {Super Duper Couper SI 98 Red Tag Sale SI 92 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam PJS BLACK PEARL, by Desirio. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam SUPER PERLA NEGRA SI 101, by Super Duper Couper. 3 wins to 3, $41,278, finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G3]. Dam of 15 foals to race, 10 winners, 12 ROM– JENUINE JOY SI 104 (f. by Genuine Strawfly). 8 wins to 5, $382,230, Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R], 2nd Namehimastreaker NM Classic Champ. [R] [G1], 3rd New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1], Four Corners Senora S. [R]. Dam of– IMPERIAL EAGLE SI 106. Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 11 wins to 4, $1,852,897, All American Futurity [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. S. [G1], West Texas M. [G3], Sunland Park Winter Juv. Champ., Mr Jess Perry S., 2nd Hobbs America Derby [G3], etc. PJ SPLASH OF JOY SI 93. 4 wins to 4, 2020, $144,455, Easy Date S., 3rd Junos Request S. [G1], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. WALK OFF SI 97. 6 wins to 5, $70,496, Fair Meadows M., finalist in Keokuk S. [G3]. FYREFLY JO SI 97. 2 wins to 3, $17,200, Way Maker H. Political Mess SI 101. 2 wins to 5, $34,816, finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. CD Riggins SI 97 (g. by Desirio). 3 wins to 5, $68,638, finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1]. CD Frontier Justice SI 129 (g. by Desirio). 3 wins to 5, $55,222, finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Set NWR at Sunland Park, 330y in 0:15.999. 3rd dam Red Tag Sale SI 92, by Young Beduino. 3 wins at 3, $10,167, 3rd Zia Freshman H. [R]. Dam of 1 foal to race, above. 4th dam REAL EASY SURPRISE SI 97, by Realeasy Chick. 5 wins to 3, $32,051, Prescott Downs Derby [R], 3rd La Mariposa S. [R], finalist in West Texas Derby [G2], New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. Half sister to Loose On the Lead SI 98, Andy Andrew SI 92 ($9,587). Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– REAL EASY CELADON SI 102 (Celadon). 9 wins to 5, $101,332, Manuel Lujan H. [R], Pelican S. [R], Lou Wooten Inv. H. [R], 2nd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R], NMHBA S. [R]. Dam of The Real Rabbit SI 101 ($106,436 [R] [G3]), Easily Authorized SI 106 ($77,508 [R] [G1]), Real Jackpot SI 101 ($50,256 [R] [G2]); granddam of Easily A Gent SI 92 ($52,051). Red Tag Sale SI 92 (Young Beduino). Stakes placed winner, above. A Real Cup Full SI 99 (Proud Cup TB). 3 wins to 3, $8,864, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of JACKSPOTS SI 106 ($193,696 [R] [G3]); granddam of WHY BUY THE COW SI 104 ($200,019). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 135 Look At Moon Chick 135 March 11, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Look At Moon Chick Send Me First SI 97 6070334 First Moonflash SI 122 {First To Flash SI 106 Glance At The Moon Nagano Moon SI 82 (2014) { Love At First Glance SI 88 {First Down Dash SI 105 Natovas Dasher SI 92 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam GLANCE AT THE MOON, by First Moonflash. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam LOVE AT FIRST GLANCE SI 88, by First Down Dash. Placed at 2, $3,045. Sister to NATOVAS PRINCESS SI 99, OUR LIQUIDATOR SI 103. Dam of 18 foals to race, 12 winners, 14 ROM– FIRST BLAZIN LOVE SI 99 (c. by Chicks a Blazin). 6 wins to 4, $392,686, Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 3rd Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. LOVE TO FINISH FIRST SI 105 (f. by Separatist). 4 wins to 6, $65,096, Northwest Distaff Challenge, 2nd West/Southwest Derby Challenge [G3], finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of– JAYMEE LOVE SI 90. 2 wins to 3, $18,376, Evergreen Juvenile Challenge, qualified to AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G2]. Crazy Keeper SI 89. Winner to 4, $19,302, 3rd Ajax Juvenile Challenge. Jess Braggin SI 101 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 5, $34,495, 2nd Frances Carr Distaff S. [G3], AQHA Members Plus S., King William H., 3rd 6666 Ranch H. Dam of– JESS BEIN THE HERO SI 107. 11 wins to 6, $274,137, Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G2], Miss Polly Classic S. [G3], Sam's Town S., Evangeline Downs Dash S., Rocky Heinzig S., Swift S., Streakin La Jolla S., 2nd Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], Evangeline Downs Derby, Esplanade S. Braggin Bout My Zoom SI 98. 3 wins to 4, $87,630, 2nd Firecracker Futurity [G2]. Dam of Senators Valentine SI 93. Braggin N Dashin SI 102. 3 wins to 4, $28,680, 3rd Par-A-Dice S. My Soul Mate SI 96 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 3, $37,598, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], etc. Dam of– FIRST NEON MOON SI 92. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $129,456, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Mister Blazin First SI 96 (g. by Chicks a Blazin). 2 wins to 3, $49,117, finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Luv Struck SI 102 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 4, 2021, $48,208. 3rd dam NATOVAS DASHER SI 92, by Browns Dasher. 3 wins at 2, $8,400. Dam of 15 ROM– NATOVAS PRINCESS SI 99 (First Down Dash). 4 wins to 3, $413,763, Kindergarten Futurity [G1], 2nd Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], finalist Los Alamitos Million Fut. [G1]. Granddam of Zoomin Hearts SI 96 ($72,020 [G3]). OUR LIQUIDATOR SI 103 (First Down Dash). 8 wins to 4, $265,215, Manor H., I - 3rd Div, 2nd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1]. Natovas Courage SI 101 (Captain Courage). 2 wins to 3, $28,163, 2nd Biscayne S. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 2021 Ruidoso New Mex ico Bred Year ling and Open Thor ough bred Year ling Sale

Quar ter Horse New Mex ico Bred Year lings

SES SION IV Au gust 21, 2021

Hip Num bers 136-271 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 136 Hynson 136 February 27, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Hynson Runaway Wave SI 105 X0741473 Circular Quay {Thunder Gulch This Quay Home TB Circle Of Life (2011) { Just Right Ashley {Just Right Classi Here Comes Tara By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam THIS QUAY HOME TB, by Circular Quay. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $62,443. Dam of 2 quarter horse foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), no starters. 2nd dam Just Right Ashley, by Just Right Classi. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $135,894, 2nd City of Miami S., 3rd Brave Raj S. [L]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– Go to the Net TB (c. by Freefourinternet). Winner to 7, $68,032. Not Simply Simon TB (f. by Simon Pure). 6 wins to 8, $55,956. 3rd dam HERE COMES TARA, by Tilt Top. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 9 winners– DELIGHTFUL TARA TB (Two's a Plenty). 16 wins to 6, $125,837, Ocean City S., 2nd Audubon S. [NR]. Set NTR at Atlantic City, 5f in 0:57.00. Just Right Ashley TB (Just Right Classi). Stakes placed winner, above. Proud Tar TB (Proud Romeo). 9 wins to 10, $76,488. Tara's Buddy TB (Robb's Charm). 10 wins to 8, $57,514. Look At the Board TB (Din's Dancer). 3 wins to 8, $55,384. 4th dam UP ALONE, by Solo Landing. 21 wins, 2 to 5, $99,231. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Flying B. G. TB (Barachois). 5 wins to 4, $66,175. Dam of– B. G.'s DRONE TB SI 99. 14 wins to 8, $294,470, winner in 2 starts at 8, $3,435, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, Express H., Ruidoso Sales Futurity [NR], 2nd Phoenix Gold Cup S., [G3], Phoenix Futurity, George Maloof Futurity [R], Sunland Mall S. [R], Norgor Derby [N], New Mexican S. [NR], etc. Sire. TALENT CONNECTION TB. 14 wins to 6, $209,135, GMC Texas Derby [L], Norgor Futurity [N], Rio Grande Futurity [NR], Norgor Derby [NR], etc. Set NTR 6f. SOIREE TB. 6 wins to 4, $116,537, Kachina S., Rio Grande Kindergarten Futurity [R], Carlos Salazar S. [NR], 2nd Dixie Miss S., etc. Dam of Lauren Lynn ($123,137; dam of THUNDER DOME, $677,440). FLYING DRONE TB. 7 wins to 4, $86,481, $458, New Mexican S. [R], Rio Grande Futurity [R], 3rd Ruidoso Sprint H. [N]. Sire. TEXAS HOLDEM TB. 5 wins to 4, $43,473, Diamond Shamrock S. [R], 2nd Bill Thomas Mem. H. [NR], 3rd Riley Allison Derby [N], etc. B. G. Tiger TB. 13 wins to 10, $303,970, $3,796, 2nd Silverado H. [R], Silverado H. [R], Pony Express S. [R], Casey Darnell Pony Express S. [R], Pony Express S. [R], Don Juan De Onate S. [R], 3rd Johnie L. Jamison H. [R], Land of Enchantment H. [R]. Draconic's B. G. TB. 8 wins to 4, $87,521, Las Esperanza Futurity [N], 2nd Willard Kruger H., 3rd Southwest Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L], etc. Dam of Power CONNECTION ($187,482), Alley's Lady ($89,849), Eleo ($39,073), B. G.'s Creation. Ivan's B. G. TB. Unraced. Dam of CASPERINO ($197,436), FULL CONNECTION ($159,447), Prime Connection ($110,741), Lendl's Choke, Glenns Connection. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 137 Flashnthemoon 137 March 17, 2020 Bay Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Flashnthemoon Tilted Moon SI 98 6074066 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Thru A Straw Corona Chick SI 113 (2013) { The Long Straw SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Super Calidocious SI 99 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam CORONA THRU A STRAW, by Corona Cartel. Unplaced in 2 starts. Sister to The Cartel Straw SI 87. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race, 2 ROM– My Corona Moonflash SI 83 (c. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, 2020, $4,700. Apolitical Straw SI 85 (c. by Apollitical Blood). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $3,693. 2nd dam The Long Straw SI 101, by Strawfly Special. 3 wins at 3, $58,139, 2nd Colors of the Wind H., 3rd Texas Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G1], Manor Derby [G2], Manor Maturity [G2]. Dam of 21 foals to race, 11 winners, 16 ROM– LONG WAGON HO SI 96 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 4, $214,059, Oklahoma Futurity [G3], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. The Cartel Straw SI 87 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $51,734, 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. Longgone Perry SI 88 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, $71,135, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Tempting Diva SI 92 (f. by Tempting Dash). 7 wins to 4, $44,280. 3rd dam SUPER CALIDOCIOUS SI 99, by Calyx. 6 wins to 3, $31,877, All American Congress Derby [G3], Ring of Roses Derby, Mt Pleasant Meadows Derby, 2nd Michigan Derby, finalist in Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– The Long Straw SI 101 (Strawfly Special). Stakes placed winner, above. Conspicuous Corona SI 92 (Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $32,073, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Granddam of Conspicuously Sweet SI 81 (to 3, 2021, $28,933). 4th dam Canadian Chick SI 90, by Separate Cheques. 6 wins in 12 starts at 2, $16,196, 2nd All American Congress Futurity. Half sister to DASHIN DADDY SI 91, Sheza Quick Draw SI 89 ($4,605). Dam of 15 foals to race, 11 winners, 11 ROM– SPECIAL CHEQUES SI 99 (Special Effort). 6 wins to 4, $46,932, Michigan Futurity, Ring of Roses Derby, Midwest Maturity, 2nd Oil Capital Derby, Michigan Open Derby, 3rd All American Congress Futurity [G3], Mt. Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. SUPER CALIDOCIOUS SI 99 (Calyx). Stakes winner, above. HOOK WITH ME SI 93 (Hooked On Cash). 3 wins to 4, $14,048, GLQHA SSA Futurity [R], qualified to Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. Fame On You SI 91 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 3, $24,171, 2nd Mount Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3], 3rd Oil Capital Derby. Hold On Lil Suzie SI 110 (Hold On Hes Coming). $18,988: 3 wins to 8, $16,117, in U.S., 2nd Oil Capital Derby [G3], All American Congress Derby, 3rd Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3], GLQHA SSA Derby R; 2 wins at 4, in Mexico. Zeveribest SI 90 (Zevi TB). Winner to 3, $7,419, finalist in Mt Pleasant Meadows Budweiser Futurity [G3]. Granddam of DASHWAN SI 93 ($31,410), Wyreit SI 114 ($28,200), Slippen Away SI 90, Swiffer SI 82. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 138 Dundee Down Under 138 April 21, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Dundee Down Under Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055908 This Snow Is Royal SI 101 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Dashin Thru The Snow Florentine SI 108 (2000) { Three Million Cash SI 89 {On A High SI 113 Viking Anne SI 116 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam DASHIN THRU THE SNOW, by This Snow Is Royal. Unraced. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 12 to race, 8 winners– ROYAL SNOWFLAKES SI 97 (g. by Royal Always). 2 wins to 3, $142,679, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. My Box of Chocolate SI 116 (f. by Genuine Strawfly). 3 wins to 6, $104,921, 2nd Sunburst H. [R], 3rd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3]. Strait Away Fame SI 105 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 4, $68,832, 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Run Fast Forrest SI 114 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $51,636. My Chunk of Change SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $26,612. Dam of– RKM Chunk of Regard SI 95 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $29,860. 2nd dam THREE MILLION CASH SI 89, by On a High. Winner at 3. Dam of 7 starters, 3 ROM– A Viking Princess SI 89 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner at 2, $6,335. Dam of– A Scootin Princess SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $41,137, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], California Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Princess Jessie Jane SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $156,485, 2nd New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Derby [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Finnley SI 91. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $67,756, finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Finnlander SI 108. 3 wins to 8, $53,113, finalist Sunland Distance Challenge [G3]. 3rd dam VIKING ANNE SI 116, by Vikingson. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 19 wins, 2 to 6, $183,809, Marathon H., Bull Rastus H., Pap H. twice, Katella H.-NTR, El Ocho Setenta H., Hillsdale H., Orange County Marathon Inv H., Consolation Inv. H., Del Mar Expo Marathon Inv., 2nd Bull Rastus H., Pap H., Hillsdale H., etc. Dam of 12 winners– WICKED DASH SI 104 (Dash for Cash). 9 wins to 6, $353,808, Horsemen's QHRA Champ. [G1] twice, QHBC Distaff [G1], Gold Coast Express Inv. H. [G3], etc. WICKED WILLA SI 101 (Dash for Cash). 6 wins to 4, $120,793, World's Champ. Classic [G1], etc. Dam of WICKED WINNER SI 94 ($137,880 [G1]), Wickedly SI 94 [G2]; granddam of WICKED ROYAL CARTEL SI 96 ($62,641), FIRSTLY WICKED SI 108 ($30,543), First Wicked Lady SI 94 ($150,288, 2nd All American Derby [G1]). WICKED WIND SI 97 (Dash for Cash). 4 wins to 4, $117,501, Rainbow Silver Cup, etc. STRICTLY WICKED SI 105 (Dash for Cash). 8 wins to 5, $111,713, Laguna Beach H., 2nd Budweiser Derby [G1], 3rd Kansas Derby [G1]. Wicked Pamela SI 90 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $6,028, 3rd Dashs Dream S. Dam of WICKED COURAGE SI 105 ($1,132,848, Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]), HEZA WICKED MAN SI 107 ($180,351 [G3]), JJs DOUBLE DASH. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 139 Blazin N Flashn 139 April 14, 2020 Brown Colt First To Flash SI 106 First Moonflash SI 122 { A Passion For Flashn SI 91 { Nagano Moon SI 82 Subtly Sixy SI 82 {Streakin Sixes SI 102 Blazin N Flashn Subtly Aggressive 6070654 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Blazin Force SI 102 Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 (2005) { Tru Force SI 96 {Megaforce SI 93 Easy Magdalena By A PASSION FOR FLASHN SI 91 (2015). 6 wins, $282,976, NM Classic Cup Fut. [RG2], NMHBA Stakes [RG2], fnl in Zia Fut. [RG1], Southwest Juv. Champ. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], NM Classic Champ. [RG1], Mountain Top Fut. [RG3], NM Breeders S. [RG3]. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122; sire of 39 stakes winners, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491, All Amer. Fut). 1st dam Blazin Force SI 102, by Chicks a Blazin. 2 wins to 3, $91,687, 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], finalist in Sunland NM Bred Inv. H. [R] [G3]. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 8 to race, 3 winners– Blazin Moon Force SI 87 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 5, $69,284, 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], finalist inSam Houston Classic S. [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. The Flash Force SI 90 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 3, $30,098, finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2], West Texas Derby [G3]. Miss Blazin First SI 88 (f. by First Moonflash). Placed to 4, $29,613, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Blazin Mean (f. by First Moonflash). Uraced. Dam of– BLAZIN MR JESS SI 105 (f. by Dashin Mr Jess). 2 wins to 3, 2021 $13,251, Powder River Vet Derby. 2nd dam Tru Force SI 96, by Megaforce. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $47,448, 2nd Real Wind H., Zia Sophomore Champ. [R], 3rd Pelican S. [R], finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to Moforce SI 104, Dont Leave Me Out SI 97. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– Blazin Force SI 102 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Stakes placed winner, above. Meagan Force SI 104 (f. by Major Rime). 2 wins to 3, $34,355, 2nd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], Lou Wooten Inv. H. [R]. Forced to Win SI 101 (f. by Major Rime). 2 wins to 5, $33,585. Dam of– AIR FORCE WON SI 103. 7 wins to 5, $138,337, Rocky Mountain Derby, Emerald Downs Champ. Challenge, Arapahoe Derby Challenge, 3rd Mile High Derby, finalist in AQHA Challenge Champ. S. [G1], Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. S. [G1]. Frost Dalena SI 118. 4 wins to 6, $113,574, 2nd New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. Hit With Force SI 93. 3 wins to 3, $76,146, 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Sha Hooy Hooy SI 103 (f. by Major Rime). Winner to 3, $20,913. Dam of– SNOW REGARD SI 96. 4 wins to 4, $241,205, New Mexico F & M Champ. [R] [G1], Sunburst S. [R], 2nd Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], NMSF Senorita Fut [R] [G3], etc. 3rd dam EASY MAGDALENA, by Six Fols. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 8 foals to race, 8 ROM– Moforce SI 104 (Megaforce). 14 wins to 8, $94,216, 2nd Santa Fe Downs Futurity [R] [G3], Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G3]. Tru Force SI 96 (Megaforce). Stakes placed winner, above. Dont Leave Me Out SI 97 (Megaforce). 3 wins to 3, $32,544, 2nd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], etc. Dam of Niks Know Know SI 107 ($110,624 [R] [G3]). Easy Go Rime SI 96 (Brigadier Rime). 2 wins to 4, $23,749, 2nd Pelican S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Breeders Derby [R] [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 140 Six Passions 140 February 25, 2020 Brown Filly First To Flash SI 106 First Moonflash SI 122 { A Passion For Flashn SI 91 { Nagano Moon SI 82 Subtly Sixy SI 82 {Streakin Sixes SI 102 Six Passions Subtly Aggressive 6072783 Jumpn SI 98 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Stevie Six SI 94 Imjumpn SI 94 (2007) { Jess Shakem SI 91 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Shake Em Six SI 97 By A PASSION FOR FLASHN SI 91 (2015). 6 wins, $282,976, NM Classic Cup Fut. [RG2], NMHBA Stakes [RG2], fnl in Zia Fut. [RG1], Southwest Juv. Champ. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], NM Classic Champ. [RG1], Mountain Top Fut. [RG3], NM Breeders S. [RG3]. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122; sire of 39 stakes winners, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491, All Amer. Fut). 1st dam Stevie Six SI 94, by Jumpn. Winner at 2, $14,795, 3rd Corona Chick H. Sister to JUMPN SHAKE SI 112. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners– Siximoons SI 101 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $148,659, 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 3rd By By JJ S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], Leo S. [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], Zia H., S. [R] [G2], West Texas Derby [G3], James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3], Rio Grande H. [G3]. Rumers SI 101 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 6, $58,992. First Flashin SI 102 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $54,716, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. 2nd dam JESS SHAKEM SI 91, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 3, $8,902. Dam of 18 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– LA VENCEDORA SI 97 (f. by Ivory James). 5 wins to 3, $516,296, Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2], Oklahoma Derby [G3], 2nd Governors S., Mr Master Bug S. [R]. JUMPN SHAKE SI 112 (c. by Jumpn). 9 wins to 5, $182,299, Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.246, Anaheim Overnight H., 2nd First Down Dash H., Anaheim Overnight H., 3rd Kaweah Bar H. [G3], Cypress H., finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Meserret SI 91 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins at 2, $63,405, 2nd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R]. An Agitator SI 109 (g. by American Runaway). 2 wins to 6, $27,604, 3rd West Texas Juvenile S., finalist in Four Corners Futurity [G3]. Stevie Six SI 94 (f. by Jumpn). Stakes placed winner, above. Favorit Shake SI 103 (f. by Favorite Cartel). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $77,655, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam SHAKE EM SIX SI 97, by Streakin Six. 4 wins to 3, $6,158, Broodmare of the Year. Sister to SHAKE SIX SI 99 ($135,408 [G3]); half sister to SPECIAL SHAKE SI 104 ($478,645 [G1]). Dam of 15 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– SHAKE THE BANK SI 105 (Bully Bullion). Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in U.S., Mexcan Champion, Mexican Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, Mexico Triple Crown 14 wins, $372,585, in U.S. & Mexico,Clasico Tequila Cazadores [G3], Derby Mexicano [G3], Mexico Derby Challenge-ETR, 2nd All American Futurity [G1], etc. Dam of SF ROYAL BANK SI 100 ($359,937 [G3]), FAMOUS BANK SI 95 ($60,659), SF SIMPLE SHAKE SI 95 ($33,486), Shes The Bank SI 89; granddam of SF SIMPLE QUICK DASH SI 101. ROYAL SHAKE EM SI 104 (Royal Quick Dash). 9 wins to 3, $257,009, Sam Houston Futurity [G1], Longhorn Futurity [G3], 2nd All American Derby [G1], etc. Sire. Shake Em Dash SI 87 (First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $6,836. Dam of Shakem Streaker SI 97 [G3]; granddam of YOU DRIVE I FLY SI 98 ($590,134 [R] [G1]), Corona Suerte SI 93 ($52,094), Empowered To Prosper SI 105 (at 2, 2021). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 141 Jess Emotions 141 March 19, 2020 Bay Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Emotions Send Me First SI 97 6061089 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 The Blues Girl SI 91 Corona Chick SI 113 (2003) { Run The Dash SI 97 {Sixarun SI 106 Dashin Rosie SI 93 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam THE BLUES GIRL SI 91, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins at 2, $12,900, Leo H., 3rd Los Alamitos Prep H. Sister to BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105, Shades of Blues Girl SI 99, Dash Around Blues SI 93. Dam of 23 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 19 to race, 12 winners, 17 ROM– MIDNITE BLU SI 95 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 3, $173,373, 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], All American Juvenile S., 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Chickie Blu SI 98 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 4, $44,434, 3rd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– Ms Blu Moon SI 92 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, $36,815, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. JM Blu Moonflash SI 93 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, $72,643, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], qualified to NM Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Jess Girl Blue SI 88 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 5, 2021, $44,979. Travesty SI 91 (c. by First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $37,130, finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Blu Sunset SI 91 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, $32,713, finalist in Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. Blazin Blu SI 92 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 3, $30,668, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– A Flashin Blu SI 104 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, 2021, $19,952. Jess Blu SI 102 (f. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins to 3, $22,086. Chicks the Blues SI 84 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam Run The Dash SI 97, by Sixarun. Broodmare of the Year (2007), 2 wins at 2, $50,013, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1]. Dam of 32 foals to race, 22 winners, 28 ROM– BLUES GIRL TOO SI 104 (f. by Corona Cartel), World Champion, Champion 2- Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year- Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Champion of Champions [G1]-NTR, Golden State Derby [G1], etc. Dam of BLUES MAN WON SI 101 ($79,903), Amore La Blue SI 93 ($159,339 [G1]); granddam of JESS U R BLUE SI 101 ($145,151), LEAH CARROLL SI 90 (to 3, 2021, $57,627). BLUES MAN TOO SI 101 (g. by Holland Ease). 5 wins to 7, $133,194, Vessels Maturity [G1], 2nd Sgt. Pepper H. [G3], finalist in Champion of Champions [G1]. MAGIC MOMENT BLUES SI 117 (g. by Carters Cartel). 5 wins to 4, $50,701, Bitterroot Derby [R], 2nd Les Bois Juvenile Challenge, etc. EYELL FOOL YA SI 96 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 4 wins to 3, $28,364, Cl. Easily A Possum [G3], etc. Dam of EYE TELLER SI 97 ($79,034), Eyell Cartel SI 99. THE BLUES GIRL SI 91 (f. by Corona Cartel). Stakes winner, above. The Blues Man SI 95 (g. by This Snow Is Royal). 2 wins at 2, $187,841, 3rd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent for Mark & Annette McCloy Hip No. 142 Eye Am Fast 142 February 11, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye Am Fast Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6027044 Carters Cartel SI 103 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Bringitonsister SI 84 Jumping Tac Flash SI 106 (2014) { One Flying Cookie SI 97 {Strawfly Special SI 97 One Slick Cookie SI 96 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam BRINGITONSISTER SI 84, by Carters Cartel. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $9,090. Sister to CARTERS COOKIE SI 93. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, 1 to race– Sweet Anne (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, 2021, $8,050. 2nd dam One Flying Cookie SI 97, by Strawfly Special. Winner to 3, $13,092, 3rd Yavapai Downs Futurity [G3]. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– CARTERS COOKIE SI 93 (g. by Carters Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $359,630, Rainbow Fut. [G1]. ONE FLYING DYNASTY SI 98 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $154,106, Downs at Albuquerque-La Fiesta Futurity, Mile High Derby. Arizona Chrome SI 94 (g. by FDD Dynasty). Placed to 4, 2020, $25,369, 2nd West Texas Juvenile S. 3rd dam One Slick Cookie SI 96, by Dash for Cash. 3 wins to 3, $32,367, 2nd Gardena H., Debutante H., 3rd AQRA Turf Paradise Derby [G3], Marina Pacifica H., finalist in Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Sister to ONE SLICK ONE SI 112 ($157,937 [G1]); out of Pfeffernusse SI 96 ($63,362 [G1]). Dam of 16 foals to race, 14 ROM– FOCUS ON SPEED SI 101 (Separatist). 4 wins to 3, $44,361, QHRAI Derby, Enchanted S.-NTR, 2nd Congress Derby, Queen City Dash. NUMBER ONE INTEREST SI 99 (Seperate Interest). Winner to 3, $41,258, Four Corners Futurity, finalist in Southwest Juvenile Inv. Champ. S. [G2]. One Famous Lady SI 104 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $172,515, 3rd KHEY/Y96 H. [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Dam of ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 (Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, $1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), ONE FAMOUS ICON SI 103 ($46,890), FAMOUS CARTEL LADY SI 107, One Famous Ferragamo SI 84 ($56,898), Famous Splash SI 98; granddam of JEST FAMOUS SI 99 ($389,513 [G1]), JR ROCK STAR SI 104 ($82,406), Hit Or Miss Kiss SI 105 (to 3, 2020, $65,580), Hit Or Miss Kiss SI 105 ($68,353), R Valiant Hero SI 98, Jessapolitical Guy SI 86, One Famous Hero SI 102 (6 wins, $101,104, finalist [G2]), Famous Cartel Jess SI 98 (to 3, 2021, $100,778, 3rd Ruidoso Inv. S., fnl Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1], Golden State Million Fut. [G1]). Zanjero SI 102 (Shazoom). 3 wins to 8, $20,754, 3rd Premio Merced Gomez Orozco S., Premio Javier Rosique Palavicini. One Flying Cookie (Strawfly Special). Stakes placed winner, above. One Quick Cookie SI 92 (Royal Quick Dash). Winner at 2, $12,102. Dam of JESS FEATUREME QUICK SI 103 ($687,155 [G3]), One Quick Wagon SI 89 ($30,620), One Famous Cookie SI 103 ($28,984); granddam of Sure Fire Quick SI 96 ($74,143 [G2]), RF Apolliticalcookie SI 97 (to 4, 2021, $72,043 [R] [G2]). Defender One SI 101 (Apollitical Jess). 3 wins to 6, 2021, $72,468, finalist [G3]. One Slick Jessie (Mr Jess Perry). Unplaced. Dam of TEMPTING ONE SI 97 ($27,306). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 143 Eyez A Rising 143 March 6, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eyez A Rising Eye For The Sixes SI 99 X0743791 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Aries Rising SI 82 Tempered Glass SI 101 (2014) { Sign Of A Fish SI 82 {Fishers Dash SI 94 Sign Of A Lady By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam ARIES RISING SI 82, by Sixes Royal. Placed at 2, $5,531. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 1 to race. 2nd dam SIGN OF A FISH SI 82, by Fishers Dash. Placed at 3, $6,120. Dam of 9 foals to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– Sign of a Flash SI 87 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 5, $38,827. 3rd dam SIGN OF A LADY, by The Signature. Placed at 3. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– LOOKING FOR CHICKS SI 98 (Chicks Beduino). 6 wins to 3, $64,785, Sooner Trailer S., finalist in Kindergarten Futurity [G1], Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1], PCQHRA Breeder's Derby [G2]. Sire. No Sign of Bono SI 105 (Bono Jazz). 5 wins to 10, $19,252. Dam of– Bonoforbernal SI 83. Winner at 2, $7,554, 3rd Desert Classic Futurity. 4th dam LILSALADY TB, by Reb's Policy. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Sizzling Lil SI 91 (Sizzle Te). AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year (2001)., winner to 3, 2nd Moon Deck S. [R]. Dam of CORONA KOOL SI 104 (Champion 2 years, $1,296,797 [G1]), CORONA CHICK SI 113 (Champion at 2 & 3. Dam of Distinction, $591,326 [G2]), CORONA COCKTAIL SI 94 ($214,718), Corona Lite SI 88 ($19,068 [R] [G3]), Corona King SI 96 ($38,809 [G2]). Granddam of CORONA CASH SI 101 (Champion at 2 and 3, $1,542,880 [G1]), VALIANT HERO SI 105 ($668,633 [G1]), CORONA CARTEL SI 97 ($557,142, Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1]), LA ESPECIAL CORONA SI 104 ($433,327 [G2]), JD BACCARAT SI 117 ($247,240 [G3]), MR JESSES CORONA SI 102 ($174,840 [G2]), CORONA CZECH SI 93 ($125,759), SIZZLIN RED CORONA SI 107 ($125,012), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($119,777), POLITICAL DEBUT SI 102 ($115,028), KOOL MILLION SI 86 ($106,315), TRIFFLE SI 101 ($92,520 [G3]), MC GRAW SI 106 ($26,499), Mighty Corona SI 99 ($309,216 [G1]), Captain Courage SI 100 ($213,251 [G1]), Tres Coronas Mas SI 91 ($119,066 [G1]), Filthy Fast SI 101 ($105,548), Sizzlin Mr Perry SI 105 ($41,879), Coco Corona SI 115 ($37,414), Sizzling Perry SI 98 ($35,488), Cartel Sizzle SI 98 ($33,976 [G3]), Mud Skipper SI 95 ($28,395 [R] [G3]), Corona Cutie SI 98 ($26,893), Stinebaugh SI 86 ($19,646), Toss Me a Corona SI 103. Time for a Lady SI 88 (Timeto Thinkrich). 2 wins to 4, $5,560. Dam of PRIMO DINERO SI 104 ($37,688). Time for Lil (Timeto Thinkrich). Unraced. Dam of TIME TO LEAD SI 108 ($64,481). Granddam of SIMPLIFY SI 103 ($149,520 [G1]), GOLD NUGGET RD SI 96 ($122,543 [G1]), HEY HOLLAND SI 101 ($105,729 [G2]), Time to Streak Dh SI 94 ($35,696 [G3]), Phantom Runner Eo SI 101 ($23,635 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 144 Bersano 144 April 12, 2020 Bay Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Bersano Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6032519 Blushing Bug SI 108 {Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 Sweet Blush SI 96 (2002) { Sandys Fame SI 97 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95, by Blushing Bug. 3 wins at 3, $42,544, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Sister to Lagaria SI 108. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), 9 to race, 8 winners– JESS BORDEAUX SI 105 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 7, $173,009, NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Brancott SI 92 (g. by Furyofthewind). 2 wins to 7, $72,041, 2nd Hard Twist S. [R] [G3]. Whooz Your Daddy SI 89 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $44,382, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. J R Bordeaux SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 5, 2021, $42,616. Montevina SI 94 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $24,440, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Bridger Bordeaux SI 120 (g. by The Down Side). 3 wins to 8, $20,727. Brianna Bordeaux SI 91 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, 2020, $18,494. Borderan SI 88 (c. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $17,594, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. 2nd dam Sandys Fame SI 97, by Dash Ta Fame. 2 wins at 2, $32,012, 2nd Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 21 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– SANDYS JESSE SI 93 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 6, $250,529, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R], 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Six Pack Fame SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $107,714, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Lagaria SI 108 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 5, $99,388, 2nd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Pelican S. [R] [G3]. Dam of SAMMY JAMES SI 93 ($156,915). Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 (f. by Blushing Bug). Stakes placed winner, above. Georgia Gatorette SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner. Dam of Over Drive Man SI 103. Patrick James SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $88,368, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Lineage Champ. S. [R] [G3]. Avallon SI 105. 2 wins to 4, $60,307, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Cristobell Fame SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $57,115, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Sandy June Bug (f. by Blushing Bug). Unraced. Dam of COLBY JAMES SI 112 (to 4, 2021, $400,495 [R] [G2]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104 ($292,122 [R] [G3]), JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99 ($289,078 [R] [G3]), HEDGE FUND SI 98 ($51,454). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 145 Moon Lilly 145 January 2, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Moon Lilly Tilted Moon SI 98 6059901 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Lilly Cartel SI 85 Corona Chick SI 113 (2005) { Corona Kool SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Sizzling Lil SI 91 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam LILLY CARTEL SI 85, by Corona Cartel. Placed at 3. Sister to Cartel Sizzle SI 98. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 7 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– FIRST KOOL MOON SI 91 (g. by First Moonflash). 4 wins to 4, $69,440, Zia H. [R] [G2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia H. [R] [G2]. First Cartel Moon SI 109 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $25,302. Cartel Mountain SI 93 (g. by Panther Mountain). Winner to 3, $16,008. Meet the Cartel SI 90 (c. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, 2021, $5,904. Lilly Is First SI 94 (f. by First Moonflash). Finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CORONA KOOL SI 104, by First Down Dash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins in 27 starts, 2 to 5, $1,296,797, Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], etc. Sister to CORONA COCKTAIL SI 94; half sister to CORONA CHICK SI 113 (Champion 2 years, AQHA Dam of Distinction), VALIANT HERO SI 105, CORONA CARTEL SI 97. Dam of 15 foals to race, 8 winners, 11 ROM– TRIFFLE SI 101 (f. by Teller Cartel). 4 wins to 5, $92,520, Mile High Futurity [G3], 2nd Rocky Mountain Derby, finalist in Mile High Derby [G3]. Filthy Fast SI 101 (g. by Splash Bac). 5 wins to 3, $105,548, 3rd Ed Burke Juvenile S., Holiday H., finalist in Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G2]. Cartel Sizzle SI 98 (c. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $33,976, 2nd Kingman Kid Overnight H., 3rd California Derby Challenge [G3], AQHRJ S., qualified [G2]. Mud Skipper SI 95 (c. by Check Him Out). 2 wins to 5, $28,395, 3rd California Breeders Sprint S. [R] [G3]. Kool as Ever SI 89 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $20,425. Dam of– KOOL MILLION SI 86. 4 wins to 3, $106,315, Dillingham H., Jens List Mem. California Breeders S. [R], 2nd Vandy's Flash H., 3rd Town Policy S. Streakinjess for Lmg SI 86. 2 wins to 3, $78,388, 3rd All American Juvenile S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1]. Double Kool SI 98. 3 wins to 4, $46,342, 3rd Brigand Overnight S. Corona Lane SI 105 (f. by Devon Lane TB). 2 wins to 4, $20,436, finalist [G3]. Dam of– KINGSBURY SI 98. 7 wins to 7, $187,103, Sunray Park Marathon H., Bobby Dan Crenshaw Mem. S., 2nd Herman Jefferson S., King Rick Rack S., 3rd Herman Jefferson S., Bill Reed Mem. S., finalist in Hobbs America Derby [G3]. Coronas Feathery SI 91. 3 wins to 4, $15,306, 3rd Evergreen Juvenile Challenge. A Very Kool Chick SI 91 (f. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 3, $25,752, finalist in Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], California Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of– STOLIS KOOL CHICK SI 103. 4 wins at 2, $45,763, Northlands Futurity [G3], North Central QHRA Futurity. A Kool Zoom SI 88. 2 wins to 6, $35,021. Dam of A KOOL SECRET SI 111 ($95,023). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 146 Sista Alice 146 February 5, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Sista Alice Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6019900 Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Bigg Alice SI 92 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 (2014) { Alice K White SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105 Champagne Lane SI 106 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam BIGG ALICE SI 92, by Big Daddy Cartel. 2 wins at 4, $34,386. Sister to BIGG DADDY SI 98. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam ALICE K WHITE SI 99, by First Down Dash. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1], finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1]. Dam of 25 foals to race, 14 winners, 20 ROM– ASTICA SI 110 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 9 wins to 4, $411,623, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash S. [R], Pelican S., R-NTR, 2nd New Mexico Fillies And Mares Champ. [R] [G1], etc. Dam of– Valiant Astica SI 99. 3 wins to 3, 2020, $195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Fanncee SI 101. Winner to 3, 2021, $102,359, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], Mountain Top NM Derby [R], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. BIGG DADDY SI 98 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 4, $753,768, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. Swiss White Wine SI 97 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 5, $75,155, 3rd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3], finalist in Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Lovington S. [G2]. Tuscan Redd SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $54,980, 3rd Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. White Russsian SI 91 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 6, 2020, $38,331, 2nd Four Corners Futurity. Tres of Alice SI 99 (f. by Tres Seis). Winner to 3, $5,038. Dam of– DONELLI SI 96. 7 wins to 3, 2020, $420,604, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], By By JJ S. [R], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Vietti SI 88. 2 wins to 4, $51,776, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. 3rd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 25 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion, above. KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Chlg. [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1] twice-NWR once, etc. JESSE LANE SI 98. 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn. Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98. Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves S. [R], finalist [R] [G2]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99. 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA Turf Paradise Futurity. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 147 Midnight Woody 147 February 12, 2020 Black Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Midnight Woody Dashin Sandy SI 107 6071222 First Moonflash SI 122 {First To Flash SI 106 MJ Moon Chick SI 92 Nagano Moon SI 82 (2012) { Wager On A Chick SI 98 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Calyx Wager SI 97 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam MJ MOON CHICK SI 92, by First Moonflash. 3 wins to 3, $23,441, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Tyson JV SI 87 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed to 3, 2020, $6,853. 2nd dam WAGER ON A CHICK SI 98, by Chicks a Blazin. 3 wins to 3, $40,494, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Miss Bowdean SI 86 (f. by Okey Dokey Dale). Winner to 3, $7,915. 3rd dam CALYX WAGER SI 97, by Calyx. 2 wins at 2, $4,730. Dam of 14 foals to race, 10 ROM– METEORIC SI 104 (Chicks Beduino). 14 wins to 7, $588,373, Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G2], Pot O' Gold Futurity Finals [G3], Manor H., 2nd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3], Carmel H., 3rd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. PALADIUM SI 98 (Ronas Ryon). 6 wins to 4, $54,919, Idaho Cup Futurity [R] [G3], Idaho Cup Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Ford Northwest Distaff Challenge, Evening Snow H., Portland Meadows Futurity [R], finalist in Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of– Directors Cut SI 85. Unplaced. Dam of– THE SERGE PROTECTOR SI 97. 2 wins to 7, $57,516, 3rd FL Lady Bug S. [R]. ZALO EL INTELIGENTE SI 96 (Chicks Beduino). 9 wins to 4, $23,162, QHBC Northwest Futurity [R], 2nd Oregon Bred Juvenile Futurity [R]. Eminent Esquire SI 99 (Floyd de Great). 12 wins to 8, $71,786. This Wager Is Hot SI 91 (Chicks a Blazin). Placed to 3, $96,199, finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Wager On a Cartel SI 87 (Corona Cartel). Placed to 4, $3,467. Dam of– Wager On a Moon SI 94. 6 wins to 5, $76,787, finalist in Lovington S. [G2]. Wager On Moonflash SI 94. 2 wins to 4, $50,626, finalist in NM Breeders S. [R] [G2]. 4th dam EASY WAGER SI 101, by Easy Flyer. 11 wins to 3, $35,652, Prineville Futurity, 2nd Pot O'Gold Futurity, Portland Meadows Derby, Lone Oak Futurity, Portland Meadows Junior H., 3rd Graduation H. Half sister to Plan to Score SI 99, Barbis Wager SI 91 ($3,583). Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– SCOTTS WRANGLER SI 107 (Wranglers Ridge). 12 wins to 8, $33,154, Evergreen Derby R-NTR, High Country Derby [R], 3rd QHBC Northwest Futurity [R]. Early Bunny SI 92 (Sail On Bunny). 7 wins to 5, $12,784, 2nd Oregon Bred Juv. Champ. [R]. Wager On Dasher SI 94 (Streakin Dash). 4 wins to 3. Granddam of SNIP N DALE SI 124 ($185,999 [G3]), CUPIDS DASH SI 110 ($66,571), LIGHTNIN STORM CLOUD SI 102 ($42,456), TWO DASH TO FAME SI 96 ($24,993), GC Streakin Okey SI 103. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Dirk Jones Hip No. 148 Thats It Chick 148 February 9, 2020 Gray Colt Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Chicks Regard SI 107 { A Classy Chick SI 89 First Regard {First Down Dash SI 105 Thats It Chick Regard SI 98 6067879 Jesse James Jr SI 98 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 PCJ Thats It SI 101 Loose Lips SI 105 (2015) { Major Kia SI 92 {Major Rime SI 104 Pakea Kai By CHICKS REGARD SI 107 (1999). 6 wins, $52,783, Head Pin H., fnl [RG1]. Sire of 217 ROM, 20 stakes winners, $8,167,284, including REGARD WITH RESPECT SI 95 (3 wins, $501,055, OK-Bred Fut. [RG2]), YOU N HOW MANY MORE SI 101 (5 wins, $413,061, Hobbs America Fut. [G2]), A STREAK REGARD SI 99 (6 wins, $381,069, Zia Fut. [RG1]), MS REGARD SI 119 (8 wins, $330,381, NM Fillies & Mares Champ. [RG3]), UNCOVERED REGARD SI 110 (8 wins, $246,489, KOFX-FM H. [G2]), SNOW REGARD. 1st dam PCJ THATS IT SI 101, by Jesse James Jr. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $69,458, finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam MAJOR KIA SI 92, by Major Rime. Winner at 3, $19,062. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 ROM– RCJ MAJOR STORM SI 108 (c. by Brookstone Bay). 10 wins to 6, $548,779, The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Lineage Champ. S. [R] [G3], Hard Twist S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Champ. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1] twice, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Sire. KIA WON SI 98 (g. by Ketel Won). $178,132: 4 wins to 5, $177,926, in U.S., New Mexican Spring Fling R, 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], First Moonflash S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. INCOHO TES SI 94 (f. by Rabbits Rainbow). 4 wins to 10, $94,895, Four Corners Senora S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. 3rd dam PAKEA KAI, by Mr Eye Opener. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– PAKEA BAY SI 102 (Brookstone Bay). 8 wins to 5, $132,543, John Augustine S. [R], 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. PK Rainbow (Rabbits Rainbow). Unraced. Dam of– PK BAY SI 101. 4 wins to 3, $198,352, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NM State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], finalist [R] [G1]. Wahene Kai. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– WAHENE VERSION SI 109. 7 wins to 5, 2021, $179,600, Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist Zia H., S. [R] [G2]. 4th dam RULE THE DECK SI 104, by Scout Leader TB. 19 wins in 34 starts, 2 to 4, $517,165, Rainbow Silver Cup, 440 Ranch Derby, New Mexico Breeders' Derby, 2nd All American Gold Cup, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R], 3rd Las Damas H. [G2], All American Derby, World's Champ. Classic. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– KUHI KUHI SI 107 (Ronas Ryon). 14 wins to 6, $159,925, Mr Jet Moore S. [G3], La Mariposa H., Buttons and Bows S. twice, O B Cockerell H., 2nd O B Cockerell H., La Mariposa H., Buttons and Bows S., 3rd New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G2] twice, Texas Champ. Challenge [G2], MBNA America S., finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Kamalani SI 97 (Tolltac). 2 wins to 3, $7,381, finalist [G3]. Dam of KAMA SHOOTIN SI 108 ($284,069 [R] [G3]), granddam of Sugar Beats SI 94. Phantasma SI 96 (Moon Lark). Winner to 3. Dam of MAJOR PHANTOM SI 95 ($41,102); granddam of Kiki Kiki SI 93 ($96,346 [R] [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 149 Curlie Sue 149 January 27, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Curlie Sue Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6016891 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Curlie Cue SI 92 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2009) { Girl In The Curl TB {In Excess (IRE) In The Curl By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam CURLIE CUE SI 92, by First Down Dash. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $54,758, Juno's Request H., 2nd Denim N Diamonds H. [R], 3rd Native Empress H., Stylish Jess BR H., finalist in Charger Bar H. [G2], qualified to Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G2]. Sister to GIRLRILLA SI 95. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 5 to race– AR DASHIN WAGGIN SI 96 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins at 2, 2020, ($22,040 USA), in Mexico, Alfredo Castro Rea S. Jess Right On Cue SI 89 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam GIRL IN THE CURL TB, by In Excess [IRE]. Unraced. Half sister to HARBOR BEACH SI 111 ($129,371 [R] [G3]), First Down N Surfin SI 97 ($290,681 [G1]), Igofast TB SI 97 ($143,043), Runaway Wave SI 105 (Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year; dam of OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105, Champion at 2 & 3, $1,642,498 [G1]; WAVE CARVER SI 104, World Champion, $1,005,946 [G1]; WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, $436,415 [G1]; TRISK SI 102, $254,223 [G1]; AQUAFINA SI 99, $188,336; LITTLE SURFER SI 104, $102,749, dam of UNCLE D SI 96, Champion, $689,165 [G1]; Sir Runaway Dash SI 97, $120,706 [G1]), Capitan Nuevo SI 95 ($56,539 [G2]), Curls Girl SI 93 ($54,066 [G2]). Dam of 37 foals to race, 14 winners– CURLIE CUE SI 92 (f. by First Down Dash). Stakes winner, above. GIRLRILLA SI 95 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 4, $27,219, Lone Star Distaff Challenge, finalist in Lovington S. [G2]. Eddies Curl TB (f. by Square Eddie). 2 wins to 3, $72,550, 2nd California Thoroughbred Breeders' Assoc. S. [R]. Devonairre TB (f. by Devon Lane). Winner to 3, $57,443, 3rd LaSenora H. [R]. Real Good Man SI 96 (g. by Fishers Dash). 2 wins to 5, $53,387, 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Tavarua SI 91 (f. by Stel Corona). 2 wins to 5, $27,460, 2nd California Breeders Freshman Fillies S. [R]. Foose Forte SI 96. Winner to 4, ($11,947 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Jodys Glory. Velvette (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins at 2, $14,054. Dam of– ONEMOREANDIAMGONE V SI 102. 4 wins to 3, 2021, $171,238, Dash For Cash Futurity [G2]. Three Six On Fire V SI 90. 2 wins to 3, $75,895, 3rd Kindergarten Futurity [G3]. Girl in the Lane TB (f. by Devon Lane). Winner to 3, $20,780. Dam of– Jess One Lane SI 88. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $18,808, 3rd MQHRA SSA Futurity [R]. Fast Devon TB SI 90 (g. by Devon Lane TB). 9 wins to 7, $137,433. Set NTR. Fire in the Curl (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Unraced. Dam of– Thirty Six Curls SI 92. 2 wins to 6, 2020, $79,142, 2nd PCQHRA Breeders' Fut. [G2]. Kick It Papa Joe SI 91. 4 wins to 3, 2020, $32,812, 3rd A Ransom H. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 150 Flash The Blues 150 March 23, 2020 Brown Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Flash The Blues Tilted Moon SI 98 6061088 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 The Blues Girl SI 91 Corona Chick SI 113 (2003) { Run The Dash SI 97 {Sixarun SI 106 Dashin Rosie SI 93 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam THE BLUES GIRL SI 91, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins at 2, $12,900, Leo H., 3rd Los Alamitos Prep H. Sister to BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105, Shades of Blues Girl SI 99, Dash Around Blues SI 93. Dam of 23 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 19 to race, 12 winners, 17 ROM– MIDNITE BLU SI 95 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 3, $173,373, 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], All American Juvenile S., 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Chickie Blu SI 98 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 4, $44,434, 3rd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– Ms Blu Moon SI 92 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, $36,815, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. JM Blu Moonflash SI 93 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, $72,643, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], qualified to NM Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Jess Girl Blue SI 88 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 5, 2021, $44,979. Travesty SI 91 (c. by First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $37,130, finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Blu Sunset SI 91 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, $32,713, finalist in Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. Blazin Blu SI 92 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 3, $30,668, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– A Flashin Blu SI 104 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, 2021, $19,952. Jess Blu SI 102 (f. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins to 3, $22,086. Chicks the Blues SI 84 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam Run The Dash SI 97, by Sixarun. Broodmare of the Year (2007), 2 wins at 2, $50,013, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1]. Dam of 32 foals to race, 22 winners, 28 ROM– BLUES GIRL TOO SI 104 (f. by Corona Cartel), World Champion, Champion 2- Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year- Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Champion of Champions [G1]-NTR, Golden State Derby [G1], etc. Dam of BLUES MAN WON SI 101 ($79,903), Amore La Blue SI 93 ($159,339 [G1]); granddam of JESS U R BLUE SI 101 ($145,151), LEAH CARROLL SI 90 (to 3, 2021, $57,627). BLUES MAN TOO SI 101 (g. by Holland Ease). 5 wins to 7, $133,194, Vessels Maturity [G1], 2nd Sgt. Pepper H. [G3], finalist in Champion of Champions [G1]. MAGIC MOMENT BLUES SI 117 (g. by Carters Cartel). 5 wins to 4, $50,701, Bitterroot Derby [R], 2nd Les Bois Juvenile Challenge, etc. EYELL FOOL YA SI 96 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 4 wins to 3, $28,364, Cl. Easily A Possum [G3], etc. Dam of EYE TELLER SI 97 ($79,034), Eyell Cartel SI 99. THE BLUES GIRL SI 91 (f. by Corona Cartel). Stakes winner, above. The Blues Man SI 95 (g. by This Snow Is Royal). 2 wins at 2, $187,841, 3rd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 151 Moon Jumpn Jessica 151 January 11, 2020 Gray Filly Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Jumpn Chic SI 96 { A Classy Chick SI 89 Imjumpn SI 94 {First Down Dash SI 105 Moon Jumpn Jessica Jumping Tac Flash SI 106 6047016 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Le Mishka Jess SI 88 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2011) { Le Mishka SI 95 {First Down Dash SI 105 Le Ritz SI 92 By JUMPN CHIC SI 96 (2003). 3 wins, $161,420, 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Farnam S., 3rd Los Alamitos Million Juv. Inv. [RG3]. Brother to JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96, JUMPN SI 98. Half-brother to HEADTURNER SI 101. Sire of 103 ROM, 9 stakes winners, $2,763,931, including TEE CHIC SI 104 (4 wins, $380,986, Oklahoma Fut. [G2]), A JORDON REED SI 103 ($233,535), WH STREAKIN PIE SI 98 ($168,454, Jaguar Rocket S. [R]), JUMPN STREAK SI 105 ($112,982), MY MOMENT OF FAME ($105,144). 1st dam LE MISHKA JESS SI 88, by Mr Jess Perry. 2 wins to 3, $10,010. Sister to Mr First Down SI 91. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race, 2 winners– Coastal Confessions SI 105 (g. by Louisiana Senator). 3 wins to 5, 2021, $41,250. Bratva SI 89 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 4, $6,375. 2nd dam LE MISHKA SI 95, by First Down Dash. 2 wins at 3, $19,132. Sister to VALORS GOLD SI 104, BROOKSTONE BAY SI 101, Remarkably Ritzy SI 93. Dam of 15 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– FIRST DOWN MR JESS SI 98 (c. by Feature Mr Jess). 4 wins to 3, $180,612, Sam Houston Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Sam Houston Derby [G2]. Sire. Regala de Amor SI 96 (f. by Mr Piloto). 3 wins to 7, $37,011, 3rd Mockingbird S. Mr First Down SI 91 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $32,412, 2nd South Florida Inv. Youre Gonna Mish Me SI 89 (g. by Coronas Leaving You). 2 wins to 3, $17,993, 3rd Kip Didericksen H. RC Relentless Grace SI 96 (f. by Hes Relentless). Placed at 2, 2021, $15,804, 3rd Sam Houston Juvenile S. Le Nennie SI 91 (f. by Tres Seis). Winner to 4, $5,382. Dam of– Teavana SI 104. 2 wins to 3, $34,089, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Futurity, finalist in TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam Le Ritz SI 92, by Coup De Kas TB. Winner at 3, $63,678, 2nd Miss Kindergarten Futurity [G2], California Derby Challenge, 3rd Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1]. Half sister to Sixy Silk SI 107, Im Stealing The Show SI 94 (dam of DOWN WITH YOU SI 102, $222,052 [R] [G1]). Out of SIXY CHICK SI 106 (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $751,284 [G1]). Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– VALORS GOLD SI 104 (g. by First Down Dash). 10 wins to 9, $319,114, Texas Champ. Challenge [G1], Manor H., I, 2nd Ruidoso Futurity [G1], AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1], Manor Maturity [G3], 6666 Ranch H. [G3], etc. BROOKSTONE BAY SI 101 (c. by First Down Dash). 7 wins to 4, $184,770, First Down Dash H. [G3], 2nd Vessels Maturity [G1], Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], etc. Remarkably Ritzy SI 93 (g. by First Down Dash). 5 wins to 5, $200,138, 2nd QHBC Champ. Classic [G2], 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], Evening Snow H. La Reina de La Noche (f. by First Down Dash). Unraced. Dam of– ZOOMIN DAPHNE SI 107. 8 wins to 4, $79,934, Evergreen Derby Challenge, Sandy Downs Distaff Challenge, Canada Cup Derby [R], 3rd Remington Distaff Challenge S. [G3], qualified to Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. De la Eagle SI 93. Winner to 3, $165,832, 2nd West Texas Juv., finalist All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], Champ. at Sunland [G1], Zia Champ. [G1]. GBH Big Henry SI 91. Winner to 4, $19,521, 2nd Ruidoso Juvenile Inv. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 152 Oh Gollie 152 March 30, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Oh Gollie Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6029422 Gol SI 101 {Jody O Toole SI 106 Golly Zee SI 101 Floetta SI 106 (2007) { Zee Ann SI 103 {Zevi TB Fols Miss Rocky SI 90 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam GOLLY ZEE SI 101, by Gol. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $38,140, Texas Twister S., - Division 1 R, 2nd Barnmaster Sprint S. [R], finalist in Sam Houston Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 6 to race, 4 winners– STREAKIN JESSZEE SI 95 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $72,896, Future of Iowa S. [R], 3rd Jim Bader Futurity [R], Cy-Hawk S. [R]. JA JESS ELEGANCE SI 103 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 4, $41,022, Biscayne S., 2nd Mockingbird S. Dam of– Tres Elegance (c. by Tres Seis). Winner at 2, 2021, $16,911. Zee Daddy SI 94 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins at 2, $36,050, finalist Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. Tosma SI 82 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $10,597; finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Golly Jess SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner at 2, 2021, $8,093. 2nd dam ZEE ANN SI 103, by Zevi TB. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $54,661, Mockingbird H., Colors of the Wind S. [R], 2nd West Texas Winnermaker Breeders' Derby [R], 3rd Dashingly S. [R], Purple Sage H. [R], finalist in Trinity Futurity [G3]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– JACK ZEE QUICK SI 105 (g. by Royal Quick Dash). 8 wins to 7, $270,677, Sam Houston Futurity [G1], Firecracker Derby [G2]-NTR, 400y in 0:19.642, Barnmaster Sprint S. [R] [G3], Delta Dash S., Gulf Coast S. [R], 2nd Firecracker Futurity [G3], B. F. Phillips, Jr. H. [R] [G3], Develop A Plan S. twice, 3rd Delta Dash S. GOLLY ZEE SI 101 (f. by Gol). Stakes winner, above. Teki Cetan SI 97 (f. by Strawfly Special). 4 wins to 5, $27,503, finalist in Manor Maturity [G3], Texas Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– JA Am I Blue SI 101. 2 wins to 3, $92,667, 2nd Sam Houston Futurity [G2], qualified to Dash for Cash Futurity [G2]. JA Midnight Express SI 104. 3 wins to 6, ($41,638 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Campeonato Juvenile, 3rd Clasico Inaugural, Campeonato Nacional Dia Del Charro. 3rd dam FOLS MISS ROCKY SI 90, by Fol's Native TB. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $23,321, Black Gold 350 Futurity - 2nd Div R. Sister to Snazzy Native SI 114. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– FLARE FOR TOBY SI 117 (Frisco Flare). AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 12 wins to 8, $523,204, Charger Bar H. [G1], Mildred Vessels H. [G1] twice, Las Damas H. [G2], Miss Princess H. [G3], Duplicate Copy H., 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], etc. Dam of MAN FROM NOCONA SI 98 ($30,273), Flare Checking SI 95 ($36,665); granddam of UP FOR IT SI 92 ($164,280 [R] [G2]). ZEE ANN SI 103 (Zevi TB). Stakes winner, above. MR ROCKY REED SI 105 (Cash Legacy). 3 wins to 5, $29,785, TQHA Breeders' Futurity [R], finalist in Trinity Meadows Derby [G3]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 153 Jess Makes The Money 153 February 29, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Makes The Money Send Me First SI 97 6070359 First Smart Money SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 Money Smart Gal SI 103 Prissy Gold Digger SI 106 (2006) { Lynns Allante SI 102 {Takin On The Cash SI 109 Sweet Blush SI 96 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam MONEY SMART GAL SI 103, by First Smart Money. 2 wins to 3, $14,922. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 7 to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM– MONEYS A MAKER SI 111 (g. by Sixes Royal). 3 wins to 4, $196,092, New Mexican Spring Futurity S. [R] [G2], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Mr Money Baggs SI 92 (g. by Sixes Royal). 3 wins to 3, 2021, $35,697, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Smart Regard SI 81 (c. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins at 2, $27,787. 2nd dam LYNNS ALLANTE SI 102, by Takin On the Cash. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $63,002, New Mexico Distaff Challenge, Dash for Speed H., finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], Texas Juvenile Challenge [G3], West/Southwest Juvenile Challenge [G3], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3], Rheudasil H. [G3]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 5 ROM– All Lucky Lynn SI 106 (f. by Gold Medal Jess). 4 wins to 4, $23,855, 3rd Selma S., finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G3]. Nothin Like Lynn (f. by Likenothinyoueversaw). Winner to 3, in Mexico. Dam of– Nada Como Cool Cia SI 90. 2 wins to 5, 2020, ($8,074 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Hector Roldan Arreola S. [R]. 3rd dam SWEET BLUSH SI 96, by Hempen TB. 2 wins at 2, $16,333. Dam of 16 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– BLUSHING BUG SI 108 (Bugs Alive in 75). 13 wins to 8, $185,573, Champion Prep S., Carlsbad H., 2nd Horsemen's QHRA Champ. [G1], QHBC Sprint Classic [G1], Kaweah Bar H. [G3], Double Bid H. [G3], Manhattan Beach H., 3rd Pomona Inv. H. [G2], finalist in All American Gold Cup [G1], Champion of Champions [G1], Vessels Maturity [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], QHBC Sprint Classic [G1], etc. Sire. LYNNS ALLANTE SI 102 (Takin On the Cash). Stakes winner, above. MAKE EM BLUSH SI 105 (Game Plan). 4 wins to 4, $56,738, Garfield Downs Poor Boy Futurity, First Chance Futurity, finalist in Firecracker Futurity [G1]. Sire. Leaving Memories SI 111 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $112,121, 3rd QHBC Sophomore Classic [G2], HQHRA Inaugural H. [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Kansas Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Sophomore H. [G2]. Sire. Blushing Streaker SI 106 (Streakin Six). 10 wins to 8, $34,383, 2nd QHBC Futurity [R]. Sweet Victress SI 89 (Victory Stride TB). Winner to 3, $3,162. Dam of– TEMPT ME NOT SI 98. 6 wins to 5, $34,304, Black Gold 350 Futurity [R], Black Gold Maturity [R], finalist [G3]. Granddam of A Tempting Chick SI 99 (Broodmare of the Year; dam of TEMPTING DASH SI 112, Champion, $673,970 [G1], A TEMPTING DASH SI 104, $541,959 [G1]). Tempted by Titles SI 91. 5 wins to 4, 2nd The Quarter Racing Journal S. Passion for Cash SI 97. Granddam of Desparado Man SI 97 ($61,739 [R] [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 154 Faerytales 154 February 11, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Faerytales Send Me First SI 97 6070360 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 First Tinkerbell SI 89 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2004) { Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam FIRST TINKERBELL SI 89, by First Down Dash. Winner at 3, $6,107. Sister to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– Jess Ring The Bell SI 89 (g. by Jess A Chicks). Winner at 2, 2021, $26,091, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Second Amendment SI 97 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 2 wins to 3, $15,512. Push the Button D SI 81 (f. by Teller Cartel). Winner to 4, $12,833. Jess a Real Deal SI 95 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 6, $11,859. Rock N Bell SI 94 (f. by Rock Solid Jess). Winner to 3, $9,441. Dam of– Surviving Bell (f. by Surviving Legend). Winner at 2, 2021, $8,050. 2nd dam Runaway Dee Dee SI 105, by Runaway Winner. 3 wins to 3, $25,068, 2nd Colors of the Wind H., Sundowner Trailer S. [R], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G2]. Out of DASHIN DEE DEE SI 105 ($266,453 [G1]). Dam of 26 foals to race, 19 winners, 23 ROM– A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108 (g. by First Down Dash). 11 wins to 6, $109,053, All American Congress Maturity [G3], Oil Capital Derby, Don Boyd H., Blue River Derby [R], 2nd All American Congress Derby [G3], Windy City Dash S. [G3], etc. Set NTR. RIDDICK SI 100 (g. by Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 3, $67,598, Ben E. Keith S. [R], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Dixie Stallion Futurity [R] [G3]. Dominyun SI 104 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd All American Fut. [G1], Dash for Cash Fut. [G1], finalist Rainbow Derby [G1]. Sire. Dee Dee Do Run Run SI 99 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, $11,132, 3rd Miss Sam Houston S. [R], La Vilitta S. [R]. Kpax SI 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $14,004, finalist [G3]. Dam of– JESSTIFIABLE SI 114. 5 wins to 7, $73,635, Hasta La Vista S.-NTR, 220y in 0:11.720, El Moro de Cumpas S.-NTR, 3rd Hasta La Vista S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Yurman SI 97. 3 wins, $53,640, 2nd Lucky Loser S., 3rd Ruidoso Juv. Challenge [G3]. Perryphery SI 94. Winner at 2, $48,114, 2nd TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Retama Park Futurity [G1]. Dam of Jess Adamant SI 91 ($26,969). Sarah Sota SI 117. 4 wins to 7, $24,375, 2nd William "Doc" Sanders S., 3rd Sonoita Ranchers Bonus Challenge S., Sonoita Ranchers Bonus Challenge H. Xquizit SI 92. 2 wins, $26,841, finalist [G1]. Dam of KJ Frankie B SI 98 ($97,058 [G3]). Quorumm SI 95. Winner to 3, 2021, $25,560, 2nd Prairie Meadows Juv. Chlg. S. Runaway Brooke SI 89 (f. by Brookstone Bay). Winner to 3, $4,743. Dam of– APOLLITICAL BROOKE SI 98. 5 wins to 4, $169,590, Southwest Juvenile Champ. S. [G1], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1], Hobbs America Futurity [G2]. Flashin Dee Dee SI 88 (f. by First to Flash). Placed at 2. Dam of BEACH CARTEL SI 102 ($486,128), BEACH RUNNER SI 99 ($139,522), Beach Diva SI 101 ($116,918), Jess Jace SI 99 ($57,270), Coco Beach SI 101 ($55,019), Thunder Beach SI 93 ($46,031); granddam of Beach Stone SI 89 ( to 3, 2021, $28,139). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 155 Live From NY 155 January 29, 2020 Brown Filly Holland Ease Corona Cartel { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick Little Surfer {First Down Dash Live From NY Runaway Wave X0744915 Put It Back {Honour And Glory It's Saturday Nite TB Miss Shoplifter (2009) { Miz Betty Grace {Matty G Victorious Girl By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam IT'S SATURDAY NITE TB, by Put It Back. 2 wins at 4, $156,175. Dam of 1 thoroughbred and 2 quarter horse foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Saturday Nite Secret SI 91 (f. by Hez Our Secret). Winner to 3, 2021, $61,424, 3rd Black Gold 400 Champ. Futurity Lassies Division R, finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G3], Mr Master Bug S. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam MIZ BETTY GRACE, by Matty G. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners– INDIAN GRACEY TB (f. by Indian Ocean). 3 wins to 4, $154,360, California State Fair Sprint H. [L], 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]. Dam of– Dauntless Gal TB. Winner to 3, 2021, $51,424. Oration TB (g. by Spring At Last). 4 wins to 6, $124,914. Barisoff TB (f. by Put It Back). 2 wins to 3, $76,633. 3rd dam VICTORIOUS GIRL, by Raise a Man. Winner at 2, $19,250. Half sister to STOLLER ($152,018), AUTUMN MOOD ($119,895). Dam of 13 foals to race, 6 winners– Voluptuous TB (Cozzene). 2 wins to 4, $103,175, 2nd La Habra S. [L], 3rd Providencia S. [R]. Dam of– BIG SCORE TB. 6 wins to 4, $217,739, Kindergarten S. [L], Santa Teresa H., Czaria H., 3rd Mamzelle S. [L], Miller Lite S. Dam of– Mighty Score TB. 9 wins to 8, $181,397. Successful Score TB. 3 wins to 4, $101,534. Ultimate Beauty TB. 3 wins to 4, $102,401. Dam of– Let the Boy Sing TB. 11 wins to 7, 2020, $94,578, Sprint Series S. [N], 2nd Silver Cup Futurity [N], B Cup Sprint S. [NR], 3rd Gold Rush Futurity, etc. Voluptuous Lady TB. Placed in 1 start at 2, $3,360. Dam of– Put Her Back Zach TB. 6 wins to 7, $124,683. Nena's Niner TB. 9 wins to 6, $100,535, 3rd George Wafer Mem. S. [N]. Missadryannaatto TB (Green Dancer). Winner, $69,133, 2nd Juvenile S. [R]. Dam of– MISS MARY PAT TB. 3 wins at 2, $102,863, TTA Sales Futurity [R], Silver Spur Breeders' Cup S. Dam of– SHORE RUNNER TB. 8 wins to 5, $362,340, Troy S. [L], Lucky Coin S. Captain Webb TB. 3 wins to 8, $109,434, 3rd King Cugat S. Save Rock and Roll TB. 2 wins to 4, $108,500, 2nd OBS Champ. S. [R], 3rd Tempted S., [G3]. Scatoosh TB. Winner to 3, $95,953, 2nd Busanda S. Red Maserati TB. 8 wins to 6, $215,152. Impassion TB (Shadeed). Winner at 2, $36,865, 3rd Colleen S. [L], Jersey Jumper S., Shrewsbury S. Dam of WARBLING ($352,293 [G2]), ARIANNA'S PASSION ($204,110); granddam of DISTORTED PASSION ($294,271). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mikkelson Racing, LLC Hip No. 156 Ricanelo 156 March 4, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Ricanelo Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033200 Dean Miracle SI 104 {Streakin Six SI 104 Total Miracle SI 98 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2001) { Reckless Coin {Reckless Dash SI 103 Spectacular Coin SI 95 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam Total Miracle SI 98, by Dean Miracle. 6 wins at 2 and 4, $76,898, 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R], 3rd New Mexico H. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to ROLL A MIRACLE SI 101, POWER CONNECTION SI 88, Miracle Recovery SI 92. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 7 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– PRINCESS JESSE SI 97 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 9 wins to 5, $395,665, Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R], 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Cup Champ. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1]. MR INNOVATOR SI 98 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2021, $131,440, Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Kaydns Krusader SI 102 (g. by Sixes Royal). 4 wins to 9, $162,677, 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R], New Mexican Spring Fling [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Sierra Ladron SI 97 (g. by Pragmatic TB). 7 wins to 5, $107,031. Rapid Dough SI 94 (f. by Jacksboro). Winner to 4, $31,268. 2nd dam RECKLESS COIN, by Reckless Dash. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 6 ROM– ROLL A MIRACLE SI 101 (g. by Dean Miracle). 4 wins to 4, $137,842, New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. POWER CONNECTION SI 88 (g. by Dean Miracle). 2 wins to 4, $45,397, Zia Juvenile Inv. [R], 3rd Ruidoso Horse Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Reckless Wind SI 95 (g. by Furyofthewind). 7 wins to 9, $181,594, 3rd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1] twice, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2] twice. Total Miracle SI 98 (f. by Dean Miracle). Stakes placed winner, above. Miracle Recovery SI 92 (c. by Dean Miracle). 2 wins to 3, $25,912, 2nd Canada Cup Futurity [G3], 3rd Evergreen Champ. Challenge. Sire. 3rd dam SPECTACULAR COIN SI 95, by Pocket Coin TB. 2 wins at 2. Dam of 2 winners– DASHING COIN SI 101 (Victory Dash). 4 wins to 3, $42,796, Seguin Horse Center Sale Futurity [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G3]. 4th dam SPECTACULAR BUG, by Shawne Bug. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– SPECTACULAR JETS SI 101 (Luckiest Jet). 6 wins to 8, $43,569, H. [G3], 2nd Inaugural Challenge Champ. [G3], finalist in Texas Champ. Challenge [G3]. Spectacular Lead SI 99 (Special Leader). 8 wins to 9, $71,475. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 157 Jess Stevie 157 March 1, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Stevie Send Me First SI 97 6072785 Jumpn SI 98 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Stevie Six SI 94 Imjumpn SI 94 (2007) { Jess Shakem SI 91 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Shake Em Six SI 97 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam Stevie Six SI 94, by Jumpn. Winner at 2, $14,795, 3rd Corona Chick H. Sister to JUMPN SHAKE SI 112. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners– Siximoons SI 101 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $148,659, 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 3rd By By JJ S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], Leo S. [G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], Zia H., S. [R] [G2], West Texas Derby [G3], James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3], Rio Grande H. [G3]. Rumers SI 101 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 6, $58,992. First Flashin SI 102 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $54,716, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. 2nd dam JESS SHAKEM SI 91, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 3, $8,902. Dam of 18 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– LA VENCEDORA SI 97 (f. by Ivory James). 5 wins to 3, $516,296, Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2], Oklahoma Derby [G3], 2nd Governors S., Mr Master Bug S. [R]. JUMPN SHAKE SI 112 (c. by Jumpn). 9 wins to 5, $182,299, Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.246, Anaheim Overnight H., 2nd First Down Dash H., Anaheim Overnight H., 3rd Kaweah Bar H. [G3], Cypress H., finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Meserret SI 91 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins at 2, $63,405, 2nd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R]. An Agitator SI 109 (g. by American Runaway). 2 wins to 6, $27,604, 3rd West Texas Juvenile S., finalist in Four Corners Futurity [G3]. Stevie Six SI 94 (f. by Jumpn). Stakes placed winner, above. Favorit Shake SI 103 (f. by Favorite Cartel). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $77,655, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam SHAKE EM SIX SI 97, by Streakin Six. 4 wins to 3, $6,158, Broodmare of the Year. Sister to SHAKE SIX SI 99 ($135,408 [G3]); half sister to SPECIAL SHAKE SI 104 ($478,645 [G1]). Dam of 15 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– SHAKE THE BANK SI 105 (Bully Bullion). Champion 2-Year-Old Filly in U.S. Mexcan Champion, Mexican Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, Mexico Triple Crown 14 wins, $372,585, in U.S. & Mexico,Clasico Tequila Cazadores [G3], Derby Mexicano [G3], Mexico Derby Challenge-ETR, 2nd All American Futurity [G1], AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G2], 3etc. Dam of SF ROYAL BANK SI 100 ($359,937 [G3]), FAMOUS BANK SI 95 ($60,659), SF SIMPLE SHAKE SI 95 ($33,486), Shes The Bank SI 89; granddam of SF SIMPLE QUICK DASH SI 101 ($44,258). ROYAL SHAKE EM SI 104 (Royal Quick Dash). 9 wins to 3, $257,009, Sam Houston Futurity [G1], Longhorn Futurity [G3], 2nd All American Derby [G1], etc. Sire. Shake Em Dash SI 87 (First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $6,836. Dam of Shakem Streaker SI 97 [G3]; granddam of YOU DRIVE I FLY SI 98 ($590,134 [R] [G1]), Corona Suerte SI 93 ($52,094), Empowered To Prosper SI 105 (at 2, 2021). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 158 Sol A Tare 158 January 18, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Sol A Tare Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6012118 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Diamondia SI 81 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2013) { Wild Vines SI 90 {The Signature SI 107 Famous Chapelle SI 106 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam DIAMONDIA SI 81, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 2, $5,400. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 1 to race– Ten Carrot SI 85 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Placed to 3, 2021, $5,595. 2nd dam WILD VINES SI 90, by The Signature. 2 wins to 4, $27,001, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– WILD SIX SI 103 (f. by Tres Seis). 7 wins to 3, $601,632, Rainbow Futurity [G1], West Texas Fut. [G1], finalist in All American Fut. [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Dam of– JESS WILD FOR YOU SI 88. 2 wins to 3, $100,166, Valley Junction Futurity. KJ Mucho Macho Man SI 96. 6 wins to 3, 2020, $273,705, 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Texas Classic Juvenile S., 3rd West Texas Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Inv. S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Wild Sixes Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 3, $111,572, 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G2], John Deere S., finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Wild and Game SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $25,338, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv., qualified to West Texas Derby [G3]. Jess Wild SI 85. Winner to 3, $16,239. Dam of– KJ Daisy Duke SI 94. Winner to 3, 2021, $41,500, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Distenedtobewild. Unraced. Dam of– SBM Aces Wild SI 97. 3 wins to 5, 2021, $66,487, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G3]. Wild Daddy Jack SI 95 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $55,110, finalist [R] [G3]. FDD Cambria (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, $4,035. Dam of– Cambria Cartel SI 93. 2 wins to 4, 2020, $44,390, finalist in Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Jenna James SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced. Dam of– HONKY TONK DADDY SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $231,234, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Jenna Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $35,582, 3rd Jack Robinson H., finalist [R] [G3]. Daddys Money SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $9,807, 2nd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. 3rd dam FAMOUS CHAPELLE SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $72,497, Utah Classic Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR. Dam of 15 foals to race, 9 winners, 11 ROM-- ARBOR MIST SI 106 (Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 4, $130,397, New Mexico Breeders Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], 3rd New Mexico Breeder's F. [R] [G3], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Set NTR. Dam of PLAY MISTY FOREME SI 102 ($296,616 [R] [G1]), Essencia SI 91. Love That Chapelle SI 96 (Blushing Bug). 4 wins to 4, $135,836, 2nd Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of Love That Six SI 104; granddam of RUN RAGING RHINO RUN SI 102 ($121,006). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Shane & Barbee Beer Hip No. 159 Im The Cartel Queen 159 February 27, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Im The Cartel Queen Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6030644 Rare King SI 113 {Rare Form SI 120 Queenofreigndeers Teller Queen SI 99 (2004) { BB Royalty Reigns SI 92 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 EJ Im No Gamble SI 97 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam QUEENOFREIGNDEERS, by Rare King. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 3 ROM– King of the Cartel SI 120 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $60,093. Hurricane Kate (f. by Get Down Perry). Placed at 2, $8,269, finalist in New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam BB ROYALTY REIGNS SI 92, by Royal Quick Dash. 2 wins to 3, $8,033. Sister to ROYAL DITTO DASH SI 98. Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM-- Magical Lion SI 89 (g. by Metallic Lion). 2 wins to 4, $33,369. The Gas Hog SI 104 (g. by Dean Miracle). Winner to 4, $18,903. 3rd dam Ej Im No Gamble SI 97, by Cashagamble. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $34,320, 2nd Black Gold 400 Futurity - 3rd Div R, Kansas Bred Derby [R]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, 7 ROM– A SWEET GAMBLE SI 103 (Sweet First Down). 7 wins to 4, $151,934, Valley Junction Futurity [G3], Iowa Double Gold Derby-NTR, 400y in 0:19.558, Skip Zimmerman Mem. S., 2nd Northlands Futurity [G3], 3rd Sunland Park Winter Futurity [G2], Skip Zimmerman Mem. S. Dam of– Alex Fox Peabody SI 100. 2 wins to 3, $20,643. Rg Three SI 98. 2 wins to 4, $20,631. Hesa Gambler Man SI 85. Winner to 3, $10,852. Gamble On This Wagon SI 88. Winner to 3, $6,014. Thisbetterwork SI 101. Placed to 3, $30,372. ROYAL DITTO DASH SI 98 (Royal Quick Dash). 6 wins to 5, $23,714, Kansas Bred Derby [R]. Celera SI 90 (Skirt Chasin Alibi). 2 wins to 4, $13,114. Wicked Paris SI 86 (Willie Wicked). Winner to 3, $7,124. Dam of– One Wicked Brew. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2020. Alibi Request SI 89 (Skirt Chasin Alibi). Winner to 3, $5,051. Shootin Craps (Sunset Six). Winner to 3, $3,036, finalist in Kansas Bred Futurity [R] [G3]. Gray Colours (Hot Colours). Winner to 3. The Dancing Jewel (The Desert Jewel). Winner at 2. 4th dam DANCING ROYALTY, by Mito Wise Dancer. Placed at 2 ROM– Half sister to EJ LIL CASH WINNER SI 97, LITTLE SWIFT ALICE SI 94 ($10,270), Little Royal Jet SI 95 ($10,796). Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, 2 ROM-- EJ Im No Gamble SI 97 (Cashagamble). Stakes placed winner, above. EJ Royal Drift SI 83 (No Drift TB). Winner to 4.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 160 First Passion 160 March 10, 2020 Brown Filly First To Flash SI 106 First Moonflash SI 122 { A Passion For Flashn SI 91 { Nagano Moon SI 82 Subtly Sixy SI 82 {Streakin Sixes SI 102 First Passion Subtly Aggressive 6070361 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 First Tinkerbell SI 89 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2004) { Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105 By A PASSION FOR FLASHN SI 91 (2015). 6 wins, $282,976, NM Classic Cup Fut. [RG2], NMHBA Stakes [RG2], fnl in Zia Fut. [RG1], Southwest Juv. Champ. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], NM Classic Champ. [RG1], Mountain Top Fut. [RG3], NM Breeders S. [RG3]. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122; sire of 39 stakes winners, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491, All Amer. Fut). 1st dam FIRST TINKERBELL SI 89, by First Down Dash. Winner at 3, $6,107. Sister to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– Jess Ring The Bell SI 89 (g. by Jess A Chicks). Winner at 2, 2021, $26,091, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Second Amendment SI 97 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 2 wins to 3, $15,512. Push the Button D SI 81 (f. by Teller Cartel). Winner to 4, $12,833. Jess a Real Deal SI 95 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 6, $11,859. Rock N Bell SI 94 (f. by Rock Solid Jess). Winner to 3, $9,441. Dam of– Surviving Bell (f. by Surviving Legend). Winner at 2, 2021, $8,050. 2nd dam Runaway Dee Dee SI 105, by Runaway Winner. 3 wins to 3, $25,068, 2nd Colors of the Wind H., Sundowner Trailer S. [R], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G2]. Out of DASHIN DEE DEE SI 105 ($266,453 [G1]). Dam of 26 foals to race, 19 winners, 23 ROM– A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108 (g. by First Down Dash). 11 wins to 6, $109,053, All American Congress Maturity [G3], Oil Capital Derby, Don Boyd H., Blue River Derby [R], 2nd All American Congress Derby [G3], Windy City Dash S. [G3], etc. Set NTR. RIDDICK SI 100 (g. by Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 3, $67,598, Ben E. Keith S. [R], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Dixie Stallion Futurity [R] [G3]. Dominyun SI 104 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd All American Fut. [G1], Dash for Cash Fut. [G1], finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1]. Sire. Dee Dee Do Run Run SI 99 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, $11,132, 3rd Miss Sam Houston S. [R], La Vilitta S. [R]. Kpax SI 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $14,004, finalist [G3]. Dam of– JESSTIFIABLE SI 114. 5 wins to 7, $73,635, Hasta La Vista S.-NTR, 220y in 0:11.720, El Moro de Cumpas S.-NTR, 3rd Hasta La Vista S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Yurman SI 97. 3 wins, $53,640, 2nd Lucky Loser S., 3rd Ruidoso Juv. Challenge [G3]. Perryphery SI 94. Winner at 2, $48,114, 2nd TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Retama Park Futurity [G1]. Dam of Jess Adamant SI 91 ($26,969). Sarah Sota SI 117. 4 wins to 7, $24,375, 2nd William "Doc" Sanders S., 3rd Sonoita Ranchers Bonus Challenge S., Sonoita Ranchers Bonus Challenge H. Xquizit SI 92. 2 wins, $26,841, finalist [G1]. Dam of KJ Frankie B SI 98 ($97,058 [G3]). Quorumm SI 95. Winner to 3, 2021, $25,560, 2nd Prairie Meadows Juv. Chlg. S. Runaway Brooke SI 89 (f. by Brookstone Bay). Winner to 3, $4,743. Dam of– APOLLITICAL BROOKE SI 98. 5 wins to 4, $169,590, Southwest Juvenile Champ. S. [G1], finalist in Zia Champ. [G1], Hobbs America Futurity [G2]. Flashin Dee Dee SI 88 (f. by First to Flash). Placed at 2. Dam of BEACH CARTEL SI 102 ($486,128), BEACH RUNNER SI 99 ($139,522), Beach Diva SI 101 ($116,918), Jess Jace SI 99 ($57,270), Coco Beach SI 101 ($55,019), Thunder Beach SI 93 ($46,031); granddam of Beach Stone SI 89 ( to 3, 2021, $28,139). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 161 Flashy An Sassy 161 April 19, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Flashy An Sassy Tilted Moon SI 98 6063727 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Ms Kokopelli SI 92 Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 (2000) { Crank It Up TB {In Totality Straw Rocket By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam MS KOKOPELLI SI 92, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 2, $8,697, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, 10 to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– Kokopellis Babycakes SI 97 (g. by Mr Houston). 7 wins to 8, $212,035, 2nd Fine Loom H., Zia 870 Champ. [R], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup 870 Champ. R. Sheza Bold Kokopelli SI 106 (f. by Heza Bold Man). 3 wins to 4, $48,902, 3rd Zia Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Ruidoso Horse Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Genes Kokopelli SI 96 (g. by Sixes Royal). 4 wins to 5, $55,419. Y You So Mean SI 95 (f. by Winners Version). 4 wins to 5, 2021, $49,943. Kokopelli Bold SI 99 (c. by Heza Bold Man). 2 wins to 4, $38,793. 2nd dam CRANK IT UP TB, by In Totality. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $37,813, Lady Slipper S. [R]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM-- Majorly Cranky SI 98 (f. by Major Rime). Winner at 2, $42,622, 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of– THIS TASK IS EASY SI 106. 7 wins to 5, $69,316, Turf Paradise Champ.S. Set NTR at Fair Meadows, 300y in 0:15.187. JESS CRANKY SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $32,755, Dash for Cash Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Sunland Winter Futurity [G2]. Dam of– Jessalilsecret SI 101. 3 wins to 3, $61,534, 2nd Blue River Derby [R], 3rd Speed Sale S. [R]. Ima Louisiana Girl SI 87. Winner to 3, $51,252, finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Extravagant Woman SI 97 (f. by Dash for Cash). 3 wins to 4, $16,850, 3rd Hill Country H. Dam of– Financial Drain SI 107. 7 wins to 7, $72,277. Wild Women Do SI 92 (f. by Dash for Cash). 3 wins to 4, $11,940, finalist [G3]. Dam of– DOING MAGIC SI 95. 3 wins at 2, $322,031, Rainbow Futurity [G1], 3rd Manor Fut. [G2]. Doing Some Winning SI 91. Winner to 3, $4,771. Dam of– Do U Zoom SI 94. 4 wins to 7, $49,305, 2nd Alex Picov Mem. Futurity, etc. Winnin Wave SI 84. Winner to 3, $14,774, 2nd Fair Meadows Juvenile S. Magic Wild Woman SI 88. Winner to 3, $5,550. Dam of– Diesel Demon SI 123. 5 wins to 5, $78,556. Wildest Woman SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $37,153, finalist West Texas Futurity [G1]. Dam of– First N Wild SI 98. 5 wins to 7, $43,427, finalist [G3]. Sire. 3rd dam STRAW ROCKET TB, by Rocket Bar. Winner at 3. Half sister to Doe Bowman TB, Dancing Straw TB (dam of MATCHING, $532,263 [G3]; granddam of FLORENTINE SI 106, Champion 2 years. Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year; CALYX SI 117, Champion, IVE BEEN BLESSED (Champion). Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners– CRANK IT UP TB (In Totality). Stakes winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 162 Hollis G 162 February 18, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Hollis G Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6055903 Dean Miracle SI 104 {Streakin Six SI 104 Maggies Miracle LX SI 103 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2001) { Miss Bunny Bullion SI 99 {Bully Bullion SI 104 Ritzy Wrangler SI 88 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MAGGIES MIRACLE LX SI 103, by Dean Miracle. 2 wins to 3, $30,457, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– PERCYJONES SI 108 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 5, $369,133, Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], By By JJ S. [R], finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2] twice. DATONA DOLL SI 98 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 3, $193,941, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Dam of– HOLLYN BOOTIE SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $163,918, Zia Futurity [R] [G1].. Tricks My Pick SI 112 (g. by Favorite Trick TB). 5 wins to 6, $111,731, 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2]. Hy Ho Harvey SI 95 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $56,178, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. First to Moon You SI 102 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $59,409. J Gatsby SI 94 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $39,527, finalist NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Jess by a Nose SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $33,560. Julia James (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– FAMOUS JULIA SI 113 (f. by Dash for Famous). 7 wins to 5, 2020, $98,141, New Mexico Classic Distaff S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G3]. 2nd dam MISS BUNNY BULLION SI 99, by Bully Bullion. 5 wins to 6, $30,640, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners– Vicious Bunny SI 92 (g. by Dash by for Randy). 2 wins to 3, $6,212. 3rd dam RITZY WRANGLER SI 88, by Rocket Wrangler. Winner at 2. Sister to Montana Del Rey SI 94. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Sassy Rich SI 88 (Bully Bullion). 2 wins to 3, $6,633. 4th dam MISS MOON BUNNY SI 90, by Top Moon. Winner at 3. Sister to Grand Moon SI 101. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– Montana Del Rey SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins to 4, $37,362, 3rd Sun Country Futurity [G1]. Rocky Rich SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 5 wins to 3, $31,777, finalist West Texas Fut. [G2]. Moon Bunnys Flame SI 103 (Flaming Jet). 4 wins to 4, $21,951. Swayce Brown SI 97 (Pie in the Sky). Placed to 3, $6,949. Dam of CAT B QUICK SI 98 ($63,779), KAYLE BROWN SI 100 ($35,262). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 163 First Ivory 163 March 10, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 First Ivory Tilted Moon SI 98 6070336 Ivory James SI 103 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Special Dark Ivory Dashin Follies (2012) { Special Phoebe SI 104 {Special Effort SI 104 Dashing Phoebe SI 104 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam SPECIAL DARK IVORY, by Ivory James. Winner at 2, $17,375. Sister to FLARE FOR IVORY SI 105. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (three 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 2 winners– Dark Moon SI 90 (f. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $115,446, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], 3rd Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], Decketta S. [G2]. Ms Flashin Ivory SI 83 (f. by First Moonflash). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $5,295, 3rd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. Special Dark Moon SI 90 (c. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, $28,528. 2nd dam SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104, by Special Effort. Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins, 2 to 4, $139,963, World's Champ. Classic [G2], Rainbow Silver Cup [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3], O B Cockerell H. [G3], Jet Deck H. [G3], Real Wind H., 2nd All American Gold Cup [G2], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1]. Half sister to HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, $1,885,283 [G1]). Out of DASHING PHOEBE SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, AQHA Dam of Distinction, $609,553 [G1]). Dam of 25 foals to race, 20 ROM– A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 5 wins to 4, $117,171, California Derby Challenge [G3], Corona Chick H. [G3], 2nd Sand Dollar Beach H., 3rd Golden State Derby [G1], AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of– Heza Motor Cruiser SI 94. 2 wins to 5, $69,817, 3rd Hobbs America Derby [G2]. Jessies Snow Angel. Unraced. Dam of– Rockin N Scootin SI 92. 3 wins to 7, 2021, $60,541, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. FLARE FOR IVORY SI 105 (Ivory James). 6 wins to 4, $91,959, Arapahoe Sprint Bonus Challenge-NTR, Dash For Speed S.-NTR, finalist in Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Special Phoenix SI 107 (g. by Brimmerton). 4 wins to 5, $47,343, 2nd Orange Blossom S., finalist in Remington Distance Challenge [G3]. Streakin Phoebe SI 95 (f. by Ronas Ryon). Winner to 3, $24,737, finalist in Prescott Downs Futurity [G3]. Dam of– DUELING JUAN SI 121. 15 wins to 9, $475,001, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Bred Inv. H. [R], 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G3], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], etc. Ill Getcha Good SI 106. 3 wins to 5, $60,086, 3rd Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R], etc. Dam of VOLCOM THUNDER SI 95 ($188,977 [G3]). Make Us Proud SI 97 (f. by Holland Ease). 3 wins to 3, $22,863, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– AMERICAN HUSTLER SI 106. 2 wins to 3, $23,966, All American Congress Futurity. Wave Over Phoebe SI 85 (f. by Wave Carver). 2 wins to 3, $19,840. Dam of– T VELOCITY SI 99. 3 wins to 5, $102,710, Mr. Jess Perry Derby. Phoebe Bebe SI 92 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). Placed to 3, $4,442. Dam of Shes A Phoebe SI 98 ($99,417 [R] [G2]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 164 Talbott 164 March 26, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Talbott Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6039981 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Diamondia SI 81 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2013) { Wild Vines SI 90 {The Signature SI 107 Famous Chapelle SI 106 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam DIAMONDIA SI 81, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 2, $5,400. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 1 to race– Ten Carrot SI 85 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Placed to 3, 2021, $5,595. 2nd dam WILD VINES SI 90, by The Signature. 2 wins to 4, $27,001, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– WILD SIX SI 103 (f. by Tres Seis). 7 wins to 3, $601,632, Rainbow Futurity [G1], West Texas Fut. [G1], finalist in All American Fut. [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Dam of– JESS WILD FOR YOU SI 88. 2 wins to 3, $100,166, Valley Junction Futurity. KJ Mucho Macho Man SI 96. 6 wins to 3, 2020, $273,705, 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Texas Classic Juvenile S., 3rd West Texas Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Inv. S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Wild Sixes Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 3, $111,572, 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G2], John Deere S., finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Wild and Game SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $25,338, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv. qualified to West Texas Derby [G3]. Jess Wild SI 85. Winner to 3, $16,239. Dam of– KJ Daisy Duke SI 94. Winner to 3, 2021, $41,500, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Distenedtobewild. Unraced. Dam of– SBM Aces Wild SI 97. 3 wins to 5, 2021, $66,487, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G3]. Wild Daddy Jack SI 95 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $55,110, finalist [R] [G3]. FDD Cambria (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, $4,035. Dam of– Cambria Cartel SI 93. 2 wins to 4, 2020, $44,390, finalist in Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Jenna James SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced. Dam of– HONKY TONK DADDY SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $231,234, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Jenna Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $35,582, 3rd Jack Robinson H., finalist [R] [G3]. Daddys Money SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $9,807, 2nd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. 3rd dam FAMOUS CHAPELLE SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $72,497, Utah Classic Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR. Dam of 15 foals to race, 9 winners, 11 ROM-- ARBOR MIST SI 106 (Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 4, $130,397, New Mexico Breeders Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], 3rd New Mexico Breeder's F. [R] [G3], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Set NTR. Dam of PLAY MISTY FOREME SI 102 ($296,616 [R] [G1]), Essencia SI 91. Love That Chapelle SI 96 (Blushing Bug). 4 wins to 4, $135,836, 2nd Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of Love That Six SI 104; granddam of RUN RAGING RHINO RUN SI 102 ($121,006). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 165 Pandemic 165 March 24, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Pandemic Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6008587 Chicks Beduino SI 104 {Beduino TB The Masters SI 88 A Classy Chick SI 89 (2006) { Royal Quick Mongoose SI 90 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Charming Effort SI 96 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam THE MASTERS SI 88, by Chicks Beduino. Winner at 2, $4,350. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 2 to race– U Got the Look SI 91 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 4, $40,757, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam ROYAL QUICK MONGOOSE SI 90, by Royal Quick Dash. 2 wins at 3, $17,829. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Jumpn Mongoose SI 84 (f. by Jumpn). Winner at 2, in Mexico. 3rd dam CHARMING EFFORT SI 96, by Special Effort. Winner at 2, $28,694, finalist in Manor Derby [G3]. Dam of 18 foals to race, 16 winners, 17 ROM– SPECIAL MONGOOSE SI 99 Holland Ease). 8 wins to 6, $205,096, PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], Independence Day H. [R], 2nd California Challenge Champ. [G2], California Sires' Cup Derby [R][G3], 3rd California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], QHBC Sophomore Classic [G3], finalist in Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R][G1]. MONGOOSE EFFORT SI 98 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 6, $94,878, Lancaster H., 2nd QHBC Champ. Classic [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], California Breeders Champ. [R][G2], Lancaster H., 3rd California Breeders Champ. [R][G2], Las Damas H. [G2], Easy Date H. Dam of– MONGOOSE JET EYE SI 106. Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Mare, 10 wins to 5, $447,550, Champ. at Sunland [G1]-NWR, Vessels Maturity [G1], Mildred Vessels H. [G1], Town Policy H. [G3], Pomona Express S., etc. Dam of PAPPAS IN THE HOUSE SI 107 ($119,200), MADRESITA SI 110 ($113,811), MY DULCINEA SI 94, Pajarita Sita SI 102 ($167,806 [G2]), Steal Away SI 90. A Reason to Run SI 89. Winner. Dam of FEATURE MALINCHE SI 92 ($77,500 [G3]), The Cartel Runner SI 91, The Cartels Crown SI 98 (3 wins, $60,768). Doievercrossyourmind SI 96. Winner to 4, $17,907. Dam of DASHACROSSYOUR MIND SI 95 ($106,406), Blueacrossyourmind SI 101 ($54,868). MONGOOSECHARMINGHAWK SI 96 (Hawkinson). 3 wins to 3, $27,227, California Breeders' Debutante S. [R], 3rd Mini Rock Overnight H. Mongoose Hawkette SI 107 (Hawkinson). 5 wins to 5, $100,042, 3rd Corona Kool Overnight H., finalist in Calif. Breeders' Matron S. [R][G2] twice. Charmed Mongoose Bug SI 99 (Blushing Bug. 5 wins to 6, $53,528, 2nd Dicey Secret H., 3rd Deelish H., finalist in Las Damas H. [G2], Calif. Breeders Spring S. [R] [G3]. Mongoose On Fire (Walk Thru Fire). Unraced. Dam of– Favorite Mongoose SI 92. Winner to 3, $24,705, 2nd Ed Burke Juvenile S. Special Mongoose Bug SI 88 (Blushing Bug). Placed to 4, $12,626, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2]. Dam of Combustible SI 97 ($37,103 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 166 Jess Makes Money 166 March 2, 2020 Brown Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Makes Money Send Me First SI 97 6063751 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Wager On A Cartel SI 87 Corona Chick SI 113 (2007) { Calyx Wager SI 97 {Calyx SI 117 Easy Wager SI 101 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam WAGER ON A CARTEL SI 87, by Corona Cartel. Placed at 4, $3,467. Dam of 10 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 9 to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Wager On a Moon SI 94 (g. by First Moonflash). 6 wins to 5, $76,787, finalist in Lovington S. [G2]. Wager On Moonflash SI 94 (c. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 4, $50,626, finalist in New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2], NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. Bet With Fire SI 97 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $31,128, finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. Gettin Money SI 92 (g. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 4, 2020, $27,891. Wager Moonflash SI 85 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, $7,208. Wager Ur Money (c. by Jess a Chicks). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam CALYX WAGER SI 97, by Calyx. 2 wins at 2, $4,730. Dam of 14 foals to race, 10 ROM– METEORIC SI 104 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 14 wins to 7, $588,373, Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G2], Pot O' Gold Futurity Finals [G3], Manor H., 2nd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3], Carmel H., 3rd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], Southern California Derby [G1]. PALADIUM SI 98 (f. by Ronas Ryon). 6 wins to 4, $54,919, Idaho Cup Futurity [R] [G3], Idaho Cup Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Ford Northwest Distaff Challenge, Evening Snow H., Portland Meadows Futurity [R]. Dam of– Shut Up and Catch Me SI 92. 3 wins to 6, $27,818. Directors Cut SI 85. Unplaced. Dam of– THE SERGE PROTECTOR SI 97. 2 wins to 7, $57,516, 3rd FL Lady Bug S. [R]. ZALO EL INTELIGENTE SI 96 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 9 wins to 4, $23,162, QHBC Northwest Futurity [R], 2nd Oregon Bred Juvenile Futurity [R]. Eminent Esquire SI 99 (g. by Floyd de Great). 12 wins to 8, $71,786. Wager On a Chick SI 98 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). 3 wins to 4, $40,494, finalist [R] [G1]. This Wager Is Hot SI 91 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Placed to 3, $96,199, finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam EASY WAGER SI 101, by Easy Flyer. 11 wins to 3, $35,652, Prineville Futurity, 2nd Pot O'Gold Futurity, Portland Meadows Derby, Lone Oak Futurity, Portland Meadows Junior H., 3rd Graduation H. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– SCOTTS WRANGLER SI 107 (Wranglers Ridge). 12 wins to 8, $33,154, Evergreen Derby R-NTR, High Country Derby [R], 3rd QHBC Northwest Futurity [R]. Early Bunny SI 92 (Sail On Bunny). 7 wins to 5, $12,784, 2nd Oregon Bred Juvenile Champ. [R]. Wager On Dasher SI 94 (Streakin Dash). 4 wins. Granddam of SNIP N DALE SI 124 ($185,999 [G3]), CUPIDS DASH SI 110 ($66,571), LIGHTNIN STORM CLOUD SI 102. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 167 Name Pending 167 January 28, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Got Faith Tempered Glass SI 101 (2011) { Tex Can SI 97 {Bills Ryon SI 113 Black Leather SI 95 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]).

1st dam GOT FAITH, by Sixes Royal. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Cowboy On the Run SI 98 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $50,306, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. My Flash On You SI 81 (g. by First Moonflash). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2021.

2nd dam TEX CAN SI 97, by Bills Ryon. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $18,374. Sister to RYON TIME AGAIN SI 102. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Brotherman SI 102 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 8, $115,761, finalist in New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G3]. Hope Flys SI 96 (f. by Ketel Won). Winner to 4, $11,558. E S Keepingthedream SI 93 (g. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $9,307.

3rd dam BLACK LEATHER SI 95, by By Yawl. 4 wins to 3, $8,295, finalist in Go Together H. [G3]. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– RYON TIME AGAIN SI 102 (Bills Ryon). 7 wins to 4, $53,981, Gillespie County Fair Derby [R], 2nd West Texas Maturity R, 3rd Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3], Sunland Park Fall H., finalist in Winner Maker Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3]. Royal Flush Miracle SI 89 (Dean Miracle). Winner to 5, $22,189. Black Jack Miracle SI 95 (Dean Miracle). 2 wins to 5, $19,308. Lady Punisher SI 91 (Power Train). 2 wins to 6, $7,562. On Going Effort SI 96 (Special Project). 2 wins to 4, $4,087. Hi Tailing It SI 101 (Hot Colours). Winner at 2, $3,400, finalist in Clovis Classic Futurity [R] [G3].

4th dam QUEEN OZARK, by Tiny's Gay. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Sweet Excess SI 105 (By Yawl). 3 wins to 5, $5,079. Dam of– Sizzle Wonder SI 88. Winner to 6, $7,193.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 168 Rush Royalty 168 January 8, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Rush Royalty Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6012119 Rushago SI 104 {Agouti SI 104 Ima China Rush SI 96 Rush Rush SI 83 (2015) { Ima PYC China Doll SI 92 {PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 Ima Lazie Too SI 109 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam IMA CHINA RUSH SI 96, by Rushago. 3 wins to 3, $252,767, Oklahoma Futurity [G3], Jack Brooks S. [R], 2nd Laico Bird S. [R]. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam IMA PYC CHINA DOLL SI 92, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. 2 wins to 3, $14,585. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– IMA CHINA RUSH SI 96 (f. by Rushago). Stakes winner, above. Peves Big Hoss SI 89 (g. by One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $19,869, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam IMA LAZIE TOO SI 109, by Okey Dokey Dale. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $43,601, Black Gold Futurity R-NTR, 330y in 0:16.568, finalist in Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– PV QUEEN BEE CANDY SI 108 (Cartels Candy Man). 4 wins to 4, $179,791, FL Lady Bug S. [R], 2nd Mystery Futurity [R] [G3], Mighty Deck Three S. [R] [G3], 3rd Valley Junction Futurity, finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], Heritage Place Derby [G3]. PV Ima Sparky Too SI 103 (Country Chicks Man). 5 wins to 3, $79,017, 2nd Oklahoma Horsemans Assoc. Mystery Futurity [R]. Peves Freddy B SI 94 (Streak and Dash). 4 wins to 4, $48,729, 3rd Remington Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Easy Jet S. [R] [G3]. Pevs Jukebox SI 86 (FDD Dynasty). 2 wins at 2, 2021, $32,264, 2nd Easy Jet S. [R]. Peves Blue Duck SI 86 (Moonin the Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $39,819, finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G3], Laico Bird S. [R] [G3]. Peves Ima Eagle Too SI 93 (One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $22,727. Peves Fabulous Lazie SI 90 (One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $12,696. Peves Silver Spur SI 90 (Moonin the Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $11,379. 4th dam LITTLE LAZAJANE SI 88, by Lazbuddie. 2 wins to 3, $6,593. Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– IMA LAZIE TOO SI 109 (Okey Dokey Dale). Stakes winner, above. Fast Bobby SI 102 (FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 3, $47,794, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile, 3rd Gopher State Derby. Miss Okey Dokey Zevi SI 96 (Okey Dokey Dale). 2 wins to 4, $23,498. Dam of– Pevs Charley SI 90. Winner at 2, 2021, $43,888, 2nd FL Lady Bug S. [R] [G3], Laico Bird S. [R] [G3], qualified to Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. Mr Rushmore SI 97. 5 wins to 5, 2020, $66,103, finalist [R] [G3]. Peves Lookin Royal (Looks Royal). Unraced. Dam of– PEVES IBA RACY GRACY SI 85. Winner at 2, $22,586, Oklahoma Juvenile S. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 169 First Prize Wine 169 February 11, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 First Prize Wine Tilted Moon SI 98 6070332 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Prize Wine SI 88 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2008) { Fast Mans Prize {Heza Fast Man SI 111 First Prize Dash SI 101 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam PRIZE WINE SI 88, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed, 2 to 4, $16,175. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 4 to race– Get On the Wagon SI 94 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Placed to 4, 2021, $3,232. 2nd dam FAST MANS PRIZE, by Heza Fast Man. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, HEZA FAST DASH SI 103. Dam of 12 foals to race, 8 winners, 11 ROM– FAST PRIZE MIKE SI 101 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 4, $134,605, Eastex H. [G2], Evangeline Derby, 2nd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], finalist Remington Ch. [G1]. One Fast Wagon SI 105 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 3, $144,819, 2nd TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Prize Jive SI 97 (f. by Country Quick Dash). Placed in AQHA races, 3rd Foxy Lady S; 5 wins in APHA races, $77,384, 2nd Dash For Colors S., 3rd Speedhorse Fut. [R] [G1]. PYC Look At Me SI 96 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 6, $48,862. Hiclass Deb SI 103 (f. by Hiclass La Jolla). 4 wins to 5, $40,871. 3rd dam FIRST PRIZE DASH SI 101, by Dash for Cash. AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year, 5 wins to 3, $77,465, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [R] [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Sister to FIRST DOWN DASH SI 105 (World Champion, $857,256 [G1]). Dam of 36 foals to race, 30 ROM– FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 3, $488,270, Remington Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3]. Dam of FIRST PRIZE SHAUNDA SI 104 ($144,982 [G3]). FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Remington Derby [G2], qualified to Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101 ($550,105, Rainbow Fut. [G1]), CORONADO CARTEL SI 98 ($416,178), DENVER PASS SI 96 ($120,994); granddam of AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 (to 3, 2021, $643,043 [G2]). FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $295,147, Remington Futurity [G1], finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Dam of SS CALENDAR GIRL SI 97 ($88,915 [G3]); granddam of EC REVENGE SI 93 ($200,164 [G2]). FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Dam of FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 ($192,875 [G1]-NWR), granddam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,689 [G3]), DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]), CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96. HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 3, $136,123, Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2], 2nd Remington Park Futurity [G1]. First Prize Fancy (Mr Jess Perry). Winner. Dam of PYC FUN N FANCY SI 105 ($478,760 [G3]), IM A FANCY PYC SI 92 ($454,765 [R] [G3]), WEETONAS LAFAWN SI 102 ($179,500 [G3]), FIRST FANCY PRIZE SI 98 ($113,804). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 170 Demi Leigh 170 February 27, 2020 Black Filly Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Demi Leigh Shes My Tea SI 92 6022403 City Place {Storm Cat TB Ima Gator Fan SI 101 Glitter Woman TB (2009) { Ima Special Rose {Strawfly Special SI 97 Iama Rose SI 95 By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92. 1st dam IMA GATOR FAN SI 101, by City Place TB. 5 wins in 10 starts to 3, $127,157, South Florida Derby, Hialeah Sophomore Inv. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race– Choot Em Lizz (f. by Freighttrain B). Winner to 3, 2021, $13,445. 2nd dam IMA SPECIAL ROSE, by Strawfly Special. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– IMA GATOR FAN SI 101 (f. by City Place TB). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam Iama Rose SI 95, by Six Fortunes. Winner at 2, $5,462, 3rd Boomer Sooner Fall Futurity. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 ROM-- Iama Flying Rose SI 85 (Strawfly Special). Winner at 2, $4,275. 4th dam OOH A SENSATION SI 109, by Casady Casanova. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $94,394, Shebester Futurity [G2], Dashing Lady H. [G3], Pony Express H., 2nd Northern Belle S., 3rd Juvenile Inv. H. [G3], finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Eastex H. [G2], Canterbury Champ. [G2], The Woodlands Champ. [G3]. Half sister to ANNUAL EDITION SI 95. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– THE CASANOVA SI 104 (The Signature). Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding. 10 wins to 6, $259,102, All American Derby [G1], California Challenge Champ. [G2], New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], finalist in Coors Champion of Champions [G1], Sam Houston Futurity [G1], California Breeders Champ. [R] [G1]. WINDY SENSATION SI 101 (Windy Ryon). 3 wins to 3, $143,919, TMYS Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd Kansas Derby [G1], 3rd North Texas Horse Sale Derby [R], finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G2]. Dam of– Jack Rambo SI 109. 4 wins to 7, $48,544, 3rd West Texas Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Four Corners Futurity [G3]. Dream Ride SI 96. 2 wins to 4, $40,225, 2nd Tallahassee S., qualified to West Texas Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Dream Dynasty SI 90. 2 wins to 4, 2020, $32,629. Quiet Courage SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $12,707, 2nd Dixie Downs Derby. Dam of– SIR SETH SI 109. 9 wins to 5, $299,368, Zia Champ. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Derby [G1], Ruidoso Futurity [G1], finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], California Breeders' Champ. [R] [G1]. Set NTR at Zia, 220y in 0:11.746. Sire. Apollitical Courage SI 95. 2 wins to 5, $40,166, 3rd Will Rogers Distance Challenge, finalist in Delta 550 S. [G3]. Kylee Joy SI 95. Winner to 3, 2020, $56,238, finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Beach City Beauty SI 111. 4 wins to 6, $52,108. Set NTR 330y in 0:16.151. Honest Eagle SI 108. 3 wins to 4, $40,062, finalist in Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3]. Iama Rose SI 95 (Six Fortunes). Stakes placed winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Hip No. 171 171

WITH DRAWN FROM SALE Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 172 Drinking Champane 172 March 11, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Drinking Champane Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6032520 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Champagne Perry Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2012) { Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam CHAMPAGNE PERRY, by Mr Jess Perry. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 2 to race, 2 winners– CHAMPAGNE ROOM SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $120,711, Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Leftlane SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $62,805, finalist Shue Fly S. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 24 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of ASTICA SI 110 (Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, $411,623 [R] [G1]), BIGG DADDY SI 98 ($753,768 [R] [G1]), Swiss White Wine SI 97 ($75,155 [G3]), Tuscan Redd SI 96 ($54,980 [R] [G1]), White Russsian SI 91 ($35,031). Granddam of DONELLI SI 96 ($420,604 [R] [G3]), Valiant Astica SI 99 ($195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks), Fanncee SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $102,359 [R] [G3]). KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, 440y in 0:20.733, West Texas Derby [G3], Sunland Express H. [G3] twice, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G2], Northwest Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. JESSE LANE SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], All American Juvenile S., 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA-Turf Paradise Futurity. Dam of Looke At Me SI 93. Two Wines SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $108,904, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico [F] Champ. [R] [G1]. Conn Creek SI 98 (c by Dash Ta Fame) 3 wins to 3, $54,505, 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Marilyn Merlot SI 91 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of WINNING MERLOT SI 96 ($120,602 [R] [G2]), Marilyn Wins SI 88 ($79,568 [R] [G3]). Ella Sophia SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $39,285. Dam of SISTER SOPHIA SI 93 ($141,484). Chill It SI 89 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 3, $64,550. Martin Ray SI 98 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 6 wins to 6, $63,748. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 173 Unusual N Rare 173 April 18, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Unusual N Rare Send Me First SI 97 6061091 Rare Form SI 120 {The Signature SI 107 Rare Baby Doll Especially For You (2002) { Baby Doll Dash SI 103 {Dash Easy SI 98 Parkhills Girl SI 104 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam RARE BABY DOLL, by Rare Form. Unraced. Sister to BABY DOLL FORM SI 104. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Rare N Hot SI 101 (g. by Corona Caliente). 7 wins to 7, $126,712, 3rd Hard Twist S. [R]. Mr Royal N Rare SI 94 (g. by Sixes Royal). Winner to 4, $31,776. Royal Rare Sixes SI 82 (f. by Sixes Royal). Winner to 4, $13,081. 2nd dam BABY DOLL DASH SI 103, by Dash Easy. 8 wins to 3, $69,482, Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G3], Oklahoma Juvenile Challenge, Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Futurity [R], Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Derby [R], 2nd Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3], finalist in AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– BABY DOLL FORM SI 104 (f. by Rare Form). 3 wins to 3, $287,704, Dash For Cash Futurity [G1], 2nd Remington Futurity [G1], 3rd Blue Ribbon Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Retama Park Derby [G1]. Dam of– Hot Hot Baby Doll SI 93. Winner to 4, $33,845, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of– ELL VALENTINO SI 109. 3 wins to 3, 2021, $76,784, NM Breeders S. [R] [G3]. Sweet Baby Cakes. Unplaced. Dam of– SWEET BABY PERRY SI 89. Winner at 2 in Mex., Premio Arcadio Espinosa Fut. MR PERRY DASH SI 105 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 8 wins to 5, $285,366, West Texas Derby [G2], Lovington H. [G2], KOFX-FM H. [G2]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.008, Miss Polly Classic S. [G3], 2nd Sam Houston Classic [G2], Evangeline Downs Dash S., 3rd The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], West Texas Maturity [G2]. YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (g. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins to 5, $143,114, New Mexico Classic Cup Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], SLM Big Daddy S. [G3]. First Hills SI 93 (g. by First Moonflash). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $66,286. Guess Who Drew SI 92 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 6, $56,396, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Royal Dash Six SI 94 (c. by Sixes Royal). 2 wins to 5, $19,036. 3rd dam PARKHILLS GIRL SI 104, by Zevi TB. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $10,036. Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 winners– BABY DOLL DASH SI 103 (Dash Easy). Stakes winner, above. 4th dam JUNIPER BAR MISS SI 99, by Mighty Deck. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $10,921. Half sister to Camille Creek SI 94, Juniper Moon SI 87 ($4,564). Dam of 11 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM-- Junipero SI 87 (Thermos TB). 5 wins to 6, $18,473. Brave Encounter SI 95 (Bugs Alive in 75). 5 wins to 5, $11,227. Sire. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 174 A Warrior Inside 174 April 11, 2020 Sorrel Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 A Warrior Inside Runaway Wave SI 105 6033597 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Angels Envy SI 87 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2010) { Strawberry Dash SI 95 {First Down Dash SI 105 Strawberry Silk SI 105 By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam ANGELS ENVY SI 87, by Mr Jess Perry. 2 wins to 3, $17,167. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– Jaels Sign SI 82 (f. by Second Painted Sign). 2 wins at 2, 2021, $18,278. Strawberries On Fire SI 89 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 2 wins to 3, $13,378. Angels First Wagon SI 88 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Placed to 3, 2021, $11,677. 2nd dam STRAWBERRY DASH SI 95, by First Down Dash. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $68,850, finalist in Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Southern California Derby [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1] twice, Los Alamitos Million Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3]. Sister to STOLI SI 99, ROUSING ENCORE SI 93. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 6 ROM-- Sera Fina SI 99 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $4,070. Dam of– Sera Jess Fine V SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $33,200, 2nd Paragon Oaks. 3rd dam STRAWBERRY SILK SI 105, by Beduino TB. Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 11 wins in 17 starts to 3, $1,266,263, All American Futurity [G1], Sun Country Futurity [G1], 2nd Rainbow Futurity [G1], Kansas Futurity [G1]. Out of PAINTED BUG SI 113 ($274,569). Dam of 24 foals to race, 20 ROM– STOLI SI 99 (First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 10 wins to 3, $332,237, All American Derby [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1], Z Wayne Griffin Directors S. [G3], PCQHRA S., 3rd Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1]. Sire. WHATHAVEIGOTTADO SI 108 (Shazoom). 6 wins to 5, $157,747, Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3], 2nd Hialeah Laddie Futurity, 3rd West Texas Maturity [G2], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1], Sooner State S. [R] [G1]. Sire. ROUSING ENCORE SI 93 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 4, $94,233, All American Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], AQHA Members Plus S., finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1]. CASHINGTON SI 101 (Takin On the Cash). 6 wins to 6, $78,489, O B Cockerell H., finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1], West Texas Derby [G3]. PAPPASITO SI 96 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins at 2, $39,740, New Mexico Juvenile Challenge [G3], qualified to AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G2]. Sire. Strawberry Cartel SI 91 (Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $8,625. Dam of– YASHIRA VISTA SI 101. 3 wins to 5, $54,139, Ruidoso Downs Distaff Challenge, 3rd Dash For Speed S., finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. S. [G1]. Hez Our Boy SI 92. 2 wins at 2, $57,321, 3rd Harrah's Ent. Fut. [G3], qualified [G1]. Snowbound Cowboy SI 89. 8 wins to 8, $45,964, 2nd Marathon S., 3rd San Marcos H., Governors' Cup Marathon S. High Silk SI 90 (On a High). Placed. Dam of THEWAYITALLWENTDOWN SI 105 ($62,269 [R] [G3]), Crimson Silk SI 93; granddam of Featured High SI 96 ($33,564). Feverallthruthenight SI 82 (Walk Thru Fire). Placed at 2. Dam of All About Tonight SI 87; granddam of All About The Kiss SI 102 (to 4, 2021, $54,284). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 175 Eye A Allstar 175 January 20, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye A Allstar Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6014268 Woodbridge {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Woodys Allstar SI 97 Champagne Lane SI 106 (2011) { Starsmith SI 92 {Tres Seis SI 97 Miss Star Smith SI 99 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97, by Woodbridge. 3 wins in 5 starts to 3, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Sister to Super Star Smith SI 92, Wood Be a Superstar SI 95. Dam of 10 foals of racing age (three 2-year-olds), 8 to race, 7 winners– Miss Woody James SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner, $52,094, 2nd By By JJ S. [R]. Renika SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2021, $54,038, 2nd New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Jessies Allstar SI 91 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $44,291, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Futurity [R] [G2]. Amazing Miss Jess SI 91 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner in 1 start at 2, $21,600. Woman in Redd SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $20,155, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. 2nd dam STARSMITH SI 92, by Tres Seis. $20,694: 3 wins at 2 and 4, ($18,189 USA), in Mexico, Mexico Distaff Challenge, $2,505, in U.S., finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of 17 foals to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM– WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (f. by Woodbridge). Stakes winner, above. Starfield SI 92 (c. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 4, $154,511, 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Super Star Smith SI 92 (g. by Woodbridge). 2 wins to 4, $68,020, 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2]. Wood Be a Superstar SI 95 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 3, $61,419, 2nd By By JJ S. [R], 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Swiss Star SI 88 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 6, $49,713. Anakena SI 95 (f. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $36,176, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. 3rd dam Miss Star Smith SI 99, by R. Smith TB. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $55,116, 3rd Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 12 winners, 13 ROM– THIS SNOW IS FAST SI 103 (This Snow Is Royal). $73,757: winner at 2, $16,543, in U.S., finalist in AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1]; 6 wins to 4, ($57,214 USA), in Mexico, Mexico Champ. Challenge [G3], 2nd Mexico Derby Challenge. CASA CORONA SI 99 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 8, $28,279, Kansas Jackpot Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Lazy E Derby [R] [G2], finalist in Speedhorse Derby [R] [G3]. STARSMITH SI 92 (Tres Seis). Stakes winner, above. Mr Zevi Smith SI 109 (Zevi TB). 11 wins to 6, $35,936, 2nd Sherman Hill S., 3rd Northlands Futurity [G2], Keokuk S., Set NTR at Prairie Meadows, 330y in 0:16.820. Miss Zevi Smith SI 91. 4 wins. Dam of SAN MARCOS GLORY SI 111 (41,149), MIXTLAN GLORYS SI 105 ($38,842); granddam of Crash Form SI 88 ($36,073 [R] [G3]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 176 Name Pending 176 April 19, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97 First Prize Peach SI 89 Dashin Follies (2015) { First Prize Honey SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 First Prize Dash SI 101 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam FIRST PRIZE PEACH SI 89, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. Placed at 3, $3,052. Sister to Prized Wagon SI 98. This is her first foal. 2nd dam FIRST PRIZE HONEY SI 92, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 2, $4,965. Sister to FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106, FIRST CAROLINA SI 106, FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103, First Prize Perry SI 102, First Prize Paris SI 108, First Prize Stone SI 98. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– Prized Wagon SI 98 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins to 3, $198,936, 2nd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R], 3rd Altoona Derby, Iowa Double Gold Derby [R], finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sire. Tyme for a Corona SI 95 (g. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 6, $54,935, 3rd Mile High Futurity [G3]. Coronas Fast Honey SI 85 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $9,375. Dam of– FIRE FAST HONEY SI 96. Winner at 2, 2021, $126,678, Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. Fire Fast Corona SI 90. Placed at 2, $55,465, finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam FIRST PRIZE DASH SI 101, by Dash for Cash. AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year, 5 wins to 3, $77,465, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [R] [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Sister to FIRST DOWN DASH SI 105 (World Champion, $857,256 [G1]). Dam of 36 foals to race, 30 ROM– FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 3, $488,270, Remington Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3]. Dam of FIRST PRIZE SHAUNDA SI 104 ($144,982 [G3]). FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Remington Derby [G2], qualified to Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101 ($550,105, Rainbow Fut. [G1]), CORONADO CARTEL SI 98 ($416,178), DENVER PASS SI 96 ($120,994); granddam of AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 (to 3, 2021, $643,043 [G2]). FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $295,147, Remington Futurity [G1], finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Dam of SS CALENDAR GIRL SI 97 ($88,915 [G3]); granddam of EC REVENGE SI 93 ($200,164 [G2]). FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Dam of FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 ($192,875 [G1]-NWR), granddam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,689 [G3]), DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]), CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96. HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 3, $136,123, Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2], 2nd Remington Park Futurity [G1]. First Prize Fancy (Mr Jess Perry). Winner. Dam of PYC FUN N FANCY SI 105 ($478,760 [G3]), IM A FANCY PYC SI 92 ($454,765 [R] [G3]), WEETONAS LAFAWN SI 102 ($179,500 [G3]), FIRST FANCY PRIZE SI 98 ($113,804). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mikkelson Racing, LLC Hip No. 177 Gemologist 177 March 16, 2020 Bay Gelding Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Gemologist Send Me First SI 97 6067548 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Pops Lil Princess SI 91 Tempered Glass SI 101 (2014) { Total Miracle SI 98 {Dean Miracle SI 104 Reckless Coin By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam POPS LIL PRINCESS SI 91, by Sixes Royal. Placed to 3, $7,715. Sister to Kaydns Krusader SI 102. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam Total Miracle SI 98, by Dean Miracle. 6 wins at 2 and 4, $76,898, 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R], 3rd New Mexico H. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to ROLL A MIRACLE SI 101, POWER CONNECTION SI 88, Miracle Recovery SI 92. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– PRINCESS JESSE SI 97 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 9 wins to 5, $395,665, Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R], 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Cup Champ. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. MR INNOVATOR SI 98 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2021, $131,440, Mountain Top Futurity [R][G2]. Kaydns Krusader SI 102 (g. by Sixes Royal). 4 wins to 9, $162,677, 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R], New Mexican Spring Fling R, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Sierra Ladron SI 97 (g. by Pragmatic TB). 7 wins to 5, $107,031. Rapid Dough SI 94 (f. by Jacksboro). Winner to 4, $31,268. Marijkas Magic SI 85 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Placed in 1 start at 2, qualified to NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. 3rd dam RECKLESS COIN, by Reckless Dash. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 6 ROM– ROLL A MIRACLE SI 101 (Dean Miracle). 4 wins to 4, $137,842, New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Hard Twist S. [R] [G3]. POWER CONNECTION SI 88 (Dean Miracle). 2 wins to 4, $45,397, Zia Juvenile Inv. [R], 3rd Ruidoso Horse Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Reckless Wind SI 95 (Furyofthewind). 7 wins to 9, $181,594, 3rd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1] twice, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2] twice. Total Miracle SI 98 (Dean Miracle). Stakes placed winner, above. Miracle Recovery SI 92 (Dean Miracle). 2 wins to 3, $25,912, 2nd Canada Cup Futurity [G3], 3rd Evergreen Champ. Challenge. Sire. 4th dam SPECTACULAR COIN SI 95, by Pocket Coin TB. 2 wins at 2. Half sister to SPECTACULAR JETS SI 101. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– DASHING COIN SI 101 (Victory Dash). 4 wins to 3, $42,796, Seguin Horse Center Sale Futurity [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 178 Indys Hot 178 January 23, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Indys Hot Send Me First SI 97 6059902 Corona Caliente SI 101 {First Down Dash SI 105 Hot Babe Indy Suds Corona Chick SI 113 (2005) { Rabbity Ann SI 94 {Yawls Rabbit SI 99 Oak Creek Annie By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam HOT BABE INDY SUDS, by Corona Caliente. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), 5 to race, 4 winners– HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner at 2, $173,131, Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. JESS HOT SI 98 (g. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins to 6, $162,177, New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R]. CHICKS BABY SUDS SI 97 (f. by Jess a Chicks). 4 wins to 4, $88,178, New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], 3rd New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2]. Cmon Jesses Girl SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 3, $84,003, 3rd Sunburst S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1]. Dam of– JESS VERSIONTINO SI 91 (c. by Winners Version). 2 wins to 3, $64,914, By By JJ S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G2], finalist [G1]. 2nd dam RABBITY ANN SI 94, by Yawls Rabbit. Winner at 2, $3,648. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Jack Indy Parker SI 107 (g. by Jacksboro). 2 wins to 6, $21,366. 3rd dam OAK CREEK ANNIE, by Merridoc. Unplaced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners– Little Diamondette SI 90 (The Adamas). Winner at 2, $4,973, finalist in Clovis Classic Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– INDY BUD BOB SI 101. 9 wins to 6, $305,775, Mount Cristo Rey H. [R] [G2], Cimmaron H [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] twice, 2nd New Mexico H. [R] [G3], Zia 870 Champ. [R] [G3], Ruidoso 550 Champ. [G3], La Plata S., Sunland New Mexican Bred Inv. H. [R], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. S. [R] [G1], Windy City Dash S. [G3], Zia H. [R] [G3]. XS NITRO SI 106. 8 wins to 5, $259,712, New Mexico Breeders H. [R] [G3]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.207, New Mexico H. [R] [G3], Zia H. [R] [G3], Cimarron H. [R] [G3], Lineage Champ. [R], 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], etc. Treys Diamond Cartel SI 91. Winner to 5, $8,265, 3rd King William H. 4th dam JOURNEY'S DREAM TB, by Father John. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 2 winners– Chickettas Dream SI 86 (Chick's Deck). Winner to 4. Dam of– Angelswatchin Overme SI 88. 2 wins to 7. Dam of– Angels Dashin SI 101. 2 wins to 4, $9,501, 3rd Harris County H. [R]. Kiptys Journey (Kiptys Charger). Unraced. Dam of– Kipty Joan. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– BAYOU CASH SI 101. 8 wins to 4, $58,369, Sound of Summer Derby [G3], Delta 400 S., Miss Polly Classic S., Mem. Day S., John Alleman Mem. S. [R], 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Classic [R] [G2], Bayou City H., finalist [R] [G1]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 179 Mallory 179 March 6, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Mallory Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055904 Dean Miracle SI 104 {Streakin Six SI 104 Maggies Miracle LX SI 103 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2001) { Miss Bunny Bullion SI 99 {Bully Bullion SI 104 Ritzy Wrangler SI 88 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam MAGGIES MIRACLE LX SI 103, by Dean Miracle. 2 wins to 3, $30,457, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– PERCYJONES SI 108 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 5, $369,133, Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], By By JJ S. [R], finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2] twice. DATONA DOLL SI 98 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 3, $193,941, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Dam of– HOLLYN BOOTIE SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $163,918, Zia Futurity [R] [G1].. Tricks My Pick SI 112 (g. by Favorite Trick TB). 5 wins to 6, $111,731, 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2]. Hy Ho Harvey SI 95 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $56,178, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. First to Moon You SI 102 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $59,409. J Gatsby SI 94 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $39,527, finalist NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Jess by a Nose SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $33,560. Julia James (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– FAMOUS JULIA SI 113 (f. by Dash for Famous). 7 wins to 5, 2020, $98,141, New Mexico Classic Distaff S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G3]. 2nd dam MISS BUNNY BULLION SI 99, by Bully Bullion. 5 wins to 6, $30,640, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners– Vicious Bunny SI 92 (g. by Dash by for Randy). 2 wins to 3, $6,212. 3rd dam RITZY WRANGLER SI 88, by Rocket Wrangler. Winner at 2. Sister to Montana Del Rey SI 94. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Sassy Rich SI 88 (Bully Bullion). 2 wins to 3, $6,633. 4th dam MISS MOON BUNNY SI 90, by Top Moon. Winner at 3. Sister to Grand Moon SI 101. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– Montana Del Rey SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins to 4, $37,362, 3rd Sun Country Futurity [G1]. Rocky Rich SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 5 wins to 3, $31,777, finalist West Texas Fut. [G2]. Moon Bunnys Flame SI 103 (Flaming Jet). 4 wins to 4, $21,951. Swayce Brown SI 97 (Pie in the Sky). Placed to 3, $6,949. Dam of CAT B QUICK SI 98 ($63,779), KAYLE BROWN SI 100 ($35,262). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 180 Bijou 180 January 9, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Bijou Runaway Wave SI 105 6020659 First Moonflash SI 122 {First To Flash SI 106 Flash Em The Jewels SI 96 Nagano Moon SI 82 (2014) { Sheza Snow Jewel SI 88 {This Snow Is Royal SI 101 Sheza Fast Jewel SI 90 By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam FLASH EM THE JEWELS SI 96, by First Moonflash. 2 wins at 3, $22,846, finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Derby [R] [G3], qualified to Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam SHEZA SNOW JEWEL SI 88, by This Snow Is Royal. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $24,512, finalist in California Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– Cancan Magee SI 90 (g. by Conner Can). 3 wins to 5, $31,779. She Snows Shes Ivory SI 89 (f. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 4, $28,857. Gotcha by the Jewels SI 91 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $18,540, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Snow Jewels Sparkle SI 87 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, 2021, $13,257. Sheza Mighty Miracle (f. by Mighty Invictus). Winner to 3, $5,325. 3rd dam SHEZA FAST JEWEL SI 90, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 3, $7,429. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– HEZA FAST INVICTUS SI 99 (Mighty Invictus). 7 wins to 4, $169,099, Mystery Futurity [R] [G2], Iowa Double Gold Futurity [R] [G3], Iowa Double Gold Derby [R], 2nd Altoona Derby, finalist in Keokuk S. [G3]. Coronas Blackdiamond SI 98 (Count Corona). 3 wins to 3, $50,053, finalist in Speedhorse Derby [R] [G2], Oklahoma Derby [G2], qualified to Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G1]. Sire. Fastman Furrtreeous SI 92 (Furrtreeous). 2 wins to 5, $22,076. Jewels Fast Man SI 94 (First Wrangler). 3 wins to 4, $20,888. Sheza Real Vision SI 83 (Real Visions). Winner to 4, $12,687. Signed in Cash SI 85 (Takin On the Cash). Winner to 4, $9,346. 4th dam SMASHED JEWEL SI 95, by Easily Smashed. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $50,225, Kindergarten Fillies Futurity [G3], finalist in Lassie H. [G2]. Half sister to HIGH SIETE SI 105 ($106,693.00), Ms Dashin Bigtime SI 90 ($11,215). Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– Effortless Leader SI 98 (Special Leader). Winner to 3, $8,617, 3rd Cherry Creek Juvenile Inv. S. [R], finalist in Aurora Derby [R] [G3]. Smashing Leader SI 97 (Special Leader). 2 wins to 4, $13,734, finalist [R] [G3]. First Down Drive SI 94 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 6, $7,163, qualified [G3]. Jeweled Chic SI 87 (Chicks Beduino). Winner at 2, $4,165. Dam of– Chick Toast SI 90. 5 wins to 6, $22,738. Jess Paradise SI 94. 2 wins to 3, $21,280. Chic Dashin Bye SI 82. Winner to 3, $13,170. Dam of– Mommyssweetsecret SI 91. 2 wins to 5, $22,091. Quick Dash Jewel SI 84. Placed to 3. Dam of– Bigtime Flavour It SI 94. 4 wins to 4, $36,985. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 181 My Flashy Jess 181 March 19, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 My Flashy Jess Tilted Moon SI 98 6067172 Feature Mr Jess SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 A Dashing Jess Brenda Feature SI 94 (2004) { Sundance Dash SI 92 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Sun Splashed SI 84 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam A DASHING JESS, by Feature Mr Jess. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 1 to race– DASHING FOR JEWEL SI 101 (g. by First Down Jewel). 8 wins to 6, $71,178, Brigand S. 2nd dam SUNDANCE DASH SI 92, by Royal Quick Dash. 3 wins at 2, qualified to Northlands Futurity [G3]. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– Fastmans Mistress SI 97 (f. by Heza Fast Man). 2 wins to 3, $4,682. Dam of– Corona Mistress SI 102. 3 wins to 5, $26,297, 2nd Texas Twister S., - 2nd Division R, finalist in Delta Juvenile Challenge [G3]. A Royal Cartel SI 103 (c. by Southern Cartel). 4 wins to 7, $33,024. 3rd dam SUN SPLASHED SI 84, by Special Effort. 2 wins at 3, $4,158. Sister to Lawn Party SI 97. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Lottery Pick SI 107 (Pie in the Sky). 6 wins to 5, $72,992, 2nd Midwest City S. [G3], 3rd Speedhorse Gold Cup Futurity [R] [G3]. Set NTR at Fair Meadows, 250y in 0:13.190. Sun Splashed Sky SI 93 (Pie in the Sky). 2 wins to 3, $6,313, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of– Splash in the Lake SI 91. 4 wins to 5, $40,279, 3rd Maple Leaf Futurity. 4th dam OH MICKEY GO SI 112, by Three Oh's. 2 wins at 3, $3,610. Set NTR at Eureka, 400y in 0:19.640. Dam of 14 foals to race, 12 winners, 14 ROM– SWEETTEMPTION SI 96 (Pie in the Sky). 6 wins to 3, $46,589, Black Gold 300 Futurity - 3rd Div R, Black Gold 330 Futurity - 3rd Div R. Dam of– Angels Effort SI 92. 3 wins to 4, $3,938. Dam of– EYE AM THE BEST SI 106. 8 wins to 5, $104,259, Kansas Futurity [G2], Shebester Futurity [G3], Kansas Jackpot Prep Futurity [R] [G3], Fair Meadows Juvenile, 2nd Black Gold Derby [R] [G3], Golden Driller S., Dash For Speed H., etc. LOGICAL FAVORITE SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $20,899, Kansas Jackpot Prep Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. WAY TO HUSSLE SI 94. 2 wins to 4, $14,422, Oklahoma Futurity [R], finalist [G3]. Angels Quick Dash SI 97. 4 wins to 5, $27,340, 3rd Frances Carr Distaff, fnl [G2]. Hot Timebank SI 98. 2 wins to 4, $18,854, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]. PIE SIX SI 99 (Pie in the Sky). 2 wins to 3, $23,166, Jayhawker Derby [G3], finalist in West Texas Derby [G2]. Lawn Party SI 97 (Special Effort). 3 wins to 5, $12,074, 3rd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R], finalist in Red Earth H. [G3]. Dam of Good Combination SI 101 ($87,715 [G3]). Oh Strawfly Go SI 93 (Strawfly Special). Winner to 3. Dam of JESS PROVED YOUWRONG SI 94 ($155,888 [G3]), OH COOPER GO SI 110 ($107,296 [G3]); granddam of APOLLITICAL GOLD SI 96 (Champion, to 3, 2021, $995,675 [G1]). Pie Three SI 96 (Pie in the Sky). 3 wins to 3, $5,723. Granddam of GAME SHOW SPECIAL SI 101 ($383,323 [R] [G1]). ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 182 Wood Dee Queen 182 January 6, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Wood Dee Queen Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6012116 Woodbridge {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Miss Woody Dee Champagne Lane SI 106 (2009) { Deeheiress SI 97 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Deelish SI 102 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam MISS WOODY DEE, by Woodbridge. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 1 to race– BIGG DEE SI 101 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 4 wins to 3, 2021, $109,680, Zia Juvenile S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Mountain Top NM Bred Derby [R]. 2nd dam DEEHEIRESS SI 97, by Mr Jess Perry. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $127,058, Miss Princess H. [G3], Anaheim H., 2nd Las Damas H. [G2], 3rd Chicado V H., finalist in Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], Southern California Derby [G1], California Challenge Champ. [G2], Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners– ROLLICKIN RED SI 103 (g. by Roll Hennessy Roll TB). 10 wins to 7, $353,002, Challenger Six H. [R], New Mexico Horsemen's Assoc. H. [R], New Mexico Horseman's Assoc. H. [R], Zia 870 Champ. [R], 2nd NM Cup 870 Champ. [R] twice. Jess Eye SI 97 (c. by Mr Eye Opener). 3 wins to 3, $44,509, 2nd Animas S., finalist in Hobbs America Derby [G2]. Sire. 3rd dam DEELISH SI 102, by First Down Dash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare., 9 wins, 2 to 4, $603,673, Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Champion of Champions [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], California Breeders Matron S. [R], 3rd Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Dash For Cash Derby [G1]. Sister to Westin SI 96, Rios SI 108; half sister to FEARLESS FREDA SI 113 (AQHA Dam of Distinction). Out of SUCH AN EASY EFFORT SI 111 ($496,127 [G1]-NTR). Dam of 21 foals to race, 12 winners, 17 ROM– DEEHEIRESS SI 97 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. CAPTAIN FORCE SI 94 (Captain Courage). 4 wins to 3, $126,728, Black Gold 440 Champ. Futurity [R] [G3], Rocky Mountain Derby, 2nd Mile High Derby. DA EDGE SI 102 (f by Separatist) 5 wins to 4, $117,076, Lubbock S [G2]. Dam of– CLOSE TO CRAZY SI 98. 4 wins to 3, 2020, $74,701, Rita Danley Distaff S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Da Licious SI 95. Winner to 6, $33,812. Dam of Baby Licious SI 99 ($55,506). DECASH (APHA) SI 86 (Real Easy Cash [P]), APHA Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 2 wins, $19,524, Masterpiece Derby [G1]. Dee Edge SI 93 (f. by Separatist). Winner to 3, $11,571. Granddam of Cady Shack Creek SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $24,014), Shacks Desire SI 90. Dashadee (Mr Jess Perry). Dam of TF CAJUN CARTEL SI 102 ($303,624 [G2]), TF MS SPECIAL PERRY SI 97 ($116,625 [G2]), TF Runaway Dashin SI 95 (to 3, 2021, $199,022 [R] [G1]), TF Ms Perrys Runaway SI 98 ($81,426 [R] [G3]); granddam of TF IM THAT GUY SI 105 ($535,814 [G3]), NOT PERRY PRETTY SI 95 ($219,918 [G2]), TF JESS A LEADER SI 107 ($119,730). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 183 Jess A Chick Lady 183 March 1, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess A Chick Lady Send Me First SI 97 6070655 Now I Know SI 108 {Magnificence Lady Marjale SI 91 Sip O'gold TB (2000) { Azi Bueno SI 85 {Az Igazi TB Fadin Renegade SI 84 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LADY MARJALE SI 91, by Now I Know. Winner at 2, $9,160. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, 11 to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– NOW HEZA BLAZIN SI 103 (g. by Chicks a Blazin). 6 wins to 6, $231,184, New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [R] [G1], 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1] twice, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2] 3 times, Zia H. [R] [G2], Lineage Champ. [R] [G2]. Now He Blazes SI 99 (g. by Chicks a Blazin). 3 wins to 5, $69,032, 2nd New Mexican Spring Fling R, 3rd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. Chicks a Lady (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 3, $5,939. Jess Now SI 85 (g. by Jess a Chicks). Placed to 4, 2020, $22,768. Marjale Goes Hot (f. by Corona Caliente). Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– HOT DRAGON SI 100 (g. by Zulu Dragon). 4 wins to 3, 2020, ($48,966 USA), in Mexico, Derby Subasta Selecta [R], 2nd Desafio Crianza Mexicana Derby [R]. Hot Rabbits SI 89 (f. by Rabbits Rainbow). 2 wins at 2, ($13,696 USA), in Mexico. 2nd dam Azi Bueno SI 85, by Az Igazi TB. Winner at 2, $4,128, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Sister to ISHEA GAZI SI 103. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– Wizard of Az SI 98 (g. by Rime). Winner to 3, $8,043, 3rd Santa Fe Downs Futurity [R] [G3]. Taylor and Taylor SI 105 (g. by Champus). 15 wins to 8, $30,643. Iza Fast One SI 105 (g. by Champus). 4 wins to 5, $26,106. With Good Reason SI 89 (g. by Voice of Reason). 2 wins to 6, $15,364. Azis Voice SI 89 (g. by Voice of Reason). Winner to 3, $12,431. 3rd dam FADIN RENEGADE SI 84, by Beduino TB. Winner at 3. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM-- ISHEA GAZI SI 103 (Az Igazi TB). 14 wins to 8, $96,257, La Chiripada S., 2nd Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], Santo Domingo H., Walter Goodwin H., El Bosque H. [R], Zia Sophomore Champ. [R], 3rd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R], finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. Azi Bueno SI 85 (Az Igazi TB). Stakes placed winner, above. Adamas Renegade SI 110 (The Adamas). 4 wins to 7, $25,642, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G2], NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. 4th dam MISS LAUREL JET, by Kitaman. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half sister to Azure Sno SI 90 ($54,104.00). Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners– Chinlebud SI 94 (Chinle TB). Winner to 3, $23,896, 2nd Oklahoma Fut. - Fall Div [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 184 Vintage Bourdeaux 184 February 25, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Vintage Bourdeaux Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6033510 Blushing Bug SI 108 {Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 Sweet Blush SI 96 (2002) { Sandys Fame SI 97 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95, by Blushing Bug. 3 wins at 3, $42,544, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Sister to Lagaria SI 108. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), 9 to race, 8 winners– JESS BORDEAUX SI 105 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 7, $173,009, NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Brancott SI 92 (g. by Furyofthewind). 2 wins to 7, $72,041, 2nd Hard Twist S. [R] [G3]. Whooz Your Daddy SI 89 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $44,382, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. J R Bordeaux SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 5, 2021, $42,616. Montevina SI 94 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $24,440, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Bridger Bordeaux SI 120 (g. by The Down Side). 3 wins to 8, $20,727. Brianna Bordeaux SI 91 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, 2020, $18,494. Borderan SI 88 (c. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $17,594, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. 2nd dam Sandys Fame SI 97, by Dash Ta Fame. 2 wins at 2, $32,012, 2nd Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 21 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– SANDYS JESSE SI 93 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 6, $250,529, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R], 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Six Pack Fame SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $107,714, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Lagaria SI 108 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 5, $99,388, 2nd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Pelican S. [R] [G3]. Dam of SAMMY JAMES SI 93 ($156,915). Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 (f. by Blushing Bug). Stakes placed winner, above. Georgia Gatorette SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner. Dam of Over Drive Man SI 103. Patrick James SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $88,368, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Lineage Champ. S. [R] [G3]. Avallon SI 105. 2 wins to 4, $60,307, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Cristobell Fame SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $57,115, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Sandy June Bug (f. by Blushing Bug). Unraced. Dam of COLBY JAMES SI 112 (to 4, 2021, $400,495 [R] [G2]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104 ($292,122 [R] [G3]), JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99 ($289,078 [R] [G3]), HEDGE FUND SI 98 ($51,454). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 185 Moonflash Miss L 185 January 20, 2020 Gray Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Moonflash Miss L Tilted Moon SI 98 6060169 Gonna Ro Sham Bo SI 95 {Real Runaway SI 98 Shes A Phoebe SI 98 First By Far SI 95 (2011) { Phoebe Bebe SI 92 {This Snow Is Royal SI 101 Special Phoebe SI 104 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam Shes a Phoebe SI 98, by Gonna Ro Sham Bo. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $99,417, 2nd Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], finalist in Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd dam PHOEBE BEBE SI 92, by This Snow Is Royal. Placed to 3, $4,442. Sister to A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, 4 ROM– Shes a Phoebe SI 98 (f. by Gonna Ro Sham Bo). Stakes placed winner, above. 3rd dam SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104, by Special Effort. Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins, 2 to 4, $139,963, World's Champ. Classic [G2], Rainbow Silver Cup [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3], O B Cockerell H. [G3], Jet Deck H. [G3], Real Wind H., 2nd All American Gold Cup [G2], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1]. Half sister to HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Chanpion at 2 & 3, $1,885,283 [G1]). Out of DASHING PHOEBE SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, AQHA Dam of Distinction, $609,553 [G1]). Dam of 25 foals to race, 20 ROM– A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96 (This Snow Is Royal). 5 wins to 4, $117,171, California Derby Challenge [G3], Corona Chick H. [G3], 2nd Sand Dollar Beach H., 3rd Golden State Derby [G1], AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1], finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Las Damas H. [G2]. Dam of– Heza Motor Cruiser SI 94. 2 wins to 5, $69,817, 3rd Hobbs America Derby [G2]. Jessies Snow Angel. Unraced. Dam of– Rockin N Scootin SI 92. 3 wins to 7, 2021, $60,541, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. FLARE FOR IVORY SI 105 (Ivory James). 6 wins to 4, $91,959, Arapahoe Sprint Bonus Challenge-NTR, Dash For Speed S.-NTR, finalist in Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Special Phoenix SI 107 (Brimmerton). 4 wins to 5, $47,343, 2nd Orange Blossom S., finalist in Remington Distance Challenge [G3]. Streakin Phoebe SI 95 (Ronas Ryon). Winner to 3, $24,737, finalist in Prescott Downs Futurity [G3]. Dam of– DUELING JUAN SI 121. 15 wins to 9, $475,001, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Bred Inv. H. [R], 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G3], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], etc. Ill Getcha Good SI 106. 3 wins to 5, $60,086, 3rd Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R], etc. Dam of VOLCOM THUNDER SI 95 ($188,977 [G3]). Make Us Proud SI 97 (Holland Ease). 3 wins to 3, $22,863, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– AMERICAN HUSTLER SI 106. 2 wins to 3, $23,966, All American Congress Futurity. Make Us a Miracle SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $17,456. Dam of Daytona 500 SI 88 ($30,214). Wave Over Phoebe SI 85 (Wave Carver). 2 wins to 3, $19,840. Dam of– T VELOCITY SI 99. 3 wins to 5, $102,710, Mr. Jess Perry Derby. Special Dark Ivory. Winner Dam of Dark Moon SI 90 (to 4, 2021, $115,446 [R] [G2]). Sheza Special Devon SI 90. Placed. Dam of JP Specially Special SI 96. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent for Laney Enterprises, LLC Hip No. 186 LE UnderPressure 186 March 5, 2020 Sorrel Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 LE UnderPressure Runaway Wave SI 105 6007028 Jess A Chicks SI 92 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Pepaloni Jess Satin SI 92 (2016) { Machi Moon {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Nagano Moon SI 82 By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam PEPALONI, by Jess a Chicks. Unraced. Sister to CHICKALONI SI 95. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam MACHI MOON, by Dash Ta Fame. Unraced. Sister to DASH TA MOON SI 108, FULL MOON DASHER SI 114. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM– CHICKALONI SI 95 (f. by Jess a Chicks). 6 wins to 3, $271,260, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Downs at Albuquerque Futurity [R], 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Machismo Moon SI 89 (g. by Heza Motor Scooter). 3 wins to 3, $157,779, 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd New Mexico Classic Cup 870 Champ. [R], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Zia Champ. S. [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2]. 3rd dam Nagano Moon SI 82, by Major Rime. Placed at 2, $4,968, 3rd New Mexican Spring Fling [R]. Half sister to MOON SHAKE SI 97 ($208,017 [G2]). Out of Tilted Moon SI 98. Dam of 15 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (First to Flash). Champion Aged Stallion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins in 25 starts, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR, Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R][G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [R][G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R][G1] twice, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R][G2]-NWR, NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], NM Breeders' Champ. [R][G3]-NTR. DASH TA MOON SI 108 (Dash Ta Fame). 6 wins to 4, $352,305, Lubbock S. [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R], NM Champ. [F] [R], Sunland NM Bred Inv. H. [R], 2nd NMHBA S. [R][G2], NM Champ. [F] [R], Yulla S. [R], 3rd [R][G1]. Dam of– OSAKA MOON SI 91 3 wins to 3, $86,486, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Moro Moon SI 94. 3 wins to 3, $74,993, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. A Tres SI 84. Placed at 2, $80,960, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. MOONIFISANT SI 99 (Sixes Royal) 5 wins to 4, $201,484, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R][G2], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. FULL MOON DASHER SI 114 (Dash Ta Fame). 4 wins to 4, $123,761, Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Ruidoso Distaff Challenge. Dam of DASHNUNDER AFULLMOON SI 105 ($711,951 [R] [G1]), Prize Dasher SI 97 ($133,220, 3rd Louisiana Million Futurity [R] [G1]), Jen And Vodka SI 93 ($42,155 [G2]). MESA MOONLIGHT SI 102 (FDD Dynasty). 4 wins, $29,470, La Pacifica H. Vancouver Moon SI 94 (FDD Dynasty). 4 wins to 3, $350,719, 2nd Rainbow Fut. [G1]. Moon Dynasty SI 103 (FDD Dynasty). 3 wins, $80,211, 2nd W. Texas Derby [G3]. Sire. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 187 First Of Fire 187 April 24, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 First Of Fire Tilted Moon SI 98 6070475 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Episode Of Fire SI 90 Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2008) { Last Episode SI 97 {Bold Episode SI 88 Soonercount Money By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam EPISODE OF FIRE SI 90, by Walk Thru Fire. Placed at 2, $50,840, qualified to All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 5 to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Fiery Strawfly SI 92 (f. by Genuine Strawfly). 3 wins to 5, $35,502. Episode of Moonflash SI 84 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 5, $18,890. Ember Moon SI 92 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, 2021, $15,570. 2nd dam LAST EPISODE SI 97, by Bold Episode. 6 wins at 2, $46,399, Longhorn Futurity, El Reno S. [R]. Dam of 14 foals to race, 7 winners, 10 ROM– HEZA BOLD MAN SI 107 (c. by Heza Fast Man). 8 wins to 4, $335,168, Heritage Place Derby [G1], Manor Futurity [G1], 2nd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Sire. Open Their Eyes SI 108 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 3, $84,005, 2nd Heritage Place Derby [G1], finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. A Special Episode SI 91 (f. by Special Effort). Winner to 3, $19,712, finalist in Kansas Futurity [G1]. Dam of– EYE OPENING EPISODE SI 113. Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding, 7 wins to 7, $704,808, West Texas Futurity [G1], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G2]. A Corona Episode SI 106. Winner to 3, $32,214, 3rd All American Juv. [R]. Dam of– ONE FAMOUS EPISODE SI 101. $93,185: winner at 2, $24,215, in U.S., Mexico Champion Racing. 3rd AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G2]; 5 2 wins to 6, ($68,970 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Derby Challenge, Clasico Inaugural - Division 1, Clasico Easily a Possum, Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M., 2nd Derby Mexicano, Hipodromo Distaff Challenge twice, Clasico Chirina Glorys. Relentless Episode SI 94. 3 wins to 3, 2020, $58,896, 3rd Mystery Fut. [R] [G3]. One Corona Episode SI 84. Winner to 3, $46,677, finalist [R] [G2]. Eye of an Episode SI 97. 2 wins to 3, $29,663, finalist [G3]. Dam of– Eye On Winning SI 90. 2 wins to 3, 3rd Campeonato Nacional Dia Del Charro. Six Episodes SI 101. 6 wins to 7, $122,356, finalist in KOFX-Fox Radio H. [G2]. Mr Eye Opener Too SI 96. 6 wins to 9, 2020, $121,545, finalist in Sunland Champ. Challenge. [G2], Higheaster Jet H. [G3]. FDD Special Birdie SI 97. 2 wins to 4, $40,836. Lasting Episode SI 93 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $56,563, finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Sheza First Episode SI 81 (f. by First Down Dash). Unplaced. Dam of– MCM Tres Episode SI 101. 5 wins to 4, $71,327, 2nd Ajax Derby Challenge, 3rd Don Boyd Mem. H. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 188 Time To Flash 188 April 29, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Time To Flash Tilted Moon SI 98 6074060 One Sweet Jess SI 103 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 In Dew Time One Sweet Dash SI 94 (2015) { Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 {Shazoom SI 102 Fast First Prize SI 102 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam IN DEW TIME, by One Sweet Jess. Placed in 2 starts at 2. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam Fast Prize Tracy SI 101, by Shazoom. 2 wins to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe B. Turner Mem. S. Sister to FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112. Dam of 18 foals to race, 14 winners, 16 ROM– APOLLTICAL CHAD SI 97 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 7 wins to 5, $930,730, Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1], Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1]. SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 (f. by Corona Cartel). 5 wins to 3, $156,597, Texas Classic Juvenile S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. SPIT CURL TREY SI 101 (g. by Spit Curl Jess). $63,366: 2 wins to 5, $34,100, in U.S., Cherokee Nation S; winner at 3, ($29,266 USA), in Mexico, Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M., 2nd Merced Gomez Orozco S., H., Kisses to Yawl, Derby Mexicano, etc. Ms Fast Prize Tracy SI 99 (f. by Captain Courage). 4 wins to 4, $75,355, 2nd Balloon City S. [R]. Duachais SI 93 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 3 wins to 3, $17,650. Dam of– APOLLITICAL CHAIS SI 93. Winner to 3, 2020, $29,090, Louisiana Million Inv. S. [R]. Challon SI 94 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 4, $32,505. Iona EC SI 91 (f. by Louisiana Senator). 2 wins, $32,113, finalist Firecracker Fut. [G2]. 3rd dam FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sister to HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 ($136,123 [G2]). Half sister to FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 ($488,270 [G1]), FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 ($415,047 [G1]; dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101, $550,105 [G1]; CORONADO CARTEL SI 98, $416,178), FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 ($295,147), etc. Out of First Prize Dash SI 101 (Broodmare of the Year; AQHA Dam of Distinction). Dam of 24 foals to race, 24 ROM– FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 (Shazoom). 3 wins at 2, $192,875, West Texas Futurity [G1]- NWR. Dam of JESS PRIZE ME SI 87 ($132,653 [G2]), TARISH SI 101 ($120,774). Fast Prize Doll SI 102 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $85,762, 3rd Harrah’s Fut. [G2]. Dam of FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), DOUBLE DOWN SI 95 ($73,738), FAST PRIZE ROBYN SI 94, Fast Prize Doll Too SI 98; granddam of JORDAN EAGLE SI 107 ($260,858), This Dolls Gone SI 83. Ms Fast First Prize SI 93. Winner to 4, $77,738, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], fnl [G1]. Fast Prize Country SI 101. 4 wins to 5, $50,414, 2nd Dastardly Desert Dash S. Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 (Shazoom). Stakes placed winner, above. Fast Prize Corona SI 101 (Corona Cartel). Winner to 3. Dam of CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96 ($105,045 [G2]), FAST PRIZE TACITA SI 89 ($65,916). Granddam of MR DILLARD SI 110 (to 3, 2021, $185,335). Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92. Dam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,259 [G3]), THE PRIZE FERRARI SI 98 (to 3, 2021, $47,321), THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 98 ($47,321), V Power SI 91 ($279,419 [R] [G2]), Ferrari GT SI 97 ($167,659 [G1]), Ferrari B SI 90. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 189 Doin Something Right 189 February 3, 2020 Bay Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Doin Something Right Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6020499 Pappasito SI 96 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Start Somethin Bad SI 92 Strawberry Silk SI 105 (2014) { Letsgetitstarted {Splash Bac SI 93 Shirleys Signature By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam START SOMETHIN BAD SI 92, by Pappasito. 3 wins to 3, $126,705, La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], 2nd Los Alamitos Two Million Juvenile S., finalist in PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G2], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3]. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam LETSGETITSTARTED, by Splash Bac. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– START SOMETHIN BAD SI 92 (f. by Pappasito). Stakes winner, above. Gimmie a Reason SI 101 (f. by Good Reason SA). 6 wins to 5, $61,570. 3rd dam SHIRLEYS SIGNATURE, by The Signature. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– JUST WANNA BE ME SI 99 (Dash to Chivato). 7 wins to 4, $56,927, Dashing Folly H., 2nd Miss Princess S. [G3], 3rd California Distaff Challenge [G3], White Glove Delivery Futurity, finalist in Northwest Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– TORTUGA TONY SI 117. 9 wins to 8, $253,117, Hialeah Derby, Indiana Live QHRAI Derby, 2nd Hialeah Laddie Futurity, All American Congress Maturity, Ruidoso Juvenile Inv., 3rd Governor's S., South Florida Derby, Bradford S. Darker Tint SI 105. 2 wins to 4, $53,736, 2nd Remington Juvenile Inv. R. Teller Bye SI 109. 5 wins to 4, $52,103, 2nd Pen Pal S. Stel Just Me SI 92. 3 wins to 4, $38,739, 3rd Dillingham H., finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G3]. Wanna Be Ivory SI 88. Winner at 2, $21,203, 3rd Rocky Mountain Futurity. Just Wanna Teller SI 114. 3 wins to 3, $11,107. Dam of– Just Had to Be SI 104. 2 wins to 5, 2020, $35,060, 3rd Western States Breeders Futurity, Bitterroot Futurity [R]. Just Wanna Corona SI 92. Winner to 4, $136,416, finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Devons Signature SI 100 (Devon Lane TB). Winner to 3, $166,966, 3rd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Sire. See If I Care SI 107 (Fishers Dash). 7 wins to 5, $63,490, 2nd West/Southwest Challenge Champ. [G2], 3rd Farnam S., finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. 4th dam SHIRLEY B GAYLE SI 104, by Shirley's Champion TB. AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 10 wins, 2 to 4, $601,860, Golden State Derby [G1], Golden State Futurity, Dash for Cash Maturity, 2nd ETRBA Poorboy Futurity, Trinity QHA Futurity, 3rd Anne Burnett Inv. H. [G1], Juvenile Inv. H., Las Ninas H. Dam of 11 foals to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Surely B Cash SI 99 (Dash for Cash). 3 wins to 4, $56,981, 2nd Special Effort S., finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G1], Speedhorse Gold Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Shirleys Dash SI 92 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $11,125. Dam of STREAKIN AMBER SI 98 ($80,455); granddam of OAK HILL STREAK SI 96 ($153,827). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 190 Jess A Cartel Prize 190 January 26, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Jess A Cartel Prize Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6040006 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Jess Prize Me SI 87 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2014) { Fast Prize Zoom SI 112 {Shazoom SI 102 Fast First Prize SI 102 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam JESS PRIZE ME SI 87, by Mr Jess Perry. 3 wins at 2, $132,653, West Texas Futurity [G2], finalist in Hobbs America Futurity [G2]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112, by Shazoom. 3 wins at 2, $192,875, West Texas Futurity [G1]- NWR, 300y in 0:14.678, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Set NTR at Sunland Park, 300y in 0:14.870. Sister to Fast Prize Tracy SI 101. Dam of 22 foals to race, 12 winners, 16 ROM– JESS PRIZE ME SI 87 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. TARISH SI 101 (g. by Prospect to the Top). 4 wins to 3, $120,774, Speedhorse Derby, 2nd Jack Brooks S. [R], 3rd Oklahoma Derby [G3], Mystery Derby [R]. Ms Fast Prize Zoom SI 94 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 4, $18,438. Dam of– Kiss Fast Zoom SI 95. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $30,806, 2nd Beehive Futurity [R]. Tac My Prize SI 90 (g. by Tac It Like a Man). Winner to 3, $32,323, finalist [R] [G3]. Tollie Rossel SI 96 (g. by Carters Cartel). 2 wins to 7, $29,526. 3rd dam FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sister to HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 ($136,123 [G2]). Half sister to FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 ($488,270 [G1]), FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 ($415,047 [G1]; dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101, $550,105 [G1]; CORONADO CARTEL SI 98, $416,178), FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 ($295,147), etc. Out of First Prize Dash SI 101 (Broodmare of the Year; AQHA Dam of Distinction). Dam of 24 foals to race, 24 ROM– FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 (f. by Shazoom). Stakes winner, above. Fast Prize Doll SI 102 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $85,762, 3rd Harrah’s Fut. [G2]. Dam of FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), DOUBLE DOWN SI 95 ($73,738), FAST PRIZE ROBYN SI 94, Fast Prize Doll Too SI 98; granddam of JORDAN EAGLE SI 107 ($260,858), This Dolls Gone SI 83. Ms Fast First Prize SI 93 (f. by DMNV Mountable). Winner to 4, $77,738, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Fast Prize Country SI 101. 4 wins to 5, $50,414, 2nd Dastardly Desert Dash S. Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 (f. by Shazoom). Winner to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe Turner S. Dam of APOLLITICAL CHAD SI 97 ($930,730 [G1]), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), SPIT CURL TREY SI 101 ($63,366), Miss Fast Prize Tracy SI 99 ($75,355). Fast Prize Corona SI 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3. Dam of CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96 ($105,045 [G2]), FAST PRIZE TACITA SI 89 ($65,916), Spit Prize Corona SI 101 ($81,620), Fast Gold Prize SI 104 ($54,424), Chasin Mojo SI 87. Granddam of MR DILLARD SI 110 (to 3, 2021, $185,335). Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92. Dam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,259 [G3]), THE PRIZE FERRARI SI 98 (to 3, 2021, $47,321), THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 98 ($47,321), V Power SI 91 ($279,419 [R] [G2]), Ferrari GT SI 97 ($167,659 [G1]), Ferrari B SI 90 ($53,257 [G3]), Power Prize SI 96 ($49,492); granddam of LRH LA Woman SI 96 ($29,010). Fast Prize Angie SI 86. Dam of DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Jim Bob or Kay Nuckols Hip No. 191 Daddys Velvet Cartel 191 March 28, 2020 Brown Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Daddys Velvet Cartel Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033577 Jesse James Jr SI 98 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Blaze N James Loose Lips SI 105 (2013) { Ravishing Ruby Chick SI 83 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Leslie Will Do By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam BLAZE N JAMES, by Jesse James Jr. Unraced. Her first foal arrived in 2020.

2nd dam RAVISHING RUBY CHICK SI 83, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 3, $15,099. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– Mucho Rapido SI 86 (g. by Brookstone Bay). Winner to 5, $37,619. Ks Handsome T C SI 81 (g. by Teller Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020.

3rd dam LESLIE WILL DO, by The Signature. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Ace Will Do SI 106 (Lucky Aces N Eights). 2 wins to 5, $46,765. Dean Will Do SI 97 (Dean Miracle). Winner to 4, $26,592.

4th dam Copalena SI 98, by Master Hand TB. Winner at 2, $6,308, 3rd Las Ninas H. [G3], finalist in Juvenile H. [G3]. Half sister to PACKIN SIXES SI 99 ($86,155.00). Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– THE SPECIALIZER SI 98 (Strawfly Special). 5 wins to 5, $58,997, Kansas Derby [G1]. Chief Windham SI 105 (Magic Dozen). 7 wins to 7, $72,578, 2nd Heartbeat of America H R twice, 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in North Texas Horse Sale Futurity [R] [G2], Texas Derby Challenge [G3], TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], Barnmaster Sprint S. [G3], Heartbeat of America H. [R] [G3]. Lifes Illusions SI 90 (Merridoc). 5 wins to 5, $23,426. At Last Justice SI 84 (Some Dasher). Winner to 4, $3,673. Sparkling Legacy (Merridoc). Winner at 2. Dam of– Hot Country Colours SI 94. 2 wins to 4, $11,166, finalist in Manor Futurity [R] [G2]. Deons Darlin Doda SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $5,192. Demi Special (Strawfly Special). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– COPACORONA SPECIAL SI 101. 3 wins to 3, $56,224, Longhorn Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Manor Futurity [G2], Longhorn Derby [G2]. Sire. Illegalize SI 91. 3 wins to 3, $14,327, finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Western Cartel SI 88. Winner to 3, $8,759. Takeitandfly SI 89. Winner to 3, $4,745. Dam of– Eye Take You SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $22,569. Zooming Demi. Unraced. Dam of– Zooming Royal SI 91. Winner to 4, ($4,188 USA), in Mexico. Zooming Laveaux SI 84. Winner to 3, in Mexico.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 192 Craggy Range 192 January 22, 2020 Sorrel Gelding First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Craggy Range Dashin Sandy SI 107 X0741765 Hidden City {Carson City Racetrack Barbie TB Pacific Hideaway (2006) { Ms. Interpret {Mr. Integrity Perky Patty By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam RACETRACK BARBIE TB, by Hidden City. 3 wins to 3, $48,369, Joanne Dye S. [R]. Dam of 2 thoroughbred and 6 quarter horse foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (f. by Woodbridge). 6 wins to 4, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2], First Moonflash M. [R], 2nd Downs at Albuquerque Fall Champ., New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], 3rd Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Cup Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Carson City Guy SI 83 (g. by Woodbridge). Winner to 3, $9,236. Daddys Vixen SI 86 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed at 2, 2021, $4,370, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam MS. INTERPRET TB, by Mr. Integrity. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $3,640. Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 winners– LIL EASY TB (f. by Buck Strider). 7 wins to 6, $138,854, Ann Owens Distaff H. [R], Kathryn's Doll S. [N], Excess Energy S. [N], 2nd La Fiesta H., Anne Owens Distaff H. [R], To the Post S. [N], Quick n' Cool S. [N], 3rd Maxine M. Piggott S. [R], Princess of Palms H. [NR]. Dam of– Toc This Way TB. 5 wins to 4, $25,210. Knock Em Out TB. 2 wins to 4, $17,373. RACETRACK BARBIE TB (f. by Hidden City). Stakes winner, above. Lil Angelia TB (f. by Golden Gear). Placed at 2, $4,408. 3rd dam PERKY PATTY TB, by Noble Monk [IRE]. 3 wins to 3, $25,688. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners– Pistoia TB (Marino Marini). 10 wins to 6, $72,089. Paroxysm TB (Storm Creek). Winner to 4, $17,370. Mr Oliver TB (Cromwell). Winner to 4, $8,765. 4th dam PATTY CLEARY TB, by Forecast. Unraced. Half sister to GUM. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners– Jorgyone TB (Noble Monk [IRE]). 3 wins to 4, $26,830. Got Wine TB (Desert Wine). 2 wins to 4, $16,233, 2nd Bettie Bullock Mem. Maiden Derby [N], 3rd Evanston Derby [N]. Gingko TB (Maxistar). Winner to 5, $6,798. Rhonda to the Max TB (Maxistar). Unplaced. Dam of– Hopeful Vern TB. 2 wins to 4, $8,181. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by TYKHE Racing, LLC Hip No. 193 Compeador 193 February 20, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Compeador Shes My Tea SI 92 6068983 Favorite Cartel SI 104 {Favorite Trick TB Truly Favorite SI 85 Shenoshercorona SI 91 (2013) { Truly A Delightful {Teller Cartel SI 108 A Delightful Legacy SI 105 By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92. 1st dam TRULY FAVORITE SI 85, by Favorite Cartel. Winner at 3, $6,825. Sister to Glen Ellyn SI 103. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– ON NYX SI 97 (f. by Kiss My Hocks). Winner at 2, 2021, $138,555, Harrah's Futurity [G3]. My Favorite Hocks SI 94 (g. by Kiss My Hocks). Winner to 3, 2021, $7,010. 2nd dam TRULY A DELIGHTFUL, by Teller Cartel. Unplaced. Sister to TELL OF THE PAST SI 90, Teller No Lies SI 102. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– Glen Ellyn SI 103 (f. by Favorite Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $27,902, 3rd Canterbury Park Distaff Challenge, finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Separate Delight SI 91 (f. by Seperate Interest). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $33,923, 3rd AQRA President's Fall Futurity S. 3rd dam A DELIGHTFUL LEGACY SI 105, by First Down Dash. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $179,153, All American Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], finalist in Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1]. Sister to BUCKSHOT DELIGHT SI 101; half sister to A DELIGHTFUL DASHER SI 102 (Champion), HES MY DASHER SI 102 (Champion). Out of FORTUNE OF DELIGHT SI 107 (AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year, $100,269). Dam of 22 ROM– INSEPERABLE SI 96 (Separatist). Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 5 wins to 4, $672,756, All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. Sire. SEPERATE INTEREST SI 98 (Separatist). 7 wins to 5, $486,761, Kaweah Bar H. [G3], Z Wayne Griffin Inv. S., Town Policy S., 2nd Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1], Christmas Inv. H., Katella H., 3rd Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1]. Sire. TELL OF THE PAST SI 90 (Teller Cartel). Winner to 4, $62,409, Los Alamitos Juvenile Challenge, 3rd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2]. Jess Before Dawn SI 95 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $152,328, 3rd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Two Million Juvenile Inv., finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1]. Redneck Ryan SI 99 (Separatist). 7 wins to 7, 2021, $119,766, 2nd Kaweah Bar H. [G3]. Teller No Lies SI 102 (Teller Cartel). Winner to 3, $103,932, 2nd Town Policy S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2]. Political Nonsense SI 96 (Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 4, $51,668, 2nd AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. S. [G1], etc. Dam of Nonsense On Corona SI 89 ($26,417). Ask the Question SI 93 (Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $12,535. Dam of CHAINMAN SI 88 ($188,217 [G2]). Miss Inseprable SI 96. 2 wins. Dam of INSEPERABLE BLOOD SI 92 ($102,826). Starlite Delight SI 89 (Separatist). 2 wins to 3, $46,770, finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of Quarter Sawn SI 89 ($23,296 [R] [G3]). Mr Apollo Jess SI 93 (Apollitical Jess). 3 wins at 2, 2021, $91,429, finalist [R] [G1]. Lilly McGillicuddy (Pappasito). Dam of Magill Peak SI 85 (to 3, 2021). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 194 Surfers Nightmare 194 February 13, 2020 Brown Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Surfers Nightmare Runaway Wave SI 105 6020216 FDD Dynasty SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 Sochi Moon SI 83 Dinastia Toll BRZ SI 97 (2014) { Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Tilted Moon SI 98 By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam SOCHI MOON SI 83, by FDD Dynasty. Winner at 3, $12,584. Sister to MESA MOONLIGHT SI 102, Vancouver Moon SI 94, Moon Dynasty SI 103, New Moon Dynasty SI 97. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, 1 to race– REVENANT MOON SI 97 (f. by A Revenant). 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2021, $224,018, Oklahoma Futurity [G2], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. 2nd dam Nagano Moon SI 82, by Major Rime. Placed at 2, $4,968, 3rd New Mexican Spring Fling [R]. Half sister to MOON SHAKE SI 97 ($208,017 [G2]). Out of Tilted Moon SI 98. Dam of 15 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (c. by First to Flash). Champion Aged Stallion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins in 25 starts, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR, Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R][G1], New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. [R][G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R][G1] twice, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R][G2]-NWR, NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], NM Breeders' Champ. [R][G3]-NTR. DASH TA MOON SI 108 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 6 wins to 4, $352,305, Lubbock S. [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R], NM Champ. [F] [R], Sunland NM Bred Inv. H. [R], 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], NM Champ. Fut. [R], Yulla S. [R], 3rd [R] [G1]. Dam of– OSAKA MOON SI 91 3 wins to 3, $86,486, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Moro Moon SI 94. 3 wins to 3, $74,993, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. A Tres SI 84. Placed at 2, $80,960, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. MOONIFISANT SI 99 (c by Sixes Royal) 5 wins to 4, $201,484, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R][G2], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. FULL MOON DASHER SI 114 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 4 wins to 4, $123,761, Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Ruidoso Distaff Challenge. Dam of DASHNUNDER AFULLMOON SI 105 ($711,951 [R] [G1]), Prize Dasher SI 97 ($133,220, 3rd Louisiana Million Futurity [R] [G1]), Jen And Vodka SI 93 ($42,155 [G2]). MESA MOONLIGHT SI 102 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 4 wins, $29,470, La Pacifica H. Vancouver Moon SI 94 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 4 wins to 3, $350,719, 2nd Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Moon Dynasty SI 103 (c. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 5, $80,211, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], Brigand S. Sire. New Moon Dynasty SI 97 (c. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, $14,831, 3rd AQRA President's Open Spring Derby. Moon Over Torino SI 87 (g. by Jacksboro). 2 wins to 6, $61,626, finalist [R][G3]. Machi Moon (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Unraced. Dam of CHICKALONI SI 95 ($271,260 [R] [G2]), Machismo Moon SI 89 ($157,779 [R] [G1]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 195 Kellys First 195 January 11, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Kellys First Tilted Moon SI 98 6063752 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Kelly SI 86 Corona Chick SI 113 (2012) { Jump Down First SI 90 {First Down Dash SI 105 Jumping Tac Flash SI 106 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam CORONA KELLY SI 86, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins at 2, $23,610, finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Kellys First Moon SI 104 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $30,709, 3rd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. Flash the Corona SI 106 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $41,588. Kelly Call Me SI 85 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 4, 2021, $13,987. 2nd dam JUMP DOWN FIRST SI 90, by First Down Dash. 2 wins at 3, $20,277. Sister to TAC IT LIKE A MAN SI 98, FLASH FIRST SI 105, IMJUMPN SI 94, A Tac First SI 97. Dam of 16 foals to race, 10 winners, 16 ROM– JUMP DOWN AZOOM SI 103 (g. by Azoom). 5 wins to 7, $115,783, La Plata S. [G3], finalist in Sunland Challenge Champ. S. [G2], West Texas Maturity [G2]. Mojo Perry SI 99 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 5, $155,712, 3rd West Texas Derby [G3], Decketta S. [G3], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Hobbs America Futurity [G2]. Fast Dashin Dee SI 93 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 3 wins to 3, $97,572, 2nd Louisiana Bred Lassie Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G3]. Jump Down Jess SI 87 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 4, $10,480. Dam of– TEMPTINGJESS FOR LMG SI 106. 4 wins to 4, $43,485, El Moro De Cumpas S. Jess Caroline SI 90 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, $8,232. Dam of– A Game Jess SI 91. Winner to 3, 2020, $37,270, 3rd Firecracker Derby [G3], fnl [G2]. 3rd dam JUMPING TAC FLASH SI 106, by Tolltac. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, 7 wins to 3, $147,065, Miss Kindergarten Futurity [G2], California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3], 2nd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Dash for Cash Derby [G1], 3rd California Derby [R] [G3]. Sister to SPLASH BAC SI 93 (Champion); out of BEAT YOUR PANTS OFF SI 103 (AQHA Dam of Distinction). Dam of 19 foals to race, 12 winners, 15 ROM– CARTERS CARTEL SI 103 (Corona Cartel). Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, $659,146, Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]-NTR, Kindergarten Futurity [G1], 3rd Vandy's Flash H. [G3], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. Sire. TAC IT LIKE A MAN SI 98 (First Down Dash). 6 wins to 3, $413,563, PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], Governor's Cup Fut. [R] [G1], finalist Ed Burke Million Fut. [G1]. Sire. FLASH FIRST SI 105 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 4, $351,719, California Breeders Matron S. [R], 2nd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Cypress H., etc. IMJUMPN SI 94 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 4, $56,495, Aliso Viejo H., Anaheim Hills H., 2nd California Distaff Challenge [G3], etc. Dam of HEADTURNER SI 101 ($294,032 [G1]), JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96 ($267,825 [G1]), JUMPN SI 98 ($187,555 [R] [G3]), Jumpn Chic SI 96 ($161,420 [G1]), URBANITE SI 105 ($76,449), Jumpnback SI 97 ($73,158), Jumpnout SI 94 ($48,788 [G1]). A Tac First SI 97 (First Down Dash). 4 wins to 5, $88,793, 2nd Golden State Derby [G1]. Tac Off SI 97 (Strawfly Special). Winner, 3rd California Breeders' 550 Sophomore S. [R]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson Hip No. 196 Name Pending 196 April 18, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Mr Eye Opener SI 106 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Eye Drink Alone SI 87 Bedawee SI 92 (2007) { Ima Runnin Hussy SI 97 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Ima Runnin Jessie SI 91 By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam EYE DRINK ALONE SI 87, by Mr Eye Opener. Winner at 4, $4,367. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Direct Deposit FS SI 98 (f. by Winners Version). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $46,630. FS Disturbingdapeace SI 87 (g. by Winners Version). Winner to 3, 2020, $13,027. FS Eye Drink Fire SI 85 (f. by Freakier). Winner to 4, $7,195. FS Eye Maxx SI 92 (g. by Maxximuss). Placed at 2, 2021, $4,840. 2nd dam IMA RUNNIN HUSSY SI 97, by Strawfly Special. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $39,090, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Red Earth H. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners, 4 ROM– Ima Cougar Hunter SI 94 (g. by Panther Mountain). 4 wins to 5, $29,526. 3rd dam Ima Runnin Jessie SI 91, by Check the Charts. Winner at 2, $3,558, 3rd Kansas Bred Futurity [R]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– Runnin Thru Traffic SI 102 (Dash Thru Traffic). Winner to 6, $15,924, 3rd Sunland Fall Juvenile Inv., finalist in Casino Cash Derby [G2]. Sire. Ima Jess a Streaker SI 90 (Streakin La Jolla). Winner at 2. Dam of– IMA RUNNIN FIRST SI 102. 3 wins to 7, 2020, $43,350, Alberta Stallion Derby [R], 3rd Alberta Stallion Maturity R. KNOTTY KNITA SI 98. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $37,341, Alberta Stallion Stakes Derby [R], 3rd Canada Cup Futurity [R] [G3], Evergreen Juvenile Challenge. Jess Be First SI 88. Winner at 2, 2020, $18,356, 2nd Canada Cup QH Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Alberta Stallion Stakes Futurity [R]. Ima Runnin On Time SI 106 (Rare Form). 5 wins to 4, $153,167, finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Heritage Place Derby [G1], Remington Gold Cup [G1]. Imarunninmiteyeasy SI 113 (Mitey Easy Dash). 18 wins to 14, 3 to 13, $152,904. Jess Call Me Doc SI 92 (Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 4, $44,413. Sire. Sangiovese SI 105 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 7, $32,644, finalist in Northwest Champ. Challenge [G2]. Ima Runnin Stoli SI 90 (Stoli). 3 wins to 3, $24,696, finalist Mile High Fut. [G2]. Dam of– Hanover Hill Stoli SI 85. 3 wins to 5, $31,304. 4th dam BALD EAGLE'S HONEY TB, by Bald Eagle. Winner at 3, (TQH SPR1). Half sister to PRINCESS EV. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– Ima Runnin Jessie SI 91 (Check the Charts). Stakes placed winner, above. Fortunes Honey SI 112 (Six Fortunes). 8 wins to 9, $22,378. Heza Born Runner SI 88 (Rocket Wrangler). 2 wins to 4, $20,735. Born Runner SI 98 (Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins at 2, $17,038. Sire. Older Than Dirt SI 98 (Extra Easy). Winner to 4, $13,744, finalist in All American Sale Futurity [R] [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 197 Sackett 197 March 20, 2020 Gray Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Sackett Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033420 Brimmerton SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Brimful SI 96 Fitting Celebration SI 110 (2007) { Beduinos Rusty SI 106 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Lil Bit Rusty SI 103 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam BRIMFUL SI 96, by Brimmerton. 2 wins to 3, $80,229, Hialeah Lassie Futurity. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 3 winners– Nutbush SI 90 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner to 6, $24,841. Pecos River Queen (f. by A Revenant). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam BEDUINOS RUSTY SI 106, by Chicks Beduino. 4 wins in 5 starts at 2, $57,695, Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Sister to WHOSLEAVINGWHO SI 105 (World Champion, Champion 3-Year- Old Gelding, $1,334,842 [G1]). Sister to WHOSLEAVINGWHO SI 105 (World Champion, $1,334,842 [G1]); half sister to CORONAS LEAVING YOU SI 103 ($278,358 [G2]). Out of LIL BIT RUSTY SI 103 ($215,394 [G1]). Dam of 20 foals to race, 14 winners, 15 ROM– HESA LIL BIT HIGH SI 103 (g. by On a High). 6 wins to 7, $120,865, B.F. Phillips, Jr. H. [R] [G3], Live Oak H. [R], 2nd Manor Maturity [G3], Barnmaster Sprint S. [R] [G3], Heartbeat of America H. [R] [G3], Stephen F. Austin S. [R], Gulf Coast S. [R], Ariat S. [R], finalist in TQHA Sales Futurity [R] [G1], Texas Champ. Challenge [G1]. RUSTYS QUICKID SI 101 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 7 wins to 4, $87,693, Cypress H., 2nd Bellflower H., 3rd Prissy Fein H., finalist in Dash For Cash Futurity [G1]. Dam of JESSA LITTLE RUSTY SI 101 ($266,786 [G1]), QUICKID CORONA SI 114 ($166,040 [G3]), MAESTRO CORONA SI 101, Paint Me Quickid SI 108 ($135,441 [G3]), The Eagle Express SI 103 ($83,570 [G3]), Quickid Perry SI 99 ($56,579 [G2]), Royal Quick Eagle SI 88 ($27,263), Paint Me Rusty; granddam of A Lucky Ladies Man SI 91 ($149,872 [G1]), Hootin For Hotlips SI 95 ($60,684). BRIMFUL SI 96 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 4, $80,229, Hialeah Lassie Futurity. Sweetened Vanilla SI 109 (g. by A Regal Choice). 5 wins to 5, $57,068, 2nd O. B. Cockerell H., Zoom Zoom Zoom S.-NTR, 220y in 0:11.756. Rustys Flyer SI 103. 5 wins to 5, $39,863, 2nd 6666 Ranch H. [G3]. Beat This Chick SI 88 (f. by Tres Seis). 2 wins at 2, $24,997, 2nd Ed Burke Mem. Juvenile, 3rd Pat Hyland Mem. H. Dusty Rusty SI 94 (f. by Valiant Hero). Winner to 3, $20,976, 2nd Texas Classic Juvenile Inv. R. Dam of Rusty Blood GI SI 95 ($58,367). Sheza Lilbituino SI 96 (f. by Takin On the Cash). 4 wins to 3, $30,346, finalist in Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Dam of JESS A LIL BIT MORE SI 108 ($145,165 [G1]), SEXY AND I KNOW IT B SI 114 ($100,782), PALOMA BLANCA B SI 98 ($66,313), Petey Wheat SI 101 ($38,703); granddam of FERNWEH SI 97 ($558,611 [G1]), RONNIE JAMES SI 101 ($263,894 [G2]), THE LIZZARD KING SI 105 ($199,584 [G3]), HAND OF DOOM SI 97 ($77,743), ABUNDANZ SI 120 ($71,817 [G2]), CD Mamas Boy SI 105 ($151,795 [R] [G2]), Portfolioh SI 93 ($62,247), Valorus SI 86. Rustys Kool Lady (f. by First N Kool). Unraced. Dam of Favorite Kool Cartel SI 106 ($102,399), Jess Kool Lady SI 104 ($74,774). ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 198 Lil Kings Bit 198 March 30, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Lil Kings Bit Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6076263 FDD Dynasty SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 Lilbitscary SI 88 Dinastia Toll BRZ SI 97 (2011) { Scariest SI 95 {Straight Talker SI 97 White Lamb SI 82 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam LILBITSCARY SI 88, by FDD Dynasty. Placed at 3 and 4, $8,219. Dam of 1 foal of racing age– Little Scary Chic SI 86 (f. by Jess A Chicks). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2021, $5,820. 2nd dam SCARIEST SI 95, by Straight Talker. 2 wins at 3, $17,948, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G3], New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM– Naked Spur SI 97 (f. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 7, $49,757. Teller Scary Stories SI 97 (f. by Teller Cartel). Placed to 4, $29,619, finalist in Hobbs America Futurity [G3]. News Alert (f. by Shazoom). Unraced. Dam of– Go Wave Up North SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $13,757, 3rd Canada Cup Derby [R]. 3rd dam WHITE LAMB SI 82, by White Tie. Winner in 2 starts at 2. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– SCARED SI 106 (Dashing Val). 7 wins to 4, $107,195, Rheudasil H. [G3], Texas Distaff Challenge, 2nd AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], 6666 Ranch H., 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G1], finalist in Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Dam of– POOL SI 107. 10 wins to 3, $438,689, TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], Longhorn Derby [G2], Texas Juvenile Challenge [G3], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Longhorn Futurity [G2], Retama Derby [G2], 3rd Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Sire. Coker James SI 106. 3 wins to 4, $47,670, 2nd Blink of an Eye S. Ascaredchic SI 99. 3 wins at 2, $31,420, finalist Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of– OAK TREE CHIC SI 96. 3 wins to 3, $56,169, Billy Montgomery EVD S. [R] [G3]. Brookstone K SI 97. 4 wins to 8, 2021, $64,314. Moonflash K SI 99. 4 wins to 4, 2020, $52,650. Moonflash Too SI 96. 3 wins to 4, 2020, $41,281. A Little Storm SI 92. Placed to 4, finalist in West/SW Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– DARK IVORY STORM SI 106. 2 wins to 4, $48,824, Bill Hedge Mem. Overnight S., finalist in Speedhorse Derby [G3], qualified to Speedhorse Futurity [G2]. Just a Little Wagon SI 87. Winner to 3, $44,476, 3rd La Fiesta Futurity. Big Bad Ivory SI 93. 3 wins to 6, $41,906. One Stormin Man SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $32,583. WHITE FISH SI 101 (Fishers Dash). 6 wins to 5, $34,357, All Canadian Derby of Alberta, 3rd AQHRA Aged Series Champ. Sprint, finalist in Canada Cup Derby [R] [G3]. You Scare Me SI 102 (Dashing Val). 6 wins to 5, $132,856, 2nd Las Damas H. [G2], California Breeders' Sprint S. [R] [G3], Z Wayne Griffin Directors S. [G3], 3rd Ivan Ashment H. [R] [G3], Miss Princess H. [G3], Florentine H., finalist in Champion of Champions [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 199 Arizona Moon 199 March 28, 2020 Bay Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Arizona Moon Tilted Moon SI 98 6074058 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Arizona Hottie SI 89 Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2008) { Coup Of Corona SI 97 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Lethal Coup SI 90 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam ARIZONA HOTTIE SI 89, by Walk Thru Fire. 2 wins at 2, $8,638. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 6 to race, 5 winners– Jess Like Fire SI 92 (g. by Apollitical Jess). Winner to 3, $20,675, qualified to West Texas Futurity [G2]. Full Moon Arisen SI 93 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, 2021, $15,584. Apolitical Hottie SI 93 (f. by Apollitical Jess). Winner at 2, $14,430. 2nd dam Coup of Corona SI 97, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins to 3, $19,592, 3rd Corona Cash H. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners, 9 ROM– VIENTO NEGRO SI 98 (g. by First Moonflash). 8 wins to 6, $137,701, First Down Dash H., Holiday H., 3rd Go Man Go H. [G1], Oklahoma Derby, First Down Dash H., finalist in Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], Heritage Place Derby [G2]. JESSGOTTAHAVEIT SI 103 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 4, $118,890, West Texas Derby [G2], finalist in The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1]. Pretty Little Liar SI 99 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $54,129, 2nd Hobbs America Derby [G3]. 3rd dam LETHAL COUP SI 90, by Coup de Kas TB. Placed at 2, $4,579, finalist in Speedhorse Gold Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– RARE COUP SI 113 (Rare Form). 7 wins to 10, 3 to 10, $158,816, Pomona Champ., 2nd Vessels Maturity [G1], Carmel H., 3rd Vessels Maturity [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1] twice, Los Alamitos Winter Champ. [G1]. LETHAL CASH SI 99 (Takin On the Cash). 5 wins to 5, $52,865, Higheasterjet H., 2nd KHEY/Y96 H., 3rd La Mariposa H. [G3]. Dam of– Lethal Factor SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $47,362, 2nd New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3], etc. Volcoms Lady SI 86. Winner to 3, $108,464, finalist All American Futurity [G1]. Mr Jesse Cash SI 96. 5 wins to 8, $76,924. Volcoms Dash SI 93. 3 wins to 3, $66,731, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. 4th dam LETHAL WEAPON, by Tolltac. Placed at 2. Half sister to Pleasant Policy SI 98 ($145,256). Dam of 17 foals to race, 8 winners, 16 ROM– SHEZ LETHAL SI 96 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3, $175,972, AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G1], 2nd California Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. Dam of ONE LETHAL BLAZE SI 88 ($100,840); granddam of Heza Volcom SI 90, Lethalzoom. LETHAL BAY SI 96 (Strawfly Special). $149,095: 3 wins to 5, $146,004, in U.S., Autumn H., 3rd Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1]. LETHAL ARTILLERY SI 98 (First Down Dash). 10 wins to 6, $144,260, Ojai H., 2nd PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], 3rd Golden State Futurity [G1], etc. A Lethal Dose SI 104 (First Down Dash). 4 wins to 7, $35,511, 2nd Prescott Downs Futurity [G3], qualified to PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1]. Sire. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 200 Ima Bigg Rush 200 March 29, 2020 Bay Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Ima Bigg Rush Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6032518 Rushago SI 104 {Agouti SI 104 Ima China Rush SI 96 Rush Rush SI 83 (2015) { Ima PYC China Doll SI 92 {PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 Ima Lazie Too SI 109 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam IMA CHINA RUSH SI 96, by Rushago. 3 wins to 3, $252,767, Oklahoma Futurity [G3], Jack Brooks S. [R], 2nd Laico Bird S. [R]. Her first foals arrived in 2020. 2nd dam IMA PYC CHINA DOLL SI 92, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. 2 wins to 3, $14,585. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– IMA CHINA RUSH SI 96 (f. by Rushago). Stakes winner, above. Peves Big Hoss SI 89 (g. by One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $19,869, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam IMA LAZIE TOO SI 109, by Okey Dokey Dale. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $43,601, Black Gold Futurity R-NTR, 330y in 0:16.568, finalist in Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– PV QUEEN BEE CANDY SI 108 (Cartels Candy Man). 4 wins to 4, $179,791, FL Lady Bug S. [R], 2nd Mystery Futurity [R] [G3], Mighty Deck Three S. [R] [G3], 3rd Valley Junction Futurity, finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], Heritage Place Derby [G3]. PV Ima Sparky Too SI 103 (Country Chicks Man). 5 wins to 3, $79,017, 2nd Oklahoma Horsemans Assoc. Mystery Futurity [R]. Peves Freddy B SI 94 (Streak and Dash). 4 wins to 4, $48,729, 3rd Remington Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Easy Jet S. [R] [G3]. Pevs Jukebox SI 86 (FDD Dynasty). 2 wins at 2, 2021, $32,264, 2nd Easy Jet S. [R]. Peves Blue Duck SI 86 (Moonin the Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $39,819, finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G3], Laico Bird S. [R] [G3]. Peves Ima Eagle Too SI 93 (One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $22,727. Peves Fabulous Lazie SI 90 (One Fabulous Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $12,696. Peves Silver Spur SI 90 (Moonin the Eagle). Winner to 3, 2021, $11,379. 4th dam LITTLE LAZAJANE SI 88, by Lazbuddie. 2 wins to 3, $6,593. Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– IMA LAZIE TOO SI 109 (Okey Dokey Dale). Stakes winner, above. Fast Bobby SI 102 (FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 3, $47,794, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile, 3rd Gopher State Derby. Miss Okey Dokey Zevi SI 96 (Okey Dokey Dale). 2 wins to 4, $23,498. Dam of– Pevs Charley SI 90. Winner at 2, 2021, $43,888, 2nd FL Lady Bug S. [R] [G3], Laico Bird S. [R] [G3], qualified to Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. Mr Rushmore SI 97. 5 wins to 5, 2020, $66,103, finalist [R] [G3]. Peves Lookin Royal (Looks Royal). Unraced. Dam of– PEVES IBA RACY GRACY SI 85. Winner at 2, $22,586, Oklahoma Juvenile S. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 201 Jess Call Me Mason 201 March 14, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Call Me Mason Send Me First SI 97 6070666 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Ms Perry Mason SI 84 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2001) { Sound Reward SI 81 {Super Sound Charge SI 109 Juno Reward By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam MS PERRY MASON SI 84, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed in 2 starts at 2. Dam of 14 foals of racing age, 13 to race, 8 winners, 12 ROM– Perrys First Flash SI 92 (g. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 5, $61,973, 3rd Mile High Derby. Masons Moon SI 103 (f. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 3, $44,445, 2nd South Valley Futurity, 3rd Animas S., finalist in Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Perrys First SI 88 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 3, $52,778. Dam of– First Theory V SI 121 (f. by Van Zant). 2 wins to 4, $49,810, 3rd Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. First Hero V SI 88 (c. by One Valiant Hero). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $27,565. Perrys Regard SI 98 (g. by Chicks Regard). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $75,026, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3]. Chicks a Perry SI 99 (c. by Chicks a Blazin). 2 wins to 5, $72,167, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. Flash Theory SI 91 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, $71,929, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. 2nd dam SOUND REWARD SI 81, by Super Sound Charge. Winner at 2, $4,545. Sister to LIFE STYLES SI 96. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 ROM– Gollys Reward SI 82 (f. by Oh My Golly). Winner to 3, $3,960, finalist in Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G3]. 3rd dam JUNO REWARD, by Jet Deck. Winner at 2. Dam of 19 foals to race, 11 winners, 11 ROM– LADY JUNO SI 104 (Master Hand TB). Champion Aged Mare, 9 wins to 5, $270,313, Champion of Champions, Las Damas H., Peninsula Champ., etc. Granddam of WESTERN HEART SI 104 ($173,538 [G1]), MY DASHING LADY SI 97 ($168,798 [G1]; Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year), SIXY LADY SI 102 ($146,318 [G2]), LA TALEA SI 104 ($119,595 [R] [G3]), ROYAL BRIDLEWOOD SI 105 ($87,237). LIFE STYLES SI 96 (Super Sound Charge). 4 wins to 3, $149,683, West Texas Futurity [G2], 2nd Pacific H. [G3], Leo H., 3rd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2]. Dam of RUNNIN RECKLESS SI 99 ($64,065), Stylish Texan SI 102 ($44,383), Attaque SI 92. HI TIFFY SI 99 (Shawne Bug). 4 wins to 3, $27,038, Prescott Downs Derby, 3rd Old Pueblo S., San Carlos H. Dam of TIFFANY SPECIAL SI 110 ($21,627). Fathers and Sons SI 93 (Master Hand TB). 2 wins to 3, $33,699, 2nd Dash for Cash Derby [G1]. Legal Thoughts SI 97 (Aforethought TB). Winner to 3, $5,769, 2nd Bluestem Downs Spring Futurity. Dam of BUGGED THOUGHTS SI 98 ($88,902 [G1]); granddam of First Thoughts SI 103 ($233,991, 2nd Ruidoso Futurity [G1]). Prosperous SI 94 (Super Sound Charge). 2 wins at 2, $49,242, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Granddam of LINDAS DASHER SI 100 ($331,703 [G1]), Classic Class SI 96. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 202 Sante 202 March 20, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Sante Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6032652 Blushing Bug SI 108 {Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 Sandy June Bug Sweet Blush SI 96 (2001) { Sandys Fame SI 97 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam SANDY JUNE BUG, by Blushing Bug. Unraced. Sister to Lagaria SI 108, Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95. Dam of 19 foals of racing age, 17 to race, 13 winners, 14 ROM– COLBY JAMES SI 112 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 4, 2021, $400,495, Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2], Jimmy Drake S. [R], 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 6 wins to 4, $292,122, Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Sam Houston Juvenile S., Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], 3rd NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 4, $289,078, Zia Derby [R] [G3], Mountain Top Futurity [R], 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Sire. HEDGE FUND SI 98 (g. by Heza Bold Man). 2 wins at 2, $51,454, NM Spring Fling [R]. June Bug Daddy SI 96 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 4, 2020, $48,744, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Cona Sur SI 91 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $47,818. June Bug Junior SI 92 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 5, $33,168. A June Bug SI 113 (f. by Furyofthewind). 3 wins to 6, $28,540. Dont Bug Daddy SI 114 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $26,449. Redd Metal SI 106 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). Placed to 5, 2020, $25,421, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam Sandys Fame SI 97, by Dash Ta Fame. 2 wins at 2, $32,012, 2nd Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Sister to Famous Sandy SI 97. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 21 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– SANDYS JESSE SI 93 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 6, $250,529, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R], 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Six Pack Fame SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $107,714, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Lagaria SI 108 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 5, $99,388, 2nd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Pelican S. [R] [G3]. Dam of SAMMY JAMES SI 93 ($156,915), Cozby SI 95 (3 wins, $64,785). Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 3, $42,544, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of JESS BORDEAUX SI 105 ($173,009 [R] [G3]), Brancott SI 92 ($72,041 [R] [G3]). Georgia Gatorette SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner. Dam of Over Drive Man SI 103. Patrick James SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $88,368, finalist [R] [G2]. Avallon SI 105 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $60,307, finalist [R] [G2]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 203 Take Of Helene FMF 203 March 16, 2020 Brown Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Take Of Helene FMF Tilted Moon SI 98 6059446 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Jessica Helene SI 84 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2016) { Belle Helene SI 101 {Valiant Hero SI 105 Thewayouwantmetoo SI 108 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam JESSICA HELENE SI 84, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed at 2, $3,565. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam Belle Helene SI 101, by Valiant Hero. 3 wins at 2, $214,858, 2nd Rainbow Futurity [G1], Mr Jess Perry S. Dam of 9 foals to race, 4 winners, 6 ROM– Maghelene SI 98 (f. by One Famous Eagle). 3 wins to 3, $58,253, 2nd Prairie Meadows Juvenile Challenge S., 3rd Northlands Futurity, finalist in Juvenile Chlg. Champ. [G2]. La Bella Eagle SI 102 (f. by One Famous Eagle). Winner to 4, 2020, $9,435. Jess Helene SI 96 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 4, 2021, $6,940. Eagle Empire SI 88 (g. by One Famous Eagle). Winner at 2, 2020, $6,065. 3rd dam THEWAYOUWANTMETOO SI 108, by Mr Eye Opener. 4 wins to 3, $327,953, Rainbow Futurity [G1]-NTR, 400y in 0:19.209, finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Sister to HESA EYE OPENER SI 102, The Way You Want Me SI 100. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 9 ROM– A REVENANT SI 91 (Mr Jess Perry). Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 3 wins at 2, $604,800, Rainbow Futurity [G1], 2nd Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Sire. Belle Helene SI 101 (Valiant Hero). Stakes placed winner, above. Luv Supreme SI 92 (Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 4, $202,143, 3rd Golden State Million Futurity [G1], West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. The Hiway SI 96 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $156,284, 3rd Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Sire. The Magic Dash SI 97 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 5, $90,576, finalist in All American Derby [G1], Remington Champ. [G1], Remington Champ. Challenge [G2]. 4th dam HOPE AND GLORY SI 84, by Special Effort. 2 wins at 3, $3,927. Half sister to FAST AND RACY SI 101 ($128,552.00). Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM-- THEWAYOUWANTMETOO SI 108 (Mr Eye Opener). Stakes winner, above. HESA EYE OPENER SI 102 (Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 6, ($48,553 USA), in Mexico, Campeonato Juvenil, 2nd Mexico Derby Challenge. The Way You Want Me SI 100 (Mr Eye Opener). 4 wins to 4, $102,929, 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G2], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], Red Earth H. [G3]. Dam of– BRIMMIES ALLI BI B SI 112. 4 wins to 3, $221,154, TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3]. Dam of– Brimmies Wagon SI 89. Winner to 3, $68,128, finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. A FITTING WAY SI 98. 6 wins to 3, $82,297, Blink of an Eye H., Heritage Place Juvenile Inv. [R], 3rd Dash for Cash Juvenile Inv. Hermes for Me B SI 96. Winner. Dam of Diamond G Bee SI 108 ($59,377 [R] [G3]). Penthouse Sweet SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $110,583, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Ryons Special Effort SI 107 (Ronas Ryon). 9 wins to 7, $91,003, 2nd Rocky Mountain Champ., 3rd Texas Classic Derby [G1], finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike & Yealonda Logan Hip No. 204 Cartel Racer 204 March 7, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Cartel Racer Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6055261 Woodbridge {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Miss Ravens Wood SI 85 Champagne Lane SI 106 (2013) { Three Dee Dreams SI 98 {Heza Fast Man SI 111 Counting The Dreams SI 83 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MISS RAVENS WOOD SI 85, by Woodbridge. Winner at 2, $5,568, finalist in New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2]. Sister to Threedeewoodee SI 102. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 1 to race– Jess Ravens Wood SI 89 (f. by Rock Solid Jess). Placed to 3, 2021, $4,137. 2nd dam THREE DEE DREAMS SI 98, by Heza Fast Man. 4 wins to 4, $36,662, Huntington Beach H., finalist in Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of 21 foals to race, 15 winners, 15 ROM– ANSWER THE DREAM SI 99 (f. by Tres Seis). 5 wins to 5, $264,375, Juno's Request S. [G3], Oklahoma Distaff Challenge, 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], 3rd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], etc. Dam of– DREAMS DIVINE SI 96. 6 wins to 3, 2020, $408,209, Los Alamitos Oaks [G3], AB What A Runner H., 2nd Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1], 3rd Kindergarten Fut. [G2]. SPLENDID CAUSE SI 99. 8 wins to 5, 2020, $167,584, Golden State Juvenile S., Will Rogers Downs Distaff Challenge S., Belles S., 2nd Easy Date S., 3rd Town Policy S., Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. S. [G1]. EMPTY ARMS SI 90. 3 wins to 3, $25,480, Sam Houston Juvenile S. Jess Envision SI 94. 5 wins to 4, $239,374, 2nd Remington Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Symbol of Faith SI 94. 4 wins to 4, 2020, $232,572, 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], Rainbow Futurity Juvenile, 3rd First Down Dash S., finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. Copper Stop SI 98. 4 wins to 5, ($12,235 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Velocidad. Dreamsville SI 94. Winner at 2, 2021, $106,153, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sallye Rand SI 95. 2 wins at 2, $12,047. Dam of– Seperate Wagons (AQHA/APHA) SI 94. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $43,538 in APHA races, 2nd Colors of the Alamo Futurity, Lone Star Park Paint & App Futurity. Treasured Dreams SI 90. Winner to 4, $44,175, finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Elmer SI 89. 3 wins to 3, 2021, $62,360, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Threedeewoodee SI 102 (g. by Woodbridge). 5 wins to 4, $206,754, 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], Mountain Top Futurity [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Three Wild Dreams SI 95 (g. by Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, $113,442, 3rd Ruidoso Futurity [G1], finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Dream Bigg SI 94 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $41,681, 3rd Zia H. [R] [G2]. Three Gold Medals SI 102 (g. by Gold Medal Jess). 10 wins to 10, $117,310. James D Man SI 110 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 8, $53,441, finalist [R] [G2]. Dreamland Express SI 90 (g. by Zulu Dragon). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $43,071, finalist in Heritage Place Derby [G2]. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 205 Michalee 205 February 3, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Michalee Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6019899 FDD Dynasty SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 FDD Cambria Dinastia Toll BRZ SI 97 (2009) { Wild Vines SI 90 {The Signature SI 107 Famous Chapelle SI 106 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam FDD CAMBRIA, by FDD Dynasty. Winner at 3, $4,035. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners– Cambria Cartel SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, 2020, $44,390, finalist in Sunburst S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3]. Cartel Cambria SI 88 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins at 2, 2020, $27,311, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam WILD VINES SI 90, by The Signature. 2 wins to 4, $27,001, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– WILD SIX SI 103 (f. by Tres Seis). 7 wins to 3, $601,632, Rainbow Fut. [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Fut. [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Dam of– JESS WILD FOR YOU SI 88. 2 wins to 3, $100,166, Valley Junction Futurity. KJ Mucho Macho Man SI 96. 6 wins to 3, 2020, $273,705, 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Texas Classic Juvenile S., 3rd West Texas Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Inv. S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Wild Sixes Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 3, $111,572, 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G2], John Deere S., finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Wild and Game SI 96. 2 wins to 3, $25,338, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv., qualified to West Texas Derby [G3]. Jess Wild SI 85. Winner to 3, $16,239. Dam of– KJ Daisy Duke SI 94. Winner to 3, 2021, $41,500, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Wild Daddy Jack SI 95 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $55,110, finalist [R] [G3]. Wildside SI 90 (f. by The Down Side). Winner to 3, $29,319, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Jenna James SI 84 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced. Dam of– HONKY TONK DADDY SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $231,234, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Jenna Cartel SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $35,582, 3rd Jack Robinson H., finalist [R] [G3]. Daddys Money SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $9,807, 2nd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. 3rd dam FAMOUS CHAPELLE SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $72,497, Utah Classic Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.420. Dam of 15 foals to race, 11 ROM-- ARBOR MIST SI 106 (Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 4, $130,397, New Mexico Breeders Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], etc. Set NTR. Dam of PLAY MISTY FOREME SI 102 ($296,616 [R] [G1]), Essencia SI 91 ($28,597). Love That Chapelle SI 96 (Blushing Bug). 4 wins to 4, $135,836, 2nd Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], La Mariposa H. [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of Love That Six SI 104; granddam of RUN RAGING RHINO RUN SI 102 ($121,006). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mountain States Equine, Agent for Pair O Dice Ranch Hip No. 206 The Devils Cartel 206 February 21, 2020 Sorrel Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 The Devils Cartel Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6079345 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Betweenthedevilandme First Prize Rose SI 98 (2015) { My Special Phoebe {Special Effort SI 104 Dashing Phoebe SI 104 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam BETWEENTHEDEVILANDME, by First Down Dash. Unraced. Sister to Imkeepingscore SI 102. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MY SPECIAL PHOEBE, by Special Effort. Unraced. Sister to SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104, SOLID DEMAND SI 102, Especially Phoebe SI 92. Dam of 14 foals to race, 10 winners, 12 ROM– STRAIGHTFROMTHEHEART SI 105 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 4 wins to 4, $67,462, Miami-Dade County S., 2nd Hialeah Sophomore Inv. S., finalist in Four Corners Futurity [G3], Ruidoso Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Phoebesdynasty SI 105 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 4, $68,453, 3rd Mr. Jet Moore S. [R] [G2], Ruidoso Derby Challenge, Animas S., finalist in Junos Request S. [G2], Mr Jet Moore S. [G2]. Imkeepingscore SI 102 (g. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 5, $48,296, 3rd Harrah's Ent. Futurity S. [G3], Swift S., finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G3]. Bumblebee SI 101 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). 8 wins to 8, $62,118. 3rd dam DASHING PHOEBE SI 104, by Dash For Cash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Dam of Distinction, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 11 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 4, $609,553, Kansas Futurity [G1], Kansas Derby [G1], Sun Country Futurity [G1]. Dam of 18 foals to race, 15 winners, 16 ROM– HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Feature Mr Jess). Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year- Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 11 wins to 3, $1,885,283, All American Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1], 2nd All American Derby [G1]. SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104 (Special Effort). Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins to 4, $139,963, [G3], Real Wind H., 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1]. Dam of A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96 ($117,171 [G3]). Granddam of DUELING JUAN SI 121 ($475,001 [G3]). FURYOFTHEWIND SI 96 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins, $70,554, California Derby Challenge [G3], finalist in Golden State Derby [G1]. DASHINGFORDESTINY SI 97 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $56,691, TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]; finalist [G1]. Dam of FM IM A ZATANAZ TOO SI 96 ($330,749 [G2]), TEMPTING DESTINY SI 95 ($302,699 [G3]), ILLTAKEYOUFORARIDE SI 104 ($150,832), FM Zatanas D Third SI 95 (to 3, 2021, $92,935 [G2]). SOLID DEMAND SI 102 (Special Effort). 3 wins, $35,285, Pride Of Texas H. [R] [G3]. Allamericandreamgirl. Dam of AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion, $686,355). This Dreams Flying. Dam of HES RELENTLESS SI 108 (Champion, $616,380). Bodacious Dream SI 97 (Corona Cartel). 2 wins at 3, $26,078; finalist [G2]. Dam of BODACIOUS EAGLE SI 104 (World Champion, $1,293,444 [G1]). ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson Hip No. 207 Name Pending 207 March 13, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Rock Solid Jess SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Rock N Fancy Rockin The Tetons SI 102 (2014) { Fly N Chix SI 84 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Make A Run SI 107 By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam ROCK N FANCY, by Rock Solid Jess. Unraced. Sister to Billy Big Rock SI 102. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, 1 to race– Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (f. by Maxximuss). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2021, $9,000. 2nd dam FLY N CHIX SI 84, by Chicks Beduino. Unplaced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– Billy Big Rock SI 102 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 6 wins to 7, 2021, $76,535, 2nd Bill Reed Mem. S., 3rd Lone Star Distance Challenge S. [G3]. Fly N Rock SI 88 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 2 wins to 4, $13,199. Chick N Rock SI 93 (f. by Rock Solid Jess). Winner to 3, $11,591. Rock Solid Billy SI 89 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). Winner to 3, $8,212. 3rd dam MAKE A RUN SI 107, by Calyx. 6 wins to 3, $153,236, Manor Lassie Futurity [G3], Retama Park Heritage Place Futurity R-NTR, Heritage Place/Retama Park Derby [R], 2nd Willow Park Futurity, finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Dam of 24 foals to race, 18 ROM– MAKE A SECRET SI 101 (Raise a Secret). 5 wins to 3, $267,605, Firecracker Futurity [G2], Sooner Trailer S., 3rd Firecracker Derby [G2], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Dash For Cash Futurity [G1], East Derby Challenge [G3]. Check This Runner SI 94 (Check Him Out). 2 wins at 2, $138,053, 2nd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], Kindergarten Futurity [G1]. First Outburst SI 95 (First Down Dash). 2 wins to 5, $99,982, finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Herman Jefferson S. [G3]. First Mapuche SI 91 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 5, $34,909, finalist [G3]. Make a Chick Run SI 101 (Chicks Beduino). 6 wins to 9, $30,956, finalist in Yavapai Futurity [G3], Jens [L]List Jr. Mem. California Breeders S. [R] [G3]. Kismet SI 94 (Favorite Cartel). 3 wins to 6, $27,252. Make a Rare Run SI 90 (Rare Form). 4 wins to 12, $22,478. Confidential Run SI 84 (Check Him Out). Placed to 3. Dam of– LOUISIANA RUN SI 96. Winner to 3, ($57,477 USA), in Mexico, Alfredo Castro Rea S., 2nd Campeonato Juvenile, 3rd Clasico the Prize. Carters Calyx SI 97. 3 wins to 4, 2020, ($37,670 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Hipodromo Derby Challenge, Derby de Las Americas, Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M., etc. Dash to the Finish SI 86 (First Down Dash). Unplaced. Dam of– Muy Rapido SI 97. Winner to 3, $11,096. Dam of– Princess Katelyn SI 94. Winner to 4, $96,743, 2nd Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. EB Rapidito SI 92. 3 wins at 2, $92,933, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G2]. Rapido James SI 102. 6 wins to 5, $89,706, finalist [R] [G3]. Buildem Fast SI 96. 3 wins to 4, $39,861, finalist in NM Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 208 Givina Hoot 208 February 20, 2020 Bay Filly First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Givina Hoot Tilted Moon SI 98 6033422 PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Nkhoots SI 108 Dashin Follies (2012) { One Quick Question {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Joanna Kate SI 104 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam NKHOOTS SI 108, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. 3 wins at 2, $135,754, Valley Junction Futurity, 2nd Cherokee Nation S., finalist in Junos Request S. [G2]. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 1 to race. 2nd dam ONE QUICK QUESTION, by Royal Quick Dash. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– NKHOOTS SI 108 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Stakes winner, above. Question Ivory Jane SI 89 (f. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 4, $23,399. 3rd dam JOANNA KATE SI 104, by Rare Form. Champion Aged Mare, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 15 wins, 2 to 5, $538,679, Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], Texas Champ. Challenge [G1], Remington Gold Cup [G1], Red Earth H. [G3], Bob Moore Mem. H., Las Colinas S., 2nd AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1], All American Derby [G1], Remington Derby [G1], New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3], Classic Chevrolet S. [R], 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1], finalist in Champion of Champions [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Dam of 20 foals to race, 14 winners, 15 ROM– THANKS FOR THE RIDE SI 104 (Reckless Dash). 4 wins to 6, $43,649, Harrisburg H. I Aint Jo Chick SI 99 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 3, $70,869, 2nd Fair Meadows Belles S., 3rd Red Earth H., finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Jess a Diva Chick SI 99. 4 wins to 4, $55,386. Jax Ross SI 95 (Strawfly Special). Winner at 2, $60,187, 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3]. Jo N Jessie SI 91 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $25,822, 2nd Rainbow Juvenile Inv. S. [R]. Dam of– Miss Jess Carter SI 96. Winner at 2, $23,490, 3rd Northlands Futurity. Jo Jos Country Chick SI 97 (Country Chicks Man). 2 wins to 3, $19,377. Dam of– Little Jo Eagle SI 97. 3 wins to 4, $33,902, 3rd Covered Bridges S. [G3]. Jo Chrome SI 102 (Apollitical Jess). 5 wins to 5, $72,595, finalist in Oklahoma Fut. [G2]. Jo Carver SI 95 (Wave Carver). 3 wins to 5, $66,485, finalist Heritage Place Derby [G2]. DF Dashing Champ SI 94 (One Dashing Eagle). Winner to 3, $30,907, finalist in Sam Houston Futurity [G2]. 4th dam BUG EM UP SI 102, by Pass 'Em Up TB. 5 wins at 3, $17,776, Miss Polly H., Classic, Southern Belle Classic. Sister to MIGHTY PASS SI 92, He Bugsem SI 95 ($56,112). Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM-- JOANNA KATE SI 104 (Rare Form). Champion, above. Tonto Le Blanc SI 107 (Jet Toro). 6 wins to 6, $49,342, 3rd KTFM S., Hill Country H., Manor H., I - 2nd Div, finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Bug Em Warrior SI 93 (Osceola Warrior). 7 wins to 4, $16,205, finalist in Florida Futurity [R] [G3], Sound of Summer Derby [G3]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 209 Coppertone 209 February 5, 2020 Bay Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Coppertone Runaway Wave SI 105 6009897 Ocean Runaway SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 Oceans Potion SI 103 Runaway Wave SI 105 (2009) { Streakin Ms Jess SI 98 {Feature Mr Jess SI 101 Alota Streak By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam OCEANS POTION SI 103, by Ocean Runaway. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $37,393, Mockingbird S. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), no starters. 2nd dam Streakin Ms Jess SI 98, by Feature Mr Jess. 3 wins to 3, $30,742, 2nd Jack Clifford S., finalist in Buttons and Bows H. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM– OCEANS POTION SI 103 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam ALOTA STREAK, by Streakin Six. Unraced. Sister to STREAKIN DASH SI 98. Dam of 6 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– BAC TO STREAK SI 103 (Splash Bac). 8 wins to 7, $70,149, Moonshiner H. [G3], Mega Dash H., 2nd Mission Viejo H., Scott Lewis H., finalist in California Breeders Sophomore S. [R] [G3]. SPLASHINATOR SI 94 (Splash Bac). 2 wins to 4, $33,838, California Breeders' Freshman S. [R], finalist in PCQHRA Breeder's Futurity [G1]. Well I Never SI 113 (Strawfly Special). 7 wins to 4, $182,836, 2nd Vandys Flash H. [G3], Pomona Juvenile Champ., 3rd PCQHRA Breeder's Derby [G2], Bellflower H., finalist in Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Golden State Futurity [G1]. Set NTR 300y. Streakin Ms Jess SI 98 (Feature Mr Jess). Stakes placed winner, above. Alota Traffic (Dash Thru Traffic). Winner to 3, $9,337. Dam of– Alota Action SI 106. 5 wins to 7, $77,509, 2nd Emerald Champ. Challenge, Sun Downs Distaff Challenge, 3rd Emerald Downs Champ. Challenge, Sun Downs Distaff Chllenge, finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. 4th dam GOT ALOT GOING, by Dash for Cash. Unraced. Half sister to Gotta Go Easy SI 97 ($97,708.00). Dam of 16 foals to race, 9 winners, 11 ROM– STREAKIN DASH SI 98 (Streakin Six). 7 wins to 3, $281,865, Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G2], 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], 3rd Laddie H., finalist in Golden State Derby [G1], Bay Meadows Futurity [G1]. Sire. A Streak Ahead SI 104 (Streakin Six). $6,080: $6,200: 2 wins in Mexico. Dam of– A STREAK REGARD SI 99. 6 wins to 5, $381,069, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexican Spring Fling R, etc. A STREAK AGAIN SI 104. 3 wins to 5, $221,009, Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Got It Easy SI 95 (Easy Jet). 2 wins to 3, $15,127, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1]. Dam of Takin Aim SI 98 ($48,378). Cash Special SI 102 (Special Effort). 2 wins to 3, $25,357, finalist in Bay Meadows Futurity [G1]. Granddam of JDs Runaway Cash SI 87. Going Merri (Merridoc). Dam of Heza Fast Star SI 96 ($29,158 [G3]); granddam of CARTERS SIXTY SIX SI 103 ($103,885), MTS Sixy Six Cartel SI 92 ($51,521). Alibye Bye (Sir Alibi). Unraced. Granddam of DOS SEIS SI 108 ($66,505 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 210 White Lightenin 210 March 6, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 White Lightenin Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6032521 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Alice K White SI 99 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2006) { Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam ALICE K WHITE SI 99, by First Down Dash. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1], finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1]. Dam of 25 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 22 to race, 14 winners, 20 ROM– ASTICA SI 110 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 9 wins to 4, $411,623, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash S. [R], Pelican S., R-NTR, 400y in 0:18.912, 2nd New Mexico Fillies And Mares Champ. [R] [G1], etc. Dam of– Valiant Astica SI 99 (f. by Valiant Hero). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Fanncee SI 101 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $102,359, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Fut. [R] [G3], Mountain Top NM Bred Derby [R], qual. [R] [G1]. Kiss My Astica SI 95. 2 wins to 3, 2020, $28,607, finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. BIGG DADDY SI 98 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 4, $753,768, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity S. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Swiss White Wine SI 97 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 5, $75,155, 3rd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3], finalist in Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Lovington S. [G2]. Tuscan Redd SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $54,980, 3rd Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. White Russsian SI 91 (Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 6, $38,331, 2nd Four Corners Fut. Tres of Alice SI 99 (f. by Tres Seis). Winner to 3, $5,038. Dam of– DONELLI SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 3, 2020, $420,604, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], etc. Vietti SI 88 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $51,776, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. 2nd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], etc. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 24 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion, above. KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, etc. JESSE LANE SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], All American Juvenile S., 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98 (Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves S. [R]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA-Turf Paradise Futurity. Dam of Looke At Me SI 93. Two Wines SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $108,904, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 211 Jessie Cartel 211 March 31, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jessie Cartel Send Me First SI 97 6061090 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Lilly Cartel SI 85 Corona Chick SI 113 (2005) { Corona Kool SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Sizzling Lil SI 91 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LILLY CARTEL SI 85, by Corona Cartel. Placed at 3. Sister to Cartel Sizzle SI 98. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 7 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM– FIRST KOOL MOON SI 91 (g. by First Moonflash). 4 wins to 4, $69,440, Zia H. [R] [G2], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia H. [R] [G2]. First Cartel Moon SI 109 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $25,302. Cartel Mountain SI 93 (g. by Panther Mountain). Winner to 3, $16,008. Meet the Cartel SI 90 (c. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, 2021, $5,904. Lilly Is First SI 94 (f. by First Moonflash). Finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CORONA KOOL SI 104, by First Down Dash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins in 27 starts, 2 to 5, $1,296,797, Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], etc. Sister to CORONA COCKTAIL SI 94; half sister to CORONA CHICK SI 113 (Champion 2 years, AQHA Dam of Distinction), VALIANT HERO SI 105, CORONA CARTEL SI 97. Dam of 15 foals to race, 8 winners, 11 ROM– TRIFFLE SI 101 (f. by Teller Cartel). 4 wins to 5, $92,520, Mile High Futurity [G3], 2nd Rocky Mountain Derby, finalist in Mile High Derby [G3]. Filthy Fast SI 101 (g. by Splash Bac). 5 wins to 3, $105,548, 3rd Ed Burke Juvenile S., Holiday H., finalist in Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G2]. Cartel Sizzle SI 98 (c. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $33,976, 2nd Kingman Kid Overnight H., 3rd California Derby Challenge [G3], AQHRJ S., qualified [G2]. Mud Skipper SI 95 (c. by Check Him Out). 2 wins to 5, $28,395, 3rd California Breeders Sprint S. [R] [G3]. Kool as Ever SI 89 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $20,425. Dam of– KOOL MILLION SI 86. 4 wins to 3, $106,315, Dillingham H., Jens List Mem. California Breeders S. [R], 2nd Vandy's Flash H., 3rd Town Policy S. Streakinjess for Lmg SI 86. 2 wins to 3, $78,388, 3rd All American Juvenile S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1]. Double Kool SI 98. 3 wins to 4, $46,342, 3rd Brigand Overnight S. Corona Lane SI 105 (f. by Devon Lane TB). 2 wins to 4, $20,436, finalist [G3]. Dam of– KINGSBURY SI 98. 7 wins to 7, $187,103, Sunray Park Marathon H., Bobby Dan Crenshaw Mem. S., 2nd Herman Jefferson S., King Rick Rack S., 3rd Herman Jefferson S., Bill Reed Mem. S., finalist in Hobbs America Derby [G3]. Coronas Feathery SI 91. 3 wins to 4, $15,306, 3rd Evergreen Juvenile Challenge. A Very Kool Chick SI 91 (f. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 3, $25,752, finalist in Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], California Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of– STOLIS KOOL CHICK SI 103. 4 wins at 2, $45,763, Northlands Futurity [G3], North Central QHRA Futurity. A Kool Zoom SI 88. 2 wins to 6, $35,021. Dam of A KOOL SECRET SI 111 ($95,023). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent for Bryan & Megan Petty Hip No. 212 Name Pending 212 March 11, 2020 Brown Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Name Pending Eye For The Sixes SI 99 Panther Mountain SI 105 {Meter Me Gone SI 112 Panther Not A Kitty Cash This Runner SI 110 (2008) { Big Fisher SI 93 {Fishers Dash SI 94 Oh Whitney SI 95 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam PANTHER NOT A KITTY, by Panther Mountain. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 5 to race, 4 winners– APOLLITICAL APPROACH SI 97 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 4 wins to 4, $82,865, Ruidoso Juvenile Challenge [G3], 3rd AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. S. [G2], finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G3], Two Rivers S. [G3]. DASHIN APPROACH SI 99 (g. by Mr PYC to You). 2 wins at 2, 2021, $60,746, New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Valiant Approach SI 101 (g. by Valiant Hero). 5 wins to 6, $72,550, finalist in Remington Champ. Challenge [G2]. Leaving Sooner SI 85 (g. by Coronas Leaving You). Winner at 2, $3,510. 2nd dam Big Fisher SI 93, by Fishers Dash. Winner at 2, $20,535, 3rd Oklahoma Derby [G3], finalist in Oklahoma Juvenile Challenge [G3], Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 10 winners, 9 ROM– TOP OF THE GAME SI 103 (g. by Game Patriot). 5 wins to 6, $69,861, Oklahoma Bred Derby [R], finalist in Oklahoma Bred Champ. [R] [G3]. Big Visions SI 97 (f. by Real Visions). 3 wins to 5, $62,992, finalist in Eastex S. [G2]. Apolliticalvalentine SI 94 (f. by Apollitical Jess). Winner to 3, $22,983. Triple Excel SI 99 (g. by Streak and Dash). 2 wins to 3, $22,143, finalist in Speedhorse Derby [G3]. Miss Double Excel SI 87 (f. by Volcom). 2 wins to 3, $19,785. Tres Deseos SI 93 (g. by Tres Seis). Winner to 4, $15,476. Exceleron SI 94 (c. by Inseperable). Winner at 2, $8,243. Best Reason Pj SI 87 (f. by Good Reason SA). Winner to 3, $5,970. MH Fish Tail SI 85 (g. by Wagon Tales). Winner at 2, $5,521. Inseperable Runner (g. by Inseperable). Winner to 3, $3,713. 3rd dam Oh Whitney SI 95, by Easy Approach. 3 wins to 3, $24,930, 3rd Real Wind H., Sooner State S. [R]. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– Big Fisher SI 93 (Fishers Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. Runaway Redeemer SI 106 (Runaway Winner). 4 wins to 4, $13,678. Rarefied Air (Shuttleman TB). Winner at 2, $3,373. Oh Special Bay (Special Leader). Unraced. Dam of– Catching Fire Corona SI 96. 3 wins to 3, $67,781, 2nd Evangeline Downs Futurity. BB Lilmsgameleader SI 93. 2 wins to 5, $17,396. 4th dam MISS BABY FEATURE SI 83, by Truckle Feature. Placed at 2 and 3. Sister to TRUCKLE BABE SI 98. Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– Oh Whitney SI 95 (Easy Approach). Stakes placed winner, above. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 213 Nineteen Crimes 213 January 30, 2020 Bay Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Nineteen Crimes Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6032352 Ocean Runaway SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 Ms Riptide SI 102 Runaway Wave SI 105 (2007) { Sixes Ms Perry SI 94 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Mame Smashed SI 108 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MS RIPTIDE SI 102, by Ocean Runaway. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $68,418, Sam Houston Distaff Challenge, 2nd Sam Houston Derby Challenge [G3], Selma S., 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], finalist in Dash for Cash Derby [G2], Sam Houston Classic H. [G2]. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 6 to race, 2 winners, 4 ROM– MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (g. by Woodbridge). 7 wins to 3, 2020, $748,298, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], finalist in Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2]. Ripp SI 88 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $18,802, finalist Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. 2nd dam SIXES MS PERRY SI 94, by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins to 3, $30,419, Texas Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], TQHA Classic S. [R] [G3], Texas Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– MS RIPTIDE SI 102 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Stakes winner, above. Acorn in the Grove SI 101 (f. by Oak Tree Special). 2 wins to 3, $54,199, 3rd TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. 3rd dam MAME SMASHED SI 108, by Easily Smashed. 6 wins to 3, $117,779, World's Champ. Classic [G1], 2nd Graham Farms Futurity [G3], 3rd Graham Farms Derby [G3], finalist in Kansas Derby [G1], Rainbow Silver Cup [G1], Las Damas H. [G1]. Sister to Smashed Hempen SI 101. Dam of 8 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– SO ROYALLY SMASHED SI 105 (Royal Quick Dash). $77,382: 5 wins to 5, $75,938, in U.S. Remington Gold Cup S. [G2], 2nd Fair Meadows M. 3rd Eastex H. [G3], Fair Meadows Juvenile S; winner in 2 starts in Mexico, finalist Mexico Champ. Chlg. [G3]. CK ONE SI 99 (First Down Dash). 9 wins to 5, $59,949, Sunray Park Marathon H., finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G2], Top Deck H. [G3]. SIXES MS PERRY SI 94 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. Sixes Battleship SI 101 (Brimmerton). 4 wins to 4, $55,035, 3rd Canterbury Park Derby. Just Swing Easy SI 97 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $29,056, finalist in Remington Futurity [G1], Altoona Derby [G3], West/Southwest Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– Anybodybeatabirdie SI 88. 2 wins to 3, $14,747, 3rd Canterbury Park Derby [G3]. Dozer SI 94. 3 wins to 4, $46,691. High Falutin Guy SI 95 (On a High). 15 wins to 10, 3 to 10, $51,011. Play to the End (The Cash Player). Unraced. Dam of– PLAY FAST SI 102. 5 wins to 4, $102,146, Mile High Fut. [G2], Delta 550 S. [R] [G3]. 4th dam SHAME ON MAME TB, by Hempen. 4 wins to 4, $7,951. Dam of 18 foals to race, 7 winners-- MAME SMASHED SI 108 (Easily Smashed). Stakes winner, above. Smashed Hempen SI 101 (Easily Smashed). 3 wins to 6, $24,402, 2nd TQHA Texas Derby [G3], 3rd South Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Longhorn Futurity [G3]. Sire. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 214 Name Pending 214 March 25, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Laugh Track {Distorted Humor Track Fancy TB Flaming Heart (2016) { Fancy Fancy {Rokeby (GB) Jill's Jenee By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam TRACK FANCY TB, by Laugh Track. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam FANCY FANCY, by Rokeby [GB]. Winner at 3, $23,000. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners– She's a Top Dome TB (f. by Dome). Winner to 3, $6,633. Fancy Fancy Fancy TB (f. by In Excessive Bull). Winner to 3, $5,528. Dam of– Dos Tocallos SI 109. 3 wins to 7, $38,882. 3rd dam JILL'S JENEE, by Dynastic. Winner at 2, $10,544. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– JEST IN ORBIT TB (Orbit Dancer). 10 wins to 8, $292,342, Independence H., Folklore H.-ETR, 6 1/2f in 1:15.11, Blue Skies H., 2nd Pelleteri H. [L], Mardi Gras H. [L], Bossier City H. [L], Friendship S. [R], 3rd Spanish Moss S., Sugar Bowl H. TRIPLE SHORT TB (Orbit Dancer). 5 wins to 6, $125,345, Safely Kept H.-ETR, 5 1/2f in 1:04.04, 3rd Ma Ferguson H. [R], Yellow Rose of Texas S. [R]. Dam of– Miss Tamster TB. Winner to 4, $7,625. Jill's Danza TB (Danzatore). 2 wins to 5, $21,027. Dam of– Postive Miracle SI 86. Winner to 6, $24,441. Jestaround Boy TB (Mark Around). 2 wins to 5, $14,758. Jake's Girl TB (Walesa). Placed to 4, $13,497. Dam of– Finest Velvet TB. 2 wins to 6, $49,442. Jake Storm TB. 2 wins to 4, $36,717. Stormen Sadie TB. 2 wins to 4, $23,300. 4th dam DARING JESTER, by Jester. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $49,805, Furl Sail H., 2nd Furl Sail H., Louisiana Gold Cup H. twice, 3rd Bayou H. Half sister to Greek Baron. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Miss Paula T. TB (Gallant Romeo). Winner to 4, $4,990. Dam of– La Ecclair TB. 5 wins to 6, $39,517. Gallant Pledge TB. 3 wins at 2, $36,140, D.S. "Shine" Young Futurity [NR]. Jest a Racer TB. 2 wins to 3, $16,008. Daring Prospector TB. 5 wins to 4, $13,327. Patriotic Fool TB. Winner to 5, $4,555. Peyton's Girl TB. 2 wins to 3, $4,034. Dam of– Lively Prospector TB. 4 wins to 4, $24,457. Daring Juliet TB. Placed to 3. Dam of– Lawrence's Dare TB. Winner to 4, $3,800. Terri's Three Sons TB. Winner to 3, $3,600. Charming Jester TB (L'Enjoleur). Unraced. Dam of– Charm N Looks TB. 18 wins to 8, $106,715. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by C Bar Equine Hip No. 215 Eyem Onn Fire 215 April 17, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eyem Onn Fire Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6057255 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Fiery Dreams SI 88 Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2011) { Answer The Dream SI 99 {Tres Seis SI 97 Three Dee Dreams SI 98 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam FIERY DREAMS SI 88, by Walk Thru Fire. Winner at 2, $13,284. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 to race– Just Dreamy SI 87 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $25,328. 2nd dam ANSWER THE DREAM SI 99, by Tres Seis. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $264,375, Juno's Request S. [G3], Oklahoma Distaff Challenge, 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], 3rd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1]. Sister to Three Wild Dreams SI 95. Dam of 27 foals to race, 19 winners, 22 ROM– DREAMS DIVINE SI 96 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 6 wins to 3, 2020, $408,209, Los Alamitos Oaks [G3], AB What A Runner H., 2nd Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1], 3rd Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. SPLENDID CAUSE SI 99 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 8 wins to 5, 2020, $167,584, Golden State Juvenile S., Will Rogers Downs Distaff Challenge S., Belles S., 2nd Easy Date S., 3rd Town Policy S., Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist [G1]. EMPTY ARMS SI 90 (f. by Tac It Like a Man). 3 wins to 3, $25,480, Sam Houston Juv. Jess Envision SI 94 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 5 wins to 4, $239,374, 2nd Remington Distaff Challenge [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Symbol of Faith SI 94 (f. by Tac It Like a Man). 4 wins to 4, 2020, $232,572, 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], Rainbow Futurity Juvenile, 3rd First Down Dash S., finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Copper Stop SI 98 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 4 wins, ($12,235 USA), 3rd Clasico Velocidad. Dreamsville SI 94 (g. by Hes Relentless). Winner at 2, 2021, $106,153, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Treasured Dreams SI 90 (f. by Apollitical Jess). Winner to 4, $44,175, finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Elmer SI 89. 3 wins to 3, 2021, $62,360, finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Dreamland Express SI 90 (g. by Zulu Dragon). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $43,071, finalist in Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Sallye Rand SI 95 (f. by Separatist). 2 wins to 3, $12,047. Dam of– Seperate Wagons (AQHA/APHA) SI 94. 3 wins to 3, 2021, in APHA races, $43,538, 2nd Colors of the Alamo Futurity, Lone Star Paint & App Futurity. 3rd dam THREE DEE DREAMS SI 98, by Heza Fast Man. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,662, Huntington Beach H., finalist in Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of 21 foals to race, 15 winners– ANSWER THE DREAM SI 99 (Tres Seis). Stakes winner, above. Threedeewoodee SI 102. 5 wins to 4, $206,754, 2nd NM Spring Fut. [R] [G2], etc. Three Wild Dreams SI 95 (Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, $113,442, 3rd Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Dream Bigg SI 94 (Big Daddy Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $41,681, 3rd Zia H. [R] [G2]. Three Gold Medals SI 102 (Gold Medal Jess). 10 wins to 10, $117,310. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 216 Jess A Special Chick 216 March 31, 2020 Brown Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess A Special Chick Send Me First SI 97 6070337 Ivory James SI 103 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Special Dark Ivory Dashin Follies (2012) { Special Phoebe SI 104 {Special Effort SI 104 Dashing Phoebe SI 104 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam SPECIAL DARK IVORY, by Ivory James. Winner at 2, $17,375. Sister to FLARE FOR IVORY SI 105. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (three 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 2 winners– Dark Moon SI 90 (f. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $115,446, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], 3rd Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2], Decketta S. [G2]. Ms Flashin Ivory SI 83 (f. by First Moonflash). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $5,295, 3rd Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R]. Special Dark Moon SI 90 (c. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, $28,528. 2nd dam SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104, by Special Effort. Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins, 2 to 4, $139,963, World's Champ. Classic [G2], Rainbow Silver Cup [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3], O B Cockerell H. [G3], Jet Deck H. [G3], Real Wind H., 2nd All American Gold Cup [G2], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1]. Half sister to HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, $1,885,283 [G1]). Out of DASHING PHOEBE SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, AQHA Dam of Distinction, $609,553 [G1]). Dam of 25 foals to race, 20 ROM– A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 5 wins to 4, $117,171, California Derby Challenge [G3], Corona Chick H. [G3], 2nd Sand Dollar Beach H., 3rd Golden State Derby [G1], AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of– Heza Motor Cruiser SI 94. 2 wins to 5, $69,817, 3rd Hobbs America Derby [G2]. Jessies Snow Angel. Unraced. Dam of– Rockin N Scootin SI 92. 3 wins to 7, 2021, $60,541, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. FLARE FOR IVORY SI 105 (Ivory James). 6 wins to 4, $91,959, Arapahoe Sprint Bonus Challenge-NTR, Dash For Speed S.-NTR, finalist in Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Special Phoenix SI 107 (g. by Brimmerton). 4 wins to 5, $47,343, 2nd Orange Blossom S., finalist in Remington Distance Challenge [G3]. Streakin Phoebe SI 95 (f. by Ronas Ryon). Winner to 3, $24,737, finalist in Prescott Downs Futurity [G3]. Dam of– DUELING JUAN SI 121. 15 wins to 9, $475,001, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Bred Inv. H. [R], 2nd New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G3], etc. Ill Getcha Good SI 106. 3 wins to 5, $60,086, 3rd Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R], etc. Dam of VOLCOM THUNDER SI 95 ($188,977 [G3]). Make Us Proud SI 97 (f. by Holland Ease). 3 wins to 3, $22,863, finalist in Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– AMERICAN HUSTLER SI 106. 2 wins to 3, $23,966, All American Congress Futurity. Wave Over Phoebe SI 85 (f. by Wave Carver). 2 wins to 3, $19,840. Dam of– T VELOCITY SI 99. 3 wins to 5, $102,710, Mr. Jess Perry Derby. Sheza Special Devon SI 90. Placed. Dam of JP Specially Special SI 96. Phoebe Bebe SI 92 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). Placed to 3, $4,442. Dam of Shes A Phoebe SI 98 ($99,417 [R] [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 217 Fine Am Eye 217 January 22, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Fine Am Eye Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6015741 Tres Seis SI 97 {Sixarun SI 106 Starsmith SI 92 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2005) { Miss Star Smith SI 99 {R. Smith TB Star Baby Go By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam STARSMITH SI 92, by Tres Seis. $20,694: 3 wins at 2 and 4, ($18,189 USA), in Mexico, Mexico Distaff Challenge, $2,505, in U.S., finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of 23 foals of racing age (three 2-year-olds), 16 to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM– WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (f. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 3, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Dam of– Miss Woody James SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $52,094, 2nd By By JJ S. [R]. Renika SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2021, $54,038, 2nd New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G2]. Jessies Allstar SI 91 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $44,291, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Futurity [R] [G2]. Amazing Miss Jess SI 91 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner in 1 start at 2, $21,600. Woman in Redd SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $20,155, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Starfield SI 92 (c. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 4, $154,511, 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Super Star Smith SI 92 (g. by Woodbridge). 2 wins to 4, $68,020, 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2]. Wood Be a Superstar SI 95 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 3, $61,419, 2nd By By JJ S. [R], 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Swiss Star SI 88 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 6, $49,713. Anakena SI 95 (f. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $36,176, finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Star Bridge SI 94 (g. by Woodbridge). Winner to 3, 2021, $8,373, finalist in New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam Miss Star Smith SI 99, by R. Smith TB. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $55,116, 3rd Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 12 winners, 13 ROM– THIS SNOW IS FAST SI 103 (g. by This Snow Is Royal). $73,757: winner at 2, $16,543, in U.S., finalist in AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1]; 6 wins to 4, ($57,214 USA), in Mexico, Mexico Champ. Challenge [G3], 2nd Mexico Derby Challenge. CASA CORONA SI 99 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 8, $28,279, Kansas Jackpot Derby [R] [G3], 3rd Lazy E Derby [R] [G2], finalist in Speedhorse Derby [R] [G3]. STARSMITH SI 92 (f. by Tres Seis). Stakes winner, above. Mr Zevi Smith SI 109 (g. by Zevi TB). 11 wins to 6, $35,936, 2nd Sherman Hill S., 3rd Northlands Futurity [G2], Keokuk S., Set NTR at Prairie Meadows, 330y in 0:16.820. Miss Zevi Smith SI 91. 4 wins. Dam of SAN MARCOS GLORY SI 111 (41,149), MIXTLAN GLORYS SI 105 ($38,842); granddam of Crash Form SI 88 ($36,073 [R] [G3]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 218 Cupids A Hot Chick 218 February 14, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Cupids A Hot Chick Send Me First SI 97 6049137 Corona Caliente SI 101 {First Down Dash SI 105 A Hot Valentine SI 107 Corona Chick SI 113 (2006) { Race Valentine SI 94 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Speedy Empress SI 104 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam A HOT VALENTINE SI 107, by Corona Caliente. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $32,505, El Moro de Cumpas Futurity. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– A Hot Leprechaun SI 90 (g. by Winners Version). 2 wins to 3, $18,943. A Red Hot Patriot SI 104 (f. by Jet Black Patriot). 2 wins to 6, $8,485. 2nd dam RACE VALENTINE SI 94, by Strawfly Special. Winner at 3, $12,309. Sister to GRAFORD SI 92. Dam of 14 foals to race, 7 winners, 12 ROM– A HOT VALENTINE SI 107 (f. by Corona Caliente). Stakes winner, above. Krash Cartel SI 98 (c. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $208,797, 2nd Ruidoso Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1]. Sire. Corona Jasmine SI 104 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $25,326. Corona Valentine SI 88 (f. by Corona Cartel). Unplaced. Dam of– A Dashing Valentine SI 90. Winner to 4, $28,549, 3rd Remington Juvenile S. [R]. Sire. One Cruisin Corona SI 96. 3 wins to 6, 2021, $45,150. 3rd dam Speedy Empress SI 104, by First Down Dash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, 7 wins to 3, $494,716, 2nd All American Fut. [G1], Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], finalist iKansas Fut. [G1], Heritage Place Derby [G1]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– SPEED SMITH SI 121 (Prime Talent). 9 wins to 6, $159,206, QHRA Of Indiana SSA Derby, Hazel Park Bonus Challenge S.-NTR, Don Boyd Mem. H., 2nd QHRA of Indiana Derby, Bradford S., Indiana Champ., Roble Rojo Bonus Challenge S., etc. SPEEDING SI 118 (Shazoom). 4 wins to 5, $100,148, Remington Dash, Texas Twister S. [R], 2nd Blink of an Eye Dash S., Barnmaster Sprint S. [R], Rainbow Juv. [R]. Dam of– Bolt SI 89. 2 wins to 3, 2020, ($11,177 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Futurity Las Americas. GRAFORD SI 92 (Strawfly Special). 3 wins to 5, $34,331, Retama Park Juvenile S. [R], 3rd Harrah's Dash S., qualified to Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Awesomo SI 100 (Tres Seis). 2 wins to 4, $21,363, 2nd Horseman's Derby, 3rd Canada Derby Challenge, finalist in Canadian Cup Futurity [R] [G3]. Awesome Fire SI 93 (Special Task). 2 wins to 5, $15,080, 3rd Grand Prairie Classic H. Big Biz SI 99 (Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, $62,597, finalist in Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. 4th dam ELITE EMPRESS SI 96, by Casady Casanova. 8 wins to 3, $110,212, Lassie H. [G2], Jet Deck H. [G3], Vandy's Flash H. [G3], Pacific H., 2nd Los Alamitos Derby [G1], 3rd Anne Burnett Inv. H. [G1], QHBC Freshman Classic [G3], Juvenile Inv. H. [G3]. Half sister to Whistlin Coed SI 106. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, 6 ROM– Speedy Empress SI 104 (First Down Dash). Champion, above. ELITE CHICK SI 95 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 4, $94,983, California Breeders Sophomore S., 1st Div. [R], 2nd Corona Chick H., 3rd Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1]. Elite Speedette SI 81 (First Down Dash). Unplaced. Dam of Saras First Card SI 88; granddam of CHECK SPEED SI 95 ($68,373), SUPER STARR SI 101. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent Hip No. 219 Manyshadesofgray 219 January 31, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Manyshadesofgray Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6037498 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Fire Back Perry SI 89 Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2012) { Dash Back Perry SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Dash Back To Me SI 92 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam FIRE BACK PERRY SI 89, by Walk Thru Fire. 2 wins to 3, $9,662. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam DASH BACK PERRY SI 101, by Mr Jess Perry. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $226,642, Charger Bar H. [G2], Las Damas H. [G3], 2nd Farnam S., 3rd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1]. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– Dash Through Fire SI 94 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 3 wins to 4, $71,634, finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Tres Through Fire SI 106. 4 wins to 4, 2020, $47,955. 3rd dam DASH BACK TO ME SI 92, by Dash for Cash. Winner at 2, $22,338, qualified to Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 17 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– DASH BACK PERRY SI 101 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. Bo Dash Back SI 95 (Bodacious Dash). 3 wins to 4, $34,050, 3rd Long Beach H., finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3]. Dam of– Dash Back Jess SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 9, 2021, $48,985. Mr Dash Back SI 89 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $35,301. Dash Back Ocean SI 99 (Ocean Runaway). 2 wins at 2, $32,194, finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. 4th dam WRITE ME BACK SI 99, by The Signature. 4 wins to 3, $35,498, Sunland Park Fall Derby [G3], 3rd QHBC Sophomore Classic [G2], finalist in Northlands Futurity [G3], Bandera Downs Derby [G3], Raton Derby [G3]. Half sister to DR DEPOT SI 104 ($186,193.00), Mr Crimson Bug SI 107 ($133,045), Mitos Money Maker SI 102 ($81,023), Michelle Leighann SI 103 ($61,079). Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM– GOSSIP WRITER SI 103 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 5, $33,073, Go Together H. [G3], 2nd Fair Meadows Champ., Jess Burner Mem. H., 3rd Red Earth H. [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Vespero Express S. [G3]. Romance Writer SI 92 (Dash for Cash). 3 wins to 4, $6,346. Dam of– Streakin to Romance SI 106. 7 wins to 5, $110,572, 2nd Texas Champ. Challenge [G1], John Alleman Mem. S. [R], 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Classic S. [R] [G2], Sam Houston Classic H. [G2], finalist in Dash for Cash Derby [G1]. Dash N to Romance SI 92. Winner to 3, $5,067, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of– Shesa Dashingromance SI 102. 4 wins to 6, $97,835, 2nd Mid-City S. [R] [G3], Audubon S. [R], 3rd Opelousas S. [R], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Classic S. [R] [G2], Billy Montgomery EVD S. [R] [G3]. Dylans First Romance SI 97. 3 wins, $54,928, finalist in Speedhorse Derby [R] [G2]. Dashin Patriot SI 93. 4 wins to 5, $50,570. One Mo Romance SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $38,893, finalist in Laddie Futurity [R] [G2]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 220 King Of Woodbridge 220 March 9, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 King Of Woodbridge Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6027307 Woodbridge {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Posies Woodette SI 118 Champagne Lane SI 106 (2007) { Posies SI 101 {Calyx SI 117 Thats Bubbles SI 88 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam POSIES WOODETTE SI 118, by Woodbridge. 3 wins to 3, $47,873, New Mexico Breeders' Champ. [R] [G2]-NTR, 440y in 0:20.708, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], qualified to Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1]. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 8 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 5, $302,647, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], Jimmy Drake S. [R] [G3], Rita Danley Distaff S. [R], 2nd New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R], First Moonflash M. [R], 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R] [G3], finalist in Zia H. [R] [G2]. Big Woody Cartel SI 107 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 5, $35,857. Lil Moonshiner SI 96 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins to 4, $34,435. Jess Beer Money SI 86 (g. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $32,041, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Papi Grande Cartel SI 90 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam Posies SI 101, by Calyx. 2 wins at 2, $36,937, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 11 foals to race, 11 ROM– POSIES DESIRIA SI 90 (f. by Desirio). 2 wins to 3, $65,420, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. POSIES WOODETTE SI 118 (f. by Woodbridge). Stakes winner, above. Shazooms Image (AQHA/APHA) SI 88 (g. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 5 in AQHA races, $29,524, finalist [G3]; APHA Champion, 2 wins, $16,436, 2nd Manor Futurity [G3]. Posies Blushing Bug SI 81 (f. by Blushing Bug). Winner to 4. Dam of– NATIVE POSIES SI 103. 9 wins to 4, ($141,619 USA), Fut. Criadores Mex. [R] [G3], etc. Posies Tequila SI 93. Winner to 7, ($34,790 USA), 2nd Fut. Criadores Mex. [R] [G3]. The Native Bug SI 82. Placed to 3, in Mexico, 3rd Cesar Pedrero Anaya S. Posies First Thought SI 96 (f. by First Thoughts). Winner, $30,445, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of– Woodacoodadid SI 94. 3 wins to 4, $78,590, 2nd Animas S. 3rd dam THATS BUBBLES SI 88, by Beduino TB. 2 wins to 3, $7,525. Dam of 10 ROM– COPPER BUFF SI 98 (First Down Dash). 4 wins to 3, $382,096, Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G1], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Sire. HAWKS HALO SI 102 (Hawkinson). 4 wins to 4, $67,818, Canada Cup Derby [R] [G3], Canada Distaff Challenge, 2nd Alberta Bred Derby [R] [G3], etc. Dam of ER Cafe SI 101 ($32,776), North Pine Special SI 106 ($28,032), Halos Sign SI 101 ($23,406). Posies SI 101 (Calyx). Stakes placed winner, above. Bubbles First Dash SI 99 (First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $27,169, in U.S., 2nd Brotherly H., Jazzing Hi H., finalist [G3]. Dam of Dragon Dash SI 96 ($50,658 [G3]). Bubbles La Jolla SI 85 (Streakin La Jolla). Winner to 3, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of FAST FIFTY SI 106 ($118,356 [R] [G3]), Tres Bubbles SI 99, Red Armor SI 93. What a Bubble SI 86. Dam of WHAT A PERFORMANCE SI 108 ($202,726 [G1]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 221 Badacious 221 March 6, 2020 Sorrel Colt Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Badacious Shes My Tea SI 92 6010450 One Famous Eagle SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Eagle In The Sky One Famous Lady SI 104 (2013) { Sky Chicks SI 92 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Star Crafted SI 94 By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92. 1st dam EAGLE IN THE SKY, by One Famous Eagle. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), 3 to race– Fuerteventura SI 85 (f. by Corona Surfer). Winner at 2, 2020, $4,625. 2nd dam Sky Chicks SI 92, by Chicks Beduino. 4 wins to 3, $47,912, 2nd The Classics Futurity [R], finalist in Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Southern California Derby [G1]. Sister to Peyote Chick SI 98. Dam of 26 foals to race, 17 winners, 17 ROM– HIGH PLAINS PERRY SI 105 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 5, $769,655, Texas Classic Futurity [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Derby [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1], All American Gold Cup S. [G1], Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2]. DUTCH SCHULTZ SI 99 (g. by Holland Ease). 8 wins to 5, $356,668, El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2], Katella H., Cypress Sophomore H., 2nd First Down Dash H. [G3], Kaweah Bar H. [G3], 3rd Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]. SKY BO DASH SI 103 (g. by Bodacious Dash). 4 wins to 4, $242,072, Remington Champ. Challenge [G2], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1]. SPIKE IT AND FLY SI 104 (g. by Corona Cartel). 7 wins to 7, $187,652, Southern California Derby [G1], Cypress Sophomore H., 2nd Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], finalist in Go Man Go H. [G1], Remington Derby [G2], Lazy E Derby [R] [G2]. RULE THE SKIES SI 102 (f. by Rare Form). 2 wins to 4, $29,242, Miss Blackhawk S., 2nd Central Distaff Challenge [G3], 3rd Oklahoma Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of ROYAL PROCLAMATION SI 107 ($303,923 [G2]); granddam of Dashin To The Back SI 106 ($79,553). Watch Linda Ballet SI 90 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $110,918, 3rd La Pacifica H. [G3], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1]. Duke Kahanamoku SI 95 (c. by Wave Carver). 3 wins to 3, $85,288, 3rd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. Sire. Lite Up the Skies SI 102 (c. by Royal Quick Dash). 3 wins to 4, $14,784, 3rd AQRA President's Spring Futurity, finalist in Yavapai Futurity [G3]. Goddess Artemis (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, $11,684. Dam of BANNISTER SI 107 ($142,256). Sky Glow SI 88 (f. by Dashing Val). Winner to 4, $18,173, finalist in La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2]. Dam of THREE GREEN LEAVES SI 106 ($114,908 [G2]), granddam of CELTIC EMBLEM SI 96 ($577,377 [R] [G3]), DF AJ GREEN LEAVES SI 103 ($302,494), DF LORD GARVAN SI 106 ($90,278 [R] [G3]), Fenian Faith SI 97 ($83,970 [G2]). Medea (f. by Corona Cartel). Placed to 3. Dam of Medessy SI 102 ($68,415 [G2]). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 222 Major Game 222 March 1, 2020 Chestnut Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 { Gronkowski SI 97 { Sweet Beduino SI 101 Babe On The Fly SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Major Game Six On The Beach SI 106 6072821 Major Rime SI 104 {Rime SI 102 A Major Chamisa Mary Major SI 99 (2010) { Chicks Chamisa SI 98 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Moolahs Parade SI 82 By GRONKOWSKI SI 97 (2014). 4 wins, $79,589, 3rd Jerry Jaggars Mem. S., fnl in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Brother to FLY THRU THE FIRE SI 108, JM SPECIALWYNN SI 92, WRAP YOU UP SI 104, JUST WALK BY SI 90. Half-brother to ROCK YOU SI 102, ALI BABE FOOSE SI 96, CARNE VINO SI 92. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of winner Walk Thru Fire SI 92; sire of 89 stakes winners, 9 champions, including HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), HE LOOKS HOT SI 103 (World Champion, $1,618,055 [G1]), HIGHER FIRE. 1st dam A MAJOR CHAMISA, by Major Rime. Unraced. Sister to RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122, ME CHICKIE SI 111. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners– A Major Corona SI 98 (g. by Eye On Corona). 2 wins to 4, $27,794. Hes a Major Chick SI 82 (g. by Jess a Chicks). Winner at 2, 2020, $6,935, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CHICKS CHAMISA SI 98, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 2, $3,282. Dam of 19 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– SIXY CHAMISA SI 104 (f. by Sixes Royal). 8 wins to 4, $350,095, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst H. [R], 2nd SunRay Firecracker S. [R], 3rd NM Breeders' S. [R] [G2], finalist [R] [G1]. Dam of– WAGON ON FIRE V SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $103,941, West Texas Derby [G3]. A VALIANT DIAMOND SI 104. 5 wins to 4, 2021, $68,822, Northlands Juvenile S., 3rd Altoona Derby, finalist in Mr. Jet Moore S. [R] [G2], Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. OILPATCH CHAMISA V SI 90. Winner in Mexico, Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Sanchez S. Chamiso James SI 95. 2 wins to 4, $45,382, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122 (f. by Major Rime). 6 wins to 6, $276,544, Pelican S. [R] [G3], Manuel Lujan H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of– RIME CHIMES SI 103. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $196,629, New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash Maturity [R] [G2]. ME CHICKIE SI 111 (f. by Major Rime). 8 wins to 6, $233,574, Lineage Champ. [R] [G2], 2nd Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Dam of– WAGON CHICK V SI 97. 7 wins to 4, $257,950, Mr Jet Moore H. [G2], 2nd Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1]. JM Onehotchickie SI 95. Winner to 4, $32,718, 2nd Mr Jess Perry Derby. Wagon Coast SI 85. Winner at 2, 2021, $12,497, 3rd AQRA TP Open Spring Futurity. Mr Flash the Moolah SI 90 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $77,793, fnl [R] [G3]. Flashing Moolah SI 95 (First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $50,870, qualified [R] [G1]. 3rd dam MOOLAHS PARADE SI 82, by Sparkling Moolah. Placed at 3. Sister to PARADE THE MOOLAH SI 101, MACY DAY PARADE SI 98. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– NATHANS ROCKET SI 98 (Azure Rocket Te). 4 wins to 3, $73,297, Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], Sparkling Moolah H. [R] [G3], 2nd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. MOOLAHS CROWN SI 92 (Crowned Jewel TB). 3 wins to 4, $47,187, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of The Zoomer SI 90 ($32,750 [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 223 Jesses Wish 223 March 30, 2020 Bay Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Jesse James Jr SI 98 { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Loose Lips SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 Jesses Wish Dondamar TB 6038002 Stel Corona SI 105 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Wish You Had One To SI 101 Our Lips Are Sealed (2009) { Devons Wish SI 91 {Devon Lane TB Kiptys Wish SI 102 By JESSE JAMES JR SI 98 (2001). 5 wins, $167,275, First Down Dash H. Sire of 423 ROM, 35 stakes winners, $19,922,268, including ASTICA SI 110 (Champion, $411,623, NM Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [RG1]), MAJOR BITES SI 104 (10 wins, $768,398, Zia Champ. [G1]), OSBALDO SI 109 (12 wins, $456,878, Jess Burner Mem. H. [RG1]), PISTOLPACKING PEPSI SI 103 (12 wins, $451,703, Miss Roxie Little Fut. [R]), COLBY JAMES SI 112 (6 wins, $400,495 [RG2]), PRINCESS JESSE SI 97 ($395,665 [RG2]). 1st dam Wish You Had One To SI 101, by Stel Corona. 3 wins to 3, $118,521, 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], qualified to New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 7 to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Jess Tequila Talkin SI 93 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $87,579, 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Burn One Down for Me SI 109 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $59,356, 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Jess One Wish SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $24,912. 2nd dam DEVONS WISH SI 91, by Devon Lane TB. Winner at 2, $8,691. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (f. by Man On the Move). 3 wins at 2, $174,146, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Dam of– CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98. 9 wins to 5, 2021, $465,158, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Junos Request S. [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Easy Date S., 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Pitre GMC Distaff S., New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2]. RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106. 8 wins to 4, 2020, $410,081, Zia Champ. S. [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], Dona Ana County H. [R], 2nd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Corona Divina SI 84. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. Wish You Had One To SI 101 (f. by Stel Corona). Stakes placed winner, above. Stel a Wish SI 88 (g. by Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $39,475, finalist [G3]. 3rd dam Kiptys Wish SI 102, by Kiptys Charger. 3 wins to 3, $31,291, 2nd Fiesta Derby, QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G2], Manor Derby [G3]. Half sister to Easy Grant SI 104 ($105,699 [G3]), Key To The Cash SI 93, Dashing Wish SI 98 (dam of ONE CORONA FOR ME SI 111, $113,509 [G3]). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KIPTYS FIRST DASH SI 102 (First Down Express). 7 wins to 4, $72,439, Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], Brotherly H., 3rd Malibu H., finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Wish for Fame SI 95 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $26,015, 3rd NM Spring Fling [R]. Kiptysside SI 93 (The Down Side). Winner to 3, $42,337, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Hunter Creek Farms, Agent for Jim Bob or Kay Nuckols Hip No. 224 Our Daddys Girl 224 May 2, 2020 Gray Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Our Daddys Girl Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033578 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Ravishing Ruby Chick SI 83 Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 (2004) { Leslie Will Do {The Signature SI 107 Copalena SI 98 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam RAVISHING RUBY CHICK SI 83, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 3, $15,099. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners– Mucho Rapido SI 86 (g. by Brookstone Bay). Winner to 5, $37,619. Ks Handsome T C SI 81 (g. by Teller Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020. 2nd dam LESLIE WILL DO, by The Signature. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– Ace Will Do SI 106 (g. by Lucky Aces N Eights). 2 wins to 5, $46,765. Dean Will Do SI 97 (g. by Dean Miracle). Winner to 4, $26,592. 3rd dam Copalena SI 98, by Master Hand TB. Winner at 2, $6,308, 3rd Las Ninas H. [G3], finalist in Juvenile H. [G3]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– THE SPECIALIZER SI 98 (Strawfly Special). 5 wins to 5, $58,997, Kansas Derby [G1]. Chief Windham SI 105 (Magic Dozen). 7 wins to 7, $72,578, 2nd Heartbeat of America H R twice, 3rd TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in North Texas Horse Sale Futurity [R] [G2], Texas Derby Challenge [G3], TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], Barnmaster Sprint S. [G3], Heartbeat of America H. [R] [G3]. Lifes Illusions SI 90 (Merridoc). 5 wins to 5, $23,426. Demi Special (Strawfly Special). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– COPACORONA SPECIAL SI 101. 3 wins to 3, $56,224, Longhorn Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in Manor Futurity [G2], Longhorn Derby [G2]. Sire. 4th dam Copasetti SI 96, by Three Oh's. 4 wins to 3, $74,588, 2nd Alamo QHBA Futurity. Half sister to CHARGE IT MAMA SI 91, SALTY ALIBI SI 92 ($9,818). Dam of 14 foals to race, 7 winners, 9 ROM– PACKIN SIXES SI 99 (Streakin Six). 5 wins to 3, $86,155, QHBC Southwest Futurity [R], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], QHBC Juvenile Classic [G1], Town Policy H., [G2], Laddie H. [G2], La Bahia Fall Derby [G3], Jet Deck H. [G3]. Sire. Copalena SI 98 (Master Hand TB). Stakes placed winner, above. Copauino SI 95 (Beduino TB). Winner to 3, $10,241, finalist [G1]. Dam of WORTH A LOOK SI 93 ($209,891 [G1]), TOTALLY HAGGARD SI 98; granddam of LOOK WHOS RUNNING SI 96 ($52,176), SPECIAL ANYWHERE SI 103 ($40,762; dam of SPECIALS GOLD SI 110, $197,112 [G3], SPECIALS JESS SI 108, $136,404, SPECIALS JAMIE SI 99, $116,172), Rieda Hay Worth SI 102 ($240,489 [G1]; dam of IM THAT RIGHT SI 97, Straw Dawg SI 91, $663,820; Miss Sadie Thompson SI 91, $40,970), JM Onfire SI 95 ($91,869 [G1]), Well Worth It SI 106 ($77,080), Interragator SI 99 (to 3, 2021, $23,167), Latte Lady SI 85. Copasetti Andretti (Dash For Cash). Unraced. Dam of GO YOU MUST SI 102 ($48,087 [G3]), granddam of DONT TEXT THAT SI 102 ($59,948), Sara Must SI 109 ($121,433, 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1]), Stole Away SI 94, Jimmy Eagle SI 98 (3 wins, $53,956). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 225 Flash Me The Price 225 March 25, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Flash Me The Price Tilted Moon SI 98 6059447 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 First Prize Mine SI 90 Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2015) { First Prize Joy SI 91 {Oak Tree Special SI 107 First Prize Dash SI 101 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam FIRST PRIZE MINE SI 90, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 2, $6,766. Sister to Jess My Joy SI 94. Her first foal arrived in 2020. 2nd dam FIRST PRIZE JOY SI 91, by Oak Tree Special. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Sister to First Prize Timber SI 102. Dam of 18 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– JESS CURL MY PRIZE SI 104 (f. by Spit Curl Jess). 7 wins to 3, $118,100, Les Bois Juvenile Challenge, Knight Transp. Futurity-NTR, 300y in 0:15.467, Bitterroot Futurity [R], finalist in AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G2]. Dam of– JESS A SWEET SUPRIZE SI 101. 5 wins to 5, 2021, $46,540, QROOI Sprint Series S., 2nd OROOI Sprint Series 3 S., OROOI Sprint Series 1 S. PYC FIRST PRIZE JOE SI 101 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins to 4, $91,523, Mile High Derby, 2nd Rocky Mountain Derby, Golden Driller S. Katch This Bird SI 95 (g. by One Famous Eagle). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $91,010, 2nd Rainbow Inv., finalist Ruidoso Derby [G1], Eastex S. [G2], B.F. Phillips, Jr. S. [R] [G3]. Jess My Joy SI 94 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $53,030, 2nd Governors S. Eagle Assault SI 96 (g. by One Famous Eagle). Winner at 2, 2021, $5,920, 3rd Crush The Curve Futurity. Enjoy My Prize SI 93 (g. by Spit Curl Jess). 4 wins to 4, $48,806. Shondas Eagle SI 90 (f. by One Famous Eagle). 2 wins to 4, $41,893. 3rd dam FIRST PRIZE DASH SI 101, by Dash for Cash. AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year, 5 wins to 3, $77,465, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [R] [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Sister to FIRST DOWN DASH SI 105 (World Champion, $857,256 [G1]). Dam of 36 foals to race, 30 ROM– FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 3, $488,270, Remington Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Derby [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], Sunland Park Winter Derby [G3]. Dam of FIRST PRIZE SHAUNDA SI 104 ($144,982 [G3]). FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Remington Derby [G2], qualified to Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101 ($550,105, Rainbow Fut. [G1]), CORONADO CARTEL SI 98 ($416,178), DENVER PASS SI 96 ($120,994); granddam of AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 (to 3, 2021, $643,043 [G2]). FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $295,147, Remington Futurity [G1], finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Dam of SS CALENDAR GIRL SI 97 ($88,915 [G3]); granddam of EC REVENGE SI 93 ($200,164 [G2]). FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Dam of FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 ($192,875 [G1]-NWR), granddam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,689 [G3]), DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]), CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 226 Would Be You 226 February 13, 2020 Bay Filly First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Would Be You Dashin Sandy SI 107 6018025 Stel Corona SI 105 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Wish You Had One To SI 101 Our Lips Are Sealed (2009) { Devons Wish SI 91 {Devon Lane TB Kiptys Wish SI 102 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam Wish You Had One To SI 101, by Stel Corona. 3 wins to 3, $118,521, 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], qualified to New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (two 2- year-olds), 7 to race, 5 winners, 7 ROM– Jess Tequila Talkin SI 93 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $87,579, 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Burn One Down for Me SI 109 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $59,356, 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Jess One Wish SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $24,912. 2nd dam DEVONS WISH SI 91, by Devon Lane TB. Winner at 2, $8,691. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (f. by Man On the Move). 3 wins at 2, $174,146, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Dam of– CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98. 9 wins to 5, 2021, $465,158, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Junos Request S. [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Easy Date S., 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Pitre GMC Distaff S., New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2]. RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106. 8 wins to 4, 2020, $410,081, Zia Champ. S. [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], Dona Ana County H. [R], 2nd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Corona Divina SI 84. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. Wish You Had One To SI 101 (f. by Stel Corona). Stakes placed winner, above. Stel a Wish SI 88 (g. by Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $39,475, finalist [G3]. 3rd dam Kiptys Wish SI 102, by Kiptys Charger. 3 wins to 3, $31,291, 2nd Fiesta Derby, QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G2], Manor Derby [G3]. Half sister to Easy Grant SI 104 ($105,699 [G3]), Key To The Cash SI 93, Dashing Wish SI 98 (dam of ONE CORONA FOR ME SI 111, $113,509 [G3]). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KIPTYS FIRST DASH SI 102 (First Down Express). 7 wins to 4, $72,439, Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], Brotherly H., 3rd Malibu H., finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Wish for Fame SI 95 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $26,015, 3rd NM Spring Fling [R]. Kiptysside SI 93 (The Down Side). Winner to 3, $42,337, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent Hip No. 227 Name Pending 227 2020 Gelding Runaway Winner SI 104 Real Runaway SI 98 { Sign To Be A Runaway SI 103{ Dream So Real SI 96 Sign To Be A Lady SI 93 {The Signature SI 107 Name Pending Lady Juno SI 104 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Fly Ta Cartel SI 87 Corona Chick SI 113 (2004) { Fly Ta Me SI 99 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Kipta Lou My Darlin SI 96 By SIGN TO BE A RUNAWAY SI 103 (2003). 2 wins, $44,625, fnl in La Plata S. [G3]. Brother to LA TALEA SI 104. Sire of 22 ROM, incl. RIME CHIMES SI 103 (4 wins, $196,629, New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [RG1]), SAUL SI 96 (5 wins, $120,149, NM Breeders Fut. [RG2]), Major Alligator SI 90 (4 wins, $74,379, fnl Zia Fut. [RG1]), Big Runaway SI 96 (3 wins, $59,499), Mr Mo Runaway SI 102 (2 wins, $47,153, fnl NM Clsc Derby [RG2]), First Lluvia Runaway SI 87 (winner, $29,707, fnl Sunburst S. [RG3]), PJ Runaway Bunny SI 87 ($27,562, fnl [RG2]). 1st dam FLY TA CARTEL SI 87, by Corona Cartel. Winner at 2, $5,200. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 6 winners, 9 ROM– Call Him Country SI 82 (g. by Country Chicks Man). 2 wins to 7, $32,445, 3rd Fort Erie Futurity. Hey Wont You Play SI 98 (g. by Snowbound TB). 2 wins to 6, $13,168, 3rd Les Bois Distance Challenge R. Jimmy T Tees SI 108 (g. by Winners Version). 2 wins to 3, $20,709. Knows Best SI 81 (g. by Snowbound TB). Winner to 3, $15,889. Hover Board SI 81 (f. by Heza Motor Scooter). Winner to 3, $9,178. Dash Ta Fly SI 91 (g. by Tempting Dash). Winner to 3, $5,035. Babysharksharkshark SI 90 (f. by One Handsome Man). Placed at 2, 2021, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam FLY TA ME SI 99, by Strawfly Special. Winner at 2, $16,887, finalist in Golden State Derby [G1], California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 ROM– Toro Cartel SI 86 (f. by Corona Cartel). Placed at 2, $5,038. Perhaps Ill Fly (f. by Skirt Chasin Alibi). Unraced. Dam of– Corona of Aileen. Placed at 2. Dam of– Prinsesa de Oro SI 97. 3 wins to 6, $17,416. Coronahi SI 93. 3 wins to 5, $13,104. 3rd dam KIPTA LOU MY DARLIN SI 96, by Band of Azure. Winner at 2, $7,212, finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of 16 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– YAWLS DIVA SI 97 (Yawls Rabbit). 4 wins to 3, $59,732, J' N L Breeders Classic Futurity [R], 2nd Kansas Futurity [R] [G2]. In the First Place SI 102 (First Down Dash). 4 wins to 4, $32,916, 2nd Rheudasil H. [G3], 3rd Gridiron Gallop. Dam of– JLS Game Boy SI 99. 2 wins, $42,789, finalist in La Champions Day Derby [R] [G3]. Nudder Budder SI 95. 2 wins to 5, $17,117. First Filly to Fly SI 81. Winner to 3, $4,675. In Lou Of SI 97 (Sir Alibi). 3 wins to 8, $30,079, 3rd Calif. Breeders Marathon S. [R] [G3]. Clearnpresentdanger SI 83 (Sir Alibi). Winner to 4, $19,544, 3rd Gold Rush 870 Derby [G3]. My Darlin Embrujo SI 93 (Embrujo Fg). 2 wins to 5, $21,877, finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G2], Central Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of– My Lady Gaga SI 85. 2 wins to 4, $11,268. My Darlin Sir SI 100 (Sir Alibi). 3 wins to 4, $14,659. Second Down Darlin SI 95 (Second Down Kelly). 3 wins to 6, $12,695. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 228 Fyne N Dyne 228 February 11, 2020 Chestnut Filly Corona Cartel SI 97 Coronas Prospect SI 105 { Fine Oak Corona SI 99 { Fantastic Polly SI 94 Like A Fine Oak SI 106 {Oak Tree Special SI 107 Fyne N Dyne FB Kokopelli SI 102 6027981 Latest Version SI 109 {Holland Ease SI 109 Dye Version The Jubilee Diamond SI 102 (2010) { Catfights N Caviar {Invisible Injun SI 118 Strawsninelives By FINE OAK CORONA SI 99 (2013). 4 wins, $227,312, 2nd Ruidoso Fut. [G1], fnl in Rainbow Fut. [G1], West Texas Fut. [G2], West Texas Maturity [G2], Lovington S. [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of stakes winner CORONAS Prospect SI 105; sire of 7 stakes winners, PROSPECT TO THE TOP SI 106 (Champion twice, $992,670, Champ. at Sunland [G1]), SLEEPERS BEST CORONA SI 108 ($130,885, Miss Polly Classic [G3]), KISS A CORONA SI 108 ($128,077 [RG3]), DNA DALES PROSPECT SI 105.

1st dam DYE VERSION, by Latest Version. Placed at 2, $3,100. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– Shakemyseis SI 84 (f. by Tres Seis Nueve). Winner at 2, 2020, $13,350. Dye Nasty SI 91 (g. by Moon Dynasty). Winner to 3, $6,186. Flash Version SI 85 (g. by First Moonflash). Placed to 3, $6,487, finalist in Firecracker Futurity [G2].

2nd dam CATFIGHTS N CAVIAR, by Invisible Injun. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 1 winner– Unseen Version SI 90 (g. by Latest Version). 2 wins to 3, $32,369, finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2].

3rd dam STRAWSNINELIVES, by Strawfly Special. Unraced. Dam of no starters.

4th dam RONAS ROYAL ROCKET, by Ronas Ryon. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 ROM– Deans Royal Rocket SI 107 (Dean Miracle). Winner to 3, $7,918. Shake Rocket N Roll SI 87 (Beduinos Shake). Placed to 3, $5,866.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 229 Jess Toolin 229 April 9, 2020 Sorrel Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Jess Toolin Send Me First SI 97 6072789 First Prize Perry SI 102 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Nena O Toole SI 97 First Prize Dash SI 101 (2011) { Lassie O Toole SI 100 {Jody O Toole SI 106 Creole Secret SI 87 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam NENA O TOOLE SI 97, by First Prize Perry. Winner at 3, $9,747. Sister to LASSIES FIRST PRIZE SI 101. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race– Nenas GMC SI 92 (g. by Double Feature Jess). Placed to 3, $5,306. 2nd dam LASSIE O TOOLE SI 100, by Jody O Toole. 6 wins to 3, $156,770, Firecracker Derby [G3], East Derby Challenge [G3], Gentilly Dash S., 2nd Firecracker Futurity [G1], East Juvenile Challenge [G3], 3rd David A. Yount Mem. S., finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G1], AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G2]. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– LASSIES FIRST PRIZE SI 101 (f. by First Prize Perry). 5 wins to 3, ($48,931 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge, Clasico the Prize, 2nd Clasico Jodys Glory, 3rd Campeonato Nacional Dia Del Charro. Kiss My Lassie SI 109 (f. by Kiss My Hocks). 6 wins to 3, 2020, $76,830, 3rd Yellow Rose Of Texas S. [R]. Set NTR at Lone Star Park, 330y in 0:16.469. Dash for Stone SI 96 (g. by Tempting Dash). Winner to 3, $104,649, finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Fast Flash Gordon SI 99 (g. by Apollitical Jess). Winner to 5, 2021, $29,538, finalist in Prairie Meadows Champ. Challenge S. [G2]. 3rd dam CREOLE SECRET SI 87, by Creole Dancer TB. Winner at 2. Sister to Allies Dancer SI 97. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– LASSIE O TOOLE SI 100 (Jody O Toole). Stakes winner, above. Adelaides Secret SI 91 (Special Elan). 2 wins to 3, $17,306, 2nd Miss Houston S. [R]. Dashin Favorite SI 92 (Bigtime Favorite). 3 wins to 5, $37,458. Thats All Me SI 85 (Winning Rhythm). 4 wins to 6, $22,194. Agoutis Secret SI 91 (Agouti). 2 wins to 6, $21,533. Creole Winner SI 84 (First Prize Perry). Winner to 7, $7,978. Folk Singer SI 95 (Special Elan). 2 wins to 3, $5,988. Dam of– Shinedatfirstlight SI 104. 3 wins to 6, $16,724. Expectancy (Special Elan). Unraced. Dam of– LADY LEFT SI 92. Winner to 3, $16,686, Desert Classic Derby. Sweet Furrena SI 95. 3 wins to 6, 2020, $41,524. Expect to Dash SI 97. 3 wins to 4, $22,379. 4th dam SECRET SONG SI 99, by Vikingson TB. 3 wins at 3, $7,568. Dam of 10 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– Vail Mountain SI 102 (Panther Mountain). 3 wins to 4, $35,735, 3rd Longhorn Derby [G2], finalist in Retama Park Derby [G2], Manor Maturity [G3]. Allies Dancer SI 97 (Creole Dancer TB). 6 wins to 3, $24,979, 3rd Alamo QHBA Futurity, finalist in Kansas Derby [G1], Bandera Six Flags Futurity [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 230 Prince Of Fast 230 January 20, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Prince Of Fast Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6016045 Heza Fast Man SI 111 {The Signature SI 107 Fast Copy Miss SI 98 Fast Copy SI 103 (2004) { Miss Bully Bach SI 86 {Bully Bullion SI 104 A Special Smith By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam Fast Copy Miss SI 98, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins to 4, $78,450, 2nd Four Corners Futurity [G3], 3rd New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Sister to FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (f. by Woodbridge). 6 wins to 4, 2020, $391,011, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Daddys Copy SI 89 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $65,801, 2nd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Faster Version SI 102 (g. by Winners Version). 6 wins to 7, $146,212, finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Shes a Fighter SI 102 (f. by Fighter On Fire). 4 wins to 6, $78,840. Fast Copy Kat SI 96 (c. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 4, $53,624, finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Sire. Copy Me Fast SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $42,384. Copy My Daddy SI 93 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $36,657, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. My Marria SI 91 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $20,842. Smittin SI 92 (f. by Woodbridge). Winner at 2, 2021, $14,170. 2nd dam MISS BULLY BACH SI 86, by Bully Bullion. Winner at 3. Sister to BULLY BONDS SI 107 ($151,127), Wallstreet Darlin SI 101 ($47,671 [G3]; dam of SASSY CORONA SI 99, $125,609 [G3]; PYC CASH SI 106, $85,313), Miss Stocks N Bonds SI 97 (dam of AZOOM BABE SI 105, $61,496; Eye My Stocks SI 121, $107,472 [G3]; Miss Eye Stocks SI 93, $54,270; granddam of VALIANT ROGUE SI 107, $814,850, Rainbow Derby [G1]; CORONA RANGER SI 97, $256,449 [G3]); half sister to SASSY SMITH SI 99, $412,011 [G1]; JESS SASS ME SI 107, $110,503; granddam of JESS WALKING THRU SI 92, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $447,266; SASS ME BLUE SI 94, Champion Aged Mare, $296,378 [G1]; JESS BEING VALIANT SI 94, $191,735; SPEED DYNASTY SI 93, to 3, 2021, $177,872; FIRE AND SASS SI 93, $140,756 [G3]). Dam of 13 foals to race, 13 ROM– ANYWHERE BULLY SI 108 (g. by Make It Anywhere). 6 wins to 5, $123,871, O B Cockerell H. [G2]-NTR, Manuel Lujan H. [G3]-NTR, 2nd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G2], O.B. Cockerell H. [G3], 3rd Mr Jet Moore H. [G3]. FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110 (g. by Heza Fast Man). 4 wins to 3, $44,852, AQRA- Turf Paradise Futurity [G3], 3rd Yavapai Derby [G3]. Fast Copy Miss SI 98 (f. by Heza Fast Man). Stakes placed winner, above. Jericho Kid SI 91 (Teller Cartel). Winner to 5, $22,648, 3rd Los Alamitos Derby Challenge. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by TNL Farm, Inc., Agent Hip No. 231 Rover Move Over 231 February 1, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash The Down Side { Man On The Move SI 94 { RR Le Mistral High Kickin Gal {Strawfly Special Rover Move Over Dasher On The Take X0743737 Roll Hennessy Roll {Hennessy Hennessey's House TB Roll Over Baby (2008) { Noble House {Copelan Lady Noble By MAN ON THE MOVE SI 94 (2006). 3 wins, $206,369, Zia Fut. [RG1]. Half brother to BLAZIN PERFECTION SI 101. Sire of 27 starters, 17 ROM, including GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (3 wins, $174,146, Zia Fut. [RG1]), W R Ace On The Move SI 89 (2 wins, $39,100, 3rd NM Breeders Fut. [RG3]), Move Over Rover SI 86 (winner, $29,213, 3rd Marathon S.), Dont Ever Slow Down SI 93 (2 wins, $44,663), Easy Moving Cat SI 92 (winner, $23,675), Krazy Girl SI 87 (winner, $17,746), Abbys Lil Pumkin SI 85 (2 wins, $16,646). 1st dam HENNESSEY'S HOUSE TB, by Roll Hennessy Roll. 2 wins at 3, $19,434. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 1 to race– Move Over Rover SI 86 (g. by Man On the Move). Winner to 4, 2020, $29,213, 3rd Marathon S. 2nd dam NOBLE HOUSE, by Copelan. Winner at 3, $36,620. Sister to Grand Betty. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners– CARSON HOUSE TB (f. by Lord Carson). 2 wins to 3, $56,363, La Fiesta H. NET FORCE TB (g. by Unbridled's Song). 3 wins to 4, $49,926, Tres Rios Juvenile S., 3rd SunRay Park and Casino S. [N]. Lennon TB (g. by Mr. Greeley). 4 wins to 5, $78,145. 3rd dam LADY NOBLE, by His Majesty. Winner at 3, $46,880. Half sister to LOW TOLERANCE ($353,995 [G3]). Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners– FAMILY ENTERPRIZE TB (Tri Jet). 7 wins to 5, $334,578, Spinaway S., [G1], Heather H. [L], Candy Eclair S., 2nd Sorority S., [G3], Personal Ensign S. [L], 3rd Matron S., [G1], Monmouth County S. Dam of– SILVER BIRD TB. 4 wins to 4, $539,329, Glorious Song S. [L], 2nd Selene S., [G2], Duchess S., [G3], Seaway S., [G3], Whimsical S. [L], Princess Elizabeth S. [R], Fury S. [R], 3rd George C. Hendrie H., [G3], Regret S. [L]. Dam of Lynx ($272,086). Glorious Again TB. 4 wins to 5, $107,178, 2nd New Year's Eve S. [L]. Dam of– Glorious Rebecca TB SI 97. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $68,860, winner in 1 start at 4, $4,515. Enterprizing Cat TB. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Venture Capital TB. 11 wins to 10, $189,629. Commandperformance TB (Naskra). 3 wins to 7, $87,677, 3rd Longacres Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L], Independence Day H. Sire. Grand Betty TB (Copelan). 4 wins to 4, $83,785, 2nd Hibiscus S. Dam of– POSITIVE ENERGY TB. 5 wins to 3, $138,617, Captive Miss S., 2nd Reeve Schley, Jr. S., [G3]. Set NCR at Monmouth Park, about 1 mile in 1:36.09. Dam of– Fantasy of Flight TB. 3 wins to 6, $343,656, 2nd Vagrancy H., [G2], Hurricane Bertie S., [G3], Bed o' Roses H., [G3], Dogwood S., [G3], Interborough S. [L], etc. Shaler TB. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $119,094. Betty's Star TB. 4 wins to 4, $168,470, 2nd Colleen S. [L], Little Silver S., Egret S., Roamin Rachel S., 3rd Sorority S., [G3], West Long Branch S. [L]. Dam of– CHEROKEE JEWEL TB. 5 wins to 4, $190,685, Classy Mirage S. [R], Capote Belle S. [R], 3rd Regret S. [L], Klassy Briefcase S. Dam of BAYERD ($663,836). Limited Entry TB. Winner to 3, $61,370, 2nd Fashion S. [L]. Betty's Courage TB. Unraced. Dam of FISCAL POLICY ($73,353). Crown Jewels TB (Exceller). Unplaced. Dam of Royal Command. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith Hip No. 232 Jhett Eye 232 March 12, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Jhett Eye Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055905 Dean Miracle SI 104 {Streakin Six SI 104 Maggies Miracle LX SI 103 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2001) { Miss Bunny Bullion SI 99 {Bully Bullion SI 104 Ritzy Wrangler SI 88 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam MAGGIES MIRACLE LX SI 103, by Dean Miracle. 2 wins to 3, $30,457, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– PERCYJONES SI 108 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 5, $369,133, Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], By By JJ S. [R], finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2] twice. DATONA DOLL SI 98 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 3, $193,941, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Dam of– HOLLYN BOOTIE SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2021, $163,918, Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Tricks My Pick SI 112 (g. by Favorite Trick TB). 5 wins to 6, $111,731, 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2]. Hy Ho Harvey SI 95 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $56,178, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. First to Moon You SI 102 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $59,409. J Gatsby SI 94 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $39,527, finalist NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Jess by a Nose SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $33,560. Julia James (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of– FAMOUS JULIA SI 113 (f. by Dash for Famous). 7 wins to 5, 2020, $98,141, New Mexico Classic Distaff S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G3]. 2nd dam MISS BUNNY BULLION SI 99, by Bully Bullion. 5 wins to 6, $30,640, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners– Vicious Bunny SI 92 (g. by Dash by for Randy). 2 wins to 3, $6,212. 3rd dam RITZY WRANGLER SI 88, by Rocket Wrangler. Winner at 2. Sister to Montana Del Rey SI 94. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners– Sassy Rich SI 88 (Bully Bullion). 2 wins to 3, $6,633. 4th dam MISS MOON BUNNY SI 90, by Top Moon. Winner at 3. Sister to Grand Moon SI 101. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– Montana Del Rey SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins to 4, $37,362, 3rd Sun Country Futurity [G1]. Rocky Rich SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 5 wins to 3, $31,777, finalist West Texas Fut. [G2]. Moon Bunnys Flame SI 103 (Flaming Jet). 4 wins to 4, $21,951. Swayce Brown SI 97 (Pie in the Sky). Placed to 3, $6,949. Dam of CAT B QUICK SI 98 ($63,779), KAYLE BROWN SI 100 ($35,262). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 233 Guns 233 March 24, 2020 Brown Colt Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Guns Shes My Tea SI 92 6055019 PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97 PYC Run N Gun Dashin Follies (2012) { Queen Of Shakem SI 89 {Royal Shake Em SI 104 Lindys Bouquet SI 84 By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92. 1st dam PYC RUN N GUN, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 2 to race– Shoshone Moon SI 89 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, 2020, $13,734. 2nd dam QUEEN OF SHAKEM SI 89, by Royal Shake Em. Placed to 3, $8,910, finalist in Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 ROM– Shaker Mountain SI 87 (c. by Panther Mountain). Winner at 2, $12,204. 3rd dam LINDYS BOUQUET SI 84, by Fast Lindy. Winner at 2, $4,363. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– GONE TO THE MOUNTAIN SI 115 (Panther Mountain). Champion Distance Horse, Champion Aged Stallion. 13 wins to 5, $458,837, AQHA Distance Challenge Champ. [G1], Hobbs America Futurity [G2], New Mexico Distance Challenge [G3]- NWR, 870y in 0:43.029, Herman Jefferson S. [G3], Sunland Distance Challenge [G3], Master Salls H. twice, 2nd Oklahoma Distance Challenge. Sire. Lindys Streakin Star SI 95 (Streakin Sixes). 2 wins to 4, $8,673. Dam of– GONE TO BE PRINCESS SI 96. 8 wins to 7, 2020, $85,023, Lone Star 870 Battle Of The Breeds S. Jess Try N Catch Me SI 81 (Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $17,594. Lindys First Moon SI 91 (First Moonflash). 3 wins to 3, $13,680. Easily a Gol SI 90 (Gol). 2 wins to 3, $9,576. Dam of– Dashin Bye Beauty SI 86. 2 wins to 4, $20,666. 4th dam PRIDES BOUQUET SI 88, by Easily Smashed. Winner at 2. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– BOBBYS ROYAL CROWN SI 93 (Royal Shake Em). 3 wins to 4, ($23,300 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Cashem Streaker, 2nd Futurity Mexicano, 3rd Mexico Juvenile Challenge [G3], finalist in Clasico Easily a Possum [G3]. Dashs Reckless SI 98 (Reckless Dash). 4 wins to 8, $24,304. Otooles Pride SI 86 (Jody O Toole). Winner to 4, $7,575, finalist in Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]. Prides Cheqita SI 84 (Royal Shake Em). Winner at 2. Dam of– Triple My Vodka SI 92. 2 wins to 4, $10,522. Cheqita Bandita SI 84. Winner to 3. Prides Shaker SI 83 (Royal Shake Em). Winner at 2. Prides Moneymaker (Reckless Dash). Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of– Little Bit of Snow SI 90. Placed to 4, $8,866. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 234 Lil Bit Flashy 234 March 6, 2020 Brown Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Lil Bit Flashy Tilted Moon SI 98 6073612 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Little Reba Corona SI 91 Corona Chick SI 113 (2012) { Dashing Little Reba SI 101 {First Down Dash SI 105 Remarkable Reba SI 102 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam LITTLE REBA CORONA SI 91, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins to 3, $37,253. Sister to REBA REBA CORONA SI 109, REBAS CORONA SI 110, Load Your Guns SI 110. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 3 to race– My Little Corona SI 81 (g. by First Moonflash). Placed to 3, $3,376. Apolitical Corona (f. by Apollitical Blood). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2021. 2nd dam DASHING LITTLE REBA SI 101, by First Down Dash. 4 wins to 3, $144,442, Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R][G3], 3rd West Texas Derby [G2]. finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Half sister to ARRIBA REBA SI 109 ($63,901; granddam of VIVA LE DON SI 108, $363,286), Bad Boy Willy SI 109 ($71,614 [G2]), Rebas Feature SI 85 (dam of BOI GEORGE SI 93, $188,261 [G2]). Out of REMARKABLE REBA SI 102 ($72,131). Dam of 19 foals to race, 12 winners, 16 ROM– REBA REBA CORONA SI 109 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $126,888, Evangeline Downs Futurity, 2nd Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]. I AZOOMED YOU KNEW SI 91 (g. by Azoom). 4 wins to 5, $117,212, West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in All American Gold Cup [G1]. A REMARKABLE PERRY SI 102 (c. by Mr Piloto). 5 wins to 5, ($70,639 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Champ. Challenge, Clasico Jodys Glory, Clasico Javier Rosique Palavicini, 2nd Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M. 3rd Merced Gomez Orozco S. REBAS CORONA SI 110 (f. by Corona Cartel). $43,967: 3 wins to 3, ($31,967 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Derby Challenge, Derby Mexicano-NTR, 2nd Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M. [R]. $12,000, in U.S. finalist Derby Challenge Champ. [G1]. Load Your Guns SI 110 (g. by Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 8, $162,512, 2nd Mr. Jet Moore S. [R][G3], Boyd Morris Mem. H. [R], finalist in Keokuk S. [G3]. Zoomdasher SI 105 (f. by Azoom). 3 wins to 5, $117,583, 3rd Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], Turf Paradise Champ. Challenge. Dam of– One Sweet Dasher SI 88. Placed at 2, $10,189, 2nd AQRA President's Fall Fut. Zoomin Fool SI 100. Winner to 6, $103,655, 2nd PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1]. Taint Your Wagon SI 92 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Placed to 3, ($11,896 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge, 3rd Futurity Mexicano. Sire. Little Rebas Corona SI 102 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 4, $49,606, finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Dam of– FAMOUS LITTLE REBA SI 94. 3 wins to 3, $194,587, Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Rebas Corona Eagle SI 89. Winner to 3, $19,593, 3rd Lone Star Distaff Chlg. Teller Reba SI 96 (f. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $13,236. Dam of– Last Unicorn SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $14,795, 3rd Alberta Bred Derby S. [R], finalist in Alberta Bred Futurity [R] [G3]. Rebel Cartel SI 93 (Corona Cartel). Winner to 5, $33,489, finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Dashing Littlecartel SI 109 (g. by Teller Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $27,146, finalist [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 235 Styme 235 January 23, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Styme Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6016044 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Miss Totts Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2013) { Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MISS TOTTS, by Mr Jess Perry. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 3 ROM– Hotty Tottie SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed to 3, 2021, $6,647. Antinori SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed at 2, 2021, $6,355, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 24 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of ASTICA SI 110 (Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, $411,623 [R] [G1]), BIGG DADDY SI 98 ($753,768 [R] [G1]), Swiss White Wine SI 97 ($75,155 [G3]), Tuscan Redd SI 96 ($54,980 [R] [G1]), White Russsian SI 91 ($35,031). Granddam of DONELLI SI 96 ($420,604 [R] [G3]), Valiant Astica SI 99 ($2195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks), Fanncee SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $102,359 [R] [G3]). KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, 440y in 0:20.733, West Texas Derby [G3], Sunland Express H. [G3] twice, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G2], Northwest Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. JESSE LANE SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], All American Juvenile S., 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA-Turf Paradise Futurity. Dam of Looke At Me SI 93. Two Wines SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $108,904, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico [F] Champ. [R] [G1]. Conn Creek SI 98 (c by Dash Ta Fame) 3 wins to 3, $54,505, 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Marilyn Merlot SI 91 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of WINNING MERLOT SI 96 ($120,602 [R] [G2]), Marilyn Wins SI 88 ($79,568 [R] [G3]). Ella Sophia SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $29,285. Dam of SISTER SOPHIA SI 93 ($141,484). Champagne Perry (Mr Jess Perry). Dam of CHAMPAGNE ROOM SI 92 ($120,711 [R] [G2]). Chill It SI 89 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 3, $64,550. Martin Ray SI 98 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 6 wins to 6, $63,748. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 236 GRS Wood B Streak 236 April 4, 2020 Sorrel Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 GRS Wood B Streak Dashin Sandy SI 107 6069932 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Streak Of Sixes SI 102 Tempered Glass SI 101 (2008) { Perfect Sevens SI 94 {Major Rime SI 104 Seven Fortunes SI 94 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam STREAK OF SIXES SI 102, by Sixes Royal. 7 wins in 11 starts at 2, $480,445, New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR, 300y in 0:14.994, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], Mountain Top Futurity [R], 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Sister to Runin Sixes SI 92. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 8 to race, 6 winners– APPOLITICAL STREAK SI 96 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 3 wins to 3, $85,844, Texas Classic Juvenile Inv., finalist in Rainbow Derby [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Streaks Featured TF SI 89 (g. by TF Featured Effort). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $50,826, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3]. Streaks Famous Eagle SI 87 (g. by One Famous Eagle). 2 wins to 4, $29,450. Tempting Streak SI 92 (f. by Tempting Dash). Winner to 4, $18,351. Apollitical J Streak SI 82 (c. by Apollitical Jess). Winner at 2, 2021, $13,198. 2nd dam PERFECT SEVENS SI 94, by Major Rime. 2 wins to 3, $27,001, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to Eight Fortunes SI 104. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners– STREAK OF SIXES SI 102 (f. by Sixes Royal). Stakes winner, above. SEVEN CORONAS SI 98 (f. by Corona Caliente). 2 wins to 3, $69,307, New Mexican Spring Fling R, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G10. Dam of– Regard the Sevens SI 88. Winner to 3, $98,282, 2nd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Sic Em Sixes SI 92. 6 wins to 4, $94,751, 2nd By By JJ S. [R], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Derby [R] [G2]. He Be Flashy SI 92. Winner to 3, $94,290, 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Dark Moonflash SI 94. 2 wins to 4, $60,311, 2nd New Mexico Clsc. Derby [R] [G2]. Caliente Colt SI 98 (g. by Corona Caliente). 8 wins to 5, $181,677, 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Classic Champ. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. Runin Sixes SI 92 (f. by Sixes Royal). 3 wins to 4, $173,152, 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R], 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Fut. [R] [G2]. Bet the Sixes SI 94 (f. by Sixes Royal). 2 wins to 7, $46,622, finalist in Sunburst S. [R] [G3], New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Sixes Over Sevens SI 99 (g. by Sixes Royal). 2 wins to 5, $44,169, finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. 3rd dam SEVEN FORTUNES SI 94, by Six Fortunes. 3 wins, 2 to 5, $6,469. Dam of 5 winners– Eight Fortunes SI 104 (Major Rime). 9 wins to 11, $116,355, 2nd Senor Futurity [R] [G3], Hard Twist S. [R] [G3]. Whatsthislifefor SI 95 (Woodbridge). 3 wins to 6, $56,751, 3rd NM Spring Fling [R]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 237 Name Pending 237 March 26, 2020 Sorrel Colt Strawfly Special SI 97 Desirio SI 116 { El Damazo SI 99 { Lady Tenaya SI 105 Invisible Streaker SI 88 {Invisible Injun SI 118 Name Pending Some Streaker SI 81 Tres Seis SI 97 {Sixarun SI 106 Seis Me SI 91 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2013) { Cash For Kas SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Fleur De Coup SI 96 By EL DAMAZO SI 99 (2012). 5 wins, $157,801, 2nd West Texas Fut. [G2], West Texas Derby [G3], Animas S., 3rd Hobbs America Derby [G3]. Sire of Damazo Bay SI 87 (winner, $30,304, fnl NM Breeders Fut. [RG3]). Son of stakes winner DESIRIO SI 116; sire of 14 stakes winners, PJ CHICK IN BLACK SI 101 (Champion, $652,081, Ruidoso Fut. [G1]), DENIRO SI 103 ($511,661, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]), CB COME FLY WITH ME SI 99 ($225,618), SR SHAMBLES SI 102 ($168,987), DESPAIN GL SI 92 ($161,206). 1st dam Seis Me SI 91, by Tres Seis. Winner at 2, $31,358, 2nd Turf Paradise Juvenile Challenge, finalist in Hobbs America Futurity [G2], AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. S. [G2], Hobbs America Derby [G3]. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, no starters. 2nd dam CASH FOR KAS SI 104, by First Down Dash. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 5 wins to 3, $589,491, Champion of Champions [G1], Denim N Diamonds H. [R], 2nd All American Derby [G1], Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3], 3rd Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], finalist in The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], Las Damas H. [G2] twice, Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3]. Sister to MARLIN BAY SI 109. Dam of 12 foals to race, 5 winners, 9 ROM– Seis Me SI 91 (f. by Tres Seis). Stakes placed winner, above. Corona Kash SI 90 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $18,455. Dam of– Valiant Kash SI 96. 2 wins to 4, 2020, $21,000. 3rd dam Fleur de Coup SI 96, by Coup de Kas TB. 2 wins at 3, $9,402, 3rd Woody Lawlis Classic S., Suwannee Belle S. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners, 12 ROM– CASH FOR KAS SI 104 (First Down Dash). Champion, above. STREAKIN KAS SI 107 (Streakin Six). 13 wins to 8, $140,468, Red River H., AQHA Distance Challenge 6, Mr Jet Moore S., Ruidoso 550 Champ., 2nd Texas Champ. Challenge [G2], World's Champ. Classic [G2], AQHA Distance Challenge 5, Master Salls H., 3rd Red River H., Dwayne S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1], AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1], All American Derby [G1]. MARLIN BAY SI 109 (First Down Dash). 6 wins to 6, $53,411, Rocky Heinzig Mem. S., 2nd Central Champ. Challenge [G2], finalist in Oklahoma Champ. Challenge [G1]. Memorize SI 104 (Leaving Memories). 3 wins to 7, $110,003, 2nd All American Gold Cup, 3rd B F Phillips H. [R], finalist in All American Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Bouquette (First Down Dash). Placed in 2 starts at 2. Dam of– BEAUS COUPE SI 108. 3 wins to 4, $32,464, All American Congress Futurity. 4th dam BARBARA MANDREL SI 101, by Go Dick Go. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $20,161, Florida QHA Derby, Southern Belle S., Lightfoot Sis H., 2nd Evangeline Downs 550 Champ., Valentine S. Dam of 10 foals to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM-- Fleur de Coup SI 96 (Coup de Kas TB). Stakes placed winner, above. Coup de Sue (Coup de Kas TB). Unraced. Dam of– BIG RED TEQUILA SI 104. 9 wins to 7, $101,947, Texas Assoc. S., Miss Polly Classic S., 2nd TQHA S., 3rd East Champ. Challenge [G2], Classic Chevrolet S. [R] [G3], TQHA Sires' Cup S. [R]. Set NTR at Louisiana Downs, 440y in 0:21.925. Grim Fandango SI 87. Winner to 3, $6,968. Dam of– HAD TO BE FANDANGO SI 98. 7 wins to 5, $150,512, Maple Leaf Derby, 2nd Alex Picov Mem. Champ., All Canadian Classic, Princess S., Derby. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 238 All Da Kings Men 238 February 12, 2020 Sorrel Gelding Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 All Da Kings Men Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6019898 Separatist SI 101 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Da Edge SI 102 Seperate Ways SI 92 (2004) { Deelish SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 Such An Easy Effort SI 111 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam DA EDGE SI 102, by Separatist. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $117,076, Lubbock S. [G2], finalist in Lovington H. [G2], California Derby Challenge [G3], Higheasterjet H. [G3], Mister Jet Moore H. [G3], Decketta H. [G3], California Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (one 2- year-old), 7 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– CLOSE TO CRAZY SI 98 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $100,585, Rita Danley Distaff S. [R], 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], etc. Da Licious SI 95 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 6, $33,812. Dam of– Baby Licious SI 99 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, 2020, $60,861, 2nd Harrah's Futurity [G3], 3rd Sam Houston Juvenile S. Big Edge SI 92 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $46,927, finalist in Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2]. 2nd dam DEELISH SI 102, by First Down Dash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare, 9 wins, 2 to 4, $603,673, Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Champion of Champions [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], California Breeders Matron S. [R], 3rd Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Dash For Cash Derby [G1]. Sister to Westin SI 96, Rios SI 108; half sister to FEARLESS FREDA SI 113 (AQHA Dam of Distinction). Out of SUCH AN EASY EFFORT SI 111 ($496,127 [G1]-NTR). Dam of 21 foals to race, 12 winners, 17 ROM– DEEHEIRESS SI 97 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 5, $127,058, Miss Princess H. [G3], Anaheim H., 2nd Las Damas H. [G2], 3rd Chicado V H., finalist [G1]. Dam of– ROLLICKIN RED SI 103. 10 wins to 7, $353,002, Challenger Six H. [R], New Mexico Horsemen's Assoc. H. [R], NMHA H. [R], Zia 870 Champ. [R], etc. Jess Eye SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $44,509, 2nd Animas S., finalist [G2]. Sire. Miss Woody Dee. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of BIGG DEE SI 101 ($109,680). CAPTAIN FORCE SI 94 (c. by Captain Courage). 4 wins to 3, $126,728, Black Gold 440 Champ. Futurity [R] [G3], Rocky Mountain Derby, 2nd Mile High Derby. DA EDGE SI 102 (f. by Separatist). Stakes winner, above. DECASH (APHA) SI 86 (Real Easy Cash [P]). APHA Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 2 wins, $19,524, Masterpiece Derby [G1]. Shalish SI 103 (f. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 4, $33,852. Dam of Hurricane Ocean SI 83. Dee Edge SI 93 (f. by Separatist). Winner to 3, $11,571. Granddam of Cady Shack Creek SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $24,014), Shacks Desire SI 90. Dashadee (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Dam of TF CAJUN CARTEL SI 102 ($303,624 [G2]), TF MS SPECIAL PERRY SI 97 ($116,625 [G2]), TF Runaway Dashin SI 95 (to 3, 2021, $199,022 [R] [G1]), TF Ms Perrys Runaway SI 98 ($81,426 [R] [G3]); granddam of TF IM THAT GUY SI 105 ($535,814 [G3]), NOT PERRY PRETTY SI 95 ($219,918 [G2]), TF JESS A LEADER SI 107 ($119,730). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mountain States Equine, Agent for Pair O Dice Ranch Hip No. 239 Eyem The King 239 April 4, 2020 Sorrel Colt Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eyem The King Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6076376 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 First Prize Down SI 82 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2015) { Coronas Fast Prize SI 110 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Fast First Prize SI 102 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam FIRST PRIZE DOWN SI 82, by First Down Dash. Placed at 3. This is her first foal. 2nd dam CORONAS FAST PRIZE SI 110, by Corona Cartel. 4 wins to 3, $45,572, finalist in Remington Futurity [G1], Jack Brooks S. [R] [G3]. Set NTR at Lone Star Park, 300y in 0:15.093. Dam of 17 foals to race, 7 winners, 10 ROM– My Fast Prize SI 97 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $235,045, 2nd All American Inv. S., 3rd Sam Houston S., finalist in All American Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Fast Prize Rumor SI 94 (g. by Hez Our Secret). 5 wins to 3, $88,398, 2nd Will Rogers Juvenile Challenge, 3rd Oklahoma Juvenile Inv., qualified to All American Derby [G1]. 3rd dam FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sister to HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 ($136,123 [G2]). Half sister to FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 ($488,270 [G1]), FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 ($415,047 [G1]; dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 101, $550,105 [G1]; CORONADO CARTEL SI 98, $416,178), FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 ($295,147), etc. Out of First Prize Dash SI 101 (Broodmare of the Year; AQHA Dam of Distinction). Dam of 24 foals to race, 24 ROM– FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 (f. by Shazoom). 3 wins at 2, $192,875, West Texas Futurity [G1]-NWR. Dam of JESS PRIZE ME SI 87 ($132,653 [G2]), TARISH SI 101 ($120,774); granddam of Kiss Fast Zoom SI 95 ($30,806). Fast Prize Doll SI 102 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $85,762, 3rd Harrah’s Fut. [G2]. Dam of FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), DOUBLE DOWN SI 95 ($73,738), FAST PRIZE ROBYN SI 94, Fast Prize Doll Too SI 98; granddam of JORDAN EAGLE SI 107 ($260,858), This Dolls Gone SI 83. Ms Fast First Prize SI 93 (f. by DMNV Mountable). Winner to 4, $77,738, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Fast Prize Country SI 101. 4 wins to 5, $50,414, 2nd Dastardly Desert Dash S. Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 (f. by Shazoom). Winner to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe Turner S. Dam of APOLLITICAL CHAD SI 97 ($930,730 [G1]), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), SPIT CURL TREY SI 101 ($63,366), Miss Fast Prize Tracy SI 99 ($75,355). Fast Prize Corona SI 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3. Dam of CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96 ($105,045 [G2]), FAST PRIZE TACITA SI 89 ($65,916), Spit Prize Corona SI 101 ($81,620), Fast Gold Prize SI 104 ($54,424), Chasin Mojo SI 87. Granddam of MR DILLARD SI 110 (to 3, 2021, $185,335). Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92. Dam of FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($339,259 [G3]), THE PRIZE FERRARI SI 98 (to 3, 2021, $47,321), THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 98 ($47,321), V Power SI 91 ($279,419 [R] [G2]), Ferrari GT SI 97 ($167,659 [G1]), Ferrari B SI 90 ($53,257 [G3]), Power Prize SI 96 ($49,492); granddam of LRH LA Woman SI 96 ($29,010). Fast Prize Angie SI 86. Placed. Dam of DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]). ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 240 Flashing That Bling 240 April 10, 2020 Brown Filly First To Flash SI 106 First Moonflash SI 122 { A Passion For Flashn SI 91 { Nagano Moon SI 82 Subtly Sixy SI 82 {Streakin Sixes SI 102 Flashing That Bling Subtly Aggressive 6061148 Voice Of Reason SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Gold Diggin Reason SI 93 Sweetest Sounds SI 95 (2007) { Sassy Gold Digger {Digging For Gold SI 101 Airborne Jet SI 83 By A PASSION FOR FLASHN SI 91 (2015). 6 wins, $282,976, NM Classic Cup Fut. [RG2], NMHBA Stakes [RG2], fnl in Zia Fut. [RG1], Southwest Juv. Champ. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], NM Classic Champ. [RG1], Mountain Top Fut. [RG3], NM Breeders S. [RG3]. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122; sire of 39 stakes winners, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491, All Amer. Fut). 1st dam GOLD DIGGIN REASON SI 93, by Voice of Reason. 2 wins to 3, $19,761, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 1 to race– Jess Diggin SI 85 (g. by Jess a Chicks). Placed to 5, $7,482, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G2]. 2nd dam SASSY GOLD DIGGER, by Digging for Gold. Unplaced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 winners-- Cimarron Dream SI 95 (f. by Mr Scudbuster). 3 wins to 4, $41,591, 3rd NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Gold Coronas SI 82 (g. by Lordly Way). 2 wins to 7, $45,822. 3rd dam AIRBORNE JET SI 83, by Jet Deck. Winner at 3. Dam of 16 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM– Dinasource SI 94 (Rimalito). 2 wins to 4, 3rd Santa Cruz County Derby. Tad Bit SI 91 (Three Oh's Wild). 5 wins to 5, $7,716. Lito Jet SI 97 (Rimalito). 7 wins to 8, $7,711. Justa Titch SI 93 (Three Oh's Wild). 4 wins to 8, $5,041. He Hota SI 94 (Jimmer Jr). 3 wins to 4, $3,985. Sire. Starborne Six SI 81 (Sixarun). Winner to 3, $3,924. Miss Turmoil SI 90 (Rimalito). 2 wins to 5. Jo Elly SI 91 (The Good Ship). Winner to 3. 4th dam NAUTICAL NAN SI 85, by Jackstraw TB. Placed at 2. Half sister to Miss Dream Chick SI 82. Dam of 13 foals to race, 4 winners, 3 ROM– Nautical Rocket SI 92 (Rocket Bar TB). 6 wins to 8, $11,841, 3rd Distance Series 1, Delta Distance Series 2. Lady Nautical Dial SI 81 (Little John Dial). 2 wins to 3. Dam of– Birthday for Her SI 92. 3 wins to 4, $29,974, 2nd Belle Starr S., 3rd Oklahoma Futurity [G2], finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G3], Shebester Derby [G3]. Dam of– MISS BIRTHDAY CAT SI 90. 3 wins to 5, $19,341, Manitoba Speed Horse Derby. Special Birthday SI 81. Winner to 3. This Is Her Game SI 96. 4 wins to 8, $18,322. Corona for Birthday SI 91. Winner to 3, $10,358. Mr Birthday Dash SI 91. 2 wins to 3, $6,808. Fly for Birthday SI 87. Winner to 4, $4,842. Three Ohs Dial SI 94. Winner to 3. Nazure Te (Azure Te TB). Winner to 4. Nautical Chick (Chicado Chick). Placed to 4. Hope to Float (Joyful Hope TB). Unraced. Dam of– Rabbits Hope SI 93. 3 wins to 5. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 241 Pop A Tott 241 February 26, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Pop A Tott Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033508 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Miss Totts Scoopie Fein SI 99 (2013) { Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam MISS TOTTS, by Mr Jess Perry. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 3 ROM– Hotty Tottie SI 85 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed to 3, 2021, $6,647. Antinori SI 93 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed at 2, 2021, $6,355, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 24 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1]. Dam of ASTICA SI 110 (Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, $411,623 [R] [G1]), BIGG DADDY SI 98 ($753,768 [R] [G1]), Swiss White Wine SI 97 ($75,155 [G3]), Tuscan Redd SI 96 ($54,980 [R] [G1]), White Russsian SI 91 ($35,031). Granddam of DONELLI SI 96 ($420,604 [R] [G3]), Valiant Astica SI 99 ($2195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks), Fanncee SI 101 (to 3, 2021, $102,359 [R] [G3]). KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1]-NWR, 440y in 0:20.733, West Texas Derby [G3], Sunland Express H. [G3] twice, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G2], Northwest Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. JESSE LANE SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], All American Juvenile S., 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. WILMON SI 98 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 4, $42,685, Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $33,221, AQRA-Turf Paradise Futurity. Dam of Looke At Me SI 93. Two Wines SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 3, $108,904, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico [F] Champ. [R] [G1]. Conn Creek SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $54,505, 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Marilyn Merlot SI 91 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of WINNING MERLOT SI 96 ($120,602 [R] [G2]), Marilyn Wins SI 88 ($79,568 [R] [G3]). Ella Sophia SI 92 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $29,285. Dam of SISTER SOPHIA SI 93 ($141,484). Champagne Perry (Mr Jess Perry). Dam of CHAMPAGNE ROOM SI 92 ($120,711 [R] [G2]). Chill It SI 89 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 3, $64,550. Martin Ray SI 98 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 6 wins to 6, $63,748. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by A & A Ranch, Agent Hip No. 242 Easy On The Eye 242 April 17, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Easy On The Eye Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6056949 Dean Miracle SI 104 {Streakin Six SI 104 Thirty Fourth Street Our Third Delight SI 97 (2004) { Dash For Davis SI 106 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Scouts Melody SI 94 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam THIRTY FOURTH STREET, by Dean Miracle. Winner in 1 start at 3, $8,280. Dam of 10 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 9 to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– TEANA FAY SI 95 (f. by Winners Version). 3 wins to 5, $176,597, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 2nd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], New Mexican Spring Fling Inv. [R], 3rd Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R], Dona Ana County S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. GIRL WITH A PLAN SI 107 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $160,624, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Fillies/Mares Champ. S. [R] [G3] MARY FOR MONEY SI 96 (f. by Metallic Lion). 3 wins to 4, $80,202, The Getaway S., finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of– Metalica SI 88 (f. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 4, $53,370, 3rd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Derby [R]. RUN POTION SI 86 (f. by TF Featured Effort). Winner at 2, 2020, $12,520, New Mexico Classic Juvenile S. [R]. Taking the Stage SI 103 (f. by Louisiana Senator). 5 wins to 5, 2021, $170,895, 2nd La Fiesta Futurity, finalist in Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], Higheasterjet S. [G2]. Krazy Good SI 94 (g. by Ketel Won). 2 wins to 5, $69,435, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Put Me On the Cover SI 111 (g. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 5, 2020, $54,192. Pennie Wize SI 91 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed at 2, 2021. 2nd dam DASH FOR DAVIS SI 106, by Dash Ta Fame. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $51,979, finalist in Sunland Fall Futurity [G2]. Set NTR at Albuquerque, 330y in 0:16.770. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners-- Forthe Chicks SI 94 (g. by Chicks a Blazin). 2 wins to 6, $39,233. 3rd dam Scouts Melody SI 94, by Scout Leader TB. 3 wins at 3, $22,114, 2nd Shue Fly S. [R], finalist in All American Sale Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– Queen of Corona SI 93 (Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $20,656, finalist in Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2], Mile High Derby [G2]. Dam of– Upside Down SI 90. 2 wins to 3, $18,449, finalist [R] [G3]. Dam of– TAG YUR IT SI 96. 6 wins to 6, $218,852, New Mexico Clsc Cup 870 Champ. [R], etc. Break the Spell SI 96. 3 wins to 5, $39,042. Queen Fa Tima SI 92. Winner to 3, $33,526, finalist in NM Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. 4th dam Melody's Boone SI 92, by Johnny Boone. 6 wins to 3, $35,708, 2nd Southwest Futurity, Zia H., New Mexico S., 3rd New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R]. Dam of 8 ROM– JUNIE BOONE SI 105 (Real Easy Jet). 10 wins to 4, $74,757, Ruidoso Sprint S., 2nd Val Verde Downs Maturity, Fall Fashion H., 3rd St Nicholas Express H. [G3]. Scouts Melody SI 94 (Scout Leader TB). Stakes placed winner, above. Easy Boone SI 95 (Easy Jet). 3 wins to 3, $13,473, 2nd AQRA Laddie S. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 243 Tres A Royalty 243 January 19, 2020 Chestnut Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Tres A Royalty Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6015740 Tres Seis SI 97 {Sixarun SI 106 Tres Of Alice SI 99 Our Third Delight SI 97 (2011) { Alice K White SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105 Champagne Lane SI 106 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam TRES OF ALICE SI 99, by Tres Seis. Winner at 2, $5,038. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 7 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– DONELLI SI 96 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 3, 2020, $420,604, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Derby [R], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], By By JJ S. [R], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Vietti SI 88 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $51,776, finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. James Gang Boss SI 86 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $24,472, finalist in Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2]. James Oliver SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 4, $24,370. Tawnie Port SI 95 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner to 4, $19,533. 2nd dam ALICE K WHITE SI 99, by First Down Dash. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 5 wins to 3, $276,837, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], 3rd Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1], finalist in Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1]. Dam of 25 foals to race, 14 winners, 20 ROM– ASTICA SI 110 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 9 wins to 4, $411,623, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash S. [R], Pelican S., R-NTR, 2nd New Mexico Fillies And Mares Champ. [R] [G1], etc. Dam of– Valiant Astica SI 99. 3 wins to 3, 2020, $195,957, 2nd Rainbow Oaks, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Fanncee SI 101. Winner to 3, 2021, $102,359, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R] [G3], Mountain Top NM Bred Derby [R], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. BIGG DADDY SI 98 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 7 wins to 4, $753,768, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd All American Futurity [G1], 3rd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. Swiss White Wine SI 97 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 5, $75,155, 3rd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G3], finalist in Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Lovington S. [G2]. Tuscan Redd SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $54,980, 3rd Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. White Russsian SI 91 (Swissle Stick TB). 3 wins to 6, $38,331, 2nd Four Corners Fut. 3rd dam CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106, by Lanes Leinster. 8 wins in 10 starts to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], Town Policy H. [G3], 3rd Silver Dollar Futurity [R] [G1]. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 30 foals to race, 22 winners, 25 ROM– ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion, above. KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 14 wins to 7, $409,244, New Mexico Champ. Chlg. [G1], New Mexico Champ. Challenge [G1] twice-NWR once, etc. JESSE LANE SI 98. 5 wins to 5, $304,123, New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. ZUCCARDI SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins at 2, $146,749, Mtn. Top Fut. [R] [G3]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 244 Name Pending 244 February 1, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Love A Royal Tempered Glass SI 101 (2015) { Zevis Lady Love SI 86 {Zevi TB Moon Lover SI 104 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LOVE A ROYAL, by Sixes Royal. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, an unstarted 2-year-old. 2nd dam ZEVIS LADY LOVE SI 86, by Zevi TB. Winner at 2. Sister to ZEE VEE LOVE SI 106 ( $48,248); out of MOON LOVER SI 104. Dam of 16 foals to race, 14 winners, 15 ROM– DUKE OF HOUSTON SI 122 (g. by Mr Houston). 7 wins to 4, $201,481, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.120, Real Runaway Overnight S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R], 3rd Down Side Overnight S. [R]. MR ROBERTO SI 100 (g. by Mr Houston). 4 wins to 6, $113,487, Zia 870 Champ. [R] [G3], 3rd Challenger Six H. [R] [G2], finalist in Special Hank H [G3]. SULTAN DE HOUSTON SI 108 (g. by Mr Houston). 9 wins to 5, $101,093, Cottonwood H., Hard Twist S. [R], 2nd Animas S., New Mexico Breeders' S. [R], NMHBA S. [R], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. S. [R], Manuel Lujan H. [R], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G3]. VGC Moon Walk SI 102 (c. by Walk Thru Fire). 2 wins to 5, $119,701, 2nd Hobbs America Futurity [G2], 3rd Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], West Texas Juvenile Inv., finalist in Sunland Park Winter Futurity [G2], Hobbs America Derby [G3]. Sire. Victor Andres SI 104 (g. by Mr Houston). 6 wins to 6, $111,601, 2nd John Augustine H. [R], 3rd Special Hank H. [G3], John Augustine S. [R]. Set NTR. Authorized Love SI 94 (f. by Dooley Authorized). 4 wins to 5, $23,800, 3rd Lou Wooten Inv. H. [R]. Dam of– MOONSTRUCK LOVE SI 96. 6 wins to 3, $159,728, Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], 3rd Mr Jess Perry Derby, finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2]. FLASH OF LOVE SI 91. 3 wins to 6, $158,007, Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. LOVE ME CALIENTE SI 97. 4 wins to 5, $120,827, New Mexican Spring Fling R, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2]. Hot Authorization SI 99. 4 wins to 7, $162,336, 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Dona Ana County S. [R], finalist in New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1] twice. Authorized Rime SI 112. 2 wins to 5, $45,068, 3rd Zia Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of– You Can Do It Regard SI 104. 4 wins to 5, $106,086, finalist [R] [G1]. Dash Lady Love SI 88 (f. by Dash Thru Traffic). 2 wins to 4, $13,940. Dam of– DASHIN GAGE SI 102. 7 wins to 5, $342,023, LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G1], Louisiana Champions Day Classic S. [R] [G2], John Alleman Mem. S. [R] [G3], etc. Dashformoomoo SI 91. 2 wins to 3, $35,647, finalist LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1]. Dam of– MR RANGE ROVER SI 103. 4 wins to 4, 2020, $118,124, Treme S. [R], finalist in Lee Berwick Mem. Louisiana Bred Futurity [R] [G1], LQHBA Laddie Futurity [R] [G2]. Fire Moon Lady SI 94 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $52,530, finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Houston Duchess SI 90 (f. by Mr Houston). Winner to 4, $4,979. Dam of– Dark Brook SI 99. 6 wins to 9, $145,092. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 245 Reef Ridge 245 February 3, 2020 Brown Gelding First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Reef Ridge Dashin Sandy SI 107 6018027 Heza Fast Man SI 111 {The Signature SI 107 Fast Copy Miss SI 98 Fast Copy SI 103 (2004) { Miss Bully Bach SI 86 {Bully Bullion SI 104 A Special Smith By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam Fast Copy Miss SI 98, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins to 4, $78,450, 2nd Four Corners Futurity [G3], 3rd New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]. Sister to FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 11 to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (f. by Woodbridge). 6 wins to 4, 2020, $391,011, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Daddys Copy SI 89 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $65,801, 2nd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Classic Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Faster Version SI 102 (g. by Winners Version). 6 wins to 7, $146,212, finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2], qualified to Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Shes a Fighter SI 102 (f. by Fighter On Fire). 4 wins to 6, $78,840. Fast Copy Kat SI 96 (c. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 4, $53,624, finalist in Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Sire. Copy Me Fast SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $42,384. Copy My Daddy SI 93 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $36,657, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. My Marria SI 91 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 3, 2020, $20,842. Smittin SI 92 (f. by Woodbridge). Winner at 2, 2021, $14,170. 2nd dam MISS BULLY BACH SI 86, by Bully Bullion. Winner at 3.Sister to BULLY BONDS SI 107 ($151,127), Wallstreet Darlin SI 101 ($47,671 [G3]; dam of SASSY CORONA SI 99, $125,609 [G3]; PYC CASH SI 106, $85,313), Miss Stocks N Bonds SI 97 (dam of AZOOM BABE SI 105, $61,496; Eye My Stocks SI 121, $107,472 [G3]; Miss Eye Stocks SI 93, $54,270; granddam of VALIANT ROGUE SI 107, $814,850, Rainbow Derby [G1]; CORONA RANGER SI 97, $256,449 [G3]); half sister to SASSY SMITH SI 99, $412,011 [G1]; JESS SASS ME SI 107, $110,503; granddam of JESS WALKING THRU SI 92, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $447,266; SASS ME BLUE SI 94, Champion Aged Mare, $296,378 [G1]; JESS BEING VALIANT SI 94, $191,735; SPEED DYNASTY SI 93, to 3, 2021, $177,872; FIRE AND SASS SI 93, $140,756 [G3]). Dam of 13 foals to race, 13 ROM– ANYWHERE BULLY SI 108 (g. by Make It Anywhere). 6 wins to 5, $123,871, O B Cockerell H. [G2]-NTR, Manuel Lujan H. [G3]-NTR, 2nd James Isaac Hobbs S. [G2], O.B. Cockerell H. [G3], 3rd Mr Jet Moore H. [G3]. FASTER THAN LIGHTNIN SI 110 (g. by Heza Fast Man). 4 wins to 3, $44,852, AQRA- Turf Paradise Futurity [G3], 3rd Yavapai Derby [G3]. Fast Copy Miss SI 98 (f. by Heza Fast Man). Stakes placed winner, above. Jericho Kid SI 91 (Teller Cartel). Winner, $22,648, 3rd Los Alamitos Derby Challenge. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 246 Prince Shasta 246 February 8, 2020 Gray Colt Dash For Cash SI 114 First Down Dash SI 105 { Bodacious Dash SI 101 { First Prize Rose SI 98 St Pats Tea SI 109 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Prince Shasta Shes My Tea SI 92 6017935 Sixes Royal SI 101 {Royal Quick Dash SI 101 Sparklin Royal SI 101 Tempered Glass SI 101 (2009) { Sparkling Ojos SI 96 {Celadon SI 101 Gail Baby TB By BODACIOUS DASH SI 101 (2008). 6 wins, $756,495, Texas Classic Fut. [G1], 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to ST PATS FIRST SI 108, NATIVE TEA ROSE SI 90. Sire of 110 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,083,648, including SKY BO DASH SI 103 (4 wins, $242,072, Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2]), SUENOS DINEROS SI 101 (3 wins, $157,123, West Texas Fut. S. [G2]), BOS TIME MACHINE SI 101 ($154,223, Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. [G1]), SHEZ BODACIOUS SI 92.

1st dam SPARKLIN ROYAL SI 101, by Sixes Royal. 4 wins at 2, $114,310, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], Pelican S. [R] [G3]. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Abijah SI 83 (g. by First Moonflash). Winner at 2, 2020, $7,243. Sparklin Eyes (f. by Tres Seis). Unraced. Dam of– Sparkling Ivory SI 82 (f. by Flare for Ivory). Winner at 2, 2021, $7,720.

2nd dam Sparkling Ojos SI 96, by Celadon. 2 wins at 3, $18,214, 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM– SPARKLIN ROYAL SI 101 (f. by Sixes Royal). Stakes winner, above. Jess a Sparks SI 88 (g. by Jess a Chicks). 3 wins to 4, $50,218, 3rd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2]. Makemyday Caliente SI 93 (g. by Corona Caliente). Winner at 2, $6,870.

3rd dam GAIL BABY TB, by Double Post. Winner at 3, $3,938. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners– Sparkling Ojos SI 96 (Celadon). Stakes placed winner, above. Spicy Pisces TB (Local Time). Winner to 6, $8,531, $995. Wild Aries TB (Wild Jose). Winner to 6, $4,214.

4th dam SHARAVOQUE TB, by New Round. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $22,849. Half sister to JAMMED PRINCE TB), JAMMED FLIGHT TB ($80,923). Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners– Shedrow Brat TB (Natomas). 3 wins to 5, $8,106. Imonit TB (Natomas). 2 wins to 4, $5,497.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 247 Sauvignon Smooth 247 January 29, 2020 Bay Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Sauvignon Smooth Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6016893 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 {First Down Dash SI 105 Tangled Vines SI 87 Sudden Fame SI 98 (2003) { Dashin Sandy SI 107 {Streakin Dash SI 98 Synchrocept SI 106 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam TANGLED VINES SI 87, by Dash Ta Fame. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $8,220. Sister to Sandys Fame SI 97, Famous Sandy SI 97. Dam of 26 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 24 to race, 16 winners, 17 ROM– REX HILL SI 108 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 5, $226,151, New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3], New Mexican Spring Fling R, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders Derby [R] [G3], Zoom Zoom Zoom S., Jimmy Drake S. [R], 3rd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Sire. LEGEND OF THE VINE SI 92 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $178,372, New Mexico State Fair Breeders Futurity [R], finalist in Zia Derby [R] [G2]. VINE MASTER SI 90 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins at 2, 2020, $70,866, Mountain Top Juvenile S. [R], 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Untangled Vines SI 104 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins to 7, $143,477, 2nd New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], 3rd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. Jameson Jr SI 103 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 4, $92,944, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Merryvale SI 96 (f. by Furyofthewind). Winner to 3, $48,590, 3rd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G1]. Frangellica SI 115 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 4 wins to 5, 2020, $72,633, finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3]. Koonunga Hill SI 93 (Jesse James Jr). 4 wins, $62,208, finalist NMSF Senor Fut. [R] [G3]. Kunde SI 87 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $27,458, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Daddys Masurati SI 90 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 4, $25,467, finalist [R] [G3]. Swiss Tango SI 87 (f. by Swissle Stick TB). 2 wins to 3, $25,414. Franngelico SI 92 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 5, $24,854, finalist Mtn Top Fut. [R] [G3]. 2nd dam DASHIN SANDY SI 107, by Streakin Dash. 6 wins to 4, $103,171, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G2]-NTR, finalist [G1]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 16 ROM– CHAMPAGNE LANE SI 106 (f. by Lanes Leinster). 8 wins to 3, $147,125, Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1], etc. Dam of ALICE K WHITE SI 99 (Champion, $276,837 [G1]), KENDALL JACKSON SI 114 ($409,244 [G1]), JESSE LANE SI 98 ($304,123 [R] [G2]), ZUCCARDI SI 99 ($146,749 [R] [G3]), WILMON SI 98 ($42,685), JESS ONE LOOKE SI 99 ($33,221), Two Wines SI 95 ($108,904), Conn Creek SI 98 ($54,505 [R] [G2]); granddam of ASTICA SI 110 (Champion, $411,623 [R] [G1]), BIGG DADDY SI 98 ($753,768 [R] [G1]), SISTER SOPHIA SI 93 ($150,662). Jess Sandy Jr SI 96 3 wins to 4, $68,653, 2nd Animas S., 3rd NM Brdrs S. [R] [G2]. Sandys Fame SI 97 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $32,012, 2nd Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of SANDYS JESSE SI 93 ($250,529 [R] [G2]); granddam of COLBY JAMES SI 112 ($400,495 [R] [G2]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104 ($292,122 [R] [G3]), JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99 ($289,078), SAMMY JAMES SI 93 ($156,915). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 248 Name Pending 248 February 1, 2020 Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Name Pending Send Me First SI 97 In Excessive Bull {In Excess (IRE) Excessive Victory TB She Aint No Bull (2006) { Victory Girl {Victory Gallop Usual Lies By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam EXCESSIVE VICTORY TB, by In Excessive Bull. 3 wins in 4 starts to 3, $102,928, LaSenora H. [R]. Dam of 1 thoroughbred and 4 quarter horse foals of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners– Jess Excessive SI 98 (g. by Jess A Chicks). 9 wins to 7, $105,351. Flash Of Victory SI 97 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 4, $20,681, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Victory Ro SI 86 (g. by Gonna Ro Sham Bo). 2 wins to 4, $18,287. 2nd dam VICTORY GIRL TB, by Victory Gallop. 3 wins at 3, $59,390. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners– EXCESSIVE VICTORY TB (f. by In Excessive Bull). Stakes winner, above. Zesty Salsa TB (f. by Dome). 3 wins to 4, $82,045, 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. Dome's Victory TB (f. by Dome). Winner at 2, $16,660. Dam of– DECK HUMOR TB. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $100,949, Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R]. 3rd dam Usual Lies TB, by World Appeal. 3 wins to 3, $62,600, 3rd Texas Open Futurity [R]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners– Quarter Moon TB (Tactical Cat). 6 wins to 5, $181,653, 3rd C.J. Hindley-Humboldt County Marathon Starter S. [N]. Titian TB (Value Plus). 6 wins to 7, $110,558. 4th dam MISS MISSISSIPPI TB, by Cormorant. Winner at 3, $12,482. Dam of 13 starters, 10 winners– DELTA WOLF TB (Wolf Power (SAF). 16 wins to 8, $400,343, AKsarben H. [L], Woodlands Juvenile S., Tulsa H., Beef State S., Beef State S., Beef State S., Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe H. [N], 2nd Best of the West H., etc. Sire. MISS WINESHINE TB (Wolf Power (SAF). Winner at 2, $189,080, Silver Spur S. [L], 2nd Adirondack S., [G2], Debutante S., [G3], 3rd Spinaway S., [G1]. Dam of– HAWK TB. 5 wins to 5, $591,750, Sham S., [G3], 2nd San Felipe S., [G2], Sunland Derby [G3], Illinois Derby [G3], Razorback H., [G3], 3rd Robert Lewis S., [G2]. Sire. MAYOR MARV TB. 5 wins to 8, $151,758, Turf Paradise Derby [L]. Quiet Shine TB. 2 wins to 3, $50,480. Dam of Johnny Cab (to 4, 2021, $125,960). Vindication People TB. Placed, in Italy. Dam of FREEDOM HOLDER (IRE) ($104,966). Mr Mississippi TB (Mr. Greeley). 3 wins to 5, $87,890, 2nd Paradise Creek S. Usual Lies TB (World Appeal). Stakes placed winner, above. Southern Ending TB (Ends Well). 3 wins to 4, $16,604, 3rd Bara Lass S. [R]. Mississippi Charm TB (Silver Charm). Placed in 2 starts at 3, $3,840. Dam of– Sea Raven TB. 5 wins to 6, $307,810, 2nd Swatara S. [L], Carl Hanford Mem. S. Smokem's Charm TB. 14 wins to 9, $287,083, 2nd Aspirant S. [R]. Bella Silver TB. Placed to 4, $15,458. Dam of AUNT BABE ($310,635). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by TNL Farm, Inc., Agent Hip No. 249 Whisky Road 249 April 8, 2020 Bay Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Dash Ta Fame SI 113 { Woodbridge { Sudden Fame SI 98 Champagne Lane SI 106 {Lanes Leinster SI 101 Whisky Road Dashin Sandy SI 107 6046465 Man On The Move SI 94 {The Down Side SI 107 Charger On Devon High Kickin Gal SI 85 (2013) { Devons Wish SI 91 {Devon Lane TB Kiptys Wish SI 102 By WOODBRIDGE (1999). Brother to KENDALL JACKSON SI 114, WILMON SI 98. Sire of 113 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $5,267,030, including MISTER RIPTIDE SI 99 (7 wins, $748,298, Zia Fut. [RG1]), WOODYS COPY CAT SI 102 (6 wins, $391,011, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), WOODYS GOLD SI 91 (3 wins, $344,394, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), CARSON CITY GIRL SI 106 (6 wins, $334,525, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODYS ALLSTAR SI 97 (3 wins, $180,766, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), WOODY DUNGAREES SI 105 (7 wins, $164,950, Pelican S. [RG3]). 1st dam CHARGER ON DEVON, by Man On the Move. Unraced. Sister to GIRLONTHEGO SI 96. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 2 to race– Heza Special Man SI 81 (c. by One Handsome Man). Winner to 3, $16,671. 2nd dam DEVONS WISH SI 91, by Devon Lane TB. Winner at 2, $8,691. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (f. by Man On the Move). 3 wins at 2, $174,146, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Dam of– CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98. 9 wins to 5, 2021, $465,158, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Junos Request S. [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Easy Date S., 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Pitre GMC Distaff S., New Mexico State Fair Derby [R]. RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106. 8 wins to 4, 2020, $410,081, Zia Champ. S. [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], Dona Ana County H. [R], 2nd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Wish You Had One To SI 101 (f. by Stel Corona). 3 wins to 5, $118,521, 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Dam of– Jess Tequila Talkin SI 93. 4 wins to 3, 2020, $87,579, 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Burn One Down for Me SI 109. 3 wins to 4, 2021, $59,356, 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Stel a Wish SI 88 (Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $39,475, finalist in Kindergarten Fut. [G3]. 3rd dam Kiptys Wish SI 102, by Kiptys Charger. 3 wins to 3, $31,291, 2nd Fiesta Derby, QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G2]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KIPTYS FIRST DASH SI 102 (First Down Express). 7 wins to 4, $72,439, Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], Brotherly H., 3rd Malibu H., finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Wish for Fame SI 95 (Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $26,015, 3rd NM Spring Fling [R]. 4th dam WISH GRANTED SI 86, by Cari County TB. 3 wins to 3, $3,346. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– Easy Grant SI 104 (Easy Request). 4 wins to 9, $105,699, 2nd Josie's Bar H. [G3], 3rd Los Alamitos Futurity [G1], Foster City H., finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1]. Kiptys Wish SI 102 (Kiptys Charger). Stakes placed winner, above. Key to the Cash SI 93 (Cash On Request). 3 wins to 4, $11,650, 2nd San Leandro H. Dashing Wish SI 98 (Reckless Dash). 7 wins to 5, $18,781. Dam of ONE CORONA FOR ME SI 111 ($113,509 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent for Richard Ford & Fred Sorenson Hip No. 250 Name Pending 250 April 2, 2020 Brown Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Takin On Spoon Man SI 109 {Takin On The Cash SI 109 Chick Merlot SI 83 Diamond Spoon SI 84 (2016) { Chicks Miraculous SI 94 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Lady Miraculous SI 107 By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners.

1st dam CHICK MERLOT SI 83, by Takin On Spoon Man. Unplaced. This is her first foal.

2nd dam CHICKS MIRACULOUS SI 94, by Chicks Beduino. Winner at 3, ($3,537 USA), in Mexico-- Take Me Lady (c. by Takin On Spoon Man). Winner in 1 start at 2, in Mexico.

3rd dam LADY MIRACULOUS SI 107, by Ought to Be First. $51,805: winner at 2, $23,179, in U.S., finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]; 3 wins to 3, ($28,626 USA), in Mexico, Derby Mexicano, 3rd Derby Subasta Selecta R. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– HIS EYE FLASHED SI 96 (Separatist). 2 wins at 2, ($28,096 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Jodys Glory, 2nd Campeonato Juvenil, Futurity Mexicano. Its a Miraculous SI 94 (Chicks Beduino). $26,213: winner at 4, in Mexico; 3 wins to 6, $22,847 in U.S. Remembering You SI 85 (Metallic Lion). Winner to 4, $18,104. Great Miracle SI 85 (Metallic Lion). 4 wins to 5, ($9,687 USA), in Mexico. Metallic Lady SI 90 (Metallic Lion). Placed to 3, $9,574. Dam of– Take a Miracle. Winner to 3, $6,318.

4th dam CRYSTAL FALLS SI 92, by Easy Jet. 2 wins to 3, $4,231. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM-- LADY MIRACULOUS SI 107 (Ought to Be First). Stakes winner, above. Heza Falls SI 93 (Heza Eye Opener). 3 wins to 3, ($13,011 USA), in Mexico, finalist in Futurity Subasta Selecta [R] [G3]. Falls Opener SI 95 (Heza Eye Opener). 4 wins to 4, ($9,658 USA), in Mexico. Special Falls SI 87 (Mr Special Wrangler). Winner to 3, in Mexico.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 251 My Heart Jess Runs 251 January 15, 2020 Brown Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 My Heart Jess Runs Send Me First SI 97 6028516 FDD Dynasty SI 102 {First Down Dash SI 105 Shes In My Heart SI 96 Dinastia Toll BRZ SI 97 (2011) { Fly Miss Corona SI 101 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Flying Nanny SI 103 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam SHES IN MY HEART SI 96, by FDD Dynasty. 3 wins at 3, $42,347, finalist in West Texas Derby [G3]. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 to race. 2nd dam Fly Miss Corona SI 101, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins to 3, $37,194, 2nd New Mexico Derby Challenge [G3], finalist in West Texas Derby [G2]. Sister to FLY CORONA CAT SI 107. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– FLY MISS CORONA JESS SI 95 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $46,335, Gopher State Futurity, finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. Corona Senator SI 96 (g. by Louisiana Senator). 8 wins to 8, 2021, $92,153. Dancer SI 94 (f. by One Dashing Eagle). 2 wins to 5, 2020, $37,430. Valley Fire SI 90 (c. by Walk Thru Fire). 2 wins to 6, $14,851, in U.S. 3rd dam Flying Nanny SI 103, by Strawfly Special. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $52,469, 2nd Black Gold Derby [R], finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G1], Oklahoma Derby [G1], Blue Ribbon Derby [G2], Manor Maturity [G3], Red Earth H. [G3]. Sister to FASTER FLYIN NANNY SI 98 ($52,500), FAST FLYIN NANNY SI 101 ($47,144). Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners, 10 ROM– FLY CORONA CAT SI 107 (Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 9, $145,977, Sam Houston Derby S. [G2], Hasta La Vista S., 2nd Lazy E Derby [R] [G2], Hasta La Vista S., 3rd Savannah Jr. S. [L]Curtis/Robert Kieckhefer Mem. S., finalist in Dash for Cash Derby [G1], Oklahoma Champ. Challenge [G1], West/Southwest Challenge Champ. [G2]. STREAKIN NANNY SI 106 (Streakin La Jolla). 5 wins to 4, $57,790, La Mariposa H. [G3], New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3]-NTR, 400y in 0:19.402, 2nd Button and Bows H., finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Fly Miss Corona SI 101 (Corona Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above. Hottesticketintown SI 85 (Jody O Toole). Winner to 3, $3,889. Dam of– DAMN STRAIT SI 109. 5 wins to 6, 2020, $199,082, Downs Casino S., 2nd Prairie Meadows Champ. Challenge S. [G2], Speedhorse Futurity [G3], Governor's S., Speedhorse Derby, Canterbury Champ. Challenge, finalist in Remington Champ. Chlg. [G2], Bob Moore S. [G2], Canterbury Champ. Chlg. S. [G3], Keokuk S. [G3]. Heisa Hot Ticket SI 94. 2 wins to 3, $78,208, 2nd Louisiana Juvenile S. [R], 3rd Louisiana Bred Laddie Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2]. Clickiticket SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $67,435, 2nd Louisiana Bred Lassie Futurity [R] [G2]. Hot Lady Returns SI 90. Winner to 3, 2021, $25,702, 3rd Sam Houston Juvenile Challenge [G3], Sam Houston Adequan Derby Challenge. Dash to the Toast SI 105. 6 wins to 5, $82,779. Prairie Fire (Mr Jess Perry). Placed at 2, $3,328. Dam of– DADDYS MOE SI 99. 2 wins to 3, $93,855, Jaguar Rocket Futurity [R]. FOOSE ON FIRE SI 105. 6 wins to 4, $76,956, Governor's S. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 252 Big Little Lies 252 February 20, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Big Little Lies Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6033509 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 Curlie Cue SI 92 First Prize Rose SI 98 (2009) { Girl In The Curl TB {In Excess (IRE) In The Curl By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam CURLIE CUE SI 92, by First Down Dash. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $54,758, Juno's Request H., 2nd Denim N Diamonds H. [R], 3rd Native Empress H., Stylish Jess BR H., finalist in Charger Bar H. [G2], qualified to Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G2]. Sister to GIRLRILLA SI 95. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 5 to race– AR DASHIN WAGGIN SI 96 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins at 2, 2020, ($22,040 USA), in Mexico, Alfredo Castro Rea S. Jess Right On Cue SI 89 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. 2nd dam GIRL IN THE CURL TB, by In Excess [IRE]. Unraced. Half sister to HARBOR BEACH SI 111 ($129,371 [R] [G3]), First Down N Surfin SI 97 ($290,681 [G1]), Igofast TB SI 97 ($143,043), Runaway Wave SI 105 (Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year; dam of OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105, Champion at 2 & 3, $1,642,498 [G1]; WAVE CARVER SI 104, World Champion, $1,005,946 [G1]; WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, $436,415 [G1]; TRISK SI 102, $254,223 [G1]; AQUAFINA SI 99, $188,336; LITTLE SURFER SI 104, $102,749, dam of UNCLE D SI 96, Champion, $689,165 [G1]; Sir Runaway Dash SI 97, $120,706 [G1]), Capitan Nuevo SI 95 ($56,539 [G2]), Curls Girl SI 93 ($54,066 [G2]). Dam of 37 foals to race, 14 winners– CURLIE CUE SI 92 (f. by First Down Dash). Stakes winner, above. GIRLRILLA SI 95 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 4, $27,219, Lone Star Distaff Challenge, finalist in Lovington S. [G2]. Eddies Curl TB (f. by Square Eddie). 2 wins to 3, $72,550, 2nd California Thoroughbred Breeders' Assoc. S. [R]. Devonairre TB (f. by Devon Lane). Winner to 3, $57,443, 3rd LaSenora H. [R]. Real Good Man SI 96 (g. by Fishers Dash). 2 wins to 5, $53,387, 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Tavarua SI 91 (f. by Stel Corona). 2 wins to 5, $27,460, 2nd California Breeders Freshman Fillies S. [R]. Foose Forte SI 96. Winner to 4, ($11,947 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Jodys Glory. Velvette (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins at 2, $14,054. Dam of– ONEMOREANDIAMGONE V SI 102. 4 wins to 3, 2021, $171,238, Dash For Cash Fut. [G2]. Three Six On Fire V SI 90. 2 wins to 3, $75,895, 3rd Kindergarten Futurity [G3]. Girl in the Lane TB (f. by Devon Lane). Winner to 3, $20,780. Dam of– Jess One Lane SI 88. 2 wins to 3, 2021, $18,808, 3rd MQHRA SSA Futurity [R]. Fast Devon TB SI 90 (g. by Devon Lane TB). 9 wins to 7, $137,433. Set NTR. Fire in the Curl (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Unraced. Dam of– Thirty Six Curls SI 92. 2 wins to 6, 2020, $79,142, 2nd PCQHRA Brdrs' Fut. [G2]. Kick It Papa Joe SI 91. 4 wins to 3, 2020, $32,812, 3rd A Ransom H. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 253 Frank Bama 253 March 27, 2020 Brown Colt Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Jumpn Chic SI 96 { A Classy Chick SI 89 Imjumpn SI 94 {First Down Dash SI 105 Frank Bama Jumping Tac Flash SI 106 6045677 Foose SI 102 {Stel Corona SI 105 Fooselage SI 93 Summertime Quickie SI 94 (2013) { Jess Brenda SI 88 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Brenda Feature SI 94 By JUMPN CHIC SI 96 (2003). 3 wins, $161,420, 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Farnam S., 3rd Los Alamitos Million Juv. Inv. [RG3]. Brother to JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96, JUMPN SI 98. Half-brother to HEADTURNER SI 101. Sire of 103 ROM, 9 stakes winners, $2,763,931, including TEE CHIC SI 104 (4 wins, $380,986, Oklahoma Fut. [G2]), A JORDON REED SI 103 ($233,535), WH STREAKIN PIE SI 98 ($168,454, Jaguar Rocket S. [R]), JUMPN STREAK SI 105 ($112,982), MY MOMENT OF FAME ($105,144). 1st dam FOOSELAGE SI 93, by Foose. Winner at 3, $12,344. Dam of 2 foals of racing age (one 2-year- old), no starters. 2nd dam JESS BRENDA SI 88, by Mr Jess Perry. Unplaced. Sister to FEATURE MR JESS SI 101. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Booyah Bay SI 96 (g. by Brookstone Bay). 6 wins to 6, $210,765, 2nd New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico ClassicChamp. [R] [G1] twice, Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1] 3 times, Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Bankie Bay SI 104 (f. by Brookstone Bay). 2 wins to 5, $99,963, 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2], 3rd Sunburst S. [R] [G3], Pelican S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies And Mares Champ. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2]. 3rd dam BRENDA FEATURE SI 94, by Truckle Feature. 3 wins at 2, $3,823. Out of BRENDA BEAUTY TB ($169,618). Dam of 22 foals to race, 14 winners, 19 ROM– FEATURE MR JESS SI 101 (Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 3, $539,327, Rainbow Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], 2nd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], 3rd Remington Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Sire. DISCIPLE SI 94 (Call Me Together). 5 wins to 8, $51,863, Yambilee S., finalist in MD Barns East Distance Challenge [G3]. Louisianafeature One SI 105 (Jess Louisiana Blue). 4 wins to 6, $135,898, 2nd King Rick Rack S. [G2], La Plata S. [G2], 3rd Herman Jefferson S. [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1], All American Gold Cup [G2]. Call Me Mr Feature SI 92 (Call Me Together). 3 wins to 6, $22,448, 3rd Woodlands S. Tell Brenda SI 102 (Teller Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $21,329, 2nd AQRA President's Open Spring Futurity, finalist in Yavapai Futurity [G3]. Dam of– Di Maria SI 104. 7 wins to 5, $113,780, 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G3]. Featuringmissjess SI 96 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 5, $27,192, finalist in Texas Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of– FEATURING FAST JESS SI 104. 7 wins to 6, 2021, $290,904, Develop A Plan S. [G3], Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R], Vinton S. [R], 2nd Open Me A Corona S. [R] [G2], Mardi Gras Derby [R], finalist in LQHBA Louisiana Million Futurity [R] [G1]. Tobrendawithlove SI 81 (Call Me Together). Placed at 2. Dam of– JESS LA JOLLA BLUE SI 103. 5 wins to 6, $49,797, Clasico Campeon de Campeones, 3rd Hipodromo Derby Challenge. With Jess Blue SI 95. 6 wins to 8, $103,986, 3rd Live Oak S. [R] [G3], finalist in Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3], Los Alamitos S. [G3]. Jess Snouping Around SI 95. 2 wins, $56,176, 2nd The Getaway S., 3rd Sailfish S. JF First Patriot SI 94. 3 wins to 7, $70,813. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 254 Sofi 254 April 4, 2020 Brown Filly Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Feature Mr Jess SI 101 { TF Featured Effort SI 99 { Brenda Feature SI 94 Meadow Creeks Effort SI 87 {Special Effort SI 104 Sofi Meadow Creek Dancer SI 96 6072539 Gonna Ro Sham Bo SI 95 {Real Runaway SI 98 Gonna Shampoo U SI 85 First By Far SI 95 (2010) { Diamond Chiquita SI 92 {Calligrapher Diamond Dashlette SI 95 By TF FEATURED EFFORT SI 99 (2009). 8 wins, $343,403, West Texas Mat. [G2], KOFX-FM H. [G2], West Texas Derby [G3], West Texas Mat. [G3], La Plata S. [G3], 3rd Lovington S. [G2]. Sire of 33 starters, 23 ROM, 17 winners, including RUN POTION SI 86 ($12,520, NM Classic Juv. [R]), Jess Featured Girl SI 92 (3 wins, $83,894, 2nd NMHBA S. [RG2]), Effortless Candy Cat SI 98 (2 wins, $54,501), Streaks Featured TF SI 89 (2 wins, $50,826, fnl NMSF Fut. [RG3]), DM Jessie Jane SI 96 (3 wins, $47,316), Lewandosky SI 92 (fnl [R][G2]). 1st dam GONNA SHAMPOO U SI 85, by Gonna Ro Sham Bo. Placed at 2 and 4, $8,003. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, 1 to race. 2nd dam DIAMOND CHIQUITA SI 92, by Calligrapher. 2 wins at 3, $32,536. Sister to HI BEAMER SI 105. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 ROM– Frosties Corona SI 95 (f. by Southern Corona). 3 wins to 3, $33,723. 3rd dam DIAMOND DASHLETTE SI 95, by Dash for Cash. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $22,923. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– SHAWNES DIAMOND SI 116 (Shawne Bug). 12 wins to 8, $258,205, Dash for Cash Derby [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1]-NTR, 400y in 0:19.540, Town Policy H. [G2], Z Wayne Griffin Director's S. [G3], 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Vessels Maturity [G1], Horsemen's QHRA Champ. [G1], California Challenge Champ. [G3], Shue Fly H. [G3], 3rd Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], All Star QH/TB Jockey 400 Challenge, finalist in Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], HI BEAMER SI 105 (Calligrapher). 2 wins to 5, $51,054, New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Sire. 4th dam PRINCESS ROZELLA SI 95, by Rocket Bar TB. 8 wins at 2, $33,506, PCQHRA Futurity, PCQHRA California Bred Futurity, Monita S., Central California Futurity, Jefferson QHA Futurity. Sister to BARLEO ROCKET SI 100 ($81,562.00), SULEO'S ROCKET SI 100 ($55,134), EL CHARRO ROCKET SI 95 ($5,331). Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners– Charging Tiny SI 86 (Tiny Charger). Winner to 3. Dam of– Cureall. 2 wins to 5, 3rd Sportswriters H. Tiny Sip SI 87. 5 wins to 4, $13,135. Dam of– NOSIP SI 93. 6 wins to 4, $14,037, Pocatello Downs Spring Futurity, Bonneville Futurity. Princess Buffy SI 85 (Top Bracket). 2 wins to 3. Dam of– Buff the Rock SI 90. 3 wins to 3, $5,543, 3rd Bluestem Downs Spring Futurity. Sire. Buffysbug SI 82. Placed to 4. Dam of– Kirks Bug Moon SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $20,674, 2nd CWF Wyoming Bred Derby [R]. Bede Bug Kirk SI 101. 3 wins to 3, $10,456, 2nd Cow Capital Turf Club Futurity. Bugs Joyful Hope SI 94. 5 wins to 3, $9,641, 2nd Wyoming Bred Futurity [R]. Passem Fare SI 85 (Pass 'Em Up TB). Winner to 3. Dam of– Scotts Buddy SI 98. 3 wins to 4, $19,290, 2nd Old South Futurity [G2]. Princess Zareta SI 85 (Tiny Charger). Winner to 3. Producer. Granddam of All Expenses Paid SI 95 ($21,537). Rozmoore Express (Mr Jet Moore). Unraced. Granddam of AZURES CASH SI 108 ($51,673 [G2]), DASHIN DYNO SI 99 ($32,283), Casady Cash SI 91 ($40,912), Cash In The Shorts SI 98. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 255 Dash Flash 255 January 29, 2020 Black Colt First Down Dash SI 105 First To Flash SI 106 { First Moonflash SI 122 { Marcy Darling SI 100 Nagano Moon SI 82 {Major Rime SI 104 Dash Flash Tilted Moon SI 98 6014627 Feature Mr Jess SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 PT Feature Dash SI 97 Brenda Feature SI 94 (2009) { Youcanhearmenow SI 98 {Fishers Dash SI 94 Sweet N Special SI 106 By FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122 (2005). Champion Aged Stallion, $969,828, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1]-NWR. Sire of 411 ROM, 39 stakes winners, $20,761,281, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718 [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491 [G1]), FOXY MOONFLASH SI 102 (Champion, $283,978 [RG1]), TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 ($1,065,692 [G1]), MAD ABOUT THE MOON SI 107 ($762,113 [RG2]), NO MIRES A LA LUNA SI 98 ($460,065 [RG2]), RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 ($410,081). 1st dam PT Feature Dash SI 97, by Feature Mr Jess. 2 wins at 3, $48,643, 3rd Future of Iowa S. [R], finalist in Iowa QHRA Fall Sale Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race, 3 winners– FANTASTIC FEATURE JR SI 104 (g. by Fantastic Corona Jr). 4 wins to 5, 2021, $170,000, Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Featured Secret SI 92 (f. by No Secrets Here). Winner to 3, $15,638. Meghans Feature Sign SI 99 (f. by Second Painted Sign). 3 wins to 3, 2020, $12,316. 2nd dam YOUCANHEARMENOW SI 98, by Fishers Dash. 4 wins to 3, $31,627, finalist in Central Derby Challenge [G3], Central Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners– PT Feature Dash SI 97 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). Stakes placed winner, above. 3rd dam SWEET N SPECIAL SI 106, by Special Effort. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 12 wins in 23 starts, 2 to 4, $209,103, Sunland Park Fall Derby [G3], Subasta Classic, 2nd Rainbow Derby [G1], Kansas Derby [G1], Buttons and Bows S., 3rd Rainbow Silver Cup [G1]. Out of SWEET KATRINA SI 99. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM– NOT FOR LONG SI 99 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 8, $154,048, Golden State Derby [G1], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G1]. Sweet as Cash SI 98 (Dash for Cash). 3 wins to 3, $21,625, finalist [G2]. Dam of– NONE AS EASY SI 111. 11 wins to 5, $264,007, Valley Junction Futurity [G2], Central Juvenile Challenge [G3], Central Distaff Challenge [G3], Miss Blackhawk S.-NTR, Miss Blackhawk S., Pony Express S., Woodlands Champ. H., 2nd Lazy E Futurity [R] [G2], Red Earth H., 3rd AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G1], etc. Dam of– BELIEVERS GATHERING SI 109. 8 wins to 6, $183,302, Iowa Double Gold Derby [R] [G3], Prairie Meadows Distaff Challenge, Charlie Claborn Mem. S., 2nd AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], etc. TAKE THE CUP SI 82. 4 wins at 2, $50,155, West Texas Juv. S., 3rd Rainbow Juv. S. Bringin the Gray SI 96. 4 wins to 5, $129,170, 2nd Fair Meadows Maturity, 3rd Mr Jet Moore S. [R] [G3], finalist in All American Derby [G1]. Call As Maybe SI 92. Winner to 3, $32,983, 2nd Canterbury Distaff Bonus Chlg. Zoomin for Ease SI 88. Placed at 2, in Mexico, 2nd Hipodromo Juv. Challenge. Number One Cartel SI 96. Winner to 3, $63,606, finalist Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]. Zoomin Express SI 99 Winner to 6, $105,601, 3rd Sunland Champ Challenge [G2]. Cartel Caliente SI 101. 2 wins to 3, $50,077, 3rd Remington Derby [G2], Kansas Derby [R] [G3], qualified to Rainbow Derby [G1]. Finished Business SI 88. Dam of BUSINESS TYCOON SI 106 ($107,788), Business Sprint SI 99 ($65,771 [R] [G2]), granddam of Relentless Six SI 94 (to 3, 2021). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 256 Major Game Player 256 February 26, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 { Gronkowski SI 97 { Sweet Beduino SI 101 Babe On The Fly SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Major Game Player Six On The Beach SI 106 6064490 Major Rime SI 104 {Rime SI 102 Ima Major Chamisa SI 90 Mary Major SI 99 (2011) { Chicks Chamisa SI 98 {Chicks A Blazin SI 107 Moolahs Parade SI 82 By GRONKOWSKI SI 97 (2014). 4 wins, $79,589, 3rd Jerry Jaggars Mem. S., fnl in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Brother to FLY THRU THE FIRE SI 108, JM SPECIALWYNN SI 92, WRAP YOU UP SI 104, JUST WALK BY SI 90. Half-brother to ROCK YOU SI 102, ALI BABE FOOSE SI 96, CARNE VINO SI 92. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of winner Walk Thru Fire SI 92; sire of 89 stakes winners, 9 champions, including HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), HE LOOKS HOT SI 103 (World Champion, $1,618,055 [G1]), HIGHER FIRE. 1st dam IMA MAJOR CHAMISA SI 90, by Major Rime. Winner at 2, $5,690. Sister to RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122, ME CHICKIE SI 111. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 5 to race, 3 winners– Major Regard SI 91 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 3, $26,210, finalist in Zia Fut. [R] [G1]. Ima Major Corona SI 91 (g. by Eye On Corona). Winner to 5, 2021, $13,069. Im Flashy SI 88 (f. by First Moonflash). 2 wins at 2, 2021, $7,009. 2nd dam CHICKS CHAMISA SI 98, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 2, $3,282. Dam of 19 foals to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– SIXY CHAMISA SI 104 (f. by Sixes Royal). 8 wins to 4, $350,095, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst H. [R], 2nd SunRay Firecracker S. [R], 3rd NM Breeders' S. [R] [G2], finalist [R] [G1]. Dam of– WAGON ON FIRE V SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $103,941, West Texas Derby [G3]. A VALIANT DIAMOND SI 104. 5 wins to 4, 2021, $68,822, Northlands Juvenile S., 3rd Altoona Derby, finalist in Mr. Jet Moore S. [R] [G2], Valley Junction Futurity [G3]. OILPATCH CHAMISA V SI 90. Winner in Mexico, Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Sanchez S. Chamiso James SI 95. 2 wins to 4, $45,382, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122 (f. by Major Rime). 6 wins to 6, $276,544, Pelican S. [R] [G3], Manuel Lujan H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of– RIME CHIMES SI 103. 4 wins to 5, 2020, $196,629, New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], First Moonflash Maturity [R] [G2]. ME CHICKIE SI 111 (f. by Major Rime). 8 wins to 6, $233,574, Lineage Champ. [R] [G2], 2nd Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Dam of– WAGON CHICK V SI 97. 7 wins to 4, $257,950, Mr Jet Moore H. [G2], 2nd Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1]. JM Onehotchickie SI 95. Winner to 4, $32,718, 2nd Mr Jess Perry Derby. Wagon Coast SI 85. Winner at 2, 2021, $12,497, 3rd AQRA TP Open Spring Futurity. Mr Flash the Moolah SI 90 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $77,793, fnl [R] [G3]. Flashing Moolah SI 95 (First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $50,870, qualified [R] [G1]. 3rd dam MOOLAHS PARADE SI 82, by Sparkling Moolah. Placed at 3. Sister to PARADE THE MOOLAH SI 101, MACY DAY PARADE SI 98. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– NATHANS ROCKET SI 98 (Azure Rocket Te). 4 wins to 3, $73,297, Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], Sparkling Moolah H. [R] [G3], 2nd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3]. MOOLAHS CROWN SI 92 (Crowned Jewel TB). 3 wins to 4, $47,187, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of The Zoomer SI 90 ($32,750 [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike & Yealonda Logan Hip No. 257 Eye For The Diamonds 257 February 21, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye For The Diamonds Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6055242 Valiant Hero SI 105 {First Down Dash SI 105 The Diamond Cartel SI 80 Corona Chick SI 113 (2011) { Pritzi Diamond SI 85 {Pritzi Dash SI 99 The Kimberly Diamond SI 87 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam THE DIAMOND CARTEL, by Valiant Hero. Winner at 4, $13,551. Dam of 3 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race– Jess a Dasher SI 86 (f. by Jess a Chicks). Winner to 3, 2020, $16,333. Valiant Dasher SI 89 (f. by Woodbridge). Placed at 2, 2021. 2nd dam PRITZI DIAMOND SI 85, by Pritzi Dash. 2 wins to 3, $10,171. Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 8 ROM-- THE DIAMOND SIDE SI 93 (g. by The Down Side), Canadian Champion. 8 wins to 4, $197,635, Fort Erie Maturity, Legacy Futurity [R], Ontario Bred and Foaled Maturity R, 2nd Alex Picov Mem. Futurity [R], Ontario Bred and Foaled Derby [R]. DPI Money Girl SI 95 (f. by Major Rime). 7 wins to 7, $109,454, finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Pritzi Jewel SI 86 (f. by Eye Dash). 3 wins to 5, $49,414. Pritzis Diamond Lil SI 89 (f. by Desirio). 5 wins to 4, $34,715. 3rd dam THE KIMBERLY DIAMOND SI 87, by Super Sound Charge. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half sister to STAR OF SIERRA LEONE SI 98 ($186,365 [G1]). Out of DENIM N DIAMONDS SI 105 (Champion 2 Years, $731,118). Dam of 11 winners– KIMS FIRST DASH SI 113 (First Down Dash). 7 wins to 4, $89,457, Rainbow Derby [G1], Firecracker Futurity [G2], 2nd Balboa H., Mockingbird H., etc. Dam of– Sport Report SI 85. Winner to 3, $22,593, finalist [G2]. Dam of– DPI GOOD BOY SI 104. 6 wins to 5, $288,290, Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], 2nd NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. FIRST TO SCORE SI 99 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3, $45,211, Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Sultry Miss (The Signature). Winner in 2 starts at 2. Dam of– CJS ROCKSOLID SI 107. 8 wins to 7, $276,885, Remington Distance Challenge [G3], Remington Distance H. [G3], Brigand S., 2nd AQHA Distance Challenge Champ. [G1], Remington Distance Challenge S. [G3], etc. ROCKIN SHAZZAM SI 102. 3 wins to 3, $59,152, Tex Mex Overnight S., finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1]. Shes a Wild Babe SI 94. Winner to 3, $12,101, 2nd Ft. Pierre Fututrity, 3rd NCQHRA Fut. [R], finalist [G3]. Dam of Mr Coahuila SI 97 ($175,304 [R] [G1]). Mr Coahuila SI 97. Winner to 3, $175,304, 2nd Lee Berwick Mem. Louisiana Bred Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G1]. Imaginiff SI 87. Winner to 5, $18,716. Dam of JESS A HILBILY BONE SI 105 ($250,413 [G2]), ROCK A BILLY SI 104 ($222,947). A Classic Diamond SI 91 (A Classic Dash). 3 wins at 2, $9,342. Granddam of SPENDER SI 96 ($124,408), CHICS LOVE STONES SI 103 ($87,929 [R] [G3]), BUYING SNOW SI 98 ($62,651), BUY BUY SI 86 ($43,838). ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 258 KBar Talk About Run 258 March 6, 2020 Gray Colt Beduino TB Chicks Beduino SI 104 { Jumpn Chic SI 96 { A Classy Chick SI 89 Imjumpn SI 94 {First Down Dash SI 105 KBar Talk About Run Jumping Tac Flash SI 106 6047064 Pie In The Sky SI 101 {Easy Jet SI 100 Run N Pie Miss Jelly Roll (2002) { Ms Pato {Merganser SI 105 Ms Run SI 90 By JUMPN CHIC SI 96 (2003). 3 wins, $161,420, 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Farnam S., 3rd Los Alamitos Million Juv. Inv. [RG3]. Brother to JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96, JUMPN SI 98. Half-brother to HEADTURNER SI 101. Sire of 103 ROM, 9 stakes winners, $2,763,931, including TEE CHIC SI 104 (4 wins, $380,986, Oklahoma Fut. [G2]), A JORDON REED SI 103 ($233,535), WH STREAKIN PIE SI 98 ($168,454, Jaguar Rocket S. [R]), JUMPN STREAK SI 105 ($112,982), MY MOMENT OF FAME ($105,144).

1st dam RUN N PIE, by Pie in the Sky. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals of racing age, 9 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM– Bridgestone SI 86 (g. by Brookstone Bay). Winner to 3, $26,418, 3rd Gwendolyn Eaves Overnight S. [R]. Thunderboldandlightn SI 90 (g. by Chicks a Blazin). Winner to 6, $57,596, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Tds Wylie Coyote (g. by The Down Side). Winner to 8, $36,476. Chick N Pot Pie SI 104 (f. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $28,933. Superfly in the Sky SI 85 (g. by Tres Seis Nueve). Winner to 3, $8,543.

2nd dam MS PATO, by Merganser. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race– Mr Blue Duck Special SI 83 (g. by Oak Tree Special). Placed to 4, $10,800.

3rd dam MS RUN SI 90, by St Bar. Placed at 3. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– RUN IN FIRST SI 108 (Real Easy Jet). 6 wins to 5, ($31,577 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Beduino, Clasico Velocidad-NTR, 300y in 0:15.180, Clasico Velocidad-NTR, 300y in 0:15.130, 2nd Derby Mexicano [G3], Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M. [R], 3rd Campeonato Nacional Dia Del Charro [G3]. Runnin Legacy SI 98 (Cash Legacy). 3 wins to 3, $11,048, finalist in Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2], Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3], La Chiripada S. [G3]. Bonsai Run SI 88 (Mr Hay Bug). Winner to 4.

4th dam Run SI 95, by Top Gain. 4 wins to 3, $8,064, 3rd G Rollie White Downs Spring Futurity. Set NTR at Rollie White Downs, 330y in 0:17.140. Dam of 6 foals to race, 2 ROM-- ST RUN SI 102 (Real Easy Jet). 15 wins to 5, $100,405, Miss Polly H., Classic, Golden Triangle H., 2nd Super Sauza S., Delta Derby Classic, Au Revoir H., - 2nd Div, 3rd Miss Polly H., Classic, Savannah Swinger H., Series 3, Silver Cup H., finalist in Firecracker Futurity [G1], Old South Futurity [G2], Firecracker Derby [G2]. Sire.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 259 Six Pack Royal 259 April 17, 2020 Gray Colt First Down Dash SI 105 Royal Quick Dash SI 101 { Sixes Royal SI 101 { Harems Choice SI 85 Tempered Glass SI 101 {Streakin Six SI 104 Six Pack Royal Chick Under Glass SI 88 6070331 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks Chamisa SI 98 Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 (1997) { Moolahs Parade SI 82 {Sparkling Moolah SI 105 Cannonade Parade By SIXES ROYAL SI 101 (2001). 5 wins, $384,977, Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Sire of 221 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $6,973,113, including STREAK OF SIXES SI 102 (7 wins, $480,445, New Mexican Spring Fut. [RG1]), SIXY CHAMISA SI 104 (8 wins, $350,095, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), KC ROYAL FLUSH SI 101 (7 wins, $349,349, NM Cup 870 Champ. [R]), MOONIFISANT SI 99 (5 wins, $201,484, New Mexican Spring Fut. [RG2]), MONEYS A MAKER SI 111 ($196,092 [R][G2]), SIXES LIAISON SI 102 ($169,524 [G1]). 1st dam CHICKS CHAMISA SI 98, by Chicks a Blazin. Winner at 2, $3,282. Dam of 23 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 19 to race, 11 winners, 13 ROM– SIXY CHAMISA SI 104 (f. by Sixes Royal). 8 wins to 4, $350,095, New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2], Sunburst H. [R], 2nd SunRay Park Firecracker S. [R], 3rd New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of– WAGON ON FIRE V SI 93 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 3, $103,941, West Texas Derby [G3]. A VALIANT DIAMOND SI 104 (f. by One Valiant Hero). 5 wins to 4, 2021, $68,822, Northlands Juvenile S., 3rd Altoona Derby, finalist in Mr. Jet Moore S. [R] [G2]. OILPATCH CHAMISA V SI 90 (f. by Tempting Dash). Winner to 3, ($8,036 USA), in Mexico, Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Sanchez S. Chamiso James SI 95. 2 wins to 4, $45,382, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1]. RIME HAS A CHICK SI 122 (f. by Major Rime). 6 wins to 6, $276,544, Pelican S. [R] [G3], Manuel Lujan H. [R] [G3], 2nd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G1], New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R] [G3], New Mexico Breeders' H. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of– RIME CHIMES SI 103 (c. by Sign to Be a Runaway). 4 wins to 5, 2020, $196,629, New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. Effortless Candy Cat SI 98 (g. by TF Featured Effort). 2 wins to 4, 2021, $54,501. ME CHICKIE SI 111 (f. by Major Rime). 8 wins to 6, $233,574, Lineage Champ. [R] [G2], 2nd Four Corners Senora S. [R], 3rd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], etc. Dam of– WAGON CHICK V SI 97 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 7 wins to 4, $257,950, Mr Jet Moore H. [G2], 2nd Corona Cartel Derby [R], finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. JM Onehotchickie SI 95 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner to 4, $32,718, 2nd Mr Jess Perry Derby. Wagon Coast SI 85 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner at 2, 2021, $12,497, 3rd AQRA Turf Paradise Open Spring Futurity. Mr Flash the Moolah SI 90 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 5, 2020, $77,793, finalist in Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3]. Flashing Moolah SI 95 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $50,870, qualified [R] [G1]. Ima Major Chamisa SI 90 (f. by Major Rime). Winner at 2, $5,690. Dam of– Major Regard SI 91 (g. by Chicks Regard). 2 wins to 3, $26,210, finalist [R] [G1]. 2nd dam MOOLAHS PARADE SI 82, by Sparkling Moolah. Placed at 3. Sister to PARADE THE MOOLAH SI 101, MACY DAY PARADE SI 98. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, 5 ROM– NATHANS ROCKET SI 98 (g. by Azure Rocket Te). 4 wins to 3, $73,297, Santa Fe Downs Derby [R] [G3], Sparkling Moolah H. [R] [G3], etc. MOOLAHS CROWN SI 92 (f. by Crowned Jewel TB). 3 wins to 4, $47,187, NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R]. Dam of The Zoomer SI 90 ($32,750 [G2]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Born Running Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 260 Murf The Surf 260 April 11, 2020 Bay Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Murf The Surf Runaway Wave SI 105 X0741478 Forest Wildcat {Storm Cat Vukovar TB Victoria Beauty (2009) { Nyanza {Montbrook Sweet Remedy By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam VUKOVAR TB, by Forest Wildcat. Winner at 2, $34,330. Dam of 1 thoroughbred and 2 quarter horse foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners– Kim Royale TB (f. by Regal Ransom). Winner at 2, $36,000. One Oh Six SI 86 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 4, 2021, $18,418. 2nd dam NYANZA, by Montbrook. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– ZEE BROS TB (c. by Brother Derek). $449,230: 4 wins to 5, $401,730, in U.S and U.A.E., Frank J. De Francis Dash S. [L], Chick Lang S. [L], 3rd Fifth Season S. [L]. Off the Screen TB (f. by Flower Alley). 5 wins to 7, $72,553. Belladonnia TB (f. by Bayern). Winner to 3, $49,660. 3rd dam Sweet Remedy, by Dr. Carter. 4 wins to 3, $68,812, 3rd Shady Well S. [R]. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners– SWEET NANETTE TB (You and I). 7 wins to 4, $392,845, Saylorville S. [L], Bourbonette Breeders' Cup S. [L], Thelma S. [L], Pontalba S. [L], 2nd La Troienne S., [G3], Victoria Lass H. [L]. Dam of– SHERRIFF COGBURN TB. 2 wins to 4, $203,071, Prairie Meadows Juv. Mile S., 2nd Iowa Derby [G3], Golden Circle S., 3rd West Virginia Derby [G2], Prairie Mile S. Sire. Rooster Bullet TB. 14 wins to 9, $270,350. Say Moi TB. Winner to 4, 2021, $91,822. Sargent Seattle TB. 2 wins to 4, $82,358. Wickersheim TB. Winner to 4, $51,166. Watery Moon TB. Winner to 5, $50,519. Sonorous TB. Placed to 3, $7,724. Dam of– Drip Brew TB. 16 wins to 6, 2020, $273,466, 2nd Wilma Mankiller S., Set NTR. Sandy's Song TB. 3 wins to 5, $116,330. Frisco Fox TB (Trippi). 9 wins to 7, $169,619, Glass Slipper S. [N]. Supercarls Remedy TB SI 86 (Congrats TB). 6 wins to 6, $64,835. Tantalized TB (Montbrook). Unraced. Dam of– Cotton Club Cutie TB. 12 wins to 8, $184,083. 4th dam SWEET SAREE, by Torsion. 3 wins to 3, $90,982, Natalma S., [G3], 2nd Glorious Song S., OR. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners– Sweet Remedy TB (Dr. Carter). Stakes placed winner, above. Founder's First TB (Bold Ruckus). 3 wins to 4, $33,054. Dam of SKIRT ALERT ($446,129), Sweet Share. Adrenalin Rush TB (Afleet). 4 wins to 4, $12,654. Dam of Cinnapie ($55,814); granddam of Indy Pie ($152,523), My Madonna [TUR]. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 261 Guess Who I Am 261 February 17, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Guess Who I Am Send Me First SI 97 6070665 Raise A Secret SI 99 {L'natural TB Gender Gap Ala Secret Sue SI 108 (2000) { Jetsetting Girl SI 92 {Master Hand TB Jet Together SI 93 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam GENDER GAP, by Raise a Secret. Unplaced. Sister to BRIDLEWOOD SI 92, GIRL SECRETS SI 99, CITATION FIVE SI 90, Timothy Pilot SI 103, Early Secret SI 106. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 12 to race, 6 winners– The Gap SI 103 (g. by Sixes Royal). 4 wins to 5, $143,000, 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2]. California Wildfire SI 91 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $20,566, 2nd Ruidoso Juvenile Inv. R. Dam of– MORE THAN WILD SI 96 (g. by Stel Corona). $71,559: 3 wins to 6, $59,187, in U.S., finalist in PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G2], Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2]; winner at 6, ($12,372 USA), in Mexico, Merced Gomez Orozco S. Chicanery SI 94 (g. by Stel Corona). 3 wins to 4, $128,814, finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2], Golden State Derby [G2], Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G3]. Wild Wonder SI 92 (g. by Stel Corona). 3 wins to 3, $40,825, finalist in PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G2]. 2nd dam JETSETTING GIRL SI 92, by Master Hand TB. 2 wins. Sister to Making Up SI 99 (dam of FORGIVE HIM SI 96, $205,576 [G1]; granddam of FORGET IT SI 96, $595,089 [G1]). Half sister to Seperate Ways SI 92 ($26,292; dam of SEPARATIST SI 101, Champion, $889,044 [G1]; WAY MAKER SI 103, Champion, $617,444 [G1]). Dam of 16 ROM– FIXIN TO FLY SI 97 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). 3 wins at 2, $258,722, Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G1]. BRIDLEWOOD SI 92 (c. by Raise a Secret). 5 wins to 3, $191,359, California Breeders Sophomore S. [R] [G3], 2nd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G1], etc. GIRL SECRETS SI 99 (Raise a Secret). 7 wins to 4, $177,552, Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], etc. Dam of SECRET PATH SI 104 ($51,886 [G3]), Hot Shot SI 92 ($78,625), Fire Cliff SI 97 ($71,158 [G3]); granddam of ONE PROUD EAGLE SI 99 ($338,929 [G2]), KIDDY UP COWGIRL SI 91 ($292,766 [G1]), HOT LITTLE KIDDY SI 96 ($82,090), MISLEADER SI 88. CITATION FIVE SI 90 (Raise a Secret). 5 wins to 3, $66,052, California Futurity [R]. FLAMING OUT SI 108 (Walk Thru Fire). 4 wins to 5, $59,664, Farnam S., etc. Gulfstream Five SI 99. 5 wins to 5, $259,319, 2nd Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Timothy Pilot SI 103. 7 wins to 9, $121,479, 2nd Gold Rush 870 Derby [G3], etc. Early Secret SI 106 (Raise a Secret). 11 wins to 7, $86,707, 2nd California Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3], PCQHRA H., finalist in Los Alamitos Derby [G1]. Flying Regal SI 98 (f. by A Regal Choice). 3 wins, $26,811, 2nd Calif. Breeders' Debutante S. [R]. Dam of THE DEADLINE SI 103 ($44,814), Flying Foose SI 105 ($62,371). She Travels SI 90 (F, by Fishers Dash). Winner at 2. Dam of Masherati B SI 89 ($136,550 [G1]), Conquistadorable B SI 93 ($41,091). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 262 Eye Be A Diva 262 January 3, 2020 Bay Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Eye Be A Diva Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6030899 Special Leader SI 103 {Special Effort SI 104 Leading Diva SI 103 Miss Eye Opener SI 98 (1998) { Sandras Task SI 86 {Special Task SI 107 Jetsy Jet SI 84 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NTR), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam LEADING DIVA SI 103, by Special Leader. 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $138,174, Manor Lassie Futurity [G3], KHEY/Y96 H., Quicksilver S. [R], 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], 3rd The Quarter Racing Journal S., finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Remington Derby [G1]. Sister to LEADING SPIRIT SI 103. Dam of 31 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 20 to race, 16 winners, 17 ROM– LEADING CARTEL SI 94 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 5 wins to 3, 2021, $193,543, Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G3]. Jessa Diva SI 96 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 4, $86,094, 2nd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1]. Veyron SI 108 (g. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 6, $51,080, 2nd Dixie Downs Futurity, 3rd Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G3], Wild West Futurity. Leading Talent SI 94 (c. by Prime Talent). Placed to 3, $27,175, 2nd Heartland Futurity. Mischka SI 94 (f. by Brimmerton). 3 wins to 3, $22,791, finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of– Mischka Cartel SI 97 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Placed to 4, 2021, $28,823, 2nd Spring Fling Futurity [R], finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. Samantha James SI 106 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 4, 2021, $70,860. Jesses Leader SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 5, $57,688, finalist in New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2]. Winslet SI 89 (f. by Valiant Hero). 2 wins to 4, $35,447. Dam of– Midnite Train SI 98 (f. by Freighttrain B). 2 wins to 3, 2021, $25,038. B D Leader SI 90 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 5, 2021, $31,615. La Boreal (f. by Ivory James). Unraced. Dam of– DEES JETTING DIVA SI 105 (f. by Jet Black Patriot). 3 wins to 3, $90,506, Old South Futurity, 2nd Gillespie County Fair Futurity, finalist in Sam Houston Derby [G3]. Divas Image (f. by Eyesa Special). Unraced. Dam of– Eyesa Miracle SI 93 (g. by Dean Miracle). 5 wins to 6, $53,647. 2nd dam SANDRAS TASK SI 86, by Special Task. Placed at 2. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners– LEADING SPIRIT SI 103 (g. by Special Leader). Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 10 wins to 5, $811,413, Rainbow Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Futurity [G1], West Texas Futurity [G1], California Champ. Challenge [G2], First Down Dash H. [G3], 2nd Go Man Go H. [G1], Independence Day H. [G3], etc. LEADING DIVA SI 103 (f. by Special Leader). Stakes winner, above. Toast to Texas SI 112 (g. by Toast to Dash). 6 wins to 7, $78,992, 3rd Marathon H., finalist in Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G2], La Plata S. [G3]. Spirit Leader SI 95 (c. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $53,972, 2nd Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], James S., Smith Mem. H. Charm Dance SI 93. Winner to 3. Dam of THE CHARM OF CORONA ($165,067). ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent for Laney Enterprises, LLC Hip No. 263 Wahine 263 February 27, 2020 Brown Filly Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Corona Surfer SI 92 { Corona Chick SI 113 Little Surfer SI 104 {First Down Dash SI 105 Wahine Runaway Wave SI 105 6007287 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 {First Down Dash SI 105 Strawflinfire SI 82 Sweet Beduino SI 101 (2009) { Selenas Special SI 94 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Serenas Song SI 98 By CORONA SURFER SI 92 (2013). Winner at 2 $37,994, fnl in Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion), RIP TIDE SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of Surfz Up SI 86 (winner, $53,621, 2nd NM State Fair Juv. S. [R]), Fuerteventura SI 85 (winner), Sonny Surfer SI 81 ($5,242), DJ Heartbreaker SI 90 ($4,735). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners, 10 champions, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]). 1st dam STRAWFLINFIRE SI 82, by Walk Thru Fire. Placed at 2, $3,103, finalist in AQRA President's Spring Futurity [G3]. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 winners– Straw Fly Flower SI 96 (f. by Dashair). 3 wins to 5, $72,667, 2nd Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Champ. [F] [R] [G1]. Call Me Brad SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, 2020, $56,976. 2nd dam Selenas Special SI 94, by Strawfly Special. Winner at 2, $15,119, 2nd Albuquerque Spring Derby [G3]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 ROM– First Lakota Moon SI 90 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, $13,196, finalist in Tommy "Duke" Smith S. [R] [G2]. 3rd dam Serenas Song SI 98, by Royal Quick Dash. 3 wins to 3, $39,996, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], finalist in Ruidoso Sale Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners, 8 ROM– Selenas Special SI 94 (Strawfly Special). Stakes placed winner, above. Lady Chimes SI 88 (Chimes Band TB). 2 wins to 4, $14,124. Dam of– LADY SECRET DASH SI 98. 3 wins to 6, $91,836, Pelican S. [R] [G3], 2nd Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1], Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Big Spurs SI 104. 4 wins to 6, 2020, $144,017, 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd SLM Big Daddy S. [G3], finalist in Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1]. Rocky El Roble SI 95. 4 wins to 6, $102,543, 2nd Jimmy Drake S. [R] [G3], 3rd Downs at Albuquerque Futurity [R], finalist in Shue Fly S. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Osbaldo Blue Diamond SI 90. 2 wins to 4, $45,203, 2nd New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3]. Black Racket SI 99. Placed at 2, $32,469, 2nd NMSF Senor Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2]. My Coronita SI 99. 5 wins to 6, $104,235, finalist in NM Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3]. Osbaldo Lady SI 95. 4 wins to 4, 2021, $52,758, finalist in NM Champ. [F] [R] [G3]. Serenas Quick Dash SI 96 (Major Rime). 3 wins to 4, $27,753, finalist [R] [G1]. Dam of– Lttle Lighting SI 94. 3 wins to 6, $60,292, 3rd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], finalist in New Mexico Breeders' Futurity [R] [G2]. Singin Diva SI 92 (Major Rime). 7 wins to 6, $75,089, finalist [R] [G3]. 4th dam RAFAELLA TB, by Louisiana Slew. Winner in 2 starts at 3, Half sister to RACY RENEE SI 107 ($83,267.00), TOUCHIN VELVET SI 99, Ooh Lala Lala SI 99 ($71,208). Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM– Serenas Song SI 98 (Royal Quick Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. Jazzed N Jeweled SI 92 (Dash for Cash). Winner to 3, $17,168, 2nd Manor Futurity [G2]. Dam of World Class Corona SI 95 ($34,731). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 264 Remember That Chick 264 April 29, 2020 Sorrel Colt Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Remember That Chick Send Me First SI 97 6072786 Leaving Memories SI 111 {First Down Dash SI 105 Streakin Memory SI 97 Sweet Blush SI 96 (1994) { Ms Romanna SI 90 {Easy Jet SI 100 Hayanna SI 89 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam Streakin Memory SI 97, by Leaving Memories. 4 wins to 3, $9,960, 2nd Pegasus S. Dam of 17 foals of racing age, 13 to race, 5 winners, 10 ROM– MEMORIES TO KEEP SI 105 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 5 wins to 5, $83,383, Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd Corona Chick H. [G3], Bitterroot Derby [R] [G3], 3rd California Juvenile Champ. Challenge [G3], The Quarter Racing Journal S., finalist in Northwest Derby Challenge [G3], California Derby Challenge [G3]. Memory Cartel SI 99 (f. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $26,293, 2nd Monterey Overnight H. Dam of– Memoryflash SI 94 (c. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 3, $51,058, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Flash of Memories SI 84 (f. by First Moonflash). Winner to 3, $30,212. Tg Coronas Memory SI 93 (c. by Jess a Chicks). 2 wins at 2, $25,979, finalist in Harrah's Ent. Futurity [G3]. Tg Coronas (c. by Falcon Lake). Winner to 3, 2020, $8,918. Walk With Memories SI 99 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $5,533. Tg Miss Corona (f. by Coup de Dasher). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021. Signature Form SI 94 (g. by Rare Form). 4 wins to 5, $25,264. Hott Streak SI 92 (g. by Corona Caliente). Winner to 4, $14,154. Recal of Beduino SI 102 (f. by Chicks Beduino). Winner in 1 start at 4. Just a Memory Chick (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Finalist New Mexico Breeders' Fut. [R] [G3]. Remember Me Chicks SI 82 (f. by Chicks a Blazin). Unplaced. Dam of– Corona Cruisin Chick SI 86 (f. by Crusin Corona). Winner to 3, $18,302. 2nd dam MS ROMANNA SI 90, by Easy Jet. Winner at 2, $15,885, finalist in Juvenile Inv. H. [G2]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 8 winners, 9 ROM– ROMANNA JET SI 88 (c. by Jetaway Easy). Winner at 2, Early Starter Futurity. Sire. Streakin Memory SI 97 (f. by Leaving Memories). Stakes placed winner, above. Romanna Glass SI 85 (f. by Raise Your Glass TB). Winner to 3. Dam of– Rambling Bloomers SI 97. 4 wins to 7, $13,194. Buddy B Gone SI 107. 3 wins to 10, $11,031, finalist Northwest Champ. Chlg. [G2]. Plexnet SI 98 (g. by First Down Dash). 2 wins at 2, $65,958, finalist in All American Fut. [G1]. Romancing Chicks SI 88 (g. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 6, $10,939. Rocket Romanna SI 91 (g. by Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins to 3, $7,752. 3rd dam HAYANNA SI 89, by Roman Artist TB. 2 wins to 4. Dam of 13 foals to race, 5 winners– PA PA WHEELIE SI 93 (Peace Train). 8 wins to 4, $182,399, Texas Futurity, 2nd Kansas Futurity. Sire. Coxes Major Streak SI 86 (Streakin Six). Winner to 3. Dam of– LS TIN MAN SI 98. 9 wins to 7, $96,668, Tom Tucker Mem. S., Illinois Fall Classic R. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Mike Logan, Agent Hip No. 265 Sheza Skiddadle 265 February 22, 2020 Sorrel Filly First Down Dash SI 105 Walk Thru Fire SI 92 { Gronkowski SI 97 { Sweet Beduino SI 101 Babe On The Fly SI 101 {Strawfly Special SI 97 Sheza Skiddadle Six On The Beach SI 106 6059021 Shazoom SI 102 {Takin On The Cash SI 109 Dashen Corona SI 102 Keep On Shining SI 103 (2007) { First Down Corona SI 108 {First Down Dash SI 105 Corona Cowgirl SI 89 By GRONKOWSKI SI 97 (2014). 4 wins, $79,589, 3rd Jerry Jaggars Mem. S., fnl in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]. Brother to FLY THRU THE FIRE SI 108, JM SPECIALWYNN SI 92, WRAP YOU UP SI 104, JUST WALK BY SI 90. Half-brother to ROCK YOU SI 102, ALI BABE FOOSE SI 96, CARNE VINO SI 92. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of winner Walk Thru Fire SI 92; sire of 89 stakes winners, 9 champions, including HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), HE LOOKS HOT SI 103 (World Champion, $1,618,055 [G1]), HIGHER FIRE. 1st dam DASHEN CORONA SI 102, by Shazoom. Winner at 3, $14,978, finalist in Ruidoso Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race, 2 ROM– Three D Feature SI 84 (g. by Double Feature Jess). Winner to 3, $7,128. 2nd dam FIRST DOWN CORONA SI 108, by First Down Dash. 3 wins at 3, $33,979, finalist in Barnmaster Sprint S. [R] [G3], East Derby Challenge [G3]. Set NTR at Delta, 350y in 0:17.335. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, 8 ROM– Oak Tree Corona SI 103 (c. by Oak Tree Special). 4 wins to 4, $75,483, 2nd LQHBA Inv. S. [R], 3rd Sam Houston Derby Challenge, finalist [R] [G3]. 3rd dam CORONA COWGIRL SI 89, by Chicks Beduino. Placed at 2. Sister to CORONA CHICK SI 113, Corona King SI 96. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM– Bye Me a Corona SI 88 (Dashin Bye). 2 wins to 3, $24,680. 4th dam Sizzling Lil SI 91, by Sizzle Te. Winner at 2, $7,212. Dam of 15 foals to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM– CORONA KOOL SI 104 (First Down Dash). Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion Aged Mare, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins to 6, $1,296,797, Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], etc. Dam of TRIFFLE SI 101 ($92,520 [G3]), Filthy Fast SI 101 ($105,548 [G1]), Cartel Sizzle SI 98 ($33,976 [G3]), Mud Skipper SI 95 ($28,395 [G3]). Granddam of KINGSBURY SI 98 ($187,103 [G1]), KOOL MILLION SI 86 ($106,315 [G1]), FIRST KOOL MOON SI 91 ($69,440 [G1]). CORONA CHICK SI 113 (Chicks Beduino). Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year- Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year (1997), 15 wins to 3, $591,326, Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], etc. Dam of CORONA CASH SI 101 ($1,542,880 [G1]), VALIANT HERO SI 105 ($668,633 [G1]), CORONA CARTEL SI 97 ($557,142 [G1]), CORONA CZECH SI 93 ($125,759 [G2]), Mighty Corona SI 99 ($309,216 [G1]), Captain Courage SI 100 ($213,251 [G1]), Coco Corona SI 115 ($37,414 [G1]). Granddam of LOUISANA CORONA SI 102 ($186,206 [G1]), HEZ FAST AS CASH SI 106 ($79,359 [G1]), POT OCASH SI 97, Feature My Corona SI 92 ($114,216 [G1]), Dimes And Nicks SI 95 ($97,809 [G1]), One Corona SI 95 ($85,381), Corona Three SI 101 ($35,938). CORONA COCKTAIL SI 94. 5 wins to 3, $214,718, Evening Snow H., 3rd [G1]. Corona Lite SI 88 (Gabacho). 2 wins to 3, $19,068, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of Stinebaugh SI 86 ($19,646). Corona King SI 96 (Chicks Beduino). Placed, $38,809, 2nd Calif. Chlg. Champ. [G2]. Corona Blue SI 921 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins. Dam of LA ESPECIAL CORONA SI 104 ($433,327 [G2]), granddam of Three Wagons SI 97. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 266 Passion For Satin 266 March 25, 2020 Sorrel Filly First To Flash SI 106 First Moonflash SI 122 { A Passion For Flashn SI 91 { Nagano Moon SI 82 Subtly Sixy SI 82 {Streakin Sixes SI 102 Passion For Satin Subtly Aggressive 6072791 Feature Mr Jess SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Satin Sheetz SI 83 Brenda Feature SI 94 (2009) { Send Me First SI 97 {First Down Dash SI 105 Send Me Satin SI 98 By A PASSION FOR FLASHN SI 91 (2015). 6 wins, $282,976, NM Classic Cup Fut. [RG2], NMHBA Stakes [RG2], fnl in Zia Fut. [RG1], Southwest Juv. Champ. [G1], Zia Champ. [G1], NM Classic Champ. [RG1], Mountain Top Fut. [RG3], NM Breeders S. [RG3]. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion FIRST MOONFLASH SI 122; sire of 39 stakes winners, 3 champions, including FLASH AND ROLL SI 99 (Champion, $1,710,718, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), HANDSOME JACK FLASH SI 104 (Champion, $1,517,491, All Amer. Fut). 1st dam SATIN SHEETZ SI 83, by Feature Mr Jess. Winner at 3, $4,464. Sister to Jess Send Me SI 101. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 3 to race. 2nd dam SEND ME FIRST SI 97, by First Down Dash. 3 wins at 2, $32,221, AQRA Turf Paradise Futurity [G3], 2nd AQRA Lassie S. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners, 11 ROM– Jess Send Me SI 101 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 3 wins to 3, $361,595, 2nd All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of– JESS MACHO CORONA SI 99. 6 wins to 5, 2021, $670,498, First Down Dash H. [G3], 2nd All American Derby [G1], Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Vessels Maturity [G1], First Down Dash H., 3rd Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. JESS SEND IT SI 105. 3 wins to 4, 2020, $69,642, Hadley/Giles Mem. Futurity, 2nd Sandy Downs Juvenile Challenge, Jamie Jay H., 3rd AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G2], Cypress H., finalist in Southern California Derby [G2]. Set NTR. JESS A REASON SI 96. 2 wins at 2, 2020, ($27,193 USA), Campeonato Juvenil. Jess Lyndes Reason SI 90. 2 wins at 2, $51,045, finalist in Ed Burke Million Fut. [G1]. Jess Satin SI 92 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $78,915, 3rd Ruidoso Juvenile Inv. [R] [G3], finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of– JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. 10 wins to 8, 2021, $251,052, First Moonflash Maturity [R] [G2], Zia H., S. [R] [G2], 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Champ. S. [R], 3rd New Mexico Classic Champ. S. [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], finalist [G1]. JESS A CHICKS SI 92. 4 wins to 3, $175,537, Zia Fut. [R] [G1], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2]. Sire. Jess a Satin Chicks SI 90. Placed to 3, $58,092, 2nd New Mexico Classic Fut. [R] [G2]. Jess a Cartel SI 83. Winner to 3, $5,525. Dam of– MEMPHIS D NASTY SI 101. 4 wins to 5, $143,173, KOFX Radio H. [G2], 2nd Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2], 3rd French Quarter S., finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Jessa Whistlin Dixie SI 99. 2 wins to 3, $62,971, 2nd NM Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Revengerr SI 97. Winner to 4, $28,224, 3rd Corona Cartel S. Send Me a Perry SI 98 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 4, $52,581, 3rd Prairie Meadows Distaff Challenge, finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G3], Central Juv. Chlg. [G3]. Rockies First Down SI 105 (f. by Rocky Jones). Winner. Dam of Ysa Corona Lime SI 94. 3rd dam Send Me Satin SI 98, by The Signature. 5 wins at 2, $23,674, 2nd Navajo County Futurity, Joe Bassett Futurity [R], 3rd QHBC Freshman Classic [G3], Ivan Ashment H. Half sister to ROCKY JONES SI 106 ($82,223), VIA VENTURE SI 97, VIA TE SI 102, Final Fashion SI 86. Dam of 12 foals to race, 7 winners, 12 ROM– FLYING DINO SI 103 (Strawfly Special). 6 wins to 7, $360,964, Remington Futurity [G1]. SEND ME FIRST SI 97 (First Down Dash). Stakes winner, above. DOS PORUNO (AQHA/APHA) SI 101 (Mr Eye Opener), APHA Champion 2- and 3- Year-Old Colt, 6 wins, $68,275 in AQHA & APHA races, Tulsa Fair Paint S. [G2]. Sire. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by MJ Farms Hip No. 267 June Bug Queen 267 January 30, 2020 Sorrel Filly Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { Eye Am King { Scoopie Fein SI 99 Eye For Corona SI 99 {Corona Cartel SI 97 June Bug Queen Eye For The Sixes SI 99 6032625 Blushing Bug SI 108 {Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 Sandy June Bug Sweet Blush SI 96 (2001) { Sandys Fame SI 97 {Dash Ta Fame SI 113 Dashin Sandy SI 107 By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion MR JESS PERRY SI 113; sire of 156 stakes winners, 9 champions, including MATABARI SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (World Champion, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]-NT[R]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101 ($1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (Champion, $1,356,459). 1st dam SANDY JUNE BUG, by Blushing Bug. Unraced. Sister to Lagaria SI 108, Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95. Dam of 19 foals of racing age, 17 to race, 13 winners, 14 ROM– COLBY JAMES SI 112 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 4, 2021, $400,495, Mountain Top New Mexico Futurity [R] [G2], Jimmy Drake S. [R], 2nd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 6 wins to 4, $292,122, Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Sam Houston Juvenile S., Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 2nd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], 3rd NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99 (c. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 4, $289,078, Zia Derby [R] [G3], Mountain Top Futurity [R], 2nd New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], Jess Burner Mem. H. [R] [G1], Zia H. [R] [G2]. Sire. HEDGE FUND SI 98 (g. by Heza Bold Man). 2 wins at 2, $51,454, NM Spring Fling [R]. June Bug Daddy SI 96 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 4, 2020, $48,744, finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2]. Cona Sur SI 91 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $47,818. June Bug Junior SI 92 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 5, $33,168. A June Bug SI 113 (f. by Furyofthewind). 3 wins to 6, $28,540. Dont Bug Daddy SI 114 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $26,449. Redd Metal SI 106 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). Placed to 5, 2020, $25,421, finalist in New Mexico Breeders Futurity [R] [G3]. 2nd dam Sandys Fame SI 97, by Dash Ta Fame. 2 wins at 2, $32,012, 2nd Diamond Classic Futurity [R] [G1]. Sister to Famous Sandy SI 97. Out of DASHIN SANDY SI 107 ($103,171 [R] [G2]). Dam of 21 foals to race, 14 winners, 14 ROM– SANDYS JESSE SI 93 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 6 wins to 6, $250,529, NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Sunburst S. [R], 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders' S. [R] [G2], NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R], Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Six Pack Fame SI 96 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, 2020, $107,714, 3rd Zia Futurity [R] [G1], New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2]. Lagaria SI 108 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 5, $99,388, 2nd New Mexico Fillies & Mares Champ. [R], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1], Pelican S. [R] [G3]. Dam of SAMMY JAMES SI 93 ($156,915), Cozby SI 95 (3 wins, $64,785). Bridgette Bordeaux SI 95 (f. by Blushing Bug). 3 wins to 3, $42,544, 2nd New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of JESS BORDEAUX SI 105 ($173,009 [R] [G3]), Brancott SI 92 ($72,041 [R] [G3]). Georgia Gatorette SI 88 (f. by Jesse James Jr). Winner. Dam of Over Drive Man SI 103. Patrick James SI 98 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $88,368, finalist [R] [G2]. Avallon SI 105 (g. by Big Daddy Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $60,307, finalist [R] [G2]. ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent Hip No. 268 Name Pending 268 April 20, 2020 Bay Colt Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Maxximuss SI 88 { Corona Chick SI 113 Runaway Wave SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Name Pending In The Curl TB Mr. Gold Mover TB {Mr. Greeley M G M's Mariah TB Gold Mover (2016) { Poison Pen TB {Lemon Drop Kid Venitienne (GB) By MAXXIMUSS SI 88 (2013). Winner at 2. Brother to THE OCEAN KING SI 105; half brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion), OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion), TRISK SI 102, WAVE HER DOWN SI 95, AQUAFINA SI 99, LITTLE SURFER SI 104, WHIP CURL SI 96. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 3 starters, 2 winners, including FS Maxximillian SI 87 (winner, $10,864), Fancy Princess Girl SI 81 (winner, $9,000). Son of stakes winner CORONA CARTEL SI 97; sire of 183 stakes winners. 1st dam M G M'S MARIAH TB, by Mr. Gold Mover. Unraced. This is her first foal.

2nd dam POISON PEN, by Lemon Drop Kid. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 1 starter--

3rd dam VENITIENNE [GB], by Giant's Causeway. $32,623: winner at 3, ($16,753 USA), in France; winner at 4, $15,870, in U.S. Dam of 5 foals to race– Doc TB (Latent Heat). 8 wins to 8, $61,719. Alqanooni (KSA) TB (Frondoso (ARG). Placed to 3, ($20,364 USA), in Saudi Arabia. Qismat Kheir (KSA) TB (Pleasantly Perfect). Placed at 4 and 5, ($14,558 USA), in Saudi Arabia. Mariah's Humor TB (Distorted Humor). Unraced. Dam of– Humor Ingles TB (c. by Poseidon's Warrior TB). Winner to 5, in Argentina.

4th dam VICTORY CRY [IRE], by Caerleon. $3,334,964: 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, ($77,393 USA), in France, Grand Prix de Vichy [G3], Prix des Tuileries [L]. Sister to VOLGA [IRE] TB ($1,141,759, E. P. Taylor S. [G1]). Half-sister to VALLEE ENCHANTEE [IRE] TB ($1,510,950, Hong Kong Vase [G1]), VESUVE [IRE] TB ($203,086, Williamhill.com Doonside Cup [L]), Vassilievsky [IRE] TB ($177,844, 3rd Prix Greffulhe [G2]), Voltmeter [IRE] TB ($146,043, 3rd Grand Prix de Compiegne [L]), Vagabond [IRE] TB ($77,889). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners– Victory Star [JPN] TB (Deep Impact [JPN]). $1,074,506: 4 wins to 8, ($912,473 USA), in Japan; winner at 8, over the jumps, ($162,033 USA) in Japan. Victory March [JPN] TB (Agnes Tachyon [JPN]). 2 wins to 6, ($616,270 USA), in Japan. Dam of– Satono Fighter [JPN] TB. $188,554: 2 wins at 3, ($116,050 USA), in Japan; winner in 1 start at 5, 2021, over the jumps, ($72,504 USA) in Japan. Vibrant [JPN] TB. Winner to 4, 2020, ($46,456 USA), in Japan. Seal Victory [JPN] TB. Placed to 4, ($23,554 USA), in Japan. Treasure Battle [JPN] TB (Dr Fong). 3 wins to 6, ($590,633 USA), in Japan. Vantage Point [FR] TB (Zafonic). 12 wins to 11, 3 to 10, ($323,165 USA), in France. Volgograd [IRE] TB (Peintre Celebre). 3 wins to 4, ($44,537 USA), in France. Sire. Victory Chant [GB] TB (Peintre Celebre). Placed to 5, ($34,894 USA), in France. Dam of– Milk Bar [FR] TB. 7 wins to 8, 2021, ($147,955 USA), in France.

Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by TNL Farm, Inc., Agent Hip No. 269 Devons Cartel 269 February 6, 2020 Gray Gelding Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Big Daddy Cartel SI 94 { Corona Chick SI 113 Miss Racy Eyes SI 98 {Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Devons Cartel Miss Racy Vike SI 105 6046464 Devon Lane TB {Storm Cat Devons Wish SI 91 To The Hunt (2001) { Kiptys Wish SI 102 {Kiptys Charger SI 106 Wish Granted SI 86 By BIG DADDY CARTEL SI 94 (2009). 3 wins, $121,800, fnl in All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to RACY LA JOLLA SI 114. Sire of 257 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $9,836,234, including BIGG DADDY SI 98 (7 wins, $753,768, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (9 wins, $465,158, NM Fillies and M. Champ. S. [RG1]), DONELLI SI 96 (7 wins, $420,604, NM State Fair Fut. [RG3]), MAMACITA CARTEL SI 96 (7 wins, $302,647, NM Fillies and M. Champ. [RG1]), DADDYS BLUSHING SI 104. 1st dam DEVONS WISH SI 91, by Devon Lane TB. Winner at 2, $8,691. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, 8 to race, 6 winners, 7 ROM– GIRLONTHEGO SI 96 (f. by Man On the Move). 3 wins at 2, $174,146, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in New Mexican Spring Fling S. [R] [G3]. Dam of– CAT DADDYS LIL GIRL SI 98 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 9 wins to 5, 2021, $465,158, New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. S. [R] [G1], Junos Request S. [G1], Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H. [R] [G2], Easy Date S., 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Pitre GMC Distaff S., New Mexico State Fair Derby [R]. RYANSMANONTHEMOON SI 106 (g. by First Moonflash). 8 wins to 4, 2020, $410,081, Zia Champ. S. [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], Dona Ana County H. [R], 2nd Zia H. [R] [G2], finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1]. Wish You Had One To SI 101 (f. by Stel Corona). 3 wins to 5, $118,521, 2nd Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2], Four Corners Senora S. [R] [G3], 3rd Pelican S. [R] [G3], Sunburst S. [R], finalist in New Mexico Fillies and Mares Champ. [R] [G1]. Dam of– Jess Tequila Talkin SI 93 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 3, 2020, $87,579, 3rd Shue Fly S. [R] [G3], New Mexico Classic Sophomore S. [R], finalist [R] [G1]. Burn One Down for Me SI 109 (g. by Woodbridge). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $59,356, 3rd Jimmy Drake S. [R], finalist in New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] [G2]. Stel a Wish SI 88 (g. by Stel Corona). Winner to 4, $39,475, finalist in Kindergarten Futurity [G3]. 2nd dam Kiptys Wish SI 102, by Kiptys Charger. 3 wins to 3, $31,291, 2nd Fiesta Derby, QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Bandera Downs Derby [G2], Manor Derby [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– KIPTYS FIRST DASH SI 102 (g. by First Down Express). 7 wins to 4, $72,439, Sgt Pepper Feature H. [G3], Brotherly H., 3rd Malibu H., finalist West Texas Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2]. Wish for Fame SI 95 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins at 2, $26,015, 3rd New Mexican Spring Fling [R]. Kiptysside SI 93 (g. by The Down Side). Winner to 3, $42,337, finalist [G1]. 3rd dam WISH GRANTED SI 86, by Cari County TB. 3 wins to 3, $3,346. Dam of 12 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM– Easy Grant SI 104 (Easy Request). 4 wins to 9, $105,699, 2nd Josie's Bar H. [G3], 3rd Los Alamitos Futurity [G1], Foster City H., finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1]. Kiptys Wish SI 102 (Kiptys Charger). Stakes placed winner, above. Key to the Cash SI 93 (Cash On Request). 3 wins to 4, 2nd San Leandro H. Dashing Wish SI 98 (Reckless Dash). 7 wins to 5, $18,781. Dam of ONE CORONA FOR ME SI 111 ($113,509 [G3]). Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Lazy A Farm, Agent Hip No. 270 Name Pending 270 March 31, 2020 Chestnut Colt Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Feature Mr Jess SI 101 { TF Featured Effort SI 99 { Brenda Feature SI 94 Meadow Creeks Effort SI 87 {Special Effort SI 104 Name Pending Meadow Creek Dancer SI 96 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Effectiveimmediately SI 95 Corona Chick SI 113 (2007) { Budderfly Effect SI 127 {Strawflyin Buds SI 99 Ladies N Jens SI 108 By TF FEATURED EFFORT SI 99 (2009). 8 wins, $343,403, West Texas Mat. [G2], KOFX-FM H. [G2], West Texas Derby [G3], West Texas Mat. [G3], La Plata S. [G3], 3rd Lovington S. [G2]. Sire of 33 starters, 23 ROM, 17 winners, including RUN POTION SI 86 ($12,520, NM Classic Juv. [R]), Jess Featured Girl SI 92 (3 wins, $83,894, 2nd NMHBA S. [RG2]), Effortless Candy Cat SI 98 (2 wins, $54,501), Streaks Featured TF SI 89 (2 wins, $50,826, fnl NMSF Fut. [RG3]), DM Jessie Jane SI 96 (3 wins, $47,316), Lewandosky SI 92 (fnl [R][G2]). 1st dam EFFECTIVEIMMEDIATELY SI 95, by Corona Cartel. 4 wins to 3, $52,604, finalist in PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], qualified to Kindergarten Futurity [G1]. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM– Tac That Back SI 88 (f. by Tac It Like a Man). Winner to 3, $9,347. Effectiveness SI 90 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $8,852. 2nd dam BUDDERFLY EFFECT SI 127, by Strawflyin Buds. 5 wins to 3, $69,987, Northwest Juvenile Challenge [G3]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.318, 2nd Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G2], Dixie Downs Futurity, finalist in Town Policy H. [G3]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 8 winners, 10 ROM– IGOTYOURTAC SI 88 (c. by Tac It Like a Man). 4 wins at 2, $577,067, Golden State Million Futurity [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1]. Sire. SCOOP OF SUNSHINE SI 93 (f. by First Down Dash). 4 wins to 3, $200,224, Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Southern California Derby [G1], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]. HERE COME THE BUDDER SI 106 (f. by Hawkinson). 2 wins to 3, $15,139, Pot O' Gold Futurity. Budder Think Twice SI 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins at 2, $134,745, 2nd Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of– Budderlicous SI 109. 6 wins to 3, 2020, $93,366, 2nd Altoona Derby, Rocky Mountain Derby, 3rd Ed Burke Juvenile S., finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam LADIES N JENS SI 108, by Dash for Cash. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $83,511, Head Pin H., 2nd Bay Shore Juvenile S., Solano Dash H., finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], Southern California Derby [G1]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 7 winners, 7 ROM– BUDDERFLY EFFECT SI 127 (Strawflyin Buds). Stakes winner, above. One for the Ladies SI 97 (Strawfly Special). 11 wins to 8, $76,948. Get Carter SI 103 (Carters Cartel). 4 wins to 7, $41,974, finalist [G3]. Set NTR 330y. 4th dam BESTOQUAL SI 99, by Zevi TB. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $35,567. Half sister to Reducing the Deficit SI 110, Highly Rebellious SI 109 ($21,475). Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM– LADIES N JENS SI 108 (Dash for Cash). Stakes winner, above. Reeking Havoc SI 97 (Sir Alibi). 9 wins to 7, $80,840, 3rd Moonshiner H. [G3], finalist in Pat Hyland Mem. H. [G3]. Deans a List SI 102 (Dean Miracle). 3 wins to 8, $74,302, 2nd Covered Bridges S. [G3], finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Best to Be First SI 97 (First Down Dash). Winner to 4, $37,913, 3rd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], finalist in California Derby Challenge [G3]. Granddam of OSBALDO SI 109 ($456,878 [R] [G1]), BLAZIN VERSION SI 109 ($121,254 [R] [G2]), Shes A Blazin Winner SI 87 ($34,195 [R] [G3]), Miraculous Kiss SI 89 ($32,378). Accredited New Mexico Bred. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 Hip No. Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent Hip No. 271 Rebas Little Chick 271 April 10, 2020 Brown Filly Chicks Beduino SI 104 Chicks A Blazin SI 107 { Jess A Chicks SI 92 { Forthe Loveofhoney SI 95 Jess Satin SI 92 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Rebas Little Chick Send Me First SI 97 6074070 Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Little Reba Corona SI 91 Corona Chick SI 113 (2012) { Dashing Little Reba SI 101 {First Down Dash SI 105 Remarkable Reba SI 102 By JESS A CHICKS SI 92 (2007). 4 wins, $175,537, Zia Fut. [RG1], 3rd Zia Derby [RG2]. Half brother to JESS A SATIN FLASH SI 108. Sire of 68 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,857,053, including JESS FIRE CHICK SI 95 (5 wins, $339,464, Zia Fut. [RG1]), CHICKALONI SI 95 (6 wins, $271,260, NM Classic Fut. [RG2]), HOT INDY CHICK SI 84 (winner, $173,131, Zia Fut. [RG1]), JESS HOT SI 98 (3 wins, $162,177, NMSF Breeders Fut. [R]), YUDES JESS DASHIN SI 97 (3 wins, $143,114, NM Classic Derby [RG3]). 1st dam LITTLE REBA CORONA SI 91, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins to 3, $37,253. Sister to REBA REBA CORONA SI 109, REBAS CORONA SI 110, Load Your Guns SI 110. Dam of 4 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 3 to race– My Little Corona SI 81 (g. by First Moonflash). Placed to 3, $3,376. Apolitical Corona (f. by Apollitical Blood). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2021. 2nd dam DASHING LITTLE REBA SI 101, by First Down Dash. 4 wins to 3, $144,442, Rainbow Juvenile Inv. [R][G3], 3rd West Texas Derby [G2]. finalist in Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Half sister to ARRIBA REBA SI 109 ($63,901; granddam of VIVA LE DON SI 108, $363,286), Bad Boy Willy SI 109 ($71,614 [G2]), Rebas Feature SI 85 (dam of BOI GEORGE SI 93, $188,261 [G2]). Out of REMARKABLE REBA SI 102 ($72,131). Dam of 19 foals to race, 12 winners, 16 ROM– REBA REBA CORONA SI 109 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $126,888, Evangeline Downs Futurity, 2nd Gillespie County Fair Futurity [G3]. I AZOOMED YOU KNEW SI 91 (g. by Azoom). 4 wins to 5, $117,212, West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in All American Gold Cup [G1]. A REMARKABLE PERRY SI 102 (c. by Mr Piloto). 5 wins to 5, ($70,639 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Champ. Challenge, Clasico Jodys Glory, Clasico Javier Rosique Palavicini, 2nd Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M. 3rd Merced Gomez Orozco S. REBAS CORONA SI 110 (f. by Corona Cartel). $43,967: 3 wins to 3, ($31,967 USA), in Mexico, Hipodromo Derby Challenge, Derby Mexicano-NTR, 2nd Clasico A.M.C.C.C.M. [R]. $12,000, in U.S. finalist Derby Challenge Champ. [G1]. Load Your Guns SI 110 (g. by Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 8, $162,512, 2nd Mr. Jet Moore S. [R][G3], Boyd Morris Mem. H. [R], finalist in Keokuk S. [G3]. Zoomdasher SI 105 (f. by Azoom). 3 wins to 5, $117,583, 3rd Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G3], Turf Paradise Champ. Challenge. Dam of– One Sweet Dasher SI 88. Placed at 2, $10,189, 2nd AQRA President's Fall Fut. Zoomin Fool SI 100. Winner to 6, $103,655, 2nd PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1]. Taint Your Wagon SI 92 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Placed to 3, ($11,896 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge, 3rd Futurity Mexicano. Sire. Little Rebas Corona SI 102 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 4, $49,606, finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Dam of– FAMOUS LITTLE REBA SI 94. 3 wins to 3, $194,587, Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Rebas Corona Eagle SI 89. Winner to 3, $19,593, 3rd Lone Star Distaff Chlg. Teller Reba SI 96 (f. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $13,236. Dam of– Last Unicorn SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $14,795, 3rd Alberta Bred Derby S. [R], finalist in Alberta Bred Futurity [R] [G3]. Rebel Cartel SI 93 (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 5, $33,489, finalist Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Dashing Littlecartel SI 109 (g. by Teller Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $27,146, finalist [G3]. Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer. QDATA-RGP 6/2021 NOTES NOTES NOTES