The wave equation and energy conservation Peter Haggstrom
[email protected] May 21, 2017 1 Problem 10, Chapter 3 of "Fourier Analysis: An Introduc- tion" by Elias Stein and Rami Shakarchi Problem 10 in Chapter 3, page 90, of Elias Stein and Rami Shakarchi's textbook "Fourier Series: An Introduction" [1] contains the following problem which exhibits some fundamental techniques for physics and analysis students. Here is the problem. Consider a vibrating string whose displacement u(x; t) at time t satisfies the wave equation: 1 @2u @2u τ = ; c2 = (1) c2 @t2 @x2 ρ ρ is the constant density and τ is the coefficient of tension of the string. The string is subject to the initial conditions: @u u(x; 0) = f(x) and (x; 0) = g(x) (2) @t where it is assumed that f 2 C1 and g is continuous. The total energy for the string is defined as: ρ Z L @u τ Z L @u E(t) = 2 dx + 2 dx (3) 2 0 @t 2 0 @x 1 (there is a typo in the textbook where T appears instead of τ). The length of the string is L. The first term in (3) corresponds to the "kinetic energy" of the string (in analogy 1 2 with 2 mv , the kinetic energy of a particle of mass m and velocity v), and the second term corresponds to the "potential energy". Show that the total energy of the string is conserved, in the sense that E(t) is constant. Therefore: L L ρ Z τ Z 0 E(t) = E(0) = g(x)2 dx + f (x)2 dx (4) 2 0 2 0 2 Detailed solution The crux of this problem is the definition of total energy in (3) which is merely given, not derived.