Ti Westfield Leader
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o & E-t • TI >-* co i-i WESTFIELD LEADER RjO - 77u? Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County O - »-l USPS 6KK0 Published NINETY-FIF' I-J pq rtj .10 Second Clul Po.lM« Paid »l Wetiftttd. N.J- WESTFIELD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1984 Every Thursday 22 Pages—30 Cents 1 School Attic Waste Program Not Abolished; Enrollment 5.O36 Disposal, Not Dollars, DelaysReopening "Serious misstatements of fact the Town was notified that the • "Even if the town received ex- of frequently conflicting concerning the very real solid landfill we use was going to be tra money - whether from a be- regulatory authorities, the The "official" 1984-1985 school enrollment in Westfield's nine public waste crisis in this county and the closed permanently. quest or license fees or even the D.E.P. and theB.P.U. schools is 5,036. This is the enrollment of students on the last day of consequences to WestfielWestfield ap- tooth fairy - the state cap law on "I have been involved in the school in September and the figure is considered "official" because it peared last week in the release of •The attic waste center situa- total local expenditures would solid waste situation for the past is used to calculate State Aid and to compare one year's enrollment Jim Hely, the Democratic can- tion is not "permanent;" the preclude our paying more for four years, as chairman of the with another. didate for mayor," Westfield Council has not abolished the at- hauling unless we justified the Council's solid waste committee The enrollment is 58 students more than was projected. Councilman Garland "Bud" tic waste program and there is no expense as an 'emergency ap- and as representative and now as The enrollment shows a decrease of 191 students from last year's Boothe stated to the Westfield inclination by anyone on the propriation' or we reduced some chairman of the Union County "official" enrollment of 5,227 students. Leader this week. "In the guise Council to take such a step. "To other expenditure by a like Solid Waste Advisory Council. One school — Jefferson — shows an increase, with five more of political campaigning he has the contrary, I have every expec- amount - by discontinuing some There is no such thing as students this year than last year. The pre-kindergarten class, located misled our residents about the at- tation that the program will other service or employees. Republican or Democratic solid at Edison Junior High School, shows an increase of one student. Eight tic waste program - where we resume as soon as we can con- Either has serious long-range waste. There is a serious pro- schools show decreases, ranging from a decrease of five at are, and why." fidently do so," Boothe said.' consequences for the town," blem here. Having worked with Washington School to a decrease of 93 students at Roosevelt Junior Specifically cited as wrong Boothe said. so many county and municipal High School. were the following; •Money has nothing to do with elected and appointed officials of The total enrollment decrease of 191 includes 77 fewer students in •The Westfield attic waste center reopening the attic waste center. •Even if we got past all those all and no political persuasion, I the elementary schools (2191 this September vs. 2268 last September) was not "closed"; the Council "The problem simply was, and problems, neither the Town nor am incensed when anyone so is, can the Public Works Depart- any private hauler can just hop in clearly lacking in any understan- and 114 fewer students in the secondary schools (2,845 this September postponed reopening in ment be sure it can move out the vs. 2,959 last September. September on the recommenda- refuse a truck and go where it wants ding or appreciation of the tion of the Town Engineer after once our residents deposit with a truckload. Any disposition history and ramifications of this it smack dab in the middle of the of solid waste requires a 'flow situation is misleading our public works yard?" order,' which has to emerge out Westfielders through political To Brainstorm Ways to Make Schools Better releases. More than 140 community Mediation Session Wednesday "Here is the background of the leaders have been invited to ac- decision to defer reopening of the tively participate in a townwide A mediation session between Ron Harvey of the New Jersey attic waste center: "Together We Can ..." meeting the Westfield Board or Education Education Association heads the "The most casual reader of the scheduled for 8 p.m. in the high and the Westfield Supportive team of negotiators for the Newark. Elizabeth and Plainfield school cafeteria on Thursday, Staff Association, representing54 WSSA. Team members have in- daily newspapers has to know by Oct. 11. custodians and maintenance cluded Thomas Graves, Thomas now that the solid waste from workers, has been scheduled for Brown, Thomas O'Reilly, Westfield and 17 of the County's "We plan to brainstorm ways Wednesday. Charles Reitzke and William 20 other municipalities goes to a we can work together this year to The mediator - Robert Weakley Turk. (Continued on page 10) do what's best for students," said was appointed by the Public School Superintendent Laurence- Employee Relations Commis- F. Greene. ' sion. Negotiations on a contract 1986 Reassessment "I look forward to this meeting were declared at impasse in as the beginning of new and ex- September following two negotia- panded efforts to make our tion sessions in July and two in Program Continuing schools better for everyone," he August. Tax Assessor Robert W. Brennan announced today that the town- continued. The current contract expired wide reassessment program for 1986 is continuing on schedule. June 30, 1984. Representatives of Certified Valuations, Inc. are currently work- Special invitations have been Joseph Basralian of Winne, ing on the northside of town, east of Mountain Ave. sent to community leaders, Banta and Rizzi, a law firm Photo by Ken O'Brien Assisting the tax assessor in maintaining current data on all pro- parent-teacher presidents and in school. negotia- perties in town, the fieldman will be utilizing the inspection cards committee chairpeople, students "Together We Can*' sign a jotnt proclamation declaring the l*H4-i«es af negotiator Tor the : academic year as Westfield's Together Year when new and expanded used during the 1982 revaluation program and will make changes and school staff members. School Board. Team members in- when necessary. efforts will be made by citizens, parents, students and staff members clude James England, Kathleen The Oct. 11 meeting of citizens, to make our schools better for everyone. A kick-off townwide plann- Property owners are urged to check for proper identification and parents, school staff members Martin, Carolyn Moran and when in doubt should contact the tax assessor's office or the ing session is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. II, at Westfield Thomas Taylor. and students will kick off the High School. Citizens interested in attending are invited to call the Westfield Police Department immediately. theme for this academic year: School-Community Relations Office. Pictured, left to right, are Tliea To Honor Dr. Ewan "Together We Can Make a Dif- Bournazian, Westfield High School Student Council President, ference." Dr. Stacy N. Ewan Jr. will be representing students; School Board President Leo Senus, represen- recognized for his 30 years as a The townwide meeting will ting the school- staff; Mayor Ronald J. Frigcrio, representing trustee of the Westfield Health Day Here follow the format of earlier con- citizens; and Parent-Teacher Council President Georgia Aijiiila, Memorial Library board of vocations. Following some open- representing parents. trustees at an 8:30 p.m. public ing remarks there will be assigned for everyone. munity Relations or the meeting of the Town Council Saturday, Oct. 13 tables for brainstorming sessions The meeting is open to in- Superintendent's Office to give Tuesday. to develop ways each group can terested citizens who are invited their names so that plans can be In a session which also will in- work to make'the schools better The Westfield Board of Health be performed by National Health to call the Office of School Com- made for their participation. clude a declaration of October as will conduct a Health Day on Labs, Inc. for a non-profit fee of Recycling Month, the Council is Saturday, Oct. 13, from 9a.m. - 11 $9 per person. expected to approve various con- a.m. in the Public Health Clinic The SMAC-23 test is an tracts and a seating rearrange- in the basement of the Westfield elaborate blood analysis, 3O-Year-Old Library Finds Lack of Space ment for Geiger's Restaurant. Municipal Building, located at monitoring several bodily func- 425 East Broad St. tions. The CBC Test is a test in- Closed for Holiday The health program will offer cluding a red blood count and a Restricting Growth of Children's Programs The Westfield Memorial an extensive blood screening, differential count. The CBC test Library will be closed on Mon- consisting of a SMAC-23 test, a may indicate the presence of in- day, Oct. 8 in observance of Col- complete blood count (CBC) and fection, anemia, allergies, lung Westfield Memorial Library, housed in the kindergarten to second grade, Summer Vaca- umbus Day. The library will a High Density Lipoprotein disease and other test indica- Municipal Building adjacent to Mindowaskin tion Reading Clubs for all readers, and a Sum- reopen Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 10 a.m. (HDL) test. The blood tests will tions. The HDL Test measures Park, was built in 1954 to serve a community of mer Listening Club for young children.