is Omniscient Psalm 139:1-6, Psalm 147:5, I Chronicles 28:9, Isaiah 40:28, I John 3:20

INTRODUCTION: The book of Psalms is composed of inspired songs or poems. The book of Psalms expresses the of the individual writer to God or about God. The various types of psalms were written to communicate different feelings and thoughts regarding a psalmist’s situation. Throughout its chapters, each Psalm encourages us to God for Who He is and what He has done.

In Psalm 139, David exalts the of God and acknowledges His faithfulness to us in times of trouble. In the first six verses of this psalm, David is comforted and convicted by the of God.

I. God Knows Me A. In Psalm 139:1-6, the psalmist begins with the realization that God all about him. B. Omniscience refers to God all things, past, present, and future. He knows them all at the same time with equal clarity and absolute certainty. 1. God is - . 2. God is omniscient. C. In Psalm 139:2, He knows our before we think them. D. In Psalm 139:2-3, knows when we get up in the morning and when we go to bed at night. E. In Psalm 139:4, God knows our before we speak them. 1. In Matthew 12:36, God knows every we say. 2. In Matthew 6:4, God knows everything we do in —both the good and the bad. F. God not only the stars and holds the universe together by His power, He also our every thought and all of our actions (Isaiah 40:25-28). 1. God knows every step we take and we take it. 2. Nothing is from the . He knows what we deserve and what we do not. 3. Thank God for His ; not giving us what we deserve. And, thank God for His ; giving us what we do not deserve because of our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior. G. God’s is a part of His perfect – omniscience (Acts 2:23, Romans 8:29, I Peter 1:2). 1. Foreknowledge is God’s knowledge of all things. 2. In Psalm 139:16, God knows everything we are to do tomorrow, next month, next year, and every moment of every day until the moment of our death. H. God’s omniscience is revealed when His are fulfilled (Deuteronomy 18:22, II Kings 19:25, Isaiah 46:11, Luke 22:34, Acts 2:21). II. God Cares for Me A. What is amazing about His omniscience is that God knows all about us and He still chooses to us (Ephesians 1:4, Romans 5:8). B. Because God knows everything, we can approach Him with any and find the grace and help we need (Hebrews 4:16). 1. When a trial seems too much, I can be assured God knows what is (Job 23:10). 2. He knows the He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). 3. When God’s ways do not make sense to my limited understanding, I know I can His (Proverbs 3:5-6). C. As Christians, our is secure. Not because we know what lies ahead, but because God knows and our faith is in .

III. How Much Do I Care to Know Him? A. The Bible may not contain every thought God has, but it does reveal all we to know God, to know His plan of salvation, to know His love, and His will for our lives. B. God’s omniscience gives us in prayer knowing that He always knows the best answer, even knowing our needs before we ask (Isaiah 65:24, Matthew 6:8, Matthew 6:31-34). C. The great attribute of God’s omniscience is not just a statement of , but an incentive for . 1. God’s omniscience means that nothing anyone does the knowledge of God and that one day we will be called to give an account to God (Romans 14:10-12). 2. Knowing that God watches all that we do should cause us to give God our (I Corinthians 10:31).

CONCLUSION: We do not have to go through life wondering if anyone what we are going through. God does! God knows what you are bearing. God knows you and you. Allow your omnipotent and omniscient God to you during times of struggle. In Matthew 10:29-30, we read about God’s attention to details and small things (sparrows and the number of hairs on our head). If God cares that much for the sparrow, how much more does He for you and me? May we live our lives today knowing that sees what we are doing. We cannot hide from God.