Governmentof India Secretariat of the Appointments Committeeof The
No. 36/01/2017 -EO(SM-I)(1) Governmentof India Secretariatof the Appointments Committeeof the Cabinet Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievancesand Pensions Departmentof Personneland Training New Delhi, the 21st June, 2017 The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approvedthe following appointments: (i) Shri N.K.Sinha, lAS (BH 80), Secretary, Ministry of Culture as Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in the vacancy caused due to appointmentof Shri Ajay Mittal, lAS (HP 82) as Secretary, Departmentof Personnel & Training. (ii) Shri Rajiv Gauba, lAS (JH 82), Secretary, Ministryof Urban Developmentas Officer on Special Duty in the Ministry of Home Affairs. The officer will take over as Home Secretary on completion of tenure of the present incumbent Shri Rajiv Mehrishion 30.08.2017. (iii) Shri Ajay Mittal, lAS (HP 82), Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting as Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training in the vacancy caused on superannuation of the present incumbent Shri B.P.Sharma, lAS (BH 81) on 30.06.2017. (iv) Smt Aruna Sundararajan, lAS (KL 82), Secretary, Ministry of Electronics& InformationTechnologyas Secretary, Department of Telecommunications in the existing vacancy. (v) Shri Avinash K Srivastava, lAS (UP 82), Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries as Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs in the vacancy caused due to appointmentof the present incumbent Shri Jagdish Prasad Meena, lAS (AM 83) as Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries. (vi) Shri Yudhvir Singh Malik, lAS (HY 83), Chairman, National HighwaysAuthority of India as Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in the existing vacancy. (vii) Shri Subash C Garg, lAS (RJ 83), Executive Director, World Bank as Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs in the existing vacancy.
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