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Madcasting the BUSINESSWEEKLY OF.TELEVI SION and RADIO June 16, 1969:Our 38th Year:5N madcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF.TELEVI SION AND RADIO _. , ; ¡¡ '1Jw Supreme Court upholds fairness doctrine. p21 Cigarette advertising dumped in NAB's lap. p26 Chorus of dissent on CATV plan gets louder. p44 SPECIAL REPORT: Big ad dollar of food brokers. p63 "THEIrilI WHEELS IN WASHINGTON" HARDEN AND WEAVER THE EVENING STAR BROADCASTING CO. WASHINGTON, D.C. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: McGAVREN - GUILD - PGW RADIO, INC. -1(1;74/%ez,44,:icircHL:/'Air FLIPPER IS FLIPPER IS FLIPPER IS FLIPPER IS FLIPPER IS ENTERTAINMENT SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE COMPETITIVE SOLD a very special series a network record of with an appeal that is and proved this when in New York (WOR), produced with that great popularity which strongly aimed of the re -run Sundays on Los Angeles (KHJ), special touch of averaged o 20.8 Nielsen whole family, the series NBC -TV. The TvQ for Detroit (CKLW), Ivan Tors. That means rating and o 35.4 shore delivers all segments this period gave Flipper Seattle (KING), the center of attraction during its three first -run of the family. When o ranking competitive to Portland (KGW), is on unique action, seasons at 7:30 PM scheduled at 7:30 the such first -run series os Spokane (KREM), exciting and beoutifu! Saturdays on NBC -TV. audience comp was Lassie, Botmon, I Dream Son Francisco -Oakland (KTVU), underwater photog- 45% adult, 14% teens of Jeannie, and That Milwaukee (WVTV), raphy, the interrelation and 42% children. And Girl ... among all Harlingen (KGBT), of happy young people when scheduled in viewers and importantly, Phoenix (KPHO -TV). enjoying adventures... network repeats at 6:30 among the husband the ingredients of Sundays, the audience wife viewers. In this Call today for tireless vitality for long- comp became 57% adult cotegory Flipper r latest availabilities term popularity. adult 9% teens and topped Dennis the 34% children. Menace, F Troop and MGM Gilligan's Island, series TELEVISION in successful syndication. In the Dallas-Ft. Worth Market... KRLD -TV delivers more in PRIME TIME*... 17.5% more Homes than the second station. 12.4% more Women than the second station. 9.9 more Men than the second station. 30.5% more Teens than the second station. 32.9% more Children than the second station. Contact your H -R representative for a most efficient prime time schedule on KRLD -TV, the station that delivers more. * Feb. /March '69 ARB Television Audience Esti- mates. Average Quarter - Hour, 6:30 PM -10:00 PM, Sunday thru Satur- day CLYDE W. REMBERT, Presraerl 4 BROADCASTING, June 16, 1969 I:IoseiIccuítz Continuity "clear" time in late hours on weekends. since BRC was being formed in 1963, First set of promos was due to move and was succeeded few weeks ago by FCC Chairman Rosel Hyde, whose early yesterday morning (June 15) for Frank Fogarty of Meredith Publishing term expires June 30, has been asked use this week. One -minute version sin- ( BROADCASTING. May 26). and has agreed to stay on job until suc- gles out five network programs of dif- cessor is found. Agreement was but- ferent types, notes that TV presents di- toned up last Thursday in private con- Fresh troops versity " "to please the diverse groups versation between Mr. Hyde and Peter that make up our community," urges Reorganization of All- Industry TV Sta- Flanigan, special assistant to President. viewers to plan ahead to see shows they tions Music License Committee into Formal announcement is expected soon. particularly like. Shorter versions make new, continuing group is expected to Chairman had intended to retire at end similar points. In addition to on -air use, come within month to six weeks. It'll of current term after 45 years in gov- material may also be incorporated into be done under authorization given sev- ernment (41 with FCC and predeces- talk or discussion programs. eral months ago by National Associa- sor Federal Radio Commission). He tion of Broadcasters TV board, though reaches mandatory retirement age of 70 new committee won't necessarily op- April 12, 1970, but White House in- Blue air erate under NAB auspices. It probably tends to find new chairman before then. Broadcast of four- letter words is again will be made up of some members of Sooner than had been expected. posing headache for FCC, some of present committee plus some to be ap- White House may have another vacancy whose members react almost violently pointed. Thinking is that with new con- to fill on FCC. Commissioner James J. to use of obscenity on air but who are tract with American Society of Com- Wadsworth, Republican, is considering reluctant to be accused of censorship in posers, Authors and Publishers appar- resignation to take diplomatic post, pos- moving to end it. Station this time is ently headed for early approval by sta- sibly on U.S. delegation to Intelsat con- noncommercial. community -supported tions, work can start soon on setting ference. Mr. Wadsworth represented KRAB(FM) Seattle, Wash. Commission is up new group. Charles Tower of Corin- U.S. on UN during Eisenhower admin- understood to have received number of thian, chairman of present commit- istration, last year as top man. His de- complaints about language aired by tee -which spent close to eight years parture wouldn't change political bal- station. As result, Broadcast Bureau has negotiating new ASCAP deal -has made ance of FCC. but it's assumed White recommended that stations pending re- it clear he won't continue on new one House would seek tough- minded, hard- newal application be granted for only (BROADCASTING. March 31). working Republican to succeed him. one year. General counsel's office, on other hand, has proposed forfeiture. But Commissioner Nicholas Johnson. Challenge from ranks Bureau building with some support from Commissioner On eve of annual convention of Na- U.S. Supreme Court decision affirming Kenneth A. Cox, is said to have ac- tional Cable Television Association in FCC's fairness doctrine (see page 21) cused staff of bullying small licensee- San Francisco next week reports are is seen by some commission officials as to have told staff to "pick on someone circulating that several nominations for two -edged sword. Court's endorsement your own size." Upshot is that issue directorships will be submitted in con- of commission authority in programing is still unresolved. test with officially- nominated slate. One area, particularly in matters of fairness. for sure is Edgar Smith, CATV chief for Time -Life Broadcast Inc., who al- while welcome, is seen as putting heavy New face, new place burden on already overworked machin- ready has obtained required 10 signa- ery available for processing complaints More changes coming up in research tures on petition. Time -Life is not only against broadcasters. Commission offi- structure of National Association of multiple CATV owner, but is heavy, cials complain that present resources Broadcasters. Donald H. McGannon of minority stockholder in Manhattan Ca- do not permit kind of field investiga- Westinghouse Broadcasting, chairman ble TV, one of three in New York, tions some complaints require and with of NAB Research Committee since which is supplying sports coverage on court spelling out heavy obligations early 1960's. has asked not to be re- cablecasting channel. broadcasters have, complaints against appointed and President Vincent T. stations are expected to increase. Wasilewski is expected to announce Road show this week that new chairman will be John F. Dille Jr. of Communicana Decision has been made to take Then Self help Group, former chairman of NAB joint Came Bronson, new hour series out of New service ro help TV stations call board and now head of NAB's Future MGM TV for NBC -TV, entirely on lo- their own viewers' attention to televi- of TV Committee. And NAB research cation at sites all across country in style sion's stronger points was to be launched department, currently in New York. is pioneered by Route 66 and followed on over past weekend by Television Infor- due to be moved to NAB's Washington worldwide scale by I Spy. Plan is for mation Office and National Association headquarters when new research vice company of more than 40 to stay on of Broadcasters, with cooperation of president, John Dimling Jr. of Spindle - road for six months or more, filming Associated Press and United Press In- top research ("Closed Circuit," June with no breaks in schedule. Company ternational. Service will provide weekly 9), reports for work about mid -July. will shoot six days per week, average spot announcements -in 60 -, 30- and Mr. McGannon's decision to relin- 14 hours per day. Seven cameras will be 20-second versions -pointing up out- quish research chairmanship reportedly taken along instead of customary three. standing programs (on all networks. stems from his belief that he has held Plot line calls for young man discover- but without specific credits) that view- it long enough and new blood ought to ing himself and country on motorcycle ers could have seen during preceding be infused. Similarly, he declined to so three motorcycles will be used and week. Copy will be moved to stations stand for reelection to Broadcast Rating there also will be mobile repair shop for on AP and UPI broadcast wires during Council chairmanship he had held them. BROADCASTING, June 16. 1969: Vol. 76. No. 24 Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING. 1735 DeSales Street. N.«".. Washington. D.C. 20036. SOME CLOWN IN WASHINGTON HATES THIS STUFF. He has a kids' show. Four hours a week. Lorenzo. No cartoons. History, nature, music, yes. Lorenzo feels his pantomimes and characters are a pleasant change for kids.
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    315-332-7374 Main Campus W-FL BOCES Regional Support Center Health Careers 121 Drumlin Court Arcadia Building of Conduct / Code Student Handbook Newark, NY 14513 Instructional Service Center Monroe Community Hospital 435 East Henrietta Road Rochester, NY 14620 2020 - School of Practical Nursing www. .org 26 2019 2 2019-2020 CLASS SCHEDULES Semester Start Date Semester End Date Hours September 9, 2019 February 4, 2020 450 February 5, 2020 June 22, 2020 450 June 23, 2020 August 20, 2020 225 HOURS Monroe Community Hospital (Evenings) Classes: September –January: Monday - Thursday: 4:00pm-9:30pm January – August: Monday & Tuesday: 4:00pm-9:30pm September-August: Saturday: Assigned 2 hour block between 8:00am-4:30pm Lab: September –February: Monday – Thursday (One assigned day per week) 9:30pm-11:30pm Saturday: Assigned 2 hour block between 8:00am-4:30pm Clinical: January-August: Wednesday & Thursday: 4:30pm-11:OOpm & Assigned Fridays/Saturdays: TBD Monroe Community Hospital (Days) Classes: September – January: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-2:15pm January – August: Monday & Tuesday: 8:30am-2:15pm September-August: Friday: Assigned 2 hour block between 8:00am-4:30pm Lab: September –February: Monday – Thursday: (One assigned day per week) 2:30pm-4:30pm Friday: Assigned 2 hour block between 8:00am-4:30pm Clinical: January-August: Wednesday & Thursday: 7:00am-3:30pm Newark Days Classes: September –January: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-2:15pm January – August: Wednesday & Thursday: 8:30am-2:15pm September-August: Friday: Assigned 2 hour block between - 8:00am-4:30 Lab: September –February: Monday – Thursday: (One assigned day per week) 2:30pm-4:30pm Friday: Assigned 2 hour block between 8:00am-4:30pm Clinical: January-August: Monday & Tuesday: 7:00am-3:30pm ** Clinical days may need to be adjusted per health care facility scheduling.
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