Meenakshi - Fish Eyed Warrior 3D MODEL ONLY Goddess

Scan Hindu Heritage


updated 4. 12. 2020 | published 15. 11. 2020


Devi Meenakshi whose name literally translates to the fsh-eyed Goddess, stands here with a parrot perched on her right hand, radiating beauty, love and compassion. The parrot is a symbol of Kama, god of love. Meenakshi is a considered a reincarnation or of goddess . The legend of Meenakshi serves as an inspiration for young girls and women. The goddess was believed to be the only daughter of the king of . She grew up learning the martial arts, and became a fne warrior who excelled in archery and sword-fghting. She ascended the throne herself and led many battles to expand her kingdom. She fnally arrives at Mount Kailash, where she meets her equal in battle, lord himself. goddess-who-could-not-be-defeated-any-man-until-she-met-021559 - a mission to document Hindu sculptural traditions.

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warrior parrot meenakshi india hindu goddess F3 Model Files (.stl, .3mf, .obj, .amf) 3D DOWNLOAD ALL FILES

021arulmigu-meenakshi-amman_sq.stl 50.7 MB F3 3D updated 24. 11. 2020

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