AICTE MANDATORY DISCLOSURE Government Polytechnic,2021-22 .

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri. Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 State, India.

1. Name of the Institution

Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri, Near Thibaw Palace Ratnagiri- 415612. (Maharashtra)

2.Name and address of the Trust/ Society /Company and the Trustees


3. Name and Address of the Principal

Name: Mr. Audumbar M. Jadhav Designation: Principal Mobile: +91-9423269105 Emailid:[email protected] Address- Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri. Near Thibaw Palace Ratnagiri-415612. (Maharashtra)

4. Name of the affiliating University

-N.A. 5. Governance

Organizational Chart


Training & Adminstrative office Departments Library Hostels Placement

Registrar Mechanical Civil Computer Electrical Electronic Librarian TPO Girls Boys & Tele. Pharmacy Engg. Engg. Engg. Engg. Engg.

Office Class IV Class IV Supritendent HOD

Head Clerk Faculties

Sr. Clerk/ Lab. Technicians/ Jr. Clerk Assitant

Class IV Class IV

gnTr6lstirft rb-f,dr,:.drtrrfi fu* qR{E q&8, rfirftft - 8r,J q9Q. (qENrF) *t+i: ort ,. l)?{oJ / ?l?83 I qJ- c,'iur -l-rUJU 5-!1':frllrClpill- !PJ@IC0lIllllJIl.(0T .i6r{ 9C \r\,.\.fr,'tL rattrl.u-I... 'l'r.m.arkiT/fufu/R "t"'

{,lqTFFIil u'it!{t

Es-q iFirl xf-=ia (tidi i,fi,T) HFrdi

Ita-ftra qs ?o?o-?9 aft-dT q.t'i-a ,3TFrdr{l oiiqfr q trapfi oi6 iFrq qffi.r rrfrri qfud '.nl,ffiFi qziT Frrrqfa {a 'atE. iffi) \rIGAr= e. k"q-ig @]qmI ,}r-E -r r..r ,ir. ,rEiqiit mcr rrr+qrur o{l?. ed. rF. gfimr{i q frCEfr qii qfq q qd-qfq qFdtfi-fl q(

9 :fi .ei'. q.qrqq, q.flqr"i g1LqH

I sl a.rr.qrt, fqq.rr{s,:iiqqfiqirrflEe Ifl;iTC.E I 4i q o{ kr,+, sf}.r. T,{!fl {IEI{ /\,r,n)/ ..L- z ffi. W €i ffi, eft. a1fuogd {dPl 'ir o\ ' $mfr.':n. o+.96{, efi. {flrnqs.TfF{ g{FI 2\ ,,ftqtit qH.+ qliii, iTfq.d,Tqq; $P-rr\oP ryi .i.r ql-gd, Riro(ni vrqt sa.) T(Pd ( qtdi.Bnr61rr{, ffi {{EI{ .-f gt.flq rrorvr, (cgft-cgd) fuffirrT nfmi{d} v 6 Fror,fi gt, (ijTom) f{rqTtft cfiii'&t 9X..,^ gr.ilq qleF(, (1r:rE3ld) frEsT'fi qfifirrt s. oilgsni-Iqal lqeqTqT Ifdr{qi \ .l.arn,o

Il r.q.rrreiqroo, ,i:ftsror fulnrffq 6Tql({q, t<{ qs qii' qltr.ffi. 1 i.{qcrr,mst 6Tci-rc,

D/VAISHALI/LETTER/RO LETTER Page 35 YnqqlqdaH,"q, Eqfirfi qTqrqriTfi, ?lqr retffi-xiq q?1. (qil-{rc.) E : o?3qi-?liao? i ?li x?q Estd. 1961 Sa : office. [email protected] qe*it$.. : www. gpratnagrn orq o AICTE Permanent ID : 1,455597101 . DTE Code : 3009 . i"lSBTF Code ; 0013 q.m.qiaq /oga-so /? o?o-? 9/8? [,G{ f+Ti6 e?/o?/?oQe


fiqq : eieda omcft-qrr.qrrFrfi (lnternal Complaint Committee (lCC)

i+orQi-E ,.J -^.^ .o:EA:r-r--A-..S\-,--+ --r <'"i iq, i'i i\,-(v-\ r Tfii;gr& e&,nt. c,ffi q ,tetf :t+ 3ii1i drril ft-errT q-fr-fi qi-{+ft-d T&a oin-qrd t-a sni. r+ffii srffi , offi q fuqTfi u1q1 nalq Gr-qlET{d G.rqi-rofr orffi q;sq qr4qigt errqro rlt<{ o-q-"rqtqf 3nt.

3i.F. eriffii odilef/ fr-ilsff qiA fls trfi'fi-fioqs o9. ffi sT.GrT.E*i, ufle]. wrqfllq 3{qeT o? sftqfr El.q.iqt, 3rfU. srgfugd Grft. IT(FI o3. ffi,3rf*. iiTm -.- T[{WI o8. ffi fr .q.@tiI{f,i, tr{&rr{ Ewxarffi &To {{({-Il oU ffift.ftqH,dg'deq- Ttfl{ oEr. g.3nq.c.qorrr, @ffi1o9fr-qf, e qrs.?T{ ffi) {{(wl o(l)., ft.ilPilil FiqlT.F cftT ) rt

ilsdqdaf+ar-fl{Tf,rFrS qfr, Bq+ffietDm rfr, tndeffiqft-areff

Td: faqrlegs {arqs/?l7fuqa/3r9ft-{d /rr,r0To/qTffi/aTrq./sq.q, {rs/ oTqioq YnqqlqdaH,"q, Eqfirfi qTqrqriTfi, ?lqr retffi-xiq q?1. (qil-{rc.) E : o?3qi-?liao? i ?li x?q Estd. 1961 Sa : office. [email protected] qe*it$.. : www. gpratnagrn orq o AICTE Permanent ID : 1,455597101 . DTE Code : 3009 . i"lSBTF Code ; 0013 q.m.qiaq /oga-so /? o?o-? 9/8? [,G{ f+Ti6 e?/o?/?oQe


fiqq : eieda omcft-qrr.qrrFrfi (lnternal Complaint Committee (lCC)

i+orQi-E ,.J -^.^ .o:EA:r-r--A-..S\-,--+ --r <'"i iq, i'i i\,-(v-\ r Tfii;gr& e&,nt. c,ffi q ,tetf :t+ 3ii1i drril ft-errT q-fr-fi qi-{+ft-d T&a oin-qrd t-a sni. r+ffii srffi , offi q fuqTfi u1q1 nalq Gr-qlET{d G.rqi-rofr orffi q;sq qr4qigt errqro rlt<{ o-q-"rqtqf 3nt.

3i.F. eriffii odilef/ fr-ilsff qiA fls trfi'fi-fioqs o9. ffi sT.GrT.E*i, ufle]. wrqfllq 3{qeT o? sftqfr El.q.iqt, 3rfU. srgfugd Grft. IT(FI o3. ffi,3rf*. iiTm -.- T[{WI o8. ffi fr .q.@tiI{f,i, tr{&rr{ Ewxarffi &To {{({-Il oU ffift.ftqH,dg'deq- Ttfl{ oEr. g.3nq.c.qorrr, @ffi1o9fr-qf, e qrs.?T{ ffi) {{(wl o(l)., ft.ilPilil FiqlT.F cftT ) rt

ilsdqdaf+ar-fl{Tf,rFrS qfr, Bq+ffietDm rfr, tndeffiqft-areff

Td: faqrlegs {arqs/?l7fuqa/3r9ft-{d /rr,r0To/qTffi/aTrq./sq.q, {rs/ oTqioq cn?Tf,e rirli&+'-For, l?airGl-fi q-Tq F.+q rfr6, ?iqFl.l - B!t r:9:t. (I.:FII l ?-l'i' c:'+ l: -':::1o1 I ? .i,q +Zln; c?lrl:l rri,aiL, :--., '. ,r'1, r --i;il r 'J ir '., tr,r, .t - .-r: _ t-\,i \,.91-ti1tr.r,Jjii.{rr! r,

.,r o :1 c "1_.'.!;.---i.rnai ffi / 7

Tlcicd,tq erifl :

ii.-qq : rT1=r'-l qqnjrl-.-.- lnCustrv ' ', Insiiilrte l.]lefociton Cejj rc-..-Irql- ruEI=-. _. -. T;zi: .-i-..--l:.-, iit- _-Ee ;r:; . ;1;. r,_: c. '. q ... -- = 1?t-Y:= J iJlJl:Jr h,.i. 9:,:--.

\'T{lE TJEI:-Z qz]-XFIl ?n'rIEx GIdI;T.L-,fTrl lndusirr lrrsiilute ]rrreracliorr ( eil JJTh" 6rrfl: qfl 3TTd. sTf#,il q:r qE=firr .re-lc ol. Frdlqfi-"1 rrr/r r.-rqql qlEqm - !TT-*-[ 03. ql{w qE{q oq. qEtq TfeTqa .t agziadffifi

B-JiIfi +6 l..fto stfffi qrfi d-@rE / offl - !ri!) eTEftfd oTri q ,?.rl? iLT?Te !r;IIr=l q-i- .- orEqTqr cTe

- !) 1is,-q q q,jeqqi-i dtffi srrr".F,o rlgEr{ qt Eq l) rirelitrAffi BrqErTiril3r Fld lrrrgrdld s qG? dd r.f.,l 6fdf 9Z l]].lil-r11r1ryr6!-.ifi(E1{{{r1r-trd-Tiq-r?aIs4FT-q'Rlerq r:q"r4r q o-cq iffiOr rqm @-{ul f .fe.qri-n cR Tl.rij;t=t qq - q.'r.-i -itfl"?]T \,rXFTt!-n i,:4rr.t,) Ir,rrnrrtc i\leetir e z ;;" *a .lrBry-==- nlmql_i flRTofu ilitr{il-f,{ {c{ryrfi

r 41, _) sfil,' r,tfz6 31qrrq s orj-rffi qrfi qrffl a gfu oaffinrd qt. c) lrfu-d, rEl{. Fg {r=',{ tiaftreq ,rerr. 1jfr.

l) firrr,r^ q'Je, / {:rw; 7 Brufiqd / ffgd ?ia ermEj+ffii.']RlNz (".c1 ^(?-,-rrcq i I A) Fr-r€dfi=qffi, w,T$ffi' lerdr qrEl-( ctt-s,Tmiffi .

E mari -princrpai. qpl:atnagil:a[!ail-emaharasilr!a. qov qr.q;.enii{i irP+/ Qo ?r. / qia., H-cF-q: or. lolt

.l-.-- ,-+:- 1r1 ^r t - - :r{=l ir- qerFFIE ,Trl5 -aiui z'{l q;T'lf-a. qEl ara 'l')': -:1/t l: ' ?tu)l- i/io1\/1Zo.g lE,iq.oE,.loqq

\ 6]-ErFr{r"i 3drtri-

zl]rffi ffil:ffi, 7r \=J aTE aiF.dE q5(,5i lil-=r.Fl T:l--; ::i; ffiqqqE wq enfi-6 ffid{ ffi era,rqrqr E*-ti isklrrT eTftrqnilqdqrx qFir effi rfuf, F,,Tid Td a1r6

ffiffi-?Ti+q]aaq(qrq €TEIiTIfrIEI qe!rq -:-- . ? TL^ E.qT.IqT(, 3T|tI.4' A-fr]. 3li-q8l :) EE.effi3rfriEqqr g{{q q. tsJqFffiF.d qETg Y. EEF.E{aq,, csI-RrEI {dI. {r,€l ry}q sn s ifreTi,Pas6 lat.urt.uot) :trzl7r

difi qFf, Hrf,@T rmrrrri"l fuszT{r :[Fc e-Tarqqr iqri'sq aroqm E;{lq:I t \ a.\^L)- _l+Acri---"a . r' I \' ")' (s{.q'.q]tlq) lTqq Irrs+iq ii_rFffi,rT{,r€f'Ri qm, r^ 3rfl.rr rrqtld/6qq{ ql{ Tdrfi 4rlalf,F]r- Elr€-*"qffi, {r-.tftrfi fzi41 q1q7 q,aa;, rn-tffi . ar $""af .fozzsz]zzzets fdTq.foql, [0z:s2] 222203[s]qrql E-ma i1 -pr:tncipal . gpr:atnagi r1 Gdter,al,a ra shr ra . gov

w.;n.Qrdt,, :+n"+Z q <. " I f s.j ftljs- o!.!o !o!o

iEqrl rurioT-{ qei- 1o1o-qo1q ndi erftr+.nriffi nq,. i{e*rr FFrdr r,i_d 6t1ryreil {ri-i :il.xEl.,. cn,.rliEcIdl eeiE-qmq,q rr fi qiA q,r - .io /qq,,;l.itlnpn rlffi/qzl?oq\e fi.qi.ol.ioqr:


;rr-[.Ff, Tiqlr]q fulqq{TR, ${ ioio-?o{,, o iiE{urfr sqjqd qIqqd .rrqR eii,*Rtl$=iq* siffi ,w €*,r k-crsr ^n-.n.i -* i+** d easrq' en6. Etq-,iror rqrdr-yryri e,+ft++irize;'ietri qiei o*rr Fl-ff {.ftd rm #*_ * ,r,

qrEi Hrqrq -qilqn Eftrdi qrzffi soq

arr€-+ie. iirffiffi ,l_flFT{i grrct&-{ .irf*arrcr, rrolrfts itiqtqqe;fuo, {flft.ff _ 8rt t9r. (Tdnry) tr# o. J\i ?r??oj I i)idtr1 rfT. o: lr: .rrl.,3.i i-ta : principai gpL ( 4+rl1c- : rirvw.epralnasir i.r-rig.iri

w.m.rmtr7fifu71 o o ( ? 1 1 I 3 1 ffi+: i i/o 9/i o? 9.

orqio{rq itTEsT

sj:.1fu6 qd fuqq: ?o?o-?.r flift fufl,ii c*n F-qrtrryiq(.Jmt{ qHi It'm a-r,rT{qa cr{:- qi. iisiffi; d:r.iial-i q.;l.tqf .., q, ciq #. i "ig;r.;ii.* harl qfiTfr/t o o g. :'s/i :s, f-.: i/o 3/1 o 9

wt]ff iqa,ft{ trdEqR sq RoRo-?9 ql 9ie{Fm EqiqEq;qprsrjn;r fuce1ii 6q1 6i qroa qinqTq( fgt* xrq ilmr&A riet wrrqr q-(,K firr+,-{,T ff enqsqa on? e:t.r,|.m q-di.rmTui firqrrfi omrr FqRq HFr& rrAra q,{n-{d +d ,fl?

hslrfi n'Err fr-crtq Hfr'ft 3I m. i 3{lLT1'rrl/4rI4ffi qra c'I{ (l{qrq 9 ei.u.ri.znpl, ft r-,.,l,Tcgq"nns eTsqsl i *.qs.q.F'mq. e+ler rpms e,f; g{.EI i qri.q.qu. qig, orfd.ii, {.{T z ,n.di.s'I.qffi , a-iu. orulfr rgn B-(H ,rH. qr dt iqE, efu e-1fuega Hil{ €: *t. +iqq Udelnrq.ffi;qgu. ftafi-m sss Hfud f :J--!lqdlllo/r q- -: dq E.dtfin fuir-rffic ma qrii 1',c ( -.1c th.Ji I d, L] ilJ.ldlil. - 6s;I trtlT 3Ie cllil e{\'crqrcE q mErri qi# HrE{ wrqr. .kiutry----=-- -GLq.ctrls Irtar{ imdE iirFifrnq {flftrir qfi, sctt-4f, Hd s i q HFdtqfka a-lf+rtiycriurfr, nreatq fizfumnr rflirr{i fO:fuqr.tqgg oo 9 i/9 qa). --- - -r.+lqm, ilqaF-qnlErujB-

D/VAISHALI/LETTER/RO LETTER Page 3tr irnr+q frrtTE rq {-TrKi

qfufr, yl\ ( o ?: q i r q ( -t -i o fuerqrTrq at.tq.r€rffi 51E* F.i ) i 1 ,. , ? i Enaii:principal [email protected] \\eb: DTE Code i3009 MSBTE Ccde: 0013 .; €€{sr ffi qjg i. :- iooi .il.q.5ITJ t;43'--o;t, - , t,... .. fr i .:.

: . ! - }i1.1 'r +, .-1! {o -ro- --i- iq+r. rr+:-;

flrg-+tq oTqlEq/fiqflrs+iq qrqicrqlnm-qie;tl*wrlp+i+o erq rie+l ils{ e{:r,llTd qe:r g qkoi g'fil-fliqi g'Tct@l "ig} o laflnrq oq.rr 1iq{uT lrw ffi,rfr

r-ilii4T df,,r{ FtqllrT FlqAI

1. 3rqSfli {iET dffiii 3r.3n.Tdq, aflqernr {qTqrqru t {{{qr.] clq }ffisl.AiqG .3r.!tril{d I q-{{qrq als - at.q, fi ffi, 3rFlerlqiT ffi Y T

eI.F. sf.uEtqq qlq qfier iffirr fq-+Tf,ii1 qfrtqfl YR] rri=ranta fucnn a Pi+a ji-flTrr Trffi cFId-d@T 3rrr+flr ETqi(.qi qiq) q|1{ flA@r E'FR]qI r-*T{Hr dfrlflElT g€ql ttgl {trli t alTqqlq d{Fffifl{. ii.{ fi{n F{m {(i rt{I

_erqd fls+iq flr-s-f,{,{flffi

,.^ .V,.tF: 'lq(qpn rdqn. en.n.{f,frfJr (oi lliLi ) (e'i.e"i r.t"-tt r4fl .n* flqrsofr {ET id )

6. Programme

Sr. No No Sr. of the Name Department Programme Name Year of Commencement Capacity Intake in Increase if any Capacity, Increase Year of AICTE Approval 1 Civil Engineering Diploma in Civil 1961-62 60 120 2012- 13 Yes Engineering

2 Computer Diploma in Computer 1996-97 40 60 2007-08 Yes Engineering Engineering

3 Electrical Diploma in Electrical 1961-62 60 No NO Yes Engineering Engineering 4 Electronics & Diploma in Electronics 1992-93 60 120 2012-13 Yes Telecommunication & Telecommunication Engineering Engineering 5 Mechanical Diploma in Mechanical 1961-62 60 120 2012-13 Yes Engineering Engineering

7. Faculty

CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 CAYm3 2019-20 2018-19 17-18 2016-17 Items

Min. Max Min Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.

M 20 20 20 20 18 18 17 17

Faculty in Engineering &

Technology F 11 11 08 08 07 07 02 02

M 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02

Faculty in Sciences &

Humanities F 06 06 06 06 06 06 02 02

M 58 58 63 63 70 70 70 70

Non-Teaching staff

F 08 08 09 09 11 11 12 12

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Faculty Profile

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Civil Engineering Department Faculty Profile





Date of 10-Aug-89 Joining Mobile No. 8378979772

E-Mail ID [email protected]







34 Total Years


Research Papers:








Total Years 29



Research Papers: FACULTY PROFILE Name Yogesh sudhir pawar Designation Lecturer in civil engineering Date of Joining 19/02/2008 Mobile No. 9890439976 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address

Degree B.E civil M E/MTech Specialization Qualification Institution Name DY Patil college of engineering University/Board Pune university Percentage 60% Year of Passing 2004

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial ------Experience

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri Experience 15 years

Subjects Taught ASU ,SUY, WRE, EAC, ENV, BCO, CIVIL ENGG PROJECT Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Government Polytechnic, MSBTE, 1 FDP on 'Mind-Spark' One day Ratnagiri Sponsored

DTE Sponsored 2 Induction Training Phase-I NITTTR, Bhopal Two Weeks

DTE Sponsored Induction Training Phase-I NITTTR, Bhopal Two Weeks 3

4 Stepping Stone to start up One week India Government Polytechnic, DTE Sponsored Ratnagiri

5 Communication skills and Four week personality development Government Polytechnic, Hingoli

FDP on 'Effective use of ICT Government Polytechnic, MSBTE, Mumbai 6 Tools in Teaching Learning One-week Malvan Sponsored Process'

Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities: Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty Profile

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr.Dipak M. Shinde Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Date of Birth 01-01-1966 Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (Selection Grade) Date of Joining 25-01-1996

Mobile No. 9422053414 E-Mail ID [email protected]

U.G. P.G. PhD. Degree B. E. ME Specialisation Production Engineering Production Institution Name KBP COE, Walchand COE, Educational Satara Sangali Qualifications University/Board Shivaji University Kolhapur Shivaji University Percentage 60% 67% Remark

Year of Passing 1989 1998 Institution Name No.of Years

Experience KBP COE Satara 5.5 Government Poly. Ratnagiri 24

Subjects Taught Power Engg, Refrideration & Air conditioning, Thermal Engg. Attended Workshop/ Trainings: 1.Recent Advances in Computer Aided Engineering at RMCET , Ambav 2. Energy Efficient practices in RAC 3. Exploring the dimensions of innovation and emerging technologies to embrace post COVID changes 4. Improving teaching learning experience using best practices 5.Future material nanocomposites 6. Enhancing research and consultancy skills

FACULTY PROFILE Dr. VIJAY PRATAPSING RATHOD Name Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Date of Birth N.A. Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (Selection Grade) Date of Joining 01-12-2001

Mobile No. N.A. E-Mail ID [email protected]

U.G. P.G. PhD. Degree B.E M. E. Specialisation Production Production Engg. Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Mfg.) Engineering. Institution SGGS C&T, Educational Name Nanded Fr. CRCE, Mumbai MNIT, Jaipur Qualifications University/Board Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad University of Mumbai MNIT, Jaipur Percentage 66% 63% - Remark Distinction First Class - Year of Passing 1997 2006 2011 Institution Name No. of Years

Fr. CRCE, Bandra, Mumbai 1 Experience Government Polytechnic Thane 10 Government Polytechnic Mumbai 6 Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri 3

Subjects Taught Machine Design, Theory of Machines Attended Workshop/ Trainings: 1. Image processing using MATLAB (2 Week), NITTTR, Kolkata 2. Outcome based Education: A step towards excellence (1 Week), GEC, Karad 3. MATLAB Application in engineering and Science (1 Week), GEC, Karad 4. Machine Learning and Deep learning application in Engg. and Secience (1 Week), GEC, Karad 5. Internet of things (IoT) (1 Week), Dr. BATU, Lonere Publications & Research Papers: (Please see next page)

Membership & Social Activities: Indian institute of industrial Engg. Senior Member No: SMIIE 9892

Publications (International Journals/ Conferences)

1. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2011), “Probabilistic modeling of fatigue damage accumulation for reliability prediction”, International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability, Vol. 2011, ID 718901, 10 pages. (DOI:10.1155/2011/718901)

2. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2011), “Reliability-based design optimization considering probabilistic degradation behavior”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol.28, pp. 911-923. (DOI: 10.1002/qre.1281)

3. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2013), “Optimizing Reliability-based Robust Design Model Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm”, Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 66 (2), pp. 301-310. (

4. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2010), “Reliability Based Design Optimization by Integrating Degradation to Improve Reliability of the Product for a Given Life Target”, International Conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (FIME- 2010), May 20-22, 2010, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India.

5. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2010), “Capturing Life Cycle Issues by Incorporating Degradation Behavior in Reliability Based Design Optimization”, IIE 60th Annual Conference Proceedings, June 05-09, 2010, Cancum, Mexico.

6. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2010), “Capturing life cycle issues by incorporating degradation behavior in RBRDO”, 2ndInternational Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE-2010) , December 03-05, 2010, Dr B R Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar, India.

7. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2011), “Reliability-based robust design optimization: A comparative study”, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM-2011), December 06-09, 2011, Singapore. (DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2011.6118179).

8. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2011), “Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Priority-Based Robust Design”, Second International Conference on Simulation Modeling and Analysis (COSMA-2011), December 14-16, 2011 Coimbatore, India.

9. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., Rathore, A. and Jain, R., (2012), “An Evolutionary Optimization Approach to Reliability-based Robust Design Model”, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference (ISERC-2012), May 19-23, 2012, Orland, FL, USA.

10. Rathod, V., Rathore, A., and Yadav, O.P., (2012), “Pareto Filter For Dual RSM-based Robust Design Models”, International Conference on Innovations in Design and Manufacturing (InnDem-2012), December 5-7, 2012, PDPM IIITDM, Jabalpur, India.

11. Rathod, V., Yadav, O.P., and Rathore, A., (2013), “Multi-Response Surface Optimization Using Axiomatic design”, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM- 2013), December 10-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. (DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2013.6962457).

12. Rathod, V., shaikh, U., Yadav, O.P., and Rathore, A., (2013), “Swine Influenza Model Based Optimization using Seasonal Flu Shots (SIMBO-SS)”, 4th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO-2015), September 2-4, 2015, Delhi, India. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRITO.2015.7359367). Expert Lectures Delivered

1. Expert lecture delivered on “Genetic Algorithm: An Evolutionary Optimization Technique” for Master’s Students on March 28, 2012 at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Matunga, Mumbai.

2. Expert lecture delivered on “Reliability based Robust Design & Optimization” in one- week MSBTE sponsored FDP on “Quality Improvement Techniques”, Jan 14-18, 2013 at Government Polytechnic, Thane (Jan 18, 2013).

3. Expert lecture delivered on “Quality, Reliability & Optimization Techniques” for Faculties of Mechanical Engineering Department on March 22, 2013 at Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, .

4. Expert lecture delivered on “Statistics & Response Surface Methodology” in one-week BCUD, Savitribai Pule Pune University (SPPU) sponsored STTP on “Research Methodology & IPR”, Nov 17-24, 2015 at Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik (Nov 22, 2014). 5. Expert lecture delivered on “Statistics and Optimization Techniques” in one-week STTP on “Research Methodology & Innovations”, Nov 20-24, 2015 at Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Nashik (Nov 21, 2015).

6. Expert lecture delivered on “Mathematical Modeling” in two days SPPU sponsored State Level seminar on “Mathematical Modeling in Engineering Projects”, Jan 18-19, 2016 at Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management (SIEM), Nashik (Jan 19, 2016).

7. Expert lectures delivered and conducted two days FDP on “Mathematical Modeling & Modern Optimization Tools” on Jan 21-22, 2016 at M.I.T. Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune.

8. Expert lecture delivered on “Regression Analysis & RSM” in one-week STTP on “Design of experiments & Optimization Techniques”, May 09-13, 2016 at Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad (May 12, 2016).

9. Expert lecture delivered on “Swine Influenza Model Based Optimization using Seasonal Flu Shots (SIMBO-SS)” in two-days’ workshop on “Optimization Techniques for Engineering Applications”, on Jan 08-09, 2018 at Sinhagad College of Engineering, Vadgoan, Pune (Jan 08, 2018).

10. Expert lecture delivered on “Evolutionary Techniques from perspective of CAE” in AICTE-ISTE sponsored one-week STTP on “Recent Advances in Computer aided Engineering”, on Jun 25-30, 2018 at Rajendra Mane College of Engineering & Technology, Ambav – Devrukh, Ratnagiri (June 30, 2018).

11. Expert lecture delivered on “Fuel Saving Approaches and habits” in MSRTC sponsored “Fuel saving Campaign ( Indhan Bachat Mohim)”, on Jan 16-feb 15, 2019 at MSRTC Workshop, Lanjaa, Ratnagiri (Jan16, 2019).

12. Expert lecture delivered on “I-Scheme: Need of an Hour” in MSBTE sponsored workshop on “Curricula Development of food Technology”, on February 11, 2019 at Government Polytechnic Malwan (Feb 11, 2018).

13. Expert lecture delivered on “Genetic Algorithms and its applications” in TEQIP-III sponsored one-week STTP on “Applications of Computing Techniques in Research”, on Feb 25- March 1, 2019 at Government College of Engineering, Jalgoan (February 27, 2019).

14. Expert lecture delivered on “Response Surface Methodology based Optimization” for 3rd year students of Mechanical Engg on March 06, 2019 at Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri.

15. Expert lecture delivered on “Capturing life Cycle Issues in an Early Design Optimization Through Degradation Modeling” in AICTE-ISTE approved one-week STTP on “Product Lifecycle Management”, on June 24- June 29, 2019 at Shivajirao S. Jondhle College of Engg. and Technology, Asangoan, Dist. Thane (June 27, 2019).

16. Expert lecture delivered on “Reliability based design” in AICTE-ISTE approved one- week STTP on “Reliability Engineering”, on July 01- July 05, 2019 at Shivajirao S. Jondhle College of Engg. and Technology, Asangoan, Dist. Thane (July 01, 2019).

Session Chaired & Events Judged 1. A session chaired in a MSBTE sponsored State Level paper presentation “Technocratz 2012” in Mechanical Engineering Group organized on Sept 15, 2012 at Agnel Polytechnic, Navi Mumbai. 2. A session chaired in a State Level Conference on “Advanced Computational Techniques (ACT-2013)” on March 29-30, 2013 organized by SKN-Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Lonavala under QIP Scheme of University of Pune. 3. A session chaired in a MSBTE sponsored National Conference on “Evolutionary Optimization: Techniques and Applications (NCEOTA-2014)” on March 11-12, 2014 at Government Polytechnic Mumbai. 4. Judged a Project Exhibition cum Competition “Technofest 2015” in Mechanical Engineering Group organized on Feb 17, 2015 at Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai. 5. A session chaired in a MSBTE sponsored State Level paper presentation “Technocratz 2015” in Mechanical Engineering Group organized on Sept 15, 2015 at Agnel Polytechnic, Navi Mumbai. 6. A session chaired in “Conference on Technologies for Future Cities 2019” on Systems and Control track organized on January 8-9, 2019 at Pillai College of Engineering, Panvel, New Mumbai. Professional Contributions

1. Worked as Asst. Project Officer and Later on as Project Officer for Community Polytechnic scheme sponsored by Ministry of Human Recourses Development (MHRD) and contributed in various activities such as Manpower development, Transfer of technology, Information Dissemination and Community Services etc. 2. Worked as In-charge Head of Department (HOD) of Information Technology for 3 years at Government Polytechnic Thane. 3. Initiated Yashawantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) study centre at Government Polytechnic Thane for Diploma/Degree in Mechanical Engineering. 4. Conducted one week “Trainers Training Program" for Community Polytechnic staff at Government Polytechnic Thane. 5. Worked as Coordinator for Community College scheme sponsored by Ministry of Human Recourses Development (MHRD) and successfully launched “Electronics Security” course in collaboration with Zicom Electronic Security Systems Limited at Government Polytechnic Mumbai. 6. Organized a MSBTE sponsored National Conference on “Evolutionary Optimization: Techniques and Applications (NCEOTA-2014)” on March 11-12, 2014 and worked as Convener for the conference at Government Polytechnic Mumbai.

7. Working as Coordinator for development of outcome-based I Scheme Curricula for Diploma in Production Engineering of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

8. Working as Mentor for development of outcome-based I Scheme Curricula for Diploma in Food Technology of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

Member of Professional Body

1. Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering. (Senior Member No: SMIIE 9892)

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. FARUK HAMID PINJARI Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Date of Birth 31-12-1983 Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Date of Joining 03-03-2011 Mobile No. 7507283488 E-Mail ID [email protected] U.G. P.G. PhD. Degree B.E. M.Tech. - Specialisation Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering - Educational Institution Name Jawaharlal Neharu EngineeringNIT College, Rourkela Aurangabad, Maharashtra - Qualifications University/Board Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad NIT Rourkela - Percentage 74% 9.0 CGPA - Remark First Class with Distinction - Year of Passing 2005 2008 - Institution/Industry Name No.of Years ACC Limited (Dy. Manager) 2.8 Experience Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur 7 Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 2.5

Subjects Taught EDG, TEN, MQC, PEN, IFP, IHP, DME, BME, MDR Attended Workshop/ Trainings: 1. Stepping Stone to Startup India (1 Week), 2. Enhancing teaching learning process and Research Skills (1 Week), 3. Administrative training for Technical Teachers 4. Renewable Energy Sources: Past, Present and Future (2 Week) 5. Academic and Examination Reforms in Technical Institutes 6. Enhancing Research and Consultancy Skills (ICT) 7. Effective use of ICT Tools in Teaching Learning Process (ICT) 8. NBA Norms & Preparation of SAR Criteria 1-9 (ICT) Publications & Research Papers: NIL

Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Membership : NIL FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. AMOL SURESH DHANDE Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Date of Birth Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Date of Joining 05/03/2011 Mobile No. 7588615379 E-Mail ID [email protected] U.G. P.G. PhD. Degree B.E. M.Tech - Specialisation Mechanical Engineering Thermal and Fluids Engg. - Educational Institution Name J T MAHAJAN COE, FAIZPURDr. BA T U, LONERE - Qualifications University/Board North Maharashtra University (NMU)Dr. BA T U, LONERE - Percentage 69% 73% - Remark First Class with Distinction First Class with Distinction - Year of Passing 2004 2006 - Institution/Industry Name No.of Years Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur 5.5 Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 4

Subjects Taught PER, RAC, MAC,TEN,AMP,MPR,EDG,RES Attended Workshop/ Trainings: 1. Stepping Stone to Startup India (1 Week), 2. Industrial Training (TATA Motors) (1 Week), 3. Energy Efficient practices in RAC (1 Week), Publications & Research Papers: NIL

Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Membership : LMISTE-64076 IEI-A535840-0 FACULTY PROFILE Name KISHOR RADHESHAM BHAGERIYA

Designation LECTURER IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Date of Joining 01.08.1996 Mobile No. 9422858213/ 8208544613 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI

Degree B.E/ BTech D.B.M M.E Specialization MECHANICAL Maeketting THERMAL POWER Qualification ENGINEERING ENGG. Institution GOVERNMENT L N Welingkar Instt . of GOVERNMENT Name COLLEGE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING , Management , Matunga, ENGINEERING , Mumbai AMRAVATI University/Boa SANT GADGE BABA L N Welingkar Instt . of SANT GADGE rd AMRAVATI BABA AMRAVATI UNIVERSITY, Management , Matunga, UNIVERSITY, AMRAVATI Mumbai AMRAVATI Percentage 66.10% 57.5% 64.46& Year of Passing 1992 1994 2006 Work Experience Duration (Years)


Period Sr Organisor No Name of Programme Institute From To Remark 2 Week Induction Training Phase-I NITTR BHOPAL 02.06.2004 18.06.2004 1 Induction Training Phase- NITTR BHOPAL 21.06.2004 02.07.2004 2 Week 2 II B&B IT Vallabh Recent Trend in Vidhyanagar Manufacturing Sysyem 17.11.2004 27.11.2004 2 Week ( Gujrat) ISTE & (STTP) 3 AICTE Unconventional Energy Govt College of Sources & Energy Engg. Amravati 1312.2004 25.12.2004 2 Week 4 Conservation (STTP) (AICTE/ISTE) 8 week ( 2 Steam Power Engineering Nptel/swayam 26.08.2019 20.10.2019 credit) Elite 5 category Energy Management , Energy Audit & its G P ARVI 13.01.2020 17.01.2020 1- Week 6 Conservation(STTP) ONLINE TRAINING ATTENDED IN 2020

Sr Period No Name of Programme Organisor Institute From To Remark 1 Measuring Instrument Tata Steel 17.04.2020 17.04.2020 01 day 2 Basic TQM Tata Steel 18.04.2020 18.04.2020 01 day 3 Industry 4.0 Tata Steel 19.04.2020 19.04.2020 01 day 4 Compressor Tata Steel 20.04.2020 20.04.2020 01 day Introduction to Accredition Mechanism & NBA V B Kolte college of Engg 5 Approach Malkapur 11.05.2020 15.05.2020 1 week-FDP Efective online Teachnig - Learning methods: Govindrao Wanjari college Chalenges , Praparation & of Engg. & Technology 6 uses if ICT Tools Nagpur 18.05.2020 23.05.2020 1 week-STTP 7 Outcome based eduction G P Vikramgadh 24.05.2020 24.05.2020 01 day Computer Integrated 8 manufacturing & CNC NITTR Chandigadh 25.05.2020 29.05.2020 1 week-FDP 9 Outcome based eduction B S I T Pune 30.05.2020 30.05.2020 01 day Protecting you in Pillai college of Engg New 10 Cyberspace panvel 01.06.2020 03.06.2020 3 days- FDP Internet of Things & its D Y Patil Ramrao adik inst 11 application in industry of technolgy , Navi Mumbai 08.06.2020 12.06.2020 1 week-STTP Introduction to Outcome based Education & Govindrao Wanjari college Enhancing Quality of of Engg. & Technology 12 Teachnig Process Nagpur 15.06.2020 19.06.2020 1 week-FDP Recent Trends in Data Science & Information Ramrao adik inst of 13 Security technolgy , Navi Mumbai 22.06.2020 26.06.2020 1 week-STTP Govindrao Wanjari college Enviormental Sustainability of Engg. & Technology 14 & Green Energy Nagpur 29.06.2020 03.07.2020 1 week-FDP Effective Design & Delivary of Curriculam in Outcome Jhulelal Institute of 15 Based Education Technlogy, Nagpur 06.07.2020 10.07.2020 1 week-FDP Basic of Income tax & Govt College of Engg. & 16 Taxation for salory Income Research , Awasari 11.07.2020 11.07.2020 1 day- webinar Dr B R Ambedkar National Sopply Chain Management: Inst of Technology, 17 Challenges & Strategies Jalandhar 13.07.2020 17.07.2020 1 week-STTP Teaching Learning A G Patil Polytechnic Inst, 18 Pedalogies Solapur 20.07.2020 25.07.2020 1 week-STTP Govindrao Wanjari college Importance of Projects & of Engg. & Technology 19 CAD in Placement Nagpur 27.07.2020 27.07.2020 1 day- webinar Reliablity Maitainablity & Dr B R Ambedkar National Quality Issues in Process Inst of Technology, 20 Industries Jalandhar 04.08.2020 08.08.2020 1 week-STTP Internatinal E-conference on Emerging change & Transformation through Jhulelal Institute of 21 Innovation & Creativity Technlogy, Nagpur 16.08.2020 16.08.2020 1 day- webinar NEP-2020 Hogher NITTR Bhopal 1 day- webinar 22 Education Perspectives 17.09.2020 17.09.2020

Publications & Research Papers: Sr No Title of Paper Place Date 1 Convective Heat Trasnsfer Analysis in a Natinal Conference at Helical Coil NIT HAMIRPUR 03/11/2006 2 Effect of variation in CR using Annand's heat International Conference transfer model & combustion Analysis of LHR at SVNIT SURAT 3-08-23009 Diesel Engine Performance 3 A REVIEW ON PRODUCTION , STROAGE AND PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN AS A I C ENGINE Dr K.N.Modi University, FUEL Newai 01/03/2014 4 Int Journal of A Review on Hydrogen Energy Interdisciplinary Research Vol 3 , sept-2017 Sep-17

Membership & Social Activities: FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. VRUSHAL SHANTARAM PATKAR Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Date of Birth 08/09/1986 Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Date of Joining 19-01-2012 Mobile No. 7219782890 E-Mail ID [email protected] U.G. P.G. PhD. Degree B.E. - Specialisation Mechanical Engineering - Educational Institution Name SHRI GULABRAO DEOKAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, JALGAON- Qualifications University/Board North Maharashtra University (NMU) - Percentage 70% - Remark First Class with Distinction - Year of Passing 2011 - Institution/Industry Name No.of Years Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 8 Experience

Subjects Taught EDG, FMM,CAD,MWM, MQC, DME, BME, IEQ Attended Workshop/ Trainings: 1. Stepping Stone to Startup India (1 Week), 2. Enhancing teaching learning process and Research Skills (1 Week), 3. Renewable Energy Sources: Past, Present and Future (2 Week) Publications & Research Papers: NIL

Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Membership : NIL

FACULTY PROFILE Name Ms. Rashmi Pandurang Chorage Photo Address Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri Date of Birth --- Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Date of Joining 11-01-2018 Mobile No. ---

E-Mail ID [email protected] Educational U.G. P.G. PhD. Qualifications Degree B.E M.Tech. Specialisation Mechanical Mechanical- Engineering Production Institution Name DACOE, Karad R.I.T., Sakharale University/Board Shivaji University, Autonomous Kolhapur Institute Percentage 72% 75% Remark Year of Passing 2012 2014 Experience Institution Name No. of Years AE-II, Water Resource Department, Government of 2 Maharashtra Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 2.5 Subjects Taught FMM, EGM, TEN, EST, EDE Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organised By Duration Sponsored By Mind spark, quality Government improvement & 1 Polytechnic, One Day MSBTE overall development Ratnagiri of institute Ergonomics in SWAYAM-NPTEL AICTE approved 2 4 week Automotive Design (IIT Guwahati) FDP Course

Industrial Safety SWAYAM-NPTEL AICTE approved 3 12 week Engineering (IIT Kharagpur) FDP Course

Effective Engineering SWAYAM-NPTEL AICTE approved 4 4 week Teaching in Practice (IIT Madras) FDP Course

StartupIndia Learning Government of 5 Upgrade 4 week Program India

Research Paper IEEE & IETE 6 Writing & Intellectual R.I.T., Islampur 2 Days Student Chapter Property Rights NBA Norms & MSBTE approved 7 Preparation of SAR- R.I.T., Islampur 1 week FDP Course Criteria 1-9 Effective Use of ICT Government DTE & MSBTE 8 Tools in Teachining Polytechnic, 1 week approved FDP Learning Process Malvan Course Mechanical NITTTR, 9 Manufacturing and 1 week --- Chandigarh Process Optimization Publications & Research Papers: 1.Rashmi P. Chorage, S.M.Sawant, “Performance evaluation based cutting forces of different types of cutting fluids in the turning of mild steel”, 4th National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing, 26-28 June, 2014, SVNIT, Surat.

2. C.R.Jadhav, Rashmi Chorage, "Modification in commercial bus model to overcome aerodynamic drag effect by using CFD analysis", Results in Engineering, Elsevier, Volume-6 June 2020 100091(

3. Rashmi Chorage, C.R.Jadhav, “Performance evaluation of different types of cutting fluids in the turning of mild steel”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume 04, Issue 05, May 2020. Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Priyanka Chandrakant Tikekar Designation Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Date of Joining 12-29-2017 Mobile No. 9146894699 e-Mail ID [email protected] Address A/P- Gondi Gavthan, Gondi, Karad, Dist- Satara, Maharashtra Date of Birth 07/01/1991 Degree B.E Specialisation Mechanical Engineering Institution Name Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon Qualification University/Board North Maharashtra University Percentage 78% Year of Passing 2013 Work Experience Duration (Years) Industrial Bosch India Pvt Ltd, Nashik 1 Experience Water Resource Department, Maharashtra Government 2 Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3 (till date) Experience Subjects Taught TOM, EDE, PP-II, MEM, MAN, ETM, EDR Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks Government Polytechnic, MSBTE, Mumbai 1 FDP on 'Mind-Spark' One day Ratnagiri Sponsored

2 Induction Training Phase-I NITTTR, Bhopal Two Weeks

FDP on 'NBA Norms & Rajarambapu Institute of MSBTE, Mumbai 3 Preparation of SAR-Criteria 1- Technology, Rajaramnagar, One-week Sponsored 9' Islampur FDP on 'Effective use of ICT Government Polytechnic, MSBTE, Mumbai 4 Tools in Teaching Learning One-week Malvan Sponsored Process' Rajarambapu Institute of FDP on 'Enhancing Research 5 Technology, Rajaramnagar, One-week and Consultancy Skills' Islampur National Workshop on ' Gramin Vikas: Enabling Self- organized by Reliant Economy Through Rajiv Gandhi Institute of 6 Three- days "Unnat Bharat Techno-Social Innovation In a Technology , Mumbai Abhiyan" Cell. Perspective of Post Covid-19 Rural India' Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering Department

Faculty Profile

FACULTY PROFILE Name Prof. G.C.Khursade Designation H.O.D. Electronics Date of Joining 09/10/1995 Mobile No. 9422856982 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Flat. No. B02, Trimurti,Apartment, Rajendra Nagar, Ratnagiri

Degree B.E M E Specialization Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Qualification Institution Name S.G.G.S. CENT Nanded S.G.G.S. CENT Nanded University/Board Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University University Percentage 63% 64 % Year of Passing 1988 1995

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Teaching College of Engg. Nanded Experience 07 Government Polytechnic Latur 04 Government Polytechnic Amaravati 07 Government Polytechnic Arvi 04 Government Polytechnic Amaravati 05 Government Polytechnic Bramhpuri 01 Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri 04 Subjects Taught EDC, AEL, LIC, PEL, IEL, FOC, SAT COMM, ACS, PEC, MAR, MAN Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

MSBTE, Mumbai Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 1 FDP on 'Mind-Spark' One day Sponsored

2 Personality Development Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri One-week DTE Sponsored

Refresher Training on Yashada Pune 3 MCSR One-week DTE Sponsored

Accreditation of Government college of pharmacy, DTE Sponsored 4 pharmacy program Ratnagiri One-week

DTE sponsored One week Directorate of short term training technical education, 5 Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (One week) program on ‘Stepping Maharashtra state, stone to startup India’ Mumbai (DTE)

NBA accreditation of National institute of technical teachers 6 (One week) AICTE diploma program training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR)

Strategic planning for National institute of technical teachers AICTE 7 entrepreneurship training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) (One week) pramotion Technological intervention National institute of technical teachers AICTE 8 using wireless training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) (One week) communication National institute of technical teachers AICTE 9 Waste management training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) (One week)

G-suite and allied tools in 10 education, teaching and e- SGB Amravati university (One week) National level FDP content development Directorate of Effective use of ICT tools technical education, 11 in teaching learning Government Polytechnic, malvan (One week) Maharashtra state, process Mumbai (DTE) and MSBTE Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities: 1. ISTE –life member 2.IETE- Member 3. IEI- Member FACULTY PROFILE Name Nemade Sonali Vasantrao Designation Lecturer in Electronics Date of Joining 24/11/2010 Mobile No. 9131489932 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Flat No.01, Swapn Pride Building, Ekta Marg, Maruti Mandir, Ratnagiri 415612

Degree B.E. M.E. Specialization Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Qualification Institution Name P.E.S.College of Engineering, Aurangabad T.K.I.E.T. Warananagar, Kolhapur University/Board Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Shivaji University University Percentage 74.43% 69.88% Year of Passing 2003 2016

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Aurangabad Electricals Pvt. Ltd. 1 Experience Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri Experience 12

Subjects Taught AEL, FOE, LIC, IEL, EDC Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr.No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

(One week) 1 DTE sponsored One week short Directorate of technical education, 16/12/2019 to 20/12/2019 term training program on Stepping Maharashtra state, Mumbai (DTE) stone to startup India Leadership and Teamwork for National institute of 18/05/2020 To 22/05/2020 (One week) 2 performance Excellence technical teachers training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) Research Trends in VLSI Design National institute of 25/05/2020 To 29/05/2020 (One week) 3 technical teachers training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities: FACULTY PROFILE Name SHRIKRISHNA DILIP SUTAWANE Designation LECTURER Date of Joining 22/10/2010 Mobile No. 9923692619 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address FLAT NO-201, SAI SAMARTH SANKUL,NEXT TO HINDU COLONY,MARUTI MANDIR CHAUK,RATNAGIRI


Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial NIL Experience

Government Polytechnic,Jintur 05 years

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Aurangabad 04 years Experience

Government Polytechnic,Ratnagiri 01 year

Subjects Taught DCO,EMI,CKN Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Directorate of technical (One week) 1 DTE sponsored One week short term 16 December 2019 education, Maharashtra training program on ‘Stepping stone to to 20 December startup India’ state, Mumbai (DTE) 2019 (One week) 2 AICTE recognized faculty development National institute of 20 April 2020 to program on ‘Low power VLSI Design’ technical teachers training 24 April 2020 and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) AICTE recognized faculty development National institute of 27 April 2020 to (One week) 3 program on ‘Image and Embedded technical teachers training 01 May 2020 processing’ and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mrs. Jyoti Pralhad Patil Designation Lecturer In Electronics Date of Joining 31/10/2003 Mobile No. 8805095020 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address 17, Matruchaya , Vasant Colony , Near Market Yard , Sangli Maharashtra - 416416

Degree B.E Electronics M E/MTech Specialization Electronics & Telecommunications Qualification Institution Name P.V.P.I.T Budhagaon University/Board Shivaji University Kolhapur Percentage 62.00 Year of Passing 1991

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Siemens India , Nashik Branch 01 Year Experience Mukta Biotechnics. 05 Year Teaching Government polytechnic Bandra, Mumbai. Government polytechnic Malvan. Experience 22 Years Government polytechnic Miraj. Government polytechnic , Ratanagiri Subjects Taught MAN, CHN, EDC, BE, ICT, LIC, CND, MWC, AIC, OS, IC Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

1 Latest wireless & NITTTR Chandigarh 14/04/2020 To One week STTP sponsored Computing 18/04/2020 By MHRD Government Of Technologies India AICTE Recognized 2 Low power VLSI NITTTR Chandigarh 24/04/2020 To One week STTP sponsored Design 01/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of India AICTE Recognized Linux applications in NITTTR Chandigarh 24/04/2020 To One week STTP sponsored

3 engineering 01/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of education India AICTE Recognized Academic leadership NITTTR Chandigarh 04/05/2020 To One week STTP sponsored

4 enhancement in 08/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of technical institutes India AICTE Recognized 5 Neural Networks NITTTR Chandigarh 11/05/2020 To One week STTP sponsored 15/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of India AICTE Recognized 6 Communication & NITTTR Chandigarh 18/05/2020 To One week STTP sponsored presentation skills 22/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of India AICTE Recognized 7 Research in VLSI NITTTR Chandigarh 25/05/2020 One week STTP sponsored Design To29/05/2020 By MHRD Government Of India AICTE Recognized 8 “Parivartan” Government Science college veravl Gujarat 27/05/2020 To One week STTP affiliated changing scenario in 31/05/2020 Bhakta Kavi Narsingh science education & Mehta University Juna gad phychology Gujrat acombinad approach 9 Technological Bapatala Engineering college Guntar 01/06/2020 To One week STTP Approved Advances in power 05/06/2020 by AICTE affiliated to switching converters Acharya Nagarjun for Revenable energy University Guntur souoces & fuel cell technology for E Vehicles 10 Py thon 3-4-3 Sharad institute of technology polytechnic 04/06/2020 To One week STTP Ydrav 08/06/2020 Recognized by DTE affiliated by MSBTE, NBA Accredited 11 Recent innovations & Gates Institute of Technology Annatapuram 08/06/2020 T One week STTP Approved Technologies in Andhra Pradesh 12/06/2020 by AICTE Affiliated to electric vehicles INDIA Accredited by NAAC 12 PHP and MYSQL Sharad Institute Technology polytechnic 08/06/2020 To One week STTP Approved Yadrav 12/06/2020 by AICTE Affiliated to MSBTE NBA Accredited 13 Exploring the Anolex Academy & management & 08/06/2020 To One week STTP dimensions of Technology Ratanagiri 12/06/2020 Innovation, Incubation & Emerging Technologies to Embrace post covid changes 14 “Sai Lab” Amrut vanini polytechnic Sonamnor 12/06/2020 To One week STTP Approved 16/06/2020 by AICTE NBA Accredited

15 Signal image & video Government college & Engineering Karad 26/05/2020 To One week STTP affiliated processing a practical 30/05/2020 Shivaji university Kolhapur approach (SIV 2020) 16 Recent challenges in S.V College & Engineering Tirupati 22/06/2020 To One week STTP Approved power systems 20/06/2020 by AICTE Accredited by NBA 17 Make in India A Sandip Institute of engineering & 23/06/2020 To One week STTP Journey towards self management Nashik 28/06/2020 Reliance 18 Data Science Panimalar Engineering college Chennai 22/06/2020 To One week STTP Approved Industry Trends 26/06/2020 by AICTE & affiliated by Anna University 19 Recent Advances in Bharat Institute of Engineering & technology 22/06/2020 To One week STTP NAAC Electrical Hyderabad 27/06/2020 Accredited AICTE Engineering Approved 20 Technological Adity Institute of Technology & 22/06/2020 To One week STTP Accredited Advances in wireless Management 26/06/2020 by NBA & NAAC, AICTE communications Approved 21 Nano Materials Hindustan college of engineering Coimbatore 06/07/2020 To One week STTP Approved synthesis process, 11/07/2020 by AICTE Accredited by characterization and NAAC its function Application 22 “Arduino” S V college of engineering Tirupati 29/06/2020 To One week STTP Accredited 03/07/2020 by NAAC Affiliated by JNTVA 23 Waste to Bio energy Sharada University & MIT College 28/06/2020 To One week STTP Aurangabad 04/07/2020

24 Future of CHOUKSEY College of Engineering 06/07/2020 To One week STTP Engineering 11/07/2020 Education & work in post covid-19 world 25 ICT Based Teaching Roorkee college of engineering (Polytechnic) 01/07/2020 To One week STTP approved & Learning process Roorkee 05/07/2020 by AICTE

26 Challenges in Civil East west Institute of Technology Bengluru 13/07/2020 To One week STTP Engineering 18/07/2020

27 Recent Advances in G.M.R. Institute & Technology Kakinada 13/07/2020 To One week STTP Affiliated Bio medical Rajam A.P, India 18/07/2020 by INTUK Kakinada Applications & Accredited by NBA communication Networks 28 Innovative Approach Bharati Vidhyapith college of engineering 13/07/2020 To One week STTP in management (Deemed University SB Patil college of 19/07/2020 engineering Indapur 29 Advances in Geo Bheemanna Khandre Institute of Technology, 15/07/2020 To One week STTP Affiliated technical engineering Bhalky 20/07/2020 by VTU Approved by AICTE 30 Ansys of Electronics Indur Institute of Engineering and 18/07/2020 to One week STTP Approved & Communication techonology , Telangana 22/07/2020 by AICTE Affiliated by JNTUH . All above FDP’s attended Online mode. Publications & Research Papers: - NIL-

Membership & Social Activities:

1) Limca Book words record Holder at 1994 for a project sponsored by government of technical education nominated & reworded by it project - 10 X 10 cm space 5540 technical symbols drown.

2) Participation in election voting rally with student in 2019 & 2020 at Ratnagiri. 3) Participation in Celebration sawach Gadage Baba sawachta Abhiyan & Another National days. 4) Special aptitude for yoga got certificate & reword at NITTTR Chandigharh for yoga computation at international yoga day 21 June 2019 Represented Maharashtra State.

5) Special Hobbies Travelling , Reading, Having more than Three Thaousnd self book library. 6) Specialy motivated to children for to be enter pruner. 7) Social work for Birds & animals. 8) Love for writing poems. 9) While teaching yoga practices for student to be motivated & remove stress. 10) Special Appetite for fun in working concept. 11) Traveling once abroad to honking & various parts of India. FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. PANKAJ DEVIDASRAO POLADE

Designation LECTURER IN ELECTRONICS Date of Joining 09-09-2009 Mobile No. 9158459412 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI


Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial NIL Experience Teaching Experience GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI 11 (till date)

Subjects Taught Control Systems and PLC, Mechatronics, Microcontroller, Embedded Systems , Elements of Electronics, Digital Techniques, C-PROGRAMING, Fundamentals of Mechatronics, WPX Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks No .

1 DTE sponsored One week 16.12.2019 to Directorate of technical (One week) short term training program education, Maharashtra state, on ‘Stepping stone to 20.12.2019 Mumbai (DTE) startup India’ AICTE recognized faculty 2 11.05.20 to development program on (One week) 15.05.20 ‘Image and Embedded NITTTR, Chandigarh. Processing’ AICTE recognized faculty (One week) 3 development program on NITTTR, Chandigarh. 18.05.20 to ‘Technological Interventions 22.05.20 using Wireless Communication ” Publications & Research Papers: Book published on “Control System and PLC” through Vision Publication, Pune.

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. Hainalkar Tippanna Narayan Designation Lecturer in Electronics Engg Date of Joining 20/01/2017 Mobile No. 9404388188,8329454090 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address 120 Samarth Nagar ,Near Samrudhi Garden Rajyaswa Nagar road Solapur-413004

Degree B.E/ BTech M E/MTech Specialization Electronics Engineering Embedded Systems Qualification Institution Name Walchand Institute of Technology MLRIT University/Board Solapur University JNTU University Percentage 67.56 71.81 Year of Passing 2010 2014

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial TRANSELECTRIC,GOA 1 Experience Teaching Karmayogi Engineering college shelve, Pandharpur Experience 2

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3 years 6 months (till date) Subjects Taught ESY,MAA,VWV,WPE Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur AICTE Sponsored Innovative teaching methodologies One Week 1 and professional skill development TE Sponsored Personality evelopment Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri One Week 2

Stepping Stone to Start-up India One Week Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri TE Sponsored 3

Latest Wireless and Computing One Week Technologies NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR 4 Chandigarh,MHR Govt of India Neural Network and CNN One Week NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR 5 Chandigarh,MHR Govt of India

Academic Leadership Enhancement One Week in Technical Institutions NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR 6 Chandigarh,MHR Govt of India

Technological Interventions using One Week Wireless Communication NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR 7 Chandigarh,MHR Govt of India Publications & Research Papers: 1. Vinayak.N.Hainalkar, V.Arun, “evelopment of advance Parking System with Warning Control”, International Journal of Advanced Research And innovations, ISSN Online: 2319 – 9253Edition: Volume.7 Issue III, Nov 2014.

2. Vinayak.N.Hainalkar, Joshi S.S, “Intelligent vehicle parking system with warning control ”, A National Conference on Advance Trends in engineering,19th March 2016.

3.Joshi S.S, Vinayak.N.Hainalkar “Audio denoising by time frequency block thresholding”, A National Conference on Advance Trends in engineering,19th March 2016

4. T.N.Hainalkar, Gouri Shinde, Yogesh Gurav, Prathamesh Pangale, Sayali Sandim, “ PUMP AUTOMATION USING ARUINO’’ © 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4

Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Time member-LM 121649 FACULTY PROFILE Name SAVITA LAXMAN TORADMAL Designation LECTURER IN ELECTRONICS Date of Joining 07/02/2017 Mobile No. 9404128651 E-Mail ID [email protected]



Work Experience Duration (Years)

MSSCET JALNA, assistant professor 2 Teaching Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3.5 (till date)

Subjects Taught EDC,BEL,CHN,DTE,ICT Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Directorate of technical education, (One week) 1 DTE sponsored One Maharashtra state, Mumbai (DTE) 16 December 2019 week short term to 20 December training program on 2019 ‘Stepping stone to startup India’ (One week) 2 AICTE recognized National institute of technical teachers 04 May 2020 to faculty development training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) 08 May 2020 program on ‘Academic leadership enhancement in technical institutions’ AICTE recognized National institute of technical teachers 11 May 2020 to 3 faculty development training and research, Chandigarh (NITTTR) 15 May 2020 (One week) program on ‘Image and Embedded processing’ Publications & Research Papers: Conversion of 2D image into 3D and face recognition based attendance system. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Electrical, Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2014 Membership & Social Activities: NIL

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Electrical Engineering Department Faculty Profile



Date of Joining 31/07/2012 Mobile No. 9960053369, 7972119866 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Flat no. 7, Sai shraddha sankul, Anand Nagar, near Thiba palace, Ratnagiri

Degree B.E./M.E. M E/MTech Specialization ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Qualification Institution Name S.S.G.M.C.E., SHEGAON University/Board S.G.B.A.U. , AMARAVATI Percentage 67% Year of Passing 2010

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial LG ELECTRONICS, PUNE 6 MONTHS Experience Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (2012 TO TILL DATE) Experience 08 Years

Subjects Taught MEE, IAM,ECN,UEE,FEE,EEN,EPG,EPDE Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks



Membership & Social Activities: NIL

FACULTY PROFILE Name Aishwarya Eknath Madke Designation Lecturer in EE Date of Joining 21.12.2018 Mobile No. 8806182424 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address B-21, Arunoday, Jal-vihar Colony,Banawadi, Saidapur, Karad. 415124

Degree B.E Specialization Electrical Engineering Qualification Institution Name Government College of Engineering, Karad University/Board Shivaji University Percentage 70.75% Year of Passing 2013

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial JSW Steel Ltd,Dolvi Plant 3.5 Experience Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri Experience 1.6 (till date)

Subjects Taught CNE, EDC,EEM,IEN,IEB Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

1 Induction Training NITTTR, Bhopal Phase-I Two Weeks

2 FDP on 'NBA Norms Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, MSBTE, Mumbai & Preparation of Rajaramnagar, Islampur One-week Sponsored SAR-Criteria 1- 9' 3 FDP on ‘Tools for Department of Pharmacy, Government MSBTE, Mumbai online Teaching Polytechnic,Jalgaon Four Week Approved learning Process’

4 FDP on ARDUINO E&TC Department, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu One-week In association with College of Engineering, Tathawade,Pune IIT Bombay

5 FDP on Effective Use MCE Society’s Institute of Pharmacy,Pune One week MSBTE, Mumbai of ICT tools for Sponsored Teaching & Learning Process and Online Assessment Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities: FACULTY PROFILE Name Miss. Archana Ashok Patole Designation Lecturer in EE Date of Joining 14/09/2020 Mobile No. 7387484552,9322894505 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address ‘4A’ Shivkrupa,Tiranga Colony, Banwadi Corner,Vidyanagar, Karad,415124

Degree B.Tech M.Tech Specialization Electrical Engineering Electrical Control system Qualification Institution Name Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli University/Board Shivaji University Shivaji University

Percentage 6.93/10 8.4/10 Year of Passing 2016 2020

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Karad(Visiting Lecturer) 1 Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 0.15(till date)

Subjects Taught EPG,EEN Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. T Organizer Duration Remarks o p i c





Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Computer Engineering Department Faculty Profile

FACULTY PROFILE Name Asmita Alhad Karkare Designation Lecturer in Computer Engineering Date of Joining 31/10/2003 Mobile No. 9422376145 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Flat No. 3 ganesh Chintan Apt, Anand Nagar, Ratnagiri 415612

Degree B.Tech. Specialization Computer Engg Institution Name Dr.B.A.T.U.Lonere, Dist Raigad University/Board Dr.D.B.T.U. Percentage 62% Year of Passing 2002

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Nil Nil Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 16Years(Till date) Subjects Taught OOP,JPR,STE,CNE, NMA,PIC,DST,WPD,ICT Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. T Organizer Duration Remarks o p i c

1 Induction Phase-I NITTTR Extension Center, Pune Two Weeks NITTTR, Bhopal

Foundation skills of 2 Information F.A.M.T. Ratnagiri One Week DTE, Sponsored Technology

Entrepreneurship & Start-up policies One-week 3 NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training 2017

Outcome Based One-week 4 Curriculum NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training

Wellness and Stress Management during 5 One-week Pandemic NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training

Life Skills 6 One-week Development NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training

Effective Use of ICT 7 Tools in Teaching Government Polytechnic, Malvan One Week DTE, Sponsored Learning Process Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Time Membership FACULTY PROFILE Name Shruti Dattatray Joshi Designation Lecturer in Computer Engineering Date of Joining 20/01/2006 Mobile No. 9970377606 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address At Post: Nachane, Behind Grampanchayat Dist: Ratnagiri 415639

Degree B.E Specialization Information Technology Qualification Institution Name Finolex Academy of Management & technology University/Board Mumbai University Percentage 62% Year of Passing 2005

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Nil Nil Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 14 Years(Till date) Subjects Taught RDM, CNE, NMA, DCC, BSC,OSY, CPH Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. T Organizer Duration Remarks o p i c

1 Induction Phase-I NITTTR Extension Center, Pune Two Weeks NITTTR, Bhopal

Foundation skills of 2 Information F.A.M.T. Ratnagiri One Week DTE, Sponsored Technology

Personality Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3 Development One-week DTE Approved

Stepping Stone to 4 Start-up India Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri One-week DTE Sponsored

Social entrepreneurship for 5 One-week technical NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training entrepreneur

Outcome Based 6 One-week Curriculum NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training

Wellness and Stress Management during 7 One-week Pandemic NITTTR Chandigarh Online Training Effective Use of ICT 8 Tools in Teaching Government Polytechnic, Malvan One Week DTE, Sponsored Learning Process Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Time Membership FACULTY PROFILE

Name Gauri Dipak Patne

Designation Lecturer in Computer Engineering

Date of Joining 29/06/2019

Mobile No. 9623322899

E-Mail ID [email protected]

Address At Post: Kolambe, Tal: Sangameshwar, Dist: Ratnagiri 415637

Degree B.E M E

Specialization Information Technology Computer Engineering

Qualification Institution Name Rajendra Mane College of Engineering And Yadavrao Tasgaonkar College of Technology, Ambav Engineering And Management, Bjivpuri Road, Dist: Raigad

University/Board Mumbai University Mumbai University

Percentage 68.06% 9.07 CGPI

Year of Passing 2010 2019

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Nil Nil Experience

Teaching Rajaram Shinde Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pedhambe 1 Year Experience Rajendra Mane Polytechnic, Ambav 5 Years

Government Polytechnic, Osmanabad 3 Years

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 1 Year(Till date)


Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. T Organizer Duration Remarks o p i c

1 Induction Phase-I MIT Polytechnic, Aurangabad) Two Weeks NITTTR, Bhopal

Women 2 Empowerment for Government Polytechnic, Mumbai One Weeks DTE, Sponsored Technical Teachers

Designing IoT Based Applications F.A.M.T. Ratnagiri ISTE Approved 3 for Smart Cities One-week Learning Management Government Polytechnic,Osmanabad DTE Sponsored 4 System One-week

Stepping Stone to 5 Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri DTE Sponsored Start-up India One-week

MIT College of Railway engg. and Research , 6 Latex 4 days Barshi & Spoken Tuorial Project, IIT Bombay Online Training

Introduction to Forensic Science and GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC 7 One Week Digital & Cyber SCIENCE, NAGPUR Online Training Forensics

SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, 8 Python Pandharpur, in association with One Week Online Training Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay

Outcome Based 9 NITTTR, Chandigarh One Week Curriculum Design Online Training

Effective Use of ICT 10 Tools in Teaching Government Polytechnic, Malvan One Week DTE, Sponsored Learning Process

Next Generation Software Tools & Government College of Engineering, 11 Trends for Industrial One Week Aurangabad TEQIP Sponsored Solutions: Current Practice

12 Applications of IoT NITTTR, Chandigarh One Week Online Training

Publications & Research Papers: Automization of Agriculture Products Defect Detection And Grading Using Image Processing System, published in International Journal of Computer Science Engg. And Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR), ISSN:2249-7943 Vol-8 Aug 2018.

Membership & Social Activities: ISTE Life Time Membership

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Pharmacy Department Faculty Profile

FACULTY PROFILE Name Dr. Rajesh Narayan Kane Designation Head of Department (Pharmacy) Date of Joining 15/07/2017 Mobile No. 9890248575 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Sun Empire B-2/202, Sun City Road, Anandnagar, Vadgaon (Bk), Pune 411051

Degree B. Pharmacy M Pharmacy Specialization Pharmacy Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry Qualification Institution Name Government College of Pharmacy, Karad Shri G.S.Instt. Of Technology & Science, Indore (M.P.) University/Board Shivaji University, Kolhapur Rajiv Gandhi Tech. University, Bhopal Percentage 64% 67% Year of Passing 1990 2002 Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience Lecturer, MES College of Pharmacy, Pedhambe, Chiplun (Diploma) 1990-91, 1996-2002

Lecturer, College of Pharmacy, Pethvadgaon, Kolhapur (Diploma) 1992-94

Lecturer, Dr. J. J. Magdum Pharmacy College, Jaisingpur, Kolhapur (Diploma) 1994-1996

I/C Principal, Gourishankar College of Pharmacy, Satara (Degree) 2002-2003 Principal, Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences(Poly), Lonavala, Pune 2003-2008 Teaching (Diploma) Experience Asst. Professor & Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dept.[UG], Sinhgad 2008-2013 Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kusgaon (Bk.), Lonavala, Pune Associate. Professor & Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dept. Sinhgad 2008-2015 Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kusgaon (Bk.), Lonavala, Pune (UG & PG) Principal Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kusgaon (Bk.), 2015-2017 Lonavala, Pune (UG & PG) Head of Dept (Pharmacy), Govt. Polytechnic, Amravati 2017-2019 Head of Dept (Pharmacy), Govt. Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 2019 to till date Subjects Taught Pharma Chem., Organic Chemistry Advanced Medicinal Chemistry Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

AICTE Sponsored online faculty 1 An Outcome based Education: A Step Development Program under May 11- 15, 2020. Towards Excellence Margdarshan Scheme at Govt. College of Engineering, Karad, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad. 2 DTE Sponsored Quality Improvement 31 Cec 2019 -04 program entitled “ Modern Analytical Jan 2020 Techniques and their Pharmaceutical Applications” DTE Sponsored Quality Improvement ” at Govt. College of Pharmacy, 28 Jan to 1 Feb, 3 program entitled” Trends in Engineering Amravati. 2019. Contribution Towards Pharmaceutical Education & Research

STP Foundation Training for Class –I officers 2 May 2018 to 18 Yashada, Pune. 4 of DTE. June 2018. DTE Sponsored Quality Improvement 13-17 March Govt. College of Pharmacy, Karad. program entitled “Outcome Based Education: 2018. 5 NBA, NAAC”

AICTE Sponsored Quality Improvement 26th Nov to 8th Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Poona program entitled “Stratagic Importance of Dec 2018. College of Pharmacy, Pune. 6 Regulatory Affairs in Growth of Pharma & Healthcare Sector.”

Convener for SPPU Sponsored Two days 13th & 14th Feb Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical 7 National Seminar Current Trends & Future 2016. Sciences, Lonavala Avenues in Pharmaceutical Formulations” Convener for SPPU Sponsored Two days 5th & 6th Feb 2016. Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical State level Seminar “Natural Product 8 Sciences, Lonavala Chemistry: Drug Discovery & Development”,

Convener for SPPU Sponsored One days 4th Feb 2016. Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical State level Seminar “Treaties & Practices of 9 Sciences, Lonavala Intellectual Property Rights”,

Publications & Research Papers: 1. Research Article “Synthesis and Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory activity of Mutual Prodrugs of Aspirin with Amino Acids” Anil Samleti*,Rajesh Kane, Shrinivas Bumrela, Snehal Dhobale and Atul Thite. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, 1 (4) Oct-Dec 2012, 1343-1349 2. Research Article “Preparation, Physicochemical Characterization, Dissolution and Formulation Studies of Telmisartan Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes” Rajesh Kane, Bhanudas Kuchekar, Suresh Naik, & Shrinivas Bumrela. Asian J. Pharmaceutics. 4(1): Jan.-Mar. 2010, 52-59 3. Research Article “Physicochemical characterization, formulation, and dissolution studies of ezetimibe hydroxypropylß- cyclodextrin inclusion complex.” Rajesh Kane, Bhanudas Kuchekar, Suresh Naik, & Shrinivas Bumrela. International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science 2010, 1(2),22-27 4. Research Article “Preparation, physicochemical characterization, dissolution and formulation studies of irbesartan cyclodextrin inclusion complexes: Comparison between ß-CD & HP-ß-CD” Rajesh Kane, Suresh Naik, Shrinivas Bumrela, & Bhanudas Kuchekar. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2009, 2(8),1359-1364 5. “Monoclonal antibodies: An Emerging Biochemotherapeutic agent” Rajesh Kane, S. B. Bumrela, monoclonal- antibodies-emerging-Biochemotherapeutic agent 6. “Stem Cells: New Trend in Therapeutics”, Rajesh Kane, S. B. Bumrela, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Vol No.4, 1, 67-72(2007) 7. “Medicated Chewing Gum: New Reformulation Technique”, Rajesh Kane, S. B. Bumrela,, Aug 28, 2005. 8. “Study Of 2,3- Diaryl Cyclopentenones As Selective Cyclooxygenase –2 Inhibiters by 3-D QSAR Analysis”, Rajesh Kane, S. B. Bumrela,, July 10, 2005. Membership & Social Activities: Life Member of the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (MA/LM- 436). Life Member of the Karad Pharmacy Students Federation, Karad. Recipient of “Navratna Award” by Maharashtra Rajya Patrakar Sangh during 2016. FACULTY PROFILE Name Pande Sushant Sudhir Photo Designation Lecturer Date of Joining 31/10/2011 Mobile No. 8888408411 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address 648, z/11, Sahakar nagar, Ratnagiri

Degree B. Pharm M. Pharm Specialization Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Qualification Institution Name Nanded Pharmacy College, Nanded Krupanidhi College of pharmacy, Bangalore University/Board SRTMU, Nanded RGUHS, Bangalore Percentage 72.38 78.07 Year of Passing 2006 2008

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 1.5 Experience

Teaching Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 8 yrs (current)

Subjects Taught PC-II, BCP, P&T, PC-I Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Advances in drug delivery NITTTR, Pune 2-6 January 2012 1 week 1 system

Induction Training Phase –I Pimpri-Chinchawad Poly, Pune 11-22 June 2012 2 Weeks 2

Yashada Foundation Yashada Pune 26 Aug-07 Sep 6 Weeks 3 Training 2013 09 Sep-28 Sep 2013 30 Sep -05 oct 2013 Academic excellence in NITTTR, Bhopal 1 Aug-05Aug 1 Weeks 4 Technical education 2016

5 Project Management NITTTR, Bhopal 22 Aug to 26 1 week Aug 2016

6 Effective communication NITTTR, Bhopal 29 Aug to 02 1 week and personality development Sep 2016 7 Induction Training Phase-II NITTTR, Bhopal 17OCT to 28 2 Weeks OCT 2016

8 Recent Trends in Govt college of pharmacy, Ratnagiri 6 FEB-10 FEB 1 week Pharmaceutical Research 2017 methodology

9 Applications of HPLC and Govt college of pharmacy, Ratnagiri 29 Jan to 02 FEB 1 week Rheometer in 2018 Pharmaceutical research

10 Software Based approaches Govt college of pharmacy, Ratnagiri 21 jan to 25 jan 1 week for rational drug discovery 2019 and development In pharmaceutical research 11 Online Refresher Course in Swayam 18 Oct 2019 12 weeks To 15 Jan 2020 Pharmacy for Higher Education

Publications & Research Papers:

1. Maravanhalli Sidde Gowda, Sushant Sudhir Pande, Ramesha Andagar Ramakrishna, Kandikere Ramaiah Prabhu, Acylation of Grignard reagents mediated by N-methyl-pyrrolidone: A remarkable selectivity for the synthesis of ketones, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 5365 2. Padmavathi P. Prabhu, C. S. Shastry, Sushant Sudhir Pande, T. Panneer Selvam, Design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of Benzothiazole-6-carboxylate derivatives. Research in Pharmacy, 1(2): 6-12; 2011. 3. Padmavathi P Prabhu, C.S.Shastry, Sushant Pande, Arvind Pai, Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation for anticancer activity of novel aryl benzothiazole derivatives, J. Phar. Res., 4(7):2209-11; 2011. 4. Sushant Sudhir Pande, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Padmashree K, “To explore Grignard’s reaction in the synthesis of structurally related compounds of carbinoxamine andevaluate anti histaminic activity” , International Journal of PharmTech Research, 3(1): 209-13; 2011. 5. Padmavathi P Prabhu, Sushant Sudhir Pande, C. S. Shastry, “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Schiff’s Bases of Some New Benzothiazole Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 3(1):185-91; 2011. 6. Padmashree, Padmavathi P. Prabhu, Sushant Sudhir Pande, “Anti diabetic activity of methanol/methylene chloride extract of Terminalia superba leaves on streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats”- International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2(4): 2415-19, 2010. 7. Padmavathi P.Prabhu, C. S. Shastry, Padmashree, Sushant Sudhir Pande, “Analgesic and AntiInflammatory Activity Studies of Some novel Benzothiazole schiff’s bases on Experimental Rats”, Pharmacologyonline, 3: 229-234, 2010. 8. Padmavathi P. Prabhu , Sushant S. Pande*, Rahul N. Dubey , and T. Panneer Selvam ,Syed Aamir, Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel 2-amino Benzothiazole derivatives, Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(7),3830-3833

9. Padmavathi P. Prabhu , T. Panneerselvam, C.S. Shastry, A. Sivakumar, Sushant S. Pande, Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of 2-phenyl thiaolidinone substituted 2-phenyl benzothiazole -6-carboxylic acid derivatives, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 2012

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Rahul Nandkishor Dubey Designation Lecturer in Pharmacy Date of Joining 02/02/2011 Mobile No. 9890974651 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address G 1201 Sargam , Nanded city Sinhgadh road Pune 411041

Degree B.Pharm M.pharm Specialization Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Analysis Qualification Institution Name Agnihotri College of Pharmacy Wardha RVS College of Pharmaceutical sciences, University/Board Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai University Percentage 74.55% 78.00% Year of Passing 2005 2008

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience Teaching CAYMET Siddhant College of Pharmacy Sudumbare Pune Experience 2.5 years

JSPMS College of Pharmacy and Research Tathawade Pune 1 year

Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri 8 years

Subjects Taught Pharmaceutical Analysis I,II,III,IV, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry I, Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks No. University Sponsored Process Validation and Equipment Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, One day State Level Seminar 1 Qualification-Need of Pharmaceutical Pune Industry University Sponsored Advances in Quality Assurance Modern College of Two day 2 State Level Seminar Pharmacy ,Moshi, Pune STP: Foundation Training Programme for Yashwantrao Chavan Academy STP: Foundation Class-I officers of Technical Education of Development Three -week Training Programme 3 Department Administration,Pune Induction Phase -I National Institute of Technical Two-week Short Term Training 4 Teachers’ Training and Programme Research , Bhopal Induction Phase -II Two-week National Institute of Technical Short Term Training 5 Teachers’ Training and Programme Research , Bhopal Recent Trends in chemical Science for One-week 6 Engineering and Technology Government College of TEQIP Phase-II Engineering Karad NBA –Programme Accreditation One-week NITTTR, Extension Center, Short Term Training 7 Guidelines and Quality Management Pune Programme Internal Resource Generation One-week 8 &utilization ; Concept Planning and NITTTR, Extension Center, Short Term Training Strategy Pune Programme Office Automation for Faculty and Staff One-week 9 NITTTR, Extension Center, Short Term Training Pune Programme Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Research One-week 10 Methodology Government College of DTE Sponsored FDP Pharmacy ,Ratnagiri Applications of HPLC and Rheometer in One-week 11 Pharmaceutical Research Government College of DTE Sponsored FDP Pharmacy ,Ratnagiri Publications & Research Papers: 1. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Simultaneous RP-HPLC Estimation of Cefpodoxime Proxetil and Clavulanic Acid in Tablets. 2. Journal of Pharmacy Research, Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of noval 2-amino Benzothiazol derrivatives Membership & Social Activities: FACULTY PROFILE Name Shrikrishna Satwaji Maske Designation Lecturer in Pharmacy Date of Joining 28/0792017 Mobile No. 7588566926 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address 402, Rachana Denizen, Nutan nagar, Ratnagiri 415612

Degree B. Pharmacy M. Pharmacy Specialization Pharmacy Quality assurance Qualification Institution Name Government College of Government College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Amravati Amravati University/Board Sant Gadge baba Uni, Sant Gadge baba Uni, Amravati Amravati Percentage 65.54% 73.65%

Year of Passing 2010 2012

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Teaching Experience Government college of pharmacy Visiting asst. professor 5 yrs

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3 yrs (till now)

Subjects Taught Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutics-II Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Government College of DTE, Mumbai 1 Application of HPLC and One Week Pharmacy, Ratnagiri Sponsored Rheometer in Pharma researach DTE, Mumbai 2 Software based approaches for Government College of One Week Sponsored rational DRUG discovery and Pharmacy, Ratnagiri development in pharma research Spectroscopic Techniques for SWAYAM (MOOC), IIT 12 WEEKS AICTE approved 3 Pharmaceutical and DELHI Biopharmaceutical Industries FDP

Computer Aided Drug Design SWAYAM (MOOC), IIT 08 WEEKS AICTE approved MADRAS 4 FDP Online Refresher Course In SWAYAM (MOOC), IIT 12 WEEKS AICTE approved 5 Pharmacy for Higher Education Varanasi FDP FDP on 'Effective use of ICT Government Polytechnic, MSBTE, Mumbai 6 Tools in Teaching Learning One-week Malvan Sponsored Process'

Publications & Research Papers: ------NIL------

Membership & Social Activities: Blood donation









Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Near Thibaw Palace, Ratnagiri-415612 Maharashtra State, India

Science Department Faculty Profile

FACULTY PROFILE Name Phansopkar Tarannum Parvez Sajjad Designation Lecturer in physics Date of Joining 02/01/2012 Mobile No. 7276588469 E-Mail ID [email protected]

Address 203, Masha-allah apartment, S. V. Road, Hindu colony, Ratnagiri.

Degree M. Sc. (Physics) Specialization Electronics Qualification Institution Name Gogate-Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri University/Board Mumbai University Percentage 78% Year of Passing 1998

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 17 Experience

Subjects Taught PHY, APH, ASM, ASE, ASC, BSC, BHY Attended Workshop/ Trainings:




FACULTY PROFILE Name ADITI ASHUTOSH MULYE Designation LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY Date of Joining 18/06/2006 Mobile No. 9890476995 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address

Degree MSc M E/MTech Specialization organic chemistry Qualification Institution Name Shivaji University Kolhapur University/Board Shivaji University Kolhapur Percentage 62% Year of Passing 1988

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial NA Experience

Teaching Government polytechnic Malvan, Ratnagiri. 18 years till date Experience

Subjects Taught Applied Chemistry, Basic chemistry, Basic science, Applied Science Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Organizer Duration Remarks Topic NITTTR, Pune NITTTR Bhopal 1 Induction Phase 1 Two Weeks

NITTTR Bhopal 2 Induction Phase 2 Yashwantrao Bhosale Polytecnic Two Weeks ,Sawantwadi

Personality Government Polytechnic Ratnagri DTE, Mumbai 3 Development One-week Sponsored

Stepping Stone to Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri DTE, Mumbai 4 Start up India One-week Sponsored

Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name VAYAKOS VIRENDRAKUMAR KAMLAKARRAO Designation LECTURER IN ENGLISH Date of Joining 13/10/2007 Mobile No. 9421858522 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Flat No. 214, Indradhanu Apartment, Karlekarwadi, S V Road, Ratnagiri - 415612

Degree M. A. M. Phil. Specialization English Englsih Qualification Institution Name Department of English Study center, Pune University/Board Dr. B. A. M. University, Algappa University, Aurangabad Karaikudi. Percentage 61.87 58 Year of Passing 2006 2009

Work Experience Duration (Years) Industrial Experience

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 13 Experience

Subjects Taught English, Communication Skills, BCC Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. TOPIC Organizer Duration Remarks

1 Induction Training Phase-I NITTTR, Bhopal Two weeks

2 Induction Training Phase-II NITTTR, Bhopal Two weeks

ISTE- STTP Personal and Professional Government Polytechnic, 3 Excellence for Entrepreneurship Kolhapur Two weeks

'Effective Communication and 4 Personality Development NITTTR, Bhopal One-week

Internal Resource Generation & 5 Utilization: Concept, Planning And NITTTR, Bhopal One-week Strategy

Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical 6 Government College of One-week Research Methodology Pharmacy, Ratnagiri

7 Personality Development Government Polytechnic, One-week Ratnagiri

8 Accreditation of Pharmacy Progrmame Government College of One-week Pharmacy, Ratnagiri

9 STP- Refresher Training Programme Yashda, Pune One-week

Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. Vikas Baliram Dhokne Designation Lecturer in English Date of Joining 03/07/2012 Mobile No. 9421007592 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri

Degree M.A English, Bed. Specialization English Language and Literature Qualification Institution Name Department of English, Deogiri college Aurangabad. University/Board Dr.B.A.M.University , Aurangabad Percentage 62.25% Year of Passing 2009

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial ------Experience ------Teaching SGM Ded college, PES Polytechnic Aurangabad, Government Polytechnic Experience Aurangabad, Pen, Ratnagiri. 10 yrs till date Subjects Taught English, Communication Skills, DLS Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

NITTTR, Bhopal 1 Induction Phase- I Two Week NITTTR, Bhopal MHRD Govt. of India. NITTTR, Bhopal 2 Induction Phase- II Two Week NITTTR, Bhopal MHRD Govt. of India. Enhancing Communication NITTTR, Bhopal Two Week DTE sponsored 3 skills 4 Government of E Governance Course YASHADA, Government of Maharashtra Three Days Maharashtra 5 Training of Trainers for Guru Govind Singh College of Engineering NITTTR, Bhopal teachers and Research Center, Nashik One Week MHRD Govt. of India. FDP on 'Effective use of ICT Government Polytechnic, Malvan DTE, MSBTE, 6 Tools in Teaching Learning One Week Mumbai Sponsored Process' Publications & Research Papers: 1]Dr.B.R.Ambedkar : Father Of Modern India [ Gurukul international journal] 2] Budhhisim And peace.{ Budhhist centre Sant Gadage Maharaj University Amaravati, Amaravati.]

FACULTY PROFILE Name Prachi Prakash Chavan Designation Lecturer in Mathematics Date of Joining 18-01-2012 Mobile No. 9403155465 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Saishraddha sankul,flat no.07 Anandnagar,Ratnagiri

Degree M.Sc. Specialization Mathematics Qualification Institution Name University of Mumbai University/Board Mumbai University Percentage 70.93% Year of Passing 2010

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 8yrs5months (till Experience date) Subjects Taught BMS,EMS,AMS,AMP,AME Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

1 Induction Training NITTTR, Bhopal NITTTR, Bhopal Two Weeks Phase-I Sponsored 2 Induction Training NITTTR Extension center Pune Phase-II Two Weeks NITTTR, Bhopal Sponsored 3 GIS and Remote sensing Government Engineering college Karad MSBTE, Mumbai approach in Engg.and One Week Approved sciences 4 Matlab applications in Government Polytechnic Karad One-week MSBTE, Mumbai sciences and technology Approved 5 Advances in Mathematics Government Engineering college Karad Two week MSBTE, Mumbai in engineering Sponsored 6 Personality Development Government Polytechnic Ratanagiri One week DTE Mumbai sponsored 7 Current trends in Government Polytechnic Malvan One week DTE Mumbai Technology and sponsored Enterpreneurship

8 Educational research NITTTR Extension center Pune One week NITTTR, Bhopal proposal writing Sponsored techniques and method of research Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mr. Manoj N. Rokade Designation Lecturer in English Date of Joining 20/07/2015 Mobile No. 9421220042 E-Mail ID [email protected]

Address Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri.

Degree M.A. , SET Specialization English Qualification Institution Name Department of English, University of Pune, Pune. University/Board Savitribai Phule Pune University , Pune. Percentage 68.33% Year of Passing 2009

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial ------Experience ------Teaching Kadwa Polytechnic, Rajaramnagar, Dindori, Nashik. 5 Experience Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 5 Yrs till date Subjects Taught English, Communication Skills, DLS Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

NITTTR, Bhopal 1 Leadership Development One Week NITTTR, Bhopal (Extension Center , Pune) MHRD Govt. of India.

2 Research Methodology and Government Polytechnic, Nashik. One Week DTE sponsored Optimizing Techniques.

MSBTE, Mumbai 3 Induction Phase- I NITTTR, Bhopal. Two weeks Sponsored 4 DTE sponsored Personality Development Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri. One Week

5 Government of Foundation Course YASHADA,PUNE Govt. of Maharashtra. Six Weeks Maharashtra 6 Training of Trainers for Guru Govind Singh College of Engineering NITTTR, Bhopal teachers and Research Center, Nashik. One Week MHRD Govt. of India. FDP on 'Effective use of ICT Government Polytechnic, Malvan. DTE, MSBTE, 7 Tools in Teaching Learning One Week Mumbai Sponsored Process' Publications & Research Papers:

1. “Love, Marriage , Relationship , Desire , Hate , Jealousy, Sacrifice and Human bondages in the selected Novels of Sudha Murty”. (National level conference on Changing Nature of Human relationship, Deogiri College, Aurangabad, ISBN No.: 978-81-923948-5-5 2. “Quest for Self ” in the selected novels of Sudha Murty. (Langlit, Vol.5 Issue 1, ISSN 2349-5189)

FACULTY PROFILE Name Mrs. Jayshri Sudhakarrao Kantale Designation Lecturer in Physics Date of Joining 1/8/2017 Mobile No. 7709972321 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri

Degree M. Sc. B. Ed. Qualification Specialization Condensed Matter Physics Institution Name Government Vidhrbha Institute of Science and Humanities Amravati University/Board Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Percentage 71% Year of Passing 2009

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 3 (till date) Experience

Subjects Taught Basic Science , Applied Science Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Government College of Engineering TEQIP – III 1 Academic and One Week Karad Sponsored Examination Reforms in Technical Institutes NITTTR Bhopal 2 Induction Training Government Polytechnic Amravati Two Weeks Sponsored Phase-I

Personality Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri DTE, Mumbai 3 Development One-week Sponsored NITTTR Bhopal 4 Induction Training NITTTR Bhopal Two Weeks Sponsored Phase-II

5 Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri Stepping Stone to DTE, Mumbai One-week Startup India Sponsored

Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

FACULTY PROFILE Name Nurin Bashir Jambhalikar Designation Lecturer in physics Date of Joining 18/11/2017 Mobile No. 9284506052 E-Mail ID [email protected] Address 205, D wing, Fodkar complex, udyam nagar Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

Degree M. Sc. M E/MTech Specialization Analytical chemistry Qualification Institution Name Gogate-Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri University/Board Mumbai University Percentage 76% Year of Passing 2011

Work Experience Duration (Years)

Industrial Experience

Teaching Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri 2.5 Experience

Subjects Taught BSC, ASM Attended Workshop/ Trainings:

Sr. No. Topic Organizer Duration Remarks

Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri MSBTE, Mumbai 1 Stepping stone to One-week Sponsored startup India

2 Induction Training NITTTR, Bhopal (Online mode) Two Weeks Phase-I

Enhansing soft skills NPTEL(Online mode)

3 Eight-weeks

FDP on 'Effective Government Polytechnic, Malvan MSBTE, Mumbai 4 use of ICT One-week Tools in Teaching Sponsored Learning Process' Publications & Research Papers:

Membership & Social Activities:

8. Profile of Principal



AT- CHOBHE PIMPRI POST - DHAVLAS,TAL-MADHA, Address DIST-SOLAPUR Date of Birth 19/05/1964 Unique Id- DTEAMJM6401 Designation LECTURER IN CIVIL ENGINEERING SELECTION GRADE Date of 10-Aug-89 Joining Mobile No. 8378979772 E-Mail ID [email protected] SSC HSC U.G. P.G. Degree HSC BE CIVIL ME CIVIL SSC




Research Papers:

9. Fees Fees Prescribed for Government and Non-Government Aided Institutes

First year and Direct First year of Post HSC Second year admission Diploma Courses: of Post SSC Diploma Courses: Non Autonomous and Autonomous Fees Non Autonomous and Government Institutes Autonomous Government and Non-Government Institutes and Non- Aided Institutes. Government Aided Institutes Tuition Fee Rs.6,000/-per year Rs.6,000/- per year

Development Fee Rs.1,000/- per year Rs.3,000/- per year Other Fee Rs.550/-per year Rs.550/-per year Total Rs.7550/-per year Rs.9550/-per year Caution Money Rs.200/- as a Caution Money Deposit to be paid Deposits only once and not every year. (Refundable)

10. Admission

GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI Student Strength : Acadamic Year 2018-19.

First Year Second Year Third Year Grand Total ( FY + SY + TY ) GRAND Course Intake M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total TOTAL Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Year Year Year Year Year Year CE 60+3* 46 2 8 1 54 3 38 3 11 16 0 5 54 3 16 51 3 18 0 69 3 135 8 11 42 1 5 177 9 16 202 CO 60+3* 22 1 18 2 40 3 25 3 11 12 0 3 37 3 14 39 1 26 0 65 1 86 5 11 56 2 3 142 7 14 163 EE 60+3* 47 3 14 0 61 3 34 3 16 14 0 1 48 3 17 53 1 16 2 69 3 134 7 16 44 2 1 178 9 17 204 EJ 60+3* 13 1 6 1 19 2 16 1 23 7 1 4 23 2 27 43 1 21 0 64 1 72 3 23 34 2 4 106 5 27 138 ME 60+3* 54 2 6 1 60 3 52 2 12 2 0 1 54 2 13 68 2 11 0 79 2 174 6 12 19 1 1 193 7 13 213 PH 30 180150330 5 0 0 7 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0230 0 220 0 4500 45 Total 330+15 200 9 67 5 267 14 170 12 73 58 1 14 228 13 87 254 8 92 2 346 10 624 29 73 217 8 14 841 37 87 965 *= TFWS Student.

CE-M 60 30 0 11 0 41 0 31 0 12 13 0 3 44 0 15 63 0 25 0 88 0 124 0 12 49 0 3 173 0 15 188 EJ-M 60 20 0 7 0 27 0 11 0 14 9 0 1 20 0 15 45 0 17 0 62 0 76 0 14 33 0 1 109 0 15 124 ME-M 60 57 0 2 0 59 0 52 0 13 3 0 0 55 0 13 68 0 4 0 72 0 177 0 13 9 0 0 186 0 13 199 Total 180 107 0 20 0 127 0 94 0 39 25 0 4 119 0 43 176 0 46 0 222 0 377 0 39 91 0 4 468 0 43 511

Grand 510+15 307 9 87 5 394 14 264 12 112 83 1 18 347 13 130 430 8 138 2 568 10 1001 29 112 308 8 18 1309 37 130 1476 Total


First Year Second Year Third Year Grand Total ( FY + SY + TY ) GRAND Course Intake M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total TOTAL Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Year Year Year Year Year Year CE 60+3* 31 3 11 0 42 3 29 0 16 8 0 2 37 0 18 42 3 19 0 61 3 102 6 16 38 0 2 140 6 18 164 CO 60+3* 30 2 19 1 49 3 23 1 18 17 2 4 40 3 22 17 2 12 0 29 2 70 5 18 48 3 4 118 8 22 148 EE 60+3* 46 2 14 1 60 3 34 2 8 14 0 2 48 2 10 37 3 13 0 50 3 117 7 8 41 1 2 158 8 10 176 EJ 60+3* 6 1 5 0 11 1 8 024 4 0 5 12 029 19 1 8 1 27 2 33 2 24 17 1 5 50 329 82 ME 60+3* 49 3 4 0 53 3 41 2 10 5 1 0 46 3 10 44 2 0 0 44 2134 7 10 9 1 0 143 8 10 161 PH 30 18 014 032 021 0 0 14 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 28 0 0 67 0 0 67 Total 330+15 180 11 67 2 247 13 156 5 76 62 3 13 218 8 89 159 11 52 1 211 12 495 27 76 181 6 13 676 33 89 798 *= TFWS Student.

CE-M 60 35 0 8 0 43 0 42 0 18 7 0 8 49 0 26 40 0 15 0 55 0 117 0 18 30 0 8 147 0 26 173 EJ-M 60 20 0 4 0 24 0 15 0 17 7 0 0 22 0 17 13 0 6 0 19 0 48 0 17 17 0 0 65 0 17 82 ME-M 60 53 0 6 0 59 0 40 0 11 1 0 0 41 0 11 40 0 0 0 40 0133 0 11 7 0 0 140 0 11 151 Total 180 108 0 18 0 126 0 97 0 46 15 0 8 112 0 54 93 0 21 0 114 0 298 0 46 54 0 8 352 0 54 406

Grand 510+15 288 11 85 2 373 13 253 5 122 77 3 21 330 8 143 252 11 73 1 325 12 793 27 122 235 6 21 1028 33 143 1204 Total

PRINCIPAL GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, RATNAGIRI Student Strength : Acadamic Year 2020-21. First Year Second Year Third Year Grand Total ( FY + SY + TY ) GRAND Course Intake M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd Dir 2nd TOTAL Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Regular TFWS Year Year Year Year Year Year CE 60+3* 35 3 14 0 49 3 37 3 20 12 0 7 49 3 27 49 0 11 0 60 0 121 6 20 37 0 7 158 6 27 191 CO 60+3* 37 3 24 0 61 3 32 2 9 18 1 3 50 3 12 51 0 21 2 72 2 120 5 9 63 3 3 183 8 12 203 EE 60+3* 48 3 13 0 61 3 54 2 9 15 0 0 69 2 9 51 2 16 0 67 2 153 7 9 44 0 0 197 7 9 213 EJ 60+3* 28 1 6 0 34 1 8 1 16 7 1 1 15 2 17 41 0 12 0 53 0 77 2 16 25 1 1 102 3 17 122 ME 60+3* 55 2 5 0 60 2 51 3 18 5 0 0 56 3 18 62 2 7 1 69 3 168 7 18 17 1 0 185 8 18 211 PH 30+2* 14 118 032 120 0 0 16 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 1 0 34 0 0 68 0 0 68 Total 330+17 217 13 80 0 297 13 202 11 72 73 2 11 275 13 83 254 4 67 3 321 7 673 28 72 220 5 11 893 32 83 1008 *= TFWS Student. CE-M 60+3* 36 2 14 1 50 3 28 0 9 8 0 2 36 0 11 65 0 13 0 78 0 129 2 9 35 1 2 164 3 11 178 EJ-M 60+3* 19 1 3 0 22 1 22 0 10 4 0 1 26 0 11 36 0 9 0 45 0 77 1 10 16 0 1 93 1 11 105 ME-M 60+3* 57 2 3 1 60 3 50 0 13 8 0 1 58 0 14 69 0 4 0 73 0 176 2 13 15 1 1 191 3 14 208 Total 180+9* 112 5 20 2 132 7 100 0 32 20 0 4 120 0 36 170 0 26 0 196 0 382 5 32 66 2 4 448 7 36 491

Grand 510+17 329 18 100 2 429 20 302 11 104 93 2 15 395 13 119 424 4 93 3 517 7 1055 33 104 286 7 15 1341 39 119 1499 Total

M = Minority


Centralised Admission Process (CAP). – (1)The Technical Diploma Educational Institution shall admit Candidates through the Centralised Admission Process. The stages of CAP shall be as stated below,- a) Display or publishing of Information Brochure by the Competent Authority; b) Filling Online Application Form by Candidate for participation in the Centralised Admission Process; (i) All eligible candidates for admission to First year of Diploma in Engineering /Technology/Pharmacy/HMCT and for Direct Second Year Diploma of Engineering /Technology are required to fill the application form Online as per the notified schedule. (ii) Candidate can edit/update the information in his application form before he confirms it at any of the Facilitation Centre.

Following are the details of the non-refundable fees to be paid by the candidate through online mode only.

Admission Type General Category Reserved Category Candidates from Candidates [SC, ST, VJ/DT- Maharashtra State, Outside NT (A), NT(B), Maharashtra State NT(C),NT(D),OBC,SBC,SE (OMS),Union Territory of BC, J & K and Ladakh Migrant EWS] & PWD Candidates candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only.

First Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Rs.400/- Rs.300/-

First Year of Post HSC Diploma in Pharmacy Rs.400/- Rs.300/- /Surface Coating Technology/HMCT

Direct Second year of Rs.400/- Rs.300/- Post SSC Diploma c) Uploading of scanned images of valid necessary original documents as per the requirement of the admission while filling of online application form; i) Candidates are required to Upload scanned images of valid necessary original documents as per the requirement of the admission while filling online application form. ii)The Candidates shall verify the data filled and correct it, if required. The candidate shall take print out of the submitted application form and sign it iii)The Printout of Application form shall have list of documents required to be produced by the candidate for substantiating his claim made in the application form. The candidate shall carry a set of Xerox copies of the required documents. d)Document Verification at Facilitation Centre by the Candidate through the method prescribed by the Competent Authority for this purpose. It is mandatory on the candidate’s part to produce all original documents in support of the claim made in the application form; Due to COVID-19 outbreak and present lockdown, and to curb its spread, the Competent Authority has prescribed the following methods for Document verification:

In view of above, the Competent Authority is introducing the concept of e-Scrutiny in addition to the Physical Scrutiny of the documents. The candidate shall select the mode of scrutiny depending upon his/her convenience in online filling & confirming the application form. i)e-Scrutiny Mode:  The Candidate shall register online through mobile (Smart phone) or computer and select the e- Scrutiny Mode.  Such candidate shall fill &submit online application form and upload the required documents from any computer from anywhere connected to internet.  Such Candidate need not have to go in person anywhere for submission, verification and confirmation of the application form.  After online submission, Candidate’s application & documents shall be verified and confirmed by the designated Facilitation Center (FC) through e-Scrutiny Mode.  Candidate can edit the application form till the form is picked up by the FC for e-Scrutiny. The status of the same shall be available in the candidate’s login.  After confirmation of application form at FC, information cannot be changed by candidate.  The candidate can raise the grievance for any corrections if any. During e-Scrutiny of Application Form of such candidate:

 If no error is found in the submitted Application: Such Applications shall be confirmed through e-Scrutiny by verifying the Application form, documents uploaded and the status of verification & confirmation of the application form shall be available in candidates Login along with receipt cum Acknowledgement.  If error is found in the submitted Application: The details of errors shall be intimated to candidates by reverting back his/her Application for its rectification by candidate through candidates Login.  Candidate shall edit the reverted Application form and re-submit the application for e-Scrutiny through his/her login. This step is mandatory for the candidate. Candidate shall upload the requisite documents to substantiate the claim if any for correction/concession.  During E-Scrutiny Mode, Candidate shall produce the relevant & valid documents to substantiate the claim made in the application form. In case of non submission of the relevant documents, the candidate shall lose such claims made in the application and applications of such candidates shall be confirmed without considering such claims. ii) Physical Scrutiny Mode:  The Candidate shall register online and select the Physical Scrutiny Mode.  Such candidates shall select convenient date& timing for online filling, scanning& uploading of required documents, verification and confirmation of application format FC.  The candidate not having any computer/IT facility for registration at home shall visit the nearest FC for Registration & scheduling support.  The Candidates shall report to any convenient Facilitation Centre along with required original documents for verification.  The Facilitation Centre In-charge shall verify the information from the original copies of required documents.  The Facilitation Centre In-charge shall confirm candidate’s Application Form through online system and issue the Receipt cum Acknowledgement of Application Form.  During Physical Scrutiny Mode ,Candidate shall produce the relevant & valid documents to substantiate the claim made in the application form. In case of non submission of the relevant documents, the candidate shall lose such claims made in the application and applications of such candidates shall be confirmed without considering such claims.

 After confirmation of application form at FC, information cannot be changed by candidate.  For any correction, the candidate shall visit the FC from where he has confirmed his application form. e) Display or publishing of provisional merit lists, submission of grievances(if any),through the method prescribed by the Competent Authority for this purpose and display or publishing of final merit lists; After declaration of the provisional Merit List, if candidate seek/claim any correction/concession in the displayed information, the process of Submission of grievance ,if any, for all type of Candidates prescribed by the Competent Authority is given below:

i) For E-Scrutiny Mode selected candidates:

 Candidate shall raise the Grievance about correction required in the data displayed in provisional merit list through his/her Login.  The application of such candidates shall be reverted back to the candidate in his/her Login for rectification.  Candidate shall upload the requisite documents to substantiate the claim for any correction/concession. This is mandatory step for the candidate.  The status of acceptance/rejection of Grievance raised by candidate shall be available in candidates Login along with latest receipt cum Acknowledgement.  During E-Scrutiny Mode, Candidate shall produce the relevant & valid documents to substantiate the claim made in the application form. In case of non submission of the relevant documents, the candidate shall lose such claims made in the application and applications of such candidates shall be confirmed without considering such claims.  No document shall be accepted to substantiate the claim made in application after scheduled dates. ii) For Physical Scrutiny Mode selected Candidates

 Candidate shall submit the Grievance about correction required in the data displayed in provisional merit list by reporting at FC where he has already confirmed his/her application form.  Candidate shall submit the requisite documents to substantiate the claim for any correction/concession at FC.  FC shall issue the latest receipt cum Acknowledgement.  During Physical Scrutiny Mode , Candidate shall produce the relevant & valid documents to substantiate the claim made in the application form. In case of non submission of the relevant documents, the candidate shall lose such claims made in the application and applications of such candidates shall be confirmed without considering such claims.  No document shall be accepted to substantiate the claim made in application after scheduled dates. iii) Final merit lists will be displayed on the website

iv) The merit list gives relative position of the candidate and it does not guarantee admission to any course/institute f) Display of Category wise Seats (Seat Matrix) available for CAP Rounds; The competent authority shall publish the information on the website about institutes, courses offered, Sanctioned intake and number of seats available for each category be for each round. g) Filling up and Confirmation of Online Option Form having preferences of Courses and Institutions prior to respective CAP Rounds. Candidates may fill in preference soft Institutes and Courses in decreasing order of their preference as specified by Competent Authority. The option form once confirmed shall be considered for allotment in the respective CAP Rounds; In order to participate in the CAP (subject to fulfillment of the eligibility requirements of respective CAP round), it is MANDATORY to fill the Online Option Form for respective CAP Round i) Candidates will be able to fill in the online option form through their login ii) It is mandatory for all candidates to confirm the online option form iii) After confirmation of Option form, the candidate will not be able to change the Options. iv) Candidates should not disclose their Application ID & Password to others to avoid impersonation. Competent Authority shall not be responsible for submissions done by others on behalf of the candidate. For Security reasons, candidates are instructed to keep changing the password and keep note of it in secured place. v)Option form received through online submission only will be considered for further processing vi)Candidate shall confirm the submitted on-line Option Form by re-entering Application ID and Password. The candidate can take a printout of the confirmed Option form for his record and future reference vii) The candidate can fill in minimum 1 and maximum 300 options. The candidate shall fill the institute choice code against the option number in the online option form. h) Display of Provisional Allotment of respective CAP Rounds indicating allotted institute and Course; i) Reporting and accepting the offered seat at Admission Reporting Centre by the Candidate as per the schedule declared by the Competent Authority through the method prescribed below by the Competent Authority for the purpose of accepting the offered seat and removal of errors as per the clause(e)of sub rule (4) of this rule;  In view of COVID-19 outbreak, the candidate who have been allotted a seat during the CAP Rounds shall not report to ARC for verification of documents & seat acceptance.  After allotment, the candidate shall verify himself the seat allotment made to him/her during the CAP rounds is as per the Rules & Regulations.  He/she shall ensure through his login that his/her claims related with Qualifying Marks, category, gender, reservation, special reservation made by himself /herself in the applications form are correct and the relevant documents uploaded to substantiate his/her claims are authentic and correct.After ensuring the correctness of the allotment, candidate shall pay the seat acceptance fee through online mode for the purpose of accepting the allotted seat.  If allotment made to the candidate based on the claims made in the applications form, during self verification of the allotment, if candidate found that the claim made by him is not correct and he wants to correct the error, (errors as per the clause(e) of sub rule(4) of this rule) the candidate shall report the grievance either bye-Scrutiny or Physical Scrutiny Mode. In later stage, if it is found that the seat allotted to the candidate on the false claims made in the application by the candidate, then such allotment/ admission taken in the allotted institute shall be canceled automatically. j) The time schedule prescribed by the competent authority for complaisance for various stages of CAP is mandatory.

(2) Conduct of CAP Round-I.- The seats available for Round I shall be published on the Website. The Candidate whose names appeared in the final merit list of CAP shall be eligible to participate in this round by filling online option form. The candidate shall fill and confirm the option form through candidate’s Login.

(3) During the CAP: (a) If a candidate is allotted the seat as per his first preference, such allotment shall be auto freezed and the candidate shall accept the allotment so made. Such candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds. Such candidates follow the instructions given at clause (1)(i) above. Thereafter such candidates shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat. If such candidate does not follow the instructions given in clause (1)(i) , their claim on the allotted seat shall stand for feted automatically and the seat shall be come available for fresh allotment. For such candidate, the allotment so made shall be the final allotment; (b) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than the first preference given by the candidate and if the candidate is satisfied with such allotment and do not wish to participate in further CAP rounds, such candidate can freeze the offered seat through candidate’s login. Once the candidate freezes the allotted seat, such candidate shall follow the instructions given in clause (1)(i) . Thereafter such candidates shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat. If such candidate does not follow the instructions given in clause (1)(i),their claim on the allotted seat shall stand forfeited automatically and the seat shall become available for fresh allotment. For such candidate, the allotment so made shall be the final allotment. Such candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds; (c) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and accepted the seat as per the instructions given in clause (1)(i) then such candidates shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds for betterment; (d) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and not accepted the seat as per the instructions given in clause (1)(i),such candidate shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds; (4) Conduct of CAP Round-II- (a) The seats available for Round II shall be published on the website. The Candidates eligible for round II are allowed to fill in and/or edit online option form filled in by the candidate for the previous round. The seats to be allotted during this round shall be available to the eligible candidates falling under the following categories. (i) Candidates as per the Rule 3(c)and 3(d)above; (ii) Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in any of the previous round; (iii) Candidates who did not participate (failure of filling option form) in previous round. (b) Candidates who have been allotted seat other than first preference and followed the instructions given in clause (1) (i), whilst filling fresh option form, he/she need not fill the preference already allotted to the candidate in the previous round. Once upward preference is allotted to such candidate, his earlier seat allotment shall stand automatically cancelled. In the event of no such upward preference Is allotted, his previous allotment stands retained; (c) There shall be no further betterment option available to the candidate after round II. The allotment made and/or allotment retained in round II for participating candidates in round II shall be final; (d) At the time of reporting for admission to Institute ,the candidate shall produce all the original documents in support of the claims made in the application. In the event the candidate fails to produce the documents in support of the claim, so made in the application, the allotment shall stand cancelled automatically and the seat shall become available for allotment in further rounds; (e) The candidate will be entitled to rectify the following errors in the application form by raising the grievance viz. (i) Change of gender from male to female and vice-versa; (ii) error while entering marks obtained by candidate in examination, However the change in the merit number due to increase in the marks will not be permitted; (iii) error while mentioning the caste/sub-caste/ the category of backward class but in no case a candidate will be allowed to change from General to Reserved Category. A reserved category candidate will be allowed to change his category from Reserved to General upon his failure to submit requisite documents like Caste/Tribe Certificate, Validity Certificate, Non-Creamy Layer Certificate etc. as the case may be. (iv) Removal of minority status due to failure of submission of supporting documents; (v) RemovalofDisabilitystatusduetofailureofsubmissionofsupportingdocuments; (vi) Removal of Defence status due to failure of submission of supporting documents (vii) Change in Type of Candidature; (viii) Change in Home District; (ix) Removal of Tuition Fee Waiver Seats(TFWS)status due to failure of submission of supporting documents; (x) Removal of Technical/Vocational Status due to failure of submission of supporting documents; (xi) Change in Qualification (5) Apart from the above no other change or rectification shall be allowed.

The Candidate shall report to the institution finally allotted to him and confirm his admission in institution as per the schedule. The Institute shall verify the required documents and upload the admission of the candidates in the online system through Institute Login immediately and shall issue a system generated receipt of confirmation of admission & fee paid receipt to the candidate. 12.Criterion and Weightages For Admission

Eligibility Criteria,-

Sr. No. Name of Eligibility conditions and requirements for Courses(2) admissions(3) (1) 1 Diploma in (A) First Year of Post SSC Engineering and (1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate, Union Technology Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Migrant Candidature Candidates.- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National; (ii) Passed 10th Std./ SSC examination or its equivalent, with at least35% aggregate marks Note: Other than Maharashtra State Candidates shall be eligible for Institution quota only. (2) NRI/OCI/PIO,Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries,Foreign National.- (i) Passed10thStd./SSC examination or its equivalent, with at least35% aggregate marks (ii) Any other criterion declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Rules. (B) Direct Second Year of Post SSC (1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate.- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National; (ii) Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with Mathematics/ Biology subject. OR 10+2 Science (with Mathematics as one of the Subject) OR 10+2 Science with Technical OR 10+2 with Vocational. OR 10th+(2yearsITI) with appropriate Trade Note: Other than Maharashtra State Candidates shall be eligible for Institution quota only.

(C) Post HSC in Surface Coating Technology (1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Migrant Candidature Candidates.- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National; (ii) Passed HSC Science with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Note: Other than Maharashtra State Candidates shall be eligible for Institution quota only.

(2) NRI/OCI/PIO,Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries,Foreign National.- (i) Passed HSC Science with subjects English,Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics. (ii) Any other criterion declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Rules. (D) Direct Second Year of Post SSC (1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate.- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National; (ii) Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with Mathematics/ Biology subject. OR 10+2 Science (with Mathematics as one of the Subject) OR 10+2 Science with Technical OR 10+2 with Vocational. OR 10th+(2yearsITI) with appropriate Trade Note: Other than Maharashtra State Candidates shall be eligible for Institution quota only.

2 Diploma in (1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate Pharmacy (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National; (ii) Passed10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with Mathematics/ Biology subject. Note: Other than Maharashtra State Candidates shall be eligible for Institution quota only. (2) NRI/OCI/PIO,Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries,Foreign National.- (i) Passed10+2examinationwithPhysicsandChemistry ascompulsorysubjectsalongwithMathematics/ Biology subject. Any other criterion declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Rules.

4-A .For First Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology

 The term ‘aggregate marks’ used here shall mean as follows: a. For Maharashtra State Board Candidates: I. The candidates who have passed SSC Examination prior to March 2009, the aggregate marks shall be grand total of marks obtained by the candidate in any 5subjectswhere he/she has scored maximum marks. II. The candidates who have passed SSC Examination after March2009,the aggregate marks shall be total marks of 5 subjects taken into consideration and mentioned on the Mark sheet. b. For ICSE Candidates I. Student seeking admission on the basis of Group 1 & Group 2 subjects only, the aggregate marks shall be the grand total of marks in any of the 5 subjects from Group 1 & Group 2 where he/she has scored maximum marks. II. Student seeking admission on the basis of Group1,Group2&Group3,aggregate marks shall be the grand total of all subjects from all groups. c. For CBSE Candidates The aggregate mark means the grand total of marks obtained by the candidate, including all subjects as declared on Mark sheet

4-B.For Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/ Technology

 There is No Institutional quota as such for direct second year diploma admissions; however, vacancies if any after last round can be filled by institution ,which is termed as institutional quota.  For candidate passing ITI, The term ‘aggregate marks’ used here shall mean as follows: a. ITI (CTS or ATS): The aggregate marks shall be the marks obtained in the last year/last two semesters (Third and Fourth Sem). b. COE Course/Basic Sector of 1 year duration:aggregate marks shall be sum of all 3 groups  The Group and Subgroup of qualifying group and corresponding diploma courses for admission to Direct Second year is given in Annexure- III 4-C.General Note:

 If letter grades are assigned at SSC, HSC,ITI or its equivalent examination, the Candidate must submit the certificate of conversion of letter grades into equivalent marks from the concerned Competent Authority or Board at the time of submission of Application Form. The eligibility shall be decided on the basis of equivalent marks.  Candidates passing SSC from other than State Boards or Central Boards shall bring equivalent certificate from Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE).  Female candidates are not eligible for admission to Mining and Mine surveying & Mining Engineering course  Candidate who has secured admission in any other institute shall produce certificate indicating his/ her original Leaving Certificate retained with the previous institute in the form of “proforma N” given in the brochure

12. List of Applicants

ssc_ ssc_ Percent Admitted ApplicationId Name MeritNo Gender DOB Category SubCategory obtaine ChoiceCode Course_name total age _type d_marks DEN20110773 KASABE BALAJI SANJAY 38026 Male 8/10/2004 OPEN Open 373 500 74.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20148578 JADHAV ANUJ NITIN 37546 Male 3/19/2004 SC Buddhist 374 500 74.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20139495 KEER HARSHALI SHASHIKANT 1189 Female 8/13/2004 OPEN Open 470 500 94 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20159946 SOLKAR SAFA MUZAMMIL 5225 Female 4/18/2004 OPEN Open 451 500 90.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20105712 KHADPE SANCHITA VINAYAK 12633 Female 4/22/2004 OBC Bhandari 430 500 86 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20142399 DESAI GAURAV SANTOSH 3235 Male 6/8/2004 OPEN Open 459 500 91.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20105963 SHAIKH JUNED JAVED 12217 Male 3/11/2004 OPEN Open 431 500 86.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20142693 NAIKODI SHAFAQ FEROZ 25652 Female 4/15/2004 OPEN Open 401 500 80.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20130871 MHASKAR ADIL JAVED 32395 Male 12/13/2003 OPEN Open 386 500 77.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20167088 BOBADE MUJAMMIL NAFISALI 34067 Male 5/17/2004 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20106069 SOLKAR SABREEN SAMEER 30219 Female 10/21/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 391 500 78.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20114274 MIRKAR MAHVISH NAEEM 33785 Female 11/15/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 383 500 76.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20117729 KADAM SAHIL SUBHASH 29505 Male 4/8/2004 SC Buddhist 392 500 78.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20139699 MAHADIK NARENDRA VISHVANATH 15329 Male 6/11/2004 OBC Teli 424 500 84.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20107126 NIMBAL NAAZ BANDE NAWAZ 46494 Female 4/5/2004 OPEN Open 352 500 70.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20130247 MANE OM PRAMOD 12937 Male 3/9/2004 OPEN Open 429 500 85.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20152956 KAMBLE KANCHAN DIPAK 37105 Female 5/22/2004 SC Buddhist 375 500 75 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20119837 HODEKAR SAFA SAJID 11702 Female 10/6/2004 OPEN Open 432 500 86.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20152806 WASTA SANIYA IMRAN 48650 Female 9/22/2004 OPEN Open 347 500 69.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20148029 JADHAV SALONI PRAKASH 47587 Female 6/16/2004 OPEN Open 350 500 70 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20106029 BALBALE MOHAMMAD KAIF AIJAZ 31786 Male 7/22/2004 OPEN Open 387 500 77.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20160538 MEHTA SACHINKUMAR UMESH 7802 Male 9/1/2004 OPEN Open 443 500 88.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20159781 NISHANT VAIBHAV KUVESKAR 16006 Male 1/1/2004 OBC Teli 422 500 84.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20204466 SHITAP SAGAR UDAY 39858 Male 9/25/2004 OPEN Open 368 500 73.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20114248 JADHAV ARYA MANGESH 47622 Male 3/30/2004 OPEN Open 349 500 69.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20103336 RAJPURKAR DANIYAL MOHAMMED 29095 Male 2/10/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 393 500 78.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20103161 BUDYE MAHID AHMED YASEEN 48534 Male 9/19/2005 OPEN Open 347 500 69.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20102003 ANSARI IBRAHIM MOHAMMAD 27084 Male 1/13/2005 OPEN Open 398 500 79.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20169144 ATHARVA PRASHANT SURVE 31102 Male 6/20/2004 OPEN Open 389 500 77.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20119588 SHINDE SWAYAM MUKESH 55796 Male 6/27/2004 OPEN Open 326 500 65.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20100383 SHINDE ANIKET ANIL 38832 Male 1/22/2004 OPEN Open 371 500 74.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20102705 INDRANEEL AJIT JUVEKAR 56086 Male 6/28/2003 OPEN Open 391 600 65.167 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20180468 SHIRDHANKAR SARTHAK SANDEEP 46024 Male 3/17/2004 OPEN Open 353 500 70.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20146215 MUKADAM SOHAIB FAQIE 63776 Male 5/10/2004 OPEN Open 300 500 60 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20107795 SOLKAR SAAD RAMZAN 67539 Male 4/12/2005 OPEN Open 284 500 56.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20128141 MUKADAM ABDULLAH YUSUF 63862 Male 9/30/2002 OPEN Open 300 500 60 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20168481 BHATKAR AMASH AMEER 69262 Male 10/30/2002 OPEN Open 276 500 55.2 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20146447 KHEUR HARSH VIJENDRA 54888 Male 12/11/2002 OBC Bhandari 329 500 65.8 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20171781 HIWALAKAR PRATHAMESH VILAS 63959 Male 8/11/2002 OPEN Open 300 500 60 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20142533 TANDEL SHUAIB RIZWAN 67241 Male 2/25/2003 OPEN Open 285 500 57 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20142286 DAS ANAND ARUN KUMAR 56764 Male 8/28/2002 OPEN Open 323 500 64.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20112476 MAJGAONKAR IQRA IQBAL 22465 Female 7/22/2004 OPEN Open 408 500 81.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20152007 RATHOD POOMU GOVIND 32683 Male 5/16/2004 OPEN Open 385 500 77 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20173032 SAWANT ANURADHA SURESH 59418 Female 12/21/2003 OPEN Open 315 500 63 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20144250 PARAB JAY MAHENDRA 41957 Male 12/15/2004 OPEN Open 363 500 72.6 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20113177 KAJAREKAR GAURANG SANJAY 34199 Male 11/29/2003 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300919100 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20211783 ZAGADE ATHARVA SUBHASH Male 12/9/2001 OPEN Open 284 500 56.8 300919100 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20186343 SALVI ARYAN SHASHIKANT 35110 Male 3/26/2005 OPEN Open 380 500 76 300919100 Civil Engineering Minority DEN20210865 ADITI DEEPAK JADHAV Female 11/13/2004 OPEN Open 275 500 55 300919100 Civil Engineering Minority DEN20151115 JUVALEKAR SAHIL JAGANNATH 29739 Male 5/6/2004 OBC Bhandari 392 500 78.4 300919101 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20146210 VARUNKAR ZAHIRUDDIN YASIN 25084 Male 11/20/2002 OPEN Open 402 500 80.4 300919101 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20139192 NAKHWA SAFEENA SALAM 13252 Female 6/9/2003 OPEN Open 429 500 85.8 300919101 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20118866 KHAPARE SAKSHI NANDKUMAR 27551 Female 9/17/2003 OBC Kunbi Maratha 397 500 79.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20117765 PAWAR VRUSHABH NARESH 47291 Male 9/10/2004 NT 1 (NT- Beldar 350 500 70 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20181294 AVERE ALAKA RAVINDRA 37236 Female 7/7/2001 OBC Kunabi 375 500 75 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20110996 GURAV CHAITANYA CHANDRAKANT 17035 Male 1/28/2004 OPEN Open 420 500 84 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20161165 GURAV GANESH SITARAM 30879 Male 12/8/2001 OBC Gurav 389 500 77.8 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20113059 AGRE BHUMIKA SANDESH 18701 Female 1/20/2004 OPEN Open 416 500 83.2 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20176637 KARAMBELE PRATHAMESH VILAS 11722 Male 5/20/2004 OPEN Open 432 500 86.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20116577 SHETYE HARSH UMESH 38357 Male 2/5/2004 OBC Vaishya wani 372 500 74.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20180396 JATHAR PAYOSHNI DEEPAK 6575 Female 9/17/2004 OBC Vaishya wani 447 500 89.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20186789 Gokhale Vedant Shripad 10021 Male 3/2/2004 OPEN Open 437 500 87.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20146529 SURVE PRANIT PRAVIN 23848 Male 10/18/2004 OBC Bhandari 405 500 81 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20140484 INDULKAR PARTHI GANESH 25636 Female 3/26/2005 OPEN Open 401 500 80.2 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20201050 BANDABE SURAJ SURYAKANT 39182 Male 4/2/2002 OBC Kunabi 370 500 74 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20121411 BARGUKAR PARSHARAM VASANT 17907 Male 7/29/2004 OPEN Open 418 500 83.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20155784 KULKARNI RAJAS PRASAD 16389 Male 6/14/2004 OBC Sonar 421 500 84.2 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20125143 DHULAP SHRUTI NARESH 20017 Female 10/25/2004 OBC Kunabi 413 500 82.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20143332 TAMBE SANDESH SAHADEV 14916 Male 10/7/2003 OPEN Open 425 500 85 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20117234 BHATKAR SAMEIH SALEEM 29611 Male 8/31/2004 OPEN Open 392 500 78.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20160368 KAZI ARMAN ELAYAT 41469 Male 11/21/2004 OPEN Open 364 500 72.8 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20114648 POWAR SNEHAL PRAKASH 57229 Female 4/19/2001 DT/VJ Vadar 322 500 64.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20121299 BURTE AKANKSHA DASHRATH 18019 Female 11/24/2003 OPEN Open 418 500 83.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20107170 BANE ATHARV SANDEEP 27396 Male 8/9/2002 OPEN Open 397 500 79.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20147649 KHODE SHIVANI VILAS 42165 Female 11/22/2004 OPEN Open 363 500 72.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20108563 NAIK MOHAMMAD UZAIR FIROZ 25899 Male 2/9/2004 OPEN Open 400 500 80 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20189353 AMBERKAR YASH PRAMOD 53743 Male 4/14/2004 OBC Teli 333 500 66.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20190985 SHELAR TANVI YOGESH 17845 Female 7/29/2004 OPEN Open 418 500 83.6 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20143164 SHAIKH DANISH IKHABAL 24061 Male 3/9/2004 OPEN Open 404 500 80.8 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20182761 MOHITE NIRAJ DEEPAK 79290 Male 1/22/2005 OPEN Open 196 500 39.2 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20171412 SURVE ADITYA PRAMOD 74157 Male 8/5/2004 OBC Bhandari 249 500 49.8 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20152292 GHADI PRASHANT BALU 41035 Male 4/29/2005 OPEN Open 365 500 73 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20164589 NAIK AREEN HANIF 74688 Male 5/18/2004 OPEN Open 245 500 49 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20178040 SAWANT RUNAL SANTOSH 66958 Male 2/1/2005 OPEN Open 287 500 57.4 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20135558 SHRINIVAS ANANT RATHOD 78860 Male 4/24/2003 OPEN Open 204 500 40.8 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20134403 SAGAVEKAR SUSHANT ARUN 72102 Male 10/23/2001 OPEN Open 261 500 52.2 300919110 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20106093 WARANG ARYAN NISHIKANT 50580 Male 8/17/2004 OBC Bhandari 341 500 68.2 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20125540 PHANSOPKAR AVES MUAZZAM 66910 Male 9/25/2003 OPEN Open 287 500 57.4 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20135939 MESTRY PRATIK JITENDRA 37485 Male 5/30/2004 OBC Sunthar 374 500 74.8 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20163065 CHAUHAN SURAJSING SHYAMNARAYAN 34640 Male 12/6/2003 OPEN Open 381 500 76.2 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211739 BANDARKAR LALIT NARESH Male 10/22/2002 OPEN Open 349 500 69.8 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211632 DHEPASE ROHIT SANJAY Male 5/10/2003 OPEN Open 321 500 64.2 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211741 KANGRALKAR PRASHANT MARUTI Male 12/10/1992 OPEN Open 395 650 60.769 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211775 PADALKAR ARPITA SANTOSH Female 7/14/2001 OPEN Open 341 500 68.2 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211728 BALLEWAR VINAYAK GANGADHAR Male 7/31/1989 OPEN Open 522 750 69.6 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211806 PAWASKAR UZAIR NASIR Male 8/3/2005 OPEN Open 237 500 47.4 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211832 NAGVEKAR ATHARV MAHENDRA Male 8/15/2002 OPEN Open 315 500 63 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20211981 ROY CHANDRA LOKNATH Female 12/17/2000 OPEN Open 275 500 55 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20212155 PANCHAL ANJALI PUNDALIK Female 11/21/2002 OPEN Open 395 500 79 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20212190 MAJALKAR ASHWINI MAHENDRA Female 10/30/2001 OPEN Open 408 500 81.6 300919110 Civil Engineering ACAP DEN20117494 MEHTA TANMAY 14438 Male 1/16/2004 OPEN Open 426 500 85.2 300919111 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20127921 JAWALE SAGAR SUBHASH 2697 Male 4/28/2004 OBC Kunabi 461 500 92.2 300919111 Civil Engineering CAP I DEN20131921 POTKAR VAIBHAV VIJAYKUMAR 8999 Male 11/4/2004 OPEN Open 440 500 88 300919111 Civil Engineering CAP II DEN20108903 BUDYE FAIZAAN LIYAKAT 12098 Male 12/15/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 431 500 86.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20103372 BORSUTKAR HARSHAN SANDIP 15304 Male 12/2/2004 OBC Sonar 424 500 84.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20186735 BUDYE SAHAR SAMEER 1049 Female 9/21/2004 OPEN Open 471 500 94.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20114006 ADURKAR SAROSH GALIB 20777 Male 12/20/2003 OPEN Open 411 500 82.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20152722 NAIK JIDNYASA SHARAD 88 Female 7/3/2004 SC NavBuddhist 486 500 97.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20161440 MAJGAONKAR SAMEED SABIR 6186 Male 11/5/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 448 500 89.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20103437 KHAMBE HARIDAS HARISHCHANDRA 543 Male 12/22/2003 OBC Kunabi 476 500 95.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20172929 ANAVKAR AMEY ANAND 16118 Male 9/17/2004 SC Chambhar 422 500 84.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20143616 JADHAV SANCHITA PRAVIN 16283 Female 1/3/2005 SC Buddhist 422 500 84.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20142046 PHANSOPKAR ARFA ASAD 2145 Female 8/26/2004 OPEN Open 464 500 92.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20114098 GUJAR ANUSHKA VIJAY 6856 Female 2/28/2005 NT 1 (NT- Bhoi 446 500 89.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20187708 KAMBLE DIKSHA DIPAK 73953 Female 7/10/2002 SC NavBuddhist 250 500 50 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20159357 LOKHANDE PRASHANT BHAGWAN 7559 Male 6/19/2004 OPEN Open 444 500 88.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20134795 KAREKAR TEJAS SANJAY 16891 Male 11/22/2003 OBC Sonar 420 500 84 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20115685 BUDYE SAEEM SAJID 61665 Male 2/6/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 307 500 61.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20121067 BADOGE PRAJWAL SANJAY 29796 Male 4/4/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 392 500 78.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20142878 KAZI MALAK MUSSADIK 1933 Female 9/13/2004 OPEN Open 465 500 93 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20128431 PHANSOPKAR AISHA SAKHAWAT 19450 Female 7/9/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 414 500 82.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20113819 ISHWARE ABHILASHA MAHESH 2287 Female 2/10/2004 OBC Shravak Shimpi 463 500 92.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20130268 BHANDARE ANIL BALASAHEB 36319 Male 7/9/2004 SC Chambhar 377 500 75.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20198331 GANJEKAR VEDANT VAMAN 17275 Male 10/15/2002 OBC Sutar 419 500 83.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20118876 JADHAV ANIKET ASHOK 8154 Male 11/23/2004 OPEN Open 442 500 88.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20128847 DHANAVADE ROSHAN SHANTARAM 4073 Male 8/9/2004 OPEN Open 455 500 91 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20156705 HARCHIRKAR SUMRAN SARFARAZ 7180 Female 12/19/2004 OBC Shimpi 445 500 89 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20138813 GAWDE RHUTUJA RAJU 2328 Female 5/10/2004 OPEN Open 463 500 92.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20103420 SAWANT NIRJARA RAJAN 39342 Female 12/28/2003 SC NavBuddhist 370 500 74 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20120069 PATIL SUYOG SANDIP 2341 Male 1/19/2005 OPEN Open 463 500 92.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20119406 BACHIM ATHARVA MARUTI 7509 Male 1/25/2004 OBC Kunabi 444 500 88.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20164701 SANAP DHANANJAY ANIL 9409 Male 1/14/2004 NT 3 (NT- Vanjari 438 500 87.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20107952 MUKADAM MUZAMMIL ASIF 23987 Male 5/5/2004 OPEN Open 404 500 80.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20104216 JAGTAP ADITYA RAMESH 36865 Male 9/9/2002 SC Mahar 375 500 75 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20110530 SOLKAR MOHAMMAD KAIF ABDUL 22370 Male 8/13/2004 OPEN Open 408 500 81.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20114637 PATVI AZRA MANSOOR 19193 Female 5/10/2005 OPEN Open 415 500 83 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20104487 MUJAWAR RAZAN SAMEER 49727 Male 1/20/2005 OPEN Open 344 500 68.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20103394 BHATKAR ZAMEER MOHAMAD HANIF 13871 Male 8/5/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 427 500 85.4 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20189006 GADKARI MUTTAHIR PARVEZ 19353 Male 6/23/2004 OPEN Open 415 500 83 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20103156 REWALE SUNIL SANTOSH 23181 Male 10/10/2003 OBC Kunabi 406 500 81.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20111024 PAWAR PRADIP SANJAYKUMAR 5621 Male 2/11/2004 OPEN Open 450 500 90 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20141314 MHALUNGEKAR PRUTHVIRAJ GANPATI 4279 Male 2/10/2004 OPEN Open 454 500 90.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20125035 KASALKAR SHITAL SHANKAR 51833 Female 10/12/1999 SC Chambhar 338 500 67.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20142892 KULKARNI SUDHANWA DEEPAK 12253 Male 4/12/2005 OPEN Open 431 500 86.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20156169 HADPAD ARATI KALLAPPA 8895 Female 9/15/2004 OBC Navi or Nhavi 440 500 88 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20131496 BAKALE PRIYANKA BHAUSO 9301 Female 5/10/2004 OPEN Open 439 500 87.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20124637 PATIL AVIRAJ PRADIP 6093 Male 9/15/2004 OPEN Open 448 500 89.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20134208 SOLKAR MUHAMMAD ZAAHID 38590 Male 2/6/2005 OPEN Open 371 500 74.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20147607 LOKARE SATYAJEET SANJAY 7290 Male 5/2/2004 OPEN Open 444 500 88.8 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20150075 LATAKE SAKSHI SHANTARAM 11601 Female 5/26/2004 OPEN Open 433 500 86.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20145724 PANGARKAR MUSKAN ZUBER 19120 Female 10/17/2004 OPEN Open 415 500 83 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20138942 JADHAV SARVESH VIJAY 12406 Male 12/10/2004 OPEN Open 431 500 86.2 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20160547 SURYAWANSHI VISHAKHA JAYWANT 5659 Female 3/15/2004 NT 1 (NT- Jinagar 450 500 90 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20140334 AYARE CHINMAY SANTOSH 24713 Male 11/21/2004 OPEN Open 403 500 80.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20106916 GOTAD GAURI UDAY 20007 Female 9/20/2004 OBC Kunabi 413 500 82.6 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20153553 HODEKAR AAKIFA AZEEM 19333 Female 2/24/2005 OPEN Open 415 500 83 300924510 Computer Engineering CAP II DEN20109998 BHOSALE OM ANAND 18180 Male 6/12/2004 OPEN Open 417 500 83.4 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20116586 KAZI AMMAR ASHFAQ 29233 Male 11/4/2004 OPEN Open 393 500 78.6 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20161589 BHATADE VAISHNAVI SANTOSH 29411 Female 6/26/2004 OBC Kunabi 393 500 78.6 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20147821 GORE ADITI ANAND 34644 Female 8/29/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 381 500 76.2 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20116977 KASU ABIDEEN NOORUDDIN 38322 Male 6/6/2004 OPEN Open 372 500 74.4 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20169983 BHATKAR SUBHAN NADEEM 37725 Male 12/25/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 373 500 74.6 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20117751 SURVE PRANAV PRASAD 34157 Male 11/28/2004 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20111395 MHASKAR SURAH NIHAL 25088 Female 12/17/2004 OPEN Open 402 500 80.4 300924510 Computer Engineering ACAP DEN20106671 GURAV VEDANT RAJENDRA 5292 Male 2/8/2004 OBC Gurav 451 500 90.2 300924511 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20146510 SANGAR SUSHANT RAJENDRA 4958 Male 9/8/2004 NT 2 (NT- Sanagar 452 500 90.4 300924511 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20121114 RUSHIKESH RAJARAM PATIL 3827 Male 3/31/2004 OPEN Open 456 500 91.2 300924511 Computer Engineering CAP I DEN20140130 PAWASKAR ASJAD NISAR 58171 Male 12/21/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 319 500 63.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20100306 DEORUKHKAR YASH ASHISH 13054 Male 7/26/2004 OPEN Open 429 500 85.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20103135 JADHAV ARYAN SANDESH 26306 Male 2/2/2004 SC Buddhist 400 500 80 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20116393 RASAL SANKET PAVAN 23481 Male 11/22/2002 NT 1 (NT- Saravade 405 500 81 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20123759 RANJE TRUPTI SANTOSH 33326 Female 5/21/2004 OBC Kunabi 384 500 76.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20123776 RANJE TEJAS VIJAY 8825 Male 2/27/2004 OBC Kunabi 440 500 88 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20123796 GOTAD SHRUTI SUBHASH 8153 Female 1/28/2004 OBC Kunabi 442 500 88.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20116339 CHAVAN MANDAR MANOJ 10489 Male 12/4/2004 OPEN Open 436 500 87.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20101291 PATIL AISHWARYA DASHRATH 17298 Female 5/17/2004 OBC Bhandari 419 500 83.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20138753 DHAMAPURKAR PARTH RAVINDRA 8885 Male 7/7/2004 SC Chambhar 440 500 88 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20111864 SAWANT SHREYAS BHARAT 36932 Male 6/2/2004 SC Buddhist 375 500 75 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20107466 SALVI PRIYA PRADEEP 12659 Female 9/19/2004 OPEN Open 430 500 86 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20150801 PAWAR OJAS SANTOSH 10619 Male 6/23/2004 SC Buddhist 435 500 87 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20115691 INDULKAR PRACHI PRAVIN 16888 Female 4/27/2004 OPEN Open 420 500 84 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20155582 ZORE VISHAKHA RAVINDRA 10732 Female 4/16/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 435 500 87 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20141276 SHELAR ADITI LAXMAN 725 Female 10/17/2004 OPEN Open 474 500 94.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20124156 AMBOKAR SWAYAM SANJAY 41501 Male 12/20/2002 SC Chambhar 364 500 72.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20151306 KUNAL DHANARAJ BHOSALE 40609 Male 9/14/2004 SC Chambhar 366 500 73.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20100273 BHOGATE CHINMAY RAJAN 10244 Male 4/13/2004 OBC Vaishya wani 436 500 87.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20146441 KEER PARTH PRITAM 45419 Male 5/17/2004 OBC Bhandari 355 500 71 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20142633 SAWANT RAJ SANTOSH 34831 Male 4/30/2004 SC Buddhist 380 500 76 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20192924 PATIL SAHIL MADHUKAR 6814 Male 7/15/2003 OPEN Open 446 500 89.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20166207 MOHITE GAURAV MAHADEV 14026 Male 3/9/2004 OPEN Open 427 500 85.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20177555 NARVEKAR OM RAJENDRA 23659 Male 2/15/2004 OPEN Open 405 500 81 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20189839 CHAVAN RAHUL RAMCHANDRA 15244 Male 6/29/2004 OBC Nabhik 424 500 84.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20117155 ZIMBAR TEJAL CHANDRAKANT 3331 Female 7/11/2004 OBC Kunabi 458 500 91.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20120012 BORKAR SRUSHTI RAJENDRA 27054 Female 5/22/2002 OBC Bhandari 398 500 79.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20119107 RATHOD HARSHAVARDHAN SHANKAR 52430 Male 4/12/2004 DT/VJ Laman/Lamani 336 500 67.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20143861 PATEKAR VINIT PRAVIN 11245 Male 9/30/2003 SBC Kharvi 433 500 86.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20133132 DHAVADE RITU RAVINDRA 3913 Female 12/31/2004 OBC Kunabi 456 500 91.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20109600 SHUBHAM SHARAD GURAV 21196 Male 2/2/2002 OBC Gurav 410 500 82 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20151304 YADAV ATHARV BHIKCHAND 7348 Male 12/8/2004 OPEN Open 444 500 88.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20142422 VARAK PRANAV BHAGOJI 14040 Male 9/6/2003 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 427 500 85.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20162780 KISAVE TANOJ NANASO 46214 Male 6/8/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 353 500 70.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20104418 MACHKAR SURAJ SANJAY 41295 Male 2/20/2004 OPEN Open 365 500 73 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20201637 KIRVE ARYAN DEEPAK 17597 Male 12/26/2001 OBC Teli 418 500 83.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20120388 GURAV AJAY EKNATH 11746 Male 3/8/2004 OBC Gurav 432 500 86.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20186671 PHEPADE SHUBHAM DIPAK 212 Male 2/3/2004 OBC Kunabi 481 500 96.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20173650 ANANT SADANAND WAGHMARE 74502 Male 2/23/2003 ST Katkari 246 500 49.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20136164 KHAMBE SAURBHA SUBHASH 22160 Male 7/15/2002 OBC Kunabi 408 500 81.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20120310 SAKHARKAR JANHAVI VIJAY 14530 Female 5/9/2004 SBC Kharvi 426 500 85.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20116428 NANDGAVKAR SOHAM TUKARAM 16050 Male 7/27/2004 OPEN Open 422 500 84.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20114811 SHIRGAONKAR SAEEM SIRAJ 15052 Male 10/20/2004 OPEN Open 424 500 84.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20112861 KAMBLE SUJAL YASHWANT 25085 Male 10/15/2003 SC NavBuddhist 402 500 80.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20151602 SUJAL ANIL NATEKAR 27583 Male 2/26/2004 SBC Kharvi 397 500 79.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20103391 SHINDE PRATHMESH SUSHANT 18257 Male 6/18/2004 OPEN Open 417 500 83.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20148429 ANIRUDDHA ANIL DESAI 22076 Male 9/24/2004 OPEN Open 409 500 81.8 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20120929 GAWADE ROHIT NAGESH 23314 Male 10/16/2002 OPEN Open 406 500 81.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20140832 MORE SOHAM PRADIP 13620 Male 12/25/2003 OPEN Open 428 500 85.6 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20182824 MOHITE NIKHIL DEEPAK 71915 Male 4/4/2001 SC Buddhist 262 500 52.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20103140 VEER VIGHNESH SHIVAJI 18162 Male 1/19/2005 OPEN Open 417 500 83.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20126940 SMITHAN SADANAND GURAV 60462 Male 9/8/2002 OPEN Open 311 500 62.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20141112 KHANOLKAR ISHAN PRASAD 20374 Male 3/25/2004 OPEN Open 412 500 82.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP II DEN20179230 KHAN ALMAS FIROZ 18244 Female 9/9/2003 OPEN Open 417 500 83.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP II DEN20100987 THAKUR SHREYAS PRABHAKAR 30078 Male 4/14/2004 OBC Agri 391 500 78.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP II DEN20131696 KARBHARI MOHIT SANTOSH 25721 Male 4/3/2004 OBC Agri 401 500 80.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP II DEN20116868 LAD YASH SAVALARAM 18492 Male 6/1/2004 OPEN Open 416 500 83.2 300929310 Electrical Engineering CAP II DEN20116961 BASHTE SIDDHESH NARENDRA 28342 Male 11/20/2004 OBC Vaishya Wani 395 500 79 300929310 Electrical Engineering ACAP DEN20100668 KADAM AARYA SANTOSH 30711 Male 5/28/2005 OPEN Open 390 500 78 300929310 Electrical Engineering ACAP DEN20210965 GHANEKAR SALONI SANJAY Female 4/20/2004 OPEN Open 412 500 82.4 300929310 Electrical Engineering ACAP DEN20100572 TAKALE YASH RAJESH 16998 Male 4/10/2004 OPEN Open 420 500 84 300929311 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20146779 KHADE SUSHANT RAJARAM 17394 Male 9/22/2003 OPEN Open 419 500 83.8 300929311 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20106307 PATIL PRATIK BABASO 15584 Male 10/18/2003 OPEN Open 423 500 84.6 300929311 Electrical Engineering CAP I DEN20158282 NAKHWA FARHAN WASIM 63119 Male 8/14/2003 OPEN Open 302 500 60.4 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20142613 HODEKAR RAIHAN HUSAIN JAVEED 53284 Male 5/5/2005 OPEN Open 334 500 66.8 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20125419 PATHAN AFFAN MUDATSAR 59415 Male 10/26/2004 OPEN Open 315 500 63 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20146506 PAWASKAR TANMAY PRAKASH 4069 Male 8/7/2004 OBC Parit 455 500 91 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20140760 BUDYE AMAAN ASLAM 14006 Male 10/4/2004 OPEN Open 427 500 85.4 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20137305 MIRKAR MEHRAN SHAHABAZ 51716 Male 9/27/2003 OPEN Open 338 500 67.6 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20120589 GURAV RIYA SURESH 34620 Female 8/17/2004 OPEN Open 381 500 76.2 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20120402 GAONKAR PAYAL VINOD 25262 Female 3/11/2004 OBC Kunabi 402 500 80.4 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20158261 NAKHWA FAIZAN WASIM 65473 Male 8/14/2003 OPEN Open 293 500 58.6 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20127412 RODE NAYAN RAJESH 35073 Female 5/6/2004 SBC Koshti 380 500 76 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20142705 KADRI RAZIN ASHAFAQ 66133 Male 10/6/2004 OPEN Open 290 500 58 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20165512 LAD RUDRADITYA VINOD 61198 Male 8/18/2002 OBC Bhandari 309 500 61.8 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20138205 MANE ABHISHEK JAYWANT 25933 Male 6/14/2003 OPEN Open 400 500 80 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20187859 SUTAR RAVIRAJ VIJAY 57440 Male 2/5/2002 OBC Sunthar 321 500 64.2 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20125246 RAUL SURAJ DEEPAK 73933 Male 8/12/2002 OPEN Open 250 500 50 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20178659 KHAN NOORMOHAMMED RAEES 76917 Male 5/12/2003 OPEN Open 227 500 45.4 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20142676 KARANDE VIJAY ARUN 41082 Male 9/1/2004 OPEN Open 365 500 73 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20192087 MAJGAONKAR RAIHAN AHMAD ISMAIL 73280 Male 6/22/2004 OPEN Open 254 500 50.8 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20127858 CHAVAN SARVESH SANTOSH 50613 Male 6/5/2003 OPEN Open 341 500 68.2 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20209118 DHAMASKAR AYYAN FAKIR Male 3/16/2005 OPEN Open 359 500 71.8 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20107355 KAPADI MOHD FAISAL RAFIK 42715 Male 2/9/2005 OBC Darji 361 500 72.2 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. Minority DEN20211805 MUJAWAR ATIF AZHAR Male 9/22/2003 OPEN Open 241 500 48.2 300937200 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. Minority DEN20101588 SAWANT MADHAV GIRISH 39133 Male 11/6/2004 OPEN Open 370 500 74 300937201 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20112317 KADAM SUJAL SHASHIKANT 77854 Male 11/1/2003 SC NavBuddhist 218 500 43.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20123320 RANE MEGHA ANANT 35003 Female 6/9/2005 OPEN Open 380 500 76 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20102628 KARWADE NIMISH ANIL 37135 Male 6/17/2002 OPEN Open 375 500 75 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20187117 PUSALKAR KAUSHAL LAXUMIKANT 60579 Male 10/5/2004 OBC Bhandari 311 500 62.2 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20125189 GURAV SAHIL JITENDRA 68004 Male 11/16/2004 OBC Gurav 282 500 56.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20159260 JAGTAP NITIRAJ NIVAS 33935 Male 5/3/2003 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20162168 SOLKAR AFIF FAIYAZ 63126 Male 10/28/2005 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 302 500 60.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20195133 GAWADE SAURABH CHANDRAKANT 61318 Male 8/20/2000 OBC Kunabi 308 500 61.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20157220 JADHAV GANESH HANUMANT 28438 Male 9/10/2002 OPEN Open 395 500 79 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20161433 SHETYE AKASH VIDYADHAR 49634 Male 5/24/2004 OBC Vaishya Wani 344 500 68.8 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20110126 GAURAV SANTOSH WADEKAR 24725 Male 3/18/2004 OBC Kunabi 403 500 80.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20104843 SAPKAL VEDIKA GORAKSHNATH 28536 Female 12/23/2004 OPEN Open 395 500 79 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20141062 JADHAV DILIP DEEPAK 30205 Male 5/18/2004 OPEN Open 391 500 78.2 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20100677 BORKAR NIVEDIKA DARSHAN 58762 Female 8/10/2004 OBC Bhandari 317 500 63.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20116783 BHATKAR MOHAMMED SAMID SALEEM 61617 Male 8/13/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 307 500 61.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20178713 SIDDHESH PRABHAKAR NANISKAR 48536 Male 5/23/2002 OBC Kumbhar or Kumhar 347 500 69.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20104715 MAYEKAR HARSH NANDVIJAY 33458 Male 5/25/2004 OPEN Open 384 500 76.8 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20129522 GAWADE SUYASH MANOHAR 31516 Male 4/10/2000 OBC Kunabi 388 500 77.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20183354 NEVAREKAR MAYURESH ANIL 66802 Male 2/6/2004 OPEN Open 287 500 57.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20171038 SOLKAR SAMI MOHAMED HANIF 74217 Male 9/9/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 248 500 49.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20126220 SAWANT ARYAN UDAYSING 66182 Male 3/30/2004 OPEN Open 290 500 58 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20106309 PAWAR SHUBHAM SANJAY 46319 Male 1/26/2004 OPEN Open 353 500 70.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20142593 PATIL SAHIL SHIVAJI 42109 Male 7/30/2004 OPEN Open 363 500 72.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP II DEN20104110 TEHZIKA ASIF MALIM 40173 Female 9/16/2004 OPEN Open 368 500 73.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20105008 NOUSHEEN SAYED SANULLAH 45706 Female 10/31/2003 OPEN Open 354 500 70.8 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20160324 RAJPURKAR SHAZEB SAWOOD 57768 Male 12/11/2003 OPEN Open 320 500 64 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20210714 SHIVALKAR PRANIT PRABHAKAR Male 12/17/1999 OPEN Open 221 500 44.2 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20210435 SURVE VAIBHAV RAJIV Male 7/9/1999 OPEN Open 234 500 46.8 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20211732 BANE HRUTIK SUBHASH Male 10/3/2001 OPEN Open 347 500 69.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20211824 RASAL POORVA SUHAS Female 3/25/2004 OPEN Open 390 500 78 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20211968 PILANKAR PAVAN PRADIP Male 3/25/2002 OPEN Open 219 500 43.8 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20211896 PHATAK SAURAV SHRIKANT Male 8/18/2002 OPEN Open 322 500 64.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20209016 WAKKAR SIDDHESH CHANDRASHEKHAR Male 10/29/2004 OPEN Open 408 500 81.6 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20211803 POSAM VIKAS VAMAN Male 1/16/1984 OPEN Open 333 750 44.4 300937210 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. ACAP DEN20105547 AMBAVALE RUSHIKESH RAJESH 52338 Male 11/16/2002 OPEN Open 337 500 67.4 300937211 Ecltro. & Tecommu. Engg. CAP I DEN20120560 KARANDIKAR VINAYAK RAVINDRA 24685 Male 8/11/2004 OPEN Open 403 500 80.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20188378 MULLA MOHAMMED AKMAL 16509 Male 4/4/2005 OPEN Open 421 500 84.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20131158 KAPSHE DEEP ANANT 47559 Male 8/29/2004 OPEN Open 350 500 70 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20115289 KADWAIKAR SAMEE NADEEM 25195 Male 10/9/2004 OPEN Open 402 500 80.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20126500 KOKARE SHAILESH BABAN 6549 Male 6/16/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 447 500 89.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20106188 BORKAR NAQEEB MUSHTAQUE 35030 Male 10/9/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 380 500 76 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20124048 MHASKAR OVAIS MUNAF 35793 Male 10/11/2004 OPEN Open 378 500 75.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20115069 GHADI BHALCHANDRA LAXMAN 18490 Male 8/2/2001 OBC Kunabi 416 500 83.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20143710 KHAN ABDULLAH SADIQ 26749 Male 3/7/2005 OPEN Open 399 500 79.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20143069 HODEKAR AMIN HUSAINMIYA 34512 Male 4/30/2003 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 381 500 76.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20123432 WAYANGANKAR VIGHNESH VINAYAK 3408 Male 10/28/2003 OBC Bhandari 458 500 91.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20104889 REWALE RITESH MAHESH 8046 Male 6/23/2004 OPEN Open 442 500 88.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20143485 KARKAR ANISH KASHINATH 14717 Male 7/29/2004 OBC Kunabi 425 500 85 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20174950 KAZI MOHAMMED SAAD SAJID 11283 Male 11/7/2004 OPEN Open 433 500 86.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20143161 THAKURDESAI SAHIL SANTOSH 2599 Male 8/4/2004 OPEN Open 461 500 92.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20199801 SHAH SAUD ASLAM 33734 Male 12/20/2002 OPEN Open 383 500 76.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20144578 HODEKAR SHADAB SADIQ 33273 Male 8/7/2004 OPEN Open 384 500 76.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20113812 MULLA MOHAMMAD KAIF RAIS AHMAD 16418 Male 12/13/2004 OPEN Open 421 500 84.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20161075 TEMKAR MAAZ MEHBOOB 4223 Male 9/23/2004 OPEN Open 455 500 91 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20146781 PAWASKAR SUYOG SANDIP 16741 Male 2/10/2004 OBC Teli 421 500 84.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20177623 KADAM ADITYA RAHUL 64780 Male 2/13/2004 SC Buddhist 296 500 59.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20124590 GADKARI MOHAMMAD ATHAR SADIQUE 19821 Male 10/30/2004 OPEN Open 413 500 82.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20155670 CHAUS MD SIDDIQUE SIKANDAR 28719 Male 5/30/2005 OPEN Open 394 500 78.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20128772 GAONKHADKAR AAQIL AIJAZ 23796 Male 8/26/2004 OPEN Open 405 500 81 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20128143 KHAN MUAZ MUNAWWAR 32757 Male 10/15/2004 OPEN Open 385 500 77 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20129764 WASTA TANAAZ JAHIR 37366 Female 2/1/2005 OPEN Open 374 500 74.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20130819 MUKADAM NAIF MUNEER 39427 Male 3/6/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 369 500 73.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20139344 NAKHWA ZEESHAN MAJID 40660 Male 11/30/2004 OPEN Open 366 500 73.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20103549 MAYEKAR MANAS HEMANT 38375 Male 6/24/2004 OBC Bhandari 372 500 74.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20204339 DONGARKAR OMKAR SADANAND 40560 Male 3/17/2004 OBC Kunabi 367 500 73.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20102837 REWALE ANIL SANTOSH 29284 Male 10/10/2003 OBC Kunabi 393 500 78.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20141825 KADAM PAYAL SURESH 30713 Female 3/2/2005 OPEN Open 390 500 78 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20126917 MALAP PANKAJ PRAKASH 45638 Male 9/21/2002 OBC Kunabi 354 500 70.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20128029 PATEKAR SAI JAGDISH 51200 Male 4/26/2004 OPEN Open 340 500 68 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20120942 SHIVALKAR TEJAS PRAVIN 27014 Male 11/15/2001 OPEN Open 398 500 79.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20131205 JOSHI BHUSHAN VILAS 34249 Male 11/13/2003 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20136703 TANDEL YASIR RAFIQ 37716 Male 9/1/2004 OPEN Open 373 500 74.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20138899 BHATKAR YASEER MUZAFFAR 40227 Male 9/22/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 367 500 73.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20155888 MUKADAM ZOHAIB FAIYAZ 44728 Male 9/15/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 356 500 71.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20156176 MAJGAONKAR NAFEES FIROZ 46852 Male 9/2/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 351 500 70.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20109282 FATKARE ATHARV MANOJ 26488 Male 3/26/2005 OBC Kunabi 399 500 79.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20121950 RAUT SOHAM VIJAY 48020 Male 11/15/2004 OBC Teli 348 500 69.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20143853 RAMANE SIDDHESH SURESH 29921 Male 11/28/2003 OBC Kunabi 391 500 78.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20187570 TALAKERI SAHAS HANUMANT 42102 Male 8/18/2004 OPEN Open 363 500 72.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20102992 KAZI AVEZ AKIL 41076 Male 4/2/2005 OBC Kureshi Khatik 365 500 73 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20186859 PARKAR ARYAN SATYAVAN 47061 Male 4/3/2004 OBC Bhandari 351 500 70.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20101429 YASH DEEPAK SAWANT 32445 Male 9/21/2004 OPEN Open 386 500 77.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20118135 MULLA ARIF BANDENAWAJ 49107 Male 7/28/2004 OPEN Open 346 500 69.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20177438 JADHAV PRIYA MANOHAR 35556 Female 2/21/2004 OPEN Open 379 500 75.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20130887 PANGALE ROSHAN RAMCHANDRA 48432 Male 9/27/2002 OPEN Open 347 500 69.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20143245 HUSHEY IMRAN HANIF 42444 Male 5/7/2003 OPEN Open 362 500 72.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20106979 NAGALE SARVESH SURYAKANT 34096 Male 2/15/2004 OPEN Open 382 500 76.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20192694 BARASKAR ROSHAN GOVIND 27840 Male 4/9/2004 OPEN Open 396 500 79.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20113083 SUSHIL SANDIP JOSHI 8918 Male 4/18/2004 OPEN Open 440 500 88 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20137400 HODEKAR ABDULLAH SHAFIQUE 44131 Male 4/4/2004 OPEN Open 358 500 71.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20144351 JAGIRDAR KAMRAN FAZAL 75168 Male 10/4/2003 OPEN Open 242 500 48.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering ACAP DEN20187047 HODEKAR ABU HURAIRA HANZALA 29646 Male 5/31/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 392 500 78.4 300961200 Mechanical Engineering Minority DEN20201411 BORKAR SHAIJAN VAJOOD Male 3/23/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 388 500 77.6 300961200 Mechanical Engineering Minority DEN20211546 BHATKAR MUSTAQEEM MUNAF Male 5/17/2001 OPEN Open 314 500 62.8 300961200 Mechanical Engineering Minority DEN20211818 MULLA MARJAN MUNAWAR Male 8/15/2003 OPEN Open 221 500 44.2 300961200 Mechanical Engineering Minority DEN20135946 AYUSH SURESH SHINDE 25675 Male 5/14/2004 OBC Teli 401 500 80.2 300961201 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20142055 BOLE MANSI SANJAY 5660 Female 12/10/2003 OPEN Open 450 500 90 300961201 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20131700 ALIM ATHARV MAHESH 26274 Male 8/3/2004 OBC Kunabi 400 500 80 300961201 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20182097 SHIRGAONKAR RUDDHESH 16065 Male 12/9/2004 OBC Sonar 422 500 84.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20104716 PASHTE YASH PRAMOD 29695 Male 6/20/2004 OBC Kunabi 392 500 78.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20168344 BHUTE VEDANT NANDKUMAR 18344 Male 3/26/2004 OPEN Open 417 500 83.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20141000 BARGODE ADITYA AVINASH 31910 Male 4/19/2004 OBC Kunabi 387 500 77.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20182366 YASHAVANTARAO RIDDHI RAJESH 58844 Female 2/16/2004 OPEN Open 317 500 63.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20141358 MUKADAM MOHD AFNAN ALAUDDIN 33193 Male 8/27/2003 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 384 500 76.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20113283 KAMBLE VED SUNIL 8168 Male 4/23/2004 SC NavBuddhist 442 500 88.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20111539 SURVE ARYAN MAHENDRA 19274 Male 11/9/2004 OBC Bhandari 415 500 83 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20127012 KOKARE SAMEER LAXMAN 25682 Male 10/16/2003 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 401 500 80.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20185572 KANERKAR KEDAR KIRAN 11477 Male 2/3/2004 OPEN Open 433 500 86.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20129585 VAYANGANKAR ABHAY SACHIN 34230 Male 8/3/2004 SBC Kharvi 382 500 76.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20145372 GHUMA PARAS SURESH 8143 Male 1/21/2004 OPEN Open 442 500 88.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20164030 NAGARKAR SOHAM RAJESH 64897 Male 8/3/2004 OBC Sonar 295 500 59 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20106873 GHAWALI RAJ PRASHANT 17863 Male 10/8/2003 OPEN Open 418 500 83.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20113385 MANE MAYURI ANNAPPA 36325 Female 1/31/2005 DT/VJ Vadar 377 500 75.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20104246 BUDYE KAIF JAVID 31172 Male 7/24/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 389 500 77.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20181140 BAVKAR ALKESH BHIKAJI 25070 Male 6/12/2002 OBC Kunabi 402 500 80.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20124720 YASH SACHIN KURTADKAR 24356 Male 8/12/2004 OBC Kunabi 404 500 80.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20147481 KINJALE PANKAJ PRADIP 11383 Male 8/16/2003 OBC Kunabi 433 500 86.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20186224 AJINKYA JITENDRA MAYEKAR 23954 Male 3/23/2002 OBC Bhandari 404 500 80.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20110154 PATIL SAHIL KISHOR 42067 Male 3/31/2003 OBC Agri 363 500 72.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20128721 SAWANTBHOSALE PAVANSHREE 48132 Male 10/12/2004 OPEN Open 348 500 69.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20130357 KALAMBATE ABHIJIT CHANDRAKANT 17738 Male 1/8/2004 OPEN Open 418 500 83.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20119368 SURVE SAKSHI AJIT 35098 Female 12/31/2003 OPEN Open 380 500 76 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20114143 KOKARE MAYUR MOHAN 1182 Male 9/21/2003 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 470 500 94 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20179692 KARLEKAR SAHIL SUDHIR 22166 Male 11/13/2002 OPEN Open 408 500 81.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20141216 GAWADE SAHIL VIKAS 13935 Male 11/30/2003 OPEN Open 427 500 85.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20158155 ZAGADE YASH EKANATH 27124 Male 7/27/2004 OBC Teli 398 500 79.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20141045 SALVI SALONI SUNIL 38290 Female 1/10/2005 OPEN Open 372 500 74.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20146085 KOKIL AYUSH RAVINDRA 26032 Male 7/12/2004 OPEN Open 400 500 80 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20102044 KARANJAVKAR SOHAM MANGESH 58519 Male 11/30/2004 OBC Sonar 318 500 63.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20128942 AKHADE HARSH SAMEER 53202 Male 12/14/2004 NT 2 (NT- Dhangar 334 500 66.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20144845 SAKHARKAR RAYAN MOHAMMED 46731 Male 9/14/2004 OPEN Open 352 500 70.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20155269 BAGWAN AMEEN KAYYUM 50711 Male 2/24/2004 OPEN Open 341 500 68.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20194026 SOLKAR SHAAD SAKEEB 45672 Male 7/2/2004 OPEN Open 354 500 70.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20110273 SOLKAR SAMID ALI SAUD 58909 Male 5/12/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 316 500 63.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20188100 SARANOBAT OMKAR TANAJI 56260 Male 9/17/2004 OPEN Open 325 500 65 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20109139 GOTHANKAR ABHISHEK ANIL 40873 Male 9/27/2004 OBC Kunabi 366 500 73.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20120544 UTEKAR DEEP AVINASH 12524 Male 7/8/2004 OBC Kunabi 430 500 86 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20157571 VASTA AHAD JAVID 52082 Male 5/1/2002 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 337 500 67.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20121386 KADRI FAIZAN SHAUKAT 51211 Male 1/21/2005 OPEN Open 340 500 68 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20179898 ATHARV ANANDA WADKAR 59665 Male 10/29/2004 OPEN Open 314 500 62.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20204761 SAKHARKAR MAHMMAD KAIF KALIM 56330 Male 5/22/2005 OPEN Open 325 500 65 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20103411 KOWALE NIRAJ NILKAMAL 37613 Male 6/3/2004 OBC Tambat 374 500 74.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20156118 MAJGAONKAR FARAZ FIROZ 52544 Male 9/2/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 336 500 67.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20139914 BHATKAR MOHAMMED KAIF SIRAJ 50730 Male 5/26/2003 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 341 500 68.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20106134 GADKARI MOHAMMED SAAD ABDUL 49991 Male 2/23/2004 OPEN Open 343 500 68.6 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20138792 HODEKAR ZIYAN MOOSA 36634 Male 1/5/2004 OPEN Open 376 500 75.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20138295 PAWAR SAIRAJ SURYAKANT 39729 Male 9/29/2003 OPEN Open 369 500 73.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20177382 Mandavkar Sairaj Manohar 47519 Male 2/12/2004 OPEN Open 350 500 70 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20147138 SOLKAR IMAD SHABBIR 52803 Male 10/15/2003 OPEN Open 335 500 67 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20143803 NAGWEKAR SAKSHI SAMEER 41608 Female 6/12/2002 OBC Bhandari 364 500 72.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20124147 PILANKAR SHRAVAN VIDESH 43585 Male 8/23/2004 OBC Bhandari 359 500 71.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20173325 NAGWEKAR RUDRA ANANT 58765 Male 8/16/2004 OPEN Open 317 500 63.4 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20130424 NIRMIT HARISHCHANDRA CHAUGHULE 45624 Male 10/1/2004 OBC Bhandari 354 500 70.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20167245 HAKIM SHARIF MAQBOOL 53039 Male 4/13/2005 OPEN Open 335 500 67 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20115281 SHAIKH ZAKI TABREJ 50882 Male 9/29/2004 OPEN Open 341 500 68.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering CAP II DEN20136813 GADKARI TAUHID TANWEER 65157 Male 11/17/2004 OBC Machhimar ( Daldi ) 294 500 58.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering ACAP DEN20211738 BANDARKAR YASH NARESH Male 10/22/2002 OPEN Open 354 500 70.8 300961210 Mechanical Engineering ACAP DEN20211918 CHAVAN ATHARVA PRADEEP Male 12/19/2001 OPEN Open 446 500 89.2 300961210 Mechanical Engineering ACAP DEN20148835 KORGAONKAR MANAS ARUN 27528 Male 1/28/2005 OBC Parit 397 500 79.4 300961211 Mechanical Engineering CAP I DEN20176181 KATALE RAHUL VIJAY 36621 Male 5/2/2004 OBC Kunabi 376 500 75.2 300961211 Mechanical Engineering CAP I Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919100] - Civil Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 27 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late OBC- HSC Science MUKADAM NAMEER N.A./ 1 591 DSD20106607 M Type A Machhimar Bifocal 57.69 % GMM 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 12:26:19Round I No NASEER N.A. ( Daldi ) (Technical ) NAGVEKAR SANIKA OBC- N.A./ 2 18041 DSD20130850 F Type A HSC Science 52.00 % GOBC 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:21:16Round I No SHAILESH Bhandari N.A. N.A./ Round 3 6254 DSD20105972ADHAV HRITIK RAMESH M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 64.59 % GOPEN 1750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 12:53:40 No N.A. II TANUJA SURYAKANT N.A./ Round 4 5490 DSD20101648 F Type A OPEN HSC Science 64.00 % GOPEN 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 12:42:55 No SAGVEKAR N.A. II BHOGALE DIPRAJ OBC- N.A./ Round 5 15965 DSD20134199 M Type A HSC Science 53.69 % GOPEN 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 15:48:20 No PRABHAKAR Kunabi N.A. II NT 1 (NT- N.A./ Round 6 19767 DSD20102456RASAL PRANJAN DIPAK M Type A B)- HSC Science 50.62 % GNTB 1750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 13:20:14 No N.A. II Saravade SC- N.A./ Round 7 21787 DSD20100633GANGANE AJAY DEEPAK M Type A HSC Science 48.92 % GSC 1750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 15:17:42 No Buddhist N.A. II SC- N.A./ Round 8 22726 DSD20100307SAHIL UDAY PAWAR M Type A HSC Science 48.00 % LSC 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 15:29:39 No Buddhist N.A. II OBC- VASTA MOHD ASIM N.A./ Round 9 24956 DSD20119431 M Type A Machhimar HSC Science 44.92 % GMM 4750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 16:17:50 No ASHRAF N.A. II ( Daldi )

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:19:58 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919100] - Civil Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 27 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late KHAPANE ROHAN N.A./ Against 1 DSD20155743 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 55.69 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 16:50:27 No DINKAR N.A. CAP MALAP SOMNATH N.A./ Against 2 DSD20155648 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 52.62 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:06:21 No CHANDRAKANT N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:19:58 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919100] - Civil Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 9 0 9 2. Against CAP Admitted 2 0 2 27 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 27 11 0 11

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:19:58 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:19:58 Printed By:: 3009 Page 3/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919110] - Civil Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 27 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late N.A./ Round 1 1649 DSD20101673TEJAL SUNIL PAWASKAR F Type A OBC-Teli HSC Science 71.69 % LOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 15:35:19 No N.A. I N.A./ Round 2 4150 DSD20118132VASAVE DILIP JALMA M Type A ST-Bhil ITI (CTS) 70.27 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:32:08 No N.A. I SURVE PARTH OBC- N.A./ Round 3 6940 DSD20107526 M Type A HSC Science 62.15 % GOBC 7750/- 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 15:53:26 No VEERDHAVAL Bhandari N.A. I HSC Science KORE SHIVPRASAD N.A./ Round 4 387 DSD20101698 M Type A OPEN Bifocal 62.15 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 15:17:23 No MAHADEV N.A. I (Technical ) OBC- N.A./ Round 5 7225 DSD20113780LAD ANIKET MAHADEV M Type A HSC Science 61.85 % GOPEN 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 12:32:39 No Kunabi N.A. I SONAWANE TRUSHALI N.A./ Round 6 7757 DSD20140896 F Type A SBC-Koli HSC Science 61.23 % LOBC 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 12:50:42 No PANDIT N.A. I BANDIVADEKAR N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 7 1689 DSD20115806PRATHAMESH M Type A OBC-Sonar 60.77 % GOPEN 7750/- 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 15:20:40 No N.A. (MCVC) I NANDKUMAR GHADGE PURVA N.A./ Round 8 16561 DSD20101415 F Type A OPEN HSC Science 53.23 % LSC 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 16:51:31 No SHANKAR N.A. I N.A./ Round 9 17767 DSD20118503PRAVINA SURESH KADAM F Type A OPEN HSC Science 52.31 % GST 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 12:21:39 No N.A. I HSC Science NANDGAONKAR ANUJ N.A./ Round 10 1228 DSD20101617 M Type A OBC-Teli Bifocal 48.15 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 15:22:39 No DHANANJAY N.A. I (Technical ) DEVRUKHKAR N.A./ Round 11 4540 DSD20122712 F Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 68.74 % LOPEN 1750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 13:41:42 No SHRADDHA SANDESH N.A. II PAWASKAR RUSHIKESH N.A./ Round 12 4620 DSD20128342 M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 65.77 % GOPEN 1750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 16:55:17 No MANGESH N.A. II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:24 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919110] - Civil Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 27 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late DT/VJ N.A./ Round 13 5309 DSD20125351MANE NIKET TUKARAM M Type A NT(A)- HSC Science 64.31 % GOPEN 1750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 15:38:01 No N.A. II Vadar KHAPARE ADITYA OBC- N.A./ Round 14 8400 DSD20102149 M Type A HSC Science 60.46 % GOBC 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 17:06:20 No SURESH Kunabi N.A. II YADAV DINESH OBC- N.A./ Round 15 11301 DSD20123094 M Type A HSC Science 57.54 % LOBC 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 15:25:16 No MANGESH Nabhik N.A. II N.A./ Round 16 11655 DSD20109907PATOLE JAYDEEP SUHAS M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.23 % GSC 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 13:41:40 No N.A. II NANDURBARE HARSHALI NT 1 (NT- N.A./ Round 17 13916 DSD20115105 F Type A HSC Science 55.23 % LOPEN 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 16:00:20 No BHARAT B)-Bhoi N.A. II SHINDE CHETAN N.A./ Round 18 15552 DSD20103024 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 54.00 % GSC 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 13:26:12 No HARESH N.A. II N.A./ Round 19 16718 DSD20102459BOLE VINAY VIJAY M Type A OPEN HSC Science 53.08 % GST 1750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 13:13:51 No N.A. II ADIVAREKAR RASHMIT N.A./ Round 20 18067 DSD20129702 M Type A SBC-Kharvi HSC Science 52.00 % LNTA 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 12:16:32 No MANGESH N.A. II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:24 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919110] - Civil Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 27 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late KHEUR SUYASH N.A./ Against 1 DSD20105333 M Type A OPEN ITI (ATS) 69.91 % ACAP 7750/- 08/01/2021 08/01/2021 17:09:52 No SUDHAKAR N.A. CAP N.A./ Against 2 DSD20128276MESTRY PRATIK SANJAY M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 67.21 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:20:07 No N.A. CAP SUWARE ADINATH N.A./ Against 3 DSD20154712 M Type A OBC HSC Science 62.31 % ACAP 7750/- 08/01/2021 08/01/2021 16:49:37 No RAVINDRA N.A. CAP N.A./ Against 4 DSD20155751SAWANT LALIT SUDHIR M Type A OPEN HSC Science 56.92 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 16:54:56 No N.A. CAP KANGUTKAR ATHARV N.A./ Against 5 DSD20154622 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 60.31 % ACAP 7750/- 08/01/2021 08/01/2021 16:53:15 No SACHIN N.A. CAP HSC Science SAWANTDESAI OMKAR N.A./ Against 6 DSD20109581 M Type A OPEN Bifocal 53.69 % ACAP 7750/- 07/01/2021 07/01/2021 12:58:34 No SANTOSH N.A. CAP (Technical ) N.A./ Against 7 DSD20154522KAMBLE SALONI ANIL F Type A SC HSC Science 52.31 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:39:39 No N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:24 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 3/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300919110] - Civil Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 20 0 20 2. Against CAP Admitted 7 0 7 27 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 27 27 0 27

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:24 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:21:24 Printed By:: 3009 Page 4/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300924510] - Computer Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 17 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late LINGAYAT OMKAR N.A./ 1 6219 DSD20134672 M Type A OBC-Gurav ITI (CTS) 62.08 % GOPEN 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:46:27Round I No SUBHASH N.A. JADHAV PRANJALI SC- N.A./ 2 17155 DSD20137524 F Type A HSC Science 52.77 % GSC 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 16:13:26Round I No RAJESH Buddhist N.A. HSC Science BOMBALE RITESH OBC- N.A./ 3 983 DSD20114628 M Type A Bifocal (Technical 51.85 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 15:02:20Round I No PRAMOD Kunabi N.A. ) PATIL SHRAVANI N.A./ Round 4 9701 DSD20101211 F Type A OPEN HSC Science 59.08 % LOPEN 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 13:28:36 No SANJAY N.A. II SAWANT ANIKET N.A./ Round 5 11864 DSD20130901 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.08 % GOBC 7750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 12:32:41 No GOVIND N.A. II MUJAWAR MAZHAR N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 6 2606 DSD20111033 M Type A OPEN 54.15 % GOPEN 7750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:06:22 No SARFARAJ N.A. (MCVC) II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:50 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300924510] - Computer Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 17 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late JADHAV PRADNYA N.A./ Against 1 DSD20155778 F Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 63.71 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:21:19 No CHANDRAKANT N.A. CAP N.A./ HSC Vocational Against 2 DSD20110818MULLA ADNAN SAMEER M Type A OBC 60.31 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:36:45 No N.A. (MCVC) CAP GAONKHADKAR ADYAN N.A./ Against 3 DSD20119763 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.08 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:24:38 No CHANMIYA N.A. CAP NARVEKAR JITESH N.A./ Against 4 DSD20137079 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 47.54 % ACAP 7750/- 08/01/2021 08/01/2021 17:28:52 No SANTOSH N.A. CAP PHANSOPKAR IBAAD N.A./ HSC Vocational Against 5 DSD20110942 M Type A OPEN 54.62 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:31:57 No ABDUL MUNAF N.A. (MCVC) CAP GUJAR OMKAR N.A./ Against 6 DSD20103253 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 47.38 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:40:43 No PRABHAKAR N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:50 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300924510] - Computer Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 6 0 6 2. Against CAP Admitted 6 0 6 17 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 17 12 0 12

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:21:50 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:21:50 Printed By:: 3009 Page 3/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300929310] - Electrical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 8 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late KADAM PRATHAMESH N.A./ Round 1 765 DSD20105729 M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 78.85 % GOPEN 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 13:04:50 No SUNIL N.A. I WARANG PRASHANT N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 2 249 DSD20112271 M Type A OPEN 74.15 % GOPEN 7750/- 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 13:09:24 No PANDURANG N.A. (MCVC) I VALLEMWAD MAHESH NT 1 (NT- N.A./ Round 3 16096 DSD20113858 M Type A HSC Science 53.54 % LNTB 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 15:22:05 No VENKATRAO B)-Golla N.A. I HSC Science PAWAR AVINASH SC- N.A./ Round 4 1257 DSD20127844 M Type A Bifocal 47.69 % LOPEN 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 17:07:18 No SANTOSH NavBuddhist N.A. I (Technical ) TARWATE SHRIKANT NT 2 (NT- N.A./ Round 5 892 DSD20114860 M Type A ITI (CTS) 78.31 % GNTA 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 15:51:03 No RAMPRASAD C)-Dhangar N.A. II ST-Tadvi N.A./ Round 6 3225 DSD20126709TADAVI ASIF RASHID M Type A ITI (CTS) 72.23 % GST 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 17:05:05 No Bhil N.A. II HSC Science BUDYE IYAAD CHAND N.A./ Round 7 1312 DSD20124560 M Type A OPEN Bifocal 46.00 % LSC 1750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 13:52:56 No MOHAMMED N.A. II (Technical )

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:04 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300929310] - Electrical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 8 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late KAMBLE SURAJ N.A./ Against 1 DSD20118442 M Type A SC ITI (CTS) 70.71 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 16:55:41 No PRAKASH N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:04 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300929310] - Electrical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

Over And Above Admitted Candidates List Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late CAP KANEKAR ARMAN N.A./ 1 DSD20103621 M Type A OPEN [HSC Science] 49.08 % EWS 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 12:57:41 Round- No ABDUL GANI N.A. I

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:04 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 3/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300929310] - Electrical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 7 0 7 2. Against CAP Admitted 1 0 1 8 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 1 0 1 Total 8 9 0 9

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:04 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:22:04 Printed By:: 3009 Page 4/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937200] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 45 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 1 985 DSD20107340VEER SAI SUNIL M Type A 65.54 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 15:37:14 No Kunabi N.A. (MCVC) I CHAVAN CHAITANYA N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 2 1331 DSD20103807 M Type A OBC-Teli 63.23 % GOBC 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:09:53 No VISHWAS N.A. (MCVC) I DANGE SWAPNIL N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 3 1495 DSD20118734 M Type A OPEN 62.00 % LOPEN 7750/- 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 11:20:32 No SANTOSH N.A. (MCVC) I TAMBE RUSHIKESH SC- N.A./ Round 4 17723 DSD20112689 M Type A HSC Science 52.31 % GOPEN 1750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:23:44 No DIPAK Buddhist N.A. I OBC- MHASKAR MUSADDIQUE N.A./ Round 5 18524 DSD20127967 M Type A Machhimar HSC Science 51.69 % GMM 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 11:44:35 No SHAHID N.A. I ( Daldi ) SALVI ABHISHEK N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 6 1685 DSD20105080 M Type A OPEN 60.77 % GOPEN 7750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 12:40:11 No KASHINATH N.A. (MCVC) II HORAMBE ADITYA OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 7 2031 DSD20107244 M Type A 58.46 % GOPEN 7750/- 31/12/2020 31/12/2020 12:44:02 No DEEPAK Kunabi N.A. (MCVC) II PADHYE SIDDHESH N.A./ Round 8 14312 DSD20141300 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 54.92 % GOPEN 7750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 16:06:40 No RAMAN N.A. II N.A./ Round 9 19403 DSD20137199KAPSHE RIYA ANANT F Type A OPEN HSC Science 50.92 % GMJ 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 16:43:02 No N.A. II DHALWELKAR MANNAN N.A./ Round 10 25157 DSD20135384 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 44.46 % LMM 7750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:34:08 No MUSHTAK N.A. II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:26 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937200] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 45 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late GHUMA SUYASH N.A./ Against 1 DSD20109978 M Type A OBC HSC Science 53.38 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:04:20 No SHASHIKANT N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:26 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937200] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 10 0 10 2. Against CAP Admitted 1 0 1 45 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 45 11 0 11

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:26 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:22:26 Printed By:: 3009 Page 3/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937210] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 58 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late GHANEKAR DARPAN OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 1 139 DSD20103522 M Type A 76.77 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:41:23 No SANTOSH Kunabi N.A. (MCVC) I BARGODE ATHARV OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 2 762 DSD20100537 M Type A 67.38 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:55:48 No KRISHNA Kunabi N.A. (MCVC) I N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 3 881 DSD20119370JATHAR PURU DILIP M Type A OPEN 66.31 % GOPEN 7750/- 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 11:26:54 No N.A. (MCVC) I DEORUKHAKAR SAI N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 4 1015 DSD20106291 M Type A OBC-Sonar 65.23 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 15:53:15 No SUNIL N.A. (MCVC) I OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 5 1213 DSD20104095KEER KAUSHAL HARISH M Type A 63.85 % GOBC 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:23:00 No Bhandari N.A. (MCVC) I GHANEKAR NITESH OBC- N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 6 1383 DSD20103630 M Type A 62.77 % GOBC 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 13:00:34 No NARENDRA Kunabi N.A. (MCVC) I SALVI PRASANNA N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 7 1563 DSD20128349 M Type A OPEN 61.54 % LOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 13:08:57 No LAXMIKANT N.A. (MCVC) I MAHESH SAIBABA N.A./ Round 8 7646 DSD20104480 M Type A SC-Dhor HSC Science 61.38 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 11:46:16 No KADAM N.A. I N.A./ Round 9 12111 DSD20140967GURAV TEJAS VILAS M Type B OBC-Gurav HSC Science 56.77 % GOBC 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 13:29:15 No N.A. I BAVISKAR ABHIJIT N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 10 2492 DSD20107493 M Type A SBC-Koli 55.08 % GOPEN 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 12:03:17 No JAGANNATH N.A. (MCVC) II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:42 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937210] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 58 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late JADHAV AKSHAY N.A./ Against 1 DSD20150366 M Type A SC HSC Science 53.85 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 16:58:05 No RAGHUNATH N.A. CAP N.A./ Against 2 DSD20102007SHINDE SARTHAK VIJAY M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.23 % ACAP 7750/- 08/01/2021 08/01/2021 17:11:58 No N.A. CAP NEVAREKAR MANAS N.A./ Against 3 DSD20155305 M Type A OBC HSC Science 53.54 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:29:00 No JAYANT N.A. CAP KAMBLE SACHIN N.A./ Against 4 DSD20155779 M Type A SC HSC Science 52.00 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:10:31 No GANGARAM N.A. CAP N.A./ Against 5 DSD20155543PATIL NIHAL PRADIP M Type A OBC HSC Science 50.77 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:31:05 No N.A. CAP BARGIR MUDASSIR N.A./ Against 6 DSD20153593 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 51.08 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:27:54 No LIYAKAT N.A. CAP JADHAV AMISHA N.A./ Against 7 DSD20121099 F Type A SC HSC Science 50.00 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:34:40 No GHANASHYAM N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:42 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300937210] - Electronics and Telecommunication Engg[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 10 0 10 2. Against CAP Admitted 7 0 7 58 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 58 17 0 17

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:22:42 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:22:42 Printed By:: 3009 Page 3/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961200] - Mechanical Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 14 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late N.A./ Round 1 3016 DSD20138224NICHIT NIKHIL BHASKAR M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 72.69 % GOPEN 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 12:28:28 No N.A. I TANDEL TAEEB N.A./ Round 2 4147 DSD20100548 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 66.15 % GMM 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 11:41:15 No HISHAMUDDIN N.A. I OBC- N.A./ Round 3 8551 DSD20105639SOLKAR SAMEED ZAHIR M Type A Machhimar HSC Science 60.31 % LOBC 7750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 11:48:29 No N.A. I ( Daldi ) SC- HSC Science converted N.A./ Round 4 648 DSD20102062KAMBLE RAHUL SACHIN M Type A Bifocal 56.46 % GOPEN 7750/- 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 12:24:53 No to N.A. I (Technical ) Buddhism HSC Science N.A./ Round 5 833 DSD20130343WASTA HIMAD KAYYUM M Type A OPEN Bifocal 53.69 % GMM 7750/- 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 17:51:28 No N.A. I (Technical ) RAJPURKAR SAEEM N.A./ Round 6 1728 DSD20100983 M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 74.77 % GMM 1750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 17:12:42 No YUSUF N.A. II SC- N.A./ Round 7 4565 DSD20104209JADHAV SALONI DEEPAK F Type A ITI (CTS) 67.39 % LOPEN 1750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 15:19:54 No Buddhist N.A. II OBC- NAWADE SHUMEL ABDUL N.A./ Round 8 9706 DSD20104468 M Type A Machhimar HSC Science 59.08 % LOBC 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 15:23:32 No MANNAN N.A. II ( Daldi ) AAVEZ MUJEEB N.A./ Round 9 10308 DSD20120117 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 58.46 % GSC 7750/- 30/12/2020 30/12/2020 16:02:35 No KOTAWDEKAR N.A. II N.A./ Round 10 11772 DSD20115223NIKAM OMKAR ASHOK M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.08 % LSC 7750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:03:56 No N.A. II SAKHARKAR MOHAMMED N.A./ Round 11 11851 DSD20115559 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.08 % GMM 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:10:44 No FAIK KAMALUDDIN N.A. II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:01 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961200] - Mechanical Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 14 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late N.A./ Against 1 DSD20144257MUKADAM AYAAN AZIZ M Type A OPEN HSC Science 61.85 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:07:32 No N.A. CAP N.A./ Against 2 DSD20101544RAYAN HANIF MHATE M Type A OPEN HSC Science 51.08 % ACAP 7750/- 07/01/2021 07/01/2021 16:55:53 No N.A. CAP MAJGAONKAR ABDUL N.A./ Against 3 DSD20130882 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 49.38 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:48:58 No WAHID KASAM N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:01 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961200] - Mechanical Engineering[Minority] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 11 0 11 2. Against CAP Admitted 3 0 3 14 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 14 14 0 14

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:01 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:23:01 Printed By:: 3009 Page 3/3 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961210] - Mechanical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 18 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late N.A./ 1 1554 DSD20114690MORE KIRAN KASHIRAM M Type A SC-Burud ITI (CTS) 76.23 % GOPEN 1750/- 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 18:09:42Round I No N.A. GOGATE ADITYA N.A./ 2 3919 DSD20102002 M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 70.70 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 17:04:05Round I No DINKAR N.A. PATIL CHETAN OBC- N.A./ 3 4687 DSD20102278 M Type A ITI (CTS) 69.00 % GOBC 7750/- 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 16:43:51Round I No PRUTHVIRAJ Bhandari N.A. HSC Science OBC- N.A./ 4 188 DSD20120275SHIVALKAR RAJ VIKAS M Type A Bifocal 68.77 % GOPEN 7750/- 20/12/2020 20/12/2020 12:44:09Round I No Bhandari N.A. (Technical ) NAIK SHIVRAM N.A./ HSC Vocational 5 825 DSD20127594 M Type A OPEN 66.77 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 12:00:04Round I No SANTOSH N.A. (MCVC) GOTHANKAR SANKET OBC- N.A./ 6 4771 DSD20100203 M Type A HSC Science 65.08 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 15:25:04Round I No RAMESH Kunabi N.A. N.A./ 7 6782 DSD20100598HAJU SAJJAD MEHABUB M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 62.23 % LOPEN 7750/- 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 11:59:07Round I No N.A. HSC Science OBC- N.A./ 8 511 DSD20101495BANE AKSHAY PRAMOD M Type A Bifocal 59.08 % GOBC 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 11:21:19Round I No Kunabi N.A. (Technical ) SAWANT TANMAY N.A./ HSC Vocational 9 2015 DSD20104322 M Type A OPEN 58.62 % GOPEN 7750/- 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 12:07:20Round I No SANJEEV N.A. (MCVC) GURAV OMKAR N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 10 1514 DSD20110489 M Type A OBC-Gurav 61.85 % GOBC 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 13:47:13 No NANDKUMAR N.A. (MCVC) II GOTAD VIRENDRA N.A./ Round 11 11292 DSD20129565 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 57.54 % GSC 4750/- 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 13:51:20 No VILAS N.A. II KOSUMBKAR YASH OBC- N.A./ Round 12 14469 DSD20127713 M Type A HSC Science 54.77 % LOBC 4750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 16:30:58 No MAHESH Tambat N.A. II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:14 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 1/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961210] - Mechanical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 CAP Seats : 18 Admitted Candidates List In CAP Rounds Sr.No. Merit Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification Seat Fees Admission Uploaded Date CAP Admitted / No ID Type DEF Admission % Type Paid Date Round Uploaded Type ( ) Late N.A./ Round 13 15937 DSD20131786CHAVAN PANKAJ DIPAK M Type A OPEN HSC Science 53.69 % GSC 7750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 13:43:58 No N.A. II N.A./ HSC Vocational Round 14 2730 DSD20128308JAGTAP SUNIL SACHIN M Type A ST-Katkari 52.92 % GST 1750/- 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 13:29:28 No N.A. (MCVC) II

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:14 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 2/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961210] - Mechanical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021

CAP Seats : 18 Admitted Candidates List In Against CAP Sr.No. Application Name Gender Candidature Category PH/ Mode of Qualification % Seat Fees Admission Reported Date Round Admitted/ ID Type DEF Admission Type Paid Date Reported Type ( ) Late KADAM KAUSTUBH N.A./ Against 1 DSD20155618 M Type A OPEN ITI (CTS) 65.08 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 16:50:20 No DIPAK N.A. CAP ASHUTOSH VINOD N.A./ Against 2 DSD20119058 M Type A OBC HSC Science 54.77 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:32:17 No BARGODE N.A. CAP DALVI MOHAMMED N.A./ Against 3 DSD20155623 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 47.38 % ACAP 7750/- 15/01/2021 15/01/2021 17:14:55 No KAIF SEEMAB N.A. CAP MHASKAR MOHAMMED N.A./ Against 4 DSD20102893 M Type A OPEN HSC Science 44.46 % ACAP 7750/- 06/01/2021 06/01/2021 17:44:40 No ZAEEM MUNAF N.A. CAP

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:14 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal Page 3/4 Directorate Of Technical Education, Mumbai. 3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai- 400001.(M.S.). 3009 - Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri [300961210] - Mechanical Engineering[First Shift] List of admitted candidates to Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology Admissions 2020 - 2021 Summary Admitted / Uploaded Before Cut Admitted / Uploaded After Cut Off Sr. No. Total Seats(CAP+CAPMI+IL) Admission Details Total Admitted Off Date Date 1. CAP Admitted 14 0 14 2. Against CAP Admitted 4 0 4 18 3. Minority Admitted 0 0 0 4. Over And Above Admitted 0 0 0 Total 18 18 0 18

Seat Type used for Institute Level Admissions : ACAP-Against CAP, ACAPMI- Against CAP Minority, OAA-Over and Above

Cut-Off Date for Admission : 15/01/2021 Cut-Off Date for Uploading : 16/01/2021

Legends - * : Admitted After Cut-off Date(15/01/2021) (For eg.18/09/2014 *) # : Uploaded After Uploading Date(16/01/2021) (For eg.24/09/2014 #) $ : Non-Minority Candidates admitted against minority seat.Permission letters from authority to be attached. - : Not Applicable

Printed on: 25/03/2021 13:23:14 Seal of the Institute Signature of The Director/Principal

For Regional Office Use Only

Seal of the Regional Office Signature of the Regional Officer

For DTE Use Only

Seal of the DTE Signature of The Commissioner(3)

Printed On: 25/03/2021 13:23:14 Printed By:: 3009 Page 4/4 14. Results of Admission Under Management seats/ Vacant seats

- N.A 15 . Information of Infrastructure and Other Resources Available

Sr.No. Room Name / Type Area in Sqm 1 Classroom - 1 70.49 2 Classroom - 2 73.49 3 Classroom - 3 73.49 4 Classroom - 4 71.75 5 Classroom - 5 98.98 6 Classroom - 6 72.73 7 Classroom - 7 71.88 8 Classroom - 8 89.29 9 Classroom - 9 70.59 10 Classroom - 10 88.47 11 Classroom - 11 70.59 12 Classroom - 12 71.9 13 Classroom - 13 70.59 14 Classroom - 14 75 15 Tutorial Room - TUTORIAL ROOM 1 TO 4 175 16 Tutorial Room - TUTORIAL ROOM 5 35 17 Laboratory - APM LAB 154.89 18 Laboratory - APM SOM LAB 71.87 19 Laboratory - CHEM LAB 112.74 20 Laboratory - COMP LAB1 46.5 21 Laboratory - COMP LAB2 47.66 22 Laboratory - ELECT LAB1 81.47 23 Laboratory - ELECT LAB2 81.47 24 Laboratory - ELECT LAB3 81.47 25 Laboratory - ELECT LAB4 81.47 26 Laboratory - ENV LAB 68.95 27 Laboratory - EXTC LAB 2, 3 & 6 120 28 Laboratory - EXTC LAB1 46.5 29 Laboratory - EXTC LAB4 53.29 30 Laboratory - EXTC LAB5 46.5 31 Laboratory - HYD LAB 118.02 32 Laboratory - MECH LAB1 78 33 Laboratory - MECH LAB2 78 34 Laboratory - MECH LAB3 78 35 Laboratory - MECH LAB4 78 36 Laboratory - MECH LAB5 118.77 37 Laboratory - PH COMP LAB 25.2 38 Laboratory - PH LAB1 110.43 39 Laboratory - PH LAB2 69.29 40 Laboratory - PH LAB3 71.87 41 Laboratory - PH LAB4 68.95 42 Laboratory - PHY LAB 98 43 Laboratory - SUY LAB 41.54 44 Laboratory - TRANS LAB 42.02 45 Language Laboratory - LANG LAB 73.5 46 Drawing Hall - DRGHALL 167.6 47 Computer Center - NAC 150 48 Computer Laboratory - NAC 35.35 49 Exam Control Office - EXAMCTR 30 50 Instrument Room - INSTRUMENT ROOM PH 75 51 Library&Reading Room - 14 370.34 52 Machine Room - MACHINE ROOM PH 75 53 Seminar Hall - SEM HALL 1 166.6 54 Seminar Hall - SEM HALL 2 166.6 55 Workshop - WSHOP 1 851.02 56 Additional Workshop - WSHOP 2 188.25

Hostel Facilities

Whether No of Apply Hostel Girl's No of Hostel Boy's Rooms Total Hostel for Site Location Facility Hostel Rooms Capacity Hostel for Capacity Facility Change Available ? Boys

Within Y Y 18 54 Y 75 225 No the Owned Campus

 Library

Information of Infrastructure and Other Resource Available

Total Number of books available (issue section) 21439

Total Number of books available under book 14923 bank scheme Total number of books available in library 36362

Average Daily Library Usage by Students (in 40 (Students doing book percentage of total students) transactions to be considered.)

National International Sr.No. Course Name Titles Volumes Journals Journals

1 Civil Engineering 2996 4242 03 00

2 Computer Engineering 2074 2586 01 00

3 Electrical Engineering 3346 5610 00 00

Electronics & 4 Telecommunication 3886 4968 01 00 Engineering

5 Mechanical Engineering 4007 5908 02 00

Civil Engineering 6 612 4246 03 00 [Minority]

Electronics & 7 Telecommunication 516 5468 02 00 Engineering [Minority]

Mechanical Engineering 8 625 5970 02 00 [Minority]

9 Pharmacy 580 1672 06 00

10 Science & Humanities 227 3528 00 00

11 General 7848 7848 16 00

 Workshop

1.Welding Shop


SR. MACHINE NAME & APPROX. QTY. NO SPECIFICATION COST 1 OPEN ARC FLUX CORED CONTINUOUS 2,91,600/ 01 WELDING MODEL - KROSS 500, Sr. No. of machine – 65/9904024 - Max. Automatic welding current at 100% duty cycle A - 400, Input supply voltage V – 400/440, Phase No.- 3, Frequency HZ – 50,Weight (Approx.)Total wt. With wire feeder Kg – 425, Cooling type – Forced Air, Recommended capacitor for power factor correction – KVAr 12, Insulation Class - B 2 PEDAL OPERATED ROCKER ARM TYPE SPOT WELDING 15,900/- 01 MACHINE MODEL – SP – 10 Rating @50% duty cycle (KVA) – 10, Throat depth(MM) – 460 Normal throat clearance (MM) – 220,Min. available short circuit current (KVA) – 8, Insulation Class – F, Cooling for armed electrodes – Water, Electrode stroke max.(MM) – 40,Main supply voltage(V) – 415,Phase No. – 2,Conforms to I.S.S NO. - 3 3 TIG WELDING MACHINE, 52,980/- 01 MODEL – GRW 300T SERIAL NO.- 2475, Supply (V) – 415, Phase No. – 3, max. H.W.C @60% O.Cycle – (A) – 250,max. C.A.W.C@100% O.Cycle – (A) -190, max. I.H.W.C @35% O.Cycle – (A) – 300,Weight – 400 KG., Frequency HZ – 50, D.C (V) – 80,D.C, Insulation Class – 1 Hand Welding – 250 D.C AMP., Auto Welding – 190 D.C AMP.

2.Carpenter Shop

SR. MACHINE NAME & APPROX. QTY. SPECIFICATION NO COST 1 Wood working lathe 24835/- 01 machine Model – Jai make J – 932 H Length – 8’ Height centre – 8 “ 1 HP, 3 HP Motor 2 Jig Saw 10800/- 01 Machine Depth – 24 “ Table – 14 “ x 14 “ 3 Electric Hand Drilling Machine 3175/- 01 Model – KJP – 10 Re Sr. No. 080630280 4 Bench Drilling Machine 8191/- 01 12 mm cap 5 Wood Turning Lathe Machine 6600/- 03 H.L 65 Bench model 6 Heavy Duty Universal Wood Working Machine 6150/- 01

7 Double Ended Table Grinder 5546/- 01 Machine Wheel Dia – 8 “

3.Fitting Shop


1 Power Hacksaw 29800/- 01 Model – Omega Brand O.H 7 2 Demolasion Hammer 35000/- 01 Model – Hitachi, DH 30 PC2 3 Mitre Saw Machine 34500/- 01 Model – Hitachi, C 12 LCH, Cutting blade 14 “ (Aluminium ) 4 19 KBR Bench type pillar drilling machine 33188/- 01 Model – BPD - 15

4.Sheet Metal Shop

SR. MACHINE NAME & APPRO QTY. NO SPECIFICATION X. COST 1 Sheet metal folding Machine: Model hip 1200 Bending cap – 1200 57300/- 01 mm 1.2 mm stroke 2 Sheet Metal Rolling Machine 3400/- 01

5.Turning Shop



Centre Lathe Machine : 3463783/- 20 Make Model – Madras GD – 1, Enterprises, Precession, PSG Sigma

2 Lathe Instrument 98150/- 01

3 Capstan Lathe 131040/- 01

4 CNC Mill Trainer 454179/- 01

5 CNC Lathe Trainer 93839/- 01

6 CNC Lathe Machine Production type with simulator 316500/- 01

7 Voltas Window A.C (1.5 ton) 23441/- 01

8 Bench Grinder (Elmeco) 4612/- 01

6.Machine Shop

SR. MACHINE NAME & APPROX. QTY. TECH.SPECIFICATION NO COST Haas CNC Milling Machine Table size – 500 1 x 300 Spindle height – 35 Lakh 01 210 mm Fanuc controller Accuracy – 0.0001 mm

Computing Facilities

PCs/Laptop PCs/Laptop exclusively PCs/Laptop available PCs/Laptop available in available to Faculty Available to Students: in Library: Administrative Office: Members:

290 10 13 7

Number of PCs/Laptop in Internet Bandwidth in Number of Legal Printers available to Language Lab: Mbps: Application Software: Student:

22 300 34 29

Number of A1 Size Color Number of Legal Number of Open Source Number of Printers: System Software: Software: Propritory:

0 05 ------

List of Facilities available

Games and Sports Facilities :- EDSSA Sports 1) Table Tennis 2) Cricket 3) Football 4) Indoor Games 5) Holley ball 6) Kabaddi 7) Kho-Kho

Extra- Curricular Activities :- Cultural Programme , Celebration of different national and international days.

Soft-Skill Development Facilities :- Different Lectures and training programmes for faculty and students on Soft Skills.

GOVERNMENT OF I\iI{I{T{RASHTRA Office of the Assistant Engineer (Gr. 1)

P.W. Sub Division No. 1

Ratnagiri 4 1. 5 6 12 (023 52) 2229 26 NRD/RTN/PB/192 * Gqt_ Date i 2_z- 3- 2-6e-l t-/ Io, The Principal, Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri

Subject: - Regarding issuance of General Stability Certificate and Fire Safety Certificate of Government Polytechnic, RatnaBiri

Reference: - Your letter No GPR/EOA/AlClE/2O2O/2374 dared 8lL2/1OZA

Thls is to inform you that, in the Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri building all the

necessary equiepment and facilities regarding the General Stability and Fire safety has been installed and

validated properly. Therefore mentioned building is safe for occupancy and educational use,

t. Government Polytechnic, RatnaBiri (Main Building)

2_ Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (Canteen)

3. Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (Workshop)

4. Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (Class -lV Quarter) 5. Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (Smithi Shop)

6. Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri (Extension Building)

GoVeinment Polirtechnic, Ratnagiri (NeW Extension Butlding)

Gry, Assistant Engteer (Gr.1)

P.W,Sub Division No. 1


Executive Engineer, P.W. North Ratnagiri P.W. Division, Ratnagiri for necessary information.

\\PC3\brother\Sub.Div. 2020-21-oolvtechnic/Marathi Letter

Curricula and Syllabus for each








16. Enrolment and Placement details of students in the last 3 years.

Is Number Number Number Number Number Total Course Number Lowest Highest Affiliating Appro Of Of Of Of Of Student SR.. Course Unique Level of Name of the Eligible Of Package Package Programme University/ Shift ved Compan Dropout Eligible Student Students Placed No. Id course Course For Students (In (In Board Intake ies Student Student s Placed Placed in (IT+ Non Placeme Passed Lakhs) Lakhs) Visited s s in IT Non IT IT) nt? Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of CIVIL 1st 1 1-1487052384 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 2 64 0 36 0 1 1 4 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of ELECTRICAL 1st 2 1-1487052387 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 5 53 0 47 3 11 14 1 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of MECHANICAL 1st 3 1-1487052389 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 5 46 0 45 0 15 15 1 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING State Board of AND 1st 4 1-1487052391 AND Technical DIPLOMA TELECOMMUNIC 60 Y 4 29 0 27 1 0 1 2 6 TECHNOLOGY Education, ATIONS Shift Mumbai ENGINEERING Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of COMPUTER 1st 5 1-1487052393 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 1 31 0 22 2 0 2 6 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra State Board of 1st 6 1-1487052395 PHARMACY Technical DIPLOMA PHARMACY 30 Y 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of CIVIL 2nd 7 1-1487052397 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 2 55 0 18 0 1 1 4 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ENGINEERING State Board of MECHANICAL 2nd 8 1-1487052399 AND Technical DIPLOMA 60 Y 5 40 0 33 0 5 5 1 6 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Education, Shift Mumbai Maharashtra ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING State Board of AND 2nd 9 1-1487052401 AND Technical DIPLOMA TELECOMMUNIC 60 Y 4 19 0 15 1 0 1 2 6 TECHNOLOGY Education, ATIONS Shift Mumbai ENGINEERING

17. List of Research Projects/ Consultancy Works

MoUs by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic Ratnagiri. Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner

18. LoA and subsequent EoA till the current Academic Year **,.. o,t, 7t 'el

Enuc a t ton li Emplsii:nt, le.hF r.a I Ed!.-.r- D:Ft., rlan t rrlaya Anni r, Bnhb E:" - 41jq ai:: . SL'ir: aiETI EFp.i!a1 :: pE],r--hr !j._,ij" r.: Fatn:n iri . l'l:F:i::i i -a ta 'l- , -_=-.1 tgi. , di.!ri.C -r.;: in.nnvey ttat 4- -!.trmflErLdailrng ni ih€ AI aTE l: FDr.e.nn!ii.-!riEd io asEEg: !:riol,g FrEFn=.I: Jrin thE lYEharashlir;! ihe statL!t-r.,, A1t India C.LrnEil fnF EdLrEatian f,iiETE: haE E...ried appr-va1 to tnE Eovt.. t; , Tar d-a. EiElora ci::,:E= q,ith tnt:a!:. I =h.o,n :nernsi E:rh: l I,1:E! Ef ii. arq-:i 1l =.f'lE, rt. 1. rii?ir En!!. i'l*chan icei Enq+ . ElEct.i.El Eri!n. ar-) (Si;iitl Ei;ftrdnr.E: .! i-.Dmm Eng!.

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iil- li3 f:0ils:isc ic iiniii'icrilitf ila rI0qi!js iacg bi ihaj: jiiiiiitticii ,it0 l0r iulfjllDelt 0i condiilo[i i:td io?t u th]j !rcral :teEr ii9 lieiioff iEiicnil icrijiier:ti i;Nil lricir6d

;iurs ixiii:i!lli,

l[. P. Srilaiilr

: :-: :- -i. _.:;r=:---,.l -:.- :.J!:2 Inc p. ra C:i!r:r :.!m Cemplet, I EsiatE, Uew De lri - : I c c!2

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ed to 5trlr i!3t o{ !on5ii!iait;i rf iie db5eiyiti0ns riir ir ih li ll0!r l0[ittr! lirril. til rid lh r?roll!nCrlii!! i i{ri.irai l0r!iit . Slit! L.r!l :0ll.ttei i]i {" M Ti,t :! r: Dt t[€ Dro'; ,. s ol lllTI rr{{liti!r,5 drted ll.ll.11. tlr All li!ii l0!rcil f0r lfitiicel Iiurriici lll t). lis ac!0rdrd cciditici,l rorrol]l t1) l] PAll]Aglil ll56ll for colldtcl o( I0llcriri idditi0ril 0i0iirr rclrs!irli lrxrpr\e i{ lrtrir ii0icitr rilil ii rlr r: l r5 tEl0ri't,. !!ssi,rl .itlli fi:ll!.

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r': ,t l'trt ql ..i (i ,.t .' l:ri) ''o0o. ndra Compiex, l.P.Eslrle--, Nev? De hi_ I r0 oo2 _3353406 Phone:3:117-7/44149 335390a/4/5, 3:26681 , Fax : 01 1 z'[-. i,.. i... r\,!./,1".,1 ,,i{rr'r ) { ! r a

:- t ,ll:.i :- " 1 . lir z-F]T -u t \4rL-S'i-[FiIJ U EG IC)t.J!.i_ 0FFtCE I 'f,.tr{].fr| t ra lg;r rlr{rrttq tit {{r qJlq< i ALL II]DJA COI-II]CII FOF] IECI.IJ'IICAL- EDUCI\TIOI.I ! in !ini,rrij li,r, r,i i,i i r1,r.,,,)r .rl rr d.) (1ir:'?, T,-6rr q- qil 1iljil4,li]r5161 ' i :.i{iin, 4.-I:1;I .-. .rrl,rl_.ial ' lndlsiril Assur.rnDe Eu t.iri. I fiil ts 4-i)a, - t:a<' ... 2rrl Floor, vcer.f.ia n er'iJi:", "ta. X4.a, Churchgale, l\iirnfiai - !:. \.'",1 'r!., lii.lq,(orll-rz,i \tt71, 1. | ' 1e.: la24 2e$ 5,t12, 282. 1i iqtrI" : lc?il .rar ,rLlq! t!,,{# ,, Fa\: (a22) 285 1551 i Y.T,prish.rle liced-tl L€tll ilegonal olficer

a. 7 4 E -At-Jf, 3 t E / P"a / 9 5 {t}29 / :i 9L 5 ) ti Secreta{ ,!.'I eiurical l]Llucatior) Br Emplolrnerrl DePadtucni . ofNlalrrashtra, N'l altr ala] a- NIuorl)ir1-.100 032

cu Fr.frrr !5] atilj tirtiri] i'rrtrli-)lr fJF' ATPR{]V}iD -rrrl'il'JYAL IiT1"4Hil

approvaas'been ,lccordcd s$biecl lrr llllilllrrettt ol' norurs & s{a[clards of tlre Council fot dte c( s ).j|nLrlr.-l'l-rr,'\( J slrJ\c ,

r.1hc orrveilons alrd slreclti. !:orxjrl .,r; lrL arr'' j |f rJrc ilrlp'jr1 C.lrr-Jiltoe aie arrnered to tjljs -fhc rnution shall hrllill all thr: corrd;rrorr \,iihcrtr Irrr! rlela"i I'iorr-frrllili:r:r)l wili h5d 1') ,",t .fLro ual tvittroLrt I h,: 1!,-'c(l rrl ar! nroro oppor tLnrit), as ilro nrsl.iLrllion is well arvar e oftlre ;"' f\r -.,, , .'l , \ .',,t[*\] 't',''i n T,'

F.tli?tr I g

E :tcclrrder! aLr01'.t is suhir,i r,, lrlfill,n{ni nlthe follo\lingconditions: I 'I I I All f1,ll l.ijnc 17c1rlt nrclnbcr! ,jj ltr .\TC][ f].rruL! ,Dust lte recruiled L.:lbre ur I Dd issi.oos. ,i a 2 Adrissioiu shall be mflde t]lJough d!: CrnEal Couriselhg by Gor4. of Ma.harashlra only_ 3 AlJ t'llij rcqLljied J-abolttatics /W{)rkshops Njaclxreries,4lquipmelt : / I as per approved s,, ol 11le Ma-llarashh a ]lcar d , ulust bc opitr1ltioturl lclor c tftakilg aduissioris. 4. If t}is letrer ol approvd is received Ly you airr thli closhg date of State / Natior1;rl I Ceuhal CoiLlseliug Ioi Adrrir5ion5 i.n the ooncerred State runio[ Territory. this Lette i rllprovJl will be r,alirl fcrr lot nu,,kirg aoy a&nission duii:g the above specified academic 1 I , nd .iral) b: r, a,cl a '.i.r..Lar^r J. No exoess aclnrissjol shall be rrade b), re lDsljtution during any academic ycar. l 6. Thc approval is valid oo-ly ior thr: acarlemic year as menlioued irr the,table. ]f nd ful exlellsior of AICTE api:roval is rec;eivr.

I '!

\\'estern Regional Office \I I- I\DII ('oU\('II, I'OR TtCH\ICTL IlDL C,1.I IO\ (A Stalutory Botjy oI the Dept ol Seconoa.y & il Jier Maharashtr "u^-"'r",nl Education, MHRD. Go\,'r. of india) 2'' Fioo., p f ., -,*. lndustrial Assurance Bulldina (L C B dg ) d.ClL Hous( , ^.,4, Vcct Narinrlr Roacl. (irurclrgare \lunlhai 10(t l)l(l

Dr. N.K.Kole, Ph.I). (lingg) Phone : (022) 22855412, 22821093 llcgional OIlicer' Fax : (022) 22851551 Email :[email protected]

tic'.F lri0-39-Cl 3 E,'RC,'95'51.'TI'IE 1 925 : 3(:)th June,2005

To, The Pri43iPa1-Secretarl. Eigher & Technical Educatior & Employment Depaftment- Mantralaya Annere. Mumbai - 400 032.

Subject: Extension of AICTE ApprovauApproval for Introduction of Additional Courses/ Variatiol in Intake, as applicable, in respect of Existing Approved Diploma Level Technical Irstitutions in the State of ' Maharashtra for the Academic Year 2005-2006. Vadan:,

Under thc present Policl ol rlcccntralized svs1e1'[ of considerirtg ExteDsion oi Appr or al and based on the lecorr]nendations of the State LeYel Clonll1rirlee f-or the Slate of Nlaharasl'rtra. dre A11 lndia Council lor Tecluical Education hereby accords Eitension ol Approval' Approval lbr lntroduction of Addillonal ColrrsesiVariatiorr ln lntake. as applicable, in respcct oI GO\TERNNIENI POL\'IEClINIC s GOVERNN{ENi POI,YTECHNIC. N1,AR l'HIBA\\' PALACE. RAfN-A.GIRl:115 612 for the Acaderic Year 2005 2007 to conducl the follo* ilg courses ancl intake mcntjoned belou':

ma In PIeseIt Intake for Duration Entry Period of 200s-2006 Level ADDroval JTNEI-,R IN( :10 60 3 \'RS 10 + 2005-100i ENGINEERING 40 ,10 3 YRS 10 + 200s-2047 ,rlCS & 60 60 3 YRS 10 + lr:)05-2007 CATION ENG]N-EERIN ,CHANlCAL ENGINEER]\G 6t) 60 ] YRS lu + 20il-i-200 7 ECTRICAL 1]NGINEERI\C; 60 60 3 YRS 10 + 2005 2007

y4,q'd' t '4i, kal j 'J; I FE q I I l, I I f'- TJ-rc- abo!e appro!a1 is !ubject 1o fulllllmenl ol AICTE Norms and StanCarls ir!rLrclioDs issued liom liDre l0 tirne. h\ lh. concemed Technical Institution ,lppr or a1 is al!(, s,r[,je.t to flr]filLrr-nt ol Spccilie Condition u'hich will be communi ti) the irlstlturior. snbse0ue|ll\

Yours faithfully, \ t, l-,,L-




]. THL SECREIAI{Y. I]IE- I]OAIiD OF IECHN]CAL LDU(--AT]O\. ]\4,\]IAR' .SI A'] E ]9. I{HER\\'.\D] ,\LI \-.\\"AR JLN'i \lARG. CiOYI POI-YEC}]N]C ( BA\D]'A IF.AST). \fU]\{BA] 4OtI (]:]


4. GUARD FiI-E All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-455597101/2011/EOA Date: 01-09-2011

To, The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2011-12. Ref : Application of the Institution for Extension of Approval for the Year 2011-12


In terms of the Regulations notified by the Council vide F.No. 37-3/Legal/2011 dated 10/12/2010 and norms, standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the extension of approval of the Council to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-455597101

Permanent Id


Institute Type Government to conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2011-12

Application Id: 1-455597101 Course Affiliating Intake NRI PIO Body 2010-11

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake Approved for 11-12 Foreign Collaboration

1st Shift DIPLO CIVIL FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

1st Shift DIPLO ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

1st Shift DIPLO MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

Application Number : 1-455597101 Page 1 of 3

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Date of printing: 17-06-2014 Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-455597101 Course Affiliating Intake NRI PIO Body 2010-11

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake Approved for 11-12 Foreign Collaboration


1st Shift DIPLO COMPUTER FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

1st Shift DIPLO PHARMACY FULL Maharashtr 30 30 No No No PHARMAC MA TIME a State Y Board of Technical Education

2nd Shift DIPLO CIVIL FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

2nd Shift DIPLO MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education


2nd Shift DIPLO COMPUTER FULL Maharashtr 60 60 No No No ENGINEER MA ENGINEERIN TIME a State ING AND G Board of TECHNOL Technical OGY Education

Application Number : 1-455597101 Page 2 of 3

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Date of printing: 17-06-2014 Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

(Dr. K P Isaac)

Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to:

1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number : 1-455597101 Page 3 of 3

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Date of printing: 17-06-2014 Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-762695523/2012/EOA Date: 10/05/2012

To, The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2012-13

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2012-13


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2010 notified by the Council vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2010 dated 10/12/2010 and amendment vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2011 dated 30/09/2011 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-762695523

Permanent Id 1-455597101


Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed name site Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved Approved Approved

to conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2012-13

Application Number: 1-762695523* Page 1 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-762695523 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2011-12 Intake Approved for 12-13 NRI PIO Foreign Collaboration

1st Shift DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY

1st Shift DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY

1st Shift DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY


1st Shift DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY

PHARMACY 1st Shift DIPLOMA PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra State 30 30 No No No TIME Board of Technical Education

2nd Shift DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY

2nd Shift DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY


Application Number: 1-762695523* Page 2 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-762695523 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2011-12 Intake Approved for 12-13 NRI PIO Foreign Collaboration

2nd Shift DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 No No No ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical AND Education TECHNOLOGY

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

(Dr. K P Isaac)

Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to:

1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education


Application Number: 1-762695523* Page 3 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183


6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number: 1-762695523* Page 4 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-1487026902/2013/EOA Date: 19-Mar-2013

To, The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2013-14

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2013-14


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2012 notified by the Council vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2012 dated 27/09/2012 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-1487026902

Permanent Id 1-455597101


Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed name site Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved Approved Approved

to conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2013-14

Application Number: 1-1487026902* Page 1 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:14 June 2013.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-1487026902 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2012-13 Intake Approved for 13-14 NRI PIO Foreign Collaboration

1st Shift DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY

1st Shift DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY

1st Shift DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY


1st Shift DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY

2nd Shift DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY

2nd Shift DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY


2nd Shift DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra State 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TIME Board of Technical NA AND Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY

Application Number: 1-1487026902* Page 2 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:14 June 2013.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-1487026902 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2012-13 Intake Approved for 13-14 NRI PIO Foreign Collaboration

PHARMACY 1st Shift DIPLOMA PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra State 30 30 NA NA TIME Board of Technical NA Education, Mumbai

• Validity of the course details may be verified at>departments>approvals

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

(Dr. Kuncheria P. Isaac)

Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to:

1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


Application Number: 1-1487026902* Page 3 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:14 June 2013.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number: 1-1487026902* Page 4 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter. No signature is required. Letter Printed On:14 June 2013.

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-2013971697/2014/EOA Date: 11-Mar-2014

To, The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2014-15

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2014-15


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2012 notified by the Council vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2012 dated 27/09/2012 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-2013971697

Permanent Id 1-455597101


Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed name site

Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved Approved Approved

to conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2014-15

Application Number: 1-2013971697* Page 1 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-2013971697 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2013-14 Intake Approved for 14-15 NRI Approval status PIO Approval status Foreign Collaboration Approval status

1st DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

1st DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

1st DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai


1st DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

2nd DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

2nd DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai


Application Number: 1-2013971697* Page 2 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-2013971697 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2013-14 Intake Approved for 14-15 NRI Approval status PIO Approval status Foreign Collaboration Approval status

2nd DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of N AND Technical TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

PHARMACY 1st DIPLOMA PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra 30 30 NA NA Shift TIME State Board of N Technical Education, Mumbai

• Validity of the course details may be verified at>departments>approvals

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

(Dr. Kuncheria P. Isaac)

Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to:

1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road

Application Number: 1-2013971697* Page 3 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number: 1-2013971697* Page 4 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:17 June 2014

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-2453471941/2015/EOA Date: 21-Apr-2015

To, The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2015-16

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2015-16


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2012 notified by the Council vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2012 dated 27/09/2012 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-2453471941

Permanent Id 1-455597101


Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed name site

Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved Approved Approved

To conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2015-16

Application Number: 1-2453471941* Page 1 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:25 June 2015

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-2453471941 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2014-15 Intake Approved for 15-16 NRI Approval status PIO Approval status Foreign Collaboration Approval status

1st DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

1st DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

1st DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai


1st DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

2nd DIPLOMA CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

2nd DIPLOMA COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

Application Number: 1-2453471941* Page 2 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:25 June 2015

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Application Id: 1-2453471941 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level Full/Part Time Intake 2014-15 Intake Approved for 15-16 NRI Approval status PIO Approval status Foreign Collaboration Approval status


2nd DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Shift ENGINEERING TIME State Board of AND Technical NA TECHNOLOGY Education, Mumbai

PHARMACY 1st DIPLOMA PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra 30 30 NA NA Shift TIME State Board of Technical NA Education, Mumbai

Note: Validity of the course details may be verified at>departments>approvals

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

Dr. Avinash S Pant Actg Chairman, AICTE

Application Number: 1-2453471941* Page 3 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:25 June 2015

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

Copy to:

1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number: 1-2453471941* Page 4 of 4

Note: This is a Computer generated Letter of Approval.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:25 June 2015

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-2809443500/2016/EOA Date: 05-Apr-2016


The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2016-17

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2016-17


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2012 notified by the Council vide notification number F-No.37-3/Legal/2012 dated 27/09/2012 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Regional Office Western Application Id 1-2809443500

Name of the Institute GOVERNMENT Permanent Id 1-455597101 POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Institute Address NEAR THIBAW PALACE , RATNAGIRI., RATNAGIRI, Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI RATNAGIRI, Maharashtra, 415612

Institute Type Government Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed and name site Vice versa

Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved and Approved Approved Vice versa

To conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2016-17 Application Id: 1-2809443500 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level * NRI Approval status PIO / FN Gulf quota Approval status Foreign Collaborarion/Twining Program Approval status Intake 2015-16 Intake Approved for 2016-17 Full/Part Time

1st DIPL CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

Application Number: 1-2809443500 Page 1 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:23 June 2016

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

1st DIPL COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

1st DIPL ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai


1st DIPL MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

2nd DIPL CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

2nd DIPL COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai


2nd DIPL MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board of G AND Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

1st DIPL PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra 30 30 NA NA NA PHARMACY Shift OMA TIME State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

Application Number: 1-2809443500 Page 2 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:23 June 2016

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

7th Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110 001 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

Note: Validity of the course details may be verified at

Dr. Avinash S Pant Vice - Chairman, AICTE

Copy to: 1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Application Number: 1-2809443500 Page 3 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:23 June 2016

Printed By : aic003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

Nelson Mandela MargVasant Kunj, New Delhi-110067 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

F.No. Western/1-3323304218/2017/EOA Date: 30-Mar-2017


The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of approval for the academic year 2017-18

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the academic year 2017-18


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2016 notified by the Council vide notification number F.No.AB/AICTE/REG/2016 dated 30/11/2016 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Permanent Id 1-455597101 Application Id 1-3323304218


Name of the DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Society/Trust EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government Region Western

Opted for change from No Opted for change of No Opted for change of No Women to Co-ed and name site Vice versa

Change from Women to Not Applicable Change of name Not Applicable Change of site Not Applicable Co-ed approved and Approved Approved Vice versa

Opted for Conversion No Opted for Conversion No Conversion (degree to Not Applicable from degree to diploma from diploma to degree diploma or vice-a- versa) Approved

To conduct following courses with the intake indicated below for the academic year 2017-18 Application Id: 1-3323304218 Course Affiliating Body

Program Shift Level * Intake Approved for 2016-17 Intake Approved for 2017-18 NRI Approval status Foreign Collaborarion/Twining Program Approval status Full/Part Time PIO / FN Gulf quota/ OCI/ Approval status 1st DIPL CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

Application Number: 1-3323304218 Page 1 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:7 June 2017

Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

Nelson Mandela MargVasant Kunj, New Delhi-110067 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

1st DIPL COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

1st DIPL ELECTRICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai


1st DIPL MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

2nd DIPL CIVIL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

2nd DIPL COMPUTER FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai


2nd DIPL MECHANICAL FULL Maharashtra 60 60 NA NA NA ENGINEERIN Shift OMA ENGINEERING TIME State Board G AND of Technical TECHNOLO Education, GY Mumbai

PHARMACY 1st DIPL PHARMACY FULL Maharashtra 30 30 NA NA NA Shift OMA TIME State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

The above mentioned approval is subject to the condition that GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI shall follow and adhere to the Regulations, guidelines and directions issued by AICTE from time to time and the undertaking / affidavit given by the institution along with the application submitted by the institution on portal.

Application Number: 1-3323304218 Page 2 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:7 June 2017 Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

Nelson Mandela MargVasant Kunj, New Delhi-110067 PHONE: 23724151/52/53/54/55/56/57 FAX: 011-23724183

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation:- Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

Note: Validity of the course details may be verified at

Prof. A.P Mittal Member Secretary, AICTE Copy to: 1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education**, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar**, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai



6. Guard File(AICTE) Note: ** - Approval letter copy will not be communicated through post/email. However, provision is made in the portal for downloading Approval letter through Authorized login credentials allotted to concerned DTE/Registrar.

Application Number: 1-3323304218 Page 3 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report.No signature is required. Letter Printed On:7 June 2017 Printed By : AIC003159 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Nelson Mandela Marg,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Website: APPROVAL PROCESS 2018-19 Extension of Approval (EoA)

F.No. Western/1-3508525661/2018/EOA Date: 04-Apr-2018


The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of Approval for the Academic Year 2018-19

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the Academic Year 2018-19


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2016 notified by the Council vide notification number F.No.AB/AICTE/REG/2016 dated 30/11/2016 and amended on December 5, 2017 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Permanent Id 1-455597101 Application Id 1-3508525661 Name of the Institute GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , Name of the Society/Trust DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL RATNAGIRI EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI Institute Address NEAR THIBAW PALACE , Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- RATNAGIRI., RATNAGIRI, 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI RATNAGIRI, Maharashtra, 415612 CITY,Maharashtra,400001 Institute Type Government Region Western

Opted for Change from No Change from Women to Co-Ed NA Women to Co-Ed and vice and vice versa Approved or versa Not Opted for Change of Name No Change of Name Approved or NA Not Opted for Change of Site No Change of Site Approved or NA Not Opted for Conversion from No Conversion for Degree to NA Degree to Diploma or vice Diploma or vice versa versa Approved or Not Opted for Organization Name No Change of Organization Name NA Change Approved or Not

To conduct following Courses with the Intake indicated below for the Academic Year 2018-19 FT/PT+ NRI Approval Status PIO / FN Gulf quota/ OCI/ Approval Status Program Shift Intake Approved for 2018-19 Level Course Affiliating Body (Univ/Body) Foreign Collaboration /Twining Program Approval Status* ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA CIVIL FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA ELECTRICAL FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA ELECTRONICS FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND AND of Technical Education,

Application No:1-3508525661 Page 1 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 July 2018 TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNIC Mumbai ATIONS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA COMPUTER FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai PHARMACY 1st DIPLOMA PHARMACY FT Maharashtra State Board 30 NA NA NA of Technical Education, Mumbai ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA CIVIL FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA MECHANICAL FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA ELECTRONICS FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND AND of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNIC Mumbai ATIONS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA COMPUTER FT Maharashtra State Board 60 NA NA NA AND ENGINEERING of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai +FT –Full Time,PT-Part Time

Deficiencies Noted based on Self Disclosure

Particulars Deficiency Other Facilities Deficiency Appointment of Student Counsellor Yes Establishment of committee for SC/ST Yes Compliance of the National Academic Depository(NAD) as per MHRD Directives Yes Display Board within the premises as well as in the Website of the Institution Indicating the Feedback Facility of Yes Students and Faculty available in the AICTE Web Portal Implementing Food Safety and Standard Act,2006 in the Institution Yes Copies of AICTE Approvals (LOA and EOA of subsequent years)obtained since Inception of Institution till date shall Yes be placed in the Website of the Institution Provision to watch MOOCS Courses through Swayam Yes Applied membership-National Digital Library Yes Online Grievance Rederssal Mechanism Yes Administrative Area Deficiency Board Room Yes Office All Inclusive Yes Department Offices/Cabin for Head of Dept Yes Maintenance Yes Security Yes Housekeeping Yes Exam Control Office Yes Training Placement Office Yes Amenities Area Deficiency Girls Common Room Yes First aid cum Sick Room Yes Faculty Deficiency Yes Computational Facilities Internet Bandwidth Yes Legal Application S/W Yes Internet Bandwidth-Applied Intake Yes Legal Application S/W-Applied Intake Yes Library Facilities National Journals Yes Reading Room Capacity Yes MultiMediaPC Yes Instructional Area Common Facilities

Application No:1-3508525661 Page 2 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 July 2018 Computer Center Yes Language Laboratory Yes Instructional Area- PHARMACY-Diploma Tutorial Room Yes Additional Workshop/Labs Yes Laboratories Yes Workshops - Basic Yes Seminar Hall Yes Classroom Yes Tutorial Rooms Yes Laboratory Yes Seminar Hall Yes

*Please refer Deficiency Report for details

GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI is hereby informed to submit the compliance of the deficiencies mentioned above to the Regional Office within a period of 6 months from the date of issuance of this letter failing which the council shall initiate strict action as defined in Approval Process Handbook 2018-19 during the subsequent Academic Year.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation: - Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

Prof. A.P Mittal Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to: 1. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

2. The Director Of Technical Education**, Maharashtra

3. The Registrar**, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai



6. Guard File(AICTE)

Note: Validity of the Course details may be verified at

** Individual Approval letter copy will not be communicated through Post/Email. However, consolidated list of Approved Institutions(bulk) will be shared through official Email Address to the concerned Authorities mentioned above.

Application No:1-3508525661 Page 3 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 July 2018 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Nelson Mandela Marg,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Website: APPROVAL PROCESS 2019-20 Extension of Approval (EoA)

F.No. Western/1-4259395215/2019/EOA Date: 29-Apr-2019


The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of Approval for the Academic Year 2019-20

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of approval for the Academic Year 2019-20


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2018 notified by the Council vide notification number F.No.AB/AICTE/REG/2018 dated 31/12/2018 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Permanent Id 1-455597101 Application Id 1-4259395215 Name of the Institute GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , Name of the Society/Trust DIRECTOR , TECHNICAL RATNAGIRI EDUCATION , M.S., MUMBAI Institute Address NEAR THIBAW PALACE , Society/Trust Address 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- RATNAGIRI., RATNAGIRI, 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI RATNAGIRI, Maharashtra, 415612 CITY,Maharashtra,400001 Institute Type Government Region Western

Opted for Change from No Change from Women to Co-Ed NA Women to Co-Ed and vice and vice versa Approved or versa Not Opted for Change of Name No Change of Name Approved or NA Not Opted for Change of No Change of Site/Location NA Site/Location Approved or Not Opted for Conversion from No Conversion for Degree to NA Degree to Diploma or vice Diploma or vice versa versa Approved or Not Opted for Organization Name No Change of Organization Name NA Change Approved or Not Opted for Merger of No Merger of Institution Approved NA Institution or Not Opted for Introduction of No Introduction of Program/Level NA New Program/Level Approved or Not

To conduct following Courses with the Intake indicated below for the Academic Year 2019-20 Intake Approved for 2019-20 NRI Approval Status PIO / FN Gulf quota/ OCI/ Approval Status Program Shift Level Course FT/PT+ Affiliating Body (Univ/Body) ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND CIVIL Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING

ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND ELECTRICAL Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING

Application No:1-4259395215 Page 1 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 May 2019 ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND MECHANICAL Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING


ENGINEERING 1st DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND COMPUTER Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING

PHARMACY 1st DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 30 NA NA PHARMACY Technical Education, Mumbai

ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND CIVIL Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING

ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA FT Maharashtra State Board of 60 NA NA AND MECHANICAL Technical Education, Mumbai TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING


+FT –Full Time,PT-Part Time # Punitive Action against the Institute

Course(s) Applied for Closure by the Institute for the Academic Year 2019-20 Program Shift Level Course FT/PT+ Affiliating Body (Univ/Body) Course Closure Status ENGINEERING 2nd DIPLOMA COMPUTER FT Maharashtra State Board Pending$ ENGINEERING AND of Technical Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai +FT-Full Time,PT-Part Time $ Due to non-submission of NOC's from University / Board and / or State Government

Deficiencies Noted based on Self Disclosure

Particulars Deficiency Instructional Area- PHARMACY-Diploma Machine Room Yes Instrument Room Yes

*Please refer Deficiency Report for details

GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI is hereby informed to submit the compliance of the deficiencies mentioned above to the Regional Office within a period of 6 months from the date of issuance of this letter failing which the council shall initiate strict action as defined in Approval Process Handbook 2019-20 during the subsequent Academic Year.

In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation: - Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 37- 3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate

Application No:1-4259395215 Page 2 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 May 2019 steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

It is mandatory to comply all the essential requirements as given in APH 2019-20(appendix 6)

NOTE: If the State Government / UT / DTE / DME has a reservation policy for admission in Technical Education Institutes and the same is applicable to Private & Self-financing Technical Institutions, then the State Government / UT/ DTE / DME shall ensure that 10 % of Reservation for EWS would be operational from the Academic year 2019-20 without affecting the percentage reservations of SC/ST/OBC/General . However, this would not be applicable in the case of Minority Institutions referred to the clause (1) of Article 30 of Constitution of India.

Prof. A.P Mittal Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to: 1. The Director Of Technical Education**, Maharashtra

2. The Registrar**, Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education, Mumbai

3. The Principal / Director, Government Polytechnic , Ratnagiri Near Thibaw Palace , Ratnagiri., Ratnagiri,Ratnagiri, Maharashtra,415612

4. The Secretary / Chairman, Director , Technical Education , M.S., Mumbai 3-Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai-1. Mumbai,Mumbai City, Maharashtra,400001

5. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

6. Guard File(AICTE)

Note: Validity of the Course details may be verified at

** Individual Approval letter copy will not be communicated through Post/Email. However, consolidated list of Approved Institutions(bulk) will be shared through official Email Address to the concerned Authorities mentioned above.

Application No:1-4259395215 Page 3 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:6 May 2019 All India Council for Technical Education (A Statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Nelson Mandela Marg,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Website: APPROVAL PROCESS 2020-21 - Extension of Approval (EoA)

F.No. Western/1-7014268284/2020/EOA Date: 30-Apr-2020


The Secretary, Tech. & Higher Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashta, Mantralaya, Annexe Building, Mumbai-400032

Sub: Extension of Approval for the Academic Year 2020-21

Ref: Application of the Institution for Extension of Approval for the Academic Year 2020-21


In terms of the provisions under the All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2020 notified by the Council vide notification number F.No. AB/AICTE/REG/2020 dated 4th February 2020 and norms standards, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time, I am directed to convey the approval to

Permanent Id 1-455597101 Application Id 1-7014268284


NEAR THIBAW PALACE , 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI- Institute Address RATNAGIRI., RATNAGIRI, Society/Trust Address 1,MUMBAI,MUMBAI RATNAGIRI, Maharashtra, 415612 CITY,Maharashtra,400001

Institute Type Government Region Western

To conduct following Courses with the Intake indicated below for the Academic Year 2020-21

PIO / FN / Affiliating Body Intake Intake NRI Gulf quota/ Program Level Course (University Approved Approved Approval OCI/ /Body) for 2019-20 for 2020-21 Status Approval Status

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING CIVIL Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING MECHANICAL Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai

Application No:1-7014268284 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION Page 1 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:20 June 2020 ELECTRONICS Maharashtra State ENGINEERING AND Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA TELECOMMUNI 60 60 NA NA Education, TECHNOLOGY CATIONS Mumbai ENGINEERING

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING COMPUTER Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai

Maharashtra State Board of Technical PHARMACY DIPLOMA PHARMACY 30 30 NA NA Education, Mumbai

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING CIVIL Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai

Maharashtra State ENGINEERING MECHANICAL Board of Technical AND DIPLOMA 60 60 NA NA ENGINEERING Education, TECHNOLOGY Mumbai


It is mandatory to comply with all the essential requirements as given in APH 2020-21 (Appendix 6)

The Institution/ University is having the following deficiencies as per the online application submitted to AICTE and the same shall be complied within Two year from the date of issue of this EoA

Deficiencies Noted based on Self Disclosure Particulars Deficiency

1. Instructional Area – ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY-Diploma Classroom Yes Tutorial Room Yes Laboratory Yes *Please refer Deficiency Report for details

Important Instructions 1. The State Government/ UT/ Directorate of Technical Education/ Directorate of Medical Education shall ensure that 10% of reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) as per the reservation policy for admission, operational from the Academic year 2020-21 is implemented without affecting the reservation percentages of SC/ ST/ OBC/ General. However, this would not be applicable in the case of Minority Institutions referred to the Clause (1) of Article 30 of Constitution of India. Such Institution shall be permitted to increase in annual permitted strength over a maximum period of two years beginning with the Academic Year 2020-21

Application No:1-7014268284 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION Page 2 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:20 June 2020 2. The Institution offering courses earlier in the Regular Shift, First Shift, Second Shift/Part Time now amalgamated as total intake shall have to fulfil all facilities such as Infrastructure, Faculty and other requirements as per the norms specified in the Approval Process Handbook 2020-21 for the Total Approved Intake. Further, the Institutions Deemed to be Universities/ Institutions having Accreditation/ Autonomy status shall have to maintain the Faculty: Student ratio as specified in the Approval Process Handbook. All such Institutions/ Universities shall have to create the necessary Faculty, Infrastructure and other facilities WITHIN 2 YEARS to fulfil the norms based on the Affidavit submitted to AICTE.

3. In case of any differences in content in this Computer generated Extension of Approval Letter, the content/information as approved by the Executive Council / General Council as available on the record of AICTE shall be final and binding.

4. Strict compliance of Anti-Ragging Regulation: - Approval is subject to strict compliance of provisions made in AICTE Regulation notified vide F. No. 373/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated July 1, 2009 for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions. In case Institution fails to take adequate steps to Prevent Ragging or fails to act in accordance with AICTE Regulation or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of Ragging, it will be liable to take any action as defined under clause 9(4) of the said Regulation.

Prof.Rajive Kumar Member Secretary, AICTE

Copy to: 1. The Director Of Technical Education**, Maharashtra

2. The Principal / Director, GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC , RATNAGIRI Near Thibaw Palace , Ratnagiri., Ratnagiri,Ratnagiri, Maharashtra,415612

3. The Secretary / Chairman, 3-MAHAPALIKA MARG, MUMBAI-1 MUMBAI,MUMBAI CITY Maharashtra,400001

4. The Regional Officer, All India Council for Technical Education Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Nariman Road Mumbai - 400 020, Maharashtra

5. Guard File(AICTE)

Note: Validity of the Course details may be verified at

** Individual Approval letter copy will not be communicated through Post/Email. However, consolidated list of Approved Institutions(bulk) will be shared through official Email Address to the concerned Authorities mentioned above.

Application No:1-7014268284 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION Page 3 of 3 Note: This is a Computer generated Report. No signature is required. Printed By : aic003159 Letter Printed On:20 June 2020

19. Accounted audited statement for the last three years

20. Best Practices adopted, if any