The Shul - Lubavitch - An institution of The Lubavitcher , Menachem M. Schneerson (May his merit shield us) Over Thirty five Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TheShul.org Email: [email protected] www.theshulpreschool.org www.cyscollege.org THE SHUL WEEKLY MAGAZINE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK NACHAS AT A GLANCE CONTENTS

Weekly Rebbe Message : 3 THE SHUL RECEIVED BEAUTIFUL CARDS WRITTEN BY Thoughts on the Parsha from The Lubavitcher Rebbe CHILDREN FROM ALL OVER FOR THE FAMILIES OF THE CHAMPLAIN TOWERS Weekly Message: 4 Thoughts on the Parsha - Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar

Celebrating Shabbos 5 Schedules, classes, articles & more... Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience

Daily Study: 6 - 7 A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul

Community Happenings: 8 -12 Sharing with your Shul Family

All Things Sephardic: 16 - 17 Schedules, classes, articles & more

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas: 18 - 28 Bringing lessons to LIFE

Get The Picture: 29 - 32 The full scoop on all the great events around town

In a Woman’s World: 33 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman

French Connection: 34 Reflexions sur la Paracha


Networking: 36 - 37 Effective Advertising

Numbers To Know: 38 Contacts at The Shul

Get The Picture: 39 - 40 The full scoop on all the great events around town PARSHAH MESSAGE FROM THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE - RABBI MENACHEM M.

Matos - Masei: Console the Father — Console the Child Midianites….” However, when Moshe relayed this he Torah portions of Matos command to the Jewish and Masei are combined and people he said: “…to exact Tread on the same Shabbos the retribution of G‑d from in two cases: when that Shabbos Midian.” Comments the precedes the month of Menachem Sifri : Moshe said to the Av (and is thus the day during which Jewish people: “You are not the month is blessed), or when that avenging flesh and blood; Shabbos is itself the first Shabbos you are avenging He who of Menachem Av. spoke and the world came into being. ” Our Rabbis comment that all the Torah portions are connected to This theme is mirrored in the the time period during which they portion of Masei , when the are read. It follows that the portions verse states: “You shall not of Matos and Masei are connected defile the land… in which with the month of Menachem Av. I dwell; for I, G‑d, dwell among the Jewish people.” This connection is even more germane than the link Says the Sifri : “ are loved [by G‑d]. Even when between these portions and the three-week period of they are defiled, the Shechinah is in their midst… quasi-mourning known as Bein HaMitzarim , when Jews are loved [by G‑d]; wherever they are exiled these two portions are invariably read. the Shechinah is with them… and when they return, the Shechinah returns with them.” It is the Jewish custom — Jewish custom itself being considered as sacred as Torah — to refer to the month Thus, exile affects not only the Jewish people; of Av (while blessing this new month) by the name the Shechinah , too, is in exile, as it were. The Menachem Av. Jews’ redemption is thus a redemption for the Shechinah as well. Understandably, the redemption The literal meaning of “Menachem Av ” is “Consoling of the Shechinah is of greatest import. This is the Father.” The Jewish people console their Father in why Menachem Av — “Consolation of the Father” Heaven, as it were. And G‑d, our Father, is in need of emphasizes G‑d’s consolation. consolation, in light of the statement of our Sages that G‑d says: “Woe to the Father who exiled His children.” Still, we must understand why it is that Menachem Av does not mention the sons’ consolation — the The connection between Menachem Av and the consolation of the Jewish people. Torah portions of Matos and Masei will be understood accordingly. A Jew wishes for consolation during this This is because a Jew is rooted so deeply in month. But he wants consolation not so much for G‑d that his wants, desires, state of exile, etc., himself as for his Father. This concept is stressed in are not considered his alone; if he is exiled, his the portion of Matos as well as in the portion of Masei Father is automatically in a state of exile, as it : were. Conversely, the Father’s consolation is the consolation of His children. There can therefore The Torah portion of Matos relates how G‑d be no greater consolation for the children than commanded Moshe to battle the Midianites, saying: Menachem Av — the “Consolation of the Father.” “Exact the retribution of the people of Israel from the


his Friday, Erev Shabbos, eternal, never to be destroyed.

and continuing until It is our constantly challenging the darkness and the darkness next Sunday, we enter T challenging us, such as we experience today in our broken society into the saddest and most and, thank G-d, succeed to sustain and grow against all odds, challenging period in Jewish contrary to all predictions and completely beyond the pale of the history, commemorating multiple natural process, that allows us to reach the holiest, most glorious calamities, both in the biblical highs. period, such as the tragic misfortune of the spies that So it is darkness itself that contains and gives us that powerful Moses sent to survey Israel and strength to move beyond it, to the extent that the former darkness continuing with the destruction of recognizes the benefits in our illuminated way of life and subjugates both Temples, and many other itself to the truth of life. painful episodes throughout modern times that were recorded Chazak, Chazak, V’Nizchazek! May we extract the strength imbedded on the ninth of Av - Tisha B’Av. in the darkness, derailing it from its vitriolic hate and unfathomable Here in our community, the darkness becomes so current and palpable pain and transforming it to a peaceful, loving and mutually supportive world. but you can almost cut it as today there will be multiple funerals of beautiful beloved Fathers, Mothers, sons, daughters, siblings and dear Have a consoling Chodesh, rejuvenating Shabbos and a strong friends who perished in the abyss of destruction. week, At the same time, we read in the Torah the last portion of the fourth book, which actually is the conclusion that was literally dictated by G-d, and Rabbi S. Lipskar the fifth book which was given through Moses being the intermediary and his expression. At that time, the entire community rises and calls out with a sense of power and joy, “Chazak, Chazak V’Nizchazek”! Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened.

On some level, this is quite understandable as it is strength that we need during these dark, debilitating and depressing moments. However, the statement which is said with such joy and revelry seems to be part of these nine days and not just a response to them. It is as if the nine days themselves have an ingredient of strength that is an integral part of Jewish life.

There are multiple ways to eliminate darkness. One is to contain it in its own space and not allow it to spread its pernicious effects. Another is to kindle a flame that dissipates the darkness. The third and most effective is for the darkness itself to become light. Similarly, when addressing an enemy or adversary where the initial most utilized pattern is to beat him down and contain his capacity, the second is to become so strong and illuminated that the enemy is not afforded any sense of presence. The third and most effective is to transform the enemy to ally.

There is an obvious question as to how G-d could allow the Temple to be destroyed when we are directed in the Torah with the prohibition not to destroy anything that is useful. The answer that our Rabbis give is that when replacing that which is destroyed by something greater and better, it is not referred to as destruction but construction. So too here the inner objective of all of these tragedies is to refine the world and bring it to a higher level, culminating with the coming of Moshiach and the rebuilding of the third Temple which will be built by G-d and be 4 CELEBRATING SHABBOS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR AN “OVER THE TOP” SHABBOS EXPERIENCE KIDDUSH THIS WEEK: Kiddush this week is available for sponsorship. SHABBOS SCHEDULE Early Mincha 6:25 p.m. SHALOSH SEUDOS THIS WEEK: Shalosh Seudos this week is available for Candle lighting 7:58 p.m. sponsorship Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos 8:00 p.m.

Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. The caterer for this week’s Kiddush and Shacharis (Morning Services) 8:30 a.m. Shacharis 2nd Minyan (Morning Services) 10:30 a.m. Shalosh Seudos is Food Art Children’s Programs 11:00 a.m. KIDDUSHIM AT THE SHUL Kiddush 12:00 p.m. Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Daf Yomi 7:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Men’s Shiur 7:15 p.m. Bank by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) Women’s Shiur 7:15 p.m. or Patron ($360 anually) Mincha 7:45 p.m. Call Milena at (305) 868-1411 ext. 328 or email Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 8:54 p.m. [email protected] Weekly Video of The Rebbe

Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Devarim Candle Lighting 7:56 p.m. Mincha 8:00 p.m. PARSHA IN PICTURES

Eruv Information We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.

To pay your annual dues visit: www.miamibeacheruv.com 5 A TIME TO PRAY DAVENING SCHEDULES AND LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK

SHACHARIS MINYANIM (MON - FRI) SUNDAY SHACHARIS MINYANIM Main Minyan 6:45 7:30 9:00 Main Minyan 8:00 am 9:00 am Sephardic Minyan 8:00 Sephardic Minyan 8:30 am



Main Minyan 2:00 pm Early Mincha 8:00 pm 10:00 pm Main Minyan 7:50 pm Sephardic Minyan 8:00 pm Following Late Maariv 9:00 pm


Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:15 am Earliest Talit & Tefillin 5:52 am Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:38 am (Earliest Amidah) Latest Shema 10:00 am Zman Tfillah 11:09 am Chatzot / Midday 1:26 pm Earliest Mincha 2:01 pm Plag HaMincha 6:53 pm Shekiah / Sunset 8:15 pm (Preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 8:41 pm (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv) To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces, courageously protecting and defending Times taken from www.chabad.org Eretz Yisroel. We pray for you and all of Please note that during the week times may the soldiers safety and well being daily. Vary by a minute or two. Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Leah Menachem Mendel ben Aurit Eden Chana bat Karine Cecile

6 DAILY STUDY A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ALL CLASSES AND COURSES OFFERED AT THE SHUL HTTPS://ZOOM.US/ 6457054016 PASSWORD: 699576 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:20 - 7:50 am 7:20 - 7:50 am 7:20 - 7:50 am 7:20 - 7:50 am 7:20 - 7:50 am CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS Derech Mitzvoisecha Derech Mitzvoisecha Derech Mitzvoisecha Derech Mitzvoisecha Derech Mitzvoisecha Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar PHL-101 / PHL-301 / PHL-501 PHL-101 / PHL-301 / PHL-501 PHL-101 / PHL-301 / PHL-501 PHL-101 / PHL-301 / PHL-501 PHL-101 / PHL-301 / PHL-501

7:50 - 8:05 am 7:50 - 8:05 am 7:50 - 8:05 am 7:50 - 8:05 am 7:50 - 8:05 am SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar PHL-320 PHL-320 PHL-320 PHL-320 PHL-320 8:05 - 9:05 am 8:05 - 9:05 am 8:05 - 9:05 am 8:05 - 9:05 am 8:05 - 9:05 am DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI Tractate Pesachim Tractate Pesachim Tractate Pesachim Tractate Pesachim Tractate Pesachim Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet (Men) (Men) (Men) (Men) (Men) TXT-220 / TXT-601 TXT-220 / TXT-601 TXT-220 / TXT-601 TXT-220 / TXT-601 TXT-220 / TXT-601 9:05 - 9:35 am 9:05 - 9:35 am 9:35 - 10:00 am 9:05 - 9:35 am 9:05 - 9:35 am RAMBAM RAMBAM MEGILLOT RAMBAM RAMBAM One chapter a day One chapter a day Mishlei - Book of Proverbs One chapter a day One chapter a day Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein PHL-120 / PHL-510 PHL-120 / PHL-510 (Men & Women) TXT-121 PHL-120 / PHL-510 PHL-120 / PHL-510

1:30 - 2:30 pm 9:35 - 10:05 10:00 - 11:30 am 11:15 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 - 11:00 am THE BOOK OF DANIEL PARSHA OF THE WEEK PARSHA OF THE WEEK PARSHA OF THE WEEK FOOD FOR THOUGHT Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Rabbi Shea Rubinstien Dobie Rubinstien (Men & Women) (Men & Women) (Women Only) (Men & Women) (Women Only) TXT-120 TXT-112 / TXT-113 / TXT-501 TXT-112 / TXT-113 / TXT-501 TXT-112 / TXT-113 / TXT-501

8:45 - 9:45 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:30 - 12:15 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm 5:30 - 5:45 pm PARSHA IN SPANISH SHABBOS TANYA SENIOR TORAH ACADEMY SHABBOS INSPIRATION Exploring customs w/ Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Shea Rubinstein chassidus and Kabbalah Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (Men & Women) Rabbi Shea Rubinstien (Men & Women) Book of Judges TXT-112 / TXT-113 / TXT-501 (Men & Women) PHL-320 / PHL-501 (Men & Women) TXT-201 / TXT-211 / TXT-601

12:00 - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 2:00 pm PIRKEI AVOT TANYA IN ENGLISH PARSHA IN SPANISH Rabbi Dov Schochet Mrs. Vivian Perez Mrs. Vivian Perez (Women Only) (Men & Women) (Women Only) ETH-101 https://zoom.us/j/758161843 https://zoom.us/j/758161843 Passcode 540360 password 5899 TXT-112 / TXT-113 2:00 pm 6:50 pm PARSHA OF THE WEEK Tractate Sotah Mrs. Vivian Perez Dov Schochet (Women Only) https://zoom.us/j/758161843 Passcode 540360

8:00 pm 8:00 pm PARSHA OF THE WEEK Tanya in Portuguese Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Moshe Lerman (Men & Women) TXT-112 / TXT-113 / TXT-501 7 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS SHARING WITH YOUR SHUL FAMILY BIRTHDAYS YAHRTZEITS 1 Av Ms. Mazalit Behar 1 Av Yitzchak Isaac ben Akiva HaKohen obm 1 Av Mrs. Orit Colodner Father of Mrs. Chaya Schottenstein 1 Av Mr. Levi Edelkopf 1 Av Yosef Yitzchok ben Chaim Schneur Zalman obm 1 Av Mr. Guido Fraiman Father of Mrs. Chana Lipskar 1 Av Dr. Zev Neuwirth 1 Av Menachem ben Betzalel obm Father of Mr. Stanley Stern 1 Av Mr. Asher Perez 2 Av Daniel Tuvia ben Yekutiel Yakov HaKohen obm 1 Av Mr. Gary Schottenstein Brother of Mrs. Michelle Weinberg 1 Av Mr. Ezequiel Singer 2 Av Fortuna obm 2 Av Mr. Nick Elgamil Grandmother of Mrs. Chava Fux 2 Av Mrs. Lillian Glick 3 Av Sheindel obm 2 Av Mrs. Dorith Ness Mother of Mr. Moris Tabacinic 2 Av Mr. Ben Schwartz 3 Av Alter Yitzchok Yehudah ben Chaim obm 2 Av Ms. Jennifer Weinschneider Father of Mr. Michael Weiss 4 Av Ms. Elisheva Kraindel Adouth 4 Av Azriel Yitzchok obm 4 Av Ms. Joshuana Azout Father of Mr. Ezzy Wasserman 4 Av Gittel bas Dovid obm 4 Av Ms. Aliza Ben-Arie Mother of Mrs. Francine Schlachet 4 Av Ms. Camille Esther Koffler 5 Av Dovid ben Moshe obm 4 Av Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar Father of Mrs. Suzan Garson 4 Av Ms. Amber Ziefer 6 Av Meir obm 5 Av Mrs. Nicole Strongin Father of Mrs. Dalit Shmuel 6 Av Ms. Rivka Berdugo 6 Av Rochel Mattel bas Yehuda Leib obm 6 Av Mr. Jerold Blumstein Grandmother of Mr. Sidney (Shaya) Gordon 6 Av Mr. Jordan Feldman 6 Av Abraham ben Boruch obm 6 Av Mr. Aaron Himes Grandfather of Mr. Richard Moore 6 Av Mrs. Shelley Rindner 6 Av Chaike bas Moishe Shmuel obm Mother of Mrs. Mildred Nyman 6 Av Dr. Matthew Salzberg 6 Av Yosel ben Yidel obm 6 Av Mrs. Edith Sheero de Segal Father of Mrs. Ofelia Hersman 7 Av Ms. Yael Attias 6 Av Chaim Avrohom obm 7 Av Mr. Max Dekelbaum Father of Mr. Monroe Milstein 7 Av Mr. Mindle Greenberg 7 Av Berechyahu obm 7 Av Mr. Joshua Jaffe Father of Mr. Jordan Wachtel 7 Av Gershon ben Zvi HaCohen obm Father of Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin KID’S BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES 3 Av Yair Eliyahu Shmuel Mr. & Mrs. David and Stephanie Schwartz 5 Av Abigail Colodner Dr. & Mrs. Richard and Nathalie Koffler 6 Av Nessya Rachel Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Sam and Rivkah Greenwald 7 Av Nava Tehilla Saidof Mr. & Ms. Ighal and Sabrina Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Jacob and Hadassah Teshuba


Stacie Dawn Fang David Epstein Leon Oliwkowicz Tzvi Ainsworth Frank Kleiman Ingrid Ainsworth Jay Kleiman Simon Segal Nancy Levin Dr. Gary Cohen Michael David Altman Harold Rosenberg Bonnie Epstein 8 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS SHARING WITH YOUR SHUL FAMILY AV LIGHT & POWER THANKS TO OUR DONORS Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul for the month of AV Sponsored By for donations received between 6/26/21 and 07/02/21 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar in honor of her husband, We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar’s birthday on 4 Av Melissa Abehsera Eduard Beyder Mrs. Evelyn Katz in honor of her husband, Dr. Shmuel Katz’s birthday on 15 Av Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Abraham Robert Bindiger Robert Abrams Amanda Birman Mrs. Evy Eichler in honor of her husband, Robert Adlerstein Simone Blaine Henry Eichler and beautiful children Chris Alexander Joseph Blanco Sara Libke Caplin Alexandra Kaminski Marcie Blaser “Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray, those who Phyllis Allen David Blatter provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush and havdalah, food for the Allison Spector Gary Blaustein wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy themselves faithfully with Ross Alter Randye & Gerald Blitstein communal affairs - may The Holy One, blessed be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal their entire body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and Gregorio R. Altman Michael & Sara Bloch success to all their endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” Bhargavi Aluru Earl Block Ramon Alvarez Michael Block Alvin Ribiat Susan Bloom CONDOLENCES Nancy Amar Hinda Blum Our Heartfelt Condolences to the Ainsworth and Wasserman Oshri Amar Linda Blum families on the passing of their beloved Parents and Ms. Gina Amsalem Sheila Blum Grandparents, Reb Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, obm. May their Avraham Ashkenazi Mr. Isaac Blumenthal dear neshamos be bound with the Eternal Bond of Life. and Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Attias Joseph Bondar may the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion Ronit Aviv Jonathan Bornstein and Jerusalem. Stephanie & Kalman Axelrod Rickey Boyd Our Heartfelt Condolences to Carol, Isaac Yaakov and Chaya Elana Axler Jonathan Brand Benichou on the passing of their beloved husband and B L Kublin Ilana Branda Father, David ben Yitzchak, obm. May his dear neshama be Dori & Noah Babcock Felix Bratslavsky bound with the Eternal Bond of Life. and may the family be Debra Baer Joshua & Samantha Bratter comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Michelle Bagan Margery & Allan Brauner Susan Baliban Tara Brazee Our Heartfelt Condolences to the Holtz Family on the passing of their beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Lori Banikin Stanley Broder Grandfather, Abel Holtz - Aba ben Yechiel HaLevi obm. May his Barbara Barkley Marilynn Brody dear neshama be bound with the Eternal Bond of Life. and Mr. & Mrs. Doron Barnes Richard Brooks may the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion Itzel Barria David & Kathy Brooks and Jerusalem. Fern Barris Shelley Brooks Lucille Barthelman Mona Broomer Prantik Baruah Fredda Broverman Leah Bass Mary Brown Natalie Bassan Silvia Brown Eric Bazail John Buch Jennifer & Mark Becker Ira Buckman MEN WOMEN Happy Begum Kellee Buhler Shmuel ben Rivka Sarah Libke bas Baila Sandra Belisle Debbie Burack Mordechai Yitzhak ben Devorah Leah bas Alta Miriam Chaya Albert Benabou Paula Burg Yehonatan HaLevi ben Malka Esther Yocheved bas Raizel Eliezer ben Sarah Bracha Mr. & Mrs. Nadav Ben-Chetrit David Burstyn Aharon ben Beylah Shima Leah bas Gittel Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Benchimol Laura Busch Meyer Eliezer ben Sarah Chana Bayla bas Masha Nelly Bendavid-Cohen Michael Cadigan Menachem Mendel ben Sara Genya Bailah bas Gietel Sura David Ben-Israel Paul Caldwell Yehoshua ben Tamara Sonia Simcha bas Sultana Izac Ben-Shmuel Massiel Calenzani Sadeh Isaac Gilbert ben Nelly Esther Tzipora Pnina bas Slava Sondra Berg Fern Cammy Bentzion ben Nomi Rachel Feige bas Krandel Dassi Berkowitz Zirelda Capdevila Margalite Chaya Miriam Yehudit bas Lisa Berkson Karen Capizzi Chaim Zelig ben Eidel Chava Mary Bernholtz Ashley Carlouet Ari ben Na’ama Clara bas Corina Rona Berns Sergio Carmona Tzvi Yitzchak ben Chaya Rivka bas Shoshana David Bessent Menachem Caroline Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel Miriam bas Risha Raizel Jayme Besser Rhonda Casper 9 THANKS TO OUR DONORS

Faye Cautin Laurie Dubrow Lily Garcia Benjamin Greiner Frances Chaimowitz Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Duchman Tania Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Groisman Esther Chalouh Caroline Dweck Sheri Gaylis Charles & Helene Gropper Carol Cherhoniak Ezra Dweck Michael Gazal Shaya Gross Andrew Chernela Mariel Dweck Rivka Gelbtuch Ira Grossman Pamela Chess Sherrie J. Eakin Eli Gelfand Jennifer Grove-Bradshaw Oscar & Joanna Chestnut Ben Eaton Ruth Gerber Arielle Grusky Anne Chicheportiche Marcos Eddi Rafael Geretz Semra Guler Zephyr Chomsky Ann Eddy Libby Gershansky Ellina Gusinsky Deborah Chussid Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Egozi Tova Cavell Gershowitz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gut Judy Chyatte Jerome Ehrlich Alex Gesme Howard Guzik Benjamin & Jessica Chynsky Ohad Einhorn Natashalee Gibbs Aleeza Haas Ana Cohen Beth Eissenberg Mr. Daniel Gielchinsky Tikva Habib Barry Cohen Anne Eliyahu Lissette Gil Stephanie Halperin Cassie Cohen Samantha Emhardt Elise Gilbert Sherri Halpert Jose Cohen Niloufar Emrani Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gilinski Amy Halpin Yosef Cohen Rachel Engel Andrea Glazebrook Isaac Hamadani Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cohen William Epstein Helen Golan Philippe Harari Ira Cohen Benjamin Epstein Carole Goldberg Susan Hare Judy Cohen Sherri Esformes Mr. Howard Goldberg H. Harel Mitchell Cohen Dovi Ettedgui Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldberg Talia Harow Mommeleh Cohen Eva Smilow Susan Goldberg Cara Harris Nathan Cohen Kay Evritt Irene Golden Beth Harris Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Cohen Malcolm Ezekiel Barbara Goldfarb Tal Harris Geof & Becky Colton Micaela Ezra Mr. & Mrs. Dan Goldfarb Miranda Hart Judee Coltune Elisa Falick Tobe Goldfinger Agnes Hartstein Martin Cominsky Rebecca Farina Ava Goldman Nathan Harvell Michael Conway Stan Fefferman Jared Goldman Sherry Harwood William Cooper Drew Feld Miriam Goldman Sharon Hasenhuendl Lynn Cooper Bruce Feldbaum Robert Goldstein Ellen Hastings Blake Cordell Kimberly Feldman Glenn Goldstein Lisa Hawkins Netania Cortell Igor Feldman Miles Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Hazan Lev Cotlar Jeffrey Feldman Irwin Goldston Kristopher Heaton Timothy K Cotter Philip Feldman Stephen Golembe Chaim & Miriam Hecht Fred Cowen Tallahassee Fellowship Stanislav Gomberg Robert Heilbrunn Genesis Nicole Crespo Katherine Fink Natasha Gomez Andrea Hernandez Chloe Cristian Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Finkel Osmany Gomez Doris Hernandez Dalia & Carl Cunow Nikki Finlay Patricia Gomez Maria Hernandez Daniel & Laurie Cusack Marc Firestone Irene Gomulka Sarah Herzlich Avigail Dadon Jason Fischbein Sylvan Goodman Shoshana Hill Mr. Jonathan Dagmi Carl Fives Sarah Goodwin Hank Hirsch Natalia Daniel Lorna Flores Pad Gopal Maia Hoffman Denise Dano Roberta Fotter Meira Gorbaty Anthony Hollamon Eric & Erin Danz Deborah Fradkin Elana Gorden Judy Hollander Maria E. D’Aosta Daniel Frank Mr. Stuart Gordon Spice Resto-Lounge Daniela Davidzon Samson Frankel Tracey Gordon Hollywood Dorita Dayan David Frankenthal Victoria Goris Carol Holub Cintia De Leon Yisroel Frankforter Harold Gottesman Deborah Honig Amie Delles Marcia Freedman Hadas Gottlieb Jessica Honig Elias Deutsch Phyllis Freilich Rita Grakowsky Barbara Horowitz Arthur & Nancy Diamond Sharon Freiman Luanda Grazette Hillary Hughes Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomie Diamont Ariella Freundlich Louis Green Blair Hyatt Diane Wiegel Moises Fridzon Sherri Green Fran Jackson Adam Dickter Alice Friedman June Green Yael Jacob Lauren Dobbins Robert Friedman Edward Greenberg Bruce Jacobi Dona Elkobi Jannie Frierson Hellen Greenblatt Marilyn Jacobs Donn Gross Rebecca Fries Michele Greene James Jacobson Mackenzie Dorr Emily Fuchs Tod Greenstein Ezra Jaffe Tehila Druin Ronald Gabor Mr. & Mrs. Sam Greenwald Didier Javice Fruma Dubrawsky Jessica Gaines-Kaplan Janis Greer Janice Johnson 10 THANKS TO OUR DONORS

Mary Johnson Julie Kustoff Richard Mary Ms. Joelle Oiknine Pamela Johnson Jerry Kweller Laura Mason Mark Oliff Pamela Jones Aileen Labi Ivor Massey Philip Olkin Darren Jurick Mr. & Mrs. Mendi Labkowski Lauren Mathews Deborah Olstein Emil K. Enrique Lacs Libby Mazur Mr. Uri Omari Sabina K. Shelley Lacy Trevor McNutt Khristy Onate Nan Kaftan Erika Ladson Lauren Melman Avi Oppenheimer Jonathan Kameros Anne Lahoda Joseph Melohn Ulrica Opperman Jeannette Kamhazi Netanel Lane Daniela Mencos Mr. & Mrs. Jack Osman Haley Kandelshein Moshe & Leah Bracha Lans Kirsten Menn Abraham Ostreicher Bernard Kanstoroom Sharon Larocque Joel Meshel Cynthia Otazu Chad Kaplan Michael Lavin Sarah Metzger Pamela J. Paccione Samuel D. Kaplan Alan Leaf Natalie Meyerhoff Alex Paley Ms. Judith Kaplan Mitchell Lederman Elijah Meyers Cheryl Palgon Melissa Kapustin Kathleen Leebhoff Jill Meyerson- Barzilay Sheridon Palmer Sara Kardonski Jane Leiser David Michaels Rosemary Papa Karen & Raymond Karlsberger Isaac Lekach Toby Mikula Amy Papp Paul Karp Gabriel Lerman Elissa Milan Leila Pasternak Yosef Katsev David Lerner Lisa Millar Michael Paston Elan Kattan Andrew Lester Barbara Miller Rhoda Paull Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Katz Gloria Lester Vivian & Ernest Miller Robin Pearl Marcia N. Katz Jonathan Levans Jodi Miller Kierstan Perdue Vinna Katz Mervyn Levin Michelle Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perez Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kavana Steven Levin Tamar Miller Kathryn Perkins David Kaye Abraham Levine Jeannine Millner Wesley Phoa Sarah Kaye Gregg Levitan Fred Mingel Jonasse Pierre-Louis Richard Kearns Lois Levontin Andrew Mintzer Dawn Pilpel Keren Yunger Emily Levy Ashley Miro Dale Pine Keter Consulting Ltd Kimberlee Levy Sharon Mitchell Jessica Pinon Ian Kilov Michael Levy Rochelle Moche Gabriella Pinos Tzvi Kilov Sandra & Robert Lichtenstein Bernard Monderer Chaim Pinson Peter Kind Benjamin Lieblich Law Montuori Jacquelyn Piraino Claire & Marvin Klenosky Vincent Limoli Anne Mooreville Jack Platt Robert Kline Ben Lipman Yaletza Morales Sharon Poczter Robert Kline Rose Lipner Carolina Moreno Daniel Pomerantz Julia Kogos Alan Lippel Jefferson Morgan Mark Pomper Nathan Koldys Maxwell Lisanti Steven Morganstern Carolina Portela Gary Kopstick Richard Liskov Galina Morgovsky Berta Portner Susan Kornhaber Eric Littman Rachel Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Portnoy Ralph Kostant Daniel Lombardi Isaac Moses Leigh Posner Ira Kostman Megan Lopez Francine Moshkovski Sholem Potash Avremel Kotlarsky Laura Loret de Mola Amram Mouyal Robert Prigge Gily Kotler Jennifer Louie Soldanays Mujica Edward Quinn Mate Kovacs Jamie Lowsky Rafael Murciano Matt R. Chanie Krasnianski Joel Lusky Lucy Murray Aryeh Rabinowitz Mitch Krasnoff Patricia Macht Helene Nagiar Jennifer Rapaport Isaac Krasnopolsky Adonis Maiquez Sigi Nagiar Gregory Raskin Wilma Kreech Susan Mait Rona Namer Kenneth Ratner Les & Ellen Kreisler Anna Makedon Sareva Naor Sandra Ratner Joel Krinitz Shareef Malnik Laura Nardella Menachem Rechtshafer Roselyn Krinsky Ellen Manas Marilyn Natchez Ari Reichman Carol Krohn Beverly Mandell Ms. Mindy Natoli Mark Reiner Jessica Kronis Risa Mandell Rebecca Nawy Barbara Reiser Jennifer Krup Samuel Mangel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ness Arlene Reiter Linda R Kshonz Ariel Marciano Daniel Nicely Ariel Remer Ahna Kuczynski Elias Marcovici Diane Nilsen JM Requejo Debbie Kugelman Klara Margaretten Col. Shimon & Chana November Lauren Reynolds Stephanie Kuhns Samuel Markowitz Patricia Novoa-Vogt Howard Reznick Kay Kujawa Jacquie Marks Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ohana David Reznik Robin Kunkel Flo Marshak Daniel Ohebshalom Jonathan Rice 11 THANKS TO OUR DONORS

Avrohom Rimler Gary Schimmel-Bauer Donna Spence Patricia Walker Jennie Rimon Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schlachet Mr. & Mrs. Terence Speyer Stephen Wallace Zvi D Ritvo Darren Schneider Dr. Gabriel & Yolanda Spoliansky Sandra Wallis Heather Ritzer Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Schneider Karen Sposa Jennifer Wallsteadt Barry Robbin Eugene Schneur Mara Srugo Mr. Alan Warner Melanie Rog Teddi Schnurr Roberta Stanley Elizabeth B. Weaver Felix Roick Batsheva Schochet Robert Starkey Jill Weil Daniel Rojzen Jeremy Schwalbe Colin Stein Martyn Weil Stacy Romena Daniel Schwartz Michael Steinberg Lonnie Weinberg Nancy Roque Avrom Schwartz Adriana Steinberg Mark Weiner Shana Rose Mr. & Mrs. Ory Schwartz David Steinberg Robert Weinet David & Simi Rosen Shelley B Schwartz Robert Steinberg Linda Weiss Russell Rosen Yoni Schwarz Sharone Steinherz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weiss Moshe Rosenbaum George Seeman Lore Steinmetz Regina Weissler Jaclyn Rosenblatt Mr. & Ms. Ytamar Segall Kheva Stenson Ms. Edna Pena Werta Meg Rosenblatt Serendipity Yogurt Cafe Julie Stephens Gordon West Robert Rosenfelt Jean & James Sergent Benny Sterental Bruce Whitman Susan Rosenthal Margie Shabat Gary Stern Dustin Widofsky Ashley Ross KristiAnne Shaer Jeff & Scott Stewart-Morgenstein Maureen Widofsky Michael Ross Zachary Shair Cheryl Stoller Jimmy Wilemon Mitchell Ross David Shapiro J.E. Stone Batsheva Williamson Sharyl Ross Loretta Shapiro Matthew Stratmoen Marc Winkler Jacob Roth Abraham Sharaby Street Holes, Inc. Melissa Wintemute Harris Rothfeld Joseph Shayani Barbra Streisand Basia Wolff Elaine Rothner Ralph Sher Daniel Sturm George Wollner June Rothouse Yuriy Sheykman Mr. Samuel Sultan Robin Wonders Howard Rotterdam Frances Shilcrat Ari Sussman Deb Wyman Mark Rousso Gloria Shine Mary Sussman Esther C. Yadin Audra Rovegno Lauren Shoenfeld Isaac Sutton Erik Yankelovich Aron Rovner Robert Shorr Eric Swerdlow Azita Yashar Michael Rowe Rebecca Shujman Jeremy Sykes Chanie yelin Esther Rozen Eileen Shulman Bernard Szklaver Lisa Young Gabriella Rozowsky Eileen Shulman Yasmin Taban Domenica Youngwirth Brad Rubin Mark Shvartsman Daniel Talkins Eli Zafrani Birgit Rudestedt Sylvia Siegel Daniel Tannenbaum Rachelle Zago Katherine Ruiz Ira Siegman Neri Tannenbaum Daphna Zago Ryan Curtis Eliot Silverman Noam Tanner Nachum S. Zajac Yuval S. Yosef Silverman Glenn Taubman Ms. Belinda Zaret Mordehai & Deborah Saban Esther Simon Gayle Taylor Ms. Liv-Tiferet De Vitton Jeffrey Sachs Steven & Shari Sitkoff Marco Telles Bella Zarubinsky Julia Sacks Edward Skolnick Michael Tesler Sherri Zeitouni Laura Safanova Sharon Skolnick-Bagnoli Tamara Theodore Aileen Zemel Ruth Saitowitz Kate Slavin Teresa Tilles Corinne Zibi Samuel Saka Marie Slotnick Philippe Tob Mr. & Mrs. Adam Ziefer Linda Salin Mitch Smietana Raman Tokan Steven Zimmerman Kevin Salinas Nicole Smith Karen Toledano Roberto Zinn Jenna Salsedo Sofya Smolyar Tamar Toledano Brian Zola Betsie Saltzberg Judit Sobel Arthur Traldi Marvin & Cynthia Zucker Ms. Beth F. Salzberg Chaim Sofer Nancy Turbeville Michael J. Zwicky Deborah Samuels Joseph Soffer Susan Tyse Sarah Samuels Caroline Sokal Robb Udell Ivonne Sanchez Dan Sokolsky Joshua Udler Laquesha Sanders Phyllis Solomon Jaycee Urbina Deanna Sandler Dean Solomon Lev Vaiman Joe Sartiano & Kim Thachuk Maurisa Solomon Helen Valkowitz Lily Sauvage Tatyana Solovey Shawn Vardi Elliott Scheinberg Binnie Sommer Michele Vargas Suzanne Scheiner Benita Sonabend Dr. & Dr. Jesse Viner Ms. Esty Scheiner Jonathan Sopher Alexander Vinnik Reva Schertz David Soyfer Joyce Voice 12 13 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU’RE TIRED OF BEING JEWISH? couches they put there for parents to sink into when they fall apart. I By HADASSAH CHEN threw myself onto the couch, looked at my mother and said, “I wish I had no children, no family, no suffering, no pain. Who needs this? We have no choice, we are believers, children of believers. That is why we always survived and we will never give up. “Why do I need to get married, fall in love, create other human beings who I will love more than anything in the world, and then see them As I took my child to kindergarten this morning, I walked past a father, suffer and feel this excruciating pain that I cannot deal with? Leave me wrapped in tefillin, dropping off his son and waving goodbye with the alone. I should have stayed alone.” leather straps between his fingers. I remember looking outside the window and wanting to be a tree, just I get coffee and see men in their tallitot picking up fresh bread on their way standing there, enjoying the sun; no feeling, no drama, no pain. My to synagogue, women whispering the morning prayers at the bus stop, mother took my hand and said, “With no feelings, we don’t live, we just old men with a stick in one hand and a little Book of Psalms in the other, survive. reciting as they walk. “Some will love more and cry less, some will cry more and love less but This is Israel. we all go through it in a way or another and that is what makes us who We look mad from the outside, a mad nation walking around in towels we are. Take this pain and use it, make something out of it. Write your with fringes, with leather-strapped arms, talking to ourselves, humming story.” as we walk. Life is scary, the world is taking a dramatic turn, tragedies happen and Give me a break. I’m tired. I’m exhausted with being Jewish, keeping the will happen again. faith, praying and observing laws. Never a day of rest, for the mind, for the Right this minute, people are buried under the rubble of a Miami soul. condominium. Children are crying for their parents, and parents are We are believers, the sons and daughters of believers. The song goes on. mad with grief over their children. Today I don’t want to believe. It’s too tiring. Just leave me alone. Still, let us not forget that we are the chosen people of G-d. We are all Let me be a cat or an ant, let me be a tree or a flower, let me be a person His children. We have been given a Torah and much work to do with no G-d and no soul, just existing, enjoying what I see and feel without every day, from the morning when we wake up and say Modeh ani any need to give back, to fulfill or to believe. Let me simply exist. to the evening when we go to sleep and whisper Shema Yisrael. Every day I find myself thanking Hashem for having given me a Jewish We are not trees. We are not like the other nations who have no soul, for having given me laws and rules to adhere to, for having given me restrictions, no laws, no commandments, and no rich history and a Torah, and for incredible ancestors who are watching over me and expect traditions. me to continue the chain of laws, tradition and faith. We are the chosen nation and that is why Hashem demands more from Every day means today, even if it’s not any a particular day in Jewish us than any other nation, just as a parent with a brilliant child will always history, not a fast day, not Shabbat, I don’t have to build a sukkah, I don’t be more strict with that child in order to get what’s best for him. have to clean my house for Passover, I don’t have to prepare a festive meal I turn on my computer and see the peaceful image of Rabbi Lipskar from for 45 people. None of that. It is just a normal Tuesday. Yet I feel exhausted The Shul in Bal Harbour, Miami, talking on CNN and explaining to from my Jewishness. Wolf Blitzer that whatever happened is not understandable; it’s I am exhausted from being Israeli and believing and fighting for this land, something above our grasp of comprehension, there’s no every inch of it, and its right to exist and defend itself even among its own explanation, G-d is running the world, we need to do what we have people, the Right against the Left, religious versus non-religious, Arabs to do. versus Jews. No questions and most importantly, no searching for answers. We I am exhausted from seeing and hearing tragic news from the past few don’t get a break from being who we were chosen to be. Every day is months about death and collapse. Mount Meron, 45 dead, collapsed on a new day, a new beginning, a new chapter, a new fight and a new each other. A cable car in Italy collapsed carrying a whole Jewish family, prayer. three generations, all but one of whom died. In Miami, Surfside, a building We have no choice, we are believers, children of believers. That is why in which 80% of the residents are Jewish collapses, and most still have not we always survived and we will never give up. been found. So, no break today for you my dear from being who you are. Peace of I feel the Earth moving under my feet. Is there some kind of message we the mind and soul begin with hard work. Get up and get the job done, need to read here? pray, fight, love and cry. Is there a place where I can feel safe and secure? Maybe we need to Stop thinking too much. Let Hashem rule the world even if not always strengthen the foundation of our society wherever we are, reinforce our we understand His ways. It is not easy. Have faith. children’s education and the way we behave to each other as humans. NINE YEARS ago, when I was told my daughter was sick, I was in the Pediatric I stare outside, a leaf falls from the tree. Hemato-Oncology Department in Hadassah Ein Kerem. Wherever I turned there was a sick child. I remember seeing one of those big comfortable Even trees feel. 14 I am sure. 15 16 17 DAILY WISDOM Inspiring insights on the Torah Sunday, 2 Menachem Av Shabbos, 1 Menachem Av The Gift of Rebuke No One is Isolated [Moses rebuked the Jewish people] after he had [G‑d told Moses,] “Each person . . . will remain smitten Sichon, king of the Amorites . . . and Og, attached to the inheritance of his fathers’ tribe.” king of Bashan. Deuteronomy 1:4 Numbers 36:7 People accept rebuke more readily after having received The laws of inheritance, although an integral part of the some material benefit from the person giving the rebuke. Torah, were only given by G‑d after five adult, unmarried and By rebuking someone, we are doing them a spiritual favor, orphaned sisters – the only children of a member of the tribe so by preceding this spiritual favor with a material favor, we of Manasseh – claimed that they were entitled to their father’s ensure that both parties relate to the rebuke in the proper portion of the Land of Israel. Their private petition to Moses light – rather than considering it an act of ill will. led to the revelation of sections of the Torah that subsequently became binding on the Jewish people as a whole. By his example, Moses showed us that this principle applies even when the individual or group is in need of rebuke for a This teaches us that we should never think that our “private” sin as grave as that of making the Golden Calf. From Moses’ lives concern only us or our immediate circles of family or example, we learn that we should extend others our fullest friends, and that therefore we are free to conduct ourselves help – both material and spiritual – in order to put them back in these matters however we see fit. Just as these women on the proper path in life. consulted with Moses regarding what appeared to be a purely personal matter, so should we consult with qualified rabbinic By helping others in this way, we earn G‑d’s help in finding authorities regarding even the most seemingly insignificant our own proper path in life, as well as His assistance in aspects of life, for even our “private” actions have wider providing for the material needs of ourselves and our loved implications that we may not immediately foresee. ones.

Monday, 3 Menachem Av Tuesday, 4 Menachem Av The Load Always Fits the Camel G‑d Only Loves [Moses told the Jewish people at Mount Sinai,] [Moses said to the Jewish people,] “You “How can I bear your trouble, your burden, and slandered G‑d in your tents, saying ‘G‑d took your strife all by myself?” Deuteronomy 1:12 us out of Egypt out of His hatred of us.’ ” We are all charged with the same mission as Moses: to Deuteronomy 1:27 educate and lead ourselves – as well as those over whom we have influence – in the ways of the Torah. If we wonder Until the Final Redemption, when there will no longer how we can bear such a heavy responsibility, we should be any obstacles impeding the full revelation of G‑d’s recall that when Moses asked G‑d the same question, goodness, opportunities will unfortunately remain to G‑d immediately provided him with a practical solution. mistake G‑d’s love for us for cruelty. Our challenge, until Just as G‑d gave Moses the means to fulfill his mission, the Messianic Era, is to remain fully aware that G‑d is at all G‑d gives us the means and resources to fulfill our Divine times manifesting His love for us, even if it occasionally mission, regardless of how difficult or overwhelming our appears exactly the opposite. Remaining conscious of responsibilities may appear to be. this love will inspire us to reciprocate it by fulfilling His will to our utmost ability. This, in turn, will eliminate the last remaining impediments to the Final Redemption.

18 Wednesday, 5 Menachem Av Thursday, 6 Menachem Av The Path to Redemption A Taste of the Future [Moses told the people,] “You rebelled against G‑d’s [G‑d instructed Moses,] “Take great care that command and willfully ascended to the mountain.” you not provoke [Edom], for I will not give you Deuteronomy 1:43 any of their land.” Deuteronomy 2:4-5

The founder of Chasidism, Rabbi Yisrael Ba’al Shem Tov, taught Spiritually, the seven Canaanite nations correspond to that these 42 journeys correspond to the 42 spiritual journeys that the seven emotions, while the nations of Edom, Ammon, we make throughout our lives. We begin from birth, just as the and Moab – located adjacent to but outside of Canaan – Exodus from Egypt is the Jewish people’s national birth. The final correspond to the three facets of the intellect. The fact journey is to the spiritual Promised Land, the life that awaits us in that G‑d instructed us to conquer the seven Canaanite the afterlife. nations but forbade us to conquer the other three until the Messianic future means that, until then, we can only fully Although some of the intervening journeys in the Jewish people’s refine our emotions, but not our intellect. trek through the desert were accompanied by setbacks, all the stations on our spiritual journey through life are meant to be holy and positive. If we choose good over evil, we will indeed live This is because the way to rectify something is by correcting through these phases of life in the way G‑d intends. If, like the its source. Since our emotions are generally governed by Jewish people in the desert, we make some wrong choices, we our intellect, we can use our intellect to “teach” ourselves will experience them as temporary setbacks. Although at every what to love and hate. step in the journey of life, we strive to make the right choices, we should also recognize that even setbacks can be transformed into Presently, however, no such avenue exists for us to positive, growth experiences. influence our intellect. The intellect is governed by deeply hidden aspects of our personalities that lay beyond the reach of consciousness, and the tools to harness this aspect of ourselves have not yet become completely available to Friday, 7 Menachem Av us. Unity [Moses told the Jewish people,] “There was not Nonetheless, as we approach the Messianic Era and the even one communal city that was too strong for us.” light of the future begins to shine, we can “taste” the Deuteronomy 2:36 future through studying the teachings of Chasidism in depth. These teachings tap the higher aspects of our souls; Social unity protects a society from danger. The Amorite kings were through studying them, we can indeed begin to rectify our aware of this and therefore took steps to unify their subjects against intellect as well as our emotions. the threat of invasion by the Jewish people.

Nonetheless, a society’s ability to achieve unity is limited to the extent to which its members can negate their individual egos in order to submit to a common goal. G‑d expects the Jewish people to surrender themselves totally to their Divine mission – and He therefore gives us the ability to do so. Therefore, the unity that the Amorites could achieve could not compare to that of the Jews. As a result, the Jewish people were able to overcome the united front presented by the Amorite cities.

We see here the tremendous power inherent in Jewish unity and the need to foster it to the greatest extent possible – especially since, as we are taught by the sages of the Talmud, our present exile is a result of baseless hatred and disunity among the Jewish people.


rnold had reached the age of 105 and suddenly stopped Agoing to synagogue. Worried by Arnold’s absence after so many years of faithful attendance, his rabbi went to see him. He found him in excellent health, so the Rabbi asked, “How come after all these years we don’t see you at services anymore?”

Arnold looked around and lowered his voice. “I’ll tell you, Rabbi,” he whispered. “When I got to be 90, I expected G-d to take me any day. But then I got to be 95, then 100, then 105. So I figured that God is He gives them a fiery and dramatic accept Moses’ words with grace. In very busy and must have “forgotten” sermon that lasts ten complete response, they clarify their original about me and I don’t want to remind verses, a pretty long stretch in position. Far from seeking to free Him.” biblical narrative. “Shall your themselves from the impending wars brothers go to war while you sit for the Land, they were fully prepared The Eastern Colonists here?” Moses thunders. “Why to send their troops into the Land and The children of Israel are en route to do you dissuade the heart of the take a leading role in the battles until the Land of Canaan when they are children of Israel from crossing to they were successfully concluded. attacked by the armies of Sichon the land that G-d has given them”? Only then would they return to the and Og, whose domain lay on the lands allotted to them in the east. eastern bank of the Jordanian river. Forty years earlier, he reminds “We will not return to our homes Moses leads the Israelites into battle, them, the people of Israel had until every Israelite has received his defeats the two kings and conquers been poised to enter the land of Inheritance,” they pledge. their land. Canaan. But following a negative report by the spies who were sent Moses consents to their plea. He In an unexpected turn of events, to scout the land, the entire nation changes his tone and grants them the tribes of Gad and Reuben, who spurned the land promised to their the territories they requested. own an enormous amount of sheep ancestors as the eternal heritage and cattle, ask that they be given of Israel. G-d decreed that they The Questions these territories, which were prime remain in the desert for forty years, Several points in this narrative are pastureland, in lieu of their allotment until that entire generation died out perplexing. in the land of Canaan, which lay to and a new generation prepared to the west of the Jordan. accept the gift and challenge of First, since their intentions it seems, the Promised Land. And now, said were really pure (they never had in “The descendants of Reuben and Moses to the Reubenites and the mind to abandon their brethren going Gad had an extremely large number Gadites, you are repeating the sin of to war), how did Moses misread of animals,” the Bible relates in this the Spies -- a sin which condemned them so profoundly and grow so week’s portion. “And they saw that an entire generation and stopped furious with them? Why did Moses the Ya’zer and Gilead areas were Jewish history in its tracks for forty not first inquire what their intentions good for livestock. The descendants years. Like your parents before were before coming down so hard of Gad and Reuben came and you, you are about to dissuade the on them? presented the following petition to heart of your brethren from entering Moses… ‘If we have found favor in the land. “You will destroy this Second, Moses’ words focused on your eyes, may this land be given to entire nation,” Moses concludes his the point that it was unacceptable your servants for a possession; do passionate rebuke. that one segment of Jewry isolates not take us across the Jordan.’” from the rest of the nation, shirking The Reubenites and Gadites responsibility and escaping the fate Moses becomes extremely upset. of their brethren. But what about the 20 seemingly more important point: G-d wish to cross it. These were no decision to remain in the Trans- wanted the Jews to settle the land mere farmers worrying about real- Jordan. The verse in Proverbs, “If at the west of the Jordan! These estate. These were souls so deeply an inheritance is seized hastily in people decided that they wish to attached to their Rebbe who were the beginning, its end will not be remain in the Trans-Jordan, but determined to spend their lives near blessed,” is applied in the Midrash to who gave these two tribes the right the resting place of Moses (5). the two tribes who seized the territory to redefine the plan and choose the to the East of the Jordan. Centuries East instead of the West? Why did Moses’ Intuition later, when the Jews are exiled from Moses consent to their request? Moses, clearly, did not anticipate their land through the Assyrian and such a movement. When the later Babylonian empires, it is these Searching for the Sub-Plot members of the tribes of Gad and two tribes who are the first to be Every serious student of the Hebrew Reuben approached him with their exiled from their land. Bible is aware that most biblical request, they naturally could not plots contain sub-plots (often sub- communicate the entire truth. They Why? sub plots), rarely articulated in the would not talk to Moses about Notwithstanding the noble and narrative explicitly. Our present his own death and his gravesite. deeply moving intentions of Gad tale is no exception: The explicit Instead, they discussed secondary, and Reuben, their choice is narrative is about two tribes of Israel albeit not dishonest, motivations, considered “hasty” and immature. concerned with their enormous namely the fate of their abundant It was emotionally compelling and amount of livestock. Yet the drama cattle. profoundly moving, but spiritually in which this episode is captured short sighted. in the Torah somehow gives one Moses, in his intuition, felt that what a sense that these tribes were not they were expressing to him did Yes, Gad and Reuben could not only concerned about their cattle; not capture the entire story. Moses abandon Moses’ burial place. They something very personal was at sensed that their words eclipsed a were determined to remain in the stake in their request to remain in deeper truth. He thus suspected proximity of Moses’ body. Yet they the Trans-Jordan. What was it? them in contriving a scheme failed to realize that Moses’ true designed to escape responsibility. presence would not remain interred The Bible gives us no hint. There is Hence, he rebuked them severely. in the earth of the plains of Moab. no way of knowing. We are left in the Moses would continue to live on dark until Moses is about to leave Yet surprisingly, they accepted in his vision, in his ideas, in his the world. Moses’ words in grace. The narrative teachings. And Moses vision was makes it clear that they were not that the Jewish people fulfill their G-d In the last section of Deuteronomy, upset by the false accusations given mandate to enter the Land of just moments before his passing, Moses thrust upon them. Why not? Canaan, settle it and transform it into Moses speaks to each of the twelve a Holy Land, redefining the physical tribes of Israel. His words to the tribe Because they knew that they were landscape of the land as an abode of Gad must be heeded to carefully: not being straightforward. Above for G-dliness. all, this was not about them and “He [Gad] chose the first portion [of their ego; it was about their selfless Moses was never comprised of simple land available], for that is where the love and dedication to Moses. matter so that his identity would lawgiver’s plot is hidden.” His fury did not alienate them, it be defined merely in terms of his merely demonstrated once again physical body. Moses’ life embodied Unlimited Loyalty the genuine leader Moses was a truth, a vision, a way of looking These brief cryptic words, at last, and strengthened their resolve to at the world and understanding the expose to us the true reason behind remain in his proximity for eternity. objective of man’s journey on this Gad’s insistence to settle the territory earth. As long as that truth would live to the East of the Jordan. Moses, the Moses agreed to fulfill their request. in the hearts of people dedicated to lawgiver, was destined to die in the He could not tear himself away from Moses’ dream of transforming the East and never to cross the Jordan. the people he dedicated his life to. earthy land of Canaan into a divine Gad pined to remain with Moses. If his people reciprocated the love landscape, Moses would remain Gad would not allow Moses’ burial he showered upon them, he would alive. plot to remain isolated in the plains not be the one to expel them from of Moab devoid of the presence of his midst. And at the last moments To be in the physical presence of even a single Jew. before his death, he extols Gad for Moses is great. Greater yet is to leave this deeply loving choice. his presence and fulfill his mission to The cry of Gad and Reuben “Do settle the Holy Land. not take us across the Jordan,” was The mistake a plea not to separate them from Yet, after all is said, rabbinic Moses. If Moses is not destined commentary does criticize the to cross the river, they too did not Reubenites and Gadites for their 21 THE 9 DAYS REGRET Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Courtesy of MeaningfulLife.com

here are four things whose creation G‑d regrets every day. The first is galut (exile) . . T(Talmud, Sukkah 52b)1 To say that G‑d “regrets” something is obviously at odds with our understanding of His omniscience and omnipotence. Regret implies that one now knows something that one did not know before; that one’s earlier decision or deed was flawed or ill-informed; that one has now matured to the point that he can look back and reject a deficient past. None of this, of course, can be related to G‑d. In the words of the verse, “G‑d is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of Adam that He should regret.”2

Attributing regret to G‑d represents a further problem: if G‑d regrets the creation of something, how could that thing continue to exist? As the “Certainly I believe in G‑d.” So, if G‑d regrets the creation of chassidic masters explain, creation is a galut every day, why are we still in perpetual act on the part of G‑d. When “If G‑d no longer wanted this table exile? How could galut exist, even as the Torah tells us that “G‑d said: ‘Let to exist, what would happen?” a concept, without G‑d’s continued there be light!’ and there was light,” it desire that it be? isn’t describing a one-time event which “What kind of question is that? G‑d took place on the first day of creation; can do everything! If He no longer The Art of Metaphor it is telling us that what we experience wanted this table to exist, He could Then again, nothing we say about as “light” is the embodiment of G‑d’s destroy it immediately.” G‑d can imply quite the same thing continued articulation of His desire that it does when applied to a mortal there be light. In every fraction of every “What might He do?” being. For example, when we say moment of time, G‑d “says” “Let there that G‑d “hears” our prayers, do we be light!” and it is this divine utterance “What might He do? Whatever He mean that sound waves generated that constitutes the essence of physical wants! He could send forth a fire by our vocal chords vibrate a divine light. For no being or phenomenon can and incinerate it on the spot.” eardrum and stimulate a divine brain possibly exist independently of G‑d’s in order for G‑d to “hear” our request? constant involvement in its creation.3 “But if G‑d incinerates the table, Do we even mean that our prayers there would still remain the ashes.” inform G‑d what it is we lack—G‑d [The story is told of a young man who who knows our every desire before left his hometown for several years to “G‑d can create such a mighty fire we are ourselves aware of it, indeed study under the tutelage of chassidic that nothing whatsoever would before we were born? Obviously not. master Rabbi DovBer of Mezeritch.4 remain.” When we say that G‑d hears our When he returned, one of his friends prayers, we mean “hear” in a purely asked him: “Why did you have to leave “If such is your conception of G‑d,” conceptual sense—“hear” as in “take your family and community to go study said Rabbi DovBer’s new student, notice of” and “pay attention to” and, in some distant town? What did you “you might as well throw yourself, hopefully, “respond to.” learn in Mezeritch that you couldn’t have together with this god of yours, into learned in our own study halls from our that fire. What is this table, if not In discussing G‑d, we inevitably use own rabbis?” the embodiment of G‑d’s desire terms whose meaning is colored by that it be? The moment G‑d no the dynamics of our experience—an “Tell me,” said the young chassid, “do longer desires its existence, it has experience bounded by time, space you believe in G‑d?” no existence!”] and our human limitations. Our only other option would be not to speak 22 of G‑d at all.5 So in using these terms, us, the depths of faith to which it Two Lessons we must always take care to strip them challenges us, its globalization Today, galut is no longer what it of their mortal trappings and apply only of our mission as His “light unto used to be. Although we still suffer their pure, noncorporeal essence to our the nations.”6 But He abhors its the spiritual rootlessness of galut, its understanding of G‑d’s relationship to manifest reality—the physical more blatant expressions are fading our existence. suffering and spiritual displacement away: today, a Jew can live practically to which it subjects us. Upon our anywhere in the world in freedom and Thus, when the Torah tells us that ultimate deliverance from exile, prosperity. G‑d regrets something, it expects us the positive essence of galut will to strip the term “regret” down to its come to light—but then, of course, But to feel comfortable in galut is bare conceptual bones: to divest it we shall no longer be in a state of the greatest galut there can be, the of all connotations of failing and past galut. Galut, by definition, is a state ultimate symptom of alienation from ignorance—indeed, of time itself— in which the externalities of life one’s essence and source. To feel before applying it to G‑d. obscure its inner content. Thus, the comfortable in galut—to perceive state of galut is a state of “regret”: it as a viable, even desirable, state Regret, to us, means that something a state whose non-desirable of affairs—is to live in contradiction is both desired and not desired— element is manifest and “present,” to G‑d’s daily regret of galut. The desired in the past, but not desired while its desirable aspect is “in the Jew who lives in harmony with G‑d in the present. Applied to a timeless past”— distant and obscured. will always regard the galut state as G‑d, “regret” implies both these states abhorrent and undesirable. simultaneously: something that is both And since a thing’s “existence” is desired and not desired, with the desire the expression of a divine desire At the same time, we know that galut, belonging to the more distant dimension that it be, the state of galut exists devoid of all but the faintest echo of the thing (its “past”), and the non- only in a very limited sense—only of divine desire, possesses no true desire belonging to its more apparent inasmuch as G‑d desires it. Only reality, no matter how formidable and immediate dimension (its “present”). its “desired” element possesses a face it may represent to us. We true existence; its “not desired” understand that it is ever poised on This is G‑d’s attitude to galut “every element, despite its ostensibly the brink of dissolution; that at any day”—including the very day on which greater, more “present” reality, is moment, its desirable essence can He destroyed the Holy Temple and a nonentity, nothing more than manifest itself and banish the galut banished us from the Holy Land. the illusionary shadow of its truly “reality” to the regretted past that it is. real, though presently obscured, G‑d desires galut and does not desire it positive function. at the same time. He desires its positive functions—the fortitude it reveals in







Just before Passover of 1980, the Indeed, this project proved like in the army. At certain times of Rebbe started a new campaign to teach enormously successful — we the year, there would be rallies with kids about the holiday and to get them received tens of thousands of prizes and medals awarded. excited about eating matzah, holding a contest entries from kids all over Seder, and learning about all the related New York. And we heard many This was not just an educational mitzvot. stories about families activity, the Rebbe stressed. This that had not celebrated Passover went much deeper, for the goal of At the time, I was a newly-married for many years but did so this year Tzivos Hashem was nothing less than yeshivah student who had signed onto because the kids were on fire about to bring about the Final Redemption, an earlier initiative of the Rebbe to enroll it. We also heard about families who which is why its motto became “We more kids in Jewish schools, and now I had previously observed Passover want Mashiach now!” became part of this initiative too. Among in a perfunctory way, but this year the activities to publicize the Passover did so with enthusiasm because This organization was very important project, we printed and distributed the impetus came from the kids. to the Rebbe and he spoke about 250,000 brochures which we headlined it frequently. However, it quickly “Matzah Ball Contest,” showcasing the No sooner was that project over became clear that the Rebbe was prizes that could be won by kids who did than the Rebbe had another brilliant dissatisfied with the direction that the mitzvot associated with Passover. idea — a children’s organization Tzivos Hashem was taking, largely Along with my fellow yeshivah students, which he called Tzivos Hashem, because there was no one really in I stood outside schools to distribute “The Army of G-d.” charge. A group of yeshivah students the brochures and stuffed mailboxes in were investing a lot of energy into this Jewish areas of New York. On the fifth day of Sukkot, the Rebbe project, but there was no overall plan held a children’s rally at the Chabad or oversight. It was a brilliant idea. No one had Headquarters at 770 Eastern thought of doing such a thing before, Parkway, where he explained how Meanwhile, I had just finished but the Rebbe reasoned that if kids got this organization would work. Kids directing a large Jewish day camp, in involved in the mitzvot of Passover, they who joined would study Torah and which 500 kids participated, and I was would naturally involve their friends and do mitzvot and, through these preparing, together with my wife, to relatives. And there was no better way activities, would advance in rank go out into the world as the Rebbe’s to get them interested than by holding a — starting out as privates and emissary. But before that assignment contest and giving away prizes. progressing to sergeants, majors, could be finalized, I got an offer to colonels and even generals, just run Tzivos Hashem. At first, I was not 24 interested, because I wanted to serve we did have some critics. To one and was in critical condition. And the as a Chabad emissary in some far-flung such critic — a New York rabbi who Rebbe wanted her to be raised to a place, but when I asked the Rebbe for thought that recruiting kids for an higher rank in Tzivos Hashem than his advice, he responded, “Give priority “army” would encourage violence the one she held, in order to help her to what you are already involved in, — the Rebbe responded with a get well more quickly. especially since you are succeeding,” four-page letter (which has since meaning that I should continue my work been published). I went immediately to the office and with kids’ projects. found this child’s index card. (At the The Rebbe wrote that he had time, we had no computers so all the So I agreed to run Tzivos Hashem for thought long and hard about what kids’ names were on index cards, and one year, expecting that once I set American children were missing. we had tens of thousands of index things in motion, it would continue on And he realized that today’s cards.) I found it, raised her from a its own just like the other campaigns the children needed to understand that private to a sergeant, and she had a Rebbe had initiated — tefillin, mezuzah, they can’t do whatever they want or full recovery. candle-lighting, etc. But it didn’t work think that this world is a free-ride. out that way. I didn’t stay on for a year There is someone who runs the Just how much the Rebbe cared — I stayed on for life. world and that someone is G-d. about Tzivos Hashem is evidenced If you are part of Tzivos Hashem, by the many rallies he held for the Launching any major project is very “The Army of G-d,” you understand kids — over eighty of them — at which difficult, especially when it comes to that. You understand that you are he spoke directly to the children, on financing. In the case of Tzivos Hashem, a soldier, who has to listen to what their own level. We collected all these it was particularly challenging because, your Commander tells you to do. talks and published six volumes! from the start, we were extremely If Jewish children really caught successful in attracting kids — we had onto this idea, the Rebbe wrote, it Reading the transcripts of these 60,000 kids join in the first year alone — would change the trajectory of their talks, one sees that the Rebbe and managing such a huge enterprise lives. So this is why he pushed it so trusted children more than adults. He involves considerable fundraising. much. said that children under Bar or Bat — for whom Tzivos Hashem But we had the Rebbe’s blessing and the When people came to see the was created — are pure and innocent. Rebbe’s involvement. Tzivos Hashem Rebbe, he would often ask if their They mean what they say, and they was an initiative to which the Rebbe children were members of Tzivos do everything with their whole being. gave top priority. Whenever a question Hashem. And he would ask the Perhaps this is why the Rebbe spent arose, the Rebbe would respond within kids: “What rank do you hold? Did so much time with them — something minutes. He was directing us, advising you get your friends involved too?” that in the annals of Jewish history us and inspiring us to constantly come was never done by any other Jewish up with new ideas, take on new projects I remember very vividly getting leader. But the Rebbe believed that, and add new parts to this phenomenal a phone call in the middle of the with their purity, these little kids were program. night from Rabbi Leibel Groner, the capable of actually bringing Mashiach Rebbe’s secretary, telling me that now. The response was amazing, even if a girl had been in a car accident

MUCH AND MANY ESAU SAID, “I HAVE A LOT.” JACOB SAID, “I HAVE ALL.” AS IN “ALL I NEED.” ESAU HAD A FAMILY OF SIX. THEY WERE CALLED “SIX SOULS.” PLURAL. JACOB HAD A FAMILY OF SEVENTY. THEY WERE CALLED “SEVENTY SOUL.” SINGULAR. ESAU LIVED IN A GRANULAR, TOSSED-TOGETHER, FRAGMENTED WORLD IN WHICH HE COLLECTED A LOT OF THINGS AND MANY PEOPLE. A NOISY WORLD. JACOB LIVED IN A UNIVERSE, A SINGULAR WHOLE, IN WHICH ALL HE ENCOUNTERED WAS ONLY ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OF AN ESSENTIAL ONENESS. WHEREVER HE WAS, HE HAD EVERYTHING. AND YOU? DO YOU HAVE MANY THINGS? OR DO YOU HAVE MUCH LIGHT? 25 STORIES WITH SOUL chasid who lived in Vitebsk through many towns and villages. “But I never insulted a Torah Sage remained childless for many The journey continued, but still in my life!” cried the chasid. years. Several times he had the chasid had not received A “Yes, you did,” insisted the Rebbe, traveled to Liozhna to beseech his any encouragement to present Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman (the himself to the Rebbe. Finally, “the great scholar and righteous Alter Rebbe, founder of the Chabad after they stopped at a certain man, the Rabbi of Lubavitch, movement) to arouse heaven’s village, the Rebbe summoned Rabbi Yisasschar Ber, of blessed mercy with the Rebbe’s prayers and the chasid and told him that if he memory.” blessings. But strangely, the Rebbe would turn over to him a certain responded each time that it wasn’t in large sum of money, he would “But I never thought him to be a his power to help him. then merit to be blessed with sage,” said the chasid. offspring. Once more he decided to seek the “Is that so?” marveled the Rebbe. Rebbe’s help. He enclosed with his The chasid was by no means a “You should know that Elijah the written request to merit children a wealthy man. Also the extended Prophet was revealed to him charitable contribution (a combination traveling had already cut deep everyday. commonly known as pidyon nefesh - into his resources. What to “soul redemption”). do? Eventually he made up “It is written in the Talmud,” his mind that he just could not continued the Rebbe, “that part of Again the Rebbe answered that it meet the Karliner’s demand. He the appeasement process is to pay was not within his power to help him, respectfully took leave of the a liter of gold. But as R. Yisasschar but this time he offered a surprising Rebbe and departed for home, is no longer in this world, it was no recommendation: to go to the Rebbe, but in his heart he felt resentful: longer possible for you to apologize R. Shlomo of Karlin, that he would be how could a tsaddik request so to him and make amends. There are able to help him. much money for a blessing? certain latter rabbinical authorities, however, who have ruled that even Now, it is well known how Lubavitcher After he was home for a period posthumously, paying the liter of chasidim feel about going to other of time, the chasid decided to go gold helps to ease the censure. The Rebbes. Nevertheless, the Rebbe again to Liozhna to visit the Alter Karliner Rebbe took you around himself had suggested it, the need Rebbe. When his turn came for with him to all the places where was great, and the years were slipping a private audience, the Rebbe those Rabbis are buried in order to by, so off he went. asked him if he had gone to the garner support for you. The large Karliner Rebbe, and if so, what sum of money he requested from Arriving at Karlin, he consulted with had the tzaddik advised him? you was exactly equivalent to a liter some of the local chasidim. They The chasid answered that indeed if gold. Unfortunately, you passed recommended that the best time to he had gone, and had invested up the opportunity. gain access to the Rebbe was when a lot of time and money in a he set out on one of his journeys. On long journey with him. But in the “I, myself am not able to help the way, the Rebbe would regularly end the Rebbe had requested you in this matter,” explained the give advice to those that accompanied a large sum of money which he Rebbe, “because R. Yisaschar was him. So the chasid stayed in Karlin wasn’t able to provide, and what my teacher, and a student cannot several days, until finally the Rebbe kind of business is this anyway forego the honor of his teacher.” announced he was about to leave on to demand so much money for a a trip, and that anyone who needed blessing? anything of him was welcome to come along. The chasid climbed aboard Said the Alter Rebbe: “The the caravan of coaches and wagons, reason you don’t have children which soon after set off. is because you once gravely insulted a Torah Sage.” The Rebbe and his entourage passed 26 MY FRIEND AND MENTOR, ITTY AINSWORTH Victim of the Surfside Condo Collapse By Sori Block

Tzaddik” (my name for her dedicated husband) would peek in every hour or two to check up on her and bring us some water. He would crack a joke, which Itty found hysterical. I never understood his jokes (which made them laugh even more). I say “Tzvi the Tzaddik” because I don’t know any man who would give up hours of his wife’s attention for other people so willingly and kindly.

I would describe her room as Gan Eden (Garden of Eden): white linen and super-clean with beautiful pictures on the wall. She had impeccable taste (maybe that was the influence of her daughter Chana). Everything had a place and a box with a label on it. Her boots were neatly stacked, and her clothing folded like it just came from “I’ve learned that people will the store. forget what you said, people will Every conversation was filled forget what you did, but people with depth and frankness. Yes, She loved beautiful things and will never forget how you made sometimes she was brutally displayed them well. Neutral colors them feel.” — Maya Angelou honest, and I would tell her so. were her thing: white, gray, beige, There were also lots of laughs, denim and for extra jazz, leopard Itty kept a book of quotes by her sprinkled with love, spirituality and print—and, of course, anything bedside. I have one, too. The practical advice on life. black. If you complimented or really quote that I opened to depicts Itty loved something, she would happily perfectly (well, almost perfectly, She was fun and funny, interesting give it to you. because I remember everything and interested, smart and sassy. she told me). She loved boots and bags, and She was a rare combination of lived life more deeply than anyone loving the physical world, yet she She made you feel special; you I have ever met. could part with it just as easily. would think you were her best Sometimes, instead of meeting her friend. Itty gave something that is I’m not sure how I met Itty; she in her house/bed, we would go to a rare commodity today: time. In always told me I stole her friends. the beach. A trip to the beach was a world where we are constantly I think that we both loved similar such a delight; she basked in the rushing and running, her world souls. I met her when my life was sunlight and anticipated every bit was an oasis of calm and charm, quite chaotic. I can’t remember of G‑d’s wonderful world. It was wit and wisdom, seashells much about that time, but I vividly intoxicating to be in her presence. and sunsets—family, friends remember sitting on her bed talking Itty loved the sun on her face, the and fantastic conversations. and crying. She ran an empire sound of the ocean and the blue She invigorated, intoxicated, called “Itty’s Fan Club” from her sky. And we both loved collecting energized and pacified you with humble bed. The phone would not seashells. her presence. stop ringing. “Take a number and wait your turn!” I joked. Every experience with Itty was She was a dreamer, but also a savored. From the words of Maya realist, always with a positive When she spoke to you, she gave Angelou: “This is a beautiful day, spin. you her full attention. “Tzvi the I’ve never seen this one before!” 27 “Thank G‑d, Yom Tov was hectic, and I’m trying to unpack slowly, great for my OCD, to live with boxes, suitcases and mess!

“Learning to just ignore it for now, until things calm down—a lesson in everything in life!”

To conclude, I would like to share “10 commandments” I learned from Itty.

• Fill your tank first.

• Give everyone a smile and a It could have easily been Itty’s Her advice was given with love, kind word. It’s free and can quote. compassion and a deep depth of change someone’s life. understanding of human emotions. My life has, thank G‑d, been She could have been a therapist, • Savor and delight in G‑d’s good, sprinkled with some a doctor (she knew every ailment wonderful world. drama. Sometimes no one can and medication), a comedian solve your problems, but just (she knew how to laugh at every • Thank G‑d with passion for be a listening ear. Itty cared, situation), and she would have every day that you are alive. listened and gave wise counsel. been a wonderful home declutter and cleaner. • Invest in your relationships; they She was my confidante. will bring you real joy. Whatever I told her, I knew it I was very lucky that Itty came to would never go further. She my daughter’s wedding. She loved • A clean house is a clear head. never, ever, spoke lashon hara. a party and would have partied all In my last night conversation day and night if her health had been • Get rid of anything extra; with her, the night before she better. We danced and laughed declutter often so you don’t passed away, I told her about a ourselves silly that night. For years accumulate rubbish. book I had read about a friend afterwards, she would tell me, of hers. Not a peep about the “Remember Chayale’s wedding!” • Invest in a great jacket and person. She could have said, How could I forget? boots, and you will always look “Oh yeah, I know her very well,” well-dressed. but Itty was a vault. I was scrolling through my WhatsApp messages with Itty, and • Be happy with what you have. As my kids got married, there here are some of her best. were lots of fun times and • Be yourself. “If you’re always stresses. On each twist and turn, “Having kids is always tough, and trying to be normal, you will I asked Itty for advice. How to as they get older and married and never know how amazing you be a mother-in-law, how to deal have kids, it certainly doesn’t get can be.” (Maya Angelou). with married children, what to easier, just more complicated! Just do, what not to do (basically, she text ... and let it go!” May Itty and Tzvi take their rightful told me to shut my mouth and spots in Gan Eden and intercede give whenever and whatever “As you know, for me relationships before G‑d to bring Moshiach. help I could). are the most important thing in my life!” Always in my heart, I will miss you I argued with her advice dearly, sometimes, and she replied: “I “Came for sunrise with Chana at know you’re not going to like to 6:30 a.m., and have been here Sori Block hear this but trust me!” since on a lounge chair, listening to blasting music. Would love to live I listened. in a hut on the beach!”

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Veggie-Stuffed Eggplant PREPARATION Wash the eggplants and pat dry. By By Uriel Shtern

INGREDIENTS Cut a slit in one side of each eggplant. 3 small eggplants 1 onion Place eggplants on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and drizzle with 1 zucchini 1 tbsp. olive oil. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350°F. 1 red bell pepper 1 yellow bell pepper Dice all the vegetables, parsley and garlic. 3 cloves garlic 1 yellow tomato Sauté the onions in 2 tbsp. olive oil until translucent. Add the pep- 1 red tomato pers, zucchini, garlic and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. 6 sprigs fresh parsley Cook until vegetables are soft and mixture has started to thicken. Mix 3 tbsp. olive oil in most of the parsley. Salt Pepper Fill the eggplants with the vegetable mixture, sprinkle with remaining fresh parsley and bake for 10 minutes at 350°F.

33 FRENCH CONNECTION REFLEXIONS SUR LA PARACHA Les étapes de la vie succession de passes difficiles suivies de a en cela, bien sûr, différents niveaux. La nation soulagement et de développement. Cela veut connaît ses propres étapes, et l’individu les l fallut 42 étapes pour que les Juifs passent dire qu’à chaque moment de notre vie, à chaque siennes. Chaque jour, l’être humain traverse ces d’Égypte en Israël, sur une période qui étape de notre vie, nous rencontrons certains étapes depuis le moment où il se lève jusqu’à ce Idura 40 ans. Chaque étape du voyage était obstacles et certaines épreuves à surmonter. qu’il se couche le soir. exclusivement déterminée par décret divin Ce sont les passes difficiles. Bien sûr, ces : la nuée qui planait sur le campement juif situations n’ont pas pour but de nous étouffer ou Le fait d’être perpétuellement en voyage peut commençait à se déplacer. Le camp tout entier de nous pousser à l’abandon. Au contraire, en susciter deux réactions : la première rend la empaquetait alors ses affaires et se mettait surmontant ces difficultés, nous nous renforçons personne très arrogante au point qu’elle puisse en route, suivant le pilier de nuée le jour et la et agrandissons notre conscience de D.ieu. dire « Regardez le chemin que j’ai parcouru. colonne de feu la nuit. Quand la nuée s’arrêtait, Je me rappelle à quel niveau j’étais il y a des ils s’arrêtaient et quand elle se mettait en marche, Cela peut être comparé à une armée. Quand vous années, et maintenant que je me suis battu et ils la suivaient. C’est ce qui se passa pendant les commencez l’entraînement de base, on vous fait que j’ai travaillé dur, je me suis hissé à un niveau 42 étapes et départs qui les conduisirent vers courir dix kilomètres, porter des fardeaux, passer bien supérieur. » À cette personne, la Torah Israël. par des situations difficiles. Pourquoi ? Parce répond, « Ne sois pas si arrogante. Il est possible que tu aies traversé vingt-deux étapes. C’est La Torah déclare : « Voici les étapes (massei) des que ce n’est qu’une fois que vous avez surmonté ces difficultés que vous devenez un bon soldat. magnifique, mais il t’en reste encore vingt. Tant Enfants d’Israël qui quittèrent la terre d’Égypte... que tu seras en vie, tu ne pourras pas te satisfaire Si vous ne l’aviez pas fait, il ne vous serait jamais » (Nombres 33, 1). On peut se poser la question du nombre d’étapes qui tu as traversées. » de savoir pourquoi le verset déclare « Voici les venu à l’idée que vous étiez capable de le faire. étapes » à la forme plurielle : ils ne sortirent pas Quand vous surmontez des difficultés, vous Et puis, il y a la personne qui déprime. Elle dit, d’Égypte à chacune des 42 étapes. Il est sûr construisez votre force. Tout comme cela est « Mon D.ieu, c’est terrible. Je suis encore à un qu’après la première halte du voyage, une fois vrai de situations physiques, cela l’est également niveau si bas. Comment pourrais-je jamais arriver qu’ils furent arrivés à Ramsès, ils n’allaient plus dans le domaine spirituel. au niveau de cette autre personne ? Regarde-la. Elle a tellement mieux réussi que moi. A quoi quitter l’Égypte mais Ramsès, et ainsi de suite. Dans ce contexte, « l’Égypte » ne désigne pas un bon même essayer ? » Pour cette personne, il Après ce premier arrêt, les 41 suivants ne se territoire, un pays nommé Égypte ; cela se réfère y a aussi un mot d’encouragement. Selon qui faisaient-ils pas dans la direction d’Israël plutôt aux étapes d’étroitesse et de développement par vous êtes et la façon dont vous abordez la vie, que par rapport à la sortie d’Égypte ? La réponse lesquelles nous passons tous dans notre voyage la Torah a un message pour vous. Ce qu’elle simple que l’on peut avancer est que tant qu’une vers la perfection spirituelle, représentée par la répond à cette personne, c’est : « Ne désespère personne n’arrive pas à son but ultime, Israël Terre d’Israël. (au sens spirituel tout comme au sens matériel), pas, parce que D.ieu n’a jamais attendu que elle est toujours dans le processus de quitter Telle est la vie. Ce qui peut être difficile à l’âge quelqu’un passe de l’Égypte à Israël d’un seul l’Égypte. de cinq ans est une plaisanterie à dix ans, et ce coup. Dès le début, la Torah nous prévient que qui est difficile à dix ans est une plaisanterie à notre voyage se fera en 42 courtes étapes. Toutefois, le verset possède une signification vingt ans. La personne qui vient de se marier Personne ne devrait jamais désespérer, parce encore plus profonde : il se réfère aux voyages se débat dans sa première année de mariage que tant que l’on s’efforce d’avancer, tant que de la vie de chaque individu. Plus encore, la vie pour s’habituer à sa nouvelle vie. C’est difficile. l’on n’abandonne pas et que l’on ne s’arrête pas de toute personne peut être analysée à travers Mais quand des gens sont mariés depuis 25 ans de courir, on reste dans la course. D.ieu est Celui le prisme de ces 42 voyages des Juifs depuis et marient leurs propres enfants, ils affrontent qui peut lire le cœur de chacun. Il est Celui qui l’Égypte vers Israël. En d’autres termes, il est des problèmes et des difficultés d’un tout autre donne les points. Vous ne pouvez jamais vous possible d’identifier le voyage à travers la vie de ordre. Et puis viennent les soucis liés à l’âge plus comparer à qui que ce soit d’autre parce que chaque individu des 42 étapes du voyage décrit avancé et au fait d’être grands-parents. Chaque vous ne savez pas d’où l’autre est parti et quels dans la Torah. étape de la vie a ses propres caractéristiques. sont ses handicaps. La chose importante est de Le mot « Égypte », en hébreu Mitsrayim, est D.ieu nous place constamment dans de savoir qu’il faut continuer à avancer. Avancer également dérivé du mot qui signifie « limites » nouvelles situations, et nous devons les affronter d’une étape à l’autre et laisser D.ieu faire les ou « contraintes ». En hébreu, métsar veut dire et grandir à travers elles. Et puis nous passons évaluations. » à une autre étape et à une autre encore et ainsi « détresse ». Cela vient du mot tsar, « étroit ». À celui qui dit avec désespoir : « Regardez tout de suite. C’est une succession de situations le chemin qu’il me reste à parcourir », la Torah Chacun et chacune est confronté dans sa vie à d’étroitesse. des situations que la Torah qualifie de limitées répond : « Ne renonce pas. Regarde toute la et d’étroites. Ce sont des circonstances où la Quand cela finit-il ? À la fin de la vie. En d’autres distance que tu as déjà parcourue. Encore personne sent que quelque chose l’empêche termes, le commencement est l’Égypte, la un peu, encore un petit effort et tu atteindras de se comporter de manière adéquate. Pour naissance, et l’arrivée en Israël à l’issue de la prochaine étape. N’entreprends pas tout le sortir de cet espace restreint, il lui faut déployer la quarante-deuxième étape a lieu quand la voyage en une seule fois. Avance pas à pas, une certaine énergie. Et quand elle réussit à personne achève son voyage dans ce monde et étape par étape. Fixe-toi comme but la prochaine échapper à ce confinement, c’est comme si elle parvient à la terre du Monde Futur. Jusqu’alors, halte. » la vie de l’homme est une série d’étapes, avait quitté ce lieu pour un espace grand ouvert. Viendra un temps où nous parviendrons tous en chacune étant étroite par rapport à celle qui la Quand vous vous libérez d’un problème, vous Erets Israël. Chacun de nous vivra sa rédemption suit, et les épreuves changent et se compliquent poussez un soupir de soulagement : « Je suis personnelle et le peuple juif dans son ensemble à mesure que vous les traversez. Ceci à un sorti de cette passe difficile ! » atteindra aussi la rédemption. Puisse cela avoir niveau individuel. Le verset signifie donc que la vie du Juif, qui lieu rapidement, de nos jours ! commence à sa naissance, consiste en une Tout ceci se passe également chaque jour. Il y 34 LATIN LINK REFLEXION SEMANAL Parasha de la Semana Dureza y Fuerza El trampolín mística judía: Avodat Habirurim, o sea el trabajo del Los descensos de la vida cumplen el propósito de discernimiento y la selección. Como explicamos la “trampolín”. Cuanto más descendemos tanto más semana pasada, uno debe elegir constantemente No sería mejor y más agradable que todo el ascendemos después. El descenso del alma a la entre vivir la vida pensando unicamente en su pueblo judío se encontrara en su tierra en paz? vida terrenal tiene como propósito un eventual beneficio personal y hacer las cosas para cumplir ¿Por Eliezer Shemtov ascenso a un nivel superior al elevado nivel del con el propósito por el cual hayan sido creados. cual descendió. Si D-os es la fuente de la bondad y es omnipotente, Desafíos: Cada tanto se nos presentan en la ¿por qué no hace que las cosas sean más fáciles? Lo mismo sucede con la expulsion del Jardín vida situaciones que nos ponen de prueba de Edén, la destrucción de los dos Templo de nuestras habilidades y potenciales. Dichas ¿Por qué obliga al alma a abandonar su lugar de Jerusalén y la expulsión y dispersion del pueblo pruebas están denominadas Nisionot (Nisaión paz y claridad espiritual a descender a la realidad judío que las siguieron. Son descensos temporarios en singular). La palabra Nisaión está relacionada cruel y espiritualmente oscura del mundo físico? necesarios para poder ascender a un nivel superior etimológicamente con la palabra Nes o estandarte. ¿No sería más cómodo allá arriba, absorbiendo la en todo sentido. La relación entre ambas palabras implica que es luz Divina en el mundo espiritual? por medio de la prueba que uno se eleva a un Un ejemplo contemporáneo nivel superior, tal como el estandarte. ¿No sería más lindo que estemos todos en el El jueves y viernes de la semana pasada (12-13 de Jardín de Edén todavía? Tamuz) celebramos la liberación en 1927 del sexto El alma, cuando está en el mundo espiritual Rebe de Lubavitch, Rabí Iosef Itzjak Schneerson, del cual proviene se encuentra en un nivel muy ¿No sería mejor y más agradable que todo el ztz”l, de su encarcelamiento por los bolcheviques. elevado, por cierto. Pero es recién después de que pueblo judío se encontrara en su tierra en paz? Había sido encarcelado a causa de sus actividades baja a este mundo y se le ponen a prueba sus ¿Por qué el exilio? ¿Por qué tanta necesidad de “contrarrevolucionarias” dedicadas a fortificar la fuerzas que logra un nivel superior aún. pelear y sufrir? vida judía a lo largo y ancho de la URSS. El período de su encarcelamiento fue muy difícil tanto para Un ejemplo práctico Una respuesta a estas inquietudes puede hallarse él como para toda la comunidad judía de la URSS. Cuentan de un rabino de Cracovia que deseaba en el nombre mismo de la lectura de esta semana, Con su liberación y eventual salida de la URSS tener un Talit Katán (el Talit pequeño, tipo Matot1. Matot (Maté, en singular) quiere decir pudo expandir aun más sus actividades dedicadas “poncho”, que se lleva puesto debajo de la camisa) tribus como también “palos”. Hay otro término al fortalecimiento de la vida judía en el mundo. confeccionado de lana proviniente de Israel. En hebreo que significa “tribu”, Shévet (Shevatim, en aquel entonces no era tarea fácil y luego de meses plural), que significa también “rama”. Sufrió mucho durante el encarcelamiento, tanto finalmente le llegó la lana esperada. física como espiritual y emocionalmente. De hecho, ¿Cuáles son las implicancias de los dos términos documentó sus experiencias detalladamente y Se la entregó a uno de sus discípulos para que le Matot y Shevatim, “Palos” y “Ramas”? eventualmente fueron publicadas. Dijo en cierta confeccione el Talit Katán, cortándole el agujero oportunidad: “Si me ofrecieran todo el dinero del en el medio para la cabeza y colocándole los Las enseñanzas jasídicas explican que la palabra mundo no estaría dispuesto a volver a revivir la Tzitzit en las puntas. Shévet, “Rama”, se refiere a la rama como está experiencia y se me ofrecieran todo el dinero del todavía conectada al árbol o como está recién mundo no estaría dispuesto a regalarla.” El alumno estaba tan nervioso que dobló mal cortada y todavía retiene su sabia y blandura. Maté la lana y le hizo dos agujeros en vez de uno. ¡La o “Palo” representa la misma rama pero como está Leyendo sobre sus experiencias sirve para prenda estaba totalmente arruinada! No tenía más separada del árbol y ya está seca y dura. inspirarse en cuanto a cómo enfrentar la remedio y le contó a su maestro de su error que le adversidad en la vida. había arruinado la prenda. ¿Cuál de las dos situaciones es preferible? Si tuviera la oportunidad de elegir, ¿a cuál de las dos En el momento del sufrimiento, de la separación “No te preocupes, mi hijo,” dijo el maestro con una condiciones elegiría? y de la vulnerabilidad es difícil imaginar el sonrisa. “Está todo bien. Cada agujero tiene su propósito o el beneficio personal que esto puede función. Uno es par colocar la cabeza y el otro es Hay quienes prefieren la seguridad y la protección traer. El confiar en que nada sucede por casualidad para ponerme a prueba para ver si me voy a enojar personales y hay quienes prefieren la aventura sino por “causalidad” y que es un proceso que trae o no. No. No me voy a enojar,” finalizó. y la exposición, pero no siempre nos dan para beneficio para quien lo experimenta ayuda a no elegir. Las circunstancias de la vida nos llevan a bajar las manos, responder al desafío y salir de la He aquí un ejemplo de “refinamiento” y “desafío”. situaciones que a menudo están fuera de nuestro experiencia fortificado. Utilizar el dinero para comprarse una lana especial control y ni de acuerdo a nuestra preferencias. Lo con la cual cumplir mejor con uno de los preceptos que sí podemos controlar es nuestra perspectiva Dos objetivos bíblicos es un ejemplo de Avodat habirurim, el al respecto y lo que hacemos con lo que nos toca Según las enseñanzas jasídicas el objetivo de la trabajo del “refinamiento”, utilizar los recursos vivir. A nadie le gusta separarse y alejarse de su vida terrenal consiste en lidiar con dos cosas: el para servir a D-os mejor. Los dos agujeros fueron “hogar, dulce hogar”, pero es justamente semejante refinamiento y los desafíos. un Nisaión, un desafío que pusieron a prueba la separación la que nos permite adquirir una paciencia y autocontrol del rabino. Al reaccionar identidad y fuerza propias que serían imposibles Refinamiento: En cada momento de la vida uno de la manera que reaccionó puso en manifiesto de lograr estando todavía “conectados al árbol” o debe discernir entre las distintas opciones que se su cualidad de la paciencia, elevándose así de un en proximidad a él. le presentan y optar por hacer lo que D-os quiere nivel de Tzadik “potencial” en un Tzadik “a prueba de él. Esta tarea se llama en terminología de la de fuego”. 35 PLEASE READ ONLY NETWORKING AFTER SHABBOS EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING



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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sidney Feltenstein - Chairman Alberto Kamhazi Simon Falic Shmuel Katz M.D. Matias Garfunkel Leo Kryss Ambassador Isaac Gilinski Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Jaime Gilinski Lazer Milstein Max Gilinski David Schottenstein Saul Gilinski Ryan Shapiro Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Mike Izak Morris Tabacinic BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jacob Givner - President Anita Givner Steven M. Dunn - Vice President Sam Greenwald EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE David Wolf - Vice President Sharon Hakmon Joey Givner - Chair Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Mitchell Feldman - VP Oversight Ben Jacobson Devorah Leah Andrusier Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar - VP Development Albert Lichy Janice Barney Lazer Milstein Eric P. Stein - Treasurer Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Joel Baum Orit Osman Joel Baum - Financial Treasurer Alexander Matz Steven Dunn Brian Roller Dovid Duchman - Secretary Ezzy Rappaport Velvel Freedman - Associate Secretary Elliott Rimon Maurice Egozi Ryan Shapiro Carolyn Baumel Yaacov Saidof Henry Eichler Marc Sheridan Max Benoliel Seth Salver Mitchell Feldman Daniel Sragowicz Betzalel Camissar Alex Tauber Daniel Gielchinsky Cynthia Stein Barry Cohen Jordan Wachtel Evelyn Katz Eric P. Stein Boruch Duchman Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Michael Tabacinic Henry Eichler 38 HAPPY FACERS OF CGI THE SHUL CAMPERS - WEEK 2