SANG IL PARK CS dept. KAIST 373-1, KusungDong, YusungGu, , 305-701 E-mail: Phone: +82-17-270-5916

Research Interests

Computer Animation, On-line and real-time control of 3D virtual characters, Motion capture, Motion signal processing, Simulation of natural phenomena including water and smoke.


1999-2004 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea. Ph. D. in Computer Science, Aug 2004 Thesis: On-line Motion Blending for Real-time Locomotion Generation Thesis Advisor: Sung Yong Shin

1997-1999 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea. M.S. in , Feb 1999 Thesis: Automatic Tetrahedral Mesh Generation by Bubble Packing Method Thesis advisor: Seyoung Im

1993-1997 Yonsei , , Korea B.A. in Mechanical Engineering, Feb 1997


1999-present Research Assistant, KAIST Computer Graphics Laboratory, Korea Performing research in on-line control of 3D virtual characters for interactive computer graphics applications such as computer games, and real-time animation. Developing an efficient algorithm for interpolating multiple motion-captured data. Developed and implemented a system for visualizing 3D Medical images and analyzing the movement of human heart,

1997-1999 Research Assistant, KAIST Multi-Physics Laboratory, Korea. Performed research in computational mechanics and computational geometry. Developed and implemented an automatic 3D mesh generation system for FEM.

Summer 1995 LG-Honeywell Company, Choenan, Korea Intern, R&D Division, Assisted a design of CCTV camera.


1997-1998 Chollian Computer Music Community (Sound Card Club), Korea Vice president

Honors and Awards

1999-2004 Full scholarship, KAIST, Korea 1997-1999 Full scholarship, Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea 1997 Human-Tech Paper Awards of Samsung Electronics


2004 Sang Il Park, Hyun Joon Shin, Sung Yong Shin, “On-line Motion Blending for Real- time Locomotion Generation,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 15(3), 125-138, 2004 2003 Tae Hoon Kim, Sang Il Park, Sung Yong Shin, “Rhythmic-motion Synthesis Based on Motion-beat Analysis,” ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp 392- 401, 2003 (also presented at SIGGRAPH 2003) 2002 Sang Il Park, HyunJoon Shin, Sung Yong Shin, “On-line Locomotion Generation Based on Motion Blending,” In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation, 2002 2000 Jinah Park, Sang-il Park, "Strain Analysis and Visualization: Left Ventricle of a

Heart," Computers & Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp 701-714, Nov 2000


Prof. Sung Yong Shin (Ph.D advisor) Computer Science Department, KAIST

Tel: +82-42-869-3528, Email: [email protected]

Prof. Jehee Lee (colleague) School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul Tel: +82-2-880-1845, Email: [email protected]