Braemar ACM Research

Summary of Subscription & Consulting Services

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About Braemar ACM Shipbroking

Braemar ACM Shipbroking is one of the world’s larg- Sale and Purchase, Newbuilding, Recycling, Re- est shipbroking companies. Headquartered in Lon- search and Consultancy and Valuations. Braemar don, with around 400 employees worldwide, Braemar ACM Shipbroking is a member of The Baltic Ex- ACM Shipbroking has broking Offices in the UK, US, change, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, the Lon- Australia, China, Singapore, Italy, Dubai, and India. don Brokers’ Panel, Association, Braemar ACM Shipbroking offers broking in Tankers, Intertanko, Intercargo and BIMCO. Offshore, Containers, Dry Bulk, Gas, Chemicals,

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About Braemar ACM Research

Subscription Reports Consulting Services

Braemar ACM Research reports are available to mem- Braemar ACM Research provides bespoke consulting bers only. services at competitive rates. This includes report writ- ing, presentations, and advisory services on modelling Basic level membership – of ship supply / demand relationship.

Free of charge to core clients of Braemar ACM broker- age services. This membership provides access to Recent examples include: certain weekly and quarterly reports covering  Australian port traffic study for AMSA key shipping sectors. These reports include weekly reviews of and freight activity and quarterly  Dry bulk market report for US stock listing / pro- statistics on vessel supply. See overleaf for details. spectus

Asian dry bulk trade development for Japanese Premium level membership –  shipowner

Includes all forward-looking analysis, access to senior  Bulker design study for Chinese Shipping inves- analysts, and access to detailed modelling of the ves- tors sel supply / demand relationship. Premium members also benefit from higher frequency / more detailed up-  LNG full advisory for fleet acquisition pro- dates on fleet developments, including vessel owner- gramme for German and Spanish Investors ship / control and trading patterns. This is available only by subscription. See overleaf for details.  Supporting data for arbitration / expert witness

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Basic Membership: Research Reports

 Quarterly Fleet Stats In addition to all the daily reports sent out by our bro- Tanker; Dry ; LNG; Container; LPG kers, our research desk makes the following reports available to all core clients… This stats-only report aims to provide a snap-shot of the various ‘trading’ fleets and their respective order- books. Each sector’s existing and NB fleets are broken down by delivery year, size range (, VLGC  Mid-Week Chartering Report etc.) and specification (geared, gearless etc.). The re- Tanker; Dry Cargo, Container port also provides statistics on recent ordering and demolition activity. Reviews the rates, key fixtures and ‘events’ that have influenced the market over the past few days. This report is a ‘crib-sheet’ for chartering executives seek- ing to understand the state of play in regions / sectors outside their own fields of operation.

 End-of-Week ‘Review’ Tanker; Dry Cargo; LNG; Container; LPG

While the ‘Mid-Week Review’ focuses purely on the spot market, the ‘End-of-Week Report’ looks as well at time charter, S&P, and FFA markets (where applica- ble). It provides rates / earnings and price assess- ments as well as recent activity and market commen- tary. Unlike the premium Friday ‘Big Picture’ Report, this report does not provide forward-looking analysis or data on existing fleets and their orderbooks.

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Premium Tanker Membership - $15,000 / year

Includes...  Monthly ‘State of the Market’ Report Most of the key data on which our forecasts depend move on a monthly basis. This report is purely charts and tables. It aims to provide all the facts and figures  Access to Historical data our clients could possibly want to see: on the tanker Braemar ACM Research has a huge proprietary data- freight market, FFA prices, oil demand and production, base of fixtures and tanker rates / earnings / prices. vessel ownership and control, the tanker orderbook We also manage a proprietary system tracking histori- and trading patterns of the tanker fleet. cal vessel movements and trade flows using AIS. Our proprietary vessel database is managed by experienced data specialists, supported by a global team of S&P and chartering brokers. This ensures that  Quarterly Tanker Market Outlook our technical and commercial ship data is always ac- Every 'Big Picture' report and every 'Event Impact curate and up-to-date. Analysis' research note is written with the purpose of guiding the views expressed in our Quarterly Outlook. This 160 page report documents the data and assump- tions that feed our constantly-evolving rate forecasting  Access to Senior Analysts model. It draws on all the trends and events that we Intelligent forecasting models and experienced data have evaluated in the previous three months to pro- specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise duce a forward view on freight. It takes each piece of industry events / trends and assess their likely impact the puzzle - everything from the macro-economic envi- on vessel costs, earnings and prices. We do not ronment to the closure of a single refining unit - do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive net- and puts them all together. Facts will change; but we work of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to aim to prepare clients for how those changes will af- ensure that our views are grounded in commercial fect the relationship between tanker supply and tank- reality. er demand.

 'Big Picture' Weekly Report Friday report reviewing the week's tanker chartering, FFA and S&P markets. Each report tackles a key topi- cal theme that we feel could influence future vessel earnings, costs or prices. Over the past decade these comments have built up a strong following in the in- dustry, to the extent that this report is now known simply as 'The Big Picture'.

 'Event Impact Analysis’ While the Big Picture reports analyse just one theme each week, our Event Impact Analysis aims to update clients on all other relevant developments as soon as we learn about them. These short (often just one or two sentences) nuggets of news and analysis have become an industry must-read. Written for busy people who want to know not just what is happening, but why they should care. Event Impact Analysis re- search notes are added to our website throughout the week and are aggregated into a weekly report each Monday


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Premium Dry Cargo Membership - $7,000 / year

Includes...  Monthly ‘State of the Market’ Report

Most of the key data on which our forecasts depend move on a monthly basis. This report is purely charts Access to Historical data  and tables. It aims to provide all the facts and figures Braemar ACM Research has a proprietary database of our clients could possibly want to see: on the tanker dry cargo rates / earnings / prices. We also manage a freight market, dry cargo demand, mineral production, proprietary system tracking historical vessel move- crop yields, vessel ownership and control, the dry car- ments and trade flows using AIS. Our proprie- go orderbook and the trading patterns of the dry cargo tary vessel database is managed by experienced data fleet. specialists, supported by a global team of S&P and chartering brokers. This ensures that our technical and commercial ship data is always accurate and up-to-  Quarterly Dry Cargo Market Outlook date. - $8,000 / year supplement

Every 'Big Picture' report and every 'Event Impact Analysis' research note is written with the purpose of  Access to Senior Analysts guiding the views expressed in our Quarterly Outlook. Intelligent forecasting models and experienced data This report documents the data and assumptions that specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise feed our constantly evolving rate forecasting model. It industry events / trends and assess their likely impact draws on all the trends and events that we have evalu- on vessel costs, earnings and prices. We do not ated in the previous three months to produce a forward do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive net- view on freight. It takes each piece of the puzzle - eve- work of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to rything from the macro-economic environment to the ensure that our views are grounded in commercial closure of a single mine or an unusual weather pattern reality. - and puts them all together. Facts will change; but we aim to prepare clients for how those changes will af- fect the relationship between Dry Cargo vessel supply and dry cargo demand.  'Big Picture' Weekly Report Friday report reviewing the week's Dry Cargo charter- ing and S&P markets. Each report tackles a key topi- cal theme that we feel could influence future vessel earnings, costs or prices. Over the past decade these comments have built up a strong following in the in- dustry, to the extent that this report is now known simply as 'The Big Picture'.

 'Event Impact Analysis’ While the Big Picture reports analyse just one theme each week, our ‘Event Impact Analysis’ aims to update clients on all other relevant developments as soon as we learn about them. These short (often just one or two sentences) nuggets of news and analysis have become an industry must-read. Written for busy people who want to know not just what is happening, but why they should care. Event Impact Analysis re- search notes are added to our website throughout the week and are aggregated into a weekly report each Monday.

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Premium LNG Membership - $8,000 / year


 Access to Historical data Braemar ACM Research has a proprietary database of fixtures and rates / earnings / prices. We also manage a proprietary system tracking historical vessel movements and trade flows using AIS. Our proprietary vessel data- base is managed by experienced data specialists, sup- ported by a global team of S&P and chartering brokers. This ensures that our technical and commercial ship data is always accurate and up-to-date.

 Access to Senior Analysts Experienced data specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise industry events / trends and assess their likely impact on vessel costs, earnings and prices. We do not do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive network of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to ensure that our views are grounded in commercial reality.

 Monthly 'Big Picture' Report Monthly report on a key topical theme that we feel could influence future vessel earnings, costs or prices. Over the past decade these comments have built up a strong following in the industry, to the extent that this report is now known simply as 'The Big Picture'.

 Monthly ‘State of the Market’ Report Most of the key data on which our forecasts depend move on a monthly basis. This report is purely charts and tables. It aims to provide all the facts and figures our cli- ents could possibly want to see: on freight markets, de- mand and production, the orderbook and trading pat- terns.

 Quarterly LNG Market Outlook

Update on changes in production from existing facilities, and expected production from firm / projected expansion projects and greenfield projects. Report analyses produc- tion volumes, offtake agreements and likely destination of shipments. It provides forward-looking analysis on the relationship between future LNG volumes and trading patterns and future shipping capacity.

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Premium Containership Membership - $8,000 / year


 Quarterly Container Market Outlook  Access to Historical data Every 'Event Impact Analysis' research note is written Braemar ACM Research has a proprietary database of with the purpose of guiding the views expressed in our rates / earnings / prices. We also manage a proprie- Quarterly Outlook. This report documents the data and tary system tracking historical vessel movements and assumptions that feed our constantly evolving rate trade flows using AIS. Our proprietary vessel data- forecasting model. It draws on all the trends base is managed by experienced data specialists, and events that we have evaluated in the previous supported by a global team of S&P and chartering bro- three months to produce a forward view on freight. It kers. This ensures that our technical and commercial takes each piece of the puzzle - everything from the ship data is always accurate and up-to-date. macro-economic environment to changes and addi- tions to liner services - and puts them all together. Facts will change, but we aim to prepare clients for  Access to Senior Analysts how those changes will affect the relationship between containership supply and containership demand. Experienced data specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise industry events / trends and assess their likely impact on vessel costs, earnings and pric- es. We do not do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive network of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to ensure that our views are ground- ed in commercial reality.

 Event Impact Analysis

Event Impact Analysis aims to update clients with rele- vant developments as soon as we learn about them. These short (often just one or two sentences) nuggets of news and analysis have become an industry must- read. Written for busy people who want to know not just what is happening, but why they should care. Event Impact Analysis research notes are added to our website throughout the week and are aggregat- ed into a weekly report each Monday.

 Monthly ‘State of the Market’ Report

Most of the key data on which our forecasts depend move on a monthly basis. This report is purely charts and tables. It aims to provide all the facts and figures our clients could possibly want to see: on freight mar- kets, demand and production, the orderbook and trading patterns.

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Premium LPG / Petchem Membership - $8,000 / year


 Access to Historical data

Braemar ACM Research has a proprietary database of rates / earnings / prices. We also manage a proprie- tary system tracking historical vessel movements and trade flows using AIS. Our proprietary vessel data- base is managed by experienced data specialists, supported by a global team of S&P and chartering bro- kers. This ensures that our technical and commercial ship data is always accurate and up-to-date.

 Access to Senior Analysts

Experienced data specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise industry events / trends and assess their likely impact on vessel costs, earnings and pric- es. We do not do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive network of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to ensure that our views are ground- ed in commercial reality.

 Event Impact Analysis

Event Impact Analysis aims to update clients with rele- vant developments as soon as we learn about them. These short (often just one or two sentences) nuggets of news and analysis have become an industry must- read. Written for busy people who want to know not just what is happening, but why they should care. Event Impact Analysis research notes are added to our website throughout the week and are aggregat- ed into a weekly report each Monday.

 Monthly ‘State of the Market’ Report

Most of the key data on which our forecasts depend move on a monthly basis. This report is purely charts and tables. It aims to provide all the facts and figures our clients could possibly want to see: on freight mar- kets, demand and production, the orderbook and trading patterns.

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Premium Offshore Membership - $15,000 / year


 Access to Historical data

Braemar ACM Research has a proprietary database of fixtures and rates / earnings / prices. Our proprie- tary vessel database is managed by experienced data specialists, supported by a global team of S&P and chartering brokers. This ensures that our technical and commercial ship data is always accurate and up-to- date.

 Access to Senior Analysts

Experienced data specialists allow our senior analysts to contextualise industry events / trends and assess their likely impact on vessel costs, earnings and pric- es. We do not do 'ivory tower' research. We exploit an extensive network of brokers, cargo interests and ship owners to ensure that our views are ground- ed in commercial reality.

 Monthly ‘North Sea Vessels’ Report

Includes market commentary and analysis for subsea, renewables, sale & purchase, standby and rig markets as well as rates for the PSV and AHTS market.

 Monthly ‘Africa Offshore Support Vessels’

A snap shot of spot and term activity of the whole Africa region including Rig activity.

 Quarterly ‘Asia and Australia’ Report

Includes market commentary and analysis for subsea, renewables, sale & purchase, standby and rig markets as well as rates for the PSV and AHTS market. .

 Bi-annual ‘Standby Report’

This report focuses on the standby vessel market in NW .

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Research Contacts

Oil and Gas Tankers Dry Bulk Henry Curra (oil, oil products) Peter Malpas

+44 (0) 20 3142 4200 +64 (8) 9388 0536 [email protected] [email protected] Marc Pauchet Chih Chwen Heng (oil, oil products) +44 (0) 20 3142 4232 +64 6236 0840 [email protected] [email protected] Charlie Huckerby Luke Hartley (oil, oil products) +64 (8) 9388 0536 +44 (0) 20 3142 4229 [email protected] [email protected] Len Hockley Gianluca Panattoni (oil, oil products)

+44 (0) 20 3142 4236 [email protected] Containerships Rob Sheridan (oil, oil products) Jonathan Roach +44 (0) 20 3142 4234 +44 (0) 20 3142 3142 [email protected] [email protected] Ben Rowland (oil, oil products) +44 (0) 20 3142 4233 Offshore [email protected] Ani Bablanian Mohammed Syed (chems/ specialised) +44 (0) 20 3142 4298 +44 (0) 20 3142 4231 off[email protected] [email protected] Ed Owen (chems / specialised) Vessel Data +44 (0) 20 3142 4262 Khalid Lodhi [email protected] +44 (0) 20 3142 2634 Jonathan Roach (LPG) [email protected] +44 (0) 20 3142 4319 Ian Cucknell [email protected] +44 (0) 20 3142 2760 Charlie Peile (LNG) [email protected] +44 (0) 20 3142 4243 [email protected]

Alina Novikova (LNG) +44 (0) 20 3142 4242 [email protected]

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