348 J Med Genet 2000;37:348–353

Familial clear cell renal cell carcinoma (FCRC): J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.37.5.348 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from clinical features and mutation analysis of the VHL, MET, and CUL2 candidate

Emma R Woodward, Steven C CliVord, Dewi Astuti, Nabeel A AVara, Eamonn R Maher

Abstract are familial,2 but identification of the genetic Familial renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is basis of RCC susceptibility has provided genetically heterogeneous. Genetic pre- important insights into the molecular patho- disposition to clear cell RCC (CCRCC) is genesis of RCC. The most common cause of a major feature of von Hippel-Lindau familial clear cell RCC (FCRC) is VHL disease (VHL) disease (MIM 193300) and has (MIM 193300), which is caused by germline rarely been associated with 3 mutation of the VHL tumour suppressor translocations. In addition, familial papil- and is characterised by predisposition to retinal lary (non-clear cell) RCC may result from and cerebellar haemangioblastomas, CCRCC, germline mutations in the MET proto- and phaeochromocytoma.34 The lifetime risk oncogene (MIM 164860). However, rare of RCC in VHL disease is >70% by the age of kindreds with familial CCRCC (FCRC) 60 years,3 but not all germline VHL mutations not linked to the VHL tumour suppressor are associated with a high risk of RCC. Specific gene have been described suggesting that missense mutations (for example, Tyr98His) further familial RCC susceptibility genes may predispose to haemangioblastomas and exist. To investigate the genetic epidemiol- phaeochromocytoma, but rarely RCC (VHL 56 ogy of FCRC, we undertook a clinical and type 2A phenotype). In addition, approxi- molecular study of FCRC in nine kindreds mately 50% of patients with isolated familial with two or more cases of CCRCC in first phaeochromocytoma have missense VHL gene 7–9 degree relatives. FCRC was characterised mutations, suggesting that specific VHL gene by an earlier age at onset (mean 47.1 mutations might produce variant phenotypes. years, 52% of cases <50 years of age) than Familial RCC is uncommon and before sporadic cases. These findings diVer from 1991 there had been 23 reports of 105 patients 10 the only previous report of two FCRC kin- with familial RCC. These cases were charac- dreds and have important implications for terised by dominant inheritance, early age at renal surveillance in FCRC. The molecu- onset, and bilateral tumours. Although familial http://jmg.bmj.com/ lar basis of CCRCC susceptibility was CCRCC associated with chromosome 3 trans- locations was first described in 1979 (t(3;6) investigated in nine FCRC kindreds and 11–13 seven isolated cases with features of possi- and t(3;8)), familial non-clear cell papillary RCC (HPRC) was not well defined until ble genetic susceptibility to CCRCC (four 14 bilateral CCRCC aged <50 years and three 1994. Subsequently, many cases of HPRC with unilateral CCRCC aged <30 years). have been shown to have germline MET gene mutations.15 16 As most descriptions of familial

No germline mutations were detected in on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the VHL or MET genes, suggesting that RCC predate the identification of HPRC and, in retrospect, some early reports are suggestive Department of FCRC is not allelic with VHL disease or Pathology, University HPRC. As binding of the VHL gene prod- of VHL disease, information on the genetics of of Cambridge, familial CCRC is limited. Recently, however, uct to the CUL2 is important for 17 Cambridge, UK pVHL function, we then searched for Te h et al described two large kindreds with E R Woodward FCRC in which linkage to VHL was excluded. NAAVara germline CUL2 mutations. Although CUL2 polymorphisms were identified, no A notable feature of these two kindreds was that, unlike CCRCC in VHL disease, the diag- Section of Medical and pathogenic mutations were detected. nosis of RCC in these families was character- Molecular Genetics, These findings further define the clinical ised by late onset (8/9 cases aged >50 years) Department of features of FCRC and exclude a major Paediatrics and Child and unilateral involvement. To define the clini- role for mutations in VHL, MET,orCUL2 Health, University of cal features and molecular basis of FCRC, we Birmingham, in this disorder. (J Med Genet 2000;37:348–353) ascertained families with at least two first Edgbaston, degree relatives with CCRCC and investigated Birmingham B15 2TT, UK Keywords: familial clear cell renal carcinoma; VHL; candidate RCC susceptibility genes in FCRC S C CliVord MET; CUL2 kindreds and sporadic cases with features sug- D Astuti gestive of possible cancer susceptibility (young E R Maher age at onset and multicentric tumours). Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for ∼2% Correspondence to: of all cancers in the western world. RCC is his- Professor Maher, [email protected] tologically heterogeneous, with most (∼80%) Methods classified as clear cell (CCRCC). Among the PATIENTS Revised version received non-clear cell types, papillary (chromophilic) Families were referred by clinical geneticists 13 December 1999 Accepted for publication and chromophobic tumours are the most and urologists. When possible, all cancer diag- 15 December 1999 frequent.1 Only about 2% of all cases of RCC noses were confirmed by tracing histopatho- Familial clear cell renal cell carcinoma 349

logical records and clinical case notes. Families Table 1 Clinical features of nine kindreds with familial clear cell renal cell carcinoma with evidence of VHL disease were excluded J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.37.5.348 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from from this study. Peripheral blood for DNA No RCC RCC analysis was collected from (1) probands from aVected Generations Mean aged aged nine kindreds with FCRC (defined as at least Kindred with RCC involved age <50 y >50 y two cases of CCRCC in first degree relatives), A4 2 2840 (2) four patients with bilateral CCRCC aged B2 1 3520 C3 2 4330 <50 years, and (3) three cases of early onset D3 3 4821 (<30 years) CCRCC. All subjects had normal E5 3 5614 cytogenetic analysis. For comparison of the age F2 2 5611 G2 1 5011 at onset of RCC in FCRC cases and sporadic H2 2 5702 and VHL cases we used data from Maher et I2 2 7202 al.18 This historical series was used because currently most VHL patients have RCC and amplified in a thermal cycler (Perkin diagnosed presymptomatically as a result of Elmer Cetus) with the following cycling screening. Such cases would not be compara- profile: 94°C for three minutes followed by 25 ble to FCRC cases, as no RCC diagnoses in the cycles of 94°C for one minute, 55°C for one RCC kindreds were made presymptomatically. minute, 72°C for one minute. Seven µl of formamide loading dye was then added to each MOLECULAR GENETIC ANALYSIS reaction and the samples stored at −20°C. The VHL gene products underwent electrophoresis in 6% Mutation analysis was performed as described denaturing gels at 30-33 W for three to seven previously.19 In brief, this consisted of Southern hours and were visualised by autoradiography. analysis, SSCP, analysis and direct sequencing of the VHL gene coding sequence. This was estimated to detect ∼83% of germline VHL Results gene mutations.19 CLINICAL FEATURES OF FCRC In total, nine kindreds containing two or more MET gene cases of CCRCC in first degree relatives were Sequence analysis of exons 16, 17, 18, and 19 ascertained. Details of the families are summa- of the MET proto-oncogene was performed rised in table 1. Two or more generations were using PCR based single strand conformation aVected in seven of nine kindreds and inherit- polymorphism (SSCP) and direct DNA se- ance of FCRC was compatible with dominant quencing methods, as previously described by transmission. Mean age at onset was 47.1 years Schmidt et al.15 16 A positive control germline in all familial cases, and 12 of 23 (52%) MET mutation from a patient with HPRC was aVected subjects developed RCC before the kindly provided by Laura Schmidt (Laboratory age of 50 years. We then compared the

of Immunobiology, NCI-FCRF, Frederick, distribution of age at RCC diagnosis in FCRC http://jmg.bmj.com/ USA). PCR conditions and primer sequences cases with a previous series of VHL disease and are available from the authors. sporadic cases (fig 1). Previously we had observed a clear diVerence between the age at CUL2 gene onset of RCC in VHL disease (mean 44.8 The entire coding sequence of the CUL2 gene years) and sporadic cases (mean 61.8 years).17 (exons 2 to 21) was screened for sequence The mean age at diagnosis of CCRCC in variations as described previously.20 PCR con- FCRC kindreds (47.1 years, range 21-68 ditions and primer sequences are available on years) was intermediate between that seen in on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. our web site (http://www.bham.ac.uk/ICH/ VHL disease and sporadic cases, but clearly CUL2.htm). Sequence variations detected by younger than that of sporadic cases. Inspection SSCP were analysed further by direct sequence of the age distribution of FCRC cases sug- analysis of PCR products using the gested a bimodal distribution, with many cases d-rhodamine sequencing kit protocol and the having an early age at onset similar to that seen ABI 377 DNA sequencer (both Applied in VHL disease (fig 1). Bilateral or multicentric Biosystems). disease was present in five of 23 aVected subjects. Inheritance of FCRC in our kindreds CHROMOSOME 3p AND 7q LINKAGE STUDIES was generally consistent with dominant trans- Microsatellite analysis was performed using a mission (with infrequent non-penetrance) and selection of markers from chromosome 3p25- there was a similar number of males and p26 (D3S1304, D3S1537, D3S1317, and females aVected (n=12 and 11, respectively) D3S1038), 3p21-p24 (D3S1259, D3S2431, with no evidence of parental sex specific trans- D3S2432, D3S2407,UBE1L, D3S2968, and mission eVects. D3S2407), and 3p14 (D3S1300 and D3S1481). UBE1L is a polymorphic 9 bp MOLECULAR GENETIC ANALYSIS OF FCRC deletion at 3p21.2-p21.3. Markers were ampli- VHL and MET gene analysis fied in a 15 µl PCR mix containing 1.5 µl 10 × A DNA sample for VHL gene mutation analy- PCR buVer, 1.5 µl low C dNTPs (2.5 mmol/l sis was analysed in 16 probands (nine with dATP, 2.5 mmol/l dGTP, 2.5 mmol/l dTTP, familial FCRC, four with multicentric/bilateral 0.42 mmol/l dCTP), 60 ng each primer, 0.3 U CCRCC aged <50 years, and three with Ta q polymerase, 100 ng DNA template, 9.46 µl CCRCC aged <30 years). All cases had normal 32 H2O, and 0.04 µl á- P dCTP (10 µCi/µl). cytogenetic analysis and no patients had Reactions were overlaid with 30 µl mineral oil personal or family history features suggestive of 350 Woodward, CliVord, Astuti, et al

we performed linkage studies in the largest VHL FCRC Sporadic 40 kindred (family E). Analysis with 13 microsat- J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.37.5.348 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from ellite markers from chromosome 3p14-p26 was 35 performed. The markers and order (and, when defined, location in cM from pter according to 30 the Marshfield chromosome 3 sex averaged 25 linkage map (http://www.gdb.org/gdb-bin/) were: D3S1304 (22.3 cM), D3S1537 (27.7 20 cM), D3S1317, D3S1038, D3S1259 (36.7 cM), D3S2431 (42.1 cM), D3S2432 (57.9 15 cM), D3S2407 (67.9 cM), UBE1L, D3S2968,

Percentage of total 10 D3S2408 (74.4 cM), D3S1300 (80.3 cM), and D3S1481. Linkage to FCRC was excluded (by 5 absence of allele sharing between aVected sub- jects) at D3S1537 (3p25), D3S1259 (3p24), 0 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–61 70+ D3S2432 (3p22-p24), D3S2407 (3p21), Age (years) D3S2408 (3p14-p21), and D3S1300 (3p14) (fig 2). Linkage analysis to loci flanking the Figure 1 Distribution of age at diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma (expressed as percentage of total for that group) in 23 patients with familial clear cell kidney cancer (FCRC), VHL MET gene (D7S1837 and D7S496) was unin- disease, and sporadic kidney cancer.17 formative (results not shown). VHL disease. Southern analysis, SCCP, and direct sequencing were performed as described MUTATION ANALYSIS OF THE CUL2 CANDIDATE previously.19 However, no germline VHL muta- TUMOUR SUPPRESSOR GENE IN FCRC To investigate CUL2 as a candidate familial tions or sequence variants were identified. RCC gene we searched for germline mutations Specific germline missense MET mutations by SSCP analysis of all 20 exons encompassing cause HPRC.15 16 To investigate the possibility the CUL2 coding region (exons 2-21) in nine that HPRC and FCRC might be allelic we cases (six with familial FCRC (kindreds A, B, sequenced the HPRC associated regions C, G, H, and I), one with multicentric/bilateral (exons 16-19) of MET in nine cases with CCRCC aged <50 years, and two with CCRCC susceptibility (six with familial FCRC CCRCC aged <30 years). In the nine samples (kindreds A, B, C, G, H, I), one with analysed, four silent polymorphisms were multicentric/bilateral CCRCC aged <50 years, identified: two novel polymorphisms, G1265A and two with CCRCC aged <30 years). No in exon 12 and G2617A in the 3'UTR (exon germline MET mutations or sequence variants 21), and two known polymorphisms G2057A were identified. (exon 19) and G2538) (exon 21, 3'UTR)).20 21

CHROMOSOME 3p AND 7q LINKAGE ANALYSIS http://jmg.bmj.com/ After finding no evidence for FCRC being Discussion allelic with VHL disease or HPRC, we consid- CLINICAL FEATURES OF FCRC ered other candidate genes for FCRC. To This study extends the definition of the clinical investigate the role of tumour suppressor genes phenotype of FCRC initiated by Teh et al.17 In on the short arm of chromosome 3 in FCRC, their report of two large families with FCRC on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.


D3S1537 1–2 4–4 4–4 1–2 2–4 1–4 D3S1259 4–4 1–2 1–2 1–4 1–4 2–3 D3S2431 3–3 1–4 1–4 1–3 1–3 3–4 D3S2432 3–3 1–2 1–2 1–3 1–3 1–2 D3S2407 3–4 1–2 1–2 2–4 2–4 1–2 D3S2408 3–3 1–2 1–2 2–3 2–3 1–2 D3S1300 2–3 1–2 1–2 1–4 1–4 1–2 Figure 2 Chromosome 3p linkage studies in kindred E (partial pedigree only to preserve anonymity). Results for informative markers are shown and indicate exclusion of linkage by absence of a common allele in aVected subjects. Familial clear cell renal cell carcinoma 351

containing a total of nine aVected subjects, they have germline VHL gene mutations without

found that eight out of nine cases were clinical or radiological evidence of VHL J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.37.5.348 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from diagnosed >50 years of age and all had unilat- disease,7–9 we did not find germline VHL eral disease. These observations contrasted mutations in FCRC kindreds. The investiga- with younger age at onset of CCRCC in VHL tions performed would be expected to identify disease and in chromosome 3p translocation a germline VHL gene mutation in ∼83% of families with CCRCC susceptibility. A young VHL patients. Most mutations not detected by age at cancer diagnosis compared to sporadic this approach are large, whole gene deletions23 cases is a feature of many inherited cancer sus- (unpublished observations), which may be ceptibility syndromes. In our series, we found associated with more frequent haemangioblas- that just over 50% of cases of FCRC were tomas than other types of VHL mutations. diagnosed <50 years of age, although the age at Although the chromosome 3p25 markers most onset was, on average, not as young as that seen closely linked to VHL (D3S1317 and in VHL disease.19 The earliest reported age at D3S1038) were uninformative in our largest diagnosis in our FCRC families was 21 years. family, markers flanking VHL (D3S1537 and The diVerence in age at onset of CCRCC in D3S1259) were not linked. Thus, our results in our FCRC kindreds and those reported by Teh conjunction with those of Teh et al17 strongly et al17 might suggest heterogeneity in age at suggest it is unlikely that germline VHL muta- onset in FCRC families. In support of this tions account for a significant proportion of contention, we note that the two largest FCRC. Although MET gene mutation analysis families in our study either displayed an early has not been reported in FCRC previously, Teh age at onset (for example, family A) or a later et al17 excluded linkage to MET in the two age at onset (family E). One caveat in FCRC kindreds they studied. It is possible that interpreting age at onset data would be the MET gene mutations in regions not covered by possibility that families with an early age at our analysis (for example, in the extracellular onset (particularly small families) will be pref- ligand binding domain) might occur in FCRC; erentially ascertained. However, we note that if however, analysis of sporadic papillary tumours the age at onset analysis is restricted to those and CCRCC have shown a tight correlation families with three or more cases of CCRCC in between histology and genetic pathology. first degree relatives, 10 of 15 cases were diag- Thus, the molecular basis of CCRCC and nosed <50 years of age. Two of the families papillary RCC appears to be distinct so that (kindreds H and I) included in our study con- somatic VHL gene mutations are present in sisted only of two first degree relatives with late most sporadic CCRCC but not papillary RCC, onset (>50 years) CCRCC. Such familial clus- and somatic MET mutations occur in papillary ters could be coincidental and may represent tumours and not clear cell tumours.15 24–26 phenocopies rather than examples of genetic Chromosome 3p12-21 allele loss is frequent susceptibility to CCRCC. If so, exclusion of in sporadic CCRCC irrespective of whether 27 28 these families would have reduced the mean the VHL gene is inactivated or not. This http://jmg.bmj.com/ age of diagnosis of cancer in our FCRC suggests that although VHL inactivation is a families and would have changed the age rate limiting step in the pathogenesis of most distribution of RCC diagnosis in our FCRC sporadic CCRCC, it is not suYcient and inac- families to resemble more that seen in VHL tivation of a further chromosome 3p tumour disease. The recognition that RCC diagnosis in suppressor gene(s) is necessary for CCRCC to FCRC families is often before the age of 50 develop. Hence, a chromosome 3p12-p21 years has important clinical implications. Mor- RCC TSG might represent a candidate gene bidity and mortality from RCC in VHL disease for FCRC. However, available evidence from on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. has been reduced by regular surveillance and many tumour types suggests that chromosome presymptomatic diagnosis of RCC in aVected 3p12-p21 contains several tumour suppressor patients and at risk relatives.22 Such surveil- genes.29 For RCC, chromosome transfer stud- lance is also indicated in families in FCRC kin- ies have suggested RCC suppressor genes at dreds and we suggest that screening should be both 3p12 and 3p21 and a constitutional t(3;8) initiated from the age of 20 years (although this translocation associated with a high risk of could be delayed in very extensive families with CCRCC maps to 3p14.2 close to the FRA3B unequivocal evidence of a later age at onset). fragile site and within the FHIT candidate We did not find any evidence of susceptibility TSG.30–32 Although FHIT has not been un- to non-renal cancers in FCRC kindreds. equivocally implicated in sporadic Although it is important to exclude VHL CCRCC,33 34 it represented a plausible candi- disease in families presenting with inherited date for FCRC. However, we excluded linkage CCRCC, if a diagnosis of FCRC is made, it to various loci in 3p14-p25 in a single informa- seems that surveillance can be limited to the tive FCRC kindred. This finding is consistent kidneys. The significant incidence of bilateral with the two families reported by Teh et al17 in or multicentric disease in our FCRC kindreds whom karyotype analysis showed no abnor- argues for lifelong surveillance in aVected sub- malities and linkage to both VHL and 3p14.2 jects. The late onset of RCC in some cases was also excluded. At this stage genetic suggests that at risk relatives should be heterogeneity with linkage to chromosome 3p followed up until at least 65 years. in some families cannot be excluded, but the available evidence is against 3p14-p25 being MOLECULAR STUDIES OF FCRC the site of a major FCRC locus. In contrast to apparently isolated familial The gatekeeper function of the VHL tumour phaeochromocytoma in which ∼50% of cases suppressor gene in CCRCC is analogous to the 352 Woodward, CliVord, Astuti, et al

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41 Maxwell P, Wiesener M, Chang GW, et al. The von Hippel- 43 Schmidt L, Li F, Brown RS, et al. Mechanism of tumorigen- Lindau gene product is necessary for oxygen-dependent esis of renal carcinomas associated with the constitutional proteolysis of hypoxia-inducible factor á subunits. Nature chromosome 3;8 translocation. Cancer J Sci Am 1995;1: J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.37.5.348 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from 1999;399:271-5. 191-6. 42 Gemmill RM, West JD, Boldog F, et al. The hereditary renal 44 Bodmer D, Eleveld MJ, Ligtenberg MJL, et al.An cell carcinoma 3;8 translocation fuses FHIT to a patched- alternative route for multistep tumorigenesis in a novel case related gene, TRC8. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998;95: of hereditary renal cell cancer and a t(2;3)(q35;q21) chro- 9572-7. mosome translocation. Am J Hum Genet 1998;62:1475-83. http://jmg.bmj.com/ on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.