SEPTEMBER 2020 50p

Parish of The Holy Redeemer, Lamorbey God’s Family seeking to share God’s Love Vicar: Rev Mell Jemmett. Holy Redeemer Vicarage, 64 Days Lane, .DA15 8JR

Tel: (020) 8300 1508 email: [email protected]

SUNDAY SERVICES 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10.00am Sung Eucharist 2nd Sunday 10.00am All Age Worship 5th Sunday 10.00am All Age Eucharist

Enquiries about Baptism, Weddings: Please contact the Vicar. 020 8300 1508 For those who are hard of hearing, there is a loop system in Holy Redeemer. Hearing aids should be switched to ‘T’ for its use. Large print copies of the Alternative Service Book, Songs of Fellowship and the weekly Sunday Leaflet are also available.

OFFICERS Churchwarden & Electoral Roll Officer: Mrs. Margaret Furlonger, 17 Chaucer Road, Sidcup DA15 9AP Tel: 020 8309 1054 email: [email protected] Churchwarden: Miss Anne Wallace, 44 Shuttle Close, Sidcup DA15 8EP Tel: 020 8300 3634 email: [email protected] Parish Safeguarding Officer : Mrs Dorothy Donovan Tel: 07905 477976 email: [email protected] PCC Secretary: Mrs Sue Bunce, 9 Rowley Avenue, Sidcup DA15 9LA Tel: 020 83022324 email: [email protected] 10 O’clock Club: Mrs. Eileen Vamplew, 83 Pinewood Avenue, Sidcup DA15 8BB Tel: 020 8302 2889 email: [email protected] Sacristan: Miss Anne Wallace, 44 Shuttle Close, Sidcup DA15 8EP Tel: 020 8300 3634 email: [email protected] Parish Administrator: Mrs. Margaret Lay Tel: 020 8302 5356 email: [email protected] Halls Booking Secretary: Contact Parish Office: Tel: 020 8302 5356 email: [email protected] Hall Booking Fees: Per hour Min 2hrs. £22-£30 Main Hall £13-£17Meeting Room or Café Area. £100 refundable Deposit. Caretaker: Mr. Mick Quinn – Tel: 07831 348 059


PRE-SCHOOL Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9.15 a.m. – 12.15pm; Holy Redeemer Hall 07714516441 2ND LAMORBEY (HOLY REDEEMER) GUIDES Friday 7.30 – 9.15 p.m. Holy Redeemer Hall. Leader: Margaret Lay 8300 1764 2ND LAMORBEY (HOLY REDEEMER) BROWNIES Friday 6.00 – 7.30 p.m. Holy Redeemer Hall. Brownie Leader: Mrs. Anita Attree 01322 405713 1ST GUIDES This is an open company at Our Lady of the Rosary, Wed. 7.3-0 – 9.15 p.m., Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, Burnt Oak Lane. Leader: Mrs. M. Wilson 43 Maxwell Road, 8303 6844 1ST BLACKFEN BROWNIES This is an open pack at Our Lady of the Rosary, Wed. 6.00 – 7.30 p.m., Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, Burnt Oak Lane. Brownie Leader: Mrs. Sue Dean 8300 7102


The Vicar, Churchwarden Mrs Margaret Furlonger, Churchwarden Miss Anne Wallace, Mr. Brian Ayto, Mrs Sarah-Jane Brown, Mrs Lyn James, Mr Malcolm Lay, Mrs Margaret Lay, Mrs Mitchell Ikoghode, Mr Paul Stevens, Mr. Alan Dickson and Mrs Eileen Vamplew If anyone wishes to get in touch with any PCC member, you can always telephone me, or the Vicar, and we will get the person in question to contact you if you like to leave a contact number. Mrs Susan Bunce, PCC Secretary

PARISH NEWS Parish News Editor Paul Dyer email: [email protected] 8300 1606 Assembly. Distribution Anne Wallace [email protected] and Subscriptions 8300 3634 All items for Parish News to the Editors no later than the 15th of the previous month, please.

To advertise in this Magazine please contact: Miss Anne Wallace on 020 8300 3634 email:[email protected] or Paul Dyer Magazine Editor on 020 8300 1606. email: - [email protected]

From the Vicar

Dear Friends

Stewards of the Earth

September is the season of Creation. We join as Christians from the 1st of September to October 4 in worldwide prayer to call ourselves to action to protect our common home. As Christians, when we talk about salvation, we usually mean the human race being saved, people like you and me; we don't usually open that up to other species let alone the whole environment around us.

Theology as well as ethics and environmental concerns are not separate, they are deeply connected.

The creation story in Genesis that tells us that God placed humans in a lovely garden and told them to till it and care for it, encapsulates an early understanding of our responsibility towards the environment.

It is our job, in short, to look after it and without the environment we, like any other species, would cease to exist.

Saint Paul in a letter to the Romans spoke of the whole of creation groaning in travail until it could be saved, waiting to bring forth a new creation a redeemed one. Then in the book of Revelation, St John saw a vision of a new heaven and a new earth, a renewed creation, made perfect by God - note that it includes a new earth as well as heaven. So effectively climate renewal!

We are all stewards, of the earth, entrusted by God with its care and its use. We are called to live out our salvation, not only in worship and praise of God and in service of each other, but in service of other forms of life on earth as well.

There are five marks of mission in the church:

1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom 2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers 3. To respond to human need by loving service 4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation

5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

The 5th mark of mission is to care for all of creation. So, as we renew our Eco Pledge may we pray and also strive to look at what we can all do to appreciate and protect our environment and the millions of species that we share it with.

God Bless Rev Mell Jemmett

Rest in Peace Janice Irene Kirby 25th August Edward Sargent 28th August Always remembered and loved.

Baptism Violet Lilian Wilson 16th August


Due to current circumstances Holy Redeemer Church is now open on: Sundays at 10am for regular worship, please notify Reverend Mell Jemmett if you wish to attend. The Community Centre will be open for external hirers. For the month of September it is anticipated that online worship, from the church, will be available in addition to the ‘live’ worship on Sunday mornings. Please watch out for updates on the Facebook page or website.

Tuesday 1st 09.00 Morning Prayer – Virtual online worship Thursday 3rd 20.30 Compline – Virtual online worship Sunday 6th 13th Sunday after Trinity 10.00 Holy Communion – in Church Tuesday 8th 09.00 Morning Prayer – Virtual online worship Thursday 10th 20.30 Compline – Virtual online worship Sunday 13th 14th Sunday after Trinity 10.00 Holy Communion – in Church Tuesday 15th 09.00 Morning Prayer – Virtual online worship Thursday 17th 20.30 Compline – Virtual online worship Sunday 20th 15th Sunday after Trinity 10.00 Holy Communion – in Church Tuesday 22nd 09.00 Morning Prayer – Virtual online worship Thursday 24th 20.30 Compline – Virtual online worship Sunday 27th 16th Sunday after Trinity 10.00 Holy Communion – in Church Tuesday 29th 09.00 Morning Prayer – Virtual online worship If you have anything for inclusion in the Calendar please telephone or email Margaret Lay, Parish Administrator – Tel: 020 8302 5356 or Email: [email protected] What should be on each day at Holy Redeemer?

Sunday: 10.00am Morning Worship

7.00pm Holy Communion (2nd Sunday only)

Monday: 9.15am – 12.15pm Holy Redeemer Pre-School (term time)

1.30pm – 2.30pm Sweaty Mama

6.00pm - 7.00pm GKR Karate

Tuesday 9.15am – 12.15pm Holy Redeemer Pre-School (term time)

1.30-m – 2.30pm Little Angels (term time only)

2.00pm – 4.00pm Cross Stitch Club

4.30pm – 9.00pm Slimming World

Wednesday: 9.15am – 12.15pm Holy Redeemer Pre-School (term time)

12.30pm – 3.00pm Community Café

7.30pm – 10.00pm Norfolk Women’s Club

Thursday: 9.15am – 12.15pm Holy Redeemer Pre-School (term time)

1.30pm – 3.00pm Blackfen Women’s Institute (2nd Thursday of month)

6.00pm – 7.00pm GKR Karate

8.00pm – 10.00pm Sidcup Medau

Friday: 9.15am – 12.15pm Holy Redeemer Pre-School (term time)

1.00pm – 2.00pm Pilates and Yoga with Nikki

6.00pm – 7.30pm Brownies – 2nd Lamorbey (term time)

7.30pm – 9.15pm Guides – 2nd Lamorbey (term time)

Saturday: 9.00am – 11.00am Sports4Tots For further details and contacts names and numbers please contact Parish Office Tel: 020 8302 5356 or Email: [email protected]

From the Churchwardens

Normally at this time of year I would be getting really excited about my forthcoming holiday in Spain but not this year. It has been put off until next year when we all hope life will have reverted to some sort of normal. At least things have progressed in that we are now able to have Sunday service in church. Some are still wary of being in a public place so haven’t ventured out yet and we look forward to welcoming them when they feel able. We have to book our place to attend and we are all allocated seats with our names on plus there is a one-way system in place. It is mandatory to wear face masks now which can be quite varied and attractive and we are not allowed to sing.. It’s quite a sight to see Mell giving Holy Communion. She comes round to us in our socially distanced seats with her mask on and a visor over that - a bit like a motorcyclist without a motorbike! (There was a picture of her in the August magazine) Still it is lovely to be able to receive Communion again even if only the bread but, hopefully, in due course we can partake of wine also. We cannot have refreshments after church but are able to chat outside for a while. I have noticed too that often when I go shopping now there are no queues to get in and some of the queue barriers have been removed. It’s often a different story to pay for your goods though but then that is because there is one queue and then you are directed to the next available checkout and actually it works well. This year of 2020 will not only be remembered for Covid 19 and Lockdown but for the heatwave! All through the Spring we had fairly decent weather but now with temperatures regularly reaching between 28 and 33 degrees Centigrade which I think is somewhere around 82-91 Fahrenheit, but don’t quote me on that, we are all melting rapidly. Isn’t it amazing though how children don’t seem bothered? I have a 5 year old next door who is constantly running around the garden with seemingly endless energy. I suppose we were all like that at that age. I wish I had her energy now. Zoom meetings have continued on Wednesdays from 2–3 p.m. thanks to Lyn James and we have been opening the church on Wednesdays and Fridays for private prayer for nearly two months now and that seems to be going fine. The opening times may be reviewed in September so watch out for changes. Thanks to all who help out with that. Mell, Brian, Arwen and Arthur had a well-deserved break and there was a wonderful photo of Arthur with some enormous dessert which I found out was a Pizza Dessert! Something we will have to look out for when next eating out. We were pleased to welcome the very pleasant Revd. Jim Brown from Offham near West Malling who took our service on 9th August. I expect like me you have noticed the nights drawing in a sure sign we are heading towards the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn. Our last Bank Holiday before Christmas is later this month. Oh, Sorry did I mention that word? Yes, some people are already counting down the days to that particular festival. Even that will be a bit different I think this year. Hopefully when you read this our children will be heading back to school and our Community Centre opening up again and, God willing, things continuing to improve. How about some of you out there writing a little piece for our magazine about your experiences of Lockdown and what has happened this year generally. You can email it to the Editor, Paul Dyer, if you are into emails or just write it out and pop it through the Vicarage letterbox and one of us can type it up for you. We would love to hear from you. In the meantime, I hope you all keep cool, safe and well. Margaret Furlonger

Bishop's Certificate Services

Our Holy Redeemer church is currently supporting two candidates, Brenda Green and Lindsey Maher, for the Bishop's Certificate in Lay Ministry. As part of their studies they were required to prepare and present a Service of The Word, and each was allowed to choose a topic close to their hearts. On Wednesday, 12th August over twenty of us attended the first one - a Healing Service presented by Brenda Green. Due to current restrictions we are unable to sing during services, but we were able to listen to Brenda's choice of music for hymns, 'Living Lord', 'My Jesus my Saviour' and 'Christ be our Light'. The laying on of hands was also not possible but Brenda's healing reflections reminded us that physical contact is not necessary to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Brenda's voice and reflections evoked a feeling of peace and healing. There was also an opportunity to light a candle during the service and pray individually for healing. It was a pleasure to participate in the service and hopefully Brenda will be able to repeat the service in the future to a wider audience. We look forward to Lindsey's service of Hope on Wednesday 19th August - further information in the October Parish News. Tina Alabaster and Dorothy Donovan



As Christians we must show how we care about God’s creation and live more lightly on the planet. We are currently living and using resources as if we each have 3 planets, clearly this is unsustainable. At Holy Redeemer we have had a Green Communion each year, celebrating our wildlife, and nature and the beauty of earth, our home. This year for Creation Time Vicar Mell has embraced all four weeks of this event and the focus will be on speaking up for our brothers and sisters in countries that have suffered more acutely from climate change. The emphasis will be on the Rainforests and the deforestation and the resulting devastation to the indigenous peoples, 50 million live in rainforests. The wildlife and habitat ravaged and the complete loss of vitally important eco systems. Every 2 seconds an area the size of a football pitch is destroyed, last year alone 100,000 Orangutans were killed. The forests supply 80% of foods, from potatoes to rice, and soya and tomatoes. Mell will help engage us in research, drawing and cut-outs, for display and a short video from the children. With some photographs and paintings for us all to see, and more important raise awareness of what is happening to the world’s rainforests. This leads us into week 3 which will highlight how each and every tree produces 76 litres of water from their canopies, which we ALL know is a renewable but not infinite resource. Our children can video what water means to them and their families. Last but no means least………ending on Hope, all things are possible if you believe. Many countries are recognising the major problems, and are re- wilding forests, and working to recover the loss. In countries such as Ecuador, India, Indonesia and Peru not to leave out Brazil. There is a list of websites to educate and provide resource materials and ideas. This year, a year like no other when climate change has shown us how we have altered the weather and temperature like never before, with more to come! www.ypte.org.uk A young people’s resources website www.churchpfengland.org www.rainforestfoundationuk.org Ingrid Riches

Off to uni...

Smith: So your son is in college? How is he making it? Jones: He isn’t. I’m making it and he is spending it. Parish pump


As you may have already noticed, the colour on the altar in church is changed from time to time, but had you realized that the smaller items that are used for communion services always match whatever hanging is used? There is good thinking behind all this, and it is not just what the Vicar fancies using each week. The large piece which hangs from the altar is called the frontal, and can be very elaborately embroidered, or fairly plain, similar to ours at Holy Redeemer. This is because the more modern ones are inclined to be simple in design. At the moment the colour we are using is green. This is used for the largest part of the church’s year….namely Trinity season. Once Pentecost (Whitsun) has passed, then green will be the colour for quite a long period, until we begin to think about preparation for Christmas and Advent. The hanging from the prayer desk where the Reader reads each week, and prayers are led, is also green to match that on the altar. This one is interesting, because the design on it was painted for us by a very dear member of our church family, many years ago. He was a wonderful youth leader and eventually became a Priest with a parish of his own. His design exactly matched the frontal. He was Ken Hayes, who sadly died some years ago. If you look towards the font, you will notice a beautiful hand painted picture, and if you look closely you may notice a lot of figures with a small addition of Holy Redeemer Church, and The Good Shepherd in the background. This was also painted by Ken, and the figures represent our congregations then. He had great gifts. To return to the altar, I wrote earlier to try to explain the names, and uses, of smaller items which are used in communion services. These will also match the colour of the frontal. Whichever Church of church you happen to visit will be using the same system of colour, unless there is a special Saints Day being celebrated, or some other important event, when it may be different. Watch this space, and the altar, because you never know what change you might see. We might even be able to celebrate the end of being apart, and being back together as one big happy church family. Anne Wallace

School Mother to young daughter after first day at school: “Well, dear, what did they teach you today?” Daughter: “Not much. I’ve got to go back again tomorrow.” Parish Pimp

Essays A second year student explaining to a first year student how to write essays: “When you take stuff from one writer, it’s plagiarism, but when you take it from many writers, it’s called research Parish Pimp



EASY CORONATION CHICKEN This is an easy dish to prepare and an efficient way to use up chicken after a roast. Can be added to jacket potatoes, tortilla wraps or sandwiches and in a colourful salad. Especially in hot weather when cooking is a chore. Ingredients: 6 Tablespoons mayonnaise 2-3 Tbspns. Mild Curry Powder, or to taste ½ ground Tbspn ground cinnamon 1-3 Tbspns sultanas, or to taste. 1 lb / 500g Shredded cooked chicken Seasoning.

MIX Mayo, Curry powder, Chutney and sultanas together in a large bowl, season to taste. Stir in the shredded chicken, add 2 Tablespoons water to loosen if required. Serve.

** How many remember the delicious Coronation Chicken signature dish at many Harvest Lunches or events made by dear Joan Bailey? She always added grapes to make it even more special. Ingrid Riches


Many Events have either been cancelled or Postponed until later in the year. Watch out for further details in future magazines and on the Church Website. Last week of September21st – 25th Creationtide (‘Eco Week’ activities) Sunday 4th October Silver Sunday Saturday 17th October Night of 70’s music with Dancing

Times and Dates will be confirmed nearer the Event. Other Events may also be held, so please look out for them in future Magazines. THIS MONTHS COVER

VENICE-A CITY OF BEAUTY This month’s cover is a pen and wash sketch of Venice-the most strange but beautiful city of light and joy like no other place you will ever visit. This year celebrates the life of the Victorian watercolourist, draughtsman poet and writer John Ruskin. Born 1819-1900, John Ruskin was privately educated and travelled extensively with his father, and these travels had huge impact on his life. He was one of the first conservators, recognising that Venice in particular with its amazing architecture and craftmanship had to be saved and preserved for future generations. A remarkable insight from 200 years ago. He wrote three volumes detailing all the precise called THE STONES, and it is a detailed and precise sketch book and painted buildings of every building in Venice. I have been to Venice, and it is like no other Italian city, unique it every way from the buildings to the canals and the surrounding islands. This year it is 200 years from Ruskin’s works, and his volumes THE STONES REVISITED are promoted. I have copies of this stunning lifetime work if anyone would care to see them. I have painted many views of Venice, and sadly fail to do it justice. Canaletto and other Artists spent years trying to capture its mystical beauty and the light on St. Marks Square takes your breath away. We all know the damage climate change is doing to the rising sea level and the threat to the Venetian canals and way of life. Time is running out for Venice, but surely awareness of the problems ahead and efforts of such as John Ruskin from 200 years ago will make a difference. INGRID RICHES • Please contact me if you would like to see John Ruskin’s Venice STONES REVISITED. Healing Service.

Some of you may recall that Brenda Green and Lindsey Maher are studying for The Bishop’s Certificate to assist with the Lay Ministry in our church. Apart from a lot of study and essay-writing they have had to do some practical work and each prepare and present a short service. On Wednesday, 12th August, Brenda led her service of Healing. It comprised of listening to hymns (and trying not to sing them although I am sure I was not alone in humming along)) readings and prayers. There was also a Healing Reflection which involved deep breathing and awareness of your own body movement all with your eyes closed. Then everyone who wished could light a candle for themselves or others who needed prayers of healing. A very peaceful and thoughtful service. Well done and thank you Brenda. Lindsey would be presenting a service of Hope on Wednesday, 19th August so no doubt there will be a report of that in next month’s magazine. Margaret Furlonger



As I am writing this (middle of August), the weather is on the turn. What else would British gardeners write about but the weather! After many days of weather which has rivalled that in Spain, finally the rain has come. Unfortunately, it has brought not only rain but thunder and lightning, and also flooding to several parts of the country. But you can’t have everything. Just after “lockdown” my garden pond was the highest level I have seen it for years – the water was just about to seep into the main garden. Now, after all the intense heat the level is extremally low, I am grateful for some storms because I will not have to top it up. The stars of the garden at the moment are three large pots of pelargoniums left out from last year. Bright pink, pale pink and red, they are blooming away on the patio being very cheerful. They don’t take much looking-after, either! Most of the roses are “taking a break”, but not the Chandos Beauty – they are flowering away, scenting the garden with their lovely perfume. Go and buy one! Any moment now, the garden centres will be full of autumn bulbs. Every year I decide not to buy so many bulbs but every year I change my mind. Thinking of all those lovely daffodils, tulips, crocus, etc., how can you resist? Well, I can’t. There are several pots of bulbs from last year tucked around the garden. Usually, the bulbs last at least two years, but some daffodils have been in pots for several years and keep coming back. I usually buy more tulip bulbs because they are not so reliable in pots, but I try to keep them for at least two years before I either plant them in the garden or put them in the compost. I have several shrubs in pots which have wonderful autumn colour, so next month should be very colourful. Enjoy your garden. Dorothy Donovan 14

You are still not sending enough Articles for Mag. So more from Parish Pump Ed.

Your face mask and your dog

Face masks have been a big adjustment for all of us, but dogs especially may be struggling, warns the animal charity, Dogs Trust. Dogs use our facial expressions to tell how we are feeling, so if they suddenly encounter people whose faces are covered, they could become confused, stressed, and even feel threatened. Their confusion may lead to a loss of obedience and cooperation with you. Here is how to get your dog used to you wearing a face mask:

• Hold your hand over your face for a moment, speak reassuringly to your dog, and then reward him. • Introduce your dog to your face mask, let him sniff it and let him see you put it up to your face, and then down again. Reward him. • Put it on for a moment. Reassure and reward him. • Put it on and move about the room, while reassuring him. Reward him. • Gradually build up the length of time that you wear the face mask around him. Keep reassuring him. Reward him. Expect that he may not be so quick to understand and obey you when you are wearing the mask – be patient. Don’t take him into public places where many people are wearing masks, unless you absolutely have to do so. It could be very stressful for him.

Dogs can mean better-behaved children

Is your child naughty? Consider getting a dog.

A recent study has found that children who grow up with a dog are far more likely to be willing to share and help others. Researchers at the University of Western Australia in Perth have found that young children who live with a dog and who frequently interact with family members who interact with the pet dog are far less likely to be naughty or uncooperative. Small children who are taken for a dog walk with their parents and siblings at least once a week even show a 30 per cent drop in being naughty and disruptive, and a 40 per cent drop in falling-out with friends. “Dogs help children learn about responsibility and unconditional loyalty. But they can also help with language development and verbal skills, while promoting trust and empathy.” Say the researchers. Their study was published in the journal Paediatric Research. 15







Miss Anne Wallace on 020 8300 3634 email:- annewallace135@ btinternet.com or Paul Dyer Magazine Editor on 020 8300 1606. email: - [email protected]


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