Agenda Item 3

South County Local Committee

4 March 2014 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 7.00pm in Committee Room 3, County Hall, Chichester.

Present: Margaret Evans (Chairman and Chichester South), Louise Goldsmith (Chichester West), Jeremy Hunt (Vice Chairman and Chichester North), Sandra James (Bourne), Pieter Montyn (The Witterings), Simon Oakley (Chichester East) and Bernard Smith ().

Welcome and Introductions

67. The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting.

Declaration of Interests

68. Margaret Evans declared an interest as a member of Chichester Ship Canal Trust, who had submitted an application for Community Initiative Funding (agenda item 9). No other interests were declared.


69. Resolved - that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2013 were approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman, subject to the correction in minute number 47 that Ms James is a member of Chidham and Hambrook Parish Council (not Chidham Parish Council).

Urgent Matters

70. None.

B2178 (Old Broyle Road / Road) Proposed 40mph Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order

71. The Committee considered a report by the Director of Service Operations (copy appended to the signed minutes). Mr Joel Sykes, Assistant Highway Manager, introduced the report which set out a proposal to introduce a 40mph speed limit on the above length of the B2178 between East Ashling and Chichester. This was in response to concerns from Funtington Parish Council, East Ashling Action Group and other frontagers. The Committee were asked to note that 25 of the 29 responses regarding the advertised proposal objected to reducing the length of the current East Ashling 30mph speed limit whilst fully supporting the proposed length of 40mph. In response to that weight of objection the element to reduce the length of the existing 30mph speed limit had been dropped from the final proposal.

72. The Chairman invited comments from the Committee which included: • The Member for Chichester West, Ms Goldsmith, reported she had been campaigning for this 40mph speed limit for some time and was pleased that the proposal had come forward. It was necessary as there had been some very serious accidents and it would improve safety, particularly at the Salthill Road junction. Ms Goldsmith supported the amendment to the advertised TRO, following concerns raised by residents. • Mindful of the comments provided by Police that the lower speed limit would not be self-enforced. However, it was felt that drivers would reduce their speed. • had also commented on the need for white lines to be altered, which would be carried out. • Unsure of the need for a speed reduction on this section of road. However, other Members commented that there were many junctions, lanes and minor roads that exited onto the B2178 and so the TRO was required to increase safety.

73. Resolved that - South Chichester County Local Committee authorise the Head of Law and Governance to make the order for a 40mph speed limit along the advertised length of the B2178, but not including a change to the present 30mph speed limit at East Ashling.

TRO and School Keep Clear Report

74. The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities Commissioning (copy appended to the signed minutes). Mr Dan Sanders, Principal Community Officer, introduced the report which sought the Committee’s agreement to a package of highways and transport Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) priorities to be added to the Infrastructure Plan (IP) and programmed for delivery alongside other IP priorities.

75. The Chairman invited comments from the Committee which included: • Each Member had had quite extensive discussions with the Principal Community Officers in order to produce priorities set out in the appendices. • TROs supported by S106 contributions would proceed if the local Member had prioritised them.

76. Resolved that - South Chichester County Local Committee:

(1) Agree the inclusion of a package of TRO priorities within the IP, which appear technically deliverable and have evidence of community support, to be programmed for delivery alongside other IP priorities as set out in Appendix A.

(2) Agree that the TRO package of priorities will be reviewed annually recognising that additional TRO proposals can only be added if funds are identified (refer to paragraph 1.7 of the report).

(3) Note issues requiring further investigation (e.g. technical and/ or evidence of community support) prior to considering a TRO solution and any subsequent prioritisation in the IP as set out in Appendix B of the report.

Progress Statement

77. The Committee noted the report (copy appended to the signed minutes).

78. The Member for Chichester East, Mr Oakley, requested further information on the paths and crossings around and the Bognor footbridge (minute 60 of the meeting held on 3 December 2013). It had been an issue for some time and he also requested an update on the status of the S106 funding.

79. The Member for Bourne, Ms James, asked that the County Council reconsider gritting Chidham School. talk with us (Open Forum)

80. The Chairman invited questions and comments from residents in attendance which included: • Carol Purnell, Selsey Parish Council – asked if the County Council could be more robust in ensuring that the utility companies carried out good quality repairs and resurfacing to roads and paths after they had completed their work. Mr Montyn, in his capacity as Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, reported that the County Council was robust in this and also had a process to ensure that repairs and resurfacing was carried out to a good quality. • Mr James Colbourne, resident – raised concerns about the maintenance and condition of a public right of way which runs from Thorney Road in Southbourne to the harbour wall. Mr Colbourne had made a number of representations to the County Council, but had not seen any changes. Ms Goldsmith offered to meet Mr Colbourne at the location. Mr Colbourne also raised concerns regarding an answer he had received to a recent Freedom of Information request. The Committee asked Mr Colbourne for a copy of the relevant correspondence, which would be passed to officers. • Mike White, East Broyle Residents Association, asked the Committee: o Whether the proposed School Safety Zone (SSZ) for Norwich Road been withdrawn in accordance with the community’s and school’s request. o For detail of the School Keep Clear markings in Norwich Road. o When Norwich Road and Worcester Road would be resurfaced. The Member for Chichester North, Mr Hunt, reported he would discuss all the questions raised by Mr White with the Principal Community Officer and respond directly to Mr White. • Mike Nichols, Selsey Cricket Club – thanked the Committee for the Community Initiative Funding grant, which had been awarded at the previous meeting. • Geoffrey Boys, Funtington Parish Council – requested that the County Council keep parish councils informed when any flooding repair work is carried out in their parishes. The Committee apologised for any gaps in communication and agreed to pass the request on to officers. • Trevor Tupper, resident of Stockbridge Road – requested better communication regarding any works on the A27 that result in diversions, as lorries had recently been using Stockbridge Road when the A27 had been closed overnight for repairs. The Committee reported that the A27 and any communication regarding it was the responsibility of the Highway Agency. Mr Tupper also raised concerns that rail replacement buses turning into Stockbridge Road were too big for the road and struggled to pass over a hump. The Committee reported that the bus company should report any issues to the County Council.

Community Initiative Funding

81. The Committee considered a report by the Head of Law and Governance (copy appended to the signed minutes) which detailed applications for Community Initiative Funding. The Committee debated the respective merits of the projects for which funding was sought.

82. The Chairman asked the Committee to note that since the last meeting an application for Community Initiative Funding had been approved by urgent action. The application, reference 197/SC, from Hunston Village Hall was for the purchase of a range cooker and extractor fan and £750 had been awarded. The urgent action report was published on 3 January 2014.

83. The Chairman reported that the application from Chichester Community Development Trust (reference 255/SC) had been withdrawn by the applicant.

84. Resolved that -

a) The following awards were made:

194/SC NCT Coastal, £500, towards the purchase of new cloth nappies.

196/SC Youth Dream, £2,500, towards improvement of Selsey Internet Radio.

216/SC Westbourne Local History Group, £1,500 towards the cost of correcting and adding names to the War Memorial.

221/SC Village Hall, £1,000 towards internal redecoration.

228/SC Noise Project Chichester, £2,000 towards support for various inclusive community events.

238/SC Arts Dream, £2,000 towards the costs of staging "the End of the Journey" event.

243/SC Village Hall, £2,400 towards a new dishwasher and water heater.

246/SC Transition Chichester, £2,000 towards purchase of equipment for apple harvesting and juicing.

250/SC Oving Scarecrows, £155 towards the purchase of Poppy seeds to commemorate the Great War.

251/SC Chichester Access Group, £300 towards the printing of 500 window stickers.

261/SC Chichester Ship Canal Trust, £2,585 towards the purchase of Work Party equipment.

b) The following applications were declined :

213/SC Chichester Lymphoedema Support Group, £2,500, to subsidise classes for exercise and swimming. The application was declined as it did not meet the criteria of the Community Initiative Funding scheme. The Committee suggested that the applicant instead apply to the Prevention and Wellbeing Fund, applications for which would be considered at the next meeting on 17 June 2014.

222/SC Cancerwise, £1,550, towards the costs of delivering 5 Living Well with the Impact of Cancer Courses. The application was declined as it did not meet the criteria of the Community Initiative Funding scheme. The Committee suggested that the applicant instead apply to the Prevention and Wellbeing Fund, applications for which would be considered at the next meeting on 17 June 2014.

253/SC The Big Green Cargo Trike Project, £2,349.63, towards printing, insurance and web creation. The application was declined as it did not meet the criteria of the Community Initiative Funding scheme, the County Council already funded and supported (and would continue to support) a number of existing projects to promote cycling and there were concerns regarding safety and insurance.

263/SC Cruse West Sussex, £1,000, towards room hire. The application was declined as it did not meet the criteria of the Community Initiative Funding scheme. The Committee suggested that the applicant instead apply to the Prevention and Wellbeing Fund, applications for which would be considered at the next meeting on 17 June 2014.

269/SC Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group, £5,000, towards the assessment and mapping of the wetlands on the Manhood Peninsula. The application was declined as it did not meet the criteria of the Community Initiative Fund scheme.

c). Any Community Initiative Funding remaining by 31 March 2014 be allocated to Chichester Foodbank (Orchard Street, Chichester).

Appointment of Authority School Governors

85. The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities Commissioning (copy appended to the signed minutes).

86. Resolved – that the South Chichester County Local Committee make the following appointments and reappointments:

a) Appointments:

Mrs Stephanie Crowther to Lancastrian Infant School for a 4 year term. Mr Greg Ockwell to Chichester Nursery School for a 4 year term. Mrs Rebecca Bailey to Westbourne Primary School for a 4 year term.

b) Re-appointments:

Mr MHR Tomlinson to Jessie Younghusband CP School for a 4 year term. Mr AG Dickinson to Jessie Younghusband CP School for a 4 year term

c). Defer

Ms Linda Reeves to Southbourne Infant School for a 4 year term – in order to request further information.

Date of Next Meeting

87. The Chairman reported that the next meeting would be held on 17 June 2014 in Committee Room 3 at County Hall, Chichester.

The meeting closed at 8.43pm
