Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 No. 57 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was The question was taken; and the ceived his degree, also. He was ordained called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Speaker pro tempore announced that in 1983. pore (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan). the ayes appeared to have it. We are also delighted to have the f Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam eighth-grade class of the St. Ann Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Catholic Church with us this morning DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER and nays. from Morganfield, and they will be tak- PRO TEMPORE The yeas and nays were ordered. ing a tour of the Capitol. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- So, once again, I want to thank Fa- fore the House the following commu- ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- ther Baker for being with us today, for nication from the Speaker: ceedings on this question will be post- his leadership in our congressional dis- WASHINGTON, DC, poned. trict as well as in the State of Ken- April 19, 2012. f tucky, and for the spiritual leadership I hereby appoint the Honorable CANDICE S. he provides our citizens. MILLER to act as Speaker pro tempore on PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE this day. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the JOHN A. BOEHNER, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Speaker of the House of Representatives. gentlewoman from New York (Ms. PRO TEMPORE f HOCHUL) come forward and lead the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRAYER Ms. HOCHUL led the Pledge of Alle- Chair will entertain up to 5 requests Reverend Gerald Baker, St. Ann giance as follows: for 1-minute speeches on each side of Catholic Church, Morganfield, Ken- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the aisle. tucky, offered the following prayer: United States of America, and to the Repub- f Heavenly Father, we thank You this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, day for Your many blessings to us as indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. IN TRIBUTE TO HERB BRAV citizens of the United States of Amer- f (Mr. WOMACK asked and was given ica: for our Nation, for our freedom, for permission to address the House for 1 our prosperity, for our heritage, for our WELCOMING THE REVEREND minute.) defenders past and present, for the GERALD BAKER Mr. WOMACK. Madam Speaker, I rise beauty of our land, for our families, for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without today to remember the life and service our faith in You, for all whom we love. objection, the gentleman from Ken- of Command Sergeant Major (retired) Keep us in Your watchful care. Make tucky (Mr. WHITFIELD) is recognized for Herb Brav. us strong as a people. Bless our unity. 1 minute. This extraordinary American, who Bless our diversity. Bless this august There was no objection. served his country in uniform for over body in its deliberations. Mr. WHITFIELD. Madam Speaker, I 30 years and another 27 years as water- May God bless us every one. am delighted that, today, Father Ger- front, gymnasium, and physical fitness Amen. ald Baker, pastor of the St. Ann Catho- director for the Multinational Force f lic Church in Morganfield, Kentucky, and Observers, Sinai, Egypt, died THE JOURNAL gave our opening prayer. March 9, 2012, in St. Augustine, Flor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The He has served as pastor in ida. Chair has examined the Journal of the Morganfield since 2003. Prior to that, Herb was a legend. A former heavy- last day’s proceedings and announces Father Baker was also the pastor in weight boxer, he joined the Army in to the House her approval thereof. my hometown of Hopkinsville, Ken- 1947, served tours in Korea, the Phil- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tucky, where he was a wonderful com- ippines and Vietnam. His iconic service nal stands approved. munity leader. with the MFO impacted thousands of Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam Among other things, he started the soldiers from many contingent forces. I Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I St. Luke’s Free Clinic in Hopkinsville. fondly remember his mantra: ‘‘When demand a vote on agreeing to the He received his Master of Divinity de- the will is strong, everything is easy.’’ Speaker’s approval of the Journal. gree from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Soldiering was everything to this pa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in Emmitsburg, Maryland, in 1983, and triot. He rarely took a vacation, and question is on the Speaker’s approval I might say that was the same year never spent a Christmas away from the of the Journal. that our chaplain, Father Conroy, re- soldiers at South Camp.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:05 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.000 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Madam Speaker, it is a great honor 1978, but I fear we are at an end. We manu- actively obstruct any attempt to rec- to speak on behalf of MFO veterans facture 400 products, all made from the same ognize what has happened to the Arme- worldwide, his wife, Gisela, and his two materials. The new product safety regula- nian people. children in saluting Herb Brav for his tions require that we certify every product The United States can help bring clo- to the tune of about $500 per product, even sure to this longstanding moral issue service to country and his fellow man. though they’re all made from the same ma- Let us remember his immortal words: terials. Do the math: $175,000 or more just to by recognizing the Armenian genocide. ‘‘When the will is strong, everything is get these products that we’ve made since ’78 That’s why I’m proud to be a sponsor of easy.’’ certified. Add on the health care fines and House Resolution 304, which would for- f the rising cost of gasoline and the rising mally recognize this atrocity. To date, property and sales and income taxes—well, 88 Members of this body have joined me SERGEANT WILLIAM WILSON III you know the rest of the story. in support of the resolution. (Ms. HOCHUL asked and was given Madam Speaker, the regulators close I urge all of my other colleagues to permission to address the House for 1 the doors of small businesses like Su- support what is a very important reso- minute and to revise and extend her re- san’s, and that ought not to be. lution. marks.) And that’s just the way it is. If we do nothing, the victims of this horrible genocide may be forgotten. We Ms. HOCHUL. I rise today to honor f and recognize a true American patriot, cannot allow that to happen. Sergeant William Wilson of Amherst, b 0910 f New York, my district, for giving the LANCE CORPORAL ABRAHAM DAN-LOC AND AMERICAN ultimate sacrifice and service to his TARWOE MANUFACTURING country. On March 26 of this year, Ser- geant Wilson lost his life defending us (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked in Afghanistan while serving with permission to address the House for 1 and was given permission to address NATO forces. minute.) the House for 1 minute and to revise Billy, as he was fondly called by his Mr. CICILLINE. Madam Speaker, I and extend his remarks.) mom and dad and his brothers, served rise today in honor of Lance Corporal Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam our country for 7 years, and was on his Abraham Tarwoe of the United States Speaker, I rise in support of small busi- third tour of duty. His commander Marine Corps. ness and domestic manufacturing in said: A Liberian American, Lance Corporal our district and throughout our coun- try and the need for Congress to sup- Without question, he was my best, most Tarwoe elected to serve the United skilled and talented squad leader. That’s who States when he joined the Marine port manufacturing and job creation. Billy was—selfless, dedicated and always Corps in 2009. He was promoted to the Last week, I visited DAN-LOC Bolt & putting his heart and soul into his soldiers. rank of lance corporal just 2 years ago. Gasket, a bolt and metal gasket manu- If you ask his family or friends and As a mortar man with the 2nd Bat- facturer located in our district in look into the eyes of his mom and dad, talion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Ma- Houston. DAN-LOC’s products are they are overwhelmed with pride of his rine Division based at Camp Lejeune in highly regarded for their quality and service. Billy was proud to put on the North Carolina, Lance Corporal Tarwoe longevity. They produce for our energy uniform and to serve our country. His was conducting combat operations as industry the bolt like I’m holding right smile would light up a room. Just ask part of Operation Enduring Freedom in now. In recent years, DAN-LOC, like thou- any of the thousands of people who Helmand province in Afghanistan when sands of similar businesses throughout came and paid tribute to him just this he lost his life on April 12. our country, has been under attack past week—a devoted family friend, re- Among other awards, Lance Corporal from cheap and low-quality competi- spected and loved by many. To his Tarwoe earned the Combat Action Rib- tion from overseas that has actually brother, he was known as Superman. bon and Sea Service Deployment Rib- forced businesses to either close their For his brave efforts, Sergeant Wilson bon. doors or make drastic cuts. These for- was posthumously awarded the Bronze His family is planning to hold a bur- eign imports are oftentimes cheaper Star and the Purple Heart. ial service in Liberia, following a me- than the raw materials to produce But my message today is for Billy’s morial service in the United States on these bolts. They can only do this with parents, Bill and Kim, for his brothers April 28. illegal subsidies from their govern- Jeremy and Wesley, for his fiancee, for My thoughts and prayers are with ments. his entire family, for his grandma. I Lance Corporal Tarwoe’s wife, their 1- year-old son, and their entire extended We can no longer ignore this issue; want them to know from a grateful Na- otherwise, our Nation will no longer tion: your boy did not die in vain. He family. As a grateful Nation and with heavy have a manufacturing sector and the honored our country with his service, millions of middle class jobs it sup- and for that we are forever grateful. hearts, we remember him today for making the ultimate sacrifice in de- ports. f fense of our freedom and on behalf of Congress needs to remember the hard THE VOICE OF TEXAS—THE our Nation. May we honor his memory workers who make these bolts and sup- REGULATORS V. SUSAN always. port their jobs. f (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was f given permission to address the House CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ILLI- for 1 minute.) ANNIVERSARY OF ARMENIAN NOIS MATH AND SCIENCE ACAD- Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, GENOCIDE EMY it’s a new day in Washington, and soon (Mr. DOLD asked and was given per- (Mr. HULTGREN asked and was the unelected, unaccountable regu- mission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House lators will be sending out new rules to minute and to revise and extend his re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend the people. marks.) his remarks.) The fourth branch of government Mr. DOLD. Madam Speaker, about 97 Mr. HULTGREN. Madam Speaker, I meddles in every aspect of our lives. In years ago, the government of the Otto- rise to congratulate the Illinois Mathe- the name of saving us from ourselves, man Empire killed over 1.5 million peo- matics and Science Academy on their they regulate, regulate, regulate with- ple during the Armenian genocide. The 25 years of excellent education. out regard to the consequences of these Turkish state has never accepted re- Since opening its doors to students in expensive government mandates. sponsibility for the acts of its prede- 1986, the academy has graduated nearly Sometimes they put businesses out of cessor government and maintains that 5,000 students and brought national and business. Susan, a small business the genocide never took place. global recognition to the State of Illi- owner in Texas, wrote me this: For the past 90 years, the Armenian nois. Our small business has operated on a shoe- people have sought justice, yet the With a focus on science, technology, string for several years, and we started in Turkish Government has continued to engineering, and mathematics, or

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:05 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.003 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1981 STEM, eduction, IMSA has developed Unfortunately, a lack of effective for- call up House Resolution 620 and ask the talented workforce our State and est management in the United States for its immediate consideration. Nation needs to compete in the modern has led to poor forest health. This can The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- world. Furthermore, the academy has and does cause catastrophic forest lows: provided opportunities to under- fires. H. RES. 620 resourced students, effectively break- Recently, in Colorado, the North Resolved, That upon the adoption of this ing down geographic and socio- Fork fire destroyed 27 homes and killed resolution it shall be in order to consider in economic barriers. 3 homeowners. The fire was caused by a the House the bill (H.R. 9) to amend the In- I am proud to represent the academy prescribed burn designed to prevent a ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a de- here in Washington, and I’m proud of catastrophic forest fire. Clearly, this duction for domestic business income of the way IMSA alumni represent Illi- incident exemplifies the need for alter- qualified small businesses. All points of nois. native forest management tools, such order against consideration of the bill are waived. The amendment in the nature of a I’d like to add a special thanks to Dr. as increased timber harvesting, to re- substitute recommended by the Committee Leon Letterman. His vision helped duce the risk of wildfires in the future. on Ways and Means now printed in the bill found the academy; his leadership has Through prudent forest management shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as helped it to become what it is today, and the ability to access and harvest amended, shall be considered as read. All and his presence will be missed after he our timber resources, these commu- points of order against provisions in the bill, retires. nities can support jobs while fostering as amended, are waived. The previous ques- Congratulations to the Illinois Math healthy forests, safeguarding the nat- tion shall be considered as ordered on the and Science Academy, and good luck to ural beauty of Colorado and the Na- bill, as amended, and on any further amend- tion, and protecting against dangerous ment thereto, to final passage without inter- the Titan Robotics Team as they com- vening motion except: (1) one hour of debate pete in St. Louis. wildfires. equally divided and controlled by the chair f f and ranking minority member of the Com- MILITARY KID OF THE YEAR ROTARY DAY mittee on Ways and Means; (2) the further amendment in the nature of a substitute (Mr. WALZ of Minnesota asked and (Mr. DEUTCH asked and was given printed in the report of the Committee on was given permission to address the permission to address the House for 1 Rules accompanying this resolution, if of- House for 1 minute and to revise and minute and to revise and extend his re- fered by Representative Levin of Michigan or extend his remarks.) marks.) his designee, which shall be in order without Mr. WALZ of Minnesota. Madam Mr. DEUTCH. Madam Speaker, today intervention of any point of order, shall be I rise to recognize the White House’s considered as read, and shall be separately Speaker, I rise today to honor Ms. Syd- debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and ney Schmidt. first-ever Rotary Day. Tomorrow, controlled by the proponent and an oppo- Sydney hails from Hayfield, Min- Americans from Rotary Clubs across nent; and (3) one motion to recommit with or nesota, the First Congressional Dis- the Nation will be honored as cham- without instructions. trict of Minnesota, and was recently pions of change in their communities. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- named the Military Kid of the Year. Many of us in this House frequent tleman from Texas is recognized for 1 She is the daughter of Mary Kay and Rotary Clubs throughout our districts. hour. Lieutenant Colonel Brad Schmidt and I’m always pleased to meet with con- AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. SESSIONS a sister to Dani Schmidt. stituents so committed to honest dis- Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I As a high school teacher and a 24- cussion, civic engagement, and the bet- ask unanimous consent to amend the year veteran of our military, I under- terment of our community. resolution with an amendment I have stand how challenging it is for families Last week, at a meeting of a Rotary placed at the desk. when parents are deployed overseas. Club in Coral Springs, Florida, I was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The We know that when a parent is called reminded of something I would like to Clerk will report the amendment. to duty, they aren’t the only ones who share with you today. It’s called the The Clerk read as follows: serve this Nation. The family serves us Four-Way Test. These principles guide as well. Rotary members in their daily lives, Page 2, line 8 strike ‘‘one hour’’ and insert and they read as follows: ‘‘70 minutes’’. Sydney maintains a 4.0 grade aver- Page 2, line 16 strike ‘‘20’’ and insert ‘‘25’’. age, volunteers as a Big Sister, tutors Is it the truth? elementary students, spends time with Is it fair to all concerned? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there senior citizens, and, as well, excels at Will it build goodwill and better objection to the request of the gen- band and sports. friendships? tleman from Texas? I applaud Sydney’s ability to set an Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Without objection, the resolution is example for her peers, not only in Hay- Madam Speaker, Washington has amended. field, but across this country. Sydney’s been paralyzed by partisan politics and There was no objection. remarkable achievements at such a a disappointing level of discourse. If we Mr. SESSIONS. Thank you, Madam young age are a testament to her pas- could just approach our Nation’s prob- Speaker. sion for community, her involvement lems a bit more like the Rotary Club’s Madam Speaker, for the purpose of and her love of country. We honor Four-Way Test, we would all be better debate only, I yield the customary 30 those achievements and the example off. After all, at a time of great chal- minutes to my friend from Florida (Mr. she has set for others. lenges facing our Nation, the American HASTINGS), pending which I yield my- Congratulations to Sydney, all the people deserve no less than a Congress self such time as I may consume. Dur- military kids, families, and service- that operates with honesty, builds bi- ing consideration of this resolution, all members. I and the rest of this Nation partisanship, and bases decisions on time yielded is for the purpose of de- thank you for your service to America. whether or not they will be beneficial bate only. to all our citizens. GENERAL LEAVE f Enjoy your visit to the White House Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I AMERICA’S NATIONAL FORESTS tomorrow for Rotary Day. I hope the ask unanimous consent that all Mem- (Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado asked Rotary’s Four-Way Test visits this U.S. bers have 5 legislative days to revise and was given permission to address Congress very soon. and extend their remarks. the House for 1 minute and to revise f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and extend his remarks.) b 0920 objection to the request of the gen- Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Madam tleman from Texas? Speaker, if managed wisely, America’s PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION There was no objection. national forests can provide a safe OF H.R. 9, SMALL BUSINESS TAX Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I wildlife habitat, recreational opportu- CUT ACT rise today in support of this rule and nities, and thousands of jobs in the Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, by the underlying bill. House Resolution timber industry. direction of the Committee on Rules, I 620 provides a structured rule for H.R.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:05 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.005 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 9, the Small Business Tax Cut Act. The cause we must grow our economy by Democrats, quite likely, as we have bill was introduced on March 21, 2012, giving those job creators a chance to heard up in the Rules Committee and by our leader, the gentleman from Vir- get that done. seen in the press, will oppose this novel ginia (Mr. CANTOR), and was ordered re- H.R. 9 will allow small businesses concept because they really want ported by the Committee on Ways and under 500 full-time employees to take a Washington lawmakers and bureau- Means on April 10. tax deduction equal to 20 percent of crats, not our hardworking constitu- The rule provides for consideration of their domestic business income. So, no ents back home, to have the avail- an amendment in the nature of a sub- matter how they’re organized under ability to get those dollars. I’m proud stitute as is standard practice for this the Tax Code, under the bill the size of to tell the small businesses in the con- legislation when dealing with tax pol- the tax cut is kept at 50 percent of W– gressional district that I represent in icy. 2 wages paid, encouraging increasing Dallas, Irving, Addison, and Richard- Madam Speaker, today we will be hiring. I have been in touch with small son, Texas, that with this bill those considering the underlying legislation, businesses across Dallas, Texas, and small businesses, not just in my con- which will allow the House of Rep- across that area, and we do understand gressional district that I am lucky to resentatives yet another opportunity that small business wants to come and represent, but all across this country, to ease the burden on small businesses create more jobs to increase the will be able to see the potential, will be across America by giving them the eco- amount of not just employment, but to able to grow and succeed and, perhaps nomic tools to create jobs and to help help them grow their businesses. In re- most of all, it is a group of people in grow our economy. It would be an un- turn, what happens is that loyalty that Washington who are willing to listen to derstatement not to recognize that this comes from entrepreneurship to those the needs of small business, men and country, including small business, is employees and obviously, then, Uncle women who are trying to create the under duress. Sam, gets the advantage because taxes avenues of success, not just for them We are under duress in this country. are being paid instead of paying for un- and the American Dream, but also for The economic circumstances, which employment. more employees. Small business, we know, employs abound across the entire country, are b 0930 not only obvious to every one of our about half of our private sector work- citizens but also to this body, and we force and generates 65 percent of our I encourage my colleagues to vote for are here doing our job today following new jobs. What we are here on the floor this fair rule and the underlying bill, through not just in regular order, but talking about today supports ideas and I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I thank the process to make sure that we are that come straight from these small business job creators, directly from my friend for yielding the time. talking about what Congress should be I would begin a little bit unusually doing to aid small business. I believe men and women, many minorities, many moms who are in the market- by asking a few questions of my friend that by giving them the economic and then yielding to him for any re- tools, the free enterprise system and place who are trying to help their fam- ily to make sure that they can perhaps sponse that he may have. entrepreneurs, men and women, will pay for their kids to go to college, A gentleman named Bruce Bartlett know exactly what to do because we’re ideas that they have. was the former Department economist allowing them competitive advantages. Entrepreneurship, the American for President Ronald Reagan. He Earlier this week, congressional Dream, is what we are talking about makes this comment: The serious point Democrats and President Obama of- today, and we need to keep that dream here is that the term ‘‘small business’’ fered their competing plan, and their alive. With an unemployment rate con- casts a very wide net. plan is to raise taxes on small busi- sistently over 8 percent for the past 3 Indeed, since the only test for being a nesses. We disagree with that. years, it’s time that we not only take small business under the legislation, as Today, the Republicans in the House aggressive action, but that we do the my good friend proposes, is the number of Representatives, under the great tu- things that are being asked for that of employees, the ultimate bene- telage and leadership of our majority will create jobs. ficiaries of the Republican bill will be leader, ERIC CANTOR, offer a different In my home State of Texas, the 14 some large and profitable businesses vision for America. Despite their best million citizens who work for 387,000 that just happen to have few employ- effort, congressional Democrats think small businesses and 1.69 million sole ees. that we can tax our way to improving proprietorships will see immediate ben- What is my friend’s response to that? our economy. It’s really simple logic. efits from this bill. They call that re- Mr. SESSIONS. Thank you for yield- Increasing taxes on job creators will lief. They call that competitiveness, ing me the time, and I hope that the not help create jobs. It will place new and we call it up here giving back to substance that I provide back is of impediments and roadblocks for not those job creators what they need by great measure to the gentleman’s re- just job creation, but the opportunity listening to them and then offering so- quest. for business and small business to be lutions. Those real Texans are strug- First of all, let me say I know Bruce successful. gling even in the midst of perhaps one Bartlett. I had a chance to work with Congressional Republicans, once of the best economies in this country. Mr. Bartlett when I served as vice again today, will stand with small Texans are still struggling, and small president of the National Center for businesses across the Nation as we de- business needs this opportunity today. Policy Analysis. Mr. Bartlett was a mand less government intervention Madam Speaker, just a few weeks contributor not just to the NCPA, but and more marketplace creativity and ago, Congress and the President came of economic terms. the opportunity for small business to together to pass what was known as I will completely agree with Mr. get what it needs. the JOBS Act, a bill designed and des- Bartlett that there are many out there Madam Speaker, as this Congress and ignated to generate unique sources of who have successful businesses. Our the American people know, job cre- new credit for small business. I was point is we want them all to grow. Suc- ators are small businesses. They are proud to manage that rule and for leg- cessful businesses are able to hire new the engine of our economy and, as a islation that not only passed on a bi- people. Unsuccessful businesses strug- former chairman of the board for a partisan effort, but has become law. gle and cannot provide not only an in- small chamber of commerce in Dallas, This underlying bill today applies crease in the amount of pay, but also Texas, the Greater East Dallas Cham- those very same principles. But instead the benefit issue becomes difficult. So ber of Commerce, I saw firsthand entre- of opening up new avenues of credit, we want people to be successful. And I preneurship and the availability of tal- this legislation before us enables the think Mr. Bartlett is correct. It’s a ent that was necessary in small busi- very same small businesses to keep wide swath. ness. That same engine of our economy more of what they have earned and to I want small business, because of the is what we are trying to restart and ig- reinvest into their own business and to size, not because of how successful they nite today. Congressional Republicans make sure that that capital that was are, to be able to employ more people. will continue to promote job creation difficult to achieve is now possible And that’s what Republicans are trying through robust economic growth be- through their own success. to do. Guilty as charged.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:05 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.008 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1983 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Then I that would not necessarily work. Well, cans opportunity. Toward that end, ask my friend first to just listen, and why are we spending the time on this what is a $46 billion measure going to then I will ask yet another question. when my friend and I know that this do, other than blow a hole in the def- Mr. Bartlett also said this: measure is not going to become law for icit, since it’s not paid for? The Republican tax plan will do nothing the reason, whether we like it or not, I yield to my friend. whatsoever to increase employment. It is that the is not Mr. SESSIONS. I appreciate that and nothing more than an election-year give- going to pass it? thank you so much for asking the ques- away to favored Republican constituencies Last week, contrary to what you tion. and should not be taken seriously. said, in the United States Senate the The gentleman was here in 1997. The But I ask my friend, after hearing President’s plan and the Democrats’ exact same arguments took place as we what Mr. Bartlett said, and listening to plan was offered where there would be worked with President Clinton, and we you, as well, saying that it’s suggested an alternative minimum tax for people were told on this floor a capital gains that there will be jobs, is there a re- that pay a million dollars or more in tax cut will result in $9 million not quirement in the legislation as is pro- taxes. It’s been referred to as the coming into the Treasury, and $554 mil- posed that requires the creation of Buffett rule. You said that it didn’t lion appeared quickly in that same tax jobs? pass. It had a majority. But it didn’t year. Mr. SESSIONS. I thank the gen- come up because Republicans didn’t I would say to the gentleman, if we tleman. allow for it to have a majority. Where- encourage people to go do things, they Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Can you as, had it come up, it likely would have will turn things into great opportuni- give me a ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’? passed because some Republicans ties. Mr. SESSIONS. Here’s what I can would have caused it to pass, also. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Reclaim- give. Mr. Bartlett is wrong, because I You don’t create jobs with your 20 ing my time, we can point back. I’m know there will be at least one new net percent. And now you need to answer talking about what you’re trying to do job created, and I know that because for me: What if somebody, after they today. What you’re trying to do today the testimony and information that I get the 20 percent, rather than hiring is blowing a $46 billion hole in the def- received last week as I was at the somebody, fires somebody; do they still icit, which will destroy opportunity. North Dallas Chamber, several people get the tax cut? I thank my friend, and let me move told me this is exactly what they need. Mr. SESSIONS. Thank you very on, now that I’ve had the opportunity They needed the jobs bill to get credit. much for yielding. to talk with you. They need this opportunity. As the gentleman knows quite well b 0940 And what’s interesting is, on the re- from the legislation and from the hear- verse side, is where Illinois, in Janu- ing which we had in the Rules Com- I rise in strong opposition to this ary, a full year ago, passed a bill which mittee yesterday, that while these are rule and its opportunity-destroying increased taxes, and they lost 58,000 great questions that you ask, the an- under the underlying bill. When it jobs in Illinois quickly because of high swer is we do not tell them what to do. comes to small businesses, Congress taxes. We’re trying to make it easier to There are no limitations in this bill should work to create chances for grow small business. Mr. Bartlett that would say that you must or must smart, savvy, small business owners to seems like there will be no new job not do these things. We don’t do that. thrive so that hardworking Americans growth—there will be—and he knows We try and encourage, on the Repub- can get a fair shot at a good paying job better than that. lican side, and believe that this is what for an honest day’s work and thereby Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Let me small business is asking for. I think ensure that our economic recovery con- offer to my friend a complaint: the fact you will be shocked with not only the tinues. that this matter didn’t go through reg- success, if we had testimony from these Instead, the Republican bill creates ular order, did not have hearings. It did small businesses, but this is what only one opportunity, and that is the have one question period during the they’re asking for. opportunity for those that are better Ways and Means Committee markup, Let’s go to the worthiness of why off, including those of us in the United and the person that was being ques- would we possibly push an agenda that States Congress, to pay less than we tioned on the Committee on Taxation will never be held to the light of day could and can as our fair share in was the chief of staff, Thomas with a vote in the United States Sen- taxes. Barthold. And when he was asked ate—for the same reason that the Make no mistake: H.R. 9, despite its about the effects of H.R. 9—and the President will never get a tax increase name, is not going to level the playing question was put to him by our col- from JOHN BOEHNER. This Republican field so that American businesses can league, Mr. BECERRA: Is there a re- House will not increase taxes, and so I create the kinds of opportunities that quirement that you create jobs? Mr. don’t know why the President is doing the average American needs. That’s be- Barthold says: There’s no requirement what he’s doing. cause House Republicans have made on the result of the tax relief. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. All of the benefits of this bill available to a I go back to you and ask you again: what my friend says is most regret- wide range of enterprises owned by Is there a requirement that jobs be cre- table. One of the things that I’m sure wealthy people, including lawyers. I’m ated in the measure as offered? Members in your Conference are con- one of the lawyers, not one of the Mr. SESSIONS. The answer is no. cerned about is the fact that this is a 1- wealthy. But when I was a lawyer and And I would reply to the gentleman, I year measure. had three secretaries as a single practi- saw in this House of Representatives Am I correct about that? tioner, if you had given me a 20 percent when former Speaker PELOSI increased Mr. SESSIONS. I believe that would tax cut, I may have shared some of the amount of money that we had in be correct. that with those three employees. I as- our Member reimbursement account, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Tell me sure you I would not have hired any- we went out and did more, and I hired then, how many times have we passed body. Had you, when I was a lawyer, an additional person at that rate. anything 1 year that’s a tax something given me a 20 percent tax cut and re- If given an opportunity, small busi- or another that cuts taxes? Let’s take quired me to hire somebody, then I ness wants to grow and they want to the Bush tax cuts that lasted 10 years would have hired somebody, and it may add employees, and this is what nobody that are soon to expire. How is it then have done some good. But other seems to understand in this town. that you expect that this is not going wealthy people—lobbyists, hedge funds, We are for growing our economy. No to go beyond 1 year? One year already private equity fund managers, as well one on our side would do something is going to cost $46 billion. as many professional sports teams, that wouldn’t necessarily work. We are Now my friend is a deficit and a debt without a single requirement to expand doing it because this is what people are hawk, and I like to think that I’m con- employment or invest in the United asking for to grow the economy. servative enough to feel that the def- States. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. My friend icit and the debt are matters that we In fact, under this bill, a business says that no one would do anything should address in order to give Ameri- owner could fire, as I asked my friend,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.009 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 U.S. workers, hire full-time workers in over those lawyers and lobbyists here (Mr. CRAVAACK) who is a freshman who foreign countries and still be eligible in this town. serves on the Transportation, Home- for the full deduction. Simply put, what we have before us land Security, and Science Commit- According to an analysis of the Tax is the exact opposite of a jobs bill. It’s tees, and a man who understands what Policy Center, approximately 49 per- a boon for the rich, the very antithesis people back home are asking for. cent of the benefits of H.R. 9 would go of smart tax reform, and does nothing Mr. CRAVAACK. I rise today in sup- to 0.3 percent of people with incomes to create opportunities for middle port of this rule and the underlying exceeding $1 million in 2012—each re- class, let alone, poor Americans. In- bill, H.R. 9, the Small Business Tax ceiving an average tax cut of more stead of this misguided legislation be- Cuts Act. than $44,000. fore us today, Madam Speaker, we The fact is, Madam Speaker, Amer- That’s not creating an opportunity should pass policy initiatives that ican small businesses are drowning in environment in which small businesses stimulate economic growth and job red tape, and the National Federation can create jobs. As I’ve said before and creation such as public-private part- of Independent Business has deter- will say again, I have no quarrel with nerships. mined that tax compliance is one of millionaires and billionaires and the When compared to measures such as the biggest costs. wealthiest of us in America. And like infrastructure spending, today’s bill American small businesses now spend my friend from Texas, I want every- would have a relatively small effect on between 1.7 billion and 1.8 billion hours body to be able to have significant strengthening our economy and help- on tax compliance, with a total esti- wealth if that were to be possible. I do, ing businesses create even more jobs. mated cost of between $15- to $16 bil- however, have a problem with legisla- In comparison, for every $1 billion in- lion annually. This wasted time and ef- tion designed to tip the scales in favor vested in infrastructure construction fort would be better invested in cre- of the best among us in this country projects, 18,000 jobs—and nobody con- ating jobs and manufacturing products masquerading as tax cuts for small troverts that, and if you do, say 15,000 instead of handing over hard-earned businesses. jobs—are supported nationwide. And capital to the government. Furthermore, Madam Speaker, the my Governor turned down a billion- I support efforts to reform the Tax Republican justifications for this kind plus dollars for a rail project that had Code and make it simpler to reduce of ‘‘trickle down’’ tax policy are inac- been appropriated and that Repub- those tax compliance costs, and I also curate and debunked by history. In ac- licans and Democrats had sought, and support reducing the tax burden on tuality, tax rates have little bearing on it would have created 18,000 jobs. And American job creators. That’s why I economic productivity. Some of the yet we find ourselves in Florida, just am glad to be cosponsor of H.R. 9, leg- fastest economic growth of the post- like other places in this country, suf- islation that would reduce the burden war period came in the 1950s, when the fering job diminution. This wasn’t faced by small businesses. Since 99.9 top tax rate was above 80 percent. The money that did not go to Illinois, Cali- percent of all U.S. businesses employ slowest growth came in the 2000s, when fornia, and the Northeast Corridor for less than 500 people, small businesses the top tax rate was 35 percent—which rail; it just did not come to Florida. are vital to the American economy. I pay, and which some of you do not be- There are other circumstances. We In the Eighth District, 8 out of 10 cause you are in better circumstances yesterday passed a measure here to ex- jobs are due to small businesses. When than mine, but all of us in the House of tend the transportation measure for 3 I return home, I repeatedly listen to Representatives are better off than the months. Cut me some slack. Jim Ober- the same concerns from small business people we want to really help, other star had been begging us before he left people in the Eighth District. My con- than those that are better off like us. Congress to do a $400 billion infrastruc- stituents are hesitant to expand their Furthermore, Madam Speaker, the ture bill that probably would have put businesses as a result of deficient ac- Republican justifications allow that us in the position of not having to have cess to capital, complex legal burdens, this occurrence, that the change from done the stimulus had we done it when and Tax Code uncertainty. the 1950s to the 2000s, is easy to ex- he asked for it, and we need to do a b 0950 plain. Businesses do not make deci- better bill than the 3-month extension. sions based on tax rates. They make This was the 10th extension of the The Small Business Tax Cut Act im- decisions based on factors specific to transportation measure that we have mediately creates access to capital by their business, like their number of done. We are better than that, and we allowing productive employers to rein- competitors and larger macro- and could have done what the Senate of- vest more of their hard-earned money microeconomic factors. fered, MAP–21, and we would kick-start into their businesses. Bills such as the one before us today this economy rather than kicking this The bill will have an immediate im- ignore this reality in favor of pushing can down the road. pact on every city and town in this Republican pet policies that ignore the Let me tell you something about the country. In fact, more than 22 million actual difficulties facing hardworking can. It’s getting ready to run up small businesses will receive a much- small business owners. In the Rules against a wall or a cliff, and there ain’t needed infusion of capital. Committee, I cited Betty’s Restaurant going to be nowhere else to kick it. Several small business owners that I in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where I Some day, Republicans and Democrats, have personally spoken with in my dis- eat breakfast and sometimes lunch or liberals and conservatives, are going to trict have already expressed strong dinner. Betty’s doesn’t have more than have to stand up and face the fact that support for this proposal. This includes nine employees. If we were to target we must address this in a significant businesses like RC Fabricators in our relief to 20 percent, Betty would be way, and we can’t have this gridlock, Hibbing, Minnesota, which manufac- in better shape. But if Larry Flynt at and we can’t have this continuing tures precision steel and aluminum ‘‘Hustler’’ is going to be in better shape standoff. construction equipment; Extreme because he has less than 500 employees, This is supposed to be the ‘‘land of Equipment Repairs in Harris, Min- I’m taking Betty. opportunity,’’ Madam Speaker. Let’s nesota, which specializes in large I get my clothes cleaned at Spring make sure that it’s the land of oppor- transport truck repair; and the London Cleaners. They’ve been in business for tunity for rich people. Let’s make sure Road Rental Center in Duluth, Min- over 25 years. The owner of that busi- that it’s the land of opportunity for nesota, which provides all kinds of ness, after he retired, left it with his middle class and poor people. Let’s equipment and party rentals for the daughter. They don’t have more than make sure that it’s the land of oppor- Duluth area. 10 employees in 2 of their cleaning tunity for small and large businesses. For example, because of the recent plants. This kind of measure, if tar- In short, opportunity for all Ameri- success in northern Minnesota’s min- geted to her, would help her. But a law cans. ing and paper industries, RC Fabrica- firm here in Washington or a lobbying I reserve the balance of my time. tors has been looking for ways to ex- firm with 49 lawyers that’s making $500 Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, at pand, but high taxes have prevented million a year will qualify for this tax this time, I would like to yield 4 min- them from accumulating enough cap- cut, and I’m taking Spring Cleaners utes to the gentleman from Minnesota ital to grow. This bill will ease that tax

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.011 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1985 burden and allow them to update ma- small businesses. According to the Con- businesses to create jobs here in Amer- chinery, hire workers, and provide gressional Research Service, less than ica. It allows people to go back to high-quality products. These kinds of one-half of 1 percent of businesses may work. Those folks, when they go back stories are repeated throughout the be impacted by the Buffett rule. to work, actually pay taxes. They start country, and this legislation will help Here is what the Buffett rule is really contributing as citizens of this great them. about: fairness. Plain and simple, this country. Madam Speaker, H.R. 9 is a common- is about fairness. It’s high time that we This small business group tax deduc- sense, pro-growth bill that will provide level the playing field between middle tion affects small businesses that are immediate assistance to employers and class taxpayers and those who make minority-owned, that are women- American workers as we labor to jump- over $1 million per year. The Paying a owned, that are veteran-owned busi- start our economy and ease the burden Fair Share Act will help restore peo- nesses. You hear all this talk about felt by small businesses and American ple’s faith that if you work hard and how it affects all these other folks, but families. play by the rules, you’ll have a chance this is really about creating jobs in I urge all of my colleagues to support to get ahead. America. It’s about allowing people the rule as well as the underlying bill. It’s up to Congress to fix this obvious that are entrepreneurs to utilize the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam injustice. According to a recent CNN resources that they’ve worked hard for Speaker, if we defeat the previous ques- poll, nearly three-quarters of Ameri- and their employees have worked hard tion, I will offer an amendment to the cans support the Buffett rule. Earlier for to create additional jobs. rule to ensure that the House votes on this week, a bipartisan majority of You’ve heard a whole lot of stuff the Buffett rule, which Representative Senators demonstrated their support down here about transportation. The BALDWIN has introduced—and I’m a co- for the Buffett rule to institute tax transportation bill expired back in sponsor of—as H.R. 3903, the Paying a fairness for the middle class. September of 2009. My good friend from Fair Share Act of 2012. This bill would I urge my colleagues to vote to de- Florida, I agree with you, we should ensure that people making over $1 mil- feat the previous question so that I have a long-term transportation bill. lion a year do not pay a lower tax rate may offer the Paying a Fair Share Act, But what did you do since 2009? I got up than middle class Americans. To dis- also known as the Buffett rule. here in 2011. We’re still talking about cuss our amendment to this rule, I’m Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, the lack of action by this Congress, by very pleased to yield 3 minutes to my we’re hearing a lot of rhetoric today the Senate, and by this President since good friend, the gentlewoman from about all these millionaires that are 2009 to get Americans back to work. Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN). out there. And I would be for their When you talk to those that are Ms. BALDWIN. I thank the gen- ideas if they worked, but the facts of small businesses that actually do the tleman from Florida for the time. the case are what they create is less work on roads, they said if you do a 90- I rise today on behalf of the hard- opportunity. day, a 2-year extension, we’re not going working middle class families in Wis- The IRS, on their Web site, shows to add jobs. We’re going to be able to consin and across the country who that there were 37 percent fewer people keep the jobs that we have, but we’re have unfairly been paying at a higher who filed as millionaires one year over not going to add jobs. We’re not going tax rate than multi-millionaires and the next. That’s the latest information to be buying equipment from Cater- billionaires. we have on the IRS Web site—37 per- pillar up in Peoria, Illinois, and put- Working Wisconsinites are struggling cent fewer people reported numbers of ting people to work in Illinois. We’ve to find good-paying jobs, pay their $1 million or more. That falls right in already canceled those jobs. mortgages, send their kids to college, line with what’s happening as America So, Madam Speaker, this is about and save for a secure retirement; mean- goes into bankruptcy. Because this is America. This is about actually look- while, the ultra-rich are reaping bene- about fairness. Well, it shouldn’t be ing people in the eye, those that actu- fits unavailable to the rest of us. No about fairness. It should be about op- ally create jobs. Remember, small busi- wonder middle class Americans have portunities, creating more opportuni- nesses create over 70 percent of the new long felt that our tax system is rigged ties. That’s the same reason why this jobs in America. We’re making them against them. Frankly, it is. same rhetoric, why 63 percent of our the villain in this instead of returning Middle class Americans deserve a children move back in to our homes it back and saying, you know, small Tax Code that is fair. Powerful special when they finish college—lack of op- businesses and entrepreneurs, they’re interests have manipulated our Tax portunities. That’s not fair. Fairness is going to use the money to grow their Code to make sure that the wealthiest opportunity and the chance for people business. That’s why they’re in it. Americans don’t have to pay their fair to go make something better of their That’s why they get into this whole share. Loopholes and special provisions lives. thing in regards to putting their risk, have made it so that billionaire Warren What we’re talking about today will their money, and their reputations at Buffett’s secretary pays a higher tax help some 54,509 women-owned busi- stake. rate than he does. In fact, approxi- nesses in the State of Texas alone that 1000 mately one-quarter of all people who account for 483,000 individuals. That’s b make over $1 million a year pay lower what we’re trying to help and save. You hear about class warfare. We effective tax rates than middle class This is the right thing. I’m very proud heard it here today. families. of it. And I agree about comprehensive tax I introduced the Paying a Fair Share I know what they want to do is raise reform. I’ll give you the best com- Act, which would make the Buffett taxes. I know what they want to do is prehensive tax reform. Why don’t we rule law and ensure that middle class call it fairness. All it simply does is move to the fair tax? workers do not pay a higher tax rate cause further economic malaise and de- Why don’t we move to the fact that than those making over $1 million a ficiencies all across this country of we can encourage our small businesses year. This is a commonsense solution small business. and businesses in America that can that would address the disparity that Madam Speaker, at this time I’d like compete globally instead of under a tax Warren Buffett decried, and it would to yield 3 minutes to the gentleman burden and debt that we have here in reduce the deficit by billions of dollars from Florida (Mr. NUGENT), the gen- America? over the next decade. tleman who sits on the Rules Com- We have the ability to move forward Now, let’s be honest about what the mittee. and do the right thing. Let’s not get Buffett rule is and what it is not. The Mr. NUGENT. Thank you, Mr. Chair- caught up in the semantics and the po- Buffett rule is not a comprehensive tax man. I appreciate the opportunity to be litical rhetoric. Let’s really stand here reform bill, which I favor, by the way. here. and do the right thing for small busi- The Buffett rule is not going to wipe Madam Speaker, we hear so much nesses to allow them, Madam Speaker, our Nation’s deficit away, something out here on the House floor. I support to create the jobs that we know they that I agree must be tackled. The the rule and the underlying legislation can. I have the utmost confidence in Buffett rule is not a tax increase on because it gives the ability to small small businesses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.013 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam The stimulus package created 3 mil- A recent study by the U.S. Chamber Speaker, I am very pleased to yield 3 lion jobs because we had a mission of found that 80 percent of small busi- minutes to the distinguished gentle- shovel-ready projects, and, in addition, nesses reported that taxation, regula- woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), we gave monies to people who put the tion, and legislation from Washington my good friend. money out on the street. make it harder for them, for their busi- Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. I thank The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nesses, to hire more employees. This Judge HASTINGS, I thank him very time of the gentlewoman has expired. tax cut will have an immediate effect, much for telling us the story of Amer- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I yield the I believe, on the economy and certainly ica, from spring cleaners to families gentlewoman an additional 30 seconds. in my State. that have held their businesses for a Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. I thank Just several weeks ago the Senate, long period of time. the distinguished gentleman. the House, and the White House, we And I really wish I could join my But not in this case. No requirement worked together to pass the JOBS Act; friend. I know he’s pleading for us to for jobs. You want to sit here and tell and I’ve already gotten very positive believe that any job will be created, at-home moms, working moms like the feedback from several people that but, frankly, the answer is that there is young woman that I wanted to tell you they’re, number one, glad that we’re no requirement for jobs to be created about who gets up early morning, looking at the real problem in this under this tax bill. doesn’t get into a car, gets onto a bus, country, which is the lack of jobs and rides that bus to get her child to the What this tax bill does is complicate job creation and, number two, that we school, jumps off the bus, makes sure any manner of tax reform which Amer- did something together, that we she can run to the front door of the icans are begging for. It adds to the al- worked together to try to get ourselves school, drops the child before the bus ready burgeoning, growing Bush tax out of this slow recovery that we’re in turns around to get her back; on the cuts. Now this added burden, $6 trillion right now. bus to go across town to get a job or to in the combination package of the ex- I hope we can work in the same bi- go to her work, you’re cutting her ac- isting tax cuts under the Bush adminis- partisan spirit and pass this tax cut to cess to health care because you’re tak- tration. It adds to the deficit of human give our job creators the ability to hire life. ing $46 billion. Madam Speaker, all I can say to you: somebody else, buy new equipment, ex- And let me just tell you about some This is a budget buster on top of $6 tril- pand their businesses, choose another young woman, a caretaker, a mother, lion of which we are paying for the location, all the things that I think maybe a mother who’s at home and Bush cuts. We’re doing nothing for res- this tax cut bill will provide. works at home, not only to take care taurants, nothing for small businesses, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam of her children, but has a home busi- and nothing for the working young Speaker, I would urge my friend from ness, or maybe a caretaker taking care woman that I’ve told you about this Texas that I’m going to be the last of an elderly or disabled person. Let me morning. speaker, and I’m prepared to close if he tell you what these tax cuts will do. Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I has no further speakers. And this is what it equals. yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. SESSIONS. Thank you very It equals almost $180 billion in cuts sume. much. In fact, I would tell the gen- and food stamps, where soldiers’ fami- By the way, President Obama even tleman we have no additional speakers lies cannot eat and the caretakers can- admitted that did not work, that shov- other than myself, and I’ll plan to not provide for their families. It equals el-ready proposition that he tried to close. to the increase in the Stafford loans to sell across the country simply did not Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam 6.8 percent in interest, where middle work. I would be for the President’s Speaker, I yield myself the balance of class families are priced out of higher ideas if they worked. What they’re the time. education. It equals the cut in Med- about is the supposed fairness, which H.R. 9 is not about creating jobs or icaid to women who need access to diminishes the economic opportunity helping small businesses increase hir- health care. for this country to grow and have jobs ing. It is another in a long line of Re- And I don’t know why we haven’t ad- and make small businesses grow. publican proposals that benefit those of dressed our good friends in the res- Madam Speaker, at this time I yield us, including those of us in the House taurant industry. These are the people 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from of Representatives, that are the better- whose doors are open and truly could West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO). off Americans at the expense of the hire an additional staff, who has the Mrs. CAPITO. I thank my friend from middle class. smallest margin of profit. Texas for yielding me the time. My Republican friends rejected an We’re not doing anything for depre- I wanted to come down and talk amendment offered by our colleague, ciation relief. No, we’re sitting around today. I support the rule, but I really Representative CROWLEY, which I of- giving the top 3 percent over one-half support H.R. 9, the Small Business Tax fered in the Rules Committee in his of this tax break, a big Christmas in Cut bill. This tax relief will go to 28,000 stead, which would have prevented the middle of April. 125,000 millionaires small businesses in West Virginia. businesses from eliminating jobs in the will get a check for $58,000, and then I’m from a small State. Small busi- United States while creating jobs over- it’ll cost a budget busting $46 billion. nesses, I heard earlier, the statistics, seas under this bill. In my own State of Texas, there’s an create 70 percent of the jobs. In my Procedurally, it is also disconcerting article that says we’re pricing the mid- State, it’s probably 90 percent of the that, contrary to my Republican col- dle class, Congressman HASTINGS, out jobs are small business owners. Entre- leagues’ self-professed commitment to of higher education. They’re investing preneurship and small businesses are an open process, Democrats have been in research, but tuition is going up and going to drive us to recovery, not more allowed only one substitute in an oth- there’s no relief. And the loans that we spending and more debt. erwise closed process. Nor was H.R. 9 give from the Federal Government, as I I heard the gentlelady talk about res- the subject of any hearing before either said, will be almost 7 percent in inter- taurants. That’s who this is aimed at. the full Ways and Means Committee, or est in just about 70 days. This is what Our top three small businesses in West the Select Revenue Measures Sub- this tax cut will do. Virginia would be health care and the committee, with the exception of a I’m not afraid to stand up for small service industry and the food industry. brief question-and-answer session with businesses, but you absolutely need to I’ve spent the last 2 weeks traveling Joint Committee on Taxation staff look at the framework. Five hundred in my district and listening to the con- during the markup. employees. You could be a big law firm. cerns of families and job creators. Finally, instead of taking real steps You could be a big engineering firm. They’re very frustrated, very frus- to address the very real need to create And God bless you; I want you to keep trated by the high price of gasoline, opportunities for businesses to succeed working. That’s why I voted on the rising health care costs, and new regu- in a still nascent economic recovery, transportation bill. But what I need to lation upon new regulation. It’s mak- House Republicans are more than will- have happen is that there is a require- ing it difficult for our job creators to ing to rush through another tax bill ment for jobs. operate and to grow the jobs. that could, if it were to pass—and it is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.015 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1987 not going to, and they know that—only ties for Americans. Obviously, what that employ millions of American workers as help those of us that are better off in we’re here today to do is to grow the a precondition for cutting our bloated fed- society, while sticking middle- and economy. eral spending. lower-income families with the bill and Madam Speaker, I would like to in- To see the real world effect of this proposal on jobs and the economy, President Obama’s creating exactly zero jobs. clude in the RECORD an article which is home state provides a useful, cautionary ex- b 1010 from The Wall Street Journal, June of ample. 2011. I would like to read just a little And you call this opportunity? This past January, Illinois Governor Pat bit of this: Quinn signed into law a 67 percent increase Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous This past January, Illinois Governor Pat in the state personal income tax rate and a consent to insert the text of the Quinn signed into law a 67 percent increase 45 percent increase in corporate taxes. Be- amendment to the rule in the RECORD in the State personal income tax rate and a tween its passage and June, Illinois lost along with extraneous material imme- 45 percent increase in corporate taxes. 56,223 jobs according to statistics released diately prior to the vote on the pre- By the way—and it’s off what is last week. vious question. here—this was done for fairness. It is To combat the job losses caused by the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the same proposal that , higher taxes on businesses, the Illinois De- objection to the request of the gen- partment of Commerce ‘‘has already shelled as our President who was just elected, out some $230 million in corporate subsidies tleman from Florida? was trying to push in the campaign. Il- There was no objection. to keep more than two dozen companies from linois thought it sounded really, really fleeing the state.’’ Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam great. So let’s see what happened, what So not only is Illinois bleeding productive Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote the fairness resulted in, and I go back jobs, but it’s now allowing the government ‘‘no’’ on this opportunity-destroying to the article, that between its passage to pick winners (large, politically-connected measure and to defeat the previous and June—6 months later—Illinois lost companies) and losers (everyone else). question. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the 56,223 jobs according to statistics re- Extracting an ever-increasing toll from job rule, and I yield back the balance of leased by their own departments there creators is simply the wrong answer for my time. American jobs. Just ask the 56,000 Illinoisans in the State of Illinois. But here is who have lost their jobs since January. Mr. SESSIONS. I appreciate the gen- what’s really amazing. It’s not just tleman from Florida, not only for his Spreading this failure nationwide is simply that they lost the jobs, but it’s the not an option. vigorous defense of the Democrat posi- hysteria that ensued therein. I con- We are in a debt crisis not because we tax tion to increase taxes, but I would like tinue to read: too little, but because Democrat-led Wash- to, if I can, state what really are the To combat the job losses caused by the ington spends beyond its means. House Re- facts of the case and what is in this higher taxes on businesses, the Illinois De- publicans have been focused on encouraging bill. partment of Commerce ‘‘has already shelled and providing certainty (not new burdens) to The claim is that tax cuts will be out some $230 million in corporate subsidies our job creators—and paying down our na- available for small businesses even if to keep more than two dozen companies from tion’s debt for our children. they ship jobs overseas. Well, the fact fleeing the State.’’ The rest of America simply cannot afford is this legislation allows the 20 percent So they were not even going to get more of the failed policies of the President’s deduction for qualified domestic busi- home state, and House Republicans will fight $230 million worth of additional rev- against tax hikes so that we may ensure a ness income. Domestic. That’s here. enue. They put this tax on, and now brighter future for generations to come. Domestic business. It would not be al- they’re having to beg people to stay. The material previously referred to lowed to include money that was Madam Speaker, I would be for what by Mr. HASTINGS of Florida is as fol- earned overseas. So I think that that is President Obama and our friends, the lows: a good part of this bill. I think what Democrats, are for if it worked the way Mr. CANTOR did is understand that we they said it would. The facts of the AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 620 OFFERED BY are trying to grow American jobs. case are simple. MR. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA There have also been a lot of state- The Republicans understand busi- At the end of the resolution, add the fol- ments made by our friends, but I think ness, but we understand the ability to lowing new sections: the American people need to hear this listen and give small business what it’s SEC. 2. Immediately upon adoption of this about the bill and the substitute, asking for. They’ll do their job. I know resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to which will be allowed and which was clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House small business and I know it well. resolved into the Committee of the Whole allowed in the Rules Committee, and They’ll get their job done, and they’ll House on the state of the Union for consider- that is, similar to H.R. 9, which is this do it quite well. They will add employ- ation of the bill (H.R. 3903) to reduce the def- bill, the Levin amendment, which ment. They will hire their neighbors. icit by imposing a minimum effective tax would be the substitute, does not in- They will hire more women and mi- rate for high-income taxpayers. All points of clude any provision addressing compa- norities who can come in. They will order against consideration of the bill are nies that continue to make foreign in- provide real dreams for people and give waived. General debate shall be confined to vestment. It’s devoid of that. Both pro- them not just that entrepreneurship the bill and shall not exceed one hour equal- posals do tie the small business tax de- ly divided and controlled by the chair and angle but the angle to make sure that ranking minority member of the Committee duction to domestic wages. Both bills we’re adding revenue in this country. on Ways and Means. After general debate the do that exact same thing. So to accuse Republicans get it and Democrats, bill shall be considered for amendment under us of not doing something or some- too. We are for fairness in a different the five-minute rule. All points of order thing that would create or stop busi- way. Fairness comes from a job and job against provisions in the bill are waived. At ness from having jobs overseas, that’s creation and the American Dream, not the conclusion of consideration of the bill for devoid of that in both bills. They are losing jobs and explaining to people, amendment the Committee shall rise and re- both consistent. It’s about domestic I’m sorry, we just had to do this just to port the bill to the House with such amend- works. ments as may have been adopted. The pre- make things fair. vious question shall be considered as ordered Similar to H.R. 9, the Levin amend- Fairness and not having a job is not on the bill and amendments thereto to final ment does not require job creation to fairness. We’re aiming for job creation passage without intervening motion except benefit from the tax deduction. No one and the development of that, and that’s one motion to recommit with or without in- says you have to go and create jobs. We why we’re asking people to make sure structions. If the Committee of the Whole understand enough about business to that we pass this bill today. I applaud rises and reports that it has come to no reso- know this is what they’re asking for so Republican Majority Leader ERIC CAN- lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- tive day the House shall, immediately after they can grow jobs. TOR for introducing this legislation. It The Levin amendment does deviate the third daily order of business under clause comes from his listening to people 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of from H.R. 9 in one very significant across this country. the Whole for further consideration of the way, and that is the amount of money I encourage a ‘‘yes’’ vote on the rule. bill. that would be available to small busi- Over the last few weeks, President Barack SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not ness so that they can expand the econ- Obama has adamantly supported raising apply to the consideration of the bill speci- omy, grow jobs, and create opportuni- taxes on corporations and small businesses fied in section 2 of this resolution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.016 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 (The information contained herein was Mr. SESSIONS. I yield back the bal- Schock Southerland Walberg provided by the Republican Minority on mul- Schweikert Stearns Walden ance of my time, and I move the pre- Scott (SC) Stivers Webster tiple occasions throughout the 110th and vious question on the resolution. 111th Congresses.) Scott, Austin Stutzman West The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sensenbrenner Sullivan Westmoreland THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT Sessions Terry Whitfield IT REALLY MEANS question is on ordering the previous Shimkus Thompson (PA) Wilson (SC) This vote, the vote on whether to order the question. Shuler Thornberry Wittman previous question on a special rule, is not The question was taken; and the Shuster Tiberi Wolf Speaker pro tempore announced that Simpson Tipton Womack merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Smith (NE) Turner (NY) Woodall dering the previous question is a vote the ayes appeared to have it. Smith (NJ) Turner (OH) Yoder against the Republican majority agenda and Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Smith (TX) Upton Young (IN) a vote to allow the opposition, at least for Speaker, on that I demand the yeas the moment, to offer an alternative plan. It NAYS—179 is a vote about what the House should be de- and nays. Ackerman Frank (MA) Nadler bating. The yeas and nays were ordered. Altmire Fudge Neal Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Andrews Garamendi Olver Baca Gonzalez House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Owens scribes the vote on the previous question on Baldwin Green, Al Pallone this 15-minute vote on ordering the Barrow Green, Gene the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the Pascrell Bass (CA) Grijalva Pastor (AZ) consideration of the subject before the House previous question will be followed by 5- minute votes on adopting House Reso- Becerra Gutierrez Pelosi being made by the Member in charge.’’ To Berkley Hahn Perlmutter defeat the previous question is to give the lution 620, if ordered; and agreeing to Berman Hanabusa Peters opposition a chance to decide the subject be- the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Bishop (GA) Hastings (FL) Peterson fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s The vote was taken by electronic de- Bishop (NY) Heinrich Pingree (ME) Blumenauer Higgins ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that vice, and there were—yeas 234, nays Polis ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Bonamici Himes Price (NC) 179, not voting 18, as follows: Boswell Hinchey Quigley mand for the previous question passes the Brady (PA) Hinojosa control of the resolution to the opposition’’ [Roll No. 172] Rahall Brown (FL) Hirono Reyes in order to offer an amendment. On March Butterfield Hochul YEAS—234 Richardson 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Capps Holden Adams Forbes Lungren, Daniel Richmond Capuano Holt fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Aderholt E. Rothman (NJ) Fortenberry Cardoza Honda the previous question and a member of the Akin Mack Roybal-Allard Foxx Carnahan Hoyer opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Alexander Marchant Ruppersberger Franks (AZ) Carney Israel asking who was entitled to recognition. Amash Matheson Rush Frelinghuysen Carson (IN) Jackson (IL) Amodei McCarthy (CA) Ryan (OH) Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Gallegly Castor (FL) Jackson Lee Austria McCaul Sa´ nchez, Linda ‘‘The previous question having been refused, Gardner Chandler (TX) Bachmann McClintock T. the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Garrett Chu Johnson (GA) Bachus McCotter Sanchez, Loretta gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Gerlach Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Barletta McHenry Sarbanes Gibbs Clarke (MI) Kaptur yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Bartlett McIntyre Gibson Clarke (NY) Keating Schakowsky the first recognition.’’ Barton (TX) McKeon Gingrey (GA) Clay Kildee Schiff Because the vote today may look bad for Benishek McKinley Gohmert Cleaver Kind Schrader the Republican majority they will say ‘‘the Berg McMorris Goodlatte Clyburn Kissell Schwartz Biggert Rodgers vote on the previous question is simply a Gowdy Cohen Kucinich Scott (VA) Bilbray Meehan vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Granger Connolly (VA) Langevin Scott, David Bilirakis Mica vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Graves (GA) Conyers Larsen (WA) Serrano Black Miller (FL) has no substantive legislative or policy im- Graves (MO) Cooper Larson (CT) Sherman Blackburn Miller (MI) plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Griffin (AR) Costa Lee (CA) Sires Bonner Miller, Gary Griffith (VA) Costello Levin Smith (WA) they have always said. Listen to the Repub- Bono Mack Mulvaney Grimm Courtney Lewis (GA) Speier lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Boren Murphy (PA) Guthrie Critz Lipinski Stark Process in the United States House of Rep- Boustany Myrick Hall Crowley Loebsack Sutton Brady (TX) Neugebauer resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Hanna Cuellar Lofgren, Zoe Thompson (CA) Brooks Noem how the Republicans describe the previous Harper Cummings Lowey Thompson (MS) Broun (GA) Nugent question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Harris Davis (CA) Luja´ n Tierney Buchanan Nunes though it is generally not possible to amend Hartzler Davis (IL) Lynch Tonko Bucshon Nunnelee Hastings (WA) DeFazio Maloney Towns the rule because the majority Member con- Buerkle Olson Hayworth DeGette Markey Tsongas trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Burgess Palazzo Heck DeLauro Matsui Van Hollen pose of offering an amendment, the same re- Calvert Paulsen Hensarling Deutch McCarthy (NY) Vela´ zquez sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Camp Pearce Herger Dicks McCollum Visclosky vious question on the rule . . . When the mo- Campbell Pence Herrera Beutler Dingell McDermott Walz (MN) Canseco Petri tion for the previous question is defeated, Huelskamp Doggett McGovern Wasserman Cantor Pitts control of the time passes to the Member Huizenga (MI) Donnelly (IN) McNerney Schultz Capito Platts who led the opposition to ordering the pre- Doyle Meeks Waters Carter Hultgren Poe (TX) Edwards Michaud Watt vious question. That Member, because he Cassidy Hunter Pompeo Ellison Miller (NC) Waxman then controls the time, may offer an amend- Chabot Hurt Posey Engel Miller, George Welch ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of Chaffetz Issa Price (GA) Eshoo Moore Wilson (FL) Coble Jenkins Quayle amendment.’’ Farr Moran Woolsey Coffman (CO) Johnson (IL) Reed In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Fattah Murphy (CT) Yarmuth Cole Johnson (OH) Rehberg of Representatives, the subchapter titled Johnson, Sam ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal Conaway Reichert NOT VOTING—18 Cravaack Jones Renacci to order the previous question on such a rule Bass (NH) Gosar Rangel Crawford Jordan Ribble Bishop (UT) Guinta Sewell [a special rule reported from the Committee Crenshaw Kelly Rigell Braley (IA) Manzullo Slaughter on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Culberson King (IA) Rivera Burton (IN) Marino Walsh (IL) ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- Davis (KY) King (NY) Roby Filner Napolitano Young (AK) tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- Denham Kingston Roe (TN) Flake Paul Young (FL) jection of the motion for the previous ques- Dent Kinzinger (IL) Rogers (AL) DesJarlais Kline Rogers (KY) tion on a resolution reported from the Com- Labrador b 1041 mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- Diaz-Balart Rogers (MI) Dold Lamborn Rohrabacher Mr. PETERS changed his vote from ber leading the opposition to the previous Dreier Lance Rokita question, who may offer a proper amendment Duffy Landry Rooney ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ or motion and who controls the time for de- Duncan (SC) Lankford Ros-Lehtinen So the previous question was ordered. bate thereon.’’ Duncan (TN) Latham Roskam The result of the vote was announced Clearly, the vote on the previous question Ellmers LaTourette Ross (AR) Emerson Latta Ross (FL) as above recorded. on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Stated against: cations. It is one of the only available tools Farenthold Lewis (CA) Royce Fincher LoBiondo Runyan for those who oppose the Republican major- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Fitzpatrick Long Ryan (WI) 172, I was away from the Capitol due to prior ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- Fleischmann Lucas Scalise native views the opportunity to offer an al- Fleming Luetkemeyer Schilling commitments to my constituents. Had I been ternative plan. Flores Lummis Schmidt present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.005 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1989 Ms. SEWELL. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Royce Smith (NE) Upton A motion to reconsider was laid on 172, had I been present, I would have voted Runyan Smith (NJ) Walberg the table. Ryan (WI) Smith (TX) Walden ‘‘nay.’’ Scalise Southerland Webster Stated against: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- Schilling Stearns West Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 173, I day, April 19, 2012, I was absent during roll- Schmidt Stivers Westmoreland was away from the Capitol due to prior com- Schweikert Stutzman call vote No. 172 due to a family medical Whitfield mitments to my constituents. Had I been Scott (SC) Sullivan Wilson (SC) Scott, Austin Terry emergency. Had I been present, I would have Wittman present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Sensenbrenner Thompson (PA) voted ‘‘nay’’ on Ordering the Previous Ques- Wolf Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- Sessions Thornberry Womack tion to H. Res. 620, Providing for consider- Shimkus Tiberi day, April 19, 2012, I was absent during roll- ation of H.R. 9, Small Business Tax Cut Act. Shuler Tipton Woodall call vote No. 173 due to a family medical The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Shuster Turner (NY) Yoder emergency. Had I been present, I would have Young (IN) question is on the resolution, as Simpson Turner (OH) voted ‘‘no’’ on agreeing to the resolution, as amended. NOES—178 amended, to H. Res. 620, providing for con- The question was taken; and the Ackerman Fudge Olver sideration of H.R. 9, Small Business Tax Cut Speaker pro tempore announced that Altmire Garamendi Owens Act. the ayes appeared to have it. Andrews Gonzalez Pallone Baca Green, Al Pascrell f RECORDED VOTE Baldwin Green, Gene Pastor (AZ) Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Barrow Grijalva Pelosi THE JOURNAL Speaker, I demand a recorded vote. Bass (CA) Gutierrez Perlmutter Becerra Hahn The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- A recorded vote was ordered. Peters Berkley Hanabusa Peterson finished business is the question on The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Berman Hastings (FL) Pingree (ME) Bishop (GA) Heinrich agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of will be a 5-minute vote. Polis Bishop (NY) Higgins the Journal, on which the yeas and Price (NC) The vote was taken by electronic de- Blumenauer Himes Quigley nays were ordered. vice, and there were—ayes 234, noes 178, Bonamici Hinchey Rahall The question is on the Speaker’s ap- not voting 19, as follows: Boswell Hinojosa Brady (PA) Hirono Reyes proval of the Journal. [Roll No. 173] Brown (FL) Hochul Richardson This will be a 5-minute vote. Richmond AYES—234 Butterfield Holden The vote was taken by electronic de- Capps Holt Rothman (NJ) Adams Fleischmann Long Capuano Honda Roybal-Allard vice, and there were—yeas 290, nays Aderholt Fleming Lucas Cardoza Hoyer Ruppersberger 118, answered ‘‘present’’ 3, not voting Akin Flores Luetkemeyer Carnahan Israel Rush Alexander Forbes 20, as follows: Lummis Carney Jackson (IL) Ryan (OH) Amash Fortenberry Lungren, Daniel Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Sa´ nchez, Linda [Roll No. 174] Amodei Foxx E. Castor (FL) (TX) T. Austria Franks (AZ) YEAS—290 Mack Chandler Johnson (GA) Sanchez, Loretta Bachmann Frelinghuysen Marchant Ackerman Cooper Heinrich Chu Johnson, E. B. Sarbanes Bachus Gallegly Matheson Aderholt Crawford Hensarling Cicilline Kaptur Schakowsky Barletta Gardner McCarthy (CA) Akin Crenshaw Herger Clarke (MI) Keating Schiff Bartlett Garrett Alexander Crowley McCaul Clarke (NY) Kildee Higgins Barton (TX) Gerlach Schrader Amodei Cuellar McClintock Clay Kind Himes Benishek Gibbs Schwartz Austria Culberson McCotter Cleaver Kucinich Hinchey Berg Gibson Scott (VA) Baca Davis (CA) McHenry Clyburn Langevin Hinojosa Biggert Gingrey (GA) Scott, David Bachmann Davis (IL) McIntyre Cohen Larsen (WA) Hirono Bilbray Gohmert Serrano Bachus DeGette McKeon Connolly (VA) Larson (CT) Hochul Bilirakis Goodlatte Sewell Barletta DeLauro McKinley Conyers Lee (CA) Holden Black Gowdy Sherman Barrow Denham McMorris Cooper Levin Holt Blackburn Granger Sires Bartlett Deutch Rodgers Costa Lewis (GA) Huizenga (MI) Bonner Graves (GA) Smith (WA) Barton (TX) Diaz-Balart Meehan Costello Lipinski Hultgren Bono Mack Graves (MO) Speier Becerra Dicks Mica Courtney Loebsack Hunter Boren Griffin (AR) Stark Berg Dingell Miller (FL) Critz Lofgren, Zoe Hurt Boustany Grimm Sutton Berkley Doggett Miller (MI) Crowley Lowey Issa Brady (TX) Guthrie Thompson (CA) Berman Doyle Miller, Gary Cuellar Luja´ n Jenkins Brooks Hall Thompson (MS) Bilbray Dreier Mulvaney Cummings Lynch Johnson (GA) Broun (GA) Hanna Bilirakis Duncan (SC) Murphy (PA) Davis (CA) Maloney Tierney Johnson (IL) Buchanan Harper Bishop (GA) Duncan (TN) Myrick Davis (IL) Markey Tonko Johnson, E. B. Bucshon Harris Black Edwards Neugebauer DeFazio Matsui Towns Johnson, Sam Buerkle Hartzler Blackburn Ellison Noem DeGette McCarthy (NY) Tsongas Jones Burgess Hastings (WA) Blumenauer Ellmers Nugent DeLauro McCollum Van Hollen Jordan Calvert Hayworth Bonamici Emerson Nunes Deutch McDermott Vela´ zquez Kaptur Camp Heck Bonner Engel Nunnelee Dicks McGovern Visclosky Kelly Campbell Hensarling Bono Mack Eshoo Olson Dingell McNerney Walz (MN) Kildee Canseco Herger Boren Farenthold Palazzo Doggett Meeks Wasserman King (IA) Cantor Herrera Beutler Boustany Farr Paulsen Doyle Michaud Schultz King (NY) Capito Huelskamp Brady (TX) Fincher Pearce Edwards Miller (NC) Waters Kingston Carter Huizenga (MI) Brooks Fleischmann Pence Ellison Miller, George Watt Kinzinger (IL) Cassidy Hultgren Broun (GA) Fleming Petri Engel Moore Waxman Kissell Chabot Hunter Brown (FL) Flores Pitts Eshoo Moran Welch Kline Chaffetz Hurt Buchanan Fortenberry Platts Farr Murphy (CT) Wilson (FL) Labrador Coble Issa Bucshon Frank (MA) Poe (TX) Fattah Nadler Woolsey Lamborn Coffman (CO) Jenkins Buerkle Franks (AZ) Pompeo Frank (MA) Neal Yarmuth Lance Cole Johnson (IL) Posey Butterfield Frelinghuysen Landry Conaway Johnson (OH) Price (GA) NOT VOTING—19 Calvert Gallegly Lankford Cravaack Johnson, Sam Quayle Camp Garamendi Larsen (WA) Bass (NH) Griffith (VA) Schock Crawford Jones Reed Campbell Gibbs Larson (CT) Bishop (UT) Guinta Crenshaw Jordan Rehberg Slaughter Canseco Gingrey (GA) LaTourette Braley (IA) Manzullo Culberson Kelly Reichert Walsh (IL) Cantor Gonzalez Latta Burton (IN) Marino Davis (KY) King (IA) Renacci Young (AK) Capito Goodlatte Levin Filner Napolitano Denham King (NY) Ribble Young (FL) Capps Gowdy Lewis (CA) Flake Paul Dent Kingston Rigell Carnahan Granger Lipinski Gosar Rangel DesJarlais Kinzinger (IL) Rivera Carney Graves (GA) Loebsack Diaz-Balart Kissell Roby ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Carson (IN) Green, Al Lofgren, Zoe Dold Kline Roe (TN) Carter Griffith (VA) Long Donnelly (IN) Labrador Rogers (AL) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Cassidy Grimm Lowey Dreier Lamborn Rogers (KY) the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. Chabot Guthrie Lucas Duffy Lance Rogers (MI) Chaffetz Hahn Luja´ n Duncan (SC) Landry Rohrabacher b 1050 Cicilline Hall Lummis Duncan (TN) Lankford Rokita Clarke (MI) Hanabusa Lungren, Daniel Ellmers Latham Rooney So the resolution, as amended, was Clay Harper E. Emerson LaTourette Ros-Lehtinen agreed to. Coble Harris Mack Farenthold Latta Roskam Cole Hastings (FL) Maloney Fincher Lewis (CA) Ross (AR) The result of the vote was announced Connolly (VA) Hastings (WA) Marchant Fitzpatrick LoBiondo Ross (FL) as above recorded. Conyers Hayworth Matsui

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.018 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 McCarthy (CA) Posey Smith (NE) The result of the vote was announced ‘‘(C) DIRECT OWNER.—The term ‘direct owner’ McCarthy (NY) Price (GA) Smith (NJ) as above recorded. means, with respect to any qualified small busi- McCaul Price (NC) Smith (TX) ness, any person who owns (or is considered as McClintock Quigley Stated against: Smith (WA) owning under the applicable non-family attribu- McCollum Rehberg Southerland Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I was away from tion rules) any stock of such business (or, if McGovern Reyes Speier the Capitol due to prior commitments to my McHenry Richardson such business is other than a corporation, any Stearns constituents. Had I been present, I would have McIntyre Rivera Stutzman capital or profits interest of such business). McKeon Roby Sullivan voted ‘‘no.’’ ‘‘(D) 10-PERCENT-OR-LESS DIRECT OWNERS.— McKinley Roe (TN) Sutton f The term ‘10-percent-or-less direct owner’ McMorris Rogers (AL) Thompson (PA) means, with respect to any qualified small busi- Rodgers Rogers (KY) Thornberry SMALL BUSINESS TAX CUT ACT ness, any direct owner of such business who Mica Rogers (MI) Tiberi Michaud Rohrabacher Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to owns (or is considered as owning under the ap- Tierney plicable non-family attribution rules)— Miller (MI) Rokita Tipton House Resolution 620, I call up the bill Miller (NC) Roskam ‘‘(i) in the case of a qualified small business Tonko (H.R. 9) to amend the Internal Revenue Miller, Gary Ross (AR) Towns which is a corporation, not more than 10 per- Moore Ross (FL) Code of 1986 to provide a deduction for Tsongas cent of the outstanding stock of the corporation Moran Rothman (NJ) domestic business income of qualified Turner (NY) or stock possessing more than 10 percent of the Mulvaney Roybal-Allard Turner (OH) small businesses, and ask for its imme- total combined voting power of all stock of the Murphy (CT) Royce Murphy (PA) Runyan Upton diate consideration. corporation, or Myrick Ruppersberger Van Hollen The Clerk read the title of the bill. ‘‘(ii) in the case of a qualified small business Nadler Ryan (WI) Walden The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. which is not a corporation, not more than 10 Walz (MN) Neugebauer Scalise LATOURETTE). Pursuant to House Reso- percent of the capital or profits interest of such Noem Schiff Wasserman business. Schultz lution 620, the amendment in the na- Nunes Schmidt ‘‘(E) APPLICABLE NON-FAMILY ATTRIBUTION Watt Nunnelee Schwartz ture of a substitute recommended by RULES.—The term ‘applicable non-family attri- Olson Schweikert Waxman the Committee on Ways and Means, Webster bution rules’ means the attribution rules of sub- Palazzo Scott (SC) printed in the bill, is adopted. The bill, Pascrell Scott (VA) Welch section (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, as the case Pearce Scott, Austin West as amended, is considered read. may be, but in each case applied without regard Pelosi Scott, David Westmoreland The text of the bill, as amended, is as to section 267(c)(2). Pence Sensenbrenner Whitfield follows: ‘‘(3) W–2 WAGES.—For purposes of this sec- Perlmutter Serrano Wilson (FL) tion— H.R. 9 Petri Sessions Wilson (SC) ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘W–2 wages’ Pingree (ME) Sewell Wolf Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- means, with respect to any person for any tax- Womack Pitts Sherman resentatives of the United States of America in able year of such person, the sum of the Platts Shimkus Woolsey Congress assembled, Polis Shuster Yarmuth amounts described in paragraphs (3) and (8) of Pompeo Simpson Young (IN) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. section 6051(a) paid by such person with respect This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Business to employment of employees by such person dur- NAYS—118 Tax Cut Act’’. ing the calendar year ending during such tax- Adams Gerlach Olver SEC. 2. DEDUCTION FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESS IN- able year. Altmire Gibson Pallone COME OF QUALIFIED SMALL BUSI- ‘‘(B) LIMITATION TO WAGES ATTRIBUTABLE TO Andrews Graves (MO) Pastor (AZ) NESSES. QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME.—Such Baldwin Green, Gene Paulsen (a) IN GENERAL.—Part VI of subchapter B of term shall not include any amount which is not Bass (CA) Griffin (AR) Peters chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Benishek Grijalva Peterson properly allocable to domestic business gross re- Biggert Gutierrez Poe (TX) is amended by adding at the end the following ceipts for purposes of subsection (c)(1). Bishop (NY) Hanna Quayle new section: ‘‘(C) OTHER REQUIREMENTS.—Except in the Boswell Hartzler Rahall ‘‘SEC. 200. DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME OF case of amounts treated as W–2 wages under Brady (PA) Heck Reed QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES. paragraph (4)— Burgess Herrera Beutler Reichert ‘‘(a) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION.—In the case ‘‘(i) such term shall not include any amount Capuano Honda Renacci of a qualified small business, there shall be al- which is not allowed as a deduction under sec- Cardoza Hoyer Ribble lowed as a deduction an amount equal to 20 per- tion 162 for the taxable year, and Castor (FL) Huelskamp Richmond Chandler Israel Rigell cent of the lesser of— ‘‘(ii) such term shall not include any amount Chu Jackson (IL) Rooney ‘‘(1) the qualified domestic business income of which is not properly included in a return filed Clarke (NY) Jackson Lee Ros-Lehtinen the taxpayer for the taxable year, or with the Social Security Administration on or Cleaver (TX) Rush ‘‘(2) taxable income (determined without re- before the 60th day after the due date (including Clyburn Johnson (OH) Ryan (OH) gard to this section) for the taxable year. extensions) for such return. Coffman (CO) Keating Sa´ nchez, Linda ‘‘(b) DEDUCTION LIMITED BASED ON WAGES ‘‘(4) CERTAIN PARTNERSHIP DISTRIBUTIONS Cohen Kind T. PAID.— TREATED AS W–2 WAGES.— Conaway Kucinich Sanchez, Loretta ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The amount of the deduc- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a qualified Costa Langevin Sarbanes Costello Latham Schakowsky tion allowable under subsection (a) for any tax- small business which is a partnership and elects Courtney Lee (CA) Schilling able year shall not exceed 50 percent of the the application of this paragraph for the taxable Cravaack Lewis (GA) Schock greater of— year— Critz LoBiondo Shuler ‘‘(A) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to ‘‘(i) the qualified domestic business taxable in- DeFazio Luetkemeyer Sires non-owners, or come of such partnership for such taxable year Dent Lynch Stark ‘‘(B) the sum of— (determined after the application of clause (ii)) DesJarlais Markey Stivers ‘‘(i) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to in- which is allocable under rules similar to the Dold Matheson Terry Donnelly (IN) McCotter Thompson (CA) dividuals who are non-owner family members of rules of section 199(d)(1)(A)(ii) to each qualified Duffy McDermott Thompson (MS) direct owners, plus service-providing partner shall be treated for Fattah McNerney Vela´ zquez ‘‘(ii) any W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to purposes of this section as W–2 wages paid dur- Fitzpatrick Meehan Visclosky 10-percent-or-less direct owners. ing such taxable year to such partner as an em- Forbes Meeks Walberg ‘‘(2) DEFINITIONS RELATED TO OWNERSHIP.— ployee, and Foxx Miller (FL) Waters For purposes of this section— ‘‘(ii) the domestic business gross receipts of Fudge Miller, George Wittman ‘‘(A) NON-OWNER.—The term ‘non-owner’ such partnership for such taxable year shall be Gardner Neal Woodall means, with respect to any qualified small busi- reduced by the amount so treated. Garrett Nugent Yoder ness, any person who does not own (and is not ‘‘(B) QUALIFIED SERVICE-PROVIDING PART- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—3 considered as owning within the meaning of NER.—For purposes of this paragraph, the term Amash Gohmert Owens subsection (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, as the case ‘qualified service-providing partner’ means, may be) any stock of such business (or, if such with respect to any qualified domestic business NOT VOTING—20 business is other than a corporation, any cap- taxable income, any partner who is a 10-per- Bass (NH) Flake Rangel ital or profits interest of such business). cent-or-less direct owner and who materially Bishop (UT) Gosar Schrader ‘‘(B) NON-OWNER FAMILY MEMBERS.—An indi- participates in the trade or business to which Braley (IA) Guinta Slaughter vidual is a non-owner family member of a direct such income relates. Burton (IN) Manzullo Walsh (IL) owner if— ‘‘(5) ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS.—The Cummings Marino Young (AK) ‘‘(i) such individual is family (within the Secretary shall provide for the application of Davis (KY) Napolitano Young (FL) Filner Paul meaning of section 267(c)(4)) of a direct owner, this subsection in cases where the taxpayer ac- and quires, or disposes of, the major portion of a b 1057 ‘‘(ii) such individual would be a non-owner if trade or business or the major portion of a sepa- subsections (c) and (e)(3) of section 267 were ap- rate unit of a trade or business during the tax- So the Journal was approved. plied without regard to section 267(c)(2). able year.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.007 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1991

‘‘(c) QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME.— subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 shall be ‘‘(C) any deduction allowable under section For purposes of this section— treated as a single employer for purposes of this 200,’’. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified domes- subsection. (9) Section 1402(a) of such Code is amended by tic business income’ for any taxable year means ‘‘(B) PREDECESSORS.—Any reference in this striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (16), by an amount equal to the excess (if any) of— subsection to an employer shall include a ref- redesignating paragraph (17) as paragraph (18), ‘‘(A) the taxpayer’s domestic business gross re- erence to any predecessor of such employer. and by inserting after paragraph (16) the fol- ceipts for such taxable year, over ‘‘(e) SPECIAL RULES.— lowing new paragraph: ‘‘(B) the sum of— ‘‘(1) ELECTIVE APPLICATION OF DEDUCTION.— ‘‘(17) the deduction provided by section 200 ‘‘(i) the cost of goods sold that are allocable to Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary, shall not be allowed; and’’. such receipts, and the taxpayer may elect not to take any item of (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- ‘‘(ii) other expenses, losses, or deductions income into account as domestic business gross tions for part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 of (other than the deduction allowed under this receipts for purposes of this section. such Code is amended by adding at the end the section), which are properly allocable to such ‘‘(2) COORDINATION WITH SECTION 199.—If a following new item: receipts. deduction is allowed under this section with re- ‘‘Sec. 200. Domestic business income of qualified ‘‘(2) DOMESTIC BUSINESS GROSS RECEIPTS.— spect to any taxpayer for any taxable year— small businesses.’’. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘domestic busi- ‘‘(A) any gross receipts of the taxpayer which ness gross receipts’ means the gross receipts of are taken into account under this section for The SPEAKER pro tempore. After 70 the taxpayer which are effectively connected such taxable year shall not be taken into ac- minutes of debate on the bill, as with the conduct of a trade or business within count under section 199 for such taxable year, amended, it shall be in order to con- the United States within the meaning of section and sider the further amendment in the na- 864(c) but determined— ‘‘(B) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer which are ture of a substitute printed in House ‘‘(i) without regard to paragraphs (3), (4), and taken into account under this section shall not Report 112–447, if offered by the gen- (5) thereof, and be taken into account under section 199 for such tleman from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) or ‘‘(ii) by substituting ‘qualified small business taxable year. (within the meaning of section 200)’ for ‘non- ‘‘(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN RULES.—Rules his designee, which shall be considered resident alien individual or a foreign corpora- similar to the rules of paragraphs (1), (2), (3), read and shall be separately debatable tion’ each place it appears therein. (4), (6), and (7) of section 199(d) shall apply for for 25 minutes equally divided and con- ‘‘(B) EXCEPTIONS.—For purposes of paragraph purposes of this section (applied with respect to trolled by the proponent and an oppo- (1), domestic business gross receipts shall not in- qualified domestic business income in lieu of nent. clude any of the following: qualified production activities income). The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. ‘‘(i) Gross receipts derived from the sale or ex- ‘‘(f) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall pre- CAMP) and the gentleman from Michi- change of— scribe such regulations as are necessary to carry gan (Mr. LEVIN) each will control 35 ‘‘(I) a capital asset, or out the purposes of this section, including regu- ‘‘(II) property used in the trade or business lations which prevent a taxpayer which reorga- minutes. (as defined in section 1231(b)). nizes from being treated as a qualified small The Chair recognizes the gentleman ‘‘(ii) Royalties, rents, dividends, interest, or business if such taxpayer would not have been from Michigan (Mr. CAMP). annuities. treated as a qualified small business prior to GENERAL LEAVE ‘‘(iii) Any amount which constitutes wages (as such reorganization. defined in section 3401). Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- ‘‘(g) APPLICATION.—Subsection (a) shall apply mous consent that all Members have 5 ‘‘(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN RULES.—Rules only with respect to the first taxable year of the similar to the rules of paragraphs (2) and (3) of taxpayer beginning after December 31, 2011.’’. legislative days in which to revise and section 199(c) shall apply for purposes of this (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— extend their remarks and to include ex- section (applied with respect to qualified domes- (1) Section 56(d)(1)(A) of such Code is amend- traneous material on H.R. 9. tic business income in lieu of qualified produc- ed by striking ‘‘deduction under section 199’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tion activities income and with respect to domes- both places it appears and inserting ‘‘deductions objection to the request of the gen- tic business gross receipts in lieu of domestic under sections 199 and 200’’. tleman from Michigan? production gross receipts). (2) Section 56(g)(4)(C) of such Code is amend- There was no objection. ‘‘(d) QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESS.—For pur- ed by adding at the end the following new poses of this section— clause: b 1100 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified small ‘‘(vii) DEDUCTION FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESS IN- Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- business’ means any employer engaged in a COME OF QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES.—Clause trade or business if such employer had fewer (i) shall not apply to any amount allowable as self such time as I may consume. than 500 full-time equivalent employees for ei- a deduction under section 200.’’. I rise today in support of H.R. 9, the ther calendar year 2010 or 2011. (3) The following provisions of such Code are Small Business Tax Cut Act. This leg- ‘‘(2) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES.—The each amended by inserting ‘‘200,’’ after ‘‘199,’’. islation will allow small businesses term ‘full-time equivalent employees’ has the (A) Section 86(b)(2)(A). with fewer than 500 employees to take meaning given such term by subsection (d)(2) of (B) Section 135(c)(4)(A). a 20 percent tax deduction. section 45R applied— (C) Section 137(b)(3)(A). Small businesses are the engine of ‘‘(A) without regard to subsection (d)(5) of (D) Section 219(g)(3)(A)(ii). such section, (E) Section 221(b)(2)(C)(i). job creation, and while we pursue com- ‘‘(B) with regard to subsection (e)(1) of such (F) Section 222(b)(2)(C)(i). prehensive tax reform that will give all section, and (G) Section 246(b)(1). businesses certainty to invest and hire, ‘‘(C) by substituting ‘calendar year’ for ‘tax- (H) Section 469(i)(3)(F)(iii). this bill will help small businesses to able year’ each place it appears therein. (4) Section 163(j)(6)(A)(i) of such Code is reinvest, hire new workers, or provide ‘‘(3) EMPLOYERS NOT IN EXISTENCE PRIOR TO amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of sub- a raise to an employee. 2012.—In the case of an employer which was not clause (III) and by inserting after subclause The policies put forth by President in existence on January 1, 2012, the determina- (IV) the following new subclause: tion under paragraph (1) shall be made with re- ‘‘(V) any deduction allowable under section Obama and congressional Democrats spect to calendar year 2012. 200, and’’. have yielded more government spend- ‘‘(4) APPLICATION TO CALENDAR YEARS IN (5) Section 170(b)(2)(C) of such Code is amend- ing but have failed to generate strong WHICH EMPLOYER IN EXISTENCE FOR PORTION OF ed by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of clause (iv), income growth and the jobs Americans CALENDAR YEAR.—In the case of any calendar by striking the period at the end of clause (v) need. Instead of lowering unemploy- year during which the employer comes into ex- and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by inserting after ment, we got a lower credit rating; in- istence, the number of full-time equivalent em- clause (v) the following new clause: stead of massive job creation, we got ployees determined under paragraph (2) with re- ‘‘(vi) section 200.’’. massive and unprecedented levels of spect to such calendar year shall be increased (6) Section 172(d) of such Code is amended by by multiplying the number so determined (with- adding at the end the following new paragraph: debt; and instead of higher wages for out regard to this paragraph) by the quotient ‘‘(8) DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME OF QUALIFIED working families, we got higher gas obtained by dividing— SMALL BUSINESSES.—The deduction under sec- prices. ‘‘(A) the number of days in such calendar tion 200 shall not be allowed.’’. This bill provides real relief to Amer- year, by (7) Section 613(a) of such Code is amended by ican small businesses and the workers ‘‘(B) the number of days during such calendar striking ‘‘deduction under section 199’’ and in- they employ, and it treats every small year which such employer is in existence. serting ‘‘deductions under sections 199 and 200’’. business equally. Contrary to the polit- ‘‘(5) SPECIAL RULES.— (8) Section 613A(d)(1) of such Code is amended ‘‘(A) AGGREGATION RULE.—For purposes of by redesignating subparagraphs (C), (D), and ical cronyism we’ve seen time and time paragraph (1), any person treated as a single (E) as subparagraphs (D), (E), and (F), respec- again, this bill does not pick winners employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section tively, and by inserting after subparagraph (B) and losers. It provides relief to all 52 (applied without regard to section 1563(b)) or the following new subparagraph: small businesses, including those in my

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.011 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 home State of Michigan. Michigan has tally. It applies as long as an entity this morning. This is what they say been hit especially hard over the last 3 has under 500 employees—law firms, about your bill: It’s another tax gim- years with some of the highest unem- sports teams, financial consultants, mick. ployment rates in the Nation. And lobbyists, corporate farmers—and re- b 1110 while small business owners in my dis- gardless of what their annual receipts trict need and want comprehensive tax are. They can be tens of millions, hun- Just earlier today somebody got up reform, they also agree that we must dreds of millions of dollars. here and read from The Wall Street take steps to spur investment and hir- Interestingly, when the SBA looks at Journal. It was some months ago. ing today as well. These business own- its loan program, it has what’s called a Again, The Wall Street Journal says: ers are the real experts who know what common standard. What that is is that ‘‘The U.S. economy does not need an- they need to add jobs back to our com- generally the businesses it serves can- other tax gimmick.’’ So this is tax pol- munities. not have more than $7 million in aver- icy gone haywire. Take, for example, Bob Yackel, presi- age annual receipts for most nonmanu- I’m going to offer a substitute, after dent of Merrill Tool. As part of the 400- facturing firms. This bill has no lim- we finish debate here on general de- employee Merrill Technologies Group, its—none—as to function or amount of bate, that’s targeted; that will help Mr. Yackel says: receipts, so really this bill mocks the create jobs; that’s fair; that is fiscally As a manufacturing business in mid-Michi- use of the title ‘‘small business.’’ This responsible and continues a policy that gan, we know firsthand the ramifications of isn’t about mom and pop. It’s about both Republicans and Democrats have the recent economic turmoil. The best way popping the cork for wealthy tax- supported in the past. Washington can help energize economic payers. This flies in the face of anything bi- growth is by making sure business owners Secondly, graded on tax fairness, F. partisan. It flies in the face of anything are spending less on tax payments and more According to the most cautious esti- that is truthful in advertising. It flies on creating jobs. mate, 56 percent of the tax break under in the face of anything that is fair. It Bob Yackel is a larger small business this bill goes to taxpayers making flies in the face of anything that cre- owner, but there are smaller businesses $250,000 or more annually. It provides ates jobs. It flies in the face of fiscal that feel the same way. 125,000 taxpayers making $1 million a responsibility, and it flies in the face of Jim Holton, owner of Mountain Town year with a tax break of over $58,000. tax reform. Station in Mount Pleasant, has served Another model says that 49 percent of So I more than urge people to vote the central Michigan community as a this $46 billion revenue loss goes to ‘‘no’’ and vote ‘‘yes’’ on our substitute. restaurant owner for more than 15 people with incomes over $1 million. I really urge that they exercise their years. He is especially pleased with the This is Bush tax cuts on steroids. responsibility to try to get this coun- simplicity and ease of this legislative Thirdly, in terms of job creation, an- try moving in the right direction, not approach. He says: other grade F. Listen to the Joint Tax with policies that deserve a total F on The beauty of the Small Business Tax Cut Committee analysis. It says this bill’s the test of sound tax policy. Act is its simplicity. If you’re earning profits economic impact ‘‘is so small as to be I reserve the balance of my time. and contributing to the economy, then you incalculable.’’ The only thing calcu- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield can take 20 percent off your tax bill. No myself as much time as I may con- hoops to jump through. This is a great way lating about this bill is its political na- for business owners like myself in the Great ture. sume. Lakes Bay region and across America to help We’ve looked at the Web site of the Mr. Speaker, we know jobs won’t jump-start our economy. majority leader. He uses Mr. Robbins, come back until small businesses re- Those are just two examples in who was the one who advised Herman cover. Small businesses have generated Michigan’s Fourth District, but they Cain on 9–9-9. Here’s what Mr. Robbins over 65 percent of the new jobs in this echo small businesses and small busi- says about this bill: He estimates that country; but the economic downturn, ness owners across the country. a 1-year tax cut would create 39,000 red tape, and higher taxes coming from Throughout our history, we’ve de- jobs. This is on the majority leader’s Washington have simply made it hard- pended upon these industrious and in- Web site. So, according to the analysis er for small business to create jobs. novative risk-takers to help us move that the leader is touting on its own Tax policies should encourage eco- through tough economic times. While Web site, H.R. 9 would increase the nomic growth, investment, and job cre- we work to provide them the long-term Federal deficit by $1.1 million for every ation, not stifle it. We need to stop and comprehensive tax reform they need, job supposedly created. So, another big think about what kind of country we we can also take steps today to unlock F. want to be. Do we want to be one with new opportunities for them imme- Now let’s talk about where these jobs lower taxes, more growth, and more diately. Passing this bill will provide would be created. The bill is so jobs; or do we want to be one of more these much-needed, immediate oppor- untargeted to require that the jobs government control and fewer opportu- tunities. that are created here would really be nities? I urge my colleagues to join me in created, because a company would get This week, when every American supporting small business and to dem- this benefit if it sheds jobs or if it uses filed their tax returns, the other party onstrate that they support them as the deduction to hire workers overseas. in the Senate voted to increase taxes. well by voting ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 9. Let’s next go to fiscal irrespon- We should not be taking money out of Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- sibility, another fat F in terms of re- the hands of those we are counting on sent that the gentleman from Virginia sponsibility. This bill adds a whopping to create jobs. We need to let small (Mr. CANTOR) be permitted to control $46 billion to the deficit in 1 year; if it’s business owners keep more of their the balance of the time, and I reserve made permanent, one-half trillion dol- hard-earned money so they can start the balance of my time. lars over the next 10 years. So I say hiring again. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without this to anybody who votes for this bill Today, Mr. Speaker, we’ll vote on the objection, Mr. CANTOR will control the and then goes home and utters the Small Business Tax Cut Act to give time and have the authority to dis- word, once, ‘‘Federal deficit.’’ They every small business with fewer than pense time. will sell short the intelligence of their 500 employees a 20 percent tax cut. Our There was no objection. constituents, because they will know bill puts more money into the hands of Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- when someone is selling them a pig in small business owners so they can rein- self such time as I may consume. a poke. vest those funds to retain and create This bill needs to be graded, and the Now let’s talk about tax reform, an- more jobs and grow their businesses, grade it gets is F, a fat F grade. It fails other fat F. This bill is the antithesis plain and simple. all tests of sound tax policy. of tax reform. What it does is ridicule According to a study, the Small Busi- Let me start with truth in adver- supporters who claim their fealty to ness Tax Cut Act will help create more tising, a grade F. This is not a small tax reform. It doesn’t simplify tax than 100,000 new jobs a year once fully business bill. It’s small business in structures; it complicates it. That’s in place. One-third of the firms that name only. It’s totally untargeted, to- why I quote The Wall Street Journal benefit from our tax cut are owned by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.031 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1993 women. One-fifth are owned by minori- since we can’t see eye to eye on that, body for $1.1 million? They’re hiring ties. And our legislation won’t just since we’ve still got work to do, let’s them for $6 or $8 an hour. benefit small business owners; it bene- give the small businesses some help This is not a job creation bill. It is fits current workers by boosting wages. now. simply a press release. The Republicans Mr. Speaker, when I talk with small With that, I reserve the balance of have not brought out a serious job cre- business owners across the country, I my time, Mr. Speaker. ation bill. Yesterday was as close as we hear they need more opportunity to Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself 30 seconds. came when we finally did the highway grow. I hear that taxes are siphoning We have a Statement of Administra- bill so that we could at least keep high- away their income. I hear they can’t tion Policy in total opposition to this. way infrastructure being created. Oth- access capital. The Small Business Administration erwise, there has been nothing solid One small business owner in Spotsyl- would not provide a loan for innumer- that has gotten through the Congress. vania, Virginia, called the small busi- able people who benefit from this. They The highway bill will get through be- ness tax cut a win-win for him and have a $7 million limit. cause everybody knows it creates jobs, other small business owners in the Supply-side economics, we tried that but this kind of stuff is simply sinking economy. He said that with more for a number of years, and we were los- us. money to invest in his businesses he ing 700,000 jobs a month when this ad- What’s really interesting, though, is could afford to hire more staff, buy new ministration took over—700,000, and that, as I look at that $1.1 million per equipment and expand. you raise supply-side economics as job, I remember when they came up Mr. Speaker, while we continue to something we should embrace? No way. with the phony claim—never proven— work toward tax reform that broadens No way. that the Recovery Act would cost the base, brings down the rates for ev- I yield 3 minutes to the distinguished $278,000 for a job. This costs us four erybody, and gets rid of loopholes, gentleman from Washington, Dr. JIM times as much, and it’s from his own Washington assumes the role of pick- MCDERMOTT, a member of our com- economist. Vote ‘‘no’’ on this bill. ing winners and losers. We need to take mittee. Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I now yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman incremental steps to give job creators (Mr. MCDERMOTT asked and was from Washington (Ms. HERRERA tax relief right away. This Small Busi- given permission to revise and extend BEUTLER). ness Tax Cut Act is a step in that right his remarks.) Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Last direction. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, week, I met with more than 70 small President Obama called small busi- Members of the House, in 5 hours we’re nesses the anchors of our Main Streets. businesses throughout southwest going to get on planes and go home, so Washington, so I am here to support a We agree. I hope we can all unite we have to get the press releases ready around helping the small businesses bill today that would give every one of to go. And that’s what this is about. those businesses a much-needed, posi- which are the engines of job creation in This bill will be dead in the Senate tive injection of capital. our country. the minute it hits the desk. It’s not What my friends on the other side of Mr. Speaker, I’d say in response to going anywhere. It is a press release, the aisle seem to have a hard time un- the gentleman’s assertion towards the and it is the most wasteful bill of the derstanding is that 7 out of 10 jobs in definition of small business in this bill, season so far. Now, I’m sure that Mr. this country over the last 20 years have this is the Small Business Administra- CANTOR and others will find worse come from small businesses. If we cre- tion definition of small business. This things to do down the way as we get ate an environment where they can is what every program that comes out closer to the election. grow and succeed, more people are of this government aimed to help small This week has been a disaster in going to find work, and that’s what businesses is premised upon. The SBA here. We started on Tuesday by deem- this is all about. They need it. My dis- definition of a small business is one of ing the budget passed, here and in the trict has endured multiple years of 499 or fewer. Senate. It’s a fiction. It never hap- double-digit unemployment, and job- As far as the gentleman’s allegations pened. That’s how this week started. providing small businesses haven’t seen about the potential for abuse under Then we went to the Ways and Means much from their government to give this bill, if he’d read the language of Committee yesterday, and we cut $68 them hope or to encourage them to the bill, Mr. Speaker, it caps the abil- billion out of health, children’s serv- grow their workforces. ity to benefit from the tax cut to 50 ices, social services, foster care, in rec- For example, many small businesses percent of the W–2 wages that that onciliation to balance the budget. that I’ve met with are really worried small business paid out. This is, And then we get up this morning and about hitting that 50-employee thresh- straight up, something to help small here we have a bill that borrows $46 bil- old that is going to trigger the health businesses keep more of their money lion from the Chinese, or whoever, to care law’s burdensome cost. They’re while they’re having so much difficulty give it to small business. The fact is staying under it. Imagine that: a gov- keeping the lights on and, instead, giv- that 125,000 millionaires in this coun- ernment rule that is deterring small ing them the ability to grow, to grow, try will get an average tax cut of businesses from hiring. This is a ter- invest, and create more jobs. $58,000. rible time to send that message. An- As far as the gentleman’s allegations That’s what this bill does. It does not other business owner talked to me that somehow this bill only affects create jobs. It’s supposed to create about how he is exasperated by the those millionaires, billionaires and the jobs. In fact, the job creation is so government reaching out to him, say- rest, I think he will see the studies small, as you heard, it’s incalculable. ing he had 4 days to put together a have shown that just 18.3 percent of Now, that wouldn’t satisfy the major- mountain load of paperwork or face a those people are in the categories of in- ity leader. He had to go and find an fine. come he suggests, with 80-some percent economist somewhere who’d give him a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in the middle class—80-some percent, better number. time of the gentlewoman has expired. the true small business owners who Mr. CANTOR. I yield the gentlelady b 1120 we’re relying on to create jobs for the an additional 30 seconds. middle class to come back. So he found Herman Cain’s guy, the Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. We need And I would say to the gentleman, as guy who had the 9–9-9 tax deal. Now, to remove those barriers. Today, the far as the allegation of gimmickry, the there’s a solid citizen. He really knows bill that we get a chance to pass is essence of supply-side economics, the what’s going. Well, he comes up with going to send a different signal that centrality issue on taxes is the reduc- 39,000 jobs will be created. 39,000 jobs. It says, Government wants you to grow. tion of marginal rates. That’s exactly sounds like quite a bit, doesn’t it? We want you to hire. You’re not Uncle what this bill does. Until you figure how many billions of Sam’s piggy bank. We want you to suc- Does it provide it for long enough? dollars are going to create them. The ceed and prosper. Does it provide permanency? No. But figure is that each job will cost $1.1 These businesses are going to put what we want to do in a permanent million in tax cuts. This is to get one moms, dads, and hardworking tax- way is effect broader tax reform. But job. Do you think they’re hiring some- payers to work. Let’s allow them to do

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.032 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 more of that. On behalf of small busi- job creation. Their success is vital to I have another example. Two compa- ness owners in southwest Washington, I the strength of this economy and to nies, both have 500 employees. One stand in strong support of this bill. the availability of jobs for all Ameri- company decides to hire more Ameri- Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself 5 seconds. cans. cans; 10 more Americans are put on the Is it worth $1.1 million a job in Wash- As a CPA and a legislator, I’ve heard payroll. The other company of 500 em- ington? from small business owners throughout ployees decides, I think it’s easier for I now yield 2 minutes to the very dis- my career, and their message has been me to make more money if I take some tinguished gentleman from Oregon, an remarkably consistent: They need re- of those jobs and put them overseas, so active member of our committee, Mr. lief from the burdensome Tax Code, I’m going to fire 10 Americans here in BLUMENAUER. and they need capital to hire and ex- America, and I’m going to start those Mr. BLUMENAUER. I listened to my pand, which is exactly what the Small jobs overseas, outsource those jobs. good friend and colleague from the Business Tax Cut Act provides. Guess who gets the tax break—the other side of the river from my home- While our colleagues in the Senate company that hires 10 new American town of Portland, Oregon, talking are devising new and creative ways to employees? No. They get nothing. The about trying to assist small business raise taxes, here in the House we have firm that fires 10 American employees and encourage economic development. the opportunity to pass legislation here and outsources those jobs to an- But the facts are that the vast ma- that supports our small businesses, en- other country, that company will get jority of this aid, as we’ve talked courages growth and job creation, and the benefits of this tax break. about, is going to be unfocused. It’s lifts our economy out of the current ec- The American public is correct. To- going to go to people whether they onomics of the day. We can and should day’s tax system is skewed towards the need it or not, including some of the do all of this by passing the Small wealthy, and that’s why we have to wealthiest individuals and partner- Business Tax Cut Act today. vote against this legislation. Let us ships—accountants, lobbyists—and to Mr. LEVIN. I now yield 3 minutes to have job creation legislation. Let us companies regardless of whether or not another very active member of our focus on small businesses. This does they add employment or reduce it. committee, the gentleman from Cali- neither. At this very time, we have people on fornia, XAVIER BECERRA. I urge my colleagues to vote against Capitol Hill who are begging us to get Mr. BECERRA. I thank the gen- H.R. 9. real about infrastructure investment. tleman for yielding. Mr. CANTOR. I yield myself 30 sec- We finally are getting a bill to con- When you hear of small business, onds just in response, Mr. Speaker, to ference, but we’re hung up on funding what comes up in your mind first? The the allegation about those who benefit it. The Republican budget would cut corner drug store? The tech trouble- from the Small Business Tax Cut Act. transportation funding 46 percent, $6.5 shooting startup? My daughter’s mar- I would ask the gentleman to perhaps billion less than is necessary to keep tial arts instructor? How about Donald look at the language of the Democrat current obligations. This week, small Trump? How about Trump Sales and alternative on the motion to recommit business people, including a number Leasing, or Paris Hilton Entertain- because it, as well, provides the same who visited my office, came in, implor- ment? What about Larry Flynt Publi- benefit it’s trying to provide to others. ing us to stop the games and to get on cations? Not that any of these latter All those people, the so-called ‘‘rich with the reauthorization of the Surface companies have volunteered to show and famous’’ that he says are the only Transportation Act. me their tax returns, but by all ac- ones that benefit, also benefit under If we really are going to borrow $46 counts, these are the businesses that their alternative. billion from China or from whomever will devour the lion’s share of the tax Mr. BECERRA. Will the gentleman and add to the deficit, if we have that breaks in this legislation. yield? capacity, for heavens sakes, we should Mr. Speaker, 3 percent of the busi- Mr. CANTOR. I will not yield. invest it in rebuilding and renewing nesses in America will get 56 percent of Mr. Speaker, we are here to provide America. the tax breaks provided. The rich and the kind of relief to the small business The SPEAKER pro tempore. The famous will get most of the money. men and women that will benefit from time of the gentleman has expired. 125,000 millionaires in America will get this. Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentleman an $58,000 in tax breaks this year alone, With that, I yield 2 minutes to the additional 30 seconds. which is the first year of this tax gentlewoman from Tennessee (Mrs. Mr. BLUMENAUER. With this $46 break. That’s how targeted this par- BLACK). billion, added to the bipartisan Senate ticular bill is. Mrs. BLACK. Thank you, Mr. Leader, bill that passed with 74 votes—half the More than that, what we find is that for allowing me to be here today. Republicans—we could have a robust most Americans don’t believe that our I have spent the last year and a half reauthorization of the Surface Trans- tax system is fair. They believe that it traveling throughout the Sixth Con- portation Act and create hundreds of is skewed towards the very wealthy. gressional District that I represent thousands of family-wage jobs. Not by H.R. 9 proves that they are right. Sev- talking to small-, medium-, and large- picking winners and losers, but by enty percent of Americans believe that size businesses. What I have asked going back to the day when we used to the tax system is skewed against them them across the board is, what is it work together on a bipartisan basis to and favors the very wealthy. If Paris that would help you to be able to grow fund infrastructure and to help Hilton, who has what we understand your business. strengthen every community around are about five employees based in Bev- What I hear from them is that there’s the country. erly Hills, can take advantage of this a lot of uncertainty out there, and they Reject this gimmick. If we have an tax cut, or if Donald Trump or Larry are concerned already about large bur- extra $46 billion we’re going to borrow, Flynt or Kim Kardashian or Oprah dens of increasing taxes, more regula- invest it in rebuilding and renewing Winfrey—all small business people— tions, more mandates. They really fear America—really helping small business can take advantage and get, maybe, what Washington will do to them next. and strengthening the environment in $58,000 in tax breaks while most small What if we said to small businesses, every community across America. businesses will get barely anything, that really are the engine of our eco- Mr. CANTOR. I now yield 1 minute to then I think the American public is nomic growth, that we’re going to do the gentlewoman from Kansas (Ms. correct. something for you instead of to you? JENKINS). What if Washington encouraged growth Ms. JENKINS. I thank the leader for b 1130 instead of causing small businesses to yielding. Remember, most businesses in Amer- live in fear that one more tax might Job growth is my top priority, and no ica are sole proprietorships. Most of sink them? one can deny that small business is the those sole proprietorships have no em- Over 20 years ago, my family started engine that drives our economy and ployees. Under this bill, if you’re a sole a small business, and I can tell you our job market. Since 1980, small busi- proprietor and have no employees, you that if the conditions were like they nesses have accounted for 60 percent of get zero of the tax break benefits. are today then we probably would not

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.034 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1995 have taken the risk to put everything This bill today adds $46 billion to the I think our Tax Code should be de- on the line and start our small busi- deficit. Without a hearing? Why don’t signed to promote simplicity, competi- ness. That’s why I’m supporting Leader we just do these proposals by unani- tion, and economic growth. We can do CANTOR’s 20 percent small business tax mous consent and bring them to the this by reducing the burden on small cut that would allow small business floor? We missed the point of what the American businesses that are respon- owners to, one, retain more capital; vetting process does, where people sible for the majority of new jobs cre- two, invest in their business; and stand in front of that committee and ated in our country every day. three—this is the key—to hire more they offer expert testimony. But our This bill will provide an immediate workers. friends on the Republican side, they 20 percent deduction for millions of In the State of Tennessee, we have call this a small business tax cut. This small businesses, one-third of which, over 96,000 small businesses that em- is about the theater of the election by the way, are owned by women and ploy over 1.38 million individuals. In year, and everybody knows it. one-fifth of which are minority-owned. This is the same group that would particular, we have 12,000 small b 1140 women-owned businesses, which have have you believe, incidentally, that tax been, until recently, the fastest grow- cuts pay for themselves, even though Let’s allow small businesses to rein- ing sector of our small business econ- you can’t find an economist who will vest in new jobs, new opportunities, omy. adhere to that position. and new products that will grow our So it’s not just a cliche that getting They have run up the deficits in this economy. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- small business growing again is the country recklessly, and in the name of leagues to listen, as I have done, to the key to our economic growth; it’s a fact. a political campaign, they’re prepared voices of their small business owners Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- to do it again. They want to pour syrup and operators back home. self 1 minute. on the plate and not even bother to Mr. LEVIN. May I ask the distin- What the leader said is not correct. serve pancakes with it. In our current guished gentleman from the State of The substitute provides some help to fiscal situation, to have not vetted this Ohio how much time remains on both those who invest in property, plant, sort of proposal in front of the com- sides? and equipment. That’s not Paris Hil- mittee is a mistake. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ton. You want to talk about helping small tleman from the State of Michigan has Mr. CANTOR. Will the gentleman business with tax policy? Count me in. 151⁄2 minutes, and the gentleman from yield? We’ve worked on some good bipartisan Virginia, the majority leader, has 201⁄2 Mr. LEVIN. Let me finish. legislation over the last 20 years to minutes remaining. You didn’t yield at all to us, so let help small business, not to do it in this Mr. LEVIN. I yield 2 minutes to the me finish. manner where this legislation has been gentleman from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT), It has to be a factory that’s built brought to the floor. another active member of our com- here. We had a markup in the committee mittee. I yield to the gentleman from Cali- yesterday where cuts are being pro- Mr. DOGGETT. I thank the gen- fornia. posed to senior citizens, to low-income tleman. Mr. BECERRA. What the gentleman families, eliminate funding for Meals You know, the Republicans are al- Mr. LEVIN is saying is correct, and I On Wheels, and yet they bring this pro- ways so much better in the names they want to correct Mr. CANTOR because he posal up today with a straight face. give these bills than what’s in them. I misspoke about the Democratic alter- Mr. CANTOR. I yield myself 30 sec- think in considering this one we have native. onds. to look at what it is and what it is not. The Democratic alternative requires I just want to set the record straight, It is not an economic recovery meas- that a small business make an invest- Mr. Speaker. ure. A nonpartisan analysis has shown ment in a plant or small machinery. If The Ways and Means Committee had that the economic benefits are consid- Paris Hilton wishes to invest in a plant two small business hearings on the im- ered to be so small as to be incalcu- and machinery, then perhaps she will plications of tax reform in which this lable. qualify. If Larry Flynt would want to proposal was raised. In addition, the It is not helpful to sole proprietors, invest in plants and machinery for his gentleman well knows that there was a who do not benefit at all from this bill. business, perhaps he would qualify. markup. It is not a way to reduce the deficit Otherwise, this is a giveaway. Ours re- Mr. NEAL. Will the gentleman yield? or the national debt. Indeed, this is a quires you to make investments in Mr. CANTOR. If I could finish. No. measure that will add $46 billion to the America. There was a markup in committee in national deficit. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 which even the gentleman offered an We were told only yesterday that be- minutes to another distinguished mem- amendment and then withdrew it be- cause of a pressing national debt, we ber of our committee, the gentleman cause it was ruled nongermane. Of can no longer provide one source of fed- from Massachusetts (Mr. NEAL). course there was a markup. Of course eral funding for hot meals for seniors Mr. NEAL. Thank you, Mr. LEVIN. this idea has been the subject of discus- through the Meals on Wheels program Mr. Speaker, I stand in opposition to sion in committee. in Texas, that we could not afford to this proposal today. Again, I just wanted to set the record provide Federal resources that are nec- I have just a couple of thoughts, hav- straight, Mr. Speaker. essary there on child abuse or on keep- ing had long-term membership here. With that, I yield 1 minute to the ing a child with disability at home, or This is not the way to write legisla- gentlewoman from Illinois (Mrs. helping seniors maintain their inde- tion, and the Members on the other BIGGERT). pendence, that there just aren’t the re- side know this. Mrs. BIGGERT. I thank the majority sources to do that. But today we are The chairman of the Ways and Means leader for yielding. told there is $46 billion we can add to Committee should be here with us Mr. Speaker, Tuesday was Tax Day, the debt for a nice-sounding bill. today to discuss this. This should have when Americans everywhere were re- What is this bill? It is another failed been vetted into the full committee. minded just how much Uncle Sam Republican retread. It is a measure This should have had an active markup takes out of our pockets each and that will help those at the top rather with full participation. every year. But it was also a reminder than those who are really struggling to I revere this institution, and I revere that not all of our tax policies are cre- get to the top. I’m concerned about the that committee. Members spend their ated equal. icehouse on the west side of San Anto- careers trying to become members of Some in Washington want to raise nio, about the beauty shop in the Ways and Means Committee. To taxes simply to feed the Federal Gov- Lockhart, about the auto repair shop bring this legislation to the floor today ernment’s spending addiction, even in San Marcos. But those are not the without a hearing is ill-considered. when higher taxes on things like cap- places that will receive the principal From a historic perspective, why ital gains and investments would only benefits of this measure. don’t we talk about how we got into discourage growth and shrink revenue Indeed, 125,000 millionaires in this this situation? in the long term. country will get more in tax benefits

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.037 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 out of this than many of the owners of I have to tell you, I remember in are poor want to be poor. And that’s those businesses earn during an entire Ways and Means Committee the debate your anthem. But it can’t find reality. year, in fact, more than the median in- on ObamaCare, the Republicans offered It has no foundation, and it is im- come throughout San Antonio, Austin, an amendment to shield small busi- moral—immoral. and central and south Texas. nesses from tax increases, and our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE What this measure is is a boon. Democrat friends said they can’t do The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that because small businesses have had Chair asks all Members to heed the time of the gentleman has expired. it too easy all these years—small busi- gavel. Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentleman an nesses have had it too easy all these Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 additional 30 seconds. years. minute to the gentlewoman from Mr. DOGGETT. It will be a boon to It’s time to give our small businesses highly paid professionals, private eq- South Dakota (Mrs. NOEM). a break, time to get this economy back Mrs. NOEM. I thank the leader for uity firms, hedge fund managers, and on track. It’s time to let them keep yielding. professional sports teams. I think what they have worked so hard to earn. You know, it never ceases to amaze they’ve received enough economic ben- Mr. LEVIN. I yield 2 minutes to an- me the misleading claims that will efit in the past with the Bush tax cuts. other very active member of our com- We ought to be focusing our support come from my colleagues on the other mittee, the gentleman from New Jer- for small businesses not on those who side of the aisle at times. One of them sey (Mr. PASCRELL). are already at the top and should be that has been talked about a lot here Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, we are contributing a little to the shared sac- today is the fact that only the rich and really in the middle of the theater of rifice necessary to get our national famous would benefit from this piece of the absurd. I’m not opposed, and appar- debt under control and meet basic legislation. Well, I have been sitting ently the other side is not opposed, to human needs. back here, and I have been trying to Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield stimulus spending for the economy. I think of even a handful of famous peo- myself 30 seconds. don’t know where they have been for ple in South Dakota that are going to Again, Mr. Speaker, just to correct the last 18 months. Let’s make effec- benefit from this. tive stimulus. the record, the gentleman from Texas b 1150 indicated that this bill doesn’t benefit Since you mentioned the CBO, Mr. sole proprietors. Sole proprietors are, CANTOR, through the Chair, they rank I can’t come up with it; but I’ve got in fact, the disproportionate bene- this bill next to last in bang for the over 20,000 jobs in the State of South ficiaries under this bill. According to buck in job creation. You didn’t quote Dakota, and 20,000 different businesses the Committee on Joint Taxation, 17.9, CBO about that. that are going to benefit from this almost 18 million sole proprietors ben- Through the Speaker, the Joint Com- piece of legislation. That’s why I’m efit under this bill, again, to set the mittee on Taxation said the economic supporting it. My constituents in record straight, Mr. Speaker. impact is so small as to be incalcu- South Dakota so many times only look I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman lable—your own analysis on your Web at government as an entity that costs from Texas (Mr. BRADY), not only the site. It’s very clear it’s going to cost, them money and makes it very detri- chairman of the Subcommittee on add, $1.1 million, for every job created, mental and hard for them to succeed. Trade but, as well, the vice chairman to the deficit. When the government can actually of the Joint Economic Committee. I rise in strong opposition to this leg- step in and do something that makes it Mr. BRADY of Texas. I want to first islation. Just yesterday, in order to easier for them to succeed and help thank Leader CANTOR for his leadership comply with the majority’s budget drive that success, then that is some- on economic issues, especially those that violates the deal Speaker BOEH- thing we should be behind, and that’s along Main Street. That’s what this is NER agreed to last year—that deal is why the Small Business Tax Cut is a about. This isn’t about Paris Hilton, clear, public—the Ways and Means perfect example of that situation. Larry Flynt, or even Hilary Rosen, the Committee cut $53 billion in health Small businesses create jobs, and President’s top adviser, who recently care tax credits, child tax credits, so- they also employ almost half of all the denigrated women who choose to work cial services block credits. You cut it private sector employees in this coun- at home. It’s not about celebrities. It’s yesterday for the disabled, for the el- try. This bill is going to free up the about small business people. They’re derly who are most vulnerable. In New cash so that those small businesses can the ones who have been left behind in Jersey, they could lose millions of dol- keep people employed when they’ve hit the Obama economy. lars for Meals on Wheels, foster care. tough times and maybe reinvest in Think about this. We have tens, lit- This is unacceptable. We are voting their businesses. It’s the key to what erally, tens of millions of Americans to add $47 billion to the deficit today we need to do, and I hope we can all who can’t find a full-time job. There with a giveaway to professional sports come together and support this good are millions more who have just given teams—oh, you didn’t know that—or legislation before us. up. They don’t even look for work any- hedge fund operators or managers or Mr. LEVIN. I yield 2 minutes to an- more. Here we are. It’s hard to believe whatever they call themselves, and other distinguished member of our there are fewer Americans working multimillion-dollar partnerships and committee, the gentleman from New today than when the President took of- corporations. York (Mr. CROWLEY). fice. Bailouts, stimulus, Cash for Yes, $47 billion goes to 125,000 mil- Mr. CROWLEY. I thank the gen- Clunkers, housing bailout, Solyndra lionaires. tleman, my friend from Michigan, for bailout, all of that, fewer Americans The SPEAKER pro tempore. The yielding me this time. working, 700,000 fewer women with a time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposi- job. Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentleman an tion to this bill. There are a number of Small businesses have borne the additional 30 seconds. reasons to oppose this legislation. brunt of this terrible recovery. It is Mr. PASCRELL. But each of them One, this bill is not targeted towards time we help them instead of raising gets a tax cut, Mr. Speaker, $60,000. job creation. Frankly, it is not tar- taxes on those who succeed. Why don’t This is wrong. geted at all. It will provide 99.6 percent we let them keep 20 percent more of The same report found that the best of all businesses with a tax break, re- the income they earn, the sales they options for job growth include aid to gardless of whether or not they create make, the weekends they work, the States and increased safety net spend- one American job or not. charges they put on their credit cards, ing, something I know that the other Two, this bill does not prevent busi- all they do to survive and succeed in side opposes. nesses from taking a tax cut even when this economy? Republicans are deter- In fact, the Agriculture Committee they lay off workers. mined to give them a chance to suc- just voted yesterday to cut food Three, this bill fails to help the busi- ceed until this economy can get back stamps, get this, by $34 billion; like all nesses most in need, such as new busi- to work, to hire new workers, to keep of those people on food stamps want to nesses or start-ups. They’re not eligible new workers. be on food stamps, all those people that for any provisions in this bill.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.040 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1997 Fourth, this bill will add billions to fected by tax compliance and high tax this is so small as to be incalculable. the deficit, which will hurt economic rates. The Small Business Administra- That’s why Bruce Bartlett, former eco- growth in America. tion reports that the average tax com- nomic adviser to President Reagan Five, and most egregiously, this bill pliance cost per employee for small said, It will do nothing whatsoever to provides companies who are in the businesses is almost three times the increase employment. midst of offshoring jobs with a tax cost of larger firms. And according to So what’s this all about? It gives a break. the NFIB, tax issues are the single big tax break to the wealthiest individ- During committee consideration of most significant set of regulatory bur- uals while adding $50 billion to our def- this legislation, I offered an amend- dens for most small firms. The Small icit and debt. ment to deny this tax deduction to any Business Tax Deduction Act is simple, Now, Mr. Speaker, this week high- company that reduces the number of fair, and gives small businesses access lights the unfortunate doublespeak American workers and jobs while cor- to badly needed capital to invest in from our Republican colleagues when it respondingly increasing its foreign their companies while providing a lit- comes to the deficit. On the Senate workforce. Additionally, the amend- tle more certainty to help them plan side, a majority of Republicans voted against a bill to apply the Buffett rule, ment stated if a company offshores for the future. meaning that we were going to ask U.S. jobs next year, after this 1-year As chairman of the Small Business millionaires to pay the same effective tax expenditure expires, the funds Committee, I hear from small business tax rate as many of their employees would be recaptured or taken back by owners every single week about their paid and use that $50 billion toward the Treasury. This is so a company regulatory and tax burdens. Through deficit reduction. Here in the House, cannot take the money this year and our interactive Web page, ‘‘Small Biz we’re providing a $50 billion tax break run away with American dollars and Open Mic,’’ we have heard that tax that adds to the deficit, and this one is jobs next year and put them overseas. policies may drive some small firms targeted disproportionately to very My amendment enjoyed the support out of business. wealthy individuals. of every Democrat on the Committee of On Tuesday, Wendy Koller, owner of There’s another sort of strange irony. Ways and Means. Unfortunately, it was Koller Moving and Storage in Fort When we were debating the payroll tax not supported by one Republican on Smith, Arkansas, said: cut for a year that would benefit 160 that committee. Americans and their We are hesitant to hire new employees for million Americans, our Republican col- taxpayer dollars should not be sub- fear of what new tax burdens await us with leagues dragged their feet and then sidizing the destruction of American the expiration of the older tax law and the said this was all a gimmick, it was a 1- jobs. new health care laws coming. We are con- year thing, it was a sugar high. Well, Let me state: Democrats recognize cerned that these new issues may be the ones that push us out of business. at least the nonpartisan Congressional we live in a global economy. We recog- Budget Office said that it would gen- nize that many of our companies need Last Saturday, Debbie Peacock, erate economic activity. In fact, they to operate internationally to remain owner of a fabricating distributor in ranked it near the top. competitive and expand their markets Mesa, Arizona, wrote: This is a 1-year thing that’s going to and market share. But Americans Any additional taxes will only stop any give a great sugar high to the wealthi- should not have their hard-earned tax chance of a recovery, and the government est individuals. They are going to be dollars—$46 billion in this case, Mr. needs to realize we need every penny to in- floating on this. But it’s ranked near Speaker—taken away and used to sub- crease staff, which puts people back to work. the bottom by the nonpartisan Con- sidize this kind of business activity. I can go on and on and on with exam- gressional Budget Office in terms of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ples like these. economic activity. time of the gentleman has expired. Yesterday, our committee held a You want to know another irony? Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentleman an hearing on the flood of new taxes that When it came to providing a tax break additional 15 seconds. are just around the corner, such as new for 160 million Americans, payroll tax Mr. CROWLEY. Democrats worked taxes from the health care law and the cut, we paid for it. We offset the cost of hard while in the majority to end the massive tax increase that’s going to that. When it comes to providing a practice of incentivizing the offshoring occur if the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts ex- sugar high, $50 billion tax cut that dis- of U.S. jobs in the Tax Code. We killed pire. All of these measures could send proportionately benefits the wealthy, a number of perverse tax loopholes and the economy into a tailspin, costing we don’t offset it. We put it on our na- reinvested the revenue into initiatives thousands of jobs. tional credit card. We increase the focused on creating U.S. jobs and as- That’s why the Small Business Tax debt. Who pays for that? We’ve heard sisting America’s small businesses. Deduction Act is necessary and is on a bipartisan basis that’s our kids, Defeat this bill. It is immoral. We going to provide that tax relief for our grandkids. We’re all going to be should not be spending U.S. tax dollars America’s most robust job creators. paying for that debt. With that, Mr. Speaker, I would ask in this way. b 1200 Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield that my colleagues support this bill. myself 30 seconds just to respond to the Mr. LEVIN. I yield 3 minutes to the So Mr. Speaker, this is worse than a gentleman. I think he put his finger on ranking member of the Budget Com- gimmick. It’s not good for the econ- the problem here. The problem with his mittee, the gentleman from Maryland omy, it adds to the deficit, and I urge that we reject this bill. kind of amendment is the problem with (Mr. VAN HOLLEN). Mr. CANTOR. I ask unanimous con- the Tax Code today, because it means Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Thank you, Mr. sent that the gentleman from Michigan that if you’re a business, under his LEVIN. (Mr. CAMP) be permitted to control the rule, you would have to come to Wash- Mr. Speaker, here we go again. This balance of the time. bill provides a windfall tax break to ington to seek eligibility for a tax The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there break or seek eligibility for a tax hedge fund owners, to big Washington objection to the request of the gen- favor. And if you’re on the approved law firms, to the very wealthy, even if tleman from Virginia? list in Washington, then you can go they don’t hire a single person—not There was no objection. and benefit and have an advantage over one. In fact, in a cruel hoax and twist The SPEAKER pro tempore. The others. on this, wealthy individuals can qual- Chair would advise that the gentleman That’s not what we believe. We be- ify for this tax break even if they fire from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) now con- lieve in helping all small businesses. people this year. And in some cases trols 141⁄2 minutes, and the gentleman With that, I yield 2 minutes to the they can also get a bigger tax break if from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) has 51⁄4 min- gentleman from Missouri (Mr. they do not make their investments utes. GRAVES), the Small Business Com- this year. The Chair recognizes the gentleman mittee chairman. Mr. Speaker, this place sometimes from Michigan (Mr. CAMP). Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- gets to be a fact-free zone. We have the Mr. CAMP. I yield 1 minute to the er, tax season reminds us that small nonpartisan Joint Tax Committee say, distinguished gentleman from Lou- businesses are disproportionately af- The economic activity generated by isiana (Mr. SCALISE).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.042 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Mr. SCALISE. I thank the gentleman Democrat, a Republican—an economic even get an internship to. That small for yielding. adviser, somebody who advised Ronald business paid my way through college. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Reagan how to get this economy mov- But when I sit and measure and talk Small Business Tax Cut. Louisiana ing—unlike George Bush, I might add— and listen to my constituents, they alone will see 80,000 small businesses and what did he say? What did he say talk about jobs. that will be able to benefit from this about this bill that you have brought They know that there have been 11 and over 890,000 workers that will ben- to the floor—which, by the way, The recessions since World War II, and efit from this. Yet my colleagues on Wall Street Journal today called ‘‘a every other recession we’ve come out the Democrat side maybe think that tax gimmick.’’ The Wall Street Jour- of it stronger and faster. Even the it’s their money. They don’t want nal called this bill that you are offer- greatest recession of ’82, when interest those small businesses to be able to ing today a tax gimmick. And so what rates were double digit, and you meas- keep it, and they think that Wash- did Bruce Bartlett say? ‘‘It will do ured until today, we’d have 13 million ington can spend it better than the nothing whatsoever to increase em- more jobs. But the policy holds it back. small businesses. ployment.’’ So I thought I would go back and I How has that worked, by the way? Point number one, this is not a jobs would analyze just the nearest time in They don’t want small businesses to be bill. It will not grow the economy, and America’s culture of where we created able to keep some more of the hard- it will not do what all of us think needs jobs. So I went back to the end of the earned money that they make so they to be done. last recession, 2001, to the beginning of can invest it in their business. They’d And they went on to say that ‘‘it is this recession in 2007. When people look rather keep it up here for critical nothing more than an election-year at America, they think that was a Washington spending like the $535 mil- giveaway to a favored Republican con- pretty good time in America. The jobs lion they blew on Solyndra, or maybe stituency,’’ a political gimmick, a tax grew, the economy was strong, and the $850,000 that Obama’s GSA blew on gimmick that will cost us $46 billion people were able to buy houses. And I the Vegas junkets. Those are the kind this year alone and $460 billion—let me analyzed who created the jobs. Do you of things that they would rather see, say, round that to half a trillion as in- realize during that time in America, and so they don’t want those small flation pushes it up, a half-a-trillion- small business added 7 million jobs? businesses to be able to keep more of dollar hole adding to the budget deficit Large corporations cut a million. their hard-earned money. They want to that confronts this country that all So to hear somebody on the floor, keep taxing businesses. They’ve added Americans know we must address. Mr. Speaker, say they’re some special over $1.9 trillion of new taxes in Presi- My colleagues, it takes no courage to constituency? Well, I’m very proud to dent Obama’s own budget. vote for this bill. What takes courage stand with the constituency that will We’ve tried it their way. More than 2 is to pay for things. What takes cour- grow jobs. I’m very proud to stand million Americans have lost their jobs age is to say we have an obligation. today to cut 20 percent to put people since President Obama took office. What took courage was to make sure back to work in America. How about we actually try letting that we paid our debts. We didn’t do it. Mr. Speaker, I will stand proudly be- small businesses keep more of their So what happened? We almost took hind this bill because statistics, the hard-earned money so they can create this country to the brink of default. facts, and the history of America have good jobs for hardworking taxpayers? Ladies and gentlemen of this House, Mr. LEVIN. I yield 3 minutes to our proven we are the strongest when small summon the responsibility, judgment, distinguished whip, the gentleman business is strongest, we are strongest and intellectual honesty that our pub- and create jobs through small business, from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, ladies and lic expects. Vote against this bill. not through more politics. gentlemen of this House, it is hard to ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Policy matters, small business mat- call us to responsibility, but that’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ters, and jobs in America matter. what our public wants. Our public Chair would again ask all Members to That’s why I tell Members on both wants it on the right, they want it on heed the gavel and also to address their sides of the aisle, this is an American the left, and they want it on the mid- remarks to the Chair and not to other bill for American jobs, for small busi- dle. This is fiscally a totally irrespon- Members in the second person. ness to be strong again in America, and sible piece of legislation, and you know Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 America will be strong again. it. And I know you know it, and Amer- minutes to the distinguished majority Mr. LEVIN. I reserve the balance of ica ought to know you know it. whip, the gentleman from California my time. Ladies and gentlemen, what this bill (Mr. MCCARTHY). Mr. CAMP. At this time, I yield 2 does is blow a $46 billion hole in the Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I minutes to the distinguished gentle- deficit this year alone. But ladies and thank the distinguished chairman of woman from Washington (Mrs. MCMOR- gentlemen, Mr. Speaker, the people of Ways and Means. It’s an honor to be RIS RODGERS). America need to know that we use 10- able to speak on this floor. It’s an Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Thank year figures for the most part, so this honor to listen to the debate on both you, Mr. Chairman. means $460 billion. sides. And what’s so ironic is that when Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support Now, I know all of you on your side you listen to the debate, you wonder, of the legislation before us today. of the aisle—because I’ve been here for what happens here becomes law, but Small businesses are the foundation a substantial period of time—are next more importantly, do we ever measure, of our economy. It’s the small busi- year going to say we’re going to raise do we ever measure what creates jobs? nesses that drive job creation in Amer- taxes on small businesses and put that Do we ever measure in America who ica. And every time I’m home in east- 20 percent back. Bet me. You’re going creates jobs? ern Washington, it is such a privilege to say if we did that, it would be the Now, some of you know my story. I to sit down with small business owners. largest tax increase in the history of actually grew up in a family of Demo- I’m always inspired by these people small business. So you’re going to do it crats. I got rather fortunate. I didn’t who have an idea to improve our lives year after year. have great grades, so I went to junior and they turn it into a reality. One of the previous speakers said college. The family didn’t have enough One such business that I recently that we’re taking money from small money to send me away. I worked toured was called Made Naturally. Two businesses. Well, let me tell you who through the summer, I took my money, stay-at-home moms had an idea to you’re taking money from today: my and I created a small business. At the come up with natural cleaning prod- children, your children; my grand- end of 2 years, I then had enough ucts 2 years ago. They put together a children, your grandchildren; and, yes, money to pay my whole way through business plan, and they have now exe- my two great-grandchildren. That’s college, so I sold my business. cuted it, hired 13 employees, and they who’s going to pay this $46 billion hole I applied for a summer internship are doing well in Spokane, Washington. that you’re creating today. with my local Congressman, and he And when I toured their business, what And what does Bruce Bartlett, eco- turned me down. But today on this they told me was that it is the tax bur- nomic adviser to Ronald Reagan—not a floor, I sit elected to the seat I couldn’t den and the regulatory uncertainty

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.044 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1999 that is preventing them from hiring Mr. SCHILLING. I thank Leader CAN- them that they have no choice but to any new employees right now. TOR for giving me the opportunity to be cut contributions to their employees’ Just like these two business owners here today and speak in favor of the 401(k) plans and their health insurance in Spokane, Washington, there are men Small Business Tax Cut Act. premiums or be forced to lay off em- and women all across this country that As Illinoisans filed their tax returns, ployees. Paige told me this 20 percent face the same challenges when it comes folks in my district felt the pinch of tax cut will keep more money in their to growing businesses. As someone who the tax increases imposed on them by business, allowing her to maintain ben- worked in a family business for more our State’s lawmakers, who last year efits for her employees. than 13 years, I can say they are cer- raised personal income taxes by 66 per- Mr. LEVIN. I reserve the balance of tainly right. cent and corporate taxes by 45 percent. my time. So I’d like to shed some light, espe- State lawmakers told us that taxes Mr. CAMP. I yield 1 minute to the cially on the women, the entrepre- would be used to pay Illinois debt and distinguished gentlewoman from neurial women right now whose busi- prevent budget deficits down the line; Michigan (Mrs. MILLER.) nesses are hurting because of this ad- but the truth, as many of us feared, is Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. ministration’s policies. It’s important that these tax hikes have done nothing Speaker, we all understand that Amer- because two out of three businesses to help our State. In fact, Illinois un- ican small businesses are the engine of right now are being started by women employment has remained above 9 per- job creation. I think the Democrats are in America. They’re actually the fast- cent for 36 straight months, since waging a war on small business. est-growing segment in our U.S. econ- March of 2009. And thanks to Illinois I have spoken with so many small omy, and every dollar they save in tax hikes, rising gas prices, and Fed- business job creators in my district, taxes is one more dollar they can spend eral tax rates as high as 35 percent, our and they all share the same message: in hiring a new employee. government overregulation and govern- The current path is both unaccept- small businesses are strapped for cash. ment overtaxation is stifling their able and unsustainable. It’s time to As a small business owner, I know ability to grow. This House has already change course. It’s time to give Amer- the pain all too well. Rather than ad- acted decisively to address government ica’s small business owners tax breaks, vancing partisan and un-serious show overregulation, and today we’re going not tax burdens. votes—votes that don’t lower gas prices, don’t encourage economic to act decisively to give small busi- b 1210 growth, and don’t impact our deficit— nesses the tax relief that they need to It’s time to give them relief, not just we in the House want to ensure more grow. rhetoric. It’s time to give them the opportunities for job seekers and job Allowing small businesses with fewer flexibility and freedom they need to creators. than 500 employees a 20 percent tax cut create jobs. So it’s time to move for- Mr. LEVIN. I now yield 30 seconds to to free up capital and to allow those ward with the legislation that will do the distinguished gentleman from New businesses to invest in and to grow just that. I strongly support this bill. York (Mr. ISRAEL). their businesses to create the jobs that Mr. LEVIN. I reserve the balance of Mr. ISRAEL. I thank my friend. Mr. we so desperately need in this economy my time. Speaker, we keep hearing that this is a is the right thing to do. So I was very Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 small business tax cut. It is not. It is a disappointed to see that President minute to the distinguished gentle- bait and switch. One-half of this so- Obama threatened to veto this bill, be- woman from North Carolina (Ms. called ‘‘small business tax cut’’ will go cause, Mr. Speaker and Mr. President, FOXX). to millionaires. So you call it a small I would respectfully tell you that hun- Ms. FOXX. I thank the gentleman for business tax cut, and they give away dreds of small manufacturing firms in yielding time. the store to millionaires, Mr. Speaker. Michigan that are struggling to buy I want to say that our colleagues re- They are saying that we have to dis- new equipment, to pursue new cus- veal their attitude toward taxpayer mantle Medicare because they say we tomers and grow their businesses are money when they say this will cost us. can’t afford it on the one hand, and on not among the corporations with the The attitude of our colleagues on the the other hand they are lavishing mil- biggest profits; and those small busi- other side of the aisle, Mr. Speaker, is lionaires with a $46 billion tax cut. If nesses would benefit from this bill. You that all the money that hardworking you’re one of 125,000 millionaires in can contrast that with General Elec- taxpayers earn belongs to the govern- America, you get $58,000 from this bill. tric, which made over $14 billion in ment. This doesn’t cost us; this allows If you’re a senior on Medicare, it costs profits in 2010 and yet paid no Federal some people to keep more of their you an additional $6,000 for your medi- income tax. money. cine. I oppose this bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I rise today in support of H.R. 9, the Mr. CAMP. I yield 1 minute to the time of the gentlewoman has expired. Small Business Tax Cut Act, which distinguished gentlewoman from North Mr. CAMP. I yield the gentlewoman would provide America’s private sector Carolina (Mrs. ELLMERS). an additional 15 seconds. with the resources needed to help su- Mrs. ELLMERS. Thank you, Mr. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. We need percharge desperately needed hiring. It’s worth mentioning how this bill Chairman. to remember that the CEO of General Mr. Speaker, I would like to speak will benefit women since one-third of Electric is actually the head of Presi- today on the intellectual responsibility the firms directly benefiting from the dent Obama’s Jobs Council. act are owned by women. In North of H.R. 9. So, Mr. Speaker, I would say that we Back in my home town of Dunn, I Carolina, small businesses with be- can trust the American small busi- have friends who are pharmacists. tween one and 500 employees employ nesses to spend their money more wise- 205,490 individuals; 23,348 of those busi- They own and run an independent phar- ly than government will ever do. nesses are women-owned. Mr. Speaker, macy started by their father 60 years Again, it’s mystifying to me that the it’s for these reasons I urge my col- ago. I’m speaking of Paige Houston and Democratic Party seems to be waging a leagues to support H.R. 9. Cathy Blackman. war on the small business community Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, how much Paige told me the other day that ini- of America. time is remaining, please? tially in this recession they were Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- missed because people were afraid to go minute to the distinguished gentleman tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) has without their medications, and they from Illinois (Mr. KINZINGER). 71⁄2 minutes remaining. The gentleman were willing to pay the money even Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. You all from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) has 21⁄4 min- though the economy was starting to know the saying, ‘‘money is power,’’ utes remaining. take a turn. Today, things are so bad right? I think we all can agree in this Mr. LEVIN. I reserve the balance of that people are going without their Chamber that the one thing that we my time. medications, which as a result is a de- want to do is empower small business. Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 crease in the number of customers they How do you empower small business? minute to the distinguished gentleman have and the amount of revenue com- You let them keep more of the money from Illinois (Mr. SCHILLING). ing in. Now their accountant has told they earn so they can go out and they

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.045 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 can invest in new products so they can 2 million jobs aren’t there because of over the course of 20 years, but I hire people. I’d love to get people back Obama’s health care policies alone, worked a lot with small businesses. to work. I’d love to empower small regulatory policies, tax policies. Small And in small business it really is about business. That’s why we want to let business is struggling. how do you grow, how do you have the them keep more of what they earn. Now, let me tell you, Congress can- positive cash flow, Mr. Speaker, to I did an initiative in my district not create jobs. We’re not going to cre- grow your business, to invest in new called the One More Jobs Initiative, ate jobs with this bill. We’re going to technology, new equipment, to take where it asks small business owners, allow small businesses to create jobs. your ideas and spin them forward and What do you need from the Federal You’ll either choose government or grow jobs. That’s your whole nature as Government to create just one more you’ll choose the people. You’ll choose an entrepreneur in America, and as it job? A pretty noble concept: instead of government to continue to create jobs should be. pontificating here, let’s actually ask like with Solyndra, and we saw the dis- In Oregon, we’ve got 86,000 small those who create jobs. The number one aster there, or you’ll allow the people businesses employing more than three- answer I got, Mr. Speaker, was: let us to create those jobs. I’m putting my quarters of a million people. This legis- keep more of the money we earn and trust in the people. lation will help those small businesses let us hire people. Give us tax cer- Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, at this time, have what is called ‘‘positive cash tainty. we’re prepared to close. flow.’’ That is from whence jobs flow. That’s why I rise in support today of Mr. LEVIN. I yield the balance of my If you have the money and you can this tax cut package, because this is time to a distinguished member of the retain it rather than have to give it all exactly what small business needs to committee, the gentleman from Cali- up to the government, then you’re continue to be successful, to pull this fornia (Mr. THOMPSON). going to make wise choices in your country out of this recession we’re in, Mr. THOMPSON of California. I business to grow your business, be- and continue to reclaim our mantle as thank the gentleman for yielding. cause it’s your competitive nature to the most powerful country in the Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to grow your business, which means to world. this bill today—a $46 billion price tag, create jobs in the economy. Mr. CAMP. At this time, I yield 1 and it’s unpaid for. Moreover, 1 year is My friends on the other side of the minute to the distinguished gentleman not tax certainty if you’re a small aisle had no problem a few years ago from North Carolina (Mr. MCHENRY). business person. spending $1 trillion to have the govern- I rise also as a small business person. Mr. MCHENRY. I thank the chairman ment borrow the money and pick win- Equally as troubling as this bill, un- for yielding. ners and losers and waste it. paid for, $46 billion bill, is the fact that Our Nation is at a crossroads. This This is a good way to spur jobs and yesterday, in the Ways and Means President wants to take more money growth in our economy. I urge its pas- Committee, the majority passed a bill from the private sector and continue sage. the exponential growth of the Federal that they said was to reduce the def- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in op- Government. We want to make sure icit. But instead, what they did is they position to H.R. 9, the Small Business Tax Cut that job creators are able to reinvest cut programs that were incredibly im- Act, a bill that provides a $46 billion tax break their hard-earned money back into portant to the elderly, to children, to for the wealthy paid for by ordinary working their businesses to expand and grow the disabled, programs that allowed people. This bill will send half of the tax cuts the economy and get this job creation people help with their daycare so they to those with annual incomes over $1 million cycle going again. That’s why we sup- could go to work. If those people don’t and 80 percent of benefits to those earning port a 20 percent tax cut for small busi- have daycare, they’re not going to be more than $200,000. Once again, Republicans nesses. The President, on the other able to go to work. And, at the same are extending a helping hand to those who hand, wants to raise taxes on small time, the Ag Committee passed a bill need it least, including professional sports businesses and job creators. to cut food stamps. teams, law firms, lobbying firms, and account- There are 22 million small businesses These actions are hard to under- ing firms. helped by this bill, and I think it’s nec- stand, even in these most difficult essary that we pass this bill today. I times. But even harder to understand The Republican Leadership claims that we urge my colleagues to support a 20 per- is, in light of this fiscally irresponsible need this legislation to create jobs, yet the cent tax cut for small businesses so we bill today, those bills were passed. non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation, can create jobs and make a more pros- I said yesterday that it was a bad day JCT, tells us that this bill will do no such thing. perous America. to be poor. Well, today is a bad day to The Congressional Budget Office, CBO, ranks be fiscally responsible, because this bill broad business tax deductions like this bill as b 1220 is anything but fiscally responsible. one of the least effective proposals for pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The And it’s wrong to claim on Wednes- moting economic growth. This is not sur- Chair would advise both sides, the gen- day that you have to cut daycare for prising. H.R. 9 gives a tax deduction to any tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) has low-income people or put seniors at business, even those that don’t hire workers 21⁄4 minutes, and the gentleman from risk, disabled people at risk, and chil- or even lay off workers. Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) has 13⁄4 minutes. dren at risk to cut the deficit but then Today’s bill caps off another banner week Mr. CAMP. At this time, I have two turn around on Thursday and add $46 for House Republicans that once again laid additional speakers. One of them will billion to the deficit. That’s just bare their priorities: hand tax breaks to those close, so I have one speaker before clos- wrong. who don’t need them, and cut the programs ing. The Joint Committee on Taxation that help the middle class, the poor, the sick, Mr. LEVIN. I reserve the balance of said that this bill’s economic impact is and the elderly. Yesterday, the Ways and my time. ‘‘so small as to be incalculable.’’ I can Means Committee passed partisan legislation Mr. CAMP. At this time, I yield 1 tell you, the people that will be hurt that would take away the child tax credit for 3 minute to the distinguished gentleman across this country, that hurt won’t be million children, weaken health coverage for from Alabama (Mr. BACHUS). incalculable. 350,000 middle class Americans, and elimi- Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, this re- I strongly oppose this bill. nate funding for the Social Services Block cession is different, and the difference Mr. CAMP. I yield the balance of my Grant that provides child care for 4.4 million is there’s no recovery. And that is a time to the distinguished gentleman children and serves 1.7 million low-income historic difference. from Oregon (Mr. WALDEN). seniors through programs like Meals on Now, what is different about this re- Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, my wife Wheels. That’s a total of $53 billion in cuts to cession and all our other recessions and I were small business owners for the safety net so Republicans can pay for when we had a recovery is government more than two decades, and we still re- more take cuts for the rich. This is class war- policy. Government policy has stifled tain part of that business, so I know fare and one side is clearly winning. job creation. Normally, at this time in what it’s like to meet a payroll. I know If we want to commemorate Tax Day with a a recovery, 65 percent of the jobs are what it’s like to employ people. We vote on a tax bill, we should be voting on the being created by small businesses. But only had 15 to 20 people on our payroll Buffett Rule, a bill that promotes tax fairness.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.049 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2001 The Buffett Rule is targeted—it will only im- receive nearly half of the benefit from this leg- before this chamber today that would provide pact taxpayers who have income over $1 mil- islation, while true small businesses accrue a one-time tax windfall in the tens of thou- lion and are not paying their fair share of only 10 percent. Once again, as the largest sands of dollars to entertainers, sports fran- taxes. Nearly 65 percent of taxpayers who corporations get fatter, small businesses have chises, smut peddlers, and other wealthy busi- earn more than $1 million pay lower tax rates to struggle for scraps. ness owners, while doing little to create jobs for those who make less than $100,000. There Small, fast growing startups, which often for struggling middle-class America and add- is something wrong with our tax system when have little tax liability, would see no tax sav- ing $46 billion to the national deficit. ordinary working families are paying higher tax ings—yet these are the firms most likely to My colleagues on the other side of the aisle rates than some of the wealthiest individuals. create jobs. Even worse, this plan would give are bringing this legislation before the House According to CBO, the Buffett Rule would tax breaks to companies shedding employ- in the name of tax relief for small businesses generate $47 billion over the next decade. We ees—exactly the wrong incentive. Finally, this and job creation. could use this $47 billion to create jobs, revi- bill does nothing to address small business I would happily vote in favor of legislation talize the middle class, and sustain a safety owners’ top concern—a lack of demand for that provided targeted relief to small busi- net for the poor, the sick, the elderly, and their goods and services. A real small busi- nesses and spurred much-needed job creation other groups who are being abused by the ness bill would tackle that problem. in my district and throughout the country. Republican Majority. This is not a small business bill—it is a mil- Unfortunately, H.R. 9 would do no such It is time we got our priorities straight and lionaire’s tax break bill. Vote no so we can thing. In fact, the Joint Committee on Taxation stopped providing handouts to the most fortu- focus on real solutions to small businesses’ stated, ‘‘the effects of the bill on economic ac- nate at the expense of lower income Ameri- needs. tivity are so small as to be incalculable.’’ cans. I strongly oppose this legislation and Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of Similarly, a report last year by the Congres- urge my fellow members to join me in voting this provision to get construction of Keystone sional Budget Office rated the approach taken ‘‘no’’. XL pipeline underway. in H.R. 9 to be one of the least cost-effective Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in For months, Members from both sides of ways to encourage growth or create jobs in a strong opposition to H.R. 9, an irresponsible the aisle have worked tirelessly to impress weak economy. CB0 estimated that this legis- bill that, in the name of cutting taxes for small upon the Administration the urgent need for lation’s approach would create one job or business and spurring job growth, would pro- the Keystone XL pipeline project to proceed. fewer per $1 million of budgetary cost. vide a windfall for those who need them least. The justification for Keystone as a safe and However, H.R. 9, if enacted, would be a This one-year measure would increase our critical boon to private sector job creation and boon to wealthy taxpayers. Nearly half of the federal deficit to the tune of $46 billion. American energy security has not changed. benefit would go to individuals with incomes of H.R. 9 provides qualifying businesses with This project will still create thousands of jobs. over $1 million. less than 500 employees a 20 percent tax de- It will still increase the nation’s capacity to Seventy-six percent of small business em- duction for domestic business income which transport crude oil by 830,000 barrels per day; ployers have incomes below $200,000, but could be taken during the current tax year. In- and the State Department is still on record this group only received 16 percent of the stead of supporting local small businesses stating that Keystone ‘‘poses little environ- benefit under H.R. 9. And 55 percent of small though, this bill inordinately benefits wealthy mental risk’’ and will lead to ‘‘no significant im- business employers have incomes below business owners. Half of the tax cuts in the bill pacts to most resources.’’ $100,000 but this group receives only six per- would go to the four percent of small business Unfortunately, the Administration’s reluc- cent of the total benefit. owners earning over $1 million a year. The 55 tance to proceed with the Keystone XL pipe- At a time when our Nation must tackle its percent of small-business employers that have line has left some other figures unchanged growing deficit, and push further job creation, incomes below $100,000 would receive only 6 since debate on Keystone began. The unem- the last thing this Congress ought to do is give percent of the benefit from this bill. Struggling ployment is still above 8 percent. The U.S. still expensive handouts to the richest individuals small business owners who are operating at relies on the same sources of foreign energy; in our society. an annual loss will not benefit from this bill in and American’s are still asking why? Instead, this Congress ought to be debating any way. Yet thousands remain out of work because on how to deliver targeted job creation legisla- The Center for American Progress reports the President refuses to pick up his pen. tion and protect essential safety net programs, that professional sports franchises such as the Americans want more jobs and greater energy like the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Los Angeles Dodgers, Donald Trump’s Trump security. Construction of the Keystone XL Program and Medicaid, which this House re- Tower Sales & Leasing, and Paris Hilton En- Pipeline will help to ensure both. I urge sup- cently voted to cut in the hundreds of billions tertainment, Inc. are among the businesses port for this provision. of dollars over the next decade in the name of owned by millionaires that would enjoy this tax Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- ‘‘deficit reduction.’’ break. er, today, the House is expected to vote on I call on my colleagues on both sides of the This one-time windfall simply will not change the Small Business Tax Cut Act, legislation al- aisle today to stand for commonsense fiscal incentives for hiring. According to the Con- lowing for job creation promoting economic principles and targeted job creation and vote gressional Budget Office (CBO): ‘‘[T]he one- growth by cutting taxes for small business against H.R. 9. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, our small year of tax savings provided by the bill is un- owners. likely to make the costs of much investment in In an opinion piece published Tuesday in businesses are hurting. In the past year, only one in five small busi- physical capital or labor recruitment and train- Politico, Steve Forbes writes ‘‘Real economic nesses has hired. ing worthwhile.’’ In fact, this will incentivize growth has been pathetic during the Obama This is a problem because if small busi- qualifying business to delay investment in Presidency. Last year, the economy grew 1.7 nesses aren’t hiring, we don’t recover. order to maximize taxable income in 2012. Ad- percent. By comparison, the Reagan recovery According to a survey from the U.S. Cham- ditionally, H.R. 9 does not require a company was spectacular, growing at 4.5 percent in ber of Commerce, they are not hiring because to create any jobs or invest in the U.S. econ- 1983, with nearly 3.5 million jobs. In just one they don’t know what Washington, DC is going omy. In fact, if a company reduces their work- month, September 1983, the Reagan econ- to do to them next. force or sends jobs overseas, they would still omy added more than a million jobs, nearly as Four in five small-business owners said that qualify for this 20 percent tax break. many as the economy grew for all of 2011.’’ the taxes, regulations and legislation coming H.R. 9 borrows billions in order to create a In order for our nation to recover from the from Washington made it more difficult for new tax expenditure yet fails to address the economic recession, small businesses must them to hire additional workers. primary issue facing American small business, be given the opportunity to grow and create In other words, our government is getting in lack of consumer demand. This bill chooses jobs. The President and the liberal-controlled the way of economic recovery. anti-tax orthodoxy over fiscal and economic Senate continue to stall dozens of bills which H.R. 9 will be a breath of fresh air to them. logic. Given our current fiscal situation we would promote jobs. I urge my colleagues to For every $100 of income, small businesses cannot afford another reckless giveaway to the vote in favor of this bill and help American will save $7 in federal taxes. wealthy. I urge my colleagues to reject H.R. 9. families create jobs. That’s 7 percent they can put towards hiring Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- In conclusion, God Bless our troops and we a veteran back from Iraq or someone who position to this legislation. There is nothing in will never forget September 11th in the Global hasn’t been able to find a job for years. this bill specifically for small businesses. In- War on Terrorism. Washington needs to get out of the way and stead, this is another attempt to award tax Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, let our small businesses do what they do best: breaks to the wealthy. In fact, millionaires will I rise in opposition to H.R. 9, the legislation hire new workers.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:38 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.019 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 And that’s just the way it is. At a time when strong leadership is needed Why are we spending time on a policy that Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I support tax and to address our nation’s crippling debt, it is un- everyone knows has no chance of being regulatory policies that help small businesses fortunate that President Obama has contin- signed into law as currently drafted? Could it attract investment and create jobs, but I also ually failed to lead by example. He even be because, as recently reported by Politico, believe that we in the Congress must be re- walked away from the recommendations of his ‘‘Congress is readying for a political fight with sponsible stewards of taxpayer funds. own bipartisan fiscal commission. dueling tax votes this week that will define I voted against H.R. 9 because it would Unfortunately, the House today has done no each party’s priorities in this election year’’? spend an enormous amount of money without better than the Senate or president. The Wall The final paragraph of today’s Wall Street any requirements that the funds be invested in Street Journal, in an editorial today headlined Journal editorial noted that ‘‘[t]he economy job creation or even invested in the American Bipartisan Tax Gimmickry, candidly described works best when investors and companies can economy. Any company that receives the tax the proposal before us as a ‘‘gimmick’’ and operate under predictable policies that allow benefit provided by this bill could use it to bol- went on to say that Republicans ‘‘would do them to better judge their risks for the long ster profits while laying off workers and ship- more for the economy and their political pros- term. Reagan-era officials understood this, but ping American jobs overseas. Half of the tax pects if they began to educate the country too many Republicans have forgotten. The breaks would go to only 0.3 percent of tax- about sensible tax policy.’’ U.S. economy doesn’t need another tax gim- payers, those with incomes exceeding $1 mil- The bill before us is a temporary, one-year mick. It needs a tax reform that includes a lion, costing $46 billion while the rest of our proposal that will increase our debt by $46 bil- permanent cut in individual and business tax Nation is forced to endure the impact of pain- lion, without an offset to pay for this additional rates for everyone.’’ ful spending cuts in programs important to deficit spending. I want to stress: $46 billion The president and some on the other side working middle-class families. That’s hardly for a temporary, one-year proposal. of the aisle say that our debt crisis is because fair and certainly not right. I want to remind my colleagues that two Americans are under-taxed. Like President This measure is more about scoring political months ago Congress essentially wiped out Reagan said, and I believe, ‘‘the problem is points in an election year—trying to play the $95 billion in savings cut from the 2011 not that people are taxed too little, the prob- gotcha—when we should be trying to move and 2012 appropriations bills when it approved lem is that government spends too much.’’ forward on measures that would give a real extending the payroll ‘‘holiday’’ for another There is no question that the real problem is boost to job creation and economic growth. year at a cost of $93 billion. overspending, especially on runaway entitle- Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I have been con- We are now talking about adding to this ment costs and through hundreds of billions of sistent in my support for comprehensive tax spending for a total of $139 billion in tem- so-called tax expenditures. reform that lowers rates for individuals and porary, one-year stimulus spending with no It is no secret that our inefficient and bur- businesses by eliminating the types of carve offsets; no way to pay for it. densome tax code is undermining consumer outs and deductions in the tax code that, as We are already running trillion dollar deficits and business confidence, further weakening recently reported by The Hill, have let 26 For- for the fourth straight year. We are $15.6 tril- our fragile economic recovery. Comprehensive tune 500 companies pay a negative tax rate lion in debt. We have unfunded obligations tax reform is needed now more than ever to over a four-year span. To be clear, that means and liabilities of $65 trillion. Republicans on rid our tax code of earmarks and loopholes these companies are getting paid by the gov- the Senate Budget Committee earlier this that promote crony capitalism and let Wash- ernment while hard-working men and women month posted a chart on its Web site showing ington pick winners and losers. pay their taxes. that our debt at the end of 2011 was greater Two weeks ago I was one of 38 members Something is very wrong with this picture. than the combined debt of the United Kingdom to vote for the bipartisan Cooper-LaTourette That is precisely the reason why we need real, and the entire Eurozone. substitute amendment to the budget, which long-term comprehensive tax reform. Last We need look no further than the riots in was modeled on the work of the Simpson- year, Senator identified nearly Europe to see the destructive impact that re- Bowles Commission. The Simpson-Bowles $1 trillion in annual spending through the tax sults from the crushing reality of a government Commission produced a credible plan that code through tax earmarks that benefit special unable to deliver promised entitlements to its gained the support of a bipartisan majority of interests such as video game developers, citizens. There have been riots in Belgium, the commission’s 18 members. Called ‘‘The hedge fund managers, NASCAR, dog and Spain, France, Ireland, England, Italy, Latvia, Moment of Truth,’’ the commission’s report horse tracks and ethanol producers. Unlike an and Greece. And yet we are considering an- made clear that eliminating the debt and def- earmark in an annual appropriations bill, these other proposal that moves us closer to Eu- icit will not be easy and that any reform must tax earmarks are far worse because once en- rope’s instability. begin with entitlements. Mandatory and discre- acted they typically exist in perpetuity. We are now spending $4.3 billion a week tionary spending also has to be addressed as Using these extensive tax loopholes, Gen- simply on interest to service the debt. And this well as other ‘‘sacred cows,’’ including tax re- eral Electric (GE) paid no federal taxes in is at historically low interest rates. form and defense spending. 2010. Yet, the Congressional Research Serv- The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) The Cooper-LaTourette substitute was a ice has found that GE was honored by a Chi- projects that by 2022 we’re going to be send- balanced and ambitious plan, that, while not nese newspaper for ranking 32nd among com- ing $11.6 billion out the door each week to na- perfect, was the type of bitter medicine nec- mercial service sector companies that paid tions such as China, which is spying on us, essary to address our deficit. There is never a taxes to China. where human rights are an afterthought, and convenient time to make tough decisions, but Let me repeat: GE paid no taxes to the Catholic bishops, Protestant ministers and Ti- the longer we put off fixing the problem, the United States, but was a significant source of betan monks are jailed for practicing their worse the medicine will be. Unfortunately, the tax revenue for China. China? China, a coun- faith, and oil-exporting countries such as amendment failed. try that is spying on us, persecutes people of Saudi Arabia, which funded the radical For nearly six years I have pushed bipar- faith and has a long record of horrific human madrasahs on the Afghan-Pakistan border, re- tisan legislation to set up an independent com- rights abuses. sulting in the rise of the Taliban and al Qaeda. mission to develop a comprehensive deficit re- Rather than putting forth true comprehen- And, unless we change course, according to duction package that would require an up-or- sive tax reform—the type that would bring sta- the CBO’s long term estimate, every penny down vote by the Congress. I have said that bility to the economy by providing certainty for collected of the federal budget will go to inter- the enormity of the crisis we face demands job creators and families—both parties in both est on the debt and entitlement spending by that everything must be on the table for dis- chambers have pushed political agendas in- 2025. cussion—all entitlement spending, all domestic stead of what is best for America. Every penny. That means no money for na- discretionary spending, and tax policy; not tax The so-called ‘‘Buffett rule’’ the Senate at- tional defense. No money for homeland secu- increases, but reforms to make the tax code tempted to pass earlier this week was de- rity. No money to fix the nation’s crumbling simpler and fairer and free from special inter- feated, and rightly so. Washington Post col- bridges and roads. No money for medical re- est earmarks. umnist Ruth Marcus points out President search to find a cure for cancer or Alzheimer’s I have supported every serious effort to re- Obama’s pursuit of this policy ‘‘is pure political or Parkinson’s disease. solve this crisis: the Bowles-Simpson rec- stunt. . . . It won’t pass. And even if that hap- Quite frankly this borrowing is unsustain- ommendations, the ‘‘Gang of Six’’ effort, and pened, it would have a negligible impact on able, dangerous and irresponsible. the ‘‘Cut, Cap and Balance’’ bill—including the the exploding debt—$4.7 billion a year, or less Given our nation’s fiscal obligations, one Balanced Budget Amendment. None of these than four-tenths of 1 percent of this year’s def- must ask: Can we really afford another costly, solutions were perfect, but they all took the icit—and take a tiny nibble out of income in- one-year policy absent the needed com- steps necessary to rebuild and protect our equality.’’ prehensive reform? economy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:38 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.012 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2003 But powerful special interests continue to cost of capital, or ‘‘bonus depreciation,’’ in the ‘‘(D) 10-PERCENT-OR-LESS DIRECT OWNERS.— hold this institution hostage and undermine first year for new investment in machinery and The term ‘10-percent-or-less direct owner’ every good faith effort to change course. And equipment—a proposal even conservative means, with respect to any qualified small business, any direct owner of such business that’s why we have these actions on the floor economists consider one of the most produc- who owns (or is considered as owning under of the House and Senate instead of the much- tive ways to boost economic growth. the applicable non-family attribution needed proposal to enact comprehensive re- This is not the time to hand another tax cut rules)— form. to our nations’ wealthiest as H.R. 9 proposes, ‘‘(i) in the case of a qualified small busi- Mr. Speaker, I do not sign political pledges and I urge my colleagues to oppose this mis- ness which is a corporation, not more than 10 to special interest groups. My only pledge is guided legislation. percent of the outstanding stock of the cor- the oath of office I take on the first day of The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time poration or stock possessing more than 10 each Congress. And that is why I cannot par- for debate on the bill has expired. percent of the total combined voting power of all stock of the corporation, or AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE take in this political vote that would further add ‘‘(ii) in the case of a qualified small busi- OFFERED BY MR. LEVIN to the deficit without dealing with the under- ness which is not a corporation, not more lying drivers of our deficit and debt. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I offer an than 10 percent of the capital or profits in- As The Hill reported this week: ‘‘Repub- amendment in the nature of a sub- terest of such business. licans and Democrats are hurtling toward a fis- stitute. ‘‘(E) APPLICABLE NON-FAMILY ATTRIBUTION cal cliff, but neither side wants to take the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The RULES.—The term ‘applicable non-family at- plunge. Clerk will designate the amendment. tribution rules’ means the attribution rules ‘‘In less than nine months, Bush-era tax The text of the amendment is as fol- of subsection (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, as lows: the case may be, but in each case applied rates are scheduled to expire, hiking rates for without regard to section 267(c)(2). Strike all after the enacting clause and in- the middle class as well as top income earn- ‘‘(3) W–2 WAGES.—For purposes of this sec- sert the following: ers. At the same time, automatic spending tion— cuts will kick in. The combination, coupled with SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘W–2 wages’ the expiration of the payroll tax cut and other This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Busi- means, with respect to any person for any factors, would constitute a blow that analysts ness Tax Cut Act’’. taxable year of such person, the sum of the say could imperil the economic recovery and SEC. 2. DEDUCTION FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESS IN- amounts described in paragraphs (3) and (8) COME OF QUALIFIED SMALL BUSI- of section 6051(a) paid by such person with send America crashing back into recession.’’ NESSES. respect to employment of employees by such We need to simplify the tax code to lower (a) IN GENERAL.—Part VI of subchapter B person during the calendar year ending dur- tax rates. But we need to do it through real, of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of ing such taxable year. comprehensive reform, not through a piece- 1986 is amended by adding at the end the fol- ‘‘(B) LIMITATION TO WAGES ATTRIBUTABLE TO meal approach that makes it too politically lowing new section: QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME.—Such easy to ignore our overall finances. I vote ‘‘SEC. 200. DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME OF term shall not include any amount which is QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES. not properly allocable to domestic business ‘‘present’’ to bring attention to this point. ‘‘(a) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION.—In the Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in gross receipts for purposes of subsection case of a qualified small business, there shall (d)(1). strong support of the Small Business Tax Cut be allowed as a deduction an amount equal ‘‘(C) OTHER REQUIREMENTS.—Except in the Act (H.R. 9), which will provide tax relief to to 20 percent of the lesser of— case of amounts treated as W–2 wages under Hoosier small businesses and help them to ‘‘(1) the qualified domestic business income paragraph (4)— grow and create jobs. of the taxpayer for the taxable year, or ‘‘(i) such term shall not include any In Indiana there are more than 100,000 ‘‘(2) taxable income (determined without amount which is not allowed as a deduction small businesses that employ more than a mil- regard to this section) for the taxable year. under section 162 for the taxable year, and ‘‘(b) DEDUCTION LIMITED BASED ON WAGES lion Hoosiers. Nearly 14,000 of these small ‘‘(ii) such term shall not include any PAID.— amount which is not properly included in a businesses are owned by women. As I travel ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The amount of the de- return filed with the Social Security Admin- across Indiana and hear from these hard- duction allowable under subsection (a) for istration on or before the 60th day after the working Hoosier entrepreneurs and taxpayers, any taxable year shall not exceed 50 percent due date (including extensions) for such re- one thing is clear: Washington, DC needs a of the greater of— turn. new approach to fostering job growth. With ‘‘(A) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to ‘‘(4) CERTAIN PARTNERSHIP DISTRIBUTIONS unemployment in Indiana at a disheartening non-owners, or TREATED AS W–2 WAGES.— 8.4 percent, Hoosiers are looking for tax relief ‘‘(B) the sum of— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a qualified ‘‘(i) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to that will help their friends and neighbors get small business which is a partnership and individuals who are non-owner family mem- elects the application of this paragraph for back to work. bers of direct owners, plus the taxable year— The Small Business Tax Cut Act reduces ‘‘(ii) any W–2 wages of the taxpayer paid to ‘‘(i) the qualified domestic business taxable the heavy burden of taxes on Hoosier small 10-percent-or-less direct owners. income of such partnership for such taxable businesses by allowing them to deduct 20 per- ‘‘(2) DEFINITIONS RELATED TO OWNERSHIP.— year (determined after the application of cent of their active income this year. In all, this For purposes of this section— clause (ii)) which is allocable under rules important measure would reduce taxes on job ‘‘(A) NON-OWNER.—The term ‘non-owner’ similar to the rules of section 199(d)(1)(A)(ii) creators by $46 billion, freeing up capital for means, with respect to any qualified small to each qualified service-providing partner business, any person who does not own (and small businesses to grow and take on new shall be treated for purposes of this section is not considered as owning within the mean- as W–2 wages paid during such taxable year employees. ing of subsection (c) or (e)(3) of section 267, to such partner as an employee, and This pro-growth, pro-taxpayer legislation will as the case may be) any stock of such busi- ‘‘(ii) the domestic business gross receipts help to foster new investment in our economy ness (or, if such business is other than a cor- of such partnership for such taxable year and spur job growth. I urge my colleagues to poration, any capital or profits interest of shall be reduced by the amount so treated. support the Small Business Tax Cut Act. such business). ‘‘(B) QUALIFIED SERVICE-PROVIDING PART- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ‘‘(B) NON-OWNER FAMILY MEMBERS.—An in- NER.—For purposes of this paragraph, the strong opposition to H.R. 9, the so-called dividual is a non-owner family member of a term ‘qualified service-providing partner’ Small Business Tax Cut Act, which, instead of direct owner if— means, with respect to any qualified domes- ‘‘(i) such individual is family (within the helping small businesses or growing the econ- tic business taxable income, any partner who meaning of section 267(c)(4)) of a direct is a 10-percent-or-less direct owner and who omy, is merely another tax giveaway to the owner, and materially participates in the trade or busi- rich. ‘‘(ii) such individual would be a non-owner ness to which such income relates. Americans are demanding that we take ac- if subsections (c) and (e)(3) of section 267 ‘‘(5) ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS.—The tion to create jobs and spur economic growth, were applied without regard to section Secretary shall provide for the application of but this legislation before us today adds $46 267(c)(2). this subsection in cases where the taxpayer billion to the deficit in the next year alone, fails ‘‘(C) DIRECT OWNER.—The term ‘direct acquires, or disposes of, the major portion of to create jobs and actually discourages the in- owner’ means, with respect to any qualified a trade or business or the major portion of a small business, any person who owns (or is vestments our economy needs. separate unit of a trade or business during considered as owning under the applicable the taxable year. Now is the time to support American small non-family attribution rules) any stock of ‘‘(c) LIMITATION BASED ON INVESTMENT IN businesses and grow the economy, as Demo- such business (or, if such business is other QUALIFIED PROPERTY.— crats would do in an alternative proposal, by than a corporation, any capital or profits in- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The amount of the de- allowing companies to deduct 100% of the terest of such business). duction allowable under subsection (a) for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.013 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 any taxable year shall not exceed the allow- not in existence on January 1, 2012, the de- (D) Section 219(g)(3)(A)(ii). ance which would be determined under sec- termination under paragraph (1) shall be (E) Section 221(b)(2)(C)(i). tion 168(k)(1)(A) with respect to the taxpayer made with respect to calendar year 2012. (F) Section 222(b)(2)(C)(i). for the taxable year if such section were ap- ‘‘(4) APPLICATION TO CALENDAR YEARS IN (G) Section 246(b)(1). plied— WHICH EMPLOYER IN EXISTENCE FOR PORTION (H) Section 469(i)(3)(F)(iii). ‘‘(A) by substituting ‘100 percent’ for ‘50 OF CALENDAR YEAR.—In the case of any cal- (4) Section 163(j)(6)(A)(i) of such Code is percent’, and endar year during which the employer comes amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of sub- ‘‘(B) without regard to paragraph (2). into existence, the number of full-time clause (III) and by inserting after subclause ‘‘(2) ADJUSTMENT OF BASIS.—No deduction equivalent employees determined under (IV) the following new subclause: shall be allowed to the taxpayer under sub- paragraph (2) with respect to such calendar ‘‘(V) any deduction allowable under section section (a) for any taxable year unless the year shall be increased by multiplying the 200, and’’. adjusted basis of property taken into ac- number so determined (without regard to (5) Section 170(b)(2)(C) of such Code is count under paragraph (1) is reduced by the this paragraph) by the quotient obtained by amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of amount of the deduction allowed under sub- dividing— clause (iv), by striking the period at the end section (a) before computing the amount ‘‘(A) the number of days in such calendar of clause (v) and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by in- otherwise allowable as a depreciation deduc- year, by serting after clause (v) the following new tion under this chapter (including any allow- ‘‘(B) the number of days during such cal- clause: ance otherwise determined under section endar year which such employer is in exist- ‘‘(vi) section 200.’’. 168(k)) for such taxable year and any subse- ence. (6) Section 172(d) of such Code is amended quent taxable year. ‘‘(5) SPECIAL RULES.— by adding at the end the following new para- ‘‘(d) QUALIFIED DOMESTIC BUSINESS IN- ‘‘(A) AGGREGATION RULE.—For purposes of graph: COME .—For purposes of this section— paragraph (1), any person treated as a single ‘‘(8) DOMESTIC BUSINESS INCOME OF QUALI- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified do- employer under subsection (a) or (b) of sec- FIED SMALL BUSINESSES.—The deduction mestic business income’ for any taxable year tion 52 (applied without regard to section under section 200 shall not be allowed.’’. means an amount equal to the excess (if any) 1563(b)) or subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 (7) Section 613(a) of such Code is amended of— shall be treated as a single employer for pur- by striking ‘‘deduction under section 199’’ ‘‘(A) the taxpayer’s domestic business poses of this subsection. and inserting ‘‘deductions under sections 199 gross receipts for such taxable year, over ‘‘(B) PREDECESSORS.—Any reference in this and 200’’. ‘‘(B) the sum of— subsection to an employer shall include a (8) Section 613A(d)(1) of such Code is ‘‘(i) the cost of goods sold that are allo- reference to any predecessor of such em- amended by redesignating subparagraphs (C), cable to such receipts, and ployer. (D), and (E) as subparagraphs (D), (E), and ‘‘(ii) other expenses, losses, or deductions ‘‘(f) SPECIAL RULES.— (F), respectively, and by inserting after sub- (other than the deduction allowed under this ‘‘(1) ELECTIVE APPLICATION OF DEDUCTION.— paragraph (B) the following new subpara- section), which are properly allocable to Except as otherwise provided by the Sec- graph: such receipts. retary, the taxpayer may elect not to take ‘‘(C) any deduction allowable under section ‘‘(2) DOMESTIC BUSINESS GROSS RECEIPTS.— any item of income into account as domestic 200,’’. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘domestic business gross receipts for purposes of this (9) Section 1402(a) of such Code is amended business gross receipts’ means the gross re- section. ceipts of the taxpayer which are effectively by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph ‘‘(2) COORDINATION WITH SECTION 199.—If a connected with the conduct of a trade or (16), by redesignating paragraph (17) as para- deduction is allowed under this section with graph (18), and by inserting after paragraph business within the United States within the respect to any taxpayer for any taxable meaning of section 864(c) but determined— (16) the following new paragraph: year— ‘‘(17) the deduction provided by section 200 ‘‘(i) without regard to paragraphs (3), (4), ‘‘(A) any gross receipts of the taxpayer and (5) thereof, and shall not be allowed; and’’. which are taken into account under this sec- (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of ‘‘(ii) by substituting ‘qualified small busi- tion for such taxable year shall not be taken sections for part VI of subchapter B of chap- ness (within the meaning of section 200)’ for into account under section 199 for such tax- ter 1 of such Code is amended by adding at ‘nonresident alien individual or a foreign able year, and the end the following new item: corporation’ each place it appears therein. ‘‘(B) the W–2 wages of the taxpayer which ‘‘(B) EXCEPTIONS.—For purposes of para- ‘‘Sec. 200. Domestic business income of are taken into account under this section qualified small businesses.’’. graph (1), domestic business gross receipts shall not be taken into account under sec- shall not include any of the following: tion 199 for such taxable year. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘(i) Gross receipts derived from the sale or ‘‘(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN RULES.—Rules ant to House Resolution 620, the gen- exchange of— similar to the rules of paragraphs (1), (2), (3), tleman from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) and ‘‘(I) a capital asset, or (4), (6), and (7) of section 199(d) shall apply ‘‘(II) property used in the trade or business a Member opposed each will control for purposes of this section (applied with re- 1 12 ⁄2 minutes. (as defined in section 1231(b)). spect to qualified domestic business income ‘‘(ii) Royalties, rents, dividends, interest, The Chair recognizes the gentleman in lieu of qualified production activities in- from Michigan. or annuities. come). ‘‘(iii) Any amount which constitutes wages ‘‘(g) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself such time (as defined in section 3401). prescribe such regulations as are necessary as I may consume. ‘‘(3) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN RULES.—Rules to carry out the purposes of this section, in- The Democratic amendment in the similar to the rules of paragraphs (2) and (3) cluding regulations which prevent a tax- nature of a substitute offers a 1-year of section 199(c) shall apply for purposes of payer which reorganizes from being treated extension of 100 percent bonus depre- this section (applied with respect to quali- as a qualified small business if such taxpayer ciation for certain U.S. businesses. fied domestic business income in lieu of would not have been treated as a qualified Most importantly, the amendment qualified production activities income and small business prior to such reorganization. offers a stark contrast to the major- with respect to domestic business gross re- ‘‘(h) APPLICATION.—Subsection (a) shall ceipts in lieu of domestic production gross apply only with respect to the first taxable ity’s untargeted giveaway to the very receipts). year of the taxpayer beginning after Decem- wealthy Americans. ‘‘(e) QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESS.—For pur- ber 31, 2011.’’. First, bonus depreciation is available poses of this section— (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— only to businesses that make invest- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified (1) Section 56(d)(1)(A) of such Code is ments in depreciable property. As a re- small business’ means any employer engaged amended by striking ‘‘deduction under sec- sult, most of the benefit from the in a trade or business if such employer had tion 199’’ both places it appears and inserting fewer than 500 full-time equivalent employ- ‘‘deductions under sections 199 and 200’’. bonus depreciation provision will flow ees for either calendar year 2010 or 2011. (2) Section 56(g)(4)(C) of such Code is to businesses such as manufacturers ‘‘(2) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES.— amended by adding at the end the following that make significant investments in The term ‘full-time equivalent employees’ new clause: property, plant, and equipment. These has the meaning given such term by sub- ‘‘(vii) DEDUCTION FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESS are the types of businesses that create section (d)(2) of section 45R applied— INCOME OF QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES.— good jobs here in our country. ‘‘(A) without regard to subsection (d)(5) of Clause (i) shall not apply to any amount al- In contrast to the majority’s mis- such section, lowable as a deduction under section 200.’’. taken bill, very little, if any, benefit ‘‘(B) with regard to subsection (e)(1) of (3) The following provisions of such Code would go to lawyers, lobbyists, hedge such section, and are each amended by inserting ‘‘200,’’ after ‘‘(C) by substituting ‘calendar year’ for ‘‘199,’’. fund managers, and entertainers, to ‘taxable year’ each place it appears therein. (A) Section 86(b)(2)(A). mention just a few. These service pro- ‘‘(3) EMPLOYERS NOT IN EXISTENCE PRIOR TO (B) Section 135(c)(4)(A). fessionals simply do not make large in- 2012.—In the case of an employer which was (C) Section 137(b)(3)(A). vestments in depreciable property.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.014 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2005 Second, bonus depreciation is only economy was in any worse of a situa- the gentlelady from Nevada, SHELLEY available for property used in our coun- tion than it is in today. Raising taxes BERKLEY. try. So a business that builds a new is not good policy on any American. If Ms. BERKLEY. I thank the gen- factory only gets the deduction if the ever there were a starker contrast be- tleman for yielding. factory is built in this country. tween the two visions for America, if I rise in support of the Levin sub- In contrast, the majority’s bill pro- ever there were a starker contrast be- stitute and on behalf of the middle vides a benefit to businesses regardless tween the Republican Party and the class families of Nevada, who are strug- of where they’re expanding or invest- Democratic Party’s visions on how to gling to make ends meet. I’m talking ing. Businesses that cut jobs in the get the economy going, it is what’s about the housekeepers and the card U.S. and expand overseas could get the happening today in Washington, D.C. dealers, the teachers, the nurses, the benefit of H.R. 9. In practice, they Across this hallway, in the United cops on the beat, the ones who work would get no benefit from this amend- States Senate, they are attempting to hard to take care of their families—to ment. raise taxes on America’s small busi- put food on the tables, to fill their cars Third, the incentive to purchase de- nesses—yes, pass-through entities that with gas, to buy new sneakers for their preciable property provides a benefit to pay a rate and take that capital away kids, and to make the mortgage pay- all of the businesses that produce the from them and their ability to invest ments on time. property. The result is a more general in capital, in their ability to hire work- Yet, in spite of these challenges, and widespread economic stimulus. ers. Here in the House of Representa- Washington asks them to give a little Fourth, and finally, bonus deprecia- tives, we are trying to do the opposite. more. Washington Republicans ask tion is a proposal that has had bipar- We’re saying that we’re listening to them to make additional sacrifices and tisan support, unlike H.R. 9. H.R. 9 is these job creators, that we’re listening ask them to carry the extra burden for going nowhere—nowhere—and it should to these people who actually do the wealthy Wall Street millionaires who not. hiring. are not paying their fair share. Why on Vote for and pass this substitute. It Do you know what they’re saying? Earth should a waitress in Nevada pay is sound policy and can become the law Their access to capital is drying up, a higher tax rate than a yacht owner? of the land. and the cash in their bank accounts Why should a janitor pick up the slack I reserve the balance of my time. doesn’t quite meet their needs each for a Big Oil executive? Why should a Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise to month. They need more capital to be card dealer sacrifice more than a Wall claim the time in opposition. able to go out and hire people. They Street hedge fund manager? That The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- need more capital to be able to go out doesn’t make sense. It’s not fair. Wall and buy equipment. tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) is Street corporations shipping American So that’s what this targeted tax cut recognized for 121⁄2 minutes. jobs overseas and big oil companies is. It’s not for the big corporations. It’s Mr. CAMP. I yield such time as he making record profits don’t need our targeted at people who have fewer than may consume to a distinguished mem- help. Working men and women in this 500 employees. And guess what? You ber of the Ways and Means Committee, country do. can have whatever opinion you want on the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. This piece of legislation would be de- the political ideology. You can’t have SCHOCK). structive to them, their futures, and your own facts, and the facts are these: Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I appre- Over the last 2 years, seven out of 10 their families. It is time we started sid- ciate my distinguished chairman yield- jobs created in this country were cre- ing with middle class families, who ing time. ated by people who employ fewer than most definitely do need our help, and I can understand why the American 500 people, the very people this tax bill that starts by passing the Buffett rule. people are frustrated. We have a Presi- is targeted at. Second, you can’t throw Mr. CAMP. I yield 2 minutes to the dent who, from day one, campaigned on up your hands and wonder why Amer- distinguished gentleman from Oregon raising taxes, raising taxes, then be- ica’s job creators are not hiring, why (Mr. WALDEN). Mr. WALDEN. Thank you, Mr. Chair- came the President of the United unemployment continues to be above 8 States, and his party in the House and percent for the longest time in our man. Mr. Speaker, I am intrigued by my his party in the Senate, they’ve talked country’s history while at the same colleague’s comments a few minutes about raising taxes. All the while, time advocating policies that will drive ago about how we need to support this we’ve had a down economy. All the a stake into the heart of our economy while, we’ve had unemployment above and our small businesses. substitute to help small businesses and 8 percent. Yet the interesting thing is This tax policy targeted at America’s all. that, when the same Democratic Party small businesses will give them the Yet what troubles me is, first of all, controlled the House of Representa- capital they need to stay in business, it’s highly complicated. It further com- tives and controlled the United States to hire those additional workers, to in- plicates the Tax Code. The real bene- Senate for 2 years, they decided not to vest in additional capital, and maybe ficiary will be your accountant because implement the Buffett tax. even to prevent layoffs, maybe even to you’ve got to go through all of these machinations to figure out which side b 1230 prevent somebody from having to go on the unemployment line. It is the right of this you qualify for. At the end of They decided not to increase taxes on policy. I wish that our friends on the the day, according to the Joint Com- Americans. other side of the aisle would embrace mittee on Taxation, because of the im- Why? Because they know what we the policy that they had a year ago, position of the additional restrictions know and they know the truth, and which is that tax increases on any called for by the Democrats in their that is that raising taxes will hurt the American is a bad policy in a down substitute, which we’re debating at economy, that raising taxes is not economy. this moment, the entire relief would be what you do when you want to put peo- Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself 30 seconds. something on the order of $287 million ple back to work. It’s bad policy. It’s The gentleman is correct in that the nationwide to small businesses. why a year ago, despite all the rhetoric contrast is very stark. They’ve tried to So there is your alternative. against the Bush tax cuts, despite all raise taxes on millionaires in the Sen- You’ve got the Democrats saying, the rhetoric against the ’01 and ’03 ate so they pay like the people who boy, according to Joint Tax, $287 mil- rates, this same majority in the United work for them. This bill would provide lion. Oh, that’s going to solve the prob- States Senate and this same President a tax break of $58,000 to those who lem this year. That’s really going to said—what? President Obama said, make over $1 million, which are 125,000 help. We’re saying, no, we want to do Now is not the time to increase taxes taxpayers. That is a stark contrast. something that really affects small on any American. A year ago. Have people very wealthy pay a fair businesses, middle class small busi- If that were good policy a year ago, I share on the one side, and have this nesses—people like my wife and me might submit to you that it’s good pol- House give them a big break. when we were in small business and icy today. I don’t know many Ameri- I now yield 2 minutes to another dis- worked with other small businesses in cans who believed a year ago that the tinguished member of our committee, small communities. They are small

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.052 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 businesses that want to keep some of promising women’s reproductive health Committee, and what our Ranking their cash flow home, where they can rights, which is why I can only assume Member LEVIN and we Democrats in invest it in their businesses, in their that these simple drafting errors have the Ways and Means Committee sup- employees, chase these ever-rising come to characterize this bill. I urge ported, offered immediate expenses, a costs of health insurance and all of its rejection. Let’s start over. bonus depreciation for capital invest- these other things that you do in small b 1240 ment for small businesses that was business—the added government costs fully offset and fully paid for by elimi- of regulation, all of the things that Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, how much nating the tax breaks that large oil drive up your costs you need cash to time is remaining? companies are receiving today, who are pay for. The SPEAKER pro tempore. There sitting on record profits, with record We want to help those small busi- are 61⁄2 minutes remaining on both high prices. And it wouldn’t add a nick- nesses because that is the heartbeat, sides. el to the deficit. the growth of where innovation comes Mr. CAMP. Thank you. That’s why I adamantly oppose the from—from jobs in America. It is small At this time, I yield 2 minutes to the underlying bill before us today. It’s the business. This is targeted specifically distinguished gentleman from Illinois, here-we-go-again syndrome around at small businesses in America that a Member of the Ways and Means Com- here. How deep are we going to create can keep some of their money. mittee, Mr. ROSKAM. this hole? It’s a $46 billion tax cut By the way, it’s not the government’s Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I thank that’s not offset, that’s not paid for, money first. The government wasn’t the gentleman for yielding. will go straight to deficit, close to half your best business partner. You went I want to speak for just a minute on of it going to millionaires. An average out and you earned it. You ought to be the substitute. tax savings of over $58,000 is not the able to keep more of it. That’s the dif- Speaking of drafting errors, you can way to get this economy out of the ference in philosophy working out here only assume that there was a drafting hole that it’s in. In fact, when the on the floor; and those of us who have error on the substitute. Look, that Joint Committee on Taxation and the met payrolls, who have paid bills, who happens. If it was a drafting error, the Congressional Budget Office analyzed have dealt with government regulation best thing to do is take the bill out of the Republican underlying bill, they get that. Those who haven’t have a the record and start again. I think the said this is probably the worst thing hard time understanding why, at the notion of comparing $287 million in tax for the buck that we can invest in the beginning, this is the business’s money, relief to $47 billion in tax relief is sim- economy to create the jobs that we the individual’s money, the individual ply a nonstarter. It’s as if the minority need today. Yet, this is a syndrome who has worked hard. It is not the gov- is saying, We sort of accept part of the that happens over and over again from ernment’s money. It is the individual’s premise of this tax cut, but we’re going the other side. They support huge tax money. to cut it down. And then we’re going to cuts without paying for them, driving I urge the defeat of the substitute. cut down the tax relief a little more. our Nation deeper into debt. Mr. LEVIN. I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the And then we’re going to cut down the If they think it’s worthwhile enough gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- tax relief a little more and a little and important enough to invest in, NOLLY). more and a little more and a little then pay for it. Find offsets in the Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. more until finally it’s this obscure lit- spending, and let’s have that discussion Speaker, I support the substitute tle bit of nonsense that isn’t going to as far as our priorities. But don’t go amendment, and I oppose the under- do anything. down the easy route of trying to offer lying bill. Here’s what we need to do. We need this illusion of tax relief to all Ameri- I think my Democratic friends actu- to give relief to the small business in cans, especially the iconic small busi- ally have it all wrong about this bill. I my district. I was touring a plant, and ness owner out there, without paying a could be mistaken, but I think there the owner/entrepreneur who started nickel for it and adding to the budget was a drafting error in this legislation. the company said, Look, the smart deficits that are accumulating today. When introducing this bill, the sponsor move for me, Congressman, is to put I tried to explain to folks back home said, It will put more money into the three-quarters of a million dollars into how we got into this hole. Certainly, hands of small business owners to rein- this new production line. It would the most important driving factor is vest those funds in order to retain, cre- mean that I would expand production, the underperforming economy and the ate jobs and grow their businesses, bring in more people, and so forth, and huge recession that we’re trying to plain and simple. have a very simple ripple effect, but climb out of right now. But you can This bill does nothing of the sort. I’m not going to do it. The reason I’m also look back at previous policies not For starters, it does not target small not going to do it is because Wash- so long ago supported by the other businesses as the title claims. Rather ington, D.C., tells me I’m rich. I’m not side: two huge tax cuts that weren’t than maximizing assistance for those rich. I’m just a prudent businessman paid for; two wars that weren’t paid employers who need it most, fewer who’s built a successful business. for; the largest expansion of entitle- than half the tax cuts go to legitimate What we need to do, Mr. Speaker, is ment spending in the prescription drug small businesses. What’s more, there is to create an environment where that bill that wasn’t paid for. It’s little won- no requirement that this taxpayer sub- business owner, that entrepreneur says der we’re facing huge deficits. sidy should be used to hire new work- to himself or herself, I’m willing to in- I reject the underlying bill and sup- ers or expand facilities to grow the vest. port the Levin amendment. economy. I am also puzzled, Mr. Speak- They need relief. They’re begging for Mr. CAMP. I reserve the balance of er, when looking at the bill before us relief in suburban Chicago from their my time. today and previous drafts. You see, ear- tax liability, and this is an opportunity Mr. LEVIN. I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the lier drafts excluded certain businesses now with this language that is au- gentleman from New York (Mr. CROW- like liquor stores, casinos and strip thored by the majority leader and that LEY). clubs from receiving any tax relief; but is on the House floor. Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I think the current draft does not have such I urge its passage, and I urge rejec- it needs to be reiterated once again exclusions. Further, this bill is not off- tion of the substitute. that the sponsor of the underlying bill, set and would actually increase the Mr. LEVIN. I yield 2 minutes to an- the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CAN- deficit by $46 billion, which I know other distinguished member of our TOR), believes that we need to find pay- runs contrary to the intent of the spon- committee, the gentleman from Wis- fors. We need to pay for it and not add sor, who believes that even in emer- consin (Mr. KIND). to the deficit when it comes to disaster gencies Federal assistance should be Mr. KIND. I want to thank the rank- relief. offset. ing member for yielding me this time. Let’s put that in perspective. A hur- So you see, Mr. Speaker, I know my Mr. Speaker, just to set the record ricane hits, wipes out a town. The colleagues are very busy and are, per- straight, the amendment that was of- American government cannot go and haps, distracted with issues like com- fered by Mr. MCDERMOTT at the Rules rescue and help those people and pay

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.054 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2007 for that without finding a pay-for in amendment, and Mr. CAMP is a man- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE order to substitute for that payment. ager in opposition. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The When tornados hit middle America The Chair recognizes the gentleman Chair would note that it is not in order and peoples’ lives are destroyed, their from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN). during debate to refer to persons on the homes are destroyed, and cities and Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself the bal- floor of the House as guests of the towns are eviscerated, the Congress has ance of my time. House. to come up with pay-fors in order to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Pursuant to the rule, the previous help in that disaster relief, but not tleman is recognized for 2 minutes. question is ordered on the bill, as Mr. LEVIN. There is a criticism that when it comes to a tax break for com- amended, and on the amendment of- the bonus depreciation provision panies that will offshore American fered by the gentleman from Michigan doesn’t go far enough. My answer to jobs. (Mr. LEVIN). that is: let’s pass this and then join to- Those tax breaks we don’t have to The question is on the amendment gether. You have supported bonus de- pay for. Mr. CANTOR doesn’t believe you offered by the gentleman from Michi- preciation in the past. You haven’t have to pay for those. But for disasters gan (Mr. LEVIN). acted on it. We do. that hit America and cities and towns The question was taken; and the that are annihilated, they must be paid Let me just say what’s at stake. This bill isn’t going anywhere—it’s going Speaker pro tempore announced that for. I just think that needs to be point- the noes appeared to have it. ed out to the American people. nowhere, but it says everything about the majority’s priorities. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on that I The Levin bill is a far superior bill. It demand the yeas and nays. incentivizes growth within small busi- They oppose raising taxes on the The yeas and nays were ordered. nesses without burdening the American very wealthy, they take a pledge that The vote was taken by electronic de- taxpayer at the same time. applies to the very wealthy, and they Whose money are we talking about? end up with a bill they won’t pay for. vice, and there were—yeas 175, nays This is not the small business person’s They make empty rhetoric about the 236, not voting 20, as follows: money. This is money that otherwise deficit. Essentially what they’re com- [Roll No. 175] would be revenue to the country. This ing here today to do is to make it YEAS—175 worse, by giving a tax break to the is the American taxpayer’s money that Ackerman Frank (MA) Murphy (CT) we’re just giving back to millionaires, very wealthy through this bill. Altmire Fudge Nadler hardworking Americans who work and b 1250 Andrews Garamendi Neal Baca Gonzalez Olver toil every day to give a tax break to We’ve said it many times, nobody re- Baldwin Green, Al Owens millionaires. futes it. You’re stuck on a pledge not Bass (CA) Green, Gene Pallone Becerra Grijalva ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Pascrell to raise taxes even for the very Berkley Gutierrez The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pastor (AZ) wealthy, and you come today with a Berman Hahn Pelosi Chair would again ask Members to proposal for a tax break for 125,000 tax- Bishop (GA) Hanabusa Perlmutter Bishop (NY) Hastings (FL) heed the gavel. Peters payers making more than a million Blumenauer Heinrich Pingree (ME) The Chair recognizes the gentleman dollars with a tax break of 58,000. Then Bonamici Higgins Polis from Michigan (Mr. CAMP). Boswell Himes to make it still worse, you cut nec- Price (NC) Brady (PA) Hinchey Mr. CAMP. I continue to reserve the essary programs for lower- and middle- Quigley balance of my time. Brown (FL) Hinojosa income families, from child care and Butterfield Hirono Rahall Mr. LEVIN. Does the gentleman from Meals On Wheels. Where’s your con- Capps Hochul Reyes Michigan have any other speakers? Capuano Holden Richardson science? Richmond Mr. CAMP. No. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Cardoza Holt Mr. LEVIN. I now yield 1 minute to Carnahan Honda Rothman (NJ) time of the gentleman from Michigan Carney Hoyer Roybal-Allard the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- (Mr. LEVIN) has expired, and the gen- Carson (IN) Israel Ruppersberger MENAUER). tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) has Castor (FL) Jackson (IL) Rush Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I 1 Chandler Jackson Lee Ryan (OH) 4 ⁄2 minutes remaining. Chu (TX) Sa´ nchez, Linda heard my good friend from Chicago Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Cicilline Johnson (GA) T. talking about people begging for in- self such time as I may consume. Clarke (MI) Johnson, E. B. Sanchez, Loretta vestment. Well, business is looking for I appreciate at least hearing some of Clarke (NY) Kaptur Sarbanes our assistance, but nobody has come Clay Keating Schakowsky the new-found fiscal responsibility Cleaver Kildee seeking an inefficient effort like this Schiff from my friends on the other side, Clyburn Kind Schwartz that will dig ourselves deeper into debt since the Obama administration has Cohen Kissell Scott (VA) and not have impact. We have offered come into office with help from Demo- Connolly (VA) Kucinich Scott, David Conyers Langevin Serrano alternatives that would not have added crats on the other side of the aisle who Cooper Larsen (WA) to the deficit and would have helped Sewell increased the debt by $5 trillion, with a Costa Larson (CT) Sherman Costello Lee (CA) business right away. ‘‘t.’’ Sires Courtney Levin I’m honored to be joined on the floor Let me just comment on this sub- Smith (WA) Critz Lewis (GA) Speier by a young friend, Johnny Hammer, stitute. It’s not that the bonus depre- Crowley Lipinski Stark who in looking at this assessment, ciation in this legislation doesn’t go Cuellar Loebsack Sutton Cummings Lofgren, Zoe said, This is going to be adding to the far enough. It’s that it doesn’t provide Thompson (CA) deficit. That’s right, and we didn’t need Davis (CA) Lowey bonus depreciation. It does limit the Davis (IL) Luja´ n Tierney to do that. Instead, we should be focus- bill based on the concept of bonus de- DeFazio Lynch Tonko ing on things that are deficit neutral preciation, but this bill has been ana- DeGette Maloney Towns Tsongas that will give American business lyzed by the Joint Committee on Tax- DeLauro Markey Deutch Matsui Van Hollen things that will add productivity right ation. Dicks McCarthy (NY) Vela´ zquez now. Rather than providing the $46 billion Dingell McCollum Visclosky I strongly urge my colleagues to re- of tax relief, this bill only provides a Doggett McDermott Walz (MN) ject this proposal and think about the small fraction of that, 6 percent. Under Donnelly (IN) McGovern Wasserman Doyle McNerney Schultz young Johnny Hammers of this world the underlying legislation, millions of Edwards Meeks Watt investing in our future in a way that is small businesses would be able to make Ellison Michaud Waxman responsible and sustainable. investments, be able to buy equipment, Engel Miller (NC) Welch Eshoo Miller, George Wilson (FL) Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I am pre- would be able to hire workers. This Farr Moore Woolsey pared to close. substitute guts the bill and will result Fattah Moran Yarmuth I believe the gentleman from Michi- in no economic impact in this country. NAYS—236 gan (Mr. LEVIN) has the right to close. I would urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- stitute. I would urge support for the Adams Amash Bachus Aderholt Amodei Barletta tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) has underlying bill, and I yield back the Akin Austria Barrow the right to close. It is Mr. LEVIN’s balance of my time. Alexander Bachmann Bartlett

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:17 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.055 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Barton (TX) Guthrie Peterson Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- ‘‘(4) DENIAL OF DEDUCTION FOR MOVING Benishek Hall Petri UNITED STATES JOBS OVERSEAS.— Berg Hanna day, April 19, 2012, I was absent during roll- Pitts ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—No deduction shall be Biggert Harper call vote No. 175 due to a family medical Platts allowed under this section with respect to Bilbray Harris Poe (TX) emergency. Had I been present, I would have any employer— Bilirakis Hartzler Pompeo voted ‘‘yea’’ on agreeing to the Levin Sub- Black Hastings (WA) ‘‘(i) which has fewer full-time equivalent Posey stitute Amendment to H.R. 9, Small Business Blackburn Hayworth Price (GA) employees in the United States for the tax- Bonner Heck Quayle Tax Cut Act. able year beginning in calendar year 2012 as Bono Mack Hensarling Reed Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 175, I compared to the preceding taxable year, and Boren Herger Rehberg was away from the Capitol due to prior com- ‘‘(ii) which has more full-time equivalent Boustany Herrera Beutler Reichert mitments to my constituents. Had I been employees outside the United States for the Brady (TX) Huelskamp Renacci Brooks Huizenga (MI) present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ taxable year beginning in calendar year 2012 Ribble as compared to the preceding taxable year. Broun (GA) Hultgren Rigell Buchanan Hunter b 1320 MPLOYEES OUTSIDE THE UNITED Rivera ‘‘(B) E Bucshon Hurt Roby The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. STATES.—For purposes of this paragraph, an Buerkle Issa Roe (TN) OMACK employee shall be treated as employed by Burgess Jenkins W ). The question is on the en- Rogers (AL) the employer outside the United States Calvert Johnson (IL) grossment and third reading of the bill. Rogers (KY) Camp Johnson (OH) The bill was ordered to be engrossed whether employed directly or indirectly Rogers (MI) Campbell Johnson, Sam and read a third time, and was read the through a controlled foreign corporation (as Rohrabacher defined in section 957) or a pass-through enti- Canseco Jones third time. Cantor Jordan Rokita ty in which the taxpayer holds at least 50 Capito Kelly Rooney MOTION TO RECOMMIT percent of the capital or profits interest. Ros-Lehtinen Carter King (IA) Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I have a ‘‘(C) EXCEPTION FOR EMPLOYEES SEPARATED Cassidy King (NY) Roskam motion to recommit at the desk. VOLUNTARILY OR FOR CAUSE.—For purposes of Chabot Kingston Ross (AR) Chaffetz Kinzinger (IL) Ross (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the this paragraph, the number of full-time Coble Kline Royce gentleman opposed to the bill? equivalent employees shall be determined Coffman (CO) Labrador Runyan Mr. DEUTCH. I am opposed. without regard to any employee separated Cole Lamborn Ryan (WI) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from employment voluntarily or for cause. Conaway Lance Scalise Clerk will report the motion to recom- ‘‘(D) AGGREGATION RULE.—Subsection Cravaack Landry Schilling mit. (d)(5)(A) shall apply for purposes of this para- Crawford Lankford Schmidt graph.’’. Crenshaw Latham Schock The Clerk read as follows: (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment Culberson LaTourette Schweikert Mr. Deutch moves to recommit the bill Davis (KY) Latta Scott (SC) made by this section shall apply to taxable H.R. 9 to the Committee on Ways and Means years beginning after December 31, 2011. Denham Lewis (CA) Scott, Austin with instructions to report the same back to Dent LoBiondo Sensenbrenner the House forthwith with the following Mr. DEUTCH (during the reading). DesJarlais Long Sessions Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Diaz-Balart Lucas Shimkus amendments: Dold Luetkemeyer Shuler At the end of paragraph (2) of section 200(c) to dispense with the reading of the Dreier Lummis Shuster of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as pro- amendment. Duffy Lungren, Daniel Simpson posed to be added by section 2 of the bill, add The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Duncan (SC) E. Smith (NE) the following: objection to the request of the gen- Duncan (TN) Mack Smith (NJ) Ellmers Marchant ‘‘(C) DENIAL OF DEDUCTION FOR CERTAIN tleman from Florida? Smith (TX) Mr. CAMP. I object. Emerson Matheson Southerland BUSINESSES.—The term ‘domestic business Farenthold McCarthy (CA) Stearns gross receipts’ shall not include any gross re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- Fincher McCaul Stivers ceipts attributable to any of the following: tion is heard. Fitzpatrick McClintock Stutzman ‘‘(i) ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.—Any illegal activ- The Clerk will continue to read. Fleischmann McCotter Sullivan Fleming McHenry ity, including trafficking in illegal drugs and The Clerk continued to read. Terry Flores McIntyre prostitution. Mr. CAMP (during the reading). Mr. Thompson (PA) Forbes McKeon ‘‘(ii) PORNOGRAPHY.—Any property with re- Thornberry Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Fortenberry McKinley spect to which records are required to be suspend the reading. Foxx McMorris Tiberi Tipton maintained under section 2257 of title 18, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Franks (AZ) Rodgers United States Code. Frelinghuysen Meehan Turner (NY) objection to the request of the gen- ‘‘(iii) DISCRIMINATORY GOLF COURSES AND Gallegly Mica Turner (OH) tleman from Michigan? CLUBS.—Golf courses or clubs that Gardner Miller (FL) Upton Mr. CROWLEY. I object. Walberg discriminatorily restrict membership on the Garrett Miller (MI) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- Gerlach Miller, Gary Walden basis of sex or race. Gibbs Mulvaney Webster ‘‘(iv) LOBBYING.—Activities described in tion is heard. Gibson Murphy (PA) West section 162(e)(1). The Clerk will continue to read. Westmoreland Gingrey (GA) Myrick ‘‘(v) BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF PERSONS IN The Clerk continued to read. Gohmert Neugebauer Whitfield VIOLATION OF THE IRAN SANCTIONS ACT OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Goodlatte Noem Wilson (SC) ant to the rule, the gentleman from Gowdy Nugent Wittman 1996.—Any activity of any person (including Granger Nunnelee Wolf any successor, assign, affiliate, member, or Florida is recognized for 5 minutes in Graves (GA) Olson Womack joint venturer with an ownership interest in support of his motion. Graves (MO) Palazzo Woodall any property or project any portion of which Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, this de- Griffin (AR) Paulsen Yoder is owned by such person) that is in violation bate has revealed deep differences be- Griffith (VA) Pearce Young (AK) of the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 (50 U.S.C. Grimm Pence Young (IN) tween the majority and minority when 1701 note) or the Comprehensive Iran Sanc- it comes to how to grow our economy. NOT VOTING—20 tions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (22 U.S.C. 8501 et seq.). We object to how Leader CANTOR’s bill Bass (NH) Guinta Schrader borrows $47 billion from China for tax Bishop (UT) Manzullo Slaughter ‘‘(D) DISCLOSURE BY MEMBERS OF CON- Braley (IA) Marino Thompson (MS) GRESS.—No amount shall be taken into ac- cuts designed to benefit millionaires. Burton (IN) Napolitano Walsh (IL) count as domestic business gross receipts by That’s why the CBO ranked this pro- Filner Nunes Waters any Member of Congress unless the amount posal second to dead last in a long list Flake Paul Young (FL) of the deduction allowed under this section Gosar Rangel of things we could do to create jobs. and a description of the business activities Now, Americans have learned by now b 1317 giving rise to such deduction are publicly that there is no such thing as a tem- disclosed (in such manner and form as the Mrs. ROBY and Messrs. MCCARTHY porary Republican tax cut for the Secretary may prescribe) not later than the wealthy. They’re all permanent. Let’s of California and REICHERT changed date on which the return of tax is filed.’’. acknowledge the real price tag here, a their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Add at the end of the bill the following: Messrs. CARSON of Indiana, COURT- half a trillion dollars in deficit spend- NEY, and CAPUANO changed their SEC. 3. DENIAL OF DEDUCTION FOR MOVING ing over the next decade—not for edu- UNITED STATES JOBS OVERSEAS. vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (e) of section cation, not for infrastructure, another So the amendment was rejected. 200 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as $500 billion in windfall for the wealthy. The result of the vote was announced added by section 2 of this Act, is amended by As I said before, our disagreements as above recorded. adding at the end the following new para- run deep. The fact that we are out- Stated for: graph: numbered means that this misguided

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:17 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.016 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2009 legislation will likely pass. Given that pornographers. And let’s make sure Holt McGovern Sa´ nchez, Linda reality, we should at least be able to that this bill does not reward compa- Honda McIntyre T. Hoyer McNerney Sanchez, Loretta come together and agree on which busi- nies that ship jobs overseas. It is the Israel Meeks Sarbanes nesses should be excluded from this right thing to do. It’s up to us to make Jackson (IL) Michaud Schakowsky new windfall. That’s what my amend- these changes. We can make them Jackson Lee Miller (NC) Schiff ment aims to do. right here and right now. (TX) Miller, George Schrader Johnson (GA) Moore Schwartz My changes are relatively small. In I ask all of my colleagues to protect Johnson, E. B. Moran Scott (VA) fact, Leader CANTOR’s legislation re- the American taxpayers and support Jones Murphy (CT) Scott, David mains largely the same. For example, these final protections to the bill. Kaptur Nadler Serrano Keating Shuler pass my amendment, and H.R. 9 will I yield back the balance of my time. Neal Kildee Olver Sires Kind still uphold the GOP plan to take $46 Owens Smith (WA) Kissell Speier billion from China and give half of it to Pallone b 1330 Kucinich Stark Pascrell millionaires. H.R. 9 will still count oil Langevin Sutton Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I seek time Pastor (AZ) speculators, professional sports teams, Larsen (WA) Thompson (CA) Pelosi in opposition to the motion. Larson (CT) Tierney and corporate lobbyists as small busi- Perlmutter nesses. H.R. 9 will still pick and choose The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Lee (CA) Tonko tleman from Michigan is recognized for Levin Peters Towns winners and losers by arbitrarily add- Pingree (ME) 5 minutes. Lewis (GA) Tsongas ing new loopholes to our already over- Lipinski Polis Van Hollen complicated Tax Code. And, of course, Mr. CAMP. I would just say to my Loebsack Price (NC) Vela´ zquez friend that I’m not going to stand up Lofgren, Zoe Quigley Visclosky Leader CANTOR’s massive tax cut will and say that this is a procedural ploy. Lowey Rahall Walz (MN) remain available to businesses even if Luja´ n Reyes Wasserman they create no jobs at all. But I will stand up and say it is a polit- Lynch Richardson Schultz So let me be crystal clear about what ical ploy. Maloney Richmond Waters Ross (AR) my bill changes. It better safeguards We should not be picking winners and Markey Watt losers. The fact is small businesses are Matheson Rothman (NJ) Waxman our taxpayer dollars. Matsui Roybal-Allard Welch First, my amendment will stop busi- hurting because of the failed policies of McCarthy (NY) Ruppersberger Wilson (FL) nesses engaging in illegal activity, the Obama administration. It’s time to McCollum Rush Woolsey McDermott Ryan (OH) Yarmuth from drug trafficking to prostitution, stand up for small business and the from receiving this deduction. This is a people they employ. NOES—229 Let’s get America back to work. I no-brainer, and I have no idea why it’s Adams Fitzpatrick LoBiondo not in the bill already. We should all urge defeat of this motion to recommit Aderholt Fleischmann Long agree, given the recent news from and support for H.R. 9, the Small Busi- Akin Fleming Lucas South America, that there is no such ness Tax Cut Act. Alexander Flores Luetkemeyer I yield back the balance of my time. Amash Forbes Lummis thing as being too careful with Amer- Amodei Fortenberry Lungren, Daniel ican tax dollars. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Austria Foxx E. Second, this amendment ensures that objection, the previous question is or- Bachmann Franks (AZ) Mack dered on the motion to recommit. Bachus Frelinghuysen Marchant no company that outsources American Barletta Gallegly McCarthy (CA) jobs will qualify for this windfall. Cer- There was no objection. Barrow Gardner McCaul tainly our constituents don’t want us The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bartlett Garrett McClintock borrowing money from China to give to question is on the motion to recommit. Barton (TX) Gerlach McCotter The question was taken; and the Benishek Gibbs McHenry companies that outsource jobs to Berg Gibson McKeon China. Certainly we can all agree that Speaker pro tempore announced that Biggert Gingrey (GA) McKinley cutting taxes for businesses that are the noes appeared to have it. Bilbray Gohmert McMorris Bilirakis Goodlatte Rodgers RECORDED VOTE American in name only, that choose Black Gowdy Meehan foreign workers over American work- Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I demand Blackburn Granger Mica ers, do not deserve another giveaway. a recorded vote. Bonner Graves (GA) Miller (FL) Third, my amendment prevents com- A recorded vote was ordered. Bono Mack Graves (MO) Miller (MI) Boustany Griffin (AR) Miller, Gary panies that do business with Iran from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Brady (TX) Griffith (VA) Mulvaney being eligible for this tax cut. As Iran ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Brooks Grimm Murphy (PA) pursues an illicit nuclear weapons pro- will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Broun (GA) Guthrie Myrick gram, we should not reward businesses Buchanan Hall Neugebauer time for any electronic vote on pas- Bucshon Hanna Noem that threaten the security of the sage. Buerkle Harper Nugent United States and our treasured ally The vote was taken by electronic de- Burgess Harris Nunnelee Israel. vice, and there were—ayes 179, noes 229, Calvert Hartzler Olson Camp Hastings (WA) Palazzo Mr. Speaker, my amendment also not voting 23, as follows: Campbell Hayworth Paulsen stops this bill from cutting taxes for [Roll No. 176] Canseco Heck Pearce Cantor Hensarling Pence pornographic empires that somehow AYES—179 qualify as small businesses under this Capito Herger Peterson Ackerman Chu Donnelly (IN) Carter Herrera Beutler Petri bill. It also requires Members of Con- Altmire Cicilline Doyle Cassidy Huelskamp Pitts gress who are owners of small busi- Andrews Clarke (MI) Edwards Chabot Huizenga (MI) Platts nesses to disclose any benefits that Baca Clarke (NY) Ellison Chaffetz Hultgren Poe (TX) Baldwin Clay Engel Coble Hunter Pompeo they get under this bill. It excludes Bass (CA) Cleaver Eshoo Coffman (CO) Hurt Posey golf courses that discriminate based on Becerra Cohen Farr Cole Issa Price (GA) race and gender. Finally, my amend- Berkley Connolly (VA) Fattah Conaway Jenkins Quayle ment bans lobbyists from cashing in on Berman Conyers Frank (MA) Cravaack Johnson (IL) Reed Bishop (GA) Cooper Fudge Crawford Johnson (OH) Rehberg this deduction. Bishop (NY) Costa Garamendi Crenshaw Johnson, Sam Reichert Now, look, I know as soon as I sit Blumenauer Costello Gonzalez Culberson Jordan Renacci down a colleague from the other side of Bonamici Courtney Green, Al Davis (KY) Kelly Ribble the aisle will come forward and claim Boren Critz Grijalva Denham King (IA) Rigell Boswell Crowley Gutierrez Dent King (NY) Rivera that I’m pursuing some procedural ploy Brady (PA) Cuellar Hahn DesJarlais Kingston Roby and attempting to kill the bill. That’s Brown (FL) Cummings Hanabusa Diaz-Balart Kinzinger (IL) Roe (TN) simply not true. Adopt these changes Butterfield Davis (CA) Hastings (FL) Dold Kline Rogers (AL) Capps Davis (IL) Heinrich Dreier Labrador Rogers (KY) so we can vote on the final bill right Capuano DeFazio Higgins Duffy Lamborn Rogers (MI) here and right now. Cardoza DeGette Himes Duncan (SC) Lance Rohrabacher Join me and prevent Americans’ Carnahan DeLauro Hinchey Duncan (TN) Lankford Rokita hard-earned tax dollars from sub- Carney Deutch Hinojosa Ellmers Latham Rooney Carson (IN) Dicks Hirono Emerson LaTourette Ros-Lehtinen sidizing Iranian nucs, cutting costs for Castor (FL) Dingell Hochul Farenthold Latta Roskam criminals, and padding the pockets of Chandler Doggett Holden Fincher Lewis (CA) Ross (FL)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:17 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.061 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Royce Smith (NE) Upton Flores Lankford Rogers (AL) Pastor (AZ) Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (CA) Runyan Smith (NJ) Walberg Forbes Latham Rogers (KY) Pelosi T. Tierney Ryan (WI) Smith (TX) Walden Foxx Latta Rogers (MI) Peters Sanchez, Loretta Tonko Scalise Southerland Webster Franks (AZ) Lewis (CA) Rohrabacher Peterson Sarbanes Towns Schilling Stearns West Frelinghuysen LoBiondo Rokita Pingree (ME) Schakowsky Tsongas Schmidt Stivers Westmoreland Gallegly Loebsack Rooney Polis Schiff Van Hollen ´ Schock Stutzman Whitfield Garamendi Long Ros-Lehtinen Price (NC) Schrader Velazquez Schweikert Sullivan Wilson (SC) Gardner Lucas Roskam Quigley Schwartz Visclosky Scott (SC) Terry Wittman Scott (VA) Wasserman Garrett Luetkemeyer Ross (AR) Rahall Scott, Austin Thompson (PA) Wolf Gerlach Lungren, Daniel Ross (FL) Scott, David Schultz Reyes Sensenbrenner Thornberry Womack Gibbs E. Royce Serrano Waters Ribble Sessions Tiberi Woodall Gibson Mack Runyan Sewell Watt Richardson Shimkus Tipton Yoder Gingrey (GA) Marchant Ruppersberger Sherman Waxman Shuster Turner (NY) Young (AK) Gohmert Matheson Ryan (WI) Richmond Shuler Welch Simpson Turner (OH) Young (IN) Goodlatte McCarthy (CA) Scalise Rothman (NJ) Sires Wilson (FL) Gowdy McCaul Schilling Roybal-Allard Smith (WA) Woodall NOT VOTING—23 Granger McCotter Schmidt Rush Speier Woolsey Bass (NH) Green, Gene Rangel Graves (GA) McHenry Schock Ryan (OH) Stark Yarmuth Graves (MO) McIntyre Schweikert Bishop (UT) Guinta Sewell ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 Braley (IA) Landry Sherman Griffin (AR) McKeon Scott (SC) Burton (IN) Manzullo Slaughter Griffith (VA) McKinley Scott, Austin Wolf Clyburn Marino Grimm McMorris Sensenbrenner Thompson (MS) NOT VOTING—22 Filner Napolitano Walsh (IL) Guthrie Rodgers Sessions Flake Nunes Young (FL) Hall Meehan Shimkus Bass (NH) Green, Gene Perlmutter Gosar Paul Hanna Mica Shuster Bishop (UT) Guinta Rangel Harper Miller (FL) Simpson Braley (IA) Landry Slaughter Harris Miller (MI) Smith (NE) Burton (IN) Manzullo Thompson (MS) b 1345 Hartzler Miller, Gary Smith (NJ) Clyburn Marino Walsh (IL) Hastings (WA) Murphy (PA) Smith (TX) Mrs. EMERSON changed her vote Filner Napolitano Young (FL) Hayworth Myrick Southerland Flake Nunes from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Heck Neugebauer Stearns Gosar Paul So the motion to recommit was re- Hensarling Noem Stivers ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE jected. Herger Nugent Stutzman Herrera Beutler Nunnelee Sullivan The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Hochul Olson Sutton the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- as above recorded. Huelskamp Owens Terry Stated for: Huizenga (MI) Palazzo Thompson (PA) ing. Hultgren Paulsen Thornberry Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- Hunter Pearce Tiberi b 1355 day, April 19, 2012, I was absent during roll- Hurt Pence Tipton So the bill was passed. call vote No. 176 due a family medical emer- Issa Petri Turner (NY) Jenkins Pitts Turner (OH) The result of the vote was announced gency. Had I been present, I would have Johnson (IL) Platts Upton as above recorded. voted ‘‘aye’’ on the Motion to Recommit to Johnson (OH) Poe (TX) Walberg A motion to reconsider was laid on H.R. 9, Small Business Tax Cut Act. Johnson, Sam Pompeo Walden the table. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Jones Posey Walz (MN) Jordan Price (GA) Webster Stated against: on rollcall No. 176, the Democratic Motion to Kelly Quayle West Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Recommit H.R. 9, had I been present, I would King (IA) Reed Westmoreland on rollcall No. 177, final passage of H.R. 9, have voted ‘‘aye.’’ King (NY) Rehberg Whitfield Kingston Reichert Wilson (SC) had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 176, I Kinzinger (IL) Renacci Wittman Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- was away from the Capitol due to prior com- Kissell Rigell Womack day, April 19, 2012, I was absent during roll- mitments to my constituents. Had I been Kline Rivera Yoder call vote No. 177 due to a family medical present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Lamborn Roby Young (AK) Lance Roe (TN) Young (IN) emergency. Had I been present, I would have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The voted ‘‘nay’’ on final passage of H.R. 9, Small question is on the passage of the bill. NAYS—173 Business Tax Cut Act. The question was taken; and the Ackerman Davis (IL) Kaptur Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 177, I Speaker pro tempore announced that Altmire DeFazio Keating was away from the Capitol due to prior com- the noes appeared to have it. Amash DeGette Kildee mitments to my constituents. Had I been Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on that I Andrews DeLauro Kind Baca Deutch Kucinich present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ demand the yeas and nays. Baldwin Dicks Labrador PERSONAL EXPLANATION The yeas and nays were ordered. Bass (CA) Dingell Langevin Becerra Doggett Larsen (WA) Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, I missed The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a votes today to attend to official government 5-minute vote. Berkley Doyle Larson (CT) Berman Edwards LaTourette business in Illinois. If I had been here, I would The vote was taken by electronic de- Bishop (GA) Ellison Lee (CA) have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 172; ‘‘yea’’ on Blumenauer Engel Levin vice, and there were—yeas 235, nays rollcall No. 173; ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 174; ‘‘no’’ 173, answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting Bonamici Eshoo Lewis (GA) Brady (PA) Farr Lipinski on rollcall No. 175; ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 176; 22, as follows: Broun (GA) Fattah Lofgren, Zoe and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 177. [Roll No. 177] Brown (FL) Fortenberry Lowey Butterfield Frank (MA) Luja´ n f YEAS—235 Capps Fudge Lummis REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Adams Boswell Cravaack Capuano Gonzalez Lynch Aderholt Boustany Crawford Cardoza Green, Al Maloney AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2341 Akin Brady (TX) Crenshaw Carnahan Grijalva Markey Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Alexander Brooks Cuellar Carney Gutierrez Matsui Amodei Buchanan Culberson Carson (IN) Hahn McCarthy (NY) unanimous consent to withdraw my Austria Bucshon Davis (KY) Castor (FL) Hanabusa McClintock name as a cosponsor of H.R. 2341. Bachmann Buerkle Denham Chu Hastings (FL) McCollum The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Bachus Burgess Dent Cicilline Heinrich McDermott Barletta Calvert DesJarlais Clarke (MI) Higgins McGovern objection to the request of the gen- Barrow Camp Diaz-Balart Clarke (NY) Himes McNerney tleman from Rhode Island? Bartlett Campbell Dold Clay Hinchey Meeks There was no objection. Barton (TX) Canseco Donnelly (IN) Cleaver Hinojosa Michaud Benishek Cantor Dreier Cohen Hirono Miller (NC) f Berg Capito Duffy Connolly (VA) Holden Miller, George b 1400 Biggert Carter Duncan (SC) Conyers Holt Moore Bilbray Cassidy Duncan (TN) Cooper Honda Moran LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Bilirakis Chabot Ellmers Costa Hoyer Mulvaney Bishop (NY) Chaffetz Emerson Costello Israel Murphy (CT) (Mr. HOYER asked and was given Black Chandler Farenthold Courtney Jackson (IL) Nadler permission to address the House for 1 Blackburn Coble Fincher Critz Jackson Lee Neal minute.) Bonner Coffman (CO) Fitzpatrick Crowley (TX) Olver Bono Mack Cole Fleischmann Cummings Johnson (GA) Pallone Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Boren Conaway Fleming Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Pascrell the majority leader, the gentleman

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.021 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2011 from Virginia (Mr. CANTOR), for the some assurance that we are going to Is that accurate? purpose of inquiring about the schedule move to go to conference so that we Mr. CANTOR. That is correct, Mr. for the week to come. can get a conference under way. I know Speaker. Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I thank the majority indicated it wanted a bill Mr. HOYER. With respect to the ap- the gentleman from Maryland, the so that it could, in fact, go to con- propriations bills, much was made of Democratic whip, for yielding. ference. I have had discussions with, I the fact that you wanted to bring ap- Mr. Speaker, on Monday, no votes think, you but I know Mr. BOEHNER, propriations bills to the floor one at a are expected in the House. On Tuesday, the Speaker, and Mr. MCCARTHY, that time and under open rules. I think the House will meet at noon for morn- that was the intent to go to con- that’s a good practice. Frankly, I ing-hour and 2 p.m. for legislative busi- ference. would have liked to have done that ness. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 What would preclude us, I suppose when we were in charge, and we didn’t p.m. On Wednesday and Thursday, the would be the better way to phrase the get that done. I said then that I didn’t House will meet at 10 a.m. for morning- question, from having a motion to go think it was good for the institution hour and noon for legislative business. to conference next week? As the gen- for the consideration of appropriation On Friday, the House will meet at 9 tleman knows, we are going to be out bills, and you, I think, rightfully criti- a.m. for legislative business. Last votes the week following so that we will not cized us for that—not you, personally, of the week are expected no later than be back until May, into May; and to but the Republican side of the aisle. 3 p.m. the extent that we delay going to con- Is it your intention to bring the ap- Mr. Speaker, the House will consider ference, we are going to delay the reso- propriations bills to the floor singly, a number of bills under suspension of lution of what I think is a very, very individually, with an open rule as the rules, a complete list of which will important bill. I know the gentleman Speaker BOEHNER indicated would be be announced by the close of business does as well. We believe this is a real the case, and, if so, when will that tomorrow. job creator. occur? Among next week’s suspensions will As you know, Mr. LaHood is the Sec- I yield to my friend. be a noteworthy bill, H.R. 2146, au- retary of Transportation, your former Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I would thored by Congressman DARRELL ISSA colleague on your side of the aisle. He say to the gentleman that, as he and known as the DATA Act. This is an has made it very clear that this is a knows, working through the com- important step in our continuing effort very substantial jobs bill. To the ex- mittee at this point are the CJS bill to make government more account- tent that we could move quickly, I and the energy and water bill. It is our able, accessible, and transparent, espe- think it would be in the best interests intention to bring one of those forward cially when it comes to the expenditure of our country, of infrastructure in- the week that he indicates, May 7, to of taxpayer dollars. vestment, and the creation of jobs. be debated. It is also possible that the House will I yield to my friend. The Speaker has consistently come Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman. down on the side of wanting there to be consider a motion to go to conference Mr. Speaker, I will tell the gen- an open process. I think that, given the and motion to instruct conferees on tleman we have every intention of House’s track record on appropriations the surface transportation authoriza- going forward, and, at this point, I bills and the debates surrounding tion bill. don’t know what could come up and them, we are hoping that we can have In addition, Mr. Speaker, we expect a preclude us from doing so. But we look full debate next week on the impor- forward to working with the gentleman a deliberate debate around the sub- tance of our Nation’s cybersecurity. over the course of the next two-plus stance and policy of the issues and set The House will consider a number of bi- months to come to resolution so that as a model for going forward. But I would say to the gentleman, as partisan bills to reduce obstacles to we can provide some certainty to voluntary information sharing between States, industries, private sector, pub- far as we go right now, we are looking the private sector and government, se- lic, and the rest with regard to our at May 7 to be the time in which we cure our Nation’s infrastructure, better transportation infrastructure. bring one of those bills to the floor for protect government systems and com- Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman. deliberation and a vote. bat foreign threats. And in light of the fact that he looks Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman A number of committees have been forward to my help, I want to tell him for his comments. involved in this effort, Mr. Speaker, in- that if he brings a motion to go to con- I make the additional observation cluding the Intelligence Committee, ference next week, I will bring the that we passed a budget. Many of us Homeland Security, Oversight and overwhelming majority of my caucus voted against that budget, as you Government Reform, Science, Judici- to a vote with that motion to go to know, that passed. We voted for our al- ary, and Energy and Commerce. conference so that we can get that ternative. But the American people, I Of the bills coming to the floor, we done. I will be glad to help in that re- think, have an interest and, frankly, a will consider H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intel- spect. right to know what the ramifications ligence Sharing and Protection Act, Will that help him? of that budget that was passed are; and under a rule. This important legisla- Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman. obviously they will find that out as the tion is authored by Chairman MIKE Mr. HOYER. I didn’t know whether appropriation bills move forward, are ROGERS and cosponsored by Ranking those votes would help you get the job considered on this floor, open to debate Member DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER. done that I think needs to be done. I and open to amendment. That will edu- I thank the gentleman for yielding. don’t say that facetiously. I think we cate the American people on what the Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman want to go to conference. I have been consequences are of passing budget A for his information. told you want to go to conference, and over budget B, your budget, our budg- The gentleman, in his comments, in- I would hope we could move forward on et, or an alternative budget. dicates that we might go to conference that. As a matter of fact, the chairman It’s really in the appropriations bill. on the surface transportation bill. As of your committee, Representative The budget doesn’t really do anything, the gentleman knows, the Senate sur- MICA, said yesterday we should go to as we all know, other than set a 302(a) face transportation bill passed over- conference immediately, and we would allocation. That is the amount of dis- whelmingly and with a very substan- be very interested in helping you to- cretionary dollars that can be applied tial bipartisan vote and a vote led by wards that process. in the appropriations process. What Senator BOXER and Senator INHOFE of Mr. Leader, the Appropriations Com- that means is that the only thing it Oklahoma. There were 22 Republican mittee has started to mark up its bills does is set that limit and does not ap- Senators. About half of the Republican and has dealt with the reconciliation portion resources to particular objec- Senators voted for it, and so it passed instructions. My understanding is the tives in the appropriations bill or, for overwhelmingly. reconciliation instructions, the result that matter, in the Ways and Means I am wondering, given the timeframe of those instructions will be coming to Committee bill in terms of actions that in which we are dealing, whether or not the floor probably the first month, the might occur with reference to taxes the gentleman feels comfortable with month of May. and revenues.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.068 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 b 1410 when he says spending got out of con- that end exposing the issues and identi- So I say to my friend that the impor- trol over the last two decades, I may fying them so that we can get this in a tance of bringing the appropriation agree with him on the last decade we way that is responding to what the bills to the floor is to give that trans- went deeply into debt, but certainly public really wants to see, which is a parency to the American public so they the decade preceding that my friend simplified Tax Code and a much fairer can make a judgment on which prior- surely remembers that we ran 4 years way. ities they support. We think it’s going of surplus and a net surplus over 8 Mr. HOYER. We passed—if I can go to to be very difficult, frankly, to bring years during the Clinton administra- another subject briefly—we passed a appropriation bills to the floor under tion. A $62.9 billion net surplus after 8 bill today which the gentleman was a the constraints that have been im- years. And we had 4 years of surplus. principle advocate of which cost $46 posed. And we regret, as the gentleman Two of those were actual surpluses— billion in terms of revenues in effect knows, very much that we did not fol- and we counted Social Security’s reve- forgone, if you will, that otherwise low the agreement that was reached nues, which obviously were borrowed were being expected, if that bill passes. when we precluded the country’s going money from the Social Security trust Does the gentleman believe that if that into default. We agreed on a figure of fund. So we swapped Social Security bill passes and is signed by the Presi- $1.048 trillion to be the figure that the money for IOUs. But 2 of those years of dent, that in light of the fact it’s a 1- Appropriations Committee would mark actual balance. year bill, does the gentleman believe to. So I would agree with him on the last that it will be only 1 year or does the I don’t know whether the gentleman decade, but I would not agree with him gentleman intend, if his party happens had an opportunity to see, but 12 out of on the decade before that because, to be in charge in the next Congress, to the 14 Senators on the Appropriations frankly, working from both sides of the see that lapse and that tax increased Committee voted to honor the agree- aisle and an exploding economy, we again on small businesses? What is the ment that was reached today, includ- created those deficits essentially to- gentleman’s thought on that? I ask ing Senator MCCONNELL. Regrettably, gether. him that question, if I might, in light we did not do that in the House. We re- I want to say to my friend that in of The Wall Street Journal’s observa- duced that figure very substantially, that context, yes, the American people tion today that certainly this did not and we also shifted some of the re- want to see us use their money wisely. give small businesses much certainty. sources from one object—nondefense to We all agree on that. They need to Mr. CANTOR. First of all, I’d say the defense—which cuts even further the know how we intend to use their gentleman has a very interesting ques- nondefense portion of the budget by money. And if they don’t have appro- tion if we’re talking about the sched- about $8 billion. priation bills on the floor—because the uling of the floor and how we’re going So I ask the gentleman, in that con- gentleman talks about the fact that forward, but I’ll be delighted to answer text, is the committee going to mark the Senate hasn’t passed a budget in a the question. to the House-passed budget, which we thousand days. It has had no effect, The bill that we passed today in a bi- have deemed adopted? Notwithstanding none, zero on what we are doing. Why? partisan way is a bill that responds to the fact it has not been adopted, is the Because all the budget does, as the gen- the urgency that small business is feel- House going to mark to those figures, tleman well knows, is not allocate ing and, frankly, the people of this and will it mark to those figures know- money. It sets a ceiling—as the gen- country are feeling that the economy ing full well what dollars are left for tleman likes, apparently, ceilings and is not growing quickly enough. bills that are to follow? In other words, not agreements—a ceiling on what dis- Is it a panacea? No. Do we want to are you going to front-load and make cretionary spending will be. Other than see comprehensive overall tax reform? those appropriation bills sweeter? That that, it doesn’t do anything. Therefore, Absolutely. But as the gentleman will then not leave resources for bills it sets forth a plan. knows, our side and his have big dif- that will come after. But the key is going to be how you ferences when it comes to tax reform. Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I would carry out that plan and let the Amer- Unfortunately, the discussions that say to the gentleman, first of all, the ican people know how you’re going to ensued last year were hung up on the gentleman knows that we did pass a carry it out. We do that in appropria- notion that your side really, really budget in the House. We didn’t have a tion bills and the Ways and Means tax continues to advocate higher taxes. conference committee report to vote bills. You want to start with a baseline on because the Senate did not pass a Does the gentleman have an idea of that’s just higher than ours. We don’t budget, which has then forced us to when a Ways and Means tax bill car- believe right now that we ought to as- have to deem what the House passed— rying out the budget might come to sume Washington has a revenue prob- again, the Senate having gone way past the floor? lem. Instead, we ought to fix the spend- a thousand days without a budget. Mr. CANTOR. As the gentleman ing problem before you start jacking So I would say to the gentleman it is knows, Ways and Means is continuing up more taxes, if at all. our perception that what the deal was in their mission to conduct hearings as So this measure that we passed is in August, the BCA, was a ceiling. And far as tax reform is concerned. They something that is a first start towards that we want to try in every way we just had a hearing on retirement provi- a pro-growth outlook to empower busi- can to save taxpayer dollars, and that sions and what comprehensive tax re- nesses and allow men and women who is a rule which we’re continuing to fol- form means when it comes to retire- are out there taking risks starting low. The Appropriations Committee ment provisions. businesses and creating jobs a little has taken up its obligations and is The gentleman knows that tax re- easier time in doing so, allowing them working on the bills, and we will be form doesn’t come easy in this town. to keep more of the money to put back bringing up those bills consistent with And we are all, I think, bound by the into their business and allocate the that rule. commitment to try and simplify the capital the best way they see of doing Again, I say to the gentleman, we code with the differences that we have. so, not Washington. look forward to a robust, policy-ori- And we’re going to continue to look to Again, I know the gentleman knows ented debate on the spending issues see what Chairman CAMP and the com- we have a difference of opinion when it facing this country throughout the ap- mittee’s work produces. But with comes to that. But, again, it is a small propriations process and look forward maintaining our commitment that we step in a bridge toward what we all to a deliberative civil process so that believe, as you do—Mr. Speaker, I would like to see but are unable to ac- we can get our work done and deliver would say the gentleman joins me in complish right now, which is overall on what the people expect—and that is wanting to simplify the code, bring tax reform. to begin to shave the spending that has down rates, get rid of loopholes, and Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman, gotten out of control in Washington the rest. and he is correct, we do have a very over the last several decades. Again, I would say we’re looking to substantial difference of opinion. The Mr. HOYER. I know the gentleman our committees to continuing their indication is this is a start. Frankly, doesn’t like to relitigate history, but work. They’re doing good work toward we were told it was a start in 2001. We

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.070 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2013 were told it was a start in 2003 when we has doubled. The Dow has doubled 15th year we’ve commemorated the Na- cut taxes very substantially. Unfortu- since March of 2009. It’s hard for me to tional Day of Silence, a time when stu- nately, we didn’t cut revenues very see how that was a failure. It certainly dents across the country remain silent substantially. And when you don’t cut hasn’t been the success we’d like, but for the whole day to draw attention to revenues after you cut taxes, what hap- not a failure. discrimination toward their LGBT pens is you have deficit. And that’s I tell my friend that, yes, we have a peers. why we went from a $5.6 trillion pro- difference, and the public needs to Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, jected surplus after the Clinton admin- come to grips with that difference and questioning youth and their allies face istration, projected by the Bush admin- that debate, and that is whether or not verbal and physical bullying on a daily istration, to an $11 trillion deficit at we’re going to pay for things we buy. basis just for being who they are. the end of the Bush administration— And if we don’t want to buy them, we In a time when these teens are at a because we cut revenues and we in- won’t have to pay for them, and we can greater risk of suicide and self-harm, creased spending. cut taxes. we cannot afford to be silent. I’m proud to say that in my district, Unless the gentleman wants to say b 1420 queer youth and allies work together something further, I yield back the bal- to make life better. Many of our mid- We were not in charge for 75 percent ance of my time. of that time. In fact, we weren’t in dle schools and high schools in my dis- charge of ultimately passing legisla- f trict host student-run gay-straight al- liances which create a supportive space tion any of that time because the ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, so that queer youth do not feel iso- President, of course, had an 8-year APRIL 23, 2012 term. So I say to my friend, we dug an- lated. Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask other $46 billion hole. I’m proud of my constituents for call- unanimous consent that when the My belief is that your side of the ing for a stop to harassment of GLBT House adjourns today, it adjourn to individuals, and I encourage all Ameri- aisle will not want to reinstate that meet at 11 a.m. on Monday next. cans to do the same. tax next year no matter what the econ- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. I am particularly proud of two high school omy is doing, no matter how good the KINZINGER of Illinois). Is there objec- seniors from my district: economy is. That’s my suspicion. But tion to the request of the gentleman Joaquin Garcia, from Pacific Collegiate it’s based upon 30 years of experience, I from Virginia? School, and Lucy Walters, from Harbor High tell my friend. And if that’s the case, There was no objection. School, are two of 14 recipients of eQuality then we’re not talking about $46 bil- Scholarships in honor of their service and lion, we’re talking about a half trillion f leadership within the LGBT community. Joa- dollars, which is $46 billion times 10 THE GSA SCANDAL quin and Lucy are already making a difference with escalation for inflation, so about (Mr. CRAWFORD asked and was in their communities, and I know they will con- a half-a-trillion-dollar additional hole tinue making a difference at college. given permission to address the House in the deficit unless the gentleman is Though many lesbian, gay, bisexual, or prepared to say, look, if the economy for 1 minute.) transgender youth advocates and their straight recovers, we’re going to reinstate that Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, the allies are silent tomorrow, we in Congress revenue. recently discovered GSA spending must never be silent. It is our job to speak for The difference between us is you scandal is a prime example why Ameri- those who cannot speak for themselves. cans have lost faith in their govern- want to talk about tax increases, and I f want to talk about paying our bills. ment. SMALL BUSINESSES CREATE NEW And I believe that if we don’t want to This week, I questioned GSA officials JOBS buy, then we don’t have to tax. But if about the now infamous conference we buy, we have a moral responsibility hosted in Las Vegas. This one lavish (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania to have the courage to ask people to conference left American taxpayers asked and was given permission to ad- pay for it. with an $822,000 tab. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Very frankly, I think you’ve taken Let me list just a few of the expense vise and extend his remarks.) the discipline out of the system. I items from Las Vegas that are sure to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. think supply-side economics takes the enrage the American taxpayers: $75,000 Mr. Speaker, over the past two dec- discipline out of the system. What sup- was spent on a bicycle-building exer- ades, our Nation’s small businesses ply-side economics does is, we can cut cise to encourage team building; $3,200 have generated 65 percent of new jobs. revenues but don’t have to cut spend- was spent on mind readers to entertain According to a recent small business survey from the U.S. Chamber of Com- ing because magically we’re going to the attendees. Guess what I’m thinking merce, today 64 percent of small busi- get more revenues. now. The average cost for breakfast per nesses stand idle at current staffing Very frankly, Mr. Greenspan thought attendee, $44—that’s $44 per person per levels, with 52 percent not hiring be- for a while that that worked. He said 3 day. And I save the worse for last, a cause they aren’t confident in our Na- years ago, no, he was wrong. I think he $30,000 pool party. tion’s recovery, and another 33 percent was right the second time. He was de- Adding insult to injury, the chief or- ganizer of the 2010 Las Vegas con- pointing to uncertainty driven by monstrably, graphically not right the Washington. first time when he rationalized the 2001 ference was approved for a bonus by senior Obama officials for his work in These concerns are justifiable, Mr. and 2003. We cut revenues, they did not Speaker, with the Senate continually organizing the conference. raise sufficient additional dollars and choosing to ignore our jobs crisis in Officials who organize and authorize growth in the economy. favor of advancing an agenda that will wasteful spending must be held respon- As a matter of fact, whether there only grow government, not our econ- sible. This body must work to end the was a direct result, we had the worst omy. economy I’ve experienced in my adult culture of waste at GSA and other gov- The latest proposal surely wasn’t lifetime at the end of the Bush term ernment agencies and ensure that tax- about economic growth, for it takes and at the beginning of the Obama payer dollars are respected. private investment away from small term as responsibility for the economy f businesses and turns it over to bu- went over to President Obama. reaucracies. It wasn’t even about fair- NATIONAL DAY OF SILENCE Now, there’s a lot of debate during ness, because it was fair to no one—not this bill about how we’ve lost jobs. (Mr. FARR asked and was given per- to the wealthy who pay even more That’s true. Those jobs were lost in the mission to address the House for 1 taxes instead of investing in our econ- early part of the Obama administra- minute and to revise and extend his re- omy, and not to the rest of us who need tion. As the gentleman knows, over the marks.) jobs, growth, and greater opportunity. last 24 months, we’ve had 4 million new Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today With economic uncertainty still per- jobs created, 10 quarters of economic in honor of the National Day of Si- vasive, every decision made by govern- growth in our country, and the Dow lence, which is tomorrow. This is the ment must pass the simple test of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:54 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.071 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 whether or not it aids the Nation’s re- The extermination of the Jewish people dur- tion. We can honor those who died in the Hol- covery. Senate Democrats either fail to ing World War II is greatest crime against hu- ocaust by countering similar atrocities in the understand our economic problems or manity committed by a nation state in the his- future. have, as troubling as it may be, chosen tory of the world. The Holocaust was initiated Holocaust remembrance is even more cru- to ignore them. by members of the National Socialist (Nazi) cial today, given recent events in the Middle f Party, led by Adolf Hitler, who took control of East and around the world. In the past year, there has been an increase in statements of THE HOLOCAUST Germany in 1933 and began increasing as- saults on the rights and properties of German holocaust denial throughout Europe, Asia, (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- Jewish citizens. South America and the Middle East. The world mission to address the House for 1 During World War II, the Nazi party went has also witnessed an alarming increase in minute and to revise and extend his re- even further and implemented their ‘‘Final So- anti-Semitic attacks, coupled with harsh criti- marks.) lution’’ which sought to eliminate the entire cism of Israel that is tinged with anti-Semitism. GENERAL LEAVE Jewish people. Of the nine million Jews who As tensions escalate in the Middle East, Ira- Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, nian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has al- imous consent that all Members may approximately two-thirds perished. In par- luded to the goal of the annihilation of Israel. have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- ticular, over one million Jewish children were It is continuously important to strengthen the tend their remarks on the topic of my killed in the Holocaust. U.S.-Israel relationship, and to focus on the 1-minute. Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed on goal of achieving lasting peace in the Middle The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew Calendar East. objection to the request of the gen- is observed internationally by the Jewish com- The annual Days of Remembrance are par- tleman from Tennessee? munity. This day of remembrance was estab- ticularly meaningful to my community and to There was no objection. lished in 1953, by a law signed by the Prime me, as a Jew. My district, the 9th Congres- Mr. COHEN. Thank you, Mr. Speak- Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, and the sional District of Illinois, is home to one of the er. President of Israel, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. Although largest concentrations of Holocaust survivors Today, there was a Yom HaShoah in the country. Skokie, located in my district, service held in the United States Cap- the date was established by the Israeli govern- ment, it has become a day observed by Jew- attracted many Jewish families in the wake of itol, and they were held in State Cap- WWII, and remains a vibrant Jewish commu- ish communities and individuals worldwide. itals throughout the Nation. It’s the nity today. There are currently 1,000–2,000 Today, many commemorate Yom Hoshoah remembrance of the Holocaust that oc- Holocaust survivors living in Skokie, and this with candle lighting, speakers, poems, pray- curred in Europe. Six million lives community understands the importance of pre- ers, and singing. Often, six candles are lighted were lost. serving memories and honoring history. What the Yom HaShoah program is to represent the six million lives lost. In 2009, the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Holocaust Remembrance Day is a day of about is never to forget the Holocaust Education Center in Skokie opened in Skokie, public observance and education. Public ob- and never to forget what caused it to assisted by active involvement of the commu- occur, to remember the outstanding servation is important because it serves as nity, and welcomes over 250,000 visitors an- military and people that helped Jews tribute to those who perished. It is up to us to nually. The Holocaust Memorial Foundation of survive, the military that liberated the learn and share their stories on their behalf. Illinois has been educating school and com- Further, the Holocaust was the ultimate dis- camps and the hundreds of thousands munity groups since 1981, and due largely to regard for human rights. Education is the best of righteous gentiles who helped and these efforts, Illinois was the first state to risked their own lives to save Jews. I way to prevent these human rights abuses in make Holocaust education mandatory. This wear a button for Raoul Wallenberg. the future. By encouraging educational pro- center for education and preservation of his- The Swedish Government sent people grams about the Holocaust, we can help pre- tory was made possible by the hard work and over here, and he was a diplomat that vent future acts of genocide. dedication of the community, and its commit- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join saved 100,000 Jews, and they partici- ment to combating intolerance. pated today. with me in observing Yom Hashoah and in Later this month, I will have the pleasure to There was testimony about how doing all we can to teach our children and fu- visit with the remarkable students from Treasury Secretary Morgenthau and ture generations to work together to prevent McCracken Middle School in Skokie, who two people in his administration, Mr. bigotry, hatred, and prejudice. Let us commit founded a student group to help prevent child Pehle and Mr. DuBois, implored the ourselves to combating intolerance wherever it labor around the world, Aiding Children To- President to help rescue Jews, and they might exist. gether, or A.C.T. On March 22, 2012, did so. Many, many were lost because Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to McCracken students involved in A.C.T. had we didn’t get involved soon enough. honor the six million European Jews murdered the opportunity to visit the Illinois Holocaust Never be silent to evil and remember by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust. Museum for their Student Leadership Day. the victims of the Holocaust. Today, we join together to remember the vic- The day included discussions, a chance to ex- I urge you to visit the United States tims who perished. We stand in solidarity with plore the museum, and then students were Holocaust Memorial Museum. the people of Israel and around the world to able to sit with survivors of the Holocaust at Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today honor Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom lunch and hear their stories. Students were to join with people in the U.S., in Israel and Hashoah. deeply affected by guest speaker Nadja around the world in recognition of International Six million Jews were killed at the hands of Halibegovich, and her account of living Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this day we the Nazis as a part of the ‘‘Final Solution’’ to through the Bosnian War and genocide as a honor the memory of the six million Jews and eradicate all of Europe’s Jews, and countless child. One student reflected, ‘‘Just seeing all of the many millions of others who perished dur- others were brutalized, raped, dehumanized, the people who were killed in his horrible time ing the Holocaust and we celebrate the and robbed. It is essential to listen and learn just really made me want to push through, and strength and perseverance of the survivors. By from the stories of the past, and to ensure that make sure this would never happen again’’. stopping each year to recognize the signifi- the experiences of the Holocaust are pre- Another student mentioned, ‘‘We should never cance of this day, we also rededicate our- served as a permanent part of our history. forget what happened. I want to help and selves to the principles of individual freedom Too many times in history, people have change the future; I won’t be a bystander!’’ and to a just society and we renew our pledge stood by and allowed the targeting, brutal- Throughout these days of remembrance, we to Never Forget. ization, and massacre of an innocent civilian look back on the atrocities of the Holocaust, Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, today I population. The 2012 theme of these Days of and we honor and mourn those who perished. rise to recognize Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance, Choosing to Act: Stories of It is equally important to remember the sur- Remembrance Day, which is the official Israeli Rescue, highlights the actions of several wit- vivors and to learn from their experiences. As Day of Remembrance for victims of the Holo- nesses who risked severe punishment to help we move forward, it is imperative to preserve caust. During the Holocaust, six million Euro- Jews to safety. These actions serve to remind the past and to continue teaching the history pean Jews were systematically annihilated by us of the amazing power of individual choice of the Holocaust. We must commit today to the Nazi Regime. Today, I rise to pay tribute to act in the face of injustice. The principle fighting hatred and indifference in a world to those whose lives were irreparably affected ‘‘Never Forget, Never Again.’’ is a commitment where genocide is an ever-present problem. by the Holocaust and to reaffirm my commit- to fighting hatred, intolerance, and brutality Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, today is Yom ment to human rights. through education, dialogue, and determina- Hashoah U’Gvurah. It is a day to remember

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.074 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2015 the Holocaust heroes and martyrs—those who what music they would have composed and Back in 1992, I was honored to serve fought and those who resisted; those who sur- what trophies they would have won. Their loss as an intern for Human Events, where vived and those who perished. has left a void not only in Europe, but through- I worked closely with political editor In Israel, the day is marked with the piercing out the world, and our lives are diminished be- John Gizzi, whom I consider a good wail of sirens that stops traffic and calls the cause of it. friend. This week, Human Events re- nation to attention. Those sirens evoke the Let us honor the memory of those who per- launched its print edition with a new cries of loss, the cries of families torn asunder, ished in the Holocaust by remembering their format and expanded Washington cov- the cries for vibrant Jewish communities re- suffering and bravery, standing by our friend erage. duced to memories and the cries of resolve and ally Israel, and fighting for justice and Conservatives have long depended that the State of Israel exists today as haven peace. upon Human Events to carry out its for Jews fleeing persecution. f mission, which is to analyze events In the United States, Yom Hashoah is ob- through the eyes that favor limited ANTIETAM NATIONAL BATTLE- served with events in cities and states around constitutional government, local self- FIELD MEMORIAL ILLUMINATION the country. This week, the L.A. Museum of government, free enterprise, and indi- the Holocaust held a Walk of Remembrance (Mr. BARTLETT asked and was given vidual freedom. That is a mission I and a day of activities at its memorial in Pan permission to address the House for 1 wholeheartedly support. Pacific Park. minute and to revise and extend his re- I commend Human Events to you, In Washington, DC, Yom Hashoah is com- marks.) Mr. Speaker, and to this entire body. Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. Speaker, Balti- memorated as part of the Days of Remem- f brance sponsored by U.S. Holocaust Memorial more, Maryland, was site of the first Museum in Washington, DC. blood that was shed in our Civil War on SMALL BUSINESS TAX CUT ACT This year, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Mu- April 19, 1861. The next year, on Sep- (Mr. MCCLINTOCK asked and was seum’s events have the theme, ‘‘Choosing to tember 17, 1862, the bloodiest one-day given permission to address the House Act: Stories of Rescue.’’ It is especially appro- military battle in America’s history for 1 minute.) priate as we mark the 100th birthday of Raoul took place on farms along Antietam Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, the Wallenberg, a Swedish Diplomat who used his Creek near the small town of Sharps- House just passed H.R. 9, purporting to post to save as many as 100,000 Hungarian burg in Washington County, Maryland. give a temporary tax cut to small busi- Jews. His legacy is profound and this nation is The 24th Antietam National Battle- nesses. I say ‘‘purporting’’ because it proud to have made him an honorary citizen field Memorial Illumination will take doesn’t cut spending at the same time, of the United States. With the Raoul place on Saturday, December 1, 2012. At and thus it merely shifts current taxes Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Act that twilight, 23,110 luminaries prepared by into the future. Once a dollar has been passed the House this week, he is also one of 1,400 volunteers will be lit, one for each spent, it has already become a tax, the next awardees of the Congressional Gold soldier who fell there. Twenty thou- taken either from today or from to- Medal of Honor. sand people will personally witness morrow to pay off deficits. Jewish tradition teaches that for one who 23,110 individual lights not divided into Nor does H.R. 9 do much to promote saves a life, it is as if they have saved the camps, one Union, the other Confed- economic growth because it does little whole world. erate, but one unbroken formation to reward new productivity at the mar- People like Wallenberg, Irena Sendler, Miep across peaceful, rolling farmland on a gin. At best, it produces a 1-year sugar Gies and the thousands of others recognized silent winter night. high until the bills come due. by Yad Vashem as ‘‘Righteous Among the Na- The first illumination in 1988 was Tax cuts without either spending re- tion’’ risked their lives over and over again for spearheaded by Georgene Charles, the ductions or real economic growth are the Jewish people they saved. In doing so, event’s founder, who continues each an illusion. Real tax reform would per- they restored humanity in a place where there year to coordinate this monumental ef- manently reduce the marginal tax rate was no value for human life. They brought dig- fort. Local Girl and Boy Scouts, the for all businesses and cut government nity to a time in history that is measured in Hagerstown-Washington County Con- spending concurrently. This would en- shame. They helped save the world from vention and Visitors Bureau, and oth- courage and reward growth, shift in- being eclipsed by the evil of Nazism. ers take pride in preparing North vestment decisions from politicians to It is an honor to rise and pay tribute to the America’s largest memorial illumina- entrepreneurs, and not rob our econ- survivors of the Holocaust, the rescuers, and tion. omy of its future. I hope before the end the liberators. At a time when fewer and fewer I highly recommend you make time of this session that we will do so. to attend the 24th Antietam National survivors are alive to tell their stories, we must f all bear witness to their tremendous legacy. Battlefield Memorial Illumination on Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to December 1, 2012. It powerfully reminds PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS solemnly recognize Holocaust Remembrance us of the true costs of war and the sac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Day—Yom Hashoah. This date marks the an- rifices by generations of the members the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- niversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, of our military and their families. It is uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from Min- when thousands of Polish Jews, faced with a truly moving event. Please come. nesota (Mr. ELLISON) is recognized for deportation and certain death, launched the f 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- nority leader. first urban-uprising in Nazi-occupied Europe. b 1430 Surprised by the makeshift, yet effective, re- Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, my name sistance they encountered, German troops TRIBUTE TO ‘‘HUMAN EVENTS’’ is KEITH ELLISON, and I will claim the systematically leveled the ghetto building-by- (Mr. ROKITA asked and was given time on behalf of the Progressive Cau- building and killed or deported to death camps permission to address the House for 1 cus. This is the Progressive Caucus’ tens of thousands of innocent men, women minute and to revise and extend his re- moment where we come together and and children. We look back with sadness at marks.) talk about our ideals, our values, the the terror and despair these victims must have Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I rise things that are critically important, felt and with admiration at the courage and today to commend a publication that we believe, to all Americans. strength they summoned. And from their has played a central role in shaping the This week, I’m joined by two out- heroics, we are called to remember how much ideas that have powered the conserv- standing leaders in the Progressive we lost, as well as what we gained, from this ative movement for decades. Caucus and in the Congress and in unprecedented tragedy. Launched in 1944, Human Events is America, HANK JOHNSON of Georgia and The Nazi killing machine slaughtered mil- the Nation’s oldest conservative LYNN WOOLSEY of California. I want to lions of people—law-abiding and productive newsweekly. In 1961, a rising star by invite both of my colleagues to jump in members of society—because they were Jew- the name of Ronald Reagan began read- as they feel inspired to do so, but let ish. We will never know what scientific discov- ing Human Events. He enjoyed it so me just set the groundwork a little bit. eries these people or their children would much that throughout his Presidency This week, we saw a number of have made, what businesses they would have he would receive the very first issue things occur. One of the things that we started, what books they would have written, each week hot off the presses. saw this week is the Buffett rule that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.026 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 was taken up in the Senate. The Sen- bringing this together today to talk And if you ask yourself why can’t we ate voted on the Buffett rule on a pol- about what’s so important to the peo- pass the Buffett rule, why can’t we pass icy that requires millionaires and bil- ple of the United States of America, the public option, which is wildly pop- lionaires to pay the same tax rates as our country, and in turn the world. ular, why can’t we get environmental middle class families and working peo- I want to say a few things about the regulations we need to protect our ple. Buffett rule just to fill out that discus- lungs and our health and our Earth, I want to make it clear: we don’t be- sion. There are some things we know: why can’t we do these things, and the grudge anybody for doing well; but we the Buffett rule is fiscally responsible. reason why is because of the dispropor- do believe, in a country as great as According to the Joint Committee on tionate corrosive effect of money in America, if you have been privileged Taxation, the Buffett rule could reduce our government. enough to do well, that maybe you the deficit by anywhere from $47 billion This is why earlier this week we were should do something for America. This to $162 billion over the next decade. able to pass something, a Declaration wildly popular measure was filibus- The Buffett rule is widely supported, as for Democracy, which reads: tered and therefore defeated in the the chairman just said. The Buffett I declare my support for amending the Senate. According to the CNN inter- rule would restore the principled fair- Constitution of the United States to restore national poll, nearly three-fourths of ness of the Tax Code because it ensures the rights of people undermined by Citizens United and related cases, to protect the in- Americans support the Buffett rule and that millionaires can’t game the sys- tegrity of our elections and limit the corro- believe it should be law. Despite this, tem to pay a lower rate than middle sive influence of money on the democratic Republicans in the Senate blocked the class families. process. bill from even getting a majority vote. Overwhelming majorities of Ameri- We have a lot of people who signed I mention this particular situation cans across the political spectrum be- this particular document. But not just this way as I begin our dialogue that lieve millionaires should pay their fair Members of Congress signed it. Some we’ll have tonight over the course of share. An overwhelming 76 percent of people who signed it were city council this hour because I think that this is Americans support increasing the taxes members, were community citizen ac- emblematic of the problem that we’re paid by people who make more than $1 tivists. There are people from a broad facing today. We’re going to talk to- million per year, which includes 75 per- cross section of American life, because night about Citizens United; we’ll talk cent of Independents and 56 percent of they asked the same question you ask, about a lot of things. But one of the Republicans. Congresswoman WOOLSEY: Why can’t things that I think is emblematic of b 1440 we pass the Buffett rule? Why can’t we the problem we’re facing here in the pass environmental protections? Why The majority of millionaires them- U.S. Congress today is that what the can’t we pass the public option? Why selves support the Buffett rule. In a re- overwhelming majority of Americans can’t things that Americans want get cent poll of millionaires, an over- want the overwhelming majority of through? Americans don’t get, something like whelming 68 percent support the The reason they can’t get through is the Buffett rule. The reason why is the Buffett rule. Millionaires support the because you’ve got the lobbyist money pernicious and corrosive effect of Buffett rule. being poured in. You’ve got campaign And remember, it’s taxation above $1 money in politics today. donations here. You’re about to see a million and it’s stepped up. It isn’t the So, we are the Progressive Caucus. whole plethora of ugly, nasty, divisive, minute you hit $1 million you’re taxed We’re honored to be before the Amer- corrosive attack ads in this upcoming at a much greater rate. It’s over. From ican people today, Mr. Speaker. We are Presidential election. the caucus that, yes, will stand up for $1 million up, the taxes will go up. The bottom line is, if we get this civil and human rights for all people Seven thousand millionaires paid no money out, what will happen is that without regard to your color, your cul- individual income taxes in the year citizens’ voices will emerge past the ture, your sex, your gender, your sex- 2011. Seven thousand millionaires money. Citizens’ voices will come up, ual preference, your religion, wherever didn’t pay any personal taxes in 2011. and citizens will have their will re- you were born—national origin. We be- According to the Tax Policy Center, flected in the Congress more so. lieve that all Americans are valued and 7,000 millionaires—it was that tax cen- It was an awesome lift to pick up believe in liberty and justice for all. ter that told us that. health care, and we didn’t even get all Yes, the Progressive Caucus is the The Republican budget would shower the things we wanted in there, but we caucus that’s going to say that if you even more tax breaks on millionaires got a lot of things we wanted. work hard every day, you ought to be while putting more of the burden on But why didn’t we get all the things able to make enough money to feed the middle-class families. While Demo- we wanted even though they were pop- your family in America. And, yes, we crats are fighting to restore fairness in ular? The corrosive, divisive effect of believe that if you’ve been able to be in the Tax Code, the Republican budget money. this great country of ours and do well offers extreme right-wing alter- I think the health care industry was in this environment, you ought to do natives—that’s my opinion—that putting in, like, $14 million a day to something, you ought to pay enough would shower millionaires and billion- lobby against the Affordable Care Act. taxes so that the needs and the costs of aires with tax breaks at the expense of And of course you know with all that our society can be paid for. And, abso- the middle class, and that would fur- kind of pushing and shoving and cajol- lutely, we believe we have a duty and ther skew the system in favor of the ing, it just gets incredibly difficult. obligation, a responsibility to the envi- wealthiest Americans. So I want to yield back to the gen- ronment and our natural world. So we’ve got a lot of statistics. We tleman from Georgia, who has some Now, we’re not ashamed to stand up know the facts. We’re ready to support important information about a number for these values: peace, working-class the Buffett rule. Millionaires, them- of things. prosperity and fairness, environmental selves, support it. So the question is: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. I’d first sustainability, and civil and human Why can’t we get the people we work like to address, Congressman, the issue rights for all people. We care about with in the U.S. Congress to support of taxes and fair taxes. Yesterday, or, these things and we’re going to. But the Buffett rule? actually, the day before yesterday, I today, we’re going to discuss a number Mr. ELLISON. Well, I would say this stood with a group of ‘‘Fair Taxers,’’ of issues, including the Buffett rule, to the gentlelady. You know, much of people who are recommending the fair Citizens United, ALEC, the budget, the it has to do with the fact that we have tax as an alternative to our current Ryan budget, and a whole range of a disproportionate percentage of system. And I stood with them and I issues. wealthy interests. The fact is you’ve spoke to them, told them that I was At this point I’m going to hand it got money coming in, lobbyists paid not there to endorse the fair tax; I was over to my colleague and friend, LYNN for, campaign donations, all this stuff, there to tell them that I believed that WOOLSEY of California. and now we’ve got the onset of the it was something that Congress should Ms. WOOLSEY. I’d like to thank the super PAC and we have the Citizens definitely study. We shouldn’t just put chairman of the Progressive Caucus for United decision. it aside.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.077 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2017 There’s no doubt that we need funda- The 400 highest-earning Americans in in infrastructure, and we reduce the mental tax reform in this country, and 2008, who made an average each of $271 deficit, in part, by asking the wealthi- the fair tax is a vehicle to open the million, paid an average effective Fed- est and most privileged Americans to door for Congress to start reviewing eral tax rate of just 18.1 percent. At the do the patriotic thing and pony up a other possibilities, including the fair same time, a married couple earning little bit more to help America. tax, as a way of fixing our inherently $70,000 a year paid a rate of 25 percent. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. It’s dis- unequal Tax Code. And our policies—if Is that just unbelievable? turbing to me, with all that the Con- we can’t pass the Buffett rule, which Mr. ELLISON. Amazing. gressional Progressive Caucus has done simply says that a millionaire would Ms. WOOLSEY. The Buffett rule to try to level the playing field in this not pay a less effective rate than work- seeks to restore balance to families, country for working men and women, ing people, and so, in other words, the and the Tax Code would make sure that we would all be lumped together maids and the butlers and everyone that no millionaire would pay a lower and called names. else who—the secretary—— tax rate than middle class Americans. I want you to comment about one of Mr. ELLISON. The police officers. In fact, the Buffett rule is targeted. our colleagues who, in response to a Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Cops who The legislation will only impact tax- question asked of him—how many patrol the area, the security guards—— payers with a taxable income of over $1 Communists are there in the United Mr. ELLISON. Teachers, nurses. million who are not paying a minimum States Congress?—this Congressman Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia.—that con- tax rate of 30 percent. So realize that. stepped up to the mike in a calm and trol the estate of these rich folks, the Of the 144 million tax returns filed in polite manner—thoughtful-looking, firefighters, ambulances that will come 2010, fewer than 500,000 of them—0.1 with a pensive look on his face—and he pick them up, they don’t pay the same percent of the taxpayers—had taxable said, I believe that there are between 78 tax rates as those people. incomes of over $1 million. Remember, and 81 members of the Communist And 70,000 of the millionaires in the these are taxable incomes because Party who are Members of Congress. country didn’t pay a dime in income there are lots of write-offs. Now, can you respond to that, Con- tax, and enjoying all of those benefits— Mr. ELLISON. So the people who gressman? police, fire. It’s truly amazing to me have the kind of money you just de- Mr. ELLISON. Do you know what? I that we are still not at the point in scribed are actually a small part of the have to demur and say that I’m not this country where we are willing to population, but I think they’re punch- that excited to respond. I’ve responded consider redoing our complicated Tax ing above their weight because they on Ed Schultz. I’ve responded on Wolf Code. Blitzer. I’ve responded on Martin It’s just ridiculous that it’s not work- have an inordinate influence in the po- Brashir, and I’ve just said it’s not true. ing. And we can’t even pass a bill in litical process. It’s a false statement. It’s untrue. It’s this Congress which mandates that Ms. WOOLSEY. You’re right. They unfair. It’s unkind. It raises the level common people pay at a rate that is have an influence in the political proc- of vitriol and insult in this body, and of not in excess of those that the million- ess, and average working Americans course, it’s tough enough around here aires enjoy. That’s just an issue of fair- don’t realize that that’s not them. The already. We don’t need to hurl false ac- ness. It’s not fair. It’s not right. families who earn $70,000 a year are I would suggest to you, Congressman taxed on that at a rate of 25 percent. cusations against each other. I would just urge the public to re- and Congresswoman, that perhaps the Mr. ELLISON. So, if you’re making mind Members of Congress that we reason why we’re seeing this kind of fa- 70k a year, paying 25 percent of your need to have a little bit more civility vorable treatment afforded to million- income in income taxes, that means, if around here and that, if you do want to aires by this Congress is because al- there is an increase in your property make an ugly comment or a negative most half of the incoming freshmen, I taxes, you’re really going to feel that. comment about your colleagues, at understand, are millionaires. I think That’s going to punch you right in the least try to make it somewhere within the figure is about 43 percent. And if stomach. That’s going to make a dif- 10,000 miles of being true. This is abso- someone can correct me on that, I’d ference in whether the kids can get lutely false. stand corrected. But my information is braces or not. That’s going to make a Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Sir, the 43 percent of the Tea Party freshmen difference as to whether or not you can next day, a statement was released by are millionaires, and so they benefit put a roof on the house. It will make a the gentleman. The statement was to from these laws, these trickle-down ec- huge difference. $70,000 is actually the effect that the entire membership onomics laws, and they’ve been enjoy- doing pretty well, but small variations of the Congressional Progressive Cau- ing them since 1980. That’s when voo- can change your life. If you’re a two-income household and cus are card-carrying members of the doo economics, as George Herbert are making $70,000 and if one of the Communist Party. I just think that it’s Walker Bush called it, trickle-down ec- partners in the relationship gets sick important that we say, first of all, that onomics, voodoo economics, or what- or dies, that means catastrophic ex- that’s not true and, secondly, that it ever you want to call it, it has not penses on the family because, if you’re has no place in the rational dialogue worked. But we still have proposals spending at a $70,000-a-year level and and in the honest dialogue that we today to make it work. And it’s evident by what we did you lose a household member, you’ve seek to have here amongst us on both today, with a $46 billion tax cut for got all those bills with just the one sides of the aisle. It has no place. Mr. ELLISON. One thing I don’t want what’s called ‘‘small businesses,’’ but, person, and then you’re going to be in to do—and I’m just speaking for me. If actually, a small business with 500 em- bankruptcy. This is why we know 56 he calls us names, I’m not going to call ployees, when we only have about 1,000 percent of all bankruptcy filings are him names. If he calls us names, I’m businesses in the country with 1,000 or driven by medical debt. This is how not going to call them ugly names like more employees. So we’re actually this happens even to middle class peo- that. There are a lot of ugly names talking about big business when we ple. But the Buffett rule and putting that you could call someone who has a talk about 500 employees. Americans to work and doing a lot of It’s a one-time, 1-year, $46 billion tax things are really what the Progressive right-wing perspective on the extreme. cut that they get, according to this Caucus is all about. It’s about address- We don’t engage in tit for tat, because legislation that we passed today, and ing these systemic problems we’re that’s childlike. We’re adults. We’re it’s totally unpaid for. talking about today. here to discharge a responsibility on So I just want to let everybody know, behalf of the American people. We b 1450 if you want to check out what the Pro- swore an oath to uphold and defend the Ms. WOOLSEY. I want to add a cou- gressive Caucus says about the Buffett U.S. Constitution, and that is what I’m ple of things about the Buffett rule. rule, you should know that we have the going to do. I’m not going to be dis- There is so much to talk about that, Buffett rule contained in our budget. tracted by somebody who is not clear I’m sure, our C–SPAN viewers and We put America back to work by on what we’re supposed to be doing probably most of the Members of Con- front-loading jobs in our budget. We in- here. I’m going to stay focused on what gress really don’t realize. vest in America’s future by investing we’re here to do.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.078 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Ms. WOOLSEY. I would like to say, to match it. They control the outcome to where the workers represented by by caring about American workers, by of these elections with the money, and the union can’t pay the dues, and then caring about women and children, by that is a devastating blow to our de- the moneys having been drawn down by caring about our seniors, by wanting to mocracy. the unions to take care of the workers put food on the tables of all Americans Ms. WOOLSEY. HANK, the entire to assist them during this extended pe- and help them with clean air and good time I’ve been in the Congress—I mean, riod of unemployment are on the de- food and clean water, if that labels us, I’ve been here for 20 years now, and cline and almost exhausted. After tell- so be it. All that says to me is some- we’ve had a Republican majority and ing me that, he said, Today is my last body is very frightened about the good we’ve had a Democrat majority. But day employed at the union because things we do. I think we should move when the Republicans have been in the they had to let me go. We both sat on now. majority, they use as part of their there and we cried. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Congress- mantra that they are returning govern- It was really touching, because that woman, I agree. ment to the people. gentleman is in the same boat that I also want to point out that to label Excuse me. Citizens United takes many other workers are in, and the folks as Communists and Socialists government away from the people. I union which represents those workers just because they believe in fairness for don’t hear them trying to change that. is suffering greatly. They won’t be able the working people of this country is They—the other side of the aisle, the to do what they have done in the past not true, and I think that it should be party in the majority right now—seem for campaigns. But these super PACs called out because, if it’s left to be defending Citizens United. and wealthy individuals who fund unaddressed, then some folks will The other thing they are doing at them—anonymously, much of the think it’s true. this moment is they are trying to time—can afford to actually put mil- With that, I certainly would love for upend the Presidential campaign fi- lions in and billions in. This is a very us to get into a discussion about Citi- nance system. They want to drown out serious situation that we face in this zens United, Congresswoman. the voice of the people and give more country. Ms. WOOLSEY. Thank you. power to the well-heeled special inter- Who’s going to win, is it money or is I believe that it’s evermore impor- ests in the Presidential elections as it the people? tant that we do something about the well. Those elections go quite well with Ms. WOOLSEY. Congressman, the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens public financing. People choose on one beacon of light in the system is the United v. FEC, which overturns nearly their tax form whether or not they public financing of Presidential cam- 100 years of campaign finance laws in want to give to the Presidential elec- paigns. I have to remind everybody, this country which limit corporation tions. that’s voluntary. People volunteer $1 a involvement in political campaigns. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Congress- year out of their tax return to support woman, that was something that has b 1500 the public financing of the Presidential happened this year that perhaps not a races. They have to opt to do that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- lot of people know about is that, under They don’t have to. It’s served our tlewoman will suspend. this Republican-controlled 112th Con- country well, and it’s a very limited Under the Speaker’s announced pol- gress, the House has voted to do away expense. It needs updating. It doesn’t icy of January 5, 2011, the gentleman with or abolish the $1 checkoff on a tax need dismantling. We need more public from Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) will con- form that you send in. You can check financing of our Federal election, not trol the remainder of the hour as the the box and it will automatically de- less. designee of the minority leader. duct a dollar from the amount that you Actually, if I had my way, we would Ms. WOOLSEY. In that action by the owe or the amount of whatever refund have public financing, we would have a Supreme Court, big business was given you’re entitled to. That $1 then goes much shorter campaign season, and we a louder voice than the individual in into a pot to be distributed among the would also publicly finance advertising this country. If we want to protect our candidates who applied for this fund- as well as set spending limits and not democracy, that’s what we have to ing. turn campaigns—it’s an industry in bring an end to, all that money coming So everything that had been put in this country now that certainly em- into the political system without place to try to make everything equal, ploys thousands and thousands of peo- transparency and making the average along with giving people their rights to ple. But it spends a lot of our time and citizen feel like their voice means invest to a certain amount in cam- individual money in order to get people nothing. paign-related donations, everything is elected. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Congress- being dismantled systematically. It woman, I believe that you have hit the certainly does not help the people on b 1510 nail on the head. This Citizens United our side of the aisle, the Democratic Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Yes. I ruling by the United States Supreme side of the aisle, who traditionally would echo those comments, Congress- Court definitely puts corporations in a have depended on workers unions and woman. You know, Members around position of superiority over just the labor organizations to be the deep here, some folks spend 60, 70 percent of regular working people of this country. pockets for our campaign contribu- their time, instead of being in com- The reason why is because corporations tions. mittee meetings, they are out making have now been afforded the same rights I had a visit from one of my good phone calls trying to raise money for that individuals have, to speak freely friends in labor the other day back in their next election. It’s not, it doesn’t and with no regulation. Congress re- my district, and this gentleman has augur well for the country’s future for fuses to even consider any regulations grown to be a good friend of mine. He’s us to have, you know, this kind of lead- on that speech for purposes of cam- a good man. He is a full-time union ership, in other words, leadership that paigning and affecting the outcome of worker, works for the union, the ad- depends on others to make the deci- campaigns. ministrative part of the union, not just sion. They come in, vote on it, and This is a decision that is devastating represented by the union. He told me then go back to the phones making to the working people of this country, that with all of the people in the union calls. the people who don’t have a voice like who are out of work today—and we’ve Ms. WOOLSEY. Right. I have been so the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or like got a few jobs in the Atlanta area that fortunate because I represent a district some unknown super PAC that is are near completion. After completion, that I fit. You know I’m retiring, but I formed on the eve of an election, fund- even those workers who are able to have represented this district for 20 ed anonymously, and used to affect an work won’t have any more work, and years, and I have fit so well that I have election and used in such a way that then there’s nothing else on the agenda not had to raise millions of dollars. you can’t even mount a response to it that these people can go and get jobs I have watched my colleagues who because the cascade of money is in that at. are in these districts that could go ei- PAC and you have the slightest ability He said it’s gotten so bad with the at- ther way and where now Citizens to raise the requisite amount of money tacks on labor and the unemployment United has brought this super-PAC

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.079 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2019 money in against them, and I don’t them for who they are and not as put- would put the reins of government know how they do it. I mean, what a down artists. back into the hands of working people, way to ruin our democracy, to have the When you say there’s folks from the poor people, everyone. Even the cor- people you elect to represent you spend other side of the aisle, and I’m sure porations would have a seat at the much of their time raising money in- there are, I think that it’s our job now table, but they would not speak any stead of raising consciousness, instead to pull together a core here in the Con- louder than you or I; and I think it’s of raising issues, instead of fighting for gress who are willing to limit the influ- very important. So I was proud to sign what we know needs to be done in this ence of contributors and who are will- the Declaration for Democracy. country. ing to curb the power of political ac- We are in a climate where we have an This corrupt campaign finance sys- tion committees and impose spending organization that is set up to connect tem we have, with the special interest limits and not let corporate America the corporate influence, the corporate money, is going to actually corrode our have a bigger voice than the average money, the special interests. We have democracy. If we don’t step up to it on voter. an organization that is set up to pair both sides of the aisle, everybody is Somehow or another, I think it’s those special interest corporations going to be affected by it, not just going to be possible, but it’s going to with legislators from the various State Democrats. take leaders like yourself, HANK, to legislatures of the Nation. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Well, I am make that happen, so I’ll be cheering b 1520 going to tell you, Congresswoman for you. WOOLSEY, that’s why I am going to Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Well, I be- About 60 percent of the legislators in hate to see you leave, and I know you lieve you are right about that. But I the United States—the State legisla- have been here for 20 years. That’s a will say, though, those moderates on tors—have joined this organization. long time to be anywhere. You have the other side of the aisle who I am re- It’s called ALEC. ALEC is the Amer- certainly been an unrelenting spokes- ferring to are the prime targets of the ican Legislative Exchange Council. person for equity and fairness for all, interests that want to get rid of them And what ALEC does is it’s funded, of and you have been a voice for peace, and go to an extreme. So folks over course, by business interests, billion- and you have been a voice for telling here on the Republican side of the aisle aires and millionaires, and companies. the truth. You are, indeed, a rare breed are forced to comply with the party What it does is it invites the legisla- in Congress, and I’m personally going line or else they’ll suffer the con- tors to join. It really entices them to to miss you, and I know many others sequences. join by offering them for a mere $50 a will too. Even when they follow the party line year—and the taxpayers, of course, pay But I’ll tell you, Congresswoman, here, they think, okay, well, we don’t that—as a professional fee or profes- there are people on the other side of trust this person over here because sional cost. And so the legislators join. the aisle and some, I know, feel the there’s some new blood over here that Then he or she gets to go off on these same way that we do. They don’t like talks much more extremely, and so we 2- and 3-day weekends at some location the way or the route that our country want to get rid of that person here and like Hilton Head or Jekyll Island or is going. We’ve even had some good put this new person in. Martha’s Vineyard, Los Angeles, Las people over there who have already Ms. WOOLSEY. Well, if we eliminate Vegas, wherever they can be alone and been defeated for reelection based on special interest money, if we have the with some anonymity and in a luxu- that special interest money coming in Declaration for Democracy and have a rious setting. at the last minute, shaking things up constitutional change, the United So these legislators who join go to and telling a bunch of lies, and then States Constitution regarding this these locations for the retreats. The the public votes a good Representative Citizens United action of the Supreme business interests are there because out. Court, I think we can help turn that they’re underwriting it. And then they I think people on both sides of the around. get together in committees, and the aisle are being hurt by what’s hap- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Well, you committees work out various model pening in America right now, and I’m know, Congresswoman, you lead into laws that are produced before the folks hopeful that this next election will see the Declaration for Democracy, which I even get there. They’re told about the kind of change that needs to come had the pleasure to sign yesterday, these model laws in the committees here. We need to take care of the peo- along with many of my other col- that they work on—the committees ple’s business. This is their Congress, leagues; and I am sure that the longer being the legislators and the business this is not the corporations’ Congress. that this is around, the more that peo- interests. And the public’s interest is We should be of, by and for the people, ple will sign up. Have you had an op- not there. It’s all done in secret. not of, by and for the corporate special portunity to sign? And so the result is that the legisla- interests. Ms. WOOLSEY. I signed the little tors come home, and they have legisla- You know, I’m afraid that’s where we card. I haven’t signed that one, but I’m tion which they can claim as, This is are now. I, myself, have been fortunate looking why aren’t I on there. I mean, my legislation and I’m introducing it. so far to be in sync with the people of that’s how much I support it. And, By the way, this is my 80th piece my district and so, consequently, I’ve Actually, Leader PELOSI has signed of legislation that I have introduced not been forced to go out there and the declaration. It’s very well received and it has passed and I’m a busy sub- raise a billion dollars, but I still have in the Congress. stantive legislator. to raise money. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. I’m going So it makes them look good out I would prefer a system where I could to read it. It’s the Declaration for De- there on the campaign trail. Nobody just be a legislator and we could have mocracy, and it reads as follows: knows what the substance of that leg- a fairness in our elections, everyone I declare my support for amending islation is and what it actually does starting with the same amount of the Constitution of the United States and how much it costs. And then, for money to spend; and that way it’s not to restore the rights of the American introducing that legislation, the legis- the money, it’s your message that people undermined by Citizens United lator is rewarded with a campaign con- counts. and related cases, to protect the integ- tribution also from the same corpora- Ms. WOOLSEY. Right. If everybody rity of our elections, and limit the cor- tions and individuals associated with has a certain amount of time on air, rosive influence of money in our demo- those corporations. they can spend it putting down their cratic process. So based on that formula right there opponent, or they can spend that time Anytime we start talking about put- you’ve got business being done behind letting their constituents know who ting limits on any activity and cre- closed doors to benefit folks other than they are. If they want to be negative, ating more fairness, then we get la- the people who elect these legislators, they can do it the way they want to, beled as socialists and communists and and then you never know who those but they will probably find out it’s we’re just people that care. I don’t care legislators are because that’s private much more wholesome and people will what you call it, we’re in support of information. They keep it private. But like them a lot better when they know this Declaration for Democracy, which if you’re a member, you can log into

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.081 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 the Web site and then go to a page and nounced policy of January 5, 2011, the of the 19 marines. Considering that it find out who all of the corporate and gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. was ignorance on the part of the Ma- who all the legislative members are. JONES) is recognized for 60 minutes as rine Corps that caused the April 2000 You can only get access to that if the designee of the majority leader. accident, the Marine Corps should you’re a member. And to become a Mr. JONES. I am coming to the floor make it clear to the Gruber and Brow member you have to be prescreened in again to clear the names of two marine families, with no ifs, ands, or buts, that advance to make sure that you are pilots who crashed in Arizona April 8, Gruber and Brow were not responsible like-minded. And if you can pass that 2000. Not only two pilots, but there for the accident. muster, they will let you in. were 17 marines in the back. He further stated: I don’t suppose the So this is the same organization that The V–22, which is the plane that Marine Corps ever apologizes, but con- announced yesterday that they would goes from a helicopter mode to a plane sidering that the accident was their not be involving themselves—they’re mode, at that time was really an exper- fault and not Major Gruber’s and Colo- disbanding their committee that had to imental plane. Major Gruber and Colo- nel Brow’s fault, an apology to the do with social issues, as they call nel Brow in the cockpit had no idea of family would be in order also. them, including voter rights. And so what was happening when the plane Mr. Speaker, I read that because this the Trayvon Martin killing, the shoot- went into what’s called ‘‘vortex ring 10-year journey—and I will continue to ing and killing of Trayvon Martin and state.’’ add names in the next few minutes of then the claim of self-defense, stand I would like to go through this 10- people trying to help me. These two your ground, but, really, shoot to kill year journey for the record, Mr. Speak- marines were the very best of the pi- legislation, that legislation was pro- er. lots, Major Brooks Gruber and Colonel duced by an ALEC committee. It so happened that in November 2002, John Brow. They gave their life for I’m glad to know that committee will Major Gruber’s wife, who lives in my this new plane known as the V–22 Os- no longer be in action, but the damage district in Jacksonville, North Caro- prey. And those young marines sitting has already been done. As a result of lina, wrote me a letter that I would in the back, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 25, were that, you have had some corporations like to read. Her husband, Brooks selected from other marines to sit in that have decided that this is not—we Gruber, was the copilot. the back of that plane. Those in the didn’t buy into this. We didn’t buy into Marine leadership that created the this social thing. We just joined ALEC b 1530 mission in Arizona should join me in because we wanted to deal on the com- I contact you in hopes that leaders of in- clearing the names of these two pilots. mittees that deal with our issues— tegrity, free of bias, would have both the in- taxes, FDA, whatever. We wanted to telligence and the courage it takes to decide Mr. Speaker, I further read for the deal on those things, but instead ALEC the facts for themselves. If you do that, you RECORD, a former adviser to the Sec- will agree the ‘‘human factor/pilot error’’ retary of Defense, Rex Rivolo, stated in has gone to an extreme. findings should not stand as it is in the ma- Now we have corporations that are a letter trying to clear these names, rine military history. Again, I respectfully and I read: threatened with boycotts of their goods ask for your support. Please do not simply and services jumping off the ALEC pass this matter along to General Jones The failure of the manufacturer, Bell-Boe- bandwagon, and that caused ALEC to without offering the support my husband and ing, and the Navy to characterize the slow announce yesterday that, We’re not his comrades deserve. Please remember, speed, high rate of descent handling qualities going to deal in any more social issues. these 19 marines can no longer speak for of the V–22 through flight testing, to de- So I think that is instructive of the themselves. And I certainly am not afraid to scribe them for the aircrew in the NATOPS, speak for them and I believe someone has to. and to provide an adequate warning system power of the people. If the people only were the causes of the mishap—not aircrew know what is happening, the people Even though it’s easier to put to rest and forgotten, please join me in doing the right error. will come together, despite the dif- thing by taking the time to address this im- With the passing of 10 years, and the future ferences that we have. We can look at portant issue. of the aircraft now secure, I sincerely hope each other and say, Okay, you are that the names of Lieutenant Colonel Brow Mr. Speaker, on March 9 of this year, older than I am. Plus, you are a white and Major Gruber can now be exonerated and The Hill magazine—and I would like to woman. And so, therefore, we don’t cleared for posterity. I strongly support any thank a new young man on the staff have anything in common. Or I could and all measures to this end and request this named Jeremy Herb, who did an article say that this person over here doesn’t letter be included in any official record re- in the magazine about this 10-year garding the causes of the MV–22 mishap at have the same sexual orientation as I journey that started with Connie Marana, Arizona, on April 8, 2000, or any res- think they should and so therefore I’m Gruber’s letter to me. olution attempting to clear the names of going to condemn them to purgatory Mr. Speaker, over the 10-year jour- Lieutenant Colonel Brow and Major Gruber. just on that basis alone. Or we can look ney, I have spoken to many, many ex- Mr. Speaker, what has been so ironic at somebody and say Well, they’ve got perts. One that I would like to quote about this 10-year journey of everyone a hoodie on. He’s wearing a hoodie, and today for the RECORD is a former As- that was part of reviewing the acci- it’s a black guy in a neighborhood. He sistant Secretary of Defense, Phil dent, or maybe it was in the air like can be 9 years old, he can be 15, or he Coyle, and he states: Major Gruber Lieutenant Colonel Jim Schaeffer who can be 17; but he’s still threatening me is joining this effort. Colonel Schaeffer just by his mere presence. We size peo- should not be blamed for an accident was a friend of John Brow and Brooks ple up like that. caused by loss of lift due to the aircraft But when we really get down to it, entering ‘‘vortex ring state,’’ a phe- Gruber, and Colonel Schaeffer was in a our interests are the same. And if we nomena which no one in the Marine third airplane that night, a V–22, and can get past the fear that we have of Corps adequately understood in rela- he saw his friends and the 17 marines in each other and the misunderstanding tion to the Osprey at the time of the the back flip, crash, and burn. And that we have about each other, we can accident. there is no reason that the Marine come together and we can reclaim this Secretary Coyle further states: Not Corps will not give the wives what country so that it will be a government only did the Marine Corps not under- they’re asking, and I’ll explain that in run by, of, and for the people. And so stand Osprey performance under VRS, just a moment, Mr. Speaker. that is my goal, to continue to work the root cause of the accident, but nei- In this 10-year journey, Mr. Speaker, towards that, if my citizens think that ther did the contractor nor the Marine I’ve gotten to know the two attorneys, I’m worthy of continuing to do that. Corps had not tested the aircraft near Jim Furman in Arizona, who defended With that, I yield back the balance of VRS—vortex ring state—conditions, the families of John Brow and Brooks my time. something which, following the acci- Gruber before Bell-Boeing—it was a f dent, it later took the Marine Corps major suit—and then Brian Alexander years to accomplish. Surely Major in New York, who defended the 17 fami- CLEARING THE NAMES OF JOHN Gruber and Colonel Brow could not be lies of the marines sitting in the back BROW AND BROOKS GRUBER blamed for something that the Marine of the plane. They have all joined in The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Corps, itself, did not grasp until years this effort to clear the names of John NUNNELEE). Under the Speaker’s an- after the accident and after the death Brow and Brooks Gruber.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.082 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2021 Mr. Speaker, what is so ironic in advancement in V22 safety and capability, one letter on the commandant’s head- their effort, Jim Furman and Brian and overall readiness of the United States ing on his stationery, clearly state to Alexander, to see the names cleared, Marine Corps. My thoughts and prayers go the Brow family that your husband, they have given letters to the com- out to the families who continue to cope John Brow, a true American hero, was with the loss of their loved one and search mandant that clearly state there can for some form of closure. not responsible for the crash on April 8, be no future lawsuits. It has all been 2,000. The same for Connie Gruber and Mr. Speaker, I further would like to settled. There can be no more lawsuits. her daughter Brooks down in Jackson- add some comments from Lieutenant I must say that along this journey, at ville, North Carolina, one paragraph Colonel Mike Morgan. Again, he was one time I had the Marine Corps to with the same language that I just the lead investigator of this crash that take the findings of the experts and put mentioned for Colonel John Brow, the happened in Arizona. And I read: it into the personnel jacket of Colonel same language for Major Brooks John Brow and Major Brooks Gruber. I applaud and fully support the extraor- Gruber. dinary effort you have undertaken in support But, Mr. Speaker, I knew at that time of John Brow, Brooks Gruber, and the fami- Mr. Speaker, I can assure you that as that was not enough because the press lies who lost loved ones in the tragic crash of long as I have the privilege to serve in continues to put articles about the Nighthawk 72. One merely needs to look at the United States Congress, and with crash in Arizona, and they say pilot what has transpired in the years since this all these experts that I’ve quoted today error, human factors. tragic accident. After a second MV22 crashed that are willing to join me, that the The JAGMAN report, which was the just 8 months later, a blue ribbon panel right thing must be done for the fam- official report that was written by and closely examined the MV22 program. ily, and the right thing is that letter signed by Colonel Mike Morgan, Colo- NAVAIR also aggressively pursued a test program to understand VRS and develop from the commandant. nel Ron Radich and Major Phil safety measures to educate and protect fu- Mr. Speaker, I would not be the kind Stackhouse—they were the three inves- ture MV22 pilots from the dangers. This was of person that I am without the faith tigators sent from Camp Lejeune, such a monumental undertaking that the that I have in my God. My mom and North Carolina, to Arizona the day lead developmental test pilot, Mr. Tom dad taught me the Bible. They taught after the crash, and they were given McDonald, was awarded the Society of Ex- me right from wrong, and they taught the responsibility, Mr. Speaker, of de- perimental Test Pilots Kinchloe Award for me that truth does matter. I have, with termining what caused the crash. Mr. outstanding professional accomplishment in the conduct of flight testing. the help of God and the many experts, Speaker, in the JAGMAN report that I we have the truth. The truth is that Colonel Morgan further states: just made reference to, on Page 77, these two outstanding pilots were put those three men that I just named John Brow and Brooks Gruber did their job into an impossible situation without wrote this: and did it well. I look forward to the day when DoD officials accurately recognize the any training to understand how to During this investigation, we found noth- sacrifice made by them and all the marines react to vortex ring state. So, there- ing that we would characterize as negligence of Nighthawk 72. fore, Mr. Speaker, we will continue to or deliberate pilot error. Mr. Speaker, I’d like to read the speak out on the floor of the House. Mr. Speaker, all the two wives are third letter from the third investi- I have told the families that when asking the Marine Corps is a letter gator, Major Phillip Stackhouse. It this clarification comes through and from the commandant on his sta- states: their husbands are cleared, I would like tionery that clearly states one para- I do not believe that it would be a surprise to go with the Brow family to Arling- graph: Lieutenant Colonel John Brow, to anyone that it is in my opinion the mis- ton Cemetery and stand there with pilot, and copilot, Major Brooks hap was not a result of pilot error, but was Trish, Matthew, and Mark and salute Gruber, were not at fault for the acci- the result of a perfect storm of cir- the colonel and say, Colonel, rest in dent that occurred on April 8 of the cumstances. During the conduct of the inves- peace. You’re not blamed for this acci- year 2000. tigation, we collected some 20 binders of evi- dent any longer. dence—including, among other things, main- b 1540 tenance records, training records, telemetry I want to do the same thing with Mr. Speaker, the three investigators records, operational and testing records, and Connie Gruber down in Jacksonville, have joined in this effort, and I’d like dozens of photographs. North Carolina, where her husband is to read from retired Lieutenant Colo- I do not feel that our investigation reflects buried. I want to walk with Connie and that the mishap was a result of pilot error Brooks, and I want to stand at the nel Ron Radich, one of the three inves- and if the investigation was interpreted that tigators that I just named: grave and say the same thing to Major way, it was misinterpreted. For any record Gruber: Rest in peace. You no longer Despite the fact procedures were in the that reflects the mishap was the result of NATOPS for vortex ring state, there was no pilot error, it should be corrected. For any will be blamed for the accident on discussion concerning the aircraft flight publication that reflects the mishap was a April 8, 2000. characteristics during high rates of descent result of pilot error, it should be corrected Mr. Speaker, before closing, there’s a at slow airspeeds. No mention was made of a and recanted. quote that someone sent me in this 10- possible asymmetric condition that could Mr. Speaker, the problem has always year journey to clear these names by lead to an uncontrolled and unrecoverable been that after the JAGMAN report, Voltaire that says: situation. With no knowledge, training, or warning concerning the possible con- which I just made reference to, if the To the living we owe respect. To the dead sequences of VRS, the pilots of Nighthawk 72 Marine Corps in 2001, 2002 had issued a we owe the truth. were essentially on their own in unchartered press release stating that new evidence That’s what this is all about, Mr. territory. has shown and proven that Colonel Speaker, is the Marine Corps could These two pilots did not know what John Brow, pilot, and copilot Brooks issue one paragraph to the two families was happening, and it was the fault of Gruber were not at fault, Mr. Speaker, so that never again will they have to Bell-Boeing and the Marine Corps. He I wouldn’t be on the floor today. But read in the paper the accident in further stated: the Marine Corps has never, in a press Marana, Arizona, on April 8, 2000, was It was through their misfortune that the release, corrected the misinformation due to pilot error. Because as the fami- MV22 VRS hazard was identified. that happened shortly after the Osprey lies have said to me, help us get this crash when the Marine Corps’ original Because of the accident, they learned clarification, and we will make sure press release indicated possible pilot so that nothing like this would ever that any print about the pilot error on error. happen again to a pilot. Colonel Radich April 8, we will ask and demand that it Mr. Speaker, that’s why all these be retracted because it is not the truth. further stated: names that I have read today have The Marana mishap of April 8, 2000, rep- joined me in asking the United States resents a monumental discovery that en- Marine Corps—who I have great respect b 1550 hanced the overall safety and effectiveness of this highly capable weapon system. May for; they’re among the best—to give I ask God to please bless our men and the marines of Nighthawk 72 rest in peace the families, Connie Gruber and her women in uniform. I ask God to please knowing that the ultimate sacrifice they daughter Brooks, to give Trish Brow bless the families of our men and made for their country also led to a critical and her two sons, Matthew and Mark, women in uniform. I ask God to hold in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.083 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 His loving arms the families who’ve The question was preceded by the fol- This week, Senator JOE LIEBERMAN given a child dying for freedom in Af- lowing: The budget of the city of Wash- announced that he was preparing his ghanistan and Iraq. ington, DC, is funded by local resi- own budget autonomy bill for the Dis- I ask God to please bless the Brow dents’ tax dollars. Do you think that trict of Columbia. Now, Senator LIE- family and the Gruber family. Bring decisions about Washington, DC’s local BERMAN, who works in a very bipar- peace to these families, God, by help- budget should be made by Washington, tisan way in the Senate—I am so sorry ing us get this misinformation cor- DC, taxpayers and their own elected of- to see that he has decided to retire— rected. ficials, or should those budget deci- has long been the foremost Senate And I’ll ask God to please bless the sions be made by the U.S. Congress? champion of equal rights for residents House and Senate that we will do what And here are the results. Seventy-one of the District of Columbia. is right in the eyes of God for God’s percent of the American people said The momentum for budget autonomy people. the DC budget should be decided exclu- began with a Republican chairman in I will ask God to bless the President sively by the DC government. Only 23 the House, DARRELL ISSA. I will have that he will do what is right in the percent said that the decisions should something to say about how that hap- eyes of God for God’s people. be made by the U.S. Congress. pened. We then had two more Repub- And I’ll ask three times, God, please, What is most gratifying is the way in lican leaders—House Majority Leader God, please, God, please continue to which these numbers reflect both par- ERIC CANTOR and the Republican Gov- bless America. ties. The polling organization broke ernor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell— I yield back the balance of my time. down these numbers, and they were weigh in for budget autonomy for the f careful to ask people from both parties. District of Columbia. This week, citi- BUDGET AUTONOMY FOR THE For Democrats, the notion that the zens from the organization DC Vote DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA budget should be decided only by the were here in the Congress, speaking to DC government was 71 percent. But Members about the latest poll results. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Independents were at 75 percent, and the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- But let me say something about the Republicans were at 72 percent. So, no Members because it’s the Members who uary 5, 2011, the Chair recognizes the matter where my colleagues come gentlewoman from the District of Co- have the last say here. from, their constituents support the As chairman of the House Oversight lumbia (Ms. NORTON) for 30 minutes. bedrock principle—no principle is more Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I’ve come and Government Reform Committee, American—that if you raise the money, to the floor today to inform the Con- DARRELL ISSA is responsible in the you get to decide how to use it. And gress of exciting new developments House for matters that involve the Dis- you certainly don’t go to a national about the major priority for the Dis- trict of Columbia. His committee, and body for approval. trict of Columbia for this year’s Con- I’ve been here more than 20 years, had And they looked at men and women. gress. These developments have come never had a hearing on the DC budget. 68 percent of men, and 72 percent of very quickly, both in the Congress and He decided to have one. He listened to women believe that the local govern- in the Nation. his witnesses, and he listened to the We now have unprecedented momen- ment should decide the local budget chief financial officer of the District of tum, both in the country and here in and be the final decisionmakers. Columbia and to other District of Co- If you look at regions of the country, the Congress, to allow the District to lumbia officials. Mr. Speaker, they had the same kind of spend its own local funds without com- What he heard was that the District virtually even breakdown in support of ing to the Congress of the United of Columbia had the largest budget sur- local control. If you look at the North- States. That will seem very strange to plus in the United States, here in the east, it’s 69 percent. You look at the Members of the public since they’ve middle of a recession, and that its Midwest, it goes up to 74 percent. You never heard of a local jurisdiction hav- budget and finances were in better look at the South, it’s 68 percent. You ing to bring its own local funds to a na- shape than those of virtually any State look at the West, it’s 72 percent. tional legislature, which had nothing in the United States. He heard the wit- No red-blooded American is going to to do with raising those funds, for ap- nesses from his side as well as our say, with a straight face, that you can proval to spend them. side—the Republican side as well as the take my local budget with my money It is an anomaly whose time has Democratic side—and from objective in it and make the Congress the final passed. And I’m very pleased at the re- witnesses from the outside saying that decision-maker on that budget. That’s sponse we are getting in the Congress, the major problem the District faces what this poll shows. and that we have gotten in very little are the inefficiencies and the premiums The Republicans and the Democrats time, less than 6 months. it pays on Wall Street because its local are virtually even. But more Repub- We see it culminating in a national budget cannot be implemented until it licans say that DC budgets should be poll that, in essence, blesses the mo- is approved by the Congress of the made by the local DC government; mentum we are seeing in the Congress United States. This creates huge uncer- that’s 72 percent, 71 percent Demo- for budget autonomy for the District of tainty, of course, among bondholders crats. Columbia. This poll was released just If you look at those who oppose, the and on Wall Street not of the making this week, and it’s been an important opposition shows the same breakdown. of our citizens but due to the fact that week for the District of Columbia, be- You have 24 percent of Democrats say- the Congress has to approve the City’s cause the District has just celebrated ing Congress should control the DC budget. Emancipation Day. The slaves who Now, I can tell you that no one can budget, and you have 22 percent of Re- lived in the District of Columbia were remember when the Congress of the publicans. emancipated 9 months before slaves in Where’s your majority here? United States has changed the City’s the rest of the United States. And The majority is where I think most budget itself, and you can imagine there’s some analogy here, my friends, people would have expected it to be. why. A budget is a very delicate docu- because what was not emancipated was But I am grateful for a local organiza- ment to put together, and Congress the budget of the District of Columbia. tion called DC Vote for commissioning does not have the kind of hearings you And that’s what we’re trying to free this poll. And DC Vote realized that would have here to know what to take now. the poll might come under some scru- out and what to put in and how to sew And that’s what the American people tiny, so it went to a polling organiza- it back together again. So what’s the seem to want, by a very large majority. tion which is known for its bipartisan point of bringing it over here except A polling organization that is bipar- reputation in polling. tradition? The chairman listened to tisan, called Purple Insights, using the the problems with bringing the D.C. traditional methodologies that you see b 1600 budget to the Congress and heard even in all the national polls, asked this That, of course, should be all we need more problems than he expected. question of Americans in all parts of to hear, but the fact is we have a par- School begins in September, but by the country, from both parties and allel development right here in the the time Congress finishes with the Indepedents. Congress. Federal budgets, even the earliest

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.085 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2023 point is September 30. The reason that That’s the President’s statement, in- That was one of the issues that made most jurisdictions are on a July 1 fiscal spired by the Republican chairman’s Chairman ISSA think through the no- year and not a fiscal year that begins proposal for budget autonomy. I know tion of budget autonomy. I myself have on October 1, as the Federal Govern- that there are many in this Chamber had several bills to keep the District ment does, is precisely because of the and in the public who see rare in- government from shutting down in the importance of schools in every jurisdic- stances—perhaps none—of bipartisan case of a Federal Government shut- tion. But in the District, our schools ideas from this Congress. There you see down. I put in a bill each fiscal year and our city are handicapped by the one. You see a Democratic President. saying that if the Federal Government fact that the budget isn’t approved by You see a strong Republican chairman. shuts down, the District can spend its the time school opens. Mr. Speaker, that is not all. own local funds, no other funds, no That impressed the chairman, appar- Mr. ISSA was moved, in part, to ad- Federal funds, nobody can spend those, ently, and he was impressed by the dress budget autonomy because of the but its own local funds. Those bills fact—and I will soon get to this issue— problems the District has had with have not passed. that the District government has faced Federal shutdown threats. Most of Just 2 months ago, I warned the shutdowns because its budget was here America is aware of the shutdown mayor that we could be headed for a during fights over the Federal budget, threats. By the skin of our teeth, we shutdown this year because the Senate which has resulted in the possibility of barely missed a shutdown a year ago. and the House have different budgets. the shutdown of the D.C. government. No one believes, of course, that the un- An agreement was reached between the Chairman ISSA listened at the hear- derlying issues had anything to do with two Chambers in the Budget Control ing and did something I’ve never seen a the District of Columbia budget. Those Act about the level of spending in 2013. chairman of a committee do before in issues are well-known. They involve While the Senate has stuck to that my years in the Congress. He listened disagreements between Democrats and number, the House is using another so intently, heard so well that he an- Republicans over Federal issues like number. So if the two don’t agree, and nounced as the hearing ended that he the Federal deficit. The District has they each come forward with different intended to write a bill for DC budget long had a balanced budget, and as I in- appropriation bills, the country could autonomy. Everyone was surprised. His dicated before, beyond its balanced be faced again with the possible shut- staff told us they had no idea in ad- budget, it has the highest surplus in down of the Federal Government. That’s bad enough for the country, vance. Mr. ISSA decided upon hearing the United States. but suppose you were the mayor of the the witnesses at his hearing. So why is the District of Columbia District of Columbia or a member of That is, I must say to my colleagues caught in Federal fights that lead to the city council and had to consider and to members of the public, a civics the possibility of shutdowns of the Fed- that there could be a shutdown of the lesson in committee work at its best. eral Government? District government over the fact that The chairman listened. The chairman b 1610 the House and the Senate are using dif- made a decision. The chairman then If the D.C. budget is here, if the budg- ferent budget numbers this year? That went to work. et of the District of Columbia is here would be enough to make you, I think, He worked on several versions of a and has not been passed by the Con- tremble, as I’m sure the District is now budget autonomy bill, and exchanged gress—and it usually is not passed as it considers what to do. Of course, them with me, with the mayor, and until, of course, the Federal budgets Congress is going to try to reach some with other officials in the city. There are passed, or certainly no sooner than agreement. But at the moment, they’re were some issues, and we indicated September 30—then the District of Co- going in absolutely divergent direc- what those difficulties would be oper- lumbia’s local budget gets thrown in tions, despite having reached an agree- ationally. Then, he announced his final the pot with a budget of—for in- ment on what the number would be for proposal for a DC budget autonomy stance—Health and Human Services, the budget this year. bill. I can tell you that, while it has its the Department of Defense, all of the The President, noting these shut- own form that clearly bears his signa- Federal agencies that get shut down, down threats and the cost to the tax- ture, in many ways it mirrors my own though there’s nothing that the Dis- payers of the District of Columbia, did DC Budget Autonomy Act. trict can do to extricate itself from something quite unusual. He not only You can imagine how thrilled we this fight, because this fight does not submitted his views on budget auton- were that the chairman of the full com- involve any concession that the Dis- omy—that he favored it—he submitted mittee had, indeed, decided that it was trict can make—it involves only Fed- actual language that would keep the in the best interest of the District of eral issues—nevertheless, the District District open in case of a shutdown. I Columbia and in the best interest of government will get shut down with would like to submit that language for the Congress for the District’s budget the Federal Government. the record. to remain in the District and to be im- There were three shutdown threats in The language referred to is as fol- plemented in the same way that the 2011. The Federal Government didn’t lows: budgets of every other jurisdiction in get shut down, although I can tell you Consistent with the principle of home rule, the United States, except the budget of it came so close to being shut down I it is the Administration’s view that the Dis- the District, are implemented. June 30 don’t even like to think about it. The trict’s local budget should be authorized to comes. On July 1, other jurisdictions problem is that every time there is the take effect without a separate annual Fed- begin to implement their budget. They eral appropriations bill. The Administration threat of a Federal shutdown, the local will work with Congress and the Mayor to prepare for school, and they are ready government of the District of Columbia pass legislation to amend the D.C. Home when school begins. has to spend time and money preparing Rule Act to provide the District with local Mr. ISSA’s bill came to the attention to shutdown, whether or not it occurs. budget autonomy. of the President of the United States. Imagine your county, imagine your When the President submits the lan- The President had weighed in the year city pulling people together three guage to the Congress, that puts a very before for budget autonomy, but upon times to prepare for a shutdown, to special emphasis on the need for what hearing of Mr. ISSA’s bill, he included prepare for which agencies can keep he is asking for. in his own budget, which was sub- going and which agencies to shut down. Mr. Speaker, not only have you had mitted this year, the following lan- Because in the event of a shutdown, the President and Mr. ISSA; the major- guage: the only agencies that can be kept in ity leader of this body, Mr. CANTOR, has Consistent with the principle of home rule, operation are essential agencies. Three indicated that he supports budget au- it is the administration’s view that the Dis- times the District of Columbia govern- tonomy. His spokesman said that ‘‘he trict’s local budget should be authorized to ment had to do that. The District of is certainly willing to work with the take effect without a separate annual Fed- Columbia is going through the same eral appropriation bill. The administration District toward its goal of budget au- will work with Congress and the mayor to problems that every local jurisdiction tonomy.’’ That’s the first time that a pass legislation to amend the D.C. Home is having as we climb out of the Great leader of my friends on the other side Rule Act to provide the District with local Recession. You can imagine what a of the aisle has indicated public sup- budget autonomy. waste of time and energy that was. port for budget autonomy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.096 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 This afternoon, I want to thank Mr. b 1620 by Washington, D.C. taxpayers and their own CANTOR personally for doing so. Mr. elected officials OR should those budget de- But it is very hard to celebrate cisions be made by the U.S. Congress? CANTOR may have been moved by his Emancipation Day in the District of own Governor. The Republican Gov- 71% of Democrats believe D.C. should con- Columbia when your own local funds trol D.C. local budget ernor of Virginia, Governor Bob cannot be spent by your own local peo- 72% of Republicans believe D.C. should McDonnell, wrote to Majority Leader ple. We raise about $6 billion in local control D.C. local budget CANTOR indicating that he supports funds. It is a very diverse city of people 75% of Independents believe D.C. should budget autonomy for the District. from all walks of life with all levels of control D.C. local budget One of the reasons he gave was that 68% of Males believe D.C. should control income, and there is absolute agree- 100,000 Virginians come to the District D.C. local budget ment across all political lines that the of Columbia to work every day in the 73% of Females believe D.C. should control one thing we deserve is budget auton- D.C. local budget private and Federal sector, and that if omy. 60% with High School or Less believe D.C. the District government shuts down, This year was the 150th anniversary should control D.C. local budget those 100,000 residents from Virginia, of the liberation of slaves by Abraham 78% with Some College believe D.C. should who had nothing to do with this fight— control D.C. local budget Lincoln in the District of Columbia. just as the District of Columbia had 80% of College Graduates believe D.C. We noted that the slaves had to be very nothing to do with the Federal fight— should control D.C. local budget grateful to be liberated because there 69% in the Northeast believe D.C. should are seriously inconvenienced. was nothing they could do to liberate control D.C. local budget The fact that these two Virginians 74% in the Midwest believe D.C. should from our region have spoken out themselves. Armed struggle was cer- tainly not possible for slaves here or control D.C. local budget speaks to the practical reality behind 68% in the South believe D.C. should con- budget autonomy. In addition, the Gov- anywhere else. Peaceful opposition to trol D.C. local budget ernor of Virginia made it clear he did slavery would have brought armed 72% in the West believe D.C. should control not see how the mayor of the District struggle against their peaceful opposi- D.C. local budget of Columbia could run his city when he tion, so they had to wait to be liber- 24% of Democrats believe Congress should control D.C. local budget could not be certain when his budget ated. The people of the District of Colum- 22% of Republicans believe Congress should would be passed. Here you have one control D.C. local budget chief executive speaking to another, bia understand it is up to them to lib- 20% of Independents believe Congress and both from different parties. erate themselves, but they, too, cannot should control D.C. local budget The case we think, Mr. Speaker, has free themselves entirely. They do not 26% of Males believe Congress should con- been made. It has been made here by have a Member who has a vote on the trol D.C. local budget the leadership of this body and the floor of the United States Congress. I 20% of Females believe Congress should vote in committee. I do not have the control D.C. local budget leadership of the Senate, and it has 33% with High School or Less believe Con- been made in the country as leaders right to vote for final passage of any gress should control D.C. local budget have stepped forward to indicate that legislation. 18% with Some College believe Congress the rational thing to do, the American Yet my residents have been in every should control D.C. local budget thing to do, if you will, is to respect war the Nation has fought since the 13% of College Graduates believe Congress the right of a local jurisdiction to Nation was created. We pay federal in- should control D.C. local budget spend its own local money without come taxes at the highest levels. We’re 26% in the Northeast believe Congress second per capita in federal income should control D.C. local budget coming to a national body which has 19% in the Midwest believe Congress had nothing to do with raising those taxes among the 50 States and the Dis- should control D.C. local budget funds. trict of Columbia. So you can imagine 25% in the South believe Congress should If I could inquire, Mr. Speaker, how that it is with some anguish that we control D.C. local budget much time I have remaining? send our own local budget to people we 6% in the West believe Congress should The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- respect but people who have contrib- control D.C. local budget tlewoman has 4 minutes remaining. uted nothing to the money we have 5% of Democrats do not know whether D.C. or Congress should not control D.C. local Ms. NORTON. I want to summarize raised in our city. how much on the same page Democrats budget I thank all who have supported us 6% of Republicans do not know whether and Republicans are on the proposition here in the Congress, and I look for- D.C. or Congress should not control D.C. that D.C. should control D.C.’s local ward to the day, which I hope will be local budget budget. There’s nothing radical about this year, when there will be budget 6% of Independents do not know whether that one, my friends. It would be hard autonomy for the District of Columbia. D.C. or Congress should control D.C. local to go out in the street of your city or I yield back the balance of my time. budget your county and get a different re- 5% of Males do not know whether D.C. or ‘‘The following is the actual proposal the Congress should control D.C. local budget sponse. president included in his fiscal year 2013 So it’s not surprising, but it’s very 7% of Females do not know whether D.C. budget to prevent a D.C. government shut- or Congress should control D.C. local budget important to have these poll figures, down in the event of a federal government 7% with High School or Less do not know which back up where Chairman ISSA is shutdown:’’ whether D.C. or Congress should control D.C. trying to take us, where Mr. CANTOR is SEC. 817. Section 446 of the Home Rule Act local budget trying to take us, where the Governor (D.C. Official Code sec. 1–204.46) is amended 4% with Some College do not know wheth- of Virginia is trying to take us, where by adding the following at the end of its er D.C. or Congress should control D.C. local D.C. officials, and, I hope, the Congress fourth sentence, before the period ‘‘: Pro- budget will come this year. The polls show vided, That, notwithstanding any other pro- 7% of College Graduates do not know vision of this Act, effective for fiscal year whether D.C. or Congress should control D.C. very gratifying numbers, but they are 2013, and for each succeeding fiscal year, dur- local budget numbers that reflect where Americans ing a period in which there is an absence of 5% in the Northeast do not know whether always are. Americans are, first, local a federal appropriations act authorizing the D.C. or Congress should control D.C. local people. They want to do as much lo- expenditure of District of Columbia local budget cally as possible. They understand that funds, the District of Columbia may obligate 7% in the Midwest do not know whether there are national issues. They know and expend local funds for programs and ac- D.C. or Congress should control D.C. local that one of those issues is not their tivities at the rate set forth in the Budget budget own local money. Request Act adopted by the Council, or a re- 7% in the South do not know whether D.C. programming adopted pursuant to this sec- or Congress should control D.C. local budget Mr. Speaker, this week, the District 6% in the West do not know whether D.C. of Columbia celebrated D.C. Emanci- tion.’’ (Financial Services and General Gov- ernment Appropriations Act, 2012.) or Congress should control D.C. local budget pation Day, and, of course, it’s worthy METHODOLOGY of celebration, when this city was the PURPLE INSIGHTS POLL, APRIL 5–9, 2012 National omnibus interviews of 1,007 adults first jurisdiction whose slaves were Q: The budget of the city of Washington, age 18 and older in the continental United freed by Abraham Lincoln. Isn’t it D.C. is funded by local residents’ tax dollars. States on April 5–9, 2012 conducted via a ran- amazing that the Nation’s capital had Do you think that the decisions about Wash- dom digit dialing methodology telephone slavery in 1862? ington, D.C.’s local budget should be made and cell phone methodology.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:01 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.097 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2025 The sample consisted of: health hazard to children. They could b 1630 —757 interviews from the landline sample outlaw private ownership of firearms. Nobody is going to be able to afford —250 interviews from the cell phone sample They could outlaw anything that the —504 men it. I talked to a businessman, and his —503 women Federal Government decided to do. insurance went up this year over last The data is weighted to reflect the geo- ObamaCare is going to be a de- year by 43 percent because of the man- graphic, demographic, and socioeconomic in- stroyer. It’s going to destroy the doc- dates in ObamaCare. Hopefully, the Su- formation that are known for the population tor-patient relationship. It will destroy preme Court is going to throw out as well as measured in the survey. the quality of health care, because the ObamaCare because it’s going to de- f Federal Government is going to decide stroy the doctor-patient relationship HEALTH CARE who can get care and who is not. It can and the quality of medicine. It’s also decide whether a person is fit to re- going to destroy budgets. As I’ve al- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ceive surgery or go in the hospital or ready mentioned, it’s very, very expen- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- not. Age is going to be a determining sive. The expansion of Medicaid is uary 5, 2011, the Chair recognizes the factor, and it’s all going to be based on going to destroy State budgets. The gentleman from Georgia (Mr. BROUN) economics, on cost. The high cost of whole bill is going to destroy the Fed- for 30 minutes. health care today is because of govern- eral budget and destroy our economy. Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ment intrusion into the health care And as I’ve already mentioned, it’s this afternoon I’m going to talk about system. In fact, I will just give you two going to destroy our freedom. health care. I’m a medical doctor. I’m quick examples. So what’s the alternative? What hap- a primary care physician. As a medical Back when I was practicing medicine pens if the Supreme Court throws out doctor, I’m very concerned about where down in rural southwest Georgia, in ObamaCare, as hopefully they will— we are going as a Nation. my little office I had a fully auto- and they should—because it’s blatantly Back during the debate over the Pa- mated, quality-controlled laboratory. unconstitutional. Well, the first thing, tient Protection and Affordable Care If a patient came in to see me that had this chart shows us what ObamaCare is Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, I a fever, aching all over, sore ribs, swol- like. And this isn’t all of the new bu- presented several alternatives to that len throat, coughing, nose running, I reaus and agencies that are created bill. Most people know in this country would do a complete blood count, a under the plan. Right in the middle is that the U.S. Supreme Court a couple CBC, to see if they had a bacterial in- the Secretary of Health and Human of weeks ago, 3 weeks ago, had hearings fection which needs to be treated with Services. Kathleen Sebelius, if she’s about the constitutionality of the indi- antibiotics or whether they had a viral still in office a year from now, has the vidual mandate, whether the Federal infection which is not helped by anti- potential to be the greatest tyrant to Government, under the Constitution, biotics, the patient doesn’t need to go take away our freedom because of this can demand that every single person in spend the money on those antibiotics. law. this country buy health insurance The best practice is it is not a good We must get rid of ObamaCare and that’s dictated by the Federal Govern- standard of care to treat viral infec- replace it with something that makes ment, that the Federal Government ac- tions with antibiotics. I would do a sense economically and we put patients tually puts out all the parameters for CBC. I could do it in 5 minutes. I and doctors in the business of making that health insurance. charged 12 bucks. their own decisions. We recently saw Kathleen Sebelius, Congress, in its infinite wisdom, de- Well, I introduced a bill a few weeks the Secretary of Health and Human cided that I might make a few pennies ago called the Patient Option Act. It’s Services, say that everybody’s health off of doing CBCs and, thus, would have H.R. 4224. What would it do? The first insurance in this country is going to an incentive to do too many. Well, they thing, it repeals ObamaCare com- have to provide free birth control pills, passed CLIA, the Clinical Laboratory pletely. Gets rid of it, as we should. It free pills that are designed for nothing Improvement Act. Instead of being able also makes health care cheaper for ev- but to cause an abortion and free steri- to do the test in 5 minutes, 12 bucks, I erybody. It will lower your cost of in- lization for everybody in the country. had to send patients over to the hos- surance. It makes all health care ex- That’s whether you are male or female. pital. It took 3 to 4 hours, $75 for one penses cheaper for everyone. It will Who pays for that? Well, we all will. test—from 12 bucks to $75—because of a provide coverage for all Americans, Mr. Speaker, this is not about birth law that Congress passed. and also it will save Medicare from control. It’s about government control. What do you think that did to going broke. Because, you see, under ObamaCare, if everybody’s insurance all across this Today, I heard some of my Democrat it stays in place, it’s going to be a tool country? What do you think it did to colleagues talk about Republicans where the Federal Government can the cost of Medicaid as well as Medi- want to destroy Medicare as we know mandate every aspect of our lives, care? It markedly elevated the cost. it. And that’s what their mantra keeps what we eat. In fact, Justice Scalia, The second issue, Congress passed being. But their policy is characterized during the hearings a few weeks ago, and is now law, HIPAA. It’s a totally by four Ds. The first D is that they said, if it stays in place, couldn’t the unneeded act. It has cost the health deny that Medicare and Social Secu- Federal Government demand every- care industry, alone, billions—billions rity has any problem whatsoever. The body in the country eat broccoli? I love with a B—billions of dollars, but a to- actuaries of both Social Security and broccoli and I eat a lot of it, but it’s tally unneeded act, and it has not paid Medicare say they’re going to go broke not the Federal Government’s business for the first aspirin to treat the head- within just a few short years—within to mandate that I eat broccoli—or any- aches it has created. There are other the life span of almost every American, body else, for that matter—and he’s ab- industries—like the insurance indus- except for the extreme elderly. So they solutely right. try, legal industry, accounting indus- deny there’s a problem. In fact, under the auspices of health try, and a whole lot of others—that are The second D, they’re delaying fixing care, the Federal Government could affected by HIPAA also. It’s govern- the problem. Their mantra of let’s save control every aspect of our lives, could ment intrusion in the health care sys- Medicare as we know it is going—they tell us what kinds of cars that we tem. deny the problem. drive. The Federal Government could The President promised us that The third D is they’re going to de- basically say, We believe everybody ObamaCare would not cost over a tril- stroy Medicare as we know it because should drive a Chevy Volt or a Ford lion dollars. They went through a it’s just totally not feasible to go for- Focus, and if you don’t, we’re going to whole lot of budgetary gimmicks to try ward and not fix it. That’s what Repub- fine you. to get it under a trillion dollars. Just licans have been trying to do. There are already doctors that are recently, CBO said that ObamaCare is And the fourth thing that my Demo- associated with the CDC in my home going to cost $1.75 trillion. crat colleagues do is they demonize all State of Georgia that say it’s a health The President promises, if you have of us who want to try to fix it. The Pa- hazard for people to have private own- insurance and you like it, you can keep tient Option Act will fix it, and that’s ership of firearms and it’s a particular it. what we need to do. We need to have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.031 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 policies to give patients, give people a they can purchase the health insurance cause they can’t afford it, and it will whole lot more options, and that’s ex- at a lower cost that makes sense to also allow people who have preexisting actly what I’m trying to do with my them, and their employer will not dic- conditions to join those associations Patient Option Act. tate it and neither will the Federal and be able to buy health insurance at So how does it make it cheaper for Government. So it will be a whole lot a price where they can afford it, so it everyone? The first thing it does is it cheaper for everyone. will help cover those people with pre- provides 100 percent tax deductibility Now, it also offers coverage for all existing conditions. So this will allow for all health care expenses, including Americans. Well, in repealing those groups to make these associa- insurance. What’s this do? Well, most ObamaCare, the thing about tions as well as individuals or busi- people in this country get their health ObamaCare is we were told we need to nesses to buy the health insurance insurance through their employer—at have health care for everybody. Well, across State lines. It will provide cov- least working people do. And what this the thing is what is confusing to most erage for virtually everybody. does is it will allow a business to just Americans is we haven’t been talking Well, what about Medicare? And I’m give the money to their employees and about health care. We’re just talking going to come back to coverage for par- let the employees go out and buy the about health insurance. When ticularly poor people that can’t afford health insurance that makes the most ObamaCare says ‘‘provide health care insurance even with the lower prices. sense for them and their families. So for everybody,’’ what they’re saying is And I’ll tell you what the bill, the Pa- the employer is not dictating what health insurance for everyone that is tient Option Act, H.R. 4224, does. kind of insurance the employee gets. mandated by the Federal Government. My bill will save Medicare. It will It’s a normal business expense to the In fact, the President went on a na- save it from going broke and make it employer to give that money to the tional address over TV just prior to so that our senior citizens not only employee, and then the employee can passing ObamaCare, where he said he today, but these children that I see, go out and buy whatever kind of insur- wants everybody in this country in one young people I see in the gallery today, ance that they want to. In doing so, pool. One insurance pool. they’ll be able to have insurance in the they can buy health insurance across What’s that mean? That means the future through Medicare if that’s what State lines. Federal Government provides all they want to do. It allows seniors to What this will do is it will get rid of health care coverage and all health opt out of Medicare if they want to. all the State mandates because some- care for everybody. That’s socialized I’ve got a constituent that worked body in Georgia can go to Ohio and buy medicine. Socialized medicine. And for a large cable company here in this a basic policy without State mandates that’s exactly what ObamaCare is all country. When he retired, the cable that are given to the insurance compa- about. It’s geared towards forcing peo- company wanted to provide health in- nies in Georgia. Plus, this issue breaks ple out of their private insurance—we surance for him for the rest of his life up the monopolies. In every State already see that happening today—and as an executive of the cable company. there are only just a very few health forcing everybody into a national pool But they couldn’t do it and he couldn’t insurance companies that are providing run by the Federal Government, which do it because, under the current law, health insurance within that State. in itself is going to destroy the quality everybody has to go into Medicare once They have what’s tantamount to a mo- of health care, and Federal bureaucrats you turn 65, at least part A. You don’t nopoly. By allowing people to work are going to be making decisions for have any option about that. It’s man- with the insurance agents, they can everybody about the kind of surgery dated. buy health insurance anywhere in the that everybody can or cannot have, Of course, mandates like that, I don’t country and can have a whole lot more whether you can get a certain medica- think that’s freedom, frankly, Mr. options in health insurance—those tion or not, whether you can go in the Speaker. Everybody is mandated to go kind of insurance policies that fit their hospital or not. The doctor will not be into Medicare when they turn 65. Well, families’ needs the very best at a much able to make those decisions. my bill will allow them to say, No, I lower cost. Already, as a physician, a primary want to buy private insurance; I don’t It also increases the contribution care doctor, the health management want Medicare; I don’t want to be in- limits and does patient reforms to the corporations as well as the government volved in it. So they can use their own health savings accounts. What my bill entity, CMS, determine today whether insurance, whether it’s provided does is it allows everybody to con- a patient can go in the hospital or not through a company or whether it’s tribute up to $10,000 a year into their or whether they can get a certain something they’ve bought all along, health savings account, and the em- treatment or not. We’ve got to stop and it moves Medicare into a more ployer can help provide the funds so that. We’ve got to put patients in con- flexible program. that the employee can fund their trol, where they can work with their It actually sets up a Medicare health health savings accounts. Actually, the doctors and get the kind of health care savings account that Medicare will employee will own that health savings that they need without some bureau- fund. The patient will own that health account, manage it themselves. crat—insurance company bureaucrat or savings account and will manage the Now, my Democrat colleagues seem government bureaucrat—making the dollars. It won’t be managed by some to think that nobody can manage their decisions. Federal bureaucrat. And if the patient own health insurance or their own eco- But what this does, my Patient Op- doesn’t utilize all those funds before nomic affairs, that we have to have the tion Act, H.R. 4224, allows businesses or they pass away, those funds actually Federal Government telling all of us individuals to come together and form go into the Medicare recipient’s estate how to manage all of our affairs. That an association and have huge insurance and the heirs will get the dollars. seems to be their philosophy. But I pools all across the country. That asso- The Medicare recipient will control trust the American people. I think peo- ciation could offer multiple insurance the money, will control the decisions, ple can manage their own affairs if we products—a Cadillac plan or bare-bones can work with their doctor, and it give them the ability to do so, and ex- plan or something in between. What- gives the Medicare recipient a lot of panding health savings accounts will ever the members of that association options. And it also gives premium sup- do just that. It’s not a use-it-or-lose-it want to purchase, the association can port on top of the Medicare health sav- situation under the Patient Option offer multiple products. Since you will ings account so that the Medicare pa- Act. That can continue to grow over have such huge pools across the land, tient will have comprehensive coverage the lifetime of the individual. And then the cost is much lower. It spreads for any medical emergency or even when they die, when they pass it, that the liability across many more people, very costly medical treatments. health savings account will actually go and so health insurance is a whole lot So it takes care of Medicare patients. into their estate and go to their heirs. less expensive for all of us. It gives them good quality care. It puts So this puts competition into the the Medicare patient in control of health insurance industry. It takes b 1640 those decisions, and it will save Medi- away all those mandates and lets pa- In doing so, it will help cover a lot of care from going broke, which it’s going tients have multiple options where people who are uninsured today be- to in just a very few short years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.087 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2027 The other thing my bill does, and for just having compassion on poor What my bill does is it allows hos- this will help with those poor people people, as the Federal Government has pitals to set up a basic screening proc- who can’t even buy the much-reduced- stopped that, prevented that and said ess so that the hospital can set up cost health insurance, even bare-bone it’s against the law to have compassion somebody with basic medical knowl- policies, and, unfortunately, there are on poor people. You have to charge edge and can screen patients and say to some people in this country that are in them. You have to try to collect, and the patient, this is not an emergency, that category. In my over four decades you cannot give away your services. go see your doctor, go to a free clinic, of practicing medicine, I have literally This stops all that. we can’t see you. So it reforms given away hundreds of thousands of Medicare has no compassion. Med- EMTALA and makes it so that hos- dollars of my services. That’s what icaid has no compassion. It’s all about pitals don’t have this economic burden most doctors do, particularly in my money and government control. that’s been placed on them because of generation. A lot of the younger doc- Another thing that my bill does is it Federal law and Federal dictate. tors aren’t doing that as much because reforms EMTALA, the Emergency Med- I presented this bill to a lot of of the government diktats to them and ical Treatment and Active Labor Act. groups. In fact, I’m very pleased, I did because of the requirements that CMS This is another law that Congress an interview with Forbes magazine re- puts upon their practices that they passed that requires every emergency cently. They wrote up a blog and this don’t have time to give to their pa- room in this country to see whoever article about my health care bill, the tients. They don’t have time to try to comes in and to treat them. In my area Patient OPTION Act, H.R. 4224. develop relationships with their pa- in Georgia, throughout my Tenth Con- They said this: Now a new plan has tients. They don’t have time to give gressional District in Georgia, a person come forth, backed by one of the most good quality care anymore because of can walk into any emergency room in influential Tea Party groups—that I’ll the Federal Government. my district and they will find the mention in just a second—that con- If I was accepting Medicare as a phy- emergency room filled with patients tains some intriguing and original sician and I was a preferred provider— who do not need to be in the emergency ideas for bringing cheaper health care that’s the providers that are accepting room, should not be in the emergency to more people. This is from Forbes Medicare as a payment. And Medicare, room. magazine. by the way, sets the prices but says I worked for 2 years before I moved BROUN’s plan would revolutionize the you cannot publish those prices. to northeast Georgia. I was working at insurance market by incentivizing There’s no transparency because of a hospital down in southwest Georgia companies, particularly smaller ones Federal diktats, by the way, Federal as the director of emergency services. and startups, to pay their workers di- law. For 2 years, I worked full-time as an rectly their wages—so that the wage If I was a preferred provider and a pa- ER doc and directing those emergency earner will control their own money. tient came in to see me that was really services. Way over 90 percent of the pa- They’re earning it, they should get it, struggling and trying to make ends tients that came in that emergency and they should make their own health meet, they didn’t have health insur- room, as they do in most emergency care insurance decisions themselves— ance, they’re trying to pay their bills, rooms, had no emergency. And, actu- and let those workers decide how to and they came in to see me, and I said, ally, emergency rooms all across this pay for their own care. Don’t worry about the bill—and I have country are filled with illegal aliens Forbes magazine. It’s not a Tea done that to thousands of patients over that are going there and getting serv- Party magazine; it’s a magazine that I my four decades of practicing medi- ices, utilizing the emergency room in think most Americans know. cine. I said, Don’t worry about it. For- the hospital as their primary care pro- The Tea Party group—which a lot of get it. I’m glad to give you these serv- vider; in other words, they’re going to people don’t understand Tea Parties ices for free. If I did that and I was a see doctors in the emergency room for and what it’s all about, but Freedom preferred provider, Medicare could lit- stumped toes or colds, sore throats, Works is a grassroots group, and it’s erally throw me in jail for treating headaches, any medical problem. And been dubbed a Tea Party group. Actu- somebody for free. They could throw they don’t have to pay because of ally, Freedom Works has been around me in jail and they could fine me. EMTALA. for some time. But Freedom Works has Doctors today cannot give away their The Federal Government has re- endorsed my Patient OPTION Act, and services to somebody who needs, des- quired the emergency rooms to see and this is what they said: perately, to get their services. So what treat everybody who walks in. Whether Congressman BROUN has authored a my bill does is it stops that, and it they can pay or not, whether they are bold, timely, and principled plan that gives a physician a tax credit between here legally or not, whether they are a offers exactly what a majority of $2,000 and $8,000 a year for giving away citizen or they are an illegal alien, it Americans want, a patient-centered their services. It gives them a tax cred- requires them to do so. health care so that patients can make it. What’s happening with EMTALA is their own decisions, along with their I talked to a lot of doctors through- there is a tremendous economic burden doctors. It makes health care cheaper out Georgia and asked them, if we did upon hospitals. We have hospitals, par- for everybody. It provides coverage for this, how many doctors would actually ticularly rural hospitals, going broke all Americans. And it will save Medi- see patients for free. Every single one today so that nobody in their commu- care from going broke. in every single doctors’ meeting has nity gets services because of EMTALA. Americans need to contact their Sen- held up their hands. And I’ll give you b 1650 ators and Congressmen and the leader- an example. ship of the House and Senate and de- I talked to a urologist who basically It’s not fair. It’s not fair to the peo- mand that we pass the Patient OPTION practices in a very upscale, wealthy ple in that community. It’s not fair to Act, H.R. 4224. community. He’s in his office 4 days a people who really need to be in the With that, I yield back the balance of week. It’s a retirement community emergency room. It’s not fair particu- my time. with high-price real estate and homes. larly that we are forcing emergency ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE And he told me, if I would do this in a rooms and hospitals to see illegal bill, he would set aside 2 of the 4 days aliens. Actually, it’s hurting people The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- he’s in his office to see nothing but in- who have true emergencies because bers should not refer to occupants of digent patients. Let me repeat that. emergency rooms are filled with people the gallery. This doctor who is working in this area who don’t need to be there. People can f will give half of his time to see indi- come in with severe injuries or severe gent patients in his office if we would medical problems. If it’s not blatantly MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT just give him this tax credit. apparent, then people have delayed ad- A message in writing from the Presi- And that’s what we did in this bill so ministering of treatment that they dent of the United States was commu- that doctors are no longer under the desperately need to keep them well or nicated to the House by Mr. Brian E. threat of being fined and being jailed to save their lives. Pate, one of his secretaries.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:54 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.089 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL STRAT- I look forward to continuing to work a letter on the approved retirement of Lieu- EGY—MESSAGE FROM THE with the Congress and Federal, state, tenant General Frank G. Helmick, United PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED local, tribal, and territorial leaders, States Army, and his advancement to the grade of lieutenant general on the retired STATES (H. DOC. NO. 112–98) international partners, and the Amer- list; to the Committee on Armed Services. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ican people in this important endeavor. 5696. A letter from the Director, Direc- fore the House the following message BARACK OBAMA. torate of Standards and Guidance, Occupa- from the President of the United THE WHITE HOUSE, April 19, 2012. tional Safety and Health Administration, transmitting the Administration’s final rule States; which was read and, together f with the accompanying papers, referred — Revising Standards Referenced in the LEAVE OF ABSENCE Acetylene Standard [Docket No.: OSHA-2011- to the Committees on Armed Services, By unanimous consent, leave of ab- 0183] (RIN: 1218-AC64) received March 19, 2012, Education and the Workforce, Energy pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- and Commerce, Financial Services, sence was granted to: mittee on Education and the Workforce. Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security, Mr. BASS of New Hampshire (at the 5697. A letter from the Director, Direc- Judiciary, Natural Resources, Over- request of Mr. CANTOR) for today on ac- torate of Standards and Guidance, Occupa- sight and Government Reform, Trans- count of attending a funeral service. tional Safety and Health Administration, transmitting the Administration’s ‘‘Major’’ portation and Infrastructure, Veterans’ f final rule — Hazard Communication [Docket Affairs, Ways and Means, and ordered ADJOURNMENT No.: OSHA-H022K-2006-0062] (formerly Docket to be printed: Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, No.: H022K) (RIN: 1218-AC20) received April 4, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the To the Congress of the United States: I move that the House do now adjourn. I am pleased to transmit the 2012 Na- Committee on Education and the Workforce. The motion was agreed to; accord- 5698. A letter from the Correspondence and tional Drug Control Strategy, which fol- ingly (at 4 o’clock and 57 minutes Regulations Assistant, Department of Health lows through on the commitment made p.m.), under its previous order, the and Human Services, transmitting the De- by my Administration to chart a new House adjourned until Monday, April partment’s final rule — Student Health In- course in our efforts to reduce illicit 23, 2012, at 11 a.m. surance Coverage [CMS-9981-F] (RIN: 0938- drug use and its consequences in the AQ95) received March 20, 2012, pursuant to 5 f United States. The balanced approach U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- outlined in the Administration’s inau- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ergy and Commerce. ETC. 5699. A letter from the Director, Office of gural National Drug Control Strategy has Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory yielded significant results, which are Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Commission, transmitting the Commission’s detailed in the following pages. communications were taken from the final rule — Terrestrial Environmental Stud- Our Nation still faces serious drug- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: ies For Nuclear Power Stations, Regulatory related challenges, however. Too many 5689. A letter from the Secretary, Com- Guide 4.11, Revision 2, received March 26, Americans need treatment for sub- modity Futures Trading Commission, trans- 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the stance use disorders but do not receive mitting the Commission’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule Committee on Energy and Commerce. 5700. A letter from the Director, Office of it. Prescription drug abuse continues — Customer Clearing Documentation, Tim- Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory ing of Acceptance for Clearing, and Clearing to claim American lives, and those who Commission, transmitting the Commission’s Member Risk Management (RIN: 3038-0092, take drugs and drive threaten safety on final rule — Leakage Tests on Packages for -0094) received April 10, 2012, pursuant to 5 our Nation’s roadways. Young people’s Shipment of Radioactive Material, Regu- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ag- perceptions of the risks of drug use latory Guide 7.4, Revision 1, received March riculture. 16, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to have declined over the past decade, and 5690. A letter from the Secretary, Com- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. research suggests that this often pre- modity Futures Trading Commission, trans- dicts future increases in drug use. 5701. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mitting the Commission’s final rule — Com- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, There is still much left to do to reform modity Pool Operators and Commodity Trad- transmitting notification of intent to use FY our justice system and break the cycle ing Advisors: Compliance Obligations (RIN: 10 Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, of drug use and crime. Our commit- 3038-AD30) received March 26, 2012, pursuant Demining, and Related Programs (NADR) ment to work with partner nations to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on funds for Global Threat Reduction (GTR) ac- must remain steadfast to reduce drug Agriculture. tivities in Libya; to the Committee on For- 5691. A letter from the Acting Congres- production, trafficking, and related eign Affairs. sional Review Coordinator, Department of 5702. A communication from the President transnational threats. Agriculture, transmitting the Department’s Based upon the progress we have of the United States, transmitting notifica- final rule — Tuberculosis in Cattle and tion that the national emergency with re- achieved over the past three years, I Bison; State and Zone Designations; NM; spect to Somalia originally declared on April am confident we can address these Correction [Docket No.: APHIS-2008-0124] re- 12, 2010, by Executive Order 13536, is to con- challenges through concerted action ceived March 26, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tinue in effect beyond April 12, 2012, pursu- along the entire spectrum of preven- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- ant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); (H. Doc. No. 112—97); tion, early intervention, treatment, re- culture. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and or- covery support, criminal justice re- 5692. A letter from the Administrator, Risk dered to be printed. Management Agency, Department of Agri- 5703. A letter from the Chairman, Council form, law enforcement, and inter- culture, transmitting the Department’s final national cooperation. However, we of the District of Columbia, transmitting rule — Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Transmittal of D.C. ACT 19-343, ‘‘Tenant Se- must match our commitment with the Onion Crop Insurance Provisions [Docket curity Deposit Clarification Amendment Act appropriate resources. No.: FCIC-11-0004] (RIN: 0563-AC29) received of 2012’’; to the Committee on Oversight and Illicit drug use in America contrib- March 26, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Government Reform. uted to an estimated $193 billion in 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- 5704. A letter from the Chairman, Council crime, health, and lost productivity culture. of the District of Columbia, transmitting costs in 2007, the year for which the 5693. A letter from the Acting Under Sec- Transmittal of D.C. ACT 19-344, ‘‘South Cap- most recent estimate is available. In retary, Department of Defense, transmitting itol Street Memorial Amendment Act of the National Defense Stockpile (NDS) An- today’s challenging economic environ- 2012’’; to the Committee on Oversight and nual Materials Plan (AMP) for Fiscal Year Government Reform. ment, we cannot afford such a drain on 2013, along with proposed plans for FY 2014 5705. A letter from the President and CEO, our economy and public resources. through 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 98h-2(b); Overseas Private Investment Corporation, While difficult budget decisions must to the Committee on Armed Services. transmitting the Department’s Fiscal Year be made at all levels of government, we 5694. A letter from the Acting Under Sec- 2011 Annual Notification and Federal Em- must ensure continued support for poli- retary, Department of Defense, transmitting ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation cies and programs that reduce drug use the Department’s report on activities under (No FEAR) Act of 2002 Report; to the Com- and its enormous costs to American so- the Secretary’s personnel management dem- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- ciety. In doing so, we will not only onstration project authorities for the De- form. partment of Defense Science and Technology 5706. A letter from the Director, Peace strengthen our economy but also sus- Reinvention Laboratories for Calendar Year Corps, transmitting a copy of the Peace tain the national character and spirit 2011; to the Committee on Armed Services. Corps’ Fiscal Year 2011 Notification and Fed- that has made the United States a 5695. A letter from the Acting Under Sec- eral Employee Anti-Discrimination and Re- world leader. retary, Department of Defense, transmitting taliation (No FEAR) Act Annual Report; to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP7.092 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2029 the Committee on Oversight and Govern- titles were introduced and severally re- veyed to expand such indemnification re- ment Reform. ferred, as follows: sponsibilities to include all military instal- 5707. A letter from the Secretary, Railroad lations closed since October 24, 1988; to the By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. Retirement Board, transmitting the Board’s Committee on Armed Services. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. NEAL, annual report for FY 2011 prepared in accord- By Ms. BORDALLO: Mr. OLVER, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. TIER- ance with Section 203 of the Notification and H.R. 4408. A bill to amend the Sikes Act to NEY, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and promote the use of cooperative agreements TSONGAS, Mr. KEATING, and Ms. Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), Pub- under such Act for land management related PELOSI): lic Law 107-174; to the Committee on Over- to Department of Defense installations and H.R. 4400. A bill to designate the Salt Pond sight and Government Reform. to amend title 10, United States Code, to fa- Visitor Center at Cape Cod National Sea- 5708. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- cilitate interagency cooperation in conserva- shore as the ‘‘Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Salt nator, Department of Health and Human tion programs; to the Committee on Armed Pond Visitor Center’’, and for other pur- Services, transmitting the Department’s Services, and in addition to the Committee poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- ‘‘Major’’ final rule — Medicare Program; on Natural Resources, for a period to be sub- sources. Changes to the Mediare Advantage and the sequently determined by the Speaker, in By Mr. POSEY: Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Pro- each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 4401. A bill to direct the Secretary of grams for Contract Year 2013 and Other sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Defense to work with non-Federal entities Changes [CMS-4157-FC] (RIN: 0938-AQ86) re- committee concerned. and accept non-Federal funding under strict ceived April 19, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. By Mr. BARROW: implementation guidelines to promote effi- 801(a)(1)(A); jointly to the Committees on H.R. 4409. A bill to provide for reforming ciencies of the space transportation infra- Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means. and consolidating agencies of the Federal structure of the Department of Defense in 5709. A letter from the Chairman, U.S.- Government to improve efficiency and save commercial space activities; to the Com- China Economic and Security Review Com- money, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Armed Services. mission, transmitting the Commission’s mittee on Oversight and Government Re- By Mr. AMODEI: record of the public hearing on ‘‘Chinese form. H.R. 4402. A bill to require the Secretary of State-Owned and State Controlled Enter- By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture prises’’; jointly to the Committees on Ways H.R. 4410. A bill to extend the temporary to more efficiently develop domestic sources and Means, Armed Services, and Foreign Af- reduction of duty on acrylic or modacrylic of the minerals and mineral materials of fairs. staple fibers; to the Committee on Ways and strategic and critical importance to United 5710. A letter from the Chairman, U.S.- Means. States economic and national security and China Economic and Security Review Com- By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: manufacturing competitiveness; to the Com- mission, transmitting the Commission’s H.R. 4411. A bill to extend the temporary mittee on Natural Resources, and in addition record of the public hearing on ‘‘China’s reduction of duty on certain to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a pe- Global Quest for Resources and Implications polyacrylonitrile tow; to the Committee on riod to be subsequently determined by the for the United States’’; jointly to the Com- Ways and Means. Speaker, in each case for consideration of mittees on Ways and Means, Armed Services, By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- and Foreign Affairs. H.R. 4412. A bill to extend temporarily the tion of the committee concerned. f reduction of duty on certain dyed acrylic By Mr. GOSAR: staple fibers; to the Committee on Ways and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON H.R. 4403. A bill to suspend subchapter IV Means. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of chapter 31 of title 40, United States Code, By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: commonly known as the Davis-Bacon Act, H.R. 4413. A bill to extend temporarily the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of through the end of fiscal year 2023, and for reduction of duty on certain undyed acrylic committees were delivered to the Clerk other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- staple fibers; to the Committee on Ways and for printing and reference to the proper cation and the Workforce. Means. calendar, as follows: By Mr. CRAWFORD: By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: H.R. 4404. A bill to create a centralized Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee H.R. 4414. A bill to extend temporarily the website on reports issued by the Inspectors on Natural Resources. H.R. 1335. A bill to re- reduction of duty on certain dyed General, and for other purposes; to the Com- vise the boundaries of the Gettysburg Na- polyacrylonitrile staple; to the Committee mittee on Oversight and Government Re- tional Military Park to include the Gettys- on Ways and Means. form. burg Train Station, and for other purposes; By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: By Mr. MCGOVERN (for himself, Mr. with an amendment (Rept. 112–449). Referred H.R. 4415. A bill to extend temporarily the WOLF, Mr. LEVIN, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, to the Committee of the Whole House on the reduction of duty on certain undyed Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. ROYCE, state of the Union. polyacrylonitrile staple; to the Committee Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. BURTON of Indi- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee on Ways and Means. ana, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mr. on Natural Resources. H.R. 2240. A bill to au- By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. thorize the exchange of land or interest in H.R. 4416. A bill to suspend temporarily the ROSKAM, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. PITTS, Mr. land between Lowell National Historical duty on certain acrylic filament tow; to the RANGEL, and Mr. TURNER of Ohio): Park and the city of Lowell in the Common- Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4405. A bill to impose sanctions on wealth of Massachusetts, and for other pur- By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: persons responsible for the detention, abuse, poses; with an amendment (Rept. 112–450). H.R. 4417. A bill to suspend temporarily the or death of Sergei Magnitsky, and for other Referred to the Committee of the Whole duty on certain acrylic filament tow; to the gross violations of human rights in the Rus- House on the state of the Union. Committee on Ways and Means. sian Federation, and for other purposes; to Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in ad- on Natural Resources. H.R. 2362. A bill to fa- H.R. 4418. A bill to suspend temporarily the dition to the Committees on the Judiciary, cilitate economic development by Indian duty on certain acrylic staple fibers; to the and Financial Services, for a period to be tribes and encourage investment by Turkish Committee on Ways and Means. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in enterprises (Rept. 112–451). Referred to the By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: each case for consideration of such provi- Committee of the Whole House on the state H.R. 4419. A bill to suspend temporarily the sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the of the Union. duty on certain acrylic filament tow; to the committee concerned. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. CAMP (for himself and Ms. on Natural Resources. H.R. 3452. A bill to By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: SLAUGHTER): H.R. 4420. A bill to suspend temporarily the provide for the sale of approximately 30 acres H.R. 4406. A bill to compel the Secretary of duty on certain acrylic filament tow; to the of Federal land in Uinta-Wasatch-Cache Na- the Army to complete the Great Lakes Mis- Committee on Ways and Means. tional Forest in Salt Lake County, Utah, to sissippi River Interbasin Study within 18 By Ms. BROWN of Florida: permit the establishment of a minimally months and to focus particular attention on H.R. 4421. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- invasive transportation alternative for ski- the permanent prevention of the spread of enue Code of 1986 to eliminate the separate ers, called ‘‘SkiLink’’, to connect two ski re- aquatic nuisance species between the Great income tax return form for the earned in- sorts in the Wasatch Mountains, and for Lakes and the Mississippi River Basins; to come credit, to require the information re- other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- quired by that form to be included on the ap- 112–452). Referred to the Committee of the structure. propriate income tax return forms, and to re- Whole House on the state of the Union. By Mr. YOUNG of Indiana: quire the Internal Revenue Service to com- f H.R. 4407. A bill to amend the indemnifica- pute the earned income credit for taxpayers; PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS tion responsibilities applicable to the Sec- to the Committee on Ways and Means. retary of Defense when Department of De- By Mr. CARNEY: Under clause 2 of rule XII, public fense property at military installations H.R. 4422. A bill to extend the temporary bills and resolutions of the following closed pursuant to a base closure law is con- suspension of duty on certain staple fibers of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L19AP7.000 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 viscose rayon; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. CHABOT (for himself and Mrs. Basin, and for other purposes; to the Com- and Means. SCHMIDT): mittee on Natural Resources. By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4443. A bill to reduce temporarily the By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4423. A bill to suspend temporarily the rate of duty on parts of frames and mount- H.R. 4459. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on cyan 854 inkjet printing ink; to the ings for spectacles, goggles, or the like; to duty on Thidiazuron; to the Committee on Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means. By Mr. CARNEY: By Mr. CHABOT (for himself and Mrs. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4424. A bill to suspend temporarily the SCHMIDT): H.R. 4460. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on cyan 1 RO inkjet printing ink; to the H.R. 4444. A bill to reduce temporarily the duty on Fenamidone; to the Committee on Committee on Ways and Means. rate of duty on frames and mountings for Ways and Means. By Mr. CARNEY: spectacles, goggles, or the like, the foregoing By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4425. A bill to suspend temporarily the of plastics; to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 4461. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on black 661 inkjet printing ink; to the Means. duty on Spirodiclofen; to the Committee on Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. COBLE: Ways and Means. By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4445. A bill to extend the temporary By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4426. A bill to suspend temporarily the suspension of duty on certain acrylic staple H.R. 4462. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on black 820 inkjet printing ink; to the fibers; to the Committee on Ways and Means. duty on 2,4-dichloroaniline; to the Com- Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. COBLE: mittee on Ways and Means. By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4446. A bill to extend the temporary By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4427. A bill to extend the temporary suspension of duty on certain modacrylic H.R. 4463. A bill to suspend temporarily the suspension of duty on Phenyl (4,6-dimethoxy- staple fibers; to the Committee on Ways and duty on Thiacloprid; to the Committee on pyrimidin-2-yl) carbamate; to the Committee Means. Ways and Means. on Ways and Means. By Mr. COBLE: By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4447. A bill to extend the temporary H.R. 4464. A bill to extend the suspension of H.R. 4428. A bill to extend the temporary suspension of duty on certain acrylic staple duty on Pyrimethanil; to the Committee on suspension of duty on certain mixtures of fibers; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means. methyl 2-[[[[[4-(dimethylamino)-6-(2,2,2- By Mr. COBLE: By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: trifluoroethoxy)-1,3,5- triazin-2- H.R. 4448. A bill to extend the temporary H.R. 4465. A bill to suspend temporarily the yl]amino]carbonyl]amino]-sulfonyl]-3- suspension of duty on certain acrylic staple duty on Pyrasulfotole; to the Committee on methylbenzoate; to the Committee on Ways fibers; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means. and Means. By Mr. COBLE: By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4449. A bill to extend the temporary H.R. 4466. A bill to suspend temporarily the H.R. 4429. A bill to temporarily suspend the suspension of duty on certain acrylic staple duty on Fosetyl-Al; to the Committee on duty on certain lamps used in liquid fibers; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means. chromatographs or spectrophotometry; to By Mr. COBLE: By Mr. BACA: the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4450. A bill to suspend temporarily the H.R. 4467. A bill to amend section 520E of By Mr. CARNEY: duty on certain acrylic staple fibers; to the the Public Health Service act to require H.R. 4430. A bill to extend the temporary Committee on Ways and Means. States and their designees receiving grants reduction of duty on Pyrithiobac-sodium; to By Mr. COBLE: for development or implementation of state- the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 4451. A bill to suspend temporarily the wide suicide early intervention and preven- By Mr. CARNEY: duty on certain acrylic staple fibers; to the tion strategies to consult with each Feder- H.R. 4431. A bill to extend the temporary Committee on Ways and Means. ally recognized Indian tribe, tribal organiza- suspension of duty on Ethyl 2- By Mr. COBLE: tion, and urban Indian organization in the (Isocyanatosulfonyl)benzoate; to the Com- H.R. 4452. A bill to suspend temporarily the State; to the Committee on Energy and Com- mittee on Ways and Means. duty on certain acrylic staple fibers; to the merce. By Mr. CARNEY: Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi: H.R. 4432. A bill to extend temporarily the By Mr. COBLE: H.R. 4468. A bill to extend the authority to suspension of duty on Flutolanil; to the H.R. 4453. A bill to suspend temporarily the make grants for specified energy property in Committee on Ways and Means. duty on certain acrylic staple fibers; to the lieu of tax credits; to the Committee on By Mr. CARNEY: Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- H.R. 4433. A bill to suspend temporarily the By Mr. FLEISCHMANN: mittee on Energy and Commerce, for a pe- duty on Buprofezin; to the Committee on H.R. 4454. A bill to require the approval by riod to be subsequently determined by the Ways and Means. the head of an agency for any conference Speaker, in each case for consideration of By Mr. CARNEY: costing more than $25,000, and for other pur- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- H.R. 4434. A bill to suspend temporarily the poses; to the Committee on Oversight and tion of the committee concerned. duty on Pyraflufen-ethyl; to the Committee Government Reform. By Mr. TIPTON (for himself, Mr. COFF- on Ways and Means. By Mr. HIGGINS: MAN of Colorado, and Mr. POLIS): By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4455. A bill to extend the temporary H.R. 4469. A bill to provide certain counties H.R. 4435. A bill to extend the suspension of suspension of duty on certain bags for toys; with the ability to receive television broad- duty on Triasulfuron; to the Committee on to the Committee on Ways and Means. cast signals of their choice; to the Com- Ways and Means. By Mr. HIGGINS: mittee on the Judiciary, and in addition to By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4456. A bill to suspend temporarily the the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for H.R. 4436. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on certain infants’ products; to the a period to be subsequently determined by duty on Phosphoric acid; to the Committee Committee on Ways and Means. the Speaker, in each case for consideration on Ways and Means. By Mr. HINCHEY (for himself, Mr. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4437. A bill to reduce temporarily the CICILLINE, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. BOS- tion of the committee concerned. duty on Thiamethoxam; to the Committee WELL, Mr. COHEN, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. By Ms. WATERS (for herself, Ms. LEE on Ways and Means. DEFAZIO, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. ESHOO, of California, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, and By Mr. CARNEY: Mr. FARR, Mr. FILNER, Mr. GUTIER- Ms. BORDALLO): H.R. 4438. A bill to extend the suspension of REZ, Mr. HONDA, Mr. JACKSON of Illi- H.R. 4470. A bill to amend the Public duty on trifloxysulfuron-sodium; to the Com- nois, Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California, Health Service Act, the Employee Retire- mittee on Ways and Means. Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. RAN- ment Income Security Act of 1974, the Inter- By Mr. CARNEY: GEL, Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- nal Revenue Code of 1986, and title 5, United H.R. 4439. A bill to suspend temporarily the fornia, Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. VAN HOL- States Code, to require individual and group duty on Fenpyroximate; to the Committee LEN, Mr. WELCH, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. health insurance coverage and group health on Ways and Means. KISSELL, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. YARMUTH, plans and Federal employees health benefit By Mr. CASSIDY: Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. plans to provide coverage for routine HIV H.R. 4440. A bill to suspend temporarily the MICHAUD, and Mr. MCGOVERN): screening; to the Committee on Energy and duty on Glyoxylic acid; to the Committee on H.R. 4457. A bill to require the Commodity Commerce, and in addition to the Commit- Ways and Means. Futures Trading Commission to take certain tees on Ways and Means, Education and the By Mr. CASSIDY: actions to reduce excessive speculation in Workforce, and Oversight and Government H.R. 4441. A bill to suspend temporarily the energy markets; to the Committee on Agri- Reform, for a period to be subsequently de- rate of duty on Triflic Anhydride; to the culture. termined by the Speaker, in each case for Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. KIND: consideration of such provisions as fall with- By Mr. CASSIDY: H.R. 4458. A bill to promote Department of in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 4442. A bill to suspend temporarily the the Interior efforts to provide a scientific cerned. rate of duty on Triflic acid; to the Com- basis for the management of sediment and By Mr. DENHAM (for himself and Ms. mittee on Ways and Means. nutrients in the Upper Mississippi River NORTON):

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L19AP7.100 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2031 H. Con. Res. 117. Concurrent resolution au- By Mr. MARKEY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- thorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for H.R. 4400. lation pursuant to the following: the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Serv- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, sec. 8 ice; to the Committee on Transportation and lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: Infrastructure. Article IV, section 3 of the United States H.R. 4413. By Mrs. MYRICK (for herself, Mr. COO- Constitution, which states in relevant part Congress has the power to enact this legis- PER, and Mr. LANKFORD): that, ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to dis- lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 623. A resolution amending the pose of and make all needful Rules and Regu- Article I, sec. 8 Rules of the House of Representatives to pre- lations respecting the Territory or other By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: vent duplicative and overlapping govern- Property belonging to the United States,’’ H.R. 4414. ment programs; to the Committee on Rules. grants Congress the authority to enact this Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CRAWFORD (for himself and legislation. lation pursuant to the following: Mrs. DAVIS of California): By Mr. POSEY: Article I, sec. 8 H. Res. 624. A resolution expressing support H.R. 4401. By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: for the designation of the first Saturday in Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4415. May as National Explosive Ordnance Dis- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- posal Day and for the designation of ‘‘Initial Article I, section 8, clause 1. lation pursuant to the following: Success or Total Failure’’ as the official By Mr. AMODEI: Article I, sec. 8 motto of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal or- H.R. 4402. By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: ganizations in the United States Armed Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4416. Forces; to the Committee on Armed Serv- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- ices. Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Con- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. FATTAH: stitution. Article I, sec. 8 H. Res. 625. A resolution honoring the By Mr. GOSAR: By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: members of the United States Armed Forces H.R. 4403. H.R. 4417. who served in Vietnam; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Veterans’ Affairs, and in addition to the lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Committee on Armed Services, for a period Because this legislation adjusts the for- Article I, sec. 8 to be subsequently determined by the Speak- mula the federal government uses to spend By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: er, in each case for consideration of such pro- money on federal contracts, it is authorized H.R. 4418. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the by the Constitution under Article 1, Section Congress has the power to enact this legis- committee concerned. 8, Clause 1, which grants Congress its spend- lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. FUDGE: ing power. Article I, sec. 8 H. Res. 626. A resolution expressing support By Mr. CRAWFORD: By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: for designation of the week of April 16 H.R. 4404. H.R. 4419. through April 20, 2012, as National Assistant Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Principals Week; to the Committee on Edu- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: cation and the Workforce. Clauses 1 and 3 of Section 8 of Article I of Article I, sec. 8 By Mrs. MALONEY (for herself, Mr. the Constitution of the United States. By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: BILIRAKIS, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. SAR- By Mr. MCGOVERN: H.R. 4420. BANES, Ms. LEE of California, and Mr. H.R. 4405. Congress has the power to enact this legis- SIRES): Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 627. A resolution expressing the lation pursuant to the following: Article I, sec. 8 sense of the House of Representatives that Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 By Ms. BROWN of Florida: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia By Mr. CAMP: H.R. 4421. should work within the framework of the H.R. 4406. Congress has the power to enact this legis- United Nations process with Greece to Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: achieve longstanding United States and lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8 and Amendment XVI United Nations policy goals of finding a mu- According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 By Mr. CARNEY: tually acceptable composite name, with a of the Constitution: The Congress shall have H.R. 4422. geographical qualifier and for all uses for the the power to enact this legislation to regu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; to late commerce with foreign Nations, among lation pursuant to the following: the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the several States, and with Indian tribes; Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the By Mr. MCCAUL (for himself and Mr. By Mr. YOUNG of Indiana: Constitution. LANGEVIN): H.R. 4407. By Mr. CARNEY: H. Res. 628. A resolution expressing the Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4423. sense of the House of Representatives that lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- the United States should preserve, enhance, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 in which Con- lation pursuant to the following: and increase access to an open, global Inter- gress has the explicit authority to provide Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the net; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. for the common Defense and general Welfare Constitution. By Mr. SCHIFF (for himself, Mr. of the United States and Article I, Section 8, By Mr. CARNEY: PENCE, Mr. WOLF, and Mr. BERMAN): Clause 14 to make Rules for the Government H.R. 4424. H. Res. 629. A resolution condemning vio- and Regulation of land and naval forces. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lence by the Government of Syria against By Ms. BORDALLO: lation pursuant to the following: journalists, and expressing the sense of the H.R. 4408. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the House of Representatives on freedom of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. press in Syria; to the Committee on Foreign lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. CARNEY: Affairs. Clause 14 of section 8 of Article I of the H.R. 4425. f United States Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. BARROW: lation pursuant to the following: CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY H.R. 4409. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the STATEMENT Congress has the power to enact his legis- Constitution. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. CARNEY: the Rules of the House of Representa- The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 4426. tives, the following statements are sub- bill rests is Section 8 of Article I of the Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- stitution of the United States. lation pursuant to the following: mitted regarding the specific powers By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the granted to Congress in the Constitu- H.R. 4410. Constitution. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARNEY: joint resolution. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4427. By Mr. LARSEN of Washington: Article I, sec. 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4302. By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4411. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. Article 1, Section. 8. Clause 3: To regulate lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. CARNEY: Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Article I, sec. 8 H.R. 4428. the several States, and with the Indian By Mr. BISHOP of Georgia: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Tribes; H.R. 4412. lation pursuant to the following:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L19AP7.100 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012 Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the the common Defence and general Welfare of By Mr. COBLE: Constitution. the United States . . .’’ H.R. 4452. By Mr. CARNEY: By Mr. CASSIDY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4429. H.R. 4442. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United By Mr. COBLE: Constitution. States Constitution, the Taxing and Spend- H.R. 4453. By Mr. CARNEY: ing Clause: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4430. To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for Article 1, Section 8 of the United States lation pursuant to the following: the common Defence and general Welfare of Constitution. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the the United States . . .’’ By Mr. FLEISCHMANN: Constitution. By Mr. CHABOT: H.R. 4454. By Mr. CARNEY: H.R. 4443. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4431. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8. lation pursuant to the following: The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, By Mr. HIGGINS: Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the Clause 1, The U.S. Constitution, Article I, H.R. 4455. Constitution. Section 8, Clause 3 and The U.S. Constitu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARNEY: tion, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4432. gress shall have Power to lay and collect Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises[,] To reg- The Congress shall have Power *** To regu- lation pursuant to the following: ulate Commerce with foreign Nations [and] late Commerce with foreign Nations, and Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the To make all laws which shall be necessary among the several States, and with the In- Constitution. and proper for carrying into Execution the dian Tribes. By Mr. CARNEY: foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- By Mr. HIGGINS: H.R. 4433. ed by this Constitution in the Government of H.R. 4456. Congress has the power to enact this legis- the United States, or in any Department or Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Officer thereof. lation pursuant to the following: Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the By Mr. CHABOT: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 The Congress shall have Power *** To regu- Constitution. H.R. 4444. late Commerce with foreign Nations, and By Mr. CARNEY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- among the several States, and with the In- H.R. 4434. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, dian Tribes. lation pursuant to the following: Clause 1, The U.S. Constitution, Article I, By Mr. HINCHEY: H.R. 4457. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the Section 8, Clause 3 and The U.S. Constitu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. tion, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. CARNEY: gress shall have Power to lay and collect This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 4435. Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises[,] To reg- granted to Congress under Article I, Section Congress has the power to enact this legis- ulate Commerce with foreign Nations [and] 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: To make all laws which shall be necessary By Mr. KIND: Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the and proper for carrying into Execution the H.R. 4458. foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ed by this Constitution in the Government of By Mr. CARNEY: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4436. the United States, or in any Department or Article I, section 8, clause 3 of the Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Officer thereof. stitution of the United States grants Con- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. COBLE: gress the authority to enact this bill. H.R. 4445. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. H.R. 4459. By Mr. CARNEY: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 4437. lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- The constitutional authority on which this By Mr. COBLE: lation pursuant to the following: bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the H.R. 4446. Congress has the power to enact this legis- regulate commerce in and among the states, Constitution. as enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause By Mr. CARNEY: lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8 of the United States 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States H.R. 4438. Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. By Mr. COBLE: By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4460. Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the H.R. 4447. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. CARNEY: lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8 of the United States The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 4439. Constitution. bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. COBLE: regulate commerce in and among the states, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4448. as enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause Clauses 1 & 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. By Mr. CASSIDY: Article 1, Section 8 of the United States By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4440. Constitution. H.R. 4461. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. COBLE: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4449. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- The constitutional authority on which this States Constitution, the Taxing and Spend- lation pursuant to the following: bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to ing Clause: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power Article 1, Section 8 of the United States regulate commerce in and among the states, To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts Constitution. as enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for By Mr. COBLE: 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States the common Defence and general Welfare of H.R. 4450. Constitution. the United States . . .’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: By Mr. CASSIDY: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4462. H.R. 4441. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. COBLE: The constitutional authority on which this Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United H.R. 4451. bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to States Constitution, the Taxing and Spend- Congress has the power to enact this legis- regulate commerce in and among the states, ing Clause: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power lation pursuant to the following: as enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts Article 1, Section 8 of the United States 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for Constitution. Constitution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.041 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2033

By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 591: Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 2766: Mr. BACA. H.R. 4463. H.R. 616: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 2780: Mr. KIND. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 639: Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado and Mr. H.R. 2809: Ms. HAHN and Mr. CARSON of In- lation pursuant to the following: GRIMM. diana. The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 780: Mr. NEAL. H.R. 2810: Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. ROKITA, bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to H.R. 808: Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. regulate commerce in and among the states, CLARKE of New York, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. QUAYLE, Mr. MCHENRY, as enumerate in Article 1, Section 8, Clause DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. KING- 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States HINCHEY, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. ROTHMAN of New STON, Mr. GOWDY, and Mr. FLAKE. Constitution. Jersey, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, and Mr. LARSON of H.R. 2827: Mr. GOSAR. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: Connecticut. H.R. 2900: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. H.R. 4464. H.R. 835: Mr. FLORES. H.R. 2914: Mr. NEAL. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 860: Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. FARENTHOLD, H.R. 2948: Ms. BONAMICI and Mr. BACA. lation pursuant to the following: and Mr. COBLE. H.R. 2951: Mrs. HARTZLER. The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 893: Mr. MCCARTHY of California. H.R. 2954: Mr. CARNAHAN. bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to H.R. 942: Mr. REED, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of H.R. 2969: Mr. DIAZ-BALART. regulate commerce in and among the states, Georgia, Mr. BERG, Mrs. ELLMERS, Mr. HIN- H.R. 2989: Mr. WELCH. as enumerate in Article 1, Section 8, Clause CHEY, and Mrs. BLACK. H.R. 3015: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States H.R. 997: Mr. SCHWEIKERT. H.R. 3032: Mr. COBLE. Constitution. H.R. 1004: Mr. AMODEI. H.R. 3059: Mr. WHITFIELD. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 1005: Mr. GIBSON. H.R. 3187: Ms. MATSUI. H.R. 4465. H.R. 1044: Mr. OWENS. H.R. 3199: Mrs. BIGGERT. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1048: Mr. MCDERMOTT and Mr. LARSEN H.R. 3238: Mr. KILDEE and Mr. ELLISON. lation pursuant to the following: of Washington. H.R. 3356: Mr. GOSAR and Mr. ROONEY. The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 1057: Mr. REICHERT. H.R. 3357: Mr. WAXMAN. bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to H.R. 1063: Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 3387: Mr. GIBSON. regulate commerce in and among the states, H.R. 1116: Mr. CLAY and Mr. CARSON of In- H.R. 3395: Mr. BRALEY of . as enumerate in Article 1, Section 8, Clause diana. H.R. 3423: Ms. BERKLEY. 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States H.R. 1175: Mr. KLINE. H.R. 3596: Ms. DEGETTE. Constitution. H.R. 1193: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania and H.R. 3612: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Mr. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: Mr. PASCRELL. STIVERS. H.R. 4466. H.R. 1242: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. H.R. 3661: Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1259: Mr. LANKFORD. QUIGLEY, Mr. STARK, and Mr. ELLISON. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1267: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. H.R. 3720: Mr. LATTA. The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 1283: Mr. ELLISON and Ms. HIRONO. H.R. 3767: Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. bill rests is the explicit power of Congress to H.R. 1356: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. LATHAM, and Mr. WOLF. regulate commerce in and among the states, H.R. 1409: Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 3795: Mr. RANGEL. as enumerate in Article 1, Section 8, Clause H.R. 1418: Mr. POLIS. H.R. 3803: Mr. GARDNER and Mr. COFFMAN 3, the Commerce Clause, of the United States H.R. 1426: Mr. WALDEN. of Colorado. Constitution. H.R. 1463: Mr. PAULSEN. H.R. 3808: Mr. CALVERT. By Mr. BACA: H.R. 1464: Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 3826: Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. H.R. 4467. H.R. 1519: Mr. MEEKS. DEUTCH, Mr. FARR, and Mr. CRITZ. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1537: Ms. SCHWARTZ. H.R. 3839: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1543: Mr. HIMES and Mr. LANGEVIN. H.R. 3849: Mrs. BLACK, Mr. DENT, and Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 & Clause 18 H.R. 1588: Mr. BARTLETT, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. LOEBSACK. By Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi: YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. GIBBS, Mrs. H.R. 3862: Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. H.R. 4468. CHRISTENSEN. KINGSTON, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. ROKITA, Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1620: Mrs. MYRICK. BLACKBURN, Mr. FLORES, Mr. HARRIS, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1653: Mr. AMODEI. Mr. YODER. The Congress enacts this bill pursuant to H.R. 1666: Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. H.R. 3881: Ms. RICHARDSON. Article I, section 7 & 8 of the Constitution of H.R. 1744: Mr. SMITH of Texas. H.R. 3903: Mr. MARKEY, Mr. STARK, Mr. the United States and Amendment XVI of H.R. 1753: Ms. RICHARDSON. COURTNEY, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Ms. the United States Constitution. H.R. 1755: Mr. CASSIDY and Mr. REED. JACKSON LEE of Texas, and Ms. SPEIER. By Mr. TIPTON: H.R. 1781: Mr. CARNAHAN. H.R. 3993: Mr. HANNA. H.R. 4469. H.R. 1802: Mr. LUJA´ N and Mr. TERRY. H.R. 4017: Mr. PETRI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1821: Mr. MCDERMOTT. H.R. 4049: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1876: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. PASCRELL, Mr. CROWLEY, Ms. SCHWARTZ, Mr. Article 1 Section 8 To regulate commerce H.R. 1881: Ms. CHU. THOMPSON of California, and Mr. LEWIS of among the several states) H.R. 1897: Mr. HIMES and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Georgia. By Ms. WATERS: H.R. 1919: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H.R. 4051: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, Ms. H.R. 4470. H.R. 1946: Mr. YOUNG of Indiana. HANABUSA, and Mr. MICHAUD. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2000: Mr. TERRY. H.R. 4052: Ms. HANABUSA. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2028: Mrs. CAPPS. H.R. 4077: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Article 1, Section 8, clause 3 of the U.S. H.R. 2033: Mr. SCHRADER and Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 4094: Mr. COBLE. Constitution and H.R. 2083: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H.R. 4114: Mr. MICHAUD. Article 1, Section 8, clause 18 of the U.S. H.R. 2108: Mr. CANSECO. H.R. 4115: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Mr. Constitution. H.R. 2139: Ms. HOCHUL, Mr. LANDRY, and GIBSON. Mr. AMODEI. H.R. 4120: Mr. COBLE. f H.R. 2151: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 4132: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 2152: Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. PRICE of H.R. 4134: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of North Carolina, and Mr. PETERSON. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Texas, Mr. HALL, Mr. STIVERS, Ms. SPEIER, H.R. 2245: Mr. BACHUS. and Mr. SMITH of Washington. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2288: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 4137: Mr. PASCRELL. tions as follows: H.R. 2299: Mr. GIBBS, Mr. GUTHRIE, and Mr. H.R. 4142: Mr. MICHAUD. H.R. 25: Mr. FLORES. HARRIS. H.R. 4153: Mr. DENT and Mr. BARTLETT. H.R. 32: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. H.R. 2304: Ms. BORDALLO. H.R. 4154: Mr. SIMPSON. STARK, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. H.R. 2366: Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. AMODEI, and H.R. 4157: Mr. ROGERS of Michigan, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. BLUMENAUER, and Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. SMITH of Washington. GIBBS, and Mrs. EMERSON. H.R. 192: Mr. PASCRELL and Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 2377: Mr. MICHAUD. H.R. 4160: Mr. COBLE, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of H.R. 265: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. H.R. 2389: Mr. BACA. Georgia, and Mr. SCHWEIKERT. H.R. 266: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. H.R. 2446: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, Mr. H.R. 4169: Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. H.R. 267: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. HUNTER, and Mr. GUTHRIE. PERLMUTTER, and Mr. WELCH. H.R. 300: Mr. HIMES. H.R. 2502: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 4171: Mr. BOREN. H.R. 365: Mr. CHABOT. H.R. 2529: Mr. POMPEO. H.R. 4175: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. H.R. 374: Mr. DUFFY. H.R. 2555: Mr. KEATING. H.R. 4180: Mr. LUCAS. H.R. 459: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. H.R. 2569: Mr. AMODEI. H.R. 4192: Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. BRADY of KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. COBLE, and Mr. H.R. 2741: Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Pennsylvania, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. SUTTON, and HALL. H.R. 2765: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. HEINRICH.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.048 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 19, 2012

H.R. 4196: Mrs. BLACK, Mr. CLAY, and Mr. H.R. 4301: Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. MARINO, Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. LONG. H.R. 4313: Mr. GERLACH, Mr. DENT, and Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. SAM JOHNSON H.R. 4201: Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. LAMBORN, Ms. DESJARLAIS. of Texas, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. LATTA, and Mr. BORDALLO, and Mr. FORBES. H.R. 4315: Mr. STARK. LONG. H.R. 4209: Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mr. H.R. 4351: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. H. Res. 137: Mr. GIBSON. DEUTCH, Mr. BARTLETT, and Mr. FARR. H.R. 4367: Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. GRIMM, H. Res. 394: Mr. HUNTER. H.R. 4222: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. POE of Texas, and Mr. H. Res. 568: Mr. RAHALL, Mr. BASS of New H.R. 4232: Mr. CHABOT. CANSECO. Hampshire, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. YOUNG of H.R. 4234: Mr. AMODEI and Mr. MCCLINTOCK. H.R. 4379: Mr. FILNER, Ms. HAHN, and Mr. Florida, Mr. WOODALL, Mrs. MALONEY, and H.R. 4235: Mr. SCHWEIKERT. ELLISON. Mr. KIND. H.R. 4237: Mr. BARLETTA. H.J. Res. 103: Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado and H. Res. 583: Ms. GRANGER. H.R. 4243: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. TIPTON. H. Res. 592: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 4249: Mr. ACKERMAN. H.J. Res. 106: Mr. GOSAR. H. Res. 604: Mr. LANKFORD and Mr. H.R. 4254: Mr. RANGEL. H.J. Res. 107: Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 4256: Mr. CALVERT. STEARNS. CHAKOWSKY H.R. 4259: Ms. SPEIER. H. Con. Res. 40: Ms. S and Ms. H. Res. 609: Mr. OLVER. H.R. 4268: Mr. HUELSKAMP. DEGETTE. H. Res. 618: Mr. BURTON of Indiana. H.R. 4269: Mr. NUGENT. H. Con. Res. 110: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 4270: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. MICHAUD. H. Con. Res. 113: Mr. LONG. f H.R. 4271: Mr. TOWNS, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. H. Con. Res. 115: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. STARK, Ms. Mrs. ELLMERS, Ms. HAYWORTH, Mr. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California, Mr. CON- MULVANEY, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. MCHENRY, Mrs. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM NOLLY of Virginia, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. MYRICK, Mr. GUINTA, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. GOOD- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS FRANK of Massachusetts, and Mr. DEFAZIO. LATTE, Mr. WOODALL, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. REED, Mr. H.R. 4275: Mr. RANGEL. were deleted from public bills and reso- H.R. 4290: Mr. DEUTCH. SCOTT of South Carolina, Mr. HUELSKAMP, H.R. 4296: Mrs. NOEM, Mrs. ELLMERS, Mr. Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. lutions as follows: GUINTA, and Mr. HUELSKAMP. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. COBLE, Mr. KING of Iowa, H.R. 2341: Mr. LANGEVIN.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP7.056 H19APPT1 smartinez on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 No. 57 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was to the Senate from the President pro She has been the senior pastor of the called to order by the Honorable TOM tempore (Mr. INOUYE). Central Congregational Church in UDALL, a Senator from the State of The assistant legislative clerk read Providence, RI, since 1988. It was my . the following letter: congregation for the years that I lived U.S. SENATE, in Providence. My wife and I renewed PRAYER PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, our vows under her care. She is a won- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s Washington, DC, April 19, 2012. derful and thoughtful preacher from opening prayer will be offered by Rev. To the Senate: the pulpit. Her church has perhaps the Rebecca Spencer, senior pastor of Cen- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, best musical and choral program cer- tral Congregational Church, United of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby tainly anywhere in Rhode Island and Church of Christ, Providence, RI. appoint the Honorable TOM UDALL, a Senator probably for a good distance around. If The guest Chaplain offered the fol- from the State of New Mexico, to perform you have not heard the ‘‘Hallelujah the duties of the Chair. lowing prayer: Chorus’’ sung at Easter at Central Con- Shall we pray. DANIEL K. INOUYE, President pro tempore. gregational Church, you have missed Gracious and loving God, we thank an extraordinary experience. You for Your presence with us. You Mr. UDALL of New Mexico thereupon But her greatest contribution in a offer wisdom and perspective and assumed the chair as Acting President community that she has served now for grace. We ask Your blessings to be pro tempore. 24 years has been pastoral work with upon these elected representatives. f the families who make Central Con- May all that we do reflect Your pur- gregational their home and the home pose that we live together as Your chil- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME of their faith. From birth to baptisms dren in harmony and freedom. May The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and for kids coming up through the Your blessings and our work bring real pore. Under the previous order, the youth programs the church runs, hope to those who may be struggling or leadership time is reserved. through marriages and unfortunately oppressed. f sometimes divorces, and through ill- We do ask for Your special blessings ness and death, Reverend Spencer is a to be with those who serve our country VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN REAU- wonderful friend and a wonderful sol- in the military—at home, at sea, in the THORIZATION ACT OF 2011—MO- ace and a wonderful gift to all of the air, and foreign countries. Shield them TION TO PROCEED congregation that she serves. from danger as they work for peace. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- She is joined today by her sons Tom This is indeed a gift of a new day You and Ezra. We welcome them as well, have given to us. May all our endeavors pore. Under the previous order, the Senate will resume consideration of and are delighted that she has taken honor You and may we all serve the the time to come down from Provi- cause of life, liberty, and the pursuit of the motion to proceed to S. 1925, which the clerk will report by title. dence, RI. happiness in this beloved land of ours. I thank our Chaplain, Chaplain The assistant legislative clerk read May we truly do justice and love kind- Black, for his courtesy in helping to fa- as follows: ness and walk humbly with You, our cilitate this visit. God. Motion to proceed to S. 1925, a bill to reau- I yield the floor. thorize the Violence Against Women Act of Amen. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER 1994. f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I would PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE pore. The majority leader is recog- yield to my friend from Rhode Island. nized. The Honorable TOM UDALL led the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- SCHEDULE Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: pore. The Senator from Rhode Island is Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Senate I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the recognized. United States of America, and to the Repub- is now considering the motion to pro- WELCOMING THE GUEST CHAPLAIN lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ceed to the Violence Against Women indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I Reauthorization Act. Following my re- thank the majority leader for that f marks and those of the Republican courtesy. I will only take a moment to leader, if any, the first hour will be APPOINTMENT OF ACTING recognize and welcome Rev. Rebecca equally divided between the two sides. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Spencer who shared with us the prayer The Republicans will control the first The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that began the Senate session this 30 minutes, the Democrats the final 30 clerk will please read a communication morning. minutes.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.000 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 I note that the filing deadline for sec- save the Postal Service from insol- latory Commission, the Federal agency ond-degree amendments to the sub- vency. It will responsibly reduce the charged with ensuring the safety of our stitute amendment and to the postal Postal Service workforce and the num- Nation’s nuclear powerplants. At the reform bill is 11 a.m. today. We are still ber of facilities it maintains. But it moment, Commissioner Svinicki is in hopeful of working out an agreement will also protect postal employees, in- Africa, sharing her expertise on nu- on the postal reform bill. If no agree- cluding 130,000 veterans from our clear safety at the request of the ment is reached, there will be a cloture Armed Forces. It will also safeguard Obama administration, which should vote on the substitute amendment this the more than 8 million jobs that de- not surprise anybody, since she is one afternoon at 2:15. pend on a vibrant postal system. And, of the world’s leading experts on the POSTAL REFORM most importantly, it will account for topic, and since President Obama’s own Mr. President, for more than two the needs of millions of seniors, people Chief of Staff signed a letter a few centuries, 200 years, America’s postal with disabilities, small business own- months ago expressing the administra- system thrived and grew in spite of ers, and rural Americans for whom the tion’s confidence in her commitment rapidly changing technology. The Post- U.S. mail is an important lifeline to to the mission of the NRC and her abil- al Service survived the invention of the the outside world. ity to fulfill it. telegraph, the telephone. It expanded Unlike the unacceptable bill Con- I have the letter. It is dated Decem- despite radio and television. It grew re- gressman ISSA is pursuing in the ber 12. I ask unanimous consent that it gardless of the fax machine. House, this Senate bill be printed in the RECORD. The post office was created in the preserves the Postal Service we know There being no objection, the mate- day of the quill and ink—these ink- and rely on. The House bill, by con- rial was ordered to be printed in the wells we talked about yesterday—and trast, would immediately eliminate RECORD, as follows: mailbags slung across horses. The post Saturday delivery, and it would set up THE WHITE HOUSE, office survived all of that. It grew commissions to unilaterally cut costs Washington, DC, December 12, 2011. through the days of horse and buggy, by closing post offices and processing Hon. GREGORY B. JACZKO, steamboat and railroad, into the age of plants, voiding union contracts and Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- airplanes. It adjusted to the expansion laying off tens of thousands of workers sion, Washington, DC. Hon. GEORGE APOSTOLAKIS, of the suburbs, to the growth of cities, when our economy can least afford it. Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- and the explosion of our population That may be why Congressman ISSA’s sion, Washington, DC. generally. bill has not come up for a vote. There Hon. WILLIAM D. MAGWOOD IV, It adapted from hand sorting and could be other reasons. But even the Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- conveyer belts, with the invention of tea party advocates have trouble sup- sion, Washington, DC. ZIP Codes and optical sorting ma- porting his reckless ideas. The Senate Hon. WILLIAM C. OSTENDORFF, chines. The post office has always bill we are considering today is not Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- found creative, cutting-edge ways to do perfect. It will not save every post of- sion, Washington, DC. fice, every job, or every distribution Hon. KRISTINE L. SVINICKI, more and more to move mail more Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- quickly, and more of it. center. It will not please every Sen- sion, Washington, DC. In fact, for two centuries, the Postal ator, every postal worker, or every cus- DEAR COMMISSIONERS: I am writing to you Service relied on technology to cope tomer. But unlike the House legisla- regarding the internal management issues at with constant growth, growth in the tion, it is a strong, bipartisan bill that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission raised volume of mail it delivered and the will modernize an institution enshrined in the Commissioners letter to me dated Oc- number of homes and businesses to in the Constitution without gutting its tober 13, 2011. which it delivered. And for 200 years, mission. As an initial matter, I would like to thank you again for raising these concerns with the Postal Service kept up with a flood I hope we can continue to work to- me, and for your commitment to fulfilling of packages and letters and mail orders gether to pass this worthy legislation, the agency’s important mission to ensure and online purchases, catalogues and but we are going to have to make a de- the safe civilian use of nuclear materials. fliers, life-saving medications and ab- cision on that this morning. I appre- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has an sentee ballots, bulk mail and overnight ciate everyone’s cooperation. I espe- important mission, and we respect and ap- delivery. The post office survived. cially appreciate the hard work of Sen- preciate your strong commitment to the Today the Postal Service handles ator JOE LIEBERMAN and Senator Commission’s work and values. As you know, upon receipt of the October nearly half the world’s mail—554 mil- SUSAN COLLINS, the two floor managers 13 letter, I arranged to meet personally with lion pieces every day, 6,400 pieces every of this legislation. There have been each of you so that I would have opportunity second. That feat would be impossible others who have worked very hard on to discuss these matters with you. I also met without modern technology and world- this legislation, not the least of whom with the agency’s Executive Director of Op- class workers and facilities. But now is TOM CARPER who has devoted a lot of erations. By letter dated December 7, 2011, technology is both a solution and a the last few years of his life to this leg- Chairman Jaczko subsequently responded in problem. In the last 5 years, the Postal islation. writing to the concerns raised in the October Service has seen mail volume drop by Mr. President, I suggest the absence 13 letter. While I recognize that there are tensions more than 20 percent. That trend is ex- of a quorum. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and disagreements among the Commis- pected to continue. sioners, each of you made it clear in your E-mail and online bill payments sig- pore. The clerk will call the roll. conversations with me that these manage- nificantly contributed to this crisis. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ment differences have not impaired the Com- Today letters, orders, payments across ceeded to call the roll. mission’s ability to fulfill its mission or in the world happen with the click of a Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I any way jeopardized the safety and security mouse. And the challenge facing the ask unanimous consent that the order of nuclear facilities in the United States. Postal Service is how to adapt to a de- for the quorum call be rescinded. I share your commitment to the mission of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and creasing volume of mail rather than agree that sound leadership and management how to deal with increasing demand. pore. Without objection, it is so or- dered. practices are essential to its proper func- The bipartisan compromise before tioning. In our meetings each of you ex- the Senate will help the system do RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER pressed your strong commitment to the that. It will build a leaner, smarter The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- agency and to ensuring that it fulfills its post office which offers new products pore. The minority leader is recog- mission. We have confidence in your ability and services while protecting its mis- nized. to do so, and urge each of you to make every sion—delivering the mail 6 days a week SVINICKI NOMINATION effort to improve the internal communica- tions at the agency. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- to every corner of our great Nation. The Chairman has committed to improve The postal reform legislation before terday I came to the floor to call atten- communications amongst you, including by this body will sensibly restructure the tion to a woman named Kristine keeping fellow Commissioners better in- system while preserving overnight and Svinicki, a widely respected nuclear formed, and has proposed that all of the Saturday delivery. The legislation will engineer who sits on the Nuclear Regu- Commissioners meet with a trusted third

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:03 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.001 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2521 party to promote a better dialog. I urge you Mr. President, I yield the floor. determined that most Federal employ- to pursue such a course of action and to keep The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ees see conferencing as one of the perks me apprised of your progress and, as appro- pore. Under the previous order, the of their job, which is in one of their re- priate, any findings or recommendations of first hour will be equally divided and the agency’s Office of Inspector General, as I ports. intend to continue to monitor the situation. controlled between the two leaders, or I invite the American constituency I have also enclosed for your information their designees, with the Republicans to look at my Web site, my response to a letter I received on this controlling the first 30 minutes and the coburn.senate.gov, and go to the stud- matter from Chairman Issa. majority controlling the second 30 min- ies we put out and oversight reports on Sincerely, utes. wasteful conference spending over the WILLIAM M. DALEY, The Senator from Oklahoma is recog- last 3 to 5 years and ask themselves a Chief of Staff. nized. question: Why didn’t Congress act on Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, CONFERENCE SPENDING it? Why didn’t they do something what is surprising is that despite all of Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I want about it? this, despite her expertise, despite the to spend a few minutes talking about Now we claim we are insulted at the administration’s own stated support what is occurring with the GSA con- waste. We have had five different op- for her work, she has not yet been re- ference waste that has been in the news portunities with amendments to do nominated. The White House alone has of late. My criticisms are not mainly something about it, and we rejected the power to renominate. For some directed toward GSA. them. We have seen oversight reports reason they have not. Look, the only Over 3 years ago, I started doing that are fully documented which show possible reason for this delay is the oversight on conferences by govern- the waste. Yet we have not done any- fact that she had the courage to blow ment agencies. Today I have an amend- thing. the whistle on the Commission’s Chair- ment, which will not be allowed to be If Americans are upset with the man Gregory Jazcko, a guy whose tem- considered, that will hold the agencies waste of the GSA conference, they need per and condescension toward subordi- accountable in terms of their con- to be upset with Members of the Senate nates, particularly women, nearly cost ferences. Through the years I have put who have rejected time and again the him his job. out five reports on wasteful conference ability to hold agencies accountable on So let’s be clear about this. The only spending from the Department of Jus- conference spending. It is my hope that reason we are even talking about Kris- tice, where it spent $380 million over a in a bipartisan manner we can address tine Svinicki right now is because she 5-year period on conferences, to the De- this issue—and not just for GSA but for had the courage to stand up to a hos- partment of Agriculture, and to the every government agency so that now tile work environment and the bully Department of HHS in terms of sending we can see transparency and account- who was responsible for it. That is the thousands of people to one conference ability in how the hard-working Amer- only reason we are even having this at a time. All of it went unheeded. ican taxpayers’ dollars are spent, not conversation. She should be applauded Now we have the GSA—with Mem- wasted, and they will know when for that, not hung out to dry. bers of the Senate and the House Yet that is precisely what has been money is spent on a conference, every- happening here. Commissioner aghast at the waste that has been spent body will see it, and they are going to Svinicki is one of the world’s leading in terms of the GSA conference out have to justify not only the expendi- experts on nuclear safety. She was con- West. Had we been doing our job—and ture but the reason they are sending firmed in her current term without a there were multiple amendments I people to vacation spots when they single dissenting vote—not one. She have offered over the last 6 years to should be doing it through teleconfer- enjoys the respect of her colleagues control conference spending, which encing and bringing needed updates to and, as the letter I just cited shows, of have been rejected on party-line votes, Federal employees in a much more effi- the Obama administration as well. Her to try to bring some semblance of rea- cient and effective way. renomination papers were completed sonableness and control to conference With that, I yield the floor. more than a year ago, as was the FBI spending by the various Federal Gov- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- report that nominees have to complete ernment agencies. pore. The Senator from Missouri is rec- ahead of being confirmed. So we have this problem with the ognized. If this nomination continues to be GSA today, but not because of the THE ECONOMY held, after she had the courage to take GSA; it is because of ourselves. We re- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I thank a stand, it will send a chill up the spine fused to do the hard work of passing re- my friend and my congressional neigh- of every whistleblower in Washington. quirements that would hold Federal bor. When we were in the House, we Commissioner Svinicki spoke out agencies accountable. represented adjoining districts in Mis- against a guy that even Democratic My hope is that we would, in one souri and Oklahoma, and it is good to commissioners say bullied employees small step, accept an amendment on be serving in the Senate with my friend and intimidated female workers. Kris- the postal bill that would allow us to and to hear his commonsense approach tine Svinicki did the right thing in start holding the agencies accountable. on how we need to solve the problems raising the alarm. She should not pay a It makes for great press and great TV we are facing as a country and the price for it. The White House says it when we stand aghast at what is obvi- needless problems the government likes the job she is doing. They sent ously wasteful spending by an agency, seems to be willing to create for itself. her to Africa to give a keynote address but that accomplishes nothing other We have been talking so much—at on nuclear safety. Yet for over a year than advancing the political careers of least the President has been talking there has been silence. It is my hope my colleagues. We can accomplish about economic fairness as the prin- they are not rewarding abusive behav- something with real legislation that cipal goal of the Tax Code. Frankly, ior by silencing someone who had the has real teeth and holds the agencies the most fair thing we can do in the courage to speak out. There is no rea- accountable. It is my hope we can have Tax Code and in the Senate would be to son for this renomination and recon- a vote—I don’t even think it would work to be sure we are dealing with the firmation to wait another single day. take a vote; I think it would be accept- important issues the job creators and If Democrats have a problem with ed by unanimous consent—that would families are dealing with across the Commissioner Svinicki, then let’s de- force the agencies to now come into country today. bate it. compliance both in terms of trans- All of us have had the opportunity to This morning, I renew my call for the parency and accountability in how be home over the last 2 weeks. I was White House to send this nomination they spend their money. able to be in the last of the 115 Mis- over immediately and for the Senate to Every Federal Government agency souri counties that I hadn’t been in act quickly to get Commissioner today has the capability for teleconfer- since I was sworn into the Senate 15 or Svinicki reconfirmed. The White House encing. We don’t have to send 1,000 peo- so months ago. I learn a lot when I am said just yesterday there should be no ple, at $2,000 apiece, to a conference to out there. interruption in service on the Commis- accomplish education and training. We What I learned this time is that peo- sion, so why don’t we get this done. all have it in our offices. The GAO has ple are focused on fuel costs. Fuel costs

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:03 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.001 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 are on track to hit an average of $4 per back from World War II, the top tax If someone would have told me a cou- gallon by summertime. This is more rate was 90 percent. From 1933–1934 ple years ago that when we went home than double what fuel costs were in until 1981, it was at least 70 percent. in the spring of 2012, one of the things January of 2009, and it set the all-time Two points can be made there. No- people would be talking about is why record for the last 2 months. I talked body paid it if they figured out how to aren’t we building a oil pipeline from to the people in south central Missouri avoid it, and almost everybody figured Canada, I would have said that is a who are trying to provide transpor- out how to avoid it—lots of passive in- pretty detailed understanding of our tation for older Americans and disabled vestments instead of active ones. It energy problem, but it is an under- Americans, and the fuel cost increase had to be a good time for municipal standing that is out there. If we are of $150,000 means they have to cut back bonds because there was no tax on going to create real economic fairness, their services. them. So why not put your money we need to work together to pass solu- The chamber of commerce survey there. If you made any money, 70 per- tions that will bring down the prices at this week found that nearly one out of cent would go to the Federal Govern- the pump and get Americans back to four small businesses reported that ment or, in 1946, 90 percent would go to work. That is why I believe we need to their top concern was gas prices. When the Federal Government. utilize all forms of American energy, we think about that, whether it is de- But the capital gains rate—which including wind, solar, renewable, bio- happened to be the rate at which World livery or whether it is employees get- mass, shale gas, shale oil, coal, and nu- War II memoirs were taxed, which is ting to work or whether it is people de- clear alternatives. ciding they cannot go to that small why it was in this book—was 25 per- An announcement is being made business—the restaurant, the bowling cent. Even when the top rate in the today by one of our Missouri utility alley, a movie theater, or whatever it country was 90 percent, nobody companies and Westinghouse about might be because they just put too thought the capital gains rate should small nuclear and how that might be much money in the gas tank of their be even one-third of that because they part of this all-of-the-above solution. knew people would not invest money if cars—we should be concerned. I am ready to work with my col- Unfortunately, instead of working to there was no return. We need tax poli- leagues across the aisle and anywhere pass solutions that would jumpstart cies that multiply the opportunities else to do what we can to help Amer- our economy and restore consumer created in our economy rather than ican families. I hope we can do this to- confidence, we simply want to talk subtract from those opportunities. gether. The shortest path to more If we want this not to be about poli- about the wrong thing over and over. American jobs is more American en- tics but about math, it needs to be We had a vote on the so-called Buffett ergy. The best and the most fair thing about multiplication not subtraction tax this week, which almost everybody we could do is what is good for Amer- and about how to drive an economy to who talked about it said it is more of ican families and small businesses and encourage more private sector jobs. a gimmick than a solution because How do we encourage investment and job opportunities. I hope we can get to even if we collected this new tax on encourage people to take risks? If no- work on that. Warren Buffett and his wealthy friends, body takes a risk, somebody else Mr. President, I yield the floor. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- in a year we would collect what the doesn’t get an opportunity. People pore. The Senator from . Federal Government deficit is in a day. being willing to take a risk means that We will not solve this problem dealing an opportunity is created for somebody THE BUDGET with one three-hundred sixty-fifth of else that would not have been created Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I rise the deficit like it is the solution to the otherwise. Last month, we were here today to discuss what I did in the problem. talking about tax hikes on American Budget Committee yesterday, why I The lead sponsor of the Buffett tax in energy producers that clearly would be did it, and where we are headed. the Senate, Senator WHITEHOUSE, said passed along to consumers. Nobody I have heard people say repeatedly on the Senate floor that the aim of the even argues if we had passed those tax that the Senate has now gone for some bill is not to lower the unemployment hikes last month that gas prices would 1,000 days since passing a budget reso- rate or the price of gasoline. Why not go up. lution. What they are not telling peo- would we not have a bill on the Senate Why in the world would we argue ple is that last year, instead of a budg- floor the aim of which is either to do about anything that would raise gas et resolution, the Senate and the House something about energy prices or job prices rather than lower gas prices? and the President signed a budget con- creation? The sponsor of that bill said nobody trol law. The occupant of the chair This bill would generate less than 1 has made the claim that this bill is knows very well, being a former attor- percent of the $7 trillion deficit pro- about reducing gas prices. The major- ney general, that a resolution is purely jected in the 2013 budget during that ity leader, Mr. REID, admitted that this a congressional document. It never same period of time. It would take 250 is not a question of gas prices. Senator goes to the President for his signature. years to collect enough money under SCHUMER said this was never intended The Budget Control Act we passed last the so-called Buffett rule to pay the to talk about lowering gas prices. Sen- year, while it is true it is not a resolu- 2011 deficit. If the solution to last ator BEGICH said the bill would not de- tion, was a law signed by the President year’s deficit would take us 250 years of crease prices at the pump for our fami- of the United States, and that law—the recovery, the truth is we are just wast- lies and small businesses—and these Budget Control Act—said we are going ing a lot of time on little things rather were the supporters of the bill. to set the budget for this year and than big things. We can make little Why would we have a bill on the Sen- next, but beyond that we are also going things sound big. ate floor to do that when we could sup- to put in place 10 years of spending We can make it sound as though fair- port what the President says he is for, caps, saving $900 billion. ness is the critical element of every- which is an ‘‘all-of-the-above’’ energy On the question of whether the Budg- thing the government should do, as op- strategy? Let’s do what we can to solve et Control Act represents or takes the posed to opportunity being the critical this problem. The most glaring recent place of a budget resolution for this element of everything the government example is, of course, the Keystone year and next, let me read from the should do. We can make it sound as Pipeline, which would run through text because I think it makes it abun- though people will still invest money, North Dakota, go through Nebraska dantly clear. It says: The allocations, their IRAs or their lifetime savings— and other States, and get to our refin- aggregates, and levels set in the Budg- their return is, even if they are suc- eries. It would create 20,000 jobs, and it et Control Act shall apply in the Sen- cessful, zero. But that is not what is would decrease our country’s depend- ate in the same manner as for a con- going to happen. ence upon people who don’t like us current resolution on the budget. I just finished reading a book about very much. It would also encourage That is pretty clear. This law, the President Eisenhower and General Ei- more North American energy and en- Budget Control Act law, is to serve in senhower. There are many pertinent courage energy from our best trading the same manner as a budget resolu- things in that book, but one was when partner, Canada. It is just one of the tion for 2012 and 2013, and it sets out General Eisenhower and others came commonsense steps we can make. the spending limits for those years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:03 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.005 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2523 But it even goes further and sets spend- 60 percent carries the day, but it didn’t ledger—on revenue and on spending. ing caps for 10 years—something that, with respect to the Bowles-Simpson We have to work on both sides of the in my time here, has never been done recommendations. ledger. And the American people be- in a budget resolution. Never in a budg- So I said several days ago I would put lieve that as well. When asked in the et resolution, while I have been here, before the body the Bowles-Simpson Pew Research Center poll last year in has there been the setting of 10 years of plan. I did not suggest we would com- November, ‘‘What is the best way to re- spending caps, but that is what was plete action on it at the beginning of duce the Federal budget deficit?’’ 17 done in the Budget Control Act last the markup. Why? Because we already percent said just cut major programs— year. have in place the spending limitations only 17 percent, 1–7. On increasing But that law went even further than for this year and next. What we don’t taxes, 8 percent said just increase that. It also created a special com- have is a longer term plan. We don’t taxes. And 62 percent said a combina- mittee and empowered that committee need that longer term plan right at tion of both. I think the American peo- to come up with a proposal to reform this moment, but we need it before the ple have it right. They are pretty the entitlement programs—Social Se- end of the year because at the end of smart. They are pretty smart. curity and Medicare—and reform the the year all of the Bush-era tax cuts In 2010 we had the Bowles-Simpson tax system of the United States, and it are going to expire, and at the end of Commission, the so-called fiscal com- told that special committee that if it this year we are going to face that se- mission. Eighteen of us were named to came to an agreement, that legislation quester I mentioned that is in the serve. It was created by the President could come to the floor without fear of Budget Control Act law that we passed after a legislative attempt, led by Sen- filibuster—without fear of filibuster. last year instead of a budget resolu- ator Gregg of New Hampshire, a Repub- Extraordinary powers were granted in tion. lican, and myself, failed here. We got a Why do we need this longer term that Budget Control Act to reform So- majority but we didn’t get a super- plan? Well, because we are borrowing cial Security and Medicare and the tax majority. So our attempt to form a about 40 cents of every dollar we spend, system as well. commission legislatively was thwarted. and that is unsustainable. It has to That special committee did not President Obama showed leadership agree, and the Budget Control Act said: change. I have warned repeatedly of where we are headed if we don’t change and named a Presidential commission If you don’t agree, there are con- course. And here is where we are head- in order to take on the subject, and in sequences, and the consequences are ed. This chart shows the gross debt of December of 2010 that commission re- another $1.2 trillion of spending cuts on the United States if we stay on the tra- ported their conclusion, with 11 of the top of the $900 billion of spending re- jectory we are on. We can see we are 18 of us agreeing to the recommenda- straint that was in the underlying act. here in 2012. At the end of this year, tions. So the special committee didn’t Here are the principles and values agree, and now we have the prospect of the gross debt of the United States will be 104 percent of our gross domestic the fiscal commission used to guide a sequester imposing another $1.2 tril- product, headed for 119 percent on our their efforts: that it is a patriotic duty lion of spending cuts on top of the $900 current trajectory. That shouldn’t be to make America better; that we billion of spending cuts in the under- permitted to happen, and under the shouldn’t do anything that would dis- lying act, for a total of over $2 trillion plan I laid before our colleagues yester- rupt the economic recovery; that we of spending cuts. That is the biggest day, it won’t happen. ought to cut and invest to promote spending cut package, as far as I know, If we look at the underlying cause of economic growth and keep America in the history of the United States. Yet these deficits and debt, we can see it is competitive; that we ought to protect the other side suggests repeatedly that the relationship between spending and the truly disadvantaged; that we ought nothing has been done to set spending revenue. The red line is the spending to cut spending we cannot afford, with limits when they know full well what line, the green line is the revenue line no exceptions; that we ought to de- the Budget Control Act, passed last of the United States looking back to mand productivity and effectiveness year, does. Yes, it wasn’t a resolution; 1950, and what one sees is that spending from Washington; that we ought to re- it was a law. Boy, that is sort of civics is at or near a 60-year high. Actually, form and simplify the Tax Code; that 101, that a law is stronger than a reso- we have fallen back somewhat from the we shouldn’t make promises we can’t lution. 60-year high we reached 2 years ago. keep; and that the problem of deficits I said several days ago I would go to Revenue is at or near a 60-year low. Ac- and debt are real and the solution will markup in the Budget Committee and I tually, we can see it bumped up to a 70- be painful. would lay out a long-term plan because year low back in 2010. But still we see Let’s be honest. When you are bor- while it is true that we have in place a very wide gap between revenue and rowing 40 cents of every dollar you for the next 2 years a budget under the spending. As a result, there is a very spend, you are not going to solve this Budget Control Act, what we don’t large deficit—a deficit of $1.2 trillion. in a way that doesn’t affect anyone. All have is an overall long-term plan. The Now, I could have gone before the of us are going to have to participate Budget Control Act limits discre- Budget Committee yesterday and laid in the solution. tionary spending for the next 10 years, out another partisan plan, because that The last principle that was used to but we also need a program that out- is what is happening. Congressman guide the commission was that we lines what we are going to do about en- RYAN, to his credit, laid out a plan, and should do things to make America titlement programs—Medicare, Social in the House they passed his plan. I sound over the long run. Security—and what we are going to do give him credit for laying out a plan. I So what does the fiscal commission to reform our tax system, which is think the plan is a very bad plan for plan I laid out do? It puts in place $5.4 badly broken. the country and completely lacks bal- trillion in deficit reduction over 10 So several days ago I said I would lay ance. It is all done on the spending side years, including savings that have al- before the Budget Committee the of the equation, which leads him to ready been enacted in the Budget Con- Bowles-Simpson plan, which is the only truly Draconian cuts—dramatic trol Act. It lowers the deficit from 7.6 bipartisan plan that has emerged. It changes in Medicare, for example, dra- percent of GDP in 2012 to 2.5 percent in was supported by 11 of the 18 Commis- matic changes in Medicaid, dramatic 2015 and down to 1.4 percent in 2022. So sioners. I was proud to be one of five changes in the whole structure of serv- because of the reductions in deficits, it Democrats, five Republicans, and one ices the government provides people in stabilizes the debt and begins to bring Independent. Eleven of the 18 voted to this country. And the American people it down. In fact, it stabilizes the gross support that Bowles-Simpson package. don’t want a plan that is just a par- debt by 2015 and lowers it to 93 percent Unfortunately, it took a super super- tisan plan. They do not want a plan of GDP by 2022. majority for that plan to come to the that lacks balance. They do not want a Remember my previous slide? Here is floor of the House and the Senate; it plan that is just on one side of the the quiz. What did it say the debt required 14 of the 18 members to agree. ledger. would become by 2022 if we don’t do Eleven of 18 did, which is more than 60 As I showed in the previous chart, we anything as a share of GDP? It said it percent. Even in Washington, usually have a problem on both sides of the would become 119 percent if we didn’t

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.012 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 act. Under the proposal I laid before ing. Mandatory spending are things bump up after they have been in retire- the Budget Committee yesterday, it such as Social Security and Medicare. ment for an extended period of time. would bring down the debt to 93 per- Discretionary spending are things such We also provided a hardship exemp- cent of GDP—the gross debt to 93 per- as defense and national parks and law tion for those who are unable to work cent of GDP by 2022 instead of 119 per- enforcement and education. We can past the age of 62. One of the things we cent if we fail to act. see, discretionary spending as a share know is a person can take early retire- The plan I laid out reduces overall of our national income is dropping very ment at age 62—and we are going to spending to 21.9 percent of GDP by 2022, sharply under this plan. have to increase the retirement age of discretionary spending to 4.8 percent of What is happening on the other side Social Security over time, over a very GDP by 2022, a record low—a record of the spending ledger is the 800-pound long time, by the way. In this proposal, low. In fact, this overall spending level gorilla, which is health care. That is we increase the retirement age to 69 is lower than the average spending the thing that threatens to swamp the over decades. level during the Reagan administra- boat around here because we can see We have to increase also the max- tion. what is happening. Back in 1972 Medi- imum level of wages that are taxed for Our colleagues on the other side are care, Medicaid, and other Federal Social Security because the traditional always eager to embrace Ronald Rea- health spending was about 1 percent of standard is no longer being followed. gan’s policies. The proposal I laid out our gross domestic product. If we don’t We are not taxing 90 percent of wages. yesterday has a lower average spending take further steps by 2050, it is going to That doesn’t mean the tax is 90 per- as a share of our national income than be 13 percent of our gross domestic cent, by the way. It means 90 percent did President Reagan during the entire product, from 1 percent to 13 percent. of wages is being subjected to the tax. period of his Presidency. Right now in this country, 18 percent What has been happening over years is The plan I laid out also builds on of our GDP is going to health care. One we have been getting a reduced share of health care reform with additional in every six dollars in our whole econ- income in this economy to apply the health care savings and fully funds the omy is going to health care—more than Social Security tax to. That is one of doc fix. What is the doc fix? That is the $1 in every $6. So that is something we the reasons we have a shortfall over measure to prevent the doctors who have to focus on like a laser, and in the time. Under this plan, we raise the re- treat Medicare patients from taking a fiscal commission plan, we do focus on tirement age—but only very gradu- cut of more than 20 percent. it like a laser. It doesn’t open the ally—reaching 69 by 2075. This is 2012. The plan also calls for Social Secu- health care reform debate that we just So we don’t raise the retirement age to rity reform that ensures the 75-year concluded, but it does provide an op- 69 until 2075. That is 63 years from now. solvency of Social Security, with the tion to phase out the tax exclusion for But make no mistake, that is impor- savings only to extend solvency, not health care that economists tell us tant because people are living longer. for deficit reduction. In other words, would be one of the most effective In fact, people are living much longer. Social Security reform, those savings things we could do to change the direc- We also have a need for tax reform. are not used for deficit reduction. They tion of health care expenditure. The Tax Code is out of date, it is ineffi- are only used to extend the solvency of It fully offsets the cost of the so- cient, and it is hurting U.S. competi- the program itself. The plan I laid out called doc fix, so our doctors treating tiveness. The complexity imposes sig- includes fundamental tax reform; Medicare patients don’t face this huge nificant burden on individuals and makes the Tax Code simpler, fairer, cut that is currently in the law. We businesses. The expiring provisions cre- more efficient, while raising more rev- have additional savings proposals with ate uncertainty and confusion. We are enue to reduce our deficit and debt. Medicare beneficiary cost sharing, pay- hemorrhaging revenue to the tax gap, This chart shows the deficit as a per- ments to health care providers being to tax havens, to abusive tax shelters. centage of GDP under the fiscal com- reformed, eliminating State gaming of Many times on this floor I have mission budget plan I laid before our the Medicaid tax, and providing the shown a picture of a little building colleagues yesterday. We can see, it Medicaid drug rebate for those who are down in the Cayman Islands called takes the deficit from 7.6 percent of duly eligible in Medicare. This would Ugland House. Ugland House claims to GDP this year—which is down, by the save hundreds of billions of dollars. be the home to 18,000 corporations. A way, substantially from 10 percent, While the fiscal commission did little 5-story building down in the Cay- which is where it has been—down to 1.4 make a recommendation on Social Se- man Islands claims to be the home to percent in 2022. The fiscal commission curity, those numbers are not included 18,000 companies. Are all those compa- budget plan reduces the deficits below in the proposal I put before our col- nies doing business out of that little the 3-percent-of-GDP level that is con- leagues yesterday because I am pre- five-story building? No. The only busi- sidered sustainable by economists, and cluded from doing so by the law. The ness they are doing down there is mon- it does that by 2015. Congressional Budget Act of 1974 pro- key business, and the monkey business Again, the gross debt under the plan hibits the inclusion of Social Security they are doing is ducking their taxes I put before colleagues that comes from in deficit totals of a budget resolution. here and shoving the burden onto all the fiscal commission work, the So I did lay out the proposal from the the rest of us who pay our taxes. That Bowles-Simpson plan that was con- fiscal commission on reforming Social is not right. cluded and recommended in 2010, would Security; but I could not include it in We have to go after these tax havens, take the gross debt down to 93 percent the numbers because I am precluded these abusive tax shelters, and we can of GDP from the 104 percent it is now from doing so by the law. do it. We need to restore fairness. The and, as I indicated earlier, an even Here are the recommendations from current system is contributing to more dramatic improvement compared the fiscal commission that I included growing income inequality, and our to what the debt would be if we failed in my proposal to our colleagues but long-term fiscal imbalance, the deficits to act. that are not in the numbers for the and debt we talked about, must be ad- As I indicated, the spending level reason I have given: calls for Social Se- dressed. under the fiscal commission budget curity reforms to make it solvent, not CBO Director Elmendorf talked plan is about 21.8 percent of GDP. Dur- for deficit reduction; restores 75-year about the economic benefits of tax re- ing the Reagan administration, spend- solvency and puts it on a stable path form in a hearing before the Budget ing was 22.1 percent of GDP. So we beyond 75 years; strengthens the safety Committee. He said: have lower overall spending as a share net by enhancing the minimum benefit I think analysts would widely agree that of the national income than was the for low-wage workers and by giving an reform of the Tax Code that broadened the case during the Reagan administration. actual bump up in benefits for the old- base and brought down rates would be a posi- In fact, discretionary spending goes to est seniors and the long-time disabled. tive force for economic growth, both in the an all-time low of 4.8 percent by the One of the things we know, people who short term and over a longer period. end of the 10-year plan. live a long time run out of their bene- Tax reform has to be part of the We can see, discretionary spending— fits. So in the fiscal commission we agenda of this Congress. Here is what is that is distinct from mandatory spend- proposed to actually give them a little happening to income disparity in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.014 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2525 America. Look at what is happening. ward for saving, investment or risk-taking. times we have balanced the budget. The top 1 percent—and I am all for the It would also increase overall economic effi- That is very close to the revenue level top 1 percent doing well. I want every- ciency by removing incentives that distort during the Clinton administration, the one to do well in America, but look private spending decisions. And eliminating last time we did balance the budget. By or consolidating the large number of over- what is happening. Since 1979, the top 1 lapping tax-based subsidies would also great- the way, that was a Democratic Presi- percent, their incomes have gone up al- ly simplify tax filing. In short, cutting tax dent. most 300 percent. Look at what has expenditures is not at all like other ways of Some say that is a big tax increase happened to those in the middle and raising revenue. you are talking about, Senator. No, it those at the bottom. Their incomes That, from one of the most conserv- is not a big tax increase. It is addi- have stagnated. They have been about ative economists in the country. tional revenue of $2.4 trillion compared stable—gone up a little bit but not Our colleagues on the other side say to roughly current policy, what is hap- very much. The top 1 percent has gone wait a minute, we should not have rev- pening right now. But compared to cur- up like a rocket. One of the reasons is enues more than 18 percent of gross do- rent law it is actually a $1.8 trillion tax the Tax Code of the United States has mestic product because that is, on av- cut because all of the tax cuts that dramatically reduced for the wealthi- erage, what it has been over the last 30 were put in place in the Bush adminis- est in our country the tax burden they or 40 years. The problem with their tration are about to expire. So if you shoulder. They will show us, oh, their analysis is the last five times we have compare it to that law, this proposal taxes have gone way up. Sure, they balanced the budget the revenue has represents a $1.8 trillion tax cut. It is have because their incomes have gone not been 18 percent of GDP. The last more revenue than we would get under way up. What has gone down—what has five times we have balanced the budg- current policy but less revenue than we gone way down is the effective tax rate et, revenue has been at 19.7, in 1969; would get under current law. they pay. The top 400 families, the 19.9, in 1998; 19.8 percent of GDP in 1999; The fiscal commission plan I laid be- wealthiest 400 families in America, 20.6 percent of GDP in 2000; and 19.5 fore colleagues yesterday, the so-called have had their effective tax rate al- percent of GDP in 2001. If people want Bowles-Simpson plan, also had certain most cut in half since 1995. to be serious about balancing the budg- process changes to tighten things up Again, I am not one who is against et, we are going to have to have a rev- around here, to become more dis- success. I come from a family who has enue level, based on what we see his- ciplined. It set discretionary spending succeeded. I come from a family who torically, that is more than 18 percent caps through 2022 enforced by a 60-vote has done well, and I am deeply appre- of GDP. point of order and sequester; firewalls ciative. I am grateful for the oppor- The fiscal commission plan I laid be- between security and nonsecurity tunity this country has provided to my fore colleagues yesterday, the so-called spending so money could not be di- family. But do you know what. What is Bowles-Simpson plan, does this with verted between the two; a separate cap fair is fair. What is fair is fair. We have respect to tax reform. It eliminates or for war funding with annual limits pro- to ask everybody to help pull this scales back those tax expenditures we posed by the President; more rigorous wagon out of the ditch. We are in the were discussing but lowers tax rates. emergency designation procedures and ditch, and let’s get serious about get- You can lower tax rates and get more annual budgeting for disasters; a fail- ting out. money if you broaden the base, if you safe to pressure Congress to maintain a If we broaden the base of our tax sys- reduce some of these tax expenditures stable debt-to-GDP ratio starting in tem, the people who will be most af- that frankly go disproportionately to 2015; more accurate inflation adjust- fected are the wealthiest among us be- the wealthiest among us and have ments for indexed programs—that is cause look what happens. Here is the grown like Topsy in the Tax Code. the so-called chained CPI, a more accu- increase in aftertax income, on aver- We can promote economic growth rate measurement for inflation adjust- age, from tax expenditures in this and improve America’s global competi- ment; and a process to ensure more re- country; that is, the loopholes, the de- tiveness, we can make the Tax Code liable and timely extended unemploy- ductions, the credits, the exclusions more competitive, we can have what ment insurance benefits. that are in the current Tax Code. The was included in the fiscal commission, I have heard from my colleagues re- average benefit for the top 1 percent is an option, a reform plan that calls for peatedly that the President showed no $219,000 a year. The middle quintile, three rates for individuals: 12 percent, leadership. I don’t believe that. I think their benefit is $3,000. If we reform tax 22 percent, and 28 percent. The top rate the President showed extraordinary expenditures, which we should do, that now is 35 percent. A corporate rate of leadership. He averted a depression— will put some additional burden on 28 percent. The corporate rate now is 35 and make no mistake, that is where we those who are the wealthiest among us. percent. were headed when he came into office. By the way, not everybody who is The fiscal commission plan called for When he came into office here is what doing well is treated the same way capital gains and dividends to be taxed was happening. We were losing 800,000 under this Tax Code. There are many as ordinary income. Instead of having a jobs a month in the private sector. people who are doing well who are pay- differential for capital gains and divi- That is what he walked into. He did ing a tax rate that is very close to the dends, they were taxed at ordinary not create the conditions that led to top rate of 35 percent. There are others rates. But the fiscal commission also losing 800,000 jobs a month, he inher- who are paying at a level one-half as said if you want to have a differential, ited that. much; the same income but paying you have to pay for it by buying up the Look at the progress that has been much less in taxes. Why? Because they top rate. made. Since 24 months ago we have have set up their affairs in a way that For those who believe strongly you seen jobs in the private sector on the they especially benefit from the cred- need to have a differential for cap positive side of the ledger—4 million its, the exclusions, the deductions, and gains and perhaps dividends, you can jobs created. That is after he was in a all the rest of the tax gimmicks that do that, but then you have to have a situation in which we were losing riddle the current Tax Code. higher top rate than 28 percent. 800,000 jobs a month. In the last 4 Here is what one of the most conserv- The fiscal commission plan reforms months we have been averaging 200,000 ative economists in the country said the mortgage interest and charitable jobs created. That is pretty good lead- about reducing tax expenditures. This deductions, it preserves the child tax ership. That is a dramatic turnaround. is Martin Feldstein, professor of eco- credit and earned-income tax credit, The same is true of economic growth. nomics at Harvard, Chairman of the and completely repeals the alternative When he came into office the economy Council of Economic Advisers under minimum tax. was shrinking at a rate of almost 9 per- President Reagan. This is what he said Under this plan, revenues grow to 20.5 cent. Now it is growing at a rate of about cutting tax expenditures: percent of GDP by 2022. In fact, the rev- about 3 percent. That is pretty good Cutting tax expenditures is really the best enue under the fiscal commission plan leadership. That is a dramatic change way to reduce government spending. . . . during the 10 years of the plan averages from what he inherited. [E]liminating tax expenditures does not in- 19.7 percent. That is right at the level When I hear that the President did crease marginal tax rates or reduce the re- that has been required the last five not show leadership—oh, yes? I would

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.015 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 say he showed pretty good leadership. That is a total of more than $2 tril- seniors who wouldn’t be able to get He stopped the hemorrhaging. He got lion of spending cuts in the Budget their medicines delivered, problems re- us going back in the right direction. It Control Act passed by the Congress, ceiving important checks and other fi- is not everything we hoped for, but my signed by the President, and in force nancial services, and, just as impor- goodness, what a remarkable turn- today. That is the biggest spending cut tantly, the loss of the ability to stay around. Two of the most distinguished package in the history of the country. connected to the community and to the economists in this country said if we If anybody suggests to you no spend- country as a whole. had not taken the actions that were ing limits have been put in place, ask This note comes from Mr. George taken by the Federal Government at them: What about the Budget Control Jones in Nebo, WV, which is in Clay the end of the Bush administration and Act? Didn’t you vote on that? Because County. He writes: during this administration, we would it passed the House. The Republican- Few people in this area have access to the be in a depression. controlled House, they passed it. It Internet. They still rely on the post offices We are not in a depression. In fact we passed the Senate and it was signed by to keep them connected to the world. And are growing. We are growing modestly the President of the United States. It our people still use the post office. It just but we are growing. We are creating is the law. A law is stronger than any makes no sense to cut services to the people jobs in the private sector. The private resolution. who still use them. sector is growing. It added 4 million I yield the floor. They need them as well. jobs since this President got things The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In communities where the post office turning around. This President named ator from West Virginia is recognized. has already closed, I have heard about the fiscal commission. There would not Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, first I what it means to the town and its resi- be a Bowles-Simpson commission had thank my colleague, Senator KENT dents. the President not appointed it. The CONRAD from North Dakota. To say he This note comes from Delores Wilson Bowles-Simpson commission plan is is going to be missed is an understate- in Norton, WV, which is in Randolph what I put before our colleagues yes- ment as he goes back to the private County: terday. sector with his beautiful wife and fam- Our Post Office was closed last November. Some have criticized me to say: You ily. But his steadfast commitment to We now have cluster boxes which are out didn’t vote on it. That is right. We are this country to put our financial house there in the weather, and our residents are not going to vote on it until we believe back in order is the direction we should scared to have their prescription drugs there is the best possible chance to ac- be going. We should have the courage mailed to their home or these boxes. Our community has been severely affected. We tually get results. If you go back to the to do that. I believe we will with his leadership because he has laid out a used to see each other while getting our Bowles-Simpson commission approach, mail. Our postmaster would let us know what you saw is they did not time the plan that is more reasonable. There has when children were born and neighbors vote until after the 2010 election. What been more bipartisan support for a passed away. We collected funds at the post I am saying to colleagues is I think we longer period of time, and it has grown. office to help our neighbors when they fell on ought to follow their good example. It is the only plan since I have been hard times or were in need. Now we don’t That is because the truth is, people are here, less than 2 years, that has main- have this central location to do that because not likely—all sides are unlikely to get tained that bipartisan support because our small community no longer has its post office. off their fixed position right before a of the leadership of Senator KENT CON- national election. RAD. On behalf of the grateful State of I have always said that we as a peo- Let me end as I began. We have a West Virginia and the people of Amer- ple and a country need to pick our pri- budget for this year and next. It is con- ica and my colleagues here in the Sen- orities based on our values. In West tained in the Budget Control Act, a law ate, we thank Senator CONRAD. We Virginia, keeping the Postal Service that was passed last year. When my thank him for his leadership. intact is one of the things our people colleagues say there was no budget res- POSTAL SERVICE REFORM truly care about. That is why I have olution passed, what they are not tell- Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I rise raised very serious concerns about this ing you is instead of a budget resolu- today to share with you the deep con- bill which does nothing to keep the tion, we passed a budget control law. A cerns that I am hearing from my con- 3,700 post offices open, and they are law is stronger than any resolution. A stituents all across the great State of currently on the list for potential clo- resolution is purely a congressional West Virginia, who are worried about sure, including 150 of these proposed document and never goes to the Presi- what will happen to their rural com- closures in West Virginia. dent for his signature. The Budget Con- munities if their local post offices are Today I wish to encourage all of my trol Act passed the House and the Sen- forced to shut their doors. In our State, colleagues to vote for an amendment I ate and was signed by the President of we know that the Postal Service is at have offered that would prohibit any the United States. the very core of what makes this coun- postal facility from being closed for 2 It says in part: try great, and what connects us all. In years while the Postal Service figures The allocations, aggregates and levels of fact, the Postal Service is America. out better ways, working with the spending set in this act shall apply in the That is why we are willing to come to- Postal Service unions, to get its finan- Senate in the same manner as for a concur- gether across party lines to fight hard cial house in order. I have offered this rent resolution on the budget. to preserve the essential services the amendment because, as I have heard What could be more clear? This law Postal Service provides. from my constituents, we simply can- is in place of a budget resolution. It is We also know that serving rural com- not afford to let these facilities close stronger than any resolution because it munities is not always profitable and in the communities that need them is a law. Next time somebody tells you private companies will not come in to most. In our rural towns—places such there has been no budget resolution for fill the gap if the Postal Service leaves. as Norton and Nebo, WV—the Postal 1000 days, ask them, but did they pass As Americans, we need our rural com- Service is about much more than a a law that set spending limits? That munities to stay in touch with this place to send and receive mail. Our set the budget for this year and next? great Nation. I am fighting, along with postal facilities are the centerpieces of That set 10 years of spending caps that the members of our delegation, to put our communities. They are places saved $900 billion, that gave a special a stop to these proposed closures. where people gather and share impor- committee the ability to change Social These concerns for the future of the tant information. They are a symbol of Security and Medicare and the tax sys- Postal Service are bringing all West the importance of our small towns to tem of the United States and not face Virginians—Democrats and Repub- the people whose families have always a filibuster? And if they did not suc- licans alike—together for protests, ral- been there. They are our little place on ceed, there would be another $1.2 tril- lies, and letter-writing campaigns. the map. lion of cuts? And because they did not In communities where people were This note came from Deanna agree, that additional $1.2 trillion of told their post offices down the road Halstead from Boone County, where cuts is now in law and will begin to be might be closed, I am hearing people’s the Uneeda Post Office could soon be imposed at the beginning of next year? fears of unacceptable consequences: closed. She writes:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.016 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2527 We have had a post office in this area since sure including some in the Presiding taries. These excesses must be elimi- 1902. In fact, the story goes that the citizens Officer’s own State—for a total savings nated. petitioned for a post office and were asked of $200 million—a figure that is less We know from an August 2011 report what to name it back in 1902. A gentleman than 1 percent of the Postal Service’s by the Postal Service inspector general saw a can of Nabisco’s Uneeda Biscuits, and that the Postal Service maintains 67 that is how the post office and town got their $20 billion and is roughly equivalent— name. It would be a shame to lose that his- listen to this figure—to the amount we million square feet of excess interior tory, and it would be hard for our elderly and spend in 1 day in the Afghanistan war. space and that getting rid of this disabled citizens to travel farther for these We spend that amount in 1 day fighting unneeded real estate could net $3.4 bil- services. Fifteen miles does not sound like in Afghanistan, which I think everyone lion over 10 years. I think this is a rev- much to people in Washington, but when you knows I am totally opposed to. Yet we enue raiser that deserves some serious rely on public transportation or a neighbor are going to close 3,700 post offices for consideration, and I believe most of my to take you, it becomes a big burden. that 1-day savings for a war in Afghan- colleagues would think the same. I myself grew up in the small town of istan. While achieving very little in I would also ask, during a time when Farmington, WV, a community of just terms of the Postal Service’s bottom finances are tight, why did the Postal a few hundred people. I speak from ex- line, this proposal would have an enor- Service spend advertising dollars spon- perience when I say the post offices in mous impact on people all over the soring the U.S. Tour de France team these rural communities serve as a United States of America, including and is now sponsoring a NASCAR rac- critical lifeline. the people in West Virginia who would ing team? I love NASCAR racing, but I Even now, as an elected representa- lose up to 150 of their post offices. This am not sure they can afford to be spon- tive, I receive dozens, sometimes hun- bill would also lower delivery stand- soring a team. dreds of letters a day from my con- There are a variety of ways for the ards by allowing the Postal Service to Postal Service to get its financial stituents, many of whom don’t have ac- go to 5-day service and eliminating cess to the Internet and can only reach house in order without closing their door delivery. It would add to our na- doors in the communities that rely on me by writing me a letter. That is tional deficit. In short, I am not sure what is so unique about our post of- them most. what exactly we are hoping to accom- Back in April my office coordinated fices. They are a vital link for West plish with this piece of legislation. regional open meetings in the commu- Virginians and many others through- Already in West Virginia we know for nities where post offices are on a list out the country, and for them it is so certain that three of our mail-proc- for potential closure. Along with rep- important that their mail service re- essing facilities will be closing, one in resentatives from the U.S. Postal Serv- main uncompromised. Clarksburg, one in Parkersburg, and ice, my staff was on hand at these We all know the U.S. Postal Service one in Petersburg. We still don’t know meetings in McDowell, Raleigh, Wood, is in dire straits. The combination of the fate of our facility in Bluefield. and Randolph Counties to give local the recent recession, the increased use The impact those closures will have on residents the opportunity to share of e-mail and text messages, and the the Postal Service’s bottom line is their creative proposals and common- cost of retiree health benefits has put minimal, but the impact to those com- sense ideas to help preserve post offices the Postal Service on a path to finan- munities is widely felt and deep. in their communities. We got the mes- cial ruin. In order to remain solvent, Rather than making drastic cuts on sage loudly and clearly: West Vir- the U.S. Postal Service must cut costs the front lines, the Postal Service ginians do not want to see their post by $20 billion by 2015. needs to consider a different approach offices closed. They are the lifeblood of Anyone who has heard me speak be- to getting its financial house in order. the community. fore knows I share a deep commitment I truly believe we can save the Postal We continue to hear from hundreds of to fiscal responsibility, and we just Service without making cuts to the West Virginians in letters, phone calls, heard our dear friend, Senator KENT services our communities rely on and and petitions, folks such as Rebecca CONRAD, lay it out for us. I truly be- the lifeline that they are, and they are from Raleigh County, where the Clear lieve this Nation’s out-of-control fi- needed, and without adding to our Creek Post Office is facing closure. Her nances are the biggest threat we face. I enormous deficit. We can work to- community has had a post office for 140 am not alone. At a Senate Armed Serv- gether on a way to keep our postal fa- years—140 years. Tell me anything that ices Committee hearing a year ago, the cilities open, expand services that raise is more American than that. Here is then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of revenue, eliminate enormous bonuses her letter: Staff, ADM Mike Mullen, was asked his for executives, and sustain 6-day-a- We are an isolated area. The roads are opinion on the greatest threat to our week delivery service. curvy and our citizens are elderly. If this national security. Coming from the De- My colleagues and I have suggested post office closes, it will mean 20 miles round fense Department and the person in many commonsense ideas that could trip to the nearest post office. charge, Admiral Mullen—I would have help solve the problem. For one, cur- It is rare to see a community—hun- thought he would have said something rent law caps pay for Postal Service ex- dreds of communities, really—come to- about all the turmoil around the world, ecutives at $199,700—the rate of pay for gether around a single issue such as the wars that are going on, the unease most Cabinet-level Secretaries—but this one. But we are seeing hundreds of and unrest that could contribute to provisions in the law allow for bonuses people rush to the defense of an insti- more wars. I thought he would tell us and other compensation to increase tution that has built this Nation and about some rising military power we total take-home pay for these execu- connected this Nation into what we are should be concerned about or another tives to $276,840. That figure is 20 per- today. West Virginians do not want to see that disappear, and neither do I. uprising of a violent attack on this cent higher than the salary of the Vice That is why I will fight, along with my country or a terrorist group wishing to President of the United States. In addi- colleagues, to find a solution that do us harm. But what he said was very tion, the Congressional Research Serv- forces the Postal Service to get its fi- simple, and it was a defining moment ice has noted that ‘‘postal executives nancial house in order, which I believe may be eligible for deferred annual in- for me as a Senator when he said that can be done, without balancing its centive bonuses that exceed existing our national debt is the greatest threat books on the backs of our rural com- this Nation is concerned about, it is caps, the payment of which can be de- munities and the people who depend on the greatest threat this Nation faces. ferred until after he or she leaves the that lifeline most—our citizens. It was a sobering moment. So believe postal service.’’ As an example, accord- Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the me when I say I truly believe we all ing to CRS, former Postmaster General floor and note the absence of a quorum. have to set our priorities based on our John Potter earned $501,384 in total The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- values and learn very quickly to live compensation in fiscal year 2010. I pore. The clerk will call the roll. within our means. That is right. There think most Americans would be The legislative clerk proceeded to is a right way and a wrong way to go shocked to know Postal Service execu- call the roll. about this. tives can earn larger salaries in the Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask The bill we have before us proposes form of bonuses and deferred com- unanimous consent that the order for to close 3,700 rural post offices—I am pensation than Cabinet-level Secre- the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.007 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. pretty much out of business. So how is deed, one of my colleagues said: I do BROWN of Ohio). Without objection, it it we spend so much time talking about not understand why you are so con- is so ordered. jobs and economic development and cerned because FedEx can deliver the Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I rise small business as the factory of job cre- medicines. today to address an issue that goes to ation, and yet we have a bill before us If one has been to a small town, they the very heart of our rural commu- that basically cuts the heart out of the would find out that FedEx uses the nities: our rural post offices. I am small town economy? post office system to complete the last speaking while negotiations are going I originally come from a very small mile of their deliveries. So, no, FedEx on regarding the Postal Service reform town, the small town of Myrtle Creek. does not provide an answer for our vet- bill that has many dimensions to it, at- When I was a small child—born there— erans, for our seniors, for others who tempting to put the Postal Service on the Dairy Queen at the heart of town need medicines or other products being stable financial grounds. But I want to was the place we occasionally went as delivered through the mail. focus on this particular aspect: that a family. That Dairy Queen is still Because of that difficult drive from today we must modify the bill that is there, and I still often drive through Tiller to the next post office, because before us so we do not end up destroy- Myrtle Creek just to go by and have a of the time, because of the distance, ing our rural post offices that are at hamburger as I am going north and the closing of the Tiller Post Office the heart of the communities they south through Oregon. would have a devastating impact on serve. Now, Myrtle Creek does not happen the small businesses that rely on the It was a few months ago that I was in to be on the list of the 41 towns where U.S. Postal Service. eastern Oregon and received a message the post offices would be shut down. Here is a letter from Alexandra that the Postmaster General had put But visit my hometown and one Petrowski, who owns a small business. on the list for closure 41 rural commu- would get a real sense of the damage It is called Singing Falls Mohair. She nity post offices—and that was just in that would occur if the post office were owns the business with her husband, my State of Oregon. In the next couple shut down. So I bring a very kind of lives in Tiller, and she writes: days, I dropped by several of those personal sense that this battle matters. We utilize the services of the U.S. Post Of- rural community post offices. In two I wanted to share some of the feedback fice extensively. I would estimate that be- cases they were open. I talked to the I have had from a couple towns. I wish tween 3 and 5 packages go out from our home postmaster, I talked to citizens who to start with the town of Tiller in to destinations all over the world on a daily were nearby, and I quickly got feed- Douglas County. Tiller is not that far basis. We sell our products on EBay and the back on the destruction that would away. Myrtle Creek is in Douglas business is flourishing. Our growing market happen in that rural community if we County; Roseburg is in Douglas County is worldwide using the U.S. mail system every day of the week excluding Sundays. do not address this issue in this bill. where I started grade school; Tiller is In the EBay marketplace, timely mailing Specifically, there will be a huge im- in Douglas County. is an integral part of good customer service. pact on the small businesses that use This is the post office in Tiller. It is As it is, the Tiller post office is 7 miles from the post offices to receive orders and to 16 miles from the next nearest post of- our mountain ranch. A closure of the Tiller ship orders on a daily basis. Those fice. Imagine that a person lives 10 Post Office would require an approximately businesses will not be able to function miles from Tiller and then they have to 45 mile round trip journey that would se- if they have to drive 30, 40, 50, 60 miles drive another 16 miles to get to the verely impact our modest profit margin. roundtrip each day to pick up orders next nearest town. Now we are talking She concludes: and to ship products—a huge waste of about 50 miles round trip. That is an We have been engaged in this business for time, often on dangerous, winding, nar- hour or more out of their day, and that 30+ years. We are seniors and rely exten- row roads; a huge additional cost, a is a lot of cost in gas. That might be sively on our cottage industry to sustain our huge distraction from the work they do $10 a day in gas right there, and that is ranch operation. Would closing Tiller’s post on their farms or on their ranches. In office mean effectively an end to the home a huge factor for many of our families. business? short, this will shut down a lot of small I am going to share with everyone businesses or those small businesses some passages from a letter from Diana Then she answers her own question. will have to move. They will move to Farris, a former postmaster in Tiller. The answer at this point in time is that it larger towns. When they move, the re- She writes: would seriously jeopardize our business. tail dollars move, and it will not be Tiller is one such community where, in So here there is a family living on a long before that small store at the many ways, time stands still and new tech- ranch quite a ways outside Tiller, but heart of that town shuts down. nology is beyond their grasp. In Tiller, cel- Tiller is the closest place. They would In addition, I heard from seniors who lular phone service is unavailable, DSL and have to drive into Tiller, then drive receive their medicines through the cable internet service are unavailable, sat- this additional 16 miles to the next mail. In some cases, they are con- ellite service is overpriced with the majority post office, would have to do this on a of residents in the area unable to afford it daily basis to ship products. trolled medicines for which they have and there is no Wi-Fi access. to sign. They have to be there in per- They are fortunate to have Internet She continues: son. They cannot simply receive them and have been able to advertise and through a mailbox, if you will. Cer- Dial up internet is available (when the have the world see their products and poorly maintained telephone system is oper- advertise them through eBay, but they tainly, often our seniors are not always ational) at top speeds of approximately 24– in the shape where they can drive daily 26k, so slow that many websites, including get customer ratings on eBay. If you to see if a medicine they are waiting USPS, time out before you can access the have ever been on eBay, you will see for has arrived—that they would have needed information. that people who have these small busi- to go 40, 50, 60 miles roundtrip to check Diana Farris, former postmaster, nesses establish online reputations be- and see if their medicines came in. then says: cause they are judged by each of their Those folks will start thinking: Well, The unemployment rate has risen to 13 customers. They are rated by each of maybe I can’t live in this rural commu- percent in Douglas County, and the lowest their customers. nity anymore. Maybe I need to move to gas price in Tiller in the last few months has We feel pretty comfortable ordering a larger town that has a post office. been $3.95 per gallon. For communities like from someone who, say, has shipped 500 Part of the irony of the bill we have this, the local Post Office remains the only orders and has a 5-star rating and not before us is often on the Senate floor option. that comfortable ordering from some- we are talking about spending govern- Many folks in the Senate may think one who has a 3-star rating and cus- ment resources for economic develop- in terms of big cities they represent tomer after customer has said: The ment. Well, if you go to a small town that have many options, that have product does not come in a timely and ask people what is the most essen- FedEx, that have all forms of elec- manner or it is not packaged well, it is tial component for the success of their tronic communications. They have all not shipped well. So this model, small small town, their small businesses, kinds of alternatives. But those alter- businesses completely depend on the they are going to tell you the rural natives, as Diana points out, are not U.S. Postal Service serving that small post office; that without that they are options they have in a small town. In- community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.009 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2529 Let me turn to Malheur County, a tion and may have more difficulty driv- Currently, several of my colleagues different part of the State, and the ing long distances in hazardous condi- have worked to put together a process town of Juntura. I will get a picture of tions. in the managers’ amendment. They the Juntura Post Office before us. We She has one word in bold on the front have been working hard. I applaud will see it is quite a simple looking page which sums up her analysis of the them for taking a step forward from structure, a manufactured building, impact of closing this humble post of- the basic bill. I appreciate the hard not very expensive to build, certainly fice, ‘‘disastrous.’’ It would be disas- work Senator CARPER from Delaware not very expensive to have it open a trous for seniors, for veterans, and for has been doing and the hard work Sen- couple hours a day. So we are talking small businesses. It is disastrous for ator LIEBERMAN from Connecticut has about microscopic costs in the context the sense of the community that uses been doing. They have both indicated a of postal reform that have a monu- this as a place to connect with each willingness to continue working to try mental impact on the success of our other. to make sure we do not destroy our small communities—low cost, high im- Two weeks ago when we were on the rural communities by shutting down pact. State work period, I visited Fort Klam- their post offices. So we are continuing Is that not the type of deal we argue ath, which is also on the list to be that conversation. for every day: government efficiency, closed. When I came, they wanted to We have a group of us who have an low cost, high impact. This little, sim- share their stories, and I want to share amendment now, including Senator ple modular building, a few wooden several of those with you now. MCCASKILL, who is the lead on it. Many steps going up to the door, may not The first comment is from Jeanette other folks are involved, including Sen- look like much, but it is a shipping hub and Bob Evans. Bob is a veteran, and ators TESTER, BAUCUS, and LEAHY. I and a communications hub that makes he receives medication through the don’t have the full list. I thank them the economy work in Juntura, OR. mail that often needs to be scanned all. They understand this basic notion I have a report from a Juntura resi- and signed for. They would have to of little money and the huge impact. It dent named Laura Williams. She went take a 30-mile trip to pick up the medi- is a type of solution we should be driv- into a comprehensive analysis of the cation if Fort Klamath post office was ing through this Chamber. closed. They will feel the impact in Currently, the plan in the managers’ impact of this very modest building. that manner, and then they might amendment is a step forward but not She wrote up a 42-page report. It exam- make that trip and find out the medi- quite far enough. I will explain. It says ines every aspect of how this very inex- cine hasn’t arrived yet. So they may the post office will design a series of pensive investment—the returns it has have to make multiple trips. service standards, and they will design for the community. I thought I would They have a rental business that a procedure. Essentially, before they read to all of you a little bit from that must follow State law requiring many close a post office they will have to do report. documents be sent via first-class U.S. an analysis of whether closing the post She writes that the residents of mail in order to verify the date of noti- office meets the retail service stand- Juntura: fication. Again, closure of the Fort ards they have laid out, and after they Will either have to drive to Drewsey, to Klamath Post Office will force them to announce the decision there will be an the west, to mail packages, buy money or- take more 30-mile trips to Chiloquin to opportunity for the decision to be ap- ders and complete a variety of other trans- actions—or they’ll have to drive east to Har- process this mail correctly. pealed. That appeal will go to the PRC, per, 34 miles away, a route that winds So there are a couple hundred fami- Postal Review Commission. The PRC through a river canyon dangerously choked lies in this community. It is a beautiful will evaluate whether they met their with deer during the winter months. area and has a lot of residences rented own standards, and they will evaluate That is the end of that first part of out in the summer. Those folks who whether the procedures were followed. the passage. When I looked at her re- rent need to have timely service or If they were not, then the PRC can say port, she actually compiled numbers of they are not going to come to town. to the post office that they must go the number of collisions per week with This point was made. Once the summer back and look at this again. deer on this road as one drives from renters arrive, which drives the econ- It sounds like a system that has Juntura to Drewsey. I was astounded omy of the town, those renters want to some routine to it. But why is that not by the high rate. It was a rate of sev- be able to mail their letters, and they sufficient to protect our rural post of- eral collisions a week. want to be able to receive their pack- fices? Very simply, the post office man- I remember when I was a kid, a small ages. agement is trying to save money. If So that post office—I don’t have a child, and we would be driving the they set service standards, those stand- picture of the Fort Klamath Post Of- rural roads in Douglas County and my ards will be set in a manner that allows fice here, but closing that post office parents would say: We have to watch many of our small towns to be shut would take away not only from the for deer. If you have a deer come down—many of our post offices to shut business of renting out summer resi- through your windshield, you can be down. It is the same reason they put up dences but from the number of folks a list of 41—let me put up Tiller again. pretty much toast if you are traveling who believe they want to go there and at any substantial speed. If you are on Forty-one of these small town post of- spend their vacation. fices already said—from their internal a motorcycle and you go around a Heidi McLean is the proprietor of the review, from their sense of responsi- curve and you hit a deer, the deer is Aspen Inn in Fort Klamath, which op- bility, and from their service standards going to do a lot of damage. erates seasonally. Heidi uses the post they want to shut down 41 of these. So it may not sound like something office daily to send out information After a lot of protests, we got a 6- folks who come from cities would un- packages to everybody interested in month delay, and I am very thankful derstand, but driving roundtrip—in staying with them during the season. for that. The Postmaster General also this case to Harper, 34 miles away—70 Once they get word of somebody being said: Maybe not 41. For now, we will miles roundtrip through a road that is interested, they send out the details. take 20 of them off the list. And he dangerous, in dangerous weather condi- They have to be received on a timely took one more off. So we are down to tions, dangerous because of deer and basis or the customer will say they got about 20 in Oregon. Others could be certainly an enormous waste of time information from somewhere else and added back at any time. and fuel, doesn’t make any sense. that is where they are going to go for The post office has already said they She continues, and this is an analysis their summer vacation. Then Heidi will want to shut down 41 based on their un- of Laura Williams from Juntura: have lost that business. derstanding of their service respon- In essence, Juntura is between a rock and Heidi said they could get by with sibilities. So a process we put into stat- a hard place. fewer days or partial days, but they ute that simply says: Will you be a lit- She then analyzes that 25 percent of feel very strongly they need access to a tle more clear about writing your serv- Juntura’s post office users are seniors local post office and that a 70-mile ice standards or your procedures is just who would be particularly impacted by roundtrip to Chiloquin to access their window dressing. these changes, as they rely heavily on mail would be a serious problem for So we need the Senate to say: Here the Postal Service to receive medica- their small business. are service standards for delivering

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.010 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 medical supplies to our seniors, vet- ability to keep victims safe and to hold I suggest the absence of a quorum. erans, and others. Here are standards perpetrators accountable. It has been a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The for the communities that do not have valuable tool for so many women, so clerk will call the roll. all the electronic communications that many children, so many families, and The bill clerk proceeded to call the big towns have. Here are standards for law enforcement to make sure we can roll. supporting the small businesses in keep people safe. It is vital we ensure Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I these communities. We need to set these services remain intact. ask unanimous consent the order for those standards because it is we on the Last year, the law expired. Critical the quorum call be rescinded. Senate floor who have been elected to efforts that help women and their chil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without fight for the people of America. The dren protect themselves from domestic objection, it is so ordered. post office is trying to balance their violence and stalking and now cyber THE BUDGET budget. That is why they said they threats continue only on a short-term Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, think it is OK to shut down these 41. basis. my friend and colleague Senator CON- The amendment that Senators As a husband, as a father of three RAD said earlier this morning, pro- MCCASKILL, TESTER, BAUCUS, LEAHY, daughters and a daughter-in-law and as testing a bit, that he never said we and a number of others have put for- a Senator, I find any further delay of would have a markup in the Budget ward is completely compatible with reauthorization of the Violence Committee—mark up a budget, as re- the general vision of having an appeal Against Women Act to be simply unac- quired by law. But that was what I un- process with the Postal Review Com- ceptable. Our mothers, our sisters, our derstood. I am not here to argue the mission. But it gives the Postal Review daughters deserve more protection and details of it. But he said publicly, as I Commission an actual standard by security and less of the political bick- understood it, that he was going to which to make a decision; otherwise, ering. have a markup. Our people were work- In 2011, there were more than 38,000 all the post office has to say is, yes, we ing on as many as 80 amendments. I reported cases of domestic violence in considered the issue—and the word was working on amendments, key Ohio. Of course, many more than ‘‘consider’’ is right in the current health care amendments, at the time. I that—thousands more, we think—went amendment, the managers’ amend- heard the Senator was having a press unreported. Women live, as do children, ment. It is not enough for the post of- conference, we turned it on, and he ba- with fear and pain. These women live fice to say: Yes, we considered the fact sically said we are not going to have a with the fear and pain of their part- that it does affect small businesses, markup. ner’s physical and emotional abuse. It such as the Mohair Company that I de- He said there was a markup, we is because of the Violence Against started a markup, we had opening scribed. There has to be a standard of Women Act that they have somewhere service that we in this body are com- statements, and I offered a bill but we to turn. It is because of that law that just did not have votes, no amend- fortable with in defending the com- when they do, they have the help to es- merce of the small town and for small ments, no final vote on passage; didn’t cape violent relationships and the sup- ask a single member on the Democratic businesses. port to seek legal representation when So I appreciate the work Senators team on the Budget Committee to vote they need it. It is why authorizing the for or against anything. That is how it COLLINS, CARPER, and LIEBERMAN are Violence Against Women Act is so im- doing and that they are engaged in this happened. portant. I am not accusing him of deliberately dialog about defending our small Women’s shelters and domestic vio- towns. I know they understand the im- misleading me. What I would say is I lence centers clearly would have trou- thought we were going to have a mark- pact that would occur. Maybe it is an ble existing without this law. These are impact that hits harder in some States up—and a markup means the chairman the very organizations that connect lays down the chairman’s mark, it is than others. It certainly hits hard in women with legal help, emergency marked up with amendments, others Oregon. housing, transportation, and like serv- can offer substitutes, and you vote, and I look forward to continuing to work ices. They help with primary preven- citizens of the United States of Amer- with the sponsors of our amendment, tion programs so children grow up ica can hold us accountable for what lead by Senator MCCASKILL, and to learning the importance of healthy and we do and if they do not like what we working with the floor leaders of the safe relationships. bill because we must not pass through The Violence Against Women Act is do, they vote us out of office. They this Chamber a bill that would carve about assisting law enforcement offi- have been pretty good at that in recent the heart out of the economy and the cials who place themselves in danger years. A couple of times they whacked communications of rural America. when they investigate and prosecute the Republicans, last time they Mr. President, I suggest the absence cases of abuse and violence. whacked the big-spending Democrats of a quorum. Reauthorizing the Violence Against in 2010. That is what America is all The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Women Act would invest in State grant about. We are accountable. But there is clerk will call the roll. programs—such as the Grants to En- no ability or need or right to avoid re- The assistant legislative clerk pro- courage Arrest Policies and Enforce- sponsibility for the critical issues of ceeded to call the roll. ment of Protection Orders Program— America. I wanted to say that. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Madam Presi- that help law enforcement respond to Let me tell you what happened. This dent, I ask unanimous consent that the assault crimes. The bill provides tools is not a mystery here. There is no mys- order for the quorum call be rescinded. for law enforcement, victim service tery here. This started 3 years ago The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. providers, and court personnel to bet- when the Senate Budget Committee— HAGAN). Without objection, it is so or- ter identify and manage high-risk of- Senator CONRAD was chairman—moved dered. fenders and prevent domestic violence out a budget. But the majority leader, Mr. BROWN of Ohio. I rise to urge homicides. Senator REID, decided it was going to the reauthorization of the Violence Reauthorizing the Violence Against be uncomfortable to vote on that budg- Against Women Act. Women Act is long overdue. It is time et. The United States Code requires In 1994, this very important act be- to stand for the women in this country that by April 1 the Budget Committee came law. It was groundbreaking for so they are no longer subject to neglect produce a budget and by April 15 it is women, for law enforcement, and for and abuse and the law’s inaction. I voted on, on the floor. Congressmen local advocacy organizations that re- urge my Senate colleagues to reauthor- and Senators who passed the Congres- ceived the resources they needed to ize, finally, after the opposition—oppo- sional Budget Act in 1974 did it because better protect victims of abuse. It em- sition I don’t even understand—from a we were not having budgets moved powered us to combat domestic and number of my most conservative col- promptly, on time. They laid out how dating violence and to prevent sexual leagues, how important it is to reau- it should be conducted. They did not assault and stalking. thorize one of the most important put down that you lose your pay if you The Violence Against Women Act has pieces of legislation affecting women in do not produce a budget, they did not improved the criminal justice system’s our country. put down you go to jail if you violate

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.018 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2531 the statute, they just said that you OMB, who ought to know better, said gurus—they probably think that is should do it. So there is no penalty in on television: You can filibuster a clever. They say it is clever on TV. the code. Senator REID blocked the budget and we can’t have a budget be- ‘‘Oh, Senator REID didn’t want to bring budget from coming to the floor 3 years cause you can filibuster it. up a budget because his people would ago. Wrong, you cannot filibuster a budg- have to vote. That’s good politics,’’ Then last year, despite the code re- et. The Congressional Budget Act was they would say. Senator REID said he quiring that we have a budget, Senator passed in 1974 to make sure we pass the would not bring up a budget last year REID and his Democratic colleagues de- budget. It is passed with a simple ma- because it would be foolish to bring up cide they did not want to have a budget jority. You are guaranteed 50 hours of a budget. Foolish for the United States even in committee. There was no budg- debate and then you have a vote. But of America to have a budget at a time et in committee as the law requires, no in that 50 hours of debate you can offer when the debt is the greatest threat to budget was brought to the floor, except amendments. So it cannot be filibus- our future of any thing that is out Senator MCCONNELL forced a few votes tered. That is a bogus excuse. So that there? It dwarfs any other danger our but without the normal debate that is not the real reason, is it? Nation faces, our surging debt, and yet you have on a budget as it moves They said we had the Budget Control it is foolish to have a budget? through the Senate. Act last summer and that takes care of No, he wasn’t saying it is foolish to What was going to happen this year? it; we don’t need a budget. Wrong. If it have a budget. He was basically saying What happened this year is that Sen- is ‘‘the budget control act is the ex- it was foolish for us Democrats to lay ator CONRAD is not going to be running cuse,’’ why didn’t we have a budget last out a plan on how we are going to again. He is proud of his service on the year, before the Budget Control Act spend the Nation’s money, because we Budget Committee. He served on the passed? Why didn’t we have one the are going to propose big tax increases Erskine Bowles-Simpson fiscal com- year before that? That was not an elec- in our plan and if we put it out there mission, the Gang of Six he was in- tion year; last year was not an election they are not going to like it. The great volved in—he had some ideas. He want- year. Why? The Budget Control Act is unwashed out there, these tea party ed to do what the law said, I think. I not the reason they did not bring up a people, they might be angry with us if think he wanted to bring forth a budg- budget. It was not the reason they did they find out how much we are going et. At least the last thing he did, he not bring up a budget last year and the to increase taxes and how little spend- was going to comply with the law—at year before, because we did not have ing is going to be cut in our budget. least that is what I thought. the Budget Control Act last year or the That is what he meant, ‘‘it is foolish.’’ He got started. We were prepared. On year before and a budget was not It was politically foolish, not sub- the eve of the hearing to mark up the brought up. It was not brought up for stantively foolish. budget we were told we were going to other reasons. We were at this so-called markup— not have a normal markup, but a This is the code book, United States this faux markup I called it yester- markup in which we would not vote. Code, Annotated, where the Congres- day—and the Democratic members You get to have opening statements— sional Budget Act is, and it requires us were speaking, and you would have everyone could make one—and then he to pass a budget out of committee by thought they were serving the Nation’s would lay down the mark, but nobody April 1. interest by not having a vote: You would vote for it or any amendment or If the Budget Control Act said we did know, we are going to talk about this. any other substitute mark. not need to have a budget, why did the We should talk about it so we can I think that is a pretty sad thing. President submit a budget this year? begin to make plans for next year. The reason Congress passed the Con- He submitted a budget. The Budget Next year? We have gone three years gressional Budget Act in 1974 is that Control Act was passed last summer. If without a budget. They were serving Congress recognized they were not ful- that obviated the need to pass a budg- the national interest? filling a fundamental responsibility of et, why did Congressman RYAN and the All that was rhetoric. The interest good government, and that as the larg- House lay out an historic budget that they were serving was political, and est entity in the world, the entity that would change the debt course of Amer- the political interest was not to have spends more money than any other ica, put us on a path to prosperity and to vote and be held accountable, be- government agency or so forth in the not decline? Why did they do it? There cause the President’s budget is so irre- world, the United States of America, were six other budgets offered in the sponsible. I offered it last year. Sen- ought to lay out in advance a plan for House, some by Democrats, some by a ator MCCONNELL called it up and got a spending its money. That is so basic. bipartisan group, and some by conserv- vote on it. We did not get to debate it. So it required a budget and usually we ative Republicans. But the Ryan budg- We called it up, and Senator MCCON- have had one—at least with regard to et passed and the others were voted on, NELL was able to force a vote—97 to 0 committee work. too. Why did they go through that against the President’s budget. Every We do not produce budgets in elec- process if the Budget Control Act Democrat voted against the President’s tion years, they say. There have been eliminated the need for a budget? So budget last year. times in election years when budgets that is not the reason. Earlier this year the President’s have not been passed and reconciled All they said is that we cannot have budget was brought up in the House. It with the House. But I have never a budget during an election year. What went down 414 to 0. Then they brought known in the 15 years I have been in does that mean? We don’t want to vote up Congressman RYAN’s budget here in the Senate, other than these 3 years, a on tough economic issues with an elec- the Senate. All our Democratic col- year when the Budget Committee did tion coming, do we? Somebody might leagues voted against it because it cuts not move a budget. The Budget Com- note how we voted. They might not be spending and doesn’t raise enough mittee has always managed at least to happy with it. They might vote us out taxes. They voted against it, but they move forward. And usually we have had of office and the last thing we want is did not say what they would do. They votes on the floor—virtually every to be voted out of office. We don’t want brought up Senator TOOMEY’s budget, year. I think this is all to be held accountable. We don’t want which would balance the budget in 10 miscommunication. It is a concern to the American people to know what we years, last year. He has one that would me. are doing. We want to allow the debt to balance maybe even sooner this year— The question that we need to ask— continue year after year without tak- a tough thing to do, but he has a budg- and what the American people need to ing any leadership to change it. That is et that would do that. It was brought ask is this: Why don’t you consider a getting close to the matter. up on the floor of the Senate, and every budget? Why don’t you have a budget? Senator CONRAD said we may recon- Democrat voted against it. There have been several excuses in vene the committee after the election. So with regard to budgets last year, the last 3 years about why we do not But we don’t want to bring it up before what happened? Our Democratic col- have a budget. Senator DURBIN, Speak- the election. I have to tell you, in this leagues voted against the President’s er PELOSI, Jack Lew, Chief of Staff at town, with the media, old hands around budget, they voted against the Toomey the White House and former Director of Washington, lobbyists, political budget, they voted against the Ryan

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.030 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 budget, they voted against the Rand Buffett tax and how horrible it is, and the right path. That certainly is what Paul budget, and they didn’t vote for people don’t see that as a solution to is needed. anything. They didn’t go on record for our problem when, in fact, it would I would just say, though, that a budg- anything because they don’t have the raise $4 billion a year and this year our et can be passed on a party-line basis. courage or the coherence or the will- deficit is projected to be, again, $1,300 It has been done many times in the ingness to agree on a vision for Amer- billion. This Buffett tax is going to past. The majority party in particular ica. It is that simple. One can spin all raise $4 billion. How irresponsible is has a responsibility, in my view, to lay this any way one wants to, but the that? Is this all we are getting from out its vision for the country, and the Democratic majority in this Senate is the other side? Tax oil companies, raise biggest part of that vision is where incapable of uniting behind a plan that the Buffett tax—there is no reality they intend to spend the taxpayers’ the American people would see as cred- here. money. I can’t imagine they would ible and would change our dangerous So what I believe is this: A budget want to go to the American people and debt path. lays out a comprehensive plan. It lays ask for higher taxes when they refuse Alan Simpson, the former Senator, out a plan for 10 years. We have some to comply with the plain statutory law and Erskine Bowles, former Chief of smart people around here, and they can that says they should have a budget to Staff to President Clinton, chaired the add up the numbers, and they will show where that money is going to be Fiscal Commission. The President ap- know how that budget raises taxes, spent. If they won’t tell the American pointed them to the Fiscal Commis- how little it may be cutting spending, people where they are going to spend sion. They told us this Nation has how much debt we will be accumu- the money, how much debt they are never faced a more predictable finan- lating each and every year in the years going to run up, how much spending cial crisis, and they were talking about to come, and the Congressional Budget they are going to cut or not cut, then the surge in debt. I think that is true. Office tells us how much interest we I don’t think the American people I think the needle is in the danger will pay on our debt each year. ought to send another dime to this zone. Our debt-to-GDP is now over 100 We could ask Congressman RYAN: place—not another dime. That is why percent. Our total gross debt is greater How much interest are we going to the polling numbers show we are in than the entire gross domestic product have to be paying on our debt over the such sad shape. of our country. Our debt per capita is next 10 years? We could ask Senator Madam President, I yield the floor. greater than Europe’s. Our debt per CONRAD or Senator REID: How much in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- capita is greater than Greece’s. Our terest will your budget cause us to ator from Massachusetts. debt per capita is $50,000 per person, pay? For example, President Obama’s RETIREMENT OF KATHY KERRIGAN and under the President’s 10-year budg- budget—last year we paid $230 billion Mr. KERRY. Madam President, all of et, it would go to $73,000 per person— in interest on the debt of the United us who work here in the Senate and greater than Europe, which is in a fi- States. According to the Congressional who are privileged to serve as Senators nancial crisis today. We have some Budget Office, which has analyzed the know on a personal level that we are unique advantages now, but we could numbers, they calculated that at the always only as good as our staff and lose those. We are heading to a crisis end of the 10th year, we would pay $743 staff work that we are privileged to unless we change our path. billion in interest—in one year. The have from them. I think every Senator I am so disappointed in the Presi- Federal highway program spent faster is enormously grateful for the hours all dent. This is the leader of the Nation. to meet the $40 billion budget this year of our staffs invest to help us do our What does he do? Not only does he not for highways. Federal aid to education work. Oftentimes, that means missing lay forth a credible plan for the future, is $70 billion. The Defense Depart- weekends, deferring, delaying, or plain he attacks Congressman RYAN. He in- ment’s base budget is $530 billion. In- canceling vacations, or working away vites him to come sit in on a meeting and then attacks him. Meanwhile he terest would be the fastest growing on a beautiful Saturday morning when says he wants to have a bipartisan plan item in the Federal budget based on other people are out and about, and I to change America. the fact that we are running virtually am sure the best of them would readily We need to make some tough deci- trillion-dollar deficits for the rest of admit they would rather be spending sions—a lot of tough decisions. They the decade. their time somewhere other than per- are not going to be easy when we bor- Also, the President’s budget fails to haps the Russell Senate Office Build- row 40 cents of every dollar we spend. alter the debt course in the future. ing. Last year we were taking in $2,300 bil- Congressman RYAN’s does. It deals with That is why today I mark a very bit- lion and spending $3,600 billion. I know the surging entitlements—at least the tersweet transition on my team be- people think this is not true. I am tell- ones that can be dealt with. We can’t cause tomorrow is Kathy Kerrigan’s ing my colleagues that it is true. That deal with Social Security in a budget last day on my Senate staff. After hav- is why Republicans and Democrats, lib- by law, but we can deal with Medicare, ing been confirmed at the end of the erals and conservatives acknowledge Medicaid, and other surging entitle- last work period, she is leaving the we are on the wrong path. ment programs that have to be brought Senate to serve as a judge on the U.S. The budget that Senator CONRAD laid into some sort of stable control so they Tax Court, and that is the capstone in down but none of his colleagues voted don’t go bankrupt. Congressman RYAN an already distinguished life spent in for—and he didn’t vote for it either— dealt with that, but the President public service. the budget he laid down yesterday doesn’t deal with it in a realistic way, As proud as I am to see her serve on would not cut any spending over the and he has failed to lay out a plan. the Tax Court, it is really difficult to agreement of the Budget Control Act I guess what I am saying is I am just imagine my office without her. She has next year. After the Budget Control frustrated this morning to hear that had the title of ‘‘tax counsel,’’ but she Act passed, we were projecting to spend our colleagues are aggrieved that they really was a lot more than that. The $44 trillion over 10 years, and under did not get—that we felt we should chairman of the Finance Committee, Senator CONRAD’s budget, we would have had a markup on the budget, but , and my colleague from spend $44 trillion over 10 years. But he we didn’t get one. The reason we didn’t Massachusetts in the House, Kathy’s claimed we are going to reduce deficits. get one is because a decision has been old boss, RICHIE NEAL, all know better How? By getting $2.6 trillion in new made in the highest counsels of the than anyone just how much—on almost taxes—no cuts, but $2.6 trillion in new majority party of the U.S. Senate that every single issue in the Congress, it taxes. No wonder they don’t want to they do not want to be held account- always somehow comes to be a tax have it out here on the floor where it able for the votes necessary to put our issue, a Finance Committee issue. So can be talked about and amendments country on a sound path. I am very dis- for 6 years Kathy has been my indis- can be offered and the American people appointed about it, and that is the bot- pensable utility player. It didn’t mat- can know what is in it. That is no way tom line. Hopefully, as time goes by, ter if it was on health reform, climate to solve our Nation’s problem. we can come together and work to- change, energy, infrastructure, or The President goes around saying we gether to pass a plan for America—in- supercommittee, if it was anything I need the Buffett tax. We know the cluding tax reform—that will put us on was working on with a fairly high level

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.037 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2533 of focus, you can bet Kathy was there. about her is her ability to distinguish about. The American public expects us I can tell my colleagues that she between right and wrong and her moral to vote yes or no, not maybe. The wasn’t just there, she was invariably compass that always guided her in her longer the delay and the motions go the indispensable player. public service. on, the more we are voting maybe. I don’t know if she will like it, but I I will just share one quick story be- Let’s vote yes or no. would say at times she was a wonk’s fore I wrap up. Last summer, deadly For almost 18 years, the Violence wonk. She knew the Finance Com- tornadoes clippered through her home- Against Women Act has been the cen- mittee brilliantly, and sometimes I had town of Springfield, MA. The first terpiece of the Federal Government’s to struggle to follow Kathy because thing Kathy did was, obviously, make commitment to combat domestic vio- Kathy talked tax, and tax is a different sure her parents were safe. But the sec- lence, dating violence, sexual assault, language. She was almost a charter ond thing she did was get in her car and stalking. The impact of this land- member of the very unique clique of and drive to work immediately. Instead mark law has been remarkable. It has the Finance Committee staffers, and of going home to Massachusetts, she provided lifesaving assistance to hun- MAX BAUCUS knows what I am talking came to work in the Senate on a bright dreds of thousands of women and chil- about from his staff director, Russ Sul- Sunday morning and immediately got dren and men. I appreciate the bipar- livan. They actually had their own an- busy working on tax disaster legisla- tisan support that this bill has had nual tax prom, and that is how exclu- tion to help the people of Springfield, from the beginning. sive a bunch they are. There are a lot the small businesses, the people who Senator CRAPO and I introduced a re- of us who are a little scared to think of had been impacted. She did not see ar- authorization of the Violence Against what a tax prom looks like. I once said cane tax legislation; what she saw were Women Act last year after months of it was probably a prom for people who bricks and mortar, lumber and nails discussion. We wanted it to be a bipar- didn’t go to their own proms once upon and lives that had been disrupted. tisan bill, and it is. Too often in recent a time, but, in fact, it is a party for the That is the Kathy Kerrigan I know. times, the Senate goes through all smartest, most detail oriented, hardest That is the Kathy Kerrigan I have been kinds of delaying moves before they working staffers the Senate has be- privileged to have working with me proceed to legislation. Again, as I said, cause they are always in the middle of through some of the most interesting, the American people elect us. They ex- everything around here and, boy, do most grueling, most productive legisla- pect us to vote yes or no not maybe. they deliver. tive years I have had the privilege of The delays are a big fat maybe. That is really where Kathy was in being part of in 27 years in the Senate. The Violence Against Women Act is a her element—driving into the minutiae I will miss her energy, her creativity, measure that is cosponsored by 61 Sen- of issues, crystal-balling legislation and the dedication she brought to my ators. It is a bipartisan measure co- better than just about anybody with office. sponsored by Democrats, Republicans, whom I have ever worked. I will tell But it is good to know and we will all and Independents, and passed out of my colleagues, if she had chosen the be reassured by the fact that she will the Senate Judiciary Committee in Navy instead of the Finance Com- bring those same qualities, heart and February. So I hope Democrats and Re- mittee, we would be here today salut- head to the Federal bench. She will be publicans and Independents will come ing Admiral Kerrigan. She comes to an a phenomenal tax judge, and she will together to proceed to consider the bill issue always armed with facts. She has continue to make her family and her without delay. I would hope they step always thought through every question friends and her home State of Massa- forward and do the right thing and send a Senator or anybody else might ask chusetts very proud. the message to America that we are about a particular issue. She is driven I suggest the absence of a quorum. united in the effort to see the Violence to get the job done, and she always did. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Against Women Act reauthorized. On health care, she was a phe- clerk will call the roll. It is an opportunity for the Senate to nomenal thinker as we worked through The legislative clerk proceeded to come together and renew what I be- the Finance Committee issues and the call the roll. lieve is a shared commitment among funding mechanisms. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I ask Senators to end violence against Last summer, she was nominated for unanimous consent that the order for women. For generations, violence the court. But then, nevertheless, I the quorum call be rescinded. against women in this country was asked her to serve on the deficit com- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. condoned. Too often these insidious mittee. She promised to stay until the MCCASKILL). Without objection, it is so crimes were dismissed with a joke or a work was done, and I cannot emphasize ordered. shrug or that ‘‘they involve somebody how valuable she was there also. On Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, what else.’’ Rape was too often excused and the Joint Select Committee, there is the parliamentary situation? domestic violence was tolerated as a were many times when committee The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- family matter. members from both parties would ask ate is considering the motion to pro- Victims were blamed, humiliated, if Kathy could join a meeting. That is ceed to the Violence Against Women and ignored. They had nowhere to turn. a sign of respect and of ability. She was Act. There were no crisis centers, there someone who quietly, head down, did Mr. LEAHY. I am glad we are doing were no shelters. Far too many women the work, and let the work try to find that. I want to thank the majority and families were left to fend for them- a way toward a solution. leader for moving to proceed to the re- selves with no help. The Violence Everything I admire about her as a authorization of the Violence Against Against Women Act was passed nearly public servant is written into her DNA. Women Act as the next legislative 18 years ago and has helped to change I think it is the result of growing up in measure for the Senate to consider. He that. It sent a powerful message that Springfield, MA, where her father Bill made the motion Tuesday afternoon. violence against women is a crime and Sullivan served as mayor. She had a My hope is that it is not going to be it is not going to be tolerated, no mat- front-row view of what it is like in pub- necessary to have extended debate or a ter where it happens. lic life, of what the demands are, and of filibuster or the filing of a cloture mo- It transformed the law enforcement what a difference earnest people like tion and a delay of several days and response and provided services to vic- her father can make in government— then a delay of 2 more days even after tims all across the country. Now is the people who do the work without wor- more than 60 Senators vote to bring time to renew our commitment to rying about the limelight or who gets the debate to a close and proceed to the these victims by passing this legisla- the credit. bill and then another vote on the mo- tion. We need to move forward. We She never lost sight of that through tion to proceed before the Senate is need to reaffirm that ending violence Boston College and Notre Dame Law permitted to consider this important against women is a priority for all School and 14 years on Capitol Hill measure. Americans. We need to be a beacon to working on tax policy. As much as I I expect anybody listening got lost others around the world in this regard. admire the special energy Kathy through that whole process. That is With this effort we set the standard. brought to her job, what I admire most something we Senators should think We show that America understands

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.038 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 equality and recognizes human dignity. bill is important and why the Senate I hope we can reach out to the leader- We are going to fight injustice against should pass it. ship on both sides, get a time to get the most vulnerable among us. There is nothing radical or new about this done, do not keep holding up legis- The legislation that I introduced saying that all victims—all victims— lation that has been endorsed by more with Senator CRAPO last November is are entitled to services. I have been at than 700 State and national organiza- drawn from the needs of survivors of some of the most horrendous crime tions, numerous religious and faith- domestic and sexual violence. It is scenes you can imagine in my earlier based organizations, and our partners based on the recommendations of the career. I never asked, and certainly in law enforcement. Let’s show the tireless professionals who serve those none of the police officers ever asked, country we will not duck this issue. We survivors every day. whether the victim was a Democrat or will vote for it or we will vote against It includes improvements suggested Republican, rich or poor, or from a mi- it. by law enforcement officers across the nority. A victim is a victim, and we The Violence Against Women Act country. As we build on the progress should be helping all victims not dis- should not be a partisan matter. The we have made in reducing domestic and criminating among them. last two times the Violence Against sexual violence, we made vital im- We know that even though the econ- Women Act was reauthorized, it was provements to respond to remaining, omy is improving, these remain dif- unanimously approved by the Senate. unmet needs to better serve the vic- ficult economic times and we have to Although it seems that partisan grid- tims of violence. spend our taxpayer money responsibly. lock is too often the default in the Sen- We incorporate the important work That is why in this bill, we consoli- ate over the last couple of years, it re- that Chairman AKAKA, Senator MUR- dated 13 programs into 4 to reduce du- mains my hope that those who have KOWSKI, and the Senate Indian Affairs plication and bureaucratic barriers. We voted for VAWA in the past will come Committee have been doing to try to cut the authorization level by more forward and join our eight Republican respond to the epidemic of domestic than $135 million a year, a decrease of cosponsors to support it. If so, we can and sexual violence in tribal commu- 20 percent from the last reauthoriza- pass our VAWA reauthorization with a nities. We increase the focus on effec- tion. strong bipartisan majority as we al- tive responses to sexual assault. We have significant accountability ways have. While the annual incidence of domes- provisions including audit require- Domestic and sexual violence knows tic violence has fallen since VAWA was ments, enforcement mechanisms, and no political party. Its victims are Re- introduced by more than 50 percent, restrictions on grantees and costs. I publican and Democrat, rich and poor, the progress has not yet translated to sought to consult with Senator GRASS- young and old, male and female, gay reducing sexual assault. Incidents of LEY and others in making these and straight. Let’s pass this without sexual assault remains high, while re- changes to authorization levels and for delay. It is a law that has saved count- porting rates, prosecution rates, and increased accountability, knowing how less lives, and it is an example of what conviction rates remain appallingly important these aspects are to them. can be done when we work together. low. In the Senate Judiciary Committee I yield the floor. So we faced that problem head on. those who opposed the bill were given The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We ensure that funds are allocated to an opportunity to offer a substitute ator from Connecticut is recognized. law enforcement and victims service and other amendments. Senator Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- responses to sexual assault and author- GRASSLEY offered a substitute which dent, I salute and thank the Senator ize support for law enforcement sexual was voted on and rejected. In the mi- from Vermont for his extraordinary assault training and the reduction of nority views of the Committee report, leadership on this issue of the Violence the backlogs of untested rape kits. Senator KYL noted disagreement with Against Women Act. He has been truly In a lot of places, they say: We can- the provisions of the bill responding to and deservedly a hero in championing a not test this rape kit for several the crisis of violence against Native measure that has saved countless lives months. So often the perpetrator women that incorporated a provision and prevented the kinds of suffering comes back. So during the several for the SAVE Native Women Act to and brutality we have seen all too months it takes to test the rape kit, provide domestic violence jurisdiction often. they say to the victim: Be sure and over those perpetrators with signifi- I join in his remarks, and I will speak keep your door locked. This is not how cant ties to the prosecuting tribes. at greater length about the need for victims should be treated; they should Opponents have noted their disagree- that bill in the future. not have to live in fear. We should be ment with the U visa provisions re- (The remarks of Mr. BLUMENTHAL able to say we can test this imme- quested by law enforcement. Some op- pertaining to the introduction of S. diately, and then go get the person in- posed the provisions intended to ensure Res. 428 are located in today’s RECORD volved. against discrimination in services under ‘‘Submissions of Concurrent and My early experience with the ques- based on sexual orientation or gender Senate Resolutions.’’) tion of sexual assault was not as a Sen- identity. Mr. BLUMENTHAL. I suggest the ab- ator but as a local prosecutor. Senator Again, I will say what I have said sence of a quorum. CRAPO has been visiting women’s shel- over and over again: a victim is a vic- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ters and working on these issues for tim is a victim. We should not ask clerk will call the roll. decades as well. His principled biparti- what category they fall in. The assistant legislative clerk pro- sanship should be respected and cele- Since the bill was passed by the Judi- ceeded to call the roll. brated as being in the best traditions of ciary Committee I have continued to Ms. CANTWELL. Madam President, I the Senate, the Senate I came to 37 reach out to Senator GRASSLEY and ask ask unanimous consent that the order years ago. From the outset, we have what amendments opponents wish to for the quorum call be rescinded. consulted to make this bill the best it offer during Senate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without can be. While amendments to strike the tribal, objection, it is so ordered. More than a month ago, Senators U visa and sexual orientation provi- 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF SEATTLE WORLD’S FAIR from both parties came forward to urge sions were not offered before the Judi- Ms. CANTWELL. Madam President, the Senate to take up and pass the re- ciary Committee, I would understand if this Saturday marks the 50-year anni- authorization of the Violence Against opponents wished to do so before the versary of Seattle’s World’s Fair. The Women Act. The Senate heard that day Senate. I have reached out to try to fair was a presentation of what the from Senator KLOBUCHAR, Senator construct a pathway for consideration world would be like in the 21st century. MURKOWSKI, Senator MIKULSKI, Sen- of the bill pursuant to an agreement The Space Needle was built and it gave ator MURRAY, Senator HAGAN, Senator that is fair to opponents of these var- us an iconic symbol that still lasts and SHAHEEN, Senator FEINSTEIN, and Sen- ious provisions. If they have other defines our skyline today. ator BOXER, who was the author of the amendments, let’s bring them up. Let’s More than 9 million people visited House bill in 1990. Eight Senators came vote on them. Let’s vote this up or that World’s Fair in 1962. Elvis Presley to the floor to remind us all why this down. Do not vote maybe. stopped by during the filming of a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.025 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2535 movie, because the movie was called The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the bill because they do not like it, ‘‘It All Happened at the World’s Fair.’’ clerk will call the roll. they may not like what the result of All the visitors to the fair saw a very The assistant legislative clerk pro- having no bill is. futuristic rendition of what boundless ceeded to call the roll. Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I sug- energy and innovative spirit in Amer- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask gest the absence of a quorum. ica would be all about. unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The President Kennedy opened the fair, the quorum call be rescinded. clerk will call the roll. highlighting the innovations of science The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The bill clerk proceeded to call the and technology. He said, ‘‘These ac- objection, it is so ordered. roll. complishments are a bridge which will Mr. DURBIN. I ask consent to speak Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask carry us confidently toward the 21st as in morning business. unanimous consent that the order for century.’’ Indeed, the World’s Fair was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without a bridge toward the 21st century, espe- objection, it is so ordered. (The remarks of Mr. DURBIN per- objection, it is so ordered. cially for our Washington State econ- taining to the introduction of S. 2303 Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask omy. unanimous consent to speak as in The fair foreshadowed the Puget are located in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and morning business. Sound and the entire State as a region The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that would look to innovation and en- Joint Resolutions.’’) Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I sug- objection, it is so ordered. trepreneurship. It gave the public a gest the absence of a quorum. FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES glimpse of what life would be like in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I have the 21st century. And in the years fol- SANDERS). The clerk will call the roll. come to the floor a number of times to lowing the fair, Washington State was The bill clerk proceeded to call the talk about a new business in America home to many of the innovations and roll. that has become a major source of in- technologies that revolutionized the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- come and a major source of Federal way we live and work. imous consent that the order for the subsidy that most people are not aware In 1962, Seattle was home to the first quorum call be rescinded. of. The business I am talking about is satellite transmissions of telephone The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the for-profit college. These are schools calls and television broadcasts. That objection, it is so ordered. which are popping up everywhere same year, the Seattle Times declared, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now ask across my State and across the Nation. ‘‘Boeing Is In Space Age to Stay.’’ The unanimous consent that the cloture You can hardly go to the Internet and rest of the changes that we have con- votes with respect to the Lieberman- put in the word ‘‘college’’ or ‘‘univer- tinued to see have led to many things, Collins substitute amendment 2000, as sity’’ that you will not be bombarded including Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner—a modified, and S. 1789 be postponed to a by all these for-profit schools that try true 21st century plane. time to be determined by me after con- Also, it helped in setting a tone. Bill to entice young people to sign up. sultation with Senator MCCONNELL. Some of them, I am sure, offer valu- Gates took his company from his par- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without able courses. But too often these ents’ house to a global headquarters in objection, it is so ordered. schools offer worthless diplomas. They Redmond, WA. The Microsoft Company Mr. REID. Mr. President, as I indi- entice young people into a curriculum was founded in 1975. After the opening cated this morning, we are real close to that is vastly overpriced, and it turns of its first store in Seattle in 1983, an agreement. The main issue now is out these schools they attend and the Costco became the first company ever whether there will be a 50-vote hurdle education they achieve doesn’t lead to to go from zero to $3 billion in sales in or 60-vote hurdle. We have been a job. just under 6 years. Amazon revolution- through that before. Obviously, we Here is this young person, all full of ized the way people shop online and it know where we are going to wind up, in hope and idealism, signing up to go in is a company that has continued to my opinion, if we are going to have a one direction or the other, and they make innovations. bill. So we will work on that for the find themselves lured into a school Today many other companies in next hour or so and see what we can which is, frankly, not much of a school Washington State—producing every- come up with. at all. I have seen these cases over and thing from composites for airplanes to We are very close to getting some- over again. lean manufacturing to mobile apps thing done. As I have said here before I was just in southern Illinois last software to clean energy technology— the last few days, Senators LIEBERMAN weekend and a young girl came up—she are continuing to innovate because of and COLLINS have done an outstanding was a high school senior, standing Washington State’s reputation for job to the point we are. We have made there with her mom—and I said: So making sure we have a talented work- progress. We are here. We are trying to what is next for you? She said: Well— force. legislate. We have a rule of relevance. and I am not going to use the name of So 50 years ago, the World’s Fair, and It is very broad. That is indicated by the school—I have just been accepted what was announced there, made sure the amendments that people have sug- at the XYZ cooking school in St. the United States was poised for bigger gested. Louis. things to come. Some of the pre- So I hope we can work this out very I said: Well, that is interesting. How dictions we saw about life in the 21st soon. If we cannot, we will have to much does it cost? century may not have come true yet, come back and I guess walk away from She said: Well, after I give them my things such as flying cars—although I postal reform, which is a shame. But Pell grant—$5,500—my mother will recently saw an article about flying everyone who is holding up things cosign a note for $17,000 for me to go to cars, so maybe they weren’t too far should understand, if there is no bill, this cooking school. off—but other things were just as they you are not going to get what you That is the tuition, and it is a 2-year predicted, such as that one day we want. If there is no bill, the post office course. Well, it turns out she is getting would be able to have a telephone in will be drastically hit. The Postmaster off easy. our pocket. gave us until May 15 to come up with In the Chicagoland area I ran into a Fifty years later, we can look back something. We have come up with student who was actually picketing and see a glimpse of the 21st century in nothing to this point. So if people are outside a hearing I had on for-profit the exhibitions and booths that were at concerned about some rural post of- schools. He was dressed up like a chef, the fair, but we also see how fast the fices, as well they should be, or about and I asked him: So you are going to future can come and what we need to processing centers, as of May 15, the culinary school? do to keep moving forward, not just in Postmaster General, unless we do He said: Oh, I love these food shows. Washington State but around the coun- something, will have carte blanche to I watch the Food Channel all the time. try, in an innovation economy. do almost anything he wants to do. I think this is great. I thank the Chair. I yield the floor, That is not what the Senate wants. I said: So you are studying to be a and I suggest the absence of a quorum. So those Senators who are holding up chef.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.032 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 Yes. Federal agency. Let’s put that aside for going to carry that student loan debt I said: How much will it cost you? a moment and think about what $31 to the grave. It is there forever. It How much do you have to borrow to billion means to the private for-profit can’t be wiped out. finish a 2-year course in culinary school industry. This chart is inter- There are Federal college loans, such school in the Chicagoland area? esting because it compares the amount as the ones I took out, they are dif- He said $57,000—$57,000. of money we spend in a given fiscal ferent today. But they are much more The point I am trying to get to, Mr. year for a variety of things. reasonable. Do you know what the dif- President, is student loan debt in How much does it cost us to run the ference is between the private loans America has surpassed credit card debt Federal Bureau of Investigation for a these schools are pushing on families in America, and it is growing by leaps year? Less than $10 billion. The Envi- and students and the Federal student and bounds. Decisions are being made ronmental Protection Agency, less loans? Start with the interest rate. by young people and their supportive than $10 billion; Customs and Border The interest rate on Federal student parents and grandparents—and I will Patrol, about $10 billion; the Coast loans is 3.4 percent. The interest rate talk about that in a minute—to get Guard, $10 billion; the Federal Aviation on private loans can be up to 18 per- deep in debt to go to a school. These Administration, responsible for the cent. It is like credit card debt. Do you young people think they are doing the safe landing of airplanes all across the have any idea what that means when right thing. They have been told all United States, comes out to about $16 you borrow $50,000 or $60,000 and you their lives not to quit after high billion or $17 billion. The space pro- face an 18-percent interest rate? Do the school; that they need to pick up addi- gram is about $18 billion. How about calculation and math, and I will tell tional education or additional skills, the National Institutes of Health? This you some stories about what it does perhaps a bachelor’s or a professional is where we do all the medical research when you start falling behind in your degree. So they instinctively believe to find the new drugs and cures for dis- payments. they are doing the right thing for eases all across America. The annual Brandy Walter grew up in a small themselves, and they instinctively be- expense there is right at $30 billion. town in Indiana. She wanted more out lieve if the Federal Government is Now, take a look at the last bar. This of life so she left for college right out loaning money to the students to go to is the Federal subsidy to for-profit col- of high school. She enrolled in the the school that it must be a good leges. Over $31 billion a year—$31 bil- International Academy of Design and school; right? The Federal Government lion a year. Technology in Chicago, a for-profit wouldn’t loan money if it were a bad Fifteen percent of the students who school owned by the Career Education school. take out loans at for-profit colleges de- Corporation. She switched later to Har- But the honest answer is that some fault within 2 years. That is double the rington College in Chicago, also owned of these are very bad schools. There are rate of public colleges and three times by the same for-profit corporation. three numbers to remember when we the rate of private nonprofit colleges, Brandy took out a total of $99,844 in talk about for-profit schools: 10, the which are historically more expensive. private and Federal student loans to percentage of college students that at- We spend more on for-profit schools cover the cost of her attending these tend for-profit schools, 10 percent; 25, than we do keeping planes in the sky for-profit schools, and then she ran out the percentage of Federal aid to edu- or protecting our borders or tracking of money. She hadn’t finished her de- cation going to for-profit schools, 25 down criminals through the FBI or re- gree. She took out the maximum percent; and 40, the percentage of stu- sponding to disasters through FEMA or amount of Federal student loans, she dents defaulting on their student researching cures for cancer at the Na- took out the private student loans, and loans—40 percent going to for-profit tional Institutes of Health or pro- without any cosigners she couldn’t get schools. tecting the Nation’s food supply or any more loans. She was all in. With- The reality is that the student loan making sure our air and water are safe out any advanced notice from her default rate on for-profit schools is for the people in America or exploring school or her lender, one day her stu- substantially higher than for any other the outer reaches of our universe. That dent ID card just stopped working. She schools. We can just open the box and is how much we are investing in this dropped out and returned back home to look inside and say: I think I under- relatively new and horrendously expen- Indiana with no options. She can’t get stand why. They are being charged too sive industry. a job in her field, and she doesn’t have much in tuition, and they end up with I think the question we face with the a degree because she didn’t finish. So training or an education that doesn’t deficit is where are we going to make lead to a job or doesn’t lead to a job our choices. I have been a reflexive $99,000 into it and she didn’t finish. She is 24 years old. Think about that pays money—enough money to voter for student aid all the time I being 24 years old and owing $99,000 in pay back their student loans. have been in the House and Senate. student loans, unemployed. Her private The other thing is we passed a law Why? That is why I am standing here. student loans have interest rates be- that said for-profit schools in America I got National Defense Education Act tween 9 and 111⁄2 percent. Not the high- can receive no more—get ready—than loans to pay for my college and law est, but still much higher than the 90 percent of their revenue directly school. That is why I am here. I know from the Federal Government. How it, and I think the next generation de- Federal loans. The monthly loan pay- close is this to a Federal agency? Ten serves the same opportunity. So I have ment for this young woman for her pri- percent, that is all they need to be a reflexively voted for these things. vate loan is around $900. Her total loan complete Federal agency. We send sub- Then someone said: Have you looked balance has ballooned because she sidies to these for-profit schools by at where this money is going? Do you couldn’t find a job, from $99,000 to way of Pell grants and student loans to realize 25 percent of it is headed to an $139,000. She has been unable to save the tune of 90 percent. If they train industry where so many students are any money to go back to school or to veterans, we waive that and let them being sucked into signing up, dropping even have a place to live on her own. go to 95 percent and higher. out, and carrying loans for the rest of She doesn’t know what to do with her In the academic year 2009–2010, for- their lives? life at this early stage because of bad profit colleges took in $31 billion in Mr. President, you and I know this, decisions to go to worthless schools. title IV Federal student aid—Pell but everybody should know there is She says: grants and student loans. For-profit something different about a student If I could erase that student debt, I could colleges received one out of every four loan from another loan you take out. move on with my life, and hopefully return Pell grants given to institutions of The loan you take out for your home, to school to finish my degree. higher education—only 10 percent of the loan you take out for your car, Mr. President, 139,000 bucks. the students going to these schools, 25 maybe the loan to buy some appliances Let me give you a taste of what kind percent of the Pell grants. As I men- is a lot different from a student loan. of business Career Education Corpora- tioned, current law allows them to re- Do you know what the difference is? tion runs. The Career Education Cor- ceive up to 90 percent—90 percent. It is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. poration that owned the two schools The for-profit college industry is just No matter how badly things go for Brandy went to owns 83 schools and en- 10 percent away from being an actual you at any stage in your life, you are rolls almost 100,000 students across

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.039 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2537 America. Many of them are in Illinois. to keep going to school and get a mas- of student loan debt because of dif- I have spoken on this floor about sev- ter’s degree. Because the degree pro- ferent situations. Do you know why? eral of their schools and, unfortu- gram required a number of internships, They were generous to their children nately, my office continues to be con- she decided she wanted to focus on her and grandchildren and said: Let me tacted regularly by students who have studies and not work. She was going to sign the loan with you. Do you want to attended the Career Education Cor- be a full-time graduate student. Then, go to school? It is the dream of your poration school and left with a worth- for the first time, she took out a stu- life. Let me cosign. less degree. dent loan. Tim Daniel’s grandparents are two of In 2011, Career Education received Sandy graduated in 1989 with a mas- them. When Tim signed up for $80,000 $1.4 billion in title IV student aid. Ca- ter’s degree in psychology and $21,000 in student loans, he had no idea that reer Education schools received about in debt. She taught part time for the years later his grandparents would be 83 percent of their total revenue from next 10 years at Lincoln Land Commu- at risk of losing their home because of the U.S. Department of Education’s nity College in my hometown of his students loans. Tim dreamed of student aid programs, and that doesn’t Springfield, IL. By then she was di- going to college. In 2004 he enrolled in include the money they get from the vorced and it was tough for her to the Illinois Institute of Art, a for-profit GI bill program. So 81 percent of the make the $300 monthly payments on school owned by the Career Education students take out student loans, and of her student loan. It took a few years Corporation, I talked about before. those students who take out loans over for her to find a good job, but as soon Tim’s grandparents were so proud and 14 percent will default on their loans as she did, she started paying back the happy, they cosigned his loans. within 2 years. loans again. Like many students who contact my On November 1 of last year, Career By 2005 she was already too far in office, Tim says he would have never Education Corporation’s CEO resigned debt to ever work her way out of it, taken out the loans if it was clearly while admitting that some of their and she filed for bankruptcy, but her stated to him how much his monthly schools, had falsified the employment student loan debt was not forgiven. payments would be. He put his trust in rate of graduating students. Their They are not dischargeable in bank- the school and he thought the coun- accreditors—the people who say they ruptcy. Fortunately, many of her other selors really had his best interests in are a real school—require a job place- debts were relieved, and she thought mind, so he took out the loan. ment rate of at least 65 percent for she just might be able to get back on Tim makes $25,000 a year. That is a schools to remain eligible for title IV track. modest income. He can’t afford to get a assistance. Career Education Corpora- In 2008 she got a job with AT&T as a car loan, and he says he will probably tion job placement rates were below 65 customer service representative, where have to rent for the rest of his life. His percent and, incidentally, the depart- she still works. Currently, 15 percent of Federal loans, which have a balance ing CEO who falsified the information her wages are garnished by the Federal around $23,000—Federal Government to the Department of Education was Government to pay her student loans. loans—have a manageable monthly run out of town on a rail with a $5 mil- That is $200 to $300 a month, depending payment, but his private student loans lion bonus payment as he left. on her income. Her total loan balance are completely unmanageable. The I have met the new head of this Ca- is now up to $54,000—more than double lenders won’t work with him to come reer Education Corporation. As with the amount she started with. The loan up with a reasonable payment plan, every for-profit school that actually servicer will not work with her on a leaving the burden of debt on his sends someone in to see me, he has payment plan. And we hear that com- grandparents, who cosigned his loans. said: We are changing everything. We plaint all the time. What is worse is His grandparents don’t have any are going to straighten this mess out. that her balance keeps going up be- money. They filed for bankruptcy, too, I will believe it when I see it. And I cause her payment doesn’t cover the but because the private student loans will believe it when Brandy and stu- interest on the loan. are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, dents like her are given a chance. You may wonder what Sandy’s life is they risk losing their home to pay off It is hard to believe that we live in a like as a 58-year-old with a student their grandson’s student loans. time when student borrowers and their loan debt. How did she get there? Does This isn’t the American dream. This families risk losing their homes be- she live an extravagant lifestyle? The is a nightmare, and we are complicit. cause of student loan debt. I have in- answer is a resounding no. Sandy’s co- We are complicit because this Federal troduced legislation that would permit workers drive her to work because the Government continues to offer Pell private student loans to be discharged cost of gasoline is now too much for grants and student loans to worthless in bankruptcy like every other private her to pay. She has no money to do schools. And students who sign up loan. This legislation will help these anything, is what she tells us. She there think, well, if the Federal Gov- young people. owns a mobile home that needs a lot of ernment is going to loan some money, Let me tell you one other story that repairs she can’t afford. this must be a good school. So we are was in the Washington Post. Recently, When asked if, looking back, she complicit in not policing the ranks of one of the headlines in that paper read would have taken the same path, these for-profit schools on behalf of ‘‘Senior Citizens Continue to Bear the Sandy says she would have absolutely these students. Burden of Student Debt.’’ Senior citi- not gone to school if she had known Secondly, the outrage I hear ex- zens. The story highlighted one of my this was going to happen. Her degree is pressed on this floor all the time about constituents, 58-year-old Sandy the worst thing that ever happened to overspending by the Federal Govern- Barnett. her, she said. She doesn’t think she ment should be directed as well at As an adult, Sandy found herself in a will ever be able to retire. She said: I these for-profit schools. The annual familiar situation: Her husband was just don’t have any money. I have subsidy of these for-profit schools—$31 laid off, and she wanted to go back to nothing because of student loans. billion—is greater than the amount we school. When she was younger, college Her advice, 58-year-old Sandy’s ad- spend as a nation for medical research wasn’t an option. Sandy enrolled in a vice to others? Don’t do it. Do not go in a given year—as a nation. So people bachelor’s degree program in psy- to college. There is no guarantee your who are intensely aware of our def- chology. Concerned about the debt, college degree will help you get a job icit—as the Presiding Officer is—who Sandy didn’t take out any student that will pay for your student loans. want to cut spending and wasteful loans. She worked full time while in What a sad statement. All of us tell areas, join me in taking a look at these school and paid her tuition as the bills our children: Keep going; go to school. for-profit schools. came due. And we should. It is the right thing to Congress could start by passing legis- Balancing work and school was dif- do. But she has a right to be dis- lation to keep interest rates on the ficult, but Sandy graduated in 1987 appointed, even cynical about what has Federal Government student loans at a with a bachelor’s degree in psychology happened to her. manageable level of 3.4 percent. They and no student loan debt. The school Sandy isn’t alone. Other older Ameri- are going to double in July if we don’t adviser told her it would be a good idea cans out there are bearing the burden take action, so we had better do that.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.040 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 Senator HARKIN of Iowa and I re- thing we can look to in the future. We the applicable motions to waive; that cently introduced legislation that will decided we were going to have an upon disposition of the amendments, help educate borrowers about private amendment process. Maybe it is not as the substitute amendment, as modified student loans. far as everyone wants to go, but it is a and amended, if amended, be agreed to; Actually, there are situations where pretty good step in the right direction. further, the bill, as amended, then be students at these for-profit schools are Rather than having no amendments, read a third time and the Senate pro- still eligible to borrow money from the rather than having only germane ceed to a vote on passage of the bill, as Federal Government at 3.4 percent, and amendments, we decided we would have amended; finally, that the vote on pas- the so-called counselors at these a standard that is very broad; that is, sage of the bill be subject to a 60-af- schools steer them into private loans relevant amendments. It has given peo- firmative-vote threshold. at 5, 11, and up to 18 percent interest ple the opportunity to offer lots of dif- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. rates, and the students don’t know it. ferent things. So I hope in the future— UDALL of Colorado). Is there objection? They sign up not realizing they could it may not happen on every piece of Without objection, it is so ordered. still borrow the money under manage- legislation that comes along, but I f able terms from the Federal Govern- hope we get in the habit of being able UNANIMOUS CONSENT ment if they wish. There ought to be to do things such as this; that gives AGREEMENT—S.J. RES. 36 clear disclosure to the students, their Senators wide range on things they can Mr. REID. Mr. President, another im- families—and their grandparents. do. But anyway, we have done it on portant issue: I ask unanimous consent Our legislation, the Know Before You this and I appreciate everyone’s co- that at 2 p.m., on Monday, April 23, the Owe Private Student Loan Act, will re- operation. Republican leader or his designee be quire private student loan lenders to I also appreciate the good work of recognized to move to proceed to the certify a potential borrower’s enroll- Senator LIEBERMAN and Senator COL- consideration of S.J. Res. 36, a joint ment status and cost of attendance LINS. I have many times in the last resolution disapproving a rule sub- with the borrowing school and require week or so expressed that appreciation mitted by the National Labor Rela- institutions of higher education to to them for their leadership. This has tions Board relating to representation counsel students about all their stu- been extremely difficult. It is a mas- election procedures; that there be up to dent aid options before the private stu- sive bill dealing with more than one- half million postal employees, more 4 hours of debate on the motion to pro- dent loan is actually disbursed. Most ceed, with the time equally divided and importantly, schools would have to in- than 30,000 post offices, 500 or so proc- essing centers, and it has been ex- controlled between the two leaders or form the students about the differences their designees; further, that the first 2 between private student loans and Fed- tremely difficult to get to a point where I hope we can arrive shortly. So hours of debate, equally divided, occur eral student loans. Federal student from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Monday, April 23, loans have consumer protections built we are here. I have been given the nod. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- and the final 2 hours of debate, equally in but not the private loans. divided, occur from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 I encourage my colleagues to go sent that the cloture motions with re- spect to the Lieberman-Collins sub- p.m., Tuesday, April 24; that at 2:15 home and listen to these families. On p.m., Tuesday, April 24, the Senate pro- your Web site, ask for the victims of stitute amendment and the bill be viti- ated; the motion to recommit be with- ceed to vote on the adoption of the mo- student loan abuse to write in, as they tion to proceed; that if the motion is have to my office, and you will come to drawn; that the pending amendments Nos. 2013 and 2015 be withdrawn and successful, then the time for debate realize this is a growing problem in with respect to the joint resolution be this country. Student loan debt is that the following amendments be the only amendments in order to S. 1789 or equally divided between the two lead- greater than credit card debt, and it is ers or their designees; that upon the coming due. Less than 40 percent of the pending substitute amendment No. 2000, as modified: McCain 2001; Tester use or yielding back of time, the joint student loan borrowers today are cur- resolution be read a third time and the rent on their payments. This is a prob- 2056; Coburn 2060; McCain 2033; Wyden- Feinstein 2020; Coburn 2058; McCaskill- Senate proceed to vote on passage of lem that is going to haunt our Nation the joint resolution; finally, all other for a long time. Merkley 2031; Coburn 2061; Snowe 2080; Udall of New Mexico 2043; Durbin 2082; provisions of the statute governing I hope my colleagues will join me in consideration of the joint resolution bringing some real changes. If the for- Akaka 2034, with a modification agreed to by the two managers; Bennet-Blunt remain in effect. profit school industry has anything to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there offer by way of real education and 2047; Corker 2083; Mikulski 2003; Akaka 2049; Paul 2025; Manchin 2079; Paul 2026; objection? training, they had better shape up and Without objection, it is so ordered. Bingaman 2076; Paul 2027; Cardin 2040; they had better be honest with their DISCHARGE OF FURTHER CONSIDERATION students. They shouldn’t drag them Paul 2028; Carper 2065; Paul 2029; Carper 2066; Paul 2039; Casey 2042; Paul 2038; We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- deeply in debt for worthless diplomas ance with chapter 8 of title 5, United States which could literally ruin a life. Landrieu 2072; DeMint 2046; McCaskill Code, hereby direct that the Senate Com- Mr. President, I yield the floor, and I 2030; Coburn 2059; Pryor 2036; Rocke- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and suggest the absence of a quorum. feller 2073; Rockefeller 2074; Schumer Pensions be discharged of further consider- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. WAR- 2050; Tester 2032; and Warner 2071, with ation of S.J. Res. 36, a resolution on pro- viding for congressional disapproval of a rule NER). The clerk will call the roll. a modification agreed to by the two managers; that on Tuesday, April 24, at submitted by the National Labor Relations The assistant legislative clerk pro- Board relating to representation election ceeded to call the roll. a time to be determined by the major- ity leader, after consultation with the procedures, and further, that the resolution (Mr. MANCHIN assumed the Chair.) be immediately placed upon the Legislative The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Republican leader, the Senate vote in Calendar under General Orders. FRANKEN). The majority leader. relation to the amendments in the Michael B. Enzi, Thad Cochran, Roy Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- order listed; that there be 2 minutes Blunt, Bob Corker, John Boozman, imous consent that the order for the equally divided in the usual form prior Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Olympia quorum call be rescinded. to each vote; that all after the first Snowe, Lamar Alexander, Rob The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vote be 10-minute votes; that the Portman, Orrin Hatch, Jerry Moran, John Hoeven, John Cornyn, Mike objection, it is so ordered. amendments be subject to a 60-affirma- tive-vote threshold; that there be no Crapo, Jeff Sessions, Patrick Toomey, f Jim DeMint, Tom Coburn, David Vit- other amendments in order to the bill, UNANIMOUS CONSENT ter, Ron Johnson, , the substitute amendment, as modi- , Richard Burr, John- AGREEMENT S. 1789 fied, or the amendments listed; and ny Isakson, John Thune, Michael Lee, Mr. REID. Mr. President, first of all, there be no points of order or motions , Roger F. Wicker, let me express my appreciation to in order to any of these amendments, Richard G. Lugar. every Senator. We tried something a the substitute amendment or the bill, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- little different, and I think it is some- other than budget points of order and ator from Connecticut.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.046 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2539 Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I and then on Monday to begin the de- After watching his parents run a want to thank Senator REID, and, of bate on the amendments. But, again, I newspaper throughout his childhood, course, thank Senator COLLINS. We want to thank everyone involved. I Chip was no doubt aware of the dif- have again worked very closely to- think this is how the Senate should op- ficulties of producing a new edition day gether. I thank the staff on both sides erate. It took a lot of work to get here, in and day out, but he was okay with who worked very hard, and I thank all but no one gave up. Everyone kept it. He had a deep desire to be in the of our colleagues. working away. thick of reporting. He wanted to follow I know it took a lot of effort, because I believe we have come up with a leads, piece together stories, record people have strong opinions about the very fair agreement to allow us to pro- monumental events, and most impor- crisis in the Postal Service of the ceed on a bill of great significance. I tantly, inform the citizens of Princeton United States, but we have ended with want to thank everyone involved. of the goings on of the world around a process here that will allow a discus- I yield the floor. them. sion and votes on a wide range of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Chip became publisher of the Prince- amendments on both sides. I would say jority leader is recognized. ton Leader in 1976, assumed the role of based on the knowledge we have of this f publisher of the Times Leader in 1992, list that not all of these amendments and has been doing an outstanding job MORNING BUSINESS listed will actually require rollcall ever since. Chip Hutcheson is a testa- votes. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ment to the success one can achieve We will be working over the weekend imous consent that the Senate now when one enters a field of work one has trying to see if we can find common proceed to a period of morning busi- a true passion for. ground, accept some of these amend- ness, with Senators permitted to speak It is with the most sincere gratitude ments or modify them. But bottom for up to 10 minutes each. that I congratulate Mr. Chip line, this consent agreement, though The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Hutcheson on his induction to the Ken- we are not there yet, gives me great objection, it is so ordered. tucky Journalism Hall of Fame and hope that the Senate is going to prove f thank him for the heartfelt devotion he has shown the people of Princeton, that we are capable of taking on a cri- TRIBUTE TO MR. CHIP HUTCHESON sis situation which the post office is in, Caldwell County, and the Common- losing $13 billion plus over the last 2 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I wealth of Kentucky throughout the years. If we do not do anything, it is stand before you today in honor of years. And I would like to ask my col- only going to get worse and a lot of someone who has made a substantial leagues in the United States Senate to people are going to lose their jobs and contribution to the people of Caldwell join me in commemorating Mr. Chip a lot of people who depend on the mail County, KY, for his work in the field of Hutcheson for his many accomplish- are not going to get it in the same way. journalism: Mr. Chip Hutcheson, pub- ments in the field of journalism. This is a bill that will provide an or- lisher of Caldwell County’s local peri- There was recently an article pub- derly reform that will keep the post of- odical, the Princeton Times Leader. lished in the Princeton Times Leader fice not only alive but change it so it Mr. Hutcheson was recently inducted which made note of Chip Hutcheson’s can survive throughout the 21st cen- into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of induction into the 2012 Kentucky Jour- tury. Fame in Lexington, KY, along with nalism Hall of Fame. Mr. President, I Senator COLLINS and I will be here at five other esteemed broadcasting and ask unanimous consent that said arti- noon on Monday to debate any of the journalism colleagues from all over the cle be printed in the RECORD. amendments people want to come to Commonwealth. There being no objection, the article debate. I believe I am speaking for both The relationship between Chip was ordered to appear in the RECORD as of us in saying—I know I am—that Hutcheson and the paper that would follows: after the votes Monday afternoon unre- become the Princeton Times Leader [From the Princeton Times Leader, Apr. 14, lated to this matter, we are prepared to began when Chip was just 10 months 2012] remain here into the evening to con- old. His parents, the late John and TL PUBLISHER JOINS HALL OF FAME RANKS tinue debating amendments before the Betsy Hutcheson, purchased the then- (By Jared Nelson) actual votes occur on Tuesday after- Princeton Leader and moved to Prince- Times Leader Publisher Chip Hutcheson noon. ton, KY, just after the birth of their and two others with western Kentucky con- Again, I thank everyone involved, son, Chip. John and Betsy shared a love nections were among a class of six individ- uals inducted into the 2012 class of the Ken- particularly Senator COLLINS. for their chosen profession of jour- nalism, a love of the trade that Chip, tucky Journalism Hall of Fame this week. I yield the floor. The induction ceremony followed a lunch- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- too, would inherit at a young age. eon hosted by the University of Kentucky ator from . Looking back, Chip recalls the paper Journalism Alumni Association and the UK Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I want being a big part of his adolescent life. School of Journalism and Telecommuni- to echo the thanks to everyone who He remembers writing sports news all cations in Lexington Wednesday. was involved in formulating this very throughout his teenage years. Chip left Other inductees included: D.J. Everett III, extensive unanimous consent agree- Princeton after high school to attend president of Ham Broadcasting Company, ment. We have been working extremely the University of Kentucky, just like which operates the WKDZ and WHVO radio stations; Dr. Bob McGaughey, retired chair- hard the last couple of days to make his father before him. He enlisted in man of the Department of Journalism and sure we were being fair to all Members the U.S. Army after graduating from Mass Communications at Murray State Uni- on a bill on which there are diverse the college and served 4 months of ac- versity; Albert B. ‘‘Ben’’ Chandler, Jr., long- opinions, on an issue that is so impor- tive duty in Vietnam. time publisher of the Woodford Sun; Bill tant and that is how do we save an es- Upon his return from the service, he Luster, retired photo-journalist with the sential American institution, the U.S. immediately re-entered the field he Louisville Courier-Journal and two-time Postal Service. had been passionately involved with for Pulitzer Prize winner; and Michael M. York, I too want to thank our two leaders, so long. He understood that journalism a former Lexington Herald-Leader and Wash- ington Post reporter, also a Pulitzer Prize Senator REID and Senator MCCONNELL, was his calling, and he wanted to make winner. and my dear friend and chairman of the a career out of bringing the news to the Duane Bonifer, president of the alumni as- Homeland Security and Governmental people of Caldwell County, just as his sociation, noted April as national Jazz Ap- Affairs Committee, Senator LIEBER- beloved mother and father had. Chip preciation Month and drew parallels between MAN, as well as our staffs and our floor remembered a piece of advice his father the work of great jazz musicians and great staff who have put in so many hours. gave him about the media industry: journalists, their balance of innovation and I want to reiterate that Senator LIE- ‘‘He said, This is a good business, but improvisation. ‘‘We’re going to celebrate the artistry of BERMAN and I will be available to nego- remember this—you will never be Chandler, Everett, Hutcheson, Luster, tiate—our staffs will as well—and to caught up; there will always be one McGaughey, and York,’’ he said. ‘‘That’s not debate these issues. We will be avail- more advertiser you can see, one more a bad sextet to be jamming with on a able over the weekend and tomorrow, story you can write.’’’ Wednesday afternoon in Lexington.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.051 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 Hutcheson has served as publisher of the are handed down from generation to across the Nation in civic centers, Times Leader since its 1992 creation, when generation; and they are places where schools, churches and synagogues, on the community’s two newspapers, the many turn for guidance. This Satur- military bases and in workplaces. Caldwell County Times and the Princeton day, April 21, marks a significant mile- As always, the United States Holo- Leader, were purchased by the Kentucky New Era and merged. stone for one such place of worship in caust Memorial Museum—created as a Hutcheson had published the Leader, tak- Jackson, MI. On Friday evening, Tem- permanent living memorial to its vic- ing over from his parents, in 1976. ple Beth Israel will celebrate the ses- tims—is taking a leading role in this In his induction speech Wednesday, he re- quicentennial anniversary of its found- annual observance. called a life spent in the business. ing on April 21, 1862. This momentous We must never forget the horrors of ‘‘If anyone has ink in their veins, that occasion will be commemorated the Holocaust, we must never let the would be me,’’ he said. through a service that highlights the world forget, and we must never forget His parents, the late John and Betsy congregation’s rich history and impor- or neglect the Holocaust’s lessons. Hutcheson, bought the Leader when their Never forgetting means keeping alive son was 10 months old and moved to Prince- tant place within the greater Jackson ton, a town where the only person they knew community. the memory of those who suffered and was the paper’s prior owner. Since 1862, this close-knit synagogue died in the Holocaust. ‘‘But that paper was a labor of love for my has been a mainstay in Jackson and Never forgetting also means declaim- parents, and in turn for me,’’ he said. has helped to preserve and instill reli- ing against crimes against humanity The paper, he said, was a major part of his gious values and culture from one gen- that erupt in our midst, and on our life throughout childhood and into his teen- eration to the next. Nowhere is this watch. age years, when he began writing sports better portrayed than in a short vi- As searing as the Holocaust’s lessons news. gnette on Temple Beth Israel’s web are, the world is too easily tempted to He enrolled at UK, following his father’s avert its eyes from heinous crimes footsteps. site, which brings to life what may Faced with the prospect of being drafted seem to be routine—scores of proud committed by governments and others into the U.S. Army after graduating, he re- families pouring out of a service laugh- against our fellow human beings. The turned to Princeton. ing, smiling and bonding with one an- community of nations will always bear He was hired as a sports editor for the Ken- other; providing a place for members of the shame of doing so little during the tucky New Era, taking his father’s advice to the Jewish community to come to- massacres on the killing fields of Cam- gain experience outside the family business. gether in fellowship to learn, to seek bodia, and in the villages of Rwanda. The day before he was to be drafted, he was spiritual guidance and to celebrate im- The United States Holocaust Memo- able to enlist in the Army Reserve. ‘‘That rial Museum itself has taken the lead meant four months of active duty rather portant religious and life events is at than two years, so my time away from the the core of Temple Beth Israel’s mis- in shining a light on atrocities in our New Era was brief,’’ he said. sion. time in Darfur, and I commend its He served as sports editor there from 1970 Temple Beth Israel, situated on West Committee on Conscience for lending to 1976, when his father retired from the Michigan Avenue, is the first and only its unmatched moral authority to the Leader and handed the reins to his son. synagogue in the city of Jackson and is crusade to bring an end to the violence ‘‘My father only offered one piece of ad- at the center of Jewish life there. Four there. vice, and I have never forgotten it,’’ he told stained glass windows representing the In that spirit, our voices are also the Lexington crowd. ideals the congregation holds dear— needed to expose the crimes against ‘‘He said ‘This is a good business, but re- humanity that are occurring behind member this—you will never be caught up; Torah, peace, justice and good deeds— there will always be one more advertiser you adorn the synagogue’s sanctuary. the walls of the prison camps of North can see, one more story you can write.’ Through the years, there have been Korea. More and more information now ‘‘It was that philosophy that has guided me abundant examples of these ideals put is coming to light about the system- ever since.’’ into action. atic, state-sponsored brutality that is Hutcheson credited the support of his fam- Temple Beth Israel is a landmark, being waged upon some 200,000 people, ily in the years since: his mother, who literally. Preceding the Temple’s according to the State Department, in worked 60-plus hours each week at the paper founding was the Hebrew Benevolent those camps. The fact of these prison into her 70s, retiring only when the papers camps is not new. But horrifying new merged; his wife, Karen, a nurse by profes- Society. One of the lasting achieve- sion who became a utility employee; and ments of the Benevolent Society was glimpses are now coming to light from children Cindy and John Mark, who spent the purchase, along with others in the those who have successfully broken much time in the newspaper office during community, of land for burial in 1859. free and crossed the frontier to even- their formative years. Today, it stands as one of the oldest tual freedom. Publicly available sat- ‘‘The Leader truly was a ‘family’ busi- Jewish cemeteries in continuous use in ellite photos are helping to expose a ness,’’ he said ‘‘I regret that my parents are Michigan and has been recognized na- system whose very existence the North not here today for this honor my dad died 10 tionally as an important landmark Korean government continues to deny. years ago and my mother just last year—be- A new report on these prison camps, cause they were the ones who instilled in me through its listing in the National Reg- this love of community journalism.’’ ister of Historic Places. Notable, also, authored by David Hawk, has been re- He also gave thanks to the employees of is that Temple Beth Israel served as leased by the Committee for Human the Times Leader for their support, and to the student pulpit for Rabbi Sally Rights in North Korea, a U.S.-based, the community at large for being a ‘‘strong Priesand, the first female rabbi in the private organization. It documents the newspaper town.’’ United States. imprisonment of entire families, in- The publisher quoted Lou Gehrig’s famous I extend my very best to the Temple cluding children and grandparents for farewell speech to a 1939 Yankee Stadium— Beth Israel community as they com- the ‘‘political crimes’’ of other family ‘‘Today I consider myself the luckiest man members. on the face of this earth’’—in closing. memorate this wonderful milestone. ‘‘I’m not the luckiest man,’’ Hutcheson Through strong spiritual leadership At the report’s Washington release said. ‘‘I’m the most blessed man. I’m blessed and an active congregation, they have this month, a young man born to pris- to work with the people I work with. I’m etched an impressive legacy for all to oners—and thereby condemned to blessed to be in the community I live in, and see. Jackson, MI is a better place be- spend his entire life in one of these I’m blessed to have a family who thinks cause of their work, and as they look camps—spoke about visiting the much more highly of me than I deserve.’’ toward the future, I am certain it is United States Holocaust Memorial Mu- f equally bright. A hearty mazel tov to seum, every time he comes to Wash- Temple Beth Israel. ington. Shin Dong-hyuk’s harrowing 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF TEMPLE f escape is detailed in a new book by BETH ISRAEL Blaine Harden, a former Washington Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, religious HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY Post reporter. institutions play an important role in Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today, We have vital national security in- communities across the Nation. They Thursday, April 19, is Holocaust Re- terests at stake in our dealings with are places where families bond; they membrance Day. Observances and re- the North Korean regime, which has are places where culture and traditions membrance activities are taking place acquired nuclear weapons. I am one

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.048 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2541 who believes that we can fully and ef- hidden, although North Korea’s regime con- more chaotic version of Camp 14—into China fectively pursue these interests tinues to deny its existence. In fact, as David and, eventually, the United States. He is, as through diplomacy and other means, Hawk said, a great deal is known about the far as is known, the only person born in the without having to mute our outrage camps, both from the testimony of those who North Korean gulag to escape to freedom. have escaped and from satellite imagery. Mr. about human rights atrocities like Improbably, his tale becomes even more Hawk has just published the second edition gripping after his unprecedented journey, these. of his definitive survey, also called ‘‘The after he realizes that he has been raised as I welcome the strong comments Hidden Gulag,’’ which draws on horrifying something less than human. He gradually, about this report made by Robert King, testimony from 60 former prisoners. haltingly—and, so far, with mixed success— the United States human rights envoy The reason for the ignorance is mostly po- sets out to remake himself as a moral, feel- for North Korea, who said that condi- litical. The United States, with a goal of ing human being. tions in North Korea’s prison camps keeping the peace and depriving North Korea How is this tale even possible in the 21st are worse than in the former Soviet of nuclear weapons, has not made human century, the era of ‘‘Never Again,’’ of the rights a priority. In South Korea, the gulag United Nations proudly (in 2005) declaring Union’s gulag. I would hope that to- has been a political football between left- day’s leaders of Russia and China that all nations have a ‘‘responsibility to wing politicians favoring warmer ties with protect’’ civilian populations abused by their would voice similar outrage about the North and right-wing politicians pushing own governments? these atrocities. a harder line. China, North Korea’s neighbor ‘‘Fashioning a comprehensive policy to Social media and a powerful video re- to the north and west, abuses the human deal with North Korea’s nuclear programs, cently brought the story of the crimes rights of its own population and does not be- its human rights abuses, and its failed econ- of Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resist- lieve any country’s freedom to abuse its pop- omy is hardly child’s play,’’ explains Victor ance Army to an audience of millions ulation in the same way should be interfered Cha, a Georgetown University professor, in with. of people around the world. Let us indi- his forthcoming book, ‘‘The Impossible China, in fact, is complicit in North Ko- State.’’ ‘‘No administration thus far has vidually and together similarly raise rea’s abuses, since it sends many defectors our voices against the crimes against been successful at addressing one, let alone who have made it across the Yalu River back all three.’’ humanity that are taking place behind into North Korea, where they face punish- Cha, who helped shape Korea policy on the ment or, if they are repeat escapees, execu- the walls and barbed wire of North Ko- National Security Council under President tion. North Korean women who have become rea’s labor camps, where some one in George W. Bush, describes a nation where pregnant in China often are forced to abort four people die each year—starved to schoolchildren learn grammatical conjuga- their children. ‘‘In cases where the preg- death, or worked to death, or executed. tions by reciting ‘‘We killed Americans,’’ nancy is too advanced, guards beat the in- ‘‘We are killing Americans,’’ ‘‘We will kill Let it not be said by future genera- fants to death or bury them alive after they Americans.’’ tions that though we knew enough, we are born,’’ writes Roberta Cohen, the chair of did not care enough to condemn and to HRNK. With 25 million people, it is a failed state lend our efforts to end this brutal sys- Inevitably, there remains much that is un- in every way but one, which is coddling the tem. known. It’s impossible to be confident of a regime and a small elite that resembles a criminal syndicate more than a traditional Several news organizations have re- population count for the gulag, Mr. Hawk said, because it’s not clear whether deaths bureaucracy. While cautioning that pre- ported or commented on this new infor- dictions are risky, Cha argues that ‘‘the end mation about North Korea’s prison are outpacing deportations. Enough is known, however, for indifference is near.’’ The next U.S. presidential term, he camps. I commend to the Senate’s at- to be inexcusable. As a first step, the United predicts, is likely to face ‘‘a major crisis of tention two recent such writings. I ask Nations could establish a commission of in- the state in North Korea, and potentially unanimous consent that an editorial, quiry to investigate crimes against human- unification.’’ and a commentary by Fred Hiatt, both ity taking place inside the prison camps. As When that happens, ‘‘what is likely to be from the Washington Post, be printed Ms. Cohen said, ‘‘It is not just nuclear weap- revealed is one of the worst human rights disasters in modern times.’’ in the RECORD. ons that have to be dismantled but an entire There being no objection, the mate- system of political repression.’’ Only, as both books make clear, it won’t be much of a revelation. Harden points out that rial was ordered to be printed in the [From the Washington Post, Mar. 25, 2012] North Korea’s labor camps ‘‘have now ex- RECORD, as follows: NORTH KOREA’S DEHUMANIZING TREATMENT OF isted twice as long as the Soviet gulag and [From the Washington Post, Apr. 12, 2012] ITS CITIZENS IS HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT about twelve times longer than the Nazi con- centration camps.’’ They are easily identi- TURNING A BLIND EYE TO NORTH KOREA’S (By Fred Hiatt) ‘HIDDEN GULAG’ fied in satellite photographs. One is larger With President Obama in Korea this week, (Editorial) than the city of Los Angeles. Altogether we will hear a lot about the dangers of North they house about 200,000 people. While attention focused on North Korea Korea’s nuclear aspirations. They are visible, in other words, but people this week ahead of Friday morning’s missile We’re unlikely to hear about a young man do not want to see them, and Shin’s story launch, hundreds of Americans, Koreans, named Shin Dong-hyuk, who was bred, like a helps explain why. Japanese and others gathered in Washington farm animal, inside a North Korean prison It’s no surprise that China, with its own to examine a different aspect of life in that camp after guards ordered his prisoner-par- gulag archipelago, objects to any suggestion communist nation: its ‘‘hidden gulag.’’ ents to mate. But Shin arguably has as much that a government can’t abuse its citizens as That was the title of an unprecedented to teach about Korea’s past and future as it pleases. conference organized by the U.S. Committee about the cycle of negotiation, bluster and for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) broken promises over the nuclear issue. But South Koreans, living in freedom, also and the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Ad- ‘‘Shin was born a slave and raised behind a fear a North Korean collapse—not only for vancement of Human Rights. The gulag is a high-voltage barbed-wire fence.’’ the potential financial cost but also because network of labor camps that houses 150,000 to So writes Blaine Harden, a former East they sense how different their erstwhile 200,000 prisoners. They are generally arrested Asia correspondent for The Post, in a soon- countrymen have become. Not all North Ko- for no crime, sent away with no trial, never to-be-published account of Shin’s life, ‘‘Es- reans live as stunted a life as Shin did inside again allowed to communicate with anyone cape from Camp 14.’’ Camp 14, but generations of isolation, propa- outside the camps, fed on starvation rations Harden describes a closed world of un- ganda and warped morality take a toll. And and forced to work until they die. Other than imaginable bleakness. We often speak of 20 years of post-Soviet experience have from one camp, according to South Korean someone so unfortunate as to grow up ‘‘not taught us that civic virtues can be far more expert Yoon Yeo-sang, no one deported to knowing love.’’ Shin grew up literally not difficult to rekindle than private markets or North Korea’s gulag is ever released. understanding concepts such as love, trust or democratic forms. As noted by Blaine Harden, author of the kindness. His life consisted of beatings, hun- When he watched his teacher beat a six- recently published book ‘‘Escape from Camp ger and labor. His only ethos was to obey year-old classmate to death for stealing five 14,’’ the North Korean gulag has existed guards, snitch on fellow inmates and steal grains of corn, Shin says he ‘‘didn’t think twice as long as did the Soviet network of food when he could. At age 14, he watched his much about it.’’ labor camps created by Lenin and Stalin, mother and older brother executed, a display ‘‘I did not know about sympathy or sad- and 12 times as long as Hitler’s concentra- that elicited in him no pity or regret. He was ness,’’ he says. ‘‘Now that I am out, I am tion camps. Yet, for the most part, ‘‘Ameri- raised to work until he died, probably around learning to be emotional. I have learned to cans don’t know anything about these age 40. He knew no contemporaries who had cry. I feel like I am becoming human.’’ camps,’’ Mr. Harden said. ‘‘They don’t know experienced life outside Camp 14. But seven years after his escape, Harden they exist.’’ At 23, Shin escaped and managed, over the writes, Shin does not believe he has reached This is not, the title of the conference not- course of four years, to make his way that goal. ‘‘I escaped physically,’’ he says. ‘‘I withstanding, because the gulag is all that through a hungry North Korea—a larger, haven’t escaped psychologically.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.043 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 FOOD SAFETY ACCOUNTABILITY TRIBUTE TO IRENE DAVEY tributions to the State of Mississippi ACT Mr. BROWN of Massachusetts. Mr. while serving as the 77th President of Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, one year President, today I wish to recognize Delta Council. The Delta Council was ago, the Senate unanimously passed Irene Davey of Attleboro, MA, who on formed in 1935 and has grown into a the Food Safety Accountability Act. January 26, 2012, turned 104 years of widely respected economic develop- This week, the Food and Drug Admin- age. It is a privilege for me to join her ment organization representing the istration announced that raw tuna family, friends and veterans every- business, professional, and agricultural from a California supplier has sickened where in extending warm wishes to leadership of the alluvial floodplain more than 100 people in 20 States with Irene. commonly known as the Mississippi salmonella poisoning. We do not yet In March of 1943, Irene joined the Delta. I am grateful to Delta Council know the cause of the current out- U.S. Army and served until November for its continuous role in meeting the break, but if enacted, the Food Safety 1945. Irene had a distinguished military economic and quality of life challenges Accountability Act would help stop career where she earned the rank of which have historically confronted this outbreaks of illness related to food staff sergeant. She was part of a force part of my State. safety. It is time for the House to pass of about 351,000 women who served in Bowen Flowers’ tenure as president this noncontroversial legislation. World War II. Irene served in the Wom- of Delta Council has coincided with the The Food Safety Accountability Act en’s Army Auxiliary Corps and was as- development of a new farm bill, the promotes more accountability for food signed to motor transport. primary legislation for establishing suppliers by increasing the sentences While serving in the Army, Irene di- Federal agriculture and food policies. that prosecutors can seek for people rectly contributed to the success of the Mr. Flowers has used his insight and who violate our food safety laws in motor corps by training the other judgment to lead the Delta Council in those cases where there is conscious or women in the auxiliary corps to drive effectively working with Congress to reckless disregard of a risk of death or trucks and provide vehicle mainte- help ensure that the priorities of those serious bodily injury. Current statutes nance. One of her duties while serving living and working in rural America do not provide sufficient criminal sanc- in the motor corps included trans- are met. He is also recognized for his tions for those who knowingly violate porting sick and injured soldiers home dedication to conservation and wildlife our food safety laws. by ambulance. She even became a re- as part of his ongoing service to Mis- Knowingly distributing adulterated cruiter, using what she had learned in sissippi. food is already illegal, but it is in most the Army to bring in the next genera- In addition to his role as president of cases merely a misdemeanor, and the tion of soldiers. Delta Council, Mr. Flowers is a direc- Sentencing Commission has found that Irene understood the true meaning of tor of Staplcotn Producer Cooperative perpetrators generally do not serve jail shared sacrifice. The motto of the time and the Covenant Bank, and is a com- time. The alternative, fines and re- was ‘‘release a man to help your man.’’ missioner on the Coahoma County Soil calls, fall short in protecting the public According to Irene it meant that if a and Water Commission. Some of his from harmful products. Too often, woman could take a man’s job, that previous leadership positions include those who are willing to endanger our man was released to join the armed director of the Mississippi Association American citizens in pursuit of profits forces. That made the armed forces of Conservation Districts, president of view such fines or recalls as merely the stronger, helping your man who was in the Mississippi Soybean Promotion cost of doing business. the armed forces be that much safer. Board, producer director of the Na- Salmonella poisoning is all too com- After World War II, Irene continued tional Cotton Council, president of mon and sometimes results from inex- her service by becoming a warden at Delta Wildlife, and chairman of the cusable, knowing conduct such as that the election polls in her hometown of Delta Council Soil and Water Com- carefully targeted by the Food Safety Attleboro. Irene is an exceptional mittee. Accountability Act. The company re- woman who has served her country and Bowen Flowers is well respected in sponsible for a salmonella outbreak community in many ways. Irene has Mississippi and his performance as last summer had a long history of envi- been a champion for veterans all her president of the Delta Council will add ronmental, immigration, labor, and life and the Commonwealth of Massa- to his well-earned reputation of work- food safety violations. It is clear that chusetts owes her its deepest gratitude. ing to improve the quality of life of fines are not enough to protect the There is nothing Irene likes more rural America. His dedication to the public and effectively deter this unac- than hearing someone thanking a vet- future of the Mississippi Delta and ceptable conduct. We need to make eran for their service. Today, however, those who live there speaks highly of sure that those who knowingly poison the Senate recognizes Irene Davey the him as a person. In Mississippi, we ap- the food supply will go to jail. This bill poet, songwriter, and lifelong public preciate Bowen Flowers, as well as his will significantly increase the chances servant. wife Susan and their daughter Ander- that those who commit serious food Irene has witnessed many wonderful son, for their service and commitment safety crimes will face jail time rather events during her long and distin- to Mississippi.∑ than merely a slap on the wrist. guished life. Throughout her years, she f Food safety received considerable at- has demonstrated that one person can TRIBUTE TO ALFRED RANKINS, tention in the last Congress, and I was make a difference. It is people as dedi- pleased that we finally passed com- SR. cated as Irene who continue to make a ∑ prehensive food safety reforms, but our difference in this world. Others should Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I am work is not done. A provision almost take notice and become inspired by the pleased to commend Alfred Rankins, identical to the Food Safety Account- example that she has set. Sr., of Greenville, MS, for his tireless ability Act has previously passed the I would like to thank Irene for her and effective leadership while serving House with strong, bipartisan support. tremendous service to our country and on the Washington County Board of Now that the Senate has unanimously our communities. I know that her fam- Supervisors. Mr. Rankins recently re- passed this bill, it is long overdue for ily and friends, as well as the people of tired from the board following a long the House to act. Massachusetts are extremely proud of career dedicated to protecting and en- The American people should be con- her selfless service. hancing the lives of the residents of fident that the food they buy for their Greenville and Washington County, families is safe. The uncertainty and f and people throughout the Mississippi fear caused by the current salmonella ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Delta. Washington County has histori- outbreak only reinforces the need to cally faced a unique set of challenges, pass the common sense Food Safety and I am grateful for the board’s con- Accountability Act. I urge the House TRIBUTE TO BOWEN FLOWERS sistent leadership in willingly address- to quickly pass the Senate bill and join ∑ Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I am ing these challenges on a daily basis. us in taking this important step to- pleased to commend Bowen Flowers of Al Rankins has served Washington ward protecting our food supply. Clarksdale, MS, for his service and con- County long enough to understand the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.041 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2543 dynamics of the local economy and the time when Nevadans need them the an estimated 1 million cord of timber needs of the region. Mr. Rankins served most. I am saddened that Reno has lost at the bottom of the West Branch of on the Board of Supervisors since 1990 such a passionate entrepreneur who the Penobscot River, making it the and served as its president. His tenure was responsible for employing hun- largest timber reclamation project was characterized by consistent focus dreds of Nevadans. Northern Nevada ever conducted in New England. The on retaining and recruiting new busi- was fortunate to have such a talented quality of their product has not gone nesses and industries to the area. Dur- businessman who was continuously unnoticed as this small firm was re- ing his career, Al Rankins has also striving to improve the business com- cently selected by another local busi- been a member of the Mississippi munity while serving on the Reno ness, Shaw & Tenney of Orono, as the Water Management Advisory Board Chamber of Commerce Board, the U.S. primary wood supplier for the paddles and the Allied Enterprise Advisory Interstate Commerce Commission, and they are producing for L.L. Bean’s 100- Board. On the Delta Council, he served as an advisor to the U.S. Small Busi- year anniversary. Lake wood contains as the longtime chairman of the Coun- ness Administration. aesthetically impressive designs which cil’s Flood Control Committee and as In 1997, Bruno and his wife, Edna, develop and evolve as minerals from chairman of the Development Depart- started the Benna Family Foundation the lake’s water seeps deep into the ment Board of Directors. to give back to their community. wood over many years, creating rich Prior to serving in these important Through the foundation, the couple earth tones. Shaw & Tenney saw an op- jobs, Al Rankins worked almost 21 were avid supporters of the University portunity to utilize this niche-com- years as a police officer for the city of of Nevada, the Nevada Discovery Mu- modity offered by West Branch Herit- Greenville, retiring in 1990 as deputy seum, the Nevada Opera, the Nevada age Timber to demonstrate the beauty chief. He also served his country honor- Art Museum, and the Reno Little The- of Maine in L.L. Bean’s commemora- ably during a tour of duty in Vietnam ater. In 2002, Governor Kenny Guinn tive paddles. with the U.S. Air Force. awarded the Bennas with the Gov- However, the artistic preservation of Related to his career as a civic leader ernor’s Arts Award for their decades of history is only one purpose that the service for arts in Northern Nevada. and business owner, Al Rankins has re- wood of Quakish Lake serves. Steve Bruno’s extensive philanthropic en- ceived many accolades and honors, in- hopes that the business will soon ob- cluding the Lifetime Achievement deavors and generous contributions to our State continue to be inspiring to tain a paper mill contract as West Award for Civil Service to the Commu- those within the Reno and larger Branch would be able to provide nity, the Outstanding Citizen Achieve- northern Nevada community. I am pulping wood at a substantially less ment Award, and the Outstanding both grateful for and humbled by his cost than competitors. Steve has at- Service to the Community Award. commitment to the Silver State. I ask tested to the feasibility and value of These awards are examples of the rec- my colleagues to join me today in re- such a venture by estimating the po- ognition extended to Mr. Rankins for membering the life of a great Ne- tential to produce 40,000 tons of wood his public service and community vol- vadan.∑ annually for the next 20 years. While unteer contributions to the Mississippi the company currently employs nine Delta Region. f full-time employees, obtaining a pulp Al Rankins and his wife Mary are a RECOGNIZING WEST BRANCH contract would allow for expansion and credit to my great State. In conjunc- HERITAGE TIMBER, LLC job creation. tion with the end of his long service ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, my home The ingenuity and creativity of the with the Washington County Board of State of Maine, with its vast acres of West Branch Heritage Timber team Supervisors, I join many Mississippians trees, has traditionally been a hub for embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of in commending Alfred Rankins, Sr., for the lumber industry since the advent of our country’s history and serves as an his dedication and service to the people wood pulp in paper making. In recent exemplary small business that so ar- of Mississippi.∑ years, the lumber industry has suffered dently comprises the backbone of the f due to the economic downturn, and the American economy. I am proud to ex- REMEMBERING BRUNO BENNA resulting decline in the housing mar- tend my congratulations to Steve and ket has reduced the need for wood Tom, as well as everyone at West ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today I products to build homes such as hard- Branch Heritage Timber, for their hard wish to pay tribute to a Nevadan who wood flooring and cabinet construc- work in providing a product that is spent his life working to strengthen his tion. Despite this, there are companies both beautiful and vital to the resur- local community and enrich the lives that persevere in the face of such hard- gence of Maine’s lumber industry.∑ of its residents. After a courageous 9- ships, confronting economic challenges f year battle with cancer, Bruno Benna with innovation and creativity. Today, passed on April 1, 2012. Our State has I rise to commend and recognize one 2012 NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL lost a selfless and giving Nevadan. My such company, West Branch Heritage STRATEGY—PM 46 thoughts and prayers continue to be Timber, for helping to revive the lum- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- with his family. ber industry while creating a beautiful fore the Senate the following message From starting a small concrete com- and artistic product inscribed with from the President of the United pany that would later become a staple Maine’s rich history. States, together with an accompanying in Reno to his patronage for the fine Since 2010, West Branch Heritage report; which was referred to the Com- arts, Bruno was involved in nearly Timber located in Millinocket, ME, has mittee on the Judiciary: every facet of Northern Nevada’s com- harvested 20,000 tons of wood from munity. In 1958, he co-founded C.B. Quakish Lake—part of the Penobscot To the Congress of the United States: Concrete Company, which literally laid River system—which became a reposi- I am pleased to transmit the 2012 Na- the foundations for modern Reno. For tory for thousands of tons of lost tim- tional Drug Control Strategy, which fol- the next 50 years, Bruno contributed to ber cut by river-driving loggers over a lows through on the commitment made the construction of Reno’s major infra- century ago. The extensive wood inven- by my Administration to chart a new structure projects. Generations of Reno tory remained preserved under the course in our efforts to reduce illicit residents have become familiar with C. water for over 100 years, until coowners drug use and its consequences in the B. Concrete Company’s iconic yellow Steve Saunders and Tom Shafer devel- United States. The balanced approach trucks emblazoned with the bumble bee oped an idea to retrieve the unique and outlined in the Administration’s inau- logo. magnificent lumber. To put it simply, gural National Drug Control Strategy has C. B. Concrete Company exemplifies these two innovators have been ‘‘fish- yielded significant results, which are the vital role small businesses play in ing’’ this timber from the bottom of detailed in the following pages. both our economy and local commu- the lake for the commercial value it Our Nation still faces serious drug- nity. As the backbone of our economy, holds today. related challenges, however. Too many they must continue to remain vibrant Currently, West Branch Heritage Americans need treatment for sub- and healthy in order to create jobs at a Timber is in the process of reclaiming stance use disorders but do not receive

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.027 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 it. Prescription drug abuse continues MEASURE DISCHARGED Internal Revenue Service, Department of the to claim American lives, and those who Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the The following joint resolution was report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance Under take drugs and drive threaten safety on discharged by petition, pursuant to 5 our Nation’s roadways. Young people’s Section 267(f); Deferral of Loss on Trans- U.S.C. 802(c), and placed on the cal- actions Between Members of a Controlled perceptions of the risks of drug use endar: Group’’ ((RIN1545–BI92) (TD 9583)) received in have declined over the past decade, and S.J. Res. 36. A joint resolution providing the Office of the President of the Senate on research suggests that this often pre- for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 April 16, 2012; to the Committee on Finance. dicts future increases in drug use. of title 5, United States Code, of the rule EC–5747. A communication from the Assist- There is still much left to do to reform submitted by the National Labor Relations ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, our justice system and break the cycle Board relating to representation election Department of State, transmitting, pursuant of drug use and crime. Our commit- procedures. to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- f ment to work with partner nations facturing license agreement for the manufac- must remain steadfast to reduce drug MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME ture of significant military equipment production, trafficking, and related The following bill was read the first abroad and the export of defense articles, in- transnational threats. cluding, technical data, and defense services Based upon the progress we have time: to Malaysia for the assembly, test and pro- achieved over the past three years, I S. 2327. A bill to prohibit direct foreign as- duction of the Colt M4 carbine in the amount am confident we can address these sistance to the Government of Egypt until of $50,000,000 or more; to the Committee on the President makes certain certifications challenges through concerted action Foreign Relations. related to treatment of nongovernmental or- EC–5748. A communication from the Chair- along the entire spectrum of preven- ganization workers, and for other purposes. man of the Council of the District of Colum- tion, early intervention, treatment, re- f bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report covery support, criminal justice re- on D.C. Act 19–343 ‘‘Tenant Security Deposits form, law enforcement, and inter- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Clarification Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the national cooperation. However, we COMMUNICATIONS Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- must match our commitment with the The following communications were ernmental Affairs. appropriate resources. laid before the Senate, together with EC–5749. A communication from the Chair- Illicit drug use in America contrib- man of the Council of the District of Colum- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report uted to an estimated $193 billion in uments, and were referred as indicated: on D.C. Act 19–344 ‘‘South Capitol Street Me- crime, health, and lost productivity EC–5741. A communication from the Con- morial Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the Com- costs in 2007, the year for which the gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- most recent estimate is available. In Plant Health Inspection Service, Department mental Affairs. today’s challenging economic environ- of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5750. A communication from the Direc- ment, we cannot afford such a drain on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Asian tor of the Regulation Policy and Manage- our economy and public resources. Longhorned Beetle; Additions to Quar- ment Office of the General Counsel, Veterans antined Areas in Massachusetts’’ (Docket Health Administration, Department of Vet- While difficult budget decisions must No. APHIS–2010–0128) received in the Office erans Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, be made at all levels of government, we of the President of the Senate on April 18, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Rules Gov- must ensure continued support for poli- 2012; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- erning Hearings Before the Agency of Origi- cies and programs that reduce drug use trition, and Forestry. nal Jurisdiction and the Board of Veterans’ and its enormous costs to American so- EC–5742. A communication from the Con- Appeals; Repeal of Prior Rule Change’’ ciety. In doing so, we will not only gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and (RIN2900–AO43) received in the Office of the strengthen our economy but also sus- Plant Health Inspection Service, Department President of the Senate on April 18, 2012; to of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. tain the national character and spirit law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Importa- EC–5751. A communication from the Direc- that has made the United States a tion of Clementines From Spain; Amend- tor of the Regulation Policy and Manage- world leader. ment to Inspection Provisions’’ (Docket No. ment Office of the General Counsel, Veterans I look forward to continuing to work APHIS–2010–0036) received in the Office of the Health Administration, Department of Vet- with the Congress and Federal, state, President of the Senate on April 18, 2012; to erans Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, local, tribal, and territorial leaders, the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Payment or Re- international partners, and the Amer- and Forestry. imbursement for Emergency Services for ican people in this important endeavor. EC–5743. A communication from the Con- Nonservice-Connected Conditions in Non-VA gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and Facilities’’ (RIN2900–AN86) received in the BARACK OBAMA. Plant Health Inspection Service, Department Office of the President of the Senate on April THE WHITE HOUSE, April 19, 2012. of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to 18, 2012; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- f law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Importa- fairs. tion of Pomegranates From Chile Under a EC–5752. A communication from the Acting MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Systems Approach’’ (Docket No. APHIS– Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Af- At 10:37 a.m., a message from the 2010–0024) received in the Office of the Presi- fairs), transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- House of Representatives, delivered by dent of the Senate on April 18, 2012; to the port relative to a proposed change by the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Navy Reserve to the Fiscal Year 2011 Na- Forestry. tional Guard and Reserve Equipment Appro- nounced that the House has passed the EC–5744. A communication from the Con- priation (NGREA) procurement; to the Com- following bills, in which it requests the gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and mittee on Armed Services. concurrence of the Senate: Plant Health Inspection Service, Department EC–5753. A communication from the Assist- H.R. 2453. An act to require the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to ant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Af- of the Treasury to mint coins in commemo- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Importa- fairs), transmitting legislative proposals and ration of Mark Twain. tion of Fresh Pitaya Fruit From Central accompanying reports relative to the Na- H.R. 4348. An act to provide an extension of America Into the Continental United tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor States’’ (Docket No. APHIS–2010–0113) re- Year 2013; to the Committee on Armed Serv- carrier safety, transit, and other programs ceived in the Office of the President of the ices. funded out of the Highway Trust Fund pend- Senate on April 18, 2012; to the Committee on EC–5754. A communication from the Con- ing enactment of a multiyear law reauthor- Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and izing such programs, and for other purposes. EC–5745. A communication from the Chief Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of the Publications and Regulations Branch, of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to f Internal Revenue Service, Department of the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Karnal MEASURES REFERRED Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Bunt; Regulated Areas in California’’ (Dock- The following bill was read the first report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance Under et No. APHIS–2011–0074) received in the Of- Sections 642 and 643 (Income Ordering fice of the President of the Senate on April and the second times by unanimous Rules)’’ ((RIN1545–BH66) (TD 9582)) received 17, 2012; to the Committee on Agriculture, consent, and referred as indicated: in the Office of the President of the Senate Nutrition, and Forestry. H.R. 2453. An act to require the Secretary on April 16, 2012; to the Committee on Fi- EC–5755. A communication from the Con- of the Treasury to mint coins in commemo- nance. gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and ration of Mark Twain; to the Committee on EC–5746. A communication from the Chief Plant Health Inspection Service, Department Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.009 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2545 law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Golden (Nominations without an asterisk By Mr. LIEBERMAN: Nematode; Removal of Regulated Areas’’ were reported with the recommenda- S. 2314. A bill to extend the temporary sus- (Docket No. APHIS–2011–0036) received in the tion that they be confirmed.) pension of duty on noils of camel hair; to the Office of the President of the Senate on April Committee on Finance. 17, 2012; to the Committee on Agriculture, f By Mr. LIEBERMAN: Nutrition, and Forestry. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 2315. A bill to extend the temporary sus- pension of duty on yarn of carded camel hair; EC–5756. A communication from the Man- JOINT RESOLUTIONS agement and Program Analyst, Forest Serv- to the Committee on Finance. ice, Department of Agriculture, transmit- The following bills and joint resolu- By Mr. KERRY (for himself and Mr. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tions were introduced, read the first BROWN of Massachusetts): titled ‘‘National Forest System Land Man- and second times by unanimous con- S. 2316. A bill to designate the Salt Pond Visitor Center at the Cape Cod National Sea- agement Planning’’ (RIN0596–AD02) received sent, and referred as indicated: in the Office of the President of the Senate shore as the ‘‘Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Salt By Mr. REED (for himself and Mr. on April 17, 2012; to the Committee on Agri- Pond Visitor Center’’, and for other pur- ISAKSON): culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- S. 2301. A bill to help prevent the occur- ural Resources. EC–5757. A communication from the Direc- rence of cancer resulting from the use of ul- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, By Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. traviolet tanning lamps by providing suffi- PORTMAN, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- cient information to consumers regarding ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- DURBIN, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. the health risks associated with the use of SCHUMER, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. KLO- titled ‘‘Quizalofop Ethyl; Pesticide Toler- such devices; to the Committee on Health, ances’’ (FRL No. 9340–5) received in the Of- BUCHAR, and Mr. FRANKEN): Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 2317. A bill to compel the Secretary of fice of the President of the Senate on April By Mr. LEAHY: the Army to complete the Great Lakes Mis- 18, 2012; to the Committee on Agriculture, S. 2302. A bill to extend the temporary sus- sissippi River Interbasin Study within 18 Nutrition, and Forestry. pension of duty on certain ski boots, cross months and to focus particular attention on f country ski footwear, and snowboard boots; the permanent prevention of the spread of to the Committee on Finance. aquatic nuisance species between the Great REPORTS OF COMMITTEES By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. Lakes and the Mississippi River Basins; to The following reports of committees KIRK): the Committee on Environment and Public were submitted: S. 2303. A bill to require rulemaking by the Works. Administrator of the Federal Emergency By Mr. KERRY (for himself, Mr. BOOZ- By Mr. LIEBERMAN, from the Committee Management Agency to address consider- MAN, Mr. COONS, Mr. ISAKSON, Ms. on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ations in evaluating the need for public and LANDRIEU, Mr. GRAHAM, and Mr. DUR- fairs, with amendments: individual disaster assistance, and for other BIN): S. 743. A bill to amend chapter 23 of title 5, purposes; to the Committee on Banking, S. 2318. A bill to authorize the Secretary of United States Code, to clarify the disclosures Housing, and Urban Affairs. State to pay a reward to combat of information protected from prohibited By Ms. MIKULSKI: transnational organized crime and for infor- personnel practices, require a statement in S. 2304. A bill to amend title XVIII of the mation concerning foreign nationals wanted nondisclosure policies, forms, and agree- Social Security Act to allow chiropractors to by international criminal tribunals, and for ments that such policies, forms, and agree- provide items and services through private other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign ments conform with certain disclosure pro- contracts under the Medicare program; to Relations. tections, provide certain authority for the the Committee on Finance. By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. LIE- Special Counsel, and for other purposes By Mr. LIEBERMAN: BERMAN, Mr. BROWN of Massachu- (Rept. No. 112–155). S. 2305. A bill to extend the temporary sus- setts, Mr. AKAKA, and Mr. CARPER): By Mr. INOUYE, from the Committee on pension of duty on yarn of carded hair of S. 2319. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- Appropriations: Kashmir (cashmere) goats, of yarn count less curity Act of 2002 to direct the Adminis- Special Report entitled ‘‘Allocation to than 19.35 metric, not put up for retail sale; trator of the Federal Emergency Manage- Subcommittees of Budget Totals for Fiscal to the Committee on Finance. ment Agency to modernize the integrated Year 2013.’’ (Rept. No. 112–156). By Mr. LIEBERMAN: public alert and warning system of the By Mrs. MURRAY, from the Committee on S. 2306. A bill to extend the temporary sus- United States, and for other purposes; to the Appropriations, without amendment: pension of duty on fine animal hair of Kash- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- S. 2322. An original bill making appropria- mir (cashmere) goats, processed beyond the ernmental Affairs. tions for the Departments of Transportation, degreased or carbonized condition; to the By Ms. AYOTTE (for herself and Mr. and Housing and Urban Development, and re- Committee on Finance. BEGICH): lated agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- By Mr. LIEBERMAN: S. 2320. A bill to direct the American Bat- tember 30, 2013, and for other purposes (Rept. S. 2307. A bill to extend the temporary sus- tle Monuments Commission to provide for No. 112–157). pension of duty on yarn of carded cashmere the ongoing maintenance of Clark Veterans Cemetery in the Republic of the Philippines, By Ms. MIKULSKI, from the Committee on of 19.35 metric yarn count or higher; to the and for other purposes; to the Committee on Appropriations, without amendment: Committee on Finance. Veterans’ Affairs. S. 2323. An original bill making appropria- By Mr. LIEBERMAN: By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself and tions for Departments of Commerce and Jus- S. 2308. A bill to extend the temporary sus- Mr. AKAKA): tice, and Science, and Related Agencies for pension of duty on yarn of combed cashmere S. 2321. A bill to amend the Public Health the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and or yarn of camel hair; to the Committee on for other purposes (Rept. No. 112–158). Service Act to provide for the expansion, in- Finance. tensification, and coordination of the pro- f By Mr. LIEBERMAN: grams and activities of the National Insti- S. 2309. A bill to extend the temporary sus- tutes of Health with respect to Tourette syn- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF pension of duty on camel hair, carded or drome; to the Committee on Health, Edu- COMMITTEE combed; to the Committee on Finance. cation, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. LIEBERMAN: By Mrs. MURRAY: The following executive reports of S. 2310. A bill to extend the temporary sus- nominations were submitted: S. 2322. An original bill making appropria- pension of duty on woven fabrics containing tions for the Departments of Transportation, By Mr. LEAHY for the Committee on the 85 percent or more by weight of vicuna hair; and Housing and Urban Development, and re- Judiciary. to the Committee on Finance. lated agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- William J. Kayatta, Jr., of Maine, to be By Mr. LIEBERMAN: tember 30, 2013, and for other purposes; from United States Circuit Judge for the First S. 2311. A bill to extend the temporary sus- the Committee on Appropriations; placed on Circuit. pension of duty on waste of camel hair; to the calendar. John Thomas Fowlkes, Jr., of Tennessee, the Committee on Finance. By Ms. MIKULSKI: to be United States District Judge for the By Mr. LIEBERMAN: S. 2323. An original bill making appropria- Western District of Tennessee. S. 2312. A bill to extend the temporary sus- tions for Departments of Commerce and Jus- Kevin McNulty, of New Jersey, to be pension of duty on camel hair, not processed tice, and Science, and Related Agencies for United States District Judge for the District in any manner beyond the degreased or car- the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and of New Jersey. bonized condition; to the Committee on Fi- for other purposes; from the Committee on Michael A. Shipp, of New Jersey, to be nance. Appropriations; placed on the calendar. United States District Judge for the District By Mr. LIEBERMAN: By Mrs. HUTCHISON: of New Jersey. S. 2313. A bill to extend the temporary sus- S. 2324. A bill to amend the Wild and Sce- Stephanie Marie Rose, of Iowa, to be pension of duty on camel hair, processed be- nic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the United States District Judge for the South- yond the degreased or carbonized condition; Neches River in the State of Texas for poten- ern District of Iowa. to the Committee on Finance. tial addition to the National Wild and Scenic

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.014 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 River System, and for other purposes; to the to ambulance services under the Medi- for the development of qualified infec- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- care program. tious disease products. sources. S. 434 S. 1773 By Mr. NELSON of Florida (for him- At the request of Mr. BROWN of Ohio, self, Mrs. BOXER, and Mr. KIRK): At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the S. 2325. A bill to authorize further assist- name of the Senator from Maryland the name of the Senator from Massa- ance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor chusetts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a defense system; to the Committee on For- of S. 434, a bill to improve and expand cosponsor of S. 1773, a bill to promote eign Relations. geographic literacy among kinder- local and regional farm and food sys- By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and garten through grade 12 students in the tems, and for other purposes. Mrs. GILLIBRAND): United States by improving profes- S. 1850 S. 2326. A bill to designate the new United At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the States courthouse in Buffalo, New York, as sional development programs for kin- the ‘‘Robert H. Jackson United States Court- dergarten through grade 12 teachers of- name of the Senator from Massachu- house’’; to the Committee on Environment fered through institutions of higher setts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a co- and Public Works. education. sponsor of S. 1850, a bill to expand and By Mr. PAUL: S. 881 improve opportunities for beginning S. 2327. A bill to prohibit direct foreign as- At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the farmers and ranchers, and for other sistance to the Government of Egypt until names of the Senator from Georgia purposes. the President makes certain certifications S. 1919 related to treatment of nongovernmental or- (Mr. ISAKSON) and the Senator from ganization workers, and for other purposes; Texas (Mrs. HUTCHISON) were added as At the request of Mr. REID, the name read the first time. cosponsors of S. 881, a bill to amend the of the Senator from Massachusetts Consumer Credit Protection Act to as- (Mr. KERRY) was added as a cosponsor f sure meaningful disclosures of the of S. 1919, a bill to amend title 18, SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND terms of rental-purchase agreements, United States Code, to provide pen- SENATE RESOLUTIONS including disclosures of all costs to alties for transporting minors in for- eign commerce for the purposes of fe- The following concurrent resolutions consumers under such agreements, to male genital mutilation. and Senate resolutions were read, and provide substantive rights to con- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: sumers under such agreements, and for S. 2003 other purposes. At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the By Mr. COBURN (for himself and Mr. name of the Senator from New Mexico UDALL of Colorado): S. 891 S. Res. 427. A resolution to prevent the cre- At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the (Mr. BINGAMAN) was added as a cospon- ation of duplicative and overlapping Federal name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. sor of S. 2003, a bill to clarify that an programs; to the Committee on Rules and HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. authorization to use military force, a Administration. 891, a bill to amend title XVIII of the declaration of war, or any similar au- By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, Social Security Act to provide for the thority shall not authorize the deten- Mr. GRAHAM, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. recognition of attending physician as- tion without charge or trial of a citizen KIRK, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. COATS, Mr. or lawful permanent resident of the MCCAIN, and Mr. CARDIN): sistants as attending physicians to S. Res. 428. A resolution condemning the serve hospice patients. United States and for other purposes. S. 2066 Government of Syria for crimes against hu- S. 1244 At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the manity, and for other purposes; to the Com- At the request of Mr. INOUYE, the mittee on Foreign Relations. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. name of the Senator from North Da- By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- ROBERTS) and the Senator from New COONS, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. sponsor of S. 2066, a bill to recognize DURBIN, Mr. BOOZMAN, and Mr. BINGA- York (Mr. SCHUMER) were added as co- sponsors of S. 1244, a bill to provide for the heritage of recreational fishing, MAN): hunting, and shooting on Federal pub- S. Res. 429. A resolution supporting the preferential duty treatment to certain goals and ideals of World Malaria Day; to the apparel articles of the Philippines. lic land and ensure continued opportu- nities for those activities. Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 1534 By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. S. 2112 At the request of Mr. NELSON of Flor- PRYOR, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. BOOZMAN, At the request of Mr. BEGICH, the ida, the name of the Senator from Ohio Mr. INHOFE, and Mr. TESTER): name of the Senator from (Mr. BROWN) was added as a cosponsor S. Res. 430. A resolution recognizing the (Mr. BAUCUS) was added as a cosponsor 75th anniversary of the founding of Ducks of S. 1534, a bill to prevent identity of S. 2112, a bill to amend title 10, Unlimited, Incorporated, the achievements theft and tax fraud. United States Code, to authorize space- of the organization in habitat conservation, S. 1591 and the support of the organization for the available travel on military aircraft waterfowling heritage of the United States; At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, for members of the reserve compo- considered and agreed to. the names of the Senator from Cali- nents, a member or former member of By Ms. CANTWELL: fornia (Mrs. BOXER) and the Senator a reserve component who is eligible for S. Res. 431. A resolution celebrating the from Louisiana (Ms. LANDRIEU) were retired pay but for age, widows and 50th anniversary of the 1962 Seattle World’s added as cosponsors of S. 1591, a bill to widowers of retired members, and de- Fair; to the Committee on the Judiciary. award a Congressional Gold Medal to pendents. f Raoul Wallenberg, in recognition of his S. 2139 achievements and heroic actions dur- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, ing the Holocaust. the name of the Senator from Vermont S. 91 S. 1629 (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, sor of S. 2139, a bill to enhance secu- name of the Senator from North Da- the name of the Senator from Iowa rity, increase accountability, and im- kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- (Mr. HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor prove the contracting of the Federal sponsor of S. 91, a bill to implement of S. 1629, a bill to amend title 38, Government for overseas contingency equal protection under the 14th article United States Code, to clarify presump- operations, and for other purposes. of amendment to the Constitution for tions relating to the exposure of cer- S. 2146 the right to life of each born and un- tain veterans who served in the vicin- At the request of Mr. BINGAMAN, the born human person. ity of the Republic of Vietnam, and for name of the Senator from California S. 424 other purposes. (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the S. 1734 sponsor of S. 2146, a bill to amend the name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act MORAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the name of the Senator from Montana of 1978 to create a market-oriented 424, a bill to amend title XVIII of the (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor standard for clean electric energy gen- Social Security Act to preserve access of S. 1734, a bill to provide incentives eration, and for other purposes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.011 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2547 S. 2160 kota (Mr. CONRAD) was added as a co- (Mr. SANDERS), the Senator from Or- At the request of Mrs. HUTCHISON, her sponsor of amendment No. 1975 in- egon (Mr. MERKLEY), the Senator from name was added as a cosponsor of S. tended to be proposed to S. 1789, a bill North Dakota (Mr. CONRAD) and the 2160, a bill to improve the examination to improve, sustain, and transform the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- of depository institutions, and for United States Postal Service. BUCHAR) were added as cosponsors of other purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 2031 amendment No. 2056 intended to be pro- S. 2165 At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, posed to S. 1789, a bill to improve, sus- At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the the names of the Senator from Iowa tain, and transform the United States names of the Senator from New Hamp- (Mr. HARKIN), the Senator from Postal Service. shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the Senator Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator AMENDMENT NO. 2060 from North Carolina (Mr. BURR) were from Arkansas (Mr. PRYOR), the Sen- At the request of Mr. COBURN, the added as cosponsors of S. 2165, a bill to ator from Ohio (Mr. BROWN), the Sen- name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. enhance strategic cooperation between ator from Minnesota (Mr. FRANKEN), COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of the United States and Israel, and for the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. amendment No. 2060 intended to be pro- other purposes. MANCHIN), the Senator from Maryland posed to S. 1789, a bill to improve, sus- S. 2185 (Ms. MIKULSKI) and the Senator from tain, and transform the United States At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the New York (Mr. SCHUMER) were added as Postal Service. cosponsors of amendment No. 2031 in- name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. f COATS) was added as a cosponsor of S. tended to be proposed to S. 1789, a bill 2185, a bill to authorize the Secretary to improve, sustain, and transform the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED of Health and Human Services acting United States Postal Service. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS through the Administrator of the AMENDMENT NO. 2034 By Mr. REED (for himself and Health Resources and Services Admin- At the request of Mr. AKAKA, the Mr. ISAKSON): istration, to award grants on a com- names of the Senator from New Jersey S. 2301. A bill to help prevent the oc- petitive basis to public and private en- (Mr. LAUTENBERG), the Senator from currence of cancer resulting from the tities to provide qualified sexual risk Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY) and the use of ultraviolet tanning lamps by avoidance education to youth and their Senator from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) were providing sufficient information to parents. added as cosponsors of amendment No. consumers regarding the health risks 2034 intended to be proposed to S. 1789, S. 2255 associated with the use of such devices; a bill to improve, sustain, and trans- At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the to the Committee on Health, Edu- form the United States Postal Service. name of the Senator from Louisiana cation, Labor, and Pensions. AMENDMENT NO. 2036 (Ms. LANDRIEU) was added as a cospon- Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am sor of S. 2255, a bill to amend chapter At the request of Mr. PRYOR, the pleased to be joined by Senator ISAK- 1 of title 36, United States Code, to add name of the Senator from Montana SON in introducing the Tanning Trans- Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Mr. BAUCUS) was added as a cosponsor parency and Notification Act, or the as a patriotic and National observance. of amendment No. 2036 intended to be TAN Act. proposed to S. 1789, a bill to improve, S. 2295 This legislation is a continuation of sustain, and transform the United At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the an initiative that we worked on to- States Postal Service. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. gether five years ago during the Food AMENDMENT NO. 2041 BEGICH) was added as a cosponsor of S. and Drug Administration Amendments At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the 2295, a bill to permit manufacturers of Act, FDAAA, of 2007. That initiative name of the Senator from West Vir- generic drugs to provide additional required the Food and Drug Adminis- ginia (Mr. ROCKEFELLER) was added as warnings with respect to such drugs in tration, FDA, to issue a report to Con- a cosponsor of amendment No. 2041 in- the same manner that the Food and gress on whether the labeling require- tended to be proposed to S. 1789, a bill Drug Administration allows brand ments for indoor tanning devices pro- to improve, sustain, and transform the vide sufficient information to con- names to do so. United States Postal Service. S. 2296 sumers regarding the risks that the use AMENDMENT NO. 2042 At the request of Mrs. HAGAN, the of such devices pose for the develop- At the request of Mr. CASEY, the ment of irreversible damage to the name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. names of the Senator from New Hamp- URBIN eyes and skin, including skin cancer. D ) was added as a cosponsor of S. shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the Senator 2296, a bill to amend the Higher Edu- We called for this report in 2007 be- from Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) were added cause the FDA had not updated its cation Opportunity Act to restrict in- as cosponsors of amendment No. 2042 stitutions of higher education from warnings on tanning beds since 1979. intended to be proposed to S. 1789, a The FDA still has not acted and we be- using revenues derived from Federal bill to improve, sustain, and transform educational assistance funds for adver- lieve that users of indoor tanning beds the United States Postal Service. deserve to be fully informed. While the tising, marketing, or recruiting pur- AMENDMENT NO. 2043 poses. American Academy of Dermatology, At the request of Mr. UDALL of New the FDA, the National Institutes of S. RES. 380 Mexico, the names of the Senator from Health, the Centers for Disease Control At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator and Prevention, and the World Health name of the Senator from Washington from Michigan (Ms. STABENOW) and the Organization, WHO, continue to dis- (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. courage the use of indoor tanning beds, sor of S. Res. 380, a resolution to ex- KERRY) were added as cosponsors of this message and up-to-date informa- press the sense of the Senate regarding amendment No. 2043 intended to be pro- tion about the risks of indoor tanning the importance of preventing the Gov- posed to S. 1789, a bill to improve, sus- are still not being adequately provided ernment of Iran from acquiring nuclear tain, and transform the United States to consumers. weapons capability. Postal Service. Not surprisingly, the FDA found in S. RES. 400 AMENDMENT NO. 2050 its report to Congress that updating At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the current labeling requirements for tan- name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. name of the Senator from Massachu- ning beds would better protect con- AKAKA) was added as a cosponsor of S. setts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a co- sumers from irreversible skin damage. Res. 400, a resolution supporting the sponsor of amendment No. 2050 in- This is an excerpt from the FDA’s own goals and ideals of Professional Social tended to be proposed to S. 1789, a bill report: Work Month and World Social Work to improve, sustain, and transform the Day. Based on its analysis of the results of the United States Postal Service. consumer study required by section 230 of AMENDMENT NO. 1975 AMENDMENT NO. 2056 FDAAA, FDA has determined that there are At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the At the request of Mr. TESTER, the warnings that are capable of adequately name of the Senator from North Da- names of the Senator from Vermont communicating the risks of indoor tanning,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.018 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 and that a modified warning statement label my home State of Illinois, the commu- homes were destroyed, and it ripped its may more effectively convey these risks nities of Harrisburg and Ridgway were way through Harrisburg and into than the current labeling requirements. FDA denied. Ridgway, IL. What was missing here? has also determined that changes to the po- This is the damage I saw when I went Well, they said, we have to do a cal- sitioning requirements for the warning down to Harrisburg, IL, after a recent statement label may communicate such culation under the law, and one of the risks more effectively. tornado. This was a shopping mall, but elements in the calculation is the pop- it was virtually collapsed by winds of Unfortunately, the FDA has not ulation of your State. Well, this is how 175 miles-per-hour intensity. That is it turned out. The damage that hap- heeded its own advice. Tanning bed la- the second highest intensity of re- bels remain unchanged and skin cancer pened in southern Illinois, if it had corded winds in a tornado. This prop- happened across the river in Indiana or rates continue to rise. This year, ap- erty damage, of course, is just a minor in Kentucky or in Missouri, would have proximately 131,810 new cases of mela- part of what actually happened. The been a Federal disaster. But because we noma will be diagnosed in the United major part was the loss of life. Seven have about 12 million people, we States, and nearly 9,180 people will die people were killed as a result of the weren’t declared a Federal disaster. from melanoma. Some of these cases tornado damage. What is the thinking behind that? If result from the use of tanning beds. I grew up in the Midwest. I have seen Two million Americans, approxi- you are from a big State, you must tornadoes all my life. I lived waiting to have a lot of resources to take care of mately 70 percent of whom are girls hear the air raid sirens and head to- and women, visit a tanning salon each your own problems. Not so. Unfortu- ward the basement. But I never saw nately, the State budget of Illinois is day. The WHO reports that the risk of anything quite as devastating as what cutaneous melanoma increases by 75 virtually bankrupt. I saw in Harrisburg. And then when I So we decided it was time to put a percent when use of tanning devices went over to Ridgway, IL, about 25 bill in that took into consideration a starts before 30 years of age. miles away, I saw that the local Catho- lot of factors and did not allow this dis- Better informing these individuals lic church, which had been standing for about the incidence of melanoma, and qualification for a large State. The bill I think a century, collapsed when the ARK KIRK and I are intro- increasing transparency and improving Senator M winds hit it. ducing today assigns a value to each of notification about the risks of indoor It was clear to me and to the Gov- the six factors that are to be consid- tanning are all ways to reduce skin ernor and many others as we toured ered in a disaster declaration analysis. cancer rates. The Tanning Trans- the site that this was going to be a When it comes to individual assistance, parency and Notification Act would re- Federal disaster area. help for people to rebuild their homes quire the FDA to carry out the rec- That 175 mile-an-hour wind literally and pay for temporary housing, we use ommendations in its report and update lifted homes off of their slab founda- the same consistent factors no matter the labeling requirements for tanning tions and tossed them on top of other where the disaster strikes. The popu- beds. homes. In one neighborhood in Harris- lation of the State is worth 5 percent of Initiatives like this can make a dif- burg, I happened to see some people the consideration. The consideration of ference in the health of Americans. In- leaving in a truck, and I stopped them the concentration of damages is worth deed, just last year, the FDA finalized and they said that the lady in the front 20 percent; the amount of trauma to critical regulations—at my and others’ seat actually lived in one of the houses the disaster area, 20 percent; the num- urging—that were 30 years in the mak- that had been destroyed. She pointed it ber of special populations such as the ing regarding sunscreen labeling. Pro- out to me. She got up early enough so elderly or unemployed, 20 percent of viding consumers with critical infor- that she heard the air raid siren and the analysis; the amount of voluntary mation about the risks of indoor and had the good sense to hit the floor in assistance in the area, 10 percent; and outdoor tanning can help better pro- the bathroom right before the tornado the amount of insurance coverage for tect them against skin cancer. I look hit her home. Of course, after it hit, forward to working with my colleagues and another home collapsed on top of the type of damage incurred, 20 per- on improving the labeling of indoor it, the ceiling of her bathroom col- cent. Our bill also adds a seventh consider- tanning beds and continuing efforts to lapsed on her, but there was enough ation to FEMA’s metrics: the econom- combat skin cancer. room for her to survive. They started ics of the area. It turns out that south- hearing shortly thereafter the rescuers ern Illinois is hard-pressed. There are a By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and coming in. She made it with a few lot of unemployed people, a struggling Mr. KIRK): scratches and bruises. Just across the economy. So we take a look at the S. 2303. A bill to require rulemaking street, in one of the homes that was by the Administrator of the Federal tossed was a 22-year-old local nurse local tax base, the median income as it Emergency Management Agency to ad- who died as a result. compares to that of the State, and the dress considerations in evaluating the There were great efforts by first re- poverty rate in the area that has been need for public and individual disaster sponders, terrific humanitarian ges- hard hit. It is reasonable that FEMA assistance, and for other purposes; to tures. The local coal miners a few should take into consideration the size the Committee on Banking, Housing, miles away, when they heard about the of a State; I don’t argue with that, but and Urban Affairs. disaster, in full gear, came out of the it shouldn’t loom large and disqualify Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today I coal mines and rushed into Harrisburg situations which clearly deserve to be am introducing the Fairness in Federal to pull people out of their homes after considered Federal disasters. Assigning Disaster Declaration Act. I am intro- they had collapsed. values to the factors will ensure that ducing it on behalf of myself and my We went ahead and made our applica- damage to a specific community colleague, Senator MARK KIRK. What tion for Federal disaster aid in Harris- weighs more than just the State’s pop- we are trying to achieve is fairness in burg, IL, and we were denied. In the ulation. FEMA’s consideration of whether a President’s home State, we were de- After the tornadoes hit Harrisburg community will be granted Federal as- nied. We thought, something is wrong and Ridgway, the head of the Illinois sistance after a disaster. I think this here. We thought, with all of this dam- Emergency Management Agency, legislation is essential because of what age from a tornado of this intensity, it Jonathon Monken, worked with locals just happened in my State. must be wrong. So Governor Quinn sat and people from the FEMA regional of- From 2007 to 2011, Illinois was denied down with local and State officials and fice to determine if the State could Federal assistance three times. Texas redrafted our application for Federal apply for public assistance—money to was denied nine times. The damage was assistance. It was sent to Washington, help local Mayor Gregg in Harrisburg caused by everything from wildfires to and it was denied a second time. I was and others pay for overtime accrued by tropical storms. California was denied stunned by it. I couldn’t believe it, all the people working around the five times during that 5-year period. after having seen it, that this hap- clock to help the community dig out of Florida was denied four times, includ- pened. the destruction. What Director Monken ing for damage from Hurricane Ike. We went to FEMA and said, What did and others discovered was that it And unfortunately, as I mentioned, in we miss here? People died, over 100 would have been a waste of the State’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:27 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.021 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2549 time and resources to even consider ap- ministrator under section 206.48 of title 44, aster is vitally important and can lit- plying for it. We didn’t meet FEMA’s Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on erally mean the difference between life threshold. the date of enactment of this Act, in accord- and death. Since the 1950’s, the U.S. Currently, FEMA multiplies the ance with the provisions of this Act. Government has had a system in place (b) NEW CRITERIA REQUIRED.—The amended number of people in a State by $1.35 to rules issued under subsection (a) shall pro- to ensure that citizens can be warned determine the threshold of the amount vide for the following: in times of crisis. This system can also of damage a State would have to incur (1) PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.—Such be used for local authorities to warn to qualify for public assistance. In Illi- rules shall provide that, with respect to the citizens of impending severe weather or nois, that figure is $17 million. Well, evaluation of the need for public assistance— other hazards to public safety. Harrisburg, Ridgway, and the sur- (A) specific weighted valuations shall be Most people know the Emergency rounding communities had about $5.5 assigned to each criterion, as follows— Alert System, EAS, as the crawling (i) estimated cost of the assistance, 10 per- million in public assistance damage. text on their television screens, and al- cent; though this system remains the back- That is a lot of loss for rural areas and (ii) localized impacts, 40 percent; small towns, but not enough to qualify (iii) insurance coverage in force, 10 per- bone of our national alerting capa- for Federal assistance. cent; bility, times have changed, and so So we put together in this bill a (iv) hazard mitigation, 10 percent; must the way we communicate with standard for public assistance—money (v) recent multiple disasters, 10 percent; the public during times of crisis. that would go to local units of govern- (vi) programs of other Federal assistance, This bill will strengthen the IPAWS ment. Per capita consideration, 10 per- 10 percent; and system and ensure that as many Amer- (vii) economic circumstances described in cent; localized impact of the disaster, icans as possible receive these alerts in subparagraph (B), 10 percent; and a timely and useful manner. The bill 40 percent; the estimated cost of assist- (B) FEMA shall consider the economic cir- ensures that the integrated public alert ant needed, 10 percent; insurance cov- cumstances of— and warning system incorporates mul- erage, 10 percent; the number of recent (i) the local economy of the affected area, tiple communications technologies, in- multiple disasters, 10 percent; and an including factors such as the local assessable cluding new technologies such as smart analysis of other Federal assistance in tax base and local sales tax, the median in- come as it compares to that of the State, and phones and social networking sites; the area, 10 percent. The bill would The bill is designed to adapt to and also add a seventh consideration just the poverty rate as it compares to that of the State; and incorporate future technologies; as it did under individual assistance, (ii) the economy of the State, including The bill is designed to provide alerts and that is the economic cir- factors such as the unemployment rate of to the largest portion of the affected cumstances of the affected area. I men- the State, as compared to the national un- population, including remote areas; tioned earlier the elements that were employment rate. The bill promotes local and regional brought into consideration there. I (2) INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.—Such public and private partnerships; and think this is a more honest and real- rules shall provide that, with respect to the The bill provides redundant alert istic approach. evaluation of the severity, magnitude, and mechanisms in order to reach the Today, in order to introduce this bill, impact of the disaster and the evaluation of greatest number of people possible. I am talking about a disaster which the need for assistance to individuals— The bill also requires the FEMA Ad- (A) specific weighted valuations shall be ministrator to ensure the inclusion of visited our State a few weeks ago. To- assigned to each criterion, as follows— morrow it could be the State of one of (i) concentration of damages, 20 percent; those with disabilities in the alert and my colleagues. My colleagues could (ii) trauma, 20 percent; warning system; ensure that the sys- find out that a devastating natural dis- (iii) special populations, 20 percent; tem is included in future exercises con- aster does not qualify for Federal dis- (iv) voluntary agency assistance, 10 per- ducted through DHS’s National Exer- aster assistance simply because of the cent; cise Program, including the annual Na- population of their State. I don’t think (v) insurance, 20 percent; tional Level Exercises; and requires that is a fair metric to use. I think our (vi) average amount of individual assist- FEMA to coordinate with DHS’s Na- ance by State, 5 percent; and tional Terrorism Advisory System of- approach is fairer. (vii) economic considerations described in I commend this bill to my colleagues. fice. The bill provides for periodic na- subparagraph (B), 5 percent; and tionwide tests of the system, and es- As I say in closing, over this last few (B) FEMA shall consider the economic cir- months it was Illinois. Tomorrow, it cumstances of the affected area, including tablishes a training program to in- may be a colleague’s State. Please take factors such as the local assessable tax base struct federal, state, tribal and local the time and look at this approach. I and local sales tax, the median income as it government officials in system use. think it is fair to taxpayers. It is cer- compares to that of the State, and the pov- The bill also establishes an IPAWS tainly fair to families across America. erty rate as it compares to that of the State. Advisory Committee composed of fed- eral, State and local representatives, Those of us who have been in the By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. Senate and the Congress for a while as well as members who represent rel- LIEBERMAN, Mr. BROWN of Mas- have stepped up time and again when evant industry groups and a consumer/ sachusetts, Mr. AKAKA, and Mr. privacy advocate. The committee our colleagues were affected by a nat- CARPER): would meet at least once a year and ural disaster. I hope my colleagues will S. 2316. A bill to amend the Homeland issue a yearly report on improvements take the time to consider this legisla- Security Act of 2002 to direct the Ad- to IPAWS. The bill also states that the tion from Senator KIRK and myself. ministrator of the Federal Emergency administrator may not transmit a mes- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Management Agency to modernize the sage from the President that does not sent that the text of the bill be printed integrated public alert and warning relate to a natural disaster, act of ter- in the RECORD as follows: system of the United States, and for rorism, other man-made disaster, or There being no objection, the text of other purposes; to the Committee on other hazard to public safety. the bill was ordered to be printed in Homeland Security and Governmental This bill has been endorsed by the the RECORD as follows: Affairs. National Emergency Management As- S. 2303 Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today, I sociation, NEMA, the National Asso- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rise to introduce the Integrated Public ciation of Broadcasters, NAB, the Na- resentatives of the United States of America in Alert and Warning System, IPAWS, tional Federation of the Blind, and the Congress assembled, Modernization Act of 2012. I am pleased Hearing Loss Association of America. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. to be joined by Senators LIEBERMAN, Additionally, we have received a letter This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Fairness in SCOTT BROWN, AKAKA, and CARPER in of support from the CEOs of all 50 Federal Disaster Declarations Act of 2012’’. introducing this bill. It will ensure State broadcast trade associations. SEC. 2. REGULATORY ACTION REQUIRED. that more people receive life-saving in- I look forward to working with all of (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the formation in more parts of America, my colleagues to pass this bill and Administrator of the Federal Emergency more of the time, through current and have it signed into law. Management Agency (in this Act referred to future technologies. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- as the ‘‘Administrator’’ and ‘‘FEMA’’, re- Effective communication with the sent that letters of support be printed spectively) shall amend the rules of the Ad- public before, during, and after a dis- in the RECORD.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.029 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 There being no objection, the mate- audible alerts; others did not provide the membership as a resource as The Integrated rial was ordered to be printed in the emergency alert at all. Public Alert and Warning System Mod- The Integrated Public Alert and Warning RECORD, as follows: ernization Act of 2012 moves through the leg- System Modernization Act of 2012 updates islative process. You may also call upon our NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF the system to incorporate multiple commu- Director of Government Relations, Matt BROADCASTERS, nication technologies and adapt to emerging Cowles any time. Washington, DC, April 16, 2012. technology, and it requires the system to Sincerely, Hon. SUSAN COLLINS, Ranking Member, reach people with hearing loss and other dis- JIM MULLEN, Committee on Homeland Security and Govern- abled people. The bill also ensures that orga- NEMA President, Di- mental Affairs, Dirksen Senate Office Build- nizations representing people with hearing rector, Washington ing, Washington, DC. loss will sit on an advisory committee that Military Department DEAR RANKING MEMBER COLLINS: I write in will make recommendations on moderniza- Division of Emer- support of your bill, the Integrated Public tion of the system, keeping people with hear- gency Management. Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Mod- ing loss engaged with Federal agencies dur- ernization Act of 2012, which will modernize ing this process. NATIONAL FEDERATION the public alert and warning system of the By requiring the system to incorporate OF THE BLIND, United States to ensure that the president, new technologies but still reaching people Baltimore, MD, April 18, 2012. under all conditions, can effectively alert with hearing loss and other people with dis- Hon. SUSAN COLLINS, and warn citizens during times of disaster. abilities, FEMA will be supporting tech- U.S. Senate, Dirksen Senate Office Building, America’s broadcasters strongly support this nology that is accessible to all. The mod- Washington, DC. legislation. ernization will also ensure that people with DEAR SENATOR COLLINS: The National Fed- Broadcasters serve our local communities hearing loss are provided with the same crit- eration of the Blind (NFB), the nation’s larg- during emergencies by providing life-saving ical information at the same time as the rest est and oldest organization of blind people, information, important news and weather re- of the country, allowing everyone to make endorses the Integrated Public Alert and ports. We have proudly worked with local independent, educated decisions during Warning System Modernization Act of 2012. and federal governments for more than six emergencies. On behalf of Americans with We thank you for sponsoring a bill that up- decades, airing alerts issued by the Emer- hearing loss, we thank you again for taking dates the integrated public alert and warn- gency Alert System (EAS), and continue to the initiative in this matter and sponsoring ing system to require inclusion of individ- do so today. Working hand in hand with law this important legislation. uals with disabilities, and we encourage the enforcement, broadcasters have helped to Sincerely, U.S. Senate to pass this legislation prompt- successfully recover more than 540 abducted BRENDA BATTAT, ly. children to date through the use of AMBER Executive Director. One of the Federal Emergency Manage- Alerts. ment Agency’s (FEMA) core responsibilities The IPAWS Modernization Act of 2012 is an NATIONAL EMERGENCY is to keep Americans informed about threats important step towards expanding the na- MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, to public safety, and yet many aspects of the tion’s public warning system by integrating Washington, DC, March 7, 2012. current public alert and warning system are multiple communications systems and fu- Hon. SUSAN COLLINS, not accessible to blind people. This inacces- ture technologies. This legislation promotes Ranking Member, Homeland Security and Gov- sibility is perpetuated by misconceptions local and regional public and private part- ernmental Affairs Committee, U.S. Senate, about blindness and the ever-growing popu- nerships and provides redundant alert mech- Washington, DC. larity of inaccessible digital technology. As anisms to reach the largest number of people DEAR SENATOR COLLINS: On behalf of the a result, blind people are regularly denied during an emergency. National Emergency Management Associa- access to critical public information. The In- Additionally, this legislation establishes a tion (NEMA) representing the emergency tegrated Public Alert and Warning System training program to instruct federal, state, management director of all 50 states, Terri- Modernization Act of 2012 updates the sys- tribal and local government officials in sys- tories, and the District of Columbia, we are tem to incorporate multiple communication tem use. Broadcasters are very supportive of pleased to endorse The Integrated Public technologies and adapt to emerging tech- such a training program and view this as a Alert and Warning System Modernization nology, and it requires the system to reach critical component to successful alerting. Act of 2012. blind and other disabled people. The bill also Strengthening coordination among the dif- The Integrated Public Alert and Warning ensures that a representative from a blind- ferent levels of government, the legislation System (IPAWS) was designed to bring to- ness advocacy group will sit on an advisory will set up an IPAWS Modernization Select gether different and emerging communica- committee that will make recommendations Advisory Committee composed of federal, tion technologies into a fully coordinated on the modernization, keeping the blind en- state and local representatives as well as network so comprehensive communication gaged with Federal agencies during this members from various industry groups. We may occur in the event of an emergency or process. look forward to participating in this Advi- disaster. Created by a 2006 Executive order, By requiring the system to incorporate sory Committee and continuing our partner- IPAWS represents a step forward from out- new technologies but still reach blind and ship with the federal government. dated systems which relied on radio and tele- other disabled people, FEMA will be encour- Sincerely, vision alone to reach the population at-large aging manufacturers and carriers to make GORDON H. SMITH, when there is an incident. their communication technologies accessible President and CEO. Since the 2006 Executive Order, IPAWS has by nonvisual means. The modernization will languished without a true direction, appro- also ensure that blind people are provided HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION priate authorization, or codified organiza- with the same critical information at the OF AMERICA, tion. Your legislation brings about all these same time as the rest of the country, allow- Bethesda, MD, April 12, 2012. needed aspects to the program that we have ing blind people to make independent, edu- Hon. SUSAN COLLINS, supported in recent years. In 2008, NEMA cated decisions during emergencies. On be- U.S. Senate, Dirksen Senate Office Building, unanimously approved a position paper re- half of blind Americans, we thank you again Washington, DC. garding IPAWS. One aspect of the program for taking the initiative in this matter and DEAR SENATOR COLLINS: The Hearing Loss in which we felt needed improvement was sponsoring this legislation. Association of America is pleased to endorse greater coordination with state and local Sincerely, the Integrated Public Alert and Warning governments. Since last year, outreach to JOHN G. PARE´ , Jr., System Modernization Act of 2012. We ap- state officials has certainly improved, but we Executive Director for Strategic Initiatives. plaud your efforts to update the integrated believe your recommendation of the IPAWS public alert and warning system, and are Advisory Committee will help bring about NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF STATE particularly pleased to see that this legisla- even more coordination with the Federal BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATIONS, tion would require specific steps to ensure Emergency Management Agency. April 16, 2012. individuals with disabilities are not forgot- Alert systems represent critical compo- Hon. SUSAN M. COLLINS, ten. nents of local and state emergency oper- U.S. Senator, One of the Federal Emergency Manage- ations plans, so it remains essential the Washington, DC. ment Agency’s (FEMA) core responsibilities IPAWS system is integrated, coordinated, DEAR SENATOR COLLINS: The undersigned, is to keep Americans informed about threats and comprehensive. We must remain careful, who are the chief executive officers of the to public safety, and yet the current public however, that these components to not come named State Broadcasters Associations, are alert and warning system is not always ac- at the expense of already stressed state pleased to offer our support and endorsement cessible to people with hearing loss. In fact, budgets. for your proposed bill authorizing the Inte- the November 9, 2011 testing of EAS proved We greatly appreciate your leadership on grated Public Alert and Warning System to be problematic: some cable stations did this issue and look forward to working to- (IPAWS). not provide the needed text to properly in- gether with you, Chairman Lieberman, and If passed, this bill will ensure that more form people with hearing loss that it was the rest of the committee to ensure passage people receive life saving information in only a test; some did not provide the needed of this bill. Please feel free to utilize our more parts of America, more of the time,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.030 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2551 through current and future alert and warn- Broadcasters, Whit Adamson; Texas Associa- ‘‘(2) an explanation provided by the com- ing technologies, while strengthening broad- tion of Broadcasters, Ann Arnold; Utah mittee as to why the creation of each new casters’ role as the backbone of America’s Broadcasters Association, Dale Zabriskie; program, office, or initiative is necessary if public alerting system. Vermont Association of Broadcasters, Jim a similar program or programs, office or of- Many of us serve as chairs or members of Condon; Virginia Association of Broad- fices, or initiative or initiatives already our respective State Emergency Communica- casters, Doug Easter; Washington State As- exist. tions Committees, which are charged with sociation of Broadcasters, Mark Allen; West ‘‘(c) This paragraph may be waived by joint managing the Emergency Alert System Virginia Broadcasters Association, Michele agreement of the Majority Leader and the (EAS) in our states. We have all worked tire- Crist; Wisconsin Broadcasters Association, Minority Leader of the Senate upon their lessly over the years to ensure that a robust, Michelle Vetterkind; Association certification that such waiver is necessary as reliable alerting system is available when it of Broadcasters, Laura Grott. a result of— is needed. f ‘‘(1) a significant disruption to Senate fa- We have observed over the years that the cilities or to the availability of the Internet; system needs a higher level of coordination SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS or among the various federal, state and local ‘‘(2) an emergency as determined by the public safety and emergency management leaders.’’. agencies as ‘‘message originators,’’ on the SENATE RESOLUTION 427—TO PRE- f one hand, and the broadcast, cable and sat- VENT THE CREATION OF DUPLI- ellite ‘‘message relayers’’ on the other hand; SENATE RESOLUTION 428—CON- and that the absence of any formal, on-going CATIVE AND OVERLAPPING FED- training of state and local public safety and ERAL PROGRAMS DEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF emergency management personnel on the use Mr. COBURN (for himself and Mr. SYRIA FOR CRIMES AGAINST HU- of EAS has hampered state and local offi- UDALL of Colorado) submitted the fol- MANITY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- cials’ willingness and ability to use it effi- lowing resolution; which was referred POSES ciently in times of emergency, thus putting lives and property at risk. to the Committee on Rules and Admin- Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, Mr. Your bill will address these problems and istration: GRAHAM, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. KIRK, Ms. will make giant strides toward improvement S. RES. 427 COLLINS, Mr. COATS, Mr. MCCAIN, and of alert and warning capability in our states Resolved, Mr. CARDIN) submitted the following and across our nation. We look forward to SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. resolution; which was referred to the working with you toward successful passage This resolution may be cited as the ‘‘Pre- Committee on Foreign Relations: of this important measure. venting Duplicative and Overlapping Govern- S. RES. 428 Very truly yours, The Undersigned CEOs of the Fifty State ment Programs Resolution’’. Whereas, on December 22, 2010, the Senate Broadcast Trade Associations. SEC. 2. REPORTED LEGISLATION. passed S. Con. Res. 71 (111th Congress), a bi- Alabama Broadcasters Association, Sharon Paragraph 11 of rule XXVI of the Standing partisan resolution recognizing that it is in Tinsley; Alaska Broadcasters Association, Rules of the Senate is amended— the national interest of the United States to Darlene Simono; Arizona Broadcasters Asso- (1) in subparagraph (c), by striking ‘‘and prevent and mitigate acts of genocide and ciation, Art Brooks; Arkansas Broadcasters (b)’’ and inserting ‘‘(b), and (c)’’; other mass atrocities against civilians; Association, Doug Krile; California Broad- (2) by redesignating subparagraph (c) and Whereas, since the uprisings in Syria casters Association, Stan Statham; Colorado subparagraph (d); and began in January 2011, the Government of Broadcasters Association, Byron Grandy; (3) by inserting after subparagraph (b) the Syria has manifestly failed in its responsi- Connecticut Broadcasters Association, Mike following: bility to protect its people; Rice; Florida Association of Broadcasters, ‘‘(c) The report accompanying each bill or Whereas, on August 4, 2011, President Pat Roberts; Georgia Association, of Broad- joint resolution of a public character re- Barack Obama issued Presidential Study Di- casters, Jere Pigue; Hawaii Association of ported by any committee (including the rective/PSD–10, stating, ‘‘Preventing mass Broadcasters, Jamie Hartnett; Idaho State Committee on Appropriations and the Com- atrocities and genocide is a core national se- Broadcasters Association, Connie Searles; Il- mittee on the Budget) shall contain— curity interest and a core moral responsi- linois Broadcasters Association, Dennis ‘‘(1) an analysis by the Congressional Re- bility of the United States.’’; Lyle; Indiana Broadcasters Association, search Service to determine if the bill or Whereas, on November 23, 2011, the United Linda Compton; Iowa Broadcasters Associa- joint resolution creates any new Federal pro- Nations-appointed Independent Inter- tion, Sue Toma; Kansas Association of gram, office, or initiative that would dupli- national Commission of Inquiry on the Syr- Broadcasters, Kent Cornish; Kentucky cate or overlap any existing Federal pro- ian Arab Republic expressed grave concern Broadcasters Association, Gary White; Lou- gram, office, or initiative with similar mis- that ‘‘crimes against humanity of murder, isiana Association of Broadcasters, Lou sion, purpose, goals, or activities along with torture, rape or other forms of sexual vio- Munson; Maine Association of Broadcasters, a listing of all of the overlapping or duplica- lence of comparable gravity, imprisonment Suzanne Goucher; Maryland/D.C./Delaware tive Federal program or programs, office or or other severe deprivation of liberty, en- (MDCD) Broadcasters Association, Lisa Rey- offices, or initiative or initiatives; and forced disappearances of persons and other nolds; Massachusetts Broadcasters Associa- ‘‘(2) an explanation provided by the com- inhumane acts of a similar character have tion, Jordan Walton; Michigan Association mittee as to why the creation of each new occurred in different locations in Syria since of Broadcasters, Karole L. White; Minnesota program, office, or initiative is necessary if March 2011’’ and that ‘‘the Syrian Arab Re- Broadcasters Association, Jim du Bois; Mis- a similar program or programs, office or of- public bears responsibility for these crimes sissippi Association of Broadcasters, Jackie fices, or initiative or initiatives already and violations’’; Lett; Missouri Broadcasters Association, exist.’’. Whereas, on February 3, 2012, Syria secu- Donald Hicks; Montana Broadcasters Asso- SEC. 3. CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATION. rity forces began using indiscriminate sniper ciation, Greg MacDonald; Nebraska Broad- Rule XVII of the Standing Rules of the fire and shelling of the densely populated casters Association, Marty Riemenschneider; Senate is amended by inserting at the end neighborhoods of Homs with heavy weap- Nevada Broadcasters Association, Robert thereof the following: onry; Fisher; New Hampshire Association of ‘‘6. (a) It shall not be in order in the Senate Whereas, on February 4, 2012, President Broadcasters, Jordan Walton; New Jersey to proceed to any bill or joint resolution un- Obama stated that President Assad ‘‘has no Broadcasters Association, Paul Rotella; New less the committee of jurisdiction has pre- right to lead Syria and has lost all legit- Mexico Broadcasters Association, Paula pared and posted on the committee website imacy with his people and the international Maes; New York State Broadcasters Associa- an overlapping and duplicative programs community’’; tion, David Donovan; North Carolina Asso- analysis and explanation for the bill or joint Whereas, on February 4, 2012, the United ciation of Broadcasters, Wade Hargrove, resolution as described in subparagraph (b) States co-sponsored a draft United Nations Esq.; North Dakota Broadcasters Associa- prior to proceeding. Security Council resolution condemning tion, Beth Helfrich; Ohio Association of ‘‘(b) The analysis and explanation required ‘‘the continued widespread and gross viola- Broadcasters, Chris Merritt; Oklahoma Asso- by this subparagraph shall contain— tions of human rights and fundamental free- ciation, of Broadcasters, Vance Harrison; Or- ‘‘(1) an analysis by the Congressional Re- doms by the Syrian authorities such as the egon Association of Broadcasters, Bill search Service to determine if the bill or use of force against civilians, arbitrary exe- Johnstone; Pennsylvania Association of joint resolution creates any new Federal pro- cutions, killing and persecution of protestors Broadcasters, Rich Wyckoff; Radio Broad- gram, office, or initiative that would dupli- and members of the media, arbitrary deten- casters Association of Puerto Rico, Jose A. cate or overlap any existing Federal pro- tion, enforced disappearances, interference Ribas Dominicci; Rhode Island Broadcasters gram, office, or initiative with similar mis- with access to medical treatment, torture, Association, Lori Needham; South Carolina sion, purpose, goals, or activities along with sexual violence, and ill-treatment, including Broadcasters Association, Shani White; a listing of all of the overlapping or duplica- against children’’; South Dakota Broadcasters Association, tive Federal program or programs, office or Whereas, on February 17, 2012, the Senate Steve Willard; Tennessee Association of offices, or initiative or initiatives; and passed S. Res. 379 (112th Congress), stating

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.031 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 that the ‘‘gross human rights violations per- 110–53; 22 U.S.C. 8213) and take action to en- der, torture, rape or other forms of sex- petuated by the Government of Syria against sure that the Government of Syria, its lead- ual violence . . . imprisonment or the people of Syria represent a grave risk to ers, and senior officials who are responsible other severe deprivation of liberty, en- regional peace and stability’’; for crimes against humanity are brought to forced disappearances of persons and Whereas, on February 22, 2012, the Inde- account for such crimes in an appropriately pendent International Commission of In- constituted tribunal; other inhumane acts . . . have occurred quiry on the Syrian Arab Republic found in (4) urges the President to formally estab- in different locations in Syria since a subsequent report that ‘‘[a] reliable body of lish the Atrocities Prevention Board estab- March 2011.’’ evidence exists that, consistent with other lished by Presidential Study Directive–10 in The Commission also found that ‘‘the verified circumstances, provides reasonable August 2011, and for the Board to provide Syrian Arab Republic bears responsi- grounds to believe that particular individ- recommendations to the President con- bility for these crimes and violations.’’ uals, including commanding officers and offi- cerning the prevention of mass atrocities in Assistant Secretary of State for Near cials at the highest levels of Government, Syria; bear responsibility for crimes against hu- (5) urges the international community, East Affairs Jeffrey Feltman testified manity and other gross human rights viola- working with the people of Syria to review before the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions’’ and that ‘‘children continue to be ar- legal processes available to hold officials of tions of the Senate that ‘‘large num- bitrarily arrested and tortured while in de- the Government of Syria, Syria security bers of Syrians are living every day tention’’; forces, and the President of the Syrian Arab under siege, deprived of basic neces- Whereas, on February 28, 2012, the United Republic accountable for crimes against hu- sities including food, clean water and Nations Security Council was informed that manity and gross violations of human rights; over 7500 people in Syria have been killed, an medical supplies, and women and chil- and dren are wounded and dying for lack of estimated 100 more are killed each day in at- (6) expresses solidarity and support for the tacks directed against the civilian popu- people of Syria as they seek to exercise uni- treatment.’’ lation, and there are between 100,000 and versal rights and pursue peaceful democratic General Mattis, commander of the 200,000 internally displaced persons in Syria; change. U.S. Central Command, for whom I Whereas, on February 28, 2012, Secretary of have the strongest and deepest respect, State Hillary Clinton testified before the Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I Subcommittee on the Department of State, rise to submit a resolution condemning explained before the Senate Armed Foreign Operations, and Related Programs of the Government of Syria for crimes Services Committee ‘‘the Syrian mili- the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- against humanity. I am pleased to be tary continues to ruthlessly use lethal ate concerning President Assad, stating that joined by Senators GRAHAM, KLO- force with impunity against the Syrian ‘‘based on the definitions of war criminal and BUCHAR, KIRK, CARDIN, COATS, COLLINS, people.’’ crimes against humanity, there would be an and MCCAIN in submitting this resolu- In this body, we have not remained argument to be made that he would fit into tion. silent in the face of this humanitarian that category’’; I am very proud we have strong bi- Whereas, on March 1, 2012, Assistant Sec- disaster, approving on February 17, retary of State for Near East Affairs Jeffrey partisan support and I thank, in par- 2012, S. Res. 379, condemning violence Feltman testified before the Committee on ticular, Senator GRAHAM for his leader- by the Government of Syria against Foreign Relations of the Senate that ‘‘large ship, along with Senator MCCAIN, who the Syrian people. We have also ap- numbers of Syrians are living every day repeatedly and consistently in this proved S. Res. 391, which I cosponsored, under siege, deprived of basic necessities in- area of human rights and liberties have condemning violence by the Govern- cluding food, clean water and medical sup- stood for basic American principles of ment of Syria against journalists and plies, and women and children are wounded democracy and freedom. I had the expressing the sense of the Senate on and dying for lack of treatment’’; great opportunity to visit a number of Whereas, on March 8, 2012 Ambassador freedom of the press in Syria. Susan Rice, the United States Permanent the Middle Eastern countries with The world should be inspired by the Representative to the United Nations, stated them, and my strong support for this continuing courage and determination that the United States ‘‘remain[s] deter- kind of resolution rises from the first- of Syrian protesters standing and mined to hasten the day when the brave peo- hand views we were able to have of the speaking, despite the Syrian military ple of Syria can shake off the yoke of bond- results of freedom fighters in Tunisia, gunning down and bombing their age and tyranny’’; Libya and Egypt and the impact on the Whereas, on March 27, 2012, United States homes, businesses, and neighborhoods. future of their country and being on I know our Nation is at war and Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, in testi- the right side of history, as the United mony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights rightly wary of intervention abroad. Commission, cited massive human rights States was there. Those people showed But military intervention is not our violations that, ‘‘may amount to crimes their gratitude and welcomed us to only option, not the only means to against humanity’’; and their countries. summon support or step forward in sol- I am grateful to Senators MCCAIN Whereas, with the intent and knowledge of idarity with the freedom fighters in the highest level of the Government of Syria, and GRAHAM for giving me that oppor- Syria, nor is military intervention including commanding officers of the Syria tunity, along with Senators SESSIONS alone sufficient to call forth the security forces and the President of the Syr- and HOEVEN, who accompanied us, for world’s conscience. Even without mili- ian Arab Republic, Bashir Assad, members of their leadership. the Syria security forces have reportedly Syrian crimes against humanity in- tary action, we need not abdicate the committed a widespread and systematic pat- clude acts such as murder, torture and democratic rights and principles that tern of gross human rights violations, in- underlie and underpin our own Nation’s cluding use of force against civilians, tor- unlawful punishment and imprison- ment when committed as part of a constitutional ethos. ture, extra judicial killings, arbitrary execu- One powerful and profound step this tions, sexual violence, the execution of de- widespread or systematic attack on ci- fectors, and interference with medical treat- vilian populations. body can take is to bear witness to the ment and other humanitarian assistance: Since peaceful protests began last atrocities occurring in Syria. More Now, therefore, be it year, the Syrian regime has brutalized than 9,000 people have died in Syria Resolved, That the Senate— and savaged its own people, leaving since these protests began. As Elie (1) condemns the Government of Syria, thousands dead as it commits horrific Wiesel has said, ‘‘For the dead and the Syria security forces, and the President of living, we must bear witness.’’ the Syrian Arab Republic for widespread and crimes against humanity, including the systematic attacks against the civilian pop- abduction and torture of children. The Syrian thugs who detain and tor- ulation of Syria; This resolution tells the Syrian peo- ture children must know the United (2) commends the President for the vote of ple they are not alone, that the Amer- States bears witness to their crimes. the United States at the United Nations Se- ican people are with them as they fight We should say to President Assad that curity Council to condemn the continued for freedom and basic democratic the world is watching and witnessing widespread and gross violations of human rights; the people of the world are as he uses snipers to target civilians, rights and fundamental freedoms by the au- watching. indiscriminately shelling homes and thorities in Syria; On November 23, 2011, the U.N.-ap- businesses, and torturing protesters (3) urges the President to use his authority to collect information on incidents in Syria pointed Independent International who dare to speak of change. that may constitute crimes against human- Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian This resolution calls on President ity under section 2113 of the ADVANCE De- Arab Republic expressed grave concern Obama to bear witness by using his ex- mocracy Act of 2007 (title XXI of Public Law that ‘‘crimes against humanity of mur- isting authority. America can and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.029 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2553 must bear witness by taking and pre- urable progress and helped save hundreds of (6) supports continued leadership by the serving evidence of actions and inci- thousands of lives; United States in bilateral, multilateral, and dents in Syria that constitute crimes Whereas the World Malaria Report 2011 by private sector efforts to combat malaria as a against humanity. America must bear the World Health Organization states that in critical part of the President’s Global Health 2011, approximately 50 percent of households Initiative; and witness by asking the President’s in sub-Saharan Africa owned at least 1 insec- (7) encourages other members of the inter- newly created Atrocities Prevention ticide-treated mosquito net (referred to in national community to sustain and scale up Board to consider crimes against hu- this preamble as an ‘‘ITN’’), and household their support for and financial contributions manity occurring in Syria. surveys indicated that 96 percent of people to efforts worldwide to combat malaria. These atrocities epitomize the crimes with access to an ITN within a household ac- f this prevention board must address. I tually used the ITN; commend President Obama and Sec- Whereas, in 2010, a total of 185,000,000 peo- SENATE RESOLUTION 430—RECOG- retary of State Clinton for their work ple were protected by indoor residual spray- NIZING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY ing (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘IRS’’); OF THE FOUNDING OF DUCKS at the U.N. and with our allies to assist Whereas the World Malaria Report 2011 fur- the Syrian people. We should make our UNLIMITED, INCORPORATED, ther states that malaria mortality rates THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE OR- own findings about what has occurred have fallen by more than 25 percent globally, in Syria concerning the crimes against and 33 percent in Africa alone, since 2000; GANIZATION IN HABITAT CON- humanity. We cannot avoid this obliga- Whereas the World Malaria Report 2011 fur- SERVATION, AND THE SUPPORT tion simply because the result may ther states that out of 99 countries with on- OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR THE present difficult choices. going malaria transmissions, 43 countries re- WATERFOWLING HERITAGE OF As Martin Luther King would often corded decreases of more than 50 percent in THE UNITED STATES the number of malaria cases between 2000 remind us, ‘‘The arc of the moral uni- and 2010, and 8 other countries recorded de- Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. PRYOR, verse is long, but it bends toward jus- creases of more than 25 percent; Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. tice.’’ Whereas continued national, regional, and INHOFE, and Mr. TESTER) submitted the If we bear witness today, justice will international investment in efforts to elimi- following resolution; which was consid- come closer for the Syrian people. nate malaria, including prevention and ered and agreed to: treatment efforts and the development of a President Assad and the Government of S. RES. 430 vaccine to immunize children from the ma- Syria, its leaders and senior officials Whereas Ducks Unlimited, Incorporated who are responsible for crimes against laria parasite, is critical in order to continue to reduce malaria deaths, prevent back- (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘Ducks Un- humanity, will be brought to account sliding in areas where progress has been limited’’) was founded in 1937, when the and justice for their crimes. made, and equip the United States and the drought-plagued waterfowl populations of I urge my colleagues to join me in global community with the tools necessary North America plunged to unprecedented supporting this resolution. to fight malaria and other global health lows; threats; Whereas, after decades of commitment to f Whereas the United States Government conserving waterfowl habitats, Ducks Unlim- ited has become the largest private organiza- SENATE RESOLUTION 429—SUP- has played a leading role in the recent progress made toward reducing the global tion for waterfowl and wetlands conservation PORTING THE GOALS AND worldwide and one of the most effective pri- IDEALS OF WORLD MALARIA burden of malaria, particularly through the President’s Malaria Initiative (referred to in vate organizations dedicated to that cause; DAY this preamble as ‘‘PMI’’) and the contribu- Whereas, since the founding of Ducks Un- limited, the organization has conserved and Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. COONS, tion of the United States to the Global Fund protected more than 4,500,000 acres of water- Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. DURBIN, to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; Whereas the United States Government is fowl habitat in the United States and more Mr. BOOZMAN, and Mr. BINGAMAN) sub- than 12,600,000 acres of waterfowl habitat in mitted the following resolution; which pursuing a comprehensive approach to end- ing malaria deaths through PMI, the United North America; was referred to the Committee on For- States Agency for International Develop- Whereas Ducks Unlimited has nearly eign Relations: ment, the National Institutes of Health, the 750,000 members internationally, including 550,000 members in the United States; S. RES. 429 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Whereas, since the founding of Ducks Un- Whereas April 25th of each year is recog- the Department of Defense, and the private sector focused on helping partner countries limited, the organization has raised more nized internationally as World Malaria Day; than $3,400,000,000 for waterfowl conservation Whereas malaria is a leading cause of to achieve major improvements in overall health outcomes through advances in access and education, leveraging public support to death and disease in many developing coun- obtain more than half of its contributions tries, despite being completely preventable to, and the quality of, healthcare services in resource-poor settings; and from private sources; and treatable; Whereas Ducks Unlimited provides support Whereas fighting malaria is in the national Whereas PMI, recognizing the burden of malaria on many partner countries, has set a to local projects that are important to security interest of the United States Gov- waterfowlers in each State of the United ernment, as reducing the risk of malaria pro- target of reducing the burden of malaria by 50 percent for 450,000,000 people, representing States; and tects members of the Armed Forces of the Whereas Ducks Unlimited maintains the United States serving overseas in malaria 70 percent of the at-risk population in Afri- ca, by 2015: Now, therefore, be it vital mission of conserving, restoring, and endemic regions, and reducing malaria managing wetlands and associated habitats deaths helps to promote stability in less de- Resolved, That the Senate— for the waterfowl of North America, a mis- veloped countries; (1) supports the goals and ideals of World sion that also benefits other wildlife and peo- Whereas, according to the Centers for Dis- Malaria Day, including the target of ending ple: Now, therefore, be it ease Control and Prevention, 35 countries, malaria deaths by 2015; Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the the majority of which are in sub-Saharan Af- (2) recognizes the importance of reducing important contributions of Ducks Unlimited, rica, account for 98 percent of global malaria malaria prevalence and deaths to improve Incorporated and its members across the deaths; overall child and maternal health, especially United States to the conservation of habi- Whereas young children and pregnant in sub-Saharan Africa; tats and the preservation of the waterfowl of women are particularly vulnerable to and (3) commends the recent progress made to- North America during the past 75 years. disproportionately affected by malaria; ward reducing global malaria deaths and Whereas malaria greatly affects child prevalence, particularly through the efforts f health, as children under the age of 5 ac- of the President’s Malaria Initiative and the SENATE RESOLUTION 431—CELE- count for an estimated 85 percent of malaria Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, BRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- deaths each year; and Malaria; Whereas malaria poses great risks to ma- (4) strongly supports ongoing public-pri- SARY OF THE 1962 SEATTLE ternal health, causing complications during vate partnerships to research and develop WORLD’S FAIR delivery, anemia, and low birth weights, more effective and affordable tools for ma- Ms. CANTWELL submitted the fol- with estimates that malaria infection causes laria diagnosis, treatment, and vaccination; lowing resolution; which was referred 400,000 cases of severe maternal anemia and (5) recognizes the goals to combat malaria to the Committee on the Judiciary: between 75,000 and 200,000 infant deaths an- in the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United nually in sub-Saharan Africa; States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, S. RES. 431 Whereas heightened national, regional, and Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Whereas, on April 21, 2012, the City of Se- international efforts to prevent and treat Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–293; 122 Stat. attle will celebrate the 50th anniversary of malaria over recent years have made meas- 2918); the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair (referred to in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.022 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 this preamble as the ‘‘Seattle World’s Fair’’), bill S. 1789, supra; which was ordered to lie SEC. ll. MORATORIUM ON CLOSING AND CON- which showcased the optimism, energy, and on the table. SOLIDATING POSTAL FACILITIES OR innovative spirit of Seattle; SA 2081. Mr. CORKER submitted an amend- POST OFFICES, STATIONS, OR Whereas more than 9,000,000 people visited ment intended to be proposed by him to the BRANCHES. the Seattle World’s Fair, a number that rep- bill S. 1789, supra; which was ordered to lie (a) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term resents roughly 3 times the total population on the table. ‘‘postal facility’’ has the same meaning as in of the State of Washington at the time; SA 2082. Mr. DURBIN submitted an amend- section 404(f) of title 39, United States Code, Whereas the Seattle World’s Fair brought ment intended to be proposed by him to the as added by this Act. together the most talented architects of the bill S. 1789, supra; which was ordered to lie (b) MORATORIUM.—Notwithstanding section Pacific Northwest to create a civic legacy on the table. 404 of title 39, United States Code, as amend- and the treasured Seattle Center public SA 2083. Mr. CORKER submitted an amend- ed by this Act, or any other provision of law, space, which includes the Space Needle, the ment intended to be proposed by him to the the Postal Service may not close or consoli- Seattle Center Armory, the Pacific Science bill S. 1789, supra; which was ordered to lie date a postal facility or post office, station, Center, the Coliseum (now known as ‘‘Key on the table. or branch, except as required for the imme- Arena’’), Memorial Stadium, the Inter- SA 2084. Mr. REID (for Mr. COONS) proposed diate protection of health and safety, before national Fountain, and the Opera House; an amendment to the bill H.R. 1021, to pre- the later of— Whereas the Seattle World’s Fair facili- vent the termination of the temporary office (1) the date on which the Postal Service es- tated the construction of key transportation of bankruptcy judges in certain judicial dis- tablishes the retail service standards under infrastructure, including the SR 520 floating tricts. section 203 of this Act; and bridge, the portion of Interstate 5 that tra- f (2) the date that is 2 years after the date of verses downtown Seattle, and the Monorail; enactment of this Act. Whereas, to officially open the Seattle TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (c) CONFORMING PROVISION.—Section 205(b) World’s Fair, President John F. Kennedy SA 2077. Mr. DURBIN submitted an of this Act shall have no force or effect. used the same historic telegraphic key that amendment intended to be proposed to had been used to open the Alaska-Yukon-Pa- amendment SA 2037 submitted by Mr. SA 2080. Ms. SNOWE submitted an cific Exposition in Seattle 53 years earlier; Durbin and intended to be proposed to amendment intended to be proposed by Whereas the attendance of music icon her to the bill S. 1789, to improve, sus- Elvis Presley in Seattle during the filming of the bill S. 1789, to improve, sustain, the movie ‘‘It Happened at the World’s Fair’’ and transform the United States Postal tain, and transform the United States further elevated the City of Seattle as an Service; which was ordered to lie on Postal Service; which was ordered to international city for the arts; the table; as follows: lie on the table; as follows: Whereas the theme of the Seattle World’s On page 1, strike line 3 and all that follows On page 28, strike line 13 and all that fol- Fair, ‘‘science’’, foreshadowed regional inno- through page 2, line 8, and insert the fol- lows through page 30, line 8, and insert the vations in technology and advanced manu- lowing: following: facturing that now support world leading ‘‘(10) PROHIBITION ON CLOSING, CONSOLIDA- ‘‘(2) AREA MAIL PROCESSING STUDY.— companies and tens of thousands of high- TION, AND REDUCTION IN WORKFORCE.— ‘‘(A) NEW AREA MAIL PROCESSING STUDIES.— paying jobs; ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—During the 3-year period After the date of enactment of this sub- Whereas some of the earliest satellite beginning on the date of enactment of the section, before making a determination transmissions of telephone calls and tele- 21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012, if under subsection (a)(3) as to the necessity for vision broadcasts occurred at the Seattle the Postal Service conducted an area mail the closing or consolidation of any postal fa- World’s Fair, and the Seattle area is now processing study after June 1, 2001 with re- cility, the Postal Service shall— home to global information and communica- spect to a postal facility which was termi- ‘‘(i) conduct an area mail processing study tions technology companies; and nated or concluded that no significant cost relating to that postal facility that includes Whereas the Seattle World’s Fair cele- savings or efficiencies would result from a plan to reduce the capacity of the postal brated aviation and the new Space Age, and closing, consolidating, or reducing the num- facility, but not close the postal facility; the aerospace industry in the Seattle area ber of employees of the postal facility, the ‘‘(ii) publish the study on the Postal Serv- now employs 82,000 people (including 7,000 en- Postal Service may not— ice website; and gineers), generates a combined annual rev- ‘‘(i) close the postal facility; ‘‘(iii) publish a notice that the study is enue of $32,000,000,000, and includes a cluster ‘‘(ii) consolidate the postal facility; or complete and available to the public, includ- of 650 companies: Now, therefore, be it ‘‘(iii) involuntarily separate an employee ing on the Postal Service website. Resolved, That the Senate— of the postal facility from service, except for ‘‘(B) COMPLETED OR ONGOING AREA MAIL (1) celebrates the 50th anniversary of the removal for cause on charges of misconduct PROCESSING STUDIES.— 1962 Seattle World’s Fair; or delinquency. ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a postal fa- (2) commends the City of Seattle for its in- cility described in clause (ii), the Postal novation, growth, and entrepreneurial spirit SA 2078. Mr. ROCKEFELLER (for Service shall— during the past 50 years; himself and Mr. CARDIN) submitted an ‘‘(I) consider a plan to reduce the capacity (3) supports the ‘‘Next Fifty’’ initiative to amendment intended to be proposed to of the postal facility without closing the develop a blueprint for success in Seattle for amendment SA 2073 submitted by Mr. postal facility; and the next half-century; and ‘‘(II) publish the results of the consider- (4) requests that the Secretary of the Sen- Rockefeller and intended to be pro- posed to the bill S. 1789, to improve, ation under subclause (I) with or as an ate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolu- amendment to the area mail processing tion to the City of Seattle for appropriate sustain, and transform the United study relating to the postal facility. display. States Postal Service; which was or- ‘‘(ii) POSTAL FACILITIES.—A postal facility f dered to lie on the table; as follows: described in this clause is a postal facility for which, on or before the date of enactment AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND On page 1, strike line 8 and insert the fol- lowing: of this subsection— PROPOSED to enroll in Medicare. ‘‘(I) an area mail processing study— SA 2077. Mr. DURBIN submitted an amend- (g) CLAIMS POOL.—Notwithstanding section ‘‘(aa) that does not include a plan to re- ment intended to be proposed to amendment 8903c(b)(5)(A) of title 5, United States Code, duce the capacity of the postal facility with- SA 2037 submitted by Mr. DURBIN and in- as added by subsection (a), the Office may out closing the postal facility has been com- tended to be proposed to the bill S. 1789, to not establish a separate claims pool for indi- pleted; or improve, sustain, and transform the United viduals eligible for coverage under any of the ‘‘(bb) is in progress; and States Postal Service; which was ordered to enrollment options under section 8903c(b)(4) ‘‘(II) a determination as to the necessity lie on the table. of title 5, United States Code, as added by for the closing or consolidation of the postal SA 2078. Mr. ROCKEFELLER (for himself subsection (a). facility has not been made. and Mr. CARDIN) submitted an amendment ‘‘(C) PRC REVIEW.— intended to be proposed to amendment SA SA 2079. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—For each area mail proc- 2073 submitted by Mr. ROCKEFELLER and in- Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. MERKLEY, and essing study conducted under subparagraph tended to be proposed to the bill S. 1789, Ms. MIKULSKI) submitted an amend- (A) or relating to a postal facility described supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him in subparagraph (B)(ii), the Postal Regu- SA 2079. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Mr. to the bill S. 1789, to improve, sustain, latory Commission shall determine wheth- er— ROCKEFELLER, Mr. MERKLEY, and Ms. MIKUL- and transform the United States Postal SKI) submitted an amendment intended to be ‘‘(I) the area mail processing study used an proposed by him to the bill S. 1789, supra; Service; which was ordered to lie on appropriate methodology; and which was ordered to lie on the table. the table; as follows: ‘‘(II) the cost savings identified in the area SA 2080. Ms. SNOWE submitted an amend- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- mail processing study relating to that postal ment intended to be proposed by her to the lowing: facility are accurate.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.036 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2555

‘‘(ii) REPORT.—The Postal Regulatory ‘‘(2) In no event may, if procedures for the Sections 201 and 202 of this Act, and the Commission shall submit to the Postal Serv- resolution of a dispute or impasse arising in amendments made by those sections, shall ice a report regarding each determination the negotiation of a collective-bargaining have no force or effect. made under clause (i). agreement (whether through binding arbitra- (e) APPLICABILITY OF REDUCTION-IN-FORCE ‘‘(D) LIMITATION ON CLOSING OR CONSOLIDA- tion or otherwise) are invoked under this PROCEDURES.—Section 1206 of title 39, United TION.— chapter, the award or other resolution States Code is amended by adding at the end ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Postal Service may reached under such procedures provide for the following: not make a determination under subsection the elimination of, or the substitution of any ‘‘(d) Collective-bargaining agreements be- (a)(3) to close or consolidate a postal facility alternative procedures in lieu of, reduction- tween the Postal Service and bargaining rep- if the Postal Regulatory Commission deter- in-force procedures under title 5.’’. resentatives recognized under section 1203, mines under subparagraph (C) that— (f) HISTORIC POST OFFICES.—Section 404(d) ratified after the date of enactment of this ‘‘(I) the area mail processing study relat- of title 39, United States Code, is amended by subsection, shall contain no provision re- stricting the applicability of reduction-in- ing to that postal facility did not use an ap- adding at the end the following: force procedures under title 5 with respect to propriate methodology; or ‘‘(7)(A) In this paragraph, the term ‘his- members of the applicable bargaining unit.’’. ‘‘(II) the cost savings identified in the area toric post office building’ means a post office (f) HISTORIC POST OFFICES.—Section 404(d) building that is a certified historic struc- mail processing study relating to that postal of title 39, United States Code, is amended by ture, as that term is defined in section facility are inaccurate. adding at the end the following: ‘‘(ii) SUBSEQUENT AREA MAIL PROCESSING 47(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. ‘‘(7)(A) In this paragraph, the term ‘‘his- STUDIES.—If the Postal Regulatory Commis- toric post office building’’ means a post of- sion makes a determination described in SA 2082. Mr. DURBIN submitted an fice building that is a certified historic clause (i) regarding to an area mail proc- amendment intended to be proposed by structure, as that term is defined in section essing study relating to a postal facility, the him to the bill S. 1789, to improve, sus- 47(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Postal Service may conduct a subsequent tain, and transform the United States area mail processing study relating to that Postal Service; which was ordered to SA 2084. Mr. REID (for Mr. COONS) postal facility in accordance with this para- lie on the table; as follows: proposed an amendment to the bill graph. On page 35, line 16, strike the quotation H.R. 1021, to prevent the termination of the temporary office of bankruptcy Mr. CORKER submitted an marks and the second period and insert the SA 2081. judges in certain judicial districts; as amendment intended to be proposed by following: follows: him to the bill S. 1789, to improve, sus- ‘‘(10) PROHIBITION ON CLOSING, CONSOLIDA- TION, AND REDUCTION IN WORKFORCE.— Strike section 3 and insert the following: tain, and transform the United States ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—During the 3-year period SEC. 3. BANKRUPTCY FILING FEE INCREASE. Postal Service; which was ordered to beginning on the date of enactment of the (a) BANKRUPTCY FILING FEES.—Section lie on the table; as follows: 21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012, if 1930(a)(3) of title 28, United States Code, is On page 39, strike line 20 and all that fol- the Postal Service conducted an area mail amended by striking ‘‘$1,000’’ and inserting lows through page 45, line 17, and insert the processing study after June 1, 2001 with re- ‘‘$1,167’’. following: spect to a postal facility which was termi- (b) UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SYSTEM SEC. 205. OTHER PROVISIONS. nated or concluded that no significant cost FUND.—Section 589a(b)(2) of title 28, United (a) FREQUENCY OF MAIL DELIVERY.—Section savings or efficiencies would result from States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘55’’ and 101 of title 39, United States Code, is amend- closing, consolidating, or reducing the num- inserting ‘‘48.89’’. ed by adding at the end the following: ber of employees of the postal facility, the (c) COLLECTION AND DEPOSIT OF MISCELLA- ‘‘(h) Subject to the requirements of section Postal Service may not— NEOUS BANKRUPTCY FEES.—Section 406(b) of 3661, nothing in this title or any other provi- ‘‘(i) close the postal facility; the Judiciary Appropriations Act, 1990 (28 sion of law shall be construed to prevent the ‘‘(ii) consolidate the postal facility; or U.S.C. 1931 note) is amended by striking ‘‘25’’ and inserting ‘‘33.33’’. Postal Service from taking any action nec- ‘‘(iii) involuntarily separate an employee (d) PAYGO OFFSET EXPENDITURE LIMITA- essary to provide for a 5-day-per-week deliv- of the postal facility from service, except for TION.—$42 of the incremental amounts col- removal for cause on charges of misconduct ery schedule for mail and a commensurate lected by reason of the enactment of sub- or delinquency. adjustment in the schedule for rural delivery section (a) shall be deposited in a special PPLICATION.—Subparagraph (A) shall of mail.’’. ‘‘(B) A fund in the Treasury to be established after (b) OVERALL VALUE OF FRINGE BENEFITS.— apply with respect to a postal facility that the date of enactment of this Act. Such Section 1005(f) of title 39, United States was not closed or consolidated before May 15, amounts shall be available for the purposes Code, is amended by striking the last sen- 2012, without regard to the conclusions of specified in section 1931(a) of title 28, United tence. any area mail processing study conducted States Code, but only to the extent specifi- (c) MODERN RATE REGULATION.—Section with respect to the postal facility after the cally appropriated by an Act of Congress en- 3622(d) of title 39, United States Code, is re- publication of an area mail processing study acted after the date of enactment of this pealed. described in subparagraph (A).’’. Act. (d) DELIVERY SERVICE STANDARDS, MAIL (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section and the PROCESSING, AND COMMUNITY POST OFFICES.— SA 2083. Mr. CORKER submitted an amendments made by this section shall take Sections 201 and 202 of this Act, and the amendment intended to be proposed by effect 180 days after the date of enactment of amendments made by those sections, shall him to the bill S. 1789, to improve, sus- this Act. have no force or effect. tain, and transform the United States SEC. 4. SUBSEQUENT REAUTHORIZATION. (e) APPLICABILITY OF REDUCTION-IN-FORCE Prior to further reauthorization of any PROCEDURES.—Section 1206 of title 39, United Postal Service; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: judgeship authorized by this Act, the Com- States Code is amended by adding at the end mittee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the following: On page 39, strike line 20 and all that fol- House of Representatives shall conduct a re- ‘‘(d) Collective-bargaining agreements be- lows through page 45, line 17, and insert the view of the bankruptcy judgeships author- tween the Postal Service and bargaining rep- following: ized by this Act to determine the need, if resentatives recognized under section 1203, SEC. 205. OTHER PROVISIONS. any, for continued reauthorization of each ratified after the date of enactment of this (a) FREQUENCY OF MAIL DELIVERY.—Section judgeship, to evaluate any changes in all subsection, shall contain no provision re- 101 of title 39, United States Code, is amend- bankruptcy case filings and their effect, if stricting the applicability of reduction-in- ed by adding at the end the following: any, on filing fee revenue, and to require the force procedures under title 5 with respect to ‘‘(h) Subject to the requirements of section Administrative Office of the Courts to sub- members of the applicable bargaining unit. 3661, nothing in this title or any other provi- mit a report to the Committee on the Judici- ‘‘(e)(1) If a collective-bargaining agreement sion of law shall be construed to prevent the ary of the Senate and House of Representa- between the Postal Service and bargaining Postal Service from taking any action nec- tives on bankruptcy case workload, bank- representatives recognized under section essary to provide for a 5-day-per-week deliv- ruptcy judgeship costs, and filing fee rev- 1203, ratified after the date of enactment of ery schedule for mail and a commensurate enue. this subsection, includes reduction-in-force adjustment in the schedule for rural delivery f procedures which can be applied in lieu of re- of mail.’’. duction-in-force procedures under title 5, the (b) OVERALL VALUE OF FRINGE BENEFITS.— AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Postal Service may, in its discretion, apply Section 1005(f) of title 39, United States MEET with respect to members of the applicable Code, is amended by striking the last sen- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL bargaining unit— tence. RESOURCES ‘‘(A) the alternative procedures (or, if 2 or (c) MODERN RATE REGULATION.—Section more are agreed to, 1 of the alternative pro- 3622(d) of title 39, United States Code, is re- Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask cedures); or pealed. unanimous consent that the Com- ‘‘(B) the reduction-in-force procedures (d) DELIVERY SERVICE STANDARDS, MAIL mittee on Energy and Natural Re- under title 5. PROCESSING, AND COMMUNITY POST OFFICES.— sources be authorized to meet during

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.039 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 19, 2012 the session of the Senate on April 19, reconsider be considered made and laid was done during the development of 2012, at 9:30 a.m., in room 366 of the upon the table, there be no intervening this legislation. Senator COONS worked Dirksen Senate Office Building. action or debate, and there be no fur- with the AO, which made recommenda- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ther motions in order; that any related tions, and with bankruptcy judges in a objection, it is so ordered. statements be printed in the RECORD; variety of districts to determine where COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS that the President be immediately no- need was greatest. To codify an unen- Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask tified of the Senate’s action; and the forceable mandate nominally imposed unanimous consent that the Com- Senate then resume legislative session. on future Congresses is unnecessary mittee on Foreign Relations be author- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and unwise. ized to meet during the session of the objection, it is so ordered. I thank and congratulate Senator Senate on April 19, 2012, at 10 a.m., to f COONS for his hard work and attention to this issue. This would not be passing hold a hearing entitled, ‘‘Syria: U.S. TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGE- without his diligence, focus, and legis- Policy Options.’’ SHIPS EXTENSION ACT OF 2011 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lative skill. He has done what has objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent seemed impossible. that the Judiciary Committee be dis- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS charged from further consideration of Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask that a Coons amendment, which is at H.R. 1021. the desk, be agreed to, the bill as unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee on Indian Affairs be authorized amended be read a third time and objection, it is so ordered. The clerk passed, the motions to reconsider be to meet during the session of the Sen- will report the bill by title. ate on April 19, 2012, in room SD–628 of laid upon the table, with no inter- The assistant legislative clerk read vening action or debate, and any state- the Dirksen Senate Office Building, at as follows: 2:15 p.m., to conduct a hearing entitled ments related to the bill be printed in A bill (H.R. 1021) to prevent the termi- ‘‘S. 1684, the Indian Tribal Energy De- the RECORD. nation of the temporary office of bankruptcy The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without velopment and Self-Determination Act judges in certain judicial districts. objection, it is so ordered. Amendments of 2011.’’ There being no objection, the Senate The amendment (No. 2084) was agreed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the bill. to, as follows: objection, it is so ordered. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I con- AMENDMENT NO. 2084 COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, gratulate Senator COONS on the pas- (Purpose: To address bankruptcy filing fee AND PENSIONS sage of legislation that will reauthorize increases, future reauthorizations, and for Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask 30 temporary bankruptcy judgeships in other purposes) unanimous consent that the Com- districts around the country. I was Strike section 3 and insert the following: mittee on Health, Education, Labor, pleased to support Senator COONS’ very SEC. 3. BANKRUPTCY FILING FEE INCREASE. and Pensions be authorized to meet strong and persistent efforts on this (a) BANKRUPTCY FILING FEES.—Section during the session of the Senate, to important legislation. The Judiciary 1930(a)(3) of title 28, United States Code, is conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Time Committee reported this legislation fa- amended by striking ‘‘$1,000’’ and inserting Takes Its Toll: Delays in OSHA’s vorably on December 15, 2011. I am glad ‘‘$1,167’’. (b) UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SYSTEM Standard-Setting Process and the Im- to see the Senate finally being allowed pact on Worker Safety’’ on April 19, FUND.—Section 589a(b)(2) of title 28, United to act. States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘55’’ and 2012, at 10 a.m., in room 430 of the Dirk- The bill we pass today, when enacted, inserting ‘‘48.89’’. sen Senate Office Building. will reauthorize 30 temporary judge- (c) COLLECTION AND DEPOSIT OF MISCELLA- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ships in 14 States and Puerto Rico. All NEOUS BANKRUPTCY FEES.—Section 406(b) of objection, it is so ordered. of these positions have already expired, the Judiciary Appropriations Act, 1990 (28 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY and without this legislation, upon re- U.S.C. 1931 note) is amended by striking ‘‘25’’ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask and inserting ‘‘33.33’’. tirement or departure of the judges in (d) PAYGO OFFSET EXPENDITURE LIMITA- unanimous consent that the Com- these positions, they could not be filled TION.—$42 of the incremental amounts col- mittee on the Judiciary be authorized again. Needlessly reducing the re- lected by reason of the enactment of sub- to meet during the session of the Sen- sources of our bankruptcy courts does section (a) shall be deposited in a special ate, on April 19, 2012, at 10 a.m., in SD– nothing but put more pressure on fund in the Treasury to be established after 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- Americans who are already navigating the date of enactment of this Act. Such ing, to conduct an executive business a difficult economic environment. This amounts shall be available for the purposes meeting. specified in section 1931(a) of title 28, United legislation should help avoid that and States Code, but only to the extent specifi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without provide some small degree of relief to cally appropriated by an Act of Congress en- objection, it is so ordered. overburdened bankruptcy courts acted after the date of enactment of this SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAPOWER around the country. Quite frankly, I Act. Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I ask think we should be doing more. (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section and the unanimous consent that the Sub- As Chairman of the Judiciary Com- amendments made by this section shall take committee on Seapower of the Com- mittee, I will note one concern with effect 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. mittee on Armed Services be author- the legislation the Senate passes today. In order to secure passage of SEC. 4. SUBSEQUENT REAUTHORIZATION. ized to meet during the session of the Prior to further reauthorization of any Senate, on April 19, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. this legislation, Senator COBURN in- judgeship authorized by this Act, the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sisted upon adding a section to the bill mittee on the Judiciary of the Senate and objection, it is so ordered. that purports to tell future Senate and House of Representatives shall conduct a re- f House Judiciary Committees how to view of the bankruptcy judgeships author- conduct their business. Senator ized by this Act to determine the need, if UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- COBURN’s amendment would dictate any, for continued reauthorization of each MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR that before any of these 30 judgeships judgeship, to evaluate any changes in all Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- could be reauthorized again, the Senate bankruptcy case filings and their effect, if any, on filing fee revenue, and to require the imous consent that on Monday, April and House Judiciary Committee’s Administrative Office of the Courts to sub- 23, at 5 p.m. the Senate proceed to ex- would be required to take certain steps mit a report to the Committee on the Judici- ecutive session to consider Calendar and require a report from the Adminis- ary of the Senate and House of Representa- No. 528; that there be 30 minutes of de- trative Office of the United States tives on bankruptcy case workload, bank- bate equally divided in the usual form; Courts (AO). As a member of the Judi- ruptcy judgeship costs, and filing fee rev- that upon the use or yielding back of ciary Committee, Senator COBURN enue. that time, the Senate proceed to vote, knows this is precisely what commit- The amendment was ordered to be with no intervening action or debate, tees do in the ordinary course of the engrossed and the bill to be read a on Calendar No. 528; that the motion to consideration of legislation, and what third time.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP6.033 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2557 The bill (H.R. 1021), as amended, was The preamble was agreed to. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- read the third time and passed, as fol- The resolution, with its preamble, imous consent that the order for the lows: reads as follows: quorum call be rescinded. H.R. 1021 S. RES. 430 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Resolved, That the bill from the House of Whereas Ducks Unlimited, Incorporated objection, it is so ordered. Representatives (H.R. 1021) entitled ‘‘An Act (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘Ducks Un- to prevent the termination of the temporary limited’’) was founded in 1937, when the f office of bankruptcy judges in certain judi- drought-plagued waterfowl populations of cial districts.’’, do pass with the following North America plunged to unprecedented THANKING THE PRESIDING amendment: lows; OFFICER Strike section 3 and insert the following: Whereas, after decades of commitment to Mr. REID. Mr. President, first of all, SEC. 3. BANKRUPTCY FILING FEE INCREASE. conserving waterfowl habitats, Ducks Unlim- I say to the Presiding Officer, thank (a) BANKRUPTCY FILING FEES.—Section ited has become the largest private organiza- 1930(a)(3) of title 28, United States Code, is tion for waterfowl and wetlands conservation you very much for your patience. We amended by striking ‘‘$1,000’’ and inserting worldwide and one of the most effective pri- often need patience, so I appreciate ‘‘$1,167’’. vate organizations dedicated to that cause; yours. (b) UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SYSTEM FUND.— Whereas, since the founding of Ducks Un- UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT—S. 1789 Section 589a(b)(2) of title 28, United States Code, limited, the organization has conserved and is amended by striking ‘‘55’’ and inserting Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- protected more than 4,500,000 acres of water- imous consent that in the previous ‘‘48.89’’. fowl habitat in the United States and more (c) COLLECTION AND DEPOSIT OF MISCELLA- than 12,600,000 acres of waterfowl habitat in order with respect to S. 1789 and the NEOUS BANKRUPTCY FEES.—Section 406(b) of the North America; Akaka amendment No. 2034 the ref- Judiciary Appropriations Act, 1990 (28 U.S.C. Whereas Ducks Unlimited has nearly erence to the modification of the 1931 note) is amended by striking ‘‘25’’ and in- 750,000 members internationally, including Akaka amendment No. 2034 be strick- serting ‘‘33.33’’. 550,000 members in the United States; en. (d) PAYGO OFFSET EXPENDITURE LIMITA- Whereas, since the founding of Ducks Un- TION.—$42 of the incremental amounts collected The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without limited, the organization has raised more by reason of the enactment of subsection (a) objection, it is so ordered. than $3,400,000,000 for waterfowl conservation shall be deposited in a special fund in the Treas- and education, leveraging public support to ury to be established after the date of enactment f obtain more than half of its contributions of this Act. Such amounts shall be available for from private sources; the purposes specified in section 1931(a) of title MEASURE READ THE FIRST Whereas Ducks Unlimited provides support 28, United States Code, but only to the extent TIME—S. 2327 to local projects that are important to specifically appropriated by an Act of Congress waterfowlers in each State of the United Mr. REID. Mr. President, there is a enacted after the date of enactment of this Act. States; and bill at the desk due for its first read- (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section and the amendments made by this section shall take ef- Whereas Ducks Unlimited maintains the ing. fect 180 days after the date of enactment of this vital mission of conserving, restoring, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Act. managing wetlands and associated habitats clerk will report the bill by title. for the waterfowl of North America, a mis- SEC. 4. SUBSEQUENT REAUTHORIZATION. The legislative clerk read as follows: sion that also benefits other wildlife and peo- Prior to further reauthorization of any judge- ple: Now, therefore, be it A bill (S. 2327) to prohibit direct foreign as- ship authorized by this Act, the Committee on Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the sistance to the Government of Egypt until the Judiciary of the Senate and House of Rep- important contributions of Ducks Unlimited, the President makes certain certifications resentatives shall conduct a review of the bank- Incorporated and its members across the related to treatment of nongovernmental or- ruptcy judgeships authorized by this Act to de- United States to the conservation of habi- ganization workers, and for other purposes. termine the need, if any, for continued reau- tats and the preservation of the waterfowl of thorization of each judgeship, to evaluate any Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now ask North America during the past 75 years. changes in all bankruptcy case filings and their for a second reading and, in order to effect, if any, on filing fee revenue, and to re- f place the bill on the calendar under the quire the Administrative Office of the Courts to ORDERS FOR MONDAY, APRIL 23, provisions of rule XIV, I object to my submit a report to the Committee on the Judici- 2012 own request. ary of the Senate and House of Representatives The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- on bankruptcy case workload, bankruptcy Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent tion is heard. judgeship costs, and filing fee revenue. that when the Senate completes its The bill will be read for the second f business today, it stand adjourned time on the next legislative day. until Monday, April 23, at 12 noon; that RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- following the prayer and pledge, the f SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF Journal of proceedings be approved to DUCKS UNLIMITED, INCOR- date, the morning hour be deemed ex- PROGRAM PORATED pired, and the time for the two leaders Mr. REID. Mr. President, at 5:30 p.m. Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent be reserved for their use later in the on Monday, there will be a rollcall vote that we now proceed to S. Res. 430. day; that the Senate then resume con- on confirmation of the Wimes nomina- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sideration of the motion to proceed to tion. clerk will report the bill by title. S. 1925; that at 2 p.m., the Republican This evening we reached an agree- The assistant legislative clerk read leader or his designee be recognized to as follows: ment to complete action on the postal make a motion to proceed to S.J. Res. reform bill. On Monday there will be A resolution (S. Res. 430) recognizing the 36, which would be under a previous 75th anniversary of the founding of Ducks time from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 Unlimited, Incorporated, the achievements order that has already been entered; p.m. to 5 p.m. and following the vote at of the organization in habitat conservation, further, that at 4 p.m., the Senate re- 5:30 p.m. for Senators to debate their and the support of the organization for the sume consideration of the motion to amendments to the bill. waterfowling heritage of the United States. proceed to S. 1925; and, finally, at 5 There being no objection, the Senate p.m., the Senate proceed to executive f session under the previous order. proceeded to consider the resolution. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without APRIL 23, 2012 that the resolution be agreed to, the objection, it is so ordered. preamble be agreed to, and the motions Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- to reconsider be laid upon the table. the absence of a quorum. imous consent that the Senate adjourn The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The under the previous order. objection, it is so ordered. clerk will call the roll. There being no objection, the Senate, The resolution (S. Res. 430) was The assistant legislative clerk pro- at 8:16 p.m., adjourned until Monday, agreed to. ceeded to call the roll. April 23, 2012, at 12 noon.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:58 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19AP6.056 S19APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E583 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

A TRIBUTE TO THE FERRIS STATE fire at the Bramer household on July 5, 1869 TO COMMEMORATE THE 100TH UNIVERSITY MEN’S ICE HOCKEY at 1:45 p.m. ANNIVERSARY OF HADASSAH TEAM Additionally, the pioneers have always been active within the community. After raising HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK HON. DAVE CAMP funds, the pioneers bought the first Hazleton OF PENNSYLVANIA OF MICHIGAN community ambulance which began serving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the community on July 2, 1952. They are also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charter members of the Hazleton Little League Thursday, April 19, 2012 Thursday, April 19, 2012 and sponsor a team yearly. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Mr. Speaker, for the last 145 years, the Pio- to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Ha- tribute to the Ferris State University Men’s Ice neer Fire Company No. 1 has proudly served dassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of Hockey Team upon their runner up finish in the citizens of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. There- America. the 2012 NCAA Frozen Four Men’s Ice Hock- fore, I commend all those pioneers who have Hadassah is a voluntary women’s organiza- ey Championship. given so unselfishly and to all those who have tion whose members dedicate their time to This year’s Bulldog team made the first gone on to their eternal rest. creating a stronger relationship with Israel, showing in school history in an NCAA cham- while ensuring Jewish continuity in the world. pionship game and won the school’s second- f With over 300,000 members in total, they are ever Central Collegiate Hockey Association one of the largest women’s volunteer organi- 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF PRINCE regular-season championship as well as a zations in the world. WILLIAM FOREST PARK Midwest region crown. Along the way, the Hadassah was founded by Henrietta Szold Bulldogs saw significant moments of success, in 1912, a woman whose life’s work was including an impressive 15-game unbeaten HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN shaped by the ignorance, injustice, and anti- streak during the regular season. Accomplish- OF VIRGINIA semitism she faced every day. In founding Ha- ments of this magnitude can only be achieved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dassah, Henrietta gave the Jewish people a through teamwork and a shared determination Thursday, April 19, 2012 means to unify and fight back against these amongst players, coaches, and staff. trepidations and hatreds. Ultimately, she Several individuals were recognized for their Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- played an integral role in unifying Jewish peo- personal achievements throughout the 2011– nize the 75th Anniversary of Prince William ple all over the world, something that was des- 2012 hockey season. Bulldog’s head coach Forest Park. Located in southern Prince Wil- perately needed in the midst of the Shoah Bob Daniels received the 2012 Spencer liam County, Virginia, Prince William Forest (Holocaust). Penrose Award as the Division I Men’s Ice Park is a natural oasis just outside Wash- From the time of its establishment, Hadas- Hockey National Coach of the Year. Bob’s ington D.C. sah has managed to accomplish many goals. leadership and guidance were crucial in devel- Established in 1936, Chopawamsic Rec- In 1918, the organization sent medical units oping skillful and dedicated players that could reational Demonstration Area (RDA) was con- across the globe to provide American medical meet and surpass the season’s challenges. structed as a Great Depression area federal care to people of all races, creeds, and Ferris State’s Tommy Hill, the team’s senior relief program. Recreational Demonstration ethnicities. Hadassah was also instrumental in co-captain, received the NCAA Elite 89 award. Areas were built across the country, largely organizing the rescue of thousands of children This award recognizes athletes that have near urban areas to combat unemployment during Germany’s darkest years, bringing reached the pinnacle of achievement by com- and to provide recreational opportunities for them to safety in the land of Palestine. This peting for a national championship as well as poverty stricken urban poor. Work on the park act, along with many others helped to further achieving the highest academic standard also provided employment. Depression era job the development of the modern state of Israel. among peers. Teammates Kyle Bonis and programs, including the Civilian Conservation The Hadassah Organization’s humanitarian Chad Billins were also recognized and named Corps and Works Progress Administration efforts have become a pivotal part of our soci- to the 2012 NCAA Frozen Four All-Tour- contributed the labor to build the parks roads, ety and should never be forgotten. I am hon- nament Team for their significant efforts during cabins, lakes and other facilities. For decades, ored to be speaking on the organization’s be- the Frozen Four games. Chopawamsic RDA provided outdoor rec- half today, and on behalf of the thousands of On behalf of the Fourth District of Michigan, reational and education opportunities to the people Hadassah managed to help over the I congratulate the 2011–2012 Ferris State urban youth of our nation’s capital. last 100 years. Bulldog’s Men’s Ice Hockey Team on their Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor in f monumental and record-setting season. 1941, and the United States entrance into the PROVIDING FOR AWARD OF GOLD f war, Chopawamsic RDA served as training grounds for covert operatives of the Office of MEDAL TO JACK NICKLAUS PIONEER FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 Strategic Services (OSS). A precursor to to- day’s Central Intelligence Service, OSS was a SPEECH OF HON. LOU BARLETTA highly secretive wartime agency that waged HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI OF PENNSYLVANIA covert activates behind enemy lines during OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES World War II. Chopawamsic’s forests and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cabin infrastructure located in a rural area just Thursday, April 19, 2012 an hour from Washington, D.C. provided an Monday, April 16, 2012 Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor ideal location to train spies for the war effort. Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Pioneer Fire Company No.1 of Hazleton, After the War, the Park was renamed Prince awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to a Pennsylvania, which will celebrate its 145th William Forest Park in 1948. Today, the Park golf legend, devoted philanthropist, husband, anniversary on April 21, 2012. provides miles of hiking and biking trails, father and grandfather, Jack Nicklaus. Known In 1867, merchants and citizens of Hazleton camping, picnic spots and many programs for as ‘‘The Golden Bear,’’ Jack Nicklaus has con- established the first volunteer fire company to school aged children. Prince William Forest tinually set an admirable example of excel- protect the lives and property of their neigh- Park is truly one of the special natural re- lence, not only emulated by generations of bors. Two years later, the borough council sources in the Commonwealth of Virginia. golf fans, but by those who value sharing their elected fifteen members and formally estab- I encourage my colleagues to join with me success by giving back to others. As someone lished the Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 of Ha- in commemorating Prince William Forest who shares the experience of growing up in zleton. The company responded to their first Park’s 75th Anniversary. Central Ohio and attending The Ohio State

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.001 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 University, I can attest to the pride held by Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me The Republican Budget also is asking for both communities. in congratulating Brittney Wolford on the offer SNAP recipients’ aid to be ’contingent on work Dubbed the ‘‘Golfer of the Millennium,’’ Jack of her appointment to the United States Air or job training.’ SNAP does help many people Nicklaus is world renowned for his winning Force Academy. Our service academies offer who are unemployed or underemployed to record of 118 professional golf tournaments the finest military training and education avail- make ends meet. Let’s not make our fiscal and an unsurpassed 18 professional major- able. I am positive that Brittney will excel dur- and economic policies punitive towards the championship titles. However, it is his accom- ing her career at the Air Force Academy, and people who need us most. plishments off the course that I recognize I ask my colleagues to join me in extending But it also helps families with children, the today. In 2005, Jack Nicklaus and his wife their best wishes to her as she begins her elderly and the disabled. SNAP was created to Barbara formed the Nicklaus Children’s Health service to the Nation. respond to the economic climate and help the Care Foundation, which provides support for f most vulnerable among us, including but not activities that advance and enhance the diag- limited to those that have lost their job, avoid nosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood PROTECTING AMERICAN BABIES hunger. diseases and disorders. To date, Jack and FROM THE SCOURGE OF THE RE- In my district, the Texas 18th, more than Barbara have raised over $15 million in sup- PUBLICAN PLUTOCRACY 190,000 people live below the poverty line. port of pediatric health care programs through Additionally, a study conducted in August their foundation. In addition, as a trustee of HON. SHELIA JACKSON LEE 2011 by the Food Research and Action Center The First Tee program, Jack provides positive OF TEXAS ranked the 18th Congressional District as hav- life values and promotes healthy choices IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the 33rd highest rate of food hardship in through the game of golf to young people who Thursday, April 19, 2012 households with children. would normally not have access to the game. According to the Texas Food Bank Network I am thankful to have had the opportunity to Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, and Baylor University’s Texas Hunger Initia- attend the Legends Luncheon this week, I rise this evening because this House Majority tive, 700,000 families in Harris County, Texas which advances pediatric care through the Na- seeks to play Freddy Krueger with our social struggle to provide enough food for their fami- tionwide Children’s Hospital and the Nicklaus safety net, attacking the Supplemental Nutri- lies. Children’s Health Care Foundation alliance. As tion Assistance Program, SNAP, or food In 2010, there were 46.2 million Americans a fellow Ohio State Buckeye, it is truly my stamps, and ripping families to shreds, under living in poverty nationwide. According to the honor to recognize such a great role model, the guise of budget cutting. 2010 Federal poverty threshold, determined by Jack Nicklaus. This program is our most important anti- the U.S. Census, a family of four is considered f hunger program, with over 46 million Ameri- impoverished if they are living on less than cans in more than 21 million households rely- IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF $22,314 per year. ing on it to help feed themselves and their BRITTNEY WOLFORD ON HER The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates families OFFER OF APPOINTMENT TO AT- that there are currently 5.6 million Texans liv- The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- TEND THE UNITED STATES AIR ing in poverty, 2.2 million of them children, gram, SNAP is the cornerstone of the Nation’s FORCE ACADEMY and that 17.4 percent of households in the nutrition assistance safety net. SNAP touches State struggle with food insecurity. the lives of over one in seven Americans. In- I am committed to preserving essential pro- HON. ROBERT E. LATTA deed you could say that SNAP saves lives. grams aimed at combating poverty, like the OF OHIO Everyone’s life is not as simple as some on Supplemental Nutrition Access Program, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the other side would have us believe—every SNAP, that fed 3.9 million residents of Texas Thursday, April 19, 2012 person who is homeless cannot be fixed with in April 2011, or the Women, Infants, and Chil- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great magic dust and self-help policy prescriptions. dren, WIC, Program that provides nutritious pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- Life is complicated and fraught with danger food to more than 990,000 mothers and chil- standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- and uncertainty. dren in my home State. sional District. I am pleased to announce that Lucky are many of us who go home to SNAP kept more than 5 million people out Brittney Wolford of Woodville, Ohio has been warm shelter, food, and family. There, but for of poverty in 2010 in addition to helping feed offered an appointment to the United States the grace of God go I. millions more who were already below the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo- SNAP benefits are available to most people poverty line. About three-quarters of the fami- rado. who meet the financial requirements, and the lies aided by the program have children. More Brittney’s offer of appointment poises her to program serves a broad spectrum of low in- than a quarter of the families include seniors attend the United States Air Force Academy come people. In Fiscal Year 2010, SNAP pro- or people with disabilities. this fall with the incoming cadet Class of 2016. vided about $5.4 billion dollars in food benefits The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- Attending one of our Nation’s military acad- to a monthly average of over 3.6 million peo- gram, SNAP, provides benefits to low-income, emies not only offers the opportunity to serve ple in Texas. eligible households on an electronic benefit our country but also guarantees a world-class The program served 55 percent of those eli- transfer, EBT, card; benefits can then be ex- education, while placing demands on those gible for benefits in Texas in 2008. SNAP also changed for foods at authorized retailers. who undertake one of the most challenging has an economic multiplier effect with every SNAP reaches a large share of low-income and rewarding experiences of their lives. $5 in new SNAP benefits generating as much households. In November 2011, there were 46 Brittney brings an enormous amount of as $9 in total economic activity. million persons in 22 million households bene- leadership, service, and dedication to the in- It is a proven fact Mr. Speaker that people fitting from SNAP. coming Class of 2016. While attending who receive SNAP benefits put them to almost Federal SNAP law provides two basic path- Woodmore High School in Elmore, Ohio, immediate use. SNAP beneficiaries are not ways for financial eligibility to the program: Brittney was a member of the National Honor converting their benefits into convertible bonds (1) meeting federal eligibility requirements, Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and or stock options. They spend and help the or (2) being automatically or ‘‘categorically’’ el- Teen Advisory Group. Brittney was also presi- economy along the way. igible for SNAP based on being eligible for or dent of Woodmore’s chapter of the National The Ryan Republican Budget would force receiving benefits from other specified low-in- Honor Society her senior year. SNAP into an inadequate State-by-State block come assistance programs. Categorical eligi- Throughout high school, Brittney was a program. Such a breakdown would make bility eliminated the requirement that house- member of her school’s soccer and basketball SNAP static and unable to react to a changing holds who already met financial eligibility rules teams; earned varsity letters in both sports, as economy. This is not an example of a sensible in one specified low-income program go well as being nominated team captain in both ordering of the fiscal priorities. through another financial eligibility determina- sports her junior and senior years. In addition, When times are tough, SNAP expands to tion in SNAP. Brittney volunteered her time to her commu- bring assistance where needed. And as the In its traditional form, categorical eligibility nity and brought pride to her country by sing- economy improves, SNAP shrinks in size as conveys SNAP eligibility through the receipt of ing the national anthem at sporting and local families are better able to provide for them- cash assistance from Supplemental Security veteran events. I am confident that Brittney selves. A static program would not be able to Income, SSI, the Temporary Assistance for will carry the lessons of her student and ath- react to such economic changes and Ameri- Needy Families, TANF, block grant, or State- letic leadership to the Air Force Academy. cans would suffer. run General Assistance, GA, programs.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.001 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E585 However, since the 1996 welfare reform nomic success and it is essential for us to re- equality, the Republican majority has instead law, States have been able to expand categor- double our efforts to end discriminatory prac- been fixated on limiting women’s rights and ical eligibility beyond its traditional bounds. tices in the workplace. Although many positive freedoms. This war on women is hurtful and That law created TANF to replace the Aid to steps have been taken and much change has destructive, wastes time, and makes no eco- Families with Dependent Children, AFDC, pro- been effectuated, there is much more that can nomic sense. It makes America weaker, not gram, which was a traditional cash assistance be and should be done. stronger. It certainly does not reflect a kinder program. TANF is a broad-purpose block grant On this day, let us give attention to how the and gentler America. that finances a wide range of social and wage gap affects women, families and the Mr. Speaker, on this day—Equal Pay Day— human services. economy. Today, more than ever, women are let us resolve to honor women for the work TANF gives States flexibility in meeting its equal, if not primary, income earners in most they do to support and sustain their families. goals, resulting in a wide variation of benefits American families. Yet women in our economy Let us start by paying women equally for the and services offered among the States. SNAP and our work force are still earning just 77 honorable work they do. It is through our hard allows States to convey categorical eligibility cents on every dollar paid to men. Couple the work to ensure equal treatment of all women based on receipt of a TANF ‘‘benefit,’’ not just gender gap with statistics on race and it is in the workforce, marketplace, and society as TANF cash welfare. This provides States with even worse. African American women earn a a whole that we can resoundingly voice our the ability to convey categorical eligibility mere 64 cents on the dollar, while Hispanic commitment to support American women and based on a wide range of benefits and serv- women receive an appalling 56 cents on the families. ices. TANF benefits other than cash assist- dollar compared to men. In states across the f ance typically are available to a broader range country, women are collectively losing tens of SPORTSMEN’S HERITAGE ACT OF of households and at higher levels of income billions of dollars annually—money that could 2012 than are TANF cash assistance benefits. alleviate the financial strain countless families In total, 43 jurisdictions have implemented are facing in this tough economy. SPEECH OF what the U.S. Department of Agriculture, We must put an end to discriminatory prac- USDA, has called ‘‘broad-based’’ categorical tices in the workforce once and for all. Ex- HON. DAN BOREN eligibility. These jurisdictions generally make panding economic opportunities for women is OF OKLAHOMA all households with incomes below a State-de- critical to building an economy that restores IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES termined income threshold eligible for SNAP. security for middle class families. We must Tuesday, April 17, 2012 States do this by providing households with a promote such an economy by encouraging the The House in Committee of the Whole low-cost TANF-funded benefit or service such advancement of women in the workforce and House on the state of the Union had under as a brochure or referral to an ‘‘800’’ number by rewarding their efforts equally. We must consideration the bill (H.R. 4089) to protect telephone hotline. ensure that when a woman seeks higher em- and enhance opportunities for recreational There are varying income eligibility thresh- ployment she is able to attain it without being hunting, fishing and shooting: olds within States that convey ‘‘broad-based’’ discriminated against based on her gender Mr. BOREN. Madam Chair, as a Congress- categorical eligibility, though no State has a and more importantly that she receive equal man serving on the House Committee on Nat- gross income limit above 200 percent of the pay for equal work. We must ensure that ural Resources and the past Co-Chairman of federal poverty guidelines. In all but three of equal pay and equal opportunity go hand in the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen’s these jurisdictions, there is no asset test re- hand with hard work in the twenty-first century. Caucus, I support America’s sportsmen and quired for SNAP eligibility. Categorically eligi- In the 1950’s a sole income earner, histori- the acclaimed activities of hunting and rec- ble families bypass the regular SNAP asset cally a man, could support an entire family. reational fishing and shooting through the en- limits. Those days are long past, not ever to return. actment of H.R. 4089. However, their net incomes (income after We are living in an era where dual incomes H.R. 4089 is essential to recognizing the im- deductions for expenses) must still be low are not a luxury, but rather the necessary con- portance of and facilitating the expansion and enough to qualify for a SNAP benefit. That is, dition to sustain a middle class status. enhancement of hunting and recreational fish- it is possible to be categorically eligible for I applaud President Obama’s commitment to ing and shooting. It is a compilation of four dif- SNAP but have net income too high to actu- ensuring that women are treated equally in the ferent bills (H.R. 2834, H.R. 3440, H.R. 991 ally receive a benefit. The exception to this is workforce and paid fairly for their work. From and H.R. 1558) that promote and advance one- or two-person households that would still signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, to cre- these time-honored traditions. The Sports- receive the minimum benefit. ating the National Equal Pay Task Force, men’s Heritage Act reaffirms that hunting and During the decade of the 2000s, there were President Obama has fought for equality for recreational fishing and shooting are important a number of proposals to restrict categorical women in the workforce, and there is no rea- activities by providing a sound legislative foun- eligibility based on receipt of TANF benefits. son why this Congress should not be equally dation for the advancement of America’s These proposals would have limited TANF- committed to the cause of pay equality for sporting heritage. based categorical assistance to households women. Seventy-five years ago, the conservation receiving TANF-funded cash assistance. The In a time where women’s labor force partici- community, including hunters, anglers, rec- proposal was made by the Bush Administra- pation has increased dramatically and where reational shooters, and related industries, sup- tion in its farm bill proposals and several families are becoming increasingly reliant on ported the use of funds from an excise tax on budget submissions. It passed the House in a women’s incomes due to the rise of living firearms and ammunition—along with the dedi- budget reconciliation bill in 2005 but was not costs, it makes no sense that pay disparities cated revenue from hunting and fishing li- part of that year’s final reconciliation package, between men and women still persist. Women censes—to be used exclusively by state fish the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109– should not have to face greater risks for in- and wildlife agencies to professionally manage 171). come insecurity than men. The reality is that fish and wildlife populations and provide ac- Mr. Speaker, let’s not punish those in need over the course of her lifetime, these pay dis- cess for sportsmen and the larger public to any longer! Help the poor—don’t show the crepancies can cost a woman and her family enjoy the benefits of this management. This dark side of America. up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost funding mechanism was eventually expanded to include the fishing and boating communities f wages, reduced pensions, and reduced Social Security benefits. I call this ‘‘gender theft.’’ The as well as the archery community. Accord- RECOGNIZING EQUAL PAY DAY Republican majority apparently believe this is ingly, these groups produced the American an acceptable state of affairs. System of Conservation Funding: a unique HON. LAURA RICHARDSON The statistics are very clear; we cannot ‘‘user pays—public benefits’’ approach. This OF CALIFORNIA have a vibrant society if women are not doing user-pays funding strategy has produced nu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well. The success of American women is crit- merous public benefits including: abundant ical for the success of American families and fish and wildlife populations, access to public Thursday, April 19, 2012 the American economy. Consequently, when lands and clean waters, improved fish and Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise women face barriers to participation in the wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration, wetland today to celebrate Equal Pay Day and to workplace and marketplace, it affects all protection and associated water filtration and stress my commitment to closing the wage Americans. flood retention functions, improved soil and gap between men and women once and for Unfortunately, rather than concentrating on water conservation, shooting ranges and boat- all. Women are critical to our Nation’s eco- eliminating such discrepancies and ensuring ing access facilities that are available for the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.004 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 enjoyment of the entirety of the American pub- I am honored to be speaking on behalf of lips and mourn her upon her passing at the lic—hunters and non-hunters alike. In addition, the Philadelphia Dialogue Forum and Peace age of 79. sportsmen are an economic powerhouse. Islands Institute today, as well as the five Born on December 19, 1932, Bridget Phil- They directly support jobs, generate billions of awardees who have dedicated their time to lips grew to be a woman loved and revered by dollars in Federal, State and local tax reve- promoting peace and tranquility in our society. all who knew her. Mrs. Phillips was the proud nues, and invigorate the economies of local I look forward to hearing about what you all matriarch of a three generation Michigan communities by spending their money on trav- have accomplished in the future, and I am based business. She was gifted with a gra- el, lodging, food, sporting equipment, and so grateful to represent you in Congress. cious, thoughtful and philanthropic spirit, gen- much more while participating in their sport. f erously dedicated to local organizations, such Hunting and recreational fishing and shoot- as St. Mary’s Hospital, Madonna University, ing are the beating heart of conservation in IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF MAT- Angela Hospice and The Fallen and Wounded the United States. This year marks the 75th THEW SHOWMAN ON HIS OFFER Soldiers Fund. Anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish OF APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND Regrettably, on April 17, 2012, Bridget Phil- Restoration Program—a program supported THE UNITED STATES MILITARY lips passed from this earthly world to her eter- and made possible by the dollars of our Na- ACADEMY nal reward. She is survived by her beloved tion’s sportsmen. Given the current celebration husband of 57 years, William and her cher- of the success of this program, it seems timely HON. ROBERT E. LATTA ished children Lynn, Donna, Lisa, Terry, Scott, to support our sportsmen by enacting legisla- OF OHIO Bob, Amy and Sean. She will be long remem- tion that will provide them with more opportu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bered by her much-loved siblings Bill, Derm, nities to participate in their sport. We as a leg- Thursday, April 19, 2012 Mary, Fran and Terry. She leaves a precious islature must come together—overcoming par- legacy in her grandchildren Sarah, Erin, Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great tisanship and working collaboratively with our Meghan, Ben, Lauren, Max, Caleb, Haley, pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- partners in the Senate—to promote, advance Laine, Jarred, Molly, Amy, Andy, Matt, Alia, standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- and protect our Nation’s sporting heritage. I Zane, Jack, Will, Luke and Owen. An amiably sional District. I am pleased to announce that support our Nation’s sportsmen and I urge you benevolent woman, Bridget will be sorely Matthew Showman of Willard, Ohio has been to join me in supporting H.R. 4089. missed. offered an appointment to the United States Mr. Speaker, Bridget Phillips is remembered f Military Academy in West Point, New York. as a devoted wife, loving mother, adored PERSONAL EXPLANATION Matthew’s offer of appointment poises him to attend the United States Military Academy grandmother, treasured sister, compassionate HON. STEVE KING this fall with the incoming cadet Class of 2016. neighbor, and a valued friend. Bridget was a Attending one of our nation’s military acad- true lady who deeply treasured her family, OF IOWA friends, community and her country. Today, as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emies not only offers the opportunity to serve our country but also guarantees a world-class we bid Bridget farewell, I ask my colleagues to Thursday, April 19, 2012 education, while placing demands on those join me in mourning her passing and honoring Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall who undertake one of the most challenging her dedicated commitment to her family, our No. 158, I was detained while attempting to and rewarding experiences of their lives. community and country. reach the House floor to cast my vote. Had I Matthew brings an enormous amount of f been present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ leadership, service, and dedication to the in- DESIGNATING THE SALT POND f coming Class of 2016. He has served in a VISITOR CENTER AT CAPE COD leadership capacity as a class officer, student IN HONOR OF THE RECIPIENTS OF NATIONAL SEASHORE AS THE council class representative, and he also tu- ‘‘TIP O’NEILL, JR. SALT POND THE PHILADELPHIA DIALOGUE tored elementary students. Matthew volun- FORUM AND PEACE ISLANDS IN- VISITOR CENTER’’ STATEMENT teered in his community by participating in OF INTRODUCTION STITUTE’S 8TH ANNUAL FRIEND- fundraisers for the Ronald McDonald House SHIP AWARD and Willard Mercy Hospital. While attending Willard High School in Willard, Ohio, Matthew HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK consistently achieved high honors, with an ex- OF MASSACHUSETTS OF PENNSYLVANIA ceptional grade point average. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout high school, Matthew was a Thursday, April 19, 2012 Thursday, April 19, 2012 member of the football and wrestling teams Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and earned varsity letters in each. In addition, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today introduce a bill renaming the Salt Pond Visitor Matthew was captain of the wrestling team to honor five awardees who are receiving the Center at Cape Cod National Seashore as the and was the recipient of the team’s Captain Philadelphia Dialogue Forum and Peace Is- ‘‘Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Salt Pond Visitor Cen- Award and Coach’s Award. I am confident that lands Institute’s 8th Annual Friendship Award. ter.’’ I am proud to be joined by the entire Matthew will carry the lessons of his student On behalf of the 8th District of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts delegation in the House of and athletic leadership to the United States I would like to congratulate Kail Ellis, Natosha Representatives, who are original co-sponsors Military Academy. Warner, Dennis O’Brien, Richard Negrin and of this legislation, along with Democratic Lead- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Dan Gottlieb. Thank you all very much for er NANCY PELOSI, who has been the greatest in congratulating Matthew on the acceptance your fortitude and perseverance in a mission Speaker of the House since the legendary Tip of his appointment to the United States Mili- worth striving to accomplish. O’Neill. Senator JOHN KERRY (D–MA) has in- tary Academy at West Point. Our service In today’s society, it is especially important troduced companion legislation in the Senate. academies offer the finest military training and that we all do our best to work together. I This year, on December 9th, Tip would have education available. I am positive that Mat- greatly appreciate the efforts of the Philadel- celebrated his 100th birthday. Tip lived a life thew will excel during his career at the Military phia Dialogue Forum and Peace Islands Insti- dedicated to public service and lifting up the Academy, and I ask my colleagues to join me tute in working to create links of under- disadvantaged in society, beginning with his in extending their best wishes to him as he standing, acceptance, hope and trust amongst election to the Massachusetts House of Rep- begins his service to the Nation. different communities, especially the commu- resentatives in 1936. In 1949, Tip became the nities in Bucks County. f first Democratic Speaker in the history of the My Congressional District is very diverse, HONORING BRIDGET PHILLIPS Massachusetts State Legislature, serving as but it’s the efforts of organizations like these Speaker until 1952, when he ran successfully that make our community unite. By bringing HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER for the United States House of Representa- people together in conferences, lectures, fes- OF MICHIGAN tives to fill the seat vacated by Senator-elect tivals and community service projects, local IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John F. Kennedy. residents are given the opportunity to interact Many of us here who served with Tip re- with one another and work to promote com- Thursday, April 19, 2012 member his warmth, his magnetic personality, mon values. It is more of these efforts that our Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise and his unyielding support for working families country really needs. to honor the extraordinary life of Bridget Phil- and the middle class. When I was elected to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.006 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E587 the House, the very first vote I cast was the did the Union Gospel Mission to meet the TRIBUTE TO DR. MALCOLM vote to elect Tip O’Neill Speaker of the House needs of the community. PORTERA, CHANCELLOR OF THE in 1977. I had the honor of serving with Tip for During the Second World War, Americans UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA SYS- ten years—his entire tenure as Speaker, throughout the country were doing their part, TEM which was the longest continuous term of any and the men and woman at The Union Gospel Speaker since the first Congress met in 1789. Mission Twin Cities were no exception. In HON. JO BONNER Tip served in public life for 50 years, includ- 1942, the Mission created a day nursery for OF ALABAMA ing 34 years as a Member of Congress. As mothers, not only allowing these women to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Speaker, Tip worked with both Democrats and make sure their children were cared for, but Thursday, April 19, 2012 Republicans as a champion of working fami- allowing these same women to work in their Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay lies. He was a master legislator who dedicated communities as well. tribute to Dr. Malcolm ‘‘Mack’’ Portera, who re- his entire life to Massachusetts and our coun- Today, Union Gospel Twin Cities is helping try. Tip found joy in rebuilding communities, cently announced his well-deserved retirement many Minnesotans by giving them the tools to after leading the University of Alabama Sys- restoring neighborhoods, and helping families find jobs, especially to those who have to get back on their feet. He never tired of help- tem for more than a decade. He was the fifth overcome barriers to do so. One example is chancellor and the longest serving in the Sys- ing the middle class, helping students with stu- the WorkNet Career Development Program in dent loans, and protecting the hard-earned tem’s history. the Twin Cities, which has helped hundreds of In March, Mack Portera officially retired as benefits of seniors. Tip was an incredibly in- Minnesotans by providing access to the train- Chancellor of the University of Alabama Sys- sightful public servant with a spirit of service ing, guidance, and tools needed to find and tem, which includes the school’s three cam- who truly enjoyed the work of the American keep a job in a market where it has been in- puses in Birmingham, Huntsville and Tusca- people. creasingly difficult for many to do so. loosa. The squawking of politicians in Washington The Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities pro- Dr. Portera has a long and distinguished as- may have been Tip’s weekday passion, but vides direct assistance to those in need, in ad- sociation with the University of Alabama, also the squawking of birds on the Cape is what dition to the many different volunteer opportu- holding the title of Vice President of External brought him weekend peace. nities that give people an opportunity to give Affairs as well as interim president of the Bir- The sweeping arm of the Cape reminds me back to their community. mingham and Huntsville campuses. of Tip’s outstretched hand, greeting everyone Over the years, Mack Portera’s contributions he met. f to the University, higher education and busi- Tip was a giant of American politics. While ness development in Alabama have been con- he made famous his ‘‘All politics is local’’ ap- IN HONOR OF THE 2012 MAKE A siderable. Even before he assumed the top proach to public service, Tip’s influence also DIFFERENCE DAY WINNERS leadership post at the University, Dr. Portera was felt on the international level. One of his was already involved in top-tier business re- greatest accomplishments was crafting a cruitment efforts in the state of Alabama, in- peace agreement between rival factions in HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK cluding Mercedes Benz. Northern Ireland. He, along with our late friend OF PENNSYLVANIA Under his leadership as Chancellor of the Senator Ted Kennedy, worked together to de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University of Alabama System, total enrollment velop the ‘‘St. Patrick’s Day declaration’’ con- expanded from 45,000 to 58,000 students. Thursday, April 19, 2012 demning violence in Northern Ireland. Over the same period, the total budget for the A public service powerhouse at the state, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today, I three campuses more than doubled—increas- federal and international level of American pol- would like to acknowledge the great work of ing from $2.1 billion in 2001 to $4.6 billion itics, Tip embodied the values we strive for as the volunteers of Yardley, Pennsylvania, espe- today. servants of the People’s business. As an Irish- cially the students at Pennsbury High School Prior to becoming Chancellor, Dr. Portera Catholic politician from Boston, I am proud of who have been selected as one of the 2012 was the 16th president of Mississippi State Tip’s successful international negotiations that Make a Difference Day winners. Make a Dif- University, and in 1996, he launched a suc- helped to pave the way for peace in Northern ference Day is a celebration of the power of cessful business development and strategic Ireland. As an American, I feel privileged to neighbors helping neighbors. Created by USA planning company. have served with such an historic guardian of Weekend, this annual day of service mobilizes In 2003, he was inducted into the Alabama America’s working families and middle class. more than three million volunteers to create Academy of Honor, a group of 100 living Ala- And as a citizen of Massachusetts, I am change in their community. bamians elected on the basis of service to the pleased to introduce this bill to forever recog- This group of outstanding volunteers from state. Dr. Portera’s impact has been felt both with- nize a great defender of the natural beauty of Yardley has made a substantial impact on in and beyond the University System. He also Cape Cod. their community by conducting a book drive serves on the Board of Directors of Alabama f and stocking the shelves of the library at the Power Company and in leadership roles for Feltonville Intermediate School. The leader of HONORING THE 110TH ANNIVER- the Birmingham Business Alliance, the Riley the project, Neha Gupta, founded Empower SARY OF THE UNION GOSPEL Foundation, Southern Research Institute, the Orphans, a non-profit that has used $325,000 MISSION TWIN CITIES University of Alabama at Birmingham Health in donations and grants to clothe and feed im- System, the West Alabama Chamber of Com- poverished Indian children, create a sewing merce, the Bryant-Jordan Scholarship Founda- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM center, and set up libraries at four different OF MINNESOTA tion, Operation New Birmingham, the Univer- schools. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sity of Alabama at Birmingham Research But even within a few miles of her home in Thursday, April 19, 2012 Foundation, and the University of Alabama at Bucks County, Neha, now 15, sees children in Huntsville Foundation. He is the former chair Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, today I rise need. In the months leading up to Make a Dif- of the Council of Presidents of the South- to honor the 110th anniversary of the Union ference Day, Neha and a group of volunteers eastern Universities Research Association and Gospel Mission in the Twin Cities. gathered 3,000 titles and bought colorful fur- Vice Chair of the Alabama Research Alliance. The Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities was nishings for the library. Then, on Make a Dif- Dr. Portera received his undergraduate and founded in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1902. ference Day, the team cleaned up the library, master’s degrees from Mississippi State Uni- After starting out as a refuge for the homeless decorated it and stocked the shelves. Since versity and a Ph.D. in Political Science from and the downtrodden, they now serve as a October’s project, Neha has started an Em- the University of Alabama. beacon of hope for not just the homeless, but power Orphans club at her high school and Not one to divert from his life-long devotion the jobless, lost, addicted, and battered. plans to hold a Make a Difference Day Project of giving to the community he loves so much, Over the years, the Mission has expanded every year. Dr. Portera plans to remain in Tuscaloosa of- their operations from a small clinic off Jackson I want to congratulate Neha and the stu- fering his services as a part-time teacher. Street, to now include rescue homes for single dents of Pennsbury High School and thank I join the people of Alabama in extending to mothers, opening learning centers, career de- them for their service and dedication to our Dr. Portera our sincere gratitude for his tire- velopment centers, child care centers, and community. I am honored to represent you in less service to the University of Alabama Sys- medical clinics. As the community evolved, so Congress. tem and to our state. His legacy is a strong

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.010 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 one and there are countless examples of RECOGNIZING THE 90TH ANNIVER- is a privilege for me to stand here today to where his service has benefitted the entire SARY OF TWITCHELL TECHNICAL honor the legacy of Twitchell and to recognize state and nation. May Mack and his lovely PRODUCTS the many dedicated employees who have wife, Olivia, enjoy a happy and rewarding re- made the company a success through the tirement with their children and grandchildren. REP. MARTHA ROBY years. I congratulate Mr. Twitchell and his family for reaching this milestone, and look OF ALABAMA f forward to the centennial celebration. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- IN RECOGNITION OF DIANE LILLY Thursday, April 19, 2012 lating Twitchell on its 90th anniversary and in Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I stand today to wishing the company many more decades of HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING recognize the 90th anniversary of Twitchell success. Technical Products—a thriving business in OF MASSACHUSETTS Southeast Alabama. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. E.W. Twitchell founded E.W. Twitchell, A TRIBUTE TO DOCTOR JOHN Inc. nine decades ago. First established in Thursday, April 19, 2012 BYRD Unionville, Connecticut, the company later re- Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to located in 1930 to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. recognize a dedicated and courageous citizen In 1945, the company came home to Dothan, HON. TOM LATHAM from my district in Massachusetts. Diane Lilly, Alabama, where its headquarters remain OF IOWA a resident of Duxbury, will be retiring as a today. To date, Twitchell provides jobs that Trooper First Class from the Massachusetts support nearly 300 families around Dothan. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State Police after 26 years of exemplary serv- our area, this company is a staple in the local Thursday, April 19, 2012 ice. economy and a cornerstone of the local com- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Diane was born on December 13, 1956 in munity. recognize the retirement of Dr. John Byrd as Dorchester, Massachusetts. She graduated Mr. Speaker, without question, the number the President of Simpson College in Indianola, from Cardinal Cushing High School in South one issue that affects our nation and my home Iowa. Boston in 1974 and the University of Massa- state of Alabama is the health of our economy chusetts, Boston, in 1980. Six years later, she and the ability to create new American jobs. I This month, President Byrd announced that graduated from the State Police Academy and am especially aware of this fact from the many he will be retiring at the conclusion of the up- began her long career of service to the state. discussions I have had with small business coming 2012–2013 academic year as Simp- Her work did not slow her passion for edu- owners and employers throughout the district. son’s 22nd president. Dr. Byrd has been in- cation or justice, however, as she graduated I was privileged to recently have such a dis- volved with higher education in numerous from Westfield State College with a Masters in cussion with representatives from Twitchell ways for more than 30 years and has been Criminal Justice in 1990. last month. Simpson’s president since 2005. Over his long career, Dr. Byrd has acquired valuable experi- Diane comes from an extraordinary family of During a time when too many employers have been forced to shrink their workforce or ence in academic services, planning and stra- civil servants and community leaders, so it is tegic services, institutional research, student no wonder she has chosen such an admirable even close their doors, I was encouraged to hear about Twitchell’s achievements. Through affairs, financial aid and enrollment manage- career path. Her father, Leonard, was a Bos- ment. Dr. Byrd originally received his bach- ton Police Officer and retired as Chief Court innovation, Mr. Twitchell achieved success by changing and adapting to the needs of the elors and masters degrees from the University Officer in Boston Municipal Court. Her sister, of Missouri-Columbia, before earning is Ph.D. Janet, also went to work at that court for many market. Mr. Speaker, that is what the free market is all about. Free from government in- in health education from Southern Illinois Uni- years and her brother, Michael, has been a versity. corrections officer at Suffolk County House of terference or unnecessary regulation, private Correction. Two of her other brothers, Lenny companies adjust to the demands of the mar- It goes without saying that President Byrd and Brian, have both worked as police officers ket and remain competitive. When that hap- will certainly be missed on the Simpson cam- in Massachusetts, while her brother, Kevin, pens, both employees and consumers benefit. pus. It was through Dr. Byrd’s leadership that runs the heart and lung machines during open For example, four decades ago the com- Simpson initiated a new strategic planning heart surgery at Cape Cod Hospital. pany acquired a local yarn extrusion venture process to accompany new faculty initiatives. that specialized in PVC coated yarns. The President Byrd’s legacy will be felt for years to Between 1987 and 2001, Diane worked out yarn weaves into a fabric used for everyday come through his work to increase diversity on of the Norfolk County State Police Office. Dur- products, such as window shades, athletic campus as well as overseeing the college’s ing this time she was instrumental in the Salvi goods, and outdoor furniture. The fabric con- plans for building renovation and construction. and Sampson case that put a dangerous and tinues to be Twitchell’s best selling product, Dr. Byrd will leave Simpson next year with a prolific criminal behind bars for more than 30 keeping the company in high-demand as it is completed Kent Campus Center, expanded years. She then began working with the Plym- one of only two manufacturers of PVC coated Blank Performing Arts Center, updated Pfeiffer outh County Homicide Unit, where she was yarn and woven products in the U.S. Dining Hall, as well as a new activities quad able to play an important role in the Matthew well under way. Cody cold case and the Magnarelli murder Here in Congress, we regularly discuss the Outside of Simpson, Dr. Byrd is known for case. Since 2005, she has been a member of many barriers that prevent job creation, such his extensive involvement in the community, the Diversion Investigative Unit working on as costly federal regulations that stand in the most notably the Indianola Rotary Club. Dr. prescription drug abuse cases. way of private sector growth. My House col- leagues and I are passing legislation to repeal Byrd also serves his community in his capacity Bay Staters are safer because Diane—and these burdensome federal rules. We want to as a member of the Village Advisory Council, her colleagues—have had the courage to take encourage small business owners who work Greater Des Moines Committee, as Secretary on the most dangerous issues facing our com- hard to invest in their employees and their of the Board for the Iowa College Foundation munity. products, not discourage them. The House Board of Governors, and as Chair of the Exec- As Diane retires after such a commendable has passed nearly 30 pro-growth jobs-bills to utive Committee for Iowa Campus Compact. life of public service, she will be able to spend reduce the mountain of federal regulations that I want to thank President Byrd for his many some much deserved down time with her limit an employer’s ability to create jobs. We years of service to the students and employ- three dogs, Dermott, Maggie and Josephine. should never forget: government does not cre- ees of Simpson College. It is an honor to rep- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Diane ate jobs; the private sector creates jobs. resent all the great people of Indianola in the Lilly on this remarkable occasion. I ask that An economy built to succeed is an economy United States Congress, and I know that my my colleagues join me in wishing her a great that is built on a foundation of small business colleagues in the House will join me in wishing retirement and many years of happiness with entrepreneurship. Operating on the principles Dr. Byrd, and his wife Nancy, happiness and her family and dogs and thank her for making of persistence, innovations, and hard work, good health as they enter this new chapter of Massachusetts a safer place. Twitchell is a model of American enterprise. It their lives together.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.007 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E589 IN RECOGNITION OF KELLY trict and throughout the Bay Area can only cluding Laredo, Texas in my Congressional KOLANDER help create a better tomorrow through a more district. Congratulations and thank you for your healthy and motivated youth. vital work to secure the homeland. HON. JOHN GARAMENDI The long lasting benefits of Kelly Kolander’s OF CALIFORNIA TLC for Kids Sports Program not only benefit f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children now but will create healthy and more motivated adults in the future; they stand as a SPORTSMEN’S HERITAGE ACT OF Thursday, April 19, 2012 testament to what diligent work and true com- 2012 Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today mitment to community can produce. in honor of Kelly Kolander, who has served Mr. Speaker, We are truly honored to pay SPEECH OF Northern Calif. through the O.C. Jones & tribute to our friend and dedicated program Sons, Inc. TLC for Kids Sports Program. As founder and president Kelly Kolander. We ask HON. BETTY McCOLLUM his colleagues, friends and family gather to- our colleagues to join with us in thanking Mr. OF MINNESOTA gether to celebrate these accomplishments, Kolander and O.C. Jones and Sons, Inc., for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we ask all of our colleagues to join us in salut- their dedicated service to the citizens of North- ing this outstanding and giving Company and ern California and wishing continued success Tuesday, April 17, 2012 this businessman. in all his future endeavors. The House in Committee of the Whole Kelly Kolander’s journey began soon after f graduating from The California State Univer- House on the state of the Union had under CONGRATULATING THE 1,000TH consideration the bill (H.R. 4089) to protect sity in Fresno where he earned a BS in Heavy and enhance opportunities for recreational Civil Construction. It was there that he began GRADUATION CEREMONY OF THE hunting, fishing and shooting: his career in Heavy Construction, working part U.S. BORDER PATROL ACADEMY time and summers for a local firm while going Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Chair, I rise in op- to school. Upon graduation, he continued his HON. HENRY CUELLAR position to H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Herit- age Act. This bill is the latest attempt by career for a few short years in the Central Val- OF TEXAS House Republicans to use America’s natural ley before coming to O.C. Jones as an Esti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mator in 1987. In O.C. Jones, he found a firm treasures for the benefit of a handful of private with an outstanding reputation with tremen- Thursday, April 19, 2012 corporations who are eager to mine, drill and dous experience and top quality people. Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to log. Today he sits as the President and CEO of congratulate and recognize the 1,000th grad- Protecting and increasing hunters’ access to O.C. Jones & Sons Inc where he’s served uation ceremony of the U.S. Border Patrol public lands has been a bipartisan issue for since 2006. Academy in Artesia, New Mexico, where decades, and is something I support. As a re- While heading O.C. Jones in 2009 the Com- members of this graduating class will be as- sult, America’s hunters have incredible access pany searched for a way that they could fur- signed to one of three Border Patrol sectors: to our Federal lands. Today, 75 percent of all ther their community outreach and support Tucson, Arizona, Del Rio or in my Congres- Federal lands are open to hunting and fishing. during the difficult recession. The Company’s sional district in Laredo, Texas. This includes approximately 67 percent of Na- background in Heavy Civil Construction as As an active member of the Committee on tional Wildlife Refuge land and 70 percent of well as Stadiums and Sports Facilities led Homeland Security in the U.S. House of Rep- all the land managed by the National Park Kolander to create the TLC for Kids Sports resentatives, I understand the vital role that Service. The Bureau of Land Management al- Program. The TLC for Kids Sports Program al- Border Patrol plays in securing our country, lows hunting on 95 percent of the acres it lows youth sports leagues to compete for ren- while facilitating trade and travel responsibil- manages. In Minnesota, we are fortunate to ovations on their subpar facilities that would ities and enforcing drug laws to protect our na- have large areas of public land open to hunt- otherwise go to ruin. It is designed to improve tion. Border patrol is a critical component for ing, including the Superior National Forest. the Community and Youth Sports . . . One my Congressional district that sits along the In the United States, hunting access on field at a Time. nation’s southwest border, as well. Their na- public lands is not a crisis requiring legislation; TLC for Kids Sports’ Contributions to the tional presence along the border is necessary it is a success story that deserves to be cele- community prove to be a great asset in North- to ensure Americans’ safety, protect our brated. H.R. 4089 abandons and reverses this ern California in the fight to keep sports pro- homeland and serve our nation and is greatly legacy. This bill changes Federal laws to grams alive and well. Mr. Kolander’s work is appreciated. The men and women of the Bor- prioritize development over conservation and pivotal in the fight against childhood obesity der Patrol make up the largest law enforce- put corporate interests ahead of hunters. and diabetes. The newly renovated little fields ment organization; therefore this 1,000th grad- H.R. 4089 reduces the decision-making they have refurbished thus far will surely moti- uating class is a milestone for the agency and power of Park Rangers and other local land vate and keep children interested in America’s enables the organization to foster increased managers by centralizing authority in Wash- great pastime. security, trade and travel at the border. ington, thousands of miles away. These highly Kelly Kolander and the TLC for Kids Sports Every day, the Border Patrol processes over trained professionals must be allowed to do Program have already renovated three base- 932,000 passengers and pedestrians and over their jobs, keeping land open to the public ball and softball facilities in Northern California 64,000 truck, rail and sea containers, based while protecting areas from disasters such as since 2009. The Tahoe Tallac, Eastridge and on fiscal year 2011 data. Nearly 14,000 forest fires. Antioch Little Leagues have all benefited from pounds of drugs are seized on a typical day the efforts and charity of the TLC for Kids Pro- showing the product of their vigilance to law H.R. 4089 would encourage the destruction gram. The Eastridge Little League now has a enforcement and protection. The intricate com- of millions of acres of wildlife habitat. Every girls division thanks to the new fields and can position of the organization includes a range hunter knows that less habitat leads to less now proudly say young boys and girls are part of professionals such as, trade specialists, in- wildlife, which means less hunting. It is obvi- of their organization. Most recently the pro- telligence analysts, agricultural scientists and ous that the beneficiaries of H.R. 4089 would gram renovated the fields for the Antioch Little more to run an efficient system. With 21,063 not be America’s sportsmen and women but League in my own 10th district in California. CBP officers, 21,137 border patrol agents and instead, the owners of large oil, gas and min- Additionally, TLC for Kids Sports is continuing 1,220 air and marine agents, their service is ing corporations. its efforts in the Community by constructing an unified to their sole mission—‘‘securing Amer- This legislation repeals important provisions Outdoor Classroom Memorial at Las Lomas ica’s borders while facilitating legitimate travel in the Wilderness Act that would open millions High School in Walnut Creek to commemorate and trade’’ as their slogan states. of acres of public land to development. H.R. students Matt Miller and Gavin Powell, who The graduation ceremony was held on April 4089 allows the construction of new perma- died in February 2011 in a rafting accident. 12th and included the Secretary of Homeland nent road networks and authorizes permits for There are also plans to renovate another se- Security, Janet Napolitano, Acting Commis- logging, mining and drilling in designated Wil- ries of fields and playground area in West sioner of Customs and Border Protection, derness areas. Sacramento. Mr. Kolander’s contribution to my David V. Aguilar, and Chief of the United As a strong supporter of conservation on district is greatly appreciated and does not go States Border Patrol, Michael J. Fisher. America’s public lands and our country’s without recognition. O.C. Jones and its ‘TLC I look forward to members of this graduating proud hunting heritage, I urge my colleagues for Kids Sports program’ work in the 10th Dis- class being assigned to the three sectors, in- to stand up for hunters and oppose H.R. 4089.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.012 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 TRIBUTE TO RAY AND JUDY OBER A TRIBUTE TO KATIE STRICKLAND pounds of aluminum, raising more than $2,500. HON. TOM LATHAM Rick and Kela will be honored at the Make HON. KEN CALVERT OF IOWA A Difference Day event presented by Points of Light here in Washington, DC, on April 19, OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2012. I congratulate them for this great service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 19, 2012 in the midst of such loss. Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f Thursday, April 19, 2012 recognize and congratulate Katie Strickland of Ames for being awarded the Girl Scout Gold IN RECOGNITION OF VINCENT Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to STURTEVANT honor and pay tribute to two good friends of Award. mine, Ray and Judy Ober. Ray and Judy The Gold Award is the highest award that a high school-aged Girl Scout can earn. This is passed away just 21 days apart from each HON. JACKIE SPEIER an extremely prestigious honor as less than other, a testament to their love for one an- OF CALIFORNIA six percent of all Girl Scouts will attain the other. Ray and Judy were a pillar of the com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gold Award’s rigorous requirements. Thursday, April 19, 2012 munity in Riverside, California and they will be To earn a Gold Award, a Girl Scout must deeply missed. complete a minimum of 80 hours towards a Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Judy was born in New York, and grew up in community project that is both memorable and Officer Vincent Sturtevant for his 30 years of the San Fernando Valley, while Ray was born lasting. For her project, Katie worked with chil- service at the Daly City Police Department. in Hollywood and raised in Van Nuys, Cali- dren in her community to teach them the value Mr. Sturtevant was appointed a police offi- fornia. They lived a blessed life in Riverside of donating their time and the positive effects cer in 1981 and graduated from San Jose for 53 years and raised all four of their chil- that selfless volunteering has on others. The Criminal Justice Training Center Academy the dren there. Ray and Judy owned Ober Graph- work ethic Katie has shown to earn her Gold following year. ics, Inc. for many years, where Ray was the Award speaks volumes of her commitment to Officer Sturtevant started his career as a ‘‘premier graphic artist of Riverside,’’ while serving a cause greater than herself and as- patrol officer serving as a field training officer. Judy went back to school and eventually sisting her community. In 1994, he was assigned as a detective. He earned her bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young has also served many times as an acting pa- trol sergeant. Pomona at the age of 49. After graduating, woman and her supportive family dem- Officer Sturtevant’s enthusiasm and commit- she passed the Certified Public Accountant onstrates the rewards of hard work, dedication ment to his job are exemplary and didn’t go (CPA) exam and went to work at Macher and and perseverance. I am honored to represent unnoticed by his fellow officers who voted him Clark, where she worked for over 20 years. Katie and her family in the United States Con- gress. I know that all of my colleagues in the most valuable police officer for his shift in Their chosen careers, Ray a talented artist House will join me in congratulating her in ob- 1990 and 1992. He also received numerous and Judy a CPA, may have appeared to be in taining the Gold Award, and will wish her con- letters of appreciation from citizens and de- stark contrast, but were the perfect recipe for tinued success in her future education and ca- partmental commendations. In 1993, he re- a loving, lasting marriage. reer. ceived a commendation for his assistance in Ray and Judy were long time members of f apprehending a barricaded suspect who had Canyon Crest Country Club during the 1970s fired a shotgun. In 1994, he was commended and 1980s where they played tennis and so- CONGRATULATING RICK AND for his participation in the capture of three cialized with many great friends. Ray and Judy KELA ELLIS OF RHINELANDER, armed robbery suspects. enjoyed spending time at their beach house in WISCONSIN, ON BEING NAMED A Vincent is a Daly City boy through and Newport and trips to Las Vegas. They took 2012 NATIONAL ‘‘MAKE A DIF- through, having graduated from Westmoor FERENCE DAY’’ AWARD RECIPI- their children on many family vacations, cele- High School and earned his Bachelor degree ENT brating their love of life. Judy held officer posi- in history from San Francisco State University. tions in various clubs including treasurer of the He lives in Daly City with his wife of 20 Riverside County Republican Party and presi- HON. SEAN P. DUFFY years, Marianne. dent of the Riverside Soroptomists. Ray’s pas- OF WISCONSIN Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me to honor the heroic service of Officer Vincent sions were genealogy and ‘‘playing the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sturtevant to the residents of Daly City. For ponies.’’ In their more recent years Judy en- Thursday, April 19, 2012 over three decades, he has made our commu- joyed playing golf with her golf girlfriends, Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, today, I would like nity a safer and better place. going on vacations with her high school to acknowledge the great work of the volun- f girlfriends, spending time with her sisters and teers of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, especially friends and playing games with her grand- those who worked to benefit the Ronald IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF children. Ray more recently enjoyed photog- McDonald House of Marshfield, Wisconsin. CALEB LIPSCOMB ON HIS OFFER raphy, visits from his family and friends and They have been selected as a one of the OF APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND trips to Pechanga. Judy and Ray were both 2012 ‘‘Make A Difference Day’’ winners and I THE UNITED STATES NAVAL amazing, multi-faceted, rare human beings could not be more proud. ACADEMY who will be incredibly missed by all who knew Make a Difference Day celebrates the them. power of neighbors helping neighbors. Cre- HON. ROBERT E. LATTA I am particularly thankful for the friendship I ated by USA Weekend, this annual day of OF OHIO shared with both Ray and Judy. They were service mobilizes more than three million vol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unteers to create change in their community. great supporters and, most importantly, dear Thursday, April 19, 2012 friends. I will miss their generous spirit, kind This group of outstanding volunteers from nature and enduring friendship. Rhinelander has made a substantial impact on Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great their community by collecting aluminum cans pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- On April 15, 2012, there was a combined for the local Ronald McDonald House. Rick standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- service celebrating the lives of Ray and Judy. and Kela Ellis were heartbroken when they sional District. I am pleased to announce that They will always be remembered for their gen- lost their 2-year-old daughter, Ashley, to brain Caleb Lipscomb of Perrysburg, Ohio has been erosity, contributions to the community and cancer in 1989. But within a year they had offered an appointment to the United States love of family. Their dedication to their family found a way to honor her memory—by recy- Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. and community are a testament to lives lived cling aluminum cans to benefit the Ronald Caleb’s offer of appointment poises him to well and a legacy that will continue. I extend McDonald House of Marshfield, Wisconsin, attend the United States Naval Academy this my condolences to Ray and Judy’s family and their ‘‘home’’ while Ashley was hospitalized. fall with the incoming midshipmen Class of friends; although they may be gone, the light Since giving their ‘‘Cans for Cancer’’ collection 2016. Attending one of our nation’s military and goodness they brought to the world re- a huge boost by tying it to Make A Difference academies not only offers the opportunity to main and will never be forgotten. Day in 1998, the Ellises have recycled 6,000 serve our country but also guarantees a world-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.015 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E591 class education, while placing demands on Accordingly, I have introduced H. Res. 561 Lady Bears ended the season number one in those who undertake one of the most chal- to recognize April 18, 2012, as National Jour- the polls and with a National Championship in lenging and rewarding experiences of their neymen Linemen Day in order to honor these hand! lives. brave men and women for their contributions Coach Curtis deserves special mention for Caleb brings an enormous amount of lead- to protect public safety. leading this team to victory. He was named ership, service, and dedication to the incoming Journeymen Linemen are often the first re- the Division II Bulletin National Coach of the Class of 2016. While attending Perrysburg sponders during a storm or other catastrophic Year and the Minority Division II Coach of the High School in Perrysburg, Ohio, Caleb was event, which means these brave men and Year. But he’s done much more than coach. on the High Honor Roll and was a member of women are often required to make the scene Every single player who has completed four the National Honor Society. safe for other public safety heroes. Linemen years of eligibility under Coach Curtis has Throughout high school, Caleb was a mem- work with thousands of volts of electricity high graduated. True collegiate champions pair ber of his school’s wrestling and football atop power lines every day of the year in winning on the court with strong character and teams and earned varsity letters in both order to protect the nation from dangerous academic dedication, and that’s exactly what sports. In addition, Caleb participated in sev- electrical currents. Shaw has done. As an educator, I admire the eral mission trips in Ohio and West Virginia The profession of Journeymen Linemen is academic focus that Coach Curtis has made and served as Master Counselor for Demolay steeped in tradition and family, both profes- an integral part of the Lady Bears basketball International. I am confident that Caleb will sionally and personally. Generations ago, culture. carry the lessons of his student and athletic Linemen climbed poles using hooks and Mr. Speaker, it was a tremendous season leadership to the Naval Academy. blocks, but as technology has grown through for the Lady Bears of Shaw. On behalf of my Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the years, innovative Linemen have pioneered colleagues in this body, I congratulate this in congratulating Caleb Lipscomb on the offer advancements with innovative materials, alter- team for their perseverance, their will to win, of his appointment to the United States Naval ing the direction of line work for the future. and their success in becoming the 2012 Academy. Our service academies offer the fin- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me champions. est military training and education available. I today in honoring the extraordinary commit- No. 20 Shemieka Brown PG Sr. 5–8 Salis- am positive that Caleb will excel during his ca- ment and courage demonstrated everyday by bury, NC; No. 21 Kyria Buford F Sr. 6–1 Char- reer at the Naval Academy, and I ask my col- the nation’s Journeymen Linemen. lotte, NC; No. 2 Isayra Diaz G Jr. 5–6 New leagues to join me in extending their best f York, NY; No. 10 Sequoyah Griffin G Jr. 5–9 wishes to him as he begins his service to the Columbus, GA No. 30 Crystal Harris C So. 6– Nation. CONGRATULATING THE SHAW UNI- 1 Jersey City, NJ; No. 32 Ariel Hatcher G Sr. f VERSITY WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 5–10 Detroit, MI; No. 15 Allyssa Lane PG Sr. TEAM ON THEIR NCAA DIVISION CONGRATULATING GIRL SCOUTS 4–11 Winter Park, FL; No. 22 Jashaye Mag- II CHAMPIONSHIP TROOP 333 num C Fr. 6–1 Miami, FL; No. 33 Brittany Ransom G Sr. 5–10 Columbus, OH; No. 11 HON. ED WHITFIELD HON. DAVID E. PRICE Brittney Spencer G Sr. 5–7 Norfolk, VA; No. 3 OF KENTUCKY OF NORTH CAROLINA Enonge Stovall F Jr. 5–11 Philadelphia, PA; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No. 41 Victoria Tanner F Sr. 5–10 Raleigh, NC; No. 5 Aslea Williams C Jr. 6–1 Akron, Thursday, April 19, 2012 Thursday, April 19, 2012 OH; Head Coach: Jacques Curtis; Associate Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, Head Coach: Carl Hatchell; Assistant Coach: to congratulate Girl Scouts Troop 333 from I rise today to congratulate this year’s NCAA Ashante Timoll; Assistant Coach: Jonas Rich- Madisonville, Kentucky on their selection as Division II Women’s Basketball Champions, ard; and Athletic Trainer: Sean Burton. the Lady Bears of Shaw University! one of the 2012 Make A Difference Day hon- f orees. As fans of the game know all too well, North Make A Difference Day is a celebration of Carolina schools have a tradition of excellence IN RECOGNITION OF CAROL the power of neighbors helping neighbors. in collegiate basketball. That success became SLOANE Created by USA Weekend, this annual day of even more legendary in 2012. We have a new service mobilizes more than three million vol- champion in our midst, the Lady Bears. HON. JACKIE SPEIER unteers to create change in their community. In some ways it’s no surprise that the Lady OF CALIFORNIA Nine Junior and Cadet Girl Scouts of Mad- Bears won the 2012 national title. They made IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES isonville Housing Authority Troop 333 dedi- the Final Four in 2011 and began the year in cated a second Make A Difference Day to the top ten. But every season is different, and Thursday, April 19, 2012 seniors. In 2010 the troop did chores for their nothing in life or basketball is certain. I don’t Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor older neighbors in public housing. This time know what Coach Curtis did, but the season Lieutenant Carol Sloane for her 21 years of around, they decided to bring cheer to nursing didn’t finish as it begun. After compiling a 4– service at the Daly City Police Department. home residents. 5 record in the first 9 games, the Lady Bears Ms. Sloane was appointed police officer in The girls decorated 450 greeting cards and found their groove. From that point on, the 1990 and graduated from the Basic Academy wrote special messages for the seniors. They team went 25–1 and closed the season on a at Butte Community College in Oroville, Cali- distributed the cards to residents in three as- 15-game winning streak. The Lady Bears went fornia. As a patrol officer, she trained new re- sisted living homes and spent time visiting 15–1 in CIAA conference play, were cruits as field training officers and was well re- with each resident who received a card. undefeated on their home court, and won the spected by her fellow officers. She served as I am pleased that Troop 333 will be honored conference tournament. acting patrol sergeant on several occasions. for their efforts tonight during the Points of Then came the quest for the national cham- In 1994, Officer Sloan was awarded a de- Light 2012 Make A Difference Day Awards pionship. The Lady Bears beat West Virginia partmental commendation for the arrest of Luncheon at the Ronald Reagan Building and Wesleyan 92–78, Gannon University 64–59, three graffiti suspects. Four years later she re- International Trade Center here in Wash- Edinboro University 70–53, Pittsburg State ceived the same recognition for apprehending ington. Please join with me in celebrating their 61–58 and Rollins College 87–71. The final a homicide suspect. Immediately after a stab- outstanding service. game was as exciting and hard fought as they bing incident, Officer Sloan identified a sus- f come. Shaw battled back from a 43–32 half- picious person and through her investigation HONORING JOURNEYMEN LINEMEN time deficit to force overtime. When the buzzer determined that the person was indeed the sounded, the Lady Bears had won 88–82 over homicide suspect. Ashland University. Guards Sequoyah Griffin In February of 2003, Ms. Sloan was pro- HON. PHIL GINGREY and Brittney Spencer led the team in scoring moted to the rank of police sergeant. She OF GEORGIA with 24 and 16 points, respectively. Center graduated from the Sherman Block Super- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aslea Williams scored 14 points and pulled visory Leadership Institute and was then as- Thursday, April 19, 2012 down 11 rebounds, and Forward Kyria Buford signed to the Management Control and Audit Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I scored 10 points and grabbed 8 rebounds. Unit where she conducted internal affairs in- rise to recognize this day, April 18, as a day Reserve Guard Brittany Ransom also scored vestigations, departmental audits and served of honor for Journeymen Linemen. 14, providing the team with a valuable lift. The as the public information officer. Sergeant

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.016 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 Sloane was the face of the Daly City Police President & CEO, Karen Kelly, highlighted the service representative position there. Bren- Department on many local television news sto- the multi-pronged approach of the UNITE or- da was then promoted again to the Title 16 ries. ganization on the national stage as a model claims representative position located at the Carol Sloane broke the gender barrier by for the rest of the country. The Summit fea- Back of the Yards field office in Chicago, IL. becoming the first woman to be promoted to tured sessions on healthcare, advocacy and Finally, in August 2008, she was promoted to police lieutenant at the Daly City Police De- prevention, human resources, treatment and the Chicago Teleservice Center, Chicago, IL partment in 2006. She earned the respect and law enforcement. Together, leaders from each as a supervisor where she remained until admiration of her department by dedicating field shared resources and information at the present. much time, attention and mentorship to new Summit, crossing industry lines and state During Brenda’s retirement, she anticipates and young officers. boundaries, for the first time in some areas. joining a bowling league. As an avid skater, Carol Sloane graduated from Terra Nova Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me there will be more opportunities for her to roll- High School in 1975. She attended City Col- in congratulating Operation UNITE on a suc- er skate. In addition, she plans to act as pri- lege of San Francisco and the College of San cessful inaugural National Rx Drug Abuse mary caregiver for her parents and attend Mateo. In 1999 she completed her degree in Summit. They tossed a pebble into a big pond Bible study on regular basis. management at St. Mary’s College. and I believe the ripple effect will be tremen- I congratulate Brenda on all of her achieve- Lieutenant Sloan lives in Pacifica with her dous in the years to come. ments and wish all best in her future endeav- husband of 14 years, Daly City Firefighter ors. In the words of an old Irish saying, ‘‘May f Doug Blanckensee, and their seven-year-old the sun always shine on your windowpane, son Bryce. HONORING GLENDON ENGERT May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain, Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me May the hand of a friend always be near you, to honor the outstanding service of Lieutenant HON. JEFF DENHAM May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer Carol Sloan to the residents of Daly City. She you!’’ OF CALIFORNIA will be remembered for her dedication, her f leadership and for making our community a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES safer and better place. Thursday, April 19, 2012 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EXTENSION ACT OF 2012, PART II f Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to TRIBUTE TO OPERATION UNITE honor Glendon Engert, who was slain together SPEECH OF FOR THE INAUGURAL NATIONAL with Deputy Bob Paris on April 12th in Mo- HON. GENE GREEN RX DRUG ABUSE SUMMIT desto, California while serving an eviction no- tice. My thoughts go especially to his wife of OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. HAROLD ROGERS 11 years, Irina. No words can lessen the grief that is felt by those close to him; but I hope Wednesday, April 18, 2012 OF KENTUCKY they know that we share, in what measure we The House in Committee of the Whole IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can, their sorrow. House on the state of the Union had under Thursday, April 19, 2012 Mr. Engert was a man who did not discour- consideration the bill (H.R. 4348) to provide Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I age easily. Like so many in the Valley, he lost an extension of Federal-aid highway, high- rise today to pay tribute to Operation UNITE, his employment when the recession took hold. way safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the High- the non-profit anti-drug organization in south- He didn’t give up, though, and secured a new way Trust Fund pending enactment of a ern and eastern Kentucky for organizing the job as a locksmith—a job that gave him the multiyear law reauthorizing such programs, inaugural National Rx Drug Abuse Summit in ability to support his family and maintain an and for other purposes: Orlando, FL April 10–12, 2012. active role in his church and community. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Chair, I This small grassroots organization took on It is a tragedy that his initiative, his strong support the Boustany amendment. I have the enormous task of uniting federal, state and work ethic, unwittingly placed him in harm’s been a long-time supporter of the RAMP Act. local officials on a national stage to discuss way on April 12. We are thankful for the life I represent the Port of Houston. We pay into obstacles and solutions for the prescription of Glendon Engert and if this act, this state- the harbor maintenance trust fund, but we get drug epidemic plaguing our country. In its first ment, seems small before the moment, be as- far less out than we pay in. In fact, we get far year, the Summit garnered an outstanding au- sured of the sincerity of our sympathy and the less out than we need. We are facing a dredg- dience of 750 attendees, along with national depth of our emotion. May God bless the fam- ing crisis in upcoming years if we cannot get headliners including: the Director of the Office ily and friends of Mr. Engert and welcome him more harbor maintenance funding. of National Drug Control Policy, Gil to his everlasting reward. I am proud to represent the Port of Houston. Kerlikowske; U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Re- f The work that happens here and the com- gina Benjamin; the Principal Deputy Director merce that is moved through here support the of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- CONGRATULATING BRENDA V. economy of the entire region. The Port is the vention, CDC, Dr. Ileana Arias; Deputy Assist- TRIPLETT largest foreign tonnage port and the largest ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion petrochemical port in the country. In fact, it Control with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Ad- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS moves the second largest amount of cargo in ministration, DEA, Joseph Rannazzisi; the Di- OF ILLINOIS the country. 8.5% of our nation’s cargo moves rector of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the Port of Houston. The commerce NIDA, Dr. Nora Volkow; the Appalachian Re- Thursday, April 19, 2012 that occurs at our port is critical to our nation’s gional Commission, ARC; and four members energy and chemical sectors and to our coun- of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr Speaker, I rise try’s ability to trade and move goods. Drug Abuse, including myself, U.S. Rep. Mary today to congratulate Ms. Brenda V. Triplett In 1998, the Federal Government invested Bono-Mack of California, U.S. Rep. Jack King- on her retirement from the Social Security Ad- $700 million in deepening and widening the ston of Georgia, and U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall of ministration after thirty-four years of service to Houston Ship Channel. An investment we West Virginia. our government. As a member of the Federal have benefitted from tremendously. However, As a nation, we can no longer afford to sit Workforce Subcommittee in the House, we as the years have passed silt has settled and quietly on the sidelines. The epidemic now have had the honor of hosting many fellows reduced the draft in the channel significantly. claims more lives every year through drug from SSA that have advised us on the many Today, only .4% of the channel is dredged to overdoses than any other accidental death, complex issues of the agency. its proper depth across the entire width of the according to the CDC. During the Summit, Di- Brenda has worked at various SSA offices channel. That is astounding. Our nation’s in- rector Kerlikowske called it a public health cri- in Illinois and Indiana. Her first position for vestment is rapidly deteriorating. It is time that sis, noting prescription drug abuse is the fast- SSA was at the Harvey, IL field office as a our government renews its commitment to est growing drug problem in the country. In clerk and also as a clerk in the Markham, IL maintaining the Port. Kentucky, we are losing 82 people a month to field office. Brenda’s next position with SSA This is as important as ever as we face new drug abuse—more than car crashes. This was at the Agency’s Chicago Regional Office business opportunities that are created by the Summit brought forth the realization that unse- as a personnel staffing assistant in addition to expansion of the Panama Canal. cure medicine cabinets are more dangerous the Gary, IN field office where she worked as The Texas Transportation Institute per- than our cars. an administrative aide; and later promoted to formed a study and determined that a direct

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.014 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E593 economic impact of the loss of 1 foot of draft Mr. Prows was appointed police officer in mination that is unsupported by substantial is $373 million. The majority of this impact is 1980 and graduated from the Northern Cali- evidence regarding projected savings, mail de- lost business opportunities due to light loading fornia Criminal Justice Training Center Acad- livery services, and community and worker im- of non-containerized vessels. If the dredging emy at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, pact. In addition, the Postal Service would be crisis at the port continues to worsen, this cost California. required to perform an after-the-fact review will quickly accelerate. Upon completion of the field training pro- one year after a closure and make public its This amendment will help alleviate the cri- gram, Officer Prows began his extensive ca- findings to ensure mail delivery services have sis. The Port of Houston will get more des- reer as a patrol officer. Working all shifts, he been maintained. perately needed dredging funding. I strongly rose quickly from rookie to seasoned veteran My bill also would apply the revised appeals support this amendment and urge my col- in the patrol division where he spent his entire process to postal sorting facilities. Currently, leagues to do the same. career. He is highly respected by his fellow of- there is no appeals process for mail proc- f ficers and citizens alike and has received nu- essing facilities. As well, my measure would prevent the IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF merous letters of appreciation from residents and recognition for good team work with unit Postal Service from proceeding with a closure MARSHALL KOBYLSKI ON HIS without the written concurrence of three com- OFFER OF APPOINTMENT TO AT- commanders from the department. Officer Prows was awarded several depart- missioners, halting the dubious practice of af- TEND THE UNITED STATES MILI- firming closures by tie votes. TARY ACADEMY mental commendations, including one in 1986 for his part in the capture of two suspects who These are modest and practical changes had vandalized Jefferson High School with designed to ensure that the Postal Service ap- HON. ROBERT E. LATTA graffiti and broken windows. He received an- proaches these closures with an open mind OF OHIO other one in 1991 for being part of a team that and listens respectfully and attentively to com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES apprehended a bank robbery suspect. munity opinion. At issue is the basic right of Thursday, April 19, 2012 Allen Prows graduated from Newark High citizens of a community to be heard. It will help to guard against the bureaucratic men- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great School in 1975. He earned an Associate of tality, which too often takes root in executive pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- Arts degree from Ohlone Community College. agencies, that agency officials know best. We standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- He lives in South San Francisco and is the must ensure that the Postal Service’s actions sional District. I am pleased to announce that proud father of two sons, Kevin and Mathew. are grounded in the best interests of the peo- Marshall Kobylski of Bowling Green, Ohio has Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me to honor the service of Officer Allen Prows to ple it was created to serve. been offered an appointment to the United In July 2011, when the Postal Service an- the residents of Daly City. For over three dec- States Military Academy at West Point, New nounced its Retail Access Optimization Initia- ades, he has been dedicated to our commu- York. tive and its intention to study nearly 3,700 post Marshall’s offer of appointment poises him nity and made it a safer and better place. offices nationwide for closure, including 85 in to attend the United States Military Academy f southern West Virginia, the Postal Service this fall with the incoming cadet Class of 2016. was already pursuing a host of closure studies Attending one of our Nation’s military acad- H.R. 4335, THE POSTAL SERVICE for separate post offices, as well as the con- emies not only offers the opportunity to serve ACCOUNTABILITY ACT solidation of postal sorting facilities, including our country but also guarantees a world-class eighteen post offices and three processing fa- education, while placing demands on those HON. NICK J. RAHALL II cilities in southern West Virginia. who undertake one of the most challenging OF WEST VIRGINIA Under the law, the Postal Service is re- and rewarding experiences of their lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quired to consider the impact of a post office Marshall brings an enormous amount of Thursday, April 19, 2012 closure on a community, on the affected post- leadership, service, and dedication to the in- al workers, and on mail delivery services. Fed- coming Class of 2016. While attending Bowl- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, on March 29, I eral law requires the USPS to ‘‘provide a max- ing Green Senior High School in Bowling introduced H.R. 4335, the Postal Service Ac- imum degree of effective and regular postal Green, Ohio, Marshall was a member of the countability Act. services to rural areas, communities, and National Honor Society, participant in the Ohio My bill would empower the independent small towns where post offices are not self- Energy Project, President of the Chess Club, postal regulator, the Postal Regulatory Com- sustaining.’’ and a Buckeye Boys State delegate. mission, PRC, to block postal closures where And, yet, there have been serious doubts Throughout high school, Marshall was a the Postal Service, USPS, does not give suffi- raised about the Postal Service’s adherence to member of his school’s cross country and cient attention to the undue burden a closure these requirements. In its advisory opinion on track teams and earned varsity letters in both would have on a community. the Postal Service’s RA0I proposal, the PRC sports. In addition, Marshall participated in Under current law, when the Postal Service found that the Postal Service was unable to various church based organizations, including is considering closing a post office, the af- provide the data necessary to confirm its cost the youth group. I am confident that Marshall fected public must be notified. The Postal savings projections associated with the post will carry the lessons of his student and ath- Service opens a 60–day comment period, offices proposed for closure. The Commission letic leadership to the Military Academy. which includes a public meeting to allow local also expressed concerns about ensuring that Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me citizens a chance to voice their concerns. alternatives are available to meet the needs of in congratulating Marshall Kobylski on the Once the public comment period closes, affected communities prior to a postal facility offer of his appointment to the United States should the Postal Service decide to close a closure decision. Military Academy. Our service academies offer post office, the public has 30 days to appeal In a concurring opinion, the PRC chairman the finest military training and education avail- the decision to the Postal Regulatory Commis- strongly rebuked the Postal Service’s closure able. I am positive that Marshall will excel dur- sion. process, noting: ‘‘The Commission has re- ing his career at the Military Academy, and I According to the Congressional Research cently heard appeals on more than 60 indi- ask my colleagues to join me in extending Service, the PRC may fault the USPS’ deci- vidual post office closings. The records in their best wishes to him as he begins his serv- sion to close a post office only if the PRC these cases reveal a pattern of inaccurate and ice to the Nation. finds the decision to be arbitrary, capricious, overly optimistic economic savings calcula- f an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in ac- tions and of careless disregard of community IN RECOGNITION OF ALLEN M. cordance with the law; without observance of concerns. While the facts of those cases were PROWS procedure required by law; or unsupported by not considered by the Commission in its Advi- substantial evidence on the record. The PRC sory Opinion, they nevertheless demonstrate may require the USPS to reconsider its deci- an ongoing institutional bias within the Postal HON. JACKIE SPEIER sion, but the ultimate authority to close a post OF CALIFORNIA Service that presumes closing small post of- office rests with the USPS. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fices automatically provides cost savings and My bill would give the PRC a binding au- network efficiencies.’’ Thursday, April 19, 2012 thority to block a post office closure. It would The PRC’s findings echo what I am hearing Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor require the Postal Service to consider the eco- anecdotally from my constituents—that the Officer Allen Prows for his 31 years of service nomic impact of a closure on a community, public comment process is a perfunctory exer- at the Daly City Police Department. and empower the PRC to set aside a deter- cise—just for show—as the Postal Service

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.023 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 bulldozes ahead closing valued postal facilities and unprofitable markets. Nowhere does the lawyer, uncovered evidence of a criminal con- for very little, if any, economic savings. This law waive the Postal Service’s public service spiracy involving public officials who stole sentiment has become so frequent that it obligations if deficits run high. The Postal $230 million from the Russian treasury. In Au- prompted me to contact the Postmaster Gen- Service needs to look at other ways to be- gust 2008, Mr. Magnitsky testified about this eral last October to question whether the pub- come more profitable and competitive by im- tax fraud scheme before Russian authorities lic comment process is truly accomplishing its proving and modernizing its services rather and implicated high-level officials in the con- purpose, which is to give the public an oppor- than cutting off rural customers. spiracy. tunity to convey its views to the Postal Service Rural customers, more so than their urban This honesty and courage led Mr. Magnitsky and to give the Postal Service the opportunity counterparts, rely on the Postal Service for to be arrested and, perversely, charged with to adjust its actions accordingly. basic mail necessities—for sending bills and the crimes he had helped to expose. He was Within a two-month period last fall, the receiving checks, newspaper deliveries, and kept in pretrial detention in inhuman conditions USPS Appalachian District scheduled more small businesses reaching customers—espe- for almost a year, and was tortured by officials than 40 public meetings in southern West Vir- cially in areas where internet access is limited. who pressured him to retract his damning tes- ginia, raising doubts that the Postal Service These closures will disrupt local economies timony. He refused to do so, but his health can appropriately manage the public feedback and the lives of residents and businesses— badly broke down as a result of his abuse. As received from each meeting and prepare for from seniors who depend on the delivery of he developed serious medical problems, in- continued mail delivery should a closure life-sustaining mail-order drugs, to the commu- cluding pancreatitis and gallstones, Russian occur. nities where the post office is the heart of the authorities refused to provide him with medical In one case, residents said that their post neighborhood—and there needs to be a better care. Eventually, he fell into critical condition, office was closed before rural delivery was mechanism in place to ensure not only that and when that happened, rather than treating fully established. In other instances, public public concerns are being addressed, but also him, prison guards chained him to a bed and meetings have been scheduled at inconven- that the public feels as though it is being beat him for one hour and eighteen minutes, ient times, like Halloween night, limiting public heard. Some may want to view the Postal resulting in his death. participation. Service solely as a business, but it is still a The response of Russian authorities to In 2009, as part of a separate closure proc- public institution and it must remain respon- these crimes has been as outrageous as the ess, the Postal Service issued an emergency sive and accountable to the people. crimes themselves. After Mr. Magnitsky died, suspension of the Hacker Valley Post Office in The Congress must take action to reinforce the Russian government said he had never Webster County, West Virginia. I said at the the point, empowering an independent regu- complained about his health in prison, even time that the action was unwarranted and I lator to watch over the Postal Service to guard though he had made more than 20 official re- was later validated in my concerns by the against overly optimistic savings projections quests for medical attention. Russian authori- Postal Regulatory Commission. In response, and insufficient attention to community needs ties have still not held anyone accountable for the Postal Service offered to solicit for a Con- in the closure process. his arrest, abuse, and death. As if to spit on tract Postal Unit, CPU, in Hacker Valley, which I previously urged the Postmaster General his grave, they even absurdly opened a new, would be operated by a supplier under con- to place a moratorium on postal closures until groundless criminal case against him this tract with the Postal Service to provide retail a practical and realistic plan for managing and year, marking the first posthumous prosecu- postal services. After soliciting bids in March responding to public concerns is provided to tion in Russian history. 2011, postal officials abruptly ended the proc- the American public. Subsequently, the Postal Since Russian authorities have not provided ess, requiring me to contact the Postal Service Service announced that it would delay any justice to Mr. Magnitsky and his family, the to remedy the matter, which it did. closings or consolidations until May 15, 2012. United States should do what it can to hold in- What happened in Hacker Valley under- I recently wrote to the Postmaster General to dividuals accountable for these heinous scores the need to keep a close eye on the ask that he extend the May 15 moratorium crimes. The bill I am introducing today, the Postal Service’s proposed closures. I am con- until the Congress has completed action on Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability vinced that legitimate safety and convenience postal reform legislation. Act of 2012, would provide a measure of jus- concerns of residents and businesses are not In the coming weeks, the House is expected tice for this courageous man by imposing a being sufficiently addressed—that many post to consider such legislation. While I am op- visa ban and asset freeze on the people who offices’ fates are predetermined and that the posed to the Committee reported bill in its cur- participated in or covered up his detention, public comment process, in too many in- rent form, especially with regard to its elimi- abuse, and death, as well as on those individ- stances, has become a perfunctory step in the nating six-day delivery and potentially expe- uals who benefited financially from his mis- closure process, instead of being used to truly diting the closure process, I am hopeful that treatment or participated in the criminal con- assess legitimate safety and convenience the House will consider and pass legislation spiracy that he uncovered. issues, and to take steps to minimize the ad- that will help ensure that our small, rural post- Mr. Speaker, this legislation is about much verse impact on the community. al facilities are not made to bear the brunt of more than the Magnitsky case. In recognition I also question the criteria used to select the Postal Service’s nationwide budgetary of the many other severe human rights abuses post offices for a closure study, noting the challenges. I urge the House leadership to act that take place each year, the bill also im- conflict with the Postal Service’s statutory expeditiously. poses a visa ban and asset freeze on other in- charter that requires the Postal Service to pro- f dividuals who have committed internationally vide ‘‘a maximum degree of effective and reg- recognized gross violations of human rights ular postal services’’ to rural communities SERGEI MAGNITSKY RULE OF LAW against people seeking to expose illegal activ- where post offices are not self-sustaining, ex- ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2012 ity by Russian officials or to exercise funda- plicitly prohibiting small post offices from being mental rights and freedoms. closed solely for operating at a deficit. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN In this way, the bill would hold accountable Despite this requirement, the Postal Service OF MASSACHUSETTS those individuals who have perpetrated grave has utilized computer-driven criteria in identi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES abuses against other whistleblowers or gov- fying retail facilities for closure. Three of the ernment critics, such as Anna Politkovskaya, Thursday, April 19, 2012 four criteria are financially based and clearly Natalia Estemirova, and others whose names target small facilities that are not heavy rev- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I first are less well-known in the United States. enue producers. As such, it is not surprising learned of the case of Sergei Magnitsky two I am deeply grateful to the bipartisan group that there is a concentration of closings in years ago at a hearing of the Tom Lantos of members of Congress that supports this rural areas, where computer-driven criteria Human Rights Commission. At that hearing, a legislation and has helped to shape it. These cannot fully reflect the importance of a post of- witness described the brutal torture and vi- members include Representatives FRANK fice. cious mistreatment by Russian authorities of WOLF, SANDER LEVIN, ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Clearly, the Postal Service has a responsi- Mr. Magnitsky, a courageous man of integrity ALCEE HASTINGS, ED ROYCE, JIM MCDERMOTT, bility to ensure its long-term fiscal solvency, who paid the ultimate price for speaking out DAN BURTON, GERRY CONNOLLY, CHRIS SMITH, but that must not happen at the expense of its publicly about massive corruption in Russia. EDOLPHUS TOWNS, PETER ROSKAM, MICHAEL public service obligations in ensuring universal Today, the Russian government has still held MICHAUD, JOSEPH PITTS and CHARLES RANGEL. mail services. no one accountable for this outrageous crime. I am also deeply grateful to my colleagues The Postal Service is not FedEx or UPS, The facts of the Magnitsky case are simply in the Senate for their leadership on this issue. which can pick and choose between profitable shocking. Mr. Magnitsky, a bright young tax Senator BEN CARDIN has introduced similar

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.025 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E595 legislation that has attracted over 30 bipartisan The bill includes findings on the mistreat- try Club, he went on to work at Winholm cosponsors, and he has spoken out eloquently ment of Magnitsky and other individuals, and Farms for 25 years before he retired in 1981. about the legislation’s vital importance. on the extent of corruption and impunity in Always pressing towards the mark for the I would also like to underscore that this ef- Russia. prize of the high calling of God in Christ fort is far from just a U.S. initiative. Similar leg- The bill updates H.R. 1575, a bipartisan bill Jesus, in order to better improve the craft of islation is being considered in nearly a dozen introduced by Rep. MCGOVERN in 2011. The Christian discipleship, he served for many other legislatures around the world. My hope new bill improves on H.R. 1575 by placing years as a Sunday School Teacher; Chairman is that the United States Congress will be the sanctions on a broader range of human rights of the Trustee and Deacon Board; and Treas- first, but not the last, legislature to enact a violators (rather than only on people involved urer for the Ministers and Deacons Union at Magnitsky human rights law. in Magnitsky-related abuses), by requiring the Blue Run Baptist Church in Somerset, Vir- Importantly, these legislative efforts have executive to publish the list of sanctioned indi- ginia. It is worth noting that Mr. Jones was a strong support from the Russian human rights viduals, and by giving key members of Con- member of Blue Run Baptist Church for 88 community, including opposition leaders such gress the ability to request that people be years. as Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, and Alexei added to the list. A similar bill, introduced as In 1933, he married the ‘‘woman of his Navalny. As Mr. Navalny commented recently, S. 1039 by Sen. CARDIN, has attracted over 30 dreams’’ Gertrude Mary Jones. They remained ‘‘Such legislation is not anti-Russian. In fact I bipartisan cosponsors in the Senate. married for 66 years and they would go on to believe it is pro-Russian. It helps defend us have three beautiful and loving children. Mr. from the criminals who kill our citizens, steal f Jones has achieved numerous successes in our money, and hide it abroad.’’ PROJECT READY STEM ACT Enactment of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of his life, but none of this would have been pos- Law Accountability Act will provide the Admin- sible without the love and support of his late istration with the tools it needs to hold ac- HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE wife and his children’s devoted mother. To- countable human rights violators and provide OF OHIO gether their legacy set sterling examples of an important boost to human rights activists IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family and parenting for their sons, Dr. T. Mar- shall Jones and the late Arthur Lee Jones; and defenders. It will also demonstrate that Thursday, April 19, 2012 the protection of human rights is a cornerstone daughter Gladys Jones Saddler; their nine Ms. FUDGE. Mr Speaker, I rise today to ad- of U.S. foreign policy. Our country has always grandchildren; their nine great-grandchildren; been at its best when we stood firmly on the dress the need to increase the number of mi- and their great-great-grandson. side of people seeking to exercise funda- norities in Science, Technology, Engineering, George Washington Carver once said, ‘‘How mental rights and against the actions of gov- and Math, or STEM-related fields. Throughout far you go in life depends on your being ten- ernments seeking to repress basic freedoms. the nation, employment in professional sci- der with the young, compassionate with the This legislation is in keeping with that great entific and technical services is projected to aged, sympathetic with the striving and toler- tradition. grow by 29% by 2020. Currently, African- ant of the weak and strong because someday FACT SHEET ON SERGEI MAGNITSKY RULE OF LAW Americans and Hispanics occupy only 6% of in your life you will have been all of these.’’ ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2012 the STEM workforce. Mr. Jones has advanced so far in life because THE STORY OF SERGEI MAGNITSKY This week, I introduced the Project Ready he never forgot these lessons and always kept After exposing the largest tax fraud in Rus- STEM Act of 2012. This legislation addresses God first. sian history, tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was critical disparities in student achievement in The race of life isn’t given to the swift or to wrongly arrested and tortured in a Russian math and science at the middle and high the strong, but to those who endure until the prison. Six months later he became seriously school levels. end. Mr. Jones has run the race of life with ill and was denied medical attention despite Without the opportunity to develop skills grace and dignity and God has blessed him 20 formal requests. On the night of November necessary to compete for STEM-related jobs, over his lifetime. 16, 2009, he went into critical condition, but in- many students of color may be confined to a Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me stead of being treated in a hospital he was put lifetime of lower wages. I urge my colleagues today in paying tribute to Mr. Prince T. Jones. in an isolation cell, chained to a bed, and to support the Project Ready STEM Act. On a personal note, I would like to not only beaten by eight prison guards for one hour f congratulate Mr. Jones on becoming a distin- and eighteen minutes, resulting in his death. guished centenarian but also express my pro- IN CELEBRATION OF THE 100TH Sergei Magnitsky was 37 years old and left found admiration for his outstanding Christian BIRTHDAY OF MR. PRINCE T. behind a wife and two children. Those respon- stewardship and dedication to his church and JONES sible for this crime have yet to be punished, family. and the Magnitsky story is emblematic of cor- Truly to God be the glory! ruption, human rights abuses, and impunity in HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. f Russia. OF GEORGIA IN RECOGNITION OF THE MAGNITSKY BILL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NATALIE BERG The Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Account- Thursday, April 19, 2012 ability Act of 2012 would hold accountable Magnitsky’s killers and other human rights vio- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is HON. JACKIE SPEIER lators by placing targeted sanctions on them. my honor to extend my personal congratula- OF CALIFORNIA In particular, the draft bill imposes a visa ban tions and Happy Birthday wishes to Mr. Prince IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T. Jones, a beloved citizen of Albany, Geor- and asset freeze on: 1) individuals responsible Thursday, April 19, 2012 for participating in or covering up Magnitsky’s gia, who turned 100 years of age on Sunday, detention, abuse, and death, and 2) individ- April 15, 2012. On Saturday, April 14, 2012 he Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor uals responsible for other gross violations of was honored by his family and friends at a Dr. Natalie Berg who today is receiving the human rights against people seeking to ex- celebration at Morning Side Assisted Living 2011 Silver Spur Award from San Francisco pose illegal activity by Russian officials or to Facility in Albany, Georgia in recognition of his Planning and Urban Research (SPUR). This exercise fundamental rights and freedoms. 100th birthday. award recognizes a lifetime of civic achieve- The bill requires the Secretary of State, in Prince T. Jones, the youngest of six chil- ment of a San Franciscan. consultation with the Secretary of the Treas- dren, was born on April 15, 1912, to Daniel Dr. Berg has had parallel careers in higher ury, to publish a list of the people who should Jones and Julia Fields Jones. He grew up in education and land use issues. She is a mem- be subject to sanctions under its provisions, the tiny town of Barboursville, Virginia and at- ber of the Board of Trustees at City College of and requires the Secretary of State to respond tended public school in Orange County, Vir- San Francisco and she is the President of within 120 days to requests from the chair- ginia. NKB Strategies, a consulting company spe- person and ranking member of key congres- Following his academic training in the Or- cializing in strategies for land use. sional committees to add an individual to that ange County public school system, Mr. Jones For twelve years, she was Senior Vice list. The bill provides the executive branch with embarked on a tenured and successful career President of Forest City Development where the authority to waive the sanctions on na- as a farmer and later as a butler. He worked she was responsible for obtaining the entitle- tional security grounds, and requires the exec- for several years at the prestigious Farmington ments for the Westfield San Francisco Centre utive to submit an annual report to Congress Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia. At the and now continues to be a consultant there. on actions taken to implement it. conclusion of his stint at the Farmington Coun- She also served as the president of the Yerba

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.027 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 Buena Alliance, the vice president of the Mar- unable to plan and budget for projects to im- Joseph Curtis of New London, Ohio has been ket Street Association and numerous commu- prove our communities and facilitate com- offered an appointment to the United States nity and neighborhood groups. merce. And it’s another day that workers in Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Dr. Berg has served City College for over the hard hit construction industry will have to Joseph’s offer of appointment poises him to 30 years as a professor, dean and an elected wait for a chance to get back on the job. attend the United States Naval Academy this member of the Board of Trustees. In 1997, It would have been a tremendous victory for fall with the incoming midshipmen Class of 2001 and 2006 she was President of the the American people if the House had come 2016. Attending one of our Nation’s military board. together as the Senate did last month. They academies not only offers the opportunity to She started in 1967 as an instructor in passed a two year transportation bill on a serve our country but also guarantees a world- English, ESL, History and Civics. In 1976 she strong, bipartisan vote of 74–22. It isn’t a per- class education, while placing demands on became administrative assistant to the Presi- fect bill, but it is a step forward for strength- those who undertake one of the most chal- dent of the Community College Division. The ening our economy and getting people back to lenging and rewarding experiences of their following year she was appointed administra- work. lives. tive assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Per- However, the Majority in the House has Joseph brings an enormous amount of lead- sonnel. In 1980, she was named Coordinator blocked every attempt to have a clean, up or ership, service, and dedication to the incoming of Personnel Relations and in 1984 became down vote on the Senate’s bipartisan bill. In- Class of 2016. While attending New London Director of Employee Relations. stead, they have chosen to pursue controver- High School in New London, Ohio, Joseph Dr. Berg was originally elected to the San sial, ideologically driven proposals. In fact, the was a member of the National Honor Society, Francisco Community College District Board of bill this chamber passed yesterday has al- Model United Nations, Academic Challenge, Trustees in 1996 and re-elected every four ready drawn a veto threat from the White and a Buckeye Boys State delegate. years since then. She chairs the board’s Com- House for its inclusion of provisions to unnec- Throughout high school, Joseph was a munity Relations Committee and is a member essarily expedite the Keystone pipeline member of his school’s cross country and of the Policy Implementation Committee. Be- project. It would also undermine environmental track teams and earned varsity letters in both fore her service on the board, Dr. Berg was protection procedures that allow our constitu- sports. In addition, Joseph participated in var- the Dean of the John Adams Campus and the ents the opportunity to weigh in on projects ious fundraisers for community-based organi- School of Health and Physical Education. that impact their communities and quality of zations, including the Salvation Army and Red It is evident from Dr. Berg’s career and life. Cross. I am confident that Joseph will carry service that she loves San Francisco and is These are not small policy changes. The the lessons of his student and athletic leader- committed to the highest quality of public pol- Keystone XL pipeline is a huge project that ship to the Naval Academy. icy and urban planning. Her outstanding lead- could have significant consequences for years Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ership has earned her the title of one of ‘‘The to come. It deserves rigorous and objective in congratulating Joseph Curtis on the accept- Most 100 influential Women in the San Fran- analysis to determine whether it is in fact in ance of his appointment to the United States cisco Bay Area’’ from The San Francisco Busi- the best interest of our nation’s future to ap- Naval Academy. Our service academies offer ness Times four times. The same paper chose prove and construct such a project. the finest military training and education avail- her to be on the ‘‘Forever Honor Roll’’ of the Changing our environmental protection pro- able. I am positive that Joseph will excel dur- most influential women in the Bay Area. cedures for infrastructure projects requires the ing his career at the Naval Academy, and I Dr. Berg received her Ed.D. in Community same sort of thoughtful debate and careful ask my colleagues to join me in extending College Administration/Curriculum from Nova analysis. Infrastructure projects are long- their best wishes to him as he begins his serv- University in Fort Lauderdale in Florida, her term—they fundamentally change commu- ice to the Nation. MA in Educational Administration/College Fi- nities. We need to make sure that the impacts f nance from San Francisco State University of these projects, and the views of local resi- and her BA in Economics from UC Berkeley. dents and businesses, are taken into account CONGRATULATING ALICE EASON She lives in San Francisco with her hus- before taxpayer funds are committed. BALLANCE ON THE OCCASION OF band Peter Finnegan. They have three chil- I do support the provisions of H.R. 4348 that APRIL 20TH BEING DECLARED AS dren, eleven grandchildren and six great- will allow for full utilization of funds in the Har- ‘‘ALICE EASON BALLANCE DAY’’ grandchildren. bor Maintenance Trust Fund and provide for IN BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me additional resources to continue restoring the CAROLINA to acknowledge the many contributions of Nat- Gulf Coast. I believe that these are important alie Berg, a great community leader and my issues for the House and Senate to consider HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD friend. during their Conference. OF NORTH CAROLINA f However, I am still disappointed that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SURFACE TRANSPORTATION House has failed to come together on legisla- Thursday, April 19, 2012 EXTENSION ACT OF 2012, PART II tion that has historically been truly bipartisan. I hope that Conferees will get to work expedi- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge a constituent and friend, SPEECH OF tiously and come up with a product that can receive bipartisan support in both the Senate Mrs. Alice Eason Ballance, who has been the HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO and the House. epitome of service to her community. For OF HAWAII We owe it to our states, communities, and more than fifty years, Mrs. Ballance has advo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the families that depend on paychecks in the cated for better educational opportunities, vot- Wednesday, April 18, 2012 construction industry to move this forward ing rights, and racial equality for African Amer- quickly. ican citizens. On April 20, 2012, the Bertie The House in Committee of the Whole f County, North Carolina Board of Commis- House on the state of the Union had under sioners will officially declare that day ‘‘Alice consideration the bill (H.R. 4348) to provide IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF JO- an extension of Federal-aid highway, high- Eason Ballance Day’’ for the County. I can way safety, motor carrier safety, transit, SEPH CURTIS ON HIS OFFER OF think of no finer individual to bestow such an and other programs funded out of the High- APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND THE honor than this great American. way Trust Fund pending enactment of a UNITED STATES NAVAL ACAD- Mrs. Ballance was born Alice Eason on July multiyear law reauthorizing such programs, EMY 8, 1919 in the small community of Cedar and for other purposes: Landing in Bertie County, North Carolina. She Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Chair, I rise today to ex- HON. ROBERT E. LATTA was the youngest of three children following press my opposition to the bill passed by this OF OHIO behind brother Willie and sister Mary, reared chamber last night, H.R. 4348, the Surface IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by parents George and Cynthia Eason. She Transportation Extension Act of 2012, Part II. grew up on a small farm where she learned Each day that Congress fails to act on a Thursday, April 19, 2012 very early the value and necessity of hard long-term reauthorization of our nation’s sur- Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great work; a trait she would go on to instill in every- face transportation programs is another day pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- one with whom she worked over the years. that our roads and bridges deteriorate. It’s an- standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- After graduating from Bertie County’s W.S. other day that our states and counties will be sional District. I am pleased to announce that Etheridge High School, Ms. Alice married

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.016 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E597 Frank Winston Ballance, Sr. on August 14, In 1960, thirteen women founded the club in ing Freedom to conduct full spectrum oper- 1938 and began to grow a family. Mr. and order to donate time and money to a variety ations. Since July 2011, the 45th Infantry Bri- Mrs. Ballance reared five children: Frankie, of causes locally and worldwide. Today, the gade Combat Team deployed more than George, Frank, Jr., James, and Vashti. She club has 36 members who continue that mis- 3,000 soldiers to provide command and con- also pursued her passion of seeking to bring sion. trol and conduct security force and detainee reforms to the system of public education that This Thanksgiving will be the 28th year that operations and to provide training to Afghan was clearly discriminating against African the members will serve dinner for lonely sen- Security Forces, representing the largest sin- American children. She felt that it was uncon- iors. For 15 years, the club has provided fruit gle deployment for the Oklahoma Army Na- scionable that African American children were and cookies twice a month to low-income tional Guard since the Korean War. required to attend inferior schools. She be- AIDS patients. For 13 years, children at mi- When the 45th Infantry Brigade Combat lieved it was immoral and illegal that African grant camps in Mexico have received hats, Team moved into theater, 1,200 soldiers from American children were forced to walk to blankets, school supplies, sports equipment the 1–160th Field Artillery Battalion and the 1– school while their white counterparts enjoyed and toys. Club members sew post-op pillows 180th Cavalry Squadron were detached from bus transportation. And she found it unaccept- for breast cancer patients, turtle pillows for se- the 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and able that the African American schools re- riously ill children, knit baby caps for African redirected to Kuwait. ceived their books, instructional materials, and children and wool caps for our soldiers. They Upon arrival in Regional Command-East, other supplies as ‘‘hand-me-downs’’ from the throw one birthday party a year for a low-in- the 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, as white schools when they were no longer use- come senior over 80 years of age. The club Task Force Thunderbird, assumed responsi- ful. adopts a class and gives books to the stu- bility for Panjshir and Laghman Provinces as As former President of the local branch of dents twice a year—on Dr. Seuss’ Birthday well as the three western districts of Nuristan the NAACP for nearly two decades, Mrs. and Christmas. It donates money to Pennies Province; Mandol, Do Ab and Nurguram. The Ballance used the political process to make for Pines, a reforestation program, and to the combined operations area in Afghanistan con- the changes she sought. Over the better part Heifer Project which gives livestock to commu- sisted of over 10,000 square kilometers and of the 20th century, Mrs. Ballance registered nities in developing countries in an effort to an estimated population well over 600,000. thousands of voters across North Carolina and end hunger and poverty. Through the exceptional performance of the informed them on the importance of voting. The Peninsula Hills Womens’ Club has held 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team as Task Her efforts impacted local, state, and federal numerous fundraisers for Haiti Relief, Shelter Force Thunderbird, the Provinces where the elections in North Carolina and she became a Network and the Redwood City Educational 45th were operating are better prepared to run well-known political force throughout the State. Foundation. At one of the most memorable their government independently of Coalition Mrs. Ballance’s passion has always been fundraisers for the Police Youth Athletic Forces. ensuring that children—particularly those with- League, sheriffs and police officers played Sadly, these successes did not come with- out privilege—are well cared for and receive a baseball against each other—with a twist: all out a price, as 14 soldiers from Task Force quality education. To that end, Mrs. Ballance players were on donkeys! Thunderbird made the ultimate sacrifice, and in 1980 opened the non-profit Kiddie World As is obvious from this long and diverse list many soldiers were wounded, to ensure the Child Care Center, Inc. in Windsor, North of activities, the women of the Peninsula Hills freedom and security of the United States and Carolina. For more than 32 years, Mrs. Women’s Club are extraordinarily dedicated, Afghan people. Ballance has served as the Chief Executive passionate and creative. The club may be I wish to publicly recognize the citizen-sol- Officer—a position this vibrant 93 year old still small, but it is mighty. It is currently under the diers and airmen of the Oklahoma National holds today. She tirelessly manages a staff of leadership of its fourth president, Judy Guard as invaluable to the national security of 20 that serve up to 50 children each day. She Yoakum; however, her three predecessors, the United States, vital to defending against is extremely proud that Kiddie World has grad- Veva Wheaton, Judy Imperiale and Kit threats both foreign and domestic, and I wel- uated more than 3,000 students since it Fragulia, continue to serve on the state board. come these brave men and women home to opened more than three decades ago. Mr. Speaker, it is right to honor the Penin- a grateful nation. Mrs. Ballance is a deeply religious indi- sula Hills Womens’ Club on this day, October f vidual. She is a long standing member of 20, 2011, for 50 years of outstanding commu- Cedar Landing Missionary Baptist Church in nity service and to wish the members the best IN RECOGNITION OF CAPTAIN Windsor, North Carolina. Over the years, she for the next 50 years. KYLEANE HUNTER has held nearly every official Church position f including Sunday School Teacher and Chair of HON. DUNCAN HUNTER the church’s Kitchen Committee. The Church HONORING THE ARMY NATIONAL OF CALIFORNIA GUARD AND AIR NATIONAL recently recognized Mrs. Ballance’s dedication IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GUARD OF THE STATE OF OKLA- and longtime service to the Church and its Thursday, April 19, 2012 members by honoring her with the title ‘‘Moth- HOMA er of the Church.’’ Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, today, I want to Mr. Speaker, Alice Eason Ballance has HON. JOHN SULLIVAN recognize and pay tribute to Captain Kyleane dedicated her life in service to friends, family, OF OKLAHOMA Hunter, of the United States Marine Corps. I, and all of humanity. I commend and congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and many other Members of this chamber, have had the great pleasure of working with late Alice Eason Ballance on the great honor Thursday, April 19, 2012 of having April 20th from this year forward Captain Hunter over the past year that she known as ‘‘Alice Eason Ballance Day’’ in Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to state has served as part of Headquarters U.S. Ma- Bertie County, North Carolina. for the record my gratitude to the members of rine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs Liaison Office in the House of Representatives. She f the Army National Guard and Air National Guard of the State of Oklahoma and their fam- will soon be leaving the liaison office and look- IN RECOGNITION OF THE ilies for their service and sacrifice on behalf of ing toward new challenges ahead. PENINSULA HILLS WOMENS’ CLUB the United States since their deployment to Captain Hunter diligently and professionally Operation Enduring Freedom in July 2011. represented the Marine Corps on all matters in HON. JACKIE SPEIER The Army National Guard and Air National the House of Representatives from September OF CALIFORNIA Guard of the State of Oklahoma are com- 2009 to April 2012. Throughout this period, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES posed of several units, including the 45th In- Captain Hunter advised and assisted in the fantry Brigade Combat Team. The 45th Infan- execution of many of the Marine Corps’ most Thursday, April 19, 2012 try Brigade Combat Team is made up of six difficult and challenging legislative initiatives Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor subordinate Battalions. Additionally, the 146th and distinguished herself as a leader and the Peninsula Hills Women’s Club of Redwood Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS), and standard bearer of Marine Corps values and City, California on the occasion of its 50th an- Oklahoma Air National Guard unit were at- skills. Through her direct and skillful inter- niversary. Over the past 50 years the mem- tached to the 45th IBCT for combat oper- action with numerous Members of Congress, bers of this group have touched the lives of ations. she ensured that Marine Corps’ concepts, pro- people in their community, across the country In July of 2011, the 45th Infantry Brigade grams, and requirements were widely under- and throughout the world. Combat Team mobilized for Operation Endur- stood; ensuring the greatest possible support

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.032 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 to the Marine Corps. Her initiative, leadership, URGING THE FORMER YUGOSLAV career to making child care accessible and af- and tireless efforts as a USMC Military Fellow REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA fordable for all families. I have known Patty for and as the Operations Officer of the House Li- (FYROM) TO WORK WITHIN THE over 25 years and have witnessed her passion aison Office have had a direct and lasting im- FRAMEWORK OF THE UNITED and determination to have child care recog- pact on improving the war fighting capabilities NATIONS PROCESS WITH GREECE nized as a vital component of community life. and the quality of life for Marines throughout TO ACHIEVE LONGSTANDING Patty was a ferocious advocate for children in the Marine Corps. UNITED STATES AND UNITED the California Legislature. She was Throughout her time, Captain Hunter per- NATIONS POLICY GOALS OF RE- unstoppable and never hesitated to shame sonally supervised and responded to hundreds SOLVING THE NAME DISPUTE people into doing the right thing. of inquiries, many of which gained national level attention. Through her exceptional inter- Drawing on her experience as a mother, personal skills and broad knowledge in a wide HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY teacher and parent-organizer, Patty began de- range of military affairs, she assisted the Di- OF NEW YORK veloping and delivering child care services 40 rector, Marine Corps Liaison Office, in gaining IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years ago. She organized the Yellow Garage the Members’ support and trust in critical Thursday, April 19, 2012 Playgroup for families in the Inner Sunset Dis- issues. This served to provide the Marine trict in San Francisco. In 1972, she founded Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today I am Childcare Switchboard to help families else- Corps latitude and time to reach appropriate reintroducing legislation urging the Former solutions in each case. Captain Hunter directly where in the city find such services. Four Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to years later she was instrumental in initiating contributed to the Marine Corps’ high degree work within the framework of the United Na- of success in these matters that may not have and implementing alternative child care solu- tions process with Greece to achieve long- tions through the passage of AB 3059 which been otherwise achieved. standing United States and United Nations Captain Hunter successfully planned, co- provided funding for the Child Care Resource policy goals of resolving the name dispute and ordinated, and escorted an extensive number & Referral Programs and Alternative Payment encourages the United States to work with its of international and domestic trips for high- Programs in all California counties. level Congressional and Staff Delegations. NATO allies to uphold previous NATO Sum- mits decisions, with regard to the enlargement In 1980, Patty was the Founding Director These delegations often included senior lead- and Executive Director of the California Child ership Representatives, such as the Chairman issue. Negotiations are ongoing between Greece Care Resource & Referral Network, which has or Ranking Member of the major Defense grown into the most established system of Committees. These delegations visited heads and the FYROM to resolve the name dispute. Historical and archaeological evidence shows child care resource and referral services in the of state, military commands, and deployed country. U.S. military personnel worldwide. Her atten- that the ancient Macedonians were Greek. tion to detail and anticipation of requirements Macedonia is a Greek name that has des- As the Executive Director of the California allowed the Representatives and staff per- ignated the northern area of Greece for 2,500 Child Care Resource & Referral Network, sonnel to focus on fact-finding and learning years. In 1944, the name of the Skopje region Patty shaped state and federal policy for chil- new information to guide critical decisions to was changed to Macedonia as part of Tito’s dren and families. Her work included the Child support the people of the United States. imperialist campaign to gain control of the Care Initiative Project, a statewide public-pri- These trips led to an understanding of the Greek province of Macedonia. vate partnership to expand the supply of li- successes and challenges facing our Marines NATO’s Heads of State and Government censed quality child care by recruiting and that could only be gleaned from first-hand ob- unanimously agreed in Bucharest (April 3, training new family child care providers, with servation and face-to-face interaction. 2008) that ‘‘. . . within the framework of the special emphasis on infants and toddlers and Captain Hunter also assisted in the plan- UN, many actors have worked hard to resolve Spanish speaking communities. She also in- ning, coordination, and execution of countless the name issue, but the Alliance has noted spired and guided the development of Parent events, receptions, and meetings on Capitol with regret that these talks have not produced Voices, a grassroots parent-led effort to en- Hill. These events included New Member Ori- a successful outcome. Therefore we agreed gage and empower parents to actively and entation for the Freshman Congressional that an invitation to the former Yugoslav Re- successfully participate in the policy process. Class of the 112th Congress on Capitol Hill public of Macedonia will be extended as soon Patty also played an essential role in the and in Williamsburg, Virginia; The House of as a mutually acceptable solution to the name creation and implementation of TrustLine, Cali- Representative Marine Corps Birthday Cake issue has been reached. We encourage the fornia’s registry of license-exempt caregivers. Cutting Ceremonies, Multiple House Armed negotiations to be resumed without delay and expect them to be concluded as soon as pos- Beyond her role at the Network, Patty Services and House Democracy Partnership served on the Governor’s Advisory Committee events, Promotion Ceremonies, Awards Cere- sible’’—an agreement for which the heads of State and Government participating in the on Child Care Development, was one of the monies, and tours of the Capitol. She also original state commissioners for the California scheduled and supported a great many office NATO Summit meetings in Strasbourg/Kehl Children and Families First Commission (First calls for the leadership of the Marine Corps to (April 4, 2009), as well as in Lisbon (Novem- 5), and represented California in the Children’s include Commandants of the Marine Corps, ber 20, 2010) reiterated their support. Defense Fund state child care advocates net- Assistant Commandants of the Marine Corps, This resolution urges the FYROM to work work. She is the state advocate and liaison for and numerous other General Officers con- within the framework of the United Nations the National Women’s Law Center and volun- ducting business on Capitol Hill. process with Greece to achieve longstanding Through her exceptional personal efforts, United States and United Nations policy goals teers her time and expertise with the National Captain Hunter has contributed immeasurably of resolving the name dispute and encourages Association for the Education of Young Chil- to the Marine Corps’ professional reputation the United States to work with its NATO allies dren. throughout Capitol Hill. The rapport she devel- to uphold previous NATO Summits decisions, Patty was born in Oakland and received her oped with Members of the House of Rep- with regard to the enlargement issue and ex- B.A. in French and English from the University resentatives and the Professional Staff Mem- tend an invitation to the former Yugoslav Re- of California, Davis. bers has in large part helped to ensure the public of Macedonia as soon as a mutually ac- In 1965 she married her husband Sanford strength and vitality of the Navy/Marine Corps ceptable solution to the name issue has been ‘‘Sandy’’ Siegel. They have three children, team for years to come. Her exceptional per- reached. Toby, Tara and Kelsey, and three grand- formance as a USMC Congressional Fellow f children, Declan, Caio and Oona. and Operations Officer of the House Liaison In her well deserved retirement, I am certain Office has made a lasting impact on the readi- IN RECOGNITION OF PATRICIA ness and welfare of the Marine Corps, and as SIEGEL that Patty will enjoy spending more time with such, I thank her for her steadfast dedication her family, gardening, traveling, cooking, hik- to the Marines and our country. ing, reading, dancing and being in the out- HON. JACKIE SPEIER doors. From one Marine to another, I can un- OF CALIFORNIA equivocally state that Captain Hunter is a tes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me tament to the Marine Corps’ commitment to to recognize my friend Patricia Siegel for her excellence. On behalf of my colleagues; we Thursday, April 19, 2012 lasting contributions to families in California thank Captain Hunter and wish her the very Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor and the country and for always putting her best of luck in future endeavors. Patricia Siegel, who has dedicated her life and community before herself.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.034 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E599 HONORING LARRY GODWIN, A Since giving their Cans for Cancer collection a RECOGNIZING THE ANNUAL INTER- FRIEND, COMMUNITY LEADER ‘‘huge boost’’ by tying it to Make A Difference NATIONAL MEMORIAL SERVICE AND TRUE PATRIOT Day in 1998, the Ellises have recycled 6,000 AT FORT CHAMBLY pounds of aluminum, raising more than HON. JOHN L. MICA $2,500. HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS OF FLORIDA I want to congratulate the Ellis family for this OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor and thank them for their service to our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 19, 2012 community. Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay f Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tribute to Larry Godwin, a wonderful friend of recognize the annual International Memorial nearly four decades. SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Service at Fort Chambly. Larry lost his most recent battle with cancer EXTENSION ACT OF 2012, PART II This memorial serves as a tribute to our fall- on Thursday, April 12, 2012. With his passing, en heroes who fought bravely during the his family lost someone they loved, our com- American Revolutionary War, particularly munity lost a leader and our country lost a SPEECH OF those who weathered disease and below true patriot. HON. MARCY KAPTUR freezing temperatures to fight off the British on It was my good fortune to have met Larry the U.S. and Canadian border. when we were active in the Winter Park Jay- OF OHIO The annual memorial service honors the cees and in other community activities nearly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES courageous efforts these individuals dem- 40 years ago. When you met Larry Godwin, onstrated in their struggle for America’s inde- you knew you were talking to someone with Wednesday, April 18, 2012 pendence. Their service inspired generations purpose, determination and principle. Suc- The House in Committee of the Whole of Americans to sacrifice for their country, in cessful in real estate, he also made his mark House on the state of the Union had under order to preserve and protect many of the lib- in politics and never paused in his commit- consideration the bill (H.R. 4348) to provide erties we enjoy today. ment to good government. As a successful en- an extension of Federal-aid highway, high- With gratitude, we acknowledge the legacies trepreneur, he was part of that special formula way safety, motor carrier safety, transit, of our fallen heroes with great reverence and that allowed Larry and our nation to be suc- and other programs funded out of the High- appreciation. I commend the Saranac Chapter cessful and great. way Trust Fund pending enactment of a of the Daughters of the American Revolution, During one of his early visits to Washington multiyear law reauthorizing such programs, along with various associated organizations and for other purposes: for cancer treatment, I still remember his de- and dignitaries for keeping the valiant struggle termination to fight on and survive that most Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, our Nation’s ports of these individuals in the memories of com- dreaded and cruel disease. I will remember are critical drivers for local economies and I munity members. his faith, his love of family and that impish grin am disturbed by the chronic underfunding of f that, if you knew Larry, was never to be for- maintenance activities to allow for their max- gotten. So today, along with, I know, dozens imum efficiency. The Harbor Maintenance IN RECOGNITION OF PETER of former Winter Park Jaycee buddies, we all Trust Fund was set up to address this growing DOUGLAS salute and say a fond farewell to a special concern and I continue to support the full ex- friend. penditure of those funds for this purpose. HON. JACKIE SPEIER Mr. Speaker, today, April 19, 2012, in honor In my part of the country, thousand foot OF CALIFORNIA of Larry Godwin’s memory, service to our na- Lakers carry the iron ore, limestone, coal, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion and final services, I have asked the Archi- sand that support the manufacturing indus- Thursday, April 19, 2012 tect of the Capitol to fly an American Flag over tries, which employ thousands of hard working the U.S. Capitol Building. Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Americans. Without efficient, reliable shipping Peter Douglas on the occasion of his retire- Finally, to his family and especially his son through ports like Toledo, Cleveland, San- Robbie, I extend my very deepest sympathy. ment on October 31, 2011 as Executive Direc- dusky, and Lorain, those plants could not af- tor of the California Coastal Commission for I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing ford to do business in the United States. the life and memory of Larry Godwin. 26 years. These ships are also carrying millions of f Mr. Douglas’ great legacy is the lack of tons of grain and other food commodities that something—the lack of development on the HONORING THE ELLIS FAMILY make dinner affordable for our working fami- spectacular 1,100 miles of California coastline. lies, and they are helping American farmers For over four decades he has worked to guar- HON. REID J. RIBBLE reach other countries, helping to balance our antee public access to the coast and to keep OF WISCONSIN trade deficit. Thriving ports make this all pos- coastal bluffs pristine. sible. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Douglas is the third executive director, And shipping itself directly supports nearly appointed in 1985 after having served as the Thursday, April 19, 2012 50,000 jobs in the Great Lakes region alone. Coastal Commission’s Chief Deputy Director Mr. RIBBLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ac- Nationally, that number is much higher. for seven years. Before joining the commis- knowledge the great work of the Ellis family of Unfortunately, American shipping is at risk. sion, he worked as a legislative aide to As- Rhinelander, Wisconsin, who worked to ben- Huge backlogs in dredging maintenance are semblyman Alan Sieroty of Beverly Hills. In efit the Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield, causing ships to operate at reduced capacity that capacity he co-authored Proposition 20 in Wisconsin and are the 2012 Make a Dif- or overlook some ports where navigation has 1972 which created the Coastal Commission. ference Day winners. Make a Difference Day become impossible. He went to work for the Assembly Natural Re- is a celebration of the power of neighbors source Committee and the Select Committee helping neighbors. Created by USA Weekend, Insufficient maintenance is undermining our on Coastal Protection where he co-drafted the this annual day of service mobilizes more than national competitiveness. While the Harbor California Coastal Act which was made per- three million volunteers to create change in Maintenance Trust Fund collects critical rev- manent by the legislature in 1976. The law their community. enue to keep our ports and waterways open, gives priority to public recreation over private The Ellis family has made a substantial im- only half those funds are currently spent. development and gives the commission au- pact on their community by collecting alu- Those critical dollars should be fully expended thority to enforce the law. Mr. Douglas de- minum cans for the local Ronald McDonald for their intended purpose, keeping our ports serves credit for turning a start-up panel into House. Rick and Kela Ellis were heartbroken open for business. one of the country’s most powerful land-use when they lost 2-year-old daughter Ashley to I am a cosponsor of the RAMP Act and rise authorities. brain cancer in 1989. But within a year they’d in support of the Boustany Amendment. I hope Thanks to his work, millions of Californians found a way to honor her memory: by recy- to continue working with Representative BOU- and visitors are able to enjoy one of the most cling aluminum cans to benefit the Ronald STANY and other colleagues as we move to- beautiful coastlines in the world. Had it not McDonald House of Marshfield, Wisconsin, wards a final bill to ensure that this critical been for Mr. Douglas, Hearst Ranch would be their ‘‘home’’ while Ashley was hospitalized. issue of Harbor Maintenance is included. a golf resort, Monterey Bay would be lined by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.036 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 condominiums and San Onofre State Park community. Established in 1937 by some of IN HONOR OF NURSES FOR would be a paved toll road. the city’s most prominent leaders, the Ex- NEWBORNS Mr. Douglas is one of the fiercest defenders change Club was viewed by its founding mem- of open space and he is not afraid to speak bers as a chance to develop an entirely new HON. RUSS CARNAHAN truth to power. For example, this year some type of service organization in the area, with OF MISSOURI landowners wanted to build ‘‘environmentally an emphasis on helping those less fortunate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friendly’’ mansions along a bluff overlooking while working to make life better for all area Thursday, April 19, 2012 Malibu. Speculation persisted that the commis- citizens. sion would approve the project until Peter Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today It is a commitment Fond du Lac Douglas stated he had ‘‘never seen a project to recognize the Nurses For Newborns Orga- Exchangites have been fulfilling for 75 years. as environmentally devastating as this.’’ The nization, as they celebrate their 20th anniver- In the process, they have made innumerable commission voted against it. sary. contributions to the quality of life in the Fond Mr. Douglas took on the Jonathan Club and Since 1992, Nurses For Newborns has du Lac area. the Olympic Club, private men’s clubs in served our most vulnerable citizens-newborn Santa Monica and San Francisco respectively. For 75 years, members of the Fond du Lac babies. As a nurse home visiting agency, vol- He urged the commission to vote against their organization have met to exchange ideas unteers help provide a safety net for families expansion arguing that it would be a travesty about how to better serve the community while most at risk to help prevent infant mortality, if a state agency gave it’s good housekeeping working to advance the National Exchange child abuse, and neglect through home based seal to a club on public land that discriminates Club goals of benefiting and developing youth, programs that provide education, healthcare, against Jews, African Americans, Latinos, promoting crime prevention, recognizing mili- and positive parenting skills. Services also in- Asians and women. He ignored the advice of tary and public safety service providers, fos- clude programs for teen moms and moms that the Attorney General’s office, the case went all tering Americanism and preventing child are mentally and physically challenged, as the way to the Supreme Court and the com- abuse. well as referrals to medical, social or govern- ment services. mission won. Mr. Douglas succeeded in right- In its early years, the Exchange Club of ing a grievous constitutional wrong with the Nurses visiting new mothers for whom pov- Fond du Lac underwrote Christmas parties for erty is the primary risk factor provide maternal Coastal Act. the community’s underprivileged children and In 1987 he refused an order by Governor depression, risk for domestic violence and held programs to recognize the area’s high child abuse and neglect screenings in the Deukmejian to close the commission offices in school sports teams. In the late 1940s, the Ex- Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz. He argued the home. ‘‘Medically fragile’’ babies—those born change Club was instrumental in convincing prematurely, diagnosed with Down Syndrome commission could not implement the Coastal city officials that an underutilized city-owned Act without offices in those critical areas. The or other genetic disorders, or who have been building designated as a community center exposed to drugs or alcohol are afforded extra commission backed him on the basis that the could be converted to a gathering place for Governor did not have authority over and special care by volunteer nurses. area youth, something many felt the city badly Moms with intellectual or physical disabilities independent commission and the offices re- needed. Thus, the Hamilton Community Build- who need assistance with routine tasks like mained open. ing near downtown Fond du Lac was exten- formula preparation and feeding; administra- His upbringing gave him the tools and sively remodeled in 1947 and used for dec- tion of medications or managing appointment mindset to deal with adversity and conflict. ades as the Fond du Lac Youth Center. schedules will receive support from Nurses Peter Douglas was born into a Jewish family For Newborns with more frequent home visits. in Berlin in 1942. They immigrated to the In 1957, the club achieved one of its proud- Our citizens have rallied around this worthy United States from Mexico in the early ’50s. est moments by raising the funds needed to organization. Churches, school groups, and He received both his undergraduate and grad- purchase a cutting-edge piece of medical businesses, and community members rou- uate degrees from UCLA. equipment, called a Flame Photometer, for tinely donate clothes, toys, diapers, blankets, Among a long list of additional professional Fond du Lac’s St. Agnes Hospital. At the time, car seats, baby beds, and formula to the accomplishments, Mr. Douglas is one of the only two other, much larger, medical facilities Nurses For Newborns organization, for fami- original members of the NOAA Science Advi- in Wisconsin had this particular life-saving equipment. lies in need. sory Board, was appointed by President Clin- Evidence based outcomes of the hard work Another signature Exchange Club accom- ton of the U.S. Panel on Ocean Exploration, of Nurses For Newborns staff and volunteers plishment was the furnishing of grounds su- and is a Member of the National Academy of are impressive. Ninety-nine percent of babies pervision, maintenance and support for many Sciences. whose parents are enrolled in the program do years for Camp Tiwaushara, a large Girl Scout As Mr. Douglas is handing over his Coastal not suffer from abuse or neglect; 89 percent Camp located in Redgranite, Wisconsin, and Commission responsibilities to Senior Deputy are current with immunization schedule; 99 operated by the former Wau-Bun Girl Scout Director Charles Lester, he is looking forward percent have established a medical home for Council. Members of the club went to to spending more time with his family and their babies, and 99 percent are not unneces- Redgranite annually to clear brush and pre- friends, especially his grandchildren, on his sarily hospitalized. beloved coast. To quote him, ‘‘If we want it to pare the grounds for the camping season and I thank Chief Executive Officer Melinda be there for our children, we have to keep to build structures needed for the camp. Ohlemiller, her staff, and all of the volunteers fighting to protect it. In that way, the coast is More recently, Exchangites in Fond du Lac who have made Nurses For Newborns the ef- never saved, it’s always being saved.’’ have been active in running a petting zoo for fective and vitally important organization that it Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me the community at Fond du Lac’s Lakeside is today. Because of their compassion and to honor the life’s work of Peter Douglas who Park, distributing flags to children during the hard work, all St. Louis area babies can have has preserved the natural beauty of the Cali- annual Fond du Lac Memorial Day Parade, the best possible start and the brightest pos- fornia coast and my belief that an individual and erecting numerous Exchange Club Free- sible future. can change the world. dom Shrines, permanently mounted reproduc- f f tions of the most important documents in HONORING H. MICHAEL WEITZMAN RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- American history. Also in recent years, club SARY OF THE EXCHANGE CLUB members have purchased a walk-in cooler for OF FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN a local food pantry and have funded numerous HON. JANICE HAHN public safety initiatives, as well as supporting OF CALIFORNIA HON. THOMAS E. PETRI countless other local causes and nonprofit or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ganizations in the Fond du Lac area. Thursday, April 19, 2012 OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am proud to join with the Fond du Lac Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker. I rise today to community in recognizing the invaluable con- honor the memory of H. Michael Weitzman, Thursday, April 19, 2012 tributions and outstanding service of the Ex- who passed away on April 16, 2012 and Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to change Club of Fond du Lac, and in congratu- whose absence is felt deeply in his community congratulate and recognize the Exchange lating the club on its 75th anniversary. In addi- and in the hearts of all who knew him. Club of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, as it cele- tion, I extend my best wishes to all club mem- Born August 19, 1929, H. Michael Weitzman brates 75 years of serving the Fond du Lac bers for continued success in the future. was an alumni of Case Western University

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.019 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E601 and the Ohio State University’s School of Op- but as a resource to members of my staff in community and country. In short, Mr. Speaker, tometry. He served his country as a line officer Marion as well. Throughout her career Gretch- from his own backyard in San Carlos to places in the Navy and continued to work as an op- en has delivered countless speeches to local around the globe, Randy has extended his tometrist until just over a year before his organizations, attended fairs to educate the heart and his talents in service to the health, death. community on administration services, and safety and welfare of tens of thousands of Dr. Weitzman was an immensely caring per- has worked tirelessly with senior citizens’ or- human beings. son with a poignant and selfless dedication to ganizations to ensure that they are properly It should therefore not be surprising that serving his fellow man. A deeply spiritual per- receiving their Social Security benefits. Randy has also helped to build our local com- son, he lived out the Jewish ethic of loving- The pride in public service Gretchen has ex- munity college district’s curriculum and pro- kindness until his dying day. As an established hibited during her career is only eclipsed by grams as a member of the Can˜ada College Optometrist in the San Pedro community, Dr. her dedication to her family. Gretchen is a lov- Presidential Advisory Committee. His service Weitzman was known for his attention to his ing and devoted wife to her husband Bob in senior management positions at Hewlett patients, often seeing people at no charge. VanNatter. The VanNatters are proud parents Packard, Agilent and three Silicon Valley start- Not only was Michael Weitzman generous in of 3, along with 3 wonderful grandchildren. ups demonstrated to him that talented employ- his own practice, his philanthropy extended to It is my distinct honor to congratulate ees are first molded through education, then several charities and non-profits including the Gretchen VanNatter for her dedicated public invited to be further educated in the enter- Lions Club Vision Programs, fINdings Art Cen- service to the Social Security Administration. prises of our nation. Our community was fortu- ter, and the California Vision Foundation which She will always have a special place in the nate to have his insights available to its stu- provides free eye care for the needy. hearts of all those who have had the oppor- dents. I extend my deepest condolences to his tunity to work with her over the years, and es- Through his own education in finance, and wife, his two sons, Gregg and Dan, his daugh- pecially the countless lives she has touched his life’s experiences, Randy was able to offer ter, Dr. Debra Gierut, and his seven grand- through her unwavering commitment to the steady counsel to his colleagues on the City children. Though Dr. Weitzman is no longer Social Security Administration and the citizens Council of San Carlos. He was often a voice with us, his legacy lives on in the lives of the of the great state of Indiana. of reason amidst a passionate outcry, a role loved ones he has left behind and in the com- Congratulations Gretchen! that is difficult for any public servant, but an munity he served tirelessly throughout his life. f essential role within any democracy. f Of course, no public servant is capable of IN RECOGNITION OF RANDY such great accomplishments without the sup- OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL ROYCE port of family members. Randy has been sup- DEBT ported at all times by his talented wife, Yvette, HON. JACKIE SPEIER and his two sons Roger and Todd. HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to honor Randy Royce for a life and career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 19, 2012 dedicated to public service on the occasion of his retirement on December 12, 2011. Randy Thursday, April 19, 2012 Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Royce is an American who thinks reflexively Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, Randy Royce, a member of the San Carlos about the well-being of us all. As a result, his on January 20, 2009, the day President City Council for four years and a resident of contributions to San Carlos and to our nation Obama took office, the national debt was this wonderful community for over 30 years. over these many decades are legion, and will $10,626,877,048,913.08. Randy has served San Carlos with distinction surely last for generations yet to come. Today, it is $15,661,574,232,598.82. We’ve both on the council and before becoming a f added $5,034,697,183,685.74 to our debt in member. just over 3 years. This is debt our nation, our When people think of Randy they think of IN RECOGNITION OF THE MON- economy, and our children could have avoided community and even global service. As a MOUTH UNIVERSITY MARJORIE with a balanced budget amendment. member of the Sister Cities Association, K. UNTERBERG SCHOOL OF f Randy has strengthened the ties between San NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES Carlos and its sister cities around the world. In 30TH ANNIVERSARY RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF 2007, Randy travelled to Pass Christian Mis- GRETCHEN VANNATTER sissippi, a town adopted by San Carlos after HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. the 2005 devastation of Hurricane Katrina. OF NEW JERSEY HON. DAN BURTON Both through his on-site effort to reconstruct IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that city and through his encouragement of OF INDIANA Thursday, April 19, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES donations to the community, Randy helped to raise structures and the spirits of his fellow Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, April 19, 2012 Americans. celebrate Monmouth University’s Marjorie K. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I am In his earliest years in San Carlos, Randy Unterberg School of Nursing & Health Studies’ honored today to rise and pay tribute to could be found coaching soccer, and urging 30th Anniversary. The School of Nursing con- Gretchen VanNatter, a dedicated civil servant, the development of the hearts, bodies and tinues to provide its students, from the Bacca- a loving mother and truly great Hoosier. minds of the youth of San Carlos. As a man laureate through the Doctoral level, with an Gretchen is being honored this week for her of many talents, he has also boosted the love exceptional education. Throughout its tenure, 37 years of public service with the Social Se- of local history by serving as a volunteer with the School of Nursing has demonstrated tre- curity Administration. Gretchen is a second the San Carlos History Museum, and he vol- mendous growth and is worthy of this body’s generation Social Security Administration em- unteered for many years to organize the Sum- recognition. ployee, as her mother is a retired Claims Rep- mer Concert Series in Burton Park. On behalf Monmouth University’s Department of Nurs- resentative for the Administration. Gretchen of the less fortunate within our Peninsula ing and Health Studies began in April 1981 began her career with the Social Security Ad- Community, Randy has served on the Board with the expansion of the Upper-Division of ministration in 1975 as an Administrative Aide of Directors of the Housing Endowment and the Bachelor of Science Nursing program by to the District Manager. From there she Regional Trust (HEART). He served on the Dr. Marilyn Lauria. The inaugural class began worked her way up the Social Security Admin- San Carlos Arts and Culture Commission, the with 72 students. The successes of this pro- istration’s ladder, attaining positions as Claims city’s Economic Development Advisory Com- gram lead to the launch of the Masters of Representative, Management Support Spe- mittee, the Planning Commission and the Res- Science in Nursing program. The curriculum cialist, Operations Supervisor and finally in her idential Design Review Committee. He has met the demands for students seeking ad- current position as District Manager of the also served as Mayor of San Carlos. vanced degrees in specializations including Marion, Indiana office. Gretchen has been a Of course, if you really want to see Randy Adult Nurse and Family Nurse Practitioners, tireless supporter and ambassador of the So- hustle for two days non-stop, you can spot Adult Psychiatric & Mental Health Advanced cial Security Administration, and has been a him helping from dawn until dusk during the Practice Nursing, Nursing Administration, valuable resource not only to countless num- annual Hometown Days celebration, a charm- Nursing Education as well as School Nursing bers of Hoosiers throughout the Marion area, ing small-town event that celebrates family, and Forensic Nursing. In 1998, Monmouth

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.042 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 University and the Department of Nursing and XL pipeline to increase America’s fuel bill by HONORING JEWELL FRANCES Health Studies were proud to recognize its up to 4 billion dollars per year, by reducing the WELLS GOLDEN ON HER 100TH first class of graduates from the Masters of supply of Canadian crude to Midwest refin- BIRTHDAY Science in Nursing. Later that year, the De- eries and by re-routing that crude around its partment of Nursing and Health Studies was current delivery point in Cushing, Oklahoma HON. JEFF MILLER renamed the Marjorie K. Unterberg School of and on to Gulf Coast refineries. OF FLORIDA Nursing and Health Studies. Marjorie K. Through manipulation of U.S. oil markets, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unterberg was a long-time advocate for the the Keystone XL Pipeline will increase U.S. Thursday, April 19, 2012 field of nursing and was active in the nursing gas prices by 10 to 20 cents per gallon across scholarship program at the University. She the U.S., according to energy economist Philip Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my also served as former President of the School Verleger. The greatest price increase will great honor and pleasure to wish a very happy of Nursing and Vice President of the Board of occur in 15 Midwest states (Illinois, Indiana, birthday to Mrs. Jewell Frances Wells Golden Governors at Monmouth Medical Center, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, of Bagdad, Florida on the occasion of her where she established the Center for Nursing Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Okla- 100th Birthday and to congratulate her on her Excellence. homa, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wis- many achievements. Mrs. Golden reached the The Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nurs- consin). Adding insult to financial injury, oil century mark, an incredible milestone, on April ing proudly received its accreditation by the from the pipeline will be sold overseas instead 16 of this year. Jewell Golden is no stranger to the North- New Jersey State Board of Nursing and the of being used to reduce our dependence on west Florida community. Alongside her hus- Commission of College Nursing Education in foreign oil. band, the late Albert Golden, they shared February 2000 and in the Spring of 2000, re- The bill’s $4 billion gift to the oil industry, many successes and business ventures, spectively. Monmouth University is the first in- which already gets tens of billions of dollars which have made a lasting impact along the stitution in New Jersey to offer the forensic every year in subsidies, comes only one day Gulf Coast. One factor that always remained nursing concentration. The success of the after the President announced efforts to try to constant was their love for each other, their Nursing school lead to the expansion of var- rein in gas prices and the excesses of the oil family, and their strong faith in God. In fact, in ious programs, including the addition of the fo- industry. 1977, Mr. and Mrs. Golden helped establish rensic nursing at the Masters level and the We should be considering either an the Church of the Living God, now known as health studies major for students pursuing unencumbered motion to go to conference or Heritage Chapel. their Bachelors degree. Most recently, the Uni- the Senate’s transportation package, which Mrs. Golden is beloved and cherished by versity was proud to announce the addition of passed with an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote all—her family, including her three children, their Doctor of Nursing Practice and began of 74–22. eleven grandchildren, twenty great-grand- holding classes for matriculating students in children, and a grateful community. Her great- June 2011. Today, over 600 students are en- f est joys, which she shares in her autobiog- rolled in various nursing and health studies HONORING ROBERT LANTHORN raphy, are spending time with her family and programs at the Marjorie K. Unterberg School ‘‘making memories.’’ Those who have the of Nursing and Health Studies. They also pleasure of knowing Mrs. Golden have been proudly boasts over 900 alumni. HON. STEVE STIVERS Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in OF OHIO blessed by her charisma and presence. Her life serves as an inspiration to many and dem- recognizing Monmouth University’s Marjorie K. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES onstrates that hard work and strong morals Unterberg School of Nursing & Health Studies Thursday, April 19, 2012 for their thirty years of service. Their continued will lead to much success and happiness. My wife Vicki joins me in wishing Mrs. efforts to provide a well-rounded education re- Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jewell Frances Wells Golden a joyous birth- main a valued and important entity to the stu- honor the public service career of Robert day. May God continue to bless her, her fam- dents and the Monmouth University commu- Lanthorn. Robert is a teacher of American His- ily and friends with wonderful memories for nity. tory, American Government, Economics, and Advanced Placement United States Govern- many years to come. f ment and Politics. Robert has served as an f SURFACE TRANSPORTATION educator at Hamilton Township High School IN RECOGNITION OF RICK EXTENSION ACT OF 2012, PART II for the past five years. LAUBSCHER Robert is being honored as The Educator of SPEECH OF the Year by Kids Voting USA. The Educator of the Year award is a national award presented HON. JACKIE SPEIER HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH OF CALIFORNIA OF OHIO to a teacher who motivates their students to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be civically active both through teaching and example. Thursday, April 19, 2012 Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Robert has used innovative teaching meth- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor The House in Committee of the Whole ods and gained the trust of his students keep- Rick Laubscher who today is receiving the House on the state of the Union had under ing them engaged and interested in learning. consideration the bill (H.R. 4348) to provide 2011 Silver Spur Award from San Francisco an extension of Federal-aid highway, high- His outstanding teaching methods have Planning and Urban Research (SPUR). This way safety, motor carrier safety, transit, earned him many awards throughout his award recognizes a lifetime of civic achieve- and other programs funded out of the High- teaching career. Robert has been named Kids ment of a San Franciscan. way Trust Fund pending enactment of a Voting Educator of the Month, Ohio Lottery’s Cable cars and streetcars are quintessential multiyear law reauthorizing such programs, Teacher of the Month, and Ohio’s Outstanding symbols of San Francisco. If you have ridden and for other purposes: Teacher of American History by Ohio State in one of the historic cars of the famous F- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Chair, the transportation Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Market & Wharves streetcar lines on Market infrastructure needs of our nation are urgent Robert’s desire to motivate his students to Street and The Embarcadero, you owe a big and unprecedentedly large. Addressing those not only learn but also engage in civics has thanks to Rick Laubscher, President of Market needs must be at the center of our economic had a positive effect on his students and the Street Railway, a volunteer, non-profit organi- recovery. This transportation bill does not ad- community alike. His students have partici- zation founded in 1976 by three transit pres- dress those needs. Instead, it forces approval pated in the political process and an amazing ervationists who wanted to save a vintage Mu- of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which will under- 83 percent of students participated in Hamilton nicipal Railway trolley bus that was about to mine the recovery by driving up gas prices Township High School’s mock election. be scrapped. across the U.S., with the largest increases in Robert has inspired many students to be- Today Market Street Railway has 1,200 Midwestern states like Ohio. come involved in their community and instilled members from San Francisco, the Bay Area, This is not just my conclusion. That is what life lessons of civic responsibility. I thank Rob- and throughout the world. The organization TransCanada, the company that wants to build ert for all that he has done to serve our com- has helped Muni acquire 20 historic transit ve- the Keystone XL Pipeline, told the Canadian munity and educate our youth and congratu- hicles, including streetcars, cable cars, trolley government in its permit application. Canadian late him on being named Educator of the coaches, and motor coaches and the volun- oil companies will be able to use the Keystone Year. teers have actively restored fifteen of them.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.045 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E603 Mr. Laubscher’s passion for historic treasures Professor at the Siegal College of Judaic Peter was born in Berlin, Germany on Aug. and his advocacy have transformed the city’s Studies and at Case Western Reserve Univer- 22, 1942. His family’s home was destroyed by public transportation system. sity for several years. He has taught in the Allied bombers in 1944. He immigrated by sea Mr. Laubscher’s roots run deep in San Fran- Religion Department at John Carroll Univer- to the United States in 1950, and it was on cisco. His family has lived here for four gen- sity. this trip that he began a lifelong love of the erations. Mr. Laubscher fell in love with street- Rabbi Lettofsky started his career as Vis- ocean. Peter grew up in Southern California, cars as a little boy when they were not his- iting Professor at the Seminario Rabinico and in 1965 earned a bachelor’s degree in toric. He was washing dishes and helping his Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, Argentina, psychology, and later a law degree from the father in the delicatessen on Market Street and then taught for three years in the Depart- University of California at Los Angeles. that his grandfather had opened. He calls Mar- ment of Religious Studies at the University of Peter worked for former Democratic Assem- ket Street a true urban main street. Virginia. Throughout most of his professional blyman Alan Sieroty from Los Angeles, and he When the streetcars were planned to be dis- career, Rabbi Lettofsky worked for Hillel, the was tasked with writing coastal protection leg- mantled in the early 80’s, he set out on a Jewish campus ministry—for ten years as the islation. In response to oil spills and heavy quest to preserve them. He was not the first director of Hillel at the University of Wisconsin- coastal development, the public passed Prop- to think of the idea, but he was the first to do Madison and for 13 years as the Regional Di- osition 20 in 1972, which formed the California it; he put history to work and preserved our rector of Hillel in Northeastern Ohio. Dedicated Coastal Commission. Peter also helped craft urban fabric, as he likes to say. Today thou- to egalitarianism and self-empowerment in the bipartisan Coastal Act in 1976, and the sands of people each day ride the historic Jewish communal prayer and fellowship, next year joined the commission as deputy di- cars. Rabbi Lettofsky co-founded and actively par- rector. In 1985, Peter was appointed executive Mr. Laubscher also served as founding ticipated in the Library Minyan which met in director and served in that role until his recent board chair of The City Club of San Francisco, the library of Congregation Beth Am in Cleve- death. a landmark of world renowned art and archi- land Heights in the 1980s and 90s. Peter was instrumental in blocking offshore tecture and a promoter of active engagement In recent years, Rabbi Lettofsky has been a oil drilling and leasing, preventing unchecked and influence in civic, social and business member of a small committee of the Rab- development along California’s 1,100-mile areas. He also served on SPUR’s board and binical Assembly that is preparing a new High coast line, and ensuring public access to transportation committee. He is currently a Holy Day prayerbook for Judaism’s Conserv- beaches. His efforts were often controversial, board member of the San Francisco Chamber ative Movement. In the early 1990s, Rabbi and members of both parties at times tried to of Commerce. Lettofsky was one of 12 rabbis who served on remove him from his post. However, he never Accompanying his love of San Francisco the Commission on Human Sexuality of the swayed from his commitment and passion to and history, Mr. Laubscher has a passion for Rabbinical Assembly. That Commission issued protect California coasts. communication. He runs Messagesmith, a a Rabbinic Letter on Intimate Relations, enti- There is no doubt that California’s incredible strategic communications consulting company tled ‘‘This Is My Beloved, This Is My Friend.’’ coastline bears Peter’s mark. His influence on specializing in such areas as environmental I was pleased to know Rabbi Lettofsky in coastal issues has been profound, and has set sustainability and corporate social responsi- 2000 when other civic leaders and I worked to standards for how such a valuable resource bility. stop the shutdown of several hospitals in the can be both used and protected. Mr. Laubscher holds an M.S. from the Co- greater Cleveland area. Rabbi Lettofsky spoke Mr. Speaker, we ask our colleagues to join lumbia University Graduate School of Jour- out with religious leaders of a wide diversity of us in paying tribute to the life of Peter M. nalism and worked as a radio and television faiths to stress the spiritual importance of Douglas, a steadfast protector of the California news reporter for many years. healing the sick and making health care avail- coast and a true environmental steward. He lives in Woodside with his wife of sixteen able to all. Rabbi Lettofsky continues to serve f years, Nicole. They are the proud parents of as part-time chaplain at Hillcrest Hospital in three daughters. Mr. Speaker, I ask this body Mayfield Heights on behalf of the Jewish Fed- HONORING RAFAEL CHRISTOPHER to rise with me to acknowledge the out- eration of Cleveland. TURNER FOR MORE THAN 10 standing achievements and lasting contribu- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I am pleased YEARS OF PUBLIC SERVICE tions of Rick Laubscher to San Francisco and to honor Rabbi Lettofsky and thank him for his the rest of the world. many years of dedication and service to the HON. DALE E. KILDEE f community. I wish him, his wife of more than OF MICHIGAN 40 years, Jean Loeb Lettofsky, and their three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF children and five grandchildren, many happy Thursday, April 19, 2012 RABBI ALAN B. LETTOFSKY and healthy years to enjoy his retirement and for continued service to the people. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH f of Representatives to join me in honoring my OF OHIO Deputy District Director, Rafael Christopher A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Turner, for his 10 years of exemplary and PETER M. DOUGLAS dedicated service on behalf of my constituents Thursday, April 19, 2012 in Michigan. Rafael is leaving this month to Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- HON. MIKE THOMPSON continue working on behalf of Michigan resi- nize and honor Rabbi Alan B. Lettofsky who is OF CALIFORNIA dents for U.S. Senator CARL LEVIN and it is fit- retiring from Beth Israel—The West Temple in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ting that we celebrate and recognize his con- Cleveland in Ohio’s 10th Congressional Dis- tinued service to the public. trict. Thursday, April 19, 2012 I had the opportunity to recruit Rafael for an Affiliated with Judaism’s Reform Movement, Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, internship in my Washington, DC office in Feb- Beth Israel serves the Jewish Community of I rise today with my colleagues, Representa- ruary 2002 and was immediately impressed Cleveland’s west side and western suburbs tives BACA, BERMAN, CAPPS, CHU, COSTA, S. with his commitment to public service and ex- and is the only synagogue geographically lo- DAVIS, ESHOO, FARR, FILNER, GARAMENDI, traordinary talent and skills. I have known cated in the City of Cleveland. Beth Israel’s HAHN, HONDA, LEE, LOFGREN, MATSUI, MCNER- Rafael’s family for years and Rafael was con- roots go back to 1910 when the West Side NEY, MILLER, NAPOLITANO, PELOSI, RICHARD- tinuing their legacy of making a difference in Jewish Center was founded on Cleveland’s SON, ROYBAL-ALLARD, LORETTA SANCHEZ, people’s lives as a public servant, community Near West Side. It merged with Beth Israel in SCHIFF, SPEIER, STARK, WATERS, WAXMAN, and leader and a trusted and valued advisor to me 1957 to form Beth Israel—The West Temple. WOOLSEY to pay tribute to the life of Peter M. and many others, especially our youth. Born and bred in Cleveland, Alan Lettofsky Douglas, who recently passed away at the After accepting a full-time position as a leg- was educated at Brandeis University, the He- age of 69. Peter was best known as the long- islative assistant in May 2002, Rafael worked brew University in Jerusalem, the Jewish time director of the California Coastal Com- on vitally important and complex public policy Theological Seminary of America, and Yale mission, serving more than 25 years to protect issues, applying his knowledge and dedication University. He serves Beth Israel—The West the incredible California coastline. Peter’s de- to a wide range of legislation important to my Temple as their part-time rabbi while also votion to the conservation of this finite and constituents. Rafael was eager to return to his teaching Modern Hebrew and Jewish History precious resource will benefit generations to hometown of Flint to make a difference in his at Kent State University. He was Associate come. community and in September 2005 he joined

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.021 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 my District Office staff where he rose to be- HONORING THE 40TH ANNIVER- en’s wages to make ends meet. In typical come Deputy District Director. Rafael has SARY OF THE STUDENT ASSO- married households, women’s incomes ac- used his vast experience and extraordinary CIATION VOLUNTEER AMBU- counted for 36 percent of total family income skills to help make the federal government LANCE CORPS (SAVAC) OF in 2008, up from 29 percent in 1983. work for the people in my congressional dis- OSWEGO This Equal Pay Day, I recognize the many trict. Whether the issue is veterans’ benefits, achievements and contributions of women Social Security, education, consumer protec- HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS across the country to our economy and pledge tion, health care or myriad other federal con- OF NEW YORK to work towards economic equality for women, cerns and responsibilities, Rafael has devoted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to a time when women can finally receive the himself to promoting, protecting and defending wages they have worked for and rightfully human dignity. Thursday, April 19, 2012 earned. Rafael also serves his community on the Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f Mott Community College Board of Trustees, honor the 40th anniversary of the Student As- HONORING DEPUTY ROBERT PARIS as an executive board member of the Flint sociation Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Branch of the NAACP and he was awarded SAVAC, of Oswego. The SAVAC is the first the Distinguished Emerging Alumni honor at fully student funded, staffed, trained, and oper- HON. JEFF DENHAM the University of Michigan-Flint where he ated volunteer ambulance corps on a college OF CALIFORNIA earned a Masters of Public Administration. He campus in the nation, according to the Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was also selected to participate in the pres- ican College Health Association. Thursday, April 19, 2012 tigious Rotary International Group Study Ex- Originally founded in 1971 by a small group change Program and traveled to Brazil to ad- of SUNY Oswego undergraduate students, the Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to vance the Rotary’s mission. program had humble beginnings, initially re- honor the service and memory of Deputy Rob- Mr. Speaker please join me in honoring ceiving $8500 in funding from the SUNY ert Paris, who was slain in the line of duty this Rafael Christopher Turner, a dear friend and Oswego Student Association, which continues past week in Modesto. Deputy Paris is the accomplished public servant as he moves on to fund the program today. third sworn officer to be killed while serving to continue making a difference in people’s Today, the SAVAC is now the primary with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Depart- lives. Emergency Medical Services, EMS, provider ment, and on behalf of the community and this for SUNY Oswego. Additionally, the SAVAC is Congress, I want to offer condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. f certified in Basic Life Support by the New York State Department of Health, providing mutual Deputy Paris has a long career of service, PERSONAL EXPLANATION aid support to the Oswego City Fire Depart- first being certified as a Mobile Intensive Care ment and the Oswego Town Volunteer Fire Paramedic in 1980. In 1993, he graduated HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER Department. from the Ray Simon Regional Criminal Justice The SAVAC has become a gateway to the Training Center, and three years later started OF TENNESSEE EMS world, sending many of its members on his 16-year career with the Stanislaus County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to professional positions within Emergency Sheriff’s Office. There, he served in many ca- Thursday, April 19, 2012 Medical Services and Fire Departments across pacities before volunteering for the dangerous New York State and the country. I applaud the but necessary work of the civil division. In all Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commendable and valuable work of the assignments, Deputy Paris earned the con- discuss how I would have voted on the SAVAC and honor their rich history of commu- fidence of his superiors and the respect of his amendments and final passage of H.R. 4089, nity service. fellow officers. His end of watch came on April the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012. f 12, 2012, while serving an eviction notice, ac- If I had I been here to vote I would have companied by local locksmith Glendon Engert. voted in the following way: EQUAL PAY DAY Deputy Paris is survived by his parents, Holt (NJ): I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Robert Sr. and Jane, sister Krista, brother Grijalva (AZ): I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Eric, and two adult children, a son and daugh- Peters (MI): I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ OF NEW YORK ter. Heinrich (NM): I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May the example of Deputy Paris renew in each of us the determination to live by the Foxx (NC): I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Thursday, April 19, 2012 Democrat Motion to Recommit: I would have watchwords of honor and duty, values he de- voted ‘‘no.’’ Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, held every fended at the price of his life. It is also my fer- April, Equal Pay Day signifies the point in the Final Passage: I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ vent prayer that those close to Robert Paris year that a woman must work to earn what a As an avid hunter, a lifetime member of the receive the only solace afforded in the face of man made in the previous year. Only in April such tragedy, the certain knowledge that what- National Rifle Association, and a member of will a woman finally earn what a man has the Congressional Sportsman’s caucus I un- ever honors we express here, they pale before made. the peace awaiting him and all who lay down derstand the value of sportsmen’s rights and In my own state of New York, women make cherish the opportunity to pass on my love for their life for others. 83 cents for every dollar earned by their male f hunting to my children. counterparts. According to a report by the Na- tional Partnership for Women & Families, full- IN RECOGNITION OF VERA f time working women in New York lose ap- PETERSON PERSONAL EXPLANATION proximately $24,257,741,976 each year due to the wage gap. The national average is even HON. JACKIE SPEIER HON. STEVE COHEN worse: on average, women in the United OF CALIFORNIA States earn 77 cents for every dollar earned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TENNESSEE by male coworkers. Thursday, April 19, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Though the Equal Pay Act was signed into Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Thursday, April 19, 2012 law in 1963, when women earned 59 cents for every dollar earned by men, it is nearly 50 Records Clerk II Vera Peterson for her 23 Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I was detained years later and women STILL aren’t being years of service at the Daly City Police De- from voting on Monday, April 16, 2012 and the paid equally. partment. afternoon of Tuesday, April 17, 2012. If The work women do matters—women make Ms. Peterson served as assistant trainee for present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on the fol- up nearly half of the labor force and mothers the department from 1980–1981. She started lowing rollcall votes: rollcall Nos. 152, 153, are the primary earners or co-earners in two- her career in the records division in 1988. She and 157. thirds of all families. Equal pay isn’t merely a excelled in all categories handled by that divi- If present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on the women’s issue—when women don’t earn fair sion: transcription, subpoenas, citations and following rollcall votes: rollcall Nos. 154, 155, pay, the families that rely on their wages impounds, classification, and restraining or- and 156. struggle. Families increasingly rely on wom- ders. Her extensive experience and wealth of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.051 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E605 knowledge put her in the perfect position to MARQUIS ALEXANDER, FUTURE having the most graduates to enlist in our na- train new employees of the records division. COMMANDER OF TEXAS A&M tion’s armed forces when compared to other Ms. Peterson’s meticulous attention to detail UNIVERSITY’S CORPS OF CADETS nonmilitary academies. and hard work have earned her the respect Marquis Alexander grew up in my home city of Houston! And our city is proud of his and admiration of her co-workers. Her passion HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE achievements. Marquis has always wanted to for baking also made her a very popular mem- OF TEXAS attend Texas A&M. He was so ‘‘gung-ho’’ mili- ber of the department; she frequently shared IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tary that he participated in Texas A&M’s Jun- broccoli quiche and cupcakes with her col- Thursday, April 19, 2012 ior Cadet Accessions Program while still in leagues. Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, high school. A week after enlisting in the Ma- Vera Peterson graduated from Woodrow I rise today to acknowledge a milestone rine Corps, he received his letter of accept- Wilson High School in San Francisco and re- reached by Marquis Alexander. He is the first ance to Texas A&M University. ceived her Associate Degree in criminology African American to become commander of Yet, true to his word and commitment, Alex- from City College of San Francisco. Texas A&M’s Corps of Cadets. Currently Mar- ander attended boot camp at the Marine She and her husband of 28 years, John, live quis is a Corporal in the U.S. Marine Reserves Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and spent in Montara. They have one daughter, Tiffany. and a rising senior majoring in International a year and a half on active duty. He subse- Studies. quently reverted from active duty status and is Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to rise with me HISTORY OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS AT TAMU serving the remainder of his enlistment com- to honor the devoted service of Vera Peterson The history of African-Americans at Texas mitment in the Marine Corps Reserves. He re- to the residents of Daly City. Her high stand- A&M University dates back to the founding of applied for admission to Texas A&M in 2009 ards and exemplary commitment to the com- the institution. African-Americans in the Texas and was promptly accepted. munity will be a difficult act to follow for any Legislature advocated for and supported the He was selected following a rigorous review future records clerk. passage of the Morrill Land-Grant Act in 1866, process in which a host of cadets are consid- which established the A&M College of Texas ered when leadership selections are made f between 1876 and 1963. African-Americans each year. Soon he will assume duties as worked at A&M as laborers, maids, custodians cadet colonel of the corps, the 2,100 member TRIBUTE TO MARIESSA FLYNN and various other support staff; however they organization’s top leadership position, also were prohibited from attending as students known as corps commander, and one of the and faculty. three top positions on campus, along with that HON. HAROLD ROGERS The history of African-Americans at A&M of student body President and Yell Leader. OF KENTUCKY has been shaped by decades of racial seg- Mr. Speaker, I commend Mr. Alexander for regation, quiet desegregation, and attempts to aiming high and continuing to strive above and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES redress historical wrongs. It has been filled beyond his primary goals of joining the mili- Thursday, April 19, 2012 with lifelong struggles and determination to ful- tary. He is a mentor and guiding light to those fill a dream which was accomplished when who know him. I congratulate Mr. Marquis Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I A&M opened the doors in 1963 to African Alexander on his achievement. rise to pay tribute to a dedicated employee of Americans. The past 37 years have been a f the House of Representatives, Mrs. Mariessa continuing struggle by African-Americans and IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL Flynn, upon her retirement from my Somerset A&M to ensure that the dream is kept alive. GOLF DAY district office following three decades of serv- The first African-Americans joined the corps ice. in 1964. The first female cadets came a dec- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON ‘‘Resa’’ has been my right hand on many ade later. In A&M’s centennial year, Fred OF CALIFORNIA issues impacting constituents of Kentucky’s McClure won election as body president, mak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fifth Congressional District over the last 30 ing him the first to be equal to that of Corps years. However, she found the greatest joy in Commander and Aggie Yell Leader. Thursday, April 19, 2012 serving thousands of veterans of our U.S. CIVIL RIGHTS Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Armed Forces, assisting them with everything Civil rights is a subject that cannot be ig- today to recognize April 18 as National Golf from financial struggles to replacing lost war nored or taken lightly, even in this day of pro- Day. This is a day where the leaders of the medals. Countless veterans visit my Somerset gressive movement toward tolerance. We golf industry are able to meet with members of District Office each year, because they know must not lose sight of the continued need for Congress and discuss the continued growth they have a friend in Resa Flynn, who will go civil rights. We must not relax our initiatives and importance of the sport. to every length to help them in their time of which build greater racial, ethnic, and religious Of course golf is not just a sport. The golf need. Resa’s loyalty, passion and persistence tolerance. While I believe that there is still industry generates over $76 billion annually in will be missed as she enters retirement. work to be done on the issue of civil rights economic activity, and sustains over 2 million and hurdles to overcome, we cannot ignore jobs. The golf industry has a direct and sub- Outside my Congressional office, Resa has the progress that has been made as the result stantial impact on the economy, jobs and tax served as a long-time leader for the Pulaski of decades of hard work, diligence, the sweat revenues in communities across this country. County Republican Party and the Pulaski and tears of many of our country’s civil rights Through this growth, golf is no longer the ex- County Lincoln Club. She has always led with trailblazers. This is evidenced by an increase clusive sport of the privileged, the wealthy, a strong voice, stout convictions, and has in the numbers of minorities attaining leader- and the upper class. The industry has become been a tireless advocate for many worthy ship positions in the private and public sectors more democratized, and people of all community projects across the region. for example: Ken Chenault, an African Amer- ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds Resa is also a talented crafter and uses her ican who currently serves as the CEO of are able to participate. spare time to crochet the most beautiful af- American Express; Ursula Burns, who became I applaud the golf industry for its commit- ghans for families and friends in the Somerset the first African American woman to serve as ment to environmental sustainability. As tech- area. She is also a loving wife, mother and Chairman and CEO of Xerox a Fortune 500 nology advances, golf course architects and grandmother. Company; and Antonio Perez, the first Latino landscape engineers are able to design and American to serve as CEO of Eastman Kodak maintain courses that are economically viable Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to a Corporation to name a few. and environmentally friendly. For example, dedicated employee of the U.S. House of BACKGROUND ON MARQUIS ALEXANDER technological advances have made it possible Representatives, Mrs. Mariessa Flynn, upon He is the oldest of 10 children and the first to employ more efficient irrigation techniques her retirement from my Somerset district office in his family to go to college. He is said to be using recycled water. following three decades of service. an admirable and mature young man. Mr. In my home state of California there are Please join me in congratulating Mrs. Resa Alexander is currently a Corporal in the Marine over 900 golf courses, generating an average Flynn on her retirement, as we also commend reserves. He has become the first person with annual revenue of $15.1 billion. California’s her for 30 years of service to the people of military experience to head the Corps. Texas gorgeous courses are huge tourist magnets southern and eastern Kentucky. A&M University has the proud distinction of and provide 160,000 jobs for Californians. I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19AP8.022 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 19, 2012 am also proud that my state of California is the poultry industry and has worked closely IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF AN- home to some of the most storied golf courses with institutions of higher learning and govern- DREW MILLER ON HIS OFFER OF in the nation, including the legendary Pebble ment agencies such as Mississippi State Uni- APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND THE Beach and Torrey Pines. versity, the Mississippi Department of Agri- UNITED STATES MILITARY Mr. Speaker, as an avid golfer myself, each culture and Commerce, the Board of Animal ACADEMY year I look forward to participating in the An- Health and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. nual Mervyn L. Jones and Stephanie Tubbs Mr. Speaker, Mississippi poultry companies Jones Memorial Golf & Tennis Classic. This donate thousands of pounds of their products HON. ROBERT E. LATTA worthy event raises funds to provide young annually to fight hunger and to aid and de- OF OHIO people an opportunity to further their edu- velop their communities. I ask that you and cation and reach their potential. Golf has the our colleagues join me in recognizing the Mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ability to bring people together to support such sissippi Poultry Association in observance of a cause. their 75th Anniversary. Thursday, April 19, 2012 f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my great in recognizing National Golf Day and com- HONORING UNIVERSITY OF HOUS- pleasure to pay special tribute to an out- mending an industry that brings so much joy TON ON BECOMING AN HISPANIC- standing student from Ohio’s Fifth Congres- and pleasure to millions of Americans and SERVING INSTITUTION sional District. I am pleased to announce that contributes greatly to this nation’s economy. Andrew Miller of Perrysburg, Ohio has been f HON. GENE GREEN offered an appointment to the United States RECOGNIZING THE MISSISSIPPI OF TEXAS Military Academy at West Point, New York. POULTRY ASSOCIATION IN OB- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Andrew’s offer of appointment poises him to SERVANCE OF THEIR 75TH ANNI- Thursday, April 19, 2012 attend the United States Military Academy this VERSARY Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, fall with the incoming cadet Class of 2016. At- today I rise to honor the University of Houston tending one of our nation’s military academies HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON for being designated an Hispanic-Serving Insti- not only offers the opportunity to serve our OF MISSISSIPPI tution by the U.S. Department of Education country but also guarantees a world-class IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Office of Postsecondary Education. The Uni- education, while placing demands on those Thursday, April 19, 2012 versity is now one of only three Tier One pub- who undertake one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of their lives. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- lic research universities in the nation with this er, I rise today to recognize the Mississippi designation and the only institution in Texas. Andrew brings an enormous amount of UH has received the Tier One research uni- Poultry Association as they celebrate their leadership, service, and dedication to the in- versity distinction from the Carnegie Founda- 75th Anniversary. Poultry is Mississippi’s larg- coming Class of 2016. While attending St. tion; making it one of only three Carnegie-des- John’s Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio, Jo- est agricultural commodity. To date, the poul- ignated Tier One public research universities seph was a SJJ School Ambassador, an try industry has more than a $6 billion impact in Texas. on the state’s economy. With 20 processing Designation as an Hispanic-Serving Institu- Eagle Scout, a member of Gliding Stars, and facilities and approximately 2,000 growers, the tion requires enrollment of full-time under- of the SJJ chapter of Model United Nations. Mississippi poultry industry employs roughly, graduates at a university to be at least 25-per- His senior year, Andrew was vice president of 56,000 people both directly and indirectly. cent Hispanic. The designation will allow UH SJJ chapter of Model United Nations. The Mississippi Poultry Association was to compete for grants that support or expand Throughout high school, Andrew was a formed in 1937 as the Mississippi Poultry Im- educational opportunities of Hispanic students. member of his school’s wrestling and lacrosse provement Association to help battle poultry UH is known as a 1st generation school, for teams, earning varsity letters in both. His ex- diseases and promote the development of the many of the students are the first in their fami- cellence in wrestling was noted by being industry in the State of Mississippi. The Mis- lies to attend college. Undergraduates may awarded Rookie of the Year in 2011 and sissippi’s poultry industry is comprised of choose from 120 majors and minors. The Uni- being named captain of his team his senior growers, feed mills, hatcheries, processing versity also offers 139 master’s degrees, 54 year. In addition, Andrew continues to practice plants, laboratories, and company head- doctoral, and 3 professional degree programs. his faith through Christian service opportuni- quarters. Many of the academic programs rank among Mississippi ranks fifth in the nation in poultry ties at school as well as volunteering at his the nation’s best. church as an altar server. I am confident that production. Mississippi companies process As the second most ethnically diverse major about 757 million birds per year, 250 times the Andrew will carry the lessons of his student research university in the US, students come and athletic leadership to the Military Acad- human population of the state, and 400 million from more than 137 nations and from across emy. table eggs per year. The industry has grown the nation. UH consistently ranks among the from a few family-owned feed and seed stores top colleges and universities in the nation for Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me who sold chickens and farmers who raised conferring bachelor degrees and doctorates to in congratulating Andrew Miller on the accept- chickens, mostly into an integrated global in- Hispanic students, further affirming UH’s-com- ance of his appointment to the United States dustry with about 12 percent of broiler produc- mitment to prepare students for competition in Military Academy. Our service academies offer tion exported around the globe. the global marketplace. the finest military training and education avail- Mississippi poultry companies support their As a proud Alumnus of UH, I salute the suc- able. I am positive that Andrew will excel dur- communities. The Mississippi Poultry Associa- cesses of the past and present administration, ing his career at the Military Academy, and I tion helped initiate the Emerging Crops Loan faculty, staff, and students of the University of ask my colleagues to join me in extending program passed by the legislature that has Houston for all of their hard work and dedica- their best wishes to him as he begins his serv- made it easier for many more farmers to enter tion to education. ice to the Nation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:41 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19AP8.060 E19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Thursday, April 19, 2012 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Measures Considered: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act— Routine Proceedings, pages S2519–S2557 Agreement: Senate continued consideration of the Measures Introduced: Twenty-seven bills and five motion to proceed to consideration of S. 1925, to re- resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. authorize the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. 2301–2327, and S. Res. 427–431. Pages S2545–46 Pages S2519–38 Measures Reported: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Special Report entitled ‘‘Allocation to Subcommit- viding that Senate resume consideration of the mo- tees of Budget Totals for Fiscal Year 2013.’’. (S. tion to proceed to consideration of the bill at ap- Rept. No. 112–156) proximately 12 p.m., on Monday, April 23, 2012; S. 743, to amend chapter 23 of title 5, United provided further, that following the Republican States Code, to clarify the disclosures of information Leader, or his designee, being recognized to make a protected from prohibited personnel practices, re- motion to proceed to consideration of S.J. Res. 36, quire a statement in nondisclosure policies, forms, Senate continue consideration of the motion to pro- and agreements that such policies, forms, and agree- ceed to consideration of S. 1925, at 4 p.m. ments conform with certain disclosure protections, Page S2557 provide certain authority for the Special Counsel, 21st Century Postal Service Act—Agreement: A with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 112–155) unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached pro- S. 2322, making appropriations for the Depart- viding that the cloture motions with respect to Reid ments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban (for Lieberman) Modified Amendment No. 2000 to Development, and related agencies for the fiscal year S. 1789, to improve, sustain, and transform the ending September 30, 2013. (S. Rept. No. 112–157) United States Postal Service, and to S. 1789, be S. 2323, making appropriations for Departments withdrawn; the motion to recommit be withdrawn; of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related that the pending amendments Reid Amendment No. Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013 (to Amendment No. 2000, and Reid Amend- 2013. (S. Rept. No. 112–158) Page S2545 ment No. 2015 (to the language proposed to be Measures Passed: stricken (by Amendment No. 2000)), be withdrawn and that the following amendments be the only Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Extension amendments in order to S. 1789 or Reid (for Lieber- Act: Committee on the Judiciary was discharged man) Modified Amendment No. 2000: McCain from further consideration of H.R. 1021, to prevent Amendment No. 2001; Tester Amendment No. the termination of the temporary office of bank- 2056; Coburn Amendment No. 2060; McCain ruptcy judges in certain judicial districts, and the Amendment No. 2033, Wyden-Feinstein Amend- bill was then passed, after agreeing to the following ment No. 2020; Coburn Amendment No. 2058; amendment proposed thereto: Pages S2556–57 McCaskill-Merkley Amendment No. 2031; Coburn Reid (for Coons) Amendment No. 2084, to ad- Amendment No. 2061; Snowe Amendment No. dress bankruptcy filing fee increases, future reauthor- 2080; Udall (NM) Amendment No. 2043; Durbin izations. Pages S2556–57 Amendment No. 2082; Akaka Amendment No. 75th Anniversary of the Founding of Ducks Un- 2034; Bennet-Blunt Amendment No. 2047; Corker limited: Senate agreed to S. Res. 430, recognizing Amendment No. 2083; Mikulski Amendment No. the 75th anniversary of the founding of Ducks Un- 2003; Akaka Amendment No. 2049; Paul Amend- limited, Incorporated, the achievements of the orga- ment No. 2025; Manchin Amendment No. 2079; nization in habitat conservation, and the support of Paul Amendment No. 2026; Bingaman Amendment the organization for the waterfowling heritage of the No. 2076; Paul Amendment No. 2027; Cardin United States. Page S2557 Amendment No. 2040; Paul Amendment No. 2028; D372

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Carper Amendment No. 2065; Paul Amendment the joint resolution; and all other provisions of the No. 2029; Carper Amendment No. 2066; Paul statute governing consideration of the joint resolu- Amendment No. 2039; Casey Amendment No. tion remain in effect. Pages S2538–39 2042; Paul Amendment No. 2038; Landrieu Message from the President: Senate received the Amendment No. 2072; DeMint Amendment No. following message from the President of the United 2046; McCaskill Amendment No. 2030; Coburn States: Amendment No. 2059; Pryor Amendment No. Transmitting, pursuant to law, the 2012 National 2036; Rockefeller Amendment No. 2073; Rocke- Drug Control Strategy; which was referred to the feller Amendment No. 2074; Schumer Amendment Committee on the Judiciary. (PM–46) Pages S2543–44 No. 2050; Tester Amendment No. 2032; and War- ner Modified Amendment No. 2071; that on Tues- Wimes Nomination—Agreement: A unanimous- day, April 24, 2012, at a time to be determined by consent-time agreement was reached providing that the Majority Leader, after consultation with the Re- at 5 p.m., on Monday, April 23, 2012, Senate begin publican Leader, Senate vote on or in relation to the consideration of the nomination of Brian C. Wimes, amendments in the order listed; that there be two of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for minutes equally divided in the usual form prior to the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri; that each vote; that all after the first vote be 10 minute there be 30 minutes for debate equally divided in votes; that the amendments be subject to a 60 af- the usual form; that upon the use or yielding back firmative vote threshold; that there be no other of time, Senate vote, without intervening action or amendments in order to the bill, the substitute debate, on confirmation of the nomination; and that amendment, as modified, or the amendments listed; no further motions be in order. Page S2557 and there be no points of order or motions in order Messages from the House: Page S2544 to any of these amendments, the substitute amend- ment, or the bill, other than budget points of order Measures Referred: Page S2544 and the applicable motions to waive; and that upon Measures Read the First Time: Pages S2544, S2557 disposition of the amendments, the substitute Executive Communications: Pages S2544–45 amendment, as modified and amended, if amended, be agreed to; provided further, the bill, as amended, Executive Reports of Committees: Page S2545 then be read a third time and Senate vote on passage Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2546–47 of the bill, as amended; and that the vote on passage Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: of the bill be subject to a 60 affirmative vote thresh- Pages S2547–54 old. Pages S2538, S2557 Additional Statements: Pages S2542–43 National Labor Relations Board—Agreement: A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached pro- Amendments Submitted: Pages S2554–55 viding that at 2 p.m., on Monday, April 23, 2012, Authorities for Committees to Meet: the Republican Leader, or his designee, be recog- Pages S2555–56 nized to move to proceed to the consideration of S.J. Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and Res. 36, providing for congressional disapproval adjourned at 8:16 p.m., until 12 p.m. on Monday, under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of April 23, 2012. (For Senate’s program, see the re- the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on Board relating to representation election procedures; page S2557.) that there be up to four hours of debate on the mo- tion to proceed, with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders, or their des- Committee Meetings ignees; that the first two hours of debate, equally di- vided, occur from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., on Monday, (Committees not listed did not meet) April 23, 2012, and the final two hours of debate, equally divided, occur from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 BUSINESS MEETING p.m., on Tuesday, April 24, 2012; that at 2:15 p.m. Committee on Appropriations: Committee ordered favor- on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, Senate vote on the ably reported the following business items: adoption of the motion to proceed; that if the mo- An original bill (S. 2323) making appropriations tion is successful, then the time for debate with re- for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, Science spect to the joint resolution be equally divided be- and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- tween the two Leaders, or their designees; that upon tember 30, 2013; the use or yielding back of time, the joint resolution An original bill (S. 2322) making appropriations be read a third time and Senate vote on passage of for the Departments of Transportation, Housing, and

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Urban Development and Related Agencies for the States policy options, after receiving testimony from fiscal year ending September 30, 2013; and Tamara Cofman Wittes, Brookings Institution Saban The fiscal year 2013 302(b) Allocations. Center for Middle East Policy, Murhaf Jouejati, Na- APPROPRIATIONS: FOOD AND DRUG tional Defense University NESA Center for Strategic ADMINISTRATION Studies, and Jon B. Alterman, Center for Strategic Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- and International Studies, all of Washington, DC. culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- istration, and Related Agencies concluded a hearing OSHA STANDARD–SETTING PROCESS to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year DELAYS 2013 for the Food and Drug Administration, after Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: receiving testimony from Margaret A. Hamburg, Committee concluded a hearing to examine delays in Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug OSHA’s standard-setting process and the impact on Administration, Department of Health and Human worker safety, after receiving testimony from Revae Services. Moran, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND Security, Government Accountability Office; Tom FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM Ward, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Craftworkers, Woodhaven, Michigan; Michael Silver- SeaPower concluded a hearing to examine Navy stein, University of Washington School of Public shipbuilding programs in review of the Defense Au- Health and Community Medicine, Seattle; and thorization request for fiscal year 2013 and the Fu- Randy S. Rabinowitz, OMB Watch, and David G. ture Years Defense Program, after receiving testi- Sarvadi, Keller and Heckman LLP, on behalf of the mony from Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of U.S. Chamber of Commerce, both of Washington, the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisi- DC. tion, Vice Admiral Kevin M. McCoy, USN, Com- mander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Vice Admiral INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT John T. Blake, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Oper- AND SELF–DETERMINATION ACT ations, Integration of Capabilities and Resources AMENDMENTS (N8), Vice Admiral William R. Burke, USN, Dep- Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded a uty Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Systems hearing to examine S. 1684, to amend the Indian (N9), Lieutenant General Richard P. Mills, USMC, Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Act of 2005, after receiving testimony from James Integration, Commanding General, Marine Corps M. Olguin, Southern Ute Indian Tribal Council, Combat Development Command, all of the Depart- ment of Defense. Ignacio, Colorado; Tex G. Hall, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation of the Fort Berthold Reservation, SEA LEVEL RISE IMPACTS New Town, North Dakota; Michael Finley, Confed- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee erated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Nespelem, concluded a hearing to examine the impacts of sea Washington; Irene C. Cuch, Ute Indian Tribe of the level rise on domestic energy and water infrastruc- Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Fort Duchesne, Utah; ture, after receiving testimony from Waleed and Wilson Groen, Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Abdalati, Chief Scientist, National Aeronautics and Company, Window Rock, Arizona. Space Administration; Benjamin H. Strauss, Climate Central, Princeton, New Jersey; Anthony C. Janetos, BUSINESS MEETING Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Joint Global Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favor- Change Research Institute, College Park, Maryland; ably reported the nominations of William J. Leonard Berry, Florida Atlantic University Florida Center for Environmental Studies, Jupiter; and Kayatta, Jr., of Maine, to be United States Circuit Adam Freed, Mayor’s Office of Judge for the First Circuit, John Thomas Fowlkes, Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, New York, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the West- New York. ern District of Tennessee, Kevin McNulty, and Mi- chael A. Shipp, both to be a United States District SYRIA Judge for the District of New Jersey, and Stephanie Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded Marie Rose, to be United States District Judge for a hearing to examine Syria, focusing on United the Southern District of Iowa.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D19AP2.REC D19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D375 House of Representatives on Ways and Means now printed in the bill shall be Chamber Action considered as adopted. Pages H1981, H1990 Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 71 pub- Rejected: lic bills, H.R. 4400–4470; and 8 resolutions, H. Levin amendment in the nature of a substitute Con. Res. 117; and H. Res. 623–629 were intro- (printed in H. Rept. 112–447) that replaces the de- duced. Pages H2029–31 duction in the underlying bill with a deduction for Additional Cosponsors: Pages H2033–34 small businesses for the amounts they spend on cap- Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: ital investments in 2012 (by a yea-and-nay vote of H.R. 1335, to revise the boundaries of the Gettys- 175 yeas to 236 nays, Roll No. 175). Pages H2003–08 burg National Military Park to include the Gettys- H. Res. 620, the rule providing for consideration burg Train Station, and for other purposes, with an of the bill, was agreed to by a recorded vote of 234 amendment (H. Rept. 112–449); ayes to 178 noes, Roll No. 173, after the previous H.R. 2240, to authorize the exchange of land or question was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 interest in land between Lowell National Historical yeas to 179 nays, Roll No. 172. Pages H1981–89 Park and the city of Lowell in the Commonwealth Agreed to the Sessions amendment to the rule by of Massachusetts, and for other purposes, with an voice vote. Page H1981 amendment (H. Rept. 112–450); Presidential Message: Read a message from the H.R. 2362, to facilitate economic development by President wherein he transmitted the 2012 National Indian tribes and encourage investment by Turkish Drug Control Strategy—referred to the Committees enterprises (H. Rept. 112–451); and on Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, H.R. 3452, to provide for the sale of approxi- Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, Foreign mately 30 acres of Federal land in Uinta-Wasatch- Affairs, Homeland Security, the Judiciary, Natural Cache National Forest in Salt Lake County, Utah, to Resources, Oversight and Government Reform, permit the establishment of a minimally invasive Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans’ Affairs, transportation alternative for skiers, called ‘‘SkiLink’’, and Ways and Means and ordered to be printed (H. to connect two ski resorts in the Wasatch Moun- Doc. 112–98). Pages H2027–28 tains, and for other purposes, with an amendment Quorum Calls—Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and (H. Rept. 112–452). Page H2029 two recorded votes developed during the proceedings Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he of today and appear on pages H1988, H1989, appointed Representative Miller (MI) to act as H1989–90, H2007–08, H2009–10, H2010. There Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H1979 were no quorum calls. Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest chap- Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- lain, Reverend Gerald Baker, St. Ann Catholic journed at 4:57 p.m. Church, Morganfield, Kentucky. Page H1979 Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval of the Journal by a yea-and-nay vote of 290 yeas to Committee Meetings 118 nays with 3 answering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 174. MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE Pages H1979, H1989–90 Small Business Tax Cut Act: The House passed Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- H.R. 9, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies held a 1986 to provide a deduction for domestic business markup of Appropriations Bill FY 2013. The bill income of qualified small businesses, by a yea-and- was forwarded without amendment. nay vote of 235 yeas to 173 nays with 1 answering SECURITY SITUATION IN THE SYRIAN ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 177. Pages H1981–89, H1990–S2010 Rejected the Deutch motion to recommit the bill ARAB REPUBLIC to the Committee on Ways and Means with instruc- Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a tions to report the same back to the House forthwith hearing on Recent Developments in the Middle East: with amendments, by a recorded vote of 179 ayes to The Security Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. 229 noes, Roll No. 176. Pages H2008–10 Testimony was heard from Leon E. Panetta, Secretary Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the na- of Defense; and General Martin Dempsey, USA, ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D19AP2.REC D19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 19, 2012 LEGISLATIVE MEASURE a hearing on H.R. 4043, the ‘‘Military Readiness Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on and Southern Sea Otter Conservation Act’’. Testi- Environment and the Economy held a hearing on mony was heard from Donald Schregardus, Deputy H.R. 4345, the ‘‘Domestic Fuels Protection Act of Assistant Secretary of the Navy; Alexandra Pitts, 2012’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Deputy Regional Director, Pacific Southwest Region, Fish and Wildlife Service; and public witnesses. CAN AMERICAN MANUFACTURING THRIVE AGAIN? HYDRAULIC FRACTURING IMPACT ON Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade held a hearing Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs held entitled ‘‘Where the Jobs Are: Can American Manu- a hearing entitled ‘‘Bureau of Land Management’s facturing Thrive Again?’’. Testimony was heard from Hydraulic Fracturing Rule’s Impact on Indian Tribal John Bryson, Secretary, Department of Commerce; Energy Development’’. Testimony was heard from and public witnesses. Tim Spisak, Deputy Assistant Director Minerals and OFFICE OF FINANCIAL RESEARCH Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management; and public witnesses. Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE: CLOSING ‘‘Budget Hearing—the Office of Financial Research’’. THE TAX GAP AND PREVENTING Testimony was heard from Michelle Shannon, Chief IDENTITY THEFT Operating Officer, Office of Financial Research, De- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- partment of the Treasury. committee on Government Organization, Efficiency DHS AND DOE NATIONAL LABS: FINDING and Financial Management held a hearing entitled EFFICIENCIES AND OPTIMIZING OUTPUTS ‘‘Problems at the Internal Revenue Service: Closing IN HOMELAND SECURITY RESEARCH AND the Tax Gap and Preventing Identity Theft’’. Testi- DEVELOPMENT mony was heard from Steven Miller, Deputy Com- missioner of Service and Enforcement, Internal Rev- Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Cy- enue Service; Nina Olson, National Taxpayer Advo- bersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security cate, Internal Revenue Service; J. Russell George, In- Technologies held a hearing entitled ‘‘The DHS and spector General, Treasury Inspector General for Tax DOE National Labs: Finding Efficiencies and Opti- Administration; and James White, Director, Stra- mizing Outputs in Homeland Security Research and tegic Issues, Government Accountability Office. Development’’. Testimony was heard from Daniel M. Gerstein, Deputy Under Secretary for Science and IMPACT OF TAX POLICIES ON THE Technology, Department of Homeland Security; COMMERCIAL APPLICATION OF Huban Gowadia, Deputy Director, Domestic Nu- RENEWABLE ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY clear Detection Office, Department of Homeland Se- Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Sub- curity; Daniel Morgan, Specialist in Science and committee on Investigations and Oversight; and Technology Policy Resources, Sciences and Industry Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held a Division, Congressional Research Service; Jill Hruby, joint hearing entitled ‘‘Impact of Tax Policies on the Vice President, International, Homeland and Nuclear Commercial Application of Renewable Energy and Security, Sandia National Laboratories; and Michael Technology’’. Testimony was heard from Molly F. Robert Carter, Senior Scientist, National Ignition Fa- Sherlock, Specialist in Public Finance, Congressional cility and Photon Science Directorate, Lawrence Research Service; John Parcell, Acting Deputy Tax Livermore National Laboratory. Legislative Counsel, Department of the Treasury; PROSECUTION OF FORMER SENATOR TED Michael Pacheco, Vice President, Deployment and STEVENS Market Transformation, National Renewable Energy Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Laboratory; and public witnesses. Terrorism, and Homeland Security held a hearing EQUITY FINANCE: CATALYST FOR SMALL entitled ‘‘The Prosecution of Former Senator Ted BUSINESS GROWTH Stevens’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- nesses. Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Eco- nomic Growth, Tax and Capital Access held a hear- LEGISLATIVE MEASURE ing entitled ‘‘Equity Finance: Catalyst for Small Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Business Growth’’. Testimony was heard from public Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs held witnesses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Apr 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D19AP2.REC D19APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST April 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D377 USE OF TECHNOLOGY TO BETTER TARGET BENEFITS AND ELIMINATE WASTE, Joint Meetings FRAUD, AND ABUSE No joint committee meetings were held. Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on f Human Resources held a hearing entitled ‘‘Use of Technology to Better Target Benefits and Eliminate COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, Waste, Fraud, and Abuse’’. Testimony was heard APRIL 20, 2012 from Donna Roy, Executive Director, National Infor- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) mation Exchange Model (NIEM), Department of Homeland Security; George Sheldon, Acting Assist- Senate ant Secretary, Administration for Children and Fami- No meetings/hearings scheduled. lies, Department of Health and Human Services; Robert Doar, Commissioner, Human Resources Ad- House ministration; and public witnesses. No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 12 p.m., Monday, April 23 11 a.m., Monday, April 23

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration Program for Monday: The House will meet in pro of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 1925, Vi- forma session at 11 a.m. olence Against Women Reauthorization Act. At 2 p.m., the Republican Leader, or his designee, will be recognized to move to proceed to consideration of S.J. Res. 36, Na- tional Labor Relations Board, with two hours of debate. Following which, Senate will continue consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 1925, Vio- lence Against Women Reauthorization Act. At approxi- mately 5 p.m., Senate will begin consideration of the nomination of Brian C. Wimes, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Dis- tricts of Missouri, with a vote on confirmation of the nomination at approximately 5:30 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Garamendi, John, Calif., E589 Mica, John L., Fla., E599 Gingrey, Phil, Ga., E591 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E602 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E583 Green, Gene, Tex., E592, E606 Owens, William L., N.Y., E599, E604 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E595 Hahn, Janice, Calif., E600 Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E601 Bonner, Jo, Ala., E587 Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, E596 Petri, Thomas E., Wisc., E600 Boren, Dan, Okla., E585 Hunter, Duncan, Calif., E597 Price, David E., N.C., E591 Burton, Dan, Ind., E601 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E584, E605 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E593 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E596 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E599 Ribble, Reid J., Wisc., E599 Calvert, Ken, Calif., E590 Keating, William R., Mass., E588 Richardson, Laura, Calif., E585, E605 Camp, Dave, Mich., E583 Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E603 Roby, Martha, Ala., E588 Carnahan, Russ, Mo., E600 King, Steve, Iowa, E586 Rogers, Harold, Ky., E592, E605 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E601 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E602, E603 Speier, Jackie, Calif., E590, E591, E593, E595, E597, Cohen, Steve, Tenn., E604 Latham, Tom, Iowa, E588, E590 E598, E599, E601, E602, E604 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E589 Latta, Robert E., Ohio, E584, E586, E590, E593, E596, Stivers, Steve, Ohio, E602 Davis, Danny K., Ill., E592 E606 Sullivan, John, Okla., E597 Denham, Jeff, Calif., E592, E604 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E587, E589 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E606 Duffy, Sean P., Wisc., E590 McCotter, Thaddeus G., Mich., E586 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E603 Fincher, Stephen Lee, Tenn., E604 McGovern, James P., Mass., E594 Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E583 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E583, E586, E587 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E598, E604 Whitfield, Ed, Ky., E591 Fudge, Marcia L., Ohio, E595 Markey, Edward J., Mass., E586 Wittman, Robert J., Va., E583

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