No. 312 June 2021



The church of St Mary the Virgin has been at the heart of Morchard Bishop since Saxon times.

In 739 AD, King Aethelred gave the Bishop of Sherbourne a large tract of land in Mid (including Morchet, the “great wood”) with instructions to build a minster in .

Bishop’s Morchard remained as such until Henry VIII reorganised everything; but services have been held on this site in the heart of Devon since 1207.

The current building dates from the 15th century with various additions and alterations since then; the 95-foot tower stands over the mid-point of , and the views across Devon from the churchyard are wonderful.

This last year has seen the building closed at times but the heart of the church is always open, supporting villagers in matters of their heart – weddings, baptisms, funerals and faith.

You will always be welcome to come in and sit in the quiet and peace of the church and churchyard , or to join us on Sundays at 10.30am for our regular services.

There have been 56 rectors at St Mary’s since 1207 and we are now looking forward to welcoming Reverend Robert Gordon on 14th July, when he will be installed as ou r 57th. Robert Vere 01363 877471 [email protected]

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Sponsored This Month by St Mary’s Church


Well, we’re almost there! Clubs, groups and societies restarting at last after this long disruption, just in time for summer. And although there is a rather spooky echo of last year, when restrictions were eased for the summer only to be reimposed later, this time at least the majority of adults have been vaccinated, or will be soon. Let’s hope the weather gods are kind to us (not too convincing so far…).

Personally, this spring I’ve felt restricted by the weather almost as much as Covid-19 – it’s been a hard, harsh season for gardeners and farmers. It seems to have affected some of our summer migrants too – although the chiffchaffs have been shouting loudly, I’ve seen hardly any swallows or martins around here this year, on Polson Hill at any rate…

During our recent caravan break in Hartland, we watched hundreds of swallows and martins battling along the grassy cliffs going north against a ferocious and freezing north-easterly – after crossing the Saharan furnace I wonder if they ever think, no, let’s go somewhere else next year! I just hope they’re not joining the list of absences from our lives like the cuckoos and, locally, the skylarks – these are birds that are important, not just in the chain of life, but connecting us to the seasons and our very culture.

They say that the season is three weeks behind, but I’ve noticed that the apple blossom is especially wonderful this year, so that’s something to celebrate!

One of the great myths of human societies is that we’re supposed to be the stewards of the natural world, that is, of Earth itself, but generally speaking we’re not very good at it. In fact, we’re disgracefully bad at it, especially looking at things on a global scale. But there are huge opportunities for positive actions locally in woodland creation, hedgerow restoration and so on.

Three cheers then for Sarah Gillbard and her Merrie Gang for clearing out the pond on Polson Hill! It looks so much better, and will be a great improvement for the environment around it – all it needs now is some pond weed and water lilies for the frogs to sit on… Thank you, Sarah!

Back at school

She parks her thoughts on the page, words not to be read though: he’s on the bus, on the back seat.

Music clogs his ears, shackling his thoughts to the thin screen, but still she slithers from tussock

to tussock, frozen pool to muddy bank reaching for the scar tissue of paths that could lead her anywhere but here.

If you would like to help us with this popular village publication, then please contact Colin Crewdson at [email protected]

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JUNE 2021 DIARY DATES Meetings and events will take place within social distancing guidelines or online. Please check on details as these may be subject to change.

****Now that our lives are gradually starting to open up, please let us know about your events and meetings. For July events and beyond, please let Pauline have the details by 13th JUNE****

Services at St Mary’s: Sunday services at 10.30am on the 6th, 20th and 27th. Holy Communion on the 13th at 10.30am. All welcome.

Emmanuel Church: See for information on services, Sunday school for primary-aged children, youth clubs and more. Or contact Terry Nott on 877595. Contact [email protected] for Prime and Edge Youth Clubs. Prime (primary age) is due to meet on the 11th at 7pm and Edge (secondary age) is due to meet on the 25th at 7.30pm.

Brownies: Strong possibility of meetings in the village hall restarting in June (after bank holiday week) on Wednesday from 5.30- 6.30pm; but no new members until September. Please check for updates, or contact [email protected].

Pilates in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday mornings : If you want a good stretch, to feel stronger and move better, try Pilates! Basic to Intermediate is suitable for all experience levels as we go through different variations of each move to suit the individual. Gentler Pilates is a slower paced class for the more senior participant: ideal for anyone with an orthopaedic condition or looking to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Contact Rebecca Cunningham on 01363 866047, [email protected].

Wednesday 2/9/16/23/30 10.30-11.30 Toddler Group Memorial Hall Thursday 3 10.00 Can’t Sew, Won’t Sew Zoom meeting Friday 4/11/18/25 13.30-14.30 Visiting Post Office Inside London Inn 11 11.30-12.05 Mobile Library Greenaway 14.05 -14.25 Pre-school carpark Monday 7 19.30 Parish Council Tuesday 8/15/22/29 9.15-10.15 Basic to Intermediate Pilates Memorial Hall 10.30-11.15 Gentle Pilates Memorial Hall Monday 14 18.35 Footpaths P3

LOOKING FORWARD! Memorial Hall Dates For Your Diary

The Memorial Hall Committee are planning to hold the following events, subject to conditions continuing to improve and the lifting of restrictions being maintained. Definite details to follow, so dates may change, but please come and support the Hall!

Fri 2nd July: Quiz Sat 3rd July: Open Day/History of Morchard Event Sat 10th July: Produce Market and Coffee Morning Sat 11th Sept: Produce Market and Coffee Morning Sat 25th Sept: “Give and Take” and Coffee Morning Sat 9th Oct: Produce Market and Coffee Morning Fri 15th Oct: Quiz Sat 23rd Oct: Coffee Morning Sat 13th Nov: Produce Market and Coffee Morning Fri 26th Nov: Bingo Sat 27th Nov: Coffee Morning Fri 10th Dec: Christmas Concert Sat 11th Dec: Produce Market and Coffee Morning

PLEASE KEEP US UPDATED! We fully understand that it is just not possible for most activities to go ahead at present, but it would still be helpful to have news from you, even if it is to confirm that events are not going to take place. Contact Pauline Chater on 01363 877096 or at [email protected]

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A wood near Athens. A Fairy speaks.

Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire I do wander every where, Swifter than the moon’s sphere; And I serve the fairy queen, To dew her orbs upon the green: The cowslips tall her pensioners be; In their gold coats spots you see; Those be rubies, fairy favours, I n those freckles live their savours: I must go seek some dew-drops here And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear. Farewell, thou lob of spirits: I’ll be gone; Our queen and all her elves come here anon.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

June holds the much celebrated midsummer solstice. Whilst some mark the 24th, the actual longest day falls on Monday 21st June this year. Often, what is marked is midsummer’s night; Shakespeare knew it’s often considered a time of magical dreams, of looking at the future or the past, of telling fortunes, with chants to make you dream of your future betrothed, or watching the ghostly procession from the parish church at midnight to see who will pass there during the next year. Sometimes it’s when those who have already passed return: at midnight the headless and fully armoured ghost of Sir Alexander Cruwys is said to ride across Bickleigh Bridge.

Many hold a firelight vigil over midsummer’s night (the easiest night to do so as it is the shortest night). If the weather is fine then you may even be able to watch the light areas of the sky skim around the horizon as we gently turn, bringing the sun back up again.

Many folk travel up to to watch this night through, when the weather is fine they may be scattered up tors watching the light, or if it is less good, a hardy few might huddle around braziers in car parks near the tors, still ready to greet the solstice dawn.

Up until the 1950s, up on Mel/Mil tor on Dartmoor the next day, wagon wheels would be rolled down the hill and into the . Some of them still remain in Miltor woods, gently decaying in a natural way modern wheels struggle to match.

I rather suspect this year that many people will be marking the longest day, finding it novel to once again be with friends and family, and reflecting on having passed through one of the longest and most unusual year-and-a-quarter for some time!

Jo Coffey

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What a delight it was for the bowlers at Morchard Bishop to be able to finally gather together for the opening of the green; having spent more time on their own lawns than the Bowling Club last year. On a sunny Saturday afternoon, our President Marcia Mills had the honour of sending up the first bowl of the season. Marcia has been a stalwart member of the club for years and has achieved many honours at county level. The Green is looking fantastic thanks to our hardworking Green Keeper (Edwin Hutchins) and his team.

The Club has lots of exciting plans for the upcoming months, Tuesday roll ups, Thursday club nights, Club competitions, our annual quiz and a full fixture list of friendly and league games starting at the end of June.

It’s the best time to get involved in a new sport, meet some new people and enjoy yourself once again in the fresh air of Devon. So just turn up to a Club night on a Tuesday or a Thursday and you will be made very welcome and be given all the guidance you need, including the use of a set of bowls! The beauty of MBBC is that it is a small club where everyone knows each other and there are always plenty of rinks available for a roll up.

SPECIAL OFFER!! Not played Bowls before? Our 2021 subscription is only £10 All details of the Club can be found on the Bowls Devon website


Abraham’s Journey

Deidre gave us a lot to think about in this study of Abraham’s journey with God. Thank you, Deidre, for all you have put in to give us this article. As I read it, I was reminded that, like Abraham, I have made mistakes in my life, but there is God’s forgiveness and in God’s eyes failure is not final. He keeps His promises and our life’s journey will end with all His people together with God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

It's good to be out of lockdown – but will be even better when we can meet each other. We will need to be careful still!

Our next Open Door will be in July, when Lee Friend will help us look at the journey Isaac made with God.

Take care and keep well. Diana Farrant

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So, a big hello to you all! Here's hoping you are all well and starting to enjoy some extra freedom out and about, and enjoying seeing family and friends that you have been separated from for so long. We are aiming for the June date to open but we still have a few jobs within the pub to do, so if this runs on to delay opening at that time, we feel it would be silly to miss the opportunity to get things finished. A couple of the jobs will entail closing the kitchen for a couple of weeks, we will let you know one way or another when this may be as soon as we know ourselves. So keep safe and enjoy, and thank you so much for your continued support throughout and hopefully we will be open soon! All at the London Inn

Meantime… there is the Fund-raising Trailer Tip Run

We have an idea to raise some money for the church clock winder. We can do a tip run from the village to take your garden waste, wood, etc. in our trailer for £25.

All the proceeds will go to the church clock fund.

Call Sarah at the London Inn on 01363 877222


For the first time in more than 60 years, the government has introduced restrictions on what people can burn in their homes. Under new rules aimed at cutting air pollution, people will have to buy dry wood or manufactured solid fuels which produce less smoke.

The changes mean: o Selling bagged traditional house coal and wet wood in small units (less than 2m cube) is now unlawful o Wet wood in volumes greater than 2m cube has to be sold with advice on how to dry it before burning o Makers of solid fuels need to show they have a very low sulphur content and only emit a small amount of smoke

Wet wood, also known as green or unseasoned wood, contains moisture. When this is burned, it creates more smoke and harmful particles than dry or seasoned wood, which has been dried out, often in a kiln, and has a moisture content of 20% or less. Log burners and open fires are not banned for now.


According to the , under new stepped-down rules: “From Monday [May 17] we • You can socialise indoors in a group of up to six people or two households, will be allowed to be close including for overnight stays, and up to 30 people can meet outside. enough to friends and family • Restaurants, pubs, bars and cafes can reopen but customers have to order, eat members to hug, but my and drink while seated. advice, and that of other • Cinemas, museums, and children’s indoor play areas can reopen with COVID- secure measures in place. public health professionals, is • Organised indoor sport, including group exercise classes, can take place to err on the side of caution.” • Care ome residents are allowed up to five named visitors (two at any one time), provided visitors test negative for COVID-19. Steve Brown Director of Public Health Devon • No legal restriction on travelling abroad, but a traffic light system with strict testing and quarantine rules.

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LETTERS We welcome articles and letters. However, we would like to point out that the views expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily the views of the Morchard Messenger. Whilst we may, albeit somewhat reluctantly, withhold names on request, we regret that we will NOT publish letters that have been submitted anonymously


Dear Editor,

Friends of Morchard Bishop School would like to thank everyone who donated to our recent Bags2school collection. We collected a massive half a tonne of unwanted clothes, shoes, curtains and bedding. These textiles will be sorted and exported to Eastern Europe, South America or to East and West Africa providing valuable employment for importers, warehouse staff, transport companies and stall holders as well as providing affordable clothing for local people. In exchange, we received a donation of £201 which will go towards the school’s annual library subscription and our garden project. Many thanks for your support, Nadine Drew, Chair of FOMBS

Dear Editor,

On behalf of all the 1st Morchard Bishop Brownies, we would like to give a heartfelt thanks to Clare and Matthew at Church Street Stores, and of course anyone who bought a ticket, for the Easter raffle. The proceeds have enabled the non-profit unit to continue running after nearly a year of no income due to COVID-19. We’ve finally been able to hold meetings in person with the Brownies and this wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of the raffle run by the Church Street Stores. It has been a tough year for everyon e and it is a pleasure to be back running weekly term time meetings for local girls aged 7-10 years. We really appreciate everyone's support and generosity.

With many thanks again, The Leadership Team

Dear Editor,

The sale of face masks for Nayamba School has reached an

amazing £8,000. A big thank-you goes to the ones who have used their sewing skills, people who have donated fabric and generous donations of money. Special thanks to Matthew and Clare at Church Street Stores for selling them outside the shop and also to Wendy Vere who donated the Lent money she had saved from not drinking coffee.

Here is an excerpt from a recent newsletter and it shows some of the ways your money is making a difference to young lives.

If you would like to find out more about Nayamba School, my daughter Michaela will be giving an update on the 25th July at Emmanuel Church at 11.00am.

Pauline Nott

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If you are having difficulties with working from home please consider the

Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall. • Quiet upstairs room • Peaceful surroundings • Fast internet 20Mbs + • Wonderful vista

Try it out for just £10 per day, £40 per week or £120 per month

See Please Email [email protected] or contact Steve Watson on 01363 877808

For all your domestic, agricultural and commercial pest control needs.

COVID-19 HELP From Rats and Mice to Wasps and Fleas contact me for a quick, Remember, help is available in the village if you are still convenient solution to pest problems. shielding or isolating. I am fully qualified and insured.

A reminder from Steve Watson at the Parish Council and Matt Based in covering all of Mid and Clare at the shop – if you need help with shopping, getting prescriptions, want letters posted or just need Devon and surrounding areas. someone to talk to, here are people who can help. 07725520466 / 01363 881473 Phone: Steve 877808 Email: [email protected] Clare or Matt at the shop 877826 Dave Parker 877008/ 07794 362591 Sarah or Emma at the London Inn 877222

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APRIL/MAY RESULTS The Parish Council at last were able to meet in person on Monday 10th May. To celebrate we started with our first AGM in two years – we know how to live!

David Grant was returned as Chairman and Dawn Parkhouse as Deputy Chairman.

I gave brief reports as to the finances, attendances, projects completed and projects continuing over the past two years – it is quite surprising how much has moved on over two years despite some of us thinking that little happens in our sleepy village. Sat 3rd April Witheridge 3 Morchard Bishop 2 (Chris Andrews 1, Adam Leat 1) Full minutes are on the Parish Council Noticeboard. Sat 10th April Morchard Bishop 1 Dolton 2 (Chris Andrews 1) Following the AGM, we moved on with our normal Sat 17th April Westexe 0 Morchard Bishop 0 monthly meeting. Wed 21st April Lapford 1 Morchard Bishop 0 Wed 28th April Morchard Bishop 2 Witheridge 3 We spent £662 from the main account in the past (Adam Bell 1, Adam Leat 1) month. Invoices over £100 were £480 for half a year of Sat 1st May Morchard Bishop 7 Westexe 1 grass cutting and £114 for the calculation of payroll (Adam Bell 3, Josh Doe 1, Liam Tucker 1, through the year. Joe Gorman 1, Jamie Banks Prior 1) Wed 5th May Morchard Bishop 2 Lapford 1 The Council considered two planning applications, one (Adam Bell 2) for the erection of an agricultural livestock building and Sat 8th May Morchard Bishop 4 Amory Green Rovers 1 one for the installation of an external flue for a 50kW (Adam Bell 3, Will Lee 1) biomass boiler and additional door to a barn. Both Wed 12th May Morchard Bishop 7 0 applications were approved by the Council. (Liam Tucker 2, Jason Leat 2, Josh Doe 1, Adam Leat 1, Jamie Banks Prior 1) The Council also considered whether the trees around Sat 15th May Amory Green Rovers 0 Morchard Bishop 4 the car park by the school should be steeped into a (Adam Bell 2, Josh Doe 1, Adam Simpson 1) hedge.

PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TEAM It was considered that the underlying hedge had become well established and that the trees themselves were not now suited to steeping – they may have been left for too Church Street Stores long.

We hope you are all well and looking forward to coming out of The Council also agreed to make a small annual grant to lockdown 3. We plan to stay open with our normal hours the Morchard Messenger to allow it to publish a We want you all to feel as safe as possible coming into our shop. magazine with 24 pages when necessary. Only two customers in the shop at any one time, sanitise hands on entry and wear a face mask. Surfaces are cleaned frequently. Other than that, most of the Parish Council business was Newspapers will stay outside for now, please replace the lids concerned with reporting on ongoing matters which will carefully to keep the newspapers dry. be of more interest when they come to fruition.

Shop in store. Original style with hand sanitiser! If you have any views or issues regarding life in Morchard Opening Hours: Bishop, do let me know. Sunday & Monday: 8.30am-12noon Tuesday- Friday: 8.30am-5pm David Parker Saturday: 8.30am- 2pm Parish Clerk st (Closed Monday 31 May – Bank Holiday) Contact Details for the Parish Council: 01363 877826 David Parker: 01363 877008 / 07794 362591 [email protected] Matthew & Clare

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Old toothbrushes can now be recycled.

Please take them to the London Inn cardboard recycling shed where a green crate has been set up.

Just pop them into the bottle in the crate. FLOORING SPECIALISTS Every toothbrush donated helps protect our CARPETS/HARDFLOOR environment. FINISHES/WOOD

Carpets supplied and fitted • Sarah’s Barber Free Estimates Shop • Sand & polish of existing wood 85 High Street, Crediton floors Tel: 01363 899269 • (please dial complete New wood floors installed number) • Mob: 07772 336489 Both domestic & contract work Haircuts for Men and Boys undertaken Racing Car Seat for Little Boys TEL: 01363 877730

Mon 9.00 – 5.00 Thurs 9.00 – 6.30 MOBILE NO: 07976 603041 Tues 9.00 – 4.30 Fri 9.00 – 5.00

Wed CLOSED Sat 8.00 – 2.00 EMAIL: [email protected]

No appointment needed Monday & Tuesday. MIDDLE LEIGH, MORCHARD BISHOP, All other days appointments are necessary – DEVON EX17 6RH please use booking app Nearcut or phone to book.

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Viv Pulford Quality Work by Fully Qualified Tradesman Foot Health Practitioner All Electrical Work Undertaken Domestic, Industrial, Commercial & Agricultural Diploma in Foot Health, and BSC in Adult Nursing. Installations Tel No 01884 861306 or 07827 779559 Fully Compliant to Part P Building Regulations All Work carried out to 18th Edition Wiring • Nail Cutting and filing Regulations • Corn Callus Removal • Over 30 Years Experience In electrical contracting Deal with Fungal Infections /Thickened Nails • Discounts for 2 or more people in same house

24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL OUT For Treatment in the comfort of your own home Tel. 01363 881002 Mob. 07710 673270

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Architectural Services Quality Works, Free Quotes, Fully Insured Interior & Exterior Painting

House Design Extensions Local, Friendly, Reliable and Barn Conversions Competitively Priced Planning Applications Special Rates for OAP’s

If you have ideas and would like them drawn up Contact Wayne on- for the TEL: 07741087156 or 01363 877760 Local Planning Authority Or visit our website call me on 01363 877496

Established in 1980, we make bespoke Kitchens, Bedrooms and Home Offices. We are a family-run business with a long tradition in the industry. Our aim is to produce individually designed, handmade bespoke kitchens and furniture built to the highest standards.

Please contact us for a chat and no-obligation quote.

Tel: 01363 877 348

email: [email protected]



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Laverock Gardens & Flowers MB Sports & Social Club "Thank you" to everyone who has supported me in my new venture this Quiz Night, Friday 25th June year. At the start of Covid and no job for months I re-kindled my love for flowers and enjoyed making wreaths for every- one at Xmas. In January I started "Laverock Gardens" and have not looked


I have loved making all of your floral displays for Valentines, The date is still subject to change, may be Mother's day, Birthdays and Friendship bespoke bouquets – I rescheduled to the end of July. look forward to making many more.

As well as Floristry I love my garden so have teamed up with 7pm for 7.30pm start. £5 per person. Limited local wholesalers to offer a local plant service selling bedding, tables available. herbaceous, perennials and vegetable plants.

At Morchard Bishop Sports & Social Club, Wood Lane, Morchard Bishop. EX17 6PE FREE local delivery on orders of £20 and over in and around Morchard Bishop and surrounding areas Licensed bar, bring your own snacks for half time. Please contact me to be added to the weekly updates list and prices. £50 Cash Prize for the winning team Facebook : Laverock Gardens Email : [email protected] Please support us if you can by entering a team. Tel : 07917518395 Mandy Fosbrooke Ring Angie 01363 877527

or email [email protected] for more info

FURSDON, CADBURY, DEVON, EX5 5JS 01392 860860 MBS&SC Refurbishment Come and visit one of Devon’s oldest family homes. Stroll in the grounds and lovely walled garden or The sports club refurbishments are going well. simply sample our delicious home baking in the Coach Hall tea room. We would like to thank the following people for volunteering to give up their time to help keep us on track: GARDENS & TEAS: Bank holiday Mondays and every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from Josh Doe, Jack Parkhouse, Charles Parkhouse, Simon Easter Monday to end of September, 2-5pm Blackburn, Jason Leat, Jacek Wozney, Antek Wozney, For updates about our House Tours, please check our Mark Street, Phil Street, Mike Brock & Ollie Down. Rob website. Hawking, for the use of his trailer.

ANNUAL GARDEN SEASON TICKETS £10 A lot of work has been done but still a way to go. Single visit garden ticket £5 (children free) Gardener’s World 2 for 1 & Historic Houses We now have all the new doors fitted, they are looking members welcome good.

Don’t forget - we also have lovely holiday We hope to be open for the 25th June but at the time of accommodation, just perfect for your visitors! writing, nothing is set in stone regarding COVID restrictions. We are very happy to welcome dogs on leads. Please see our website for further details about our special open days. Angie Brimilcombe Hon sec

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AN INTERESTING AND INFORMATIVE WEBSITE Help your local children’s hospice FOR reach pot of gold this summer CREDITON AND SURROUNDING AREAS Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) is excited to announce WITH LOTS OF LOCAL INFORMATION plans for its ‘Rainbow Run Your Way’ fundraiser on 19 – 20

June 2021. Rainbow Run has become an event synonymous with sunny days and explosions of colour across three different locations

in the South West, including at Westpoint in . Last year, due to the pandemic, the event went virtual, and around 2,000 people raised an incredible £100,000 for the charity. This year, participants will be encouraged to once again take on the

Rainbow Run in their own way. Jo McDougall Chartered Physiotherapist, MCSP, HCPC reg. It is free to take part in this event but CHSW encourages everyone to register on its website to ensure they have access MOBILE PHYSIOTHERAPY to event information and free resources. If participants raise

th Need Physiotherapy Treatment? Have it in the comfort of your own £15 or more in sponsorship, they will be sent a 30 home. I am a qualified Physiotherapist with more than 30 years of anniversary commemorative medal after the event. experience, and I will come to you to treat you at home. Conditions treated include: For more information and to register visit • Back and Neck pain, • Sprained joints/Ligaments eg Ankles, Knees, shoulder • Pulled muscles eg calf, thigh, • Sports Injuries eg rotator cuff, tennis elbow, Achilles Tendonitis. • Hip pain eg gluts pull, sciatica, groin strain. • Rehab after injury and operations eg Fractures, Knee replacement, ACL repair, Rotator cuff repair, Hip Replacement.….. • Help with general mobility problems. • Pilates and appropriate exercise programmes .

Contact details : mobile – 07597160558 : home – 01363 877803. : email – [email protected] : web site -


Gary and Laura New Service to welcome you to the The Devonshire Dumpling Morchard Bishop

We are a family-friendly pub serving great home-cooked food Tuesday mornings Before 7.30 am Two-course roast at £9.95 Friday Evenings Lunch only Between 4-8pm

on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Please see website for menu Free range Whole milk

Tel: 01363 85102: doorstep refills

email: [email protected] Please call 01363 779134 or email [email protected] for more information.

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Chartered Management Accountant Open the door to new Lapford business by advertising in Bookkeeping, accounts, tax returns and Devon the tax advice for any size business. Morchard Messenger Advice on setting up your own EX17 6QT bookkeeping arrangements. Tel: 01363 83373 Adverts up to ⅛ page are £5 a month Very reasonable rates. Fixed fees Our professional workmanship is Adverts up to ⅙ page are £7 a month agreed in advance. Personal and Adverts up to ¼ page are £10 a month friendly service. available in all of the following


Call Stephen or Tracy to arrange a free, Please send or Email your draft to the MOT class 4 & 7 Editors (details on this Page) no obligation initial meeting at a time (Motorhomes &Transits) and place to suit you Servicing Charlesworth Nicholl & Co 01363 877001 Diagnostics SOLICITORS Air Conditioning Your Friendly Local Lawyers YOUR LOCAL ACCOUNTANT Tyres Exhausts ➢ Residential ➢ Leases Batteries ➢ Agricultural ➢ Landlord & ➢ Commercial Tenant We offer courtesy cars for your ➢ Family Matters ➢ Probate convenience, subject to availability. ➢ Wills

ATA & Bosch Accredited Diagnostic Free initial half hour’s advice Technicians. Easy access and parking

Copy for Publication “THE MORCHARD Telephone: 01363 774706 MESSENGER” 31 High Street, Crediton The deadline for articles, adverts and notices for the next issue is: 15th JUNE 2021 COMPUTER

PROBLEMS? The Editors retain the right to reject, Friendly, helpful support for crashes, edit, alter or correct articles which are virus, email, internet connection, sent in for publication. networking, printers, tablets, Copy should be sent websites etc. by E-mail to

[email protected] Reasonable rates for all individual NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS users and small businesses.

Hard copy may also be delivered to Arthur Copeland, address below. Please ring Richard on

Postal Service. This newsletter can be posted to you 01363 85154 monthly at a cost of £12 per annum. Please contact Arthur Copeland, 18 Bishops Meadow Morchard Bishop EX17 6RA Phone: 01363 877415

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The St. Boniface Music Society, which holds its concerts in Crediton Parish Church, has launched its 39th year of concerts for the summer. MORCHARD BISHOP PRE-SCHOOL On Sunday 27th June at 3pm, the Choir of Clare College Cambridge will be singing in Crediton Parish Church. Since the founding of a mixed-voice choir

in 1972, the Choir of Clare College has gained an international reputation as Set in the heart of the village, this one of the world’s leading university choi rs. Governor-run early years setting offers a fun filled approach to pre-school Next, on Thursday 8th July at 7.30pm, will be Nicholas Mogg (baritone) with education for children aged 2-4years. Jâms Coleman accompanying on piano. Mogg read music at Clare College Cambridge and studied on the Opera Course at the Royal Academy of Music Situated in the grounds of Morchard with Mark Wildman and Iain Ledingham. He is an Oxford Lieder Young Bishop Primary School, this purpose built Artist, Britten-Pears Young Artist, Park Lane Group Young Artist.

facility also has access to fantastic And on Sunday 19th September at 3pm, outstanding young cellist Indira outdoor space, and regular visits to school Grier will be performing with Francis Grier on piano, also in the Crediton ensure smooth transition to the reception Parish Church. Indira Grier has been performing as a concerto soloist since

class. the age of 12 and has just completed a master’s degree with Alexander OPEN Chaushian at the Royal College of Music. 9.00am - 3.30pm, Monday - Friday

For full details and to arrange a visit call us on 01363 877328

The St. Boniface Music Society was founded in 1981, following a successful series of concerts presented during the 1,300th anniversary of the birth of St. Boniface in 680 AD.

Since then, the society has presented over 150 concerts, bringing to

Crediton outstanding artists such as the now-international baritone Simon Toddler Group Keenlyside, cellist Julian Lloyd Webber – followed recently by cellist Guy Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall Johnston (winner of the BBC Young Musician of the Year Award – 2000), the prize-winning Carducci String Quartet and the international concert pianist Every term-time Wednesday John Lill. 9.15 –11.15 For ages newborn to 4 • Staff supervised Tree planters seek eligible land! • All-ages toys

• Arts and crafts You may have read recently of much tree planting going on at Elston, near • Healthy snack-time Copplestone and also at Tedburn, reported in the Messenger as well as the • Sing-songs Crediton Courier, and also in national papers such as The Guardian. and.... Chat, tea and a warm welcome for In all over 50 people volunteered over the course of the week or so that the grown -ups planting took place. In total, over 5,000 trees were planted.

The planting season is over for this year. However now it’s known that so Please bring fruit for snack time! many people are happy to be involved, it would be great to identify some sites for next winter where further planting could be made. Call 01363 877328 So do you have some land you would like planting up? Or do you know a local for more information landowner who would be interested? If so, do get in touch with Sustainable Crediton at [email protected]

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Sponsored This Month by St Mary’s Church


Just Doin’ Their Job Every now and then, someone will have their curiosity awakened by a supporting character in a story or suite of stories. For some reason, their perception of the bit part in question has connected with a chain of thought, resonated with their emotional state, or highlighted the particular point they have reached on some internal journey of psychological discovery. “Can you tell me more about the wigmaker?” they might say, or, as happened recently, “Can you fill in some details about the personality of valkyries?”

I’m sad to say that the answer is far too frequently a simple “No.” Outside of a bit of historical info relating to their occupation there is usually nothing more to tell. With a question about personality, like the one above, it is especially hard. It’s not great being responsible for ending that excitement, for bringing that journey to an unsatisfying end, so in lieu of a more edifying response we storytellers often set them a task: “Find your way to the source material,” we encourage enigmatically. We have, of course, read the source material and the answer will still be “No”, but at least we won’t have had to be the one to say it!

You may be a writer inspired to rework a classic trope or a seeker on a spiritual quest, it matters not. If you are looking for the deeper personality or motivations of the supporting cast in myth and folktale, I fear you will be disappointed. You are looking for embroidered silk but you are standing in a smithy. Everything is functional. Occasionally, a personality trait may be instrumental to the plot in which case it will be stated in advance, e.g.: an evil sorcerer, a greedy merchant , a pious maiden. If it isn’t necessary then it isn’t there.

Let’s take the valkyrie example above. In Norse myth, as with much myth and folktale, characters are defined by their functions and personality is revealed by their actions. We can say very little about the personality of valkyries because they don't get to do very much: serve drinks in Valhalla, collect dead warriors, hang around having cool names (Axe Time, Raging), that's about it. Think of them like backing dancers for M.C. Odin: They make him look good, help set the scene, and fill out the stage but you know nothing about who they are under the leather and steel, that is not what they are there for.

Three valkyries turn up in the story of Wayland the smith. They card flax by the lake, are chatted up by Wayland and his brothers, bunk off work to live with them for eight years before putting on their swan skins and flying away. The closest thing to a revelation of character in this is that neither Alvis, Hladgud nor Hervor mention to their "husbands" that they are leaving. Remember that they are immortal psychopomps, heavily armed personifications of death, and in their universe, eight years is just a chat by the coffee machine and then it’s back to the celestial call-centre to continue recruiting dead warriors for the final battle. There is nothing unkind in their leaving, it’s just time to go back to work.

What’s more they have two bosses. It’s not only the All-Father they have to work for, they are doing a job for the storyteller too. Their departure may not reveal their own character but it does shine a light on elements of Wayland’s. He says: “If Hervor wants me she knows where to find me.” He is a blacksmith and stays at his forge where every day he makes a gold arm ring for his absent wife. His brothers, who are hunters, go off to seek their loved ones, leaving Wayland alone in Wolfdale, as he needs to be for the story to progress. The supporting cast, having fulfilled their function, are gone.'s to living happily ever after, until the next adventure. The Travelling Talesman

Garden Tips for June

Hoe borders regularly to keep down weeds Be water-wise, especially in drought -affected areas Pinch out sideshoots on indeterminate tomatoes (you can leave determinate/bush/tumbler tomatoes to do their own thing) Harvest lettuce, radish, other salads and early potatoes Position summer hanging baskets and containers outside Mow lawns at least once a week Plant out tender summer bedding Stake tall or floppy plants Prune many spring-flowering shrubs Shade greenhouses to keep them cool and prevent scorch Jo Coffey

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Overworked or Stressed? Achy muscles? S&H JOINERY Tense shoulders? of Eggesford

Stiff back? 01363 894041 Bespoke maker of staircases, Massage Therapy in Lapford windows, doors & furniture SPMU Hybr id lashes Scar tr eatments Russian lashes Penny King Tel: 01363 877718 Micr oneedle Henna br ows 07413 706376 facials Br ow lamination VTCT level 3 diploma in Tanning Nail ex tensions Holistic Therapies, The Linhay, Broadgate Farm Wax ing Gel polish Morchard Bishop EX17 6RU Female intimate Manicur e Aromatherapy, Email: wax ing Pedicur e Sports Massage Facials Nail ar t [email protected] BBGlow facial Facials Scar tr eatments Thr eading Please feel free to contact me to Classic lashes Tr aining find out more, discuss your needs or book an appointment. 103 High Street, Crediton. Download our free app, call or book online. FB page 'Penny King Complementary Therapist' Unit 1, Oakfield, Bow, Crediton Tel 01363 83091 Mob 07851 726791 Computer & Laptop repairs & virus removal New & Used computer & Laptop stockists LONDON INN IT support & Website design Geoff Thatcher Printers & Consumables TAKEAWAY FOOD SERVICE Plumbing and Heating Services Prompt & Reliable Call-out service Tel. 01363 877222 Deliveries can be arranged Gas Safe Registered T: 01363 881157

e: [email protected] The full menu is on the Morchard Bishop Any job considered Website - www.morchardbishop- M 07779 515829 T 01363 877522

We cannot accept orders through Facebook Crossways As well as the menu on the website there Woodland is a daily special from Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Burials

which is normally on the board outside

the pub.

Please order as early as possible daily or Site Works

preferably the day before. Driveways For Sunday Lunch you can order any day Drainage If the existing choice of funerals of the week for the following Sunday which helps us with our supplies. Foundations does not seem appropriate nor Landscaping meets your wishes maybe we can New!! PIZZAS (inc Vegetarian!) Septic Tanks help. Treatment Plants Puddings are also available so please ask Retaining Walls when ordering food as the choice Phone 01647 24382 Stone Walling changes daily. and speak to Martin or Julie Drinks are also available. i.e. chilled Printed Concrete beers, ciders, wines and soft drinks Chatfield Mobile: 07976 641606

Thank you for your support Email: [email protected]

Sarah and Emma

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Potato salad New potatoes are good as a salad.

Boil the potatoes in salted water with mint. Drain and when cold, slice or dice. Add a generous helping of chopped chives and finely chopped radishes. Season with freshly ground black pepper and mix with mayonnaise and a splash of cider vinegar. Paul Cleave

DP Bookkeeping Services Are you in need of a bookkeeper?

I offer a planning and application service for Bookkeeper available to work part time, at times to Listed Building Consent to include sealed, suit you, either at your business or remotely. double glazed units in bespoke timber joinery Formerly an office manager, I can offer the following frames made in my own workshop. services:

I would be delighted to hear any • Balancing accounts (also known as double enquiry you might have. book keeping)

• Completing VAT returns Please note, website recently updated!! • Preparing Invoices for Inland Revenue • Checking company bank statements • Preparing cash flow statements • Dealing with financial paperwork and filing • Preparing profit and loss sheets for annual accounts

Call David on 01363 877008 or 07794 362591 for a friendly chat

Discreet and reliable with competitive rates

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Yew Woodland Services Barn stored seasoned ready to burn now at new low

price! Soft/hardwood £80, Hardwood £90 A load

A load in my trailer is slightly bigger than a single cab pick-up

Delivery to Morchard Bishop and surrounding areas free

Kindling now available

Please call Nick for more information 07742 081170 or 01363 82925


Jackets, gilets, coats, overalls, sleeping bags, Crediton & District trousers. Third Age Trust

Replace zip for cost of zip (£2 - £5) plus donation

ZOOM MEETING: of £5 to Church Clock Fund

JUNE 16TH Prof Peter Edwards Contact Frances 07731905234

“Vivaldi: A Man for Four Seasons”

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Over the last 12 months, Morchard Bishop CE Primary School has been working with The Link Academy Trust in a managed partnership. This partnership has enabled the school to benefit from the expertise of the Academy in running small rural schools, including church schools.

Even though the school year has been heavily disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the partnership with The Link has flourished and the school is starting to benefit in many ways. We are also contributing to the work of the Academy by sharing many of our recent successes and passing on our own expertise and experience.

Due to the success of this partnership, the Governors of Morchard Bishop Primary School have started the process of officially joining The Link and becoming a full member of the Academy.

You may have seen in the news that the Department for Education is pushing for all schools to join Academies by 2025. It is felt that we need to take the chance to join this successful Academy now, rather than run the risk of being allocated to an Academy in the future that may not be such a good fit for the school.

In order to join the Academy we have to gain various permissions. The first of these is from the , which was granted on the 5th May, and also from the DFE and Regional Schools Commissioner, which we hope to gain later this month. The age range of the school will be changed from 4-11 years to 2-11 years to amalgamate the pre-school with the school.

We will be carrying out consultation meetings with all stakeholders, including parents, and hope to start these towards the end of this month. At these meetings, parents will be able to hear why this is the best move for the school; the Senior Leaders of The Link Academy Trust will be available to answer any questions.

The Governing Body of the school feel this is an exciting next step and will allow Morchard Bishop Primary School to continue to provide high quality education and opportunities for all our pupils and staff.

The consultation period will run from the 27 th May to the 14th July 2021.

If you have any comments or questions on this proposal, please send them to: [email protected]

Kind regards, Richard Miners, Chair of Governors Chris Sargeant, Headteacher


The North Devon AONB Marathon & Half Marathon offers one of the most beautiful and challenging race routes in the county. The race headquarters is in the idyllic surfing village of Woolacombe on Devon's north coast, right in the middle of the North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The event was founded to raise money for North Devon Hospice, to ensure that nurses are there to help families facing an incurable illness, and now raises over £30,000 a year for the hospice.

This year, the races will be held on Sunday, 27th June and are plastic-free. Please bring your own reusable cup or buy one for £1 at registration. For more details, see us/events/north-devon-marathon-2021/

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