§35? t'$V*j! >v

11 THE IRISH STANDARD: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1888. jt^^ij®?•* cassians marched to within about five ,8'irishhistoryin brief. miles of Suicoit, and next morning at £ IContributions to thia department will be sunrise formed in battle array, seeing ^ gladly received and published in THE IRISH which the Danes advanced to meet ADAMS & RING, STANDARD, providing the articles are brief and them in tbe open. A furious battle ji, ^conclusive. If desired, the name of the oon- then commenced, no quarter being < * tributor will be published .1 53V INTOOLLET .ATVEnSTTJE. given on either side ; it raged till mid­ 'S BATTLEFIELDS. day and resulted in a decisive and ruin­