a II" N~ws

Gun traced Election board to homicide lktrOlt pollee picked up a homicide rejects WCCCD ~lI~pectId"t week carrymg a pistol stolen trom d Urob"e Pomte Woods man who didn't know the weapon was gone In additIOn, a second gun owned by the advisory vote JIIdll 11a::. ulhappeareet trom his home He By Bonnie Caprara DIVISIOnstaffer, who asked Isn't sure If a thIrd pIstol, a mlssmg Staff Writer not to be named, said, ''The Smith & Wesson 357, has been stolen or sold, Voters WIll not get the (county) electIOn commis- chance to express theIr opm- sIon met (Monday, June 3) DetrOit homicIde police possess one of lOn as to whether their and determined they could the weapons, traced to the 49-year-old municlpahbes should be not place thiS questIOn on Woods man on Monday, June 3 able to separate from the the ballot The State Bureau Woods pollee said the reSident "wasn't Wayne County Commumty of ElectIOns does not autho- aware his gun was mlssmg (He) does College Dlstnct nz.e us to place thiS on the not know how long the Item has been missing' The Wayne County ballot." ElectIOn CommlS810nreject- State Bureau of Elections "ThIS may turn out to be a perfect ed requests from the five ChaIrman Chnstopher exam~e of how legal gun owners unwlt. Grosse Pomtes, Harper Thomas defended the county tmgl feed the black market and why Woods and five other Wayne they ust be dIligent when lockmg up elections commu:lslOn'sdeci- thei guns," said Beth Martm, of Grosse County mumclpalltles to sIOn by saYing. "It's for pre- POinte Farms, co-preSIdent of the East A ride in the Farms place the commlll1lty college senting valid ballot propos- Metro DetrOit Chapter of the Milhon adVisory questlOn on the als. Pubhc opinIOn polls are Aug 6 ballot :\'lom March, a volunteer orgamzatlOn Grosse Pointe Hunt Club member carolyn Cobane and ber not the busllless of the elec- The requests were encour- tion process The smell test promotmg gun safety horse, Dylan, enjoy a pleasant ride on a reGent Sunday morDiDg aged by Grosse He Townsmp is The homeowner said he has had "prob- on Grosse Pointe Boulevard, Tbe Farms and Woods allow HWlt IS 'SOwhat? Show me who Club riders to venture onto Provencial. Kercheval, Mary Street, Supervisor Douglas Jones, bound to do somethmg lems With thmgs missing In the past, Moron and the boulevard on Sunday mornings untU noon during who was trymg to demon- about tms by law" due to addiction problems hiS son has the summer. Some four to eight borse owners take advantage of strate support for House Bl1l Local mumclpal leaders had," according to Woods pollce the riding opportunity each week. If you're out early, maybe you 5157, which would allow were dlsappomted with the Martin said, "Once a gun IS stolen, will see them and say hello. Don't worry, someone else cleans up! mumclpahtles to separate deciSIOn we're all put at nsk of It bemg misused." from the community college "I'm dlsappomted thiS - Brad Lmdberg distnct by popular vote won't be on the ballot," said n _L_ ...._,., _1 ...... on A tl"tt.._ U: 11 In a letter sent May 29 to Grosse POlllte TownshiD LJ~lUUJ.O }'J.a.llJ.l~U J.VJ. .I. .1..11..1 the mlll11Clpalltiesfrom the Supervisor Mary Matuja WEEK AHEAD county electIOn commiSSIOn, "Our cItizens have spoken After two years of planmng, work IS through traffic at Grosse Pointe Chairman ChIef Justice and we responded to them Thursday, June 13 slated to begm tms month on a retail Boulevard and all traffic between Milton Mack Jr said. "'l'he They felt we should not be and office buildmg at 120.130 Kercheval and the south Kercheval Los Gatos Willperform at the 2002 Wayne County ElectIOn paying for services we don't Kercheval on the Hill alley. CommISSIon is Without the use' Bon Secours Cottage Health Services The bUlldmg, bemg commiSSioned • The closure of Stanton Lane and MUSICon the Plaza Concert, co-spon- authonty to place your adVI- Grosse Pomte Woods by developer Ed Russell, IS a combi- Handy Place to through traffic sory questIOn on the Aug 6, Councllman Joseph sored by the Grosse POinte News, In nation of an eXIsting bwldmg which • The closure of the south the Villageat 7 p m 2002, pnmary ballot." once housed a car dcalersmp and new Kercheval alley behind 120-130 A Wayne County Elections See WCCCD, page 2A In case of rain, the show Willbe held constructIOn on an eXIsting parking Kercheval to all traffic and returmng at the Maire Elementary School gym lot the remamder of the alley to two-v,,'aj To accommodate constructIOn traffic dunng construction ~plaud the Grosse POinteTheatre's equipment and traffic concerns, the Extenor constructIOn and traffic News joins Woods production of the claSSICmUSicalcome- Grosse Pointe Farms Department of detours are expected to last 4 to 6 dy "Pajama Game," through Saturday, Pubhc Safety will implement thE' fol- months The project should be com- June 15, In the Fnes AuditOriumof the fireworks sponsors Grosse POinte War Memonal lowmg pleted by June 2003 • The closure of Hall Place to - Bonnie Caprara T,ckets arc $14 Call (313) 881-4004 The Grosse Pomte News Jewelry Co, BIg Boy tor more information I::. among new sponsors who Restaurant & Bakery, the have jumped on board the CIty of Grosse Pomte Park, Monday, June 17 annual Grosse Pomte Woods Comcast, Mr C's Car Wash, The Grosse POinte Board of Fireworks extravaganza on Comenca, Farmer Jack, the Education Willhold a special meeting to Sunday, Jlll1e 30 htUe Blue Book, Lochmoor diSCUSSa potential bond vote at 6:45 The show IS bemg put on Chrysler Plymouth Jeep, m conjunctIOn With the Sme & Monaghan and p.m In the Wlcklng Library at Grosse POinte South High SChool Grosse POlllte Public School Supreme Heatmg System, the Grosse Pomte "We are eXCItedto JOinthe The City of Grosse POinte City BUSiness and ProfeSSIOnal fireworks sponsors," said CounCil Willmeet In ItS chambers at Association of Mack Avenue, John Minms, editor and 730pm Lochmoor Club and St John general manager of the Health System Grosse POinte News The Grosse POinte Woods City Beginnmg at dusk, fire- "Fireworks, patnotlsm and CounCilWillmeet In the Woods Cityhall works can be Viewed from famdy, fnends and nelgh- at 7 30 pm the Parcell;; Middle School bors - tms IS perfect fit for athletiC field, located at the the Pomtes' newspaper" comer of Mack and Vermer. LimIted sponsorships are Tuesday, June 18 Food vendors and musical avadable Donations are The Grosse POinte Shores Village groups wJlI be on hand welcome CounCilmeets In the Shores muniCipal Woods offiCIals encourage In addition to the Grosse bUildingat 7 p m viewers to "come early to POinte News, new sponsors enjoy the fun and entertam- mclude Jean's Boutique and WednesdaYJ June 19 ment" WigS, POinte Medical The Great Lakes Chamber MUSIC Returnmg sponsors EqUipment, Inc and Radar FestIVal comes to Grosse POinte mclude Edmund T Ahee Industnes Memonal Church at 8 p m Freedom fighter Featured artists Include Shmuel Navy pUot Lt. Patrick "Flounder~ McCormick takes off from the Ashkenasl, Paul Katz, James Tocco, deck of the USS Kennedy in the Nor....hernArablan sea in his F-18. Danlelle Farina, Sandra River and The U.S. Naval Academy graduate. son of ADDand BW McCormick linda Hohenfeld playing works by of Grosse Pointe Farms. shared his experiences with el&hth-grade Dvorak, Harbison, Barber and students at his alma mater. University Liggett School. duriDC a Q-,.,.h I"""" ...... v lUII'U III recen~ e-mail COnVenillUon. Tickets are $28 for adutls or $23 for In answering Taylor McCarty's question about what it is like to Home: Grosse Pomte students and seniors For more Infor- fly an F/A-18. McCormick said, "When you open the hatch to go Farms mation, call (248) 258-2831 out onto the cat walk and up onto the flight deck. a rush of salty air hits you. It is pitch-black, and the sblp is rockJ.ng a bit. Aa you Age: 18 step out onto the flight deck, a 4O-knot wind tries to push you into the ocean. All you see is the narrow beam that your flashlight Family: Father, Greg, : INDEX - Wuminates. mother, Cathenne, "You look around the flight deck and the sodium vapor lights brothers, Geoff, 23, OpInion 6A provide an eerie, dim orange hue to the gray aircraft parked and Garrett, 21, Sister, chained to the deck with their tails banging over the side. You Chelsea, 16 Obituaries 11A pass behind a running jet and feel the burning exhaust engulf you, and the air is sucked from your chest. The sound is deafening. Schools. . .13-15A Occupation: Photo tech- "Everywhere people are moving around in the darkness. Off to niCian at Jewell Photo, BUSiness .20A one side a jet starts to taxi and sweeps its ezhaust acruss a few soon.to-be Coast Guard plane captains who had their backs turned and knocks them over, Seniors .68 but they don't roU flU untU someone grabs them. Quote: "Just gnn and "The edges of the flight deck drop off into blackness; there Is bear It • Entertainment .... 78 no moon .. ," For a unique view of life on the front, read the rest of bls inter- See story, page 4A ClaSSifIed ads .5C view on the Patriot Page. 12A

f June 13, 2002 .' 2A News Grosse Pointe News I: 50 years ago this week yesterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week 25 years ago this week seats are eight candidates. Laurence Harwood, Richard • Although a carpenters' • A funeral Mass for two Robbms, Ann ArduSS1, stnke held up the work of VIctIms of last week's acci- Barbara Youngs, Frances placing steel sheeting dental drownIng m Lake St TwIddy, Paul Qumt, Paul around the Gro"se POInte ClaIr off Grosse POInte McCarthy and Dorothy Farms pier, the program has Farms was held tlus week. Kennel. been proceeding rapidly The tragedy, the first dou- since work resumed last • Two students at Grosse ble-drowmng m Farms rus- Pomte North High School week tory, claImed the lIves of have received natJonal WIllIam Kane Jr, 38, and Therefore, sWImmmg wIll recogmtIOn for theIr w,9rks hIS WIfe Barbara, 36 The be allowed off the south pIer entered m the a/Hlual begming June 14 All facllI- couple are belIeved to have ScholastIc Art Awards tIes wlll be avaIlable except fallen off the back of theIr dlVlng boards Tests have newly-purchased used, 18- Donna Schulte's cut-paper shown the lake water IS safe foot speedboat, "The Lucky commercial deSIgn receIved for SWImffi1ng I,' when the vessel may honorable mentIOn Mehnda hflVP 11l,...hPti ~ud- Murphy's pen and mk entry. • Tlh ... Clt) uf C&V.:t03'-- f""",<>m denly due to a loose fuel lIne ~Old Man," won exceptIOnal POInte council has approved recogrutlOn The work also a $315,000 bond Issue to Mr Kane, known as a receIved a Hallmark ,Award improve and expand the strong swimmer, had been a of Excellence and $100 pnze commumty's lakesIde park member of the Oakland as the finest two-dIme~sion- It will cost about $255,000 Raiders football team coach- al entry from southe8{'tern to bulld a 250-foot-Iong sea- mg staff before opemng Micrugan wall, paved parkmg area Kane and Co, a supplIer of h Milk River spills banks and new dock Some $35,000 class nngs and graduation I I'l of the money raIsed wIll be announcements 10 years ago this w~'k used to acqUIre addItIOnal • In the wake of a bItter, Ir The M1lkRiver has risen close to the top of its banks at this point un the • The year-old, $~a(l,Ooo Lochmoor Ciub golf course. Grosse Pointe Woods officials want to dike the land yearlong contract dIspute, alummum grandstands river to prevent overflow which might spread to other sectioDS of the elty. diSCUSSIOns of mii>trust and overlooking the football field Club admlnistrators, on the other hand, would rather d.1kethe club'. north a poor workIng relatlOosrup • Three Boy Scouts of at Grosse Pomte Soutp. High and south boundaries, which would contain the waters on club property in between Grosse Pomte pub- Troop 74 have been awarded School VIolate natIOn¥-! and If hc school teachers and mem- the event of floocllng. a flood doe. not materiallu, golfers would therefore Eagle badges, scouting's state barrier-free laws, plus not be bothered with the additional hazard of a d.1keauo .. the fairway, The ben, of ~he school board, vot- hIghest honor SpreadIng four state fire safety provi- dike would a1aokeep a lot of balls out of the river, but golfers arc too sport- ers wlll head to the polls their new WIngs are Robert SIOns The code viola~IOos Ing to consider th1I phue of the argument. (From the June 12, 1952 Grosse next", eek to chose who will Hembel, 14, Wllharn wIll cost $35,000 to corr,ect. Pointe News. Photo by Fred RunaeUs). Hembel, 13, and Summers 0\ er~(>c th<>i>choolsystem Stevenson, 15 Running for two open • Frank Sladen land Glona Konsler have been 1 .. t:lected to the Grqsse Pointe Board of EducatIO~ The two mcumbent clindl- dates received almost rour tImes as many votes as their Nonstop talk. Internet access. nearest challenger 1 • Two St Clatr Shores And America's best national reSIdents were lolled in a motorcycle aCCIdent on Lakeshore and Hawthorne wireless network. The victims, a 34-year-old man and 32-year-old woman, were weanng hel- mets and driVIng at IWrmal speeds when the motdrwcle No roaming or long distance hit the curb and sent them rh~rooc :Inn", whon ",,,,lIIng on ..h... flying. "". III"'. ,e, ...... -I't'.ll '''1'111 n ..... "'...... ".11Ifi;. America's ChoiceSM network. The America's Choice network covers over S years ago this week J 250 million people In the U.S. • A film crew from EjSPN Network not available In all areas. stopped by Marge's Bar to show the sports world how hard-core hockey fans in ,. Grosse Pomte Park eele- ~ Sign up for $40 monthly accessand get 300 brate the Detroit Red Wmt&,: . p,. first Stanley Cup chaml ~ Anytime Minutes to use however you want with onsrup m 42 years I' • NatIOnal media h J.' spotlIghted the bIrth 0 - three sons and a daughter to UNLIMITED Ed and LIbby WI.lberding of Grosse Pointe Farms Born NIght 8[ Weekend AirtIme MInutes last week, Eddie, Jack, Peter and JulIe are home Great Offer! and domg fine NATIONWIDE • Joseph Brennan of Grosse Pointe Woods and Joan Dindoffer of Grosse With 1 or 2 yee, Customer Agreement. Cells placed outsIde Ceiling Plan eree $ 69/ mln KYOCERA 2135 Pointe Park have been elect- ed to the Grosse Pomte Board of EducatIon And Mobile Web by - Brad Lmdberg "ZW WCCCD- FrompagelA

Phones ancatlOn CDMA trHllOde Dansbury said: "I thmk, per- .emsn~ tqlJlpmenl Wllh updated SllltwaJe '811ul,ed sonally, you're takll\g my • ~~h 3.year c~tome ~aQree~n~ on W....,;;. ~,.,I~U .. "' .... '"_Y"-4'.''''''' ii;t, ..... 1.j;i ...... \J'I. lIle NTMrllC... Chou;. "".tr.. ,..... "" , ... 11 .10 v IV ~ VI 1.11" ldl",IIU"'1:: ~o 1\1 ~I"rl:i nalwOfk. Mobil. web chorged II S 02 1""""'109 Ind S 10 out9olng ",ivll rights away from me by e1_ $35 and higher Offer valid for a 'im,ted time only see broctll". Of .stole for details. For. limited time onlr not puttmg the referEindum I on the ballot We all should have a VUlce m thiS, partICU- larly If we're gomg to be charged taxes ' Grosse Pomte Farms 1.8.00.~JOIN IN . ~ Mayor Ed Gaffney echoed \,~4/ veriL9nwifeless ' Dansbury's sentiment and -- ---• . venzonwlreless.com Wenever stop-working for you.s,~ said he would dIrect CltJ

, , attorney Wilham Burgess tv "look mto our legal optIOns ~ "They don't state theIr CIII for stot'B hours. legal reasons,' Gaffnef saId _ w ,_ "It's a curt letter that doesn't w...... ,..,. LOCATIONS -.... ,,~=-...... 302.5 ...... ~Id 28117 W"'iJ"II)h1d 2340'S""'." .-. explain much Our pelople "l'Il:'::::~ (1n ... s..'~J 13. ,•• ln2 ~- 0cIb s..w. Dr f$o.MIcI"....",.~ldl 35" Grone! a- E_ '10.61' un Nor1h 01,.... ~ 241-J5.I..3700 13. 2.1 1770 -_....-..- 517 '4' 561\ need the opportumtj to 2~ 2012.w flQht ~ lei ....447524lhAwri express theIr OpInIOnS~ r CIn Secw t Wirlg. "-r c..... Ct I -.. IInG.aod'217' South__ Socfncrw $I 1913 E --..,. L:t - (IowitIe "'oJo aI '''' IIO..JI' 123' 24.17 fo.-d Id _"'*'_ "*~ ...... E~nl (T.., ~ ...... , --- ""'_01_ '10-4006--1700 2chwcI LeIte .w ~MoIl2Mie1N ttllhIIl\l6ocal 2'" as3.()S$(l fM 59& M.sJ Ull(o~""') ... 101 MtIe Idl 2 .... J1I3aoo SN"' 6500 arena to contmue thl~ dIS- ~"I-S3. "'00 ""(lQ'W9l'...... Ct"""ploo,o ortOt CUSSIOnm publIc and 'we're ....UTHORIZED RET ....llERS ProcIuc1. and Prlcl"ll ~ va,., .1 Authorized Rettllert gomg to have to look a little ANN A.IIOI: WlllUSJ, CElIUlAt CITY CO~NICAno~ U~ OISCCWEI C('MMUNlCAno~ 'if 8:w.E. J.N»O harder at what Ms Garrett 1J4 327 5400 1....'-l..QOQ '411106)90 .]137'4 "00 134 '4' 0fJ06 does for us In the WalOe AlJTltOI:alfD CftUJlAl aUUlAI SOURCr ClJSTOM COrMMVN'lCAfJOf'ol'S G4.Qt.A,I. WTltUSS HOWTQWN 'Wf«fLfSS , 100"'"",US 248 360-90t00 7H ....." UOO ,".135334S 'II)..2272t08 County Clerk's office ~ ( RadioShack. CAITIO $->tOWfU OI.LlJl.AJ Tt01NOLOGIrS VlNl\JI:E COMMUNICIJ'J()HS The bIll IS currently In the @ '1750 nos "-'" .. ...-. 1llow... _. 241'" 0001 '16 421 '"00 House ElectIOns and For Business Sales, call 1-888- 5 25-9464 Redlstnctmg CommIttee O'Neil saId he hoped the bIll IIIIPORTANT COIlSUIIIER IIlFORllAnON, SUbject to Customer /lgreemenl Mob,11Web T.rm, & Condnlonl & Ceiling Plln $30 /lcllYetlon lee on l-year agreemlnts, $175 early termlnl110n lee Requrras ~ ueel" .ppro.11 C&nnol combln. with oIlier on." lJt.a9. rounded 10 next lUllmlnutI Un.... d ollo.. onc., 10,1 Subjo clio lax .... other charge, GeOlirephlC & olh er ro.lncllOnsepply Nol o.ldlb'. In .11m.rkel, ll! would be ready for a vote In Nellonel best nelworlc plr10rmencl claim b_d on V.r1zon Wire"" IIItlonwld. nlllworle reliability studIO' comprlalng ever 300 000 call elI.mpl' monthly on VO"lon Wlrolo" and other nallonel eerrle" ::l; the House thIS fall Hrvlcl whll. Ir... II"ll 0n over 100,000 m 1111 ollreq YtInllyIraveled roldwlYS natlOnwidl ComptrllOn b.. ed on In.llocl .. 1 Illlmplt.nd lost Call' locII eo.e' ag I end sa rvlCI rei Iabllrty .anl' 30 days SlfYlC0 > ectl\letlon requltld 10 receive rablte Allow 1~12 wHb 10 proclSl rebatl Night.nd W.. kond hours .ary by merkel Kyocera IS I reglllo'ed t"demark 01 Kyoce" Corporallon eVetllon Wlrel.. s 2002 A Similar bIll has been Introduced In the Senate by Loren Bennett, R-Canton June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News , 3A Mack median location still most likely for water tnain By Brad Lindberg Staff Writer FmancIng would come city offiCIalswho WIlladmm- through a Benes of ahart- Ister the project "Like hav- Controversy was harder to term loans culmInatmg m a mg a baby, you're gomg to wme by than Red Wmgs 20-year revenue bond have to go through the pam, tickets at thIs week's pubhc Chff Malson, Woods comp- but afterward It's gOingto be hearmg about the Impend- troller, saId the bond would wonderful" 109water mam replacement be paId from through water LIsa Rennell, a shopkeep- along the entire stretch of Rusty water may flow bIlls, not property taxes er and preSIdent of the Mack 1 Avenue m Grosse from taps temporanly in Pomte Woods Work would take one year newly-formed BUSiness and Gro;,se POInte Park thIS and be done In four phases, Ret811Associates of Grosse To the rehef of most Mack month due to testmg fire with time out for the POinte Woods, had spoken hydrants merchants and property Chnstmas shoppmg season strongly at a January publIc owners, the new water pIpe The water condItIOn can ThIS week's heanng heanng agaInst laYing pipe be ;,olved by opemng faucets has been targeted for the curbsIde. l1n,..nvered fe,v Ideas tho.t "'1t, I "':Iter runs clean MtI\-h mt;Ll!lill,not the south- "I am very pleased that bound park.mg lane hadn't been discussed at agam prevIOUS Jam-packed open the comments and concerns Each year the Park's 600 The deCISIOnby members meetmgs and well-attended of bUSiness owners and the fire hydrants are flushed of a study commIttee tasked cIty councIl sessIOns. commuruty were lIstened to, and Inspected with recommend 109 a gener- and much work has been "This IS preventive main- al IconstructIOn strategy Yet, the outcome calmed the nerves of many shop- done to show the medIan ISa tenance to make sure pa~d the way for detailed VIable optIon," RenneH s81d hydrants are operatIOnal," plannmg for water mam keepers who feared con- structIon in the parking lane thIs week "It's encouragIng saId John Schulte, deputy constructIOn, not construc- that (plans) seem to be going director of pubhc safety tJO~Itself would landlock stores and dry up the often-tenuous In a more positive directIOn" Photo by Bonme Caprara Flushing, wluch mvolves "It may end up the medIan profit margIns that charac- opemng each hydrant, Will ISnot the proper place," SaId tenze the nsky world of sole Diggmg up the medIan Let 'em Rohr take place June 16-22 south Mayor Robert Novltke propnetorshlp would destroy an estimated Public sarety officer Scott Rohr wiu be of Jefferson from Wayburn Even If the mam ISlocated 10 percent of trees that have patrolling the streets of Groue Pointe Shores 00 to CadIeUX Focus on the median was Hydrants north of under the medIan, whIch It forecast last week when helped transform the utIlI- a 2002 Harley-Davidson Electraglide. Jefferson from Bamngton to most likely will be, a one- members of the city council tarIan thoroughfare mto "Its mostly a PR tool," said Public Safety Direc- CadIeux, WIll be flushed block stretch of main from weighed the concerns of what Mayor Robert NovkIte tor Gary Mitchell. "People are more apt to come Verhler to Amta will be built called the "mcest commer- to an officer on a motorcycle than a car, espe- June 23-29 commercIal mterests and The process often stirs up under the parkIng lane to hedged from putting the cial area I've seen" cially children." small amounts of sedIment meet connectIons wIth sub- new water maIn under the On the bike's first day of service 00 Monday, Facmg the loss of trees, that makes tap water - and sidIary lines curb - where the old one Mary Beth NIcholson, of the June la, ROM said he was stopped by four had sat for 77 years. motorists. "Everyone's been really complemen- water used for laundenng- !Construction, which could WoodsbeautIfication adviso- look rusty begin in 2003 or be delayed ry committee, advocated tary." Torn DiClemente, a Mack The patrol bike Is the first one in use In the ReSIdents trade the tem- a couple of years to avoid business owner, member of puttmg the new pIpe under porary Inconvemence for the antICIpated closures of the I- the southbound parking Grosse Polntes since Grosse Pointe Park retired the study committee and its cycle In 1969. secunty of haVIng unob- 94 expressway, WIll cost an head of the Business and lane. structed, operational fire estimated $5 5 mIllion, Professional Association of "It's taken 25 to 50 years hydrants L111:iudmgabOut $750,000 Mack Avenue, took a bite- for Grosse Pointe Woods to precautions to save every but remams concerned "Not only do we flow from Grosse Pomte Shores the-bullet approach to create this green comdor tree we can," sald Wllhan! auout the mevltable loss of water to test water mam.s," The contractor, which has replacing 3 brittle water That's lillpurtaut P~upl~ \Vestnck of tht: t:ngIU~~lJJlK trt;t;1;

• l 4A June 13, 2002 News Grosse Pointe News Farms resident plans to enter dangerous waters By Christine Budai Guard statlOn m northern lum secure a place among that when I was only 14?"he Special writer , Heffner S!l1d he other Sea Cadets on a trip to toald Tomght, the semors of saved the lIfe of a kayaker Australia HIs time with the Coast Grosse Pomte South High After findmg a hand-held One of only four cadets In Guard also taught him School will don their caps G P S (Global PosltlOn the natIon chosen to go, he forward With It," M>ell Bald IIIjUllt Grant" about setting goals, some- and gowns, file mto rows. Satelhte) umt m the empty said he had the opportunity "And, It w1l1 provide hun Alex MackenZie. also a thmg, he said, that 18 a and thmk both of what they k a yak • to work WIth with the adventure and nsk longtime fnend of Heffner's, necessity heve done m the past four H e f f n e r the Royal that he enjoys and is c'ipable said he IS a good cItIzen who Heffner said he has had years, and what they want said, he was Austrahan of handlmg He IS a nsk will lay It all on the hne for three goals one that he has to accomplIsh m the next able .to use Navy during taker, and he laughs about someone aclueved, one that he 18 anx- tour the stored Its grand It Grant has the abilIty to "He has wade me a better IOUSto start, and one that is Some of them Willgo on to pomts from centennial perform m lugh-nsk JObs m person," MackenZie said many, many years away. save lives, others to travel the coordl- affair, help- a professIOnal manner" "He Ibthe kmd ofperbon you "My first goal was to the world Havmg already nates to cre- mg them Heffner has tuld Itobell want to be hke • achieve the rank of chief done all of that and more, ate a search w .. I (' n ry'I ~ mAny ",tfln"'"nv"r to .. v..nNl Hpffnpr 'lBld much of hiS !Wtty o!'ficE'r."he said, "and 1 Grant Hertner bald he IS pat t ern ships and She ~!l1dshe remembe;s lum msplratlOn to be what he IS did that I was the lughest m ~ady tOjump IOta the eye of U sin g take pho- telhng her that he and sev- comes from an old fnend command m wy Sea Cadets the storm He ffn e r' s tog rap h s eral fnends dnlled two holes and Sea Cadet mentor, a divIsion" thllt W~Y'~ '" .. With plans to continue hiS adVice, the the 'ce cf:l l:l.lteth3t h:ld ch:cf"':l"'T:l~t cfficC':":l~Cfc:" Hr;;::;ccoud 6u l,l." '><1111,III ~dreer 111 tile l"OdbLLruarl1, Coast Uuard later pub. frozen over, dove mto one mer commandmg officer of to serve In the Coast Guard the 18 year-old Grosse found the Itshed. hole, swam under the Ice, the Bell Isle Coast Guard for at least 20 years, so he POInte Farms reSident SaId lost kayaker Although and came out of the hole Office can receive a full military he has slIghtly dIfferent and saved he said he about five feet past It He always made It clear to penslOn plans for himself after high his life enJoyed the Laughmgly, he said thiS Heffner what would happen HIS thIrd goal IS to then school He ffn e r Grant H ffn trip overseas story is true If thmgs were not done cor- retire, and move on to alnew Instead of attendmg col- said that It e er and learned a "I don't really remember rectly People die career m the FBI, Cusf.l'lms lege, Heffner said he wIll be was tlus expenence, along lot, it also helped lum decide how we got the Idea, It was a Overall, Heffner sald the or on the police force leavmg at the begmnmg of with the rest of the summer what he wanted to do With while ago," he s!l1d "But I Sea Cadets program has But no matter what "he September to start lus aVIa- he spent workmg at the hiS future remember It was freezmg been an awesome expenence does, Barr said, Heffner ~ll tlOn survival technician Coast Guard statIOn, that "It secured my thoughts My whole body just shut for him "come out on top," whether trammg helped lum detenmn.e what on jommg the Coast Guard down" "There are many bmes I It be on top of waves m risky As an aViatIOn survival he wanted to do for at least becaUBethe Coast Guard is But Heffner is not a man have looked back and waters, or on top of a deck techmclan, Heffner s!l1d he the next 20 years a much more actIVe branch to be afraid of the elements. thought, wow, how did I do s!l11mgto dIstant ports wIll be participating in "It has opened my eyes of service; he said. "They Several years ago, he s!l1d, _ search and rescues He will quite a bit; he s!l1d "It has are constantly domg search he rescued a HUllkyfrom the be Jumping from helicopters really changed my mind and rescues or law enforce- area around his northern mto what are often danger- away from what 1 onginally ment, wlule the Navy ts Michigan cottage ous waters to rescue those m thought I wanted to do." much more about m!l1nte- Once back m Grosse need. But savmg lives Will So far, Heffner said, he nance" Pointe, he said, his family not be somethmg new to has had more than 200 ' With a ready smIle, put the dog up for adoptIon Heffner acbve duty days of service Heffner s!l1d he IS excited After continually runmng About a two years ago With the Coast Guard, an about the new expenences away from his new family, whJle on actIVe duty as a achievement that helped that are so dIfferent from QUI-Qui (as he was later US Sea Cadet at a Coast that of what most people his named) was returned to age will be doing Heffner because it was clear "I am not much of a that IS where he really school onented person," he Wllllt.ed Lu be s!l1d."I couldn't Sit behind a In hts free time, Heffner desk for another four more s!l1d,he read up on training years and taught the dog to plill ~!~g~~~Consol~~ Grosse Pointe South alter- him on a sled. The following native education teacher winter the two competed in Support-InstallatIOns ? Jane Isbell s!l1d she agrees sledding completions up for Ihe home that Heffner is ready to north (313) 640-0113 embrace his new occupation. "I did decent for It bemg www.MacKethanConsultmg com "HISenergy and drive are the first year, and we never focused on his future," Isbell finished last; he said WIth a Phllip@MacKethanConsuJttng com S!l1d"I think he is an honor- laugh "I did get one first, for able young man who will bemg the fastest junior hllJl- make a good representation dler." of our country." Paul Barr, a lifelong LAZARE'S Isbell, who has taught fnend of Heffner's, S!l1dthat Heffner over the past three whatever he does, he will DESIGNER years, said she thinks he has succeed FUR SALE a great respect for hfe, and "He is a natural leader," that he has chosen a profes- Barr SaId, "and if he IS sent SIan that also respects lt to do a Job, he Wlll do It- He IS a generous p,!!r80n, tWice." she said, and also very Barr said he has many mature memories WIth Heffner, and Heffner needs a career that they spend a majonty that is meamngful to him, of time enjoymg the out- she s!l1d,and that he can see doors With friends, snow- 50% exchange the value m boardmg, playing p!l1ntball on U.S. currency "He ISa kid who has to see or huntIng NO DUlY the merit of what ts present- "Grant ts always there for Phoro by Grant H.fther OR TAXES ed to him, and if he does not you Jf you need help with After rescuing Qui.gw from the area near hU Po, 1/1 "jow see the merit he will not go anything," Barr s!l1d "That northern MichiglU1cottage, the dog'. new owner, .. I...... "'pl ISI h, 200Z or Grant Heffner taught the Husky to Bledrace . Pa) in full aMi gtt: an .ddnlofUll discQu ....

J91 Oudlt."h.' h{' \\ ind,ur~ ( \" \1) \ Hig.h •. ~In'l~ R.H'r ...id{' Ilr fu OUf'lItttf \'E.' frum 8ridc{' ur jn",' Itoft tin' ur I unnt.'l. ~U-f)61--I--,1 • XXX-I \/ \I{I S ,\\"\.lol7,,rc'.Wm Semi-Annual Discontinued Sale

up to 40% Off Selected 1fUMI The World 1s Her Oyster Styles T,ffan\ cultured pearls (Of graduauon day and so many other days Bracelet. (rom $1 300 to $9250 Earrlnl!S WIth d ...monds from $600 to $3800 )j~~~~'1c~ TIFFANY&CO. Located in The VIllage • Acro .. from Jac:obsoDl Mon. Fri (()'8 • Sat 10.7' Sun 12. 5 Tfl:OY "'O~F FI"ET ( ()LtE( liON Hlll'l17 .t~-.'lC TIFFANY' OM 313-881-0200 June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News SA

I ~ VILLAGE FOOD HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 : ~~~~~~C~~\'henght Open Monday through Saturday 8 a,m, to 7 p,m. to limIt quantltles Fine Wines and Liquor ' Prices in effect June I j, 14, 15, 17, 18 &. 19 FRESH CUT IRIS .~ BIO FEVER? 99 ' . .--, "*"---<:. $3 uu~(.;..- ~~ WE'VE OOT , THE CUREI fRUITS AND VEGETABLES 29 ~~:~~~~~3 S1 us BUTCHER ::~~~I~:S~71'58 99~us. WHOLE BEEF ICEBURG 69~ HEAD LETTUCE '132...... ilEA» TENDERLOINS LABATT "SUGAR SWEET" 00 . 24 PACK CAN HONEYDEW no 2JS3 CHlt:~J: LEe " _ • REG. BLUE 81489 IDAHO, 49~ QUARTERS • • LITE BLUE + DI BAKINO POTATOES '166 us. $~;;'" FW~~~RSOUEEZED . ~ Bo~~ttsC'Ol~MP DUo; S 99 .'burger + DEP uORAr~CE JUICE 60 3 1/2 GAL ~ ROASTS y~ c ~ 8 PACK CAN «1" ~ SEAL T .....J1IIJJ1II!. HICKORY SMOKED FOSTER'S$939 · a DAIRY A Of SKIM ~~ BACON 12 PACK BonLE BlIlllIL..-..:JI:lIllllllllllIlIllllllllllIllIIllIIlIlllllllllllllllllU '" MILK IILIMITED QUANTITIES + DEP • BREAKSTONE --' MADE FRESH DO NOT FOROET DAD conACE $1~~z. ~ CLASSIC A" VILLACE FOOD MARKET FULL LINE OF SINeLE CHEESE • VANILLA BA'~ E "". 49 MALT SCOTCH & FINE LIQUORS : =.'t:: SI99 CHICKEN KABOBS ...... •..... $4 LB. 09 ,; .~ WIN ES I ALL NATURAL CR.AM • Pit BRATWURST $2 LB. 99 ~______FROM VERMONT l~r YOGURT MARINATED N.Y. STRIPS $7 LB. RODNEY STRONO sc~~:::t~voRs$199 2199~oz. ~ ~ Chardonnay & 8799 ~ YOUR CHOICE PINTS • LICHT & FIT Sauvlgnon Blanc ve • WHIPPED YOUR CHOICE SW::A. 'FOOD 7S01IL:. BETTERMADE .BOAR'S HEADBACON ,~ Cabernet. Merlot, @'* POTATOCHIPS .. $249 • . . . . . Plnot Nolr, $1249 ve '. REGULAR Sl59 1 L8 PICe: Zinfandel and 7SOML. 6. • WAVE LARGE In the Dal sectIon $999 Merlot __ YOURCHCICI. BBM~INDETllCllT BAG ~ LOBSTER TAILS 8 OZ...... EA • .~hardonnl!y $1~9~ PILIPPO' BLUE MARLIN $499 Chalk Hili VIneyard ~50"~ HE RID 8' B5S CE •••••••••••••••••••••••$2 LB. 0 25 FREIXENETCHAMPilES 100%SPURE OLIVE OIL STACEY'S CRAB CAKES...... EA. BRUT EXTRA 899. ORICINAL • t ' DRY AND $749 · 3 LTTIN • HICKORY cO BRUT NOIR' • KANSAS CITY YOUR CHOICE DE1IC AITESSEN Pe eet for our Stank Cu750C~lebration! g KOEPPLINCER1S H. SMOKINGLOON" BSO SAUCE fiNATURAL RYEBREAD CalifOrnia varletals ' ~ CHAIfDONNAY, $699 '" ~ 139 • CARAWAY SEED 750 ML • SEEDLESS VILLAGE'S OWN $399 FOXHORN , '••~~A.<~.. SI19 BAKED HAM LB. Ohsrdonnsv'$4 '. \~:YOUR" LOAF HOFFMAN'S HARD $499 c:abernet &. 99 ••••••••• CHOICI SALAMI .. 1 "T B t T7 1 ' ..... eraI t . .•5 es ya ue. • ASST. POPS $ * " S[Jeczal Purchase! • ASST. POPS I59 [ =:::;; r'liOlUNO *299 REEMARKABBEY' NO SUCAR 12 PACK ~IIO MINERAl.WATER MUENSTER CHEESE LB. 99 '" ~ ~ 99~~5OZ I,MERLOT $19750ML I " '. • • • ~~ .------Stock-upt!.Jhilethe last' ~ nn . 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PINTO YOUR ~" •• ' ' .;;~7;" ••••••• 1/ IIH 50 SHIRAZ JUMBO YOURCHOICE 0 MIXED CllOICI 48 OZ.• CREATNORTHERN ~ BAKERY auIS JADOT 750 .. \, , 99 ~ ROBERT ROTHSCHI D SAVE .!EAUJOLAIS VILLACE 6 DIPS & SALSA $~99 99 RED RASPBERRY PIE 10 INCH ~ $200 CHARDONNAY '9 • CARDEN S I~99 • 1ST CHIPIVEC POUILLY FUISEE ., • SUN.DRIEDTOMATO FILLED COOKIES APPLE CINNAMON 00 JOHN KLAUSS 2 FOR $500 : =,~~:itMUSTARD~~=ESCHOCOLATE 2j$5 PlESPORTER 75O;.Ill. • PINIAPPU MUSTARD c:::. RAISIN type of slgnage could b-:la~ded to 'the medIan to aid motonsts m locat'mg Woods finds mechants Perhaps the rebeautIficatlOn efforts for the medIans can mclude tastefu,Uy happy median done sign age that will help boih motorists and busmE'sses On another com..ern, during con- for watei main structIOn of the $5 5 million water m31n project in 2003 or 2004, It will tappears that a rather nasty yet be necessary to allow motonsts to get unavOIdable Job WIll be made as on and off Mack as quickly as pOSSIble pamless as possIble, thanks to to do IS look to St. ClaIr Shores, where to establIsh a Mack Avenue medIan I extended road replacement projects rebeaubficatlOn fund. We are confi- m order to ease congestIOn and not the open-mmdedness of Grosse POInte Woods offiCials and the mput on LIttle Mack, Harper and, current- dent many (or most) other buslensses hamper contractors of Mack busmess owners ly, JetTerson have forced some busi- and reSIdents WIll contnbute to the nesses to close. One way to allow eaSIer access on And a hearty thank }OU goes to fund as well Peter Ahee of Ahee Jewelers, who has Some thought the alley would be a Wlth the Mack Avenue busmess and off Mack would be to allow been generous enough to put lus pock- good locatIOn for a new water mam, assocIatIOns and the water mam through traffic on the streets between Mack and the freeway Currently, etbook where hIs convICtIOns'are. but that would be costly to busmesses study committee all behmd the plan, that would have to reroute their It appears the medIan locatIOn IS a those gOIng to Mack can only get What we are refetnng to IS the plumbmg. At first, the Idea of usmg wmner there VIa Vermer or Meross roads. planned replacement of the 70-year- the medIan was thought unworkable But Mayor Robert Novltke WIsely Restnctmg traffic m such a way (l1d WAter maIn that nm~ fllonl!' thp duf' to tl"lp.ph(ll'lp.1m"" .,.mmmg under- w".,.np~ th'\t 11nfo.,.p<;p.f'n C'ircum- rn?t.:~"('ongp~tion on Mack mevltable west curb of Mack Avenue II}' the neath. stances may nIX the medIan water under the best of condItIOns, let alone Woods The replacement of the mam, , WhIle the communicatIOns infra- main plan "It may end up (that) the dunng constructIOn whICh reportedly falls monthly, or structure no longer appears to be a medIan IS not the proper place," he In fact, busmess owners and resI- about 12 bmes a year, WIll be so cost- deterrent to a water main under the saId dents may find that the rehefto Mack ly and dIsrupbve to busmesses and medIan, the landscaping IS a concern. We hope for busmess and motonsts' congestIOn may be so pleasant that motonsts that Woods offiCIals began But we congratulate Mr Ahee, who sakes that the medIan locatIOn will they may not WIsh to remstate the no- warmng resIdents about the project took a leaderslup role, While as a work, through-traffic and no-right-turn dunng last November's mumcipal busmessman he favors the median If the medIan IS used, It may bring restnctlOns from Harper. l electIOn ca~p31gn. locatlOn of the water m31n, as a mem- opportumbes to Improve on what Ongmally, the cIty conSIdered plac- ber of the commumty he is concerned eXIsts For example, busmess owners At any rate, we congratulate Ithe mg the water mam m ItS existing about losmg the beautIful landscap- for years have complamed It IS diffi- Woods reSIdents, offiCIals and 'PUSI- locatIOn, along the southbound Mack ing along Mack that has taken some cult for motonsts to Idenbfy what ness owners on working together to curb But busmess owners raIsed con- 20 to 25 years to grow. businesses are present in each block. make the best of what wIll be a messy cerns, and WIth cause. All one needs Consequently, he donated $10,000 In the past, they have asked if some undertakmg

_\I ... J PRODUcnON Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED. (313) 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING (313) 8llZ-\J294 Buba .. y.. b..,k Vetha,ke, l313) 88Z.3500 (]J318112~ Pubhsher John Minnis Ma'll'e Rem. SmJlh. Manager Peler J Borkne~ AdvertJslIlg Manager AsslSta.n1EllHlU Proofreader Karla Alt.-ogl. Man.ger Grosse Pointe N~ws 96 Kl'rdw .. t Awe. AdverllSlIlg Represenlal1Ve Penny Domck G.roue Pointe Firms, Ml tIZ36 Ken £othedy, Copy Editor Carol M,lhgan, Ken C Ong, -~=:;:;~'::~~enca: ~ Chn'bne Buda~ Inlern Admuuslrallve AsslSlant al\d NaLlonal ; Ad\erhSlIlg Representabve Drollamun Newspaper AssocuIIoOrl ~ ., q . tw '" .,,,,~'\.~ ... N.< ft41-4'<'t ~ ~ " ~. /"~~ t~ *' ft~1Yf'l8't;,

The Asset Approach: Wt ARt' KIN ~ .... _" ..... " III .W'''' •. PuN'~HE~ t TIC ...... ". .. .,,, ...... C...... -.". ...V tf ... . Giving kids what they need to succeed SlaUc.AL PLA~ 01: .._.....- ..... LOC."~T!t NA'a CO"£" oc..n:OF.TOWN'R.~ ~D The Search Instltute (www.search-mstitute.org) has u1ent~fied 40 buddmg blocks I"ooOT VI~IT '[)URINe. (or assets) that help young people grow up healthy, carmg, and responsIble. Each 'FlflH-t:L.Y SEASON. week the Grosse Pomte News will highlzght one "asset" and provide several Ideas to help parents and young people support that "asset" m their home, school, and communlty. Asset No. 18: Youth programs - Young person spends three or more hours per week m sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in the communIty. , Ideas for parent(s): 1. Talk with your children about their mterests. Help them to find teams, clubs or organIzations that match or complement their interests. 2 BeC'ome an adult leader m your school. Offer to sponsor or advise an existmg school club 3 PublICIze youth programs m many different ways - the medIa, posters, com- munity bulletin boards, Web SItes, etc. Often young people do not partiCIpate because they are not aware programs eXlst. 4 Tlunk mtergeneratlonal. Support programs that connect old and young, adults and youth, teenagers and children Ideas for young people: 1 Ask your parents, or a teacher, counselor, youth group leader, rehgIous leader or mentor to help you research and identify youth programs, teams, clubs, or orga- nizations in your area that match your mterests. 2 When you find :l program that mterests you, make a sIx-month commitment. While cartoonist PhU Hands la 00 a much-needed vacation, we are rerunning Many teens drop out of programs prematurely, or they slup from one to another a few of oldies-but-goodies. Address commeots to [email protected] WIthout gIVIng any a chance. 3 If you are not thrilled by any of the organizations, clubs, or teams at your I school, start something. Find five to 10 other students who share your mterests, \' then get together and talk about the kind of group you would hke to start Once you have IdentIfied your purpose, decided on your goals, and outlmed some POSSI- Letters ble actIVIties, approach a teacher you like and ask mm or her to sponsor you. 4 Fif~y-nine percent of youth surveyed natIOnwide are mvolved m youth pro- prOject ill Redford at that senIOrfacillty there IS hmlt. Mack/Moross ed to Redford Township resI- grams. Tlus means that 41 percent are not. Do what you can to help publiCIze and tIme Several other To the Editor: Michigan commumties .ave dents and related famdy encourage your friends to support youth programs in your commumty. On May 22, I attended the senior housmg, "hich the members St Clalr Shores Adapted {rom "What Kuls Need to Succeed: Proven, Pract~cal Ways to RaIse Your Grosse Pomte Fanus CIty cltles funded WIthout federal runs a senzor housmg bu!ld- Own Future" by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D., Judy GalbraIth, M.A, and Pamela Council heanng on the tem- mOnIes,and whIch are hmit- Ing that, whIle open to any- Espeland (g 1998. Used WIth permr.sSlOn from Free Spmt Publlshmg Inc., porary use of the Mack- ed to reSIdents of then OTU!,there IS a waltmg llSt Mmneapolls, MN; (800) 735-7323; www.{reespmt com All nghts reserved. Morass property Qwped by respective commu:p.lues. an..d St Cla.tr Sho'-e: res!- the city Smce that evemng, I have dents get preference. Oller One of the reSIdents sllld spoken with several attor- non-residents on the l~ ,..... r""\ ' 1 _ ~ I _ _ _I _ .. 11' _ .. that If senIor housml!' were "pv<; llnn 11'01'l111tOrCl Ann lJrOSSe i'"'Olnler~e~vsaeaallnes to be the eventual use of ha~e bee-n ui'tanle to find that SIte, there was a good that there IS any recent law Donors needed chance that no Fanns resI- whIch prohIbIts commUnI- To the Editor: Retail Advertising - (313) 882-3500 dents would ltve there ifpeo- ties from proVldmg senIor In antiCIpatIOn of low pIe from DetrOIt. Harper housing for theIr resIdents blood suppl,es over the com- Your Home - Noon Friday Woods and St ClaIr Shores Sentor housmg, In my Ing Fourth of July hDlIday, filled It up OpInIOn,IS very badly need- St Paul Kmghtf of Features, Sports sections - 10:30 a.m. Monday ThIS mlsmformatlOn ed In all of the Grosse Columbus CouncIl IS spon- seemed to me to be Irrespon- POlntes and I smcerely hope sonng a blood dnve on Main News section - 5 p.m. Monday SIble, so I addressed the that mlsmformatlOn and Sunday, June 23, at St Paul counCIl. saymg that If scare tacttcs WIllnot lead to School Canfield Center~ 170 Classified Advertising - (313) 882-6900 Grosse Pomte Fanns bullt the eltmmatlOn of that pos- Grosse Pomte Blvd., from 9 semor housmg usmg no fed- SIble use of the SIte by the am unttl3 p m Your Home (pictures, logos and border ads) - noon Monday; eral funds, Grosse Pomte Fanns In order to help enB~re Fanns could detennme who Mr Theros IS new on the adequate staffing, an even \Vord ads - 4 p.m. Monday was t.o live there ('ouncl] counCil, and I do hope that flow of nonors, and mmmuz.e member LoUIS Theros mter- In the future he WIllbe sure time, donors should call General Classifieds - Noon Tuesday rupted me, saYIng, "That's that hIS mfonnatton IS accu- (313) 884-2866 for an not true" rate pnor to mterruptmg appomtment or at least to ~\':; ~ ~~~"b-~yo of the. rnnn ...... ~ ...... ""' ~ + ,.. ", .. "'co .. ~,...,'" .. T11

I c It Ib never okay to U f' \\ NatlOns How do you tell her? away veteran underwPdT c Take It apart a Take her to a mce Car Talk 11 Why did Mo'-p" [l'.ld 2 As you grow older, what rB;.,tdurant and tell her after the braehteb dll (j'd'r till Rather than makmg you lost quahty of youth do you dllllll'r place for 40 yedr... bdor ( read my opmlOns, which miSS the most? b Take her for a walk on a they filially got t" •h, have ranged m thiS column a Innocence. moonlIt beach, and With from what to do With clty- !>tdr...III her eye!> tell her Ploml;.,l.d Land? b Ideahsm I a He wm, beIng tt,t, d Say L Tell her ""hat? owned land on Mack and c Cherry bombs b He wdntl,d thl'Ill trl Moross m Grosse Pomte 3 When is It okay to luss 9 Om' weekday mormng Farms to Western mOVies ) our ""1fp ""dke" up feelmg appreciate tlw P, I)llll (d another male? Land ....hen they Im.dl; gill I'll g'lVeyou a break ' a To display pure affec- III dnd lenre of earthly hfe to ru!>h It L I'here itEarth They killed c tell the Jokp about the b You won't bp re..td\ dlly How to ~LOf(' (,I II I' Ilr present you With a deVice 4 What about huggmg guy who has Alzheimer';., time soon to lIl..thl' cl Id,tlng thlm' 10 Whpll I" It OK tu thluv. "ell one pomt lor' I l r\ till capableiOf cunng all dl!>ease, another male? disease and cancer commitment, and yOU don't av. a~ a ....t of uncll rwpar) ) ou pIcked .1n,," (I l \ I< tI provldmg an mfimte supply a If he's your father and want to hurt her by )-.olchng gU) v.ould .,COf( It It 1-' ,II of clean energy, wlpmg out at least one of you has a 6 In your opmlOn, the out fabe hope d When It hd' turnpcl the LOlor of a dl ad II h..t1L dnd Oil thl ... le ...t In j'll • t, I hunger and poverty dnd fatal disease Ideal pet IS c You can't believe thp g-uy "ould ...Wrl 1\ j( .,,1 1) ehmmatmg oonrp""lOn ami h Tf ynll'rp pprfnrm1flg thp , A r

_f~i by Ben J',\lII1~ lanHly of volunteer!> from Paddock, Virgima Hlep, Show house the Gro""e POIntes mcludes Barbara Rlchm d ...on, Barbara Arjeski, Harold Arline Schoenherr, l\1Jkc reprise Battjes, Carolyn Stapleton, .Jeannl' As the new Iuds on the Chandrasekar, Carl Sylvester, Yolanda block, Shawn McCrindle Crosley. Fritz Darnm, Turner, Curt Tutug', ,].'net and Lisa Ficarra were Nancy DeFrance, Toenjes and p('g-g)' dehghted when they were Johanna Diepenhorst, Valerio chosen to der- Wilma Dykstra dnd Rob If you don't kllOl1 ,In \ 01 orate the chll Feikens those folk!> and \OU -till dren's room If an) of those names would hke to help .l I'll m the Jumor nllgs a bill and you are hours a week elthpr In till League Show mterested m how you can Sunday Soup KJtd1l'1\ (JI " House on help, you can contact them a counselor or receptuHlI,t Provencal m directly you should call LXclutl\l May Others volunteenng as director Mary Hon;,?l It Visit the Grosse Pointe Dogs website: http://gpdogs.keenspace.com But they receptIOniSts, counselors or (313) 831-2787 You c 1n JIfl(1 were even servmg on the board or Its out more dbout (IO,,(()l(!" happier when Ben Burns committees mclude Tony at cro;.,,,road ...o!ll1\lhW III they found Fiorillo, Sandy Fisher, org • out that Meredith Mary Hulswit, Kevin Ben Burn, of th, (,, Pubhshlllg, whIch doe;, spe- Hall, Herb Head, Lee Gro"e POint, l' "r, I ' Cialty book;, for Better Keenan, Connie Kienle, the Jour/wil"" flY'< 'I /I treetwlse Homes & Garden", wantl-'d Wa\ll!' Stat< (nz [t 1'11\ II Jan O'Leary, Phylli'i to mclude theIr httle glrl's O;,ler ,HId Eric and Karen can be r![[() ,I Question of the Week: room in a tttle called Popp 11Ilr",I" lI«t, "'It'" "Stmply Perfect Room;., " AI"o "L n m,; \1, BpTI ,,11(1,11 ul "\1 )/ "" If a.ll you really need to know you learn Last we"k thE' Merl'dtth in kindergarten, what did you learn in folks, led by Khnstl By Suzy Berschback ktnderGarten this yearf Zimmeth of the Park, spent two days producmg 14 pho- tos for a four-page spread III "Share everythmg'" the book that wlll be on - Mitchell Scheppler, age newsstands for a year 6 Shawn and Lisa are both North graduates and live m the Woods Shawn has a degree from Pme Manor III Boston and Lisa got her degree at the School of Art at "Clean up your own the Umverslty of j\lI1chlgan mess'" The pair got together WIth - Megan Frassetto, age Chrissy Bowen, another 6 U-M and North High grad, to do the wmdow treat- ments, throw pillows, cush- Mitchell SCheppler IOns and bed skirts

LIsa, who has run her own Pb tj t H J -., company, Lisa Ficarra Shawn McCrlndle and Lisa Ficarra were delighted ~ Artwork, for eight years, when they found out that Meredith Publishing, Megan Frassetto speCIalizes m murals and which does speciL"y books for Better Homes & Gar- art decoratIOn and pamted dens, wanted to include their Junior League DeSign one of palm trees, monkeys er Show House's IltUe girl's room in a tiUe called and trooical folIage that "If you pick a plant's "Simply Perfect Rooms. n paraded around the room roots, It won't grow backl" , - Mary Stuart, agp f) . . . ~ ~ Nanna diaries , .. The Search Institute of Mlnnedpu1Jh ha~ a sene.:- of tips for us grandparents on helpmg nurture the grand "Follow the rules and play kids They mclude Expose fair!" yO)lr grandchIldren to the - Nicole Bade, age 5 arts, spend mdlvldual tnne With each grandchild, ne"er Mary Stuart compare one to another. take them With )OU when you are volunteenng and, If they hve far away, try to see Nicole Bade them on a regular baSI" or at least call them often. ,e'1d P "Readmg IS good for you'" mall messages, mall thf'm - Gretchen Dettlmger, notes or tape-record \our"elf age 5 readmg stones for them I m In nonhern Vlrglflfd thIS week practlclllg what the Search In"tltutf' pn'dch e" \\ Ith my fnur grandhahle, - Manan, t\IllPlld r....d11II 111 and Rachel - all tlllorr 2 "Do good work and play )ears old and all named for every day'" grand moms or gH'at grand - Mandy Wang. age 5 moms m the extended f,lml ly , Gretchc:l Det.t!inger Cro~s(oads ____ JI Speakmg of extended [,1 m Mandy Wang Ihe ..., CroR"road, an out I r["lch prngr:lm to hl'lp C''''nlhv I,fl' ,,, of "Gro~se POinte 1880 19.30 She welcorrU!s suggestions for que~tlOnB to her e mall alwa)" lookmg for lolun address at Berschback@aol com tepr... Part of t!ll'lr l xtl ndl cl June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 8A News

JU.>tlce and democracy I Will such wonderful people work With the local mdlge. Thank you 'Villiam Mazzone III Letters - nous populatlOn on sustalll' To the Editor. and Family From page6A able commumty projects The end of the school year Harper Woods women's agrIcultural co-op, IS here and my family and I many as three patient!> m construLtJon of an ecolOgical would hke to take thiS need of a donor\' blood com- ..,tove, and mamtenance of opportunity to thank the punent!> Help bave lIveb - commumty bUlldmgs wonderful staff at Beacon Thanks olle hour of a dOllor'.., tune I'drt uf the Lhdllenge of Elementary (In Harper for contributions ldll make a dlfTerence III wurklng WIth SEDEPAC IS Woods) for domg such a three h\e<- learmng first-hand about great Job To the Editor: Mark Thoma the difference between My son has attended I would hke to thank all Hometown: Grosse POInte Blood Drive Chairman North and South In terms of Beacon for the past four the people who contnbuted St. Paul Knights re.>ources Prebently, I am years and now It IS time for to the "uc<-css of the Grob.>e Farms of (,olumbu8 Council attemptmg to raIse $2,000, him to move on to Tyrone Pomte Woods LIOns Club Breed: whIch coven, the program Elementary In hiS time at White Cane Street Sales All Vanou.> m).>te- fee of $1,250 and 1ll) alrhne Beacon he has had the proceeds go toward the sup nous ancestor.> Supplication ticket to MeXICO City of opportumty to learn from port of vanous programs from exotIc To the Editor: approximately $700 I am some truly amazmg teach- dedicated to helplllg the places I ,11ll a 2000 gT,lduate of appeahng to each of you as ers bhnd F:lmi!r' lJllhbl IIHllll .3uuLII Hlgll We woula like to thanK 1he pUblll. Ldll IlIdKt: d. 0.11- my Grosse POinte neighbors L)'nn and Bill "ll hool AttLT .,tudylng In Mrs Nancy OZImek, Mrs ference In the hfe of a bhnd Joseph O'Connor U"dkd ,Japan labt yedr ab a I Will gracIOusly accept Judy Sulhvan, Mrs Sandra person by sendmg a check to O'Connor and Hotdr\ Youth Exchange any donatIOns, frequent ther Wassmer, Mrs Debra LIOns Club of Grosse Pomte brother, Pooh ~tudent I am now double miles or part.tlme work Stendll, Mrs Andrea Byrne, Woods ChantIes Inc, 1154 Cat IlJaJonng m internatIOnal until I depart on June 28 for Mrs Susan Harris, Mrs Hampton, Grosse POinte Nickname: None - doesn't hke to be called JOEl <;tudws and economlCb with MeXICOCity Lynne Ford, Mrs Knstt Woods, MI 48236 The LIOns Special talents: Entertammg Joseph check8-out a mmor III Japanese at Thank you for your time Mmcel, Mr Chns Bell, Mrs Club IS a 501 (c) (3) chanty, snacks and dnnks and has rus own chair m the dihlng Colby College and consideratIOn of my Lynn O'Meara and Ms Lynn whIch means all donatIOns area where he can contmue hiS samplmg of the meal\to I have been selected to request I am looking for- Dixon are cons.dererl tax determme If It has hiS stamp of approval. He pr~€'rs partIcipate In the American ward to my upcommg You have all been a deductible flank steak but has been known to mbble on porklllm Friends ServIce Committee adventures where I Will tremendous help in The Gro ..se Pomte Woods (AFSC) MeXICO Summer stnve to put "service above Wilham's growth and LIOns Club IS made up of vol- Favorite toys: Joseph IS too mature for toys but has Project Our \~ork Will be self" I WIsh each of you a deserve a round of applause unteer members who meet tned, m vam, to chase after an odd rabbit, or a bIrd, or Larned out In partnership happy and relaxmg sum- Also, congratulatIOns to on the second and fourth two \\ Ith SEDEPAC ServlclO, mer' Mrs Byrne on her retire- Thursday of the month at 7 Claim to fame: Twenty-five pounds of hard muscle Debarro!lo, y Paz, A C Erica Hill ment thiS year Both of our p m at the AMVETS Hall, (Sen Ice, Development and Grosse Pointe Farms chl1dren had the pleasure of 19730 Harper, at the 1-94 Po.. u. ....'C'. ]PArmng from M!'s Byrne Allard eXit If you IkcL:ld l:kc to s1.bm.t .'r0ur "Pet Pomte, of SEDJ<:PAC" pnman I('oal Edltor~ note If ycu would Although we are sad to see Red Arnold Interest," delwtr or ma~l a typed outline and photograph \b the .,trpngthenmg of "plf like to ~end In a donatIOn, you leave, we Wish you the Chairman to the Grol>l>ePowte News, 96 Kercheval, Grosse PcAnte su<;tallllng grab,root' orga- COllta( t ,John A!/n!!l~ at 96 best III the future Grosse Pointe Woods Farms MI 48236, or e mall to postmaster@g~se- IllzatIOnal efforh t!J,lt -u'h r.lr,!I"a, .\l( Gru"c White Cane Street pOinfulel.!> (Om (photos mu.,t bp hIgh resolutIOn) I gTPatel ..,allal und l' 0l111l1l1l fIr II, Farnr' HI .j~2)1, belllg Sale~

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\ June 13, 2002 ."Grosse Pointe News 9A • News IIH . . about theIr whereabouts Grosse Pointe Park youth Park offiCIals wanted hIm on .' orne InvaSIon durmg school hours on Park pohce recovered the a $5,000 warrant for f81lure PUBLIC SAFETY' REPORTS to appear m court on a mis- Monday, June 3, at 11 50 . ' moped on Saturday, June 8, ~ S~P~~s~e c~~~g~~ am, m the area of after the young victim Iden. demeanor charge DetrOIt unknown amount of foreIgn Envoy strewn along the tlfied three of five suspects authonties accused hIm of Public Safety Department Ridgemont and Plche The boys dumped theIr moun- currency block who pushed hIm to the pubhc order crimes h8.? charged a 26-year-old tam bikes, fled on foot, The Falrford reSIdent ground and stole the vehIcle Woods polIce processed Detroit man WIth a "couple iJljhevt:B the thefts and The cnme took place at the mdH dud passed hIm on of felomes," accordmg to hopped fences and cut Capsized destructIOn took place about 6'45 p m the day to the other Junsdlctlons Grosse Pointe Park Pubhc through back yards, finally between 115 am, when rus before m the area of Safety Chief DaVid HJ1ler endmg up beIng detamed by kayaker son returned home from Kercheval and Balfour "We beheve thIs subject IS the HIllcrest homeowner A 49-year-old Grosse A likely story One of the bikes had a watchIng a hockey game, ~nslble for at least five POinte Farms man has cour- Grosse Pomte Woods CIty of Gros~e Pomte hcense and 9 40 a m harpe invasIOns In Grosse teous motonsw to thank for Wherrrre's polIce have adVIsed a resI- and did not belong to eIther A reSIdent In the 500 block pointe Park," HIller saId rescuing hIm from a kayak dent of the 1600 block of boy NeIther boy could con- of Ballantyne reported find- IS an ongoing mvestl- aCCident on Thursday, June Ing her cement flower pot Johnny? Brys to call the statIOn If a \ 'ti n We've got the key firm ownership of the second 6 A 48-year-old Grosse SUSPICIOU&stranger comes bike broken and her neighbor's r, but we're looking for The Farms pubhc safety house numbers m the mId- Pomte Woods man has been calhng about lawn care The boys' parents were tlonal suspects .. department was alerted dle of the street arrested on outstandmg On Thursday, June 6, at called to pIck them up, I• The~suspect was pIcked up about the man and hI!.' cap- A ftjbH.lent of Woodland warrants from Grosse 3 30 pm, Woods polIce adVIsed of the charges and m DetroIt, where he was SiZed kayak by a cell phone Shores woke up to find a "for Pomte Woods, the Park and learned the stranger, ndmg were told the Wayne County found m the back seat of a caller at about 4 50 p m At sale" sign that dId not DetrOIt a "beat up~ black bicycle, Juvemle Court would be m the scene. officers stopped a Qtnlpn f"~r hPloflg to \,pr p"~ted :m her Pohce Investigated the anoroached the reSIdent contact With them The iju,;,pect also confessed passing motonst, who had a front lawn, along With sever- man upon complamts that three time,;, sohcltlng lawn to two home mvaslOns In the ladder on rus truck whIch al broken bags of cement on he repeatedly approached a cuttmg Jobs The reSIdent CIty of Grosse Pomte - one they used to pull the man to her dnveway reSIdent of the 1900 block of got nervous when the man m the 800 block of Lorame Farms home shore - Bonnie Caprara Country Club askmg for an asked If she kept her home's on Thursday, May 30 and The Victim, who was unknown person named Windows open all the time apother m the 700 block of invasions weanng a hfe jacket, report- "Johnny" and If she had a secunty sys- ~\vard on Tuesday, June 4 A caretaker reported "a lot ed no major InJunes and Woods polIce wanted the tem refused medical treatment Car thefts of jewelry was taken" from a man for drunken dnvIng - Brad Lzndberg '" Car thieves focused on I ,t, house m the 400 block of Grosse POinte Park last .,lJ.osing streak Kerby In Grosse POInte week They stole three vehI- Farms on Tuesday, June 4 South end ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID I A 32-year-old cles and were trying to take It IS unknown what Items Burnmgham man couldn't a fourth when a reSIdent were taken or the value of run fast enough from City of shenanigans scared away a suspect Grosse Pointe South High School the Items The homeowner IS Grosse Pomte Shores pub- Grpsse Pomte, Grosse The actIOn took place dur- Track Repairs and Resurfacing deceased hc safety officers were busy POinte Farms and DetrOIt mg the mghts of Wednesday The house was undIS- attendmg to thefts and polIce and Thursday, June 6-7 The Board of Edut'lllOn of The Gro~sc POlntt Publlt ~t hool turbed the last tIme the destructIOn m the south end .The man was reported On June 6, a 2002 Sy~tcm. Waync County MIlOigan, Will rctCl\ C ~cdlcd bId, for caretaker VISIted on of the VIllage on Sunday, I"unmng naked on Lmcoln Chry<;ler Sebrmg LX Wag Wednesday, May 29 Grossc POInte ~outh HIgh School Irdck DrolCtl rt,urldcc dntl between Mack and June 9 taken from the 1400 block of A reSIdent on Fordcroft rcpam, pha{1evOlx at about 8 p m • Somerset A Iso that mght, a A house sItter reported reported a wrought-iron on Wednesday, June 5. He 2000 Dodge Neon was taken that someone had broken patio set ffilssmg from her SpcLlflcallOn~ and Bid Forms Will he dvaildhle ,It d _was chased on foot and from the 1300 block of Three mto and ransacked a house house. She was unaware of MANDATORY pre-bid meeting on Monday, June 17,2002 • apprehended by a City offi- Mile In addItion, a reSIdent In the 400 block of the theft until a neIghbor of the 1300 block of Bedford at 9:00 a.m. castern daylight llmc a~scmbllng al Ihc contc, cer and a Farms officer In Champme In Grosse POInte asked why she saw the the 700 block of Lmcoln scared off someone trying to SlOn ~tand of Grossc Pomte South HIgh Sthool II Gro", Farms pIeces at the curb earlier Pomte Blvd . Gro~~c POinte Fanns. MI 48216 I After wntmg hIm up for break mto a 1999 Dodge It IS beheved the unknown that mornmg IntrepId The suspect fled In II mdecent exposure, the offi- Another Fordcroft reSI- suspect entered the house a Dodge Neon Scaled bIds wlil be duc Thursday, .June 27, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. cers handed him over to through a first-floor bath- dent said that someone had DetrOIt pohce, who wanted On June 7, a 1994 Honda eastern daylight time at thc Admlnlstrdllon Bulidmg of thc room wmdow and rum- taken a black mountam bike CIVIC was stolen from the hIm as a suspect in several maged through dressers, from her house. She was Gros~e Pomte Board of EducdllOn. 18951 ClaIr A\c Gro"c hit-and-run accidents that 800 block of NottIngham. POinte MI 48230 at which Ilmc and placc Ihc bid, wli! he drawers and closets some- uncertain when she last saw The next day, It was recov- day. opened and pubhLly rcad aloud Th I> project wli! not be bme between Thursday, the bIke She also reported ered In DetrOIt May 30 and Thursday, June that someone had entered funded by federal or ~tate mome~ Resident holds 6. It may not be known what her daughter's Jeep and left Items were taken from the the contents of the vehicle Please direct questlOns to Larry Yankau~ka, M

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• 1«( II/I II (I/I!UII( ( St. Clair Shores (Just N of 11 Mile) It \llll 01 ,1)11ll'lllle \Ill) ]()\(' I' 111 the mdr~L1 t.l1 gld(ll)U, retllC'I1lCllt 11\1I1~ pled" (,L1lu, till mtlle 1Il11l1111.1[lOllllrd tOUI ,II -)Xh 7'), 11:-'~ 586.777.8570 Jew,elt#Photo June 13, 2002 10A News Grosse Pointe News Police association Richner to use head names Farms cop - for think tank By Brad Lindberg PohcyBot, an Internet data- Staff Writer base at www heartland org 'Officer of Year' Outgomg State Rep The site contaInS th0usands By Bonnie Caprara until days later" Andrew RIchner, R-Grobse of documents from more Stal/Wrlter Thanks to ZJehnskl's Pomte Park, IS spreadmg than 300 thInk tanks and It was Just by luck Grobse observatIOn and qUick hiS WIngs pubhshers POInte Farms pubhc safety thIn lung, the HIll busIness Faced by mandatory term "I'm gomg to wflte about officer Frank ZlehnskI hap- owner IS ahve today lImits chartIng hiS courbe my bIll to preempt local mIn- pened to see and stop a 30- ZlelInslu was credited for out of LanSIng, Richner, a Imum wage laws," Richner year-old Hazel Park man lus work along wIth 12 other three-term reprebentatlve, said make a wrong turn onto polIce officers Lram five dIf- IS runnmg stateWide for a Richner's legislatIOn Andrew Richner McMIllan In the early morn- ferent law enforcement Frank Zielinski seat on the Umverslty of would prohibit local govern- to hire a team of lawyers Ing of'fuesday, May I, 2001 agencies as they were Michigan board of regents ments from raiSIng their On a Wider scale, he has JunsdlctlOn's mInimum Just to see how rduch they But credit good polIce named Officers of the Year "He did a great job on that , 1 ... ~ -it \. 1 work on that stop for leadmg by the Pohce Officers stop and on many others" jUlueu WllberVIHlve dlldiY"Lb W(1~~ dW\,t: ...li\:~bLak Vi ft..J UUU "'u tJ '" ",...u, .•U L-tfJp.lUjec::, erallevel It's particularly ollJlrous to ZielInski and hiS fellow offi. AssocIatIOn of Michigan Zlehnskl has been a pubhc at the Heartland Group, a "We've seen a wave of small busmesses" \ cers to a 62-year-old Royal (POAM} on May 24 safety officer With the natIOnal nonprofit pubhc pohcy thInk tank based In local wage ordInances that HIS measure IS supported Oak man left for dead In lus "We recognized these offi- department for 2 1/2 years ChICago artifiCIally raise the mml- by the Michigan Chal,nber of HIli office SUIte just a few cers for their herOIsm," saId He currently works In the Richner Will research pub- mum wage," he said "That Commerce, DetrOit RegIonal blocks away and the arrest POAM Treasurer Wllham traffic diVISIOn Pnor ta com- hc polIcy lSbues With puts people out of work Chamber, and NatlUhal and conviction of the man's Birdseye "In Frank's case, It mg to the Farms, he worked Heartland's legIslative adVI- Moreover, It's a mghtmare FederatIOn of Independ<:-nt assaIlant was In recogmtlOn of hiS for the Hamtramck PolIce sory board for job prOVIders who have to BUSInesses, among others Zlehnskl said, "If he commitment to pohce work Department for 2 1/2 years "It's lIke the Mackmac deal With all these different In DetrOIt, which under Clli"- wouldn't have made a wrong and hiS dogged determIna- ZIelInski, who has been Center. but on a more ordmances" tam cond1tJons has a sepa.- term, I wouldn't have tion that led to arrest and descflbed as "friendly" and natIOnal baSIS," Richner Michigan con tams rate mInimum wage of "topped him When I pulled the recovery of the victim" "profeSSIOnal" from rus co said approximately 1,500 local $1050 per hour (the state him over, he was covered workers and reSidents, was ZlelInslu was selected by Noted free-market econo- governments mmInlUm IS $515), Focus With blood The fight ques- proud of the recogmtlOn, but the POAM after beIng nomi- mist Milton Ffledman has "If each (city) had a dIffer- Hope and the SalvatIOn ~ns came out at the ught said, "I was a httle lucky I nated by the Farms publIc called Heartland "a hlgWy ent rule as to how to pay Army oppose local rmnllnum ~e along With the nght got an award, but I don't see safety department effective hbertanan Insti- employees, you can Imagme wages aiIswers If I wouldn't have myself as beIng any better "Frank's an outstandIng tute" what a mghtmare that ~lled lum over, that man than any other polIce offi- Richner's bill was mtro- officer," said Director of Richner Will prOVide arti- would be," Richner saId. irouldn't have been found cer" duced more than a year ago, Public Safety Robert Ferber cles and edltonal adVice to "Each company would have but remams m the House Comrmttee on Employment RelatIOns, Trammg lliId f:itizens group names Young Legislator of the Year Safety "Labor umons are vigor- IV Brad Lindberg beIng forced from office needs legIslatIOn to Increase penal- He wants to protect bus ously opposmg It," Rlchnllr Staff Wnter because of mandatory term "It makes sure those In tICS for assaults on bus dn- dnvers from being stalked, said "They're trymg to go ;:'Advocates of helpIng low- lImits need, lIke senIOr Citizens vers The effort has gone shot at and assaulted through local governments Income people are gomg to "I am truly honored that a and indiViduals who have nowhere "When trus happens," he to get passed what they .tUISS the support of Sen group so concerned about received shutoff notices, get Most recently, he tned to s81d, "It not only threatens can't get passed at state and 4Dseph Young Jr others IS recogmzmg my heat dunng wmter," he said mclude bus dnvers m a bIll dnvers and passengers, but federal levels • :; Young, the multi-term efforts," Young said Tom Mathieu, MCAAA to Increase penalties for the secunty of everyone on Umons agamst the bIll U~mocrat state senator rep- The MCAAA Includes 30 executive director, said, assaultIng judges and court the road" mclude the AFL-CIO, t:esenting the Grosse agencies throughout "Sen Young has performed of'ficlab Young's efforts corne as Umted Auto Workers, etJintes, Harper Woods and Michigan that advocate pro- extraordinary leadership "We have an obhgatlOn to state and county offiCials Mlclugan Teamsters CouncIl ~tr01t'S east side, has been grams for lOW-Income resl- and legIslative action on protect dnvers and passen- debate the creation of a new, No 43, Michigan FederatIOn Wimed Legislator of the Year dents Programs Include behalf of Michigan's low gers USIng pubhc trans- bus-based publIc transit sys- of Teachers and the filr work on behalf of strug- Head Start for approxlmate- mcome famlhes " portatlOn, espeCially m tern for southeast Michigan. ~mg mdlvlduals and faml- ly 21,000 cruldren, meals on Young, who IS runmng for today's world," said Young, a MichIgan EducatIOn AssociatlOn nes wheels for 230,000 semor Wayne County executive, member of the Senate A longtime supporter of - The award from the Citizens, weathenzatlOn of said, "I am known for bnng- A p pro p r I a t Ion s Richner sald hiS legisla- publIc transportation, Young tion would brmg JO~s to Michigan Commumty 8,000 homes, and employ- mg people together to solve T ran s p 0 r tat Ion saId the proposed system Action Agency AssoclatlOn ment trammg difficult problems" Subcommittee "I see Michigan and help spur the would proVide "thousands of soft economy C

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Cadieux & Moross, across from Grosse Pointe) 313.886.3000 June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 11A 3A Blrmlngham and Bloomfield brother, Gustav (Ann) dIed by the Verheyden college professor turned Naples, FL 34102 Hills for 40 years After her Salben of Norton, Ohw and Funeral Home m Grosse busmessman took the famdy husband dIed In 1995, she her sister Dorothee Salben Pomte Park The funeral through several moves to - muved to Grosse POinte to be (RIchard) Sanders of Copley, service was pnvate Boston, Mass, Pittsburgh, near her daughter and son- Ohlo Pa ; Washington, DC, Ian L. Van m-law Arrangements were han- Grosse Pomte and Kokomo, Walleghem Accordmg h"r daughter w dled by the Wm R Edwin D. Lewis Ind, before movmg to Ian L Van Walleghem, 42, Tnnkett Clark of HamIlton Funeral Home m LongtIme Grosse Pomte Naples, Fla 111 1975. SllUtebbury, Mass, "Her beloved eon of George and Mount Clemens A memonal reSident EdWin D LeWIS, Her famdy recalls that famIly meant the world to Mmam Van Walleghem of service Will be held 59, dled on Saturday, Oct 6, adJustmg to the new cIties Grosse Pomte Woods, died her She shared her pasSiOns Wednesday, June 19, 2002, was never easy but wlthm 2001, m Eatonton, Ga, recently In Apache JunctIOn, for flower arrangmg, art, on what would have been where he lIVed With hIS days of a move she bur- mUSIC,children's llterature, Anz her 82nd birthday, at Chnst daughter AliCiaLeWIS rounded herself With new A native of Grosse Pomte cookmg, entertalllmg and Church Grosse Pomte, 61 Mr LeWISwas a sales and friends She thnved on her Woods, Mr Van Walleghem educatIOn She also Instilled Grosse POinte Boulevard III relatlOnshlps With her fami- service ehgtneer III the auto- attended Grosse Pomte a strong sense of commumty Grosse POinte Farms A pn- motive mdubtry 1n addition, ly and fnends and was dear- North lhgh Sc~ool and and the Importance of gtVlllg vate mterment service Will he served as a Michigan ly loved by all who knew her freely of oneself" graduated first m' hlB class be held at Chnst Church NatIOnal Guard and U S Her wonderful laugh, cre- from Loyola Marymount Mrs Clark's volunteer Cranbrook In Bloomfield ative talents, beautiful smile Army reservIst College III Los Angeles, career was long and reward- Hills and generous heart were Rt'!!em"e 9a!ben Clark He ISalso survIVed bv lus (''''If lIlg DUring World War H, Memonal contnbutlOntl daughter Casandra Syme always admlred He was an accomphshed she volunteered for the may be made to The MUSIC Mrs McCabe IS survIVed and hiS grandchJldren wnter Rosemae Saiben Amencan Red Cross blood Program at Christ Church by her son, Chad McCabe, Anthony LeWIS and AleXIs He IS also survived by hIS bank and blood dnve She Grosse Pomte, 61 Grosse Clark Syme of Georgia her daughters, Slgnd brother, Dr Paul Van also worked With childrf>n Pointe Blvd, Grosse Pomte Rosemae Salben Clark, A pnvate memonal ser- McCabe and Ingnd McGUire Walleghem of Grosse Pointe affilcted With cerebral palsy Farms, MI 48236 Gifts can 81, of Grosse POInte died fol- vice was held for the family and four grandchl1dren She Farms, hiS Sister, Anna For many years, while her also be sent to the Enc Carle was preceded In death by lOWIng a long Illness on He Will be mterred on Fleckenstelll of Grosse daughters were III school, Museum of Picture Book Sunday, May 19, 2002, at St Fnday, June 14, at 2 pm, at her beloved husband of 51 Pomte Woods, and his meces John Hospital and MedIcal she was a room mother and Art, 36 Mam St , Wlute Chapel Cemetery m years, Law, m September of Browme leader In addition, Northampton, MA 01060, 2000 and nephews, Sarah and Center m DetrOIt Troy Stephen Van Walleghem she worked WIth emotional- where a book fund is being Arrangements were han- Born m Akron, OhlO, she and Lauren and Matthew wab the daughter uf ly dlsturbed chlklren at the estabhshed m her mf>mory dled by the Hodges Funeral Pontiac State Hospital and for the museum's hbrary Chapel in Naples, Fla A Fleckenstem Alexander and Helen MemOrial contnbutions was a docent at the DetrOit memonal service was held Salben may be made to The OeD Mrs Clark received her Institute of Arts on June 8 at Tr1mty-by-the- A very rehgtous person, Cove Episcopal Church in FoundatIOn of Michigan, bachelor's degree from 25140 DockSide Lane, Northwestern Umverslty she volunteered at Chnst Lauralyn G. Harris Naples, where she had been Church Cranbrook In an active member ofthe con- Harnson Township, MI and a master's degree m Grosse Pomte Park resi- 48045-6707 Elementary Education from Bloomfield Hills, where she dent Lauralyn Grelg Hams, gregatlOn for many years Wayne State Umverslty served as a docent, dlrec- 74, dIed on Saturday, .June In heu of flowers, contri- She was an elementary tress of the Altar Guild In 8, 2002, at Bon Secours butions may be made m her ADWMImr .. school teacher for many 1985 and Holy Week HOSpItalin Grosse Pomte. name to fund a house for years, first III North Chairman, from 1985 to Ms Harris was a profes- Habitat for Humamty, m WaRKSt Royalton, OhlO, and later at 1993 slOnal caregtver who also care of Tr1mty-by-the-Cove CALL 313-882-3500 IS Church, 553 Galleon Dr, The LIggett School III Mrs Clark also sur- enjoyed knitting and loved To reserve DISplay AdvertiSing DetrOlt She later taught Vived by her daughter, anlmals ceb 2 m Fnd both speCial education and Wendy Clark (Joseph) She is survived by her for- Jenmngs of Grosse POInte, second grade 10 the Troy mer husband, Joseph Obituary Guidelines School System her son-m-law Henry Harris; her daughter, Mrs Clark first settled In Nichols Blake Clark of Dorothy Harrts; her SISter, The deadline for SUbmitting obituaries is 3 p.m. on the the Detrolt area after mar- Shutesbury, Mass; her Cathy GIlhs; three nephews Monday prior to the Thursday pUblication. rymg Chnton Rice Clark m beloved granddaughter, and two grandnephews. An obituary, unlike a eulogy, Is a brief, factual, biographical Charlotte Allegra Rice Clark account of an individual's life and includes memo- 1943 They llved III Arrangements were han- Iagrid Koebel McCabe of Shutesbury, Mass., her rlallinterment Information. The Grosse Pointe News and The Ingrid Koebel Connection provide a form for obituary Information and all prewritten submissions will be edited for content and news- Farms passes 2002-03 budget McCabe paper style preferences. Ingnd McCabe, 71, died Pleaselimit written obituaries to 300 words. By Bonnie Caprara rates m these challengtng equlpment, new automat~c on Sunday, June 2, 2002 m The fees are $100for placement In the Grosse Pointe News Staff Wnter economic times," saId Mayor defibrilators for all publIc Naples, Fla or $50 for placement in The Connection. Only funeral homes Pro Tern and Budget safety vehicles, a spray area The Grosse Pointe Farms Mrs McCabe was born In will be billed. Family or Individual submissions must be paid Ch81rman Ron Knelser. for the Pier Park pool, reno- City CounCil recently DetrOIt m 1930, and spent prior to publication. They can be paid by check, Masler Card, approved the city's annual vation of the pool pump her early .rears In Grosse Visa or cash. Receipts are available upon request budget for the fiscal year Planned capital Improve- house, relocation of the Pomte She mamed Charles Color or black and white, 35 mm or high-resolution digital begtnmng July 1 ments for the 2002-03 fiscal mamtenance building at Law McCabe III 1949 (.JPG format) photographs may be submitted for publication year mclude a new ladder PIer Park, water mam Her husband b career For addillonaimformatlon, call (313)343-5597. The new fiscal year bud- truck for the public safety enlargements, sewer line get, set at $11,264,250, IS department, an upgrade of enhancements and repaving •. based on a tax rate of 13 75 the pubhc safety depart- along Kerby from Chalfonte I mills, whIch has remaIned ment's 41-year-old pohee to Mack and along Chalfonte ~ unchanged from the past fis- \ and fIre eommunkation from-Fisher to Madison. \ cal year The mIllage \ mcludes 12.25 ml1ls dedlcat- \ edto city operatIOns, capital Woods water main work Improvements and debt ser- vice A remammg 1 5 mtlls The water mam on Bnco Excavatmg WIll do covers the payment of the Llttlestone Will be replac«:d the Job The company, which storm water sewer separa- thIS summer Work IS replaced the water mam on tlon pJ'f)Ject expected to begtn in early Marter and Anita last year, The Farms fund balance July and last approXimately submitted a bid for Will re~n unchanged for four months, accordmg to $279,636 With an additIOn- the 2002 8 fiscal year. >""~- -Joseph Ahee, director of al $35,363 for engineenng "We are roud that we can pubhc works costs, such as mspectlOns, continue to Improve our city "The road Will stay open contract adminIstration and services and ~nfrastructure durmg constructIOn," he contingencies, costs could With no change to the tax said total $315,000 BREAK . ..• More headroom ... 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More torque How to make a BMW 3250 Convertible feel madequate June 13, 2002 Patriotism in Action Grosse Pointe News 12A mw: Ive of my deCISIOn to be m r::~ ~~~ the mIlItary Before I JOIned the Navy ULS students ask and catch up on personal projects Each vldmg the greatei>t challenge I ended up my focus was squadron has a "Ready Room," and each submIttIng an applicatIOn for the U S on flymg, mght after we're fimshed flymg, we try to Navy Lt. Patrick Naval Academy because the Academy has but they show a movie There IS a lot of free tIme the SIngle largest number of pilot slots to when we are transItIng across the ocean, dlstnbute each year I was fortunate and McCormick was accepted to the Naval Academy, and but not as much on a normal fly-day Q: HOll.!often do you talk or write to your ended up gettmg one of those slots when I famtly? Do you mIss them? about life aboard graduated In 1997 Q: What thoughts go through your head Aja Jovanouskl when you are flyIng over Afghanlbtan? A: E-maIl IS faIrly reli- the USS Kennedy Supraja Sharma able on the ship I e-mail A: From a pIlot's perspatlve, we try to my family every other da) By Madeleine Socia "tay fOCUl>eddurmg the long five-hour mls- Bemg out here has actu Special Writer s,ons ThIS means bemg VIgIlant m watch- ally allowed me to get EIghth-grade students at llmvPI ~Ity Ing for anti-aircraft gunfire and sunace-to- back In contact WIth Llggl'tt Schoolm Grosse POll\te Wood" were a long lIst of IUI nu~slle" coming our \\ ay It means bemg able to get a umque inSight mto life at the "afl' jet expt' ~, front vIa e-maIl fromULSalllmnu:.Lt ", clal>ses submIt- realIze how much we ted questIOns to Lt have In the Umted McCormick, 27, "ou States, and how lIt- of Ann and BIll tle so many people McCormick "f around the world Grosse Pomh' have AfghanIstan Farms looks lIke a waste- The 1993 t. L ~ land from the aIr graduate followed "- It's dIfficult to Imag- long and challe~"lng Ine how large the path to reallzl' ht:- gap between our dream of bemg a lIves IS, from sanI- Kav)' flyer Atl~.r tary hVlng condi- earmng a B S In tIons, to educatIon, EnglIsh from thl' to nghts and free- liS Naval Academ) doms In 1997, he complet- Q: What thmgs do C'd the ground school you mtss most at portIOn of lus fught home? Tbese Unl4ersity Liggett Scbool eigbth-grade students submitted questions trammg m Lt. Patrick McCormick. son of Ann AnkurVerma for U.L.S. alumnus Lt. Patrick W. McCormIck. Ascending. from left. are DI.DDY Pensacola, Fla In and Bill McCormIck of Grosse Pointe A: CertaInly, I Foster. ADkurVerma. Robbie Baubie, Adam Rock. Tracy Halso. Austin Jenkins. 1998, he moved to Farms, sbared bis experiences as an F. miss the company of Raymond cantrell. Supraja Sbarma. Krista Murray. Aja Jovanovlkl, Erika Emd Okla where he 18 pilot stationed on the USSKennedy family and fnends Richter and Taylor McCarty. Also participating. but not pictured. was Holly flew the T-37 "Tweet" in tbe Northern Arabian Sea witb the most Huth. In Pnmary Flight eighth-grade students at University Q: If you had Trammg He was Liggett Scbool during a recent e-mail known that (the took the time to make sure that I under- sInce high school graduation That part of then selected to fly conversation. attacks of) Sept 11 stood how difficult a mIlitary lIfestyle can beIng out here has been very enjoyable- Jets and transferred were to occur, would you stIll have choser. to be, and the sacnfices that would have to be Q: What was tt ltke bemg m Afghamstan to Mendlan, MISS where he flew a T-2 become a puot m the Navy? made They ensured that I knew what I was "Buckeye" His next stop was KingSVllle, when 9/11 took place? Danny Foster getting into Texas, where he took off m the T.45 A: More than ever Adam Rock Q: What tS tt ltke flymg an F/A-18? "Goshawk" A: I wasn't actually out to sea on Sept Taj'lor McCarty Lt McCormick was awarded hiS Navy Q: How does It feel to be flymg, knowmg 11 My squadron was gettIng ready to go to A: When you open the hatch to go out onto WIngs and moved to the Naval Air StatlOn that at any second you could be shot down sea for two months oftraming I was drivmg the "cat walk" and up onto the flight deck, a Oceana In VirgInIa Beach, Va, where he and killed? onto base to go to work when I heard about rush of salty air hits you It IS pItch-black, flew an F/A.18 Hornet before shlppmg out TI-acy Halso the first plane hlttmg the World Trade and the slup is rockmg a bit As you step out HIS hlgh-flymg servIce has Impacted hIS A: Wp don't spend a lot of tIme worrymg Center Wlthm an hour we were malung onto the flIght deck, a 40-knot wmd tries to Identity as wen as hIS career SaId about gettmg shot down whIle we are flymg preparatlOns to get lIve mISSIles on our Jets push you Into the ocean All you gee IS the McCormIck, "When I checked In for the F/A- We do prepare for It by customizmg our sur- and get airbome It was certamly a shock narrow beam that your flashhght ,11um.- 18 trammg, there was a mix-up up and 1would never have Imagmed we'd be flytng nat.es VIVal gear to the clImate and terraIn we WIll You look around the flIght deck"and the "Flounder" got put below my pIcture, so peo- be fiytng over, and by pract\cmg the Seal ch aIr patrols over our own CitIes sodium vapor light.-. prOVIde an eene, dim ple have been caUmg me that ever smce w and Rescue (SAR) procedures whIch are m Q: Why would you risk your llfe for people orange hue to the gray aIrcraft parked and Lt McCormIck was asSIgned to his first place In the event one of us does find end up chaIned to the deck With their tads hangmg workmg squadron the week before 9/11. In on the ground Every pIlot goes to Survival, you don't know? what hIs mother called a "surreal scenano EvaSIOn, ReSIstance and Escape school Raymond Cantrell o"er the SIde You pass behInd a runmng jet whIch he could never have Imagmed" hIS (SERE) where we are taught survIval skIlls A: I knew people that should have been In and feel the burnmg exhaust engWf you, first combat flights were over the East as well al>what to do If we are captured the World Trade Center when It was hIt I and Llu:: 0..1 .s sucked from your chfj'St The Coast of the UnIted States Q: I know that a lot of men and women see knew a guy who was on one of the flIghts sound IS deafemng The follOWing que"tlons were excerpted you as thetr hero Do you see anyone as your that hit the World Trad~ Center Fnends of Everywhere people are mOVIng around In from McCormick's onlIne mtervlew WIth mme were m the Navy WIng of the Pentagon the darkness Off to one SIde a Jet starts to hero? when It was hIt So for me, any nsk that 1 taXI and sweeps Its exhaust across a few U L S students Tracy Halso A: I thInk most of the pilots out here take by helplTlg hunt these people down IS plane captaIns who had theIr backs turned Q: Gomg mto the lme of work that you are would be the first to tell you that the troops small compared WIth the sacnfices and and knocks thE'm over, but they don't roll far Ln, dtd you expect to be domg and feelmg the on the ground are the real heroes WhIle losse~ others have endured AdditlOnally, until someone grabs them thmgs you are now? Is the Job more chal- shIp lIfe has Its drawbacks, those guys are we're gomg to have to take nsks in order to The edges of the flIght deck drop off mto lengmg or exactly what you prepared for? constantly m gunfights With Al Queda dISrupt, harass and kIll these people If we blackness, there IS no moon Eventually you make it to your jet, salute And If so, how much dtd the events of 9/11 forces, are exposed to the elements, and are gOing to prevent them from dOIng It change your mlsswn, tratmng and proce- sleep on the ground mght aitel mght We agaIn and agam It certaInly Isn't glam- your plane captam, and get strapped In As you close the canopy, seahng yourself off dures? are fortunate to come back to a hot meal orous, and It may not be pupular to put It that bluntly, but It IS what we need to do from the outside, you feel a hit more com- Ertka Rtchter and a bunk to sleep on Q: Does your famtiy support your deaswn fortable . you're back In your element A: Gomg Into the mIlitary, I certaInly Q: How do you spend your free ttme? expected to fight somewhere, someday I to be In the armed forces? But, not long after the comfort has come, would not have guessed that It would have Kr/.Sta Murray Holly Huth It IS gone You start to think about the mght A: SIX to seven months on a shIp allows been m Afghamstan agaInst terronsts, A: My family has always been support- catapult launch mto the darkness Your each of us plenty of time to read, work out, mouth gets a htUe dry Your eyes are start- though There has always been a level of pnde mg to adjust to the darkness. All the sys- that members of our armed forces have had tems are up and runmng, they unchaIn the both dunng times of confhct and times of The Grosse Pointe News Salutes ... jet, you arm your ejection seat, and start to relatIve peace, when mIlItary servIce seems Houston, Tx A member of taxI around the deck and up to the cata- unapprecIated and our necessIty IS some- Grosse POInte South HIgh pults Private Alexis *' ~ , . The nose gear IS behmd the cockpIt, so tlmp" auestIoned T"\I A _ n-n.l no Schad das" nf 2001 she .LJ ca..a. ..o"'" ...... , Followmg the terronst atta('ks on our plans to return to Grosse the taxi dIrectors actually taAl :you out over homeland, all of us felt thankful to be m a U.S. Army National POInte In September 2002, the edge of the deck whIch you cannot see POl>ItlOllto respond and help fight back Guard Reserve to enter a pre-med pro- OccasIOnally you can feel the nose tire rub U S Army NatIOnal n Naval AViatIOn pndes Itself on beIng fleXI- gram at Wayne State agamst the "scupper (a 4-mch curb that ble {Jur trammg IS very well-rounded, and Guard Reserve Pnvate Umverslty In DetrOIt separates bemg on the flIght deck and as a result we can adjust qUickly to different AleXIS D' Angelo, 18, fallmg mto the ocean strapped mto your daughter of Peter and theaters and different tactics We don't AccordIng to her mother, Jet) SheIla D'Angelo of Grosse As you approach the catapult you start to tram to only one way of domg busmess, her patnotIsm comes natu- which has helped us tailor our tactICS to Pomte Park, graduated go through your emergency procedures In third In her class from Fort rally "She was born on the case the catapult doesn't qUite get you fly- effectIvely fight In Afghamstan Fourth of July and we used Leonard Wood, Mo, on mg to call her Yankee Doodle Q: What things have you seen flyLng over May 16, 2002 Pvt You're locked Into the "cat" With the D'Angelo was honored as D'Angeloin Her parents, power up and then It fires In 175 feet you Afghamstan? the top "exemplary" female go from 0 to 170 mph, your VISIon blurs as Austin JenkinS and sIster Jonelle, are very soldIer m her company and proud of her accomplish- you try to watch your engme Instruments A: Other than a handful of CItIes, there Private _-\leD!' D'AngelO really's very lIttle m Afghamstan From the acted a" a Sergeant at ments and commitment to tor the first half uf the cat stroke to makp Arms dunng commence- sure an engInp didn't "tall, and then up to au, the maJonty of the country looks lIke at the Army servmg our natIon ment ceremonH'S She 18 a medIC the HUD ald r"he truly has school, who died a little ls Math and How God Works In Us! CommumcatlOns Challenge, De La Salle honors graduates from the Pointes 20338 Mack Avenue - Grosse POinteWoods WhlCh requIres students to $10 OO/chlld - $15 00 lamlly. 313 884-5090 complete either a math or Two Grosse Pomte reSIdents were honored WIth academiC awards at De La Salle commumcatIOns workbook, Collegiate High School's Commencement ExerCises on Monday, May 20 Thomas Kean Magee SaId of Grosse POInte Woods was awarded second place III ment III music-vocal and second Students ask people to place m chemistry Jason Moore, also of Grosse POIllte Woods, was honored With sec- GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM sponsor them, and based on ond place In relIgIOn how many questIOns they NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING get correct III the workbook, money IS donated by each PROPOSED 2002-03 BUDGET sponsor that wIll go toward Students of the Month named cystic-fibrosIs research Students ofthe Month are Bledsoe-Hemng and Jamie Schmitt and Kierstm Utter, Thc Board of EduLatlOn of The Gro~,c POIntc PuhhL SLlmol At the end of the chal- those students With excel- Gentry, Richard, and Grace Richard; aru:! Andy Sy,tcm wlll hold a Pubhc Hedrl ng on MonddY Junc J 7. 2002 al lenge, HIlI wanted to raise lent attendance and dedica- Piche and Matt Halso, McAllister, Trombly 800 pm .II Ihe Gro~~c Pomtc <;oulh High Slhool Llhrdry II still more money, and she tIOn to their volunteer Jobs Trombly. Library Squad students Gro"c POI'He Blvd , Gro~.,e Pomlc Farm, 10 rc\ ICW and um asked Magee for an exten- Safety Patrol students are Service Squad students assist the school hbranan ~ldcr thc Slhool Sy~lem , 2002-2003 Propo,ed Budgcl sIOn on duty at IntersectIOns near help With safety rules InSide before class by shelVIng As InSpiratIOn, HIli SaId schools to help students school bUlldmgs and per- books and dlstnbutmg Summar} LOPIC~ of the 2002-2003 Propo,cd Budgcl will hc she often thinks about a cross streets safely They are form other tasks as needed audIOVisual matenals to d\addhle on Fnday Junc 14 2002 atlhc BU\InC" GnlLc on thc framed picture on her dmmg at their posts every school They mclude Jordan teachers fiN floor of Ihc AdmInlQralIon Budding, 1R9 St Cldlr Avcnuc day, before and after classes, Long, Defer, Steven Jones, They mclude SanJay For rurthcr InfOrmalIon plea~c contact Chfl~tlan A Fcnlon In all kmds of weather Carla SchmIdt and ErIn Shanna and KatIe Riddle, They Include Emma Shoemaker, Kerby, John Defer, JulIana Love and A"l~lant Supenntendent for BU~lnc,~ dnd Support '>cr\ ILC, al Baker, Defer, Andrew Sulhvan and Molly Miller, Kayla LeWIS, Maire, EllIot (111) 412-1080 or l~ha Smith al (\13)412 1071 DenIer and Nicholas Maire, Alexander Doetsch, Rentenbach, Maresa Leto, HIgall!"o Maire AJex Palmer Scott Brown, Anne Major P:J.tncl3 Scherer and Dan Linda Farmer, and BrIttaney McEachin, and Jeffrey Burns, Dupl'l eh, ;"1ontelth, and (r P" 11611V2(H12 "cerci In 80m] ,11 I dUL I[[On MonteIth, ea!> In Gadzlni>kl :'o!ontCith Carol) n Gohlke, C\lItlin Buchanan and Enn Alex Blondell 0,11-\ L - I \ldrtln Kather'ne \!lj\ilh Tmmbl)

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1 1 Grosse Pointe N~ws From pre school throug} grade p Unlvemty L,ggett Schools cut>tand,ng (USP<; 230-4(0) Publl~hed eV!'ry Thur_day cc 1lcbe prepar?toty cumculum small Lla"e, ralenred taculty and unbearable By Anteebo Publishers college gUidance program work together to pro~,de lro df('l S65 oul or • ~ I UL:> student> recogn,zed Melro o:1'('.a • Outstand,rp kP e\CITents POSTMASTER ~end ,

I<. I r r I {\ )(1 .. .., .....'" 'In"J" Th" ~ I In IlT1al1clal aI',lstancr d(,ildl ne for (l(h{'njC.'n~ (OP" Tor million a",arded annually '«1100 A" 5 (1(] pm Mond,y ( ORRf.atk-r rhfo rr~ 1n(,,('l1lOl1 ~J"'l "l''''lryu,;;m ,:)(bo.ct nw ( r ~<;(' POlnh' Nf'\Y'i rl"'l'f"o("i 1~1t r grl Middle School n'" <.I'Of~' VP;, h;r..r 00 'Rllho( IV t

June 13, 2002 14A Schools Grosse Pointe News Academy honors Order in Judge Pierce's court! scholarship recipients By Jennie Miller The Grosse Pomte Brett Bentley Crawford Staff Writer Academy announced the Creative Wntmg Award, an Our Lady Star of the Sea reCipIents of four speCial award glven to a student eighth-grader Enn Savage scholarshIps dunng an aca- who possesses a slull and "stood tnal" In Grosse POinte demiC awards ceremony on passIOn for creative wntmg Woods MUIllClpal Court on Monday, May 20 These and exhibits a spmted per- Wednesday, May 29 scholarships are glven each sonality She was found not gUIlty year to deserving Academy The award, presented by of being a minor In posses- seventh-graders former student Devon sIOn of alcohol by her peers. Michael Gray was award- Crawford, was established Jury members and fellow ed the Spicer-Trader Fund to honor the memory of for- classmates of Deha Hayden's Award bar:.edon hiS desire to mer student Brett Crawford e;ghth-grade SOCIal studies excel and Ius academiC and Dlmltra was selected to ....JC::tbO athletiC pertormance rCL.elV~ Llu::> dWtUU L) The: Judge Lynn Pierce Dlmltra Leheta was glven Academy's creative wntmg preSided over the tnal, With two awards She was the teacher, Harvey Ovshmsky, WJlI Bolten and Alexa recipient of the Thelma Fox and Middle School Pnnclpal Bergamo as the prosecutors Murray Scholarship Award, Scott T1ly and Robert Hathaway and gwen each year to a student Andrew Pierce was Knsten Kent as the defense who demonstrates mtegnty, awarded the Nowoslelskl- attorneys humilIty, a sense of humor, Lutz Scholarship, an award Witnesses Dralua WilkinS, athletic achievement and given to an upcomIng Paul McAlpine, Andy Paglia academiC excellence eighth-grade boy who excels and Dalllelle Zohrob came to In additIOn, Leheta was academically and athletical- the stand to testify for or the first recipient of the ly agamst Savage l Lauren FlemlOll and LeeAnne Shaheen aSSisted Photo by Mrs Hathaway Hayden 111 orgamzmg the Above, Judge Pierce gathers with the defendant, witnesses and members mock trial whIch was held to of the prosecution and defense at the Grosse Pointe Woods Municipal , assist the students' under- Court. They are, from left, Erin savage. Will Bolten. Kristen Kent. Rob standmg of the Justice sys- Hathaway, Pierce. Alexa Bergamo. Paul McAlpine, Danielle Zobrob. Andy l tem Paglia and Drakia Wil.Idns. Photo b..,Jenmt! Mtller Phow by Jennie Miller ~ Below. Hathaway presents his case to Judge Below, Bolten gives bls closing statements to Pierce and Jury members. the Jury members.

Academy students and scholarship recipients Michael Gray. Dimitra Leheta and Andrew Pierce.

Jazz Band takes the stage On Saturday, June 1. the Grosse Pointe North High School Jazz Band traveled to Muskegon to participate in the "Music in the Parks Festival" held at the Michigan Adven- tures Amusement Park. The North Jazz Band received the highest score of all instrumental ensembles and brought home the only superior trophy given out at the festival. Membe1'8of the North Jazz Band in the front ~OW include. frOIll left. Megan Zyuualowskl. EUy Dolinski ..Bridget BrOBD.&.D. .. .An..n. Padeeky. Car. WUU. Nau.u .. Calloway ~.Jo" ~J'f~i' .. In the second row. trom le"ft. are hthouy Kl11mas, Brian Jobnides. Nick Ridella. Joe Agacinsld. Ben Poupard, Mike Greiner. Paul Padesky and David Cleveland. director. South student In the third row, from left. are Roy Lucier. Sai[ into SyNan ifi.caaermcCamy Joshua Romero, Michael Weingarten, Andrew In celebrahOn of the summer season. Sylvan wtlllaunch a receives Ferwom. Alex Brideau. John Buda. Stephen vanety of educabonal-camp prograr.lS to ensure students are Zymslowsld and Bill Webster. balancmg thelT hot, fun summer days wllh academICS LlSted scholarship below are 3 dIfferent tune durations of AcademIC Camp to accommodate your very busy summer schedules, which are Katy Wyman, a Grosse • June 10 to June L7 Pomte South High School • July 8' to July 25' ;ort student, has won a schol- • July 29" to August 15' arslup to the Mane Walsh Sharpe Summer Program The compromISed AcademiC Camp sessions consISt of Over 60 Jumors are select- • Let's Get Ready For Algebra, Grades 7-9 ed to participate In thiS • Wntmg Camp, Grades 3-8 • Let's Get Ready For Back To School Tests. Grades 3-8 prestigiOUS two-week art • Summer Study Sklils, Grades 6-12 camp, where students work • Summer College Preparatory, Grades 9-12 With natIonally known artists 1Il Colorado Spnngs Each summer camp totals 24 hours dunng the summer season This year marks the Sixth whICh IS scheduled for 3 "eeks ThatlS 2 hours per day year 1Il a row that a South Monday through Thursday There Will also be group art student has won the mslruct10n which consISts of no more than 3 104 students scholarship

We look forward 10 campmg With youl Call \ our local Sylvan learning Center at (313)60-0000 to enroll your chtld ~pace ISlImlled so callieda, I DSYLVAN 'iylvan Learnlnl/; Center lEARNING CENHR 93 Kercheval t2J G1'Osse POinte Farms I~_----- WOLVERINE Children's "'HEll THE Cf{O!CE5 you ~~t 7:00 p~ Sept 3, from 10 a m to > ~ Expert Fur Cleaning $42.00 noon, and 6 30 to 8 30 pm, Monday through Saturday -!!>_OO Repairs - Restylmg "ThIS IS a wonderful ges- Us Shear Your Mmkl ture," saId DebblP LIedel, AT ~AACt COI1t1vtJ!1Y CHuRCH d' 'Or Removed • Insurance Appraisals the home's pubhc relatIons director 1-,+ tt l1oR05$ The Children's Home pro- Vides 'lupervlsory or child foR 1!ct(tr1J/fo cAU-com AT: care workers and msurance 313.5'5+.1070 • ':00 AI1 To +:30 PI1 coverage to the children whJ1e on city property S~Clf\SCl~d h_",e 5~ flews ~"..'J "'drCl ,rid2+.7 ~o~ - Brad Lmdberg IIf ~e SClU"'west' ddrClit "'eflo t'a"'~ June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Schools 15A Two graduates appointed to United States Air Force Academy By Jennie Miller Staff Writer Grosse POInte North High School graduate Jenmfer BoutIn and Grosse POInt.> South High School graduate Robert Rogers have recently been appomted to the Umted States Air Force Academy Boutm graduated With a 3 6 grade POInt average and plan~ to major m engIneer- 109 She was the cO-taptam of t:.u....."'....hu .....~....) t.....""'.tuut ~v.J.th and ran cro~s country WhIle playmg hockey, BoutIn was Phow by Jenme Miller on the second team All- Robert Rogers Jennifer Boutin League In 2002 and received Architecture student wins competitions an honorable mentlOn for Bradford J Koemg Award Grosse Polnte Public School System Superlntendent Suzanne Kleln All-State In 2001 and 2002 an assistant photographer and the Grosse Polnte Board of Education honored Richard Chesney, a Rogers graduated from for soccer In 2001 and was A member of Valkynes, a junior at Grosse Polnte South High School, on Monday, June 3. South With a 3 8 grade pomt on the third team All- student volunteer service Chesney, who is In his second year of architectural drafting, recently average and plans to major League m football III 2001 group, BoutIn also served as won awards at regional and state competitions sponsored by the Michi- In sCience m college He was also the Varsity class senator and head of gan Industrial and Technoiogy Education Society. the decoratIOns committee, While In high school, Club president Aside of athletiCS Rogers His rendering won first piace at the regional level and his house plan member of the graduatIOn Rogers participated In soc- IS a member of the National receivtld second-place honors. At the state competition, heid In Grand committee and a member of cer and football He was co- Honors Society, plays the Rapids, his 12-pagehouse plan won first place and his rendering received the Varsity Club as well as captam of the soccer team plano for the school's Jazz second-place honors. the Fellowsmp of Chnstlan ms semor year band, gIves pnvate plano MRlckis an extremely hard-working student and is gifted with both the Athletes Rogers was All-Dlstnct lessons and performances practical and the artistlc," sald Chesney's teacher, Ken Ginger. Boutin has worked as a and All-Conference 10 soccer a,ld IS a member of hiS lIfeguard and has also been 10 2001, received the church youth group Studying the Milk River

ParceUs' sinh grade ,science students cently completed a earlong study of the , Water quality issues In ihe Lake St. Clair ,.. tenhed. Students '°te.ted the water In the II1lk River, near Jeffer- "'lIon, in October and 'again In April, as a pari of the Clinton River Watershed Council's Student MonItoring '045 Cook Road Program. SaUft\1tI£R Grosse .om" Woods MI48238 The water was evalu- '..~ed ODsite for dis- solved oxygen, phos. UNIVERSITY LtGGETT SUMMER SCHOOL phates, nitrates, tur- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAn Preparation bidity, temperature and E.coli. Students Six-Week Program Three-Week Program ~t~~?II CIOOIJi June 24 AuguSl2. 8 00 a m .noon June 24.July 12 or July IS-August 2 also looked for 2012 ~I~ Co-Sponsored by: 8'00 a m noon macrolnvertlbra tes, !'_\ Cosl $415 for e~her Verb., and Malh $690 for both cours es Cost $290 ror eJther Verbal a nd Math tiny bugs that live ~/~!~"..'I Grosse Pointe News I The Connection $415 for both course. underwater. Some of ()fr \. "oJ Lac Ste. Clair Kiwanis Club Two-Week IntenSIve PreparatIOn Augusl5-16 • 8'00 a.m noon these bugs will only Cost $4&5 for both Vertlal a nd Math live in clean water, Wednesday, August 28 which makes them The program 01 prepar.lIOn for Ihe SAT aHOfed by Ihe Un verSify L'9gert Summer School good water quality lndi- 6. 9 ISamong the best anyw'h'5"fe All courses proll1de the fo IoWl~ p.m. 1 Famll dnty With 'he format 01 testing used n beth the PSAT and SAT cators. 2 Re\llew of maJOrpnr.c p E:SencOl.ntered on the Verbal and Math sectl(lns Back in the class- from approximately 8 1/2 Mile Rd. 3 Computer ass~sted assessment of personal abllt ec:,aoo dentd cat on of stralegleS room, students con- fCXlmprovelT'ent ducted biochemical (California Ave.) to 10 1/2 Mile Rd. 4. The student s a\lerage SAT score and the range of SAT scores en se...eral tests to a din lhe college selection process oxygen demand tests (Lakeland Street) in St. Clair Shores. and sorted macrolnver- 5 A P an to follow between the end of the course and the adm nlslratlon 01the SAT tebrates lnto pollution For more information or a registration forrr call tolerance categories. Proceeds from the cruise will be A. Martin Wrttmer, DIrector of ULS Summer School at A The water In the Milk [g)l 313-884-4444 I!Q) 1 donated to local children's charities ... mall mWlttmerOuJ. org River appeared fairly U .. i't' ...... ,.L9;le M!lOC 'ivr'r"lf'¥'SL-~Jo:l{IfI'eI(;(or'l!'S 4en"'Sft9tl"dlinsoJliCl!' ~.tndr.a'(Y\d/;yr~ongr clean during both tests. Including Kaleidoscope Kids pediat- however. very few macroinvertebrates ric hospice program of Henry Ford were found. Hospital and the pediatric immunization program and services of Bon According to teacher NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Christine Geerer, this is Secours Cottage Health Services. GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY probably a result of the COUNTY OF WAYNE, MICHIGAN occasional sewage Look for our Harper Cruise 2002 overflows from both the artificially rocky special pUblication! ON THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET FOR THE banks and the Milk River pumplng station, We want photos of your classic car! which sends E.coli lev- TO ALL INTI-RESTfD PERSONS IN THI liBRARY els soaring. Both make D1STRIC r OF 1HE GROSSE POINTL PUBliC II BRARY Your classic automobile can be one of the main attractions! Everyone Will be living In the river diffl- cult for these bugs. able to admire it! The publication will be In the Grosse Pointe News and PI LA <:>FTA KE NOTICE th.ll the Bo,mj 01 1 ruqee, of the MUnderstanding the Connection and will be availableat the cruise. (,ro"e POlOte Puhlt~ Llhrary Counl\ ,,1 WJ\ne Mld11gJn will complexity of Great hold .I puhlt~ heartng on MondJ' Ihe 2.lIh d,lI 01 June 2002 .II Lakes water quality (, ,n p tn .II Ih~ 1';elghhorhood (. luh 17\ ~n\\-Jterloo Gro"c issues is critical for our Pleasesend a color photograph (not computer generated)along with $15 ($10 POlnle MI~hlgan 10 um"der Ihe ,lppIO\,\I .IOU "doptlOn nl the students, who as adults will be donated to the above charities) and the form below. If you would like ,'peraling hudget 01 the Gro"e POInte Puhllc Ilhrary for Ihe will face tough political your photo returned, please include a self addressed stamped envelope. and economic deci- Ii,tal \ear 2002 20m sions about protecting Photos must be received by Friday,August 2nd. natural resources, " ('ople' 01 the recommended hudge! m on Ilk wllh Ihe Llhrarv Geerer said. Director at the (jro~,e POlnle Puhlte Ilhr,lI\ In klrehe\al I send your photograph with $15 to: Pictured above. r------· - - - - - · · Grtl"e PIllntl Mllhlg.m for m'pecllnn durtn~ re~u\lr Ilhrar~ Meredith Chicklas and "-' t N 96 Kercheval Iwur, \1 Ihe PUhltl hearIng \lllItllen, l.lxp.l\lr, .md prop Grosse Pointe Farms Erin Rozema pose after Or~ rum C CWS ert\ O"Olr, 10 the Ithr,lIy dl'-trtcl 01 the (~ro"c PUlnle Puhll~ their work was com- ,\, (OSNECfi Michigan 48236 1 ,hr,lry ,h,lll he ,lfforded an opportuntly to he heard In reg,trd III • , • , ••• ON, • , Attention Barbara Vethacke plete. Pictured above thc lpprOl Ii 01 the plan ,ltl1endtl1~nt' flU_ PROPERTY (313)343-5586. FAX 882-1585 right, students search TAX \111.1."<;1-, RATE PROPO~ED TO BF UVIED TO for macrolnvertebrates I Please Print "lIIPPORT THI-. PROPOSED Bt'D(,I<.T '" ILL 81<. A at the edge of the Milk Year, Make & MI8JI<.CT OF THIS HEARING. River. Model of Vehicle ------I CIty _ 1111' notKe I'- pur,uant to a re,,,lullOn he Ihe So m! nl I ru~tee, I Owner _ "I the (nm,e POinte Puhlll I Ihl,lI~ ()unl\ 01 'Wayne ADV1M1S1N8 BOOY • Original or Reproduction PARTS. Onglnal or Reproduction Mlehl",m (plea $8 c. Cl9 l WO.«St (p\oease c.rcle) Robert Klacza Best Feature _ CALL 313-882-3500 '>u ret Irl BIl lid 01 Trll,tee, To reserve Display AdvertISIng ------~ ------(, I'N 0(,/ I 112(XI2 (,r""l 1', mIl' Puhltc Ilhr trv space by 2 p m Friday b June 13, 2002 Grosse pointe News 16A ~'r"'~tf,f{~ " , ~'~. .,",r,~ ,- ~


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TOYOTA COIIOLLA LI: .Of .uto ... ~ value 31k 400 .uto.1 lhelOyl """"' vaIuo .,563IA 1578103A Auto, air, AMlFM $5,995 $8,995 '00 DAIWOO LANOS Casselle, pwr 2002 KIA RIO II • dr llUlO tnV\I .xc cond 17k, 1 BaIJ!ael warT OCIlJlIll)OCl I'IOlIlf1lll'ld I owner "~l:)tNA .01<>'." .- IPIl658 rear defrost $9.797 II $7,995 I _ LAND IIOwlIIlMICOVUIY Stk #189671 2001 KIA SPOIITAGE 40ft 118.X. 1oe_ apor1 _ 14k,. Aul<>'I' balJ!ae1 WOfT pwr".mJlkS steal II S10f00 "" 11'110$ .P8557 $12,995 $17.995 ... CHEVY CAVAUER 40ft ... UNCOLN TOWN CAlI _r nI IClaIIUXUlY garage Au1C>'1l< S18f8O .xc cond 'PIl472 va ke9' .Pl8532A $5~995 $9,995 ... BUICK caNTURY 'N IIUICK LUOM "'" _ _. c:ontmI otWf 28Il V8 llUlO dmo18c:onlro1 -" ~ .581e75A Air, pwr -.or .173129A $9,351 $7,995 wlndowsl1ockslsteenng, '00 PONTAIC GRAND AM rear defrost, alloys, dual 12k. toot WOrT fully OQuoppod HOTI ~ VB powor goklre Iool oIlt1o alrbags and morel .P8513 true~-sedanO tP8544 $" 1 'J"~ $16,995 Stk #124755 CiS~fl' PBDBLDIS? • • IAIIKIlUPTCY • IlEPOS?' COLLaCTtON? • SlOW .... Y? Jeff,.y Alltomoth,• .".elalln. In ..... tlnt "GOOD PE9.eJ..E" whh "~8.i.IHI"1 ==-= II OIIIW'VIDI ,ur """'&loll .~.:.SS.1;.~.~.,~.e.N.ew.s H_.a_r_perWoods 17A Library uses e-mail inform residents This Week . By Jason Sweeney The books that are up for dISCUSSIon,children's • A family fun nIght and Staff Writer prOgTams. finanCIal progTams and crafts are all a Monday, June 17: Harper Woods' library dIrector, Dale Parus, agrees part of the June schedule • The Harper Woods City fundralser hosted by the that It IS hard to keep up wIth everything In today's AddItIons to the library's collection of books, Counctl meets m the cIty coun- Harper Woods Public LIbrary world wIth work, famlhes and other obligatIOns VIdeos and DVDs Will also be Included m the pack- Cil chambers at 7 30 p m The runs from 6 to 8 P m at the With that In mind, he's helped to make It easIer for age top agenda Items wtll Illclude McDonalds restaurant at resIdents to lqjep up wIth happenIngs at the lIbrary "It's a good way for people to not mIss out of pro- the Brownfield plan for the Vermer and Kelly Twenty percent of the money "We under~and that people are busy," Parus saId, grams they mIght be mterested m,. Parus saId, Incommg Sears store at earned dunng the mght will go "but we know more and more people are U&lngthe addmg that the servIce would be great for parents, Eastland Center Internet and e-maIL" whose children can get some of the greatest benefit to benefit the summer readmg By bending an emall to HWL@lIbcoopnet resI- from what the library has to otTer Tuesday, June 18: program dents throughout the area can subscrIbe to a weekly The children's summer reading program beginS • The Harper Woods School Wednesday, June 19: newsletter that hIghlights events at the Harper Wednesday, June 26, WIth a VISItfrom the perform- Board meets at 7 p m 10 the "The Chatham School Aff81r" Woods LIbrary and the other IIbranes In the.same ers of September ProductIOns The group blends HIgh School's media center cooperatlve. humor, hterature and learmng mto a stage show for The mam topiCS will be the IS the book bemg thiS month m The malhng, whIch IS a free service, WIll gIVethe all ages MEAP scores, wrappmg up the the Harper Woods Book detaIls on events at least a week In advance com- For informatIOn about the programs, call the school year and site Improv- DISCUSSIOnGroup, whIch meets plete wIth tlmes, places and what to expect from lIbrary at (313) 343-2575 or subscnbe to the newslet- ment Issues at 7 p m III the hbrary each program ter by sendmg ell e-maIl to H W L@1I0WUP lltl~ • rBest in Class ------Police/fire briefs ;;.;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-_ blaze at 5'50 p.JIl. Bishop Gallagher High School Public safety officer Ralph told pohce, and started ask- Pohce found the dnver's- SIdedoor had been tampered Officers broke In the back ------Selvaggl IS happy to cmswer Ing questIOns about how to door of the house to access any questwns about law use caulk, then the other WIth, allowmg the thIef to get away WIth more than the fire, and qUIckly kept It enforcement In Harper suspect came up and reached past him, as If $2,000 worth of valuables from spreading to the rest of Woods Send your questwn, the home along with a preferred reaclung for the merchan- dIse on the shelves After a An mvestIgatIon of the method of reply to scene showed no defimte se l vaggt r@harperwoodspo- few more moments of talk, Garage fire the two left and an envelope A fire of unknown ongln pomt of origm. Harper l!ce.org Woods fire mspector Robert the Vlctlm had In his breast was battled by the Harper pocket contaIning $42 was Woods Fife Department Balchunas, however, Gunpoint gone Fnday, June 7 reminds reSIdents to make A man's wallet was stolen The attached garage of a sure any fuel IS m a closed as a gun was pomted at hIs B' k 'b ' house In the 19900 block ot and secure contamer, and stomach Thursday,June 6. 1 e orrower Amta had caught on fire, that flammable objects be The SUBpeC~fled the scene Two Harper Woods boys and officers responded to the stored as safely as pOSSIble in front of a drugstore III the rode thel! blkes t!l e ges .'lte- 19800 block of Kelly WIth tlOn near Kelly and Valedictorian: Salutatorian: three credIt cards, the man's Eastwood, but one had to Bridget Furchak Joseph Beaver IdentIfication and a pay- walk home Bndget Furchak, daugh- Joseph Seaver, son of check after draWing a small- The boys rode to the sta- ter of MIchael and TIna MIchael and Diane Seaver calIber pIstol and demand- tIon at 4:45 p m Saturday, Furchak of DetroIt, has of St CLaIr Shores, has ing the valuables. June 8, to get a snack, and been named the been named the The pharmaCist at the left theIr bikes alongSIde the Valedlctonan of the Class Salutatonan of the Class of store said that the man who bUIlding. WhIle they sat eat- of 2002 WIth a grade POint 2002 WIth a grade pomt was robbed had been actIng mg, another boy walked up, average of 4 23 average of 4 02 cunously, waltmg by the grabbed one of the cycles, Furchak was actIve In Seaver was an actIve door and noddmg to another which is worth more than extracumcular actIvIties, student In the classroom customer as if givmg a slg- $150, and rode away holdmg the offices of class and outsIde of it, partlci- nal before leavlOg She PolIce searched the area Vlce preSIdent dunng her patmg m a QUIZBowl team turned over seeunty tap6il to in tlIelf squad cars, but were jUnIor and senior years, that was undefeated m its the Mldlper Woodiv Fo1ic~ e1mllble to recover the BMX- president of the SpIrit club, diVISIon, the Octagon ser- when tMi respbnded to the style bIke vice l.preSIdent «' the vice club, Students Against Nation9J. lianor SocIety call at 12.50 a'in A police Drunk Drivmg and the search of the area was Emptied and cOi't~ll,~ of. the National Honor SocIety. NEWS & NOTES unable to locate the robber When the owner of a 1998 Octagon' '!!Itl"Yice clt¥ She His sports experience at fROM SMART was co-captain of the soc- Gallagher was on the Ford Explorer returned from cer team and sper.t her Catholic League Bowling Pickpockets shoppmg In the 20500 hlock tIme as a GIrl Scout and A man who was fimshIng of Kelly at 10 p m Thursday, volunteer at St John team Furchak IS currently hIS shopping at the home June 6, there were more HospItal Improvement store m the than a few thIngs mlssmg SMART goes high-tech Her hard work to rernain undeCIded as to his course 20300 block of Kelly had hIS The car's stereo, worth on the A honor roll and of study, but mtends to use the Father'a Plub pocke~_ ~:.IIlIl~}.ed by two mare than $200, the man's with the New Electron;c att~j.ll:.~ll,lU"!i Q( ~w;.t attendance has earned her President's Award and the quick-tatIong men friday, cell phone, a VCR, VIdeo the Robert C Byrd Honors Hillsdale College Merit June 7 game system and a collee- SMART Passes. ScholarshIp, the Scholarshtp to attend The first suspect tIon of DVDs and video Valedlctonan and Ment Hillsdale College startmg approached hIm, the man games had all been taken Awards from MIchIgan lfi the fall 'Good lor 3 J Days! State Umverslty, the Seaver saId that hiS best They're new They're elcctronlc PrincIpal's Leadership memory of the past four Go where you want on the ... And you can buy one any Award and the Michigan years has been the frIend- I ~~' lime of the month . '" CompetltlVe ScholarshIp shIps he has formed With They're the new _ Furchak Intends on pur- hIS fellow students. 31-Day SMART Passes swng a degree In pre-med- Ii.. ICine from MIchigan State Throughout the Month Good for 31 days from the ~. ~ and SaId she hopes that her of June "Best in Class" first llme you use them Just Qo'",' j college career is hke her will feature the top Insert your pass Into any of %, • hIgh school years - Full of graduates from each of SMARTs new electromc fare j- great memories t.hat are the five high school. in boxcsand you're good to go The too numerous to mentlOn Harper Woods. expIrationdate pnnts nght on the back of your pass, so Please call (313) 886-9074 for details you don't have to keep track There'll be no more fumbling or e-mail: [email protected] for change Now,youIIalwayshave exact fare And If you CITY OF fiARPER WOODS nde regularly,you'll really save WAYNE COUN.TY, MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS: ReGULAR CAY COUNCIL MEETING

lbe reE,ular Clh' CounCIl mee-Ilng \\-.1<; .. alled t ~ "}(du b) May.x ~enn~,h A Povnler at 710 p m ~ ROil (ALL P.RES.f,r£[ MavM Kenneth:] p 1\ nter ('lluncllpers(1n(.s) C~T) I (o<;.flntlnO Hugh Mar ..hall Mlch ..u:1 P Mona\!han D:mlel S Palmer and VIVI1.rl:M Sawlc,"-I BREITLING ~ Mn)rProtemJDhnM Szymans~1 1884


1 10 l,.l(. .. U\t' M l\Or Pr\l tl.ril J hn \1 c;.nm..n<;\.l f "11 I '''Il-.h' <; rr'.{'elln~ bt<..Ju.-e (f ., pnm l0mmlllTk.nl 1"', ... "" ... ,-..1' ~ ...,: .... :=:_:'"' ,,( ~ .. 1>",";;, I:!! r I ( n \'M_llnco htoltl nn Ma ~O "002 an I funherl1lme Tl,.Cel\e and fll. ,hl" nunull" of IhC' PJanmng (omml<,.<;lfln Medin>,: hdd ~by "'I::! 200' " 10)pt. n the puhl! .. Hedfm~ l)n a re'-lle~l frrom C0mcat"llo hJ~L Ihc <- 11\ ld,'p1 a rt. ""olu (Jon L\)n.:;c-nllM! IQ [hI.- trans-Ier 01 l ,nlrl I 1nJ Inl1.TnJI Tt lH:OlnlZJ.1I0n under (lur tran rhls.e 19reelT'enr To 1.10<;(' lhL Pubh .. He¥1"~ Check Out Our IOl1hk lhe re'<9IUll0fi fl"( m C, ml.-1.\[ .. o~ntlOQ 10the lnn,fc.r rtonrri 1 J.nd nkmal f<..orpnlllilon under our frnn ...hl-Se a~recmeRI rc..'1uttlng (rom H' mergcr llIJlh "T&T New Fleetl unl11 '1..-.nlln (''''r1an11Ion IS]1f )\I

It"!<' "lOXllU" (r S';">9 "\"\1 ~"t 1.\ 'uhmlt!C'd b.. 1~ C 1\ ~hn"'l2C't JnJ {\ .. t "lr1rnller 1nl1 our new electroniCfare boxes WhIch make the new 3I-Day fmrhl f lulhon7C the M1'1,i T 1.nt1 Cll ... ( ler" [ qfO lh(-ll\t1n(' )) ""'rr H pavmc.n1 n SMARTPassc~andSMARTValucPa~~csIhebettcr,\martcr ~la!e\\lle "Li.Unt'l Tramport In lhe amount )f 50 1 f,'\1 It) hr pn,,\ mr 1 >dClnlt Jind m31Ol<..n1nle 1\ r Ihe mClnih or Apnl 2002 ""0 "rrr h rol\ In('nl 11 I\nocr' n ",a, to nde SMART Togct , our nc\\ ~1 Da) SMA.RTPa~s, l..ll"l"ln~\h~ln ..k 1m In thc1ffiOUnlO(SI6 PO\D(lrprl!(.\\ nil "'tr.1 (.\dunn~ or SMARTValucPa..~.Vl~ltany aulhoTt/cdSMARTTlckct Ihrll1(lnth(t \rnl 'l)())IITlhlfI110\\lnS!pr JC" h 19Q'\'-lltl"\hnR ~la,cml"n1 .IRrl(l ....~IIl~'i 1()()1 Pl\ ..mcnr J010t (f1i.l "r11 n,i! #1:-.0 Of,() I ....("~H fTl('C\nlC't Outlet Orcal1111 962 551') #1 '<{I ()f,ff "'002 (OO( H'tC r IHn)('r I Rep m #1 "lO 06' Ri""lurnt"rTk \ In Rt" Jff.li.lng #180 ~"i Hlrpcf 1\11t> 1I1~o (ll,t,9 1nd Thf' Tlef'I .....,,,xtn Oi. hfTk')m \e ....i.r Rcp31r #lRO- 072 21 TIt.at II ,.. t~ Inltnl <'1 Itk. (11\111 \1iJ!t Ihl lIllt ... ,t 10700 H1.!1't1 \\lnul" In ",- ..t1f dlnn ,rh r ;n\ i n tilt ....1111lhi. ( 1\ 1"'~llm1n~qtl"r1d0f\ rc Imn)('"T\{hf'M of the (I'" '1 n • r I 1 ( 1n I f Ifi. (nil. l~ (II .. I rH' nu.'"f nJ Ihi. ( 1\ P1Jnrloln~ ()Oln 'I rd f nhlrn c rhlt ht n II \f~l ( ...... tIm, h;. I 1l1('"111p ilIn1 mall 11 n J n 1l ..i)rd3fli.r .... Ih ( r" Ord n1n r 1,) T0 h 1.1 rt hh~ nl1f nl.: on '~nndl" IIll..... ""00""1If 7 In r m 0 f'lll"I\(' r\ hh, Inp;.! )n Iht ( I'" ort nt I \ 1(. ~rt It>t 111e., 11 "10700 ~hrpt"r \\l n i. n 1 n1ancc .....Ilh Suburban Mobility Authority for Resionol Transportation rhn\ t n rill ....Ith Ih'l (II} 101 f mhcf 1(1 !In. I Ihe ( I'" ( 1lr~ 1 ruil~e.1I {Ice of thl'" r hh ...1lc1nnll.Hprn dt.d1'l~ ~(,dl("ln""\9 (Ilk ()(11:' (Ordm)fl\.t~ ., George Koueiter Jewelers 4) r~ lC"(erl Ihe 1i .... III }IC""I S~100 hr he 1cmol.ll n i~1 HH dwC"lI,"~ 31 2()...4~ /Io10renew buses. Great low fares. H. nlln~l)n "'\ t"mHh,"'d h~ Ahk' l)elTli hll)n )f ~tCTl1n~ Ht"I~ht'" And no,"", the new electronic SMART Passes. li) T 1.prrov(' p1>mtnl In amounl ""It Sl I t"l ~~ 00:7 1"\ Int" Mlt hl~ln 19815 Mack Avenue the i7 r)(opvrmenl ~f SMART just Ie.. ps gettin9 better. Tf1n",p InaT on rnr rnrTIal f\owm<'nt ""In Ihe'OO Harpt"r \\t n 1(' RC"rh. ('m('"nr Prole!, I (One block north of Cook Road) "uhl<."i.II0 rlMI revltw and 1P'Pf \.101 h... 'ht (11 ....M1na~.tT "'Ind (II'!' I n~n)("'('r (313) 962-55J5 Kenneth A Poynter, Mickey D. Todd, 313-882-1110 ( 1',. ( kr~ "1;1, ...' r FOR A BREITLING CATALOG PLEASE CALl.. BOO 641 7343 WWW.IIRI!ITl..ING.COM June 13, 2002 f. Grosse Pointe News _18A __ H_a_r~erWoods It's time to go JKrogering' By Jason Sweeney JIm Hams, one of the new store's co- Staff Writer managers, saId that they expect great The move from north of EIght Mile things from the new store, mcludmg a Road to south of the dIvIsIOn hne more than 25 percent Jump III busllless between St Clair Shores and Harper No employees were lost m the transI- Woods has been a large step up for tion from the old store's staff of around Krogerb 80 to the new one of around 160, accord- The grand opemng held Tuesday, Ing to Hams "No one was asked to June 11, marked the opemng of the new leave,~ he saId "If they dIdn't want to ..,tore which has more than double the come to thiS store, we dId our best to bquare footage of the old locatIOn, a new offer them a posItion at a loc,atlOn closer full servIce pharmacy and other expand- to theIr home" ed or new features Those extra employees help to staff a Harper Woods reSident and 51 year full servIce seafood counter, a fresh veteran shopper of Kroger's, Theresa meats counter, a vastly expanded bak- DIRlta, had the honor of cutting the nb- ery and a large flower shop bon III front of the more than 160 The umque layout of the store allows "mplnvf'(><; a collectIOn of re!Hc'tentfl and hl!'ht and entry and eXIt from both SIdes dlgnltanes of the bUlldmg Mayor Ken Poynter of Harper Woods Ten checkout lanes and four self. was saId he was more than ready to "go checkout counters are spltt between the Krogenng," as were several city councll two ends of the store, whIch allows Photos By Jason Sweeney members, Grosse POinte Farms Mayor shoppers to pay at whatever location is Theresa DlRita. a 51 year veteran Kroger shopper was given he honor of Jamie Blaine and her sons Conner, left. Ed Gaffney, St ClaIr Shores cIty coun- nearest theIr car cl1man Bob Hison, Senator Ken Poynter's Wife, Nada Poynter, and cutting the ribbon to open the store and MitcheU. right. of Grosse Pointe Woods CounCIlwoman Cheryl Costantino both whUe Mayor Ken Poynter and Kroger's were three of the stores first wave of shop- DeBeausseart and State RepresentatIve Andrew Richner sald they were amazed by the new store president. Jon Flora. looked on. pers.

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Po1Dtsearned 1D Know of a story in Harper Woods? the reading 1Dcen- Call staff writer Jason Sweeney at: tlve program reading meant t,;(313t~-629~; '-~/:p~. throws for the dunk t.a.nk. PriDcipa1 Cheryl NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING VanDerLindeD. ON PROPOSED 200212003 BUDGET left and above, AND SCHOOL BREAKFAST PROGRAM said she was very PL~"'~f TAKE NOTICE Ill" on J""" 18 2002., ~ 100 clod. p m .',he Secondary happy about how \(.hL'KJIMc:dLaLC'n1er 2022') Beacon:!lfll:ld Harper \\oods MI the Board of Education of Harper \\oood~ will hold a pubbc heanl1g to conslCkt lhe dLstnCI s proposed 20021200' many boob the budfel and School Brealo..fa"il program students read. but the trip from the fhe Buard may 111..11 .:Jdopt Wi proposed lOO2/2(Xn bud!el until after rhe publlc hcannj!! A lOP)! of ,he proposed 2(XP/2(Xn budgel mdudlng lhe proposed property la)l, millage rate chaJr to the water """ill be aVaJlable for publiC LnS~Clloo dUTH\g nonnal buSiness hours at the Adnuruslr:lHve was a Bttle cold. Otftle\ 2021~ Beaconsfield Harper Woods MI The property tax millage rate proposed to be le"ied Stuart Sturton to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this was at the head of hearing.

the l1Deduring TIllS l''l(~lce I! gl\~n bv order ohhe Board or Educallon his class' tunl to compete in the tug-of-war. right. Despite their best efforts, how- ever, they lost to their oppon-:ntB 1D Ms. Tonlo •• class.

Photos and story by Jason Sweeney

Above. fifth-grader Josh Hadley passes off the woodeD"egg" to classmate John Kane during one of the many relay races. ENGLEKT ~ r~ MIDWEST Left, the thrU1 of victory and the agODYof defeat. [ eafl1UaruJli11-80?a:o~~ARD Gary Coleman, right. walts to cateh his balloon, :l9230 Lyon Dales. Wixom, MI48S93 1-248.4137-3700 whUe KeviD Werner tries to get out of the way of NOWI Visit our website at www.leafguaretcom splashiDg water. ~~""""""""""""""~E: ~ Imagine ~ N .. A~ what you can do now! NEWl ~ ~ ~ $188*:~ _ ~

~~ Auto 4-<1oor NC power WIndows m,fl'Ors locks CruISe bit, ~~~ ,.. AWFM stereo .use Includes Handa Iliays, your ch

The stock market floor, the specIalists often Leuthold-Weeden Capital tiollBat prices above the last resumed Its usual five.day step back and let the flood of Management of legItimate trade? tradmg last week, with vol- sell orders find Its own pnce Mmneapolis The interview "If so, that might be ume of 7 5 bILlion sharcl:> level (like water slldmg Lei's lalk...STOCKS judged to be an illegal pf.lce . t c1 _ I COllB18tedof a senes of ques- traded nn NYSE and 8 8 bll down a mountaInsIde) ....., I". II," '. r:.., • . tIOns and allBwers of this escalatIOn, and such partiCI- lion on NASDAQ <44 billion Hence, the appearance of longtime bear' pants could be brought mto actual sharc,;, traded on Increased pTice volatility, announcement by Intel and the clOSIngpnce of the Q. Why the new cautIon the California lItIgatIOn" NASDAQ due to double both up and downl "most active or 20 3 percent) of lower 1,02753 ThIS produces a A. The bIg caps are stIll 8. "But Sevenn Borenstem, The NYSE list" on the NYSE featured sale,;, and profit margIns for current pncelt'armngs ratIo lugh relative to their histor- director of the UnIversIty of reported three I:>tocks Nortd the current quarter (1,02753 dIVIded by 54 05} Ical range There have been Cahforma's Energy "program Networks (NT, about 161, ThiS was espeCIally sur- of 19 times net redemptlollB from stock InstItute, raIses another trading" for off 060, or 27 1 percent on pnslng, since back In March, The lllverted earmngs mutual funds over the last pOSSIble reason What If the week volume of 684 mJlhon management prOjected gross yield (54 05 diVided by three weeks those bogus trades were ended May shares), Tyco InternatIOnal margIns In thIS quarter 1,027 53) IS 5 26 percent Q. How much wIll big caps made at substantIally high- 31 (the latest (TYC, about 10 10, off 11 85, would be main tamed at 53 Last Fnday, the YIeld on have to fall to return to their er pnces than real deals r,-pu~t~d (If" 51 ~(\:"~~;:.t 8:: ".vl\.&~,-, vf ""'\..t..~'b \,..u'"' pcr~(:il.t LU.:3t W ,,11-: ... ;IS lJt:H..t;I.H" TttA1bU.j' Jutlwncal range I were iet.elUug l*~ W!l*LL'W";" period) 496 mllhon), and Lutent 49 percent indicated that Notes due Feb 15, 2012, A. Th get to median valua- "The wash trades could be aClounted Technology (LU, about 271, past margins had been was 5 07 percent tIon level, big cap mdexes sendmg maccurate pnce sig- for 39 per- By Joseph off 1 08, or 28 5 percent on pumped up by Inventory The earmngs YIeldof 5 26 would have to fall another nals In order to mIslead cent of all Mengden volume of 218 mlllion} rebmldmg, not by sales to percent diVIded by the 20 percent other players in the mar- shares trad- These three NYSE stocks customers Treasury Note YIeld of 5 07 Leuthold volunteered, ket . Someone would really ed a near-record volume for accounted for 1.4 bIllion But even at these marked- percent IndIcates that the "We are more cautioUBthan need detaIled data 011 th;s type of actlVlty shares traded, or 186 per- down pnces, INTC sporn a S&P 500 Index IS 37 per- we were a month ago. About mmute-by-mInute tradmg Program tradmg, OTlgI- cent of the 7 5 bIllion shares PIE ratIO of 21 4, based on cent overvalued at tlus tIme 10 days ago, we switched prices and when the (bogus) nated In the mld-1980s, IS a traded last week next year's earnIngs fore- This fractIOnal overvalua- from positIve to neutral on trades took place to deter- computer-based tradmg NASDAQ's biggest trader cast But can earnIngs fore- tIOn IS much too small to be the stock market, paring mine if round trip trading technIque developed by last week was WorldCom, casts be trusted at all these an mdlcator of any short- back our equity exposure to was also a sophistIcated way InstitutIOnal profeSSIOnalsto the parent of MCI, the long- days? term market dIrectIOn. 50 percent from 60 percent." to marnpulate spot energy Simultaneously execute a dIstance company, (WCOM, Note It IS ImperatIve to In summation, Leuthold pnces." "ba,;,ket" of purchase and about 1 69, up 3 cents, on Stocks fairly priced? use the "forward 12-months" s81d, "We haven't seen this LTS wonders if the book 18 sale orders In the magIHtude volume of 811 mllhon The so-called Federal earnmgs estImates, not the unstable an mternational closed on CMS Energy's par- of mllllons of shares shares, or 9.2 percent of all Reserve Model, saId to be "latest 12 months," because environment since the ticipation, if any, in the The bIg gonllas of pro- shares traded on NASDAQ used by Fed Ch81rman Alan It 18 assumed that the for- Cuban Missile Crisis gram tradIng Involve mutu- pending California energy last week) Greenspan, IndIcates the ward estImates are already But 1f you total up the al fund managers, penSlOn litIgation? For last week, the Dow attractiveness of stocks (See pnced Into the current mar- negatives and the positives, funds, hedge funds and gave up 336 POInts, or 3 3 LTS, March 2l) ket you have more of the for- other large instItutIOns percent, clOSIngat 9,589, the Joseph Mengden £8 a res£- The model mverts the mer." dent of the Clty of Grosse Floor speclahsts on the support level oflate January S&P 500 Index's price/earn- Big, bold bear NYSE used to have the Pomte and former chalnnan and early February 2002 mgs ratio and relltates It as The New York Times Where or when? responsibility of mamtaIn- The NASDAQ ComposIte of FIrst of MIchigan. "Let's an "earnmgs Yield,"whIch IS (June 9) features the Grosse Pointe News, May 7blk StocJ6s"£ssponsored by Ing an "orderly market" In retreated 75 POInts, or 46 then compared to the cur- the stocks for which they "Market InSIght" column by 30. Stocks colulIUlliltJoseph the follOWIng Grosse Pomte percent, finIshing at 1,535, rent yIeld on 10-year Kenneth N. GIlpin, which IS Mengden's "Let's Talk were assIgned tradIng-book its lowest level SInce Oct 2, mvestment-related firms. Treasury Notes tItled , "ABullIS Talung One Stocks" reported, "Is it possi- pnvJleges 2001, Just after the 9/11 John M. Ru:kel, CPA, P.C., The S&P 500 earmngs Step Back" ble that some market p1U'tic- R£ckel & Baun P.C.; But when these million- crash. estImate ("bottom-up share, program-tradIng Gilpin Interviewed Steve Ipants executed phony Investment Counsel Inc. and ~ The tech markets were method"} is currently 54.05, Leuthold, president of 'round-trip' energy transac- orders now lut the NYSE shook after last Thursday's A G. Edwards & Sons Inc. a n

Rummies & Old Maids are in the cards d So the kids want you to big comeback with kids d play Old M81d With them these days. Do you remem- I- and you can't remember the ber any of the rules besides II rules the "No hunchies" one? e Or they want to play I've found a place where n Monopoly, but you don't you can get all the rules to remember how to acquIre all the games. the little green houses and It's called "Every Rule" the bIg red hotels (www.everyrule.com).This How about plaYIng mar- SIte has the rules for hun- bles? Marbles are makIng a dreds of games They have the rules for 20 different I remember The "Cheap marble games alone Show" and "Stumpers" were Some of the really cool two of the games I didn't rec- marble games are called ognize They wero probably INVESTMENT COUNSEL, INC. Archboard, Bounce Eye, one-show wonders that dIed Since 1929 Dobblers, Eggs in the Bush In their first season. If I'm and Pyramid wrong, please drop me an e- Unless you plan carefully,lhe IRS can take a large amount i If all you ever played was mail and I will gIve you of money from your heirs Call today for your free copy of #; MoneyIPortfolio Management. Retirement & Personal Assets "Dropsey," now is a great credit next week. Accepting Accounts in excess of $250,000 Plannmg Your EsUlle to help aVOid problems i time to learn new games. Now, m nudstream, I wish At least you'll have an to change horses, or Web Call to recelve fhe next 3 issues of our monthly excuse for losing your mar- sites in this case newsletter - wl!h our compliments 21043 Mack Avenue bles (l know that was an School is almost out for 1951 [ Mack Avenue Grosse Pamte Woods, MI 48236 easy Joke.) the year and one of the 313-882-1711 Grosse Pomte, Michigan 48236 (313) 886-0450 www a edwards com .. ~ S!PC 2001 A.G ~. SoftJ Ire Have you ever played things you will be looking at "Michigan Rummy?" Relax. for your soon-to-be college We're not talking DUI here. student are the various The Michigan Rummy ways you can keep m touch rules are from Hoyle's Rules at a reasonable price. of Games. (Library of Everyone knows about Congress Catalog Number: America On Line's Instant harlmannlJ~ffi 83-61703. Messenger (AOL-IM) pro- 125YL\1S0fAMElICAN lUXURY Pages 70-72.) That's gram. another plug for your local YOUjUBtsit at the comput. Grosse Pointe Library. I bet er and type messages back The Tweed and Belting Leather Collections you didn't think the hbrary and forth with another Tradl~on IS always In style carried books like this. party. It's also for those who The problem IS that It is so can't find their book and rmpersonal. Here's a solu- wanted to get that game tion that allows you to talk going tonight, not next to your student-to-be when- Behang leather cany-on Surtor week. By the way, the game ever you want. Tweedluggage P_s is also called Five Hundred The Web SIte is called Dial Rum or Pinochle Rummy. Pad (www.dialpad.com). Don't ask me why RIght now It has over 14 mil- One of the games that IS lion users. big with kids these days is There is no software pro- Mancala. gram to download. You just This game only looks com- register with Dial Pad and plIcated. My son taught me click on the keypad on your to play it m lesa than 10 monitor's screen to dial minutes. I won the first real There are a couple of game we played and was thIngs you do need - a feeling invinCible. He won microphone and a set of the next five games and, speakers based on the grin on tUB face Most computers now come when we firnshed, I think it With these as standard was a setup. equipment If you call from Other games with cool within tl.,p lTnit.ptl QtAtPQ tll names were Balderdash, another SIte in the United. Pass the PIgs, Chlckenfoot States, the rate 18 2 9 cents Dominoes and Scattergories per mInute (Let's call it (N0, Scattergones 1S not three cents, OK? It's like the gory It's a play on gas statIOns that always Categones) have the point-nme at the Wlule I was brOWSIngthe end of the per gallon pnce Web site, I also found all the and tlunk we wIll be fooled ) rules for 100 television game Now you may thInk that shows the dIfference between 2.9 There were the ObVIOUBcents and the 5.9 cents that ones, such as "Jeopardy" IS standard for telephone and "Hollywood Squares," compames' long-dIstance Present this od for 0 $50 Hortmann Gilt Certificate. but there were some that calls Isn't all that much 711.gift c.rttf1crn. mity only b. us~ on Hartmannm.rchondls. ond Is volld had been completely Over four (or five} years, it dumped In the wastebasket ~ on Fridoy,Jun. 14th. Gift C.rtt'lccn. not ~ •• mabl. 'or coshond no chang. Is glv.n. does add up You're already file of my braIn relegaW tn th .. be!!.'1-!! end ~.strldfons oppiy. $H 110,. ;or d.,o;;s. "ConcentratIon," "Double Dare" and "Face the MUSIC" See TECH, page 21 . • •1 •t une 13,2002 rosse Pointe News 21A

By Brad Lindberg Streamhned tralOsets track The total package. Staff Writer operated by engmeers and mcludmg trams and infra- In the capitula- contammg 84 seats would be structure, could reach $2 bIl- tIOn to gndlock. a DetrOIt powered by overhead electn- hon hockey fan dId the unthmk- eal wires Rail cars would Blgda said fundmg would able hum along every 10 minutes require government grants Dan Blgda, reformed or so Without spewmg and matchmg funds Ho"tJn Brum,,-backer from exhaust Suburban nders "We could take fundlOg Mas"achusetts now hvmg m would get downtown 10 20 to that's supposed to go to the ~uburban Hockeytown. gave 40 mmutes. dependmg on bus system." he said away free rush hour and off-peak He doubts DetrOit's old tickets because he dldn't schedules trolley tracks. ml!es of want to get stuck In traffic "We won't be domg 80 which eXist under a few "1-94 was closed and there mph. but you won't get stuck mches of asphalt on major was an accident on 1-75," 10 traffic." Blgda said artenes. c01lld be resurrect- Blgda said "I knew I'd never Buses would be relegated ed make It to the game In to secondary duty as shut- "They've probably degrad- tlffiP" ..!r'~ bet ...... ~c.n trUr&b.it .;tLi .....d,,., ht:: cdlJt lIt,ut JUU ,",uulJ BIgda's misfortune may be tlOns rebUIld what's there" boutheast MichIgan'!> gam "N othmg's gOlOg to get me If fundlOg came through A former engmeer for the to take a bus and get stuck today, he SaId the system Boston and Maine Railroad m traffic when I can do that could be fimshed m 2010. who now desIgns freight 111 my own car,MBigda SaId Andrew Richner. Grosse cars for a small company Trams outfitted With tele- Pomte's Repubhcan state With big Ideas, Blgda wants VISIOnmOOltors could broad- representatIve. supports the , reSidents 10 and around the cast news channels to give concept of raIl tranSIt Motor City to enJoy the easy mornmg commuters a jump "We'd have to know what . mass transIt of hiS natlve on the day It'S gOing to cost, who's gomg New England "On trams gomg to the to pay for It and what the "I don't lIke to dnve III the airport, you could show alternatives are,M he said. Photo by Brad LmdiJ<,rg .. LltV." saId BIgda. who runs amval and departure tImes "Any tax Will have to be p Hampden locomotIve Works Streamlined trolley cars powered by overhead electrical wires would let com• ~... I for planes,M Blgda said approved by the voters I muters bypass traffic Jams. according to proponents of the estimated $2 billion from a cramped enclave m "When the Red Wmgs are would insist upon that" Tri-County Transit Association. , hlb SterlIng Heights home playmg, we could put on the He added. "I support raIl \ "I'd take the tram to Boston game If they lose, show service to Metro AIrport - ways support the development of capitol bUlldmg was seedy ' for a BrUinS or Red Sox . somethlOg else" absolutely. We're one of the "Suburbamtes don't find It a regIOnal transit system and 10 decay game In metropolItan few metro regions 111 the convement to go downtown that hnks tounsm centers "You wouldn't even walk Detroit, seven mllhon people country, If not the only one, when they have to use our While we are not comment- there dunng the day," he don't have any sort of good "Nothing's going to that doesn't have direct pub- freeway system," Dlckmson mg on speCifils. we defimte- said "Now. there's a hght mass transportatIOn get to get me to take a bus hc transit from downtown to SaId ly support the development rail system from the tram , anywhere" and get stuck in traf- the airport That's ndlCu- Sulhvan said, "UnlIke of regional transit M statIOn to the capitol All the That could change A new lous." many CItIes, the attractIOns SullIvan has seen how a old warehouses are condos generatlOlI of commuters fic when I can do that Sulhvan said an effective of DetrOit are scattered over raIl transit sy!>tem can help There are 30 mghtclubs may have a chance to ride In my own car." Ii ral! system would make a broad area" He Cited revitalIze a dymg down- That CIty'S ahve " the ralls and hear that lone- Detroit accessible to subur- Cranbrook. the DetrOIt Zoo town In Denver 20 years "Let's get a transit system ..ome wlustle blow That IS, If Fixed rail has support, banites and Belle Isle as destma- ago, the area between the gOlOg m DetrOIt With thpse \ Blgda's proposal Isn't bound but faces a tough road "We have the fifth.largest tions for "magnificent com- raIlroad statIOn and state cool Ideas." BIgda saId for glory "If people could make theater dlstnct 10 the mutes." In a flurry of planmng money on these thmgs, natIOn," he SaId "We have Blgda added, "For some- after years of simmering they'd already be here," SaId thnving universities and one lIke me who wants to go frustratlOn from bemg CannlOe Palombo, director culture We have museums the IMAX mOVIe theaters at snarled In traffic. Bigda has of the transportatIon pro- and one of the most under- the DetrOIt SCience Center , spent much of the last few gram for the Southeast utlhzed parks m the nation, and Greenfield Village, I can : months "preplannmg" a Michigan CouncIl of I Belle Isle (The proposal) get there" I llght-ral! transit system Governments bnngs the POSSibility of Because DetrOit's tounst I hnkIng Metro DetrOit F.-ally. an .lIerdable Blgda and hiS bus mess becommg lOvolved WIth our attractIOns are so spread E..commerce solution : "We're the only city of our partner, mdustnal deSigner communityM out. Renee Monforton, direc- that Will complIment your bUlfness not compllcate It! i populatlOn In the Umted Caleb Sulhvan, have to fig- Sen Joseph Young Jr. D. tor of commumcatlOn for the : States that doesn't have ure out speCific routes, and For a FREE Live Demo ... DetrOIt. a member of the MetropolItan DetrOIt VISIt I thiS." he said how to acqUIre land for httpJlwww gr<> .. epo,nte com/demol Senate TransportatIOn ConventIOn and VISitors Gre ne POinte- com ue Similar In overall layout trackage, passenger sta- Subcommittee and candI- Bureau, said. "We defimtely ]1]8140106 to the mterurban network of tIOns, headquarters and date for Wayne County old, Blgda's Tri-County malOtenance shops They Executive. said, "I'm happy Transit AsSOCiatIOn would Will have to conduct an enVi- we have well-educated pro- plfm, bUIld and operate a ronmental Impact report feSSIOnals who recogmze the Tech-- In a senes_ What double-track. electTlcally Big questlOos deal With need for mass transit m the #2 makes a Colf,slon • powered. ground-level tran- finanCing, operating costs From page 20A urban metropohtan aTea I shop good? , Sit system Rail hnes would and revenue look forward to reviewmg fan out from dO-Nntown ''Those are the thmgs that franks club WIth kids in col- any proposal and hstemng lege ThIS gives you a chance DetrOIt to prOVide smooth, make or break a proJect, " to those who are enthusias- to talk every day and AUTOMETRfC relatively SWIft connections Palombo saId "1 WIsh them tiC about the need for tran- between the metropohtan well It would be great If we remmd them of your suffer- COLLISION, INC. SIt It can't do any harm. It 109 The bottom hne IS (are areas urban and suburban could make thIS work" can only help " "DETAIL" i Domest,c and foreIgn you ready?) "The Pnce IS populatIOn centers, major "There have been a lot of collrslon experts SpecIalist Allen Dickinson, a Grosse Right" shoppmg and bus mess dls- proposal over the years, M Pointe Woods city council- Often Overlooked We Pay In BMW. Mercedes. tncts, DetrOIt Metropohtan sUid Mike Conway, dIrector man who works for Plan-It AUdl. VW. Honda and Haue a tech question or Attention To Fit & Fmlsh Of Airport. and pomts of cul- of external relations at DetrOIt. a group that shows Porsche repaIrs subject you would like Panels We Replace To Make tural mterest DetrOIt MetroJ.lohtan posItIve aspects of Detroit's addressed Ln thiS COlumn? One hne would follow AIrport "We're m favor of lIfestyle to executIves thmk- Your Car Like New Agam. • 24465 Grabot Ave. Eastpointe Want to comment or add Jefferson to connect the anythmg that wIll make It 5 Blocks South of 10 MIle mg about transfemng to the your two cents worth~ My e. Grot-se POlOtes With down- more conveOlent for our area, said. "DetrOIt IS 586-774-3455 town DetrOIt and employees and customers.M mall address IS tremendously handicapped mmaurer@b12serue com We offer pick up and delivery service Mon. - Fn. 7 am. to 6 p.m. Metropolitan Beach Blgda and Sullivan hope by not havmg effective pub- Blgda's concept envIsions to raIse an estimated $2.5 lic transit. We cannot get a future tranSIt system mod- mIllIon for a thorough study. wage earners hVIng m the eled on past effiCiencies and BIgda expects It will cost $1 CIty out to the aVaIlable Jobs bUilt With present technolo- mIlhon per mile to acquire in the suburbs " gy the right of way and lay The problem works both

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• Plus tax, bile IIC & freight Rebaleslo dealer 'On all 2002 Accenls "42 monlhsl12 000 mrles per year All pnOf sales excluded InvOlce may nol rellecl cost to dealer Must take delivery from dealer slock Musl take dehve b 6/20/02 @ . • " Section B ...... , the Arb p 7 look turn pa 7 ca...,.."own.I ...... p,.,... • ,I!.!P'e~~~~P!U>". , Play that funky music: Summer concert preview By Jennie Miller HIll on June 30 on rollmg Concert patrons Staff Writer can stIll catch entertammg From bluegrass to rock, July shows throughout the jazz to pop, tlus summer IS The month of July brmgs month of August ~~.. . . slzzlmg wIth concerts that on the heat With too many Chicago starts out the ~, are sure to entertam just great concerts to choose month With a concert at ... .." :lbcut t1.r.l..,.uu~ [tuw. DTE on Loe olfO, IOUOWOO by Huey LeWISand The News Clear your calendars and The B52's are celebratmg on the 4th call up Ttcketmaster. their 25th anmversary With MIchael Bolten Will VISit because mUSICfans are Im- a tour that makes a stop at Freedom Hill on Aug 6 mg up to see what thIS sum- DTE on July 2 The Jeep World Outside mer has to offer. Festival features Sheryl Jewel WIll entertam fans Crow, Tram and Ziggy June at Meadow Brook Music Marley on Aug. 10 at DTE The month of June wel- Festival on July 3 Creedence Clearwater Cher, Allcia Keys and Jewel are just three of comes many exciting acts to Newcomer Alicia Keys ReVIsited performs at DTE the acts set to eDtertaln music faDs this sum- metropohtan Detroit wlll belt out her tunes on on Aug 14 and Santana mer at veDues lD metropolitan Detroit. Cher Cher and special guest July 6 at DTE with special guest Rusted visits the Palace of Aub1UDHills with special Cyndl Lauper are appear- Root on the 19th. guest CyDdi Lauper ODJUDe 15. Allcia Keys mg at the Palace on June Widespread Pamc jams at wW perform at DTE EDergy Music Theater OD 15 Meadow Brook on July 7. Bonnie Raitt and Lyle July 6 and Jewel wW appear at the Meadow The DRQ Summer Heat On July 9, John Lovett jom forces at DTE on Brook Music Festival OD July 3. Rave 2002 comes to DTE on Mellencamp and Shannon the 22nd Phot""" ~ ...... s,; c,f dl~1 wund net 8J1Cl8.keys net and JewelJk rom June 23 This tour features McNally will viSit DTE. The Who with special Michelle Branch, Ja Rule. Tesla comes to DTE on guest Robert Plant is sure Ashantl. P. Dlddy arid Fat July 13, followed by Blondle to be a hit at the Palace on Joe. on July 16 Aug 23. The lowdown on concert venues Brltney Spears will Barrage bnngs bluegrass Also on the 23rd, John invade the Palace with pop to Meadow Brook on July Tesh Will perform at DTE, Palace ot Auburn HiDs: tunes on June 24. 17 followed by REO Located in Auburn HJ.lls,the Palace IS one of the top-grossmg venues of lts SIze m Listen to music from David Cassidy will rock Speedwagon and Styx on the Umted States O'Brother, Where Art Thou? the house at Meadow Brook Aug 27. Ticket pnces for this summer's events range from $27 to $165 Tickets can be with Down From the on July 18 B B Kmg's Blues obtaIned by calling (248) 645-6666, at palacenet.com or all TIcketmaster locations. Mountam at DTE on June Festival finIshes off the Meadow Brook Music Festival: 26 Foreigner comes to DTE month of August on the on July 19 followed by 29th at DTE. Located on the grounds of Oakland Umverslty m Rochester, tms venue seats more Melhssa Etheridge and Randy Travis and Kevin The DetrOIt Symphony than 7,500 patrons and hosts approximately 30 to 40 events each season special guests Meredith Denney on the 20th Orchestra wIll also be per- Tickets for tms summer's events range from $10 to $56, and patrons can buy seats Brooks and Rosey Will bnng on the lawn or in the paVIlion Tickets can be obtamed by calhng (248) 645-6666, at formmg concerts scheduled palacenet com or all TIcketmaster locatIOns their rock 'n' roll to DTE on Also on the 20th 18 Kenny throughout July and June 28. Rogers at Freedom Hill. August at Meadow Brook Also on the 29th, the DTE Energy Music Theater: Music Festival with fea- Located In Clarkston, DTE seats more than 15,000 patrons at Its approXlmately 80 Beach Boys entertam fans Lenny KraVItz and Pmk tures on Beethoven, the events each year Ithas been the nabon's top-grossmg amphItheater for the past mne at Freedom Hill Will perform their acts at Dances of Spam, Giants of summers. AmphItheater DTE on July 23 followed by Broadway, Roman Festival. Tickets tms summer range from $17 to $82.50, and patrons can purchase seats on Nlckelback on the 25th, the Best of Baroque and Gypsy the lawn or m the paVIlIOn Tickets can be obtamed by calhng (248) 645-6666, at The Allman Brothers Dooble Brothers on the 30th Spirit palacenet com or at all TIcketmaster locatIOns BandlPhl! Lesh and Fnends and the Guess Who on the once agam entertam fans at 31st. September WIll play host Freedom HilI Amphitheater DTE on June 30. to the Meadow Brook Located on Metro Parkway In Sterling Heights. thiS venue featUles a new, state-of. Brian McNight WIll smg August Bluegrass Festival on the the-art stage and new concessIOnconcourse to the audience at Freedom The good times Just ketlp 7th; TIck~ thiS summer C08t$15, or patrons can purchase tickets for three shows for $30 Tickets are available by calhng (586) 268.5100, at freedommll net or all TIcketmaster locatIOns Local band gets back to the roots of rock By Jennie Miller Staff Writer Settmg out on theIr summer tour. UBump"RtriVesto give every hve appearance its own energy and Vlbe, accordmg to band members Grosse Pomte Park reSIdent Chnt Carpenter, Grosse Pomte Woods reSidents Yorg KeroslOtlS and Chns Sterr. Grosse Pomte Farms reSident Enc Novak and St Clalr Shores reSident Pat Bhzinskl come together 10 thIs band to produce quality a.,d entertammg rock 'n' roll musIc.

Bump Will be playmg locally throughout the summer, as well as glgs in Kalamazoo. East Lansmg, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, OhIO and m Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Grosse Pomters can catch tlus energetic rock group at the Cadieux Cafe m DetrOIt on June 15. at The Well m DetrOIt on June 29, at the Cadieux Cafe on July 11, at Smdbad's In Detroit on July 12 through 14 and at The Well cn Aug 10

'The Sum of All Fears' hits close to home

By Jennie Miller on their daily actlVltles. W1th A yn1]tl>..ful fire all.d Staff Writer unaware of the terror that passIOn m the role After Sept 11, mOVIes ISto come ("Sum," wntten by Tor'l were tweaked for sensItiv- Not so long ago, we our- Clancy, ISthe prequel to Ity to viewers. Many selves witnessed SimIlar the blocltbusters stamng release dates were post. terror and destruction and Ford - "Patnot Games" poned and several scenes in the movie. we once and uClear and Present were cut from movies that again watch as SUrVIvors Danger") "dswear mIght remmd VIewers of scramble around. search- Morgan Freeman con- the terronst attacks mg for loved ones tmues to thnve m his Shirts Nme months later, type-cast role as BIll 'Knit"... Paramount Pictures The film also remmds Cabot, the Wiseand expe- apparently thmks we are viewers of the herOIsm of nenced mentor ,~I ed Blazer Buttons ready nurses, pohce officers and James Cromwell nar- With the release of "The government offiCialsas rowly pulls off the G€orge .reeman Sportswear Sum ofAll Fears," the they Ignore paln and con- Bush.lIke PresIdent world becomes witness to tinue domg theIr Jobs Fowler, WIth a httle too '."'Talbott Shirts and Ties a nuclear attack on U S There ISno doubt that much cbeese thrown m "J soil, one that nearly WIpes thiS mOVIehits close to the mix out Baltimore home and It IS thiS real- The best part of the '''" .'Sport Coats The Images of the Ism that keeps VIewers on movie ISperhaps the sup- attack are fnghtemngly the edge of their seats portmg cast Major stand- ~'s Colognes reallstlc and evoke emo-- With a Cold War-hke outs melude Llev tlOnsrarely accomphshed mtenslty Schnebner as John Clark, Embroidered Slacks by a film Fme actmg completes who does the dirty work Perhaps It IS because of the success of the film for the CIA, and Ciaran Ournew.found sensItivity FIlhng Hamson Ford's Hmds as the RUSSIan ('.~19tt¥~Vmes Ties that these scenes become gigantic shoes ISa seem- preSident marl' powerful Nme mgly ImpoSSible task '•. -ana~,~tlt\tch more. months ago, thIS film however, Ben Affleck Director Phil Alden would not have the same should be commended for Robmson has put together 'rol<-ourse we'll wrap for you. Impact even consldenng the a powerful film WIth a , It IS('asy to rl'Jate to attempt He IS H goot1 greHL l.ast and all togetn. is, ~W7~ iii.tV i\C:nCnc.vN.. \;"0::1::11:.rUII'IIt.. iN IHt. VILLA"t:. •• l th('~('~c('nes - watchmg chOIceto portray a young er, they present viewers • , IUJ 'FIn. 10.6, THURS. TILL 8, SAT. 10, 5:30, SUNDAY 12 - 4 normal Americans carry Jack Ryan, and does so the sum of all our fesrs 28 OmmUDle June 13, 2002 C tvel G.ro.s.se.p.o.ln.te.N.e_ws IN orthern Exposure Too' By Janet Boyer good-bye to family and mends and loosely) and provides travelers With SpecialWnter embarked on the adventure routes to either Fairbanks or So, let's face It I was never a fan of We drove to Alaska It took 10 days Anchorage, the two biggest CIties m Northern Exposure, the hlt televIsion and gave us the opporturuty to see the state. "how that ran from July 1990 through much of the Umted States and parts of Ask about the population of Delta ,July 1995 It wasn't that I dlshked the Canada It would have taken longer JunctIOn and you wll1receive dIfferent ;,how,It'SJust that at that time in my but unfortunately we were a bIt early answers Milepost magazme, the bible lifeI was busy WIthother thmgs -law and many of the tounst spots where forAlaskan travelers, states that Delta 'chaol, starting my career, etc I did we had planned to stop were not yet JunctIOn's population is 657 A repre- latch a few episodes, but not nearly open sentatlve at the Delta Junction ('nough to prepare me for my current We amved In Delta JunctIon Just 10 Chamber of Commerce stated that the rtdventure time for "breakup,~whlcn by MIchigan most recent census counted more than Yousee, after seven years 10 Grosse standards IS the spnng thaw Why 3,000 residents AdmJttedly, however, POlnte,my husband and I were gIVen they call It breakup, I have been the census mcluded counts from the the opportumty to move to Alaska unable to ascertam I can only assume surroundmg RreRAof Df>1tRnRRnn ~lg ::::<-:~" .;U .... UUll, i\JdbKa to be exact - It's because there are very few paved Delta, the representative added home of Fort Greely, locatIOn of the roads III Alaska and breakup refers to Whether the surrowtdmg areas are U S mlhtary's 'Strategic MISSIle the havoc wreaked on the unpaved Included didn't seem to make much DefenseSystem roads 10 early spnng It's not unhke difference to me "Alaska!" exclaimed my family "You the conditions of 1-94after a long Wln- "TIns IS your new home," my hus- mean you'd give up your Job and your ter but in addition to dodgingpotholes, band said as I looked at the wide spot beautiful home?~ Alaskans also must dodge moose,can- in the road that was abutted by three "Alaska'~exclaimed my boss and co- bou and bear wakmg from their long restaurants, three gas stations, a gro- workers "What wlll you do?~ wmter's naps cery store and other assorted busIness- "Alaskar~exclaimed the editor of the es Playing at the Bon Secours Cottage Health Ser- Grosse Pomte News "Aren't you Delta JunctIOn, known as the "Home,~I s81d "Where are the hous- vices Music on the Plaza concert on Thursday, June scared?" "Fnendly frontier," IS the tenmnus of es? Where are the Sidewalks? Where 13, are the members of the Ann Arbor Latin-jazz "Alaskal~I answered, "the last fron- the Alaska Highway, a 1,422-mlle are the people?" band, Los Gatos - Kurt Krahn:ke. Pete Siers, tier, the adventure of a lifetime. How stretch of road begInmng 10 Dawson It tUl1lSout that while there IS a Jonathan Ovalle. Brian DiBalssio and Cary Kocher. can I say no?~ Creek, Bnhsh Columbia The highway bus1Oe'>Sdistnct in Delta Junction, the Instead, I sold our beautiful house in was built by the US military in 1942 reSidents of the area basICally hve 10 Grosse Pomte Park I reslltJled after and opened for public use at the end of the woods Rarely do you see houses Los Gatos plays four years from a Job I loved I packed World War II Additionally, Delta from the road and oftentunes one must all our belongings and watched the Junction is touted as the "Crossroads drive unpaved roads through mdes of movmg company load them on a huge of Alaska~ because the Alaska wilderness before arriving at some- Latin jazz rhythms truck and dnve away Finally, I said Highway meets the Richardson one'Shome And 80,we did what every- Highway 10 the city (I use that term one does 10 this area and purchased a By Bonnie Caprara mfluence, too," Siers saId Staff Wrrter "Weuse a VIbraphoneas the log cabm 10 the woods. Our woods, The~e cats wlll not only lead vOIce" however, borders the Tanana River. get your tongue, but your But With the band's And while I don't have the beautiful swaymg hIps and tappmg danceable rhythm, Siers plaster moldmgs, wood floors and toes. too also said "Everyone's a Pewablc tile that adorned my home in Los Gatos are cool cats drummer 10 thIS band ~ Gros8ePointe Park, 1do have an unbe- mdeed WIth their brand of "We appeal to the hard- lievable view of the nver and am VIsit- Jazz accented Withcha-chas, core Jazz hstener, but It has ed regularly by moose, ground SqUlf- mambos and boleros They'll a rhythmiCpulse," Siers con- rels and snowshoe hares OccasIOnally, 'et the ;,treet on fire as part tmued "Wedo a lot ofthmgs a bald eagle flies past to remmd me of t he Bon Secours Cottage dancers enJoyas well " why I embarked on this adventure Health System MUSICon the I 'Ntll be here for at least three years, Plaza Senes, co-sponsored Los Gatos, which has a whlch should give me a good taste of by the Grosse Pomte News, standmg \\'i>dnesday night , wilderness hving. After that, who III the Village on Thursday, gig at the Bird of Paradise in knows what will happen. Perhaps I June 13, at 7 p m Ann Arbor, recently cele- will find that the Grosse Pointe life IS PercussIOnist Pete Siers brated Its second anmver- for me, but until I try this I can't say. ~aId Latm performers TJ.to sary Siers saId the band's Puente and Cal T:Jaderhave compact diSC, "Cat's Got JaTU!tBoyer served as the director of been huge mfluences on the Your Tongue," which was human resources for the ChLldren's five-piece band from Ann recorded at the Bird of Home of DetroLt for four years. ThLS Arbor So ~ave Count Basle ParadIse and aVailable at spnng she embarked on her Alaska and George Gershwm local record stores, "ISrepre- adventure and wLll penodlcally pro- In 'Georgp Shparlng IS an ~entatlve of what we do n Vide updates of her lLfe the wLlder- ness RBOR

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FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 0. '. Nancy Straub • P.O.Box 1260, Panacea, Fl 32346 (850) 984-0122 June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 38 Fundraiser G2G4G will honor father's life The late George T, day, a day or a few days, by Maghielse of the City of makmg a donatIon or Grosse Pomte fought a pledge to Hospices of Henry bram tumor for 13 years Ford Bon SecourslCottage He dIed last Nov 14, 2001 Team or the Bram Tumor MegCarolyn Maghielse Research Fund, or by com- Remesz, hIS daughter, wlll mg to the CIty'S Neff Park honor her father whde rals- between 2 and 5 p m on 109 funds for the two orga- Sunday, June 16, to cele- nizatIOns that helped make brate a great father on rus hfe better while he was Father's Day and kIck-off III She wIll walk 262 mdes, the walk Guests Will help begmnmg from hiS home m make posters, play games, Grosse Pomte and endmg get walkIng bps and cele- at hiS other favonte place, a brate Father's Day vacatIOn home In Gaylord T-shIrts for the G2G4G She will begm walkmg (Grosse Pomte to Gaylord uu l.c. 'tlllltJC b Olnnday, tor George) are $10, With Tuesday, June 18 part of the proceeds gomg "My father was a truly to the two chantIes. ShIrts wonderful, WIse man who show the walkIng route used hiS patlence and Remesz plans to walk at incredIble WIllpower to fight about 3 miles per hour and for 13 years agamst a bram to stop after every SIXmIles tumor," said Remesz (2 hours) for a break A "ApprOXImately a year ago, shuttle Will accompany after malignancIes had walkers developed and he had gone For more mformatlOn, through a treatment of contact Remesz at mege- radlatwn, I asked my father len@aol com or call Melissa If I could do thiS walk to B. Maghielse. Donations ralse money for the may be sent dIrectly to Umverslty of Mlcrugan HospIces of Henry Ford Bon Bram Tumor Research SecourslCottage Team, Fund m rus name He Office of Prulanthropy, One gave me hiS wholehearted Ford Place, SUite 5A, support and even began to Detroit, 48202-3067 or Many members of the Maghielse family will partic- plan the route I would Bram Thmor Research Ipate in a 262-mile walk to ralse money for the two walk Fund, do Dr Harry S charities that helped their father, the late George T. "In July, my father took a Greenberg, 1914 Taubman Maghielse, fight a IS-rear battle against a brain turn for the worse and Center Box 316, Umverslty tumor. In the back row, from left, are Robin decIded to stop treatments of MichIgan Hospitals, Ann Maghielse and Paul Maghielse. In the middle row, and hve as he wished 10 the Arbor, 48109-0316 from left, are MegCarolyn Maghielse Remesz and Sue end In September, our fam- Maghielse. In the front, showing off the backs of Ily was gIven the pnvdege Panhel award: Kim their T-shirts, are Bobby, Luc and Trent Maghielse. of workmg wIth HospIces of Davids of the CIty of Henry Ford, Bon Grosse Pomte was recently SecoursiCottage Team as presented the DetrOIt my father lived hIS last two Alumnae Panhellenic and a half months in my Woman of the Year Award parents' home WIth at Its annual spnng lun- HospIce's support " cheon DaVIds has been Friends and supporters active WIth the Sigma can help by volunteenng to Sigma Sigma sorority since walk a portwn of the tnp 1971 WIth her - either part of a - Margte Rems Smtth CATCH fundraiser CATCH, the charity for children, was founded by former manager Sparky Ander- son. Eng,i!gements Since June 1987. CATCH has given nearly $2 mUllan to Children's Hospital of Michigan and Henry Ford Hospital to improve the quality of life for sick, injured and needy children and Magyar- their familles.

CATCH ralses funds through special events Bogna such as the CATCH Golf Preview Party and Golf Classic (Monday, July 15, at Meadowbrook Coun- Oskar Magyar of Grosse try Club) and CATCH Night of Champions Pomte Farms has (Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the Ritz-Carlton, Dear- announced the-engagement born). of his daughter, Lmda Magyar, to Albert John Republican Women Anderson is shown with Kevin Graham, 9, of Bogna Jr, son of Albert and The Republican Women's Club of Grosse Pointe Sterling Heights at a 1998 fun draiser. Kevin is Lena Bogna of Youngstown, recently featured Elaine Donnelly, president ot one of thoUBallds of pediatric patients who have Oruo Lmda Magyar IS also the Center for Military Readiness, at the left, as benefited frQm the charity. For more lntorma- the daughter of the late the speaker at its dinner meeting. On the right, tion on CATCH, call (313) 876-9399 or visit Lorraine Magyar is Marti Miller of Grosse Pointe Woods, interim www.catchcharity.org, president of the club. An August weddmg IS Rebecca Simmons planned and Jay Holt Magyar eamed a bache lor's degree from Wayne State UniverSIty and a mas- Simmons- ter's degree from Central MichIgan Umverslty She IS Holt dIrector of marketmg for Eastland Shopping Center ClIff and Judy SImmons of Grosse Pomte Woods have Bogna earned a bachelor's announced the engagement degree from Purdue of theIr daughter, Rebecca Umverslty Simmons, to Jay Holt, son of Earl and Evelyn Holt of He IS director of leasmg Gastoma, N C A June wed- WIth Shopco AdVISOry Corp dmg IS planned SImmons earned a bache- ior of ans degI ee from Kalamazoo College She attends Kenan-Flagler Busmess School m Chapel HIll, N C, where she IS workmg on a master's degree m bus mess adminIS- tratIon She IS a pharmaceu- tIcal representative WIth Glaxo SmIth Klme Holt earned a bachelor of sCience degree from North Carolma State Umvelslty and a Ph D m orgamc chemIstry from GeorgIa Tech He IS a project manag- er at CIrrus Pharmaceuticals Research Linda Magyar and Albert In Tnangle Park, N C John Bopa Jr.

Depression: Treat It. Defeat If. 48 -tv June 13,2002 CommunI 'b G.r.os.s.e .PO.i".t.e .Ne.w.s Reflexology, ancient healing art helps cancer patient Like Illdny people, Dawn oncology at 8t John "She gIst's relaxmg touch refocus- CrIger of Che;,terfield, 39, restored balance In body and practitIOner works the almost enjoyed her VISit to es attentlOn from the stress agIst helps deCide the best needed receive radIatIOn mmd," she added pomts m the feet and the to the Van Elslande" Cancer one may be experJencmg As frequency for apPoIntments tredtment!> for her breast Beyond relaxatIOn, reflex- clIent begllls to relax, the Center InItially, I was skep- the person recelvlllg rf'flex- to meet the mdlVldual's spe- Cdncer at the Van Elslander ology has been shown to tenderness may begm to tical about the value of ology begIns to unWInd and Cific needs Cdnler Center (VECC) In IIlcrease clTculatlOn ThiS lessen Because It IS Impor- reflexology, but Dawn con- enJoy new and pleasant sen- By nounshmg one's men- Gro"e POInte Wood.;, But can boost the supply of oxy- tant to stImulate all the vInced me to change my satIOns, tensIOn decreases tal health and phYSical unhkl' man), "he u;.ed an gen and nutnentb to mus- pamts, he or she Will not mmd" and pam subSides VitalIty, reflexology can help dllUl'nt healIng art III anoth- cles and other tIssues and aVOId the tender areas, but CrIger had to deal WIth The l"eflexologlst can a person let go of tensIOn l I IJdrt oj tlw ney, facIlity - speed the elIminatIOn of wIll work WithIn the clIent's the anxiety and pOSSible addres;, the needs of the and mamtalll balance In thl' Hedlmg Art;. Center - waste projects such as lactIc comfort level trI ways that fatigue and lack of energy entire body from the feet meeting the demandb and to help h"r LOpl' aCid and stress hormones mmlmlze pam that comes With treatment Only shoes and socks need stresses of !lfe Cnger, who The art, reflexology, ThIS, In turn, reduces mus- "After a .;,esslOn one may expenenced some stresses for her conditIOn Fut, she to be removed If the feet through the .;,klilful applIca- cle tensIOn and soreness, feel calm and relaxed or may said, "I felt so gooJ dunng cannot be worked for any beyond most, certalllly did tIOn of thulllb and finger decreases heahng time for expenencf' a feelIng of ener- the weekh of my radiation reason, the same benefits find that pre:,sure to specific POInt:, In IIlJuTles and reduces gy and rejUVenatIOn Some therapy that I went back to can re.,\llt from stJmulatlllg For more IIlformatlOn or the feet, allowed a reflexolo- swellIng from InJunes or 111- people InItIally expenence to schedule an appOIntment work and played tennIs I the reflexology pam ts III the ~.,,~t tn Jm n the' .L 1 '...... neR., ...\. f" ..., TT 1 • ~~1C:lt ,::h:l f":!~~~.1'2 .::lft~: ~ ~~;;':;"v«,but , .. U,H v£j,L. VI.. ,",UI{" ...... l,..uUU rt1 L.b ",;u..l,) LUJU)CU LoUt; rCllCXOlo. hands b logue withIn Dawn's body Immune functIOn, skm notIce an mcrease of energy gy It puts you III a whole "An abundance of eVI- Center's certified reflexolo- Practiced In dlverbe cultures tone and the abIlity to con- or a lessemng of stress over other place We Moms can dence compIled over cen- gIst!>, call (313) 647 3320 for centuries, reflexology IS centrate also Improve when the followmg hours or days," all use It I Wish I had turies from such dIverse The Van Elslander Cancer much more than a good foot circulatIOn IS IIlcreased France said known about reflexology areas as Egypt, India, Center at 8t John Hospital mabbdge For either preven- Response to reflexology The more often one dUTIng chemo, which was Japan, Chma and Europe and Medical Center IS a tative care or m response to vanes Widely Certam areas receives reflexology, the done elsewhere I'm sure I suggests that one's body IS membe~ of St John Health phYl>lcal or emotIOnal diS- may feel more senSitive or more benefits he or she IS 8y!>tem would have coped With my mirrored m the feet That IS, tress, reflexology has been tender than others As the likely to notice The reflexol- SIde effects much easier" when pressure IS apphed to observed to create phYSical More than 7,000 nerve changes that can brmg the feet, predictable poSitive endmgs on the soles of the changes occur elsewhere m about balance, ease, and feet make them qUIte sensI- 51.John Health has new name, logo healIng the body," said Grosse tive and responsive to the POinter Eva France, a "What's umque about thiS St John Health System IS sensory mput of reflexology reflexolOgIst who practices "We have expenenced dra- la"e I" that Criger was launchIng a new name and If one IS stressed, over- at the Van Elslander Cancer matic growth m the last treated In 1993 elsewhere look to present a unified worked or mJured, a reflex- Center's HealIng Arts decade and are eXCited to With radIatIOn therapy for a Image of consistent quality olOgIst can send a calm and Center present our new look whIch "lmllar conditIOn and was mtentlOnal message to the and servIce III the market- represents the commg "Reflexology promotes the place able to compare between the nervous system through hIs together of our hospitals and two different expenences body's marvelous abl1Jty to The name 8t John Health or her skIlled touch to the adjust and balance dunng services for the benefit of the "I notice that she coped System IS bemg replaced by feet times of stress Simply tak- commumty," says EllIot much better With her cbs- 8t John Health (SJH) The Because the nervous sys- mg time out to relax can Joseph, preSident and CEO ease thIS tIme, n saId Dr Arnr word "system" IS bemg ehm. tem IS deSigned to respond help one let go of tensIOn of 8t John Health Aref, chief of radlatlOn to new mput, the rellexolo- mated to sunphfy the name and enJoy a feellllg of and emphasize the organiza- Each hOSPItal name wIll tion's focus on wellness and remam the same, but wlll be health m the body, mmd and paired Visually With the new spmt logo to show the unity of the orgamzatlOn generally be replaced with A new logo Will also be "The new name and look the new logo only as lIlven- mtroduced depictmg healIng IS the result of a carefully hands which convey person- tones are used up, out of planned Imtiatlve that uni- deference to the budget con- al, compasslOnate care The fies our orgamzation and Photil by Chnslme Buda! logo uses the colors of warm straints all hospitals are mlSSlOn to heal, to serve, dealing With," she says All jazzed up green and magenta for the together," says Eunice healmg hands and dark blue "Our mtemal launch cele- O'Loughlin, VIce preSident of brations Will be modest, and for the name The dove rep- corporate commumcatlOns, slgnage changed only III cer- Grosse Pointe South High School student resented m the white space SJH "However, we know Paul Marderosian, an alto 88..I:ophoneplayer. SIgnifies comfort and spin- tam high VISlbIhty, high that patients relate to theIr Impact locatIOns entertained audiences in the village. Thurs. tuahty, whIch IS the hall- communIty hospital, not to a "We're eXCited about thiS day. June 6. Both the Grosse Pointe South mark of &rtf. The healIng large 'system,' so the focus IS Jazz Band and the Grosse Pointe North Jazz hands m the warm green new look and how It umtes still on the local hospital 20,000 asSOCIates and 3,200 Band performed as part of the Music on the and magenta colors also they know and trust." plaza series. phYSICIans under a common symbohze the diverSity of The brand Will be rolled banner, but we need to exer- the orgamzation and the out over a two-year penod commumtles served by SJH cise fiscal responsibIlity," "SupplIes and matenals Will says O'Loughlm WORSHIP SERVICES Grosse Pomte Umtanan Church "The Biblical ~ GRACE UNITED First English Ev. Lutheran Church St. James Prison" Vernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr Lutheran Church ...... ~tJCHURCH OF CHRIST Grosse Pomle Wood~ 10 30 a m Worship SenrJcot ...... _ ~ 884-5040 170 McMillan Rd, near Kercheval 17150 MAUMEE 1175 Ukepomle al Kercheval SUMMER SCHEDULE Grosse POinte Fa rrns • 88HlS11 881-0420 ". ,-ur", •• Grosse Pomle Park 822 3323 7 00 P m Thursday Worship Service Rev JoI1nCorrado Minister Sunday ~ :i: l", 10 15 am- Adull BIble Study runbrose II 00 a m Holy Communion UN ITE D 2ll Moross Rd. ••:. ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Christ the King 11 00 a m Church Sunday Grosse Pointe Farms PariSh School and Nursery • CHURCH Lutheran Church CHURCH 886-2363 ~ 20475 Sunningdale Park Mack at Lochmoor THURSDAY AmUATED wrrn "!liE UCC ANDABC near I..oc~oor Club 884-5090 12 10 P m - Holy Communion 240 CHALFQt(J"E AT LOTHROP 9 30 a m Worship I6J Grosse POinteWoods 884-3075 1045 a m Sunday&hool Saturday Vigil Mass SUnday 8 15 & 1045 a m Worship Service W"anntrs on lIan P/a1.aat tht Tunntl 930 a m - Sunday School & Bible O.,5eS Youth at 4:00 p.m. 800 a.m Holy Euchan rnlw (,rom' Pomlp \\ood~ 5:30 p.m.• Holy Euchamt Rite II Phllnl' (,~l31 BBI-3Hl "I'll Pa,gp .... "".!!'Pbl'.org • E-mail gpwpchurch~aol com. Web site wwwgpwpcorg SUNDA Y, Junc 16 THE GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL (HURCH I ~'_-.l~\. Jefferson ~venue 8:00 a.m .• Holy Euchamt Rite II ~ Pre;'byterian Church fst

, June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 Refusing help Parents can keep graduations alcohol-free By Jeff and Debra Jay The end of th" "dllJul year ents to support Its goal of Special Writers talk WIth your son or daugh- unwanted pregnancy, sen- IS a tIme of JOYand celebra- preventIng underage dnnk- ter" ous Injury, and crIme. Dear Jeff and Debra. tIon for most young people mg The group encourages Hopefully, by the tIme DISCUBShow dnnkmg and It's a tIme to honor past parents to talk to their Iods I went to your Web site today out of desperatIon young people reach thelt dnvmg - gettIng caught accomphshments and chTls- about dnnlung It advocates I have a 55-year-old sister named KJm who IS an benlor year In high school, WIth a blood alcohol level of ten new begInnIngs Young law enforcement and schools alwholic, has mental problems and has recently fall- parents have talked many as !tttle as 02, or one dnnk people expect and deserve to to follow through WIth con. en dnd broken her hIp She insisted on returmng tImes WIth their sons and - can result In losmg one's celebrate thlb milestone sequences when young peo- home after leaVIng the hospital Since then she has daughters about dnnkmg license to dnve for a year or Alcohol can spoil It all ple are caught dnnlung turned aWdV homc health care, will not go to the and drug use Provme pro- more That's a real wake-up "GraduatIOn lllght IS one "It used to be that when dcem to be m touch With reahty I'm mghts for young people," relYlllg on a car for the com- dtrmd i>he I;' gomg to die there would always be con- cuss alcohol use, and gradu- mg years saId Kay Provme, a preven- sequences," saId Bud I have ;,pent the day on the phone WIth health atIOn tIme IS certamly one of "Tell your son or daughter tIon speclahst for Hazelden Welser, a cochair of Drawmg prolesi>lOnab who claIm they can do nothIng unless those c1a&8lcmoments SeIze to have a good time on grad- "Parents need to be askmg a the LIne "That's not neces- the police (or 911 respondents) thInk she IS a threat the opportumty, she sug uation nIght," saId Provme lot of questIOns about that sanly true nowadays A lot to her&elf or others Thev told mp thAt "hI' hA" to gests "Tell them. 'You've accom- nIght, ~:ld t}~,--.; ~J.n 6!,",,,,tt~ deCIde for herself If she wants treatment. They did ,"cUi L" VI "vtJlILeu If KId" 10 promote clear no-use plIshed a lot. Don't rum It by mfluence their son or know It'S gOIng to be more of standards, Provme says It'S not mentIOn mterventlon and told me only that she daughter's deCISIOn to not domg somethmg you'll a problem If they're caught" Important for parents to regret for the rest of your may have to "hit bottom" before she decIdes to get dnnk. But the antI-alcohol help In the past couple months clanfy theIr own standards !tfe "' message needs to corne from leadIng up to graduatIon, I read about InterventIOn on your Web sIte. A sec- Parents who don't dnnk or the entIre commumty - ChIsago Lakes HIgh School ond sister and I are the only famIly members who who dnnk responSIbly In ThIS health column offers students themselves, has taken every opportUnIty front of theIr children WIll are mentally and emotIOnally stable enough to par- schools, parents, clergy and readers the informatIOn and to rem force messages have an easIer tIme explam- dlrectwn needed to prevent tiCipate Perhaps KIm's daughter, WIth some educa- law enforcement" agaInst dnnkmg - through tIOn, could also Jom us I am wIlhng to try anything, mg a firm no-use standard substance abuse problems The commumty around fhers and m mformatlOn Set rules and expectatIOns but I am worned about not beIng able to mvolve and address such problems. ChIsago Lakes HIgh School about graduatIon And as IS regardmg alcohol use, and many people and by the com ph cation caused by her It ISprOVIded by Hazelden, a In Lindstrom, MInn, has traditIOn, parents of the layout consequences for vio- mental illness She has been dIagnosed as bIpolar nonprofit agency based In done Its part to help achieve Jumor and semor high stu- latIng those rules before and schIzoId affecttve She has been In and out of Center CIty, Mmn., that a safe, alcohol-free gradua- dents WIll host an ail-nIght problems occur, she adds hospItals for years All epIsodes have ended m offers a wIde range of znfor- tIon celebratIon Substance lock-In party at the school Also, parents need to rec- refusal of treatment, refusal to take medIcation and matlOn and servIces relatIng abuse preventIOn efforts are on graduatIOn nIght, an ognIze that It'S hard for dental of the disease to addIctIOn and recovery. ongomg throughout the evenmg that features music, young people to say no, so I apologlZe for makmg thiS so long, but my ques- year, but m the two months For more resources, call dancmg, games, sports, nov- teach them slolls to resist Hazelden at (800) 257-7800 tIOn IS whether or not I should talk WIth a profes- precedmg the school's June eltIes and great food peer pressure to dnnk or use SIOnal InterventIOnist and If so, how do I find one? 2 graduatIOn, the antI-alco- or check rts Web site at other drugs, Provme says www hazelden org Direct AlbO. my sIster has no health Insurance The famIly hol messages have been par- Dave Ertl, associate pnn- ticularly strong clpal at the hIgh school, says It's Important to explain mqulrLes to has a httle bit of money, but resources aren't end- [email protected] less What can we expect when It comes to paYIng In late Apnl, Just days it's cntlcal to be clear and the no:h f)f 2!~C!W! u:;c for treatment? before the prom, a MADD conSIstent WIth messages Alcohol IS a dangerous, (Mothers Agamst Drunk and pohcles regardIng alco- mood-altenng drug that IS ,...... ------, -J.S. Dnvmg) car was promment- hol, whether they come from addIctIve and illegal (for Dear J.S. ly dIsplayed at the hIgh the school or home. people under 21) It makes "Parents are the No 1 people do risky, stupId Yes, we'd recommend talkmg WIth a professlOnal school It featured a man- A Christian mfluence m a young per- thIngs they would never do interventIOnIst Be sure you find someone who IS gled wreck from an alcohol- related crash that kIlled son's !tfe," he saId "It's when sober Tell your son or experienced In dual diagnOSIs - people who suffer never too late to SIt down daughter how alcohol can Science from both addIction and psychiatnc disorders Ask three teenaged boys from and have a heart-to-heart hurt them today It can lead the mterventlOnist If he or she WIll put In place a Minnesota a VlVld remmder of the dIsastrous to tragIc car crashes, Lecture? fallback plan In case your SIster refuses help. Also, can the mterventlOnIst guide you toward other effects of dnnkrng and dn- vmg. optIOns If they become necessary, such as obtammg Volunteers of the month Every year each ChristIan In March, a community guardianshIp over your sIster If she IS deemed SCience church sponsors at forum was held to help mcompetent? And WIll the mterventionIst continue named at St. John Hospital leaset one lecture for the Inform parents how they can answermg your questions, as needed, after the Inter- commumty make a dIfference In pre- Mary Keatts of (!rosse Items, bake!:! coolues, makes ventIOn, to help you deal WIth Issues related to venting underage dnnkmg Pomte Woods was named smoothIes and prepares the treatment and early recovery? Provine, a co-developer of one of the volunteers of the dally cash deposit These lectures usually focus How do you find an mterventlOmst? Call a local Hazelden's popular Roots month for December at St VolunteerIng has become on a tOpICof current Interest treatment center for a referral. You wouln do well to and Wmgs parentmg qlolls John HospItal & MedIcal such a part of her !tfe that to the community and how call the PsychlatTic and Substance Abuse Treatment program, was the speaker Center. Keatts has been vol- she SaId she cannot Imagine to respond from a prayerful Program at Cottage HospItal They have a dual unteenng SInce 1996 In the At parent-teacher confer- hfe WIthout It and healing basls dIagnOSIs treatment program deSigned for patIents ences In early spnng, a com- SpeCIal Care Nursery, whIch 55 and older Your sister's alcoholIsm and psychI- mumty group called mvolves the full range of For more mformatIOn Thc lecture IS a Simple atTic problems must be treated SImultaneously Ask Drawmg the Lllle, the same patIent care actIVItIes about volunteenng, call thC' "taff at Cottage HOSpItal about theIr program group that helped dIsplay She also has donated tIme (313) 343-3680 weekdays, understandable presentatIOn and If It IS appropnate for your sister's needs - her the MADD car, ralhed par- at Java John, where she between 8 30 a m and 4 30 about the tOpICfrom a SplO- addIctlOn, psychlatnc Issues, and health care needs stocks beverage and food pm tual and metaphySical baSIS You can reach an mtake coordInator by callIng (313) It IS nOI preachy or so deep 040-2537 In metaphySICS and Jargon to Waltmg for your sIster to "hIt bottom" IS danger- ous Some people bounce back from theIr bottom, be unlntelhglble SpeCific but others die InterventIOn raises the bottom You Ideas are shared about how can't recover for your SIster, but there are thmgs heahng IS the natural and famtly and frIends can do to gIve her the best chance expected result of prayer In at accepting help Don't your employees deserve addIlIon, some general back- As far as finances are concerned, IS your sIster elI- ground on the discoverer of gIble for MedicaId or other fundIng for treatment? Chnstlan SCIence IS usually InvestIgate the pOsslblhtIes She very well may be the security and peace~of-mind of Included able to get financIal assIstance and the family could pick up the remaIning costs Wayne County's'HealthChoice? The lecture lasts about one We suggest that you go to Hazelden's onlIne book- hour, no collectIOn I~ taken, ;,tore and look through their pamphlets and books and typically the lecturer IS on dUdl dIagnOSIS at www hazeldenbookplace org available afterwards for mdl- Vidual questions Jeff Jay and Debra Jay are the authors of "Love With over 2,000 busmesses and more rhan 21,000 members, Flr"t A New Approach to InterventIOn for Wayne Counry's HcaJthCholce IS rhe fasrest-growmg healrh-care Our church's ne:l.t lecture, Alcoholism and Drug Addu:tlOn. " Debra Jay IS the The Spiritual Aspect oC coauthor of "Agmg and Addlctum." Both books are coverage In MIchigan published by Hazelden and are avaIlable at Borders Healing, Will be given by Books See Jeff and Debra's Web bIte on mterventlOn Not only because of ItS unmarched alfordabl['ry . you and Patti May Camlgano, C S at www lovefirst net your employee each pay jusr $43 a mamh' bur because of rhe on Thursday, June 27 at 8 00 Jeff and Dpbra Jay are profeSSIOnalmterventlOn- excepuanaJ quallry of care HealthChOice proVIdes PM In the church IStS who lwe m Grosse Pomte Farms They may be contacted WIth your questwns at (313) 882-6921 or "For the cost, we couldn'r bdlC:vethe coverage could be IhlSgood," First Church of Christ go [email protected] Said Juan Haygood, owner of Pete's True Value Hardw ....re "Bur Jr's Scientist, (the Christian Science Church) 282 II ttue HealrhChOicc ISevervrhlng It

DI'opldY;' will be open to PartICIpants are encour- Wednesday Evening the public from 2 to 7 pm aged to take a long-stemmed Testimony Meeting Fnday and from 1Jam to 3 rose With at least one bloom p m Saturday There IS no to the Neighborhood Club by 8:00PM admISSIOn charge 10 a m Fnday, June 21 Someone wIll help venfy the A Children's Room is All rose growers are wel- .. vanety and help newcomers provided on Sunday and come to enter theIr best With entnes h e a I t h "IX'Clmen" and to compete Wednesday. for nbbon<; and cE'rtlficates For more informatIOn, call The nOVICE'class 1<; for Deborah Les!te at (313) 881- tlmmDtllI Christian Science member'> and nonmembers 7321 Reading Room Healthcare Covcrage that's Good for BUlJness First English plans craft show Call1-800-WELL-NOW 106 Kercheval Avenue Crafters are 10vlted to 12 • ~Ingleemploy.- P'Y' Qllmo .nd employer p.", S411mo f.mtly co>cragecom more Grosse Pointe Farms call I 800 Wrll NOW for more ,"f'Hm.t,,'n partiCIpate 10 the 11th All Items must be hand- annual fall craft show at crafted Monday through Friday Flr"t Engli<;h Ev Lutheran 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Church For informatIOn about cost'! and table SIze, call Saturday Th,' ,how WIll 1)(' from 10 Beverly Jackson at (586) 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM ,I III to 4 P III Saturday. Oct 771-9049 68 June 13, 2002 Seniors Grosse Pointe News SOC O~tions Cosmetic substitutes I talked about home- hold and over a very long made cosmetics for slun penod of tIme sac plans summer------trips care m the last Semor Shouldn't makeup Scene Tlus week I'd hke By Sharon Maler I 45 pm; return to sac Canterbury Village, a deSIg- always be apphed WIth SOC Executive Director approximately 2 p m to talk about care for the upward motIOns to pre- nated hIstonc SIte that haIr as well as tIps for It's time to start planmng . extends over 21 acres It vent saggIng skm and summer tnps If you are DIamond Jack's River USIngcosmetIcs more wnnkles? It won't help, loolung for sometlung dIf- Tours hosts 18 specIalty shops, effectIvely Most of them mcludmg Aldndge's Always nor WillIsometric exercise ferent to do, JOInus for one Thursday, July 25 come from Esther Loss of elastICIty and col- of these fun tnps All of our EnJOYa two- hour cruIse Chnstmas, a 90,OOO-square- ShapIro, who for many By foot Chnstmas ;,tore lagen ISwhat leads to tnps are the Iesult of feed- on the sparklIng waters of years was executIve direc- Ruth wnnkles Nothmg short of bdck from local semor!, We the DetrOit RIver, the The tour package tor for the DetrOit mcludes round-tnp trans- plastic surgery WIllpull still want to hear more of world's bUSiestmternatIon- Consumer AffaIrs Cain the skIn tight agaIn portatIon and a box lunch to what you hke and what you al waterway DIscover Department She got the Can you restore colla- take home Pnce IS $9 a don't like If you have an countless Sight;.<,nch In hls- tiPS from beauty cosmetol- Great haIr ISa wonder- person gen by usmg creams con- Idea for an InterestIng tnp tory and anecdote dunng a OgIstPaul Azar ful blessmg For many of Depart from SOC at taInIng It? Nope The col- please share It With us narrated nver tour Some of these may not us, hair ISa great tnal lagen molecule IS too large S~,;::~::g ..;.p fer thLOc.. ulk ...~ 'rnnr (aghts !r:.ch.:.dc !Iart 10'30 a.m Lunch is at work fnr ynn hllt "If Y0!.!t~2' Hf>TE"'o, A P'non ('nnn,hnT'l- Castello dl Bologna at 11 45 tv JJc..h(..tlC1~ "lu:: Dku.l IL estIng tnps ISeasy Call Plaza and Dodge Fountam, lIke me, you've got bottles er for fine hair After just stays on top am, return departure 1.8 at ServICesfor Older CItIzens the RenaIssance Center, St and bottles of shampoo, washmg, massage in 1 Can astnngents reduce at (313) 882-9600 Aubin Park Manna, hIstonc 3 pm, return to SOC is conditIOners, mOlstunzers, cup of pIam yogurt and approxImately 3 45 p.m. the size of large pores? warehouse dlStnct, Stroh's etc , that eIther you dIdn't leave on for 15 mInutes Astnngents have a lugh Polonia restaurant in lIke, or were allergICto RInse Or mIx an egg yolk Hamtramck RIver Place, Belle Isle Lunch and tour of concentration of alcohol, Bndge and Park, the theIn If any of these tIps m your Elhampooand Thursday, June 27 Town Village Senior whIch leaves the skIn feel- DetrOit Boat Club, Community aren't nght for you, I can leave It on your hair a few mg cool and refreshed and Lunch cOmbInatIOnplate promIse trymg them won't mmutes before nnsIng Includes two plerOgI,one ManOOgIanMansion, the Thursday, Aug. 15 gIves It a tightened feel- DetrOit Yacht Club, Jom us for a day of tour- cost more than a few pen- Tea and coffee nnses mg But there's no evi- stuffed cabbage, Iuelbasa, rues, unlIke all those can add depth to halr kraut, mashed potatoes, Waterworks Park, BaYView mg the eastsIde's newest dence that It shnnks Yacht Club, Peche Island, retirement community. We almost-full bottles I'm stIll color Sage tea wIll darken pores soup or salad, beverage and tryIng to figure out what haIr Th remove soap film dessert the Dc,ssIn Museum, Hiram wIll tour 'Ibwn Village, There ISone fact con- Walker DIsWlery, SterlIng HeIghts After our to do with after shampooIng, nnse After lunch we'll VISitthe tnbutmg to beautIful skin Downtown Windsor, the tour we'll enjoy a lunch pre- After a full day shop- WIth 1/2 cup vInegar to 1 (other than bemg born Pohsh Art Center WIth Its pIng or soclallzmg, my quart water For a dry quahty Imports of crystal, Ambassador Bndge, pared especially for us by WIth the nght genes). the 'Ibwn Village chefs. makeup has faded away shampoo, mIX 1 oz, pow- amber, candy, books, dolls Histonc Fort Wayne, Joe mOIsture The basiC word Louis Arena, Cobo Hall and FollOWInglunch we will lIs- lipstIck ISeasy enough to dered oms root With 1/2 for that ISwater. Dnnk it, and woodcrafts We WIll reapply, but cheek color II! p:lUnd salt Rub well mto also have time to shop the the Detroit People Mover. ten to a lecture on the bene- bathe in It and use It lIb- 'Ibur package Includes fits of staying actIve. a little harder Try a dab scalp and brush out vIgor- erally on your face other stores mcludmg the of your hpstIck The color ously. Polish bakenes round-tnp transportatIOn, a The tour package MOISturecreams don't mcludes' round-trip trans- wIll be right Just blend It For OIlyhaIr, mIX1 Thur package Includes two-hour cruise on the restore lost facial mOIs- DetrOIt RIver and a box portation, expert tour gwde; on WIth a httle hand tablespoon salt WIth 1/2 ture; they act to hold It in round-tnp transportatlon, lunch at 'Ibwn VIllage; a lotIOn Or use just your cup cornmea1. Sprinkle on lunth at Poloma and a box lunch The pnce per person Water does remove essen- is $18 StaYIng ActIve presentation fingertIps and Wipeoff your hair, then brush out tIal OIlsfrom the skIn's lunch to take home The and a box lunch to take any excess WIth a tissue dirt and grIme. pnce IS$19 a person Canterbury Village surface, but It'S essential home. The price 1.8 $7 a per- 'Ib make a manicure 'Ib set hair, use flat to removmg dIrt and We WIlldepart from Lunch and shopping son last longer, soak fingers beer, champagne, a packet Thursday, Aug. 8 grime that builds up dur- ServIces for Older CItizens Departure from Sel'Vlces for a mmute or two In a of unflavored gelatm dIs- at 11 am, lunch is at 11 45 First enjoy lunch (Dutch ing the day ~u can for Older CItIzens IS at 9:30 solutIon of 2 teaspoons solved m 1 pint water, or am, shopping, depart for treat) at Castello di restore these oils by leav- am, tour 'Ibwn VIllage and WhIte vInegar and 1/2 cup 1 tsp sugar dIssolved in 1 home at 2 30 pm, arrive at Bologna Prepare to be mg your face damp after eat lunch, depart for home lukewarm water. Dry, cup warm water. For a It'S washed and applying a SOC approXimately 3 p m Impressed by the foyer then apply polish qUIck hair set, roll dry filled WIth hand-carved at 1 30 pm; return to SOC lIght film of mOIsturizer Jack's Waterfront at approximately 2 30 p m 'Ib dry nalls more qUIck- hair in rollers, wrap with on top of the water Imported oak panehng and ly. when they're partIally warm damp towel for 5 Dinin8' a double oak curved formal Mternoon tea at the I'd like also to add that Thursday, July 11 dry, either dIp your fin- minutes, then allow to tanning m the sun does staircase The most fasCI- Townsend Hotel in gers In a bowl of ICecold dry JOIn us for an afternoon nating feature ISthe 1924 Birmingham more to destroy the mois- of good food, good frIends water or hold your hands If you use sunless tan- ture in the skin than any crystal chandelier from the Thursday, Sept. 12 in the freezer for a ning lotion, remember and good fun 'lime will other smgle actipn. So put Mlclugan Theater which Afternoon tea at the mInute pass quickly as you watch that dark leg makeup on the sunscreen and graces the center of the 'Ibwnsend Hotel, After opening a new makes legs look slimmer, boats of all types leave the room and hangs from the Birmingham ISn't easily for- wear a hat in dIrect sun- manna and head out mto bottle of nml polIsh, rub hght makeup makes them light oak paneled celllng The gotten Servers wait on look heaVier ; Lake St ClaIr Choose petroleum jelly inSIde the I hope some of these fireplace that meets your patrons hand and foot, con- cap It won't stIck later. Shapiro also debunks ; somethIng you love to eat eye as you enter the glass- tInually filling teacups and tIps work for you I'd : from Jack's extensive menu Once opened, polIsh wl1l many of the Wfacts"manu- appreciate heanng from beveled doors is Imported offenng desserts, scones stay smooth and easier to facturers would like you to , : (Dutch treat) from a European castle and finger sandwiches. The you about that , Tour package mcludes apply Ifkept m the refrig- beheve, such as eatmg The archItecture ISgrand tea ISone of the hotel's erator. Hardened or gelatIn helps strengthen My em all IS , round-trip transportation and the food ISjust as long-standmg traditIons. : and a box lunch to take gummy enamel can be nalls It mIght - If you [email protected]. Or ImpressiVe Choose from Sign up for this trip early could eat more gelatm home The pnce IS$7 reVIvedby placmg It In a wnte to me at the Grosse many wonderful ItalIan because seats are limited pan of boiling water than you could possibly Pomte News Depart from sac at 11 30 dIshes. Price per person is $28 , a m ,lunch at Jack's at After lunch you can wan- The tour package •, 11 45 am, depart Jack's at der through Old World includes round-tnp trans- portation, afternoon tea, HelpCard connects seniors to resources and a box lunch to take The new Statewide Senior phone numbers that connect Kenneth Ishprwood, chaIr- home. HelpCard produced by Blue semors with free and low- man of the MIclugan Seruor Someone You Love Can Use Our Jlelp Departure ISat 11 a.m ; Cross Blue Shield of cost servIces m countIes AdVISOryCouncil. "It's a use- tea ISat noon, departure MIchIgan and Blue Care across the state ful resource for seruors who • • Private homes • Full or part. from the 'Ibwnsend is at 3 Network IS beIng dIstnbuted The HelpCards WIllasSIst are often unaware of avaIl- , pm. throughout Metro DetrOIt, • • HospItal or llme coverage semors m findIng agenCIes able services. It was , providing important tele- that deal WIth vanous o urSlDg homes • Booded and insured desIgned to be camed In a ~ issues, includmg abuse and pocket or to be kept next to < • 24-houl'li • RN su~rvised neglect, employment, volun- the phone ~ ~" RegIstered Nurses teenng, expenses, food, More information can be Licensed PractIcal Nurses Continuing to Live Life health care, housing, legal, found at www.bcbsmJhelp- Nur,es AIdes to the Fullest ••• tax assistance and trans- card or by callmg (800) 733- portatlOn The cards are now BLUE (2538). St. John Senior available from the MIchIgan Office of Services to the ~ NURSiNC UNliMiTEd Community Aging, the American Beach party ~ I INCORPORATED AsSOCIation of Retired Son Ing the Grosse Point .. & Eastern Suburbs so"", 1980 here may come a Persons and other prevalent is June 20 (810)"'.5300 TtIme when someone semor-related agenCIes PublIShed m cooperatIOn EastsIde seniors are inVIt- you love needs help With ed to a free Beach Party the activities of dally with the company's Semor AdVIsory Council, the Open House at the Bon liVing.Whether that HelpCard IS one way that Secours LakeVIew Campus, Eastside Seniors " \ j j ~ means medication the Blues work WIth 10 1/2 Mile and Jefferson m reminders, assistance St ClaIr Shores Jom the Kick off summer With a Beach ~ MIchIgan's older adult com- ba~,ng or dreSSing, rnu!"-.!ty to asSIst ser:.l0rs festiVIties from 4 to 7 pm Pdl ly Open House. EnJOythe live ¥ or Simplytaking care of "We receIved great feed- ThurSday, June 20, and musICof a Caribbean steel drum meal preparation or household chores, back about our ongInal enJoy the lIve music of a band, pose for a caricature, and St John Senior Community IShere to help. Semor HelpCard in 2001, Canbbean steel drum band, relax With a complimentary plcnrc pose for a draWIng by a can- We prOVide ~sslstance as needed, while whIch hsted resources m supper Also take advantage of. Wayne, Oakland alld cature artist and relax WIth ensuring that each reSident ISas independent Macomb Expandmg the a complimentary late after- • Health screenings, informatIon, and an as pOSSible hstmgs stateWIde was a nat- noon pIcnic In additIon, "Ask the Doctor" statIon Some of our amenities and actIvities Include' ural next decIsIOn," saId take advantage of - Health screemngs • Tours of the Bon Secours NurSing Care • Beautiful grounds • On-site dental and AAA offers • Tours of the LakeVIew Center, Bon Secours Place, an aSSIsted and rose garden podiatry services campus liVingcommunity. and Charlotte's Place, • Bird aViary • Laundry and seminar on • InformatIOn about a new senIor day care center becomIng a volunteer -Gift shop housekeeping service • Information on volunteer opporunltles long-term care • Prizes • Elegant dtnlng room • Beauty shop • A 10 percent-off sale In • Entry Into a prize draWing - Health management • Transportation AAA MichIgan w1l1 pre- the GIft Shop • A IO-percent-off ~Ift shop sale and wellness services • Three SOCialworkers sent a free semmar cn long- Free valet parkIng IS pro- • 24-hour emergency that are speCialists In term care at 7 p m VIded Thursday, June 20 assistafJce Issues related to aging Thursday, June 13, at Its For more InfOrmatIOn, call • Direct TVInevery room Grosse POInte branch office, (586) 779-7011 4 to 7 p.m. • Spiritual Care staff 19299 Mack In Grosse and chapel • Convenient, free POInte Woods The semInar Bon Secours reSident parking ISopen to the general pubhc Senior Men as well as to AAAmembers .. Lakeview campus of RepresentatIves from plan party 1 at 'O'iJ Mile and Jefferson For more mformatlon or a tour, AAA Michigan's Trust and The Semor Men's Club of ..." St. Clair Shores please call 313-343-8265. Investment Services unit Grosse POInte wIll hold Its 1"' Free valet parking ISprovldp.d For WIll diSCUSSwhat people annual summer party begIn- • should conSIder In pre\Janng 1• more information call (586) 779-70 II 18300 East Werren Avenue mng at 6 p m Monday, June SPOHN. senior for the posslblhty that they 24, at the Grosse POInte War ,. Detrort. MI 48224-8265 J .. _ Ifi4- Community , might need care as they MemOrIal Mel Stander's • grow older orchestra Will prOVIdeenter- f D t.l"'.,.; ...... &.... 1 ...... 1 .111."'._ .. n _ -"-3 ...... 1 ., Du, Set

t I June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 78 It's 2002 and ~AII'sWell' at Stratford In openmg this season after Helena works her Architecture of dreams with one of the two plays State of the Arts cure, he bounces on stage By Helen Gregory that marked the start of the Withyouthful VIgorand 118tento all the people' Special Wnter board, staff and publIc. Stratford Festival 50 years deals With the reluctant I love to see talent, hard Then they're ./Illlng to ago, Stratford has scored a bndegroom Wlth fatherly work and mtegnty payoff work untIl it's achieved, in tnumph on many counts. dominance and humane For 17 years at least, keepmg With their V1810n, Most outstanding are senti- Wit.It ISa pleasure to the mcreasmgly over- wruch ISconSiderable mental, artistic and good watch tluB veteran ply hiS crowded hbrary has old box office appeal craft. All tms talk drove me approached cnsls During back to the arcrutecture "~lI's Well That Ends At times, as he exercises that time, on and off, books In the 720's The Well ISone of rus regal control the kmg architect DaVidMllhng Shakespeare's more chal- almost seems to 'be the best place to find thbm is has been working Withus among the oversize books' lengmg SClIPts to brmg to VOiceof the playwnght, bke on pOSSiblesolutions, they have the best pIC- bfe So much so that schol- however, ISthe conviction Prospero In "The Tempest" mcludmg expansIOnand tures Early on you'll find ars and cntlcs have come to and amusement that the A particularly entertwn- rebUlldmg rows of h18toryand gener- categonze It as a "problem" cast ISable to bnng to a mg figure ISthe cameo role The proJect, squelched al works Frank Lloyd pl~ pretty far-fetched plot. of Lavatch, a clown In the at every turn for years, Wril!ht hR" II "OW ,,11to - :~::;::t:;;" ~.d'.0r find her The presentatIOn,> :I"ten \ er) carefully to at Central LIbra1\-m attempts to seduce another reaction when he learns the rarely performed than the ended at 10 p m The la1>t what people want They woman, arranges With the truth Snellgrove plays other two, It ISdescnbed by Grosse Pomte Fa;ms ~ther wom;m to play the both aspects of the role Wlth some scholars In its expres- bed tnck a good balance between the sion of disillUSIOnmentWith It seems an Improbable comic and the serious war and herOICIdeals as the ruse today, but It ISpart of What add Immeasurably most contemporary of all of the scheme by whIch she to the pleasure of thiS per- Shake<;;peare'splays It cer- eventually wms him to be fonnar.Le are the threads of tamly contams some fascl- her wllhng spouse This cre- colorful byplay woven mto natmg characters, powerful ates, as well, an oPPOrtum- the action Stage busmess, sarcastic humor and some ty for a veneer of comedy wonderfully acted sUPPOrt- of the playwnght's most Along With the play's dark Ing roles and many exam- bnlhant speeches Side, the lI;atlOnahty of a pies of outstandmg stage Meanwrule, we have the young man s passIOn and effects make a neb, well- satisfaction of a rughly rus gaimng matunty rounded productIOn. entertwmng productIOnof through the expenence, the Stratford's star, Wilham "All'sWell"which ISrarely combmatlOn makes the Hutt, ISa wise and fatherly enough performed and well process as meanmgful today Kmg of France On rus first worth the effort to see It as It must have been when appearance he truly runs m the Festival Shakespeare wrote It appears to be aged, feeble Theater through Aug 31 What ISreall) Important, and reSIgned to death But Call (8001 567-1600

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-...... -~.,~- to rpfll>Rrrhpl'1'l ,..nnhnl1P t{1 find IS a htUe cooking Cook and stir over medi- great dIpper for gnlled enhance the soil, hold in healthful uses for herbs mvolved, but the fimshed um-low heat until the shnmp or swordfish mOIsture and 81d in whIch alone or combined product IS worth the caramel has dISsolved and Brush Asian barbecue draInage. WIth other mgredlents cre- effort the sauce has thickened, sauce on chIcken wings for If you choose contaIner ate medlcmes to heal. about 7 to 10 mmutes. a nice change from the herb gardemng, be sure to Such an example IS fox- ordInary water when dry D811y IS a glove (DIgitaliS lanata), Asian Barbecue Cool to room temperature. Don't fret, Martha ReCipe makes about 1 cup good bet, but check the sotl used in orthodox medicme Sauce Chp and save thIs Stewart Isn't watchIng. to see If It'S already too wet to treat heart disorders In 6 tablespoons hoisin I slathered my Asian GiJurmet magazine recIpe GroWing an herb garden Don't over-fertlhze, herbs aromatherapy, the essential sauce barbecue sauce over baby This is the sauce that WIll can be as SImple as a pot of prefer not to be overfed. oJ1s are extracted from the 2 tablespoons rice back nbs on the gnll The make your next barbecue chIves, basJ1s or mrnts. Th plant dtrectly In the flowers of some herbs and vinegar (unseasoned) sweet and pungent flavor specIal Plantmg your herbs in an garden, check the dramage the leaves of others for 1 tablespoon Asian was mcredlble organic fashIon is prefer- In the area you've chosen external use Lavender is a (or Thai) fish sauce able, whether growing in The plants don't need nutri- To prepare the nbs for good example Check your 1 tablespoon soy pots or dIrectly rn your gar- tional enrichment, but the the grill I gave them a shampoo or body lotion for sauce A LA ANNIE:1 den None of us want to sod should dram well. If salt and pepper rub, By Annie Rouleau-5cherlff the use oflavender or 1 tablespoon honey I worry about the pesticides your garden IS hIgh mclay, placed them in a bakmg chamomile and other herbs 1/3 cup minced shal. we're ingesting The herbs which is typiCal in thIs loca- dish, added a can of beer, that have been shown to lot (about 1 medium prefer It that way too In tion, the use of vermiculite, covered the dish with foIl help calm or relax. bulb) fact, certain herbs can be perhte or compost will help and cooked the nbs at 350 Not only do these delight- 2 garlic cloves, used to encourage beneficial amend the soil. MIx the degrp.es for about 1 1/2 ful plants decorate your minced Insects and keep others at additive WIth soil about a hours garden, deck or patio, but 1 tablt,spoon minced bay If you must use lawn foot below the soillme when harvested and dned, peeled fresh ginger There are no set rules pesticides, be sure they're where you plan to grow the many herbs can help you 1/8 teaspoon Chinese on precooking ribs for the kept away from the herbs. herbs. decorate inside The deli- five-spice powder gnlJ The lower the oven Wlnle It's always a good When choosmg your cate hydrangea (Hydrangea 1/3 cup sugar heat, the longer you can Idea to check soIl types with herbs at our local nursenes arborescens) is a beautiful plant preferences, herbs are be sure to check that they addition to any flower not overly demanding and are grown for culinary pur- arrangement. WIll do well In ordinary soIl poses, If that's how you plan So try something new. Festival concert to be presented at local church as long as they have at to use them Plant. an herb or two and least a half day of sun. .some examples of how to use some, fresh, in Aunt The mnth annual Great Church will be the settIng Selections mclude Many Grosse Pomters cook with fresh herbs Rosemary's recipe for potato Lakes Chamber Music for a concert at 8 p m Dvorak's SlaVOniC Dances have hmited sun In their include chives (Alhum salad. The aroma and the FestIval runs from Wednesday, June 19 and Schumann's Quartet for regular gardens and con- schoenoprsum) or dill taste will have you hooked Saturday, June 15 through Performers WIll be Shmuel Piano and Stnngs, Op. 47 tainer herb gardening can (Anethum graveolens) in Sunday, June 30, WIth near- Ashkenasl, Paul Katz, For tickets or more infor- Kathleen Peabody lS a be a good alternative and salads; basils (Ocimum Master Gardener who lHies ly two dozen concerts to be James Thcco, Danielle matIon, call (248) 559.2097 an easy way to start. If basilicum) in pestos, (and gardens) In Grosse performed III the area Fanna, Sandra Rivers and or emal1 you'rp lucky enough to have oregano on pizza; mints in Grosse Pomte Memorial Linda Hohenfeld. [email protected]. Pointe Woods She IS a a sunny location near your beverages or fruit salads; member of the Grosse Pomte kitchen door, plant your lavender in baked goods; Umt of the Herb SOCletyof herbs there for easy cuttmg thymes in scrambled eggs; Amenca whose mlSBlon 18 at cooking time The scent parsley in tabouli; and the dedicated to promotmg the of these easy growers is list goes on. k1Wwledge, use and delight wonderful near your Teas are also a great way of herbs through educatIOn- lutchen door or wmdow to use herbs. Try tea made al programs. research and Parsley (Petrosehmum of the leaves oflemon balm sharing the experumce u" Grosse Pointe N~ws cnspum), peppermint (MelISsa officmalis) or mmt the commumty &Nl$F&UoN (Mentha pipenta), and or just add a few leaves to ViSlt the G.P umt herb .,. I • , ~ ... , •• I chives (Alhum schoenopra- enhance your iced beverage. gardens at the War sum) are examples of herbs Wlnle often harvested in Memorwl and the Grosse tolerating partial sun for at bulk dunng the fall for dry- Pomte Academy. Und memo least four hours. mg or other purposes, herbs bers this year also helped Others such as rosemary ~wn in pots can be the Children's Home of (Rosmannus officinalis), brought in when the weath- Detrolt design, plant and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) or er turns cold to continue ~nd theIr herb garden.

.. /' P"".~, Groue Pointe News and The ConneClJon newlplpm are pianning Iheir 1st spectal wiiTV5 edilJon featuring your pll! Thfs yearly 24hr Television for"' the tablOIdwill be published July 25, 2002. Whole Community Please selll! I color photo (DOlcompurzrgmmtM) of your ptl dog, UI, bird, fish, rabbit, snake, CAV'1"IWI PI" :~ FaR ".. WIB< CP.l.NI 17 ...... e3 gerbel, elc, to Grolle Pointe News & The Connection, SI3g AM THE S.O.c. SHOW 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MiChigani8236. Guest, Jean M Barnas, M.A., A/WlMrs 113g PM CONVERSATIONS WITH Attention: Kim Mackey, Dispb.y AdnrlJslDg (313) 3i3.S586. HOSIFran Schonenberg and her guests dISCUSStOpiCS COLLECTORS and events of partIcular Interest to senior clll2enS Complete the information slip below and return It with your pboto. Guests, Prudence & DICk K//1/IUch, Motkrn House Repeated 11'30PM Host Susan Hartz focuses on local intereslJng collec- Your picture mut be received In our office no liter titan WednesdlY July lrd, mher Blgg AM VITALITY PLUS liOns Repeated 4'30 AM (8 30 PM, The., T Sat) would assIStour produclfon schedule. The Grosse Pointe News & The Connection require A half-hour aerobICS elterclse class Repeated' algg PM THELEGALINSIDER I $15.00 fee to conr produtllon COlli, Please include I tbeck, money order or credit Mllimght Guest, Tracy L. IIl1ell, Dlspuu R,so/uJlOrI urd number with your photo. If you would like your pholo relurned 10 vou pime slag AM DQSITlVELY POSITIVE Host£ Ice::! ~:tClmeYI DaVId Draper and Doug!a:; include I self addrelsed llamped envelope. Dempsey take an mllde look at cu rrent legal ISSUes I Gum, BIll Droill/lger, Improvmg Malh SJaIIs Hosts Jeame McNeIl and LIZ Aiken - an uphfbng half- Repealed: 5 AM, 6 PM hour of POSIUve atll tudes and Ideas. Repeated ';,.-.A'U' { 0 VIDU U u" '"" Ai. Q..... \ .;3Q PM THE JOHN PROST SHOW i"...... " _VWIIJ GueS/, Bl'Dlher Wncent Reyes, Dumor Capudll1! Soup 1 glgg AM WHO'S IN THE KITCHEN? Kuchen Guest, MIChael Me Far/ell, Lake Perch Host John Prost mtervlews local celebnlJes about lJme. Host Chuck Kaess cooks With local ce;ebnlles Iy tOPiCS. Repeated 5.30 AM, 10 PM Repeated I AM. 6 30 PM alDQ PM THE EASTSIDE EXAMINER 1 g,ag AM WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP Maclcinae Island Guut, Palnc1c Heron, CDlholIC SocUli Se",u:es HOlt Julia Kelm and guests Iughhght upcoTlUng local, Renowned local 8Itlst Carol LaChIU sa demons!rllel non-profit special evertU. Repeated 6 AM, 7 PM watercolor techruques SImple enough for beguUlClS, yet challengmg to the e~penenced 8Itlst Repealed :1[1:10 pM MUSICALSTORYTtME Pell Name SYLVESTER I .'lOAM, 7 30 PM JAMBOREE Age: 3 yrs old Miss Paula, the Merry MUSIC Maker, offers a Type of Pel Bleck Cal 11.gg AM THINGS TO DO AT THE half-hour of stones and musIc for chIldren Favorite ActMty Being chased around WAR MEMORIAL Repeated 6 30 AM will Included be Memorial Pa,.. the house Guts/s. Rlcle RoblllSOIl & "Jelly" Kelly SUIIOlI,MUSIC In remembraDC8 of the Umkr rlrt Stars, Rhythm & Drummlllg 41AD pM VITALITY PLUS Owners Kim & Scoll Mackey lOll of your pet, $15,00 a pet. BUMy Brooks hoSlS an mfonnallve look at what s A half.hour of body tomng and step!kJckooltlDg happemng at the War Memonal Repeated 2 AM, 8 exercIse class MIWIFISun Step!kJckboltlng Grosse POInteNews & The Conn«tJon PM Repeated 7 AM (9 PM • M W F &: Sun l. ------Send photo and S I 5 00 to Tone Repeated (9 PM The T &: Sal) V6K~heva' "'venue 11130 AM our OF THE ORDINARY ... Please Prrnt Grolle POInteFarms M'clllgan 4a236 INTO THE EXTRAORDINARY 41ag pM YOUNG VIEW POINTES Mention KImMackey Display AdvertJSlng Upbeat youth ahow fealUnng students reporting on a Pet~N~me Guest Marlha Young, MRY Character TYPes Hosl Robert Taylor presenllan elttraord!nary half-hour vanety of educanonaJ tOplCl Repealed 7 30 AM (8 30 PMM W F &Sun) Type of Per Ag,_e _ or people, places and Idea Repeated 230 AM (930 PM Tue, T, Sal ) iliAD PM POINTES OF HORTICULTURE Favonte Activity _ 1Rlgg PM THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF ROJe Gardell DETROIT HOlt horticulturist Jim Parquhar shares lips, gIVes lifespan I'or Memol'lal pagesl, _ Guest, Tire HOllorable Spencer IIbraham, US advice and Inierviewl local aUlhonllet on larderung Secretary of clle'1/Y Repelled 8 AM ONners Phone , _ Features nal1onall) known guest spe.dcen dlscunlng current tOpiCS In the busmess communlly Repealed 3 Vila ale Me., _ Exp Dal_e _ AM, 10 30 PM 11 cg PM SENIOR MEN'S CLUB Signature Cues, Tur l.d~- of the Grosse Pomte Sunday, June 30 The flow the Plaza Concert SerIes Umt of the Barbara Ann bratIng the works of Mozart, Historical Society's of artistic Ideas from IndIa, Summer sounds returns to the corner of Karmanos Cancer Institute Brahms and Tchalkovsky, Provencal-WeIr House c ChIna, Korea and Japan IS featunng plano virtuoso The 15th Annual Bon Kercheval and St CIll.lrIn offers Mammograms, Illustrated through 1823, 376 Kercheval in Gamck Ohlsson, Thursday, Secours Cottage Health The Village, Thursday, June Monday,June 17, from 930 Buddhist sculpture In the Grosse POinte Farms. Thurs June 20 through Saturda~ Services/Grosse Pomte 20, at 7 pm, With the be- a m to 3 p m Prescnptions AsIan Gallenes m the new News free MUSICon the bop/SWing sounds of the are reqUired for women ages scheduled for Saturday, July June 22. The curtam Will 13, from 1 4 p m Learn exhIbitiOn Art In Focus Plaza Concert Senes Manon Hayden Sextet 40 through 49 Patrons w nse on Thursday and Fnday about 19th Century hfe In Buddhist Gallenes, through returns to the corner of (313) 886-7474 without health insurance Sunday, July 14 Museum at 8 p m and Saturday, at Grosse POinte, view an 8.30 p m Tickets for each Kercheval and St ClaIr In wIll be billed $136 Spice up hours are Wednesday and The VIllage, Thursday, June your summer menus With exhibit of hlstonc pho- concert range from $16 w Frlela,., June 21 tographs and ViSItthe newly Thursday, from 11 a m to 4 13, at 7 pm, with the Latin Ideas from chef Michelle p.m , Friday, from 10 a m to $75 Students and semors rhythms of Los Gatos (313) Fun at the CIA Bommanto Create a clasSIC renovated Log CabIn, c. over the age of 60 can pur. 1840, on the property. In 9 p m and Saturday and 886-7474 ChIll With the coolJazz of Fish Fry, Tuesday, June 18, Sunday, from 11 a m. to 5 chase 50 percent off RUSH the Robert Hurst Trio, test from 6 to 8 p.m. The fee is addItton, patrons can pur- tickets at the box office one chase Grosse POIntehiswry p.m Recommended admIS- Retirement planning your talents with an $40 ViSit the Heaven Scent sIOnIS $4 for adults and $1 hour prior to clasSIcal COll- ExpreSSive Lme Drop-In flowerand herb garden farm VIdeos, publIcatIOns and certs, based on availablhty FInd out how to buIld products. (313) 884.7010 for chlldrlJn and students financial secunty for the Workshop, drawing In the during a Country Scent Day (313) 833-7963 (313) 576-5100. future durIng a free gallery or adventures in Tnp, Thursday, June 20, Retirement Plannmg draWing and take a guIded from 8 30 a m to 5 p.m. The Farmhouse museum G. P.Art Center views Hot ticket tour of the Asian Art collec- Seminar, Thursday, June 13, fee IS $56 Put a httle Step back mw the daily See the work of local Get your tickets today w from 7 to 8.30 p.m, at the tion dunng d Marshall romance Into your hfe With hfe of a mid-19th century artiSts dIsplayed at the new see DaVidChnstner's lulan- Field's Jazz Friday program Grosse Pomte branch of ArgentIne Tango lessons for farm farmly liVing in Enn Grosse Pomte Art Center, ous take on role reversal, AAA, 19299Mack m Grosse at the DetrOIt Institute of beginners, Thursdays, June TownShip, now St. Clair 1005 Maryland In Grosse Red Hot Mamas, through Pomte Woods Arts, Fnday, June 21, from 6 20 through Aug 8, from 8 to Shores, With a tour of the Pointe Park The Center, Sunday, June 23, at the PreregIstration is required. to 8.30 p.m. Admission is a 9 p m The fee is $90 per Selinsky-Green Farmhouse which is owned and operat- DetrOIt Repertory Theatre, 1-(877)238.2488 donation of$4 for adults and couple or $45 per person. Museum, located directly ed by the Grosse POinte 13103 Woodrow WllBon In $1 per cmld, or free for DlA Shape up WIth The behind the St Clarr Shores Artists AsSOCIatIOn,IS open DetrOit. members (313) 833-7900 Public Library. Listed in the Frida,., June 14 FeldenkrBls Method, ~ednesday through The curtain Will rise Fridays, June 21 through Michigan State RegIster of Saturday, from 1 to 5 p m Wednesday, Thursday and Art of fun Saturda,., Aug 2, from 9 to 10 a m The Historic Sites, this farm. (313)821-1848 Friday, at 8 30 p.m , An ExpreSSiveLIne Drop. fee is $60. RegIster by house is owned by the City Saturday at 3 and 8 30 p.m In Workshop, a hve perfor. June 22 Saturday, June 22 w add of St. Clair Shores and oper- Stag. Sc.... n and Sunday, at 2 p m mance by soprano Audrey AIDS benefit grace to your steps With a ated by the St Clair Shores a TIckets are $15 (313) 868. Luna and Insider's View of Step back in time to 1952, Ballet Workshop, Mondays Historical CommISSIOn.The CSO notes 1347 the art of Victorian England for the AIDS Partnersmp of and Thursdays, June 24 house IS open for tours and more await your family MIcmgan's TIme Warp 2002 through July 25, from 6.30 Wednesdays, from 1 to 4 dunng a Marshall Field's Latin black-tie benefit, fea- to 8 p m for semor girls or 8 p m The museum wIll be Giveaways safeguard kids Fme Arts Fnday at the tunng dInIng, danCIng and to 9.30 p.m for adults The closed on Saturdays until DetrOit InstItute of Arts, SIlent and live auctions, fee is $70. See the rousing after Labor Day Call (586) 5200 Woodward In DetrOIt, Saturday, June 22, from mUSical Joseph and The 771-9020 on bikes, scooters, skates Fnday, June 14, from 6 to 7 30 p m. to 12.30 a.m, at Amazmg Techmcolor Twenty-seven hundred skaters suffer from head or 8 30 P m Admission is a the Roostertail, 100 Dreamcoat during a Day Ford House lads across MichIgan Willbe face inJunes annually. CPSC donatIOnof$4 for adults and Marquette In Detroit Tnp to the Huron County experiences fitted with free helmets this also reports that durmg $1 per chIld, or free for DIA TIckets are $250 or $125 Play House, Tuesday, June year to help protect them 2000, approximately 34,000 members. (313) 833-7900 Experience the grandeur ReservatIOns are requested 25, from 10 a.m to 7 pm of one of "America's from injury when they're on chlldren under age 15 by Monda~ June 17 (313) The fee IS $62 Preregister & bikes, scooters or InIme receIved emergency room 446-9800 Castles," at the Edsel Wecln_day, usmg your Master Card or Eleanor Ford House Tours skates treatment for inJunes asso- Visa, via fax at (313) 884- June 18 Will be offered on the half- Blue Cross Blue ShIeld Ciated with non-motonzed Mark Your 6638, e-Mail hou~ Tuesday through and Blue Care Network of scooters The under-15 Chamber Music www.warmemonal org, or Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 Michigan are funding injury estimate rises to more Calendar ••• call (313)881-7511 Festival Gorgeous gardens p.m and Sunday, from noon schools, Safe Kids Coalitions than 35,700, If motorized and other orgamzatlons The Great Lakes Take in some of the to 4 P m The Tea RoomWJ11 scooter InJunes are includ- Chamber MUSIC Festival Attention seniors be open Tuesday through stateWide to purchase and ed Pointe's most beautiful land- properly fit helmets for stu- comes to Grosse Pomte scapes durIng the Grosse Plan great getaways With Sunday, from 11.30 a.m. to "Here at the Blues, we Memonal ChUIch, 16 Day Trips leavmg from the 2 30 p.m 'lburs are $6 for dents - and to give lads and want to help reduce these POInteGarden Center's 11th theIr parents safety ti!lS to Lakeshore In Grosse Pointe Annual Summer Garden Services For Older Citizens adults, $5 for semors and $4 kinds of InJunes by workIng help keep summer fun safe Farms, Wednesday,June 19, Tour, Saturday, June 29 and at the NeIghborhood Club for chIldren Grounds directly WIthcommunities to at 8 p m Featured artiSts offices, 17150 Waterloo In admiSSIOn IS $5 Annual Last year, the Blues granted promote bIke, scooter and Sunday, June 30, from 10 fundIng to agencIes through- Include Shmuel Ashkenasl, a m to 4 pm., rain or shine Grosse Pomte. Take a senti- Passes are aVllllablefor $18. inhne skate safety," sood Dr Paul Katz, James Tocco, mental luncheon excursion (313) 884-4222 out the state so they could Sonia Parks, senior assOCI- TIckEtsfor this event, which give properly fitted free hel- Damelle Fanna, Sandra features seven private and on the Michigan Star ate medical dIrector at the- Chpper, Thursday, June 20, mets to more than 4,500 Blues and a strong advocate. Assumption offerings children at 11:15a m The fee IS$62 A full schedule of classes for encouraging the use of Micmgan has no state law Indulge your mind and and events await you at The safety equipment "If these. palate With sac Luncheon requiring bicycle helmet efforts keep even one child. Assumption Cultural use In fact, only three Lectures, at 11:15 a.m., at C£:nter,21800 Marter on the from bemg lulled or senous- MJcmgancommunities have Last week's the SOC offices Explore the St. Clair Shores/Grosse ly Injured, then this pro- importance of Medl-Gap enacted laws that reqwre gram is worthwhile." POinte Woods border. Reach some age groups to wear Insurance, Wednesday,June a new state of well-beIng IndiViduals or organIza- puzzle 19 FInd out about Advances bIcycle helmets; they are tions not currently Involved and cardiovascular fitness Adnan, East Grand RapIds in Heart Therapy, by SIgning up for In helmet giveaways can get and Farmmgton Hllls, as Wednesday, June 26 Kalosomatlcs exerClse pro- dIScount coupons from the solved well as KenSIngton Reservations are reqUIred grams, which combine aero- BlueSafe website at for tnps and lectures (313) Metropark However, www.bcbsmcom to purchase 882-9600 biCSWith walk.mg, running, mountIng eVIdence and Doves con- helmets and safety equIp- 1 st="~tchlng, ClZffi~I'~ \if )'oga medical research mdlcate versabon and klckboxmg The ment from area retaJlers that proper helmet use can 5 Russllln Booked up Summer SeSSiOnWill run Blue Cross Blue Shield of prevent up to 85 percent of spacecraft Literature lovers can through Fnday, July 19. Michigan is a nonprofit , S 'OaVid cyclIsts'head Injuries - and mdull':'e m the St Peter's Fees are $52 for two-day health care company that Copperfield" LIfelong Semor LearnIng bike tiJ~c::. aren't the only prOVides or admlmsters sessIOns, $74 for three-day ones at nsk cI1aracter Center's Book Club thiS sessions and $94 for four- health care coverage to more 12 Reason to say summer m the church's AccordIng to the U S than 48 million members 2.Down day sessions There ISa 25% Department of pansh house, 19851AnIta In dIscount for semors Parents through a vanety of health 13 E T s Irans. TransportatiOn, 687 blcy- Harper Woods,at 1 pm, on who Signup for a Kalo class care optIOns - TradItional port chsts were killed In crashes 104New Haven the third Wednesday ofeach can take advantage of free Blue Cross Blue ShIeld, month The Club will meet Withmowr vehIcles In 2000 Blue Preferred and student body KiddIe KalolBaby Sitting, Nmety percent of those 15 Maple genus to diSCUSSThe Chatham Mdnday through Thursday, Commumty Blue PPOs, kIlled were not weanng hel- 16 Compamoo SchoolAffaIr, by Thomas H Blue ChOIcePOIntof ServIce from 930 to 10 a m Non- mets Annually, about 18 OdaMae In Cook, on June 19,Amencan regIstered parents pay $1 and Blue Care Network of 'Ghost" Pastoral, by Phlhp Roth, on 130,000 children under age Michigan HMO Blue Cross for Kiddie Kalo The 17-sta- 15 are treated for bIcycle. 20 Puts 00 a July 17 and The Amazing bon Nautllus weight tram- Blue Shield of MIchIgan and show Adventure of Kavaller and related head InJunes m hos- Blue Care Network of Ing room IS open Monday pItal emergency rooms, 21 Ref bk Clay,by Michael Chabon, on through Thursday, from 8 to MIchIgan are nonprofit cor- 23 MISS netghbor according to the U S Aug 21 AdmISSionIS free 10 30 a m and 5 to 8 30 p m porations and Independent 204 M()torcyde (313) 343-0771 Consumer Product Safety licensees of the Blue Cross attachments and Fnday, from 8 to 1030 CommiSSIOn(CPSC) am and Blue ShlE'ldAsSOCiation 28 Fedora feature 55 Surrter 0( OIX a few rulers 33 Goat's-lTIllil Historic strolls The CPSC estimates For more informatIOn, VISIt 31 Lemony hila- 56'A mouser 10 'vVeddlng 36 apprOXimately11,000 mime Step Into the past when The fee IS $50 for two www bcbsm com bon 57 See 10 shower? = days-per-week, $70 for three Preservation Wayne prE'- 32 Unfnendly 11 Seel

War Memorial for kids June 21, from 10 a m to traveling exhibitIOn, bfe The Zoo IS open dally pdothouse. The museum 18 ranges from $8 50 to $14. The Grosse POinte War noon The fee IS $60 Destmatlon Space, can be from 10 a m to 4 pm Zoo open Wednesday through Chddren under the age of 5 Memonal, 32 Lakeshore In Students, ages 10 to 14, can experienced through adml8SlOn IS $8 for adults, Sunday. from 10 a.m. to 5 and members are admitted Grosse POinte Fanus, offers tee off at Golf Camp, Monday, Sept 2 Hands-on $6 for semors and children, p.m. AdmIssion IS $2 for free Space StatIOn 3-D a full schedule of edm,atlOn- Wednesday, June 26 laboratory exhibits focus on ages 2 to 12 Parkmg 18 $4 adults and $1 for children, makes its debut in the al and SOCial adventures for through Friday, June 28, motlOn, life SCiences, matter for cars and vans (248) 398- ages 12 to 18. (313) 852- Museum's $15 mllbon children Jumor thespians, from 11 am to 1 pm The and energy. waves and 0903 4051 IMAX Theatre Fnday, June ages 4 and 5, can enJoy a fee IS $50 Little ones, ages 1 VibratIOns Now showmg m 14 Also show1Og IS LewIS & Summer Tots In the through 6, can partake In the Center's IMAX Dome Cool cars History alive Clark, through Aug 14 Dally screemngs will be Treehouse program, Early Childhood ActlVltles, Theatre IS The Human Body, View a collectIOn repre- Treat your auto enthusI- offered, on a rotatmg bas18, Thursdays, June 20 through while students, ages 7 a fantastic voyage through sentmg three decades of ast to a dISplay of more than beginnmg at 9 am, on the Aug 1, from 1 30 to 2 15 through 12, Will enJoy pregnancy, With screenings automotIve deSign, Includ- 500 clasSIC cars dunng the hour m the morn1Og and on P m The fee IS $80 Actors, Summer Youth Workshop at noon, 2 and 4 pm. on mg a 1904 Runabout, a Motor Muster at The Henry the half-hour In the after- ages 10 through 15, can par- challenges dunng Summer weekends and noon and 2 19.'33Stutz Monte Carlo and Ford Museum and noon and evenmg. Tickets tiCipate In Making The Play Time Fun Camps, offered pm, on weekdays Space a 1949 BUick Roadmaster Greenfield Village, 20900 are $10 for adults or $8 for You're A Good Man Charhe weekly, Monday, June 17 StatIOn, a new cmematlc RIViera, at the Automotive Oakwood 10 Dearborn, semors and cluldren ages 12 Brown, Monday through through Fnday, Aug 16 Journey to the International Hall of Fame. 21400 Saturday, June 15 and 'J4'l.,..,~""... T"T'lr'\ '>-1 +",~".,f'T'" HAlf n..v QPQ",nnQ .. "n f..nm ~n<,,'P ~t"hnn w,l1 hP "hnwn A'" 1 ...... 1 "for Rnd under Call (313) 982- J V«:&AW\J'tJ\J. iU JJ.:tu.uu ...... 'W1t:~w SUdJ,,), Ju.,U\; lG ~\.ru~u.:.:.'s jui;l s,fr;~~9;~ ;:;.~~~.9 a m to noon Full Day ses- at 10 and 11 a'm and 1 pm, The Dodge Brothers Motor Hometown Summer 6001 The course Will culminate in sions run from 6'30 a m to 6 on weekdays and 11 a.m , 1, Car Exhibit, featur10g CelebratIOn Will run performances on Monday, pm Fees vary 3 and 5 pm, on weekends archival materials from Monday, June 17 through Detroit's past July 22 and Thursday, July PreregIstratlOn IS reqUIred. Register your youngsters Meadow Brook Hall, Sunday, Aug 18. Stroll the Streets of Old 25, at 7 p m The fee IS $550 (586) 772-4477 today for Summer SCience through Sunday, July 8. The Join 10 the good-old.fash- DetrOIt, trace more than 100 RegIster by Saturday, June Day Camp programs, Hall of Fame 18 open dally, ioned fur. of America's years of automotIve history 22, for a Ballet Workshop for Fast food fundraiser mclud10g Space Adventures, from 10 a m to 5 P m. The favonte pastime when the and travel from Frontiers to dancers, ages 5 and above, Buy burgers for books' SCience Quest or Camp fee is $6 for adults. $5.50 for Lah-De-Dabs HIstorical Factories through the per- Mondays and Thursdays, Share your favonte fast food ConnectIOns, begInmng seniors ages 62 and up and baseball team plays on the manent exhibitions of the June 24 through July 25, for With family and friends at Monday, June 24 and run. $3 for children ages 5 to 12 Village Green, through Detroit H18torical Museum, a one-hour penod between McDonald's, at Vernier and nmg through Friday, Aug (313) 240.4000 Sunday, Sept. 29. Fabulous 5401 Woodward 10 DetrOit 10 a m and 1 p m The fee is Kelly 10 Harper Woods, 23. The Museum IS open In the FiftIes The Fashions The new exhibit, Pewablc $70 Express Yourself fuesday, June 18, from 6 to Monday through Fnday, African-American of Eli'zabeth Parke Fuestone Pottery. The Legacy of Mary Through Creative Dance, 8 pm, and 20 percent of the from 9 30 a m to 3 p.m, will be on dlsplay at the new Chase Perry Stratton, Monday, June 24 through proceeds from the evenings Saturday and Sunday, from experience Benson Ford Research salutes one of DetrOlt's most Explore the wonders of Fnday, June 28, from 9 45 to profits will benefit the 10:30 a.m to 6 p.m. Cente" a $17 rmlhon facility enduring contributions to the Charles H Wnght 10 30 am, for children ages Fnends ofthe Harper Woods AdmisslOn IS $7 for adults, hOUSing the museum's read- the world of art, through Museum of African I 6 through 8 or 1045 to 11 30 Library and the children's $6 for semors and $5 for 109 room, reference Sunday, Oct. 13. am, for children ages 9 Summer Reading Program children IMAX Theatre American History, 315 E resources and staff and Rehve the history of ~ Warren m Detroit. See In I through 11 The fee is $50 (313) 343-2575 tickets are an additlOnal $4 changing gallery space, DetrOlt's anginal settlers Create a crawling dragon (313) 577.8400 the Spirit of Martm. a through Sunday, July 14. through the exhIbItion. Smlthsoman Exhibition of I dunng a Pewabic Pottery Travel through the past 100 Land. Lives and Legends Just for kids Visual Arts celebrat10g the summer camp program Zoo news years via the special exhibit Native Americans m The Children's Museum of hfe and times of Dr MartIn focused on the art. of Korea, Experience the ammals Your Place 10 Time: 20th Detroit. DetrOit's 300th the DetrOit Public Schools, Luther King Jr in 120 from 2 to 4 pm, fuesday, and more at the Detroit Zoo, Century Amenca. Patrons Blrlhda:,' is the msplratlOn 6134 Second In DetrOit, pre- works of by promment June 25, for students ages 6 at Ten Mile and Woodward art may also tour the museum's for the special exhibitlOn 30 sents lots of free OpportUnl' and emerging artISts, through 9, or Wednesday, in Royal Oak. Look at the CommUnIcations, Lighting. Who Dared The Museum 18 ties to expand your child's through Sunday, July 28. June 26, for students ages amaz10g anatomical adapta. Transportation and open Tuesday through mmd and imagination The Museum's core exhibit, 10 through 13. The fee IS tIons of anteaters via the DomestIC Arts exhibitIOns Friday, from 9:30 a m to 5 Savor sweet treats, play Of the People, celebrates $33 Students, ages 5 smgle kiosk mteractlve The Museum and Village p.m. and Saturday. and games and enJoy bve enter- DetrOit's place in African through 12, can expand exhibit Anteaters: Fast Food are open Monday through Sunday. from 10 a m to 5 tainment during the Amencan heritage and cul- their horizons with a SpeCIalists, through Sunday, Saturday. from 9 a.m. to 5 p m. The suggested admis- Museum's free Old ture The Museum IS open Science and Nature Living Sept. 8, in the Wildlife p.m , and Sunday, from noon sion is $4 50 for adults or Fashioned Ice Cream Social, VVednesday through Science Day Camp, Monday, Interpretive Gallery Chill to 5 p.m $2.25 for seniors and chll. Saturday, June 15, from 1 to Saturday, from 9.30 a.m. to July 15 through Fnday, July out with the polar bears, Adtmssion to the Museum dren, ages 12 to 18 Children 4 P m The Museum is open 5 pm. and Sunday, from 1 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The arctic foxes, seals and snowy ranges from $7 50 to $12.50. under the age of 12 enter Monday through Saturday, to 5 p.m Admission IS $5 for fee IS $265 PreregiStration owls at the Zoo's new 4.2 AdmiSSion to the Village free. Call (313) 833-1805. from 9 a m to 4 p.m (313) adults and $3 for children IS required for most pro- acre Arctic Rmg of Life 873.8100 over the age of five (313) grams ActiVities can be exhibit VISitors can catch 494-5800 Christ the King Lutheran plans charged to your Master Super science the underwater action with Card or Visa, via fax at (313) '!bur the new, Improved a tnp through the Polar summer Vacation Bible School 884-6638 or phone at (313) Detroit Science Center, 5020 Passage, a umque 70.ft long Nautical history 881-7511 John R m DetrOIt. Plug Into clear tunnel, to catch all the Experience the new exhi- ChrISt the Kmg Lutheran School." the new DTE Energy Sparks excltmg underwater actlOn. bition VVorkmg the Inland Church, 20338 Mack in Activities for preschool Camps & more Theater program, featunng Take a nde on the wild side Seas. Stones of African Grosse Pointe Woods. will through fifth-grade students Ennch your youngsters' three-foot lightning bolts and 6et an animal's eye-View Americans on the Great hold its Vacation Bible will include stories, songs, summer With camps and and other harr-r8.ls1Og expe- of life on the Wild Adventure Lakes, through Apnl 2003, School from 9'30 to noon, skits. snacks and crafts The other invltmg offenngs at riences. View Starht Simulator. Tickets are $4 at Belle-Isle's Dossm Great Monday through Fnday, cost IS $10 a child; $15 a the AssumptIOn Cultural Summer Nights. at 1 and 3 Along With VISIts to the Lakes Museum, accessible June 17-21. The theme 18 family. For infonnation, call Center, 21800 Marter on the p.m , weekends, ot' Hubble other great ammals, guests Via the MacArthur Bndge at "Godzwerkus Cucus (313) 884-5090. Grosse Pomte WoodslSt Images of the Infimte, at 11 can see the spectacular $6 E Jefferson and E. Grand Clair Shores border a.m., noon. 4 and 5 pm, million National Amphibian Boulevard 10 Detroit Sluggers, ages 12 and under, weekends and 2 p.m , week- ConservatIOn Center dedi- Children can explore penna- can pohsh their game 10 days, through Fnday, Sept cated to the conservatlOn, nent exlnblt10ns featunng Baseball Camp, Monday, 6, m the Center's DIgital preservation, exhibition and the doomed ship Edmund _...-- June 17 through Fnday, Dome Planetanum. The new interpretatlOn of amphibian Fitzgerald and a freighter CALL 313-882-3500 To reserve Display AdvertiSing space by 2 P m Fnday

KISKA JEWELERS Celebrate Father's Day with a special gift to remember ... Choose from our large variety of watches, rings, gold chains, bracelets and much more. Stop and see our fine Hurry down to the NOTRE FREE SHUTrLE TO HIE «JOE" cullectwn vf j~welry ai... 631 EVERY HOME RED WING GAME DAME PHARMACY and receive Kercheval on-the.Htll (313)885-5755. I r!:{V)f n~ ~_ ~~1~~~~..J TT_~ •• ~_~.~ .. ,,~ 2002 SulvilviER SEASON VVtCl v.a. ... vu ':'C.1t;\..tlCU V1U.Vt:i.1.:.JJ.I,JJ U.1 I ~1..1'l..TTIQ!]ELOVERS HAS BEGUN Michigan items. Plus, Father's Jom us at the famous ANN in our 2nd floor SOHAR ROOM Day is this Sunday, June 16th. ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. With an open deck, Wondering what to get dear ole The happening is Sunday, June live entertamment, & dancmg. dad? We have a large selectIOn of 16th. One of the nations largest and longest runmng regularly POINTE unique items whIch wonld make scheduled antiques shows with r'~rESS (. TR\ '\1\ :' BOBBY LEWIS wonderful Father's Day gifts. If ,"1.\ ....v l\ 11. l. \. & over 300 dealers all under cover. THE CRACKER JACK BAND you need some help on your Fnday & Saturday, June 14 & 15 Dealers 11\ qualIty antiques and CENTP purchase we'll be happy to assist startmg at 9:00 p m. select collectibles with every item Pointe Fitness & Trainmg has Plus, Wednesday, June 19 at 8'00 you... at 16926 Kercheval in-the- guaranteed as represented. opened another facihty! We are p.m. Fnday & Saturday June 21 & 22 Village. (313)885-2154 Highly dIversified show with located off the service dnve starting at 9.00 p.m. emphaSIS on furniture, accessories between Moross and Allard and most specialties. This is Ann (313)417-9666 BLACK MARKET Arbor Antiques Market 34th Wednesday, June 26 at 8:00 p.m. season On site delivery service, Fnday & Saturday, June 28 several snack bars WIth custom Startmg at 9:00 p.m. made foods Locator service for findmg special Items and dealers. Arnve early and Admission $5.00 per person. The 'PtJUete&~ EmbrOIdery and screen prmting enJoy dinner before the musIc. Ed Maliszewski time IS 7:00 a m. to 4'00 p.m .... at Carpeting 5055 Ann Arbor - Saline Road 313-642-1190 SINDBAD'S "SOHAR" ROOM (Exit #175 off 1-94, then south 3 mIles). Washtcnaw Farm Council Perfect for your pnvate parties and Come m and see Karastan8 new Grounds. FREE parking. speCial occaSiOn. Call (313)822-7817 "French Check" wool platds for more mformatiOn at 100 St. They're senously sporty ... at Ed Clair on-the-RIver MaLLszewskt Carpetmg. 21435 Toadv ..... Greater Mack. St. Clatr Shores, InthiscobM (586)776-5510 call (313) 882-3500 by 2:00 p.m. FrIdays '.. . ". OrOM fl,inte New.

By Bob St. John Cybulski, one of the "em or on a smgle by sophomore two runs scored and a stolen blowout after the gettmg the hItters out and Staff writer leaders, struck out 10 and Rachel Sabol base Malhon was 2-for-4 Saddlehtes scored two runs trymg to lead us w the wm • Pltchmg and defense wm held Cousmo to only two Semor Courtney Blxman With one RBI and Sabol was and had runners on second Sabol had the Saddlelites' champIOnships Just ask hits and one walk smgle1 to load the bases and 2-for-4 With an RBI and a and thIrd With one out three hits and two RBIs RegJnahead softball coach The Patnots ralhed only Cybulski scored on a field- double South Jumor Katte Carettt "We had our chances to Diane Laffey tWIce, mcludmg m the er's chOIce off the bat of The Saddlelites had 13 was able to get out of dan- break open the game m the The Saddlehtes won a fourth mnlng when they had semor Almee Konal hits, which was one of the ger, gettmg the next two hIt- first Inmng, but Carettl set- DIvIsIOnI regiOnal champl' runner" on first and second Jumor Shenna Malson better outputs of the season ters to pop out tled down and got some bIg nMhm IR"t wE'f'kpnrl hl~,"\(- "f'tpr twn ",.!"or<; h'lt '"nul"'rl horn'" "",mor B"th T "ff"v W'I" Ahlf'to take a Carettl pitched a e:ood out.". LafTpv "AIO "Routh !fig \Varren Cousmo 6-0 m CybulskI struck out the next Bni'ne In the second Inmng deep s;gh of rehef after a game, but the Saddlehtes' always battles us to the final the title game and Grosse two rotters and semor Michelle Mitzel tough semIfinal VICtoryover Whaley was better, talung a out and It was no different Pomte South 2-0 In the "For some odd reason, the doubled home two runs In Grosse Pomte South, WhICh no-hItter mto the final tros time around We didn't "emlfinal girls haven't played good the thud mmng to gIve the beat Regma 4-1 In 14 Innmg get the rots we needed, but "Thp gIrls have really defense behmd Shelly and Saddlehtes a 4-0 lead mmngs m last year's regIOn- WIth two outs and a no- Amy pItched such a strong buckled down and played she has had to pitch under The four-run cushIOn was al tournament rotter In her reach, semor game that we scored enough much better during the sec- pressure," Laffey said "She more than Cybulslu would "The gIrls really wanted to Kathenne Ball smgled for runs m the first mmng to ond half of the season," made some great pItches at need as she contmued to beat South after they beat South's only rot, but Whaley win. Laffey saId "We have cntlcal times. keep the Patnots' rotters off us last year," Laffey saId "It struck out semor Judy South coach Peggy Van received some great pltchmg The Saddlehtes had all balance With a mlX of fast- was closer than we would Turnbull (her 10th of the Eckoute said that the first from Amy (Whaley) and they would need In the top of balls and change-ups have liked, but a Win IS a game) to end It mmng was the difference Shelly (Cybulski) and the the first mmng when Brune was 3-for-4 WIth wIn" "I dIdn't even know I had "They got the bIg hit In defense has done pretty Cybulski led off WIth a sm- three runs scored, whIle It looked as If the semIfi- a no-hItter going," Whaley well, too" gle and advanced to second Cybulslu was 2-for-4 With nal was gomg to be a said "I was so focused on See REGINA, page 3C Mott ends Blue Devils' title defense with regional victory

By Chuck Klonke Matt MIddleton - won 79 enng rom from hIS speed on Sports Editor games m three years the radar gun,. Gnesbaum After last year's run to the "We won the league saId. "HISfastball was slow- state champIOnship, any- (Macomb Area Conference mg down because he could- thlng short of another title White DiVISiOn)for the sec- n't push offhke usual It dId- had to be a dIsappoIntment ond year m a row and were n't affect ros curve as much, to Grosse Pomte South's undefeated 10 the league so he was throwing a lot of baseball team thiS season We were 19-1 brealung pitches I took rom But despite the pam of over the last two years 10 out Just as a precaution. last Saturday's 7-5 loss to the MAC Whlte The tIghtness m hIS leg Warren-Matt In the DIVISiOn "I'd like to thank those probably also was a con- I reglOnal champIOnship semors for theIr efforts over trIbuting factor In some game at Grosse Pomte the last four years It was a uncharactenstic WIldness by North, the Blue DeVIls had great group of kids." Middleton, who walked SlX an outstandIng season South reached the regIon- m five mmngs and posted "We had a great year," al champlOnsrop game with three stnkeouts. s81d coach Dan Griesbaum a 3-0 Winover Warren De La The only De La Salle hit "I'm proud of our ~emors Salle as Middleton and Getz was a one-out s10gle to nght They were part of sometrong combmed on a one-rotter by No.9 rotter Leo Lona 10 very special They won 55 It was a grItty perfor- the fifth mnmg. Getz games m two years and the mance by Middleton, who pItched the final two 10mngs Photo by lWsh S,lIars three who were on the team suffered a cramp In hIS calf and allowed two walks Amy Whaley pitched a one-hitter in Regina's 2-0 victory over Grosse Pointe as sophomores - Chns muscle ill the second inning South. Getz, Mike Hackett and "Youcould tell It was both- See SOUTH, page 3C

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Olds Loyalty -$1000 " ~,. - Lease Loyalty .$750 Bonus Cash -$14.60 17,900.59* $166.86** June 13, 2002 _2C __ Sports Grosse Pointe News State power ends Knights' finest softball season All good thIng8 eventually InDings of the first game, got too much," SchmIdt said Crusaders pItcher AllIsa to take It.<;toll on all of the Dillon had the becond-hlgh- end and that's what hap- the start agamst Lakes and "Our Lady of Lakes IS cer- Goodfellow ULS sent 15 players," SchmIdt said ebt battmg average ( 723) III pened to the UniversIty allowed only two runs on tamly a very fine team, batters to the plate 10 the For that reason, SchmIdt state rustory and she IS bed Liggett School softball sea- four hIts through the first deservmg of theIr No 2 fifth and scored 10 rum, on would like to bee the state for fourth In doubles (7) son last Saturday five InDings rankIng They could be one SIXhIts and blXwalks change the tournament for Kmg hit 19 doubles to tie The Knights advanced to Smgles by Jessica of the best ever commg out Walks to LeWIS and mat for second all-tIme and her the DIVISIOn IV regIOnal Kowalczyk and Jessie Wise, of Waterford " Andrecovlch I>tarted the "When ball!> arC' bl'lng 70 run" put her In a tie for champlOnsrup game against followed by a two-run double Our Lady of Lakes has rally Borushko hit an RBI pitched ami hit at you lit fifth Waterford Our Lady of by Amy West produced a won SIX state softball titles SIngle that \\'as followed by around 60-6,') IIIph, Iwat Hnd Mllloey all>o hit 17 dou Lakes before losmg 11-0 to pair of fourth-InDIng runs slllce the tourna111ent began walks to Carley Croskey and dehydratlOn do IIIdkl' d l>pht- bles to tie for tourth and her the Lakers, who were for Our Lady of the Lakes In 1975 The Lakers won Sylvester Kmg hit a double becond lllfTl'rpnct' III pl'rlor- 66 run" put her In a tIe for ranked second in the state But It all began to unravel their last state crown In to clear the basel> and she manle ~ lIP l>,1Il1"I'd rl'ally 111 nth place at the end of the regular sea. for Morgan and the Kmghts 2000 scored on McGoey's smgle like to "t'l' till' tl',ll11" go to son m the SIxth InDing With Our UL,s bemllinal WInearned Walks to 1)ll1on and LeWIS playlllg onl\ 0I1l' gdllll' ,I l1d) I Ill' ULb Lt:dlll uaLLIng ULS beat Center Line St Lady of Lakes chng:tng to a some revenge against St set the stage for smgles by when you gt't to th,lt Il'Vl'I, Hvcrul{e of 458 IS the best Clement 16-7 In the regIOnal 2-0 lead Clement, which had beaten Andrecovlch, Croskey and lIkl' 111 nWi:ltotlwr l>pmt" ~ l'\t'r recorded, breaking the semIfinal "(Morgan) had been on the the KnIghts tWice In dlstnct Sylvester ULS n'CPI\ l'd ",l'veral old mark of 440 set by New The Knights fiDished With mound pitchIng lfi extreme final matchups In prevIous Morgan pitched the final 3 pObt1.eal>Onhonor;, Lothrop In 1980 The a school-record 28 Wins In 34 heat for over 2 112hours and seasons 2/3 mlllngs for ULS and Kmg, Mc(;ol')', Dillon, KlI1ghts' 66 doubles are games the gas tank started to run ULS Jumped ahead 3-0 In allowed only one unearned Lewlb, AndrelOvlch and blxth all-tune "The seDiors pretty much dry," Schmidt saId "The the first inning King led off run She struck out two and Borubhko wen' nanwd to the accomplished all that they defense also began to lose It, WIth a walk, McGoey and dIdn't g:tve up a walk all-dll>tnct team and Dillon, who WIll attend set out to do trus year In committIng three errors that Maggie Dillon Singled and "Although It was a good Schmidt Wllb the dl"tnct Prlnccion, and McGoey, who terms of softball," sald coach led to seven unearned runs " walks to Maria leWIS, Katie come-from-behmd W1O, the coach of the year Il>gOlng to Yale, shared team Jim Schmidt "And they left Juhe Borushko, the first Andrecovlch and Chnstlna game took almost three Dillon, McGoev and K1I1g MVP honors The most the younger players WIth a game starter, pItched well Sylvester forced In the three hours to complete and the each put their namt''' 111(0 IInproved players were new challenge that reSides over the final 1 113 InnIngs, runs sun was defimteh "tdrtmg thl' btdtl' rl'cord hook" MOlgdll and Andrecovlch In Waterford and goes by the but by then the damage had St Clement answered name of Lakes" been done WIth three runs m the top of Both games were closer Kelly King had a perfect the thIrd on run-producmg than the final score mdl- day at the plate agamst smgles by NIcole Szczesniak cates Lakers starter Palge Pettit, and Stephanle Rapske Our Lady of Lakes beat who pitched a no-rutter in A walk to DJllon and a sin- Marine CIty Cardmal Our Lady of Lakes' semifi- gle by LeWIS helped the Mooney 9-1 In Its regional nal She smgled in the first Kmghts regmn the lead m semifinal, then relaxed inning, doubled in the third the second, but the while ULS and St Clement and walked m the sixth. Crusaders had another battled for nearly three Suzanne McGoey and three-run innmg 10 the hours under a hot sun at the Borushko had the Knights' third. ULS failed to score m BIshop Gallagher athletic other two ruts the third and fourth Innings complex "The Knights had several and St. Clement led 6-4 That respite would prove scoring opportunities, but gomg mto the bottom of the helpful to the Lakers the five hours of play, the fifth LaVon Morgan, who hot sun and an excellent That's when the heat pitched the final 3 2/3 opponent Just proved to be seemed to take a toll on Troy ends South's season again

For the second year In a thwarted every sconng sealed the VIctory WIth three row, top-ranked Troy ended attempt by the Colts' "go-to" mmutes remaming when Grosse POinte South's g:trls player, Lauren Skinner. she redirected Jenny soccer season, but the 2-0 South was better pre- Szymanski's rebound into victory m thp DIVISIon I pared for Troy's phYSical the net as goalkeener regional semifinal at Utica play than It was a year ago Samantha Martmez had no HIgh School dIdn't come eas- and ffildfielders LIZ Ridgway chance to recover Ily for the Colts and Megan SWItalski were Although the outcome was The Blue Devils put on especially strong. And it did- disappomtmg, South's play- < \ then best performance of n't get any easier for the ers were able to take solace the season, holding Troy Colts when Molly Burns and from the comphments of University Liggett Scbool's softball team scoreless for 66 mmutes. the Marsh tWIns - Jessica coach Gene Harkms and hiS Division IV district cbampionship. Then the Colts took and Jenmfer - entered the staff for a well-played game advantage of an apparent game Troy coach Henry offenSive foul that wasn't Stephame Ritok, Stacey Stemwascher also admitted Knights are upset in regional ~'- called on Shadla Restum Peppler and Molly that his team was only min- moments before she broke O'Loughhn prOVided the utes away from "PanlC time" By Chuck Klonke Ealba >U1dJordan McIlroy Crawford got mto the clear the scoreless deadlock WIth offenSive thrusts for South when Restum scored Sports Editor for most of our sconng m the and put Oakland Christian a shot inSIde the far goal- that kept Troy from mount- South seniors Jessica It's been nearly a decade close games " ahead to stay post mg a consistent attack Ruble, Meggle Schmidt, since UniversIty Liggett The Lancers opened the The Lancers got theIr Despite the fact that Troy South missed several Jordan Mitchelson and School's DaVId Backhurst scoring WIth 18 mmutes final goal WIth about 14 had only one foul call to excellent scoring opportuni- Ritok ended their four-year has felt the stmg of defeat as remaInmg In the first half mmutes left and once agam South's seven, the Blue ties The Blue Devl1s had a careers WIth an overall 63- much as last week's 3-1 ULS defender Katie It was a mistake on defense Devl1s outplayed the Colts shot that went off the goal- 14-10 record state regional loss to Hollerbach had bumped that hurt ULS for much of the match post. Another shot went just In the regional champl- Oakland Chnstlan heads With an Oakland The Kmghts finished with South denied Troy control In WIde to the left onsrup game, Troy defeated That's because state tour- Chnstlan player and was a 37-17 advantage III shots the center of the field and Troy's Lindsay Peterson Rochester 4-0 nament upsets have been momentanly stunned "I feel that If we were to few and far between for the "She lost her beanngs for play (Oakland Christian) Knights Just a second but that was four times we'd Will three of North wins another district title "We've been fortunate long enough for the g:trl the games," Backhurst said. that we haven't been upset Katie was marking to get an "That's what so frustratmg " Wmnlng state dlstnct Michaels also tallied for semifinal game very often," Backhurst said openIng and go III alone on Backhurst hopes to chan- champlOnsrups has become North. Japowlcz scored North's "Probably the last tIme was the goal," Backhurst said nel that frustration Into a a habit for Grosse Pointe North began d1.stnct play goal on a penalty kick With m the boys dlstnct m 1993 "The goahe didn't have a longer state tournament run North's g:trls soccer teams With a 4-0 wm over Warren 16 04 left In the first half, - and It was Oakland chance" next year The Norsemen won their Woods-Tower as Japowlcz but Kimball outshot the Chnstlan then, too " Three mInutes later, the "We're losmg only two fifth straIght DlVlslOn IIdis- scored three tImes to lead Norsemen 9-2 In the second Many weTe expectIng ULS Kmghts tied the game on a semors, although they're tnct title last week With a 5- the way half to make a strong bId for the header by Ealba that was very good ones (Ealba and o VICtoryover St Clair The Norsemen weren't Megan Donnelly and DIVISIOn IV champIOnshIp set up by an Illdlrect free N a) la KaZZI), and our young North got two goals apiece qUIte as successful In the Colleen Spurgeon scored the thiS weekend Now the kick by Stephame McIlroy players WIll have another from Sarah Zygmontowicz next round of thE: tourna- Knights' goals five minUtes Knights have to walt untIl "We were feehng pretty year of expenence," he said and Kelly JapowlCZ and one ment apart midway through the next year good at halftime," Backhurst "Last year (Ann Arbor) from Leah Cherf Royal Oak KImball's second half "We didn't make many said "We outshot them 17-5 Greenhill,;; lo,;;t to us m the 1... rA ....l ..1..._...I _._ .._1~__ ...... 1 .. ?r,. h ,.J Oi"'l In+ nf fTnM Earher, Japowlcz scored heavy pressure In the sec- North, which finlsned 14- U..lJ,;:)"dft.~O uu,", \ '\J'Q.J'\.JQUU u .au 11' '"'-' ~ _ reg!an21 se!!ufin::ds ~!ld ! twice to lead the Norsemen ond half finally took Its toll 5-3, had two corner kicks III Chnstlan) took advantage of chances. I told the g:trls to remember how dIsapPointed to a 4-0 Win over Warren North as the Knights came the last three mlllutes but the ones we dId make," Just keep up what they were they were They were losmg COUSlllOIn the dlstnct semi- from behllld to beat the f81led to get a shot on the Backhurst saId "And our dOIng and I felt that we some key selllors but they final Cherf and DeSiree Norsemen 2-1 m a reg:tonal net record III close games - we would eventually wear them had most of the team back won five of our beven one- down" Now I think they have a goal games - masked our ULS dommated the first good chance to Win the state Engine knocks Buhl out of Texas race defiCiency III sconng 12 mlllutes of the second champIOnshIp I'd hke to "We had a great regular half but couldn't score Then thmk that could be us next A dejected RobbIe Buhl eighth pOSitIOn by lap 81 run WIth the lead pack We season, wlllnmg the ~lf tro oop of the Kmghts' defend- year" stepped from hiS car at the Eng:tne problems on lap 113 were gOing faster at the end Conference lhampHlll~hlP l r- gl It ca ught out of pOSItIOn ULS fimshed With d 14-4- Texas Motor Speedway after forced Buhl to Pit and park even though we were a httle butwedcpdy Call 1 record mechanical problems forced the No 24 Team Purex posItive on the front - but hiS eXit from Saturday Aventis car for the night we knew we could deal WIth mght's Boomtown 500 m "Tomght we were domg It " Fort Worth what we wanted to do," said Buhl posted the SIxth Starting 14th on the gnd, Bupl "We moved well fastest speed dunng the Buhl had moved up to the through traffil' and could final practice sessIOn a day before the race Weather changes slowed many of the Indy RaCing League cars from thClr ear her speeds Sandlot Baseball Camp thIS week, and yet BuhI's team found addItIOnal Grosse Pointe Kerby Field speed "Sure, It'S frustratmg not June 24 - June 28 ea to filllsh here after the great rars we had at Texas last July 8 - July 12 \ year, but that's raclllg," Buhl saId "We've been very July 15 - July 19 happy WIth Infimtl thIS July 22 - July 26 year, and thIS IS not the University Liggett SChool's girls soccer team ShOWfioff its trophy after win- norm ning. iounn anognl diamcl due. in front, irom len, are Marla Valgoi, Laura \ In la~t year'~ race In Nicboil, Lauren Ealba, Nayla Kazzi. Chrissie Keersmaekers, Callie Shumaker and BOYS I GIRLS ~ TexaR, Buhl fimshed thIrd III KatIe HoUerbach, In the second row, from left, are Jordan Mcllroy, Erin Deane, the closest 1-2-3 finish III Leeza Kosl&k,Allison Jones. Betsy D'Arcy, Betb sanders, Brittany Paquette, Liz AGES 7-12 • 9 am ~ 12 pm IRL hiStory 0468 seconds Heenan, Megan Getz and Stephanie McDroy. In back, from left, are bead coacb behind winner Sam David Backburat, aulltant coach SCott Barringer, manager Joe Klsb and as.ls- For more informatiol\: (313)885-5198 Harnish, Jr tant coacb Dan Ferrin. June 13, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Sports 3C Regina- Harrison beats Irish From page IC in regional title game the first and we didn't," she said "It wab a well-played game by both teams By Bob St. John ended the threat Neither team made an 8taft writer Harrison had the same error" PONTIAC Notre SituatIOn III Its next at-bat and made the Insh pay by Stephame Shepard led off Ddme's baseball team bat- c1eanng the bases With a the game wIth a walk for tled two of the top squads In South and took second on DIVISIOnII 10 last weekend's long double "That was a huge turn Lawren Morawski's sacnfice r£'gJOnal tournament at around 10 the game," Gust but Whaley retlred the next Pontiac Notre Dame Prep two hItters HIgh School said "Instead of leadmg 4 «We faced two very sound or 5-0 we trailed 3-1 " Earher m the week baseball teams and played Notre Dame eventually Regma beat DetrOIt well," head coach Angelo fell behmd 7-1 before scor1Og RenaIssance 3-1 m the ,,"!Ot f'lwl "Wp hl'1n Ol1r tWIl'P In thp f'pvpnth mnml! Vj.leIlHIUJI FlleJlUbhlp game own, but dIdn't reach our to make It mterestmg CybulskI earned the wm ulbmate goal, wmmng a Semor MIke Horne Buf- agamst the DetrOIt Pubhc regional tItle" fered the defeat, while School League champIOns The Flghtm' Insh lost 7-3 Stanton fimshed With mne "RenaIssance had a very to Farmington Hills stnkeouts for Hamson good pitcher who dId a lllce Harnson and semor all- "I can't say enough good Job on the mound," Laffey state pitcher Drew Stanton thmgs about our ball players smd "It was a good game "Drew gassed us out With here at Notre Dame," Gust for us to play before the some very good pltchmg," said "We struggled through regIOnal" Gust saId "He pitched well, so many mJunes and tough The Regina softball team Photo by Rosh Sill a... but I thought Harrison's losses the entlre season that Improved to 25-14 overall, Reglna flrst baseman Shenna Malson reaches for a throw during the regional offense was awesome for us to be 10 a close game whIle South ended Its sea- semifinal game against Grosse Polnte South. "I felt we were facmg theIr In the regIOnal final was son 11-23 football team because It great" looked like every rotter was Notre Dame advanced to Shrine edges East in regional semifinal eIther a Imebacker or a the title game by edgmg defensive end" Dearborn Dlvme Child 4-3 The Insh had a shot to 10 eight mnmgs By Bob St. John top-notch pltchmg first team every game and It showed break open a close game, It waf, the third time 10 Capofen was named the With their tremendous work Staff writer "KeVIn was our ace and he the past eight years that the dlstnct coach of the year ethIc" loading the bases with no STERLING HEIGHTS - pItched very well," Capofen Flghtm' Insh beat DlvlOe "It's an honor to be voted outs m the third mmng. The Lutheran East boys said. "Unfortunately, we Child m the regwnals by your peers," Capofen The Lutheran East base- Jumor Dan Valente rot a baseball team gave highly didn't give him any run sup- "Our kldb came to play said "Our players did a ball team ended the season shot that the leftfielder ranked Royal Oak Shnne port, but I have to give and we had one great ball great Job of competmg m 10-12 overall made a great play on wroch everythmg It could handle Shrme's pitchers a lot of game WIth a good opponent," and then some m last week- credit because they were on Gust saId "We have Dlvme top of theIr game" HW diamond teams fall in regional end's DIVISion IV regional Child's number 10 the play- semIfinal The Eagles lost 2-0 In mne offs, that IS for sure" "We had nothmg to lose mnings Shnne went on to semifinal games at Riverview Richard JUnior Evan Wllhams and everythmg to gmn 10 wm the regional, beatmg went the dIstance to get the thiS game," head coach Nick Manne CIty Cardmal By Bob St. John ers m a game, but I had to seven freshmen make the wm, but It was the combma- Capofen sald "Nobody gave Mooney 11-0 m the title Staff wnter agamst Cabnm tnp With us to Gabnel tion of senior Jamie Embree us a shot to wm, except for game RIVERVIEW - Harper RIchard and they WIll be the and JUnior catcher Chns DespIte the regional our fans and ourselves" Woods's boys baseball team "You could tell Cabnm's bulk of our team next sea- Neilson that made the cru- defeat. the Eagles' Semor Kevw Kadrofske Will not defend ItS state girls were more relaxed than son" CIal plays Kadrofske (he earned a spot was able to get several big champIOnship after losmg ours, and It showed 10 their In the fifth mmng, btnkeouts that ended scor- in the EastJWest all-star 12-1 to host Riverview play on the field " The Harper Woods soft- Embree caught a fly ball In mg threats but It was the gamel, Fred Riehl, Matt Gabriel Richard m last ball team finished the sea- center field and threw out a Eagles' offense that couldn't Johnston and Bobby weekend's DIVISIOn III Freshman Mana Mahon son 15-11 overall runner trying to score from Maynard earned all-dlstnct get on track agamst Shnne's regional semifinal. started and suffered the third base as Nielson tagged Head coach Mike loss, whIle semor KatIe "We had some success thiS him out Rowmskl knew hiS young Rhodes had two hits to lead season With only three The two turned the double PIOneers would have Its the offense semors m the hneup," play agmn m the seventh hands full aga10st a strong "It was a dlsappomtmg Arthmlre said "FIfteen wnmg Divme Child would Gabnel RIchard squad - way to end the season, but W10Swere great for us and have won the game If the and he was nght, as the our future looks bnght," we should do better next mexpenence showed Arthmlre saId «We had year" See IRISH, page 4C Mental mIstakes cost the PIOneers several runs, whIch ended the Pioneers' season at 13-9 overall ~~~~~). GROSSE POINTE SOCCER ASSOCIATION Blissfield crushed Flat 0'j*~J *~ Resulting for the merger of Pointe Girls Soccer Association Rock 12-2 m the other semi- (: :... and Grosse Pointe Soccer Association, the new organization final and edged Gabnel m~-:-o offers a competitive, team-oriented soccer program that Richard 5-2 in the regIOnal 'Iil.'l.B tItle game ~fii.'1~~,-'-~encourages individual player development. GPSA is a com- A.ss'~ munity based and supported soccer organization that SoftbaW welcomes and encourages players from all area to become a part of it's program Harper Woods' girls soft- ball team also lost m Its Team Tryouts Start regIOnal semifinal, falling 11-1 to Allen Park Cabnm m five mmngs June 15, 2002 Photo by Rosh S,Uars De La Salle's Matthew Lewis beats the throw to "It wasn't the result we were lookmg for, " head ]JOYS Grosse Pointe South shortstop Chris Getz on this stolen base attempt. coach Carol Arthmrre saId U.9 "I've never used three pltch- T...... Salvo & HUmcllne .June 15 & 16.10 .m-12pm - a.m.s Frank Schulle - 313-884.1904

U.10 South T•• m. salllo & Humcane .Jun. 17, 18 & 19. 8pm-llpm - OP Harth Tim PankowskI' 313-881.5881 U.11 .Jun. 15 - 10em-12pm - Ford FI.ld From page IC for rum and moved to second the right fielder caught In T...... Salvo & Hurricane .Jun. 17 & 18. 6p .... 8pm. Ford FI.ld Marc Tink,an - 313-8116-3804 on a balk and scored on front of the fence for the U.12 Getz, who was playmg hiS Gctz's smgle Getz stole sec- final out T•• ms Salvo & Salvo .Jun. 17& 18 - 8p ..... pm - Ford Flllld Glenn Nadeau - 313-417-84n first game smce bemg cho- ond and advanced to thIrd "I thought It mIght get U.13 United .Iune 18 a 19. 81'.... 8pm - a.m •• M,ka Ham. 313-417-9963 sen III the Sixth round of the on an mfield Single by Kyle out," Gnesbaum Said Tums S.lvo .Iun. 11 a 18 • 3'3Op .... 1,3Opm • S.m •• B,II Gu.ln1e - 313-885-7227 draft Haclas Morawski followed last week, prOVided the only Smgles by Haclas, U.14 .Iun. 20 - 6:3Opm-8:3Opm - OJ> Horth sa.n M.loney. 313-881-8664 WIth 11 three-run homer to Teems Salvo & HUmcllne .Jun. 22 - 10em-1pm. OP Horth run the Blue Devils needed gIVe the Blue Devils a 4-2 Morawski and Mackenzie whpn hp h,t ~ lp~clnff hnmpf 1...... l oroduced a run 10 the too of u.t!l &fter Hloh School S... on Denm. Lov - 313-882 3482 J,t:;o.u. the seventh for South' A T.. ms Salvo 88 Chiclr Web.lt. m the first mnmg It was a short-hved walk to Janutol loaded the South added a paIr of runs advantage, however, as U-16 Salvo 87 &11., High School S ••• on W~II B81erwaltes 313'331-3072 bases With two out, but T•• ms Galors '87 Ch",,1r W.lIslt. SlewM,lIer 313 883-3251 In the fourth Geordie Thurman hit a three-run MackenZie led off wIth a sm- Arngo's sharply-hit fly ball &11., High School S ... on Sam Sla,nebel- 313886-2526 homer 10 the bottom of the U-17 to rIght was caught by T...... S.lIIo 86 Checlr WebsIt. se.n Scholthoeffer gle, took second on a WIld third pItch and scored on P J RIchIe Koch "That was a big hIt," U-19 Aller High School S •• son Glenn Nadeau. 313-417 84n Janutol's slOgle He took T.. ms Salvo 84 '85 CII..," W.II.It. Gnesbaum said "We should "It's frustrating, but If you second on a sacnfice and have been out of the mnlng have one bad game III the came horne on Brendan but we weren't able to com- tournament, that's what Butler's dOllble plete a double play" happens," Gnesbaum saId , GIlliS Taylor Morawski had a "You might thmk you have Gnesbaum saId that he smgle and a double for the best team but It doesn't U.9 debated With himself about John Mellon - 586-945-4461 South always go that way" T...... B,nkers .Jun. 15 a 18. 1pm-3pm. OP Horth walkmg the dangerous Mott gamed a berth 10 the Tnurrnan mtentlOnally South finished With a 28-8 U.10 finals With a 14-5 wm over T•• ml Sreekers .Iune 17 .. 18 • &pm-8pm - a.m •• John F.rber 313-881.7930 record, which was even bet. DetrOIt Western and the "But that would have ter than last year's 27-12 U.11 J,m Zurek. 313-8322187 Marauders had the luxury of meant putt 109 the lead run T.am. IH1 Tr.v.' .Iun. 15 . 1O..... ,2pm - OP Horth Karen Ridgway' 313 884-n69 on base With one out," he mark being able to save their No, U.12 Brelk ... .Iun. 17 .. 18 - 4:3Opm-8:00pm - Same. Dan Kally - 248-875 392 1 pitcher, Steve Schlaff, for saId "In retrospect, It would "I'm thankful for the T•• m. Musllngs .Jun. 15 . 1O..... ,2pm - S.mes Stu Oow. 313-384-4979 South have been the nght move efforts of the Dugout Club, Sometimes when you gam- preSident Art Getz and the U.13 Orogon. JIm Werren - 313-882-0989 Mott got a run 10 the first T...... Mustang. .June 18 • &pm-8pm • GP North Slu Cow .313.884-<'979 ml11ng Without a hit Bo ble It pays off and some rest of the board for their tImes It doesn't" work thiS year," Gnesbaum U 14 Ford walked, took second on T•• m. Breakers .Jun. 17 .. 18. &pm. 7:30 • S .. mes Din Kally .248 875 3992 a Wild pitch, moved to third Ford hit a solo horner for said "It's so Important to get on a balk and scored on Nick Mott m the fifth and the support hke that U.15 Orogon. .Jun. 15 • " ..... , pm - OP Harth John Kronner. 313 884 8939 T•• ms MUSI.~ .Jun. 18 .. 19. 8prn-&pm - a.mes Rlndy Rep'cky 313331 6684 Thurman's ground out Marauder" added another "I'd also hke to thank my The Marauders made It 2- run In that mmng on a sm assIstants on the varsity, U 18 Oragons .Jun. 15 . ,1 ..... ,2:3Opm. OP North M'b Mcilroy 31)-506-7429 T..... s MUltangs .Jun. 18 .. 1g • 8p ...... m - S.mea Tim Hel•• 58&-764 2988 o In the "econd on a walk to gle by Thurman and Sage's John Hackett and Bill Darryl Sage, a sacnfice, a RBI double Mogk, JV coaches Bruce U.17 Wild pItch and Mark South threatened In the Pdto and Mark Jacob !lnd T.. m. MUltanllS .June 18 .. II .Ipm- 8pm • S.m •• nm Hal. 58&-784 2988 Adamski'" Single fifth With runners on "econd freshman coaches Dick U." V,perl .Jun. 15. 1:3Op .... 3:30pm. OP Horth B Henderson. 313885 7253 South, which didn't have a and thIrd With two out but Swarthout and JIm T•• m. MUIlsngs .Jun. l'-81'.... &pm • S.m •• Ed Egnll'OI' J13 881.5536 hIt In the first two mmng<;, couldn't score Mlkl' Arngo Pangborn The future of had Its bats corne alive 10 reathed second after an GrossI' POinte South base thE' thIrd Butlpr IE'cIntfwlth mfield "mgll' m thp "Ixth hall look" good for thE' next FHI' :\.lclitiul1al' rnffH'll\ation Vi~if OUl' \V('h~il(' . a smgle Chns Casazza ran but Getz hIt a fly ball that '1everal years" \\ \\ \\.~ I'OSS'-'U. ill •• , s.... ("-I'.t. 0 I" June 13, 2002 _4C __ S_ports Grosse Pointe News


f' l' k ~;\ ~ -252.6\- Light winds slow sail race By Brad Lindberg outer breakwall hning the Jones, Hot TIcket, KIrkman, E' Staff Wnter harbor dock and Great WhIsper, Jones, -.1 WhIffing sluggers of the Racers shared the water • PHRF-C ..Jolly Roger, home team at Comenca WIth freIghter traffic shoe- Fernole, V-20, BYC, and Park whIpped up more horned Into the nearby navI- Cnbcal Mass, Kerr, breeze than there was to gatIOn channel Owmg to • Crescent Goldfinger, fuel the fleet m last week's common sense and stepped- Cohan, SCimItar, Brennan, saIlboat race on lower Lake up enforcement of U S and Utopia, Hume, St Clair Coast Guard regulatIOns • Level 126 Avatar, Race conditIOns were a due to homeland secunty, Morlan, SolutIOns, CraIg, long way from the colorful s81lors obeyed orders to give and Contender, Graham, spmnakers and splashes of commercial sruppmg a WIde • PHRF-D KIller silver spray off the bows of berth Leprechaun, Huff, SUICide sleek yachts that excite From upstream, through a Blonde, Stackpole, and landlubbers watchmg the wall of dirty whIte haze, Banshee, Lynch; .. J'aut C(,l.l ~5 Draco) Grosse Pomte ::'all Club s came the oJoel:lt UVt:lIHUI~ weekly Sundown Senes off freIghter on the Great Shenstone, Holme Brew, Wmdmlll Pomte Park m Lakes, the Southbound Holme, and 5 Guys Named Grosse Pomte Park Challenger She was Moo, Boggs, Nearly 70 boats dwaddled launched m 1906 Ifl Ecorse, • Etchells' Gone, Burton, off WindmIll POInte 'IUesday but her 552-foot length stIli BIg Game, Zemmlll, and Life evemng searchmg for au qualIfies as the longest IS Good, Clark, and fightmg a 1 5-knot cur- cement carner on the lakes • PHRF-E No 258, rent mto the DetrOIt RIver From downstream, the Valle roy, Willdward, Cooley, The air was heavy and Walter J McCarthy Jr, a and TranqUlhzer, Wetzel, • JAM-A Spectre, P1wto by Brad LIndberg clammy for the June 4 race, 1,000-foot bulk carner so Schappe, Freeway, Carlson, Action Is often tight and always close to shore in the Tuesday night sailboat the second of SIX m the massIVe It had to be built m and Comfortably Numb, races sponsored by the Grosse Pointe sal1 Club off Windmill Pointe Park. Here, sprmg serIes JIbs often two sections, rounded Belle sagged like fleshy wattles Isle. MIller, the lOG-foot freighter Walter J. Mccarthy Jr. horns in June 4 by seeming to • JAM-B Wmd Stalker, cross the starting Une ahead of three sloops in the Level 126 cia.. , from the necks of a barnyard As the McCarthy shd past full of lazy turkeys Peche Island, her twm, 17- Dunn, RalZen, BeIda, and Then a puff of lUr grew foot-diameter propellers Coyote, Cotter; mto a steady breeze. S81ls seemed to push her across • CruiSing class. Yankee, ULS sets record at state meet fllled, the race was on and the starting line bow-to-bow Knetsch, Valkyne, Behler, WIth Regardless, SolutIOns and Slamte, Kar A third-place finish m the second place but the get outsIde until the last 100 boats were off Twelve class- and other boats m the Level l,600-meter relay was the Knights fell back on another meters and managed to pass es of sloops set out on cours- 126 class The Grosse Pointe SaIl highlIght of a DIVISIon IV poor handoff between the about seven runners to grab es rangmg from 3 2 to 5 1 1bp three finishers in each Club's spring series of sau- btate meet that saw Lowes SIxth place" mues long. class were (class, boat name boat races contmue off UniversIty LIggett School's Charles appeared to start Bohlinger fimshed WIth a "Put the beer down," a and skipper) WindmIll Pomte Park III boys track team turn in sev- early and had to stutter step 59-second split to post a skipper ordered one of lus • J-105' Macho Duck, Grosse POinte Park 'IUesday eral outstandmg perfor- at the end of the exchange 2'0148. crew. It was bme to get sen- Klaasen; Creative Ltc_, Cox, evenmgs at 7 pm, on June mances at Forest HJ1ls zone to receive the baton "I had a few thoughts as I ous The command was and C.Jem, Ruffing, 18, 25 and July 9 A summer Northern HIgh School But Charles had hiS best crossed the fimsh lme. keep heard clearly by dozens of • PHRF-AB Burden IV, and fall series will follow Thomas Greer, CurtIs run of the year, makmg up my head, recover, send spectators bellied-up to the Lowe, Charles Low and nearly 10 yards to Jump mto Charles out WIth another Brad Bohlinger ran a fifth place school record and most 3 30 19 m the final relay to "Charles Just ran so fast I important, stay away from Woods-Shores LL highlights break the school record In couldn't catch hIm," CurtIS coach Langford," Bohlmger out the Mets' final batter With two shutout Mike Wynne, Reardon and the event for the second saId "We didn't know If we saId MAJORS Tigers 9, Pirates 8 runners m scormg posItion Simon Tommy BaJls drove 10 the were DQ'd or not Charles "So I grabbed some water tIme thiS season ChriS Peters and Chase K10ka fiDlshed With SIX strikeouts Mark Rockbounds' runs Greer, who was upset over flew away" and found a shady spot in a each went 3 for-4 for the Ttgers, Balle and Scott Kudlahs played a false start that dIsquali- ULS broke the old school far corner outside of the while Chad Homuth and Adam St well defenSively for the Cubs. while ~khounds9,Lugnutsl fied him from the 300 mter- record of 1'33 6 that was set track" HllaJnJ collected the11' f11'st M8Jor Ryan Peck led the offense The Rockbounds broke open a close game m the final two IDnlDgs m 1974 Bohhnger saId that he League hits Dan Malafouns saved mediate hurdles, took out the wm for Peters The PU'lltes, who Angels 4, Cubs 1 SkIp Faber drove ID the Lugnuts' hiS dlsappomtment on the Mackie had earned hIS plans to run some open trailed by five runs gomg lllto the Laura Reilly, who pitched the run With a fourth-mmDg triple The other relay runners, jump- spot m the relay a week ear- meets m the Ann Arbor area SIXthllUI.lng,were led offenSIVelyby last three InDlngs In rehef, was the Rockbounds' pltchmg was domi- mg m front WIth a 518 her at the Ann Rrbor durmg the summer to Zak Zerrer. who had three hits wmnmg pItcher She and starter nant GreenhIlls Relays achieve his goal of 1'58 for Clms BIll combmed for 12 strike- opemng leg River Dogs 10, Lugnuts 1 the 800 Reds 3, Pirates 1 outs Bill, Matthew Bruno, Ene Detroit Benedlctme Bohlmger had been runmng Charlie Cullen hit a three-run Pomber and Reilly scored the Skip Faber struck out 11 ID four grabbed the lead at the 600 the lead leg all year but ULS Charles Lowe won an homer to account for the Reds' runs Angels' runs Enc Londo did a good mnmgs for the River Dogs and also mark and bUilt an msur- had tned other runners so eighth-place medal III the Justm and Karl Tech Pitched for Job behmd the plate and Max hit a pair ofdouhles Phlhp Duncan mountable advantage after that Bohhnger could concen- 400 dash He had a strong the Reds Alex Hunt and RobbIe Stemer had a fine game at flfSt had a solid defensIVe game at first start - 24 4 for the first 200 Franey dId a goodJob on the mound base base and Chna Jansen had two a bad exchange between the trate on the open 800 at the for the P,rates MIchael Koltun Juts Lowe brothers state meet - but faded In the final 50 homered for the PIrates' only run Angeb 11, Mets 7 "Charles went too early The Knights' coaches told meters for a 51 8 Hunt was thrown out at the plate Chns Bill and Laura Reilly each and dIdn't look back," said Mackie that Ifhe ran well he "I was hopmg to go under on a DIce relay by the Reds after pitched three mOlngs for the Aerobics 51-flat but I did not have Michael Rahalm's long Single Angels full, Alex Beardslee, Austin coach PhI! Langford "He would go to the state meet, Damm. Brad Scherer and Max anythmg left to fight the classes begin was focused on the so he helped hIS 800 relay Tigers 11, Blue Jays 4 Stemer each had two hits for the Benedlctme runner Another team run the SIxth-fastest wmd coming down the The Ttgers scored eight runs on Angels and Keith Porter scored two mch farther on the exchange time In school mstory and straIghtaway," saId the eight hIts In the thmi mmng. !ugh- runs Paul Straetmans made an on June 17 and we would have been out helped break the school semor captam and team lighted by Chad Homuth's two-run outstanding rally-endmg catch of a double and Adam Wheelock's two- towermg ny ball by the Mets' of the race" record m the 1,600 relay MVP The Fitness Firm WIll run smgle Bryel Brown scored RDnald Mack begm a six-week series of Runmng only 385 meters "I can't say enough about "We st1l1 had the 4x400 from first on Homuth's hit Chns because of the late (Mackie's) end of season ahead so I did not have time Peters and Dan Malfoufls combmed Cubs 11, Rangers 10 low-impact aerobICS classes exchange, Charles Lowe was effort," Langford saId "He to thmk much about the to pitch a Ihree-hllter WIth 14 The Cubs used good patience at on Monday, June 17 the plate and capitalized on an clocked m 50 (' After gettmg mIssed hIS brother's gradua- (400) I gave It my best strikeouts Allyce Kulek did an Classes WIll be held on excellent Job on the mound for the eight-run second IDwng Jeff SIDlOD Monday and Wednesday a flawless exchange from tion from West POlllt to effort I'm lucky to get the walked three times, each of wlueh Blue Jays, shuttmg down the to Lowe, Bohlinger tned to attend the state finals final medal" Ttgers over the last Ihree mnmgs led to runs, and was effective on the mornmg from 9.30 10.30 mamtalll an 8-1O-yard lead Barre' and hIS brother Greer ran a personal-best mound as he struck out SIX Alex and on Tuesday and over Lawton's Dan Orozco, (Bnan Bruentonl kept m 22 9 III the semifinals of the Pirates 8, Dodgers 7 Buckman started the second-mOlng Thursday evemngs from Brandon D'Agnese drove m outburst With a hit Scott Kudlalls who had run a 1 55.1 m the touch via cell phone dunng 200 dash but It wasn't 6 45 to 7 45 All classes will Michael Koltun With the wmDlng made two outstandmg catches and be at the JFK Library in 800 But Orozco caught the meet, exchangmg con- enough to get hIm Illto the run m the bottom of the Sixth teammate Mark Balle played a BohlInger off the final curve gratulations finals It also beat the 23 4 inning Koltun went 4-for-4 WIth strong thlrtl base Harper Woods. and fimshed second by a "Mackie did a fantastic Job that hIS father ran m 1975 tWOhomers and five RBIs Chns The cost IS $46 and partIc- Aatros 9, Royals 7 tenth of a second and bagged a state medal Langford felt that Greer's Kudlahs and Michael Rahlllm each Ipants can attend any of the had two hits Zach Zerrer made two The Astros' PltchlOg tno of classes "He passed me on the final and a school record for rus false start III .he mtermedi- fine plays m center field and RDbble Jeffrey Bums, Michael Lane and For more mformatlon, call part of the curve," Bohhnger outstanding efforts I've ate hurdles mIght have been Franey pItched three mnlOgs .In Paul Brucker held off the Royals, bald "I tned to keep hIm never been more excIted" a blessmg III dIsgUIse relief to post the wm who got a fine pltchmg performance (313) 886-7534. WIde but he had too much I because after running m the E\ an Skorupski and Joseph Zarh froo Peter FrancIS John Butts had prehmmanes and semIfi- each scored two runs for the four hits for the Astros, while made a move to catch hIm on Although Bohlinger Dodgers Matt Blunden had a good Jimmy Tbcco and DaVid Ulmer had Sandlot Camp nals III the 200 and m the the final btretch but he earned a SIxth-place medal game In center field two hIts apiece pulled away agam In the 800 run, he was diS- 800 relay, It gave hIm a Michael AhlragJ and MIchael starts June 24 "We hoped to get under appointed WIth hIS perfor- break from the 90-degree AthletiCS 13, Yankees 9 Seago each had key luts for the mance heat before the 1,600 relay ChrIS Zak led the A's to the nme- Royals 3 30 for the race but w(' are IDnmg VIctory as he collected four The Sandlot Basebah very happy WIth our team hits Bnan Lockbart had three dou- Angels 15, RoyaI8 7 Camp WIll hold the first of Leython WJlhams had hIS CITU["L dUJ t1Jt.o t}-ui"d-place b'e~ !!.nd. N1t"k Hm7 rp..ArhPrl MR.P Enc Londo had three hIts and four one-week sess!.ons at medal We had a great sea- ever made," he saId "I went best throw of the season m four times Doug Johnston got the scored three runs for the Angels the Kerby FJeld LIttle out on pace on the Illslde of the diSCUSbut the 131.foot-1 WID With two strong IOnlOgs of Laura Reilly, Chns Bill, AuStlO <,on" Damm and Alex Beardslee each League dIamonds, begin- effort didn't earn him a relief Although ULS fimshed lane one and got senously ChriS VenS and Peter MaDlaCI had two hits and scored two runs mng June 24 fifth In the final heat of the boxed at the break pomt I medal It did put hIm No 2 each had two hIts for the Yankees apIece Brad Scherer had two hits SessIOns run from June 800 relay, two teamb from was sitting m fourth place at on the school's top 10 hst for and scored once The Angels made 24-28, July 8-12, July 15-19 two outstandmg defenSive plays In another heat had better 300 meters and stuck In the event Athletics 5, Blue Jays 1 the fourlh mnIDg w,th a runner on and July 22-26 All sessIOns 15th place at 400 meters Jay Creech and Chr,s Zak com- tImes than the Kmghts' bmed to pitch a two hItter With 11 first, the Royals hIt the ball to cen will meet from 9 a m untJl 1 33 15 and ULS fimshed "I planned on a 57-second The record IS 134-8 set by strikeouts for the A's Bnan ter field Max Stemer threw the ball noon seventh overall first 400 meters but came m wIn Hummel m 1978 Last Lockhart and Joe Leone led the way to Reilly who relayed It to thmi Campers ages 7 through 9 Barre' Mackie had a good at 62 because of my poor year, WIlliams' best throw offenSively WIth two hits apiece baseman Matt Bruno, who tagged WIll meet on DIamond 2, opemng split of 234 and posItIOning The group (of was 108-0 AsSistant coach Allyee Kulek and Kevm Rey out the runner gomg to third The pitched well for the B1.leJays game ended when Stemer made a while 10-12-year-olds w1l1be made a flawless handoff to runners) was SIXlanes WIde Ian Fenton has spent bme shoestrlOg catch and threw to on DIamond 1 Greer Greer moved up to at 500 meters I could not working WIth Wllhams' tech- CLASSAAA Scherer at second for a double play The cost IS $95 for the first mque and he IS settmg hIS Cubs 3, Mets 2 week and $90 for each addi- SIghts on Hummel's record CulJs pitcher Jeff Simon struck CLASSAA Rockhounds 10, Rlv ..r Dogs 0 tional week For more mfor- next year John Kohler. Ene Reardon and mation, call (313) 885-5198 CITY OF HARPER WOODS E.J WUJekcombmed on a three-hit CITY COUNCIL "Leython IS finally gettmg Irish MUNICIPAL BUILDING hiS arm around correctly From page 3C 19617 HARPER and hI'> speed IS much better Camp openings remain HARPER WOODS, MI 48225 thIS year," Fenton saId "He's runner was safe at the plate There are still a few open- $85 each for the hItting and capablp ofthrowmg 115 to 18 "JamIe and Chns came up mg remamlllg III each ses- pltchmg camps feet farther WIth a little With two of the biggest plays sIOn for the first Dan Players must pre-register more work" for us for the season," Gust Gnesbaum Baseball School and they may do so by call- ~(lII(!I'HftHln(d\I""lhr'txHqxr\\ Xh{lll,,( nl'Wdlho..h Iln~lrlh saId "Those plays saved the There will be two general Illg the Neighborhood Club 1 It l I. "'" II .. J h'" on 117 l(l r OJ ~n III \llJn lp 11 h I II n~ ( It...( l n .1 UIB had 12 pomts to lin day" (h,nhq \1('1 II I Jfd hurn hu~r V. ext<. M1 hl.£ln 4...."'\ t f lhe- r~r "t t skIlls camps from June 17 at (313) 885-4600, weekdays The Notre Dame baseball hll m h I uhl Inp II Intl mmcnl (n I r('(plrq fr rr \1, I\mmJt "'-aelt ul1 r .. I llC"'tlc. Ish 17th m the final team through 19 and June 24-.26, between 9 a m and 4 30 ~ll,.i' ~~)( tllrl,rlll r1Inl"llhrln, nlllt""l Ih ( ... lntl, rrt\lkdlll team finished the sell'lon 18- stanci!ng,> a hlttmg camp on July 1-2 pm "l II n \ 'I t It"K ( ,,~ I I) 11 n In ( 20 overall and 16 of the 19 The UU:; girls team quali- and a pltchang camp on July Camp directors are ~ n lrf l hit , r hh 1 [If' 1 n In ht 11, 1 players return next year I' t It r r l,1 \ r It fied Its 3,200 relay team of 1-2 Gnesbaum, the head base- ( t~ ( I r~ Iml I. h .....111 I m I "00 r m \1 1.\ I n I r Il~ \,I 11 I ',h~, LIZZie NeJlson. Lauren "We have a bnght future 'I rll I l~ n t.1 reo" ""flf IIln\ q.j.llr ptl1\ ""r Camps WI!! be held at ball coach at Grosse Pmntc r h u1 I \ 1<. rr here at Notre Dame," Gust I~ m i Iii, t I (i r ""h If II Ihll' U [) rl I r no. n.. II 1 rl ( r Ealba, AliCia Chmielewski l!.lworthy Field from 9 a m :::'outh for 19 years, and Matt l)l,fil 1\\11 'L' It" ( .. ( r\.. {Jfrl I f'1 I I J .. 10;, • ~ Said "We Will be a good and AleXIS Bul+nger and until noon each day Reno, a former assIstant at NeIl'>on qualIt,ed III the team next year If the kIds ( h I HI f"l' \\ ...)(1 .. The cost IS $110 fuc eHt-h of South and a long-tIme youth work hard through the sum- pn\11 D J Ir'Ic. 10 ~of)~ Mickey D Todd, 1,600 run the general skIlls camps and coach III the area <, f N (lnll ~I 0(1 ( t'l ( It r~ mer and wlllter" Thursday. June 13.2002 Classified. (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection RM • • ..... ~ - ~ l\')int~ N~W8 "'.'! h .,10000 v<', 1 "()' Ilf 1>(" "', 1/1 I." 'd/p",., I-,>".u AtWMLS I) 'H ','/'.Il. {,,,,,,,( 11(".. [Ln55IFIEIl~IIUYEnTI5IN6 1'/,1'.1" •• 5OO 5 10 (\:~N ""'111. 313-882-6900 ext. 3 web,httP,lIgrol"polntenewI.comFAX:313-343-556_ _ _ __ -,. CLHSSIFi{.i';D'JJTI SI N6 I d~ IH' lid' "/~l , 96 Kercheval' Grosse POinte Farms, MI 4S23 DEADUNES AD STYLf5: QASSlfYINO & CIN5Oll5I.-: 0 AUTOMOTM WI' (3131882-69OO.xl 3' F"x (313) 343-S569 REALESTATHOIlSAlf wordAd, 12word. $1335 W.rowvelh."ghllodau'fy 600 615 web http IlgrosaepomtensW8 ~~SSIFK:ATION" _ & RENTAlS odd'hooal word. 65< each each ad under ,~appropr,ate ANNOUNCEMENTS ... NAM< Wo,dAd. MONDAY E.... Fot Ro<1,ods SPECIAl. IlATfS FOIl adY.,h .. ng w,th Porgo or a 'o-,un or '"" 0 ~ ..... l'Of No"fl aho OON ..,u'Tt:D os. our MagoZ-lne Sedl()l"l "Y~. PAYMENTS IOformohO<1 porloon ,n ."0' ,n SlTUA ...... ,. lor aI do",hod Ileal E"" .. F", ~ ISreguncI; Ph.>no ~neHon be bu.y on mu.1 be Sovell 1010m. for 300 3 \ 0 Solo ods and e-r Lots ---Weocc HOME HEALTH CARE" Looking for quallly CONTROLLER 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENEIlAL ~ .,...... aad d>c , I Nurses, child care givers A small prtJtlgJ0us pnvaU cit4b In .' «boob.5'. DIU. ,..... CERTIFIE.D teacher El- d..rc::aaaCOlHtI"DC.. Home Health Atdes Top salary, benefits ementary Reading, Grosse POinte Farms ss /oolrmgftr a controlJn: ~~~IOO<~lOOom~~IOO(~~lOOom~~~l8:: (Call RJchud ..... d..v<) • Live-In 24 hour cover- Math (313)885-3742 (5861739-2100 PackAge mciruks: competitive SiWtry. EJ~lrl'II"~ I'Pf dltl1.utd ~: .,313-885-2000 : • age 7 days per week. 866-835-3385 toll free EXPERIENCED cook. fuU bmtfits (medua/, dentAl & life), t•• l1k th,•• ~If' I .lIk. •• Coldwell Banker " HONORS math student ~ Schwe'lUr Bonded !Insured available for tutoring and waitress part pnlSlOll, vilcat'Orl, IlSsoclatlOn thus illui fies. All ages all math sub- time Apply Your S•• 4 ' .. 1111. t. J.hn Mlnlll., ' ~ •• (~P~"~' ••• KIMBERLY'S Dependa- lects Reasonable Place Lounge 17326 Snui rr,-"m~ IInd co,," klUl"o " 11.,.11".1, 0"11' "I,t. FI,•• , "I 41116; AI ble Care Health Care ra'es (313)8850639 E Warren Detroit Mr Trfll:Y} Wdso... Gmm" MIIlJ4grr, (JIII'II-ISIS; Classlfleds Reasonable rates, de- 'I': pendable/ expen- 6 &rksh,rr PIAc~, GroSle Po".u FIlrtIIJ,M/ f8236 II .-••11:J.I.,I'@I"II.~.I., .. Work For You anced Bonded! insur- II t HAPPY ADS • III HAPPY ADS PLEASE, NO PHONE CALLS! To place In ad call: (313)882-6900 X 3 ed (246)967-9334 .. ••. 203 HHP WANTED 203 HU.P W.\NTED • REPORTERS wanted DENTAL/MEDICAL DENTAl/MEDICAL IT'S for eastside weekly newr;rapers. E:caerienCe INSIDE SALES PERSON an a college e&ee RECEPTIONIST NIFTY required. Knowle fte of A~~lIcllltlitIIII haw. "'1111~h'''1 .klli. Grosse POinte area Medical specialists .1th .. 111"1'''1,1'1101 III "... "llIt. looking for a profeSSional motivated and QuarkXPress a pus. C..,III., .kln•• d "1.,,11''''1111 expenenced medical receptionist TO BE Send resume and cUps to: .~III".,•• hl I ,1•.. MediC computer expenence deSirable I III ... - 1- Ed!!~!'.PMB ~~~. S.d ,...... I.: Outstanding war\< enwonment 23210 Greater Mack I,., .. ,.1.,. 11.. 111111e..'Hti •• Excellent pay and beneNs FIFTY Allt: ,.fI, J. 'Irk ... I~A St. Clair Shores, MI48080 • " 1l.r.lIw.l Aw•••• Please fax resume With a handwntten I a I •.. .. Ir .... ,.1 ... FlrMl, ., 41116 cover letter to 248-855-0046 Thursday, June 13,2002 Classlfleds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3

409 GARAGE!YARD! 409 GARAGE!YARD! 302 SITUATIONS WANTED 30S mUATlONS WANTED 400 408 fURNITURE , 406 ESTATESAlES 408 FURNITURE BASEMENT SALE SASEMENT SALE (ONVAl£SHNT (ARE HOUSE CLEANING ANTIOUES !(OllElonale References 20 years 2pm Furniture, Vln. beautiful double pad- 1904-- drop leaf dln- er & Ives pnnts, 9am- 1pm Saturday Multlllllgual Personal washer With hand experience linda lage red! white enam. estal mahogany With 109 table, 1890 Woodard 48" round 9am- 2pm House- Care Meal PreparalLons wash cycle A.l can- Llqht Housekee pmg (586)779-3454 el kitchen table, VIn' custom pads, $350 (313)886-8494 glass top wrought Iron wares, Lays, furniture, dillon, $125 (586)504-3454 tage bicycle, house. (313)881-6375 c:;n~ol\ ! 20257 Fleetwood, by honest, reliable INTERIORS IASEMENT SAL£ (between Duprey & GROSSE POinte City, CITY of Grosse POinte 408 fURNITURE 798 Rivard, Fnday, woman 18 years ex- (Fine Furniture Peerless West of Park Property Auc- 1321 Grayton One- day Harper) Friday, 9am- 9am- 3pm, Saturday, penence working In 3 year old solid cherry & Antlque Shop) tion Bikes al"d other sale SaLurday, 9am. 1pm Children's Grosse POinte area execullve desk, L. 4pm Saturday, lOam- miscellaneous proper- 506 S. Washington 8 30am. 1pm Ecleclic Free estimates, local 3pm Furniture, per. toys, golf clubs, gen- ty Saturday, June 15, shaped, 2 pieces for Royal Oak, MI miX, fumlture, Window references Thursday, fume, clothing, kitch- eral miscellaneous 2002, 10 OOam Pre- computer, $500 PRICED SALE air conditioners, al. Friday boOKings avail. Antique tea cart (large en, Items, kid stuff, GROSSE POinte Farms, view at 9 ODam (313)884-2106 bums, Camara body able 313-881-8453, wheels), $125 Palf home decor, malor 295 Cloverly (at Beau- 15115 East Jefferson, 4 pieces antique ma. parts and '95 wheels (586}598-1146 French wing chairs, appliances Every. pre) Saturday, 9am- Grosse POinte Park, hogany, needs refin- One. third off dunng $700 pair Tall mahoga. thing musL go 4pm Multlfamlly Of- "MAID" From Heavenll MI48230 Ishing $5OO! best 2 1st hour ny secretary! fice & home fumlture, Home & office clean. pieces Viking oak, DETROIT, 187 Lake. bookcaseldesk, $550 1402 Roslyn- Fnday. fish tanks, household Ing Call Chnstlne $3501 best (313)823. wood, south of Jeffer- Rehable careglve ... proVide 406 ESTATESALES Chinese onental rug Saturday, Bam- 4pm Items, computers, (586)773-2826 5487 son, Saturday, 9- 4 up 10 24ltour an (4X6), $100 Stlffel Toys, tools, furniture, clothing, baby Items, on your home, 2086 Hoslyn, Grosse NEATNIKS Will clean for A brand new pillow top lamps, $60 each Deco- clothes and more DETROIT, 4400 Mar. Jewelry, house col. Many have worked WIth POinte Woods Satur- you 13 years expen- mattress set, Queen rative hassock (round umns & doors, pleat- us for years Hygiene asn., day June 15th, 10am. 1682 Broadstone Fnday seilles, Fnday, June ence Excellent refer- size $229 Please call With fnnge), $275 Set of 14th, 9am-5pm Mov. ed shades elc meals, IIghl housework, 5pm Antiques, furni- 9am- 2pm Upscale companionship ences Available (586)463-90 17 4 Duncan Phyfe dining ture, toys, clothing, clothing, fumlture, mg sale I Dishes, TV's, GROSSE POinte Farms, openings (313)871. room chairs, $300 Pair lots morel 586-777-9217 housewares, and ANTIQUE dlntng room household goods 349 Stephens, Satur. 2466 armchair With gnfflns on VISITING ANGELS much more 313.530. set, China cabinet, ta. Great stuff Pnced to ------day 10. 4 Wrought arms, $250 each. leath. go Some antiques EASTPOINTE, 17125 POLISH girl looking for 9776 ble, 6 chairS With new Iron, rattan fumlture er lop desk, leather top 303 SITUATIONS WANHD house cleaning 12 seats $500 (313)881- Saturday, If rain Eagle Fnday, Satur- Housewares, tools, kneehole desk $225 day, June 14, 15 DAY (ARE years expenence -6-o-y-ea-rs--o-' -t-re-a-s-u-re-sl 6227 barware each LIVing room, 22439 Edgewood (south 9am- 3pm Furniture & A+ references LI- Margaret, (586)774. Antiques, fumlture, BED, a cherry sleigh, dinning & bedroom 9 Mile between Mack! household Items In GROSSE POinte Farms, censed, Insured, CPA 8292 Jewelry, many unique stili boxed, never furniture. Marter), Fnday 9- 2, good condition 442 Barclay, Fnday, certified mom Spa- PROFESSIONAL house Items plus the every- used, $249 (586)463. TOO MUCH TO LlSTl Saturday 8.2, Sunday 9am. 4pm Patio fuml- CIOUS play areas, cleaning and laundry day June 15Lh, lOam- 9017 Open Dally 11 am- 5pm, 10- 2. Red Wing col- FARMS, 29 Fair Acres, ture, bicycles, NordiC- meals, structured ac- services Weekly, bl- 4pm 1601 HampLon, leclibles, books, Saturday, 9am- 1pm trac, stepper, kitchen BEDROOM set (twin closed Wed and Sun tlvilies In lOVing home weekly (313)319- Grosse POinte Woods bikes, BBQ, pictures, Something for every. bed), Broyhill liVing 248-545-4110 Items, chairs and Harperl 9 Mile etc one 7657, (313)881-0259 room set traditional much morel (586)777-8602 TABLES! chairs, dining 306 SITUATIONS WANTED BOOKS cherry desk room & kitchen sets 80 Hawthome, Satur. ------FARMS. 62 Radnor CIr' (313)331-5331 ATTENTION: HOUSE SITTING Entertainment center day, June 15, 9am. cle Saturday, 9am- 2pm Chlldrerl! adult by MICHIGAN LAW PETI house sliter avalla. WANTED CHERRY bedroom set, Book shelf. Bedroom 2pm. Rain date, June books, toy,>, tapes, DAY CARE FACILITIES ble for short or ex- John King 5 pleces+ mattress furniture, computer 22 Antiques, lamps, sports eqUipment, (In-home & centers) tended stays Expen- 313-961-0622 Excellent conditIOn desk More (313)886- kids toys and more miscellaneous musL show their enced, Lrustworthy -Clip & Save ThiS Ado $1.250 586-777 -1676 1191 No pre-sales (313)882"6900 ext. 3 current hcense La References No ken- , , your advertiSing 406 ESTAH SALES 406 ESTATESAlES nels Get away worry 40b ESTATESALES 406mmSALES 406 ESTATESALES 406 ESTATESALES representative free OJ, (313)526- when plaCing your ads 6135 __ ~ .rz- __ THANK YOU rr::::_==::;.x.'a=/fi;=e=rl=n=e=a:=;m=o';:d:=a=n=d:=Yf.s=s=o=CJ=at=e=s=.=:=i'1 MARCIA WILK Town & Country Estate Sales, UC LOTS of Tots Child "brate Sales 313-417.5039 -_)fol~ng Sales 4fa• I Care Home Day Care fa ESTATE SALES '.'1ppral>ols , MOVING SALE has full time openings MERCHANDISE "'R'1erences Saturday, June 15, 9am- 4pm • CPR! first ald, struc- •.. I:XPERl"",rED PROFC«Il'\NAl~ERV1CE .: 937 CANTERBURY, G. P. WOODS tured actlV1tles, meals 400 N OF VERNIER, WEST OF MORNINGSIDE 81 Harper Laura, ANTIQUES !(OLlE(TIIUS (586)778-3938 ANN Arbor Antiques ,,'-. ,~ ,_ Renee A. Nixon This IoYdy ham. fcatlU'CS bcauuful new and old fumitu~ i.ncludtng walnut dining set wlbu1t'et and Market, June 16, Sun- ~ &4t4U Sales, Inc. hutch, MIssion ~ table and ~r, maple double day, 7am- 4pm 5055 Satu,""'\.~ ~Jl' ~'=;::inte bed and dRssers, aDlJque mahogany &amed sofa and (;3 Ann Arbor Saline www rolnbcwestot~es.com 'f" A raisals occasional tables, 1930's oak iocker, oak console Road, ext 175 off 194, E,Ceilent C"""",,le SoMee PP wlmuror, upholsteRd double hcadboanl w/ma.tclUng MARY'S Child Care A 'pread and wle co_, antique Kimball upnght piano south 3 miles to Retereoces fs1 19BJ Glen ~ S"o'''''. Blnel antique walnut shet- BRIDGETTE'S Hand- for Upalnong Sdo ~ 1lIo 24 Hour -.. 313-885-1410 fislung twes, and mo .... dresser with mirror :< sets bunk beds, Feudal SARA'S child day care carved Furniture E>etything in this home is i.n Cab u10us 'hape and oak !able With 6 challs and hutch, oak JUdy to go to a new home. See you Saluiday Registered, CPR cert" 25931 GratIOt, near bookcase wing back chair, Stearns I!lC Foster fled, references In Frazho Wednesday Wanted Vintage Clothes And AccessorIes hlde-a bed, office computer desks lamps, flIe Sueet numben honored at Sam Saturday only lOVing home, Mack! thru Sunday 10- 5 Our Dum hen available 8-9am Saturday 0 nly paying Top DOllar For The Following: cabinets, Umoge, Enghsh dessert set, mmt In mymapdCouD1iQ"C1t1tq.a1a&Om Vemler (313)343- (586)773-7006 Anti- Clothes From The 1900'S Through 1970'S. box Barbles action lOys Lots of tools even 142 0617 que reproductIOns -costume .Flne JewelrylWatches yards of nearly new carpet (you remove), FURNITURE reflOished, -CUff1lnks -Furs -Hats -Handbags -ShOes much mIse TERESA'S Home Day BY SN'I>YS SALES 313-881.1293 repaired, stnpped, any Lingerie -Linens -textiles caux:rm Care Certified InfanV ..., t',p6 \if Ccall1l~ rrt=e -vanny -iouaoir Rems d"llld CPR. ilrM atO estimates 313-345- References. Complete COnfidentialIty Fully licensed B+ 6258,248-661.5520 ••Paris.' 248-866-4389 FRI. & SAT. June 14-1~-:,.~~-4p years expenence 69 MORAN, G. P. FA.K1VJS GrahoV 14 area "5' 11 T1lE1'ITOl'IDR!VII. I'IACOI'IB TOWI'ISUIP SUPER downSIZing Bct\\ccn KcrcJlcval & Grosse Ptc. Blvd. PRlDAY. JlII'III 14m, 19:00.3,OO}. (866)471-3224 sale, 50% off thru Full houae Anloquescollectibles more Gustav StlCkelydrop' l!l 1!I SAllJRDAY. JtJI'IE 15m (10:00 3:00) June Arnold's of fronl desk chaIr an1lquemahogany senee Mahogatiy hIplop 304 SITUATIONS WANTED 'JIlEIlmI'IOOUS SALI! I'I:A ntRIl'lO Michigan Antlquanan Iable Mahogatiy EdwardianVltnne E'1911ShSIdeboard comer G£NERAL !iJFRESH START 3 DAY HOUSE SALE!~ l1enre of old wicker ERIN'S Erranc Service I/lIse Ig Steubenbowl Pr CranberT')Mary Gregogumes GoIdschledefflgunne end tWin beds Burled walnut SIdeboard double Waterford pieces Bohemian glass Shelly J p~ sistance to the bUSy B&G fIg handpalllled ch,na Qulmptlr MatollC8 bedroom set wtth green wash fo",sh/ naturel toIJ, child, set. Whitcomb display cabinet J W Benson profeSSional, retirees, pllchers Gaudy Dolchbowl a, lman plale Bavanan French oak bedroom set Including two dr'essllf'S WIth pocket walch baker s rack huge assortment of and the phySically hutches corner desk. trundle bed large oak Eng cupsl saucers Herend Beleel< Hummel madortetw," beds pa,nted chests Drexel blonde chest Ish guy With own electrOO1Cs computers Al!\O available, wood bum- A <:MOO I'\U, OF AI'tTIqUESIIl Your I!t'm~ F-m Yo T"rou~h Ille table brass bar wood lray lop bar WICkerseltee table transportation and ref- Ing stove Iile cabInets "l.Ifesty!er- 5000 exera .. Old wicker loads of china and glassware huge 1h<- rlolClnt bIke Gold a WtJcll 111 f\ll2 786~ lit KOI 0 Jloh'iKl ""'''OID S~~\\\ nlors (313)884-3533 Cla.slfled. Thursday, June 13, 2002 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

409 GARAGE /YARD / 409 GARAGE/YARD! 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 500 ANIMAL 601 AUTOMOTIVE 604 AUTOMOTIVE 606 AUTOMOTIVE 41 S WANTED TO eUY BASEMENT SALE IASIMINT SALE BASEMENT SALE ADOPT A PIT (HRYSUR ANTIOUE / (l ASSI( SPORT UTILITY GROSSE POinte Farms, GROSSE POinte ST" Clair Shores, 24508 ALWAYS buymg fme GROSSE Pomte Animal 1992 LeBaron converti- MUSTANG, 1967 1993 Ford Bronco auto 478 Colonial Court, Woods, 19950 Norton Ursuline (south off china, glass, pottery, Adoplion Society- ble, power everything coupe, V-8 289, new 4x4, 63K, well r,laln- Fnday, Saturday, Court, off Torrey, Ten Mile, between I- porcelain and more Pets for adoplion runs great, clean, Intenor, new Vinyl top, talned, loaded, June 14, 15, 9am- Thursday, Fnday, 94, Little Mack) June Box of dishes In your (313)884-1551 maintained $3,1001 a lot of restoration has $9,400 313-884-9009 4pm Toys, books, ba- 9am- lpm Toys, Peg 13- 14, 9am- 5pm All basement? Call Mells- _ best Da~s, (586)774- been done, same 2001 Jeep Cherokee by, outdoor, mlscella- Perego, highchair good stull, no Junkl sa, (586)790-3616 GROSSE Pomte Animal 8800 Evenings, owner since 1978 4wd, black leather, neous household slroller with car seat, CliniC has females- (313)8868273 Runs great $5,5001 Items twin bed frames, com- WOODS, 1600 Hamp- BUying Lerner mix about 2 Immaculate, 20K best (313)882-8783 $15,900 (248)681 GROSSE Pomle Farms, forters, ndlng toys, ton, Fnday, Saturday, DIAMONDS years old, white terner 602 AUTOMOTIVE 77 Moross, Fnday bikes, Nordic Track, 8am- 3pm Vanous Estate, Anlique Jewelry mix puppy 5 monlhs fORO 60S AUTOMOTIVE 7109 930- 230 Household room air conditioner, household Items, & COins old grey and white 1996 Escort Wagon Ex- FOREIGN 1998 Land Rover DIS t lols morel clothes, more Pongracz Jewelers cat and brown tabby cellenl condilion da"" 1995 A I t covery, blue exterlorl I ems, pieces of china & POinte Gemvl"glcal " cura n rera, au- Women s clothing, GROSSE POinte YARDI basement sale- Laboratory cat males- yellow blue 63,000 miles, tomatlc, 44,000 miles, tan leather Intenor, 42000 miles Asking size 14- 20 Women's Woods 1997 Huntlng- 29241 Legion (north 91 Kercheval Lab! Shepherd m,x $4,1001 bl'lst Silver gray, sunroof, shoes size 10-10 1/2 ton, Fnday, Saturday, of 12 Mile, between I- on The HIli aboul 1 5 years, (313)417-0063 CD, 100,000 mllell0 $20,500 (313)590 4550 Infant, girls clothing 0- 9- 1 Furniture, house- 941 Little Mack) June Grosse POinte Farms Chesapeake Bay re- 1998 Ford Escort ZX2 2 year warranty mmt 6 Collector Barbles wares, clothes, much 13, 14, 15, 9a m - (313)881-6400 tnever puppy about 3 door, automatic bright $8,000 (313)886- 610 AUTOMOTIVE GROSSE POinte Farms- more 6p m Air conditioned' ------~r~~lkh,SttA~~f~r:0318s2e2v:red, 90,000 miles, like 3175 _ SPORTS (ARS SUYING cfc f ...,."" ...... c, Il""" ., ..,,~ 384 Merriweather, ------5707 new $J,bUO 1999 Beelle GLS Navyl 1999 Ford Mustang Co Saturday, 9- 4 Baby GRwOSodSE POinte glassware, china, and (586)344-8896 gray Intenor, 5 speed, bra SVT Red, black Items Andersen slid- 0 s, 20718 Wicks other mterestlng 6 disk changer, leather With all op Ing glass door, Lane, {off Vernier be- Items John, 313-882- 1993 Ford Taurus GL, 41,000 miles, clean tlons Limited edlliOn household Items tween CharleVOIx and 5642 FOUND lovable, gray, V-6, 130,000 miles, (313)8852332 24 5k $20,499 Ask Marter), Fnday, Satur------automatic, loaded - CASH white, black male $ for rim (313)350- GROSSE Polnte Farms- day, lOam- 4pm 3 25001 best 1975 blue Volkswagen 2276, (313)259.4647 Don't mlssl 302 MI family sale I Books, PAID Tabby eager to go (313)881-0733 Beetle convertible Vernon (corner Beau- buttons, clothes, For n~we: ~r u~ ~~~:, o(;l~n)~:.~~ 1994 Lincoln Town Car, Body great shape 2000 Pontiac TransAm pre) Anbque Iron desks, dishes, dece- paper ac 00 sin $4,5001 best Ram- air, automatiC, good condition sunroof, white, clean, banks, cruet sets, ratlve Items, Jewelry, (313)881-5361 blue metalliC, taupe lamps, crystal, buggy, lamps, mini- blmds NEW HORIZONS sharp, Signlature, low Intenor, 22,000 miles, pictures, Jewelry, shelves, tables, much aOOK SHOP mileilge Best offer 1999 BMW 3231- 5 $24,0001 best quilts, etc Also linens, morel (586)296-1560 (586)773-7915 speed, 25 Itter leath- Happy Campe... 80k E II (586)463-9868 toys, household Items ------COMMERCIAL sewing Pet Grooming 1998 SVT Contour Red, er xce ent con- NISSAN 300 ZX t- tops, Fnday, Saturday, GROSSE POinte machine wanted for leather, power sun- dltlonl $17,900 June 14, 15 9am- Woods, 979 Hidden boat canvases Mobliservlce!orjO roof CD, f10wmaster (313)884-8171 automatiC, Texas car L S l da 10 dogs & cats_ ~< Immaculate, $2,395 or 5pm ane, a ur yam- (586)292-2882 exhaust, K & N, new 1995 BMW 525- Green! 4pm Dining set, BARBER chair, child's ------(586)5520181'tf bres, 69,000 miles, best (586)764-2240 GROSSE Pomte Pari<, books, fumlture, cloth- FINE china dinnerware, tan Intenor 109,000 horse, 25 years old, excellent condition, I $14500 J hn 611 AUTOMOTlVf 1440 Lakepomle, Sat- Ing tools, golf equip- sterlmg Silver flatware ml es , 0 perfect condition $10,800 (313)885- & HIS TRU(KS urday 15t,h lOam ment, more No early $ and antiques Call 0519 oger eMce 4pm Baby clothes, blrdsl 500 (586)445-2622, Jan! Herb (586)731- OOGGIE waste remov- 586-773-5820 1997 Chevrolet Pickup newborn- 12 months, (586)751-9889 2500, extended cab, 8139 al Weekly service 2001 Jetta VA6 Black! baby SWing, develop- HARPER Woods, 19405 CERAMIC kiln- natural Starting $10 Call black Manual, Mon- short bed, V-8, auto mental toys, children's Washtenaw June 13, gas, cone 10, 27" With GAS generator, air 2001 Aurora, full loaded soon sound, moon- New tires, brakes clothmg 14, 15 8am. 4pm stainless steel vent-A- cooled 6,000- 7,500 Doggie Scoops, bed-liner, runs great F t I walts Electnc or pull (313)882-0212 Including moonroof & roof, all power 12300 GROSSE POinte Park, urnl ure, g assware kiln exhaust hood remote starter, brand miles $19,500 Call 90,000 $8,0001 best start Must be In ex------(313)884-6697 (after 883 Westchester, HARPER Woods, 20011 Fired fewer than 20 cellenl condilion PET Care Services. dog new condition (313)822-4462 6pm) moving sale, Satur- Woodmont, Fnday, tlmes $h1,8OOhIinclud&- (586)292-2882 walking, pet silting (586)776-5300 day, 9- 2 Antique 9 Saturday, 9am- 2pm mg 14 al sf eves Grosse POinte Farms 1994 Lexus GS300, sil- 1992 Dodge Dakota piece dining set & oth- Furniture, baby Items, SIX each 2", 3°, 4', 5° PAYJNG cash for used reSident Insured, rail- 1990 BUick LeSabre ver, very clean, new pick- up V-6, Auto- er quality furniture stereos & 8° posts (313)882- pianos Prompt pro- able, expenenced Limited 62,000 miles, tires, 87,000 miles matiC, air, clean accessones 4779 fesslonal pick- up (313)882-0485 good condition, $10,500 Trade con- 85 000 miles, $2895 HARPER Woods, 20878 ------Call now, (586)997- _-----.... $2,700 (313)886- side red (313)886- (586)764-2240 GROSSE POinte Pari<, Country Club Dnve COLEMAN camping 0032 D 6202 1552 904 Berl

Thursday, June 13, 2002 Classified. Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3

'S3 lOllS PARTS AND 6S I IOATS AND MOTORS 6 S1 10ATS AND MOTORS 6Sl MOTORCYCLES 6S7 MOTORCYCLES 661 WATER SPORTS bS 1 10ATS AND MOTORS MAINTENANCE , 1998 Yamaha GP 800 ROWIN 17' Regal Bownder, DONATE your beaU MARINE WOODWORK 1997 Harley DaVidson YAMAHA 3 wheeler, 1990 SeaRay 220 Sun- and 1997 Sea 000 limes) 1990, trailer, 135 clean Lake St Clalll Custom deSigned & bUilt 1200- Custom Sports- YTM200K, $500 dancer 260 Mercury, ter Low miles Lots of (586)779-2207 GTX With new little River Manne hours, excellentl We Are Here Founda- Cabinetry Repairs, dry. loaded Like new, Chrome Custom Shorelander trailer Flonda Sliding seat $6 100 (313)884- tion (586)778-2143, rol 23 Years experl' HARL.EY rider interest- $15900 (586)949- paint $9,000 Both ma.::hlnes low s",n~ out nggers & 6898 days (586)979- 100% tax deductible/ ence Have Portfolio ed In meeling other 5385 addllional bench, scul- (313)886-2442 hours, great shape 4700 non.proflt & References riders any brands for ClassIfied Advertising ling ores Cost new ndes and talking $11,5001 all 586-747- over $3,500 Seiling (248)435-6048 1987 Honda- 250cc an IDEA that sells! CIasslfieds 313-882~ x 3 Good condllion $7001 bikes Call Rick, 4949 $2 500 (586)779- Crc-.. ~\i: 'l::wt '"'- ...... best (313)886-1191 (313)822-8876 l:maEI!l 2207 ~ -

•••••••••••••••••••••••• ElllntlW~I41ki _, ~"''''4t3li¥i1l1$fI.' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 936' FLOOR SANDING/ . 907 IASEMENT 911 IRICK/llOCK WORK 91' CHIMNEY ClEANING 929 DRYWALL/PLASTERING 930 ElECTRICALSERVICES REFINISHING 902 ALUMINUM SIDING WATERPROOFING R>RESIGHT . C::~M' ..-ot.,"M h,...... l" I~, 0"- RBVOVAlIOt\S I\Nnv ~(1I11"'~ PI,,~tAr. ~li"ll ...... ;:)1 ...... l~ ::IUU,,",';;' t HUMA:> M_cu'icR 'KJtchen~'BathroOm5 u & G Fl.OOR CO Windows decks brick - -50 year~- I~ ma;~~ry Ing & Drywall StUCl:O S & J ELECTRIC BASEMENT 'Flnlshed Basements SAFE FLUE patios all Insurance trade Referrals Rea. repair Spray textured ReSidential Wood floors only WATERPROOFING .Drywall Finishing CHIMNEY SERVICE repairs J Will Can- sonable, licensed in- ceilings (586)755- Commercial 313-885-0257 -Digging Method 'Vlnyt Tile Iractlng (313)467- sured (586)772-3223 • Ch,mnel llean~ng 2054 No Job Too Small Floors of distinction .Ceramlc Tile • lap, and 7844 -All New Drain Tile Screens 313-885-2930 since 1964 SMAL.L. repairs Tuck- 'Wlndows'Sldlng PLASTER & drywall reo _ 904 ASPHALT PAVING -Light WEllght 10Aslag POinting, porches Installed Bob Grabowski 'Rough &- Flmsh , Mortar and pair and painting REPAIR stone backfill chimney repairs J W TOMA Founder I President Carpentry Damper Grosse POinte refer- licensed Insured, .Spotless Cleanup Kleiner Sr, (313)882- Repalf Aft ESJIlIAlES ences Call Charles ELECTRIC Free estimates e&P "'~~, 1.e. 0717,586'778-1372 lJCE'9D llC I\'!ilIItD • Ammal RemovJI .Chlp. Gibson -Walls Straightened & 15861719-9902 Cerllf,ed MJ,ler \weep BOB TOMA We supply, Install, sand, • Resurface Orlveways Braced or Replaced 313.884-5764 L.lcensed Master stain and finish wood TOM TREFZER , seal Coat& CrackFiller Electrical Contractor. floors, new & old -Foundations NEW DESIGNS INC. r} (313)882-5169 PLASTER repairs, SpecialiZing In Underpinned 313-885-9595 Insured a.om KJII:IteM " painting Cheapl No TUCK pOinting and brick Badw oCanpIem "- Glltsa finish 8'10-773-8087 -Brick & Concrete Work Job too smalll Call repair by 0 Bnen ~~ Reasonable Rates (586)778-2050 anytime Insured '07 IASEMENT -20 Years Expenence Building Co lJCfJ\I5fDll -..a:D COACHLlOHT Free Estimates J'J7SS Ea.'",ood Dripe CHIMNEY SWEEP CO (586)774-2827 Visa, O,scover & WATERPROOFING -10 Year Transferable (810)219-9773 Ha"..., Wood. Commercial (3 JIJ)8 .... 'J 132 State Licensed Residentlal Mastercard accepted A NAME Guarantee VAL.ENTE. Nolton Bnck 5154 PLASTER, drywall, car- New, Repairs, YOU KNOWl -Drainage Systems & block repair Tuck r;======:::;'1 pentry, palnling Insur- GASKIN Floor Sanding ~ Renovations, & Refinishing Installa- JAMES KLEINER Installed pOinting, concrete Lr- R.u.1I Cent, .. tl.. ance repair specialist Code Violations Licensed & Insured censed Insured 313- RIIiNelle. & RI~llr ~ 40 years experience tion Water & Ojl base Basement water- Service Upgrade finish 15 years of fine A.1 Quality 881.3459 '11.11' RI.te,.lI .. tlfIIII/Bd Red, (734)320-9385 proofing, masonry, AnrnIIIfBtrtooeI craftsmanship Free concrete. 25 years Workmanship VITO Ce'TIent Dnve- F,u Ellhull' Cettililldf RENEW, REDO, CUSWOR'H estimate (586)777- In the POlntes, (586)296~3882 ways, garage rloors, (JUI410-5J21 hslnd Renovate, Restore ELECTRIC 1982 313-885-2097 St. Clair Shores, MI bnckl block work 20 years expenence In- FASTSIIVlCE] WOOD floor sanding. CHAS, F. JEFFREY 885.3733 Licensed bUilder 13.116-4441 sured! bonded 914 CARPENTRY :s refinishing Michigan ) ) 25 years of expenence SINCE 1965 , Basement R.R. COD DENS (313)527-8935 Floor SelV1ces, 25214 Waterproofing CARPENTRY- Porches, 920 CHIMNEY REPAIR Gratiot Call 1-800- , 40 Yrs Experience famIly 'IDa: 1924 doors decks, base- The Wall Doctor 606-1515 "Excellence in Paul Schumacher 934 FENCES -OutSide 'Inslde Method menfs Repairs, small J&J 938 IURNITUU 'Walls Straightened 313-821-WALL (9255) Waterproofing" Jobs Free estimates CHIMNEY Griffin Fence Company RWNISH ING/U~KOlS T!RING & Braced 28 years expenence 20 year GWIt'&Iltee SYSTEMS, INC. .Foundatlons (313)885-4609 SEAVER'S Home Main. 'All Types Of FenCing ANTIQUE workshop- Underpmned MICH. L.IC.J 71-05125 tenance Plaster, dry- 'Sales expert repalrsl refin- 'Pea Stone Backfill EXPERIENCED carpen- 'Llcensed & Insured Chimneys repaired, wall, textures, pamt- 'Installation, Repairs Ishing All caning, free 'Spotless Oean-Up ter since '67 Altera- 313-882-1800 rebUilt, re.lined Ing 24 years- Grosse 'Semor Discount estimates We're the 313-886-5565 tions Windows, Gas flues re-lined POinte 313-882.0000 313-822.3000 bestl (313)881-9339 EVERYDAY doors, decks, porch- Cleamng Glass Block 800-305.9859 BASEMENT Licensed Insured eS,garage straighten- Certified, Insured SMOOTH plaster and FURNITURE refinished, MODERN FENCE WATERPROOFING Ing, seamless gutters, drywall repairs Without repaired, stnpped, any (586)795-1711 While Cedar Specialists 'Free Inspections Vinyl Siding Referen. sanding Other main- type of caning Free Serving the Grosse 'Free estimates 911 IRI~K/8LOCK WORK ces (586)779-7619 921 CEILINGS tenance services esllmates 313-345- 'LlcensedoBonded POlntes since 1955 6258,248.661-5520 •House, Garage &. Porch EXPERIENCED carpen- available Licensed 'Ins'lred'Flnanclng A NAME Ra1slng & Levelmg Automatic Gate Opener ter, finished base- PLAnER & dry wall re- and Insured 943 LANDSCAPERS/ '70000 satisfied 29180 Gratiot, RoseVille YOUKNOWI John Price ments, drywall repairs, pair All types water (313)824-0869 , GARDENERS customers (586)n6-5456 JAMES KLEINER bUilt-in bookshelves, damage 18 years ex. .' 'lifetime transferable 313-882-0746 AA-1 Ron's Tree Serv- Basement water. molding Call Doug, penence llcensed, SUPERIOR- drywall/ fIF.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ warranty l5 Y"ar! Expct"Lence Insured Joe, Ice, Grosse POinte proofing, masonry, 586-764-1475 plaster, stucco repair MODERN ART 313-527-9090 (313)510-0950 Custom palnllng, pop- METAL FAll, INC 313.506-9312 Imme- concrete. 25 years FINISHED carpentry wrougbt trolL diate service com spray Insured HaNd ra/h,fences, In the POlntes. 923 CONStIIUCtlON REPAIR R.L. work & repairs, mold- Tom, (313)885-6991 gales, au "t"gs ARBORlST tnmmers 313-885-2097 Joists I/. IIIOI"t! Ing work, door instal- Five Season Tree STREMERSCH BRICI DOCTOR lation Reasonable J.T. CONSTRUCTION (2481543,5100 A-1 bnck repair LI- "Grone PoiAIe .. 930 ELECTRICALSERVICES Service Tree preser- BASEMENT rates Licensed & In- Local company censed 40 years ex- Ra';ratiin Speeiatu,. .. valion, tnmmlng, WATERPROOFING sured (586)776-9398 proViding maintenance (586)415-0153. UnIVer- 936 flOOR SANDINGI penence Chimneys, - TIle An of MaldnI storm work (586)778- WALLS REPAIRED ------work, home Improve- sal Eleclnc Older REFINISHING tuck pointing, broken !!pal' Wo,k Dlsape!Ilr HAINES Carpentry Fin- ment & new construc- 4331 STRAIGHTENED home specialists Cir- steps, porch repair SpecIalizing In: Ish, rough carpentry, lion, Generations 'Innovatlve Hardwood" CUit breaker boxes, BEAUTIFUL., weed- free REPLACED (586)294-4216 • Jomt R.. toratlon - Hardwood Floors.' 9851 remodeling, decks of expenence lawns, gardens, or ALLWORK outdoor plugs, re- Sandlng-Reflnlshlng- AFFORDABL.E light ma. • Chimneys' Poreha drywall, lIIe, drop ceil- Licensed & insured, bUSiness fronts can ---."..... UrneStone cessed lights, addi- Repairs-New Installalion GUARANTEED Ings, bathrooms John Tomes be yours Reasonable sonry Save on Tuc.k (rMtOflltlon .. repair.) tIOns, all types of elec- Licensed & Insured LICENSED pomtlng, bro.::~ re- • WlIW Sand Bla8tlng kitchens, all carpentry 1iii1586 943-3878 tncal work llsenced, pnces Expenenced needs Free esll- Tim Tarpey placement, mortar col- insured, owner oper- OJ, (313)526-6135 313~884~7139 mates (586)405-2146 'I 'I (586)n2-6489 or matching Strong' Ucetued SERVING COMMUNITY 32 YEARS ated DAN Milleville Tree references Estimates A-1 Some Classifications ,,~lfI:r'J::r"' ~ . . DECK season IS here Service Tree & stump Semi retired MIKe, ~~~- A Affordable (licensed} Hardwood Floors b are required by law to ~-""t'---~ Reasonable pnces Lay, sand & frnlsh removal, tree tnm- (313)884-0985 I S1W8Z.S804- • Electncal Small or Big be licensed ~ AU R • l TN ~ ~ ~ References, reliable mlng, land c1eanng, .JUchard L PrIce B.D_~ lobs Code Violations, llcensed & Insured Check With proper ALL masonry work- - -T""'\.. ~. • .- - Licensed and Insured demolition Free esti------. service changes or 313-881-7204 State Agency Tuckpolnt, chimney, mates 35 years expe- speCialIZIng In Anythlngl Mike, 313-640-9349 to verify license. bncks, blOCK stones 912 8UILDING/REMODElING nence Fully Insured KITCHENS. BATHS (313)438-6132 Lay patio slate Ce- FL.OOR sanding and fin. 24 hour emergency ment sfeps Reinforce A Affordable Kitchen, FINISHED BASEMENTS riiiiII Ishmg Free esti- se rillce (586)776- AFFORDABL.E plaster- MlKEGEJSER Bath, Basement Within FINISHED CARPENTRY FIRST mates Terry Yerke, house foundations Ing 25 years expen. 1104, (810}343-6744 CONSlRVClJON your budget I Small or ELECTRICAL (586)772~3118 References 586-779- Jeff CapiZZI ence, guaranteed DERK Brown Lawn 8I\SfMBVT Big JObs Repairs or 7619 586677 0377 work, free estimates, John, Master Electrical HARDWOOD FLOORS Spnnklers ServICe WA1ERPROOfJNG Anythlngl licensed Ix 586677 0094 Lou Blackwell 586- (586)n6~1007 Free Consultation and Installations 10 V,.GuarunIee BRICK repairs, porches, Mike, (313)438-6132 lNSUR£D 776-8687 Commerclal/Resldenlial Start-ups $39, most Dig Dooat Method steps, tuckpolnllng UCENsm .lnstaIlation •Repair ADDITIONS, Kitchens, Code Violations, systems Quality and WaD Sbmghtening glass block code re- • Sanding .Pollshing all remC'deling needs Visa & Mastercard Service Upgrade expenence Call BIUOIIg pairs KeVin, 91 b CARPET INSTALLATION r Licensed, Insured Accepted Discounts, .Stalnlng .Anlshlng WaD Reploo"""'m (586)779-6226 (586)774-1777 i g (586)776-9398 "'-!'on, """'" Renovations .Qulck-Dry 24 hours I /\/0 Dam_To GARY'S Carpet Servo ~ , r BRICK work, porch re- 20% Discount GARDENING, weeding, MR. FIX It BUilding Co Ice Installation, re- Call Stanley planting, tnmmlng, i pair, tuckpolnling, SpecialiZing In roof. stretching Repairs 9121U1lDING/REMODEl1NG 912IUILDING/REMODELING steps door Sills, 313-655-3124 garden deSign Jason, lng, Siding, Windows, Carpet & pad avalla' (313)550-0230 ~E=more Ed (586)465- I _ OIll1ers oorches ce- ble 586-228-8934 • I f 4714 r~r 1 ment, decks, aWnings, , II CEMENT WO/lK 91HEMENT WORK 918 CEMENT WORK ~d SEAVER'S Home Main- railings FinanCing 8 ryor~liire ~ available Licensed! ~g tenance Brick re- BIANCHINI CONST, lBuuaUl{} &~4boft Irre. Insured (586}295- ~y TO PLACE AN AD pairs- porches, chim- licensed 1 Insured 0203 Licensed l!t Insured k CALL313-882~ ext 3 neys steps Mortar STUCCO: WINTER CONSTRUCTION 13 8 1-3 86 a color matched Insur- REMODEL.lNG and new Extenor/ Concrele !fUrallr'If/;1( tPI(~ ed (313)882.0000 constructIOn OnQue CONCRETE t€ Construction bUilds Stamped color concrete -Driveways -Patios -Walks tc 907 USEMENT" 911 UMENT WORK 918 CEMENTWORK '07 IASEM£NT decks, garages, addl- and footings •Additions -Garages !XI WATERI'IlOOFING WATERPROOFING lions, k.tchens and MASONRY «Licensed/Insured" baths (great pnces on BricK! block 4 cabinetry) InSlaliatlon cultured stone & stone ~e4-~~ of cedar shake (dorm- (586)726-4966 586-790-1923 ~ BASEMENT ~ ers, gables) Roof and WATERPROOFING flashing repairs EXPOSED AGGREGATE .43 LANDSCAPERS/ .43 LANDSCAPERS/ RESIDEIlrTIAL CONCRETE \ [lu"n,,, Budr On Honesry, Shower pan repair LI- GARDENERS GARDENERS IUI')'fll\ 1'0< Depwdahl\iry censed Insured Dnveways Pattos \ \lU, 1he rOlnre~ (3t3)4155800 Footings, Garage ROlSmgs, Porches I >r 25 Yea" V & J Cement Construc- tIOn Inc SpecialiZing Ba~ ~ " Expooed "lIIl>"qptr • Brick Pav C1"I . We'llseroice all your ~;~~~.QlJur~ ~ Lken~ GlASSRUX K.S In.""red 313/885-2097 \ JAI I II( ~N~H) landscaping needs. lilt CAU sn:VI AT (313)8863299 ~ I ~( H 1 r 1 ir-r lh1r 1 I I tee (81O)5Z3 2261 586-774-3020 \, \~\"'I"")"'\ ~'((X ' ....lllIfll ....R-...."[OR Thursday, June 13,2002 Classlfleds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3

I. 943 lANDSCAPERS/ 943 LANDSCAPERS/ 9S7 PLUMIING 960 ROOFING SERVICi 944 GUTTERS 945 HANDYMAN 954 PAINTlNG/OECORATlNG 954 PAINTING/DECORATING GARDENERS GAIlDENERS - INS TAlL AliON DO you need help plant- SPARKMAN Landscap- SEAVER'S Home Main- TEDDY- Do- It- All Col- 2 GirlS and a Paint OZZYS Painting Inten- L S. Walker Company l or! extenor Palchlng, Ing your garden? Two Ing ReSidential & tenance- Gullers re- lege student Window Brush Intenor! exten- Plumbing repairs & plaster repair Caulk- drains Reasonablel Grosse POinte moms commercial Lawn & paired replaced washing, gulter clean- or Quality work I Ref- mg lawn cuttmg odd Ing, power washing Insured (:'86)786 With green thumbs Will garden maintenance cleaned Roofing 24 erences (586)943- Jobs Airport transport repamt aluminum Sid- 3900, (313)705-7568 years Insured 7517 help from start to lin- Custom patiO, land (313)882-7823 Ing All painting & pager Ish or anything In be- scape deSign & Instal- (313)882-0000 A+ Painting Intenor ex- staining All work & tween Window boxes lation Senior Dls WHITE Glove Mainte- tenor Plaster & dry- materials guaranteed f1I~~~~~~~!llil nance- remodeling, Insured Call anytime $ DISCOUN., $ uJP1; planters, hanging bas counts 313-885 0993 945 HANDYMAN wall repair Window COMPLETE kets (313)882-3748 rooling, plumbing glazing, power wash- (800)620-9696 PLUMBING ROOFING (313)8814759 Tee's Lawn Spnnklers A Affordable Electncal, electrical, bath, paint- ing & painting Alumi- (313)365-0967 .For all Your SERVICE Ing, etc Bill (586)778- num Siding Free esti- PlumbinK Needs Owner does the work Carpentry, Plumbing, PAINTER- Interior! exte- WHY PAv-MORP' RESIDENTIAL DOMINIC'S 4024 mates Insured Call Repair::.and service Painting Remodeling, nor Great rates Sewen & Drams COMMERCIAL REASONABLE STUMP Ryan Painting Installations Baths Kitchens, YOUR handyman Minor Grosse POinte resl- Rea50nable Rates TEAR OFF REMOVAL (586)775-3068 Prompt effiCient Basements, Ceramic repairs, landscaping dent (313)882-3286 7 DAYS 24 HOURS RESHINGlE SHRUB REMOVAL service since 1988 Tile Marble or Any- rolotlillng, painting 586/412-5500 34 Years Expenence ALL of your home Im- CERTIFIED (586)783.5861 thing Big or Small li- Very reasonable, reli- provement needs I POINTE Home Serv- 'Iti oif Call Dommlc/lnsured Ices Painting, Interior! APPLICATIONSOF censed Mike, able Call (586}771- Specializing In exten- (586)445-0225 extenor, gutter clean MODIFIED SINGLE T~C ': ~ ...... M~... ~~13~A~Q ~1~? 74?? " .. J .... +onnf' n~lntlno 9S9 'OWill WASWDIG. beds W~;dlng "cle~-;'- _ PowerWashmg, deCk Ing Window wasnlng, DUCHENE Lawn Serv- general repair, Instal- FLATROOFING reflmshlng, wmdow Tony's Power Wash- ICe- weekly CUlling, lng, cullivatlng, plant- ALL around home repair PAT THE COPHER latIOn custom fencing SYSTEMS tnmmlng, edging, Ing Available all sea- & Improvements Car- HOME MAlNTENANCE SERVlCE glazmg wood repairs Ing Power wash Jusl VENTS Full customer service (586)772-3092 blOWing Family son (313}881-3934 pentry, light electncal! • Small Home Ropalrs about anything Spe- GUTIERS • GUller Cleamng 8. Repairs Family owned & oper- plumbing Windows, "PRO.PAINTERS" Inte- clallzmg In decks REPAIRS owned & operated • Small Rool Repairs ated Licensed & In- Painting also availa- Free eslimate YOUR Enchanted Gar- fences welding VIO- nor painting, faux fin- LICENSED INSURED :W"~~n~.~'a1 S'.Hed (586)6152040 Ish wallpaper remov- ble Free estimates (586)727-3865 den, landscape and lations repaired Insur- • SldIng 8. Deck InstailallQ(1 (313)930-0238 garden deSign P J ed references avalla- lIIsu,eJ BOCKSTANZ Services- al Plaster! drywall re- 886-0520 EXPERT lawn Lare at for more Call us first for your pair Smdll and large FAMOUS Mamtenance Baker. (248)545-8588 ble, (313)881-5622 mformatlOn unbeatable rates repair & painting proJ- prolects Rehable and H"uses decks, pa- Your satisfaction 586-774-0781 ects Small plumbing, trustworthyl Grosse tiOS fences, drive- 962 STOIlMS I. S(IlEENS ALL of your home Im- fl POinte reSidents Free guaranteed Call provement needs I electncal & certificate ways Insured since estimates (313}418- 1943 (313)884-4300 Screen! Storm Repair (586}779-1020 METRY Speclallzmg In exten- of occupancy repairs 946 HAULING I. MOVING 313-408-4016 810- 4270 Pick up and deliverY lANDSCAPING POWERWASHINGI all GORDON & Sons Tree or! interior painting 326-4417 Call us anytime I & Stump removal Powerwashlng Deck QUALITY Painting, types ReSidential- LOCAL moves and de- plaster repairs 24 IXL Glass Tnmmlng, topping, mstallal10n & refinish- livery Appliances re- BOWMAN Painting In- commercial Speclallz years Insured Neat Ing in deck restora- 19803 Mack! Allard fully Insured Semor Ing Kitchen. bath, moval FleXible hours tenor! exterIOr ReSI- dential 26 years ex- Seaver's Home Main- tion, storefronts, discounts 800-626- basement remodeling Free boxes Call any- penence Call Gary tenance (313)882- homes, pavers Free Full customer service time, (313)881-5622 3493 810-326-1598 0000 estimates! senior diS- Family owned & oper- MOVING.HAULING counts Reasonable ated Licensed & In- BRENTWOOD Painting- STEVE'S Painting Inten- IiiiI Appliance removal, Ga. Call Blake, (313)881- INGROUND pools ReSI- JUNGLE JEFF sured 586-615-2040 rage, yard, basement, Intenor, extenor, wall- or! extenor SpecialiZ- 1025 or 313.219-1005 dential! commercial Ing In plastenng and 313-885-3410 cleanouts ConstructIOn papenng 35 years CLEAN UP - RAKE drywall repairs, Sales service & new BOCKSTANZ Services- debns Free estimates quality service Free SUPERIOR Power WEED-TRIM cracks, peeling paint Installation (586)405 Call us first for your MR_ B'S 313-882.3096 estlmatesl Bill 586- Washing) Palntlng- Window glaZing, cleaning, tuc.Kpomtmg 5322 (586)445-6154 repair & painting proJ- 586-759-0457 776-6321, 586-771- 8014 10% off With adl caulking Also paint aluminum Siding K & K LAWN & SHRUB ...... MAJLSTY ects Small plumbing, old aluminum Siding paintlnq Insured Tom 913 TILEWOIlK SERVICES, INC. electrical & certificate BRIAN'S PAINTING (586)469-4565 (313)885-6991 Complete Landscape =&d~~~ of occupancy repairs ProfeSSional palnling, A Affordable Old World Tile New ceramic Services 'Lndscare Design 313-408-4016, 810- Intenor! extenor DINO'S PAINTING 960 ROOFING SEllVICE 'T1arble Small or Big Sod Installation, Pavers -Consrructlon 326-4417 Friendly proresslonal SpecialiZing all types Repairs or Anything I Walls, Shrub & Tree R' \1 I t wall Repair C 313.SS:;-4S67 MICHAEL HAGGERTY REASONABLE RATES Free estimates roR FREE ESTL'.IA1t' &. DCSIGN FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSUREDI LICENSED Lie. Master Plumber J &J ROOFING AWAPJ:) WINN1NG QUAUl'Y WORK 313-886-7602 (313)605-4060 36 YEARS BXl"E!lUENCE' BSTABUSHFD 1966 (~86) 44~-6455 or 1 800-459-6455 JOHN'S PAINTING EMIL THE BEl': HOW AFFORDABLE QUALITY CAN BE' Intenor- Exterior Spe- PLUMHER 10 year worlunanslup warranty Charles 'Chip' Gibson CialiZing in repairing Father & Son.. 215year or longer material warranty damaged plaster dry "ifiLL 1949 CUSTOM PAINTING Specializing III TEAR-CFFS wall & cracks peeling RII ~ TO ...... INTERIOR f} UlTERIOR PRINTING pain! Window pUllyl'1g M\'HIlI'II ~nl~lI~ Licensed .Water Damage Co and caUlking, wallpaper- 313-882-0029 Insurance Worfr: UULH..lilliill Ing Also, paint old alu- -WallpapeF Remoual .Ragglng minum Siding All work Co Hanging .Glazlng and material guaran -Plaster Repair .Sponglng, etc leed Reasonable "QUALITY IS OUR SUCCESS" -St alnlng l} Reflnlshtng Grosse Pomte referen- .YoIlcu/OUa ~ TEAROFFS 'W"'l~'Pl'RlNG .~YW ... lPlASTEAI!f~AJA ces Fully Insured DUlL 0 I AllIl'l UJ I IHJIfUlLU N[ R ~~T'lN'~ 'CAlJI.l(~ Free estimates RESHINGLE • FLAT ROOFING .lIcensed Co Insured - WAl.l wASHING 'ACWJST'O ,PFlAVING 313-882.5038 .Commercall & llcs!dentlal • V'ANI~ B!lUS>

• Lowest Prices • Largest Selection I VIN ',\ P ~al"- & lI!!'4-"r •• =.-" -- :~ "'~.A. •• ""'ay. r, ~ C~ Ur'II:I'I IIII~ ~iI",U~U ! II ~c VI'-" 7 I 2 02 4RUNNER 2002 RAV4 ~ ASLOWAS OR$21S* $17,995* $5000 Total Due 48 MO. ~ d Lease itJ ,/,,' ~) .. '<' I h Large Selection of SRS'. & Limited. Every 4 Runner In Stock I Auto, air, ca.II/CD, pwr window., lock & ~l'e mirror., floor mats & morel #1788

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I :: 1989 MERCEDESBENZ 560 SEL••..••••••••••••••••••••$11,950 2002,TOYOTACOROLLACE•••••••••••••••.-.•••••••••••••$12.950 ~ ~:1995 TOYOTAT100 DX....••.••..••..••...... •...... •.•.•.$7.5oo 2002 TOYOTACOROLLALE••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••$10.950 : :~2001 MITSUBUSHI MONTEROXLS 4X4...... •..•.•$21.950 1999 TOYOTATACOMA....•.•.•••..••••••••••••••••••••••••$15.500 : ~:1997 JEEP CHEROKEECOUNTRY•.••.••.••••..•...... •.$11.950 2001 DODGERAM 1500 XCAB••••..••••••••••••••.••••.$21.950 ~ ~:1999 TOYOTACAMRY LE••••••••••••.•.•••••••.•••.••••••.$13,250 2000 BUICKLE SABRE••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••$18.950 : ~:1999 TOYOTACOROLLACE••••••..•••...•••••••....•.••••$9.950 1999 VOLKSWAGENJEnA CL••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••$13.950 ~ ~:2001 VOLKSWACENBEETLECL.....••...••....••....••$16.950 1999 TOYOTALAND CRUISER••••••..•••.••••.•••••••••.$37.950 ~ ~~.Y ••• T~ ••••••••••••••••••• Y •• T •••••••••••••••• w.~••••••••••••••y...... •.••...••.....•...... ••...... •. .... 2002 ECHO 2002 SIENNA 2002 TUNDRA 2002 TACOMA AS LOW AS OR $129* VAN CE ACCESS PICKUP AS LOW AS CAB 4X4 AS LOW AS $1~Qt $3O(X) Total Due ~OR" "OJ 'JDS.'.dSEOR IWW 48 Mo. Lease I:I!!~API 1 9OJ $3«lO TotaJ Due TIer 1111 CI'edtt OR • 10 API 48 Mo. I Lease f