Inside today’s Track results, 2b edition Thursday, April 2, 2015 $1 YOURThe NEWSPAPER
[email protected] Courier • Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 Herald • 272-5522 Volume 101, No. 78, Pub. No 161860 Gordon mayor faces new EEOC complaints Macon continue to represent The city’s previous insurer, ber awarded each of the four City has no liability insurance Brown and Hall. GIRMA sponsored through employees $3,000, removed But unlike the January Georgia Municipal Associa- any disciplinary action from By JUDY BAILEY claim Lue continues to retali- Lue received notification of 2014 claims, the city does not tion, filed notice in May 2014 their personnel files and pro- GORDON — Two Gordon ate against them for filing the new complaints March 23 have liability insurance to it would not renew the city’s hibited the city from retaliat- department heads have filed EEOC complaints against her via mail addressed to her at pay any fines or settlements liability policy, citing the ing against the employees, new Equal Employment Op- during January 2014. Gordon City Hall. or to hire an attorney to rep- many legal problems and civ- according to Macon attorney portunity Commission com- Retaliation is a violation of City Attorney Joe Boone de- resent the city against the il suits the city is facing.The Tom Richardson who was plaints against Mayor Mary the settlement reached in Oc- clined to comment on the claims. city has been unable to ac- hired by the city’s liability in- Ann Whipple Lue. tober 2014 of the original EEOC retaliation claims.