• 1

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27,1968 Arerage Dally Net Preas Run The Weather Vta Om W n k im eei Ferewiet of U. 8 . Weather BmeM lianrljlfHtfr lEopnlng litralb November 18, 1968 Fhlr tonight, low about 16. N EW YEAR’S The Rev. Kenneth Ouetafson. 13,891 SuiMlay fair, ekindy late In dag. pastor of Calvary Church, Aa- Farewell Sabbath Service Streamers, Confetti, Man Caught Member ot the Aadit iEanrtetpr lEumtttg high hi 20a. About Town Paper Plates, Napkins sembllee of God, Vrill be in Bureau of dreolatloa charge of radio broadcasts ?fext Week at Beth Sholom Mqnche$ter^A City of VUtage Charm Tlie Rev. Paul C. Kuleer, pas­ sponsored by the Mancheeter After Chase^ tor of C o n c o r d ia Lutheran Ministerial Association on sta­ ARTHUR DRUR tion WINK Sunday at 7:30 p.m. (Clasaifled Advertialng on Page 8) piufcE SEVEN CENTS Church, will conduct a service A Farewe« Saibbath ^ervloe<» A booklet, c o n ^ n l ^ a d ^ VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 75 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28,^1963 Sunday at 6:40 a.m. In the and daily next week at 7:30 Took TV Set tailed program of the entire chapfil at Manchester Memorial a.m. and 6:30 p.m. . on Friday evening, Jan. 3, will dedication weekend. Is being Hoapital. The Rev. Clifford O. Patrick S. Verrengla, 32. of mark the end of fourteen years prepared for distrilwiticwT at the Slmpeon, paator of Center Con- The Polish American Club 30 Dillon Rd., Hartford, last of study and prayer In the old Farewell Service. gregfatlonal Church, will serve will have a New Year’s Eve night was charged with shop­ Temple Beth Sholom at Myrtle It Is intended to be used not Invasion Rumors Plague Jittery Capital Events aa hoapMal chaplain next week. party at the clubhouse, 106 lifting (larceny) after he at­ and Linden Sts., and will usher only as a program guide to the GOING LBJ Assigns Priority Clinton St., for members and tempted to run off with a port­ In a week of d^ication actlvl* many evejits, but also as a per­ jniests. Refreshments will be able 17-inch television set, ties at the new Temple on E. manent memento of a signifi­ SKIING? valued at fl49, from the Good- In State served and there will be danc­ Middle Tpke. cant date m the life of the con­ RENT A CAR ing. vear Service Store at 713 Main Phillip Harrison, past presi­ SKATES SN gregation. For a weekend or as long SHARPENED 75c dent, who is chairman of the Quick action by Robert Gup- dedication co m m itte e , an­ Following the service, an as you like. Turk Jets Buzz Cyprus Officers of Chapman Crairt. Oneg Shabbat (Sabbath Tea) To Soviet Issues till of Man.sfield, manager of Thefts Charged — Also — Order of Amaranth, will be in­ nounces that the Farewell the firm, brought apprehension Service, to be conducted by will be held In the vestry for Cars available with ski stalled tomorrow at 8 p.m. in a of the Hartford man and sub.sc- the entire congregation. • Rubhers Repaired semi-public installation at the Rabbi Leon Wind and Cantor racks attached. To Patrolman quent arrest. * George Wald, will honor the Assisting Harrison on the NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) Masonic Temple. _ e lee Oreepera Attached Guptill told police he spotted charter members of the congre­ dedication committee are Atty. Paul Dodg* PonHoe —The trouble-plpgued is- the shoplifter, at about 7 p.m., gation. Philip Bayer, Sidney Brown. INC. land of Cyprus remained ^ GREENWICH (AP)-r-A Meeting with Erhard The Army-Navy Auxiliary pick up the portable televisior Atty. John S. G. Rottner. pa.st Neil Ellis, Max Goodstlne, Alvin Phone 649-2881 calm but ten.se today in the 10-year member of the SA M Y U L Y E S has canceled its card party set and .start out the door then president, will serve as chair­ Hlrschfelci, Dr. Robert Kama, 878 MAIN STREET wake of midnight invasion Greenwich police force, SHOE REPAIRINO OF .scheduled for Monday at 8 p m. running north on Main St. and man of the program, and will Leon Kramer, Atty. Rottner, There will be a card party .l iters and flight of Turk- Chai’les W. AUSTIN. Tex. (AP) — THE BETTER KIND! into Brainard PI. present Mrs. Julius Fradin, first Judge Jay E. Rubinaw, Nat N. Monday. Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. at the In hot pursuit. Guptill said hs president of the Temple Sleler- Schwedel, Silverstein, George ish air force jet.** across charged today with steal- Pre.sident Jolinsnn and M OAK STREET clubhouse. caught up with Verrengia (who hood, and Saul M. Silverstein, Sandats and Rabbi Leon Wind. this capital shortlv after ing from bus ne-’ s firms on We.st German Chancellor threw the portable into a snow honorary life president of the Mrs. George Sandals is chair­ bank), overpowered the man af­ d'"' n downtown beat. "I Ludwig Erhard—two new Temple. man of the publicity committee. ter a brief .struggle and then Silverstein was the congrega­ Threp jet.s clearly marked never heerd of such an in­ leaders in the East-West FO R RENT returned him to the store and tion’s first president, and served There la, in addition, a dedi­ with the 'rurki.‘' the 10,- pende<; and booked on 12 in a harhocue grove of the LBJ O 000 British .servicemen based in counts each of breaking and Ranch For Reservations WINDOWS SlOilS-DOORS S29J5 * Diaries Cyprus. entering and larceny. "We believe that progress ran Tel. 646-6S44 Door CanopiM, Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, Appainfment I The low-level buzzing was the The City of Greenwich is a IBillhommcn be made and wc are going to ’1000* LARKS Re-covered. Take Down Service and Storage. Boat Canvas I third such incident in the past wealthy suburba’ community do our best to do oiir part ." Repaired or Made New To Your Pattern. AH Work Custom Books 1 four days and followed a nerve- which prides itse'f on Its police Another im|iortant part of the FRANK'S Made. Grommets — Eyelets — Fasteners. Alr-Condltloner wrBc';lng niglu during which force, and its low crime rate. meeting will be ttie bii.siness of Covers Custom Made for Commercial and Home. Call Turkish war.ships were reported Or ,• ;-s.J b::-n .s oP' srm.s Johnson and Erhard learning to CAFE BOLAND MOTORS off the northern Cyprus coast. angin.g fro’*’ $.50 to *100 since ' know each other and taking 649-5341 The buzzing brought renewed Febniary 1962. H :'aley said. each other s mca.siirc. 628 MAIN ST. 869 CENTER STREET— 648-4079 MANCHESTER A W N IN G CO. charges by Greek Cypriots that Suspicion fel' on Grey becau.se They met briefly at the fun­ 195 W. CENTER STREET—649-8091 the Turkish air force was of the number of unsolved eral of John F Kennedy Both "showing the flag” In an at­ thefts from places on his beat. .saw the need for a longer ses­ tempt to incite the Turkish Cyp­ L i The patrolman apparently sion together under less emo­ riot community in Nicosia. had no expen.oive vices, such tional circumstances. Mark 50 Years Wed The inva.slon rumors rou.sed' as gambling, the chief said. US. Ambassador f’razer Wll The President meets his guest Grey U msrried and lives In this morning at Bergstrom Air Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Erb of kins and acting British High an apartment on Lafayette South St., Coventry, are ob­ York City. He was employed Commt.s.sioner Denis Cleary Force Ba.se near Austin, then ' by the company for 40 years. Court, where he is .suoerin- they fly by helicopter to the serving their golden wedding from their beds. They hurried tendent o ' the building. He I Both Mr. and Mrs. Erb are to the Pre.sidential Palace for ■ Johnson rancti. amniversary today. Residents of active in the work of their Cyprus’s ambassador to the United Nations, Zenon Rossides, gestures as he ad­ bought a hou.se last summer The two-day meeting with Er- an emergency conference with on Bruce Park Avenue but ha.s Coventry since July 1957, the church, the First Church of dresses extraordinary session last night of the 11-nation Security Council. I hard is Johnson's first formal Archbishop Makarios, president not moved in yet. His record, HALF-PRICE Erbs were married In Dixon, ■ Christ Scientist in Willimantic. (AP Photofax.) of Cyprus and leader of the conference with a foreign lead­ % ; The Erbs’ daughter, Jeanne, until today, ws.s unblemished. er. Greek Cypriot community. 111., on Dec. 27, 1913. 'They I Mrs. Theodore Toedt, lives next Grey's arre.si was the sec­ came to Coventry from We.st- LT.WOOD Cyprus Foreign Minister Spy- ond scandal to hit the depart­ I U.S. officials believe the ! door to her parents and will ros Kyprianou accused the American - German meeting chester County in Ne\v York. entertain with a family get-to- ment this year. In September, Youth’s Body Turks of waging a war of nerves Police Capl. John J. Laily was should answer the question of SALE Mr. Erb is treasurer of the ! gether today. Mr. and Mrs, LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET whether the new Bonn leader- against his country with the Coventry Historical Society ■ Toedt are the parents of the Cypriot Tells UN broken to patrolman after $1- ships and plane movements. 21)0 disappeared from the evi­ , ship is le.ss antagonistic toward Boxed Christmas Cords = - and chairman of the building I Erb.s’ two grandchildren, Mal- FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT a new round of talks witli Mos- Returnedto But he told newsmen efter a dence room at headquarters. committee for the (Coventry ! colm and Koren Mae. I cow than former Chancellor Grammar School addition. Be­ seven-hour Cabinet meeting the Lally was not accused of Candles I Spending the holidays with Turkish ships had not violated ' Konrad Adenauer was. fore his retirement in 1960, he the Erbs are Mrs. George theft, but was found guilty of was national sales manager for EastBerlin Turks Sent Ships Cyprus territorial waters. negligence, since the evidence Since Erhard took over from I Moore of Dixon, 111., sister of Adenauer last October, Bonn the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Many Cypriots kept their ra­ room was under his jurisdic­ I Mrs. Erb, and Mrs. Moore's dios on through the night, wait- ! has made it clear it would not with offices located In New son, Lt. Col. John P. Moore, BERLIN (AP)—The body of tion. The money, obtained from Paul Schultz, shot on Christmas I Ing for a promised government suspects for use as evidence, I object to continuation of explor­ his wife and four children, all By WILLIAM N. OATIS ^he suggested, the Turkish gov­ announcement. But the an­ atory talks with the Kremlin. from Falls Church, Va. Day in a futile attempt to UNTTED NATIONS, N.Y. ernment had ordered the vessels was never recovered and no escape from Eaat Berlin, w u nouncement did not come. one has yet been charged with The Germans also let it be Bee our complete selection ot (AP) — Cyprus charged Turkey to change course after he had I At an emergency session of known, however, they have ME5IORIAL MASS SET returned to the Communists to­ at an emergency U.N. Security asked for the emergency Secur­ stealing it. day from IVesl Berlin. i the U.N. Security Council In grave reservations against .such fieeh, delicious BOSTON (A P )—Richard Car­ Council meeting asuly this morn­ ity Council sauion. Seek Rinaldi Talk Soviet-proposed projects as an dinal Cushing, Roman Catholic | The shooting Ignited an lui- ing with Jeopardizing a cease­ OHAPB3L KILL, N. C (AP) precedented West Berlin pro­ Adnan Kural, Turkish chief (See Page lliree) East-West nonaggre.ssioii pact archbishop of Boston, will fly to fire on the Mediterranean Island delegate, said his government —Police sought a jail cell in­ President Johnson poses in front of LBJ ranch or the exchange of military ob­ Palm Beach, Fla., Saturday to j test to East German authorities with "gunboat diplomacy.” Tur­ terview with Frank Joseph Ri­ and puzzled the Western Allies has no intention of invading the house decorated for the visit of. .West German servation posts between the celebrate a special memorial key denied the change. small eastern Mediterranean naldi, 34-year-old University of Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. (AP Ph'otofax.) NATO and Warsaw pact na­ DONT 1^UAA£CC,SleVtlL Mass for John F. Kennedy. over the long-term Implications Scientist Fears North Oarollna graduate stu­ ot recognizing the Red regime The 11-natlon Security CouncU island where burning arlimoslty tions. E CANDIES The Mass will be celebrated dent charged with murdering in the East. adjourned at 1:02 a.m. today between Greek and Turkish Cyp­ The administration expects a MISS IT! at thf winter home of Joseph P. ; without acting on the Cypriot riots erupted into violence last Birth Control’s hie pregnant wife. report from Erhard on the situ­ Kennedy, the late president’s I The hearse carrying the body charge or setting a date for a Saturday and resulted In spor­ Police Cailef W. D. BlaJee ation in Berlin where the wall father. of the l8-year-oId refugee drove further meeting. adic clashes that Isisted until Social I m p a c t promised to brief Defense At­ President Hints Ike was temporarily opened during A chalice given to the cardinal, tlirough the wall at the Heinrich Zenon Rossides, Cypriot chief Friday. torney Barry Winston on evi­ the Christmas holidays. And recently by friends in the Bos- j Heine crossover, just a few delegate, accused Thirkey of dence In the case if Rinaldi Johnson will reaffirm the U.S. blocks from where Schultz was Kural said the Turkish war­ By FRANK CARRY Quinn’s Pharmacy ton office of the FBI in memory speeding a dozen warships to­ ships were just passing between would submit lo questioning by position that German unification of the assassinated president, shot in the back by Eastern AP Science Writer ward Cyprus to terrolze the ■Ikirkish ports. Turiiey’s south­ officers. He le being held with­ Urged Savings Drive remains the ultimate goal of the 878 MAIN ST. will be used In the Mass. guards as he scrambled up the Greek (jj^rlot population. But, CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — out bond. Western alliance. concrete 'and barbed wire bar­ ern coast is 40 miles from Cy- pru.s Worldwide application of birth- Winston said he would discuss A.ssisted by Christian A. Her- ricades in a desperate bid for the matter iwlth his client and JOHNSON CITY Tex. (API— Things have changed so "I in Japan and released by the the Soviet Union in hopeful NEW YORK (AP) — The _ a i i v a eROTE&WEIOEL,MUCKE'$. f ir s t p r iz e terms, saying he believes that So/d On Fhsf Come, First Served Basis COMPLETE LINE OF hardly recognize my own State Department today, de­ counsel for the VVarren Com­ S U C E D t o ORDER— NOT PREPACKAGED home," the First Lady said as scribed his, outlook as one of the Soviet people want peace COLD CUTS and "the big question is how mission said tiKlay he and a BIRD HOUSES and FEEDERS VVblP VU ■ W 45 varieties she conducted a guided bus tour "modest optimism.’ ’ member of the commission of the Johnsons’ 438-acre ranch "1 do believe that 1964 will be to move toward points of agree­ ment among governments." plan to question Mrs. Friday. a period of probing for the pos­ Harvey Oswald In UallaH, FINE CRACKED CORN^ A big welcoming portrait of sibilities of peace,” he said. “There will be explorations Nothing Reserved through diplomatic channels," Tex., early next year. 4. I-ea West Germany Qiancellor Lud­ "M y impression Is that there is Rankin, the counsel, said the 5 lbs. 35e; 25 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $4.05 wig Erhard hung from the bal­ a certain soberness In the atti­ he continued. “ There will be discussions at the- Geneva dis­ exact date and the member of Happy New Year to All Our Oustonwn and Frieadt cony of the stone ^nd frame tude of the principal govern­ the couunlsslon who will ac­ ments of the world; that there armament conference which house, 100 years old, and red, company him hax'e not been EASTERN STATES is a recog^iltion that crises such opens again IJT the latter part of orange and black flags of the decldeil. T h e commission, West German Republic fluttered as the missile crisis in Chiba U) January. It will lake some time October 1962 must be avoided if and some patience to bring olh headed by Chief Justice Earl along the driveway. Erhard ar­ Warren, was appointed by FARMERS EXIHIANGE IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST rives today. possible." er matters (following up the LARSEN’S HARDWARE Inc. limited nuclear test-ban treaty) Presldeat Johnson to investi­ The major issue before the The tree-ilned banks of gate the aasaostnatton of Prea- LAWN and GARDEN CENTER 51 BISSELL ST. REAR OF ICE PLANt 643.8424 the calm Pedemalea River world and probably the only pos­ to agreement. But we should not TOLLAND TPKE., BUCKLAND—TEL. 643-5123 ■warmed with 200 reporter* and sible ,cause of a major war, he be discouraged tdo soon." Ident Jota F. Kennedy and 34 Depot S4uare»Manchester PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE said, is posed by the ipiestlon, the subeeliuent slaying od Open Daily 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.—Sat. 8 A.M. to X2 Noon Snow clad branches sbftebed Greek facade oi Rockville library last evening. (Herald photo by Satemis.) (See Page Mine) "What kind a world oommu- (•«• Pag* Tliraa).^ OnwaM. tim aoeiised CLOSED SUNDAYS 4 P A O B r m BAJrcmSTBK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBElb 28,1988 MANCHESTFR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, D^BMBER 2S, 1963 PAG E THJU^E

emment of the lata President Events HEALTH CAPSULES Events Ngo Dlnh Diem two years ago byMichariA.IVtti,lli>. is, slated to be South 'Viet N am ’s Silver Lane Granted LBJ, Erhard to Talk new ambassador to the United Tha Little Theater of Manchester Rusk Sees Red C h i n a 'Y o u t h ’s Cypriot Tells UN | O b it u a r y NOW LONG POCG IT TAKE States. roR YOUR FING6RNAH3 In World In Nation The Viet Nam Embassy an- announces TO GROW BACK ? noimced here Friday that Presi­ Gregory Barrett Relations with Russia Hitch in Peace Aim *^®*"*'"®‘***’ '" ■ - — * Cb'egory Kenneth Barrett. 2. Bus Fare Increase HIROSHIMA, Japan (AP) — W A S H IN O T O N (A P ) — In the dent Johnson had approved the son oi Bernard J and BKaaheth news from Washington: appointment of Thai. This was EastBeriin TiirArs Sent Ships The Hiroshima atomic casual­ (OonllmMd from Pa{o Ono) SPACE MYSTERY: A rocket a preliminary to' his formal ae- TRYOUTS 9t. John Berrett. 96 Henderaon ties hospital reports 41 persons (Oontinned from Page One) prepared to reconsider its poli­ The Silver Lane Bus Line has been granted a fare in- astronomer thinks a mysterious lection by the new military gov­ Rd.. Boat Hartford, died at cies toward (Communist China. (Continued from Page One) ; riots had ojjened a "cam paign Manchester Meenorlai Hospital creane for all scheduled bus service except the cent •orthoominc tr&de negroUationji Grange Notes have died this year of so-called spot In deep space—invisible, si­ ernment of South Viet Nam. Asked whether he foresaw an (Continned from Page One) for 'Toby Tyler" Rusk declared that "w e are of annihilation” and massacre yesterday after s short illnass. per ride school ticket, which will-be retained. The in- iB atomic bomb diseases — illness­ lent but a remarkably strong East-West summit meeting in very much concerned about the' .side the flower lined windows o f ' source of X-rays—may really be CHRISTMAS MAIL: Poatal of­ prus tliey were changed to;of Turkish Chrpriots, whose mi- He w e« born .March 20. 1901. pleases were allowed by the Connecticut Public Utili- T h « question of trade with es attributed to the 19V atomic H m, clilldrMi’s W tag Spring TroeoMm Pioneer Past Mastemi Asso­ a neutron star. ficials estimate that Christmas the near future. Rusk said he t''«‘ hearse and waved it on into another direction ; nority rights are gtiaranleed by in H arU oid ties Commissiorl yesterday.- Communist nations will also be bomb drop on this city. This is In this most recent period. ciation will meet tonight at Dr. Herbert Friedman of the mail this year set a record of 12 was sure heads of government H. .aid Rod the stieets of East Berlin where He al.so charged Turkish fight- the con.stitution worked out in- Bamles ins pai«nts he leaves about four weeks after a f>er. 2 discussed. allowed to drop The UeJeat on Coventry Grange Hall on Rt. one more than last year. U.S. Naval Research Labora­ billion pieces. would be willing to meet If a nniir ara nrnvnnHna ..Wnrrm.iv it diiwnnesred from view **■ plshes With Violating Cypriot temationally before. CbTcus be- a brother. Oarj' J. Barrett, and hearing on the bus company's Also on the agenda are de­ 7:30 P.M., MONDAY, DfC. 30 the grounds that only about 10 44A. Supper will be served at The latest victim was a girl tory told the American Astro­ .hit air .space. Earlv today several came independent of Britain. * sister. Shamn E. Barrett, both fense and security matter.s. This came, they said, despite summit has a good prospect of requests. .itiideints took setvantage of the 7 o’clock. A Christmas pro­ bom in Hiroshima two days aft­ nomical Society Friday that the producing a new step forward on /Hied to East Beriiners living imi^iediatelv identi-; three years ago. at home; hm maternal grand- Johnson is expected to declare a late start caused by the Nov. .kccoi>ling to com4Jaiiy fig- reduced lete. gram. with grab bag exchange^ er the bomb fell. The hospital neutron star could be the rem­ an Important matter. Hnnni oernrda nn pcekcd from be- „ Turkish, flew over C>-- Dmitri S. BItsios of Greece parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth his determination to maintain 22 assassination of President In Hm LTM roomt In thn boMmont ure.s. the hike will tuni the op­ Conuiii.ssioner Eugene S. Is planned. said she had died of acture leu­ nant of a supernova which ex­ terfered in I.*Un American ' hind the windows of their apart- pnis. .said he had heard "with conM(l- st. John of Windsor; hss pater- the current level of U.S. mili­ John F. Kennedy. A s a result, He expressed the opinion that erating loas anticipsted for Lougblin noted that little fl- Other dales on the Poowma kemia of the m arrow last ploded more than 1,0(X) years o f th* old Tradn School biilldinv, counlries, and show some signs ment dwellings to catch \ A British sjx.kesman said erable «tl.sfa<;Um^^^^^ tary forOes in Europe and to heavy deliveries continued Soviet Premier Khrushchev 1963 into net income of *6 f>60 mmciaJ damage would be done calendar include: month. ago, in 1064. - - * however, his delegation hod told nial that any Turkish ships hsd .Kvoeph Baj-rett of Manchswter; prod Erhard to beef up West through Christmas Eve. School Streot feels about the same way on the in 1964. by retaining the 12'tj cent rate Jan. 1 Mani^ieater, New It said the girl. Sakayo Fuji- ☆ According to Dr. Friedman, fonUnenrif A frl« 1 Si! T ' ’ , , Rossides and other coimcil mem- headed headed for for Cyprus. C>T,rus. Bitsios Bitsios sug- sug- Hjid-hw maternal ’ ------greal-gisrnd------Germany’s defense budget. possibilities of. a meeting. The PVC .xlso strongly le i- for students, and so ordered Year's Party: Columbia. Happy moto, was the first "atpmlc di­ the neutron star, ■with its com­ Bight West Berlin motorcycle ■ bers that the R A F had sighted ge.sted the council find some Erhard made no mention of YOufe PINGERMAILE TAKE ‘ AIR SERVICE: The adminis­ As to the Immediate outlook onimended t.ha; the total sai- that It be unchangc'd sease" patient still in her moth­ the talks on his arrival Friday N ew Year. ABOUT 3 OR 4 MONTHS TO pacted core of neutrons, would trator of the Federal Aviation anes being paid Silver I.ane The P IT finding aUo cntl- er's womb at the time of the nu­ night at near by Ellington Air Jan. 2 — Glastonbury. Past GROW BACKi measure only 5-10 miles across Agency predicts an agreement ■” »yr.nd,r' Form.™', hr , b. hr» offireis be reduced from $13.- cizes the bus film for maintain­ clear explosion. The girl had Force Ba.se on a Lufthansa Boe­ masters' night: Marlborough, TOENAILS, ABOUT 6 OR 7 but would weigh as much as the between the United States and Monciay at ' l l aun from the 500 to $11,500 per year, in line i ing officer's salaries at S13..500 ing 707 after an ll-hour nonstop Patriotic travel program from grown up normally, married and MONTHS. sun. It could give a new expla­ the Soviet Union within 80 days In diScusslng red China, Rusk j ’’It la not up to us." Rusk said. | l°ce'^%he‘!’ w er7on 3 hi°ca^e * " f Jolvn F. TieimeV, Funeral Home. with s similar reconunendanor, after i ecommending reduction flight from Bonn. Bolton. lived in Kobe until last year keWiil Mam nation of what happens from an that would permit commercial declared that recent official ■ “ But In any event we won't aur-i - - y incident** at the foa- i believe there is g o -, uHon. 21P W. Center Burial \vill made when the coniminaion to .511,.500 at a previous ra'e when she. developed leukemia IsweewHc* exploding star. air service between N ew Yoric be in St. Mary'.s CJehaeterw, Ea.st The base is near Houston. Jan. 6 — Andover, "Winter­ Enjoy New Years Eve Here sutemenu about the U.S. “Open render Formosa. We can't "ur-' ^uroX* ? i k m heard a i-ate hike request from hike hearing in 1961. and was brought to the hospital. Such explosions occur only Door policy” toward the Chinese render 10 or 11 million people ^ parents in "ot t .should pass « Although he looked tired, the tim e?" and Moscow. Hartford. x the oompany in lP*n the time Royce reduced once every 200 years and in­ a)mmunista refer to the far fu- against their will to th esrpeo- G ^ r m a n r had r e m * " s " -side.s to respect the ^ l i .cal chancellor smiled and talked af­ Jan. 7 — Good Will, “YoUng Speaking at a news confarance Thfu-e wiW be no c V l 1 i n k With the reduction net piik- his salary 'csit added his wife, YOKOHAMA. Japan (AP) — crease they star’s brillianco to • Bcmd • Hots People; Young Ideas." Friday, N. E. H alaby aald that »r . „d „ « ,o pr...m r,rr„m. ! SV,, = wl "’S,*" SrTh.v, ,n. Uo'rt hours it would rise to about S.S.ikk) who dis-K the firm's bcsi'Kkeep- fably with Secretary of State A fire aboard the American 100 million times that of the sun JFK Sang Carols while he personally tevora such The fam ily augge-sts that ihe- in tJie conimisfcon s e-stim.ition, ;ng and admuustrative w-ork to Dean Ru.sk; Angler Biddle Duke freighter President Madison was before the brilliance slowly di­ an agreement, negotiation of a NoisonKdetn Som. U.S. ofncl.U h.v. br.nl,.? ,ny ...ly bl.pij,i^,nt In “ I W.,1 B.rlln.r, J".’".I"" S"""'| ""■ P-«'" In ih. moria! donations may be made a figure that it deems a rea- the na\Toll, bringing the total chief protocol officer of the put out early today without In­ minishes. State Department; West G er­ On Plane Trip treaty la up to the State Departs developing the idea that If Red Chineee Communist policies that continued visitina the East , .. mimrii to a chs.rity of the d o n o r’s .sonatole piiifil for .such a inas.s c-iv>t for offii-er's wrlaries to the juries to passengers or crew or An Aerobee rocket last April e Manhattan CooktoUs many's amba-ssador to the Unit­ Girl Drug Helped ment. Chin. ^nlS eb„,. lb. b.b.n.:.o,,l. m.l,. .b.lr rSlIon. will, S l X I W . ^ S ' a I I ^ pu. ^ S S ' " ; i„'?,"‘ .«1 S ,"o1.r';; , AT iS.n.T.'S, choice. r>AHai*orl firm $13..50ti level damage to the 7,924-ton ship. found two individual sources of e Shrimp Cocktails oe, the United States would be other countries more peaceful. ed States, Heinrich Knappstein, Halaby returned recently I’tnleir the im-m rate .-s.-iii-d.di-. The Pt'ri state.s in VASIerdav's A cargo of Manila hemp in the PHILADELPHIA (A P ) — X-rays, one in the constellation e FILLET MIGNON over an impi ecedenled protest Cyprus and that any ships which 1 tion. Francis T. P. Plimpton of To Become Nurse from an eight-day 'vlalt to the Philip Farr which Ixs'oiue effective five ruling that, "W e do not condone and others of the welcoming No. 4. hatch caught fire an hour Four days before President John Scorplus and the other In the e French Frie)i by the city government directly nijghi have been seen In the the United States, council pre.si- Soviet Uniem. to the Ea.st German regime. Philip Farr, 94. of 127 CThar- days — oft...... iftCT, the...... tills conijsiiu—, the payment of officers sa,- party. and a half after the freighter O a b nebula, in our Milky Way. e Toased Salad area are .sailing from one Turk- dent, adjourned the meeting to ; Mayor Lewis Cutrer presented F. Kennedy was assassinated, The East German news agen­ ter Oak St., died early this places pubtte notice of the in aries in excess of tn.a: wh eh ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)— Medi­ had left Yokohama for Califor­ The latter may be the collapsed • Dessert e Coffee Ish port to another." 1 reconvene whenever the niem- the cha'ncellor with a certifi­ he and the late Rep. William J. AdvertisenMnt— cy ADN reported more than morning at his home crease, fares Will be lire conimi.ssion ha.s deenie.1 rea­ cal science saved pert Carolyn nia Friday night, the Japanese core of the supernova. Rossides claimed the trouble bers want it. He remarked that cate making him an honorary Green, D-Pa., sang Christmas Turkish Jets Buzz 53,000 West Berliners had in Cyprus had started because the council had "heard certain He was lx>rn in Italy and had Rither 20 c ^ ls or a 17'-,- sonable for rate ma’Ktng pur- Maritime Safety Board said. Per Conple crtizen'^Houston ijid ^ v e hlm P“f« ll’s eyes when she was a Long Uv« the King — Alan j Streamed through the wail by been a resident of Manche.sler oerrt token for a'-.piiigle zone ixi.ses. *rhe freighter returned to port, carols as they flew from Florida NEW ElfVOY: Vu Van Thai, thajt la — at Bushnell January Turkish Cypriots, on advice of a.ssuiance.s. ’ the keys to the city. child. Now at 17 she has 20-20 no I noon. Despite a cold drizzle, most of his life For many nde. up from 1.5 cenj.s, 'Riioli axoees pavment.s would and firemen b a t t l ^ the blaze to Washington, it was disclosed an economist who left the gov- Turkey, had rejected proposals Plimpton flllad in as council Erhard replied in a statement 4th. hundreds had awaited the open- year* he owned and operated a Rithei- 35 cents or itvn I7 'j- , appear to be in the nature of vision and one major objective. for more than six h< Friday. from the president of C.vpm*. , president for U.S. Ambassador read in English by an aide: I ing of the Red checkpoints since Archbishop Makarios, to change Adlai E grocerr store cm O isiicr Oak oei>i tokens for a double zone profgs in view of the f i 't that "I’m going to be a nurse.’* An investigation has Green's son, William J. Green Capital of Cyprus “ Stevenson, who is “ We are Indeed very glad to be the slender high school Junior Sd, 25r made the disclosure at a P E R C O U P L E before dawn. ^ constitution. I'lending tile linlidays on his PKle. up from .30 cents. i 'lie i bu.s company i is a r.!o.»ely determine the cause a The West Berliners are visit- here. We wi.sh to bring greet- Democratic city committee MINIMUM WITHOUT DINNER Rural retorted that Greek Cyp- farm near Libertyvllle. HI. j He is survived by one .scxi. Three dollars for the 20-»oi)a field corpor-vtion Ings from my countrymen. ' THIS YEAR WE W ILL AGAIN SB»VK OUR ing relatives in the Communist Felix Farr of Manche.sler: four laircra/t) ticket, up from A ri'ducMon in the saJanea Her favorite subject is biology CUNEO. lUIy (AP) — Police meeting. (Onotlnned from Page One) are indeed looking forward zone under an arrangement daughters, Mrs .loseph Deyono j2 50 Wqmld incr.vise the ne' profit to and she has seen so many reported today that Giuseppe X p n the Monday before Presi­ SPECTTACXJLAR visiting in Am erica.” Hospital Notes worked out by the East German ing teau " until the question of of Hartfoni. and Mrs .\nthony abou: $8 000 per year, the Pt'C nurses that the choice of a pro­ Giraudo, 53. a carpenter, had dent Kennedy was assassinated MUSIC B Y New York, Cyprus accused Tur­ liability ia re.solved, executive No Givaiige iri live present O Oimmuiilsts and the West Berlin Deyorio, .Mrs, Frank Raffa and he and my father flew from $1.25 lO-zooe ride .students aeva. fession came naturally. made elaborate preparations, key of warlike behavior in send- city government. Only West Ber­ Events director Stuart W. Knox has Mrs. Evelyn Pagani all of It was Christmas of 1990 that then doused himself ^th gaso Florida together on Air Force 1, NEW YEAR'S EYE BUFFET Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. ticket JOE DROUIN TRIO ing a fleet of warships, includ­ liners are allowed to cross un­ told Mulcahy. Manche.sler: 14 grandchildren her parents, Mr. and Mra line and committed suicide by the presidential plane,” ex­ SER’VING 6 T H L 9:80 PM. In all arras excepting maternity The bus conipuiv i-uns a .siiv Skidding Cause N o w Serving tiie Best in L egal Benrerages der the agreement, which began He .said tlie aoKociatioo is un­ and .30 great-grandchildren. Frank Purcell, realized that she plained young Green. ing five submarines, toward the where they are 2 to 4 p.m. and gje basic route fnvni .Manches­ fire. Dec. 20 and will last until Jan sure how ita members feel The fiineral wi',1 be held Tues- couldn’t see the toys clearly at Police said Giraudo had "D uring the flight the Presi­ All our regular menu will be available F O B R E S E B V A ra O N S T E L . 649-4684 Island. Turkey denied the 6:,30 to 8 p.m., and private In State about peimitting the testing. ter to Hartford whicji covwj, (greek^ Prol>e Of 2 Crashes 6. F'of many We.st Berliners it ; day at «-3D a m. from the W P their home in the B ig Creek dent and dad began singing at no increase in price. itMims where they are 10 a.ni. two zojie* rile division betwt'en bought a coffin several days ago charges. allowed them their first visit.ii I Quish Funeral Home. 22.5 Main community near Gumming. signed a contract for a ceme­ Christmas carols,” he added. to 8 p.m. Visitors are request­ the two zone* is Fiwbe« and COCKTAILS AND FINE WINES The Turkish vessels were re­ with relatives since the Red (Gootinned from Page One) Cruiner Hit ' St*, with a .solemn high Ma«y< at No lojurlea nor arrests but tery plot, taken a photograph of Shortly before the plane was to 3 J's RESTAURANT ed not to smoke in patients’ Oak S4.S in Ea.st Hartfoi-d Lakonia Fire They brought her 46 miles to ported approaching Cyprus in wall was constructed in August St James’ Church at !> Bunal some fender damage yfok re­ himself to be put over hla tomb­ land. President Kennedy said: rooms. No more than two visi­ HARTIiX>RD I A P I - A car Edward Royoe preiMdent of Atlanta. Specialists made a pre­ ROUTE 8 and 44A—BOLTON two flotillas, one from the north­ 1961. "And if that sale cannot b e ______will be in St. James’ Cemetery. ported by police who Investi- stone, and then on Christmas ’Billy, once more . . . Silent tors at one time per patient. oari-ymg Comiacticirt'e top etate liminary diagnosis and said she THE CLARK'S west and the other from the A new phase was added to the made, then in our humble opin- pn.soii ""officiiajs .i^ m e d into Friends may call at the the firm, -vaid toila\- that the By f*HKIS F.I.im giabed two minor skidding crash- Day mailed a letter to the pc^ce Night.’ probably had a rare eye disease. 28 North St., WlUlmantlc — Tel. 428-9001 northeast. The reports said they Eaat-West agreement Friday, ion the old elephant might as of a Hartford police funeral home tomorrow from 7 new i-afes would pi-obably be ATHENS Gieece APt — m during yeeterday’s .snowfall. informing them of his plans to "N o w they both are gone. I Patients Today; 216 To save her life, her eyes would had come close to tlie Cypni.s wlien the West Berlin city guv- well head for the bone yard." cniieer on Veteran* Highway to 9 p m and Monday from 2 timed to be«.'o»iie effective on One incidenit occurred siiortly commit suicide. cannot help but feel that if they Gieere s Merchant Marine Min­ have to be removed. coast, then turned about and ADJiUTTESD YESTEIRD A 5’; ernment prote.sted directly to The unionists announced the y^,t.ei(iav police said to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. SoiuIhv .lazi 5. after 6:30 p.m. at Park and Police received the letter Fri' could look down on the Demo­ istry opened a pieliminary in- Mrs. P»urcell couldn’t face that sailed away. -Mrs. Bertha Carlaoti, 717 Cen- the East German regime over Tokens will be mild lx>Ui bv Chestnut Sts. Police reported day and hurried over to Olrau- cratic party here and now, league’s formation yesterday ' sjeither' State Priaon Wan clen and fled the hospital 'with Caro­ Despite the overflight, actual St.; Suaan Peoples. 14 ! the C3iriatmaa Day slapng of a driver* and at Silvw Ijajie s quiry toiiay into the burning of that Robert C. Henrickson, 43, knowing that ’all is calm, all is They asked the sUte commit- ^-,.edcrick G. Rancke nor Dep- [ lyn in her arms. A photographer do’s house where they found his TUBS., DEC. 31 — LATE SHOW 11:45 eomniunal fighting between the 1 Dr.; Mrs, Joan Cham-I refugee on the wall. office on Brainai'd JM at 70 the Greek cruise liner Ijikonia. bright,’ these two great leaders tee to support a liberal for the \n-j,rden FTedeiriok E. Adairui of 4S Judith Dr., southbound on recorded the tearful departure. charred body. Greek and Turkish Cypriots has; borlain, 6 Ijncoln St.; Kerry! The Western Allies, with the F’unerals oesil* for four tokens They did not discloaa the mo­ would indeed be content.” GOP nomination in lured. The L.ikonia s .skipj'er. ('apt. Chestnut St., br^ed his car for The picture was published In 1 Royoe nottal that the token* Green, chairman of the pow­ died down under the watchhil i Ghurcrtiill, RFD , Manchester; | backing of the West Berlin gov- The league's letter listed sa Policemen Jsmee D. TiitUe Mathios /jirbis, 53. waa sum­ a stop sign hut, because of slip­ many parts of the world and tives for his suicide. Exclusive Gonnictieut eye of British patrols. | Janet Dixon. Hebron Rd , Bol- ernment. previously had maln- wxMiId prove a saving for aiiigle erful Philadelphia Democratic m ‘ forward lik in g R e p u b lic s ' Stanley Ryjock oomploined CharifN P. Sohoen moned before the inve.stigators pery road conditions, s k id d ^ brought hundreds of expressions txm; Maril.vn Hutton. 28 Ben- ; tained that they alone could Committee, died Dec. 21. But the aeriouaneas of the sit­ Governors Nelson Rt^kefe ler of injuries. They Fiinetal se,rvices fw Charles zone riders but that the Iwo- shortly after his arrival by air into the intersection and ced- of sympathy. MANILA (AP) — Tba Philip­ ★ ★ ★ Premiere ^ ^ ^ ton St.; Lionel and Robert 'deal with the Communists over zone oasdi rate had been kept at pines announced today It will uation wa.s underlined further New York, William Scr^ton of ,-*jeaaed a/tei- irratmesvt P. Schoen of 109 Norman .St. fiiim Madrid Other officers and Uded with a Paric St. skidding The Shrine Patrol in Atlanta BOB NORMAN'S I.«aaard, 169 Lynes.s St.; Mrs. Berlin. 35 cents so that the cash and ' nominate retired Oan. Jesus by the emergency departure for . Pennsylvania. George Romney ,, M/>«nif«l were held yeeteoxiay afternoon crew members also were ques­ vehksle being driven by W il­ helped, and Carolyn and her •Jennie SguegUa. Storra; JoJui In earlier protests to the Com- of Michigan end Mark Hatfield «' cs.,ook no»p token fare will be the s.iine anxious parents flew to the Vargas for the post of secretary- Cyprus from I>indon of Britain's A oar driven by Adame at the Walter N I.ieclerc Fu­ tioned liam R. Gra'wford. 41, of 183 Sieruia, 419 N. Main St.; Mrs. : inunists the Big Three the of Oregon. The bus line nin.s half-hourly Til* inquiry 1* closed to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. general of the Southeast Asia Commonwealth relations secre­ skidded into Ute rear of tlie neral Home. 26 Main Rt. TTie H igh St., who attempted to Polly’s Pointers HJanche Vincent, 29 Fairv'lew j United States. Britain and Also Hated wei’c Ambassador trip.s on week dav.-- from the public. After the investigation At that time the medical pro­ ’Treaty Organization (SEA’TO). n vi lE IIM I tary, Duncan Sandya. in a plane police cjvr dsiven by Tuttle, po­ Rev. ElarVe R. Ouster of .Nonth avoid a obUiaiofi. Both vehicles, St.; Mrs. Irene Ekkert, 6 otith I France have complained di- Henrv Cabot Lodge and six U.S. Center via alteniatc Hartford tlie hies will be .sent to the fession had a new drug, ACTH, Foreign Secretary Salvador P. cairylng Briti.sh troop reinforce­ lice said. Bolb oorsvhad to be Methodtst Chiircli officiated. with moderate front fender ^ B ia n laolnt filmdant Uisw ments to the former British col­ Windooi; Mm. Joan Higgin.s, 31 , rectly to the Russians, who are senator* Including Jacob Jsvita Bunai was in Flast Cemetery. Rd. and W Center St routes to Ministry of Justice to deride damage, were driveable, police Mriiich Was just beyond the ex­ Lopez said Vargas, a former STORAGE FOR UOHT BULSS Judith Dr.; Mrs. Mary Verilli, ' still considered to bear the sole Kenneth Keating of New towed awev chief of staff of the Philippine ony. Bearers wai'e John Campbell. Con.Hlilution Plaza in Hartford whether the case should be re­ said. perimental stage. Carolyn was By FOLLY CRAMER 112 Princeton St.; Mrs .Ada responsibility for their sector of York and Clifford Case of New Supplementary nin.s are put armed forces, had served as "The Greek Cypriot community MI1J4 COST DROPS Robert Warnei’. F5-ancis Roache ferred to the Oimniisakin of A t aibout 9:30 last night, E d­ among the first to receive it and Watson, 29 Oestwood Dr.; Berlin. Jersey. on to handle morning and eve chairman of SEATO’s military Newmaper Enterprise Assn. plans s funeral tonir4-hour spectacular five indentations, alternating' The Turks place their own Paul Kneeland, Cobalt: Mrs I l» »et at 20 minute intervals for ger* French (jommuniot party news­ were surprised by the Wnet school house*. 1* dead at 108. * . D. O. Hammerberg, .. market ad- TieaTiev- Funeral Home. 219 W the rear by a second skidding Monday, an eclipse visible in all in zigzag fashion. Five bulbs A GOURMET STEAK DINNER dead at 60. Each side accuses Blanche Thibodeau, 132 W. shoppei s ■'We passed through a drama. paper Humanite today praised Berlin government's action. ! Mr*. Sear* died yeisterday at i ministrator of the Connecticut 1 Center St., with a solemn high vetidcie, driven byy Carmen R. North America and along the can be stUck in the upturned the other of exaggerating losses. Center St.; Patricia Sacchi, I III issuing its flnding.s. the Illy grief is so great that It is President John F. Kennedy and The East German news agen­ the home of a daiigtitcr. M rs.' federal milk order. The Jan- , Mose of requiem at tlie Ohimch N e a ry of 467 E. Center St. The bottom of the carton. WE PROUDLY PRESENT. The fighting between Cyprus' Kaat Hertford; Mr*. Evie PUC noted that Silver I^ne had impossible for me to give a dos- West Coast of South America. Pope John X X m as “ two men cy ADN reported today the Rue- [ William A. Tetlow at 929 15 . I uary decrease will be one h alf-' of the .Assumption. The Rev. Swanaon oar had minor right Watchers in the Eastern Unit­ When sewing seams in chil­ Greek majority and the Turkish Bailey. 513 Main St.; Mm. .su.stained an operating l(vi.>i of ,-riptlon or statement.' he said. who took into account the reali­ "BO BBY U N E " a t tho piano sians liad rejected the Ameri- Granby Rd. cent. Three others will follow Eme,st Ooppa was celebrant, the tear fender damage. Both ve- ed States will have to set their dren's clothes, pull and slightly minority broke out last Satur Elsie Pagliaro, 4 Oakland St . $1,057 during the first six Anvliow. I would like to point ties of our times." cah protest because it involved She was live oldest membeir of thi-ough June and from July to Rev. ilartin Scholsky wo.h dea- blolee were driveable. alarm clocks early to catch It, stretch the material, one hand day. rekindling the oid antag­ -Mrs. Margaret Haiigh, 71 Gar­ ninnth.s of 1963. and expected to out that my crew, in spite of In a year-end review, the an ia.sue that did not fall within the Central Connecticut State October there will be four in- oon. and the Rev. Francis Milvi- for the lunar eclipse begins at in front of the machine foot and Favors, Hats and Route 6—4 Miles East Of Willimantic onism between the two commu­ den St. drop $1,971 for the full vear what was wiitten or .said, be­ newspaper also noted with plea­ the jurisdiction of the Russians. College Alumni A asocial io-.-! and . ci-eases. The changes are de- lek w-as subdeaooli. Paul CMia- PRACTICAL FARM TRAINING 4:25 a.m. EST. the other in back, as you sew. nities. ADM ITTED TO DAY: Rich­ At the piiblic hearing on Dei haved faultle.ssly sure that after Kennedy’s assas­ Noisomaliers! Telephone 455-9503 They have employed this prac­ waa hailed by that college a* signed to balance milk produc- telnt wo-s organist and soloist. Ceylon has established 17 one- At that hour the Hayden Paln- This adds elasticity to the Maj. Gen. P. G. Young, com­ ard Harris, South Wtllington; 2, Royce had pinned the in­ Latest figures show 91 per­ sination Nov. 22, President tice before to handle Western the oldest retired school teacher tion. Any drops in the price Burial wa.s in SI. James' Ceme- E seams and they do not split out' mander of the l0,(XX)-man Brit­ creasing deficit on three fac sons [lerislied and 64 are still year practical farm schools for etarium explained, the moon Johnson “ gave assurances that Mrs. Treva Johnson. KV2 Sum­ in the world. of milk to con.sumers from Jan­ terv'. witb Fatlier (Vippa read­ every time the children move ish garrison on Cypni.s, con­ mer St. protests over incidents in Ber­ tor.s: ihis.sing in the disaster which boys and five for girls. Training will enter the umbra or dark nothing would be changed in the Mrs. Sears was graduated uary to July is up to the dair­ ing tJie committal service shadow of the earth. Between about. ferred Friday with the com- BIR'THfi YESTER D AY: A lin. 1. The costs o4 ini rea.sed occurred 180 miles north of Includes work in field, shop and j policies of his predecessor.” The Soviet Union has insisted from Ontral in 1887 w.’hen the ies and bottlers, i spokesman Bea-mrs were Robert Skripol. classroom, with concentration 5:28 and 6:47 the moon will be Put a small funnel between manders of the smaller Greek , diCf^hler to Mr. and Mrs. wages and benefits, oart of a .Madeira la.st Sunday night A that Western protests be han­ college was known a#i New Bnt- for the Connecticut Milk Pro­ Fred Skripol .Ir.. WiUiaiii Hein, on such skills as carpentry, ■ completely in the earth’s sha­ the leaves and pour water and Turkish military units on Philip W est Hemlock Dr.. Ver- total 28-ceiit per luair hike total of 1,041 pas.sengers and dled by the Ea.st German.s. a ain Normal School. ducers Association said. •Staniley Traj*k. Ravniond Lame .scheduled ove’r the ne.xt three needlework, paddy cultivation, dow. At 7 :50 the last of the through the funnel to water setting up mixed patrols to keep i non; a daughter to Mi', and In recemt years her bu'thdays crew members were nlxiard the •TAffTS mqve the Allies have refused and .Insoph WaJtzer. vears (including an 8-cent per 20..314-ton .ship for the holiday and giu'dening. Each student earth’s shadow will have passed N-Sub Wilson the house plants with foliage prompted congratulatory mc.s- H O S P IT A I, F lN A N ’OiaS that covers the top of the p ot A Brittsh soldier w4s wounded ! S p rin g s^ ^ a ^ u ^ tw to M ^ ^ interpreted as hour wage lncrea.se each year cruise which left for Southamp­ him his own garden plot which off the moon’s face and the recognition of the East German ■sage,s from Piesidents ELsen- N E W H A V E N (API- Con- eclipse will be ended. —MRS. K. O. Tomnni In the shoulder while on patrol 1 Mre. Joihn Anderson, Gerald Mn*. Katherine Bovlert and a frtngla 4-ie.n,se»i which meiTtjrand witne.s.ses for a Brit­ son— capable of remaining sub­ old demand for union of Gree<-e vemon; a daughter to Mr. and Reds to promote their theory daughters, a granddaugiiter and DEAR POLLY—If you want and Cyprua, 80 per cent of whose ! Abram Sangrev of United Meth- Royce attrlbiite.s to rising pr.i’oa i.sh inquiry if the Greek gov­ merged for more than two the iMys the girb Mrs. Hugh Reilly, 150 Oak St.; that Germans on both sides of four gTeat-grandchildren. Fu­ to rearrange heavy furniture, population of about 600,000 i.s of $11 Tnflhon more then the pre- Church. Bolton, officiated of ".juet alixint everything we ernment agrees months— Joined the U.S. fleet a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. the Iron Curtain should deal di­ neral services will be privata lift one end at a time and put are Greek descent. In Ankara Turk­ vihi« flsoal period. Quarry^ulle Cenie-* have to buy." The Nonvegian tug Herkules Ronald Bacon, East Hartford. rectly with each other without Friday. a child’s roller skate under each ish students demanded annexa­ ,3 .A decline m the line.s and the Dutch tug Polzee eon- DISCHARGED TESTER- the Intervention of outsiders. The Navy said there is scarce- end. If you are moving the tion of the island by Turkey, . ! ‘*"Bea^'^''"were VN’av, en De- rujeirdiip. beginning a.tx>iit Oc- fmiied tlieir efforts to salvage ly a point on the earth’a ^ r f a c e DA^': Michael Small, 10 Clar- piece over bare floors, first which ruled over Cyprua for Burns Exam Ordered NEW I^ N T ^ N (A P I ^ t h Martain. Jamee Meachajii. Wil- tober. which Royce thought wa,s the burned-out hulk of the lai- beyond the reach of her IS mis­ St.. Vernon; Norman glue felt to the skate wheels, three centuries until Britain got HAR'PFORD...... (API Feder-. 8'i’our^ of stockholders have Reichert, Harold Hoor. besaui.s* of increased parking siles. mfiSUIBliieili Chambers. 10 Depot Sq.; Mrs. konia. Hope this lightens someone’s control in 1878. at authorities have requested • voted appaxival of a merger of i.lamee Sweeney and Francis avallaible a* a reoult of the The 7,500-ton warship, firat to _ , . „ . , . , Bobette Hettinger, Gleason St.; Child Denied workday as the column is like Turkey s Premier Ume Inonu ^ Alexandra psychiatric e.xaminationa for an ' London A Mohegan opening of new garage* m ■ALPINE ITAI.Y COIJ) PINEHURST WILL BE OPEN TILL NINE bear the name of the 38th preS' received some of the students unemployed kitchen worker; Ds-Ubee CN>rp. and the Brock- another right hand to me.— FergiLson, 25 Newman St.; To Both Parents Con-stitution Plaza MILAN. Italy' (API Northern ident, seeks "to guarantee the and told them: "Peace and or­ thev say thi-eatened 'to pull an Dairy Co, of Hamden. MRS. J. C. L. Theodore Osier, 267 HighJaml Ship Still Missing Royce’s testimony, ami the Italy was in the grip of a new MONDAY NIGHT BEFORE NEW YEAR'S. peace, and its range is global,” der have been re.stored in Cy- Oswald. " outcome of voting by the supjxirtliig finiuicia.l irvfornin- cold wave today 'Twelve deaths said Chief Justice Bari Warren Mi-JKlienR-anMIllE 8Hownat2,8:40N.d9:15 St.; Mrs. Ev’el.vn Morton. DEAR POLLY—Use a small pru.'i. A settlement will be ' LOS ANGELES (API—Sancie .lame* F. Buriie. 36. made the , Btx>ck-Hall ahareholders, on- tion. has breiight the PUC de- wet e blamed 011 the subfreezing MONDAY OPEN 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. at the outdoor commissioning Mansfield: Mrs. P a t r i c i a MADRID. Spain (API A funnel to save time and waste TOCHNICOUm* Prom WARNBR reached as you wish. My re­ Ann Moreland, S. center of a bit- threat before a Veteraiw Ad-1 hoimoed .veaierday. wa* fol- cimon that "the petitioner eaoi- weather ceremonies at Mare Island ship­ Brooke*. Berlin; Mrs Marion Spanish cruiser and two fri- when filling the dishes in your quest for Turkish youth i.a that minislration official Dec. 17. the \ lowed by tho report tJial New not oontimie to render adequate The new cold snap set in Fri- TUESDAY OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. yard. Temple. East Hartford. I ter custody battle between her gates in the Atlantic have found bird’s cage. —MRS. T. A. • ON THE SAME SHOW • they act with restraint and not complaint against Burn* said. , London A Mohegsn »hareholdei'« motor bus .seix-ice at a net defi- day in the .Alpine areas of Italy, ’’This epitomizes the purpose divorced parents, will be given no .sign of the 10,300-ton Castillo DEAR POLLY — Crease Be A Part cau.se any disturbance. " The late Lee Hai-vey OswaW 1 have (d.>*o voted siippfvri of the cit. and tliat im-reased reveniie.s and Ice and fog continued today and concept of Woodrow Wilson. See ScneAMiNokJtimLLS B y THe TVio u 8a n o s ..I de Montjuicli, seven days over­ CLOSED A U DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY marks often are left on large Greece’* King Paul I urged j to neither. was tile accused ■.sflaamn ofimei'ger. tuid higher fare* are reipui'ed III hamper road and rail com- 'This is the cause for which he O f This due on a voyage from Boston. draperies and blankets after President Cemal Gursel of 'Tur­ ' Juvenile Ojurt Judge Bernard President Kennedy. i 'Fh® two aa-e among ihe-laigeet muiiicationa. gave his life." Gala Pro-Cuha Group Mass . to I.a Coruna. in order to iii.sure comtinuity of MORRELL'S FAMOUS they have dried on a clothes­ key to use his influence to avoid Jefferson ruled Fridai that the Bums, arrested on a fedei al ! iniiepende.nt daires in the Blate. an adequate and effii-ient motor Wilson’s granddaughter, SUea- A ffa ir! Tlie ship, with a crew ot 37 line. I save all the rolls from any action that might upset the Said Breaking Up child will remain a ward of the warrant yej*terday. said he could ' Tlie oonifcined marketing area bus stux'ioe. ' READY-TO-EAT HAMS nor Axson Sayre, «ttended the S nqrd court. He said both parent.* had; no of 9.000 paper towels and waxed paper. precarious cease-fire in Cj7 >rus. commission ceremonies as the tons of coni, left Boston Dec 5. In allowing Uie rate iiioroa.see. Pinehurst holiday shipment of these carefully trim­ When I wash big items, 1 put Underlying the tension is Ma- been irresponsible and guilty of threat stretch all t.h* way aoroee the NEW YE.AR’.S sponsor. She had broken a bot­ starring .\genls of the owners, ' Em- the PUU delved a reke Up Your TONIGHT Plus Hope sad Ball la "Baacy Panto," 4i80-1i46 laws. The Turkish ^priots ac- ^,ttee’* literature In New Or- Sancie Ann. Official* aaid Biirns had been „rah J. fyiew received her final her position as about 400 mites 17'^. ts for sliuients H eat whole hams at 325* for 10 minutes to the lb. . . . half GIRLS—Mrs. M. E. H.’a let­ cuse Makanos of trying to erase Mrs. Moreland, he said, liqd given an undeairable diochoige 1 divorce decree ■ SYidnv in Sii- No Blackface leans, but after the assassina- northwefrt of the Azores. 1 Rov'ce had retpirate.1 to b»' hams 14 minutes to the lb.,They are fully cooked . . . no water ter inspired my suggestion for Party Now minority rights guaranteed by described Moreland as highly! from the U.S. Army and wantel > p^^ior Court from film’seinn Ar added . . . very little cooking shrinkage. Mummers Asked this problem. Save a length of the 19Slj constitution. tion the organization dlaowned emotional, cruel, violent and ' it changed. , penorthur M. Lourt Loew from dr. film scon Ar old i^rden hose and slip it over him a* a meipber, saying his said he had kept her in constant Burns was charged imder fed­ application never had been act­ Mrs. Loew. 29, widbw^ of film | the clothesline when drying fear. eral statutes pertaining to actor Tyrone Power, received HOLIDAY SHRIMP PHU^DELPHIA (AP) — The ed on. blankets and draperies. Would “ Where does the truth really threats against the President. her interlocutory decree Dec. city said Friday it disapproves Powell to Appeal The committee’s remaining TRADITIONAL TOAST TO THE NEW YEAR- Large JUMBO ( 15 to 20 to IbJ do a'way with the wet soggy lie?” the jpdge asked. The complaint said that 18. 1962, on grounds of cruelty. the use of blackface by M um ­ supporters say the group had paper roUa and could be kept Sancie Anti-’s case atU'aeted Burns told a V A official that if Ijoew. .38, adopted Tyrone gleaned and deveined shrimp in 3 lb. bags mers parade marchers. Robert near the washing machine, Coiitenipt Ruling been dealt a fatal blow by the wide attention this fall when her his claim was not satisfied he ^ Loew. 4, her son bv'Pow- DAIRY-FRESH W. CJrawford, city recreation clean .and ready for such use. disclo.sure that Oswald had rep­ father took her from a hospital would go to Washinglmi "and ' g,. 1961, _ 5.85— 1.95 lb. commissioner, asked parade —POLLY NE'W YORK (API — Rep. resented himself as one of its wa,d Sept. 22 and kept lier hid-'null an Oswald and gel 1 goughl to have the sdontion set SHADY GLEN judges not to give' prizes to en­ TTiis 8 lb. bag has become a big “ seller” every week Adam Clayton Powell, D-N.Y., collaborators, afccording to the jen for nearly two months. The lactiosi one way or another.” I aside.aside ^ tries considered “offensive" to DEAR POLLY—I have a sug­ •ay* he will appeal a judge’s de- Times. rijn, had been suffering from in the year and holidays we fill one section of the racial groupa. y-,, . I- .J-^'®"' has asked the court to gestion for the young amateur ci.sion ruling him in contempt of The committee was founded in encephalitis - sleeping slcknes.s Suspect OetS Choice ' prevent her from eliminating EGG NOG The announcement came after frozen food case. Place these delicious jumbo shrimp artiste who like to work with court for failing to appear to Robert Taber of New . and he .said he \vas convinced HARTFORD (APi O n - O e w from the boy’s name Magistrate Elias Myers, parade in a small quantity of boiling water, slightly salted, charcoal and chalk. After a pic­ answer a $211,600 libel judg- H® was succeeded as na- she needed his love to make her necticut state police will allow The O e w ; were married in director, had modifiett' his ban ture le completed, spray it with ment. chairman, in turn, ^ well. Doctors said, however. bring to a second rolling boil and serve. on blackface. - < the drunken driver .suspect to 1959 and have a son, Gerald. 3. hair spray to prevent smudges State Supreme Ckiurt Justice Gibson and Vincent T. that the child was already past decide whether his breath o r ------Meanwhile, the Philadelphia and smears, —U N Y Arthur Markewich___ -I. ordered__ .1 s»__the Tlip latterIftHpr resigned whenwl---- danger and convalescing when Branch of the National Assocla- the group began breaking up, his blood will be tested under ______, Real cocktail sauce and strong horseradish controversial Harlem congress­ he took her from the hospital. consent' ,tlon for the Advancement of Col­ prior to the assas.sination. the so-called "implied VKTTOR SHRIM P ...... 7 oz. can 95c man Friday to pay the judg­ (Jliild-stealing charge.s against ef- ored People announced it would law." The measure takes PerHonal Notices ment or appear in court Jan. 6 him were later dismissed. feet Wednesday. boycott the annual N ew Y e a r’s and detail his financial ability Mo Right-of-B’ay Jeffer.son'.s ruling followed Day parade. Commissioner Leo J. Mul READY TO SERVE rrirtinw*]!] HIELODY NOTEr to pay. conflicting opinions of two psy-! yegterdav that "we In Memoriam M yers said laat week that n 4*»i u urKies AV o rv3 1 n ik/1 s' ...... If Powell, now In Puerto Rico, HARThXJKD (AP) A fu­ chiatri.sts who examined More have decided to leave this op­ SHRIMP COCKTAIL marchers in blackface would be Plus Sengs by ARVERBAREn. . . In lOTlnz inenion of ixin ain e D. falls to itppear, he could be ar­ neral proceoHian does not have land. tion to the suspect.” Townsend, who passed ■wsv De- removed from the parade, but MATINEE DAILY cemlii-r 9S. 196u. rested. but only in New York the right of way over other Dr. Janies Edward McGinnis, When the suspect aiaks for a 3 glasses 99c, Friday he amended this by T H IS W E E K [T'S D E LK 'lO rS! So rit’li and creamy . so 'Z'ho Picture You Have i t FAVORS ★ NOISEMAKERS and on that day. Congress con­ who was appointed by the court, blood test it jfieans that police lUi stating: " I'm not going to both­ traffic, a court of oommon plea* en *n*el, too sweet for Broadway’s No. 1 Comedy Been Waiting For! ★ FUN FOR EVERYONE! venes the next day, and he judge has ruled. said he hud fouiul some an.xiely will have to locate a physician fresh . . . it's jrreat .just tlie wa.v it is— or use er anybody as long as they be­ Now A Great Screen Hit in Moreland’s emotional make­ 8*4^ here for a siiort while. SALTED MIXED NU TS ...... 8 9 c and 81.19 could claim congressional Im­ • Judge Samuel Googel yester­ to admini.ster it. Tlie law says it :ts a ba.se lo make your own nog recipe taste have themselves and don’t poke Per Person, up but no evidence of psychosis. Oon marked her when he gave her Debbie Re3moIde in C A I X N O W F O B munity. day rejected a $10,000 damage that only doctors can take the birth. fun at anybody.'" “MARYi MARY” • 3 Minimum He said Moreland was impul­ And took her with a smile. even better I Pepperidge Farm party rye and a wide assortment of R E S E R V A T IO N S . . . Powell said through his law­ suit filed by Mrs. Beatrice blood samples. In color yers Friday that the appeal sive "but does not pose a threat Mulcahy, meanwhile, is try­ Arnold and Pepperidge Farm holiday rolls. BORGMNE TICKLED PINK «iaeK miiRisr Fleming of Bloomfield, ’who said Mother, father, grandikarani* 5>26 and 9:49 (Daaoiiig every Ihuraday, Friday and Satiuday Nights) would be made on the basis that to his wife or child.’’ ing to determine how many doc-1 NEW YORK (AP)—Actor Er­ she wan driving through a red m the contempt of court order was tors and hospital* he can count 1 Shop Pinehurst today, Saturday till 6 p.m. and come nest Borgnine said: “I’m tickled [£MHQN M UUNE traffic light in a funeral pit>- In Memoriam Improperly served. It was hand­ RELOOA'nON APPROVED “W A L L O F N O IS E " l OKTEflJiNT FOOD and IM G A f. iBBV a B a m M I ooaeion when her oar w a* hit on to help administer the new in sad and lowng remembrtuice m Monday and Tuesday for New Year Holiday foods. ink. What can a fella aay when ed to a member of the law firm ■WASiHINGTON (AP) ~ A chemical teat law. 1^:0 de- e is as happy as I am?" S:1S and 1:86 SniywiumiRMB. ait a Hartford intereection Jan. OPEN A1 Pearson hopes to bring in more of his S ill. . . mari­ [ reprasenting hini. Federal CXnrvmuni cation* <;>om- Troop commanders have been w, 1962. gSinging star Ethel Merman: ) - 26, 1958. - nated herring . . . and we will make more Korv for A court official said giving the misaion examiner has recom­ asked to make a survey to see j Nobody knows Ui« heartache “ There’s no doubt about one nciuoi Her suit charged that the oth­ NEW YEAR'S EVE SUNDAY M m order to anyone In the firm is mended the ajiproval of a T ri­ how many doctors will be avail-1 A'*d nobody kiipwe the pain orders. thing—I'm in love with the ELVIS PRE8LY In MULTS er driver, the late Julius L. angle Publicalions, Ine., ap­ Nobody know* of the loti'lines* DoSfiC as legal as giving it to Powell able around the cluck and how And the tear* we've shed In vain. TILL 7 O 'CLO CK guy” ’ “FUN IN ACAPULCO" ONIT Schmidt af tilast Hartford, "vio­ plication. Approval would al- Oak Restaurant himself. many hospitals will allow blood m i Y to i (J T h « Q uaH t HO O D FINE EGG NOG. quart 79c The thrice-wed Miss Merman, 8:46, T:06 and 10:20 TECHMCOliOr MNAVBMIP Powell has been Ivere rarely lated the well-established cus­ low Triangle to change the lo- , tests of drivers admitted for So this i* for love aiMl rsmem- M, and the twice-wed Borgnine, SO OAK STREET, MANCHESTER—643-6058 brance Open Regular Houri ^ BUHERBALL TURKEYS ALSO In the last few months, except tom of honoring the riglit of cation of its transmitter for treatment of injuries. 46, announced Friday they plan TICKETS NOW ON SALE Of a nnan wa'll never lorget Bob Hope-Locllle Ball Always Plonty O f FREE PARKING! on Sundays to deliver eermons way of a funeral prooession.” station WNHC-TV in "New Ha­ Co4in*el for the Connecticut Whoae memory to u* is a tree w e New Year’s Day f * 44A CONNECTICUT FRESH CHICKEN PARTS to. bp married next July after “FANOY PAWttr AT THE BO(k om O B as “ a bag woman (gTAft col-' Googel said there wa* s u c h ven, Ootm., fwnn Gaylord Hospital Association has ad- Whoe* lose a fefeUme regret. Ms divorea from aetraas Katy S « 0 . 6:88 and 8t86 loctor) for the Police Depart- a cuMtom but OonnaoUout lonv Mountain to a point ncxrUieaat vized its 54 member hospitals Jurado becomes 0nal.la June. n e iti." «ttd not racoffolM ft. iof M «rU « on Mount lUcIby. “not to get Involved in perform- t


IKanri|pBtrr one-half aa good at Camagie Hall." "It Is a sound deficient in baaa reaponae. and l^ r r a U i a sound that almost entirely lacks tha Churches PUBLfflHED BT THK mellqw quality of the older halli." "The ■BBALD PRINTING CO., INC. Calvary Oiiirrb Juhovah's WItneaeee 8 t Bridget'e CTinrch U BUlfll StrtH hall does lack Intimacy." (ABBMnbttea of Ond) Kingdom Halt Rev. John F. Delaney, Paator 9:30 am.. Church School for UtnrhfMttr. Conn So it goes, with perhaps the wliMt M l E. Middle Tpke. > 791 Main .St. Rev. Stanley E. Hasttllo all age*. ^ . THOMAS r. ncRoysoN Rev. Dennis R Hussey w a l t Sr r . f e r g c s o n kind of aummary comment coming Rev. Kenneth I-. Gustafson 10:45 a.m., Nurserj- through PublUhfrt from Harold C. Schonberg, critic Of the Faetor 3 p.m.. Public Bible dis­ Grade 3 continues. mnundoA October 1, IWl course: "What is hsppening to Masses at 7, 9. 10 and 11 10:48 a.m., Morning Worahip. New York Times, who points up aome • ;4* a.m., Sunday school M orals?" a.ih. Sermon: "A Fresh Start." PublUbad Brery Evening Except Sundtye of the irony in It all. d HotMay* Entered at the Poat Omce at elaaeea for all ages. 4:18 p.m., Watchtower mtig- 6:30 p.m., Methodist Youth Sanrheater, Conn., aa Second Claaa Mall "All of this,” he writes, "points up 11 s.m., Worship Service. anine Bible study article; "Ex­ St. Jsmfs' Church Fellow.ahip. Matter. the fact that acouatica la aomething leas FilMe message by Pastor Gus­ ecution of Dh-ine Judgment up­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Monday, 7:15 p.m.. Prayer tafson. on False Religion" (Rev. 17:1) Reardon, Pastor and dlscuAalon time. 7:30 p.m.. ■ubbcription r a t e s than an exact science. Acouaticlana to­ Rev. FAigene F. Torpey Payable In Adrance 7 p.m.. Family Gospel Serv­ Wednesday, 8 p.m., Group Survey kickoff meeting at St. One Year ...... 122.00 day-know many things that were not ice. Sing*Picatlon and musical Bib!e studies in the Bible Sid: Rev. Joseph H. McCann John’* Episcopal Church. Masse* at 7, 8, 6, 10 and u Six llnnthe ...... 11.00 even theoretical questions s half cen­ program. Neil Chadwick, mln- "Let Your Nsme Be Sancti­ Rev. John D. Regan Thursday. 7:30 p.m.. Meeting a.m. Three Ifonthe ...... * SO l.SS tury ago. Nevertheless, the hails consid­ Isterai student at Northeast fied" at the following loca- of Methodist Men. One Mnnth ...... Sacred Heart C’hnrell Btble Institute, guest speaker. t'ons; 87 Birch St., 18 Cham­ Masses at 6. 7, 8. 9, 10:15 Friday, 9 a.m., Youth mem­ ered by all musicians to be the great­ and 11:30 a.m. » Rl. 80, Vemea MEMBER o r Tuesday, 8 pm.. Church fam­ bers St.. 287 Oakland St. in bership class. THE ASSOaATED PR»»S est . . . all are more than <0 years old.’’ Manchester; also 144 Griffin Rev. Ralph Kelly, Paator The Aeeociated Prexe le excluelvely entitled ily luncheon and fellowship. 10 Saturday, 9:.30 to 11:30 a.m., to the nee of repub Inatton of all new* dia- So ragea the discussion down in New p.m.. Waehnlght service. Spec­ Rd. in South Windsor and Church of the Asaumptien Church st^iool for Grades 3 Masse* at 7:30, 8:80, 10 and patchea credited to It or not olherwiee credit­ York, with few defenders of the quality ial musical program. The Rev. French Rd. in Bolton. Adams St. and Thompson Rd. through 6. ed In thie paper and aleo the local newt puh- Friday at the Kingdom Hall: Res'. FrsniHe J. MIhalek 11:15 a m. llahed here. / , . of the great neh' hall as it is. and with Jo.aeph Stanley of Groton guest PRECISION All righte of republication of epeclal dle- speaker. 7:28 p.m., TTieocratic Minis­ Pastor St. Maurice Church patchee Itereln are al»o reeerred. ■ucli defenders exposed to rather merci­ try school. Rev. Ernest J. Coppa First Lnthoraa CRoreh MACHINING Friday, 7:80 p.m. Yoiilh Fel- Bolton a Cylinder Heads less scoffing when they do dare ven­ lONVShip. 8:30 p.m.. Service Meeting, Rev. Bernard !.» McGurk Rockville m u aervlce client of N. E. A Sefylce. Inc. Theme: "Fight the Fine Fight Ma«’.se.s at 7, 8. 9, 10:15 and • Engine Blocks and Ptibliahera Repreaentatlrea — The Jiillue ture the opinion that they find ita sound Pastor Rev. C. Henry Aa deraoa Other Surfaces On Community Press Mathewe Special Agency — .New ^ orlt < hl- of the Faith." 11:30 a.m. Interim Paator eago. Detroit and Boaton . quite adequate and pleating aa it it. (VNirordIa Lutheran Cluirrei Foreign and American 9 East Middle Tpke. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRC1.1.A- 46 Pitkin St. Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and Mrs. Harold Sobolbo These few defenders haven't got a United Pentecostal Cliurrh St. Bartholomew's Churrh Cara and Trucks Telephone 643-.i727 nONS Rev. Paul Kaiser, Pastor 11:30 a m. Organist and Director chance. Tlie crash verdict has gone the Tinker Hall Rpv. Philip Hussey, Pastor Ralph Duell Open Saturdays Until 6 P.M The Herald Printing Company. Inc., aa- other way; millions of dollars will be 791 .Main St. Rev. Richard C. Bolica, St, George's Episcopal Church Sunday School guportaitendent aumea no financial reaponalbillty for typ^ 6 am.. Holy Communion. Rev. Robert K Baker graphical errora appearing In advertlaementa spent improving the acoustics, and ther# Assistant Pastor R t 44A Bolton and other reading matter In The Manch'ater Church School. Nursery. will still be criticism. 10:80 s.m,, Worshp Service. Rev. Edward W. Johnson, Vicar 0 a m.. Sunday school claaoet Manchester Evening Herald. 10 a.m. Sunday School. Masses at 7, 8. 9, 10:15 and for all age*. How much of all this is real ? How CYmrch School. Nursery. 11 a.m.. Worship. 11:15 a.m. CAR LEASING Motorola and Zenith Sales tHaplay adrertlalng cloainc houra: 4 pm.. Church School Family 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 10:16 a.m., Worahip Service, Rug Cleaning and Service Por Monday — 1 p.m Friday much of it represent! the Inevitable re­ 8 p.m. Evangelistic service. .10:18 a.m.. Morning Prayer. itermon: "The Rise and Fall of For Auto Windshields Ohriatmas program. Company a For Store Fronts and all For Tueedav — 1 p m Monday. ception to any new auditorium ? How First Church of Christ, ScienUst Wedneaday, lO am., Holy Many." We Service All Makes of TV, For Wedneaday — 1 p m Ttieadar. 7 :80 p.m.. Adult Bible Class. CkniMiiunitv Baptist Churrh and RENTALS Plen Guarantees Car Repairs sizes of windows For Thuraday — 1 p.m. Wedneaday. much of it might have been different if Tvieeday. 7 :30 p.m.. New Masonic Temple Communion. IS llannaway St. Radios and Phonographs 2 For Friday — 1 p.m. Thuraday. 888 E. Center St. United Methodist Ctanrcli Reuben Plen’s Texaco Sta-<^'- s For Table Tops For Saturday — 1 p.m Friday the first conductors there had happened Year’s Rve Sen-ice. Rev. .\lex H. Elseaaer, Minister First In Manchester. New Del Knowles, Prop specialty. With the experience aaaaifled deadline 10 SO a m each day of 11 a.m., Sunday Service, Sun­ .St. John's Episcopal Church Rt. 44A, Bolton tion, 381 Main St., ha.s proved OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. to be those who have. since dared to day School and nursery. "Chris­ oara, full maintenance, fully and training gained over the MODERN publication except Saturday — » a m. Ooepel Hall R t SO, Vernon Rov. Abram W. Saagrey Call 648-0012 to be a most popular place for SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON state they liked it? 9:30 a.m.. Church School for tian Science” w-ill be the subject Inaured to reduce your prob­ years, he Is fully capable of Community Press for Printing 416 Center St. Rev. James L. Grant, Rector Minister all age*, including nursery care of the Lesson-Sermon, Hie lems and worries. For full In­ motoriata. Since he opened this taking care of mechanical dif­ TV SERVICE How much of the continued swell of for babies. Clas.sea through 3-DAY This la the time of year whecK^- Saturday, December J8 Golden Text is from Isaiah 82; 7 ;45 a.m., Holy Communion. station on July 16, 1962, peo­ ficulties on ail makes of cars. criticism has been due to the way tudi- 10:80 a.m.. Breaking Bread. Grade 4 have an expanded ses­ 9:18 a.m.. Church School formation call we take stock of things, both in and talk with either Mr. or 99 SUMMER ST. J. A. WHITE 7. Scriptural seleclio.-is will in­ 9 a.m., Holy Communion, SERVICE! ple have been taking advantage As to the cost, it !s not a w-hit Mrs. Larson, owners of the 13:18 p.m.. Sunday school. sion lasting through worship classes. buslnctas and in our personal encea have chimed in. thinking it the clude: laaiah 81; 4. Correlative aermon. clas.sta. 9:18 and 10:45 ajn., Morning of the excellent services o f­ more costly to have an expert buslne.ss. You wdll enjoy talk­ 2 Blocks From McKee St. 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. service. Paul Dodge Pontiac — also — lives. Many business firms do GLASS CO. sophisticated, educated thing to find paaaages from "Science and 10:45 a.m.. Holy Communion, Worship. Student Sunday. Ser­ fered here. At this station, you work on your car. ami the prices ing w-ith them for you feel the Tuesday. 8 p.m.. Prayer 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worahip. INC. dlr«ct-by-mail advertising, and Tel. 643-2205 81 Blssell St.— Tel. 649-7822 fault with acoustics 7 Health w-ilh Key to the Scrip­ sermon, cla.sses. mon: "There I* A Future In It." FI RNITURE CLEANING have all of the fine and de­ charged are in line with many if you are not entirely satisfied atmo.sphcre of frlendlinc.ss and DcfininR That “ Wsrles* World” meeting. Sei-mon: "The Deeds We De­ tures" by Mar>- Baker Eddy, in­ 878 .MAIN STREET pendable Texaco products and, who are i>ot aa w-ell qualified How many of ua are there who. having Monday, 10 a m., Holy Com- 6:30 pxn., Youth Fellowehlp. Phone 649-1588I with the results, why not take interest that is alw-ays present 8 clare.” Nuriiery and crib room. clude: p. 26: 28-30. mumon. Monday, 11:30 p.m., Watch- in addition, Reuben Plen haa Prices for all w-ork are in line stock of the reapomw you. have here. They will' be delighted to heard of the supposedly atrocious sooua- Church of Christ 7 p.m.. Senior High and Jun­ 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. an unlimited repairer’s licen.se with fair trade practices, and Arthur Laraon, a former brain Iniat Orange Hall, E. Center St. 8 p.m.. Religious census night Service. We Urge You To Support had? CTommunity Press may show you samples of both the tics at this or- that hall or auditorium, ior High Bapti.vt Youth Fellow­ Reading Room hours at 749 and you can always depend all work is guaranteed. regular and raised printing and MANCHESTER figure In the Elaenhower administration, Eugene Brewer, .Minister meeting at St. John’s Churrh. The Lutz Junior 8IuHriiin have the answer to this prob­ PONTIAC are naive and unaophisticated enough ship-. Main St., excepting legal holi­ Tuesday, 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ upon Uie fine work done on Everyone knows Texaco prod­ lem for they are experts in if you w’ish the engraved invi­ and now director of the World Rule of days, Monday through Satur­ munion. United Riht-QUA. any and all makes of cars. ucts for they atre natlonallj- plannlr« for this type of adver­ tations, these may also bo or­ AND to enjoy performances there 7 • ;46 a.m., Bible drill for chil­ The Presbyterian Churrh day. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thurs­ nt* Wawaw's MHpMae A MEMORIAL CO. Law Center at Duke Univeraity, waa Wednesday, lO am, Holy- ^ ■ mi t t u r MBMr M UVTinw tl^ Work on an automatic trans­ famous and motorists have tising. 'Both Mr. and Mr.s. Frank dered. The chances are that All of this makes precious littls dif­ dren 4,1 Spruce St. day, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. A Thought for Today talking on hia ow-n special aubject at a 10 a.m., Bible cla.sses for all Communion, mission ia something that only come to depend upon the qual­ Larson are trained In this field, you will choose raised printing Oppoalte East Cemetery ference. if the initial verdict happens Rev. James L. Ransom, .Minister Sponsored by the Maachee- 338 BURNSIDE AVE. a skilled person can do, and ity products offered by them. over the regular for there is .so TEMPEST conference of the Carnegie Endowment ages. Fi-iday, 9 a.m., Holy Com­ Berube's and while it may seem a simple to take the critical aide. In auch case, Emanufil I.sitherM (liurch munion. ter Council of Churches EAST IIARTK)RD at Reuben Plen’s work on auto­ When you need a lubrication matter to you. It really is not. little difference in the cost, yet International Center In New York City 10:46 a m.. Morning Worship. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School with TYPEWRITER SERVICE Qualify Memorials the avidltorium In question la doomed to Sermon: "Happy New Year” Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Pastor 7 p.m.. Boy aoout commit­ matic transmiaaions, particu­ job, if }x>u want to be really It takes experience, ^ tll and the appearance la so much SALES and SERVICE the other day. clas.sea for all ages, nursery Rev. Melvin T. Peterson tee meeting. 479 Middle Tpke. E. 289-6333 larly specializing on GMC hy- .sure, get a Marfax ‘lubrication training to turn out copy that more impressive. suffer a bad reputation acoustically for 4 p.m.. Evening Worship. Ser­ through adults. Manrhester Over SO Years Experience And. aa btcame hia poaition and hia mon; "Great Bible Characters Asolstant Pastor The .Age ef Innoeenoe Power and Hand Tools amatic transmissions, is job for it wUl protect every- will bring results. The layout It is noticeable also that the years and years, until something mel- 10:48 a m.. Morning Worship. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, Painting and Decorating stre.ssed. Should you have the part of your car. Why la Tex­ must be set up so that your trend tow-ard raised printing of PAUL DODGE particular role, he put the queation of — Ix)t, the Coet of Selfishnes.s.’ ’ Talcottsllle f'ongregattnnal Today we commemorate the Call 649-5807 lowa. Usually it is not the hall itself Sermon: "Till the End of Time," 9 a.m.. Divine Worship and Church ROYALS, UNDERWOODS, Tools need for work to be done on an aco so sure? Because Maxfax message is easily read, the color business stationery, business Thursday, 7:80 p.m.. Midweek Holy Innocents, the cliUdren peaca In a completely unemotional con­ by the pastor. Music by the Cliurch School. Nursery Class Rev. Robert K. Shimoda, L. C. SMITHS. Etc. Garden and Ijtnd Tools automatic transmiaslon, take has been scientifically tested to of the paper is important, even cards and announcements' has PONTIAC, INC. which does the mellowing, through service. T opic: "The Christian alaughtered by a vengeful mon­ We Handle Stationery Along A. AIMETTl, Prop. text. and Rare Relations." (Church Choir. Nursery- for pre­ for three-year olds. .Minister Bub.v, iloiisehold, Party the job here for you are cer­ produce a better lubrication the weight of the paper must made considerable progress. aome redesign or aubstitution of devices school children. Junior Church 10:30 a.m., Divine ’Worship arch who feared the rivalry of With Office Machine Sup­ and Banquet Supplies tain of the results w-hen Reu­ every time. Havoline is another Buslne.ss firms feel that tliey "The warlesa world we conceive." he be considered so that it will 973 Main St.—Tel. 649-2881 Harrison St,- Manchester and materials, but the people who go for Grade 1 through 8. and Church School. At both 11 am.. Family worship an Infant! Such a apectaole plies. Invalid Needs ben Plen does the work for tested product and when you not exceed postage limits. If gain prestige through its use. Secisnd OongregnttiMiai Church Addressograph Plates As aald, "mutt aspire to do no more than there, because they finally get tired of 888 N. Main St. 7 p.m., E\-ening Service with aervices. aermon by Pastor service. Nursery in parsonage. would be prepooteroua when you. need an oil change, get Havoline your message does not attract and, for the slight extra cost, hymnsing and Bible study In viewed from the standpoint of Desired. prorlde a framework of nonviolence, pretending they can t enjoy anything Kev. Fetlx M. Davis, Minister Peterson, "A Child ^ a ll Lead Sermon: "When There Is No The importance of exper­ the all-weather oil it is just attention. If it k w « reader in­ the Impression given is w-qjl ' Ephesians, "Popular Misconcep­ Them” Nur.iery. logic. But human lifb ia not oon- A- J. BERUBE. Prop. terest after the first few lines, worth it. j law and fair procedure within which na- there. Mrs. lUrhard H. Ptnney, Returning” Mr. and Mrs. Al­ ience in any job is most im­ what your car needs. Everyone tions." trolled by logic. We are ruled 649-8477—648-6342 your money has been w-asted. Personalized stationer}- ia al­ tiona can work out their own claahea of .aseoeiate Minister fred Bunce, greeters. Gaetano Custom Made portant, and when it cornea to is looking for tetter mileage TOURAINE STEVENSON’S Monday, 7:18 p.m.. Meeting Center Congregational Cliurch Simoncelli. deacon of day. by our smotiorwi, feeiinga and repairing cars, it cannot be from their cars and motorists Why not do as so many others ways a w-e!come gift and eer- ; Intareat.” of the trustees. 10 a.m.. Worship and CSiurch United Churrh of Christ 3 p.m,, Dedication of Educa­ paaaions. However aopMaticated stresaed too strongly. In the have found that they get better have done? Talk the problem tainly it la so w-hen raised > Tue.vday, 9 p.m.. New Year’s Window Govorinas printing is used. For the person ! "Warleaaneaa.’’ aa he defined It. "ia not School. NuTBerv’. Sermon: "In Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, tion Building and open house. we may think wa are, we art case of Reuben Plen, there is mileage from Texaco gasoline. over wlUt the Larsons and take PAINTS PhSi Th« Thaw E\-e Party at the manse. CUSTOM MADE who has just about everything, ESSO a product of aome benevolent mood or of Newnes-s of life ," by the Rev. Minister Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Guptill, at a loea to grasp the reality ot a Window Shades no question as to the exper­ The next time "you need a tank­ advantage of their experionce I 11:18 p.m.. Watch Night Serv­ Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, minister of Connecticut Con­ Innocence. CANVAS AWNINGS ful of gas, try Sky Chief, the and know’-how. You will find this would make a most w-el- | FOR BEST RESULTS 40.^ MAIN ST. aome radical change in the human Mr. Davis. ice in Chapel. a Vertical and Venetian ience he hats had, for he has Associate Minister ference of Congregational Yet of euch things art bom been working on all makes of high test gas, or Fire Chief, the that, busy as they are, they are come gift at any time for it i TEL. 649-8290 character. Rather, it is the product of How often it seems to happen, in re­ 11:18 a.m. to 12:18 p.m., Friday. 8 p.m., Session meet­ Blinds, Drapes and Rev. Francis C. Hawes, Christian Churches, guest the basic longings of mankind. cars for about 21 years. He was regular gas, and you will see always willing to help Uieir show-s that yovi have really giv- I cent years, that our weather aystema Church School for Grades 7 ing. Hardware customers with their partlculp.r en thought to its choice. | atructurea. princlplea and tnatitutlona through 12. Minister of Religious Education speaker. Other participants in­ Simple faith, sinmle hope, un­ employed by a General Motors for yourself wha^ a difleirence * Tune-ups that, given human quarrelaomeheaa, can use our preoccupation with the holiday clude Dr. Allison Heaps, the suspecting love, r firm in Manchester for ten there is in Texaco gas and how problems. Y’ou can depend upon Com- | PAUL'S I 6 to I p.m.. Pilgrim Youth Trinity Covenant Church system to fasten down upon us that 8. 9:18 and 11 a.m.. College Rev. Paul Bowman, the Rev Ihere I* a sense of wonder years and during this period much better your car perform.*. (Community Pres.s is cenlrally munity Press to take care of | * Engine Cleaning ■till methodically settle disputea and or­ Group with Mr. and Mrs. Mslt- Hackmatack St. Near FINDELL'S aay type of printing, job and ■ PAINT SUPPLY clamp of snow and ice which really sets Sunday. Services conducted by Robert Shimoda and Everett and awe at the birth o f a chila. 483 .MIDDLE TPKE.. EAST i'.e specialized on hydromaitic Drive your car over to Reuben located at 9 E. Middle Tpke., der international affairs.” shall Layton. Keeney St. Murphy. with plenty of parking .space at commercial, and do it well. A the pattern of our living through all of 7 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi Group students. Miss Kathleen Ryan, Innocence startles us who have transmissions. At this lime he Plen’a if you are having trouble 64.") Main Street * Minor Repairs Rev. K. EJnar Rask, Pastor Miss Judith Rhodes, Phil Rider Phone 043-4865 all times, that you can pop in very real and personal interest Whenever, in any field, a prescription with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mat- become cynical and disUlurion- was a fully trained mechanic with it; be will gladly check Tel. 649-0.300 January and at least part of February! and Michael Morasco. w-or.ship Rockville Baptist Church it for you and furnish estimates at any time. Is evideneed at Community * S }:^ Stamps for human or national conduct leans ex­ teaon. 9:30 a.m., Sunday school for ed. Elnchantment fades with K. A. PEARL, Prop. and in course of time he was Press, and w-hether your job There we were, Christmas shopping, leaders Miss Elizabeth Gart- 69 Union St. promoted to foreman. With his on any work that needs to be Have you noticed how many clusively on one Ingredient or another, all age gioiips, kindergarten "hard knocks." But when wt is a small one or a large one.' and trimming our trees, when, at an odd side and Arthur House will Wlnthrop W. Farnsworth look into the face of a child, expert knowledge of mechanics done. What Is more, you can wedding invitations and , an­ we have to keep interposing a reminder ClHirch ef the Naiarene through adult. give the message. "The Identi­ Pastor nouncements use raised print­ you know that every order is hour on a Sunday morning, winter it­ 886 Main St. 10:48 a.m.. Morning worahip. something of a last sense of and his extensive barkg-round depend upon any job that he ___ Upholstery that the beat prescription of all has to ty of Youth” SEE US FOR: ii'« Sim* 7t ^ j ing these days ? The reason is w-elcomed. In ca.so of an emer­ Rev. Robert J. Shoff. Minister The choir will present the ider and awe returns. Often of experience Mr. Plen was does that it will be satisfactory gency, nish orders will be fill­ self crossed the calendar and we were 9:15 and 11 a.m., Church 9:.30 a.m., Church school a Aluminum Roll Up promoted to open his own in every way. Not only do you simple: all brides feel that P aand n d M Shop VIC’S PIZZA SHOP be a blend between the code of the law Kev. R. Alfred Swain, Christmas message in music loet vaJuee of beauty an . ed, if po.«siblc. but in order to in the depth of our, normal annual con­ school. Crib room st 9:15 only. cla.sses for all ages, nursery Awnings txuiness. get fine service, fine products, every detail must be perfect RE-UPHOLSTERING 158 W. Middle Turnpike and the nature of the human or the na­ Aaaeelate Minister and Scripture. A meditation by nplicity can be recorded to \u> a Venetian Blinds tui-n out the kind of w-ork the 10:15 a.m.. Reception for through adults. If you have mechanical dlf- and the use of raised printing Phone 649-3700 S fusion about which 'end of the day it la the pastor. Nursery. There through the eyes of a chllo. but you also get a bonus in the tional being, with most progress coming college students and members 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. a Storm Doors makes these invitations and lArsons do, they appreciate * Modern Furniture first begins to stop losing ground to will be no other service in Heaven bends clooe to eartii floultie* with your car, take it form of S A H Gr6en Stamps. 1:80 a.m.. Church School of the Armed Forces, and Sermon: "God’s Will for the a Combination Windows announcements "special." If ample time an that \-ou and PIZZA about as a result of an interplay be­ church this Sunday. The after­ when a child ia bom. S}-m- over to Plen’t, for solving me­ Take yotfi- work where the job and Antiques night and displaying a few extra min­ classes for all ages. friends, in Fellowship Room. Church." Manchester AwninR Co. there is a wedding planned in they- w-ill be satisfied w-ith job tween them. 10:46 a.m.. Worship Service. noon and evening are designat­ pathy, faithfulneaa and tnist ■xpart CAUL chanical problems is Mr. Plen’s is guaranteed. • store Stools and Booths SPAGHEHI utes of sun. 7 p.m., B\-enlng Gospel Hour. 196 WEST CENTER ST. the next few months, stop in they do. In this currant instance, however, one Message by the pastor. ed for Christian fellowship in Mesaagf: "To Know Is To Do." can be seen more clearly Telephone 649-3091 • Custom Furniture RAVIOLI ■ There we were, grateful that holiday 4 p.m.. Youth Sen’ices. the homes. St. John's Polish National through the eyee of a child thaii • MOVINO Slipcovers and Draperiea would let Mr. Laraon and hia theory run Monday, 3:30 p.m.. Pioneer Established 1949 tial. Bio-electricity is the ideal travel arrangements were standing up, 7 p.m.. Evangelistic 8er\’ice. Tuesday. 8 p.m., New Year’s Catholic Churrh through eyes dimmed with dle- Wonders of the Universe’ could be detected on the meter. Made to Order OPEN DAILY Girl,*. • WAONIMO jw j. .. Like the concentration cell thi.s pow-er .source, for this implant. quite freely with a primary eny>hasia Massage by the pastor. Eve Candlelight service. Rev. Walter A. H.vzko lllusionment. For love opena all Complete Selection of and hardly noticing that a amall adi- Tuesday. 7 p.m., Boys’ Bri­ represents a very w-eak battery, Mr. Konikoff foresees the use 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on the law. The law la aomething we Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., doors: door* which have been Materials tion of a "Snowbound" waa imprinting Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 gade. Mr. Konikoff points out there of this pow-er for many types of SUNDAYS have in every aubdivlslon of the world, Prayer and praise service. Zion Evangelical Lutheran 8:30 p.m., Watch Night Serv­ closed by our own blindneaa, or FREE ESTIMATES Itself on yards and fields alongside our Churrh a.m. are several ways of obtaining Implants operating in vital or­ Lower Level of the Parkade ice. oa^-n folly and our own hatreds. Seeking to Harness gans of the body. He al.so fore­ 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. from utility district and village up to Journeys. St. Mary's Episcopal Churrh (Missouri Synod) power from the body, but the 649-6324 Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Prayer Rev. John D. Hughes. TuRnPIKE trick is to do it neatly with­ sees the use of bones as a logical CLOSED MONDAYS nation, and aomething we maintain with Clinreb and Park Sts. Cooper and High Sts. South Methodist Church and fellow.ship meeting. St. Mary’s <3Hirch. There we were, frsteful for an occa­ Hie Rev. George F. Nostrand, The Rev. Paul (1. Prokopy, Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. out disturbing the body func­ seat for the pow-er source. So c soma aucceaa in such areas and dimen­ Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Meeting much success had been achiev­ sional touch of cheerful sun. sparkling Rector Rev. Ray C. Hollis Jr. AUTO B O D Y Manchester Moving Power from Body tions or meta’oolisni. In experi­ sions with human nature exactly what of the board of deacons. ments sponsored by the Nation­ ed w-ith stainless steel splints in on snow, without noticing that ont of Tile Rev. John O. Hughes 9 a.m.. Sunday school for sll Saturday. 10 a.m.. Stockade ISeirshoy Willed $10,000 It la. The one final area where we have T%e Rov. William F. Gender III ages, 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning and Trucking Co. al Aeronautics and Space Ad­ bones that bones are being con­ the aiin's first accomplishments waS to meeting. By DR. I. M. LEYITT enlists to tag animals to re- sidered as an anchor for the I DON WILLIS not yet really applied the rule of law Hie Rev. Ronald K. Haldeman 9:.30 a.m.. Adult Bible time. w’orship. Grade 8 classes in O.EVELAND, Ohio (AP) .solve .some of the myatery con­ ministration and performed in Osfrinsky melt down some of the snow bate until Director, The Fela Planetarium his laboratory, tw-o electrodes pow-er generating equipment. In any final, authoritative sente la the 10 a.m.. Divine worahip with church. Union Congregational diurrh " I ’ll take the money and go to Of The Franklin InstlfuU- cerning them ir\ their natural It was becoming that solid kind of ice 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. Holv Communion. Texf: Luke 9 and 10:48 a.m,, Churrh college. I’d like tn be a doctor." about the size of a dime were Current e.xperiments for main­ DEALER IN WASTE world itself. We have begun to do so, of Rockville The u.se of bio-electricity, that environment. Implants will taining the physical integrity o f ' GARAGE which provides the most lasting and 9 a.m.. Hoi}’ Communion. 9:87-62. Theme: "I Will Follow school for nursery through Thai’s the w-ay Alfred Thur­ permit scientists to keep track made of platinum black and a course, with the United Nations, and. as Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Pastor WRECKER i.s, electricity generated in the high speed steel. While maihy our astronauts in space may MATERIALS threatening kind of deep freeze for roots Classes. Nursery and kinder­ TTiee. Lord, But ..." Nurs­ Grade 7. man, 13, a new’sboy. reacted human body. repre.“ient.s a pew- of them at all limes w-ith hom­ 18 Main St.. Tel. 649-4.531 In the evolution of British Common garten in Children’s Chapel. ery in the parish house. 10:4.8 a.m., Second Mile Club when told Friday he had been metals, including gold and sil­ eventually have significant over­ below and future snows above. 9 a.m., Churrh School for SERVICE development on the .scientific ing devices Installed Inthem. tones in our health and well­ Law, we have begun to write law by 11 a.m.. Morning prayer w-ith 11 a.m.. Gotte.sdienst. for Grade.s 8 and 9. Senior High left an estate estimated at He points out that birds who ver, can be used instead of the RAGS, IRON Grades 5 through 12. horlzoq w-hlch may revolution­ steel, the power output was being. It is surprising to find ; Specializing In deeds and neceaaitiea as well as by Not until we next tried to plow cross- aermon by the Rev. Mr. Tue.sday. 11:30 p.m.. New Forum. SlO.OOO by a customer who died ize technique.s for maintaining have a homing instinct which Hughes. Baby-sitting nurser}’ Year’s Eve Meditation. 3 p.m.. Student get-togeth­ 10:30 a.m.. Church School for la.st June. He said he had treat­ less, so steel was chosen. how many developments de­ yard or cross-field through it did we no­ infanUs through Grade 4. the health and well-being of our man has not been able to fath­ signed for space will be u.secl on SCRAP METAL formal statute. But we have aome dis­ in Children’s Chapel. Wednesday. 8 a.m., New- er at Susannah Wesley Hall for ed his benefactor,, William Stov­ om, fish W’hlch disappear for ex­ Tapping the Enrirgy BRAKE SERVICE tice that anow which had fallen in such 10:45 a.m..' Morning Worship. earth-bound population. the eartli to Improve our wel­ tance to go, and it hqs to be toward Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m.. Jahr's Gotteadienst; 10 a m., all' college students and friends. all. "the same as I did all the The discovery that a signifi­ tended periods of time and then Tlie electrodes had w-ires fas­ and PAPER a dry and powdery grace had now be­ Holy Communion. New Year’s Day serv-ice. 7 p.m.. Junior High Fellow­ Sermon: ’’’What Does Christ others on my route." return to their spaw-nlng tened to Uiem and then a • thin fare. Front End Alignment that amount of law’ w'hlch would be Mean to Y ou?" The Rev. Mr. cant amount of power can be Copyright 1963 come heavy and moisture-sodden. Daily, 7 p.m., Evening pray­ Theme: "Fear God, Trust Him, ship. Cooper Hall. "I don’t know why he left it generated by inserting special grounds, the w-ide ranging of silicon rubber tire was clamped 781 PARKER ST. clearly recognised to be in charge of vio­ 8 p.m., Twenties and Thirties Bowman preaching. around the electrodes to keep General Features Corp. As usual, the holidays put ua under er. Confess Him!'* to me," Alfred said. "Whenever electrodes in the body has pro­ whale.s, and the behavior of General Repair Work Tel. 643-5735 or 643-5879 lent behavior, and which would clearly will meet at Su.sannah Wesley 4 p.m.. The Junior High Pil­ he was sick, I would get water them from harming the body tis­ their ether, and then winter appears in jected the use of special moni- field mice represent creatures have the authority and the enforcement Hall. Mi.ss Edith Llppincott grim P'ellowship will meet at for him a little around the which may be investigated if sues when the animal moved. its white coat wielding ita cold knife, the Lottie Fisk Memorial i toring devices for vital human means to prevent or control auch be­ will present "A Connecticut house, but it wasn’t anything I organs into great prominence the promi.se of the perpetual The platinum black electrode Princess Visits and the sensible patient, seeking iro Connecticut Yankee Sampler” Biiildtng to go coasting in Hen­ wouldn’t do for my other eui^o- i While at tills moment the devei- ] pow-er materializes. w-as installed In the abdominal havior. ry Park. silly momentary reprieve, raises hia mers." opment is still in the experiinen- ^ MelUiod of Generation cavity and the steel electrode Kennedy Grave ABC APPLIANCE CAMPING And, in that endeavor, the first goal was placed just underneath the head briefly and aays to get on with It, Bv A .H .O . Salvation .Aniiy tal stage, enough work has How does a human being or has to be to get more law. and that can 661 Main St. been done to permit scientists | an animal generate electricity skin near the abdominal cavi­ REPAIRS and never mind any Illusory January ty. When this was done, about WASHINGTON (AP) — Prin­ EQUIPMENT be pushed through education aa to its The Republican State Central and their political curiosity M aj./E. Walter Lamle to realize tlie tremendous poten-1 to piow-er instruments? The an- thaw such as the one which, last year, SheinWold on Bridge DUCOand DULUX REFINISHING 100 millionths of a watt of pow cess Lalla Alcha of Morocco ris­ 19 MAPLE ST. Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags rightneaa and its necesaily without Committee has exercised its about even such presumably tial in this new power .source. ; aw-er is one w-hlch is familiar lasted sbo

. t PAGE SEVEN PA G E SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1963 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1963 DAILY CROSSWORD PI ZZLE OIR BOARDING HOI SE with MAJOR HOOPLE r.ITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Indians Trim Eastern to Move into Tie for CCIL Hoop Lead » rrpiw wm. Sports Viewing w is i> :i= ; P Dressing Up ^ r-Ji*jti4F_T SATURDAY LARRY iSj/MOW YW heY R S iM OM 1 p,Di.— AIT, PUynff Gama, TWNKlM'yicOMt THE A n MDAL ACROM 4 Conet llMton VB. Buffalo. A* 4004 A4 14 0*4 OP THAT ^ MRS. /( 04(?ISTMA6 SRtbbIt SMUPPy AMO ED) -WE UP A^4 UP, 1 He»d coverinf Chonnol B MI6 HT He I HOOPLE^ WEEK T-RUCE.' A Sojounw I Second Half Rally Nets 54-48 Win 4 Ch»mi»elte A R R N E . WE'LU/ MOW -^MOCe DID A LJ HASN'T IVTH'KEST OF 7 Genuo of 1;S0— Oetor Bowl OonM tfTAirr -W& I 60UAM WOMT 8 Foot coverin* rodents ClutniMl t HEADSffft PUT1H'\\-iH' TEAK 12F,ra ^Ihe Tribe a 50-46 bulg» betfore^injiired arm and tJi# Mender BAME? APTEI?- ' DA4H iM AM' 8 Decamp (coll.l 4 p.m.— Mnfch Ploy Golf The Lancers boosted thetr ■ OUT IMTOJ RUSH AHXTHEV O HATE I3 8aer«d 5 Chapeaux By HOWIE HOIXOMB i — w,* — ------— backcourt man 1« slated to re­ WAKO VIE'LL PUT US THRU Intcrillrtion ChoniMl t m argin to 43-33 before Man- Dickau hit cm a long one-hand­ TU' MSCAUERV-weEMOTHS •rdlrtion ,p shield bearing 1^ join the Indiana Shortly after MAM6 ADUTCM 1 OM6 OPTHEfA 14 ------iRf" J »« * l 11 Biblical name l4iS0— Eset-Weet Gome Stag ng another of their che.strr decided to get rolling. er, slicing the lead Uo two 6 ER a m iu m I on THOSEATO &ET IM the first of the year... Elgin LUMCrt — BUT VJtLD P i e e ^ Q , - / 15----- Mutilate - 17Court I Chonnol* 22, SO. « now - familiar last - period With 5:10 to play Bob Escavich . again. Time was running out 1 .. (;t;s lU .SM 'oWLS?/TdlHEBR' Zatursky handled Manchester's PLf ASE, Boys [ DRILLS ? / 16 Greek proceedings I ( p.m.—WUIe World of I rallies, Manchester High’s hit on a jumper and the snow­ quickly and Manchestw held philosopher 1# Perfume official scoring duties, replacing MO 6IM6- 43 Far off (coohu I Sport*. ball s'.arted rolling. With Ksky i onto the ball awaiting personal HOWf ABOUT I APPWECIATE YOU (S84-3M R.C.) J3 Lure *1 Daedalus’ son hustling basketball Indians Dick Danielson who's spending THANKS,I ALWANS UAi.' o 18 Endeavored (Gr. myth.) form) I (Dovie Cup Ploy) and Co-Captain Paul Quas- : fouls, bound to come as the t L F U P P S y ? 9WIN6IN6 rriOMY^ TWV TO LOOK A € O r/ 24 Step spirited away their fourth the holiday vacation in lon^ a ... 20 Flowers V i Kind of )« * e t *8 Military 44Vipexe I Chfinnel S nllsehka providing pome f'cn.sa- Lancers scrapped for posses­ Y E S SHOES ATTEMTION' 21 Possessive 26 Anoint assistants 46 One time B:S0— Olympic Preview victory of the season last tlonal ouL'ide shooting. it sion. Three Bristol coachea were on COULD pronoun 27 North, for S8 Lasso 47 Inland Channel 8 , gained mome:liiin and even­ hand 'Vin Punzo on the bench 48Chect retde night, a 54-48 decision over ■Add Single Pointer* STAM P A A PLEASURE, 22 Redid Inatance 40 Get up tually rolled right over the op­ handling the Lancers: recently 24 Nuisance Wise ones 60 In three weya Briatnl Eastern. A stunned They did come, and Hohen- BR'JSHIM! DOCi J8 Boy s name 41 SUNDAY position. resigned Burr <3arlson in the 26 Sailing Mnuthwsrd (comb, form) crowd of 840 at the Eastern thal. who miased four straight 27 Scottish itTvtm 12:80— N F L Title Game. gym saw the Tribe, trailing by; bleachers watching: and Frank i lA r r in the first half, sank a pair as \ .10 Compass r " r r “ i r r “ N ew York ve, Chlrefo 10 points with less than six CCIL STANDINCiS (SooUyl Carter, who held the 32 Demands at due did Duke Hutchinson in the ' Chonnele 22, 80 minutes to play, suddenly catch \5. L PH . reina ba*'k when there was only 34 Curb i r " li 1 1 S p.m.— Sporte Speetnrulor I .(KMI final half minutes to clinch the fire and sweep past a befuddled Manchester ...... 4 one school in the Bell City, 35 Egyptian diety deci.sion. M anchester's tough de- Channel 8 bunch of Lancers. ( e n t r n l...... 4 i.nmi operated the movie camera that 36 Terminate IS IS feiyse came to the fore in the 37 Confederate r The viCio.y p.i.Hhed the In­ M a lo n e y ...... 4 .800 j records all the Bristol school.s’ ' final moments as they time and 39 Remove IB i( dians Into a fir.«t-place tie with Eaalern k ...... 3 .60 ' games. . Carter, by the way. >r i again forced the pressing Lan- 40 Scope idle Bristol Central in the CCIL Platt ...... 2 .'00 .said bofsre the game "I ran t 41 Dry. as wine ' cers into poor pavse* and or 2 T Putz Leads standings. Both have 4-0 rec­ V. Indl’am ...... 2 . 10(1 ever rsmeniber a OCIL team as 42 Japanese city V. elliersneld ...... 1 .2',0 I bad shots. 45 Hot day IcolU ords in the league. Manchester tail, ovarall, as M anchester." 49 Opposing is 4-1 overall. Central 5-1. Conard ...... (I .001 ' Escavich led the Indians with W»»wi^ !■( Ram Quintet H a l l ...... 0 .(MMI P K P '« TM lU. Ni OC.** 2.T 51 Boy's name ST Other league action last night 18 points. 12 in the final period. 4 K.sravicji CEASe 52 Eiiropein found third place Maloney nip­ Quasnitschka. the cUib'.s steadi­ 1 II..ti*'nths' mountains Escavich was the Irader of FIRING =• ST" ping W ethersfield, 48-46: Platt est performer, had 14 more But 1 hka BY V. T. H A M I.IN 53 Speed conteet To CVe Win the rally, hltt. -g on si.v of f ve:i 3 K\)in.i ...... A l l V OOP 54 ------skins defeated Conard. 47-38. and game honors went to Lindsay 1 Wal.oli ...... 38“ shot.' in the filial five r ik I ,i S6I.egaI terra Windham oven.vhel.iied Hall, who canned 22 befoie being )1 Iluiriiin-. .n . WET NEVER HAVE ^ WE SHOUtPN’T* NO USE LETTIN , _ SSONC_) ANLOOK ( A BIG OL' .56 Followen Led by the sharp-.shooting o i 77-57. half minute-. Quasnitschkn con­ shutout ill the last-ditch Man­ 2 S;nini"):« ,.., LEFT OOP ', es ha.s nected on tw o tries anti Ca"l 0 Pii.«hn*'Il .... JNY' r TAKEN THEIR chester ni.sh. 0 Mrl!n;<' ...... THAT SWAMP IT \ ATTENTION /TILL SIJMPIN TAKEN THEIR ______BY DICK Tl RNKR direction 1! d u i r ville H igh pinned a 66-58 de­ been the case .several tinie.x al­ Hohenthal another. 2 CARNIVAL <; \ME NOTES — Eastern HE MAPNT BE04 X ID THAT RARE6 UP AN' / DOWN feat on CVe rival Newington ready in the young aeaa'jn was The Indians coniunted for 12 Totals 2.3 S-IS M ENTERTAINING «RABS 'EM. Si coppod the prelim, 61-5). Tlie 11.«ad rod in «T last night to move into a three- wrapped up in the fourlii per. >d. eight stra:ght points before Lui- kiL. Ka/ttern i4R) A lACV,' stained glass Papcxi.sei got wiUiin three F r-.' V t way tie for second place with Starting slowly. ManCia'^ier day brolic the .spe'l u itli a pair KSt ,A\ I t H ...... i> 0.1 ■ ) windows a u point? a couple of times kite In W(jodrow Wilson Md Windsor trailed at the flr.st period. l.'l-8, of fi-ee thro-..s. But Escavjch 2 I.jnd^Ay ...... 9 V/' 22 2 Mohammedan cajTie through again to ni.a'cc i nitsclika and F.^cavioh ga\e the gam® but eouldn t entii-ely 4 Kane ...... 2 J. 2 commanders s r 11 in the league .standings. Plain- and managed only a 20-20 tie n 9 It 45-43.’ Bri.stol, with about 3:30 I M auflie.ster the lead. 47-46. a overcxuiie the big early deficit. 3 Dickan ...... S Continued vllle (1-01 leads with the oth­ at the half. Thanks lo four 2 l,owr4'\' ...... 4 obetinitely er three (each 2-1) close be­ hoops by Co-Captain Bob Lind- to go Jn.k Di kau hit on one ‘ niuiule laler. Bob Bosworth 1141 and Don D MAcD'inAM ...... D • L<* -1 ! ___’, 1 ' ' 2 hind. •say, Ea.stem enjoyed a 36-31 of two foul .shoLs for the I^an- | Escavich's sixth basket of the Floniano (11 i led the Little In- ' 1 ...... Rockville (3-1) sported far edge at the end of the third pe­ eers, upp.ng the e tge to thi'ce ' quarter made it 40-46 and a inns' .scoring . . Ca.st has been ^ M T.’talff ifi 12-19 ahead on several occasions riod. points but hoops by Quas- j fi-ee throw by Hohenthal gave removed from Randy Smith s | S)'ore at half :SV2o, BY J. R. W IL LIA M S only to have the home club OIT OCR WAY come back and make it close but the Rams were In front i\ ' 1% by something all the way, I Weather Key to Title Games in Pro Loops k m Afl-urn VES. 3 THOU/3HT MOT OM VOLIR l if e ; A fte r an 18-10 f ir il period • t *m. tm in ua ^ Ra iSIMO '' IDTRV/VAYHANP LOOK..1LL VYAMTA eoV- ' ** ‘ ^ A h . . : edge, tlie Rams canned the I AWP AT rr.' rvE SOT AM' IF 1 BUY I'LL HAFTA first hbop of the second quar- 5ELLlMVTCMRISTMAS T last eight minutes. SIRL.' Ralston after tossing racquet into the air after Newington stayed In con­ their doubles victory over Australia, tention mainly from free CHICAGO (A P I— Forget about Y. A. KUFFAIvO, N. Y. (A P)—The Boston U\roiw*. T h ey converted 18 o f Tittle, pay no attention to the Chicago Patriots and Buffalo Bills met for tlie 27 attempts wliile the Rams 2*?5 T Bears’ savage defense. Tlie key to Sun­ Eastei'n Division title today in the ! connected on but four of 13. Rockville, herwever, had a 31- day’s National Football League title American Football Izeague’s first playoff I 20 edge in field goals. game between Uie New York ------• again.sl the backdrop of a frigid Putz accounted for 10 field Giants and the Bears is the I field and a heated controversy. ; goals—five in the first quar­ weatherman. \i iirkmon had .shoveled snow, ter. Captain Karl Niederwerfer 1'he forecast calls for a cold, p ilclm i hay arid sprinklad U.S. Wins dry Sunday at Wrigley Field Bowl Games heat-prixiucing chomical crys­ was runnemip In the Rockville scoring with 16, 14 In the sec­ where hot air blowers have been tals through the night to keep ond half. Jim Martello added working all week to thaw the the War Memorial Stadium TO.M M A L IN ti-i* -7 18 more. Mike McOraw and frozen turf. At a Glance turf frost-free for the game, PALL WAIt'ROWSKI L a rry Dvipont. N ew in gton ’s George Halas. the 68-year-old nationally televised by A ^ at BY lOE CAMPBET.L w ow ner - coach o f the Bears, 1 p.m., DST, BONNIE / /y-JfS veteran front linera, each had NEW YORK (.\P)—The wants a firm field to give his Davis 20. •Air E'orce .Academy, still a But Buffalo President Ralph Eagles in Major Test, The game was the only runners a chance lo move with growing child among l- Wilson Jr., could have used **But htiw could Pop b« in line for prasidont of the PTA? lei^(ue action on last night's their ball-control offense. He lege football's elder cit­ froat-mduclng crystals for lua schedule. wants a playing surface that Ha hasn’t avan entered any primaries!’* r2-2* ADELAIDE, Australia (A P)— Experience gained in izens, climaxes a com«‘back teniper after learning of the ■•rkvUI* <661 wlU permit his pass defenders league decision enabling Bos­ SS m HEROE* ARE MAI3E-MOT BOCM three frustrating years of Davis Cup competition paid seaMon today against N orth Indians Meet Alumni M, j . B r Pt Nied«rwer(«r ...... 7- i 15 to cover the Giants’ talented 4'arnliim in the Gator Bowl ton halfback Ron Burton to off for Chuck McKinley today when the American we recedvers Del Shofner, Frank Pute ...... 10 0 20 at Jm'ksonvllle. Fla, play in the showdown strug­ rallied to defeat faltering John Newcombe in a pres­ Bucherl ...... 4 1 9 Gifford and Joe Morrison. Msnello ...... t 1 13 One other actual Ih/w I gle that sends. the winner Holiday week basketball action continues tonight with sure-packed payoff match and' Unles.s the weatherman N'ewmark^r ...... 1 n 2 game plus two .Ali-SUir against the San Diego Charg­ an attractive pairing at F.ast Catholic. Tlic^ Eastia^s, B E N CASEY regain the coveted tennis tro­ raced to a 3-0 lead. M cK in ley Lee ...... 0 0 0 changes hLs mind, which can camtcsls also were sched- ers in the championship gam e phy for the United States. Wright ...... 204 happen at the drop of a liat in showing a gaucl.v 3-0 mark this season and a 36-1 record pulled up to 3-2 and then came I-aabiiry ...... 0 1 1 ule61-62 group to hand Bmersem and 30-year- for John Kerr of the National roster changes and the Bills o , Kinley went to work quickly in just missed winning in the East­ Isaacson and his males, Kinel. Captain Toni M alin and Down in Lebanon, Lyman old Neale FTaser, their first Basketball League's Philadel­ could have adjusted their ros­ the fourth set. ern Conference. "7f the field is however, fiwcd a.s toiigli a Tom Lotlge complete the start­ will be Uying to avenge an defeat ever in a Davis Cup phia 76er»,kit's Saturday the ter, too, " said Foss. V/HOOPSf CANY SOU FIND A BCTTBZ He cracked Newcomtoe’s frozen, I have to give the edge battle as any they had dur­ ing quintet. earlier 71-,54 loss to the .siuiie aloubles matoh. 707th— a very special date. Wilson contends that the FOR PETE'‘3 PLACe FOR A NAP THAN eiLLV Q u e e n o N . shaky service with the lo.ss of to the Giants. The pass recelv ing the regular season .Manchester will ii.se its nor­ Rhaiii quintet. The Sachems Emerson Superb B arring miflhaipe, K e rr plays memorandum actually is an eAKE,CHIF»5/ RIGHT IM THE RfrCHEN only one point, then broke ers know where they .are going, against the co-Huimplons mal starting unit of Co-Cap- are 2-1 so far this year. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY ( R.ANE Emerson, the 27-year-old Ilia 707th ceiMecutive NBA aiikcndnieiit to the constitution CaO O R W A V?/ through again and led 4-0 before but the defense does not. When of the Atlantic Coast Con­ Australian champion, whipped game tonight, against Loe An­ and should have been voted on. Nerwcomtoe held his own service we played the Giants on a froz­ ference who flnlslied wllh McKinley in singles Thursday geles in Coruvention Hall, break­ "There should have been no WHAT T Sim ply this*, i in the fifth game. The Auasie en field in New York two weeks an 8-2 record. SU7, WHEN FRANGI PAHl -nsOK US and played superbly in a losing ing the league record of 706 change in the rule allowing any ARE YOU \ w ant TO LOOK broke through McKinley’s serv­ ago. each team had receivers Ju.st as the Tar Heids’ TO THAT /AORO VILLAGE, VfAS IT cause in the doubles. set by 76ers Coach Dolph man to play in this playoff who Top-Rated Loyola Trounced DRIVING / OVER PR.SEED'S ice to out the lead to 4-2 but wide open all afternoon. The defense must halt Isaacson, PLflNHEP THAT WE'D '«ET HURT.",, J w 4 Thus it was McKinley and Schayes. has not participated in one ot AT? ‘JllllGLE GARDENS'' that was his last grasp. Mc­ difference was that Tittle hit the Falcons had to contain UKE HAPPENED 10 TCASA? WAS Ral.ston, a couple of one-time Kerr tied Schayes’ record last the last ti.vo regular sea.son / >04AE AND HIS POISONOUS Kinley promptly sniashed Ids his, and our guy (Ed Brown) the passing combinHtinn of In Major Lpset of Season YOUR FALL AH ACCIDENT? wild kids who had been set night in Hershey, Pa., as the gaiiie.s.'' said WiLaon. "It just is PLANTS AND foe’s service and held his own was not having one of his bet­ quarterba<'k Junior Edge ' OF THOSE down by U jS. tennis officials 76^ers defeated the Detroit Pis-, not in accoixi w ith the constitu­ m u s h r o o m s , to wind it all up. ter days." and end Boh I.ac<'.v. ; MOROSARE for their temperamental out­ tons, 119-107. T he 6-9 veteran tion of the,AF''L," The Giants rate a slight edge The Coast Guard faces a NEW YORK (AP) — Coach m the ease with winch they ( REALLY bursts, who brought back the Emerson, a gaunt leathery scored 12 points, while team­ Boston Coach Mike Holovak mate Chet Walker, a 6-6 for­ In the game to lie witne'ised by situation similar to the John Ireland s reactions and handled third-ranked and pre­ hislori'c cup to the USA for the Queenslander from the Black- was naturall’y pleased with a sellout crowd o f 46,091 at the F’alcons’. Paced b.v soplio- comments ranged from outraged viously unbeaten Michigan, 98- firs t tim e since 1958. Aus­ butt Bush country outside Bris­ ward from Bradley, was high Ko.as' decLsion. " I n i not sur- man with 29. Chicago Cut/8 liall park. more quarterback Ed Bar­ indignation to the wistful. 80, in the sem ifinals o f the CUCkl tralia won it from the Amer bane, out Ralston to ribbons pri.sed," he said, "I went accord­ Kerr said he hurt his right rett, the Connecticut sejiool "So we lost one,” the coach Los Angeles Classic. The leans in 1959 and repelled chal with slashing returns of service, New York’s explosive attack ing to the memorandum. What • mi w UK Im T>A ux 0f<. shoulder during last mght's completc<| its first unbeaten of the nation's No. 1 college Bruins will play Illinois. 83- lenges in 1960 and 1961 from rapder like volleys and murder­ has produced 67 ttouchdowns el.se are you goin g to d o ? ” season, although finishing basketball team said in the 76 victor over Pittsburgh, m Italy and in 1962 from Mexico ous smashes. game but was determined to 18 rujining and 39 passing. Tit­ Burton was expe<’ ted to p ro­ play the record-breaker tonight. w ith one tie 9-0-1. gloom of the Cliicago Loyola Saturday's title gajiic. M cK in ley, m agnificent in the tle connected wiith a record vide the Patriots with a top Only once did Ralston look In fact, he says he wants to Weslent is favor/sl be­ dressing, room Frida'y night. In some of the other major doubles victory, seemed to 36 T D passes. The B ears’ o f­ runniing mate fpr Larry Gar- CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER like the player who dominated go fo r 1,000. cause of its size and sched­ tournaments: have lost liis edge when he fense produced only 37 touch­ ron, another fleet pass i-eceiver "Every team has to lose. This the grass (xm rt caanpalgrn In In the league's only other ule. Far We«t (.'lassie at Port­ dropped t^e marathon first set downs. fo r Babe Parilli and poissibly a was our turn. I jit-rt hope it 2 Australia the last five weelcs, land, Ore. Oregon, which game, Oscar Robertson's ambi­ In the-. San Francisco psychological lift. ."elps us. We'll have to start COWFOOWa V.AUD MAV KNOW HDW WHAT ABOUT COULD THAT WLKT0A5T? NO,..' OHi Al AN! t know THE ■!< R-R, to Newcombe in a battle of winning two championships and On the other hand, the Bears hadn't won before this season, dextrous hook shots spearhead­ Shrine contest, the West— Buffalo Coach Lou Sabaii, all over again." BY LANK LEONARD CLOOMBY'* am OlfTBIPeR learned CLOOMEVr WEMIBT HAVE TAKEN EVEN IF HE'D HAP THE POLICE yVJU, SNOOP DOWN KATE amashing servioos. Newcombe finishing mrmer-up in the third. defense gave up only 144 points upset W astiington 79-62 and MK KEY FINN ed a 91-87 victory by the Cin­ w ith Baylor quarterback basing his attack on the rush­ This was the outrage and the supptN imaa OF OUR muse supply; C0M6IM* EVERY IT WITH HW? ' UER.VE, HE COUIMJ'T HAVE moment; y r m s f cracked through McKinley's T h at came In the third set an average of 10 per game. Brigham Youpg outran Seat Me STAG6EREP OUT WITH 20C THE LEAST YOU cinnati Royals over the Boston Don Tm ll leading the way— ing of Cookie Gilchrist and the indignation. SOR 50UTUPE! POSSIBILITY... service in the 22nd game to when, trailing 0-40 on E m er­ Sherman I'pact 77-74 in the com pletion o f first POUNDS'. NOT PAST OJR CAN DO IS TO Celtics. was a slight favorite over passing of Jack Kemp, discount­ Then he turned a bit wistful. — BUT THERE ISN'T A THING only he kmows take the set. son’s service, he suddenly came Ooaoh Allie Sherman led his round action. GUARDS! BESIDES. I WAS HELP ME KEEP Last night's victory by the the ground-minded East. ed all three. "My mother told me there • THAT MIGHT EVEN SUGGEST A WHEW THE PLAT- But Chuck was far from alive. Giants Into town Friday night .ALL-t)OIJ„EGE at OklaJioiiia WITH HIM WHEN HE LEFT! 76ers was the first NBA game ■And if anyone had an "I just don’t think." said Sa- woud toe nights Ike this.” CONNECTION BETWEEN OLD YATES MW WAS LAST daunted. The chunky St. Louis A spark of determination still a bit upset about a rumor City and tough Wichila gained 4 K N . of the season in Hershey. 'out etige .in the Montgomery, ban, "that he's going to be the AND THE LATE JAY B. TUTHILLJ / . native swept the second set flashed, visK>e to ever>’one In that Shofner would be traded Chances are, however, that a crowd of only about 1,000 Ala., All-Star game. It deci.sive factor." the finals, the host Chiefs NOTATHING' W rallied from a 3-0 deficit In a the stands. to Green Bay for Paul Homung she never told him that his beatiJtg W yom in g 99-86 and J' turned out. might be the Gray with That for the time ended the third set that seemed to take wiho Is under an indefinite .sus Loyola Ramblers, the defending America hopra rose when he For Detroit, it meant the 13th quarterback Ltrr.y RaUc- controversy. defending champion Wichila the heart out of liis young pension for betting. The Giant national champion, uni'ieaten went to a 10-minute intermis-, loss In 15 games. straw of G eorgia |)rlnie(l to There wa.? no end to the taking Texas A& M . 70-56. rival, and 'then crushed lUm in coach denied the story strongly this season and ranked first in sdon trailing ortly two sets to In the dressing room after the flip pass after pass. .snow flurries. BIG EIGHT at Kansas Chty the ^urth set with a devastat­ one ihut appaa^nUy on the rise. game, Schayes i^ d he was glad and called the report "A grave the nation, would take a 69-58 - Oklahoma Slate outclassed ing display of power and acro­ However, Elmerspn, after los­ it was a mem'ber of his team injustice, to Shofner." laging from unheralded George­ Io w a S tate 73-61 and Kansas batic retrieving. ing the opening service in the breaking Ills consecutive games Sherman scheduled a brief i town. beat Clolorado 74-67, com plet­ After blowing the second set, fourth set with two double record. Schayes piled up the workout todav and set an 11 T h at shocker In the first ing first round action. the slender, Mx-foot Newcombe faults and a pair of volleying record in more than nine years p.m; E S T cu rfew fo r his club. Central Scores 120 Points in Victory round of the Quaker City In­ MOTOR CITY at DeUoit - errors, re-broke Ralston In the of play, from 1952 to 1961. His The game Sunday will start at vitational at Philadelphia, the Detroit had six men in double » IHJ hy WtX >*c till: W BX Fat. OHi second game and then, perform­ league mark of 765 consi'out've i p.m. EST. Tu'o Connecticut teams are<« The Bulldogs meet another upset of the college basketball figu res and romped to a 99-83 ing like a machine bent on de­ games including playoffs still The contest wil be carried on still alive in holiday basket two-time loser. West 'Virginia, season, highlghted the vast run triumph over Holy Cross and struction, 'he reeled off five stands, but Kerr, who has 758 network (NBC) television and ball tournament play today, in a consolation game. of tournainenLs from coast to moved into the finals against See The National League games in a row without losing consecutive games including radio with the Chicago area and two others play in con.sola- coast that lured the collegians Penn State, 97-92 victor over D A V Y JONES BY L E F F and M cW ILLIAM S more than two points in any playoffs, will break that one too blacked out on TV. About 25,000 tion rounds. Scholastic Basketball from their Christmas vacations. Western Miciugan. BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY o f them. on Jan. 11 against Boston If he fans are expected to watch at All-wffining Central Con­ Georgetown, sparked by slim HURRICANE CLASSIC at M l!. ABERNATHY keeps it up. three closed circuit TV arenas necticut meets Rhode Island Jim Christy, used a tenacious Miami Beach. Fla. — Miami FOOTBALL Wilbur Cross 82, Hartford 55. i f AtAMMA-MiA? 1 FIGURE iT'LL^ NOW THAT I THINK OF IT, CORRECT. Kerr, now in his 10th year in Chicago. College tonight in the finals of man-to-man defense and a con­ whipped Army 79-71 and Syra­ A L L T H IS ,^TAKE A DOZEN DAVY AND I ARE OUT OF THAT'S WHY Seen Enough witb the NBA, commented Sherman brought sneakers, the Rhode Island College Tour­ Wilson 83, Lyman Hall 54. trolled offense th^t waited for cuse liin ied back Prin ceton 76- 9H E^ MY DAUGHTER,^ I CAN SBB WHY SHE LIKES M O T H fiR ! I' d R A T H E R t r o u b l e 1 C H A N G E S OF OUP. SKULLS. WITHOUT A YOU TW O "when I first started as a rookie cleats and ripple-sole shoes for nament at Providence. Rocky Hill 70, East Windsor the good shot to snap heir own 71 ■ In first i-ound play. YOUR DIVING C A P S U LE , THIS DIVE IS 1 WERE PICKED w o n Y v d u c o m e i n ? yoU -you ’RE ACUTE LITTLE DO rr MVSBLP! J FOR A A « V in this league I never thought 46. two-garae losing string and Loy­ iG A S TO r e a c h ' TO DO IT 4 PLAYOFF MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)— his Giants, who once upset Ahe Rhode Island conquered Wil- G.ATOR BOWI. at Jackson­ SHUTS OA ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE* I’d play 10 years.” Norwich 72, Bulkeley 54. FB iW V J. aiAOMM • BOTTOM, Wilber (Skeeter) McClure, an Bears in 1934 by using sneakbrs limantic 83-52 last night. Cen­ ola's •'22-ganie winning streak, ville, Fla. -Florida outlasted impressive young middleweight "I’d like to play a lot more on the frozen field of New tral took Its sixth straight, a Plainville 68. Aquinas 55. going bai^ into last season. A ir Force 74-68 In the title . Southington 79, Cheshire 56. from Toledo, Ohio, has seen In this league,” the 31-year-old York's Polo Grounds. 120-72 verd ict over Fitchburg. Christy scored 30 points. game. HERE Farm ington 68, M em orial 60. enough of former welterweight Uhlverslty of Illinois alumnua T he only doubtful position in Willimantic meets Fitch­ Loyola, which had been aver- South Gath. 63, Northwest champion Luis Manuel Rodri­ added. “Actually there'a no the GiaTits starting line-up has burg in the consolation game. (tging 100 points a gam e, led number I’m shooting for, but C alh. 59. East Side Junior* riBS Legal Beverages guez. "H e Is one fast cat,” said li^een right end, or tig h t end F’airfleld dumpeij ’ host team only onoe iCt 7-6. McClure after his second bruit I ’d like to m ake it 1,000.” position. Sherman said Aaron W a gn er 106-89 in the 'Wagner The victory put Georgetown HOCKEY .AT, A GLANCE Iron man L. T. Wood entry, Ing 10-round nationally televised Thomas woud start over Joe Jaycee Invitational Toiirna- into the semifinals against La­ 4 plaj’liig with but five players, fight with Rodriguez Friday Wajlton. He aald the entire mept last night in Staten Is­ National League Salle, 91-69 conqueror offN orth - College Baaketball trounced Nassiff's last night, ')) night "I’m too big to go mess­ club was in good shape physical­ land, N .Y . New York 4, Chicago 2 westem. Unbeaten St. 3ona' 3 J’s 49-36. T im Ooiighlin (14) and ing around with a speedy little ly and "did-not have an alibi to T h e Connectlout squad pl^iys •American League venture edged Boston College New York »6, Yale 88.V Lou Hennequin (12) paced, ths w gu y like th at." Rodriguez won Fairfield 105, Wagner M. stand on.” Massachusetts in today’s finaie. Baltimore 3. Buffalo 1 77-74 and D rake beat Tem ple . ^ . i ta. .MV Iiv iiM b winners who trailed at the first RESTAURANT the unanimous decialon of raf- . O m tin l Conn. 130, F ltoh bu tg Yale, losers to New York Springfield 6, Providence 1 58-54 to gain the oth er sem i­ period. Gepsge McOann (15) ere* Mike Kaplan and two 73. ' Eleven membera of the New U n iversity 96-82 yesterday,^ Cleveland 4, Hershey 1 final. Beats • sad 44A—Boltoa although Lula lost a point Rhode lalaiMl OoMifft U , W R - York Jets football team residt 'tries to sM'vage one game from Today’s Game TYm fourth • ranllMd' U C L A end Pete Bumhiam (14) ataored e seventh for a low Mow. R)iMfit8e M . la Peanqylvmnla. Uve Los Angeles Classic. Rochester at SjftingfleM Bruins turned a mild surprise fo r tha H ) PAGE NINE ggANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATTODAY, DECEMBER 28, 1968

Houses For Sale ' 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Cuba Says U. S. PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN , SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1968 Ruth MiUett OPEN ALL DAY o a k StRBHJT — 4-4 duplex, BUCKLEY SCHOOL Area - An MANCHESTER Vicinity — Mod­ President Hints Ike Apartments— Flat good condlOcn. Oood inveat- ^ e r home Just restored. Hugs em, Immaculate 8 bedroom Laid Bay Mines SUNDAY THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By PAGALY and SHORTEN Apartmento—-Flat*— jnent pocalbilitiea. A low price. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Tenem ents 68 bright family room, modem ranch, 19x20 living room, fire­ BEINO SMART ISN’T Tenementa 63 Inquire for all the excellent kitchen, dining and living room place, tiled bath, full basement MIAMI, Fla. (AP)-Cuba ac­ USEiD BICYCT..ES, a Itrgre a«- ALWAYS DOING SMART PINE PHARMACY > •> y/E NOO'RE HOT THE TIPE.' IMlI HOUSE IS FIVE ROOMS, second floor, hot featurea. Warren E. Howland, down and four large bedrooms Bel Air Real EsUte, 648-6332. Urged Savings Drive cused the U.8. Central Intelli­ srtrtment, new English gnd Co­ TWO ROOM apartment, 149 Realtor, 648-1106. If men are so much smarter 664 Center St.—649-9814 yiER E THIMKIMG VOU! SESIPES,: KNOW A SANK water heat. $88 per month. Call up. Blx lot, plenty at trees. gence Agency today of mining CLASSIFIED lumbia. We have the exerciser Oakland Street, 860. 649-6229, Worth looking at, Isn’t It? Ask­ LAKEWIXID CIRCLE - Pres­ than women why is it: Of A small — LL GIVE you A pinV- 627-8498 anytime.' cycle on display. Open until • 9-6. BOLTON — 8 bedroom ranch, ing price Is only 817.600. T. J. tige 7 room Oilonial Ranch, (Contlnoed from Page One) the waters of Slguanea Bay, . SPUT* LEVEL- 1EAR mortgage.’ That when a man misplaces through Chri.stmas. Manchea- fireplace, garage, 160x160 lot, Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. 100x200 wooded lot. This desir­ Scientist Fears oft the coast of the lele of ter Cycle Shop, 14B W. Mid­ FOUR ROOM FLAT, first floor, aaaumable mortgage, $116 Christmas during this week’s something eltheh at home or at Famished Apartments 8S*A able home offers 8 twin sized the office, he Invariably calls on Ttaes, and blowing up a torpedo EVERYTHING dle Turnpike, 849-2098. central location, heat and hot monthly. Quiet, lovely neigh­ bedrooms, 2Mi baths, 28 foot foreign-aid fight. boat. Three Cuban sailors were ADVERTISING water, one year leaae. Call Birth Control’s a woman to find it for him? TO CELEBRATE borhood. Bel Air Real Estate, living room, formal dining Federal civilian employment killed and 18 were wounded 646-6048, between 6-8:30 p.m. t h r e e h e a t e d rooms fur­ 648-9882. Bast Center Street Section JThat men are always asking nished, private entrance, desir­ room, modem kitchen with aU dropped by more than 1,000 In when the mine exploded Mon­ THE NEW YEAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEBT. HOURS November and fell 8,800 short of Social Impact women such questions as. day, the Cuban radio said. Rusines.s Services FIVE ROOM modem apart­ able, $66: 4th large heated the bullt-ins, laundry room, VERNON — LARGE cuatom 6 large family room with fire­ the year-earller level. Johnson "What kind of flower is that?” 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Offered 1.3 ment, 8 bedrooms, kitchen, liv­ room, furnished, with garage, room Ranch, huge recreation YOU COULD NOT DO A communique of the Cuban ARTHUR DRUG place, 2-car garage, $84,000. said that If payrolls had In­ (Oonttnuod from Page One) and “ What’s the name of that Armed Forces Ministry, report­ ing room, garsige, centrally lo­ $80. Children welcome. OA 9- room, caat Iron radiation, 2 couple over there? I never can Wtllbrick Agency, 649-8464. creased as faM as the popula­ ed in a broadcast of tne Cuban LAWN MOWERS, aharpened cated, $106 monthly. J. D; 9923. car garage, hillside setting. BETTER seem to remember it” ? COPY (TOSINI. TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tion, the total would have risen "Having a child may then be­ radio heard here appeared to and repaired, sales and serv­ Realty, 643-6126. Hayes Agency, 648-4808. 20 ELRO ST. — Modem Cape, MONDAY Thni FRIDAY 10:S0 A.M.— SATURDAY 9 A.M. ice, rental equipment. L A M APAR’fMENT NICELY furnish­ by 400,000 during the year. come an event following fluctua­ That when a man has some­ confirm a claim made earlier , t o r ed, Including all utlllUee, am­ Residential. Cosy, comfort­ convenient for schools, bus Teodoro Moecoeo Is being tion of fashion . . . (and) there thing Important to remember. this week by a band of anti- Equipment Corp., Route 8S. SALE COLONIAL — 8H rooms, cua- able. Living room, fire­ shopping. Drastically reduced Vernon. 878-7609. Manchester MAIN STREET — Oose to the ple parking, \Vt rooms, 272 eased out as coordinator of the are always something like 20 he always tells his wife or h i s Castro__ fighters who call them- WHEE! WATER’S P1,EASE READ YOUR AD tom built for family living, 4 place. Dining room, den, for Immediate ______sale. Bel Air exchange. Enterprise J948, Turnpike, four room apartment Main. bMlrooma, 2 ^ baths, formal Alliance for Progress and will per cent of people who are secretary. ” Be sure to remind ^ m m ’andos’ Mamblse.s. Chwaifled or “ Want Ads” arp taken over the phone ns a kitchen. Bath. 8 bedrooms. Real Estate. 043-9332. on the flrat floor. Separate oil dining room, modem kitchen become an aide with the rank ready to follow one way or an­ me to do such and such"? , communique said the at- H0T-H0T.iND coBvenlence. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST MANCHESTER — Three rooms Delightful front porch. TREE REMOVAL, pruning, and heating system. Nice bright with laiwe dining area, family COVENTRY — 8 room house, of ambassador to Thomas C. other, depending on the fashion That a man will drive miles tack "consUtutes the first act of DAY IT AFTKARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the fuml.shed, central, heat, park­ Trees, shrube. Near bus, Mann, the newly named assist­ lot clearing. Frank C. Noble, / LOOK! IF you DONT HAVE rooms. Vacant. No facilitle.s for room off kitchen with fireplace, basement, $6,600. Owner will fi­ of the moment,” he added of his way when he is lost aggression by the government next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONF- Ineor- 649-608,7. ing, call 666-9888. schools, shopplrg. Fairly ant secretary of state who will THERE’S A LOT! ( MV THREE-FOR-A-OIME Children. T. J. Crockett, Real 2-car garage, covered patio, nance. 742-6006. Bourgeots-Plchat was one o! unless a woman in.slsts that he of the United ■ States~ since ~Pres­ rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only priced, $14,000. supervise all Latin American four panellste appearing on a I ,top and ask directions? SHARPENING Service — Saws, V SPECIALS, DOH'T TRV tor, 643-1677. CHOICE, EXBCUTIVB type, treed lot, walkout basement. ident Lyndon Johnson took to the extent of a "make good" Insertion. Errors whleh do not $81,600. Phllbrick Agency, 649- VERNON STREBrr—4 bedroom policy. special symposium on “ Biologi­ leasen the value of the advertisement will not be correeted by knive.s, axes, shears, skates, PUSHING THOSE NICKEL heated, furnished 2-b*droo*n President Adolfo Lopez Mate­ That a man will say, "I didn’t ' office.” Now! For only 9'/2C* a 8464 ranch. Immediate occupancy. cal and Sociological Research on notice anything was. wrong," In their report of the action, “make g:ood" insertion. rotary blades. Quick service. FOUR ROOM apartments near apartment, first floor, center H. B. GRADY, BROKER os of Mexico, like Johnson, will the Effects of Human Reproduc­ Capitol Equipment Co., 88 The facts will interest you. when a woman always catches Commandos Mamblses satd day for fuel... hot water 0 Golf Limd, convenient to every­ Rockville, adulU, $86 weekly. Manchester k Vicinity 643-8009 Please call Warren E. How­ receive an honorary degree tion Control.” Main St.. Manche.ster Hours 875-9121. the undercurrents when there Is | they destroyed a Russian-built for all— all the time! YOUR COOPERATION WII.L thing, large rooms, children land, Realtor, 648-1108. Feb. 21 from the University of During the discussions, these tension in the air? torpedo boat in Slguanea Bay, dailv 7-8 Thursday 7-9 Satiir- OK, stove and hot water. 843- HOUDAY SPECIALS California at Los Angeles. Then predictions were made by one BE a PPRFX"1ATED D IAL 643-2711 2% ROOM FURNISHED apart­ That a man can spend an off the west coast of the dav'7-4. 643-79,88. 6778, 643-2463. ■WEST SIDE — 6 rooms plus en­ they will go to Palm Springs, ment, heat, hot water, central­ BEAUTIFDL SEMI-RANCB - or another of the speakers; evening in someone's living I Isle of Pines, south of the Cuban If you live in a typical Oosy carefree cape, trees closed porch. Newly remodeled. <3alif., for two days of talks. SNOVVPIXIWING — Now ac­ ly located. Reasonable. 649- 6 rooms, 2 baths, beautiful 1. There is likely to be ■virtu­ room and not even notice what mainland. It was the first com ­ house, you could easily nin THIRD FLOOR apartment, 8 $14,900 Aluminum storms and screens. Discussing his relationship ally complete control over repro­ cepting contracts, sea.sonal or rooms, heat, stove and refrig­ 8404, 12 noort - 8 p.m. heated rec room, Qreplaced il looks like while a woman can I mando action In C?uba an- out of hot water several hourly rates. 649-8680. living room, new wall-m-wall Immediate occupancy. Bel Air with Eisenhower, Johnson sim­ duction available for humanity times a week. erator, close to school, church ■tunning almost new ranch Real Estate, 643-9332. glance at a room and later nounced in two month.s. Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? TCAUCUTT carpeting Including hallways, ply said that McCone would as a whole “ within a century or de.scribe it in detail? According to the C?uban com- AVOID HEART attacks and loss ______and shopping. Call between 7-8 $15,700 "bring him up to date on the Now you can have all the io a r.Lincoisi A\^e. T- U I Pn* 0«—A» rtM'vad Business Locations dishwasher, new altunlnum Thal a woman can size up a munique. saboteurs of the CIA of pay. Snow plowing at your Ca»r. t»d> Ummd p.m., 643-0082. STRONG STREET — Only $15,- action we had taken on some 2. New, "perfectly sale" and hot water you need at one For Rent 34 Work free ranch, built-lns awnings, 2 bldcks from Main 8(X). Young 8 room ranch, hot per.son in one meeting better used a submarine to place a 24-Hour Answering Service own price. 849-7867. 878-8401. SIX ROOM duplex, central lo­ St. Just move in—no remod­ 8Ug!gestlons that he had made easy-to-use contraceptive devic­ than a man can after a much mine below the torpedo boat, time for only 9*ic* a day. $16,500 water heat, city sewer, handy prior to the time I appeared be­ Think of it—only 9MiC* a cation, oil furnace, one-year DESIRABLE MAIN Street Of­ eling necessary. $19,600. Call es may become available during longer acquaintance? The mine exploded at 7:30 a.m. owner, 649-6661. location. Small down payment, fore the joint session of Con­ the next decade. (Devices pres­ Bond.s— Stocks lease. 649-5048 after 6 p.m. fices, 100% location, heat, Executive split, famllyroora G.I. or FHA. Robert .Anderson, That a man so often fb Is It Monday, day! DICK'S SNOW Plowing Call Salesmen Wanted 36-A Household Goods 51 gress” Nov. 27. ently available were rated, how-” 2 Free to Herald Readers 643-6637. Mortgaifes 31 janitor, parking. Will remodel $19,500 VERNON — LOVELY older 7 Realtor, 628-0139, 628-1776. Asked to be more specific, necessary to tell his children Yes, thanks to Mobllheat OPPORTUNITY for married EVERYTHING IN sterilized re­ ROCKVILLE — 3H room apart­ for tenant. 643-'il76. ever, as posing only minimal Go a.sk you mother” ? ment, appliances and heat, $90. room Dutch Colonial, 2-car ga­ Johnson said McCone would cov risk.) —and an oll-flrcd hot water Want information on one of our classified advertiaemMiti T No WASHING MACHINES repair­ man with car. to earn $120 conditioned used furniture and Rambling beauty, built-in ranch LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN — • That a man sometimes for­ SECOND MORTGAGES - Un­ Adults. 649-4824 , 876-1166. rage, 2 baths, near acre lot. room Colonial, with attached ^ ^le forthcoming federal budg- 8. It is proljable that in the heater ol correct capacity— SMWer at the telephone listed? Simply rail the ed, RCAi Whirlpool and Ken- limited funds available tor sec­ week in .sales?^ .serve steady appliances, high quality - low BUILDING 60x40 suitable for gets important dates such as Justice Warren storage, B-1 zone, Buckland $17,900 Fine neighboriiood. Hayes car garage, 1% tiled baths, 2 ,«t, «conomy-ln-goveriment at- future the sex ol the child will your family can take care of more. Call1643^913. ond mortgages, payments to customers year ’round. Written prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 196 FOUR ROOMS smd sunporch, Agency, 643-4808. his wedding annlver.sary or his all their washing needs at section. 649-8468. flreplaces, all bulIt-lns, large I tempts to put a M ^ i*,*?^?* be controlled prior to birth. MANCHESTER < ROCKVILLE suit your budget. Expedient guarantee to .start if qualified. , South Street, Rockville, 876- first floor, hot water, heat, Family room colonial 7 rooms children’s birthdays yet his wife Hung in Effigy one time. For appointment call 644-0202 2174. Open 9-8. family room, porch, hot water payrolls, the econ^lc out^k 4. While economic grains ap­ service. J. D. Realty. 643-6129. modem kitchen and bath, $21,500 VERNON — 0 room Cape, front and general intelligence from never forgets? ANSWERING SERVICE collect between 6-8 p.m. only. screened porch, formal dining oil heat, city water and sewer­ pear likely, some social conse­ Household Services adults, convenient location, $95. STORE, 460 Main Street. 649- around the world. That a woman finds it so ea.sy SANTA BARBARA. Calif. Mom can do the family A BETTER ARRANGEMENT DIVAN, approximately 8\4 feet Tradltlanal.Eng. tudor Colonial room, garage, ameslte drive, age, built by Ansaldi. Charles quences may be adverse. to plant an idea In a man’s W’nsh, Sis can do the dishe.s 649-0500 — 875-2519 649-7128. 5229, 9-6. Asked about Goldwater’s (API—Chief Justice Earl War­ Offered 13-A of your finances will make long, good condition, $15, Call convenient. Early occupancy. Lesperance, 649-7620. Speaking of possible social mind in such a way that he at the same time Junior 649-0720 after 6. $21,500 claim that Johnson had treated con.sequences, Dr. Kingsley Dav­ ren was hung in effigy Wednes­ more of your income available FOUR ROOM tenement to rent. Tongren Agency, 848-6821. hone.sUy thinks he thought of It day St a downtowm Intersection takes his bath, and you en­ and lenve yonr noeaoage. You’ll bear from our advertiaer hi )1g REWEAVING of bums, moth for personal use. Lump debt Help Wanted— Congress shabbily during the is, a sociologist of the University time without spending all evening at the telephone. holes Zippeis repaired. Win-' All improvements. Inquire 96 Spanking white col. 4 bedrooms himself? authorities reported. joy a shower. into one monthly payment of Male or Female 37 Foster Street. Phone 643-7840. Houses For Rent 35 $10,800 Lots For Sale 73 foreign aid fight, the President of California at Berkeley, de­ d(iw Shades made to mea.sure; I KELVINATOR refrigerator, $23,500 replied: “ The Senate asked me clared: "With controlled fertili­ They satd they did not know $22.26 for each thou.sand dollars SIX ROOM house, 2-car garage, House, garage, IVi acre All rlghbi reserved. who was respaFreniere, 643-2978. FOUR BIG rooms in large rooms, double garage, cy. 643-4803. mund F. Dwyer today dis­ QUALITY CARPENTRY - single with garage, $110 month­ priced. Warren E. Howland, clinical impressions of many and Sheriff James W. Web.ster MORIARTY Reward. Rooms, basements reflnished NURSE UCENSED in Con­ duplex. 649-5928. 128’ frontage. Carlton W. Realtor, 643-1108. Lady Bird Runs closed that a Vernon man now said they had launched an Inves- Trucks—Tractors 5 Wanted—To Buy 58 ly. AX 6-9047. Hutchins, Realtor, 849-6182. CONCORD RD. - Beautiful doctors, it is not possible, so far built-ins, formica tile, general necticut for .small Rockville Articles For Sale 45 to document statistically wheth­ being held at a Philadelphia tigiation of the Incident. repair. No job too small. Gall i FIVE ROOM apartment, heat, ranch, large living room, form­ The chief justice Is^head of a 1957 CHEVROLET half ton pan­ convalescent home. Free room WE BUY, SELL or trade an­ $17,600 — 5H room ranch. East Tour of Ranch er child-bearing — especially a house of correction has been BROTHERS Announcements William Robbins Carpentry and board and TV. Tel. 876- FOR SALE — Flat Stone for hot water, garage, storm win­ Wanted To Rent 68 al dining room, cabinet kitchen, Wanted— Real Estate 77 charged with a Dec. 17 theft special committee appointed by el truck, 6 cylinder, .standard tique and used furniture, china, dows, centrally located. 643- Side, garage, full cellar, oil hot 2 bedrooms, recreation room, rapid succession of pregnancies Service. 649-3446. I 9121. walls, fireplace, veneer and glass, silver, picture frames from the T-N-T Service Sta­ President Johnson to investigate ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ shift, excellent condition patios. Call 649-0617. 7363. WANTED TO RENT — 4 or 5 water heat, fireplace, 8 twin landscaped yard. Marion E. (Oontlnaed from Page Om ) and births — has any adverse throughout, very good tires. and old coins, old dolls and tion on Rt. 83. the assassination of President j 643-5135 ice, bonded representative, Al­ ADDITIONS Rec rooms, re­ room unfurnished apartment, 2 Sized bedrooms, lots of Hiring Robertson, Realtor, 643-5958. WANTED — B-zone lot. Coll effect on the general health and Call 228-3639 after 6 pm ., all guns, hobby collections, attic FOUR ROOMS available Janu­ space here. Convenient to photographers whom President mortality of mothers later in Dwyer said a 1957 two-door John F. Kennedy and the mur­ fred Amell. 206 Henry St., Man­ modeling. bathrooms tiled. RN or LPN, fuU or part-tlma. MOTO MOWER snow throwers bedroom.^ $90-$100. Call 649- 649-4291. der of his accused assassin, Lee chester, 643-0450, day Sunday. Co-mi-mn I^ane, contents or whole estates. Fur­ ary 15, central location, adults everything. Wolverton Agency, Johnson had invited to a chuck Ufe. sedan and $168 in cash was Call 649-4291. Vamon Haven, 876-2077. at McBride’s Sport Spot. 4^ 1429. Harvey Oswald. 301-315 Center St. Columbia l.«ke, Columbia, off h.p. to 61^ h.p. 639 Center St. niture Repair Service Talcott- only, $80, 649-8542. Realtor. 649-2813. wagon Western barbecue that But he declared that some taken from the station. No In­ INCOME TAX Returns prepared Route 87. 649-8747. vllle. Conn. Tel. 648-7449. 90 PITKIN STREET Lesrai Notice turned into an informal press Ught on this question is expect­ formation was released at the by auditor. Business and In­ Special Seri’ices 15 CENTER STREET — 6 room Houses For Sale 72 MANCHESTER — Executive 6 conference. ed to come out ol a broad study time of the robbery pending dividual. Raymond Girard. Cail SNOW BLOWERS - Arlens, duplex, Timken oil heat, auto­ bedroom ranch, 8 fireplaces, 2 Mrs. Johnson met the arriving now under way at the Univer­ police Investigation. SALESMEN Rooms Without Board 59 matic hot water, convenient lo­ $8,600 — WELL KEPT 6^ room l_ths, recreation room, heated State o t^ Connecticut. Dlatrict of collect, 875-7362. Auto Driving School 7-A SERVICE AND repairing of all Snow Bird, Toro, Moto Mow­ Eaat Wlndaor. Probate Court. De­ busloads ol press, hopped sity ol Chicago with the cooper­ Charged with the robbery electrical appliances, vacuum er, and Bolens tractors, parts cation, available now. $100 ranch, 3 bedrooms, attractive itlo, acre lot. Bel Air Real OPEN SUNDAY for your cem ber 23. 1963. aboard, took up a microphone, ation of federal agencies. was Louis J. Lagasse, 26, of NOW — THROUGH DECEMBER 31 INCOME TAXES prepared in CAREER and service. Capitol Elqulp- FURNISHED ROOMS for gen­ monthly. Phone 643-5063 , 849- dining area, suburban. Owner state, 643-9332. Present, Hon. Edward R. Kuehn, cleaners, all makes, toa.sters, tleman, heated, free jiarking. Judge. and in professional style Rt. 83. a former employe at your home or by appointment, LARSON’S — Connecticut’s first irons, lamps, drills, what have ment Co., Main St., Man­ 6336. anxious. Carlton W. Hutchln.-t, g inspetion 1-4 p.m. licensed driving school, train­ Two room cottage for light Tlie 10th day of Januan’. 1964 at launched a tour of the Johnson the gas station. Lagasse, origi­ experienced tax work, 24 hour you. All work guaranteed. Free OPPORTUNITIES chester. Open dally 7-6, Thurs­ Realtor, 649-5132. ■EVEN ROOM spacious home 4:00 o’clock in the aftenunm at the ed. certified and approved, now housekeeping. Call Scranton FIVE ROOMS, .second floor, spread. nally from Old Town, Maine, aervice. Call 643-4723. estimates, prompt service. 529- day 7-9, Saturday 7-4. In Manchester on quiet street, Probate Office In Wapplng. in Huid Gorgeous George offering classroom and behind CHECK THESE Motel and Cabins, 649-0826 be­ newly decorated, garage, ol' BOLTON CENTER — 8 room 4 bedrooms, enclosed porch, 2- District, Is hereby assigned for a Breezily introducing herself — surrendered to Philadelphia DOUBLE 3365. FEDERAL INCOME tax re­ wheel instructions for teen­ LOAM SALE — Regular $14 tween 5-7. furnace, 649-3176, 643-9037. rambling ranch with 2-car ga­ csir garage, asking $19,600. Out 7 room older Colonial, large hearing upon the settlement and al­ “I'm Lady Bird Johnson, you authorities on Dec. 22. He is living room, 3 bedrooms and lowance of the administration ac­ all” — she pointed to a newly To Be Buried being charged with theft of a turns prepared with your sav­ agers. 649-6075. BENEFITS stone-free loam, $12.50. Also, rage plus small bam. Base­ of state owner wants offers. count. for the ascertainment of the ings in mind. Reasonable .sand, gravel, atone, fill. Call ROOMS FOR gentlemen, on e; THREE ROOM flat, reasonable ment, two fireplaces, porch, Phllbrick Agency. 649-8464. bath upstairs, garage. Of­ distributees of said estate and an constructed small, white Secret car and larceny. rates. E. J. Bavles, 649-6246. MORTIXXJK S Driving School Roofing— Siding 16 block from Main Street, kitch- rental, adults, immediate oc­ fered at the low price of order of distribution and it Is Service sentry box and said: In Orchid Robe Lagas.se told authorities that 643-8603. etc. Vacant. A steal at $25,000. ORDERED: That the Administra­ Inc., offices, classroom located dh privileges, parking. 648-5127, cupancy. Inquire 5 Ford Street. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- SPACIOUS 8 bedroom ranch, $16,200. “ This little thing is one of the he left the car at a Hartford Manchester Parkade, ^ o w e r , A. A. DION. INC Roofing, Group life Insurance 643-9828 trix, c.t.a. of said estate exhibit I changes, and I hope the neigh­ siding, painting. Carpentry. Al­ Hcwpital and surgical bena- SNOV' THROWER, 35 h.p. 649-3973. i 1577. dining L, attached garage, said account of the time and place LOS ANGELES (API — Gor- parking lot and took a bus to Personals 3 level. Beginners, older, nerv-1 mounted on an International set for said hearing be given to all bors don't mind It.” New York and then to Phila­ terations and additions. Ceil­ fit.s THOMPSON HOUSE — Cottage kitchen built-ins, full ba-sement. geou.T) try church peeks through the WANTED — RIDE from Wind­ SKIS, 6’ 6” : girl’s figure skates, Blozle, Wapping. Conn : Edward hi.s orchid color so much.” located at an Asylum S t park­ sor St. to Pratt ir Whitnev, free pick-up .service, teen­ company, we would like to ONE ROOM to rent, private stores, .schools, and churches. pandable ranch with breeze­ located on French Rd., top of Charming 5'2 room ranch, trees and said the view, one ol age cla.ssroom, older and ROOFING — Specializing re­ size 7'4; 21" Silvertone TV; re­ 643-4782. Blozle, Wapping. Conn.: Reelna Gorgeous George. 48, perhaps ing lot and returned to its first shift. Call 644-0412. talk with you. home, gentleman. 119 Cooper' way and garage, basement, lot Tower Rd., near Parkade, fire­ plastered walls, ew t lron_radla- A S lstW ix ™ c,t.a .," her favorites, “ makes your trou­ owner today. nervous students oui spe­ pairing roofs of all kinds, new frigerator; Caloric gas range. tors, porch, garage, plctur- Ing. Conn.: Jam es Blozle. 7104 the most flamboyant of the Hill Street, 649-0595. 100x250, trees. Only $16,900. T. place, kitchen built-lns, hot E bles get quiet.” Chief Dwyer said that when cialty 115 Center St,. Man­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys 843-9044. THREE ROOM apartment at 36 J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. water heat, wooded lot on dead esque setting on high wooded ^jiiXafA'r1 T>r,. Houston 3fi, Tf*xnj<; An­ showmen who took over Automohnea For Sale 4 Send brief outline of your thony Blozle. WnpplnfC. Tonn In the stone-fenced family Lagasse is released from the C chester. Call for free book­ cleaned, repaired. Aluminum WANTED — Business woman to Maple Street. Gas heat. Phone •nd street. Builder, Robert lot. Priced to sell. Hayes Cprllflc;1 from ri'cnni, wrestling after World War II, WITH ALL let. 643-8652. siding. 30 years’ experience. education and/or business ARIENS SNOWTHROW, 6 h.p. MANCHESTER — 6 room Spilt graveyard, where 25 to 30 of died Thursday. He had suffered Philadelphia jail he wdll be re- 1962 FAIRIxANE 500, 4-door, 8 share my lovely ranch home. 649-0769. Bamuelson, 649-0498. Agency, 643-4803. Holpn A. Hilt, e v r k Free estimates. Call Howley, experience to the following model, .serviced, ready to go, Level, deep landscaped lot, ga­ John.son’s relatives lie buried, ttimed to this state to face lo­ cylinder, automatic Iransmis- Call 649-3949, a heart attack the day before. 643-6361, 643-0763. addre.ss: $319. Terms available. So. rage, utility room, rec room, three decorated Christmas trees The Los Angeles City Council cal charges. sian. low mileage, excellent FOUR ROOM apartment, in­ stood. Mrs. John.son called at­ GAS LEARN TO DRIVE — Special Windsor Equipment Co., 289- PLEASANT HEATED room, 2 baths, fireplace. Close to adjourned Friday in memory of condition. 643-5700, cluding heat, hot water, and tention to a plaque at the gate attention to nervous and elder­ 3406. , near bath, gentleman. Parking, school.s, churches, and .shop­ the famed wrestler after adopt­ gas for cooking. Electric re­ and recited the stanza from ly. Classroom for teen-agers. Radio-TV Repair 54 High Street. frigerator and gas srtove fur- ping. $18,900. Wolverton Agen­ ing a resolution calling him 1966 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sta­ Grey’s “ Elegy Written in a PURCHASES Pickup ser\nce. Day or eve­ Services 18 ni.shed. Call 649-7737 between 6- cy, Realtor, 649-2813. “ one of the most colorful per-1 tion Wagon, 8 cylinder, auto­ MONTGOMERY W'ARD Country Churchyard’ ’ which matic transmission, best offer. ning les.sons. Rea.sonable rales. & CO. Diamond.^— Watches— FURNISHED ROOMS, com­ 7 p.m. formers In wrestling history” I Manche.ster Driving Academy, ' CONNIE'S TV and Radio Serv­ plete light housekeeping facili STARKWEATHER Street — Is engraved there. and a man “ gifted with a per-1 649-0470. Box No. 1034 Jewelry 48 The Johnson homeslte Is on 742-7249. ice. available all hours. Satis­ ties. Centrally located. Mrs. MANCHESTER — 4 room flat, Completely renovated six room sonal magneUsm and a ra re. Manchester, Conn. land the President’s grandfather faction guaranteed. Call 649- Eior.sey, 14 Arch Street, Man- garage, heat, hot water. $110 .single. Large rooms. I 'i bath.s, quality of showmanship.” ' WATCH AND JEWELRY repair­ new heating system. Three en­ 1315. Chester. monthly. Vacant, adults prefer­ settled before the Civil War. The George, twice married, twice Drive In— Fill 'er Up! Wear A Half-Size? ing at reasonable prices. closed porches, combination red. 649-2083. Johnsons bought the house from divorced and shorn of most o f . Prompt service, two watch­ ROOM FOR RENT, cooking fa­ windows. Thl.s Is an excellent Pretty Aprons! one of the President’s sisters in the money he had made in the ! Millinery, Dres.smaking 19 MRRRY CHRISTMAS — We makers, Manchester’s oldest cilities, private bath, parking, value at only $16,900. Desirable 1951 and restored it. Double Green Stamps with .vour gas purchases are happy Avon Representa­ established jeweler. F. E. gentleman. 643-5600. THREE ROOM apartment, first ring, had not wrestled regularly floor, 97 Wells Street, stove, re­ Bowers School di.strlct. T. J. Mrs. Johnson said she was r o M * \ r i tives have been able to meet Bray, 737 Main St., State Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. sorry the ranch was being since 19a^9 for the balance of December is our bonus to you as an FOR ALTERATIONS and iron­ frigerator, $75 monthly. Phone . • J i.v, anri i He will be burled at Valhalla the enormous demand for our Theater Building. AOCOMMODA'nONS for lady viewed with the sere, dr^^^ ‘n North Hollywood. i()Mi'X)irr inducement to help us reach our goal of 1,250,000 gal ing. call 643-9981. Cliristmas Gifts. We now know that prefers private, to con-1 649-4690. TALCOTTVILLE — Large 5 that all the care and effort that valescent home. 643-1358. room ranch, IVi baths, fire­ gray look Funeral ser will be con- '' MEANS Ions in gas sales fqr the year. FIVE ROOM apartment, sec­ did approve of j ducted at a Los Angeles mortu- C ha.s gone into the manufacture i'’uel and Feed 49-A place, storm.s. Just like new. peratures in the last lew days, i Moving—Trucking— and packaging of our products ond floor, Immediate occupan­ Near bus and shopping. Ton- Storage 2 0 ' will bring great joy to thous DRY OAK WOOD, cut fireplace Apartments— Flats— cy, centrally located, $86, ga­ noting "m y husband sure did i gren Agency, 643-6321. want some sunshine.” OPEN DAY AND NIGHT and.s. Why "not join u.s .so you I and length, $10 per load Tenements 63 rage Included. 649-3614. I jA acbirioan O o A I « MANCHESTER Delivery Ught l(X) can -share in fulfilling the delivered. Tel, 742-7886 SPRING STRfiET — 6 room Mrs. Johnson, in what was trucking and package delivery. virtually her first press confer­ Indonesia Says ever-inerea.sing demand for our MANCHESTER — SIX Room THREE ROOM apartment, ranch, 2-car garage, bullt-in.s, for fuel oils, service, Refrigerators, wa.shers and products in your neighborhood. FOR SALE — Standing wood, duplex, 3 large bsdrooms, one stove, refrigerator, heat, sun- wall-to-wall carpetings. Call ence since becoming First Lady stove moving specialty. Folding Call 289‘4922. mostly oak. 8-16". approxi­ car garage, central heating. porch, garage. 643-7591 or 644- owner, 843-9172, 6 to 8, week­ had a rapt audience as she It Shot Plane mately fo»ir acres. 643-7580. turned sometimes poetic, some­ heating equipment MORIARTY BROTHERS chairs for rent. 649-0752. 875-7362. 0293. ends anytime. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY for times philosophicai and some­ phone 522-8151 University Dean, B.S. or B.A. times political In her tour com­ JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)— 301 CENTER ST. — 643-5135 Fainting—Faperine 21 degree required, good .salary, FIREPLACE WOOD, cut to or- ments. Indonesia claimed today its no PEARL STREET excellent benefit program, aca­ j der, delivered. Call 742-7647. troops shot down an “ enemy" H.ARTFORD. CONN. SPKCIAL HOLIDAY PRICES — reconnaissance plane along the Painting, paper-hanging, rell- demic atmo.sphere. Write Box ' FOR SALE - - Dry, hard wood IGv, Herald for appointment. Indonesia-Malaysia border on ing.s whitened, floors refinish­ cut any length and delivered. C47 Crash Kills the island 'of Borneo, killing one _ed. Call ____ 644-0601 or 649-0726, i STENOGRAPHER, experienced John Hutchinson. 742-6639. Three beautiful Stich-built com­ INSTANT STICKTQITIVENESS of the two crewmen. 12 in Thailand The official Antara hews PAINTING, EXTERIOR and In-^ HAVE A munities give you a big selection teriiir, paperhanging, wall-' ??* ’ depending on background, Garden— Parm-^Dairy for people who keep slipping up on saving ______I agency did not Identify the alr- paper removed, dn- wall work.' '’eference.s to P.O. of homes and locations to choose BANGKOK, Thailand (AP)— | craft further. Products .50 Twelve persons were killed F ri-! Quoting a. local Indonesian Rea.sonable lates. F\iUy In- Box 368. Coventry, Conn. from. And, whichever spot you K y o rta k » g on jolanning to save njonay, ■Why not say the word to your pay­ TIRE CITY .sured, 649-9658, Josej)!) P. I.,ew- NATSISKY FARM, INC., dis­ HAPPY ■nd abort on following through, here s master and get started saving this pay­ day when a C47 transport ^ commander, Antara said the WANTED Reliable woman for choose— whichever home style day? Your new perseverance will amaze crashed and burned on the Thai- plane crossed into Indonesian Is. temporai-y hou.sekeeplng and count house for eggs by the __that’s Uilor made for you: The case ,pr dozen; I-owest prices in you select— you can be sure you'll Payroll Savings Plan. your friends, your family and yourself. land-Malaysian border. | air space Dec. 18 but went down CONTINUES ITS CHRISTMAS PAINTING, PAPERHANGING child care for new mother. The Bangkok Post reported in Malaysian territory after Days, or live in. Call 849-4121. town. Our prices don't go up have a well-designed, soundly It otarU you saving insUntiy. Doeint Good work, reasonable rates. or down like a thermometer. that the victims Included three being hit by Indonesian gun i NEW •oat you a nickel’s worth of will power. Chinese-American crew mem- fire. The incident occurred near Over ,’iO years in Manchester. NURSES'S AIDE, 11-7, experi­ They stay the .same the year constructed house. After all, noth­ Aiwt it can give you thousands o t dollars PRESENT TO ITS CUSTOMERS Your neighbor my recommen­ ence prefeiT.*SSOCIATES. INC. ing. No job too small, jfthn Interview, 649-4641, Manches­ HAB.TFOBl>r-^onea 6S8-624fi, 62S-4US, 628-4289 size. Just 50c for the new '63 al- VerfalUe, 649-6760. ter Drug, Inc. McK i n n e y b r o s . Send 80c today for the new bum! MAny lovely designs! - 2 ! No 106 4 fall and winter ’63„ Basic Fash-1 Directions for suit ana afghan in HARDWOOD FLOORS sanded SCHOOL BUS drlvem, Vernon- Sewerage Disposal Co. I * IS t ( IV I *. ^r . > • , I ; , I tern, a aompleta pattern maga-|knlt; doily, p^glngs and allppars and finiahed. Gat the beat for Rockville urea.,. 7:80-8:$0 a..jn., ISO-m DfiMTl 8t.—«4S-SSM rtna. in crochet!' laaa. CaU 644-0601 or 6404)726. 3:1M :80 p.m. Oiai 8484414. 611 New Park Avenue, Weet HartfordT-233 / , T

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 8,1M8 PAGE TBli l®anrl|>alfr lEofttittB IffraIJi About Towu Courses Slated Street Sign At Tech School 1»*e PtriMh AnwrtoMi Club Business Bodies Plan Asked wttl aponaor a New Year’s Eve Howell Cheney Technical party at 106 CSlnton SC The School will hold regtetrntion for program for the evening will ME.MORIAL Sl^GOESTElD f ByCoiC tndwle dancing and refresh­ second semester courses Jan. 6, The New Elngland OouncU at ments for members and their 7 and 8 from 7-9 p.m. in the Boston has urged all New Eng­ The Manchester Chamber of gueeta. guidance office. landers to support a Joint Commerce (CC) has recom­ Lennart O. Johnson, director resolution filed in the Hotise of mended that the town inaugu­ H m Polish National Alliance, of the evening school, an­ Representatives calling for rate a five-year program for Oroup 1968, will meet tomor­ nounces that there will be open­ erection of a memorial to the changing all o f its street name row at 2 p.m.'at 77 North St. ings in blueprint reading, ma­ late Dr. Robert H. Goddard — algns. chine drafting, snd shop mathe- known as the father of Amer­ In a letter to Mayor Francis Jo.seph P. Mistretta, son of matic.4. ^ ican rocketry. Mahoney, R. Bruce Watkins, The blueprint course is de­ Mr. and Mrs. Jo.seph T. Mi.stret- The resolution which wae chairman of the chamber's ta, 112 School St., will appear signed to give a greater under­ Parking and Traffic Committee, standing in the interpretation filed by Rep. Joseph W. Mairtin In the next isstie of "Who's Jr., (R-lOth District, Mass.) has suggested that the board of W io Among Students at Ameri­ of prints as used in the proise of drafting tenance^epartment. instruments." drawing tech­ ture of rocketry but led to the be held at Valley Forge, Pa., He said that many o f the from June 17 through 23, 1964, ain to Jack Lennart Gustafson niques. and drafting theory. world’s first liquid-fuel rocket of Manchester has been an- Emphasis is on the use of ortho­ flight from a farmyard in Au­ street signs are deteriorating as deputy chief medical officer. and are illegible, and that a pro­ noimced by her parents, Mr. graphic riews. .section views, burn. Mass., on March 16, and techniques of dimensioning. 1926,” gram should be developed now James B. Mazzoli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Booco of New before It is necessary to go Into and Mrs. Bruno Mazzoli, 184 Shop mathematics will con­ Britain. a crash program, which could Henry St., was graduated with sist of a .study of fundamenlaUs FOI R PROMOTION.S Her fiance is the son of Mr. of trigonometr>’ and plane Four Manchester men Mon­ mean greater expense and a an Associate in Applied Sd- disruption of existing town «noe degree in metallurgical en­ and Mrs. Am e Giistaf.son of 275 geometry. The cour.«e is orie-.it- day received promotions in the Henry St. ed to the practical needs of .shop casualty-fire underwriting de­ work schedules. gineering technology from the The chamber committee has Ml>wa\ikee School of Engineer­ Miss Bosco is a 1958 gradu­ workers, especially inspection, partment at the Travelers In- ate of New Britain High School tool room, engineering, and pro­ .suTunce Companies. recommended that the sigpis be ing, Milwaukee, Wla., In exer­ of the double-faced, reflector cises heid Dec. SO. and a 1962 graduate of the Uni­ duction workers. Robert D. Murdock of 22 Har­ versity of Connecticut School of The cmirses. all ten week.s in lan St. and Raymond E. Tlnti of type, with green luminous let­ Nursing. She is on the nursing length, will meet Monday and 112 Chambers St. have been ters against a white back­ Latest Snowfall staff at Hartford H o^tal.' Wedne.sday evenings from 7-9 named .supervising underr.vrit- ground. Mr. Gustafson is a graduate p.m. There is no fee. ers while Albert S. Birrell of The new signs Installed re­ of Manchester High School and 25E Fore.st St. and Jo.seph C. cently on Main St. have white Tops Two Inches a 1961 graduate of Porter Mcllduff of 60 Summer St. have luminous letter* against a green School of Elngineering Design. Rockville-V ernon been promoted to senior under­ background. Yesterday's “ poastble snow Wethersfield. He is a tool en­ writers. flurries” flurried and flurried, gineer at Mai Tool and Ehigi- Murdock, a member of the imtil Manchester wound up with neering, Manchester. Gozdz Shop Till liability and property division, Flotilla Plans two and one half inches of A May 1964 wedding is joined the company in 1954 ^nd snow, and tta fourth stx>rm of planned. Rifled by Youths was named senior underwriter Piloting Course the season. In 1961. He was graduated in Town highway department 1951 from Yak tjniver.sity and Zigmimd Gozdz. owner of an The Manchester U.S. Coa*t erew* sanded until the middle was named "Man of the Year” Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 17-9, Auto Mechanics antique store and furniture re- by the Manchester Junior o f the evening, were then -sent finiahing shop on Rt. 83 near will sponsor a course In pilot­ home for some rest, and re­ Chamber of Commerce in 1962. George Stewart, asslstaht vice president and secretary of Bast Hartford Federal Savings ing, seamanship and small boat Offered Course Talcottville, reported last night Tinti, a graduate of the Uni­ turned to the- garage at about the theft of $35 to $40 in cash and Loan Association, and Robert Trewhella of 108 Bolton St., Manchester, manager of handling starting Jan. 8. The 8 a.m. to taike up the chore o f versity of Connecticut, joined from his shop. the new South Windsor Branch office on Oakland Rd. (Wapplng), discuss plans of new 43 classes will be held at Man­ {dowing. Another 16 - week training Travelers in 1951 and was ap­ by 40 foot building which will have Its official opening Monday, Trewhella, who is al­ chester High School at 7 p.m. According to Vernon con­ pointed senior underwriter in At 9 this morning, ail of the program for auto mechanics stables. two youths were in­ so assistant secretary of the association noted that the new Wapplng branch will feature The course provides a com­ trucks and men went on a town- 1959. He to with the field divi­ will begin at Howell Cheney volved. One entered the store a Community Room, a conference room, and an outside "time and temperature” lighted prehensive and practical study wide sanding operation, sion. sign. The new branch building is an enlargement over a former branch office on Oakland of boating covering seamanship, Technical School on Jan. 6. alone shortly after 5 p.m. and Birrell was graduated in 1957 Oeqxartment officials said this asked Gozdz to .see some mer­ Rd. No special ceremonies are planned for the opening, Trewhella said. (Herald photo aids to navigation, piloting The 480-hour course la open from Northeastern Univenaity morning that no major problems chandise in the basement. by Pinto). (charts and compa.ss), rules of to any interested men candi­ and joined the company in 1968. had been encountered, and that While they werk downstairs, a the waterways, safe motor- dates who wish to upgrade their He was promoted to imderwrit- their operatione were proceed- second youth entered and earned $302,000 on sales of $53,- HIH Publishing Company's EJeo- boat operation and accident I big snwolhly. job akllto. er in 1061. A member of the with the closing of j>apers Mon­ prevention. rifled the till and fled on foot, day at New London when 594,000 for the fiscal year ended nomlc* DepMlment at New Similar to a course oompleted field division, he served in New­ A U.S. Coast Oiuuxl Auxiliary according to Chief Constable ark, N. J., before moving to the Green Manor Ckmstruotion 0>. Oct. 31. 1963. Competitive pric­ York. in October, the program is Edmund F. Dw^yer. seamanship certificate will be home office. of Manchester turns over to the ing and a lag '.n envelope de­ awarded those who pass the sponsored under the federal While Gozdz was calling po­ Navy a completion certificate mand has brought 1963 sales Manpower Development and Mcllduff Joined Traveler* in A revoKitlonary new type course. The course is open to Police Arrests lice the other youth also fled on ^ 0 units at U.S. Naval Sub­ about 3 per cent below last Training Act by the State La­ 1929. He is also a member of the milk container, featuring milk men and women, 16 years of on foot. Chief Dwyer and Con­ marine Base. year’s reooird volume of $55,431,- bor Department and the Con­ field division. In plastic bags instead of bottle* age or older, and Is free. stable John Marshall arc in­ (XK) The net inctsne of $302,000, necticut State Elmployment or cartons, ha* been introduced Further information may be Anthosty F. McAllister, 26, vestigating. after paying preferred dividends no certain addreas, and Marion Service. 2S-YEAR CLUB John K. Wilks of 81 Avon­ by H. P. Hood A Sons in its obtained by calling Cmdr. Wil­ With Sixth Fleet Three Manchester men have o f $1^70,000, was equal to 5 Guldzinaki, 41. o f 232 Main St.. dale Rd., assistant superin­ new ten-quart home dispenser liam Stanek, Vice Cmdr. Daniel There is room in the program Francis J. Bradley Jr., hos­ Joined the Quarter Century Club cents a common rtiare as against called the Hood Pac. The poc Hartford, last night were each for 15 trainees, according to tendent of fidelity and surety Steele, or Robert Dougan. per­ pital corpsman second class. thi.s month at Pratt t Whitney $661,000, or 61 cents a share is now being introduced in the charged with intoxication. Ihe Mias Hazel Anderson, manager lines at the Hartford office of sonnel officer, all of Manches­ USN, son of Mrs. Olive M .! Aircraft In East Hartford. for 1962. Nenv England States. tw o men were found Bleeping of the OSES Manchester office. the Travelers Iiwurance Com­ ter. Bradley of 9 Jacob St., recently ' Anthony J. Thibeau of 104 panies, in 1963 was granted on a hall floor of a Pearl St. Anyone wishing to apply for the participated with Marine Corps apartment building. Both were White St., a design analyst In $1125 in cash awards in the Itinerant American* — sotn* training ^ould reip^ as soon Battalion Landing Team 32 with ' Engine Design, completed a 25- talcen to the State Jail at as poasirble to the office at 8(Hi emplojie suggestion plan. The 8.4 million strong, spent nearly the Sixth Fleet in a combined years on Dec. 19. Millard I. firm paid out some $15,150 for Hartford in lieu of $25 bonds Main St. U.S. and Spanish military am­ $3 billion traveling abroad In Appleby of 26 Gerard St., gener­ adapted suggestions. 1962 and this year, the figure PLUMBING and wUl be presented in Man­ She said counselors will dis­ phibious warfare training op­ al foreman in Experimental should jump 6 per cent, and by chester's Cirouit Court 12 ses- cuss the program with appli­ eration. adon on Monday. Testing, joined the club yester­ “Man in Space” painting 1973, U.S. travelers will spend Water Heaters cants. each of whom will be day: and Edward P. Stelmark Donna M. I*isch, 242 Wood- done for Hamilton Standard $7 b'-Uian, according to McGraw- HEATING given an aptitude test; and in­ of 42 Deerfield Rd., an analyst division of United Aircraft at Humidifiers bridge St., yesterday was formation about training pay charged with speeding after Bolton in Service Engineering Records, Wind.sor Locks by a Milford for which they m i^t be eligi­ marks his membership today. artist, William Oolrus, ha* been Dehumidifiers AIR GONBITIONINQ being observed by police travel­ ble under the training act. ing at a high rate of speed on selected for display in lobby of NEW YEAR’S Miss Anderson stressed that Parked Car Hit, -BR1EI<'S a Manchester street. She was the National Aeronautics Streamers, Confetti, Air Cleaners there is a heavy and increasing Robert Ahlness of 164 E. ordered to appear In Circuit Driver Charged Space Administration building Paper Plates, Napkins Court 12 on Jan. 27. (leimarui for auto mechanic*' Center St. is one of 11 Luther­ in Washington. Heat Pumps skills, and that every man in an Brotherhood general agents the last group of trainees has Richard Kimball, 60, of 6 who recently conferred with United States Envelope Co. ARTHUR DRUG Water Pumps WILLIAMS been placed in a job by CSES. Simpson Ave., Wlllimantic, was management at the fraternal of Springfield, Mass., with a The classes, to be held at arrested by Trooper Raymond insurance society’s home office branch office in . Rockville, Water Coolers Howell Cheney Tech, will meet Andrews early texiay after an in Minneapolis. The Ahlness OIL SERVICE, Inc. dolly Monday through Friday accident at 12:30 a.m. on Rt. 6 agency’s sale* volume for the Water Softeners WESTOWN from 4-10 p.m. in front of the M and M Serv­ first 11 months of 1963 was up more than 17 per cent over Zone Control ice Station. GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALERS PHARMACY Kimball was charged with a similar i>eriod in 1962. 4S8 Hartford Rd.—649-9946 failure to pass to the left, after Bath Rooms Known for Quality Products he struck a parked car. Peter Panfilo CJaea»anta of and Service To maintain our continuity Police report that Rosaire Hartford has been elected a TOWN OF MANCHESTER of medical service we are SAME DAY Tellier, 44, of 11 Valley St. Ext., vice president of Mott’s Super 841 Broad 8t„ Manchester—649-4548 Wlllimantic, who had been east- Market*. Inc., it was announced TV SERVICE ' bound on Rt. 8, was parked on this week by Jo.seph P. Mott, Open All Day I the south shoulder changing a president of the company. AND I flat tire on the right rear wheel. Emergenev Telephone I Kimball, also ea.stbound, was in Capehaxt housing at mili­ SUNDAY I the process of passing the park- tary and naval installations ANTENNA ed car when his vehicle skidded domes to a final conclusion Numbers For New Years Day INSTALLATION into the left rear of the Tellier CIRCLESRANCH Damage to both vehicles was EAST ST., ANDOVER— 643-2937 GoK Oubs, TURNPIKE TV moderate, police report, al­ though the Kimball car had to Notice Tel. 649-3406 be towed. It suffered right front H ighw ay...... 649-5070 damage. It's "Sleigh Ride Time" Bag, Cart Kimball was summoned to WE HAVE DAILY Manchester session of Circuit ...... 649-7937 OUT AT THE RANCH Disappear Court 12 on Jan. 20. DELIVERY TO THE

>g h i t goU geax unattradM CASH FUEL nfrlht wMU ka^WBOt into BOLTON Sanitary Sewer and Water 049-9697 ha SERVICE Come on out for an old fashioned sleigh Save $8.00 On 200 Gallons HARTFORD AREA ride. Our horses wil 24-Hour Burner Sendee CLDB SODA RICHARD MARTIN, General Manager give you a beautifu' LENOX ride thru the woods' M cKinney Home Delivery Lumber and Supply Co. p h a r m a c y Pick Up and Save Open Sat. and Sun.; the sleigh will leave every hour Est. 1947— Bolton 299 E. CENTER ST. on the hour. NO reservations needed— 75c per per­ 6 GRISWOLD ST. son. (Coasting and Tobogganing on our hill. Bring Tel. 643-2141 649-5680 TEL. 649-0896 . your own sl^ s. Horse will pull you back up for the small amount of 75c all day. Coffee and Hot Choco­ late available at our Circle S Snack Bar..,. HOLIDAY THI SNOWrtAKt Ilk * a Naw Year comet upon e i Max Miller Says: bright, wnmarred and in full perfec­ SPECIAL! tion. The moment it touchei the earth oN beauty and perfection are gone. While we may try to turn over a new "Many riianks to my leof fin k always present. What a GREEN wonderful time in this New Year to accept God's gift— His friends and custom- STAMPS Son— “Who his own s»tf ban our sins in his own tfbdy on iht DOUBLE tno, that we, being dead to sins, should livo unto rightsous- DAILY TILL NEW YEAR'S •n. Wt can'now ac- ness: b/ whose stripss /e were heo/ed." I Peter 2:24 commodato you witli (OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 31, 1963) all your holiday liquor THE CHURCH i>f the NAZARENE FREE! FREE! nuods." 286 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL FROM FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF “A CHURCH WITH A MISSION” ROBERT J. BHOFF, Pastor 8 GALLONS OF G A S or MORE! BEAUTD'UL ANCHOR HOCKING CUT GLASSES PIZZA RAY’S Three Types to Choose From: * Water * Juice a Sherbet. MILLER SUNDAY SERVICES - ' OPEN NEW YEAR'S EVE TILL 7 7 7 * The above Free Offer Is Good Every Day of the Week a Sunday School ...... 9.80 PHARMACY Worship Hour ...... 1Q:45 OPEN NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 to 12 Youth Fellowship...... 6:00 STATE SERVICE STATION 299 Green Road EvangqUsm ...... T :00 Planning a house party? Call us and let us do the “YOUR FLYING 'A' DEALER !” work. Order ahead and be sure. Manchester W E D ^ S b A T ' 770 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER Mkk Nillur Mid-week Sendee ...... TiSO PI^ZA RAY’S—448-0031 OPPOSITE STATE THEATER • PHONE 648-6666

r; t » - ’ ‘ / /. ( ■ A !'} D ec. 28 Hew JAN 3 TV Week] lEumtig CHANNELS

1 VIPBO EVEBir WEEK—ALL RIOHT8 RESERVED, H. T. DICKINSON * Oa. bM. Seven Shows Sport Fan’s Make Debuts Wide World By CVNTHIA LOWRY AP Telflvisloa-Rsdio Writer By RUTH E. THOMPSON NEW YORK (AP)—With the Sports caster Jim McKay is debut Christmas Day of Al­ circulating a new word he pick­ len Funt’e “Tell It to the Cam­ ed up ki the Une of duty—ooir- era" on CBS, network television ering a golf match in tbs B(ig^ launches a ead little second sea­ adoon-ttiM town of St. -Aiw son of new shows. The open­ drews in Scotland for ABCfm ing season Is late September Saturday afternoon *Tyhio and early October. Wocid of Sports.” Between now and Jan. 10, 'sev­ A record gatlery of 10,0M en programs will make their had showed up. MoKay hailwl a debuts. All but one rep4ace pro- knot of spectators. What, hs sranu that failed to attract asked them, was thers shout large audiences. the Arnold Palmer—Gary P la y "Tell It to the Camera" sub­ ar combination that proved stitutes for "Olynis," which pro­ such an unusual magnet? *T3Il vided unbelievably poor scripts that’s not the reason,” they ex­ for star Olynis Johns. plained. ’’We’re here to watch Next Monday, two new game the telefolk.” riMws move into the daytime Over here we’re not so agat line-ups of ABC and NBC. "The to turn out to see a ttlming Object Is,” with Dick Clark as crew, but as a nation we sura host, replaces long - playing are the biggest bunch of apo|(g •'Who Do You Trust?" on ABC. speotatora in history, thanks ta NBC's short-lived "People Will the "teiefoik.” i. Talk" will be abandoned for an­ Specials aside, ’'The Wids other game show called "Let's World of Sports” caters to th s Make a Deal." year-round sports fan. The 99- . ABC is trying to salvage week sports fiesta holds the top sbmeUiing from the expensive rating for a regular sports pro­ rubble left by the abrupt depar­ gram and Its crews are setting ture of Saturday night’s "Jerry travel records. Host Jim Mc­ Dewls Show”—the season’s nois­ Kay has reportedly traveled iest flop. It will premiere an over a million miles with tb s Jiour-long variety show, "The show. nonfood Palace," on Jan.. 4 in To wind up New Year's Week, the first hour of Lewis’ time, and the rtK>w has two entries: tiss return the second hour to affil­ World’s Barrel Jumping CXiam- iated stations for local program­ pionahip and the Orange Bowl ming, Regatta. ^ NBC's "Redlgo" quietly slip- into Umbo after Tuesday’s (See Page H uee) Show, and next week the .half hour will be filled by an evening irecsion of "You Don’t Say." Deb Ball Tonight "That Was the Week That Ten pretty girls hoping for Was," a half-hour topical revue movie stardom appear oa specializing in satire, slips into ABC's ’’Hollywood Deb Star NBCa PYlday night schedule on Ball” tonight originating Aram Jan. 10, taking over from the Hollywood Paladium. TIm girls comedy series, "terry’s Oirls." were selected from a fidd M TS r.vCB8 will present a quls show by the Hollywood Make-up called “Alumni Fun’’ on Sunday Artiats and Hadr BtyHstai afternoons starting Jan. 4. This Guild. is designed to fill part of the big GOrdcxi and Sheila Macftas hole in the network scln^ule left will present the young hops- by the departure of football. Ails. Their own daughter, IB- Tlis show, originally seen last year-old Meredith MaoRae, is season on ABC, features alumni one of the deh stars. Hans Cion- tesjns from vadous colleges reid will be posted in ths Pal­ oompeting for scholarships. ladium lohhy to catch the or- rirval of Hollywood celelKitiesi James Frwncisous, star of *1116 ten young beauties wRI MBC-TV’s Tuesday night, "Mr. Lovely Robyn Grace, seen on ABCs ’’McHale’s Navy," is ready with frills and, fanfare be escorted by weH-kitown tsls* Novak'* series, has received an to welcome in the new year. To help TV viewers -celebrate a host of special programs vision and movie actors, includ­ «varag« of 1,300 lettens a week have been scheduled from the traditional parades and bowl games to Guy Lombardo’s New ing Hugh O'Brian and WaJtsr iRiee the program’s debut. Year’s Eve show originating live from—of all places—New York’s Grand Central Station. Pidgeon. New Yeat^s Programs SATURDAY Television PROGRAM II: ( S> Sky KUx 8:M (I) Brad Davis Skew 11:38 (18) The Late Shaw ■Msvhdon’s oelsbration of the^floats, bands, pretty girte and (IZ-W) Syt. Prestoa •! the (18) Idle ul Biley “I>lal M for Murder.” Oraa# New_____w Year _ begins ^ f ..— with. r a x . an L .hour mounted « M h « units—fromt T%.l ^ c t ^ the Texas fld 4 Y akan S:M (18) Tap Htar Buwliag Kelly. State Fairgrounds in Dallas. < B-St) Baca B aaaj «:li ( 9) News ( 8) M ovie long holiday special with Guy (4S)' Caadlepia Bawliac 8:38 ( 3) Brohea Arrow “Attack of the Oah Mo^ 18 Lumhardo. The New Year’s Eve Both CBS and NBC wiU U :M ( S> Uo Yau KmawT i S-Z8) IX W laler (N ym pie Bters." R. Garland. show, starting on CBS at 11:1ft provide color telecasts of the Bub Maxwell, boat. Teama of U am ea lt:4S (48) Shack Theater pm. wUl originate Uve from the 7ftth annual Tournament of 9 to 12-year-olda teal their (ZZ) latcmatlaaal Showtime 1Z:88 (ZZ) Satarday Night ReaisS knowlodee on Alaska. (M) Feature 1Z;18 (Zt) Cartaia Time iCsln Oonoourse of New York’s Roses Parade from Pasadena, (JZ) BalTwlakle Skew (Calar) 7:88 ( 3) The Lucy Show U:U ( I) Movie Qchod Central Station, Guests OaUf. NBC’s coverage at 11:30 Cartoon series. ( 8) Laughs for Sale ' “The Man Who Lived Twiaa:/" ( 8-ZO) Made Laad at Alla- (18) Subscription TV 1:88 ( 8) The Big Movie WiR include Dorothy OoUins and a.m. with Arthur Godfrey and k aiam (38) Film (48) T he L o rd 's F ra y e r «he WiUis Sisters with Allen Betty White as commentatoris. (18) BIx F u tu re (M) Wanted Dead ar Alive 1:48 ( S) News s a d W eather 1:M < S) B.K.U. Na. 8 7:38 ( 3) Jackie Oleasou Show 1:48 ( 3) Soa FrancUea Beal Ludden as host. OBS, starting 15 minutes later, (ZZ-SO) Kxplariiix (Calar) The American Scene M^ga- 4 Ox Nsw Year’s Day, OBS win have Bess Myerson and Dr. Albert Mtbbs, hoet. The alne. Comedy-variety featur­ 3:88 ( 8) Newicope-Momeats at Ronald Reagan describing the clrous Is today's tneme. How­ ing Frank Fontaine.. Rarbara C em fart talevtoes at 11 a.m. the Cotton ard Morris narrates “The Heller. TThe June Taylor 1:18 ( 8) Good Nigkt Hyaan Dow* Festlvel Parade — with famous floral spectacle. Smallest Blephant." D ancers. The parade Includes 9^ bloe- ( 8-ZO) My Friead Fllcka (ZZ-3S) The Lieuteaaat som-covefed floats, 22 ooioitful (18) Taachdawa ( 8-48-38) H aaleaan ay (M) Football Jack Linkletter host. Guests; banck and 245; Ailver-adomed Boston at BuHalo Chad. Mitchell Ti^, Modem m horses. A million and a tM^ 1:Z8 ( 8) Y oar C a ax ressiaa a Folk *■: Quartet, Joeh White. spectators are expected in Pasa­ 1:M ( 3) U a la r Bawl P oalball From U. of'Maryland. JOHN L lENNEY ‘ ( 8-Z8). A m erioaa B aad alaad 8:18 ( 3) The Defenders dena. Dick C.ark, emcee. Music, (ZZ-38) Joey Blshap Show At, 1:40 p.m. CBS wSl te(e- Interview . ( 8-38-48) L aw rence Welk AGENCY (18) SabsCripUaa TV Shew vftM the Cotton Bowl game -f iM (M)' Watch Mr. Wisard 3:88 (ZZ-38) Saturday Night at the from DaUas with Navy against Don Herbert conducta aclea- Movie# ttfic experiments. “The Secret Partner.” Stew­ the University of Texas. . (Zt) Salarday AWeraeaa F e a ­ art Granger. A blackmailed ELECTRONICS At the same time, NBC wlM tu re London executive la accused prasept in color the 30th 'Sn- “Mighty Joa Young.'' T, by police of robbery. LABORATORIES M oore, 8:M ( I) FkU Sllvere Show >mmU Sugar'Bowl Game ^ with I:M ( 8) Mavie . . A sorceress casts a spell oa M)inSisslppi. vermis Alabama “Mad Mlsa Manton.” Harry for not paying off when from New Orleans. (SZ-tf> C k a m p b a ck ie BewUag a beautiful dri falls for him. a LEROY NORRIS • :M (ZS) F ilm ( 8-18-48) ilelly w eed D eb 8 tw 277 BROAD Presldexit At 4:46, p.m., the 90th an­ (li)l Mea lata gpaee B all > o f AM Kinds ' nual Rose Bowl Game wUl be , 1 leading pro- their daughter. Meredith). igalnnt Washington. golferk for tlk-OOir prlM 18:88 ( 3) Uaasmeke m oney. Tommy A rm our, 18:18 ( I) The Depaty Chris Sclienkel. oomment, (I8-4a) Fsatare ( 81 The Depaty U :88 ( S-S) Naare. Sparta airt By AUTOMATIC (SI) iBvIsIble Moa W eather a i u n t i o f u r n a c e o i l DELIVERY (M) WUd Bill nckM k (tt) Satardar Night nepes8 Q sa iifM (it)’ BewUiur (38) News sad Weather 4tW (»-M ) ia ^ W a a t FWatbaB (48) Satarday MdlUea 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE — 649-3701 Gmmo 11:88 < 8) Chaagiar Tiaaea Tedmidam • ( I) Wolly^aatar (Oolarl llilS (881 Cartala n o M 51 BISSELL ST. ( 8-M-4S) Wide Wa*M at 11 :U ( 8) Satarday Hpeetaealar Sparta "The Crusades." L. Young. IL Phone 643-1129 D avis C o v Cliallensa Round.' W ilcoxon. LT. WOOD CO. Adelaide. Australia.. (88» S h sek T h a a lra PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1968 P A G E TH R E E Television SUNDAY PROGRAM Costly ABC Documentary TUESDAY Television PROGRAM Time Chaaael (48) Wlaniag Piaa ( 8-88-18) Travets 1:U ( 8) SMred Heart 8:88 ( 8) Movie McPheeteicPheeters ' ** ( 8) TTraibaaator vtae a aea monater In the hops • :M ( 8) Imasee et Ameriea •'Tarxan's Secret Treasure,” ^ a r t II) Dan O'Herllhy, Kurt Examines 1960 Campaign < 8) Boariae Semerter (8*98) O eaen l RenM U of Bearing CapuUn Bingham ( 8) Moralajr Semlaar J. Weissmuller. "Buffalo Bill.” Russell. Jalmie's father tries ( 8) Memeaie W OawJeH (18) MUUea DeUar Mavfo too off their ialond. 8:88 ( 8) The Ckristepbera J. McCrea. to rescue him from ruffians. ( 8) NewsitoFe 898 ( 8) Te TeU tka Tratk 8:88 ( 8) Pettiooat JaacUea ( 8) Dairejr aad Qollath ( 8) Dlreetloas ’84 (8»to) Tadax Ikaw Bea Bonaderet. Eklgar B « Franttm rtbolaaea (18) Make Baeat for Daddy Sal H inao, Eddie Albert. (48) Sacred Heart (48) Air Faroe Story MARK DOWN David L. Wolper, head of the wrote: "We have left (the pro­ ( 8) I t e IHfikaria (U) MlUaB Denar Merta l) Jaeh Beany Fregraai 8:18 (48) The Chrlitaphera 8:88 (88) Hews Baeore ( 888-48) The MaMag af the President 1988 . . . Special. company that made the apecial, ( 8) A a k La U uum Shaw *98 ( f) Blflamaa j ack lias promised to givo I (88) Siured Heart (IS) Oar Faith gram) as it waa then, believing (8898) Bawpar Uaaaa (11) FUar cast a night off and do a 8:88 ( 8) Saarlae Bemeatev Dramatisation of boUtlcs, can­ eatlmatM the (X>at of tranalatixig that tha noble profession of p Sacrifice af the Mass sports spectrum. leads to tragedy. (88M) Wild Klngdam (Calsr) and actlvltlea o f the i960 pteal- pretation of hla strength and 8»9U Wa(rd for Ward 9S (4S) Bfoaay Bartto members of the WUIlaam < 8) Jewish News Views 18.88 Oaadid Camera 8) into Da Yaa XYaair IN ( 8) Sparta. Nears aad Waa4h- family. (88) Challea af BatyaWea Marlin Perkins, host: Jim irward Kirby, host and dsntial campaign that reaulted weakness aa a vote-geuer and 8 Fowler. The paradoxical story OaaeatttraMaa ( S-N-M) Klag Oraaga Jam- (48) This is the U fa Allen Funt. Reactloo rt New ia the election of John F. Ken­ his skill at poUtical maneuver­ ( 8-8898) Tha Frtoa k HiaM 8:88 ( 8) Nawa barae Farads 9 of how the sarage alligator Yorkers as they are passed 18:M ( 8) Bear at St. Fraaais serves as a benefactor. nedy and the defeat of Richard ing are explored with this same (I89i> Mlaataa Uaka (Oalar) ( 8) The OatlawB (From Miami, Florida) Ooaa- ( 8) Lack Dp aad U re for ex-presIdent Harry S. Tlm- OF RADIOS-TELEVISIONS *9*48) (Hkiaet la (to) ladutrr aa Farads mentary: Jim McKay, Ckrol (.8-88-48) Sags of Westara Allepory about the recurrinc man during his daily walk. M. Nixon. candor. All this la eapeclally in­ , 8) Lava aTLMa (8*98) Haatlay Btfaklay Ba- Holsa. Maa (Color) (88-88) Prsjeotlan <84 doubt In' the eziatenee of 0 t «tri«a I 89-8*98) Nows. Waatbar from one peneratloa to an­ Correspondents gather from all ( 8-8898) Savea Kara 8tU Tm News aad Sparts creation of the erentual year, over the world lo review 1888 and tape from more than 600 nation is getting acquainted other. 1493. (R ) 18:88 ( 8 ) Saareh for TtaMrraw 7:88 I 1) Ta TeO the Trwth (82) News _____(48) Faith far Today events and forecast happen­ aourcea, had co<^>eraUon from with ita new chief of state. (8*98) T n lh ar Oaaaaaaeaeaa (to) Flha (88) News aad Weather M!88 ( 8) Camera Three 8:88 ( 8) I ’ve Get A Saorat ings of 1988 (Color) the preaa aecretartea of both White, a journalist and author, ( 898-88) Father Haaws (1*4S) Nawa aad Waatbar ( 8) Gay Lanbarda (88-38) OaDege Bawl (Ooiar) ( 8-88-48) Yeai^Bad Maws AND STEREOS Experimental aeries eorerinc Candida tea and acceaa to pri­ had nevar done a film or tele­ (88) Haara 7 iU (88) Saeelal Braaat HouMong special, Uve froa* drama, literature, dance, Robert Earle. moderator. Wrap-Up (Special) 7 iU (81) w S ^ r a jK m . BtabUgbto Bril Ringer Ball In Grand music and a rt James Macan- 8:88 ( 8) Twentieth Ceatary Correspondents gathered from vately owned film footage of vision script. 8) Te (M ) Sparta Central Station. Guests; Al­ drew, host Psycholt^cal study of 11-year- the world's prime news areas othera. It took a year and a half "We slKmed him bow to look I (48) Newa len Ludden. Dorothy Oolllns, ( 8) Comments d People olds at Children's Internation­ discuss 1988 events and exam­ to round up the footage. at dim ,” Wolper aald, "and he (8*98) At Kaato with KHtr 798 ( 8) NTbat la the WarM Willis Sisters. (88) Kahalla Jachaaa Bla«s al Village in Hlssissippi with ine their bearing on the (48) Barbara Beraard 6aaw. (8*98) Mr. Navak (48) Stove A lle a . (88) Jewish LUe delegates from Japan. Eng­ course of history In the year ■After the program was fin­ caught on to that quickly. In ex­ 8) Aa (he Warid Taras Jamea Franctacua, Bdward U :M (M ) Sperto (48) Western Jamboree land, Norway. Holland. Guate­ ahead. ished, edited and ready for actly four days he turned Into ( 8) Gale Btarm Shaw Mulhare. Invited to apeak at 11 :U ( 8) Sporto 11:18 (88) Americaas at WMfc mala. Mexl tneir hidden and sometimes |4 ( 8) Soorama (2*98) Leretta Ycaag amaxlnp orizins. ( 8) Lassie ( 8) News and Weather CORURN i t MIDDURROOK. he. highly recognizable aporta, Bmeat Borgnine. ITie men de- Camfort (88) Pre Game I Jon Provost, June Loidchart. ( 8) Moment of Msditatlaa The barrel Juanplng exhib- fans. Vasi Johnson and For­ (88) BIaz Aronad Snnday t Timmy pleads for the life of a ( 8) Newseape INVESTMENTS tton (set fo r Jan. 4) got the rest TUoker. With them waa (48) Biz Plctnre (x>lt born blind saying he and (48) Lard’s MR. OBOROE F. JOHNSON JR., Manager look-aee ffeom metropolitan 18 :U (88) 88th Aaaaal Matiooal Lassie can raise it. ' ( 8) Maa to Maa SK-fightar Beuney Roaa. FootbaU (88) Bill Dana Show FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL TRANSAOTIONB HANDLED ON sports and televialon writees R waa realW sort of a home- WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM 18:18 8) Tear Conzressmaa froas Gary Crosby. Jose finds ALL EXCHANGES USXBD AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUNDS becauae tt uras held over a oomlng fo r Roaa, though the Coanectient baby on his doorstep. Tarzan, currently making a weekend (two weeks ago) at 8 :U (48) Klug aad Odia Bhaw 8:M ( 8) Beveriy HUIbUllea (88) Fractared Fllcaers MAIN STREET 641-UM ^xxrt waa dUferent. He waa the < 8) Manaeati af Oaaifart 1:88 ( 8) Perception fast-paced comeback, will swlnf Ooasingcr's reiKrt. Aaprlnkling first workra ohamj^on to use 18:88 ( 8) News Buddy Bbaen, Irene Ryan. ( 8) Opinionated Man (48) Street af Dsager on OTS trees next season at tte ( 8) Newaoapa (2*98) Bay TVhaa TTie Clampetta are non-pluas- (38) Featare 7:88 I 3) My Favorite Martian o t kida at the befow-freeaing Goastoger's aa bis training I (2*98) Today Shaw ( 8) Girl Talk ed when their TV Wenteni (48) Discovery Ray Walst(ui, Bill - BIxby: earliest. The ape-man was the rinkside itm Ae ua all look like headquarten. Othera atooe ( 8) HaUday OkarnI Stag (M) Meralag Mevla hero turns out to be a poet. 1:88 ( 8) Year Coazressasaa froas Uncle Martin draws on his imaginative creation of the tatc alaatoa. (28) Weather 18:88 ( 8) Feature (82-M) Btpioaage Coanectienl powers to make Tim like a have toOkided Gene PXikner, ( 8) Frieada af Ita. Oraabar 1(88 ( 8) Year Commaairt Edgar Rice Burroughs, who re­ Rocky Marciano and Ingemar (t*9*) Ward for Weed True suspenae dramas froan hero to a beautiful girl. portedly never set foot in Africa, IT D O E S Mak« A Diffew ee Where Yea Save! *Motne on, Leo Baby; come ( 8) Let’a Talk About „ ( 8) Who Da Tau Trustf many naUona ^ e d to (88) Football Champioaship (88-88) Weaderfal WSrid af on Kenny, Baby,” a gioup of Jobannsen. ( 8) Captain Knngnraur?' U98 (28^) Oaueeutratlau Europe. ( 8-88) Issaes aad Answers Color (Color) the setting for the stories. The (48) FranMers af Setonoo . ^ < *->H8) Tha Fries ta Bight ( 8-2*48) Bea Casey Noted personality is inter­ "Dumbo" full length st of the acUca ( 8) Hnp MeknrdB about the baby elephant whose w ill be shot on location in ^ i t 'k chanting. "Leo Baby” turned tratoad aa a speed akater glided ( 8) Jnek La Laana Shaw Baaea Parade drews. Though bothered by Neilan. president U.S. Cham­ big ears make him a laughing (S2-W) Bamper B ean ( 8-2*98) Objaet ta self-doubt a neuro-surgeon ber of Commerce. stock. Africa. out to be Leo Lebel, aix-tiaoas through a few detenmined clr- ohampion in a fleld which has olea, aooelerated and took off, (48) Baas the down U;4B ( 8) Tfouruameat at Baaea tries to resume hla career. vS A V I N G S I ( 8) Deputy Dawz. 8:M ( S) Dick Van Dyke Shew 4% had only four champions. "K en­ landiiig prone to the rtok-end I ( 8) Leave tt Te Beaver 12:88 ( 8-2*48) Mommer’a Parade Grateful for a featured spot, a ny, B a ^ ' to a world that can podding. A doctor rushed up ( 8) Beat ef Giaueho 1:88 ( 8-88-M) Oraaga Bawl F as* chorus girl falls in love with tv ?!(/ Iv O A IV Onrreat be aa amall aa it can be wide— ixH the ring aonouncer aaeured baU happily-married Rob, and lu- MONDAY TeUvUion PROGRAM As f > « I \ ! I f > V. Annual 1:W ( 8) Oattoa Bowl Foetliaa fuses to be brushed off. waa the defending champion, it wna nothing drastic. Leo, 1#:N DiTMene o f 26 foot, 6 inches. He didn't (2*98) Sugar Bawl FaatbaU < 3) Danny Knye Show lim e Channel (38) Three Stooges U:15 ( 3) Msaday StarUght Ken Lebel, younger brother of ooenpettog despite a putted but torteresUngly he a*sw K'a 8:88 (18) MUlioa Dollar Mavis Cfomedy-variety. Gue:^. 8:88 ( 8) Sanrlse Semester R ate IrtCtL 4:88 ( 8) Mavle (88-38) The Eleventh Hear (48) The Admiral aad Swabby "99 River Street." Joha atosnaoh muacle, momentarUy something he’d never even tuv R^ph Bellamy. Jack GIng, 8:8s ( 8) Moments sf Csmfsrt Show Payne, Evelyn Keys. *BAW8W8STaS’S SlStoV FfSASaiAL mSTITSTiei (U ) MUlioa DoUar Mavle 8:48 ( 8) Newseope i: U The top twenty experts ia had the air knocked out of him. in prfMAtoe. It takee the extra 4:45 (2*98) Aanaal Baae Bawl Piper Laurie. After her moth­ (38) Early Show (40) Stove Allen Show er a death, a wealthy gtri 7:88 (88-88) Today Shaw "Father was a Fullback." 11:10 (30) Sporto the highly specialized deld He waa still in. Over and over tenaiion o f (xnnpetJtkMi day. 8:88 ( 8) The BHIemaa ( 8) EdnoatioBal tool MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER s ROUTE n, COVENTRY Cnannlag ( 8) HoUday Choral Sing 5:30 ( 8) Yogi Bear 11:80 ( 8) Big Movie (48) The Admiral aad Swabby (88) Weather iaptly, aM on lea. The row dana and eight Oanadiana. man who oltoibs because the Show Henry Jones, Jaaon Even. A (48) Snpermaa "Tank Force." V. Mature. In student conapirea to force a 7:98 ( 8) Frieads of Mr. Oroobor 8:00 ( 8) News aad Weather Palunl. fin a lly , another ex-champion^ mountaki to there these skillful 8:88 ( 8) Becky and Friends ( 3) EdaoailoBBl (48) News (88-80) Tonight (Color) (48) The Lone Banger philosopher bock to hla na­ 7:55 ( 8) Let’s Talk About personable Jim Waldo, ex-ioe athletes must live for the day tive land to aid a revolution­ (48) Laramie 18:48 (40) Lord’s Prayer 8:8# ( 8) Newa and Weather ary preeldent. 8:88 ( 3) Captato Kangaroo ( 3) Sports. Woathsr aad 1:00 ( 8) Newseope, Measoato ad fotUea (rtar who'a atarttog a one of them otoars one more (M ) Yonnz World orticAi.,^ ^ (48) News I ( 8-8-2*48) Newi, Weather 8:38 (48) Frontiers of Scleaeo News Comfort aad Hymn Our SPEEDY Specialty new career aa a stock broker barcei. Ken, a bridegroom of aad Sporte 8:88 ( 8) Uap Bicbnrdo C:U (88) Clnb Honse (30) News 8:S« (44) Pick PeweU ( 8) Jack La Laao Show 8:85 (88) News OPTICIANS TRULY DEUaOUS miaaed, and the brotherly rival several weeks, manages a res­ 8:18 ( 3) mrarta, Newa and Weather (22) Big Newa (88-38) Bomper Boom 8:88 ( 8) News took on sharper focus. And taurant to Lake Placid, vfon't 8:M ( 8) News (38) News aad Weather (48) Boss the Clowa ( 8) Follow the Sna then, one more magiWflcent leap. get rich on the prtoe money. ( 8) 87th Preolnet ( 8) Wednesday Starlight 8:15 ( 8) Deputy Dawg. (88-88) HanUey BriaUey CHICKEN (M) FUm "It Hod -To Be You." O. 8:88 ( 8) Leave It To Beaver ; (80) News Ken Ldbel copped the The Lard’s Prayer (48) Merafaig Msvie Annual evaluatioa af ]>ast 18:88 ( 3) Homemakers Msvie (88) Weather, Local News pixigTam in :zMch C^et Huntley exhibitian basis to aee i f be ^’aca'tien ee the resort's guests.) 18:8# ( 8) News aad Weather (lOUoD News and Weather DID YOU KNO W oould break hto worid'a teoord Aiod why does ABC do it? year's major news and fore- 12:88 < 8) Moment ef Hedltattoa (88-88) Word for Word examines the protUems aiid OAIX IN ORDER cant by e w t key oorreepond- 1:88 ( 8) Newseope, Momeato ef ( 8) Wfco Do Yon TrastT (88) Westora Mass. BJghllghta I Pick Up 19 Minntea Later Because as loug ae some men entaante gatheredgal frt>m arouna the Ut88 (88-38) CoBceatiation (10) Sporto promise of ttie American farm, That Soma RHoeab Art Wrong For Oemfort and Hymn A (40) News race cars, or angle fcM' trout; worief (to) Late Newa ( 8-88-48) The Price la Bight will be repeated ectal Truth sr Coaseoaencea ( 8-88-40) Gator LImita rescheduled from last Sunday, ment, image jump and subject disappearance. OARAGE DOOR in ' February for brooctoaBt la ­ Din Gordon, Nell Hamilton. more mytfacal to him sometimes impress a beautiful ezrtiange ( 8-88-48) Father Knows Best will be presented this Sunday student from Spain. (R ) ter to Um aeanon. H i* gueot 88:88 (88) News Government agent infi'trates on <3BS-’TV. W ith News CJorre- When an improper segment is used it would cause injuriee hi than "Biigadoon;” because to a 1:88 ( 8) Best SeUer a secret organisation from OPERATORS 8:88 ( 8-8*48) Fatty Duke Shew Btarig wM be LeoUe Caron and outer space. spondent Dan Rather as mod­ climbipg stairs, curbs and alighting from automobiles. typical ei^t-day pentad he hes Patty and Cathy try to per­ I ( 8-88-48) Teas. Bmie Fard covered a Las Vegas rodeo, a suade an ex-foreign oorreo- Margaret Rutiierford, the Brit- (88-88) At Honu With Kitty 8:80 I 8-80-40) Wagon Train (Color) erator, the program will exoun- Kay eperaied or radio eon- pendent to write hla auto- toh oommedtanne. 1:88 (48) Barbara Benuud Bhsw Jo)m Mclntlre, Robert S\iller. ine the question of whether Os­ troll:led from c soooer championship in London, btograiky. 1:88 ( 8) As The World Taras A wagonmaster who had de­ wald, accused of assassinating the Chnand P iix to Menano and a 8:88 ( 8) TeU tt Te The Camera ( 8) Oslo Storm Show serted his people surrenders ot (88) At Borne with Bitty to Chris Hale. President Kennedy, received or oorreapondentn WtiwUxi Burdett baaed on Theodore H. WIiMe’e The Beatiea, Britain’s seiwa- wrestling toumament to Bul­ Knoarlng they are on eamera, ’Ih e asaassination Preaident 9:00 ( 8) Danny Thomas Show garia. ^ I r i e about anyUilng Kennedy, the top news atory ef (88) Harvey Olsen Skew would have received all his con- (iRome), Marvin Kalb (Diplo­ "The Making of the President, Uonal roch 'n roR group, wOl (48) News Marjorie Lord, Danny em- stituticmal rights. (4-6 p.m.). ( 8^M ^) The Farmaafo 1968, wlU be highlighted on 1:88 (48) Barbara Beraard baraases Linda by telling a matic oorre(q>ondent in WaiAi- 1960,” PuUtaer Pitse-wlnninc meke their first appesianoe on 1:85 (88) Speolal Boport TV interviewer of her crush 1 Daughter Chaimel SO's annual "Y e a r Hbid (38) Men ef Desttay on a sixth-grade classmate. ingbon), Peter Kalkooher (PBr account o f the campaign 6or a major UJB. teisvkSon ahow Inger Stevena. Naomi Stev- Review” Scheduled for tomor­ 8:88 ( 8) Password 8:88 ( 8) Ante GriffHh Show Professor James Mactlregor ena. Meddling dresamaker row at 6:30 p.m. Barry Barents Burns, chairman of the Depart­ Bant), Alexander Kendrick Um nomination and the prasi- when they appear—on the tries to'arrange marriage be­ (88-88) Let’s Make a Deal Ronny Howard, Don Knotts. Ouatomlxed Seat Ooveia tween Katy and her boos. win be the moderator. ( 8) Gueea Far A Dd$^ A crafty hobo plays on the ment of Political Science at (London), malre LM t^ (Parin) denoy witli a close study of ths aame bUl as oomedlsn Fsul (88) Film Robin-Hood-type sympathies of Ouatomlzed Auto Tops 148) The Best sf Orsneha Opie and his friends. Williams College, Willlams- Stuart Novine (Monexyw) a n d late Preldent Keneiady, wHl be Lynde, oomedlsn-author Jack 8:88 ( 8-88-48) D » U Conri ^ ^ M ) HoSywo^ aad the town. Mass., and biographer of ( 8) Honso n r t x the late President Kennedy, Daniel Schorr (Gennany), tetevlsed by ABC toroowow at DougkM and the latter’s wMe, TURNPIKE AUTO (88-88) The Doctors J(Meph GifUon. hoirt; A study (7:S0-a:30 p.m.) 8:90 p.m. ReUco—aa gueiMa on ” The Jsok WILSON 1:55 188-58) News of the socldl, economic and po­ w ill be interviewed on "M eet 8:88 ( 1) The Edge of Night litical life of the movie cap­ the Press" Sunday, Dec. 29 Pear Program” FMday, Jan. S SEAT COVERS ELECTRICAL CO. MANCHESTER (88-38) Loretta Yoang ital. (NBC-TV live color broadcast, The Singing Slntens, a (dioir "WUd BiU Hkdoofc—The Leg­ (NBC-'TV ookw brocMloast, 10- IM W. Middle Tpka. BesldentiaI-Coinm.-lnd. ( 8) Trallmaster 18 :M ( -i) The Detectives 6-6:30 p.m.) of Dominican mini iro m Mount BEST MOTOR (88-48) General Hospital (88-38) Sisg Along with Mitch end and the Man," will be pre- U pm .) 64S-6S6S 649-4817 — 646-1888 OLDSMOBILE SALES (18> Million Dollar Movie (Color)- St. M ary OoUege, Newtiurgh, aented Friday on OBS-TVs 8:88 ( i> To Tell The Tratt Special guests: Dominican "Years a t O lsis,” OB8 News’ N .Y., w ill be a|>ecia] guentn "The Great Adventure” with - (88-30) Yon Don’t Say Victor Borge is scheduled bo "You r OldsmobUe Denier” nuns from Mount St. Mary 14th annual evaluation o f ma­ Monday, Dec, 30 on NBC-TV’b Van HefUn aa narrator. The CAR, (88-40) Queen For a Day CoUe|M sing "Sound of Music" make hie annusl television sp- We’ll be glad to show you a 4:00 ( 3) B a u er Andy Shew jor news developments over the "Sing Along with Mitch" c(dor teleoeat, atarrlng lio y d selections. peorance on ABCs **Vlctor matihlesa selection ot Mohawk 512 WEST CENTER ST. (88^) iMtch Game ( ^80i-4S> The Breaking Point past year and forecast for the ahow (10-11 p m .). H iey wlU Bridges and Sheree North, will Borga at Oamegis HsR” on Don WILLIS Gorage ( 8) Admiral Jack Paul Richards. Sheree North. year to come will be presented or Bigelow carpet right In your (80-40) Trallmaster ■ Woman prisoner atjts as sub- aing two aelectionB from the recount the atory of the fa- 'nnursday, Jan. 2. The talented SPECIALISTS IN 64S-15I1 on New Year’s Day. OBS News Broadway mualcals, "The own hoRM. Make your tu m a 4:U (88-80) News siltute mother to an unadopt- moua gunfighter who beoams Dane will oomlSne mualc and WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND carpet eomfortablet 4:80 ( 3-83) Movie able child. Correspondent Eric Sevareid Sound o t Muaio” and “Tlie a maniMUl and later acqidenr (30) Make Boom tor Daddy U :M I 8-S-88-W) News, Weather and ootnedy/ aariated by pianist BRAKE SERVICE serves as moderator (luring the Mueic Mian.” tally killed hla best friend dur­ Leonid Bambro and operatie GENERAL AUTO REPAIR (18) HlUlon Dollar Movio . Sportc one-hour live broadcast from NEW or USED IiOO ( 8) The Rinemaa (U ) Big News ing a gun battle. (7:30-9:30 tenor Sergio BVanotaL (PtU) 846-4861—18 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Monchottor Corpot (M) Mall Order MarkeO <88) News and Wealhsir New York. Pal

THURSDAY Television PROGRAM Time Ohasael (33-38) The Doetorp 3:88 1 3 ) BawhkU • :N ( I ) Buariee Semeeiew (33-38) News Brie FlminK, Ollnt tnaalwaoB, • :M I •> Memeuto et Vcmfert < 3) The Edce of NIcU A loot beauty whooe poMMl- 8:M { R) Newecope (33-38) Loretta YoaaK slona Include a suit of armsr T:M Today Show ( 3) Trailmaster Joins up with the drovers. ( I) Edacatiaaal (38-48) Geaeral Hospital 13-38-M) Deaaa Bead Show ( S) Holiday Choral Slae (18) MIIIIob DolUr Movlo Donna and Alex rellva their < t» Weather I t) Te Tell the Truth early days as parenta. T;M ( •> Frleada ef Mr. Ckioher (33-38) Yoa Doa’t Sa; (33) Btegraphy ( S) BdacaUoaal (38-18) qaeeaQa For A Day 3:38 (33-38) Dr. Kildare 7:H ( •) Lefe Talk Abeat Richard Charoberlalir Rajs, 8:ie I t) Captala Kaasaroe ( 3) Bancoranei Aady Shew moiid Maseey. After flunk' 8:9t 148) Froatlere of Bcieaoo (33-38) bfatrh Game a former medical • :M ( *) Rap Richard, ( S> Admiral Jack turns to crime. < 8) Jack La Laaae Show (38^) Trailmaster ( 3-3848) My Three Sana «t-M > Bompet Boom (33-38) News Fred MacMurray. <48> Bobo the tilowa ( 8-33) Movie 3:88 ( 3) Perry mason Maaen 8:U ( t) Depaty Dawc. (38) Make Boom far Daddy An ex-conviet la charigod with 8:M ( S> Leave It Te Beaver (18) MIIIIob Dollar Movie murdering to defend his wife’s ( 8) Best of Qroacbe 3:88 ( 3) The Biflemaa name. 8:48 <48> Klap aad Odie Shew (38) Film ( 838-48) Victor Borge at Oar- 18:88 ( I ) New, (38) Three Stoesea aegle Hall Say Whea (48) The Admiral aad Swabhy Special of comedy and musie. ( 8) Girt Talk Show Guests: Sergio Branch! tenor: (48) Meralac Mevie (38) Early Show Leonid Hambro, planfal; 18 18:W ( t> Who Do Yoa TrastT "The Big Cage.’’ M. Rooney. voloe choir. .< S> Homemaker, Movie ( 8) Harkleberry Heaad 8:38 (33-38) .Basal (CoUr) (11-38) Word for Word (48) Advenlaree In Time 11:88 (33-38) CoacentratloB Shirley Booth. Haael’a " aew” ( 8-38-48) The Price I, BIcM (48) News IKK) tin liasle affeCIs one t t U:S8 ( ft.38-48) Object I, ( S) News aad WeaMssr George's buslneas deals. (48) Checkmate 18:88 ( 1) The Narsas _ (33-38) Mlsslar Uahe (OeUr) (31M) Saspeaea Theatre 13:88 ( 3) Love of Life ( 3) Sports. News aad Weotb- (C ^ r ) (33^) Tear First Impresslea ( 3.38^) Sevea Keys 3:33 ( 1) News ( 838-48) Rdla Adaam Shew 13:38 (33-38) Tralh or Ceaseeaeaeee ( 8) Hoar Koag Mustoal-Variety. Guests; Pate ( 3) Search far Tomorrow (33-38) lAntley-BriaUoy Be- Fountain. Jam clarlnettot; ( 3-38d8) Father Kaow, Beat comedian Cliff Norton. 8:43 I m ) News 18:38 ( 83848) Newi Beperto 13(38 (33) New, In-depth took at the week’a tab 1(88 ^^-*8d8) TeaaeMee Btale 8:33 (48) Sports Parade story. Bob Young anchorman. ( 3) Best Seller T:88 ( 3) Wyatt F-srp 11:88 ( 83-3848) Mews. Weather (33-38) At Home With Kitty (33-38-48) News aad Weather Sperls 1:88 (48) Barbara Brraard Shew (38) Film (33) Big New,laws 1:88 ( 3) A , the World Tara, T:18 (33) Western Mass HighlighU (38) News aad Weather ( 8) Gale Starm Shaw (38) Sports Camera 11 :U ( 3) Tharaday StorHsM (38) At Heme with Kitty (48) News •“rae P e t^ Girl." R. OUB8 (38) Harvey Olsoa Shew 1:38 ( S> Password mings, J. Caufleld. (48) New, Game show. Allen Ixidden, (48) Steve Alton Shew 1:38 (48) IlMbara Beraard host. Guest celebrities. 11:38 IN) S^i4s BMadep 1:SS (33) Special Bepert (33-38) ‘Temple Haastoa 11:34 I 3) Sparta View (38) Ifea ef Dentiny Jeff Hunter. Julie Currish. 11:38 ( 33-M) Tonight Skew (Cetort 8:88 ( 3) Password Houston becomes the guardian ( 3) Nevie (33-38) Let’s Make a Deal of a vengeance-seeking girl. •Cover Girt.” R. Hayworth, ( 3) qaeea For a Day ( 8-38-48) The Flintsinnes O. Kelly. ( 38) Film (Color) -13:48 ( 48) I-erd's Prayer (48) The Best of Groarho Inhabitants from another 1:88 ( 8) Newscepe aad Mamenli 3:38 ( 3-38-48) Diy: In Coart planet look like Fi-ed creating ef Comfort ,the GohGuii ( t) HoBse Party havoc in Bedrock. ‘ (38) News On Dec. 31, rt»e rait Main Concoana of New Yotfc's Grand Central FRIDAY Televis Ion PROGRAM Station wilt be turned ibto "the world's largest private ballroom,*' with tables and dance spoce for 3000 persons. The charity gala will Tima duMtnel (38) Sports Camera ll;3e (38) Sporto Baaadap C:S9 ( S> Saarisa Sameaiar (48) News 11:35 ( 3) Sports View he the Bell Ringer Ball for Mental Health. It will be televised "live*’ 6:SS ( S) Momeatl af Camfati 7:18 ! 3) The Great Adventare 11:38 (33-38) Tonight Show (Oobrt over CBS-TV as "New Year's Eve With Guy Lombardo." The con- 6:40 < 8) Newscapa Van Heflin, narrator. Lloyd ( 3) Movie Today Shaw Bridges and Sheree North "Arsenic A Old Lace." Cary doctor and his Royal Canadians plus numerous "name" guest stars < l^acatiaBal star in the story of Wild Bill Grant. will provide dance music and entertainment. < •> Holiday Olioral Slac Hickock. 13:45 (48) Lord’s Prayer Friaadt af Mr. Oraaber Guests: Preston Foster. 13:55 ( 3) Moment of MedltaMoa ( $) Kdacational Charles McGraw. A political 1:88 ( 3) Newseope, Memento of 7:55 ( S> LeVm Talk Abaal boss hires Stu to save his .son mercials to pkig products of ttio 8iM ( S) Captala Kanyaroa Comfort * from death row. (38) Newa .•hows’ igwnsors.) 8:JJ (45) Froatiart af Salaaba (18) Have Gan WM> Travel "Scnneday, I expect to see a t:M < 8) Hap Richards (33) As Schools Match WIta TV Notebook < 8) Jack La Laana 8kaw 3:88 ( 33) Biography television version of ‘Ham let,’ (88-35) Bompar Baam (38) Naked City and see H am let come on during (45) ^ s a Tna Clawa 1:88 I 7) Boate 86 Sylvia Sidney. Chester Mor­ the intermission and hold up his 5:15 < S> Dapaty Dawy. By DICK KLEINER 5:55 < 5) Laara It Ta Baavar ris. A fatally injured gambl­ Nowspnper Enterpritie Asen. sword aiwl say, "This is made of ( 8) Bast af Graaeka er asks Tod and Line to de­ PAINTING the same fine steel as such-and- 5:45 (45) Kiay and Odia Mmw liver 338.000 to the 30-year-otd YORK (NEA) — Van daughter he never saw. Interior, Exterior Heflin has a bone to pick with such raaor blades.’ " 15:55 ( S) News ‘ (55-35) Say Wkaa (33-31) Bob Hope Theatre Wallpaper Books television. It’s or*e reason he Heflin says be has steadfast­ ( 8) Girl Talk (Color) Paperitanging ly avoided doing commercials ( 8 3 8 ^ ) Barke’y Law appears so seldom. (45) Maralay Mavla Regis Toomey, Tammy Floors and Ceilings ‘The advertising men have He is an aM;tor, he says, not a 15:35 ( 3) Uememakers Maria (55-35) Word far Ward Grimes. An odd assortment Painted and Refini^ed taJcen it over,” he says. " I think salesman. of characters are quizzed Wkia Da Yaa TrastT arhen a financier is found Workmanship Onaranteed I f e a disgrace to' moke actors “I v'as offered one recent­ 11:55 ( 52-35) Caaceatratiaa dead in a pool. beoonve pitchmen. You see It on _ ^ ( 8-55-45) Tka Prica Is Biykt FMlIy lasared ly," he says. " I won’t men­ 11:35 (52-35) Mlsslay Llaka (Cstsr) 8:88 ( 3) ^ U ig h t Zone TBie Beverly Hilibilliea, you see tion the fig(ure, but it would Ekiward Andrews. A hit-, _ eas mm ^ »-3^-^) OkjSrt IS driver is chased by his osrn It on Bonanza. And It is inevU- take me five months in ‘A Case 15:55 < 3) Lava Of Ufa car. VEO PELLETIER attle that it wiU happen on every of Libel’, my Broadway show, (55-35) Yaar First Imprassiaa (1838) Harry’s Giris ^ < ^55-45) Savaa Kays M 6-6 8t« television show." (In these to earn that muoh money. My Larry Biyden. A crooked rou­ 13 <35 ( 3) 8aarch far Tamarraw lette wheel seems to beoefit shows, the actors s t ^ into com- name wasn’t going to be used,' <55^> Tratk ar C a a s a- the girts. nor my face. Just my voice. And aaaaces ( 8 3 8 ^ ) The Prtoe to it was for a very reputable In­ Bight 13:88 (33i*NTw.'**^' Blit Ckillen. emcee. Ann Cul surance firm. But I didn’t think 1:88 ( 3) Best Setter ten. guest panelist. it w as right for an actor to do." ( 838-48) Tenanasee Brato 18:M ( 3) Alfred Hllckcork Hoar Happily, Heflin doesn’t need Ford (3838) Jack Paar Program , „ !?!**•> Homo With Kitty (Color) Guests; He'en O'Con­ 7 SHOP CMd the money. It’a a pleasant state Barbara Bernard Skevr nell, Paul I.ynde, Jack Doug­ to be in. 1138 ( 3) As The Werid Tams las. SAVE ( 3) Gale Storm Show ( 83848) Fight of the Week "When I was a very young (M ) At Home with Kitty Jose Torres vs. Jose Gon- W HERE actor,” he says, “I made a wise (38) Harvey Olsen Show xalec. 10-round middleweight Y O U SEE move. I invested In the stock (48) News contest from Madison V TA M fr 1:38 (48) Barbara Bernard Square Garden. NYC. ELECTRONICS market. ‘This has become such 1:88 (33) Special Bepovi U ( 838-18) Make That Spars TH IS a good investment that now I 188) Men of Destiny Top bowlers compete for cash take only parts which interest 3:88 ( 3) Password prises at Paramus Bowling SIGN LABORATORIES (33-38) Let's Make a Deal l.anes. New Jersey. me.” ( 3) Oneea For A Day :M ( 3-8*848) News. Weather One such is "A Case of Libel,” (38) Faith for Today and Sports 277 BR6a D a fine drama taken from Louis (48) The Best of Groacho (33) Big News 3:38 ( 3-3848) Dav In Coart (38) New, and Weather Nizer's “My Day In Court." An­ ( 3) Hoase Party ;15 ( 3) America's Greatest other is H e i n ’s current movie (33-38) The Doctora Movies Prompt Service release “O y of Battle,” shot In 3:88 ( 33-38) News "Gentlemen's AgreemenL" K eith 's G. ■ Peck Radio INspatclied the Philippines. (3838)IsJ’s Z * Loretta; • 'I f* Yoang * (48) Steve Allen Skew He’d rather do these any day ( 8) Trailmaster PU R N TTU R E than sell razof blades. (38-48) General Hospital 1 1 1 6 MAIN STREET (18) .tfllllon Dollar Movlo 3:38 ( 3) To Tell The Troth News Wra{i-ups Sunday (33-38) Yob Don’t Say OLIVA'S ESSO . „ (38-48) qaeea For a Day Both NBC and ABC wM 411 HARTFORD RD. *■** Show PETS, (33-38) Match -Game present their year-end evalua­ ( 8) Admiral Jack tion of the year’s news and SURWiaX’S 'TEXACO (3848) Trallmaslar. 1475 Silver Lana, B. Hartford 4:38 ( 33-34) News predictions for the ooming year PET FOOD S 4:38 ( 833) MevJe tomorrow from 10-11 p.m. . TV-Radio, Sale* and i^rvlea (M ) Make Beam for Daddr NBC’s effort, titled "Projec­ BODY’S 8ERV. STATION (13) H IIIIn "D :^ a r Movie 184 E. c e n t e r ST. *}d5 ( 8) Tho Riflomsii tions ’64," will have 11 oorrea- PCT ATTIRE ! Q.vdor Marhoi pondents . participating includ­ (38) Three Stooges WYMAN OIL CO„ lae. ing Joseph C. HarMi (London). 34 MAIN ST. Complete Gordee'SepplIes Admiral Swabhy Bernard Frizell (Paris), Irv­ I : U (S8*)''Bariy Show ing R. Levine (Rome), IVeUes leauty r v i n i m n WM. PECK LUMBEBj ’•C^fornCa Straight Ahead." H augen. (Bonn), John Rich 2 MJON ST. ' Service . ^ Wayne. (Tokyo) and Washington- * ’** ‘,.1* and Friends ■ We attend to Lowa MdiiteiKmce (45) SeperessB based Bale Abel. Sandec 'Van- ^E N ’S TEXACO every detail 0(sar and Ray Scherer. Mod­ 381 M AIN ST.. **** (48) 2***News •“* Weather that keeps Lowa Mewera 8:88 (48) LaranUe erator will be Prank McOes. y o H looking 8:18 ( 3) Sperto, News aad Weo4b- Howard K. Sanith wifl serve NASSIFT ARMS your best. Repaired, Sliarpeaed’ W1 MAIN ST. 3:31 ( 3) News tas anciiormsn for the ABC ( 8) New Breed WTap-«p. Those parUcipAtiiK DICK’S OULT SBRV. (33-38) Hantley-Briaktoy include Lou dollfl, otUM Cameo Beauty LITTLE & (48) Sapermaa 476 HARTFORD RD. 8:U (38) News ®^Boipean ooireapondent; Seun ifudio .M cKi n n e y , 148 ( l> Death Valley Days A . JSiffee (Mdaoow), WUUsm OARNER KUO CUBAN (38) Mall Order Market Sheehan (London), Chartes P. MB-274B U WOODBRIDOE ST. 8 ORISWOLD ST. A-mot (Southeast A sia), and BW Main SL, Maneheoter • u, News aad Weather Manchester— MS-SOM T:MI (33) Westfra Maaeaehaeetto Bdward P. M otgaa and WM- STATE SERV. STATION i MigUighto lutra Lsiwionca 770 M Alil ST. I •


ATcrage Daily Net Preaa Ron The Weather For tho Week ISnded ForeoMt of r . 8. Wcmther BareM D««emb«T> U , IMIS Cleur and eold tonisbt, low near 13,691 Mro. Tneaday fair and eoM. Member of the Audit hlah In the SOe. Bureuu of CiroaUttou Manche»ter— /4 City of Village Charm

VOL. L X X X m , NO. 76 (Olaaetfled Adverttalns on Pare 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1963 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Events In State State Transport Group

CEA Con^sidors Bovcoll Delay Backs NHRR Subsidies I In Water bury WATER BURY (API — The president of the Con­ LBJ Listens Urges States necticut Education Associ­ ation says there is at least To S t a f f on P ay Defieits, Ur a chance that there will be a l.'i-dav delay in the plan­ Defense Cuts Save Service ned CEA boycott against the citv of Waterhury. Bv FRANK CORMIKU | I NEW HAVEN (AP) — The CEA, a statewide organi­ JOHNSON CITY. Tex. (A PI-- zation of teachers and school Pre.cident John.son held a new The Connecticut Transpor­ administrators, announced ear­ serie.s of budget talks today and tation Authority i-ecom- lier this month that any CE.A gave top military commanders member who accepted a job as mended subsidies today a.s a chance to protest his plan in the way to help tlie New a new teacher in Waterbury lop $9 billion from their pro- after Jan. 1 would face expul­ po.sed spending. Haven Railroaii continue sion from the organization. -i* '. Irv John.son's first conferencp es.sential interstate ti'ans- CEA members already work­ was with Walter Heller, chair­ ing In the Waterbury schools portation service. man of the Council of Economic The numerous study groups V A . arc not expected to leave their Advi.sers, and Budget Director Jobs, however. ' that have considered the prob­ Kcrmit Gordon. The two were lems of the banknipt railroad in The organization announced overnight guests at the Presi­ recent year.s have invariably the formal sanctions against the dent's ranch Home. They talked shied away from the Idea of city after the school budget for with him until after midnight. subsidy. LA.' the coming year was cut to an Discussions were resumed after The transportation authority, amount that the Ck'A said was breakfast. however, said it is now "indis- inadequate. Gen. Ma.xwell D Taylor, piitahle fact " that the New Ha­ The picture brightened over chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ven loses money on commuter the weekend, however, with a Staff, offered only a one-word service, long - haul passenger statement from CEA president comme” t when he arrived for service and freight service. Frank Formica of Wallingford, the military planning session: To guarantee continuance of that the organization's execu­ “ Budget," the essential interstate passen-“ Chester W. Obuchowskl, (left) and Matthew M. Moriarty are congratulated by the Most tive committee will meet in The chiefs, representing indi­ ger service, the CTA said. Con­ Rev. Henry J. O’Brien, Archbishop of tho diocese of Hsulford, after being Invested as Hartford tonight to consider vidual services that seek a total necticut and the other states Knights of St. Gregory. (Herald photo by Satemis). setting the deadline back 15 defense budget of about $60 bil­ or cities that rely most heavily ------^ ------days. lion, wanted to appeal for re- on the railroad should get to­ The delay was requested by , consideration of Johnson's ten­ gether, agree on which passen­ Mayor-elect Joseph McNbllls. It tative decision to hold the,total ger operations are of paramount German Reds Moriarty and Obuchowski is the administration of *outgo- to about $51 billion. importance, and underwrite tho Ing Mayor Edward D. Bcrgin Johnson has said he expect­ deficits incurred by the New that has been the principal tar­ ed to send (Congress a defense ' Haven in running these trains get of the CEA’s criticism. budget that will be several hun­ Pressing fo r Commuter service to New Formica said he and McNellis dred million dollars below the York City was cited as the area Church Knights will meet today in advice of current-year total of $51.2 bil- of service to be given top prior­ Talk on Visits the meeting of the CEA execu­ > lion. tive committee. McNellis will Four planes brought the Pen­ kj- ity. have to convince him that the tagon leaders to Texas. Secre­ The proposal was made at a BERLIN (AP) — Communist new administration can and will tary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ meeting attended by represen- East Germany today stepped Manchester Men tatives of the governors of do something to improve the Namara flew In one plane from situation, Formica said. Colorado Springs, Colo. Three New York, Massachu.setts and up Us campaign for further ne­ Rhode Island, and spokesmen gotiations between East and When the Imposition of sanc­ other craft brought Deputy Sec- Matthew M. Moriarty of 75 Forest St. and Che.ster W. tions was originally announced. ’ retary Roswell L. Gilpatric, for the Mayor of New York West Berlin after a record num­ School Superintendent Michael ; Taylor, and the four uniformed City and county executive of ber of West Berliners visited Obuchowski of 25 Park St. had the honor of Knight of Westchester County, N.Y. * F. Wallace said it would be im­ , serv’ice chiefs: Gen. Curtis E. : : S’ Gov, John N. Dempsey of Red East Berlin. St. Gregory bestowed upon them yesterday afternoon at possible for him to hire any new LeMay of the Air Force—at the Nearly 168,(XX) West Berliners Connecticut commented that ceremonies held at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hart­ teachers for the second semes­ controls of his own four-jet crossed through the Berlin wall all who have been working oil ford. ’The Most Rev. Henry J.^ ter, which starts In a few transport — Gen. Earle G. Sunday for one-day visits pro­ O’Brien, Archbishop of the Dio­ medal d e s i g n a t i n g him a weeks. The school system needs Wheeler of the Army, Adm. Da­ the problems of the bankrupt, vided by the Christmas agree­ cese of Hartford, Invested the Knight of St. Gregory, at least four new teachers, he vid L. McDonald of the Navy railroad "know better than to ment negotiated by officials of expect miraclee.” candidates. The Rt. Rev. John P. Ken­ sskid. and retiring Gen. David L. the divided city. The figure The written document from nedy, P.A., Rector of St. Jo­ Shoup of the Marines. Biiit with efforLs to aid the more than doubled Saturday’s Pope Paul TV, Supreme Pontiff, seph's Cathedral, spoke at the. The group held a private con­ railroad stuck on "dead cen­ record of 70,(XX) and Increased a translation of which was read close of the investiture cere­ Contracts'Awarded ference at Bergstrom Air Force Firemen put up ladders in an effort to rescue ter." he said, something has to 412,000 the number of cross­ at the opening of the cere­ mony. He defined “ layman" as WASliftNGTON (AP) — The Base in Austin, where their guests trapped in the Jacksonville, Fla., Roosevelt to be done to .spark new ones. ings since the visits started monies, Is as foUows; "an essential element" in Air Force has awarded $46,567,- planes landed, before going on Hotel fire yesterday. (AP Photofax.) "What you all rightfully ex­ Dec. 20. "Having heard most favor­ the work of the church. 241 in contracts to the AVCO by helicopter to the LBJ Ranch pect, and what you wUl find to­ The East German news agen­ ably the recommendations pre­ Also, "TTie layman is the corp., Stratford, Conn., for air­ 66 miles away. day," Dempsey said, “ is a pro­ cy ADN reported that Commu­ sented to us by the church, we incarnation of the church of craft engines and spare parts Budget matters claimed John- gram of Immediate action to nist officials had approved 981,- know you truly deserve recog­ God. If the layman Is to ful- for supporting equipment, Sens. .son’s attention within a few Smoke Asphyxiates 19 guarantee the interim main­ 000 applications for visits. Only nition for the work performed Thomas J. Dodd and Abraham hours after the departure Sun­ tenance of the ea^entiaJ sei-v- West Berliners are allowed to for the good of the church and (See Page Four) A. Ribicoff,. Connecticut Demo­ day of West German Chancellor ices of the railroad' while the make the trips. the advancemeflt of Its causes. crats, were advised today. Ludwig Erhard, a weekend necessary long-range solutions Led by the Communist party And In order that we might They also announced a $5,- gfuest at the LBJ Ranch. are worked out." newspaper Neues Deutschland, Drink-Drink Funerals give recognition of our esteem, 249,729 contract to Remington Walter Heller, chairman of Hotel Fire Cause There is no need to consider the East Berlin press .said the we are bestowing upon you the Arms Co., Inc., Bridgeport, to the Council of Economic Ad­ proposal for unified action record crossing was a sufficient BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) honor of knight load, assemble and pack am­ visers, and Budget Director "an all or nothing proposition,’’ reason for talks to extend the —Want a free funeral? If munition at the Lake (Jity Army Kermit Gordon conferred with "W e grant you the facUitiee a spokesman for the authority visiting period beyond Its Jan. you’ll register with the Ammunition Co., Independence, the President Sunday night t deadline. of using all the privileges Burlington Free Press, Is Undetermined said. Mo. In the case of the New York West Berlin officials say they which are associated with this stating that you plan to (1) (See Page Fifteen) dignity.’’ drink, and (2) drive on commuter trains, he said, tho are willing to continue the ne­ CTTA would probably move After the Rt. Rev. Msgr. New Year's Bve — and if Honor Engleman gotiations but are suspicious JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP)—With a macabre touch, ahead if only Neiw York came 5iat the Reds will raise new po­ Francis J. Fazzalaro of the you're killed doing so, the HARTFORD (AP)—Former Cbaincery office read the apoe- newspap>er will pay all your State Elducation Commissioner State’s Economy smoke without flames billowed through the 300-room in as a partner. litical demands. 'The Connecticut Transporta­ We.stem diplomats have ex tollc brief each candidate was funeral expenses. A page Finis E. Engleman will receive Roosevelt Hotel in the heart of the city and 21 persons es^rted one at a time from one eidvertisement today in­ the 1964 American Education perished in Jacksonville’s worst disaster Sunday. tion Authority was created by pre.ssed fears that West Berlin Sets New Highs, the 1963 Gleneral Assembly city officials may already have his seat to, the foot of the vited drinker-drivers to reg­ Award Feb. 19. Sixty-six others were injured. ------specifically to deal with ths gone too far In Uielr direct con Archbishop’s throne. He as­ ister. Five persons regis­ As.socialed exhibitors of the But Idle Rate Up Flames were confined to a . who fled to the roof averted a tacts with the Communists and cended thastwo steps, knelt be­ tered in 1961. Two signed National Education Association ballroom area off the main lob worse tragedy. New Haven Railroad problem. Jeopardized the allies’ policy of fore the Archbishop to kiss his last year. No one has col­ by, but heavy smoke which The fashionable hotel on (See Page Eight) not recognizing the Communist ring, and then received the lected — so far. (See Pago Eight) HARTFORD (AP) — Con­ raced up air shafts asphyxiated Adams Street near Main was- Berlin government. ’The allies necticut’s economy reached new 19 guests. packed with 472 guests, many contend that all of Berlin Is still highs in 1963 but employment The other two dead were a here for Gator Bowl Week festiv­ under four-power occupation. lagged, the State Department of woman who tell from a make­ ities which ended Saturday They were particularly dls United Germany, '^ISew Alleys^ Totvard East labor reported in a year-end re­ shift bedsheet rope and an as­ night. turbed by a protest made direct view. sistant fire chief who apparent­ Most of the deaths occurred Bulletins to the East Germans by the The unemployment rate In ly had a heart attack as he above the eighth floor,. agontz ^ est Berlin city government December wa.s 4,6 per cent, helped evacuate most of the 500 ingly out of reach of the city's Culled from AP Wires Saturday over the (Christmas. compared to 4.5 per cent In De­ gpiests and employes. two 100-foot aerial ladder trucks. Day slaying of an East Berlin LBJ, Erhard Talk Trade, Reds cember of 1962. The rise wa.s Only the cool efficiency of Among those rescued wap despite an increase of 13.'600 firemen and dramatic rescues TRAVELERS' SPLIT i JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (A P )— jobs during the year. (See Page Eight) (See Page Three) by Navy helicopters of guests HARTFORD (AP) — A President Johnso(i’s first ven­ Manufacturing output, retail ture into the deep water of pei>- .sales, hank debit.s. life insur­ foiir-for-one stock split and a five per cent bonus to em­ r sonal diplomacy was a success, ance sales and factory wages Voting Imminent according to both German and reached record heights in ;1963, ployes will mark the lOOlh anniversary of Travelers In­ American Informants who had a the department .said yestebday. surance Company In 1964. A On Foreign Aid part in his two-day meeting with In a .separate report Issued to­ Nazareth Preparing West German 'Chancellor Lud­ day, the labor department noted dividend boost equivalent to a pause in the upward trend of five.cents a share on the pres­ WASHINGTON. (AP) — "The wig Erhard. the economy in November. It ent stock was also tentativ ely Senate was expected to give fi­ If nothing else the two new leaders In the West's struggle said a factor wa.s the assassina­ For Visit by Pontiff approv»>d by diresilors at a nal congressional approval to tion of President John F. Ken­ meeting tiMliiy. Annouiice- the $3-bllllon foreign aid bill by with the East got to "know each nedy and the mourning period. nient of the pliuis capped nightfall today. other and reached “ full agree­ ment and understanding.’ ’ ( All seven economic indicators NAZARETH. Israel (AP)—^cily. The remaining Christians inonths-long speciilatiun lus to The House, which approved tabulated by the department belong to one of several Protes­ what the company “Avoiiid do’* the compromise proposal last The phrase is a stock one In The community in the hills of showed November declines. Galilee where Je/su.s grew up tant denominations. for its eentennial, a ixmsider- week, was standing by to Join the copy book of diplomats. But this time, said Erhard, "It Is ' and worked as a carpenter is Pope Paul VI will spend 75 ation Whli'h has influenced the Senate In adjourning the (See Page Eight) minutes in Nazareth the long­ the price of its stock for more long congressional session once not a diplomatic statement. It is busily preparing for the arrival just the truth.” of the man Roman (Catholics re­ est stop on his 11-hour itinerary , than a year. The split actual­ the foreign aid bill was passed. , in I-srael., He will say Ma.ss at ly will be two-for-one on tho Both Democratic and Republi­ A commimique issued Sunday gard as jhe vicar of Christ. declared that Johnson and Er­ By Christian tradition, it was the Grotto of the Annunciation basis of equity in the com­ can Senate leaderships indicat­ where (Christians believe the pany but four-for-one on tho ed they expected the necessary hard were agreed “ that It Is in 'Nazareth that the Virgin highly Important to continue to Mary learned .she was to give Archangel Gabriel told Mary of basis of number of shareo quorum of 61 members to be on News Tidbits the coming birth. held. hand for today’s session. explore all opportunities for the birth to the me.ssiah; it was Improvement of East-West rela­ here, that Jesus spent a great Senate approval of the hotly from the AP Wires (See Page Two) PICKS IRS LAW YER fought aid bill seemed certain, tions, the easing of tensions, and part of his life before embark­ ------7 - giving President Johnson at least the enlargement o f the pros- ing on the road that led to Cal- JOH.NSOX CITY, Tex. vary. It11 wa.s fromrrom herenere thatiiiai he11c (AP) — President Johnson peels of a peace that can be ! Greek and ’Turkish Cypriot (See Page Three) stable because it is Just.’’ ! leaders agree to a proposal by descended to the Sea of Gained,, P a t r i a r c h s 1 O l l t i M p lck ^ a new lau’yer for tho and met Simon the» ^ fisherman Vi i1 *1 v n f1 . This was qualified, though, British Commonwealth Secre­ tax eolleefor today,— Sheldon whom he mamed Peter. 1 with a declaration that there tary Duncan Sandys to set up a IVfect Next Week S. Cohen of Washington to be “ should be no arrangement” neutral zone between their Roman Catholics consider Pe­ elilef counsel of the Internal Eclipse of Moon that would perpetuate a divided forces in Nicosia . . , The ter theiP first pope. Revenue Service. Cohen Is 36 Germany. Next Sunday Pope Paul VI VATICAN CITY (API—Patri­ and a partner In a law firm bumed-out shell of the Greek arch Athenagoras I, spiritual Clear in Region Erhard, holding a news con­ cruise liner Lakonia sinks in will become the first head of which Includes Abe Fortas. a leader of (world Orthodoxy, has ference at Austin’s Bergstrom 13,300 feet of Atlantic water as the Roman Catholic Church close friend and adviser of the urged Pope Paul VI to call a Air Force Base just before his !(he is being towed toward Gl- since Peter to set foot on this President. He is a Demm rat. BOSTON (AP) — The earth meeting of all Christian faiths jet transport left for Bonn, em- ^ bralter , . , Paul Hindemith, ■soil. The go\ernmenl Joli will pay moved between the sun and the to make common cause again.st phaslzed a willingness to ex­ 68, one of the world’s most em- He will find a city that in him $19,000 a year. moon today and gave Ameri­ atheism and tyranny. cans their second celestial show plore “ new alleys" that might I inent modern eompos«'rs, dies many ways is a microcosm of The announcement by the AID BILI. P.XSSEI) In six months—a total eclipse of lead to agreements with the So­ I In Fraiikfiirt, Gei-many. the seginetUed Christian church viet Union. The U.S. eeonomy probably that he hopes one day to unite. Vatican pre.ss office today game WASHINGTON (AP) — the moon. as the patriarch’s see in Istan­ The phenomenon started at The rotund chancellor de­ , will expand 5 per cent to an­ Nazareth, situated in the The Senate today pas.setl and scribed his meeting- of-mlnds other fecord in 1964 and prices heart of the state of Israel, has bul reported that Patriarch sent to the White House a 4:25 a.m. (EST) as the moon Athenagoras I and the Pope will with Johnson on this subject as will remain fairly stable, says an overwhelmingly Arab popu­ oomproutlse $3-blllioii foreign entered the umbra (dark sha­ hold their meeting in the Holy “ a step forward in view of the Secretai^ of (Commerce Luther lation. Christians of one persua­ aid luoney bill giving tiio dow of the earth) and complete­ liand next week on the Mount of ly blanked out the moon at 5:28 readiness to take new initiatives H. Hodges . . Vice Adm. Hy­ sion or another—most of whoas Prudent authority to guar­ and to open dlscussiona on pos­ man lack face. 8,(X)0 Roman Catholics in Yhe ■ I / ^ \ k ' I.