The Phonological Society of (PhSJ) Phonology Forum 2016 Program Co-sponsored by

Venue: Kanazawa University Satellite Plaza, 3F meeting room Nishicho San-bancho 16, Kanazawa Ishikawa, 920-0913, Japan (金沢大学サテライトプラザ・3 階集会室)

Date: August 24 – 26, 2016

Day 1 (August 24, Wednesday)

13:00 – 13:10 Opening remarks Toshiyuki Tabata, President of PhSJ ()

Session 1 Chair: Shin-ichiro Sano () 13:10 – 14:10 Ph.D. Lecture Kenji Yoshida () “The phonetics and phonology of shiki-accent systems in northwestern Japanese dialects” [Indiana University, 2011] 14:10 – 14:40 Tomomasa Sasa (Iwate Prefectural University) “Pre-sonorant faithfulness: A case study of the Turkish obstruents”

Session 2 Chair: Timothy Vance (NINJAL) 14:50 – 15:50 Keynote Lecture Ponghyung Lee (Daejeon University) “Information-controlled transitions of segmental contrast in Korean” 15:50 – 16:20 Clemens Poppe (NINJAL/JSPS) “Tone and segmental structure in Japanese dialects”

Session 3 Chair: Ayako Hashimoto ( Kasei-Gakuin University) 16:40 – 17:40 Keynote Lecture Yosuke Igarashi () 「日本語・琉球語のアクセント研究における緊急課題:今後 10 年 間でフィールドワーカーは何をすべきか」 “An urgent task for research on the tone systems of Japanese and Ryukyuan: What should fieldworkers do in the next decade?” 17:40 – 18:10 Naoya Watabe () “Fronting in Russian vowel reduction”



Day 2 (August 25, Thursday)

Session 4 Chair: Shin-ichiro Sano (Keio University) 10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Lecture Chang-Kook Suh (Baekseok University) “En-prefixation and the Righthand Head Rule in English”

Session 5 Chair: Tomoaki Takayama (Kanazawa University) 11:10 – 11:40 Mafuyu Kitahara (Waseda University), Keiichi Tajima (Hosei University) and Kiyoko Yoyeyama () “Production of American English alveolar flaps by Japanese learners of English” 11:40 – 12:10 Takashi Otake (E-Listening Laboratory) “Why monolingual Japanese speakers encounter Japanese words in watching Korean TV dramas with subtitles?”


Session 6 Chair: Tomoaki Takayama (Kanazawa University) 13:40 – 14:40 Ph.D. Lecture Yasunori Takahashi (Kobe University) 「上海語変調の音韻的構造」 “The phonological structure of Shanghai tone sandhi” [Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2013] 14:40 – 15:10 Tatsuyuki Mimura (Muroran Institute of Technology) 「修飾部に置かれる複合語アクセントについて: デンマーク語から見 た共時的事実と通時的解釈」 “On `non-head' compound stress: Synchronic data from Danish and their diachronic interpretation”

Session 7 Chair: Shin’ichi Tanaka (Kobe University) 15:30 – 16:30 Keynote Lecture Koichi Tateishi (Kobe College) “Syllables and prosodic layers (仮)” 16:30 – 17:00 Chuyu HUANG (University of Tokyo) “The accent of determiner compounds in Sino-Japanese”

Session 8 Chair: Shin’ichi Tanaka (Kobe University) 17:10 – 17:40 Kuniya Nasukawa, and Phillip Backley (Tohoku Gakuin University) Representing moraicity in Precedence-free Phonology 17:40 – 18:10 Masahiko Masuda (Kyusyu University) 「漢語無錫方言における pattern substitution 型トーンサンディーは 本当に生産的ではないのか?」 “Productivity of tone sandhi in Wuxi Chinese” 2

Day 3 (August 26, Friday)

Session 9 Chair: Masao Okazaki () 10:00 – 11:00 Ph.D. Lecture Yosuke Miki (NINJAL) 「首都圏方言アクセントの基礎的研究」 A basic study on the accents of the metropolitan dialect [Kokugakuin University, 2013]

Session 10 Chair: Mark Irwin (Yamagata University) 11:10 – 12:10 Keynote Lecture Timothy Vance (NINJAL) “Toward a spelling pronunciation typology: Examples from Japanese”

12:10 – 12:20 Closing remarks Toshiyuki Tabata, President of PhSJ (Chiba University)

Registration fee Members free Non-members ¥2,000 Non-members (students) ¥500

Banquet fee Non-students ¥4,000 Students ¥2,000

Getting to the venue From Kanazawa station to the venue Taxi 5 min. Bus (Hokuriku railroad) Kanazawa station => Musashigatsuji [5 min.] => 3 min-walk Walk 20 min.

From /Ueno station to Kanazawa station Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train 160 min./150 min.

From Komatsu airport to Kanazawa station Limousine bus 40 min


Area map

[English version]

to Kanazawa Station ANA Holiday INN Sky Musashi-ga-tsuji Meitetsu M’za (Dept store) to Hashiba

ŌMi-cho Market Hotel Resol Trinity Kanazawa University KanazawaSeven Satellite Plaza Eleven (a three-story building)

Shrine (Osaki jinja)

to Kōrinbō

[Japanese version]

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers. [email protected]