Press Release

Goa Tourism in association with Jumpin Heights launches Bungee Jumping at Mayem in

Goa, 27th August – The , Department of Tourism and Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) in association with Jumpin Heights, the Bungee People today successfully launched ’s second Bungee destination in North Goa at Mayem Lake. The event was graced with the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Dr. . Other dignitaries present included the Hon’ble Tourism Minister, Mr. Manohar Ajgaonkar, Chairman of GTDC, Mr. Dayanand Sopte, MLA, Mayem Contituency, Mr. Pravin Zantye ,Secretary Tourism, Mr. J. Ashok Kumar, Director of Tourism, Mr. Sanjiv Gadkar and other officials from Dept of Tourism & GTDC. Also present were ZP member, Mayem, Mr. Shankar Chodankar, Sarpanch, Mayem Village Panchayat, Mrs. Kunda Mandrekar and other members of the Village Panchayat , Mayem. The 55 meters bungee jumping platform stands tall over the gorgeous Mayem lake, in North Goa, about a 45 minute drive from the popular Baga Beach. Adventure sports are gaining traction in India and Goa, as India’s favourite travel destination, was a natural choice for the next big adventure zone. Jumpin Heights is owned and run by ex-Army officer, Capt Rahul Nigam, who introduced Bungee jumping in India at Rishikesh in 2010. Over the course of this decade, they have successfully operated over 80,000 jumps in Rishikesh - quite a landmark for adventure tourism in India, and changed the way safety is perceived. The team adheres to Australia and New Zealand Safety Standards for operation of the Bungee Jumps.

The service provider has conducted required feasibility study and other mandatory pre-requisites for starting up of the bungee jumping activity at Mayem. This new adventure tourism initiative comes with no cost or investment for Goa Tourism Development Corporation. The GTDC however is assisting the service provider in obtaining required permissions and will be undertaking promotional activities for bungee Jumping which is being launched for the first time in Goa.

On the occasion of the launch, Ex-Capt. Rahul Nigam, Director and founder of Jumpin Heights said that “A little hand holding by an organisation like GTDC goes a long way in setting up such projects and facilitates ease of doing business.”

The Bungee experience involves jumping from a height with rubber chords tied to your ankles, and swinging like a pendulum mid air. One can literally hear their own solitude as the wind gushes past with each rebound. There are several harnesses and checks in place to ensure an absolutely safe experience.

Jumpin Heights in Rishikesh has managed to change the face of adventure tourism in India. It is known to be one of the best experiences in South East Asia and has earned recognition from Ministry of Tourism. According to a survey in 2019, by Ministry of Tourism, they have been acknowledged as having played a key role in making Rishikesh the Adventure Capital of India. It will be interesting to see then, what magic Jumpin Heights now brings to Goa. 䲈ඈ ȣȣ

䤈ඈ귈 Ǖšˆ ǔà 귈^ඈɪ귈 ඈ귈귈 䲈 䤈귈 š귈䲈š 䲈ঋ䲈 쉈 쉈à쉈 귈ঋ⿏

䤈ඈ귈 ঋ 䤈ඈ귈 ඈ귈 à ඈ귈 솨ঋ 䤈ඈ귈 à ඈ귈ඈ š귈š쉈˜ ȣ˜ඈ 귈쉈 ǔà 귈^ඈ 쉈 ààɪ귈 ඈ귈귈 䲈 žঋඈàঋ䲈 귈귈 Ǖඈ䲈 쉈 ˜䲈ǔঋ䲈ž 솨 䤈귈 š귈䲈š 귈ඈ 䲈ঋ䲈 귈ঋ⿏ 䲈䲈 䲈 귈 귈 š귈ඈ귈˜ š귈 šǕš쉈 š䤈 ඈ귈ඈ쉈 àǔঋঋ 䤈䲈 귈 š귈ඈ귈˜ àǔঋঋ ඈ䲈귈 š귈ඈ귈쉈šš䲈 š귈 à š쉈 š䤈 귈쉈ඈ ȣ˜ඈ⿏䲈 š⿏ 귈쉈 ඈ䤈à䲈 à ඈ싨⿏ඈ 䲈 ž䤈 Ǖš귈 à ඈ쉈⿏귈 ඈ쉈ඈ ˜ 솨ঋ à ඈ귈 ඈ䲈⿏ ȣ˜ඈ⿏䲈 싨귈ȣ 귈쉈⿏귈 ඈš귈ඈ䲈ž 䤈귈

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š귈䲈š 䲈ঋ䲈 쉈 쉈à àš ඈǕঋ 귈ඈ귈˜ ඈ䲈ඈ귈 àǕඈ˜귈귈 쉈à귈 ඈ귈 귈 ß귈ඈ 솨ঋ 쉈귈 àঋඈ ȣ àঋ ঋ䲈 ඈ 䤈䲈 귈 귈 ඈ귈ඈ à àš귈ඈ귈˜ 䤈ඈ귈 à ඈ귈ඈ š귈š쉈˜귈귈 䤈ঋ귈ȣ ⿏ 䲈귈 ඈঋ 솨귈쉈 䤈ঋ솨귈ȣ 귈⿏ Ǖ쉈ඈঋঋ 䲈䲈ȣ 귈ȣ š귈 ˜ȣඈ 쉈 쉈àඈ귈˜ ඈ àඈ귈䲈 šඈঋ 䲈귈ඈ귈˜ ඈ䲈⿏ 䤈귈 à귈쉈귈⿏ 귈 àš 귈ঋ⿏ 귈귈 ඈ ඈ귈 귈ඈ귈˜ ඈ귈ȡ 䲈

귈ঋ⿏ඈ쉈 š귈 솨ঋ 쉈ǔà 귈^ඈ⿏䲈 ඈ쉈⿏귈 ඈ ඈ쉈ঋঋ귈à 귈Ǖ š ঋ귈䲈 ‘ž귈 귈⿏귈 à ঋঋ귈à 귈귈 ȣ˜ඈඈ귈귈 ඈ쉈ঋঋ䲈䲈 䲈귈 à귈˜쉈귈 ȣ 귈ȣ ˆ귈䲈ž ˜䤈 ඈ䲈⿏ ඈඈ귈 귈⿏귈 ඈàঋ귈 솨귈ঋ 귈 䤈䤈’

쉈 Ǖඈ귈šš䲈 à귈귈ɪ귈 䤈^귈귈 귈⿏ 䤈ȣ 귈쉈ঋ 쉈⿏귈ඈঋ ˜ š귈ঋ ඈ䲈 쉈귈š귈ঋ䲈 ˜ঋ ˜䲈 ˆ귈⿏귈 ඈš귈ඈ䲈ž 䤈䤈 솨䲈 ඈ귈 ඈ귈 䤈귈䲈 ඈ귈귈귈귈 ⿏ž à䲈 ǔঋ솨ඈ Ǖඈ귈 䲈䲈 귈 Ǖඈ ඈǕš⿏ ඈ귈ඈ귈 귈ඈ귈˜ 귈ȣ 귈ඈ ඈ귈à䲈 귈귈 솨ঋ à귈ඈ귈 䲈귈 귈귈

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