Opposition Spreading Lies Over CAA, No Muslim Will Lose Citizenship, Says

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Opposition Spreading Lies Over CAA, No Muslim Will Lose Citizenship, Says + # $ #!$%#, %#$$#!%$% )#$"! $%*!#%!!($ !!$%!#'(!# &## #( % !%$! '$&# %# $"!#%%! %! "&# #$ "!*%!# " % JAMMU, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.59 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 Pak will think 100 times Opposition spreading lies over CAA, no muslim before any misadventure will lose citizenship, says Amit Shah +! 0A4 B?A4038=6 <8B8=5>A<0 BC4?*7070;;4643C70CC74 against India: Rajnath C8>= C70C %DB;8<B F8;; ;>B4 >=6A4BB><<D=8BCB*( ,=8>= ><4 %8=8BC4A C748A!=380=28C8I4=B78?14 *(0=3%0<0C03838F4A4 !=380BA4B?>=B45>;;>F8=6(D;F0<00C <8C*707>=A830H022DB43 20DB4>5C74 +74H0A48= B?A4038=6 ;84B 01>DC 8C +! 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