Over 54,000 COVID-19 Cases in India in Single Day, Total Tally Crosses 17

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Over 54,000 COVID-19 Cases in India in Single Day, Total Tally Crosses 17 % ##!($&(%&$!"' '(&$#)(' "$& #(" # '(&"!# ' )'+ #!&( $#'$%!$') '+'#*'()+ )($ & #$#!!$)#(' !! !$& $'(($#%! ( JAMMU, MONDAY, AUGUST 3 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.214 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 Over 54,000 COVID-19 cases in India in Military commanders of India and China hold fifth round of talks on border row @<B?02@@.61A52;16.;@612 %2<=92@ !6/2?.A6<; ?:F single day, total tally crosses 17 lakh !1 !'$%/# D699 6;@6@A <; A<A.9 D6A5 %!./<BAA52?2196;2@ 0B:B9.A6C2 A<A.9 <3 3?<: .?F.;. .;1 1?.D.9 <3 56;2@2 A?<<=@ .;10<;C2F21A5.AA52<;B@ (2;6<? :696A.?F 0<: 3?<: A52 6;42? .?2.@ 6; D.@9.?429F<;56;.A<6: !1 !'$%/# @.:=92@ 5.C2 5.?85.;1 A5?22 2.05 :.;12?@<3;16..;156;. /22;A2@A21B=A<B4B@A 3?<:@@.:5.;164.?5 %.;4<;4)@<.AA522.?962@A =?<C2A52<[email protected]<; ;16.@$+ A.99F .?25<916;4.3?2@5?<B;1<3 /2@612@0<:=92A6;4A5216@ 6;A52?246<; 3A2?A52A.98@ D6A5 @.:=92@/2 <..;1*AA.?.85.;1AD< A.98@<;(B;1.FD6A5.;.6: 0?<@@21A52 9.85:.?8 6;4A2@A21<;(.AB?1.F $3 2.05 3?<: ;1.:.; .;1 2;4.42:2;A =?<02@@ <; . 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