£ ' 1

LiTi, Ntwsy ud ProgMSsiM. TOE UHGEST CIBCmM THtinrMvnTiMra mdium. SEMI -WEEKLY, Complete Job Office At $2.00 per Annum.



a Craltmt nnile IVha to Cuptar* mI':a(;ii.\m. Dviaa Not Conaiii** Tba W>v Ont-Tlwaata Wb* ciiAS. M. and t7ctei lli-r a LovaUa Vraatara. Oparata la the MaaaUlaa. Uo7amentB, Icoldtnta I

TIki lloatou v;uman, eonaidorod ' The frequent mifrdera eommltled In TiiKO. K. lUuTLKV, lIubiiii'KH MuuugtT of Ut firuutlo, Xuiioal tad typL', iilTiinls II must cntertulnliiir study till* Statu have revived the aubject of SUBIORIPnON KATES. to Ihii t)t>aei'Vor vrbo ladiiipuaud tuviuw ualng blood-hounds for tbe capture of thini;ii froA oroua ataiidpoint the murderera, Tbe rood* leading d, hUlf that is Decide Oneeop]r,oa«reftr, itrloUjMiklBtd- % ne Thing Threatened .'^liii in througlumt tba iaouataina O r»o« |I,M Mary Andsraon With An lnlaf^kl|u|f oacBuaa ao dllluront alTord aaata flold (to^aoprtilx montbi |l, Injunction—Beach & Bowera Min- (rum tho^amlK o( our apaciei elae- for the operation of auoh flenda, ttralt at tht Op«ra Houta wharo. Unqueattoaably, abo la not Under oxiatinjf oonditiona a man iQAjf. To-NI|ht. baaotlfuL Yoil may promenndo Waah be murdurod In open daylight, and no in^n nnd 'I'lMinniit HtriM?tH hiilf a day. matter how vigilant the offloera, it la When the Moths Come to Administer on Our Estate :uh1 nuvtT s niio f.-illy prrtty t'ii'l. noxt to Impoaalble to bunt doira tho Uoullor Droa , of Iha Maaoulc 'IVin- Vi'iitui-o into lliu nlidjij und yuu will purpotratora. p!(', aeeni li> have ''Our Uary" Irankuil And take aooount of our stock on hand next Summer, they are going to be the worst dis- fliij not a few behind tho couutara. But Onco out of aii,'ht of the aoene where Hi ibi'li' tUvtira rruiii the ^.'nh t Ihuy lire not u( the bidlgdiioua bread, tho tragedy waa committed the mup- life, for there isn't goitig to be :i7ili, aud Maoauloy lu tlie inomiiliiiu appoi^ited moths you ever saw in the whole course of your ia safo. 'l in lonio. ulmuat without ".KCMiption duror unless pui*.! lu-i'id ftki|ipe(l u|) (u C'liioa^oaiiii nccutid y winter enough on hand to make rovoal.s his itlciitity. lint if cji' h sli,.|-iir goods uugageiiiuul fur tlie khiik iIiUu. Tiiu fnilit "iliiwii III Muilio," Ol prioa agmoil u|ioii ira«$i{iOautl irlll La from Iriiili-Amurlcuu porontajfo— uf thu diffuruut countiua wuro empow- paldijbnt tba iMallar Bnw ,llie laraaaa, croaa nearly aiwuya produottre ered l>y law or demanded by oiutom lo- 1 Square Meal for a Moth with a Wife and 2 Small Children. will iiol bu aallallMl Willi ilila. They of pretty (iu:a:iund good fljfuraa. Inao- keepa pack of blood-hounda, eacape (111 iiiiuiid to ijivf up Msiy AihIlt- cit'ly. which in a aort of i*a.it« by Itiiulf, would Im! noxt to ilnposalblo. If It We are going to sell out so clean that there won't be enough winter woolens on hand mn withnitt af.tium{!o. 'I'hi'v were iuio-.vii iliat at ovory county aoat lliLTO aru hoinii liarui.ioini) woiiiua, but to rock a baby moth to sleep in. are going to sell our winter stock if we have to cuiiauitad Mr. K'>hn with m vtinv lu not very many- lu thu pupulatioii at tliuru wore audi uuiiuala, thu discover- We brlaglug ail ii junctluu miii, in caau lnr|,'<>, liuaaty In petlteoata la ainirular- er of a doad body in tho highway would Mtaa Audcraou duui nul Ull her on ly Inukinir, Dovbtleaa the climate han l^uard tho apot and koop all footatepa to 10 Cents on the Dollar, Teiii|ilo. It Mark them gaKriiiaulatlheMaauiiiu Down tlio much to do with it. Here It la winter away until doj^ arrived, ao that ihu llglil or«r tbe nuich langlud alTiir i'ii;ht montba in the year. Thoro la no tho sure aooal would bo ^'ainud. Thi And we are going to commence' at once Accumulations of stock and selling goods on ii ii hoped it will nut Ih) iiud up III Vf;;..la'.i(in nii!M the llrit of .ftino' to tho uttlcora would only havo to follow thii cuurla ao tbat ilia puliiii: wJI l>i credit are the two rocks iipon which American merchants lor an hundred years have been wpt-iik of, anil it i^ luiHtly i;>>nv I'V tlio tho hounda to culch the i,'uilly (lurly. di ll led tba prifllagu uf wi tuu<«l i h i Blood-hounds gi'iatbiatri'ioliiauraoii'ju. L liabad iMj^'inulug uf Uctubur. Thu aua in nut uru said to be able to going to pieces, and as long as the top of our head is warm we are going to steer our cralt ail cugageiiieul fur uua wkuk at Ua geoeraua with the ray* it ahada upon follow the deer or other animal of clear of both. WE DON'T SELL GOODS ON CREDIT, and when the *'Blue Birds sing oauley'a, but aba baa coiiaeutad to the cold aoit of Uaasashnaotia. Suoh which they are in purmlt tbroui;h give tbe lit-at tbraa alghlt tu MUa I'oiiilitlona are not faTorable to the herd after iierd of tho anrac aiiimnlH, iuthe Spring" we will be sold out of Winter Clothing. Anderauu. euliivaiion of loTeilooaa. In the niid tlioy will ruco;;ai/.o its trail on tho ground POWDER BCAOU a auWKua' uiNSTuii.a. warm porta of the eaKh thinira an long aa twolvo or fourteen TXilS "WEEK: -WILI- SELL: bloom apontnnooualy. i;irla are hour* after the oreatore haapaaaed by, T.lo 2urt 16o Our 30a UBdtrwMir, for l.'i; I Our fl 00 Uuderwaar, for Haavy Yarn 8oz, Absolutely Pure. Ueach A Dooera Mln'tnila will ap' | mure apt than nut to grov up and if it i* laat on one day, and they » for " 1.10 « for II 00 ALL OUR CAPS HALF PIUOK. (war at tba Opera Uouae lo-iilghi fiOo 3oc FOB aro put upon It* freah pretty, tiiair ooaplexlona are clear and track the follow <* " for fiOii " 1 75, $2 & 13 UBderwear, for |I 26 " " ud wlii>le*oiiiii>i> i<> iiitrlil. The folliiwinj; la of t;raoo. It oii;;;it to Ik- ti;iiiiriU for a WlBUr Oood* AT Intaad Ton muat call aad aat, and If we don't tnrpriia yon, well pay jonr what the Doa Mutiiea Ittglatur iaya: a wuaMO to bliMKom into buuuty, even alway* keep thorn In *ight, and In a convey an accurate Idea of THE TERRIBLE SLAUGBTER WB maUBf. expeuses lor cominf. "Beaoh k Bowera MInatntIa were if ahe radeiii afterward*, aa lor a Howor. long ohaae on active pedestrian can laat keep them In hearing. BUSINESS CARDS. greeted witli a full bouae night, And. under favorable ciroumatancua, It They can bo and gare aa cntartalninont that eU' ia HO. In tliii r"';»ioa. howovi-r. ovon trnineptom rlmniaKf, but he waa much duap- a mull In thu hoiiaohold la a nooeaaary PHYSICIAN may have been a pain in aaingla joint 8. B. CiUHBATOB. Praddni PAiaaBaBiVIS,CaAl«. pointed. evil, but ratliur to bj dlauouragod than of bis flnger, u-iii,'h aoon extenda to AND J. U. Gilbert, manager of the Cill- othorwlao. So ho will tako to Uvlns LOWAT.TIo^FtNiaMt BAJIjnrBt)8nLL. Book iNpw. the other jointa und bones. After oiv> bert-lluulley Co., « ill nnt no on the at hla club u doil 'of llio timi\ or two days thoro la generally a nunis- o«tn^»»R^^u«m.^L«.Dl'?»«?J rotd next a^awin. Ilr- will ivtnain in while hia wlf.5 dovot^ja horaulf to aooial Give«v. it aion from two to four days, when - a. R. caiiH natTUH, W », UIWBT Iluk. Orleana, L,a., to wind up aonie lostsady-• L/on"— uru»— • - . OBm: Mlln StrMi, o(or NXIonal New and IntclloL-tual etijoyino;ils In com- lost'""' nii>rt f ,, njuts'^ U. r. a KUETT, r.KIVK5. JOHN uiiaroir, the fever rcturna. This, at length, J K. J, I*, fuuwai. A-M-ir. bnaineai affair*. puny with hor foinalo frionds. W. L. TUUMfSdN, U. W. IIDWSEK, gradually subaidos hut leaves the Ur. Francia Wilaoii, the comedian ()u the whole. lUo aaaor,tlun may A. SliaolKT, M. II. T. W. Hl.llir, H.II patient woak and in much pain, and m\M IN iu , baa reueullv failon aiifuly .Im featured tbat the Boaton recovery to lioaltll ia plow. It ia heir to i^T.OJ I Htf^rlliitr. ttiu boqiieiit a woman ean aeareely Im termed a lova- SEARGENTftBLAKEY, ofbiaauut, Mia Juan Wiiauii, late of aelf-Umitlng dlsoaae, with a tendency ble creature,—Ow, BL LouU Olobc- Aberdeen, Bcotlaud of itself to a favorable termination. DmotroL In aome caaea it ia exoeodingly FBTiieiixi m mmn Liula Eraiit npeiiod Iter aecond mild; engagement In I.« It la alated tbat Haggle Mitrtiell You will never And a man actually un- Q^flHST-CLAtSH IN ALL APPIONTMSNIH,^ rc til native to India and some other Kostern make a trip to tJallforula and caged In buslnea* with hia loi;9 Thus the f' Mustang'V conquers pain, Auitralia next aaaaoBi Md tbat at tlioso coutitrloa, hut la wholly iinttnown in Bill croaaed. The limlia jit tiinoa aro CIN OINWATI, O HIO. the cinae of (he lour am |rHti>rubab' KiiK^hiiuI. It has provailcd as e]ii- stralghtor tlian at any otlicc. hocauso an Makes MAN or NIAST well again I CHHIGPILES.ir~'"''''~-*^ iy go to Germany to Tiatt her daugh- the mind and body work together. A dcmic in tho West Indies. .South Amer- ter, who i< being educated there. man engaged in Midittngaoeounla will ica and the Gulf Statea of the United POPULAR PRICE $2.00i to $2.50 Per Day. Mlaa Adele Brigirde, of Frederick never croc* hi* leg*, noitber will a States, Its prevalenoe eeema depend-

Warde'a (\i , l« a nailve Mi«Hli<»ipp an ent on some undctorminod ntmoa- man who la writing an article, or who 3Pxop- etox. I'hc people III llie Slate havu had <'P whore hia phoric conditions, but. lik,- most epi- Is employed in any manner OS. af tfea Mte Meal Weta&U tke porlunltii-a ANY ONE miaa aM M.B ONr. S WAYNE'S. OINTMENT to du her homage recently demic^ It follow* If -ies of travel Cleanse brain is actually oiitJra.'. When at and /ael-ly. •Df Uwr»al BMdklB*. vtll nn Mf mm *I Tmm. IsH and didn't ulaa on*- of UiaiH. Bba la social intereouree. It seems to be well woi-lc ill a ailtiu)f posture tlio limbs CAN DYE adored by all, from JelT Davti down the System niiluraily extund to tlio Hotir in a por- established that every epidemic of Dn$s, or a Coat, with tbat most reliable Ih to has boon carried k Color Krederli k Wanlo on way fi'otly alraight line, A man may dengue directly from An/ modlclDu— roloo's tVlery AUiTIV HlOKI. 8. MiBoiB, Im, 8au Kranclxi), wluru lio in In play place to place. Its course, and tbe Ribbons, Feathan, ounpound. It tiurtlles tlie D O. all ..I loiii flU^l7f^33^l4nt(tH^ ci osa hla lege If he ii eitting in an of- FOH •t (M,i It mail l-t Ml oU. I H«iai, fl.M. iddnaa, 0«. DelphrKur the Mountebank." The means by which It haa it* btooO, cures OonaUpflUon, lioo chair diHcuaaiiiff acme ]iropoaition made jour- Yam», Rags, tte. TBN CENTS I liver and addition uf litalla Boiill«M,.^argaret noya, aro usually ami i«*l" and rogolatos the ' with anothof man. liut tlio iiislaut ho capable of being ac- and In wavollMr i*«yi BBAVB Umr, hi* " ' kldneyiiiOirectuiiUr ctoans* Pierce and Harry BlMltflm to curately traced. Uilnft look Uk* mW. by aalafI ilH 01OiaMONO lii'comos really In euriioat and per- — HICES& MERCER, tbt DVla. tko Mk k uay; alonla.•nla. qalck : logUiesjrBtem of aUwagta company has won much iuocata. Epidemics prevailed along our South- Fi&ST National Barber mi I'oivus *omething to be gained, hia BBfTaalPAataaTITaalPAaTMTtiknown. fal and (lead muUera. at ern coast In 18iO and 1880, all of DIAMOWP DYBa mmd taka ao atkar. At an amataur parformaBce Do limbs uncro** quick a* a flach, he WiK Life, Fire, Tornado and Accident IRVIN YOVm, Prop., Hanoe, O., laat waekj young Nuliie lionda forward toward* hi* neighbor which. It la believed, were clearly For Oildlnf or Bronting Fancy AitlclM UBB Paine'8 K. NINTH Moore, tba aiz year old daugliter of traceable to tmportntlon. In 18M tho ST. NKAH MAIN. and ho),'iii» to uao hi* handa lliat is DIAMOND PAINTS. Celery Compound Tom Moore, maqa bof rat public ap- dengue awopt spared Caata, f a pliaao that I hoUovo you will always over Texas, and Oold, Silvor, Bronn, Copper. Only lo ccmbUies true ncrre tolUc and atmufthliig pearance, Md. nMo Mil Md qualiuca, revivtiw Uw enaKlaa aaa a^la. f ifmn obaorvo. but few town*. It waa a peculiarly sums, waa pre*aatad with mtojr UBOaonie •I buTi- ticcn tnmbleil for amayaaia wttli a simiG, aevere type, wa* attended by unusual dlincuiuaa. Alter tryloK coinptli^stlun m- preaenta. Men often croaa tbolr laga at publlo Baby Portraits. ur rloua rem'-'tl'ti. and not nndlnir reUof. 1 tried oompUcatioua. and followed by very ,. PBrttolloof beaDllftil Ubr INSURANCE, to meetings, oeoauae they V> there rlnUd uu One t>allH>'H t'i'Iflry I'liii-p-ninil. It«foro lAklai; otio HAIR-OUTTINO MiH Ktlt OiwMoa will ratire from torM rrom \Ub, [ grave acquoliB, or after results. In tlic tnnttili'ioiiio ftyuijiluins Im-- listen, or to be entertained; they aro plau paper by pautil rtioUi fuU bdttl" lonir < la Ik* the ataga In about two wei-ka, on ac- HulMl'h', lui'l 1 .'iin Iriily miy now, itnii I UtMtritkMa ladauMU' Auatin alone there wero twenty thou- uioccM, lent ItM to MuUlKf ul ffan to Heal Estate and Collecting Agents. tho factors in the performance, and Qi'^i^ iiinn. Iilifi'stlon liiw itiipiMviil cnuM ufill health. It will he reninin- not urBaiv ban wlUiln • yvax. real like H ••^ ..l*tl>tT. sand caaea. and yet of the*e only twelve ibeaa and 1 Uavi' iriiliir«l ten |>.'iiiiiIhIii wrlitht Htiii^- thoy niiturally place thomsolvoa in tho rreiy imclwr wania w« hvv0 oooiu«U]r 00 bSB4l s food lln« of bovsoiK lou and farint for ftwl for liered that Miaa Ulaxloii, appeai i il in '-.t tiikltiKtiK- Mli rmU sleiuraaiaaDdatoain. OIt. bare oumnii-iK cuiupuiunl." proved directly mortal. The infeotious lliiM^cs MEiaas. A>\y une dtitlriog aoy thing In Ihl* Ui« will tl i wall to t'Sll *niX m« a*. tlie title rule in the "Two Orphan*." most comfortable position known to Saky'a aaaa aadan rukibvtlle, Vt. character of the diaeaae (eem* to liava «i.«a. 8i Uampuiid. univeraal •attafliolion. We rrgretio their abolra and craning their logs, bean and hence no efforts were made to prevent contagion. WorospoetroHxaolloUioor fOlrooAf*. and In til anttera ffaartntee purroct Mtlifartloti. give her up, a* hor place will ba bard A man alway* croasa* hla lega when ho Tlio miorolio - tho living orpaidam to Female Gdlage. io All. read* a newapapor. but i* moro apt to ott^o^im^ cuiloni wilich the dlaeoae Is believed to bo due HOPKINSVILLE/ KY. "A Gentleman In the houie lie down when he read* a book. Ue JMaaMawttlaiiaAVUtTgTn, iiwa, with Is reapouaibie for tho tiiforroation that —la thought to bava been dlaoovered alSffiJ iSm9.'.UiSSmm to pnplla dMtrtn* read*' the papor. of oouree, to inform Mra. UeLaugblin, teaataif IbfaiaUM ialiiieatiiin, Muaic, An Langlry haa all nt her holaery hinwelf. but at the same time the by br. i. W. president of What is aa< l>* awii«ra langaag**. Call at tba CuUtf made in Eii);latid. Tlio ^noda are the Texai Hloroaooplo Aaaoclation.— oraaanaa. peruaal ol It* contents U recreation to made of tho vi ry llnoat silk llircud, -Foiitt'* CompmtitM. BUST. him. nnd hb body a^tln sooka Its posi- J. W. and in color hariiiouixe with hor a a a BorKIWITILLB, Br. tion of relaxation. When a man ia dreaaas. For every ooatuma Mra. — .\ description given in Nabin ot adiiiif a newspaper uiul waitint; for Ltniitry liaa a aat of boea. Tlie*e an inatanceof "sonorou**ands"—aanda art'cle* are his breakfoat, 1.1a lo(f9 aro always that give forth Pwo'i Hbmmdt mil oataum madafaifr lM|f>«Bd coal, a dMnetly muaical the breakfiuit ia llvM Imnii-illHtn rcllaC OOwrEu Inclndtog tbadni)^,«tS^ |»iiA''-N. crosned. but na hoou aa note when moved Iqr the band or a vlrui U XHiii VI t>^iiMl riroin an* tba putu the pajier aside, Uut, mild Iho illn<>HMiJ Mtlun of Ul« Y. Star. l^rough^ to itUn he slick— hn* called loirth a number ot niiKMiifl iiipiii))r»iie la replitced by CASTORIA li^ga und koos to Hojtllliy Bwrt'iloim. Billy Einroeraon haa given up bla atrnjghtei^ o'at,^u k'ttora from varioua part* of F.Qgland 1 lilt iiudit la mum. OotMckag* ' <'"t, his mind I "'iiiiiliiB now theatre at Ban Francisco, Cat, Trnrk IhBVln. 'htft^T'^" dosoribliii,' other caaea of tbia jihonom- a Mtfttclvot quuilAjr tkit * IiiUK lroati,„.|,i. ' O«aiori« I Br. S.ai1 Pitcliw'. qnleh ear, and haa axain Joined fnrcea with iiuw turntni; on the duties of tho day eiion. Miisicnl sand wits found in aov- «M, harilana Mid fcr I lsr«tif. cnii CUliilron'. Ooinplmlnt.. te OartwfjKl. Putnam, /.ii"/'/ioo/ Courier. tmpmAor Katie piayluir the leadlnK beforo him,— oral Iiistniiots at pai-ticuhlr ajiots ill j coTnndy in lier repertory. Puogorlo or NurooUo ftBTC.aa ia, parts The largo areiut. ami tho i)tmUty of tbe Sjruft. OhOdrMi erj MU- JCATARRH - A pas9on;:oi' on a train fniin Now »f •>>a>on will rloae III ihe 8 >iith llo- jUl "Me^r. hUi.Catori.. pound la thought to bu inOnaaoed by Viii k tlio otlior iliiy stoppeil I'ooni tho laat uf Mairii. O i May Utb Miss atmoapheric conditiona. ciina IMhi. OoaiUnMki. i Putnam aail* for Auatralia, bulnn overheated cur to the platfjrm ttud CaalaH. I "I rMOammd Outoria for nhndM'a iindea oonlniot fot 8 aixteen weoka' filled hia lunea with tho Ircah. pure —The Urat patent ever lafiued in { THIS OFFICE. uxciainied, "ian't tbi* EMy Rtid iiiaMMt u M. tour of tba oolonle*. She returns to nlr. "Ah." he America wa* given to Samaal Bn>* tho TT Murray m., Vinr Tork. this country next October, It ia exhiioratliiifP" "No." returned kina. of Philadelphia, in 179%. Ittr aa Taa Oaaraaa Oaaaan, hoped Miss i'ulnam Will Bl a ii

K PYTHIAN KRiOp. Card of Thanks. E TOBAOOO NEWS. ThoY.W. C. U. desire to return "Try Ayer's Pills" MOPKIKSVILLE MABKIT. alebratlon Tuaaday lib- Pleasurable O thanks to tba ladiea who gave so RhniimntUm, Ncuralfflft, anil Gout. CHAt. M. MMCHAM, Ultor Sales bv Ahornslby & Long Feb. Por Night—The BanquatOlvenbytha erally and reuderad auch efflcient u B»*»»ihrtn laOiiitlnx, of Yonkers, N. Y., !iU of following. . S3 hhda u . " for Ladiea Qrand Suceaaa. •aya : Itoeonunandeil (u a euro FRlJDAT»jnCBBDABT S2, 1889. Young a eiatanca to then mi the night of tha 11 60 Hhda. Common LaaffiMllO ohronio Custlvcness, Aycr'ti Pills hnro 18iM, J. Batbbone ofP. banqnek On rtb. 18, H. K. to 4 00. reUareU mo from that troubU' uii>l uIho 12 llhds. Lugs and Lnvi lx)af from fbnndad of XalgbU if Maa. B. DAnaoa, Prea. tfwn QouU If ovcry vletim t>f this tliii- Tho MaJLmerican ia out for Mw Mte. W' Otty. Tba $2 00 lo 4 00. MM would he«il ooty tbreu words uf O. B. OLARK & CO., i>ytblaa In Wadiiaglon >rMldeut iD,1892. Market very sluggish on leaf, Lug* mtno* Icoulil baulsli Ouut from tht^ land. one of great OHyOourt Newa. Ifaia atmt, Mura old aravs •(1 order at onea became active. Tbeao words would bo — 'Try Ayor'i HBnar aiAtacaad matk sinaaaar has a member P. Tato ViolallBf the Sabbath. Ac' " Ktls CItxton prnposoi to retire popularity and to-day Sales by Nelson t Dabney 5 hhds. PiUa/ HinlocklaaOMs*, million and *'Bt tlio nso of Ayer'fl nils alone, I afiiT lljis xcaBon. ship of more than half a quitted. now tobacco a< follows: from the . curoa iu>-rtf ptTiiiitiii'urlv of rheuitia- a IIP A rri.i. i.iwaor- In every atate 2b'id8. lugsl' :!i»lo:' 70. there is a grand lodge Baldwin Pinner, col., wife beating. tlsm with It li^t'l inmbletl luti several hhds. loaf I 00 to ii &0 lo 6 00. Thesi) I'ilN ore at oneu Imi'liilein 'I'h" Cliai ily Kiriiiv'riiat .M»c»ule)''« and territory In the onion. dava. a lUontliH. ALL KINDS OF Seat to work honaaAtttwaaty and ofloctuiil, and. I believu, would 'riicatri', Loiii^villr, wai coiiclujed Salea by llanbanr ft Shryer of S3 Last Tuesday was tbe U.'ith anni- prove a siwcltto In all casea ol luclpleul Same, rlolatlag Sabbath. Fined followa: Bucceis bhda. tobacco as last week. It wa^ u deciilcd versary of the founding of the orJer II.'i and ooata. 11 hhda. com. and goodloga. |4 OA Rheumatism. tbroughoiit. No. 38 of this •> and Evergreen Lodge U(), 2 u;>. :i 25, 2 S&, 1 > T6»a URNJTURE! Uort Qllee, dtaorderly. Fined |S 60k 5a Ko mcitii'inn coiiltl liaro scrvcil ma In a celebratiou to coinineni 2 40, 2 50, 2 20. belli r »tiiiil." — C. O. Hock, Coroor. city got up and coeta. Tbe new Uireni blook, of Cbloago, hhds. leaf, 4 K, Avuyi'lli-s rurisli, L.1. orate the event. Neigliboriiiu lodges 11 18 la 6 Mk l.«V 4 SO, 4 60, 4 00. C. K. IIi>|'kiiiH, Ncvttila City, wrilM OBO of tbe telleet balldiogt ia Amari' calkid meeting BEDSTEADS, were Invited and a DEATHS. Market (fong. "1 linvo iiMi'il .Avr'n rillM for BiatMD oa, collapied Sandajr. It wu 14 M'ar'<.aM.I I iIuii'/iIh V HIV ttii) best 1111s held to confer theKnIgbt'a rank upon Dr. Samuel Atkinson, IWIiii; near WABDB3BE3, BOSKIiTC} OaAIBS, Sales bv lisiit&GaltherCo. of ill llii> w.irl.l. \\ . It UixoltheiD GrandFinales ttoriea high and nearlf flolihad. No throe applleanla. Johnson's post otli<;e, dieil Thursday hh'Is. as follows ill the liousii all ih.' iiitit?. Tbaj have vue waa killed. tc cured me of aick heailaclia iiiid nawalRla. al l oii of vJaitors leaves wife. 12 bhd< com. lo mod logs, 11 75 The largeat Mag of last week. He a Hinoa taUng Ajrer's PUb, I bna been of 2 !(,'). came fMm Cumberland I«dge Mrs. Hon East, of the Ilaniby dis- free txom tliaae conplahita." Complete Pailor, Chamber aiiil Diniiig Sets. Tlie Ailairrillo 'J'iines is llio name llhds. com. lo inoil. leaf, 00 lu were 12 "I baTa darired |raat feaaaflt trom Clarkarille. JV»rty three mea Inst, aged about of a now (lapor niai'toil at AdairYiHc, trict, died on tbe 18th ;to. ArarVi PUIa. Fire jmn a« I waa present. Ofthaunllbrm rank: W. taVeii so III with rhenmatiain that I waa Everything Wanted by tbe Houe-Kdeper. bv Mcsei'9. Ilrnwiic llronue, for- 35 years. She leaves three children Sales by Wheeler Mills .t Co. Fob B. Wil- iiiinMo to do any wurk. I teofc three L. Fowlkea, J. O. Joeepb. G. to 3<)nr2.') llhds aa follon s. . merly ol l/iui»vill I. nearly grown, beaidea a baaband, Ix.xi'H ut Ayor'a I'lIU and waa eoUral; .'0 T. MeBernolds, W. O. D^ly, 17 llhds. Lxaf 17 25 5 50 5 5 X< riirt'il. SiUL'e that lime I am nam THE VERY LATEST son, E. mourn her loss. ALL STYLES, 5 10 5 00 06 4 66 4 604 254 30 iviili.mt n Ixix it Hum' (.ills." — Petei OIILYOIIEW[[KMOHE J. S Elder, W. W. Barksdala, K I) Mb 4 * A Republioaa anbiorlbar of tbe W. T. Radford and Walter, bis son, Chriat«usuu, oLvrwi'oil, \\ 1:1. Hendrlck, h Ru- 4 lO i 10 4 00 4 00S9S 3 00. Bomeraet Itepablloan baa atopped bla Caldwell, G. W. M attended tbe burial of lira. John 8 Hhds. Lugs 3 to to 1 SO, Cathartic Pills, dolph, W. B. Young, F. Fiederling. Ayer's At the Very Lowest Prices I paper beoaoae tbe proprietor enplojra Dudley, a sister of Mrs. W.'T. Bad- Market quiet and nnchanged. ruariuao ar . Pickering, D. D. Lynes, Win. acme Demoorata In bla offloe. The J. G. Keya- LOCISVILI.a TOBACCO MABKBT. ford, which to jk place near Dr. J. C. Ayar A Co., Lowed. Mua. Kleaman, II Purcell,Tbos D jiiri.e. FumUliKl b; GLovaa a lieaarrT. fool-klller of that part of tbe State W. burg,Tenn., Wednesday afternoon. Barksdale, .1. M. .larroll, ,1. C. Sales on our market for the week ought to bo kicked out of office for B. M. Mrs. Dudley died at bar home in Lo .las. Mor- Just closnl amount lo 2009 llhds UNDERTAEINQ Gerbart, general cuBneiliH'^s in ilir ilincharge Mcltaynolds, I. P. gan county, Ky., Tueaday. with rrceipts of 1227 hhds. for the Johnson and T. I, Porter. A SPECIALTY. A Ccmplato Una of UatalUo and Wood OoSsi of Ilia i]uti>'.H ton, A. A. market Mra. Fannie Blakeley, wlb of Ed s ine iKriud. Sales on our }im nur. J. Kocsco, J. m Ordari W. m Other Knights: since January Isl, amount tn 17002 ud Oukiti 4ad Saiial Bobai- A U FrompUy Attandad to. F. Blakeley, of Manlton, Hopkins

: Oppen- lo The. f\;' 11 t 11 Nteain heater in S. Neblelt, W. T. Averitl.B. hhds. Sales of tbe crop of 1888 conuty, ia reported to have died Mon- Pitt, Philip Lleber, J. dale amount to 16357 bnda. C R. OLARK A CO. the I'drii I . uinil Hotel, of Ilarlford, boimer, G. L day night of spotted fever. She was> Tbe market has not daTelo|ied any Coun., caused a large portiou of the J. Ilamlett, B L Cunulngbam, Jaa. this and was new features during thia week on Lord andO. R. a native of county a building to fall toto a mass of ruins Northlngton, C. 0. tobacco. The short and com- Owr stock Dry Goods, daughter of tbe late J. 11. Leader, dark of at 6 o'clock Monday morning. Fifty Harris, making 8S in all. . mon grades cou'iuue low while lung who formerly lived at Itellevlaw. of tbe aleeping oeeopanta were bar press repreaeBtaUTac. rappcrv leaf Is iii fairly good de- She leaves a family ol children, aome mand. The condition of Iho market Before Corps also Baying ried under the debria and tbIrty-llTe TbaUaritaTHIt Draoi oftbem about grown. U lu'i ..iich sslocall forth large re- to cut of them were killed. Haayoflbaotb came with tham aonabUng of Lee _ Jpls at this time of year. Tbe fol- Ri- A Sudden Death. K.XAMINK OCli Ll.NE OK era were taken ont horribly mntilatad Hodgaon. Claude Orabam, Louis low ing quotatlona nlrly repraaem and aome of them fatally Injured. aenOeid, Cbaa. Klnoannon, Areble Mr. R. B. Withers reccirsd the our market fbrnew aad old dark to Bollow, Chap Cunaingbam, Arthur following funeral notice Monday baoco. Traah fl 00 to S Oa The Kentucky Prohibs, acknowl BraekHattlar aad Lee Boaaafleld, from Mr. O P. Cpdegrapb, of Common to Ifedlom Luge |S 00 u> Cooking and Heating Stovps i'.l;.'i> the corn by nominating a Cobb Topeka, major. S 76. for Slate 'J'l-t'asurer. The two *'old Those wore met at the depot at lu Dark Rich Luge extra qoalli) Tba I>argesl Assortment In the City. Oaaollna aod Heating 8to?aa wll'•^y can lo 3 75. inrlicM" put this in their o'clock and escorted to the Phoenix 12 75 Of all Site*, from ((:! M) I'lirce Dollars and KIHy Caata Up. caaBLn witbiw, Common L^-af »3 60 to 4 pipcaiiil nrni'lic ii. —Louisville Timet Hotel. Tho lodge room was made Garland's lUse Iturncr, the llest Made. Btovaa oael Medium to Gnodl.ear|l 50 to 5 5U. Don't make fun ofiiim because he's liead(|uarters during the day and the and Kurnarrs of All Kinds Repaired. "ssitTOB nraacBirv" (iood leaf extra length )5 50 to not a corned Conn, and It would go dispersed over (lie city to see visitors aw) 7 SO. against his grain to abell out for"the tbe sights. A large number of them, Qoeeotware, Olasswaro, Hardware, Outlery, Lamps, •arauav." the bttya."—OoTloftOD OomatoniMaHA. I'ast Chancellors Gant In Monroe county last week escorted by Woodaaware, l.ioir, Cement aad Furnishing Uoods. residence of Jno. Artebnrn, an old Hoaaa "nairan Hr. Uubb'a nomination waa donbt- and Wiley, visited the Asylum, while ThandavNb. M, IW, man ninelv years of age, was visited of Our Uwn Make. Roeflngand (iutlering a Specially. leiamadela tbe intorMt of party younger onea Iwwed at •I some of the liy two nitskml man and |740 lu luac rtrsa. bomlny, but anob puna aa thaae are shrine during the day. in unlea DR.T.W.FORSHEE, beauty'a money and t2,000 or 13,000 HOOSER & BALLARD. liable to throw the rotera into auch a The regular program b^an at taken, No clue to the perpetratora of BENIOB PUYBICIAN Ilii death wai autldpn I maize of doubt that bla defeat l> In- lb* eoalbraaeo of the the outrage. Quilling Inst night with aad nnezpMlad. rraa evitable. third deHrroe npoa three eandldatcs, -Walter KeUf,W.M.Weat and D The suit of tho Commonwealtb 1. Jobaaon. Thia WH done in the Deceased will bo remembered a^ a!!:iinbt the sureties on the bond of ampllflad Ibrii to:aa tseellMit nan the floe colt recently sold to Mr. I'p .lames \V. Tale for INNL' and IS.S.'i KG. UOiUlSTKUT, THE PLACE TO BUT! ner. degrafl" by Mr. Withers for *250. carno to an sbrtipt close in tho Circuit The accommodation tram broui;bt LOUISmiE, - - KY., Court at I'rankl'ort Tuesday. Tbe a delegation from Springfield of half TI.e Ilenilerson Gleaner says Sim If you are in need of anything in the wil l. VISIT prosecution announced that their We mention belonr a few a dozen or more, headed by Hon. Jones, of Webster county, near evidence waa all in, and the defense Joel U. Fort and Hanson I. Dnlin. Sehree, sold bis crop of tobscco at H0PKIN8VIUE. KY., •r the maay bargains we did not place a witnets on tbe •taml. Knight F. E. .lowiti, of St. Louis, and Sehree fur the rouud sum of one dol- ATTOiPiiaiinx nviKL, They moved Ibi court to inalruct the will offer thto week, la or. other visitors whose names wore not 'ar for lea'', tifly cents for lugs and Call on us and -we will supply you at jury to find for the defaadaata, which learned were also present. Krer- ten ccnte for trash, netting him sixty- SATUfiDiT,MAB0fl9,89. tbeai oat: Prices are to tbe court did, and a Terdlct was dertoeloM that bound please. Un- Kroon lodge was out in force. After eight cents per hundred from the 0!CR I>.ir OXLT, rendered accordingly. return e\/ '. large number of candldatae Into the scription, also promptly and a March Ut, Ikhh, ft< i'i>nlina to the lawtoi Kvn tended to show that when the aettla- Dress Goods. order or Wlaa Ifen and Installed tbe Inmigranta aad returning voyag- toeky, wltta |k,ad in Ayer'a Saraaparilla a cure of Madlcal curg'-Ty. Tbay haya aiaea th»t in 1884, a (jnietus was granted him lime had I,hm piii#nUapplilaRtortraaiiieBt. fold, lOaparyd program waa aotlha liMt ImpreaaiT* fbr aruptlona, holla, pUaplaa^ actems, Of thai bnmb0r4w w«ra tnratd away aa la- qualilict commenii il 10 ill who rtaSm by the Anilitor and Secretary of Itacxccll«nl enrabta. Of tha Dumbarl-ntharahaTtbtaa and atUoyablOb Altar the lodge ad etc, whether raanltiag from aea-diei tlie impt.nani-e lo 1 plaea Taa OaaboMra, doaUa Thompson & McBeynolds, 7V(I iltK-hKrsMd a« cured, leavtDf iM) pttlaat* Slate. The case will be ap|)ealed. llumsn Hesltli sml Happinetl, Tiatora and life on ship-board, or from any under till ir trentmrnl. JramedatltSO a. n. the liquid lu- fold, lOeparfd of a tnilv hrjliltv. fWanI mod rffec|i»« Dr. K. W. Korrlit)' la-pprneiilB tin- luimrl- SyBtem »h«i InIksm « MilnStnet the i of thoee who other cause. Its value as a tonic and iiivr io'Cle«n«e mcnt ut l>it>ejM— l Wwiiirn amt Unfair* nf aaraaadada number sad ts Dcjtt'uctive ,u^i>.r,toDlip«l Colds and Hsadacbts, thf Ue.'liim aod Ilowels. lla%iii( iiiaiiv vk- I piece Itrown Eogllah Ilaariatta, Cyclone. alterative medicine cannot bo over- contributed to tbeir llenla 111 ilii* aecttoD liatler hr liaa. bad trvattneut, iH Indies wld>, 20c per yd ItiRMis.,iiAM, •t thctr itoMrltaUoB decidrd to taakt kba^t- 1 la- W.U WIICSLaH. jonax.ioua. I'ub. HI.—The paaaed off the time estlmatei'.. Permanent// Cure entertainment and itt Ua trcaUUlsaasMoC Wonea, KaJI "t iiif w. a. rAXUN. Booa-Eaaraa. lower oud of .Shelby county was xvonb, perform* Hartle«l Oparalioaap-ruin- t piece Tan Kuglish Tricot, 18 inch- ualU 4:48 whaa thajr ra^traed borne. Habitud Constipation in^toUM Woabaad Otanai, IHa^aaM of tbe swept by a terrible i i-lono early yee- ea wide, 20c par yd j School Notes. Hrctuai, I'itea, FMala, I*rola9aM U tbe lUc- TBI BAaqt)BI. TiM CaUlbnU LlfBia Vmlt Rimedy Whedor, MUta ft Oa, tciday niorninf;. The scene tum und 1 umursof tba Keetaai. of the There have be°n some changes in laeh- baaqval, the noet interesting S placea Taa Bagllab Serge, 38 disuter Is remote from railroads, and Tba iiKUNiA oit nrr»TUttE the personel of the facaUjr of South SYRUP^FIGS aa wide,. ISe par yd T O B C O O event of only partoftha pmgnm, was an Curfd by a Spw sn• k Is pltHaal M a I Prof. M. I.. Li(i.icuinb resigned bis Inform Ittea. Cluh Feet, t'urrature of tba will long be remembered tlvlty, and BAFB m AU. sol all Rrain anti Nerre aawlda^ '.....Mayarfd many bonaea were blown down and a pusitiuu ami has enlcre« very great Tbe oyelooe traveled Nsw Va», N. V. O T B. R B .Mo. Hie place baa beea aupplled Ipieca where the banquet was bold, presen- DlaaaaN of the Eye. Kar, Nom. Throat and Taa All-Woel Tricot, 40 lach- FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSK lu a northeasterly direction. It was and aa addition of one more baa been rw aals Id ]9s.aa4 tuo BottlM LnofS, Dfspapila, Epilepey or Fit* oareil es 36« - \ rarely artistic appearance wide per yd UI SSKI.I.VII.LK ANM It. U. STHKKIN, Unl'j; I N M.l K, hV. only a few hundred yards In width, ted a »ysaLss«ll«« Pniaa'"» Vonug men and mlddle-arrd men suffering

Robert- > inada Ihoulty. Prof. i the f-i . to ft lire Ci-nalffuiiirnU. All Tiil'ftrro ii l I \ i cedar and holly, inter- from Sperm ati>rrh< re and Imitot^'nej, ss tbr I.lb«ral A J V on rcl |:t 1 ti-u t ft iirc. but its course Wreaths of pnxiui'iag such 1 piece Blue All-Wool Bor- was twenty miles or soo takea tbe poaltlon of teacher of r«euUuf Mll-abiiie in youth, Serge the national colors, effects as einissioDA, blotches, tiebliitr, nerr- more in len^lli. and mingled with dered Saltlaig, par yd through a thickly Commerce and Peumanablp, to which ousness. •Ilzxlaees. cnafu-iua ol Ideas, aver- Ue adorned (ho walls, and were arrang- sion tosncioky, defecttvo nieinory. aad seiual liopiilatecl country. J'cople were In he deroles hla whole time, ao that exhsuitloD, which ODllts tba vletlia for bual- 1 place each Taa, Flak, Mode aad Bueaa jaavr. ed with great taste and skill, while their Im iIh and hail very little chance CBS or marrlase, nre iwrmanenily mrail. every atudent of the college has the will thn physlctans of Lavender Aibatroai, 30: yer yd there a aymbol of Dr. Forshea say to to ('-.-.(lie frotti tlicir lioupofl. here and hung auycaaeof Ituptureor Fis- opportuniiy to take ieaaona In writ- UopklniTllle that tula, or any Burgleal Operation tbay msy wish Tin; in'i.,t the Pythian Order. Near the en- 1 iiicneeacb Tau and Cream .striped i-cIiHlilc reports received log. porfurmod. that be cmnes fully preparc^l nnd In nhall courtesy. < NELSON tiiiitiih-<] tbay be treated with duo od- DASNEY, traneck the motto "Welcome" Fni iwii." and oTcrworkfld Albatross, .lOc yer yd & here male lliat thirty to forty houses Mr. Thomas Jes'ip, of this place, a •ultaiion Free. m.>iiii'i), lir. iri- -t PretctipUoa !• )'i> Kitv'Tito whit* letiara diaplayad In a ilste wore bluwu down, live waa the t)«>«it uf nil n«Iurutlvo (uiiict. It Isapotant Iteniember the nnd nnod word lo your or six persons gentleman whose literary sttaiji- 1 piece each Ladies Mahogany Ures- while Rpednc for all thosf nirunlc WMknMMUM sirk ni*lRhtK>r— II rnnv f^ve htn life, Grain killed thirty baek gronad of aTergreen, Ktainp, Tobacco and Commission Merchants, and about Injured, some Dloeaacs iwcullar to Women ; powfrful, g«l- Addn-i wilh ments are well-kuown ami a teat -her den Cloth, . . Xic per pd oftbem severely. the atnel window waa omamented eral OA well as ut^'rlne, tonlo and nerTlne, Many cattle and of considerable experience, UIicm the Imparts vIkof and strenxtb to tbo whole arttWB. T. W. rOBSEXX, u- s., aonthern Barege aad Silk VetUaga, aU ool Xlallro&d and XI«7«at]i Str««ta. boraea were killed or crippled. with 4alIoata Iftoerr tt It nmniptly ciiiv* wraknen of itoniRcb,nauMlit tW iia Ara. I/WnVILLI, KT. chair of Latin and (Iroek, ami .Miis Intllfffiitlnn, bloatlnjr.wpak back, nervoiupro** r- Daa.«-U ora, yd aoaa mtt m eallaatlaa of pratty aatn tratlon. drblllty antTilMplcMnew, in clthfrtex. lOe par Ws alTs peminal alUaUoa to laspeotloe aad aals o{ arerjr ]io,shead of TolMWoo nnnslaasa late Ivaiisas, Susanboth, of Atchison, It la ouvfulljroonipouMed by an ezpi-rienoed ans. UboralxlTaDoaMatBaaaoalMaaaelB Stan. All Hobasoo laaeied as oaatot «taaa al flowers. aalsss ^ KENTUCKY KNOWLEDGE. takes the place of Miss Jennie Scobiy, phjraldan, hm adapted to woman's tirlicata Embiotdand Bad TlaaMl, tor wrttiaa lastnietuea |e i>, ssattaw. Ten tables In a donbia row were orvanliauoa. Purrirret«Ubl«> an<] pe rfectly who Istely married Mr. Srygley, of harmleH In any condition of tho *ritem. IT., JUL! SO, Sklrta, T5a paryd , M T. Tho Caldwell Connty Fair will laden with delicious viands anddaiu- **r«TOrUe Pr«acrl|^ C. RaNllKKT. M. r. siiBYaa. Arkansas, as teacher of nnale, draw- lloii** la the only medldna tindaraigned offloara Worated Dress ilraids, all col- tles consisting of turkey,ham,cbick- Wa, the of meet Od. 9tli and iMt foor days. — f r women, HoM br dninlela. ing and painting. under a poaluva gvar* Caldwell Conntr, K]r.. eartlfV that a ors SScperyd en, salads, pickles, cream, cakes, fruit< Uarrodsburg baa or- ttntee nf mtiAfaLti<'n In every ttia. Or prkw numbor of inilivlilnala, taken atapa to The school having now a full corps both white {%\m rrfiinij'-'l. T)il« Ktiaraota* Mm People's Warehouse, ganica and coffee—each table being attended anil hiack', \\\ '\\\^ Id Princeton and Sillf Dreaa Braid, all col- a Commeroial Olab. printed on I K)t tie- wrapper, SIM faWfOily of competent teaobara, la prepared lo the (rtmsrly IlopktaerUa WankMMa,) by young ladies, members of tho oarrii'il out for tnHny yeara. ^. Caldwell County, My., were sufferers ora SOo per yd Capt. R. Trlplett Fi.r h\vy"\ UhiRtrHlcil Treiitlw nn DtSMUMof S. baa become a do tba moatezeellent work. There from Bypbllls lu Its various stagea, Young Women's Christian Temper- Wi.iiK'ii (Ifid with full din-ctlons for Legislative ' pnr''i*. Glibert'aBmolaa,aU eolara,8Hapar7d HANBERY & SHRYER, Prop'rs. candidate in Daviess has been alao a marked increase in h'JiiK' tn-iitiix Ml). Fu nd ten cents In slain[)g. and are uow In perfect linallh, having ance Union, wearing while caps and county. Ai|xa. they enjoyed to ilia Ihlleat extant. Rack 10c per buacb school seems to bo doing splendid FRANK A. PASTEUR. A fireman named Kelly waa killed attended The The banquet waa by one Clerk Caldwell County Court. at Flemingaburg work, and under tho sole manage- Whtta, Flak and Blue Tarla- In Jumping from hnndrad and flfljr paraona, fifty two B. B. ^OKEKIMO, Abernathy & Long, ment of Prof. Scobcy, who has an his train. of whom ware Tialting knights from SheriO' Caldwell County. Uaa, llHo par yd enviable reputation as a successful MERCHANT J. M. POOI^ An Infant of lira. Jaa> Oorblo left neighboring oitles. OriantaI'Laeaa, l^aa, Oraaoi aad superintendent, it is coiilUlcntly ex- Jailer Caldwell Couuly. s^OENTRAD alono ill a room at Flemlngsbu rg The supper was prepared by the Wbll% ..1....8 loIOe per yd pected that with the assistance nf bis L. L.. BAKER, caught its clothes on Are and was Y's under the direction of Iboir Pres- Aasouor Caldwell Conntx. competent faculty, the public may Oriaatal nonneltga, 86a per yd burned to-dcath. ident, Mrs. W. S. Davidson, whose From one to three bottlea will cure feel coiiliilent the collej^c ean, and management was an assurance from aay oaae of gleet. Foerg'a Bamedy la Velvet Rlbboea, all ootora, 6e par yd The Kiriucss at LonlaWlle netted will, atl'ord the very best advantages purely vegetable, contalna no mercn- the ttrst of success- All honor to THILORS, 14)000 and a score or of tbe Your ebMoa of aay Jaraay la BOr» to be aay acbool occupy- ry. Une weeks trial will convince yoo these noble women, worked aacured in perCormers were stage struck. who of Its merits. Asic your druggist for the boaae, Mtaaaob ing luteld of labor. faithfully and untiringly. Koerg'a Bemedy. Price tl a bottle, Uilly Cottrell shot Jaa. Johnson, From time mmora bare No. 108 Main St., 20 Full-Slzf Bed Comtorta, The crowd remained until a late to ifaao ptepirad bjr Fhll reerg, PriaoetoD, i3:oE»3n:3srsT7TiL.3i-B, i^rsr. perhaps fatally, in a saloon at Owens- been afloat with to the Ky. 9-4-ly only tfeaaob hour, the last featara of the evening rafbmea BOUiDINO. boro. OPEKA t0'tM ooaalgnmeata of To\Htooo will reoelve onr peraoaal attentloa Cottrell claims that 11 was withdrawal of Prof. Soohey fVom the being an address of thanks by Mr. Lidles' .Merino Vatti 2fio each accidental, which both in Sampling BaUlag. Slablaa tot Johnson denies. institution. It Is true be did expect H0PKI1I8TILLE. . KY. aad Booina and DrlTan aad Taama. Ollmer M. Bell In behalf of the visit Spool Silk, all oolfra,. per apool I.lia^a Ooe-twentlelh of the $1CO,000 to do so, at the close of the fall term .t^io prize ing Knights. SPECULATION, and oue-tweuiielh of ibc lOU.UX) one in January, but the conditions upon Embroidery Silk, all oolora, were drawn at (.ilasgow tlila month, which that event depended having GEO. A. ROMER, lUU yarda apoola,. . . .6,^0 per apool besides Bcycral smaller onea. not beenfullfllled, arrangements have CH&AP How's Thia? Kmbreldery Silk, all colore, Caldwell & Randle, Henry been made which will not only be BANKER AND BBOEEB, Worley and eleven others Bmall Spool 8for26e olfor satisfactory to him but will, MAmrrAoromna-oti— are under arrest at Somerset for mur- We One Hundred Dollars Re- wo are 40 1 42NUnrulSlNev8irut, — ward for any case of Catarrh that sure, be eminently satisfactory to And numeroua other arllolea which dering one Trozdle Dec 8, '88. Trox- all cannot be cured by taking Hall's Ca- mrw you ba*f I aatloB. bo have interest in any way In tbe wa MiaiMa f tiie'a body bu Jaat bean fonbd in the tarrh Cure. Fa&l Falterns! river. success of tho school, which will F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., To, Stoeka, Bonda, GntUl Provlaioaa and GALVIilllZED IRON, COKE, WINDOW CAPS, ledo, O. move forward under his raauagC' The State Convention of tbe Y. M reoeiv- Patfolaom We, the undersigned, have Known mentin lis mission of doing its work, We have Jmt 0. A. moots at Ceorgetown, Feb. 28, cocopylog the highest rank as an F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeara, •a«k^ aaU wa' Oaavla* Marcta tiBin, iimsnii in luniii nu i Itmil, and the Ux al Inatltatlon of learning. aspocialion extends a and believe him perfectly honorable ledikinooliaepf 9. a. isad agr aa*laaatnsT aaapUat. m corilial iiivitalinn to all visitors in all business transaction and flnan- l-t-I JT. AKO DBAUB8 IH daily able to carry out any obligation wh > may ilckire to attend. Tbe Literary Societies of South DON'T.WAIT 1 made by their firm. Kentucky College will hold an open FALL and WWTER nnware, Olaasware, Qaeeniware, Gatleiy and Lampi' The llenikrsoM Journal says ; "Tbe Wkst ft 'Truai^Wholeaale Drugglata, saiaion In the College cliarel Feb. 22, hlghwutmaii who attacked Miss beginning at 8 o'clock, P. M A va- As this Is the last oppor- anatb St. XopkiaxavlU*. Xy*, Waldi.nu, K innak ft Maxatv, Whole- Millie ru.sfv, of this city, hi broad ried and It Is hoped an entorlaining SUITINGS sale DruggMs, Toledo. O. programme will be rendered. Tho tanity to bny day liKhl on the GUIDE. goods Streets of New York, II. IhKsKN, FLORAL E. Van Cashier, Toledo members of the .Soceties will be Flonssr aaad Oatalocns of Amarlea. VAT jiAiTBaB, Kanagar. «. c. oant, Saloamaa. laia—. » . anil ii ii cl to rob her of herdismonds, Natluual Bank, Toledo, U. ^«t«l* IMof VwtsblM. Plowrn. Hulliaaiiit anMll AT (REDUCED PBIOB». pleased to hare their friends attend. AND dfscrlpuona snd rrl( ». Ikapa, 9«m I, with was senteiiretl Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In- taprvraS. f'otiUlna in the courts last week ilstoly rvvlM< Ml QANT ArCAITHER CO., l«rnally, acting directly upon the rartetlM fbanaayolbsr caUlofiM prtntMl. i ^l^autl to twelve years in the penitentiary, Tho bonded indebtedness of LouU- eolortd plats*. IsiM Incbss, snd a frontlipkr*. Kvsrv blood and mucus snfaoaa of the ays- DsnoB who owns s fb«t of land or cqUIvsim « i>lsat a£«ro]aAnts, lid pleaded guilty, else his sentence IboaMftoald have a copy. PriesPrioe ofor Tick'stick's noa^LFLoaAL oinoa.Oinoa, TobMOO Oommiefloii tern. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by Tille is )8,18»,000 wbidl la |6a,0D0 TROUSEMNfiSs n sns, would have been for wia i a long period." all Drugglata. i leas than a year ago. . ! .

THIS AND THAT. WET AND DRV. Too Local and Too Optional SPECIAL LOCALS, Tho loaders in the cause of temper- About Buce, who raconlly uaembled at WAIT NO LOIIC[a Ilrary aUMe, Matters Pertaining to the laaue TNU. I.IAlirLEV, Bogart * OaTia* Which Everybody ia Talking. Louisville under the name uf the Friiafa old aiaad.* FABMEBSI BDrOO AT ONCKTO E;u!eIsior National I'roblblilon Convention Flaninf KKHKI AUY 2^, 1881). aide ean jfot together fBIOAY, a. Dutb fbr booU and Whioberer I can do your repairing and fur- Go to A. were Ingulirly iinaiuinoua iu pro iflOO tPOtu will win by a lafb mar- nish you with now wagons and sboM and uva moaay.* option " gin. uouooiug local a fraud and glows at prIoM Ibat will suit you. Tom SiBlthMa will rapraMBt Fur- tubtarfuga of tba devil." Tbair u- all tm ma at new shop on 17tb will be tl my Tbe lempafanea ladies coal yan". bu * Bro. Mm taaaon. tion and anunolatione upon tbit quu ttrul, Jott above Koulks' tba pollt again tbit yur lo work for J. J. AUS'l'lN. ApartywugiTN at Mr. A. J. tion were, to tay lha lautofll, tur TMn I* obltrardir loM*. the Oryt. DKY OOOD8 HTOBB and inskfl Tour piir- Msrch istb ss the tlsy for Mtt tk* Prttlu knIlMitised, Maador'a Tnetdav night pritiog, although tba logle by whiib rtiases, lIsbasflKnU expecting to gain ISO - nslrilmUaa bis prassata u> bis rustomsni Factory! The Wela are Wagon mila r. a you want to Wktdi ynwIMit Itt Paper aaokt fur potUag up bama they tutuin thair poeilloB It ttroog In When Partlalltr wllk ilai la ankDoim, sdU ersry •Mol. votes in town, ll.'i at I'uuibrako, 20 at bodjr wUlbatraalMl alike. X>on'l Islllo nu st rtr twtalr-trajrmkM Ibe extreme. "It ia wrong," tay thay, for Mie at tbIa offloe, at fton IH - to biiy a buggy or any onea. Vow Is tha time. Fairvlew and 2.i at Lifayette, over "to put a (|uestlon of uioralily lo a He ts offsrlnf oKtnvirilnarr fadiioeineiits ia 3 oentt bis Mnslsting PKHaPNAL QOSSIP. ueb.* tho vole ofLSWi. kind of vehicle,! the evefT department ut bosloese, popular vote, for thue a majority may ol Dry liooiU siiil Kotioss ol Kverr UeMnp- R.jomt reputed to ba Ittrs of loipe tlOD. Dboes, Lsrpela, MattlBfs, Oil Ciotbs, ari^ so coiilident of best The Wol men set aside Ibe law of Uod. Fatkl is this place to get the Bti(s,Etol- FIKU) 8BK0S of all klnda, iDeh aa TImotbr success Ih tt III Ml}' (il tlii'iii are al- with the eternal vorltiea. timpering work and the biggest ur. a tiok-i will glvasi fvt wldek ratlUsa •t Oiwioo. o'olook^Niaaday Bight. Orchard Oraia, Northara Oat% Bad Kopi Kjra^ Stock Fau, Ao. rjady inakliii; araaiigonicniH to o)yen Christ waa crucilled by a popular bargain you ever you to a ebsDce. ntarnta Col Tom Bieda, of oMr lUrriaw, 1 KosewtNMi UprlKiit Piano, {.'.oo 00 Mm. N»t Vrlght hM Silooiis Ihe llrat week in March. vote.aud a papular voto caused Socra- warraatad SllS-Onlili lliiiin>lta ill II 00 C'InoinMtl. has caught flftua or twanly Ibna I from One week from to-inorrosr tbe tes to drink the fat li hemlock" and heard is the Blumen- BleasntsiuTroB Uiis.. 7 10 this winter, with bia hpnadt. 1 Llfe-slse doll, (li'e*«ed It U) < of I Mr. ) 1)0 lowii yinloriliy. Chu. W. Jouet, of thti elty, hu in ing sharply drawn and the neutrals deavors of probibltionista must be La'lloa' l. I I-aIr t e rtbOM.. 4 00 Corn Plantara and Check Rowara, Corn Drills, Homer Wheel Itsr- Birmingham to work at bit 1 tieBt's'rrBTrllQlt Bag ..... 4 00 MH«llitlii.> li.liljKI, NaahTille, U gone to are growing acarcar every day. aimed at an ultlmato and prohibition row Saadera, Calboon S^era, Wsllaca Broad-oaat Bcclcrs, Disc CERES CORN 1 KId« Km^. LsiuDroqiitB.. eo Hand trade of earriaga makiag. I rina Table Cover 4 00 tlio KiK'Nl (if MiN. .Inltii lt.)yd. cannot supply." llarrowt, Iron Duka Harrowa, Wood Frama Uarrowa, aad SterliuK liar- When tho Drys ofl'or proof to show tuperior to anything on the mar- .. It ii floz. Ladlae' Klne lloea I 10 rowa. J. Clay JobaMB,aUa^K. K. Houie, 1'he concensus of opinion at thown •^..los Uenl's Kliio Hose ... 5 00 Ml-, aiwl Ml'.-. I. I!. Ilnaett ire that tbe town hsH not hern hurt by ket. I ilos. Fine Napkins > 00 wuarrutadal OlarkifUla Monday prohibition asking, by the reports of tbe prooaediogt dos. Kins Towels t 00 vi-i' Ills' I'l'l.iil VI K III 1. iiiUville. the Weu reply by $1,50 per Dozen 1 Fair Kent's Suspenileis . I oo for Ibrgary oomailtlad la Olbaon that option "too local a wbaa there »mj piohl' wu loeal wu ttake our rapntalion ou this corn doz. Klne Towels *' 71 M;-H SiiMc .\()iiliiiii.'loii, 6r I.afiy' hu em hew Wa I do (jeet's llaodkcrclilers oouaty. billon and loo opIlonaL" That It it loral and defy oompetltton with Yarmouih cllu, i^vl.iliiiK Mm. W. K. 1Uk»'1»1' la town. Ctarkt- telflshneaa tnd should be relegated to nr any other brand. McKK£ "THE 1 riaexllk Hnlllrr Tha naw diraotory of tha Drya eonfldent they will bava In alack oar-loada of 8TBBL, (Jtllilln, The are 1 Pair Flee Kid oloTaa Wa two OAST AND CHILUtD Mr. mill .Mrn. (' I.ery, of the rear. This seems to be taking GROCER." Tillalnrnplka eompaay are hariag increase their majorlllaa in the north I Pair c'/olored Kid tiJovaa. . PLOWS. Spmlal attantinn la InrUau lo tha Avary, H^llman, Snutb-Bend I Jap. Work-box Teun., TUliml Mn. Kr»nk«l thli on advauoed ground upon tbe question, and Dlount '-True Illue" Plows. These are, witlioiit i|iiesUou, tha loading soma loBg-naadtd npalMnade 200 votes, gain SO al Barkar'e Mill, 16 Farmers, have you examined thr I roaaytAalrTldr 1 Oaat'sTls 1 and best plows oil this niarkrl, and lull Kimrateo oa aTOrjr plOWi WMk. wUI baput iu or perfaapa a more aoouraie way of "New Deere Corn i'lauter and Chock k'^c tbe Una. Tha pika at I Raik-towal Lafayette, 2S at BaaaatlatoWB and raaof We keep a full line of UBl'AIitS of all aorU for these plowa. Bmbrlr, of VlnoiDn«i, putting tt would be to tay it waa a Rower," the "New Deere DIac Har- 1 Faaev rmlt Basket Mm. Emm* good ooaditioB. keep to 800 la tbe tha majority down rows," tbe "New Deere Walking and 1 lloU UasonTllle Domealle ii»i.,iii vUiiiBgth* tmUr ot Wm. decided retrograde movement and an 1 Marseilles gollt Ray. A. W. MtaehaB will preach city. Riding Cullivator," with parallel mo- abandonment and renunlcatloo uf 1 Pair Osnl's Oloree Skeillt nol, do so al once, and you al Urofton 00 Mday aranlng Harcb The Wat man atkad a divlalon of tion ? If Tbe aboTB prfsenti aro on exhibition In ror ground rciinn rly lield tenable, as •bow window. l>o not rati U> k*e t)i(.in. Ile- Mr. It Iluntldwn bu tkkon 10 (be will buy no other. R 21), a urmoa Intiodaetory lime with Small, bat lha Orys meraber. that earli CA9II P.mcll >'K of One Miss Willai'd. of Iho W. C. T. V. Jno. It. GuKE.s & Co. rotil MlMiDtD for RIm & Co on Batur- l>ollar entitles ynutooiie ticket, Ten IX>Ilaj-s, » Circle Mutlag to eoBTeaa refused to turn hit toetaru ialo de- wlllaohtlnaatohandlalhacalabratad branda forinorly an ardent local optlouist len tickets, and soud. We of "HOHBSTKAD" tobtoooi. day morniag tba SOtb. fnmlah Weinerwortt, smoked laustge, and "TUOMPSON * KDWAB08" rKUTUJZ£B8 for Tobacco, Com and btiea, but ity thay will wherever abe bad formerly room says, "Ibat bulk sausage, met worst Liver wortt 0. M. LATUAAA, Wheat. Mr«. M. N. Rdtohbt* tikcn* A prirata lecture on Chemistry, apwkere to mutany MTel orator who gone Into tbe cawpalgna for loeal op- Head ehaatr, Kanoble worti, and ail BoptlasTUIc, Kr. inil boird at Mr. 0. M. MMwbMt'l, by Prof. U. K. Taylor, of Uuaaallville, mountt the ttump. Ha.SloulhKaln St. tion enthuaiaalloaily, aba la now kindt of freah niMtt, at Bowlu and on Houlli Mil II. III be giren by thu South Hide C. L,- Luther Benson spoke at Ihe court ready for the new dapartorr," and Oirard't, bet 7th and Main. Djlhel Frank IIa|{«<)ilc<, Itfl yi>i.lerroval. repairing, and you I'*, wu tlio gucil of lilii liioilur (.oulsrllle and Naaliville county it being made squately upou couiilr, on Sat- There is a iiiic appreliciHioii on tha Uw, Mr. Uallcy Wallor, tlili week. arrested iu Hopkins the limitt ao emphatically condemned want it nioely done urday by a detective. He was a con- p>rl ol'lho Wet men as lo how tbe Mr. NaUnn D. (irepn baa raoUd a by tlie National Workers iu tha aid for little money is chariicd blind tigers and walking accommo- cottagn on Soulli VirifInU 8tre«t and ductor III (he East and prohibition causa and their action fur $(;7W.- dators will vole. Tliey may go for go to BLUMEN- Ith forging a check movml lo tlie city from (irarey. lie coming as It does just ou Ibe eve of the Dry aide, bacauaellcenaedaaloona JUST RI)(;EIVE0: Two car-loadi of llie celebrated "Qlldden" Sia. Owensboro Miuenycr. will have a very discour- CAR'GE CO. will oMTua for the ifiw the election, 8TIEL thiceat Barbed Wire, warreotod tba baat ia tba Dnitad SUtaa. TbIa la tba woald biMk ap iboir budnaea. Il.xiser.t llillarit are gelling a aging effect upon Ibe many advo- only wira galraalaad by tba palant ooattanoua prooaaa, warrant narar lo OREAM OP NEW*. The Kbmtoouui it a nawspiper ruat nr large invoice of gasoline sieves for cataa of problbltiou iu tbiavouuly.— Down 20 Per C corrode. tBd will tapprtM ao lla« of aawa Wo also liocp Wire Stretcbera and Pllere. ihe spring trade. Servauls are so [AdvartiumeBL Choice leaf lard lOe. CASH at UcaAil H«a*. I... January 19, 1889. mKtlon In iinall Or. B. Cook, Itobt. Cook, eoB of B the 2Sib iust at tho iioiuuof Ibe bride. u £'Aa.'%WJ.\asan!'ij?-2i!isi^ oce toiMricni cniiluiiiplatiiiK rcnior- Johnaon, tilled their appointment for egant line of fine sta- left tbit weak to awlat in oondocllog niMmaSin, ratu-r ipcrchca at Concord <.ai\ r.s— CAUI'UKLL. I to Kentucky. Tl^ hand book can prohibition the O. railroad hotel at llunt- tionery at Wyly & C. * niglil. The atten- .Mr. I'alrner (Iravcs, caabier of the t)o encloned In »n milinary <:nTelo|)e Church, Saturday It young man MABBLE WOXUCSI ington, W. Va. Ha a Iblloity, will Burnett's, which has Kiat'* (« dance was limitotl, owing lo unfavor- rsl National Hank, of and will l>o rnrnlnlit'il qnalilMtloat and fgood bnaiBaM bu married to day to Miu LUa O. Burnett House, who ilcilnj lo n-ply to U llcr» of 1»- able weather, but the speakers were just been opened for ludoalrloM baUtib aad wUI doubt- Campbell, daughter of Bar. D. S a. Oacao a aaO . Prerrlelers. <|ulry from abroad. Tlio lonlcnt* tealsus as ever and gut there all tba inspeotion. M. ess gtvaaatlra Mtltlboltoa In tbe |Ki|>ula- at me. Campbell, of RutaellTiUa, Ky. The t'lnbi aro iTo|i», |iriiD of land, S. I CORNKR NNTU and BKOADWiT, to poaiiton ha goM UL oeremony will uke plaMlntbaMetb- liiiii, indunlrieii, wealth, health, It it believed that a mijorily of ibe I aiu«rei from L. * K. Depot, nounted hit horae tbia achooU, chnrcho", public Itnpiove- A oonntryman board of eonnoUmaa would flavor odlat cburoh of thU phlM at 6 I'ueaday aftaraooa aad put whip to LOUISVILLE, - KY. uiouta and about arerytbing peraont high Ileenu ebonU tba Welt win. evening. WIM *t was a CfeU, ska ansa tw OasSsal^ a:i poitU Id tht otty. him at Tenth atreet and want out oaaofUopklntvil'e'a gt^ BtrMt Cart run to •eeklng Daw bomM tad buslaw* io- SuppoM thit thopid be Ima aad S8 Mr. GravM la % South Main In a gallop cursing and wor&kttatandBMateapablayoong bue- (D oalloui would want Ic kaow. MiooBt ahonid ra-opao aad pay $1000 Tlsi Llqnora, Cigars A Tobftooo. yelling in a loud and daflaut toaa. lieenN aad wlpa ont tha lacH men aad It a ganilaman of ex- Hog-bad. Mob elty Olad In a tba bill witboat H Ha dluppaarad orar oily debt In one wuk ? Tha elty ealleat moral ttaading and high per- On lant Tuckday Ihi dead body of raeogniud. Ue boiug atoppad or OWM Jutt «S8,fi00, bnt 11,000 would sonal character. Being manufacturers' agenta for Ghristian GirouitGoarts 0) a iiiHii iiunied llarrit, a rctideut of htd uvldeatly Imblblbg tome- the Russellville tbe Iron Uuke Harrow, we offer yon bMB paralyae the email fry and cause Uf tbe bride-to-be ADBLIA I.IFRTIKB tad Bsptrtt. neigbborbood, wa» two and three aection Harrows great- M. LirBTINK. ; till' r.nibruko thing. theoolored peo- Herald "Mist Lida Is one ol more kicking among THi tltjr (^me the nartlea h^rrtn, A>1«||]i 1.ii>- of ly Improved over last year. See our H found in lio^-boduu tb« farm gives daugters, and ttlna unit her hiiftbnn'l, M. I.l|«tlnf. uml in n..< The Owenaboro Muiengtr ple than prohibition. Unssolivide's loveliest new Iron Duk* beforo buying. (D aide Clerk'i office of the chrtittan Cirruit 'iirL Mr. U. A. Uronaugli. By U* • .Ir., as captor baa indeed taken this Item: (ius Slaughter, Sam Small'a Appointmenta. licr furluiiate Jno It GiiECN A Co. fl'edfliftd ibetrIbetr rxptrt^»pert P- WU t bolUe of wblakjr OMflr relief from the un- s pr /.I!. The sweet ciiristlan lnllu- Ihe best means of i Croflon, i m., Monday %'> bj decree aC taM ovrt to iife,rnJor.*aell tad dieil p. ooBTerfbrberowii weandbeneat anyanj projH (Q •ad tbe luppoalttoa la that b* pleasant condition of things al Hen- ence which has made her ao lovely , IIopkiusvllle,nigbt, opera house, 'Ij Wyly & Burnett ertr ilit mar own nr acfiiiirr. frre from thr druhk. Tbe I.l)«tine; to from ezpoaura wblla derson, brought on by tba recent will olesB her own home. We hope oUtmaorriebtatif herhn»>contr«oU,Bneaiid be rued m a Htosie bt lo ba tbat of & K just reoe i v e d body wu thiwf scandal, gone to Memphis to take no shadows will thicken or torrowa have wninan. tu trade lo her own nnn t>, nnd ttinpfote (D hu IV'inbroke, niijht, Tuesday 21!. other pn>|Mrty Iit will or re klnfivi la Kenlm kiiin. n j»u|Mir |.iih wu earriad to iba hoaaa of Mr. T. over Sunday at liOuisTllle, sunthiue, song and petoa be found H ttoppad liurrotliburg, nighl, ThiirMisy 28 of excellent toilet |iabf!'lln lIopkhifTllI". Kt-ntiirkv. Ibf li-nKiti Layaa^fbtbarora. IL Liyua. Ilara of time rt><|iilreil bv law. 1^ but escapiHl all lutervlewa." till llfo on Mrlh hu andad." I.ifayetle, !> a. Friduv, .Msich I Given nn-ier my hanil.aa rirrk of thf Ciirist- 0 m , br to It wu dIaeoTared Ibat lb* oorpi wai soaps ever ought lan Circuit Court. Ihi* ;nh il^vof Kt limiiry, furniture firm of Clark A 1 Ucenuc leauad. The new Hopkinsville, nigh', Court House, lt(MI. CYKCSM ItlEOWS, I loik. that of Ilarrla and an laquatt waa Co. Iiave forged right lo Iba front In coLOBin. this city. Make a Aitrat: i,vR»rs M IlKuwN, Clerk Alice Norman's Appolntmanta. (l-MEi * held over IL The vardiot of lha Jary Mrs. IlKNHY .1. -TtTLH, Mli-rtlfV popularity and deaptia theory of dull trial order oon- Anilocb, Friday 22 Jno. BeargenI to Maggie Lloyd. and be coiiid not be learned. do Gbri&tian Circuit Court. ilmu heard from BMrehaalt who Caldwell to Anna Merlwrather Tliia raaket two canes of thU tort Mnsrham's School house Sal. 2:1. Oeo. vinoed. Bxriari a big W. J. soTON ) not advartlu they hara doaa — lo equity HODGSON. I SAMUEL l-leasant Hill, Sunday 21. wllhlu Iba praaaut montb. Nam't ^ Wadi.iniituN. Ilia wife. I l*etitfun butlnan tbit aeawa and deroonstrat- To-Nlghfa Attraction. rrta.-AnHiasls||ittrse»y Br. WIm-s 2.'). Ttiuttay ca)ii> tlio |>viuit Bro. tall Out. with the »o Fits anar llnRiimantl Vaucv a. U'nilliiiKton.bla wife, and Porbu * adlhalrupaoUy to rank Olob* uya: eai's aaa. aaraa. rasWsa and l^ytonsrillr, Tueaday 27. ThaLe Mara DaUg Mamnaas T aicd in tbe uriii!"i>i the Clark of tbe Cbri'tlnn nItmalbaUlafrssSaMeaaaa. Uad to Dr. moatpaaUagMiA ipiraulva flrmt Cin oit Court ihokr eiparle pellttun in eiinltr, Mtaart. IVirbM * Bro., tba Bopklaa- "Our people were agnubly dinp- laiM,Mi Ankat..PMU. Pa. Granite and Marble Monuments. Hour of aptaking arranged by local riraylnf that the petitioner, Nam^ A. Wai) tbair la tha alty. Iwcmpuwered by decree of laiil Cuurl, Tllla eoatruton, bara aold out committees. polnlad in thit oonpany lulavanlnf. loaton, tiakaalaiatailai aad mfik arllstia work at Ihe lowtat prieei. to ua«. enjoy eell and ooiiTpy for bi-r own bi-n- Ureeu. Tbe Coinmerotal C:ubt art all the lash- their orlgiual now own or here- branob at Bowling Benson's Appointment. Intlaad of "ohutnutt" If you JiavB an old edt any prorerty alia may F H. WHITLOW, of UopkiaiTlllc, Is my Holiuilor for the sale of work, Luther after ac(|Utrr, free from ilie clalmt or iletita ware utility Is begln- tpaoialtiet, plaalag mill aad lumbar yard ion. Their practical llrtt part eoatlttlnff of of ber laid hnabaad, W.J. Wtditngion, Mr. I.ulher Itenson waa called bug^y and want a new all iotelligeiit make eoniracla,an« and be aaed aa a aing le SAMX HOZSGSOir. aold lo Prof. T. J. Wllllinia, Bnparln. ing to bo recogniml Iu tbe house, it being to brought down woman and to tradn In ber own name,' aixl home last Friday by a telegram in- it in> Undent of tba Bawling Crean Normal towns which have a future. Even entirely difforant from what is teen one bring and we dUuoae of berpropertr by will or dee^t. It li hia wife ortlerrd that a copy of tbla order be pabllabcd l!us- forming him of the illnuaof Schoola. Tba aaw-mlll and loga staid and highly coiiservativx In enterlalninenis of Ihia kind. Tbe wHl sell you one so cheap In the Ifoiiklnattlle Keatuekiaa, a mwqitpar tbit will 111 bia eiHUlljr. Clnli, and hot be telegraphs be pulililhed in llupUUTllle, IJtrmlM ware told to the ScotlaTllle Lumber aollville has organized a company Is compoaed of gentlemen, Kentucky, for the Mftod of len daye, ae appointment al tba Court Uoun to- it ufiU make your eyes entire iale« amounted to every week other towns are pulling that ret|ntrfd hr law, Co. The and all work ao barmonloualy Ihii IVb'y mil. night and will tpaak to mm only. is open ( imOWK. Clerk. about *,">0,(I(10. Tho lirancli Ihi-io ha* Into line. Tho Commercial Cluli an audience has no chance lo find VHt SM. <;hrtM(ian Cin-iilt Ct>urt- to He will apeak at b len iMidrr ihc coiiti ol of Mr.. I. K tho business man's organiztllon fault. So rapidly do the acts follow Blumensiiel Car'ge Co. A ri*py Att. Cvnt'a M. llaowM, Cleik. public Hamby Friday !S. flarry rerKuaoo, Attorney. (ebl&lOd Forlie", wliii will luiiirn here, and keep local luoasuraa before the each ollior tliat one has no time to 'go wsoLEALfi mii Speaking to begin at So'cloek P. M. Mr. lieo. K. liary, who baa gone into and push thcni to cnmplolion. out and see a man.' They give an wm OPERA HOUSE, Cbristian Circuit -(AND ACIENTS KOR- buaineaa in LoulaTllla. Tbia branch An educational Convention of the Anti-Prohibition Appointments, luiertainment rednedand worthy of FEB 22 Court Oi'TRRii and Mtabllilied about flro yeara ago, Chrisiian and (juarlw, native Do not fall to at- M. A. RXPABTB. wu llstrict composed of .ludge .lames M. a a large houM." BEACH A BOWER'S UABAH K. tVlTlIKIB, hIa wUir rioin start. to-night I"*'' n'Tn'r". .\.tni!h- tad waa aucccnKfu! tbe eigiit surrounding counties will be of thit oouBty, will addraM lha voters tend thit performaaca Tbliday oamo 111'- ^t ilii-l WHISKY, tintim.', u iic. ami OLD rie Sarah K m- BEEHMEN and and to-mor- T6 oeale nailery 60 cantt. Wants To Be a Cadat. held at Prlnoeton to-day ofCbrlattaBMantyon tha Prphibi- Admiiiloa ; FAMOUS MINSTRELS, their f xparte iwtitmn in tlie om<:it ot llie CI< rk ot tha t'liriailaD I ircult Court, pravlns that lubjacta are Aad riaaat tlnirormsU Band In the Warlu. NO. 212 nnST STIIEET, row. Many Intorwtlug llon qoMthn u MIowa tti« Court wonlil by dt-cree rm|iowur the aaid .of Logan Keland, yonnvest ion ti K.iiuthrle to uae, erjoy, m-U amlletlnfiilsh«l *ey own any Hon. tduoatort: Vtb. S7. IS Artliu. Si uwa or hnreaftef acquire, free from we eUUme >wlBg by HopklatTllla OfoftoB, Wednteday, RuhTllla Rail- I I Tbe Ixmisvillp * PHlCaS: Jaa n-lai for a Weal Point Cadctublp from ihc A Vast nnsnlsatlon ordebte of her aala buabaad. lo maaa eon* UoMorXdoeatiOBat Progratt" by Hawaii, Thnraday, >i»b.i8. tract*, ane itied »e itngle woman, and road Company will ull Bonnd Trip Ti CaaU. Mossn-hs or Iba Minstrel and be a country at large. The President ap- totran4 aadlnr on makes bia first ap- lucky, tht! li-'tKiii "111'' iirin'Tlbed by law. new l're»ldeiil ?" J.T. Har- Central Iba Pro-' the public schoola by Her. Tho CommlttM of Marsh 8rd, Ibr on« Ave. Oood to re. iilTPn iimh-r iny linn>t. ni'' h rk of theCbrllt- lie Is an excoptlODtlly tan CIrruit Court, ihl* .lan'ytfth. 1R8B. ]ioinlnicntH. "Reading" by Miss Nora Stark. hibitlon I'arly having been asked by row ; turn until MarehSSrd. These special $100,000 TO LOAN. cYHi/sileiiBOWli, Clerk. and Intelligent young man worthy superintendent of the Execulivo Committee of iho cltl- A<'>|>r- Att: CrBPSlC.BWWMaCkrfc S. B. Mott, county relet are given to afford all an op I ftin pr€|tftr«ti u» miike loan* In nums of iira«her.t Altera for PetltlOBon. and bia many frieuda bare will la Iiraabtr, MUOE, lo the I'rohibilion par- |1 000 or raort tt r per cent , to be Mcureil HEENDi leus Mme % Caldwell, it Pruidant of tha tsaocii- opimsed porliinlly al attend Mardi Graa iu much gratified to auhtm taenra tba kr flnt aiortCNIM on r««l ettttc worth iloulile ty for a division of time at Ihe ap- ' tion. tllOHO citiOH the amouBt of tb« Imm. appotntmeal. . made for Ur. Sam Small (Sucoaaaora to HaairDON, HALLViia ft Co.) The unprecedonled rush of Job work pointments J. ntm, imm mm: mcr. Bonds Dellverad. and this leiiuost boiug refused, com- ATTORMIT, I bare opened at: Kmployment .\fenoy on 7ih KanTucaiAN offloe during the SPECIAL LOCALS. in the Street. OffleeoTer llrent A rhelixt. Ritnationi pels the independent appointmenta j.AM»KU. Tho $20U.000of Christian eounly last sixty days has caused unavoid- found and belpaecurid. II. N. for Judge (jiiarles as given above. bonda Hubscrlbed to the Ohio Valley able delay in lllling many orders, but PHOTOORAPHSI llutMr. Small la respeolfuUy Invited Tobacco Salesmen Railroad, were delivered to Messrs. by putting on extra help and ruunlug Balota TM kara year plctiira ukaa eona lo each and all of them - and a fair 8. E. Trice, E. P. Cainpbsll and Lu- our job presses day and night wa Ealik Stamps! division of lima will ba teeordad atleniloa alren to cicn .Tones, (ho trus''!es appointed, on to relieve the pressure bastanr wark.^M>aolar havo managed aklMUh-tlie HnralU bribe new Ilro- him. All are Invited to attend. of rirtnre rraniee tho Kith lost. Tho Utilroad inufit be to a great extent and can now prom- Niokel-plated Pan and Penoil ilde Froesss. Vine line always on band. CLAtCNCe ANDEtaON, fill altmps, with 1 Una eti., with In- actively at work within (K) days after i«« work with more certainly and An Elegant Subalitute. W Kalasi llorSINHTaLS. KT. delible ink, SSelt. Other tiampt in the bonds are ^•(•'ad, ao It will be orders with more dispatch. We ttlll For oils, sella, pilli, and all kinda ol proportion. Pickvobd & SiiiMoiit. aaen Ibat April 17tb la tbe nry latest on a large amount ofbook have baud bitter, nauseous medicines, is the GALT HOUSE, day npoB wblob work may be re- and otiior Job work that ean be very agraoable liquid fruit remedy. Figt. Kaconimended by tOVtawtLIM, CBHTDCKT, turned uoder tbe oontraot It it ex- turned out at leiture, bnt ara again Syrup of SEWING MACHINE. leading Phptlolaat. Manufactured peeted that a large .fotoa of haodt aJMoato falak job* ofaay yon wtnt for Ihe praparad to only bv tbe Oaliromia Fig Byrop No matter what TbiLirsiiiudriuttBtliliiUiCitji Co., , SUARANTIwO TO OinWEAR WAREHOME potto work In the near fbtuta, mUm. Bring Sewing Haohlne, C. K. West A wlUba klndonaAw'honra' Company. For sale In SO oentt and custom-made corset have it at 105 Weat Bat«i-$3 60 to $1 Par Ct^ ao- any MMt arold the bottles. the machine men, "Popular Delusiona" Chosen. on your work now $1.00 Mnrff, sTR0us£ a co. Main Street Sm their nnanualed oordiaf to BooBU. - Bprlog roth. - The American of Wednesday con White and DomulieMaohinu before TSBiisi a» aassua Bsraa i« raa Haosa. 1 CLARKSVILLE, TENN. Enough votes had boon cast yester- yon Meura. J. H. Andenon k Co., tbe buying any othare, U naaAk^Mw day it noon to make certain the seleo* taloed an account of Ihe "spotted Glatt Comer, one. y popular clotblert at tbe scourge" in Webster county Oainis. (iin. 8. (Jaines. tion of "Popular Delusions" as the fever Tnos. H. sollelU the patroaaia of tarassrs and daalers In tobacco ihroiirii 'iil I lirlitlsa this Seeiieettullr have used prlntera' Ink freely correspondent saya there have subject of Wendllng's lecture next The Carerul aad pronpt atUntlon lo all liualnee, eutrii,t«>> lu uh jiu.l »ll season and although they came as RUBBER stamps!' aaUadJolDlolcoanlies. Thursday stood 83 been && deatha so far. Only two moeioommo 4k N. Excurtlon Motet. they will not have enough winter witta pains in tbe spina and head, Wbulbarrow Baader 'gooda left to feed a single family of Tbompion Timothy, Red Top, Or- TbaUAi N. will tail exeonlon motht next tnmmer. They are now followed by oramping and oonvul towa Clover, tkkau to chard tiratr. Blue Orsss. Warrant WuhlngtoD, D. 0. from giving ipeoial bargaint, making ready siont. Duth Ooeurt in (Tom Ava to FRORT. TABPLET,DAT&00., Uiiein Co. BED Jno. R. A THE S8th tnat, coming spring atook and those ad. the to the 3d prox., at one for tbe fifteen houM, and the corpse lornt needing goods in their line abonid fhre for tbe round trip, good return- almost Immediately. NIcket-plaiml pvn and pencil atan-ps fall to call on them. Mr. ,Tak. II. TENN. until not Sficti. CLASESmLE, lag and including lha 8lb pros. tlok with name, ISo, inde iahle ink AuderaOD, the resident ninmber of .Mr. Jno. M. Heater bu bun arytipalM for Ono. W. PnaLPt. Wholeealeaad letall Oealera in .More Probing. tbe Arm, baa iu oue season made bis with eomelbtng Ilka one of the moatpopular atores several diya. Jno. Wllllami pleaded guilty to bouae Ixivars of excellent Juioy matte Groceries! In the eitr and tbaKcNTOoxiAK Ukea tbrongh Staple and Fancy ohargea of violating The LAN. par oar puted call on or aend their ordara lo two the prohibi- bim to> tbe should Diauure la ecmmandlng Ibe olty Wedneeday. bat Main Oanaral Fradaoa boiigbt aad aold. Spaolal altaoUou paid to ordara rrom ttoB Uw yutarJay and wu BowletAQlrard'ibTlhSt, Coantry Solicited and Promptly Attended To A»M fW nB«Vli|)idn. Work In MMh MM, wkloli ha paid. rmk Wa. briN 11 toilt'itek. M

' i»r»)i w< i! w » | wit> ,?yii?v> i

'iJ-tVi-Olt/-,;. : I- . . . — A

Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for TABLX THAHra. Marcli. ARKANSAS, TEXAS m .lual now aul>jvi:l AND Africa Is a prime Liviugston L. Buckner, L. A V. Ballroad. ol int«re«<( anfl Kmnia Ktyinuna . fomU or Aajr of Thu California Short Line. >trakvautni-4:Wand*l:0V i,ii.|l:ltf. I'llintii'a article (in "Slavery mil WMtoni Itatoof uaraat Moava-»:u and— 1, a,! loisf p. a vaaiva MinaioMs nil llii^ V.ixtt I'o.isl nf AlV.i:*" VIA aaAa aauTa-siN a.a. i t:4i,nillr. a If you should avail yourielf ol the LIVERY, FEED, taaivg»aoBMoarB-4iHA.a.i—.tiia r.a will ti'll liiiM'cMau' HUM II uln.iii ilial advantages that are now offered by HempUl and LltUt BookBtUioad W. W. Aleiaadar Agsat, Bapklaavflla, Sr IKrlol tlio Dai'k Cuiiliui iit wIiIlIi ik the Uasaaa City Kouta, the only di- The Oreat Throagh Car Bouta. -AND i-usT urricK-Wast Mala htrasi, kal. Mb roruiiium 111 llitt niinil. 'I'liu .Mnluiu- rect route from the South to the and sib. medau women ol Iiiilia am ik-tcribml Two Tralni Sallgr to Arkanui West and Northwest. This line runs monTHLy 'ipcii fui letters, *tampe-f a, M. to I P. a. by y. F. Nurris, auU P. J. I'upoU'cuii- SiCKNES5. •• nnuer ordero-s a. a. toir.a. its entire trains, with Puiiman PAlace raftc^ auricjr C^cirge Wlthmt « Chaafa Ou SALE STABLE, • " tributet a valuable artiole on >-frj«- «f of £if 4altnrx,auodara->Mlr.«a Sleening Cars aud free Beclinlng iireor Aoijocr «Mf Jot avoit Ttlakl's AdTontures )n Central Ania" OkMfitttau iBd POUTuaan Bxruaaa ornoi, Chair Cars, from Memphis to Kan- na ,ffr bMK'!M«J4C(gc^^crntrt .M«ry Tileonib's arllcleon "Wayn an. avaalkat.BsarlialB. sas dtf, aariag many honra time DXlll oaaa sA.B.MIP.a. ^Vordo of Ainvrieau LawyeiH" iii over any other route. If you are go- bolU amusing and inalructive, ami Slt«fr(U)lftlUUtOR(j). Elegant Fwrlor Chair Can TBUMaAPB omoaa. ing you will save money by pnrchss- .^lPr\i<.-Mall B&d KiprrM No.l. uur tor and olgbtoao houn lay over bj one trala ud J. K. LOCKWOOD, 1.1-ive rniiratoD 7:toa. lu ; arrlre at Uraoof nicr .Minister ID Turkey, lelln abunt ''t.!2~ss?S DffiTcf son iz boura by tha other, hy taking tba m Oer, Tenia aad TlislBla dto.. f ii. at I'rttK-tiuii _ Kanaaa City, Mo, JunuiltMi, I.I »U«e frwB '•Anarchy In TurKoy," and Dr. 'l'*!- „ _ ro TUX C htrkavlllf. Il 11:17 B. m. H. D. Xlub, Ticket Agent, Popular Through Car Route, nuue preaehex a brilliant Hsrmou uu UliiMl iralii (ditly rirrpt Puoday). l^avt 31 Madlaoadtmt l>rli.i-rli , RfriTti at I'rlueeton .liino* "iSiu as a Taakmiisi. r." Tbe serial Hopkinsville, £y. tliiii at slory "Ueuevlevt.'" is contlniiod, and BOITTII Nultril IIOUMi Mail ami Kiiiicaa, Nu. I. Kaiiuio Memphis and Little Rock, .A\ liiur .M itlu'Wii (-niitritnitt^ Much Interest is manifested In the MTIA I ad I'riiH ri'in .liinrtidn at 4:w a in.;ar- • '» ciiiiiiii: Abaalatthr sal* r ivu at liract'r at aud at rriBcelon at 7 a Icijiler *1iuil H'uv, I i-m ut ii»;lit lietweeii .Tohii I.. Sulli- tka Uai ihroatb wllbemt dstiy or I' WiKjiug." 'I'liu van and MEMraiSTENN. uauai dt-parcmeuia Jake Kilrain, Both Darliea I tratu alallr axrant SuniU^v l.«aTa NO EXTRA BnI of Tiiotliii Ihu ud Srinfi arc full of interasi, and Mi. UanI Utr, are confidant of winning the 4ght CHABQB rOA BEATS Tna'Ttuii Jiiii<-ti«n at T:u r arriTO at organist of Trinity Cburob, Saw IN TIIUUUOH COACH. rnncctoii hi 11:10 a. m. —yrvBxvaxjK Uiaiancn (ruB l*rlnc«U>D Junctkni to — rrlooe- Vork, haaa rigorous bymu-toueto Illinois Central Railroad. Theee Coacbe* bar* Portats la sbargs to look THE after the Comfort and wslfaro of tho faiigvaat, (oBtUiUln. Dean PluDiptru's "liejolce, jra Pure MARKETS. and to etf« that tho Local Paaoongar* ars aol In lloart," There am maujr aliori allowod to gel in Uta Through t;oaehaad emrd DAY AND NIGHT For Lovlirnii, OhmpukiAOUi The Fopiikr ai Frefemd kli tham. Mootborronuoahrtauob arUoiea Kvma»t Wsskly by Charlw MaXsa * Co. Induosmoaia. and poems, and soma beanil- II woald lu tou Haw aad pationoo too mooh Bontt. Tbs arooors, HopklnsvlUSk gy. I'.K rH tis — Ail Aill-paga Ulusiratlona. toauasiplto OMonbe tho rloh and boauUlul A Ko.t. raoriBioxs. hoaiaa aad lartllalaiMli o( Ark ansa* and Taias. HIVSR rAlUNtt WILL Ol Lt. HopktoiTlllf. L. N., tM A. Thoraforo, I Memphis dc New Orleaos, La would advlao 700 to gu and eo* toi Arr. Norttinrltle, ** a. m. Biitlor ?0 to Sso. jronneir. linnds result from two causes. Ton much alkali In the Horedi'..lry, Esan.:nethe r^mntrf. Mlngl* with MINERAL WATER AT STA- I.T.Norttmvillr.C.AO.. l.iTr.m.; 7-47 a. m. CIlArrrn lb*ii«opl*. tbe Kk|i»-1ii,o. SplooolBta Kaaii soap, which draws the natural from skin, leaving hanh, ohISkSM, It N Ml ia. orrent afarro, ortako up BLE. WATIB eOOD trouble tiovarnmenl Land, uid fur tbe Vircliilaa and tlie Houtbaael. same duvuluped ucur my Iiaoon-sidas, ISe. PalUaaa BnlMt atsspssil and go te work. dry, and liable to or the (kts, from wUdi tbe loap is made, mck, right eye in 1883. It was at lirst i Hama-Connti7.lle;si|araafSl,U«all«. Tralaa Always «a tia Pooplo •migratlag from Iho Sonthoaal oaa. roB Mail OB No. 7. No. I. no* eadura tho oxtrom* oold LT.II«pktnf«ini<.l,.AN.. 10:00 r. I:Ua. strawberry oulur, but chanaed tu pur- Bhonldors—v. of Kanaaa, Mo- M.; arc not properly combined with the alkali, so, from its greasy nature braaka and lha Morthwoaun wiaUr. 4aai Arr.Nort4iii«¥iii«.c:.A o. io:M p. m.t lOiir a. ple, and grew to the size uf |i partridge Lard-RaaMd, isiattra aheiss Isal think of It—Blue long oniha of loo. *aow aad HBA8T. LT.NortoDTllle.t.AUJ'MldlA.ii.; litt r.a. fim^ rdlBU hM Sleapn bitter wlad* Haiiucah, Chseoo-Il la oxohaag* for oar Snnnr I %rr. BjMa.ii.; it is impossible- to rinse off the soap after washing. Prof. Leeds, egg. My right eye became much iu to Mo. ' Sooth tMt,m* Arr. Pulioii.Il).(;ea.K.B.ie«lA.il.t Flour-Patent, ;t VIA THIS BOirrB OorwaU-UabarsdlaadtortbelrtreeleeeiTaoul I'M r.K. tijiiioil, llie dreuiiful IS , itandard, |l and disease was M. ret than an aaaampatoas Arr.KlTea. II. Ph. D., StcvLiis Institution of Tcchnolog>', says: "The IvoKv Ueal— aanute who gir* A O. A. B. IIM A. M.i lUl r. M. lapiiiiy wu'.tiii^ my hloaway. 1 Uscil rooperhuahe:. glowing dMnrlpttOMOllballAhweat. Ilenol Come Onel Oome ail! Arr. Mamphli, lUHr. M.; lill A. H. Dried B«af-By plaeo, Uo; ohlppsd, uiusotrtgisirmui!. DO deeslvedl Tlut Arkanaa* and Taiu f.T.Ueniplile, ftetp.ll.; 141 A.M. Soap, while strongly cleansing, leaves tlie skin soft and pleasant to quite a number ol remedie, but with Mo. and bs vsar awn Indge 1 PAY A SMAI.r, FEE Arr. VickalMirit, tv:iw k.m.; r. m. out iMnellt. At this crisis 1 began WvltolOjMlerrull Intonnatlon, lwlllaeB4 AAD Arr. Uatiin Ki'iifre, B &Sa h.; a:t>u a. m.

the touch, instead of hanh, uncomfortable, ^aA UaUe to chap.** tm Mapi asak and Papers, free. Arr. New Orlmna, V: i:< a . m.; V;UU a. H. taking Swift's BpeciUc. The Ini Soiars-GraasUMd, ««oi K, 0„ So; dark B< A. WiujAna, GET TUIS FINE WA- No. r baa i'uUiuan linniii MiH'inng Cftraio prOTCIoeut was appurenl in a fen hrowo, 7^40. 61 VtckaburK bbU New fricana itiiboat ithaMi% Traa-Ulack, SOo '^thvB riMmgw" Apat. CoBBeeiaior all i«iBta HI l<->nB. .trtaouuM daya, and 1 cuntinueU lu u»u until llie to II 00; Ufw I, lOotoll IX. TER BBODLABLT. CalKomla. Ho. 1 baa 1 4tiiit>iiintioii I'arloPsMa A 'WORD OF WARNING. ITanccr was eiiiirdy guue and tolTcra-OreoQ BlcSStotSe; ITaahTlUa, Aaa. my The Shortest R oute, oltBlBf Chaira, and Alaeidnit ( ara tn MrmablBa to3'V:i> can*,ll U. H. BKl'WKKM- Dawson, , Sept. U) 1 lie. Louisvillei Orleans TH«T WOTTLBIf'T SlLt, A^B« in r« that joqt TiokaU rvad oT«t New 18 1.KD 20 NINTH STBIBT, I>eaa-9n> cans, 11 M to 3 00; Fnnch, II Through Trunk Line IFarraere' Home .louroal.i During the early part of the past Ilfi&uti Central K. K.. and thua aMon Ibt CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLB, ]ier ilo£. tMBcflt of ThroQib 8lMp«n. AJTD HOPKINSVILLB, KBHTDUK^ spring (1888), iny body waa covcrtsd Uctw*en tbe nltlee of . A good iiiiiiiy K.'iiiiii'ky towns are nOIAMAPOUS, LATATinis Beana— ?tilnt, ll^ cans, 1 1 per d«a strini with bolls,. At one time more thau ; For My father tafomiaUoii, eoamaalaati ObfOlBnati, Lazlngton, LonlifiOlb ta'klng of eKlaiilisbiiig canning fac- leia,|l 7>p,|t M pordoa. 0«al. PaM. AfOBt, Aaat. P. CHICAGO, Ona Inob onetime, |1.00;oBaw«ak, ll.W;*ij the painful trotibio. The usual rem O. A Aad the i-lilee ol ject to can fruits and vegetables, but Strawt.t'rni,t-?r. can.. IS 00 to 3 00 ilo* monthl, 19.00 ; twi>Wn month*. $11.00. per C'htcaco. III. Mafflphla,T«aB ad lea would do me no gotd. dust NtihTlU*, Uemphli, Montgsmor/. OiiH column one tune, llll.OO;one week I19.0C if they conid only succeed In canning lta»|.l,t.rr:<.. II -jri Lai,., |l :t [,or il. ILWAUREB. ST. PAUL. •li monttiB, IM.OO I twelve inoDtt»,tllO.OO. why 1 began taking S. S. d 1 do not a lot of old fogiea who infest every Bardioeo— American, ;ic tor do*; Fronch, THE POPULAR LINE aiNNEAPOLIS, OMAHA. HebUa, and Kaw Orleani, for lurtbvr Inxonnatlon apply for eartl ol kuow, but almost immediately I be- town ot imporUfee. tbay will make I0< Inlts ptr eaai sMksd,>to psrsaa BKTWiaK— improve. 1 long atrlde gau tu look nearly ihrae UEMPBI8, C'HASeB! a towardi pngnaa. vaaariaua in ravna. D WITUOUT Dottles, aud fouud myself entirely OCTOR eBBCNVILLK, SAN FRANCISCO AKO sreiD UNBtVALBO. ALMOST PEBan^ap. well. It was your iiitdicuie which Applsa-f I 00 to I lsp«rbo:drM,atoaspar VICKsiirito, And aa SBMS, um^saa vIBsasa la Ma OroM II. M H. cariey la pound; STaperated, 13'^ per poaad. Jswp^'aanal ] effected the cure, wlicii everything areas aaaaarUwaaS. aawabsr.lbas Us *—15 BATO.V llOUOE Itev. Joiin U. Itust, formerly to too derdsa. BOBIBT edi else had failed. Yours Truly. R aud NEW ORLEANS, SBUISST iSD QnCSST UOII BT aOUilXI. r. tstno-lriah. »c for hTtTie skokassaid goods; W torially connectod with the papers ol i. U. FOBOBAK Ilo«r Bwctit, 'id for riioi.-e suand gaods. «<1M0N0N ROUTED rtom St. Ululs, Kvana-i:;* aad many tfaonsaods In the Soath this city, who began studying for the BUunton, Va., Aug. 1, 1888 «1 Charles ^t, Onion*—II 35 per bn, 7 8t ST.LOtlS^HO. tatbaOBlr Llae niaalif lleabU Dallr KalM Uendarao. can boar witness to the truth of the ininiiilry last fall preeclicd lii« Ill's w tha Catil>.igc— Northern to Boils. to SOc per band. A Bonlsr «r««Mi* ofr tkrootkra nadleal TRB aloe aad anaar Plaautien* aad great miaa wUb PallHaa Barai BUaplBB Vmr* aontlmeiits oxproMcd In the folluwini; Hcriiioii hcfore a Il'ipkiiisrilie rm\ enltefri. liKt t'Cfii l»ii««r ancacodrod la tlia trcaU maaalf* Sugar Uouae* TiirnlMi—loc iier bu. and Belaerlaaaonik m Nlgbl Tralaa. and Mlagaai Tarlar Cliair beaniifnl vnrsoe! All land grcgatiuii the ilap Sfnt i>r <-|ir«al*. I««rT«Ha.10, mutmBl aatf et Baton Boum are eapeelallr latereotlng, aad 80PTHEA8T 4 SOUTH. over our Sunday nlKlit at Am.E> i..La, S. Oct. 20, 188S. Dla«»a»a. than anj wtntri>thtr V%r» on l>*y TraivB tMtw«aa L««hTlll« aa4 C , Bean*— While navy. It to IM. PLvticlaa aever fall to pleaao tho obeervaat passeagor. lu M. I... ill.. *4 K\if i>i|>i>r* ihow 111.) are found fariiiers who are ptwrfrom tlst church aud acquitted bimsell I the victim fur five or six All old rblraaai Fallaaaa BloopfeBS 9W«_ waa P*a*-apUI,Ws par gal; giasa liwllah, rralJciita kD"«. ( "nt ilUtlotl ftt nfflc*. or bf r«atb»a uatw^^a the weight they carry in land. nobly, lie promises to make one ol Diaii. frtp »inl A m«i|.(ly uik or BBTWBBH Hsmphlsaad Vlskaharg tbe line Fkraaab Through Ooaches years of the worst boils I ever saw, per gal ; Mack ey««, M»VWt*>. C|ilul<>DCi>i» nutliliic. Mnlli-tx^t trnt tiv mall paasssthiwwb Some of tha aasst CMUa aaayallaand fblca^a. Many a poor woman has spent ber the ablest expounders of the gospot in t'l euro. I which the doctors failed aiacaai,UBein. or aZprVM avtr^ wtirrn. ar.nrrl r |'ai-ktJ*tfllt ii rrftiiki* • Ida 8*<>ka. Tim* TaklM. Ilatae. and aaf tDr«» Chatianoogat of the disposition aiaicii. oause grasping of tucky.— IIopkinsvllleKEiiTUCKiAN the poisou was driven out ut niy r>s- Slarrh— S to lOe per pound. aU'.a uTaaaafy. will ta .Mrnlth*d pracupUj by makinir dlrcl con- ' Ntrvous Prostration, DtbiUy, MtrUol her husband. It Is poor economy for The printing ofllco has fnrniabed Hoap-ll SO to I CO per bos, kty ut til* A|aiUe( Ula FftforlM >••«•. Of bf tcm, and not a siithn of bulls or any mtd Physical Weakiutg, tqiTIPHKNT and rhyalral Coadttloa nection a with ariting Jif THE - from ' - a farmer to tax the powers of a derot sonic very good inaterial for the pnl other blood troubles has ietiiri:cd. 1 KalU-lt IS. of tha Una ara flral*eJaH in mrcrj iiarticular ditff^ion, Bxctss or Jndulgenet, producing ..... a.,-.. — CloTcr Se«l— Ti. pereilttlnirlereilttlnir a bijtbblal rat«of a|>^i ani! loaurlag ed wife beyond endurance In order to pit. Hen Deering, formerly of Nicli recommeud S, S. S. to everybody. U PULLMAN PALAOE CABS Ika comfort and tarolr of pi vngara extend his acres to limits where they olasville, was a newspaper l.iBlTEifAr,Diiiriitruiii{iri{t. man J. C I'^lltt AUIIS cease to be profitable. Mora of the Brother Muniiell lelt the office of the lAOUniXa MABKR For Atbtnta, Savannah, ioN» A0rttw Mtmorg, PioipUi on Am. aa? Fourth Av*., LOUiaviLLI, KY. Swirx's Sraciric li entirely a veg- sunshine of happiness would be Louisville Democrat to go evangeliz Avtrtion to Soeuttt of FtmaXtt^ WaiA ri ora, hrai. lyo iiiLi.aTDrr. TOURIST TICKETS MaooB, JaekaoBTiUet Hecured in a farmer's home by keep Ing, The distinguished Cumberland etable remedy, and ia the only medi- PUasures in Want Life, qf AmbtHai, Al Bedaeod Bawd Trip Bates are oa sale ai INO a.CaaaoN, wai a aaLowiti'' Kl.nl H- Kiiiin'l loU M'll SJ follow*: Cboleo cine which permanently cures Scrof- VnfilaM* to Mtrrr. Mtlnncliul . I>rfp«ptla, ing free of debt and living in inde I'resbyteriau revivalist, Dixon C TIekei uaseaof ooaaeetlagilaaatoaMoa VIeaPna'taOa.'IBaaag.f. tl.e'1 f.ieeagwAf^ BBd Folnfei la Fl ^r^ patent', IS oeiite IS; plain palenU, b(.;iss.So, •tNntV'l l>«Tf iiiitiit, I.i'bb <'t r'uwcr. l.'i Paloi Bouge, Orleaaa peiidencD, f'lr ula, Blood Humor, Cancer and Con- IB lilt Mew and pnaslBat~ than by graHpiiiK pan Williams, was connectod with uconn choii't ; 15.50(4* rt; plain laney, ISJI: Mo. 1, Hack. arf trcatttl «lUi uDi>arall«]ad ILLINOia. polau ta nortda, C'lllCAUO. lavlons Blood r.iisoii. .'Si'inl fur tl ;5<(i.w; ..itra lamlly.M.ioaH.n'.baekwbMt, vc.'taa. 6ar«lv, [irlTklQl;. niiahisf sexsionN that can only lie iibluliicd by iry paper in Tennessee in his young- Texas aad CalUorala. books ou blood and Skin Diseases, M J.aA ill tor Ka>tem:lii.lS#l.riiorWs*lerD. a denial to his family of all the com er rears. Bishop Kavauaugh was au CuaKuiiL-Uoltad. Il.nai IMtt:klla-drl*d, A PERMANENT CURE 6UARANTEE0. forts, enjoyment and social pleasures apprentice to the prlBtlnc baaiueu. maiied free. O.oo. MAOKiriCB.VT PULT.MAK BCmR Coaaaatloaa'ara aada at Oalhda aad UiLL FSBP—We quote on arvtvall Bran, iis.to Bleed /mffrUt$ and Poun.a| 0. P. ATMOHI, 0. P. T. Don't lat that beautiful girl fade thirteen, puaala ia WMk* P. a. aooEit.'«, a. w. a Aa. n.coi-cliiarrll'tl.lee, ;< ,o. clear tldeo, -KOB iraatad aaaooMraU/t how. "•Baalaeta"ai -i Ui'-t^r* itrnji I tlwaiht I'd wall anl sss jeaan^ asLawiW lay. Ass'lOen. l'a«'r Seren ipota ara maide in a row •ir: .hoiil'tt-r,, K,- aiM FU«B. Alt. (iea'l Paae>rA«< jJekeai "sot Iu4> vimnhv tiat iMlaTUlaTXr BraUr Mid, and droop Into iBTaitdiam or sink in ltt-t.s rtti r,i ^r; J. M. r.iiWARDa, ;^atpbBBa|r eanaga- cara to an early grave (br want of timely thus HIXATS—clear eHe*. It is Btif-widtnt that a jJufsieim payb^ u To tell how thlngi will tura out b«»t, a womnn aooaa-ccaRD Ubats— llnms. U'l.." ii>, for Vtoe-Praa't A Uen'l Maa'ar. Hemiihia, Tea* 0 c e X o o o partiatlar aittntion to a euui'qf eatu ! abead. are at the moat critical slatre' of her lantatoamall arorage; bouM':r. :\<:; break ^ TiTtn taaranorm. life. Three coppers are placed on the fa*t baoon 10. attaint grtct MkiU. In thit okktt Aoum M.Ot..inc.ntktt..ii r. And, w hen tiiU lot ii for, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip paid and wehaTOgot Laap—Cluloa leaf. In kegs MADE WITH BOIUNC WATEK Vetporl Xcffi three e s and three dimes on liie tlnee >; and bucket*, in AmmeajHm hum http ig rtsorUd to, I liiuiiiifpi Tiilij Ci III? dceti, lion will aid in regnlalin^ her health lOo. o's, leaving nothing on the x. The I'llii; ii.li I amsatliasd-ll'saUths laa«we and eijtabli'ihing it on a tinn h»sis URUCEBIES. CbargM oe^.I; puzzle ia to place iTie coppi rs on iliu tha t>*flt. Chesapeake & Ohio BoatSs and may aave her years of chronic fxrria—nio, ordinary. ll9ltKe;prtine, 1(9 AvBM-dkoop proalMtl raro-alla-tbajr ara u»a< 's ni.il till' ilinioi oil thi' i^-. Iiy iiiov- 10>^n ;obolo«. irmislS'i; itaoy.lSn : ,aManwcr than U iltm You never will find workeiJ, bot Hr. WatUoa will offar a *».m M* lynr tfMt tkiadit «> BALTXMOBS^ ?EnJU)ILnU wiri, HniAK—Untnulale.1. i ''VlI'M;7V47W; aoufsottonera'" i. M M. iiMMii VIS wmw^ Than Plerco'a amali "FelleU," reward for a correct aoiutlon. u.v.. 7o; puwili-DKi,|ioi l.-r«»t, So;f- eal-laaf,s^ Tlitretiino oil of talking, Oharlea—jon buy The PurgatlTe kind. Nl-w (irleans •ugars, COCOA NEW YORK CITY that twenty more. OANt>i.aa -Hur, No*.«^fta3!*fMOMoV Ik. MADE wmi loiuNa amx 3^;c WITH TIIKOVUH And we'll (• loriMplnaall oar Uvss, aad al- STAaon- y in. Are You Qoing to the Inauguratien. Boar—«*rni.nn. II .SO fl box of SO Pia for eon ways bo land-Poor, MID-WINTER FEBRUARY CEN m.in, |a.M for lict; Ivory, IK^S.Ti fur 71. a PULLMAN OARa Vor thirty years wo'ts taffsd aad saved, ds. TURY. TheN. N. &M. V, Co,' will aell boxe*. PARKKR'S UM.t l.lNa VIA aylng hall onr assda. coi sTay rKOoeoa. A rcmarkalilc feature of the M d- ticiicts to Washington, D. C, from , HAIR BALSAM RICHMOND I;i TTl:n try. iiaire Ik; low Cleaaaee aad baatiiiiM iba hak. While aU ws have ts shew to II Is lax rsMpto all htaiioiiK. at oiiH iiinlted ft iVintcr Veii'.urij is the opening article fare for '.i.;<'H, :-4,::i. I'liry, i FmaeiM a luafiasi arowih. Old Point Comrort (UjrgeU Ratal,) ; ..ii5o;'!felglnor«aiBory, Tha aext Haaslon will bagla aad dsedsl " Falla Raeura Or (jci'ome," ihu famous French ar- ihc round-lrip. Feb, iiStb to March J2c: ulcoiuarssrlue, 150170. Nfter la —ij«t> — I'd sail Ihs lasd 11 II wore mine, anU hare u Cams-rMuyiail orsaaeMddar, UV^ tist and trainer of arilata. Oeromo, .'Ird, good roturniii)^ March 8th, VSU. NEWPORT NEWS. From Beaver Dam i I. of all contemporary 918 BS ntme h MM^t'Uwl «•! , Wlihlirosd, lithtraowto front tha French painters, laa isais wlta OM^psielnisa tasaMklM strMt, •< ia beat known in this country, not Central City 1910 anil take Ufa aa If osais. "^orLTnv-Ifona, oo fl dnaen; doek*. hjt, SEPT. < '< H mUl Greenville -.. 19 30 50.'al flozen; ir we couM lire aa olhsi* Uvs, aad have what lAlly'baoauie of ttie popularity uf bis 13 Y young eprlog chicken*, 11.35 JKwr TotM, " ts.ooit uoaen works, but because so inauy of Nortonvllle 1080 Thletobou'. bBiBB mTlBblareoord forttae _ iHif Jn^Iii5n.St5?!iiS* sea Msrshaau ssd Mlaers atuaaara Uae la other* do, onr Kiies— V, qnote " IViiirclun 20.70 a at lie V dooaa. _Of»ag^^ywMa«ee* la aU Oaaaa Vs'd I've snouih sight plsssaiter, aad have Icadiii); artists liavo been trained by TAtLOw—Sell m. thorough raetbodaof taachlDg pnretietl. " BOSTON, a plsaty, boo. liiin iu llie Iruu hulional school, the I'ddii.ali li^ori IISISWAX—SOsVbVtk. Old fuAilltzad Ideae of lr«iBlDg aad deolptloe THBOITUH TRAINS rROM Itaoou-cox.M—— i'^ao for common ^ . . NERVE RESTORER Uoaux Arts, or olse generously " Mayfield, ^'ullou & itivei to good. tad no plaea In ita management. While others have amusmant*, aad laxnry as ClINHSMI -rllol,.,. IfiriTi II! II. OnrODHTAXI jJil_L0UI87ILIJi, Ari'i Tba OTMitlBg proreea in Education li lunaa • PRIVATE COUXaELOR alated U. FULLBB, e. P. A. ; *i. . r 7*iii»f72MSf by private adrica and eucaur- W. I baireL JnO^aXSr and boo'k*, rf.*> W. TMMiM fXloNH .'"» j.'.r tmlioutljr ATolcM, aawell aa M4 II MW laMI. MS M agement, Gerome himself has harrel, tbe roaoblna Just think how 'tinfy we bars lived, and how help, hKlV- OMi;..n tn.uo 6ik.u«.r,.>,A. p«r loeh'-t. BBBtbodB M «AB7i w oAlled, ffTBdn aohoola. a. u.r.y. aMi*,it> i-jtit-. it*T lb. WUITB 8ULPUUB SPBINOa, A GOTHAM ROMANCE, T0 kaow tnm a«Bonrlt good, bniiBb* That othor farm you l>on|;tit of Wells, that liiis'H Hiticlo hy puritiltiiiig the on- aeitslksrtaMasrir^Waatrlaas saa BUvtekwwhr UmitbttobMlar. flaaa. IcMik BO li'iiny PnpUtai* ycHfi ^ruviii^ of sumo ot his iiiodt iuierest- An Auotlon Biale lli'liliiil Which Lay the MMMrapA tollM uwolNof All lh«lr bitter CINCINNATI . Of clri' III},' 11)1 uiid funriii^ In, bai cull inc III); uf pictures, wbicb have not yet bean Tmaedy * I.lfe, Buttai, nsaiu, BathltiK ani) all klnils of

iiianj tea rt. I tven in America, as well askoino of A mysterious and striking auction E)fs,Ear,Nou&TlirNt MteaUoa ler Ike warlei, n Tai i d nr •uortamsa. DR. TbB lamiltT wlU nnBla, b* It haa bMb for ' - TAYLOR'S Tlila line mna thmnsli the til,• Tee, CI*. Icfl, I 'vothoui^ht ol It, a hundred time* R^any lloam< his studies for pictures, lie ' supplies sale took plaeo In Now York the other year pMt azoept the plaea of Prof l)abn«7 —INSTITUTC. lalna, on thr lianka nt iK.aiilirul riT«>raBB4Mr*r Ol' niort', also aoi wkaT rerATasTBXar mioaU at III. a akatoh of hia own life, aud has day. In iin np-towii flut. It liiui evi- will be aiipiiUmente^l hy yStar. PLKMING. And wondered If It itallf paid 10 always h* allowed the use of conversations aud dently boon occupied by n womiin, It will ^-eeeen. therefore, that tliu racultjr SEA Lnnd-foor; MMTratrpM SMaMriai IamJ r.twib, a.a auaiaaaaaaaf *• SHORE. l.'ttors. I'srticularly lulertsiing ia conalata oi the aaine number of pmfeaaore and u4 a«*MaaKll/ tnMU iin^»EitvATii).N That bad beautiful refined, and sliu Er^ CWV Thr^t TaAM ( Akn ON dav TBAnta »• bwlt a easy hooas, took plsasttre younc and MWMaaalalMaaaw«^*4.. Taaataaast-id lMaeM*«r*t|<( I le frontispiece, which is au engrav- tea«heraanii that all the adrantagee ucualljr Itesular flrat-filaM llrknU rwyl (nr atop-over as iiaprrta* wWaaUl aa^a t« 0, a. rt4— Ba— aaTatla. it eomo, hod gone out of it without romovlni; anil all sao b. ing of this iiiasier's offered ara auil to be obtalBod Be Bay torner oouilimait witliout citrs az* Oiii ciiildrsa, ''Napoleon before pen... onosso dsar to ns, bsd noTor leli ovon hur riiijTM thiit hiy in the jowol- the Hpliyiix," a picture for full llir.'rmAll. III. rAlf!. - lions, which iaas at llnu.la, SStiT- Btiind on tho d.iiiity tlrcsHiii^j-tniilo. special laroritc with the artist himself iHILLCURE Tooaf BUB m*f baBrd at aaf Il uf UliiiTJil .S|.|.|iiKa, I'lilliiiaii Mloviilng Oar pa ce, TlckeU, etc., oall on or adUrOM I srieti.' to thlok efwsstsd wukt aad ysare, aud which remains In his own pos- Kvory thin;; wiui sold unreservedly. aad months JOHN U. POTTg, A. a. Miixaa. sad days, sesion, duppleineotary tu ihli A piuno, witli a pile of songs und sliWARBANTEDf^aisso/. Approred Boarding Uouse, •<••»>'• «oa. .ae-i 0, a o.^T. WMIe tor It all wo Bsvar yet have had ^'"'iL.Ml.'V' an clc there are publlBliod 'Open loiters' uflur shoot of olaaaicol music; a librury nanh AveoDe, 8. wToor. ith sad wordol praias. but iteraoBa, who «b7 wlah to put their eoDa, LonlaTllle, K7. Walnut 8U. on (iet'ome ijy tveli-kiiuwn iho Amer- containing uU the l)eat of the modem FDBELT VEOETABLEe ur warda under theeutlm <*are of tbe faoulty Hrnoallnsrleh, bulws are poei^-wonld we _ . _ Unouiaell, O. ican artists, i;curgu I'urest majr plaice thorn with I'rof. Jl. O. Klooiing W. J. BIBO, Trarallni not freely U* iirusb, authors, and many whom thn verdict Aient, five who will exoerolee a faiturly OTarBlglitoTer Vioe-I^ldeal, K. U. Uiasbaeld, Kenoon Cox, Wyatt of hnvn consi'crnt'.il: jyt:.''''.!?"^"**''. Tbs Isnd with all Its Sxturcs, for a bsttsr way the iigos IiooUm thcni. GIVEN AWAT! U. W. rVLUIB, liea'l Paaa'r Aeaiit, ICaton, Younii Indlca l>oard onir with to llrsr WUl U. Low, John U. Sle- finely bound iiinl iirti^lirnily il|ii». Plff.BML., In tbe Lolloire buildlnK. where 9WfC0mitlt D. O. aDWAKDS.'^"'""'' Don't tb'ak I'm blaming you, Charlss-yoa'rs meyer, S. W. Van Shalok, A. 11. tratad, showing that tho rcitdiT likud of a borne U prorided for tbera. Oan'l Weatarn Paaa'r Aeent, Clnolnnsll, O. net a whit to blame; I'hayor, and J. Alden Weir. All of The Beautiilil Engraving of the to luive her mental food served up on CURE I've plUad yon these many ycarr. So eas you i!icse artists were jiupils of Gerume'a ^'^^'^^^vS dainty dishes; picturee that, while Celebrated Piotnre, tired and lame. n the Beaux Arts, except Mr. Blash they \viM'i> not. ii.'i'hiips, very costly, It'fljntt tlie nHy Me Btarlcd out, and plan loo field, and be ia indebted to Geromo slimvcd thr iiwiii THE GLORY OF fai iilicad; for iritloism and advice. r liin'iv tho bi'st iind The Original Wins. MAN Wo'fe woro llie cream of life away, to leave npprcciatod it; lii'ii'-ii-lmio of nil Horls flUOUSand C. r. Simmona. Sl Louia, Prop*i If. A. Simmona STRENGTH ! too miicii M'^ien dea.l. MYerMadidae.Kat'd I VITALITY The Height of Adam and Eve. and well selected; it tiiblo ico, In non (lie U, S. Court DBrBATa J. tnHKnEKTFEVER il. /cilln, Prop'r A. Q, Slmmooi Llv> This life li Rhort and full of euro, Lbo end al- consisting ot niipLiy-liko siiliii und Mr. Uenricou, a member of the tr Hcgulator. Eat'd by ZtiUa itfiA, china, showing the li 'st S. French Academy ol scleace, publish- of the Wedg^. i M. L. M. baa lor 47 TtatB orse Y air Wa •(.1.I..IU .Lilf liegin to UVS bsfOls W/n wood, Sevros ami Worcester cared laoioBarioif. BiLiouii«BS8, ed a work in the year of 1618, a large manu- DTararaUsSicK llBADACRa.I.naT doeined .o d e. MALARIAL DISORDERS. fitcturea. m ArriTiTB, part of which waa given up to the And wearln;; nppurol diJnty Sour Stumacm, Hrr. r to Were I ttarttny 1 fe again, I'd mark each Ut OISAaOIMISTI OF TSI R«T. T. D. Heama. I'aait.r H. past and present cuuditloos of the enough for a I'rlnccss—tlny MO M. epnrale day, hu- Sutin slip- Church, Ad«ma,Tcnn., wtilca: "I man family. In the course of his ar- pers, ^tliink 1 ahouU have liecn dead liut And never let a alngle eas pass unmarkad five-and-a-half gloves, stockings STOMACH & BOWELS. tor your Gcitiine M. A. Sim- [uments he provea, to hia own satis- like ' away. silk cobwebs' and handkorehlofa as AM EPFKcnVE ItEHKIlT FOR Al.I, mona I.lverMeilklna. I hava aotion at least, that we have gradu- aomcttmcfl had to vuhilltula TO EVERY It thsrs were thlsgs to savy, I'd bavs thsai fine—quaint, picturesque, mnde ovl Uver&KidneyOomplainta NEW SUBSCRIBER or RENEWAL --f^ J "/ailln'a atuff" for your Mcdl- BOVandlhea, ally degenerated from ooloeaal speci- If. Topalar d„„tiy"for u mll. .flm , AScUntinoand Htaudanl Mtdlcil Tnatlwoa ivommi; Kmi, ,, 7^Wrs/ don't ancwer tbe that mena of flesh almosti-.^ I I tbe Kii^faol yoiitli, I'reniiMit* I>»rlliir, Ntrioiia And hsvs a home wrs a hoase, aad sot a and aiaaw to •'"»"! purpoac." > roa THK • Shnwl.s. Ui'U.'iit.' I i.'.-tl- PtlM 50 ett.iBtttb. Trill Bottin 25 eft. rhyalcal IMtlUly, Iniptirttlaa of tliv osgeor pen. mioroseopicml«ro.,«nl„ specka1,.*'?I*J**In oomparlada, Dr.J. ll«OraT«g.Edltor Tkt aud Itiood, -all Ihe buuutlfiil thiii|.'8 with which it rottAUiTuiwuu. rnpuai oiirtr ffd^Mf, Meinpbla,T«aa. tara: If It ThBtllKiiifleil pooltioii I'd BBLL some land wen mine, and fit up oflhe loaruotl . , , . ... 1 received a package of voorLiver '>'(f''-»"0 luxiiiliius woman sui<. well IbLTol, llem-iiuii ikiiiiiul* tl, lii« viows all RiOiUROHM-TATLIR MED. CO., MT.ticlrc.ifnd have Mead balf of It ExhaustedVitality lliought, Apparoutly no aeloo- *0a a. Fourth atreet, aT. »Wa, BIO, It workalikc a charm. I want no I'rea^way* and think »o yst—amali tlue reHpeot, but who of tho present ' M >eltpr lAttT Itcptilator and cm- WEEKLY GLOBE tarnis weU worked bssll •">"• nindo, DEMOCRAT an nothluff kept i.f Seneratlon could be Induced to be-i"""" nu aiore Zciliu'a mixtuie. ' (TEWPAGKg,) >^^^Untold Miseries e?e that Adsin, the Uist landlord ufl l">cl[, uml ihi' womiiii had walkod away KMUluns trom Folly, Vic, ItooraoM, UaowMa or creation, was 123 feet aud B lucbusj bcyiiiiil ii dmilit with iiotliin:.' Iml tlui BradfleltJ Female ReguKitor OratuiMlloD. Ku.rtallngaod onAulof lb. Tlctla high? Yellutlio course or bis reas- I'l'itlus ^hn koi-,'. 'I'lici nui'iicwi.'<'|. .ui.i. tor Work, Ilii.lii..., tlia Barrlad or Soalal BdaUoa. ijliuulil be usetl by the yoiiu^ ami A;old noaklllul pnl.nil.ta. oiilu({ be proreaahls In a satlsracto- brklly, iimnawor to nil iiiton'oguUoiis, I'oaMM Ihla iieiS builiiiug woniau, she who suffers I rum work. Uooiitalo8 to|ia|M,raralln. BeaaUM ry way to hiiuself and colleaijuaa, that basUaa saknssd, fall till, aa]' diaordar peculiar to har sex, anri tho owner bad suddenly deter- BACKACHE PriM.oalraLiakr "Kve," says Ihii learned M. U. "waa % sll^BMjal&WB^^ plain wrapper. IMM- mined to go into — Hi'.Hiee at the Ufa ; It baaefils al a convent, and- had , », TO ONLY $1.00 traUri chaniia of ADVERTISERS Per ProfMilBS YEAR. FfM. If Toa spall now. a splendid hnipiuuot fur tier husbaud, flije*, nark and I heal, rdatle, Sliarp snH directed oiitlre A Itat o( 1000 niwatiapera dWlded Into aiMloiuUliaalUbaa^author,author, WekWei,' H.IB. K. B« who use H. thAt tho contoiits ol tho Hiiwii'ar Palii', raiieTed by I^Kr.hrUr.r' If but waa uut uuarly ao tall, baiuir but laaMalau* STATICS AMI) 8RCT10N8 will be aent on ap- iln, or and IlopkliiBvillo, Ky, Institution she had eutorod. It was ot^\y itmUntanrouepaln^ktlllng reuilt SSJSf-^J'iM**** o">n Naavouiaaavotji LouU Mtpublic elrenRthenlnir WBcan offer no betterniedluai'fortboreiigb,of- PHVaiOALOiaiLITV. Dr.ParkarandaMirDS tilanter. tl, direct - fSrt*;ftfof to the 1 AtdrugglaU, or of . , « plahi that the i^raat tragedy of a life iMtlTawork than the Tarlotu •MtloBaotoar of Aaiiauuit rhralclana may b. eonaullwl. aoofl- roTTiB Vnva akd caiMioAt c*t„ Uuitom. •alMtLoeal I*Ut. . Subscribe for the Kbmtuckun, it Uy behind It, hot what it waa, the de- ' Jlenry E. Dixey la playlDg to large _ OBO. P BOWln,Ia4l QLOBE PRINTING 00., St Louis. taUa irf ti wiU never be kBOwa.-ir. Mf«d by* iocbaI OMwda ail ttmugh (m Soalb. laoaljrl^OOayaar. T. PLE8 (br. 8m JVoaaiiae ^bvaaaai; BMdferBanplaaarr. HMJ^"