2009 Annual Report 1

2009 Annual Report. For yesterday. For tomorrow. 2009 Annual Report 2

The hardships of today will pass. They will be overcome. Solutions will be discovered. Strategies put into action. Successes achieved. And tomorrow will come. Our optimism is not naive. It comes from over 28 years of work — from knowledge and experience; from triumph and adversity; from responding to a changing disease and redoubling our efforts at every step. Our optimism is the foundation of our work. In 2009 that optimism was put to the test. We experienced the unprecedented shift that accompanied a change of administration and enjoyed the fruits of hard-won labors with legislation that uplifted the lives of HIV-positive immigrants. We fell victim to the tumult of an economic crisis that toughened our fight and strengthened our resolve. We expanded our services and fed more people in our dining room than ever before. And we faced the prospect of dwindling resources. We did it all, not for today — for the fight against AIDS will not be won today. We did it all, instead, with the optimism of tomorrow. Because we know that one day — one tomorrow — our fight will indeed be won. That’s why no matter who is in need; no matter how scarce or plentiful our resources; no matter where we find our allies or adversaries in communities and government, GMHC is for yesterday, for tomorrow, and for life.

For Life.

GMHC contingent in City’s View the full report at our annual LGBT Pride March on Fifth Avenue. For more information on joining annual new website — .org community events, visit gmhc.org. 2009 Annual Report 3

When we reach out to communities, we help unite them against risk. And often the communities we serve help right back.

Community Outreach: The House of Latex Ball connects with young at-risk people of color, drawing on the ties that bind the vibrant House and Ball community to propagate awareness, education, and prevention through onsite testing and counseling at an annual event that draws over 4,000 attendees.

Community Support: Forward. For the second year, some of the best known designers in the world contributed to Fashion Forward, benefitting GMHC’s programs, and outreach activities.

Community Celebration: Savor invited donors on a tour of New American cuisine. Four of the city’s most renowned chefs collaborated on a feast that nourished both our guests and our resources.

Community Action: We’re Not Dolls. Don’t Play with Women’s Lives. As part of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, GMHC led a call-to-action on the steps of City Hall to bring the disproportionate plight of women and girls of color to light. Our legacy lent these women power. But the voice that was heard was theirs alone.

For the City.

Hundreds of dolls with signs bearing statements on View the full report at our HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases that impact women and girls in the . For more new website — gmhc.org information on our women’s services, visit gmhc.org. 2009 Annual Report 4

While dwindling resources may have challenged us, our successes on the world’s stage for HIV-affected populations made a bittersweet year sweeter still.

The Nation: A National HIV/AIDS Strategy. A long-held goal of GMHC, the now-in-development national AIDS strategy will align the efforts of community organizations; and develop new, useful epidemiological data; with the goal of slowing the rate of infections in our most vulnerable communities across the nation.

The Government: The Appointment of Jeff Crowley. President Obama appointed a Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, Jeff Crowley. Mr. Crowley has promised to work closely with those at the forefront of the epidemic, including GMHC, to develop effective national programs.

The World: The Repeal of the HIV Immigration and Travel Ban. This year we watched in awe as the ban against HIV-positive immigrants and travelers fell forever. Now, more of the marginalized populations who need care and counseling most will finally receive it, without fear of prosecution or deportation.

For the World.

Undermining Public Health and Human Rights: The United States HIV Travel and Immigration Ban

A report published by GMHC as part Jeff Crowley, Director, Office of of its steadfast advocacy to repeal the National AIDS Policy. For more U.S. HIV travel and immigration ban. information on our public policy work, visit gmhc.org. 2009 Annual Report 5

Dear Friends: 2009 was a year of change for all of us. A new president was elected while our economy was dealt seismic blows. And we all found ourselves pondering the difference between that which is valuable and that which is meaningful. While the world was changing around us, GMHC was changing too. The strategic plan we meticulously crafted was put into action. We initiated a rebranding of the organization to better reflect our ever-evolving tactics. And we closely studied new epidemiological data to ensure that our resources were being directed at those who need them most. And yet as profound as those changes may seem, for us it is a way of life. GMHC’s steadfastness comes from our ability to swiftly transform and respond to an epidemic that moves in virulent, unpredictable ways. The onus is upon us to react nimbly, to change constantly, to speak loudly, and to work tirelessly — no matter what the stock indexes read — against a disease that thrives in silence, apathy and stigma. And from this year of ingenuity, we make this promise for the future: No matter who sits in the Oval Office. No matter how dire our economy becomes. No matter who is affected by HIV. GMHC will be here, working to end the AIDS epidemic. We do it because our vision of a world without AIDS is clear and present. But we can only do it with the generous support of donors and supporters like you. Thank you for your strength, your commitment, and your continued support.

For Ingenuity.

Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Odell Mays II Chief Executive Officer Co-Chair, GMHC Board of Directors 2009 Annual Report 6

The economic descent of 2009 was felt by all. But due to the ingenuity and the generosity of GMHC staff and volunteers, no services were ended; no clients were turned away; no meals were cancelled.

Crystal Meth and HIV/AIDS. Many gay men are still jeopardizing their lives and health with crystal methamphetamine addictions that lead to risk-taking behaviors and an increase in HIV infections. GMHC received the first federal appropriation in its history ($300,000) to address the critical issues of crystal methamphetamine use and its impact on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in . This led us to develop a new interactive website — mymethlife.org — that provides resources and support while allowing people to share their experiences about crystal meth. We also upgraded our main website and re-imagined our logo with a new tagline to increase our visibility and engagement of the public.

For Everyone in Need: On January 30, 2009 more than 600 clients came in to our dining room needing a hot meal — a record-breaking demand. Never before had we fed so many in one day. Despite how thinly stretched our resources had become, we turned no one away.

AIDS Walk New York: Some of our longest-contributing donors were forced to scale back or eliminate their contributions this year. Yet thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the AIDS Walk staff and the generosity of our sponsors, 2009’s AIDS Walk broke all previous years’ records in corporate contributions.

For Perseverance.

Crystal Taylor (Meals Program), Larry Kramer View the full report at our (one of GMHC’s six founders), Jeff Rindler (Volunteer, Work & Wellness Center), and Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. (CEO). new website — gmhc.org For more information on our services, visit gmhc.org. 2009 Annual Report 7

In 2003 In 2005 John Coughlin Cynthia Melville received legal registered as a client assistance for a job for coordinated discrimination case care services

Started attending women’s support Registered to be a client for groups in Women’s Care, Prevention coordinated care services and Support Services

Joined the Joined the Then registered in Consumer Women’s the MATCH (Moving Advisory Committee of Ahead Toward Career Board the CAB Horizons) program for (CAB) help with job training and placement

Started accessing the Meals Program and then learned about the Became Action Center an intern at GMHC, as part of his job Began lobbying elected officials training in Washington, DC and Albany about the critical issues affecting people living with HIV/AIDS

Also volunteered Attended workshops in the to provide Treatment Adherence Program administrative help in various departments Started job training in whenever needed the MATCH Program

For Prevention. For John. For Cynthia.

Our services, programs, In 2008, he was hired Now attending college-level and lobbying efforts are full-time in the Volunteer classes for certification as a based on the concept of and Work Center. He then CASAC (Certified Alcohol and prevention. Prevention is a transferred recently to work Substance Abuse Counselor) – continuum, with opportunities in the MATCH Program as a will graduate in December 2010, to reduce the risk of HIV Data Entry Specialist. and is still active in the Action transmission at every step, Center and a part of the CAB. in every community, and in everyone — whether they’re HIV negative or HIV positive. 2009 Annual Report 8

Board of Directors Senior Management Team Odell Mays II Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Sean Cahill, Ph.D. Co-Chair Chief Executive Officer Managing Director Public Policy, Research and Matthew L. Moore Janet Weinberg Community Health Co-Chair Chief Operating Officer Terri D. Jackson Jo Christine Miles Anthony Fullington Vice Chair Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Programs Services Donald W. Deyo and Evaluation Treasurer Matthew Morningstar Management Team Secretary Daniel Blausey Robyn Overman Juliet Cain Director Director The Michael Palm Center Human Resources Steven Cutting for AIDS Care and Support Jeff Rindler Frank Dix Kenneth Cox Director Richard F. Ferrari Director Volunteer, Work and Special Events Wellness Center Tim Gunn Karen Gooden Nathan Schaefer Brian Huchro Director Director Peter Lichtenthal The David Geffen Center Public Policy for HIV Prevention and Clarence Patton Health Education Dave Tainer Director Manuel Rivera Krishna Laven Information Systems Martha Stark Controller and Facilities David M. Valdez Felix Lopez Richard Teller Director Director Legal Services Major Gifts Joan H. Tisch Silvia Morales Gregg Weinberg Lifetime Trustee Director Director Management and Budget Informatics and Organizational Knowledge Development


From left: Juliet Cain, Steven Cutting, Donald Deyo, View the full report at our Frank Dix, Richard Ferrari, Tim Gunn, Peter Lichtenthal, Jo Christine Miles, Matthew Moore, Matthew Morningstar, new website — gmhc.org David Valdez. 2009 Annual Report 9

Financial Summary 2009 Condensed consolidated statement of financial position at June 30, 2009 and 2008 as follows: Assets 2009 2008 Cash and Investments 8,124,186 7,997,151 Government grants receivable 2,809,730 4,039,289 Pledges receivable 322,951 984,063 Other assets 2,411,736 2,113,636 Property and equipment 3,454,606 5,249,286 Total assets 17,123,209 20,383,425

Liabilities and Net Assets Government contract advances 478,982 1,333,243 Other liabilities 1,350,794 2,180,716 Total liabilities 1,829,776 3,513,959 Net assets 15,293,433 16,869,466 Total liabilities and net assets 17,123,209 20,383,425

Condensed statement of activities and changes in net assets: Support and Revenue 2009 2008 Contributions 4,627,450 5,844,792 Special events 6,112,850 7,918,705 Government contracts 14,211,183 13,695,326 Contributed services and in-kind support 2,501,943 2,122,631 Other Revenue 2,030,236 1,449,571 Total support and revenue 29,483,662 31,031,025

Expenses Program services 25,902,832 24,442,913 Supporting services 811,913 811,321 Fund raising 4,344,950 4,958,144 Total expenses 31,059,695 30,212,378

Change in net assets (1,576,033 ) 818,647 Net assets, beginning of year 16,869,466 16,050,819 Net assets, end of year 15,293,433 16,869,466 The consolidated statement of financial position of Gay Men’s Health Crisis, Inc. and affiliates as of June 30, 2009 and 2008 and related consolidated statements of activities and changes in net assets, and of cash flows for the years then ended were audited by Mitchell and Titus, LLP. The condensed consolidated financial statements have been derived from the consolidated audited financial statements. Copies of the audit reports and the complete consolidated financial statements are available upon request to Anthony Fullington, Chief Financial Officer at 119 West 24 Street, New York, NY 10011.

Client Programs Prevention & Education Fundraising Where the Money Goes Public Policy Management At GMHC, 83¢ of every dollar goes to direct services and programs. 3% 8% 50% 25% 14% 2009 Annual Report 10

Leadership and Support. An organization of GMHC’s resilience and reach owes many of its best qualities to the legions of sponsors, donors, and volunteers who each year keep the GMHC family strong and intact. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations who have supported GMHC during fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009) in the fight against AIDS.

In the interest of resource conservation — and to take full advantage of our newly enhanced website — we are publishing our lists of supporters online only. Please go to gmhc.org to view all of our leading support groups, to whom we offer profound thanks for their extraordinary commitment.

Corporate & Foundation Supporters The Founders’ Circle The President’s Council Friends for Life Allies Partners in Planning Savor, Fashion Forward, and GMHC House Tours Sponsors AIDS Walk New York


View the full report at our A preview of our newly redesigned website, gmhc.org. new website — gmhc.org 2009 Annual Report Supporters 11

Corporate & Foundation.... 1 The Founders’ Circle...... 4 Corporate & Foundation Supporters President’s Council...... 6 Friends for Life...... 7 Allies...... 9 GMHC remains ever-grateful to our devoted family of institutional donors who join us Monthly Benefactors...... 11 in the Fight Against AIDS. Through the provision of general support funding, educational Partners in Planning...... 11 grants, programmatic grants and sponsorships, corporations and foundations continue GMHC House Tours...... 12 Fashion Forward...... 13 to generously provide GMHC with the critical resources necessary to enhance our Savor...... 14 life-sustaining services each year. We salute the champions of this past year for their Toast at Twilight...... 15 leadership, collaboration, and unyielding tenacity. The following organizations have AIDS Walk New York...... 15 contributed gifts ranging from $5,000 to more than $300,000.

$100,000 + Academy for Educational Anonymous Development

Ira W. DeCamp Foundation


$50,000 to $99,999 Bloomberg

FJC A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds

Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Family Foundation Inc.

$25,000 to $49,999

The Frances and Benjamin Benenson Foundation, Inc.

The David Geffen Foundation GlaxoSmithKline

Trinity Wall Street Foundation 2009 Annual Report Supporters 12

Corporate & Foundation Supporters continued

$10,000 to $24,999

A&J Produce Corp. Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Protravel International, LLP Best Buy Jean & Louis Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Raymond Family Foundation The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein The Hagedorn Fund Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Foundation Macy’s Foundation Target Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Merck & Co. TD Bank Cowles Charitable Trust OraSure Technologies, Inc. Tisch Foundation, Inc. Davis Polk & Wardwell PFLAG New York City UBS AG Derek Lam International, LLC Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation Viacom/MTV Networks

$5,000 to $9,999

AWEARNESS Fund The Ettinger Foundation Mitchell & Titus Bloomingdale’s Fund of the The Gillian S. Fuller Foundation, Inc. MZA Events, Inc. Macy’s Foundation , Inc. New York Stock Exchange Boehringer Ingelheim Hanne Apparel Foundation, Inc. BTIG, LLC Herrick, Feinstein LLP Pershing LLC CB Richard Ellis Kenneth Cole Productions Prudential CMA Lycée Français de New York Strativa Crate & Barrel Macquarie Bank Limited Team Supersnack Credit Suisse First James J. McInerney & Gary R. Fafard The TJX Foundation, Inc. Diane von Furstenberg Studio, L.P. Foundation Vitamin Shoppe Industries, Inc. DK Display Corp. Michael Kors (USA), Inc. YMCA of New York

Matching Gifts

GMHC would like to acknowledge and thank the following organizations who encourage and reward the kind-hearted philanthropy of their employees. The following organizations matched the value of their employees’ gifts over the past year.

ABN Amro The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Equifax Foundation Ace INA Foundation Foundation, Inc. Ernst & Young LLP Adobe Systems Incorporated Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Expedia, Inc. Aetna Foundation, Inc. The Andrea & Charles Bronfman Exxon Mobil Foundation AIG Philanthropies Fannie Mae Foundation Albemarle Foundation Brookfield Financial Prop L.P. The Morrison Foerster Foundation AllianceBernstein CA, Inc. Ford Foundation Allstate Giving Campaign Carnegie Corporation of New York Gannett Foundation, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. Charles Schwab Corporation Gap Foundation Ambac Financial Group Inc. Chevron Humankind Gartner American Eagle Outfitters The Children’s Place Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Foundation Chubb & Son GE Foundation American Express Foundation Citigroup Foundation GenRe Corporation Ameriprise Financial Liz Claiborne Foundation Gill Foundation Amgen Inc. Coach, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Aon Foundation The Commonwealth Fund GMAC Commercial Mortgage Arcus Foundation Corbis Goldman, Sachs & Co. Avis Rent A Car, Inc. Countrywide Google AXA Financial Companies Deloitte & Touche LLP Grainger Bank of America Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Bank of New York Mellon DirecTV Grey Global Group Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Ltd. The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Guideposts Barclays Global Investors ebay Foundation Guinness UDV North America Barton Incorporated Eisai, Inc. Foundation, Inc. BD (Becton Dickinson) Electronic Arts Inc. Hachette Book Group USA The Black & Decker Corporation Emigrant Savings Bank William & Flora Hewlett Foundation BlackRock Inc. EMTA, Inc. Hewlett-Packard 2009 Annual Report Supporters 13

Matching Gifts continued

Home Depot Inc. Monterey Fund, Inc. Reader’s Digest Foundation HSBC Bank USA Moody’s Foundation Reuters IBM Corporation Motorola Foundation Ridgewood Savings Bank ING (U.S.) Financial Services Mutual of America, Inc. The Rockefeller Foundation Institutional Investor, Inc. National Benefit Life Insurance, Co. The Rockefeller Group Insurance Services Office, Inc. Natixis Capital Markets, Inc. .com Foundation J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. NEC Laboratories America, Inc. The Sallie Mae Fund The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Neenah Paper Inc. Sanofi-aventis The Robert Wood Johnson The Neiman Marcus Group SAP Foundation New York Life Foundation Select Equity Group, Inc. Johnson & Johnson The New York Stock Exchange Solix Kaplan Foundation, Inc Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods, Inc. NFL Charities Source Media Key Foundation Northern Trust Charitable Starbucks Coffee Company Kirkland & Ellis LLP Giving Program Starcom John S. & James L. Knight Novartis Pharmaceuticals State Street Matching Gift Program Foundation Corporation Sun Microsystems Foundation Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program NRG Energy, Inc. Takeda Pharmaceuticals Laika Oce North America, Inc. North America, Inc. Land America Financial Group, Inc. Olympus TC Group Lehman Brothers Inc. Open Society Institute Thomson Financial Services Levi Strauss Foundation Oppenheimer Funds Thomson Reuters Holdings Inc. Lexis Nexis Oracle Corporation Tiffany & Co. Lord & Taylor Foundation The David & Lucile Packard Tiger Management, LLC Lord, Abbett & Co., LLC Foundation Toys “R” Us The John D. and Catherine T. Pearson Truist MacArthur Foundation PepsiCo Foundation Tyco Macy’s Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts UBS Massdevelopment Pfizer Foundation Unilever United States MassMutual Phoenix Foundation Foundation, Inc. MasterCard International, Inc. Pioneer United Airlines McAfee The Prudential Foundation Universal Air Travel Plan, Inc The McGraw-Hill Companies Matching Gifts Program Verizon Foundation Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC PSEG Wachovia Foundation Merck and Co, Inc. Quadrangle Group Foundation, Inc. Washington Mutual Merrill Lynch & Co. Qualcomm Wellpoint Foundation MFS Investment Management & Quest Diagnostics, Inc XL Global Services, Inc. Subsidiaries Radian Guaranty, Inc. Yum! Foundation Microsoft Corporation Random House, Inc. Zurich North American Foundation Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc RBC Bank

Employee-Designated Campaigns

GMHC would like to acknowledge and thank the following organizations who allow employees to contribute a specific, self-determined amount to GMHC directly through payroll deduction.

Aetna Foundation, Inc. Bank of New York Mellon Genentech, Inc. Allstate Giving Campaign BD (Becton Dickinson) Giving Tree, LLC America’s Charities Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Global Impact American Airlines Chevron Humankind Grey Global Group American Express Foundation Cisco Ventures LLC Harvard University American Giving Charitable Fund Deloitte & Touche LLP Hewlett-Packard The AT&T Foundation Discover Financial Services Home Depot Inc. Avon Products, Inc. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation IBM Corporation Bank of America Foundation First Giving ING Foundation Bank of America Gap Foundation The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation United Way Campaign GE Foundation Johnson & Johnson 2009 Annual Report Supporters 14

Employee-Designated Campaigns continued

KPMG, LLP Pfizer Foundation United Way of Los Angeles Lexis Nexis Praxis Housing Initiatives, Inc. United Way of Morris County The McGraw-Hill Companies The Prudential Foundation United Way of New York City Medco Health Solutions PSEG United Way of Palm Beach County Merck & Co, Inc. Safeco Insurance United Way of Somerset County Merrill Lynch & Company Symantec Corporation United Way of Southeastern Foundation, Inc. Tekserve Corporation Microsoft Corporation TIAA-CREF Verizon Foundation Morgan Stanley Truist Washington Mutual Foundation Network for Good United Airlines Wellpoint Foundation New York City Transit Authority United Way of Bergen County Yahoo! Inc. Old Oaks Foundation, Inc. United Way of Central Maryland Perforce Foundation United Way of Chester County

The Founders’ Circle

We wish to acknowledge a group of philanthropic leaders who have dedicated extraordinary resources to GMHC throughout our history, which we are proud to do through the establish- ment of The Founders’ Circle. This group of uncommon people united in common cause is indeed the lifeblood of GMHC. We salute their exceptional gifts made over time that have sustained us and that continue to inspire our resolve.

$1,000,000 +

Altria Group, Inc. Ambulatory Society of The New York Hospital American Express Foundation Anonymous (2) Phil Donahue & Marlo Thomas Fiona & Stanley Druckenmiller David Geffen MAC AIDS Fund Michael D. Palm May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation The Tisch Family United Way of New York City H. van Ameringen Foundation Stephen Burrows, Beverly Johnson and Terry K. Watanabe Charitable Trust Tim Gunn at Fashion Forward The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation $500,000 to $999,999

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Estates of Marion B. Hutner & Judith & Samuel Peabody Carnegie Corporation of New York Bernie Hutner James G. Pepper The Carnegie Hall Corporation The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Fiona & Eric Rudin Estate of Janet Christenson The Willard T.C. Johnson Foundation Jeffrey B. Soref Estate of Edwin V. Erbe, Jr. Jeanne Levy-Hinte Time Warner Inc. Ford Foundation Lincy Foundation Verizon Foundation Estate of Nikki Fried Royal S. Marks Fund Vivendi Universal The Gap, Old Navy Clothing, Estate of Jordan Mayro Michelle & Robert Wallach Banana Republic Walker McKinney GlaxoSmithKline The Overbrook Foundation 2009 Annual Report Supporters 15

The Founders’ Circle continued

$100,000 to $499,999

Abbott Laboratories Joseph W. Cherner Sol & Lillian Goldman Foundation Academy for Educational Liz Claiborne Foundation Grey Global Group Development Steven A. & Alexandra M. Agnes Gund & Daniel Shapiro Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Cohen Foundation Addie J. Guttag AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition Kenneth Cole Productions Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Alexander Gallery Estate of O. Cortes The Hagedorn Fund Paul Allen Cowles Charitable Trust Judith & John Hannan Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Eric Paul Coyne & Rodney Alan Giles Alice & Stanley Harris Anthem Blue Cross Estate of Richard G. Dana Estate of Evelyn T. Harris The Arcus Gay & Fund Paul G. De Vido William L. Harris Joseph Arena & Dr. Thomas D’Eletto Ira W. DeCamp Foundation Estate of Richard L. Hassa AT&T Foundation Design Industries Foundation New York Community Trust- Nanette Atlas Fighting AIDS Hayes Family Fund Ward Auerbach Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation The Helene Foundation The Frances & Benjamin The Aaron Diamond Foundation Estate of Rhoda Hellman Benenson Foundation Barry Diller & Diane Von Furstenberg Jerry Herman Lawrence B. Benenson The Donna Karan Company Anna M. Hertz Estate of Stuart M. Berger William W. Donnell Hess Foundation, Inc. The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Duane Reade Fred P. Hochber & Thomas Healy Foundation Neil I. Dubin Estate of Josephine Holstein Estate of Albert J. Blois DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company Impact Communications, Inc. Bloomberg LLP Mitzi & Warren Eisenberg IOLA Fund of The State of NY BMG Classics/RCA Victor EMD Serono, Inc. Ittleson Foundation, Inc. Sully Bonnelly & Robert Littman Estate of Ralph B. Etchepare Anita Jaffe Louis A. Bradbury Feeding America John M. Lloyd Foundation Estate of Fredrick Brahms Richard Ferrari Elton John AIDS Foundation Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Estate of William J. Findlay Johnson & Johnson Christopher H. Browne Leonard Fink Elizabeth R. Johnson William T. Burdick Estate of John Dickson Fisher The J.M. Kaplan Fund Estate of David Burdsall Estate of Donald L. Foster Rita J. & Stanley H. Kaplan Calamus Foundation Gap Inc. Family Foundation Joanne L. Cassullo Peter A. Giarratano Catherine Kellner CBS Corporation Gilead Sciences John & Evelyn Kossak Foundation CFDA Foundation Frank D. Gilliard Trust Connie & Harvey Krueger Chemical Bank Mertz Gilmore Foundation Lambda Legal Alfred H. Lane Arthur Laurents The Henry Luce Foundation M.A.C Cosmetics/M.A.C AIDS Fund Macy’s Estate of Douglas L. Mager Phyllis Mailman The Mailman Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James S. Marcus Page & Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation Brian McCarthy William F. McCarthy & Jonathan Berleson The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation Merck & Co, Inc. Meyer & Min Manischewitz Foundation The Michael W. McCarthy Foundation Microsoft Corporation Monterey Fund, Inc. Ted Allen with Chef Pichet Ong Allan Morrow Foundation at Savor Ornella & Robert E. Morrow Estate of Helen V. Muller 2009 Annual Report Supporters 16

The Founders’ Circle continued

$100,000 to $499,999 continued

Dr. Martin A. Nash National Institutes of Health T h e N e w Yo r k C o m m u n i t y Tr u s t The New York City AIDS Fund Newman’s Own Ortho Biotech Jeffrey E. Parker Estate of Barry S. Pearlman Mrs. John K. Pepper Ronald Perelman Klaus Perls Pfizer Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Heinz Poll P o l o R a l p h L a u r e n F o u n d a t i o n Leslie Fay Pomerantz PriceWaterhouseCoopers Chefs Suvir Saran, Anne Burrell The Producer Circle Company and Anita Lo at Savor The Paul Rapoport Foundation The Rath Foundation R a y m o n d F a m i l y F o u n d a t i o n Estate of Robert E. Smith Laurie Tisch Michael A. Recanati & Iri Statfeld T h e Te d S n o w d o n F o u n d a t i o n Andrew Tobias & Charles Nolan Carolyn & Stephen Reidy Estate of Aaron F. Snyder Joseph Tringali RJR Nabisco Sony Music Entertainment United Hospital Fund Jerome Robbins Foundation Steven J. Spector & Robert Ripps United Way of Tri-State Roche & Trimeris Peter N. Speliopoulos & L a w r e n c e N . Va n Va l k e n b u r g h The Rockefeller Foundation Robert L. Turner Lillian Vernon Peter Rogers Steven Spielberg Viacom, Inc. Sara Lee Foundation Barbara H. Stanton The Village Voice Estate of Nicholas Schaffner S t o n e w a l l C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n Wachovia Foundation Perdita Schaffner E d w a r d S u l z b e r g e r F o u n d a t i o n Jan K. Weil The Charles & Mildred Laurie Tisch Sussman Foundation Nina & Gary Wexler Schnurmacher Foundation S. D. Sussman Malcolm H. Wiener Estate of Bernice B. Shawl Estate of Lili G. Sweat Wolfensohn Family Foundation Jonathan B. Sheffer & Target Joanne Woodward & Paul Newman Christopher Barley, MD Wagner Thielens Robert C. Woolley Gil Shiva Tibotec Therapeutics Robert G. Zack Estate of Janet A. Sloane Jonathan Tisch

President’s Council

Members of the President’s Council demonstrate an extraordinary commitment and willingness to dedicate personal resources to lead the way to real and lasting change. The following individuals and family foundations help GMHC to fulfill its mission of improving lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community. Their gifts give hope and help keep GMHC on the vanguard of HIV prevention, treatment, and activism. GMHC salutes their vision, leadership and dedication.

Honorary Chairs $75,000.00 + $25,000.00 + Phil Donahue AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition Anonymous Eric Rudin Joan Tisch Joseph Arena & Dr. Thomas D’Eletto Joan Tisch The Vincent Camuto Charitable Trust $50,000.00 + David Geffen 100,000.00 + Anonymous Leslie Fay Pomerantz Lawrence B. Benenson Estate of Mel Cheren Fiona & Eric Rudin Fiona & Stanley Druckenmiller Brian McCarthy The Ted Snowdon Foundation Estate of Marion B. Hutner H. van Ameringen Foundation 2009 Annual Report Supporters 17

Friends for Life

The Friends for Life Annual Fund consists of individuals and family foundations that have made unrestricted gifts of $1,000 to $24,999 to support the work and further the mission of GMHC. Our gratitude to all who have renewed or increased gifts this year, and a warm welcome to all our new Friends for Life. Your collective support makes it possible for us to provide comprehensive programs and services.

Leadership $10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous Dr. Martin A. Nash Diana and Rafael Viñoly Estate of Anne Bendix Carolyn & Stephen Reidy Malcolm H. Wiener Ekkehart Hassels-Weiler & Jordan Roth Robert G. Zack James Bennett Peter N. Speliopoulos & Judith Francis Zankel The Rona Jaffe Foundation Robert L. Turner Timothy J. Linehan David Terveen Patron $5,000 to $9,999

Joseph and Sophia Abeles Foundation Steven L. Holley Jane Stine & R.L. Stine Anonymous (2) Derek & Leora Kaufman Carol Storr Mark A. Bavoso Dr. Barbara Kravitz The Picower Foundation Andrea Boone Edward P. Krugman Joseph Tringali Perry Borenstein Tara G. Leibowitz Howard Tucker James H. Duffy The Mailman Foundation, Inc. In honor of Howard Gold & John Ehrhardt Thomas S. McArdle Harold Bahk Jody Falco & Jeffrey Steinman The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation Jan K. Weil The Gillian S. Fuller Foundation, Inc. Frank L. Miceli Robin Willner Suzanne Greenberg Judith & Samuel Peabody William Winters Michael C. Harwood Michael W. Sonnenfeldt C. R. Wishner Maureen A. Hayes Melissa & Robert Soros Jerry Herman Barbara H. Stanton

Member $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous (5) Flowers Family Foundation Odell Mays II Joan & Robert Arnow In memory of John Flowers Gary W. Meyer In memory of Jonathan Wentworth Stephen Futrell Nancy & Frank Pierson Ward Auerbach & Andy Baker Jay Garner Carol A. Prugh Wendy & Frederick Bachman Esther Hahm Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy John N. Blackman Sr. Foundation James N. Heston Randi & Eric Sellinger Foundation John F. Bradley Carl Jacobs Foundation Clara & Richard Serra Alexandra & Steven Cohen Anita Jaffe Gerard P. Signorelli Jeffrey Damens Robert Price Jepsen Mark Solda The Helen & Philip Delman Detlef Kamps The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Foundation F. Gary Knapp William M. Tomai & John Eric Sebesta Alvin & Davida Deutsch Christian J. Leighton Thomas von Foerster Dean R. Feldman Peter C. Lincoln Donald Windham

Associate $1,000 to $2,499

Jane E. Aaron Pete G. Beck J. A. Brost In honor of George How S. C. Benjamin Foundation Constance A. Brown Scott M. Ageloff Melissa & Daniel Berger Robert E. Caines Chris Ambs & Scott Clearwater The Andrew J. Bernstein Foundation Luceil D. Carroll Joan Amico Michael Berr The Cherry Picker Foundation Anonymous (22) James H. Bigwood Don Chew Aronovitz Family Foundation Theresa M. Bongiardino In memory of John T. Patterson Christopher A. Austopchuk Lorraine N. Boschi John Chism Babbitt Family Charitable Trust Louise Bourgeois Mary L. Cooper Roman Bachli John E. Bowenkamp Richard L. Cutter Paris R. Baldacci Evelyn Britt Robert W. Danskin Alec Baldwin In memory of Arnold Rowan Alberto Dejesus 2009 Annual Report Supporters 18

Friends for Life continued

Associate $1,000 to $2,499 continued Carole & Ira Pittelman Anne E. Porter Mojdeh Rapp John Renninger Jose M. Roman Barbara Rosen James J. Ryan Marianne Sacknoff Zachary Sank In honor of Sylvan Bloomfield, M.D. Randal Savage Patricia Field and Eric Chance David Saylor at the House of Latex Ball In memory of Robert Polenz Bernard Schleifer Steve & Nancie Schnur Ronald J. Dellapina Anne Hollander In memory of Jonathan Wentworth Frank Dix Douglas A. Holtquist Eric J. Schumann William W. Donnell Molly L. Hoyt Gertrud Schupbach & Eric Wieschaus Deirdre Donovan Gail & Mark Imowitz Frank M. Shanbacker In honor of Judy Peabody In honor of Allan Marrow Deborah B. Shapira George C. Doomany, Jr. & Laurence Jahns & Ron Dabney Mark C. Short Norman P. Goldblatt David Joselit Debra & Caroll Spinney Frank Duff, M.D. In memory of Carl Insoft The Starry Night Fund Nora Ephron & Nicholas Pileggi Thomas E. Kerns Jack Stern, M.D. Edward N. Epstein Craig H. Kintner Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP Joe Evall & Rich Lynn David L. Klein Jr., Foundation Michael A. Stocker Dana Buchman Farber & In memory of Harold Feldman David A. Strawbridge Tom Farber Simon Kneen Nancy A. Streeter Pauline & Lawrence Feldman Lotte Kunstler In honor of John Curry Mark J. Fidelman Richard LaGravenese Philip M. Susswein Sarah T. Fischell Jeffrey C. Lamkin Jean & Dick Swank Raymond Fisher Daryl Lee Claudia L. Taft John S. Fitzgerald David O. Leiwant Colette N. Thaw Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedel Arthur Leonard Kevin J. Toomey In honor of Edward Friedel & In honor of Tim Neuno Robert A. Towner The Geffen Center David M. Leventhal In honor of Fernando Jose Garcia George Gallantz David A. Levine Sheri Uddin Michael Gepty George Lichter Family Foundation In memory of William Wacker In memory of Juan Gonzalez In memory of Irwin Lichter Beth Uffner A. Mary Gilbert Gordon Linoff & Giuseppe Scalia David H. Vickrey Howard A. Glickstein In memory of Peter Giarratano Ellen M. Violett and Mary P.R. Thomas Richard & Carolyn Glickstein Steven L. Lisker Foundation, Inc. Judith Gluckstern Grace Lyu-Volckhausen John Vlachos In memory of Michael Palm Hermes Mallea & Carey Maloney John Volpe James E. Goldman In memory of Peter Krueger Janet Weinberg Margaret & Keith Gould Donald Manocherian Jean & Kenneth Wentworth In memory of Jonathan Wentworth George H. Markley In memory of Jonathan Wentworth Michael F. Griffin, Esq. Jane B. Meyerhoff & Robert B. Taylor Kathryn Grossman Elazar Milbaur Lawrence E. Wieman Martin G. Gruber Morton Milder Hall F. Willkie M. Hall Hughson Mooney Judy & Fred Wilpon Robert T. Hanley Richard K. Moore Christopher P. Wilson Bari Harlam Leah Morgan Andrea Woodner Michael P. Harrell In honor of Joe Swoboda The Bess and Workman Jim & Sandy Healey Hedwin Naimark Foundation Hearthstone Foundation In honor of Riva Naimark William A. Worth, Jr. John B. Heist Joseph C. Nicosia Marc P. Zemsky Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Francis J. O’Brien & Thomas Fazio William Zoeckler In honor of Jeff Soref on Dion Oglesby In memory of Albert Jaron Vera his 60th birthday Donna O’Leary Elizabeth Hofsas Isabelle & Charles Osborne In honor of John Hofsas Bruce L. & Nicole Paisner 2009 Annual Report Supporters 19


GMHC Allies is a giving program that was launched in 2005 with 19 donors, and today we recognize and thank 246 donors who made gifts of $500 to $999 in the 2009 fiscal year. It is through their support that GMHC continues to grow to meet the ever-growing needs of our clients and community. Thank you for your continued and increased support.

$500 to $999 Helen & Paul Anbinder Penelope Dannenberg Arden Epstein In memory of Michael H. Stewart W. Dauman Christopher Evans Riesenberg Robert K. Davies Susan B. Farmer Marilyn Annan Michael De Vito Glen Fasman Anonymous (9) Ron Delk Tony Feher Florence Artis David Demnitz Gary Richard Feulner In memory of David Hargro Louis J. Denkovic In memory of Jobriath Boone L. Michael Aschoff Kyle Dore Sabina Fila Ellen L. Asher Douglas O. Drake Richard A. Foltz Steven Axelrod David Druker In memory of Mort Gindi & Sara L. Badler Edward Dullea Colin Fleming David Ballon J. Christopher Eagan Jeffrey T. Freehof Susan J. Barnett Betty B. Eckler Nora Freeman Dana Bash Lester Edelstein In memory of Larry Freeman Sheila Bassman In memory of Gustavo C. Ojeda David A. Fricke Marc L. Baum David Ellenbogen Ruthellen Fried Marjory J. Becker-Lewin In honor of Saul Ellenbogen Barbara Friedberg Michael Berglund Claire Bernardo & David Ratner In honor of Rob Bernardo, Mark Raymond Nilson, & Joseph Tribelli Robert A. Bjerke James L. Bjorum Lewis Black Edward V. Blanchard Jay C. Boehm Louis Bonanni Harriet Brudner Robert J. Burbank David P. Calfee Nicholas Camastro John T. Candell Nancy S. Cardoso In honor of Mike Duran David A. Castleman Michael A. Cavaliere Ellen Chajson Nikolaus Christmann Gisele G. Clark In memory of Pedro Saez Quintin J. Clough In memory of Millie Ortiz Elise Collins Theresa A. Collins Bridget L. Cooke Ted Cornwell William Craig In memory of Louis Fletcher Patricia Crown & Anthony Radice Sean W. Curran Joan Tisch and Emily Sussman Kenneth C. Daly at Savor David N. Damrosch 2009 Annual Report Supporters 20

Allies continued

$500 to $999 continued Robert W. Funk Juanita Leff Keith F. Rosen Randy P. Gage Larry Lefkowitz Liz B. Rosenberg Robert M. Gallagher Dean T. Lewallen Edith & Stanley Ross Richard Gallichio List Strategies, Inc. Elizabeth M. Salett Vincent Gambino Eleanor & Eugene Litwak Jay O. Sanders Alexis Gelber In honor of Ezra David Litwak Donna Sasso Nancy N. Gibbs Carmelo Lozada Lucy Selligman Schneider Barbara Gilroy John F. Lucas Michael Schober Francoise Girard Bill Lucia Frank Schramm Gary H. Glaser In memory of Patrick Cassamasina Linda Schupack In honor of Robert Bank Carl-Johan Luther Jeffrey Seller & Joshua Lehrer Robert B. Glasser Leola A. MacDonald Jennifer Shotwell Isabel Goldstein The Marquis George MacDonald Marc Siegel Brian Gorman Foundation Gregory W. Siskind Milton Gottlieb Stuart Margulies The Alan B. Slifka Foundation In honor of David Gottlieb & Jon A. Maroto Roger K. Smith In memory of Albert Greene Philip Martel Robert J. Sommer Esther Greene Silvia Marx Richard A. Sonenklar Mary Rodgers & Henry Guettel Virginia McCulloh Wesley A. Sparks Craig M. Guinta Gerald McLoughlin St. John’s Lutheran Church David Hansell & Rob Cimino Peter L. McNamara Allan Starr The John A. Hartford Foundation David Meer Richard & Isabel Steinberg Mary E. Haub Steven Meise Stanley R. Stoj Richard Heanue Robert Meyer Marvin Sussman Troy P. Heiden Alan B. Middleton Greg Swalwell Scott Herness Ann H. Miller Michael Tarpley Robert C. Hickman Jonathan B. Miller The Robert B. Taylor III Foundation Kendra J. Hillman Gaines M. Mimms Paul Teitelbaum Lawrence C. Holbrooks Sandra Mintz J. Michael Tomczak In memory of Dorothy Ruth Elena J. Mondini Lewis Topper Pittman Holbrooks-Brown Richard R. Moore Leo T. Tsai Babette S. Hollister Sally C. Morse Michael R. Tyson Ben Indek Robert M. Moss Jodi Uttal David K. Israel Nan Mutnick & David Alge In memory of Larry Uttal Bill Jackson Jon C. Nathanson Pierre Vallet Keith R. Johnson Otto Nielsen Samuel Vazquez Richard Kalb Garrick O. Ohlsson Dane Venable Ruth C. Kaminstein Stephen Oremus Douglas Vido The Kandell Fund Steve Osman Barry Waldorf Linda Katzenbach Marjorie M. Ostrove Barbara Walsh Daniele & Christopher Kell John P. Parise Carol Warshawsky Joan L. Kent M.D. Diana Perry Harold Weidman Richard M. Keresey Linda Pietrasinsky Lois Weinroth In memory of Robert Woolley In honor of John Vitale Janet J. Weissman Thomas O. King Eric A. Pike Douglas Whitcomb David Knapp Susan F. Pinsky Nancy M. Wilkinson Steven Kolb Christopher Power Gary A. Willer Isobel R. Konecky Lenoire Pytel David B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jordan E. Kudler Julia M. Quagliata Ronald M. Winchel Derek Kuhl Mark S. Quigley Siebert Winkel Robert W. Kuhn In memory of Douglas Trezza Lorraine Wishner Brooke S. Landau Seth D. Radwell Jim F. Wohler Eric C. Landgraf Robert Regina Eric Wojahn Patricia Landis Douglas Reilly Donna J. Yatcilla Rocco Laspata Shahram S. Rejvani In memory of Joseph Spack William Lauch Michael T. Reynolds Saul L. Zalkin Marta Jo Lawrence Tim Robert David Zippel Suzanne Lawton Bonnie G. Robins George Zweier John M. Le Bedda Rodgers Family Foundation G. Wade Leak Ana Roman 2009 Annual Report Supporters 21

Monthly Benefactors

GMHC’s Benefactors provide a consistent flow of income on a monthly basis. From 1,300 donors in this group — who come from all over the country, many of whom have been with GMHC since the beginning — a predictable flow of income is generated, allowing us to provide uninterrupted essential services to our clients. We are grateful for your steadfast commitment.

Partners in Planning

Partners in Planning is a recognition society honoring individuals who have established a legacy gift for GMHC in their wills or estates. We are deeply grateful to these partners for including GMHC in their long-term financial planning through bequests, gifts of life insurance and retirement plan assets, as well as trusts and securities. Thank you for your insightful generosity.

Nanette Atlas Lynn E. Hand, Jr. Edward M. Karlin, CPA Ward Auerbach Joseph A. Hardy Melvin S. Katzman William R. Ayers Ernest Harff Janet W. Kayes Chaplain & Mrs. Barbara Barone Donald Hartog Mario Kircher Estate of Anne Bendix Richard W. Hatter Ronald Krause Mr. & Mrs. William F. Berliner Earl K. Holstege Marc Krauss Lester Bowman Robert E. Hubert Ronald Krieb William J. Boyd Charles Richard Hunderup Lotte Kunstler Mary Brazle Syde Hurdus Estate of Sheldon Kutnick Evelyn Britt Estate of Marion B. Hutner Bill Kux Bruce S. Bromley Ana M. Jacobi Alfred H. Lane Honorable Kenneth E. Bruce Harley M. Jones Winston B. Layne Franni Burke Diane Kamp Martha B. Leigh Elizabeth G. Calhoun George E. Chandler Estate of Mel Cheren Jeannette B. Chernow John D. Claypoole & Frank Vazquez Betty Clemens-Teslenko Herbert I. Cohen, MD A.B. Connor Dennis J. Cooney Thomas Cott Vicki Cowen James D. Cronk David A. DeMuro & Chris P. Longobucco Margaret F. Dugan Loretta Duncan Frances E. Dyson Estate of Lillian J. Epps Estate of Edwin V. Erbe Paul Fabri Estate of Donald L. Foster Professor Roger J. Goebel Morris Golde Rick Goldstein Erwin G. Gonzalez, MD The I. Gonzalez Trust Dr. Sally Graham Jesse D. Greenberg, M.D. at Fashion Forward Richard M. Haber Estate of Calvin Hampton 2009 Annual Report Supporters 22

Partners in Planning continued

Howard Lesman Judith Peabody Lee H. Stout Warren L. Lorella Bernard Pearlman Edward T. Tawil Paul B. Ludwig Jim Persing Michael Thompson C. MacDonald Glenn & Lorraine Puzo Richard Thompson Neil Marshall Remak Ramsay John Tynes Vivian Marshall Herbert K. Reis, Esq. Lawrence N. Van Valkenburgh Kenneth F. Martin Clifford Richner Hector Vega Malcolm Martin Terry Rizek John Vlachos William F. McCarthy & Roger M. Ross John C. Voulgaris Jonathan Burleson Mildred Roth Jean & Kenneth Wentworth Walker McKinney Arthur L. Rubinstein Lucille Werlinich Ilse Melamid Peter Ruffett Richard M. White Robert Melroe Teri Ryan Rex Wilder Caroline Ramsay Merriam Robert C. Santangelo Arthur R. Wilson Audie Moran Perdita Schaffner Sheldon Winicour Stephen K. Mueller Jeffrey Seller & Joshua Lehrer Nina M. Wood Dr. Martin A. Nash Loren Sherman William A. Worth, Jr. Helene Parnes Gail Sinquefield Thomas A. Zanoni Norman H. Paul Carmine Spinelli Bill Paulsen David Stoler

GMHC House Tours

Beautiful homes, lavish gardens, inviting swimming pools, and magnificent September weather highlighted our 2008 event in Sagaponack and Bridgehampton. A gathering of nearly 100 friends of GMHC enjoyed touring the homes of 425 Wainscott Harbor Road designed by Stan Allen, Steve Brown & Steve Saide, Robby Browne, Sarah Ferguson & Kimberly Kakerbeck, Kevin Flannigan & Eldon Wong, and the Madoo Conservatory Garden. The tour was followed by an elegant luncheon at Almondcello in East Hampton. Special thanks to our sponsors (listed below) and to the Host Committee: Gloria & Larry Appel, Robert Bank, Louis Bradbury, Pamela Burton, Casey Crawford & Matthew Moore, Asha & Steven Cutting, Jamie Drake, Sarah Ferguson & Kimberly Kakerbeck, Richard Ferrari, Toni Haber, Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D., Joseph La Piana, Peter Lichtenthal & Perry Eisman, Michael Longacre, Carri Lyon, Odell Mays II, Marnie McBryde & Faith Guy, Jo Christine & Everett Miles, Matthew Morningstar & Alan van Capelle, Jose Roman, Jordan Roth & Richie Jackson, Fiona & Eric Rudin, John Savoca & Michael Choi, Claudia Slacik, Samantha Taylor, Robert Tortora, and Kenneth Wyse.

GMHC House Tours Sponsors

Gloria & Larry Appel Louis A. Bradbury Jamie Drake Jeffrey L. Gates Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Arthur J. Kalita Michael K. Longacre Carri Lyon Fiona & Eric Rudin Susan P. Stroman

Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. (CEO) and Louis Bradbury at House Tours in Sagaponac 2009 Annual Report Supporters 23

Fashion Forward Presented by Bank of America

GMHC’s second annual Fashion Forward, which was hosted once again by Tim Gunn (Creative Director of Liz Clairborne and host of ), saluted the fashion industry’s longstanding commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS. From the earliest days of the epidemic, the fashion community has been on the frontlines, using its creativity and passion to raise public awareness and galvanizing fundraising efforts to support life-sustaining services. With close to 700 people in attendance, the crowd included leaders from the fashion and modeling world, all on hand to show their support. A silent auction featuring items of a veritable who’s who of fashion kicked off the night which led up to a buzz-worthy fashion show featuring Spring/Summer ’09 looks from six of today’s brightest designers including Michael Bastian, Betsey Johnson, Ports 1961 by Tia Cibani, Tim Hamilton, Charles Nolan, and John Varvatos. HIV-positive fashion designer and former Project Runway contestant Jack Mackenroth participated in the event to discuss his experience living with HIV for nearly 20 years as well as his latest project, a national initiative called Living Positive by Design (LPBD), an HIV/AIDS education campaign sponsored by Merck & Co., Inc.

Fashion Forward Sponsors

Present Sponsor $25,000 Bank of America

Boutique Sponsor $20,000 Living Positive by Design Merck & Co., Inc.

Runway Sponsor $10,000 Derek Lam International, LLC

Pret-A-Porter Sponsor $5,000 CB Richard Ellis Diane von Furstenberg Studio, L.P. DK Display Corp. EMD Serono, Inc. Hanne Apparel Michael Kors (USA), Inc.

Silhouette Sponsor $2,500 Juliet Cain Steven A. Cutting Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Peter B. Lichtenthal Jo Christine Miles Derek Lam at Fashion Forward Leslie Fay Pomerantz Jordan Roth 2009 Annual Report Supporters 24


GMHC hosted the second annual Savor, featuring some of New York’s finest chefs of New American cuisine. Emceed for a second year by Ted Allen, host of Food Network’s Chopped and Food Detectives, this year we honored a member of our family, Robert E. Bank, Esq., former Chief Operating Officer who departed GMHC after 14 years. He received a special presentation by Jacob Gayle, Ph.D., Deputy Vice President of the Ford Foundation. Savor offered a superb four-course meal prepared by Chefs Anne Burrell of Food Network’s Secrets of a Restaurant Chef, Anita Lo of Annisa, Pichet Ong of P*ONG, and Suvir Saran of Dévi. Adding sublime sights to delectable flavors, remarkable pieces of American Pop Art (Lichtenstein, Haring, and Warhol), were shown digitally on the dining room walls surrounding the guests. The night included a performance by Sutton Foster, Tony Award-winner and star of the Broadway musical Shrek, as well as a live and silent auction.

Savor Sponsors

Sous Chef Sponsor $25,000 Anonymous Lawrence B. Benenson Fiona and Stanley Druckenmiller EMD Serono, Inc. Leslie Fay Pomerantz

Pastry Chef Sponsor $15,000 Anita Jaffe Emily Tisch Sussman TD Bank

Wine Steward Sponsor $10,000 Bloomberg Davis Polk & Wardwell May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Sonnenshein Nath & Rosenthal LLP UBS Alyssa Zeller

Special Gourmet $6,000 Mitchell & Titus

Gourmet $5,000 Bingham McCutchen LLP Boehringer Ingelheim Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Thomas A. Gordon Prudential Financial San Francisco AIDS Foundation Strativa Pharmaceuticals, a division of PAR Pharmaceuticals Tibotec Therapeutics Sutton Foster at Savor 2009 Annual Report Supporters 25

Toast at Twilight

GMHC thanked donors and friends at its 19th annual Toast at Twilight, held on the historical trading floor at NYSE Euronext (New York Stock Exchange). Tony-Award nominee Tovah Feldshuh, the star of the critically acclaimed Broadway play Irena’s Vow, presented a heartfelt toast to all our donors.

The event was hosted by Frank Dix and NYSE Euronext. Evelyn Britt and Additional sponsors were DIFFA (Design Industries Tovah Feldshuh Foundation Fighting AIDS) and Delta Airlines. at Toast at Twilight

AIDS Walk New York

GMHC’s 24th annual AIDS Walk, held on Sunday, May 17, had overwhelming attendance and outstanding fundraising results. A total of 45,000 walkers helped to raise $5.6 million. The event received record-breaking support from the corporate community through team fundraising and corporate sponsorship. This year’s three Premier Sponsors included Bristol-Myers Squibb, Delta Airlines, and Duane Reade. Grand Sponsors were Bloomberg, CBS 2 HD, The Decoration and Design Building, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Gap, Inc. Principal Sponsors were Barclay’s Capital, New York Daily News, Stanley and Fiona Druckenmiller, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Zipcar. Since its inception in 1986, AIDS Walk New York has raised more than $111 million for GMHC and dozens of other tri-state area HIV/AIDS organizations.

AIDS Walk Top Star Walkers

Star Walkers are a major part of the continuing success of AIDS Walk New York. We thank them and applaud their outstanding efforts and achievements. The following walkers each raised $2,500 or more, and together raised an extraordinary $3.17 million.

Edyth Alexander Didi Charney Katherine Ensslen Karen Alters Samuel Charney Justin Falco Jeffrey Apgar Norman Cherubino Joe Ferentini Audley Archer Sammy Chin Rita Fischer Raul Argudin Craig Cichy Steven Fischer Michael Armstrong Deborah Cohen Ken Fleishman Carlos Avila Mark Collins Arthur Freeman Brian Babst John Colon Fran Friendman John Baumgartner Kenneth Cooke Philip Fusciello Christopher Beck Gary Cowling David Gill Elaine Benov Donald Credle Donna Gins David Berman Ross Cuddeback VivaTini Glam Andrew Bohnker Suzanne Culhane Francine Goldstein MaryJane Boland Georgianna Davis Sam Gonzalez Michael Bolger Jeffrey Davis Elyse Goodman Serena Boyd Steven Dawson Melissa Goodman Robert Brown Kerri Decker John Gordon Todd Buchanan Joseph Dehn Clarence Grebey Karen Buglisi Craig DeThomas Leif Green Mauricio Bustamante Donald Deyo Paul Greenberg Juliet Cain Harley Diamond Paul Gruber Terry Callaghan Leonard DiVittorio Julia Gruen Jacqueline Campbell Laura Elkins Caroline Gumer Karen Casiano Peter Ennis Tim Gunn 2009 Annual Report Supporters 26

AIDS Walk New York continued

Brooke Smith, Carson Kressley, Hilary Duff, Sarah Dash and Michael Urie at AIDS Walk New York

Steve Gutierrez David Mohamed Rich Scardino Randy Hadden Kevin Monogue Joellen Schertz Ray Hagg Alain Montour Louis Sciullo Dean Haglin Matthew Moore John Serra Jennifer Hassenberg Javier Morgado Jorge Serrao Danny Heckman Matthew Morningstar Michael Shattner Joel Herman Sonia Muckle Jason Shaw Keely Herrick Cindy Muth Anthony Shepherd Alyce Hershenhart Karen Nelson Sarah Sherber Marjorie J. Hill, Ph.D. Paul Nocera Brian Silva Bill Hoffman Mark Noizumi Jason Silva Joseph Hom Jarrett Nolan Alan Silverman Tallulah Hubbard-Tripi Sheila Nugent Carla Silverman Holly Hutcheson Ron Olsen Randy Simmons Valerie Imbleau Anna Osetek Jason Soloway Ian Jopson Matthew Ossenfort Lucia Spina Bernee Kapili Alexis Page Arlene Spivack Urban Karlsson Rich Palermo Sarah Stamboulie Anton Kawasaki Thompson Patton Gary Stavella Stephen Keefe Michael Pennock Adam Steiner John Kelly Osvaldo Perdomo Mark Steiner Scott Kramer Michael Pesce Tari Stratton Naomi Kresner Lawrence Peters Watty Strouss David Laboy Anna Plumlee Lawrence Sullivan Douglas Lancet Dina Pruzansky Tim Tareco Michele LaValle Carol Puro Marc Thomas Steven Leavitt Lee Raines Matt Tratner Carron Leon David Rak Larry Tullipano Brian Lewis Julia Ramos Holly Unterberger Galen London Christopher Reimensnyder Juan Vasquez Ana Lopez John Roberts Giovanni Vitacolonna Anne Lyons Lucille Rodriguez Imtiaz Waldin Beverly Maberry Maureen Rodriguez Stephanie Wallis Jack David Marcus Scott Rosemann Colin Weil James Matte Harvey Rosenstein Janet Weinberg Frank Mattiello David Roth Gregg Winkelman Charles McWeeney David Rubeo Justin Wray Charlie Miller Laura Rubino Denise Yaney Brian Mills John Sampson Adeline Yu Mark Milstein Luis Santos Anthony Zelig 2009 Annual Report Supporters 27

Visit our websites: gmhc.org mymethlife.org

GMHC The Tisch Building 119 West 24 Street New York, NY 10011 (212) 367-1000

HIV/AIDS Hotline: 800-243-7692 [email protected]

Take Action. Advocate. Donate. Educate. Volunteer.

Concept and creative direction by Langton Cherubino Group; art direction and design by Jim Keller. Written by Alexander Horwitz. Editors: Kenneth Cox, Adam Fredericks, Krishna Stone, Richard Teller, and Janet Weinberg. Photography: Paul O. Colliton, Adam Fredericks, Giovanni Koll, Luna Ortiz, Krishna Stone, and Nicole Zahour. Independent Auditors: Mitchell & Titus LLP. Pro-bono legal counsel: Davis Polk & Wardwell.