Newsletter of the Cathedral of St. Andrew - Honolulu

Cathedral Life Thursday, May 7, 2015

FEAST OF THE ASCENSION Wednesday, May 13 - 5:30 pm Choral for the Eve of the Feast Thursday, 14 May - 5:30 pm Choral Eucharist on the BOTH SERVICES ARE SUNG BY THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR

The Ascension is one of the Principal Prayer Book Feasts, equal in importance to , and ! The Feast commemorates the ascension of Jesus into heaven (Acts 1:6-11) following his crucifixion and resurrection.

Faith Forum on Sunday, May 10, will continue to present learning about Israel/Palestine with a presentation by our Dean Walter Brownridge on "The Geography and Topography of Salvation." Just back from his first visit to the Holy Land, the Dean will share his reflections as part of the North American Dean's Conference held at St. George's College Jerusalem under the leadership of Dean Hosam Naoum. Please join the discussion as we in the Cathedral ohana hear reflections about the Dean's journey to sacred sights, participating in interfaith dialogue, and witnessing first hand the struggles of living in an occupied land. The forum will take place in the Von Holt Room from 9:20 to 10:10 am. Pictured left: Dean Walter and Dean Tim from the Cathedral in Nashville standing in front of the Church of the Holy Sepluchre in Jerusalem.

Pacific Peace Forum Presents The Nonviolence of Bishop Oscar Romero With Wally Inglis Friday, May 8th, 2015, 6:00 to 8:30 pm, Von Holt Room

Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, who was shot to death while saying Mass in 1980, is considered a national hero in El Salvador for his defense of the poor and of human rights at the outset of a bloody civil war. His May 23rd beatification is expected to be one of the largest public events in the country's history

(Beatification is a major step towards canonization or sainthood in the Catholic Church.)

In 1980, Romero was gunned down at the altar by an assassin connected with El Salvador's Arena party which was supported by the Reagan administration. Because Romero is considered the patron saint of liberation theology (which the pope saw as too influenced by Marxism), John Paul refused to even call the archbishop a martyr. Instead, he referred to him merely as "a zealous pastor."

Pope Francis has changed all of that. Romero, he says, was not only a martyr, but has advanced him on the way to official recognition as a saint of the entire Roman Catholic Church.

Hawaii's Wally Inglis has returned from El Salvador and will report on the events commemorating Romero and lead a discussion on Romero's liberation theology and nonviolence.

For more information, contact Dr. Haaheo Guanson, 330-3771

Nominees for the 27th Presiding Bishop

On May 1, 2015, the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop announced the names of the bishops it will nominate this summer to succeed Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.

The four names will be formally submitted to the General Convention during a joint session on June 26, the day prior to the day set for the election by the House of Bishops of the 27th presiding bishop. The nominees are:

• The Rt. Rev. Thomas Breidenthal, 64, Diocese of Southern Ohio • The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, 62, Diocese of North Carolina • The Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, 56, Diocese of Connecticut • The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith 61, Diocese of Southwest Florida

The committee's formal announcement, along with biographical information about each nominee, is posted on the General Convention website,

Please keep these bishops and the Convention delegates in your prayers.

Diocesan Summer Camp Opportunities for Youth

Hui Pu 2015 is coming soon! It is time for summer camp for our youth! Plans are shaping up nicely and the camp staff is excited for a new year of fun and fellowship on Oahu's north shore at Camp Mokuleia. Our theme this year is "Do Something" and will focus on serving and loving others.

Encourage youth to register. Registration is open and we are hoping to fill all the slots with youth before June 3rd. There are travel scholarships for youth from neighbor islands, and transportation to and from Honolulu. We have three age groups: 3rd to 5th grades, 6th to 88th grades, and 9th to 12th grades.

If each church sent even one youth for each session, we would have a great-sized group! Encourage youth to attend this amazing experience. It will renew their spirits, fill their hearts, and open their eyes to new ways of praise and worship.

Register at under "events."

Our Prayers and Support for the Devastation in Nepal

Compassionate God... Draw near to us in this time of sorrow and anguish, comfort those who mourn, strengthen those who are weary, encourage those in despair, and lead us all to fullness of life; through the same Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints, page 733.

Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the ecumenical ACT Alliance in Nepal and local partners in northern India and southwest China regarding urgent needs and assessment efforts following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck near Kathmandu on the morning of April 25.

The earthquake was centered east of Nepal's capital, near the town of Pokhara, though the initial quake and subsequent aftershocks were felt as far away as Pakistan, more than 800 miles away. The death toll reported late April 27 exceeds 3,900, including 17 who died in an avalanche on Mt. Everest, with the number expected to rise over the coming days. Due to the rough terrain and isolated nature of communities in Nepal and across the Himalayas, search and rescue efforts are being carried out on foot and by helicopter. Communications are still down across wide areas of the region, further hampering assessment and rescue efforts. Responding to immediate needs for food, clean water and shelter, as well as the need for accurate information through on-the-ground assessment, Episcopal Relief & Development will support ACT Alliance efforts implemented through a partner office in Kathmandu.

Episcopal Relief & Development is in contact with the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia regarding support for the work of the Deanery of Nepal, which is part of the Diocese of Singapore.

"It is a frightening time, with so many homes and buildings already destroyed and the threat of aftershocks causing others to collapse," said Abagail Nelson, Episcopal Relief & Development's Senior Vice President of Programs. "People need spiritual support as they try to keep their families safe, or find and save those who are missing. We urge prayers for all those impacted by the quake, and for those who are bringing relief, support and encouragement to people in need."

The Cathedral wants to assist in making denotations to the Nepal Earthquake Response Fund easy, as we help Episcopal Relief & Development support its partners' emergency relief efforts and on-the-ground assessment in the region. You can go on line and send your donations directly to ERD ( or drop a donation in the collection plate /mail to the Cathedral, with Nepal Earthquake Response Fund in the ledger line of your check.

May the mercies of God be with all who are in despair.

Benedictine Day at the Cathedral

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 30th. Join the community in a day of prayer and work, fellowship, and food.

Get Ready to Get Your Red On!

For Christians, Pentecost is a Principal Feast Day on which we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus. This special event initially happened 50 days after Jesus' death and resurrection. Jesus' disciples had gathered in the Temple for the Jewish of Pentecost. Prior to this event, there was no movement that could be meaningfully called "the church." Thus, from an historical perspective, Pentecost is viewed as the day on which the church began. This dramatic in-breaking of God's Divine power and presence brought the church into existence and continues to enliven it today.

Pentecost falls on Sunday, May 24th, this year! Come to the Cathedral! Be ready to celebrate! Wear red, as Bishop Bob joins us on this special day!!! Wonderfully, in our Baptism, the Spirit of Jesus dwells in us! Together, let's offer praise and worship, celebrating how the Holy Spirit continues to bring us "new life" in Christ!

Come Holy Spirit; come among us! Susan...+

Fr. Eric Law is Coming to Work With the Cathedral

The Rev. Eric H. F. Law, is an Episcopalian priest, and founder and executive director of the Kaleidoscope Institute based in Los Angeles. Their mission is to create inclusive and sustainable churches and communities.

For more than 20 years, he has provided transformative and comprehensive training and resources for congregations, diocesan, national and international church organizations. His particular skills are in multi-cultural settings.

Rev. Law will be working with the staff on Friday, May 22nd, and with the Chapter on Saturday, May 23rd from 8 am to 4 pm. Other Cathedral Members are welcome to attend the Saturday session, but we do need RSVPs by no later than Monday, May 11, to [email protected].

The focus of his work will be based on his 8th and latest book "Holy Currencies."

This book has been called a "must read for Christians paralyzed in survival mode." Holy Currencies teaches you how your ministry can become sustainable, grow, and thrive.

Money is not the only currency your ministry needs. Rev. Law shows us how the six blessings of time and place, gracious leadership, relationship, truth, wellness, and money flow through successful missional ministries. I believe this work will help us in our ministries within and beyond our Cathedral.

Here is an endorsement from one of our Bishops in the Episcopal Church:

"Eric Law's latest book combines profound insight into God's economy of abundance with abundant practical advice to congregations on how to move from scarcity to gift. We all have assets-friendship, leadership authority, truthfulness, time and place, to name a few--which, if spent in mission, will yield new opportunities for sustainable ministry."

- Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

Faith Forum for the Month of May - Sundays From 9:20 to 10:10 am, Von Holt Room

Here is a helpful calendar for Faith Forum classes for the month of May. Please join us as we grow our faith in understanding of Israel/Palestine and we finish out the month with the humorous but instructive tales of life in an English countryside parish.

May 10 - The Geography and Topography of Salvation With Dean Walter May 17, 24, and 31 - The Vicar of Dibley Series: video followed by discussion


If you've never seen "The Vicar of Dibley" (named the third best Britcom of all time), then you don't know how hilarious the everyday quandaries of Anglican--and by extension, Episcopal--priests can be. Our own Queen Emma Chapter, Daughters of the King, will present episodes and discussions of this landmark series in a set of "learn-by- doing" exercises on praying for the clergy during the Faith Forum (9:20 to 10:10 am) in the Von Holt room on the following Sundays: May 17, 24, and 31.

The "Vicar of Dibley" is set in a fictional small Oxfordshire village called Dibley, which is assigned a female vicar following the 1992 changes in the that permitted the ordination of women. The 100-something vicar of the small English village of Dibley has passed on. A new vicar has been requested for a replacement. What they get is Geraldine Granger, a non-traditional, chocolate-loving, rock-n'-roll-playing vicar. That is not what gets the citizens of Dibley in a uproar though. It's that she is a woman. Still, that doesn't stop Geraldine from proving her worthiness to the village. After time, the villagers (with the exception of influential David Horton) accept Geraldine as The Vicar of Dibley. The program has been credited by many for facilitating the public acceptance of women in the priesthood in the Church of England.

All are invited. You can come just for the laugh-out-loud TV episode, but we hope that you'll stay for the discussion, which will include: 1) What were the issues? 2) Do we have any similar issues here at the Cathedral? 3) What prayers can we offer for this priest? 4) Do we need to pray for any of the other people/organizations in the episode?

We hope that these exercises will help enrich your prayers for the clergy, staff, and volunteers who make The Cathedral of St. Andrew such a vibrant faith community. Prayer is the foundation upon which the DOK respond to God in service to others. We understand we can do more than pray after we have prayed, but we cannot do more until we have prayed.

The DOK is an Order for women of the Episcopal Church and churches with the historic Episcopate, organized in 1885. Every Daughter pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service, and personal evangelism, dedicated to the extension of Christ's kingdom and to the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. We are lay and ordained, young and old, rich and poor, executives and housewives, generous and strong--in short, ordinary women who are enabled by God's grace to do His work. Chapters are organized within parishes, missions, and institutions with the consent of the priest, chaplain, or Bishop.

One of the subjects that is a primary focus of our prayer is support of the clergy.

Rose Mary Thompson, President Queen Emma Chapter, Daughters of the King, Na Kaikamahine 'O Kaleleonalani 'O Ka Haku, [email protected]

Toiletry Packs Added to the Sandwich Ministry - An Exciting Outreach!

This , we've augmented our Sandwich Ministry -- in an effort to further address the needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters, and provide for basic needs. We will supplement our current weekly sandwich program by distributing hygiene or toiletry packs to members of our local community most in need. Our goal is to begin on May 3rd with a monthly ration of 25 toiletry packs. This will require the active participation of all who are able and willing.

There are three methods of participation:

• Donate your time • Donate toiletry or hygiene products • Donate money and/or gift cards (Target, Wal-Mart, NEX, etc.)

There are additional details and example packs placed in the church and hospitality area to provide a reference for potential donations (e.g., toothbrushes, deodorant, liquid soap, hair brushes, disposable razors, lotion, shaving cream, hand sanitizers, shampoo, and cream rinse).

Thank you for the donations that have already come in! Please send me an email (see below) if you want to help our neighbors in need. I look forward to working with each of you to expand our fellowship throughout our community.

Faithfully yours, Warren Wright ([email protected])

Requesting Names of Our Graduates This Year! As we do each year, we will be honoring our graduating seniors (high school and college) at the June 7th services. In gratitude for this special occasion, please send an email by Monday, June 1st, to [email protected] to let us know of your senior, so that we can honor her or him with a special gift and blessing.

Weekly Worship Schedule

Wednesdays 11:45 pm Holy Eucharist for The Cathedral of St. Andrew and St. Paul's Church (in Parke Chapel) 12:15 pm Noontime Concerts in the Cathedral 5:30 pm Evensong in the Cathedral

Thursdays - 7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel* Fridays - 7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel* Saturdays - 5:30 pm Vigil Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel *The 7:15 am Holy Eucharist will resume on Thursday, May 21.

Sundays 7:00 am Holy Eucharist 8:00 am Ka `Eukalikia Hemolele with the Hawaiian Choir 10:30 am Sung Eucharist with the Cathedral Choir 5:00 pm Changing Ringing of the Great Cathedral Bells 5:30 pm Choral Evensong

For information about all of the services, programs, and events at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, please click here to visit the Calendar of Events.

Godly Play The Children's Gathering on the Square Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00 am, The Loft at St. Peter's Church

The Godly Play program takes place in The Loft at the back of St. Peter's Church, from 9:00 to 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. It is appropriate for children who are curious about the bible stories that they hear in church, enrolled in pre-school through the 4th grade of school. Older children are welcome to assist as "helpers" or participate in "The ROCK" (Relationships, Outreach, Christ & Kids) program located in the Sun/Son room at St. Peter's.

May 10. Happy Loving Day (work day). Today we will be celebrating those people in our lives who love us and contribute to our spiritual and physical well being. We will broaden the term "parenting" to encircle the wider village that raises a child.

May 17. Jesus and the Twelve. The "great story" continues today as we learn more about the twelve disciples of Jesus. We hear their names and learn a little about their lives and the symbols used to represent them. If you had a symbol to represent the essence of your life, what might it be?

Choral Evensong - Sundays at 5:30 pm May 10 - Cantores Hemolele sings music of Thomas Weelkes May 17 - The Cathedral Men's Schola sings music of Byrd, Charles Wood & Peter Hallock May 24 - The Diocesan Choir sings music of C. V. Stanford and T. Tertius Noble May 31 - The Priory School Chamber Singers and Cathedral Men's Schola Choral Evensong resumes September 6th

Noontime Concerts - Wednesdays at 12:15 pm May 13 - Organ Recital by John Renke (Lt. McCarthy's recital is now on May 27th) May 20 - Ryan Klein, Oboe With John Renke, Organ May 27 - Organ Recital by Lt. Brian McCarthy June 3 - The Atlanta Boy Choir June 10 - Organ Recital by Charles Barland June 17 - Padraic Costello, Countertenor, and Karol Nowicki, tenor

Please see the Cathedral website for a complete list of services and concerts. These concerts are all free of charge and parking is also free during the concerts. Concert schedules are subject to change without notice.

Notes, Reminders, Deadlines

Go online and check your Cathedral membership information and giving at:

Meetings With the Dean. If you would like to meet with the Dean, theVery Rev. Walter Brownridge, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include a brief description of the subject matter and any additional details, such as upcoming deadlines or timeframes, links to supplemental information, and your preferred meeting dates and times.

Pledge or Donate Online. This is a great way to submit your pledge or donate to a favorite Cathedral fund.

Cathedral Life E-News. If you would like to receive the Cathedral Life E-News, please visit our website at to sign up to receive these weekly announcements.

Deadline for Submissions. The deadline for submissions is Monday by noon for that week's E-News. Please submit announcements via email to [email protected].

Please pray for the repose of the souls of the Medeiros family ancestors.

Cathedral members and friends have asked for prayers for the following people: Uli, Jack, Nenita, June, Song Soon, Joan, Susan & Kathryn, Fran, Dennis, Charlene & Dan, Steve, Thelma, Ed, Elsie, Kendra, Arlan, Jim, Cathie, Lu, Hawley, Luisa, Elizabeth, Howard, Gayle, Wanda, Susan, and Ben.

For those within our church family living in places of peril, especially Deacon Honey Becker.

Christ, look upon us in this city; keep our compassion fresh and our faces heavenward lest we grow hard.

Clergy, Staff, and Chapter

The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop of Hawai'i

The Cathedral of St. Andrew Clergy The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Dean The Rev. Susan R. Sowers, Associate

Program Staff John Robert Renke, Canon for Music

Administrative Staff Jeanette Redmond, Administrator/Office Manager Natasha Dator, Dean's and Parish Secretary Karol Nowicki, Administrative Assistant Lindy O'Shea, Bookkeeper Eric Banaticla, Sexton

2015 Stewardship Campaign Team Matt Brown, Simon Crookall, Andrew Jackson, Linda Oba

Chapter The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, President The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Vice-President Leianne Lee Loy, Senior Warden Stanley Yon, Junior Warden Elizabeth Conklin, Treasurer Catherine Lowenberg, Clerk

Class of 2016 Andrew Jackson, Priscilla Millen, Ann Reimers, Kathy Xian

Class of 2017 Elizabeth Conklin, Paulette Moore, Harry Spiegelberg

Class of 2018 Angela Gough, Richard Harris, Catherine Lowenberg

Diocesan Representatives Class of 2015: The Rev. Brian Grieves, Ms. Felicidad ("Fely") Miller Class of 2016: The Rev. Irene Tanabe, Mr. Steve Mitchell

The Cathedral of St. Andrew 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 524-2822 [email protected]

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