Public Notices
PUBLIC NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS project areas be completed prior to ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, 455.42; KORTH, MIKE, 1,600.00; THIES, GREG- Madison Public Schools, Madison, preparing bids. The owner assumes no WALMART COMMUNITY, 51.32; WELLS ORY, 1,600.00; KUCHTA, LAWRENCE, Nebraska, will receive bids for con- responsibility for errors or misinterpre- FARGO CARD SERVICES, 35.99; CON- 1,506.30; BAKER, JEFFREY, 1,600.00; struction services at Madison High tations resulting from a contractor´s NECTING POINT, 405.00; WESTERN DEGROOT, THOMAS, 376.00; ELLEN- School until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, failure to base the bid on the on-site OFFICE PLUS, 199.50; WALMART COM- BERGER, ROGER L, 1,049.00; June 14, 2010 at the Office of the Su- inspection. MUNITY, 35.26; PITNEY BOWES, FREUDENBURG, MARION, 1,598.00; perintendent, 700 South Kent St., Box Each bid shall be accompanied in a 118.63; WELLS FARGO CARD SER- GILSDORF, CHAD, 1,485.00; HER- 450 Madison, Nebraska. At that time, separate sealed envelope by a certified VICES, 319.93; A&D TECHNICAL SUP- CHENBACH, DARYL G, 1,484.00; all bids will be opened and publicly check drawn on a solvent bank in the PLY COMPANY, 58.36; ELITE OFFICE HINTZ, THOMAS T, 1,980.00; read aloud. State of Nebraska, or bid bond, in an PRODUCTS, 438.48 KREIKEMEIER, NEIL, 327.00; KUCHAR, The work contemplated in this amount not less than five percent of POSTAGE DENNIS, 800.00; LUBISCHER, GREG, project includes the following: the bid, and shall be payable to the WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES, 800.00; LUBISCHER, DAVID, 800.00; Provide all labor, equipment, and Madison Public Schools as security 199.76; RESERVE ACCOUNT, MILLER, MARK L, 1,600.00; materials required for construction that the bidder to whom the contract 1,000.00; WELLS FARGO CARD SER- WEDEKIND, KEVIN, 1,200.00; WEID- of a concrete playground area at will be awarded will enter into a con- VICES, 11.13 NER, GREG, 1,600.00; WERKMEISTER, Madison Elementary School.
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